Gray Day? The Far Left BBC will be in overdrive demanding this and that and an inquiry into the inquiry . Might be a good day to put out bad news – but at the moment – that’s every day …
“I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or it they try, they will shortly be out of office.”
Cost of living crisis: Sheerness cafe owner sleeps on shop floor to save money
Steve Jackson sleeps on the floor of the Jacksonwood Vintage Tea Rooms in Kent as he can’t always afford the petrol to get home – and regularly skips meals to help him pay the bills.
Re Partygate (sorry!)
When the Government made the rules, I don’t think they realised the degree of religious zealotry that would arise. There was a lot of extreme lockdown paranoia that bordered on mental illness. Of course, those in protected employment and pay, ie Civil Service and Local Government thought the whole thing brilliant. The degree of absenteeism was astounding. My son is a senior teacher, he had to keep his School going despite the efforts of the staff and Unions taking the piss.
Johnson took the candy away, they didn’t like that.
As for people not being able to see loved ones, I think there were some extreme cases brought about by little over zealous Hitlers.
Lockdowns, a disaster.
Furlough, a disaster.
Widfall Taxes, a disaster.
Sunak Giveaways, a disaster.
Everyone wants something for nothing.Much of this forced on Johnston by Labour, the BBC and left wing media
Johnson has an 80 seat majority and nothing could be ‘forced’ on him.
The real truth is that he is an abject coward who folds at the earliest opportunity. Just watch what happens with the rail strikes, he’ll be all tough words at the start until the effects begin to bite, and then he will do what he always does, completely surrender because he hasn’t an ounce of courage !
Johnson was forced into it, he had to. You may be forgetting how shrill the demands were from the doom-mongering BBC and Labour Party for the Government to go with lockdowns.
I think I will try taking my Tasmanian Devil , Fluffy, into Sainsbury’s.
Some cases like this are the result of third party security guards unaware or making up rules on the fly and are then supported by the establishment in question.
The BBC seem to pick the most irrelevant stuff they pick up on Twitter and make a diversion with it. Meanwhile, what are they smoke-screening this time?
Gb – don’t start on supermarkets —— my local Tesco is used as a training place for security guards . If you go near the drink section you’ll get your own guard… except when it’s school lunch time from the local St, `ferals comprehensive – when there is not a guard to be seen …
I guess they found out that plod will always take the side of the ‘children ‘ …..
The standard of written English in this report is dreadful . It should either read ,a man with autism or an autistic man not “ An autistic man with autism”
It’s also a non story
I have 2 comfort animals – Eric the elephant and Maurice the cockroach – ‘mo’ is always atuned to my emotions because when I’m angry I tend to stamp my foot,
I like to take Eric into buildings so there is always an elephant in the room … the silly season started early this year …
10:04am On BBC local radio presenter on @RadioHumberside
followed news item about World record for dressing as vampires
Thinking on his feet he came up with an idea for Hull ‘Hey we have the fishing safety protesters the Headscarf Revolutionaries’
‘we should go for the world record for dressing up in headscarves,
it would be a great laugh’
Tell that to the women in Iran where it is compulsory to wear a headscarf
Hull is not going to beat their record
… Talk about BBC bubbleworld
Not very #based in the real world
Maybe he could get the Hull Taliban to organise his event
Newsreader Sally “then we could have a revolution ! ..some might say it’s about time”
..So she is talking about overthrowing the government …that impartial ?
Presenter “We are in a ‘let them eat cake’ dishy Rishi is dishing it out” .. …that impartial ?
My sister worked at Needlers sweet and chocolate factory on Sculcoates Lane in Hull. All the female workers wore headscarves as turbans in the 50’s and 60’s. Not a bame amongst them.
Islamophobia is a hate crime experienced by many Muslims across the UK but for Muslim women who wear the Hijab, this can be more difficult due to its highly visible nature.
I have no irrational fear (ie phobia) about Islam whatsoever. It is another nonsensical term invented by the Left which rolls off the tongue to be used as a label to attack those on the Right.
I consider it to be an extreme bigotted and intolerant religion brainwashed by compulsion into people from birth and throughout their lives.
The story should be ‘Muslim women encouraged to ditch the hijab to spread what their lives could be like without the kind of oppression the rest of civilisation ditched hundreds of years ago’.
I worked in a 50% Muslim, 50% white office in Derby once. There was a LOT of hate. All of it from the Muslims to the infidels. The whiteys on the other hand (including the manager) daren’t even fart in their direction for fear of being sacked.
It was a real eye opening experience. I will never let myself be put in that position again.
In simple terms, the USA is beginning to enter a period of mayhem and unrest largely due to the hordes of illegal immigrants the elite left have waved into the Country for brownie points and voters.
So illegal immigrants simply roll up in the Country, have no allegiance to the Country, are there to see what they can get, come from Countries with pretty appalling levels of drug and gang related crime and violence and so simply continue with what they know works for them.
The US is a soft underbelly for them as they have a kind of protected status which they will make the most of to get what they want.
The US government meanwhile will do everything they can to bury these facts to avoid being seen as the root cause of the problem.
The US is collapsing down a sink-hole of their own making. The elite who live in gated condos of course are not affected so are immune at present to the problems that they have caused for the general population. This however will eventually speed up as the invaders gain more numbers and power.
As this spreads, the elite will migrate and condense in the wealthier areas such as California until they have nowhere to run.
On it’s current course, the USA will inevitable fracture and become a paria Country .
I predict wholesale lethal riots by the “real” left in the next few years, not the faux left who are running it at present but the violent gang led left such as Antifa and BLM plus new consortiums of South American overlords with eyes on the highly lucrative tendency of many American citizens to buy there dangerous wares.
US prosperity is up for grabs and that is exactly what these determined newcomers will go after.
Jan 6 will pale into insignificance when this eventually happens.
Husband (EU passport) goes in ‘VIP’ speedy EU passports Lane whilst I (UK – formerly also VIP) have to queue. What were you ‘thinking’ voting Brexit, people?
The Remainiac got massively ratio-ed
And people pointed at the procedure for entering the EU
.. “You are a European Lawyer? An EU specialist?
… And you don’t know you can go in the same lane as your husband?”
Thoughtful – thanks- the sheer gloom of the report is sobering . Imagine the Fed needing to hike rates by. 75% now to prevent a recession becoming a 2023 depression .
Dollar strengthens against the £ and up goes the oil price here just we play catch up … ..rishi rishi get the cheque book out …
I just love what he did to George Soros, widening his face and slowing down his voice was very funny. He must be fairly well connected though to have been invited to Davos because no just anyone gets in to those meetings.
BBC reporting a Texas ranger telling the princess of nowhere and netflix film crew to ‘eff off ‘ at the memorial where she had a ‘photo shoot ‘ … the picture of it is truly vile …. If it was POTUS – even poor old joe – I’d say fair enough – but her ? Just vile ….
And how far away could her ailing father have been lying in his hospital bed while his monstrous daughted leverages the deaths of children for her own ends.
Clarence House is the official London residence of The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall.
Highgrove House near Tetbury, Gloucestershire, is the family home of The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall.
Birkhall is the private residence of The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall in Scotland. It is the former home of Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother on the Balmoral estate on Royal Deeside. Her Late Majesty described it as a ‘little big house’.
The Prince and The Duchess spend their summer break here each year and enjoy the pursuits of fishing and walking in the beautiful countryside.
Llwynywermod, near Llandovery in Carmarthenshire, is Their Royal Highnesses’ Welsh home.
Bought in 2007 by the Duchy of Cornwall, the farmhouse was refurbished using local materials and the skills of Welsh craftsmen and women.
Their Royal Highnesses stay at the house when they are on their Annual Tour of Wales and during many other visits.
Talk Radio (yesterday) had a guy called Nick Hudson from PANDA (Science Medical experts) organisation which l had never heard off being critical of the media portrayal of COVID. The BBC was hell bent on lock down (still is) and Climate Crisis. And they are related and they are backed by the same people (Gates, SOROS, FAUCI) and you can see a pattern emerging that they call the GREAT RESET.
So the COVID is real but locking us all up, restrictions and legislations using ’emergency powers’ which the Left are so keen on are driven by a few mdeia manipulators.
I had to look uo PANDA (and it has nothng to for with David Attenbourough adn Co, WWF or whatever. It is Open Source Science by Scientist locked out of the media narration shown daily by the BBC.
It is really worth looking at the video shown here. It relates to the UK and why it happened and why it is so serious.
In addition to forthcoming UK legislation becoming laws in this country is locking up protesters (promarily aimed at XR climate nutters) but also anybody else opposing certain ‘climate’ legislations or future ‘lock-downs’. More are planned. Its an ’emergency’…
We are creeping towards CHINA state syndrome, driven by the left and globalist who want a simpler state monopoly to play with and bigger government intervention (think face-masks fiasco). I am not making this up, something is going on and its being pushed by BIG PHARMA here in the UK and being pushed hard by Biden and his followers in the US.
They want world dominance.
The BBC are a natural ally of the left and lock downs, climate, state taxes (including the TV license – even if you don’t ever watch it).
Absolute absurdity of the BBC who want it ALL. A full state monopoly of what we should think and do and pretend to agree with (saving the planet) nonsense is all tied up as a package. The Great Reset
The state of Emergency is still present in other nations. How long before the (old) Monkey Virus takes its place – listening to the BBC its as serious as COVID.
Look at the PANDA link above. And then also at this one. What is real?
How will children tell the difference?
Let alone the Gender differences they are pushing on us. Not based on science but or even sex but a name that they want protected. They want a new Norm. A new Global reset (zero population).
BBC Three returned to TV screens last night with a promise to be more representative of all young people than ever before, telling their unfiltered, unapologetic and extraordinary stories from right across the UK.
It was great to see a brand-new group of queens in RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs The World, as part of the channel launch, and there’s much more to come including live sport and brilliant new comedy from the makers of People Just Do Nothing.
This week audiences can also revel in the excitement of the Winter Olympics on the BBC; while bingeable drama The Responder continues and the critically-acclaimed – and must watch – The Green Planet concludes
This is Our BBC reveals that the BBC is a reflection of who we are, across all our nations. We are here to represent communities, bring people together, witness moments in history and celebrate sporting success. It shows us there should always be something for everyone on the BBC and I think that’s something we should all reflect on and be proud of in our 100th year.
We are here to represent communities, bring people together, witness moments in history and celebrate sporting success. It shows us there should always be something for everyone on the BBC and I think that’s something we should all reflect on and be proud of in our 100th year.
… BBC in discrimination row after opening trainee role only to ethnic minorities
Screenshot of the “For You” page
that Twitter gives me when I click search
An algorithm carefully tables content to match my needs ..haha
#TwitterBias #WokeSupremacist agendas pushed at me all the time
Yet in Twitter’s trending charts for the UK, the BBCbreakfast tweet is not at Number 1 , It’s at #9
It has 16K likes which is OK, but at a glance 7 tweet have much more likes
So why push that at me ??
Why push Lagos women at me ??
Crime rates in Lagos, Nigeria
Level of crime 71.16 High
Problem people using or dealing drugs 64.95 High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft 69.88 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery 73.77 High
Problem corruption and bribery 88.41 Very High
Too much shifting chairs in the boardrooms, jockeying for position by the big-wigs and concentrating and throwing cash at non-medical issues like diversity have led to this appalling state on the shop floor.
The entire NHS need a new engaged boss who is ready to go right through the dysfunctional, highly expensive car-crash at the heart of the behemoth shambles and root out the bad apples and foot-draggers and staff who either don’t know or don’t care what they should be doing.
We have been handed rose coloured spaces for too long by the media, time for a showdown and a return to reality.
However, the report did say staff were compassionate and kind and there was an improvement in staff morale.
Fiona Allinson, CQC’s director of operations Midlands network, said: “It’s disappointing that despite several inspections where CQC has told the trust areas they must improve to keep mums and babies safe, serious problems remain.”
Given how aggressively Labour’s attacking the Tories for handing out a universal £400 energy bill grant – as opposed to means testing it – Guido was surprised to see Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves struggle to commit to sending that cash to a worthy cause during her appearance on TalkTV this morning. After Rishi promised to do just that on his morning media round…
Asked by Jeremy Kyle if she’d donate £400 to charity, Reeves said:
“Well, you know, I’d be happy… I already make donations to charity to ensure that I’m doing that I’m doing what I can to help people who are less well off than myself. But the point is if I were Chancellor, I wouldn’t be designing a system like this. We shouldn’t be designing a system that sees people who are the very wealthiest get as much money as those people who are just about managing… as a result, there is taxpayer money being wasted.”
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise next month
This article is more than 2 months old
Increase of 2.7% comes against backdrop of significant economic hardship for many Britons
He should have smiled at her and said, yes of course we can do that for you, but it needs 250000 civil servants to administer it and they need to be working from the office. We need the IT systems set up and working and we estimate we will be able to make the first payments in late 2030, by which time it will have cost more than 10 times the original amount budgetted and saved next to nothing in ineligible clawbacks.
LOL… Germany babbling about phasing out coal… as it brings 26 coal plants out of mothballs because of the climate idiocy-caused global energy crisis.
Fahrenheit 451 is based on Ray Bradbury’s classic novel. In a future where the media is an opiate, history is rewritten and “firemen” burn books, Jordan plays Montag, a young fireman who struggles with his role as law enforcer.
A duty to ensure that the systems and processes mentioned in subsection (2)
apply in the same way to a wide diversity of political opinion.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
Seems Boris Johnson wasn’t partying at all during the time cleaner Gomes was cleaning offices during Covid restriction times.
27 March 2020 Boris tests positive
12 April Boris leaves hospital
27th April Boris back at work
Guardian 2020 on Gomes
“In May, the Guardian reported that Emanuel Gomes, a worker on the MoJ cleaning team, fell ill and died hours after his shift. There is no evidence Gomes had Covid-19 and the post mortem result gives hypertensive heart disease as the probable cause of death.”
that earlier report said
“Emanuel Gomes, from Guinea Bissau, had continued to work in *near-empty offices* for about five days with suspected coronavirus symptoms because he believed he could not afford to lose income.
He died on 24 April after being taken home by a colleague who was among those worried about his feverish symptoms and loss of appetite.
A maintenance worker at the MoJ believed to be from Pakistan also died during that week, with the circumstances around his death unclear.”
Also it seemed there was a chain of companies. He worked for OCS who were subcontracted by Kier.
I can believe some workers got Covid on their way to work especially if they were transported in minibuses.
None should have died cos vulnerable categories should have been protecting themselves.
Web news from a few days ago
Twelve men are due to appear in court charged with child sex offences dating back to 1996.
: including rape, gross indecency and indecent assault of a girl under the age of 14, and indecent assault of a girl under 16.
Nine of the men are from Keighley. The others are from Bradford, Bingley, and Nottingham.
About 25 years ago I met a couple of (white) friends and business contacts from Bolton, I lived in Cheshire. They were intelligent people, not the sort of people who I would have thought were racist or prejudiced. Over tea we discussed the life in Bolton and they came out with, “the Pakistanis are raping young white girls, it’s happening all the time”. I then naively thought, well they must be prejudiced to come out with that, it couldn’t be true, the Police would surely have sorted that out. I was a bit offended but I knew them to be decent sorts so was a little puzzled. How wrong I was. What an utter disgrace.
A year or two back there was a program on TV about town planning which featured Bolton, I think. There had been an application to build a Mosque, the site was unsuitable, there was no parking, neighbours objected in volume. However the Planning Committee had a number of Asians on it and was chaired by an Asian lady who merely decreed that planning was granted, more or less without discussion.
ITV local new reported 2 stories
Newark : Vitoldas Platakis (51) jailed for nine years and four months after he admitted killing his wife Valdemara Zemaitiene
He accepted responsibility for the death of, who was found dead at their home in July 2021
said he attacked the 48-year-old after an argument at his home in the town – but that he did not intend to kill her.
Barnsley : Saturday, 21 May. Julie Youel, 53, was found seriously injured. “Despite their best efforts, alongside Yorkshire Ambulance Service, Julie was sadly pronounced dead at the scene.”
Darren Youel, 54, of Rotherham Road, Monk Bretton, has been charged with murder.
In addition Twitter says : Death of 50 year old woman at a property in Boston.
Officers were called out to reports of a disturbance at the property in London road last night.
Two women aged 52 and 38 and a 37 year old man were arrested at the scene on suspicion of GBH and all three currently remain in custody.
Gutted ? Guido reports that someone called piers Morgan is taking a 6 week break away from some new TV station – and that his 34000viewers will – not be seeing him ….
Is this the bit in the script where Brillo takes the filthy lucre again and steps in …? – god who cares – GBNews seems to be improving a lot …
DoublethinkerMar 6, 16:15 Midweek 5th March 2025 One development in recent days that has surprised me is that the number of new members joining the Reform party…
Fedup2Mar 6, 16:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 The child killer on a sports field by a BMW yesterday was aged 10 and has been named . The…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:42 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Between 2019-2020, when Boris Johnson was Prime Minister, taxpayers were charged £141,380 for HOPE not hate charitable trust (which funds…
popeyeMar 6, 15:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Compared to people born in the UK, migrants are more likely to be of working age or have a university…
tomoMar 6, 15:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 Eagle is it seems a graduate of the Dianne Abbott academy? One might’ve hoped that the voters of The Wirral…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 * What power have you got? • Where did you get it from? • In whose interests do you use…
tomoMar 6, 15:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 home insurance premium? I’d have a read of the policy document
tomoMar 6, 15:05 Midweek 5th March 2025 More law….. EU courts…. – just imagine what TTK would get up to in cahoots with this lot.
Richard PinderMar 6, 15:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img] Stalinist torture of Tommy Robinson by the nasty socialist state. Political prisoner, Tommy Robinson, has suffered 128+ days so…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 14:58 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Police ‘acted reasonably’ in Pearson hate crime case” The Essex force has previously defended its since-dropped investigation over an…
“I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing is to establish a political climate of opinion which will make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing. Unless it is politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing, the right people will not do the right thing either, or it they try, they will shortly be out of office.”
― Milton Friedman
Electric car rapid charging costs soar, says RAC
By Beth Timmins & Tom Espiner
Business reporters, BBC News
Cost of living crisis: Sheerness cafe owner sleeps on shop floor to save money
Steve Jackson sleeps on the floor of the Jacksonwood Vintage Tea Rooms in Kent as he can’t always afford the petrol to get home – and regularly skips meals to help him pay the bills.
Re Partygate (sorry!)
When the Government made the rules, I don’t think they realised the degree of religious zealotry that would arise. There was a lot of extreme lockdown paranoia that bordered on mental illness. Of course, those in protected employment and pay, ie Civil Service and Local Government thought the whole thing brilliant. The degree of absenteeism was astounding. My son is a senior teacher, he had to keep his School going despite the efforts of the staff and Unions taking the piss.
Johnson took the candy away, they didn’t like that.
As for people not being able to see loved ones, I think there were some extreme cases brought about by little over zealous Hitlers.
Lockdowns, a disaster.
Furlough, a disaster.
Widfall Taxes, a disaster.
Sunak Giveaways, a disaster.
Everyone wants something for nothing.Much of this forced on Johnston by Labour, the BBC and left wing media
Johnson has an 80 seat majority and nothing could be ‘forced’ on him.
The real truth is that he is an abject coward who folds at the earliest opportunity. Just watch what happens with the rail strikes, he’ll be all tough words at the start until the effects begin to bite, and then he will do what he always does, completely surrender because he hasn’t an ounce of courage !
Johnson was forced into it, he had to. You may be forgetting how shrill the demands were from the doom-mongering BBC and Labour Party for the Government to go with lockdowns.
Coronavirus: Peak District drone police criticised for ‘lockdown shaming’
Published27 March 2020
My money is on Durham plod clearing starmer and growler over the weekend as the swamp goes on its hols again …
Court fight looms over Sainsbury’s cat ban
Another victim, luckily we have the likes of the bBC to find them
I think I will try taking my Tasmanian Devil , Fluffy, into Sainsbury’s.
Some cases like this are the result of third party security guards unaware or making up rules on the fly and are then supported by the establishment in question.
The BBC seem to pick the most irrelevant stuff they pick up on Twitter and make a diversion with it. Meanwhile, what are they smoke-screening this time?
Gb – don’t start on supermarkets —— my local Tesco is used as a training place for security guards . If you go near the drink section you’ll get your own guard… except when it’s school lunch time from the local St, `ferals comprehensive – when there is not a guard to be seen …
I guess they found out that plod will always take the side of the ‘children ‘ …..
The standard of written English in this report is dreadful . It should either read ,a man with autism or an autistic man not “ An autistic man with autism”
It’s also a non story
I have 2 comfort animals – Eric the elephant and Maurice the cockroach – ‘mo’ is always atuned to my emotions because when I’m angry I tend to stamp my foot,
I like to take Eric into buildings so there is always an elephant in the room … the silly season started early this year …
..the world at one on this was laugh out loud ….
Surely it is ‘an autistic he/him with autism’ ?
Sorry miss spoke!!!!
10:04am On BBC local radio presenter on @RadioHumberside
followed news item about World record for dressing as vampires
Thinking on his feet he came up with an idea for Hull
‘Hey we have the fishing safety protesters the Headscarf Revolutionaries’
‘we should go for the world record for dressing up in headscarves,
it would be a great laugh’
Tell that to the women in Iran where it is compulsory to wear a headscarf
Hull is not going to beat their record
… Talk about BBC bubbleworld
Not very #based in the real world
Maybe he could get the Hull Taliban to organise his event
Newsreader Sally “then we could have a revolution ! ..some might say it’s about time”
..So she is talking about overthrowing the government …that impartial ?
Presenter “We are in a ‘let them eat cake’ dishy Rishi is dishing it out” .. …that impartial ?
My sister worked at Needlers sweet and chocolate factory on Sculcoates Lane in Hull. All the female workers wore headscarves as turbans in the 50’s and 60’s. Not a bame amongst them.
Muslim women encourage others to try the hijab to spread Islamophobia awareness
Shreen Mahmood from Muslim Connect was raising awareness through conversation on International Women’s Day
Islamophobia is a hate crime experienced by many Muslims across the UK but for Muslim women who wear the Hijab, this can be more difficult due to its highly visible nature.
I have no irrational fear (ie phobia) about Islam whatsoever. It is another nonsensical term invented by the Left which rolls off the tongue to be used as a label to attack those on the Right.
I consider it to be an extreme bigotted and intolerant religion brainwashed by compulsion into people from birth and throughout their lives.
The story should be ‘Muslim women encouraged to ditch the hijab to spread what their lives could be like without the kind of oppression the rest of civilisation ditched hundreds of years ago’.
I worked in a 50% Muslim, 50% white office in Derby once. There was a LOT of hate. All of it from the Muslims to the infidels. The whiteys on the other hand (including the manager) daren’t even fart in their direction for fear of being sacked.
It was a real eye opening experience. I will never let myself be put in that position again.
Exactly what I commented about yesterday.
It appears there may be more to the US school shooting than the press want to admit.
In simple terms, the USA is beginning to enter a period of mayhem and unrest largely due to the hordes of illegal immigrants the elite left have waved into the Country for brownie points and voters.
So illegal immigrants simply roll up in the Country, have no allegiance to the Country, are there to see what they can get, come from Countries with pretty appalling levels of drug and gang related crime and violence and so simply continue with what they know works for them.
The US is a soft underbelly for them as they have a kind of protected status which they will make the most of to get what they want.
The US government meanwhile will do everything they can to bury these facts to avoid being seen as the root cause of the problem.
The US is collapsing down a sink-hole of their own making. The elite who live in gated condos of course are not affected so are immune at present to the problems that they have caused for the general population. This however will eventually speed up as the invaders gain more numbers and power.
As this spreads, the elite will migrate and condense in the wealthier areas such as California until they have nowhere to run.
On it’s current course, the USA will inevitable fracture and become a paria Country .
I predict wholesale lethal riots by the “real” left in the next few years, not the faux left who are running it at present but the violent gang led left such as Antifa and BLM plus new consortiums of South American overlords with eyes on the highly lucrative tendency of many American citizens to buy there dangerous wares.
US prosperity is up for grabs and that is exactly what these determined newcomers will go after.
Jan 6 will pale into insignificance when this eventually happens.
Crazy Cat Lady. Lawyer, obvs.
Might make a good bbc Eco editor too.
Funny that – I’ve been in arrivals where the EU q is 20x longer than the UK one – but I don’t feel a need to tweet about it – or anything …..
The Remainiac got massively ratio-ed
And people pointed at the procedure for entering the EU
.. “You are a European Lawyer? An EU specialist?
… And you don’t know you can go in the same lane as your husband?”
Equality? Was there 3 on the EU desk and 1 on the other?
I voted Brexit, in part, so ‘VIP’ like you had to join the queue, like me.
There is milking.
And then… BBC Milki…News …
“I never thought… there would be a day that came and I said, ‘I’m Josh Cavallo, a footballer and I’m gay.'”
Bloomberg U.K. tries to help with a sponsored post on social media:
“Big cuts have been announced at the BBC, including some popular stations and services.”
Fails. Funny though.
Again, not really helping.
But yes, much explained.
Another report from the Maverick of Wall Street some nice humour and more food for thought you may not have heard.
Thoughtful – thanks- the sheer gloom of the report is sobering . Imagine the Fed needing to hike rates by. 75% now to prevent a recession becoming a 2023 depression .
Dollar strengthens against the £ and up goes the oil price here just we play catch up … ..rishi rishi get the cheque book out …
I just love what he did to George Soros, widening his face and slowing down his voice was very funny. He must be fairly well connected though to have been invited to Davos because no just anyone gets in to those meetings.
BBC reporting a Texas ranger telling the princess of nowhere and netflix film crew to ‘eff off ‘ at the memorial where she had a ‘photo shoot ‘ … the picture of it is truly vile …. If it was POTUS – even poor old joe – I’d say fair enough – but her ? Just vile ….
And how far away could her ailing father have been lying in his hospital bed while his monstrous daughted leverages the deaths of children for her own ends.
Quiz of the week: What are Charles and Camilla doing on TV?
The Prince of Wales has homes in England, Scotland and Wales.
Clarence House is the official London residence of The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall.
Highgrove House near Tetbury, Gloucestershire, is the family home of The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall.
Birkhall is the private residence of The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall in Scotland. It is the former home of Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother on the Balmoral estate on Royal Deeside. Her Late Majesty described it as a ‘little big house’.
The Prince and The Duchess spend their summer break here each year and enjoy the pursuits of fishing and walking in the beautiful countryside.
Llwynywermod, near Llandovery in Carmarthenshire, is Their Royal Highnesses’ Welsh home.
Bought in 2007 by the Duchy of Cornwall, the farmhouse was refurbished using local materials and the skills of Welsh craftsmen and women.
Their Royal Highnesses stay at the house when they are on their Annual Tour of Wales and during many other visits.
Talk Radio (yesterday) had a guy called Nick Hudson from PANDA (Science Medical experts) organisation which l had never heard off being critical of the media portrayal of COVID. The BBC was hell bent on lock down (still is) and Climate Crisis. And they are related and they are backed by the same people (Gates, SOROS, FAUCI) and you can see a pattern emerging that they call the GREAT RESET.
So the COVID is real but locking us all up, restrictions and legislations using ’emergency powers’ which the Left are so keen on are driven by a few mdeia manipulators.
I had to look uo PANDA (and it has nothng to for with David Attenbourough adn Co, WWF or whatever. It is Open Source Science by Scientist locked out of the media narration shown daily by the BBC.
It is really worth looking at the video shown here. It relates to the UK and why it happened and why it is so serious.
The Ugly Truth About The Covid-19 Lockdowns
In addition to forthcoming UK legislation becoming laws in this country is locking up protesters (promarily aimed at XR climate nutters) but also anybody else opposing certain ‘climate’ legislations or future ‘lock-downs’. More are planned. Its an ’emergency’…
We are creeping towards CHINA state syndrome, driven by the left and globalist who want a simpler state monopoly to play with and bigger government intervention (think face-masks fiasco). I am not making this up, something is going on and its being pushed by BIG PHARMA here in the UK and being pushed hard by Biden and his followers in the US.
They want world dominance.
The BBC are a natural ally of the left and lock downs, climate, state taxes (including the TV license – even if you don’t ever watch it).
Absolute absurdity of the BBC who want it ALL. A full state monopoly of what we should think and do and pretend to agree with (saving the planet) nonsense is all tied up as a package. The Great Reset
The state of Emergency is still present in other nations. How long before the (old) Monkey Virus takes its place – listening to the BBC its as serious as COVID.
Look at the PANDA link above. And then also at this one. What is real?
How will children tell the difference?
Let alone the Gender differences they are pushing on us. Not based on science but or even sex but a name that they want protected. They want a new Norm. A new Global reset (zero population).
A confused citizen is a happy citizen.
BBC Three returned to TV screens last night with a promise to be more representative of all young people than ever before, telling their unfiltered, unapologetic and extraordinary stories from right across the UK.
It was great to see a brand-new group of queens in RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs The World, as part of the channel launch, and there’s much more to come including live sport and brilliant new comedy from the makers of People Just Do Nothing.
This week audiences can also revel in the excitement of the Winter Olympics on the BBC; while bingeable drama The Responder continues and the critically-acclaimed – and must watch – The Green Planet concludes
This is Our BBC reveals that the BBC is a reflection of who we are, across all our nations. We are here to represent communities, bring people together, witness moments in history and celebrate sporting success. It shows us there should always be something for everyone on the BBC and I think that’s something we should all reflect on and be proud of in our 100th year.
BBC in discrimination row after opening trainee role only to ethnic minorities
We are here to represent communities, bring people together, witness moments in history and celebrate sporting success. It shows us there should always be something for everyone on the BBC and I think that’s something we should all reflect on and be proud of in our 100th year.
BBC in discrimination row after opening trainee role only to ethnic minorities
Screenshot of the “For You” page
that Twitter gives me when I click search
An algorithm carefully tables content to match my needs ..haha
#TwitterBias #WokeSupremacist agendas pushed at me all the time
Yet in Twitter’s trending charts for the UK, the BBCbreakfast tweet is not at Number 1 , It’s at #9
It has 16K likes which is OK, but at a glance 7 tweet have much more likes
So why push that at me ??
Why push Lagos women at me ??
The Real Housewives of Lagos?
I’d add that the “photo ” is a montage
– yeah…
“real housewives”
Crime rates in Lagos, Nigeria
Level of crime 71.16 High
Problem people using or dealing drugs 64.95 High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft 69.88 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery 73.77 High
Problem corruption and bribery 88.41 Very High
I’m familiar with Lagos and The Delta
When I become God Emperor – The Guardian, BBC and Twitter employment contracts will stipulate that all staff must spend 6 months a year there.
What a woeful and disgusting state of affairs when a major “University” hospital cannot safeguard it’s vulnerable patients properly.
Too much shifting chairs in the boardrooms, jockeying for position by the big-wigs and concentrating and throwing cash at non-medical issues like diversity have led to this appalling state on the shop floor.
The entire NHS need a new engaged boss who is ready to go right through the dysfunctional, highly expensive car-crash at the heart of the behemoth shambles and root out the bad apples and foot-draggers and staff who either don’t know or don’t care what they should be doing.
We have been handed rose coloured spaces for too long by the media, time for a showdown and a return to reality.
However, the report did say staff were compassionate and kind and there was an improvement in staff morale.
Fiona Allinson, CQC’s director of operations Midlands network, said: “It’s disappointing that despite several inspections where CQC has told the trust areas they must improve to keep mums and babies safe, serious problems remain.”
Given how aggressively Labour’s attacking the Tories for handing out a universal £400 energy bill grant – as opposed to means testing it – Guido was surprised to see Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves struggle to commit to sending that cash to a worthy cause during her appearance on TalkTV this morning. After Rishi promised to do just that on his morning media round…
Asked by Jeremy Kyle if she’d donate £400 to charity, Reeves said:
“Well, you know, I’d be happy… I already make donations to charity to ensure that I’m doing that I’m doing what I can to help people who are less well off than myself. But the point is if I were Chancellor, I wouldn’t be designing a system like this. We shouldn’t be designing a system that sees people who are the very wealthiest get as much money as those people who are just about managing… as a result, there is taxpayer money being wasted.”
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise next month
This article is more than 2 months old
Increase of 2.7% comes against backdrop of significant economic hardship for many Britons
He should have smiled at her and said, yes of course we can do that for you, but it needs 250000 civil servants to administer it and they need to be working from the office. We need the IT systems set up and working and we estimate we will be able to make the first payments in late 2030, by which time it will have cost more than 10 times the original amount budgetted and saved next to nothing in ineligible clawbacks.
Fahrenheit 451 is based on Ray Bradbury’s classic novel. In a future where the media is an opiate, history is rewritten and “firemen” burn books, Jordan plays Montag, a young fireman who struggles with his role as law enforcer.
Good (really thought provoking) book by a great writer.
This looks like an awful ‘dramatisation’ that misses the plot entirely.
Click to access 220004.pdf
A duty to ensure that the systems and processes mentioned in subsection (2)
apply in the same way to a wide diversity of political opinion.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
Russian oligarchs: Inside K-Cell – the UK police unit raiding their homes
By Gordon Corera
Security correspondent, BBC News
Published15 hours ago
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
Seems Boris Johnson wasn’t partying at all during the time cleaner Gomes was cleaning offices during Covid restriction times.
27 March 2020 Boris tests positive
12 April Boris leaves hospital
27th April Boris back at work
Guardian 2020 on Gomes
“In May, the Guardian reported that Emanuel Gomes, a worker on the MoJ cleaning team, fell ill and died hours after his shift. There is no evidence Gomes had Covid-19 and the post mortem result gives hypertensive heart disease as the probable cause of death.”
that earlier report said
“Emanuel Gomes, from Guinea Bissau, had continued to work in *near-empty offices* for about five days with suspected coronavirus symptoms because he believed he could not afford to lose income.
He died on 24 April after being taken home by a colleague who was among those worried about his feverish symptoms and loss of appetite.
A maintenance worker at the MoJ believed to be from Pakistan also died during that week, with the circumstances around his death unclear.”
Also it seemed there was a chain of companies. He worked for OCS who were subcontracted by Kier.
I can believe some workers got Covid on their way to work especially if they were transported in minibuses.
None should have died cos vulnerable categories should have been protecting themselves.
Something Local ITVnews tweet but don’t seem to broadcast
Dewsbury and Heckmondwike :
Web news from a few days ago
Twelve men are due to appear in court charged with child sex offences dating back to 1996.
: including rape, gross indecency and indecent assault of a girl under the age of 14, and indecent assault of a girl under 16.
Nine of the men are from Keighley. The others are from Bradford, Bingley, and Nottingham.
About 25 years ago I met a couple of (white) friends and business contacts from Bolton, I lived in Cheshire. They were intelligent people, not the sort of people who I would have thought were racist or prejudiced. Over tea we discussed the life in Bolton and they came out with, “the Pakistanis are raping young white girls, it’s happening all the time”. I then naively thought, well they must be prejudiced to come out with that, it couldn’t be true, the Police would surely have sorted that out. I was a bit offended but I knew them to be decent sorts so was a little puzzled. How wrong I was. What an utter disgrace.
A year or two back there was a program on TV about town planning which featured Bolton, I think. There had been an application to build a Mosque, the site was unsuitable, there was no parking, neighbours objected in volume. However the Planning Committee had a number of Asians on it and was chaired by an Asian lady who merely decreed that planning was granted, more or less without discussion.
ITV local new reported 2 stories
Newark : Vitoldas Platakis (51) jailed for nine years and four months after he admitted killing his wife Valdemara Zemaitiene
He accepted responsibility for the death of, who was found dead at their home in July 2021
said he attacked the 48-year-old after an argument at his home in the town – but that he did not intend to kill her.
Barnsley : Saturday, 21 May. Julie Youel, 53, was found seriously injured. “Despite their best efforts, alongside Yorkshire Ambulance Service, Julie was sadly pronounced dead at the scene.”
Darren Youel, 54, of Rotherham Road, Monk Bretton, has been charged with murder.
In addition Twitter says : Death of 50 year old woman at a property in Boston.
Officers were called out to reports of a disturbance at the property in London road last night.
Two women aged 52 and 38 and a 37 year old man were arrested at the scene on suspicion of GBH and all three currently remain in custody.
Gutted ? Guido reports that someone called piers Morgan is taking a 6 week break away from some new TV station – and that his 34000viewers will – not be seeing him ….
Is this the bit in the script where Brillo takes the filthy lucre again and steps in …? – god who cares – GBNews seems to be improving a lot …
Anyway – new thread time ….