The weekend of the 75th anniversary Victory in Europe Day . When freedom defeated tyranny . The BBC wouldn’t see its ‘ current form as a tyrant . But it is one if you are an ‘unapproved ‘ victim .
HEADLINES (as they wank into their lattes and cream their panties )
Sinn Féin set to win most seats in historic poll
Now playingNow playing video Vote NI 2022 – Day Two from BBC News
Vote NI 2022 – Day TwoBBC News
Minute-by-minute updates as counting takes place across Northern Ireland. With BBC News NI’s Ciara Colhoun, Grainne Connolly, and David Wilson reporting from count centres. Video edited by Niall McCracken and Ciaran Daly
And not enough for them they need a second headline :
NI election results 2022: Sinn Féin wins most seats in historic NI election
Not enough now, Its “breaking news with a big red banner ” like All must know:
NI election results 2022: Sinn Féin wins most seats in historic election
For over a century Irish republicans have been carrying out bomb attacks in Britain. As far back as 1867 the Fenians bombed Clerkenwell prison in London, killing several people in a jail break that went wrong.
During the War of Independence there were further incidents.
In January 1939 the IRA declared war on Britain once again and in that year an IRA explosion in Coventry killed a number of civilians.
There were no attacks during the 1956-1962 campaign, but early in the campaign from 1970 to 1994 the IRA carried out a series of bomb attacks in Britain. A few weeks after the Bloody Sunday killings in Derry on January 30th, 1972, a bomb exploded at Aldershot barracks where the Parachute Regiment was based. Seven people were killed and 15 injured.
The next major explosion was on the M62 when a bomb exploded on a coach carrying soldiers, killing 12 people, on February 4th, 1974.
On June 17th, 1974, the IRA bombed the 900-year-old Westminster Hall in London, and in July that year bombs exploded in Manchester, Birmingham and the Tower of London.
On October 5th, 1974, the Guildford bombings killed five people and further explosions occurred in the centre of London on October 11th, 22nd and 28th, causing no injuries.
The most serious bombing carried out by the IRA in Britain was in Birmingham on November 21st, 1974, when two bombs destroyed two pubs frequented by British army personnel. Twenty people died and 183 were injured.
The next high-profile bombing occurred in the car park of the House of Commons on March 3rd, 1979, when the INLA killed Airey Neave, the Tory shadow Northern Ireland secretary.
On October 10th, 1981, Chelsea Barracks was bombed by the IRA which used remote control detonation for the first time in Britain. Two people died and 40 people were injured.
A Week later, Maj Gen Stuart Pringle, Commander General of the Royal Marines, was seriously injured by a bomb attack in London.
On October 26th, 1981, a bomb in Oxford Street killed a police explosives expert who was trying to defuse it.
On November 13th, 1981, an IRA bomb exploded outside the home of the British Attorney General, Sir Michael Havers. On July 20th, 1982, the IRA struck again, killing eight soldiers with two bombs at Knightsbridge and Regent’s Park in London.
On December 17th, 1983, a bomb exploded outside the Harrods store in London, killing six people, including three policemen. More than 90 people were injured.
Margaret Thatcher survived an attack on the Grand Hotel in Brighton on October 12th. 1984, where the Conservative Party was holding its annual conference. Five people died and 30 were injured.
While letter bombs and other minor explosions continued, the IRA struck again on September 22nd, 1989, with deadly effect. They killed 11 army bandsmen at the North Barracks at the Royal Marines School of Music in Deal, Kent.
The IRA again targeted another close associate of Ma g Thatcher, Ian Gow, and killed him with a car bomb outside his East Sussex home on July 30th 1990.
In the early 1990s, the IRA appeared to have taken a decision to increase the size of bombs they would plant in Britain, borne out by the Baltic Exchange bombing in the City of London on April 10th, 1992, which killed three people and injured 91, following the Conservative Party’s victory in the general election.
In the run-up to the ceasefire, the IRA seems to have concentrated its attacks on London, striking at high-profile targets including Heathrow airport, into which they lobbed mortar bombs.
However, the IRA has long regarded London’s docklands development, dominated by the Canary Wharf tower, Europe’s tallest, as a top target in its bombing campaign in the UK.
A previous attempt, in November, 1992, was prevented by two security guards who spotted a van laden with a ton of explosives.
On that occasion, the detonator exploded but failed to set off the main charge. A second device was found nearby, but failed to go off.
But the bombers did not give up. In July 1994 just over a month before the ceasefire – an IRA lorry bomb with more than two tons of explosive was intercepted at Heysham ferry port in Lancashire.
Police believe it too, was destined for London, with the capital’s docklands development the most likely target.
There is concern that the Russian shelling could intensify in the run up to Victory Day on May 9, when Russia commemorates its win over Nazi Germany in 1945.
We can all see how they work, bugger all to do with unbiased reporting
unless I see at least SIX stories about Starmer breaking lockdown laws on their front page as they did with Boris, I will suspect they are biased and the evidence is there on the front page
look squirels, nothing to see here hello a muzzie got a job in the fire brigade whoop ee
Free Money for everyone ! all those peeple with munee we take it and give to tyoyu
we all have munee !
an even better all black peeple an wimmin they look after the munee cos all white men bad
All these african places they so well run Congo such a safe place I is go to Congo only had to pay 6 bribes at gunpoint to get off ther plane but thats just culture innit dat we mass rape and murder not our fault iss collnialest innit
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
Lutfur Rahman: Livingstone and convicted fraudster back disgraced mayor’s return
After serving his ban for corruption, Lutfur Rahman is running for election in Tower Hamlets again
Tower Hamlets mayor Lutfur Rahman removed over election rigging
Britain’s first elected Muslim mayor was ousted in disgrace by the High Court today after rigging his election by using religious intimidation to force voters to back him.
Lutfur Rahman faces bankruptcy, being stripped of his profession as a lawyer and the risk of a criminal investigation which could lead to jail after a judge said he told a “pack of lies” in the witness box.
Founder of Islam is 100% perfect and married a child aged 6, and being a perfect man consummated the marriage with sex to a child aged 9 whilst owning multiple wives and many slaves … perfect!
Sajid Javid (Sworn into UK Parliament under the Islamic Quran) Reveals There Are 80,000 Paedophiles Online In The UK { 03sep2018}
Operational experts say the figure is a conservative estimate.
George Bowden and PAHuffPost UK
Just when you think BiasedBBC couldn’t crawl further into the sewer, up pops a post like this:
“Sajid Javid (Sworn into UK Parliament under the Islamic Quran)…”
The overwhelming majority of online and offline child sexual abuse in this country is carried out by White British Men, but never mind about any of that… At least this grubby little corner of the internet provides a safe place for Zephir/Darcy3/Annunaki/Stan to unload his coffee-shop-wank fantasies.
“The overwhelming majority of online and offline child sexual abuse in this country is carried out by White British Men, but never mind about any of that…”
never mind about any of that ? we have our own criminals and you are proposing that its ok that we import paki rape gangs ?
‘The overwhelming majority of online and offline child sexual abuse in this country is carried out by White British Men’
Considering the Pakistanis who raped thousands of white girls only make up 2% of the population, I’m sure it is. Got any figures on the average number of rapes per male ?.
And we won’t even bother about how many other rapes of non-whites never get reported because Muslims victims are told to go to Sharia courts instead of the police.
But never mind any of that.
What a particularly stupid comment. Followed by a glimpse into the spiteful, nasty little world you live in. At least your post served some purpose.
The UK is headed for trouble. It already has a two-tier legal system, which has allowed Muslim rape gangs to abuse “white girls” en masse with little attention; it has at least 85 operational sharia courts that are “operating beyond the reach of British law“; and now, it is virtually requesting that Islamic banking rescue Britain due to Brexit. { sep2017}
The programme also said that the southern part of Madagascar is ‘on the brink of the world’s first climate-induced famine’.
We should have made it clear we were reflecting the language used by the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) in its assessment of conditions in Madagascar.
Other evidence suggests there were additional factors which made a significant contribution to the situation on the island.
In the UK, human rights are protected by the Human Rights Act 1998. The Act gives effect to the human rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights.
Article 9 – the right to freedom of religion and belief is one of the rights protected by the Human Rights Act.
and in the USA:
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of …
and yet: (the Guardian what a surprise) they “inform us” :
No-exception laws, once too harsh even for anti-abortion Republicans, gain traction across US
Hmm guardian socialist middle class marxists, Islington is a little far away from Texas, maybe send one of yours over there to ask them why they should not succumb to your demands ?
I caught a bit of the 10pm TV news – a kidult(39?) called Emma vardy was doing a propaganda job for Sinn Fein IRA . Any one who continues to suffer from what IRA murdering terrorists did must feel sick watching it .
Maybe I’m unfair because I lived through it and was close too it – very close and I should ‘move on’ – ‘forget ‘ …. But I think it will be a shock if Irish terrorism picks up again …..
Watching ms vardy took me back to the BBC IRA apologists of the ‘troubles ‘ who regularly rebroadcast IRA Sinn Fein propaganda on the UK taxpayers ‘ dime …
You could say to the Tories
“see even when you do all the woke stuff, to appease the metro-liberal voters, they still don’t vote for you”
But I guess the Tories don’t actually do the woke FakeGreen stuff to appease the metro-liberal voters,
.. They do it for other reasons.
They know being green/woke doesn’t get them votes, but they do it anyways
They feel a Labour admin doing woke/green stuff, would be better than … a Tory government that abandoned woke/green extremism.
it does not seem to be the majority white indigenous population married to people of their own race who can provide english speaking tv announcers able to pronounce the letter “t”
It took the bbc a few years to realise the true nature of one of their own, lets see how they get on with this lot, I guarantee new allegations, why ?
Some charming rappers already in court “oh we didn’t notice his rape and sexual violence lyrics…”
“Man, if we was up north, niggas would have been fucked you/But then we in the streets, niggas should haven been stuck you/Plucked you like a chicken wit’ your head cut off/They’ll find you wit’ your back open and your legs cut off/And as for your man, don’t you ever in your mothafuckin’ life/Know when I gotta gun come at me wit’ a knife, a’ight?/And forgetting you ever saw me is the best thing to do/Don’t give a fuck about your family, they’ll be resting with you
“Niggas shouldn’t throw stones if you live in a glass house/And if you got a glass jaw you should watch your mouth/’Cause I’ll break your face/Have your ass running, mumbling to the jake/You going against me, dawg, you making a mistake, I’ll split ya/Leave ya looking like the Michael Jackson jackets with all them zippers/I’m the boss on this boat, you can call me skipper/The way I turn the money over you should call me flipper” — 50 Cent
“Going off on the motherfucker like that/With a gat that’s pointed at your ass/So give it up smooth/Ain’t no telling when I’m down for a jack move/Here’s a murder rap to keep y’all dancing/With a crime record like Charles Manson/AK-47 is the tool/Don’t make me act a motherfucking fool”
I used to love her, too bad I had to put a slug through her/Dumped her body in the trash like I never knew her/Blood runnin down the gutter into the sewer/Her body stunk for weeks like horse manure”
“His gift meant so much to so many,” tweeted actress Halle Berry.
see below:
“And if you got a daughter older than 15, I’mma rape her/Take her on the living room floor, right there in front of you/Then ask you seriously, what you wanna do?” – DMX
“Man, if we was up north, niggas would’ve been fucked you
But then we in the streets, niggas should’ve been stucked you
Plucked you like a chicken wit’ your head cut off
They’ll find you wit’ your back open and your legs cut off
And as for your man, don’t you ever in your mothafuckin’ life
Know when I gotta gun come at me wit’ a knife, aight?
And forgettin’ you ever saw me is the best thing to do
Don’t give a fuck about your family, they’ll be resting with you”
In a statement, his family said he was “a warrior who fought till the very end”.
“Earl’s music inspired countless fans across the world and his iconic legacy will live on forever,” they said
here we go:
“Man, if we was up north, niggas would’ve been fucked you
But then we in the streets, niggas should’ve been stucked you
Plucked you like a chicken wit’ your head cut off
They’ll find you wit’ your back open and your legs cut off
And as for your man, don’t you ever in your mothafuckin’ life
Know when I gotta gun come at me wit’ a knife, aight?
And forgettin’ you ever saw me is the best thing to do
Don’t give a fuck about your family, they’ll be resting with you”
There are very few people that I think the world would be better of without, but that maybe one of them
but the bbc thinks otherwise
A forensic look at his lyrics which promote rape and extreme violence only serves to tell one of the sickness at the bbc that find it “iconic” and other woke twat phrases and apologies for black thugs, because they are black
If you want further lessons in English, or logic, please dont hesitate to ask, there are many on this site who can help
Ad hominem argument does you no favours, and TU QUOQUE
…otherwise known as “no u.” A tu quoque fallacy occurs when someone accuses their opponent of hypocrisy or inconsistency so as to discredit them. This is a logical fallacy whether or not said accusation is true, and it does not clear the speaker (or whatever he’s defending) of all charges. Nor does it discredit his interlocutor. But people keep using it regardless.
next time when you choose to pick a fight where no one can challenge you, as your ilk do, take a step back,
moral cowards and bullies, when they get the chance always just attack
The posters on here are not the people you think they are, they are just a little older and wiser than you, which is always a difficult pill to swallow.
Most cultures throughout the world respect their elders for their wisdom learnt from a lifetime
(apart from musical tastes)
this is the first time the little sods are given worldwide platforms to shout about their misconceived and uneducated opinions before their brain has fully formed and more importantly, paid a penny in tax for what they demand
“and I think to myself, what a wonderful world” etc
The Republic of the Congo became fully independent from France on 15 August 1960. Youlou ruled as the country’s first president until labor elements and rival political parties instigated a three-day uprising that ousted him.[24] The Congolese military briefly took over the country and installed a civilian provisional government headed by Alphonse Massamba-Débat.
Under the 1963 constitution, Massamba-Débat was elected president for a five-year term.[14] During Massamba-Débat’s term in office, the regime adopted “scientific socialism” as the country’s constitutional ideology.[25] In 1965, Congo established relations with the Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China, North Korea, and North Vietnam.[25] On the night of February 14 to 15, 1965, three prominent public officials of the Republic of the Congo were kidnapped: Lazare Matsocota [fr] (prosecutor of the Republic), Joseph Pouabou [fr] (President of the Supreme Court), and Anselme Massouémé [fr] (director of the Congolese Information Agency). The bodies of two of these men were later found, mutilated, by the Congo River.[26][27] Massamba-Débat’s regime also invited several hundred Cuban army troops into the country to train his party’s militia units. These troops helped his government survive a coup d’état in 1966 led by paratroopers loyal to future President Marien Ngouabi. Nevertheless, Massamba-Débat was unable to reconcile various institutional, tribal, and ideological factions within the country,[25] and his regime ended abruptly with a bloodless coup in September 1968.
Marien Ngouabi changed the country’s name to the People’s Republic of the Congo, declaring it Africa’s first Marxist–Leninist state. He was assassinated in 1977.
Marien Ngouabi, who had participated in the coup, assumed the presidency on 31 December 1968. One year later, Ngouabi proclaimed the Congo Africa’s first “people’s republic”, the People’s Republic of the Congo, and announced the decision of the National Revolutionary Movement to change its name to the Congolese Labour Party (PCT). He survived an attempted coup in 1972 but was assassinated on 16 March 1977. An 11-member Military Committee of the Party (CMP) was then named to head an interim government, with Joachim Yhombi-Opango serving as president. Two years later, Yhombi-Opango was forced from power, and Denis Sassou Nguesso becomes the new president.[14]
Sassou Nguesso aligned the country with the Eastern Bloc and signed a twenty-year friendship pact with the Soviet Union. Over the years, Sassou had to rely more on political repression and less on patronage to maintain his dictatorship.[28] The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 resulted in the ending of Soviet aid to prop up the regime, and it abdicated power.
Pascal Lissouba, who became Congo’s first elected president (1992–1997) during the period of multi-party democracy, attempted to implement economic reforms with IMF backing to liberalize the economy. In June 1996, the IMF approved a three-year SDR69.5m (US$100m) enhanced structural adjustment facility (ESAF) and was on the verge of announcing a renewed annual agreement when civil war broke out in Congo in mid-1997.[29]
Congo’s democratic progress was derailed in 1997 when Lissouba and Sassou started to fight for power in the civil war. As presidential elections scheduled for July 1997 approached, tensions between the Lissouba and Sassou camps mounted. On 5 June, President Lissouba’s government forces surrounded Sassou’s compound in Brazzaville, and Sassou ordered members of his private militia (known as “Cobras”) to resist. Thus began a four-month conflict that destroyed or damaged much of Brazzaville and caused tens of thousands of civilian deaths. In early October, the Angolan government began an invasion of Congo to install Sassou in power. In mid-October, the Lissouba government fell. Soon after that, Sassou declared himself president.[14]
A pro-constitutional reform rally in Brazzaville during October 2015. The constitution’s controversial reforms were subsequently approved in a disputed election which saw demonstrations and violence.
In the controversial elections in 2002, Sassou won with almost 90% of the vote cast. His two main rivals, Lissouba and Bernard Kolelas, were prevented from competing. The only remaining credible rival, André Milongo advised his supporters to boycott the elections and then withdrew from the race.[30] A new constitution, agreed upon by referendum in January 2002, granted the president new powers, extended his term to seven years, and introduced a new bicameral assembly. International observers took issue with the organization of the presidential election and the constitutional referendum, both of which were reminiscent in their organization of Congo’s era of the one-party state.[31] Following the presidential elections, fighting restarted in the Pool region between government forces and rebels led by Pastor Ntumi; a peace treaty to end the conflict was signed in April 2003.[32]
Sassou also won the following presidential election in July 2009.[33] According to the Congolese Observatory of Human Rights, a non-governmental organization, the election was marked by “very low” turnout and “fraud and irregularities”.[34] In March 2015, Sassou announced that he wanted to run for yet another term in office and a constitutional referendum in October resulted in a changed constitution that allowed him to run during the 2016 presidential election. He won the election believed by many to be fraudulent. After violent protests in the capital, Sassou attacked the Pool region, where the Ninja rebels of the civil war used to be based, in what was believed to be a distraction. This led to a revival of the Ninja rebels who launched attacks against the army in April 2016, leading 80,000 people to flee their homes. A ceasefire deal was signed in December 2017.[35]
A military court in Democratic Republic of Congo Saturday sentenced 51 people to death, several in absentia, in a mass trial over the 2017 murder of two UN experts in a troubled central region.
Capital punishment is frequently pronounced in murder cases in DRC, but is routinely commuted to life imprisonment since the country declared a moratorium on executions in 2003.
Dozens of people have been on trial for more than four years over a killing that shook diplomats and the aid community, although key questions about the episode remain unanswered.
This is the NHS’s most over worked doctor, MP and tv studio regular, and her team of bbc cubicle garden cousins, in Wandsworth, won over as the deputy leader of her party, a lady of virtues as easy as her memory appears short, claims the council taxes are set to reduce now.
And not a peep from the overpaid, account holding ideological kindergarten remedials right next door.
I’ve been wondering for a while why OFCOM seem to have no interest in these outrageous agenda-based double standards and clear abuse of power by the BBC.
So I took a look and saw OFCOM’s ‘What we do video’.
White English males make up over 40% of the population. Have a look at the ‘fair representation’ OFCOM give them. It’s blatant racial and sexual discrimination.
OFCOM are clearly a big part of the problem, not the solution.
BBC decide to get an impartial view of Starmer and Beergate, so who do they interview, Tony Blair’s ex senior adviser. He spent 5 minutes slagging off the PM….Not once mentioning Beergate and of course the presenter grunting in agreement.
For me it’s plain and simple and many seem to forget this fact, Starmer was screaming for the resignation of the PM for just being investigated, so based on this, Starmer needs to fall on his sword but of course, the lump of primordial slime wont
Let’s not kid each other the BBC will do there damnedest to save there beloved leader and let’s not forget the Crime Commissioner in Durham is a rabid Leftie with history, based on these facts I believe Starmer will get away with it.
France: Nigerian squatters terrorize 60 residents into leaving their homes in Marseille. “ English speaking Nigerians “ . The french navy will be ushering them across the channel next week , dumping their unwanted on UK .
— neil Eastell 🏳️🌈🏴🇬🇧 (@NeilEastell) May 7, 2022
Loony lefty mob rule again . No doubt nothing will happen them , they will be emboldened to get worse and more outrageous.
— neil Eastell 🏳️🌈🏴🇬🇧 (@NeilEastell) May 8, 2022
“Say it loud, say it clear. Refugees are welcome here.”
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
The great work the bbc does :
partygate, SIX yes, SIX bloody stories on its front page website and weeks and weeks of it
Starmer, lying (unless he does not recognise ginger minge with her legs open) doing the same. NOTHING
Ginger minge starting a story about exposing herself in parliament NOTHING except defending a lying politician
If they were truly unbiased they should be holding ALL power to account that includes the opposition
And, our latest for the “work” the bbc is doing:
HEADLINES (as they wank into their lattes and cream their panties )
Sinn Féin set to win most seats in historic poll
Now playingNow playing video Vote NI 2022 – Day Two from BBC News
Vote NI 2022 – Day TwoBBC News
Minute-by-minute updates as counting takes place across Northern Ireland. With BBC News NI’s Ciara Colhoun, Grainne Connolly, and David Wilson reporting from count centres. Video edited by Niall McCracken and Ciaran Daly
And not enough for them they need a second headline :
NI election results 2022: Sinn Féin wins most seats in historic NI election
Not enough now, Its “breaking news with a big red banner ” like All must know:
NI election results 2022: Sinn Féin wins most seats in historic election
They do like ‘historic’. Up there with ‘controversial’, if used differently.
Tower Hamlets twinned with them?
And, if you missed it on the bbc front page heres another prompt on the bbc front page for anyone who did not experience terrorism:
NI election results 2022: Sinn Féin’s rise from IRA political wing
Work the bbc avoid:
‘Busloads’ of bleeding women and children treated after IRA bombing
The work the bbc most certainly do NOT DO:
For over a century Irish republicans have been carrying out bomb attacks in Britain. As far back as 1867 the Fenians bombed Clerkenwell prison in London, killing several people in a jail break that went wrong.
During the War of Independence there were further incidents.
In January 1939 the IRA declared war on Britain once again and in that year an IRA explosion in Coventry killed a number of civilians.
There were no attacks during the 1956-1962 campaign, but early in the campaign from 1970 to 1994 the IRA carried out a series of bomb attacks in Britain. A few weeks after the Bloody Sunday killings in Derry on January 30th, 1972, a bomb exploded at Aldershot barracks where the Parachute Regiment was based. Seven people were killed and 15 injured.
The next major explosion was on the M62 when a bomb exploded on a coach carrying soldiers, killing 12 people, on February 4th, 1974.
On June 17th, 1974, the IRA bombed the 900-year-old Westminster Hall in London, and in July that year bombs exploded in Manchester, Birmingham and the Tower of London.
On October 5th, 1974, the Guildford bombings killed five people and further explosions occurred in the centre of London on October 11th, 22nd and 28th, causing no injuries.
The most serious bombing carried out by the IRA in Britain was in Birmingham on November 21st, 1974, when two bombs destroyed two pubs frequented by British army personnel. Twenty people died and 183 were injured.
The next high-profile bombing occurred in the car park of the House of Commons on March 3rd, 1979, when the INLA killed Airey Neave, the Tory shadow Northern Ireland secretary.
On October 10th, 1981, Chelsea Barracks was bombed by the IRA which used remote control detonation for the first time in Britain. Two people died and 40 people were injured.
A Week later, Maj Gen Stuart Pringle, Commander General of the Royal Marines, was seriously injured by a bomb attack in London.
On October 26th, 1981, a bomb in Oxford Street killed a police explosives expert who was trying to defuse it.
On November 13th, 1981, an IRA bomb exploded outside the home of the British Attorney General, Sir Michael Havers. On July 20th, 1982, the IRA struck again, killing eight soldiers with two bombs at Knightsbridge and Regent’s Park in London.
On December 17th, 1983, a bomb exploded outside the Harrods store in London, killing six people, including three policemen. More than 90 people were injured.
Margaret Thatcher survived an attack on the Grand Hotel in Brighton on October 12th. 1984, where the Conservative Party was holding its annual conference. Five people died and 30 were injured.
While letter bombs and other minor explosions continued, the IRA struck again on September 22nd, 1989, with deadly effect. They killed 11 army bandsmen at the North Barracks at the Royal Marines School of Music in Deal, Kent.
The IRA again targeted another close associate of Ma g Thatcher, Ian Gow, and killed him with a car bomb outside his East Sussex home on July 30th 1990.
In the early 1990s, the IRA appeared to have taken a decision to increase the size of bombs they would plant in Britain, borne out by the Baltic Exchange bombing in the City of London on April 10th, 1992, which killed three people and injured 91, following the Conservative Party’s victory in the general election.
In the run-up to the ceasefire, the IRA seems to have concentrated its attacks on London, striking at high-profile targets including Heathrow airport, into which they lobbed mortar bombs.
However, the IRA has long regarded London’s docklands development, dominated by the Canary Wharf tower, Europe’s tallest, as a top target in its bombing campaign in the UK.
A previous attempt, in November, 1992, was prevented by two security guards who spotted a van laden with a ton of explosives.
On that occasion, the detonator exploded but failed to set off the main charge. A second device was found nearby, but failed to go off.
But the bombers did not give up. In July 1994 just over a month before the ceasefire – an IRA lorry bomb with more than two tons of explosive was intercepted at Heysham ferry port in Lancashire.
Police believe it too, was destined for London, with the capital’s docklands development the most likely target.
The work the bbc do:
It seems quite clear muzzies and paddies are fireproof on the bbc they can bomb and murder to their hearts content without being held to account
Amazing piece of journalism from BBC.
There is concern that the Russian shelling could intensify in the run up to Victory Day on May 9, when Russia commemorates its win over Nazi Germany in 1945.
Oh a win….
The bbc most certainly do work
We can all see how they work, bugger all to do with unbiased reporting
unless I see at least SIX stories about Starmer breaking lockdown laws on their front page as they did with Boris, I will suspect they are biased and the evidence is there on the front page
look squirels, nothing to see here hello a muzzie got a job in the fire brigade whoop ee
Mail on Sunday has memo ( real) from the Labour Party describing a plan for starmer to attend a curry event ….
Earlier it was said that he is building a ‘defence team ‘ – sounds like he might need them .
All that shouting and yapping Labour MPs did to nut nut – is now going to be fired at those at the curry meeting – right ?
My money is on Mrs Balls to take over…. But who cares ?
Free Money for everyone ! all those peeple with munee we take it and give to tyoyu
we all have munee !
an even better all black peeple an wimmin they look after the munee cos all white men bad
All these african places they so well run Congo such a safe place I is go to Congo only had to pay 6 bribes at gunpoint to get off ther plane but thats just culture innit dat we mass rape and murder not our fault iss collnialest innit
(Z I can provide references for this )
Ring your new Labour council and ask for your money
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
Free munnee ! vote labour and you can send british taxpayers cash back to pakistan
If you is muslim, vote labour , we will cover up your mass rape of white children.
If you have been found guilty of electoral fraud and banned for 5 years, as soon as your ban is up, we have NO MORALS
we will put you up for election because your immigrant friends will vote for us because they are as corrupt as you
Lest we forget (as the bbc would like us to do)
Lutfur Rahman: Livingstone and convicted fraudster back disgraced mayor’s return
After serving his ban for corruption, Lutfur Rahman is running for election in Tower Hamlets again
Tower Hamlets mayor Lutfur Rahman removed over election rigging
Britain’s first elected Muslim mayor was ousted in disgrace by the High Court today after rigging his election by using religious intimidation to force voters to back him.
Lutfur Rahman faces bankruptcy, being stripped of his profession as a lawyer and the risk of a criminal investigation which could lead to jail after a judge said he told a “pack of lies” in the witness box.
He is the first person since the 19th century to be found guilty of the Victoria-era misdeed of unlawful religious influence.
But, the bbc wanking itself :
A paki in power
Founder of Islam is 100% perfect and married a child aged 6, and being a perfect man consummated the marriage with sex to a child aged 9 whilst owning multiple wives and many slaves … perfect!
Sajid Javid (Sworn into UK Parliament under the Islamic Quran) Reveals There Are 80,000 Paedophiles Online In The UK { 03sep2018}
Operational experts say the figure is a conservative estimate.
George Bowden and PAHuffPost UK
Just when you think BiasedBBC couldn’t crawl further into the sewer, up pops a post like this:
“Sajid Javid (Sworn into UK Parliament under the Islamic Quran)…”
The overwhelming majority of online and offline child sexual abuse in this country is carried out by White British Men, but never mind about any of that… At least this grubby little corner of the internet provides a safe place for Zephir/Darcy3/Annunaki/Stan to unload his coffee-shop-wank fantasies.
“The overwhelming majority of online and offline child sexual abuse in this country is carried out by White British Men, but never mind about any of that…”
never mind about any of that ? we have our own criminals and you are proposing that its ok that we import paki rape gangs ?
‘The overwhelming majority of online and offline child sexual abuse in this country is carried out by White British Men’
Considering the Pakistanis who raped thousands of white girls only make up 2% of the population, I’m sure it is. Got any figures on the average number of rapes per male ?.
And we won’t even bother about how many other rapes of non-whites never get reported because Muslims victims are told to go to Sharia courts instead of the police.
But never mind any of that.
What a particularly stupid comment. Followed by a glimpse into the spiteful, nasty little world you live in. At least your post served some purpose.
Trans to the front of the queue please, queers next for beheading
Ha ha
Oh, you’re a bbc. and you thought we liked you ?
front of the queue, no, wait. that one with a piercing and purple hair first
And now for the the eco lot
Oh dear …
Stop Fiction (TICK)
Stop Cartoons (TICK)
Ensure BBC is Always Positive (TICK)
Control Schooling (TICK)
Control Dress Code (TICK)
Control Immigration (TICK)
Control A Political Party (TICK)
Control Disagreement and Language (TICK)
Add an Alternative Law (TICK)
Control Food Production (TICK)
Control Banking (TICK) ….
The UK is headed for trouble. It already has a two-tier legal system, which has allowed Muslim rape gangs to abuse “white girls” en masse with little attention; it has at least 85 operational sharia courts that are “operating beyond the reach of British law“; and now, it is virtually requesting that Islamic banking rescue Britain due to Brexit. { sep2017}
Coming up on GBnews
.. “Has Britain fallen out of love with the BBC ?”
.. guest Ester Rantzen
The programme also said that the southern part of Madagascar is ‘on the brink of the world’s first climate-induced famine’.
We should have made it clear we were reflecting the language used by the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) in its assessment of conditions in Madagascar.
Other evidence suggests there were additional factors which made a significant contribution to the situation on the island.
The tolerance we are obliged to stick to by law:
In the UK, human rights are protected by the Human Rights Act 1998. The Act gives effect to the human rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights.
Article 9 – the right to freedom of religion and belief is one of the rights protected by the Human Rights Act.
and in the USA:
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of …
and yet: (the Guardian what a surprise) they “inform us” :
No-exception laws, once too harsh even for anti-abortion Republicans, gain traction across US
Hmm guardian socialist middle class marxists, Islington is a little far away from Texas, maybe send one of yours over there to ask them why they should not succumb to your demands ?
Bring a camera …
I caught a bit of the 10pm TV news – a kidult(39?) called Emma vardy was doing a propaganda job for Sinn Fein IRA . Any one who continues to suffer from what IRA murdering terrorists did must feel sick watching it .
Maybe I’m unfair because I lived through it and was close too it – very close and I should ‘move on’ – ‘forget ‘ …. But I think it will be a shock if Irish terrorism picks up again …..
Watching ms vardy took me back to the BBC IRA apologists of the ‘troubles ‘ who regularly rebroadcast IRA Sinn Fein propaganda on the UK taxpayers ‘ dime …
I saw a facebook post saying On May 5th the UK banned the Russia Today website
When I clicked the link to test it, Facebook gave me a huge red warning anyways
BTW Russia Today was never actually banned in the UK
Ofcom took the TV channel down
but left the website up
Streaming continued via FreeSpeech platforms
These sites like Rumble still broadcast the stream to the UK today.
Oh they haven’t even blocked the RT website properly
I can read the Russian pages
You could say to the Tories
“see even when you do all the woke stuff, to appease the metro-liberal voters, they still don’t vote for you”
But I guess the Tories don’t actually do the woke FakeGreen stuff to appease the metro-liberal voters,
.. They do it for other reasons.
They know being green/woke doesn’t get them votes, but they do it anyways
They feel a Labour admin doing woke/green stuff, would be better than … a Tory government that abandoned woke/green extremism.
You could also ask. who is really in charge
it does not seem to be the majority white indigenous population married to people of their own race who can provide english speaking tv announcers able to pronounce the letter “t”
It took the bbc a few years to realise the true nature of one of their own, lets see how they get on with this lot, I guarantee new allegations, why ?
Some charming rappers already in court “oh we didn’t notice his rape and sexual violence lyrics…”
you can take the animal out of Africa but..
Some that are lauded by the bbc:
“X-Is Coming”
“Man, if we was up north, niggas would have been fucked you/But then we in the streets, niggas should haven been stuck you/Plucked you like a chicken wit’ your head cut off/They’ll find you wit’ your back open and your legs cut off/And as for your man, don’t you ever in your mothafuckin’ life/Know when I gotta gun come at me wit’ a knife, a’ight?/And forgetting you ever saw me is the best thing to do/Don’t give a fuck about your family, they’ll be resting with you
“Niggas shouldn’t throw stones if you live in a glass house/And if you got a glass jaw you should watch your mouth/’Cause I’ll break your face/Have your ass running, mumbling to the jake/You going against me, dawg, you making a mistake, I’ll split ya/Leave ya looking like the Michael Jackson jackets with all them zippers/I’m the boss on this boat, you can call me skipper/The way I turn the money over you should call me flipper” — 50 Cent
“Going off on the motherfucker like that/With a gat that’s pointed at your ass/So give it up smooth/Ain’t no telling when I’m down for a jack move/Here’s a murder rap to keep y’all dancing/With a crime record like Charles Manson/AK-47 is the tool/Don’t make me act a motherfucking fool”
I used to love her, too bad I had to put a slug through her/Dumped her body in the trash like I never knew her/Blood runnin down the gutter into the sewer/Her body stunk for weeks like horse manure”
And heres the bbc talking about the vicious, violent anti human nasty c@nt above
DMX, American rapper and actor, dies aged 50
US rapper and actor DMX has died at the age of 50, five days after suffering a heart attack.
The performer, whose real name was Earl Simmons, had been placed on life support and died with his family by his side.
In a statement, his family said he was “a warrior who fought till the very end”.
“Earl’s music inspired countless fans across the world and his iconic legacy will live on forever,” they said.
“His gift meant so much to so many,” tweeted actress Halle Berry.
see below:
“And if you got a daughter older than 15, I’mma rape her/Take her on the living room floor, right there in front of you/Then ask you seriously, what you wanna do?” – DMX
“Man, if we was up north, niggas would’ve been fucked you
But then we in the streets, niggas should’ve been stucked you
Plucked you like a chicken wit’ your head cut off
They’ll find you wit’ your back open and your legs cut off
And as for your man, don’t you ever in your mothafuckin’ life
Know when I gotta gun come at me wit’ a knife, aight?
And forgettin’ you ever saw me is the best thing to do
Don’t give a fuck about your family, they’ll be resting with you”
LAUDED by the bbc
I wonder if a 15 year old white boy was found with that kind of nastiness in his bedroom how thw bbc would tell the story?
far right ?
BBC sycophants
In a statement, his family said he was “a warrior who fought till the very end”.
“Earl’s music inspired countless fans across the world and his iconic legacy will live on forever,” they said
here we go:
“Man, if we was up north, niggas would’ve been fucked you
But then we in the streets, niggas should’ve been stucked you
Plucked you like a chicken wit’ your head cut off
They’ll find you wit’ your back open and your legs cut off
And as for your man, don’t you ever in your mothafuckin’ life
Know when I gotta gun come at me wit’ a knife, aight?
And forgettin’ you ever saw me is the best thing to do
Don’t give a fuck about your family, they’ll be resting with you”
There are very few people that I think the world would be better of without, but that maybe one of them
but the bbc thinks otherwise
A forensic look at his lyrics which promote rape and extreme violence only serves to tell one of the sickness at the bbc that find it “iconic” and other woke twat phrases and apologies for black thugs, because they are black
come on Maxi I see you are selectivelty criticising, I am here and now
No need to snipe at others posts you can debate here and now
you have already used one of the logical fallacies (ad hominem) I alluded to earlier..carry on
If you want further lessons in English, or logic, please dont hesitate to ask, there are many on this site who can help
Ad hominem argument does you no favours, and TU QUOQUE
…otherwise known as “no u.” A tu quoque fallacy occurs when someone accuses their opponent of hypocrisy or inconsistency so as to discredit them. This is a logical fallacy whether or not said accusation is true, and it does not clear the speaker (or whatever he’s defending) of all charges. Nor does it discredit his interlocutor. But people keep using it regardless.
All of a sudden. silence from maxincony
like the fascist left, too used to outnumbering in a stupid protest without a thought for the indigenous population
one to one, run away like our dinghy friends, until they can group up and bully
next time when you choose to pick a fight where no one can challenge you, as your ilk do, take a step back,
moral cowards and bullies, when they get the chance always just attack
The posters on here are not the people you think they are, they are just a little older and wiser than you, which is always a difficult pill to swallow.
they will rip you apart in a live debate
Most cultures throughout the world respect their elders for their wisdom learnt from a lifetime
(apart from musical tastes)
this is the first time the little sods are given worldwide platforms to shout about their misconceived and uneducated opinions before their brain has fully formed and more importantly, paid a penny in tax for what they demand
“and I think to myself, what a wonderful world” etc
A little look at how africans conduct themselves and maybe jamaica is ineed informing as to the life of the white “bitch” in the sofa advert
The Republic of the Congo became fully independent from France on 15 August 1960. Youlou ruled as the country’s first president until labor elements and rival political parties instigated a three-day uprising that ousted him.[24] The Congolese military briefly took over the country and installed a civilian provisional government headed by Alphonse Massamba-Débat.
Under the 1963 constitution, Massamba-Débat was elected president for a five-year term.[14] During Massamba-Débat’s term in office, the regime adopted “scientific socialism” as the country’s constitutional ideology.[25] In 1965, Congo established relations with the Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China, North Korea, and North Vietnam.[25] On the night of February 14 to 15, 1965, three prominent public officials of the Republic of the Congo were kidnapped: Lazare Matsocota [fr] (prosecutor of the Republic), Joseph Pouabou [fr] (President of the Supreme Court), and Anselme Massouémé [fr] (director of the Congolese Information Agency). The bodies of two of these men were later found, mutilated, by the Congo River.[26][27] Massamba-Débat’s regime also invited several hundred Cuban army troops into the country to train his party’s militia units. These troops helped his government survive a coup d’état in 1966 led by paratroopers loyal to future President Marien Ngouabi. Nevertheless, Massamba-Débat was unable to reconcile various institutional, tribal, and ideological factions within the country,[25] and his regime ended abruptly with a bloodless coup in September 1968.
Marien Ngouabi changed the country’s name to the People’s Republic of the Congo, declaring it Africa’s first Marxist–Leninist state. He was assassinated in 1977.
Marien Ngouabi, who had participated in the coup, assumed the presidency on 31 December 1968. One year later, Ngouabi proclaimed the Congo Africa’s first “people’s republic”, the People’s Republic of the Congo, and announced the decision of the National Revolutionary Movement to change its name to the Congolese Labour Party (PCT). He survived an attempted coup in 1972 but was assassinated on 16 March 1977. An 11-member Military Committee of the Party (CMP) was then named to head an interim government, with Joachim Yhombi-Opango serving as president. Two years later, Yhombi-Opango was forced from power, and Denis Sassou Nguesso becomes the new president.[14]
Sassou Nguesso aligned the country with the Eastern Bloc and signed a twenty-year friendship pact with the Soviet Union. Over the years, Sassou had to rely more on political repression and less on patronage to maintain his dictatorship.[28] The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 resulted in the ending of Soviet aid to prop up the regime, and it abdicated power.
Pascal Lissouba, who became Congo’s first elected president (1992–1997) during the period of multi-party democracy, attempted to implement economic reforms with IMF backing to liberalize the economy. In June 1996, the IMF approved a three-year SDR69.5m (US$100m) enhanced structural adjustment facility (ESAF) and was on the verge of announcing a renewed annual agreement when civil war broke out in Congo in mid-1997.[29]
Congo’s democratic progress was derailed in 1997 when Lissouba and Sassou started to fight for power in the civil war. As presidential elections scheduled for July 1997 approached, tensions between the Lissouba and Sassou camps mounted. On 5 June, President Lissouba’s government forces surrounded Sassou’s compound in Brazzaville, and Sassou ordered members of his private militia (known as “Cobras”) to resist. Thus began a four-month conflict that destroyed or damaged much of Brazzaville and caused tens of thousands of civilian deaths. In early October, the Angolan government began an invasion of Congo to install Sassou in power. In mid-October, the Lissouba government fell. Soon after that, Sassou declared himself president.[14]
A pro-constitutional reform rally in Brazzaville during October 2015. The constitution’s controversial reforms were subsequently approved in a disputed election which saw demonstrations and violence.
In the controversial elections in 2002, Sassou won with almost 90% of the vote cast. His two main rivals, Lissouba and Bernard Kolelas, were prevented from competing. The only remaining credible rival, André Milongo advised his supporters to boycott the elections and then withdrew from the race.[30] A new constitution, agreed upon by referendum in January 2002, granted the president new powers, extended his term to seven years, and introduced a new bicameral assembly. International observers took issue with the organization of the presidential election and the constitutional referendum, both of which were reminiscent in their organization of Congo’s era of the one-party state.[31] Following the presidential elections, fighting restarted in the Pool region between government forces and rebels led by Pastor Ntumi; a peace treaty to end the conflict was signed in April 2003.[32]
Sassou also won the following presidential election in July 2009.[33] According to the Congolese Observatory of Human Rights, a non-governmental organization, the election was marked by “very low” turnout and “fraud and irregularities”.[34] In March 2015, Sassou announced that he wanted to run for yet another term in office and a constitutional referendum in October resulted in a changed constitution that allowed him to run during the 2016 presidential election. He won the election believed by many to be fraudulent. After violent protests in the capital, Sassou attacked the Pool region, where the Ninja rebels of the civil war used to be based, in what was believed to be a distraction. This led to a revival of the Ninja rebels who launched attacks against the army in April 2016, leading 80,000 people to flee their homes. A ceasefire deal was signed in December 2017.[35]
A military court in Democratic Republic of Congo Saturday sentenced 51 people to death, several in absentia, in a mass trial over the 2017 murder of two UN experts in a troubled central region.
Capital punishment is frequently pronounced in murder cases in DRC, but is routinely commuted to life imprisonment since the country declared a moratorium on executions in 2003.
Dozens of people have been on trial for more than four years over a killing that shook diplomats and the aid community, although key questions about the episode remain unanswered.
DR Congo: Fourteen killed in machete attack in Ituri province
Seven children, including a two-year-old girl, and five women aged between 25 and 32 were killed, says Red Cross.
At least 20 civilians killed in attack in eastern Congo: Report
A resident of the attacked village and an activist said the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) were behind the killings.
DR Congo: Neglected Massacre of Indigenous Group
Failure to Fully Investigate Killing of 66 Iyeke People, Burned Villages
At Least 60 People Killed in Militia Attack in Eastern DR Congo
Tell you what lets get the country we moved to to apologise for slavery
and we’ll have a riot (and steal some stuff) cos black lives matter innit
The only analysis is:
If blacks kill blacks thats fine
if a white policeman kills a criminal black not fine, blacks will riot
Now THATS racism
by definition, treating someone differently due to their race or colour as the police in America are treated by the black community if they are white
Or Laura, or Toenails, or Lewis…
This is the NHS’s most over worked doctor, MP and tv studio regular, and her team of bbc cubicle garden cousins, in Wandsworth, won over as the deputy leader of her party, a lady of virtues as easy as her memory appears short, claims the council taxes are set to reduce now.
And not a peep from the overpaid, account holding ideological kindergarten remedials right next door.
Wait until they are all pregnant pay them for nine months to do nothing
#well done labour you have just lost your entire workforce. paying them while they sit at home, doing nothing cos they is pregnant
and the middle east war refugees that are off to the middle east for their holidays
Economics not your strong point Kier?
“Economics not your strong point Kier?”
Reply? – ‘No, I’ve got Dianne Abacus for that’…………………..
New questions over Starmer event after memo leaked
The bBC is already on to the sixth version of this story.
A bit of a quandry for them.“.
Tsk, tsk.
I’ve been wondering for a while why OFCOM seem to have no interest in these outrageous agenda-based double standards and clear abuse of power by the BBC.
So I took a look and saw OFCOM’s ‘What we do video’.
White English males make up over 40% of the population. Have a look at the ‘fair representation’ OFCOM give them. It’s blatant racial and sexual discrimination.
OFCOM are clearly a big part of the problem, not the solution.
Blatant hypocrisy from the bbc
all we need now is as i see it to state the obvious
BBC decide to get an impartial view of Starmer and Beergate, so who do they interview, Tony Blair’s ex senior adviser. He spent 5 minutes slagging off the PM….Not once mentioning Beergate and of course the presenter grunting in agreement.
For me it’s plain and simple and many seem to forget this fact, Starmer was screaming for the resignation of the PM for just being investigated, so based on this, Starmer needs to fall on his sword but of course, the lump of primordial slime wont
Let’s not kid each other the BBC will do there damnedest to save there beloved leader and let’s not forget the Crime Commissioner in Durham is a rabid Leftie with history, based on these facts I believe Starmer will get away with it.
Have a word with Nadine Dorries and OfCom.
What do they actually do ?
Sadly she talks the talk but as of yet she’s not walked the walk..
As of now, she’s as much use as a one legged man in an arse kicking competition…
A bit like Priti Patel really.
Coming to a town near you?
“Say it loud, say it clear. Refugees are welcome here.”
“No matter where we come from, we all deserve dignity & respect”
dignity & respect = harassing people! HA HA HA HA !