Can the BBC and other media please ask a police chief who can obstruct the Queen`s highway as a protest .?
Also how many , as in can just one person sit down and block the roads , or two , or does there have to be a minimum number ?
Also again what establishments can be blocked — we see the refineries can , what about ports , schools , hospitals or police stations ?
And what vehicles can protesters climb on , clamber over and glue themselves to – ambulances , Border Farce vehicles , police cars ?
Personally, I think there are two factors at play here. Firstly, the Police actually believe that the vast mass of the population follow and believe these protesting loons actually receive tacit public support. They are swayed by the media. Secondly, the Police are not aware of the mass of the publics anger that these things are not supported by them. All to do with media massage, lies/deceit and failure to reflect public opinion.
Example: If you closely follow the media narrative, you would believe that the majority support, ‘Refugees Welcome’ because that’s the only ‘voice’ you are likely to hear.
Can those who are against illegal immigration block public roads?
It seems only those oppose fossil fuels, the life blood of civilisation can, and the police will allow it.
Clearly the police and the government have swallowed the WEF world government agenda and can block roads who they are told to block
What we have here is general push to stop freedom of movement, which gives freedom to people, and impose electric cars. This allows the government to ration the amount of charge you can take from your domestic supply or a charging station, depending on your location, and political standing.
Another thing that is clear is the very fact that the most efficient method of transportion , that gave us the present civilisation and the freedoms we now take for granted, is the one that western governments oppose under cover of a hoax AGW.
The Marxist Left that has always opposed freedom, is obviously all for shutting down coal and fossil fuels, except in China, where there is no freedom.
You know that Climate Change aka AGW is a hoax when the Twin Wokes, Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby agree that Climate Change is an Existential crisis.
If they were good Christians they should actually be praying to God for the redemption of mankind to forestall a Noah type flooding that will cover the planet. But as they are not, it cant be much of an existential planet-wide submersion.
But the real problem of EVs is that they are inherently inefficient compared to an internal combustion engine in a car. That inherent inefficiency cannot be overcome short of a small fusion reactor in the engine compartment.
There are so many serious engineering challenges to rolling out EVs (some of which might be insurmountable in the long run), only a complete madman (or someone with no concept of engineering, or scale up of high tech items) would suggest we’ll all be driving them in a few years!
I missed the boat there, anyway a message to the Arch Bishop and Al Beeb……………..Britain is full !
We are short of housing & infrastructure etc for our own people .
What does he suggest we do with illegal bogus asylum seekers shipping in from France ?
“I missed the boat there, anyway a message to the Arch Bishop and Al Beeb……………..Britain is full !”
Yes, Taffman, it is, and it’s not just the overpriced housing (which my kids will struggle to ever afford), overcrowded schools, hospitals, GP surgeries, dental practices, roads, trains, buses etc… but, also has a major impact on our ability to feed ourselves, and provide sufficient energy for our needs, to dispose of our waste (sewage!), and on our wildlife (much of which is going extinct at a terrifying rate).
It must also have a massive impact on our bills – and what is paid out on benefits, housing etc… it is not good for the working Briton in terms of jobs and competition, and it’s detroyed local communities and traditions (not just because of the immigrants themselves, settling in ghettos and intimidating/overwhelming the locals, but also the knock on effect of British people moving en masse internally and doing the same to other British populations).
None of that has ANYTHING to do with racism, or not wanting to help refugees, or people from any corner of the planet, it’s just plain common sense not to completely wreck your own home in seeking to do so.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but dunking a religious icon in urine by a shock perv artist will never see the BBC make connections that don’t suit…”
Salman Rushdie: Iranian state media renew fatwa on Satanic Verses author with $600,000 bounty
The announcement coincides with the anniversary of the fatwa issued in 1989
Top Times comment Prof Andrew Knight has not declared a relevant interest here: He has produced ‘an extensive series of YouTube videos, on plant-based companion animal diets,’ and fronts a website advertising vegan and vegetarian pet food and pet food suppliers ‘sustainablepetfood’
Given his clear focus and the fact this ‘research’ is based on the information provided by pet owners with no suggestion of verification, this is a highly suspect piece of so-called research
The Times gets a kicking from readers, for publishing the PRasNews
and failing to name the funding source.
No, because canines are primarily predators, one glance at their dentition (and habit of chasing little furry things) should convince even the daftest in that particular regard.
Would I put myself on a vegan diet? No, for similar reasons.
Ouch. As the Prime Minister prepares to explain his partygate fine to MPs tomorrow, polling by @JLPartnersPolls asking 2000 people to describe Boris Johnson finds the most common word used is “liar”.
PM has a job to do to tomorrow to convince the public as well as the Commons.
With apologies to Greta, Roger, George and the BBC for confusing the Scandinavian issue, but there were productive vines just south of Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain.
No doubt the wine would have been inferior to anything from Gaul.
BBC news online persists in its utter obsession with the Ukraine war today. There are no less than seven different top stories featured above other news. If the BBC’s journalistic focus and sheer output in support of Zelensky were translated somehow into real world ammunition, then the Ruskies would surely have been pushed back as far as Moscow by now.
One looks to other features for a respite.
This BBC article is headlined as though it were a bit of Old Wild West lore, from the time the buffalo still roamed the prairies and a man had to do… what a man had to do… go West…
BBC: ‘Why some Indians die younger than others‘ – a similiar nugget of wisdom might be the answer to the question why do some cowboys die with their boots on.
There’s some real gems of good advice for keyboard cow pokes out there on the rootin’ tootin’ wild west of the interweb, including the practical: “Don’t squat with your spurs on” and the sound conservative notion: “Don’t let your yearnings get ahead of your earnings”
As for the deeper more spiritual wisdom of the native american, one was sadly duped into a dead end canyon through foolishly following the word Indian as one’s google scout and path finder.
“When an elephant is in trouble, even a frog will kick him” – Elephants… are they commonly found out on the range? Of course not. We’re finding proverbs here from the Indian subcontinent. We do like this one: “When you have an ass for a friend, expect nothing but kicks”
And so, on that note, we return to the BBC feature written by Soutik Biswas, BBC India Correpondendent.
‘A new-born Indian can expect to live for 69 years, three years short of the world average. But disparities in life expectancy among India’s social groups have lingered and widened. And inequality doesn’t explain this fully… hashtag Discrimination‘ – that’s his associated Twitter shout out.
Aside from the Dalit (formerly untouchable caste) the BBC’s Mr Biswas implies Indian muslims are discriminated against – of course he does, he’s a BBC man – hence their statistically slightly lower than average life expectancy.
‘Let’s now break this down further by gender‘ – as they tend to say at the BBC.
Our Mr Biswas is steeped in BBC attitudes and culture: ‘Such enduring gaps were comparable in terms of years to the gaps in life expectancies between black and white Americans in the US, researchers say‘ – the obsession with US-style race politics and even his defensive in-house-style Parthian shot “according to experts“- or some such, show him to be BBC through and through.
Oddly enough, you might think, the Guardian headlines on a remarkably parallel track today, although they don’t stray so far from home: ‘Revealed: “shocking” rate of female deaths in England’s poorest areas‘ – by the way 78.7 years is the number upsetting the Guardian. The sort of average innings that would be admired by: ‘Rob key has been announced as the new managing director of England men’s cricket…‘ (Times)
Of course the Guardian is looking at UK regional disparities – but given our new-found multi-ethnic make up in so many of our more deprived areas, surely bland age expectancy statistics are missing some important racial aspects? And then there’s life choices. There’s also the variable pattern of pregnancy choices which will obviously impact female health.
And just as expected the EU elites step in just before the election with an accusation against Marine Le Penn of embezzeling £500K from the EU (together with her father so it must have been some time ago).
Of course these allegations don’t need to have any foundation at all, anyone can make an allegation which post election is found to have no foundation at all, however the sheeple are eality fooled as most of them are not very bright and have no insight or desire to know the twisted goings on behind their backs.
I think we all know that post Brexit and Trump, when the electorate didn’t do what the elites wanted them to do democracy died and it really doesn’t matter what the people vote for, only the result the elites want will be allowed.
Of course it will eventually end in the kind of uprisings we saw in Eastern Europe after the fall of Socialism there, and many of the elite will end up like the Ceaușescu’s shot in some bleak cold area without much ceremony.
Until that happens though they will continue to weasel their way to power without and kind of moral scruples.
Thoughtful, you can try to fool all of the people all of the time, (BBC, EU and others) but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time as Prof. John Curtice will point out: electorates at times do not vote the way everyone – including pollsters – expects.
The timing of this is obviously suspicious and I think most French people will see through it and it won’t affect the way they vote. It therefore seems a very clumsy way to try and influence the election result.
But perhaps a slightly more subtle game is afoot. If the polls are showing that MLP is really close to Macron the French state , which has most of the pollsters in its pocket, can easily doctor them. The Dems did this in the US . They then rig the actual vote and claim that the embezzlement story swayed a lot of voters against MLP and so cover up the truth.
I have long argued that the Church of England should rename itself ‘The Church of Islam’. This is not only more accurate but would also comply with the Trades Description Act’
Welby has proved the need for this yet again.
Not only will he not protect his tribe and beliefs he openly sides with the invaders.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – hmmnn, interesting choice by the Picture Editor Item, top right, but be warned, you’ll need to be quick to view it as the page may be changed during the day. That angle, and with that expression on the Home Secretary’s face, the BBC obviously wish to make it look as though Priti Patel is smirking.
Shameful, BBC, you are truly despicable and not politically neutral.
“Orange man bad”
“mop head man bad”
“Asian Tory Woman race traitor” ..doesn’t she know Labour own BAME’s
UK Home Secretary Priti Patel and Rwanda Foreign Minister Vincent Biruta have said their asylum plan was "bold and innovative".
BBC Book at Bedtime on Radio Flaw, er, I mean Four.
Episode 1 – These Days by Lucy Caldwell – Episode 1 of 10
Two sisters, four nights, one city. April, 1941. Belfast has escaped the worst of the war – so far. Over the next two months, it’s going to be destroyed from above, so that people will say, in horror, My God, Belfast is finished. Many won’t make it through, and no one who does will remain unchanged.
Following the lives of sisters Emma and Audrey – one engaged to be married, the other in a secret relationship with another woman – as they try to survive the horrors of the four nights of bombing which were the Belfast Blitz, ‘These Days’ is a timeless and heart-breaking novel about living under duress, about family, and about how we try to stay true to ourselves.
Lucy Caldwell is the author of four novels, several stage plays and radio dramas, and two collections of short stories: Multitudes and Intimacies. She won the BBC National Short Story Award in 2021 for ‘All the People Were Mean and Bad.’
Apparent BBC obsession. Think I’ll give it a miss. We have been warned.
Feeling stressed? Unwind with English/Romantic Pastoral Music on YouTube. It consists of 23 videos starting with Ronald Binge: The Watermill and then automatically continues on, accompanied by English paintings and some photographs. Ends with Edward Elgar: Orchestral Miniatures.
Is this tweeting like a leader ?
Tim Farron at 7pm on Easter Sunday
Sat outside a cafe in my patch today with my family. An older couple came up to say hello,then the gentleman said ‘my wife’s sister died alone, we couldn’t visit her, please don’t let Johnson get away with it’. A reminder that this isn’t about party politics. It’s about justice.
Farron’s tweet looks like low class political opportunism.
Covid happened , NHS had draconian rules. which people like Farron campaigned for.
The lady would have died anyway
Boris having a drink in his office or garden made no difference.
Well done for spectacularly missing the point. The wife’s sister died alone because of Johnson’s laws whilst he was breaking the same laws because it was his birthday.
Have you paid your Telly Tax yet ?
Yes , that’s the tax that robs from the poor to give to rich? Do you and your team have any comments about that broadcaster that is a parasite of the people of Great Britain ?
Are you trolling that Biased Organisation ?
Over to you maxincony and your chums to answer that question ………………….
Here`s an even bigger point ( and whataboutary ) that perhaps you can answer .
Why , when we have the biggest pandemic for 100 years , did the Powers That Be NOT put a stop to all the illegal immigration that occurred in that time ?
And the BBC angle on that question
Why didnt the BBC ask that question ?
Why didn`t they ask what medical staff were taken off normal duties or extra duties due to the pandemic to assess the illegal invaders ?
Why did they risk the bogus asylum seekers weren`t carrying the virus or worse ?
Why is the BBC as useless as an ashtray on a motorbike about the real questions ?
“Why , when we have the biggest pandemic for 100 years , did the Powers That Be NOT put a stop to all the illegal immigration that occurred in that time ?”
It’s not illegal to come to Britain and claim Asylum. The one’s who came here where kept in lockdown like everybody else.
“Sat outside a cafe in my patch today with my family. An older couple came up to say hello, then the gentleman explained that he had a sister who had survived four weeks in a basement with no facilities and food whilst being bombed only to leave and be shot dead by the Russians………………”. Justice?
And was the gentleman doing anything to try and figure out how the hell to deal with a situation the like of which we have not faced since the flu pandemic in 1918, and doing so when living above the shop with various people coming and going all the time, having also got covid pre-vaccines?
And has Tim ever been responsible for anything?
And did he not resign as LibDem leader because he couldn’t hack it?
” ‘my wife’s sister died alone, we couldn’t visit her”
That sounds like storytelling, emotional blackmail
rather than real world situations
I doubt that she was ALONE
#1 If you are in a hospital or in a care home you are not alone
you are in a big building full of people
#2 If you were sick at home, the Covid laws provided your relatives to come and help you
You wouldn’t have been alone
If your Mum was dying and your brother was the main carer
and said your Mum had a few days to live, then who’d complain if you broke the guidelines and came to see her ?
Johnson birthday ? He’d done a whole days of jobs , come into a workroom and suddenly a whole group of colleagues sprung a birthday greeting on him. He said it lasted 10 minutes, would it have been that much different if he’d said “no” and got them out of the room in 5 minutes ?
Their Thought For the Day endorsed the Achbish’es words .
I’ll check in the Bible , but I can’t see Jesus saying people in safe countries should pay criminals to help them get to a better material lifestyle and lie to authorities.
If the West succeeds in decarbonising, we will have a genuine disaster. Thankfully, China and India will continue to construct more coal fired power stations. Best way to create clean electricity using a readily available source that creates CO2 as well.
Dorset Police failed to attend a 999 call as a man stalked a woman for two hours before raping her in the street.
A Dorset Police spokesperson said: ‘The review found that at the time of the call, Dorset Police was responding to a higher-than-average number of calls for service and officers were not immediately available to attend.
No misconduct was identified.
However, the force has changed its procedure to ensure that these matters are prioritised.
That vegan dog diet study thing is uncanny.
We content that there is a real world and there is a media bubbleworld which is quite mad.
Here’s a custom twitter search that highlight’s the MSM promoting that story
What you can see is that across the world the MSM just cutNpaste, churn the PR, turning it into PRasNews.
Whereas the majority of replies from the public out the study as flawed.
This Koran burning and threats to burn it seems to initiate violence from the peaceful people.
Perhaps the very very evil far far far right are winding them up in order to show what an unpredictable and dangerous shower they are. Perhaps the cops and politicians might not see them in such a favourable light.
How much more damage does that man want to do to this country ? This nation is stuffed full of people with useless degrees but without any skills or common sense !
We need people in work to build back our economy.
Blair and Brown were the ones who turned all polys into universities. The result was that university standards fell as they had to compete for numbers.
Polys meanwhile couldn’t do what was required by research funders, so all had to reduce standards. Meanwhile those who did want skills, such as electrical trade etc, had nowhere to go except get a third rate one from polys who were trying to be Red Brick and had no time for that stuff.
Total collapse of the education system.
The answer. No failures. Pass everyone and claim that education standards had gone up as everyone was passing. Such magic only politicians can do.
John Major is the PM who couldn’t remember how many O levels he had passed. (It was five as I recall and it took three attempts for him to pass Mathematics.)
It Is not just the BBC. Headline in the Daily Telegraph states ‘Israeli police clash with Palestinians at al-Aqsa’. Suggests that the Israeli police just felt like causing a bit of trouble. Remembering the al-Aqsa mosque has been a tinderbox it would seem unlikely the police were there for fun. The article starts, ‘Israeli police entered the al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem, yesterday, leading to renewed tension’. Fourth paragraph tells us the Israelis said ‘worshippers had hurled rocks’ which seemed only by inference to have been why the Israelis had entered but may have really been the reason why the police had thought it necessary to investigate. The whole article compounded the bias by a half page photo of 5 police holding down a Palestinian. Bearing in mind suicide bombers and decoys, it perhaps not surprising the Israeli police were being cautious.
I am not watching any BBC at the moment but I assume they will report it in the same way as the Telegraph.
Bloody silly bitch and her husand just ruined my day, shocked for over 30 mins afterwards with near miss driving:
driving towards a junction, car in front slows down I did also, BUT DID NOT STOP, and she just walks out in front of my car waving at me with a smug grin on her face followed by her grinning husband forcing me to emergency stop.
I gave her a piece of my mind through the open window and the smug grin turns to a snarl “I HAVE LEFT THE KERB” she shouts ???
SO bloody what ? she IS NOT crossing a road I am turning into so has NO right of way (RE the stupid new regs) and nearly got hit
She thinks she has the right to just walk into the road and all traffic will stop for her:
“Driving law changes are not a ‘licence’ for pedestrians to ‘walk out into road’
NEW driving laws which come into effect from today are not a free for all pedestrians and cyclists to “walk straight into the road”, warn health and safety experts.”
It was with some relief that I continued reading your post Zephir. I thought you were responding to my post about the Telegraph writing about the Israeli police, and I didn’t like being called a silly bitch.
I had completely forgotten about this ridiculous legislation but fortunately so have the residents of the north London area I was driving through today. Sometimes someone behaving stupidly can give you the sort of shock that follows you for a while. Just promise yourself if you see her again you will keep calm and not run her over however much you want to.
I discussed this here some time ago. I haven’t experimented but I’d think that conversion to a smaller format would work. For instance if you have an image that’s 1200 x 900 convert it to 600 x 450. Any picture editor will do this.
Took us hundreds of years to build this mostly beautiful country it will take them but a few years to reduce it to rubble like the hell holes they come from.
But more relevantly for this website, the extended feature on this on BBC London, listening to her drone on about all the waycism she experienced and how wonderfully clever she is, had me heading straight to the vomitorium.
Rwanda: You know you’re doing something right when you manage to upset the BBC and the Guardian (same thing), Corbyn, Abbopotamus, Krankie, the Archbishop of Wokerbury and a host of other lefties.
I am fully aware there are some really big issues going on in the world, BUT my eyes widened when none of the contestants on Pointless knew that the composer of White Christmas was Irving Berlin. One thought it was Bing Crosby. Only 11 people out of 100 apparently had the intelligence to know it also. In the early days this was always a ‘must watch’ programme with my tea, but its just full of halfwits now.
Brissles – on that same edition of Pointless (also tea-time viewing for me) a third year university student did not know in which county the white cliffs of Dover are. I ask you……
Two British men reportedly captured by Russian forces while fighting in Ukraine have appeared on Russian state TV appealing to Boris Johnson for help.
“Mr Aslin and Mr Pinner address the prime minister, asking to be exchanged for pro-Kremlin politician Viktor Medvedchuk. ”
The media keep telling us they are regular Ukrainian soilders not mercenaries, that they have dual nationally etc.
So why aren’t they asking Zelensky?
What pull has buffoon Boris got here anyway..
Would Putin make the swop? wouldn’t it encourage Ukrainians to arrest more pro Russians Ukrainians as bargaining chips.
BBC using the photo of Aiden Aslin holding a puppy, not the one of him loading a mortor with a shell .
And on the BBC 1 6 pm news, the victim groups tonight are…..
1. The widow of a man who died of covid aged 32 ( this is statistically highly unusual yet absolutely no context was given) in Scotland who opposes the relaxation of face mask rules.
2. Irish ‘travellers’ who die young and have a high suicide rate (waycism). For viewers feeling distress about this issue the BBC Action Line is referenced.
And on BBC London
3. Those on a train which stopped suddenly. People on board are now ‘feeling anxious about future trips’. ‘It sounds like there was real fear on the train’ goads the BBC interviewer,
Meanwhile for the other 99.9% of the population……nothing of relevance…..though you can listen to an interview with Prince Harry on the 6.30 pm Invictus Games coverage.
And yet weirdly the BBC have no idea why viewers are leaving them…………
imagine if we’d just – I dunno – pledged to dismantle a public owned broadcaster bc apparently private-owned streaming is the only way forward god that would be worrying wouldn’t it
Now on the tellybox
I didn’t know about Mary Berry’s conversion to Islam
Actually it’s the BBC #BoxTicking groupthink
‘better have a special victimhood member in the photo’
“better have a special victimhood member in the photo”
I searched the entire iPlayer schedule for Monday 18th April on: BBC1, BBC2, BBC3, BBC4, CBBC, Cbeebies, BBC Scotland, BBC News, BBC Parliament, BBC Alba, BBC S4C, BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 1 Dance, Radio 1 Relax, BBC Radio 1 Relax, BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 4 extra, BBC Radio 5, BBC Radio 5 extra and BBC Radio 6…
And guess what? From all of that; there was exactly ONE photo of a muslim woman wearing a headscarf.
Coincidently the same photo you posted above. Apparently for no other reason than to complain about a photo of a Muslim woman wearing a headscarf.
@Maxi misrepresentation
In your attempt to get a gotcha you misrepresented me.
I never mentioned “Muslim women in a headscarf”
I said ” a special victimhood member in the photo”
You have reduced a broad category to a small category to try to get a gotcha.
You ignored others in the category eg black or trans etc.
A quick glance at the R4 schedule shows a few black faces on that day.
If someone wants to freely wear a headscarf that is their choice.
Rather I am criticising the probably white managers who disproportionately SELECT members of special victimhood groups for programme schedule photos
“1,000 civilians hiding in shelters beneath Mariupol steel plant – city council
Around 1,000 people are reported to be hiding in underground shelters beneath the Azovstal steel plant in the besieged southeastern port city of Mariupol, according to the city council.
It said on Telegram that most of the civilians are “women with children and old people,” but added, Russia is dropping heavy bombs onto the Ukrianian-held factory.”
And here was me thinking it was the just the stubborn Azov Battalion dug in there…
On TWatO Jonny Dymond (the Montacutie is on her hols or somewhere else – again! – the BBC are real slave-drivers, not) talks to Matthew Taylor (unelected Labourite in charge of the NHS Confederation), yet another ‘boss’ our NHS doesn’t need, ostensibly about volunteers working with ambulance crews. But Jonny sneakily sneeks in a question about the NHS coping (which it isn’t – and most years it isn’t) which allows Matthew Taylor to state there a systemic failings, which are his responsibility to sort out along with Sir Simon Steven’s successor and the multitude of area and regional Directors and Chief Executives of this bit of NHS and that part of NHS.
Matthew Taylor pleads high Covid case numbers yet the statistics which we don’t get show they are falling. Matthew Taylor’s answer is a return to compulsory facemasks and social distancing. No doubt Jonny would like the BBC Holy Grail of free testing for Covid to be re-introduced. The BBC are good at spending taxpayers’ money.
But the interesting thing is that the ONS and the BBC are depriving the public of information about the state of Covid infections in the UK. This is – shamefully – five days old: OK, so it’s a long Easter Bank Holiday weekend but surely someone could be WFH and collating the necessary information?
The BBC just rolled out their latest Muslim appreciation society program featuring Mary Berry and Scarlett Muppet… to keep it popular and a couple of Muslim ladies to keep it inclusive.
I have to ask myself why an organisation that nit picks over all sorts of female injustice over something as simple as which pronouns you use is totally blind to the glaring fact that the two Muslim women on the show were obviously obliged by their medieval religion (and men) to wear all encompassing headscarves like a uniform.
If a western male even thought about making this obligatory for their “inferior” women-kind the BBC would be all over it like a rash. Not to mention pink haired women in the streets with placards all over the hockey.
To the extent that If a white male were for instance to say he didn’t agree with women displaying their pubes in public he would be mashed as an instant misogynist, whereas if any Muslim man says no other man should ever see a woman’s hair it’s absolutely fine and dandy and the right thing to do,
There are parallels, becoming a nun is a bit like joining a cult with a uniform
However generally people have a free CHOICE about becoming a monk/nun
They are not generally coerced into it by their own family/community.
You always Troll with questions but you and your team rarely answer any.
Have you paid the tax that robs form the poor that gives to the rich yet ?
please provide proof that nuns , any nuns , have been coerced into that religious order by family/community .
You are asking Stew to prove a negative , now you do the decent thing and prove a positive .
As for your other weird questions ,
The holy order they join up to .
Episode 1 of Sister Boniface started in typical BBC boxticking fashion
cos althouh set in 1950s rural Britain, within in seconds we had a character named Detective Sergeant Felix Livingstone who is said to be from “Hamilton, #Bermuda”
He looks terribly ‘modern’ to be a 1950’s BAME ! From the pictures I’ve seen as they came off the Windrush, males wore wide shoulder jackets, and generally wore a trilby. They certainly didn’t look like a City trader !
Muslim activist “We feel the PREVENT agenda has been very divisive ..that has been the biggest failure of PREVENT”
.. Oh really tell that to the 50 families who have had their relatives KILLED by the terrorists wo could have been prevented.
“If we genuinely had concerns we would report it to the police
not get prevent involved”
Presenter Darshna Soni* “what instead ?”
“We need grassroots ..we need to scrap the PREVENT programme”
.. (FFS That’s not a real answer is it ?)
Soni “Only 2% of PREVENT referrals come from the community
and 3% from friends/families”
(So that means 95% of the spotting is done by outsiders
that hardly sounds like the community are helping to prevent terrorism.)
“Many Muslim groups refuse to cooperate with PREVENT”
“The Home Office said it is false to say PREVENT prevent targets one religions/group”
“The nature of the terrorist threat is changing”
smiling “Last year there were 18 FAR RIGHT sympathisers, who were convicted of *terror offences* ” Label says ‘Hope Not Hate’
(no mention that this a a hatey lefty front group)
“That is a 50% increase on 2020” she smirks
‘Terror offences’ can be a PRtricker thing as they do false equivalence between bomb makers vs killers vs people convicted of minor things like refusing to hand over your phone of having a copy of the widely available Anarchists Cookbook often sold at hippy bookshops 20-40 years ago
“The nature of referrals to prevent is also changing”
“Last year there were more referrals for FAR RIGHT extremism than Islamist”
starts quoting examples
“#1 Ben John was jailed in 2021 for possession of a terrorism handbook ”
(That was the aforementioned book “The 22-year-old was convicted of having a copy of The Anarchist Cookbook on a computer hard drive”)
#2 “Oliver Bel was also jailed in 2021 for possession of a terrorism handbook, he also posted antiSemitic comments online ”
(BBC ‘Police then searched his home and found a copy of the Anarchist Cookbook’)
“Officers said he did NOT pose a threat”
#3 “Prevent officers visited a man who had been posting FAR RIGHT material online, but he refused to attend.. as PREVENT is a voluntary programme”
“1 in 10 people have similarly refused to take part”
(FFS you loon that means 90% did !)
“Should PREVENT be compulsory ? one we spoke to said it should. Government said it should be voluntary”
Then they go on to prisoners in PREVENT who had come out and killed people
In ALL the killings they then listed the killers were Muslim
Sounds like the people doing the day to day running of the prog are unprofessional and incompetent
In an example most of them had never met the person they were supposed to organised a programme for.
“40% of all people convicted of terrorism could be due to be released this year, that’s 90 people”
* “The Soni are a Hindu and Sikh artisan caste” Her husband is Ghanaian
She worked for black Labour MP Bernie Grant for a long time .
TO you Maxi UK television probably is the whole scope of your world, but to us TV is TV, and the state sector positively discriminating is not the same as suggesting some races are better than others, which the left is doing today, and which was observed by members of the Frankfurt school of Marxism when they named it “left Wing Fascism”
Maxi me mentioning that media have SELECTED a reporter by sex and by race is not me dividing.
It is me showing the media being SELECTIVE.
In this prog about harassment in the virtual universe the prog will show that the CHARACTER gets sexist and racist and paedophilic comments.
One thing though, because it is VIRTUAL the reporter who is exposing sexism and racism just needs to create a CHARACTER who is a non-white woman
.. a male white reporter could do the same job too.
Evening all,
maxincony, our pet Troll is on duty !
Be prepared .
He is attempting to save Al Beeb from the loss of its income by his posts . He does not realise that he is doing the failing broadcaster a disservice.
I do not think he pays a tax for its support .
I had a brief look at Rwanda on Wikipedia . I got as far as Christianity is the biggest religion there .
Why wouldn`t a committed Christian like an archbishop want asylum seekers sent there ?
The people of Great Britain are getting very angry with Mr Welby, the BBC , the “Invaders and the queue jumpers” from France.
The British Lion could be awakening ?
Farage on Welby, “the left wing archbishop who has done more to damage the reputation of the C of E and decrease the numbers who turn up on a Sunday, than almost anyone who’s ever lived.”
One for the Arch Bish ………..
“Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:21-24.)
Increasingly how the CofE works is that middle class white people attend and are expected to cough up lots and lots of cash, ideally regular monthly bank transfers, while donating their volunteer time to the running of the church ( cleaning, committees, PCC, building repairs, flowers, helping run services, music, video, projector, sidesmen, lay readers etc etc).
Meanwhile BAME parishioners contribute little to the running but do attend in numbers. The whites who pay for it all thus feel marginalised, as indeed increasingly they are, both by the situation and by the left wing diatribes that come out of Canterbury that castigate the very people who keep the whole thing afloat.
Little wonder the C of E is in such a mess. Goodness knows what the ongoing finances are like.
I do hope Nibor that you are not referring to the Arch Socialist of Cant as a “committed Christian” because he is neither committed nor a Christian in my opinion.
In Dantes Inferno the lowest level of hell is reserved for betrayers such as the arch Socialist whose souls are taken from their bodies while still alive to be replaced by a demon while they are deposted next to their master Satan, encased in ice until the day of judgement.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “On 26 October 2012, Ford announced that, as part of a larger cutback of their European production capacity, the Southampton…
JohnCMar 4, 09:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What is happening is so far beyond anything which makes sense to me that I’m in the old ‘Sherlock Holmes’…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:08 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK Army 80K UK Terror Watch List 40K ……………………………… Mr Khan said he assisted UK forces to source accommodation before…
diggMar 4, 09:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A perfect example of chinless boneheads unwittingly destroying the UK from within.
diggMar 4, 09:05 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Starmer is obviously basking in the glow of being the main man in this shit-show, you can hear it in…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
Fedup2Mar 4, 08:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the almighty Bowen lives with a permanent sneer now . I think it comes from the years these…
Can the BBC and other media please ask a police chief who can obstruct the Queen`s highway as a protest .?
Also how many , as in can just one person sit down and block the roads , or two , or does there have to be a minimum number ?
Also again what establishments can be blocked — we see the refineries can , what about ports , schools , hospitals or police stations ?
And what vehicles can protesters climb on , clamber over and glue themselves to – ambulances , Border Farce vehicles , police cars ?
Just so that we know .
Personally, I think there are two factors at play here. Firstly, the Police actually believe that the vast mass of the population follow and believe these protesting loons actually receive tacit public support. They are swayed by the media. Secondly, the Police are not aware of the mass of the publics anger that these things are not supported by them. All to do with media massage, lies/deceit and failure to reflect public opinion.
Example: If you closely follow the media narrative, you would believe that the majority support, ‘Refugees Welcome’ because that’s the only ‘voice’ you are likely to hear.
Nibor – Very good question.
Can those who are against illegal immigration block public roads?
It seems only those oppose fossil fuels, the life blood of civilisation can, and the police will allow it.
Clearly the police and the government have swallowed the WEF world government agenda and can block roads who they are told to block
What we have here is general push to stop freedom of movement, which gives freedom to people, and impose electric cars. This allows the government to ration the amount of charge you can take from your domestic supply or a charging station, depending on your location, and political standing.
Another thing that is clear is the very fact that the most efficient method of transportion , that gave us the present civilisation and the freedoms we now take for granted, is the one that western governments oppose under cover of a hoax AGW.
The Marxist Left that has always opposed freedom, is obviously all for shutting down coal and fossil fuels, except in China, where there is no freedom.
You know that Climate Change aka AGW is a hoax when the Twin Wokes, Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby agree that Climate Change is an Existential crisis.
If they were good Christians they should actually be praying to God for the redemption of mankind to forestall a Noah type flooding that will cover the planet. But as they are not, it cant be much of an existential planet-wide submersion.
Electric Cars not Ready for Showtime
More unthought disadvantages of EVs.
But the real problem of EVs is that they are inherently inefficient compared to an internal combustion engine in a car. That inherent inefficiency cannot be overcome short of a small fusion reactor in the engine compartment.
There are so many serious engineering challenges to rolling out EVs (some of which might be insurmountable in the long run), only a complete madman (or someone with no concept of engineering, or scale up of high tech items) would suggest we’ll all be driving them in a few years!
Only madmen or politicians with an agenda.
I missed the boat there, anyway a message to the Arch Bishop and Al Beeb……………..Britain is full !
We are short of housing & infrastructure etc for our own people .
What does he suggest we do with illegal bogus asylum seekers shipping in from France ?
“I missed the boat there, anyway a message to the Arch Bishop and Al Beeb……………..Britain is full !”
Yes, Taffman, it is, and it’s not just the overpriced housing (which my kids will struggle to ever afford), overcrowded schools, hospitals, GP surgeries, dental practices, roads, trains, buses etc… but, also has a major impact on our ability to feed ourselves, and provide sufficient energy for our needs, to dispose of our waste (sewage!), and on our wildlife (much of which is going extinct at a terrifying rate).
It must also have a massive impact on our bills – and what is paid out on benefits, housing etc… it is not good for the working Briton in terms of jobs and competition, and it’s detroyed local communities and traditions (not just because of the immigrants themselves, settling in ghettos and intimidating/overwhelming the locals, but also the knock on effect of British people moving en masse internally and doing the same to other British populations).
None of that has ANYTHING to do with racism, or not wanting to help refugees, or people from any corner of the planet, it’s just plain common sense not to completely wreck your own home in seeking to do so.
BBC Editorial Guideline News
There has been a third night of unrest in Sweden after protests against a far-right group which burned a copy of the Quran and planned to do so again.
The accompanying image is an inferno. ‘Unrestful’ appears again a very bbc way to describe it.
Ah, the vibrancy of the night.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but dunking a religious icon in urine by a shock perv artist will never see the BBC make connections that don’t suit…”
Happy Easter.
Happy Easter to you too.
A wee reminder of bbc ‘reporting’.
Interesting claims taken as gospel, plus the obligatory far right labelling.
No obvious torched public transport.
Salman Rushdie: Iranian state media renew fatwa on Satanic Verses author with $600,000 bounty
The announcement coincides with the anniversary of the fatwa issued in 1989
Samuel Osborne
Sunday 21 February 2016 12:1
Saw this and commented. The fanatical audience catered to in the original poor journalism responded as anticipated.
MSM science = A SURVEY : People who feed vegan or raw diets SELF REPORTING they think their dogs are healthier
The BBC put both loony hippy sides on Vegans vs Raw Food enthusiast and counted that as balance .
Top Times comment
Prof Andrew Knight has not declared a relevant interest here: He has produced ‘an extensive series of YouTube videos, on plant-based companion animal diets,’ and fronts a website advertising vegan and vegetarian pet food and pet food suppliers ‘sustainablepetfood’
Given his clear focus and the fact this ‘research’ is based on the information provided by pet owners with no suggestion of verification, this is a highly suspect piece of so-called research
The Times gets a kicking from readers, for publishing the PRasNews
and failing to name the funding source.
David Sedaris’s line:
“Your dog’s a vegan? Just like you? What a coincidence.”
BTW what do we call those pointed teeth at the front of our mouths for ripping up meat ?
What kind of network would run with that ‘Vegan food is great for for dogs’ study ?
What kind of wacky “fact checking” org
would promote the PRasNews too ?
“Would you put your dog on a vegan diet?🐶”
No, because canines are primarily predators, one glance at their dentition (and habit of chasing little furry things) should convince even the daftest in that particular regard.
Would I put myself on a vegan diet? No, for similar reasons.
“for similar reasons”. – Wouldn’t want to be your dentist…………..
Brando is in pain.
Perhaps posting here will reveal the story?
And, again…
Madhya Pradesh: Why an Indian state is demolishing Muslim homes
By Zoya Mateen
BBC News, Delhi
Published4 days ago
That said, the pink and blue hair/wig and selfie suggest a bbc slant somewhere.
Worth checking @bbcbreaking to see what £5B gets you, and when.
Erik the Cheeky Red?
Might explain Greta’s sour face.
With apologies to Greta, Roger, George and the BBC for confusing the Scandinavian issue, but there were productive vines just south of Hadrian’s Wall in Roman Britain.
No doubt the wine would have been inferior to anything from Gaul.
More a Barraclough and McKay guy myself.
I do wish people would stop using that silly, made-up word “muscly” – the correct word is muscular.
Sorry for the pedantry, but incorrect use of English irritates me.
It’s what you need to know.
Are Hobbits entitled to vote?
A house for Mr Biswas
BBC news online persists in its utter obsession with the Ukraine war today. There are no less than seven different top stories featured above other news. If the BBC’s journalistic focus and sheer output in support of Zelensky were translated somehow into real world ammunition, then the Ruskies would surely have been pushed back as far as Moscow by now.
One looks to other features for a respite.
This BBC article is headlined as though it were a bit of Old Wild West lore, from the time the buffalo still roamed the prairies and a man had to do… what a man had to do… go West…
BBC: ‘Why some Indians die younger than others‘ – a similiar nugget of wisdom might be the answer to the question why do some cowboys die with their boots on.
There’s some real gems of good advice for keyboard cow pokes out there on the rootin’ tootin’ wild west of the interweb, including the practical: “Don’t squat with your spurs on” and the sound conservative notion: “Don’t let your yearnings get ahead of your earnings”
As for the deeper more spiritual wisdom of the native american, one was sadly duped into a dead end canyon through foolishly following the word Indian as one’s google scout and path finder.
“When an elephant is in trouble, even a frog will kick him” – Elephants… are they commonly found out on the range? Of course not. We’re finding proverbs here from the Indian subcontinent. We do like this one: “When you have an ass for a friend, expect nothing but kicks”
And so, on that note, we return to the BBC feature written by Soutik Biswas, BBC India Correpondendent.
‘A new-born Indian can expect to live for 69 years, three years short of the world average. But disparities in life expectancy among India’s social groups have lingered and widened. And inequality doesn’t explain this fully… hashtag Discrimination‘ – that’s his associated Twitter shout out.
Aside from the Dalit (formerly untouchable caste) the BBC’s Mr Biswas implies Indian muslims are discriminated against – of course he does, he’s a BBC man – hence their statistically slightly lower than average life expectancy.
‘Let’s now break this down further by gender‘ – as they tend to say at the BBC.
Our Mr Biswas is steeped in BBC attitudes and culture: ‘Such enduring gaps were comparable in terms of years to the gaps in life expectancies between black and white Americans in the US, researchers say‘ – the obsession with US-style race politics and even his defensive in-house-style Parthian shot “according to experts“- or some such, show him to be BBC through and through.
Oddly enough, you might think, the Guardian headlines on a remarkably parallel track today, although they don’t stray so far from home: ‘Revealed: “shocking” rate of female deaths in England’s poorest areas‘ – by the way 78.7 years is the number upsetting the Guardian. The sort of average innings that would be admired by: ‘Rob key has been announced as the new managing director of England men’s cricket…‘ (Times)
Of course the Guardian is looking at UK regional disparities – but given our new-found multi-ethnic make up in so many of our more deprived areas, surely bland age expectancy statistics are missing some important racial aspects? And then there’s life choices. There’s also the variable pattern of pregnancy choices which will obviously impact female health.
And just as expected the EU elites step in just before the election with an accusation against Marine Le Penn of embezzeling £500K from the EU (together with her father so it must have been some time ago).
Of course these allegations don’t need to have any foundation at all, anyone can make an allegation which post election is found to have no foundation at all, however the sheeple are eality fooled as most of them are not very bright and have no insight or desire to know the twisted goings on behind their backs.
I think we all know that post Brexit and Trump, when the electorate didn’t do what the elites wanted them to do democracy died and it really doesn’t matter what the people vote for, only the result the elites want will be allowed.
Of course it will eventually end in the kind of uprisings we saw in Eastern Europe after the fall of Socialism there, and many of the elite will end up like the Ceaușescu’s shot in some bleak cold area without much ceremony.
Until that happens though they will continue to weasel their way to power without and kind of moral scruples.
Thoughtful, you can try to fool all of the people all of the time, (BBC, EU and others) but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time as Prof. John Curtice will point out: electorates at times do not vote the way everyone – including pollsters – expects.
Post Brexit and Trump when the electorate did just I no longer think how we vote has much bearing on an election.
The timing of this is obviously suspicious and I think most French people will see through it and it won’t affect the way they vote. It therefore seems a very clumsy way to try and influence the election result.
But perhaps a slightly more subtle game is afoot. If the polls are showing that MLP is really close to Macron the French state , which has most of the pollsters in its pocket, can easily doctor them. The Dems did this in the US . They then rig the actual vote and claim that the embezzlement story swayed a lot of voters against MLP and so cover up the truth.
BBC & Archbishop …UK “Ungodly” “…………….
So It’s “Ungodly” to defend your country from invasion?
He should read the bible sometime and see what Moses and his mob got up to…
The Bible’s Most Hideous War Crime
I have long argued that the Church of England should rename itself ‘The Church of Islam’. This is not only more accurate but would also comply with the Trades Description Act’
Welby has proved the need for this yet again.
Not only will he not protect his tribe and beliefs he openly sides with the invaders.
Unrest and be thankful.
Like the title of your post, Guest. 😉 🙂
Monday’s Radio woke-lectures
9am NoViolet Bulawayo, Dipo Faloyin and Julia Gallagher dispel stereotypes of Africa, with Adam Rutherford
9:45am The new daily book is the new book about Covid by Sturgeon’s alarmist advisor
Devi Sridhar reads out her own book
” the academic uses the timeline of the pandemic to shine a light on how science, politics, ethics and economics affect our health”
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – hmmnn, interesting choice by the Picture Editor Item, top right, but be warned, you’ll need to be quick to view it as the page may be changed during the day. That angle, and with that expression on the Home Secretary’s face, the BBC obviously wish to make it look as though Priti Patel is smirking.
Shameful, BBC, you are truly despicable and not politically neutral.
They act more like a bunch of vindictive school bullies than a respectable source of news.
They are also getting worse as they ramp up their anti-establishment poison.
I can imagine the howls of glee as their lefty researchers rifle through images to find the ones intended to be as biased and childish as possible.
What a vile organisation it has become now that it is swamped by these warped cretins.
This photo probably
“Orange man bad”
“mop head man bad”
“Asian Tory Woman race traitor” ..doesn’t she know Labour own BAME’s
Home Office loses track of more than 600,000 people who should have left country, finds immigration watchdog
UK border checks branded ‘shambolic’
May Bulman
Social Affairs Correspondent
Thursday 29 March 2018
BBC Book at Bedtime on Radio Flaw, er, I mean Four.
Episode 1 – These Days by Lucy Caldwell – Episode 1 of 10
Two sisters, four nights, one city. April, 1941. Belfast has escaped the worst of the war – so far. Over the next two months, it’s going to be destroyed from above, so that people will say, in horror, My God, Belfast is finished. Many won’t make it through, and no one who does will remain unchanged.
Following the lives of sisters Emma and Audrey – one engaged to be married, the other in a secret relationship with another woman – as they try to survive the horrors of the four nights of bombing which were the Belfast Blitz, ‘These Days’ is a timeless and heart-breaking novel about living under duress, about family, and about how we try to stay true to ourselves.
Lucy Caldwell is the author of four novels, several stage plays and radio dramas, and two collections of short stories: Multitudes and Intimacies. She won the BBC National Short Story Award in 2021 for ‘All the People Were Mean and Bad.’
Apparent BBC obsession. Think I’ll give it a miss. We have been warned.
Feeling stressed? Unwind with English/Romantic Pastoral Music on YouTube. It consists of 23 videos starting with Ronald Binge: The Watermill and then automatically continues on, accompanied by English paintings and some photographs. Ends with Edward Elgar: Orchestral Miniatures.
Is this tweeting like a leader ?
Tim Farron at 7pm on Easter Sunday
Farron’s tweet looks like low class political opportunism.
Covid happened , NHS had draconian rules. which people like Farron campaigned for.
The lady would have died anyway
Boris having a drink in his office or garden made no difference.
“The lady would have died anyway”.
Well done for spectacularly missing the point. The wife’s sister died alone because of Johnson’s laws whilst he was breaking the same laws because it was his birthday.
Have you paid your Telly Tax yet ?
Yes , that’s the tax that robs from the poor to give to rich? Do you and your team have any comments about that broadcaster that is a parasite of the people of Great Britain ?
Are you trolling that Biased Organisation ?
Over to you maxincony and your chums to answer that question ………………….
Maxincony ,
Hello and how are you ?
Here`s an even bigger point ( and whataboutary ) that perhaps you can answer .
Why , when we have the biggest pandemic for 100 years , did the Powers That Be NOT put a stop to all the illegal immigration that occurred in that time ?
And the BBC angle on that question
Why didnt the BBC ask that question ?
Why didn`t they ask what medical staff were taken off normal duties or extra duties due to the pandemic to assess the illegal invaders ?
Why did they risk the bogus asylum seekers weren`t carrying the virus or worse ?
Why is the BBC as useless as an ashtray on a motorbike about the real questions ?
“Why , when we have the biggest pandemic for 100 years , did the Powers That Be NOT put a stop to all the illegal immigration that occurred in that time ?”
It’s not illegal to come to Britain and claim Asylum. The one’s who came here where kept in lockdown like everybody else.
Timbo was made for twitter. And twitter was made for him.
Well, until thinsg change.
“Sat outside a cafe in my patch today with my family. An older couple came up to say hello, then the gentleman explained that he had a sister who had survived four weeks in a basement with no facilities and food whilst being bombed only to leave and be shot dead by the Russians………………”. Justice?
Value judgements Tim.
And was the gentleman doing anything to try and figure out how the hell to deal with a situation the like of which we have not faced since the flu pandemic in 1918, and doing so when living above the shop with various people coming and going all the time, having also got covid pre-vaccines?
And has Tim ever been responsible for anything?
And did he not resign as LibDem leader because he couldn’t hack it?
” ‘my wife’s sister died alone, we couldn’t visit her”
That sounds like storytelling, emotional blackmail
rather than real world situations
I doubt that she was ALONE
#1 If you are in a hospital or in a care home you are not alone
you are in a big building full of people
#2 If you were sick at home, the Covid laws provided your relatives to come and help you
You wouldn’t have been alone
If your Mum was dying and your brother was the main carer
and said your Mum had a few days to live, then who’d complain if you broke the guidelines and came to see her ?
Johnson birthday ? He’d done a whole days of jobs , come into a workroom and suddenly a whole group of colleagues sprung a birthday greeting on him. He said it lasted 10 minutes, would it have been that much different if he’d said “no” and got them out of the room in 5 minutes ?
“#1 If you are in a hospital or in a care home you are not alone
you are in a big building full of people”
You say some incredibly stupid things sometimes.
“then who’d complain if you broke the guidelines and came to see her ?
It was against the law. The NHS had to comply with the law. Which part of this are you having trouble with?
“Johnson birthday ? He’d done a whole days of jobs…”
So it was ok for him to break the law, coz, you know, he’s told you so.
The BBC have discovered a new found love of Christian Archbishops….. Can’t think why!
Their Thought For the Day endorsed the Achbish’es words .
I’ll check in the Bible , but I can’t see Jesus saying people in safe countries should pay criminals to help them get to a better material lifestyle and lie to authorities.
And air travel wasn’t around in his time either .
A popular TV production company swiped a sign off ‘That’s some bad Hat, Harry”.
Radio 4 should use it.
BiasedBBC, An Easter Story in two parts:
1) “The BBC aren’t showing enough respect on this most Holy of all Christian Festivals”
A couple of days later…
2) ”The Archbishop of Canterbury should shut the f***k up”
If the West succeeds in decarbonising, we will have a genuine disaster. Thankfully, China and India will continue to construct more coal fired power stations. Best way to create clean electricity using a readily available source that creates CO2 as well.
Dorset Police failed to attend a 999 call as a man stalked a woman for two hours before raping her in the street.
A Dorset Police spokesperson said: ‘The review found that at the time of the call, Dorset Police was responding to a higher-than-average number of calls for service and officers were not immediately available to attend.
No misconduct was identified.
However, the force has changed its procedure to ensure that these matters are prioritised.
Hasan Kyoybasha.
That vegan dog diet study thing is uncanny.
We content that there is a real world and there is a media bubbleworld which is quite mad.
Here’s a custom twitter search that highlight’s the MSM promoting that story
What you can see is that across the world the MSM just cutNpaste, churn the PR, turning it into PRasNews.
Whereas the majority of replies from the public out the study as flawed.
This Koran burning and threats to burn it seems to initiate violence from the peaceful people.
Perhaps the very very evil far far far right are winding them up in order to show what an unpredictable and dangerous shower they are. Perhaps the cops and politicians might not see them in such a favourable light.
It’ s that man again.
Arrested after an incident at Horse Guards.
No danger to the public.
Details soon.
from the Standard
A man who was armed with a knife has been arrested after an “incident” at Horse Guards Parade in Whitehall on Monday.
The 29-year-old suspect was confronted two Ministry of Defence Police officers at around 8.50am, police said.
Taser was deployed and the man was restrained by officers.
The “incident” saw the busy London street closed between Trafalgar Square and Parliament Square.
He was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and possession of an
GWF, the bbbc have disappeared the man – their report states “ two Ministry of Defence police officers were confronted with a knife.”
Educayshun innit.
Why shouldn’t people with IQs in the 90’s attend University 🦧
How much more damage does that man want to do to this country ? This nation is stuffed full of people with useless degrees but without any skills or common sense !
We need people in work to build back our economy.
Of course he wants everyone in Universities: quickest way to brainwash the masses into woke leftism.
Blair and Brown were the ones who turned all polys into universities. The result was that university standards fell as they had to compete for numbers.
Polys meanwhile couldn’t do what was required by research funders, so all had to reduce standards. Meanwhile those who did want skills, such as electrical trade etc, had nowhere to go except get a third rate one from polys who were trying to be Red Brick and had no time for that stuff.
Total collapse of the education system.
The answer. No failures. Pass everyone and claim that education standards had gone up as everyone was passing. Such magic only politicians can do.
And Blair and Brown did it.
// Blair and Brown were the ones who turned all polys into universities.
Sorry NCBBC, I have to disagree.
John Major was PM when the “Further and Higher Education Act 1992” was passed. See:
John Major is the PM who couldn’t remember how many O levels he had passed. (It was five as I recall and it took three attempts for him to pass Mathematics.)
And Major was actually appointed to be Nigel Lawson’s replacement as Chancellor of the Exchequer!
It Is not just the BBC. Headline in the Daily Telegraph states ‘Israeli police clash with Palestinians at al-Aqsa’. Suggests that the Israeli police just felt like causing a bit of trouble. Remembering the al-Aqsa mosque has been a tinderbox it would seem unlikely the police were there for fun. The article starts, ‘Israeli police entered the al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem, yesterday, leading to renewed tension’. Fourth paragraph tells us the Israelis said ‘worshippers had hurled rocks’ which seemed only by inference to have been why the Israelis had entered but may have really been the reason why the police had thought it necessary to investigate. The whole article compounded the bias by a half page photo of 5 police holding down a Palestinian. Bearing in mind suicide bombers and decoys, it perhaps not surprising the Israeli police were being cautious.
I am not watching any BBC at the moment but I assume they will report it in the same way as the Telegraph.
Bloody silly bitch and her husand just ruined my day, shocked for over 30 mins afterwards with near miss driving:
driving towards a junction, car in front slows down I did also, BUT DID NOT STOP, and she just walks out in front of my car waving at me with a smug grin on her face followed by her grinning husband forcing me to emergency stop.
I gave her a piece of my mind through the open window and the smug grin turns to a snarl “I HAVE LEFT THE KERB” she shouts ???
SO bloody what ? she IS NOT crossing a road I am turning into so has NO right of way (RE the stupid new regs) and nearly got hit
She thinks she has the right to just walk into the road and all traffic will stop for her:
“Driving law changes are not a ‘licence’ for pedestrians to ‘walk out into road’
NEW driving laws which come into effect from today are not a free for all pedestrians and cyclists to “walk straight into the road”, warn health and safety experts.”
Of course her multi coloured hair, DMs and hippy trousers and beardy husband gave me a strong hint of their views on motorists.
It was with some relief that I continued reading your post Zephir. I thought you were responding to my post about the Telegraph writing about the Israeli police, and I didn’t like being called a silly bitch.
I had completely forgotten about this ridiculous legislation but fortunately so have the residents of the north London area I was driving through today. Sometimes someone behaving stupidly can give you the sort of shock that follows you for a while. Just promise yourself if you see her again you will keep calm and not run her over however much you want to.
BBC headline talks of clashes in Sweden between police and “people angry at plans by a far-right group to burn copies of the Quran.”
Mmm, I wonder what “people” they might be?
My guess is it’s them Mormons again, always them Mormons.
PS. Anyone know how to make images smaller here?
I discussed this here some time ago. I haven’t experimented but I’d think that conversion to a smaller format would work. For instance if you have an image that’s 1200 x 900 convert it to 600 x 450. Any picture editor will do this.
My spies tell me it was the The Seventh Day Adventists. They are always trouble.
Yeah, they’re even more violent than Mormons, apparently.
They should send them all back to where they came from.
Is that the Koran fire?
Sweden looks like Beirut…
coming to a street near you sooner or later.
Took us hundreds of years to build this mostly beautiful country it will take them but a few years to reduce it to rubble like the hell holes they come from.
Woo. P. Doo.
That wig is blatant cultural appropriation
Wasn’t he on a RuPaul show recently?
But more relevantly for this website, the extended feature on this on BBC London, listening to her drone on about all the waycism she experienced and how wonderfully clever she is, had me heading straight to the vomitorium.
Rwanda: You know you’re doing something right when you manage to upset the BBC and the Guardian (same thing), Corbyn, Abbopotamus, Krankie, the Archbishop of Wokerbury and a host of other lefties.
I am fully aware there are some really big issues going on in the world, BUT my eyes widened when none of the contestants on Pointless knew that the composer of White Christmas was Irving Berlin. One thought it was Bing Crosby. Only 11 people out of 100 apparently had the intelligence to know it also. In the early days this was always a ‘must watch’ programme with my tea, but its just full of halfwits now.
If you have half a mind to watch the BBC, you already exceed the requirements.
Brissles – on that same edition of Pointless (also tea-time viewing for me) a third year university student did not know in which county the white cliffs of Dover are. I ask you……
Two British men reportedly captured by Russian forces while fighting in Ukraine have appeared on Russian state TV appealing to Boris Johnson for help.
“Mr Aslin and Mr Pinner address the prime minister, asking to be exchanged for pro-Kremlin politician Viktor Medvedchuk. ”
The media keep telling us they are regular Ukrainian soilders not mercenaries, that they have dual nationally etc.
So why aren’t they asking Zelensky?
What pull has buffoon Boris got here anyway..
Would Putin make the swop? wouldn’t it encourage Ukrainians to arrest more pro Russians Ukrainians as bargaining chips.
BBC using the photo of Aiden Aslin holding a puppy, not the one of him loading a mortor with a shell .
They were asking them to put pressure on Johnson to put pressure on Zelinski.
Jamie Theakston: “Where do you think Cambridge University is?”
Contestant: “Geography isn’t my strong point.”
Theakston: “There’s a clue in the title.”
Contestant: “Leicester.”
Bamber Gascoigne: “What was Gandhi’s first name?”
Contestant: “Goosey?”
James O’Brien: “How many kings of England have been called Henry?”
Contestant: “Well, I know Henry VIII. So, um, three?”
Les Dennis: “Name a bird with a long neck.”
Contestant: “Naomi Campbell.”
Alexander Armstrong: “Who was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas?”
Contestant: “JR.”
Host: “Which European country is Budapest the capital of?”
Contestant: “This might be a stupid question. I thought Europe was a country? I know they speak French there, don’t they? Is France a country?”
Jeremy Paxman: “What is another name for ‘cherrypickers’ and ‘cheesemongers’?”
Contestant: “Homosexuals.”
Paxman: “No. They’re regiments in the British Army, who will be very upset with you.”
Q. Name a dangerous race?
A. Arabs.(spot on)
And on the BBC 1 6 pm news, the victim groups tonight are…..
1. The widow of a man who died of covid aged 32 ( this is statistically highly unusual yet absolutely no context was given) in Scotland who opposes the relaxation of face mask rules.
2. Irish ‘travellers’ who die young and have a high suicide rate (waycism). For viewers feeling distress about this issue the BBC Action Line is referenced.
And on BBC London
3. Those on a train which stopped suddenly. People on board are now ‘feeling anxious about future trips’. ‘It sounds like there was real fear on the train’ goads the BBC interviewer,
Meanwhile for the other 99.9% of the population……nothing of relevance…..though you can listen to an interview with Prince Harry on the 6.30 pm Invictus Games coverage.
And yet weirdly the BBC have no idea why viewers are leaving them…………
BBC should so hire her.
Female. Blonde… oh… not ‘diverse’.
Round here it seems more brand new 4x4s towing trailers full of chain saws.
There used to be signs over bar doorways in Ireland “No Tinkers” – and there was as I understand it good reason for that…
What about the mental distress caused to my elderly Mother by Irish scumbag travellers ripping her off?
They are freeloading trash
Now on the tellybox
I didn’t know about Mary Berry’s conversion to Islam
Actually it’s the BBC #BoxTicking groupthink
‘better have a special victimhood member in the photo’
“better have a special victimhood member in the photo”
I searched the entire iPlayer schedule for Monday 18th April on: BBC1, BBC2, BBC3, BBC4, CBBC, Cbeebies, BBC Scotland, BBC News, BBC Parliament, BBC Alba, BBC S4C, BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 1 Dance, Radio 1 Relax, BBC Radio 1 Relax, BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 4 extra, BBC Radio 5, BBC Radio 5 extra and BBC Radio 6…
And guess what? From all of that; there was exactly ONE photo of a muslim woman wearing a headscarf.
Coincidently the same photo you posted above. Apparently for no other reason than to complain about a photo of a Muslim woman wearing a headscarf.
Maxi ,
A bit you complaining a nun wears a habit .
Carry On Searching .
@Maxi misrepresentation
In your attempt to get a gotcha you misrepresented me.
I never mentioned “Muslim women in a headscarf”
I said ” a special victimhood member in the photo”
You have reduced a broad category to a small category to try to get a gotcha.
You ignored others in the category eg black or trans etc.
A quick glance at the R4 schedule shows a few black faces on that day.
If someone wants to freely wear a headscarf that is their choice.
Rather I am criticising the probably white managers who disproportionately SELECT members of special victimhood groups for programme schedule photos
“1,000 civilians hiding in shelters beneath Mariupol steel plant – city council
Around 1,000 people are reported to be hiding in underground shelters beneath the Azovstal steel plant in the besieged southeastern port city of Mariupol, according to the city council.
It said on Telegram that most of the civilians are “women with children and old people,” but added, Russia is dropping heavy bombs onto the Ukrianian-held factory.”
And here was me thinking it was the just the stubborn Azov Battalion dug in there…
TWatO WATCH #1 – combined with
BBC COVID Watch #1
On TWatO Jonny Dymond (the Montacutie is on her hols or somewhere else – again! – the BBC are real slave-drivers, not) talks to Matthew Taylor (unelected Labourite in charge of the NHS Confederation), yet another ‘boss’ our NHS doesn’t need, ostensibly about volunteers working with ambulance crews. But Jonny sneakily sneeks in a question about the NHS coping (which it isn’t – and most years it isn’t) which allows Matthew Taylor to state there a systemic failings, which are his responsibility to sort out along with Sir Simon Steven’s successor and the multitude of area and regional Directors and Chief Executives of this bit of NHS and that part of NHS.
Matthew Taylor pleads high Covid case numbers yet the statistics which we don’t get show they are falling. Matthew Taylor’s answer is a return to compulsory facemasks and social distancing. No doubt Jonny would like the BBC Holy Grail of free testing for Covid to be re-introduced. The BBC are good at spending taxpayers’ money.
But the interesting thing is that the ONS and the BBC are depriving the public of information about the state of Covid infections in the UK. This is – shamefully – five days old: OK, so it’s a long Easter Bank Holiday weekend but surely someone could be WFH and collating the necessary information?
The BBC just rolled out their latest Muslim appreciation society program featuring Mary Berry and Scarlett Muppet… to keep it popular and a couple of Muslim ladies to keep it inclusive.
I have to ask myself why an organisation that nit picks over all sorts of female injustice over something as simple as which pronouns you use is totally blind to the glaring fact that the two Muslim women on the show were obviously obliged by their medieval religion (and men) to wear all encompassing headscarves like a uniform.
If a western male even thought about making this obligatory for their “inferior” women-kind the BBC would be all over it like a rash. Not to mention pink haired women in the streets with placards all over the hockey.
To the extent that If a white male were for instance to say he didn’t agree with women displaying their pubes in public he would be mashed as an instant misogynist, whereas if any Muslim man says no other man should ever see a woman’s hair it’s absolutely fine and dandy and the right thing to do,
They are the kings of double standards.
“…obviously obliged by their medieval religion (and men) to wear all encompassing headscarves like a uniform.”
You think that’s bad? Wait till you see this…
There are parallels, becoming a nun is a bit like joining a cult with a uniform
However generally people have a free CHOICE about becoming a monk/nun
They are not generally coerced into it by their own family/community.
“They are not generally coerced into it by their own family/community.”
Really? You have proof of that?
How many people from non-christian backgrounds become Nuns, Stew?
Who obliges them to wear all encompassing headscarves like a uniform?
You always Troll with questions but you and your team rarely answer any.
Have you paid the tax that robs form the poor that gives to the rich yet ?
Maxincony ,
please provide proof that nuns , any nuns , have been coerced into that religious order by family/community .
You are asking Stew to prove a negative , now you do the decent thing and prove a positive .
As for your other weird questions ,
The holy order they join up to .
Anything else ?
“You are asking Stew to prove a negative…”
He made the claim; it’s up to him to provide the evidence.
Shayan on it?
In that unique bbc way it has?
Episode 1 of Sister Boniface started in typical BBC boxticking fashion
cos althouh set in 1950s rural Britain, within in seconds we had a character named Detective Sergeant Felix Livingstone who is said to be from “Hamilton, #Bermuda”
“…within in seconds we had a character named Detective Sergeant Felix Livingstone”
I see, so now you’re complaining about one black face in a regular cast of about 20 white actors where the central character is a white Christian Nun…
You are wasting your time and effort .
Maxi ,
Not complaining , observing . And analysing .
Like I analyse why you say – black face .
And realise you`re a closet racist .
He looks terribly ‘modern’ to be a 1950’s BAME ! From the pictures I’ve seen as they came off the Windrush, males wore wide shoulder jackets, and generally wore a trilby. They certainly didn’t look like a City trader !
Channel4 Dispatches
“Half of the terrorist attacks in the last few years
involved people in the PREVENT programme”
They showed this slide
And then went straight into Muslim community people
saying “Muslims have been unfairly targeted”
That looks like the MSM tickbox bubbleworld
The Birmingham newspaper has a long article with one of the Muslim complainers
Muslim activist “We feel the PREVENT agenda has been very divisive ..that has been the biggest failure of PREVENT”
.. Oh really tell that to the 50 families who have had their relatives KILLED by the terrorists wo could have been prevented.
“If we genuinely had concerns we would report it to the police
not get prevent involved”
Presenter Darshna Soni* “what instead ?”
“We need grassroots ..we need to scrap the PREVENT programme”
.. (FFS That’s not a real answer is it ?)
Soni “Only 2% of PREVENT referrals come from the community
and 3% from friends/families”
(So that means 95% of the spotting is done by outsiders
that hardly sounds like the community are helping to prevent terrorism.)
“Many Muslim groups refuse to cooperate with PREVENT”
“The Home Office said it is false to say PREVENT prevent targets one religions/group”
“The nature of the terrorist threat is changing”
smiling “Last year there were 18 FAR RIGHT sympathisers, who were convicted of *terror offences* ” Label says ‘Hope Not Hate’
(no mention that this a a hatey lefty front group)
“That is a 50% increase on 2020” she smirks
‘Terror offences’ can be a PRtricker thing as they do false equivalence between bomb makers vs killers vs people convicted of minor things like refusing to hand over your phone of having a copy of the widely available Anarchists Cookbook often sold at hippy bookshops 20-40 years ago
“The nature of referrals to prevent is also changing”
“Last year there were more referrals for FAR RIGHT extremism than Islamist”
starts quoting examples
“#1 Ben John was jailed in 2021 for possession of a terrorism handbook ”
(That was the aforementioned book “The 22-year-old was convicted of having a copy of The Anarchist Cookbook on a computer hard drive”)
#2 “Oliver Bel was also jailed in 2021 for possession of a terrorism handbook, he also posted antiSemitic comments online ”
(BBC ‘Police then searched his home and found a copy of the Anarchist Cookbook’)
“Officers said he did NOT pose a threat”
#3 “Prevent officers visited a man who had been posting FAR RIGHT material online, but he refused to attend.. as PREVENT is a voluntary programme”
“1 in 10 people have similarly refused to take part”
(FFS you loon that means 90% did !)
“Should PREVENT be compulsory ? one we spoke to said it should. Government said it should be voluntary”
Then they go on to prisoners in PREVENT who had come out and killed people
In ALL the killings they then listed the killers were Muslim
Sounds like the people doing the day to day running of the prog are unprofessional and incompetent
In an example most of them had never met the person they were supposed to organised a programme for.
“40% of all people convicted of terrorism could be due to be released this year, that’s 90 people”
* “The Soni are a Hindu and Sikh artisan caste” Her husband is Ghanaian
She worked for black Labour MP Bernie Grant for a long time .
Next week’s C4 Dispatches a non-white female reporter reports on the sexual and paedo abuse she saw on the Meta verse.
StewGreen, June 20 2021;
“I really do not care for dividing the world up by skin colour”
StewGreen, April 19 2022;
“a non-white female reporter…”
Maxi ,
Positive discrimination ?
( it is Channel 4 ) .
TO you Maxi UK television probably is the whole scope of your world, but to us TV is TV, and the state sector positively discriminating is not the same as suggesting some races are better than others, which the left is doing today, and which was observed by members of the Frankfurt school of Marxism when they named it “left Wing Fascism”
Maxi me mentioning that media have SELECTED a reporter by sex and by race is not me dividing.
It is me showing the media being SELECTIVE.
In this prog about harassment in the virtual universe the prog will show that the CHARACTER gets sexist and racist and paedophilic comments.
One thing though, because it is VIRTUAL the reporter who is exposing sexism and racism just needs to create a CHARACTER who is a non-white woman
.. a male white reporter could do the same job too.
Evening all,
maxincony, our pet Troll is on duty !
Be prepared .
He is attempting to save Al Beeb from the loss of its income by his posts . He does not realise that he is doing the failing broadcaster a disservice.
I do not think he pays a tax for its support .
Maxi has written the sequel to ‘Eats, Shoots and Leaves’
‘Aims, Backfires and Runs Away Giggling’
Truss him.
Been spared the treatment for longer than I can recall, but Maxi is on a rich seam roll.
Here is a bbc article.
In it, an image has been chosen of a photo taken by a person who must surely have known of the sculptor’s history.
Ergo, all in the BBC must be…..
Question : Does Ofcom serve any useful purpose or do I say it, it’s another arm of the BBC ?
Anyone (including maxincony) have any comment ?
I had a brief look at Rwanda on Wikipedia . I got as far as Christianity is the biggest religion there .
Why wouldn`t a committed Christian like an archbishop want asylum seekers sent there ?
The people of Great Britain are getting very angry with Mr Welby, the BBC , the “Invaders and the queue jumpers” from France.
The British Lion could be awakening ?
Farage on Welby, “the left wing archbishop who has done more to damage the reputation of the C of E and decrease the numbers who turn up on a Sunday, than almost anyone who’s ever lived.”
One for the Arch Bish ………..
“Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:21-24.)
Increasingly how the CofE works is that middle class white people attend and are expected to cough up lots and lots of cash, ideally regular monthly bank transfers, while donating their volunteer time to the running of the church ( cleaning, committees, PCC, building repairs, flowers, helping run services, music, video, projector, sidesmen, lay readers etc etc).
Meanwhile BAME parishioners contribute little to the running but do attend in numbers. The whites who pay for it all thus feel marginalised, as indeed increasingly they are, both by the situation and by the left wing diatribes that come out of Canterbury that castigate the very people who keep the whole thing afloat.
Little wonder the C of E is in such a mess. Goodness knows what the ongoing finances are like.
C of E finances? Read this:
I do hope Nibor that you are not referring to the Arch Socialist of Cant as a “committed Christian” because he is neither committed nor a Christian in my opinion.
In Dantes Inferno the lowest level of hell is reserved for betrayers such as the arch Socialist whose souls are taken from their bodies while still alive to be replaced by a demon while they are deposted next to their master Satan, encased in ice until the day of judgement.