Reeves says she is “in awe” of “my brilliant colleague
@TulipSiddiq’s incredibly hard work to get Nazanin home.”
Did Tulip actually do anything apart from normal MP ‘stuff’?
(Genuine question).
She was advised at the time of arrest not to travel. Debt goes back to 1979 when Labour failed to deliver an order of tanks. International sanctions placed on Iran meant it was illegal to repay the debt. In 2008, international arbitration ruled the UK owed the debt. Labour gov did nothing.
The Belgian non terrorist attack which didn’t happen didn’t have 2 suspects ‘born in 1988 and 1990’ who didn’t come from a nightclub before the non attack and remain un named ……the non detail Is not from France 24 … not lone wolf non Norwegians …
The BBC is in a tricky position with regard to the trial of the alleged killer of a RC Tory MP in a church … the detail is really headline stuff – all done in the name of IS and the false god Allah .
So what to do – look over there – squirrels ( Iranian spy ? ) or the tory budget ( never enough of whatever ) ….
This morning we got a reminder of that green crap thing Cop? In Glasgow a few weeks ago which thankfully has been flushed down to toilet by real life …
But on the upside for the green totalitarians – all those people getting killed must be good for rewilding and the planet – in fact – nuclear war would also be good – right ?
Forget the thousands of Ukrainian citizens who have been killed. Forget the thousands of Russian families who will never see their sons again. And don’t talk about the Ukrainian refugees being imported into the UK to pick fruit or vegetables, or being forced into prostitution if they are young and pretty enough. No, the BBC knows who the real victims are:
Trans women blocked from fleeing Ukraine – charities
Josh Parry
LGBT+ Reporter, BBC News
Hundreds of transgender women have been turned away at the Ukrainian border while attempting to flee the country, due to their passports still carrying their birth name and gender, charities say.
Changing the gender and name listed on their passport requires a lengthy process, involving several psychiatric assessments – meaning many of the country’s transgender population don’t go through with it.
But current rules ban Ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 from leaving the country – meaning anyone whose passport says “male” is likely to be turned back at the border.
One of Ukraine’s main transgender charities estimates there are hundreds of trans women attempting to flee, but that 90% of those it is in touch with have so far failed.
BBC News (sic) website, time-stamped 06:04 22 March 2022.
That one bought an involuntary smile / wtf … just imagine the specialist refugee camp of thousands of tranies trying to escape their duty to fight for the country … or not ….
A bit of a conundrum for the ‘Trans men’, those described as biological females who wish to live as men. Presumably they will ‘grow a pair’ and head straight to the recruitment office so they can sign-up to fight for their country in its hour of need. After all, being a man sometimes involves taking traditional masculine responsibilities as well…
Presumably the Russians will be setting up special camps for trans-POWs. They know the eyes of the world are on them and they will want to make sure their guests will be treated with dignity and respect, and fully in accordance with Russian (and for that matter also Ukrainian) attitudes to those who live non-traditional lifestyles.
Today watch
Not about bias – but about living – interview with a non exec director of M and S. he said that the current inflation rate is over 5% . He reckoned it will increase to above 10% by 2023 and stay that way for a while .
The impact on those people with fixed mortgages coming to an end and .having to pay the full interest rate ( maybe 3 – 4% ) will also be a shock …. ..
I don’t think a lot of snowflake kidults will have any idea what that means – especially if accompanied by rising interest rates – with huge amounts of tax money used to pay the interest .
Truly hard times are coming – assuming we avoid a wider war of course ….
I wonder how many of those watching MASH at an influential age grew up thinking of Klinger as a role model? One rather suspects they were more likely to end up in the BBC than the military, though.
Let us not forget the Russian families who will never see their sons again, especially as the vast majority were conscripts who didn’t even know they were being sent to war.
Lets us especially remember the wives mothers and sweethearts who will never see their loved ones again, and will probably not even get to bury the bodies because Putin has cremated them simply to hide his losses.
Let us also remember that it was the wives sweethearts and mothers who forced the old Communist government to withdraw from Afghanistan, and this way lies the hope to stop Putin in his tracks.
Even the most thuggish cop is going to think twice before brutalising grieving women who might be his own mother wife or girlfriend, and once that river of tears begins to flow it is very difficult for any society to resist it.
Vietnam was a similar end with mothers stopping their offspring going and calling out remote insensitive politicians who see a death count merely as numbers on a page.
Just in case you were getting a bit war-weary, Ukraine wasn’t holding your attention, interest slightly waning… the girls with guns are back on top at the BBC online news site, presented to us as their initial photo.
Of course, this being the BBC, it’s all a bit tame. The ladies familiarising themselves with the AKs are fully dressed in their woolly beanies and puffer jackets – well, it is still a bit nippy in the Donbas at this time of year.
The BBC takes great interest in what we are supposed to see. They approve the oh-so PC: ‘Bridgerton: South Asian faces on TV ‘makes me happy’‘ (BBC)
But could the dead hand of PC Wokeness cancel the naughty USP of the show: ‘More longing looks, less sex in Bridgerton… The series became Netflix’s most watched show last year, and the sex scenes became its biggest talking point’‘ (Telegraph)
You may recall the Chicks Who Love Guns video featured in a scene from the Quentin Tarantino movie Jackie Brown. Some say this was a commentary on the gun mentality prevalent in the US. On the other hand Americans aren’t presently shooting one another on quite the scale of us Europeans. Alternatively, one might observe that the inclusion of footage of some bikini babes filmed on the firing range certainly helped sell the movie.
But what’s the message from the BBC here? On one hand the Beeb decries civilian casualties: ‘Ukraine war: Russian soldiers fire on Kherson protesters‘; ‘Holocaust survivor killed by Russian shelling in Kharkiv… Boris Romantschenko, 96, died during Russian shelling… At least 500 civilians have now been killed there, Ukrainian officials say.‘ – and yet our BBC still admiringly promotes civilian women who take up arms.
Europe can be a violent place.
‘Two women in their 50s have died after a violent attack at a secondary school in the southern Swedish city of Malmö, police say. An 18-year-old student at the school has been arrested on suspicion of murder‘ (BBC) – you can’t blame that on the Russians.
Or this one: ‘Corsican nationalist dies after jihadist jail attack… serving a life sentence for murdering a local official, was beaten by another inmate, a Cameroonian jihadist‘ (BBC)
We’re waiting for an update – any update – on the Belgian carvival car collision with crowds that cost six lives.
Yet they do still tend to want to be here: ‘Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: I should have been freed six years ago‘ (BBC)
“How many foreign secretaries does it take for someone to come home?” – she asks left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper readers. I feel a joke coming on… how many foreign secretaries does it take to change a light bulb…? Answer: A £400m energy bill.
‘Refugees. Desperate families battle red tape to get to UK‘ (‘i’)
Things could be worse elsewhere: ‘Sudan: BBC investigation shows abuse of female demonstrators. More than 80 people have been killed as security forces crack down on protests. Many of those taking to the streets are young women. But there are increasing reports security forces have been targeting them with beatings, sexual assault, and rape to silence them‘
Best plump for Europe, given the choice – despite all the drawbacks: ‘Will the US learn to love Eurovision?‘ (‘i’)
You would think the corporate world had their eyes firmly fixed on the bottom line. Captains of industry might be eager to read the vital statistics concerning supply and demand. Obsessed with market trends. Interest rates. Debt levels. Bond values… Not so much, if the FT frontpage feature Datawatch is anything to go by: ‘Women in power. % of female government ministers‘ – now how does that help us sell our widgets?
A possible clue appears here: ‘Influencers ignored. How big tech lost the lobbying battle with Brussels‘ (FT) – this could be interpreted as the corporate world needing to be even more Woke, espouse yet more Political Correctness – so as to please the EU.
Alternatively, one might see this as Europeans being a bit miffed that all the tech giants are American. Then again, of course it was inevitable that our brief free-wheeling, free speech, internet days would be numbered as State control over this new media is asserted.
She's a polished media performer who is now going to make a lot of money spinning this as hard as she can against the people who actually got her released. Prediction? Husband dumped & straight into a safe Labour seat.
Anyone care to explain ‘sanctions’ ‘terrorist funding rogue state’ and ‘2008 EU directive not to pay nearly half a billion quid to a murderous regime ’ to the left and the BBC . .they don’t seem to know these minor details.
It’s a complete disgrace I caught Harry Cole’s tweet about selective Press invites , Labour organised inc the Labour speaker and just knew this was only going one way , I’m not playing it’s sickening
‘Devastated’ Batley teacher ‘fearing for his life’ as he goes into hiding after Prophet Muhammad cartoon row
He is said to be an emotional wreck and is terrified about returning to Batley
You know when they come out with that cost-benefit to the UK economy analysis of migration. Hope they remember to add in the 400 big ones to the cost side of the equation.
David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
Published3 October 2012
‘White saviour’ row: David Lammy denies snubbing Comic Relief
This article is more than 3 years old
Labour MP in social media spat with Stacey Dooley over trip to Uganda for Red Nose Day
This is what I hated when I was in Congress. People treat you like you’re something special. And too many start to believe they are. They cash in and forget who they are supposed to be serving.
I find Tulsi Gabbard increasingly impressive. I’d say she could be a possible candidate for the top job one day, but she’s much too sensible for a Democrat – so probably not.
All I’ve heard yesterday and today is ingratitude and downright arrogance from an Iranian woman and a demand from a Ukrainian minister we involve the UK in their war and engage Russian aircraft.
When did we lose the ability to tell these clowns to simply ‘F*ck Off’?
I find it breath taking that someone can be so energised and vocal after being incarcerated in ‘horrendous’ conditions for 6 years. Its almost as though she had a BBC scriptwriter as a fellow cell mate !
I also ask the question, that thousands of people must be travelling to and from Teheran airport on a daily basis, so we need to know the real story as to why this lady was prevented from leaving at the airport.
Waite was the Assistant for Anglican Communion Affairs for the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie, in the 1980s. As an envoy for the Church of England, he travelled to Lebanon to try to secure the release of four hostages, including the journalist John McCarthy. He was himself kidnapped and held captive from 1987 to 1991.[2]
Human Right Violation in Iran
Restrictions and punishments in the Islamic Republic of Iran which violate international human rights norms include harsh penalties for crimes, punishment of victimless crimes such as fornication and homosexuality, execution of offenders under 18 years of age, restrictions on freedom of speech and the press
Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” is a huge story by any measure, implicating as it does Joe Biden in shady dealings in – of all places – Russia and Ukraine. How explosive is that?
At the time of the election, the media and Big Tech ruthlessly suppressed the story not to damage Joe Biden’s election chances.
The New York Times, one of the most virulent ‘suppressers’ at the time, has finally admitted that, erm, now that we’ve had a proper look… it’s all true.
Yet the suppression among American broadcasters continues. The Spectator: “Even now, after the Times story, the most prominent mainstream outlets still won’t mention Hunter’s laptop, its damning information, or their role in covering it up. NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN have all maintained radio silence since the Times story broke.”
Of course our very own, dearly be-hated BBC is in on the cover up.
Not a word from them on what should be one of the biggest American political scandals of all time: the scandal of the laptop contents compounded by the scandal of the media silence.
Try Googling “Hunter Biden laptop” (using quotation marks to get an exact match) and you get 12.8 million results.
Not one is from the BBC.
Spectator article: “The shameful silence about the Hunter Biden laptop story”
“Democracy Dies in Darkness” is the official slogan of American newspaper The Washington Post, adopted in 2017. The slogan was introduced on the newspaper’s website on February 22, 2017, and was added to print copies a week later.
Tencent is the world’s largest video game publisher. It is among the largest social media, venture capital, and investment corporations. Its services include social network, music, web portals, e-commerce, mobile games, internet services, payment systems, smartphones, and multiplayer online games. Offerings in China include the instant messengers Tencent QQ and WeChat, and one of the largest web portals,
In China, it is no secret that chatroom conversations on social media platforms like WeChat or QQ are monitored and sometimes censored. But the consequences of posting “sensitive” content or opinions online are not as well known. Even for savvy internet users, it is hard to believe that such posts can sometimes land a person in prison.
NHS’s ‘world beating’ £37BILLION Test and Trace program was an ‘eyewatering’ waste of taxpayer cash and at its BEST only 49% of £1,000-a-day tracers were working, report reveals
Who would have guessed even 10 years ago that a story like this would feature on the front page of a respectable national news service as just another interesting story?
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Some notes from the Times Arts section the other week
Film of the week : Danish Film Flee
“profoundly affecting animation about true life trials of gay Afghan refugee”
Justin Webb’s biography gets a full page
Yet this is a reproromo for their mate, cos they’ve reviewed it a few weeks ago too
Black American author John McWhorter brings it up in his book Woke Racism
Says .. white publishers only publish black books about struggle
Woke crusaders won’t listen to reason.
as if caught up in spiritual revival
says : Woke is performance
Blacks encouraged to use racism as an emotional prop
They get RESPECT, by being disrespected as victims
(do you get that complicated line ?)
the reviewer recommends his earlier book: The Self Sabotage of Black America
Penguin classic book
talks about Danish destroying Inuit culture by indulging them in 1965
That made them lazy alcoholics
.. Are there modern parallels with the way society INDULGES other groups today ?
Recent court report articles
from 25 Feb 2022 : Taxi driver, 42, plied girls with alcohol and drugs then raped
— Mohammed Saleem, 42, groomed the two girls who were aged 14 and 15 when he targeted them in the 1990s.
Both victims were extremely vulnerable he groomed and abused two teenage girls after plying them with alcohol has been jailed for 33 years
7h March report : Bradford : Mohammed Eithan Khan said he would take the teenager’s virginity during online chats and asked her to send him photos of herself in her school uniform or naked.
He admitted a charge of engaging in sexual communication with a child and he also pleaded guilty to separate charges of possessing indecent images of children.
.. Jailed for 23 months
Kent on March 1 : “prosecutors offered no evidence during a trial at Southwark“
Ten men have been acquitted after being accused of participating in a two-year campaign of sexual abuse and rape of a teenage girl.
The crimes were said to have been committed against the child between 2016 and 2018 in the Folkestone and Canterbury areas.
… all of the defendants walked free.”
16 MAR 2022 Rochdale : Eight men have been charged for the abuse of two teenage girls in Rochdale between 2002 and 2006.
The men have all been charged with a total of 82 offences
One was called Martin Rhodes. The other were mostly Mo or Ali
21 March : Hemel Hempstead , Guilty verdict
Rapist Mohammed Atif Khan, 37, who kidnapped a 17-year-old girl as she waited for her parents before driving ten miles to assault her is facing jail
He grabbed the 17-year-old who was waiting for her parents
He kidnapped her and raped her last august
March 16 : Mohammed Diakite, also known as Nigel
Man strangled girlfriend in brutal attack and left her body next to their baby
using a skipping rope in bed after she planned to leave him,…
4 March), Mohammed Schwitters, from Birmingham jailed for 18 years for child sex offences after police tracked him down to a mechanic’s workshop in Canada.
He sexually abused a child over a period of seven years starting when the girl was just 10-years-old.
It happened between 2010 and 2017
and police arrested Schwitters when the offences were reported to them in 2017
He then skipped the country during the investigation.
Swindon : Serial offender behind bars for 10 years after raping sex worker
Mustafa Naro Ali “exploited” the sex worker after seeing her in his street, approaching her and arranging to have sex with her for £20.
Newcastle : Rapist said he had sex with 12-year-old girl he met in McDonald’s to make ex jealous
Nathan Ali took his victim from the fast food outlet to a student house, where his ex girlfriend lived.
Walsall : ‘Dangerous’ sex beast Wajid Ali, 43, pushed woman down stairs before launching attack in Walsall
‘Dangerous’ sex beast Wajid Ali, 43, pushed woman down stairs before launching attack
Ali Harbi Ali ‘staked out Michael Gove’s home five times while planning MP’s murder’, jury hears
Instead, “fanatical Islamist terrorist” Ali killed Conservative MP Sir David Amess by stabbing him 21 times with a 12-inch blade at a constituency surgery .
Stephen McGovern in 2020 says BBC is very class biased
…Tells story of on R4Today she asked about red zone on a map of Middlesbrough
“Oh that’s a no-no zone for the BBC crew”
“But my parents live in the middle of that”
Of 9 BBC women in the £150K PAYE category
7 went to public school
You have been played … “A Russian billionaire sanctioned by the UK says he no longer owns many former properties, potentially putting them beyond the reach of the law.”
His wealth has been estimated at $18.4bn (£14bn), including “Beechwood House in Highgate… and the 16th Century Sutton Place estate in Surrey”, the UK government said.
BBC research estimates that Beechwood House could now be worth about £82m.
But a spokesman for Mr Usmanov said that most of the billionaire’s UK property, as well as his yacht, had already been “transferred into irrevocable trusts”.
9pm ITV “British Grandma”
“Linda Carty has never been to Britain!
She was born in St Kitts which was a British colony”
In British Grandma On Death Row, on ITV tonight, Susanna Reid travels to meet Linda Carty, the only British woman on death row anywhere in the western world. The grandmother has been awaiting execution for 20 years but has pleaded her innocence, despite evidence against her.
“She had lived in Houston for nearly 20 years.”
“Carty lied to the court; she told them she was born in the American Virgin Islands.
It wasn’t until 2004 two years after she had been sentenced to death, that she suddenly remembered her British nationality and right to consular assistance”
A doctor from Aleppo: "These attacks force people out. And..are an attempt to break their resilience…It came to an end when the Syrian regime and its supporters (including Russia) managed to siege Aleppo for six months. They destroyed eight out of nine hospitals in the city."
In that last clip I think even she realised she had just spoke nonsense . I got the impression that she has an earpiece to correct her – ‘I stand here on the northern flank – er eastern flank ‘….
She will make an even better president that the false one … the ballots are already in the boxes …
“Covid in Wales: Mask and isolation rules may be extended”
Health Minister Eluned Morgan suggested that some, rather than all, rules could be left on the statute book and the Welsh government may “pick and choose” from the remaining Covid legislation.
Here we go again !
“David Amess killing: Jury played 999 call from witness to stabbing”
Shouldn’t that be headline news ?
How many more are coming across the Channel in dinghies?
Labour's latest MP isn't sure whether the ballot is better than the bullet. Now she isn't sure if a house she owns is leased out by the kind of agency she has campaigned against and sought to regulate.
She revealed her husband of 35 years, Dennis, owns a second property in the city other than the family home.
It is being leased to a property firm who in turn rent it out to people needing somewhere to live. The deal generates £700 income a month for the Hamiltons and is a common, perfectly legal practice.
The reason this issue matters is that concerns about an explosion in the number of properties designated as ‘exempt’ supported housing across Erdington and citywide was a key battleground in the by-election.
Some parts of the constituency have become overrun with properties housing those entitled to accommodation and support.
.. when badly run, it causes safeguarding issues for the tenants and trouble for the neighbourhood.
When asked where the property was, she said she was not prepared to share that information, and said she did not know the name of the lease company.
Council rules seem to say you can only withhold the address of properties you ARE living at.
The exempt houses are basically run by housing org as hostels for migrants and homeless.
(Seems to me that politicians are encouraging those problems then profiting from them )
So, I had the misfortune to switch on the TV this afternoon, Doctors the BBC/NHS lovein was on. It was so much like real life. GP’s surgery, not a patient in sight. I thought it was a reality programme.
Isn’t it strange that Putin’s opponent, Navalny, has been put in prison for fraud when ex taxi driver Putin has managed to get himself 200 billion. Pounds or dollars, I’m not sure which.
Does fraud not include backhanders, stolen money, bribes, corrupt deals and all the other ways to amass a fabulous fortune as the ex taxi driver has done.
As well as that, the UK has spent a huge amount on the Chinese flu. Has Russia not spent anything. A war is very expensive so how can Putin afford one when covid and the likes of himself are funnelling money out of the Russian system.
Has nobody living in Russia noticed. (Rhetorical)
And, how can one man be the cause of tens of thousands of deaths (maybe it will be tens of millions if it gets out of control) in these times. They keep popping up like Hitler and Stalin to name but two. With all the social media about nowadays you would think the Russian people would see the truth and get rid of him.
It does seem putting things in the hands of politicised fixers has backfired impressively.
Plus, no one made her instantly associate with the 'Hair Bear Bunch' instead of spending more time with her daughter…….#LabourLife ☠️🥀
It was a privilege to meet with representatives from the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain today – the support you are offering to your fellow Ukrainians in unimaginable circumstances is inspiring.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
The team Labour photo with Nazanin
We give people sanctuary, then they are eternally ungrateful.
It was her own fault she was locked up.
Reeves says she is “in awe” of “my brilliant colleague
@TulipSiddiq’s incredibly hard work to get Nazanin home.”
Did Tulip actually do anything apart from normal MP ‘stuff’?
(Genuine question).
Likely going to win an award for it.
She was advised at the time of arrest not to travel. Debt goes back to 1979 when Labour failed to deliver an order of tanks. International sanctions placed on Iran meant it was illegal to repay the debt. In 2008, international arbitration ruled the UK owed the debt. Labour gov did nothing.
Starmer is such an incompetent and gullible stuffed dummy isn’t he?
How the hell he ever managed to handle a top legal position baffles me!
Any American must be truly ashamed that that is a heart beat from the Oval Office – or is it a parody …?….
…it’s ‘Being There ‘
and *in * The Oval Office:
The top 3 posts in the US government are occupied by three of the most corrupt, crooked, inept, and just plain stupid people on the planet.
God help America – and the world.
That Belgian car incident seems to has sunk without trace on the BBC – 6 dead and 40 injured …
The front page hunt is on however for Nigerians who can transform themselves into actual cats. A few years ago I remember police arresting a goat that robbed a bank before transforming in an effort to evade justice.
The Belgian non terrorist attack which didn’t happen didn’t have 2 suspects ‘born in 1988 and 1990’ who didn’t come from a nightclub before the non attack and remain un named ……the non detail Is not from France 24 … not lone wolf non Norwegians …
The BBC is in a tricky position with regard to the trial of the alleged killer of a RC Tory MP in a church … the detail is really headline stuff – all done in the name of IS and the false god Allah .
So what to do – look over there – squirrels ( Iranian spy ? ) or the tory budget ( never enough of whatever ) ….
This morning we got a reminder of that green crap thing Cop? In Glasgow a few weeks ago which thankfully has been flushed down to toilet by real life …
But on the upside for the green totalitarians – all those people getting killed must be good for rewilding and the planet – in fact – nuclear war would also be good – right ?
Forget the thousands of Ukrainian citizens who have been killed. Forget the thousands of Russian families who will never see their sons again. And don’t talk about the Ukrainian refugees being imported into the UK to pick fruit or vegetables, or being forced into prostitution if they are young and pretty enough. No, the BBC knows who the real victims are:
Trans women blocked from fleeing Ukraine – charities
Josh Parry
LGBT+ Reporter, BBC News
Hundreds of transgender women have been turned away at the Ukrainian border while attempting to flee the country, due to their passports still carrying their birth name and gender, charities say.
Changing the gender and name listed on their passport requires a lengthy process, involving several psychiatric assessments – meaning many of the country’s transgender population don’t go through with it.
But current rules ban Ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 from leaving the country – meaning anyone whose passport says “male” is likely to be turned back at the border.
One of Ukraine’s main transgender charities estimates there are hundreds of trans women attempting to flee, but that 90% of those it is in touch with have so far failed.
BBC News (sic) website, time-stamped 06:04 22 March 2022.
That one bought an involuntary smile / wtf … just imagine the specialist refugee camp of thousands of tranies trying to escape their duty to fight for the country … or not ….
A bit of a conundrum for the ‘Trans men’, those described as biological females who wish to live as men. Presumably they will ‘grow a pair’ and head straight to the recruitment office so they can sign-up to fight for their country in its hour of need. After all, being a man sometimes involves taking traditional masculine responsibilities as well…
Presumably the Russians will be setting up special camps for trans-POWs. They know the eyes of the world are on them and they will want to make sure their guests will be treated with dignity and respect, and fully in accordance with Russian (and for that matter also Ukrainian) attitudes to those who live non-traditional lifestyles.
Today watch
Not about bias – but about living – interview with a non exec director of M and S. he said that the current inflation rate is over 5% . He reckoned it will increase to above 10% by 2023 and stay that way for a while .
The impact on those people with fixed mortgages coming to an end and .having to pay the full interest rate ( maybe 3 – 4% ) will also be a shock …. ..
I don’t think a lot of snowflake kidults will have any idea what that means – especially if accompanied by rising interest rates – with huge amounts of tax money used to pay the interest .
Truly hard times are coming – assuming we avoid a wider war of course ….
re: Gender and Ukraine…
Why am I thinking “Klinger” in MASH?
Monkey see, monkey do…
I wonder how many of those watching MASH at an influential age grew up thinking of Klinger as a role model? One rather suspects they were more likely to end up in the BBC than the military, though.
Let us not forget the Russian families who will never see their sons again, especially as the vast majority were conscripts who didn’t even know they were being sent to war.
Lets us especially remember the wives mothers and sweethearts who will never see their loved ones again, and will probably not even get to bury the bodies because Putin has cremated them simply to hide his losses.
Let us also remember that it was the wives sweethearts and mothers who forced the old Communist government to withdraw from Afghanistan, and this way lies the hope to stop Putin in his tracks.
Even the most thuggish cop is going to think twice before brutalising grieving women who might be his own mother wife or girlfriend, and once that river of tears begins to flow it is very difficult for any society to resist it.
Vietnam was a similar end with mothers stopping their offspring going and calling out remote insensitive politicians who see a death count merely as numbers on a page.
The BBC alumnus and CEO, Editor, Producer and Kir Royale barista at Hobo TV speaks for them all….
Isn’t Remain
Remaining in the EUSSR European Super Socialist Republic
and Remaining in the USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ?
They sent bS back to do Americast with a new ‘do’? Looking fly.
In beebworld, others need holding to account, they just quietly ‘enhance the facts’.
Just in case you were getting a bit war-weary, Ukraine wasn’t holding your attention, interest slightly waning… the girls with guns are back on top at the BBC online news site, presented to us as their initial photo.
Of course, this being the BBC, it’s all a bit tame. The ladies familiarising themselves with the AKs are fully dressed in their woolly beanies and puffer jackets – well, it is still a bit nippy in the Donbas at this time of year.
The BBC takes great interest in what we are supposed to see. They approve the oh-so PC: ‘Bridgerton: South Asian faces on TV ‘makes me happy’‘ (BBC)
But could the dead hand of PC Wokeness cancel the naughty USP of the show: ‘More longing looks, less sex in Bridgerton… The series became Netflix’s most watched show last year, and the sex scenes became its biggest talking point’‘ (Telegraph)
You may recall the Chicks Who Love Guns video featured in a scene from the Quentin Tarantino movie Jackie Brown. Some say this was a commentary on the gun mentality prevalent in the US. On the other hand Americans aren’t presently shooting one another on quite the scale of us Europeans. Alternatively, one might observe that the inclusion of footage of some bikini babes filmed on the firing range certainly helped sell the movie.
But what’s the message from the BBC here? On one hand the Beeb decries civilian casualties: ‘Ukraine war: Russian soldiers fire on Kherson protesters‘; ‘Holocaust survivor killed by Russian shelling in Kharkiv… Boris Romantschenko, 96, died during Russian shelling… At least 500 civilians have now been killed there, Ukrainian officials say.‘ – and yet our BBC still admiringly promotes civilian women who take up arms.
Europe can be a violent place.
‘Two women in their 50s have died after a violent attack at a secondary school in the southern Swedish city of Malmö, police say. An 18-year-old student at the school has been arrested on suspicion of murder‘ (BBC) – you can’t blame that on the Russians.
Or this one: ‘Corsican nationalist dies after jihadist jail attack… serving a life sentence for murdering a local official, was beaten by another inmate, a Cameroonian jihadist‘ (BBC)
We’re waiting for an update – any update – on the Belgian carvival car collision with crowds that cost six lives.
Yet they do still tend to want to be here: ‘Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: I should have been freed six years ago‘ (BBC)
“How many foreign secretaries does it take for someone to come home?” – she asks left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper readers. I feel a joke coming on… how many foreign secretaries does it take to change a light bulb…? Answer: A £400m energy bill.
‘Refugees. Desperate families battle red tape to get to UK‘ (‘i’)
Things could be worse elsewhere: ‘Sudan: BBC investigation shows abuse of female demonstrators. More than 80 people have been killed as security forces crack down on protests. Many of those taking to the streets are young women. But there are increasing reports security forces have been targeting them with beatings, sexual assault, and rape to silence them‘
Best plump for Europe, given the choice – despite all the drawbacks: ‘Will the US learn to love Eurovision?‘ (‘i’)
You would think the corporate world had their eyes firmly fixed on the bottom line. Captains of industry might be eager to read the vital statistics concerning supply and demand. Obsessed with market trends. Interest rates. Debt levels. Bond values… Not so much, if the FT frontpage feature Datawatch is anything to go by: ‘Women in power. % of female government ministers‘ – now how does that help us sell our widgets?
A possible clue appears here: ‘Influencers ignored. How big tech lost the lobbying battle with Brussels‘ (FT) – this could be interpreted as the corporate world needing to be even more Woke, espouse yet more Political Correctness – so as to please the EU.
Alternatively, one might see this as Europeans being a bit miffed that all the tech giants are American. Then again, of course it was inevitable that our brief free-wheeling, free speech, internet days would be numbered as State control over this new media is asserted.
Lame Brane chips in, gunning for the Vile slot.
Like Femi, only thicker.
As night follows day.
Tweets protected.
Anyone care to explain ‘sanctions’ ‘terrorist funding rogue state’ and ‘2008 EU directive not to pay nearly half a billion quid to a murderous regime ’ to the left and the BBC . .they don’t seem to know these minor details.
Islam in the UK ….
‘Devastated’ Batley teacher ‘fearing for his life’ as he goes into hiding after Prophet Muhammad cartoon row
He is said to be an emotional wreck and is terrified about returning to Batley
Never fear I am sure his new MP is on the case. She lost her sister you know.
..typical Labour opportunism.
Good thing is most people see straight through Labour’s stupid little antics.
What a genuinely selfish and ungrateful pair the Ratcliffes are..
What goes around comes around, there’s more to this than meets the eye.
The picture is vomit inducing .
“There is a tiresome inevitability about your appearances, Mrs Ratcliffe, but they are amusing nonetheless.”
Compensation ……the MP for Tehran —— will out woke the girl MP who was killed by a nutter ..
You know when they come out with that cost-benefit to the UK economy analysis of migration. Hope they remember to add in the 400 big ones to the cost side of the equation.
Lammy try asking MI6 for comment
David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
Published3 October 2012
‘White saviour’ row: David Lammy denies snubbing Comic Relief
This article is more than 3 years old
Labour MP in social media spat with Stacey Dooley over trip to Uganda for Red Nose Day
Stacey Dooley and David Lammy
1400+ raped kids don’t owe the gov gratitude? Oh wait….
Sometimes I am staggered by the ineptitude of the scientific/medical fraternity.
Today they have announced that they have found a 50% drop in instances of vomiting and the runs being reported by people.
Maybe less mixing? Maybe face masks?
Have they never heard of hangovers? Loads of people I know have used them as sickness and runs excuse for a sickie from work time and time again.
Now they have a much better excuse “I tested positive”…..
100% drop in people mixing and eating Indian food?
Eat out to Vomit out.
Must be ‘in the public interest’.
Tony Blair .. real name … Anthony Charles Lynton Blair
Ever heard an ex British MP say similar?
Dear Darren Henry,
Does this worry you? What actions should be taken?
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
Christine Lee & Co December 2019, value £32,625 (example entry)
Yours sincerely
I find Tulsi Gabbard increasingly impressive. I’d say she could be a possible candidate for the top job one day, but she’s much too sensible for a Democrat – so probably not.
All I’ve heard yesterday and today is ingratitude and downright arrogance from an Iranian woman and a demand from a Ukrainian minister we involve the UK in their war and engage Russian aircraft.
When did we lose the ability to tell these clowns to simply ‘F*ck Off’?
Tea lights?
Not a great idea as Russia can slam one of those 7,000 miles an hour Kinzhal hypersonic missiles into our aircraft carriers etc
I find it breath taking that someone can be so energised and vocal after being incarcerated in ‘horrendous’ conditions for 6 years. Its almost as though she had a BBC scriptwriter as a fellow cell mate !
I also ask the question, that thousands of people must be travelling to and from Teheran airport on a daily basis, so we need to know the real story as to why this lady was prevented from leaving at the airport.
Waite was the Assistant for Anglican Communion Affairs for the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie, in the 1980s. As an envoy for the Church of England, he travelled to Lebanon to try to secure the release of four hostages, including the journalist John McCarthy. He was himself kidnapped and held captive from 1987 to 1991.[2]
Human Right Violation in Iran
Restrictions and punishments in the Islamic Republic of Iran which violate international human rights norms include harsh penalties for crimes, punishment of victimless crimes such as fornication and homosexuality, execution of offenders under 18 years of age, restrictions on freedom of speech and the press
Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” is a huge story by any measure, implicating as it does Joe Biden in shady dealings in – of all places – Russia and Ukraine. How explosive is that?
At the time of the election, the media and Big Tech ruthlessly suppressed the story not to damage Joe Biden’s election chances.
The New York Times, one of the most virulent ‘suppressers’ at the time, has finally admitted that, erm, now that we’ve had a proper look… it’s all true.
Yet the suppression among American broadcasters continues. The Spectator: “Even now, after the Times story, the most prominent mainstream outlets still won’t mention Hunter’s laptop, its damning information, or their role in covering it up. NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN have all maintained radio silence since the Times story broke.”
Of course our very own, dearly be-hated BBC is in on the cover up.
Not a word from them on what should be one of the biggest American political scandals of all time: the scandal of the laptop contents compounded by the scandal of the media silence.
Try Googling “Hunter Biden laptop” (using quotation marks to get an exact match) and you get 12.8 million results.
Not one is from the BBC.
Spectator article: “The shameful silence about the Hunter Biden laptop story”
“Democracy Dies in Darkness” is the official slogan of American newspaper The Washington Post, adopted in 2017. The slogan was introduced on the newspaper’s website on February 22, 2017, and was added to print copies a week later.
Plenty of darkness there.
“The most powerful country in the world is falling so fast, that it makes you rethink what are the real reasons.
Something so big and powerful can’t be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within.”
Nayib Bukele [President of El Salvador, on Twitter]
Egypt has fixed the price of unsubsidised bread amid a global surge in wheat prices since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
The move comes after war shut off access to cheaper wheat from the Black Sea region, particularly affecting exports to the Middle East and north African region. Egypt is the world’s biggest wheat importer, bringing in about 60% of its grain from overseas. Russia and Ukraine accounted for 80% of the country’s imports last year.
Huzaifa Habibu has died, reports the bbc
For those interested..
Nigerian student dies weeks after fleeing Ukraine
Ishaq Khalid
BBC News, Abuja
One of the Nigerian students who fled the war in Ukraine has died in his hometown of Sokoto in northern Nigeria.
It’s not yet clear what exactly caused the death of Huzaifa Habibu.
His father, Habibu Halilu Modaci, told the BBC that he was taken to hospital after complaining of discomfort and loss of appetite.
Sounds like a claim, maybe the UK government should pay up
BBC about to call them “racist” for not offering a hotel to dinghy divers last year.
Oh hang on, they are Polish… so celebrated on last night’s prog and into today’s Twitter.
Parliament > Tencent > WeChat > Free Speech denied.
Tencent is the world’s largest video game publisher. It is among the largest social media, venture capital, and investment corporations. Its services include social network, music, web portals, e-commerce, mobile games, internet services, payment systems, smartphones, and multiplayer online games. Offerings in China include the instant messengers Tencent QQ and WeChat, and one of the largest web portals,
In China, it is no secret that chatroom conversations on social media platforms like WeChat or QQ are monitored and sometimes censored. But the consequences of posting “sensitive” content or opinions online are not as well known. Even for savvy internet users, it is hard to believe that such posts can sometimes land a person in prison.
In 2017, at least three Chinese netizens were arrested and jailed for making politically sensitive jokes in a chat room.
Police have released photo-fit of man seen mugging pensioners on the tube.
“You can’t come on here son
.. you are not tall enough for this ride”
The chancellor has “wiggle room” to help tackle the rising cost of living, an influential economist has said.
NHS’s ‘world beating’ £37BILLION Test and Trace program was an ‘eyewatering’ waste of taxpayer cash and at its BEST only 49% of £1,000-a-day tracers were working, report reveals
State of the Nation…. State of the new Citizens
Who would have guessed even 10 years ago that a story like this would feature on the front page of a respectable national news service as just another interesting story?
Give it another 5 years and stories like this will come with graphic photos I guess…
Understandable if it was a feature in one of those iffy “checkout” mags with lurid headlines like “I gave birth in my tights”
Makes you wonder about the state of mind of the new generation of “reporters” in my opinion and what they deem of interest to the Nation.
How do we start to decolonize science? @0:10
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Radio 4= Radio-liberal-Londoner Indulge in personal political preaching
Brandon Lee: The model school pupil who was a 30-year-old imposter
When I first read the above, I thought it was referring to an illegal immigrant, who had thrown away his passport and declared he was only 14yrs old
Some notes from the Times Arts section the other week
Film of the week : Danish Film Flee
“profoundly affecting animation about true life trials of gay Afghan refugee”
Justin Webb’s biography gets a full page
Yet this is a reproromo for their mate, cos they’ve reviewed it a few weeks ago too
Black American author John McWhorter brings it up in his book Woke Racism
Says .. white publishers only publish black books about struggle
Woke crusaders won’t listen to reason.
as if caught up in spiritual revival
says : Woke is performance
Blacks encouraged to use racism as an emotional prop
They get RESPECT, by being disrespected as victims
(do you get that complicated line ?)
the reviewer recommends his earlier book: The Self Sabotage of Black America
Penguin classic book
talks about Danish destroying Inuit culture by indulging them in 1965
That made them lazy alcoholics
.. Are there modern parallels with the way society INDULGES other groups today ?
Recent court report articles
from 25 Feb 2022 : Taxi driver, 42, plied girls with alcohol and drugs then raped
— Mohammed Saleem, 42, groomed the two girls who were aged 14 and 15 when he targeted them in the 1990s.
Both victims were extremely vulnerable he groomed and abused two teenage girls after plying them with alcohol has been jailed for 33 years
7h March report : Bradford : Mohammed Eithan Khan said he would take the teenager’s virginity during online chats and asked her to send him photos of herself in her school uniform or naked.
He admitted a charge of engaging in sexual communication with a child and he also pleaded guilty to separate charges of possessing indecent images of children.
.. Jailed for 23 months
Kent on March 1 : “prosecutors offered no evidence during a trial at Southwark“
Ten men have been acquitted after being accused of participating in a two-year campaign of sexual abuse and rape of a teenage girl.
The crimes were said to have been committed against the child between 2016 and 2018 in the Folkestone and Canterbury areas.
… all of the defendants walked free.”
March 1 : Mohammed Sharif Sex offender told girl, 13, ‘you’ve got a sexy bum’ as he tried to lure her into car
.. a two year community order with 20 rehabilitation days and five years notification.
16 MAR 2022 Rochdale : Eight men have been charged for the abuse of two teenage girls in Rochdale between 2002 and 2006.
The men have all been charged with a total of 82 offences
One was called Martin Rhodes. The other were mostly Mo or Ali
21 March : Hemel Hempstead , Guilty verdict
Rapist Mohammed Atif Khan, 37, who kidnapped a 17-year-old girl as she waited for her parents before driving ten miles to assault her is facing jail
He grabbed the 17-year-old who was waiting for her parents
He kidnapped her and raped her last august
March 16 : Mohammed Diakite, also known as Nigel
Man strangled girlfriend in brutal attack and left her body next to their baby
using a skipping rope in bed after she planned to leave him,…
4 March), Mohammed Schwitters, from Birmingham jailed for 18 years for child sex offences after police tracked him down to a mechanic’s workshop in Canada.
He sexually abused a child over a period of seven years starting when the girl was just 10-years-old.
It happened between 2010 and 2017
and police arrested Schwitters when the offences were reported to them in 2017
He then skipped the country during the investigation.
There were less under “Ali”
Swindon : Serial offender behind bars for 10 years after raping sex worker
Mustafa Naro Ali “exploited” the sex worker after seeing her in his street, approaching her and arranging to have sex with her for £20.
Newcastle : Rapist said he had sex with 12-year-old girl he met in McDonald’s to make ex jealous
Nathan Ali took his victim from the fast food outlet to a student house, where his ex girlfriend lived.
Walsall : ‘Dangerous’ sex beast Wajid Ali, 43, pushed woman down stairs before launching attack in Walsall
‘Dangerous’ sex beast Wajid Ali, 43, pushed woman down stairs before launching attack
Ali Harbi Ali ‘staked out Michael Gove’s home five times while planning MP’s murder’, jury hears
Instead, “fanatical Islamist terrorist” Ali killed Conservative MP Sir David Amess by stabbing him 21 times with a 12-inch blade at a constituency surgery .
Stephen McGovern in 2020 says BBC is very class biased
…Tells story of on R4Today she asked about red zone on a map of Middlesbrough
“Oh that’s a no-no zone for the BBC crew”
“But my parents live in the middle of that”
Of 9 BBC women in the £150K PAYE category
7 went to public school
Some more (failed) asylum seekers
BBCnews title : North Lincolnshire Council loses £49k to ‘sophisticated’ email scam
BBCnews text “About £44,000 of the stolen money had been recovered”
BBC headline : Hull rapist told woman he would help her find lost friends
Local paper headline : “*Turkish man* denies raping woman in Hull’s Drypool Bridge area”
found guilty at Hull Crown Court and will be sentenced on 3 May.
Bridgerton: South Asian faces on TV ‘makes me happy’
You have been played … “A Russian billionaire sanctioned by the UK says he no longer owns many former properties, potentially putting them beyond the reach of the law.”
His wealth has been estimated at $18.4bn (£14bn), including “Beechwood House in Highgate… and the 16th Century Sutton Place estate in Surrey”, the UK government said.
BBC research estimates that Beechwood House could now be worth about £82m.
But a spokesman for Mr Usmanov said that most of the billionaire’s UK property, as well as his yacht, had already been “transferred into irrevocable trusts”.
9pm ITV “British Grandma”
“Linda Carty has never been to Britain!
She was born in St Kitts which was a British colony”
“She had lived in Houston for nearly 20 years.”
“Carty lied to the court; she told them she was born in the American Virgin Islands.
It wasn’t until 2004 two years after she had been sentenced to death, that she suddenly remembered her British nationality and right to consular assistance”
ITV local news “last night we talked about 71% of BAME have opted out of organ donation now Part 2″
The government have spent an extra £2.2m on BAME targeted advertising .. but the figure only went down 2%”
“And they looked from Labour to BBC, and back from BBC to…”
That’s quite nasty to say the gov should have broken EU rules and paid hostage takers.
Bradford news
In involuntary shudder here in memory of try to cross a construction site in socks….
Had my feet impaled with nails many times, despite wearing boots.
Not back at the bbc yet?
A Kamala Kompilation
BBC News
Maharashtra: Rubber penis in family planning kit sparks row
Envy of the world.
In that last clip I think even she realised she had just spoke nonsense . I got the impression that she has an earpiece to correct her – ‘I stand here on the northern flank – er eastern flank ‘….
She will make an even better president that the false one … the ballots are already in the boxes …
I’m hoping somebody presses the “find my earbuds” button – I am…
“Covid in Wales: Mask and isolation rules may be extended”
Health Minister Eluned Morgan suggested that some, rather than all, rules could be left on the statute book and the Welsh government may “pick and choose” from the remaining Covid legislation.
Here we go again !
P.S. Nice photo.
The joys of obeying the legal requirements of not having a tvl.
Paying this salary of this…
“David Amess killing: Jury played 999 call from witness to stabbing”
Shouldn’t that be headline news ?
How many more are coming across the Channel in dinghies?
The bbc will be all over this, surely?
She revealed her husband of 35 years, Dennis, owns a second property in the city other than the family home.
It is being leased to a property firm who in turn rent it out to people needing somewhere to live. The deal generates £700 income a month for the Hamiltons and is a common, perfectly legal practice.
The reason this issue matters is that concerns about an explosion in the number of properties designated as ‘exempt’ supported housing across Erdington and citywide was a key battleground in the by-election.
Some parts of the constituency have become overrun with properties housing those entitled to accommodation and support.
.. when badly run, it causes safeguarding issues for the tenants and trouble for the neighbourhood.
When asked where the property was, she said she was not prepared to share that information, and said she did not know the name of the lease company.
Council rules seem to say you can only withhold the address of properties you ARE living at.
The exempt houses are basically run by housing org as hostels for migrants and homeless.
(Seems to me that politicians are encouraging those problems then profiting from them )
There’s more she was actually a director of one of these housing orgs
but FORGOT to mention that conflict of interest at council meetings.
“Ashley Community and Housing (ACH) was founded in Bristol in 2008 to provide specialist help for new asylum seekers and refugees. ”
So, I had the misfortune to switch on the TV this afternoon, Doctors the BBC/NHS lovein was on. It was so much like real life. GP’s surgery, not a patient in sight. I thought it was a reality programme.
Isn’t it strange that Putin’s opponent, Navalny, has been put in prison for fraud when ex taxi driver Putin has managed to get himself 200 billion. Pounds or dollars, I’m not sure which.
Does fraud not include backhanders, stolen money, bribes, corrupt deals and all the other ways to amass a fabulous fortune as the ex taxi driver has done.
As well as that, the UK has spent a huge amount on the Chinese flu. Has Russia not spent anything. A war is very expensive so how can Putin afford one when covid and the likes of himself are funnelling money out of the Russian system.
Has nobody living in Russia noticed. (Rhetorical)
And, how can one man be the cause of tens of thousands of deaths (maybe it will be tens of millions if it gets out of control) in these times. They keep popping up like Hitler and Stalin to name but two. With all the social media about nowadays you would think the Russian people would see the truth and get rid of him.
It does seem putting things in the hands of politicised fixers has backfired impressively.
He is a total tool, isn’t he?
BBC opens next front.