Russia stands accused of war crimes, and we're hearing reports of truly terrible events in the country. The Ukrainian President has again asked for more help.
100% not-the UK does not have the man power, nor the equipment and more importantly neither does it have the money to undertake such a major operation. So much guff from the BBC et al that often distorts the actual situation. No doubting the terrible scenes of devastation, but other factors are at war here with the people caught in the middle. The Globalists are playing a nasty game.
He was interviewing the great Sammy Woodhouse (one of the tens of thousands of victims of the muzzy rape gangs in places like Rotherham) when his feed froze leaving Sammy waiting for some question or comment, then, after a while like that it jumped to the weather.
Hope it was just a failure somewhere and not something more sinister.
Russia conducted an illegal war on Ukraine. So far the death toll is around 10,000. But what of the illegal wars that America conducted in Vietnam. Killed millions and bombed it with chemical weapons, the effects of which still persist. False flag war using the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
Then the illegal war on Iraq on the made up excuse of WMD by America and Britain. Hundreds of thousands dead due to the aerial bombing and millions dead due to to the breakdown of infrastructure and civil war. Iraq wrecked for atleast two generations. Ditto Libya.
Why not war crime in the above even though the death toll in the latter two wars are hundreds of times greater.
Tricky to go down the whatabout road ?comparative evil just provides a shield for the current brand
Ive just finished max hastings work on the japanese war 1941 – 1946 and the use of the bomb . Arguably just as awful – but relevant to ukraine? No . Nor is vietnam .
It just provides an excuse .
The real question for now is – will putin engage NATO – by design or accident – and will NATO go ‘hot ‘ and what does that lead to ?
The people castigating Pres Putin are the ones that are surrounding Russia, while bombing and killing far far more people in Iraq, which was not a threat to the USA.
The case does not compare with Japan as it attacked America. Iraq did not attack America and neither did Vietnam or Libya. The last was fractured, and has sunk into a wreck. In each case except Japan, it was a false flag op by America. That is knowing lies.
What comes out is that America believes that it is exceptional, and has the right to attack any country.
If NATO continues to push Russia into a hot war, Russia will use a tactical nuke, and see if NATO can up the ante. NATO surely knows that it cannot play that game.
Don’t kid yourself, I heard a retired General on CNN talk about this and say that with the anti balistic missile protection the US has (and we don’t have), might well be survivable.
The protocol for use of a tactical nuclear device is if losses of troops and equiment are so great they make the objective unachievable they could be used.
However you don’t just have a field commander decide to pop one in a gun a fire it off, these things are not like normal munitions and will have to be transported to the field under some pretty specific conditions which will be noted by the West’s spy satellites, nor can it be fired by a normal artillery piece, and again those would be seen being brought to readiness well in advance.
There comes a point with nuclear weapons where you would have to make good on the threat to use them, and the other side has to be left in no doubt what so ever of the consequences of their deploying them.
Regardless of fools saying Putin is mad or evil or what ever, never underestimate your enemy, Putin is intelligent, ruthless and single minded, he is not shown evidence of being self destructive. He does appear to respond to the threat of superior or equal force being deployed against him, and so the West has to leave him in no doubt that it will unleash nuclear destruction on his forces if he decides to pursue a course where a tactical nuclear weapon is detonated.
Don’t kid yourself, I heard a retired General on CNN talk about this and say that with the anti ballistic missile protection the US has (and we don’t have), might well be survivable.
There are two weak points in the above
1. CNN
2. A general
Lets examine the claim in an engineering way without reverting to an analytical approach- Ballistic missiles have velocities approaching 25,000 km/hour. That is around 7 km per second. A rifle bullet velocity is around 1.5 km per sec. We cant shoot down a rifle bullet, leave alone something that is approaching far faster. Its beyond the capability of any counter-measures. And of course the missiles will be mirved and releasing all manner of false targets- physical and electronic. The defence system will be overwhelmed in minutes.
From the outset when the USSR fell, Gorbachov stated that Russia wanted to be part of Europe and saw no reason why NATO should expand . America gave a verbal undertaking that that would be so. But American MIC saw that this was not good for business. Right through the intervening years, America continued to expand, despite warnings by Kissinger etal, and Russia too, that this would lead to problems. But Russia was weak and couldn’t do anything about it. So we arrive at Ukraine. If Ukraine was allowed into NATO, then the noose around Russia would close. Missiles will be 3 minutes from Moscow, while Russian missiles will still be 20 minutes. The MAD doctrine assumption was being superseded by a survivable nuclear war. That is the edge, and not some possibility of knocking down all nuclear missiles.
No Russian leader, even I , could ever let this happen. In fact, it wasn’t until America and its State department instigated a coup in Ukraine, that Ukraine became a partial de-facto NATO member. This is what Pres Putin wishes to prevent. And in this, he has very likely succeeded, with far less loss of life then if America was in a similar situation.
Examining a nuclear exchange is a game for entertainment in movies. In a nuke exchange we all lose, and we, with 8 times more souls and 20 times more wealth then Russia, have far more to lose. Its an assumption of winning you dont want to play poker with. We will all lose. Besides China will not sit idly and wait till Russia is wiped out ( no chance of that anyway, we will be wiped out, and so too Russia), and wait for America to take out China on its own.
Its worth noting that America is even now moving to “contain” China. Europe was/is old business. Its the same callous thinking that America has consistently used.
What America did in Iraq is disgraceful. Libya too. Its that same callous thinking. Indeed war crimes on massive scales. They compounded it in Afghanistan. In every case they left a country wrecked, then walked away. Even to the extent leaving us in the lurch in Afghanistan. Its the Afghanistan “Cut and Run” that showed me that there was a consistency in America’s approach. They don’t and didn’t give a damn about anyone, even its most loyal ally. That is why the UK is examining its current defence posture. Its another Suez type moment for the UK, France and Europe.
Thank you for a consistent well mannered response.
Well lets examine the flaws in your argument. The main one is that you only concentrate on the re-entry phase of the missile flight when it is indeed moving very quickly and difficult to intercept. If there was no means of interception the USA wouldn’t have an anti ballistic missile shield, which it does, and there wouldn’t be a wikipedia entry describing it and how it works – which there is:
We can shoot down a rifle bullet, however doing so is pointless, even back at the time of the falklands war sea wolf was capablke of intercepting an incoming shell from a naval gun and destroying it.
Yes there is the issue of Nato expansionism, I would blame that in old men unable to give up their cold war outlook in the worst intelligence agency the world has even seen – the CIA, which has actually caused more threats to America than it has ever prevented!
What America did in Iraq and in Libya was done because politicians are neither paid very much nor overseen very well when it comes to being rewarded by other countries.
All of the Wests adventuring has been undertaken at the behest of and in the interests of Saudi Arabia, and those world leaders who did have been handsomly rewarded – hundreds of millions has been given to them.
Afghanistan was the ultimate distraction for Saudi Arabia perpetrating the 9/11 attacks and Presidents like Barak Obama went so far to protect Saudi he betrayed his own country and the victims of the war crime in the name of Islam. I’m no longer even sure Bin Laden genuinely had much to do with the attack.
Odd that in this country we can watch the king of Spain caught with $100 million of Saudi money and forced into exile, the PM of Belgium forced to resign over allegations of Saudi bribery, and Nicholas Sarkozy convicted of accepting bribes, but yet despite our political elite being the lowest paid in the Western World people genuinely believe that it couldn’t possibly happen here, despite BLiar amassing a fortune estimated to be as high as £200 million.
The missile defence is limited to say the least, if it works at all and simply not a MIC gimmick. It is unlikely to cope with a mass attack by Russia, which will have counter-measures galore. Moreover, interception of a small payload in orbit is very difficult. Not likely with multiple objects. Even if interception is 50%, unlikely, we are thoroughly cooked.
What you say about the corruption in the Western elite is true. We see that coming out in America right now.
But what concerns me is the huge loss of innocent life that took place in Iraq, Libya etc. The fact is that Iraq and others were destroyed on cooked up evidence. And they knew it. This and others like Libya, were war crimes. by NATO and America. Hundreds of thousands killed in these attacks, and perhaps a million more in the civil war that followed, and the destruction of infrastructure. No tears for these people from NATO and America who carried it out.
Oh we are absolutely finished because we have no defences what so ever – no one has been trained in what to do in the aftermath, there are no shelters for local government officials anymore, and there aren’t any air attack warnings with the ‘government’ proposing to alert people to an incoming strike by posting a message on social media, and a text message to mobile phones (yes I know it sounds insane but that genuinely is their only plan).
on 15th November 2021 Russia destroyed on of its own redundant satellites 300 miles above the earth. This is a much smaller target and much faster than an ICBM. The fear was that the Russians could target the GPS satellites, which are much higher at 11 000Kms, but it’s not impossible.
Imagine how difficult it is for the patriot missile system to do its stuff, which is much more difficult because of the short range detection to firing window.
As for deaths in Iraq, what exactly do you mean by this? there was a civil war following the invasion, are you counting those deaths into your total?
Same goes for Libya (it’d be a nice place if you just moved all those dead bodies) internicene fighting went on for ages, because countries like this have to be ruled by a strong dictator who can keep the nutters under control
200K killed in Iraq are the upper official figures by independant for all arenas of the conflict.
A long long way from the figures you are suggesting.
FWIW the reasons for these wars were in Iraq the 5th largest army in the world psitioning themselves rather too close to the Saudi border, especially after the Kuwait invasion, (insitgated by the CIA) and with a possible revenge motive for the Saudis allowing the coalition to use the country to assemble the invasion force.
In the case of Libya it was Gadaffi trying to constitute a rival to the Arab league (controlled by Saudi) with oil producing African states like Nigeria which also threatened Saudis position within OPEC and their vast oil revenues.
Yes there is the issue of Nato expansionism, I would blame that in old men unable to give up their cold war outlook in the worst intelligence agency the world has even seen – the CIA, which has actually caused more threats to America than it has ever prevented!
The last is yet to pan out. Christianity is a faith that does not do vengeance.
And by the way, there is no way to intercept an incoming missile with any certainty, and most certainly no way to intercept thousands while they use decoys and counter-measures.
Vulcan Phalanx has updated software which can now destroy hypersonic missiles along with new ammunition. The Chinese who have their own are claiming a 90% success rates against hypersonic missiles.
Chaff is also suggested as a method of forcing sudden manoevers of a missile in order to cause structural failures due to stresses.
In terms of the ICBMs they cannot deploy the ECMs and decoys until well into the re-entry phase so the point is moot as interception is in space.
Many thanks for your calm level headed exchanges. It is good to know that at least contributors here are more knowledgeable on these serious subjects than any British Broadcasting Condemnation reporters and the sorts of interviewees they wheel on.
Not wishing to intervene in your exchanges, I would simply like to make a few points. Putin / Russia? The mindset defies any logic. Blatant lies are no cover for the suspicion that decades of focussed propaganda has had a devastating effect upon the Russian mental health. Leading to the question in my mind that a person with very likely mental health issues (at least a bizarre fixation) is the one holding the ‘Red Button’. Make of that what you will. Personally, I would find welcome the likes of Jordan Peterson’s views on the mental health of the Russian people including their, ‘leader.
As regards preparedness of the West, I remember the Civil Defence in the 50’s. The short-sightedness even in those times immediately post war, led to condemnation of local councils financing the building of ‘Ruins’ for training. Those efforts by the, ‘It Never Will Happen’ brigade seriously curtailed local efforts to maintain a Civil Defence service. Shameful.
ECMs can be deployed at any time. Overwhelm the defence. Besides the defence system has to be at a reasonable place at the correct time.
The situation we will be facing is a mass attack from likely all points of the compass. If even 10% is successful, its game over for the world. Its not a risk one takes, specially as we in the West have far more to lose by all measures, then the antagonist.
Just watching Dan Wooton and he has some insane American swimmer objecting to trans people in womens sort, she then made the enormous howler of saying that women are not weaker than men.
This is a ridiculous statement to make, of course women aren’t a strong as men, and if she believes women are not weaker than men, then what is the point of womens sport even existing?
It seems toxic femininity will not allow certain women to accept reality, and be completely unable to realise the implication of their statements.
Seems to me several of these women are following the pirate code – take what you can, give nothing back !
“I’m very sorry to say you have terminal cancer, there are things we can do which may help prolong your life, but I have to be honest, at the moment you’re probably looking at around three months.”
“No I’m not! I don’t have cancer, you lying dickhead! I demand a second opinion, from someone who knows what they’re talking about, and I’m not having any of your chemical poisons, I rely on crystals and vodoo!”
“Please don’t let your child stick their fingers in that socket, they could be electrocuted, that’s why we have that sign there, and that guard you’ve removed.”
“Look what you did to my son’s hair! He could have died! You and your company are criminals! I’m suing! You haven’t heard the end of this, you’ll be seeing us in court!”
Feminists insist that women are stronger then men in sport but object to transmen or men for that matter, to compete in womens sport and win prize money. They say its not fair.
Of course what is being stated is that feminist ideology and claims are correct in theory, for who can claim that women are weaker, its not a correct moral view, but should not be applied if it results in showing that the ideology is flawed. Theoretically, in the moral space, they are right.
The BBC understands there were several hours of crunch talks in an attempt to salvage the event, but ultimately organisers were unable to move forward after the majority of organisations involved pulled out.
Yes, Crunch Talks – sounds like a meeting of NATO or the UN
Maybe some actual news later
As a kid my family only ever watched the bBC, its had its day
The worst thing is that ‘100 organisations have pulled out’. How big was this conference going to be? How many people are involved in this nonsense for goodness’ sake? Who pays for them?
MarkH, I was wondering just how many people must be in each of those ‘100 organisations’, like genders, I guess you could have some organisations consisting of one individual (or one individual who self determines as a collective group of people, if that’s the correct terminology?).
Dated 3rd March
Times : BBC hit by resignations of executives from diverse backgrounds
– June Sarpong, the BBC’s part-time director of diversity,
– Miranda Wayland, the corporation’s de-facto deputy head of diversity, has quit in recent days.
Wayland worked closely with Sarpong
– Jackie Christie, who led work on race matters in the BBC’s human resources team,
– Debbie Ramsay, the corporation’s most senior black news executive, just departed to Channel 4.
– Rozina Breen, the head of north, also announced last month that she was joining The Bureau of Investigative Journalism as chief executive.
a third source said diversity executives can earn more money at rival broadcasters.
“Scoop: I’m told June Sarpong, the BBC’s director of creative diversity, is expected to step down this year.
Sarpong has done the job since 2019, but her long-term contract expired last November.
(No other member of the BBC’s executive committee, its top tier of managers, is employed on a fixed-term contract.)
She will stick around for a while to see some work through before leaving.
It comes at a delicate moment for the BBC, which has recently experienced a wave of departures among senior executives from diverse backgrounds, including Miranda Wayland, June Sarpong’s de-facto deputy.”
The article quotes Marcus Ryder, a prominent campaigner for diversity in television, saying a number of crazy things.
eg “He said there was anxiety among some diverse employees about having to return to a white-dominated office environment after working at home during the pandemic. ”
What happened was yesterday the Times journo tweeted that he was adding Sarpong to the list in his March 3rd article
(I was in the middle of editing my post to say that, when my phone rang)
Does anyone know why in both the Times and the Telegraph it is quite usual for the newspaper to either not allow any readers comment at all or to suddenly switch them off?
The newspapers also indulge in shadow banning , never explaining why an individual is banned , nor ever informing them that they have been banned or for how long the ban will be in place.
Shadow banning has happened to me a couple of times and I assumed it was because I was critical of the newspaper’s editorial stance on some issues.
On the topic of just not allowing readers comments on certain stories , I had assumed it was because the newspapers just didn’t want comments which disagreed with their editorial policy. Basically they don’t want to acknowledge that large swathes of their readership don’t agree with the policy or with some of their columnists.
But I suppose an alternative reason might be that they worry that by yourself allowing some comments , even though they seem sensible and mild to most folk, might upset the censoring watchdog and rather than that they choose to do it themselves.
Same goes for that rotten little lot-have not allowed any comments for some years-so do they put up subjects that obviously excite a response?
Interesting photo for students of media protective kit.
Out, for now. We met some remarkable people and covered some difficult stories, but hopefully we told them well. Tough to leave but there are some great @BBCNews teams covering every angle of what's happening in #Ukraine.
If you needed any convincing that the Left and The Democrats are a bunch of brainwashed, deluded zombies then read this pompous article in The Independent.
It reveals much about the childish and blinkered state of these people. I can’t believe this was written by a serious journalist.
digg & Guest, I note from the author’s photo with the article that he has a ‘top knot’. He obviously did it up far too tightly before sitting down to write the article that he did some serious brain damage to himself.
Fair enough, I could not read his article because I’m not about to sign up for yet another account with yet more user names, passwords & and Secure Factor Authorisation codes and telephone numbers, thanks. I’m reaching Tolerance Level Yellow as far as the Interwebby is concerned. As for the BBC and the LibMob MSM and Civil Service are concerned it is a full Orange Alert.
No, not the Sucker in Charge of Labour but one of his wimmin, the lawyer Vera Baird (QC no less, Rumpole ought to be impressed but isn’t) is up on her back legs complaining about men. No, not that. Complaining about men getting a raw deal when it comes to them complaining of abuse. They are ignored. ‘Some’ men, mostly, in the TOADY example. Not the sort of man who was moaned at, physically abused by his female wife who eventually stabbed him to death and got away with a light sentence. Does Vera want equality under the law for women to face the same sentences as male offenders? No.
She does want the Government to spend more of its money.
Memo to Vera Baird QC: ‘The Government has no money. It only has debts. I thought the Labour Party were against tax increases. You have been campaigning like mad about the National Insurance increase for the NHS and Social Care. Of course, highly paid lawyers and MPs will pay the most and the low paid will not pay at all.’
The other high profile loser – Maugham( fix killer ) – who is a parasite for crowd funding is building that reputation for vexatious litigation – bet the appeal court looks forward to having him present a loon case …
Even funnier is Sweeney! liked the idiot’s original.
I give generously to a range of causes, but thanks for the advice. My point is that Winchester college needs it less than many other schools which have been starved of cash by Sunak
Let’s also remember our own party of sexual deviants, the Liberal Democrats: Jeremy Thorpe, Cyril Smith, Clement Freud, the disgusting Mark Oaten and Lord Rennard to name but just a few. Not to mention a £2.4 million donation from convicted fraudster Michael Brown, which the party refused to repay.
NHS ambulance overwhelmed by Russian missile in Ukraine edition
I kid you not… that’s if our media explanation of the pictures are to be believed.
The topic of health is never out of the headlines for long these days. Stalwart Lefty campaigner and BBC speed dial darling Jasmin Alibhai-Brown suggests that our children’s actual health and safety are rather secondary in her mind in contrast with the all important bigger political fight: ‘Cult of natural birthers has played into enemies of the NHS‘ (‘i’)
The ‘i’ newspaper frets: ‘“unprecidented” wave hits Britain with record 4 million infected‘ – for a moment there I thought this might just be a tabloid-style shock weather report.
The unprecidented wave sounded like some revenge of the briny and its denisons of the deep: ‘Crunch time. Avoid lobster and crab, says latest sustainable seafood guide‘ (Guardian); ‘Make it snappy. Crab scuttles off the menu‘ (‘i’)
Nope, it is, of course, the coronaphobic ‘i’ still banging on about the Koof: ‘UK flying blind with Covid-19‘
Same old narrative: ‘Vaccines working… but cases are rising among over-55s‘ (‘i’)
At least some middle-agers shun the handy excuses and want to get back to work: ‘Over 50 and in demand. The supermodels return‘ (Times); ‘Tiger back on the prowl… Woods, 46, said repeating his 2019 victory was going to be a tough challenge‘ (Telegraph)
The BBC reacts to the same expert study covid-modelling – but you’ll note BBC priorities and emphasis have moved on: ‘Covid: React study finds latest wave ‘may have peaked’ in young‘
Allison Pearson in the Telegraph provides some real world common sense and delivers a healthy dose of the red pill: ‘How absenteeism killed the great Covid catch-up‘
Here’s one of those classic sign of the times pictures: ‘Ex-NHS ambulance sent from Wales to Ukraine blown up‘ (BBC)
‘Dr Mateo Szmidt, a consultant at Merthyr Tydfil’s Prince Charles Hospital believed it was one of two vehicles sent from Wales last month. He said it was “disheartening” to see it targeted‘ – I think Welsh, and wider UK, taxpayers having the disheartening experience of long waits for an NHS ambulance to respond to their emergency calls might have something to add – that’s with the proviso that this isn’t some very elaborately tokenistically staged photo opp, tailor-made for the UK press, so as to tug at the NHS doorstep clapping public’s heartstrings?
Of course we are used to seeing clapped out old NHS ambulances repurposed – usually painted in rainbow colours and with fifteen assorted hippies on board on their way to Glastonbury.
Students of George Orwell’s 1984 will recognise the fact that Oceana, Eurasia and Far East Asia are the three powers contesting supremacy in an eternal dystopian game of conflict and shifting alliances: ‘US, UK and Australia band together on hypersonic weapons to counter China‘ (FT); ‘Britain wants hypersonic missiles to counter Russia‘ (Times) – so which is it…? Who are we at war with? Russia or China? Eurasia or Far East Asia? Or more worryingly, is it both? At least old Winston Smith had a slightly more consistent message delivered (at any one moment in time) by his Big Brother.
You see Western post-WW2 moral and cultural decay and consequent loss of confidence now means the notion of a UN-based world order is exposed as a sadly busted flush: ‘Cry for justice. Zelensky rues UN inaction‘ (FT); ‘Stop Putin or dissolve yourself, Zelenshy tells UN‘ (Telegraph)
I’m reminded of Oliver Cromwell’s demand that the Rump Parliament be disbanded in 1653. If you prefer, there are some Brexit analogies too.
Speaking of that peculiar pro-EU brand of so called conservatives who helped speaker Bercow and the left-wing opposition block the democratic vote: ‘Channel 4 sell-off plan sparks Tory backlash‘ (Guardian); ‘Tory rebellion brewing over Channel 4 privatisation‘ (‘i’) – well, the leaft-leaning press are certainly excited about this one.
The BBC treads more warily these days, citing the opinion of the “talent“: ‘Channel 4 stars speak out on privatisation plan‘
Names please? ‘Channel 4 stars Matt Lucas and Kirstie Allsopp are among the figures who have raised concerns‘ (BBC) – those two would certainly be an expert team to call in – were one going out shopping for scatter cushions.
And these so-called conservatives who side with the likes of Jon “F*** the Tories” Snow and Cathy “So what you’re saying is” Newman?
‘Ruth Davidson, the former Scottish Tory leader, and the former cabinet ministers Damian Green and Jeremy Hunt‘ (Guardian) – one dare not speculate what that lot are expert in.
So NHS equality chiefs are mutinying against yesterdays EHRC ruling. When will the NHS grasp that it's a Health Service not a leftist, woke, transactivist service. We pay their NHS wages, if these people won't abide with that ruling, simple, sack them.
I think we begin to see what the qualifications needed to be a £90K a year ‘Equality Chief’ are. Not much hope for me then… unless… no, it’s a step too far, even for £90K pa.
Last time I was in a hospital, a few weeks ago collecting my dad after a routine op., I couldn’t help noticing most of the nurses were both extremely large and of conspicuously indeterminate gender.
Not complaining, they do a good job, at least those not sat in the office eating doughnuts… which was nearly all of them, come to think of it.
The NHS is becoming a political party under Blue Labour, who are backing Socialism to the hilt. It wasn’t Blue Labour this ruling came from it was the courts, and it is clear that Blue Labour do not support it.
Having had my fair share of waiting for ambulances , waiting in the ambulance in the hospital car park , waiting in the corridor – the excuse that the ambulance has been hit by a Russian missile is pretty good / cool….
The BBC of course lead today with people whinging about the National Insurance increase. Why? They wanted more funding for social care so they have to pay for it. The government (ie taxpayers) had to pay for a load of them to sit at home doing nothing for months on end- they don’t like it now that the boot is on the other foot. I am sick and tired of hearing about whingers in this country. As an aside, guess what colour the couple are that the BBC have chosen to illustrate this? Well I never.
I noticed that Dan Walker carefully omitted to mention that lower paid workers will now pay LESS NHI and increases will really only hit people on BBC salary levels.
Fundamental strategic error here from our useless Labour (yes, really) government (yet again).
If you pay nothing for a service then you have no financial stake in how good, efficient, and effective that service is.
Among other things you can therefore vote to spend more money on it- endlessly – because only others pay for it.
The government is right to put up NI and should be shouting from the rooftops that the NI increase is ring fenced for the NHS and social care.
Then when the bleeding hearts shout loud, the government can turn round and say that they are ‘protecting the NHS’ – which we all agree everybody wants, yes?
And thus, over time, people who are transparently paying those extra taxes might just start to question how well their money is being spent, and just might make it easier then for the government to demand reform when it is patently obvious so much money is being poured down the drain.
Weirdly, if consistently, I always thought Gordon Brown’s much derided 10% tax level was the way to go. Make everyone pay something, it could be only only 5%. Then everyone has a vested interest in efficiency and effectiveness.
I think such a loss of ‘talent ‘ is a good sign for us – the public is becoming more aware of the money they take – as well as the ‘off the books ‘ private work they pick up as a result of their ‘fame ‘ created using taxpayer cash …..
Monday’s iBBC1 “We Are England”
Very BBC use of “We”
The topic was : HOMECOMING
None of the 6 editions featured a normal white male
2 black males (1 born abroad), a trans, 2 white females
And a white looking half Punjabi man
What about my son though? Where are HIS role models (as they always like to say about black youths)? Why isn’t he out selling drugs and stabbing people in the street then? Well?!
Oh, sorry, I missed it, his role model, fourth one down…
I note that the top selling cars last month were both Teslas, typical prices £40- 55 k.
Only after that do we get to the diminutive and rather cheaper Vauxhall Corsa.
Seems quite a lot of people are not on the breadline the BBC would have us believe..
Two years ago, her annual blood test was cancelled. The surgery was shut down due to the Government and NHS reaction to Covid. No-one at the surgery was available. However, Tik Tok dancing skills in the NHS were improving. My wife refused to clap on a Thursday night.
One year ago, her annual blood test was cancelled. The surgery would not allow any one to attend. Staff still worked from home. It is difficult to take blood over the phone.
Last September my wife complained of back pain. She was advised to have physio – privately. Apparently private physiotherapists are not at risk from Covid. Surgery staff would not see patients.
October and the pain got worse. A telephone conversation with the surgery led to painkillers being prescribed. The physio said it may be Sciatica, keep having treatment.
November and the physio gave up. It may be spondylitis she said. A telephone conversation with the surgery led to stronger painkillers being prescribed. She spends much time in bed unable to walk.
December and the wife is fully bed-bound. I spoon feed her and wipe her bottom. A pharmacist attached to the surgery prescribes even stronger painkillers. No doctor will come out. One doctor is involved in purely an administrative project – the amalgamation of three practices “to improve patient services”. I would have thought that seeing patients would improve patient services.
January and the pain is unbearable. At last we get to take her to the surgery – but not to see a doctor but to finally get a blood test. At 11.30 that night, at last, a doctor rings, but a locum. Something wrong with her blood. Can she go back for another test? Pharmacist prescribes the strongest painkillers. Second test taken but a week for the results. Pain so bad that we call an ambulance, and she is taken to hospital.
In hospital after CT scan and MRI, she is diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer spread to her spine and pelvis. The blood test results finally coming back confirm it. The missed test two years earlier may have picked this up. The missed test a year earlier definitely would have, and treatment would have been given.
Unfortunately she was in such a poor way that treatment was not possible and she was sent home to die.
No wonder you are bitter , every normal person would be after being so badly let down by the so called health service. Please accept mine and I am certain every other site user’s condolences.
Sadly I don’t think that your heart rending story will be unique. The NHS has let down so many and yet it still seen as some scared cow. It is one of very top things which is wrong with this country.
My condolences, Popeye. I’m so sorry to hear your distressing story. I hope that the powers that be are held to account over what they have allowed to happen to this country over the last two years, but in my heart I know that’s very unlikely.
Wishing you strength.
@popeye oh what to say, except that you are not alone
I could tell you some stories
It seem with the NHS one has to keep pushing them
and keep an eye out for mistakes.
Remember the good times in life, rather the time zapped by bullies.
£267000 for three days a week Boris Johnson, the lowest paid leader in the Western world £167000 for a 7 day week.
If Boris were paid at the same rate Sarpong is being paid the salary would be £625000, if however it were by hourly time then the salary would be 1.87 million.
And while people are on here moaning about a paltry £2k pay rise for poorly paid MPs they seem able to completly accept these utter wasters and divisive people should paid these colossal sums!
Why is this page jumping around the screen? I scroll to the bottom and it jumps back up a few posts. Sometimes it does this serveral times before coming to a stop at some random and irrelevant point.
If you post a Twitter/Youtube/Facebook URL
the page automatically embeds that into your post
So as the page first loads it includes just one line for that URL
but then when the picture loads that takes up about 10 lines.
If five posts each have an embed then the page will blip 5 times as it load the extra 10 lines for each of the embeds.
This page currently has `16 embedded tweets
and 1 YouTube videos
Since 4 of the tweets have embedded video too they probably load much slower than text tweets.
BBC indoctrinating Foreign English learners into Reef Alarmism
by using a BBCnews Great Barrier Reef in Danger news story
for an English teaching video they give away on YouTube on the official BBC Learning English account.
“Every day we have a new video to help you learn the English language.”
They din’t lay on the dogma too thickly.
cos I looked that YouTUbe is now pushing at me a BBC Learning English audio
.. One that coincidentally uses a headscarfed woman as its background.
I would guess that since the videos are targetted at people abroad headscarfed women are a big part of the target demographic.
I note that Blue Labour is fully backing the eco loons who are blocking the roads leading to and from petrol refineries, and the dancing Gestapo are as usual offing them warm drinks and food to make their stay even more comfortable.
No doubt when there are fuel shortages the Blue Labour goons will blame it all on the war in Ukraine and nothing to do with them living in a green tinged fantasy bubble !
3000 council officers were paid more than £100K last year, and 750 were paid more than £150K The highest paid was a chief exec who trousered an eye watering £613,895
Kind of puts into perspective the £82K an MP receives.
More BAMe “Series 5 of “Three Pounds in my Pocket” starts on Friday at 11 @BBCRadio4
. Stories of the pioneers who came from the Indian subcontinent to post-war Britain and their descendants.
Our history. British history. #3poundsinmypocket
Just learned that Stirling University is removing a number of its English books that the students would use including Jane Austin, because it appears one of her relations was connected with the Plantations-and this great writer is being replaced with a Black writer, don’t know the name-Now I ask you all, what the H is going on. If there is or has been a reaction from Black students at that University, then they can go somewhere else-hard to believe that those in charge of such administration would comly with what could be considered almost treasonous against the United Kingdom. Once again Black people do not know their own history.
An addition to my statement earlier: It appears the University of Stirling are calling this extraordinary alteration of taking Jane Austin off the readers list is now called De Conlonisation of the curriculum-Jane Austin replaced by a Black woman called Toni Morrison writing about ‘African American Experiences’. I am speechless.
No ‘Bridgerton’ without Jane Austin, no Jane Austin without ‘colonialism’… therefore, it’s obvious we should get rid of ‘Bridgerton’ too, and sugar, coffee, tea, chocolate, black people, Indians (either kind), etc…
I notice green people are struggling to get the attention fix they crave these days (hence gluing themselves to things), just being gay isn’t enough any more, either, no one cares unless you’re also an outrageous ‘drag (read ‘drama’) queen’, and as for feminists… just sooo last year darling.
Good G, and I hope Bridgerton will come down with it also-completely skewwiff-Pretending its Regency England? – it is not with Black people in that period.
That bird the bbc likes to ‘independently’ assess the bbc has produced….
Enders Analysis released this research on 6 April 2022. It has been emailed in full to subscribers. A brief description follows:
As part of the House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee inquiry into the future of BBC funding, Claire Enders gave oral evidence. Here we reproduce her accompanying slides
The presentation highlights the reliance placed upon the BBC for information during the pandemic, and contextualises the value of the licence fee to consumers alongside the cost of other sources of news and entertainment. It further notes the significant proportion of viewers that lack the means, or do not wish, to pay for any video service beyond the cost of the licence fee
While a subscription model has been mooted as an alternative to the licence fee, recent volatility in the market has magnified concerns around the sustainability of the streaming model, and while growing penetration and investment in content by these services remains impressive, there is less certainty around the future plurality and distinctiveness of these platforms, and the related cost to subscribers
See…. clear…. ‘Independence’.
Claire, love, I rely on the BBC for nothing, given its agenda and competencies, and wish to have zero part in paying anything into its vast pool of overpaid ideologues.
The man who destroyed his own legacy and entire career by constantly lying in order to shovel a false climate agenda down peoples throats, is almost certainly lying again.
He did once tell the truth. About ten years ago he said that population growth was the biggest threat to the planet. After a few days he retracted his statement and toed the line of the Wokists and globalists.
Radio4 has these obsessions
So as Radio4 You And Yours ended today the presenter naturally spoke of tomorrow’s episode “You’ve probably heard the trailers for the new series we ask is a new product ‘the best thing since sliced bread’ ? That start’s tomorrow when Greg Foot asks are Electric Cars all what they are cracked up to be”..blah blah
The prog ended and then came a trailer for the item he’d just plugged.
But that is not the end to Radio4’s recycling
cos when I check that same Greg Foot made a podcast last year
: “Are electric cars really greener?
When he produced material for “Which Magazine Investigates sustainability” series
Spoiler lots of corps gave him free electric cars to test, and he is enthusiastic.
BBC blurb Greg and the team look behind the promises and claims of changing to an electric vehicle.
We ask – how many miles do you have to do in an electric car to offset the extra cost of buying one?
What are those extra costs…how much is it to put an electric vehicle on the road….and is it better than running your old fossil-fuelled banger into the ground?
We’ll try to establish the break-even point of sticking with what you’ve got or making the change.
We test one of the most popular electric cars in the UK – and hear from experts such as Mike Berners-Lee on the pros and cons of trying to go green.
Mehraab Nazir* … family moved to Singapore from London 10 years ago
The family moved from London to Singapore 10 years ago, where Mr. Nazir became a partner of the best consulting firm Watson Farley and Williams.
A graduate of the University of Exeter
A member of the Zoroastrian community
So Iranian descent ?
* BBC spelt the name wrongly at the start of the article.
BBC: This is the moment an ambulance sent to help the people of Ukraine was attacked by a missile
So many questions… firstly, the explosion was nearby, rather than on the ambulance and looked – to this armchair general – to be more like a mortar strike than the implied guided missile. I guess that’s a missile in the broader sense of the word.
How come the ambulance is still in the familiar garish lime green NHS livery? Makes it a bit of a target. Why not paint it… let’s see… how about… white with large red crosses – to clearly and obviously display neutrality and its humanitarian mission? If that was the purpose?
If not donated to the Red Cross – I hear they’ve copyrighted their emblem – then precisely what NGO was gifted this vehicle and for what purpose?
You have to be impressed at the logistic feat of getting an ambulance all the way from Wales to Odesa so early in the conflict – even across the Channel can be tricky – despite Brexit and despite Covid and despite P&O.
So very many questions and so very few answers from the BBC report.
“Farming labour shortage could mean price rises, MPs warn”
What ever happened to the 37000+ ‘workers’ that came across the Channel from France and are using taxpayers money to keep them in 4 Star hotels ?
No shortage there eh ?
BBC Radio4 “It’s not just our lefty London mates on all the time, we have black London people as well”
9am – Jane Garvey
9:30am – Dr Kat Arney
10am Woman’s Hour : Emma Barnett phone-in
11am Stalking with Lucinda Borrell (bet you sawn her play in Islington)
11:30am Oti Mabuse‘s Dancing Legends
2:15pm drama a repeat about a female black high court judge
3pm Moneybox : The panel : Dhara Vyas and Abby Jitendra
4pm Laurie and his lefty sociologist mates
4:30pm Ira Glass (presenter of the classic NPR show This American Life arty magazine show)
…He responds to accusations of liberal bias in his journalism.
6:30pm comedy with Joanna Lumley and Roger Allam
7:15pm Arts show : Nadifa Mohamed who moved to London from Somaliland. aged 4
8pm Fran and Rashid : Rashid arrived in the UK with his family in the early 1970s, from Uganda
8:45pm Dr Kathryn Mannix Retired palliative care doctor. Newcastle
9pm Elsie Owusu (London architect born in Ghana) asks what should be done with redundant buildings
10:45pm novel about a white South African family and the failed promise to give the black made their home
(dunno why the BBC retitled the book)~
11pm BBC mate Jenny Eclair
So Matt Le Tissier is next to cancel himself after a Twitter ‘storm’ on his suggestion that some Ukraine news might not be entirely kosher – though the connection might not find too much favour with that nation.
Never one to deliberately make contentious suggestions, I can’t help but wonder if the ratio of Ukrainian guards at places like Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor was entirely coincidental?
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
and again ta da
Poo-tin smells
You first, Jez.
Didn’t realise Vine goes in for a bit of cross dressing.
Don’t rate the background though.
100% not-the UK does not have the man power, nor the equipment and more importantly neither does it have the money to undertake such a major operation. So much guff from the BBC et al that often distorts the actual situation. No doubting the terrible scenes of devastation, but other factors are at war here with the people caught in the middle. The Globalists are playing a nasty game.
Does Jezzer come up with these questions himself?
If so, he is clearly an extremely stupid individual, if not, what moron does?
No, OBVIOUSLY we can’t go to war with Russia… for a whole host of different reasons.
They are always brave !
Mark Steyn ended in an odd way tonight.
He was interviewing the great Sammy Woodhouse (one of the tens of thousands of victims of the muzzy rape gangs in places like Rotherham) when his feed froze leaving Sammy waiting for some question or comment, then, after a while like that it jumped to the weather.
Hope it was just a failure somewhere and not something more sinister.
You can bet your bottom dollar that it became too uncomfortable for the M brigade at the BBC. I bet internal phone lines were hot.
Just a matter of time before someone with backbone in the BBC decides enough is enough and opens the whole can of worms.
Of course, hoping for someone with backbone to appear is probably a forlorn hope with the BBC
Another good show from Mark Steyn despite the technical (or otherwise) ‘glitches.’
It starts proper at 6:50 mins in.
Come on Mark – now invite Anne Marie Waters on.
Russia conducted an illegal war on Ukraine. So far the death toll is around 10,000. But what of the illegal wars that America conducted in Vietnam. Killed millions and bombed it with chemical weapons, the effects of which still persist. False flag war using the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
Then the illegal war on Iraq on the made up excuse of WMD by America and Britain. Hundreds of thousands dead due to the aerial bombing and millions dead due to to the breakdown of infrastructure and civil war. Iraq wrecked for atleast two generations. Ditto Libya.
Why not war crime in the above even though the death toll in the latter two wars are hundreds of times greater.
Tricky to go down the whatabout road ?comparative evil just provides a shield for the current brand
Ive just finished max hastings work on the japanese war 1941 – 1946 and the use of the bomb . Arguably just as awful – but relevant to ukraine? No . Nor is vietnam .
It just provides an excuse .
The real question for now is – will putin engage NATO – by design or accident – and will NATO go ‘hot ‘ and what does that lead to ?
The people castigating Pres Putin are the ones that are surrounding Russia, while bombing and killing far far more people in Iraq, which was not a threat to the USA.
The case does not compare with Japan as it attacked America. Iraq did not attack America and neither did Vietnam or Libya. The last was fractured, and has sunk into a wreck. In each case except Japan, it was a false flag op by America. That is knowing lies.
What comes out is that America believes that it is exceptional, and has the right to attack any country.
If NATO continues to push Russia into a hot war, Russia will use a tactical nuke, and see if NATO can up the ante. NATO surely knows that it cannot play that game.
Don’t kid yourself, I heard a retired General on CNN talk about this and say that with the anti balistic missile protection the US has (and we don’t have), might well be survivable.
The protocol for use of a tactical nuclear device is if losses of troops and equiment are so great they make the objective unachievable they could be used.
However you don’t just have a field commander decide to pop one in a gun a fire it off, these things are not like normal munitions and will have to be transported to the field under some pretty specific conditions which will be noted by the West’s spy satellites, nor can it be fired by a normal artillery piece, and again those would be seen being brought to readiness well in advance.
There comes a point with nuclear weapons where you would have to make good on the threat to use them, and the other side has to be left in no doubt what so ever of the consequences of their deploying them.
Regardless of fools saying Putin is mad or evil or what ever, never underestimate your enemy, Putin is intelligent, ruthless and single minded, he is not shown evidence of being self destructive. He does appear to respond to the threat of superior or equal force being deployed against him, and so the West has to leave him in no doubt that it will unleash nuclear destruction on his forces if he decides to pursue a course where a tactical nuclear weapon is detonated.
Don’t kid yourself, I heard a retired General on CNN talk about this and say that with the anti ballistic missile protection the US has (and we don’t have), might well be survivable.
There are two weak points in the above
1. CNN
2. A general
Lets examine the claim in an engineering way without reverting to an analytical approach- Ballistic missiles have velocities approaching 25,000 km/hour. That is around 7 km per second. A rifle bullet velocity is around 1.5 km per sec. We cant shoot down a rifle bullet, leave alone something that is approaching far faster. Its beyond the capability of any counter-measures. And of course the missiles will be mirved and releasing all manner of false targets- physical and electronic. The defence system will be overwhelmed in minutes.
From the outset when the USSR fell, Gorbachov stated that Russia wanted to be part of Europe and saw no reason why NATO should expand . America gave a verbal undertaking that that would be so. But American MIC saw that this was not good for business. Right through the intervening years, America continued to expand, despite warnings by Kissinger etal, and Russia too, that this would lead to problems. But Russia was weak and couldn’t do anything about it. So we arrive at Ukraine. If Ukraine was allowed into NATO, then the noose around Russia would close. Missiles will be 3 minutes from Moscow, while Russian missiles will still be 20 minutes. The MAD doctrine assumption was being superseded by a survivable nuclear war. That is the edge, and not some possibility of knocking down all nuclear missiles.
No Russian leader, even I , could ever let this happen. In fact, it wasn’t until America and its State department instigated a coup in Ukraine, that Ukraine became a partial de-facto NATO member. This is what Pres Putin wishes to prevent. And in this, he has very likely succeeded, with far less loss of life then if America was in a similar situation.
Examining a nuclear exchange is a game for entertainment in movies. In a nuke exchange we all lose, and we, with 8 times more souls and 20 times more wealth then Russia, have far more to lose. Its an assumption of winning you dont want to play poker with. We will all lose. Besides China will not sit idly and wait till Russia is wiped out ( no chance of that anyway, we will be wiped out, and so too Russia), and wait for America to take out China on its own.
Its worth noting that America is even now moving to “contain” China. Europe was/is old business. Its the same callous thinking that America has consistently used.
What America did in Iraq is disgraceful. Libya too. Its that same callous thinking. Indeed war crimes on massive scales. They compounded it in Afghanistan. In every case they left a country wrecked, then walked away. Even to the extent leaving us in the lurch in Afghanistan. Its the Afghanistan “Cut and Run” that showed me that there was a consistency in America’s approach. They don’t and didn’t give a damn about anyone, even its most loyal ally. That is why the UK is examining its current defence posture. Its another Suez type moment for the UK, France and Europe.
Thank you for a consistent well mannered response.
Well lets examine the flaws in your argument. The main one is that you only concentrate on the re-entry phase of the missile flight when it is indeed moving very quickly and difficult to intercept. If there was no means of interception the USA wouldn’t have an anti ballistic missile shield, which it does, and there wouldn’t be a wikipedia entry describing it and how it works – which there is:
We can shoot down a rifle bullet, however doing so is pointless, even back at the time of the falklands war sea wolf was capablke of intercepting an incoming shell from a naval gun and destroying it.
Yes there is the issue of Nato expansionism, I would blame that in old men unable to give up their cold war outlook in the worst intelligence agency the world has even seen – the CIA, which has actually caused more threats to America than it has ever prevented!
What America did in Iraq and in Libya was done because politicians are neither paid very much nor overseen very well when it comes to being rewarded by other countries.
All of the Wests adventuring has been undertaken at the behest of and in the interests of Saudi Arabia, and those world leaders who did have been handsomly rewarded – hundreds of millions has been given to them.
Afghanistan was the ultimate distraction for Saudi Arabia perpetrating the 9/11 attacks and Presidents like Barak Obama went so far to protect Saudi he betrayed his own country and the victims of the war crime in the name of Islam. I’m no longer even sure Bin Laden genuinely had much to do with the attack.
Odd that in this country we can watch the king of Spain caught with $100 million of Saudi money and forced into exile, the PM of Belgium forced to resign over allegations of Saudi bribery, and Nicholas Sarkozy convicted of accepting bribes, but yet despite our political elite being the lowest paid in the Western World people genuinely believe that it couldn’t possibly happen here, despite BLiar amassing a fortune estimated to be as high as £200 million.
The missile defence is limited to say the least, if it works at all and simply not a MIC gimmick. It is unlikely to cope with a mass attack by Russia, which will have counter-measures galore. Moreover, interception of a small payload in orbit is very difficult. Not likely with multiple objects. Even if interception is 50%, unlikely, we are thoroughly cooked.
What you say about the corruption in the Western elite is true. We see that coming out in America right now.
But what concerns me is the huge loss of innocent life that took place in Iraq, Libya etc. The fact is that Iraq and others were destroyed on cooked up evidence. And they knew it. This and others like Libya, were war crimes. by NATO and America. Hundreds of thousands killed in these attacks, and perhaps a million more in the civil war that followed, and the destruction of infrastructure. No tears for these people from NATO and America who carried it out.
Oh we are absolutely finished because we have no defences what so ever – no one has been trained in what to do in the aftermath, there are no shelters for local government officials anymore, and there aren’t any air attack warnings with the ‘government’ proposing to alert people to an incoming strike by posting a message on social media, and a text message to mobile phones (yes I know it sounds insane but that genuinely is their only plan).
on 15th November 2021 Russia destroyed on of its own redundant satellites 300 miles above the earth. This is a much smaller target and much faster than an ICBM. The fear was that the Russians could target the GPS satellites, which are much higher at 11 000Kms, but it’s not impossible.
Imagine how difficult it is for the patriot missile system to do its stuff, which is much more difficult because of the short range detection to firing window.
As for deaths in Iraq, what exactly do you mean by this? there was a civil war following the invasion, are you counting those deaths into your total?
Same goes for Libya (it’d be a nice place if you just moved all those dead bodies) internicene fighting went on for ages, because countries like this have to be ruled by a strong dictator who can keep the nutters under control
200K killed in Iraq are the upper official figures by independant for all arenas of the conflict.
In libya it’s much more difficult, but between 2500 to 25K
A long long way from the figures you are suggesting.
FWIW the reasons for these wars were in Iraq the 5th largest army in the world psitioning themselves rather too close to the Saudi border, especially after the Kuwait invasion, (insitgated by the CIA) and with a possible revenge motive for the Saudis allowing the coalition to use the country to assemble the invasion force.
In the case of Libya it was Gadaffi trying to constitute a rival to the Arab league (controlled by Saudi) with oil producing African states like Nigeria which also threatened Saudis position within OPEC and their vast oil revenues.
Yes there is the issue of Nato expansionism, I would blame that in old men unable to give up their cold war outlook in the worst intelligence agency the world has even seen – the CIA, which has actually caused more threats to America than it has ever prevented!
The last is yet to pan out. Christianity is a faith that does not do vengeance.
And by the way, there is no way to intercept an incoming missile with any certainty, and most certainly no way to intercept thousands while they use decoys and counter-measures.
Vulcan Phalanx has updated software which can now destroy hypersonic missiles along with new ammunition. The Chinese who have their own are claiming a 90% success rates against hypersonic missiles.
Chaff is also suggested as a method of forcing sudden manoevers of a missile in order to cause structural failures due to stresses.
In terms of the ICBMs they cannot deploy the ECMs and decoys until well into the re-entry phase so the point is moot as interception is in space.
NCBBC / Thoughtful
Many thanks for your calm level headed exchanges. It is good to know that at least contributors here are more knowledgeable on these serious subjects than any British Broadcasting Condemnation reporters and the sorts of interviewees they wheel on.
Not wishing to intervene in your exchanges, I would simply like to make a few points. Putin / Russia? The mindset defies any logic. Blatant lies are no cover for the suspicion that decades of focussed propaganda has had a devastating effect upon the Russian mental health. Leading to the question in my mind that a person with very likely mental health issues (at least a bizarre fixation) is the one holding the ‘Red Button’. Make of that what you will. Personally, I would find welcome the likes of Jordan Peterson’s views on the mental health of the Russian people including their, ‘leader.
As regards preparedness of the West, I remember the Civil Defence in the 50’s. The short-sightedness even in those times immediately post war, led to condemnation of local councils financing the building of ‘Ruins’ for training. Those efforts by the, ‘It Never Will Happen’ brigade seriously curtailed local efforts to maintain a Civil Defence service. Shameful.
ECMs can be deployed at any time. Overwhelm the defence. Besides the defence system has to be at a reasonable place at the correct time.
The situation we will be facing is a mass attack from likely all points of the compass. If even 10% is successful, its game over for the world. Its not a risk one takes, specially as we in the West have far more to lose by all measures, then the antagonist.
Vulcan type systems are likely effective for small angular momentum targets.
My general point is 100% effective defence against an all out nuclear attack is not possible. Even if a small number of nukes get through, its over.
Anyway, thank you for a good discussion. Have a nice day. Hope this summer is better for all of us.
Any good for swans?
John Mearsheimer is correct and has been so for atleast 8 years.
Just watching Dan Wooton and he has some insane American swimmer objecting to trans people in womens sort, she then made the enormous howler of saying that women are not weaker than men.
This is a ridiculous statement to make, of course women aren’t a strong as men, and if she believes women are not weaker than men, then what is the point of womens sport even existing?
It seems toxic femininity will not allow certain women to accept reality, and be completely unable to realise the implication of their statements.
Seems to me several of these women are following the pirate code – take what you can, give nothing back !
Thoughtful, good point. Some bits of the world appear to be increasingly stupid.
“will not allow certain women to accept reality”
There seem to be an almost unbelievable number of people around at the moment who simply won’t accept reality.
Reality is, what it is, we might not like it, but it’s irrefutable… you’d think.
Loud, female, black, young, uneducated, angry, irrational, emotional, crazy, make believe ALWAYS trumps quiet, male, white, old, educated, calm, rational, logical, sane, factual.
“I’m very sorry to say you have terminal cancer, there are things we can do which may help prolong your life, but I have to be honest, at the moment you’re probably looking at around three months.”
“No I’m not! I don’t have cancer, you lying dickhead! I demand a second opinion, from someone who knows what they’re talking about, and I’m not having any of your chemical poisons, I rely on crystals and vodoo!”
“Please don’t let your child stick their fingers in that socket, they could be electrocuted, that’s why we have that sign there, and that guard you’ve removed.”
“Look what you did to my son’s hair! He could have died! You and your company are criminals! I’m suing! You haven’t heard the end of this, you’ll be seeing us in court!”
Feminists insist that women are stronger then men in sport but object to transmen or men for that matter, to compete in womens sport and win prize money. They say its not fair.
Of course what is being stated is that feminist ideology and claims are correct in theory, for who can claim that women are weaker, its not a correct moral view, but should not be applied if it results in showing that the ideology is flawed. Theoretically, in the moral space, they are right.
‘Safe To Be Me’ LGBT conference cancelled after boycott
The BBC understands there were several hours of crunch talks in an attempt to salvage the event, but ultimately organisers were unable to move forward after the majority of organisations involved pulled out.
Yes, Crunch Talks – sounds like a meeting of NATO or the UN
Maybe some actual news later
As a kid my family only ever watched the bBC, its had its day
The hetero conference is going ahead though – right ?
The worst thing is that ‘100 organisations have pulled out’. How big was this conference going to be? How many people are involved in this nonsense for goodness’ sake? Who pays for them?
MarkH, I was wondering just how many people must be in each of those ‘100 organisations’, like genders, I guess you could have some organisations consisting of one individual (or one individual who self determines as a collective group of people, if that’s the correct terminology?).
Same thing happened last year at the Natural Birth Control conference
…. 100 organisations pulled out.
A sad day
June sarpong is to leave her ‘job’ as diversity lead at the BBC .
More loss of ‘talent ‘ . How will the BBC survive without someone so ‘skilled ‘… report in the Daily Mail ….
I wonder what her new BBC job will be ? The same with a different title ?
Dated 3rd March
Times : BBC hit by resignations of executives from diverse backgrounds
– June Sarpong, the BBC’s part-time director of diversity,
– Miranda Wayland, the corporation’s de-facto deputy head of diversity, has quit in recent days.
Wayland worked closely with Sarpong
– Jackie Christie, who led work on race matters in the BBC’s human resources team,
– Debbie Ramsay, the corporation’s most senior black news executive, just departed to Channel 4.
– Rozina Breen, the head of north, also announced last month that she was joining The Bureau of Investigative Journalism as chief executive.
a third source said diversity executives can earn more money at rival broadcasters.
“Scoop: I’m told June Sarpong, the BBC’s director of creative diversity, is expected to step down this year.
Sarpong has done the job since 2019, but her long-term contract expired last November.
(No other member of the BBC’s executive committee, its top tier of managers, is employed on a fixed-term contract.)
She will stick around for a while to see some work through before leaving.
It comes at a delicate moment for the BBC, which has recently experienced a wave of departures among senior executives from diverse backgrounds, including Miranda Wayland, June Sarpong’s de-facto deputy.”
“Comments for this article have been turned off”
The article quotes Marcus Ryder, a prominent campaigner for diversity in television, saying a number of crazy things.
eg “He said there was anxiety among some diverse employees about having to return to a white-dominated office environment after working at home during the pandemic. ”
What happened was yesterday the Times journo tweeted that he was adding Sarpong to the list in his March 3rd article
(I was in the middle of editing my post to say that, when my phone rang)
Does anyone know why in both the Times and the Telegraph it is quite usual for the newspaper to either not allow any readers comment at all or to suddenly switch them off?
The newspapers also indulge in shadow banning , never explaining why an individual is banned , nor ever informing them that they have been banned or for how long the ban will be in place.
Shadow banning has happened to me a couple of times and I assumed it was because I was critical of the newspaper’s editorial stance on some issues.
On the topic of just not allowing readers comments on certain stories , I had assumed it was because the newspapers just didn’t want comments which disagreed with their editorial policy. Basically they don’t want to acknowledge that large swathes of their readership don’t agree with the policy or with some of their columnists.
But I suppose an alternative reason might be that they worry that by yourself allowing some comments , even though they seem sensible and mild to most folk, might upset the censoring watchdog and rather than that they choose to do it themselves.
Same goes for that rotten little lot-have not allowed any comments for some years-so do they put up subjects that obviously excite a response?
The Times is different cos you have to be a paying subscriber to comment.
On Saturdays the head of comments writes an article in the newspaper.
Interesting photo for students of media protective kit.
Presumably the boss is the geezer in the middle having his Helmut carried by the media outrage target staged left?
Guest Who
Your spelling leaves me in the shad ‘carrying his Helmut’…
Poor helhut…
It’s German for ‘bbc approved EU militaria’.
If you needed any convincing that the Left and The Democrats are a bunch of brainwashed, deluded zombies then read this pompous article in The Independent.
It reveals much about the childish and blinkered state of these people. I can’t believe this was written by a serious journalist.
The word ‘serious’ doing well heavy lifting there.
This is a bbc feed rag that provided Amol to a wider audience.
digg & Guest, I note from the author’s photo with the article that he has a ‘top knot’. He obviously did it up far too tightly before sitting down to write the article that he did some serious brain damage to himself.
Apologies, but I must point out that for organ damage to occur, it needs to be present. Again, see Amol.
Fair enough, I could not read his article because I’m not about to sign up for yet another account with yet more user names, passwords & and Secure Factor Authorisation codes and telephone numbers, thanks. I’m reaching Tolerance Level Yellow as far as the Interwebby is concerned. As for the BBC and the LibMob MSM and Civil Service are concerned it is a full Orange Alert.
TOADY Watch #1 – oh, these Labour lawyers!
No, not the Sucker in Charge of Labour but one of his wimmin, the lawyer Vera Baird (QC no less, Rumpole ought to be impressed but isn’t) is up on her back legs complaining about men. No, not that. Complaining about men getting a raw deal when it comes to them complaining of abuse. They are ignored. ‘Some’ men, mostly, in the TOADY example. Not the sort of man who was moaned at, physically abused by his female wife who eventually stabbed him to death and got away with a light sentence. Does Vera want equality under the law for women to face the same sentences as male offenders? No.
She does want the Government to spend more of its money.
Memo to Vera Baird QC: ‘The Government has no money. It only has debts. I thought the Labour Party were against tax increases. You have been campaigning like mad about the National Insurance increase for the NHS and Social Care. Of course, highly paid lawyers and MPs will pay the most and the low paid will not pay at all.’
QC appears to stand for ‘Quite Cuckoo’, especially in wimmin.
That Jessica Simor one is off accusing away based on opinion, like a BBC editor citing a source.
The other high profile loser – Maugham( fix killer ) – who is a parasite for crowd funding is building that reputation for vexatious litigation – bet the appeal court looks forward to having him present a loon case …
Guest have been alternately chuckling and laughing out loud at that all day. 🙂 x 10!
Sopes once sat at a table near him, you know.
Just seen the second vid has a warning… of the current POTUS hitting on a blonde. Not his wife.
Mustn’t it be great having a job as a Biden watcher ? You need no time for him to ‘do something ‘… he leaves the likes of Reagan in the shade ….
He just looks lost … lost in that dementia …sad really – but dangerous – we are lucky that Obama is in charge of the red lines ….
What’s happening here is that people are flocking around the President leaving the puppet to its own devices.
Obama was the worst President the USA has ever had, only you would never know it if you only took your news from the fawning media.
Even funnier is Sweeney! liked the idiot’s original.
When Media Panty Ho gets in, he will decide which charity you donate to.
Satire is not dead.
A very small bubble for very loud shrieks.
A neat summary of what gets nobodies tv gigs.
He and Jessica Simor QC would likely agree on lots, especially the generic ism accusations that tv producers so love.
A bbc QT panel of Burgon, Bryant, Rayner and Cathy Newman vs. Jordan Peterson.
I might pay for that.
Prof P would wipe them away ….
A dose of reality:
“REVEALED: 90 Months Of No Global Warming – Now Signs Of Cooling”
Another storm in a piss pot.
Who are these idiots?
It’s a well paid scam… wish I’d realised just how lucrative and easy it is, compared to real, hard work decades ago… too late for me now 🙁
Aaaah… Bisto.
It is all he has got.
The Democrats are the party of paedophiles supported in full knowledge by certain republicans who need to be urgently removed such as Mitt Romney.
Let’s also remember our own party of sexual deviants, the Liberal Democrats: Jeremy Thorpe, Cyril Smith, Clement Freud, the disgusting Mark Oaten and Lord Rennard to name but just a few. Not to mention a £2.4 million donation from convicted fraudster Michael Brown, which the party refused to repay.
Don’t forget Lembit Opik and one of those lovely Romanian “Cheeky Girls”.
NHS ambulance overwhelmed by Russian missile in Ukraine edition
I kid you not… that’s if our media explanation of the pictures are to be believed.
The topic of health is never out of the headlines for long these days. Stalwart Lefty campaigner and BBC speed dial darling Jasmin Alibhai-Brown suggests that our children’s actual health and safety are rather secondary in her mind in contrast with the all important bigger political fight: ‘Cult of natural birthers has played into enemies of the NHS‘ (‘i’)
The ‘i’ newspaper frets: ‘“unprecidented” wave hits Britain with record 4 million infected‘ – for a moment there I thought this might just be a tabloid-style shock weather report.
The unprecidented wave sounded like some revenge of the briny and its denisons of the deep: ‘Crunch time. Avoid lobster and crab, says latest sustainable seafood guide‘ (Guardian); ‘Make it snappy. Crab scuttles off the menu‘ (‘i’)
Nope, it is, of course, the coronaphobic ‘i’ still banging on about the Koof: ‘UK flying blind with Covid-19‘
Same old narrative: ‘Vaccines working… but cases are rising among over-55s‘ (‘i’)
At least some middle-agers shun the handy excuses and want to get back to work: ‘Over 50 and in demand. The supermodels return‘ (Times); ‘Tiger back on the prowl… Woods, 46, said repeating his 2019 victory was going to be a tough challenge‘ (Telegraph)
The BBC reacts to the same expert study covid-modelling – but you’ll note BBC priorities and emphasis have moved on: ‘Covid: React study finds latest wave ‘may have peaked’ in young‘
Allison Pearson in the Telegraph provides some real world common sense and delivers a healthy dose of the red pill: ‘How absenteeism killed the great Covid catch-up‘
Here’s one of those classic sign of the times pictures: ‘Ex-NHS ambulance sent from Wales to Ukraine blown up‘ (BBC)
‘Dr Mateo Szmidt, a consultant at Merthyr Tydfil’s Prince Charles Hospital believed it was one of two vehicles sent from Wales last month. He said it was “disheartening” to see it targeted‘ – I think Welsh, and wider UK, taxpayers having the disheartening experience of long waits for an NHS ambulance to respond to their emergency calls might have something to add – that’s with the proviso that this isn’t some very elaborately tokenistically staged photo opp, tailor-made for the UK press, so as to tug at the NHS doorstep clapping public’s heartstrings?
Of course we are used to seeing clapped out old NHS ambulances repurposed – usually painted in rainbow colours and with fifteen assorted hippies on board on their way to Glastonbury.
Students of George Orwell’s 1984 will recognise the fact that Oceana, Eurasia and Far East Asia are the three powers contesting supremacy in an eternal dystopian game of conflict and shifting alliances: ‘US, UK and Australia band together on hypersonic weapons to counter China‘ (FT); ‘Britain wants hypersonic missiles to counter Russia‘ (Times) – so which is it…? Who are we at war with? Russia or China? Eurasia or Far East Asia? Or more worryingly, is it both? At least old Winston Smith had a slightly more consistent message delivered (at any one moment in time) by his Big Brother.
You see Western post-WW2 moral and cultural decay and consequent loss of confidence now means the notion of a UN-based world order is exposed as a sadly busted flush: ‘Cry for justice. Zelensky rues UN inaction‘ (FT); ‘Stop Putin or dissolve yourself, Zelenshy tells UN‘ (Telegraph)
I’m reminded of Oliver Cromwell’s demand that the Rump Parliament be disbanded in 1653. If you prefer, there are some Brexit analogies too.
Speaking of that peculiar pro-EU brand of so called conservatives who helped speaker Bercow and the left-wing opposition block the democratic vote: ‘Channel 4 sell-off plan sparks Tory backlash‘ (Guardian); ‘Tory rebellion brewing over Channel 4 privatisation‘ (‘i’) – well, the leaft-leaning press are certainly excited about this one.
The BBC treads more warily these days, citing the opinion of the “talent“: ‘Channel 4 stars speak out on privatisation plan‘
Names please? ‘Channel 4 stars Matt Lucas and Kirstie Allsopp are among the figures who have raised concerns‘ (BBC) – those two would certainly be an expert team to call in – were one going out shopping for scatter cushions.
And these so-called conservatives who side with the likes of Jon “F*** the Tories” Snow and Cathy “So what you’re saying is” Newman?
‘Ruth Davidson, the former Scottish Tory leader, and the former cabinet ministers Damian Green and Jeremy Hunt‘ (Guardian) – one dare not speculate what that lot are expert in.
More from the NHS (an ‘equality chief’ no less).
I think we begin to see what the qualifications needed to be a £90K a year ‘Equality Chief’ are. Not much hope for me then… unless… no, it’s a step too far, even for £90K pa.
Last time I was in a hospital, a few weeks ago collecting my dad after a routine op., I couldn’t help noticing most of the nurses were both extremely large and of conspicuously indeterminate gender.
Not complaining, they do a good job, at least those not sat in the office eating doughnuts… which was nearly all of them, come to think of it.
The NHS is becoming a political party under Blue Labour, who are backing Socialism to the hilt. It wasn’t Blue Labour this ruling came from it was the courts, and it is clear that Blue Labour do not support it.
Having had my fair share of waiting for ambulances , waiting in the ambulance in the hospital car park , waiting in the corridor – the excuse that the ambulance has been hit by a Russian missile is pretty good / cool….
Melindi rather highlighting the state of media.
It’s called buyers remorse.
The BBC of course lead today with people whinging about the National Insurance increase. Why? They wanted more funding for social care so they have to pay for it. The government (ie taxpayers) had to pay for a load of them to sit at home doing nothing for months on end- they don’t like it now that the boot is on the other foot. I am sick and tired of hearing about whingers in this country. As an aside, guess what colour the couple are that the BBC have chosen to illustrate this? Well I never.
Sarpo bailing. Will Getty need to stock up on Mid Asians if YAB gets the boost?
I noticed that Dan Walker carefully omitted to mention that lower paid workers will now pay LESS NHI and increases will really only hit people on BBC salary levels.
Fundamental strategic error here from our useless Labour (yes, really) government (yet again).
If you pay nothing for a service then you have no financial stake in how good, efficient, and effective that service is.
Among other things you can therefore vote to spend more money on it- endlessly – because only others pay for it.
The government is right to put up NI and should be shouting from the rooftops that the NI increase is ring fenced for the NHS and social care.
Then when the bleeding hearts shout loud, the government can turn round and say that they are ‘protecting the NHS’ – which we all agree everybody wants, yes?
And thus, over time, people who are transparently paying those extra taxes might just start to question how well their money is being spent, and just might make it easier then for the government to demand reform when it is patently obvious so much money is being poured down the drain.
Weirdly, if consistently, I always thought Gordon Brown’s much derided 10% tax level was the way to go. Make everyone pay something, it could be only only 5%. Then everyone has a vested interest in efficiency and effectiveness.
I think such a loss of ‘talent ‘ is a good sign for us – the public is becoming more aware of the money they take – as well as the ‘off the books ‘ private work they pick up as a result of their ‘fame ‘ created using taxpayer cash …..
Who is next to go ….?
Seems someone at the BBC decided that cancelling ‘women’ wasn’t the right way to go.
Monday’s iBBC1 “We Are England”
Very BBC use of “We”
The topic was : HOMECOMING
None of the 6 editions featured a normal white male
2 black males (1 born abroad), a trans, 2 white females
And a white looking half Punjabi man
Does that not make it reasonably representative of the BBC workforce?
What about my son though? Where are HIS role models (as they always like to say about black youths)? Why isn’t he out selling drugs and stabbing people in the street then? Well?!
Oh, sorry, I missed it, his role model, fourth one down…
I note that the top selling cars last month were both Teslas, typical prices £40- 55 k.
Only after that do we get to the diminutive and rather cheaper Vauxhall Corsa.
Seems quite a lot of people are not on the breadline the BBC would have us believe..
Local BBC news ‘there’s some small news about fracking, here’s a big clip of anti-fracking activists’
Nicky Campbell; making Ch4 look credible.
Pug – nice piece of bias evidence
Geoff ‘how come the NHS has 20 surplus ambulances to give away ?’
No one to drive them. They are all off work with possible Covid symptoms, ranging from head colds to mild insomnia.
I am bitter.
Tomorrow is my wife’s funeral.
Two years ago, her annual blood test was cancelled. The surgery was shut down due to the Government and NHS reaction to Covid. No-one at the surgery was available. However, Tik Tok dancing skills in the NHS were improving. My wife refused to clap on a Thursday night.
One year ago, her annual blood test was cancelled. The surgery would not allow any one to attend. Staff still worked from home. It is difficult to take blood over the phone.
Last September my wife complained of back pain. She was advised to have physio – privately. Apparently private physiotherapists are not at risk from Covid. Surgery staff would not see patients.
October and the pain got worse. A telephone conversation with the surgery led to painkillers being prescribed. The physio said it may be Sciatica, keep having treatment.
November and the physio gave up. It may be spondylitis she said. A telephone conversation with the surgery led to stronger painkillers being prescribed. She spends much time in bed unable to walk.
December and the wife is fully bed-bound. I spoon feed her and wipe her bottom. A pharmacist attached to the surgery prescribes even stronger painkillers. No doctor will come out. One doctor is involved in purely an administrative project – the amalgamation of three practices “to improve patient services”. I would have thought that seeing patients would improve patient services.
January and the pain is unbearable. At last we get to take her to the surgery – but not to see a doctor but to finally get a blood test. At 11.30 that night, at last, a doctor rings, but a locum. Something wrong with her blood. Can she go back for another test? Pharmacist prescribes the strongest painkillers. Second test taken but a week for the results. Pain so bad that we call an ambulance, and she is taken to hospital.
In hospital after CT scan and MRI, she is diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer spread to her spine and pelvis. The blood test results finally coming back confirm it. The missed test two years earlier may have picked this up. The missed test a year earlier definitely would have, and treatment would have been given.
Unfortunately she was in such a poor way that treatment was not possible and she was sent home to die.
Tomorrow is my wife’s funeral.
I am bitter. I will not clap for the NHS.
No wonder you are bitter , every normal person would be after being so badly let down by the so called health service. Please accept mine and I am certain every other site user’s condolences.
Sadly I don’t think that your heart rending story will be unique. The NHS has let down so many and yet it still seen as some scared cow. It is one of very top things which is wrong with this country.
My condolences, Popeye. I’m so sorry to hear your distressing story. I hope that the powers that be are held to account over what they have allowed to happen to this country over the last two years, but in my heart I know that’s very unlikely.
Wishing you strength.
@popeye oh what to say, except that you are not alone
I could tell you some stories
It seem with the NHS one has to keep pushing them
and keep an eye out for mistakes.
Remember the good times in life, rather the time zapped by bullies.
£267000 for three days a week Boris Johnson, the lowest paid leader in the Western world £167000 for a 7 day week.
If Boris were paid at the same rate Sarpong is being paid the salary would be £625000, if however it were by hourly time then the salary would be 1.87 million.
And while people are on here moaning about a paltry £2k pay rise for poorly paid MPs they seem able to completly accept these utter wasters and divisive people should paid these colossal sums!
Why is this page jumping around the screen? I scroll to the bottom and it jumps back up a few posts. Sometimes it does this serveral times before coming to a stop at some random and irrelevant point.
If you post a Twitter/Youtube/Facebook URL
the page automatically embeds that into your post
So as the page first loads it includes just one line for that URL
but then when the picture loads that takes up about 10 lines.
If five posts each have an embed then the page will blip 5 times as it load the extra 10 lines for each of the embeds.
This page currently has `16 embedded tweets
and 1 YouTube videos
Since 4 of the tweets have embedded video too they probably load much slower than text tweets.
Just recently and without uploading anything, it ‘jumps around’ for me as well.
BBC indoctrinating Foreign English learners into Reef Alarmism
by using a BBCnews Great Barrier Reef in Danger news story
for an English teaching video they give away on YouTube on the official BBC Learning English account.
“Every day we have a new video to help you learn the English language.”
They din’t lay on the dogma too thickly.
cos I looked that YouTUbe is now pushing at me a BBC Learning English audio
.. One that coincidentally uses a headscarfed woman as its background.
I would guess that since the videos are targetted at people abroad headscarfed women are a big part of the target demographic.
Well, as an “elite white male” my application has just gone in!
I note that Blue Labour is fully backing the eco loons who are blocking the roads leading to and from petrol refineries, and the dancing Gestapo are as usual offing them warm drinks and food to make their stay even more comfortable.
No doubt when there are fuel shortages the Blue Labour goons will blame it all on the war in Ukraine and nothing to do with them living in a green tinged fantasy bubble !
Context for how badly paid our MPs really are.
3000 council officers were paid more than £100K last year, and 750 were paid more than £150K The highest paid was a chief exec who trousered an eye watering £613,895
Kind of puts into perspective the £82K an MP receives.
More BAMe
“Series 5 of “Three Pounds in my Pocket” starts on Friday at 11 @BBCRadio4
. Stories of the pioneers who came from the Indian subcontinent to post-war Britain and their descendants.
Our history. British history. #3poundsinmypocket
Just learned that Stirling University is removing a number of its English books that the students would use including Jane Austin, because it appears one of her relations was connected with the Plantations-and this great writer is being replaced with a Black writer, don’t know the name-Now I ask you all, what the H is going on. If there is or has been a reaction from Black students at that University, then they can go somewhere else-hard to believe that those in charge of such administration would comly with what could be considered almost treasonous against the United Kingdom. Once again Black people do not know their own history.
November 2019
A clip about Channel4 bias from the Telegraph
Was there also a Channel4 Brexit result show, which showed unhappy faces when the result came in ?
An addition to my statement earlier: It appears the University of Stirling are calling this extraordinary alteration of taking Jane Austin off the readers list is now called De Conlonisation of the curriculum-Jane Austin replaced by a Black woman called Toni Morrison writing about ‘African American Experiences’. I am speechless.
and who will be the first employer to stand up and say they will not accept an English Lit degree from Stirling as being of any merit whatsoever?
None, because of the Marxist students and pinkos who will start a twitter 54itstorm.
No ‘Bridgerton’ without Jane Austin, no Jane Austin without ‘colonialism’… therefore, it’s obvious we should get rid of ‘Bridgerton’ too, and sugar, coffee, tea, chocolate, black people, Indians (either kind), etc…
The blacks are, “On a roll”……… the moment: what goes up will come down.
G… with a bang.
I notice green people are struggling to get the attention fix they crave these days (hence gluing themselves to things), just being gay isn’t enough any more, either, no one cares unless you’re also an outrageous ‘drag (read ‘drama’) queen’, and as for feminists… just sooo last year darling.
Good G, and I hope Bridgerton will come down with it also-completely skewwiff-Pretending its Regency England? – it is not with Black people in that period.
December @jonholmes1 proudly tweeting a nasty sneer video jis Radio4 prog had done against Nadine Dorries
That bird the bbc likes to ‘independently’ assess the bbc has produced….
Enders Analysis released this research on 6 April 2022. It has been emailed in full to subscribers. A brief description follows:
As part of the House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee inquiry into the future of BBC funding, Claire Enders gave oral evidence. Here we reproduce her accompanying slides
The presentation highlights the reliance placed upon the BBC for information during the pandemic, and contextualises the value of the licence fee to consumers alongside the cost of other sources of news and entertainment. It further notes the significant proportion of viewers that lack the means, or do not wish, to pay for any video service beyond the cost of the licence fee
While a subscription model has been mooted as an alternative to the licence fee, recent volatility in the market has magnified concerns around the sustainability of the streaming model, and while growing penetration and investment in content by these services remains impressive, there is less certainty around the future plurality and distinctiveness of these platforms, and the related cost to subscribers
See…. clear…. ‘Independence’.
Claire, love, I rely on the BBC for nothing, given its agenda and competencies, and wish to have zero part in paying anything into its vast pool of overpaid ideologues.
TV Ho cites Sir Boaty and tries a wicked burn.
Well who would have thought it.
The man who destroyed his own legacy and entire career by constantly lying in order to shovel a false climate agenda down peoples throats, is almost certainly lying again.
As mad as he looks.
I might take my diesel and do a circuit of the m25 on the day he composts himself -or just have big fire in the garden with a lot of smoke
Burn those non russian hydrocarbons …
He did once tell the truth. About ten years ago he said that population growth was the biggest threat to the planet. After a few days he retracted his statement and toed the line of the Wokists and globalists.
Radio4 has these obsessions
So as Radio4 You And Yours ended today the presenter naturally spoke of tomorrow’s episode
“You’ve probably heard the trailers for the new series we ask is a new product ‘the best thing since sliced bread’ ? That start’s tomorrow when Greg Foot asks are Electric Cars all what they are cracked up to be”..blah blah
The prog ended and then came a trailer for the item he’d just plugged.
But that is not the end to Radio4’s recycling
cos when I check that same Greg Foot made a podcast last year
: “Are electric cars really greener?
When he produced material for “Which Magazine Investigates sustainability” series
It’s difficult to believe tomorrow’s show is not going to be largely the same as the podcast that he made for Which Magazine.
A whole episode on June , plus a bonus segment on Electric Car Battery life.
Spoiler lots of corps gave him free electric cars to test, and he is enthusiastic.
BBC blurb
Greg and the team look behind the promises and claims of changing to an electric vehicle.
We ask – how many miles do you have to do in an electric car to offset the extra cost of buying one?
What are those extra costs…how much is it to put an electric vehicle on the road….and is it better than running your old fossil-fuelled banger into the ground?
We’ll try to establish the break-even point of sticking with what you’ve got or making the change.
We test one of the most popular electric cars in the UK – and hear from experts such as Mike Berners-Lee on the pros and cons of trying to go green.
His promo Tweet last June for the Which prog
His promo Tweet for the new Radio episode
Australia landslide: Tributes paid to UK family after deaths in Blue Mountains
Apparently Mehrab Nazir lived here 10 years ago
Mehraab Nazir* … family moved to Singapore from London 10 years ago
The family moved from London to Singapore 10 years ago, where Mr. Nazir became a partner of the best consulting firm Watson Farley and Williams.
A graduate of the University of Exeter
A member of the Zoroastrian community
So Iranian descent ?
* BBC spelt the name wrongly at the start of the article.
His LinkedIn profile says this is his 15th year with this Singapore company
No UK employers are mentioned
Sorry to keep banging on about this ambulance…
BBC: Ex-NHS ambulance sent from Wales to Ukraine blown up
BBC: This is the moment an ambulance sent to help the people of Ukraine was attacked by a missile
So many questions… firstly, the explosion was nearby, rather than on the ambulance and looked – to this armchair general – to be more like a mortar strike than the implied guided missile. I guess that’s a missile in the broader sense of the word.
How come the ambulance is still in the familiar garish lime green NHS livery? Makes it a bit of a target. Why not paint it… let’s see… how about… white with large red crosses – to clearly and obviously display neutrality and its humanitarian mission? If that was the purpose?
If not donated to the Red Cross – I hear they’ve copyrighted their emblem – then precisely what NGO was gifted this vehicle and for what purpose?
You have to be impressed at the logistic feat of getting an ambulance all the way from Wales to Odesa so early in the conflict – even across the Channel can be tricky – despite Brexit and despite Covid and despite P&O.
So very many questions and so very few answers from the BBC report.
“Farming labour shortage could mean price rises, MPs warn”
What ever happened to the 37000+ ‘workers’ that came across the Channel from France and are using taxpayers money to keep them in 4 Star hotels ?
No shortage there eh ?
Oh, is that what Blue Labour are going to blame the coming famine on – not enough mass migration and population replacement ?
I heard some expert saying the hike in food prices 2022/23 is only a short term remedy to obesity and diabetes . …
I d say it might be better than that and bad news for the fat industry / eat or pay the TV licence …
BBC Radio4 “It’s not just our lefty London mates on all the time, we have black London people as well”
9am – Jane Garvey
9:30am – Dr Kat Arney
10am Woman’s Hour : Emma Barnett phone-in
11am Stalking with Lucinda Borrell (bet you sawn her play in Islington)
11:30am Oti Mabuse‘s Dancing Legends
2:15pm drama a repeat about a female black high court judge
3pm Moneybox : The panel : Dhara Vyas and Abby Jitendra
4pm Laurie and his lefty sociologist mates
4:30pm Ira Glass (presenter of the classic NPR show This American Life arty magazine show)
…He responds to accusations of liberal bias in his journalism.
6:30pm comedy with Joanna Lumley and Roger Allam
7:15pm Arts show : Nadifa Mohamed who moved to London from Somaliland. aged 4
8pm Fran and Rashid : Rashid arrived in the UK with his family in the early 1970s, from Uganda
8:45pm Dr Kathryn Mannix Retired palliative care doctor. Newcastle
9pm Elsie Owusu (London architect born in Ghana) asks what should be done with redundant buildings
10:45pm novel about a white South African family and the failed promise to give the black made their home
(dunno why the BBC retitled the book)~
11pm BBC mate Jenny Eclair
Maybe it should be renamed BBC third world
Well, there is a BBC World.
And there is a BBC Three.
So BBC World Three sounds right as they over expand the empire on the remaining TVL payers’ tab.
There aren’t many men on today’s R4 schedule
mostly just the long term presenters like Evan Davies
and the blind Y&Y presenter Peter White etc.
Everyone is laughing at Biden – who looked even more lost than usual next to O’Barmy – except the BBC who continue to pretend he’s the President.
And again… this time to suitably lachrymose music.
So Matt Le Tissier is next to cancel himself after a Twitter ‘storm’ on his suggestion that some Ukraine news might not be entirely kosher – though the connection might not find too much favour with that nation.
Never one to deliberately make contentious suggestions, I can’t help but wonder if the ratio of Ukrainian guards at places like Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor was entirely coincidental?
How’s this possible? Wasn’t Matt cancelled already over questioning the previous current thing: the covid vaccine.