“As well known regards a hotel and conference centre built on behalf of the Unite union for £100m, only worth 27m.
The company owner who got the contract to build was a friend of the then UNITE leader.
The new leader had opened an inquiry into what happened.”
“#Unite came under scrutiny last year over its decision to award the contracts to the Flanagan Group, run by Mr McCluskey’s long-time friend Paul Flanagan, as well as a health /safety contract awarded to SSC, a company owned by the son of Joe Anderson, former mayor of Liverpool”
We must negotiate with Argentina to arrange to hand it over to them as quickly as possible.
Obviously totally happy to ignore the wishes of the over 98% of residents of the Falklands who are completely happy to be a British colony and also ignoring the fact that Argentina has never had any jurisdiction in the Islands as it was colonised by the UK way before they arrived in the region.
In fact the first official Argentinian foot and claim on the Island was when they tried to invade it recently.
So maybe rather than “negotiate” with Argentina they just need a referendum by its population to settle the matter.
Then again lefties do not have a good track record accepting the results of referendums do they?
This “Empire” hatred is deep-seated in lefties isn’t it?
Maybe Australians and KiWi’s should all move out as well and leave it to the kangaroos?
I’m surprised that a Multi millionaire globalist like him – in his smug sheltered life – would want any state to exist yet alone maintain the concept of ‘sovereignty ‘
I’m sure those dying for their country against Russian vermin in Ukraine would love to meet comrade Jenkins …
What would Mr Jenkins do with the people living there then? FORCE them to accept Argentine suzerainty? Err… wouldn’t that be the very definition of ‘colonialism’?!
Genocide ?
Redefining language is a libmob trick.
Genocide has always had a meaning.
Killing 200 or 300 people is a terrible crime
but it is NOT the same as trying to exterminate a race
Luckily the BBC use mad Al mostly for political hit jobs away from green issues.
I can’t say for sure Côte d’Ivoire is the most welcoming place in the world because I have not been to every country. But definitely the first time I’ve been serenaded from the beach, ‘welcome Campbello’ the man lyric! Ps it is a working lunch before you start ‘on holiday again’ pic.twitter.com/QuJ4FOVEPN
In the main for my news ‘fix’ I watch GBN with just a tickle of a foray at Sky. Maybe its my age I don’t know, but to me it seems that any experts / academics / authors / or anyone else who is asked for a comment, mainly on a video link, are not great at public speaking. Articulate yes, but most of them its either like pulling teeth, or they rabbit on nonsensically. I sit there bemused that these paragons of intelligence, stutter, never stop talking, or are slow to engage their brain, as I wait for the next nougat they impart. Then, to the relief of the interviewer, and us, they are thanked for their time and contribution.
Perhaps its the Zoom environment and maybe its time they got back into the studio, because some of the contributors have the personality of a septic foot.
How much has HE earned in the 25 years that he’s been scoffing crisps for Walkers ? he’s contracted until next year with them on £1.2 mill. All on top of his other salary that I’m paying for.
Copied from a comment on Breitbart too much of interest !
Were the UK’s Climate Laws bought by Soros ?
Britain’s climate and energy policies are an unfolding disaster because they look likely to have been bought and paid for by billion dollar green tech investor, George Soros..
Here’s what happened in brief………
David Miliband, UK Environment Secretary 2006-2007, was the architect of the Climate Change Act 2008 which his ‘old pal’ George Soros strongly desired..
As soon as David Miliband left politics in 2013, he walked straight into a $600,000 pa CEO position in a New York charity part financed with ‘hefty donations’ by, guess who, his ‘old pal’, George Soros!
After that extraordinary coincidence, George Soros, through his foundation Open Society, went on to part finance the Conservative think tank Bright Blue which recommended Legal Net Zero 2019 to the Theresa May administration.
Soon afterwards, Theresa May started a very long series of one hour free to attend $100,000 speeches booked through the same Washington speakers agency favored by George Soros’ ‘old pal’ Tony Blair…
Another extraordinary coincidence!
Shortly after Lord Stern published in 2006 his report, ‘Economics of Climate Change’, he travelled around with George Soros giving talks about Oil Wars and Climate Change and demanding $100billion, rising to $500billion, from Western governments to solve problems they’d just invented.
Taking everything together, I think it’s very easy to see what might have been going on here which is key individuals being on George Soros’ payroll !
Not having written it I’m not really qualified to comment, but prior to the Labour leadership election the two brothers were really close, and it’s possible Ed took over his brothers already written policy ?
Difficult to say, she is a fluent Russian speaker, and was educated in the old East German, witnesses say she was a Communist activist in her adolescent years.
To have locked Germany into Russian gas without the possibility of any other supplier, because Germany neglected (deliberately?) to build an LNG gas terminal, so they are unable to accept gas from overseas.
Add into this some of her many strange decisions, and it is time her actions were investigated with a view to possible legal proceedings being launched against her.
Thoughtful – that’s my point really – to an outsider her decisions look insane – the closure of the nuclear reactors came after the Japanese Fukushima incident which seems mad at the time and even more so now …. Add that to importing the 3rd world en masse without reference to the EU was also – …. Illogical ..unless the motivation came from elsewhere ..
Also her absolute refusal to give a scintilla on Camerons lightweight proposals for reforms of the EU which would have given him the excuse not to hold a referendum.
In doing this she forced his hand into the Brexit referendum, which was exactly what Putin wanted – a weakened EU.
Just a thought or question really for the BBC: “If as you claim nearly 5 million people in the UK are sick with a Covid19 mutation, how come there are such big queues at airports and ferry terminals with people going on holiday?”
The problem is that Covid is very selective in who it infects and how seriously it infects them. Public sector workers are extremely vulnerable as are other service providers who get paid wether they turn in or not. A miraculous cure has been piloted in certain sectors it involves not paying folks who aren’t at work on morethan five occasions per annum. With this remedy in place the impact on the health of the workforce is astonishing with absent rates falling by 90% plus.
Wednesday local BBC news : fracking item seemed like 2 antifracking activists only
It wasn’t complete propaganda by the BBC and the viewers replies were mostly against the activists.
Media’s output depends on the PR material an NGO has sent them to cutNpaste from ..we get #PRasnews
Last night’s BBC local news item had a 6 minutes on should fracking be unbanned
Item was topNtailed by 90 seconds each from 2 anti-fracking activists
At first view it seemed like the item was totally unbalanced and had just anti-fracking people.
But when I rechecked I see that there was an official industry guy in the middle of the item, but this pro-fracking guy got just 20 seconds.
One of his good points is that when you have a local gas producer that means you don’t have to go to the Spot Market, which is the one that has the super high spurts in price.
Both of these two activists seem to be connected to a protest camp in East Yorkshire ..although it uses FRACK in its name the site is not a fracking site , but scare-labelling is a malicious tactic activists use.
And the BBC propaganda element is that they followed that narrative. FRACKING is how the item was framed
Yet right in the middle of the item the BBC got down to detail & admitted the truth, that the 3 proposed wells in the region are NOT-fracking , they are all conventional drilling.
I’m guessing the item was cooked up between the politically green local BBC environmental reporter and the 2 protesters
and then the industry guy put in the middle to tick the balance box.
From the comments I don’t think viewers even noticed him.
Proper balance would have been the old style head to head debate between One activist and one pro guy.
but BBC doesn’t allow that on Green issues.
Viewers called the first activist a rich dreamer with his expensive heatpump
The young girl activist exposed herself cos she kept saying
“Most of our oil and gas is already EXPORTED
*NONE* of it is earmarked for domestic use”
.. that is a ridiculous claim
Secondly at the end she admitted no matter how safe or how cheap, she wouldn’t accept fracking.
Later The presenter read the replies he got
They were more dominated by PRO
though obviously climate activists piled in a bit.
The activists put up the full video.
Once those fuel bills come in anyone blocking fracking – oil extraction – nuclear – blocking oil refineries – will be toast – including green crap politicians …
And people wont be worrying about ice melting – BBC nature journos – or mental scandinavian teenagers either …
BBC local news “Cheaper bills for living near wind turbines”
“We are in Sancton”
PRasNews for that operations lots of voices in favour
2 mins in we got Tory Sir John Hayes on zoom, opposing them
“industrial structures spoiling agricultural land”
Political reporter “Will rising energy bills now make consumers see onshore turbines in a different light ?”
Presenter give us your views
Now yesterdays fracking : 1 Strong viewer comment was read
and 2 mild ones against
Then the weather forecast : Global warming is giving us a frost tonight !
Next PRasNews for local comedian promoting her Channel4 show
“My new series is all about women, commissioned by a woman, from an all female production company”
Oh #diversity
This is Tracy Brabin the Labour Mayor of West Yorkshire
trying to show that she knows and cares about the locals and Channel 4 jobs
..Her team can’t know the local scene very well, they have made a mistake with their tweet.
🔊 I spoke to @looknorthBBC about why the decision to privatise @Channel4 makes no sense and could be disastrous for the creative industry not just in Leeds but across the UK 🔊 pic.twitter.com/aWzcaoW3Vo
— Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire (@MayorOfWY) April 7, 2022
There are 3 editions of Look North
She appeared on the Leeds edition
but the tweet has been sent the tweet to @LookNorthBBC
which is the account for the Hull edition
.. Someone has told her account
but they’ve taken know notice.
That is a link to the story on their site. It offers no comparison to twitter edits for those not configured to see them. Which The BBC relies upon unmercifully.
The full story is of course classic BBC, and dumb.
As any in the shires will know, wildlife can interact with vehicles in adverse ways. A deer or boar can write off a car or indeed kill the occupants.
Birds fly across roads. Swans at that height odd but maybe there was a water body across their fly path. Looks like.
A swan is not small. Even at right angles a 30mph impact is the probable minimum. Several kilos of flesh and bone at that speed on a windscreen….
Seems the swans are ‘recovering’ after ‘not being hurt’ in this interaction.
Wise to not drive if vision impaired but per caption the severity of damage appears restricted to the non driver side radiating out on the windscreen. Autoglass might have helped.
I may check out replies from those not desperate for filler like BBC ‘reporters’.
Hull news on the BBC website : Danny Bailey, 20, from Hull who raped two teenage girls has been jailed for 10 and a half years.
It’s interesting that like the Turkish rapist gut the other week
.. the case is omitted from TV news
(At least at tea-time ..I don’t check the others)
Why are some court cases reported on and on and others not at all ?
No, they look normal enough for the area. A lot of kids in S Yorks don’t know who their real daddy is because Mam can’t remember, and it’s quite likely that their daddy is their brother, their uncle, or their grandad.
“May 2022 UK elections: How to vote” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60902072
We don’t need to be told by Al Beeb !
Personally, I will be choosing between UKIP and The Reform Party. The other parties including the Consocalists are full of promises and promises.
Owen’s a mining engineer now is he? Economic expert? Remind me again, what exactly are his qualifications and skills, what experience of the industry, or any industry at all does he have? What about Vine?….
Two empty barrels mouthing off about something they know absolutely nothing about, except they both loathe Tory voters and love the sound of their own voices.
It appears no consideration has been given to Hydro Electric Power-there are any number of waterfalls quite high and powerful enough to generate amounts of electricity- one Hydro plant owned by Scottish Power in the Borders of Scotland could power the whole of that area and the North West of England. Such slack planning and develpment ove rmany years brings us to this stage, just incomprehensible.
It seems certain lefty public figures tell us it’s needed and popular. Though not who needs it and how popular and with who .
Just lump it in with the TV licence fee . Add this needed and popular channels costs onto the telly tax ( and it doesn’t do radio) and hey presto everyone willingly pays for this needed and popular channel .
There are alternative ways to pay for this needed and popular channel .
Obviously subscription is another.
Here’s one for the liberal/ left globalist Tony Blair privately educated types ;
Put Channel 4 , needed and popular ,on a charitable status . Like the public schools you go to . Voluntarily paid for but tax free ( like your parents paid for ) .
Nibor – from what I’ve seen the most likely outfit to take over C4 is an equally woke outfit -,ITV – whose advertising is also diminishing – apart from DFS adverts ….
Well Krishnan could always join his news reading sister Geeta on the BBC. Another brother /sister camera loving duo is Gamal Fahnbulleh ex Sky and now billeted in the North West for ITV and his sister Miatta Fahnbulleh who is Chief Executive at the New Economics Foundation (what DO these people DO at these fancy sounding jobs ?) and is a regular academic-on-call for the news channels.
State of this tweet from @RHarrabin Which would you prefer next to your house
– a frack site, a wind farm, or a mini-nuke station?
Ask an estate agent. @RICSnews
Yeh cos ONE frack site, ONE wind farm, ONE mini-nuke station
..are all *equivalent *in terms of annual energy output N O T
Roger’s tweet is PRtrickery using the Fallacy of False Equivalence
Indeed: one good way to not waste the nuclear energy generated, say at night when fewer people need it, is to use it to pump water back up mountains and into lakes, for release through turbines when people take showers, put kettles on or start work in the morning. In other words, to couple nuclear and hydroelectric power, freeing you from depending on steady rain for the latter.
Mustapha, I would go back to the complete mix of power sources: coal, gas, nuclear – problem solved. You need to consider the question of land use in a small island. We need three essentials: energy security and food security and housing.
The Germans worked out how to throttle up and down their nukes reactors without damaging them – German Green tossers are stuck with “Atomkraft Nein Danke” though…
It’almost like German Greens are trying to implement The Morgenthau Plan 60 years late.
Here’s hoping they cop the ire of the cold, non electric masses….
Traveling to work yesterday evening and had 5live on in the car and they go over to Augusta for an update on the golf which went something like this….Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods,the weather,apparently there was a dramatic thunder storm the night before,Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods,a very brief mention of the leader,Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods,we aught to mention some other players ‘who’s the favorite after Tiger Woods’ asks the presenter (I doubt Tiger is favorite betting wise I presume she meant he’s the BBC’s favorite) a brief mention of a few players,Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods.
The sports page on the BBC website is just as bad about half a dozen pictures/videos of him.At one stage when I looked last night they had a headline of who was leading but instead of illustrating it with them guess who they chose to picture…yes you’ve guessed it TIGER BL00DY WOODS!!!!
Similarly yesterday, I got tired of the blackverts on TV after two in a row with black man married to white woman, the racist bastards (Emma matresses now).
I did what I had not done for a long time, and chanced the BBC as there was a documentary on Russian tigers. All they banged on about was conflict with small rural communities and tigers eating dogs.
(I wish there were some tigers in our town, bloody yapping dogs EVERYWHERE now, put that along with the screaming kids from half term and a recipe for hell. A quiet coffee in the street is like an outing to a third world council estate)
I digress, I found bothe the take on the subjects, and Packhams know it all voice really irritating after a while, but there was a travelogue after this with Kenya mentioned so stayed where I was.
Right, again, all they talked about was conflict and Kenyans being evicted from their huts by the government. Well, I thought, at least is isn’t whitees fault this time.
Thought too soon, as it transpired the government had to do this as they were using the land for making something for “foreign car” manufacturers.
God they never give up.
Two chances there to make something showing the beauty of the world and they can’t.
Interesting scene where the bbc presenter tries to help them build a new hut and they all laughing at his attempts.
I have sent an idea to the bbc after being inspired by this, we can get some rural Kenyan goat farmers over here, and put them on a building site and watch with merriment.
I love being right .
Yesterday I predicted here that because the chancellors ‘ wife is a tax avoided through being a non – Dom – someone on the other side would be identified as the same .
So guess who it is – here’s a clue –
Stephen kinnock MP – according to the twitter he visits the Uk but doesn’t live here – I reckon that money lust must be in his genes ….
Will such News be reported on the BBC ? Why ask ?
Fed, a correction – the Chancellor’s wife does not avoid tax. As far as I know she hasn’t ‘off-shored’ her UK income to a tax haven. Akshata Murty, Mrs Sunak, is a businesswoman and will be paying tax including the NI increase here. HMRC have confirmed that she pays all UK taxes. Secondly, because India does not allow dual nationality, she has to maintain her Indian nationality and passport. She will be subject to Indian tax law.
I think it is time that you, Fed, and some others on here, stop attacking the PM and now the Chancellor. Thoughtful is allowed to, because he/she is a Labour supporter. Other Labour supporting posters on here are welcome to post here and welcome to push their Party line as far as I am concerned.
But you, Fed, cannot claim to be a Conservative and not swing behind the Party, elected to Government, when it is under obvious attack from the Civil Service, the media (especially the BBC), the Labour Party, the NHS and various Unions not least those of teachers.
Yes, the PM has made errors during the Pandemic. Yes, the promise to do something about the BBC and its Telly Tax has not been delivered upon so far. Yes, Government PR is appalling but would you really prefer to be back with Labour ‘spin’ with Alastair Campbell? Yes, there are still lots of things to do in Government, and some things I wish Government would not do (HS2, wind farms and NetZero, illegal immigration) and lots of things I wish Government would do (reform UK taxation, reform Council Tax, cut the Telly Tax, sack the D-G, reform the House of Lords, move Parliament to the Midlands, reform the Civil Service, end devolution, scrap City Mayors and loads more things) but we cannot have everything we wish for and have to recognise that.
We also have to recognise that the Pandemic is not over yet and deal with an obvious threat this peculiar, strange, virus that impacts the political.
Up2 – if she is a non Dom – as far as I am concerned she is avoiding UK tax . At least we know that the chancellor and would be British PM is married to someone whose loyalty is to India – not to Britain . If she was loyal to Britain she’d renounce the Indian passport and get a British one.
I’m a conservative – which is why I don’t support this blue labour spending government . My problem is there no one decent enough to vote for and achieve the kind of Right wing changes I want – such as ending the BBC – at its ‘lowest – to privatising the NHS – or parts of it – at the top And cutting taxes and the state .
You are welcome see it differently – but if other politicians and their families are non doms- they are not fit to represent UK taxpayers
By the way – the list of mistakes the blue Labour Party – pre nut nut as well – is much longer than those you describe – at at the moment – with an 80 majority – the blue Labour Party is seeing it failing those who expected a lot more and a lot better .
The coming hardship and recession will end them and it will be their fault – to be replaced by even worse .
By the way – there’s never a shortage of politicians .
Fed, am afraid you are wrong. Mrs Sunak has no choice in the matter: she pays tax in India and she pays tax in the UK. It would be different if she had Monaco as her domicile or Luxembourg or Switzerland or the British Virgin Islands.
In any event right or wrong, nevertheless in this circumstance the PM must get rid of this Chancellor and try and find a white Brit, no more coloured chappies, same goes for the Home Secretary and Health Secretary who has only one master. Flush Multicuturalism down the pan.
I am morally right – dress it up how you want – voters will see it for the tax avoidance it is . For a private citizen great – for the wife of a politician -it’s just morally wrong .
Your blind support on a party basis is admiral . She should renounce the Indian passport – get UK nationality and domicile – or get her husband to leave politics and they and then spend their time counting their money .
I don’t care what other dodgy politicians such as thornbury say – she may be equally at fault in her financial activities but the political class must pay a price for such conduct ….
I don’t care about the timing of this disclosure either – it is what it is – wrong .
Like vague law, degrees of ethics or morals goes South very quickly.
Who decides? Mishal and her chart?
At least certain realities are coming home to roost for when the old form of decry is engaged, though frankly between Labour and the MSM I dread the good pol purge soon as knees are jerked and jerks installed.
Who thinks the Sunak story is NEW ?
Like a lot of things journalists must have known all along.
I think if we feel outraged about a news story, we have stop and ask “Am I being played ?”
Sorry Fed, you are wrong again. HMRC do not take morals into account. Justice has a blindfold. They take tax law and apply it rigourously, without fear or favour. I have a high regard for HMRC. They are, on the whole, very professional. They have said: “Mrs Sunak has paid the right amount of tax in this country.”
You, however, are taking the Labour Lefty Libmob ‘Amazonian’ view of taxation.
I don’t need to be told about the amorality of tax law . I’m not talking about that – I’m talking about the reaction of decent voting taxpayers to another variety of ‘snouts in the trough ‘ whether legal or not .
I am equally critical of any MP or family who represent voting taxpayers but avoid tax through legal methods such as those used by sunak and wife .
See my earlier comment about comrade kinnock -who – it seems – lives in Denmark with his family – working away from the country -taken to a higher level …
I hope the press will expose more such cases over the weekend – of any political colour – you can keep apologising for them ….
LMAO at being called a Labour supporter by a Blue Labour supporter!
Your leader Boris the bottler is a Socialist through and through, the partys think tanks taking money from George Soros to push far Left policy on us.
We have a government who are in every aspect a socialist party akin to the government of Harold Wilson & Jim Callaghan !
High taxes, sky high government spending, record breaking immigration, low defence spending, defunding the Police and the courts, no border control and perhaps most telling of a slavish following of the Socialist doctrine of equality which is an appalling goal
As Winston Churchill (who was a conservative said) what you get with capitalism is an unequal spreading of benefits, with Socialism you have an equal spreading of misery !
Thoughtful – we disagree on something’s – but I agree on the socialist nature of the current blue labour government .
It goes from on self caused crisis to another – the shame of Patel today apologising for failing to deal with war refugees . If she had any honour she’d go – if nut nut had honour he’d have gone – if Raab had honour he’d have gone after afgee … sunak should be gone too but the electorate will do that
I do not support all the present policies of the Conservative Government but I did vote for them at the last General Election. I think Lord Frost is right. [ Btw, Lord Frost also disagrees with some of the PM’s policies. 😉 ] The Remainers and Remoaners are trying to get a Labour Government so that it will take us back into the EU.
If you want to be back in the EU, keep on attacking Bojo, Rishi and Co.. It is that simple.
You are making the mistake caused by living in a one party state, that you must by definition either be in favour of either Blue Labour or Red Labour.
I don’t support nor vote for either of this parties. As a free market conservative believing strongly in freedom, law & order, secure borders, small government low taxation and the essential nature of private enterprise to an economy, I’m afraid that there isn’t a political party which even comes close to representing my views, but then in what I regard as a one party state, it would be virtually impossible for that.
I would add as support for my belief, that at the last election the Brexit party garners 5.5 million votes and not one single MP, leaving all those voters unrepresented in parliament, a stunning indictment of a so called democracy which in truth is only an illusion.
An Indian chief had three wives, each of whom was pregnant.
The first gave birth to a boy. The chief was so elated he built her a teepee made of deer hide.
A few days later, the second gave birth, also to a boy. The chief was very happy. He built her a teepee made of antelope hide.
The third wife gave birth a few days later, but the chief kept the details a secret. He built this one a two-story teepee, made out of a hippopotamus hide.
He challenged the tribe to guess what had occurred.
Many tried, unsuccessfully.
Finally, one young brave declared that the third wife had given birth to twin boys.
“Correct,” said the chief. “How did you figure it out?”
The warrior answered, “Easy. The value of the squaw of the hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the squaws of the other two hides.”
I had a string of AJS bikes when young as well as Matchless and BSA. They were great and my pride and joy. Remember being quite sad when the flood of Japanese and Italian bikes started to swamp the market.
Only yesterday I passed a young bloke riding one of those new but retro Indian built Royal Enfield’s that looked so pretty and stylish, took me right back to my yoof.
I have always blamed the popularity of transformers toy cars etc. amongst kids for the demise of quality and style in exchange for flashiness in vehicle looks.
TOADY Watch #1 – this could go badly wrong for Labour
Posh white Lady Nugee, UK-flag-hating-when-displayed-by-‘white-van-man’ is put up for interview about the wife of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Nick Robinson observes that Emily Tornberry MP does not like being referred to as Lady Nugee and points out her hypocrisy.
Nick could and should have challenged Lady Nugee that she is being racist and attacking someone for something they have no choice over – who their parents are and where they are born – but he did not. I would have chosen Mistress Mishal to have interviewed Lady Nugee and to make her squirm with that question.
The Labour Party, comprised of posh lawyers, has already driven ‘patriotic-white-van-man’ to vote for the Conservative Party. Now they risk driving away the aspirational immigrant vote as well. This could go all badly wrong for Labour. Hopefully, the Conservatives will be increasingly united in the face of what appears to be co-ordinated CS/MSM/Labour attacks.
Honestly you couldn’t make this up. The more that is written
or said about the BBC’S obsession with Tiger Woods the more
the BBC put two fingers up.
So far as BLM in golf the BBC support him in spades. So on
the golf internet page this morning there are 10 images on
the Masters at Augusta. SIX of them feature Tiger Woods !
For those of you who don’t know much about golf . Woods has been
a brilliant golfer before he got into a number of personal
The BRITISH broadcasting corporation has always treated him as
if he was one a native of the UK with an adulation only
reserved for Lewis Hamilton. Irrespective if he shoots a round
of 68 or 80.
Being I suppose naive I have asked the BBC why they show
him such adulation. You can see their piss take answer on
their sports internet pages this morning. AND you will
see this for the whole of the tournament , however he plays.
The British golfers count for nothing so far as the BRITISH
broadcasting is concerned. At least Lewis Hamilton although
no longer domicile in the UK was born here.
Yes, spend time criticising and exposing those who are not paying the taxes they should, rather than simply following Labour's agenda and throwing shade on people who are paying all their tax due. Here's a few examples for you… pic.twitter.com/iubl1Msdsr
Wow. That raises a lot of BIG questions if true. But if they were green card holders you don’t get non dom status in the US. The IRS claims taxes on your global income. Also why did an aspiring British politician become a green card holder? https://t.co/XtfZBvOXBT
On the bbc ‘reporting’ based now solely on ‘sources’’ claims, I was going to share the Moaning Emole on Ukraine, which features the latest effort by JezBo. But the share the other day with the comment from the Major General puts him, Clive and Simpo in their boxes.
Guest, I value your contributions but do you realise us non-Twitterers can no longer read Twitter posts and Threads? Twitter now puts up a block to the view. You really need to explain more fully what has been said, even to the point of reposting/writing on here – as other posters here do – complete Tweets and Threads.
Re Twitter if you click on log in it will give you a square with log in details , in the top left hand corner is a cross x click and it removes the block. I used to be frustrated by the block as well until someone else posted the remedy.
There is a thing called Twitter white screen
where the Twitter cache gets corrupted and all you can see is white boxes
#1 close any tab which has twitter running
#2 in the address bar open chrome://serviceworker-internals/
Clearly it is not ideal that stuff cannot be seen, critically.
The questions arise as to why, and then solutions.
‘Fair use’ and ‘purposes of journalism’ are phrases heard a lot in and around media, but when lawyers meet satirists there can only be one winner. And when journalists have unique exemptions the world becomes more and more unique, not in a good way.
We have elected politicians and state media employees who use and abuse it all to the nth degree. Often exclusively.
Good or ill, Twitter still dominates bubble world. As I have noted, The BBC especially uses it to post a source quoting a source saying something as a claim to a point where black can be white and one man’s RPG launching civilian can be another’s President. And most journalists are on board, to the point of referring to a collection of disparate folks’ opinions ‘Twitter says’. When it is clear it is dominated by them, activists and the like, plus those wary of their influence.
Especially on pea brained pols like Lammy, Rayner, Bryant, Truss and the bloke married to the blonde.
Flawed in so many ways, I prefer the old form of democracy which was not internet polls, rigged research and unnamed ‘experts’ or relatives to supposed professional reporters.
So I inhabit that world and highlight what I feel are abuses.
And clearly they are relied upon more and more by the abusers. Look at who blocks and bans, often even pre-emptively… ironically those claiming Putin is isolated in a bubble of yes-groupies.
And The BBC. How long before the website goes behind a fee based, ID logging system like iPlayer? They will never be weaned off Facebook and I think those URLs are open to view. As is twitter, maybe if not ‘on it’, with effort.
Sometimes a bit of effort is required to look across issues, and get context. Even then one might be misled, as BBC context is as subjective as it is possible to be. Hence twitter replies can have value if pursued. But few will appreciate a full thread posted here.
Maybe things will improve with Musk in the mix.
That does not fully address the tech restraints.
I know this site has some kind of image thing but I have found it long winded and unreliable. Plus I think offers a route to trace posters.
I take on board what you share, and I may go for a one line summary at least. Beyond that… the needs of me outweigh the needs of those seeking to limit their exposure.
On the one in question, by way of summary the ex-BBC N. America Editor goes full Tik-tok over a Sky Editor making a claim based on someone else. If you are interested, one is sure other avenues will pick up if substantive.
If not, twitter media cretins have prevailed and moved on.
@Up2snuff I just checked about tweets
I opened this page on an incognito window in Chrome
which means I am not logged into Twitter
Everything on the page embedded as normal including the tweets
.. so the problem seems confined to your browser
I then closed the incognito tab, but no Chrome closed my original window instead which had 60 open tabs in it.
… However when I did Ctrl-H to open the History, that reopened all 60 backup ..Thank God
These page are getting to be a pain with the way they jerk around loading, cos the page has too many tweets
I did suggest to Rufus the webmaster before that he shorten the page by reducing the number of posts per page turnover
Could be, Stew. Could be that ‘they’ want to devious things and load things onto my viewing that Motsy blocks. Motsy warned me about them t’other day. You probably know what they are called. I’ve forgotten already! Not cookies, the other ‘thing’.
“Could Putin Attack Britain? Ukraine War Special”.
Slightly over 13mins but well worth a watch to be reminded of how various Governments have blatantly mismanaged the UK and squandered our international security.
He does make one enormous error here, that these bombers would have to overfly NATO airspace, or fly down the Baltic strait where any number of air defence systems could easily engage them.
Currently they are in international airspace so no country can lawfully intercept them and cause them to return to base, that would not be the case at time of war.
Any submarine which surfaces to fire a cruise missile gives away its position and would almost certainly be destroyed. Not that that would bother then Russians who have so many of them.
The point however is well made that Blue Labour have effective destroyed the UKs defence capability and replaced it with a white flag.
Packet in edition
Or perhaps the nudge nudge, wink wink, edition
Those of a liberal globalist mindset tend to envisage a goal of equalisation or equity between the world’s populations. Afterall, if past history, cultural achievement or national characteristics have no significance, then an economic levelling across the globe seems only fair and inevitable as a policy goal.
The FT this morning features a snapshot of the current economic woes of Sri Lanka and it seems this eventual levelling – albeit coming perhaps as a levelling down, from the UK’s point of view – is fast approaching us: ‘Sri Lankans wait to buy kerosene at a petrol station in Columbo, as the crisis facing the government… deepens… following blackouts, food shortages and soaring prices… Sri Lanka may have as little as $500mn left in foreign reserves, with a $1bn bond repayment due soon…‘ – you do the maths – look beyond the typical local three-wheeler van, immobilised through lack of fuel, and note the expectant empty plastic bottles being clutched and notice also the familiar pale blue paper face masks – apparently still in fashion. Sri Lanka is not a million miles away from the UK and we’re not a million miles away from them.
‘Half of all cars sold must be fully electric in six years, ministers propose‘ (FT)
Luckily for us, panic buying, real shortages and rationing are all still a bit of a joke for our tabloids: ‘Plea over crisps panic. Packet in! Shoppers strip shelves ahead of recipe change‘ (Daily Star)
Recipe change…?
‘Walkers forced to change crisps recipe after Ukraine war sparks shortages‘ (giveaway Metro) ‘In 2019, 48% of sunflower oil was produced in Ukraine – with the national sunflower recently becoming a symbol of resistance against Vladimir Putin’s troops‘ – always the narrative served up with the news.
Somehow one really doubts the average crisp fan would actually baulk at the minor change in process or ingredient – or indeed possesses the delicate palate of some sommelier of the salt and vinegar. But perhaps the nudge unit kills two birds with one stone here? A sunflower for Ukraine and turning us fatty NHS users off crisps?
FT Datawatch today approves and celebrates: ‘The decline of smoking‘ and the Telegraph warns: ‘Slim down your waist to half your height‘ as does the Times: ‘Britons urged to grab a tape measure in battle against obesity‘ – that demands a degree of maths, if not a degree in maths. Is it not a little discriminatory against those who may be a “little person,” or “person of short stature”?
Anyway, this review is already as broad as it is long so we’ll leave it there.
Except to note the sudden discovery of a brand new sub-species of high-viz semi-official semi-uniformed operative. Of course we are impressed by and admire the word “press” on a journo’s outfit – especially in a war zone. Closer to home, we’ve all seen the common or garden “security” at public events and entertainment venues, though they be of indeterminate legal status. And of course the regular “police” wear that reminder of their status as bobbies emblazoned on their backs – since they unilaterally gave up the actual uniform. An recent addition to the genus was “NHS test and trace” and the high-viz vested “covid marshal” – you can still buy yourself one of those vests online – presumably no questions asked? They’re as cheap as chips – and chips are what Americans call crisps. I digress.
So this new mutation of captioned workwear is spotted on the frontpage of the ‘i‘ newspaper: ‘war crimes prosecutor” – apparently we are to belive this is a real thing, photographed in Ukraine of course.
Call me a conspiracy nut by all means but I call fakery of some kind. This one is up there with the BBC’s ex-NHS ambulance targeted by Russian missile story.
Is our media propaganda becoming more crude and shoddy as time goes by and they think our quality of reasoning plummets?
Pug, do you have any proof or any kind of evidence linking this to being a Labour manufactured story?
Of course I do recognise that there are two parties in Britain Blue Labour and Red Labour, but the clever money claims that this was a Blue Labour Attack piece which came from number 10 designed to wreck Sunaks naked leadership ambitions.
If so then it is yet more evidence of the cowardly useless incompetence of this ridiculous unfit party which is so hell bent on revenge it cannot even contemplate the damage this does on a wider scale to their party.
The biggest promoter of this story is the Daily Mail, massively hypocritcally with it’s owner practicing the very same tax avoidance his paper is excoriating the chancellor for.
Always worth remembering that Indians are not overly popular in the Muslim World and it feels like the BBC and left wing news always tend to take their side. This might help explain the attack dogs on the Sunak issue. Votes always trump truth on the left.
“Meanwhile, another ally of Mr Sunak has blamed Boris Johnson’s camp for the leaks. ‘It’s all coming from Number 10,’ the source told The Telegraph. ‘Rishi’s the only credible show in town. Ever since he sat down from the Spring Statement, it’s been one thing after the other. I don’t think it’s in anyone’s interest other than the Prime Minister’s.’
A Tory MP added: ‘Number 10 have been gunning for him [Mr Sunak] for a while and undermining him with colleagues.’ ”
Pug – yes the timing is significant but the failure of the blue Labour to be transparent bites them in the bottom again ….
They really are a shambles and deserve a kicking at home whilst distracted by international wars .
They need to be able to deal with a number big things at the same time – nut nut can’t even do one …
For instance – there is an urgent need to rebuild the military but where is the effort ?
Interesting replies – the CNN bloke deflects and avoids the propaganda they have been spreading
The applebaum ( a regular lefty BBC favourite ) thinks the – now true – Biden laptop story has no effect on who should be president ….
… which in a way is true because the voting was fixed anyway …..
Unusual for ‘the press ‘ to be ‘challenged ‘ outright but you could hear that they know they are fire proof as long as the sing an approved song .
I couldn’t see that sort of direct challenge happening here – any student asking such a question would be rarely Right Wing and I suggest would be thrown out of any educational establishment as well as beaten up .
How evil is this Megan Markle Duchess of Sussex, in her recent vent against our Monachy-claiming how unsuccessful was the recent trip made by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to the Caribbean. This miserable creatures vexation appears to know no bounds. You made your bed Harry my boy and so you must now lie in it, with the disgrace your home nation applies of you.
I guessed she was trouble from the get-go. Everyone (the media) said she was a ‘breath of fresh air’ – such a cliche ! but it was easy to see she had an ‘agenda’ and its been proved right. Within that relationship she’s the one with the male genitalia right enough.
By now many of you will have seen on GB News the clip of the reporter outside Westminster asking our politicians if a wimmin can have a penis and all of them shirking the answer (the answer is no in case anyone has any doubts, but you all know that)
I would like to see him go one further and ask the wimmin MPs “Have you got a penis?”
I wonder what they would think could be an answer which wouldn’t offend the easily outraged.
I saw that and thought GBNews was slumming it .it was unworthy of the kid journo doing the doorstepping and achieved nothing apart from making GBNews as dumb as the BBC .
A biological man is a biological man, but if they want to put on a dress and play the part of a woman it does depend on context.
There was a trans pub musician in our town in the 1970’s
I don’t think anyone was that upset that he wore dress an used the women’s lavatory.
Hospital or prison is a different context.
Or say being a scout leader.
I thought that the point was that MPs and ministers were unwilling to answer a question that until the last year or two would never have even needed asking! The fact that all of those asked refused to answer a question which 90% plus of the public would emphatically answer no to demonstrates the ever widening gulf between those who rule and those whom they rule.
First up, let’s slag off Sunaks wife (second day running).
Next, guess the location of nuclear stations, Dale gets his right.
Vine tells Shola the name of the plant and also the county (this case being Cumbria) and she still hasn’t a clue on the map where it is. Thick as mince and given a doctorate, seems overentitled and speaks about herself in the third person.
If the Netflix documentary expose ‘Savile- A Modern Horror Story’ manages to avoid mentioning the name Yentob, and allows sad little Hislop as a representative his pucker-faced denial of direct knowledge – rather spoiled by his facial expressions when sitting beside the BBC Favourite on HIGNFY – what chance is there of the dramatised version ‘starring’ Steve Coogan being the shock-horror-truthfest currently promoted via trailer repeats?
Netflix seemed to leave an authentic miasma of stale Old Spice hanging in the air after every Savile scene, and yet the culpability and direct involvement of BBC senior management was significant by its absence. Does George Carman’s ghost still stalk the corridors of W1A?
The Germans worked out how to throttle up and down their nukes reactors without damaging them – German Green tossers are stuck with “Atomkraft Nein Danke” though…
It’almost like German Greens are trying to implement The Morgenthau Plan 60 years late.
Here’s hoping they cop the ire of the cold , non electric masses….
– the Germans have finessed the controls to cope with faster and deeper throttling than anybody else – as I understand it – according to my hazy recollection… it was 4+ years ago.
Hardly credible to read that PM Jonhson states that he could not rule out another lockdown in light of the Covid variant-such a statement apart from throwing the country into a screaming frenzy must confirm that Johnson et al is and are ruled by powers beyond these shores. This poor old land of ours is still recouping from the last utterly evil subjugation, any such development of another Lockdown will kill us for sure-maybe that is what they; the devil incarnate desires. And what do the BBC say about such a direction? Nothing, it is afterall grist to their mill of causing discontent throughout.
Additionally it looks like Covid Passports are still intended.
Any future lockdowns will be linked to Covid Passport 'Permissions' It's why the government handed out a further £18 million contract for the Covid Pass this week. #Lockdown#COVIDhttps://t.co/HIP4Q9kOex
I just hope the agriculture industry will step up to the thingy and grow a lot of stuff and make some money but not excessive amounts like the oil industry ….
“not excessive amounts like the oil industry”
Saying that sounds very socialist.
There’s a market, the customer decides what they are prepared to pay
When there is oversupply the customer gets to have a reduction
This year some oil corps have made good money as they had stocks when the market went high
In previous years they’ve had stocks when the price went low plus they’ve had costs of accidents and big legal costs.
Trump was pushing UP supply
But the now the Saudis, Biden, Trudeau have been intent on pushing supplies DOWN.
Grime artist Dizzee Rascal has been handed a one-year restraining order and a 24-week curfew for assaulting his former fiancee.
The rapper, whose real name is Dylan Kwabena Mills, had denied assault by beating.
Court told assaulted “by pressing his forehead against hers and pushing her to the ground during a “chaotic” row.
found guilty of attacking Cassandra Jones in Streatham, south London, in June 2021.
In last month’s trial the judge said he had been “abusive and aggressive”.
Name an organisation that is globalist, leftist, wokeist, undemocratic, unaccountable, biased, anti-Western, pro-Third World, pro-Islam, wasteful and subsidised by you and me.
If you said the BBC you’d be right, but if you said the UN you’d also be right, as Melanie Phillips points out in a recent article.
“The United Nations is a broken institution that helps sow chaos, terror and injustice.
It’s taken the horrors in Ukraine for people to begin to register that a central pillar of world affairs since the Second World War has crumbled. Even now, though, the full implications aren’t acknowledged.
As evidence of Russian war crimes in Ukraine has mounted, the UN General Assembly has now voted to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council.
But the council has long been a vicious joke. Serial human-rights abusers including such states as China, Cuba, Pakistan, Libya and Venezuela are currently members.”
“The council regularly ignores appalling human-rights violations by tyrannical member states while singling out for repeated censure Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East and a country deeply committed to human rights.
In his emotional address to the UN Security Council this week, Ukraine’s president Zelensky asked whether the world body was worth a hill of beans.”
I have just had my holiday book delivered, “Endgame; Hidden Agenda 21” by Dr Vernon Coleman. i have only read the forward, in which he explains how the UN want to be the world government. Hopefully be quite intersting.
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god. https://twitter.com/darrengrimes_/status/1897058871908155401
Appears the plod are all over some chaps at The Unite Union for suspected money laundering etc.
Wonder if this will get the BBC Partygate treatment?
Interesting that they filed it under politics rather than crime!
“As well known regards a hotel and conference centre built on behalf of the Unite union for £100m, only worth 27m.
The company owner who got the contract to build was a friend of the then UNITE leader.
The new leader had opened an inquiry into what happened.”
“#Unite came under scrutiny last year over its decision to award the contracts to the Flanagan Group, run by Mr McCluskey’s long-time friend Paul Flanagan, as well as a health /safety contract awarded to SSC, a company owned by the son of Joe Anderson, former mayor of Liverpool”
Simon Jenkins of the Guardian tells us how wrong it is for the UK to have Sovereignty over The Falklands.
We must negotiate with Argentina to arrange to hand it over to them as quickly as possible.
Obviously totally happy to ignore the wishes of the over 98% of residents of the Falklands who are completely happy to be a British colony and also ignoring the fact that Argentina has never had any jurisdiction in the Islands as it was colonised by the UK way before they arrived in the region.
In fact the first official Argentinian foot and claim on the Island was when they tried to invade it recently.
So maybe rather than “negotiate” with Argentina they just need a referendum by its population to settle the matter.
Then again lefties do not have a good track record accepting the results of referendums do they?
This “Empire” hatred is deep-seated in lefties isn’t it?
Maybe Australians and KiWi’s should all move out as well and leave it to the kangaroos?
And him a devout Anglican and lover of all things old in Olde Englande!
I’m surprised that a Multi millionaire globalist like him – in his smug sheltered life – would want any state to exist yet alone maintain the concept of ‘sovereignty ‘
I’m sure those dying for their country against Russian vermin in Ukraine would love to meet comrade Jenkins …
What would Mr Jenkins do with the people living there then? FORCE them to accept Argentine suzerainty? Err… wouldn’t that be the very definition of ‘colonialism’?!
Beyond the tiresome hiding behind a question mark, if properly investigated and proven then the motivations are beyond bizarre.
But the conflations being attempted make it hard to take bbc efforts seriously.
Genocide ?
Redefining language is a libmob trick.
Genocide has always had a meaning.
Killing 200 or 300 people is a terrible crime
but it is NOT the same as trying to exterminate a race
Luckily the BBC use mad Al mostly for political hit jobs away from green issues.
Perhaps Mr Campbell might like to intimate to them he is gay and see how warm his welcome is then.
Is it me ?
In the main for my news ‘fix’ I watch GBN with just a tickle of a foray at Sky. Maybe its my age I don’t know, but to me it seems that any experts / academics / authors / or anyone else who is asked for a comment, mainly on a video link, are not great at public speaking. Articulate yes, but most of them its either like pulling teeth, or they rabbit on nonsensically. I sit there bemused that these paragons of intelligence, stutter, never stop talking, or are slow to engage their brain, as I wait for the next nougat they impart. Then, to the relief of the interviewer, and us, they are thanked for their time and contribution.
Perhaps its the Zoom environment and maybe its time they got back into the studio, because some of the contributors have the personality of a septic foot.
BBC staff are like you and me…
That’s a brilliant , but obvious comeback.
.. libmob are so arrogant they have little self awareness.
At least 4 people tweeted his case back at him
A period of silence from Mr Lineker on all matters other than association football would be most welcome.
Daily Mail are running it
“Gary Lineker criticising Rishi Sunak’s wife for tax avoidance
… is like Jimmy Saville criticising Rolf Harris “
How much has HE earned in the 25 years that he’s been scoffing crisps for Walkers ? he’s contracted until next year with them on £1.2 mill. All on top of his other salary that I’m paying for.
Copied from a comment on Breitbart too much of interest !
Were the UK’s Climate Laws bought by Soros ?
Britain’s climate and energy policies are an unfolding disaster because they look likely to have been bought and paid for by billion dollar green tech investor, George Soros..
Here’s what happened in brief………
David Miliband, UK Environment Secretary 2006-2007, was the architect of the Climate Change Act 2008 which his ‘old pal’ George Soros strongly desired..
As soon as David Miliband left politics in 2013, he walked straight into a $600,000 pa CEO position in a New York charity part financed with ‘hefty donations’ by, guess who, his ‘old pal’, George Soros!
After that extraordinary coincidence, George Soros, through his foundation Open Society, went on to part finance the Conservative think tank Bright Blue which recommended Legal Net Zero 2019 to the Theresa May administration.
Soon afterwards, Theresa May started a very long series of one hour free to attend $100,000 speeches booked through the same Washington speakers agency favored by George Soros’ ‘old pal’ Tony Blair…
Another extraordinary coincidence!
Shortly after Lord Stern published in 2006 his report, ‘Economics of Climate Change’, he travelled around with George Soros giving talks about Oil Wars and Climate Change and demanding $100billion, rising to $500billion, from Western governments to solve problems they’d just invented.
Taking everything together, I think it’s very easy to see what might have been going on here which is key individuals being on George Soros’ payroll !
Coincidences indeed. David Miliband’s salary at International Rescue is obscene, half as much again as the previous head got.
But surely that Climate Change Act was by Edward Miliband – not his brother David!?
Not having written it I’m not really qualified to comment, but prior to the Labour leadership election the two brothers were really close, and it’s possible Ed took over his brothers already written policy ?
I was impressed he got a job here:
I heard the place only employed puppets… he must fit in perfectly.
So whose payroll is Merkel on ? Soros or Putin ?
There must be a learned article somewhere explaining her policy decisions with reference to either of the two monsters mentioned above ?
And I wonder if the krauts will manage to fire up any of their nuclear reactors ?
Difficult to say, she is a fluent Russian speaker, and was educated in the old East German, witnesses say she was a Communist activist in her adolescent years.
To have locked Germany into Russian gas without the possibility of any other supplier, because Germany neglected (deliberately?) to build an LNG gas terminal, so they are unable to accept gas from overseas.
Add into this some of her many strange decisions, and it is time her actions were investigated with a view to possible legal proceedings being launched against her.
Thoughtful – that’s my point really – to an outsider her decisions look insane – the closure of the nuclear reactors came after the Japanese Fukushima incident which seems mad at the time and even more so now …. Add that to importing the 3rd world en masse without reference to the EU was also – …. Illogical ..unless the motivation came from elsewhere ..
Also her absolute refusal to give a scintilla on Camerons lightweight proposals for reforms of the EU which would have given him the excuse not to hold a referendum.
In doing this she forced his hand into the Brexit referendum, which was exactly what Putin wanted – a weakened EU.
I’m always reminded of the provenance of Petra Kelly – the archetypal German Green … (esp her husband)
Just a thought or question really for the BBC: “If as you claim nearly 5 million people in the UK are sick with a Covid19 mutation, how come there are such big queues at airports and ferry terminals with people going on holiday?”
cos 5m out of 68 leaves 63million to be the tourists are plane drivers etc.
The problem is that Covid is very selective in who it infects and how seriously it infects them. Public sector workers are extremely vulnerable as are other service providers who get paid wether they turn in or not. A miraculous cure has been piloted in certain sectors it involves not paying folks who aren’t at work on morethan five occasions per annum. With this remedy in place the impact on the health of the workforce is astonishing with absent rates falling by 90% plus.
Wednesday local BBC news : fracking item seemed like 2 antifracking activists only
It wasn’t complete propaganda by the BBC and the viewers replies were mostly against the activists.
Media’s output depends on the PR material an NGO has sent them to cutNpaste from ..we get #PRasnews
Last night’s BBC local news item had a 6 minutes on should fracking be unbanned
Item was topNtailed by 90 seconds each from 2 anti-fracking activists
At first view it seemed like the item was totally unbalanced and had just anti-fracking people.
But when I rechecked I see that there was an official industry guy in the middle of the item, but this pro-fracking guy got just 20 seconds.
One of his good points is that when you have a local gas producer that means you don’t have to go to the Spot Market, which is the one that has the super high spurts in price.
Both of these two activists seem to be connected to a protest camp in East Yorkshire ..although it uses FRACK in its name the site is not a fracking site , but scare-labelling is a malicious tactic activists use.
And the BBC propaganda element is that they followed that narrative. FRACKING is how the item was framed
Yet right in the middle of the item the BBC got down to detail & admitted the truth, that the 3 proposed wells in the region are NOT-fracking , they are all conventional drilling.
I’m guessing the item was cooked up between the politically green local BBC environmental reporter and the 2 protesters
and then the industry guy put in the middle to tick the balance box.
From the comments I don’t think viewers even noticed him.
Proper balance would have been the old style head to head debate between One activist and one pro guy.
but BBC doesn’t allow that on Green issues.
Viewers called the first activist a rich dreamer with his expensive heatpump
The young girl activist exposed herself cos she kept saying
“Most of our oil and gas is already EXPORTED
*NONE* of it is earmarked for domestic use”
.. that is a ridiculous claim
Secondly at the end she admitted no matter how safe or how cheap, she wouldn’t accept fracking.
Later The presenter read the replies he got
They were more dominated by PRO
though obviously climate activists piled in a bit.
The activists put up the full video.
Once those fuel bills come in anyone blocking fracking – oil extraction – nuclear – blocking oil refineries – will be toast – including green crap politicians …
And people wont be worrying about ice melting – BBC nature journos – or mental scandinavian teenagers either …
I did rather like the epithet someone here gave her “the miniature Swedish doom goblin”.
BBC local news “Cheaper bills for living near wind turbines”
“We are in Sancton”
PRasNews for that operations lots of voices in favour
2 mins in we got Tory Sir John Hayes on zoom, opposing them
“industrial structures spoiling agricultural land”
Political reporter “Will rising energy bills now make consumers see onshore turbines in a different light ?”
Presenter give us your views
Now yesterdays fracking : 1 Strong viewer comment was read
and 2 mild ones against
Then the weather forecast : Global warming is giving us a frost tonight !
Next PRasNews for local comedian promoting her Channel4 show
“My new series is all about women, commissioned by a woman, from an all female production company”
Oh #diversity
Subtitle problems on tonight’s local news
I will never be able to think of ‘half past six ‘ in the same way again ….
cinq a six?
This is Tracy Brabin the Labour Mayor of West Yorkshire
trying to show that she knows and cares about the locals and Channel 4 jobs
..Her team can’t know the local scene very well, they have made a mistake with their tweet.
There are 3 editions of Look North
She appeared on the Leeds edition
but the tweet has been sent the tweet to @LookNorthBBC
which is the account for the Hull edition
.. Someone has told her account
but they’ve taken know notice.
Russian swans?
Wow, what did they use, baseballs bats? A brick?
BBC investigation no doubt in place.
I see a possible part fix to issues raised elsewhere.
That is a link to the story on their site. It offers no comparison to twitter edits for those not configured to see them. Which The BBC relies upon unmercifully.
The full story is of course classic BBC, and dumb.
As any in the shires will know, wildlife can interact with vehicles in adverse ways. A deer or boar can write off a car or indeed kill the occupants.
Birds fly across roads. Swans at that height odd but maybe there was a water body across their fly path. Looks like.
A swan is not small. Even at right angles a 30mph impact is the probable minimum. Several kilos of flesh and bone at that speed on a windscreen….
Seems the swans are ‘recovering’ after ‘not being hurt’ in this interaction.
Wise to not drive if vision impaired but per caption the severity of damage appears restricted to the non driver side radiating out on the windscreen. Autoglass might have helped.
I may check out replies from those not desperate for filler like BBC ‘reporters’.
Some Royal jokers.
I think this serves best:
Catering for the American market now!! It’s windscreen in the UK, not windshield.
Hull news on the BBC website : Danny Bailey, 20, from Hull who raped two teenage girls has been jailed for 10 and a half years.
It’s interesting that like the Turkish rapist gut the other week
.. the case is omitted from TV news
(At least at tea-time ..I don’t check the others)
Why are some court cases reported on and on and others not at all ?
Immediate castration, no arguments-that would be one vile creature out of circulation-and the same punishment should be meated out to all such filth.
Brothers all. Under the skin.
First impression is that they look inbred, usually means they come from one of two communities that marry their first cousins.
They’re not tanned enough for the one group, so I’m going with the others, you know the ones that move around a lot and come from Ireland.
No, they look normal enough for the area. A lot of kids in S Yorks don’t know who their real daddy is because Mam can’t remember, and it’s quite likely that their daddy is their brother, their uncle, or their grandad.
“May 2022 UK elections: How to vote”
We don’t need to be told by Al Beeb !
Personally, I will be choosing between UKIP and The Reform Party. The other parties including the Consocalists are full of promises and promises.
I thought the BBC were always telling us who to vote in all elections and referendums.
Labour is spaffing Twitter with stuff like this.
Why is it that the only holding to account is by commenters whilst the MSM outright supports these efforts?
Am I happy with the current shambles? No.
But the alternative is way worse.
Anneliese Dodds is terrifyingly vacuous, anyone who lets her anywhere near the cheque book has got to be insane.
Jez gets all the experts in. This one lives there.
Some interesting notions on other areas too.
Owen’s a mining engineer now is he? Economic expert? Remind me again, what exactly are his qualifications and skills, what experience of the industry, or any industry at all does he have? What about Vine?….
Two empty barrels mouthing off about something they know absolutely nothing about, except they both loathe Tory voters and love the sound of their own voices.
You couldn’t pay me to watch it.
It appears no consideration has been given to Hydro Electric Power-there are any number of waterfalls quite high and powerful enough to generate amounts of electricity- one Hydro plant owned by Scottish Power in the Borders of Scotland could power the whole of that area and the North West of England. Such slack planning and develpment ove rmany years brings us to this stage, just incomprehensible.
How much does Channel 4 cost to run ?
It seems certain lefty public figures tell us it’s needed and popular. Though not who needs it and how popular and with who .
Just lump it in with the TV licence fee . Add this needed and popular channels costs onto the telly tax ( and it doesn’t do radio) and hey presto everyone willingly pays for this needed and popular channel .
There are alternative ways to pay for this needed and popular channel .
Obviously subscription is another.
Here’s one for the liberal/ left globalist Tony Blair privately educated types ;
Put Channel 4 , needed and popular ,on a charitable status . Like the public schools you go to . Voluntarily paid for but tax free ( like your parents paid for ) .
Nibor – from what I’ve seen the most likely outfit to take over C4 is an equally woke outfit -,ITV – whose advertising is also diminishing – apart from DFS adverts ….
Go woke – go broke – soon
Well Krishnan could always join his news reading sister Geeta on the BBC. Another brother /sister camera loving duo is Gamal Fahnbulleh ex Sky and now billeted in the North West for ITV and his sister Miatta Fahnbulleh who is Chief Executive at the New Economics Foundation (what DO these people DO at these fancy sounding jobs ?) and is a regular academic-on-call for the news channels.
Interesting! I didn’t know that. Thanks for the tip-off about the Fahnbullehs.
The Blackpool Fahnbullehs? Got a Graun feature coming soon?
State of this tweet from @RHarrabin
Which would you prefer next to your house
– a frack site, a wind farm, or a mini-nuke station?
Ask an estate agent. @RICSnews
Yeh cos ONE frack site, ONE wind farm, ONE mini-nuke station
..are all *equivalent *in terms of annual energy output N O T
Roger’s tweet is PRtrickery using the Fallacy of False Equivalence
Perhaps someone here might put some numbers in
It’s not only the Energy Density that is different
Gas is there when you demand it, Wind power turns up randomly
Nuclear = 247 steady baseload
It can’t vary with your demand
High cost energy makes EVERYTHING you pay for more expensive
Britain is going to be a *much poorer* country if we continue with crazy energy policies.
“Nuclear … It can’t vary with your demand.”
Indeed: one good way to not waste the nuclear energy generated, say at night when fewer people need it, is to use it to pump water back up mountains and into lakes, for release through turbines when people take showers, put kettles on or start work in the morning. In other words, to couple nuclear and hydroelectric power, freeing you from depending on steady rain for the latter.
Mustapha, I would go back to the complete mix of power sources: coal, gas, nuclear – problem solved. You need to consider the question of land use in a small island. We need three essentials: energy security and food security and housing.
The Germans worked out how to throttle up and down their nukes reactors without damaging them – German Green tossers are stuck with “Atomkraft Nein Danke” though…
It’almost like German Greens are trying to implement The Morgenthau Plan 60 years late.
Here’s hoping they cop the ire of the cold, non electric masses….
Traveling to work yesterday evening and had 5live on in the car and they go over to Augusta for an update on the golf which went something like this….Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods,the weather,apparently there was a dramatic thunder storm the night before,Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods,a very brief mention of the leader,Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods,we aught to mention some other players ‘who’s the favorite after Tiger Woods’ asks the presenter (I doubt Tiger is favorite betting wise I presume she meant he’s the BBC’s favorite) a brief mention of a few players,Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods,Tiger Woods.
The sports page on the BBC website is just as bad about half a dozen pictures/videos of him.At one stage when I looked last night they had a headline of who was leading but instead of illustrating it with them guess who they chose to picture…yes you’ve guessed it TIGER BL00DY WOODS!!!!
Similarly yesterday, I got tired of the blackverts on TV after two in a row with black man married to white woman, the racist bastards (Emma matresses now).
I did what I had not done for a long time, and chanced the BBC as there was a documentary on Russian tigers. All they banged on about was conflict with small rural communities and tigers eating dogs.
(I wish there were some tigers in our town, bloody yapping dogs EVERYWHERE now, put that along with the screaming kids from half term and a recipe for hell. A quiet coffee in the street is like an outing to a third world council estate)
I digress, I found bothe the take on the subjects, and Packhams know it all voice really irritating after a while, but there was a travelogue after this with Kenya mentioned so stayed where I was.
Right, again, all they talked about was conflict and Kenyans being evicted from their huts by the government. Well, I thought, at least is isn’t whitees fault this time.
Thought too soon, as it transpired the government had to do this as they were using the land for making something for “foreign car” manufacturers.
God they never give up.
Two chances there to make something showing the beauty of the world and they can’t.
Interesting scene where the bbc presenter tries to help them build a new hut and they all laughing at his attempts.
I have sent an idea to the bbc after being inspired by this, we can get some rural Kenyan goat farmers over here, and put them on a building site and watch with merriment.
Working title “Made in Kenya”
No reply so far, I’ll keep you updated.
I love being right .
Yesterday I predicted here that because the chancellors ‘ wife is a tax avoided through being a non – Dom – someone on the other side would be identified as the same .
So guess who it is – here’s a clue –
Stephen kinnock MP – according to the twitter he visits the Uk but doesn’t live here – I reckon that money lust must be in his genes ….
Will such News be reported on the BBC ? Why ask ?
Fed, a correction – the Chancellor’s wife does not avoid tax. As far as I know she hasn’t ‘off-shored’ her UK income to a tax haven. Akshata Murty, Mrs Sunak, is a businesswoman and will be paying tax including the NI increase here. HMRC have confirmed that she pays all UK taxes. Secondly, because India does not allow dual nationality, she has to maintain her Indian nationality and passport. She will be subject to Indian tax law.
I think it is time that you, Fed, and some others on here, stop attacking the PM and now the Chancellor. Thoughtful is allowed to, because he/she is a Labour supporter. Other Labour supporting posters on here are welcome to post here and welcome to push their Party line as far as I am concerned.
But you, Fed, cannot claim to be a Conservative and not swing behind the Party, elected to Government, when it is under obvious attack from the Civil Service, the media (especially the BBC), the Labour Party, the NHS and various Unions not least those of teachers.
Yes, the PM has made errors during the Pandemic. Yes, the promise to do something about the BBC and its Telly Tax has not been delivered upon so far. Yes, Government PR is appalling but would you really prefer to be back with Labour ‘spin’ with Alastair Campbell? Yes, there are still lots of things to do in Government, and some things I wish Government would not do (HS2, wind farms and NetZero, illegal immigration) and lots of things I wish Government would do (reform UK taxation, reform Council Tax, cut the Telly Tax, sack the D-G, reform the House of Lords, move Parliament to the Midlands, reform the Civil Service, end devolution, scrap City Mayors and loads more things) but we cannot have everything we wish for and have to recognise that.
We also have to recognise that the Pandemic is not over yet and deal with an obvious threat this peculiar, strange, virus that impacts the political.
Up2 – if she is a non Dom – as far as I am concerned she is avoiding UK tax . At least we know that the chancellor and would be British PM is married to someone whose loyalty is to India – not to Britain . If she was loyal to Britain she’d renounce the Indian passport and get a British one.
I’m a conservative – which is why I don’t support this blue labour spending government . My problem is there no one decent enough to vote for and achieve the kind of Right wing changes I want – such as ending the BBC – at its ‘lowest – to privatising the NHS – or parts of it – at the top And cutting taxes and the state .
You are welcome see it differently – but if other politicians and their families are non doms- they are not fit to represent UK taxpayers
By the way – the list of mistakes the blue Labour Party – pre nut nut as well – is much longer than those you describe – at at the moment – with an 80 majority – the blue Labour Party is seeing it failing those who expected a lot more and a lot better .
The coming hardship and recession will end them and it will be their fault – to be replaced by even worse .
By the way – there’s never a shortage of politicians .
Fed, am afraid you are wrong. Mrs Sunak has no choice in the matter: she pays tax in India and she pays tax in the UK. It would be different if she had Monaco as her domicile or Luxembourg or Switzerland or the British Virgin Islands.
Some reading for you (yes, usual disclaimers with it): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_haven
It is nothing to do with Passports. Tax is a lex situs issue.
In any event right or wrong, nevertheless in this circumstance the PM must get rid of this Chancellor and try and find a white Brit, no more coloured chappies, same goes for the Home Secretary and Health Secretary who has only one master. Flush Multicuturalism down the pan.
I am morally right – dress it up how you want – voters will see it for the tax avoidance it is . For a private citizen great – for the wife of a politician -it’s just morally wrong .
Your blind support on a party basis is admiral . She should renounce the Indian passport – get UK nationality and domicile – or get her husband to leave politics and they and then spend their time counting their money .
I don’t care what other dodgy politicians such as thornbury say – she may be equally at fault in her financial activities but the political class must pay a price for such conduct ….
I don’t care about the timing of this disclosure either – it is what it is – wrong .
It is certainly awful optics.
Like vague law, degrees of ethics or morals goes South very quickly.
Who decides? Mishal and her chart?
At least certain realities are coming home to roost for when the old form of decry is engaged, though frankly between Labour and the MSM I dread the good pol purge soon as knees are jerked and jerks installed.
Who thinks the Sunak story is NEW ?
Like a lot of things journalists must have known all along.
I think if we feel outraged about a news story, we have stop and ask “Am I being played ?”
Sorry Fed, you are wrong again. HMRC do not take morals into account. Justice has a blindfold. They take tax law and apply it rigourously, without fear or favour. I have a high regard for HMRC. They are, on the whole, very professional. They have said: “Mrs Sunak has paid the right amount of tax in this country.”
You, however, are taking the Labour Lefty Libmob ‘Amazonian’ view of taxation.
I don’t need to be told about the amorality of tax law . I’m not talking about that – I’m talking about the reaction of decent voting taxpayers to another variety of ‘snouts in the trough ‘ whether legal or not .
I am equally critical of any MP or family who represent voting taxpayers but avoid tax through legal methods such as those used by sunak and wife .
See my earlier comment about comrade kinnock -who – it seems – lives in Denmark with his family – working away from the country -taken to a higher level …
I hope the press will expose more such cases over the weekend – of any political colour – you can keep apologising for them ….
LMAO at being called a Labour supporter by a Blue Labour supporter!
Your leader Boris the bottler is a Socialist through and through, the partys think tanks taking money from George Soros to push far Left policy on us.
We have a government who are in every aspect a socialist party akin to the government of Harold Wilson & Jim Callaghan !
High taxes, sky high government spending, record breaking immigration, low defence spending, defunding the Police and the courts, no border control and perhaps most telling of a slavish following of the Socialist doctrine of equality which is an appalling goal
As Winston Churchill (who was a conservative said) what you get with capitalism is an unequal spreading of benefits, with Socialism you have an equal spreading of misery !
Thoughtful – we disagree on something’s – but I agree on the socialist nature of the current blue labour government .
It goes from on self caused crisis to another – the shame of Patel today apologising for failing to deal with war refugees . If she had any honour she’d go – if nut nut had honour he’d have gone – if Raab had honour he’d have gone after afgee … sunak should be gone too but the electorate will do that
Thoughtful, are you not a Labour supporter?
I do not support all the present policies of the Conservative Government but I did vote for them at the last General Election. I think Lord Frost is right. [ Btw, Lord Frost also disagrees with some of the PM’s policies. 😉 ] The Remainers and Remoaners are trying to get a Labour Government so that it will take us back into the EU.
If you want to be back in the EU, keep on attacking Bojo, Rishi and Co.. It is that simple.
You are making the mistake caused by living in a one party state, that you must by definition either be in favour of either Blue Labour or Red Labour.
I don’t support nor vote for either of this parties. As a free market conservative believing strongly in freedom, law & order, secure borders, small government low taxation and the essential nature of private enterprise to an economy, I’m afraid that there isn’t a political party which even comes close to representing my views, but then in what I regard as a one party state, it would be virtually impossible for that.
I would add as support for my belief, that at the last election the Brexit party garners 5.5 million votes and not one single MP, leaving all those voters unrepresented in parliament, a stunning indictment of a so called democracy which in truth is only an illusion.
For the mathematicians: of the world:
An Indian chief had three wives, each of whom was pregnant.
The first gave birth to a boy. The chief was so elated he built her a teepee made of deer hide.
A few days later, the second gave birth, also to a boy. The chief was very happy. He built her a teepee made of antelope hide.
The third wife gave birth a few days later, but the chief kept the details a secret. He built this one a two-story teepee, made out of a hippopotamus hide.
He challenged the tribe to guess what had occurred.
Many tried, unsuccessfully.
Finally, one young brave declared that the third wife had given birth to twin boys.
“Correct,” said the chief. “How did you figure it out?”
The warrior answered, “Easy. The value of the squaw of the hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the squaws of the other two hides.”
Love a good trigonometry joke.
Tr, may I rephrase that for you? “I love the smell of trigonometry in the morning.”
6.15 a.m. too, very impressive.
Canada proposes foreign buyers home real estate ban
We should do the same, lets face it in India, foreigners cannot buy homes. But in the UK soooo many asians buy UK properties for rent
ajs, “Great motorcycle, make motorcycles great again.”
Now, if former President Trump had done something like that for the USA … I wonder what the BBC would have written about him?
I had a string of AJS bikes when young as well as Matchless and BSA. They were great and my pride and joy. Remember being quite sad when the flood of Japanese and Italian bikes started to swamp the market.
Only yesterday I passed a young bloke riding one of those new but retro Indian built Royal Enfield’s that looked so pretty and stylish, took me right back to my yoof.
I have always blamed the popularity of transformers toy cars etc. amongst kids for the demise of quality and style in exchange for flashiness in vehicle looks.
TOADY Watch #1 – this could go badly wrong for Labour
Posh white Lady Nugee, UK-flag-hating-when-displayed-by-‘white-van-man’ is put up for interview about the wife of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Nick Robinson observes that Emily Tornberry MP does not like being referred to as Lady Nugee and points out her hypocrisy.
Nick could and should have challenged Lady Nugee that she is being racist and attacking someone for something they have no choice over – who their parents are and where they are born – but he did not. I would have chosen Mistress Mishal to have interviewed Lady Nugee and to make her squirm with that question.
The Labour Party, comprised of posh lawyers, has already driven ‘patriotic-white-van-man’ to vote for the Conservative Party. Now they risk driving away the aspirational immigrant vote as well. This could go all badly wrong for Labour. Hopefully, the Conservatives will be increasingly united in the face of what appears to be co-ordinated CS/MSM/Labour attacks.
Honestly you couldn’t make this up. The more that is written
or said about the BBC’S obsession with Tiger Woods the more
the BBC put two fingers up.
So far as BLM in golf the BBC support him in spades. So on
the golf internet page this morning there are 10 images on
the Masters at Augusta. SIX of them feature Tiger Woods !
For those of you who don’t know much about golf . Woods has been
a brilliant golfer before he got into a number of personal
The BRITISH broadcasting corporation has always treated him as
if he was one a native of the UK with an adulation only
reserved for Lewis Hamilton. Irrespective if he shoots a round
of 68 or 80.
Being I suppose naive I have asked the BBC why they show
him such adulation. You can see their piss take answer on
their sports internet pages this morning. AND you will
see this for the whole of the tournament , however he plays.
The British golfers count for nothing so far as the BRITISH
broadcasting is concerned. At least Lewis Hamilton although
no longer domicile in the UK was born here.
Other bbc obsessions are available.
Hypocritical, but available.
BBC and Labour. As one.
Sopes stirs.
Putting ‘if true’ on the reports of others is very bbc.
Plus the juvenile ‘wow’.
On the bbc ‘reporting’ based now solely on ‘sources’’ claims, I was going to share the Moaning Emole on Ukraine, which features the latest effort by JezBo. But the share the other day with the comment from the Major General puts him, Clive and Simpo in their boxes.
Until they award each other awards.
Guest, I value your contributions but do you realise us non-Twitterers can no longer read Twitter posts and Threads? Twitter now puts up a block to the view. You really need to explain more fully what has been said, even to the point of reposting/writing on here – as other posters here do – complete Tweets and Threads.
Re Twitter if you click on log in it will give you a square with log in details , in the top left hand corner is a cross x click and it removes the block. I used to be frustrated by the block as well until someone else posted the remedy.
Tried that, but didn’t work for me. Maybe I had left it too long and you need to do it the moment the box appears?
There is a thing called Twitter white screen
where the Twitter cache gets corrupted and all you can see is white boxes
#1 close any tab which has twitter running
#2 in the address bar open chrome://serviceworker-internals/
#3 Search “twitter” in the list
click UNREGISTER button
#4 close that page and reopen the Twitter tab
Voila Twitter works
A) Thank you.
B) Oh.
C) I did not; do now.
Mrs. Kitty, tx. Interesting if it works.
I can see a few issues raised.
Clearly it is not ideal that stuff cannot be seen, critically.
The questions arise as to why, and then solutions.
‘Fair use’ and ‘purposes of journalism’ are phrases heard a lot in and around media, but when lawyers meet satirists there can only be one winner. And when journalists have unique exemptions the world becomes more and more unique, not in a good way.
We have elected politicians and state media employees who use and abuse it all to the nth degree. Often exclusively.
Good or ill, Twitter still dominates bubble world. As I have noted, The BBC especially uses it to post a source quoting a source saying something as a claim to a point where black can be white and one man’s RPG launching civilian can be another’s President. And most journalists are on board, to the point of referring to a collection of disparate folks’ opinions ‘Twitter says’. When it is clear it is dominated by them, activists and the like, plus those wary of their influence.
Especially on pea brained pols like Lammy, Rayner, Bryant, Truss and the bloke married to the blonde.
Flawed in so many ways, I prefer the old form of democracy which was not internet polls, rigged research and unnamed ‘experts’ or relatives to supposed professional reporters.
So I inhabit that world and highlight what I feel are abuses.
And clearly they are relied upon more and more by the abusers. Look at who blocks and bans, often even pre-emptively… ironically those claiming Putin is isolated in a bubble of yes-groupies.
And The BBC. How long before the website goes behind a fee based, ID logging system like iPlayer? They will never be weaned off Facebook and I think those URLs are open to view. As is twitter, maybe if not ‘on it’, with effort.
Sometimes a bit of effort is required to look across issues, and get context. Even then one might be misled, as BBC context is as subjective as it is possible to be. Hence twitter replies can have value if pursued. But few will appreciate a full thread posted here.
Maybe things will improve with Musk in the mix.
That does not fully address the tech restraints.
I know this site has some kind of image thing but I have found it long winded and unreliable. Plus I think offers a route to trace posters.
I take on board what you share, and I may go for a one line summary at least. Beyond that… the needs of me outweigh the needs of those seeking to limit their exposure.
On the one in question, by way of summary the ex-BBC N. America Editor goes full Tik-tok over a Sky Editor making a claim based on someone else. If you are interested, one is sure other avenues will pick up if substantive.
If not, twitter media cretins have prevailed and moved on.
Yours in variable awareness… GW.
@Up2snuff I just checked about tweets
I opened this page on an incognito window in Chrome
which means I am not logged into Twitter
Everything on the page embedded as normal including the tweets
.. so the problem seems confined to your browser
I then closed the incognito tab, but no Chrome closed my original window instead which had 60 open tabs in it.
… However when I did Ctrl-H to open the History, that reopened all 60 backup ..Thank God
These page are getting to be a pain with the way they jerk around loading, cos the page has too many tweets
I did suggest to Rufus the webmaster before that he shorten the page by reducing the number of posts per page turnover
Could be, Stew. Could be that ‘they’ want to devious things and load things onto my viewing that Motsy blocks. Motsy warned me about them t’other day. You probably know what they are called. I’ve forgotten already! Not cookies, the other ‘thing’.
see my white screen fix above
“Could Putin Attack Britain? Ukraine War Special”.
Slightly over 13mins but well worth a watch to be reminded of how various Governments have blatantly mismanaged the UK and squandered our international security.
He does make one enormous error here, that these bombers would have to overfly NATO airspace, or fly down the Baltic strait where any number of air defence systems could easily engage them.
Currently they are in international airspace so no country can lawfully intercept them and cause them to return to base, that would not be the case at time of war.
Any submarine which surfaces to fire a cruise missile gives away its position and would almost certainly be destroyed. Not that that would bother then Russians who have so many of them.
The point however is well made that Blue Labour have effective destroyed the UKs defence capability and replaced it with a white flag.
Thoughtful, are you forgetting that Russia now has a base in the Mediterranean?
Russia has Kaliningrad
and troops in Moldova
practically inside the EU.
“5 Feb 2018 — Russia has deployed advanced nuclear-capable Iskander missiles to its Kaliningrad exclave on the Baltic”
Stick a bomb in a dinghy -,the navy will bring it in free of charge …
Packet in edition
Or perhaps the nudge nudge, wink wink, edition
Those of a liberal globalist mindset tend to envisage a goal of equalisation or equity between the world’s populations. Afterall, if past history, cultural achievement or national characteristics have no significance, then an economic levelling across the globe seems only fair and inevitable as a policy goal.
The FT this morning features a snapshot of the current economic woes of Sri Lanka and it seems this eventual levelling – albeit coming perhaps as a levelling down, from the UK’s point of view – is fast approaching us: ‘Sri Lankans wait to buy kerosene at a petrol station in Columbo, as the crisis facing the government… deepens… following blackouts, food shortages and soaring prices… Sri Lanka may have as little as $500mn left in foreign reserves, with a $1bn bond repayment due soon…‘ – you do the maths – look beyond the typical local three-wheeler van, immobilised through lack of fuel, and note the expectant empty plastic bottles being clutched and notice also the familiar pale blue paper face masks – apparently still in fashion. Sri Lanka is not a million miles away from the UK and we’re not a million miles away from them.
‘Half of all cars sold must be fully electric in six years, ministers propose‘ (FT)
Luckily for us, panic buying, real shortages and rationing are all still a bit of a joke for our tabloids: ‘Plea over crisps panic. Packet in! Shoppers strip shelves ahead of recipe change‘ (Daily Star)
Recipe change…?
‘Walkers forced to change crisps recipe after Ukraine war sparks shortages‘ (giveaway Metro) ‘In 2019, 48% of sunflower oil was produced in Ukraine – with the national sunflower recently becoming a symbol of resistance against Vladimir Putin’s troops‘ – always the narrative served up with the news.
Somehow one really doubts the average crisp fan would actually baulk at the minor change in process or ingredient – or indeed possesses the delicate palate of some sommelier of the salt and vinegar. But perhaps the nudge unit kills two birds with one stone here? A sunflower for Ukraine and turning us fatty NHS users off crisps?
FT Datawatch today approves and celebrates: ‘The decline of smoking‘ and the Telegraph warns: ‘Slim down your waist to half your height‘ as does the Times: ‘Britons urged to grab a tape measure in battle against obesity‘ – that demands a degree of maths, if not a degree in maths. Is it not a little discriminatory against those who may be a “little person,” or “person of short stature”?
Anyway, this review is already as broad as it is long so we’ll leave it there.
Except to note the sudden discovery of a brand new sub-species of high-viz semi-official semi-uniformed operative. Of course we are impressed by and admire the word “press” on a journo’s outfit – especially in a war zone. Closer to home, we’ve all seen the common or garden “security” at public events and entertainment venues, though they be of indeterminate legal status. And of course the regular “police” wear that reminder of their status as bobbies emblazoned on their backs – since they unilaterally gave up the actual uniform. An recent addition to the genus was “NHS test and trace” and the high-viz vested “covid marshal” – you can still buy yourself one of those vests online – presumably no questions asked? They’re as cheap as chips – and chips are what Americans call crisps. I digress.
So this new mutation of captioned workwear is spotted on the frontpage of the ‘i‘ newspaper: ‘war crimes prosecutor” – apparently we are to belive this is a real thing, photographed in Ukraine of course.
Call me a conspiracy nut by all means but I call fakery of some kind. This one is up there with the BBC’s ex-NHS ambulance targeted by Russian missile story.
Is our media propaganda becoming more crude and shoddy as time goes by and they think our quality of reasoning plummets?
Pug, do you have any proof or any kind of evidence linking this to being a Labour manufactured story?
Of course I do recognise that there are two parties in Britain Blue Labour and Red Labour, but the clever money claims that this was a Blue Labour Attack piece which came from number 10 designed to wreck Sunaks naked leadership ambitions.
If so then it is yet more evidence of the cowardly useless incompetence of this ridiculous unfit party which is so hell bent on revenge it cannot even contemplate the damage this does on a wider scale to their party.
The biggest promoter of this story is the Daily Mail, massively hypocritcally with it’s owner practicing the very same tax avoidance his paper is excoriating the chancellor for.
Always worth remembering that Indians are not overly popular in the Muslim World and it feels like the BBC and left wing news always tend to take their side. This might help explain the attack dogs on the Sunak issue. Votes always trump truth on the left.
Unfortunately it’s just an allegation without any supporting evidence the story came from Labour.
Here’s an opposing story which has Sunaks team blaming number 10 for the story:
“Meanwhile, another ally of Mr Sunak has blamed Boris Johnson’s camp for the leaks. ‘It’s all coming from Number 10,’ the source told The Telegraph. ‘Rishi’s the only credible show in town. Ever since he sat down from the Spring Statement, it’s been one thing after the other. I don’t think it’s in anyone’s interest other than the Prime Minister’s.’
A Tory MP added: ‘Number 10 have been gunning for him [Mr Sunak] for a while and undermining him with colleagues.’ ”
As to who you blame, you pays your money and……
Pug – yes the timing is significant but the failure of the blue Labour to be transparent bites them in the bottom again ….
They really are a shambles and deserve a kicking at home whilst distracted by international wars .
They need to be able to deal with a number big things at the same time – nut nut can’t even do one …
For instance – there is an urgent need to rebuild the military but where is the effort ?
Brave of the Graun.
The next in the series, ‘How is it most of Pakistan is either in Labour or every floor of W1A bar the top?’ will be interesting.
Thanks \
Interesting replies – the CNN bloke deflects and avoids the propaganda they have been spreading
The applebaum ( a regular lefty BBC favourite ) thinks the – now true – Biden laptop story has no effect on who should be president ….
… which in a way is true because the voting was fixed anyway …..
Unusual for ‘the press ‘ to be ‘challenged ‘ outright but you could hear that they know they are fire proof as long as the sing an approved song .
I couldn’t see that sort of direct challenge happening here – any student asking such a question would be rarely Right Wing and I suggest would be thrown out of any educational establishment as well as beaten up .
Some positive sign that students thought to ask the questions
And that SkyNewsAust is willing to report on the event.
That libmob answered by brazenly deflecting, is what we expect.
How evil is this Megan Markle Duchess of Sussex, in her recent vent against our Monachy-claiming how unsuccessful was the recent trip made by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to the Caribbean. This miserable creatures vexation appears to know no bounds. You made your bed Harry my boy and so you must now lie in it, with the disgrace your home nation applies of you.
I guessed she was trouble from the get-go. Everyone (the media) said she was a ‘breath of fresh air’ – such a cliche ! but it was easy to see she had an ‘agenda’ and its been proved right. Within that relationship she’s the one with the male genitalia right enough.
By now many of you will have seen on GB News the clip of the reporter outside Westminster asking our politicians if a wimmin can have a penis and all of them shirking the answer (the answer is no in case anyone has any doubts, but you all know that)
I would like to see him go one further and ask the wimmin MPs “Have you got a penis?”
I wonder what they would think could be an answer which wouldn’t offend the easily outraged.
I saw that and thought GBNews was slumming it .it was unworthy of the kid journo doing the doorstepping and achieved nothing apart from making GBNews as dumb as the BBC .
A biological man is a biological man, but if they want to put on a dress and play the part of a woman it does depend on context.
There was a trans pub musician in our town in the 1970’s
I don’t think anyone was that upset that he wore dress an used the women’s lavatory.
Hospital or prison is a different context.
Or say being a scout leader.
I thought that the point was that MPs and ministers were unwilling to answer a question that until the last year or two would never have even needed asking! The fact that all of those asked refused to answer a question which 90% plus of the public would emphatically answer no to demonstrates the ever widening gulf between those who rule and those whom they rule.
Meanwhile …. hundreds of new, beige 40 foot containers are turning up across western European ports
“Tower Bridge closed after Extinction Rebellion protesters suspend themselves and hang banner 🪧”
Vine on C5. Nice second or third job.
Guests Ian Dale and that Dr Shola.
First up, let’s slag off Sunaks wife (second day running).
Next, guess the location of nuclear stations, Dale gets his right.
Vine tells Shola the name of the plant and also the county (this case being Cumbria) and she still hasn’t a clue on the map where it is. Thick as mince and given a doctorate, seems overentitled and speaks about herself in the third person.
Knowledge of where UK nuclear plants are, Is what ?
.. “White Privilege” of course
Dr Shola went to Cumbria once
.. to speak at the Cumbria Against Racism rally
If the Netflix documentary expose ‘Savile- A Modern Horror Story’ manages to avoid mentioning the name Yentob, and allows sad little Hislop as a representative his pucker-faced denial of direct knowledge – rather spoiled by his facial expressions when sitting beside the BBC Favourite on HIGNFY – what chance is there of the dramatised version ‘starring’ Steve Coogan being the shock-horror-truthfest currently promoted via trailer repeats?
Netflix seemed to leave an authentic miasma of stale Old Spice hanging in the air after every Savile scene, and yet the culpability and direct involvement of BBC senior management was significant by its absence. Does George Carman’s ghost still stalk the corridors of W1A?
The Germans worked out how to throttle up and down their nukes reactors without damaging them – German Green tossers are stuck with “Atomkraft Nein Danke” though…
It’almost like German Greens are trying to implement The Morgenthau Plan 60 years late.
Here’s hoping they cop the ire of the cold , non electric masses….
Control rods is how it is done, tomo. That is known.
– the Germans have finessed the controls to cope with faster and deeper throttling than anybody else – as I understand it – according to my hazy recollection… it was 4+ years ago.
Hardly credible to read that PM Jonhson states that he could not rule out another lockdown in light of the Covid variant-such a statement apart from throwing the country into a screaming frenzy must confirm that Johnson et al is and are ruled by powers beyond these shores. This poor old land of ours is still recouping from the last utterly evil subjugation, any such development of another Lockdown will kill us for sure-maybe that is what they; the devil incarnate desires. And what do the BBC say about such a direction? Nothing, it is afterall grist to their mill of causing discontent throughout.
Additionally it looks like Covid Passports are still intended.
– Wikipedia… here
SERCO… pfff….
Subcontractors and consultants doing work that we’re already paying public servants to do – if indeed it’s even required….
What’s not to like?
Vegetable oil
.. In the fields here the rapeseed is 4 feet high
so there is a harvest coming up.
I just hope the agriculture industry will step up to the thingy and grow a lot of stuff and make some money but not excessive amounts like the oil industry ….
“not excessive amounts like the oil industry”
Saying that sounds very socialist.
There’s a market, the customer decides what they are prepared to pay
When there is oversupply the customer gets to have a reduction
This year some oil corps have made good money as they had stocks when the market went high
In previous years they’ve had stocks when the price went low plus they’ve had costs of accidents and big legal costs.
Trump was pushing UP supply
But the now the Saudis, Biden, Trudeau have been intent on pushing supplies DOWN.
“Dates for your Diary
Saturday 14th May: Beginning of Feminist Book Fortnight
Sabina Nessa: Man jailed for murdering London teacher
Koci Selamaj the murderer is Albanian, not sure the bBC mentioned it
Daily we hear about murderers who are foreign, the UK has its own problems, without importing the 3rd world
1pm BBC TV news clearly called him Albanian.
The webstory says
“On being cautioned through a translator, the Albanian national said”
“Boots Online Doctor is here to help, with quick access to advice and prescription-only medicine,
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Grime artist Dizzee Rascal has been handed a one-year restraining order and a 24-week curfew for assaulting his former fiancee.
The rapper, whose real name is Dylan Kwabena Mills, had denied assault by beating.
Court told assaulted “by pressing his forehead against hers and pushing her to the ground during a “chaotic” row.
found guilty of attacking Cassandra Jones in Streatham, south London, in June 2021.
In last month’s trial the judge said he had been “abusive and aggressive”.
Name an organisation that is globalist, leftist, wokeist, undemocratic, unaccountable, biased, anti-Western, pro-Third World, pro-Islam, wasteful and subsidised by you and me.
If you said the BBC you’d be right, but if you said the UN you’d also be right, as Melanie Phillips points out in a recent article.
“The United Nations is a broken institution that helps sow chaos, terror and injustice.
It’s taken the horrors in Ukraine for people to begin to register that a central pillar of world affairs since the Second World War has crumbled. Even now, though, the full implications aren’t acknowledged.
As evidence of Russian war crimes in Ukraine has mounted, the UN General Assembly has now voted to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council.
But the council has long been a vicious joke. Serial human-rights abusers including such states as China, Cuba, Pakistan, Libya and Venezuela are currently members.”
“The council regularly ignores appalling human-rights violations by tyrannical member states while singling out for repeated censure Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East and a country deeply committed to human rights.
In his emotional address to the UN Security Council this week, Ukraine’s president Zelensky asked whether the world body was worth a hill of beans.”
(Answer: NO!)
Continued below.
Article: https://www.jns.org/opinion/the-key-lesson-from-ukraine-for-international-order/
Website: https://www.melaniephillips.com/
I have just had my holiday book delivered, “Endgame; Hidden Agenda 21” by Dr Vernon Coleman. i have only read the forward, in which he explains how the UN want to be the world government. Hopefully be quite intersting.
Someone called Richard Osman is leaving a BBC show called ‘pointless ‘… is this more of the BBC£ £talent£ drain …
Every little helps ….