Not the BBC – but evidence that the msm – alistair heath in the DT is finally commenting on the false US president – next they’ll say he has dementia –
America is in desperate need of a determined and visionary leader, but has found itself stuck with an ineffective, erratic and gaffe-addled figurehead. Joe Biden is US President in name only, the weakest, least powerful holder of that office for over a century. He isn’t America’s de facto chief executive, let alone its commander-in-chief. He is, at best, non-executive chairman, even if polite opinion in Washington is desperate to keep up the charade that the buck stops with him.
His embarrassingly downgraded role became obvious last week when he suddenly veered off-script during his keynote address in Poland, ad-libbing of Vladimir Putin that “for God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power”. It was a dramatic escalation, a clear and simple message that no reasonable person could possibly misinterpret, and yet the White House appeared not even to ask him for permission before “clarifying” his statement. Biden’s people – who are supposed to work for him, rather than the other way around – immediately denied that he was calling for regime change. They claimed, within seconds of his speech, that the words he uttered didn’t actually mean what he obviously intended them to signify.
They were undoubtedly seeking to protect Biden from himself, and to look after US interests, by cancelling an intervention that could have provoked a furious Russian reaction. But it was an astonishing moment none the less, demonstrating that Biden’s role is now largely ceremonial: this is a collegiate administration, with an all-powerful Democratic Cabinet and federal bureaucracy. What Biden says should not be taken too seriously. He is not the fount of power, and has a habit of blurting out what colleagues might have been discussing in private.
Time and again in recent days, the President’s pronouncements have been “walked back” by those really in charge. Most notably, he wrongly told members of the 82nd Airborne Division that they would be “going to” Ukraine soon; he said America would respond “in kind” were the Russians to use chemical weapons.
His worst blunder came when he claimed prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that “it’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do”. He was then asked whether he was “effectively giving Putin permission to make a small incursion into the country”. Biden’s answer sent an even more catastrophic message to the Russians: “Good question. That’s how it did sound like, didn’t it?”
You might have expected the intervention by his officials over regime change in particular to have triggered a massive row in Washington – where in the US constitution does it say that officials dictate policy? – but it was not to be. The double standards among America’s Left-leaning elite, who are pretending not to notice what is happening, are staggering.
After four years of a bitter war with Donald Trump, much of the US media establishment has returned to its old deferential approach now that one of their own is back in the White House. To them, the appearance of normality, the fake return to mainstream codes of behaviour, the fact that Ivy Leaguers are back in charge at Treasury and State, matters far more than the reality, which is that the president isn’t really presiding and that America’s constitution is once again in deep crisis. It is a scandal.
Mainstream commentators were grumpy at the White House denials, but refused to ask the obvious questions about the president’s series of gaffes or to demand an investigation into why this may be happening. Had this been Trump, there would have been calls for the Cabinet to at least consider invoking the 25th amendment to the US constitution relating to whether a president could be considered unfit to remain in office.
Why such leniency towards Biden? Is it because the Democrats believe that Kamala Harris, the vice president, is simply not good enough to become president, were this to prove necessary? Is it because they believe in the idea of a Platonic lie, that it is in America’s interest to pretend that Biden is still fully in charge, to stop Trump from making a comeback? Or is it because they are terrified at opinion polls showing that the Republicans are set to sweep the mid-term elections? There is no excuse for failing to scrutinise and hold to account any president, regardless of party.
Biden’s shocking weakness also helps to explain the disastrous drift of US policy in all other respects. He was supposedly elected as a reasonable centrist, a liberal rather than a woke activist, a traditional Democrat rather than a neo-socialist.
Yet on economics, his latest tax proposal is far worse than anything Jeremy Corbyn dreamt up. Biden wants to tax unrealised capital gains, something that has never been attempted before in this way. He wants to tax wealthy Americans – in reality, not just billionaires but many other entrepreneurs and investors without whose contributions the US economy would collapse – on the basis of the paper increase in their fortunes. This would be a recipe for economic meltdown, a brain drain, capital flight and a massive recession.
Ordinary Americans as well as businesses are already fleeing Democratic-run cities, now plagued by out of control crime, dementedly woke school boards, surging taxes and, for long, overly strict Covid lockdowns. In the year to July 2021, the Left-wing-run New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles lost over 700,000 residents; meanwhile, conservative-run suburbs are booming. As Douglas Carswell has pointed out, some 80 per cent of the population growth took place in just 10 counties. Five of the fastest growing were in Republican Texas and two in Republican Florida.
On foreign policy, he is seeking to turn the clock back to the time when he was vice president. Biden is proposing a disastrous surrender to Iran on the nuclear issue, and even to remove the Revolutionary Guards’ terrorist designation. His withdrawal from Afghanistan was right in theory but catastrophically executed, and helped signal to rogue regimes that the US had gone soft.
The fact that Biden is in office, but not in power, has given his party’s hardliners free rein to wreak havoc. His presidency is turning out to be a catastrophe for America, and a calamity for the rest of the world. For how much longer will we have to put up with this travesty?ENDS
Maybe – one day – they’ll investigate who and how the US election was stolen – or the activities of Hunter Biden ….
But the trouble is that despite the catastrophic polling of Biden, most people won’t vote Republican because they are as bad as the Tories are here, cowardly useless and incompetent barring a few notable exceptions.
All the Republicans appear able to do is criticise Biden when everyone knows how bad he is.
What they are failing to do is to say what they would do and how it would improve the situation.
Listen to Donald Trump talk and you will here him lay out how badly Biden is doing, then he will talk about what he did when he was in office, laying out the proof of action, then, he will talk about what he would do now.
The rest of the party appear incapable of telling the people how they are going to get the country out of the mess Biden is causing.
Or take a look at the sensational success of Glen Youngkin in Virginia, and see the methods he used to secure a victory the Democrats were sure of.
If the Republicans are incapable of galvanising themselves to win with such a hated President in power then they will never win anything against a more competent Democrat President, and they need to rid themselves of candidates who are ineffective at campaigning – and quickly.
The 2022 United States elections will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.
During this midterm election year, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives
and 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate will be contested.
Thirty-nine state and territorial gubernatorial and numerous other state and local elections will also be contested.
Thoughtful – you make an assumption that any further US election will be ‘fair ‘. Democrat counters will fix elections again – after all – they’ve got away with The Big One …
So what you’re saying Fed, is that the unholy alliance of Billary, Belosi, Barry, and Boden will be joined by Bominion (the new name for fixing stuff)?
I suppose Surkeer and the nutter Crayons are already checking out how they do it!
Has anyone ever asked the BBC of they would like to do a programme on cheating at elections, and let them find out the truth for a change?
Can’t remember what they turned up at Tower Hamlets, but they might have sent a very junior autocue-reader to ask the office cleaner, then shoved the item into local news for somewhere that sounds like Tower Hamlets – say Barnstaple!
(With abject apologies to anyone living in that delightful town – I can’t think of anywhere further West as I did Latin, not Geography)!
We have a similar problem here because ‘conservatives’ are unlikely to vote Conservative again so we’ll probably end up with a Blair Lab mob coalition (not to mention all their ‘postal votes’).
If you go to gov Uk to get the report on killing babies and mothers in Shrewsbury – you get links to previous reports on –
South staffs ( Liverpool pathway – institutional murder )
Berwick report ( 2013 how the NHS is going to stop killing people )
… and others ….
…. Somehow – as the medical mafia fail to conceal all their sins I get the feeling that no lessons are learnt and punters are forced to believe the NHS is ‘good ‘….
Fine blanket of snow here, then the sun came through strongly
but 15 mins later the snow came back in pellets for a few mins.
Sun is just coming back now.
A61 Dronfield bypass. Don't put away your hats and scarves just yet. Snow/ice this morning leading to 3 separate crashes on this road. No injuries.
— Derbyshire Roads Policing Unit (@DerbyshireRPU) March 31, 2022
2015 … Port Darwin is the port in northern Australia. Darwin, Northern Territory has operated in a number of locations including Stokes Hill Wharf, Cullen Bay and East Arm Wharf. In 2015, a 99 year lease was granted to the Chinese-owned Landbridge Group, a transaction that has since ignited significant national security concerns.
Saw JB at the Hammersmith Odeon (or whatever it’s called now) a couple of years ago. Great gig. Everything plus kitchen sink thrown in there. Towards the end, he said that he was welcoming on a female guest singer whose name I didn’t catch. “Oh no”, I thought, “female guest singers frequently a disappointment (gross generalisation, I acknowledge, but have experienced a few). Oh well – it probably won’t last long”.
On she came, and proceeded to take the bloody roof off. Stupendous (Stewpendous, perhaps). Outstanding. Ended up very sorry she was only doing one song.
She was called Beth Hart, whom I’ve seen several times live since with her own band. This video with JB – “Id Rather Go Blind – Live In Amsterdam” is worth a listen/watch.
Now 56 votes in that Ofcom poll
#1 Such online polls can be trickery
they enable the poster to compile a database of who supports X and who supports Y
.. most people wisely stayed out of this one.
Ofcom’s campaign itself seems disinformation
Yes there is a true story to every issue
and there are false stories as well
.. Some of those are spread by idiots on the internet.
.. Yet, although media sneer , they too are prone to act in the same way. Modern media is inherently biased ..for one thing they prefer to tell a good story rather than a true one, secondly they promote their mates issues in PRasNews,
.. thirdly they hide inconvenient stories.
Ofcom are playing distraction game,
Their main job is to police MSM misinformation
but they make out ‘Misinformation is over there with online cranks’
Their press release and tweets use a graphic
Tips to help spot misinformation
– Check the source. This isn’t necessarily who shared the information with you, but where it originated from.
– Question the source. Are they established and trustworthy, or might they have a reason to mislead?
– Take a step back. Before you take something at face value, think about your own motives for wanting to believe it.
At first glance their focus seems to say ‘Trust established sources’
.. Yet this a fallacy – Each story depends on the EVIDENCE it presents NOT who the MESSENGER is.
The classic is the small boy who is the true teller in the Emperor’s new clothes, whereas the entire establishment are WRONG.
The idea of Trusted Sources is a fallacy, based on the Fallacy of Argument from Authority.
I would suggest a completely different approach, mainly centred around keeping an open mind , accepting that you don’t know many things and avoiding rushing to certainty.
On doesn’t need certainty on most issues, cos the truth comes out over time.
How long can the clowns at the BBC ignore the explosive and devastating revelations of crooked Hunter Biden’s laptop?
Even the Washington Post – which has become nothing more than the PR arm of the Democrats – even WAPO is running an article exposing the massive illegal payments of millions of dollars by the Chinese to members of the crooked Biden clan.
So now we have massive payments by the Chinese, by the Ukrainians and by the Russians to crackhead, prostitute-addicted Hunter, and suggestions that “The Big Guy” was getting 10%.
WAPO: “But the new documents — which include a signed copy of a $1 million legal retainer, emails related to the wire transfers, and $3.8 million in consulting fees that are confirmed in new bank records and agreements signed by Hunter Biden — illustrate the ways in which his family profited from relationships built over Joe Biden’s decades in public service.”
So Joe Biden’s whole career has been spent setting his family up (Jim Biden was in on the grift too) with dodgy regimes, for which he got a cut.
And still the BBC turn a blind eye to what should be the most explosive story for decades. It has everything: sex drugs and rock and roll; and a President who was getting a cut from his family’s dirty dealings with at least 3 countries at the epicentre of world events. How compromising is that? You couldn’t make it up!
According to the Mail a few weeks ago: “The media’s shameless complicity in censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story is a betrayal of the American public and it is flushing their little bit of remaining credibility down the toilet”.
Those words could equally apply to the BBC: “it is flushing their little bit of remaining credibility down the toilet”.
The blind & blinkered belief that politicians here are so noble they would never get up to anything like this. And so that makes it even easier for the ones who would, and for me personally I would place Boris Johnson under suspicion in a heartbeat as someone who would sell his own soul for a fast buck.
It’s nothing to do with being partisan, it’s a question of character. Although I regard Theresa May as a Marxist infiltrator of the Tory party and regard her as one of the worst leaders ever (which takes some doing) I don’t think she would take dirty money.
We Got the First Look Inside Hunter Biden’s Hush-Hush Gallery Show, the Least-Seen, Most-Talked About Debut in the Art World
“All the prices he’s worth right now, 10 years from now that’s going to be a cheap Hunter Biden painting,” Georges Bergès said.
On the 40th anniversary of the Falklands war the BBC again churns out uncontested Argentinian claims to the islands. Falklands have never belonged to Argentina & were in British possession before Argentina even became a country.
It begs the question of how much behind the scenes pressure this type of operation was putting on Governments to make the restrictions last as long as possible.
I think we have been had on a gigantic scale by this sort of behind the scenes fiddling.
Private firm running NHS Covid test sites axing more than 5,000 jobs – letting all but 21 go without a penny
Exclusive: Sodexo, which has recorded nearly £95million profit in just two years, is cutting jobs en masse with less than a week’s notice amid the cost-of-living crisis
Simon Murphy
Chief reporter
21 minutes ago
The Independent has been told some workers argue that collective consultation rules – which specify there should be at least a 45-day consultation period for 100 or more employee redundancies and at least 30 days for 20 to 99 – have not been properly followed by Sodexo.
Lots of media coverage on the man who stabbed hais neighbours, one of them to death, but not much coverage on his ethnicity as per usual.
With a name like Can Arslan, it’s hardly your usual British normal name, and sure enough the name originates in the Turkic states of South Western Asia.
There’s no mention of the fact of his origin, his migrationi status, when he came to Britain and how he came to be allowed to remain her, but yet again it’s another migrant murdering a British citizen the victim of fantasy land politicians in a bubble of lies where everything is pink fluffy clouds and all the world loves everyone, and its only the horrid White men who spoil everything.
Bolton park stab death: Woman killed girl, 7
A seven-year-old girl had her throat cut in a random attack at a park on Mother’s Day, a jury at Manchester Crown Court heard.
Emily Jones was at Queen’s Park in Bolton with her parents when she was attacked by Eltiona Skana, 30, on 22 March, the court was told.
Ms Skana, 30, has admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility but denies murder.
Thoughtful – I’m glad you said that because I worry that there is a time coming – soon – when such comments are declared ‘illegal ‘ …. As free speech rapidly disappears and is replaced by approved views ‘
The trolls monitoring this site must count the days …
“He accepted everything. The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia. Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford were guilty of the crimes they were charged with. He had never seen the photograph that disproved their guilt. It had never existed, he had invented it. He remembered remembering contrary things, but those were false memories, products of self-deception. How easy it all was! Only surrender, and everything else followed. It was like swimming against a current that swept you backwards however hard you struggled, and then suddenly deciding to turn round and go with the current instead of opposing it. Nothing had changed except your own attitude: the predestined thing happened in any case. He hardly knew why he had ever rebelled. Everything was easy, except—!
Anything could be true. The so-called laws of Nature were nonsense. The law of gravity was nonsense. ‘If I wished,’ O’Brien had said, ‘I could float off this floor like a soap bubble.’ Winston worked it out. ‘If he thinks he floats off the floor, and if I simultaneously think I see him do it, then the thing happens.’ Suddenly, like a lump of submerged wreckage breaking the surface of water, the thought burst into his mind: ‘It doesn’t really happen. We imagine it. It is hallucination.’ He pushed the thought under instantly. The fallacy was obvious. It presupposed that somewhere or other, outside oneself, there was a ‘real’ world where ‘real’ things happened. But how could there be such a world? What knowledge have we of anything, save through our own minds? All happenings are in the mind. Whatever happens in all minds, truly happens.
He had no difficulty in disposing of the fallacy, and he was in no danger of succumbing to it. He realized, nevertheless, that it ought never to have occurred to him. The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself. The process should be automatic, instinctive. Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak.”
Khan Arslan is as Turkman as David Smith is English, Davy Jones Welsh, Paddy O’Neill Irish, and Angus Campbell Scottish.
My money would be on Turkmenistan, crazy people. Crazy and involved in violent organised crime, like most Albanians… or just mad, and prone to flying off the handle, like Somalis perhaps?
Iranian blogger found guilty of insulting Prophet Mohammad on Facebook sentenced to death
Soheil Arabi says he was in ‘poor psychological condition’ and wrote the insulting Facebook posts ‘without thinking’
Rose Troup Buchanan
Monday 22 September 2014 07:16
Mahyar’s tweet is a new story that’s in the Metro newspaper
“A teacher in Pakistan was murdered by a colleague and her two nieces after a relative dreamt she had insulted the Prophet Muhammed.”
“They attacked Safoora Bibi at the main gate of the school and slit her throat”
“This took place in Dera Ismail Khan an ultra-conservative northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province that borders Afghanistan.”
1. Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
2. Islam only has two problems – Muhammed and Mohammed. Once the first problem has been solved then the second one can be solved easily.
3. Islam offers three things. In the Koran it offers Peace, War and then a Continuation of War. In your life Islam wants you to subjugate yourself, subjugate your family and then subjugate everyone else.
The Sudanese teddy bear blasphemy case concerns the 2007 arrest, trial, conviction, imprisonment, and subsequent release of British schoolteacher Gillian Gibbons, who taught middle-class Muslim and Christian children at Unity High School in Khartoum, Sudan.[1] She was convicted of insulting Islam by allowing her class of six-year-olds to name a teddy bear “Muhammad”.[2]
he Foreign Office handed out free headscarves to staff and encouraged them to learn why Muslim women wear the garment as part of its World Hijab Day celebrations.
The Government department, headed up by Boris Johnson, offered all employees the chance to wear a hijab for part of their day to mark the worldwide event on February 1.
I see that was dated 2017 and 2018. PLEASE tell me we’ve stopped that obscene nonsense, at a time when heroic women in muslim countries are being jailed, beaten, tortured and raped for the right NOT to wear those revolting symbols of oppression.
These 3 women got 55 years in a stinking iranian jail.
P.S. Is Hijab an anagram of Jihad? Any crossword enthusiasts out there?
Pupils asked to wear a hijab for a day to fight discrimination
The group behind the day said it has seen a rise in Islamaphobia
Keir Starmer wants to know the names of those who are to be fined for breaking covid lockdown rules during Partygate, that essentially highly criminal enterprise which resulted in people eating and drinking in the wrong place at the wrong time. And to be fair to SirKeer, so do the BBC and even more so ITV, whose gay political editor shares his life with someone who just happens to work in the cabinet office.
Meanwhile, Shrewsbury NHS Trust manage to kill 200 babies and injure hundreds more plus their mothers. And no-one seems to want to know any names of those responsible.
So maybe we should forgive Boris for his misdemeanours and insist, as with Shrewsbury, he gets improved processes, more funding, and better training. If it’s good enough for those who kill, it must be good enough for those who eat and drink.
I used to like the Socialist Republic of TFL – I used to ‘advise ‘ them on certain stuff but suddenly the old guard who had been inherited from London Transport (?) were purged by children who Had No Clue ….
In the UK, polygamous marriages – where a person has more than one spouse – are only recognised if they took place in countries where they are legal.
However, no UK laws stop unregistered religious ceremonies taking place.
Azad Chaiwala told BBC Inside Out: “The second wife website came about from my need, and thinking there’ll be other people in my situation.”
Most Muslims in the UK do not practise polygamy, but some interpretations of the Koran say that a man may marry two, three or four women, so long as he can deal justly and fairly with each of them.
First robot sex doll brothel opens in Russia aimed at Moscow’s city workers and entrepreneurs
Moscow will see first sex robot brothel open in city to target stressed workers
Customers can pay £80 for an hour of time with one of the ‘plastic prostitutes’
Sex doll can blink and is bilingual, speaking to clients in either English or Chinese
Good Afternoon from the devolved utopia which is Brigadoon.
Sadly, that description could not be further from the truth, however, the £32 million bBC Scotland outfit has for the first time seriously
challenged Krankie.
This is about the building of 2 island ferries – currently 5 years late and with no clear finish date in sight – the costs have risen from £97 m to £250m, with some commentators suggesting it will be £400 m when all is done.
What’s come out of this debacle is that this SNP has been a complete disaster for Scotland.
We now own a nationalised Airport ( Prestwick) where £44 million has been written off and no serious bids have been received.
The Ferries are being built at a now nationalised shipyard.
But the best is still to come
The railways….they come into nationalisation on Friday…April 1st.
a £7 billion operation….YIKES!
What could possibly go wrong?
PS See Krankie escaped to prince Philip,s memorial service…
I bet if he had met her he would have asked if she wore tartan knickers!!
Krankie’s knickers – opens up a new horror show ..
…. ADMIN NOTE – NATO disinformation is mumbling about Putin getting even more sour and ‘launching cyber attacks “ ( whatever that is ) anyway – if the site ‘goes down ‘ blame him – or krankie …. And her knickers …
Methinks mr farage has his discussion point for his show tonight ….That 2014 speech sure hits the point – if only we had a PM so in touch with foreign affairs …
Expect the police to hand out Easter Eggs for the Christian celebration
Hasn’t the penny dropped? Police, Government, BBC etc are falling in line under the new social order.
Still pondering – the Rachel reeve interview today – she promised no ‘relief ‘ from increasing Energy / cost of living for 2 thirds of the voting population under labour .
She could not bring herself to say that no government can do that . If raw material prices increase – food or fuel – then up go retail prices – who ever is in power
…. However … if the public sector was cut back – fuel taxes could be reduced … which would be a start …
First of all . Of course I know that the BBC consider women
sports at the very least equal to men’s sports. That includes
Football, Cricket, Rugby. Maybe they are right and I am just
a pale stale, male. So to see five out of the first nine features
on the sports website to be.
” Defending Champions England book World Cup final place”
“LGBTQ issues remain for Qatar” ” Wyatt’s 129 send England into Final” ” Vote for best catch in Women’s Cup” ” How
football is evolving to help players in Ramadan.”
I think this is a fair reflection of the BBC’S attitude towards
sport. And you may think this is how it should be.
Oh I forgot to say that semi finals of the women’s
Champions League takes major prominence as well.
For me, who was a bookmaker. The number one women’s
sports achievement is that of Rachael Blackmore the jockey.
I think what she has achieved is absolutely amazing. Because
even riding the best horses to win races. One needs not only
finesse ,but strength . And this women riding against the
very best male jockey’s is at the very least their equal.
After all trade unions are magnificently lefty and Labour so what’s not to like?
All very egalitarian hey?
They have quite obviously forgotten the ‘Winter of discontent’ in the 1970’s when rapidly growing unions ranging from Teachers, Health Workers and Local Authority staff, not to mention Miners and Car Workers, Electricity Workers, Steel Workers, Dustmen, Rail Workers, Bus Drivers and anybody else with a grievance turned the UK into a nightmare of disruption and menace at the behest of their Union overlords. After which the UK economy tanked for a long time.
I recall having electricity supplies only 3 days a week, rubbish piling up in the streets, companies shutting down without power and having to send staff home frequently etc. etc. etc.
Golden Age?
How would they charge their iPhone’s? charge their electric cars plus no Twitter or Facebook etc.
On the plus side, the massive public backlash ushered in Mrs Thatcher to sort them all out.
As an addendum to my last post I recall as a newly formed freelance Graphic Designer fresh from College I was treated to a visit by two thugs from the local chapter of the National Graphical Association (NGA) who threatened to get all my work blacklisted by local printers and newspapers if I didn’t join the NGA and told me they would ‘Shut me down, whatever it takes’ if I didn’t agree.
Two Lovely Golden Age union chaps!
I told them in the vernacular to take a long walk off a short pier!
The automotive unions and in particular the one taken over by avowed communist “Red Robbo” in the West Midlands were instrumental in decapitatiing a once globally great and proud British car industry. Again, hardly a “Golden Age” BBC!
Gazprom and football: Which clubs and leagues have partnerships with Russian gas company?
Ukraine-Russia crisis.
UEFA Champions League.
Schalke 04.
Crvena Zvezda.
UEFA Super Cup.
2 Mar 2022
The BBC puts on its professorial voice to ask: Could the World Cope without Russian Oil and Gas?
Answer: No, you f*****s, because people like you, the eco-fascists and, most of all, Biden have severely crippled oil and gas production in the West.
Of course the article has not one word of criticism for the Imbecile in the White House who did his best to destroy US production while greenlighting Nord Stream 2 at the very beginning of his Presidency.
Campaigning for re-election next month, President Macron has promised to scrap the licence fee without proposing any specific replacement
Without stable and predictable revenues, the exposure of France Télévisions to political pressures will increase. Capacity to fund long-term projects may weaken.
Putin threatens to turn the gas off tomorrow unless paid in roubles …. How many EU countries will sell out ?
If gas stays high in price for a while the effect of the windfall tax labour is telling us will ‘help’ is gonna look pretty empty if there is another hike cum October …. a rise bigger than the one coming on Friday 1 April ….
Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHS Trust and several others did so over the past few years and were (rightly) criticised. Yesterday MPs voted to make DIY killing of babies permanent, while all NHS trusts still offer that service in their hospitals if requested.
Football for Friendship
With our social programme for children, we promote the best in football: fairness, tolerance and international understanding.
tolerance and international understanding.
tolerance and international understanding.
tolerance and international understanding.
tolerance and international understanding.
tolerance and international understanding.
“Putin threatens to turn off Europe’s gas supplies TOMORROW if countries refuse to pay in roubles, saying ‘We get nothing free of charge and we are not going to engage in charity either'”
People didn’t believe me when I told you that this would happen tomorrow and now here it is, and we could be well and truly screwed, but unfortunately even this wake up call will not be sufficient to drag dopey Boris out of his Green tinted fantasy world, and now the lights will go out and people will die as a result.
Finland participated in the Second World War initially in a defensive war against the Soviet Union, followed by another battle against the Soviet Union acting in concert with Germany and then finally fighting alongside the Allies against Germany.
Just caught some panel discussion by the BBC on Ukraine, hosted by someone called something like Zany Bandana, though I might have misspelt that.
What a shambles. She was hyper and excitable from the start, and it was downhill thereon in. Out of her depth and out of breath, constantly hurrying up the questioners and the panelists, and interrupting them, with the result that no-one got to fully develop their point.
On top of which her frenzied nervousness was contagious, making everyone shout and garble their questions and answers. (People do that, when they know they’re about to get cut off at any moment by an incompetent ringmaster.)
Not helped by the fact that none of the people were fluent in English, something the stupid beeb should have taken into account in the planning and allowed time for.
Naturally, Zany managed a dig at Trump and a few plugs for the EU.
Verdict: Useless.
As we say in Ukraine: Іди на хуй ВВС!
(Clue: it’s what the defenders of Snake Island told the Russian warship to go do to itself.)
BBC 1 6 pm news.
A policeman in Rotherham has been found not to have done anything wrong regarding the Rotherham rapes.
And to add insult to injury, the BBC manage to mention that 1400 young girls were abused over nigh on 20 years without any mention of the perpetrators. Anyone would think it was Ramadan. Oh, wait.
So yet again, as with Shrewsbury NHS Trust, massive , catastrophic, public sector failure. And yet amazingly no-one is accountable for anything. Trebles all round.
PS and if you want yet more, check out wee Burnie in Scotland who is presiding over millions of overspend and years of delay in the extremely dodgy contracts for two new Calmac ferries.
Nationalised industries for nationalised ferry services. A vicious circle of total failure. And the SNP write a blank cheque paid for by the (increasingly) poor taxpayer.
@Sluff – Yes, the police in Rotherham (and a hundred other places we never hear of) were culpable, but so too are opinion formers like the BBC who created the climate in which the various authorities were terrified to investigate or expose the paedophile muslim rape gangs for fear of accusations of islamophobia and racism.
Needless to say, the practise continues to this day.
ITV News investigating big rise in rough sleeper deaths…
Bristol’s best answer is to put them in shipping containers.
Another group of “homeless” people get put into hotels with all found plus spending money while officials scurry about finding them a house and job etc.
Colin brazier on GBNews mentions that a law was passed yesterday enabling abortion pills to delivered by post without medical supervision – this sounds like an excellent opportunity for Amazon to cash in on the baby killing market…
… apparently the amendment was introduced by a ‘baroness satan ‘ and was voted through by MPs while no one was looking .
I was surprised that more noise wasn’t made by the ‘abortionist community ‘ having their market undermined ….
Britain’s National Grid (NG.L) said on Sunday it would sell a 60% stake in its British gas transmission and metering business to Australia’s Macquarie Asset Management and British Columbia Investment Management Corporation as it shifts towards electricity.
“Cuadrilla given extra year to evaluate fracking wells”
Bo jo better get rid of the Green Levey and get cracking !
He is completely out of touch with the general public.
why are the USA and the UK and the EU self appointed moral guardians of the world ?
Ask any Irish citizen or Cuban you may get a different answer about what a buffer zone is
If I want a smack in the mouth I just say to my Chinese wife leave Taiwan alone, followed by a twenty minute rant which google translate can’t keep up with, and try and get a dentist nowadays
“Climate change: Wind and solar reach milestone as demand surges”
In smaller print …………………”Demand for electricity grew at a record pace. This saw a surge in coal power, rising at the fastest rate since 1985.”
Why isn’t the UK manufacturing the wind turbines ?
Who in the UK voted for this green madness?
Conversion therapy: Government plans for ban scrapped
By Sophie Gallagher
Drag Race UK vs The World winner: ‘Drag Race helped me find my queerness’
*Spoiler: This piece reveals the winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs The World.*
Petersham Nursery Tories think nothing of spending £100,000 on a Tesla and £15,000 on a heat pump,not to mention more on every mouthful of organic cruelty-free food. But the Lidl Tories who voted for Mr Johnson because they thought he was on their side against meddling bureaucrats and their expensive regulations will have a different view. If anything can break the seemingly adamantine link between Mr Johnson and his Tory faithful, it is the long-term cost of his green conversion.
DoughboyMar 6, 09:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 Don’t see this on the Bbbc, how on earth are we going to keep Russians out of Ukraine with…
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 I look at the front page of the Guardian every so often – today they’ve got a headline ‘Trump turning…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 The Gangs are having a busy March . .
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 Surprised the Muslim convert William wasn’t down the mosque with his dad – he seems to be a worshipper of…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:10 Midweek 5th March 2025 I guess the UK/London needs the money to fund Ukraine? “A PhD student from China, he had been studying at…
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Keir Starmer finds subtle way to deal with Team Trump, @chrismasonBBC writes 2 comments in 10’
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Here we are in 2025 …. UK Border open with small boats (not large boats thank God) yet our Prime…
AsISeeItMar 6, 08:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Wealthy Communist edition Those little cartoonish sketch images that are deployed so as to promote lifestyle features within the paper…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Will Trudeau block your bank account if you do not comply to his orders?
Fedup2Mar 6, 08:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Guest – it’s just a general point – once plod / msm filter the truth they can never be trusted…
Not the BBC – but evidence that the msm – alistair heath in the DT is finally commenting on the false US president – next they’ll say he has dementia –
America is in desperate need of a determined and visionary leader, but has found itself stuck with an ineffective, erratic and gaffe-addled figurehead. Joe Biden is US President in name only, the weakest, least powerful holder of that office for over a century. He isn’t America’s de facto chief executive, let alone its commander-in-chief. He is, at best, non-executive chairman, even if polite opinion in Washington is desperate to keep up the charade that the buck stops with him.
His embarrassingly downgraded role became obvious last week when he suddenly veered off-script during his keynote address in Poland, ad-libbing of Vladimir Putin that “for God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power”. It was a dramatic escalation, a clear and simple message that no reasonable person could possibly misinterpret, and yet the White House appeared not even to ask him for permission before “clarifying” his statement. Biden’s people – who are supposed to work for him, rather than the other way around – immediately denied that he was calling for regime change. They claimed, within seconds of his speech, that the words he uttered didn’t actually mean what he obviously intended them to signify.
They were undoubtedly seeking to protect Biden from himself, and to look after US interests, by cancelling an intervention that could have provoked a furious Russian reaction. But it was an astonishing moment none the less, demonstrating that Biden’s role is now largely ceremonial: this is a collegiate administration, with an all-powerful Democratic Cabinet and federal bureaucracy. What Biden says should not be taken too seriously. He is not the fount of power, and has a habit of blurting out what colleagues might have been discussing in private.
Time and again in recent days, the President’s pronouncements have been “walked back” by those really in charge. Most notably, he wrongly told members of the 82nd Airborne Division that they would be “going to” Ukraine soon; he said America would respond “in kind” were the Russians to use chemical weapons.
His worst blunder came when he claimed prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that “it’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do”. He was then asked whether he was “effectively giving Putin permission to make a small incursion into the country”. Biden’s answer sent an even more catastrophic message to the Russians: “Good question. That’s how it did sound like, didn’t it?”
You might have expected the intervention by his officials over regime change in particular to have triggered a massive row in Washington – where in the US constitution does it say that officials dictate policy? – but it was not to be. The double standards among America’s Left-leaning elite, who are pretending not to notice what is happening, are staggering.
After four years of a bitter war with Donald Trump, much of the US media establishment has returned to its old deferential approach now that one of their own is back in the White House. To them, the appearance of normality, the fake return to mainstream codes of behaviour, the fact that Ivy Leaguers are back in charge at Treasury and State, matters far more than the reality, which is that the president isn’t really presiding and that America’s constitution is once again in deep crisis. It is a scandal.
Mainstream commentators were grumpy at the White House denials, but refused to ask the obvious questions about the president’s series of gaffes or to demand an investigation into why this may be happening. Had this been Trump, there would have been calls for the Cabinet to at least consider invoking the 25th amendment to the US constitution relating to whether a president could be considered unfit to remain in office.
Why such leniency towards Biden? Is it because the Democrats believe that Kamala Harris, the vice president, is simply not good enough to become president, were this to prove necessary? Is it because they believe in the idea of a Platonic lie, that it is in America’s interest to pretend that Biden is still fully in charge, to stop Trump from making a comeback? Or is it because they are terrified at opinion polls showing that the Republicans are set to sweep the mid-term elections? There is no excuse for failing to scrutinise and hold to account any president, regardless of party.
Biden’s shocking weakness also helps to explain the disastrous drift of US policy in all other respects. He was supposedly elected as a reasonable centrist, a liberal rather than a woke activist, a traditional Democrat rather than a neo-socialist.
Yet on economics, his latest tax proposal is far worse than anything Jeremy Corbyn dreamt up. Biden wants to tax unrealised capital gains, something that has never been attempted before in this way. He wants to tax wealthy Americans – in reality, not just billionaires but many other entrepreneurs and investors without whose contributions the US economy would collapse – on the basis of the paper increase in their fortunes. This would be a recipe for economic meltdown, a brain drain, capital flight and a massive recession.
Ordinary Americans as well as businesses are already fleeing Democratic-run cities, now plagued by out of control crime, dementedly woke school boards, surging taxes and, for long, overly strict Covid lockdowns. In the year to July 2021, the Left-wing-run New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles lost over 700,000 residents; meanwhile, conservative-run suburbs are booming. As Douglas Carswell has pointed out, some 80 per cent of the population growth took place in just 10 counties. Five of the fastest growing were in Republican Texas and two in Republican Florida.
On foreign policy, he is seeking to turn the clock back to the time when he was vice president. Biden is proposing a disastrous surrender to Iran on the nuclear issue, and even to remove the Revolutionary Guards’ terrorist designation. His withdrawal from Afghanistan was right in theory but catastrophically executed, and helped signal to rogue regimes that the US had gone soft.
The fact that Biden is in office, but not in power, has given his party’s hardliners free rein to wreak havoc. His presidency is turning out to be a catastrophe for America, and a calamity for the rest of the world. For how much longer will we have to put up with this travesty?ENDS
Maybe – one day – they’ll investigate who and how the US election was stolen – or the activities of Hunter Biden ….
But the trouble is that despite the catastrophic polling of Biden, most people won’t vote Republican because they are as bad as the Tories are here, cowardly useless and incompetent barring a few notable exceptions.
All the Republicans appear able to do is criticise Biden when everyone knows how bad he is.
What they are failing to do is to say what they would do and how it would improve the situation.
Listen to Donald Trump talk and you will here him lay out how badly Biden is doing, then he will talk about what he did when he was in office, laying out the proof of action, then, he will talk about what he would do now.
The rest of the party appear incapable of telling the people how they are going to get the country out of the mess Biden is causing.
Or take a look at the sensational success of Glen Youngkin in Virginia, and see the methods he used to secure a victory the Democrats were sure of.
If the Republicans are incapable of galvanising themselves to win with such a hated President in power then they will never win anything against a more competent Democrat President, and they need to rid themselves of candidates who are ineffective at campaigning – and quickly.
Polling ? It’s 6 months before any election.
The 2022 United States elections will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.
During this midterm election year, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives
and 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate will be contested.
Thirty-nine state and territorial gubernatorial and numerous other state and local elections will also be contested.
Thoughtful – you make an assumption that any further US election will be ‘fair ‘. Democrat counters will fix elections again – after all – they’ve got away with The Big One …
Then it’s even worse and the Dems will win again won’t they?
They Republicans have to have decisive wins, the way they are performing indicates they will not achieve that.
So what you’re saying Fed, is that the unholy alliance of Billary, Belosi, Barry, and Boden will be joined by Bominion (the new name for fixing stuff)?
I suppose Surkeer and the nutter Crayons are already checking out how they do it!
Has anyone ever asked the BBC of they would like to do a programme on cheating at elections, and let them find out the truth for a change?
Can’t remember what they turned up at Tower Hamlets, but they might have sent a very junior autocue-reader to ask the office cleaner, then shoved the item into local news for somewhere that sounds like Tower Hamlets – say Barnstaple!
(With abject apologies to anyone living in that delightful town – I can’t think of anywhere further West as I did Latin, not Geography)!
Hi Scrob
The US voting system varies fron state to state and upto now no party has wanted a federal unified system
Our equivalent practice is the fixed postal vote used so well by the Far Left in third world ghettos like Tower Hamlets .
The Electoral Commission is about the same use as Ofcom so expect more fiddled vots 4 weeks today . …
Scrobie, Crayons? Do you mean FickAnge in FedSpeak?
We have a similar problem here because ‘conservatives’ are unlikely to vote Conservative again so we’ll probably end up with a
BlairLab mob coalition (not to mention all their ‘postal votes’).“None of the Above” Party
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
On a point of information, it’s “Allister Heath” (a surprising spelling, admittedly, for those used to “Alastair”, etc!)
Unintended sick ‘humour ‘
If you go to gov Uk to get the report on killing babies and mothers in Shrewsbury – you get links to previous reports on –
South staffs ( Liverpool pathway – institutional murder )
Berwick report ( 2013 how the NHS is going to stop killing people )
… and others ….
…. Somehow – as the medical mafia fail to conceal all their sins I get the feeling that no lessons are learnt and punters are forced to believe the NHS is ‘good ‘….
Fine blanket of snow here, then the sun came through strongly
but 15 mins later the snow came back in pellets for a few mins.
Sun is just coming back now.
Mark Steyn …
2015 … Port Darwin is the port in northern Australia. Darwin, Northern Territory has operated in a number of locations including Stokes Hill Wharf, Cullen Bay and East Arm Wharf. In 2015, a 99 year lease was granted to the Chinese-owned Landbridge Group, a transaction that has since ignited significant national security concerns.
Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing.
Loudness and tone are two differnt things
Zephir, thanks – enjoyed that, esp. Nathan East on bass.
Saw JB at the Hammersmith Odeon (or whatever it’s called now) a couple of years ago. Great gig. Everything plus kitchen sink thrown in there. Towards the end, he said that he was welcoming on a female guest singer whose name I didn’t catch. “Oh no”, I thought, “female guest singers frequently a disappointment (gross generalisation, I acknowledge, but have experienced a few). Oh well – it probably won’t last long”.
On she came, and proceeded to take the bloody roof off. Stupendous (Stewpendous, perhaps). Outstanding. Ended up very sorry she was only doing one song.
She was called Beth Hart, whom I’ve seen several times live since with her own band. This video with JB – “Id Rather Go Blind – Live In Amsterdam” is worth a listen/watch.
Update on Neil vs Sky’s Climate show
Christina might by now feel this was a fool’s errand.
Or, not. Seems to be a media diversity hire.
Yes journo sharks do not traditionally attack each other so the thin skinned sky girl must be so upset by brillo –
– at least everyone attacks GBNews so thats ok …
Was Sky News softer on Qatari affairs due to Qatar Airways’ sponsorship of Sky weather reports? An empirical analysis
Almost over. 50 votes. 69,999,950 to go.
Mickey Grade might have a cred problem.
Now 56 votes in that Ofcom poll
#1 Such online polls can be trickery
they enable the poster to compile a database of who supports X and who supports Y
.. most people wisely stayed out of this one.
Ofcom’s campaign itself seems disinformation
Yes there is a true story to every issue
and there are false stories as well
.. Some of those are spread by idiots on the internet.
.. Yet, although media sneer , they too are prone to act in the same way. Modern media is inherently biased ..for one thing they prefer to tell a good story rather than a true one, secondly they promote their mates issues in PRasNews,
.. thirdly they hide inconvenient stories.
Ofcom are playing distraction game,
Their main job is to police MSM misinformation
but they make out ‘Misinformation is over there with online cranks’
Their press release and tweets use a graphic
At first glance their focus seems to say ‘Trust established sources’
.. Yet this a fallacy – Each story depends on the EVIDENCE it presents NOT who the MESSENGER is.
The classic is the small boy who is the true teller in the Emperor’s new clothes, whereas the entire establishment are WRONG.
The idea of Trusted Sources is a fallacy, based on the Fallacy of Argument from Authority.
I would suggest a completely different approach, mainly centred around keeping an open mind , accepting that you don’t know many things and avoiding rushing to certainty.
On doesn’t need certainty on most issues, cos the truth comes out over time.
How long can the clowns at the BBC ignore the explosive and devastating revelations of crooked Hunter Biden’s laptop?
Even the Washington Post – which has become nothing more than the PR arm of the Democrats – even WAPO is running an article exposing the massive illegal payments of millions of dollars by the Chinese to members of the crooked Biden clan.
So now we have massive payments by the Chinese, by the Ukrainians and by the Russians to crackhead, prostitute-addicted Hunter, and suggestions that “The Big Guy” was getting 10%.
WAPO: “But the new documents — which include a signed copy of a $1 million legal retainer, emails related to the wire transfers, and $3.8 million in consulting fees that are confirmed in new bank records and agreements signed by Hunter Biden — illustrate the ways in which his family profited from relationships built over Joe Biden’s decades in public service.”
So Joe Biden’s whole career has been spent setting his family up (Jim Biden was in on the grift too) with dodgy regimes, for which he got a cut.
And still the BBC turn a blind eye to what should be the most explosive story for decades. It has everything: sex drugs and rock and roll; and a President who was getting a cut from his family’s dirty dealings with at least 3 countries at the epicentre of world events. How compromising is that? You couldn’t make it up!
According to the Mail a few weeks ago: “The media’s shameless complicity in censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story is a betrayal of the American public and it is flushing their little bit of remaining credibility down the toilet”.
Those words could equally apply to the BBC: “it is flushing their little bit of remaining credibility down the toilet”.
But you know what’s worse?
The blind & blinkered belief that politicians here are so noble they would never get up to anything like this. And so that makes it even easier for the ones who would, and for me personally I would place Boris Johnson under suspicion in a heartbeat as someone who would sell his own soul for a fast buck.
It’s nothing to do with being partisan, it’s a question of character. Although I regard Theresa May as a Marxist infiltrator of the Tory party and regard her as one of the worst leaders ever (which takes some doing) I don’t think she would take dirty money.
You might be right but I don’t think our politicians could get away with anything quite so blatant.
Barry Gardiner
She likes Abba, so does the wife, doesn’t make it right, just easy come birthdays and Xmas
plenty in the hospice shop, just a pity shes not into the Spice Girls , they have a shelf of their own
“girl power” yep, 50p
We Got the First Look Inside Hunter Biden’s Hush-Hush Gallery Show, the Least-Seen, Most-Talked About Debut in the Art World
“All the prices he’s worth right now, 10 years from now that’s going to be a cheap Hunter Biden painting,” Georges Bergès said.
I strongly recommend this and the further 3 episodes – they are all about 20 minutes long and by Fox Nation.
The bBC hate Britain.
Everyone must know it by now.
But on the upside at least the UK military will know who the enemy is if they ever get involved in someone elses war again …
Ottoman empire good.
British empire bad.
Sodexo, a private Company based in France are letting covid testing staff “go” as the free testing rules are swept away.
Sodexo made £95 million profit over the past 2 years.
That’s over £2 each from every working age person in this Country.
It begs the question of how much behind the scenes pressure this type of operation was putting on Governments to make the restrictions last as long as possible.
I think we have been had on a gigantic scale by this sort of behind the scenes fiddling.
Private firm running NHS Covid test sites axing more than 5,000 jobs – letting all but 21 go without a penny
Exclusive: Sodexo, which has recorded nearly £95million profit in just two years, is cutting jobs en masse with less than a week’s notice amid the cost-of-living crisis
Simon Murphy
Chief reporter
21 minutes ago
The Independent has been told some workers argue that collective consultation rules – which specify there should be at least a 45-day consultation period for 100 or more employee redundancies and at least 30 days for 20 to 99 – have not been properly followed by Sodexo.
P & O showed them how.
Lots of media coverage on the man who stabbed hais neighbours, one of them to death, but not much coverage on his ethnicity as per usual.
With a name like Can Arslan, it’s hardly your usual British normal name, and sure enough the name originates in the Turkic states of South Western Asia.
There’s no mention of the fact of his origin, his migrationi status, when he came to Britain and how he came to be allowed to remain her, but yet again it’s another migrant murdering a British citizen the victim of fantasy land politicians in a bubble of lies where everything is pink fluffy clouds and all the world loves everyone, and its only the horrid White men who spoil everything.
Bolton park stab death: Woman killed girl, 7
A seven-year-old girl had her throat cut in a random attack at a park on Mother’s Day, a jury at Manchester Crown Court heard.
Emily Jones was at Queen’s Park in Bolton with her parents when she was attacked by Eltiona Skana, 30, on 22 March, the court was told.
Ms Skana, 30, has admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility but denies murder.
She appeared at court via video link from high security Rampton Hospital.
Thoughtful – I’m glad you said that because I worry that there is a time coming – soon – when such comments are declared ‘illegal ‘ …. As free speech rapidly disappears and is replaced by approved views ‘
The trolls monitoring this site must count the days …
“He accepted everything. The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia. Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford were guilty of the crimes they were charged with. He had never seen the photograph that disproved their guilt. It had never existed, he had invented it. He remembered remembering contrary things, but those were false memories, products of self-deception. How easy it all was! Only surrender, and everything else followed. It was like swimming against a current that swept you backwards however hard you struggled, and then suddenly deciding to turn round and go with the current instead of opposing it. Nothing had changed except your own attitude: the predestined thing happened in any case. He hardly knew why he had ever rebelled. Everything was easy, except—!
Anything could be true. The so-called laws of Nature were nonsense. The law of gravity was nonsense. ‘If I wished,’ O’Brien had said, ‘I could float off this floor like a soap bubble.’ Winston worked it out. ‘If he thinks he floats off the floor, and if I simultaneously think I see him do it, then the thing happens.’ Suddenly, like a lump of submerged wreckage breaking the surface of water, the thought burst into his mind: ‘It doesn’t really happen. We imagine it. It is hallucination.’ He pushed the thought under instantly. The fallacy was obvious. It presupposed that somewhere or other, outside oneself, there was a ‘real’ world where ‘real’ things happened. But how could there be such a world? What knowledge have we of anything, save through our own minds? All happenings are in the mind. Whatever happens in all minds, truly happens.
He had no difficulty in disposing of the fallacy, and he was in no danger of succumbing to it. He realized, nevertheless, that it ought never to have occurred to him. The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself. The process should be automatic, instinctive. Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak.”
Khan Arslan is as Turkman as David Smith is English, Davy Jones Welsh, Paddy O’Neill Irish, and Angus Campbell Scottish.
My money would be on Turkmenistan, crazy people. Crazy and involved in violent organised crime, like most Albanians… or just mad, and prone to flying off the handle, like Somalis perhaps?
Iranian blogger found guilty of insulting Prophet Mohammad on Facebook sentenced to death
Soheil Arabi says he was in ‘poor psychological condition’ and wrote the insulting Facebook posts ‘without thinking’
Rose Troup Buchanan
Monday 22 September 2014 07:16
Applying sharia law in England and Wales: independent review
Independent review by Professor Mona Siddiqui and a review panel of experts into the application of sharia law in England and Wales by sharia councils.
Mahyar’s tweet is a new story that’s in the Metro newspaper
“A teacher in Pakistan was murdered by a colleague and her two nieces after a relative dreamt she had insulted the Prophet Muhammed.”
“They attacked Safoora Bibi at the main gate of the school and slit her throat”
“This took place in Dera Ismail Khan an ultra-conservative northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province that borders Afghanistan.”
1. Islam asks for one simple thing. Islam asks for everything – finance, religion, police, morals, schools, law, food, science, clothes, art and your body to be Islamic.
2. Islam only has two problems – Muhammed and Mohammed. Once the first problem has been solved then the second one can be solved easily.
3. Islam offers three things. In the Koran it offers Peace, War and then a Continuation of War. In your life Islam wants you to subjugate yourself, subjugate your family and then subjugate everyone else.
The Sudanese teddy bear blasphemy case concerns the 2007 arrest, trial, conviction, imprisonment, and subsequent release of British schoolteacher Gillian Gibbons, who taught middle-class Muslim and Christian children at Unity High School in Khartoum, Sudan.[1] She was convicted of insulting Islam by allowing her class of six-year-olds to name a teddy bear “Muhammad”.[2]
I think you mean War, War and more War.
Peace only when the entire world is subjugated and converted.
It’s in their scriptures ffs.
Ramadan news : people are tweeting a TikTok video of a female West Yorks Police officer handing out packet of dates and handing them to Muslims as a Ramadan present.
Maybe it’s a way of gathering intelligence, and some time soon WestYorksPolice will start arresting the baddies ?
Foreign Office employees invited to wear headscarves to work to mark World Hijab day
he Foreign Office handed out free headscarves to staff and encouraged them to learn why Muslim women wear the garment as part of its World Hijab Day celebrations.
The Government department, headed up by Boris Johnson, offered all employees the chance to wear a hijab for part of their day to mark the worldwide event on February 1.
I see that was dated 2017 and 2018. PLEASE tell me we’ve stopped that obscene nonsense, at a time when heroic women in muslim countries are being jailed, beaten, tortured and raped for the right NOT to wear those revolting symbols of oppression.
These 3 women got 55 years in a stinking iranian jail.
P.S. Is Hijab an anagram of Jihad? Any crossword enthusiasts out there?
Pupils asked to wear a hijab for a day to fight discrimination
The group behind the day said it has seen a rise in Islamaphobia
It’s comparison time!!
Keir Starmer wants to know the names of those who are to be fined for breaking covid lockdown rules during Partygate, that essentially highly criminal enterprise which resulted in people eating and drinking in the wrong place at the wrong time. And to be fair to SirKeer, so do the BBC and even more so ITV, whose gay political editor shares his life with someone who just happens to work in the cabinet office.
Meanwhile, Shrewsbury NHS Trust manage to kill 200 babies and injure hundreds more plus their mothers. And no-one seems to want to know any names of those responsible.
So maybe we should forgive Boris for his misdemeanours and insist, as with Shrewsbury, he gets improved processes, more funding, and better training. If it’s good enough for those who kill, it must be good enough for those who eat and drink.
I thought they could use ‘crown privilege for number 10” or diplomatic immunity …
Easter, forget about it, ram a pissing dam yep
I was working at TFL last year and “suggested” not to eat at my desk to avoid offence
I used to like the Socialist Republic of TFL – I used to ‘advise ‘ them on certain stuff but suddenly the old guard who had been inherited from London Transport (?) were purged by children who Had No Clue ….
… as for Easter – they keeping bringing JC©into into – Religion eh ? ( JC is not Jeremy Corbyn : it’s the Other One 😇)
UK – forget it …
Islam .. get the other women …
Sunderland businessman’s second wife website ‘benefits women’
Published23 October 2017
In the UK, polygamous marriages – where a person has more than one spouse – are only recognised if they took place in countries where they are legal.
However, no UK laws stop unregistered religious ceremonies taking place.
Azad Chaiwala told BBC Inside Out: “The second wife website came about from my need, and thinking there’ll be other people in my situation.”
Most Muslims in the UK do not practise polygamy, but some interpretations of the Koran say that a man may marry two, three or four women, so long as he can deal justly and fairly with each of them.
Marky – is there a link to get an ivana ? ( asking for a non trans pronoun friend Whatever …)
First robot sex doll brothel opens in Russia aimed at Moscow’s city workers and entrepreneurs
Moscow will see first sex robot brothel open in city to target stressed workers
Customers can pay £80 for an hour of time with one of the ‘plastic prostitutes’
Sex doll can blink and is bilingual, speaking to clients in either English or Chinese
My friend is complaining s/he can’t get a direct flight from London to Moscow – does anyone know why that is ?
Good Afternoon from the devolved utopia which is Brigadoon.
Sadly, that description could not be further from the truth, however, the £32 million bBC Scotland outfit has for the first time seriously
challenged Krankie.
This is about the building of 2 island ferries – currently 5 years late and with no clear finish date in sight – the costs have risen from £97 m to £250m, with some commentators suggesting it will be £400 m when all is done.
What’s come out of this debacle is that this SNP has been a complete disaster for Scotland.
We now own a nationalised Airport ( Prestwick) where £44 million has been written off and no serious bids have been received.
The Ferries are being built at a now nationalised shipyard.
But the best is still to come
The railways….they come into nationalisation on Friday…April 1st.
a £7 billion operation….YIKES!
What could possibly go wrong?
PS See Krankie escaped to prince Philip,s memorial service…
I bet if he had met her he would have asked if she wore tartan knickers!!
Krankie’s knickers – opens up a new horror show ..
…. ADMIN NOTE – NATO disinformation is mumbling about Putin getting even more sour and ‘launching cyber attacks “ ( whatever that is ) anyway – if the site ‘goes down ‘ blame him – or krankie …. And her knickers …
cyber attacks – tcktock down!
NF with Tucker Carlson yesterday (6 mins in total).
This includes Nigel’s speech to the EU parliament in 2014 in which he said “In the war against Islamic extremism, Vladimir Putin, whatever we may think of him as a human being, is actually on our side. … Let’s not go on provoking Putin, whether we like him or not”
Methinks mr farage has his discussion point for his show tonight ….That 2014 speech sure hits the point – if only we had a PM so in touch with foreign affairs …
Expect the police to hand out Easter Eggs for the Christian celebration
Hasn’t the penny dropped? Police, Government, BBC etc are falling in line under the new social order.
FREE DATES – not free.
“BTP officers in London deliver Easter Eggs to local hospitals”
“Sergeant Emily Fennell said: ‘It’s initiatives like these that really help show the community side of policing’.”
Today again
Still pondering – the Rachel reeve interview today – she promised no ‘relief ‘ from increasing Energy / cost of living for 2 thirds of the voting population under labour .
She could not bring herself to say that no government can do that . If raw material prices increase – food or fuel – then up go retail prices – who ever is in power
…. However … if the public sector was cut back – fuel taxes could be reduced … which would be a start …
First of all . Of course I know that the BBC consider women
sports at the very least equal to men’s sports. That includes
Football, Cricket, Rugby. Maybe they are right and I am just
a pale stale, male. So to see five out of the first nine features
on the sports website to be.
” Defending Champions England book World Cup final place”
“LGBTQ issues remain for Qatar” ” Wyatt’s 129 send England into Final” ” Vote for best catch in Women’s Cup” ” How
football is evolving to help players in Ramadan.”
I think this is a fair reflection of the BBC’S attitude towards
sport. And you may think this is how it should be.
Oh I forgot to say that semi finals of the women’s
Champions League takes major prominence as well.
For me, who was a bookmaker. The number one women’s
sports achievement is that of Rachael Blackmore the jockey.
I think what she has achieved is absolutely amazing. Because
even riding the best horses to win races. One needs not only
finesse ,but strength . And this women riding against the
very best male jockey’s is at the very least their equal.
small covering of snow again
Weather and ferry advice, this site gets better by the day.
Thinking about a woodland walk next week in Thetford how’s it looking SG?
Is there a boat connection from Buntingford or are the bastards on strike again ?
@Zephir it’s free speech, I will mention global warming if I want to.
… Your reply is intimidation aimed at stopping me speaking freely.
StewGreen MARCH 30, 2022,
“@TheIsland free speech should apply to all, except if a court says so
Opinions should be debated not banned.”
StewGreen MARCH 31, 2022,
“@Zephir it’s free speech… Your reply is intimidation aimed at stopping me speaking freely.”
StewGreen APRIL 18, 2021,
“@Fed you might want to get the sweeping brush out
@P!ku doesn’t seem to be arguing in good faith”
Are we entering a ‘Golden Age’ for trade unions? coo the BBC in obvious delight.
After all trade unions are magnificently lefty and Labour so what’s not to like?
All very egalitarian hey?
They have quite obviously forgotten the ‘Winter of discontent’ in the 1970’s when rapidly growing unions ranging from Teachers, Health Workers and Local Authority staff, not to mention Miners and Car Workers, Electricity Workers, Steel Workers, Dustmen, Rail Workers, Bus Drivers and anybody else with a grievance turned the UK into a nightmare of disruption and menace at the behest of their Union overlords. After which the UK economy tanked for a long time.
I recall having electricity supplies only 3 days a week, rubbish piling up in the streets, companies shutting down without power and having to send staff home frequently etc. etc. etc.
Golden Age?
How would they charge their iPhone’s? charge their electric cars plus no Twitter or Facebook etc.
On the plus side, the massive public backlash ushered in Mrs Thatcher to sort them all out.
As an addendum to my last post I recall as a newly formed freelance Graphic Designer fresh from College I was treated to a visit by two thugs from the local chapter of the National Graphical Association (NGA) who threatened to get all my work blacklisted by local printers and newspapers if I didn’t join the NGA and told me they would ‘Shut me down, whatever it takes’ if I didn’t agree.
Two Lovely Golden Age union chaps!
I told them in the vernacular to take a long walk off a short pier!
The automotive unions and in particular the one taken over by avowed communist “Red Robbo” in the West Midlands were instrumental in decapitatiing a once globally great and proud British car industry. Again, hardly a “Golden Age” BBC!
Refugee women empowered and united by Liverpool football club
“Diversity in football is what makes it a beautiful game,”
bBC is keen
Champions league still sponsored by Gasprom …?
Gazprom and football: Which clubs and leagues have partnerships with Russian gas company?
Ukraine-Russia crisis.
UEFA Champions League.
Schalke 04.
Crvena Zvezda.
UEFA Super Cup.
2 Mar 2022
Saudi Arabia: Mass execution of 81 men shows urgent need to abolish the death penalty
P & O showed them how.
The BBC puts on its professorial voice to ask: Could the World Cope without Russian Oil and Gas?
Answer: No, you f*****s, because people like you, the eco-fascists and, most of all, Biden have severely crippled oil and gas production in the West.
Of course the article has not one word of criticism for the Imbecile in the White House who did his best to destroy US production while greenlighting Nord Stream 2 at the very beginning of his Presidency.
Merkel must be proud .
A snippet petit…
Enders Analysis
Campaigning for re-election next month, President Macron has promised to scrap the licence fee without proposing any specific replacement
Without stable and predictable revenues, the exposure of France Télévisions to political pressures will increase. Capacity to fund long-term projects may weaken.
Merde, she wrote.
Putin threatens to turn the gas off tomorrow unless paid in roubles …. How many EU countries will sell out ?
If gas stays high in price for a while the effect of the windfall tax labour is telling us will ‘help’ is gonna look pretty empty if there is another hike cum October …. a rise bigger than the one coming on Friday 1 April ….
The Germans, Italians and French (surprise, surprise) are already starting to cave in, and looking for compromise with Russia to save their economies.
Sources please?
You might be interested in this aphorism which my Dad told me originated from American Indians…I was a big Lone Ranger fan at the time.
“Big snow Wee snow, Wee snow Big snow”
Is killing babies wrong?
Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHS Trust and several others did so over the past few years and were (rightly) criticised. Yesterday MPs voted to make DIY killing of babies permanent, while all NHS trusts still offer that service in their hospitals if requested.
Any trace of hypocrisy and irony?
its ok we have plenty of candles
Moving photos show Cambridge come together in candlelit vigil for Ukraine
Germany condemns Putin gas supply ‘blackmail’
EU top court paves way to cut billions to Poland and Hungary
By Gabriela Baczynska
Football for Friendship
With our social programme for children, we promote the best in football: fairness, tolerance and international understanding.
tolerance and international understanding.
tolerance and international understanding.
tolerance and international understanding.
tolerance and international understanding.
tolerance and international understanding.
Told Ya !
“Putin threatens to turn off Europe’s gas supplies TOMORROW if countries refuse to pay in roubles, saying ‘We get nothing free of charge and we are not going to engage in charity either'”
People didn’t believe me when I told you that this would happen tomorrow and now here it is, and we could be well and truly screwed, but unfortunately even this wake up call will not be sufficient to drag dopey Boris out of his Green tinted fantasy world, and now the lights will go out and people will die as a result.
Dye your hair purple, get a nose piercing and light a candle
That’ll show him
Cute, BBC, if obvious.
“if you are affected by firing this gun, please call our helpline”
“This tank may cause some upset”
“does my bomb look big in this ?”
Look panzers …. .. coming through the Ardenne again ..?
Finland participated in the Second World War initially in a defensive war against the Soviet Union, followed by another battle against the Soviet Union acting in concert with Germany and then finally fighting alongside the Allies against Germany.
Just caught some panel discussion by the BBC on Ukraine, hosted by someone called something like Zany Bandana, though I might have misspelt that.
What a shambles. She was hyper and excitable from the start, and it was downhill thereon in. Out of her depth and out of breath, constantly hurrying up the questioners and the panelists, and interrupting them, with the result that no-one got to fully develop their point.
On top of which her frenzied nervousness was contagious, making everyone shout and garble their questions and answers. (People do that, when they know they’re about to get cut off at any moment by an incompetent ringmaster.)
Not helped by the fact that none of the people were fluent in English, something the stupid beeb should have taken into account in the planning and allowed time for.
Naturally, Zany managed a dig at Trump and a few plugs for the EU.
Verdict: Useless.
As we say in Ukraine: Іди на хуй ВВС!
(Clue: it’s what the defenders of Snake Island told the Russian warship to go do to itself.)
Zeinab Badawi?
BBC 1 6 pm news.
A policeman in Rotherham has been found not to have done anything wrong regarding the Rotherham rapes.
And to add insult to injury, the BBC manage to mention that 1400 young girls were abused over nigh on 20 years without any mention of the perpetrators. Anyone would think it was Ramadan. Oh, wait.
So yet again, as with Shrewsbury NHS Trust, massive , catastrophic, public sector failure. And yet amazingly no-one is accountable for anything. Trebles all round.
PS and if you want yet more, check out wee Burnie in Scotland who is presiding over millions of overspend and years of delay in the extremely dodgy contracts for two new Calmac ferries.
Nationalised industries for nationalised ferry services. A vicious circle of total failure. And the SNP write a blank cheque paid for by the (increasingly) poor taxpayer.
Oh. hang on, Boris had cheese and wine now there’s a story we can bang on and on and on about.
All of a sudden the bbc has decided it has to hold power to account rather than reporting news
except in the USA for the last couple of years, and Canada
@Sluff – Yes, the police in Rotherham (and a hundred other places we never hear of) were culpable, but so too are opinion formers like the BBC who created the climate in which the various authorities were terrified to investigate or expose the paedophile muslim rape gangs for fear of accusations of islamophobia and racism.
Needless to say, the practise continues to this day.
ITV News investigating big rise in rough sleeper deaths…
Bristol’s best answer is to put them in shipping containers.
Another group of “homeless” people get put into hotels with all found plus spending money while officials scurry about finding them a house and job etc.
Guess which group are British nationals?
Colin brazier on GBNews mentions that a law was passed yesterday enabling abortion pills to delivered by post without medical supervision – this sounds like an excellent opportunity for Amazon to cash in on the baby killing market…
… apparently the amendment was introduced by a ‘baroness satan ‘ and was voted through by MPs while no one was looking .
I was surprised that more noise wasn’t made by the ‘abortionist community ‘ having their market undermined ….
…and we *know* that Pelosi would run a mile from *any* debate with Justice Clarence Thomas…
Thinking about crowd funding a research project into any possible connection of lefty libtards and ugliness
Kinnock started it, or maybe Micheal Foot.
And dwarves and Mayoral positons and possesion of beards without a license.
What’s going on here?
Britain’s National Grid (NG.L) said on Sunday it would sell a 60% stake in its British gas transmission and metering business to Australia’s Macquarie Asset Management and British Columbia Investment Management Corporation as it shifts towards electricity.
Who ‘owns’ these companies?
“Cuadrilla given extra year to evaluate fracking wells”
Bo jo better get rid of the Green Levey and get cracking !
He is completely out of touch with the general public.
why are the USA and the UK and the EU self appointed moral guardians of the world ?
Ask any Irish citizen or Cuban you may get a different answer about what a buffer zone is
If I want a smack in the mouth I just say to my Chinese wife leave Taiwan alone, followed by a twenty minute rant which google translate can’t keep up with, and try and get a dentist nowadays
“Climate change: Wind and solar reach milestone as demand surges”
In smaller print …………………”Demand for electricity grew at a record pace. This saw a surge in coal power, rising at the fastest rate since 1985.”
Why isn’t the UK manufacturing the wind turbines ?
Who in the UK voted for this green madness?
What happens to all the old wind turbines?
By Padraig Belton
Technology of Business reporter
Published7 February 2020
I blame Whitesnake
Took her to see an English rock concert, and he kept saying “happy fucking Christmas”
Which she took as a quaint English phrase, and repeated at work and every shop she visited
It was a difficult Yuletide, the vicar at St Marys still not talking to me
Conversion therapy: Government plans for ban scrapped
By Sophie Gallagher
Drag Race UK vs The World winner: ‘Drag Race helped me find my queerness’
*Spoiler: This piece reveals the winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs The World.*
9 March 2022
The greening of Boris Johnson

The prime minister is gung-ho about climate change—perhaps too much so for his new voters
Petersham Nursery Tories think nothing of spending £100,000 on a Tesla and £15,000 on a heat pump,not to mention more on every mouthful of organic cruelty-free food. But the Lidl Tories who voted for Mr Johnson because they thought he was on their side against meddling bureaucrats and their expensive regulations will have a different view. If anything can break the seemingly adamantine link between Mr Johnson and his Tory faithful, it is the long-term cost of his green conversion.