I detect a sense of gloom at the BBC Labour Today programme . I have to admit that I am surprised that Labour has not done a lot better – although it’s early days .
The propaganda onslaught against nut nut and recent self inflicted swamp wounds by the blue Labour Party might expect a rout ….
London doesn’t count because of the levels of voting corruption I’d expect all 32 boroughs to be far left run by third worlders with their hands in the taxpayers’ till .
I get depressed on the day after votes – politicians of all shades telling lie after lie about how well they did – and expect listeners to believe them ..
I guess I put the bar too high or low or something ….
… there seems a change in the Today output … it used to be ‘current affairs ‘ – but now it is going ‘ social studies ‘ such as ‘400 word essays ‘ from punters about ‘life experience ‘ ….
.. could it be that there are so many ‘dodgy ‘ subjects that it can’t broadcast enough material ( eg – Biden can’t be mentioned because of his dementia ) ….
In the end I didn’t vote, I just couldn’t. I wanted to…
I obediently trotted across the road to the polling station and would willingly have put my cross next to almost any candidate, apart from the usual, useless spineless, stand for nothing suspects. But there weren’t any…
There was no one from Reform or Reclaim and not even The Monster Raving Loony Party offered us a candidate. It was the usual batch of crap, Conservative, Labour, Lib-Dem or Green. No thanks…
British politics needs a massive shake up. It’s in a state of perennial decline. Yes okay, the Tories might be slightly less awful than Labour and not quite as insipid as the Lib Dems and not nearly as Marxist as the greens, but…
I’m just not playing the game of voting for X because he’s not quite as ghastly as Y.
I do postal voting – but my vote in London is always wasted because it’s a welfare dependent third world red labour Muslim swamp … but I like to encourage any Right Wing party …..
…. Will the Durham plod announce the curry gate investigation today ? Or bury it …
Elsewhere – an interesting constitutional story in the Telegraph . It’s about privy councillors – apparently there are now 700 of them – they are all due to turn up on the day after the monarch dies to do some nonsense with the new one – in this case charles the adulterer .
Anyway – it has been announced that only 200 will be invited – the likes of Corbyn – Diane Abbot and similar can stay at home – but scum growler gate still gets an invitation .
The fact is that Boris is going to lose the next General Election to Labour by a similar landlide to that of John Major to Tony BLiar, and we all know the damage that did to Britain.
The party of cowards tonight are basking in the joy of their cowardice and inability to remove from office someone who started off promising – because Cummings kept his nose to the grindstone, and then reverted to type – Socialist Green and party loving when he allowed his Islington leftie wife to control him.
Now if they don’t manage to screw what little courage they have to the sticking place and remove the clown Labour will continue to clear them out of power, and all the yellow fools are going to be able to do is watch a cry into their ever so tendy vegan soup.
As noted above, the local bbc does its best but can only sway opinion by banning anything that they can’t control.
However they worked well with the Limps and Greens locally to ram the council with protest voted idiots last time. Mostly middle aged single issue ladies of brain cell.
The results have been… as expected.
But they may have peaked too early.
Council taxes are soaring and all that gets publicised is the road to net zero in the city which, where comments are allowed, is failing to resonate with actual voters who work.
They must be due a non English speaker – or someone mute / deaf to take on the important role of ‘interpreting ‘what Biden didn’t say …
… I see the new coloured girl used to work for Obama – and still does …..
Van der Leyden spoke about this and said it wasn’t going to be possible for landlocked Eastern EU countries to be free from Russian energy dependence and that they were excused from the same sanction requirements for the time being.
And just to remind all here, the woke idiots that are labouring (see what I did there) under the illusion that the green party are the party of woods and trees and fluffy bunnies and contributed to their ascendancy yesterday: Please note from their manifesto:
MG103 The Green Party recognises the contributions made by many migrants to their recipient area or community. We value the cultural diversity and intercultural awareness resulting from both temporary residence and migration.
(rape assault and murder for example ?)
MG203 Richer regions and communities do not have the right to use migration controls to protect their privileges from others in the long term
MG205 Migration policies should not discriminate directly on grounds of race, colour, religion, political belief, disability, sex or sexual orientation. Preference should not be given to those with resources or desirable skills.
MG300 We will work to achieve greater equity between the UK and non-Western countries. In step with this, we will progressively reduce UK immigration controls.
MG400 We will replace existing British Immigration law with an Immigration law which does not discriminate directly on the grounds listed above (see MG205). This law will be based on the principle of fair and prompt treatment of applicants rather than on excluding dishonest applicants whatever the cost to the honest ones.
MG401 We will allow the partners, prospective partners, immediate families and prospective families of British residents to join them without excessive delays or unreasonable requirements for proof of relationship. This will be independent of the financial status of the resident and will not be dependent on her/him providing accommodation.
MG404 Migrants illegally in the UK for over five years will be allowed to remain unless they pose a serious danger to public safety.
MG412 No prospective immigrant will be held in detention for migration-related reasons
MG414 Transport providers must not be penalised for bringing people without the required visas, etc. to the UK.
We will encourage greater ethnic minority participation in the Immigration Service.
MG420 We will resist all attempts to introduce a ‘barrier round Europe’ shutting out non-Europeans or giving them more restricted rights of movement within Europe than European Nationals.
MG442 The Green Party will recognise the contribution of migrants and people of colour to the UK by making the 1st Monday on or after 22nd June, Windrush Day, a public holiday.
LMAO bet they won’t be telling you this one on the BBC many may remember the story which vanished where the BBC reported on the first female Muslim council leader Arooj Shah whose car was attacked by a petrol bomb, which our far left biased media insinuated heavily was a racially or religiously motivated attack.
Two people were arrested and the media went silent about the attack. Rumour has it that the attacker both Pakistani Muslim males were the brothers of her gangster boyfriend who was hacked off about the things she had said about him trying to distance herself from the drug dealing gang member she associated with.
It gets even worse for the media though because she was defeated by a Conservative ! And a White male at that.
They were quick enough to crow from the rooftops when she was elected, they appear very reluctant to report on her fall from grace on a night when the Tories received a shellacing.
Thoughtful – labour must be wondering how the postal vote wasn’t fully fixed ? A white male Tory won the Muslims seat by 96 votes ? – or maybe the tories are getting better at cheating than labour ..
Do you notice that politicians claim about what they hear ‘on the doorstep ‘? Do any actually still knock on the door ? I don’t think so – I think they are largely reviled and are more likely to get a hostile reception than anything else .
Besides – they’d be too busy fiddling their expenses …
With interest rates up, the pound down and inflation soaring, the globalist FT suggests a possible hedge against our economic woes: ‘Yen again. Japan’s currency is a cheap haven in uncertain times‘
The Guardian’s main headline is at first factual, although soon imbued with the usual leftist appeal to authority to fix things for us: ‘Bank raises interest rates and warns inflation will hit 10%. Government urged to announce more help for stuggling households‘
Although ever-keen to bang the race drum, the Guardian is apparently either incurious or ignorant as to the main cause of our present economic woes – which of course derrives from those Lockdowns which committed delayed-action harakiri on our standard of living: ‘Covid inquiry urged to cover racial inequality‘
There’s a whole lot of urging going on in the Gruan today.
‘Why won’t they help?‘ – demands the Daily Mirror of Boris and Rishi. Because of course stuffed shirt Sir Keir’s earlier, longer and stricter Lockdowns and Angie Rayner’s opportunist shithousery would have and would now make all the bloody difference to the price of eggs.
How could anyone imagine that effectively putting half the nation on a No Day Week – literally borrowing billions to pay millions to stay away from work – would not trash the economy – that is some brand of utopianism so extreme… only early twenty-first century western liberals could believe it.
The coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper just won’t let it go: ‘True pandemic death toll nearly 15 million‘ – I guess I was just lucky, I honestly didn’t know any of them – not a single friend, neighbour, relative, work colleague, relative of a friend, neighbour of a relative orneighbour of a friend, colleague of a relative… the permutations are endless – or is that mutations?
Talking of expecting government to solve our every imaginable problem – be it health… climate… economic… and then blaming it when it fails: ‘Baby suffering in Ukraine because of Home Office red tape‘ (‘i’)– and there was me still thinking the invasion by the Russian Red Army had caused all the suffering over there.
The formerly patriotic Times today (presumably) inadvertently publishes one of those sign of the times headlines: ‘Toddlers won’t eat their veg? Serve it with a side of bribery‘ – Government nudge unit apparatchiks, SPI-B, public health quango queens and Sage members steeped in Marxism, were already thinking along those lines with Dr Spock.
‘Bribing children to eat their greens has long been a parental taboo, but now scientists have granted it the stamp of approval‘ – note the now de rigueur invocation of science and use of the word “greens” rather than the usual repeated headline “veg”. Some would say everything in the news is just a Psyop.
‘Budgie smugglers …and a big helmet‘ – exclaims the Daily Star. Don’t panic moderators, this is a weather forecast: ‘Britain to bask in 25C heat & have scorchio summer.. ..But first it’s hard hats on to save us from hail and lightning‘
So no going out during the next couple of days in my tin foil hat for the likes of me. And if that wasn’t scary enough: ‘Psycho badger rampage‘ (Daily Star) – I can’t properly descibe my assailant Officer, but he seemed to be both black and white.
Behind every successful man, there is a strong woman – or so they say. Apparently, however, in the media today behind every powerful or rich man, there is a stunner: ‘Putin’s “girlfriend” EU plans to put former gymnast on sanctions list‘ – the feminist Guardian there, contorting its principles to put a big colour pic of a pretty young woman on the frontpage.
Footballers and the Sun have no such ideological qualms – glammer pics need no western war effort plausible deniability, whether leotard lovely or bikini babe: ‘Jack swoops for Love Island striker‘ – for the uninitiated this is over-rated over-paid bad-haircut Brummie bad-boy forward Jack Grealish making a pass.
‘JACK THE LAD Instagram fan Jack Grealish looking to score with Love Island hopeful after liking beauty’s pics online… The £100million midfielder, who often shows appreciation for models’ snaps, set his sights on Turkish-born Ekin-Su Cülcüloglu‘ – oh, the sheer unmitigated romance of it all! Makes a change I suppose, usually it’s the ethnically diverse footballer hooking up with the white girl.
Careful, lads, it’s a jungle out there: ‘Woman who secretly poked holes in partner’s condoms in bid to fall pregnant is given six-month jail term for ‘stealthing’ in Germany‘ (Daily Mail) – that’s your new word of the day. They say when stuck for a word the Germans often have something suitable: zeitgeist, doppelganger, angst…
By the way: William Shakespeare is credited with the invention or introduction of over 1,700 words that are still used in English today.
Given complex interactions are not really a bbc thing, I wonder if any actually impartial media in the capital will follow the fortunes, or otherwise, of the ratepayers of Wandsworth now they are properly represented according to Angela’s Ashes of A New Form Of Democracy?
On My Side ?
Against the illegals who break into our trucks to break into the UK .?
Hold on ; Barbara Rosche , a Home Office minister down in Dover to hand out leaflets explaining the new fines lorry driver victims would have to pay when their loads were ruined by the chancers breaking into their vehicles , she says
“ I’m not here to please lorry drivers “ .
On Our Side ?!!?
Name of donor: All-Party Parliamentary China Group (with sponsorship from John Swire & Sons, HSBC, City of London, Cambridge Assessment, and Arup)
Address of donor: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Economy class flights (international and domestic) £822.51; accommodation £455.91; food and drink £163.96; meeting and hospitality expenses (inc. interpretation, venue hire) £243.56; total £1,685.94
Destination of visit: China (Beijing and Wuhan)
Dates of visit: 13–17 November 2016
Purpose of visit: To maintain and strengthen relations between the UK Parliament and the National People’s Congress of China; support British businesses operating in China; and deepen the knowledge of parliamentarians of China.
Looks like the soon to be outgoing chairman of the blue Labour Party – one Oliver Dowden wins the most inept out of context quote of the day –
‘I’ve never bought a tin of baked beans ‘ – sez olly – so I don’t know how much they cost – sez olly – ‘I don’t like baked beans sez MP .
As I write this journos are trawling his expense claims for baked bean purchases …
Oliver later said that he likes alphabetti spaghetti as he makes up rude words with the letters … ( I might be gaslighting ?/ fibbing )
When they did manage to get Zelenskyy’s speech working, he heaped praise on the PM and called him “brave Boris” directly in front of Sir Keir. This was followed by a similarly fraternal address by the PM encouraging attendees to dig deep to help fund the Ukrainian effort. Among the auction prizes – run by Christie’s – was the Ukrainian PM’s infamous khaki fleece up for sale with a starting price of £50,000 – something Boris described as a “pinch”. It ended up going for £90,000…
BBC: ‘Key London wins for Labour but slow progress elsewhere so far’ – is the click-baity and somewhat regretful tone in the latter part editorial commentary that a google serach for BBC News will get you.
BBC: ‘Key London wins for Labour but little progress elsewhere so far’ – is the second thoughts tone it down landing position. Phew, a degree of balance restored following the initial in-house reflexive exuberance.
– you can condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and still criticise the Zelensky regime ?
– not in Spain apparently – as Anatoly Shariy who had previously been granted asylum by the EU in 2012 after fleeing persecution by the government of Viktor Yanukovich, who, icymi was pro-Russian.
I don’t mind these political parties trying to win votes but why can’t they do it under a proper name that describes them instead of the names that they started with but are irrelevant now ?
Labour should not be called Labour as its not for the working class . The University Lecturers Nomenclature Party should be its name .
The Conservatives should be The Stupid Party as it’s lost it’s way .
The Liberal Democrat’s should not have Democrat in their name.
The Greens, judging by their immigration bit in the manifesto should call themselves the Monster Raving Loony Party .
Their slogans should be ,
Conservatives; chasing woke votes but will never get any .
Labour; For anyone who’s a cleverdick.
LibDims ; holier than thou .
Greens ; replacing you with someone better .
Main point round here was that after hyping up the local election for month, the MSM finally fessed up only 2 days ago
“The elections are limited and most wards in our region don’t have them”
That may be cos many people were asking for polling cards, when there was no election in their area.
The point they should have made all along is that for their to be an impact there had to be special circumstances.
ie here had to be enough wards in an election to make a difference to council control.
If you only have 10 wards in a 50 ward council, then there probably won’t be a change.
Boris Johnson two days ago “I will of course take responsibility for the local election results.
Boris Johnson today blamed ‘Covid aftershocks’ and mid term blues. When asked if he accepted responsibility for the results he said ‘of course’, although now it appears very unclear as to what accepting responsibility actually means.
Afternoon all,
A genuine question, which I’m sure one of you kind folk will answer please :-
When referring to BBC staff, who is “Wendy”? I think I’ve got most of them, but this one has me puzzled. Thanks!
I guess, Mike Wendle an American based in the World Service
ran a show called BBCtrending = “What the BBC Guardian supremacists want to be trending, whilst they ignore what is actually trending”
It seems a disinformation unit focussed against Trump supporters etc.
The progs theme was often “look over there Far-Right”
The prog became the base of Mariana Spring’s disinformation work.. as if she is Wendling’s puppet.
Sheikh Dibba & Fahim Rahman have been found guilty of indiscriminately spraying a children's park in Hackney, with a machine gun. Three people have life changing injuries.
They thought it was a rival gang they were shooting at.
It might seem to the casual observer that few outside the courts, the plods and the hospital that treated the wounded even knew about this incident… Twitter Search
Sounds like parts of Manchester + Liverpool in the 1990s where shootings barely made it into the local rags.
The Augean Stables of he public sector has a LOT to do with it.
They feed on process to the detriment of delivering – unless it serves their purpose.
Wrexham council’s lead member for children’s services has been criticised for working remotely from Central America while the department faces “significant concerns”.
Andrew Atkinson, who gets an allowance of £30,450, told the Local Democracy Reporting Service he is on a “working holiday” in Panama.
– and surprise *not* that the immigration status of the *two* machine gunners in Hackney is seemingly deemed not a topic worthy of elaboration.
I see that there’s some self censorship going on at TalkRadio from the fat tw*t Mike Graham – no mention on the BBC that I’ve seen about the Pfizer vax data release… Although there’s some pushback from cough… Reuters…
The police in the UK are politically neutral – every one treated the same .
The fact that Durham constabulary announce a ‘re investigation ‘ into beer curry gate the day after elections – on a Friday afternoon when parliament isn’t sitting – is a pure co incidence ….
How will the BBC report this ? Will starmer and growler and others there have the same treatment that the BBC gave Nut Nut ?
8am Local radio news ‘The BBC/Labour victory parade has been put on hold’
Radio Humberside News always seems to be based in the Labour Offices. so it began
“Labour say that is now up to the Liberals to deliver, here’s a clip of the Hull City Council outgoing Labour leader”
Clip “There’s no hiding place now,. We’ll now see if all the roadworks are smooth, cos the Liberals magic pixies will doing the roadworks in the middle of the night”
.. then very brief clip from the Winners the LibDem man
They then said “Grimsby : The local Tory MP says that it went as expected, as her party lost 2 seats but still kept control of the party”
..Short clip of the Tory MP
#3 ‘Nationally the LibDems have made the most gains, but only half the results are in’
#4 “A local man has won Master Chef blah blah”
#5 “McColls on the brink of collapse” seems the BBC hadn’t learnt of the rescue by Morrisons
.. “In sports”
FFS that seems a very short bulletin.. By keeping it just 3 mins they miss MOST local news.
8am Radio Lincolnshire
#1 “Labour keep control of Lincoln, as they lost one seat and gained another”
.. “So the LibDems have 2 seats, Tories 9, Labour 22”
#2 Turnout was 29% ..FFS that’s tiny
“Labour denied they should have made MORE gains due to partygate”
clip “ye, but yeh .. Partygate means the public don’t trust politicians of all parties”
#3 “Elsewhere Tories have been dealt a blow with Labour winning 3 key London councils .. ”
#4 “After the interest rate rise , local biz leaders have called for more government help”
(..Newsreader was talking inflation up saying it was guaranteed to rise 10%, I’d say, that there is scope for energy and property prices to FALL)
#5 Mariupol evacuation
#6 beach clean up ..clip (doh dogooders clean, rogues come back and throw litter)
#7 “Giving kids stickers can get them to each vegetables”
So I tried the local commercial radio
Their news was actually more professional
Why ? cos they went straight to key contexts.
#1 “Labour have made some gains, but NOT in Hull”
.. clip from LibDem winner
That clip contains the key context that the LibDems only have one more seat than Labour
#2 “National scene : Labour have made gains against the Conservatives in London, 3 councils, but not in the rest of the country”
#3 “Many Tory councillors have blamed Partygate and the Cost Of Living Crisis”
Reporter “Nationally it’s not as clearcut as in London
.. could be good for Labour in the North
.. Good night for LibDems
They’ll be questions for the PM, but unlikely they’ll be resignations”
(daft disco beat was played under the reporters words)
#4 “The Cons easily remain in charge in Grimsby, only third of seats had votes, Labour gained 1.”
#5 “Local man won Master Chef”
“Now weather”
(Their 9am news was fuller
– Included an extra LibDem voice
– Highlighted Westminster never been Labour)
– “LibDem & Green have celebrated some success
Here’s Oliver Dowden downplaying Tory losses”)
Followup 12pm news
BTW the local breakfast show host got an hour off
cos the 9-10am was changed to “Best of this weeks Kofi”
12pm Radio Humberside news : BBC are in LibDem promotion mode
#1 Lib Dems celebrate “Tories shedding plenty of seats”
Clip from LibDem leader Ed Davy “.. discredited out of rouch PM… ” (Davy projecting)
#2 Tiny bit “Local Tory MP David Davies says voters are calling for a reset ..as Tories still control NE Lincs (Grimby)
#3 ‘As for OUR beloved Labour : they lost Hull, but they took control of a number of other councils particularly In London
.. Labour MP Shabana Mahmood a national spokesman says that Labour are optimistic of winning parliamentary seats at the next election’ (… doh, bears and woods)
Plays a clip where she reels off a list of towns which happens to include Grimsby.
#4 Tescos, new plan for pig farmers.
#5 “Local House prices are up 10%” true
#6 Scunthorpe Steel is looking for apprentices
Radio Lincolnshire
#1″ The Tories have lost : string of defeats .. 120 seats and 6 councils” ..is that a lot ?
#2 Clip of new Lincoln Labour councillor ‘National politics played a part, but I am a local hero’
#3 “LibDems have made the lost gains ..up 58 seats “… landslide NOT
Clip of local libDem voter “I’m fed up of two party system”
#4 Morrisons look likely to rescue McColls
#5 Mental Health cafe to open.
#6 “Stamford new estate planning ha been criticised”
..”and now football”
..Why the hell does “news” have to include boring sport ? ..Surely true fans get it off the net .
EU officials are being sent on “inner green deal” courses, incorporating woodland walks near Brussels and meditation sessions, to boost “environmental compassion” and help with their “personal despair” in the face of “eco-anxiety.”
– oh … and psychedelic drug taking options to amplify the experience!
Yeah… you can see why they are still withholding the Jan 6th Capitol CCTV.
On the topic of the election – a candidate who’s very clearly many sandwiches short of an entire picnic, who simply didn’t campaign – wins the highest vote evah !
“On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron” – H L Mencken
Pro-abortion groups target churches for Mother’s Day protests
Organizers targeted churches for protest, claiming that ‘six extremist Catholics set out to overturn Roe’
“a video of activists appearing to disrupt a church service. “Stand at or in a local Catholic Church Sun May 8.”
“President Biden must immediately and forcibly condemn these domestic terrorist threats,” Burch declared. “Anti-Catholic zealots are plotting to intimidate and harass Catholics across the country, along with justices and their families. This country was built on freedom of speech and freedom of religion. The President of the United States must stand up for both.”
These threats follow a record number of attacks on Catholic churches, shrines, and symbols over the past two years,” the Catholic Vote president added, citing the Boulder vandalism.
Catholic Vote has urged the Department of Justice to investigate the trend of anti-Catholic vandalism, citing at least 120 instances since May 2020.
The White House on Thursday declined to encourage abortion activists to avoid protesting at justices’ private residences. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that Biden “shares” the “concern” and “horror” of those who “feel outraged” or “scared” over the leaked draft opinion.
Defiant GOP mayor whose rally was attacked by Antifa plans to take back Portland: ‘It’s not funny anymore’
On April 30, the resource-strapped Portland Police Bureau (PPB) reportedly took more than 20 minutes to respond to an emergency call after masked, black-clad members of Antifa allegedly assaulted Pulliam’s campaign event just blocks from police headquarters in downtown Portland.
By the time officers had “sufficient resources” to establish a crime scene near Southwest 3rd and Main Street, the demonstrators had already dispersed after hurling smoke grenades, paint-filled balloons and fireworks, according to police. Two were injured by “mortars,” police said.
The homeless crisis has only grown, and of course we had the 100 nights of riots after the murder of George Floyd,” he said. “And it’s just really been chaos and mayhem ever since.”
Pulliam sees Portland’s problems as symptomatic of larger cultural issues afflicting the entire country because of widespread initiatives to defund the police and go soft on criminals. He noted how he recently drove by a local mall and saw a young kid crossing the street carrying a bunch of clothes with the tags still on them.
“He didn’t have a fear in the world on his face, because he knew if I called 911, it would be at least 20 minutes until I got an operator. It would be several hours until the police arrived, and even if they did, they would write him a citation at best.”
He placed particular blame at the feet of Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt, who dropped charges against hundreds of people arrested during the 2020 protests in Portland for offenses that included interfering with cops, disorderly conduct, criminal trespass and rioting. Schmidt also made it more difficult to prosecute assaults on police officers.
And yet what happened to the Capitol Hill protestors ?
Gleefully reported in the Guardian:
“Capitol rioters hit with severe sentences and sharp reprimands from judges”
“The longest sentence so far was handed down to a Florida man who threw a wooden plank and fire extinguisher at police officers during the riots. On 17 December, Judge Tanya Chutkan sentenced Robert Palmer to 63 months of jail ”
as I’ve heard it – there’s claims some retained CCTV footage around the Capitol on Jan 6th where there’s some overenthusiastic policing going on – just mebbe not even from actual Capitol police that *might* have precipitated a fatality.
– that’s conspiracy theory territory … (conversion rate over the last year has been rather high?)
– you’d think that any evidence of the claimed insurrection would be grist to the mill “they” are putting a lot of folk through?
It beer/curry gate turns out to be as big or bigger than the number 10 garden things – I wonder how Starmer and co didn’t ‘ease off on the resignation demands …. Or maybe they felt as entitled as the other side …. Or ignorant of the laws they voted through…
Really something how low politics is going ….
Meanwhile – the yanks are boasting about helping out Ukraine kill generals and sink ships – ….. in the run up the the anniversary of victory over the nazis … As Tucker Carlson says – are they trying for a bigger war ?
@Flotsam the police statement makes it clear that they deliberately withheld the info “following the conclusion of the pre-election period, we can confirm that an investigation into potential breaches of Covid-19 regulations relating to this gathering is now being conducted”
BTW Martin Evans released the news at 12:44pm
It took BBCbreaking more than 1 hour to get around to tweeting.
Fed’s 8:20am prediction above
“Will the Durham plod announce the curry gate investigation today ? Or bury it …”
‘The anti-Western revisionists have been out in force in recent years. It is high time that we revise them in turn…’
In The War on the West, international bestselling author Douglas Murray asks: if the history of humankind is one of slavery, conquest, prejudice, genocide and exploitation, why are only Western nations taking the blame for it?
It’s become perfectly acceptable to celebrate the contributions of non-Western cultures, but discussing their flaws and crimes is called hate speech. What’s more it has become acceptable to discuss the flaws and crimes of Western culture, but celebrating their contributions is also called hate speech. Some of this is a much-needed reckoning; however, some is part of a larger international attack on reason, democracy, science, progress and the citizens of the West by dishonest scholars, hatemongers, hostile nations and human-rights abusers hoping to distract from their ongoing villainy.
In The War on the West, Douglas Murray shows the ways in which many well-meaning people have been lured into polarisation by lies, and shows how far the world’s most crucial political debates have been hijacked across Europe and America. Propelled by an incisive deconstruction of inconsistent arguments and hypocritical activism, The War on the West is an essential and urgent polemic that cements Murray’s status as one of the world’s foremost political writers.
TWatO watch #1 – Q: When is a work ‘event’ not a work ‘event’ but is instead a Party?
A: When it is in No.10 Downing Street. That is according to our possible – Conservatives massively losing and LimpUnDems permitting – future Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, after the next General Election. A trained lawyer, if I recall correctly. You could not make it up but it actually happened on air on BBC R4.
Unfortunately the Durham Police have found a hole in Sir Keir Starmer’s story and are looking into it.
A petition I almost signed as I mistakenly thought it was a call to abolish the Licence Fee. But it is in support of the Licence Fee.
Be warned.
Next week the government is expected to announce the scrapping of the BBC licence fee during the Queen’s speech. Stephen is campaigning to stop this from happening, saying “the BBC as we know it will be destroyed and only accessible to those who can afford it”.
140,000 people have signed Stephen’s petition – will you sign to add your name today?
Save the BBC: oppose the abolition of the license fee
148,122 have signed Stephen Regan’s petition. Let’s get to 150,000!
The BBC are saying the Liberal Democrats have gained 79 seats.
Is this the same Liberal ‘Democrats’ that said at the last election. We don’t care what you voted in the Brexit Referendum, if we win we’re taking you back into the EU.
Ben Irvine’s video say that the teachers’ unions caused the lockdowns.
And that their threat to strike caused the sudden discovery of a new variant
and the sudden third lockdown.
.. https://youtu.be/U1v2zeAvG6M
He says that after first inviting him on GBNews seem to be back pedalling
Smarmer’s on TV crowing about what a great turnaround the local elections are.
I think not. They are actually woefully poor for an opposition(?) in a mid term election. I think living in the bubble is distorting his judgement.
Agree. When you consider that the MSM have been battering away at Partygate for six long months on their behalf these results are pretty poor. I think that Labour and the MSM were trying to do the same job on Boris that their trans Atlantic cousins did on Trump , but they failed. Perhaps us Brits are less credulous than Americans , or having seen the game played before we just didn’t fall for it.
Either way I think we can conclude that the MSM is less powerfully persuasive than it imagined it was.
Double – I think as likely – the voting system hasn’t been generally corrupted here as much as in the US- I’m sure Red labour and the liberals will be working on it – Scotland – of course is fully owned by krankie
Looks like the blue labour losses will be around 300 seats – in the run up there was much prediction of 500 to 800 losses ….
I’m quite surprised that the blue labour types were not punished more for mismanaging the economy – energy – inflation control – military reductions – energy dependency – swamp corruption – green crap ….
But any alternative, Lab / Lib Dems is going to be even worse than the present pinky Tories. I voted Tory yesterday even more on the basis of stopping the others rather than for the Tories , than I usually do. Since 1979 I have only voted Tory but since the early 90’s it has largely been to stop the others rather than because I thought the Tory would implement policies which I thought were good or necessary.
Fancy that. A stock photo has been deliberately manipulated (badly).
What is the motivation?
One might suspect it was done by a supporter of demographic replacement.
They never seem to do it with hands holding knives.
ITV local news, reporters are on drugs drugs as they pretend the elections were exciting.
Then they put up a graph
Labour always had way more seats than the Tories
In the entire extended region the Tories have lost 12 seats meanwhile Labour gained 4
BBCLabourLondon in heaven at the ‘local’ election results in Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Jamaica, Ethiopia, ……..errr I mean London.
But tucked into the final sentence of Rizla Teeth’s gleeful intro………the Tories have gained Harrow.
How dare they?
I have avoided tv and radio most of the day, getting info from either Guido or the Daily Mail (I know). I gave in around 10 past 6 and switched on BBC1 in time to see a summary where she highlighted gains by Labour and Lib Dem’s. There were no mention of the Conservatives in Nuneaton or Edmonton. There was constant reference to the dreadful night for the Conservatives, them being punished, getting a kicking etc. There weren’t the 500 -800 losses that had been predicted.
I know somebody standing in these elections and thought I would have a look if they had got in and by how much. I am not so interested that I am making up a postcode, but actual number of votes seems very hard to find on the internet.
Seemed to be an extremely disorienting soundscape – definitely unpleasant listening at times. Not so much a drama but a crisis. How many young people actually listen to BBC R4 Drama? You will not catch young listeners, BBC, and the older ones may well switch off and go sit in the sunshine or potter around in the garden.
I spot 7 promo tweets
2 from the New Statesman
That say the topic is “eco-angst” A very left wing topic
Very few Likes
One bloke did tweet he loved the show.
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GlONESyXsAAbWQL?format=jpg&name=small[/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Today watch
I detect a sense of gloom at the BBC Labour Today programme . I have to admit that I am surprised that Labour has not done a lot better – although it’s early days .
The propaganda onslaught against nut nut and recent self inflicted swamp wounds by the blue Labour Party might expect a rout ….
London doesn’t count because of the levels of voting corruption I’d expect all 32 boroughs to be far left run by third worlders with their hands in the taxpayers’ till .
I get depressed on the day after votes – politicians of all shades telling lie after lie about how well they did – and expect listeners to believe them ..
Fed, I disagree. I detected a note of glee in the voices of Comrade Robinson and, even more so, in the voice of Comrade Husain.
I guess I put the bar too high or low or something ….
… there seems a change in the Today output … it used to be ‘current affairs ‘ – but now it is going ‘ social studies ‘ such as ‘400 word essays ‘ from punters about ‘life experience ‘ ….
.. could it be that there are so many ‘dodgy ‘ subjects that it can’t broadcast enough material ( eg – Biden can’t be mentioned because of his dementia ) ….
In the end I didn’t vote, I just couldn’t. I wanted to…
I obediently trotted across the road to the polling station and would willingly have put my cross next to almost any candidate, apart from the usual, useless spineless, stand for nothing suspects. But there weren’t any…
There was no one from Reform or Reclaim and not even The Monster Raving Loony Party offered us a candidate. It was the usual batch of crap, Conservative, Labour, Lib-Dem or Green. No thanks…
British politics needs a massive shake up. It’s in a state of perennial decline. Yes okay, the Tories might be slightly less awful than Labour and not quite as insipid as the Lib Dems and not nearly as Marxist as the greens, but…
I’m just not playing the game of voting for X because he’s not quite as ghastly as Y.
I do postal voting – but my vote in London is always wasted because it’s a welfare dependent third world red labour Muslim swamp … but I like to encourage any Right Wing party …..
…. Will the Durham plod announce the curry gate investigation today ? Or bury it …
Elsewhere – an interesting constitutional story in the Telegraph . It’s about privy councillors – apparently there are now 700 of them – they are all due to turn up on the day after the monarch dies to do some nonsense with the new one – in this case charles the adulterer .
Anyway – it has been announced that only 200 will be invited – the likes of Corbyn – Diane Abbot and similar can stay at home – but scum growler gate still gets an invitation .
Explore the significance of the, ‘Spoilt Ballot’ which is, numerically counted. A slow increase here would send a message.
Yes, that’s what I did. I wrote something akin to “They’re all hopeless” and then popped it in the ballot box.
I’m not voting for any of the main stream parties.
We need some real choices…
The fact is that Boris is going to lose the next General Election to Labour by a similar landlide to that of John Major to Tony BLiar, and we all know the damage that did to Britain.
The party of cowards tonight are basking in the joy of their cowardice and inability to remove from office someone who started off promising – because Cummings kept his nose to the grindstone, and then reverted to type – Socialist Green and party loving when he allowed his Islington leftie wife to control him.
Now if they don’t manage to screw what little courage they have to the sticking place and remove the clown Labour will continue to clear them out of power, and all the yellow fools are going to be able to do is watch a cry into their ever so tendy vegan soup.
Seems a given.
But interesting here in the shires.
As noted above, the local bbc does its best but can only sway opinion by banning anything that they can’t control.
However they worked well with the Limps and Greens locally to ram the council with protest voted idiots last time. Mostly middle aged single issue ladies of brain cell.
The results have been… as expected.
But they may have peaked too early.
Council taxes are soaring and all that gets publicised is the road to net zero in the city which, where comments are allowed, is failing to resonate with actual voters who work.
Westminster Council election (apologies to Stanley Kubrick)
“I’m Mohammed”
“No ! I’m Mohammed”
“And me ! and my six kids, two wives and the dog”
“…and the gerbil”
The days of the guy on the right are limited.
Still, all the girls in the cubicle gardens in their £2m homes at Wandsworth Common en route to W1A will be ecstatic at how they speak for the nation.
Meanwhile in Washington East, the bbc gets excited about a person getting a job.
BBC News
President Biden has named Karine Jean-Pierre as his new top spokesperson – the first time a black, or openly gay, person has held the role.
But a ginger was first. Sources growl.
They must be due a non English speaker – or someone mute / deaf to take on the important role of ‘interpreting ‘what Biden didn’t say …
… I see the new coloured girl used to work for Obama – and still does …..
Have they got a day job at a Holiday Camp ?
EU’s Russia oil ban in jeopardy as Hungary rejects sanction as ‘atomic bomb’ for economy “reports” msn
The bBC won’t be pleased
Van der Leyden spoke about this and said it wasn’t going to be possible for landlocked Eastern EU countries to be free from Russian energy dependence and that they were excused from the same sanction requirements for the time being.
And just to remind all here, the woke idiots that are labouring (see what I did there) under the illusion that the green party are the party of woods and trees and fluffy bunnies and contributed to their ascendancy yesterday: Please note from their manifesto:
MG103 The Green Party recognises the contributions made by many migrants to their recipient area or community. We value the cultural diversity and intercultural awareness resulting from both temporary residence and migration.
(rape assault and murder for example ?)
MG203 Richer regions and communities do not have the right to use migration controls to protect their privileges from others in the long term
MG205 Migration policies should not discriminate directly on grounds of race, colour, religion, political belief, disability, sex or sexual orientation. Preference should not be given to those with resources or desirable skills.
MG300 We will work to achieve greater equity between the UK and non-Western countries. In step with this, we will progressively reduce UK immigration controls.
MG400 We will replace existing British Immigration law with an Immigration law which does not discriminate directly on the grounds listed above (see MG205). This law will be based on the principle of fair and prompt treatment of applicants rather than on excluding dishonest applicants whatever the cost to the honest ones.
MG401 We will allow the partners, prospective partners, immediate families and prospective families of British residents to join them without excessive delays or unreasonable requirements for proof of relationship. This will be independent of the financial status of the resident and will not be dependent on her/him providing accommodation.
MG404 Migrants illegally in the UK for over five years will be allowed to remain unless they pose a serious danger to public safety.
MG412 No prospective immigrant will be held in detention for migration-related reasons
MG414 Transport providers must not be penalised for bringing people without the required visas, etc. to the UK.
We will encourage greater ethnic minority participation in the Immigration Service.
MG420 We will resist all attempts to introduce a ‘barrier round Europe’ shutting out non-Europeans or giving them more restricted rights of movement within Europe than European Nationals.
MG442 The Green Party will recognise the contribution of migrants and people of colour to the UK by making the 1st Monday on or after 22nd June, Windrush Day, a public holiday.
LMAO bet they won’t be telling you this one on the BBC many may remember the story which vanished where the BBC reported on the first female Muslim council leader Arooj Shah whose car was attacked by a petrol bomb, which our far left biased media insinuated heavily was a racially or religiously motivated attack.
Two people were arrested and the media went silent about the attack. Rumour has it that the attacker both Pakistani Muslim males were the brothers of her gangster boyfriend who was hacked off about the things she had said about him trying to distance herself from the drug dealing gang member she associated with.
It gets even worse for the media though because she was defeated by a Conservative ! And a White male at that.
They were quick enough to crow from the rooftops when she was elected, they appear very reluctant to report on her fall from grace on a night when the Tories received a shellacing.
Thoughtful – labour must be wondering how the postal vote wasn’t fully fixed ? A white male Tory won the Muslims seat by 96 votes ? – or maybe the tories are getting better at cheating than labour ..
Or maybe they were so hacked off at her that even the postal voting fraud wasn’t enough to keep her in power.
Do you notice that politicians claim about what they hear ‘on the doorstep ‘? Do any actually still knock on the door ? I don’t think so – I think they are largely reviled and are more likely to get a hostile reception than anything else .
Besides – they’d be too busy fiddling their expenses …
London media for Londoners.
^^ “Hmm…this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.”
With interest rates up, the pound down and inflation soaring, the globalist FT suggests a possible hedge against our economic woes: ‘Yen again. Japan’s currency is a cheap haven in uncertain times‘
The Guardian’s main headline is at first factual, although soon imbued with the usual leftist appeal to authority to fix things for us: ‘Bank raises interest rates and warns inflation will hit 10%. Government urged to announce more help for stuggling households‘
Although ever-keen to bang the race drum, the Guardian is apparently either incurious or ignorant as to the main cause of our present economic woes – which of course derrives from those Lockdowns which committed delayed-action harakiri on our standard of living: ‘Covid inquiry urged to cover racial inequality‘
There’s a whole lot of urging going on in the Gruan today.
‘Why won’t they help?‘ – demands the Daily Mirror of Boris and Rishi. Because of course stuffed shirt Sir Keir’s earlier, longer and stricter Lockdowns and Angie Rayner’s opportunist shithousery would have and would now make all the bloody difference to the price of eggs.
How could anyone imagine that effectively putting half the nation on a No Day Week – literally borrowing billions to pay millions to stay away from work – would not trash the economy – that is some brand of utopianism so extreme… only early twenty-first century western liberals could believe it.
The coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper just won’t let it go: ‘True pandemic death toll nearly 15 million‘ – I guess I was just lucky, I honestly didn’t know any of them – not a single friend, neighbour, relative, work colleague, relative of a friend, neighbour of a relative orneighbour of a friend, colleague of a relative… the permutations are endless – or is that mutations?
Talking of expecting government to solve our every imaginable problem – be it health… climate… economic… and then blaming it when it fails: ‘Baby suffering in Ukraine because of Home Office red tape‘ (‘i’)– and there was me still thinking the invasion by the Russian Red Army had caused all the suffering over there.
The formerly patriotic Times today (presumably) inadvertently publishes one of those sign of the times headlines: ‘Toddlers won’t eat their veg? Serve it with a side of bribery‘ – Government nudge unit apparatchiks, SPI-B, public health quango queens and Sage members steeped in Marxism, were already thinking along those lines with Dr Spock.
‘Bribing children to eat their greens has long been a parental taboo, but now scientists have granted it the stamp of approval‘ – note the now de rigueur invocation of science and use of the word “greens” rather than the usual repeated headline “veg”. Some would say everything in the news is just a Psyop.
‘Budgie smugglers …and a big helmet‘ – exclaims the Daily Star. Don’t panic moderators, this is a weather forecast: ‘Britain to bask in 25C heat & have scorchio summer.. ..But first it’s hard hats on to save us from hail and lightning‘
So no going out during the next couple of days in my tin foil hat for the likes of me. And if that wasn’t scary enough: ‘Psycho badger rampage‘ (Daily Star) – I can’t properly descibe my assailant Officer, but he seemed to be both black and white.
Behind every successful man, there is a strong woman – or so they say. Apparently, however, in the media today behind every powerful or rich man, there is a stunner: ‘Putin’s “girlfriend” EU plans to put former gymnast on sanctions list‘ – the feminist Guardian there, contorting its principles to put a big colour pic of a pretty young woman on the frontpage.
Footballers and the Sun have no such ideological qualms – glammer pics need no western war effort plausible deniability, whether leotard lovely or bikini babe: ‘Jack swoops for Love Island striker‘ – for the uninitiated this is over-rated over-paid bad-haircut Brummie bad-boy forward Jack Grealish making a pass.
‘JACK THE LAD Instagram fan Jack Grealish looking to score with Love Island hopeful after liking beauty’s pics online… The £100million midfielder, who often shows appreciation for models’ snaps, set his sights on Turkish-born Ekin-Su Cülcüloglu‘ – oh, the sheer unmitigated romance of it all! Makes a change I suppose, usually it’s the ethnically diverse footballer hooking up with the white girl.
Careful, lads, it’s a jungle out there: ‘Woman who secretly poked holes in partner’s condoms in bid to fall pregnant is given six-month jail term for ‘stealthing’ in Germany‘ (Daily Mail) – that’s your new word of the day. They say when stuck for a word the Germans often have something suitable: zeitgeist, doppelganger, angst…
By the way: William Shakespeare is credited with the invention or introduction of over 1,700 words that are still used in English today.
Given complex interactions are not really a bbc thing, I wonder if any actually impartial media in the capital will follow the fortunes, or otherwise, of the ratepayers of Wandsworth now they are properly represented according to Angela’s Ashes of A New Form Of Democracy?
Re Germans they have provided many and more accurate phrases for the motoring community:
Motorway Services – DER HEIWAY ROBBERUNG
BBC ‘holding to account’ now on a pause?
Relax ….
Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing.
On My Side ?
Against the illegals who break into our trucks to break into the UK .?
Hold on ; Barbara Rosche , a Home Office minister down in Dover to hand out leaflets explaining the new fines lorry driver victims would have to pay when their loads were ruined by the chancers breaking into their vehicles , she says
“ I’m not here to please lorry drivers “ .
On Our Side ?!!?
Name of donor: All-Party Parliamentary China Group (with sponsorship from John Swire & Sons, HSBC, City of London, Cambridge Assessment, and Arup)
Address of donor: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Economy class flights (international and domestic) £822.51; accommodation £455.91; food and drink £163.96; meeting and hospitality expenses (inc. interpretation, venue hire) £243.56; total £1,685.94
Destination of visit: China (Beijing and Wuhan)
Dates of visit: 13–17 November 2016
Purpose of visit: To maintain and strengthen relations between the UK Parliament and the National People’s Congress of China; support British businesses operating in China; and deepen the knowledge of parliamentarians of China.
(Registered 29 November 2016)
Looks like the soon to be outgoing chairman of the blue Labour Party – one Oliver Dowden wins the most inept out of context quote of the day –
‘I’ve never bought a tin of baked beans ‘ – sez olly – so I don’t know how much they cost – sez olly – ‘I don’t like baked beans sez MP .
As I write this journos are trawling his expense claims for baked bean purchases …
Oliver later said that he likes alphabetti spaghetti as he makes up rude words with the letters … ( I might be gaslighting ?/ fibbing )
50p a tin in Costco at the moment, but you do have to buy a tray of 24
You will not be able to heat your home …
When they did manage to get Zelenskyy’s speech working, he heaped praise on the PM and called him “brave Boris” directly in front of Sir Keir. This was followed by a similarly fraternal address by the PM encouraging attendees to dig deep to help fund the Ukrainian effort. Among the auction prizes – run by Christie’s – was the Ukrainian PM’s infamous khaki fleece up for sale with a starting price of £50,000 – something Boris described as a “pinch”. It ended up going for £90,000…
BBC: ‘Key London wins for Labour but slow progress elsewhere so far’ – is the click-baity and somewhat regretful tone in the latter part editorial commentary that a google serach for BBC News will get you.
BBC: ‘Key London wins for Labour but little progress elsewhere so far’ – is the second thoughts tone it down landing position. Phew, a degree of balance restored following the initial in-house reflexive exuberance.
– you can condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and still criticise the Zelensky regime ?
– not in Spain apparently – as Anatoly Shariy who had previously been granted asylum by the EU in 2012 after fleeing persecution by the government of Viktor Yanukovich, who, icymi was pro-Russian.
I don’t mind these political parties trying to win votes but why can’t they do it under a proper name that describes them instead of the names that they started with but are irrelevant now ?
Labour should not be called Labour as its not for the working class . The University Lecturers Nomenclature Party should be its name .
The Conservatives should be The Stupid Party as it’s lost it’s way .
The Liberal Democrat’s should not have Democrat in their name.
The Greens, judging by their immigration bit in the manifesto should call themselves the Monster Raving Loony Party .
Their slogans should be ,
Conservatives; chasing woke votes but will never get any .
Labour; For anyone who’s a cleverdick.
LibDims ; holier than thou .
Greens ; replacing you with someone better .
Let’s have more honesty in politics .
Main point round here was that after hyping up the local election for month, the MSM finally fessed up only 2 days ago
“The elections are limited and most wards in our region don’t have them”
That may be cos many people were asking for polling cards, when there was no election in their area.
The point they should have made all along is that for their to be an impact there had to be special circumstances.
ie here had to be enough wards in an election to make a difference to council control.
If you only have 10 wards in a 50 ward council, then there probably won’t be a change.
Vale councillor stole £150,000 from elderly woman
A councillor from Oxfordshire has been found guilty of stealing more than £150,000 from a 92-year-old woman who has since died.
John Morgan, a Conservative Vale of White Horse district councillor, stole the cash from Beryl Gittens, who lived in Berkshire, between 2004 and 2012.
Morgan, 74, of Highclere Gardens, Wantage, denied theft, claiming he had acted according to Mrs Gittens’ wishes.
Boris Johnson two days ago “I will of course take responsibility for the local election results.
Boris Johnson today blamed ‘Covid aftershocks’ and mid term blues. When asked if he accepted responsibility for the results he said ‘of course’, although now it appears very unclear as to what accepting responsibility actually means.
Afternoon all,
A genuine question, which I’m sure one of you kind folk will answer please :-
When referring to BBC staff, who is “Wendy”? I think I’ve got most of them, but this one has me puzzled. Thanks!
I guess, Mike Wendle an American based in the World Service
ran a show called BBCtrending = “What the BBC Guardian supremacists want to be trending, whilst they ignore what is actually trending”
It seems a disinformation unit focussed against Trump supporters etc.
The progs theme was often “look over there Far-Right”
The prog became the base of Mariana Spring’s disinformation work.. as if she is Wendling’s puppet.
Did / have the BBC covered this?
seems not?
The question is why haven’t these two been deported ? The government absolutely can deport them, but appears to be refusing to do so.
It might seem to the casual observer that few outside the courts, the plods and the hospital that treated the wounded even knew about this incident… Twitter Search
Sounds like parts of Manchester + Liverpool in the 1990s where shootings barely made it into the local rags.
The Augean Stables of he public sector has a LOT to do with it.
They feed on process to the detriment of delivering – unless it serves their purpose.
Sandhurst and the Sheikhs
The Web Sheikh and the Muslim Mums
Wrexham councillor defends Panama ‘working holiday’
Published5 July 2021
Wrexham council’s lead member for children’s services has been criticised for working remotely from Central America while the department faces “significant concerns”.
Andrew Atkinson, who gets an allowance of £30,450, told the Local Democracy Reporting Service he is on a “working holiday” in Panama.
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer will be investigated by Durham police over “beergate”
– and surprise *not* that the immigration status of the *two* machine gunners in Hackney is seemingly deemed not a topic worthy of elaboration.
I see that there’s some self censorship going on at TalkRadio from the fat tw*t Mike Graham – no mention on the BBC that I’ve seen about the Pfizer vax data release… Although there’s some pushback from cough… Reuters…
The police in the UK are politically neutral – every one treated the same .
The fact that Durham constabulary announce a ‘re investigation ‘ into beer curry gate the day after elections – on a Friday afternoon when parliament isn’t sitting – is a pure co incidence ….
How will the BBC report this ? Will starmer and growler and others there have the same treatment that the BBC gave Nut Nut ?
Breaking on BBC
Durham Police to investigate whether Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer broke lockdown rules when he drank beer in an MP’s office last year
This breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly. Please refresh the page for the fullest version.
You can receive Breaking News on a smartphone or tablet via the BBC News App. You can also follow @BBCBreaking on Twitter to get the latest alerts.
8am Local radio news ‘The BBC/Labour victory parade has been put on hold’
Radio Humberside News always seems to be based in the Labour Offices. so it began
“Labour say that is now up to the Liberals to deliver, here’s a clip of the Hull City Council outgoing Labour leader”
Clip “There’s no hiding place now,. We’ll now see if all the roadworks are smooth, cos the Liberals magic pixies will doing the roadworks in the middle of the night”
.. then very brief clip from the Winners the LibDem man
They then said “Grimsby : The local Tory MP says that it went as expected, as her party lost 2 seats but still kept control of the party”
..Short clip of the Tory MP
#3 ‘Nationally the LibDems have made the most gains, but only half the results are in’
#4 “A local man has won Master Chef blah blah”
#5 “McColls on the brink of collapse” seems the BBC hadn’t learnt of the rescue by Morrisons
.. “In sports”
FFS that seems a very short bulletin.. By keeping it just 3 mins they miss MOST local news.
8am Radio Lincolnshire
#1 “Labour keep control of Lincoln, as they lost one seat and gained another”
.. “So the LibDems have 2 seats, Tories 9, Labour 22”
#2 Turnout was 29% ..FFS that’s tiny
“Labour denied they should have made MORE gains due to partygate”
clip “ye, but yeh .. Partygate means the public don’t trust politicians of all parties”
#3 “Elsewhere Tories have been dealt a blow with Labour winning 3 key London councils .. ”
#4 “After the interest rate rise , local biz leaders have called for more government help”
(..Newsreader was talking inflation up saying it was guaranteed to rise 10%, I’d say, that there is scope for energy and property prices to FALL)
#5 Mariupol evacuation
#6 beach clean up ..clip (doh dogooders clean, rogues come back and throw litter)
#7 “Giving kids stickers can get them to each vegetables”
So I tried the local commercial radio
Their news was actually more professional
Why ? cos they went straight to key contexts.
#1 “Labour have made some gains, but NOT in Hull”
.. clip from LibDem winner
That clip contains the key context that the LibDems only have one more seat than Labour
#2 “National scene : Labour have made gains against the Conservatives in London, 3 councils, but not in the rest of the country”
#3 “Many Tory councillors have blamed Partygate and the Cost Of Living Crisis”
Reporter “Nationally it’s not as clearcut as in London
.. could be good for Labour in the North
.. Good night for LibDems
They’ll be questions for the PM, but unlikely they’ll be resignations”
(daft disco beat was played under the reporters words)
#4 “The Cons easily remain in charge in Grimsby, only third of seats had votes, Labour gained 1.”
#5 “Local man won Master Chef”
“Now weather”
(Their 9am news was fuller
– Included an extra LibDem voice
– Highlighted Westminster never been Labour)
– “LibDem & Green have celebrated some success
Here’s Oliver Dowden downplaying Tory losses”)
Followup 12pm news
BTW the local breakfast show host got an hour off
cos the 9-10am was changed to “Best of this weeks Kofi”
12pm Radio Humberside news : BBC are in LibDem promotion mode
#1 Lib Dems celebrate “Tories shedding plenty of seats”
Clip from LibDem leader Ed Davy “.. discredited out of rouch PM… ” (Davy projecting)
#2 Tiny bit “Local Tory MP David Davies says voters are calling for a reset ..as Tories still control NE Lincs (Grimby)
#3 ‘As for OUR beloved Labour : they lost Hull, but they took control of a number of other councils particularly In London
.. Labour MP Shabana Mahmood a national spokesman says that Labour are optimistic of winning parliamentary seats at the next election’ (… doh, bears and woods)
Plays a clip where she reels off a list of towns which happens to include Grimsby.
#4 Tescos, new plan for pig farmers.
#5 “Local House prices are up 10%” true
#6 Scunthorpe Steel is looking for apprentices
Radio Lincolnshire
#1″ The Tories have lost : string of defeats .. 120 seats and 6 councils” ..is that a lot ?
#2 Clip of new Lincoln Labour councillor ‘National politics played a part, but I am a local hero’
#3 “LibDems have made the lost gains ..up 58 seats “… landslide NOT
Clip of local libDem voter “I’m fed up of two party system”
#4 Morrisons look likely to rescue McColls
#5 Mental Health cafe to open.
#6 “Stamford new estate planning ha been criticised”
..”and now football”
..Why the hell does “news” have to include boring sport ? ..Surely true fans get it off the net .
Apols for random posting in advance!
– oh … and psychedelic drug taking options to amplify the experience!
There’s an investment opportunity in there.
Reminds me of those British burglars that used GPS to get to their burglaries…
Tomo – it never happened – no questions – no feds investigating – look squirrels ….
Yeah… you can see why they are still withholding the Jan 6th Capitol CCTV.
On the topic of the election – a candidate who’s very clearly many sandwiches short of an entire picnic, who simply didn’t campaign – wins the highest vote evah !
I see 2000mules is getting the treatment
“On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron” – H L Mencken
Hmmmm… hate crime being planned here ?
Not a victim if you are a Christian it seems:
Pro-abortion groups target churches for Mother’s Day protests
Organizers targeted churches for protest, claiming that ‘six extremist Catholics set out to overturn Roe’
“a video of activists appearing to disrupt a church service. “Stand at or in a local Catholic Church Sun May 8.”
“President Biden must immediately and forcibly condemn these domestic terrorist threats,” Burch declared. “Anti-Catholic zealots are plotting to intimidate and harass Catholics across the country, along with justices and their families. This country was built on freedom of speech and freedom of religion. The President of the United States must stand up for both.”
These threats follow a record number of attacks on Catholic churches, shrines, and symbols over the past two years,” the Catholic Vote president added, citing the Boulder vandalism.
Catholic Vote has urged the Department of Justice to investigate the trend of anti-Catholic vandalism, citing at least 120 instances since May 2020.
And the response ?
The White House on Thursday declined to encourage abortion activists to avoid protesting at justices’ private residences. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that Biden “shares” the “concern” and “horror” of those who “feel outraged” or “scared” over the leaked draft opinion.
Defiant GOP mayor whose rally was attacked by Antifa plans to take back Portland: ‘It’s not funny anymore’
On April 30, the resource-strapped Portland Police Bureau (PPB) reportedly took more than 20 minutes to respond to an emergency call after masked, black-clad members of Antifa allegedly assaulted Pulliam’s campaign event just blocks from police headquarters in downtown Portland.
By the time officers had “sufficient resources” to establish a crime scene near Southwest 3rd and Main Street, the demonstrators had already dispersed after hurling smoke grenades, paint-filled balloons and fireworks, according to police. Two were injured by “mortars,” police said.
The homeless crisis has only grown, and of course we had the 100 nights of riots after the murder of George Floyd,” he said. “And it’s just really been chaos and mayhem ever since.”
Pulliam sees Portland’s problems as symptomatic of larger cultural issues afflicting the entire country because of widespread initiatives to defund the police and go soft on criminals. He noted how he recently drove by a local mall and saw a young kid crossing the street carrying a bunch of clothes with the tags still on them.
“He didn’t have a fear in the world on his face, because he knew if I called 911, it would be at least 20 minutes until I got an operator. It would be several hours until the police arrived, and even if they did, they would write him a citation at best.”
He placed particular blame at the feet of Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt, who dropped charges against hundreds of people arrested during the 2020 protests in Portland for offenses that included interfering with cops, disorderly conduct, criminal trespass and rioting. Schmidt also made it more difficult to prosecute assaults on police officers.
And yet what happened to the Capitol Hill protestors ?
Gleefully reported in the Guardian:
“Capitol rioters hit with severe sentences and sharp reprimands from judges”
“The longest sentence so far was handed down to a Florida man who threw a wooden plank and fire extinguisher at police officers during the riots. On 17 December, Judge Tanya Chutkan sentenced Robert Palmer to 63 months of jail ”
as I’ve heard it – there’s claims some retained CCTV footage around the Capitol on Jan 6th where there’s some overenthusiastic policing going on – just mebbe not even from actual Capitol police that *might* have precipitated a fatality.
– that’s conspiracy theory territory … (conversion rate over the last year has been rather high?)
– you’d think that any evidence of the claimed insurrection would be grist to the mill “they” are putting a lot of folk through?
Ray Epps is an interesting bloke
The lawyers for Jan 6th insurrectionists / incarcerated peeps are upping the ante
Call a politician a Nazi – get a sentence.
Politicians call citizens racist – nothing.
It beer/curry gate turns out to be as big or bigger than the number 10 garden things – I wonder how Starmer and co didn’t ‘ease off on the resignation demands …. Or maybe they felt as entitled as the other side …. Or ignorant of the laws they voted through…
Really something how low politics is going ….
Meanwhile – the yanks are boasting about helping out Ukraine kill generals and sink ships – ….. in the run up the the anniversary of victory over the nazis … As Tucker Carlson says – are they trying for a bigger war ?
Strange(!) that the investigation into Starmer’s Beergate should be announced the day after the elections.
@Flotsam the police statement makes it clear that they deliberately withheld the info
“following the conclusion of the pre-election period, we can confirm that an investigation into potential breaches of Covid-19 regulations relating to this gathering is now being conducted”
BTW Martin Evans released the news at 12:44pm
It took BBCbreaking more than 1 hour to get around to tweeting.
Fed’s 8:20am prediction above
“Will the Durham plod announce the curry gate investigation today ? Or bury it …”
‘The anti-Western revisionists have been out in force in recent years. It is high time that we revise them in turn…’
In The War on the West, international bestselling author Douglas Murray asks: if the history of humankind is one of slavery, conquest, prejudice, genocide and exploitation, why are only Western nations taking the blame for it?
It’s become perfectly acceptable to celebrate the contributions of non-Western cultures, but discussing their flaws and crimes is called hate speech. What’s more it has become acceptable to discuss the flaws and crimes of Western culture, but celebrating their contributions is also called hate speech. Some of this is a much-needed reckoning; however, some is part of a larger international attack on reason, democracy, science, progress and the citizens of the West by dishonest scholars, hatemongers, hostile nations and human-rights abusers hoping to distract from their ongoing villainy.
In The War on the West, Douglas Murray shows the ways in which many well-meaning people have been lured into polarisation by lies, and shows how far the world’s most crucial political debates have been hijacked across Europe and America. Propelled by an incisive deconstruction of inconsistent arguments and hypocritical activism, The War on the West is an essential and urgent polemic that cements Murray’s status as one of the world’s foremost political writers.
TWatO watch #1 – Q: When is a work ‘event’ not a work ‘event’ but is instead a Party?
A: When it is in No.10 Downing Street. That is according to our possible – Conservatives massively losing and LimpUnDems permitting – future Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, after the next General Election. A trained lawyer, if I recall correctly. You could not make it up but it actually happened on air on BBC R4.
Unfortunately the Durham Police have found a hole in Sir Keir Starmer’s story and are looking into it.
A petition I almost signed as I mistakenly thought it was a call to abolish the Licence Fee. But it is in support of the Licence Fee.
Be warned.
Next week the government is expected to announce the scrapping of the BBC licence fee during the Queen’s speech. Stephen is campaigning to stop this from happening, saying “the BBC as we know it will be destroyed and only accessible to those who can afford it”.
140,000 people have signed Stephen’s petition – will you sign to add your name today?
Save the BBC: oppose the abolition of the license fee
148,122 have signed Stephen Regan’s petition. Let’s get to 150,000!
The BBC are saying the Liberal Democrats have gained 79 seats.
Is this the same Liberal ‘Democrats’ that said at the last election. We don’t care what you voted in the Brexit Referendum, if we win we’re taking you back into the EU.
Thought so.
Ben Irvine’s video say that the teachers’ unions caused the lockdowns.
And that their threat to strike caused the sudden discovery of a new variant
and the sudden third lockdown.
.. https://youtu.be/U1v2zeAvG6M
He says that after first inviting him on GBNews seem to be back pedalling
The Sir Humphreys will be busting a gut to shut that one down – likely via ofcom ?
Smarmer’s on TV crowing about what a great turnaround the local elections are.
I think not. They are actually woefully poor for an opposition(?) in a mid term election. I think living in the bubble is distorting his judgement.
Agree. When you consider that the MSM have been battering away at Partygate for six long months on their behalf these results are pretty poor. I think that Labour and the MSM were trying to do the same job on Boris that their trans Atlantic cousins did on Trump , but they failed. Perhaps us Brits are less credulous than Americans , or having seen the game played before we just didn’t fall for it.
Either way I think we can conclude that the MSM is less powerfully persuasive than it imagined it was.
Double – I think as likely – the voting system hasn’t been generally corrupted here as much as in the US- I’m sure Red labour and the liberals will be working on it – Scotland – of course is fully owned by krankie
Looks like the blue labour losses will be around 300 seats – in the run up there was much prediction of 500 to 800 losses ….
I’m quite surprised that the blue labour types were not punished more for mismanaging the economy – energy – inflation control – military reductions – energy dependency – swamp corruption – green crap ….
But any alternative, Lab / Lib Dems is going to be even worse than the present pinky Tories. I voted Tory yesterday even more on the basis of stopping the others rather than for the Tories , than I usually do. Since 1979 I have only voted Tory but since the early 90’s it has largely been to stop the others rather than because I thought the Tory would implement policies which I thought were good or necessary.
The lawyers for Jan 6th insurrectionists / incarcerated peeps are upping the ante
They just can’t help themselves can they .
Take a look at the hand on the ballot box .
In Wales ?
Is that a photoshop or bizarre coincidence ?
with same hand, same shirt, same nail on a white hand.
Same creases on the shirt.
That BBC page

Another BBC page from 2018, with similar Getty image

If that wasn’t a hand, you’d call that blackface-photoshop
The I-stock photo library supplies that image in varies versions but not with a black hand
Where is Nadine Dorries and Ofcom ?
Imagine the furore if that happened the other way round .
Here’s those 2 images side by side
Think about it the give away is the unchanged thumbnail
a dark skinned person doesn’t have a white nail.
Advertising corp have made similar blacking up error in the past.
Link to 2018 story https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-42848685
Fancy that. A stock photo has been deliberately manipulated (badly).
What is the motivation?
One might suspect it was done by a supporter of demographic replacement.
They never seem to do it with hands holding knives.
Well spotted, Stew. Let maxi complain about that one!
ITV local news, reporters are on drugs drugs as they pretend the elections were exciting.
Then they put up a graph
Labour always had way more seats than the Tories
In the entire extended region the Tories have lost 12 seats meanwhile Labour gained 4
Now get Labour MP, Kim Leadbetter being facile.
BBCLabourLondon in heaven at the ‘local’ election results in Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Jamaica, Ethiopia, ……..errr I mean London.
But tucked into the final sentence of Rizla Teeth’s gleeful intro………the Tories have gained Harrow.
How dare they?
I have avoided tv and radio most of the day, getting info from either Guido or the Daily Mail (I know). I gave in around 10 past 6 and switched on BBC1 in time to see a summary where she highlighted gains by Labour and Lib Dem’s. There were no mention of the Conservatives in Nuneaton or Edmonton. There was constant reference to the dreadful night for the Conservatives, them being punished, getting a kicking etc. There weren’t the 500 -800 losses that had been predicted.
I know somebody standing in these elections and thought I would have a look if they had got in and by how much. I am not so interested that I am making up a postcode, but actual number of votes seems very hard to find on the internet.
BBC R4 Afternoon Drama Watch #1 – LUSUS
Seemed to be an extremely disorienting soundscape – definitely unpleasant listening at times. Not so much a drama but a crisis. How many young people actually listen to BBC R4 Drama? You will not catch young listeners, BBC, and the older ones may well switch off and go sit in the sunshine or potter around in the garden.
I spot 7 promo tweets
2 from the New Statesman
That say the topic is “eco-angst” A very left wing topic
Very few Likes
One bloke did tweet he loved the show.