OK will do …..
TWotWeeee Watch #1 – BBC outputting the CO2 so you do not have to
No mention of Labour’s ‘Partygate’ or Labour’s Sexual Harrassment of ‘a man’ or Labour’s misandry but plenty of mention of Boris and ‘Partygate’ – the other one – and porn and Paliament being hostile to women (as if!) but although Jonny ‘dis conne ect ed’ Dymond burns fuel to go walkabout in Peterborough in true TOADY fashion, his leading questions do not bring much joy for Labour or the Limp Undems. This was confirmed by Prof John Curtice (Strathclyde Uni) and the BBC’s go-to sephologist.
A spokesperson for the MoD said: “The rise in dangerous Channel crossings is unacceptable”. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-61293693
I have already posted this before, but this time my point is why is it always “dangerous” to the illegal immigrants but no mention of the dangers to us, the native Brits who are having their lives put at risk by the terrorists and foreign criminals arriving on our shores unchecked almost daily? The illegal criminals put their own lives at risk, the Consocialists put our lives at risk. Tell your MPs that before they tell you “we have lessons to be learned” .
The security services obviously do not have the manpower to monitor them all . We have the makings of a “Fifth column ” in our population and the Tories are oblivious.
In the interest of our safety the present govern has to be thrown out of office and replaced by other political parties that can do the job.
What say you Tory voters and supporters?
This business of “risking their lives “, er, how ? you’ve more chance of getting knocked down by an E scooter these days than drowning in the Channel ! The tens of thousands who’ve crossed illegally, and how many have actually died ?
Perhaps a few more might, if they didn’t keep getting picked up by the taxi service. Because its probably about 20 if that ! that old cliche is on a par with “we are a proud and compassionate nation”. Oh F…… off !
Has the government ever mentioned the dangers to us?
It’s a term used by our weak, supine, and liberal government who are afraid of the woke, objecting virtue signallers that shout the loudest.
They do not have any interest in the silent majority of the people of this nation, only themselves.
I bet you are surprised that the BBC director of Countryfile is an organic farmer.
Stuart Oates @Stuart_Oates
Currently BBC #Countryfile director. Studio director, occasional presenter, self-shooting PD, camel herder & foodie organic farmer.
All views are my own.
Under the ‘new form of democracy’ climate citizens assembly in our shire, the land use and farming segment was presented by a tv farmer famous for advocating no livestock.
What… were the odds?
Media and governance being rigged at every level will end in tears.
The Hamilton Spectator, one of the largest recipients of Trudeau’s newspaper bail-outs, publishes an insane conspiracy theory that the Canadian truckers are organized by Putin, Trump, and the Confederacy. pic.twitter.com/LMBSVC2KDE
The confiscation of bank accounts not just of the truckers but their wives and supporters is beyond anything but the most totalitarian of governments, was started by Trudeau of Canada. And it seems to be catching on.
Our UK government has confiscated the assets of Russians for the reason that they are Russian.
Have the UK given any reason other then they are Russian- I dont see any in public. Is this is permissible only for Western governments. Dont these Russians have any recourse to law courts, or even that has been sanctioned for them?
So is it now international law that any government can seize the assets of any individual of any other country whose assets they might be able to seize on a cooked up reason?
CNN's David Zurawik: "Dangerous" with Elon Musk buying Twitter, we need to look to Europe.
"You need regulation. You cannot let these guys control discourse in this country or we are headed to hell. We are there. Trump opened the gates of hell and now they’re chasing us down." pic.twitter.com/QubyKZwVCQ
It was perfectly legal to ban Pres Trump from Twitter for life, but making Twitter a free speech forum is unacceptable to these people.
Banning people from Twitter who deny Twitter access to others might seem justice, but its somehow not right. Perhaps a more direct punishment is due – Something that hurts in more ways then one, but does not deprive them of free speech.
Long time back, in my school days, i remember having to write 100 ( x10 if needed) lines of a measure, thus assimilate and understood for good.
A Twitter monitor might ask a free speech offender to write something on Twitter along
I will not deny others, including persons who might be known as “Trump”, the right to free speech.
Hundred lines. This to be done ONLINE on their Twitter account, within 30 minutes say, without cut and pasting, before they are given the privilege of Twitter free speech.
tomo, what I and some other dwellers in the south-east think is that it is crazy that we flush toilets with clean, potable, water. It would be better to use rainwater (although in April 2022 in Kent it has been in surprisingly short supply) and bath and sink water. So why haven’t the Building Regulations specified an extra tank in the loft with a pump powered by its own dedicated solar panel with mains or battery back-up and connected directly to the toilets in the house?
I always thought Londoners were already drinking sewage… what’s that old adage about the tapwater in London having already passed through 7 people on its way downstream?
When I was a teenager, on school trips to London, one of the grossest ‘dares’ was to drink the tapwater.
Apologies to any Londoners here!
Our water might have sheep poo floating in it (it doesn’t normally, but it does often contain microscopic traces of ‘slurry’), but at least it’s not normally human, I guess. Some things best not thought about it in too much depth.
I’m first, I’m first – didn’t I do well Tony? Can you find out what my reward will be?
“British Muslims make an extraordinary contribution to our society. From empowering communities to working tirelessly in our hospitals, our care homes, and running food banks.
Islam teaches us about the importance of looking after one another and to strive for justice and equality.
These values are also the values of the Labour Party.
As many of you gather with your families this Eid on behalf of the Labour Party, Eid Mubarak.”
[PS I let some Scottish chap say something too].
[PPS Make sure your all your wives and extended families vote Labour].
There a few of their ‘contributions’ that have been missed from the list. There is no need , nor room, to list them all. Anyone who thinks that importing several million Muslims into our society was a good thing and will end well is in need of psychiatric help.
We wake up this bank holiday Monday to some crack investigative Royal journalism in the title that was once Britain’s newspaper of national record The Times: ‘Princess Charlotte, who appears to have lost a milk tooth, embraces the family dog in a photo taken by her mother…‘
One assumes The Palace have been pressed to either confirm or deny the claims? And the Tooth Fairy was pressed for comment?
The Guardian can always be relied upon to draw our attention to the dire lack of equity in our society: ‘Millions without NHS dental care as practices close or turn private‘ – and in glaringly obvious answer to the question, who’s going to pay for millions to have top class free dental care without yet more tax rises…? Why, the Tooth Fairy of course.
Back to the subject of media equivocation…
One wonders how come the BBC can’t seem to stand up their report: ‘Border Force intercepts ‘hundreds of migrants’ in Channel‘
Why the inverted commas, either they did or they didn’t?
If it’s bold unqualified claims you want, turn to the Guardian, where the masthead informs us: ‘For 200 years The Guardian News provider of the year‘ – there’s several typefaces and sizes of font on display but apparently no punctuation required.
Substantiation is clearly the order of the day: ‘Show us the proof, Sir Keir‘ demands the Daily Mail: ‘Claims of big curry delivery‘ – it is always so very easy to over do your Indian takeaway order. But one finds the worst dilemma of all is trying desperately to decypher the biro scribble on the lids of tall those foil trays.
It is difficult to tell whether the FT is playing up or playing down the looming threat of conflict with the major supplier of manufactured western consumer goods: ‘China tells banks to look at ways of sheilding assets from US sanctions. Beijing fears penalties in event of regional strife‘ – by regional strife, I believe the FT implies a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.
Speaking of invasion scares, our wonderfully balanced national broadcaster the BBC does love to play Devil’s advocate when it comes to British interests: ‘Falklands War remains ‘an open wound’ in Argentina, says ambassador‘; and ‘General Belgrano: The opera singer who survived the sinking of the Argentine cruiser‘ – seems there’s an anniversary the BBC is keen to mark… but publishing TWO pro-Malvinas leaning reports?
“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action” – as Ian Fleming once wrote.
The Times can be thanked this morning for providing us a chuckle: ‘Not since the Wurzels tried to woo a young woman with their brand new combine harvester has farm machinery acquired such amorous flavour‘ – for a moment there, one thought Mr AsISeeIt might well have penned the first line of that report.
Whilst Jane Shilling considers: ‘“I was looking at tractors” will go down in the history books‘, we’re led to believe women are from Venus, men are from… Massey Ferguson (?) in the Telegraph: ‘Menopause should be treated before it “reshapes brain” say experts‘
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper have found yet another inequality: ‘The orgasm gap. Why women lose out‘- are they looking for some form of government intervention?
Moving quickly on…
The Daily Star previously went big on claims of -4c temperatures over the weekend. The tabloid does a quick reverse ferret this morning: ‘Slap it on your hot dog! Vets are urging owners to rub sun cream on dogs‘
Ever noticed? The foreigners being imported from certain countries virtually all have bad teeth. A blessing for a (now) non NHS Dentist. Being preferred people, you can bet the taxpayer will pick up the tab.
Let's be clear here. The reason why the Mail and the BBC and the Tories are going after @AngelaRayner is because she is a formidable politician, and a threat, and they want to neutralise her.
Guest who – first chuckle of a day – we need more people like Maugham – he performs the function of sapping support for crowd funding by carrying out vexatious court cases – but – of course – making a good living along the way .
As for ‘scum’ ginger growler – the longer she is top of the Labour Party – the better.. ..
Luckily, the bbc has moved on, if not from lady parts.
Now the public is treated to a press release from… presenter Davinia’s pr team on how she felt.
As ever, comments are mixed, between the bbc core and actual 50% of the population who seem to feel it is best addressed as a thing that happens than ‘me, me, media opputunity’.
Julia clashes with Fleur Anderson MP after Labour dismissed "smears' about Angela Rayner.
Julia: "Ms Rayner wrote a thread on Twitter and did interviews saying it was terrible that people were talking about her in this way. She told the story herself!"@JuliaHB1 | @PutneyFleurpic.twitter.com/vXYeVPN0yc
When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 I filmed at a Russian nuclear weapons site. The missile launchers were too rusted to move. ‘We haven’t been able to fire our missiles at you or America for several years now,’ said the C.O. Never underestimate Russia’s lethargy & chaos.
Senile old fool should be put out to pasture, along with those in HoP who use such as him and JezBo for guidance on hard choices based on facts rather than war groupie bar gossip.
Maybe that one the 3’ ‘cruise missile’* hit that the BBC’s finest were investigating in a… ‘tractor’.
*Likely similar to the one none of the war correspondents heard launching from the Gazan hotel they were in, until the Danish guy fessed up.
The very idea of a nuclear war should be unthinkable. Unthinkable not because one must not think, but to make it unthinkable to use
All nukes are dangerous, even though they might have been sitting in a silo for years. Ditto for unexploded mines or torpedoes,
The attitude one must take is the one we apply to guns. Assume they are loaded and never press the trigger while pointing it at a person. Same for a nuke missile. Never ever launch a nuke OR never put a nation in a position that he contemplates the unthinkable.
Always assume that there are no shields to ballistic missile – even if just 10% get through, its over for humanity.
I am still bemused by porngate/tractotgate or is it even combine harvester/Gate? Who was the conservative mp sitting next to the accused? (You see I have already forgotten his name). Glimpsing what he was watching, I would have given him a hefty nudge and told him to switch it off. If once hadn’t worked I would have repeated the action. Had that not worked or if I thought it repeated behaviour, I would never have sat next to him again and I would have had a quiet word with the whips. Just before local elections I would not have put it anywhere near the public domain (unless I was a Remainer).
Deborah – I think he was grassed up by a lady Tory MP x2 – which – guessing the school boy culture of the Tory chaps – will not make them popular in the tea rooms – unless they are pretty fillies of course….
The incident reported by a lady MP ( rising star- but anon ) of an encounter with a labour shadow male member /minister saying that she was popular because all the chaps wanted to ‘sleep’ with her – seems to have dropped off the scandal gate radar gate …
“Falklands War remains ‘an open wound’ in Argentina, says ambassador” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61294958
What claim did Argentina have for its illegal invasion of the islands?
Which side is our “patriotic”, Biased Broadcasting Corporation taking ?
I understand that the Falkland Islands were discovered by Great Britain long before Argentina became a nation .
At a conference especially established by the EU Commission to map out the future of the EU, the delegates decided upon more centralisation, more federalisation, and less national sovereignty. The EU which British Rejoiners want to go back to will no longer exist – it will be the EU they always denied would happen.
During the run-up to the EU referendum of 2016 campaigners fighting to Leave were ridiculed as conspiracy theorists, fantasists and scaremongers for arguing the EU was planning to have an army and would become more federalist resembling a United States of Europe with nation states reduced to administrative inconveniences. Well, look who was right after all.
We havent dodged the bullet yet. The USofE will require a military, and the UK will be asked to head it. NATO died in Afghanistan. This will be such a boost to the ego of UK politicians, that we will join the USofE.
Ofcourse it will be pointed out that the situation is quite different now, as the EU and NATO both have folded, and so on. A free vote in parliament will do it. MPs were never keen on referendums.
The fact that Sweden and Finland are thinking of joining NATO is not for NATO, but to be at the start of forthcoming USoE military.
UK government will not be able to resist it. There will be massive defence contracts running into hundreds of billions each year. Our defence industries will have nowhere to go if we are locked out of Europe as well as USA.
I think we will be in USofE fairly quick
1. NATO is finished
2. America wants to dump NATO and pivot to China asap.
BBC propagandists don't like to mention the role of "green" policies in the food crisis. Vast amounts of land have been turned over to biofuels production, and many farmers have also been paid not to farm. https://t.co/MYHbx4XIE3
Brissles, did you mean for Netflix to drop Pearl or for the BBC to tell us. I am sure there is a saying about the fall being faster than the climb. Although the DM was still reminding us of the production of the programmes the Harkles are still making about the Invictus Games. Apparently it will include Harry and Her on the phone as they set up the games. That doesn’t sound like must watch viewing to me. They had their own production people hired in the U.K. for their brief visit to the Queen but the team were not allowed inside the castle but filmed Harry talking about his visit afterwards. Nope, still not doing it for me.
I cannot decide whether I am more pleased to hear the cancellation of some Harkle ‘work’ (not sure they have done any) or more pleased about a woke Netflix going broke. My concern is that reduced Netflix subscriptions will drive people back to the BBC.
As I think many on this site already do you can watch the odd decent programme on theBBC without paying theLicense Fee. It is only the odd programme because most of the BBC output is unwatchable. I feel absolutely no moral obligation to pay the LF even if I do watch some live TV . In fact I think anyone paying the LF is morally bankrupt.
If M&H Netflix income is drying up they will definitely be over for the Jubilee to try and knock up some business. Where they are well away from the rest of the royals they should be vigorously booed. They need to know the loathing for them that many aBritish people feel
I think it will propose paying the BBC a large slice of its current income out of general taxation. There may be a top up element of subscription for the full spectrum of dross output but I don’t think that this government has the balls to make the BBC a fully subscription only service.I hope I’m wrong.
I’ve watched quite a bit from the Russian side. The Russians clearly blame the US and the UK they aren’t scared of Europe Paris or Berlin but seemed paranoid with regards to London. Obviously mentioning this would big up the UK to be a true player in the global theatre that is Ukraine.
You can just see the headlines. Russian nuclear missile heading for Brussels hits London !
I hope that the Eastern Europeans who live in fear of a Russian invasion remember who redid most to help Ukraine and who has most troops over there in Poland. They might be able to influence Brussels to stop using NI as a weapon.
Quite a shocking report from a British woman in the Donbas region on the other side showing just how Western media is lying about the war.
She also goes into a report that the Syrian “White Helmets” known to be a major faker of news are being shipped into Ukraine in order to create fake news stories about the war.
Right you are. Western media has whitewashed these Nazis. There is no doubt now that the Azov regiment is a a Nazi group. They are holed up in Mariopol. Russia has allowed women and children to leave, but the Nazis will not be.
More or less all Western media now sing from the hymn sheet handed to them by the State Dept or CIA. What one sees is the total hysteria on Russia to the extent that orchestras have removed Russian composers from their play list. Libraries have removed Tolstoy and Dostoyevski (sic) from the shelves, all because NATO must be allowed to surround Russia on all sides for peaceful reasons, ands Russia must acquiesce to it. From the last, it is clear that the hysteria is being generated by America.
Result is that Russian leaders get the feeling that the country is being threatened from all sides, and thus recourse to nukes become justifiable. BJ is first in hiking up that feeling. Germany and France are behaving an adults.
We in Britain are first in line for a nuke as Boris Johnson has been right there in the Black Sea. If Boris Johnson thinks that America will put itself in the line for Britain, he can think again. Afghanistan should have taught him and his advisors a lesson.
He should be removed from power asap, as he has put the realm in jeopardy. America will not defend us.
Of course it has to be done in the best possible manner – re party gate.
You know something has gone very very wrong with Britain when it’s not just teachers who have to hide from violent intolerant murderous Muslims, but now even Imams are being forced into hiding too!
“I’ve never felt so demoralised,” says Tooba Anwar, a 24 year old Pakistan-born university graduate living in Sydney.
..has a degree in communication and creative writing”
BBC not even considering if the job shortage and foreigners being able to work is in anyway connected..
Communications degree?
I can see the interview now :-
“You’ve got a degree then, what is it in?”
“Communication and creative writing”
“Oh, sorry – we are only interviewing useful people at the moment”.
Creative writing?
I’ve worked with several Pakistanis in factory situations over the years, and one thing they all had in common was being creative (or economical) with the truth. Claiming different nationalities, introducing someone who looks nothing like them as “their brother,” writing their birthdate as “January 1st” (this happened with more than one) etc etc.
One even went missing for six months without a word and thought he could come back to his job. He was also arrested with his (actual) brother for drug dealing but was released. (His brother was imprisoned.) I guess somebody believed his lies.
Eddy – 1.2 kg of frozen ‘home ‘ chips – £2.15 … I put them back and went and bought a couple of potatoes – ‘free range ‘ apparently – 50p –
And it looks like full circle on chicken – which was a Sunday lunch luxury when I were a lad but upto recently was an every day staple ….
I predicted inflation hitting 10% by 2023 – now I think higher. This Thursday the Bank of England monetary committee is due to announce the interest rate rise – anything less that .5% will be considered not enough ( in many circles ) – .5% might be a bit of a shock ….
On Dewberry (GBN) now there’s a couple of lefties commenting on the housing shortage.
The wimmin with the fluorescent yellow hair (Dr Lisa Mackenzie) cannot see any connection with the hundreds of thousands arriving every year and the shortage of housing.
How can people be so stupid.
You probably need to build about 250,000 houses each year just to stand still and house the incomers.
We are overcrowded. Can’t she understand that.
France would need to TRIPLE its population to have the same population density as England.
I must be living on some parallel universe to those on the box moaning that more houses need to be built, because EVERYWHERE – no matter where you go in this country, there are endless housing estates springing up. In my own village, in the last 10 years alone there has been 5 estates of around 300 properties each, an extra 1,500 buildings with 3,000 plus people and 1,500 plus cars,- probably an economic estimate, built on the edges, and yet another one is being constructed – on the old football field !
I’m not alone in asking, that despite how hard it is to get mortgages, who the hell are buying these properties ??? yet there are always being occupied.
So, back to the now 6 estates, we have still the ONE surgery from when I came here 25 years ago, when there were 6 doctors, now I have no idea the make up of the surgery as its impossible to know who works there ! But its certainly not helping having the population of another small village lumped on us, and this must be replicated all over the country.
Stopping immigration, whether illegal or otherwise has to have a knock on effect, the tens of thousands from the channel alone !
A quick solution would be to build prefabs like after the War. Another would be to allow those 10 month a year holiday chalets to be available all year around, and this would allow older people (me) to spend permanent retirement at the seaside !
You would probably need an IQ above 70 to be able to link mass immigration with the housing shortage. I read that people with an IQ lower that 70 are unable to link two propositions. This would be seen as scientific evidence for the low intelligence of those people on the BBC who insist that they are of equal intelligence to sub-Saharan blacks. I also read an article where Chinese scientists say that the Chinese people are 20 percent more intelligent than sub-Saharan blacks.
Are we getting this all wrong about Tsar Vladimir the Bad ?
This ” special military operation” is just an euphonism . Not
for war . but a POGROM against the Nazi Jew Hitler and
his latter day, nasty Nazi Jew disciple Zelensky !!
BBC bias is now so blatant that it is impossible to keep track. In 2020/21, the BBC got 462,255 complaints. Ofcom stepped in, but never ruled against the BBC, zero, not even on blatant anti-Semitism. Ofcom don’t like Michael Grade either.
From the Mensa Debating Forum, and therefore censored by the environ-Mental-morons employed by the BBC. The simplest way of proving that “Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia” is the true cause of the “Greenhouse Effect” , and not “Radiative or Gravitational Forcing”, is the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.
So its Carbon Dioxide on Venus that proves its a “Hoax” and that the BBC only employees reporters with low intelligence.
‘There was no party’: Keir Starmer insists ‘Beergate’ event did NOT breach Covid rules but refuses to offer any further details including on claims of ‘big’ curry delivery
Sir Keir Starmer insists he has ‘nothing to add’ over the ‘Beergate’ event last April
BBC local news : item about the epilepsy drug epilim , which can cause birth defects
but is still sometimes wrongly prescribed to vulnerable women.
“Two years an investigation by a national newspaper found”
hat’s weird phrasing
Why not say “Two years an investigation by The Times found” ?
Monday is coming to its ‘ end and still no news about putin declaring war on Blighty – a bit of something about a nuclear tsunami from a satan rocket but that’s water off a ducks ‘ back .
I’ve been in my slit trench all day waiting not to look at the flash but so far I don’t think it’s happened – did I miss it ?
I don’t think it’s suppose to happen until 9th May at the ‘victory’ parade.
I’m finding the whole picture of what’s actually going on as clear as mud. The media now appear to be playing it all down as much as they can.
Ukraine is complaining about not being able to move tonnes of grain by ship through the Black Sea, but neither can Russia either.
People are begining to cotton on to the fact the food shortages are going to be real, and are also aware the government is doing little if anything to ease them, and that they will use a lazy excuse of ‘climate change’ to blame it on.
Thoughtful – I thought war was to be declared on the 2nd and the 9th – I’m in my fox hole in the garden until then …I’m a bit worried about the nuclear tsunami which might be on the way – won’t do the lawn much good ….
Sept 20, 2021 (Reuters) – And so it begins: Taxes in the world’s wealthiest countries are rising. Inevitable perhaps given the unprecedented COVID-era debt surge and, according to some investors, even a good thing if it helps close the wealth gaps the pandemic has exacerbated.
… U.S. markets are edgy too after Democrats proposed to raise tax rates on companies and those on annual incomes above $400,000.
Wall St Journal also Sep 2021 Across the globe, governments are wrestling with how best to fix budget holes left by Covid-19.
While the Biden administration pushes for a $3.5 trillion spending plan funded in part by tax increases, most European governments have held off tax increases as their economies emerge from the pandemic.
“”Emergency services were called to the scene at 10.06am and located a male in his 20s with serious injuries. ”
“the victim & suspect had attended prayers separately prior to the attack taking place.”
“Both families are well known in the area and in the mosque and [are] regular users of the mosque. “
I don’t think this ex footballer will turn up on GBNews any time soon ….
I watched the peak time NewsTV output last week – particularly Mr Morgan …. Who I don’t really know much about apart from his corrupt practices at the Mirror …
Anyway Morgan grates – in comparison to mr farage ….and is no match for mr Steyn – who is ‘real’ and – I fear -destined for full OFCOM targeting .
The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. They are also joined by the immigrants who already reside in Europe, as well as various left-wing and anarchist groups. Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites. In a matter of months, the white West has been overrun and pro-immigrant governments have been established, while the white people are ordered to share their houses and flats with the immigrants. The village containing the troops is bombed flat by airplanes of the new French government, referred to only as the “Paris Multiracial Commune”. Within a few years, most Western governments have surrendered. The mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three African-American families from Harlem; migrants gather at coastal ports in West Africa and South Asia and swarm into Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; London is taken over by an organization of non-white residents known as the “Non-European Commonwealth Committee”, who force the British queen to have her son marry a Pakistani woman; millions of black Africans from around the continent gather at the Limpopo River and invade South Africa; and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of hundreds of thousands of Chinese peasants as they overrun Siberia.
The epilogue reveals that the story was written in the last holdout of the Western world, Switzerland, but international pressure from the new governments, isolating it as a rogue state for not opening its borders, along with internal pro-migrant elements, force it to capitulate as well. Mere hours from the border opening, the author dedicates the book to his grandchildren, in the hopes they will grow up in a world where they will not be ashamed of him for writing such a book.
And covid ‘experts ‘ competing for more precautions
You can probably spot the pattern elsewhere … I’m still surprised that more lefties haven’t called for energy company nationalisation using the money tree .
The blue Labour Party will get a kicking on `Thursday – based on the behaviour of dirty MPs as opposed to the local issues which should be considered
Radio4 whilst travelling today
7pm The Archers : there is an evil property developer taking over the local hotel : Mr Shah (which I guess can be Muslim or Hindu)
7:15pm Art’s show was focussed on Wales
but then they quickly dropped woke issues into the mix
– Welsh novelist : In her new novel “Nefyn lives on the Welsh coast, near a military base. She gathers what the tide carries in and her world changes when <b<she finds Hamza, a Syrian cartographer, washed up. ”
– Zimbabwean-born, Swansea-raised choreographers Anthony and Kel Matsena.
Item is really PR for a BBC TV show about them ” Brothers in Dance, a BBC documentary film charting their journey.”
8pm Nell Frizzell contemplates whether climate change should stop her having a second child.
Nell speaks to
#1 Dr Matt Winning, comedian and author of Hot Mess, a book about raising a baby and understanding climate change.
#2 musician Blythe Pepino, who formed and then disbanded the campaign group BirthStrike,
(Bio “Queer Hairy She/Her. Band” )
#3 Les Knight, a campaigner for the extinction of the human race.
(Bio “Volunteer in the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement”)
#4 reproductive epidemiologist Dr Shanna Swan, whose book Count Down predicts the potential end of natural conception.
@ZedPea .. Bio “fighting catastrophic climate change”
@sophiepavs Bio “Zoologist @RSPBEngland”
Thomas Sinclair
Rowan Tilly
If it looks like an activist, and talks like an activist, then it is an activist.
They’re all clones: vote labour, eat vegan, shout about climate change, shout about BLM, shout about ‘Tory Scum’, shout about immigration, dress in black, ring through the nose, tatts, green hair, blue hair, pink hair, lesbian/gay/trans, hate straight white men, vandalise statues, superglue themselves to the road… the most boring, mindless sheeple imaginable, with never an original thought among them.
What percentage of the population do they actually make up? 5%, 3%, 1%, 0.2%? And yet, there’s always at least one on every BBC panel.
I think I can predict the Archers storyline Stew, after a long time struggling under a nasty white probably Tory owner threatening the livelihoods of its oppressed hard-working staff, they all have to be made redundant. Then! POW! In will step kind Mr Sha who will re employ them all at better wages and conditions and they will all kneel down and praise Allah!
Elon Musk is no genius, it’s laughable that some people think he is, he’s regularly demonstrated just how daft he can be, but he does have an aptitude for business and self-promotion (and being in the right place at the right time with a big wad of cash in his back pocket, which is truly the secret to getting rich(er)).
You can imagine the scene . Number 10 announces that nut nut is to do a Churchill and be the first western Leader to address the Ukrainian parliament …..
Instantly – how can we- the BBC – put a negative spin on this ? I know get that slime – Eddie Davie to ‘question the timing in the run up to local elections ‘…..
Maybe the BBC thinks the war in Ukraine will affect what people think about local rubbish collection. – pot holes – and annual increase in local taxes …..
I choked on my early morning tea ….
Goebals once said that propaganda fails to work when people recognise it . It might have been evil – but he wasn’t stupid .
A leaked document from the US Supreme Court suggests that Industrialised Baby Killing abortion rights may be about to change in America. Specifically, they would devolve from national or federal law to a nuanced one controlled on a state-by-state basis, reflecting local values and attitudes. Needless to say, the so-called liberal media and other cheerleaders for the abortion industry are up in arms. The BBC news (sic) website was carrying it as its lead item earlier this morning, although it now ‘only’ merits a place on the front page. They have also revised the story since 06:00. The initial report placed much greater emphasis on protestors against the rumoured change, who were chanting phrases such as ‘My body, my choice’. That’s now gone. Understand why? An adult BBC editor on the day shift will have noticed that when it came to mandatory vaccinations last year, the same sort of protestors were advocating ‘Your body, but the government’s choice’. A short call to Winston Smith and the story was quickly altered…
Just to add to that, the media appears to be deliberately manipulating the story to appear that abortion is about to be made illegal in the USA when all that has actually happened is that the power to make that decision has been devolved to the individual states to make their own decision.
This appears to be a major divisive issue for the USA thank God it isn’t here. The aggressive violent and fanatical Left are of course looking at it as a way to justify more violence on the ordinary people they hate so much.
News from the west of the UK – AKA america – they are thinking of overturing the abortion law .
The false president will support this wont he ? After all – he is an RC … but what ? The wokes are fuming ?
This foreign news seems to be important to the BBC …
Where are the women? Back in the homes not allowed to leave or their husbands will beat them, which in the eyes of the loony Left is all perfectly reasonable and acceptable.
I’ve said before, and I’m sure I’ll say again, it’s not really us men who have much to worry about from creeping Islamification.
Don’t really want to, but I could don a cap, grow a beard, and bang my head on the ground 5 times a day without any worries… the women, girls, and young boys on the other hand…
Canadian PM Trudeau Shares Call to ‘End White Supremacy’ After Somali Refugee’s Terror Attack {.informationliberation.com 02oct2017}
‘Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded to news of a Somali refugee’s terrorist attack in Edmonton by sharing a call to “end white supremacy” and insisting “our diversity is our strength.” ‘
… earlier in the same Universe …
Trudeau (I’m a feminist) hails “ (Muslim) sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque
Guest Who
Birmingham ? more like Islamabad ! , this once Great Britain is Finished with more coming everyday probably now as “Ukrainians ” ! . Tried to add a suitable comment on Twatter and as usual it’s been “disappeared “
Birmingham: Yippee, more muslims allowed to take over public spaces.
It’s a pity they don’t return the favour, as the suppression and persecution of Christians continues apace in muslim countries, sometimes to the point of genocide.
Even the Guardian agrees:
“Persecution of Christians ‘coming close to genocide’ in Middle East”
I see the pattern – important lefty interviews go to the bee lady –
She is reluctant to go after weaknesses – eg – she interviews starmer – towards the end she does a ‘I have to ask you ‘ question .
This time ‘has Durham police been in touch over covid breaches ‘?
Starmer defected – no answer – did bee lady pursue him for an answer ? No – …. He just deflected .
Lefties must look forward to the easy time the BBC gives them
Wednesday ? Nut nut ….. so it will be comrade Tourette’s Robinson telling the PM of the UK to ‘shut up ‘…..
I had my 10 minutes for the week of the Today programme this morning. Well today make it 5 before I switched off. Fedup – it was the softest interview I have ever heard. Questions by the bee lady were of the variety, ‘Sir Keir, you wouldn’t think of putting up taxes, would you?’ or ‘of course Labour didn’t want lock downs, did it?’ type. Questions already built into them the direction of the reply.
I didn’t see the Susanna Reid interview of Boris on Good Morning Britain but it seemed the direct opposite. Apparently Boris wasn’t given opportunity to answer. However Elsie seems to be an odd story. I know Elsie is an old fashioned name but it is really a name from the generation about – at 77 Elsie is quite an unusual name – was it made up? Before these increases in the cost of energy, according to Susanna, Elsie was only paying £17 a month. I wish I could have had my oil central heating so cheaply (no gas where I live). Her energy costs seem to have increased by a factor of 5 which is rather more than mine have gone up. And Elsie lives on £170 per week. Does she get pension credits? As she is in a council house I presume she is on a reduced rent or housing benefit. What else is Elsie spending on that she cannot afford a bowl of porridge at the cost of about 10p. She obviously has a microwave because the camera showed us it – so cooking her porridge would be at little cost.
I rather assume the whole interview was a set up between Labour and Good Morning Britain as they know that cost of living is a popular topic on the door step. I assume there was no questions about how Labour would make things easier.
Deborah – it’s almost a game of guessing what questions are going to be omitted – such as ‘ should there be an inquiry about your Durham alleged covid breach – since you demanded the nut nut one ? ‘ – I care less about either – but I do care about equal treatment and fairness …
As I said above – I bet comrade Robinson will be ambushing nut nut in the morning . He is being blamed for the cost of living situation – he could mitigate it but not solve it …. Energy independence will take 10 – 20 years but never happen – no fracking – no new mines – no new oil / gas fields ….
But Robinson will be on about cake and crumpet and porn …
The formerly patriotic Times newspaper is keen this morning, indeed utilising its prominent frontpage colour photo spot, to promote and celebrate along with those: ‘…thousands celebrated the start of Eid-al-Fitr in thrilling style at Small Heath Park in Birmingham yesterday‘ – that would appear to be a fun fair – apparently this exuberance comes in part due to this muslim festival arriving: ‘After two years of pandemic restrictions‘ – as usual, one ought here to slightly amend the editorial phrasing to read: “After two years of official response to the novel covid infection that derrived from China having been the novel public health policy of Lockdown restrictions on the healthy… that derrived from China”
Seems Britain has emerged from Lockdown looking like some somewhat more fun-loving liberal smiley version of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or the Islamic Republic of Iran. If you can imagine such a thing.
Well, bless me, I’ll go to the foot of our stairs… the Guardian has a frontpage photo feature so similiar in content – albeit, amazingly, in a different in location: ‘Thousands of people gathered in Platt Fields Park, Manchester, yesterday for Eid celebrations‘ – now one wonders how might that happy co-incidence have happened?
Let me act for you wonderful people hereabouts in a role similiar to that of one of those deaf sign language communicaters at the side of the stage at some right-on event. To-wit… Four happy women in hijabs on a fun fair ride… pictured prominently, frontpage, in two different national newspapers, with supposedly rather different political leanings – it’s almost as though the Times and Guardian colluded!
Remember, folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory… if it’s true. But seriously, all it takes is a cohort of like-minded young uni-trained journos steaped in multiculturalism and determined to promote community cohesion – as your local council would put it. Or rub the right’s noses in diversity – as Tony Blair’s Labour Party would put it.
Oh dear, look at this… the Telegraph’s frontpage articles are a litany of conservative defeat – never mind: ‘Tories braced for worst local election result since 1990s‘ – that’s just froth…
Here’s the rot and decay beneath the surface…
‘Delays in policy to send migrants to Rwanda fuels record crossings‘; ‘Over 500 burglaries a day go unsolved‘; ‘Starmer stays quiet on “beergate” co-operation‘; ‘Children’s camp lets boys in female dorms‘
As that gloomy Scots undertaker, Private Frazer, would enjoy reminding his comrades in the TV comedy Dad’s Army: “We’re all doomed, I tell ee, doomed, doomed!”
Captain Mainwaring Johnson – having sandbagged himself and his meagre platoon into a defensive bunker within the novelty rock emporium opposite the pier – he attempts to channel Churchill: ‘Johnson: Ukraine is ready for its “finest hour”‘ (Telegraph)
We note our Boris may have both the girth and the bluster of Arthur Lowe’s iconic character but he also borrowed the louch sexual malaise of John Le Mesurier’s.
I suppose if getting other people to act as your willing cannon fodder is glorious, then we British can take at least some credit from this grand debacle of western foreign policy. Keep the yellow and blue flag flying, at all those boujee little cafes, I say. At least until Pride month or whatever comes around again.
The Brussels-loving FT – always keen to criticise GB – is rather charcateristically mealy-mouthed when it comes to the failings of the EU: ‘EU strives for Russia oil ban‘ – do let us know when the EU actually manages to impose that crucial sanction. The rest is probably fluff.
Likewise: ‘G7 courts India to break Moscow ties‘ (FT)
From grand strategy to those important little issues of daily life: ‘Greg James on sharing a toothbrush‘; ‘How to survive menopause in the office‘; ‘A man’s chick lit book picks‘; ‘Baking saved my life. Bread helped beat anxiety‘; ‘The Netflix drama breaking new ground for gay teenagers‘ – what would we all do without the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper for those important updates on all our new cultural norms?
Answer: Probably have to go back to those dark days of listening to BBC Radio 4.
Here’s Welby doing what he does best: apologising obsequiously for historical sins.
“Archbishop of Canterbury apologises to Indigenous peoples of Canada”
The BBC don’t seem to have the story yet, but it can only be a matter of time – it’s right up their street.
Meanwhile, the idiot does nothing about the persecution of Christians in much of the islamic world; or the ever-growing number of Anglicans leaving the Church, appalled by his woke and uninspiring leadership.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The art of doing something to achieve nothing … Digital advertising launches today in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 09:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK ads target Iraq to deter small boat crossings https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9vygwe0rv4o More like an advertisement for the UK, JUST INFORCE BORDER…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “On 26 October 2012, Ford announced that, as part of a larger cutback of their European production capacity, the Southampton…
JohnCMar 4, 09:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What is happening is so far beyond anything which makes sense to me that I’m in the old ‘Sherlock Holmes’…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:08 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK Army 80K UK Terror Watch List 40K ……………………………… Mr Khan said he assisted UK forces to source accommodation before…
diggMar 4, 09:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A perfect example of chinless boneheads unwittingly destroying the UK from within.
diggMar 4, 09:05 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Starmer is obviously basking in the glow of being the main man in this shit-show, you can hear it in…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 https://x.com/bbcnews/status/1896834511125541255?s=61 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
Oh good Lord! First, I think . . .
“Never in the field” . . . etc, etc.
One message, stick it to Al Beeb, they deserve it!
OK will do …..
TWotWeeee Watch #1 – BBC outputting the CO2 so you do not have to
No mention of Labour’s ‘Partygate’ or Labour’s Sexual Harrassment of ‘a man’ or Labour’s misandry but plenty of mention of Boris and ‘Partygate’ – the other one – and porn and Paliament being hostile to women (as if!) but although Jonny ‘dis conne ect ed’ Dymond burns fuel to go walkabout in Peterborough in true TOADY fashion, his leading questions do not bring much joy for Labour or the Limp Undems. This was confirmed by Prof John Curtice (Strathclyde Uni) and the BBC’s go-to sephologist.
A spokesperson for the MoD said: “The rise in dangerous Channel crossings is unacceptable”.
I have already posted this before, but this time my point is why is it always “dangerous” to the illegal immigrants but no mention of the dangers to us, the native Brits who are having their lives put at risk by the terrorists and foreign criminals arriving on our shores unchecked almost daily? The illegal criminals put their own lives at risk, the Consocialists put our lives at risk. Tell your MPs that before they tell you “we have lessons to be learned” .
The security services obviously do not have the manpower to monitor them all . We have the makings of a “Fifth column ” in our population and the Tories are oblivious.
In the interest of our safety the present govern has to be thrown out of office and replaced by other political parties that can do the job.
What say you Tory voters and supporters?
This business of “risking their lives “, er, how ? you’ve more chance of getting knocked down by an E scooter these days than drowning in the Channel ! The tens of thousands who’ve crossed illegally, and how many have actually died ?
Perhaps a few more might, if they didn’t keep getting picked up by the taxi service. Because its probably about 20 if that ! that old cliche is on a par with “we are a proud and compassionate nation”. Oh F…… off !
Has the government ever mentioned the dangers to us?
It’s a term used by our weak, supine, and liberal government who are afraid of the woke, objecting virtue signallers that shout the loudest.
They do not have any interest in the silent majority of the people of this nation, only themselves.
Bunter’s Song for Biden:
(pro-rata) – “Anything you can do, I can do better………..”
BBC adverts again
Anybody seen the new headwear they’re using to promote the purchase of a TV License ?
Bobble hats in August? That’ll be global warming again, then.
I bet you are surprised that the BBC director of Countryfile is an organic farmer.
Stuart Oates @Stuart_Oates
Currently BBC #Countryfile director. Studio director, occasional presenter, self-shooting PD, camel herder & foodie organic farmer.
All views are my own.
Under the ‘new form of democracy’ climate citizens assembly in our shire, the land use and farming segment was presented by a tv farmer famous for advocating no livestock.
What… were the odds?
Media and governance being rigged at every level will end in tears.
Posters and readers beware , maxincony our pet troll is on duty.
Probs safe.
Xe is assessing no-nos and leg crosses with a growler Pantone assessment chart on Trevor here in the Science Dept. Reportedly.
With or without a Cervix?
That there is for the future PM to decide, as he is there, with a tearful Chris Bryant…
“Now, show me, on ‘Britain Gets Easily Confused), where she touched you”.
Get the feeling the political and media classes are now equal laughing stocks?
I had to go look….
yup – Canadian Liberal paid-for “journalists”
The confiscation of bank accounts not just of the truckers but their wives and supporters is beyond anything but the most totalitarian of governments, was started by Trudeau of Canada. And it seems to be catching on.
Our UK government has confiscated the assets of Russians for the reason that they are Russian.
Have the UK given any reason other then they are Russian- I dont see any in public. Is this is permissible only for Western governments. Dont these Russians have any recourse to law courts, or even that has been sanctioned for them?
So is it now international law that any government can seize the assets of any individual of any other country whose assets they might be able to seize on a cooked up reason?
Where to start….?
It was perfectly legal to ban Pres Trump from Twitter for life, but making Twitter a free speech forum is unacceptable to these people.
Banning people from Twitter who deny Twitter access to others might seem justice, but its somehow not right. Perhaps a more direct punishment is due – Something that hurts in more ways then one, but does not deprive them of free speech.
Long time back, in my school days, i remember having to write 100 ( x10 if needed) lines of a measure, thus assimilate and understood for good.
A Twitter monitor might ask a free speech offender to write something on Twitter along
I will not deny others, including persons who might be known as “Trump”, the right to free speech.
Hundred lines. This to be done ONLINE on their Twitter account, within 30 minutes say, without cut and pasting, before they are given the privilege of Twitter free speech.
Just in case any BBC types lurking are wondering what those 4ft bamboo straws delivered to the office last week are for.
tomo, are you kidding?
Think it is more like the BBC’s future is going down the toilet.
It’s something that we already do …
The source article:
– a simple search showed that it’s recycling a much older story ….
BBC 2013 “drink sewage”:
Why wasn’t that built into the refurb of Broadcasting House?
tomo, what I and some other dwellers in the south-east think is that it is crazy that we flush toilets with clean, potable, water. It would be better to use rainwater (although in April 2022 in Kent it has been in surprisingly short supply) and bath and sink water. So why haven’t the Building Regulations specified an extra tank in the loft with a pump powered by its own dedicated solar panel with mains or battery back-up and connected directly to the toilets in the house?
Why not go the whole hog and mandate a dunny in the garden?
But yes, a rainwater tank is possible – maybe with a turbine in the outflow to power a LED for a few seconds?
The credulous Greens will lap it up.
I always thought Londoners were already drinking sewage… what’s that old adage about the tapwater in London having already passed through 7 people on its way downstream?
When I was a teenager, on school trips to London, one of the grossest ‘dares’ was to drink the tapwater.
Apologies to any Londoners here!
Our water might have sheep poo floating in it (it doesn’t normally, but it does often contain microscopic traces of ‘slurry’), but at least it’s not normally human, I guess. Some things best not thought about it in too much depth.
I thought the same… but couldn’t find the reference…
I’m first, I’m first – didn’t I do well Tony? Can you find out what my reward will be?
“British Muslims make an extraordinary contribution to our society. From empowering communities to working tirelessly in our hospitals, our care homes, and running food banks.
Islam teaches us about the importance of looking after one another and to strive for justice and equality.
These values are also the values of the Labour Party.
As many of you gather with your families this Eid on behalf of the Labour Party, Eid Mubarak.”
[PS I let some Scottish chap say something too].
[PPS Make sure your all your wives and extended families vote Labour].
There a few of their ‘contributions’ that have been missed from the list. There is no need , nor room, to list them all. Anyone who thinks that importing several million Muslims into our society was a good thing and will end well is in need of psychiatric help.
The hate directed to Jews is builtin the religion.
Under these circumstances we should have hospitals segregated along religious as well as gender lines.
The unsubstantiated edition
We wake up this bank holiday Monday to some crack investigative Royal journalism in the title that was once Britain’s newspaper of national record The Times: ‘Princess Charlotte, who appears to have lost a milk tooth, embraces the family dog in a photo taken by her mother…‘
One assumes The Palace have been pressed to either confirm or deny the claims? And the Tooth Fairy was pressed for comment?
The Guardian can always be relied upon to draw our attention to the dire lack of equity in our society: ‘Millions without NHS dental care as practices close or turn private‘ – and in glaringly obvious answer to the question, who’s going to pay for millions to have top class free dental care without yet more tax rises…? Why, the Tooth Fairy of course.
Back to the subject of media equivocation…
One wonders how come the BBC can’t seem to stand up their report: ‘Border Force intercepts ‘hundreds of migrants’ in Channel‘
Why the inverted commas, either they did or they didn’t?
If it’s bold unqualified claims you want, turn to the Guardian, where the masthead informs us: ‘For 200 years The Guardian News provider of the year‘ – there’s several typefaces and sizes of font on display but apparently no punctuation required.
Substantiation is clearly the order of the day: ‘Show us the proof, Sir Keir‘ demands the Daily Mail: ‘Claims of big curry delivery‘ – it is always so very easy to over do your Indian takeaway order. But one finds the worst dilemma of all is trying desperately to decypher the biro scribble on the lids of tall those foil trays.
It is difficult to tell whether the FT is playing up or playing down the looming threat of conflict with the major supplier of manufactured western consumer goods: ‘China tells banks to look at ways of sheilding assets from US sanctions. Beijing fears penalties in event of regional strife‘ – by regional strife, I believe the FT implies a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.
Speaking of invasion scares, our wonderfully balanced national broadcaster the BBC does love to play Devil’s advocate when it comes to British interests: ‘Falklands War remains ‘an open wound’ in Argentina, says ambassador‘; and ‘General Belgrano: The opera singer who survived the sinking of the Argentine cruiser‘ – seems there’s an anniversary the BBC is keen to mark… but publishing TWO pro-Malvinas leaning reports?
“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action” – as Ian Fleming once wrote.
The Times can be thanked this morning for providing us a chuckle: ‘Not since the Wurzels tried to woo a young woman with their brand new combine harvester has farm machinery acquired such amorous flavour‘ – for a moment there, one thought Mr AsISeeIt might well have penned the first line of that report.
Whilst Jane Shilling considers: ‘“I was looking at tractors” will go down in the history books‘, we’re led to believe women are from Venus, men are from… Massey Ferguson (?) in the Telegraph: ‘Menopause should be treated before it “reshapes brain” say experts‘
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper have found yet another inequality: ‘The orgasm gap. Why women lose out‘- are they looking for some form of government intervention?
Moving quickly on…
The Daily Star previously went big on claims of -4c temperatures over the weekend. The tabloid does a quick reverse ferret this morning: ‘Slap it on your hot dog! Vets are urging owners to rub sun cream on dogs‘
Ever noticed? The foreigners being imported from certain countries virtually all have bad teeth. A blessing for a (now) non NHS Dentist. Being preferred people, you can bet the taxpayer will pick up the tab.
But it seems there is a national shortage of NHS dentists -….. maybe there’s a few in the dinghies …. ?
Funny not just because Deborah Meaden liked it, when both were and still might be bbc weaponised ‘expert’ guests.
Guest who – first chuckle of a day – we need more people like Maugham – he performs the function of sapping support for crowd funding by carrying out vexatious court cases – but – of course – making a good living along the way .
As for ‘scum’ ginger growler – the longer she is top of the Labour Party – the better.. ..
Luckily, the bbc has moved on, if not from lady parts.
Now the public is treated to a press release from… presenter Davinia’s pr team on how she felt.
As ever, comments are mixed, between the bbc core and actual 50% of the population who seem to feel it is best addressed as a thing that happens than ‘me, me, media opputunity’.
Fleur in full #tellitoftenenough
Luckily Julia not having it.
Even Sophy was not fully on board.
Doubtless the BBC editing like fury still.
Hard intel from Simpo…
“Send in the cannon fodder…. all good!”
Brag Simpson brag – well let’s hope you are not wrong ..
Senile old fool should be put out to pasture, along with those in HoP who use such as him and JezBo for guidance on hard choices based on facts rather than war groupie bar gossip.
Maybe that one the 3’ ‘cruise missile’* hit that the BBC’s finest were investigating in a… ‘tractor’.
*Likely similar to the one none of the war correspondents heard launching from the Gazan hotel they were in, until the Danish guy fessed up.
The very idea of a nuclear war should be unthinkable. Unthinkable not because one must not think, but to make it unthinkable to use
All nukes are dangerous, even though they might have been sitting in a silo for years. Ditto for unexploded mines or torpedoes,
The attitude one must take is the one we apply to guns. Assume they are loaded and never press the trigger while pointing it at a person. Same for a nuke missile. Never ever launch a nuke OR never put a nation in a position that he contemplates the unthinkable.
Always assume that there are no shields to ballistic missile – even if just 10% get through, its over for humanity.
I am still bemused by porngate/tractotgate or is it even combine harvester/Gate? Who was the conservative mp sitting next to the accused? (You see I have already forgotten his name). Glimpsing what he was watching, I would have given him a hefty nudge and told him to switch it off. If once hadn’t worked I would have repeated the action. Had that not worked or if I thought it repeated behaviour, I would never have sat next to him again and I would have had a quiet word with the whips. Just before local elections I would not have put it anywhere near the public domain (unless I was a Remainer).
Deborah – I think he was grassed up by a lady Tory MP x2 – which – guessing the school boy culture of the Tory chaps – will not make them popular in the tea rooms – unless they are pretty fillies of course….
The incident reported by a lady MP ( rising star- but anon ) of an encounter with a labour shadow male member /minister saying that she was popular because all the chaps wanted to ‘sleep’ with her – seems to have dropped off the scandal gate radar gate …
“Falklands War remains ‘an open wound’ in Argentina, says ambassador”
What claim did Argentina have for its illegal invasion of the islands?
Which side is our “patriotic”, Biased Broadcasting Corporation taking ?
I understand that the Falkland Islands were discovered by Great Britain long before Argentina became a nation .
Well, losing does grate.
BBC Dateline London going to do a special bringing back Gavin Esler and the Comical Ali propagandist still getting busted for rampant anti semitism?
Maybe hosted by ‘Not Enough Dead Squaddies’ Husain and the BBC Fuse Expert Squad.
Not really news any longer: just a type of daily event in some parts of the Third World which islam infects, which now includes Germany naturally.
“Germany: Afghan Muslim migrant slits throat of the mother of his six children, killing her”
New formulation of ‘Raid’ required.
At a conference especially established by the EU Commission to map out the future of the EU, the delegates decided upon more centralisation, more federalisation, and less national sovereignty. The EU which British Rejoiners want to go back to will no longer exist – it will be the EU they always denied would happen.
During the run-up to the EU referendum of 2016 campaigners fighting to Leave were ridiculed as conspiracy theorists, fantasists and scaremongers for arguing the EU was planning to have an army and would become more federalist resembling a United States of Europe with nation states reduced to administrative inconveniences. Well, look who was right after all.
We havent dodged the bullet yet. The USofE will require a military, and the UK will be asked to head it. NATO died in Afghanistan. This will be such a boost to the ego of UK politicians, that we will join the USofE.
Ofcourse it will be pointed out that the situation is quite different now, as the EU and NATO both have folded, and so on. A free vote in parliament will do it. MPs were never keen on referendums.
The fact that Sweden and Finland are thinking of joining NATO is not for NATO, but to be at the start of forthcoming USoE military.
UK government will not be able to resist it. There will be massive defence contracts running into hundreds of billions each year. Our defence industries will have nowhere to go if we are locked out of Europe as well as USA.
I think we will be in USofE fairly quick
1. NATO is finished
2. America wants to dump NATO and pivot to China asap.
This is going to happen fairly soon.
I see Channel 4 eagerly puts some arabic gibberish related to eid or whatever it s on its mast head today
No happy May Day of course. No doubt their imams will be chuckling away, not long now
Even if ‘propagandists’ is by now full tautology.
CNN should be busted under the trade descriptions act.
#ohthehumanity more ginger tinsel outrage en roots…
Meghan needs to have a tearful vegan burger with Lily Allen and crew in a steel mill basement… stat.
Why has it taken so long ?
Brissles, did you mean for Netflix to drop Pearl or for the BBC to tell us. I am sure there is a saying about the fall being faster than the climb. Although the DM was still reminding us of the production of the programmes the Harkles are still making about the Invictus Games. Apparently it will include Harry and Her on the phone as they set up the games. That doesn’t sound like must watch viewing to me. They had their own production people hired in the U.K. for their brief visit to the Queen but the team were not allowed inside the castle but filmed Harry talking about his visit afterwards. Nope, still not doing it for me.
I cannot decide whether I am more pleased to hear the cancellation of some Harkle ‘work’ (not sure they have done any) or more pleased about a woke Netflix going broke. My concern is that reduced Netflix subscriptions will drive people back to the BBC.
As I think many on this site already do you can watch the odd decent programme on theBBC without paying theLicense Fee. It is only the odd programme because most of the BBC output is unwatchable. I feel absolutely no moral obligation to pay the LF even if I do watch some live TV . In fact I think anyone paying the LF is morally bankrupt.
If M&H Netflix income is drying up they will definitely be over for the Jubilee to try and knock up some business. Where they are well away from the rest of the royals they should be vigorously booed. They need to know the loathing for them that many aBritish people feel
“BBC TV Licence: Outdated, Unfair and Due for Replacement Says Government”
This time perhaps the government will deliver on this one ?
I admire your wishful thinking. The only thing this government appear to be keen on shutting down is this country.
I think it will propose paying the BBC a large slice of its current income out of general taxation. There may be a top up element of subscription for the full spectrum of dross output but I don’t think that this government has the balls to make the BBC a fully subscription only service.I hope I’m wrong.
I’ve watched quite a bit from the Russian side. The Russians clearly blame the US and the UK they aren’t scared of Europe Paris or Berlin but seemed paranoid with regards to London. Obviously mentioning this would big up the UK to be a true player in the global theatre that is Ukraine.
You can just see the headlines. Russian nuclear missile heading for Brussels hits London !
Krankie no doubt outraged with Westminster chosen over Bonnie Braveheart again.
But British army couldn’t even fill Wembley stadium.
Some claim Britain only has 100 tanks, no idea if its true.
I hope that the Eastern Europeans who live in fear of a Russian invasion remember who redid most to help Ukraine and who has most troops over there in Poland. They might be able to influence Brussels to stop using NI as a weapon.
Quite a shocking report from a British woman in the Donbas region on the other side showing just how Western media is lying about the war.
She also goes into a report that the Syrian “White Helmets” known to be a major faker of news are being shipped into Ukraine in order to create fake news stories about the war.
Truth is the first casualty of war. Which side is lying most is anyones guess.
Right you are. Western media has whitewashed these Nazis. There is no doubt now that the Azov regiment is a a Nazi group. They are holed up in Mariopol. Russia has allowed women and children to leave, but the Nazis will not be.
More or less all Western media now sing from the hymn sheet handed to them by the State Dept or CIA. What one sees is the total hysteria on Russia to the extent that orchestras have removed Russian composers from their play list. Libraries have removed Tolstoy and Dostoyevski (sic) from the shelves, all because NATO must be allowed to surround Russia on all sides for peaceful reasons, ands Russia must acquiesce to it. From the last, it is clear that the hysteria is being generated by America.
Result is that Russian leaders get the feeling that the country is being threatened from all sides, and thus recourse to nukes become justifiable. BJ is first in hiking up that feeling. Germany and France are behaving an adults.
We in Britain are first in line for a nuke as Boris Johnson has been right there in the Black Sea. If Boris Johnson thinks that America will put itself in the line for Britain, he can think again. Afghanistan should have taught him and his advisors a lesson.
He should be removed from power asap, as he has put the realm in jeopardy. America will not defend us.
Of course it has to be done in the best possible manner – re party gate.
You know something has gone very very wrong with Britain when it’s not just teachers who have to hide from violent intolerant murderous Muslims, but now even Imams are being forced into hiding too!
It may never get better but if it does so eventually it will only be after it has got a whole lot worse.
Sainsbury butter: a few weeks ago £1.55 now £ 1.90!
Meanwhile BBC worry about a Pakistani graduate who can’t find relevant work in Australia.
“I’ve never felt so demoralised,” says Tooba Anwar, a 24 year old Pakistan-born university graduate living in Sydney.
..has a degree in communication and creative writing”
BBC not even considering if the job shortage and foreigners being able to work is in anyway connected..
Communications degree?
I can see the interview now :-
“You’ve got a degree then, what is it in?”
“Communication and creative writing”
“Oh, sorry – we are only interviewing useful people at the moment”.
Creative writing?
I’ve worked with several Pakistanis in factory situations over the years, and one thing they all had in common was being creative (or economical) with the truth. Claiming different nationalities, introducing someone who looks nothing like them as “their brother,” writing their birthdate as “January 1st” (this happened with more than one) etc etc.
One even went missing for six months without a word and thought he could come back to his job. He was also arrested with his (actual) brother for drug dealing but was released. (His brother was imprisoned.) I guess somebody believed his lies.
They lie as a natural instinct. At least with the Indians you can observe the ‘wobbly’ head when they lie.
Eddy – 1.2 kg of frozen ‘home ‘ chips – £2.15 … I put them back and went and bought a couple of potatoes – ‘free range ‘ apparently – 50p –
And it looks like full circle on chicken – which was a Sunday lunch luxury when I were a lad but upto recently was an every day staple ….
I predicted inflation hitting 10% by 2023 – now I think higher. This Thursday the Bank of England monetary committee is due to announce the interest rate rise – anything less that .5% will be considered not enough ( in many circles ) – .5% might be a bit of a shock ….
On Dewberry (GBN) now there’s a couple of lefties commenting on the housing shortage.
The wimmin with the fluorescent yellow hair (Dr Lisa Mackenzie) cannot see any connection with the hundreds of thousands arriving every year and the shortage of housing.
How can people be so stupid.
You probably need to build about 250,000 houses each year just to stand still and house the incomers.
We are overcrowded. Can’t she understand that.
France would need to TRIPLE its population to have the same population density as England.
Emmanuel Goldstein
“You probably need to build about 250,000 houses each year”
Then it’s goodbye ‘England’s green and pleasant land’.
I must be living on some parallel universe to those on the box moaning that more houses need to be built, because EVERYWHERE – no matter where you go in this country, there are endless housing estates springing up. In my own village, in the last 10 years alone there has been 5 estates of around 300 properties each, an extra 1,500 buildings with 3,000 plus people and 1,500 plus cars,- probably an economic estimate, built on the edges, and yet another one is being constructed – on the old football field !
I’m not alone in asking, that despite how hard it is to get mortgages, who the hell are buying these properties ??? yet there are always being occupied.
So, back to the now 6 estates, we have still the ONE surgery from when I came here 25 years ago, when there were 6 doctors, now I have no idea the make up of the surgery as its impossible to know who works there ! But its certainly not helping having the population of another small village lumped on us, and this must be replicated all over the country.
Stopping immigration, whether illegal or otherwise has to have a knock on effect, the tens of thousands from the channel alone !
A quick solution would be to build prefabs like after the War. Another would be to allow those 10 month a year holiday chalets to be available all year around, and this would allow older people (me) to spend permanent retirement at the seaside !
You would probably need an IQ above 70 to be able to link mass immigration with the housing shortage. I read that people with an IQ lower that 70 are unable to link two propositions. This would be seen as scientific evidence for the low intelligence of those people on the BBC who insist that they are of equal intelligence to sub-Saharan blacks. I also read an article where Chinese scientists say that the Chinese people are 20 percent more intelligent than sub-Saharan blacks.
Are we getting this all wrong about Tsar Vladimir the Bad ?
This ” special military operation” is just an euphonism . Not
for war . but a POGROM against the Nazi Jew Hitler and
his latter day, nasty Nazi Jew disciple Zelensky !!
Some oxymorons used by Al Beeb & MOD……
“cracking down”, “Border Force” , “Intercepted” and “attempted”.
Who’s voting Tory on Thursday?
BBC bias is now so blatant that it is impossible to keep track. In 2020/21, the BBC got 462,255 complaints. Ofcom stepped in, but never ruled against the BBC, zero, not even on blatant anti-Semitism. Ofcom don’t like Michael Grade either.
So, Grade’s Herculean task to tackle the biased, woke BBC & Ofcom anti-Semitism: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/grades-herculean-task-to-tackle-the-biased-woke-bbc/
BBC wheels out its ‘climate disinformation reporters’: https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2022/04/26/bbc-wheels-out-its-climate-disinformation-reporters/
From the Mensa Debating Forum, and therefore censored by the environ-Mental-morons employed by the BBC. The simplest way of proving that “Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia” is the true cause of the “Greenhouse Effect” , and not “Radiative or Gravitational Forcing”, is the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.
So its Carbon Dioxide on Venus that proves its a “Hoax” and that the BBC only employees reporters with low intelligence.
Lets move on now….
‘There was no party’: Keir Starmer insists ‘Beergate’ event did NOT breach Covid rules but refuses to offer any further details including on claims of ‘big’ curry delivery
Sir Keir Starmer insists he has ‘nothing to add’ over the ‘Beergate’ event last April
NHS medic is struck off for giving herself laughing gas during operations – after she claimed to colleagues that she just was testing the equipment
Ruramayi Runzirwayi used anaesthetic tools to self administer nitrous oxide
BBC local news : item about the epilepsy drug epilim , which can cause birth defects
but is still sometimes wrongly prescribed to vulnerable women.
“Two years an investigation by a national newspaper found”
hat’s weird phrasing
Why not say “Two years an investigation by The Times found” ?
Monday is coming to its ‘ end and still no news about putin declaring war on Blighty – a bit of something about a nuclear tsunami from a satan rocket but that’s water off a ducks ‘ back .
I’ve been in my slit trench all day waiting not to look at the flash but so far I don’t think it’s happened – did I miss it ?
I don’t think it’s suppose to happen until 9th May at the ‘victory’ parade.
I’m finding the whole picture of what’s actually going on as clear as mud. The media now appear to be playing it all down as much as they can.
Ukraine is complaining about not being able to move tonnes of grain by ship through the Black Sea, but neither can Russia either.
People are begining to cotton on to the fact the food shortages are going to be real, and are also aware the government is doing little if anything to ease them, and that they will use a lazy excuse of ‘climate change’ to blame it on.
Ukraine can ship grain out by rail to Poland etc.
Thoughtful – I thought war was to be declared on the 2nd and the 9th – I’m in my fox hole in the garden until then …I’m a bit worried about the nuclear tsunami which might be on the way – won’t do the lawn much good ….
The Labour promo tonight claimed
“We are the only country raising taxes to pay for Covid”
… I find that difficult to believe
Magic unicorns don’t pay for Covid costs
Sept 20, 2021 (Reuters) – And so it begins: Taxes in the world’s wealthiest countries are rising. Inevitable perhaps given the unprecedented COVID-era debt surge and, according to some investors, even a good thing if it helps close the wealth gaps the pandemic has exacerbated.
… U.S. markets are edgy too after Democrats proposed to raise tax rates on companies and those on annual incomes above $400,000.
Wall St Journal also Sep 2021
Across the globe, governments are wrestling with how best to fix budget holes left by Covid-19.
While the Biden administration pushes for a $3.5 trillion spending plan funded in part by tax increases, most European governments have held off tax increases as their economies emerge from the pandemic.
“Man critically injured after stabbing at Bradford mosque
A man has been left in a critical condition after being attacked at a mosque in Bradford.”
“The matter is not being treated as a hate or terrorist related incident at this time”
“”Emergency services were called to the scene at 10.06am and located a male in his 20s with serious injuries. ”
“the victim & suspect had attended prayers separately prior to the attack taking place.”
“Both families are well known in the area and in the mosque and [are] regular users of the mosque. “
Both Times and GBNews
“Blackface Morris dancers wear controversial make-up for May Day performance despite criticism”
both CCBGB’d by commenters
A Racist Authoritarian Canadian Prime Minister, as a Blackface Morris dancer.

300-350 or more illegals today.
This chap should be our Prime Minister, not the buffoon we have been lumbered with now.
And thankfully he called that, (how did he say it on Twatter )….@@@@@@??!! Gary Neville, out on his programme.
I always thought that sportsmen had the brains of an amoeba, aka Lineker / Beckham / Farrah and now Neville is in the fray.
I don’t think this ex footballer will turn up on GBNews any time soon ….
I watched the peak time NewsTV output last week – particularly Mr Morgan …. Who I don’t really know much about apart from his corrupt practices at the Mirror …
Anyway Morgan grates – in comparison to mr farage ….and is no match for mr Steyn – who is ‘real’ and – I fear -destined for full OFCOM targeting .
On NewsTV – Tom Newton Dudd is just that …
The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. They are also joined by the immigrants who already reside in Europe, as well as various left-wing and anarchist groups. Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites. In a matter of months, the white West has been overrun and pro-immigrant governments have been established, while the white people are ordered to share their houses and flats with the immigrants. The village containing the troops is bombed flat by airplanes of the new French government, referred to only as the “Paris Multiracial Commune”. Within a few years, most Western governments have surrendered. The mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three African-American families from Harlem; migrants gather at coastal ports in West Africa and South Asia and swarm into Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; London is taken over by an organization of non-white residents known as the “Non-European Commonwealth Committee”, who force the British queen to have her son marry a Pakistani woman; millions of black Africans from around the continent gather at the Limpopo River and invade South Africa; and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of hundreds of thousands of Chinese peasants as they overrun Siberia.
The epilogue reveals that the story was written in the last holdout of the Western world, Switzerland, but international pressure from the new governments, isolating it as a rogue state for not opening its borders, along with internal pro-migrant elements, force it to capitulate as well. Mere hours from the border opening, the author dedicates the book to his grandchildren, in the hopes they will grow up in a world where they will not be ashamed of him for writing such a book.
Scam alert
4am phone beeps “NHS Covid alert, you have been in close contact with someone who tested positive.. click the link to order your test kit”
I don’t think so
.. The NHS doesn’t have my mobile phone number
and I read the link as “NHS.We-Empty-You-Bank-Account.com/NHS
Apologies if already posted.
Three Disinformation Strikes For Rowlatt, the BBC’s Climate Activist-in-Residence
Info – I think we see the same patterns
Green bods outgreening each other
The race industry competing to hate whitee
And covid ‘experts ‘ competing for more precautions
You can probably spot the pattern elsewhere … I’m still surprised that more lefties haven’t called for energy company nationalisation using the money tree .
The blue Labour Party will get a kicking on `Thursday – based on the behaviour of dirty MPs as opposed to the local issues which should be considered
Radio4 whilst travelling today
7pm The Archers : there is an evil property developer taking over the local hotel : Mr Shah (which I guess can be Muslim or Hindu)
7:15pm Art’s show was focussed on Wales
but then they quickly dropped woke issues into the mix
– Welsh novelist : In her new novel “Nefyn lives on the Welsh coast, near a military base. She gathers what the tide carries in and her world changes when <b<she finds Hamza, a Syrian cartographer, washed up. ”
– Zimbabwean-born, Swansea-raised choreographers Anthony and Kel Matsena.
Item is really PR for a BBC TV show about them ” Brothers in Dance, a BBC documentary film charting their journey.”
8pm Nell Frizzell contemplates whether climate change should stop her having a second child.
Nell speaks to
#1 Dr Matt Winning, comedian and author of Hot Mess, a book about raising a baby and understanding climate change.
#2 musician Blythe Pepino, who formed and then disbanded the campaign group BirthStrike,
(Bio “Queer Hairy She/Her. Band” )
#3 Les Knight, a campaigner for the extinction of the human race.
(Bio “Volunteer in the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement”)
#4 reproductive epidemiologist Dr Shanna Swan, whose book Count Down predicts the potential end of natural conception.
@ZedPea .. Bio “fighting catastrophic climate change”
@sophiepavs Bio “Zoologist @RSPBEngland”
Thomas Sinclair
Rowan Tilly
As ever with “Green activists” you to have to ask “Is it really about CO2, or about other agendas like ANTI-CAPITALISM or Critical Race Theory ?”
If it looks like an activist, and talks like an activist, then it is an activist.
They’re all clones: vote labour, eat vegan, shout about climate change, shout about BLM, shout about ‘Tory Scum’, shout about immigration, dress in black, ring through the nose, tatts, green hair, blue hair, pink hair, lesbian/gay/trans, hate straight white men, vandalise statues, superglue themselves to the road… the most boring, mindless sheeple imaginable, with never an original thought among them.
What percentage of the population do they actually make up? 5%, 3%, 1%, 0.2%? And yet, there’s always at least one on every BBC panel.
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
Rowan Tilly XR activist let off by crazy judge
Thomas Sinclair lefty with XR too
BBC is so balanced
I think I can predict the Archers storyline Stew, after a long time struggling under a nasty white probably Tory owner threatening the livelihoods of its oppressed hard-working staff, they all have to be made redundant. Then! POW! In will step kind Mr Sha who will re employ them all at better wages and conditions and they will all kneel down and praise Allah!
April 29th @TomHeapMedia was doing ACTIVISM
“presenting his *39 Ways To Save The Planet* @BristolUni #ClimateEmergency Day of Action”
Is that why he wasn’t working on Countryfile yesterday ?
I don’t know why people say that Elon Musk is clever.
He pays $44 billion dollars for Twitter and gets loads of abuse when it’s free in the app store.
Elon Musk is no genius, it’s laughable that some people think he is, he’s regularly demonstrated just how daft he can be, but he does have an aptitude for business and self-promotion (and being in the right place at the right time with a big wad of cash in his back pocket, which is truly the secret to getting rich(er)).
BBC News watch
You can imagine the scene . Number 10 announces that nut nut is to do a Churchill and be the first western Leader to address the Ukrainian parliament …..
Instantly – how can we- the BBC – put a negative spin on this ? I know get that slime – Eddie Davie to ‘question the timing in the run up to local elections ‘…..
Maybe the BBC thinks the war in Ukraine will affect what people think about local rubbish collection. – pot holes – and annual increase in local taxes …..
I choked on my early morning tea ….
Goebals once said that propaganda fails to work when people recognise it . It might have been evil – but he wasn’t stupid .
Lets see what the socialist bbc come up with this wek to help their mates.
Completely ignoring the fact that Starmer did exactly the same as Boris during lockdown, yet 6 stories on their front page when Boris did it.
Completely ignoring the fact that Rayner was responsible for a story about her where she plays the victim when others mention it.
A leaked document from the US Supreme Court suggests that
Industrialised Baby Killingabortion rights may be about to change in America. Specifically, they would devolve from national or federal law to a nuanced one controlled on a state-by-state basis, reflecting local values and attitudes. Needless to say, the so-called liberal media and other cheerleaders for the abortion industry are up in arms. The BBC news (sic) website was carrying it as its lead item earlier this morning, although it now ‘only’ merits a place on the front page. They have also revised the story since 06:00. The initial report placed much greater emphasis on protestors against the rumoured change, who were chanting phrases such as ‘My body, my choice’. That’s now gone. Understand why? An adult BBC editor on the day shift will have noticed that when it came to mandatory vaccinations last year, the same sort of protestors were advocating ‘Your body, but the government’s choice’. A short call to Winston Smith and the story was quickly altered…https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-61302740
Just to add to that, the media appears to be deliberately manipulating the story to appear that abortion is about to be made illegal in the USA when all that has actually happened is that the power to make that decision has been devolved to the individual states to make their own decision.
This appears to be a major divisive issue for the USA thank God it isn’t here. The aggressive violent and fanatical Left are of course looking at it as a way to justify more violence on the ordinary people they hate so much.
BBC Local news
News from the west of the UK – AKA america – they are thinking of overturing the abortion law .
The false president will support this wont he ? After all – he is an RC … but what ? The wokes are fuming ?
This foreign news seems to be important to the BBC …
Local news too. If it is, in bbc eyes, News.
Where are the women? Back in the homes not allowed to leave or their husbands will beat them, which in the eyes of the loony Left is all perfectly reasonable and acceptable.
I’ve said before, and I’m sure I’ll say again, it’s not really us men who have much to worry about from creeping Islamification.
Don’t really want to, but I could don a cap, grow a beard, and bang my head on the ground 5 times a day without any worries… the women, girls, and young boys on the other hand…
How about no beer… or bacon?
And circumcision? Ouch.
All surely Labour MP GPs doing Tory bashing interviews on BBC West Mids?
Might explain the small health issues no one talks about in that area.
Canadian PM Trudeau Shares Call to ‘End White Supremacy’ After Somali Refugee’s Terror Attack {.informationliberation.com 02oct2017}
‘Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded to news of a Somali refugee’s terrorist attack in Edmonton by sharing a call to “end white supremacy” and insisting “our diversity is our strength.” ‘
… earlier in the same Universe …
Trudeau (I’m a feminist) hails “ (Muslim) sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque
Guest Who
Birmingham ? more like Islamabad ! , this once Great Britain is Finished with more coming everyday probably now as “Ukrainians ” ! . Tried to add a suitable comment on Twatter and as usual it’s been “disappeared “
Birmingham: Yippee, more muslims allowed to take over public spaces.
It’s a pity they don’t return the favour, as the suppression and persecution of Christians continues apace in muslim countries, sometimes to the point of genocide.
Even the Guardian agrees:
“Persecution of Christians ‘coming close to genocide’ in Middle East”
Oh, and the slaughter always increases during Ramadan, a phenomenon David Wood calls the Ramadan Bombathon.
More Ramadan Bombathons here:
Now that’s what you call occupation.
Local beauty spot advertising its opening its gates to barbecues to celebrate Eid. It’s hosing down . Who says there isn’t a God.
I see the pattern – important lefty interviews go to the bee lady –
She is reluctant to go after weaknesses – eg – she interviews starmer – towards the end she does a ‘I have to ask you ‘ question .
This time ‘has Durham police been in touch over covid breaches ‘?
Starmer defected – no answer – did bee lady pursue him for an answer ? No – …. He just deflected .
Lefties must look forward to the easy time the BBC gives them
Wednesday ? Nut nut ….. so it will be comrade Tourette’s Robinson telling the PM of the UK to ‘shut up ‘…..
I had my 10 minutes for the week of the Today programme this morning. Well today make it 5 before I switched off. Fedup – it was the softest interview I have ever heard. Questions by the bee lady were of the variety, ‘Sir Keir, you wouldn’t think of putting up taxes, would you?’ or ‘of course Labour didn’t want lock downs, did it?’ type. Questions already built into them the direction of the reply.
I didn’t see the Susanna Reid interview of Boris on Good Morning Britain but it seemed the direct opposite. Apparently Boris wasn’t given opportunity to answer. However Elsie seems to be an odd story. I know Elsie is an old fashioned name but it is really a name from the generation about – at 77 Elsie is quite an unusual name – was it made up? Before these increases in the cost of energy, according to Susanna, Elsie was only paying £17 a month. I wish I could have had my oil central heating so cheaply (no gas where I live). Her energy costs seem to have increased by a factor of 5 which is rather more than mine have gone up. And Elsie lives on £170 per week. Does she get pension credits? As she is in a council house I presume she is on a reduced rent or housing benefit. What else is Elsie spending on that she cannot afford a bowl of porridge at the cost of about 10p. She obviously has a microwave because the camera showed us it – so cooking her porridge would be at little cost.
I rather assume the whole interview was a set up between Labour and Good Morning Britain as they know that cost of living is a popular topic on the door step. I assume there was no questions about how Labour would make things easier.
Deborah – it’s almost a game of guessing what questions are going to be omitted – such as ‘ should there be an inquiry about your Durham alleged covid breach – since you demanded the nut nut one ? ‘ – I care less about either – but I do care about equal treatment and fairness …
As I said above – I bet comrade Robinson will be ambushing nut nut in the morning . He is being blamed for the cost of living situation – he could mitigate it but not solve it …. Energy independence will take 10 – 20 years but never happen – no fracking – no new mines – no new oil / gas fields ….
But Robinson will be on about cake and crumpet and porn …
The EU strives edition
The formerly patriotic Times newspaper is keen this morning, indeed utilising its prominent frontpage colour photo spot, to promote and celebrate along with those: ‘…thousands celebrated the start of Eid-al-Fitr in thrilling style at Small Heath Park in Birmingham yesterday‘ – that would appear to be a fun fair – apparently this exuberance comes in part due to this muslim festival arriving: ‘After two years of pandemic restrictions‘ – as usual, one ought here to slightly amend the editorial phrasing to read: “After two years of official response to the novel covid infection that derrived from China having been the novel public health policy of Lockdown restrictions on the healthy… that derrived from China”
Seems Britain has emerged from Lockdown looking like some somewhat more fun-loving liberal smiley version of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or the Islamic Republic of Iran. If you can imagine such a thing.
Well, bless me, I’ll go to the foot of our stairs… the Guardian has a frontpage photo feature so similiar in content – albeit, amazingly, in a different in location: ‘Thousands of people gathered in Platt Fields Park, Manchester, yesterday for Eid celebrations‘ – now one wonders how might that happy co-incidence have happened?
Let me act for you wonderful people hereabouts in a role similiar to that of one of those deaf sign language communicaters at the side of the stage at some right-on event. To-wit… Four happy women in hijabs on a fun fair ride… pictured prominently, frontpage, in two different national newspapers, with supposedly rather different political leanings – it’s almost as though the Times and Guardian colluded!
Remember, folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory… if it’s true. But seriously, all it takes is a cohort of like-minded young uni-trained journos steaped in multiculturalism and determined to promote community cohesion – as your local council would put it. Or rub the right’s noses in diversity – as Tony Blair’s Labour Party would put it.
Oh dear, look at this… the Telegraph’s frontpage articles are a litany of conservative defeat – never mind: ‘Tories braced for worst local election result since 1990s‘ – that’s just froth…
Here’s the rot and decay beneath the surface…
‘Delays in policy to send migrants to Rwanda fuels record crossings‘; ‘Over 500 burglaries a day go unsolved‘; ‘Starmer stays quiet on “beergate” co-operation‘; ‘Children’s camp lets boys in female dorms‘
As that gloomy Scots undertaker, Private Frazer, would enjoy reminding his comrades in the TV comedy Dad’s Army: “We’re all doomed, I tell ee, doomed, doomed!”
Captain Mainwaring Johnson – having sandbagged himself and his meagre platoon into a defensive bunker within the novelty rock emporium opposite the pier – he attempts to channel Churchill: ‘Johnson: Ukraine is ready for its “finest hour”‘ (Telegraph)
We note our Boris may have both the girth and the bluster of Arthur Lowe’s iconic character but he also borrowed the louch sexual malaise of John Le Mesurier’s.
I suppose if getting other people to act as your willing cannon fodder is glorious, then we British can take at least some credit from this grand debacle of western foreign policy. Keep the yellow and blue flag flying, at all those boujee little cafes, I say. At least until Pride month or whatever comes around again.
The Brussels-loving FT – always keen to criticise GB – is rather charcateristically mealy-mouthed when it comes to the failings of the EU: ‘EU strives for Russia oil ban‘ – do let us know when the EU actually manages to impose that crucial sanction. The rest is probably fluff.
Likewise: ‘G7 courts India to break Moscow ties‘ (FT)
From grand strategy to those important little issues of daily life: ‘Greg James on sharing a toothbrush‘; ‘How to survive menopause in the office‘; ‘A man’s chick lit book picks‘; ‘Baking saved my life. Bread helped beat anxiety‘; ‘The Netflix drama breaking new ground for gay teenagers‘ – what would we all do without the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper for those important updates on all our new cultural norms?
Answer: Probably have to go back to those dark days of listening to BBC Radio 4.
Here’s Welby doing what he does best: apologising obsequiously for historical sins.
“Archbishop of Canterbury apologises to Indigenous peoples of Canada”
The BBC don’t seem to have the story yet, but it can only be a matter of time – it’s right up their street.
Meanwhile, the idiot does nothing about the persecution of Christians in much of the islamic world; or the ever-growing number of Anglicans leaving the Church, appalled by his woke and uninspiring leadership.
I wasn’t aware Archbish Welby had abused Canadian Indians, he really has been a very naughty boy – so much to apologise for.
I’m surprised he didn’t cover up the crucifix in case it caused ‘offence ‘ or made people think he is a Christian …
Has he just farted or something?
“Islamic and Western values are one and the same (Atif Rashid)”
. . . which one is fake news or a lie? . . . .
“ISLAMIC rules are incompatible with British laws (Justin Welby)”