I wouldn’t be able to vote even if there was an election in my area. I’m not on the Electoral Register. The reason is that I object to the privileged access to the full register being given to the Scum credit reference agencies.
How or why this was allowed to happen, I don’t know. I do know that bodies like HMRC and the Police have use of it.
It’s not an Electoral Register it’s a means of surveillance and control.
Does the BBC/Crapita have access to the full Register?
On my ballot paper I have a choice of lib/lab/con/green.
I want none of these so I voted for the one I disliked the least.
It was a vote for the conservatives but I don’t want them. It’s just that I want the other three even less.
I’ll be honest.
If there was a choice for the Monster Raving Loony party I would have voted for them.
In sub-Saharan Africa, 319 million people worry about where and how they’ll get enough water. Without access to an improved water source, their days revolve around a walk for water: gathering enough to cook, clean, bathe — and of course, drink.
1985 .. what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
The Middle Eastern kingdom needs hay for its 170,000 cows. So, it’s buying up farmland for the water-chugging crop in the drought-stricken American Southwest. Saudi Arabia has 170,000 dairy cows – similar to these – it needs to feed. So, it’s buying up alfalfa farms in the US.28 Mar 2016
We’ll, of course they don’t. Gang child rape, stabbings, decapitations on the street, arena bombings, that’s the sort of thing they can get behind and/or simply ignore.
.25% rate rise . Not enough – I suppose they’ve adopted at .25% increase every other month . Pound fell against the euro a bit today .
… methinks the economy is in real trouble . I recall that for a short while – before the war – comments were being made about people building up savings across the 2 covid years – well if that is true – I reckon they will be being used now …
Does any one have an idea about the effect of rapidly diminishing disposable income ? I guess the likes of restaurant and ‘going out ‘ entertainment is effected first ….
Fed, quite right. The Base Rate should be back at 2%. At least it will push more pensioners with savings into poverty sooner and give the BBC some ‘ammunition’ to fire at HMG. Look on the dark side. Someone wins.
It is going to hit the BBC quite hard. Increasingly, pensioners will be able to claim a free TV Licence if over 75years of age and requiring Pension Support. And younger ones, possibly still in work, may look hard at their expenditure and think: ‘How often did I sit down to watch live TV last month?’ and cash in their TV Licence.
Our govt, our justice system, and the upper echelons of federal law enforcement are corrupt and broken… watch this and see what they’ve become. I hate “Gestapo Tactic” analogies, they’re usually wrong & overused, but not sure there’s another word for it! pic.twitter.com/wszk1qKN36
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
Outside broadcast to Faisal Islam, ‘live fom outside The Bank of England’. Why, oh why, oh why.
Nothing is happening (except a few employees going out for a sandwich)
and thousands wasted when they could have just have gotten his opinion from the studio.
The lack of self awareness and disregard for licence payers money doesn’t seem to have permeated into their mindset.
Then you get Tim Divie trying to scaremonger people by stating that services and programmes will be cut. They might as well burn money.
Theresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
What is the Nudge Unit?
The Nudge Unit was established in the Cabinet Office in 2010 by David Cameron’s government to apply behavioural science to public policy. Now owned partly by the Cabinet Office, by Nesta and by employees, it has operations across the world.
Its chief executive is Dr David Halpern, former director of research at the Institute for Government, who is also the government’s What Works national adviser.
Why ‘nudge’?
It is called ‘nudge’ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.
What are nudges?
Nudges mean thinking harder about the way people approach decisions and using those insights to design policy. In 2010, the Institute for Government set out some of those approaches in its MINDSPACE report, which suggests that both the messenger and the message were important and that defaults mattered. It remains the Institute’s most downloaded report.
The approach depends a lot on experimentation, and the Nudge Unit has championed wider use of experiments in government.
URGENT PFIZER NEWS: Pfizer and the CDC were hiding data that showed harm and death by injection. What's going on here is criminal. For the people who knew the data, but said nothing there will be legal consequences. Either you will be witnesses or defendants.
“Three Lions: Football Association will continue to play England fans’ anthem”
“Contrary to reports this morning, the FA still plays Three Lions at major Wembley matches and has never had any intention of doing otherwise,” it said. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61335589
Did someone do a ‘U Turn’ ?
Translator Lies Lavrijsen told Belgian Radio 1 that she expunged the founder of Islam from her translation to give it the “widest possible accessibility,” particularly for “a younger audience.”
Japan and Germany to bolster their armies – what could go wrong?
The UK prime minister and Fumio Kishida are also set to agree a new defence partnership between the two countries.
The reciprocal access agreement will allow British and Japanese forces to deploy together for training, joint exercises and disaster relief. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61329435
For decades black women have struggled to get their hair cut in mainstream salons but the focus on the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020 prompted pledges from the hair industry to be more inclusive.
Since then, brands like Blue Tit have been giving their staff extra training to cater to black women. New industry standards have also come in, which mean most trainees will learn to cut and style afro-textured hair. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/newsbeat-61310533
Odd dat. Because my sister trained to be a licenced hairdresser 30+ years ago before staring her own business. She could manage the hair types of Africans & Asians just as well as that of white races. There are some differences. I thought we weren’t supposed to mention the differences. I wish these race-obsessed freaks would butt-out of mainstream life.
Why should hair be a news item anyway?
The list of targets for alleged “racism” must be wearing thin.
Reminds me of a friends experience a few years ago.
He was a manager at the town centre Sainsbury’s. One August Friday, he was working and it was the busiest day of the year as thousands descend for the annual Reading Festival. Its a hot day and the shelves are stripped bare. A colleague approaches and states that a customer wants to make a complaint. Four African guys are moaning in pidgin English that they have run out of bottled water. He tells them that more would be in the next day. Apparently this wasn’t good enough and they want to escalate this to head office. My friend, already having a bad day apparently said to one of them, “Listen mate, six months ago you were drinking out of a puddle, so f*** off out of my shop”. He never heard any more. He retired about three years ago.
‘I travelled seven hours to get my afro hair done’ proudly proclaims the BBC on the front page of its webshite as a Newsbeat item. This is the kind of drivel that they’re feeding our kids. For god’s sake close it down.
The “ghost city” moniker has been criticized for “calling the game at halftime”.[4] Many developments initially criticized as ghost cities did materialize into economically vibrant areas when given enough time to develop, such as Pudong, Zhujiang New Town, Zhengdong New Area, Tianducheng and malls such as the Golden Resources Mall and South China Mall.[11] While many developments failed to live up to initial lofty promises, most of them eventually became occupied when given enough time.[7][12]
18 March 2021, received £300 for contribution to an article. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 23 March 2021)
17 March 2021, received £18,450 from Viking Penguin, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Rd, London SW1V 2SA, via Blake Friedmann Literary, TV & Film Agency Ltd, Ground Floor, 15 Highbury Place, London N5 1QP, by way of an advance for a book. Hours: 80 hrs to date. (Registered 24 March 2021) https://www.theyworkforyou.com/regmem/?p=10001
2013 …. The government spent £424m stockpiling a drug to treat flu despite there being question marks over the effectiveness of the medicine called Tamiflu, a public spending watchdog has found.
The National Audit Office (NAO) report reveals how much taxpayers’ money was wasted.
Of the 40 million units of Tamiflu bought, a quarter were written off.
Some 6.5m units of the drug had to be binned because of storage problems – a mistake that cost £74m.
The GUBA Awards is a non-profit organisation which donates proceeds towards charitable schemes operating within the Ghanaian community, and provides an “engaging platform” for promoting greater cultural diversity in the UK as well as raising the profile of Ghana.
Name of donor: GUBA Foundation
Address of donor: 459 Prince Regent Lane, London E16 3HX
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): International flights £805.07; accommodation £1,461.05; GUBA Awards event ticket £365.39; total value £2,631.51
Arland Dean Williams Jr. (September 23, 1935 – January 13, 1982) was a passenger aboard Air Florida Flight 90, which crashed on take-off in Washington, D.C., on January 13, 1982, killing 74 people. One of six people to initially survive the crash, he helped the other five escape the sinking plane before he himself drowned.The 14th Street Bridge over the Potomac River at the crash site was renamed in his honor.
Thank you for your recent email regarding MP’s expenses. Due to Covid MPs and their staff have to work from home. As constituency business is a private matter and conversations should not be overheard by other members of the household it is important we have headsets and earphones to be able to work in privacy. It is right that MPs staff are not out of pocket for this. However I cannot comment on individual claims, as this is a matter for IPSA.
Yours sincerely,
Darren Henry MP Member of Parliament for Broxtowe
Co-Chair Midlands Engine APPG
Dear Darren Henry,
Do you think it is right that MPs can use expenses to buy air pods (headphones) at £158.99 when UK MPs are given a handsome wage which increases each year (2010 £65,738 to 2021 £81,932) ?
14/01/2020 Office Costs Airpods with wireless charging case Equipment – purchase (Other office equipment) £158.99
Chelsa – owned by Russians.
Newcastle – owned by Saudis.
Soon … you will be happy and own nothing ….
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, better known as TSMC, alone produces more than half the world’s semiconductors, which are critical components of everything from smartphones and medical devices to cars and fighter jets. The industry was recently described by Premier Su Tseng-chang as a “lifeline” for Taiwan that had been infiltrated by China’s “red supply chain”. https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2022/5/4/taiwan-is-trying-to-thwart-chinas-efforts-to-poach-tech-talent
Taiwan cracks down on China poaching tech talent
@dafydd has a point
but we don’t have to read every comment
The PageDown key on the bottom right of the keyboard is a useful tool for skipping past long comments
… (if it doesn’t work click Numlock to switch off the Number Lock)
Inoreader view options are that eye symbol on the top right of the screen
The magazine view first gives you the first two sentences of a comment. Then you click to open the full comment.
Inoreader is only a reading tool
so I generally also keep another tab open with this website on
so I can flick there and reply to a post.
I’m guilty of non BBC comments – and I am a moderator – so I apologise. Maybe that’s why the number of comments have dropped recently –
Lucky there is no money in it …
Ok – yes the narrative does drift from time to time – but usually the BBC can be relied upon to do something – Far Left – anti white male – anti Trump – anti British – anti Christian – anti Jew – anti English ….. anti Nut Nut …..
Personally, I think the more important element is that, with a few exceptions we are pretty well all of the same mind. Brought together, initially by our revulsion for the Black Broadcasting Corporation. To follow a policy of ‘pure’ anti BBC would be limiting and ensure the site’s ultimate demise. In keeping with infiltrators appearing everywhere, one should question those advocating strict ‘purity’ and their motives.
Coming over all Cathy Newman, and observing #wefiles means never having to say you speak for anyone, I took the meaning to be carry on doing the good work, and ignore flouncers chipping in with personal parameters.
There is a spectrum – as a real right winger I believe in a small state and personal responsibility – small state means no state broadcaster at all .
Others believe in reform or subscription – more likely than my wish in the current political climate – but there are differences .
If you take offence by me asking what you mean – good luck – but I didn’t understand it ….
Well, well, well. I’m rather bemused. You, Fed, have often made the point on the same subject that the contributions here ‘purely’ relating to the BBC are falling because if people no longer (recommended) have a licence, then comments naturally dry up. Is that right? That was surely the point I was making. I’m intrigued how could my offering be construed otherwise?
In this bizarre erratically skewed world of thinking I’m beginning to think one should ask before any comment in reply, ‘who are you today, how are you feeling, are you having an ‘off’ day? Thank goodness for Guest Who above.
People without licences are still using the BBC – I think it is quite difficult not too – whether it be by TV or Radio or Internet . It’s part of the problem – it infects all areas of life …
The numbers contributing to this site is bound to vary -,depending on all sorts of reasons – I have no direct interest in numbers – it’s not my site – I don’t know who owns it , pays for it , or set it up .
( I do admit that every so often I remind people about the primary purpose of the site – but I have never deleted non BBC discussions )
G, I’d like this web-site to become completely unnecessary. Sadly, I cannot see that happening for some while unless the population of the UK suddenly wakes up and, thanks to ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ cancel their TV Licences in droves.
Then we will have another reason to keep this site going, fighting to avoid having BBC funding added to Council Tax or other more general taxation.
Yes – the project fear the bbc uses to keep those TVLicence DDs going is quite tough for a lot of people – but when the choices come about cut backs dumping that £12? A month DD will come …
I’m possibly one of the culprits – the reason I often post “O/T” stuff here is that as I see it (or rather dont!) is that one of the BBC’s primary tactics for controlling the narrative is bias by overt, calculated omission and they also pad content / coverage with lame, irrelevant “campaigning” tosh.
Other news sites …..
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing.
Labour MP Barry Gardiner (Dominic Lipinski/PA) / PA Archive
By Gavin Cordon
13 January 2022
Marky is wrong there and makes a strawman .. BBCnews doesn’t have a News search
Rather the search button on the BBC webpage searches for programmes
Marky is also RIGHT : The Jan 14th BBC page significantly plays down the fact that only Gardiner accepted a huge Chinese donation from Lee
Apart from his pic down the page the only mention of him was couched. She then gave donations to politicians, including Labour MP Barry Gardiner, who received more than £420,000 from her.
.. The context was that MSM were going hell for leather against Boris on Partygate ..and it got daily mentions
This is a tailored Google search
Which lists BBC news pages mentioning “Barry Gardiner” and “chinese”
– 2012 30 August : Labour forfeits ‘impermissible’ Bank of Asia donation In a statement, the Electoral Commission said Brent North constituency Labour Party has “agreed to voluntarily forfeit the donation and therefore legal action by the Commission is not necessary”.
In response, Mr Gardiner said: “Everybody assumed because they’re a company operating and properly registered to operate in the UK, we assumed they were a proper donor.”
– 2017 : 4 February Newspaper headlines: Louvre attack and MP’s China cash ‘link’ The Times reports on its front page that the shadow international trade secretary Barry Gardiner is receiving money from a law firm with links to the Chinese state.
The paper says the son of the law firm’s founder works in the MP’s office – and that the donations partly pay his salary. There’s no suggestion of impropriety, but some Labour sources have expressed “disquiet” to the paper. haha
– 14 January : China denies interfering in UK politics after MI5 alert
.. as mentioned by Marky above
– 13 January : MI5 warning over ‘Chinese agent’ in Parliament
By Gordon Corera & Jennifer Scott (Security correspondent & political reporter)
Has more detail mentioning BG 3 times https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-59984380
– Then 3 days later a very similar story
More MI5 alerts to come to counter foreign interference
– This week : a BBC page lifted sentences from older stories
All-party groups: Foreign influence could be next scandal, MPs warn
“MI5 said Ms Lee had a key role in setting up the Chinese in Britain APPG and made donations to MPs, including Labour’s Barry Gardiner and Liberal Democrat Sir Ed Davey.
Mr Gardiner received more than £420,000 from her over five years – but said he had always made the security services aware of the donations. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-61271058
One of the best ways of searching is by searching Twitter for output from @BBCnewsor @BBCpolitics
#1 The BBC chose to omit BG’s name whilst tweeting the stories
#2 The stories are here
Jan 13
– 77 Likes: https://twitter.com/BBCPolitics/status/1481627102910857219
You’ll note there that the Gardiner story is tweeted once by each BBC account
whereas for BBC CAMPAIGN stories say Boris/Partygate, they tweet the same story 3 times or more
So over the years I have found 6 BBC pages that mention BG’s Chinese donations
including 3 in around 14th January, and 1 last week
Charles Moore has a nuanced take
Usually when they find an MP has taken foreign money they keep quiet, like the way they did over Foot taking KGB money.
There is an interest in someone like BG accepting Chinese money and then co-operating with MI5 as a double agent
but I guess with her son working in his office, it would be difficult to stop the Chinese from seeing genuine special information. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-curious-case-of-barry-gardiner
If you don’t watch or listen to BBC you have very little to complain about. I don’t post often anymore for that reason.
IMO all MSM is deceptive. The problem with BBC was always that we were obliged by law to pay for them to sling their mud. I no longer pay for the mud.
I come here mostly to read & discover what the current BBC “banging-on” topics are.
I don’t see it that way. The fact that you don’t pay for it doesn’t detract from the fact that millions of people are forced, by law, to pay for it even if they don’t watch it at all. It still entitles you to complain like hell about the fact or the organisation itself.
I have no problem with people complaining about the BBC.
That doesn’t change the fact that If you don’t watch BBC or any other LIVE BROADCAST TV, they can’t force you to pay for it. They don’t even chase you if you make your declaration. Those millions of people have a choice.
The best way to kill the beast is to starve it of funding. Complaining about it alone won’t stop it. We’ve been moaning & complaining for many years while BBC has become increasingly worse.
And you make my point precisely. Wtf am I forced to pay the BBC for watching ANY other channel????? Live or otherwise????? I pay to watch Sky channels but I have to pay the BBC to watch Sky!!!!!
I end up going to the BBC web site to see if I can see the source of the BS that is routinely parroted at me while going about my days…
Many people work a day and come home, make the meal and watch some telly … it seems to be still a thing…
I used to be a habitual R4 listener but in my last 10 or so attempts to listen (I don’t keep a diary) I’d say 7 or 8 times I barely lasted a couple of minutes – often a lot less.
Lucy – i reckon that if i wasnt moderating this site my BBC intake would be much less . My bit of fighting against it – apart from no TV licence – is witnessing and reporting the bias – in whatever form it takes . …
Here is a non BBC topic. Remember the man with a knife near Trafalgar Square a week or so back. Was he a terrorist or what? Well, it’s no longer on the BBC and no follow up story.
There is more in the news that the BBC fails to cover, but if we limit ourselves to what the BBC actually say, we might as well pack up.
Just occasionally I am unable to get ‘BBC’ into my posting. Sometimes I mention GB News or Classic FM instead which I hope counts. But I did get excited when Foscari mentioned an area of London I know well.
But seriously, I watch or listen to very little BBC these days but find 5 minutes of Radio 4 usually enough for a post. I haven’t forgotten how much it meant to see a post from Halifax post covid and I did give a thought to Fred on Xmas day. We here are united in our dislike of the BBC which spills out onto all things woke. May I suggest words like, ‘not seen on the BBC’ can keep a post on message.
I find this site a treasure of information and also saves my sanity.
I quite like the balance of BBC and non BBC information as it is. I learn heaps and sometimes I am able to contribute something.
To restrict it to just to comments about what the BBC puts out would lose a lot of readers and contributors especially as what the BBC churns forth these days is so dire nobody with any brains would watch any of it.
In fact I think it time that the scope of the site and therefore it’s name should be expanded to cover all mainstream woke media.
So I stand in complete contrast to ‘Dafydd”
The BBC, The Guardian and The Independent are in an hysterical anti-Tory last-gasp onslaught in the run up to the local elections.
They are still majoring on “convict” Boris as Grace of the Guardian spitefully refers to him but silent on the beergate ducking and diving by “suspect” Labour and the Police.
This means that the lefty parties don’t really need to splash out on election material as their job is being done for them by the combined forces of our national “free” press and TV news media.
Labour have been gifted hundreds of column inches and hours of air time of electoral spin free of charge by these totally lefty biased press weasels.
I do wonder if this is acceptable legally within the election expenditure rules?
I also hope that enough sane and rational people will see right though the shenanigans and pop their bubble.
Labour landslide talk on Thursday – with Durham plod announcing no further action on the beer / curry gate allegations .
The cover up – as usual – is worse than an instant apology to end it – an inquiry demand for the conduct of the Police commissioner and chief constable to follow ….
I thought the Sun expose yesterday was pretty damning – it’s all nonsense really – but so was the number 10 cake thing …
I referred the Guardian hack who recently wrote an entire piece and referred to Boris as “The convict” throughout as Grace, I meant to say Crace….
Someone who has not had an impeccable history according to Wiki….
“Writing in 2019, Crace described his “cold turkey” rehabilitation from heroin addiction 32 years previously.
In July 2019 The Guardian retracted statements by Crace implying that journalist Isabel Oakeshott had obtained confidential files by sleeping with Nigel Farage and Arron Banks. His article included the claim that Oakeshott only got confidential emails if Farage and Banks “slips it to her”. Following the threat of legal action by Oakeshott, the text was amended to: “leave it conveniently tucked under her pillow”. This second revision was then removed, with the final version stating: “if he or Arron Banks leave it conveniently to one side for her”. Oakeshott stated: “It gives me great pleasure to teach John Crace and The Guardian a little lesson about casually slurring women whose politics they dislike”
So why is the BBC telling us Norway has a high population density compared to Sweden?
– it’s a bit counter intuitive but Sweden actually has higher density of people than the UK if you consider where people actually live – they tend to clump together and given the mountains/fjords etc in Norway one might expect the effect to be a bit more pronounced.
Japan is the place where population density is pretty skewed
There are some explanations of this out there that can’t trivially find this afternoon.
Unless its mentioned elsewhere – im pretty sure i saw that the government is nt going to appeal the decision about the non policy of releasing elderly people from hospital without covid precautions into Care Homes – estimated dead 20000 .
Sad news for the woke snowflakes – it seems – according to Twitter -that elon musk is to become the CEO of Twitter – and that the ‘censorship department ‘ will be looking for another job – i bet the BBC will take them …
Elsewhere12 out of 26 “defendants” in the Governor Whitmer kidnap case were either actual FBI agents or FBI paid operatives and the (Detroit) FBI agent that was in charge of setting that up was promoted to Washington in time for Capitol January 6th… mere coincidence
Because we are governed by a weak and incompetent government that concerns itself with its own welfare not the nation’s. It cannot even scrap the telly tax or defend our shores from invasion let alone our culture or heritage. We are in need of a new political party . We had our chance with the Reform Party & UKIP.
I agree, it is sure fishy. I used to think that the coordination of all those efforts required some central, higher authority. Certainly higher and mightier than a collection of human beings. But then, I thought to myself how the individual powerful factions operate within the international scene. Big proven influencing infiltrating players forming the majority of the Worlds population? China, Islam. The World Econimic Forum pales into relative insignificance when compared. Joint efforts? Maybe but imagine having to coordinate with a international muslim faction. All cats and rats fighting it out continually within the confines of a sack. You’d realise coordination aint gonna work pretty soon. Same with China: they have their own World domination plan. So, there’s getting on for half the Worlds population before going any further. No, if any individual/organisation is coordinating, its not of this World.
It can be summed up in a few words spoken by the presenter Huw Edwards when interviewing the Labour representative… He said and I quote… ” Do you think WE’VE turned a corner”
Flotsam-Whoever presents the four Londonistan programmes
on BBC TV today. Be it Riz Lateef, Asad Ahmad or Alice
Bhanhukravi will be in an orgasmic state. They know that the
whole production staff on the programme cannot get the
Socialist Workers party elected to run London Borough Councils.
But getting Labour was their second best choice . However
anybody in fact nearly everyone at the BBC who are anarchist
Marxists will be singing from the roof. WE have helped to
Ever since I used to pick up my grand-children from their
primary school in Barnet a few years ago. I knew the writing
was on the wall for Barnet so far as the Conservative Council
was concerned. The Conservatives lost Barnet for one main
reason demographics.
Barnet’s population has exploded in the last few years to well
over 400,000. The explosion has happened all over the capitol.
I would pick up my grand-daughter and pregnant women
would be there picking up three or four of their children.
I have written this over and over again the Christian identity
of the UK will be lost at the very most four generations.
Because we work in the same building, doesn’t mean we think the same way. I’m from an estate in Tonypandy, live in London, and your view is myopic. I’m sure the media dynamic on the bbc will change tonight. Producing live means juggling people as they’re available, that’s it
Interesting question but blends into the background when you consider the current effect (and success) of the Bliar policy to import foreign voters. Londonistan now a shining example of how you distort voting volumes. Coming to a town or city near you over the next decades.
“Coming to a town or city near you over the next decades.”
In their thousands !
Which bodes the question , is it by government design or utter incompetence?
It’s certainly by some, perhaps loose, agreement between some countries anxious to destroy themselves from within. China sitting back laughing at the self-destruction to Western civilisation. Let’s face it, it’s all going rather swimmingly for the marxists. Their wet dreams being fulfilled: The decay and ultimate destruction of the West.
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
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Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
I wouldn’t be able to vote even if there was an election in my area. I’m not on the Electoral Register. The reason is that I object to the privileged access to the full register being given to the Scum credit reference agencies.
How or why this was allowed to happen, I don’t know. I do know that bodies like HMRC and the Police have use of it.
It’s not an Electoral Register it’s a means of surveillance and control.
Does the BBC/Crapita have access to the full Register?
Flotsam, you have an opt out – you can still register to vote but not have your name and address appear on the public register.
But the credit reference agencies have access to the full register, not just the restricted public one. You can’t opt out.
Alternative New Democrat candidate (a socialist) :
Who misjudges Russia ?
anybody know what Molotov’s demands were?
– although the Bolsheviks were still smarting from getting whupped by the Poles and the communist defeat in the Finnish civil war was still fresh…
Local elections.
On my ballot paper I have a choice of lib/lab/con/green.
I want none of these so I voted for the one I disliked the least.
It was a vote for the conservatives but I don’t want them. It’s just that I want the other three even less.
I’ll be honest.
If there was a choice for the Monster Raving Loony party I would have voted for them.
At the BBC it is not about being the best; it is about taking part, sucking up, get paid oodles, being unaccountable, impossible to shift…
I’ve a favorite stainless steel sugar spoon and I’d miss it if it ever went missing
That’s £1200, thank you
Guardian takes legal action to shut down parody headline generator
I thought that was made up… ha ha ha..
I gets be… even more BBC.
They are lost when not trying to install Labour somewhere.
Not convinced that qualifies as an Afro, either.
Just another diverse day in the U.K.
Water within reach: Compare two 5-year-olds’ walk for water
In sub-Saharan Africa, 319 million people worry about where and how they’ll get enough water. Without access to an improved water source, their days revolve around a walk for water: gathering enough to cook, clean, bathe — and of course, drink.
“Every time I go in that drawer, I feel so sad,” she said. “There was so much love in that spoon.”
(c) Adrian Chiles given £250 to write words.
Wooden spoon, isn’t that cockney rhyming slang ?
1985 .. what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Ahmadis are a more peaceful version of islam, and are therefore viciously persecuted by The Religion of Peace.
Of course, the most peaceful muslims of all are ex-muslims.
Their numbers are growing by the day, praise be to Allan.
Jan – see above.
The Middle Eastern kingdom needs hay for its 170,000 cows. So, it’s buying up farmland for the water-chugging crop in the drought-stricken American Southwest. Saudi Arabia has 170,000 dairy cows – similar to these – it needs to feed. So, it’s buying up alfalfa farms in the US.28 Mar 2016
Elon Musk asked by Tories to appear before UK Parliament to answer questions about freedom of speech.
Tories don’t want hurty hate speech.
Surprised it wasn’t Tobias Elwood doing the asking
We’ll, of course they don’t. Gang child rape, stabbings, decapitations on the street, arena bombings, that’s the sort of thing they can get behind and/or simply ignore.
.25% rate rise . Not enough – I suppose they’ve adopted at .25% increase every other month . Pound fell against the euro a bit today .
… methinks the economy is in real trouble . I recall that for a short while – before the war – comments were being made about people building up savings across the 2 covid years – well if that is true – I reckon they will be being used now …
Does any one have an idea about the effect of rapidly diminishing disposable income ? I guess the likes of restaurant and ‘going out ‘ entertainment is effected first ….
MPS get their 2.2K pay rise still?
The pound has tanked against the dollar which is why fuel prices haven’t gone down as expected.
This is what always happens when you have a Socialist government in power!
Fed, quite right. The Base Rate should be back at 2%. At least it will push more pensioners with savings into poverty sooner and give the BBC some ‘ammunition’ to fire at HMG. Look on the dark side. Someone wins.
It is going to hit the BBC quite hard. Increasingly, pensioners will be able to claim a free TV Licence if over 75years of age and requiring Pension Support. And younger ones, possibly still in work, may look hard at their expenditure and think: ‘How often did I sit down to watch live TV last month?’ and cash in their TV Licence.
3 out of 9 on the money committee recommended the rate going up by .5% – which was right … instead theyve gone for more pain over a longer period ..,
Should have been 0.5% for the last three increases, Fed.
Tom’s Tucker Carlson link service brings you:
“lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.” {bbc.co.uk aug2019} – the death of freedom of speech.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
D’ya see how it works yet?
Thanks Cleggers – NOT
Let us not forget BBC Newsnight engaged Facebook’s head of something pointless back in the day to ‘report’… ‘impartially’, on a certain key vote.
OFCOM cool with that too.
….buttttt… keeping all the partial activist shinola that media types know, love, and get paid market rates for imposing.
Channel surfing.
BBC1 news at one.
Report on inflation.
Outside broadcast to Faisal Islam, ‘live fom outside The Bank of England’. Why, oh why, oh why.
Nothing is happening (except a few employees going out for a sandwich)
and thousands wasted when they could have just have gotten his opinion from the studio.
The lack of self awareness and disregard for licence payers money doesn’t seem to have permeated into their mindset.
Then you get Tim Divie trying to scaremonger people by stating that services and programmes will be cut. They might as well burn money.
“Channel surfing”?
Another Tory Leader’s Promise .
They take us for fools !
Theresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
What is the Nudge Unit?
The Nudge Unit was established in the Cabinet Office in 2010 by David Cameron’s government to apply behavioural science to public policy. Now owned partly by the Cabinet Office, by Nesta and by employees, it has operations across the world.
Its chief executive is Dr David Halpern, former director of research at the Institute for Government, who is also the government’s What Works national adviser.
Why ‘nudge’?
It is called ‘nudge’ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.
What are nudges?
Nudges mean thinking harder about the way people approach decisions and using those insights to design policy. In 2010, the Institute for Government set out some of those approaches in its MINDSPACE report, which suggests that both the messenger and the message were important and that defaults mattered. It remains the Institute’s most downloaded report.
The approach depends a lot on experimentation, and the Nudge Unit has championed wider use of experiments in government.
2015 .. Uncontrolled immigration can damage our labour market and push down wages. It means too many people entering the UK legally but staying illegally. The British people want these things sorted.
“Three Lions: Football Association will continue to play England fans’ anthem”
“Contrary to reports this morning, the FA still plays Three Lions at major Wembley matches and has never had any intention of doing otherwise,” it said.
Did someone do a ‘U Turn’ ?
Cricket team told it can’t call itself ‘the Crusaders’…in case it offends Muslims and Jews
UPDATED: 11:00, 2 February 2009
Translator Lies Lavrijsen told Belgian Radio 1 that she expunged the founder of Islam from her translation to give it the “widest possible accessibility,” particularly for “a younger audience.”
“We knew that if we left this passage as it is, we would have unnecessarily hurt a large part of the readers,” Lavrijsen said, noting that the decision was made “in the tense period which saw the death of teacher Samuel Paty in France.”
Japan and Germany to bolster their armies – what could go wrong?
The UK prime minister and Fumio Kishida are also set to agree a new defence partnership between the two countries.
The reciprocal access agreement will allow British and Japanese forces to deploy together for training, joint exercises and disaster relief.
For decades black women have struggled to get their hair cut in mainstream salons but the focus on the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020 prompted pledges from the hair industry to be more inclusive.
Since then, brands like Blue Tit have been giving their staff extra training to cater to black women. New industry standards have also come in, which mean most trainees will learn to cut and style afro-textured hair.
Odd dat. Because my sister trained to be a licenced hairdresser 30+ years ago before staring her own business. She could manage the hair types of Africans & Asians just as well as that of white races. There are some differences. I thought we weren’t supposed to mention the differences. I wish these race-obsessed freaks would butt-out of mainstream life.
Why should hair be a news item anyway?
The list of targets for alleged “racism” must be wearing thin.
African’s find it hard to find water in the UK?
Ha, ha.
Reminds me of a friends experience a few years ago.
He was a manager at the town centre Sainsbury’s. One August Friday, he was working and it was the busiest day of the year as thousands descend for the annual Reading Festival. Its a hot day and the shelves are stripped bare. A colleague approaches and states that a customer wants to make a complaint. Four African guys are moaning in pidgin English that they have run out of bottled water. He tells them that more would be in the next day. Apparently this wasn’t good enough and they want to escalate this to head office. My friend, already having a bad day apparently said to one of them, “Listen mate, six months ago you were drinking out of a puddle, so f*** off out of my shop”. He never heard any more. He retired about three years ago.
Dubai has emerged as a haven for wealthy Russians fleeing the impact of western sanctions over the war in Ukraine.
Russian billionaires and entrepreneurs have been arriving in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in unprecedented numbers, business leaders told the BBC.
Property purchases in Dubai by Russians surged by 67% in the first three months of 2022, a report said.
The UAE has not put sanctions on Russia or criticised its invasion of Ukraine.
Dubai has, since it was a handful of mud huts on the creek been a den of rascals.
Ukraine: Boris Johnson urges international community to act with unity as he outlines six-point plan to tackle Russia
Gulf states including the UAE and Saudi Arabia have rejected calls from western governments to impose sanctions on Russia.
I wish Boris would look after UK borders first.
Boris believes in Bank of Boris. That is all..
Name of donor: Heathrow Airport Limited
Address of donor: The Compass Centre, Nelson Road, London Heathrow Airport, Hounslow TW6 2GW
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Use of the Windsor Suite at Heathrow Airport for three people, total value £1,800
‘I travelled seven hours to get my afro hair done’ proudly proclaims the BBC on the front page of its webshite as a Newsbeat item. This is the kind of drivel that they’re feeding our kids. For god’s sake close it down.
Seven hours in a Tesla?
One country is expecting to grow … not die.
The “ghost city” moniker has been criticized for “calling the game at halftime”.[4] Many developments initially criticized as ghost cities did materialize into economically vibrant areas when given enough time to develop, such as Pudong, Zhujiang New Town, Zhengdong New Area, Tianducheng and malls such as the Golden Resources Mall and South China Mall.[11] While many developments failed to live up to initial lofty promises, most of them eventually became occupied when given enough time.[7][12]
Diane Abbott….
18 March 2021, received £300 for contribution to an article. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 23 March 2021)
17 March 2021, received £18,450 from Viking Penguin, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Rd, London SW1V 2SA, via Blake Friedmann Literary, TV & Film Agency Ltd, Ground Floor, 15 Highbury Place, London N5 1QP, by way of an advance for a book. Hours: 80 hrs to date. (Registered 24 March 2021)
can someone try and explain to me why we bought 650 million doses , I really cant figure it out
2013 …. The government spent £424m stockpiling a drug to treat flu despite there being question marks over the effectiveness of the medicine called Tamiflu, a public spending watchdog has found.
The National Audit Office (NAO) report reveals how much taxpayers’ money was wasted.
Of the 40 million units of Tamiflu bought, a quarter were written off.
Some 6.5m units of the drug had to be binned because of storage problems – a mistake that cost £74m.
The Department of Health said it would consider the points made by the NAO.
The GUBA Awards is a non-profit organisation which donates proceeds towards charitable schemes operating within the Ghanaian community, and provides an “engaging platform” for promoting greater cultural diversity in the UK as well as raising the profile of Ghana.
Name of donor: GUBA Foundation
Address of donor: 459 Prince Regent Lane, London E16 3HX
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): International flights £805.07; accommodation £1,461.05; GUBA Awards event ticket £365.39; total value £2,631.51
Destination of visit: Accra, Ghana
Members’ Interests
Diane Abbott
Boycott Russia, Boycott Israel, Boycott Elon Musk.
These globalists do get their knickers in a twist whenever anyone steps outside the paramaters.
Phillip Schofield comes out, stunning and brave
Trey Gowdy Pin Drop Speech Persuasion
Arland Dean Williams Jr. (September 23, 1935 – January 13, 1982) was a passenger aboard Air Florida Flight 90, which crashed on take-off in Washington, D.C., on January 13, 1982, killing 74 people. One of six people to initially survive the crash, he helped the other five escape the sinking plane before he himself drowned.The 14th Street Bridge over the Potomac River at the crash site was renamed in his honor.
BBC to help struggling families … Remember to keep paying the BBC TV Tax during the nuclear war folks
18th February 2021
REF: MP’s Expenses
Thank you for your recent email regarding MP’s expenses. Due to Covid MPs and their staff have to work from home. As constituency business is a private matter and conversations should not be overheard by other members of the household it is important we have headsets and earphones to be able to work in privacy. It is right that MPs staff are not out of pocket for this. However I cannot comment on individual claims, as this is a matter for IPSA.
Yours sincerely,
Darren Henry MP Member of Parliament for Broxtowe
Co-Chair Midlands Engine APPG
Dear Darren Henry,
Do you think it is right that MPs can use expenses to buy air pods (headphones) at £158.99 when UK MPs are given a handsome wage which increases each year (2010 £65,738 to 2021 £81,932) ?
14/01/2020 Office Costs Airpods with wireless charging case Equipment – purchase (Other office equipment) £158.99
https://www.mpsexpenses.info/?#!/mp/421 https://www.theipsa.org.uk/mp-costs/interactive-map/ https://www.theyworkforyou.com/regmem/?p=24773
Yours sincerely,
Mr MarkyMark
Chelsa – owned by Russians.
Newcastle – owned by Saudis.
Soon … you will be happy and own nothing ….
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, better known as TSMC, alone produces more than half the world’s semiconductors, which are critical components of everything from smartphones and medical devices to cars and fighter jets. The industry was recently described by Premier Su Tseng-chang as a “lifeline” for Taiwan that had been infiltrated by China’s “red supply chain”.
Taiwan cracks down on China poaching tech talent
Chelsea “owned” by an American bank I heard a few days ago….?
How does that work?
You will own nothing?
I don’t own much of anything now. Oddly enough, I am far from happy.
I thought the whole idea of this site is to take the BBC to task.
It seems now that this is no longer the case because some of the crap being posted on here is bizarre to say the least .
Its rapidly putting me off contributing anymore.
Lets get back to the main premise of this site…PLEASE
@dafydd has a point
but we don’t have to read every comment
The PageDown key on the bottom right of the keyboard is a useful tool for skipping past long comments
… (if it doesn’t work click Numlock to switch off the Number Lock)
Likewise Inoreader is useful for giving you a compressed view so long comments don’t fill your screen
Create an account and look at this page https://www.inoreader.com/feed/https%3A%2F%2Fbiasedbbc.tv%2Fcomments%2Ffeed%2F
which uses the feed https://biasedbbc.tv/comments/feed/
Inoreader view options are that eye symbol on the top right of the screen
The magazine view first gives you the first two sentences of a comment. Then you click to open the full comment.
Inoreader is only a reading tool
so I generally also keep another tab open with this website on
so I can flick there and reply to a post.
I’m guilty of non BBC comments – and I am a moderator – so I apologise. Maybe that’s why the number of comments have dropped recently –
Lucky there is no money in it …
Which do you think are ‘bizarre’ comments ? …
I would rather not say what i find bizarre, i dont want to offend the individual.
Its a great site and has been for years but at the moment we seem to be drifting from the narrative..
Ok – yes the narrative does drift from time to time – but usually the BBC can be relied upon to do something – Far Left – anti white male – anti Trump – anti British – anti Christian – anti Jew – anti English ….. anti Nut Nut …..
Personally, I think the more important element is that, with a few exceptions we are pretty well all of the same mind. Brought together, initially by our revulsion for the Black Broadcasting Corporation. To follow a policy of ‘pure’ anti BBC would be limiting and ensure the site’s ultimate demise. In keeping with infiltrators appearing everywhere, one should question those advocating strict ‘purity’ and their motives.
Sorry – I don’t understand that comment – are you saying we lack diversity of view / thought in the same way as the BBC?
Coming over all Cathy Newman, and observing #wefiles means never having to say you speak for anyone, I took the meaning to be carry on doing the good work, and ignore flouncers chipping in with personal parameters.
“….we lack diversity of view…..” We are all here for one primary reason (the BBC). Aren’t we? There aint no ‘diversity’ in that surely?
There is a spectrum – as a real right winger I believe in a small state and personal responsibility – small state means no state broadcaster at all .
Others believe in reform or subscription – more likely than my wish in the current political climate – but there are differences .
If you take offence by me asking what you mean – good luck – but I didn’t understand it ….
Well, well, well. I’m rather bemused. You, Fed, have often made the point on the same subject that the contributions here ‘purely’ relating to the BBC are falling because if people no longer (recommended) have a licence, then comments naturally dry up. Is that right? That was surely the point I was making. I’m intrigued how could my offering be construed otherwise?
In this bizarre erratically skewed world of thinking I’m beginning to think one should ask before any comment in reply, ‘who are you today, how are you feeling, are you having an ‘off’ day? Thank goodness for Guest Who above.
People without licences are still using the BBC – I think it is quite difficult not too – whether it be by TV or Radio or Internet . It’s part of the problem – it infects all areas of life …
The numbers contributing to this site is bound to vary -,depending on all sorts of reasons – I have no direct interest in numbers – it’s not my site – I don’t know who owns it , pays for it , or set it up .
( I do admit that every so often I remind people about the primary purpose of the site – but I have never deleted non BBC discussions )
G, I’d like this web-site to become completely unnecessary. Sadly, I cannot see that happening for some while unless the population of the UK suddenly wakes up and, thanks to ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ cancel their TV Licences in droves.
Then we will have another reason to keep this site going, fighting to avoid having BBC funding added to Council Tax or other more general taxation.
Yes – the project fear the bbc uses to keep those TVLicence DDs going is quite tough for a lot of people – but when the choices come about cut backs dumping that £12? A month DD will come …
I’m possibly one of the culprits – the reason I often post “O/T” stuff here is that as I see it (or rather dont!) is that one of the BBC’s primary tactics for controlling the narrative is bias by overt, calculated omission and they also pad content / coverage with lame, irrelevant “campaigning” tosh.
– and on the topic of omission – as in specific, targeted omission (Known in some circles as censorship) look no further than who’s signed the letter to Twitter about Elon Musk (missed Lucy’s post earlier)
How can the BBC be taken to task about things that they very deliberately have chosen NOT to cover?
Thats a fair point
A good thing I try to do is see if BBC News Search can find it – such as Barry Gardiner’s 500K!!!!
Barry Gardiner’s £500K from Chinese Spy Omission
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC Complaints Department twinned with the Ministry of Truth,
Why can I not find information on Barry Gardiner taking £500,000 from a Chinese Spy? Orwell said omission is the greatest lie!
BBC Search ….
BBC Story hides Barry in the detail ….
Other news sites …..
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing.
Labour MP Barry Gardiner (Dominic Lipinski/PA) / PA Archive
By Gavin Cordon
13 January 2022
Might be worth going through Barry Gardiner’s other bribes here.
BBC News Search?
– there’s an oxymoron if I ever saw one!
Marky is wrong there and makes a strawman .. BBCnews doesn’t have a News search
Rather the search button on the BBC webpage searches for programmes
Marky is also RIGHT : The Jan 14th BBC page significantly plays down the fact that only Gardiner accepted a huge Chinese donation from Lee
Apart from his pic down the page the only mention of him was couched.
She then gave donations to politicians, including Labour MP Barry Gardiner, who received more than £420,000 from her.
.. The context was that MSM were going hell for leather against Boris on Partygate ..and it got daily mentions
This is a tailored Google search
Which lists BBC news pages mentioning “Barry Gardiner” and “chinese”
– 2012 30 August : Labour forfeits ‘impermissible’ Bank of Asia donation
In a statement, the Electoral Commission said Brent North constituency Labour Party has “agreed to voluntarily forfeit the donation and therefore legal action by the Commission is not necessary”.
In response, Mr Gardiner said: “Everybody assumed because they’re a company operating and properly registered to operate in the UK, we assumed they were a proper donor.”
– 2017 : 4 February Newspaper headlines: Louvre attack and MP’s China cash ‘link’
The Times reports on its front page that the shadow international trade secretary Barry Gardiner is receiving money from a law firm with links to the Chinese state.
The paper says the son of the law firm’s founder works in the MP’s office – and that the donations partly pay his salary.
There’s no suggestion of impropriety, but some Labour sources have expressed “disquiet” to the paper. haha
– 14 January : China denies interfering in UK politics after MI5 alert
.. as mentioned by Marky above
– 13 January : MI5 warning over ‘Chinese agent’ in Parliament
By Gordon Corera & Jennifer Scott (Security correspondent & political reporter)
Has more detail mentioning BG 3 times
– Then 3 days later a very similar story
More MI5 alerts to come to counter foreign interference
– This week : a BBC page lifted sentences from older stories
All-party groups: Foreign influence could be next scandal, MPs warn
“MI5 said Ms Lee had a key role in setting up the Chinese in Britain APPG and made donations to MPs, including Labour’s Barry Gardiner and Liberal Democrat Sir Ed Davey.
Mr Gardiner received more than £420,000 from her over five years – but said he had always made the security services aware of the donations.
One of the best ways of searching is by searching Twitter for output from @BBCnewsor @BBCpolitics
#1 The BBC chose to omit BG’s name whilst tweeting the stories
#2 The stories are here
Jan 13
– 77 Likes: https://twitter.com/BBCPolitics/status/1481627102910857219
Jan 14
– 347 Likes : https://twitter.com/BBCNews/status/1481881492401926144
– 22 Likes : https://twitter.com/BBCPolitics/status/1481944193903833088
– 13 Likes : https://twitter.com/BBCBreakfast/status/1481893297555656708
– Mar 31: Cheng Lei: Australian journalist on trial in China for spy charge
You’ll note there that the Gardiner story is tweeted once by each BBC account
whereas for BBC CAMPAIGN stories say Boris/Partygate, they tweet the same story 3 times or more
So over the years I have found 6 BBC pages that mention BG’s Chinese donations
including 3 in around 14th January, and 1 last week
Charles Moore has a nuanced take
Usually when they find an MP has taken foreign money they keep quiet, like the way they did over Foot taking KGB money.
There is an interest in someone like BG accepting Chinese money and then co-operating with MI5 as a double agent
but I guess with her son working in his office, it would be difficult to stop the Chinese from seeing genuine special information.
If you don’t watch or listen to BBC you have very little to complain about. I don’t post often anymore for that reason.
IMO all MSM is deceptive. The problem with BBC was always that we were obliged by law to pay for them to sling their mud. I no longer pay for the mud.
I come here mostly to read & discover what the current BBC “banging-on” topics are.
I don’t see it that way. The fact that you don’t pay for it doesn’t detract from the fact that millions of people are forced, by law, to pay for it even if they don’t watch it at all. It still entitles you to complain like hell about the fact or the organisation itself.
I have no problem with people complaining about the BBC.
That doesn’t change the fact that If you don’t watch BBC or any other LIVE BROADCAST TV, they can’t force you to pay for it. They don’t even chase you if you make your declaration. Those millions of people have a choice.
The best way to kill the beast is to starve it of funding. Complaining about it alone won’t stop it. We’ve been moaning & complaining for many years while BBC has become increasingly worse.
And you make my point precisely. Wtf am I forced to pay the BBC for watching ANY other channel????? Live or otherwise????? I pay to watch Sky channels but I have to pay the BBC to watch Sky!!!!!
I end up going to the BBC web site to see if I can see the source of the BS that is routinely parroted at me while going about my days…
Many people work a day and come home, make the meal and watch some telly … it seems to be still a thing…
I used to be a habitual R4 listener but in my last 10 or so attempts to listen (I don’t keep a diary) I’d say 7 or 8 times I barely lasted a couple of minutes – often a lot less.
Lucy – i reckon that if i wasnt moderating this site my BBC intake would be much less . My bit of fighting against it – apart from no TV licence – is witnessing and reporting the bias – in whatever form it takes . …
Here is a non BBC topic. Remember the man with a knife near Trafalgar Square a week or so back. Was he a terrorist or what? Well, it’s no longer on the BBC and no follow up story.
There is more in the news that the BBC fails to cover, but if we limit ourselves to what the BBC actually say, we might as well pack up.
Just occasionally I am unable to get ‘BBC’ into my posting. Sometimes I mention GB News or Classic FM instead which I hope counts. But I did get excited when Foscari mentioned an area of London I know well.
But seriously, I watch or listen to very little BBC these days but find 5 minutes of Radio 4 usually enough for a post. I haven’t forgotten how much it meant to see a post from Halifax post covid and I did give a thought to Fred on Xmas day. We here are united in our dislike of the BBC which spills out onto all things woke. May I suggest words like, ‘not seen on the BBC’ can keep a post on message.
I find this site a treasure of information and also saves my sanity.
I quite like the balance of BBC and non BBC information as it is. I learn heaps and sometimes I am able to contribute something.
To restrict it to just to comments about what the BBC puts out would lose a lot of readers and contributors especially as what the BBC churns forth these days is so dire nobody with any brains would watch any of it.
In fact I think it time that the scope of the site and therefore it’s name should be expanded to cover all mainstream woke media.
So I stand in complete contrast to ‘Dafydd”
I’d rather not say why; I would not want to sound like a bbc editor.
But filling space complaining in vague terms about what is easily skipped does seem ironic.
The BBC, The Guardian and The Independent are in an hysterical anti-Tory last-gasp onslaught in the run up to the local elections.
They are still majoring on “convict” Boris as Grace of the Guardian spitefully refers to him but silent on the beergate ducking and diving by “suspect” Labour and the Police.
This means that the lefty parties don’t really need to splash out on election material as their job is being done for them by the combined forces of our national “free” press and TV news media.
Labour have been gifted hundreds of column inches and hours of air time of electoral spin free of charge by these totally lefty biased press weasels.
I do wonder if this is acceptable legally within the election expenditure rules?
I also hope that enough sane and rational people will see right though the shenanigans and pop their bubble.
Labour landslide talk on Thursday – with Durham plod announcing no further action on the beer / curry gate allegations .
The cover up – as usual – is worse than an instant apology to end it – an inquiry demand for the conduct of the Police commissioner and chief constable to follow ….
I thought the Sun expose yesterday was pretty damning – it’s all nonsense really – but so was the number 10 cake thing …
I referred the Guardian hack who recently wrote an entire piece and referred to Boris as “The convict” throughout as Grace, I meant to say Crace….
Someone who has not had an impeccable history according to Wiki….
“Writing in 2019, Crace described his “cold turkey” rehabilitation from heroin addiction 32 years previously.
In July 2019 The Guardian retracted statements by Crace implying that journalist Isabel Oakeshott had obtained confidential files by sleeping with Nigel Farage and Arron Banks. His article included the claim that Oakeshott only got confidential emails if Farage and Banks “slips it to her”. Following the threat of legal action by Oakeshott, the text was amended to: “leave it conveniently tucked under her pillow”. This second revision was then removed, with the final version stating: “if he or Arron Banks leave it conveniently to one side for her”. Oakeshott stated: “It gives me great pleasure to teach John Crace and The Guardian a little lesson about casually slurring women whose politics they dislike”
So he has form…. Nuff said!
I wonder if Nigel Farage will mention the missing 10 minutes from last night.
He must know about it.
Will it be fully included in the weekend repeat of the weeks talking pints.
He’s just been on and mentioned it was a technical issue (gremlin) and nothing nasty.
Part 2 of the interview is on tonight.
Part 2 – a further chat with the Breitbart lady – took place without a hitch …
– it’s a bit counter intuitive but Sweden actually has higher density of people than the UK if you consider where people actually live – they tend to clump together and given the mountains/fjords etc in Norway one might expect the effect to be a bit more pronounced.
Japan is the place where population density is pretty skewed
There are some explanations of this out there that can’t trivially find this afternoon.
File under lies and statistics….
Unless its mentioned elsewhere – im pretty sure i saw that the government is nt going to appeal the decision about the non policy of releasing elderly people from hospital without covid precautions into Care Homes – estimated dead 20000 .
Sad news for the woke snowflakes – it seems – according to Twitter -that elon musk is to become the CEO of Twitter – and that the ‘censorship department ‘ will be looking for another job – i bet the BBC will take them …
The Tories new online censorship rules will provide jobs for their woke mates.
The brilliant Mark Steyn on fire tonight.
Yes he really is growing in that job . I fear OFCOM will kill him though …forget the dirty competition on the other side …
Has Steyn crossed swords with the git Morgan ?
Quite the claim.
Newsworthy? Or, not, BBC?
from the outfit that has Dianne Abbott as shadow Home Secretary?
– I think NOT
Elsewhere12 out of 26 “defendants” in the Governor Whitmer kidnap case were either actual FBI agents or FBI paid operatives and the (Detroit) FBI agent that was in charge of setting that up was promoted to Washington in time for Capitol January 6th… mere coincidence
It was actually 12 out of 18 plotters that were FBI agents – talk about entrapment!
Is that Elizabeth Warren with Meghan Markle at Thanksgiving?
some useful discussion on the case and more on the Barnes & Viva YouTube stream with Darren Beatty of Revolver News earlier on.
Can anyone here explain or propose a (genuine, sensible and considered) reason why all this is happening at the same time ?
And. much more importantly, if it is co ordinated, (as some suspect) the motive for fomenting this discord and real suffering ?
Shortages, especially of food
Rampant inflation
Gas prices doubling or more
Increased illegal immigration of third world useless immigrants who will be a burden on us all
The disappearance of GPs
Vets and dentists suddenly becoming investment opportunites for cost cutting, profit only private equity firms
White males especially sidelined in recruitment
Woke obsession with racism and slavery but ignoring black racism, black violence and rape and the blacks responsible for slavery
Blacks everywhere on TV but not in the real world, especially in relationships with white females
Because we are governed by a weak and incompetent government that concerns itself with its own welfare not the nation’s. It cannot even scrap the telly tax or defend our shores from invasion let alone our culture or heritage. We are in need of a new political party . We had our chance with the Reform Party & UKIP.
I agree. Wonderful pipe dreams. The voters will not allow it due to political myopia and apathy.
I agree, it is sure fishy. I used to think that the coordination of all those efforts required some central, higher authority. Certainly higher and mightier than a collection of human beings. But then, I thought to myself how the individual powerful factions operate within the international scene. Big proven influencing infiltrating players forming the majority of the Worlds population? China, Islam. The World Econimic Forum pales into relative insignificance when compared. Joint efforts? Maybe but imagine having to coordinate with a international muslim faction. All cats and rats fighting it out continually within the confines of a sack. You’d realise coordination aint gonna work pretty soon. Same with China: they have their own World domination plan. So, there’s getting on for half the Worlds population before going any further. No, if any individual/organisation is coordinating, its not of this World.
A takeover without having to land a UFO…
All those purple haired planet Zog’s little helpers
Thanks Tomo
BBC coverage of Local Elections…..
It can be summed up in a few words spoken by the presenter Huw Edwards when interviewing the Labour representative… He said and I quote… ” Do you think WE’VE turned a corner”
They really are unable to help themselves.
It’s OK with me if they can do the job, it’s when they can’t and put us all in some kind of adverse position when it bothers me.
If this one isn’t capable it’s only the Democrat party who are going to suffer, so they will be hoisted on their own petard.
Wendy likely thinking Springster might need replacing.
It’s a bbc top floor white male thing.
Local election results confirm that London is a foreign country.
The question is why… it is a mystery…
Flotsam-Whoever presents the four Londonistan programmes
on BBC TV today. Be it Riz Lateef, Asad Ahmad or Alice
Bhanhukravi will be in an orgasmic state. They know that the
whole production staff on the programme cannot get the
Socialist Workers party elected to run London Borough Councils.
But getting Labour was their second best choice . However
anybody in fact nearly everyone at the BBC who are anarchist
Marxists will be singing from the roof. WE have helped to
Ever since I used to pick up my grand-children from their
primary school in Barnet a few years ago. I knew the writing
was on the wall for Barnet so far as the Conservative Council
was concerned. The Conservatives lost Barnet for one main
reason demographics.
Barnet’s population has exploded in the last few years to well
over 400,000. The explosion has happened all over the capitol.
I would pick up my grand-daughter and pregnant women
would be there picking up three or four of their children.
I have written this over and over again the Christian identity
of the UK will be lost at the very most four generations.
Pantyman loves Twitter so much he cannot resist.
He’s never off the BBC.
Still awaiting the claim by the Labour Deputy Curry Chief about rates under Labour being lower to be checked by the Wendy Disinformation Unit.
“Labour takes key London councils”
How many postal votes ?
Interesting question but blends into the background when you consider the current effect (and success) of the Bliar policy to import foreign voters. Londonistan now a shining example of how you distort voting volumes. Coming to a town or city near you over the next decades.
“Coming to a town or city near you over the next decades.”
In their thousands !
Which bodes the question , is it by government design or utter incompetence?
It’s certainly by some, perhaps loose, agreement between some countries anxious to destroy themselves from within. China sitting back laughing at the self-destruction to Western civilisation. Let’s face it, it’s all going rather swimmingly for the marxists. Their wet dreams being fulfilled: The decay and ultimate destruction of the West.
How many driven to the polls via a lay-by?
Here in the Shires the BBC is getting excited.
It was a tough night for the Conservatives in Redditch – but they are still in control of the council…🧐
Tories 20
Labour 7
Tough indeed.
I wonder why they are vetting comments?