10.00pm BBC News, first story, Boris and partygate, absolutely ridiculous now, why is no one in power doing anything about the BBC trying to take Boris down, that’s all this is.
In the playground are 500 kids
20 of them are in The Blue Socialist Gang and the Red Socialist gang they force the rest of the500 kids to hand over their lunch money
and dictate their lives
And the teachers think the BIGGEST PROBLEM is that the leader of the Blue Socialist gang first said he didn’t go to a party
and now he’ admitted a party came to him for 10 minutes .
Agree . Boris has been a great disappoint to me. I always vote Tory to keep Labour out but at the last GE I had specific reasons for voting Tory, a) to secure Brexit, b) to control immigration and c) deal with the BBC.
Boris has not yet completed a) . The Tory performance on b) is farcical and apart from a few noises nothing has been done about c).
The only reasons that I want Boris to stay on as PM is because firstly, it’s almost certain that he would be replaced by a Remainer and we would end up in the EU and secondly, the BBC et al want rid of him and I’m damned if they are going to get what they want.
Someone posted yesterday that the country badly needed the right of centre parties to combine and then they would be a force in politics and influence the future. That is absolutely true and perhaps the only way out of the terminal decline the country is in.
The BBC feature a 108 year old man who will carry a Commonwealth Games baton. Well done and good luck to him.
Further down the story, we see a photo of other baton carriers.
I quote
‘Baton-bearers have been picked to represent the country’s diversity, organisers have said’.
Nine people are featured. Let’s see how ‘representative’ they are.
1 appears to have Downs Syndrome.
1 is in a wheelchair
4 are BAME of whom one female is a Muslim.
2 are white able bodied males.
1 is a white able bodied female.
So there we have it. In BBCLand, white able bodied people make up 33% of the population, while BAME make up 44% and the disabled make up 22%.
What a despicable woke Leftoid unrepresentative organisation.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}””
I watched a programme about the re building of Coventry Cathedral on BBC recently. The re building took place 1952 to 1962. Somehow in that almost exclusively white country the BBC contrived to find footage purporting to be of a mosque opening in 1961 and of a black jazz band from the same period both in the Coventry area. They claimed that by 1960 Coventry had become diverse. However when footage of the opening ceremony was shown there were no BAMES amongst the large crowds that turned out on the day.
The BBC lies , knowingly lies, to further its narrative that the country has had lots of BAMES here for decades and everyone is getting on together famously. The truth and the BBC are strangers to each other.
Well to be fair, I remember war torn Coventry in the early 1950’s and it had loads of bomb sites apart from the cathedral so in todays perspective anyone seeing photographs of Coventry in those days could easily mistake it as being a Muslim country.
A degree of irony that the Waitrose paper, included in the delivery, as usual rammed with pointless wibble by Beeboids, has a piece by Jez on how he almost met Madge. But then didn’t.
I suggest the following to help decide if presenters are worth the TV Tax paid under threat of prison …. maybe Carrie Gracie can produce one to justify her pay as well?
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
Exactly Mark. The BBC doesn’t have customers unlike the Guardian, Express etc who’s content you pay to read and you read the editorial because your looking for sentiments in line with your own beliefs. So no opinion from the BBC please just report facts however the chances of that are more or less the same as me buying the Guardian.
I can’t get over the recent description of cycling and cycle lanes as a free alternative to a gym subscription for the male middle class.
How ironic that so few of the said cyclists actually use the cycle lanes, which they regard as too slow, preferring to stay on the road itself and putting themselves at risk.
BBC bigging up every conceivable hard luck story. Can’t pay the heating bills ( in May ???). Can’t put food on the table. Record use of food banks. Demand for more Universal Credit payments. Unfair extra VAT take from soaring petrol prices.Hardship for single mothers with children with learning disabilities.
So why are the airports absolutely rammed? Huge queues mean huge numbers of people. And I hear on the QT from an excellent source that business class usage is massive, and not by business users but by leisure travellers looking to treat themselves after two years of lockdowns.
In BBC world, what is really happening matters far less than pursuing the agenda of fomenting discord by endless anti-government whingeing
The BBC caught my eye as I was starting a PhD at the London School of Economics down at the Aldwych – opposite the World Service and its then subsidised canteen with its great Indian food. So I started in BBC News. The BBC’s global mission, however, extends beyond news to BBC Worldwide. The international opportunities are great, and I am excited by the role Worldwide plays in exporting the best of the BBC and Britain across the world. I believe Worldwide’s success contributes to a strong BBC as a global brand and an international creative force, and I relish the opportunity of developing that success further working with John and his Worldwide team.
So this isn’t quite goodbye – not yet anyway, since I’ll be here into February next year. But I thought you should know the facts as soon as I could share them with you.
It’s really great that “diverse” Bradford has won the prized
award as Culture city of the UK. There is such diversity
in culture in Bradford and other great cities and towns all over England.
Rotherham, Rochdale, Newcastle , Huddersfield. among others
could of easily won the “culture” award as well.
Lives are being put at risk because people who do not speak English are struggling to understand coronavirus guidelines, a doctor says.
Dr Uzma Quereshi said many people in Bradford believed false information instead of relying on accurate sources.
A community worker said some people had caught Covid-19 as they thought the pandemic was being “exaggerated”.
The government and Bradford council said guidelines had been translated into multiple languages.
Bradford, along with the rest of West Yorkshire, is currently in tier three – the second highest level of coronavirus restrictions.
The city had one of the highest infection rates in the country for a number of weeks in the autumn, with some 29,000 people testing positive since the start of the pandemic – equivalent to one in 20. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-55230653
On the afternoon of January 14, 1988, 1,000 protesters gathered in Bradford, UK to burn a copy of Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses. The protest marked a dramatic escalation in the controversy surrounding the 1988 novel, which would eventually elicit a fatwa from Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini sentencing Rushdie to death.14 Jan 2014
2017 “charity director Chiara Chiavaroli said that neither she nor her colleagues are paid and that the charity is new and has applied and is waiting for its charity number.”
The charity seems to have never got off the ground
Its website is dead
Watched the BBC News at Ten earlier. They did their story on the shortage of GPs across the country, but there was no diversity in evidence in either the doctors or patients. Everybody was white English but that’s because the two GPs they followed were from Devon and Hull.
Can’t have the audience making the connection between “shortage of GPs” and “>1M immigrants arrive in Britain in one year” can we?
Rates of infant mortality linked to recessive disorders in children of
Pakistani origin in Bradford were considerably higher than children
of White British origin.
• Consanguinity is the only significant factor increasing risks of
recessive disorders in offspring of Pakistani couples. Maternal age
(>34 years) is significant in White British mothers.
• The risk of the baby having a recessive disorder doubled for
consanguinous couples, to 6% of births.
The Born in Bradford (BiB) longitudinal birth cohort study was established in 2007 to investigate the impact of genetic, metabolic, clinical, nutritional, sociodemographic and environmental factors on the physical and mental health of our children.1 The original recruitment of 13 818 children from birth has been expanded in subsequent cohort follow-ups to over 20 000 children. Bradford is one of the poorest cities in the UK, but it is rich in its ethnic, religious and cultural diversity. It is a city with some of the highest levels of child poverty and ill-health and some of the lowest levels of educational achievement and healthy life expectancy in the UK.2 https://adc.bmj.com/content/early/2021/03/11/archdischild-2020-321231
Almost half of the South Asian population in Bradford is of Mirpuri origin. Mirpur is a predominantly rural district in the province of Azad Kashmir in Pakistan. Some members of the community do not read or speak English. However, the majority are able to understand Urdu or Mirpuri, although not all are literate in Urdu. To ensure consistency, the baseline questionnaire was transliterated into Urdu and Mirpuri using a standardized process, so that words and phrases corresponded with the original English version. A further complication of translation was that Mirpuri does not have a written form. Bilingual interviewers, trained in use of the transliterated versions, were employed to administer the questionnaires. A total of 9319 (81.9%) women completed the questionnaire interview in English, 1468 (12.9%) in Urdu, 547 (4.8%) in Mirpuri and 11 (0.1%) in other languages. In 32 (0.3%) cases, the language used was not recorded.
Obviously the city will present itself as a vibrant , diverse , multicultural paradise where a mix of cultures produces a synergistic outcome which gives the city pride, strength and social cohesion.
The truth is that white folks have, if they could, fled central Bradford long ago as it has steadily been turned into a third world hell hole.
A few of years ago I was forced to visit Bradford to pick up a spare part and got lost and strayed into deepest Pakistan at lunch time. There were groups of men and youths lounging around who didn’t seem to like the look of me and I rapidly retraced my footsteps . It takes a five or six hour flight to get to Pakistan from the UK. In Bradford it took five or six minutes walk.
In other news
“M62 police chase: Harris Rasool jailed over 120mph pursuit
Harris Rasool, 28, rammed police vehicles during a high-speed motorway chase between Manchester and Leeds.”
Just come back from an overseas country.
Almost everyone was white.
What a difference it must make running a country when everyone is prepared to sing from the same hymn sheet.
Now looking at the news in the UK and it appears the country is now almost devoid of white people. All kinds of cultures have to be equally accommodated – at significant additional cost to society and minimal nett benefit except to Leftoid woke sensibilities,
Also back from an overseas country, one in Eastern Europe. For a week I didn’t see a black face, a woman with her head covered, or a rainbow flag. Women were able to walk around alone safely in the evenings. The advertisements featured people who looked like the locals. Not a perfect place – considerable corruption, local Mafia controlling much of the businesses, tedious bureaucracy. But much more relaxed, safer and normal than Britain.
The BBC changed the testimony of a rape victim after a debate over the pronouns of her transgender attacker, The Times has learnt.
The woman referred to her alleged rapist as “him” but insiders said that her words were changed to avoid “misgendering” the abuser in an article on the corporation’s website.
A BBC ‘Lie by repetition’. Using a new story as an excuse to reprint an old agenda based story as if it is current.
They tell us 2 times that the police original;ly didn;t intent to persue it and no mention either of how the questionaire is the same as ‘an interview under caution’ which featured prominently for Boris.
And of course Boris is still the top headline. Even though his police investigation is finished and Starmer’s is new.
BBC obviously not happy at the outcome of the police investigation and are now trying to find anyway possible to prolong that bad news story against Boris…
It’s quite clear that the Durham police have no intention of fining Starmer. Do you really believe the lump of primordial slime would put his political career on the line if had not already been dropped the wink.
I draw you attention to Starmers actual statement and the magic word in it,” offer” , not I will resign but “offer” to resign.
Rest assured the BBC will defend him and find some wonderful way of defending his behaviour…
On the bBC news website they show the Top 10 most read, maybe if we get loads of people to keep clicking on the link re SIR Keir it could keep showing on the site 🙂
I wouldn’t want it show for more than say 10 weeks, a bit like the bBC going on about PARTYGATE forever!
Make no mistake, there are big differences between Conservatives and Labour. Covid has damaged Britain and the current Government are struggling to cope with the aftermath.
If Starmer and Labour gain power, he will take us back into the EU.
I find it difficult to understand how anyone can take a line-up that contains people like Lammy, Milliband and Abbot seriously
Sigh. You really need to do some very basic research. Look up the Hegelian dialect, Antony Sutton and the Skull and Bones. Then think about how it is 192 countries could all simultaneously lockdown their economies and destroy them based on a supposed ‘pandemic’. Hint. Keir Starmer is a member of the Trilateral Commission set up by Rockefeller groupie Zbigniew Brzezinski. Have you any idea what the Trilateral Commission is? I doubt it. Try reading ‘Between Two Ages’ by Brzezinksi to get some idea of why the world is in the state it is. The book was published in the late 1960s.
Then read ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’ and ‘Tragedy and Hope’ by Carrol Quigley. Comments like yours really do demonstrate the level of ignorance in the world.
“Revolutionary activity—through terrorism, sabotage, selective assassinations, and urban guerrilla strife— is possible and even likely in the early 1970s. It will come not from the New Left but from its emerging successor—the professionally Violent Left; Not from the idealistic young people who infuse it with zeal and confusion but from those among them who have been hardened, disillusioned, and embittered by their experiences in prisons and penitentiaries”.
The onset of global terrorism:-
“Persisting social crisis, the emergence of a charismatic personality, and the exploitation of mass media to obtain public confidence would be the steppingstones in the piecemeal transformation of the United States into a highly controlled society.”
“The emergence of a large dominant party, alongside the more narrowly focused and more intensely doctrinaire groupings on the right and the left could accelerate the trend toward such technological managerialism. The inclination of the doctrinaire left to legitimize means by ends could lead them to justify more social control on the ground that it serves progress. The conservatives, preoccupied with public order and fascinated by modern gadgetry, would be tempted to use the new techniques as a response to unrest, since they would fail to recognize that social control is not the only way to deal with rapid social change. The American transition also contains the potential for an American redemption.”
Do share your knowledge of the Hegelian dialectic. According to my reading of Hegel he was not very sympathetic to views which were attributed to the dialectic. I love the bit in his Phänomenologie des Geistes where he illustrates the silly doctrine of the unity of opposites with reference to the unity of generation and urination in a single organ
1 there is no Conservative party – just blue labour
2 the political class never wanted to leave the EU – both sides want us back in
3 the remainer traitors and civil service traitors will delay any benefits from brexit as long as they can
4 maybe people need a dose of labour again just as a reminder of what they are – the price would be high and I’m not sure they’d ever lose power again – they’d fix the voting process like Obama Biden did ….
And kingkp – maybe put up a full reading list for your inferiors to read – I’m guessing from your tone you have ‘interpersonal skills ‘ problems …
If it is the case that the problem source were third world peasants resident in Saint Denis mugging Liverpool fans – then how is any inquiry going to ‘white wash ‘ this – if I recall – 29 arrests were made of which half were Liverpool fans – does that mean the rest were called Mohammed ?
Maybe the French will use the ‘mostly peaceful ‘ approach used by the BBC when coloured folk here go on the rampage again – the great tradition of riots in Brixton – toxteth and other sewers is upon us ….
Still can’t find any sympathy for Liverpool fans though – to quick to play the victim – like certain other groups …
My sons where at the match and we are no Liverpool fans belive me but from what they observed it was mostly French “local” youths scalling the fences and arguing once over that a screen grab was a legitimate ticket. My sons got tear gassed after at the station as did most people as its standard practice in France to control crowds using chemical agents. Oh and they are 38 and 35 !!
On Android that video shows up fine
but on Windows Chrome there is a whiteout problem
Just a big white square where the video should be.
If I click the middle of the square then the video does start to play
From yesterday every time someone posts a comment that includes a YouTube video ..I get a big white square
“Aid package” I always think of food, but sounds better and this is Biden who does no wrong
Until now, the US had refused the request out of fear the weapons could be used against targets in Russia – until now? well these still could be! Even when we are sitting here with ww3, the likes of the bbc would still report Saint Biden favourably
An interesting article: Christian doctrine under attack ?
“Archbishop of Canterbury is forced to BACKTRACK over claims Prince Andrew should be ‘forgiven’ following his sex attack scandal – saying he was ‘making a general point’ when he said Duke was ‘seeking to make amends which is a good thing’
“Archbishop Justin Welby, in an interview with ITV News presenter Tom Bradby, said: ‘Forgiveness really does matter. I think we have become a very, very unforgiving society. There’s a difference between consequences and forgiveness.
‘I think for all of us, one of the ways that we celebrate when we come together is in learning to be a more open and forgiving society. ”
A spokesman said: ‘In his ITV News interview the Archbishop was not referring specifically to Prince Andrew when he said we must become a more forgiving society. He was making a broader point about the kind of society that he hopes the Platinum Jubilee inspires us to be.’
In a personal statement, the Archbishop added: ‘In tonight’s interview with ITV News, I was asked a question about forgiveness, and I said that there is a difference between consequences and forgiveness. Both are essential elements of the Christian understanding of justice, mercy and reconciliation.
‘Jesus says, anyone who’s never sinned cast the first stone, and they all go away… I think if there’s any family where the relationships are perfect, they’re entitled to judge, but I’m not going to.’
It comes after Prince Andrew signed a £12 million settlement ensuring claims by Virginia Guiffre that he had sex with her when she was 17 years old would not go to trial. This settlement was not an admission of guilt.”
I think the wider point here is what exactly has the arrogant Prince done to make amends.
Seeking to make amends is not actually doing it, and you can look to people like John Profumo or Jonathan Aitken to see just what making amends means.
Andrew wants forgiveness whilst doing nothing what so ever to deserve it, and I for one am not convinced he is even sorry, save for the fact he got caught and lost a lot of money of which he seems overly fond.
John 1 vs 8 -10 “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him out to be a liar, and His word is not in us.…
I don’t hear any attempt by the arrogant Prince to admit to sin of any kind, indeed he seems resolutely opposed to admitting anything of the kind.
Forgiveness can only come once the wrong doer admits they have done wrong, and as Andrew says he’s done nothing wrong there cannot be any forgiveness for something he says he hasn’t even done.
“Andrew wants forgiveness.”
Forgiveness from whom? It is not ours to bestow or withhold; it belongs to those whom he may have wronged. The rest of us, including the Archbishop, should mind our own business.
What Andrew did would not have been unlawful in this country, ill advised yes, not what we expect of someone in his position yes.
By our laws and values Charles has done worse.
The far left and their pet media most certainly do not do forgiveness unless it is one of theirs or a labour MP convicted in a court of law.
It is either hidden away in local news or one of their favourite phrases “lets move on”.
Ex-Labour MP Claudia Webbe loses appeal against harassment conviction
The court heard how Webbe called Merritt a “slag” who “should be acid”, and threatened in a string of phone calls to reveal naked photographs to her family.
Webbe, a former adviser to the National Police Chiefs’ Council on firearms, was found guilty of harassment by the chief magistrate, Paul Goldspring, after a trial at Westminster magistrates court last year.
After the appeal, the judge said the court found Webbe had not “made a threat to throw acid over” Merritt but that a string of silent phone calls and threats to reveal naked pictures of her had been “a course of conduct which amounted to harassment”.
The court heard the harassment began with silent phone calls in September 2018 and “escalated” on 31 March the following year when Merritt said Webbe told her: “Friends don’t send friends pictures of their tits and pussy. You’re a slag and should be acid.”
The court heard Merritt called police to report “I have been threatened by a public figure with acid”, but received 17 more phone calls lasting 14 seconds or less from Webbe after the MP was warned to stop contacting her.
In one phone call made and recorded by Merritt on 25 April 2020, Webbe is heard saying: “I have seen all of your naked pictures. Get out of my relationship otherwise I will tell your whole family and show them all of your pictures.”
Thank you for the reminder about her . If one were desperately searching of bias by omission she would be a case study – coloured – female – socialist – equals a ‘free pass ‘ – no pressure to resign – no comment on the BBC – behaving as a labour MP ( detached ) ….
Now back to the white make Tory PM and trying to get rid of him every single day – Robinson on Today is obsessed with this ….. Westminster games …
The bbc are now crowing about biden (The fastest u-turn in the west) agreeing to send long range artillery to Ukraine. Hooray for the good guys! This is a very dark event. You may disagree with my thinking (It’s an opinion, that’s all) but I think that if Ukraine falls completely but it prevents world war three then it’s a price worth paying. This equipment is going to be in the hands of a populace who in some cases are little more than nazis. Sooner or later, one of them will think that Moscow is a legitimate target. It would only take one hit. During the second world war, a returning German bomber hadn’t found it’s airfield target and one of the aimers thought he would drop the lot on London. The result was Bomber harris, thousand bomber raids on German centres of civilian homes, including the Dresden firestorm. And what’s top of the pops on the bbc? Bloody partygate again.
So, there I was Sunday evening relaxing after a hard days gardening. I had planted runner and French beans and pulled out half a ton of bindweed. The old back was aching and my knees were creaking.
What I wanted was a nice glass or two and an unrealistic, though pretty whodunit, set in the English countryside. Midsomer Murders seemed perfect…or maybe not…
The scene began with some contrived Spring country fete, The Scarecrow Festival, or some such nonsense. All very easy on the eye and all quintessentially English. That is until members of the cast began to appear. Blimey!
The credits were still rolling as numerous BAME people kept strolling across the screen. Asian woman, black chap, another Asian fellow then a black woman. Mixed race kids running about. Then we had a multicultural trio standing in a group; White man, Indian woman and a Chinese looking bloke. FFS, where was I? This seemed more like Moss Side high street than Midsomer Worthy.
The lovely thing about Midsomer Murders is that it was set in a seemingly rural idyll, where scandalous events were happening under the thatched rooves. It was choc full of eccentric characters in a picture book setting. It was a couple of hours of escapism.
Now it’s just a continuation of the multi-culti brainwashing.
Jeff – I think the TV people used to call it ‘habitat TV’ – a period on Sunday TV from 8pm to 10pm when the massed white audience can be reminded about how things used to be – heartbeat – morse – Lewis – midsummer – that kind of thing …
… now they are conscious that they need 20% coloured folk ( my guess ) with a coloured hero and whitee baddy … I ve not followed the ITV share price recently but I understand it’s not in a good place – as some people write here ‘I can’t think why’ –
Actually the ‘why ‘ is that even the densest viewer might have noticed it ain’t blighty any more …. And they don’t like what they see …
I was never one for the ITV – I always knew that if I went on ‘millionaire ‘ – I’d get the east Corrie or emerdale questions – programmes I have never seen …. Or the jungle … or the dancing … or the talent … or ..or …
One effect of all this box ticking wokeness is that a ‘whodunnit’ is no longer a mystery because you can quickly work out who dun it using the ethnicities. As you said, it’s always white baddies etc.
The rot set in when ‘someone’ commented after many years that the cast was too ‘white’. Brian True May was the producer at the time –
since the beginning, and made a riposte that you rarely see folk of colour in English villages. Cue all hell letting loose. He left in 2012. Then started a conglomeration of actors of varying shades being shoe horned into any part available, from bell ringer to garden centre owner, and then the major part of Kam – the pathologist.
This then spawned other programmes to follow suit. Father Brown and Grantchester were the biggest joke. Both set in the rural 50’s where someone of colour was a really rare sight, yet in they come – the jazz group, the postman, a vicar. Sorry but colour blind casting is one of the absurdities of this Century.
Islam is wonderful.
No, I’m not expressing a personal opinion.
Just reporting on the inescapable narrative and conclusion of ‘Thought for the Day’ on Toady this morning.
I wonder how coming riots in Bradford are going to be fitted into the ‘city of culture ‘narrative – maybe the appreciation of third world men of young white girls will be expressed in dance – or an opera …. Or an unreported trial …. Or corrupt third world MP …
A clergyman friend caught TFTD in the middle, and said to himself as he listened, “Gosh, this chap is talking sense, unlike most of the others.” Then the speaker ended with, “And now to Ganesh the Elephant God….”
TOADY Watch #1 – Day 4 of the BBC’s pro-EU Campaign to get the UK back into the EU
And the gloves are off. Just before 7 a.m. Nick Robinson fights dirty with a personal postscript to his interview with Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP with a breakdown between Leave:Remain of the supposed (ie. BBC desperately hopes) letters that have gone in to the 1922 Committee calling for a vote of No Confidence in the PM.
Prior to that it was a helpful whinge from ‘a scientist’ about the EU Horizon Programme.
I heard but switched off … I’m finding Robinson harder and harder to take … he sounds obsessed – mentally unbalanced – in need of help …
Talking of mentally unbalanced- a survey of GPs and ‘violent incidents ‘ – I wonder if there is a graph of those 5 years of survey – particularly the last 3 years ….
The side effects of lock down on character and mental health – should there be surprise ?
Well, Fed, for young people and children the BBC would be quick to point out that they are suffering increasingly from mental health issues and anxiety. Of course it is nothing to do with the BBC and their transmissions of constant fear of extinction, germs, cost of living, crime, etc., being stabbed, mugged and having to pay for University courses.
Nothing at all to do with the BBC. Completely innocent.
I’m not sure about the MATHS of the BBC’s math’s prog
9am More or Less “We debunk a claim the government is spending £38,000 per household on the jubilee”
“Is the government really spending a billion pounds on the Jubilee, as some have claimed?
We investigate some of the facts and figures around this week’s commemorations.”
£38K x 26m = £38 x 26 billion = 988 billion = one trillion approx
Surely no one is saying the Jubilee is costing £1 trillion ?
The original tweet claiming £38K per household was by
“Terry Wilson @writetjw
Retired procurement consultant. Anti – brexit. Aging Trot, seller of wife’s ceramics.
Dislike football, gassy cold beer and Tories. No DMs.
Cambridgeshire England”
The prog is saying it is him making two errors
Not 1 trillion
and not even a billion
could be £1 per household
plus economic cost of paying for extra holidays for workers etc.
‘Retired procurement consultant‘. With the ability to confuse, say £38K per household with £3.80 per household, he sounds like just the sort of guy the NHS would employ:
Negotiator for Big Pharma Inc: ‘This new drug is really just paracetamol, but in the colours of the rainbow to make it more inclusive. It is £5 a tablet’.
NHS Procurement consultant: ‘We are prepared to pay £50 a tablet. That’s our best offer’.
Today the media is not so much saying who is saying, but being coy on who is telling.
The BBC Moaning Emole…
PM told to explain Partygate fine in living headline bold.
Meanwhile Magic Gramps is channeling his inner Indy on free school meals for all incapable of making a sandwich and buy an apple, but still able to schlep to the school railings in pink dressing gown and fluffy slippers to pass a bargain bucket to Pugsley.
Rest of prog – why energy bills are becoming so high in the UK when we actually have plenty of gas
– we unpack the mystery of measuring fuel poverty.
– we investigate the statistics around gun deaths in the US.
– the joys and perplexities of imperial measures with Hannah Fry and Matt Parker
What they said
#1 The UK has LNG terminals , most of the EU don’t
So ships are docking here to fulfill EU demand
so UK gas pipelines/tank are full at the moment
so UK wholesale prices are now low
but UK suppliers bought on long term contracts so they are paying much more
so retail prices are high
#2 Chris Bryant Labour MP tweeted about fuel poverty
but he counted that their i only 1 salary per household
and that is not true
.. Meanwhile the official metric for Fuel Poverty was changed to be about how much insulation you have.
#3 NGO hyped claims
They’d counted all gun death, eg those gunmen shot by polic e etc
And found under 20’s die of guns more than anything else
However when it comes to ACTUAL children more still die in road accidents.
#4 Was a lot of waffle from BBC mates that told us nothing
.. They did not mention that units measured in 12s are easily divided into halves or quarters or thirds etc, ..decimal is more difficult,
BBC Look North:
Bradford Education Authority has today designated June 8th as “come to school dressed in western clothes” day. Muslim girls are being encouraged to wear western clothes to better understand the problems that their school friends may face such as doing their hair nicely every day, being continually chased by boys, trying to outdo friends in the latest “look” and suffering the white privilege of feeling good in themselves because of the effort they make.
Actually, I made that up. But I guess you know that 😊
TOADY Watch #1 – further evidence that ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ is something of a BBC exaggeration
Antony Oakes from Nantwich in Cheshire, home county of a certain Nick Robinson I think, is identified by the BBC as a victim of Jubilee/Toree travel chaos as well as ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’. Unfortunately – for the BBC and their propaganda – he lets slip that he is taking his family on not just one, but another overseas holiday in the summer.
To which the obvious response is: “Crisis? What crisis?”
Between the COLC 20 st… 150kg single muvvers with iPhones and Brexit airport queues everywhere, The BBC narrative is in a RyanAir flight to a small airport just east of Kviv.
Guardian stylee ‘Corrections and Clarifications’ – second TOADY Watch of the first day of the month should be #2. Now, where did I leave my slippers? Have I had my tea yet?
Party paper edition
Wherein one gets vexed about vexillology
Many Britons bought (or hired from the likes of Rediffusion) their first TV sets (colour if they were lucky) in order to watch the Queen’s cornonation in 1953. Just think how different our culture, media and society are now.
Today’s BBC online press review is in no doubt what headlines it prefers to present us as significant: ‘Newspaper headlines ‘Boris may be toast’ and fresh blow to Russian oil‘
Our BBC there – providing hope and succor as grist to the world view of the left-liberal bleeding heart managerial class midwits that constitute their still yet keen audience.
I must give kudos to the giveaway free advertising sheet that is the Metro for their concise punning morning headline: ‘Boris may be toast. Tory rebellion grows over Partygate‘ – of course it is absolutely fine tabloidese copy caption to the now familiar raising his glass Johnson photos. However, as a BBC headline pick it rankles somewhat – a sentiment and prediction more suited to a Labour Party election leaflet than our national broadcaster’s morning take.
Old story, might be the editorial comment – were there any good news from Ukraine, the NHS, China, or the States with which to finally knock this one on the head.
As if to emphasise the staleness of the left-over office party nibbles and the flatness of the warm prosecco, the Metro rehashes, self-referentially for us, as an inset, their previous frontispiece spread: ‘Below: our front page on lockdown lock-in‘
One thrives hereabouts on media paradox and awkward juxtaposition – what else is there in this losing culture war as the nation that became Elizabethan for a second go around in 1952 merrily goes to hell in a gilded galleon?
Invading Armada off the Dover shore? Figure head Pritti Patel tells captain Alexander Johnson. I’ll deal with that when I’ve finished this game of boules. What’s that, cabin boy Sir Keir? I see no ships, only bloody hardships!
Where were we? I do sometimes suffer these digressive flights of fancy. But that’s why you came here, right? Oh yes, those occasionally ironic clashing features found on the national frontpages. Having roundly blasted Boris for secretly over-indulging after his day job – rehashed so as to please and excite the trendier young demographic – the giveaway Metro remembers its commercial raison d’être and provides an advert: ‘Confused.com‘ – other UK based financial services comparison platforms specialising in comparison of insurance and financial services – are available, as they say. “Life is confusing don’t be confused be confused.com” And the witty little cartoon pictorial – channeling – oh I don’t know… Gary Larson’s The Far Side or Scott Adam’s Dilbert – has a single office worker sat at her desk among a dozen empty workstations with the caption: “I thought Thursdays were a work in office day”
I’m fascinated – aren’t you? – that the opposite of the handy simple abbreviation WFH is the more complex constuction semi-tongue twister “work-in-office-day” – I guess that’s a clue to what we’ve become?
Now here’s a conundrum – the Metro advert lone office worker’s dialogue refers to the future day Thursday although the ad is aware of this prefiguring comedy giving a nod to the fact it is published in the Wednesday 1st June Metro with the header cartoon caption “Tomorrow” – now this is where things get a bit odd… The headline news story reports: ‘Boris Johnson could face a vote on his future as early as Tuesday‘ – now they’ve lost me… the print press is supposed to be yesterday’s news today. Can it still be predictive today of something yesterday?
I’m no theologian but I do detect when the Daily Mail forgets one of the basic tenets of Christianity – forgiveness of sin: ‘Welby in “forgive Andrew” Jubilee storm‘
Sarah Vine pursues the Mail’s muscular eye-for-an-eye retributive Old Testement justice stance against perceived sin on behalf of those holiday makers – victims among us who were apparently surprised at the crapness of our travel management: ‘How dare greedy airline bosses take our money for such a shambles‘ – like a Liverpool football fan startled and flabbergasted that european police are bit rough and handy with the tear-gas and batons – where have they been living for the last couple of years – were they hermits in a cave? Oh, yes, of course, that’s exactly what we were!
Speaking of matters theological: ‘Ethics chief threatens to resign over No 10 parties‘ (Times) – these supposed Tory rebels may be a disperate bunch of Brexit-sore nonentities, but gosh the Times loves them. Who would have thought the nation had an Ethics Chief?
And just to highlight the fact that the boys and girls at the BBC had other alternative snappy headlines from which to choose – other than THE best anti-Boris one out there – the Mail seemingly tires of Tory Partygate and shouts: ‘Rebels without a clue‘
It is all a bit lame when the Brexit-supporting peculiar Dame Andrea Leadsom becomes the hero of the Left for the day.
The Mail stretches to breaking point the bounds of taste with their: ‘PICTURED: Customized caskets featuring basketballs, musical notes, Pokemon and the TikTok logo being made for victims of the Texas school massacre‘ – excuse me for a moment while I concentrate on not regurgitating my muesli…. ah, all better now… change of subject required…
‘Ukraine may be forced to retreat from key city‘ (Telegraph)
One searches through the papers for the BBC’s optimistic take on Russian oil sanctions eventually alighting on the globalist FT: ‘EU-UK pact on insurance ban deals fresh blow to Russian oil exports‘
Let’s game this one out to the winter. Putin has successfully occupied the half of Ukraine he wanted. A lot of Ukrainians have died. Western economies are crippled by excessive energy costs. Meanwhile, we’re stoking a guerrilla war in the hope of defeating Russia by proxy. More death and destruction over there and more economic pain for us. Alternatively… How about we tell the pop star soap star president over there to negotiate a ceasefire now and save us all an awful lot of bother?
‘Dad’s not totally happy about me appearing in Love Island but I will try to keep it classy. By Michael Owen’s girl‘ (Daily Mirror); ‘Love Island Gemma: I’ll keep it clean‘ (Daily Satyr) – what’s the point in watching it then?
Look away now Emily Thornberry, it’s vexillology* corner and the Union flags are the winners. (*The study of flags)
The previously unpatriotic Daily Mirror plays its Jubilee joker and flies the jack on its masthead.
Of course the Sun hangs out the bunting: ‘Your Jubilee begins here‘
Her Majesty’s disloyal Guardian pictures a dozen little Union flags waved by disembodied multi-ethnic hands with the sarky caption: ‘Surviving the Jubilee A guide for Republicans‘
The Metro has a lot of Union flags dotted around pics of the celebs – clearly its a party paper.
Like Danny Boyle as Blair’s ringmaster for the 2012 Olympics show opener, the Gruan now totally bereft of something, anything, to admire about Britain, goes for the Leftist go-to institution which is of course (shush.. not the BBC) the NHS: ‘Ministers accused of fuelling anger as rise in violence hit GP surgeries‘ – no matter patients are frustrated by long waits for poor treatment, no matter our population is increasingly barbaric in temperment – blame the Tories when your prize institution is revealled to be a bit crap. Thinking of recent pro-NHS headlines recently I’m inclinded to recall that Star Wars movie title The Empire Strikes Back
The Express remains: ‘United with the people of Ukraine‘ and like some trendy artesan cafe in Notting Hill, every day (that isn’t a rainbow Pride day) still runs the blue and yellow up their flag pole.
And finally…
Piss poor…?
The ‘i’ newspaper disses the recent punk rock movie: ‘“Pistol” is dire. Danny Boyle has turned the Sex Pistols into a Disney story‘ – two star review.
It was fellow Punk Rockers The Clash in their genre transgressive track Overpowered by Funk who put on record for us the classic snippet of a line: “Don’t you love our Western ways?” – that conundrum – answer how you will – perhaps stands as a definition of this missguided youth’s political and cultural awakening.
More generally…
‘Mutiny on the Bounty‘ (‘i’) – with which prompt one cannot help but quote from the 1962 movie with Marlon Brando as Fletcher Christian sitting at Trevor Howard as Captain Bligh’s table, having discovered that officer’s corruption over the crew’s food rations: “This cheese is tainted”
‘Our taste tester gives new “healthy” chocolate bars the thumbs down‘ (‘i’) – “Don’t you love our Western ways?“
Wot – no in-depth discussion cos it’s the 75th anniversary of the TV Licence ? No big announcement about how it is to be ended or made ‘voluntary ? …. Nice work si see it – particularly appreciate the fonting …
Now, as most good chums here know, I rarely dip a toe into the global issues of the day, preferring village matters, and of course, advising normal indigenous British Citizens to ignore and continue to vilify the dreadfully biased bbc, from which I get no interesting stuff worth ignoring, or even shutting my eyes over, but this piece strikes a chord, and sounds about right when put against the pieces which more learned friends post here!
As some (a lot) of it goes ‘whooosh’ over my head, I invite anyone to take a peek and not feel a bit better about everything?
May 31 (Reuters) – Russia widened its gas cuts to Europe on Tuesday with Gazprom (GAZP.MM) saying it will turn off supplies to several “unfriendly” countries which have refused to accept Moscow’s roubles-for-gas payment scheme.
The move by the Russian gas giant is the latest retaliation to Western sanctions imposed on Moscow following its Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine, escalating its economic battle with Brussels and pushing up European gas prices.
EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has been speaking to BBC Radio 4 this morning.
Asked about fears expressed by some Ukrainians that European support had slowed in recent weeks, he said: “We have banned imports of Russian oil. More than 90% will be stopped. And we will continue providing military support.”
So the eu has banned Russian oil, but not all of it? Sorry banned or not, less 10%
Do they really think that we regard them as an honest, trustworthy, honourable lot and this is some secret or holy code that they all abide by.
In the real world I believe the vast majority think of politicians as a bunch of liars, money grabbers, self serving, smarmy, dishonest and having a whole load of other similar qualities.
It makes me squirm when they apply this ‘code’ to themselves as if they were something special yet they are regarded right down at the bottom when it comes to respected groups.
About 50 years ago it might have been true but this shower of crap we have now are just lightweight lickspittles.
There must be only a handful that are anywhere near ‘honourable’ members.
The few I believe and who have recently been or are still in politics include Redwood, Farage, Widdecombe and Hoey.
There’s probably a few more but not many.
It’s like a Monty Python term when applied to them.
“Keith Vaz has been appointed to a parliamentary committee preparing a new law to tackle corruption and money laundering. {dailymail nov2016} The Leicester East MP is currently under investigation by the Metropolitan Police … ”
“Keith Vaz (67% voters for Labour in GE17), the senior Labour backbencher, claimed more than £75,500 in expenses for a flat in Westminster despite his family home being a £1.15 million house just 12 miles from parliament.”
“Mr Vaz’s claims have always been in accordance with the spirit and rules of the Green Book,” – Reported 9 May 2009.
The problem here is that Boris is trying to retrospectively water down that ministerial code to exhonerate himself from past breaches of it.
That really does show a complete lack of morals and a preparedness to do absolutely anything to cling on to power.
It is, I feel instructive to search for “The Civil Servants’s Code”
– it is a thing that I’ve had cause to explore for what I believe to be good reason.
The code reads as a sensible and proportionate set of rules for the behavior of public officials.
Trouble is – in 10 years of sporadic searching I cannot find a single example of a prosecution or disciplinary sanction being applied to a misbehaving Sir Humphrey. (or even lesser minioins…)
It’s all carrots and no sticks.
Farce generally infers some comedy … what I’ve seen isn’t funny – there’s rules – but just no prescribed punishment for breaking them…
“Like their counterparts in Hollywood, photographic retouchers in Soviet Russia spent long hours smoothing out the blemishes of imperfect complexions, helping the camera to falsify reality,” writes David King in the introduction to his book The Commissar Vanishes: The Falsification of Photographs and Art in Stalin’s Russia. “Stalin’s pockmarked face, in particular, demanded exceptional skills with the airbrush. But it was during the Great Purges, which raged in the late 1930s, that a new form of falsification emerged. The physical eradication of Stalin’s political opponents at the hands of the secret police was swiftly followed by their obliteration from all forms of pictorial existence.”
Ultra-long thread complaining about R4 prog last night smearing someone cos he called for journalistic caution in reporting on the Bucha atrocities
PaulMasonNews got a mention
“File on 4 : Ukraine: The Disinformation War
British academics accused of sharing Russian disinformation about war in Ukraine.
They claim there’s a McCarthyist witch hunt against them.”
The manner in which the programme achieved this was so cynical and unguarded it beggars belief, even for those of us increasingly sceptical about the BBC’s commitment to basic journalistic standards, let alone its own lofty public service values…
“What do these mandarins care about more? Inflation being at 10%, or the number of LGBTQUIA+ employees being at 7.4%?”
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager
Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust
Job Reference: 284-22-COPR-306
Employer:Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:People & Education DepartmentLocation:Birmingham Children’s HospitalSalary:£40,057 to £45,839 pa https://www.jobs.nhs.uk/xi/vacancy/917066547
June Sarpong will quit as BBC diversity tsar after less than three years in the £267,000 three-day week role
June Sarpong’s pay was £267,000 for working a three-day week in 2019/2021
A former Loose Women panelist, she was appointed to her BBC role in Nov 2019
She has talked about how she was ‘gaslighted’ by TV bosses during her career
It’s reported that at least 15 women of colour have left BBC during the last year
PUBLISHED: 18:34, 5 April 2022 | UPDATED: 07:01, 7 April 2022
Mike Cernovitch is a Marmite Internet entity – but Twitter have him on the demon list – the bile I see searching my Twitter feed is absolutely extraordinary.
That said – nail … meet hammer – imho.
Sussmann verdict is what you expect when the judge stacks the jury with DNC activists. Today is one of the most disgraceful days for the federal judiciary in modern history.
For decades, Donald J. Trump was one of the few prominent Americans to recognize the true nature of the Chinese Communist Party and its threat to America’s economic and political way of life. Now, under President Trump’s leadership, the United States is taking action to protect our nation and its partners from an increasingly assertive China. We are no longer turning a blind eye to the People’s Republic of China’s conduct nor are we hiding our criticism of its Communist Party behind closed doors. https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/president-trump-china-putting-america-first/
So why didn’t the BBC introduce condemnations of “industrial scale partying” with the basic fact of the Sue Gray report that there were 8 gatherings suitable for investigation over a period of 18 months?
Or that the Cabinet Office employs over 10,000 staff? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabinet_Office All of whom could fall into the category “the Prime Minister’s Responsibility”.
Allies of Jeremy Corbyn are hunting a mole among friends of the former Labour leader after the emergence of a photo showing him breaking coronavirus restrictions.Mr Corbyn has been embarrassed by an
DoublethinkerMar 6, 16:15 Midweek 5th March 2025 One development in recent days that has surprised me is that the number of new members joining the Reform party…
Fedup2Mar 6, 16:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 The child killer on a sports field by a BMW yesterday was aged 10 and has been named . The…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:42 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Between 2019-2020, when Boris Johnson was Prime Minister, taxpayers were charged £141,380 for HOPE not hate charitable trust (which funds…
popeyeMar 6, 15:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Compared to people born in the UK, migrants are more likely to be of working age or have a university…
tomoMar 6, 15:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 Eagle is it seems a graduate of the Dianne Abbott academy? One might’ve hoped that the voters of The Wirral…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 * What power have you got? • Where did you get it from? • In whose interests do you use…
tomoMar 6, 15:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 home insurance premium? I’d have a read of the policy document
tomoMar 6, 15:05 Midweek 5th March 2025 More law….. EU courts…. – just imagine what TTK would get up to in cahoots with this lot. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1897643947654099325
Richard PinderMar 6, 15:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nKBwlTaz0pU/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAxMIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJD&rs=AOn4CLALPS25eYEednhxOL4f351YJHeshw[/img] Stalinist torture of Tommy Robinson by the nasty socialist state. Political prisoner, Tommy Robinson, has suffered 128+ days so…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 14:58 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Police ‘acted reasonably’ in Pearson hate crime case” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cp8y9j7j953o The Essex force has previously defended its since-dropped investigation over an…
If you know…..
Perhaps Adele should do a new version ….I know …shhhh
The good old days.
10.00pm BBC News, first story, Boris and partygate, absolutely ridiculous now, why is no one in power doing anything about the BBC trying to take Boris down, that’s all this is.
In the playground are 500 kids
20 of them are in The Blue Socialist Gang and the Red Socialist gang they force the rest of the500 kids to hand over their lunch money
and dictate their lives
And the teachers think the BIGGEST PROBLEM is that the leader of the Blue Socialist gang first said he didn’t go to a party
and now he’ admitted a party came to him for 10 minutes .
We need to fix the big problems not the tiny ones
Because the media are in power
Agree . Boris has been a great disappoint to me. I always vote Tory to keep Labour out but at the last GE I had specific reasons for voting Tory, a) to secure Brexit, b) to control immigration and c) deal with the BBC.
Boris has not yet completed a) . The Tory performance on b) is farcical and apart from a few noises nothing has been done about c).
The only reasons that I want Boris to stay on as PM is because firstly, it’s almost certain that he would be replaced by a Remainer and we would end up in the EU and secondly, the BBC et al want rid of him and I’m damned if they are going to get what they want.
Someone posted yesterday that the country badly needed the right of centre parties to combine and then they would be a force in politics and influence the future. That is absolutely true and perhaps the only way out of the terminal decline the country is in.
Starmer Gate?
The BBC feature a 108 year old man who will carry a Commonwealth Games baton. Well done and good luck to him.
Further down the story, we see a photo of other baton carriers.
I quote
‘Baton-bearers have been picked to represent the country’s diversity, organisers have said’.
Nine people are featured. Let’s see how ‘representative’ they are.
1 appears to have Downs Syndrome.
1 is in a wheelchair
4 are BAME of whom one female is a Muslim.
2 are white able bodied males.
1 is a white able bodied female.
So there we have it. In BBCLand, white able bodied people make up 33% of the population, while BAME make up 44% and the disabled make up 22%.
What a despicable woke Leftoid unrepresentative organisation.
Just in case you are uninitiated EGs first post above refers to the recurring tune used by Sir Mark Styen on his GBNews show –
– mainly with reference to the forthcoming jab required for the monkey pox –
We must be due for a new ‘varient’ much worse than the previous one using the Project Fear playbook …
Any cultural references to monkeys will be banned ..
The monkey song
‘All day they were happy and gay’.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}””
Could it be that the baton run is supposed to represent the commonwealth ?
So there are probably less whites as a percentage than the UK
Oh hang on the pic says “country’s diversity”
.. “Baton-bearers have been picked to represent the country’s diversity, organisers have said”
I watched a programme about the re building of Coventry Cathedral on BBC recently. The re building took place 1952 to 1962. Somehow in that almost exclusively white country the BBC contrived to find footage purporting to be of a mosque opening in 1961 and of a black jazz band from the same period both in the Coventry area. They claimed that by 1960 Coventry had become diverse. However when footage of the opening ceremony was shown there were no BAMES amongst the large crowds that turned out on the day.
The BBC lies , knowingly lies, to further its narrative that the country has had lots of BAMES here for decades and everyone is getting on together famously. The truth and the BBC are strangers to each other.
Well to be fair, I remember war torn Coventry in the early 1950’s and it had loads of bomb sites apart from the cathedral so in todays perspective anyone seeing photographs of Coventry in those days could easily mistake it as being a Muslim country.
Read a Yank MSM twitter that Ukrainians are turning the impact areas of missiles into tourist attractions.
“Novel,” I expclaimed… ‘novel’.
Then the mental gears started grinding.
Beyond being a bit sick (the Hanoi tour of downed B-52 wrecks was sobering), is the war not still, like, on?
A degree of irony that the Waitrose paper, included in the delivery, as usual rammed with pointless wibble by Beeboids, has a piece by Jez on how he almost met Madge. But then didn’t.
I suggest the following to help decide if presenters are worth the TV Tax paid under threat of prison …. maybe Carrie Gracie can produce one to justify her pay as well?
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
‘Opinion 100 per cent in agreement with the BBC’. The BBC should not have an opinion on anything, just report the facts. Some hope.
Exactly Mark. The BBC doesn’t have customers unlike the Guardian, Express etc who’s content you pay to read and you read the editorial because your looking for sentiments in line with your own beliefs. So no opinion from the BBC please just report facts however the chances of that are more or less the same as me buying the Guardian.
I can’t get over the recent description of cycling and cycle lanes as a free alternative to a gym subscription for the male middle class.
How ironic that so few of the said cyclists actually use the cycle lanes, which they regard as too slow, preferring to stay on the road itself and putting themselves at risk.
BBC bigging up every conceivable hard luck story. Can’t pay the heating bills ( in May ???). Can’t put food on the table. Record use of food banks. Demand for more Universal Credit payments. Unfair extra VAT take from soaring petrol prices.Hardship for single mothers with children with learning disabilities.
So why are the airports absolutely rammed? Huge queues mean huge numbers of people. And I hear on the QT from an excellent source that business class usage is massive, and not by business users but by leisure travellers looking to treat themselves after two years of lockdowns.
In BBC world, what is really happening matters far less than pursuing the agenda of fomenting discord by endless anti-government whingeing
The BBC caught my eye as I was starting a PhD at the London School of Economics down at the Aldwych – opposite the World Service and its then subsidised canteen with its great Indian food. So I started in BBC News. The BBC’s global mission, however, extends beyond news to BBC Worldwide. The international opportunities are great, and I am excited by the role Worldwide plays in exporting the best of the BBC and Britain across the world. I believe Worldwide’s success contributes to a strong BBC as a global brand and an international creative force, and I relish the opportunity of developing that success further working with John and his Worldwide team.
So this isn’t quite goodbye – not yet anyway, since I’ll be here into February next year. But I thought you should know the facts as soon as I could share them with you.
It’s really great that “diverse” Bradford has won the prized
award as Culture city of the UK. There is such diversity
in culture in Bradford and other great cities and towns all over England.
Rotherham, Rochdale, Newcastle , Huddersfield. among others
could of easily won the “culture” award as well.
Lives are being put at risk because people who do not speak English are struggling to understand coronavirus guidelines, a doctor says.
Dr Uzma Quereshi said many people in Bradford believed false information instead of relying on accurate sources.
A community worker said some people had caught Covid-19 as they thought the pandemic was being “exaggerated”.
The government and Bradford council said guidelines had been translated into multiple languages.
Bradford, along with the rest of West Yorkshire, is currently in tier three – the second highest level of coronavirus restrictions.
The city had one of the highest infection rates in the country for a number of weeks in the autumn, with some 29,000 people testing positive since the start of the pandemic – equivalent to one in 20.
On the afternoon of January 14, 1988, 1,000 protesters gathered in Bradford, UK to burn a copy of Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses. The protest marked a dramatic escalation in the controversy surrounding the 1988 novel, which would eventually elicit a fatwa from Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini sentencing Rushdie to death.14 Jan 2014
City of ‘culture’- could refer to the myriad organisms no doubt festering in the fetid kebab shops.
2017 “charity director Chiara Chiavaroli said that neither she nor her colleagues are paid and that the charity is new and has applied and is waiting for its charity number.”
The charity seems to have never got off the ground
Its website is dead
I think there was a similar thing with Labour once
A group was campaigning for a minimum London wage
Yet there own job advert paid less than that.
That Diversity word again.
Watched the BBC News at Ten earlier. They did their story on the shortage of GPs across the country, but there was no diversity in evidence in either the doctors or patients. Everybody was white English but that’s because the two GPs they followed were from Devon and Hull.
Can’t have the audience making the connection between “shortage of GPs” and “>1M immigrants arrive in Britain in one year” can we?
plastic film…
– not stained glass
Been chosen as next Eurovision sap?
Bradford was always likely to win
Rates of infant mortality linked to recessive disorders in children of
Pakistani origin in Bradford were considerably higher than children
of White British origin.
• Consanguinity is the only significant factor increasing risks of
recessive disorders in offspring of Pakistani couples. Maternal age
(>34 years) is significant in White British mothers.
• The risk of the baby having a recessive disorder doubled for
consanguinous couples, to 6% of births.
Click to access Key-Findings_FINAL_Designed.pdf
The Born in Bradford (BiB) longitudinal birth cohort study was established in 2007 to investigate the impact of genetic, metabolic, clinical, nutritional, sociodemographic and environmental factors on the physical and mental health of our children.1 The original recruitment of 13 818 children from birth has been expanded in subsequent cohort follow-ups to over 20 000 children. Bradford is one of the poorest cities in the UK, but it is rich in its ethnic, religious and cultural diversity. It is a city with some of the highest levels of child poverty and ill-health and some of the lowest levels of educational achievement and healthy life expectancy in the UK.2
Almost half of the South Asian population in Bradford is of Mirpuri origin. Mirpur is a predominantly rural district in the province of Azad Kashmir in Pakistan. Some members of the community do not read or speak English. However, the majority are able to understand Urdu or Mirpuri, although not all are literate in Urdu. To ensure consistency, the baseline questionnaire was transliterated into Urdu and Mirpuri using a standardized process, so that words and phrases corresponded with the original English version. A further complication of translation was that Mirpuri does not have a written form. Bilingual interviewers, trained in use of the transliterated versions, were employed to administer the questionnaires. A total of 9319 (81.9%) women completed the questionnaire interview in English, 1468 (12.9%) in Urdu, 547 (4.8%) in Mirpuri and 11 (0.1%) in other languages. In 32 (0.3%) cases, the language used was not recorded.
So they must bring the poverty with them, from Pakistan to Bradford, what else could explain it?
Obviously the city will present itself as a vibrant , diverse , multicultural paradise where a mix of cultures produces a synergistic outcome which gives the city pride, strength and social cohesion.
The truth is that white folks have, if they could, fled central Bradford long ago as it has steadily been turned into a third world hell hole.
A few of years ago I was forced to visit Bradford to pick up a spare part and got lost and strayed into deepest Pakistan at lunch time. There were groups of men and youths lounging around who didn’t seem to like the look of me and I rapidly retraced my footsteps . It takes a five or six hour flight to get to Pakistan from the UK. In Bradford it took five or six minutes walk.
Scotland rapists , so bound to be call Mc Something ?
“Two men who both raped the same woman in Aberdeen have each been jailed for five years.
Michal Szczepanek, 31, and Karol Grobelny, 33, were convicted of preying on the victim in the city’s Greig Court in August 2019.”
Polish names I guess
In other news
“M62 police chase: Harris Rasool jailed over 120mph pursuit
Harris Rasool, 28, rammed police vehicles during a high-speed motorway chase between Manchester and Leeds.”
Now which culture will Bradford be celebrating exactly ?
Just come back from an overseas country.
Almost everyone was white.
What a difference it must make running a country when everyone is prepared to sing from the same hymn sheet.
Now looking at the news in the UK and it appears the country is now almost devoid of white people. All kinds of cultures have to be equally accommodated – at significant additional cost to society and minimal nett benefit except to Leftoid woke sensibilities,
Also back from an overseas country, one in Eastern Europe. For a week I didn’t see a black face, a woman with her head covered, or a rainbow flag. Women were able to walk around alone safely in the evenings. The advertisements featured people who looked like the locals. Not a perfect place – considerable corruption, local Mafia controlling much of the businesses, tedious bureaucracy. But much more relaxed, safer and normal than Britain.
The BBC changed the testimony of a rape victim after a debate over the pronouns of her transgender attacker, The Times has learnt.
The woman referred to her alleged rapist as “him” but insiders said that her words were changed to avoid “misgendering” the abuser in an article on the corporation’s website.
The BBC article replaced every reference to “he” or “him” with “they” or “them”.
Old news: already mentioned
This line is used by some too. Unsure how or who it serves.
Yes, a timely reminder of its pointlessness
It helps when someone says
“You can find more comments on this topic halfway up page 2 ” etc.
without that kind of info it’s just bickering
BBC drop bad news late at night – will be gone by morning! HA HA HA!
Labour’s Starmer and Rayner sent police questionnaires over lockdown drinks
Published56 minutes ago
And 1/3 of it is about Boris !.
A BBC ‘Lie by repetition’. Using a new story as an excuse to reprint an old agenda based story as if it is current.
They tell us 2 times that the police original;ly didn;t intent to persue it and no mention either of how the questionaire is the same as ‘an interview under caution’ which featured prominently for Boris.
And of course Boris is still the top headline. Even though his police investigation is finished and Starmer’s is new.
The Left really, really want rid of Boris.
BBC obviously not happy at the outcome of the police investigation and are now trying to find anyway possible to prolong that bad news story against Boris…
It’s quite clear that the Durham police have no intention of fining Starmer. Do you really believe the lump of primordial slime would put his political career on the line if had not already been dropped the wink.
I draw you attention to Starmers actual statement and the magic word in it,” offer” , not I will resign but “offer” to resign.
Rest assured the BBC will defend him and find some wonderful way of defending his behaviour…
Hello Marky
On the bBC news website they show the Top 10 most read, maybe if we get loads of people to keep clicking on the link re SIR Keir it could keep showing on the site 🙂
I wouldn’t want it show for more than say 10 weeks, a bit like the bBC going on about PARTYGATE forever!
Local news both ITV and BBC banging on about Humberside police taking 15 seconds to answer emergency calls instead of 10 seconds
On what planet do they think this is news ?
Other police failures are a much bigger issue.
‘News’ is anything a pr person collates and serves up for a cubicle garden diversity hire sat at a PC at a desk to copy and paste to post out.
The only thinking require is if it falls under narrative from upstairs.
Make no mistake, there are big differences between Conservatives and Labour. Covid has damaged Britain and the current Government are struggling to cope with the aftermath.
If Starmer and Labour gain power, he will take us back into the EU.
I find it difficult to understand how anyone can take a line-up that contains people like Lammy, Milliband and Abbot seriously
Sigh. You really need to do some very basic research. Look up the Hegelian dialect, Antony Sutton and the Skull and Bones. Then think about how it is 192 countries could all simultaneously lockdown their economies and destroy them based on a supposed ‘pandemic’. Hint. Keir Starmer is a member of the Trilateral Commission set up by Rockefeller groupie Zbigniew Brzezinski. Have you any idea what the Trilateral Commission is? I doubt it. Try reading ‘Between Two Ages’ by Brzezinksi to get some idea of why the world is in the state it is. The book was published in the late 1960s.
Then read ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’ and ‘Tragedy and Hope’ by Carrol Quigley. Comments like yours really do demonstrate the level of ignorance in the world.
Kingkp, You obviously haven’t read ‘How to Win friends and Influence People’
published 1970:
“Revolutionary activity—through terrorism, sabotage, selective assassinations, and urban guerrilla strife— is possible and even likely in the early 1970s. It will come not from the New Left but from its emerging successor—the professionally Violent Left; Not from the idealistic young people who infuse it with zeal and confusion but from those among them who have been hardened, disillusioned, and embittered by their experiences in prisons and penitentiaries”.
The onset of global terrorism:-
“Persisting social crisis, the emergence of a charismatic personality, and the exploitation of mass media to obtain public confidence would be the steppingstones in the piecemeal transformation of the United States into a highly controlled society.”
“The emergence of a large dominant party, alongside the more narrowly focused and more intensely doctrinaire groupings on the right and the left could accelerate the trend toward such technological managerialism. The inclination of the doctrinaire left to legitimize means by ends could lead them to justify more social control on the ground that it serves progress. The conservatives, preoccupied with public order and fascinated by modern gadgetry, would be tempted to use the new techniques as a response to unrest, since they would fail to recognize that social control is not the only way to deal with rapid social change. The American transition also contains the potential for an American redemption.”
Between Two Ages
by Zbigniew Brzeziński
I am reading, ‘Umasked’, by Andy Ngo about antifa, a worrying read, I believe antifa tried to get it’s publishing blocked.
Do share your knowledge of the Hegelian dialectic. According to my reading of Hegel he was not very sympathetic to views which were attributed to the dialectic. I love the bit in his Phänomenologie des Geistes where he illustrates the silly doctrine of the unity of opposites with reference to the unity of generation and urination in a single organ
Steady on …..
1 there is no Conservative party – just blue labour
2 the political class never wanted to leave the EU – both sides want us back in
3 the remainer traitors and civil service traitors will delay any benefits from brexit as long as they can
4 maybe people need a dose of labour again just as a reminder of what they are – the price would be high and I’m not sure they’d ever lose power again – they’d fix the voting process like Obama Biden did ….
And kingkp – maybe put up a full reading list for your inferiors to read – I’m guessing from your tone you have ‘interpersonal skills ‘ problems …
PJW calls Paris a coverup
If it is the case that the problem source were third world peasants resident in Saint Denis mugging Liverpool fans – then how is any inquiry going to ‘white wash ‘ this – if I recall – 29 arrests were made of which half were Liverpool fans – does that mean the rest were called Mohammed ?
Maybe the French will use the ‘mostly peaceful ‘ approach used by the BBC when coloured folk here go on the rampage again – the great tradition of riots in Brixton – toxteth and other sewers is upon us ….
Still can’t find any sympathy for Liverpool fans though – to quick to play the victim – like certain other groups …
BBC ideologically in a spin ?
Whos to blame, the sainted Liverpool professional thugs or the Mohammed professional thugs ?
Or, iss the police innit ….even worse, French police
My sons where at the match and we are no Liverpool fans belive me but from what they observed it was mostly French “local” youths scalling the fences and arguing once over that a screen grab was a legitimate ticket. My sons got tear gassed after at the station as did most people as its standard practice in France to control crowds using chemical agents. Oh and they are 38 and 35 !!
On Android that video shows up fine
but on Windows Chrome there is a whiteout problem
Just a big white square where the video should be.
If I click the middle of the square then the video does start to play
From yesterday every time someone posts a comment that includes a YouTube video ..I get a big white square
Ukraine war: US to send heavier rockets in latest aid package
“Aid package” I always think of food, but sounds better and this is Biden who does no wrong
Until now, the US had refused the request out of fear the weapons could be used against targets in Russia – until now? well these still could be! Even when we are sitting here with ww3, the likes of the bbc would still report Saint Biden favourably
Zelster signed up to a long term loan package payable decades hence?
An interesting article: Christian doctrine under attack ?
“Archbishop of Canterbury is forced to BACKTRACK over claims Prince Andrew should be ‘forgiven’ following his sex attack scandal – saying he was ‘making a general point’ when he said Duke was ‘seeking to make amends which is a good thing’
“Archbishop Justin Welby, in an interview with ITV News presenter Tom Bradby, said: ‘Forgiveness really does matter. I think we have become a very, very unforgiving society. There’s a difference between consequences and forgiveness.
‘I think for all of us, one of the ways that we celebrate when we come together is in learning to be a more open and forgiving society. ”
A spokesman said: ‘In his ITV News interview the Archbishop was not referring specifically to Prince Andrew when he said we must become a more forgiving society. He was making a broader point about the kind of society that he hopes the Platinum Jubilee inspires us to be.’
In a personal statement, the Archbishop added: ‘In tonight’s interview with ITV News, I was asked a question about forgiveness, and I said that there is a difference between consequences and forgiveness. Both are essential elements of the Christian understanding of justice, mercy and reconciliation.
‘Jesus says, anyone who’s never sinned cast the first stone, and they all go away… I think if there’s any family where the relationships are perfect, they’re entitled to judge, but I’m not going to.’
It comes after Prince Andrew signed a £12 million settlement ensuring claims by Virginia Guiffre that he had sex with her when she was 17 years old would not go to trial. This settlement was not an admission of guilt.”
I think the wider point here is what exactly has the arrogant Prince done to make amends.
Seeking to make amends is not actually doing it, and you can look to people like John Profumo or Jonathan Aitken to see just what making amends means.
Andrew wants forgiveness whilst doing nothing what so ever to deserve it, and I for one am not convinced he is even sorry, save for the fact he got caught and lost a lot of money of which he seems overly fond.
John 1 vs 8 -10 “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him out to be a liar, and His word is not in us.…
I don’t hear any attempt by the arrogant Prince to admit to sin of any kind, indeed he seems resolutely opposed to admitting anything of the kind.
Forgiveness can only come once the wrong doer admits they have done wrong, and as Andrew says he’s done nothing wrong there cannot be any forgiveness for something he says he hasn’t even done.
“Andrew wants forgiveness.”
Forgiveness from whom? It is not ours to bestow or withhold; it belongs to those whom he may have wronged. The rest of us, including the Archbishop, should mind our own business.
What Andrew did would not have been unlawful in this country, ill advised yes, not what we expect of someone in his position yes.
By our laws and values Charles has done worse.
Archbishop Justin Wokeby? Hasn’t he been struck down with Covid this week? God moves in mysterious ways…
The far left and their pet media most certainly do not do forgiveness unless it is one of theirs or a labour MP convicted in a court of law.
It is either hidden away in local news or one of their favourite phrases “lets move on”.
Ex-Labour MP Claudia Webbe loses appeal against harassment conviction
The court heard how Webbe called Merritt a “slag” who “should be acid”, and threatened in a string of phone calls to reveal naked photographs to her family.
Webbe, a former adviser to the National Police Chiefs’ Council on firearms, was found guilty of harassment by the chief magistrate, Paul Goldspring, after a trial at Westminster magistrates court last year.
After the appeal, the judge said the court found Webbe had not “made a threat to throw acid over” Merritt but that a string of silent phone calls and threats to reveal naked pictures of her had been “a course of conduct which amounted to harassment”.
The court heard the harassment began with silent phone calls in September 2018 and “escalated” on 31 March the following year when Merritt said Webbe told her: “Friends don’t send friends pictures of their tits and pussy. You’re a slag and should be acid.”
The court heard Merritt called police to report “I have been threatened by a public figure with acid”, but received 17 more phone calls lasting 14 seconds or less from Webbe after the MP was warned to stop contacting her.
In one phone call made and recorded by Merritt on 25 April 2020, Webbe is heard saying: “I have seen all of your naked pictures. Get out of my relationship otherwise I will tell your whole family and show them all of your pictures.”
Thank you for the reminder about her . If one were desperately searching of bias by omission she would be a case study – coloured – female – socialist – equals a ‘free pass ‘ – no pressure to resign – no comment on the BBC – behaving as a labour MP ( detached ) ….
Now back to the white make Tory PM and trying to get rid of him every single day – Robinson on Today is obsessed with this ….. Westminster games …
History Debunked on ethnic minority MPs and their tendency to go to prison.
The bbc are now crowing about biden (The fastest u-turn in the west) agreeing to send long range artillery to Ukraine. Hooray for the good guys! This is a very dark event. You may disagree with my thinking (It’s an opinion, that’s all) but I think that if Ukraine falls completely but it prevents world war three then it’s a price worth paying. This equipment is going to be in the hands of a populace who in some cases are little more than nazis. Sooner or later, one of them will think that Moscow is a legitimate target. It would only take one hit. During the second world war, a returning German bomber hadn’t found it’s airfield target and one of the aimers thought he would drop the lot on London. The result was Bomber harris, thousand bomber raids on German centres of civilian homes, including the Dresden firestorm. And what’s top of the pops on the bbc? Bloody partygate again.
So, there I was Sunday evening relaxing after a hard days gardening. I had planted runner and French beans and pulled out half a ton of bindweed. The old back was aching and my knees were creaking.
What I wanted was a nice glass or two and an unrealistic, though pretty whodunit, set in the English countryside. Midsomer Murders seemed perfect…or maybe not…
The scene began with some contrived Spring country fete, The Scarecrow Festival, or some such nonsense. All very easy on the eye and all quintessentially English. That is until members of the cast began to appear. Blimey!
The credits were still rolling as numerous BAME people kept strolling across the screen. Asian woman, black chap, another Asian fellow then a black woman. Mixed race kids running about. Then we had a multicultural trio standing in a group; White man, Indian woman and a Chinese looking bloke. FFS, where was I? This seemed more like Moss Side high street than Midsomer Worthy.
The lovely thing about Midsomer Murders is that it was set in a seemingly rural idyll, where scandalous events were happening under the thatched rooves. It was choc full of eccentric characters in a picture book setting. It was a couple of hours of escapism.
Now it’s just a continuation of the multi-culti brainwashing.
You might as well be watching the adverts…
Jeff – I think the TV people used to call it ‘habitat TV’ – a period on Sunday TV from 8pm to 10pm when the massed white audience can be reminded about how things used to be – heartbeat – morse – Lewis – midsummer – that kind of thing …
… now they are conscious that they need 20% coloured folk ( my guess ) with a coloured hero and whitee baddy … I ve not followed the ITV share price recently but I understand it’s not in a good place – as some people write here ‘I can’t think why’ –
Actually the ‘why ‘ is that even the densest viewer might have noticed it ain’t blighty any more …. And they don’t like what they see …
I was never one for the ITV – I always knew that if I went on ‘millionaire ‘ – I’d get the east Corrie or emerdale questions – programmes I have never seen …. Or the jungle … or the dancing … or the talent … or ..or …
One effect of all this box ticking wokeness is that a ‘whodunnit’ is no longer a mystery because you can quickly work out who dun it using the ethnicities. As you said, it’s always white baddies etc.
The rot set in when ‘someone’ commented after many years that the cast was too ‘white’. Brian True May was the producer at the time –
since the beginning, and made a riposte that you rarely see folk of colour in English villages. Cue all hell letting loose. He left in 2012. Then started a conglomeration of actors of varying shades being shoe horned into any part available, from bell ringer to garden centre owner, and then the major part of Kam – the pathologist.
This then spawned other programmes to follow suit. Father Brown and Grantchester were the biggest joke. Both set in the rural 50’s where someone of colour was a really rare sight, yet in they come – the jazz group, the postman, a vicar. Sorry but colour blind casting is one of the absurdities of this Century.
They obviously don’t realize how ridiculous it is, which is a mystery in itself.
My wife watches Midsummer and was talking about this to me.
She said the producers have no choice these days but to add a few ethnics.
Islam is wonderful.
No, I’m not expressing a personal opinion.
Just reporting on the inescapable narrative and conclusion of ‘Thought for the Day’ on Toady this morning.
I wonder how coming riots in Bradford are going to be fitted into the ‘city of culture ‘narrative – maybe the appreciation of third world men of young white girls will be expressed in dance – or an opera …. Or an unreported trial …. Or corrupt third world MP …
They will, if reported at all, be ‘mostly peaceful’.
Think USA or la belle France.
A clergyman friend caught TFTD in the middle, and said to himself as he listened, “Gosh, this chap is talking sense, unlike most of the others.” Then the speaker ended with, “And now to Ganesh the Elephant God….”
TOADY Watch #1 – Day 4 of the BBC’s pro-EU Campaign to get the UK back into the EU
And the gloves are off. Just before 7 a.m. Nick Robinson fights dirty with a personal postscript to his interview with Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP with a breakdown between Leave:Remain of the supposed (ie. BBC desperately hopes) letters that have gone in to the 1922 Committee calling for a vote of No Confidence in the PM.
Prior to that it was a helpful whinge from ‘a scientist’ about the EU Horizon Programme.
I heard but switched off … I’m finding Robinson harder and harder to take … he sounds obsessed – mentally unbalanced – in need of help …
Talking of mentally unbalanced- a survey of GPs and ‘violent incidents ‘ – I wonder if there is a graph of those 5 years of survey – particularly the last 3 years ….
The side effects of lock down on character and mental health – should there be surprise ?
Not for nothing was he dubbed ‘Toenails’ back in the days of Blair.
Well, Fed, for young people and children the BBC would be quick to point out that they are suffering increasingly from mental health issues and anxiety. Of course it is nothing to do with the BBC and their transmissions of constant fear of extinction, germs, cost of living, crime, etc., being stabbed, mugged and having to pay for University courses.
Nothing at all to do with the BBC. Completely innocent.
The ‘while I have just seen you leave’ is as cowardly as it gets. I wonder if he waits until they pass the Orwell quote so he knows he is safe?
I’m not sure about the MATHS of the BBC’s math’s prog
9am More or Less
“We debunk a claim the government is spending £38,000 per household on the jubilee”
“Is the government really spending a billion pounds on the Jubilee, as some have claimed?
We investigate some of the facts and figures around this week’s commemorations.”
£38K x 26m = £38 x 26 billion = 988 billion = one trillion approx
Surely no one is saying the Jubilee is costing £1 trillion ?
The original tweet claiming £38K per household was by
“Terry Wilson @writetjw
Retired procurement consultant.
Anti – brexit. Aging Trot, seller of wife’s ceramics.
Dislike football, gassy cold beer and Tories. No DMs.
Cambridgeshire England”
The prog is saying it is him making two errors
Not 1 trillion
and not even a billion
could be £1 per household
plus economic cost of paying for extra holidays for workers etc.
‘Retired procurement consultant‘. With the ability to confuse, say £38K per household with £3.80 per household, he sounds like just the sort of guy the NHS would employ:
Negotiator for Big Pharma Inc: ‘This new drug is really just paracetamol, but in the colours of the rainbow to make it more inclusive. It is £5 a tablet’.
NHS Procurement consultant: ‘We are prepared to pay £50 a tablet. That’s our best offer’.
Today the media is not so much saying who is saying, but being coy on who is telling.
The BBC Moaning Emole…
PM told to explain Partygate fine in living headline bold.
Meanwhile Magic Gramps is channeling his inner Indy on free school meals for all incapable of making a sandwich and buy an apple, but still able to schlep to the school railings in pink dressing gown and fluffy slippers to pass a bargain bucket to Pugsley.
Rest of prog
– why energy bills are becoming so high in the UK when we actually have plenty of gas
– we unpack the mystery of measuring fuel poverty.
– we investigate the statistics around gun deaths in the US.
– the joys and perplexities of imperial measures with Hannah Fry and Matt Parker
What they said
#1 The UK has LNG terminals , most of the EU don’t
So ships are docking here to fulfill EU demand
so UK gas pipelines/tank are full at the moment
so UK wholesale prices are now low
but UK suppliers bought on long term contracts so they are paying much more
so retail prices are high
#2 Chris Bryant Labour MP tweeted about fuel poverty
but he counted that their i only 1 salary per household
and that is not true
.. Meanwhile the official metric for Fuel Poverty was changed to be about how much insulation you have.
#3 NGO hyped claims
They’d counted all gun death, eg those gunmen shot by polic e etc
And found under 20’s die of guns more than anything else
However when it comes to ACTUAL children more still die in road accidents.
#4 Was a lot of waffle from BBC mates that told us nothing
.. They did not mention that units measured in 12s are easily divided into halves or quarters or thirds etc, ..decimal is more difficult,
BBC Look North:
Bradford Education Authority has today designated June 8th as “come to school dressed in western clothes” day. Muslim girls are being encouraged to wear western clothes to better understand the problems that their school friends may face such as doing their hair nicely every day, being continually chased by boys, trying to outdo friends in the latest “look” and suffering the white privilege of feeling good in themselves because of the effort they make.
Actually, I made that up. But I guess you know that 😊
Ukraine war: Stories of torture emerging out of Kherson
So bad those Russians, luckily the Ukraine military is perfect?
What a championship spelunker might offer on media quotes will be historic.
BREAKING: BBC in Twitter character limit crisi
Yep – round the year tick box culture …
Johnny Rotten to be allowed back at W1A only to be banned again.
Ed Sheeran to arrive at Highways Agency to discuss road planning.
Guest Who, your Ed Sheeran comment made my day! And who/what the hell is BTS? And should we care?
I believe it means Beatlesesque Teenie Soiboys.
Did Sleepy try to sniff the cute one?
Something to do with British Telecom, I think.
TOADY Watch #1 – further evidence that ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ is something of a BBC exaggeration
Antony Oakes from Nantwich in Cheshire, home county of a certain Nick Robinson I think, is identified by the BBC as a victim of Jubilee/Toree travel chaos as well as ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’. Unfortunately – for the BBC and their propaganda – he lets slip that he is taking his family on not just one, but another overseas holiday in the summer.
To which the obvious response is: “Crisis? What crisis?”
Between the COLC 20 st… 150kg single muvvers with iPhones and Brexit airport queues everywhere, The BBC narrative is in a RyanAir flight to a small airport just east of Kviv.
Supertramp was ace.
Guardian stylee ‘Corrections and Clarifications’ – second TOADY Watch of the first day of the month should be #2. Now, where did I leave my slippers? Have I had my tea yet?
Party paper edition
Wherein one gets vexed about vexillology
Many Britons bought (or hired from the likes of Rediffusion) their first TV sets (colour if they were lucky) in order to watch the Queen’s cornonation in 1953. Just think how different our culture, media and society are now.
Today’s BBC online press review is in no doubt what headlines it prefers to present us as significant: ‘Newspaper headlines ‘Boris may be toast’ and fresh blow to Russian oil‘
Our BBC there – providing hope and succor as grist to the world view of the left-liberal bleeding heart managerial class midwits that constitute their still yet keen audience.
I must give kudos to the giveaway free advertising sheet that is the Metro for their concise punning morning headline: ‘Boris may be toast. Tory rebellion grows over Partygate‘ – of course it is absolutely fine tabloidese copy caption to the now familiar raising his glass Johnson photos. However, as a BBC headline pick it rankles somewhat – a sentiment and prediction more suited to a Labour Party election leaflet than our national broadcaster’s morning take.
Old story, might be the editorial comment – were there any good news from Ukraine, the NHS, China, or the States with which to finally knock this one on the head.
As if to emphasise the staleness of the left-over office party nibbles and the flatness of the warm prosecco, the Metro rehashes, self-referentially for us, as an inset, their previous frontispiece spread: ‘Below: our front page on lockdown lock-in‘
One thrives hereabouts on media paradox and awkward juxtaposition – what else is there in this losing culture war as the nation that became Elizabethan for a second go around in 1952 merrily goes to hell in a gilded galleon?
Invading Armada off the Dover shore? Figure head Pritti Patel tells captain Alexander Johnson. I’ll deal with that when I’ve finished this game of boules. What’s that, cabin boy Sir Keir? I see no ships, only bloody hardships!
Where were we? I do sometimes suffer these digressive flights of fancy. But that’s why you came here, right? Oh yes, those occasionally ironic clashing features found on the national frontpages. Having roundly blasted Boris for secretly over-indulging after his day job – rehashed so as to please and excite the trendier young demographic – the giveaway Metro remembers its commercial raison d’être and provides an advert: ‘Confused.com‘ – other UK based financial services comparison platforms specialising in comparison of insurance and financial services – are available, as they say. “Life is confusing don’t be confused be confused.com” And the witty little cartoon pictorial – channeling – oh I don’t know… Gary Larson’s The Far Side or Scott Adam’s Dilbert – has a single office worker sat at her desk among a dozen empty workstations with the caption: “I thought Thursdays were a work in office day”
I’m fascinated – aren’t you? – that the opposite of the handy simple abbreviation WFH is the more complex constuction semi-tongue twister “work-in-office-day” – I guess that’s a clue to what we’ve become?
Now here’s a conundrum – the Metro advert lone office worker’s dialogue refers to the future day Thursday although the ad is aware of this prefiguring comedy giving a nod to the fact it is published in the Wednesday 1st June Metro with the header cartoon caption “Tomorrow” – now this is where things get a bit odd… The headline news story reports: ‘Boris Johnson could face a vote on his future as early as Tuesday‘ – now they’ve lost me… the print press is supposed to be yesterday’s news today. Can it still be predictive today of something yesterday?
I’m no theologian but I do detect when the Daily Mail forgets one of the basic tenets of Christianity – forgiveness of sin: ‘Welby in “forgive Andrew” Jubilee storm‘
Sarah Vine pursues the Mail’s muscular eye-for-an-eye retributive Old Testement justice stance against perceived sin on behalf of those holiday makers – victims among us who were apparently surprised at the crapness of our travel management: ‘How dare greedy airline bosses take our money for such a shambles‘ – like a Liverpool football fan startled and flabbergasted that european police are bit rough and handy with the tear-gas and batons – where have they been living for the last couple of years – were they hermits in a cave? Oh, yes, of course, that’s exactly what we were!
Speaking of matters theological: ‘Ethics chief threatens to resign over No 10 parties‘ (Times) – these supposed Tory rebels may be a disperate bunch of Brexit-sore nonentities, but gosh the Times loves them. Who would have thought the nation had an Ethics Chief?
And just to highlight the fact that the boys and girls at the BBC had other alternative snappy headlines from which to choose – other than THE best anti-Boris one out there – the Mail seemingly tires of Tory Partygate and shouts: ‘Rebels without a clue‘
It is all a bit lame when the Brexit-supporting peculiar Dame Andrea Leadsom becomes the hero of the Left for the day.
The Mail stretches to breaking point the bounds of taste with their: ‘PICTURED: Customized caskets featuring basketballs, musical notes, Pokemon and the TikTok logo being made for victims of the Texas school massacre‘ – excuse me for a moment while I concentrate on not regurgitating my muesli…. ah, all better now… change of subject required…
‘Ukraine may be forced to retreat from key city‘ (Telegraph)
One searches through the papers for the BBC’s optimistic take on Russian oil sanctions eventually alighting on the globalist FT: ‘EU-UK pact on insurance ban deals fresh blow to Russian oil exports‘
Let’s game this one out to the winter. Putin has successfully occupied the half of Ukraine he wanted. A lot of Ukrainians have died. Western economies are crippled by excessive energy costs. Meanwhile, we’re stoking a guerrilla war in the hope of defeating Russia by proxy. More death and destruction over there and more economic pain for us. Alternatively… How about we tell the pop star soap star president over there to negotiate a ceasefire now and save us all an awful lot of bother?
‘Dad’s not totally happy about me appearing in Love Island but I will try to keep it classy. By Michael Owen’s girl‘ (Daily Mirror); ‘Love Island Gemma: I’ll keep it clean‘ (Daily Satyr) – what’s the point in watching it then?
Look away now Emily Thornberry, it’s vexillology* corner and the Union flags are the winners. (*The study of flags)
The previously unpatriotic Daily Mirror plays its Jubilee joker and flies the jack on its masthead.
Of course the Sun hangs out the bunting: ‘Your Jubilee begins here‘
Her Majesty’s disloyal Guardian pictures a dozen little Union flags waved by disembodied multi-ethnic hands with the sarky caption: ‘Surviving the Jubilee A guide for Republicans‘
The Metro has a lot of Union flags dotted around pics of the celebs – clearly its a party paper.
Like Danny Boyle as Blair’s ringmaster for the 2012 Olympics show opener, the Gruan now totally bereft of something, anything, to admire about Britain, goes for the Leftist go-to institution which is of course (shush.. not the BBC) the NHS: ‘Ministers accused of fuelling anger as rise in violence hit GP surgeries‘ – no matter patients are frustrated by long waits for poor treatment, no matter our population is increasingly barbaric in temperment – blame the Tories when your prize institution is revealled to be a bit crap. Thinking of recent pro-NHS headlines recently I’m inclinded to recall that Star Wars movie title The Empire Strikes Back
The Express remains: ‘United with the people of Ukraine‘ and like some trendy artesan cafe in Notting Hill, every day (that isn’t a rainbow Pride day) still runs the blue and yellow up their flag pole.
And finally…
Piss poor…?
The ‘i’ newspaper disses the recent punk rock movie: ‘“Pistol” is dire. Danny Boyle has turned the Sex Pistols into a Disney story‘ – two star review.
It was fellow Punk Rockers The Clash in their genre transgressive track Overpowered by Funk who put on record for us the classic snippet of a line: “Don’t you love our Western ways?” – that conundrum – answer how you will – perhaps stands as a definition of this missguided youth’s political and cultural awakening.
More generally…
‘Mutiny on the Bounty‘ (‘i’) – with which prompt one cannot help but quote from the 1962 movie with Marlon Brando as Fletcher Christian sitting at Trevor Howard as Captain Bligh’s table, having discovered that officer’s corruption over the crew’s food rations: “This cheese is tainted”
‘Our taste tester gives new “healthy” chocolate bars the thumbs down‘ (‘i’) – “Don’t you love our Western ways?“
Wot – no in-depth discussion cos it’s the 75th anniversary of the TV Licence ? No big announcement about how it is to be ended or made ‘voluntary ? …. Nice work si see it – particularly appreciate the fonting …
I received this from an old friend the other day, and while it was in an audio form, it wasn’t easily playable, so here is the text in full!
Now, as most good chums here know, I rarely dip a toe into the global issues of the day, preferring village matters, and of course, advising normal indigenous British Citizens to ignore and continue to vilify the dreadfully biased bbc, from which I get no interesting stuff worth ignoring, or even shutting my eyes over, but this piece strikes a chord, and sounds about right when put against the pieces which more learned friends post here!
As some (a lot) of it goes ‘whooosh’ over my head, I invite anyone to take a peek and not feel a bit better about everything?
May 31 (Reuters) – Russia widened its gas cuts to Europe on Tuesday with Gazprom (GAZP.MM) saying it will turn off supplies to several “unfriendly” countries which have refused to accept Moscow’s roubles-for-gas payment scheme.
The move by the Russian gas giant is the latest retaliation to Western sanctions imposed on Moscow following its Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine, escalating its economic battle with Brussels and pushing up European gas prices.
The most embarassing election stunt ever, possibly.
That stone has disappeared, it would be great to find it but does it still exist?
The EdStone was the creation of ‘Labour darling’ Torsten Bell.
BTS: ‘K-Wave’ arrives at White House with anti-Asian hate summit
By Bernd Debusmann Jr
BBC News, Washington
Published13 hours ago
They are the world’s best-selling artists, and they have brought the “K-Wave” to the White House.
But BTS were not there to show President Joe Biden their “dynamite” moves. Rather, it was to discuss anti-Asian hate.
Crimes targeting East Asians have risen dramatically in the US amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
The boy band members – all in their 20s – vowed to help Mr Biden, 79, tackle the issue.
bBC reports
EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has been speaking to BBC Radio 4 this morning.
Asked about fears expressed by some Ukrainians that European support had slowed in recent weeks, he said: “We have banned imports of Russian oil. More than 90% will be stopped. And we will continue providing military support.”
So the eu has banned Russian oil, but not all of it? Sorry banned or not, less 10%
“We have banned imports of Russian oil.” ** ignore GAS
Not ‘ignore’ in BBC terms.
What suits is ‘news’.
What does not… isn’t.
Of course the lying BBC lied about what really happened at the Champions League final in Paris.
Of course they lied. Mustn’t upset the Liverpool fans must we? Responsible for everything, and yet, weirdly, nothing.
I keep hearing about this ‘ministerial code’
Do they really think that we regard them as an honest, trustworthy, honourable lot and this is some secret or holy code that they all abide by.
In the real world I believe the vast majority think of politicians as a bunch of liars, money grabbers, self serving, smarmy, dishonest and having a whole load of other similar qualities.
It makes me squirm when they apply this ‘code’ to themselves as if they were something special yet they are regarded right down at the bottom when it comes to respected groups.
About 50 years ago it might have been true but this shower of crap we have now are just lightweight lickspittles.
There must be only a handful that are anywhere near ‘honourable’ members.
The few I believe and who have recently been or are still in politics include Redwood, Farage, Widdecombe and Hoey.
There’s probably a few more but not many.
It’s like a Monty Python term when applied to them.
Not all witch hunts are equal …
“Keith Vaz has been appointed to a parliamentary committee preparing a new law to tackle corruption and money laundering. {dailymail nov2016} The Leicester East MP is currently under investigation by the Metropolitan Police … ”
“Keith Vaz (67% voters for Labour in GE17), the senior Labour backbencher, claimed more than £75,500 in expenses for a flat in Westminster despite his family home being a £1.15 million house just 12 miles from parliament.”
“Mr Vaz’s claims have always been in accordance with the spirit and rules of the Green Book,” – Reported 9 May 2009.
The problem here is that Boris is trying to retrospectively water down that ministerial code to exhonerate himself from past breaches of it.
That really does show a complete lack of morals and a preparedness to do absolutely anything to cling on to power.
Heir to Blair.
It is, I feel instructive to search for “The Civil Servants’s Code”
– it is a thing that I’ve had cause to explore for what I believe to be good reason.
The code reads as a sensible and proportionate set of rules for the behavior of public officials.
Trouble is – in 10 years of sporadic searching I cannot find a single example of a prosecution or disciplinary sanction being applied to a misbehaving Sir Humphrey. (or even lesser minioins…)
It’s all carrots and no sticks.
Farce generally infers some comedy … what I’ve seen isn’t funny – there’s rules – but just no prescribed punishment for breaking them…
“Like their counterparts in Hollywood, photographic retouchers in Soviet Russia spent long hours smoothing out the blemishes of imperfect complexions, helping the camera to falsify reality,” writes David King in the introduction to his book The Commissar Vanishes: The Falsification of Photographs and Art in Stalin’s Russia. “Stalin’s pockmarked face, in particular, demanded exceptional skills with the airbrush. But it was during the Great Purges, which raged in the late 1930s, that a new form of falsification emerged. The physical eradication of Stalin’s political opponents at the hands of the secret police was swiftly followed by their obliteration from all forms of pictorial existence.”
Ultra-long thread complaining about R4 prog last night smearing someone cos he called for journalistic caution in reporting on the Bucha atrocities
PaulMasonNews got a mention
“File on 4 : Ukraine: The Disinformation War
British academics accused of sharing Russian disinformation about war in Ukraine.
They claim there’s a McCarthyist witch hunt against them.”
“What do these mandarins care about more? Inflation being at 10%, or the number of LGBTQUIA+ employees being at 7.4%?”
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager
Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust
Job Reference: 284-22-COPR-306
Employer:Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:People & Education DepartmentLocation:Birmingham Children’s HospitalSalary:£40,057 to £45,839 pa
June Sarpong will quit as BBC diversity tsar after less than three years in the £267,000 three-day week role
June Sarpong’s pay was £267,000 for working a three-day week in 2019/2021
A former Loose Women panelist, she was appointed to her BBC role in Nov 2019
She has talked about how she was ‘gaslighted’ by TV bosses during her career
It’s reported that at least 15 women of colour have left BBC during the last year
PUBLISHED: 18:34, 5 April 2022 | UPDATED: 07:01, 7 April 2022
Mike Cernovitch is a Marmite Internet entity – but Twitter have him on the demon list – the bile I see searching my Twitter feed is absolutely extraordinary.
That said – nail … meet hammer – imho.
DJT weighs in…
For decades, Donald J. Trump was one of the few prominent Americans to recognize the true nature of the Chinese Communist Party and its threat to America’s economic and political way of life. Now, under President Trump’s leadership, the United States is taking action to protect our nation and its partners from an increasingly assertive China. We are no longer turning a blind eye to the People’s Republic of China’s conduct nor are we hiding our criticism of its Communist Party behind closed doors.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
The Sue Gray report: are 8 gatherings over a year “industrial scale partying?”
The report is here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1078404/2022-05-25_FINAL_FINDINGS_OF_SECOND_PERMANENT_SECRETARY_INTO_ALLEGED_GATHERINGS.pdf
So why didn’t the BBC introduce condemnations of “industrial scale partying” with the basic fact of the Sue Gray report that there were 8 gatherings suitable for investigation over a period of 18 months?
Or that the Cabinet Office employs over 10,000 staff? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabinet_Office All of whom could fall into the category “the Prime Minister’s Responsibility”.
Allies of Jeremy Corbyn are hunting a mole among friends of the former Labour leader after the emergence of a photo showing him breaking coronavirus restrictions.Mr Corbyn has been embarrassed by an