Love the BBC or hate it, you won’t want to miss “Cashing In”, a brilliant new serial that’s due for release later this month. The star is a former greasy spoon waiter (or “breakfast presenter”) called Dan Walker, who goes to Hollywood to trademark the word “Archelick,” his title idea for a series of programmes about sucking up to the rich. In Santa Barbara, Dan meets a down-and-out polo player called Harry, who tries to sell him a car. It’s a used Ford Meghan, in fair condition for its age apart from a wonky fascia panel and a mysteriously large dent in the rear end. In Episode 2 Harry introduces Dan to Omid, a lipstick and eyelash consultant who lives in Mexico and has a daughter who won’t talk to him because she married some rich bloke and considers herself too special. He shows Dan the autobiography he’s working on, called “Deja Vu”, which gives Dan another idea: can he wangle an interview with the crusty garden centre magnate Lord Corbyn, who famously spends every afternoon combing his beard in a bathtub full of banknotes? It won’t be easy, but Dan remembers a plump weather forecaster who might be able to help…
“Asked why the US was targeting Mr Putin’s daughters, a senior Biden administration official said the US thought they could be in control of some of their father’s assets.”
BBC happily doxing his daughters.
Naturally no use of their favourite “without providing any evidence”.
Hunter Biden gets a mention? No..
The blurb says On February 17, 2022, a Muslim family in Uganda converted to Christianity.
Three weeks later, the rest of their family gathered together, accused them of apostasy, beat them, and burned them with acid, while shouting “Allahu Akbar.” The worst injuries were inflicted on a 13-year-old girl.
Well there can be some weird stuff in those African countries
eg in Some Christian areas, attacks on women for being “witches” etc.
The BBC’S obsession with Tiger Woods knows no bounds.
There are five images on the internet feature of
the Masters at Augusta . THREE are of Tiger Woods.
It doesn’t matter how he plays good or badly. It’s if
he is the only competitor the BBC shows an interest in.
Can anybody explain to me why? And by the way with
all his “misdemeanours ” off the golf course. I know that
he was an exceptionally good player. So I reiterate why are
the BBC only obsessed with him?
Classic bBBC Foscari. Same in other sports. In tennis all they do is concentrate on Federer or Williams no matter how crap they are doing. Sport is unwatchable now there unless you like snooker or womens football and rugby which is probably all they can get now.
I agree, but Sky Sports is no better as we must watch every Tiger Woods shot irrespective of where he is in the field. Let’s hope he fails to make the cut at the weekend so that we can concentrate on the leaders.
……so if ‘we own it’ it must follow that we have it in our power to do something about it, to change things, to make decisions, to influence management and call them to account,
Much thinner pickings for the likes of Mr A in the offing methinks as the money tree that is Public Service TV dries up for his ilk so he’s certainly got skin in the game.
Same goes for the dreadful Chris Packam popping us on BBC2 every 5 minutes for his wad.
It’s a lot of fun now, isn’t it; seeing ‘names’ deserting the BBC in droves!
I really rate Nadine’s decision to get rid of such a waste of space as Ch 4, as it clearly serves no purpose of enrichment in entertainment except for those ‘working from home’, i.e. civil serpents and publically funded charities and people, who make time to watch it.
The general opinion of normal citizens, as far as I can see, is that it should go as soon as possible, as a firm pretext of getting rid of the BBC! Talk Radio was such fun this morning with Mike Graham really on top form, especially when the stupid ‘daffodils’ story was being aired!
My question is this, though: –
When the BBC is defunded and has to work for a living, will all the rats who deserted the sinking ship try and scrabble back and work for whoever is still there?
I can think of several numpties who have grown fat on rich pickings from the TV tax, but by then they’ll hopefully be safely retired!
Every time I watch the BBC news at the moment, there is a BBC reporter in Ukraine sticking a microphone under a distraught Ukrainian asking, ‘how do you feel?’ Today the 6pm news hit a new low as the reporter asked primary aged children who had been hiding in a cellar, ‘weren’t you afraid?’ This isn’t a Disney ride. Reminding children of a recent horrific time is not good journalism.
A lot of the Ch 4 boosters bang on about holding truth to power.
I feel the media is not the one doing this.
Your own Analysts said your Windfall Tax would only raise enough to fund £200 of energy bills, so how will you fund the other £400, then what happens the following Apr when the full costs hit again, how many windfall taxes do you plan, plus all your other unfounded promises 🤡🤡
So that’s where all the ‘townies’ moving down here to the west country and wrecking the place come from.
They talk of ‘the black tide’, driving them out.
I feel like I’m a foreigner here now, you don’t hear the local accent any more, and the ‘incomers’ have no idea what’s involved in living in the country, but at least they’re not normally violent.
Twitter hasn’t removed the label
Galloway’s tweet has a lot of traffic
35K Likes …. yet 3,600 Quote tweets mostly mocking him
RT Itself is of course “Russian State Affiliated media”
but it’s a bit cheeky to stamp the same label on British people like Salmond or Galloway who had shows on it until recently.
It’s like the Chinese stamping “Yankee Imperialist on every American journalist”
“First, it is clearly acknowledged that North America and Europe have made the greatest contribution to the crisis we are living through, by producing by far the most carbon dioxide emissions since the industrial revolution.”
So for a kick off they are only beating sticks at The US and Europe. as if no other Country is an issue, no mention of for instance China, India, Japan, Pakistan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South America and etc, etc.
As usual they are only going after the low hanging fruit and ignoring all the culprits who are even worse but who will simply tell them to F-Off.
It’s almost as if they are gambling on our leaders to be so shit-scared of the eco lunatics that they will be like nodding dogs.
Also, in my opinion this whole thing is an attempt at global wealth distribution by burdening the West with so much cost to try to deal with an imaginary situation that eventually it will effectively level up everyone else who doesn’t need to follow their damaging advice, Including Africa, The Middle East, The indian and Asian sub continents and don’t even start to think about Russia.
It’s nothing other than devious lying to bring about the society they want and it’s coming down from the maniac globalists like Soros and the WEF, World Economic Forum who are featuring this on their home page, then find out what the WEF leader Professor Klaus Schwab would like the World to become where nobody owns anything and we don’t need an elected government as it will all be handled by unelected committees of the great and good who will decide everything on our behalf.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Covid-19 Statistics again …..
For evidence that there’s something dodgy going on, I quote the BBC today: “Case numbers are rising steeply again“. In reality, the numbers haven’t changed in the slightest. In the areas that I monitor, most have fallen back below the national average for England. Now to look at the map ….
Well! That is interesting. According to the map of the UK, in England there are now only three Local Authorities in the Red Zone. Therefore, cases are falling in England. In Scotland which was entirely in the Red Zone with the Outer Hebrides in the Brown (highest cases) Zone, not only are the Orkneys out of the Red Zone, the O.Hebrides and Shetlands are now in the RedZone and large areas of Scotland are now in Orange Zone, therefore cases in Scotland are falling.
We move on to Wales. Wales has been doing well. Much of it has been in either Orange or the Yellow Zone. Today, it has most of the nation in the Dark Blue Zone. Therefore, cases in Wales are falling. What is happening in Northern Ireland? Cases must be rocketing up for the BBC to claim that UK Covid-19 cases are increasing. No. cases are Orange or Yellow Zone levels across the nation. It was mostly Orange recently with some patches of Yellow Zone. Therefore, Covid-19 cases in N.Ireland are falling.
There is only one conclusion: I have to conclude the BBC are lying to us on Covid19 infections.
Funny that Big mouth Boris can manage to get his mouth in gear and have a bash at trannies in sports (3 in the world)?
There are a number of observation I would like to take from this.
Firstly Johnson is an abject coward, he wouldn’t have said this if he thought there was a cost to it – which of course there isn’t
Secondly Johnson knows he has zero influence over the decision makers in international sport so he is never going to be called on to back his words with actions.
Thirdly Johnsons doesn’t really believe or understand anything he is talking about, but he’s saying it because he is about as popular in Britain as Joe Biden is in America, and he knows he’s likely to get a shellacking come Mays local elections.
Alas many many gullible women have swallowed these words hook line and sinker, well not this one! I know Boris is a man for whom lying comes easily, and I’m calling this as another one of his lies.
Daily Mail website around 4pm (if I remember correctly) lead with a headline that Boris had stuck his foot in it by suggesting men who think they are women shouldn’t compete in women’s sports. I forget their exact words. But only half an hour later the headline had appeared to say Boris was supporting Sharon Davis and the tone was positive. I guess the earlier headline had not chimed with Daily Mail readers.
The words he used are important, that biological males should not be competing in womens sport, there are the weasel words, what exactly does he mean by ‘biological males’?
It was his own crazed fantasy land party who allowed men who had not had the op to claim legal status as a woman and that’s the proof it’s all words, and no action and he doesn’t even believe it.
Some C4 apologist yesterday on Radio 5 Live, you should have heard him, hysterical, screaming like a bitch at the injustice. “No more unbiased reporting”, It was pointed out that he called Boris a liar on air, to which he responded, “why shouldn’t I”? Without irony.
11:15pm John Simpson is in Ukraine
+ He examines the impact of the conflict on collaboration between Russia and the west over space exploration
+ finds out how the Taliban’s latest declarations are impacting on life in Afghanistan.
.. The prog is only 24 mins long.
There has been an amusing piece on GB News. A young reporter has been waiting in ambush as unsuspecting MPs shuffle out of Westminster Palace. Blimey, what a motley crew…
Without warning he thrusts a microphone under the nose of the innocent member (ahem) and asks, “Is it possible for a woman to have a penis?”
My God, the look on their faces is priceless…
You’d have thought he’d asked them to unravel string theory or to explain the more complicated aspects of quantum physics, but no…
The most popular response seems to be, “I’m not a biologist…” followed by “What does the prime minister think?” Some just walk off looking at their shoes as though lost in deep thought. It’s laughable.
Actually, I can think of a better question the next time this young chap confronts them. “Do you think any present parliamentarians are in possession of a complete set of balls?”
God’s teeth, these people are running the country…
A simple test question before becoming an MP : “does a woman have a penis?”.
If they can’t answer that they should not be allowed to sit in Parliament.
Our present MPs have become woke, virtue signallers that do not represent us .
Vote for UKIP or The Reform Party . Begin with with the local elections .
Jeff – I did see some of the footage of MPs being doorsteped outside parliament these days after some of the security issues there have been – I’d have told that GBNews idiot to eff off
As for the question – wimmin can’t have winkles – period .
Hull : Pacific Islander Maori guy just got off with a suspended sentence for crazy drunk driving that injured a cop
A rugby league player has been given a suspended jail sentence for crashing into a police car as he drove the wrong way on a dual carriageway while drunk.
Hull KR’s Brad Takairangi, 32, was two-and-a-half times over the limit when he hit the patrol car head-on on the A63 in Hull early on 2 January.
He admitted two drink-driving offences at Hull Magistrates’ Court on 3 March.
Sentencing him at Hull Crown Court, a judge said: “It’s entirely a matter of chance that you did not kill someone.”
Good job he didn’t doing anything SERIOUS like sending a challenging tweet
or nudge an XR protester who was being violent by obstructing a woman from picking up her child from school.
“Climate change: IPCC scientists say it’s ‘now or never’ to limit warming”.
When is the green lobby going after the nations that have huge ‘carbon footprints’ ie India, China, & Russia etc ? Why is Great Britain always their target for protest?
How much of the war in the Ukraine is being funded by the EU ? Who signed up the EU to get all their energy from Russia? Perhaps maxincony can ‘fact check’ for us ?
The Mark Steyn show on `GBNews is a very different style of TV output . But last night he took it further -because – I think – he was totally peed off with his production support – which on GBNews is still very poor .
Anyway mr Steyn discussed something about one of those tedious Victorian wimmin writers being cancelled by a university . ( yawn)
Mr Steyn had an academic on who talked and talked and talked about his subject – Jane Austin . No interruption – no questions – I reckon this bloke spoke without stopping for 5 minutes .
There are very few programmes on the tv / radio these days when you genuinely don’t know what’s coming next …Steyn is one of them .
Yes, Mark Steyn and Neil Oliver are by far the best things on GB News.
Steyn is the only main stream journalist to tackle the grooming gangs, expose the community that has bred them and give a voice to those abused young white girls.
He really is a national treasure.
But they’ve got to sort out the bloody technical issues.
Agree 100%. Mark Steyn is top drawer and refuses to be bound by the conspiracy of silence which surrounds the grooming gangs and their liberal establishment apologists. He is equally determined to expose the World Economic Forum and their anti democratic plans for the rest of us.
I hope that he is doing what Eric Zemmour has done in France, started to make speaking the truth on subjects uncomfortable to the establishment , acceptable.
He really is speaking truth unto power son like the BBC which hides truth and suppresses those who speak it.
The woke taking on the cult of Jane Austin face on is going to be a spectacle to behold!
I think we saw the first shots fired back with Bridgerton, but that was so mired in the BLM moment that the Austin cult were too intimidated to speak out, but the woke have just upped the ante with the canceling of Austin’s works in English Literature degrees at Edinburgh Uni (I think?).
It will be another of those feminist vs trans conflicts that will (let’s hope) drag some aging academic drama queens out of the closet in rabid attack mode against the yipping woke hounds.
Or, in language legible to most here, popcorn aplenty.
The BBC today proves there is a God . He has a name . It is Mr Woods . God – Mr Woods – is coloured – mr woods is a foreigner who plays golf .
Nicholas Robinson – one of so many BBC drones – enthused about his God – God has no faults – has no ‘bad ‘ history . God is aMiracle…
With the ‘exodus of talent ‘( really ?) from the BBC I wonder who the next one is – please -er – God – let it be the repulsive Tourette’s Robinson …amen
The 6 pm R4 news was as bad. The golf feature was all about Tiger. Are they an endangered species or something?
As with Serena Williams and Lewis Hamilton, Woods does seem to get an awful lot of attention. It was all about his comeback, after a car accident, in the US Masters. Good for him.
As regards the actual golf scores, Woods appeared, as at 18:25 circa, to have scored par for the course, literally. He had shot a string of par scores, then a birdie to gain one stroke, but slipped back with a bogey soon after.
At the very end we were informed that Woods was two strokes behind some Japanese player who was leading the field with -2.
An ethnic politicians ‘ wife is a non – Dom . The chancellors’ wife indeed . So how to deal with the tax avoidance which comes with being a ‘non Dom ‘?
Ethnic – tick
Female – tick
Successful – tick
But oh no – richi the PM in waiting …. No … can’t compute .
The first coloured PM – social this and social that – but it’s not to be .. so it’s gonna be Lammy – right ?
Legally she is doing nothing wrong but morally? Use your own measure to draw a conclusion. However, moral standards hasn't bothered this government in the past and is unlikely to in the future. I think we're well past the point of no return in terms of decency and integrity.
On the up side – at least we have a clear enemy now – on top of Islam . Russia – the regime – the country – it just needs to be closed off . The next clear enemy will be China when it hits Taiwan – ( I see n Korea as part of China btw ) .
Ex BBC Newsnight and frequent BBC expert guest on defence (per cited flyer) conflates something he is bandwagoning with the real enemy. Then the comrades screw the pooch.
And here's why the frankly bonkers SWP have refused to support the demo… despite supporting all of its slogans…
Just a thought, Zarah (and Ash)….. when all the ‘men transitioning to women’ prance off with every single medal in the ‘special’ Trans category, come back and tell us how you think your numpty intelligence-free ideas are going!
This highlights the disconnect created by the education system.
People in careers have zero grasp of anything outside their narrow areas of focus. Or even if in one supposed to challenge, hold truth to power, are ill equipped to assess truth from fiction.
CO2 is a trace gas essential for life. It is also lethal in excess simply by exclusion of oxygen. CO is worse. Both come out fossil power generating exhausts.
Worse whizz about chemical factory piping. Think Bophal. Nigerians carrying petrol in carrier bags have ended up poorly. A guy once died of excess carrot juice consumption. Peroxide clearly cause TV anchor of ovary brain pharts.
Flying gas mains in odd ethnic areas testify to the dangers of the stuff under our feet cooking up a treat in kitchens.
Power station wastes have been used for beneficial uses from heating to boosting crop yields for years. Methane is explosive yet captured from landfills.
The journalist and editor need to retake their O levels.
Popular conception is that navvies were predominantly Irish, but in fact they were only around 30% of the workforce. Still, with the English oppression angle along with grasping Tory landowners, you’d have thought the Guardian could have made a meal for their reader.
TOADY Watch #1 – the Labour Party and their friends (collaborators, more like) in the MSM are scurrilous
Big attack this morning on the wife of Rishi Sunak, Akshata (neé Murty) who cannot help the family she is born into nor her place of birth. That was all without her cogniscance and agreement. Funny thing is, I seem to recall – help me out if my memory is defective on this – that the Labour Party and their MSM friends did not like these personal attacks on spouses or children in the period 1997-2010.
So what changed? Oh, silly me! Labour lost power.
And may the Labour Party keep on losing power. Forever.
I find the idea that the family of a chancellor are tax avoiders . I reckon a fair few labour types might be worrying about being ‘exposed ‘ today …..
…. I’ve been trying to think forward to the next election – not that it matters in terms of policies – I just cannot stand full on lefties ..
So my deduction is that of a hung parliament being led by starmer – working on the assumption that the Ukraine war runs and runs but doesn’t expand – and that the economy hits the recession in 2023 .. as everything bad that can happen – -happens ….
Fed, someone on here posted that Mrs Sunak, will probably pay taxes in India and, if I recall UK tax law correctly – always a bit doubtful this far removed from working life, any dividend income that she has remitted from Infosys back to the UK. Of course, Rishi Sunak will be paying his increased NI contributions along with higher rate Income Tax as he is a Senior Minister.
Other MPs will be paying the NI increase and this is what is most peculiar about Labour and the LimpDims & Silly Notions Party. They all support the concept of the NHS and also sorting out the Social Care system for the long term. Thus a progressive element is added to National Insurance by the present Conservative Government to help the NHS cope with post-Pandemic catch-up and then to provide funding for Social Care.
But they are all agin it! All these MPs, along with their friends in the media, all earn good salaries and are paying the most under the NI increase on 1st April, are all against it and want it postponed at best or even cancelled altogether!
Oh yeah, we know why!
As to beyond December 2024, you could be right. There’s no doubt in my mind that at present, the Government has – outside Parliament – various groups working against it including LibMob in various ‘charritteees’.
I only know about the UK – and that was in the 80’s as an Ex-Pat but to be a non-dom one must comply with time limits. In my time, you had to be out of the UK for a full six months to trigger that status and thenafter, be careful about total time in the UK. A day might make all the difference to you paying tax or not. Point being, I doubt whether the Indian Government has very different rules.
So I imagine that for both tax regimes, she is carefully resident in India and the UK for specific periods of time. Isn’t she?………….
I shudder from my law degree days when in revenue tax there are cases of whether someone is ‘ordinarily resident’ in the UK and thus enjoys the full onslaught of the UK tax regime .
Mrs sunak must play the 186? Game where you have to be out of the UK regularly for that period of time every year for at least 3? I think ….
…. Even though she is legally mitigating incurred UK taxation the fact that she is
1 a foreigner
2 an MPs wife
3 a ministers’ wife
4 the chancellors ‘ wife
Should render him politically dead … and I am a low tax low state Conservative …..
Agree completely Fed, however I do think that our media should be truthful and report good and bad on both sides, but I would put money that this story will not be run on the BBC. Even amazed that the Mail decided to run with it really.
The war in Ukraine is getting closer and closer to total when restraint and proportionality have gone out of the window. These were always uniquely Western liberal notions of what constituted civilised behaviour by states. Most of the world does not share them.
Will liberals admit that the only reason that their code of acceptable behaviour and tolerance has flourished since WW2 has been the military and financial power of the USA and its Anglo allies?
Now the liberals have succeeded in undermining that relatively benign power the world is plunging into its old ways where , Might is always right , tolerance is weakness and power comes from the barrel of a gun.
Well done liberals you have crushed the guarantor and defender of much that you hold dear. Unfortunately you have brought the rest of us down with you. Idiots.
Double – people don’t realise how bad war is . ( writing in my capacity as armchair general ).
I’ve just finished max hastings work on the Japanese war . He argues that although much moral energy is put into the use of the atom bombs little is mentioned about the continuing air raids on Japanese cities which killed many more that the big bombs ….
…. Once civilised restraint is removed – anything is possible …. Although I can’t see putin using NBC weapons in Ukraine …. Even if it is some pyric end when he decides the game is up .
Experienced vet Major General Sir Tim Cross:
“War is always chaos, uncertainty and awful things, terrible things, happening on both sides and we shouldn’t be surprised at that.”
A video has emerged which purports to show Ukrainian forces shooting and killing a captive Russian soldier on a road to the west of Kyiv. We have analysed the footage – here is what we have found out so far. WARNING: graphic content
…The BBC did not accept that revealing X’s identity would give rise to a real or immediate risk to him – and argued the only people to be deterred from working as agents would be those engaged in similarly abusive conduct.
The bbc did not accept – tough, even you are not above the law
11:21am R4 “The wild boar population is soaring for many different reasons , including Climate Change”
… There was no elaboration on this throwaway line
the prog is about hunting in France.
Wild boars are a species that has evolved to store fat in times of plenty (autumn – acorns and beech mast!), so they can survive the lean times of winter/early spring.
They have an acute sense of smell and taste allowing them to detect buried acorns, chestnuts, truffles etc… under the leaf litter and snow in the cold months, and are omnivores, adapted to eating the eggs of early nesting, ground laying birds, to further help them find enough food through the winter and spring.
They also have a thick coat of fur to keep them warm in the colder months, which is shed every spring for a lighter summer coat to prevent overheating.
Wild boars should be suffering as a result of global warming and migrating northwards, or higher up into the mountains.
If the mountain hares of Scotland are suffering as a result of global warming (and not just increasing numbers of large birds of prey, thanks to better protection from gamekeepers), then so should wild boar be.
The reason there are a lot more wild boar, badgers, foxes, wolves, roe deer, muntjac etc… than there were 20/30 years ago is the massive reduction in hunting by us humans.
This is probably a good thing, generally, but there will be repercussions, e.g. hungry badgers eat hedgehogs, foxes do eat chickens and carry mites causing mange in pets, deer damage farmer’s crops etc…
Is that wild boars, mountain hares, badgers, foxes, wolves, roe deer, muntjac, or all of the above, you’re referring to there Thoughtful?
I did once see a documentary that featured an interview with a man who seems to have lived on roadkill from the A303, according to whom badger was a much under appreciated meat, but you had to ‘get there fast’ apparently (whether that was before the carrion fly eggs had hatched, or before the meat had been tenderised by HGVs wasn’t actually specified).
Even though this is set in Ireland, i’m so lucky the bbc managed to throw in a black lady, I was thinking i’ve never seen so many white people in one place
AndyJ, you’ve spoilt it for me now. Whilst perusing the bbc site, I came upon a picture advertising said “Normal people”. Picture was of a white man and a white woman in bed. I was amazed that the bbc had got it right. Indeed, there in front of my eyes, were what I term “Normal people”. I fear I spoke too soon.
TOADY Watch #2 – clot, clot, clotting across the Universe, Pandemics getting better so we must make it worse
The BBC at 6 a.m. in the R4 News were revealing research that Covid can cause blood clots in lungs and elsewhere in the human body. I’m not an anti-vaxxer but so can the so-called ‘vaccines’ (available to the West), which are not really vaccines but instead ‘school the human body’ to recognise the Covid virus in all its mutations. It should be remembered of course, that the Covid ‘vaccine’ may have helped see off Shane Warne before his time.
The BBC appeared to be trying, quite plainly, to scare UK people into getting unnecessary booster ‘vaccines’.
11th April R4 Drama “Climate scientist Dr Ben Santer *proved* global warming was due to CO2 back in 1995.”
FFS What an outrageous lie
if it was all PROVED no one would be arguing about anything.
The truth is
#1 If you look at locations some years do see warmer than others
Over time some decades do see colder or warmer than others
Such patterns have occurred globally , as we have gone into and out of ice-ages.
#2 Greenhouse effect works in a laboratory
but the real world is quite different with a lot of variable factors
So no sensitivity value for atmospheric CO2’s effect on temperature has been established.
#3 Man has some effect on Climate but whether it is overall cooling or warming is difficult to say.
Note big PR bucks are being used
..Why do a special artwork to promote a radio drama in Radio Times
Note the BBC prog page doesn’t use that graphic
Neither does the RadioTimes listings page for that prog
The graphic is only used on Monday’s listings page in the printed RadioTimes
On the sidebar to a BBC carnage story from Ukraine, there is the rather novel caption to a bloke singing that the country has the ‘dream’ of winning Eurovision.
Like Lili Marlene swung it for the locals as T-34s were rumbling through the Reichstag.
The one-man windmill that is Justin Rowlatt entertained with predictably exaggerated arm movements at lunchtime, telling us of nuclear power and renewables without mentioning the inevitability of coal fired power and fracked gas, all while doing his best not to look too much like XR’s Roger Hallam.
A cruel irony, perhaps, that both share the same demented eye language but in Justin’s case the BBC would have ensured that their latest climate guru was entirely sane and fully accredited. Surely?
I suggest reading a book called Unsettled by Steven Koonin, he used to be the climate guy for the Barry Obamas government. He really explains in depth and debunks most of our eco-loons theories.
Call for Inputs – Ofcom’s Diversity in Broadcasting work
Ofcom is inviting input and comment on how we might change the survey we send to broadcasters about the diversity of their workforces, including how we can improve the breadth and quality of the data we collect each year.
Ofcom has a legal duty to promote equality of opportunity in broadcasters’ workforces. Since 2016, we have required TV – and subsequently radio – broadcasters to provide information about their equal opportunities policies and the diversity characteristics of their staff. We have also reported on the outcomes in detail.
This five-year programme has led to greater transparency and accountability across the industry. Broadcasters now have a better understanding of who is working for them and which specific areas need addressing. Ofcom’s annual reports have shone a light on areas of underrepresentation in the industry, and monitored broadcasters’ progress in improving representation through their diversity and inclusion work.
We believe that having employees who represent our society helps broadcasters to create innovative, imaginative and authentic TV and radio programmes that reflect the lives and experiences of their audiences.
This Call for Inputs will help us to update our survey and review the suitability of the information we collect. We will publish our findings and set out our plans in the Autumn.
Official Covid stats are a bit screwed up by the way many people don’t test
but Zoe App case modelling shows downward trend
304,577 7th April
313,373 6th April
328,893 4th April
337,661 3rd April
340,589 1st April
345,893 31st March
3:30pm R4 Inside Science
“The data shows in the middle of March *an all time high* in Covid cases
and now we are beginning to see a LEVELING OFF in younger people”
That is the BBC spinning in order to not say that cases are falling.
If there was a all time high 3 weeks ago
That means cases are falling now ..not “just levelling off”
Killer of MP Sir David Amess with 27 stab wounds from a 12in knife, Ali Harbi Ali, asked if he regarded himself as a radical, replied: ‘I am a moderate muslim.’
vladMar 5, 04:18 Midweek 5th March 2025 Prime Minister marks Ramadan at ‘difficult time for Muslims in the UK’ FFS !
JohnCMar 5, 02:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Putin is a pragmatist. He sees what needs to be done and he does it without flinching or caring much…
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
Love the BBC or hate it, you won’t want to miss “Cashing In”, a brilliant new serial that’s due for release later this month. The star is a former greasy spoon waiter (or “breakfast presenter”) called Dan Walker, who goes to Hollywood to trademark the word “Archelick,” his title idea for a series of programmes about sucking up to the rich. In Santa Barbara, Dan meets a down-and-out polo player called Harry, who tries to sell him a car. It’s a used Ford Meghan, in fair condition for its age apart from a wonky fascia panel and a mysteriously large dent in the rear end. In Episode 2 Harry introduces Dan to Omid, a lipstick and eyelash consultant who lives in Mexico and has a daughter who won’t talk to him because she married some rich bloke and considers herself too special. He shows Dan the autobiography he’s working on, called “Deja Vu”, which gives Dan another idea: can he wangle an interview with the crusty garden centre magnate Lord Corbyn, who famously spends every afternoon combing his beard in a bathtub full of banknotes? It won’t be easy, but Dan remembers a plump weather forecaster who might be able to help…
Ukraine War: Putin’s daughters targeted by US sanctions
“Asked why the US was targeting Mr Putin’s daughters, a senior Biden administration official said the US thought they could be in control of some of their father’s assets.”
BBC happily doxing his daughters.
Naturally no use of their favourite “without providing any evidence”.
Hunter Biden gets a mention? No..
The BBC’s favourite peaceful religionists are at it again.
“Ex-Muslim Christian Family Burned with Acid for Leaving Islam”
(It looks like YouTube are blocking this vid, or age-restricting it – they usually hide islam’s atrocities.)
Meanwhile, in March, there were there were 117 Islamic attacks in 24 countries, in which 733 people were killed and 702 injured.
Apologies, there may be a glitch.
The blurb says
On February 17, 2022, a Muslim family in Uganda converted to Christianity.
Three weeks later, the rest of their family gathered together, accused them of apostasy, beat them, and burned them with acid, while shouting “Allahu Akbar.” The worst injuries were inflicted on a 13-year-old girl.
Well there can be some weird stuff in those African countries
eg in Some Christian areas, attacks on women for being “witches” etc.
The BBC’S obsession with Tiger Woods knows no bounds.
There are five images on the internet feature of
the Masters at Augusta . THREE are of Tiger Woods.
It doesn’t matter how he plays good or badly. It’s if
he is the only competitor the BBC shows an interest in.
Can anybody explain to me why? And by the way with
all his “misdemeanours ” off the golf course. I know that
he was an exceptionally good player. So I reiterate why are
the BBC only obsessed with him?
Classic bBBC Foscari. Same in other sports. In tennis all they do is concentrate on Federer or Williams no matter how crap they are doing. Sport is unwatchable now there unless you like snooker or womens football and rugby which is probably all they can get now.
I agree, but Sky Sports is no better as we must watch every Tiger Woods shot irrespective of where he is in the field. Let’s hope he fails to make the cut at the weekend so that we can concentrate on the leaders.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson says transgender women should not compete in women’s sport
Shock. Horror.
They must be kicking the walls down in Frankie Howard.
You have to laugh.
No, really, they speak for the nation.
Now, if they got Nish on with Mitch…
Maybe with a dash of this minger…
……so if ‘we own it’ it must follow that we have it in our power to do something about it, to change things, to make decisions, to influence management and call them to account,
So, Sir David, how do we actually do that, eh?
Much thinner pickings for the likes of Mr A in the offing methinks as the money tree that is Public Service TV dries up for his ilk so he’s certainly got skin in the game.
Same goes for the dreadful Chris Packam popping us on BBC2 every 5 minutes for his wad.
To bend a saying two feathers on the same bird!
Attenborough is just another evil old Eco Lunatic BBC commie grooming children into believing all the Green crap.
It’s a lot of fun now, isn’t it; seeing ‘names’ deserting the BBC in droves!
I really rate Nadine’s decision to get rid of such a waste of space as Ch 4, as it clearly serves no purpose of enrichment in entertainment except for those ‘working from home’, i.e. civil serpents and publically funded charities and people, who make time to watch it.
The general opinion of normal citizens, as far as I can see, is that it should go as soon as possible, as a firm pretext of getting rid of the BBC! Talk Radio was such fun this morning with Mike Graham really on top form, especially when the stupid ‘daffodils’ story was being aired!
My question is this, though: –
When the BBC is defunded and has to work for a living, will all the rats who deserted the sinking ship try and scrabble back and work for whoever is still there?
I can think of several numpties who have grown fat on rich pickings from the TV tax, but by then they’ll hopefully be safely retired!
Every time I watch the BBC news at the moment, there is a BBC reporter in Ukraine sticking a microphone under a distraught Ukrainian asking, ‘how do you feel?’ Today the 6pm news hit a new low as the reporter asked primary aged children who had been hiding in a cellar, ‘weren’t you afraid?’ This isn’t a Disney ride. Reminding children of a recent horrific time is not good journalism.
The Dimbles Effect.
Where grown people get paid a lot of money to add nothing.
In the media.
A lot of the Ch 4 boosters bang on about holding truth to power.
I feel the media is not the one doing this.
Simples, Keir can say whatever comes into his head because there is zero cane he will ver be in a position to carry it out anyway!
Think those old women who attend wrestling matches and shout instructions to the Wrestlers.
Tower Hamlets council spent £237,000 on a pop festival last year to encourage vaccinations.
Only 450 people turned up.
That’s about £450 per person.
Another triumph for Leftoids in the public sector.
Anyone been to Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Whitechapel or the environs recently. It’s like going to another country.
Harry – just get on a bus or tube or walk in a street – I’m a foreigner here now … and they are just desperate to ‘engage ‘ and gang up on whitee ….
I’m thinking about giving up on it …. I don’t think putin would bother sticking it on the target list – be a waste of a nook
So that’s where all the ‘townies’ moving down here to the west country and wrecking the place come from.
They talk of ‘the black tide’, driving them out.
I feel like I’m a foreigner here now, you don’t hear the local accent any more, and the ‘incomers’ have no idea what’s involved in living in the country, but at least they’re not normally violent.
Elon may need to set aside some time.
Twitter hasn’t removed the label
Galloway’s tweet has a lot of traffic
35K Likes …. yet 3,600 Quote tweets mostly mocking him
RT Itself is of course “Russian State Affiliated media”
but it’s a bit cheeky to stamp the same label on British people like Salmond or Galloway who had shows on it until recently.
It’s like the Chinese stamping “Yankee Imperialist on every American journalist”
Ha @AlexSalmond’s account doesn’t have that label.
The Guardian announce that the IPCC have worked out what we now need to do to combat Climate Change
Scientists have just told us how to solve the climate crisis – will the world listen?
Yep, its those pesky “scientists” again.
The salient paragraph is:
“First, it is clearly acknowledged that North America and Europe have made the greatest contribution to the crisis we are living through, by producing by far the most carbon dioxide emissions since the industrial revolution.”
So for a kick off they are only beating sticks at The US and Europe. as if no other Country is an issue, no mention of for instance China, India, Japan, Pakistan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South America and etc, etc.
As usual they are only going after the low hanging fruit and ignoring all the culprits who are even worse but who will simply tell them to F-Off.
It’s almost as if they are gambling on our leaders to be so shit-scared of the eco lunatics that they will be like nodding dogs.
Also, in my opinion this whole thing is an attempt at global wealth distribution by burdening the West with so much cost to try to deal with an imaginary situation that eventually it will effectively level up everyone else who doesn’t need to follow their damaging advice, Including Africa, The Middle East, The indian and Asian sub continents and don’t even start to think about Russia.
It’s nothing other than devious lying to bring about the society they want and it’s coming down from the maniac globalists like Soros and the WEF, World Economic Forum who are featuring this on their home page, then find out what the WEF leader Professor Klaus Schwab would like the World to become where nobody owns anything and we don’t need an elected government as it will all be handled by unelected committees of the great and good who will decide everything on our behalf.
Think Covid restrictions on steroids!
In Fact, The Fourth Reich!
Effectively a war on the West by a bunch of ego-mad crackpot maniacs.
I fully expect The BBC to be an echo chamber for this in short order as they are in with the plot
digg, only since the Industrial Revolution? Not including it and all that went before?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Covid-19 Statistics again …..
For evidence that there’s something dodgy going on, I quote the BBC today: “Case numbers are rising steeply again“. In reality, the numbers haven’t changed in the slightest. In the areas that I monitor, most have fallen back below the national average for England. Now to look at the map ….
Well! That is interesting. According to the map of the UK, in England there are now only three Local Authorities in the Red Zone. Therefore, cases are falling in England. In Scotland which was entirely in the Red Zone with the Outer Hebrides in the Brown (highest cases) Zone, not only are the Orkneys out of the Red Zone, the O.Hebrides and Shetlands are now in the RedZone and large areas of Scotland are now in Orange Zone, therefore cases in Scotland are falling.
We move on to Wales. Wales has been doing well. Much of it has been in either Orange or the Yellow Zone. Today, it has most of the nation in the Dark Blue Zone. Therefore, cases in Wales are falling. What is happening in Northern Ireland? Cases must be rocketing up for the BBC to claim that UK Covid-19 cases are increasing. No. cases are Orange or Yellow Zone levels across the nation. It was mostly Orange recently with some patches of Yellow Zone. Therefore, Covid-19 cases in N.Ireland are falling.
There is only one conclusion: I have to conclude the BBC are lying to us on Covid19 infections.
Funny that Big mouth Boris can manage to get his mouth in gear and have a bash at trannies in sports (3 in the world)?
There are a number of observation I would like to take from this.
Firstly Johnson is an abject coward, he wouldn’t have said this if he thought there was a cost to it – which of course there isn’t
Secondly Johnson knows he has zero influence over the decision makers in international sport so he is never going to be called on to back his words with actions.
Thirdly Johnsons doesn’t really believe or understand anything he is talking about, but he’s saying it because he is about as popular in Britain as Joe Biden is in America, and he knows he’s likely to get a shellacking come Mays local elections.
Alas many many gullible women have swallowed these words hook line and sinker, well not this one! I know Boris is a man for whom lying comes easily, and I’m calling this as another one of his lies.
Daily Mail website around 4pm (if I remember correctly) lead with a headline that Boris had stuck his foot in it by suggesting men who think they are women shouldn’t compete in women’s sports. I forget their exact words. But only half an hour later the headline had appeared to say Boris was supporting Sharon Davis and the tone was positive. I guess the earlier headline had not chimed with Daily Mail readers.
The words he used are important, that biological males should not be competing in womens sport, there are the weasel words, what exactly does he mean by ‘biological males’?
It was his own crazed fantasy land party who allowed men who had not had the op to claim legal status as a woman and that’s the proof it’s all words, and no action and he doesn’t even believe it.
Muslim man pleads guilty to causing £10000 of damage to the memorial to those killed and injured in the arena bombing in Manchester.
Sectioned .. Pleaded guilty … resectioned
So the court has to work out hat his true mental health is.
Anything on Al Beeb about this ? Where is this “man” from ?
Some C4 apologist yesterday on Radio 5 Live, you should have heard him, hysterical, screaming like a bitch at the injustice. “No more unbiased reporting”, It was pointed out that he called Boris a liar on air, to which he responded, “why shouldn’t I”? Without irony.
11:15pm John Simpson is in Ukraine
+ He examines the impact of the conflict on collaboration between Russia and the west over space exploration
+ finds out how the Taliban’s latest declarations are impacting on life in Afghanistan.
.. The prog is only 24 mins long.
There has been an amusing piece on GB News. A young reporter has been waiting in ambush as unsuspecting MPs shuffle out of Westminster Palace. Blimey, what a motley crew…
Without warning he thrusts a microphone under the nose of the innocent member (ahem) and asks, “Is it possible for a woman to have a penis?”
My God, the look on their faces is priceless…
You’d have thought he’d asked them to unravel string theory or to explain the more complicated aspects of quantum physics, but no…
The most popular response seems to be, “I’m not a biologist…” followed by “What does the prime minister think?” Some just walk off looking at their shoes as though lost in deep thought. It’s laughable.
Actually, I can think of a better question the next time this young chap confronts them. “Do you think any present parliamentarians are in possession of a complete set of balls?”
God’s teeth, these people are running the country…
A simple test question before becoming an MP : “does a woman have a penis?”.
If they can’t answer that they should not be allowed to sit in Parliament.
Our present MPs have become woke, virtue signallers that do not represent us .
Vote for UKIP or The Reform Party . Begin with with the local elections .
Jeff – I did see some of the footage of MPs being doorsteped outside parliament these days after some of the security issues there have been – I’d have told that GBNews idiot to eff off
As for the question – wimmin can’t have winkles – period .
Or there’s the other very sensitive gender problem in the “trans community”…
Men don’t have have periods. Even if they put on dresses and high heels.
Hull : Pacific Islander Maori guy just got off with a suspended sentence for crazy drunk driving that injured a cop
A rugby league player has been given a suspended jail sentence for crashing into a police car as he drove the wrong way on a dual carriageway while drunk.
Hull KR’s Brad Takairangi, 32, was two-and-a-half times over the limit when he hit the patrol car head-on on the A63 in Hull early on 2 January.
He admitted two drink-driving offences at Hull Magistrates’ Court on 3 March.
Sentencing him at Hull Crown Court, a judge said: “It’s entirely a matter of chance that you did not kill someone.”
Good job he didn’t doing anything SERIOUS like sending a challenging tweet
or nudge an XR protester who was being violent by obstructing a woman from picking up her child from school.
“Energy strategy: UK plans new nuclear reactors to boost production”
Too little and too late!
The BBC are positively drooling over St Obama of Kenya’s visit to the White House.
The Dems, and the BBC, are desperately hoping he’ll sprinkle some magic fairy dust over Sleepy Joe.
Unfortunately for them, he’s had the exact opposite effect, showing Joe to be the stumbling, mumbling, fumbling dotard that he is.
“Climate change: IPCC scientists say it’s ‘now or never’ to limit warming”.
When is the green lobby going after the nations that have huge ‘carbon footprints’ ie India, China, & Russia etc ? Why is Great Britain always their target for protest?
How much of the war in the Ukraine is being funded by the EU ? Who signed up the EU to get all their energy from Russia? Perhaps maxincony can ‘fact check’ for us ?
The Mark Steyn show on `GBNews is a very different style of TV output . But last night he took it further -because – I think – he was totally peed off with his production support – which on GBNews is still very poor .
Anyway mr Steyn discussed something about one of those tedious Victorian wimmin writers being cancelled by a university . ( yawn)
Mr Steyn had an academic on who talked and talked and talked about his subject – Jane Austin . No interruption – no questions – I reckon this bloke spoke without stopping for 5 minutes .
There are very few programmes on the tv / radio these days when you genuinely don’t know what’s coming next …Steyn is one of them .
Yes, Mark Steyn and Neil Oliver are by far the best things on GB News.
Steyn is the only main stream journalist to tackle the grooming gangs, expose the community that has bred them and give a voice to those abused young white girls.
He really is a national treasure.
But they’ve got to sort out the bloody technical issues.
Sometimes it’s painful…
Agree 100%. Mark Steyn is top drawer and refuses to be bound by the conspiracy of silence which surrounds the grooming gangs and their liberal establishment apologists. He is equally determined to expose the World Economic Forum and their anti democratic plans for the rest of us.
I hope that he is doing what Eric Zemmour has done in France, started to make speaking the truth on subjects uncomfortable to the establishment , acceptable.
He really is speaking truth unto power son like the BBC which hides truth and suppresses those who speak it.
Wouldn’t it be good if Steyn were in charge of Ofcom!
The woke taking on the cult of Jane Austin face on is going to be a spectacle to behold!
I think we saw the first shots fired back with Bridgerton, but that was so mired in the BLM moment that the Austin cult were too intimidated to speak out, but the woke have just upped the ante with the canceling of Austin’s works in English Literature degrees at Edinburgh Uni (I think?).
It will be another of those feminist vs trans conflicts that will (let’s hope) drag some aging academic drama queens out of the closet in rabid attack mode against the yipping woke hounds.
Or, in language legible to most here, popcorn aplenty.
Today watch
The BBC today proves there is a God . He has a name . It is Mr Woods . God – Mr Woods – is coloured – mr woods is a foreigner who plays golf .
Nicholas Robinson – one of so many BBC drones – enthused about his God – God has no faults – has no ‘bad ‘ history . God is aMiracle…
With the ‘exodus of talent ‘( really ?) from the BBC I wonder who the next one is – please -er – God – let it be the repulsive Tourette’s Robinson …amen
The 6 pm R4 news was as bad. The golf feature was all about Tiger. Are they an endangered species or something?
As with Serena Williams and Lewis Hamilton, Woods does seem to get an awful lot of attention. It was all about his comeback, after a car accident, in the US Masters. Good for him.
As regards the actual golf scores, Woods appeared, as at 18:25 circa, to have scored par for the course, literally. He had shot a string of par scores, then a birdie to gain one stroke, but slipped back with a bogey soon after.
At the very end we were informed that Woods was two strokes behind some Japanese player who was leading the field with -2.
BBC raises an issue. Does not go well.
Clive Myrie got his award for ‘Best Investigating A Dark Hotel Roof’ yet?
Tricky one for the BBC
An ethnic politicians ‘ wife is a non – Dom . The chancellors’ wife indeed . So how to deal with the tax avoidance which comes with being a ‘non Dom ‘?
Ethnic – tick
Female – tick
Successful – tick
But oh no – richi the PM in waiting …. No … can’t compute .
The first coloured PM – social this and social that – but it’s not to be .. so it’s gonna be Lammy – right ?
When you read the BBC’s bit online, you’d think you were reading some rag from a foreign country!
I’d have thought that with his background at Goldmans and her family wealth, there’d be enough accountants involved to start a shop!
Be interested if the BBC spent some of the TV tax on asking every MP how much furlough they were involved with personally…
The questions about family members tax defences on Vile will be awesome.
Legal, decent, honest and uniquely funded.
Vine might be on sticky ground using is kid as a company director …..
The BBC loves thar word ‘defends ‘ – it implies a ‘wrong’ whether it is or not . It is a soft slur . It allows bias without being caught out .
BBC defends existence of itself and compulsory state taxation to fund its ‘ anti British propaganda output.
Energy strategy: UK plans new nuclear reactors to boost production
….But experts have called for a bigger focus on energy efficiency and improving home insulation
Experts, I wonder who they are
BBC Shires is asking what the foresters think.
And are being told.
Pots will be banged. Hopefully no indiscriminate red on red homing missiles in N. London.
BBC 2022: “More Nato weapons needed to save lives – Ukraine”
George Orwell 1949: “War is peace”
On the up side – at least we have a clear enemy now – on top of Islam . Russia – the regime – the country – it just needs to be closed off . The next clear enemy will be China when it hits Taiwan – ( I see n Korea as part of China btw ) .
Ah, journalism. It has evolved so much over the years. This one has true promise for room 101.
Fully qualified too.
Ex BBC Newsnight and frequent BBC expert guest on defence (per cited flyer) conflates something he is bandwagoning with the real enemy. Then the comrades screw the pooch.
A very angry and ‘challenged ‘ man methinks
Since when was Pesto a journalist?
Maybe George got the hump over his alleged Russian bank account – was he paid by RT in roubles ?
For pols, ex pols, Toynbees and media gobs in general, getting the hump and blocking is their main gig now.
Look at Wendy and Springster..
Been a while since Champion got an airing.
Just a thought, Zarah (and Ash)….. when all the ‘men transitioning to women’ prance off with every single medal in the ‘special’ Trans category, come back and tell us how you think your numpty intelligence-free ideas are going!
9am local news
“The route of a pipeline that will take *harmful* CO2 to from Drax power station to Easington has been revealed”
Jeez “harmful” is a SPIN word there
Water kills lots of people every year we don’t say “harmful water”
CO2 is all around us in nature.
Got a link?
This highlights the disconnect created by the education system.
People in careers have zero grasp of anything outside their narrow areas of focus. Or even if in one supposed to challenge, hold truth to power, are ill equipped to assess truth from fiction.
CO2 is a trace gas essential for life. It is also lethal in excess simply by exclusion of oxygen. CO is worse. Both come out fossil power generating exhausts.
Worse whizz about chemical factory piping. Think Bophal. Nigerians carrying petrol in carrier bags have ended up poorly. A guy once died of excess carrot juice consumption. Peroxide clearly cause TV anchor of ovary brain pharts.
Flying gas mains in odd ethnic areas testify to the dangers of the stuff under our feet cooking up a treat in kitchens.
Power station wastes have been used for beneficial uses from heating to boosting crop yields for years. Methane is explosive yet captured from landfills.
The journalist and editor need to retake their O levels.
Or get a job.
The Guardian running a story about unveiling facts around the history of some Edwardian Navvies.
Here we go I thought!
But lo and behold they are all white English.
Now that must be a first first for a Guardian feature, you would have thought they could find at least one navvie from Morocco or Sudan wouldn’t you?
However I fully expect someone at some UNI to challenge the story and for the calls of Racism to begin,
Popular conception is that navvies were predominantly Irish, but in fact they were only around 30% of the workforce. Still, with the English oppression angle along with grasping Tory landowners, you’d have thought the Guardian could have made a meal for their reader.
Nevertheless, all, ‘1RB’s’. (for those that understand)
TOADY Watch #1 – the Labour Party and their friends (collaborators, more like) in the MSM are scurrilous
Big attack this morning on the wife of Rishi Sunak, Akshata (neé Murty) who cannot help the family she is born into nor her place of birth. That was all without her cogniscance and agreement. Funny thing is, I seem to recall – help me out if my memory is defective on this – that the Labour Party and their MSM friends did not like these personal attacks on spouses or children in the period 1997-2010.
So what changed? Oh, silly me! Labour lost power.
And may the Labour Party keep on losing power. Forever.
I find the idea that the family of a chancellor are tax avoiders . I reckon a fair few labour types might be worrying about being ‘exposed ‘ today …..
…. I’ve been trying to think forward to the next election – not that it matters in terms of policies – I just cannot stand full on lefties ..
So my deduction is that of a hung parliament being led by starmer – working on the assumption that the Ukraine war runs and runs but doesn’t expand – and that the economy hits the recession in 2023 .. as everything bad that can happen – -happens ….
Fed, someone on here posted that Mrs Sunak, will probably pay taxes in India and, if I recall UK tax law correctly – always a bit doubtful this far removed from working life, any dividend income that she has remitted from Infosys back to the UK. Of course, Rishi Sunak will be paying his increased NI contributions along with higher rate Income Tax as he is a Senior Minister.
Other MPs will be paying the NI increase and this is what is most peculiar about Labour and the LimpDims & Silly Notions Party. They all support the concept of the NHS and also sorting out the Social Care system for the long term. Thus a progressive element is added to National Insurance by the present Conservative Government to help the NHS cope with post-Pandemic catch-up and then to provide funding for Social Care.
But they are all agin it! All these MPs, along with their friends in the media, all earn good salaries and are paying the most under the NI increase on 1st April, are all against it and want it postponed at best or even cancelled altogether!
Oh yeah, we know why!
As to beyond December 2024, you could be right. There’s no doubt in my mind that at present, the Government has – outside Parliament – various groups working against it including LibMob in various ‘charritteees’.
The great comfort is to know that, however much the Sunaks pay in tax, and wherever they pay it, they can afford it.
I only know about the UK – and that was in the 80’s as an Ex-Pat but to be a non-dom one must comply with time limits. In my time, you had to be out of the UK for a full six months to trigger that status and thenafter, be careful about total time in the UK. A day might make all the difference to you paying tax or not. Point being, I doubt whether the Indian Government has very different rules.
So I imagine that for both tax regimes, she is carefully resident in India and the UK for specific periods of time. Isn’t she?………….
I shudder from my law degree days when in revenue tax there are cases of whether someone is ‘ordinarily resident’ in the UK and thus enjoys the full onslaught of the UK tax regime .
Mrs sunak must play the 186? Game where you have to be out of the UK regularly for that period of time every year for at least 3? I think ….
…. Even though she is legally mitigating incurred UK taxation the fact that she is
1 a foreigner
2 an MPs wife
3 a ministers’ wife
4 the chancellors ‘ wife
Should render him politically dead … and I am a low tax low state Conservative …..
For me number 4 above kills it …..
Not what Zelensky would want us all to see…
Now that is definitely a war crime with absolute proof!
Assuming independent verification, yes.
JezBo, Simpo and Clive swapping war groupie #sourcesay stories in the bar in the blue helmuts and calling it an ‘investigation by the BBC’, no.
Surely the propaganda war on both sides has to be considered very carefully …. Mind you – from a Ukrainian point of view – why take prisoners ?
Agree completely Fed, however I do think that our media should be truthful and report good and bad on both sides, but I would put money that this story will not be run on the BBC. Even amazed that the Mail decided to run with it really.
The war in Ukraine is getting closer and closer to total when restraint and proportionality have gone out of the window. These were always uniquely Western liberal notions of what constituted civilised behaviour by states. Most of the world does not share them.
Will liberals admit that the only reason that their code of acceptable behaviour and tolerance has flourished since WW2 has been the military and financial power of the USA and its Anglo allies?
Now the liberals have succeeded in undermining that relatively benign power the world is plunging into its old ways where , Might is always right , tolerance is weakness and power comes from the barrel of a gun.
Well done liberals you have crushed the guarantor and defender of much that you hold dear. Unfortunately you have brought the rest of us down with you. Idiots.
Double – people don’t realise how bad war is . ( writing in my capacity as armchair general ).
I’ve just finished max hastings work on the Japanese war . He argues that although much moral energy is put into the use of the atom bombs little is mentioned about the continuing air raids on Japanese cities which killed many more that the big bombs ….
…. Once civilised restraint is removed – anything is possible …. Although I can’t see putin using NBC weapons in Ukraine …. Even if it is some pyric end when he decides the game is up .
His personal protection must be very loyal …
Experienced vet Major General Sir Tim Cross:
“War is always chaos, uncertainty and awful things, terrible things, happening on both sides and we shouldn’t be surprised at that.”
Indeed. It is hell. Then add The BBC.
JezBo likes his human shields in the family?
I am reading a lot of ‘what is clear’ based on ‘what is said’.
As investigations go…
Or see Karl Poppers paradox of tolerance.
BBC cannot name MI5 agent accused of abuse – court
…The BBC did not accept that revealing X’s identity would give rise to a real or immediate risk to him – and argued the only people to be deterred from working as agents would be those engaged in similarly abusive conduct.
The bbc did not accept – tough, even you are not above the law
11:21am R4 “The wild boar population is soaring for many different reasons , including Climate Change”
… There was no elaboration on this throwaway line
the prog is about hunting in France.
Does that make any logical sense?
Wild boars are a species that has evolved to store fat in times of plenty (autumn – acorns and beech mast!), so they can survive the lean times of winter/early spring.
They have an acute sense of smell and taste allowing them to detect buried acorns, chestnuts, truffles etc… under the leaf litter and snow in the cold months, and are omnivores, adapted to eating the eggs of early nesting, ground laying birds, to further help them find enough food through the winter and spring.
They also have a thick coat of fur to keep them warm in the colder months, which is shed every spring for a lighter summer coat to prevent overheating.
Wild boars should be suffering as a result of global warming and migrating northwards, or higher up into the mountains.
If the mountain hares of Scotland are suffering as a result of global warming (and not just increasing numbers of large birds of prey, thanks to better protection from gamekeepers), then so should wild boar be.
The reason there are a lot more wild boar, badgers, foxes, wolves, roe deer, muntjac etc… than there were 20/30 years ago is the massive reduction in hunting by us humans.
This is probably a good thing, generally, but there will be repercussions, e.g. hungry badgers eat hedgehogs, foxes do eat chickens and carry mites causing mange in pets, deer damage farmer’s crops etc…
It has to be said that they do taste very nice too.
Is that wild boars, mountain hares, badgers, foxes, wolves, roe deer, muntjac, or all of the above, you’re referring to there Thoughtful?
I did once see a documentary that featured an interview with a man who seems to have lived on roadkill from the A303, according to whom badger was a much under appreciated meat, but you had to ‘get there fast’ apparently (whether that was before the carrion fly eggs had hatched, or before the meat had been tenderised by HGVs wasn’t actually specified).
Even though this is set in Ireland, i’m so lucky the bbc managed to throw in a black lady, I was thinking i’ve never seen so many white people in one place
AndyJ, you’ve spoilt it for me now. Whilst perusing the bbc site, I came upon a picture advertising said “Normal people”. Picture was of a white man and a white woman in bed. I was amazed that the bbc had got it right. Indeed, there in front of my eyes, were what I term “Normal people”. I fear I spoke too soon.
Hello Mick
I’ll keep quiet, a bit like the selective reporting from the bBC 🙂
TOADY Watch #2 – clot, clot, clotting across the Universe, Pandemics getting better so we must make it worse
The BBC at 6 a.m. in the R4 News were revealing research that Covid can cause blood clots in lungs and elsewhere in the human body. I’m not an anti-vaxxer but so can the so-called ‘vaccines’ (available to the West), which are not really vaccines but instead ‘school the human body’ to recognise the Covid virus in all its mutations. It should be remembered of course, that the Covid ‘vaccine’ may have helped see off Shane Warne before his time.
The BBC appeared to be trying, quite plainly, to scare UK people into getting unnecessary booster ‘vaccines’.
Aren’t the blood clots caused by the “vaccine”, and isn’t that why it is called “the clot shot”?
11th April R4 Drama “Climate scientist Dr Ben Santer *proved* global warming was due to CO2 back in 1995.”
FFS What an outrageous lie
if it was all PROVED no one would be arguing about anything.
The truth is
#1 If you look at locations some years do see warmer than others
Over time some decades do see colder or warmer than others
Such patterns have occurred globally , as we have gone into and out of ice-ages.
#2 Greenhouse effect works in a laboratory
but the real world is quite different with a lot of variable factors
So no sensitivity value for atmospheric CO2’s effect on temperature has been established.
#3 Man has some effect on Climate but whether it is overall cooling or warming is difficult to say.
UEA prof has a thread
Note big PR bucks are being used
..Why do a special artwork to promote a radio drama in Radio Times
Note the BBC prog page doesn’t use that graphic
Neither does the RadioTimes listings page for that prog
The graphic is only used on Monday’s listings page in the printed RadioTimes
That pic is only used on the page with Monday’s listings
and is only twice as big as my thumb.
Tucked away images can intrigue.
On the sidebar to a BBC carnage story from Ukraine, there is the rather novel caption to a bloke singing that the country has the ‘dream’ of winning Eurovision.
Like Lili Marlene swung it for the locals as T-34s were rumbling through the Reichstag.
In other news…
A brilliant dissection of Roger Harrabin’s BBC article is here on ‘Not a lot of people know that’.
A ‘Proper’ journalist should be doing what Paul Holmwood is doing here.
The one-man windmill that is Justin Rowlatt entertained with predictably exaggerated arm movements at lunchtime, telling us of nuclear power and renewables without mentioning the inevitability of coal fired power and fracked gas, all while doing his best not to look too much like XR’s Roger Hallam.
A cruel irony, perhaps, that both share the same demented eye language but in Justin’s case the BBC would have ensured that their latest climate guru was entirely sane and fully accredited. Surely?
I suggest reading a book called Unsettled by Steven Koonin, he used to be the climate guy for the Barry Obamas government. He really explains in depth and debunks most of our eco-loons theories.
Unsettled by Steven Koonin: yes, highly recommended. Very sane and balanced.
#wefiles – this looks a hoot.
Call for Inputs – Ofcom’s Diversity in Broadcasting work
Ofcom is inviting input and comment on how we might change the survey we send to broadcasters about the diversity of their workforces, including how we can improve the breadth and quality of the data we collect each year.
Ofcom has a legal duty to promote equality of opportunity in broadcasters’ workforces. Since 2016, we have required TV – and subsequently radio – broadcasters to provide information about their equal opportunities policies and the diversity characteristics of their staff. We have also reported on the outcomes in detail.
This five-year programme has led to greater transparency and accountability across the industry. Broadcasters now have a better understanding of who is working for them and which specific areas need addressing. Ofcom’s annual reports have shone a light on areas of underrepresentation in the industry, and monitored broadcasters’ progress in improving representation through their diversity and inclusion work.
We believe that having employees who represent our society helps broadcasters to create innovative, imaginative and authentic TV and radio programmes that reflect the lives and experiences of their audiences.
This Call for Inputs will help us to update our survey and review the suitability of the information we collect. We will publish our findings and set out our plans in the Autumn.
Qu. 256: ‘Any white scum left?’
Official Covid stats are a bit screwed up by the way many people don’t test
but Zoe App case modelling shows downward trend
304,577 7th April
313,373 6th April
328,893 4th April
337,661 3rd April
340,589 1st April
345,893 31st March
305K, 313K, – , 329K, 338K, – , 341K, 346K
3:30pm R4 Inside Science
“The data shows in the middle of March *an all time high* in Covid cases
and now we are beginning to see a LEVELING OFF in younger people”
That is the BBC spinning in order to not say that cases are falling.
If there was a all time high 3 weeks ago
That means cases are falling now ..not “just levelling off”
“Government defeated over voter ID plans in House of Lords”
Whaht are they scared of ?
Time to vote out the House of Lords , for good.
Killer of MP Sir David Amess with 27 stab wounds from a 12in knife, Ali Harbi Ali, asked if he regarded himself as a radical, replied: ‘I am a moderate muslim.’
All cred to Al for telling the truth there.