Gray Day? The Far Left BBC will be in overdrive demanding this and that and an inquiry into the inquiry . Might be a good day to put out bad news – but at the moment – that’s every day …
Listening to parliament on the radio – the desperation of labour MPs. The SNP and a couple of Tory traitors is very very strong .
Nut nut took questions for about an hour having to eat do do from various showboating labour and SNP types …. In the end as false emotion followed false emotion about dead people – he resorted to saying ‘I’ve answered that’.
What a political storm in a Westminster teacup …
Starmer keeps on pressuring Durham plod by promising to resign if they give him a ticket ….
Teaser trailer for Sky’s This England, starring Kenneth Branagh as Boris.
The use of Rule Britannia and the voiceover about Britain overtaking Italy’s COVID figures suggest it’s going to be pretty negative.
I really didn’t think that the BBC could get any lower, but plastered all over the front page of their webshite now is a homage to George Floyd, the drug dealing wife beater who died through his own fault two years ago. This next to a piece gloating at the discomfort of Boris Johnson after the (irrelevant to 99% of the population) Gray Report. Close it down for God’s sake.
Excellent point Taff. Floyd’s death wasn’t premeditated but poor Rigby’s was and even more horrible for the victim. But because Lee Rigby was white and Floyd black and the killers black for Rigby white for Floyd one death sparks worldwide violence encouraged by the MSM , the other one is quickly forgotten , at least by the MSM.
“…the drug dealing wife beater who died through his own fault…”
Derek Chauvin slowly suffocated Floyd until he was unconscious. Chauvin then continued to suffocate him for a further two minutes after it was found that Floyd no longer had a pulse.
This happened in broad daylight, on camera in front of a large crowd of witnesses. Derek Chauvin was subsequently found guilty of second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.
He was murdered, markh… and yet here you are, two years later, claiming he “died through his own fault…”, on website that makes jokes about him being a “coon”.
“This happened in broad daylight, on camera in front of a large crowd of witnesses.”
Unlike the post mortem toxicological analysis. Look up Fentanyl – Floyd’s body was full of it. It doesn’t excuse Chauvin but the death was more complicated than a knee on the neck.
You value the life of this man so highly that you troll people of forums about it – yet you people have no interest at all for the thousands of black people murdered by other black people.
At the same time the drug dealing career criminal died, a young girl was shot in the head in a drive-by shooting and it only made the news because a police chief had to cut short an interview about Floyd to go attend the scene.
You are the most disgusting form of hypocrite maxi. You don’t care one bit how many black people die. Their only value is for you to use as weapons on forums like this.
“on website that makes jokes about him being a “c**n”.”
Where was that?! I don’t think you WILL find that anyone here has said that!
I think you must be mixing this website up with a different one Maxi… presumably an American site?
No one here uses phrases like that, it’s a British site, and that’s not British slang, apart from anything else, but racist language isn’t tolerated anyway.
So where’s the word maxi ?. Up to now, you’re the only one who has used it. What kind of hypocrite does that make you ?.
Or did you use it as another scumbag trick to try and make the site show up on your far-left activist searches ?. Must drive you mad that everyone here makes valid comments and doesn’t use racist language eh ?.
And even if it was, it’s not his phrase, it’s just copied from the internet. Try doing a bit of research before making an ass of yourself.
“Barrister at head of panel to tackle police racism wanted to defund police, bragged of her ‘hatred’ for the Tories and called for officers to be more ‘woke’
Chairman of new police panel on race has talked about ending funding for forces
Barrister Abimbola Johnson, 34, previously discussed crime being ‘reclassified’
Three Labour supporters are on the Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board ”
Who in Great Britain voted this for multiculturism and diversity ?
More ‘nudge’ at work by the Broadcaster to force us accept a bad idea that has done us no good, no good at all .
There have been plenty of warnings over the last 70 years about mass Immigration but not enough people took notice or voted to stop it. Now we reap what they sowed.
There should always be a debate on immigration and it should always be legal to question it. There will always be voices for and against. The Rothermere Press was sympathetic to fascism at the time of the above report. People knew that at the time. They could assess it for themselves. Britain never became anti-Jewish.
These days the Left wants mass immigration as a tool to destroy Britain and Western Civilization. That’s why most people oppose it. That’s why the Left want to censor opinions of ordinary people.
The people Britain is letting in these days are the most anti- Jewish on the planet. Being a little devious Maxi?
Or have you finally attained your goal of peak stupidity?
“These days the Left wants mass immigration as a tool to destroy Britain and Western Civilization.”
Knowingly, or otherwise, you are just trotting out the same old nonsense. “Jews” became “Jewish Marxists” became “Cultural Marxists” became “Marxists” became “Globalists” became “Leftists”…
“The white genocide, white extinction, or white replacement conspiracy theory, is a white supremacist conspiracy theory which states that there is a deliberate plot, often blamed on Jews, to promote miscegenation, interracial marriage, mass non-white immigration, racial integration, low fertility rates, abortion, governmental land-confiscation from whites, organised violence, and eliminationism in white-founded countries”
Oh gosh maxi, you go to a loopy article in the politically left Wikipedia and come up a mish mash of Goebbles style propaganda that is blatant rubbish and distortion. It is so bad in it’s attempt to link the extremist and terrorist Right to any reasonable opposition to mass immigration it is laughable.
But I do recommend to others on this site to read your post so as an example of how deranged Leftism has become.
Once a coherent theory socialism has morphed into a toxic anarchist movement using violence and mass immigration to destroy the order they see around them and bring about it’s end.
Do you really believe the Left are interested in the welfare of the immigrants? They are being exploited as tools by the Left who have given up on the proletariat and now hate and label them as white supremacists.
I never referred to any conspiracy theory, nor have I ever backed any terrorists Left or Right, Black or White.
I prefer the evidence of my own eyes and not the party line.
You are barking up the wrong tree.
Pippster and Kev make Laura and Toenails look like professional impartiality paragons of political reporting.
Meanwhile on twitter their equivalent of the cubicle gardens has a two way equivalent to The BBC when an outage story is required involving a peroxide victim single mother, brood, all grinning ear to ear as Shaznay has had a ‘do for the photo op after being fried in the tanning booth.
“even rethink what we classify as criminality in the first place. Until you no longer need to fund a police force”
Miss Johnson, who said in her post that she is a Labour Party member, argued that people had the ‘wrong impression’ of the BLM movement.
In the Twitter conversation on June 29, 2020, she said the movement ‘is meant to make us think harder about how we could run a safe and fair society without the need for a police force’. In another tweet in response to a now-deleted post, she wrote: ‘Yes, the ultimate aim is to create a societal system that no longer needs the police. Or at least doesn’t need police forces in the sizes we have now.’
Wonder what the line up for the Radio Humberside breakfast show will be in one years time ?
Presenter’s tweet today “TheSmileMaker 🌱⊗@Kofi_Smiles May 25, 2022
✊🏿: GEORGE FLOYD w/ @jeffreykboakye & @all_humber
… “
Presenter’s tweet one year ago “TheSmileMaker 🌱⊗@Kofi_Smiles May 25, 2021
.. “
Today’s prog blurb “What’s changed since the death of George Floyd in America two years ago today?
The one man brewery based in a garage in West Hull.
… “
News at 8am
#1 19 children killed in Texas ..Biden clip
#2 Gray report speculation ..failures of leadership, Boris less secure local expert we found says
#3 Local Asylum seeker centre on hold
#4 Tomato Farm promotion ..clip #PRasNews
#5 New Jubilee coin #PRasNews
9am #1 and #2 same but
#3 Rail workers voted for national strike
#4 #PRasNews “Butterfly Conservation say two fifths of UK butterflies are endangered of dying out entirely .. 24 of 58 species”
Clip of the NewHarrabin trying to build narrative“Meadows have been ploughed up or grown over, our insatiable demand for food mean more fertilisers and pesticides means ….
but 2 species BC said were critical last time are now OK”
Breakfast show guests
@all_humber : “supporting members of the BAME Communities and Associations particularly in the Humber Region”
such NGOs often turn out to be ONE activist
@jeffreykboakye author of “A Black Teacher in a White system”
The photographs in Sue Gray’s report all feature Boris as far as I know. So was the investigation one into Downing Street parties or just into Boris? Given that 50 fines were issued to others why does every published photo have Boris in it? Was she just out to get Boris?
Is Boris responsible for the running of the lower ranks of the Civil Service? The answer is of course no.
The BBC are simply showing their utter hatred for Boris and this mainly because he helped get the UK out of the EU.
Common purpose – WHO – UN – WEF gravy train who of course are the BBC’s hidden “masters” are behind this push. I can’t think of anything else to credit Boris with!
Hence the relentless drive to tarnish him and try to bring about his demise. It has been a mission the BBC have been on from the start with wallpapergate.
Compare Boris to Blair and Boris comes out as Santa bleeding Claus in comparison.
The plan to create a “One World, One unelected Government for the West was given a hefty knock by Brexit and will reverberate into the future until Boris is brought down along with the Conservatives and replaced by a rejoiner inclined Labour Party (A new “fixed” EU rejoin referendum will certainly follow shortly after if this happens).
I think the BBC had their sights set on a transition to a GBC future (Global Broadcasting Company) until this upset their plans and now they are fighting for their very future as they have become an irrelevance to the vast majority of UK citizens.
I can’t think of a British Prime Minister in history who has suffered the appalling venom and spite of the BBC to anything like this degree before.
I’d rather have Putin as Prime minister .
You couldn’t imagine him getting bogged down in some foolish, trivial party gate nonsense.
I bet Vladimir would have got us a better Brexit too!
“Supreme Commander Vladimir Putin visited the Central Military Clinical Hospital named after P.V. Mandryk, where servicemen of the Russian Army who were injured during a special military operation are being treated.”
Eddie.. have you been sleeping for 6 years? He did get us a better Brexit – it wouldn’t have happened at all without Russian Interference ( ™ BBC/CNN/Fake News Alliance). Ditto he got President Trump elected – every liberal knows this as a FACT.
George Aligayah on BBC1 news reporting that one person at No10 was sick ie vomited sometime during partygate. May I suggest one of the sandwiches on Boris’ desk was prawn and hadn’t been in the fridge?
What we know is the BBC will want to paint the worst picture.
Thanks Scrob. I am now watching Mr Farage who is as awful. He obviously hates Boris. I suspect he thinks Boris has taken all the glory over Brexit. His anti Boris campaign has become boring.
7pm GB News had a young woman talking who lost a relative to covid (we were talking so missed the detail). She finished off by saying she was ashamed to be British. She may have been born British but it was obvious not her heritage.
I’m going back to watching Johnny versus Amber on YouTube because I am so fed up of drunken parties….Oh….. anyway it is much more gripping and they haven’t mentioned climate change.
And I am looking forward to that glass of red, Scrob.
7pm BBC2 a Portillo repeat
‘Here’s my how about Railyways
Oh look here I am in Peckham
Did you know there was a guy called Harold Moody who founded the National League for Coloured people in 1931 ?’
5 min to tick that box
Now he’s at an eel pie shop.
Why arnt there more coloured train spotters – ?BBC investigates …
On the theme of railways – with all the effort going to developing safe driverless cars – surely trains and buses must be first on the target list – the end of the RMT ….
GB News Comedians Beat Piers, Sky News in Second Place
It is once again Guido’s solemn duty to report Piers’ bad news. Last night his show plunged to 36,500 viewers. In the same time slot, Mark Steyn pulled in more than double that for GB News at 78,200. Piers was even beaten by the GB News’ Headliners, a show in which comedians read the papers and break no news. They got 49,600. Remember, as Piers will tell you whenever his overnight ratings tank, conventional TV ratings “don’t matter”… unless he wins. No such luck last night.
Meanwhile over at Sky News, having finally dumped the dire Daily Climate Show from primetime, ratings surged back up to around 70,000 for that slot, which didn’t help Piers much for the second half of his show. Sky News is finally back in second place behind the BBC, having learned their lesson after watching their viewership halve every time they aired the doom-mongering nonsense. Piers is probably the only person who’ll miss it…
In an unusual twist, Nigel Farage finally dipped below his GB News colleagues, with both Dan Wootton and Mark Steyn beating him last night. Farage pulled in 62,900, with Wootton getting 67,300. Farage is usually at the top of the pile and is considered GB News’ box office king. Even Brillo said as much last week on SpectatorTV, when he suggested Murdoch should put a bid in for Farage to jump ship and suck in viewers for the ailing TalkTV. At one point pointing out how slotting Farage in Newton Dunn’s slot might give Piers a well-needed leg up an hour later – poor Tom…ENDS
Channel 4 (not BBC but similar) Location Location Location tonight, first couple Lesbians, second couple black man, white blonde woman, FFS.
Watch new Ricky Gervais stand up on Netflix before it gets cancelled.
Highly recommend the 1 minute bit of Ricky Gervais ( not a fan ) on wimmin with men parts ….
Elsewhere The mail – at the moment – reports on the 18 year old mass murderer . He bought a couple of AR15s soon after his birthday – I am sure I heard someone on the radio – an American politician saying they want to crack down on such firearms and limit purchase to over 21 year olds , I know I shouldn’t have laughed – but I did …
When I had a s1 Firearms licence I got to use some of these weapons – and an AR15 is not really for ‘domestic ‘ use – whether by an 18 year old or a 21 year old …
BTW – HMS mark Steyn is in full flow Wednesday night – he can’t be on the public airwaves much longer – so ‘unapproved ‘ …and no awards for him …
Earlier today on GB News, Margaret Hodge (Labour, Dame) was interviewed. On Partygate she opined, ” Oh no, there’s no similarity between Starmer’s Beergate and Boris’ Partygate”, ” Keir was running an election campaign”. The sheer doublethink of the woman is unbelievable. I’m not sure if anyone pointed out that Boris was running the Country. Later, during the debate after PMQ’s, Starmer tried to rip into Boris, forgetting that he had his own “event”. It’s horrifying to think that such people aspire to ruling the country.
What? A man of the cloth threatening someone of colour not to engage in swimming with white Christian folk?
Read on dear readers, this is the part in the story that makes that headline vicious lying misleading crap.
‘….Simran Kaur* is terrified of the water. “A priest told my mum to keep me away from water as I could drown,” she says. “I still have a fear of swimming at the age of 40 and can’t seem to find a way to move forward.”
And that folks is how the Independent encourages “inclusivity” by telling porkies as misleading headlines simply to bash white people!
Taken straight from the BBC how to fudge headlines playbook to imply the message you want rather than the facts.
sorry, posted this on StW in error
TWatO Watch #1 – the whole programme bar five minutes on this …… ? Part the 1
Yes, you guessed it: The Gray Report has escaped or been released into the fangs and claws of the media and the Lacklustre Labour Party. With a bit of luck, by the weekend it will be wrapping fish and chips for someone who is not suffering ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ and can afford to buy fish along with the chips.
Guess what? There is a drinking and party culture among Civil Servants and politicians? Who’da thunked it?
I thought a drinking culture and a party culture only existed among journalists including broadcasters*, oh, and maybe footballers … and football fans ….. and cricketers … and doctors and nurses …. and films and stage actors …… and bankers …. and … university students ….. and schoolteachers … and … accountants ….. and ….. advertising executives and their staff … and … lots of others.
* I seem to recall that the BBC have a subsidised bar, courtesy of the TellyTaxpayer. Some years ago I visited the notorius BBC Tea Room, similarly subsidised by the TellyTaxpayer, and survived the experience of a cup of BBC tea.
sorry, posted this on StW in error, ‘Partygate’ must be getting to me
TWatO Watch #1 – the whole programme bar five minutes on this …… ? Part the 2th
The BBC may have been a little unwise. In mulling over The Gray Report they ask Scottish MP, Anneliese Dodds (Lab) to be interviewed by the Montacutie. It was the Montacutie who famously dropped her Scottish colleague ‘in it’ when talking to Laura Kuenssberg on air, Sarah said something like “I know you have been working hard and very intensively on this.” when discussing the Daily Mirror’s early revelations of ‘Partygate’.
It rather made it sound like a Scottish attempt to ‘get at Boris/get Boris removed’. The only person missing was Pippa Crerar (another Scot and Daily Mirror journalist), and maybe the ‘Scottish wee Nippy Person’ herself.
One thing this Gray report has proven to me is how much the left and the establishment were relying on it to bring down the PM.
No matter where you look this evening no matter what news channel you are viewing, no matter what correspondent you are listening too, no matter what opposition MP you are listening too all without exception are seething with anger that they didn’t get there scalp.
Without exception all are putting the worst aspects of the Gray report forward. All are interviewing the relatives of the people who died of COVID. All are interviewing the same Tory MPs who want Boris gone. All are going to constituent’s to try and find and interview the few people who want Boris gone. All saying the police did a piss poor job and need to reinvestigate. All interviewing the same old so called experts who have a habitual hatred of Boris. All using innuendo half truths to twist the knife into the PM
But of course all forget Starmer is being investigated, all forget the 13 Labour MPs who broke COVID laws etc etc etc
The hysteria in the media this evening is staggering and as usual the BBC is leading the pack.
BBC The Repair Shop final piece was repairing a hammer that belonged to an Indian grandad. The Indian grandson said, “my Indian grandad was a great man with a hammer”.
More pictures of the Indian, followed by the grandson say, “my Indian grandad was a great man”. Jay Blades adds, “Yes, what a great man….and an Indian… with a hammer”
And so on and so on.
It was like noone else in the world has ever owned a hammer before apart from this “great Indian Grandad who used to use his hammer”.
Next week they will probably repair a shirt button belonging to an old Muslim “who was a great person and wore shirts”
How about the BBC’s “Repair Shop” doing an edition from a Mac computer repair store in, say, Wilmington in Delaware? If they could find a repairer with a handicap, say a visual one, that would tick a box. Sounds like a winner.
Belfield case : He says the judge wanted to bring forward the case by 3 weeks, and he agreed but the prosecution said they won’t be ready, so the original 4th July date stands.
The police say they cannot provide the bodycam video frm the arresting officers.
I’ve noticed the BBC do have three articles on the news site about the Texas shooting. As I read them, I realised that we are told very little about the shooter and all about the empathy factor of those involved.
In fact, his name only appears in one of the articles. He is referred to as ‘the attacker’ or ‘the gunman’ everywhere else.
And as expected, they have changed the narrative completely to be about gun control.
I looked at the Buffalo shooting reports and google comes up with no less than 15 BBC articles such as ‘How far right killers are radicalised…’ and ‘poison of white supremecy’.
As usual with the BBC, when the story does not fit with their agenda, the reports become all about what happened. The subject of motivation and why it happened are absolutely avoided – just like every single Muslim terrorist attack.
Then they show us a chart which indicates 300 people died by mass shootings since 1991. That’s 10 a year. Compare it to 5,000 black people shot and killed by other black people in 2022 alone. A murder rate 8 times that by white people. Why is there nothing whatsoever in the news about that ?. You have to dig deep with google to find that information.
BBC – news you can trust.
Trust not to tell you anything they don’t want you to know that is.
I notice that ‘Partygate’ has been pushed into the top-slot of the BBC Home again now with a total of 5 seperate articles. The mass shooting of 19 children and 2 teachers in a Texas school yesterday is already relegated to the smaller articles and has a total of 2.
An excellent example of how much the Left and BBC care about anything and anybody when it doesn’t suit their political agenda.
And in the immediate wake of this tragic event, what story does the Guardian run from yet another BAME reporter ?
‘Who are the right blaming for the Texas shooting? Trans people, immigrants and victims’ parents’.
It’s a masterclass article in bitterness and hate – even for The Guardian. From an author responsible for other classics such as ‘The US may not share Britain’s obsession with class – but it hates women every bit as much’.
What a disgusting creatures these people are. The bodies aren’t even cold yet and they are using it for their agenda.
I know some politicians are morally corrupt but, read this, it stinks:
Obama, a sh@thole of the highest order:
“As we grieve the children of Uvalde today, we should take time to recognize that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a police officer,” Obama wrote Wednesday. “His killing stays with us all to this day, especially those who loved him.”
“Obama clobbered for linking Uvalde massacre to two-year mark of George Floyd’s murder”
Am I a naughty Christian when I wish a certain American former President gets monkey pox? When I heard it had appeared in America I wondered if Obama had been visiting his relatives.
Former TMZ staffer wanted ’15 minutes of fame,’ Amber Heard’s lawyer says
On cross-examination, Amber Heard’s lawyer, Elaine Bredehoft, asked former TMZ staffer Morgan Tremaine if he reached out to help on the case for publicity.
“So this gets you your 15 minutes of fame?” Bredehoft asked.
“I stand to gain nothing from this. I’m actually putting myself in the target of TMZ, a very litigious organization,” Tremaine replied. “I could say the same thing about you taking Amber Heard as a client.”
A great opportunity for the liberals during this tragedy part 2:
Texas school shooting: CBS reporter calls Beto press conference appearance ‘clearly staged’
And a moment before the press conference started, they got up from their seats when Beto walked in, so they were seat holders for him,” Shamlian recounted. “Then, he sat down. So his presence wasn’t really noticed in the 15 or 20 minutes that people were gathering inside, because he was not in the room. This seems something very clearly from Beto O’Rourke wanting to confront the governor at this moment.”
“To hear you talk about the seat holders for Beto O’Rourke, it definitely indicates that Beto had a plan to get in there and make some sort of a scene. We still don’t know exactly what he said. So it was staged as you pointed out,” Dokoupil said.
While various House Democrats cheered O’Rourke’s appearance, Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin was heard on video calling him a “sick son of a b–ch.”
O’Rourke is challenging Gov. Abbott in a Texas election that is set to take place in November.
We don’t hear much about this in the media, I wonder why ?
One single story at the bbc with the allegation of course in quotation marks regarding lying and corruption just prior to an election to manipulate it : newsworthy, no ?
Clintons lawyer on trial for lying to the FBI about trumped up allegations on Trump about links to Russia:
Sussmann may testify in trial charging that he lied to FBI, pending judge’s ruling
Sussmann’s attorneys claimed the FBI knew he was working for a client when he delivered the Trump-Alfa Bank allegations.
Special counsel John Durham’s prosecutors laid out their case against Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann during opening statements Tuesday, accusing him of scheming “to inject the FBI into a presidential election” by peddling an ultimately unsubstantiated tip about Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, eight weeks before Election Day.
“The defendant’s lie was all part of a bigger plan. … It was a plan to create an October surprise on the eve of the election … to use and manipulate the FBI,” prosecutor Brittain Shaw said.
This story should be absolutely huge. Clinton should be on trial – there is no conceivable way the lawyer would do it without her knowing. The fact the MSM are downplaying it should be a warning beacon to everyone about how corrupt the establishment and the media has become.
As usual, the BBC are right in it up their necks. This is the reality of what the Left really are : dirty b@stards.
Also newsworthy, the person the bbc despised when he was working but lauded and hung on his every word since leaving work:
“Humiliating slapdown for Dominic Cummings as Sue Gray report finds ‘no evidence’ he voiced his fears over Downing Street garden party
Sue Gray said she could find ‘no documentary evidence’ that Dominic Cummings raised concerns over a party in the Downing Street garden.
Boris Johnson’s former senior adviser claimed in January that he had warned in an email that the ‘bring your own booze’ event in May 2020 was against Covid regulations.
But in her review, Miss Gray questioned his version of events, saying she had found no evidence of such an email.”
Unlike the BBC, I don’t really care at all what goes on in India or Pakistan. But I always check stories like this to see how the BBC push their agenda in them. They always side with the Muslim’s so I decided to find who this man is and what terrorism he has been organising.
It came as no surprise that after reading it I was none the wiser. Which of course told me the Muslims are being the bad boys again. I had to go to wikipedia to discover this man is indeed another Muslim terrorist : something the BBC clearly didn’t want me to know.
But what is significant is that yet again they link to a totally biased Twitter comment where people can say what the BBC isn’t allowed to and you can go read all the comments supporting it.
At last the chancellor has decided to give us all hundreds of more pounds to help us pay our bills, brilliant you would have thought, no not according to the BBC, there spin on it is that it’s purely a distraction to take the heat off the government over PARTYGATE…..
The whole world could be running smoothly but the BBC would still find fault if it didn’t suit there warped political agenda…
The way things are going it won’t be very long before some more dreadful news comes along to help bury the party nonsense – I certainly wish the Durham nonsense was resolved too . It was a single event – not complex like the number 10 sagas – and should have been completed by now .
A BBC droid described number 10 as an absentee landlord with a bunch of kidult entitled university types –
I assess that their ‘entitled’ oxbridge superiority will take them to the Sunday papers to tell ‘the inside story ‘page 1,2,3,4,5,7 …
Like the BBC s obsession with president trump – it is obsessed with Alexander Johnson and the long game of rejoining the Socialists in the EU …
BBC using new nomenclature – WOC s. – wimmin of colour – apparently these victims of whitee have to ‘change in the workplace ‘ …
….. well I had to change in the workplace and I’m a whitee male normal chap … my experience of coloured folk in the workplace to to make an effort to avoid HR complaints or even tribunals by coloured folk going full victim and playing the payout game …
Looks like the BBC have replaced to mental Nordic teenager going on about green crap with a girl called ‘jack ‘ which presumably means Jacqueline … any way – no laughing – jack is publishing a book of recipes for poor people …. I guess poor people can’t use a microwave to cook a potato or open a can of baked beans ….
Maybe this is a time for the ‘British restaurant ‘ like those I understand they had in WW2 serving up cheap nutritious meals along the lines of soup kitchens …
While I write a fool on ‘thought for the day ‘ is linking ‘white supremacy’ to the Texas slaughter – she is c of E so doesn’t do facts – such as this killer not being ‘right wing ‘ not being ‘white ‘ but just evil and mad ….
I hate these pedantic sods that pick up on the slightest misuse of language Feds, but advising the use of a microwave to open a can of beans could be construed as incitement to violence. Just saying.
Beltane – thank you – I have just re read what I writed and I wish to apologise to anyone who does not have a microwave or a microwave which does not have a tin opening capability …
As I write nick Robinson is trying to fry some chap who works for nut nut – Robinson reminds me of one of those executioners who who nail their victims to crosses back in the day and just say ‘I was just going my job ‘….
The party thing is never going to be let go by the BBC – it will be there every day upto and beyond the next election ….
Maybe Cummings has more ammunition to give to the BBC to bring down carries husband ….
I had my Thursday 5 mins of the Today programme. I don’t know why Nick thinks he can get more out of somebody about partygate in 5 minutes than the police can after spending £450,000 or Sue Gray in months, but there you go. I was going to say it was like a police interrogation but I rather more imagined it as the BBC Nazis having a bright light shining into his face, and a cigarette to burn the interviewees are (or for those of you watching GB news think of Alexander Armstrong and the red jelly).
I am still firmly of the belief that the BBC (and others) saw partygate as their chance to bring down Boris and the dying hours after the release of the Sue Gray report is their final chance. If only they can destroy Boris then a leader can be found who will want to tighten links with the EU and like Dallas, Brexit will turn out to have been a horrible dream.
Having once been sent home from school (via one of my children) a ‘recipe’ for toast by the err… lovely, Jack, I suspect shme (the person known as Jack is ‘gender non-binary’) might recommend opening cans of beans with a microwave too*, so rest assured Fed, your cookery classes are every bit as good as the err… best.
As a chap who was ‘raised’ by loving binary parents ( cheers mum and dad )in what I now know we’re ‘challenging ‘ circumstances – I don’t waste money – even though I am fortunate enough not to suffer a ‘cost of living crisis ‘ .
But as I look around supermarkets and see that you can now get baked beans in a micro wavable plastic container ( double the price of a tin ?) I wonder if the BBC will get ‘jack ‘ to do a cooking series for people with no disposable income …. ?
If people grow up on expensive convenience foods now – without good parents to show them the way – maybe something must be done for them?
Absolutely Fed. Like you, I was lucky enough to be brought up in a loving home by two binary parents (still married after nearly 60 years, and finally appreciated by the children).
As a family we went through some tough times, as I’m sure most families do. I may have been a selfish teenager at the time, but I recall the ‘hardship’ of the late 80s, when my parent’s mortgage rate shot up to something like 15/16% ‘overnight’, holidays stopped, Christmas and birthday presents got much more modest, and mum had to get on my sister’s old bike and go to work nights at a local care home.
I suspect it was only when I went to uni that I fully realised we were in that uncomfortable situation where my parents weren’t ‘wealthy’ enough to give me anything, but not ‘poor’ enough for the state to give us anything either – in other words, that my parents had done all that could be expected of them to get me to adulthood, and henceforth I’d have to fend for myself.
Like you, I don’t waste money, and like you (I’m pretty sure), I don’t expect any handouts, or luxury holidays, or ready meals, or take aways either.
As I’m pretty sure I’ve said here before, as a nation (and I am largely looking at my generation – 50ish and younger here), we have become fat, lazy, greedy, and dependent, time for some ‘tough love’.
The ‘love’ part of that might need to include some BASIC lessons on buying and preparing food on a budget. however the nutter calling themselves (‘their’ terminology) ‘Jack Monroe’ is not the person to provide it, and nor, it seems is the BBC a suitable vehicle to convey it to the masses, so who will step up to the plate (pun intended)?
“What the root of racism, what the root of sexism is. And sexism doesn’t come from women (says a man who says he’s a women). So of course it’s caused by men.” {youtube – Racism: Piers Morgan vs. Munroe Bergdorf – @2:50}
– racism : prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
– sexism : prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.
– indeed this is backed up with words … “LOUISE O’NEILL: It is impossible for women to be sexist towards men {irishexaminer jan2017}”, then it goes into different degrees of sexism “Women cannot be ‘as sexist as men’”
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
There’s a sharp dichotomy of views in our press this morning.
The left-leaning titles – those by the way favoured by the BBC and placed at the top of their online press line up – come out guns blazing against Boris:
‘“Failure of leadership”‘ quotes the ‘i’ newspaper then clutches their pearls like some maiden aunt stumbling unawares into the aftermath of a teenaged party: ‘Vomiting, fighting, partying until 4am, plus laughing at security and cleaners are revealed‘
The BBC’s next best favourite this morning is the Guardian – where the maiden aunt persona gets another outing: ‘Drinking, fights, vomiting: all in a day’s work, says PM‘ – no, not a Sean Dyche half-time motivational speach from his time at Burnley… although the dismissive sentiment does put us in mind of someone – perhaps Mayor Khan commenting on stabbings and terrorism being part and parcel of life in a big capital city.
The Mirror the (bleeding) “Heart of Britain” claims Boris standing, beer tin and bowl of buffet grub in hand, was: ‘Laughing at us all‘
Well, I was certainly laughing when people robotically trooped out onto their doorsteps at the approved time and clapped for our NHS heroes.
The last of the lefties are that odd paring – the corporate and governmental free at the point of dissemination advertising sheet – the Metro and the light-hearted jokey comic-like Daily Star.
The giveaway Metro says: “We got away with it” with a nostalgic rehash reminder of the worst of their pandemic propaganda from which they profited and for which we paid: “Look her in the eyes and tell her you never broke the rules. Stay home. Protect the NHS. Save lives“.
The Star responds with reference to the American TV & film novelty stunt act beloved of MTV adolescents everywhere and led by former actor stuntman and filmmaker Johnny Knoxville: ‘Jackass PM‘
Before we move on from the left-leaners we need to address another cultural obsession of theirs – that is other than their demand for latterday saint-like compliance with lockdown: “When in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?” screeches the ‘i’ newspaper – never, we don’t live in America is my reply.
Of course the Guardian and Mirror likewise fret about US school shootings on their frontpages. I’ll just point out that despite the Manchester Arena multiple killings of our children Britain has never yet stood up to the refugee lobby.
The Star frets about: ‘Killer goldfish‘ and ‘Psycho deckchairs‘ with the welcome literary touch of celebrating for us: ‘Dracula’s 125 today‘
To the other side of the great divide – those papers relegated to the bottom half of the BBC press review.
The Daily Mail is unapologetic and unimpressed with these further No 10 party revelations: ‘Is that it?‘
The Express likewise turns their nose up at the lameness of the supposed Downing Street orgies: ‘Really… is this what all the fuss is about?‘
The Sun would put this one to bed: ‘The Party(gate) is over… now help our readers through desperate cost of living crisis‘
The FT is nothing if not prissy – but sees little mileage in kidding readers that Boris is doomed: ‘Johnson unbowed as Gray lays bare lurid details of No 10 parties. Humbled PM takes full responsibilty. Denies lying to Commons. Tory coup unlikely‘
Tory coup unlikely – all the bluster fuss and nonsense dismissed like a neutral weather forecast.
The Telegraph – placed well down the BBC list – draws our attention to the contrast between those party animals in Downing Street and others of our public sector workers who took lockdown so very very seriously: ‘Social services were WFH when babies died‘
Not a social worker in sight – albeit one with a bit of an office party hangover would have been better than nothing.
The Times frontpage features are: ‘How to raise your barbecue game‘ and ‘I’m slim, so why do I think I’m fat?‘ – but these are nothing to do with Boris. The Times forever sore over Brexit is somewhat snide in their headline: ‘Gray report vindicates me over No 10 parties, claims Johnson‘
Further self-interest here: ‘Pfizer warns of constant waves of Covid‘ (FT) – to missquote Mandy Rice-Davies: “Well they would say that, wouldn’t they?”
The FT reports on the woes of the Davos get together of the World Ecomomic Forum – apparently it’s the three R’s – Russia, recession and rate rises which are upsetting the plans of our globalist overlords: ‘Ukraininan president… Zelensky was a bigger draw than any corporate leader. Sessions on the conflict filled up quickly, while there was plenty of room for those on Covid‘
Asiseeit – 5 🌟as usual … but as you say …. The BBC technique of using newspaper reviews as an arm of the propaganda output needs examination .
I don’t watch or ‘take ‘ bbc newspaper reviews – but I suppose the technique is divided into 3
The first is the complexion of the ‘reviewer’
The second it the order of stories
The third is – what is left out – non approved stories or events
Using these stages the BBC can avoid being accused being balanced or neutral – not that BBCOFCOM would listen to such objections – bit like the BBC ‘complaints white wash department ‘.
Do not pay for their BBC …
The sobriety of any bbc event, with corridors now bare of rolling bolly bottles, must match the barren wasteland of a forecourt no longer wafting to the aroma of a hog roast.
Sanctimonious twatism is likely set to be a thing soon, then banned.
Today’s Guardian editorial is an exercise in spite and exaggeration – encapsulating the liberal left as neatly as any latte-to-go.
Someone vomits after reacting to an unknown catalyst, a glass of wine is accidentally knocked over, an overweight but genial man is photographed raising a glass containing an unknown liquid.
Conclusion: catastrophic failure of government and acceptance of regular and frequent orgiastic behaviour.
Job done, BBC to repeat over next 48 hours, at the least.
1963 ….USA …
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
– Martin Luther King’s I have a dream speech August 28 1963
2017….BBC, UK …
Last week the BBC also revealed it would be removing qualifications from new applicants’ CVs in a bid to increase their social diversity. { 21sep2017}
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}””
I received an email from the National Trust this morning saying “Celebrate the Jubilee with us”.
In the email is two photos of people. The first is a photo of a black mother and black daughter. The second photo is “Behind the scenes of Bridgerton” with a white woman and a black woman.
Out of the 4 people shown, 3 are black.
Not just the BBC but now the National Trust as well. You would think a photo of the Queen might be more appropriate but no, why show the Queen when they can push a BLM agenda instead?
Tabs, the NT has been demonstrating its wokeness – to the dismay of many of its members – for sometime now. Why not join the Scottish NT? The subscription is lower, or certainly used to be, and you don’t have to suffer quite the same liberal Socialist obsessions as you do in England and Wales. Or maybe that has all changed, I don’t know, as I cancelled my Scottish NT membership during a personal financial crisis decades ago.
We know @nationaltrust is broken and, sadly, that the ‘leadership’ such as @CeliaRichards0n hates our history as it is. They want their twisted version. Great pity the response of NT to @RestoreTrustNT was so negative.
Having lived in Germany for several years, Kenneth Pedrick recently returned to England "to find the NT run by money-orientated wokery-mongers, who couldn’t give a damn about history, or about those who have contributed to it and their magnificent legacy."
Black people make up just over 3% of the population of the UK, which is about 1 in every 30. If you see any general advertisement, movie, TV programme, shop display, magazine etc in which more than 1 person in 30 is black, you are being fed a racist narrative – it’s a prescriptive rather than descriptive depiction of the country. In the case of commercial companies, as well as organisations such as the National Trust, the message is ‘We don’t want your custom, White people”. So, indulge them accordingly and vote with your pocket.
Story on the bbc “must read” section – “I wish I’d taken a fine to visit my dying husband”. I’m sure you do love. I put the blame firmly at your door. “Why didn’t you visit him?” the answer would be along the lines of “It would have been naughty”. My old mum lives on her own. If she’d rang during the night and said “I’ve fallen over and I think my hip has gone”, what do you think I’d have done, lockdown or no? It’s always somebody else’s fault with some people. I’d have been en route in a heartbeat, pausing only to tell you where to shove your fine if you got in the way.
The Socialist Tories proving this morning they are anything buy conservative by giving away money to people in the main refusing to work and migrants!
The real pain hasn’t even started yet, and we are approaching midsummer when the heating should be switched off and not turned on again until late September at the earliest.
By throwing money around like Jeremy Corbyn would have, the Blue Labour party simply increase borrowing, increase inflation, lower the value of the pound, and everyone is in a worse position than they were before.
SSE the energy company has just announced profits of £1.164 Bn up from £948 million the previous year, and no one in government is asking if these margins are reasonable in what is a restricted oligopalistic market.
These are no companies undertaking exploration with a high risk, and they are not particularly investing in infrastructure either. That appears excessive in this market.
If instead the Socialists in government had sought to strengthen the pound then the price rises would not have been quite so bad, but Boris has buried his head in the sand about how bad the coming crisis (a real crisis not the imagined one) is going to be, telling the governor of the Bank of England when he warned of an apocalyptic future that he had watched too many horror films.
I used to listen to TOADY all the way through. In fact R4 used to be ‘on’ for much of the day when I first ditched the TellyTax. But now I find peace and quiet to be pleasant and enough knowledge can be gained from the first 25 minutes of TOADY as to the direction of the whole programme. Will it be a wingeathon, a Tora!Tora!Tora! (attack) against the Tories or a celeb crawl. In fact the first ten minutes alone can sometimes reveal the ‘tone for the day’.
It was a bit of a surprise therefore to find, the first morning after Gray has reported (will we be unfortunate enough to have Fifty Days of Gray on TOADY?) to find Nick Robinson slightly jovial in the “a first look at the papers and news web-sites”. Perhaps Nick is a Tory supporter after all and his hectoring of Conservative Ministers is just an act? Maybe, in traditional (old) fashioned BBC-stylee Nick Robinson is totally politically neutral and is instead just pleased – like the rest of the country except LackLustreLabour supporters – to be getting to the end of the whole ‘Partygate’ thing?
Radio is a big giveaway in the tone of voice that presenters have at any given time. Am sure that Harsh-Mistress Mishal is a bit miserable this morning after “a first look at the papers”.
Don't be silly. Of course the BBC had a party when you left, they just didn't invite you.
— cheekfulloftongue🇬🇧🏴 (@k4bladesagain) May 25, 2022
Is Boris Johnson to blame for Downing Street’s culture of boozing?
Staff who attended gatherings at No 10 have said dozens of attendees regularly crowded together at parties that sometimes went on so late some ended up staying in Downing Street all night.
All I need on my birthday is a dog who loves me and a daughter who makes me laugh (tho the smell of fake tan this morning is a bit high!)
— ALASTAIR CAMPBELL (@campbellclaret) May 25, 2022
Alastair Campbell had Iraq dossier changed to fit US claims
This article is more than 12 years old
‘WMD in a year’ allegation halved original timescale after compilers told to compare contents with Bush speech
The Times Diary: Tony Blair drank like a budgie
Patrick Kidd
Saturday April 24 2021, 12.01am, The Times
The burdens of office drive many a prime minister to drink. Tony Blair confessed in his memoirs that he too came to rely on alcohol. “A stiff whisky or G&T before dinner, and a couple of glasses, even half a bottle, with it,” he wrote. In an event for The Political Party podcast on Thursday, the former PM said that when his alcohol consumption became known, John Reid, his former health secretary, asked to have a word. Blair braced himself for a lecture since Reid was a former alcoholic who had been teetotal since 1994. Sure enough, Reid was disgusted. “That is the most pathetic admission of heavy drinking I’ve ever seen,” Reid told him. “In Glasgow we feed more than that to the budgies.”
Poor Andrew Neil just can’t get over being dumped by the tories during the last election campaign – so any opportunity to be ‘bitter ‘ – he will take it …. A very sour way to end a career – and apparently he is filling the gap between DFS adverts on a Channel 4 show now
Why do I hear lots of stories about Ukranian victories, the slaughter of Russian troops, how the Russians have run out of tanks, how Russian attacks fail and Ukrainians retake ground, about the latest multi-billion weapons ‘donation’ by the USA, that Putin has cancer and is living in a fantasy world in a bunker under threat of assasination and that Russia has run out of troops.
Then I see this map:
And now learn Russia is attacking 40 Towns simultaneously.
Somebody is not telling me the truth and it explains why Ukraine is low on the BBC billing today.
At least let’s look on the positive side : Once Russia control the Donbas, there is a chance this will all end. And if there is a chance for that, I suspect the USA/UK/EU will throw Zelensky under a bus.
The problem with the Javelins etc is that they can be countered by tactics and I’m sure the Russians have learned a thing or two by now.
Pandora Papers: Ukraine leader seeks to justify offshore accounts
Files obtained by ICIJ claim Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his partners established a network of offshore companies in 2012.
Will we see a bit of failure management coming along – ie the plucky Ukrainians were always going to be beaten by the monster bear but everyone did their bit – now the weather and Russian oil …
No it won’t end, because Russia is treading water until the Autumn waiting until the famine it has caused has displaced tens or even hundreds of millions from North Africa, Sub Saharan Africa, Far East Middle East, and SW Asia all into Europe where liberal loons will simply allow them in to take everything we have, at which point Russia will cut the gas and oil leaving Europe to starve and freeze, at which point our feckless cowardly excuses for leaders will give putin what ever he wants to restore the fossil fuels they love so much.
Europe as we know it will cease to exist and China will be free to invade Taiwan.
I sincerely hope you are wrong – but I absolutely agree that the Left and their ridiculous agendas have made us prime targets to be exploited by someone ruthless. This situation where the most powerful Western leader is clearly a nasty, senile idiot and the Western media (supposed to be the check and balance) totally cover it up (BBC one of the worst) is incredible to me. Every single one of them knows what is going on and nobody says anything.
I always assumed it would be the Muslims who would do for us – but perhaps it will be Putin after all. He’s laughed at us all the way.
According to nature, it’s exactly how it should happen. When a species gets weak, it gets displaced by something else.
It’s certainly true that provided morale holds up armies learn with experience and improve very quickly during war. It’s even more true that the first casualty of war is truth . And of course we know that we live in the western world where most of ‘the news’ is nothing more than blatant propaganda and suppression by the globalists. Who knows what is really going on and what the truth is.
I wonder to myself how many horrors and utterly tragic events are occuring every day on boths sides which we will never know about while the BBC concentrate on child-musicians managing to ‘escape’ with their recorders and then want to form a band and play for Ukraine.
The MSM and especially the BBC created an illusion that Ukraine good and Russia bad. As with everything they do they decided the story they wanted to tell and then set about doing just that. Probably resulted in thousands more Ukrainian deaths that could have been prevented.
There is little doubt that Russia will now take over the whole of Ukraine.
At the same time I read that Zelensky has been shoving cash into offshore accounts so not quite the hero we have been led to believe hey?
I think once the Russians consolidate themselves and come up with new tactics to avoid/destroy the anti-tank missiles, they will make much faster progress.
Unfortunately those tactics will probably involve multiple-rocket launchers destroying everything and everyone in the size of a football field where a missile launcher might be – like they did in the fight against ISIS and nobody told us about because they were doing a job we couldn’t.
A cut and paste from the Daily Telegraph
When John Birt arrived at the BBC, he discovered that the corporation owned a factory that made TV cameras.
Even more surprised were the BBC’s top management, who did not know this either. In his memoirs, Birt uses the story to illustrate how asset management and cost control were non-existent at the BBC almost 35 years ago. Rather like an Oxbridge professor who has never had to learn how to make a pot of tea, the BBC never had to learn these fundamental business skills.
Birt’s subsequent leadership as director-general of the BBC catapulted it into the modern world, and arguably saved it from a much worse fate.
Conservatives like to flatter themselves that they preserve institutions by reforming them when they’re unable to reform themselves. But with the BBC, this is a job the Government is flunking.
Let’s imagine how British TV could look like in a decade.
We’re now in 2032, and mass TV licence evasion has become commonplace.
The young move around so often they can dodge the telly tax cops with ease, and older viewers continue to fall away, repelled by the BBC’s shrill ideological klaxon.
The final straw for many came with ‘Heat Pump Weekend’, in which the corporation organised a global climate change simulcast to encourage viewers to rip out their gas boiler by flying crews to 14 tropical locations, including Cancun and Dubai. But most people didn’t even notice the event, or even its host, Sir James Corden.
For years, the internet had provided a richer experience than linear broadcast TV.
Amazon had snaffled up the remaining crown jewels of British sport, and Apple TV had assumed the role that the BBC always regarded as its own by birthright, making high quality drama in English for the world.
All that meant was that English-language, British-sourced content was now enjoyed by a vast global audience, raising far more than had ever been collected by the TV licence fee. But only American corporations were profiting from it.
The killer blow for the BBC came when Google and Apple agreed to work on a digital TV smartphone app together. The phone became your remote control, but the BBC was nowhere to be found.
In previous decades, the cosy British TV cartel had always ensured that BBC One was number 1 (or 101) on the EPG, or Electronic Programming Guide. No longer. Some people claim to have spotted BBC channels “down in the 1,600s”, but no one could be sure: few people ever scrolled that far down.
Inevitably, with the old public service broadcasters becoming irrelevant, more of their ancient privileges were being questioned, too.
For decades, the BBC and ITV had hogged the juiciest part of the radio spectrum: licensed TV broadcasters had exclusive use of the low frequency portions that penetrated walls very well.
But only a few thousand households still used free-to-air TV, while many more people now complained that their 5G phones didn’t work reliably.
Ofcom proposed turning over the remaining digital TV multiplexes for mobile and telecoms. It was all for the common good, Ofcom argued, pointing out it had begun this process way back in 2014.
Faced with fires in all directions, the BBC pivoted. It proposed dividing its output into free and paid. Radio and news were free, and everything else was accessible with a modest voluntary subscription, available to anyone worldwide.
The technical part proved surprisingly easy to implement. Instead of sending unencrypted TV streams over the air, the BBC now encrypted its premium streams. Two thirds of UK households simply added the BBC to their pay TV package by ticking a box.
But for the rest, it took only a few seconds to unlock the content. Since almost every TV set was now a smart TV – meaning it was a TV that could run apps – a small BBC authenticator app came built-in. The tiny “BBC premium” app even worked for those few households with no internet connection at all.
For these viewers, the TV app generated a random code, which the user sent via text message receiving a PIN instantly that unlocked the channels. The British content industry breathed a bigger sigh of relief: they were no longer working for capricious American tech giants.
This vision of the future merely extrapolates trends that are rapidly underway today. Subscriptions allow the BBC to save itself, and conditional access allows it to implement subscriptions: the technology and the law required here are trivially easy.
But it’s implausible only in one important way: the BBC won’t pivot. It’s going to need political leadership to make it pivot. Here, political leadership is absent. So too is scrutiny.
The BBC has succeeded in misleading Parliament by persuading it that conditional access is impossible without broadband.
Last year, the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport select committee, headed by Julian Knight, declared that “the Government has left itself with no option on the licence fee, not least because it has failed to put in place the necessary broadband infrastructure that would facilitate other funding mechanisms”.
Wrong. As we have seen, it is incorrect to claim that conditional access requires ubiquitous high bandwidth broadband – it merely requires a smart TV, and some willpower.
TV industry insiders find it astonishing that this BBC argument goes unchallenged. Ironically, Julian Knight’s other role is examining the spread of misinformation in the media. He could start with his own Select Committee, and what it has been told by the BBC.ENDS
From the very narrow sample of people I know or read comments from on the Telegraph or Spectator web sites , there is a steep increase in the number of BBC refuseniks ,ie non LicenseFee payers . I realise that people in these groups are self selecting and very likely to loath the BBC but I’m certain that far more of them are stopping their Direct Debits than ever before and the rate of them doing so is increasing.
Hopefully the tidal wave of refuseniks has already overwhelmed the bully boys at Capita and with each passing week more people will refuse to hand over their hard earned money to fund an organisation which despises them and which is determined to replace them and their culture with one totally alien to these islands.
I started working for British Aerospace just after the cost-plus contracts from the government ended (ie whatever the project actually cost in the end cost + a percentage profit).
The projects were stuffed with people and the many managers were just people who had been there a long time. They were – in general – absolutely and completely useless but the budget could support them all. We used to joke how they left their office in their company car as someone important then once they got outside the main gate, they were idiots all the normal people laughed at.
I expect the BBC is very similar. Most of the senior management will be unable to adjust to having to be competitive to survive.
June Sarpong to leave high-profile BBC diversity role
It comes as a string of senior executives of colour have departed the corporation within the past year amid concerns around racism and lack of diversity.
Nadine White
Race Correspondent
Tuesday 05 April 2022 20:27
“‘We don’t want UK-EU trade war’ – Irish PM”
I wonder Why?
Why doesn’t the map indicate the ‘Goods Despatched’ from the Republic of Ireland?
IMHO they are worried and I suspect an Irish Brexit on the way .
I voted for out before and I think they will do the same again? But this time there will be no ‘Vote Again’.
So far, three Tory MPs have called for Boris to step down since the Sue Gray report yesterday. They are John Baron, Julian Sturdy, and David Simmonds.
John Baron
1. Employment and earnings
From 1 July 2018 until further notice, £800 (previously £600) a month for a monthly investment column in the FT’s Investors’ Chronicle magazine. Address: Number One Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL. All fees are waived in lieu of FT donations to charities of my choice. Hours: 1 hr a month (1 column). (Updated 22 June 2015, 11 August 2016 and 02 July 2018)
From 1 January 2021, Chair of the Investment Committee of Baron and Grant Investment Management Limited, 66 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LH; a fund management company. Between 3 July 2020 and 1 January 2021, I was a person with significant control. (Registered 08 November 2020; updated 07 June 2021)
17 May 2021, received £2,000 for January 2021 to April 2021. Hours: 20 hrs in total. (Registered 07 June 2021)
From 30 April 2021 until further notice, I receive £500 a month. Hours: 5 hrs month. First payment received on 17 May 2021. (Registered 07 June 2021)
Julian Sturdy
I am a partner in G E Sturdy and Son; a farming partnership. Address: Westgate Farm, North Deighton, Wetherby, LS22 4EN. I provide administrative support for the partnership, as well as doing some buying and selling at certain times. Until further notice, I will receive £500 per month. Hours: no more than 4 hours a week. (Updated 9 December 2015)
Employment and earnings
Ongoing service in the Territorial Army. Payments are received from the Army Pay Office, 65 Brown St, Glasgow G2 8EX.
Payments from Associated Newspapers Ltd, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT, for articles for the Mail on Sunday:
29 October 2019, received £500. Hours: 4.5 hrs. (Registered 01 September 2021)
5 November 2019, received £300. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 01 September 2021)
14 January 2020, received £1,000. Hours: 5.5 hrs. (Registered 01 September 2021)
16 February 2021, received £1,000. Hours: 6 hrs. (Registered 01 September 2021)
6 April 2021, received £600. Hours: 4.5 hrs. (Registered 01 September 2021)
17 August 2021, received £1,200. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 26 October 2021)
12 October 2021, received £600. Hours: 4.5 hrs. (Registered 26 October 2021)
16 November 2021, received £1,700. Hours: 8.5 hrs. (Registered 22 November 2021)
Payments from Al Jazeera Satellite Channel Ltd, the Shard Level 16, 32 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9SG, for interviews:
1 June 2021, received £434. Hours: 1.5 hrs inc. prep time. (Registered 01 September 2021)
17 June 2021, received £416. Hours: 2 hrs inc. prep time. (Registered 01 September 2021)
13 July 2021, received £90. Hours: 1 hr inc. prep time. (Registered 01 September 2021)
5 August 2021, received £83. Hours: 2 hrs inc. prep time. (Registered 01 September 2021)
19 November 2021, received £500 from News Group Newspapers Ltd, 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF, for an article for the Sun Newspaper. Hours: 6 hrs. (Registered 22 November 2021)
‘unwavering and passionate support for refugees’
‘unwavering and passionate support for refugees’
‘unwavering and passionate support for refugees’
‘unwavering and passionate support for refugees’
About us (UK Home Office)
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
Changes to the Register of Members’ Interests
Tahir Ali
Name of donor: Government of Pakistan
Address of donor: High Commission for Pakistan, 35-36 Lowndes Square, London SW1X 9JN
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Travel and accommodation with a total value of £2,290
Destination of visit: Pakistan & Azad Jammu and Kashmir
Dates of visit: 18-23 February 2020
Purpose of visit: All-Party Parliamentary Kashmir Group visit to hold meetings with the leadership, administration, civil society, UNMOGIP and the British High Commission in Islamabad.
(Registered 9 April 2020)
This is a late register entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 17 September 2020. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules applies.
Re Alatair Campbell. I’ve always wondered why a Press Secretary was tasked with preparing a dossier on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction., something that should really have been prepared by the Defence Chief of Staff or under his direction. Campbell had zero experience military technology, he previously wrote soft porn and for a low brow newspapaper, experience that obviously prepared him for the highly technical task of enquiring about nuclear and chemical weapons in Iraq. He probably has to check an atlas to make sure where Iraq was.
Media Bulletin (edited slightly for factual opinion)
Sky News has appointed Jennifer Scott as a political reporter, working on the online politics team in Westminster. Jennifer will join at the end of June from her current role as an online political reporter at BBC News, where she has done awesome work as a deranged juvenile ideologue alongside Laura, Toenails, etc, and hence will slot in nicely with Beff, Kay and the gang.
Earlier this year the Met Police said detectives have been met with a “wall of silence” in their appeal for witnesses and has led them to this £20,000 Crimestoppers’ appeal.
“Many people were at that party, including many friends of Sasha, but nearly everyone has been reluctant to come forward.
Oh hum.
Here she is in her element making enemies even out of other blacks
Thick, overconfident people getting angry is always fascinating to watch.
‘How can I racially abuse this man’ – by verbally abusing him including reference to his colour you dumb b*tch. Another one who thinks – sorry thought – black people can’t be racist.
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 So good I keep rewatching it. Especially the sucked lemon lips.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Doughboy – if Ukraine embraces diversity it can win? ……………… “About us The first duty of the government is to…
DoughboyMar 6, 09:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 Don’t see this on the Bbbc, how on earth are we going to keep Russians out of Ukraine with…
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 I look at the front page of the Guardian every so often – today they’ve got a headline ‘Trump turning…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 The Gangs are having a busy March . .
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 Surprised the Muslim convert William wasn’t down the mosque with his dad – he seems to be a worshipper of…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:10 Midweek 5th March 2025 I guess the UK/London needs the money to fund Ukraine? “A PhD student from China, he had been studying at…
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Keir Starmer finds subtle way to deal with Team Trump, @chrismasonBBC writes 2 comments in 10’
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Here we are in 2025 …. UK Border open with small boats (not large boats thank God) yet our Prime…
AsISeeItMar 6, 08:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Wealthy Communist edition Those little cartoonish sketch images that are deployed so as to promote lifestyle features within the paper…
Listening to parliament on the radio – the desperation of labour MPs. The SNP and a couple of Tory traitors is very very strong .
Nut nut took questions for about an hour having to eat do do from various showboating labour and SNP types …. In the end as false emotion followed false emotion about dead people – he resorted to saying ‘I’ve answered that’.
What a political storm in a Westminster teacup …
Starmer keeps on pressuring Durham plod by promising to resign if they give him a ticket ….
Teaser trailer for Sky’s This England, starring Kenneth Branagh as Boris.
The use of Rule Britannia and the voiceover about Britain overtaking Italy’s COVID figures suggest it’s going to be pretty negative.
This bBc mid term report which is to take up to a year ( think that,s how it was reported)?
A year you say?
Why not have the commissioners pop on here and have a read at the commentary on these 4 issues
Islam ( grooming gangs)
The bBC line on each of these is intentionally and consistently at odds
with the values of your average British citizen.
Ms Dorries…this mid term report could be concluded in 2 -3 weeks .
There’s nothing about this so called state broadcaster we don’t
already know.
I really didn’t think that the BBC could get any lower, but plastered all over the front page of their webshite now is a homage to George Floyd, the drug dealing wife beater who died through his own fault two years ago. This next to a piece gloating at the discomfort of Boris Johnson after the (irrelevant to 99% of the population) Gray Report. Close it down for God’s sake.
Where’s Nadine , what does she do?
George Floyd gets more fuss than Fusilier Lee Rigby of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.
Excellent point Taff. Floyd’s death wasn’t premeditated but poor Rigby’s was and even more horrible for the victim. But because Lee Rigby was white and Floyd black and the killers black for Rigby white for Floyd one death sparks worldwide violence encouraged by the MSM , the other one is quickly forgotten , at least by the MSM.
“But because Lee Rigby was white and Floyd black and the killers black for Rigby white for Floyd…”
No, it’s because of attitudes such as those displayed by ‘markh’ above.
Paid your telly tax yet maxincony ?
Any BBC bias to report ?
“…the drug dealing wife beater who died through his own fault…”
Derek Chauvin slowly suffocated Floyd until he was unconscious. Chauvin then continued to suffocate him for a further two minutes after it was found that Floyd no longer had a pulse.
This happened in broad daylight, on camera in front of a large crowd of witnesses. Derek Chauvin was subsequently found guilty of second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.
He was murdered, markh… and yet here you are, two years later, claiming he “died through his own fault…”, on website that makes jokes about him being a “coon”.
I’ve never seen such a joke
..Nothing comes up on a search
“This happened in broad daylight, on camera in front of a large crowd of witnesses.”
Unlike the post mortem toxicological analysis. Look up Fentanyl – Floyd’s body was full of it. It doesn’t excuse Chauvin but the death was more complicated than a knee on the neck.
Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi,
“It doesn’t excuse Chauvin but the death was more complicated than a knee on the neck.”
It doesn’t excuse Chauvin… but here you are making excuses.
You value the life of this man so highly that you troll people of forums about it – yet you people have no interest at all for the thousands of black people murdered by other black people.
At the same time the drug dealing career criminal died, a young girl was shot in the head in a drive-by shooting and it only made the news because a police chief had to cut short an interview about Floyd to go attend the scene.
You are the most disgusting form of hypocrite maxi. You don’t care one bit how many black people die. Their only value is for you to use as weapons on forums like this.
You make me sick.
“on website that makes jokes about him being a “c**n”.”
Where was that?! I don’t think you WILL find that anyone here has said that!
I think you must be mixing this website up with a different one Maxi… presumably an American site?
No one here uses phrases like that, it’s a British site, and that’s not British slang, apart from anything else, but racist language isn’t tolerated anyway.
“No one here uses phrases like that…”

So where’s the word maxi ?. Up to now, you’re the only one who has used it. What kind of hypocrite does that make you ?.
Or did you use it as another scumbag trick to try and make the site show up on your far-left activist searches ?. Must drive you mad that everyone here makes valid comments and doesn’t use racist language eh ?.
And even if it was, it’s not his phrase, it’s just copied from the internet. Try doing a bit of research before making an ass of yourself.
“Barrister at head of panel to tackle police racism wanted to defund police, bragged of her ‘hatred’ for the Tories and called for officers to be more ‘woke’
Chairman of new police panel on race has talked about ending funding for forces
Barrister Abimbola Johnson, 34, previously discussed crime being ‘reclassified’
Three Labour supporters are on the Independent Scrutiny and Oversight Board ”
Who in Great Britain voted this for multiculturism and diversity ?
More ‘nudge’ at work by the Broadcaster to force us accept a bad idea that has done us no good, no good at all .
There have been plenty of warnings over the last 70 years about mass Immigration but not enough people took notice or voted to stop it. Now we reap what they sowed.
“There have been plenty of warnings over the last 70 years about mass Immigration”

Undated article that’s cropped in the middle
If you are going to make a big claim then please substantiate it properly
There should always be a debate on immigration and it should always be legal to question it. There will always be voices for and against. The Rothermere Press was sympathetic to fascism at the time of the above report. People knew that at the time. They could assess it for themselves. Britain never became anti-Jewish.
These days the Left wants mass immigration as a tool to destroy Britain and Western Civilization. That’s why most people oppose it. That’s why the Left want to censor opinions of ordinary people.
The people Britain is letting in these days are the most anti- Jewish on the planet. Being a little devious Maxi?
Or have you finally attained your goal of peak stupidity?
Yasser Dasmibehbi,
“These days the Left wants mass immigration as a tool to destroy Britain and Western Civilization.”
Knowingly, or otherwise, you are just trotting out the same old nonsense. “Jews” became “Jewish Marxists” became “Cultural Marxists” became “Marxists” became “Globalists” became “Leftists”…
“The white genocide, white extinction, or white replacement conspiracy theory, is a white supremacist conspiracy theory which states that there is a deliberate plot, often blamed on Jews, to promote miscegenation, interracial marriage, mass non-white immigration, racial integration, low fertility rates, abortion, governmental land-confiscation from whites, organised violence, and eliminationism in white-founded countries”
Oh gosh maxi, you go to a loopy article in the politically left Wikipedia and come up a mish mash of Goebbles style propaganda that is blatant rubbish and distortion. It is so bad in it’s attempt to link the extremist and terrorist Right to any reasonable opposition to mass immigration it is laughable.
But I do recommend to others on this site to read your post so as an example of how deranged Leftism has become.
Once a coherent theory socialism has morphed into a toxic anarchist movement using violence and mass immigration to destroy the order they see around them and bring about it’s end.
Do you really believe the Left are interested in the welfare of the immigrants? They are being exploited as tools by the Left who have given up on the proletariat and now hate and label them as white supremacists.
I never referred to any conspiracy theory, nor have I ever backed any terrorists Left or Right, Black or White.
I prefer the evidence of my own eyes and not the party line.
You are barking up the wrong tree.
“promote interracial marriage”
just look at the bloody adverts for a start
BTW the Daily Mirror contained pro black shirt articles, when its name was the Picture Post
The Mirror is hilarious.
Pippster and Kev make Laura and Toenails look like professional impartiality paragons of political reporting.
Meanwhile on twitter their equivalent of the cubicle gardens has a two way equivalent to The BBC when an outage story is required involving a peroxide victim single mother, brood, all grinning ear to ear as Shaznay has had a ‘do for the photo op after being fried in the tanning booth.
Did they mistype? Should it be “A bimbo la Johnson”?
Mustapha, old man, it’s blatant nepotism!
“even rethink what we classify as criminality in the first place. Until you no longer need to fund a police force”
Miss Johnson, who said in her post that she is a Labour Party member, argued that people had the ‘wrong impression’ of the BLM movement.
In the Twitter conversation on June 29, 2020, she said the movement ‘is meant to make us think harder about how we could run a safe and fair society without the need for a police force’. In another tweet in response to a now-deleted post, she wrote: ‘Yes, the ultimate aim is to create a societal system that no longer needs the police. Or at least doesn’t need police forces in the sizes we have now.’
Wonder what the line up for the Radio Humberside breakfast show will be in one years time ?
Presenter’s tweet today
“TheSmileMaker 🌱⊗@Kofi_Smiles May 25, 2022
✊🏿: GEORGE FLOYD w/ @jeffreykboakye & @all_humber
… “
Presenter’s tweet one year ago
“TheSmileMaker 🌱⊗@Kofi_Smiles May 25, 2021
.. “
Today’s prog blurb “What’s changed since the death of George Floyd in America two years ago today?
The one man brewery based in a garage in West Hull.
… “
News at 8am
#1 19 children killed in Texas ..Biden clip
#2 Gray report speculation ..failures of leadership, Boris less secure local expert we found says
#3 Local Asylum seeker centre on hold
#4 Tomato Farm promotion ..clip #PRasNews
#5 New Jubilee coin #PRasNews
9am #1 and #2 same but
#3 Rail workers voted for national strike
#4 #PRasNews “Butterfly Conservation say two fifths of UK butterflies are endangered of dying out entirely .. 24 of 58 species”
Clip of the NewHarrabin trying to build narrative“Meadows have been ploughed up or grown over, our insatiable demand for food mean more fertilisers and pesticides means ….
but 2 species BC said were critical last time are now OK”
Breakfast show guests
@all_humber : “supporting members of the BAME Communities and Associations particularly in the Humber Region”
such NGOs often turn out to be ONE activist
@jeffreykboakye author of “A Black Teacher in a White system”
The photographs in Sue Gray’s report all feature Boris as far as I know. So was the investigation one into Downing Street parties or just into Boris? Given that 50 fines were issued to others why does every published photo have Boris in it? Was she just out to get Boris?
Is Boris responsible for the running of the lower ranks of the Civil Service? The answer is of course no.
..agree all a bit strange..
Why have all the other people in the photographs had there faces blacked out when they were as much to blame…
Just thinking. There is a religion which forbids alcohol.
The BBC are simply showing their utter hatred for Boris and this mainly because he helped get the UK out of the EU.
Common purpose – WHO – UN – WEF gravy train who of course are the BBC’s hidden “masters” are behind this push. I can’t think of anything else to credit Boris with!
Hence the relentless drive to tarnish him and try to bring about his demise. It has been a mission the BBC have been on from the start with wallpapergate.
Compare Boris to Blair and Boris comes out as Santa bleeding Claus in comparison.
The plan to create a “One World, One unelected Government for the West was given a hefty knock by Brexit and will reverberate into the future until Boris is brought down along with the Conservatives and replaced by a rejoiner inclined Labour Party (A new “fixed” EU rejoin referendum will certainly follow shortly after if this happens).
I think the BBC had their sights set on a transition to a GBC future (Global Broadcasting Company) until this upset their plans and now they are fighting for their very future as they have become an irrelevance to the vast majority of UK citizens.
I can’t think of a British Prime Minister in history who has suffered the appalling venom and spite of the BBC to anything like this degree before.
We’re out of the EU? Can’t say I’d noticed.
French fishermen are quiet… tells us all we need to know.
Covid happened.
And yet he does nothing about it.
Margaret Thatcher suffered even worse and more relentless. He must be doing something right to be classified with her.
I’d rather have Putin as Prime minister .
You couldn’t imagine him getting bogged down in some foolish, trivial party gate nonsense.
I bet Vladimir would have got us a better Brexit too!
“Supreme Commander Vladimir Putin visited the Central Military Clinical Hospital named after P.V. Mandryk, where servicemen of the Russian Army who were injured during a special military operation are being treated.”
Eddie.. have you been sleeping for 6 years? He did get us a better Brexit – it wouldn’t have happened at all without Russian Interference ( ™ BBC/CNN/Fake News Alliance). Ditto he got President Trump elected – every liberal knows this as a FACT.
Is there a ‘stop the special military operation ‘ campaign? – “war “does sound so much catchier
Do you notice the absence of any bad news on the Ukraine side – although I did see something about Russia attacking ammo dumps … although that might have been ‘tour of duty ‘©️
George Aligayah on BBC1 news reporting that one person at No10 was sick ie vomited sometime during partygate. May I suggest one of the sandwiches on Boris’ desk was prawn and hadn’t been in the fridge?
What we know is the BBC will want to paint the worst picture.
Debs, you’ve just started a new post about ‘Chundergate’!
You’re certainly one of us Chez Scrobs, and I invite you to a large glass of red, plus a Waitrose Poppadom or three!
(Actually, I meant that the glass was a three, not the poppadom)!
Thanks Scrob. I am now watching Mr Farage who is as awful. He obviously hates Boris. I suspect he thinks Boris has taken all the glory over Brexit. His anti Boris campaign has become boring.
7pm GB News had a young woman talking who lost a relative to covid (we were talking so missed the detail). She finished off by saying she was ashamed to be British. She may have been born British but it was obvious not her heritage.
I’m going back to watching Johnny versus Amber on YouTube because I am so fed up of drunken parties….Oh….. anyway it is much more gripping and they haven’t mentioned climate change.
And I am looking forward to that glass of red, Scrob.
Yeah I’ve gone of Farage because of his Boris hate.
7pm BBC2 a Portillo repeat
‘Here’s my how about Railyways
Oh look here I am in Peckham
Did you know there was a guy called Harold Moody who founded the National League for Coloured people in 1931 ?’
5 min to tick that box
Now he’s at an eel pie shop.
Why arnt there more coloured train spotters – ?BBC investigates …
On the theme of railways – with all the effort going to developing safe driverless cars – surely trains and buses must be first on the target list – the end of the RMT ….
National League for Coloured – Nationalism is EVIL! FACT!
From Guido
GB News Comedians Beat Piers, Sky News in Second Place
It is once again Guido’s solemn duty to report Piers’ bad news. Last night his show plunged to 36,500 viewers. In the same time slot, Mark Steyn pulled in more than double that for GB News at 78,200. Piers was even beaten by the GB News’ Headliners, a show in which comedians read the papers and break no news. They got 49,600. Remember, as Piers will tell you whenever his overnight ratings tank, conventional TV ratings “don’t matter”… unless he wins. No such luck last night.
Meanwhile over at Sky News, having finally dumped the dire Daily Climate Show from primetime, ratings surged back up to around 70,000 for that slot, which didn’t help Piers much for the second half of his show. Sky News is finally back in second place behind the BBC, having learned their lesson after watching their viewership halve every time they aired the doom-mongering nonsense. Piers is probably the only person who’ll miss it…
In an unusual twist, Nigel Farage finally dipped below his GB News colleagues, with both Dan Wootton and Mark Steyn beating him last night. Farage pulled in 62,900, with Wootton getting 67,300. Farage is usually at the top of the pile and is considered GB News’ box office king. Even Brillo said as much last week on SpectatorTV, when he suggested Murdoch should put a bid in for Farage to jump ship and suck in viewers for the ailing TalkTV. At one point pointing out how slotting Farage in Newton Dunn’s slot might give Piers a well-needed leg up an hour later – poor Tom…ENDS
Channel 4 (not BBC but similar) Location Location Location tonight, first couple Lesbians, second couple black man, white blonde woman, FFS.
Watch new Ricky Gervais stand up on Netflix before it gets cancelled.
Highly recommend the 1 minute bit of Ricky Gervais ( not a fan ) on wimmin with men parts ….
Elsewhere The mail – at the moment – reports on the 18 year old mass murderer . He bought a couple of AR15s soon after his birthday – I am sure I heard someone on the radio – an American politician saying they want to crack down on such firearms and limit purchase to over 21 year olds , I know I shouldn’t have laughed – but I did …
When I had a s1 Firearms licence I got to use some of these weapons – and an AR15 is not really for ‘domestic ‘ use – whether by an 18 year old or a 21 year old …
BTW – HMS mark Steyn is in full flow Wednesday night – he can’t be on the public airwaves much longer – so ‘unapproved ‘ …and no awards for him …
Earlier today on GB News, Margaret Hodge (Labour, Dame) was interviewed. On Partygate she opined, ” Oh no, there’s no similarity between Starmer’s Beergate and Boris’ Partygate”, ” Keir was running an election campaign”. The sheer doublethink of the woman is unbelievable. I’m not sure if anyone pointed out that Boris was running the Country. Later, during the debate after PMQ’s, Starmer tried to rip into Boris, forgetting that he had his own “event”. It’s horrifying to think that such people aspire to ruling the country.
‘A priest warned me to keep away from water’: Black and Asian communities face barriers in swimming’
Half way down the home page.
What? A man of the cloth threatening someone of colour not to engage in swimming with white Christian folk?
Read on dear readers, this is the part in the story that makes that headline vicious lying misleading crap.
‘….Simran Kaur* is terrified of the water. “A priest told my mum to keep me away from water as I could drown,” she says. “I still have a fear of swimming at the age of 40 and can’t seem to find a way to move forward.”
And that folks is how the Independent encourages “inclusivity” by telling porkies as misleading headlines simply to bash white people!
Taken straight from the BBC how to fudge headlines playbook to imply the message you want rather than the facts.
sorry, posted this on StW in error
TWatO Watch #1 – the whole programme bar five minutes on this …… ? Part the 1
Yes, you guessed it: The Gray Report has escaped or been released into the fangs and claws of the media and the Lacklustre Labour Party. With a bit of luck, by the weekend it will be wrapping fish and chips for someone who is not suffering ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ and can afford to buy fish along with the chips.
Guess what? There is a drinking and party culture among Civil Servants and politicians? Who’da thunked it?
I thought a drinking culture and a party culture only existed among journalists including broadcasters*, oh, and maybe footballers … and football fans ….. and cricketers … and doctors and nurses …. and films and stage actors …… and bankers …. and … university students ….. and schoolteachers … and … accountants ….. and ….. advertising executives and their staff … and … lots of others.
* I seem to recall that the BBC have a subsidised bar, courtesy of the TellyTaxpayer. Some years ago I visited the notorius BBC Tea Room, similarly subsidised by the TellyTaxpayer, and survived the experience of a cup of BBC tea.
sorry, posted this on StW in error, ‘Partygate’ must be getting to me
TWatO Watch #1 – the whole programme bar five minutes on this …… ? Part the 2th
The BBC may have been a little unwise. In mulling over The Gray Report they ask Scottish MP, Anneliese Dodds (Lab) to be interviewed by the Montacutie. It was the Montacutie who famously dropped her Scottish colleague ‘in it’ when talking to Laura Kuenssberg on air, Sarah said something like “I know you have been working hard and very intensively on this.” when discussing the Daily Mirror’s early revelations of ‘Partygate’.
It rather made it sound like a Scottish attempt to ‘get at Boris/get Boris removed’. The only person missing was Pippa Crerar (another Scot and Daily Mirror journalist), and maybe the ‘Scottish wee Nippy Person’ herself.
One thing this Gray report has proven to me is how much the left and the establishment were relying on it to bring down the PM.
No matter where you look this evening no matter what news channel you are viewing, no matter what correspondent you are listening too, no matter what opposition MP you are listening too all without exception are seething with anger that they didn’t get there scalp.
Without exception all are putting the worst aspects of the Gray report forward. All are interviewing the relatives of the people who died of COVID. All are interviewing the same Tory MPs who want Boris gone. All are going to constituent’s to try and find and interview the few people who want Boris gone. All saying the police did a piss poor job and need to reinvestigate. All interviewing the same old so called experts who have a habitual hatred of Boris. All using innuendo half truths to twist the knife into the PM
But of course all forget Starmer is being investigated, all forget the 13 Labour MPs who broke COVID laws etc etc etc
The hysteria in the media this evening is staggering and as usual the BBC is leading the pack.
BBC The Repair Shop final piece was repairing a hammer that belonged to an Indian grandad. The Indian grandson said, “my Indian grandad was a great man with a hammer”.
More pictures of the Indian, followed by the grandson say, “my Indian grandad was a great man”. Jay Blades adds, “Yes, what a great man….and an Indian… with a hammer”
And so on and so on.
It was like noone else in the world has ever owned a hammer before apart from this “great Indian Grandad who used to use his hammer”.
Next week they will probably repair a shirt button belonging to an old Muslim “who was a great person and wore shirts”
Here’s a suggestion for more entertaining TV:
How about the BBC’s “Repair Shop” doing an edition from a Mac computer repair store in, say, Wilmington in Delaware? If they could find a repairer with a handicap, say a visual one, that would tick a box. Sounds like a winner.
Oh, wait … … …
Belfield case : He says the judge wanted to bring forward the case by 3 weeks, and he agreed but the prosecution said they won’t be ready, so the original 4th July date stands.
The police say they cannot provide the bodycam video frm the arresting officers.
Is the BBC covering that story?
Hmmmmmmmmm true or false it all appears a little too convenient, and even the fact check explanatioin does little to remove concern:
I’ve noticed the BBC do have three articles on the news site about the Texas shooting. As I read them, I realised that we are told very little about the shooter and all about the empathy factor of those involved.
In fact, his name only appears in one of the articles. He is referred to as ‘the attacker’ or ‘the gunman’ everywhere else.
And as expected, they have changed the narrative completely to be about gun control.
I looked at the Buffalo shooting reports and google comes up with no less than 15 BBC articles such as ‘How far right killers are radicalised…’ and ‘poison of white supremecy’.
As usual with the BBC, when the story does not fit with their agenda, the reports become all about what happened. The subject of motivation and why it happened are absolutely avoided – just like every single Muslim terrorist attack.
Then they show us a chart which indicates 300 people died by mass shootings since 1991. That’s 10 a year. Compare it to 5,000 black people shot and killed by other black people in 2022 alone. A murder rate 8 times that by white people. Why is there nothing whatsoever in the news about that ?. You have to dig deep with google to find that information.
BBC – news you can trust.
Trust not to tell you anything they don’t want you to know that is.
I notice that ‘Partygate’ has been pushed into the top-slot of the BBC Home again now with a total of 5 seperate articles. The mass shooting of 19 children and 2 teachers in a Texas school yesterday is already relegated to the smaller articles and has a total of 2.
An excellent example of how much the Left and BBC care about anything and anybody when it doesn’t suit their political agenda.
And in the immediate wake of this tragic event, what story does the Guardian run from yet another BAME reporter ?
‘Who are the right blaming for the Texas shooting? Trans people, immigrants and victims’ parents’.
It’s a masterclass article in bitterness and hate – even for The Guardian. From an author responsible for other classics such as ‘The US may not share Britain’s obsession with class – but it hates women every bit as much’.
What a disgusting creatures these people are. The bodies aren’t even cold yet and they are using it for their agenda.
Anything on the BBC about gold miners killed in Chad? Numbers unconfirmed but could be as many as 200.
“Local media said the fighting was between members of the Tama ethnic group and an Arab community.”
I know some politicians are morally corrupt but, read this, it stinks:
Obama, a sh@thole of the highest order:
“As we grieve the children of Uvalde today, we should take time to recognize that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a police officer,” Obama wrote Wednesday. “His killing stays with us all to this day, especially those who loved him.”
“Obama clobbered for linking Uvalde massacre to two-year mark of George Floyd’s murder”
‘especially those who loved him.’
Which was nobody until the family got $27 million for a worthless career criminal and drug dealer.
Now they love him very much.
Sir Kneel also brought Floyd up in the HoC yesterday in virtually the same breath as the Manchester bombing and Lee Rigby. Disgusting.
Ah, Bathhouse Barry.
An @sshole indeed.
Seems this is the point of entry, and from there it spreads to the whole body.
If I had an example of all that is wrong with the political classes, he would look like Mr. Obama.
Am I a naughty Christian when I wish a certain American former President gets monkey pox? When I heard it had appeared in America I wondered if Obama had been visiting his relatives.
Lawyers can hand it out but don’t like it back:
Former TMZ staffer wanted ’15 minutes of fame,’ Amber Heard’s lawyer says
On cross-examination, Amber Heard’s lawyer, Elaine Bredehoft, asked former TMZ staffer Morgan Tremaine if he reached out to help on the case for publicity.
“So this gets you your 15 minutes of fame?” Bredehoft asked.
“I stand to gain nothing from this. I’m actually putting myself in the target of TMZ, a very litigious organization,” Tremaine replied. “I could say the same thing about you taking Amber Heard as a client.”
A great opportunity for the liberals during this tragedy part 2:
Texas school shooting: CBS reporter calls Beto press conference appearance ‘clearly staged’
And a moment before the press conference started, they got up from their seats when Beto walked in, so they were seat holders for him,” Shamlian recounted. “Then, he sat down. So his presence wasn’t really noticed in the 15 or 20 minutes that people were gathering inside, because he was not in the room. This seems something very clearly from Beto O’Rourke wanting to confront the governor at this moment.”
“To hear you talk about the seat holders for Beto O’Rourke, it definitely indicates that Beto had a plan to get in there and make some sort of a scene. We still don’t know exactly what he said. So it was staged as you pointed out,” Dokoupil said.
While various House Democrats cheered O’Rourke’s appearance, Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin was heard on video calling him a “sick son of a b–ch.”
O’Rourke is challenging Gov. Abbott in a Texas election that is set to take place in November.
We don’t hear much about this in the media, I wonder why ?
One single story at the bbc with the allegation of course in quotation marks regarding lying and corruption just prior to an election to manipulate it : newsworthy, no ?
Clintons lawyer on trial for lying to the FBI about trumped up allegations on Trump about links to Russia:
Sussmann may testify in trial charging that he lied to FBI, pending judge’s ruling
Sussmann’s attorneys claimed the FBI knew he was working for a client when he delivered the Trump-Alfa Bank allegations.
Special counsel John Durham’s prosecutors laid out their case against Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann during opening statements Tuesday, accusing him of scheming “to inject the FBI into a presidential election” by peddling an ultimately unsubstantiated tip about Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, eight weeks before Election Day.
“The defendant’s lie was all part of a bigger plan. … It was a plan to create an October surprise on the eve of the election … to use and manipulate the FBI,” prosecutor Brittain Shaw said.
This story should be absolutely huge. Clinton should be on trial – there is no conceivable way the lawyer would do it without her knowing. The fact the MSM are downplaying it should be a warning beacon to everyone about how corrupt the establishment and the media has become.
As usual, the BBC are right in it up their necks. This is the reality of what the Left really are : dirty b@stards.
Also newsworthy, the person the bbc despised when he was working but lauded and hung on his every word since leaving work:
“Humiliating slapdown for Dominic Cummings as Sue Gray report finds ‘no evidence’ he voiced his fears over Downing Street garden party
Sue Gray said she could find ‘no documentary evidence’ that Dominic Cummings raised concerns over a party in the Downing Street garden.
Boris Johnson’s former senior adviser claimed in January that he had warned in an email that the ‘bring your own booze’ event in May 2020 was against Covid regulations.
But in her review, Miss Gray questioned his version of events, saying she had found no evidence of such an email.”
Yasin Malik: Top Kashmiri separatist given life in Indian jail
Unlike the BBC, I don’t really care at all what goes on in India or Pakistan. But I always check stories like this to see how the BBC push their agenda in them. They always side with the Muslim’s so I decided to find who this man is and what terrorism he has been organising.
It came as no surprise that after reading it I was none the wiser. Which of course told me the Muslims are being the bad boys again. I had to go to wikipedia to discover this man is indeed another Muslim terrorist : something the BBC clearly didn’t want me to know.
But what is significant is that yet again they link to a totally biased Twitter comment where people can say what the BBC isn’t allowed to and you can go read all the comments supporting it.
…BBC at its usual best..
At last the chancellor has decided to give us all hundreds of more pounds to help us pay our bills, brilliant you would have thought, no not according to the BBC, there spin on it is that it’s purely a distraction to take the heat off the government over PARTYGATE…..
The whole world could be running smoothly but the BBC would still find fault if it didn’t suit there warped political agenda…
The way things are going it won’t be very long before some more dreadful news comes along to help bury the party nonsense – I certainly wish the Durham nonsense was resolved too . It was a single event – not complex like the number 10 sagas – and should have been completed by now .
A BBC droid described number 10 as an absentee landlord with a bunch of kidult entitled university types –
I assess that their ‘entitled’ oxbridge superiority will take them to the Sunday papers to tell ‘the inside story ‘page 1,2,3,4,5,7 …
Like the BBC s obsession with president trump – it is obsessed with Alexander Johnson and the long game of rejoining the Socialists in the EU …
BBC Moaning Emole headline is ‘PM refuses to quit’.
Which is odd as the bbc clearly have demanded he do so.
Even odder is Sir Kurry keeps saying he will but no one is interested.
So, SNAFU… ‘BBC refuses to grow up’.
No wonder Huw Edwards is a miserable, entitled git.
It’s obvious from my rants that I’m a raging Tory but I genuinely believe Starmer does not warrant a fine and nor did Sunak.
The country needs this PARTYGATE do go away. Enough is enough.
BBC using new nomenclature – WOC s. – wimmin of colour – apparently these victims of whitee have to ‘change in the workplace ‘ …
….. well I had to change in the workplace and I’m a whitee male normal chap … my experience of coloured folk in the workplace to to make an effort to avoid HR complaints or even tribunals by coloured folk going full victim and playing the payout game …
WOCs, in an era of corrective spellcheg, seems.. risky.
How many times on today can the likes of the bBC mention partygate!
Their “reporting” goes on and on, never ending
and in case anyone is interested on drinking urine, please see this link
and people pay the tele tax for this cr*p 🙁
Anyone who has been to Singapore will be aware that after Tiger, Anchor or Heineken, there is no need for the process required in the piece.
Like Carling here, only with less fun tvcs. Or snotty Danish Thesps.
Looks like the BBC have replaced to mental Nordic teenager going on about green crap with a girl called ‘jack ‘ which presumably means Jacqueline … any way – no laughing – jack is publishing a book of recipes for poor people …. I guess poor people can’t use a microwave to cook a potato or open a can of baked beans ….
Maybe this is a time for the ‘British restaurant ‘ like those I understand they had in WW2 serving up cheap nutritious meals along the lines of soup kitchens …
While I write a fool on ‘thought for the day ‘ is linking ‘white supremacy’ to the Texas slaughter – she is c of E so doesn’t do facts – such as this killer not being ‘right wing ‘ not being ‘white ‘ but just evil and mad ….
I hate these pedantic sods that pick up on the slightest misuse of language Feds, but advising the use of a microwave to open a can of beans could be construed as incitement to violence. Just saying.
Beltane – thank you – I have just re read what I writed and I wish to apologise to anyone who does not have a microwave or a microwave which does not have a tin opening capability …
As I write nick Robinson is trying to fry some chap who works for nut nut – Robinson reminds me of one of those executioners who who nail their victims to crosses back in the day and just say ‘I was just going my job ‘….
The party thing is never going to be let go by the BBC – it will be there every day upto and beyond the next election ….
Maybe Cummings has more ammunition to give to the BBC to bring down carries husband ….
Fed, will write a bit about this later. Something doesn’t add up there.
I had my Thursday 5 mins of the Today programme. I don’t know why Nick thinks he can get more out of somebody about partygate in 5 minutes than the police can after spending £450,000 or Sue Gray in months, but there you go. I was going to say it was like a police interrogation but I rather more imagined it as the BBC Nazis having a bright light shining into his face, and a cigarette to burn the interviewees are (or for those of you watching GB news think of Alexander Armstrong and the red jelly).
I am still firmly of the belief that the BBC (and others) saw partygate as their chance to bring down Boris and the dying hours after the release of the Sue Gray report is their final chance. If only they can destroy Boris then a leader can be found who will want to tighten links with the EU and like Dallas, Brexit will turn out to have been a horrible dream.
Are we talking communist (yes, seriously), Labour campaigner, and long term BBC favourite ‘Jack’ Monroe?
(Oh, and she’s one of those girls whose into girls too… of course).
Having once been sent home from school (via one of my children) a ‘recipe’ for toast by the err… lovely, Jack, I suspect shme (the person known as Jack is ‘gender non-binary’) might recommend opening cans of beans with a microwave too*, so rest assured Fed, your cookery classes are every bit as good as the err… best.
*Don’t try this at home children.
As a chap who was ‘raised’ by loving binary parents ( cheers mum and dad )in what I now know we’re ‘challenging ‘ circumstances – I don’t waste money – even though I am fortunate enough not to suffer a ‘cost of living crisis ‘ .
But as I look around supermarkets and see that you can now get baked beans in a micro wavable plastic container ( double the price of a tin ?) I wonder if the BBC will get ‘jack ‘ to do a cooking series for people with no disposable income …. ?
If people grow up on expensive convenience foods now – without good parents to show them the way – maybe something must be done for them?
Absolutely Fed. Like you, I was lucky enough to be brought up in a loving home by two binary parents (still married after nearly 60 years, and finally appreciated by the children).
As a family we went through some tough times, as I’m sure most families do. I may have been a selfish teenager at the time, but I recall the ‘hardship’ of the late 80s, when my parent’s mortgage rate shot up to something like 15/16% ‘overnight’, holidays stopped, Christmas and birthday presents got much more modest, and mum had to get on my sister’s old bike and go to work nights at a local care home.
I suspect it was only when I went to uni that I fully realised we were in that uncomfortable situation where my parents weren’t ‘wealthy’ enough to give me anything, but not ‘poor’ enough for the state to give us anything either – in other words, that my parents had done all that could be expected of them to get me to adulthood, and henceforth I’d have to fend for myself.
Like you, I don’t waste money, and like you (I’m pretty sure), I don’t expect any handouts, or luxury holidays, or ready meals, or take aways either.
As I’m pretty sure I’ve said here before, as a nation (and I am largely looking at my generation – 50ish and younger here), we have become fat, lazy, greedy, and dependent, time for some ‘tough love’.
The ‘love’ part of that might need to include some BASIC lessons on buying and preparing food on a budget. however the nutter calling themselves (‘their’ terminology) ‘Jack Monroe’ is not the person to provide it, and nor, it seems is the BBC a suitable vehicle to convey it to the masses, so who will step up to the plate (pun intended)?
“What the root of racism, what the root of sexism is. And sexism doesn’t come from women (says a man who says he’s a women). So of course it’s caused by men.” {youtube – Racism: Piers Morgan vs. Munroe Bergdorf – @2:50}
– racism : prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
– sexism : prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.
– indeed this is backed up with words … “LOUISE O’NEILL: It is impossible for women to be sexist towards men {irishexaminer jan2017}”, then it goes into different degrees of sexism “Women cannot be ‘as sexist as men’”
“To cite the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray when he’s angry, but he still makes sense.
Plenty of room for those on Covid edition
There’s a sharp dichotomy of views in our press this morning.
The left-leaning titles – those by the way favoured by the BBC and placed at the top of their online press line up – come out guns blazing against Boris:
‘“Failure of leadership”‘ quotes the ‘i’ newspaper then clutches their pearls like some maiden aunt stumbling unawares into the aftermath of a teenaged party: ‘Vomiting, fighting, partying until 4am, plus laughing at security and cleaners are revealed‘
The BBC’s next best favourite this morning is the Guardian – where the maiden aunt persona gets another outing: ‘Drinking, fights, vomiting: all in a day’s work, says PM‘ – no, not a Sean Dyche half-time motivational speach from his time at Burnley… although the dismissive sentiment does put us in mind of someone – perhaps Mayor Khan commenting on stabbings and terrorism being part and parcel of life in a big capital city.
The Mirror the (bleeding) “Heart of Britain” claims Boris standing, beer tin and bowl of buffet grub in hand, was: ‘Laughing at us all‘
Well, I was certainly laughing when people robotically trooped out onto their doorsteps at the approved time and clapped for our NHS heroes.
The last of the lefties are that odd paring – the corporate and governmental free at the point of dissemination advertising sheet – the Metro and the light-hearted jokey comic-like Daily Star.
The giveaway Metro says: “We got away with it” with a nostalgic rehash reminder of the worst of their pandemic propaganda from which they profited and for which we paid: “Look her in the eyes and tell her you never broke the rules. Stay home. Protect the NHS. Save lives“.
The Star responds with reference to the American TV & film novelty stunt act beloved of MTV adolescents everywhere and led by former actor stuntman and filmmaker Johnny Knoxville: ‘Jackass PM‘
Before we move on from the left-leaners we need to address another cultural obsession of theirs – that is other than their demand for latterday saint-like compliance with lockdown: “When in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?” screeches the ‘i’ newspaper – never, we don’t live in America is my reply.
Of course the Guardian and Mirror likewise fret about US school shootings on their frontpages. I’ll just point out that despite the Manchester Arena multiple killings of our children Britain has never yet stood up to the refugee lobby.
The Star frets about: ‘Killer goldfish‘ and ‘Psycho deckchairs‘ with the welcome literary touch of celebrating for us: ‘Dracula’s 125 today‘
To the other side of the great divide – those papers relegated to the bottom half of the BBC press review.
The Daily Mail is unapologetic and unimpressed with these further No 10 party revelations: ‘Is that it?‘
The Express likewise turns their nose up at the lameness of the supposed Downing Street orgies: ‘Really… is this what all the fuss is about?‘
The Sun would put this one to bed: ‘The Party(gate) is over… now help our readers through desperate cost of living crisis‘
The FT is nothing if not prissy – but sees little mileage in kidding readers that Boris is doomed: ‘Johnson unbowed as Gray lays bare lurid details of No 10 parties. Humbled PM takes full responsibilty. Denies lying to Commons. Tory coup unlikely‘
Tory coup unlikely – all the bluster fuss and nonsense dismissed like a neutral weather forecast.
The Telegraph – placed well down the BBC list – draws our attention to the contrast between those party animals in Downing Street and others of our public sector workers who took lockdown so very very seriously: ‘Social services were WFH when babies died‘
Not a social worker in sight – albeit one with a bit of an office party hangover would have been better than nothing.
The Times frontpage features are: ‘How to raise your barbecue game‘ and ‘I’m slim, so why do I think I’m fat?‘ – but these are nothing to do with Boris. The Times forever sore over Brexit is somewhat snide in their headline: ‘Gray report vindicates me over No 10 parties, claims Johnson‘
Further self-interest here: ‘Pfizer warns of constant waves of Covid‘ (FT) – to missquote Mandy Rice-Davies: “Well they would say that, wouldn’t they?”
The FT reports on the woes of the Davos get together of the World Ecomomic Forum – apparently it’s the three R’s – Russia, recession and rate rises which are upsetting the plans of our globalist overlords: ‘Ukraininan president… Zelensky was a bigger draw than any corporate leader. Sessions on the conflict filled up quickly, while there was plenty of room for those on Covid‘
Asiseeit – 5 🌟as usual … but as you say …. The BBC technique of using newspaper reviews as an arm of the propaganda output needs examination .
I don’t watch or ‘take ‘ bbc newspaper reviews – but I suppose the technique is divided into 3
The first is the complexion of the ‘reviewer’
The second it the order of stories
The third is – what is left out – non approved stories or events
Using these stages the BBC can avoid being accused being balanced or neutral – not that BBCOFCOM would listen to such objections – bit like the BBC ‘complaints white wash department ‘.
Do not pay for their BBC …
The sobriety of any bbc event, with corridors now bare of rolling bolly bottles, must match the barren wasteland of a forecourt no longer wafting to the aroma of a hog roast.
Sanctimonious twatism is likely set to be a thing soon, then banned.
Today’s Guardian editorial is an exercise in spite and exaggeration – encapsulating the liberal left as neatly as any latte-to-go.
Someone vomits after reacting to an unknown catalyst, a glass of wine is accidentally knocked over, an overweight but genial man is photographed raising a glass containing an unknown liquid.
Conclusion: catastrophic failure of government and acceptance of regular and frequent orgiastic behaviour.
Job done, BBC to repeat over next 48 hours, at the least.
The Graun is today also on diversity in education.
Getty is putting their kids through college, if studying a bizarrely niche degree.
1963 ….USA …
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
– Martin Luther King’s I have a dream speech August 28 1963
2017….BBC, UK …
Last week the BBC also revealed it would be removing qualifications from new applicants’ CVs in a bid to increase their social diversity. { 21sep2017}
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}””
I received an email from the National Trust this morning saying “Celebrate the Jubilee with us”.
In the email is two photos of people. The first is a photo of a black mother and black daughter. The second photo is “Behind the scenes of Bridgerton” with a white woman and a black woman.
Out of the 4 people shown, 3 are black.
Not just the BBC but now the National Trust as well. You would think a photo of the Queen might be more appropriate but no, why show the Queen when they can push a BLM agenda instead?
Tabs, the NT has been demonstrating its wokeness – to the dismay of many of its members – for sometime now. Why not join the Scottish NT? The subscription is lower, or certainly used to be, and you don’t have to suffer quite the same liberal Socialist obsessions as you do in England and Wales. Or maybe that has all changed, I don’t know, as I cancelled my Scottish NT membership during a personal financial crisis decades ago.
I never realised how woke they are. This NT link looks just like all the other typical UK adverts these days with mixed race families.
Black people make up just over 3% of the population of the UK, which is about 1 in every 30. If you see any general advertisement, movie, TV programme, shop display, magazine etc in which more than 1 person in 30 is black, you are being fed a racist narrative – it’s a prescriptive rather than descriptive depiction of the country. In the case of commercial companies, as well as organisations such as the National Trust, the message is ‘We don’t want your custom, White people”. So, indulge them accordingly and vote with your pocket.
Another reason not to support the National Trust, and we should all tell them.
Story on the bbc “must read” section – “I wish I’d taken a fine to visit my dying husband”. I’m sure you do love. I put the blame firmly at your door. “Why didn’t you visit him?” the answer would be along the lines of “It would have been naughty”. My old mum lives on her own. If she’d rang during the night and said “I’ve fallen over and I think my hip has gone”, what do you think I’d have done, lockdown or no? It’s always somebody else’s fault with some people. I’d have been en route in a heartbeat, pausing only to tell you where to shove your fine if you got in the way.
Many of my relatives would have wished to be present at the funerals and interments of several family members.
One is in Burma, one in Libya and another, the oldest and only commemorated by a name, on the Menin Gate at Ypres.
BBC #quote attacks are blatant.
I always wonder how the two main parties come to know each other for such a ‘story’ to ooze to the top.
The answer to the process in either direction is a question to sad to answer.
The Socialist Tories proving this morning they are anything buy conservative by giving away money to people in the main refusing to work and migrants!
The real pain hasn’t even started yet, and we are approaching midsummer when the heating should be switched off and not turned on again until late September at the earliest.
By throwing money around like Jeremy Corbyn would have, the Blue Labour party simply increase borrowing, increase inflation, lower the value of the pound, and everyone is in a worse position than they were before.
SSE the energy company has just announced profits of £1.164 Bn up from £948 million the previous year, and no one in government is asking if these margins are reasonable in what is a restricted oligopalistic market.
These are no companies undertaking exploration with a high risk, and they are not particularly investing in infrastructure either. That appears excessive in this market.
Click to access fy2022-statement-combined-final.pdf
If instead the Socialists in government had sought to strengthen the pound then the price rises would not have been quite so bad, but Boris has buried his head in the sand about how bad the coming crisis (a real crisis not the imagined one) is going to be, telling the governor of the Bank of England when he warned of an apocalyptic future that he had watched too many horror films.
TOADY Watch #1 – you’ve lost a faithful listener
I used to listen to TOADY all the way through. In fact R4 used to be ‘on’ for much of the day when I first ditched the TellyTax. But now I find peace and quiet to be pleasant and enough knowledge can be gained from the first 25 minutes of TOADY as to the direction of the whole programme. Will it be a wingeathon, a Tora!Tora!Tora! (attack) against the Tories or a celeb crawl. In fact the first ten minutes alone can sometimes reveal the ‘tone for the day’.
It was a bit of a surprise therefore to find, the first morning after Gray has reported (will we be unfortunate enough to have Fifty Days of Gray on TOADY?) to find Nick Robinson slightly jovial in the “a first look at the papers and news web-sites”. Perhaps Nick is a Tory supporter after all and his hectoring of Conservative Ministers is just an act? Maybe, in traditional (old) fashioned BBC-stylee Nick Robinson is totally politically neutral and is instead just pleased – like the rest of the country except LackLustreLabour supporters – to be getting to the end of the whole ‘Partygate’ thing?
Radio is a big giveaway in the tone of voice that presenters have at any given time. Am sure that Harsh-Mistress Mishal is a bit miserable this morning after “a first look at the papers”.
Sad. If inadvertently hilarious.
Is Nish writing all their material now?
The Chilcot Inquiry cost £13 million and the Leveson Inquiry cost £5 million.
Alastair Campbell had Iraq dossier changed to fit US claims
This article is more than 12 years old
‘WMD in a year’ allegation halved original timescale after compilers told to compare contents with Bush speech
MPs’ EXPENSES: Blair’s £43,000 expenses were shredded ‘by incompetence’
UPDATED: 01:40, 14 May 2009
No wife?
The Times Diary: Tony Blair drank like a budgie
Patrick Kidd
Saturday April 24 2021, 12.01am, The Times
The burdens of office drive many a prime minister to drink. Tony Blair confessed in his memoirs that he too came to rely on alcohol. “A stiff whisky or G&T before dinner, and a couple of glasses, even half a bottle, with it,” he wrote. In an event for The Political Party podcast on Thursday, the former PM said that when his alcohol consumption became known, John Reid, his former health secretary, asked to have a word. Blair braced himself for a lecture since Reid was a former alcoholic who had been teetotal since 1994. Sure enough, Reid was disgusted. “That is the most pathetic admission of heavy drinking I’ve ever seen,” Reid told him. “In Glasgow we feed more than that to the budgies.”
Poor Andrew Neil just can’t get over being dumped by the tories during the last election campaign – so any opportunity to be ‘bitter ‘ – he will take it …. A very sour way to end a career – and apparently he is filling the gap between DFS adverts on a Channel 4 show now
Why do I hear lots of stories about Ukranian victories, the slaughter of Russian troops, how the Russians have run out of tanks, how Russian attacks fail and Ukrainians retake ground, about the latest multi-billion weapons ‘donation’ by the USA, that Putin has cancer and is living in a fantasy world in a bunker under threat of assasination and that Russia has run out of troops.
Then I see this map:
And now learn Russia is attacking 40 Towns simultaneously.
Somebody is not telling me the truth and it explains why Ukraine is low on the BBC billing today.
At least let’s look on the positive side : Once Russia control the Donbas, there is a chance this will all end. And if there is a chance for that, I suspect the USA/UK/EU will throw Zelensky under a bus.
The problem with the Javelins etc is that they can be countered by tactics and I’m sure the Russians have learned a thing or two by now.
John, I think Ukraine is only off the BBC’s agenda today because of post-Partygate partum.
Pandora Papers: Ukraine leader seeks to justify offshore accounts
Files obtained by ICIJ claim Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his partners established a network of offshore companies in 2012.
Will we see a bit of failure management coming along – ie the plucky Ukrainians were always going to be beaten by the monster bear but everyone did their bit – now the weather and Russian oil …
No it won’t end, because Russia is treading water until the Autumn waiting until the famine it has caused has displaced tens or even hundreds of millions from North Africa, Sub Saharan Africa, Far East Middle East, and SW Asia all into Europe where liberal loons will simply allow them in to take everything we have, at which point Russia will cut the gas and oil leaving Europe to starve and freeze, at which point our feckless cowardly excuses for leaders will give putin what ever he wants to restore the fossil fuels they love so much.
Europe as we know it will cease to exist and China will be free to invade Taiwan.
I sincerely hope you are wrong – but I absolutely agree that the Left and their ridiculous agendas have made us prime targets to be exploited by someone ruthless. This situation where the most powerful Western leader is clearly a nasty, senile idiot and the Western media (supposed to be the check and balance) totally cover it up (BBC one of the worst) is incredible to me. Every single one of them knows what is going on and nobody says anything.
I always assumed it would be the Muslims who would do for us – but perhaps it will be Putin after all. He’s laughed at us all the way.
According to nature, it’s exactly how it should happen. When a species gets weak, it gets displaced by something else.
Am I wrong in thinking that the left wing, woke minority asked for this and we’re all going to get it?
It’s certainly true that provided morale holds up armies learn with experience and improve very quickly during war. It’s even more true that the first casualty of war is truth . And of course we know that we live in the western world where most of ‘the news’ is nothing more than blatant propaganda and suppression by the globalists. Who knows what is really going on and what the truth is.
I wonder to myself how many horrors and utterly tragic events are occuring every day on boths sides which we will never know about while the BBC concentrate on child-musicians managing to ‘escape’ with their recorders and then want to form a band and play for Ukraine.
It’s all complete madness to me.
The MSM and especially the BBC created an illusion that Ukraine good and Russia bad. As with everything they do they decided the story they wanted to tell and then set about doing just that. Probably resulted in thousands more Ukrainian deaths that could have been prevented.
There is little doubt that Russia will now take over the whole of Ukraine.
At the same time I read that Zelensky has been shoving cash into offshore accounts so not quite the hero we have been led to believe hey?
I think once the Russians consolidate themselves and come up with new tactics to avoid/destroy the anti-tank missiles, they will make much faster progress.
Unfortunately those tactics will probably involve multiple-rocket launchers destroying everything and everyone in the size of a football field where a missile launcher might be – like they did in the fight against ISIS and nobody told us about because they were doing a job we couldn’t.
A cut and paste from the Daily Telegraph
When John Birt arrived at the BBC, he discovered that the corporation owned a factory that made TV cameras.
Even more surprised were the BBC’s top management, who did not know this either. In his memoirs, Birt uses the story to illustrate how asset management and cost control were non-existent at the BBC almost 35 years ago. Rather like an Oxbridge professor who has never had to learn how to make a pot of tea, the BBC never had to learn these fundamental business skills.
Birt’s subsequent leadership as director-general of the BBC catapulted it into the modern world, and arguably saved it from a much worse fate.
Conservatives like to flatter themselves that they preserve institutions by reforming them when they’re unable to reform themselves. But with the BBC, this is a job the Government is flunking.
Let’s imagine how British TV could look like in a decade.
We’re now in 2032, and mass TV licence evasion has become commonplace.
The young move around so often they can dodge the telly tax cops with ease, and older viewers continue to fall away, repelled by the BBC’s shrill ideological klaxon.
The final straw for many came with ‘Heat Pump Weekend’, in which the corporation organised a global climate change simulcast to encourage viewers to rip out their gas boiler by flying crews to 14 tropical locations, including Cancun and Dubai. But most people didn’t even notice the event, or even its host, Sir James Corden.
For years, the internet had provided a richer experience than linear broadcast TV.
Amazon had snaffled up the remaining crown jewels of British sport, and Apple TV had assumed the role that the BBC always regarded as its own by birthright, making high quality drama in English for the world.
All that meant was that English-language, British-sourced content was now enjoyed by a vast global audience, raising far more than had ever been collected by the TV licence fee. But only American corporations were profiting from it.
The killer blow for the BBC came when Google and Apple agreed to work on a digital TV smartphone app together. The phone became your remote control, but the BBC was nowhere to be found.
In previous decades, the cosy British TV cartel had always ensured that BBC One was number 1 (or 101) on the EPG, or Electronic Programming Guide. No longer. Some people claim to have spotted BBC channels “down in the 1,600s”, but no one could be sure: few people ever scrolled that far down.
Inevitably, with the old public service broadcasters becoming irrelevant, more of their ancient privileges were being questioned, too.
For decades, the BBC and ITV had hogged the juiciest part of the radio spectrum: licensed TV broadcasters had exclusive use of the low frequency portions that penetrated walls very well.
But only a few thousand households still used free-to-air TV, while many more people now complained that their 5G phones didn’t work reliably.
Ofcom proposed turning over the remaining digital TV multiplexes for mobile and telecoms. It was all for the common good, Ofcom argued, pointing out it had begun this process way back in 2014.
Faced with fires in all directions, the BBC pivoted. It proposed dividing its output into free and paid. Radio and news were free, and everything else was accessible with a modest voluntary subscription, available to anyone worldwide.
The technical part proved surprisingly easy to implement. Instead of sending unencrypted TV streams over the air, the BBC now encrypted its premium streams. Two thirds of UK households simply added the BBC to their pay TV package by ticking a box.
But for the rest, it took only a few seconds to unlock the content. Since almost every TV set was now a smart TV – meaning it was a TV that could run apps – a small BBC authenticator app came built-in. The tiny “BBC premium” app even worked for those few households with no internet connection at all.
For these viewers, the TV app generated a random code, which the user sent via text message receiving a PIN instantly that unlocked the channels. The British content industry breathed a bigger sigh of relief: they were no longer working for capricious American tech giants.
This vision of the future merely extrapolates trends that are rapidly underway today. Subscriptions allow the BBC to save itself, and conditional access allows it to implement subscriptions: the technology and the law required here are trivially easy.
But it’s implausible only in one important way: the BBC won’t pivot. It’s going to need political leadership to make it pivot. Here, political leadership is absent. So too is scrutiny.
The BBC has succeeded in misleading Parliament by persuading it that conditional access is impossible without broadband.
Last year, the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport select committee, headed by Julian Knight, declared that “the Government has left itself with no option on the licence fee, not least because it has failed to put in place the necessary broadband infrastructure that would facilitate other funding mechanisms”.
Wrong. As we have seen, it is incorrect to claim that conditional access requires ubiquitous high bandwidth broadband – it merely requires a smart TV, and some willpower.
TV industry insiders find it astonishing that this BBC argument goes unchallenged. Ironically, Julian Knight’s other role is examining the spread of misinformation in the media. He could start with his own Select Committee, and what it has been told by the BBC.ENDS
The Climate Question: What is Net Zero?
BBC World Service, 25 April 2022
The programme included contributions from Dr Benny Peisner who was introduced as the Director of the Global Warming Policy Forum.
We should have also said that the Forum questions climate change science and the cost of policies to tackle it.
From the very narrow sample of people I know or read comments from on the Telegraph or Spectator web sites , there is a steep increase in the number of BBC refuseniks ,ie non LicenseFee payers . I realise that people in these groups are self selecting and very likely to loath the BBC but I’m certain that far more of them are stopping their Direct Debits than ever before and the rate of them doing so is increasing.
Hopefully the tidal wave of refuseniks has already overwhelmed the bully boys at Capita and with each passing week more people will refuse to hand over their hard earned money to fund an organisation which despises them and which is determined to replace them and their culture with one totally alien to these islands.
I started working for British Aerospace just after the cost-plus contracts from the government ended (ie whatever the project actually cost in the end cost + a percentage profit).
The projects were stuffed with people and the many managers were just people who had been there a long time. They were – in general – absolutely and completely useless but the budget could support them all. We used to joke how they left their office in their company car as someone important then once they got outside the main gate, they were idiots all the normal people laughed at.
I expect the BBC is very similar. Most of the senior management will be unable to adjust to having to be competitive to survive.
June Sarpong to leave high-profile BBC diversity role
It comes as a string of senior executives of colour have departed the corporation within the past year amid concerns around racism and lack of diversity.
Nadine White
Race Correspondent
Tuesday 05 April 2022 20:27
Absolutely right : the BBC is riddled with BAME employees and racial discimination against whites.
How do they think they got their jobs in the first place ?.
“‘We don’t want UK-EU trade war’ – Irish PM”
I wonder Why?
Why doesn’t the map indicate the ‘Goods Despatched’ from the Republic of Ireland?
IMHO they are worried and I suspect an Irish Brexit on the way .
I voted for out before and I think they will do the same again? But this time there will be no ‘Vote Again’.
So far, three Tory MPs have called for Boris to step down since the Sue Gray report yesterday. They are John Baron, Julian Sturdy, and David Simmonds.
John Baron
1. Employment and earnings
From 1 July 2018 until further notice, £800 (previously £600) a month for a monthly investment column in the FT’s Investors’ Chronicle magazine. Address: Number One Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL. All fees are waived in lieu of FT donations to charities of my choice. Hours: 1 hr a month (1 column). (Updated 22 June 2015, 11 August 2016 and 02 July 2018)
From 1 January 2021, Chair of the Investment Committee of Baron and Grant Investment Management Limited, 66 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LH; a fund management company. Between 3 July 2020 and 1 January 2021, I was a person with significant control. (Registered 08 November 2020; updated 07 June 2021)
17 May 2021, received £2,000 for January 2021 to April 2021. Hours: 20 hrs in total. (Registered 07 June 2021)
From 30 April 2021 until further notice, I receive £500 a month. Hours: 5 hrs month. First payment received on 17 May 2021. (Registered 07 June 2021)
Julian Sturdy
I am a partner in G E Sturdy and Son; a farming partnership. Address: Westgate Farm, North Deighton, Wetherby, LS22 4EN. I provide administrative support for the partnership, as well as doing some buying and selling at certain times. Until further notice, I will receive £500 per month. Hours: no more than 4 hours a week. (Updated 9 December 2015)
I’m sure Boris can cope with low-life backstabbers.
MM, wot no Ellwood?
“What type of wood is that? That’s solid wood, mate.” “It’s proper wood.”
Employment and earnings
Ongoing service in the Territorial Army. Payments are received from the Army Pay Office, 65 Brown St, Glasgow G2 8EX.
Payments from Associated Newspapers Ltd, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT, for articles for the Mail on Sunday:
29 October 2019, received £500. Hours: 4.5 hrs. (Registered 01 September 2021)
5 November 2019, received £300. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 01 September 2021)
14 January 2020, received £1,000. Hours: 5.5 hrs. (Registered 01 September 2021)
16 February 2021, received £1,000. Hours: 6 hrs. (Registered 01 September 2021)
6 April 2021, received £600. Hours: 4.5 hrs. (Registered 01 September 2021)
17 August 2021, received £1,200. Hours: 7 hrs. (Registered 26 October 2021)
12 October 2021, received £600. Hours: 4.5 hrs. (Registered 26 October 2021)
16 November 2021, received £1,700. Hours: 8.5 hrs. (Registered 22 November 2021)
Payments from Al Jazeera Satellite Channel Ltd, the Shard Level 16, 32 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9SG, for interviews:
1 June 2021, received £434. Hours: 1.5 hrs inc. prep time. (Registered 01 September 2021)
17 June 2021, received £416. Hours: 2 hrs inc. prep time. (Registered 01 September 2021)
13 July 2021, received £90. Hours: 1 hr inc. prep time. (Registered 01 September 2021)
5 August 2021, received £83. Hours: 2 hrs inc. prep time. (Registered 01 September 2021)
19 November 2021, received £500 from News Group Newspapers Ltd, 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF, for an article for the Sun Newspaper. Hours: 6 hrs. (Registered 22 November 2021)
Labour MP. When they are next in charge (coalition) they will lower the voting age to 16. Game over.
‘unwavering and passionate support for refugees’
‘unwavering and passionate support for refugees’
‘unwavering and passionate support for refugees’
‘unwavering and passionate support for refugees’
About us (UK Home Office)
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
Changes to the Register of Members’ Interests
Tahir Ali
Name of donor: Government of Pakistan
Address of donor: High Commission for Pakistan, 35-36 Lowndes Square, London SW1X 9JN
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Travel and accommodation with a total value of £2,290
Destination of visit: Pakistan & Azad Jammu and Kashmir
Dates of visit: 18-23 February 2020
Purpose of visit: All-Party Parliamentary Kashmir Group visit to hold meetings with the leadership, administration, civil society, UNMOGIP and the British High Commission in Islamabad.
(Registered 9 April 2020)
This is a late register entry to which the rectification procedure was applied on 17 September 2020. Paragraph 15 of chapter 4 of the Guide to the Rules applies.
Re Alatair Campbell. I’ve always wondered why a Press Secretary was tasked with preparing a dossier on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction., something that should really have been prepared by the Defence Chief of Staff or under his direction. Campbell had zero experience military technology, he previously wrote soft porn and for a low brow newspapaper, experience that obviously prepared him for the highly technical task of enquiring about nuclear and chemical weapons in Iraq. He probably has to check an atlas to make sure where Iraq was.
Media Bulletin (edited slightly for factual opinion)
Sky News has appointed Jennifer Scott as a political reporter, working on the online politics team in Westminster. Jennifer will join at the end of June from her current role as an online political reporter at BBC News, where she has done awesome work as a deranged juvenile ideologue alongside Laura, Toenails, etc, and hence will slot in nicely with Beff, Kay and the gang.
LOL x 10, Guest, that line has brightened up my day so much, I’m having trouble typing this due to laughter!
After yesterday I am glad you are cheered.
Sasha Johnson: £20,000 reward offered over black rights campaigner shooting
Earlier this year the Met Police said detectives have been met with a “wall of silence” in their appeal for witnesses and has led them to this £20,000 Crimestoppers’ appeal.
“Many people were at that party, including many friends of Sasha, but nearly everyone has been reluctant to come forward.
Oh hum.
Here she is in her element making enemies even out of other blacks
Thick, overconfident people getting angry is always fascinating to watch.
‘How can I racially abuse this man’ – by verbally abusing him including reference to his colour you dumb b*tch. Another one who thinks – sorry thought – black people can’t be racist.
” but nearly everyone has been reluctant to come forward.”
Claims that widespread child sexual abuse “may be occurring on the same scale as the past” in Rotherham are unfounded, a review has found.
Conservative councillors claimed that grooming gangs still operating in the town were being ignored by police and the wider local authority.