Washington (CNN)A Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden’s business activities has gained steam in recent months, with a flurry of witnesses providing testimony to federal investigators and more expected to provide interviews in the coming weeks, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.
The probe, led by the US Attorney in Wilmington, Delaware, began as early as 2018 and concerns multiple financial and business activities in foreign countries dating to when Biden’s father was vice president. Investigators have examined whether Hunter Biden and some of his associates violated money laundering, tax and foreign lobbying laws, as well as firearm and other regulations, multiple sources said.
To do so, law enforcement has gathered information from lobbyists connected to Hunter Biden, from his business partners, and from others who’ve observed his financial engagements, including a woman with whom he had a child.
Hunter Biden has not been charged with any crimes and has denied any wrongdoing. His father, President Joe Biden is not being investigated as part of the probe of his son’s business activities, according to sources who have been briefed.
But the ongoing investigation has persistently raised questions about the ethics and behavior of the President’s son and fueled right-wing political attacks. In 2019, then-President Donald Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate the Bidens over Hunter’s work for Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, eventually leading to Trump’s first impeachment.
Ukraine business dealings
Biden’s involvement in Ukraine has been a major source of his legal and political issues. He served on the board of Burisma, paid as much as $50,000 a month, from 2014 to 2019, according to a Republican-led Senate report on Biden’s business activities released in 2020. That partly overlaps with a period during which his father was vice president and tapped by then-President Barack Obama to handle Ukraine issues. The overlap raised concerns about a conflict of interest among some Obama administration officials at the time.
Joe Biden has said his son’s work in Ukraine had no influence on his decisions at the time, and State Department critics of Hunter Biden’s Ukraine ties say they were never influenced improperly, according to transcripts of Senate testimony.
Federal prosecutors from Justice headquarters in Washington and in Delaware have focused at least in part on whether a lobbying firm working with Burisma called Blue Star Strategies approached US government officials in an attempt to burnish the Ukrainian firm’s reputation after State Department officials criticized the oligarch who founded it.
BLM defends multi-million dollar mansion purchase in lengthy Twitter thread
The activist group has recently came under fire for its financial spending
“the California property was purchased for nearly $6 million in cash in October 2020 with money that had been donated to BLMGNF (Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation).”
In April of 2021, the co-founder of the political movement, Patrisse Cullors drew attention for purchasing four homes for $3.2 million dollars, according to a report by The New York Post. Critics noted Cullors previously described herself as a “trained Marxist.”
“I knew what a woman was. Not a bad b—-. A woman,” Newton said, adding that to him a “bad b—-” was a person who “looked the part” but didn’t “act the part.”
“And it’s a lot of women who are bad b—-es and I say ‘b—-es’ in a way not to degrade a woman but just to go off the aesthetic of what they deem as a ‘boss chick.’
The BBC sees rising pay as a bad thing . 2 separate items – shortages of staff at airports and in restaurants – so they are having to pay people more and ‘give incentives ‘ ….
Well that BBC – is capitalism . And judging by the ‘cost of living crisis ‘getting a job in such places seems the obvious thing to do .
Justin interviews bercow 2 – aka Lindsey Hoyle – the labour speaker of the Commons . Going on about an RC MP being murdered .
Guess what ? The motive of the killer wasn’t mentioned .
But in the detail of the case the Islamic terrorist killed an MP in the name of Muslims – and targeted a number carefully
Hoyle seems to think the behaviour of politicians has an effect on Muslim terrorists – but it is those politicians which allow Muslim terrorists to live and be active in the Uk not the ordinary people who are their normal victims.
A red labour MP ‘supports ‘ a Muslim queer MP convicted of indecent assault on a child – looking forward to the sentence and appeal … ( but I bet he gets a suspended ).
There are allegations this morning that the Russians have used a chemical weapon in Mariupol, the government and allies are awaiting confirmation of what it was.
The point here is that you don’t mess around making threats against a man like Vladimir Putin unless you are prepared to make good on those threats, and we are unfortunate enough to have one of the weakest most cowardly excuses for a government that we have had for a long time. Even BLiar would have been better in this situation than the yellow Boris the bottler.
The problem here now is that if it is confirmed that a chemical weapon has been used and it goes unresponded to in military terms, is that Putin will be given the green light not only to freelky use chemical weapons, but also battlefield tactical nuclear weapons as well
Such is the danger of having people like the Socialist Tories in power. Quick to oppress the people for using incorrect pronouns, unwilling to stand up to bullies and make good on their promises.
This is true, no action could or should be taken without the concrete supporting evidence, however we already see the cowardice from Liz Truss downgrading the threats from actual military action to zero action ” we will go after Putin”, or put in real language we are too scared to actually do anything.
BLiar was one of the worst PMs ever, but at least he didn’t leave the UK completely undefended like Boris has.
He even sold our early warning aircraft to the Chilleans, so now if Putin decides to loba cruise missile at us we won’t even know it’s coming, but even if we did, we wouldn’t be able to do anything about it!
There are some here with knowledge of things military.
Possibly as much as some possess a deep personal loathing for certain individuals beyond a rational grasp of governmental structure.
Given there are US airbases on this land carrier we call home, and nukes in RAF and Navy bases, it seems odd that the first anyone, military or local, would know about it is the mushroom cloud over them.
Britain has no land based ICBMs, all of them are deployed in its submarine fleet, and although there might be some in the base at Faslane, they could not be launched from there.
The US removed their Greenham common base completely.
We still have the Fylingdales early warning system – probably because Boris wasn’t able to sell it.
In terms of a Russian submarine popping up in the North sea and launching a cruise missile, then yes we would not detect it, nor be able to do anything to stop it regardless of the warhead.
Thoughtful, think the film that Ian links to/posts about below details the EWSs for the UK. From memory it is three or four but please don’t ask me their names. I did watch the film but so much stuff gets crammed in my brain that it becomes jumbled ….
Here’s a short (13 minute) video that describes how Russia could attack Britain. Bottom line: not very much we could do at all, and it wouldn’t take long, nor nuclear weapons, to knock us out.
I am not a lawyer, and have never been on a jury, and never want to be on one.
But I am unsure if the terms used in this report are as precise legally as apparently the bbc feel they are.
‘Uncovered’, ‘evidence’, etc… seem so far based on directly offered provided testimony. From sources.
The Dimbles shot is beyond parody.
I have no doubt some terrible things are happening, but justice is not being served by bbc propagandistic grandstanding masquerading as proven evidence via independent investigation. And if Chechens are in the mix, the BBC might suddenly go fact checking elsewhere.
And slapping ‘we’ on individual pols hamstrung by reality as much as competence really helps not much.
I do not want my sons dispatched there to serve the ambitions of social media warriors here based on what gets concocted in Davos and W1A and bars or Warsaw.
Horrible things happen in war. But some crimes, some victims, some wars are more noteworthy than others. We see plenty of photos of dead Ukrainian civilians. But of the 200,000 civilians killed in Iraq in American bombing raids… well, there was a strange absence of photos then. And in addition to talking about rapes in Ukraine, let’s not forget that thousands of young women and underage girls have been raped in British towns and cities by ‘occupiers’.
Followers of propaganda will notice that many of the same phrases used during the final days of the Gaddafi regime in Libya are being redeployed e.g. “soldiers being given Viagra” in the article.
iirc German soldiers were drugged up to cope with combat stress and tiredness from an early stage, which does not excuse by explained behavioural excesses that destroyed the national reputation.
Allegedly he was in touch with the Home Office about an assisted voluntary return to Sudan.
This demonstrates that people belong where they belong – and not somewhere else where they are incompatible.
The fault lies with adherence to the global agenda of encouraging people to leave their own countries.
Barbarians do not belong here.
ti, unfortunately the mindset of Lefty Liberalism and Lefty Socialism is that discrimination is bad, we should not choose between one or another and we must be prepared to take refugees.
Stew, what you mean sort of … like …. pickling it? 59p a jar in Aldi. Aldi had a big bag of carrots today, one of their six reduced fruit/veg specials, for 19p! Just for Lexy or Lexi.
Stew do you (or anyone else on here) know of a cheap and reliable web-hosting service for a Blog? I know about WordPress, obviously, but are there free, reliable alternatives, or cheap, reliable alternatives out there?
Web .. I pay about £132 for 3 year contract
I ditched Godaddy cos they changed & jacked up the price.
I use US servers cos the US has better free speech laws.
I was directed to the BBC webpage by google about the beetroot story and as I read it, felt I wasn’t being told the whole story. It is organic beetroot, which I am guessing is a very specialised market. The grower was obviously growing it without a contract. I am surprised at that, ie a niche product. The article doesn’t say which country doesn’t now want the beetroot. Cookery in Ireland is very different to Greece. Was this beetroot destined for Eastern Europe for making borscht? Wouldn’t all the Ukrainian refugees in Poland like to make borscht? Perhaps the food banks might like to have the beetroot. I make a really delicious beetroot salad with raw beetroot and carrots, so recipients of food bank donations could have cheap food (I know they turn down raw potatoes and root vegetables because the BBC news told me.). Perhaps the BBC could put the grower in touch with the Trussel Trust and the BBC could do items on the local news of people receiving their free beets. And the BBC could have a cookery programme showing cheap recipes with beetroot as their main ingredient. No, far better to have a moan about Brexit.
Borscht is a great favourite of mine, although I prefer one with a cabbage and chicken stock base to beetroot, it’s supposed to be really healthy, and a few (low cost) ingredients go a long way when making it.
Why aren’t the BBC pushing it for foodbank using nurses?
Radio Lincolnshire local news
“*Labour* has called the comments made by former Conservative minister Crispin Blunt disgraceful, after he defended another conservative MP convicted of rape yesterday, calling it a great miscarriage of justice”
OK, the MP’s are nothing to do with Lincolnshire
but Crispin Blunt’s comments may be newsworthy
but why begin with the framing “Labour says” ?
.. That is PR. You can tell cos they don’t give the name of any Labour person speaking.
What did you think it was ?
I’m hardly going to watch crappy breakfast TV am I ?
I’m hardly going to mention a Lincolnshire newspaper on a site about the BBC.
Back on @JeremyVineOn5 in a few minutes with #LowriTurner, chatting #RishiSunak, teachers under pressure and stories of the day. Looking forward to your company!
Then an hour later it was changed to “The former Conservative minister Crispin Blunt has retracted his statement, where he defended another conservative MP convicted of sexually assaulting a teenage boy.
He had called it, a great miscarriage of justice
He has now apologised saying he had caused significant upset”
On a morning when the Labour leader Sir Keir finds his voice and weighs in on a scandal that hitherto rather appeared to be a tale born of internecine Tory back-stabbing leaking: ‘Sunak an “out of touch” hypocrite over tax avoidance, says Starmer‘ (Guardian)
Sir Keir, to borrow terms from football, goes in with both feet, studs up and performs some classic shit housery: ‘Labour leader questions ability of super-wealthy MPs to relate to the public… “It has been portrayed as a complex tax issue it’s not”‘ (Guardian)
Lest anyone even think of playing the race card in our brown-skinned Rishi’s defence, our Sir Keir has his protective wing-man, in the shape of Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, writing opinion this morning in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: ‘The idea that these attacks on Sunak and his wife are driven by race is absurd‘ – so, that’s all ok then.
Race, culture, religion, history, name, affiliation… all that stuff is completely irrelevant to the Guardian headline writer here: ‘Man, 26, guilty of murdering MP Amiss‘
There’s just the slightest faint hint of implied foreign cultural creep in this feature from the ‘i’: ‘The shoes-off-inside debate, Social horror or hygienic?‘
Talk about kicking a man when he’s down: ‘Our multi-millionaire Chancellor WILL face sleaze investigation. Chums say he may do a Prince Harry & flee to US in a huff‘ (Daily Star) – note: us ordinary chaps haven’t had “chums” since the Beano was required reading for boys.
Interestingly, our dedicated financial paper, the FT, would seem to consider Sunak’s goose already plucked, not to say well and truly cooked – there’s no mention whatever of him on their wordy frontpage.
The old-Labour “Heart of Britain” Daily Mirror turns up the heat to eleven on the cost of living crisis to: ‘Cost of living agony‘ and fret via an exclusive by Zahra Khaliq (so no racist accusations there please): ‘We’ll never put our heating on again. Elderly couple’s fears as they blast “out of touch” Sunak on soaring bills‘ – so they can blast, but not heat.
As the heavy-browed Mancunian modern poet Steven Morrissey once put it in phrases which neatly sum up this scandal: “All men have secrets and here is mine… Heavy words are so lightly thrown… And your prejudice won’t keep you warm tonight”
This old couple – don’t they know there’s a war on?
From overwrought headines in the Mirror to over-burdened syntax in the FT…
‘Ukraine appeals for financial aid to survive wounds of Russia’s war. Trade and industry collapse. Fiscal gap heads towards $7bn a month. Call for reparations‘ – the FT, apparently lacking a chief editor with the nous to rule – enough said in your headline, chums.
Think of the children…
‘“Where will you send me Mummy, when you have to fight?” How to help your children understand the war‘ – if you’re sitting comfortably, the ‘i’ will begin: ‘Be calm, be honest and give them the power to help. Experts advise on the best ways to explain events when things are grim – because rolling news and social media mean that our children are more aware of what’s going on than ever before‘ – not that most comparative educational achievement measures these days would tend to confirm that bold assertion that our kids really are more aware of the world.
Still thinking of the kids, the Daily Express is still very much “in the tank” for Boris: ‘From war zone to kids zone… Boris, the family man‘ – Boris a family man…? I suppose he has done his level best to repopulate the kindergarten classes of the trendier parts of London. But that is a bit like calling Dracula a blood man.
‘Teens in crisis‘ frets the Times: ‘What parents should do to help girls‘ – presumably ignore the welfare of their boys?
‘Would YOU trial a vaccine for deady Ebola?‘ asks the Daily Mail. And as many a politician probably said just before their big pandemic photo op – mine’s a saline, thanks! I jest of course.
‘GPs told to work late to avoid A&E chaos‘ demands the Telegraph.
Speaking of work conditions our modern lazy docs would likely consider to be cruel and unusual punishment: ‘We’ll cut your fingers off. Raid gang tied up Ashley Cole and threatened torture‘ (Sun)
In case you were wondering, the accused are named as: ‘Kurtis Dilks, 33‘ and others were at the sharp end, so to speak, while: ‘Sercan Evsin, 25, and Tevfik Guccuk, 39… operated an ostensibly legitimate jewellery business‘ and ‘Andrew Stokes‘ was also a fence: ‘also charged with converting criminal property‘ (Daily Mail) The defendants deny all charges. The trial continues.
AISI, guess that “‘Labour leader questions ability of super-wealthy MPs to relate to the public…” rules Starmer out of ever being First Lord of the Treasury. Ooops, BBC! You have just sunk your own battleship.
Good riddance to them.
I just hope that the replacements are neutral and not totally woke lefties indoctrinating the children as they are now doing.
Get rid of the teachers unions as well, a militant bunch of far left troublemakers.
I think teachers probably are overworked, but having known a few, a lot of the workload seems a complete waste of time, ticking boxes for the sake of it, or could be much better managed than it is. There is a large amount of paperwork and layers of ‘supervision/management’, which just wouldn’t exist if teaching was a private enterprise.
I’m pretty certain the NHS and civil service are the same? And (going on my brief spells in public sector instiutions) there are a lot of overpaid and over rated jobsworths who can only justify their existence by inflicting pointless, time wasting bureaucratic task on others.
Asylum seeker stabs six people in a hotel in Glasgow, The BBC report it’s all the Home Offices fault for not answering his 72 calls and putting him in a low quality hotel…..
On bbbc radio newcastle this morning they mentioned Kier Starmer was in Sunderland yesterday and he was promising to crack down on law and order with proper justice and punishments for criminals.
Together with labour’s calling to reduce taxation and other recent soundbites it’s becoming increasingly obvious that labour and conservative are swapping places.
Polly Toynbee of the Guardian can always be relied on to cobble together any anti-Tory story she can at the drop of a hat but her latest today is a cracker….
Seems Surkeer has all the magic answers up his sleeve and the problem is that no one is listening to him!
There might be a good reason why nobody is listening to him Polly, maybe they know he is just parroting nonsense and garbage fed to him by his lefty cohort of activists in a desperate attempt to get votes?
A cohort who would simply throw him overboard once they were in power to replace with a Corbynite.
Let’s face it both main parties have big problems – both internally and externally .
On top of that the years running up to the next scheduled election are not gonna be easy for anyone outside the wealth level of say – a chancellor .
Labour will do its best to blame the tories . The tories will blame world events . But neither will be able to control upward interest rates – a recession – high inflation and all that goes with that .
There is a fixation at the `bBC about ‘labour shortages’ but these are gonna disappear as the economy contracts – money becomes tight and a lot of people have to concentrate on the basics ….
The BBC is already making hay on this – such as last nights ‘ panorama – coupled with the c4 thing about inept energy ‘company’s ‘ which just fools onto a sure thing – especially the ones siphoning millions in ‘management fees ‘ before going bust ….
I’m fairly immune to both those kinds of programmes – but for the less mentally stable – watching that stuff just opens the door to depression …
Yesterday I ignored this line Twitter was pushing at me.
“Disgust over plane banner flown above the Etihad during Man City v Liverpool match”
Today I open it up and it starts
“*A Far-right* nationalist group has been linked to the banner flown over Etihad stadium during Man City match – as residents also voice concern over “terrifying” similar leaflets they’ve had through the door.
Video via @adilray .. The fairly racebaity TV star
What is this this terrifying WRONG SPEAk ?
it’s so terrifying the newspaper only shows a far off shot
When you zoom in it says “British will be a minority by 2066”
I don’t see the even mention the name the political party.
I’ve seen that clip on the internet several times – but strangely the msm never goes over the predictions of president trump .I’d love to know what those smug merkel snowflakes are doing now ..?
I bet they will suppress it if he chooses to run again – although he will lose because of the Obama fix ….
Yes – the theft of an election – again….in cohort with the MSM ..
Most likely to be a female coloured this time – maybe that half wit AOC – Obama’s 4th term …
I expected to find the video from a Mickey Mouse website had edited the German delegation in from somewhere else
But it does check out
The video from Bloomberg Sept 2018, is the same
.. https://youtu.be/FfJv9QYrlwg
I searched for older top comments
Bryan Schneider 3 years ago ..90 Likes
Laughing at his comments. Glorious.
Meine Namen 2 years ago .. 40 Likes
I love how Trump is „worried“ about Germany getting dependent on Russia, but wants us to be dependent on the US. I think it would be the smartest idea, to get along with both without becoming dependent
Pescanimation 3 years ago ..31 Likes
Trump’s not just laughable, but it is funny that his ‘simple, aggressive yet naïve way of talking’ can be disempowered so easily by laughing.
I thought it strange that people who should have known better said that inflation is a ‘blip ‘ I think not – and reckon on 10% by 2023 and 3% interest rates by year end too – otherwise that inflation rate will charge away like the 1970s – which I still recall …
I’d confident that the BBC’s Rowlatt and Harrabin will be out debunking that …. eh?
DONG strike again
Danish green energy company Orsted – the world’s biggest developer of offshore wind farms – is stockpiling coal for next winter, as CEO blames a global shortage of wood pellets, which fuel Orsted’s biomass power stations.#CostOfNetZero
There was a strange sound of running water on the world at one .
I think it was Vicky young and lady whatshername wetting themselves at the news that nut nut and the green card man (sunak ) getting a covid penalty ticket .
Recall parliament . Froth at the mouth . It’s gonna be a long day for BBC types …
I don’t believeBoris ever really believed in the lockdowns, despite getting ill himself. It was the BBC and Labour Party that decided to push the lockdown agenda which the NHS, public sector and some public bought into. They wanted to “own” the crisis and thought it clever to push the country into massive debt.
The post office will be complaining about the amount of letters being sent to the 1922 committee expressing no faith in nut nut and green card man .
So a general election in June then ? ….. or has the moral compass of all those Tory MPs moved a bit now that we face an accidental war between NATO and comrade Putin ….
Meanwhile – the BBC/ labour will be rolling out grieving relatives again to lay on the horror of number ten drinks parties ….
“A. Exactly how many people died of COVID and ONLY of COVID?”
And compare that with how many died because of the RESPONSE to Covid.
My wife may have survived if she had caught Covid. She did not survive the rapid spread of a terrible cancer that would have been detected and treated if two routine blood tests had not been cancelled. It would not surprise me if deaths like hers did not exceed those from Covid (average age 82 and many in hospital until sent back home without treatment)
My deepest sympathies . I think you are right when adding up those who died from illnesses / diseases which could have been treated – together with the suicides and domestic crimes …
The numbers would exceed deaths incurred outside the NHS from covid alone . But we will never know .
There will be many at fault . The set up of ‘experts’ – SAGE should be shown to be wanting because they played a game of excess caution with each other without thought of the secondary effects .
I think the number of infections whilst people were in hospital could have been avoided ‘ minimised if simple procedures were applied – but again – will never know.
There will never be a proper public inquiry . There won’t be lessons – nothing will be learnt – not even the ability to have a store of PPE .
And – of course – the next virus / bug could be a lot worse …
Once again – sympathies ….
If you’ve read much of what I think hear – I have a certain idea about the NHS – and it don’t involve clapping …
The problem is it doesn’t shut them up, they just repeat the same warnings over and over…
The world will end next year!
One year later, world will end next year!
Another year on, world will end next year!
Obviously, no one told them ‘the boy who cried wolf’ as a child.
Attenborough makes me laugh, I wonder if he started making his ‘end of the world in 10 years time predictions’ back when he thought he wouldn’t make 80…90…
Anyone able to point to the legal right the bBC has to impose inspections or doorstep calls on a member of the British public by a sub-contracted service provider, in this case Capita employees?
Based upon a hunch that someone is watching their tele without a Licence.
There is no legal requirement to enter into conversation with them
nor to let them enter your property.
So what exactly gives the bBC the right to impose such a visit on anyone?
The BBC & MSM are 24 hour Partygate people
.. but I’m not bothered really if Boris and Sunak broke an anti-party rule
Obviously if you organised a huge indoor rave .. yes there is some risk of a massive Covid outbreak..and stress on the NHS
but there will be other circumstances where the risk will be minimal
I’m not angry at Starmer having beer with his work team, they’ve been working together all day,
I don’t currently know the full context of what happened at number 10
but I reject the narrative that the politicians are partying hard.
I also did think at the time that a person who’s recently had covid has to be less cautious than someone who’s never had it… Cos of their natural resistance
So, now it’s now official, Boris did break his own lockdown rules…
The other day Boris told us that he couldn’t promise that there wouldn’t be any more lockdowns.
Now the lying great lump has been found guilty of breaking the very rules that he imposed on the rest of us. Honestly, you couldn’t make this up.
If he does survive this latest nonsense ( I hope he does, simply because of the atrocious alternatives) would anyone actually listen to these stupid bloody rules knowing that he’ll be ignoring them?
A couple of years ago the primary school my children attended when they were younger got downgraded by Ofsted for not being diverse enough – seriously!
Understandably, the teachers were annoyed, and questioned how a school in a small, West Country town were supposed to be more diverse than the population of the town and surrounding villages – it’s not as if they were turning kids away, they were desperate for ‘bums on seats’, and they certainly had a large ‘traveller’ contingent (who caused vastly dispproportionate issues).
To our knowledge no one contracted or died from these events.
Unlike the SNP decision to empty hospitals of the elderly into carehomes at the outset begging the question;
1) On whose authority in Govt. did the SNP order this
2) Who in NHS Scotland concurred
3) Why were no routine tests carried out and who made that final decision?
4) Why was the initial outbreak at a NIKE conference in Edinburgh covered up by the SNP ( quite possibly the ground zero event in Scotland)
5) And in consequence how many workers and managers in Care Homes contracted Covid from the transferred elderly?
bBC /MSM we will be watching your follow up on this and contrast with the PartyGate BS
Personally I couldn’t give a tinkers cuss about Partygate, its only the advent of social media that every one’s life is open to scrutiny now. What did politicians get up to before that we didn’t know about, unless someone spilled the beans to the press ? Yes there have been scandals, but it didn’t affect the general public too much, if at all ! Did my life change because Christine Keeler bedded Russian generals, or Jeremy Thorpe tried to kill his lover, or Cecil Parkinson rejecting his daughter from his affair, nope. Sitting outside having a drink, at distance – as I did tbh, is quite different from pitching up to a hospital or care home rife with a contagious disease ! Merry making inside no.10 admittedly was beyond the pale – so that lot quite rightly were pushed. When it comes down to it, no politician is worth their salt, but as far as the Press are concerned every misdemeanour is a resigning offence.
Yes, of course, in the whole scheme of things “Partygate” doesn’t matter a jot, but…
The man who imposed this cruel nonsense on the rest of us quite clearly knew that he didn’t need to. He cavalierly flouted these rules. Remember people were being arrested for sitting on park benches, sunbathing and walking their dogs.
It really sticks in my gullet when I see what Professor Pantsdown, little Matty Hancock and our prime minister were doing, while we were asking how many people we could invite into our own gardens and being denied access to loved ones in hospital. Despicable.
He’ll certainly survive this because of how he’s handled the Ukraine invasion…which is extremely well.
Jeff, it is highly likely that before any of the ‘gatherings’, the Government adviser on legal matters would have been consulted by a Civil Servant who would have then said that the parties/gatherings/celebrations/call them what you will were strictly legal. Note: some Government Ministers are so nervous that they consult the Law adviser on everything, almost before blowing their nose.
I suspect that HMG was lured into this by the ‘opposition’ outside Parliament. The fact that adults were too stupid to think ‘What will this look like? What risk are we running?’ , especially in the age of mobile phone, is another whole matter.
But then our Government and the Civil Service are famous for not asking – and answering – the ‘What if ….. ‘ questions.
The Drop: ‘Streetwear fashion will be more gender-fluid in the future’
A more diverse range of streetwear designers will cause a “breakdown of the typical masculine domain of streetwear”, one expert says.
Not for me it won’t. As far as I’m concerned there are only three genders :-
(M) male (That’s me)
(F) female (They are the ones I am attracted to)
(M/F) Miscellaneous Freaks
It was an R S Archer fake tweet, which was an account parodying the absurd trivialities and pomposity of anti-brexit accounts. That you fell for it is because you were probably one of people the account was mocking.
A small collection of Labour MPs who voted against the Police Crimes and Sentencing bill because they claimed it stopped people Protesting 🫤 A year later Labour are asking why the government aren't stopping protests pic.twitter.com/uUVQbheFLI
ITVlocal news partymania reporting
They started by bringing on people who seem like Labour activists for the vitriol they have for Boris
#1 A woman who lost her pensioner husband
#2 The wife of the big fat lesbian woman that died
…. she has been on loads of times before.
Amrit Birdi ITV local news
‘Plant charity, say pot plants are good for you
.. you breathe CLEANER air”
..Really ? what about the pollen that causes asthma ?
If you didn’t keep building thousands of houses all over greenfield sites there would be less air pollution, less overcrowding, fresher air, more agricultural land, fresher, locally grown food, less crime, more wildlife, more green spaces, and we wouldn’t need to rely on a few sickly spider plants on the kitchen windowsill to ‘purify’ the air we breathe.
Why are we building hundreds of thousands of ‘new homes’ all over the English countryside? … ah, yes, immigration, uncontrolled MASS immigration, against the wishes of the vast majority in this country.
Judging by the BBC News the BBC is aiming to depose the PM and Chancellor – the party thing is more important than Ukraine – a terrorist attack in New York – or the Manchester Plod apologising to victims of Paki Racist Rape gangs ….
If nut nut survives ( who cares ?) he really needs to take on the BBC and soon ….start by decriminalising the licence to encourage people not to get it – then finish off
We should hope for an end to the TV tax altogether and absolutely not decriminalising it.
As it stands a magistrait hasn’t got much in the way of powers, I have a friend who is a JP and he tells the tales of mothers who bring the kids into court, stand there and tell him they aren’t going to pay, the usual threats of sending her to prison are met with great I could do with a break where do I leave the kids!
The issue with decriminalisation is that the plaintiff is allowed to claim reasonable costs for detecting and enforcing the tax, which will mean costs orders running into hundreds of pounds and which can be enforced by bailiffs or attachments to earnings or benefits.
The criminal law in Britain is weak beyond imagining, it’s better for those on trial to have a criminal hearing than a civil one.
I sort of depend on self interest – I’d hope that nut nut /green card man would be replaced by someone a bit more Conservative and a lot less green crap .
Fed, am tempted to do a Capt Mainwaring on you: “You stupid boy!”
Oh dear, it appears I have succumbed to temptation. You will not get anyone like that as PM – even in the Conservative Party – and looking beyond December 2024 you are more likely to get Starmer and with it, your trips to your Mediterranean bolt-hole restricted to one a year but then your property out there may well be confiscated by Rachel Reeves. But then shortly after, all the oil and gas companies will be put out of business anyway and you will be concentrating on keeping warm during a day-trip to Southend by bus.
Three victims of the Rochdale groomings have been awarded substantial compensation.
Does this open the door for the tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of little girls who have also been victims of enricher grooming gangs to get similar substantial awards.
It should and I hope it does.
But I bet it doesn’t.
As the entire world edges toward a period of serious food instability, Russian armed forces have been actively targetting wheat stocks in Ukraine for destruction, an EU official has claimed.
Russian military assets have been actively targeting and destroying stocks of wheat in Ukraine — one of the world’s largest producers of grains — during a period when the world needs it most, an EU official has claimed.
We are so much luckier in London than you are in the rest of the
country so far as BBC TV news is concerned. We often get
100% “inclusiveness” and “diversity” between 6 PM -7PM
each day and other half hours slots three or for times a day.
For not only can we see Reeta Chakrabarti and Clive Myrie
presenting the news. Straight after we can see Liz Rateef, Assad
Ahmad, Alice Bhandhukravi etc presenting the Londonistan
Programme. I bet you can’t beat that in the Provinces !
But let’s be fair to the BBC they don’t exercise “positive
discrimination” when it comes to the Londonistan programme.
But you may ask why? Because the indigenous population
in London is a minority now of around 35-40%. So why
should the BBC use positive discrimination against the 65%
ethnic majority !!
….. if I get this right – when Cummings leaked the party stuff the reaction was to set up the Gray inquiry to make the thing go away for a while . Plod declined to investigate – but then changed its mind . Time passed – then the fines started being produced …..
So maybe – if nut nut survives – the plod inquiry will end in a month – tickets issued a month later – and the plod bit done by – say – July / August .
Then the Gray Report is published ….
But the question is – who got the tickets – names should be named – what discipline has been imposed ? Who has been fired / moved ?
Plus of course the 300 pictures … will they be published ….imagine ?
Funny that these tickets were issued 48 hours after the met commissioner packed her bags …
Sir Peter Fahy was the Far Keft chief constable of Manchester for some of the time when paki rape race gangs were operating . Fahy is a regular on the BBC mouthing off about policing despite have got his £100k pa pension many years ago .
Today the current chief apologised to 3 victims of said vile pakis and paid them off before it went into Court – where the full story could have laid out what we here talk about but which the politicians – police – BBC refuse to because of the need for ‘community cohesion ‘ and avoid being called racists by third world pakis .
So remember that the next time Fahy turns up on the BBC as the easy far left mouthpiece
Why has no one mention the day and context of Boris’s fine ?
19th June 2020 Boris’s birthday
My day began shortly after 7am, and I chaired eight meetings in No10, including the Cabinet Committee deciding Covid strategy, I visited a school in Hemel Hempstead, which took me out of Downing Street for over four hours.
And amongst all these engagements, on a day that happened to be my birthday, there was a brief gathering in the Cabinet Room shortly after 2pm, lasting for less than 10 minutes, during which people I work with kindly passed on their good wishes.
And I have to say in all frankness, at the time, it did not occur to me that this might have been a breach of the rules.
But of course the police have found otherwise and I fully respect the outcome of their investigation.
I understand the anger that many will feel that I myself fell short when it came to observing the very rules which the Government I lead had introduced to protect the public, and I accept in all sincerity that people had a right to expect better. https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/pm-statement-12-april-2022
The original media accusation was
January 12, 2022 Boris Johnson has come under fire for reports he attended a lockdown-breaking garden party at 10 Downing Street in May 2020.
ITV News obtained an email allegedly inviting over 100 people for “socially distanced drinks” on 20 May 2020.
… So as far as we know that accusation has come to nothing.
Friday 27 March: Mr Johnson announces he has tested positive for Covid-19
Sunday 12 April: the Prime Minister is discharged from hospital
and travels to Chequers ..I guess he spent another few weeks recovering there
so by May he was back working.
The MSM seems to be fixated in frankly irrelevant episodes of changes in PM during war time – and see it as a tool to use against nut nut . How can WW1 and WW2 compare with the current situation ? My answer is not at all – even by a stretch .
I’m putting up the exciting new thread before something else Big happens ….
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van – I saw that the Russian defence industry was operating on a war footing and is well financed through…
Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Washington (CNN)A Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden’s business activities has gained steam in recent months, with a flurry of witnesses providing testimony to federal investigators and more expected to provide interviews in the coming weeks, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.
The probe, led by the US Attorney in Wilmington, Delaware, began as early as 2018 and concerns multiple financial and business activities in foreign countries dating to when Biden’s father was vice president. Investigators have examined whether Hunter Biden and some of his associates violated money laundering, tax and foreign lobbying laws, as well as firearm and other regulations, multiple sources said.
To do so, law enforcement has gathered information from lobbyists connected to Hunter Biden, from his business partners, and from others who’ve observed his financial engagements, including a woman with whom he had a child.
Hunter Biden has not been charged with any crimes and has denied any wrongdoing. His father, President Joe Biden is not being investigated as part of the probe of his son’s business activities, according to sources who have been briefed.
But the ongoing investigation has persistently raised questions about the ethics and behavior of the President’s son and fueled right-wing political attacks. In 2019, then-President Donald Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate the Bidens over Hunter’s work for Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, eventually leading to Trump’s first impeachment.
when’s Hunter going to cut one of his ears off?
Ukraine business dealings
Biden’s involvement in Ukraine has been a major source of his legal and political issues. He served on the board of Burisma, paid as much as $50,000 a month, from 2014 to 2019, according to a Republican-led Senate report on Biden’s business activities released in 2020. That partly overlaps with a period during which his father was vice president and tapped by then-President Barack Obama to handle Ukraine issues. The overlap raised concerns about a conflict of interest among some Obama administration officials at the time.
Joe Biden has said his son’s work in Ukraine had no influence on his decisions at the time, and State Department critics of Hunter Biden’s Ukraine ties say they were never influenced improperly, according to transcripts of Senate testimony.
Federal prosecutors from Justice headquarters in Washington and in Delaware have focused at least in part on whether a lobbying firm working with Burisma called Blue Star Strategies approached US government officials in an attempt to burnish the Ukrainian firm’s reputation after State Department officials criticized the oligarch who founded it.
You can take the corruption out of Africa, but…
BLM defends multi-million dollar mansion purchase in lengthy Twitter thread
The activist group has recently came under fire for its financial spending
“the California property was purchased for nearly $6 million in cash in October 2020 with money that had been donated to BLMGNF (Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation).”
In April of 2021, the co-founder of the political movement, Patrisse Cullors drew attention for purchasing four homes for $3.2 million dollars, according to a report by The New York Post. Critics noted Cullors previously described herself as a “trained Marxist.”
Q. What do you call a home purchased by a trained Marxist?
A. A dacha.
Time to separate racism and sexism? as so many of those supposed victims of racism are a little, hmm how can we say….
Cam Newton’s remarks on women needing to know ‘how to cater to a man’s needs’
“I knew what a woman was. Not a bad b—-. A woman,” Newton said, adding that to him a “bad b—-” was a person who “looked the part” but didn’t “act the part.”
“And it’s a lot of women who are bad b—-es and I say ‘b—-es’ in a way not to degrade a woman but just to go off the aesthetic of what they deem as a ‘boss chick.’
Today watch
The BBC sees rising pay as a bad thing . 2 separate items – shortages of staff at airports and in restaurants – so they are having to pay people more and ‘give incentives ‘ ….
Well that BBC – is capitalism . And judging by the ‘cost of living crisis ‘getting a job in such places seems the obvious thing to do .
Justin interviews bercow 2 – aka Lindsey Hoyle – the labour speaker of the Commons . Going on about an RC MP being murdered .
Guess what ? The motive of the killer wasn’t mentioned .
But in the detail of the case the Islamic terrorist killed an MP in the name of Muslims – and targeted a number carefully
Hoyle seems to think the behaviour of politicians has an effect on Muslim terrorists – but it is those politicians which allow Muslim terrorists to live and be active in the Uk not the ordinary people who are their normal victims.
A red labour MP ‘supports ‘ a Muslim queer MP convicted of indecent assault on a child – looking forward to the sentence and appeal … ( but I bet he gets a suspended ).
There are allegations this morning that the Russians have used a chemical weapon in Mariupol, the government and allies are awaiting confirmation of what it was.
The point here is that you don’t mess around making threats against a man like Vladimir Putin unless you are prepared to make good on those threats, and we are unfortunate enough to have one of the weakest most cowardly excuses for a government that we have had for a long time. Even BLiar would have been better in this situation than the yellow Boris the bottler.
The problem here now is that if it is confirmed that a chemical weapon has been used and it goes unresponded to in military terms, is that Putin will be given the green light not only to freelky use chemical weapons, but also battlefield tactical nuclear weapons as well
Such is the danger of having people like the Socialist Tories in power. Quick to oppress the people for using incorrect pronouns, unwilling to stand up to bullies and make good on their promises.
‘Allegations’ do a lot of heavy lifting with all reporting, so caution required.
BBC ‘reports’ currently appear based on witness testimony of people the Russians have done awful things to before releasing.
This is true, no action could or should be taken without the concrete supporting evidence, however we already see the cowardice from Liz Truss downgrading the threats from actual military action to zero action ” we will go after Putin”, or put in real language we are too scared to actually do anything.
“Even BLiar would have been better in this situation than the yellow Boris the bottler.”
Bliar no better than anyone and arguably worse than most in any situation regarding the security and welfare of the UK.
BLiar was one of the worst PMs ever, but at least he didn’t leave the UK completely undefended like Boris has.
He even sold our early warning aircraft to the Chilleans, so now if Putin decides to loba cruise missile at us we won’t even know it’s coming, but even if we did, we wouldn’t be able to do anything about it!
There are some here with knowledge of things military.
Possibly as much as some possess a deep personal loathing for certain individuals beyond a rational grasp of governmental structure.
Given there are US airbases on this land carrier we call home, and nukes in RAF and Navy bases, it seems odd that the first anyone, military or local, would know about it is the mushroom cloud over them.
Maybe the facts could be checked?
Britain has no land based ICBMs, all of them are deployed in its submarine fleet, and although there might be some in the base at Faslane, they could not be launched from there.
The US removed their Greenham common base completely.
We still have the Fylingdales early warning system – probably because Boris wasn’t able to sell it.
In terms of a Russian submarine popping up in the North sea and launching a cruise missile, then yes we would not detect it, nor be able to do anything to stop it regardless of the warhead.
Thoughtful, think the film that Ian links to/posts about below details the EWSs for the UK. From memory it is three or four but please don’t ask me their names. I did watch the film but so much stuff gets crammed in my brain that it becomes jumbled ….
Here’s a short (13 minute) video that describes how Russia could attack Britain. Bottom line: not very much we could do at all, and it wouldn’t take long, nor nuclear weapons, to knock us out.
Thoughtful, we have a line of early warning radar stations down our eastern seaboard.
BBC News
The BBC has uncovered first-hand evidence of Russian soldiers raping and killing civilians in a Ukrainian village west of Kyiv.
Seems posting FB links does not work.
Ukraine conflict: ‘Russian soldiers raped me and killed my husband’
By Yogita Limaye
BBC News, Kyiv, Ukraine
I am not a lawyer, and have never been on a jury, and never want to be on one.
But I am unsure if the terms used in this report are as precise legally as apparently the bbc feel they are.
‘Uncovered’, ‘evidence’, etc… seem so far based on directly offered provided testimony. From sources.
The Dimbles shot is beyond parody.
I have no doubt some terrible things are happening, but justice is not being served by bbc propagandistic grandstanding masquerading as proven evidence via independent investigation. And if Chechens are in the mix, the BBC might suddenly go fact checking elsewhere.
And slapping ‘we’ on individual pols hamstrung by reality as much as competence really helps not much.
I do not want my sons dispatched there to serve the ambitions of social media warriors here based on what gets concocted in Davos and W1A and bars or Warsaw.
Horrible things happen in war. But some crimes, some victims, some wars are more noteworthy than others. We see plenty of photos of dead Ukrainian civilians. But of the 200,000 civilians killed in Iraq in American bombing raids… well, there was a strange absence of photos then. And in addition to talking about rapes in Ukraine, let’s not forget that thousands of young women and underage girls have been raped in British towns and cities by ‘occupiers’.
Followers of propaganda will notice that many of the same phrases used during the final days of the Gaddafi regime in Libya are being redeployed e.g. “soldiers being given Viagra” in the article.
iirc German soldiers were drugged up to cope with combat stress and tiredness from an early stage, which does not excuse by explained behavioural excesses that destroyed the national reputation.
Viagra seems an odd one now.
What’s not BBC about this picture?
Surely BBC Head of Color Tv must be needing smelling salts.
How many more have the Home Office left in or going to let in ?
More importantly, how many have been deported ?
Allegedly he was in touch with the Home Office about an assisted voluntary return to Sudan.
This demonstrates that people belong where they belong – and not somewhere else where they are incompatible.
The fault lies with adherence to the global agenda of encouraging people to leave their own countries.
Barbarians do not belong here.
ti, unfortunately the mindset of Lefty Liberalism and Lefty Socialism is that discrimination is bad, we should not choose between one or another and we must be prepared to take refugees.
BBC Impartial News
A UK farmer has blamed Brexit for the lack of demand in Europe, adding that it will cost him up to £90,000.
So he has headed to the bbc with his blame claim?
Certain to see it copy and pasted.
If only there was a way of conserving beetroot, so you don’t have to retail it straight away.
A point being made by rational folk amongst the loopy #FBPE BBC audience brigade the BBC like to post these claims for, to keep things bubbling.
Stew, what you mean sort of … like …. pickling it? 59p a jar in Aldi. Aldi had a big bag of carrots today, one of their six reduced fruit/veg specials, for 19p! Just for Lexy or Lexi.
Stew do you (or anyone else on here) know of a cheap and reliable web-hosting service for a Blog? I know about WordPress, obviously, but are there free, reliable alternatives, or cheap, reliable alternatives out there?
Yes I was being sarcastic and did mean pickling
Web .. I pay about £132 for 3 year contract
I ditched Godaddy cos they changed & jacked up the price.
I use US servers cos the US has better free speech laws.
Stew, I guessed and just wanted to calm any ‘snowflakes’ that might have read your post. 😉 🙂
Thanks for the tip about US servers.
I was directed to the BBC webpage by google about the beetroot story and as I read it, felt I wasn’t being told the whole story. It is organic beetroot, which I am guessing is a very specialised market. The grower was obviously growing it without a contract. I am surprised at that, ie a niche product. The article doesn’t say which country doesn’t now want the beetroot. Cookery in Ireland is very different to Greece. Was this beetroot destined for Eastern Europe for making borscht? Wouldn’t all the Ukrainian refugees in Poland like to make borscht? Perhaps the food banks might like to have the beetroot. I make a really delicious beetroot salad with raw beetroot and carrots, so recipients of food bank donations could have cheap food (I know they turn down raw potatoes and root vegetables because the BBC news told me.). Perhaps the BBC could put the grower in touch with the Trussel Trust and the BBC could do items on the local news of people receiving their free beets. And the BBC could have a cookery programme showing cheap recipes with beetroot as their main ingredient. No, far better to have a moan about Brexit.
Borscht is a great favourite of mine, although I prefer one with a cabbage and chicken stock base to beetroot, it’s supposed to be really healthy, and a few (low cost) ingredients go a long way when making it.
Why aren’t the BBC pushing it for foodbank using nurses?
Radio Lincolnshire local news
“*Labour* has called the comments made by former Conservative minister Crispin Blunt disgraceful, after he defended another conservative MP convicted of rape yesterday, calling it a great miscarriage of justice”
OK, the MP’s are nothing to do with Lincolnshire
but Crispin Blunt’s comments may be newsworthy
but why begin with the framing “Labour says” ?
.. That is PR. You can tell cos they don’t give the name of any Labour person speaking.
Lincolnshire local news what? Newspaper TV Radio? what?
What did you think it was ?
I’m hardly going to watch crappy breakfast TV am I ?
I’m hardly going to mention a Lincolnshire newspaper on a site about the BBC.
Bit early for some to give things full thought.
Especially when in the highest of dudgeon.
Not a ‘Labour person’.
But seems known to Vile.
And his production guest invitation team.
So clearly a valued analyst.
Then an hour later it was changed to
“The former Conservative minister Crispin Blunt has retracted his statement, where he defended another conservative MP convicted of sexually assaulting a teenage boy.
He had called it, a great miscarriage of justice
He has now apologised saying he had caused significant upset”
On a morning when the Labour leader Sir Keir finds his voice and weighs in on a scandal that hitherto rather appeared to be a tale born of internecine Tory back-stabbing leaking: ‘Sunak an “out of touch” hypocrite over tax avoidance, says Starmer‘ (Guardian)
Sir Keir, to borrow terms from football, goes in with both feet, studs up and performs some classic shit housery: ‘Labour leader questions ability of super-wealthy MPs to relate to the public… “It has been portrayed as a complex tax issue it’s not”‘ (Guardian)
Lest anyone even think of playing the race card in our brown-skinned Rishi’s defence, our Sir Keir has his protective wing-man, in the shape of Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, writing opinion this morning in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: ‘The idea that these attacks on Sunak and his wife are driven by race is absurd‘ – so, that’s all ok then.
Race, culture, religion, history, name, affiliation… all that stuff is completely irrelevant to the Guardian headline writer here: ‘Man, 26, guilty of murdering MP Amiss‘
There’s just the slightest faint hint of implied foreign cultural creep in this feature from the ‘i’: ‘The shoes-off-inside debate, Social horror or hygienic?‘
Talk about kicking a man when he’s down: ‘Our multi-millionaire Chancellor WILL face sleaze investigation. Chums say he may do a Prince Harry & flee to US in a huff‘ (Daily Star) – note: us ordinary chaps haven’t had “chums” since the Beano was required reading for boys.
Interestingly, our dedicated financial paper, the FT, would seem to consider Sunak’s goose already plucked, not to say well and truly cooked – there’s no mention whatever of him on their wordy frontpage.
The old-Labour “Heart of Britain” Daily Mirror turns up the heat to eleven on the cost of living crisis to: ‘Cost of living agony‘ and fret via an exclusive by Zahra Khaliq (so no racist accusations there please): ‘We’ll never put our heating on again. Elderly couple’s fears as they blast “out of touch” Sunak on soaring bills‘ – so they can blast, but not heat.
As the heavy-browed Mancunian modern poet Steven Morrissey once put it in phrases which neatly sum up this scandal: “All men have secrets and here is mine… Heavy words are so lightly thrown… And your prejudice won’t keep you warm tonight”
This old couple – don’t they know there’s a war on?
From overwrought headines in the Mirror to over-burdened syntax in the FT…
‘Ukraine appeals for financial aid to survive wounds of Russia’s war. Trade and industry collapse. Fiscal gap heads towards $7bn a month. Call for reparations‘ – the FT, apparently lacking a chief editor with the nous to rule – enough said in your headline, chums.
Think of the children…
‘“Where will you send me Mummy, when you have to fight?” How to help your children understand the war‘ – if you’re sitting comfortably, the ‘i’ will begin: ‘Be calm, be honest and give them the power to help. Experts advise on the best ways to explain events when things are grim – because rolling news and social media mean that our children are more aware of what’s going on than ever before‘ – not that most comparative educational achievement measures these days would tend to confirm that bold assertion that our kids really are more aware of the world.
Still thinking of the kids, the Daily Express is still very much “in the tank” for Boris: ‘From war zone to kids zone… Boris, the family man‘ – Boris a family man…? I suppose he has done his level best to repopulate the kindergarten classes of the trendier parts of London. But that is a bit like calling Dracula a blood man.
‘Teens in crisis‘ frets the Times: ‘What parents should do to help girls‘ – presumably ignore the welfare of their boys?
‘Would YOU trial a vaccine for deady Ebola?‘ asks the Daily Mail. And as many a politician probably said just before their big pandemic photo op – mine’s a saline, thanks! I jest of course.
‘GPs told to work late to avoid A&E chaos‘ demands the Telegraph.
Speaking of work conditions our modern lazy docs would likely consider to be cruel and unusual punishment: ‘We’ll cut your fingers off. Raid gang tied up Ashley Cole and threatened torture‘ (Sun)
In case you were wondering, the accused are named as: ‘Kurtis Dilks, 33‘ and others were at the sharp end, so to speak, while: ‘Sercan Evsin, 25, and Tevfik Guccuk, 39… operated an ostensibly legitimate jewellery business‘ and ‘Andrew Stokes‘ was also a fence: ‘also charged with converting criminal property‘ (Daily Mail) The defendants deny all charges. The trial continues.
What Difference Does It Make?
AISI, guess that “‘Labour leader questions ability of super-wealthy MPs to relate to the public…” rules Starmer out of ever being First Lord of the Treasury. Ooops, BBC! You have just sunk your own battleship.
9am Radio 4 : The Case for Polyamory
perfect school holiday listening.
What religion does polyamory ?
What the hell IS ‘polyamory’?!
Being the BBC, I presumed it was a small island off the coast of Scotland that was totally representative of BBC ideals and ambitions.
Not really. Still looks like tvl payers funding a blonde’s bike rides.
Vile hides behind making it a question.
Still, #CCBGB
Good riddance to them.
I just hope that the replacements are neutral and not totally woke lefties indoctrinating the children as they are now doing.
Get rid of the teachers unions as well, a militant bunch of far left troublemakers.
Yeah -go get a real job – fries with your Mac?
yep … there’s shelf filler vacancies …
Can we send Vine on a bicycle tour of Donbas?
Cabbage pickers get paid well… so I hear.
I think teachers probably are overworked, but having known a few, a lot of the workload seems a complete waste of time, ticking boxes for the sake of it, or could be much better managed than it is. There is a large amount of paperwork and layers of ‘supervision/management’, which just wouldn’t exist if teaching was a private enterprise.
I’m pretty certain the NHS and civil service are the same? And (going on my brief spells in public sector instiutions) there are a lot of overpaid and over rated jobsworths who can only justify their existence by inflicting pointless, time wasting bureaucratic task on others.
Asylum seeker stabs six people in a hotel in Glasgow, The BBC report it’s all the Home Offices fault for not answering his 72 calls and putting him in a low quality hotel…..
Lost for words….
Wi-Fi is a Human Right .
On bbbc radio newcastle this morning they mentioned Kier Starmer was in Sunderland yesterday and he was promising to crack down on law and order with proper justice and punishments for criminals.
Together with labour’s calling to reduce taxation and other recent soundbites it’s becoming increasingly obvious that labour and conservative are swapping places.
Labour will soon be labelled far right.
Polly Toynbee of the Guardian can always be relied on to cobble together any anti-Tory story she can at the drop of a hat but her latest today is a cracker….
Seems Surkeer has all the magic answers up his sleeve and the problem is that no one is listening to him!
There might be a good reason why nobody is listening to him Polly, maybe they know he is just parroting nonsense and garbage fed to him by his lefty cohort of activists in a desperate attempt to get votes?
A cohort who would simply throw him overboard once they were in power to replace with a Corbynite.
Let’s face it both main parties have big problems – both internally and externally .
On top of that the years running up to the next scheduled election are not gonna be easy for anyone outside the wealth level of say – a chancellor .
Labour will do its best to blame the tories . The tories will blame world events . But neither will be able to control upward interest rates – a recession – high inflation and all that goes with that .
There is a fixation at the `bBC about ‘labour shortages’ but these are gonna disappear as the economy contracts – money becomes tight and a lot of people have to concentrate on the basics ….
The BBC is already making hay on this – such as last nights ‘ panorama – coupled with the c4 thing about inept energy ‘company’s ‘ which just fools onto a sure thing – especially the ones siphoning millions in ‘management fees ‘ before going bust ….
I’m fairly immune to both those kinds of programmes – but for the less mentally stable – watching that stuff just opens the door to depression …
Yesterday I ignored this line Twitter was pushing at me.
“Disgust over plane banner flown above the Etihad during Man City v Liverpool match”
Today I open it up and it starts
“*A Far-right* nationalist group has been linked to the banner flown over Etihad stadium during Man City match – as residents also voice concern over “terrifying” similar leaflets they’ve had through the door.
Video via @adilray .. The fairly racebaity TV star
What is this this terrifying WRONG SPEAk ?
it’s so terrifying the newspaper only shows a far off shot
When you zoom in it says “British will be a minority by 2066”
I don’t see the even mention the name the political party.
The thread is a bit surreal.
.. https://www.twitter.com/i/events/1513470498721652743
which I guess must be Patriotic Alternative
I wonder if this gets any play on German media?
I’ve seen that clip on the internet several times – but strangely the msm never goes over the predictions of president trump .I’d love to know what those smug merkel snowflakes are doing now ..?
I bet they will suppress it if he chooses to run again – although he will lose because of the Obama fix ….
The Obama fix?
Yes – the theft of an election – again….in cohort with the MSM ..
Most likely to be a female coloured this time – maybe that half wit AOC – Obama’s 4th term …
I expected to find the video from a Mickey Mouse website had edited the German delegation in from somewhere else
But it does check out
The video from Bloomberg Sept 2018, is the same
.. https://youtu.be/FfJv9QYrlwg
I searched for older top comments
Bryan Schneider 3 years ago ..90 Likes
Laughing at his comments. Glorious.
Meine Namen 2 years ago .. 40 Likes
I love how Trump is „worried“ about Germany getting dependent on Russia, but wants us to be dependent on the US. I think it would be the smartest idea, to get along with both without becoming dependent
Pescanimation 3 years ago ..31 Likes
Trump’s not just laughable, but it is funny that his ‘simple, aggressive yet naïve way of talking’ can be disempowered so easily by laughing.
The Biden clown show continues – >
I thought it strange that people who should have known better said that inflation is a ‘blip ‘ I think not – and reckon on 10% by 2023 and 3% interest rates by year end too – otherwise that inflation rate will charge away like the 1970s – which I still recall …
‘Extraordinarily elevated ‘….? The language of deceit – the language of an Obama or starmer
Just occasionally one gets to see the reaction of the poser of the questions to Psaki’ answers … thinly veiled contempt seems common.
I think they should practice going cross-eyed – that would be fun.
Danish wind farm operators stockpiling coal….
I’d confident that the BBC’s Rowlatt and Harrabin will be out debunking that …. eh?
DONG strike again
Why not just stockpile wind for next winter …?
Ah… Greens on business jets with a music biz slant …. I wonder if the BBC web site will pick this up?
I thought it was a “joke” – but she’s all too real it would seem! The diminutive doom pixie in the anorak seems sane after that.
– sorry if I ruined your midday meal.
That’s the one who always sits next to me in economy ….
I’d rather she sat next to me than on me.
If someone walked into your house dressed like that, and sat down on your sofa…..
There was a strange sound of running water on the world at one .
I think it was Vicky young and lady whatshername wetting themselves at the news that nut nut and the green card man (sunak ) getting a covid penalty ticket .
Recall parliament . Froth at the mouth . It’s gonna be a long day for BBC types …
Bo Jo and Rishi both fined ?
We were we conned about the ‘lockdown’ . Was it as bad as they frightened us all with ?
A national enquiry is needed to establish………..
A. Exactly how many people died of COVID and ONLY of COVID?
B. Are facemasks effective ?
C. Did Lockdowns work?
I don’t believeBoris ever really believed in the lockdowns, despite getting ill himself. It was the BBC and Labour Party that decided to push the lockdown agenda which the NHS, public sector and some public bought into. They wanted to “own” the crisis and thought it clever to push the country into massive debt.
The post office will be complaining about the amount of letters being sent to the 1922 committee expressing no faith in nut nut and green card man .
So a general election in June then ? ….. or has the moral compass of all those Tory MPs moved a bit now that we face an accidental war between NATO and comrade Putin ….
Meanwhile – the BBC/ labour will be rolling out grieving relatives again to lay on the horror of number ten drinks parties ….
“A. Exactly how many people died of COVID and ONLY of COVID?”
And compare that with how many died because of the RESPONSE to Covid.
My wife may have survived if she had caught Covid. She did not survive the rapid spread of a terrible cancer that would have been detected and treated if two routine blood tests had not been cancelled. It would not surprise me if deaths like hers did not exceed those from Covid (average age 82 and many in hospital until sent back home without treatment)
Pop eye
My deepest sympathies . I think you are right when adding up those who died from illnesses / diseases which could have been treated – together with the suicides and domestic crimes …
The numbers would exceed deaths incurred outside the NHS from covid alone . But we will never know .
There will be many at fault . The set up of ‘experts’ – SAGE should be shown to be wanting because they played a game of excess caution with each other without thought of the secondary effects .
I think the number of infections whilst people were in hospital could have been avoided ‘ minimised if simple procedures were applied – but again – will never know.
There will never be a proper public inquiry . There won’t be lessons – nothing will be learnt – not even the ability to have a store of PPE .
And – of course – the next virus / bug could be a lot worse …
Once again – sympathies ….
If you’ve read much of what I think hear – I have a certain idea about the NHS – and it don’t involve clapping …
I have often thought of compiling a list of predictions of doom from the scientists.
This might shut Harrabin and others up
The problem is it doesn’t shut them up, they just repeat the same warnings over and over…
The world will end next year!
One year later, world will end next year!
Another year on, world will end next year!
Obviously, no one told them ‘the boy who cried wolf’ as a child.
Attenborough makes me laugh, I wonder if he started making his ‘end of the world in 10 years time predictions’ back when he thought he wouldn’t make 80…90…
Anyone able to point to the legal right the bBC has to impose inspections or doorstep calls on a member of the British public by a sub-contracted service provider, in this case Capita employees?
Based upon a hunch that someone is watching their tele without a Licence.
There is no legal requirement to enter into conversation with them
nor to let them enter your property.
So what exactly gives the bBC the right to impose such a visit on anyone?
Delegated powers
The BBC & MSM are 24 hour Partygate people
.. but I’m not bothered really if Boris and Sunak broke an anti-party rule
Obviously if you organised a huge indoor rave .. yes there is some risk of a massive Covid outbreak..and stress on the NHS
but there will be other circumstances where the risk will be minimal
I’m not angry at Starmer having beer with his work team, they’ve been working together all day,
I don’t currently know the full context of what happened at number 10
but I reject the narrative that the politicians are partying hard.
I also did think at the time that a person who’s recently had covid has to be less cautious than someone who’s never had it… Cos of their natural resistance
Big test for the MSM
Terrorist attack ? In N.Y.
Covid fine tickets
And more …….
So, now it’s now official, Boris did break his own lockdown rules…
The other day Boris told us that he couldn’t promise that there wouldn’t be any more lockdowns.
Now the lying great lump has been found guilty of breaking the very rules that he imposed on the rest of us. Honestly, you couldn’t make this up.
If he does survive this latest nonsense ( I hope he does, simply because of the atrocious alternatives) would anyone actually listen to these stupid bloody rules knowing that he’ll be ignoring them?
I certainly won’t be…
You may well have seen this story already. Alerted to it by The Daily Sceptic. It’s a Telegraph story.
BBC guide tells parents to ‘examine their biases’ if their toddler only has white friends
“…written by the author and activist Uju Asika.”
Running out of things to say about this nonsense. Just don’t understand why the BBC thinks it’s its job to be campaigning in this way.
A couple of years ago the primary school my children attended when they were younger got downgraded by Ofsted for not being diverse enough – seriously!
Understandably, the teachers were annoyed, and questioned how a school in a small, West Country town were supposed to be more diverse than the population of the town and surrounding villages – it’s not as if they were turning kids away, they were desperate for ‘bums on seats’, and they certainly had a large ‘traveller’ contingent (who caused vastly dispproportionate issues).
Great commentary on the above article from Calvin Robinson
bBC and MSM re PartyGate.
To our knowledge no one contracted or died from these events.
Unlike the SNP decision to empty hospitals of the elderly into carehomes at the outset begging the question;
1) On whose authority in Govt. did the SNP order this
2) Who in NHS Scotland concurred
3) Why were no routine tests carried out and who made that final decision?
4) Why was the initial outbreak at a NIKE conference in Edinburgh covered up by the SNP ( quite possibly the ground zero event in Scotland)
5) And in consequence how many workers and managers in Care Homes contracted Covid from the transferred elderly?
bBC /MSM we will be watching your follow up on this and contrast with the PartyGate BS
Personally I couldn’t give a tinkers cuss about Partygate, its only the advent of social media that every one’s life is open to scrutiny now. What did politicians get up to before that we didn’t know about, unless someone spilled the beans to the press ? Yes there have been scandals, but it didn’t affect the general public too much, if at all ! Did my life change because Christine Keeler bedded Russian generals, or Jeremy Thorpe tried to kill his lover, or Cecil Parkinson rejecting his daughter from his affair, nope. Sitting outside having a drink, at distance – as I did tbh, is quite different from pitching up to a hospital or care home rife with a contagious disease ! Merry making inside no.10 admittedly was beyond the pale – so that lot quite rightly were pushed. When it comes down to it, no politician is worth their salt, but as far as the Press are concerned every misdemeanour is a resigning offence.
Yes, of course, in the whole scheme of things “Partygate” doesn’t matter a jot, but…
The man who imposed this cruel nonsense on the rest of us quite clearly knew that he didn’t need to. He cavalierly flouted these rules. Remember people were being arrested for sitting on park benches, sunbathing and walking their dogs.
It really sticks in my gullet when I see what Professor Pantsdown, little Matty Hancock and our prime minister were doing, while we were asking how many people we could invite into our own gardens and being denied access to loved ones in hospital. Despicable.
He’ll certainly survive this because of how he’s handled the Ukraine invasion…which is extremely well.
And there really isn’t anyone better…
Jeff, it is highly likely that before any of the ‘gatherings’, the Government adviser on legal matters would have been consulted by a Civil Servant who would have then said that the parties/gatherings/celebrations/call them what you will were strictly legal. Note: some Government Ministers are so nervous that they consult the Law adviser on everything, almost before blowing their nose.
I suspect that HMG was lured into this by the ‘opposition’ outside Parliament. The fact that adults were too stupid to think ‘What will this look like? What risk are we running?’ , especially in the age of mobile phone, is another whole matter.
But then our Government and the Civil Service are famous for not asking – and answering – the ‘What if ….. ‘ questions.
The Drop: ‘Streetwear fashion will be more gender-fluid in the future’
A more diverse range of streetwear designers will cause a “breakdown of the typical masculine domain of streetwear”, one expert says.
Not for me it won’t. As far as I’m concerned there are only three genders :-
(M) male (That’s me)
(F) female (They are the ones I am attracted to)
(M/F) Miscellaneous Freaks
‘masculine domain of streetwear’, really?
Most men I know would wear potato sacks if their wives didn’t do the clothes shopping.
Tel still a BBC go-to gob?
Projection is a libmob characteristic
.. Maxi is always telling me that.
The comedy hour.
Then there is the media.
Brando stirs.
Whatever someone in No.10 did to his squeeze, it was Chris Rock level.
Some people still wouldn’t be happy if Jesus Christ was the Prime Minster !
If he were to turn water into wine again the bbc would crucify him
A licencing crime ….
ITVlocal news partymania reporting
They started by bringing on people who seem like Labour activists for the vitriol they have for Boris
#1 A woman who lost her pensioner husband
#2 The wife of the big fat lesbian woman that died
…. she has been on loads of times before.
Brando popped a call North of the Border?
Amrit Birdi ITV local news
‘Plant charity, say pot plants are good for you
.. you breathe CLEANER air”
..Really ? what about the pollen that causes asthma ?
If you didn’t keep building thousands of houses all over greenfield sites there would be less air pollution, less overcrowding, fresher air, more agricultural land, fresher, locally grown food, less crime, more wildlife, more green spaces, and we wouldn’t need to rely on a few sickly spider plants on the kitchen windowsill to ‘purify’ the air we breathe.
Why are we building hundreds of thousands of ‘new homes’ all over the English countryside? … ah, yes, immigration, uncontrolled MASS immigration, against the wishes of the vast majority in this country.
Judging by the BBC News the BBC is aiming to depose the PM and Chancellor – the party thing is more important than Ukraine – a terrorist attack in New York – or the Manchester Plod apologising to victims of Paki Racist Rape gangs ….
If nut nut survives ( who cares ?) he really needs to take on the BBC and soon ….start by decriminalising the licence to encourage people not to get it – then finish off
We should hope for an end to the TV tax altogether and absolutely not decriminalising it.
As it stands a magistrait hasn’t got much in the way of powers, I have a friend who is a JP and he tells the tales of mothers who bring the kids into court, stand there and tell him they aren’t going to pay, the usual threats of sending her to prison are met with great I could do with a break where do I leave the kids!
The issue with decriminalisation is that the plaintiff is allowed to claim reasonable costs for detecting and enforcing the tax, which will mean costs orders running into hundreds of pounds and which can be enforced by bailiffs or attachments to earnings or benefits.
The criminal law in Britain is weak beyond imagining, it’s better for those on trial to have a criminal hearing than a civil one.
If nutnut goes, Emacron can send his message.
‘So long and thanks for all the fish’
I’m sure Douglas Adams would have had a witty response to that. Errrr,…… nope, I don’t.
EG – ha ha but will Macron still be there .
I sort of depend on self interest – I’d hope that nut nut /green card man would be replaced by someone a bit more Conservative and a lot less green crap .
Fed, am tempted to do a Capt Mainwaring on you: “You stupid boy!”
Oh dear, it appears I have succumbed to temptation. You will not get anyone like that as PM – even in the Conservative Party – and looking beyond December 2024 you are more likely to get Starmer and with it, your trips to your Mediterranean bolt-hole restricted to one a year but then your property out there may well be confiscated by Rachel Reeves. But then shortly after, all the oil and gas companies will be put out of business anyway and you will be concentrating on keeping warm during a day-trip to Southend by bus.
May be worth looking at UKIP or The Reform Party?
Things may change dramatically by 2024 ,if not sooner?
Three victims of the Rochdale groomings have been awarded substantial compensation.
Does this open the door for the tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of little girls who have also been victims of enricher grooming gangs to get similar substantial awards.
It should and I hope it does.
But I bet it doesn’t.
Just to make the future even darker –
As the entire world edges toward a period of serious food instability, Russian armed forces have been actively targetting wheat stocks in Ukraine for destruction, an EU official has claimed.
Russian military assets have been actively targeting and destroying stocks of wheat in Ukraine — one of the world’s largest producers of grains — during a period when the world needs it most, an EU official has claimed.
If only we’d done something about global population growth decades ago
if only we’d not imported millions of extra mouths into Europe
If only we’d not imported millions of extra mouths into the UK
If only we’d not built hundreds of thousands of new homes all over our best agricultural land…
We are so much luckier in London than you are in the rest of the
country so far as BBC TV news is concerned. We often get
100% “inclusiveness” and “diversity” between 6 PM -7PM
each day and other half hours slots three or for times a day.
For not only can we see Reeta Chakrabarti and Clive Myrie
presenting the news. Straight after we can see Liz Rateef, Assad
Ahmad, Alice Bhandhukravi etc presenting the Londonistan
Programme. I bet you can’t beat that in the Provinces !
But let’s be fair to the BBC they don’t exercise “positive
discrimination” when it comes to the Londonistan programme.
But you may ask why? Because the indigenous population
in London is a minority now of around 35-40%. So why
should the BBC use positive discrimination against the 65%
ethnic majority !!
More on the party …..
….. if I get this right – when Cummings leaked the party stuff the reaction was to set up the Gray inquiry to make the thing go away for a while . Plod declined to investigate – but then changed its mind . Time passed – then the fines started being produced …..
So maybe – if nut nut survives – the plod inquiry will end in a month – tickets issued a month later – and the plod bit done by – say – July / August .
Then the Gray Report is published ….
But the question is – who got the tickets – names should be named – what discipline has been imposed ? Who has been fired / moved ?
Plus of course the 300 pictures … will they be published ….imagine ?
Funny that these tickets were issued 48 hours after the met commissioner packed her bags …
Sir Peter Fahy was the Far Keft chief constable of Manchester for some of the time when paki rape race gangs were operating . Fahy is a regular on the BBC mouthing off about policing despite have got his £100k pa pension many years ago .
Today the current chief apologised to 3 victims of said vile pakis and paid them off before it went into Court – where the full story could have laid out what we here talk about but which the politicians – police – BBC refuse to because of the need for ‘community cohesion ‘ and avoid being called racists by third world pakis .
So remember that the next time Fahy turns up on the BBC as the easy far left mouthpiece
Why has no one mention the day and context of Boris’s fine ?
19th June 2020 Boris’s birthday
My day began shortly after 7am, and I chaired eight meetings in No10, including the Cabinet Committee deciding Covid strategy, I visited a school in Hemel Hempstead, which took me out of Downing Street for over four hours.
And amongst all these engagements, on a day that happened to be my birthday, there was a brief gathering in the Cabinet Room shortly after 2pm, lasting for less than 10 minutes, during which people I work with kindly passed on their good wishes.
And I have to say in all frankness, at the time, it did not occur to me that this might have been a breach of the rules.
But of course the police have found otherwise and I fully respect the outcome of their investigation.
I understand the anger that many will feel that I myself fell short when it came to observing the very rules which the Government I lead had introduced to protect the public, and I accept in all sincerity that people had a right to expect better.
The original media accusation was
January 12, 2022
Boris Johnson has come under fire for reports he attended a lockdown-breaking garden party at 10 Downing Street in May 2020.
ITV News obtained an email allegedly inviting over 100 people for “socially distanced drinks” on 20 May 2020.
… So as far as we know that accusation has come to nothing.
Friday 27 March: Mr Johnson announces he has tested positive for Covid-19
Sunday 12 April: the Prime Minister is discharged from hospital
and travels to Chequers ..I guess he spent another few weeks recovering there
so by May he was back working.
April 26
The Prime Minister returns to Downing Street after recovering from Covid-19 at his country home Chequers.
The MSM seems to be fixated in frankly irrelevant episodes of changes in PM during war time – and see it as a tool to use against nut nut . How can WW1 and WW2 compare with the current situation ? My answer is not at all – even by a stretch .
I’m putting up the exciting new thread before something else Big happens ….