Scroblene re cramp.
Try New Era Mag Phos tablets. Tiny soluble without water tabs, take 4 for cramp attack and two more after 10 mins if it hasn’t gone. Usually works a treat for me. (Better read the small print! )
There used to be a preperation called Crampex, but someone like a twonk in the EU banned it, (like Collis Browns), and then my doctor told me to take a lot of tonic water for the quinine, but made no reference to the Gordons for some reason…
I’ve also tried breathing into a paper bag, but it makes so much of a racket, Senora O’Blene wakes up and begins to remonstrate more than somewhat!
I’ll try these – they’re on Amazon I see! Thanks again!
Careful curation of propaganda or just gossip edition
Not quite game, set and match just yet to the prevailing narratives
Kudos this morning to the Daily Star, which has self deprecation and sense of humour enough to spoof the big tabloid celeb headline story of the day: ‘Wags at war. I tried to leak story about footballer, says footballer’s wife who denies leaking stories on footballer’s wife*‘
One also greatly admires a qualifying footnote to a headline – the serious papers and broadcasters could learn a thing or two: ‘*We think we’ve got this right but it’s hard to keep up‘ – sure beats the BBC’s over-used boiler plate grudging admission: “We think we got it about right”
The Mirror – which prefers to take things seriously – has a reasonable pun for us: ‘Wagging tongues. Vardy denies story leaks & says it was just gossip‘
The Sun sounds almost sypathetic: ‘Tearful Becky: It was just gossip‘, whilst the giveaway Metro gives away, perhaps, a slight sense of boredom: ‘… as the Wag libel battle rages on‘
The left-leaning tabloid ‘i’ has the pomposity to categorise this celebrity saga under their: ‘Legal‘ heading – budding young forensic Sir Keirs who read the ‘i’ newspaper will, one assumes, be taking copious legal notes on their yellow legal pads: ‘Wagatha Christie, round 2 Vardy was “joking” about tabloid leaks‘ – remind me of the size dimentions of the ‘i’ newspaper – it looks pretty tabloidy to me?
I seem to have stumbled onto a rich vein of ‘i’ newspaper self-importance and pretention here. Their: ‘Culture‘ heading features – not T S Eliot, Shakespeare or Beethoven… it’s local favourites hereabouts: ‘Little Mix show how to have a good musical divorce‘
Just as Sainsburys has a “World Foods” section so the ‘i’ has for itself a “World” feature heading… : ‘Ukraine Eurovision star will go straight to the frontline‘ – I doubt bookies will be taking any bets on his ditty winning the up coming totally-judged-on-song-merits euro song contest. The reassurance we’re given here that the singer – be he in fact a he, she or they (you never know with Eurovision) will soon forgo all that camp frivolity for army service is quite some testiment to the careful curation of propaganda for this war.
What did the Vikings ever do for us?
The ‘i’ fills their “Diplomacy” section with a fairly serious development: ‘Historic military pact. UK vows to defend Sweden and Finland from Russian attack‘
The Telegraph provides for us a nice photo op representation of the alliance – give Mr AsISeeIt the subeditorship and it would have been titled “Blonde on Blonde“. The rather more staid Telegraph captions the pic of the two prime ministers in a rowing boat: ‘Boris Johnson and his Swedish counterpart Magdalena Andersson after signing a defence pact. Mr Johnson tweeted: “We are literally and metaphorically in the same boat”‘ – I’m imagining Carrie Johnson on the river bank, just out of shot, after lecturing the Nordics on how to keep warm up there in chilly Scandinavia without using any fossil fuel energy. Then, noticing hubby, evidently courtesy his Oxbridge education a pastmaster of a pair of well-oiled rollocks, getting on rather too well with his new ally. Carrie, grabbing the megaphone calls him in before he catches a crab – shouting “Come in number 9, your time is up!” The local boating lake attendant will of course inform Carrie “We don’t have a number 9” at which point Priness Nut-Nut asks “Number 6, are you in difficulties?”
Our media seem to be picking off naughty Tory MPs one by one: ‘MP’s food banks slur. Tory: The poor can’t cook‘ (Daily Mirror) – seems you can’t say stuff like that these days.
How about the Tescos copy in their frontpage advert in the freebie Metro: ‘Find out how a Use Up Day can help save you money and cut food waste‘ – condescending or what? It’s an outrage, telling that to the cost-of-living crisis, poverty-stricken, food bank, eat or keep warm, elderly, vulnerable etc, etc.
Unilever: ‘Hellmann’s discovered that adopting just one ‘Use-Up Day’ per week – making a meal using ingredients already in the fridge and kitchen – can reduce the amount of food thrown away by a third‘ – seems our big corporates can get away with patronising commentary.
Of course a Tory is still remembered, even to this day, for his “On yer bike” comments taken out of contextt. But that’s so 1980s: ‘Is the UK ready to legalise e-scooters?‘ (‘i’)
Our working from home enthusiast civil servants become rather existential in their outlook: ‘Work is not a place, say senior civil servants‘ (Telegraph)
From philosophy to lexicography…
The Guardian coins a new phrase for us in a major frontpage splash: ‘Revealed “Carbon bombs” set to trigger a climate catastrophy‘ – basically these are: ‘…oil and gas projects…‘ – which are badly needed considering the high price of energy and the thorny issue of sanctions on Russian energy exports – which is supposed to be our western strategy against actual explosive Russian bombs…?
Or we could force Putin to back down using love bombs? Or perhaps rely on fifteen-love bombs: ‘Nadal stands up for banned Russians. A defiant Rafael Nadal said yesterday that his “job” was to defend banned Russian and Belorussian players after the ATP Player Council called for Wimbledon to be stripped of ranking points…. over the decision to ban Russian and Belorussian players‘ – Blimey, first Djokovic, now Nadal… these tennis stars turn out to have minds of their own.
'She spent her entire life serving this country, what have you done to serve this country?!'
'I do my duty, by talking to people like you…'
Calvin Robinson and Kevin Maguire clash over the suggestion that the Queen should lose her royal perks if she can't perform her duties.
And, like every other press reviewers/commentators/talking heads, isn’t exactly making his way into the studios to get his fee, but talking from his spare bedroom !
Hypocrites who discuss WFH suddenly found the Pandemic ‘worked’ in their favour as they don’t have to schlep across London for 30 minutes work in the studio !!!
I know this is bit flippant and I certainly don’t mean any disrespect to the Queen, but surely she is just following the trend of working from home! I don’t expect that Pratt’s like Maguire complain about all those civil servants and public sector workers who are lazing about at home.
Double – a lefty coloured Muslim girl MP called Huk? Used the same lack of respect process in the commons the other day – I don’t know if she had to apologise –
Personally I could care less – those false traditions just weigh the country down – I wish they’d just move parliament to a warehouse in Hull or Birmingham instead those over paid MPs just disconnect to ordinary people the moment they step in that place ….and get called ‘honourable ‘ when most are not …
If the Queen should step down because she cannot do her job properly they should have asked Maguire if sleepy Joe should also step down.
At least the Queen still has her marbles (not the Elgin ones but you know what I mean)
“London Drugs Commission to look at legalising cannabis”
Another ‘own goal’ for Labour ?
Is the ‘Mayor’ picking some ‘duty free’ to bring back home with him ?
Does he ever wear a tie?
I can’t help but wonder if The BBC could have helped this situation. Being a PUBLIC broadcaster- as they are in the habit of telling us when they want licence money. Why is the pressure mass-immigration puts on housing and public services ignored ?
Just tried to reapply for council housing. What's the point? I'm clearly not the priority.
Do you need an interpretator? Are you an asylum seeker? Are you a refugee with the right to be here? Etc Etc. Why are they getting priority. Don't I deserve my own home. 🤬🤬🤬🤬
The BBC only cares about white folks if they can be used to bash the government with. BBC policy is to make the UK as attractive as possible and as wide open as possible to as many BAMEs as possible. The more the merrier until white Brits are but a memory.
Just looking at the BBC News over my Pot Noodle and I note that there are 5 storys accompanied by pictures on the “Cost of Living” debacle yes the same one that’s affecting every country in the world at the moment.
However according to the BBC the Cost of Living crisis (Torys fault) only affects women and doesn’t impact on men at all !!! You see the BBC use pictures of females four of whome are white and one has a mixed race child and one BME lady to highlight the cost of living issues with thier own unique story.
They know the games up so expect the anti white male hetro Christian bias to get much much worse.
Absolutely. I watched Keeping Up Appearances on BBC Three a couple of nights ago, it was double-billed with Yes, Prime Minister. The announcer, almost sighing, wistfully introduced them by saying, “People watched these in their millions.” Correct – what figures does a modern day sitcom like Citizen Khan get?
The glory days of BBC TV are long gone and they are never coming back.
And they know it.
Have you seen the Virgin Atlantic “See the World differently” advert? Soundtrack “I am what I am,” a middle-aged business woman setting off the metal detector with the studs in her tongue, a black guy trolley dolly with drag queen makeup, a steely female pilot. There’s even a ginge on the moving walkway who looks like a young version of Rayner.
It’s enough to make you book American!
Trick – I love clever funny adverts – and with about 5 seconds of seeing that thing the off switch hit – luckily if I watch commercial TV at all – it’s a recording – so easily deleted …
Maybe that dodgy airline would do better ensuring their pilots are qualified …
Listening to the BBC news I was disappointed not to hear the Fragrant Honourable Stella Creasey – champagne socialist MP for E17 naming names over the gang rape gang she allegedly encountered while an under graduate at oxbridge .
She says a number of the gang are now in prominent jobs so surely she is duty bound to name them ?
Can’t be half a victim surely ? And other women are entitled to know who these characters are ?
Earlier this week I posted about “never let a good crisis go to waste” here is a video a smallholder has made about that and the fact that Bidens government appear to be doing absolutely nothing to help people with food prices or the coming shortages, and might very well be using it as a lever to force through more green insanity:
Young Blair is amongst those calling for exams to end.
Exams are not perfect but they give a reasonable idea of the person.
If they scrap them then the precedent will be set.
No more driving tests. Take a few driving lessons and all will be given licences.
Airline pilots, take 10 lessons and you can fly hundreds of passengers all over the world. No need to do any exams or flying tests.
One good thing though. No more degrees necessary if you want to be a policeman or nurse.
(I’m still convinced that a locum Psych Cons. – from Jamaica, was nothing of the sort. I was his secretary for his month’s duration, and he had to be checked on all of his diagnosis, I even queried his qualifications with the recruitment agency, as the guy was away with the fairies (high?) most of the time. Thankfully his time was over before we got any answers). Dangerous ? er, yes.
I hope every person getting a ticket plod is named – as taxpayers we are entitled to know if people on the public tab – in government property – are breaking the law -…
The same rule should apply to any PCC – eg from Durham – and any Privy Counsellor ….
“If the WHO says every person on the planet needs to have a vaccine passport and digital identity to ensure vaccination compliance, then that’s what every country will be forced to implement, even if the people have rejected such plans using local democratic processes.”
Nothing specific on the bBC website but lots of implicit support for this ghastly institution and their ambassador Brown.
This is a Socialist government and will do anything it can to centralise power. The Tories now believe in big government, state control of everything, including thought, and speech
Vis a vis the bloody awful bbbc and it’s lies by omission, flannelling et al, Mrs Voter insists on reading the news headlines on the bloody awful bbbc website. When I say I read something on line she’ll say “that’s not what I read” of course I say no, it’s what the bloody awful bbbc want you to read.
The liars at the BBC made a passing reference to Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s vote-rigging past (how was he even allowed to stand again?).
What they glossed over completely were his ties to islamism.
Melanie Phillips: “The Islamist-linked Aspire Party has just won a sweeping victory. It now controls a majority 24 of the 45 seats available, with the party’s founder — Islamist activist and fraudster Lutfur Rahman — now the mayor.
He served as mayor from 2010 to 2015, initially as a representative of the Labour Party. His tenure was marked by widespread Islamist extremism, cronyism and outright corruption — all exposed by expertly-conducted documentaries and investigations from mainstream British media, although largely ignored or downplayed by police and national politicians.
The danger Rahman posed was apparent from the beginning. In his first year, Rahman was thrown out of the Labour Party for his Islamist links, after a local secular Bangladeshi politician, Helal Abbas, revealed Rahman’s ties to the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE).”
It’s quite common for us to wonder what those who fought for this country in the world wars would make of modern day Britain.
In The Battle of the Menin Road Ridge in 1917 there was a strong point of German pillboxes known to British troops as “Tower Hamlets.”
Artist Paul Nash, who later painted “The Menin Road,” was a BEF soldier in the battle. He considered “Tower Hamlets” to be “perhaps the most dreaded and disastrous locality. . ”
How bitterly ironic that sounds today.
“Only those who know the East End as it is, can fully realise what this continuous alien invasion means for the English population. – Many English people living in the neighbourhood have summed up the situation to me in a phrase : ‘We are living in a foreign country’. – East of Aldgate one walks into a foreign town. In the by-streets north and south of the main thoroughfares it is an exception to hear the English language spoken. – In some districts every vestige of comfort had been absolutely wiped out, the foreigners coming in like an army of locusts, eating up the English inhabitants or driving them out – swamping whole areas once populated by English people.”
No doubt you, and others on this site, wholeheartedly agree with every word.
It was written by the Conservative Party MP for Stepney in 1903. The “army of locusts” were Jewish refugees.
This makes me spitting mad. Bangladeshi culture, and him and the rest of them who’ve arrived here, taking the piss and what they can rob from us. Send the channel chancers to Rwanda ? I’d clear the swamp that Britain has become, and would fly the plane myself to Africa, to ‘clean’ MY country of these people who are simply not wanted here.
What is it about MPs and crimes – an SNP MP – now resgned – guilty of fraud of £25 k ?
650 is MPs – how many have got records now ? I think they are more likely to be criminals than the public… –
It’s those men again.
Missing Maddie from Bristol found in a house.
Three men arrested. No details yet, but it would appear that they are not white or far right, otherwise we would have been told
You can tell how much of Thursday’s 6pm BBC1 news I managed as I have begun writing this at 6.08 and I was late switching on the news. Innuendo after innuendo, taking Boris to where he never was. Nothing said about the people who were fined for partygate this time because the BBC might have to admit they were mostly civil servants. Plenty of playing the clip with Allegra Strachan to show how they punish journalists who work for the Conservatives. There was an Asian female shadow minister to repeat how Labour were only innocents doing their job whilst the wicked Tories broke the rules. She could have said Boris had bitten the heads off babies and drank their blood, she wouldn’t have been held to account. I switched off.
Indeed! I got the 6 pm R4 news and they managed to say nothing that was untrue but mention Boris as much as possible while not saying who actually was there. This was the first item too. Not as if there’s much else going on in the world …
Another dirty trick by the filthy BBC was an advert I heard at least twice for “The Briefing Room” at 8 pm with David Aronovitch. It will be dealing with the Northern Ireland situation and the recent elections. We got one of those false “binary” analyses of the possible future: would it be “back to the Bad Old Days” or “forward to a united Ireland”? Not much of a choice there, if you’re a Protestant or Catholic unionist! Note the association of “forward” (i.e. PROGRESS!) with the idea of a united Ireland.
An islington metro like aronovitch talking about Eire / NI … all that happened was a split unionist vote and sinn Fein IRA got 1% more …
I dont know enough about the border but i do know that if the IRA start again they need to be dealt with more ‘ robustly ‘ together with their supporters …
Conservatives, Labour, LibDims , UKIP , Socialist Worker Party , Change UK , Communist, Brexit Party , Sinn Feinn Monster Raving Looney Party ,Fianna Fail , Fine Gael , The Greens , Ulster Unionists , Democrat Unionist Party , Macrons Party , Front National , the Democrats , Republicans, Victor Orbans party , the Reform Party etc etc etc . Sorry if I’ve forgotten some worthies here .
All are entitled to debate any and all legislation that may be enacted- aren’t they ?
And vote accordingly to their beliefs and interests- aren’t they ?
And whether we believe they’re right or wrong , if we are impartial And supposedly a impartial broadcaster we can’t condemn their decision , can we ?
Even by surreptitious means .
There is one party in that list there that the BBC said FAILED to do something the BBC ordained as the proper action . [ There are probably others as well ] .
That party was the Ulster Unionists . Although a long time ago I remember the BBC headline on the BBCs flagship programme as
The Ulster Unionists have FAILED to ratify the Good Friday Agreement.
This is not the merits or otherwise of the GFA or United Ireland or anything about the Troubles .
It’s about how the BBC deemed a political process in different land as a Good Thing and even condemning the leading political party with a majority at that time as WRONG because they discussed it and democratically rejected it at that time .
No wonder the BBC is disliked in parts of Ireland.
“The two main political parties to the Agreement were the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP), led by David Trimble and the Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP), led by John Hume. The two leaders jointly won the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize. Other parties involved in reaching agreement included Sinn Féin, the Alliance Party and the Progressive Unionist Party. The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), which later became the largest unionist party, did not support the Agreement.”
What a godawful pile of poo the BBC is.
The BBC are STILL banging on about Partygate. There are new fines. And hey presto, the BBC manage to find two people in Stoke who are disgusted by it, and give them prime position on the 10 pm news.
ITV, bless them, led with video of Russian soldiers killing a factory security guard in cold blood. At least they have some sense of proportion. And they don’t cost us a licence fee.
Not BBC but same mindset: Channel 4’s Dispatches goes undercover to expose “Far-right” violence, but ends up getting violently attacked by the Far-left Antifa… within minutes!
Maxi would feel that photo is a hands on hips “gotcha”
It seems to show PA founder Mark Collett posing next to a woman with a Swastika
.. and that proves he’s guilt by association
(That’s all the context I know .. it could be a photoshop job)
emm just like a photo of Prince Charles posing with Jimmy Savile proves Prince Charles is a paedo …/sarc
Apparently that’s his “former girlfriend Jenna Smith (Eva Van Housen)”
.. Yes weird tattoos ..maybe she was in a punk band and her tattoos are saying “F the world” rather than actual Nazi stuff.
Unpicking the C4 Dispatches documentary
C4Dispatches tweet “Watch The Enemy Within: The Far Right – now on All 4:”
So they are saying “look over there are a group of people in society who cause trouble, who are an enemy”
That provokes Twitter to shout back ‘interesting choice of words
now tell us who are the REAL enemy within’
Blatant misinformation on such matters is part of the media/NUJ’s own internal racism, that we expect.
That if violent antifa thugs turned up to disrupt a legal nationalist demo
The headline would run “4 arrested after violence at FAR RIGHT rally” even if ALL the arrests were of antifa
Someone uploaded it to YouTube, an comments have been left open
but someone said earlier comments had been censored off.
I looked at Twitter search terms *Channel4 Antifa * .. *C4Dispatches Antifa*
The tweets appeared to hundreds of replies opposing the prog ..and I spotted one in favour
I looked at C4Dispatches main promo tweet
There were 184 Likes ..that's not a huge amount
The replies were 121 Replies, 184 Quote tweets, maybe 20% of those supported the prog
(It's different from a normal open debate, cos many tweeters would be scared to express an opinion supporting PA)
@louisa_compton Head of Channel4 Factual programmes, promo tweet was ratioed
There were 30 Likes ..
The replies were 61 Replies, 38 Quote tweets, almost none of those supported the prog
AndyNgo's reaction clip got a much bigger impact 1,300 Likes
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
In such PRasNews there is usually a take-away line at the end of the advertorial programme
It was from an Asian Lord saying PA needs to be banned
Her name was not shown on the screen so I had to look it up in the newspaper.
“Dame Sara Khan, the first counter-extremism commissioner and No 10’s independent adviser for social cohesion and resilience, urged ministers to ban Patriotic Alternative and other groups espousing “hateful extremism”.
She told Dispatches: “They are fundamentally helping to create a climate that is conducive to terrorism and violence.”
To me that’s like saying “The group non-violent group Mothers Against Rape should be banned cos it creates a climate”
Role reversal tests ..would Channel4 make a similar doco if another belief group got together to do campfires and litterpicking in the countryside
Say Muslim Hikers, or Socialist Hikers, or Black Pride Hikers
and one or two attendees said inflammatory things, like “that footballer looks like a monkey” ??
One reason an organiser might keep quiet is cos there is a strong chance that “wacko talk” would come from infiltrators.
So you might not want to draw attention to the fact you have spotted them.
They accused C4 of editing footage to misrepresent
“This senior guy used the N-word” plays edited clip
The full footage would show those were NOT his own words
rather he was quoting someone from his workplace,
MC says that PA are deliberately not confrontational
.. and references other groups “carrying huge crosses into Muslim areas” .. (I guess that is Britain First)
Sara Khan appears in the middle of the show saying that PA don’t do violence, but have the same interests as people that do. So we should ban them anyway.
Hmm like Irish Republican politicians have the same interests as VIOLENT IRA ? So should they be banned ?
Khan added that PA are not breaking any laws so WE need to bring in laws to make them outside the laws.
FFS #Orwellian
There has been a change .. Sara Khan last year proposed a law of “hateful extremism” the law was declined and Khan is no longer in the same office
Dame Sara Khan has been given a NEW job
and new Twitter account
You’ve got jut a couple of weeks to fill in this review
“This consultation closes at
11:45pm on 2 June 2022”
If you have experienced extremism or felt its impact on social cohesion in your community Dame Sara Khan wants to hear from you.
Next part the doco said the young guy “was arrested by police for handing out leaflets on his way to school”
MC calls this an absolute lie “He wasn’t on his way to school, he was taken out by the regional organiser on a leaflet session, he was NOT on the way to school”
C4 “He was never charged” .. MC, ‘no cos both he and the leaflet were fully legal’
‘He was wrongfully arrested and all his devices seized for 6 months ..this is illegal’
.. (I disagree the police did have flaky grounds, but they can always say they had suspicion .. and then found nothing))
Now they get to the antifa attack
That’s where the guy shouts “no not me I’m an undercover journalist”
That day they were on their way to a countryside gathering
So they said to the younger guys ‘come along early and we’ll stop of in a Rotherham suburb and do some leafletting’
Laura was up the road with her husband and he fought off the 3 that attacked them
At the time online haters said PA had made up the attack
MC said “The antifa attack fits the definition of terrorism
yet Sara Khan totally ignores it”
There’s an ad break, where in their region the adverts actually feature quite a lot of white people, compared to what’s normal, where most ads seems to BME
Then it’s on the PA doing a lockdown breaking hike with a “This is Our Land banner”
emulating the Woodie Guthrie song.
Then section about PA suggesting rather than suffer school indoctrination
Kids could be homeschooled with a PA approved programme.
Then FakeNews bit about identities being revealed.
For the third time much older stuff is brought up
This time to try to make a connection with another group “National Action”
C4 “In 2016 Melia attended a demo alongside the soon to be banned group National Action”
MC calls that guilt by association trickery
He claims that Melia is clean and the prog misrepresents what happened
That is was a multigroup demo against grooming
and that cos Melia arrived late he happened to be standing behind them instead of his own people,
MC said the prog misled by saying “NA were banned for their views”
he said they were banned cos one guy was a law breaker.
The prog presented a later pub photo where out of 10 , two are NA and they were later jailed
Again MC brushes this off
Labour activist Nick Knowles made a claim that two NA activists were absorbed into PA
MC points out that Knowles doesn’t back that claim with any detail. Abd criticises the media mood making trickery.
Now the PA leaflets from the Batley by-election that parodied Labour by merely showing Starmer taking the knee
And were made to look like they came from the TUC
(I’d guess that kind of deception is not allowed under election
rules .. indeed Towler reminded people to keep quiet)
PA repeated the trick in another area pointing out Tories encourage open borders.
MC justified the trickery , by complaining that for years antifa had got away with using similar tactics
MC points out that the prog mentined the election was about David Amiss but chose not to mention the perp
Next segment shows unidentified individuals making 3 off colour jokes
MC just ignores the bit when one guy seems to say “disgusting Jews”
(Scenarios : there could be individual super racist nutters at the camp
.. but then undercover reporters might create a story by bring in their own guys to say outrageous things
In the Q&A, LT says those individuals broke PA rules, but since the footage blurred the faces they can’t be brought to account ..and may well have been just normal customers at the campsite )
… The young lad made a joke about PA being called Nazis
So of course the prog put that in the prog.
MC says the prog actually looks like PRasNews to promote Sara Khan’s campaign to BAN any talk of “replacement theory” for white people.
Towler adds that although that would make sense when the prog was being made.. it seems that law change was rejected some months ago
Finally MC proposes that as a kind of revenge PA members should FOIA Channel4 for footage of themselves
(Now I would expect that C4 would reject that citing that material for journalism is not subject to FOIA
but there is a chance that MC might be right in away
“It will teach them a lesson cos it will cost them £10K”
..No I think that’s wrong cos normally FOIs can be refused if they are too costly
LT asks whether it was legal to film children
(Bottomline C4 has so many lawyers they can probably get away with anything)
A commenter pointing out that undercover journos infiltrating an org and then calling the org “the enemy within” is super ironic projection.
“Join myself and Laura Towler as we review the Channel 4/Dispatches documentary ‘The Enemy Within’. We expose the lies told by Hardcash Productions and give a blow by blow breakdown of each scene.” Apologies if this gov petition has already been seen on here. Has there been any BBC news articles on this power grab by the WHO? Something stinks if the biased BBC isn’t mentioning something so important that will affect us all.
Brilliant interview with @evavlaar@MarkSteynOnline@WHO in #CCP pocket (Dr Tedros guest of Chairman Xi at Winter Olympics), tick box report on National Institute of Virology & now a global pandemic treaty? We are sleepwalking into a globalist trap. Wake up. @GBNews#GBNews
— Chris Davies 🏴 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 (@justchrisdavies) May 12, 2022
The BBC story doesn’t list them.
Rather you have to work out , you need to click the hyperlink which takes you to the Food Standards Agency statement and list
Totally avoided the actual subject yet again maxi. What is that random picture you have uploaded specially to use during your trolling ? – some kind of childish ‘no, you do’ ?. I wonder how many more you have in your database ready to use at times like this.
What I do enjoy about your visits here is how the BBC run so many articles about online trolls and yet here you are showing us once again what complete hypocrites you people are.
Get yourself some self-respect ffs. You are a forum troll. You ignore any relevant issues and attempt to troll people who bring them up. And you are most certainly taking money to do it because I can tell that all your posts adhere to some sort of guidelines you have been instructed to follow.
You are lowlife maxi. You are full of spite. Do you even realise ?. Do your family know what you do ?. I bet they don’t. I bet you dress it up in some meaningless title like ‘Internet information consultant’.
Just as an aside, how much from the BBC taxpayers license fee do they pay your employers to do this ?. Do you get paid by the post or are you just an office boy who is given a list of forums which you must troll regularly within a set period ?.
Do you work exclusively for the BBC or does your employer have many different contracts ?. Will you be umemployed when the license fee goes ?. Is it a big market for trolling these days ?.
These – and any other questions maxi doesn’t like – will not be answered. That’s the beauty of being a troll.
ps. Please let the BBC know that Biden is now less popular than Trump was. They seem to so busy telling us women in Spain can get leave when having periods, they have overlooked it. Another of your ‘Honest mistakes’ right ?.
Number of threads since he last trolled ; 3
Number of comments since he last trolled ; 1574 .
Number of comments on this thread ;187
Number of comments Maxi has picked up on ;3
Average time Maxi trolls ; 02.10 am
Number of times Maxi replies to questions put to him ;0
Anyone with the self-respect and ability to do something else is not a troll. Morally it’s the same as a prostitute.
I have concluded he is based in the USA – so not even a UK resident. No doubt the BBC contracted someone over there to avoid the risk of getting found out here in the UK. OFCOM would love it.
I have also noticed maxi has been getting more bitter and personal in his posts. Must be because his brave-new-world is collapsing around him. Can’t wait for the November elections.
Thursday night seems to be the best night to engage the resident troll ….
BBC News – not exactly bias …. But …..
….. my ears deceived me when it was reported that electricity bills are to increase because of another levy to build nuclear power stations ….. wtf ? Is the government that out of touch ?
… then …. Obama is sending a bunch of IRA supporting US politicians to meddle in the NI border and threaten Blighty with no trade deal – we will never get a trade deal with Obama in charge – tell the yanks to ho home and sort out their own border
And lastly – looks like a few civil servants are to be done away with – maybe anyone working from home can stay there and claim their unemployment benefit from home ….. (90000?)
… I wonder if BBC staff are included as ‘civil servants ‘…
“… I wonder if BBC staff are included as ‘civil servants ‘…”
God I hope not, their unions, momentum stuff,antifa etc., would be all over everything like a rash, with conflicts with the ‘rag’ journos, and the other dross which just don’t do what their paid to do, union or not.
Some good news at 6 a.m., the slumbering giant has awoken. The PM has decreed that the bloated Civil Service must be slimmed down. The Unions and no doubt the Guardian and the Daily Mirror will be opposed as will the Civil Servants themselves. With his leadership rival, Jeremy Hunt, warning the PM that the Conservatives will risk losing the next General Election, the PM is now doing what he should have got going on in 2019 while he had Dominic Cummings to help.
There will be tremendous opposition. The Civil Servants want us back in the EU so they can have an easy life. Bits of the media want us back in the EU so they do not have to apply for visas to get to their holiday homes/have a ready supply of Brits to rent their B-t-L overseas portfolios.
In 2010, the Civil Service had become so bloated that 1 in 4 of the UK workforce worked for the State. By 2015, the Coalition Government had trimmed that down to 1 in 5 of the UK workforce. It can be done. The MSM have been telling us that we have record low unemployment in the UK (not actually true) so their opposition to this should be neutralised. The UK workforce needs people they say: redundant Civil Servants will be there soon.
Yeah. Shock! Horror! The government want to take the drastic step of getting Civil Servant numbers back down to pre-pandemic levels.
The Unions and intelligentsia are aghast.
Joke of the week surely must go to the apparatchik who claimed that reducing numbers would increase waits for Passports. Which stone has he been living under for the past year?
The civil service could be slimmed down if they didn’t spend so much time on obfuscation in their correspondence.
Honesty, patriotism, and a sense of duty would help slim it down .
Getting rid of their aversion to work , initiative, the truth and their bloated idea about themselves where they think they are gentlemen who everyone wants to emulate would help slim them down.
Putting the UK’s interest first before cosmic justice would help slim them down .
Remember the Yes Minister series is like a training video to them .
‘All the civil service needs fewer ppl’ says Jacob Rees-Mogg. Been told over and over again by civil servants they don’t have resources to process visas for Afghans and Ukranians at speed they’re supposed to .. #r4today
ID2022-2742 – Diversity and Inclusion Manager – Civil Service … › csr
Are you an experienced, motivated, diversity and inclusion professional who is passionate about creating services which are accessible to …
I take issue the use of the word ‘redundant’ . Redundancy requires a severance payment and no doubt under the conditions of employment Civil Servants get a huge payoff far in excess of the statutory minimum. ( I realise that when talking about Civil Servants words such as employment are in themselves redundant and in the world of Sir Humphrey conditions of employment are only relevant when it suits them)
Much better to dismiss them fir poor attendance at the designated place of work. No severance money required in that case.
I watched an Arts programme on BBC2 last night., ‘Art that made us’.
It started with Rain, Steam, Speed, by Turner (1840s) and went through approximately chronologically to Walter Sickert’s nudes from around the 1900s.
Naturally this being the BBC, the experts for this Victorian era white Anglo-Saxon art included a black man, a gay man, a female Muslim with appropriate hair overnight, and a RuPaul-style cross-dresser. Was there even one straight white male?
Perhaps it was all a sort of -in joke.
‘Art that made the BBC’. Hahahahahahahah.
Giving up alcohol in the LGBT community: ‘I like this version of me better’
One study suggests lesbian, gay and bisexual people are more likely to report alcohol and drug misuse than heterosexual people.
I’d love to watch a serious documentary (better, a series!) about the history and development of art – not everyone’s cup of tea, I’m sure, but it would be mine.
That’s exactly the sort of thing the BBC should be spending some of that licence fee money on (in my humble opinion), it wouldn’t be too costly to produce, and could be put on BBC 2 on a weekday evening, wouldn’t need to be on a primetime slot, would probably be best viewed on ‘catch up’ anyway.
I don’t suppose it would get millions of viewers, but it would get a lot, and it would satisfy those ‘educate and inform’ requirements of the organisation’s charter.
Only thing is, it would need a decent presenter, someone modest, intelligent, not too controversial, not too opinionated and outspoken, not too crazy looking, not too woke, and not too pretentious who could explain things in ‘layman’s terms’ without coming across as a moron, or some kind of political/eco/gender fanatic, someone like…. erm…. err…. no one I can think of who currently works for the BBC.
As for a tranny, a muslim lady, a flamboyantly gay bloke, a butch lesbian with green hair etc… it just turns it into an unwatchable freak show. People can actually be any/all of the above in the privacy of their own time, and not make a big issue about it on air, we don’t need to know, in many cases we don’t WANT to know, but for some reason they feel they HAVE to make you aware, and WANT you to know THEIR opinion on everything. Frankly, I’m not interested in any of that, I’m only interested in the actual art, and perhaps the artists who creatd it.
So, no thanks, that’s me out, and not renewing my licence for another year.
Three months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and I still have not seen anything about a ‘Stop the War Coalition’ demo. In London.
It’s as if such a coalition has nothing to do with war at all but just a way of expressing extreme left wing opinion and opposing the government.
Perhaps it’s members are gluing themselves to the road these days.
A long interview . Webb awake for a change and after blood. He doesn’t normally do the aggression gig like others – but here he ran through all the pro EU – anti UK questions ….
Brexit put up food inflation by 8% sez Webb – JRM bats that one away
Webb throws the lousy comment by the Eire EU Foreign minister interview – JRM reminds us of what harm the EU has already tried during covid
Let’s just get on with the trade war – screw the NI treaty – become the UK again – they export more to us than we to them – and Eire will suffer most .
Webb – a full blown remainer traitor – BBC career – pension – jollies – guaranteed …
I honestly don’t know how you have the stamina and will to watch all this BBC stuff. I know that the job of managing this site requires you do watch it but it would sap all my energy and undermine my health.
So to all those on this site who still put their health on the line by watching or listening to the daily dose of BBC bile I offer you my thanks for checking up on what the enemy is doing and hope that you can stand it a while longer.
Double – it was radio – I don’t really do BBC TV anymore – and actually my TV has given up working – so if anyone knows how I can stream the FA cup final free – I’d be grateful ….
As for listening – Today – is an very old habit – back to jack demanio- so I know how far standards havs dropped ….
But anyone who watches TV now – respect – …
BTW – watched the latest J bond film on Amazon – getting my moneys worth – a coloured 007 with no acting skills –
That franchise will go the way of Dr Hoo..
If you’re listening to Radio 4, you’re listening to the son of a man who believed the State should be shredded so that the wealthy and powerful can become wealthier and more powerful without being subject to the rules others have to live with. Check out The Sovereign Individual
— ALASTAIR CAMPBELL (@campbellclaret) May 13, 2022
EU enlargement
Enlargement policy applies to countries currently aspiring to join the EU and potential candidates. The prospect of membership is a powerful stimulus for democratic and economic reforms in countries that want to become EU members.
Saw the video the other day. First 15 seconds sounded like it might be catchy then it degenerated into the usual, boring Eurovision song indistinguishable from a thousand others.
Not that it matters. The contest will be shown for the complete farce it really is when Ukraine get 10 points from everybody.
"Emma Hayes rang me and said 'you're not yourself'." Thank you to Karen Carney for bravely discussing her mental health journey with @TelegraphSport for Mental Health Awareness Week, and how a call from her old manager persuaded her to seek help last year
‘“Coleen’s just like a pidgeon” Vardy jibe at rival‘ (Daily Star)
Clearly this is – in the language of football – a clear case of handbags at dawn. But pidgeon…? How so?
The Sun explains: ‘Becky’s pidgeon slur on Coleen… talking to Coleen Rooney was like “arguing with a pidgeon. You can tell it that you are right and it is wrong, but it’s still going to s**t in your hair”‘
You have to note here that very particular female usage: “in your hair“. Think of all the money, time and effort spent on a wag’s haircare. A simple “wash and go” bloke, especially a football-minded bloke (not so much the barnet image conscious practitioners), would of course more naturally employ the somewhat alternate phrase: “on your head”
I do know what I’m talking about. This subtle male/female distinction in attitude toward the old noggin crop has been confirmed and now enshrined in case law and I cite the frontpage splash in the Daily Star this morning: ‘Tribunal decides calling a man a baldy is SEXUAL HARASSMENT‘
At long last, as the economic pidgeons come home to roost, even communist China, the pioneer of Lockdown begins to question the efficacy of the policy: ‘Heath vs wealth. Xi’s dilemma over further Covid-19 lockdowns‘ (Financial Times)
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror would draw our attention to: ‘Partygate scandal. The home of UK’s worst Covid lawbreakers. A record 100 fines now issued for people in power who MADE the rules‘ – 90% of them civil servants, I shouldn’t wonder.
‘91,000 civil service jobs will be axed. One in 5 to go in huge shake-up ++ Numbers will return to 2016 levels ++ £3.5bn savings to ease cost of living crisis‘ – promises the Daily Mail.
As Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard was won’t to order: “Make it so!”
Then we might – economically speaking – just maybe – avoid being sucked into: ‘Supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy‘ (‘i’)
‘Boris Johnson’s cabinet met yesterday at a Stoke-on-Trent pottery‘ (Times) – gags about them all being potty or Boris as a bull in a china shop were presumably carefully focus-grouped beforehand?
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper ditches all their rather pompous feature category headings this morning – one wonders for a moment whether this might be in response to all the shade one cast on them hereabouts in yesterday’s review?
Time for a brief self-depracating anecdote from Mr AsISeeIt. By all means skim ahead to the next paragraph… Would you, could you, believe it… one was once accused of pomposity? It happened like this: the then recently married now sadly late-lamented Mrs AsISeeIt happened to spill a quantity of dry rice onto the floor of the kitchen. Mr A advised the use of a plastic funnel when pouring small grained materials, adding – perhaps unnecessarily over-egging the pudding – “Treat it like a liquid” which over-bearing advice elicited the deserved retort “Don’t be pompous”
We return to the job in hand and specifically to the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper for the return of the female celeb angst feature: ‘As the single mum of a teenager I’m lonely. Help!‘ – buck up, luv…
Lingering, metaphorically, in the kitchen for a moment. They do say there’s a lid to fit every jar: ‘Evil Bellfield’s girlfriend: I’m not ashamed‘ (Mirror)
Think of the kids…
‘Covid effect on young people will be in inquiry spotlight‘ (Telegraph) – one doubts any self-serving public sector inquiry team will come to any of the sensible and obvious conclusions – they just don’t tend to join the obvious dots back to themselves: ‘“No explanation” for most first-class degrees as grades soar‘ (Times)
Judith Woods in the Telegraph talks some sense and expresses our growning exasperation with the public sector: ‘Work is no longer a place but a state of mind? Please spare me‘
‘Mr Johnson told the Daily Mail: “We have got to cut the cost of government to reduce the cost of living.” He said the civil service had become “swollen” during the pandemic…‘
Meanwhile: ‘Civil servants demand right to work abroad… the FDA union yesterday passed a motion insisting that their members should be eligible for “international remote working” for the benefit of their “family life”‘ (Telegraph) – they may as well swan off and work from abroad, as we have witnessed over the issues of Brexit and of illegal migration, many of our UK civil servants much prefer working in the interests of foreign entities.
As for the chances of Boris following through with civil service job cuts, Priti Patel making Rwanda deportations or indeed: ‘Defiant Truss… We’ll rip up Brexit border deal‘ (Daily Express) – let’s use an otherwise unrelated feature headline from the formerly patriotic Times to stand as our metaphorical signifier of the likelihood of such good things ever coming to pass: ‘Moon dust heralds a giant leek for mankind‘
AISI, the hi-res DSLRs or mirrorless cameras (other camera types are available) used by the Times’ photographer have done Rebekah Vardy no favours at all. She will be round to the hairdressers as soon as the case is over. Sadly, they will not be able to do anything about the ‘orange peel’. Eeeeeeek! Cruel camera.
I’m reminded of that 1980s German car advert: “This is the man who married a Sex Kitten, just as she turned into a cat” … this is the footballer who married a peach, just as she turned into an orange?
UK Surname Positions #1 – Smith #2 – Jones ( wiki – List of most common surnames in United Kingdom )
London shows a different picture for surnames …
3.Patel (India)
10.Khan (Pakistan)
You can also find The most common surnames county by county –
Find out yourself SpinningReith,
You can enter your name and see it’s popularity go up or down ….
With a special link provided by the the UK Government for special names such as Muhammad, Mohammed and Mohammad (other names not so special)
We do not have a definitive answer for why the variations of the name Muhammad have generally risen up the rankings over time, but there are some possible explanations.
1. The increasing size of the Muslim community in England and Wales
2. The dominance of the name in the Muslim community combined with increased diversity in names for baby boys
3. The possible increased dominance of the name in the Muslim community
4. The possible effect of popular sporting figures with the names Muhammad and Mohamed
The term such as ‘increased dominance‘ is odd, when in maths you could use the term ‘increased occurrence’ instead.
dominance – power and influence over others
occurrence – the fact or frequency of something happening
Words do have meanings and some are more emotive than others.
According to JustRemainIn Webb, talking about delays in obtaining new Passports, he suggested the Prime Minister had ‘threatened’ to privatise the Passport Agency. JustRemainIn made me confused as, to the best of knowledge, the Passport Agency (the clue is in the name) are a privatised service. I am, sadly, old enough to remember when Passports were dealt with – efficiently – by the Home Office.
Now there’s a thing!
I speeded up the application for my first ever Passport, way back in the mists of time, by handing in my application with supporting documents at Petty France. Back then I had the advantage of working in central London.
If the Passport Agency is not a private organisation please write in a let me know. Clarifications and corrections welcomed. Quite why we have to pay a fee – a substantial fee at that – for a Passport if the Passport Agency is not a private business I know not, because the Home Office is already paid for, up front, by our Income Tax.
The fact that there is a colossal delay in obtaining new Passports gives the lie to the supposed ‘cost-of-living-crisis’, doesn’t it, BBC and Labour Party?
A few days ago there was the usual ‘crisis’ talk on BBC news about the cost-of-living crisis.
With no hint of irony, no self-awareness, and a total failure to join the dots just a few minutes later in the same bulletin there was an article about record bookings at TUI for holidays overseas.
Civil Service
Apply on Rest Less
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We encourage applications from people from all backgrounds and aim to have a workforce that represents the wider society that we serve. We pride ourselves on being an employer of choice. We champion diversity, inclusion and wellbeing and aim to create a workplace where everyone feels valued and a sense of belonging. To find out more about how we do this visit: Overview of the job This is a co-ordination and senior administrative role in the Divisional office, Function / Cluster local offices. The jobholder will provide corporate support office-based activities to support the work of the Divisional and operational teams.
The man, indentified as Liu Jiaqi, was captured in a video calling all Kenyans, including President Uhuru Kenyatta, “monkeys”.
The authorities have revoked his work permit and say he was arrested after making racist remarks.
Yes. It is the first case of someone being deported but there have been other allegations of racism.
In 2015, the owner of a Chinese restaurant in Nairobi was arrested after public outrage over the restaurant’s alleged policy of banning African customers at night.
Following Guido’s story that Network Rail’s Head of Diversity, Loraine Martins, earned £164,000 – a salary higher than the Prime Minister’s – an investigation by the TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA) has uncovered exactly the kind of work going on over at the top echelon of Network Rail in the last two years – including the publication of two “language guides” with instructions on how to use an “infinite number of pronouns” and “LGBTTQQIAAP” inclusion. All while the regional department responsible for producing them was under central investigation for terrible performance…
The Ukrainian refugee schoolgirl learning fast in the UK
The Ukrainian refugee schoolgirl learning fast in the UK
Nine-year-old Marharyta did not speak any English when she first arrived to the UK from her hometown of Lviv in Ukraine, but she’s learning fast in preparation for starting school.
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Scroblene re cramp.
Try New Era Mag Phos tablets. Tiny soluble without water tabs, take 4 for cramp attack and two more after 10 mins if it hasn’t gone. Usually works a treat for me. (Better read the small print! )
Thank you, Messenger!
There used to be a preperation called Crampex, but someone like a twonk in the EU banned it, (like Collis Browns), and then my doctor told me to take a lot of tonic water for the quinine, but made no reference to the Gordons for some reason…
I’ve also tried breathing into a paper bag, but it makes so much of a racket, Senora O’Blene wakes up and begins to remonstrate more than somewhat!
I’ll try these – they’re on Amazon I see! Thanks again!
Wonder if the BBC will be reporting on this:
Ooh er, of course it is all Russian disinformation.
BBC Search Ukraine BioLabs
Nil points.
Careful curation of propaganda or just gossip edition
Not quite game, set and match just yet to the prevailing narratives
Kudos this morning to the Daily Star, which has self deprecation and sense of humour enough to spoof the big tabloid celeb headline story of the day: ‘Wags at war. I tried to leak story about footballer, says footballer’s wife who denies leaking stories on footballer’s wife*‘
One also greatly admires a qualifying footnote to a headline – the serious papers and broadcasters could learn a thing or two: ‘*We think we’ve got this right but it’s hard to keep up‘ – sure beats the BBC’s over-used boiler plate grudging admission: “We think we got it about right”
The Mirror – which prefers to take things seriously – has a reasonable pun for us: ‘Wagging tongues. Vardy denies story leaks & says it was just gossip‘
The Sun sounds almost sypathetic: ‘Tearful Becky: It was just gossip‘, whilst the giveaway Metro gives away, perhaps, a slight sense of boredom: ‘… as the Wag libel battle rages on‘
The left-leaning tabloid ‘i’ has the pomposity to categorise this celebrity saga under their: ‘Legal‘ heading – budding young forensic Sir Keirs who read the ‘i’ newspaper will, one assumes, be taking copious legal notes on their yellow legal pads: ‘Wagatha Christie, round 2 Vardy was “joking” about tabloid leaks‘ – remind me of the size dimentions of the ‘i’ newspaper – it looks pretty tabloidy to me?
I seem to have stumbled onto a rich vein of ‘i’ newspaper self-importance and pretention here. Their: ‘Culture‘ heading features – not T S Eliot, Shakespeare or Beethoven… it’s local favourites hereabouts: ‘Little Mix show how to have a good musical divorce‘
Just as Sainsburys has a “World Foods” section so the ‘i’ has for itself a “World” feature heading… : ‘Ukraine Eurovision star will go straight to the frontline‘ – I doubt bookies will be taking any bets on his ditty winning the up coming totally-judged-on-song-merits euro song contest. The reassurance we’re given here that the singer – be he in fact a he, she or they (you never know with Eurovision) will soon forgo all that camp frivolity for army service is quite some testiment to the careful curation of propaganda for this war.
What did the Vikings ever do for us?
The ‘i’ fills their “Diplomacy” section with a fairly serious development: ‘Historic military pact. UK vows to defend Sweden and Finland from Russian attack‘
The Telegraph provides for us a nice photo op representation of the alliance – give Mr AsISeeIt the subeditorship and it would have been titled “Blonde on Blonde“. The rather more staid Telegraph captions the pic of the two prime ministers in a rowing boat: ‘Boris Johnson and his Swedish counterpart Magdalena Andersson after signing a defence pact. Mr Johnson tweeted: “We are literally and metaphorically in the same boat”‘ – I’m imagining Carrie Johnson on the river bank, just out of shot, after lecturing the Nordics on how to keep warm up there in chilly Scandinavia without using any fossil fuel energy. Then, noticing hubby, evidently courtesy his Oxbridge education a pastmaster of a pair of well-oiled rollocks, getting on rather too well with his new ally. Carrie, grabbing the megaphone calls him in before he catches a crab – shouting “Come in number 9, your time is up!” The local boating lake attendant will of course inform Carrie “We don’t have a number 9” at which point Priness Nut-Nut asks “Number 6, are you in difficulties?”
Our media seem to be picking off naughty Tory MPs one by one: ‘MP’s food banks slur. Tory: The poor can’t cook‘ (Daily Mirror) – seems you can’t say stuff like that these days.
How about the Tescos copy in their frontpage advert in the freebie Metro: ‘Find out how a Use Up Day can help save you money and cut food waste‘ – condescending or what? It’s an outrage, telling that to the cost-of-living crisis, poverty-stricken, food bank, eat or keep warm, elderly, vulnerable etc, etc.
Unilever: ‘Hellmann’s discovered that adopting just one ‘Use-Up Day’ per week – making a meal using ingredients already in the fridge and kitchen – can reduce the amount of food thrown away by a third‘ – seems our big corporates can get away with patronising commentary.
Of course a Tory is still remembered, even to this day, for his “On yer bike” comments taken out of contextt. But that’s so 1980s: ‘Is the UK ready to legalise e-scooters?‘ (‘i’)
Our working from home enthusiast civil servants become rather existential in their outlook: ‘Work is not a place, say senior civil servants‘ (Telegraph)
From philosophy to lexicography…
The Guardian coins a new phrase for us in a major frontpage splash: ‘Revealed “Carbon bombs” set to trigger a climate catastrophy‘ – basically these are: ‘…oil and gas projects…‘ – which are badly needed considering the high price of energy and the thorny issue of sanctions on Russian energy exports – which is supposed to be our western strategy against actual explosive Russian bombs…?
Or we could force Putin to back down using love bombs? Or perhaps rely on fifteen-love bombs: ‘Nadal stands up for banned Russians. A defiant Rafael Nadal said yesterday that his “job” was to defend banned Russian and Belorussian players after the ATP Player Council called for Wimbledon to be stripped of ranking points…. over the decision to ban Russian and Belorussian players‘ – Blimey, first Djokovic, now Nadal… these tennis stars turn out to have minds of their own.
or maybe it should be “come in number 10, your time’s up”
BBC go to gob Kev Crerar reads the room.
Kevin Maguire, another useless Leftie parasite…..
A grade 1 knob..
And, like every other press reviewers/commentators/talking heads, isn’t exactly making his way into the studios to get his fee, but talking from his spare bedroom !
Hypocrites who discuss WFH suddenly found the Pandemic ‘worked’ in their favour as they don’t have to schlep across London for 30 minutes work in the studio !!!
Spot on Dafydd. Always on when they want the moronic leftie view.
Grade 1 tosspot!
Why do they even have creeps like Kevin Maguire on GB News? Plenty of other studios for him to infect, can’t we have just one filth-free channel?
I know this is bit flippant and I certainly don’t mean any disrespect to the Queen, but surely she is just following the trend of working from home! I don’t expect that Pratt’s like Maguire complain about all those civil servants and public sector workers who are lazing about at home.
Double – a lefty coloured Muslim girl MP called Huk? Used the same lack of respect process in the commons the other day – I don’t know if she had to apologise –
Personally I could care less – those false traditions just weigh the country down – I wish they’d just move parliament to a warehouse in Hull or Birmingham instead those over paid MPs just disconnect to ordinary people the moment they step in that place ….and get called ‘honourable ‘ when most are not …
If the Queen should step down because she cannot do her job properly they should have asked Maguire if sleepy Joe should also step down.
At least the Queen still has her marbles (not the Elgin ones but you know what I mean)
“London Drugs Commission to look at legalising cannabis”
Another ‘own goal’ for Labour ?
Is the ‘Mayor’ picking some ‘duty free’ to bring back home with him ?
Does he ever wear a tie?
“Rishi Sunak threatens energy firms with windfall tax”
How about getting rid of the ‘Green’ Levy as well ?
bBC Pidgin if anyone is interested
Maybe the British bc could translate into English
I can’t help but wonder if The BBC could have helped this situation. Being a PUBLIC broadcaster- as they are in the habit of telling us when they want licence money. Why is the pressure mass-immigration puts on housing and public services ignored ?
The BBC only cares about white folks if they can be used to bash the government with. BBC policy is to make the UK as attractive as possible and as wide open as possible to as many BAMEs as possible. The more the merrier until white Brits are but a memory.
If Ukraine does win the Eurovision Song Contest as is hotly tipped by many it should be interesting when they host it next year.
In Kiev perhaps?
Just looking at the BBC News over my Pot Noodle and I note that there are 5 storys accompanied by pictures on the “Cost of Living” debacle yes the same one that’s affecting every country in the world at the moment.
However according to the BBC the Cost of Living crisis (Torys fault) only affects women and doesn’t impact on men at all !!! You see the BBC use pictures of females four of whome are white and one has a mixed race child and one BME lady to highlight the cost of living issues with thier own unique story.
They know the games up so expect the anti white male hetro Christian bias to get much much worse.
Absolutely. I watched Keeping Up Appearances on BBC Three a couple of nights ago, it was double-billed with Yes, Prime Minister. The announcer, almost sighing, wistfully introduced them by saying, “People watched these in their millions.” Correct – what figures does a modern day sitcom like Citizen Khan get?
The glory days of BBC TV are long gone and they are never coming back.
And they know it.
ITV lose lots of revenue on advertising – too many of the ‘wrong sort ‘ of ads? …
Have you seen the Virgin Atlantic “See the World differently” advert? Soundtrack “I am what I am,” a middle-aged business woman setting off the metal detector with the studs in her tongue, a black guy trolley dolly with drag queen makeup, a steely female pilot. There’s even a ginge on the moving walkway who looks like a young version of Rayner.
It’s enough to make you book American!
Trick – I love clever funny adverts – and with about 5 seconds of seeing that thing the off switch hit – luckily if I watch commercial TV at all – it’s a recording – so easily deleted …
Maybe that dodgy airline would do better ensuring their pilots are qualified …
We’re a long way from “Hello, French polishers? It’s just possible you could save my life. . !”
Yellow pages … good advert
Listening to the BBC news I was disappointed not to hear the Fragrant Honourable Stella Creasey – champagne socialist MP for E17 naming names over the gang rape gang she allegedly encountered while an under graduate at oxbridge .
She says a number of the gang are now in prominent jobs so surely she is duty bound to name them ?
Can’t be half a victim surely ? And other women are entitled to know who these characters are ?
Earlier this week I posted about “never let a good crisis go to waste” here is a video a smallholder has made about that and the fact that Bidens government appear to be doing absolutely nothing to help people with food prices or the coming shortages, and might very well be using it as a lever to force through more green insanity:
Food shortages = more dependency on Big (socialist) Government.
Young Blair is amongst those calling for exams to end.
Exams are not perfect but they give a reasonable idea of the person.
If they scrap them then the precedent will be set.
No more driving tests. Take a few driving lessons and all will be given licences.
Airline pilots, take 10 lessons and you can fly hundreds of passengers all over the world. No need to do any exams or flying tests.
One good thing though. No more degrees necessary if you want to be a policeman or nurse.
Or if you are a ‘south Asian ‘ ‘doctor ‘ buy a medical licence for £50 in Islamabad high street … and come to Blighty …
Fed, I think that happens already !
(I’m still convinced that a locum Psych Cons. – from Jamaica, was nothing of the sort. I was his secretary for his month’s duration, and he had to be checked on all of his diagnosis, I even queried his qualifications with the recruitment agency, as the guy was away with the fairies (high?) most of the time. Thankfully his time was over before we got any answers). Dangerous ? er, yes.
Noted Mr Tim Davie announced that the capture over the over 75,s licence fee con was going better than plan.
Timing of the above average wage increases for its staff also announced.
So we know where the over 75,s theft is going plus a cool £ 50 million on another con ” Tell us what you think”?
How about 17.5 million **ck Offs…
rancid barstewards.
I hope every person getting a ticket plod is named – as taxpayers we are entitled to know if people on the public tab – in government property – are breaking the law -…
The same rule should apply to any PCC – eg from Durham – and any Privy Counsellor ….
I hope Mark Steyn has his say on GBNews on the WHO’s dreadful Pandemic Treaty before Ofcom cancel him.
“No one in their right mind would want the WHO in charge of a global pandemic. And yet, that’s precisely what it is proposing with its global pandemic treaty.”
I’ve seen somewhere that our government intends to sign up to it.
“If the WHO says every person on the planet needs to have a vaccine passport and digital identity to ensure vaccination compliance, then that’s what every country will be forced to implement, even if the people have rejected such plans using local democratic processes.”
Nothing specific on the bBC website but lots of implicit support for this ghastly institution and their ambassador Brown.
There’s a petition if you like that sort of thing.
“Do not sign any WHO Pandemic Treaty unless it is approved via public referendum”
This is a Socialist government and will do anything it can to centralise power. The Tories now believe in big government, state control of everything, including thought, and speech
Vis a vis the bloody awful bbbc and it’s lies by omission, flannelling et al, Mrs Voter insists on reading the news headlines on the bloody awful bbbc website. When I say I read something on line she’ll say “that’s not what I read” of course I say no, it’s what the bloody awful bbbc want you to read.
Suitable grounds for divorce, imo.
“Missing Bristol teenager found and three men arrested”
Three “Men” ?
The liars at the BBC made a passing reference to Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s vote-rigging past (how was he even allowed to stand again?).
What they glossed over completely were his ties to islamism.
Melanie Phillips: “The Islamist-linked Aspire Party has just won a sweeping victory. It now controls a majority 24 of the 45 seats available, with the party’s founder — Islamist activist and fraudster Lutfur Rahman — now the mayor.
He served as mayor from 2010 to 2015, initially as a representative of the Labour Party. His tenure was marked by widespread Islamist extremism, cronyism and outright corruption — all exposed by expertly-conducted documentaries and investigations from mainstream British media, although largely ignored or downplayed by police and national politicians.
The danger Rahman posed was apparent from the beginning. In his first year, Rahman was thrown out of the Labour Party for his Islamist links, after a local secular Bangladeshi politician, Helal Abbas, revealed Rahman’s ties to the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE).”
Remember the 4 Stages of islamic conquest?
I wonder what stage Tower Hamlets is at?
It’s quite common for us to wonder what those who fought for this country in the world wars would make of modern day Britain.
In The Battle of the Menin Road Ridge in 1917 there was a strong point of German pillboxes known to British troops as “Tower Hamlets.”
Artist Paul Nash, who later painted “The Menin Road,” was a BEF soldier in the battle. He considered “Tower Hamlets” to be “perhaps the most dreaded and disastrous locality. . ”
How bitterly ironic that sounds today.
“How bitterly ironic that sounds today.”
“Only those who know the East End as it is, can fully realise what this continuous alien invasion means for the English population. – Many English people living in the neighbourhood have summed up the situation to me in a phrase : ‘We are living in a foreign country’. – East of Aldgate one walks into a foreign town. In the by-streets north and south of the main thoroughfares it is an exception to hear the English language spoken. – In some districts every vestige of comfort had been absolutely wiped out, the foreigners coming in like an army of locusts, eating up the English inhabitants or driving them out – swamping whole areas once populated by English people.”
No doubt you, and others on this site, wholeheartedly agree with every word.
It was written by the Conservative Party MP for Stepney in 1903. The “army of locusts” were Jewish refugees.
This makes me spitting mad. Bangladeshi culture, and him and the rest of them who’ve arrived here, taking the piss and what they can rob from us. Send the channel chancers to Rwanda ? I’d clear the swamp that Britain has become, and would fly the plane myself to Africa, to ‘clean’ MY country of these people who are simply not wanted here.
The shape of things to come throughout our country. Import the third world get the third world including its noxious politics.
What is it about MPs and crimes – an SNP MP – now resgned – guilty of fraud of £25 k ?
650 is MPs – how many have got records now ? I think they are more likely to be criminals than the public… –
It’s those men again.
Missing Maddie from Bristol found in a house.
Three men arrested. No details yet, but it would appear that they are not white or far right, otherwise we would have been told
it’s one of those stories which may disappear rapidly – especially if all 3 men have ‘mental issues ‘ get sectioned – no names …
You can tell how much of Thursday’s 6pm BBC1 news I managed as I have begun writing this at 6.08 and I was late switching on the news. Innuendo after innuendo, taking Boris to where he never was. Nothing said about the people who were fined for partygate this time because the BBC might have to admit they were mostly civil servants. Plenty of playing the clip with Allegra Strachan to show how they punish journalists who work for the Conservatives. There was an Asian female shadow minister to repeat how Labour were only innocents doing their job whilst the wicked Tories broke the rules. She could have said Boris had bitten the heads off babies and drank their blood, she wouldn’t have been held to account. I switched off.
Indeed! I got the 6 pm R4 news and they managed to say nothing that was untrue but mention Boris as much as possible while not saying who actually was there. This was the first item too. Not as if there’s much else going on in the world …
Another dirty trick by the filthy BBC was an advert I heard at least twice for “The Briefing Room” at 8 pm with David Aronovitch. It will be dealing with the Northern Ireland situation and the recent elections. We got one of those false “binary” analyses of the possible future: would it be “back to the Bad Old Days” or “forward to a united Ireland”? Not much of a choice there, if you’re a Protestant or Catholic unionist! Note the association of “forward” (i.e. PROGRESS!) with the idea of a united Ireland.
An islington metro like aronovitch talking about Eire / NI … all that happened was a split unionist vote and sinn Fein IRA got 1% more …
I dont know enough about the border but i do know that if the IRA start again they need to be dealt with more ‘ robustly ‘ together with their supporters …
I used to be a Times subscriber . Aaronovitch was one of the main reasons that I cancelled. The man is a first rate fool.
I remember.
Conservatives, Labour, LibDims , UKIP , Socialist Worker Party , Change UK , Communist, Brexit Party , Sinn Feinn Monster Raving Looney Party ,Fianna Fail , Fine Gael , The Greens , Ulster Unionists , Democrat Unionist Party , Macrons Party , Front National , the Democrats , Republicans, Victor Orbans party , the Reform Party etc etc etc . Sorry if I’ve forgotten some worthies here .
All are entitled to debate any and all legislation that may be enacted- aren’t they ?
And vote accordingly to their beliefs and interests- aren’t they ?
And whether we believe they’re right or wrong , if we are impartial And supposedly a impartial broadcaster we can’t condemn their decision , can we ?
Even by surreptitious means .
There is one party in that list there that the BBC said FAILED to do something the BBC ordained as the proper action . [ There are probably others as well ] .
That party was the Ulster Unionists . Although a long time ago I remember the BBC headline on the BBCs flagship programme as
The Ulster Unionists have FAILED to ratify the Good Friday Agreement.
This is not the merits or otherwise of the GFA or United Ireland or anything about the Troubles .
It’s about how the BBC deemed a political process in different land as a Good Thing and even condemning the leading political party with a majority at that time as WRONG because they discussed it and democratically rejected it at that time .
No wonder the BBC is disliked in parts of Ireland.
“I remember.”
“The two main political parties to the Agreement were the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP), led by David Trimble and the Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP), led by John Hume. The two leaders jointly won the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize. Other parties involved in reaching agreement included Sinn Féin, the Alliance Party and the Progressive Unionist Party. The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), which later became the largest unionist party, did not support the Agreement.”
Maxinconey ,
Yeah and ?
The BBCs main headline was as I said which was before there was an eventual signing up .
As said , it’s not whether the Good Friday Agreement was/is good or bad , but BBC BIAS .
Maxi was so keen to get a “gotcha”, that he didn’t even read your post properly.
What a godawful pile of poo the BBC is.
The BBC are STILL banging on about Partygate. There are new fines. And hey presto, the BBC manage to find two people in Stoke who are disgusted by it, and give them prime position on the 10 pm news.
ITV, bless them, led with video of Russian soldiers killing a factory security guard in cold blood. At least they have some sense of proportion. And they don’t cost us a licence fee.
Not BBC but same mindset: Channel 4’s Dispatches goes undercover to expose “Far-right” violence, but ends up getting violently attacked by the Far-left Antifa… within minutes!
Nice use of quote marks, Vlad:

The fascists running the UK Government have thrown their lot in with the Neo-Nazis running the Ukraine. They are so incompetent they can’t even hide their fascism when their credibility depends on it.
Maxi would feel that photo is a hands on hips “gotcha”
It seems to show PA founder Mark Collett posing next to a woman with a Swastika
.. and that proves he’s guilt by association
(That’s all the context I know .. it could be a photoshop job)
emm just like a photo of Prince Charles posing with Jimmy Savile proves Prince Charles is a paedo …/sarc
Apparently that’s his “former girlfriend Jenna Smith (Eva Van Housen)”
.. Yes weird tattoos ..maybe she was in a punk band and her tattoos are saying “F the world” rather than actual Nazi stuff.
I can see why maxi didn’t like your video vlad : he is one of those left-wing monumental hypocrites that guy completely rips to pieces.
Highly amusing. But nothing we didn’t know already.
Unpicking the C4 Dispatches documentary
C4Dispatches tweet “Watch The Enemy Within: The Far Right – now on All 4:”
So they are saying “look over there are a group of people in society who cause trouble, who are an enemy”
That provokes Twitter to shout back ‘interesting choice of words
now tell us who are the REAL enemy within’
Blatant misinformation on such matters is part of the media/NUJ’s own internal racism, that we expect.
That if violent antifa thugs turned up to disrupt a legal nationalist demo
The headline would run “4 arrested after violence at FAR RIGHT rally” even if ALL the arrests were of antifa
Someone uploaded it to YouTube, an comments have been left open
but someone said earlier comments had been censored off.
I looked at Twitter search terms *Channel4 Antifa * .. *C4Dispatches Antifa*
The tweets appeared to hundreds of replies opposing the prog ..and I spotted one in favour
I looked at C4Dispatches main promo tweet
There were 184 Likes ..that's not a huge amount
The replies were 121 Replies, 184 Quote tweets, maybe 20% of those supported the prog
(It's different from a normal open debate, cos many tweeters would be scared to express an opinion supporting PA)
@louisa_compton Head of Channel4 Factual programmes, promo tweet was ratioed
There were 30 Likes ..
The replies were 61 Replies, 38 Quote tweets, almost none of those supported the prog
AndyNgo's reaction clip got a much bigger impact 1,300 Likes
About us (UK Home Office)
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
The prison service has failed to recognise the dangers Islamist gangs and convicted terrorists pose inside jail, a report warns.
The independent reviewer of terrorist legislation, Jonathan Hall QC, said prisons must not provide opportunities for militants to plan new attacks.
But the service had “lost its role in the national endeavour to reduce the risk of terrorism”.
In such PRasNews there is usually a take-away line at the end of the advertorial programme
It was from an Asian Lord saying PA needs to be banned
Her name was not shown on the screen so I had to look it up in the newspaper.
quotes a paywalled &censored Times article accompanying the prog
“Community Admin STAFF 8 MAY, 2022
We welcome your views, however there may be a delay in comments appearing.”
“Dame Sara Khan, the first counter-extremism commissioner and No 10’s independent adviser for social cohesion and resilience, urged ministers to ban Patriotic Alternative and other groups espousing “hateful extremism”.
She told Dispatches: “They are fundamentally helping to create a climate that is conducive to terrorism and violence.”
To me that’s like saying “The group non-violent group Mothers Against Rape should be banned cos it creates a climate”
BBC Radio4’s Paul Lewis promoted the Times article
but didn’t get the reaction he expected ..21 Likes but 10 replies against the prog
There’s a Towler clip where they address an apparent issue
that Channel4 appeared to try to use doxxing as a weapon, but then screwed up anyways.
That’s part of a huge 150 minute video from the PA watch party
Role reversal tests ..would Channel4 make a similar doco if another belief group got together to do campfires and litterpicking in the countryside
Say Muslim Hikers, or Socialist Hikers, or Black Pride Hikers
and one or two attendees said inflammatory things, like “that footballer looks like a monkey” ??
One reason an organiser might keep quiet is cos there is a strong chance that “wacko talk” would come from infiltrators.
So you might not want to draw attention to the fact you have spotted them.
Oops I gave the wrong link
the 150 minute watch party video is here
They accused C4 of editing footage to misrepresent
“This senior guy used the N-word” plays edited clip
The full footage would show those were NOT his own words
rather he was quoting someone from his workplace,
MC says that PA are deliberately not confrontational
.. and references other groups “carrying huge crosses into Muslim areas” .. (I guess that is Britain First)
Sara Khan appears in the middle of the show saying that PA don’t do violence, but have the same interests as people that do. So we should ban them anyway.
Hmm like Irish Republican politicians have the same interests as VIOLENT IRA ? So should they be banned ?
Khan added that PA are not breaking any laws so WE need to bring in laws to make them outside the laws.
FFS #Orwellian
There has been a change .. Sara Khan last year proposed a law of “hateful extremism” the law was declined and Khan is no longer in the same office
Dame Sara Khan has been given a NEW job
and new Twitter account
You’ve got jut a couple of weeks to fill in this review
“This consultation closes at
11:45pm on 2 June 2022”
Next part the doco said the young guy “was arrested by police for handing out leaflets on his way to school”
MC calls this an absolute lie “He wasn’t on his way to school, he was taken out by the regional organiser on a leaflet session, he was NOT on the way to school”
C4 “He was never charged” .. MC, ‘no cos both he and the leaflet were fully legal’
‘He was wrongfully arrested and all his devices seized for 6 months ..this is illegal’
.. (I disagree the police did have flaky grounds, but they can always say they had suspicion .. and then found nothing))
Now they get to the antifa attack
That’s where the guy shouts “no not me I’m an undercover journalist”
That day they were on their way to a countryside gathering
So they said to the younger guys ‘come along early and we’ll stop of in a Rotherham suburb and do some leafletting’
Laura was up the road with her husband and he fought off the 3 that attacked them
At the time online haters said PA had made up the attack
MC said “The antifa attack fits the definition of terrorism
yet Sara Khan totally ignores it”
There’s an ad break, where in their region the adverts actually feature quite a lot of white people, compared to what’s normal, where most ads seems to BME
Then it’s on the PA doing a lockdown breaking hike with a “This is Our Land banner”
emulating the Woodie Guthrie song.
Then section about PA suggesting rather than suffer school indoctrination
Kids could be homeschooled with a PA approved programme.
Then FakeNews bit about identities being revealed.
For the third time much older stuff is brought up
This time to try to make a connection with another group “National Action”
C4 “In 2016 Melia attended a demo alongside the soon to be banned group National Action”
MC calls that guilt by association trickery
He claims that Melia is clean and the prog misrepresents what happened
That is was a multigroup demo against grooming
and that cos Melia arrived late he happened to be standing behind them instead of his own people,
MC said the prog misled by saying “NA were banned for their views”
he said they were banned cos one guy was a law breaker.
The prog presented a later pub photo where out of 10 , two are NA and they were later jailed
Again MC brushes this off
Labour activist Nick Knowles made a claim that two NA activists were absorbed into PA
MC points out that Knowles doesn’t back that claim with any detail. Abd criticises the media mood making trickery.
Now the PA leaflets from the Batley by-election that parodied Labour by merely showing Starmer taking the knee
And were made to look like they came from the TUC
(I’d guess that kind of deception is not allowed under election
rules .. indeed Towler reminded people to keep quiet)
PA repeated the trick in another area pointing out Tories encourage open borders.
MC justified the trickery , by complaining that for years antifa had got away with using similar tactics
MC points out that the prog mentined the election was about David Amiss but chose not to mention the perp
Next segment shows unidentified individuals making 3 off colour jokes
MC just ignores the bit when one guy seems to say “disgusting Jews”
(Scenarios : there could be individual super racist nutters at the camp
.. but then undercover reporters might create a story by bring in their own guys to say outrageous things
In the Q&A, LT says those individuals broke PA rules, but since the footage blurred the faces they can’t be brought to account ..and may well have been just normal customers at the campsite )
… The young lad made a joke about PA being called Nazis
So of course the prog put that in the prog.
MC says the prog actually looks like PRasNews to promote Sara Khan’s campaign to BAN any talk of “replacement theory” for white people.
Towler adds that although that would make sense when the prog was being made.. it seems that law change was rejected some months ago
Finally MC proposes that as a kind of revenge PA members should FOIA Channel4 for footage of themselves
(Now I would expect that C4 would reject that citing that material for journalism is not subject to FOIA
but there is a chance that MC might be right in away
“It will teach them a lesson cos it will cost them £10K”
..No I think that’s wrong cos normally FOIs can be refused if they are too costly
LT asks whether it was legal to film children
(Bottomline C4 has so many lawyers they can probably get away with anything)
A commenter pointing out that undercover journos infiltrating an org and then calling the org “the enemy within” is super ironic projection.
All the news that is… bbc…
Tone elevated. Plus Pulitzer.
“I wanted it to be the People’s Pudding, not just for the Queen, but the whole of the country,” she added.
How lovely. Let’s hear it for the ‘Peoples Pudding’. However Jemma herself looks like she’s had a few too many puddings already.
This kind of reporting is what you get when ‘ability’ is way down the check-box list when you hire new employees.
Looks like the bbc has ‘lost’ that post.
“Join myself and Laura Towler as we review the Channel 4/Dispatches documentary ‘The Enemy Within’. We expose the lies told by Hardcash Productions and give a blow by blow breakdown of each scene.” Apologies if this gov petition has already been seen on here. Has there been any BBC news articles on this power grab by the WHO? Something stinks if the biased BBC isn’t mentioning something so important that will affect us all.
Thanks to Mark Steyn for covering the WHO pandemic treaty and other verboten topics.
Mark Steyn | Thursday 12th May
The salmonella chicken food recall story
The SkyNews page just fully lists the products being recalled.
The Mail also does , in a handy chart, but their page is full of damn popups
Here’s the image alone
The BBC story doesn’t list them.
Rather you have to work out , you need to click the hyperlink which takes you to the Food Standards Agency statement and list
Totally avoided the actual subject yet again maxi. What is that random picture you have uploaded specially to use during your trolling ? – some kind of childish ‘no, you do’ ?. I wonder how many more you have in your database ready to use at times like this.
What I do enjoy about your visits here is how the BBC run so many articles about online trolls and yet here you are showing us once again what complete hypocrites you people are.
Get yourself some self-respect ffs. You are a forum troll. You ignore any relevant issues and attempt to troll people who bring them up. And you are most certainly taking money to do it because I can tell that all your posts adhere to some sort of guidelines you have been instructed to follow.
You are lowlife maxi. You are full of spite. Do you even realise ?. Do your family know what you do ?. I bet they don’t. I bet you dress it up in some meaningless title like ‘Internet information consultant’.
Just as an aside, how much from the BBC taxpayers license fee do they pay your employers to do this ?. Do you get paid by the post or are you just an office boy who is given a list of forums which you must troll regularly within a set period ?.
Do you work exclusively for the BBC or does your employer have many different contracts ?. Will you be umemployed when the license fee goes ?. Is it a big market for trolling these days ?.
These – and any other questions maxi doesn’t like – will not be answered. That’s the beauty of being a troll.
ps. Please let the BBC know that Biden is now less popular than Trump was. They seem to so busy telling us women in Spain can get leave when having periods, they have overlooked it. Another of your ‘Honest mistakes’ right ?.
Number of threads since he last trolled ; 3
Number of comments since he last trolled ; 1574 .
Number of comments on this thread ;187
Number of comments Maxi has picked up on ;3
Average time Maxi trolls ; 02.10 am
Number of times Maxi replies to questions put to him ;0
Conclusion; Maxincony isn’t any good as a troll .
Anyone with the self-respect and ability to do something else is not a troll. Morally it’s the same as a prostitute.
I have concluded he is based in the USA – so not even a UK resident. No doubt the BBC contracted someone over there to avoid the risk of getting found out here in the UK. OFCOM would love it.
I have also noticed maxi has been getting more bitter and personal in his posts. Must be because his brave-new-world is collapsing around him. Can’t wait for the November elections.
Thursday night seems to be the best night to engage the resident troll ….
BBC News – not exactly bias …. But …..
….. my ears deceived me when it was reported that electricity bills are to increase because of another levy to build nuclear power stations ….. wtf ? Is the government that out of touch ?
… then …. Obama is sending a bunch of IRA supporting US politicians to meddle in the NI border and threaten Blighty with no trade deal – we will never get a trade deal with Obama in charge – tell the yanks to ho home and sort out their own border
And lastly – looks like a few civil servants are to be done away with – maybe anyone working from home can stay there and claim their unemployment benefit from home ….. (90000?)
… I wonder if BBC staff are included as ‘civil servants ‘…
The Border Farce could be cut down to two people . It doesn’t do the country any good .
“… I wonder if BBC staff are included as ‘civil servants ‘…”
God I hope not, their unions, momentum stuff,antifa etc., would be all over everything like a rash, with conflicts with the ‘rag’ journos, and the other dross which just don’t do what their paid to do, union or not.
They really are that thick.
Clearly a better measure than bat guano, mince or planks needs developing.
Maybe Mishal has a chart?
TOADY Watch #1 – naturally, because of Brexit
Some good news at 6 a.m., the slumbering giant has awoken. The PM has decreed that the bloated Civil Service must be slimmed down. The Unions and no doubt the Guardian and the Daily Mirror will be opposed as will the Civil Servants themselves. With his leadership rival, Jeremy Hunt, warning the PM that the Conservatives will risk losing the next General Election, the PM is now doing what he should have got going on in 2019 while he had Dominic Cummings to help.
There will be tremendous opposition. The Civil Servants want us back in the EU so they can have an easy life. Bits of the media want us back in the EU so they do not have to apply for visas to get to their holiday homes/have a ready supply of Brits to rent their B-t-L overseas portfolios.
In 2010, the Civil Service had become so bloated that 1 in 4 of the UK workforce worked for the State. By 2015, the Coalition Government had trimmed that down to 1 in 5 of the UK workforce. It can be done. The MSM have been telling us that we have record low unemployment in the UK (not actually true) so their opposition to this should be neutralised. The UK workforce needs people they say: redundant Civil Servants will be there soon.
Yeah. Shock! Horror! The government want to take the drastic step of getting Civil Servant numbers back down to pre-pandemic levels.
The Unions and intelligentsia are aghast.
Joke of the week surely must go to the apparatchik who claimed that reducing numbers would increase waits for Passports. Which stone has he been living under for the past year?
Aah, Sluff, don’t steal my thunder 😉 🙂 I’m about to move on to Passports.
The civil service could be slimmed down if they didn’t spend so much time on obfuscation in their correspondence.
Honesty, patriotism, and a sense of duty would help slim it down .
Getting rid of their aversion to work , initiative, the truth and their bloated idea about themselves where they think they are gentlemen who everyone wants to emulate would help slim them down.
Putting the UK’s interest first before cosmic justice would help slim them down .
Remember the Yes Minister series is like a training video to them .
Sima gets ‘told’ things…
ID2022-2742 – Diversity and Inclusion Manager – Civil Service … › csr
Are you an experienced, motivated, diversity and inclusion professional who is passionate about creating services which are accessible to …
Afghan – a successful campaign according to Boris.
I take issue the use of the word ‘redundant’ . Redundancy requires a severance payment and no doubt under the conditions of employment Civil Servants get a huge payoff far in excess of the statutory minimum. ( I realise that when talking about Civil Servants words such as employment are in themselves redundant and in the world of Sir Humphrey conditions of employment are only relevant when it suits them)
Much better to dismiss them fir poor attendance at the designated place of work. No severance money required in that case.
I watched an Arts programme on BBC2 last night., ‘Art that made us’.
It started with Rain, Steam, Speed, by Turner (1840s) and went through approximately chronologically to Walter Sickert’s nudes from around the 1900s.
Naturally this being the BBC, the experts for this Victorian era white Anglo-Saxon art included a black man, a gay man, a female Muslim with appropriate hair overnight, and a RuPaul-style cross-dresser. Was there even one straight white male?
Perhaps it was all a sort of -in joke.
‘Art that made the BBC’. Hahahahahahahah.
As Rolf used to say to Eric, “Can you see what it is yet?”.
Or was it the other way around?
Giving up alcohol in the LGBT community: ‘I like this version of me better’
One study suggests lesbian, gay and bisexual people are more likely to report alcohol and drug misuse than heterosexual people.
Harvey Day
4 March 2022
I’d love to watch a serious documentary (better, a series!) about the history and development of art – not everyone’s cup of tea, I’m sure, but it would be mine.
That’s exactly the sort of thing the BBC should be spending some of that licence fee money on (in my humble opinion), it wouldn’t be too costly to produce, and could be put on BBC 2 on a weekday evening, wouldn’t need to be on a primetime slot, would probably be best viewed on ‘catch up’ anyway.
I don’t suppose it would get millions of viewers, but it would get a lot, and it would satisfy those ‘educate and inform’ requirements of the organisation’s charter.
Only thing is, it would need a decent presenter, someone modest, intelligent, not too controversial, not too opinionated and outspoken, not too crazy looking, not too woke, and not too pretentious who could explain things in ‘layman’s terms’ without coming across as a moron, or some kind of political/eco/gender fanatic, someone like…. erm…. err…. no one I can think of who currently works for the BBC.
As for a tranny, a muslim lady, a flamboyantly gay bloke, a butch lesbian with green hair etc… it just turns it into an unwatchable freak show. People can actually be any/all of the above in the privacy of their own time, and not make a big issue about it on air, we don’t need to know, in many cases we don’t WANT to know, but for some reason they feel they HAVE to make you aware, and WANT you to know THEIR opinion on everything. Frankly, I’m not interested in any of that, I’m only interested in the actual art, and perhaps the artists who creatd it.
So, no thanks, that’s me out, and not renewing my licence for another year.
Yes Marky, I’ve got it on DVD, it was funny when it was made 20 years ago, now it is a documentary.
20 years!
They did ‘shock of the new ‘ about 20? Years ago – just straight documentary – no propaganda ….
Three months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and I still have not seen anything about a ‘Stop the War Coalition’ demo. In London.
It’s as if such a coalition has nothing to do with war at all but just a way of expressing extreme left wing opinion and opposing the government.
Perhaps it’s members are gluing themselves to the road these days.
That’s exactly what they are.
Same as the outfit ‘Human Rights Watch’ who only care about things matching their left-wing agenda.
Whatever happened to Peace Envoys, Peace Negotiators, Peace Conferences?
It’s almost like the lefties are all wanting this war.
Glue themselves to missiles?
Today watch
Justin Webb v J Rees Mogg
A long interview . Webb awake for a change and after blood. He doesn’t normally do the aggression gig like others – but here he ran through all the pro EU – anti UK questions ….
Brexit put up food inflation by 8% sez Webb – JRM bats that one away
Webb throws the lousy comment by the Eire EU Foreign minister interview – JRM reminds us of what harm the EU has already tried during covid
Let’s just get on with the trade war – screw the NI treaty – become the UK again – they export more to us than we to them – and Eire will suffer most .
Webb – a full blown remainer traitor – BBC career – pension – jollies – guaranteed …
I honestly don’t know how you have the stamina and will to watch all this BBC stuff. I know that the job of managing this site requires you do watch it but it would sap all my energy and undermine my health.
So to all those on this site who still put their health on the line by watching or listening to the daily dose of BBC bile I offer you my thanks for checking up on what the enemy is doing and hope that you can stand it a while longer.
Double – it was radio – I don’t really do BBC TV anymore – and actually my TV has given up working – so if anyone knows how I can stream the FA cup final free – I’d be grateful ….
As for listening – Today – is an very old habit – back to jack demanio- so I know how far standards havs dropped ….
But anyone who watches TV now – respect – …
BTW – watched the latest J bond film on Amazon – getting my moneys worth – a coloured 007 with no acting skills –
That franchise will go the way of Dr Hoo..
Also Al.
Soon on QT?
How ‘it’ works.
I’m not rich – but I like the sound of a shredded state …
“shredded” – MPs’ EXPENSES: Blair’s £43,000 expenses were shredded ‘by incompetence’
UPDATED: 01:40, 14 May 2009
EU enlargement
Enlargement policy applies to countries currently aspiring to join the EU and potential candidates. The prospect of membership is a powerful stimulus for democratic and economic reforms in countries that want to become EU members.
I can only assume bbc editors are that desperate for hits.
Someone cares ?
Where has the UK gone wrong in the past?
Simple one word answer – entering !
Nothing can ever top Dana for me. Her maturity for her age and her voice like an angel are just mesmerising. And she was only 18 !.
Saw the video the other day. First 15 seconds sounded like it might be catchy then it degenerated into the usual, boring Eurovision song indistinguishable from a thousand others.
Not that it matters. The contest will be shown for the complete farce it really is when Ukraine get 10 points from everybody.
Via Al.
Interesting bio.
Just dire 3rd rate tickboxing
Pidgeon slurs and moon dust edition
‘“Coleen’s just like a pidgeon” Vardy jibe at rival‘ (Daily Star)
Clearly this is – in the language of football – a clear case of handbags at dawn. But pidgeon…? How so?
The Sun explains: ‘Becky’s pidgeon slur on Coleen… talking to Coleen Rooney was like “arguing with a pidgeon. You can tell it that you are right and it is wrong, but it’s still going to s**t in your hair”‘
You have to note here that very particular female usage: “in your hair“. Think of all the money, time and effort spent on a wag’s haircare. A simple “wash and go” bloke, especially a football-minded bloke (not so much the barnet image conscious practitioners), would of course more naturally employ the somewhat alternate phrase: “on your head”
I do know what I’m talking about. This subtle male/female distinction in attitude toward the old noggin crop has been confirmed and now enshrined in case law and I cite the frontpage splash in the Daily Star this morning: ‘Tribunal decides calling a man a baldy is SEXUAL HARASSMENT‘
At long last, as the economic pidgeons come home to roost, even communist China, the pioneer of Lockdown begins to question the efficacy of the policy: ‘Heath vs wealth. Xi’s dilemma over further Covid-19 lockdowns‘ (Financial Times)
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror would draw our attention to: ‘Partygate scandal. The home of UK’s worst Covid lawbreakers. A record 100 fines now issued for people in power who MADE the rules‘ – 90% of them civil servants, I shouldn’t wonder.
‘91,000 civil service jobs will be axed. One in 5 to go in huge shake-up ++ Numbers will return to 2016 levels ++ £3.5bn savings to ease cost of living crisis‘ – promises the Daily Mail.
As Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard was won’t to order: “Make it so!”
Then we might – economically speaking – just maybe – avoid being sucked into: ‘Supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy‘ (‘i’)
‘Boris Johnson’s cabinet met yesterday at a Stoke-on-Trent pottery‘ (Times) – gags about them all being potty or Boris as a bull in a china shop were presumably carefully focus-grouped beforehand?
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper ditches all their rather pompous feature category headings this morning – one wonders for a moment whether this might be in response to all the shade one cast on them hereabouts in yesterday’s review?
Time for a brief self-depracating anecdote from Mr AsISeeIt. By all means skim ahead to the next paragraph… Would you, could you, believe it… one was once accused of pomposity? It happened like this: the then recently married now sadly late-lamented Mrs AsISeeIt happened to spill a quantity of dry rice onto the floor of the kitchen. Mr A advised the use of a plastic funnel when pouring small grained materials, adding – perhaps unnecessarily over-egging the pudding – “Treat it like a liquid” which over-bearing advice elicited the deserved retort “Don’t be pompous”
We return to the job in hand and specifically to the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper for the return of the female celeb angst feature: ‘As the single mum of a teenager I’m lonely. Help!‘ – buck up, luv…
Lingering, metaphorically, in the kitchen for a moment. They do say there’s a lid to fit every jar: ‘Evil Bellfield’s girlfriend: I’m not ashamed‘ (Mirror)
Think of the kids…
‘Covid effect on young people will be in inquiry spotlight‘ (Telegraph) – one doubts any self-serving public sector inquiry team will come to any of the sensible and obvious conclusions – they just don’t tend to join the obvious dots back to themselves: ‘“No explanation” for most first-class degrees as grades soar‘ (Times)
Judith Woods in the Telegraph talks some sense and expresses our growning exasperation with the public sector: ‘Work is no longer a place but a state of mind? Please spare me‘
‘Mr Johnson told the Daily Mail: “We have got to cut the cost of government to reduce the cost of living.” He said the civil service had become “swollen” during the pandemic…‘
Meanwhile: ‘Civil servants demand right to work abroad… the FDA union yesterday passed a motion insisting that their members should be eligible for “international remote working” for the benefit of their “family life”‘ (Telegraph) – they may as well swan off and work from abroad, as we have witnessed over the issues of Brexit and of illegal migration, many of our UK civil servants much prefer working in the interests of foreign entities.
As for the chances of Boris following through with civil service job cuts, Priti Patel making Rwanda deportations or indeed: ‘Defiant Truss… We’ll rip up Brexit border deal‘ (Daily Express) – let’s use an otherwise unrelated feature headline from the formerly patriotic Times to stand as our metaphorical signifier of the likelihood of such good things ever coming to pass: ‘Moon dust heralds a giant leek for mankind‘
AISI, the hi-res DSLRs or mirrorless cameras (other camera types are available) used by the Times’ photographer have done Rebekah Vardy no favours at all. She will be round to the hairdressers as soon as the case is over. Sadly, they will not be able to do anything about the ‘orange peel’. Eeeeeeek! Cruel camera.
I’m reminded of that 1980s German car advert: “This is the man who married a Sex Kitten, just as she turned into a cat” … this is the footballer who married a peach, just as she turned into an orange?
Wrong post – was for post above.
It’s a huge image of Alastair Campbell wearing a F Boris T-shirt
You can make Twitter images fit by adding the suffix “:small”
I used :”tiny” here

If you’re going to start posting things like that, you really need to give me a warning first please!
This warning is a complete warning to warn you of all warnings.
Nutter ( Campbell )
Video from History Debunked : Wokism De-junked
Child passports page uses none white children
He references the NSPCC fund raising advert which features only non-white people. ..
UK Surname Positions #1 – Smith #2 – Jones ( wiki – List of most common surnames in United Kingdom )
London shows a different picture for surnames …
3.Patel (India)
10.Khan (Pakistan)
You can also find The most common surnames county by county –
Find out yourself SpinningReith,
You can enter your name and see it’s popularity go up or down ….
With a special link provided by the the UK Government for special names such as Muhammad, Mohammed and Mohammad (other names not so special)
We do not have a definitive answer for why the variations of the name Muhammad have generally risen up the rankings over time, but there are some possible explanations.
1. The increasing size of the Muslim community in England and Wales
2. The dominance of the name in the Muslim community combined with increased diversity in names for baby boys
3. The possible increased dominance of the name in the Muslim community
4. The possible effect of popular sporting figures with the names Muhammad and Mohamed
The term such as ‘increased dominance‘ is odd, when in maths you could use the term ‘increased occurrence’ instead.
dominance – power and influence over others
occurrence – the fact or frequency of something happening
Words do have meanings and some are more emotive than others.
TOADY Watch #2 – are you sure about that?
According to JustRemainIn Webb, talking about delays in obtaining new Passports, he suggested the Prime Minister had ‘threatened’ to privatise the Passport Agency. JustRemainIn made me confused as, to the best of knowledge, the Passport Agency (the clue is in the name) are a privatised service. I am, sadly, old enough to remember when Passports were dealt with – efficiently – by the Home Office.
Now there’s a thing!
I speeded up the application for my first ever Passport, way back in the mists of time, by handing in my application with supporting documents at Petty France. Back then I had the advantage of working in central London.
If the Passport Agency is not a private organisation please write in a let me know. Clarifications and corrections welcomed. Quite why we have to pay a fee – a substantial fee at that – for a Passport if the Passport Agency is not a private business I know not, because the Home Office is already paid for, up front, by our Income Tax.
The fact that there is a colossal delay in obtaining new Passports gives the lie to the supposed ‘cost-of-living-crisis’, doesn’t it, BBC and Labour Party?
A few days ago there was the usual ‘crisis’ talk on BBC news about the cost-of-living crisis.
With no hint of irony, no self-awareness, and a total failure to join the dots just a few minutes later in the same bulletin there was an article about record bookings at TUI for holidays overseas.
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise next month
Published1 March
The 2.7% rise will come in the same week that millions of workers see their wages hit by a National Insurance increase.
Strange that the BBC has not covered the ex SNP woman MP has had no coverage after conviction for fraud yesterday …..
and the abducted 15 year old in Bristol – news …?
No cake. No curry. No alcohol.
Peterlee woman fined £500 for Covid-breach balloon launch
Published23 April 2021
A woman who organised a balloon launch in memory of her father-in-law in breach of the coronavirus lockdown laws in November has been fined £500.
Vicki Hutchison had refused to pay a £10,000 fixed penalty for holding the gathering of more than 30 people.
But with Ukraine odds-on favourite to win, and both Belarus and Russia banned, will we see voters unite against Putin?
As the conflict continues, Kalush Orchestra are some of the very few men currently allowed to leave the country.
BBC Ukraine’s Viktoriia Zhuhan joined them as they prepared for the contest in the war-torn city of Irpin.
1 in 5 civil servants to go.
Working from home must have had some influence on that decision.
I bet many more of them turn up at their desks next week.
Let’s hope so – for the London based ones – not living in London – pull the London allowances if working at home …
Equality and Diversity Officer (Ref: 57396)
Civil Service
Apply on Rest Less
23 days agoFull–time
We encourage applications from people from all backgrounds and aim to have a workforce that represents the wider society that we serve. We pride ourselves on being an employer of choice. We champion diversity, inclusion and wellbeing and aim to create a workplace where everyone feels valued and a sense of belonging. To find out more about how we do this visit: Overview of the job This is a co-ordination and senior administrative role in the Divisional office, Function / Cluster local offices. The jobholder will provide corporate support office-based activities to support the work of the Divisional and operational teams.
BAE … stocks are looking good …
Only the UK can be racist. FACT.
Kenya deports Chinese man over ‘racist rant’
Published6 September 2018
The man, indentified as Liu Jiaqi, was captured in a video calling all Kenyans, including President Uhuru Kenyatta, “monkeys”.
The authorities have revoked his work permit and say he was arrested after making racist remarks.
Yes. It is the first case of someone being deported but there have been other allegations of racism.
In 2015, the owner of a Chinese restaurant in Nairobi was arrested after public outrage over the restaurant’s alleged policy of banning African customers at night.
Following Guido’s story that Network Rail’s Head of Diversity, Loraine Martins, earned £164,000 – a salary higher than the Prime Minister’s – an investigation by the TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA) has uncovered exactly the kind of work going on over at the top echelon of Network Rail in the last two years – including the publication of two “language guides” with instructions on how to use an “infinite number of pronouns” and “LGBTTQQIAAP” inclusion. All while the regional department responsible for producing them was under central investigation for terrible performance…
The War on the West | Douglas Murray & Jordan Peterson
“India …. class people as literally untouchable.”
The Ukrainian refugee schoolgirl learning fast in the UK
The Ukrainian refugee schoolgirl learning fast in the UK
Nine-year-old Marharyta did not speak any English when she first arrived to the UK from her hometown of Lviv in Ukraine, but she’s learning fast in preparation for starting school.
Marharyta and her mum Larysa moved to Manchester after securing visas through the Ukraine Family Scheme.
Bradford’s language bubbles: ‘it’s perfectly possible never to speak English’
This article is more than 6 years old
Local MP says poor standard of English among many women is a barrier to integration, but some say people should be free to speak their own language
Yes, people should be free to speak whatever language they want, but we should also be free not to understand what they’re saying.