TURLEY: “I mean, he is facing a jury that has three Clinton donors, an AOC donor, and a woman whose daughter is on the same sports team with Sussmann’s daughter. With the exception of randomly selecting people out of the DNC headquarters, you could not come up with a worse jury” pic.twitter.com/RHqen6AMAc
NEW: BBC withdraw job offer to aspiring Labour MP Matthew Stadlen.
He’s been deleting non-historic tweets but spokesperson said: “We have many conversations with a diverse range of potential presenters. We had offered him some temporary work but our plans have changed for now.”
One way or other, virtually all MPs want to be back in the EU gravy train.
It is the way to not only future safe sinecures but to global appointments in a Global world – like WHO, and other UN organisations. I can think of a new World Climate Change organisation.
And all this has been threatened by Vladimir Putin. Unlike others, he and Victor Orban saw the threat to Western/European civilisation with large scale immigration of the RoP.
Vladimir wanted to Russia to part of Europe and NATO but he was rudely rebuffed. Wonderful.
So both are now enemies of the globalist EU and Democrat America. Good.
It means a return to impartiality, which was ingrained in me during my eight and a half years at BBC Live political programmes, Newsnight and the BBC News Channel. I’ll be asking questions on here from now on and offering analysis rather than opinion. 2/4
I thought there was a cost-of-living crisis. How come papers are reporting chaos at airports as families fly abroad for half term? They could all give their £400 back.
A year on furlough or in a rock-solid redundancy-immune public sector job during the pandemic with nothing to spend money on does wonders for the bank balance and paying down personal debt.
It also of course leads to too much money chasing too few goods when the brakes come off.
As indeed we are now seeing.
Not that this will be factored in to any BBC reporting when the ‘ evil Tory, eat or heat’ agenda is being played full tilt.
The Covaids was the excuse to hide the complete global financial meltdown in 2019. They called the plandemic when they did for two reasons. Firstly to stop people spending and rapidly decrease the velocity of money. Hence there would be no inflation and few people would notice what was going on. Secondly it gave them the excuse to pump in as much as 75 percent of all fiat money ever printed over the last 100 years to hide the meltdown even further. They couldn’t afford a repeat of 2008 but more severe by many orders of magnitude. You see there is no virus. The viruses are the central bankers and their plan to get you using their CBDC which will enable them to control every aspect of your life.
Russ’s clever theory
The Tory supporting BBC deliberately created the Robinson cleaner incident to discredit the Tory supporting BBC and get it closed down
His looong thread : Russ puts forward his theory
‘Robinson was a Tory at uni, so surely must be a Tory now
& his source of cleaner Gomes story is rightwing mag The Critic
It copied from Tortoise Media’s story last year, which must be rightwing too
So it was all a clever rightwing CONSPIRACY to discredit the BBC
…. https://twitter.com/docrussjackson/status/1530127684910579714
Always ask ..what is more likely cockup or conspiracy ?
Probably Robinson in his BBC bubbleworld simply got carried away
It was him that put in the “2+2 =6” thinking that Gomes must have been working in 10 Downing St cleaning up Boris’s puke from parties.
In reality Gomes hadn’t worked in No 10, and was dead before any Downing St parties Boris could have gone to
..cos Boris had Covid until March 27 to April 27 2020,
A damning headline and tone from the BBC in this one right up until I got to this line line towards the end:
‘He said Palestinian authorities would not hand over the bullet to the Israelis, and that no photograph of it would be published either. Palestinian officials have previously said they do not trust Israeli investigators.’
Case closed.
Unlike yourself BBC, I trust the Palestinians a lot less than the Israelies. In fact about as much as I trust you.
Israeli President Isaac Herzog “… we asked the Palestinians to conduct a joint investigation into the circumstances of this tragic case. Unfortunately, the Palestinians refused. They took the body and the bullet, and therefore none of the allegations can be verified.”
Do we have a possible replacement for Boris there?
She seems to get things done, and also demolished Angela Rayner in the commons so she’s not afraid to strike back, unlike the incumbent.
First smelly rat : happened 2 days ago and the BBC only just reported it. And put it up in the middle of the night.
Second smelly rat : the name of the man with the AR15 is freely available and is ‘Dennis Butler, 37’ but no matter how hard I look with google, nobody has a picture.
The story does go against the BBC’s support for the Democrats agenda of using the shootings for stricter gun control but I wonder if the main reason for the suppression is the usual one – racism.
You are quite right, JohnC. Google “Dennis Butler shot West Virginia images” and it soon becomes clear. The other clue is that if the race profiles were reversed, the female shooter would already be a BBC heroine.
Dirty scumbag racist MSM. Again. And the BBC are the worst because they are the only ones with a mandate to be impartial. Which makes me despise hypocrite trolls like maxi who defend them all the more.
Absolutely disgusting double-standards. They are all in the same slime pit as each other. How do you fight the whole establishment ?.
The BBC still thinks america is part of the UK and is campaigning for gun control . The BBC seems not to understand that there are a lot of people who do not want government involvement in their lives – laws – controls – ban.
So it doesn’t understand anyone who wants guns to be available under the US constitution . It is frothing this morning because the true President turned up at the NRA convention and advocated wider gun possession to protect people .
In a country where guns are rare this would sound insane . But america has always had a lot of guns – and no government has the power to take them away – something the BBC – believing in an almighty State – a Government we Must Obey – can never understand …
As for the school shootings – plod as cowards again – like Manchester – if plod can’t protect people – the people have to do it themselves – easier in the US – because of guns .
Thank you – I listened – it gave me good reason to switch off the BBC .
The full horror of that school is compounded by the cowardice of the plod – who should be ashamed beyond life. .
I would never rely on UK plod to be there if Chez Scrobs was attacked, so there are several unpleasant wooden clubs at different places by doors, landing etc, for immediate response to thuggery. or break-in and they can maybe ask questions later when they wake up – if they can that is…
We usually hear plod cars belting around with ‘blues and twos’, so that the tired public think they’re actually doing something about the parking on a double yellow line!
I used to think that US plod were quite good, especially when they had to deal with the floyd thug, but no, they’re getting more and more wokey and snowflakey under the sad old git in the WH.
Very wise
There is also an even worse mistake to make – that if there is a need to call an ambulance – it will turn up in a reasonable time – or at all ….
……………..I’ve had a number of ‘events ‘ where ambulances were needed and their NHS failed – and if you’ve ever gone through the ‘on the phone triage ‘ process you can hear as they go through the long list of questions they are geared to refusing your request for an ambulance…. Again – which I’ve been a victim of ….
….. elsewhere – there is a story of a lady in the US with a gun who shot dead a would be mass killed yesterday – thus supporting the ‘more guns ‘ in America view – so contrary to the snowflake BBC attitude – based is Islington where your chances of a ‘drive bye ‘ is still not that high … but increasing as the third world arrives in bigger numbers …
I was told yesterday of an elderly lady whose husband had a stroke in the middle of the night. She phoned 111 and was told to book an appointment. She then phoned her son who dialled 999. This was very recently and not the height of the pandemic.
I’ve used the 999 a good few times – after after being on ‘hold’ the operator tries a fob off – and they moan now that people are lying – saying the person has stopped breathing to get a ‘cat 1’ response …
But it the tories are alllwing 1 000 000 foreigners in legally each year – where’s the surprised….?
I find it all truly very frightening, and I’m scared witless should I take ill in the night and be in need of help – particularly living on my own. Bad enough during the day, when at least neighbours are at hand, but having to deal with some young’un at the end of the phone who doesn’t believe you is beyond the pale.
Anyone know how we go about contacting a private GP ?
Today 2
The dissenter – David Davies came on to undermine nut nut as usual and say that HMG could have funded the money giveaway without hitting oil companies – based on £91 billion tax receipts more than expected ….
But Davis wasn’t challenged on the coming recession – the cut in consumer spending – world conditions . They let him concentrate on stagflation – high inflation with low or no growth …. wait until the rates double from now and hit 5%…..
… it’s almost as though everyone is waiting for Russia to open up food and fuel supplies again …. Which ain’t gonna happen in 2023 – and if china recovers from lock down its’ demand for raw materials will push prices further up …..
As we approach the Queen’s jubilee I can’t help but ask if there are history books written in 200 years time which sum up the notable events of a monarchs reign , eg Henry Eight’s split from Rome , or George Fourth’s loss of the American colonies , what will they write of Elizabeth the Second?
My view is that it will be the invasion and replacement of the white native population by black and brown people, which in its first five decades was uncontested because the natives slept, lulled into a deadly sleep by the state broadcaster.
The comments on Elizabeth’s successors may be that the natives became less somnambulant and tried to resist their own demise, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
So whilst I will celebrate the Queen’s longevity I do not do so with a glad heart and hope in the future.
Double – I’m glad you wrote that before I did . I won’t be celebrating this lady’s long life – nor what has been done to the country ( not hers ) during her time on the throne . The monarchy is a surplus – a drama for those interested – it achieves nothing – ensures its wealth and property – and should be scaled down at the very least to avoid a ‘president ‘.
This is unlikely to happen because of their capacity to breed ..as well as the status being associated with ‘royals ‘ brings – see Andrew Windsor – or the American ginger one ….
Luckily for me – I’m outside Blighty during the coming insanity and don’t have TV so I can happily avoid the dross …
Randy Andy and Ginger Winger are peripherals Feds. The number of good and meaningful deeds our king in-waiting is storing up has to be the most frightening prospect – not least because he believes himself to be perceptive and intelligent.
I can only think of one good reason for having a politcially neutral King or Queen as head of state. It prevents some power hungry megalomaniac like Tony Blair getting the job.
It gives me immense satisfaction that he never got to be President of the EU – which I’m sure was always his goal.
Charlie will bring politics into it and then he will be attacked and hounded for it (whatever he says) by the Left in the way they do when they have an agenda until they destroy it like they destroy everything else.
The good times are over for England. The Left are bringing in a new world order which will take a few decades before they cannot stop it eating itself from within and collapsing. That’s if Creepy Joe doesn’t cause WW3.
I have no issue with the Queen or the institution of monarchy itself but I believe that Queen has been very badly served by most of her Prime Ministers. It is the politicians who have created the appalling mess that we are in and who have often done so quite deliberately . The Queen could do little about it apart from being less enthusiastic about that anachronism of empire , the Commonwealth. The PMs whom I hold most accountable for the forthcoming demise of white Britain as we know it are, Heath, Major, Blair and Brown. By the time they had done their worst it was too late to stem the invasion without drastic action that Cameron, May and Boris were far too weak to take.
But we the British people must take some responsibility ourselves . There have been other parties that we could have voted for but it would have taken courage for us have done so and we balked at the jump. Instead we went along with the establishment view that immigration was good, these people just like us and we would all get along happily, even though I think very few of us ever believed it.
No double – the commonwealth was the backbone of mass third world immigration to Blighty – independence should have meant just that – so no Indians – no Pakistanis – no Africans – West Indies – but she wanted her mini empire and those PMs signed up ….
….the British voter has never had a say … even thatcher wouldn’t touch it because the left were already digging into institutions – now they own them .
And now when royals go to the third world ‘commonwealth ‘ they get hostility …. After Elizabeth Windsor the shop can be closed and we can stick with the few 1st world countries if they want …
Yes I agree that the Commonwealth has been a millstone round our neck’s and was a prime cause of the invasion. But even if the Queen was keen on it her governments could have prevented or at least minimised immigration had they wanted to.
Of course the Attlee government offered uk citizenship to Indians and Pakistan as part of the partition settlement. Being kind to Attlee they imagined that only a very few thousand sub continentals ,those heavily involved in British India , would take up the offer. Fast forward a couple of decades and that piece of legislation left us wide open to the vanguard of the invaders.
Since the was there have been major miscalculations – always to the detriment of British people as to how many would come to the UK to free load of ‘contribute ‘ – and the remaining diminishing population picks up the tab – whether Attlee or Blair ….
The country I grew up in was okay – London – was ok – but now – it’s a hostile third world cess pit which sooner or later I will leave ….
Most that I speak to, are and always have been, against immigration. Columnists and talking heads always add the ‘caveat’ that we have always been a welcoming country to those fleeing aggression, well, why is that then ? The only ones doing the welcoming are those with an agenda who wanted cheap labour ! Then there is the old chestnut about immigrants ‘contributing’ , well all I’ve seen is an abundance of less than qualified medics from 3rd world countries, corner shop keepers, a rise in taxi drivers, and a lot of models being employed in adverts.
And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse there are reports of a looming sugar shortage, with India restricting exports, crop failures in South Africa and China, with the latter whose Communist government actually do appear to care about the welfare of their people now buying up world stocks to mitigate their own shortfall.
Unfortunately we have a bunch of idiots notionally in charge who are doing absolutely nothing to mitigate the shortages, not even suspending the requirement for bio ethanol in fuel or suspending other ‘green’ requirements such as set aside and re-wilding as the EU has at least managed.
Just to add that if you have a Costco card you can buy 5 or even 20Kg of sugar at a very reasonable price at the moment before prices rise stteply or it’s no longer available.
Another benefit of the market economy is the ability to create artificial shortages which drive prices to dizzying heights for the satisfaction of producers and investors.
I can think of coffee, butter, olive oil and bacon, all artificially inflated within recent memory while today we enjoy the angst of sunflower oil, gas and wheat droughts, together with the perennial gun to the head of oil. Sugar is simply the latest.
Haven’t you figured out yet this is a planned and controlled demolition of the Western economies? They want to bring you to your knees financially – and they will – and then offer you UBI but only if you agree to their CBDC and Digital ID. Here’s a clue. There is no virus. It’s a complete scam. The goal is to accelerate the Agenda 2030 and they are pulling out all the stops to get there asap – fake plagues, war, food shortages. When they hit you with the fake alien invasion then you know we have reached the endgame.
Here is a very important report from Indian TV station ‘Gravitas’ concerning the descent of Pakistan into civil war led by Iman Khan the deposed president.
It is of massive importance because of the number of Pakistanis living in Britain who will almost certainly want to fight the politics of their home country here in Britain and we have already seen some unrest as a result of the deposing of Khan by Arif Alvi.
The IMF have refused bail out loans to Pakistan as have China and Saudi Arabia, although I expect bountiful Boris will give away even more of our stuff if he is asked.
A full blown civil war in Pakistan might result in young men in England travelling home to fight, but it also might end up in them fighting their civil war on the streets of Britain. Thanks to our feckless socialist policians and their mass immigration policies.
I recall something in London from a couple of decades ago where there was a mini civil war on a quiet day between Indians and Pakistanis about something that had happened in the sub continent – obviously plod had no idea – but with such a ‘diverse’ plod now – they ll know all about it now – right ?
Test Cricket, (“proper cricket that is, mate, solid cricket that is”) has long been known as a replacement for war, even of the Civil kind. Now old Imran ought to be able to organise something along those lines, thinking of his previous, previous day job, instead of the nasty killing and wounding and stuff.
The BBC Home & Foreign Duty Editor doing the only thing the BBC can do; inane humour posing as commentary and always leaning in one direction…@BBCNews@NadineDorrieshttps://t.co/cPgxo90mFi
Thread: Obviously disappointed that the BBC has withdrawn its offer of work for now. Of course I understand people’s concerns about impartiality. It is absolutely vital that the BBC is impartial and retains the trust of all of us. 1/4
Very disappointing that the BBC didn’t hire this Far Lefty – and as I type thousands more must be busily ‘sanitising ‘ their social media to conceal their Far Left anti white anti British views …
There’s a veritable Royalist collectors’ corner in some press titles this weekend. Noticably, as yet, no flag-waving in the formerly-patriotic Times, which offers an ecumenical generic celeb-flavoured invite: ‘Eat! A jubilee party with Nigella and Jamie‘
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper acknowledges the: ‘Jubilee countdown‘ and provides: ‘Your guide inside + 40 great British wines‘ – bravo! However, for those europhiles still Brexit-sore there’s also: ‘Travel: best French gîtes on a budget‘ – that’s g, î (with a thing on the top), t, e, s. Readers hereabouts will perhaps sympathise with my daily difficulty in adequately rendering the title of this brash lefty-slanted organ given the limitations of the common or garden keyboard format.
However, to collectors’ corner where the British old red white and blue are very much to the fore in the Telegraph: ‘If it’s Royal I’ll take it home. Inside the super-collectors’ memorabilia troves‘
The Daily Mail spreads its loyalist wares with all the audacity of some Pakistani-run gift shop on Oxford Street flogging Chinese-made tat to tourists: ‘Souvenir gift set… including plate, tea towel, apron & more. Just £27.99 P&P payable‘ – put them away for a hundred years or so and they might worth something.
“Everything is commercialised these days, Rigsby” – so warned Philip, the knowing black tenant as he proferred a sample of the supposed magic African love wood – intended to help Rigsby woo Miss Jones. The sceptical Rigsby had noticed that his wood had been planed. His desperation overcame his doubts and he duly attempted to follow Philip’s advice and to burn the wood and waft the smoke outside his ladylove’s hut – so to speak. Which elicited the classic line: “Extinguish yourself, Mr Rigsby!”
Calm down, calm down – in Scouse vernacular. Liverpool fans forfeited this neutral’s support when they booed the national anthem recently. A particularly poignant moment given the approbation thrown by media and officialdom upon fans who dare boo taking the knee.
Unsurprisingly the red top Mirror presents us the largest frontpage pic of Klopp’s boys. The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper tells us: ‘How Liverpool can beat chaotic Real Madrid‘ – that’s Royal Madrid for non-Spanish speakers – while the Telegraph provides a note of caution: ‘Klopp’s fears over newly laid Paris pitch‘
Which reminds me of about the most leading question I have ever heard a broadcast interviewer ask of an interviewee. Think back to about 1990. Kenny Dalglish is Liverpool manager and, controversially, Luton Town have astro-turfed their ground. The interviewer begins his friendly cross-examination of the post-match defeated Dalglish with a question which would surely have elicited “Objection! Leading question, m’lud!” – in even a British court of law let alone in Depp v Heard: “Kenny, I know you’re not a man to make excuses, but what about that plastic pitch?” – a similar scenario of BBC Radio 4 Today Programme interviewers helping along Labour shadow front benchers get over the line tends to come to mind.
Speaking of newly laid – or squared…? – pitches: ‘Exclusive: Carroll’s 2 blondes. Andy 3 in a bed… but they all fell asleep‘ (Sun) – allegedly. A brace of blondes. You’d have thought he might have gone for the hat-trick: ‘The boozed-up striker invited fitness instructor Phoebe Robb, 26, and bar manager Taylor Jane Wilkey, 27, to his luxury suite after a day’s drinking‘ – both of an age and both eminently willing – apparently. And someone evidently posted the pics on their social media.
‘The former England, Newcastle and Liverpool star, 33, has spent the week living it up in Dubai ahead of his wedding to reality TV star Billi Mucklow‘ – I can recall a time when it was the footballers that had names like Billy Mucklow and their girlfriends had names like Sharon.
Who are we to judge? ‘“I woke up and he was on top of me”. Former models speak out about fashion agent Jean-Luc Brunel and an industry that turned a blind eye‘ (Guardian) – I know nothing of Brunel – except he was French and built some fine bridges.
‘Plus. Books by women every man should read‘ (Guardian) – but how can I relate if the authors don’t look like me – are all of a different orientation or gender to me? How can I be properly represented by them?
News from the front in the sex culture war…
‘Civil Service allows “more than 100 genders”‘ (Telegraph) – call me old-fashioned but I suggest there’s not in fact more than 100 genders – it’s more like 100 preferences. I can believe that. I’m imagining a civil service peccadillo for tying one’s partner up in red tape and having one’s way. No wonder they’re so keen on working from home these days.
‘Teachers “should not pander to trans pupils” Attorney-general calls for firm line on gender‘ (Telegraph) – or how about we keep sex – as far as is possible – out of our schools? Stick to the two Bs – the birds and the bees.
Home counties posh boy Will Young makes his bid to get down with the kids: ‘I want an apology from boarding school‘ (‘i’) – a celeb angst story worthy of the many familiar female celeb angst tales. Although if our Will is to be believed everything we were told about public schools is probably true.
Proving the old adage there’s no fool like an old fool: ‘Dancing queen. Dame Helen shakes it up on red carpet‘ (Daily Express)
We’ve been mostly sport and celebrity-oriented today. It is the weekend. One could reflect that Boris’s: ‘“Big bazooka” of support will help UK beat crisis‘ (Daily Express) – but if it is as effective as the much-vaunted military support we’ve gifted Ukraine then we’re probably doomed: ‘Ukraine war: Troops could quit Severodonetsk amid Russian advance – official‘ (BBC)
Sorry to keep banging on about this but – apparently it’s now official – everything we previously told you about the ineffective Russian army losing the war was bunk.
The the saga of the revolving chairs on the TOADY programme continues this morning with a new Ladies Doubles pairing (well it is Paris and Wimbledon will be next month) of Mishal Husain with Katie Razzle. Problem is that while Mishal has a good voice for radio – and is a bit of a looker, too – Katie’s voice really grates on the old ears. Not in a Sara Smith ‘intriguing grate’ but in an unpleasant grate.
I have a solution for the BBC. Why don’t they solve ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ which they keep going on about, alternating it with ‘Partygate’, and solve their TOADY vacancy at the same time.
The BBC could invite members of the public in to take turns presenting TOADY until they find a good voice for radio, while paying the daily candidate 1/365th of the £250,000+ that a TOADY presenter receives. They could start with Ethel Sklurrge, a single mother of one, who lives in a damp, cold, one bedroom flat in East Cheam with her nine-year old son who has disabilities. I’m sure ‘Eff’, as she is known as at the corner shop, will welcome the £684 (less tax and NI) payment that she will receive from the BBC.
The BBC may get to find a new ‘star’ of the quality of Jack de Manio or even, dare I suggest it, another John Snagge or Alvar Lidell.
Fed, glottal stoppin’ is all the rage you know, Kahhee Razzle dun a bit of it ‘erselll this moorrin’. I blame Tony Blair and his ‘Estuary English’. Come to think of it, that would be a good place for …. a long list of fings especially Noo Labuh.
“woz dat den ?” “woz dat for ?” Two sentences articulately spoken by that MBE chappie Jay Blades when querying an article for repair.
Amazingly, despite being dyslexic and unable to read, he managed to study for a degree in criminology and philosophy. No record exists as to whether he actually gained the degree.
My neighbour sent for her new passport at the beginning of May – I followed her lead a week later. At the beginning of this week she received her new Passport – 2 weeks later. She’s overjoyed !!!!
I’ve only just received an email saying they had JUST received my old passport – despite sending it o the same day as applying. Still waiting. Ah well, they’ve got 5 months to get it sorted before I need it.
Funny how immediate neighbours can have such differing response.
It won’t be many years before posting on sites like this get you demerit points and the state punishes you by with holding your passport etc. step out of line and you face the consequences, such a happy free world we are soon going to be living in.
Your positive experience with DVLA is not universal.
As well as my usual daytime working activities, for reasons lost in the mists of time I also have an HGV Class 1 licence, for 44-tonne artics. Being older, it needs renewing every 12 months and with an accompanying medical, which also costs good money from the grasping GPs (£180 last time, to take 10 mins to tick some boxes on a simple form. That’s another story…). This medical means that the process cannot be completed on-line, but has to be done by post, and involves sending DVLA a cheque for £17.
Last Sept 13, sent my application and medical certificate to Swansea, via registered post. It was signed for the next day (I have POD), 14 Sept. The current one expired the next day, on the 15th. You don’t get long between when you can re-apply and the expiry date, and in that time you have to get an appointment for medical, when most practices turned out to be quoting 2-3-month waiting times for such an appointment (another part of that other story).
Then heard nothing for weeks, but was unable to make any inquiry with them until 10 weeks had passed (built into the process; it won’t allow any earlier inquiries). And the phones weren’t being answered, of course.
By the end of November, once the 10 weeks were up, the cheque for £17 still hadn’t been presented at the bank. Went on-line to complete the status inquiry. Received an auto-acknowledgement and a reference number, plus an undertaking that they would respond very soon. They didn’t.
Christmas came and went, and so did New Year. Finally, on 10 January the cheque was presented to the bank. A mere 4 months after they received it.
But then, nothing more – no licence, no response to inquiries. Utterly useless.
On 16 February, I wrote up the whole pathetic tale in an email to our local MP, who also happens to be a minister in the transport department.
In fairness to him and his team, I received a reply that afternoon, with a promise to pursue it.
Lo and behold, on the 22 Feb the renewed licence finally appeared – a mere 6 days after the MP had got involved. Fair play to him and his crew. But it had taken the useless, feckless, skiving members of the public sector (my contempt knows no bounds) no less than 5 months to do their bloody job. In a few months, it’ll be time to re-apply for next year’s.
This in a country that has been short of HGV drivers. It’s difficult to get a new or temp job as an HGV driver when one’s licence has expired. Fortunately, the company for whom I drive sometimes was aware of the problem.
Oh, and the final coda? A few weeks later, I also received in the post an unexplained cheque (no accompanying note) for £17 from DVLA. They’d refunded the fee.
My contempt for them is clearly mirrored by their contempt for us.
TOADY Watch #2 – well, it’s all down to ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ and Brexit and Covid, of course
Mention is made on TOADY of, no not ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’, but queues at ports and airports for those struggling with ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ to get away from it all for a long weekend or even to go to a footie final where the cost of just the match tickets will be eye-watering, let alone the travel costs. Methinks much of this ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ is something of a socialist media confection.
Up2 until the media started banging on about it, I didn’t even realise there WAS a cost of living crisis !! The same with energy bills – the media was talking about heating or eating and how millions are using foodbanks – well, hang on its now Summer, so who in their right mind has the heating on now anyway ? surely the big bills won’t start falling on doorsteps until October at least ! yet again the media are bigging up the fear factor.
Up2\certainly the coming ‘hand back . Hand out will help those who engage – to pay for their prem season ticket at sky package –
Meanwhile the msm is running the ‘still not enough ‘ narrative of a hard hearted Tory government … – at least when the red labour lot take over we won’t notice much difference as all their policies will have been implemented – the only thing that will change will be trading in euros when the pound is dumped as we return to the EU – I was gonna say – rejoin – but did we ever leave …?
Trouble is, Fed, it’s easy to create a gravy train rollin’ but much harder to stop it at the next red signal, for example the temporary £20 uplift to Universal Credit at the start of Lockdown 1.
Charles Moore in the Daily Telegraph helping to dig Comrade Nic Robinson ‘s grave – enjoy
STARTS Whenever he co-presents the BBC’s Today programme, Nick Robinson likes to take sole charge. He sees himself as agenda-setter, news-breaker and prosecuting counsel. He spends so much time “speaking truth to power” that power can hardly get a word in edgeways.
On Thursday, Nick was in classic form. The main story was the final Sue Gray report on Downing Street “gatherings”, on which, over its six-month run, he has barely concealed his personal views. However much the director-general of the BBC, Tim Davie, pleads for impartiality among his employees, our Nick won’t – as he would see it – be gagged.
Before cross-questioning the doggedly low-key Steve Barclay MP, now the Prime Minister’s chief of staff, Robinson set the scene with a two-minute-plus monologue. He instructed us that what “still matters, despite the Prime Minister’s claim that he has been vindicated, is the big picture”. That picture was “so big you can see it from outer space”, amounting to “evidence that the Prime Minister’s repeated denials were, quite simply, untrue”. How solipsistic, how utterly Nick-ish, to imagine a Westminster political spat being visible well beyond the solar system.
In the course of the programme, Robinson referred in hushed tones at least three times to a story he had seen in The Critic magazine. This concerned Emanuel Gomes, a Downing Street cleaner who had died of Covid. Auditioning for the role of Mark Antony over the body of Caesar, Nick laid poor Mr Gomes before Mr Barclay. What would the Prime Minister’s chief of staff say to the grieving Gomes family? The Downing Street staff had partied and broken the rules all round Mr Gomes: his family had lost their loved one. In Nick’s media-fevered brain, the story seemed to offer his “Gotcha!” moment, like the death of Dr David Kelly during the Iraq war.
But here Nick Robinson QC had slipped up. Perhaps one of his juniors in the BBC’s equivalent of the Old Bailey had fed him the Gomes story. It was untrue. Mr Gomes had died while working for the Ministry of Justice, not in Downing Street, and apparently of a heart condition, not of Covid.
Robinson had to issue a correction and apology for his errors (though it included no apology to the Gomes family, or to Barclay, whom he had put in a false position, or to ministers and officials who, he had implied, might have contributed to Mr Gomes’s death). On BBC Sounds, Today’s mention of Mr Gomes has been edited out.
We all make mistakes, of course, but it seems reasonable to conclude that Robinson was so greedy for information that might force Captain Boris to walk the plank of the ship of state that he did not check properly. That sort of thing happens if you are a propagandist rather than an impartial presenter. The BBC seems to have learnt nothing since Emily Maitlis’s Newsnight homily against Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings two years ago yesterday.
With luck, the publication of the Gray report may bring an end to the hysteria which has all but unhinged poor Nick (although he may still hope – possibly rightly, who knows? – that the forthcoming report of the Commons privileges committee will convict the Prime Minister of lying to Parliament).
One should not leave the subject, however, without doing what Robinson did not do and reflect a bit more calmly on what Sue Gray’s report says.
It certainly is bad for Johnson. The various gatherings examined, she says, were “not in line with Covid guidance at the time”. The events “should not have been allowed to happen”. The fact that they did happen reveals “failures of leadership and judgment”.
It is hard to resist the thought, though Gray does not directly voice it, that a more orderly prime minister would have warned his staff against occasions which risked breaking the rules. The Lord of Misrule, Boris Johnson, will never be able to put this completely behind him, even if he is genuinely contrite.
But less media attention has been paid to the role of officials in this saga. It is a popular misconception that because the Prime Minister runs the country and lives in No 10, he is in charge of his office and residence. This has never been the case.
If you think about it, it is not desirable, or even possible. Every prime minister’s job is to govern. Part of the job of the machine that surrounds him is to remove unnecessary distractions. Boris – or any prime minister – would no more organise and invigilate Downing Street events, parties or “gatherings” than he would personally repaint the number on the famous front door.
Officials do all that; and ever since Tony Blair, the number of people working in Downing Street has exploded by nearly four times, so any prime minister’s personal connection with the staff has diminished in inverse proportion.
In the course of Gray’s report, it emerges that it was officials – whom, if senior enough, she names – that organised most of the controversial occasions. One might have expected the irregularities to have been the fault of special advisers – political appointees who tend to be a livelier band than career bureaucrats – but no.
The key movers in most cases were people like Martin Reynolds, the principal private secretary, and Simon Case, the Cabinet secretary. It is slightly comic that emails released by Gray show Lee Cain, the free-wheeling spin doctor, being more cautious than the career bureaucrats.
If I were being cynical – which, in part, I am – I would say that the dominant role of officials in this saga helps explain Gray’s rather restrained tone. Civil servants stick together at almost all costs and she herself is, as she says in her report, “immensely proud to be a civil servant”.
Gray used to be the head of “propriety and ethics” in government. Her successor in that role, Helen MacNamara, was one of those fined by the police for her breach of lockdown rules. No report by a civil servant is going to be merciless against civil servants.
However, Gray does not shirk the basic facts. These do show the hand of the bureaucracy in the various bits of rather paltry merriment which have upset people. It is interesting to note, in letters published this week, that both Lord Kerslake, the former head of the Civil Service, and Bronwen Maddox, the director of the Institute for Government, have slightly broken Whitehall omertá and suggested that senior officials were at fault. Gray, as one might expect, finds that what went wrong “did not reflect the prevailing culture of Government and Civil Service at the time”, but one gets a feeling that perhaps it did.
I shall end on what is probably an unpopular note. Nothing can excuse some of what happened, but what Gray calls the “extraordinary pressures” do help explain it. All those ministers, advisers and civil servants in Downing Street were, by special exemption, present and working flat-out in terrible circumstances. On the whole, they did more good by being there than did the scores of thousands of officials who left Whitehall during the plague and still, in many cases, have not returned. I cannot feel vengeful rage against them.
Time for a Covid amnesty and to focus on a Government which seems increasingly set on crushing a free economy. ENDS
No mention of starmer and growler and Durham …yet …btw I’m now betting on the evening before the coming very long weekend – with ‘it’s a knockout monarchy ‘ …
Fed, it was pretty obvious that this was a Whitehall/Daily Mirror+Pippa Crerar/BBC+Laura Kuenssberg attempt to ‘get Boris’ as payback for Brexit.
Look at all the prior attacks:
Cummings – VoteLeave’s strategist
Priti Patel, Home Sec. and – enthusiastic Brexiteer
MP1 – enthusiastic Brexiteer
MP2 (the Polish one) – enthusiastic Brexiteer
PM hmself – although a late convert to VoteLeave, someone who benefited from Theresa May’s failure to sabotage Brexit.
The only Conservative MP who has been attacked who isn’t an enthusiastic Brexiteer is the Tractor Porn chap.
Spot on. We are experiencing the third or fourth phase of the continuous attempt to reverse Brexit by the liberal establishment. They want Boris gone and replaced by a pro EU Tory like Hunt or to do damage Boris and the Tory party that some leftist pro EU coalition wins the next election. So the plan is:
Get Boris out
Get a pro EU PM installed to pave the ay back to the EU
Damage the Tory party
Get a leftist coalition in government which will take us back into the EU
Wreck the economy and blame it on Brexit
Maximise illegal immigration and claim its due to Brexit
BBC South Africa reporter Shingai Nyoka
“concerns about immigration ..some might call that xenophobia, but I won’t use that word, .. there are legitimate grievances”
Ukraine : The BBC got a call from Vice so they invited them to their hotel, then “I got a call from a former BBC colleague now working at the Guardian, the Guardian team brought the FT team with them too”
.. “All journalistic rivals” said the beeboid … FFS they all sing from the same hymn sheet.
R4 12pm news “OrangemanBad, he spoke against gun reform”
Then they did report this story that GW mentioned above at 9:23am
“A woman with a pistol took down a crazed man spraying bullets at a graduation party in Charleston, West Virginia.
The man drove up and started firing on the party with an AR15 when the woman shot him dead.
She won’t be charged”
..the BBC tweet was 7:27am
The actual incident happened Wednesday night. So they’ve had time to think !
More noises from the Biden administration regarding limiting oil and gas exports to Europe in order to lower prices in the USA in an attempt to shore up support for the mid terms.
I’m sure I don’t need to explain to anyone the effect that is going to have on European oil & gas / electricity prices, which would be almost as bad as Russia cutting the gas.
Thoughtful – thank you – Obama putting us at the back of the queue again …. If rationing of exports of oil / gas from the US is true – that hand out / hand back is not gonna be anywhere near enough …. Ouch ….
Must be time for a Middle East war ….
Don’t wish for it, Fed, it may happen! Some bright spark in the US Government thinking it would be good to have 1. Israel put under pressure for the alleged (unlikely) killing of a Palestinian journalist, and 2. Russia having to face fighting on a second front.
The script of north africa not being vital be because of russia and North american fracking has been blown a bit .
As a mediocre chess player – looking for potential threats – the middle east – a china sea incident – the North Korean loon firing off a real nuc are as likely now as at any time…
We seem to be in a most dangerous time since the bomb was first used …
.. and the snowflake West is now not mentally able to suffer real hardship … which could make covid look like a collective bad cold …
Clear support here by the UK for the Pandemic Treaty.
“A strengthened global response to pandemics requires a strengthened WHO, the best way we can show our support is by approving the financing & reform package on the table”
So every Muslim that goes to Mecca to celebrate the Hajj supports the Saudi regime financially by giving them money for flights and buying stuff whilst on the Hajj … thus anyone who goes, supports Saudi law thus is supporting transphobic corporation … never mind Nike etc …
Both male and female same-sex sexual activity is illegal. LGBT rights are not recognized by the government of Saudi Arabia.
All muslims should boycott Mecca until there is Justice …. Sadiq Khan and Savid Javid and Warsi and all Muslims should ban travelling until the law is changed in Saudi for LGBT.
Actually the Swedish Radio page contains an update The Ukrainian refugee women at the Galaxen asylum accommodation in Olofström have been told that they are not allowed to dress in any way because it can provoke the men from other cultures who also live in the Galaxen.
That’s what Gitana Bengtsson, who is committed to refugees, says. She has now connected the girls’ shelter.
Update: Annika Sjöstedt (S), Deputy Chairman of the Municipal Board, had a conversation with the operations manager for Galaxen earlier this week.
He believes that this is a misunderstanding and that it is about the residents not being allowed to wear a bikini in the dining room. https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/flyktingkvinnor-fick-kladkod-nu-kopplas-tjejjouren-in
The image is 1679 by 1135 pixels. Any graphics program will allow you to reduce the pixel count. The best size for this site is a maximum width of about 600 pixels.
There was already this update when you posted
BTW He would’ve been flying BACK from Davos
One hour after his detention tweet he tweeted “UPDATE: Released without charge thanks to my legendary lawyer
who took the call at 11pm on a Saturday night.
But they impounded my passport.
Family time now.
Later we go to court. I’ll keep you posted.
What’s with this whispering thing biden does? Why doesn’t somebody tell him how it comes across? Presumably he’s going for the “Strong silent” look. All it says to me is that I’d have to be very short of a babysitter before I called him. He’s downright creepy.
PR people shoving black issues at me again
in their specially selected “For You”
This time an Everbrite Email
Guess the jolly graphic
Black History Every Month: Events That Inspire Action, Education & Connection
Black event creators are at the forefront of a movement that creates spaces for communities to thrive and enact real change. We’re celebrating them with this curated selection of events.”
BBC local news reported
“Lincolnshire Police officer Liam Shields, 24, who was based in Stamford, has been charged with two offences of sexual touching. ”
He must have been jut 21 when the offences started
I raise you – met PC charged with rape on Brighton beach – the report even mentions he was off duty at the time – didn’t mention the he /him – she / her status of the ( alleged ) victim.
On my calculation – the criminological tendency of plod is only bettered by that of politicians – and makes the general population far more law abiding ……
PAP reports that …. and then reports on PC Carrick charged with 44 sex charges so far inc 21 rapes
His other videos show why the police get the name filth
… https://youtu.be/NAzKxPAnoFk
sweary video
I’d rather stick cocktail sticks in my eyes than watch anything that those two are involved in. Like most on tv they are over-rated and get paid a fortune for it.
The 5pm R4 news was crazy
“What about these letters eh.. How many are they ?”
.. “Well actually we only know about 8, the thing is MPs put in and then withdraw their letters all the time
.. we reckon there could be 20
but there needs to be 45+ to trigger a vote
.. so all it’s been a positive week for Boris …damn, damn, damn”
I was wondering why LBC was becoming more like the ‘old’ BBC at times and then I was reading The Spectator which gives some reasons why they (LBC) are hiring so many ex BBC presenters (which is usually when I tend to ‘switch-off’ as soon as Andew Marr is on Air on weekday evenings. Apparently its part of an LBC attack on BBC Radio 4, and it seems to be winning the ratings war – and TV and radio audience is on the move away from BBC..
The Spectator (quote): For its part, LBC is gunning for BBC listeners. LBC has snapped up Eddie Mair (ex-Radio 4), Shelagh Fogarty (ex-Radio 5), Andrew Marr, Emily Maitlis and Jon Sopel. ‘But it’s for PR, not for audience,’ says one BBC figure. ‘Global Media [LBC’s owner] is Europe’s largest independent radio company so it wants to come and have a go at us. It’s natural.’ But LBC is winning audience numbers too: 3.5 million a week, against ten million for Radio 4. Scheduling the new Andrew Marr show in the 6 p.m. slot is a clear attempt to lure Radio 4 listeners.
Overall, the traditional Radio 4 audience is straying in record numbers, which is why commercial radio has overtaken the BBC in audience figures.
Interesting read on the big shake up for the BBC now they have sacked a thousand or so journalists this week. Only another 20,000 sackings to go! According to the article (link below) its not looking good for the BBC… About time too.
I heard two minutes of Any Questions on Radio 4 but switched it off.
The whooping, hollering , hissing and silly clapping from the lefty audience is bad enough but I heard one woman whinnying like a horse. Dam silly.
Nibor, taffman and Flotsam, I have given up pretty much on Any Questions. That programme and Any Answers which used to be even better than AQs have been ruined by the stacked audience, with the whooping and hollering, and Anita Anand’s failure to comprehend what Any Answers is meant to be about. I now listen about one week in six or seven, depending on what sort of Westminster week it has been.
I used to listen every week and have even made the occasional appearance on AAs.
Any Questions…….The left wing whooping and hollering started in a big way during Jeremy Corbyn’s time as leader. I suspect Momentum was behind it and it would appear that someone who is the BBC’s gatekeepeer is planted to ensure the bias.
“There are very few people in the world who currently have it, meaning there are not that many opportunities to catch it” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-61551164
How then is it spreading al over the world ? Could it be biological warfare ?
Liverpool euro game delayed for over 30 minutes because of ‘ late arrival ‘ of liverpool fans … i listening to bbc 5 live moaning .. but the free BT TV feed just says police have used CS gas on liverpool fans – guess they wont be booing the UK national anthem as per the FA cup final …
In other clips like the Guardian, it’s clear some people managed to climb portacabins near the gates and get over the fences and then run right past the gate staff
maybe 6 people in 30 seconds
I don’t see footage of hundreds or thousands getting in, just a few
FFS There is no such thing as “Right-wing terrorism charges” nor “Islamic terrorism charges” it’s just “terrorism charges” I reckon the phrase was copied off the police press release cos all media used it.
If media don’t give details I am inclined to think that hides the fact that the offences are very mild
It’s usually something like possessing or sharing the Anarchist Cookbook which people say Amazon sell anyway
Or refusing to hand over your phone password
At a hearing at the Old Bailey on Friday, prosecutor Polly Dyer offered no evidence. She said: “This matter comes before the court … in light of the most recent update from a consultant psychiatrist.”
The lawyer said the Crown now considered it was no longer in the public interest to continue with the case.
There are no real details in the original arrest articles on Saturday 24 April 2021
“three offences of dissemination of terrorist publications and one offence of the Possession of Class A Drugs”
….. Hmm Class A includes “cocaine, ecstasy (MDMA), heroin, LSD, magic mushrooms, methadone,”
So a year ago they arrested the guy
It was reported as “Right-wing terrorism charges” but not detailed
They’ve held the guy in jail for a year
Now he’s tried to commit suicide, and the CPS has said ‘ oh we won’t both with the courts we’ll just leave him with the psychiatrists’ .
.. The guy might well have done nothing much, but has now spent a year punished in jail, without going through proper judicial process.
Acts preparatory to terrorism – “he sharpened a pencil your honour”.
And if you think that’s a joke think again, because the only joke are the UK Gesatpo who really did arrest a man for having an offensive weapon whilst close to a mosque, namely a sharpened pencil – shows how desperate the Gestapo are to arrest and convict Whitey.
Word is that there was a big football match between Liverpool and Real Madrid. How come it was not televised by our national broadcaster, and how come Linneker was not covering it?
it was streamed free on BT sport – linaker is on his hols . I’m glad of the result – hopefully we’ve seen peak Liverpool . And they’ve got something to winge about with the `French Riot police who remember Heysal – when Liverpool supporters killed Italian fans … one not in the BBC hillborough narrative …
Glad I bet on Real ….
On Tuesday our local BBC radio reported that the local health authority had confirmed multiple Monkey Pox cases in East Yorkshire
.. that did sound a bit extraordinary
30 minutes after the presenter’s tweet, the commercial station tweeted back “Well I asked earlier and they said there wasn’t”
Nevertheless the an hour later the BBC 6:30pm prog still carried the story.
Then on Wednesday the BBC said “ah that turn out to be false information from the health authority ”
FFS why did they take such an extraordinary claim at face value in the first place ?
Like with the Nick Robinson cleaner story it’s clear that the BBC’s “only report a claim if two independent sources confirm” rule… is bunk.
The BBC did at least correct their story
The Local paper copied the story and it still stands uncorrected on its .
The “local” paper is pretty crap these days ..it’s cutNpaste staff sit 100 miles away cutNpasting the same stories into multiple regional papers. Thu this week it carried a story about a streetfight, which has now been deleted ..cos readers pointed out the event actually happened in Bristol .
There seemed to be a good history article, but then readers pointed out that the paper had run the same story 5 weeks ago
.. The biggest bias is the way it OMITS the vast majority of local news
This is Hull Prison down Hedon Road. Peter Levy of BBC Look North censored this story, even when it went Global. The BBC also censored a Global story from Hull about an Islamic man trying to cut peoples heads off. The BBC and the Police are also ignoring white girls complaining about being raped. Police have also told women in Linton-on-Ouse not to provoke rape by wearing modern European dress. This also nearly happened to the people of Cottingham near Hull, but David Davis threatened the Hindu Home Secretary with bad publicity. Probably threatened to suspend himself from the Socialist Tory Party, until it was returned back to the Conservatives.
AP reports witnessing Liverpool supporters forcing their way into the footy match but being repulsed by stewards and riot police –
The BBC would say these creatures are ‘saints ‘ and never cause crushes – see hillsborough where plod took the blame ….
So pleased they lost ….
Re F2 agree. heard this so many times before with THIS team and its followers, and NEVER their fault is it ?
So sick of them whingeing about a certain incident, and yet again we have this:
“Horror at the Champions League Final as pregnant women and children are PEPPER-SPRAYED by Paris police: Furious Liverpool demand a formal investigation as UEFA blame chaos on ‘thousands of ticketless fans’
“a pregant woman” and “children” decide to join thousands crowding into a match without tickets ……
My son went to some kind of rave or concert up there and was subject to hundreds of them attacking, running through the camp site with knives nicking everything, apparently a common occurence, they call themselves “scallies” and are proud of their criminal habits.
“Do we absolutely have to let them into the before processing them thoroughly. Who knows what sort of criminals are among them? This is the ideal opportunity to test the new Rwandan concentration camps.”
Interesting that Liverpool fc want inquiry into plod response to thousands of Scallies chancing it to force their way in … but didn’t want to say any thing about their conduct at the FA Cup final which their kraut manager thought was ‘ok’ …
So so pleased they lost … now let’s see a decline …..Madrid deserved the win ….
Here is one example from 2010, “with the spelling left intact) from a festival guide:
“My Reason for Not going again, i think after you read this you will understand why.
Fair enough saturday day was booming, got there just after 12 pitched up the tent. Got Liquored!
had a good time @ the ape tent, rusko was great! DeadMau5 was TOO busy! couldnt move let alone dance! Lots of Trouble causing Stereotypical scousers about (Location Trackies, starting fights etc)
@ 4am, was awoken by a load of loud mouth scousers.. walking around near our tents shouting “check that big one there”, “ive got another iphone lads” & “ive got a knife, who wants cutting” so naturally i froze in my tent pretty much in terror as i had just woken up not knowing weather any of my friends were about… i hear one scouser shouting “give us yer wallet and all your money” and the reply he got was “i havent got anything on me” after that reply i hear screams you only hear in films, horriffic”. i heard them run off, one claiming he would get done for manslaughter if he was caught. After i knew they had gone, without touching my small tent. i got out and checked the tents. Just so happened that my friend that was paraletic had been confronted them when they were rummaging through the front of his tent. one booted him in the face one was punching him and another hit him over the head several times with a mallet. Ive never seen so much blood in one place, all over the tent! covered his face in blood along with the scars, broken nose black eyes and a 6cm long, 2cm deep gash reaching his scull in the top of his head!
he got rushed to hospital, and we left the fields shortly after 5am after if took the police about 40 minuted to arrive. Later on sunday we recieved the news that one of the lads in a tent local to us got slashed across his eye with a blade when he was confronted for his wallet in the early hours of the morning.
i appreciate it if you have took the time to read this, and hope you all had a good time whilst you were there. Just please remember this and be careful next year if you go and camp again!”
When I was a student our next door neighbours were attacked by thugs. I picked up a large carving knife and my mate picked up a hammer. When the thugs saw us they ran. We chased them for a little way but were too drunk to go far :).
DoughboyMar 6, 09:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/2022857/Channel-migrants-Labour-asylum-smugglers-boats Don’t see this on the Bbbc, how on earth are we going to keep Russians out of Ukraine with…
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 I look at the front page of the Guardian every so often – today they’ve got a headline ‘Trump turning…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 The Gangs are having a busy March . . https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats-last-7-days
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 Surprised the Muslim convert William wasn’t down the mosque with his dad – he seems to be a worshipper of…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:10 Midweek 5th March 2025 I guess the UK/London needs the money to fund Ukraine? “A PhD student from China, he had been studying at…
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 https://x.com/bbcpolitics/status/1897567844792946946?s=61 Keir Starmer finds subtle way to deal with Team Trump, @chrismasonBBC writes 2 comments in 10’
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Here we are in 2025 …. UK Border open with small boats (not large boats thank God) yet our Prime…
AsISeeItMar 6, 08:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Wealthy Communist edition Those little cartoonish sketch images that are deployed so as to promote lifestyle features within the paper…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Will Trudeau block your bank account if you do not comply to his orders?
Fedup2Mar 6, 08:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Guest – it’s just a general point – once plod / msm filter the truth they can never be trusted…
A shame we can still all hear it !!!
‘Merikan Justice at play
Difficult to know what to believe any more.
A few minutes is a long time in W1A.
Well, there are always those diverse Limps.
All going swimmingly.
Maybe they could hire Mad Al, Femi and that Bonkers old peroxide bat instead?
“Brexit: UK signs first US state-level trade agreement with Indiana”
One for the limpdems ?
That’s great news.
These grey faced, humourless school teachers learned absolutely nothing from the disaster of Jo Swinson and her travelling circus.
Now we just need Starmer to stay in his job then get a proper conservative into No.10 and it’s plain sailing for another 10 years.
One way or other, virtually all MPs want to be back in the EU gravy train.
It is the way to not only future safe sinecures but to global appointments in a Global world – like WHO, and other UN organisations. I can think of a new World Climate Change organisation.
And all this has been threatened by Vladimir Putin. Unlike others, he and Victor Orban saw the threat to Western/European civilisation with large scale immigration of the RoP.
Vladimir wanted to Russia to part of Europe and NATO but he was rudely rebuffed. Wonderful.
So both are now enemies of the globalist EU and Democrat America. Good.
One to frame.
Ah, the home of Lewis, Mason, O’Brien and, not forgetting… BS.
Matthew Stadlen =
I thought there was a cost-of-living crisis. How come papers are reporting chaos at airports as families fly abroad for half term? They could all give their £400 back.
A year on furlough or in a rock-solid redundancy-immune public sector job during the pandemic with nothing to spend money on does wonders for the bank balance and paying down personal debt.
It also of course leads to too much money chasing too few goods when the brakes come off.
As indeed we are now seeing.
Not that this will be factored in to any BBC reporting when the ‘ evil Tory, eat or heat’ agenda is being played full tilt.
The Covaids was the excuse to hide the complete global financial meltdown in 2019. They called the plandemic when they did for two reasons. Firstly to stop people spending and rapidly decrease the velocity of money. Hence there would be no inflation and few people would notice what was going on. Secondly it gave them the excuse to pump in as much as 75 percent of all fiat money ever printed over the last 100 years to hide the meltdown even further. They couldn’t afford a repeat of 2008 but more severe by many orders of magnitude. You see there is no virus. The viruses are the central bankers and their plan to get you using their CBDC which will enable them to control every aspect of your life.
Russ’s clever theory
The Tory supporting BBC deliberately created the Robinson cleaner incident to discredit the Tory supporting BBC and get it closed down
His looong thread : Russ puts forward his theory
‘Robinson was a Tory at uni, so surely must be a Tory now
& his source of cleaner Gomes story is rightwing mag The Critic
It copied from Tortoise Media’s story last year, which must be rightwing too
So it was all a clever rightwing CONSPIRACY to discredit the BBC
…. https://twitter.com/docrussjackson/status/1530127684910579714
Always ask ..what is more likely cockup or conspiracy ?
Probably Robinson in his BBC bubbleworld simply got carried away
It was him that put in the “2+2 =6” thinking that Gomes must have been working in 10 Downing St cleaning up Boris’s puke from parties.
In reality Gomes hadn’t worked in No 10, and was dead before any Downing St parties Boris could have gone to
..cos Boris had Covid until March 27 to April 27 2020,
Ridiculous .
Palestinians: Israel deliberately killed reporter
A damning headline and tone from the BBC in this one right up until I got to this line line towards the end:
‘He said Palestinian authorities would not hand over the bullet to the Israelis, and that no photograph of it would be published either. Palestinian officials have previously said they do not trust Israeli investigators.’
Case closed.
Unlike yourself BBC, I trust the Palestinians a lot less than the Israelies. In fact about as much as I trust you.
Israeli President Isaac Herzog “… we asked the Palestinians to conduct a joint investigation into the circumstances of this tragic case. Unfortunately, the Palestinians refused. They took the body and the bullet, and therefore none of the allegations can be verified.”
Well done Penny Mordaunt!
Do we have a possible replacement for Boris there?
She seems to get things done, and also demolished Angela Rayner in the commons so she’s not afraid to strike back, unlike the incumbent.
Well, here’s an odd one:
Armed female bystander kills man firing at party in West Virginia
First smelly rat : happened 2 days ago and the BBC only just reported it. And put it up in the middle of the night.
Second smelly rat : the name of the man with the AR15 is freely available and is ‘Dennis Butler, 37’ but no matter how hard I look with google, nobody has a picture.
The story does go against the BBC’s support for the Democrats agenda of using the shootings for stricter gun control but I wonder if the main reason for the suppression is the usual one – racism.
BBC editorial guideline tippy toes…
You are quite right, JohnC. Google “Dennis Butler shot West Virginia images” and it soon becomes clear. The other clue is that if the race profiles were reversed, the female shooter would already be a BBC heroine.
Well-spotted, WF!
Don’t see anyone from the revered leftie national US press saying anything, except a few hick local rags maybe – they all have stupid names anyway!
MailOnline has a picture of Dennis Butler now.
Obama will have plod on their knees again – least he is dead
Ahh thanks for the tips.
Dirty scumbag racist MSM. Again. And the BBC are the worst because they are the only ones with a mandate to be impartial. Which makes me despise hypocrite trolls like maxi who defend them all the more.
Absolutely disgusting double-standards. They are all in the same slime pit as each other. How do you fight the whole establishment ?.
The BBC still thinks america is part of the UK and is campaigning for gun control . The BBC seems not to understand that there are a lot of people who do not want government involvement in their lives – laws – controls – ban.
So it doesn’t understand anyone who wants guns to be available under the US constitution . It is frothing this morning because the true President turned up at the NRA convention and advocated wider gun possession to protect people .
In a country where guns are rare this would sound insane . But america has always had a lot of guns – and no government has the power to take them away – something the BBC – believing in an almighty State – a Government we Must Obey – can never understand …
As for the school shootings – plod as cowards again – like Manchester – if plod can’t protect people – the people have to do it themselves – easier in the US – because of guns .
Mark Steyn discussed the school shooting last night on his Clubland Q&A.
Listen here https://www.steynonline.com/12492/texas-messed
Thank you – I listened – it gave me good reason to switch off the BBC .
The full horror of that school is compounded by the cowardice of the plod – who should be ashamed beyond life. .
I would never rely on UK plod to be there if Chez Scrobs was attacked, so there are several unpleasant wooden clubs at different places by doors, landing etc, for immediate response to thuggery. or break-in and they can maybe ask questions later when they wake up – if they can that is…
We usually hear plod cars belting around with ‘blues and twos’, so that the tired public think they’re actually doing something about the parking on a double yellow line!
I used to think that US plod were quite good, especially when they had to deal with the floyd thug, but no, they’re getting more and more wokey and snowflakey under the sad old git in the WH.
Very wise
There is also an even worse mistake to make – that if there is a need to call an ambulance – it will turn up in a reasonable time – or at all ….
……………..I’ve had a number of ‘events ‘ where ambulances were needed and their NHS failed – and if you’ve ever gone through the ‘on the phone triage ‘ process you can hear as they go through the long list of questions they are geared to refusing your request for an ambulance…. Again – which I’ve been a victim of ….
….. elsewhere – there is a story of a lady in the US with a gun who shot dead a would be mass killed yesterday – thus supporting the ‘more guns ‘ in America view – so contrary to the snowflake BBC attitude – based is Islington where your chances of a ‘drive bye ‘ is still not that high … but increasing as the third world arrives in bigger numbers …
I was told yesterday of an elderly lady whose husband had a stroke in the middle of the night. She phoned 111 and was told to book an appointment. She then phoned her son who dialled 999. This was very recently and not the height of the pandemic.
I’ve used the 999 a good few times – after after being on ‘hold’ the operator tries a fob off – and they moan now that people are lying – saying the person has stopped breathing to get a ‘cat 1’ response …
But it the tories are alllwing 1 000 000 foreigners in legally each year – where’s the surprised….?
I find it all truly very frightening, and I’m scared witless should I take ill in the night and be in need of help – particularly living on my own. Bad enough during the day, when at least neighbours are at hand, but having to deal with some young’un at the end of the phone who doesn’t believe you is beyond the pale.
Anyone know how we go about contacting a private GP ?
Today 2
The dissenter – David Davies came on to undermine nut nut as usual and say that HMG could have funded the money giveaway without hitting oil companies – based on £91 billion tax receipts more than expected ….
But Davis wasn’t challenged on the coming recession – the cut in consumer spending – world conditions . They let him concentrate on stagflation – high inflation with low or no growth …. wait until the rates double from now and hit 5%…..
… it’s almost as though everyone is waiting for Russia to open up food and fuel supplies again …. Which ain’t gonna happen in 2023 – and if china recovers from lock down its’ demand for raw materials will push prices further up …..
Someone tell me I’m being too gloomy ….
As we approach the Queen’s jubilee I can’t help but ask if there are history books written in 200 years time which sum up the notable events of a monarchs reign , eg Henry Eight’s split from Rome , or George Fourth’s loss of the American colonies , what will they write of Elizabeth the Second?
My view is that it will be the invasion and replacement of the white native population by black and brown people, which in its first five decades was uncontested because the natives slept, lulled into a deadly sleep by the state broadcaster.
The comments on Elizabeth’s successors may be that the natives became less somnambulant and tried to resist their own demise, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
So whilst I will celebrate the Queen’s longevity I do not do so with a glad heart and hope in the future.
Double – I’m glad you wrote that before I did . I won’t be celebrating this lady’s long life – nor what has been done to the country ( not hers ) during her time on the throne . The monarchy is a surplus – a drama for those interested – it achieves nothing – ensures its wealth and property – and should be scaled down at the very least to avoid a ‘president ‘.
This is unlikely to happen because of their capacity to breed ..as well as the status being associated with ‘royals ‘ brings – see Andrew Windsor – or the American ginger one ….
Luckily for me – I’m outside Blighty during the coming insanity and don’t have TV so I can happily avoid the dross …
… but what will the BBC do? Over to Clive myrie …
Randy Andy and Ginger Winger are peripherals Feds. The number of good and meaningful deeds our king in-waiting is storing up has to be the most frightening prospect – not least because he believes himself to be perceptive and intelligent.
I’m amused that these immensely rich people encourage poor people to give money to their charities ….
I can only think of one good reason for having a politcially neutral King or Queen as head of state. It prevents some power hungry megalomaniac like Tony Blair getting the job.
It gives me immense satisfaction that he never got to be President of the EU – which I’m sure was always his goal.
Charlie will bring politics into it and then he will be attacked and hounded for it (whatever he says) by the Left in the way they do when they have an agenda until they destroy it like they destroy everything else.
The good times are over for England. The Left are bringing in a new world order which will take a few decades before they cannot stop it eating itself from within and collapsing. That’s if Creepy Joe doesn’t cause WW3.
I have no issue with the Queen or the institution of monarchy itself but I believe that Queen has been very badly served by most of her Prime Ministers. It is the politicians who have created the appalling mess that we are in and who have often done so quite deliberately . The Queen could do little about it apart from being less enthusiastic about that anachronism of empire , the Commonwealth. The PMs whom I hold most accountable for the forthcoming demise of white Britain as we know it are, Heath, Major, Blair and Brown. By the time they had done their worst it was too late to stem the invasion without drastic action that Cameron, May and Boris were far too weak to take.
But we the British people must take some responsibility ourselves . There have been other parties that we could have voted for but it would have taken courage for us have done so and we balked at the jump. Instead we went along with the establishment view that immigration was good, these people just like us and we would all get along happily, even though I think very few of us ever believed it.
No double – the commonwealth was the backbone of mass third world immigration to Blighty – independence should have meant just that – so no Indians – no Pakistanis – no Africans – West Indies – but she wanted her mini empire and those PMs signed up ….
….the British voter has never had a say … even thatcher wouldn’t touch it because the left were already digging into institutions – now they own them .
And now when royals go to the third world ‘commonwealth ‘ they get hostility …. After Elizabeth Windsor the shop can be closed and we can stick with the few 1st world countries if they want …
Yes I agree that the Commonwealth has been a millstone round our neck’s and was a prime cause of the invasion. But even if the Queen was keen on it her governments could have prevented or at least minimised immigration had they wanted to.
Of course the Attlee government offered uk citizenship to Indians and Pakistan as part of the partition settlement. Being kind to Attlee they imagined that only a very few thousand sub continentals ,those heavily involved in British India , would take up the offer. Fast forward a couple of decades and that piece of legislation left us wide open to the vanguard of the invaders.
Since the was there have been major miscalculations – always to the detriment of British people as to how many would come to the UK to free load of ‘contribute ‘ – and the remaining diminishing population picks up the tab – whether Attlee or Blair ….
The country I grew up in was okay – London – was ok – but now – it’s a hostile third world cess pit which sooner or later I will leave ….
Most that I speak to, are and always have been, against immigration. Columnists and talking heads always add the ‘caveat’ that we have always been a welcoming country to those fleeing aggression, well, why is that then ? The only ones doing the welcoming are those with an agenda who wanted cheap labour ! Then there is the old chestnut about immigrants ‘contributing’ , well all I’ve seen is an abundance of less than qualified medics from 3rd world countries, corner shop keepers, a rise in taxi drivers, and a lot of models being employed in adverts.
And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse there are reports of a looming sugar shortage, with India restricting exports, crop failures in South Africa and China, with the latter whose Communist government actually do appear to care about the welfare of their people now buying up world stocks to mitigate their own shortfall.
Unfortunately we have a bunch of idiots notionally in charge who are doing absolutely nothing to mitigate the shortages, not even suspending the requirement for bio ethanol in fuel or suspending other ‘green’ requirements such as set aside and re-wilding as the EU has at least managed.
Just to add that if you have a Costco card you can buy 5 or even 20Kg of sugar at a very reasonable price at the moment before prices rise stteply or it’s no longer available.
Another benefit of the market economy is the ability to create artificial shortages which drive prices to dizzying heights for the satisfaction of producers and investors.
I can think of coffee, butter, olive oil and bacon, all artificially inflated within recent memory while today we enjoy the angst of sunflower oil, gas and wheat droughts, together with the perennial gun to the head of oil. Sugar is simply the latest.
Haven’t you figured out yet this is a planned and controlled demolition of the Western economies? They want to bring you to your knees financially – and they will – and then offer you UBI but only if you agree to their CBDC and Digital ID. Here’s a clue. There is no virus. It’s a complete scam. The goal is to accelerate the Agenda 2030 and they are pulling out all the stops to get there asap – fake plagues, war, food shortages. When they hit you with the fake alien invasion then you know we have reached the endgame.
Here is a very important report from Indian TV station ‘Gravitas’ concerning the descent of Pakistan into civil war led by Iman Khan the deposed president.
It is of massive importance because of the number of Pakistanis living in Britain who will almost certainly want to fight the politics of their home country here in Britain and we have already seen some unrest as a result of the deposing of Khan by Arif Alvi.
The IMF have refused bail out loans to Pakistan as have China and Saudi Arabia, although I expect bountiful Boris will give away even more of our stuff if he is asked.
A full blown civil war in Pakistan might result in young men in England travelling home to fight, but it also might end up in them fighting their civil war on the streets of Britain. Thanks to our feckless socialist policians and their mass immigration policies.
I recall something in London from a couple of decades ago where there was a mini civil war on a quiet day between Indians and Pakistanis about something that had happened in the sub continent – obviously plod had no idea – but with such a ‘diverse’ plod now – they ll know all about it now – right ?
Test Cricket, (“proper cricket that is, mate, solid cricket that is”) has long been known as a replacement for war, even of the Civil kind. Now old Imran ought to be able to organise something along those lines, thinking of his previous, previous day job, instead of the nasty killing and wounding and stuff.
At last, the BBC reports actual ne… oh, no… asks the usual tired question.
Dark skin is associated with:
What’s the first word that comes into your head ?.
Mine was ‘stabbing’. That must put me in the red. Even though it is a fact they stab people 8 times more than white people do.
Advertisements. If they were all my contact with the world outside my house I should have a completely different idea of what it was like.
This lady clearly didn’t go to school in Tower Hamlets or Haringey then !
Mad Al, Adonis, Femi, YAB, Champion, Owen, Dawn walk into a room… any bbc green room… constantly.
Boom, boom…
Once somebody fakes a picture of someone else with the sole intention of publicly ridiculing them, they go straight into my ‘scum’ bucket.
It’s nearly full of Leftists now.
You’re going to need a bigger bucket.
‘Retains’ 😂
Very disappointing that the BBC didn’t hire this Far Lefty – and as I type thousands more must be busily ‘sanitising ‘ their social media to conceal their Far Left anti white anti British views …
Trust of all of us ?.
Either an idiot or a complete hypocrite. Would have fit in well at the BBC.
BBC : News you don’t trust.
‘It is absolutely vital that the BBC is impartial and retains the trust of all of us.’
And absolutely true too, Matt. When do you think it might happen?
There’s a veritable Royalist collectors’ corner in some press titles this weekend. Noticably, as yet, no flag-waving in the formerly-patriotic Times, which offers an ecumenical generic celeb-flavoured invite: ‘Eat! A jubilee party with Nigella and Jamie‘
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper acknowledges the: ‘Jubilee countdown‘ and provides: ‘Your guide inside + 40 great British wines‘ – bravo! However, for those europhiles still Brexit-sore there’s also: ‘Travel: best French gîtes on a budget‘ – that’s g, î (with a thing on the top), t, e, s. Readers hereabouts will perhaps sympathise with my daily difficulty in adequately rendering the title of this brash lefty-slanted organ given the limitations of the common or garden keyboard format.
However, to collectors’ corner where the British old red white and blue are very much to the fore in the Telegraph: ‘If it’s Royal I’ll take it home. Inside the super-collectors’ memorabilia troves‘
The Daily Mail spreads its loyalist wares with all the audacity of some Pakistani-run gift shop on Oxford Street flogging Chinese-made tat to tourists: ‘Souvenir gift set… including plate, tea towel, apron & more. Just £27.99 P&P payable‘ – put them away for a hundred years or so and they might worth something.
“Everything is commercialised these days, Rigsby” – so warned Philip, the knowing black tenant as he proferred a sample of the supposed magic African love wood – intended to help Rigsby woo Miss Jones. The sceptical Rigsby had noticed that his wood had been planed. His desperation overcame his doubts and he duly attempted to follow Philip’s advice and to burn the wood and waft the smoke outside his ladylove’s hut – so to speak. Which elicited the classic line: “Extinguish yourself, Mr Rigsby!”
Calm down, calm down – in Scouse vernacular. Liverpool fans forfeited this neutral’s support when they booed the national anthem recently. A particularly poignant moment given the approbation thrown by media and officialdom upon fans who dare boo taking the knee.
Unsurprisingly the red top Mirror presents us the largest frontpage pic of Klopp’s boys. The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper tells us: ‘How Liverpool can beat chaotic Real Madrid‘ – that’s Royal Madrid for non-Spanish speakers – while the Telegraph provides a note of caution: ‘Klopp’s fears over newly laid Paris pitch‘
Which reminds me of about the most leading question I have ever heard a broadcast interviewer ask of an interviewee. Think back to about 1990. Kenny Dalglish is Liverpool manager and, controversially, Luton Town have astro-turfed their ground. The interviewer begins his friendly cross-examination of the post-match defeated Dalglish with a question which would surely have elicited “Objection! Leading question, m’lud!” – in even a British court of law let alone in Depp v Heard: “Kenny, I know you’re not a man to make excuses, but what about that plastic pitch?” – a similar scenario of BBC Radio 4 Today Programme interviewers helping along Labour shadow front benchers get over the line tends to come to mind.
Speaking of newly laid – or squared…? – pitches: ‘Exclusive: Carroll’s 2 blondes. Andy 3 in a bed… but they all fell asleep‘ (Sun) – allegedly. A brace of blondes. You’d have thought he might have gone for the hat-trick: ‘The boozed-up striker invited fitness instructor Phoebe Robb, 26, and bar manager Taylor Jane Wilkey, 27, to his luxury suite after a day’s drinking‘ – both of an age and both eminently willing – apparently. And someone evidently posted the pics on their social media.
‘The former England, Newcastle and Liverpool star, 33, has spent the week living it up in Dubai ahead of his wedding to reality TV star Billi Mucklow‘ – I can recall a time when it was the footballers that had names like Billy Mucklow and their girlfriends had names like Sharon.
Who are we to judge? ‘“I woke up and he was on top of me”. Former models speak out about fashion agent Jean-Luc Brunel and an industry that turned a blind eye‘ (Guardian) – I know nothing of Brunel – except he was French and built some fine bridges.
‘Plus. Books by women every man should read‘ (Guardian) – but how can I relate if the authors don’t look like me – are all of a different orientation or gender to me? How can I be properly represented by them?
News from the front in the sex culture war…
‘Civil Service allows “more than 100 genders”‘ (Telegraph) – call me old-fashioned but I suggest there’s not in fact more than 100 genders – it’s more like 100 preferences. I can believe that. I’m imagining a civil service peccadillo for tying one’s partner up in red tape and having one’s way. No wonder they’re so keen on working from home these days.
‘Teachers “should not pander to trans pupils” Attorney-general calls for firm line on gender‘ (Telegraph) – or how about we keep sex – as far as is possible – out of our schools? Stick to the two Bs – the birds and the bees.
Home counties posh boy Will Young makes his bid to get down with the kids: ‘I want an apology from boarding school‘ (‘i’) – a celeb angst story worthy of the many familiar female celeb angst tales. Although if our Will is to be believed everything we were told about public schools is probably true.
Proving the old adage there’s no fool like an old fool: ‘Dancing queen. Dame Helen shakes it up on red carpet‘ (Daily Express)
We’ve been mostly sport and celebrity-oriented today. It is the weekend. One could reflect that Boris’s: ‘“Big bazooka” of support will help UK beat crisis‘ (Daily Express) – but if it is as effective as the much-vaunted military support we’ve gifted Ukraine then we’re probably doomed: ‘Ukraine war: Troops could quit Severodonetsk amid Russian advance – official‘ (BBC)
Sorry to keep banging on about this but – apparently it’s now official – everything we previously told you about the ineffective Russian army losing the war was bunk.
TOADY Watch #1 – are the BBC in trouble?
The the saga of the revolving chairs on the TOADY programme continues this morning with a new Ladies Doubles pairing (well it is Paris and Wimbledon will be next month) of Mishal Husain with Katie Razzle. Problem is that while Mishal has a good voice for radio – and is a bit of a looker, too – Katie’s voice really grates on the old ears. Not in a Sara Smith ‘intriguing grate’ but in an unpleasant grate.
I have a solution for the BBC. Why don’t they solve ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ which they keep going on about, alternating it with ‘Partygate’, and solve their TOADY vacancy at the same time.
The BBC could invite members of the public in to take turns presenting TOADY until they find a good voice for radio, while paying the daily candidate 1/365th of the £250,000+ that a TOADY presenter receives. They could start with Ethel Sklurrge, a single mother of one, who lives in a damp, cold, one bedroom flat in East Cheam with her nine-year old son who has disabilities. I’m sure ‘Eff’, as she is known as at the corner shop, will welcome the £684 (less tax and NI) payment that she will receive from the BBC.
The BBC may get to find a new ‘star’ of the quality of Jack de Manio or even, dare I suggest it, another John Snagge or Alvar Lidell.
But up2 – what about the days when Today is ‘on the road ‘ to Stratford On Thames E15 where guest language is Urdu ..?
…with mo de monio …
Fed, glottal stoppin’ is all the rage you know, Kahhee Razzle dun a bit of it ‘erselll this moorrin’. I blame Tony Blair and his ‘Estuary English’. Come to think of it, that would be a good place for …. a long list of fings especially Noo Labuh.
They all cum out talkin lundun when they go to private sctootish skools innit ?
“woz dat den ?” “woz dat for ?” Two sentences articulately spoken by that MBE chappie Jay Blades when querying an article for repair.
Amazingly, despite being dyslexic and unable to read, he managed to study for a degree in criminology and philosophy. No record exists as to whether he actually gained the degree.
Credit where it’s due.
I sent my driving licence on line renewal off on Tuesday and the new licence arrived by Royal Mail today (Saturday)
I don’t know about this working from home or whatever the situation is but by any standards this is good service.
Well done DVLA.
Apropos passports.
My neighbour sent for her new passport at the beginning of May – I followed her lead a week later. At the beginning of this week she received her new Passport – 2 weeks later. She’s overjoyed !!!!
I’ve only just received an email saying they had JUST received my old passport – despite sending it o the same day as applying. Still waiting. Ah well, they’ve got 5 months to get it sorted before I need it.
Funny how immediate neighbours can have such differing response.
It won’t be many years before posting on sites like this get you demerit points and the state punishes you by with holding your passport etc. step out of line and you face the consequences, such a happy free world we are soon going to be living in.
Your positive experience with DVLA is not universal.
As well as my usual daytime working activities, for reasons lost in the mists of time I also have an HGV Class 1 licence, for 44-tonne artics. Being older, it needs renewing every 12 months and with an accompanying medical, which also costs good money from the grasping GPs (£180 last time, to take 10 mins to tick some boxes on a simple form. That’s another story…). This medical means that the process cannot be completed on-line, but has to be done by post, and involves sending DVLA a cheque for £17.
Last Sept 13, sent my application and medical certificate to Swansea, via registered post. It was signed for the next day (I have POD), 14 Sept. The current one expired the next day, on the 15th. You don’t get long between when you can re-apply and the expiry date, and in that time you have to get an appointment for medical, when most practices turned out to be quoting 2-3-month waiting times for such an appointment (another part of that other story).
Then heard nothing for weeks, but was unable to make any inquiry with them until 10 weeks had passed (built into the process; it won’t allow any earlier inquiries). And the phones weren’t being answered, of course.
By the end of November, once the 10 weeks were up, the cheque for £17 still hadn’t been presented at the bank. Went on-line to complete the status inquiry. Received an auto-acknowledgement and a reference number, plus an undertaking that they would respond very soon. They didn’t.
Christmas came and went, and so did New Year. Finally, on 10 January the cheque was presented to the bank. A mere 4 months after they received it.
But then, nothing more – no licence, no response to inquiries. Utterly useless.
On 16 February, I wrote up the whole pathetic tale in an email to our local MP, who also happens to be a minister in the transport department.
In fairness to him and his team, I received a reply that afternoon, with a promise to pursue it.
Lo and behold, on the 22 Feb the renewed licence finally appeared – a mere 6 days after the MP had got involved. Fair play to him and his crew. But it had taken the useless, feckless, skiving members of the public sector (my contempt knows no bounds) no less than 5 months to do their bloody job. In a few months, it’ll be time to re-apply for next year’s.
This in a country that has been short of HGV drivers. It’s difficult to get a new or temp job as an HGV driver when one’s licence has expired. Fortunately, the company for whom I drive sometimes was aware of the problem.
Oh, and the final coda? A few weeks later, I also received in the post an unexplained cheque (no accompanying note) for £17 from DVLA. They’d refunded the fee.
My contempt for them is clearly mirrored by their contempt for us.
TOADY Watch #2 – well, it’s all down to ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ and Brexit and Covid, of course
Mention is made on TOADY of, no not ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’, but queues at ports and airports for those struggling with ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ to get away from it all for a long weekend or even to go to a footie final where the cost of just the match tickets will be eye-watering, let alone the travel costs. Methinks much of this ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ is something of a socialist media confection.
Up2 until the media started banging on about it, I didn’t even realise there WAS a cost of living crisis !! The same with energy bills – the media was talking about heating or eating and how millions are using foodbanks – well, hang on its now Summer, so who in their right mind has the heating on now anyway ? surely the big bills won’t start falling on doorsteps until October at least ! yet again the media are bigging up the fear factor.
Up2\certainly the coming ‘hand back . Hand out will help those who engage – to pay for their prem season ticket at sky package –
Meanwhile the msm is running the ‘still not enough ‘ narrative of a hard hearted Tory government … – at least when the red labour lot take over we won’t notice much difference as all their policies will have been implemented – the only thing that will change will be trading in euros when the pound is dumped as we return to the EU – I was gonna say – rejoin – but did we ever leave …?
Trouble is, Fed, it’s easy to create a gravy train rollin’ but much harder to stop it at the next red signal, for example the temporary £20 uplift to Universal Credit at the start of Lockdown 1.
Charles Moore in the Daily Telegraph helping to dig Comrade Nic Robinson ‘s grave – enjoy
STARTS Whenever he co-presents the BBC’s Today programme, Nick Robinson likes to take sole charge. He sees himself as agenda-setter, news-breaker and prosecuting counsel. He spends so much time “speaking truth to power” that power can hardly get a word in edgeways.
On Thursday, Nick was in classic form. The main story was the final Sue Gray report on Downing Street “gatherings”, on which, over its six-month run, he has barely concealed his personal views. However much the director-general of the BBC, Tim Davie, pleads for impartiality among his employees, our Nick won’t – as he would see it – be gagged.
Before cross-questioning the doggedly low-key Steve Barclay MP, now the Prime Minister’s chief of staff, Robinson set the scene with a two-minute-plus monologue. He instructed us that what “still matters, despite the Prime Minister’s claim that he has been vindicated, is the big picture”. That picture was “so big you can see it from outer space”, amounting to “evidence that the Prime Minister’s repeated denials were, quite simply, untrue”. How solipsistic, how utterly Nick-ish, to imagine a Westminster political spat being visible well beyond the solar system.
In the course of the programme, Robinson referred in hushed tones at least three times to a story he had seen in The Critic magazine. This concerned Emanuel Gomes, a Downing Street cleaner who had died of Covid. Auditioning for the role of Mark Antony over the body of Caesar, Nick laid poor Mr Gomes before Mr Barclay. What would the Prime Minister’s chief of staff say to the grieving Gomes family? The Downing Street staff had partied and broken the rules all round Mr Gomes: his family had lost their loved one. In Nick’s media-fevered brain, the story seemed to offer his “Gotcha!” moment, like the death of Dr David Kelly during the Iraq war.
But here Nick Robinson QC had slipped up. Perhaps one of his juniors in the BBC’s equivalent of the Old Bailey had fed him the Gomes story. It was untrue. Mr Gomes had died while working for the Ministry of Justice, not in Downing Street, and apparently of a heart condition, not of Covid.
Robinson had to issue a correction and apology for his errors (though it included no apology to the Gomes family, or to Barclay, whom he had put in a false position, or to ministers and officials who, he had implied, might have contributed to Mr Gomes’s death). On BBC Sounds, Today’s mention of Mr Gomes has been edited out.
We all make mistakes, of course, but it seems reasonable to conclude that Robinson was so greedy for information that might force Captain Boris to walk the plank of the ship of state that he did not check properly. That sort of thing happens if you are a propagandist rather than an impartial presenter. The BBC seems to have learnt nothing since Emily Maitlis’s Newsnight homily against Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings two years ago yesterday.
With luck, the publication of the Gray report may bring an end to the hysteria which has all but unhinged poor Nick (although he may still hope – possibly rightly, who knows? – that the forthcoming report of the Commons privileges committee will convict the Prime Minister of lying to Parliament).
One should not leave the subject, however, without doing what Robinson did not do and reflect a bit more calmly on what Sue Gray’s report says.
It certainly is bad for Johnson. The various gatherings examined, she says, were “not in line with Covid guidance at the time”. The events “should not have been allowed to happen”. The fact that they did happen reveals “failures of leadership and judgment”.
It is hard to resist the thought, though Gray does not directly voice it, that a more orderly prime minister would have warned his staff against occasions which risked breaking the rules. The Lord of Misrule, Boris Johnson, will never be able to put this completely behind him, even if he is genuinely contrite.
But less media attention has been paid to the role of officials in this saga. It is a popular misconception that because the Prime Minister runs the country and lives in No 10, he is in charge of his office and residence. This has never been the case.
If you think about it, it is not desirable, or even possible. Every prime minister’s job is to govern. Part of the job of the machine that surrounds him is to remove unnecessary distractions. Boris – or any prime minister – would no more organise and invigilate Downing Street events, parties or “gatherings” than he would personally repaint the number on the famous front door.
Officials do all that; and ever since Tony Blair, the number of people working in Downing Street has exploded by nearly four times, so any prime minister’s personal connection with the staff has diminished in inverse proportion.
In the course of Gray’s report, it emerges that it was officials – whom, if senior enough, she names – that organised most of the controversial occasions. One might have expected the irregularities to have been the fault of special advisers – political appointees who tend to be a livelier band than career bureaucrats – but no.
The key movers in most cases were people like Martin Reynolds, the principal private secretary, and Simon Case, the Cabinet secretary. It is slightly comic that emails released by Gray show Lee Cain, the free-wheeling spin doctor, being more cautious than the career bureaucrats.
If I were being cynical – which, in part, I am – I would say that the dominant role of officials in this saga helps explain Gray’s rather restrained tone. Civil servants stick together at almost all costs and she herself is, as she says in her report, “immensely proud to be a civil servant”.
Gray used to be the head of “propriety and ethics” in government. Her successor in that role, Helen MacNamara, was one of those fined by the police for her breach of lockdown rules. No report by a civil servant is going to be merciless against civil servants.
However, Gray does not shirk the basic facts. These do show the hand of the bureaucracy in the various bits of rather paltry merriment which have upset people. It is interesting to note, in letters published this week, that both Lord Kerslake, the former head of the Civil Service, and Bronwen Maddox, the director of the Institute for Government, have slightly broken Whitehall omertá and suggested that senior officials were at fault. Gray, as one might expect, finds that what went wrong “did not reflect the prevailing culture of Government and Civil Service at the time”, but one gets a feeling that perhaps it did.
I shall end on what is probably an unpopular note. Nothing can excuse some of what happened, but what Gray calls the “extraordinary pressures” do help explain it. All those ministers, advisers and civil servants in Downing Street were, by special exemption, present and working flat-out in terrible circumstances. On the whole, they did more good by being there than did the scores of thousands of officials who left Whitehall during the plague and still, in many cases, have not returned. I cannot feel vengeful rage against them.
Time for a Covid amnesty and to focus on a Government which seems increasingly set on crushing a free economy. ENDS
No mention of starmer and growler and Durham …yet …btw I’m now betting on the evening before the coming very long weekend – with ‘it’s a knockout monarchy ‘ …
Fed, it was pretty obvious that this was a Whitehall/Daily Mirror+Pippa Crerar/BBC+Laura Kuenssberg attempt to ‘get Boris’ as payback for Brexit.
Look at all the prior attacks:
Cummings – VoteLeave’s strategist
Priti Patel, Home Sec. and – enthusiastic Brexiteer
MP1 – enthusiastic Brexiteer
MP2 (the Polish one) – enthusiastic Brexiteer
PM hmself – although a late convert to VoteLeave, someone who benefited from Theresa May’s failure to sabotage Brexit.
The only Conservative MP who has been attacked who isn’t an enthusiastic Brexiteer is the Tractor Porn chap.
Spot on. We are experiencing the third or fourth phase of the continuous attempt to reverse Brexit by the liberal establishment. They want Boris gone and replaced by a pro EU Tory like Hunt or to do damage Boris and the Tory party that some leftist pro EU coalition wins the next election. So the plan is:
Get Boris out
Get a pro EU PM installed to pave the ay back to the EU
Damage the Tory party
Get a leftist coalition in government which will take us back into the EU
Wreck the economy and blame it on Brexit
Maximise illegal immigration and claim its due to Brexit
BBC South Africa reporter Shingai Nyoka
“concerns about immigration ..some might call that xenophobia, but I won’t use that word, .. there are legitimate grievances”
Ukraine : The BBC got a call from Vice so they invited them to their hotel, then “I got a call from a former BBC colleague now working at the Guardian, the Guardian team brought the FT team with them too”
.. “All journalistic rivals” said the beeboid … FFS they all sing from the same hymn sheet.
R4 12pm news “OrangemanBad, he spoke against gun reform”
Then they did report this story that GW mentioned above at 9:23am
“A woman with a pistol took down a crazed man spraying bullets at a graduation party in Charleston, West Virginia.
The man drove up and started firing on the party with an AR15 when the woman shot him dead.
She won’t be charged”
..the BBC tweet was 7:27am
The actual incident happened Wednesday night. So they’ve had time to think !
More noises from the Biden administration regarding limiting oil and gas exports to Europe in order to lower prices in the USA in an attempt to shore up support for the mid terms.
I’m sure I don’t need to explain to anyone the effect that is going to have on European oil & gas / electricity prices, which would be almost as bad as Russia cutting the gas.
Thoughtful – thank you – Obama putting us at the back of the queue again …. If rationing of exports of oil / gas from the US is true – that hand out / hand back is not gonna be anywhere near enough …. Ouch ….
Must be time for a Middle East war ….
Don’t wish for it, Fed, it may happen! Some bright spark in the US Government thinking it would be good to have 1. Israel put under pressure for the alleged (unlikely) killing of a Palestinian journalist, and 2. Russia having to face fighting on a second front.
Now that probably would lead to WW3.
The script of north africa not being vital be because of russia and North american fracking has been blown a bit .
As a mediocre chess player – looking for potential threats – the middle east – a china sea incident – the North Korean loon firing off a real nuc are as likely now as at any time…
We seem to be in a most dangerous time since the bomb was first used …
.. and the snowflake West is now not mentally able to suffer real hardship … which could make covid look like a collective bad cold …
U.S. nears ‘energy independence’ Trump promised during 2016 campaign
The U.S. hasn’t achieved the “complete American energy independence” that President Donald Trump promised on the campaign trail in 2016, but the country is moving toward it.
Let’s have a referendum.
Robert Mugabe is appointed a WHO goodwill ambassador, stunning critics
Helen Branswell
By Helen Branswell Oct. 20, 2017
So every Muslim that goes to Mecca to celebrate the Hajj supports the Saudi regime financially by giving them money for flights and buying stuff whilst on the Hajj … thus anyone who goes, supports Saudi law thus is supporting transphobic corporation … never mind Nike etc …
Both male and female same-sex sexual activity is illegal. LGBT rights are not recognized by the government of Saudi Arabia.
All muslims should boycott Mecca until there is Justice …. Sadiq Khan and Savid Javid and Warsi and all Muslims should ban travelling until the law is changed in Saudi for LGBT.
Actually the Swedish Radio page contains an update
The Ukrainian refugee women at the Galaxen asylum accommodation in Olofström have been told that they are not allowed to dress in any way because it can provoke the men from other cultures who also live in the Galaxen.
That’s what Gitana Bengtsson, who is committed to refugees, says. She has now connected the girls’ shelter.
Update: Annika Sjöstedt (S), Deputy Chairman of the Municipal Board, had a conversation with the operations manager for Galaxen earlier this week.
He believes that this is a misunderstanding and that it is about the residents not being allowed to wear a bikini in the dining room.
That image is twice as big as my PC screen
Giving the link leads to an image which is the same size as the screen https://image.vuukle.com/c4318e5c-ff26-463e-83e3-1b1398dfdcc3-fd381709-133d-4278-b04c-18f00c60f051
Link to Burnside’s tweet there https://twitter.com/BurnsideNotTosh/status/1530275555886628869
The image is 1679 by 1135 pixels. Any graphics program will allow you to reduce the pixel count. The best size for this site is a maximum width of about 600 pixels.
BBC Report :
Bristol mayor flies to Vancouver and back (unfortunately) to finger wag about climate change.
The gits on the council also have @OneCityOffice initiative spaffing taxpayer lolly on a bunch of cost of living initiatives….
– what’s not to like?
– a “motorway” with a 40mph speed fine for starters…
What ugly people .
I thought Bristol had had a referendum to dump their Mayor and that Bristolians were in favour?
A WEF critic ….
There was already this update when you posted
BTW He would’ve been flying BACK from Davos
One hour after his detention tweet he tweeted
“UPDATE: Released without charge thanks to my legendary lawyer
who took the call at 11pm on a Saturday night.
But they impounded my passport.
Family time now.
Later we go to court. I’ll keep you posted.
Nothing more on the page ..yet
However when Australians fly into Melbourne , normally their entry is done by them themselves scanning their passport at the automatic machine.
I’d guess a scratch meant the machine couldn’t read it.
What’s with this whispering thing biden does? Why doesn’t somebody tell him how it comes across? Presumably he’s going for the “Strong silent” look. All it says to me is that I’d have to be very short of a babysitter before I called him. He’s downright creepy.
Being downright creepy looks to be a prerequisite for a position in the present administration?
‘Not quite normal’ is how I would describe every single one of them.
PR people shoving black issues at me again
in their specially selected “For You”
This time an Everbrite Email
Guess the jolly graphic
Black History Every Month: Events That Inspire Action, Education & Connection
Black event creators are at the forefront of a movement that creates spaces for communities to thrive and enact real change. We’re celebrating them with this curated selection of events.”
Thanks Tomo – look like UK school meals are gonna get – limited …
ITV local news
BBC local news reported
“Lincolnshire Police officer Liam Shields, 24, who was based in Stamford, has been charged with two offences of sexual touching. ”
He must have been jut 21 when the offences started
No photo
I raise you – met PC charged with rape on Brighton beach – the report even mentions he was off duty at the time – didn’t mention the he /him – she / her status of the ( alleged ) victim.
On my calculation – the criminological tendency of plod is only bettered by that of politicians – and makes the general population far more law abiding ……
PAP reports that …. and then reports on PC Carrick charged with 44 sex charges so far inc 21 rapes
His other videos show why the police get the name filth
… https://youtu.be/NAzKxPAnoFk
sweary video
ITV Ant and Dec gamehow
thy get people to go up a stepladder and drop scoop of icecreap onto their friends places
God knows how they got that past the safety officer , surely the victims hould be wearing safety glasses ..cos they could get ice in their eyes.
I’d rather stick cocktail sticks in my eyes than watch anything that those two are involved in. Like most on tv they are over-rated and get paid a fortune for it.
Have they been on the course telling you how to climb ladders?
BBC going big on Tory MP’s putting in letters of no confidence against the PM..
The only way the PM can bring his cowardly MP’s into line is to threaten them with a General Election..that will focus there behaviour and minds
The 5pm R4 news was crazy
“What about these letters eh.. How many are they ?”
.. “Well actually we only know about 8, the thing is MPs put in and then withdraw their letters all the time
.. we reckon there could be 20
but there needs to be 45+ to trigger a vote
.. so all it’s been a positive week for Boris …damn, damn, damn”
I was wondering why LBC was becoming more like the ‘old’ BBC at times and then I was reading The Spectator which gives some reasons why they (LBC) are hiring so many ex BBC presenters (which is usually when I tend to ‘switch-off’ as soon as Andew Marr is on Air on weekday evenings. Apparently its part of an LBC attack on BBC Radio 4, and it seems to be winning the ratings war – and TV and radio audience is on the move away from BBC..
The Spectator (quote):
For its part, LBC is gunning for BBC listeners. LBC has snapped up Eddie Mair (ex-Radio 4), Shelagh Fogarty (ex-Radio 5), Andrew Marr, Emily Maitlis and Jon Sopel. ‘But it’s for PR, not for audience,’ says one BBC figure. ‘Global Media [LBC’s owner] is Europe’s largest independent radio company so it wants to come and have a go at us. It’s natural.’ But LBC is winning audience numbers too: 3.5 million a week, against ten million for Radio 4. Scheduling the new Andrew Marr show in the 6 p.m. slot is a clear attempt to lure Radio 4 listeners.
Overall, the traditional Radio 4 audience is straying in record numbers, which is why commercial radio has overtaken the BBC in audience figures.
Interesting read on the big shake up for the BBC now they have sacked a thousand or so journalists this week. Only another 20,000 sackings to go! According to the article (link below) its not looking good for the BBC… About time too.
I heard two minutes of Any Questions on Radio 4 but switched it off.
The whooping, hollering , hissing and silly clapping from the lefty audience is bad enough but I heard one woman whinnying like a horse. Dam silly.
Evidently a ‘fixed’ audience .
Nibor, taffman and Flotsam, I have given up pretty much on Any Questions. That programme and Any Answers which used to be even better than AQs have been ruined by the stacked audience, with the whooping and hollering, and Anita Anand’s failure to comprehend what Any Answers is meant to be about. I now listen about one week in six or seven, depending on what sort of Westminster week it has been.
I used to listen every week and have even made the occasional appearance on AAs.
Any Questions…….The left wing whooping and hollering started in a big way during Jeremy Corbyn’s time as leader. I suspect Momentum was behind it and it would appear that someone who is the BBC’s gatekeepeer is planted to ensure the bias.
“There are very few people in the world who currently have it, meaning there are not that many opportunities to catch it”
How then is it spreading al over the world ? Could it be biological warfare ?
“Ministers won’t be sacked for minor rule breaking, under new guidelines”
Now, what brought this about then ?
Liverpool euro game delayed for over 30 minutes because of ‘ late arrival ‘ of liverpool fans … i listening to bbc 5 live moaning .. but the free BT TV feed just says police have used CS gas on liverpool fans – guess they wont be booing the UK national anthem as per the FA cup final …
Skysports clip speaks of crew being tear gassed for no reason
an large crowd of people turning up with no tickets “mostly French”
There is a short clip of a super packed crowd outside climbing over each other .. https://youtu.be/ZOBvVyI7k_4
In other clips like the Guardian, it’s clear some people managed to climb portacabins near the gates and get over the fences and then run right past the gate staff
maybe 6 people in 30 seconds
I don’t see footage of hundreds or thousands getting in, just a few
ITV local news today was entirely about sport
but on their website they have
: “Right-wing terrorism charges have been dropped against a man after he tried to kill himself in custody.”
FFS There is no such thing as “Right-wing terrorism charges” nor “Islamic terrorism charges” it’s just “terrorism charges” I reckon the phrase was copied off the police press release cos all media used it.
If media don’t give details I am inclined to think that hides the fact that the offences are very mild
It’s usually something like possessing or sharing the Anarchist Cookbook which people say Amazon sell anyway
Or refusing to hand over your phone password
At a hearing at the Old Bailey on Friday, prosecutor Polly Dyer offered no evidence. She said: “This matter comes before the court … in light of the most recent update from a consultant psychiatrist.”
The lawyer said the Crown now considered it was no longer in the public interest to continue with the case.
There are no real details in the original arrest articles on Saturday 24 April 2021
“three offences of dissemination of terrorist publications and one offence of the Possession of Class A Drugs”
….. Hmm Class A includes “cocaine, ecstasy (MDMA), heroin, LSD, magic mushrooms, methadone,”
So a year ago they arrested the guy
It was reported as “Right-wing terrorism charges” but not detailed
They’ve held the guy in jail for a year
Now he’s tried to commit suicide, and the CPS has said ‘ oh we won’t both with the courts we’ll just leave him with the psychiatrists’ .
.. The guy might well have done nothing much, but has now spent a year punished in jail, without going through proper judicial process.
Acts preparatory to terrorism – “he sharpened a pencil your honour”.
And if you think that’s a joke think again, because the only joke are the UK Gesatpo who really did arrest a man for having an offensive weapon whilst close to a mosque, namely a sharpened pencil – shows how desperate the Gestapo are to arrest and convict Whitey.
They arrested someone near where I live and claimed he had a firearm and amunition, it turned out to be a potato gun and a potato!
When I was a teenager there was an affray at a local village hall that ended up in Crown Court.
One defendant was badgered by a barrister into an admission that he’d prepared for the ruck.
The barrister, tail up launched into “tell us then, how you prepared for this?”
Defendant “I rolled my sleeves up”
Word is that there was a big football match between Liverpool and Real Madrid. How come it was not televised by our national broadcaster, and how come Linneker was not covering it?
it was streamed free on BT sport – linaker is on his hols . I’m glad of the result – hopefully we’ve seen peak Liverpool . And they’ve got something to winge about with the `French Riot police who remember Heysal – when Liverpool supporters killed Italian fans … one not in the BBC hillborough narrative …
Glad I bet on Real ….
Be fun in Paris tonight ….
On Tuesday our local BBC radio reported that the local health authority had confirmed multiple Monkey Pox cases in East Yorkshire
.. that did sound a bit extraordinary
30 minutes after the presenter’s tweet, the commercial station tweeted back “Well I asked earlier and they said there wasn’t”
Nevertheless the an hour later the BBC 6:30pm prog still carried the story.
Then on Wednesday the BBC said “ah that turn out to be false information from the health authority ”
FFS why did they take such an extraordinary claim at face value in the first place ?
Like with the Nick Robinson cleaner story it’s clear that the BBC’s “only report a claim if two independent sources confirm” rule… is bunk.
The BBC did at least correct their story
The Local paper copied the story and it still stands uncorrected on its .
The “local” paper is pretty crap these days ..it’s cutNpaste staff sit 100 miles away cutNpasting the same stories into multiple regional papers. Thu this week it carried a story about a streetfight, which has now been deleted ..cos readers pointed out the event actually happened in Bristol .
There seemed to be a good history article, but then readers pointed out that the paper had run the same story 5 weeks ago
.. The biggest bias is the way it OMITS the vast majority of local news
This is Hull Prison down Hedon Road. Peter Levy of BBC Look North censored this story, even when it went Global. The BBC also censored a Global story from Hull about an Islamic man trying to cut peoples heads off. The BBC and the Police are also ignoring white girls complaining about being raped. Police have also told women in Linton-on-Ouse not to provoke rape by wearing modern European dress. This also nearly happened to the people of Cottingham near Hull, but David Davis threatened the Hindu Home Secretary with bad publicity. Probably threatened to suspend himself from the Socialist Tory Party, until it was returned back to the Conservatives.
AP reports witnessing Liverpool supporters forcing their way into the footy match but being repulsed by stewards and riot police –
The BBC would say these creatures are ‘saints ‘ and never cause crushes – see hillsborough where plod took the blame ….
So pleased they lost ….
Re F2 agree. heard this so many times before with THIS team and its followers, and NEVER their fault is it ?
So sick of them whingeing about a certain incident, and yet again we have this:
“Horror at the Champions League Final as pregnant women and children are PEPPER-SPRAYED by Paris police: Furious Liverpool demand a formal investigation as UEFA blame chaos on ‘thousands of ticketless fans’
“a pregant woman” and “children” decide to join thousands crowding into a match without tickets ……
My son went to some kind of rave or concert up there and was subject to hundreds of them attacking, running through the camp site with knives nicking everything, apparently a common occurence, they call themselves “scallies” and are proud of their criminal habits.
“I heard its all West Yorkshire Police’s fault.”
“Do we absolutely have to let them into the before processing them thoroughly. Who knows what sort of criminals are among them? This is the ideal opportunity to test the new Rwandan concentration camps.”
Interesting that Liverpool fc want inquiry into plod response to thousands of Scallies chancing it to force their way in … but didn’t want to say any thing about their conduct at the FA Cup final which their kraut manager thought was ‘ok’ …
So so pleased they lost … now let’s see a decline …..Madrid deserved the win ….
Here is one example from 2010, “with the spelling left intact) from a festival guide:
“My Reason for Not going again, i think after you read this you will understand why.
Fair enough saturday day was booming, got there just after 12 pitched up the tent. Got Liquored!
had a good time @ the ape tent, rusko was great! DeadMau5 was TOO busy! couldnt move let alone dance! Lots of Trouble causing Stereotypical scousers about (Location Trackies, starting fights etc)
@ 4am, was awoken by a load of loud mouth scousers.. walking around near our tents shouting “check that big one there”, “ive got another iphone lads” & “ive got a knife, who wants cutting” so naturally i froze in my tent pretty much in terror as i had just woken up not knowing weather any of my friends were about… i hear one scouser shouting “give us yer wallet and all your money” and the reply he got was “i havent got anything on me” after that reply i hear screams you only hear in films, horriffic”. i heard them run off, one claiming he would get done for manslaughter if he was caught. After i knew they had gone, without touching my small tent. i got out and checked the tents. Just so happened that my friend that was paraletic had been confronted them when they were rummaging through the front of his tent. one booted him in the face one was punching him and another hit him over the head several times with a mallet. Ive never seen so much blood in one place, all over the tent! covered his face in blood along with the scars, broken nose black eyes and a 6cm long, 2cm deep gash reaching his scull in the top of his head!
he got rushed to hospital, and we left the fields shortly after 5am after if took the police about 40 minuted to arrive. Later on sunday we recieved the news that one of the lads in a tent local to us got slashed across his eye with a blade when he was confronted for his wallet in the early hours of the morning.
i appreciate it if you have took the time to read this, and hope you all had a good time whilst you were there. Just please remember this and be careful next year if you go and camp again!”
When I was a student our next door neighbours were attacked by thugs. I picked up a large carving knife and my mate picked up a hammer. When the thugs saw us they ran. We chased them for a little way but were too drunk to go far :).
All you need is a little help from your friends.