Something everyone knows is happening, but…..another post
“What I find surprising is that there is absolutely no reference to these incidents in the news – I’d have thought the Liverpool Echo might carry at least a sentence or two in it’s usual rose tinted, gushing reports.”
Watched the last episode of the latest Father Brown last night.
1950’s – a big toff turns up for a party and has brought his personal doctor with him. Who – of course – is black as the ace of spades.
So, aforementioned toff gets murdered, girl gets stabbed and it all looks like the black man did it. I nearly spat out my beer in shock. That sort of thing just will not do these days. Even if they are 8 times more likely to do a bit of stabbing.
Fear not fellow BBC despisers : turns out the girl hadn’t been stabbed, the black guy faked it in order to get himself and her away from the house. We learn the girl killed the toff because he raped her in the past – and they even shoehorned that he was white + privileged into the script.
It turns out the doctor knew all about it and was attempting to save the girl because the toff deserved it.
Hooray : black man good, white man bad. Well done BBC : you kept your 100% record.
The black guy was an apalling actor. But I suppose when your illegal racially discriminated casting says he must be black, you take whatever you can get.
Snuffers and Brissles, please excuse the cut and paste…
Up2snuffMAY 28, 2022 AT 10:26 AM
TOADY Watch #2 – well, it’s all down to ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ and Brexit and Covid, of course
Mention is made on TOADY of, no not ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’, but queues at ports and airports for those struggling with ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ to get away from it all for a long weekend or even to go to a footie final where the cost of just the match tickets will be eye-watering, let alone the travel costs. Methinks much of this ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ is something of a socialist media confection.
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BRISSLESMAY 28, 2022 AT 5:45 PM
Up2 until the media started banging on about it, I didn’t even realise there WAS a cost of living crisis !! The same with energy bills – the media was talking about heating or eating and how millions are using foodbanks – well, hang on its now Summer, so who in their right mind has the heating on now anyway ? surely the big bills won’t start falling on doorsteps until October at least ! yet again the media are bigging up the fear factor.
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…but I was listening to LBC – Ian Payne – early just now, and he mentioned that a Liverpool fan had paid £1,000 for his ticket, and couldn’t get into the stadium! There were also whole families there, and a bloke with his 82 year old dad.
Add travel and comestibles to that little lot, and there’s a tidy ‘crisis’ going on in those households I’d wager!
As for flying away for a holiday, well, as far as we’re concerned, as our passports expired twelve years ago, we never give it a thought, but the ‘entitlement’ of holidays abroad seems to be the ‘crisis’, and that is certainly not the fault of the government!
Somewhere on my bookshelves, I have ‘The Complete Father Brown’ by GK Chesterton (a fantastic writer, even if he was once likened – physically – to an armchair with a sheet draped over it).
Anyway, in this wonderful book of delights, Father Brown has numerous adventures and usually ends up solving a murder (or sometimes a burglary) in Agatha Christie tradition, however I distinctly DON’T recall the ‘Case of the Black Doctor’ being among them… maybe I was shortchanged, and it’s actually missing from my ‘complete’ collection?!
Someone should make a Nelson Mandela biopic with a 50% white / Chinese cast playing the ANC, with Mandela played by a ginger, cross dressing Scotsman , see how they like it.
Should go down a storm in Islington.
I have some ideas for a new Zulu film as well if I can find enough Japanese transvestite dwarves.
It’s a bit about the BBC – but their ‘money box’ programme did a feature on a loan company which is in the do do for loaning out money at high interest ….
A woman said she had borrowed 2 lumps of £2500 to take her 4 kids on holiday and get Christmas presents . She was landed with huge interest repayments ( surprise ) . She said she deserves compensation because they should never have given the loan she applied for because she ‘is on benefits ‘….
… I spilt my tea at this point and waited for her to be harangued by the BBC reporter – but guess what ?
Nothing … apparently a court judgement has reduced the amount she has to repay ….
We can expect a lot lot more of this – the loan companies tell you they charge 99.9% interest and I you choose to use that method to get money … well ….
Let’s be honest with the truth edition
Plus the featherweight flags
Things just don’t seem to be going in quite the way that our media wrote the script: ‘Heartache for the Kop. Champions League Final 2022. Liverpool 0 Real Madrid 1‘ (Sunday Mirror there – as sick as a Scouse parrot); ‘A Real shame. Reds’ treble dream dashed‘ (Daily Star)
Serves them right for booing the national anthem.
Never let it be said the whole Brexit taking-back-control notion was just tokenistic: ‘Cheers Ma’am. 19 years after the EU ordered us to remove Crown symbol from our pint glasses, Boris brings them back for Jubilee‘ (The Mail on Sunday)
That’s a victory for Britain. Well, sort of… get this – the men from the ministry are busy watering it down: ‘Pounds and ounces are back in time for Jubilee… The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy launched an official consultation… with the public, business groups and industry asked whether they wished to scrap the criminalisation of retailers using pounds and ounces. The consultation paper will consider the advantages of reintroducing imperial measurements‘
The Observer, the Guardian on Sunday, pretends a touching concern for the soul of the Conservative Party: ‘Johnson is trashing Tory identity, party grandees warn‘
In further deviations from the script…
‘Ukraine pleads for arms as key allies falter‘ (Observer); ‘The leaders of France and Germany had an 80-minute phone call with Russia’s Vladimir Putin on Saturday, and urged him to launch “direct, serious negotiations” with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky‘ (BBC) – translation from the French and Germans – it really might be time for Ukraine to throw in the towel.
Our armchair generals and saloon bar colonels will still fight on – to the last drop of Ukrainian blood. And they bravely keep telling it – like it isn’t: ‘Why tanks have had their day. Putin’s massive losses cast doubt on their usefulness to modern armies‘ (Sunday Telegraph)
Stop Press: We’ve just had a recount of the score in WW2 – apparently because the Ruskies lost more tanks than the Germans overall it must have been a win for the Axis. So you remember when the Russians rolled into Berlin – look instead at the stats – that red flag planted on the Reichstag – that was just your lying eyes.
Seriously, our lesson for the day – Just because it’s Russian propaganda doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
‘War in Ukraine: The making of a new Russian propaganda machine… World Service Disinformation team‘ – somewhat unfortunate nomenclature from our BBC there. Maybe the blatant headline bias gets lost in translation?
So what do our BBC have to say for themselves? Don’t look at us – look at the other bad guys: ‘The port city of Berdyansk had been occupied by Russian troops for less than a week, but a new pro-Kremlin online media outlet had already moved in‘
One hears tell that western media are extremely tightly controllled by the Ukrainians. Journos are kept well away from the frontlines being closely confined to media centres and fed nothing but a strict diet of approved information. But it’s the Russians who do propaganda.
‘The company, whose name translates as Southern Front, makes and distributes pro-Vladimir Putin propaganda across YouTube, social media app Telegram, and through a website that targets areas newly under Russian control. ‘ (BBC)
‘The BBC has found evidence that the site’s reporting contains falsehoods and misleading claims.‘ – surely the biggest whopper we were told was who was winning the war?
‘Is Putin dead?‘ asks the Daily Star. Further rhetorical inquiry thereabouts demands: ‘Is it officially the cricket season now?‘
Meanwhile, closer to home at the battle of the pot plants… calm down, youngsters, I don’t mean that sort of pot plant.
‘Bankrupt Slough Borough Council spent £28k on HQ’s plants… Two reports last year revealed a catalogue of failings, including rising debts at the Labour-run Berkshire local authority‘ (BBC)
“Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough! It isn’t fit for humans now, There isn’t grass to graze a cow.” (John Betjeman)
There follows some unusually frank political reporting from our BBC…
‘James Swindlehurst [council leader] said he has been watering the plants himself.‘
‘…the plants were bought for the staff’s health and wellbeing, and to reduce the risk of “sick building syndrome”, which causes headaches and respiratory problems.‘
‘At a meeting earlier on 19 May, independent councillor Madhuri Bedi said the authority spent money on the plants as a “vanity project”.‘
‘Mr Swindlehurst said he waters the plants occasionally, and that they are alive and will be taken care of whatever decision is made on Observatory House in the future.‘
‘But Conservative councillor Wayne Strutton said he was “misleading” when he said the plants are still alive.‘
‘“If you walk around the building, the plants are dying, and the spaces are empty. Let’s be honest with the truth,” he said.‘
These chaps will never settle their differences. Perhaps if there was a woman in charge… a peacemaker, for example: ‘Meghan to heal rift with sick dad‘ (Sunday Mirror)
‘Slough council boss Josie Wragg sacked for gross misconduct… The chief executive of a “dysfunctional” council has been sacked for gross misconduct. Josie Wragg, chief executive of Slough Borough Council, has been away from office since September and was confirmed as “off sick” from November.‘ (BBC)
But this is just one rogue local council – it shouldn’t serve as an indictment of the entire public sector, should it…?
‘Driving tests grind to a halt until next year‘ (Telegraph)
‘Bunting banned for being too heavy for our lampposts… Jubilee bunting is being banned… because a few busybodies on councils reckon the featherweight flags are too heavy‘ (Daily Star)
As i see it
Thanks as always – i wonder how people msm will react if it suddenly turns out that Putin wins ?
That all the treasure poured in just delayed the inevitable? – dont get me wrong i wish putin dead and that we could deal with russia once and for all …
But will defeat be like afgee ? Disbelief? Blame ? Friends left behind ? The last pet dog rescue out of saigon…?
Remember Fed this is not Putin’s war. It’s Russia’s war. There are plenty of people behind him who fully support it and he couldn’t have started it without support.
Putin is a ruthless man for sure and lives are cheap to him – but I’ve heard him talk common sense on some things, especially dealing with Islamic terrorism and how wokeness is destroying the West.
As they say, be careful what you wish for. I suspect there are some real hard-liners waiting in the wings for him to screw up.
What concerns me most of all now is the propaganda we are being fed such as this:
At this point, it is my opinion that the best outcome is to let Russia have the Donbas then make it absolutely not worth their while to try and take more.
Zelensky would willingly start WW3 and that worries me a lot too.
Despite what the BBC tell us, this is turning into The West vs. The Rest. Much of the world does trust the USA at all. And with Biden in charge, neither do I.
John – surely putin is Russia ? If I was him I’d being doing the same – expanding Russia – recovering land – pushing back NATO …. But I’d be pretty cheesed off that the military – which I’ve been throwing money at – haven’t delivered so far and given a drive for NATO to expand ….
… are you saying that he could be replaced by someone more likely /ready to use nuclear weapons ?
Obviously the Americans can’t be trusted because Europe is a long way away and only performs a function of being the eastern buffer to Russia and somewhere to make money from –
We forget that the US sat on its hand the last time Europe was being flattened – including the UK – they didn’t give a damn …and for WW1 they left us to it as well ….
I just wish the UK was that self interested instead of wasting treasure / people on other peoples fights …
OT, but speaking of media, news, etc… two posts that summed things up for me today…
Around a dozen liberal groups that pressured #Twitter advertisers to boycott the platform in response to @ElonMusk’s plans to acquire it received money from entities backed by @BillGates and #GeorgeSoros, an analysis of public filings shows.
Have the beach landings at Kent ceased or has the BBC stopped reporting them?
Why do the “invaders” come here ?
Free Money.
Free Housing.
Free Health Care.
Free Education.
Because they prefer the UK to France.
A timely reminder to our so called “Tory” Government and its supporters ………………..
The Ministry of Defence, who is openly assisting the replacement of the indigenous population, now publishes the ‘official’ data for “migrants detected crossing the English Channel in small boats” daily and weekly.
This leaves the bBC off the hook unless reporting something that serves their purpose, such as here.
The BBC people are all saying they can’t understand America and guns .
To them no guns = peace . ( Although they don’t say no Muslims = peace in this country ) .
“ There are more guns in America than people “ they shriek .
Here I can explain ,
[ at this juncture dear reader , I was going to explain about the wide open spaces of the USA , and that different guns are for different purposes, like different fishing rods are for different types of fishing , but remembered that the BBC think wide open spaces means racist countryside full of green stuff like trees and grass that makes people vote Brexit and should be built over to make houses for illegal immigrants, and then complain about food miles because it all has to be imported ] .
So for the Beeboids ;
It’s like an artist having several paintbrushes , or your hairdresser having several hair brushes and scissors, or your drug dealer having several uppers and downers .
Of course there are more guns than people in the USA , just as there are more knives and forks than there are people in Great Britain.
So calm down , BBC , just because you believe scum should be able to break into people’s houses and not suffer for it doesn’t mean everyone else in the world does .
And no , you, BBC don’t understand ‘ gun culture ‘ but more readily understand terrorism .
The BBC has been reporting the dreadful shootings as if our society shares the problems of the USA.
The US is a country that is far, far away. Surely the BBC would be better reporting on how the Irish are falsely using the Good Friday Agreement as an argument for fixing trade barriers in the Irish Sea. The GFA does not mention trade.
However, this would not be sufficiently anti-British for the BBC.
Being one who has no time for the French – Liverpool FC supporters or the BBC – the story being reported of innocent scousers being gassed and beaten by plod left me vexed – so i looked at the images of Liverpool supporters on twitter and got my answer…
I was humming a tune on this site about an incoming Labour Government won’t be much different from the current one – the world at one talked about the 1 000 000 legal additions to the population IN ONE YEAR under a Tory regime – maybe it’s time to just bin them and enjoy growler as the Home Secretary ….
Maybe the EU can control immigration to Blighty better than the UK government ….. it’s just crap ….
If only there was prospect of a real Right wing government – reform is a dead dog …
The Treasury is responsible for migration. A £100bn current account deficit (largely with the EU) must be financed. This is done by pushing up rentals with migration which then causes house prices to skyrocket, the houses are then sold to foreigners, especially people fleeing Hong Kong.
This is a direct result of a 25 yr Labour & Conservative policy of ensuring our economy has enough workers to grow without increasing wages & inflation
It's failed & now our culture & British way of life is in peril See RT
— LittleBoats 🇬🇧NI🏴🏴En (@LittleBoats2020) May 29, 2022
TWoTWeeee Watch #1 – I think I heard the sound of a gun firing
But dont be alarmed. I think it was a starting pistol. Don’t panic!
Jonny Dymond, he who cannot be trusted along with the Editors of The World This Weekend, had immigration up front and centre for today’s programme. I think I distinctly heard the sound of a starting pistol being fired to commence the campaign to get us back into the EU.
– If schools began teaching kids as young as 5 that there is a very real chance they are aliens from space born in the wrong body, you’d see a severe uptick in kids professing to be aliens. Imagine if schools and governments hid this from parents and pushed for affirming surgeries.
– that’s literally the Scientology thing isn’t it ? – Thetans etcetera…
Little Britain – hope that’s a genuine Real Madrid shirt …
Home owners are being encouraged to gift the £400 of their own money to charity – excellent idea – the leading charity at the moment is
‘help for Fedup ‘ –
a £400 donation will help buy a useful apple accessory – you ll receive a personal recording of what the money is being spent on – sent from Las Vegas ….
The fraud on this cash hand out is gonna be of furlough – proportions …..
But who cares ? It’s not taxpayers money – it’s the governments ….
That’s the EU for you, Gary. There will be no outrage, no disciplinary action, and UEFA won’t bar France from holding events. The ruled are kept at arm’s length from the rulers. That’s the way they roll.
Some years ago I had cause over several months to regularly be in arrivals at Las Palmas airport and passed the time waiting for colleagues to deplane watching the Brit trippers.
I’d love to know how many were on “benefits” … after some weeks watching and listening I felt it was at least half…
– at least the one in this video didn’t have a tattoo thing going on.
May 9th BBCbreakfast tweeted a clip of a woman who saves she can’t afford apples or side salads (which she thinks cost a pound .. They don’t of course, but only posh people eat them)
Maybe, just maybe we are getting the BBC wrong
with calling it biased. The elephant in the room
is that the more I see on the BBC i consider it to
be RACIST. And the racism is against the indigenous
folk of our Island.
If the BBC achieved it’s revenue from commercial
advertising. It would be more like watching TV in the
Caribbean . Other than in the Caribbean you do see
adverts with more white skinned advertising models,
than you see in the UK.
The racism or what you may call inverted racism is for
instance in the clips , or should i say clip of a
forthcoming drama series. Where we see around once every hour a little black kid asking if he is being separated
from his family because he is not white.
The BBC has become the equivalent to what Russian
news TV presentation has become. ” We need a military
operation in Ukraine because they are Nazi’s. The BBC
analogy is that we have to “educate” the indigenous
population in our anarchist Marxist way of thinking, which includes cleansing them of their in born racism.
The paradox here is that Karl Marx , although born a Jew
Was as ante-Semitic and virulently anti black. To be honest
I didn’t know this until i read Douglas Murray’s ” War on the West.” And Murray say’s that in the letters that
Marx wrote to Engels ,he expounds this racism.
The BRITISH broadcasting corporation is part of the
war on the west. What an oxymoron. And this inverted
racism , is all part of it.
From a couple of weeks back – but reinvigorated by the school shooting in Texas for some reason… The top 10 replies seen here (as prioritised by Twitter) were all spewing really hatey stuff about REPUBPLICANS and dead children.
Elsewhere – the pistol packing woman who shot dead a guy shooting at what he must’ve assumed an unarmed crowd in Charleston, West Virginia last Wednesday seems to have disappeared from view – it seemed initially that both the AR15 toting assailant and his female nemesis were both black… – obviously the wrong sort of legal gun owner?
4:14pm Radio 4 Book show
presenter “Did you worry about falling into a kind of nostalgic nationalism”
author “yes I was very keen to avoid that at all costs
.. it’s about a balance about celebrating the land, but not being seen as overtly patriotic”
Did they rehearse that ?
The novel is about crop circle makers in the 1980
“I see them as kind of punks, of course I sided with them, you have to side with the artists”
Crop circle makers in the 1980s were normally bored rustic teenagers, at least around here in the South West. I was a bored rustic teenager at the time, and such things were discussed at school – a lot, with many claiming to be involved, presumably some really were, because there were no shortage of local crop circles appearing at the time – some of which got on the news and attracted gulible ‘ufologists’.
Punks? Artists? Yeah right… bit like Banksy is an ‘artist’.
A little bit of mythbusting going on at the moment on the bbc. Apparently Monkeypox didn’t originate in a lab. The trick they play seems to be to frighten you to death and then re-assure you that the bbc have checked it out and it’s nothing to worry about. I wasn’t worried anyway, pal. I’ve come up with a surefire way of assessing the risk of you catching it. Look up your bum. If there isn’t a male IC3 there I reckon you’ll be ok.
5pm Radio4 blurb “Why are a disproportionate number of black children being strip-searched?
File on 4 hears from teenagers taken in for a ‘strippy’ so often, it’s become part of life.”
The programme is promoted on Twitter by a lot of NGOs Amnesty, NSPCC etc.
Yet for 12 tweets, there are almost zero replies and almost zero Likes
Can one not say that a ” disproportionate number of black YOUNG PEOPLE involved in crime”
When the BBC use the word “child” for someone who is 15, 16 etc. that looks like spin framing to me
DVSA ( Driver and Vehicle Services Agency called by us Devious) and other agencies stop lorries for controls .
99.9% of the drivers stopped will be male , 99% of them will be white .
Meanwhile in Lagos capital of Nigeria 99% stopped will be black or person of colour. In China 99% stopped will be Chinese .
Nothing wrong with being in a party and holding a minority view. Well, unless you have career ambitions. It’s an old form of democracy. Mr. Whippy.
As is seeing being in opposition as simply opposing no matter what, especially if you have no chance of getting near accountable power, or have an all studio pass to The BBC to do it.
‘sfunny how Vegans are recruited and then trained to proselytize – I have a couple of pals whose offspring have picked up the virus at yooni and become insufferably smug , censorious finger waggers.
Can you remember a way of treating covid by just protecting the elderly and vulnerable.
It was called the ?***? Protocol or something.
I couldn’t remember what they called it but it was well known.
Anyway, I tried to Google various ways to find out the name that I couldn’t remember and having tried loads of combinations I still couldn’t find any mention of this way of treating covid.
Can anyone on here remember the name of this way of handling covid?
I wonder if there’s a sinister reason why no Google search I’ve tried gives any mention of this.
Is it gaslighting.
Do they want us not to remember it (it’s working with me)
ITV local news. The last item was PRasNews advert “Finally Orsted Windfarms sponsored the festival in Grimsby”
.. Festival manager “blah, blah ..renewables revolution in Grimsby” etc.
I just had to explain the concept of PRasNews to a pensioner neighbour.
He asked “Why do local news progs have so little actual news
but almost always seem to feature a charity campaigner ?”
He also asked “If the whole country is in poverty , how come these charity campaigners get o many donations ?”
Countryfile now talking to a black girl campaigner
“I’m in Black walk , black cyclists”
Bet you are surprised
The item was PRasNews for “Slow Ways” managed by Asian girl called Saren Yazi
In the walk they filmed the weather was awful, they are all wearing heavy rain gear.
Now “cyclists are dying on rural roads, more than in towns cos of the speeds”
campaigner Dame Sara Storey the Paralympian saying get rid of the 60mph default and make it 20mph …not real world
The PR for a group called “More than a Cyclist”
The prog started with an item
on building a rural cycleway
Spending £5m concreting the countryside ..don’t know if that is the first 5 miles or includes the extra 11miles
Margaret Thatcher statue in her home town is vandalised with red paint and communist symbol just two weeks after it was egged by protester when it was unveiled to the public
Margaret Thatcher’s statue has been vandalised for a second time in two weeks
The monument has been spray-painted with a communist symbol at its base
“Rail strikes WILL happen ‘very soon’ and could last long enough to cause power blackouts unless government bows to 10% pay rise demand, warns union boss”
People say that the BBC Scotland show Landward is what Countryfile used to be like
It’s on Iplayer .. and 9:30am Sundays on BBC2
I’m surprised that no one from the number 10 party scene put their head above the parapet across the weekend to give the ‘inside ‘ story .
But party gate rolls on – and traitor Remainers will be scheming across the coming week to build a resistance to the PM -perhaps they’ll try an assassination attempt when parliament returns ….
With remainer traitor Jeremy hunt being lined up to be the ‘safe pair of hands ‘ to take the blue Labour Party into opposition in a year or 2 – with the new government ‘reconnecting ‘ with the EU to rejoin our ‘friends ‘…
Saturday travelling I dipped into Radio4
Bick Robinson started his show
“Welcome to the show that is a Conversation WITH
rather than an interrogation OF someone … ”
There then followed a soft interview with the Socialist leader of the Rail Union Mick Lynch
I wonder if his interviews with Tories are as soft ?
This series started with Nadine Dorries, then Nimco Ali the friend of Carrie
BTW that intro is cut off from the Iplayer version, but it’s left on the end of the previous show.
Lynch said
#1 “Yes there have been changes , Park Royal where I live in Northwest London was the biggest engineering site in Europe ..people wouldn’t believe that today.”
Then 20 mins later
“Our union has been successful in keeping high wages”
… Doesn’t he see a connection between making wages high and industries dying ?
BTW he said “My dad was Tom Jackson the Post Office Union leader” He led the first national post office workers’ strike. (which failed)
Lynch was working in construction , he founded a new union
and ended up getting blacklisted
.. later winning £80K compensation
But weren’t the unions of that time also … well into blacklisting people ?
Then before the 6pm news there was a trailer for Desert Island discs
with David Harewood the black actor.
The trailer was dramatic .. He had so few roles models as a child in the 70s
“I remember my sister shouting there is a black man on TV and we all ran in”
I guess he wouldn’t understand that TV then was totally dominated by US voices and then by London voices, mostly middle class
We too would have screamed if we saw people like us on TV
but we never did
There were maybe 200K with our accent and dialect but we never heard it on TV. There was Donald Pleasance and Liz Smith, but they spoke with London accents.
Sure there were some progs where the Northern generic word “mardy” was used
but I never saw people on TV talking about “Ten Foots, twagging , having a kroggy on your bike, going downtown etc.”
Black actor David Harewood portrays a dramatic scene in 1972 “We’d never seen a black man on TV”
I doubt it was true since half the shows were American & had black characters/comedians
We grew up with Ritchie Prior, Eddy Murphy, Huggy Bear, Charlie Williams etc.
Then there was Roots in 1977, that we now know to be a distortion of slavery.
Maybe if we see out the 2020s they’ll be seen as the ‘hardship ‘ times – a nation locked down for 2 years to flatten the curve – followed by rising inflation followed by a war with rising everything with truly national self harming through a rail strike .
But at least a rail strike will encourage more road use and maybe speed up the technology for trains without union members driving them…..
… the second half of 2022 may have a protracted rail strike with further disrupted supply chains – shortages – panic buying – queues on forecourts to buy rationed fuel at £2.50 a litre – black outs / 3 day weeks and a real return to the 1970s ….
…Complete with opportunist rioting because plod are all either working from home or at university studying for their mandatory degree in diversity …..
I think they are going to be seen as a massive mistake, not perhaps on the part of the government which is far too incompetent to have made any decision at all, but on the part of those advising them.
The governments mistake was in being Socialist and throwing money around like it was water, creating liquidity which simply wasn’t needed.
The other mistake is the Bank of England who are being far too cautious in their reaction to inflation and not raising interest rates quickly enough or by a sufficient amount to even begin to deal with inflation.
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 World at one Excellent news – following the broadcast by comrade macron Sergei lavrov has told us that any NATO…
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
moggiemooMar 6, 11:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 The UK is nearly a Middle East country and it supposedly already has nukes.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:23 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Borders are being breached by criminal gangs worldwide. Life-threatening Channel crossings have occurred for years – it is time to…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:00 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Border security is national security.” Comment “So strange having a US President AND Vice President that can form sentences and…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 10:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Pakistan: Muslim cleric who repeatedly supported jihad suicide attacks is killed in jihad suicide attack” Mar 5, 2025 4:30 pm…
vladMar 6, 10:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 More on Jihad around the world, here:
Something everyone knows is happening, but…..another post
“What I find surprising is that there is absolutely no reference to these incidents in the news – I’d have thought the Liverpool Echo might carry at least a sentence or two in it’s usual rose tinted, gushing reports.”
Watched the last episode of the latest Father Brown last night.
1950’s – a big toff turns up for a party and has brought his personal doctor with him. Who – of course – is black as the ace of spades.
So, aforementioned toff gets murdered, girl gets stabbed and it all looks like the black man did it. I nearly spat out my beer in shock. That sort of thing just will not do these days. Even if they are 8 times more likely to do a bit of stabbing.
Fear not fellow BBC despisers : turns out the girl hadn’t been stabbed, the black guy faked it in order to get himself and her away from the house. We learn the girl killed the toff because he raped her in the past – and they even shoehorned that he was white + privileged into the script.
It turns out the doctor knew all about it and was attempting to save the girl because the toff deserved it.
Hooray : black man good, white man bad. Well done BBC : you kept your 100% record.
The black guy was an apalling actor. But I suppose when your illegal racially discriminated casting says he must be black, you take whatever you can get.
Snuffers and Brissles, please excuse the cut and paste…
Up2snuffMAY 28, 2022 AT 10:26 AM
TOADY Watch #2 – well, it’s all down to ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ and Brexit and Covid, of course
Mention is made on TOADY of, no not ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’, but queues at ports and airports for those struggling with ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ to get away from it all for a long weekend or even to go to a footie final where the cost of just the match tickets will be eye-watering, let alone the travel costs. Methinks much of this ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ is something of a socialist media confection.
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BRISSLESMAY 28, 2022 AT 5:45 PM
Up2 until the media started banging on about it, I didn’t even realise there WAS a cost of living crisis !! The same with energy bills – the media was talking about heating or eating and how millions are using foodbanks – well, hang on its now Summer, so who in their right mind has the heating on now anyway ? surely the big bills won’t start falling on doorsteps until October at least ! yet again the media are bigging up the fear factor.
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…but I was listening to LBC – Ian Payne – early just now, and he mentioned that a Liverpool fan had paid £1,000 for his ticket, and couldn’t get into the stadium! There were also whole families there, and a bloke with his 82 year old dad.
Add travel and comestibles to that little lot, and there’s a tidy ‘crisis’ going on in those households I’d wager!
As for flying away for a holiday, well, as far as we’re concerned, as our passports expired twelve years ago, we never give it a thought, but the ‘entitlement’ of holidays abroad seems to be the ‘crisis’, and that is certainly not the fault of the government!
No mention of the ‘crisis’ here though, it spoils one of their rather poor ‘stories’.
Somewhere on my bookshelves, I have ‘The Complete Father Brown’ by GK Chesterton (a fantastic writer, even if he was once likened – physically – to an armchair with a sheet draped over it).
Anyway, in this wonderful book of delights, Father Brown has numerous adventures and usually ends up solving a murder (or sometimes a burglary) in Agatha Christie tradition, however I distinctly DON’T recall the ‘Case of the Black Doctor’ being among them… maybe I was shortchanged, and it’s actually missing from my ‘complete’ collection?!
Someone should make a Nelson Mandela biopic with a 50% white / Chinese cast playing the ANC, with Mandela played by a ginger, cross dressing Scotsman , see how they like it.
Should go down a storm in Islington.
I have some ideas for a new Zulu film as well if I can find enough Japanese transvestite dwarves.
Don’t forget:
Black Lives Matter = good
White Lives Matter = abhorrent and racist
All Lives Matter = completely unacceptable to black people
That is the bizarre world of hypocrisy the Woke have created.
It’s a bit about the BBC – but their ‘money box’ programme did a feature on a loan company which is in the do do for loaning out money at high interest ….
A woman said she had borrowed 2 lumps of £2500 to take her 4 kids on holiday and get Christmas presents . She was landed with huge interest repayments ( surprise ) . She said she deserves compensation because they should never have given the loan she applied for because she ‘is on benefits ‘….
… I spilt my tea at this point and waited for her to be harangued by the BBC reporter – but guess what ?
Nothing … apparently a court judgement has reduced the amount she has to repay ….
We can expect a lot lot more of this – the loan companies tell you they charge 99.9% interest and I you choose to use that method to get money … well ….
Recall well Sky jumping up and down about the scourge of payday loan companies whilst, in the break, running TVCs for Wonga.
Kay does not afford support trainers without a bit of corporate hypocrisy.
Let’s be honest with the truth edition
Plus the featherweight flags
Things just don’t seem to be going in quite the way that our media wrote the script: ‘Heartache for the Kop. Champions League Final 2022. Liverpool 0 Real Madrid 1‘ (Sunday Mirror there – as sick as a Scouse parrot); ‘A Real shame. Reds’ treble dream dashed‘ (Daily Star)
Serves them right for booing the national anthem.
Never let it be said the whole Brexit taking-back-control notion was just tokenistic: ‘Cheers Ma’am. 19 years after the EU ordered us to remove Crown symbol from our pint glasses, Boris brings them back for Jubilee‘ (The Mail on Sunday)
That’s a victory for Britain. Well, sort of… get this – the men from the ministry are busy watering it down: ‘Pounds and ounces are back in time for Jubilee… The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy launched an official consultation… with the public, business groups and industry asked whether they wished to scrap the criminalisation of retailers using pounds and ounces. The consultation paper will consider the advantages of reintroducing imperial measurements‘
The Observer, the Guardian on Sunday, pretends a touching concern for the soul of the Conservative Party: ‘Johnson is trashing Tory identity, party grandees warn‘
In further deviations from the script…
‘Ukraine pleads for arms as key allies falter‘ (Observer); ‘The leaders of France and Germany had an 80-minute phone call with Russia’s Vladimir Putin on Saturday, and urged him to launch “direct, serious negotiations” with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky‘ (BBC) – translation from the French and Germans – it really might be time for Ukraine to throw in the towel.
Our armchair generals and saloon bar colonels will still fight on – to the last drop of Ukrainian blood. And they bravely keep telling it – like it isn’t: ‘Why tanks have had their day. Putin’s massive losses cast doubt on their usefulness to modern armies‘ (Sunday Telegraph)
Stop Press: We’ve just had a recount of the score in WW2 – apparently because the Ruskies lost more tanks than the Germans overall it must have been a win for the Axis. So you remember when the Russians rolled into Berlin – look instead at the stats – that red flag planted on the Reichstag – that was just your lying eyes.
Seriously, our lesson for the day – Just because it’s Russian propaganda doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
‘War in Ukraine: The making of a new Russian propaganda machine… World Service Disinformation team‘ – somewhat unfortunate nomenclature from our BBC there. Maybe the blatant headline bias gets lost in translation?
So what do our BBC have to say for themselves? Don’t look at us – look at the other bad guys: ‘The port city of Berdyansk had been occupied by Russian troops for less than a week, but a new pro-Kremlin online media outlet had already moved in‘
One hears tell that western media are extremely tightly controllled by the Ukrainians. Journos are kept well away from the frontlines being closely confined to media centres and fed nothing but a strict diet of approved information. But it’s the Russians who do propaganda.
‘The company, whose name translates as Southern Front, makes and distributes pro-Vladimir Putin propaganda across YouTube, social media app Telegram, and through a website that targets areas newly under Russian control. ‘ (BBC)
‘The BBC has found evidence that the site’s reporting contains falsehoods and misleading claims.‘ – surely the biggest whopper we were told was who was winning the war?
‘Is Putin dead?‘ asks the Daily Star. Further rhetorical inquiry thereabouts demands: ‘Is it officially the cricket season now?‘
Meanwhile, closer to home at the battle of the pot plants… calm down, youngsters, I don’t mean that sort of pot plant.
‘Bankrupt Slough Borough Council spent £28k on HQ’s plants… Two reports last year revealed a catalogue of failings, including rising debts at the Labour-run Berkshire local authority‘ (BBC)
“Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough! It isn’t fit for humans now, There isn’t grass to graze a cow.” (John Betjeman)
There follows some unusually frank political reporting from our BBC…
‘James Swindlehurst [council leader] said he has been watering the plants himself.‘
‘…the plants were bought for the staff’s health and wellbeing, and to reduce the risk of “sick building syndrome”, which causes headaches and respiratory problems.‘
‘At a meeting earlier on 19 May, independent councillor Madhuri Bedi said the authority spent money on the plants as a “vanity project”.‘
‘Mr Swindlehurst said he waters the plants occasionally, and that they are alive and will be taken care of whatever decision is made on Observatory House in the future.‘
‘But Conservative councillor Wayne Strutton said he was “misleading” when he said the plants are still alive.‘
‘“If you walk around the building, the plants are dying, and the spaces are empty. Let’s be honest with the truth,” he said.‘
These chaps will never settle their differences. Perhaps if there was a woman in charge… a peacemaker, for example: ‘Meghan to heal rift with sick dad‘ (Sunday Mirror)
‘Slough council boss Josie Wragg sacked for gross misconduct… The chief executive of a “dysfunctional” council has been sacked for gross misconduct. Josie Wragg, chief executive of Slough Borough Council, has been away from office since September and was confirmed as “off sick” from November.‘ (BBC)
But this is just one rogue local council – it shouldn’t serve as an indictment of the entire public sector, should it…?
‘Driving tests grind to a halt until next year‘ (Telegraph)
‘Bunting banned for being too heavy for our lampposts… Jubilee bunting is being banned… because a few busybodies on councils reckon the featherweight flags are too heavy‘ (Daily Star)
As i see it
Thanks as always – i wonder how people msm will react if it suddenly turns out that Putin wins ?
That all the treasure poured in just delayed the inevitable? – dont get me wrong i wish putin dead and that we could deal with russia once and for all …
But will defeat be like afgee ? Disbelief? Blame ? Friends left behind ? The last pet dog rescue out of saigon…?
Remember Fed this is not Putin’s war. It’s Russia’s war. There are plenty of people behind him who fully support it and he couldn’t have started it without support.
Putin is a ruthless man for sure and lives are cheap to him – but I’ve heard him talk common sense on some things, especially dealing with Islamic terrorism and how wokeness is destroying the West.
As they say, be careful what you wish for. I suspect there are some real hard-liners waiting in the wings for him to screw up.
What concerns me most of all now is the propaganda we are being fed such as this:
War in Ukraine: The making of a new Russian propaganda machine.
At this point, it is my opinion that the best outcome is to let Russia have the Donbas then make it absolutely not worth their while to try and take more.
Zelensky would willingly start WW3 and that worries me a lot too.
Despite what the BBC tell us, this is turning into The West vs. The Rest. Much of the world does trust the USA at all. And with Biden in charge, neither do I.
John – surely putin is Russia ? If I was him I’d being doing the same – expanding Russia – recovering land – pushing back NATO …. But I’d be pretty cheesed off that the military – which I’ve been throwing money at – haven’t delivered so far and given a drive for NATO to expand ….
… are you saying that he could be replaced by someone more likely /ready to use nuclear weapons ?
Obviously the Americans can’t be trusted because Europe is a long way away and only performs a function of being the eastern buffer to Russia and somewhere to make money from –
We forget that the US sat on its hand the last time Europe was being flattened – including the UK – they didn’t give a damn …and for WW1 they left us to it as well ….
I just wish the UK was that self interested instead of wasting treasure / people on other peoples fights …
Doubt this information would be shown on the likes of the bBC
And arriving at BBC Gate 28, Sir Boaty, Bri, Emma and Greta…
Meanwhile, Gordo, Prezza, Milipede etc….
Possibly Nick Robinson, to share what he has read in Blue Planet…
BBC gets a mention…
£5,000,000,000 by compulsion.
Burn that tax free avgas
OT, but speaking of media, news, etc… two posts that summed things up for me today…
Can’t wait for Wendy and Springster to weigh in on either. Or not.
Meanwhile my missus is devastated that When Johnny Met Amber is paused for the weekend.
Who will win ? Both £ i guess
Truseau party uses privacy law to hide which media got how much from the $600 million media handouts…
The left are a house of cards and will ultimately crash down. You can only hide the truth for so long.
Have the beach landings at Kent ceased or has the BBC stopped reporting them?
Why do the “invaders” come here ?
Free Money.
Free Housing.
Free Health Care.
Free Education.
Because they prefer the UK to France.
A timely reminder to our so called “Tory” Government and its supporters ………………..
The Ministry of Defence, who is openly assisting the replacement of the indigenous population, now publishes the ‘official’ data for “migrants detected crossing the English Channel in small boats” daily and weekly.
This leaves the bBC off the hook unless reporting something that serves their purpose, such as here.
The BBC people are all saying they can’t understand America and guns .
To them no guns = peace . ( Although they don’t say no Muslims = peace in this country ) .
“ There are more guns in America than people “ they shriek .
Here I can explain ,
[ at this juncture dear reader , I was going to explain about the wide open spaces of the USA , and that different guns are for different purposes, like different fishing rods are for different types of fishing , but remembered that the BBC think wide open spaces means racist countryside full of green stuff like trees and grass that makes people vote Brexit and should be built over to make houses for illegal immigrants, and then complain about food miles because it all has to be imported ] .
So for the Beeboids ;
It’s like an artist having several paintbrushes , or your hairdresser having several hair brushes and scissors, or your drug dealer having several uppers and downers .
Of course there are more guns than people in the USA , just as there are more knives and forks than there are people in Great Britain.
So calm down , BBC , just because you believe scum should be able to break into people’s houses and not suffer for it doesn’t mean everyone else in the world does .
And no , you, BBC don’t understand ‘ gun culture ‘ but more readily understand terrorism .
The BBC has been reporting the dreadful shootings as if our society shares the problems of the USA.
The US is a country that is far, far away. Surely the BBC would be better reporting on how the Irish are falsely using the Good Friday Agreement as an argument for fixing trade barriers in the Irish Sea. The GFA does not mention trade.
However, this would not be sufficiently anti-British for the BBC.
Being one who has no time for the French – Liverpool FC supporters or the BBC – the story being reported of innocent scousers being gassed and beaten by plod left me vexed – so i looked at the images of Liverpool supporters on twitter and got my answer…
I was humming a tune on this site about an incoming Labour Government won’t be much different from the current one – the world at one talked about the 1 000 000 legal additions to the population IN ONE YEAR under a Tory regime – maybe it’s time to just bin them and enjoy growler as the Home Secretary ….
Maybe the EU can control immigration to Blighty better than the UK government ….. it’s just crap ….
If only there was prospect of a real Right wing government – reform is a dead dog …
The Treasury is responsible for migration. A £100bn current account deficit (largely with the EU) must be financed. This is done by pushing up rentals with migration which then causes house prices to skyrocket, the houses are then sold to foreigners, especially people fleeing Hong Kong.
Perhaps they could just not spend the next 7 years’ Foreign Aid budget/giveaway?
Scouser …..”The bastards ripped me off, my £1000 ticket was a fake.”
“You must really gutted to be ripped off like that?”
“Oh, it’s not so bad, I paid for it with forged £20 Notes”
TWoTWeeee Watch #1 – I think I heard the sound of a gun firing
But dont be alarmed. I think it was a starting pistol. Don’t panic!
Jonny Dymond, he who cannot be trusted along with the Editors of The World This Weekend, had immigration up front and centre for today’s programme. I think I distinctly heard the sound of a starting pistol being fired to commence the campaign to get us back into the EU.
No you didn’t – that campaign started when dimbleby plc had to announce the referendum result ….
Oh yes, I did!
wrt to Stella Creasy MP recent wibblings
– If schools began teaching kids as young as 5 that there is a very real chance they are aliens from space born in the wrong body, you’d see a severe uptick in kids professing to be aliens. Imagine if schools and governments hid this from parents and pushed for affirming surgeries.
– that’s literally the Scientology thing isn’t it ? – Thetans etcetera…
Any way to check?
Even for The BBC, this seems a spoof too far.
Little Britain – hope that’s a genuine Real Madrid shirt …
Home owners are being encouraged to gift the £400 of their own money to charity – excellent idea – the leading charity at the moment is
‘help for Fedup ‘ –
a £400 donation will help buy a useful apple accessory – you ll receive a personal recording of what the money is being spent on – sent from Las Vegas ….
The fraud on this cash hand out is gonna be of furlough – proportions …..
But who cares ? It’s not taxpayers money – it’s the governments ….
re: The Food Bank lady
Some years ago I had cause over several months to regularly be in arrivals at Las Palmas airport and passed the time waiting for colleagues to deplane watching the Brit trippers.
I’d love to know how many were on “benefits” … after some weeks watching and listening I felt it was at least half…
– at least the one in this video didn’t have a tattoo thing going on.
Still of the fanta filled trolley
May 9th BBCbreakfast tweeted a clip of a woman who saves she can’t afford apples or side salads (which she thinks cost a pound .. They don’t of course, but only posh people eat them)
Maybe, just maybe we are getting the BBC wrong
with calling it biased. The elephant in the room
is that the more I see on the BBC i consider it to
be RACIST. And the racism is against the indigenous
folk of our Island.
If the BBC achieved it’s revenue from commercial
advertising. It would be more like watching TV in the
Caribbean . Other than in the Caribbean you do see
adverts with more white skinned advertising models,
than you see in the UK.
The racism or what you may call inverted racism is for
instance in the clips , or should i say clip of a
forthcoming drama series. Where we see around once every hour a little black kid asking if he is being separated
from his family because he is not white.
The BBC has become the equivalent to what Russian
news TV presentation has become. ” We need a military
operation in Ukraine because they are Nazi’s. The BBC
analogy is that we have to “educate” the indigenous
population in our anarchist Marxist way of thinking, which includes cleansing them of their in born racism.
The paradox here is that Karl Marx , although born a Jew
Was as ante-Semitic and virulently anti black. To be honest
I didn’t know this until i read Douglas Murray’s ” War on the West.” And Murray say’s that in the letters that
Marx wrote to Engels ,he expounds this racism.
The BRITISH broadcasting corporation is part of the
war on the west. What an oxymoron. And this inverted
racism , is all part of it.
From a couple of weeks back – but reinvigorated by the school shooting in Texas for some reason… The top 10 replies seen here (as prioritised by Twitter) were all spewing really hatey stuff about REPUBPLICANS and dead children.
Elsewhere – the pistol packing woman who shot dead a guy shooting at what he must’ve assumed an unarmed crowd in Charleston, West Virginia last Wednesday seems to have disappeared from view – it seemed initially that both the AR15 toting assailant and his female nemesis were both black… – obviously the wrong sort of legal gun owner?
4:14pm Radio 4 Book show
presenter “Did you worry about falling into a kind of nostalgic nationalism”
author “yes I was very keen to avoid that at all costs
.. it’s about a balance about celebrating the land, but not being seen as overtly patriotic”
Did they rehearse that ?
The novel is about crop circle makers in the 1980
“I see them as kind of punks, of course I sided with them, you have to side with the artists”
Crop circle makers in the 1980s were normally bored rustic teenagers, at least around here in the South West. I was a bored rustic teenager at the time, and such things were discussed at school – a lot, with many claiming to be involved, presumably some really were, because there were no shortage of local crop circles appearing at the time – some of which got on the news and attracted gulible ‘ufologists’.
Punks? Artists? Yeah right… bit like Banksy is an ‘artist’.
A little bit of mythbusting going on at the moment on the bbc. Apparently Monkeypox didn’t originate in a lab. The trick they play seems to be to frighten you to death and then re-assure you that the bbc have checked it out and it’s nothing to worry about. I wasn’t worried anyway, pal. I’ve come up with a surefire way of assessing the risk of you catching it. Look up your bum. If there isn’t a male IC3 there I reckon you’ll be ok.
5pm Radio4 blurb “Why are a disproportionate number of black children being strip-searched?
File on 4 hears from teenagers taken in for a ‘strippy’ so often, it’s become part of life.”
The programme is promoted on Twitter by a lot of NGOs Amnesty, NSPCC etc.
Yet for 12 tweets, there are almost zero replies and almost zero Likes
Can one not say that a ” disproportionate number of black YOUNG PEOPLE involved in crime”
When the BBC use the word “child” for someone who is 15, 16 etc. that looks like spin framing to me
DVSA ( Driver and Vehicle Services Agency called by us Devious) and other agencies stop lorries for controls .
99.9% of the drivers stopped will be male , 99% of them will be white .
Meanwhile in Lagos capital of Nigeria 99% stopped will be black or person of colour. In China 99% stopped will be Chinese .
Lembit Opik pushing back strongly against the FakeGreen agenda and mad energy policies of the government.
Yet he was a libDem MP for years.
Nothing wrong with being in a party and holding a minority view. Well, unless you have career ambitions. It’s an old form of democracy. Mr. Whippy.
As is seeing being in opposition as simply opposing no matter what, especially if you have no chance of getting near accountable power, or have an all studio pass to The BBC to do it.
Stew – I guess he wants to be a regular GBNews type – an airhead in any case …
GBNews does like a supply of 3rd rate ex politicians and plod to pronounce from time to time – always that moment to hit the ‘off switch ‘…
My point is now he speaks very sensibly
but he was in office for a party that’s not BASED in reality.
‘sfunny how Vegans are recruited and then trained to proselytize – I have a couple of pals whose offspring have picked up the virus at yooni and become insufferably smug , censorious finger waggers.
Parental influence can be powerful. But if the touch is light then personal decision comes in.
My Dad caused an international incident once telling a French waiter to bring his steak incinerated.
So for my early life ‘well done’ was how it was. Not because he wanted me to but because I looked up to him. Once I flew the coop, my tastes changed.
Now we all have our Aldi Big Daddies rare. Don’t see the kids changing.
It’s all an act.
The difference escapes me.
I see the world of racing has lost a giant.
Now something completely different.
Can you remember a way of treating covid by just protecting the elderly and vulnerable.
It was called the ?***? Protocol or something.
I couldn’t remember what they called it but it was well known.
Anyway, I tried to Google various ways to find out the name that I couldn’t remember and having tried loads of combinations I still couldn’t find any mention of this way of treating covid.
Can anyone on here remember the name of this way of handling covid?
I wonder if there’s a sinister reason why no Google search I’ve tried gives any mention of this.
Is it gaslighting.
Do they want us not to remember it (it’s working with me)
Are you thinking of “The Great Barrington Declaration”?
That’s it Frank.
I’ve googled it and it gets plenty of hits so maybe nothing sinister going on.
ITV local news. The last item was PRasNews advert “Finally Orsted Windfarms sponsored the festival in Grimsby”
.. Festival manager “blah, blah ..renewables revolution in Grimsby” etc.
I just had to explain the concept of PRasNews to a pensioner neighbour.
He asked “Why do local news progs have so little actual news
but almost always seem to feature a charity campaigner ?”
He also asked “If the whole country is in poverty , how come these charity campaigners get o many donations ?”
Countryfile now talking to a black girl campaigner
“I’m in Black walk , black cyclists”
Bet you are surprised
The item was PRasNews for “Slow Ways” managed by Asian girl called Saren Yazi
In the walk they filmed the weather was awful, they are all wearing heavy rain gear.
Now “cyclists are dying on rural roads, more than in towns cos of the speeds”
campaigner Dame Sara Storey the Paralympian saying get rid of the 60mph default and make it 20mph …not real world
The PR for a group called “More than a Cyclist”
The prog started with an item
on building a rural cycleway
Spending £5m concreting the countryside ..don’t know if that is the first 5 miles or includes the extra 11miles
Now It’s the Adrian Chiles segment
– In Yorkshire with the welly throwing sportsman
– Rhubarb growing
Final item “we could lose water voles completely”
.. That hyperbole is FakeNews of course
Margaret Thatcher statue in her home town is vandalised with red paint and communist symbol just two weeks after it was egged by protester when it was unveiled to the public
Margaret Thatcher’s statue has been vandalised for a second time in two weeks
The monument has been spray-painted with a communist symbol at its base
Such vandalism is trolling ,
so I wouldn’t give it much attention.
“Rail strikes WILL happen ‘very soon’ and could last long enough to cause power blackouts unless government bows to 10% pay rise demand, warns union boss”
“Rail union baron who is set to inflict train misery with biggest walkout since General Strike ‘is facing sexual harassment claims from seven women”
Anybody willing to scatter ca. 1000 of these around BBC studios?
Will pay
In Re the File On Four revised earlier by Stew .
A girl is strip searched in front of two males .
How does the BBC know that ? They might be self identified as female .
BBC knows expertise.
Though I did initially think she was Benjamin Butterworth.
People say that the BBC Scotland show Landward is what Countryfile used to be like
It’s on Iplayer .. and 9:30am Sundays on BBC2
I’m putting up the new thread soon
I’m surprised that no one from the number 10 party scene put their head above the parapet across the weekend to give the ‘inside ‘ story .
But party gate rolls on – and traitor Remainers will be scheming across the coming week to build a resistance to the PM -perhaps they’ll try an assassination attempt when parliament returns ….
With remainer traitor Jeremy hunt being lined up to be the ‘safe pair of hands ‘ to take the blue Labour Party into opposition in a year or 2 – with the new government ‘reconnecting ‘ with the EU to rejoin our ‘friends ‘…
But a week is a long time – 7 days …
Saturday travelling I dipped into Radio4
Bick Robinson started his show
“Welcome to the show that is a Conversation WITH
rather than an interrogation OF someone … ”
There then followed a soft interview with the Socialist leader of the Rail Union Mick Lynch
I wonder if his interviews with Tories are as soft ?
This series started with Nadine Dorries, then Nimco Ali the friend of Carrie
BTW that intro is cut off from the Iplayer version, but it’s left on the end of the previous show.
Lynch said
#1 “Yes there have been changes , Park Royal where I live in Northwest London was the biggest engineering site in Europe ..people wouldn’t believe that today.”
Then 20 mins later
“Our union has been successful in keeping high wages”
… Doesn’t he see a connection between making wages high and industries dying ?
BTW he said “My dad was Tom Jackson the Post Office Union leader” He led the first national post office workers’ strike. (which failed)
Lynch was working in construction , he founded a new union
and ended up getting blacklisted
.. later winning £80K compensation
But weren’t the unions of that time also … well into blacklisting people ?
Then before the 6pm news there was a trailer for Desert Island discs
with David Harewood the black actor.
The trailer was dramatic .. He had so few roles models as a child in the 70s
“I remember my sister shouting there is a black man on TV and we all ran in”
I guess he wouldn’t understand that TV then was totally dominated by US voices and then by London voices, mostly middle class
We too would have screamed if we saw people like us on TV
but we never did
There were maybe 200K with our accent and dialect but we never heard it on TV. There was Donald Pleasance and Liz Smith, but they spoke with London accents.
Sure there were some progs where the Northern generic word “mardy” was used
but I never saw people on TV talking about “Ten Foots, twagging , having a kroggy on your bike, going downtown etc.”
Black actor David Harewood portrays a dramatic scene in 1972 “We’d never seen a black man on TV”
I doubt it was true since half the shows were American & had black characters/comedians
We grew up with Ritchie Prior, Eddy Murphy, Huggy Bear, Charlie Williams etc.
Then there was Roots in 1977, that we now know to be a distortion of slavery.
Maybe if we see out the 2020s they’ll be seen as the ‘hardship ‘ times – a nation locked down for 2 years to flatten the curve – followed by rising inflation followed by a war with rising everything with truly national self harming through a rail strike .
But at least a rail strike will encourage more road use and maybe speed up the technology for trains without union members driving them…..
… the second half of 2022 may have a protracted rail strike with further disrupted supply chains – shortages – panic buying – queues on forecourts to buy rationed fuel at £2.50 a litre – black outs / 3 day weeks and a real return to the 1970s ….
…Complete with opportunist rioting because plod are all either working from home or at university studying for their mandatory degree in diversity …..
I think they are going to be seen as a massive mistake, not perhaps on the part of the government which is far too incompetent to have made any decision at all, but on the part of those advising them.
The governments mistake was in being Socialist and throwing money around like it was water, creating liquidity which simply wasn’t needed.
The other mistake is the Bank of England who are being far too cautious in their reaction to inflation and not raising interest rates quickly enough or by a sufficient amount to even begin to deal with inflation.