Making lies up that you were abused and then trying to sue the innocent man for 100 million dollars didn't work. This can only be mysogny! #BelieveAllWomen
— Ursula Con Der leyen 🇸🇴 (@JohnMcG55334977) June 2, 2022
Not a big sleb, or Depp fan, but Capt. Sparra has certainly managed to out the media for the mewling misandrist old cat lady coven it is. Especially the wimmin.
If Meghan does not appear nekkid with Dr. Shola on the W1A balcony in a show of something… ewwww… there will be no justice for self promoters of color anywhere.
I hope all these people calling this mysogeny and against women are also having a go at the transwomen(men in disguise) taking away womens rights, somehow I doubt it?
TOADY Watch #1 – how does Nick Robinson disgrace himself on this glorious morning?
Nick has a priviliged position overlooking Buckingham Palace, and no doubt thinks back to stories of Richard Dimbleby perched high in Westminster Abbey and reporting on the proceedings below some 69 years ago. But Nick ‘gets down with the people’ and goes down to people already encamped on the Mall to watch the formal celebrations of Her Majesty’s Jubilee. Nick emphasises to listeners that foreigners love our Queen and Royalty and finds a German woman, who speaks immaculate English with perfect diction – BBC presenters please note – to interview. Well, it is Day 5 of the BBC’s Campaign to get us back into the EU.
The second newspaper review at 6.42 a.m. approximately, starts with Nick Robinson heading straight to the anti-Royal, Hard-Left/Far-Left Guardian and Afua Hirsch’s article for the paper. The Guardian newspaper is notable for not celebrating Her Majesty’s Jubilee on its front page and is said by some to be the BBC’s ‘house journal’ and source for much of the BBC’s so-called ‘news & current affairs’.
Double, like our Fed you miss the point that we were not out when we should have been out and when the Pandemic was in, we were only just out. To get us – the UK – back in, we needed to be out first but the Pandemic came along and distracted from all that. Now that the Pandemic is all but over, “Ohverr!” the BBC can start to try to get us back in because we are out.
Now, do you also need an explanation of Test Match cricket?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – hmmmnn, that speaks volumes about the BBC . . . …
What is top picture on top left? Brits tend to scan left to right, top to bottom, with eyes unless of an extreme Orthodox or Asian persuasion. No, not the picture of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, whether the new ‘official’ or a more recent news agency photo. No, what is important to the BBC is a ‘slebs’ spat in a US Court! BBC = ABB (ABB; anything but British)
I know the Queen’s message to the nation is written by her staff and checked by the government and must always be upbeat etc etc. But how can anyone be upbeat about Britain today?
If she believes her son it’s one minute to midnight and by next year we will be fried to a frazzle.
If she believes her grandson we are all racists bigots who are awash with our white Privelege .
In reality our country is vastly overpopulated and full of people who hate us , our culture and our values and are determined to destroy us.
Many of our institutions , BBC, judiciary, police etc are helping the invaders to destroy our culture , our history and our sense of who we are.
We are seeing a continued five year long assault on our democracy by Remainers who seem to hold all the levers of power.
We are experiencing an energy crisis and high inflation when the country is indebted to an horrific extent .
With all that happening it’s difficult to be optimistic.
As someone who has never found Ricky Gervais funny, I’ve just been watching the start of his SuperNature Netflix show which the Wokies are up in arms about.
I’ve been laughing out loud the whole time. It’s his finest hour. He absolutely rips their ridiculous arguments to pieces.
If anything makes me cringe, its seeing a flag wrapped around a body . Commentators tell us we are “too British to boo Harry & Meghan” but we are adept in behaving in a crass way on other occasions.
Naga, aka Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is deliberately presenting to annoy a certain group.
A more sanctimonious, condescending and sneering person would be hard to find. I don’t recall anyone ever noting any redeeming qualities about her whatsoever.
Massive respect for what this guy has done. Lots of children-of-the-famous end up with no incentive, epic entitlement — think Mark Thatcher. Euan the opposite
We prefer the BBC’s online press review top pick this morning. A momentary blip no doubt. After going with the eternally Boris-bashing giveaway Metro yesterday our BBC climbs down off the Leftist political stump for a day (or two?) to give due precedence to some respectful copy for Her Maj.
The Express takes the knee – so to speak – in a good way: ‘A grateful nation salutes you, Ma’am‘. Hats off to the Express as they wheel in columnist Leo McKinstry all present and correct: ‘Brave, strong and utterly unshockable, she grew into the perfect Queen‘
We like it. Nice frontpage official photo of the queen in pale lilac frock, a respectful appreciative quote from a named journo set in purple – there’s even an old black and white snap of the Queen with Churchill.
Being a world-weary old sceptic who has seen one or two Jubilees in the past, I’m not so sure about this optimistic all coming together take on the state of the nation: ‘As Britain comes together to celebrate Her Majesty’s magnificent 70-year reign‘
And if one had to nitpick the BBC’s top pick for their newspaper frontpage review, then the Daily Express masthead flying the blue and yellow of Ukraine could “naff orf“- to quote Princess Anne… and Norman Stanley Fletcher (there’s one for the teenagers). I suppose the problem is that they raised the bloody thing in a fit of received outrage at Putin and support for this far away country of which they know nothing – now to delete the thing would smack of abandonment and too frank an admission of defeat. By the way, the EU colours are just a happy conicidence – The blue colour of the flag represents the sky, streams, and mountains of Ukraine. The yellow symbolises Ukraine’s golden wheat fields and the richness of the earth. Nice one Putin.
That’s the somewhat poetic explanation. More to the point historically speaking – nascent european nations, impressed by the Revolutionary French tricolour, tended to seek national colours in simple stripes or bands on their flags. The coat of arms of Ukraine, is and always was, a blue shield with a gold trident. Officially referred to as the Emblem of the Royal State of Volodymyr the Great, the first Grand Prince of Kyiv.
The BBC likes to keep us intermittently up to date with Volodymyr the former TV soap actor playing the part of latest Grand Prince of Kyiv: ‘Ukraine war: President Zelensky visits Kharkiv in first trip outside Kyiv region‘ (BBC, 3 days ago)
The respectful Express is followed by the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper in the BBC line up. A rather snarky off-hand tone surrounds their Jubilee headline: ‘70 not out. Millions of people are expected to thank the Queen for her lifetime of service‘ – but heaven forfend that this republican newspaper, editorially-speaking, deigns to salute Her, or the British institution of Monarchy per se, eh?
And of course the Johnsonphobic‘i’ predicts the prime ministerial head on the chopping block: ‘Johnson gets stay of execution… until Monday‘
I’m reminded of that hackneyed old quote “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated” – this early reposte to “fake news” is oft attributed to American writer Mark Twain. Apparently, reports of this attribution have been greatly exaggerated.
The ‘i’ willing this to be true: ‘Secret ballot on his leadership is possible next week‘
The Telegraph Jubilee headline – for me – also misses the parlous state of the nation: ‘”We look forward to the future with confidence and enthusiasm”‘ – I’m guessing the steamship Titanic was launched with similar optimism. Oh dear me, the venerable old Telegraph… time for your seditives, soup and jell-o – as they say in carehomes for the elderly and confused. Oh, you haven’t, have you? Never mind, we’ll soon get you cleaned up.
I refer of course disrespectfully, not to our Queen with the long 70 year innings, but to the septuagenarian US Commander in Chief. American little birdies do tell me it has been well over one hundred days since Joe Binden faced a one-on-one interview with a reporter. Mano e mano. In the interim the US public are left having no idea where his brain might be at?
To missquote that Norwegian football commentator over-excited at his team’s victory over England in 1981 – Bjørge Lillelien – in case you were wondering… “Feminists, can you hear me… Germaine Greer… Amanda de Cadenet… your girl took a hell-luv-a beating” (allegedly):’Amber’s shattering £7m courtroom humiliation‘ (Daily Mail)
The Times treads warily given its largely female-orientated features readership: ‘Depp wins. Star awarded $10m in battle with ex-wife‘
The Guardian, however, knows exactly which side of the fence it stands: ‘“I’m heartbroken”: Heard loses Depp libel case‘
The blokey Daily Star takes the opposite stance: ‘It’s justice for Johnny‘
I’ll say this for the Guardian, they’re not wrong here: ‘Working from home. The new front in the culture war‘ – which is refreshing to hear from a leftist title because the usual response is to deny there is any such thing as a culture war.
‘Long covid hits 2m… adults in Britain… including 376,000 who have had symptoms for at least two years‘ (Times) – all of them self-diagnosed and employed in the public sector, no doubt.
Let me leave you with my most important complaint against Boris. It was bowing to the forces that demanded Lockdown of course. That goes without saying. It stole our liberties and wrecked our economy. And saved the lives of… we’ll never be truthfully told – but I’m guessing it killed more overall.
But the very worst aspect of our modern crop of politicians is their seeming inability to employ any common sense understanding of basic human natutre, or – if you will – understanding of market forces.
Consider a world on which the Tory PM looks out – where 90% of those in the civil service, NHS, the public sector generally, are by temperament anti-Brexit (the main plank of your premiership), anti-Boris, taking more time off sick than the private sector, secured from any potential pay cut due to extended time off – and noticable already not delivering efficiently for the public their customers any good level of service – passports are often delayed, long patient waiting lists, the whole litany… then you allow them to have their Lockdown. Then instead of fixing a time limit – to supposedly flatten the curve – you leave it open-ended time-wise. Boris, you blundering dope, what did you think would happen? What did you think the BBC would say about you? Who’s side did you think it would take?
AISI, I can confirm that the Titanic was launched with optimism. In fact more than that, the owner, who I have a feeling was an atheist declared the Titanic to be “Unsinkable.”. Unfortunately God decided to intervene to teach the atheist a thing or two.
Memo to BBC.
Regarding the Depp-Heard case, have you considered the possibility that the jury, having heard all the evidence, came to the correct conclusion?
Obviously not.
Lot’s of brown nosing on the BBC channels about how great the Queen is. Typical two face BBC, one minute they are pushing the anti royal stance and then pro royal.
I’ve only watched about 30 minutes coverage but every time they go and interview the crowds it is an Asian kid. When they show the children practising a dance for later today they are all black kids.
Mrs Loather has just been watching Saint Barry give a tribute to HM The Queen. I hope I haven’t missed it but I’m sure Donald J Trump will be along soon to do the same. Pigs preparing for take-off…
tomo, does that explain the rehabilitation of the Sun newspaper to the BBC’s blogs-the-papers? It was missing almost every day for years and now it is there more often than not.
It looks like the BBC will show the queen’s platinum jubilee without showing any union jacks on there web page or commentary stands albeit they have one as a carpet……says it all really.
So another shooting. This one barely even makes the front page on the BBC and even though the gunman shot himself, we have no indication of what everybody wants to know.
Could it be yet another example of Leftist agenda where they think it’s fine to suppress the truth in order to avoid causing stigma on a particularly violent group ?.
The agenda is ramping up again to disarm US citizens. It will mean less resistance when govs get bored of restricting food, energy, travel, employment and healthcare and come to redistribute property in the name of equality. (Trudeau’s ahead of the curve, as he seems to be in most of this these days.)
The day after the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, 37yr old Dennis Butler turned up to a birthday party in West Virginia with an illegal AR-15 and started shooting. He was shot dead by a local woman legally carrying, thankfully before anyone was hit.
The story was buried deep in the BBC and you could only find it by googling. And of course no picture of the shooter, because nothing about this story fit the agenda.
Not just the BBC – there appears to be a ‘high level’ instruction telling the media not to show a picture of the shooter. I have reviewed 30 US websites and 8 international ones – none have a picture of the elusive Dennis Butler, which tells you everything you need to know. But for those of you who like to have your natural instincts confirmed:
This coordinated approach to reporting the news with everyone reading from the same hymn sheet started when some were adding ‘falsely claimed’ about Trump and the election fraud. Before long they were all copying the same phrases – and always when what was said didn’t suit the Leftists agenda.
What stood out for me is that they simply could not know for sure some of the claims were false.
Something evolved during that time and now it is commonplace. It stinks to high heaven.
Another Honours List today.
Another load of gongs for people for services to turning up for work.
And why do so many University Professors get knighthoods?
They earn good money, great perks, fantastic job security, are largely unaccountable, and already have a title.
Then there are ‘services to the NHS’. For what? Providing a lamentably awful service to taxpayers at massive cost, not including the gargantuan unfunded pension liability.
Clare Balding? For services to lesbianism presumably.
And as for the political honours. Dame Andrea Leadsom is just one. Words fail me.
Here’s an opportunity for the bbc to do some “investigative journalism”. Apologies for the spelling of the Ukranian towns. When Russia was taking the port of Mariopol, the steelworks were difficult to occupy due to civilians sheltering there. Later it emerged that the civilians were in fact the families of the Azoz troops (Apologies again) who knew that they would be safe being used as human shields. Now Zalensky is claiming that he cannot understand why Russia has launched a missile attack on a chemical works in Severodonetsk. Two possible explanations :-
1) The Russians have destroyed the works to stop Ukraine from pulling the same stunt again.
2) The chemical works were in fact one of the rumoured US biological weapons research facilities and Zalensky thought they had better not be discovered, and arranged the demolition himself.
So there you go bbc, send one of your finest over there to ask your golden boy (Who still thinks starting WW3 is a price worth paying) if either of these theories might just hold water. And stop hiding in ditches while elderly women walk by.
Probably a combination of (1) but more likely (3), which we can define as disruption to economic activity. The chemical plant produces acetic acid, methanol and vinyl acetate, which are fairly generic chemicals used in producing many other things. That’s according to TASS, the Russian news agency, which would presumably be keen to promote any American bio research. The area around Severodonetsk has hosted the chemical industry since Soviet times, it’s a bit like Teeside in this country. The labs used by the USA are not located in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as they have been separatist areas since 2014.
BBC News just now
Apparently some illegal immigrants have gone on hunger strike because they object to being sent to Rwanda. The BBC report was quite long and was completely one-sided. Just a lot of sympathy for the illegal immigrants and not a word about the fact that the ordinary people of our country don’t want them here.
The way forward for us as a nation to protest about what the wokes are doing to us in terms of mass migration, destruction of our culture etc etc is a mass hunger strike. This would solve the obesity crisis , the supermarket supply crisis, global warming ( much less methane release from lower wind) and of course force government to agree to our demands.
Defund the BBC
Can net zero and get fracking and coal mining
Repeal the devolution bill
Overturn the NPI
Sink any invasion boats on sight
Cancel the notion of privileged groups
Force civil servants and other public sector workers to work 60 hour a week for the next five years with no extra pay to make up for their extended holiday
Cancel inflation proofed pensions for the public sector
Re the invasion boats, I like the idea of using drones with cameras and C4. As the boats go out into international water they’ll be nearer France for rescue.
Well, went to London today and either the local authority or the police or likely both, completely and utterly ruined it for thousands and thousands.
Got off at Green Park station : cant get out of the Green park exit, nope have to walk to the other side, then walk around and then : Green Park entrance is …exit only with thousands trying to get in. what do the police say ? go to next entrance further down turn right, so, thousands walk quarter mile this way and …..Green Park entrance closed, police say walk to Hyde park Corner, turn back and walk back another quarter mile alongside a bloody EMPTY and fenced off Green Park, to Hyde Park all entrances to Green park CLOSED, walk another half mile to other side of Buckingham Palace and road closed off with 10 foot high boards, nearest tube station CLOSED, walk another quarter mile to next tube station EXIT only and road fenced off to the other side for 200 yards.
Gave up in the end, safety pratts closing road after road after road ended up walking to Leicester Square. About 4 mile walk in the end.
Get back to watch on TV and had to brave the bbc news (live from Botswana or somewhere in Africa) with their various blacks talking about the “Pla’ inum Jubilee” (sic)
Then, their black sports presenter talking about a cricketer “illumin’ a in” a match (sic). And two gay sports people are headlines after saying they are gay. So bloody what ?
And the other black saying “some are questioning the royal family relevance”
then onto kids doing a jubilee dance, one white face out of about 30 (who never got an interview of course)
Then onto wimmins rights campaigners given interviews complaining about the Depp verdict and snide comments from bbc blacks about what this says about victims of abuse.
Zephir – I admire your pluck regarding going to Londonistan at such a time . The current thing isn’t for me – bread ‘ circuses – and my TV is still broke so nothing there. I’m not in UK now but I would like to have seen the fly past which some times comes over my bit of NE London – but otherwise …. Not for me …
Has the first Far Left ant royal BBC type let their guard down yet ….?
I saw the flypast between two trees at Leicester Square so wanted to see it properly on the bbc
fat bloody chance 5 seconds of it shown in last 90 minutes just started showing a bit more now at 6pm along side the words of some black asian kid they found in the crowd, its relentless with them.
In my little bit of rural ideal we were fortunate enough to have helicopters fly over in the morning, then after the Mall display the returning Lancaster with Spitfires flew over, returning to base. Oh the sound of that Merlin engine – wonderful.
Reading one of the online papers, Mr Musk has told the people from tesla that are “working from home” that if they don’t return they will deemed to have resigned.
Come on Mr Rees Mogg, use the same argument with the uncivil serpents.
Could you imagine a policy where if people are not back in their offices easy day then it will be assumed they not longer want to work for the State – and their pension contributions returned …in a cheque …
Jack is an anti-English racist who is still bitter about the result of the referendum.
AKA stubborn, unpleasant hate-filled Jock. 10 a penny these days. They are all over Brexit threads on Facebook and BBC HYS like a bad case of herpes making their spiteful comments.
The Marxist who was a bBC economics Chap has announced he is now a candidate as a Labour MP …
I wonder what the ratio is of ex BBC employees who become Labour or Tory MPs ( from the time when there was a difference )….
“The Greeks and Romans probably received the name from the Gauls or the Celts.
The name Albion has been translated as “white land”
; and the Romans explained it as referring to the chalk cliffs at Dover“
Oh look, Meghan “just happened” to be filmed at a window with other royals. Her royal connection is, of course, her only claim to fame and passport to obscene contracts with Netflix, Spotify etc, so naturally she has to refresh that image whenever possible.
The BBC love her, of course; sort-of black, feminist, woke, sjw, ‘victim’…
Tory MP slams council for flying Palestinian flag over offices in Platinum Jubilee week as he leads calls to replace it with Union Jack
Andrew Stephenson intervened after furious residents in Nelson complained
They called for the Union Jack to be flown during the Platinum Jubilee weekend
Palestinian flag was raised after Al Jazeera’s Shireen Abu Akleh was shot dead
Councillors voted unanimously to fly the Palestinian flag at Nelson — dubbed ‘Little Moscow’ because it was so Left-wing in the early 20th century.
They said Ms Akleh had been assassinated ‘by Israeli government forces’.
Labour group leader Mohammed Iqbal, who was awarded an MBE by the Queen last year, moved the motion which was supported by Tory colleagues.
Amidst all the positivity around the Jubilee, the BBC couldn’t resist raining on the parade with a bit of socialist Republicanism:
“While plenty of people are out celebrating with street parties and picnics, many are trying their best to avoid the jubilations.
Simon, from Tring in Hertfordshire, called BBC Radio 5 Live to say he plans to draw his curtains to block out the street party on his road so he can catch up on the Marvel films.
“I do not believe the royal family have done us any good, particularly recently.
“My wife is a care worker on £9.50 an hour… the amount of money that’s being dribbled away on the Jubilee, it beggars belief in this situation we’re in at the moment.
“I don’t want to support a woman who’s grown up in a very elitist, rich family by accident of birth.”
I see The Guardian are pretending the Royal Jubilee isn’t happening, but then again to it’s lefty but well-healed, vitriolic readership it probably isn’t.
I fail to understand why these Guardian types don’t just up sticks and move to Canada where they can enjoy all the benefits of a socialist Republic including getting your bank account frozen, beaten up by the cops or thrown in jail if you object to anything the “Liberal, Republican” Government orders you to do.
It has been announced that Everybody s favourite royal prince has caught a bug —- not monkey pox – but the Chinese virus ….
Get well soon Andy – the country needs your numerous talents ….
Queens not going to the St Paul’s bash tomorrow – watch it on TV instead …
My wife commented in London today on the complete and utter lack of burkhas and certain types of beards / sandals amongst the thousands of whites and chinese, along with a few afrocarribeans.
Smithsonian is airing old edition of BBC Greg Wallace’s Inside the Factory
Programme intro
Greg Wallace “Curry is OUR unofficial national dish”
Sidekick “Over our lifetimes we’ll each spend over £30,000 feeding this spicy habit”
What’s that ?
Stereotyping and diversity denial in BBC storytelling.
Some people like curry, many don’t.
I don’t mind 1 or 2 school dinner type curries a year
but to me chilli is a stupid food that totally ruins food by zonking the natural flavours and replacing them by a toxic irritant.
I used to stay in a tribal area where I could buy beef and rice for 30p in a restaurant and there was no curry sauce to ruin it.
£30K over say 50 adult years is £600/year ..£12/week
The figure of £30,000 per person is quite correct. However, this is not just the cost of eating the occasional curry, but rather refers to the cost of our relationship with the Indian subcontinent as a whole i.e. foreign aid, benefits to their citizens in the UK, crime, preferential trade agreements, subsidies to companies such as Tata Steel, collateral economic damage to Britain caused by antics of Sunak, Patel, Javid etc. Actually, thinking about it, £30K cost per person is probably underestimating it by quite a margin…
I’ve been busy most of the day and have just had a look at some of the crowds attending the jubilee celebrations. Lovely to see. Tens of thousands of people crowding The Mall, all enjoying this special and historic occasion in our country’s history.
And do you know what I noticed? 99.99999% of them were white.
“Some Russian troops are refusing to return to fight in Ukraine because of their experiences on the front line at the start of the invasion, according to Russian human rights lawyers and activists.
The BBC has been speaking to one such soldier
His unit moved on through the Ukrainian countryside, but there was a clear lack of strategy, he says. Reinforcements failed to arrive and soldiers were poorly equipped for the task of taking a large city..”
The biased bbc naturally doesn’t show the other side: Ukrainian soldiers having reservations, some also refusing to fight.
So here you go bbc:
“12 different units in the Donbas. They all voice the same complaints about their chain of command for not properly supplying them with the weapons and equipment they need to fight. ”
“Below you can watch videos of soldiers from 12 units presenting a formal demand to President Zelensky and the Ukrainian General in Command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. ”
Zelensky is all mouth, TV cameras and hidden offshore accounts. That’s what he does. He’s in it up to his neck with the Bidens and I wonder if Zelensky is blackmailing Joe to get support. Joe has been making some outrageous statements in support of Ukraine.
Don’t get me wrong : he’s nothing like as brutal and uncaring as Putin, but IMHO he is not the hero our media are trying to make him out to be.
Went to the local Beacon lighting tonight. Vicar in place for a small service, chappie from the British Legion doing his bit as a standard bearer, nice patriotic music played, and the Mayor doing the honours. A fair few turned up, all very jolly, very British, very white. The BBC would have turned on their heels and left.
Nonsense Brissles! I can’t believe that. There must have been heaps of Bame there but you, with your inherent racism, ignored them or even worser, refuse to acknowledge they were present!
I am sure if the BBC had actually turned up at your bonfire they would have found them. Scores of them.
Also they would have explained to their audience the real reason for the recent huge spike in refugees numbers was their desire to get across the channel in time to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s jubilee.
The Jubilee celebrations are full of BAME in the same way the boats are full of women and children.
ie. Only in the Leftists agenda-driven world of lies.
What disgust me the most about it is that they think it is GOOD to lie to millions of people thinking that if they can make them believe it, they will come to accept the agenda. The BBC admitted it directly for Dr Who.
It’s this Leftist philosophy of ‘We will decide your truth for you’ which has ultimately led to the millions they have murdered throughout history. The more powerful they get, the bigger the lies get and with it the need to suppress those who dissent.
Not anything really – but I appreciate how easily the past is ‘revised ‘. I have never been a ‘fan’ of the ‘firm’ – I don’t hold with underserved honours ( so many ) and how’ traditions ‘are often just made up ….
… any way – I was shocked out how Diana Spencer was built into a ‘brand ‘ and when she met her end I was equally taken back by the collective British response to it – maybe that was the state of ‘wokeness’. I just could nt understand it .
And if you – recall – the Royal Family didn’t get it either – and we’re effectively pressured – advised – to return to London and do public mourning ….
That is almost airbrushed now – Diana Spenser has been replaced by someone else who I suppose the British public ‘accept ‘- but who cares ?
Meanwhile on day 2 of the circus the BBC will have ‘best mosque ‘ show with a prize for the most patriotic mosque after Friday Prayers / conspiracies ….
Isn’t is strange how two characters in the show – a prince and an archbishop – have both exited stage right with the Chinese virus – together – of course – with crankie -who probably sees the Queen as a rival – or even worse – English
Finally – I suppose the whole thing is an assertion that there still is a Britain – that the BBC has not succeeded -yet – in dividing the country into factions – but it’s not far away
Not just that F2, many underestimate the affection that many from China to the US feel for the Queen, which reflects upon the UK and its tourism revenue as any visit to London in the summer will show:
From Fox News :
“Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee has been a joyous time for many Brits, but why should their neighbors across the pond care?
The British reigning monarch, 96, is celebrating 70 years on the throne. Nile Gardiner, a former aide to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, told Fox News Digital that the queen is just as revered by Americans who have long been fascinated by the pomp and pageantry associated with the royal family.
“Why should Americans care? This is significant for Americans as well because the queen is extremely popular among Americans,” Gardiner explained. “Year after year polls generally show her with an approval rating in the US about 70%. That is continuously higher than most US presidents including the current president.”
“The queen is tremendously respected by American people,” he continued. “She is seen as someone who embodies leadership, service, and the powerful relationship between the US and UK. The queen has represented the extremely successful US/UK partnership. Americans recognize this and share their support for that. The UK remains our strongest ally and the queen embodies that.”
Gardiner also noted that the queen’s life-long pledge to public service is one that still sparks inspiration decades later.
“The queen is seen as someone with tremendous dignity, duty and service to her county,” he shared. “The spirit of service that Americans admire greatly, her character is admired greatly on both sides of the Atlantic. The most popular global figure for the last seven decades.”
Zephir – I’m not sure about the ‘tourist revenue ‘ thing . A lot of people go to France – such as Liverpool supporters – and they only have a semi monarch – macron –
Besides – who benefits from ‘tourist revenue ‘ ? Hotels with 99% foreign staff ? Foreign owned airlines ? And we have a lot of places that are ‘free ‘….
Brand Finance estimates the capital value of the UK Monarchy as a business at £67.5bn
Monarchy’s annual contribution to the UK economy in 2017 is £1.766bn
Annual cost per head is less than £4.50 a year, equal to just over 1p a day
View the Brand Finance Monarchy 2017 report here
As the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh celebrate their Platinum Wedding Anniversary, leading brand and business valuation consultancy Brand Finance has estimated the total worth of the UK Monarchy. Growing every year since the inception of the study in 2012, the value of the British Monarchy now amounts to approximately £67.5 billion.
The Monarchy’s tangible assets – the Crown Estate, the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall, and the Royal Collection, including the Crown Jewels – account for £25.5 billion. The intangible value, understood as the present value of the benefits that the Monarchy is expected to bring the UK economy over the years, constitutes the remaining £42 billion.
Brand Finance estimates that in 2017 the Monarchy generated a gross uplift of £1.766 billion to the UK economy. The contribution includes the Crown Estate’s surplus as well as the Monarchy’s indirect effect on various industries. The respect for the institution boosts the price and volume premium of brands boasting a Royal Warrant or a Coat of Arms; the appeal of pomp and circumstance set in living royal residences draws millions of tourists; the mystique surrounding the Monarchy adds to the popularity of shows like The Crown and Victoria that offer a glimpse of the private lives of the Royal Family.
The economic benefits generated by the Monarchy come at a very low cost to the British nation, equal to only £4.50 per person per year or just over 1p a day. The total costs of the Monarchy, totalling approximately £292 million, include the Sovereign Grant, earnings from the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall ceded to the Queen and the Prince of Wales, and security expenses, among others. A significant proportion of these costs is in fact incurred by residence maintenance, staff salaries, and travel expenditures required by any head of state.
David Haigh, CEO of Brand Finance, commented:
“Exactly 25 years ago, the Windsor Castle fire marked the nadir of the Queen’s annus horribilis when scandals drove the Monarchy’s popularity down. Today, its universal appeal translates to the attraction of Brand Monarchy offering considerable commercial benefits to all businesses and institutions associated with it.”
“The Monarchy is Britain’s national treasure, both symbolically and economically. Especially in the age of Brexit, Britain can rely on royal diplomacy to facilitate trade relations with the Commonwealth and the rest of the world.”
David is the CEO and founder of Brand Finance plc. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Price Waterhouse in London. He worked in International Financial Management then moved into the Marketing Services sector.
David represented the British Standards institute on the International Standards Committee working party on the standardisation of brand valuation methods and practices, whose draft standard (ISO 10668) was published in November 2010.
Always having some idea about outfits quoted here and their origins .. so I looked …
” Platinum jubilee: Queen Elizabeth’s style, from a coat she ‘loathed’ as a child to her wedding dress of Chinese silk to today’s bright colours and pastels
The British monarch’s style has been hyper-documented from her birth to the present when, 70 years into her reign, she celebrates her platinum jubilee aged 96
Though most experts would agree she has not been known as a trendsetter, Queen Elizabeth’s style is very much her own and tremendously recognisable”
” Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee: a lifetime of breaking royal records”
UK hosting special tribute to Queen Elizabeth’s 70-year reign from Thursday to Sunday
At 96, Elizabeth is the oldest current monarch and head of state in the world
Published: 11:54am, 2 Jun, 2022
” Watch: UK military parade kicks off Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations
UK celebrating Queen Elizabeth’s 70 years on the throne with four days of pomp, parties and parades
Formal celebrations begin on Thursday with the Trooping the Colour military parade in central London”
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Fedup2Mar 6, 20:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 His principles seem pretty flexible . No politician has anything to say about the torture of Tommy Robinson – agreeing…
tomoMar 6, 19:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 The wacky twits (of any stripe) don’t seemed to be challenged much over there at GBNews… I don’t understand why…
It’s like most have the bbc’s measure, in imperial units.
House journal.
Not a big sleb, or Depp fan, but Capt. Sparra has certainly managed to out the media for the mewling misandrist old cat lady coven it is. Especially the wimmin.
If Meghan does not appear nekkid with Dr. Shola on the W1A balcony in a show of something… ewwww… there will be no justice for self promoters of color anywhere.
I hope all these people calling this mysogeny and against women are also having a go at the transwomen(men in disguise) taking away womens rights, somehow I doubt it?
Johnny Depp, now sue the Guardian please.
That is truly appalling misrepresenation by the BBC.
It was a unanimous verdict.
It’s amazing how often I read the most bizarre things in American legal cases. He sued her for $50 million, she sued him for $100 million then I read:
‘The judge later reduced the amount to $10.35m, citing a limit to punitive damages under state law. ‘
The BBC Misrepresentation Unit is on a major recruitment drive.
TOADY Watch #1 – how does Nick Robinson disgrace himself on this glorious morning?
Nick has a priviliged position overlooking Buckingham Palace, and no doubt thinks back to stories of Richard Dimbleby perched high in Westminster Abbey and reporting on the proceedings below some 69 years ago. But Nick ‘gets down with the people’ and goes down to people already encamped on the Mall to watch the formal celebrations of Her Majesty’s Jubilee. Nick emphasises to listeners that foreigners love our Queen and Royalty and finds a German woman, who speaks immaculate English with perfect diction – BBC presenters please note – to interview. Well, it is Day 5 of the BBC’s Campaign to get us back into the EU.
The second newspaper review at 6.42 a.m. approximately, starts with Nick Robinson heading straight to the anti-Royal, Hard-Left/Far-Left Guardian and Afua Hirsch’s article for the paper. The Guardian newspaper is notable for not celebrating Her Majesty’s Jubilee on its front page and is said by some to be the BBC’s ‘house journal’ and source for much of the BBC’s so-called ‘news & current affairs’.
Day 5 !!! More like day 2005 of the BBC campaign to get us back into the EU.
Double, like our Fed you miss the point that we were not out when we should have been out and when the Pandemic was in, we were only just out. To get us – the UK – back in, we needed to be out first but the Pandemic came along and distracted from all that. Now that the Pandemic is all but over, “Ohverr!” the BBC can start to try to get us back in because we are out.
Now, do you also need an explanation of Test Match cricket?
Then there’s sitting in motorway fast lanes.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – hmmmnn, that speaks volumes about the BBC . . . …
What is top picture on top left? Brits tend to scan left to right, top to bottom, with eyes unless of an extreme Orthodox or Asian persuasion. No, not the picture of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, whether the new ‘official’ or a more recent news agency photo. No, what is important to the BBC is a ‘slebs’ spat in a US Court! BBC = ABB (ABB; anything but British)
Despicable, BBC.
Didn’t get a doofus Tory run out of a loser Uni though, eh?
I know the Queen’s message to the nation is written by her staff and checked by the government and must always be upbeat etc etc. But how can anyone be upbeat about Britain today?
If she believes her son it’s one minute to midnight and by next year we will be fried to a frazzle.
If she believes her grandson we are all racists bigots who are awash with our white Privelege .
In reality our country is vastly overpopulated and full of people who hate us , our culture and our values and are determined to destroy us.
Many of our institutions , BBC, judiciary, police etc are helping the invaders to destroy our culture , our history and our sense of who we are.
We are seeing a continued five year long assault on our democracy by Remainers who seem to hold all the levers of power.
We are experiencing an energy crisis and high inflation when the country is indebted to an horrific extent .
With all that happening it’s difficult to be optimistic.
As someone who has never found Ricky Gervais funny, I’ve just been watching the start of his SuperNature Netflix show which the Wokies are up in arms about.
I’ve been laughing out loud the whole time. It’s his finest hour. He absolutely rips their ridiculous arguments to pieces.
Having watched some more, I have to add that even though it is laugh-out-loud funny, I still think Ricky is a bit of a prick.
But not as bad as Russell Brand.
Always appreciate media posts with what I need to know specified.
Plus readership sample image.
If anything makes me cringe, its seeing a flag wrapped around a body . Commentators tell us we are “too British to boo Harry & Meghan” but we are adept in behaving in a crass way on other occasions.
This morning on BBC, outside Bucc Palace, the Union flag mocking and probably anti- royalist Naga Munchetty is presenting, why, why, why ?
All in hand, according to plan.
Naga, aka Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is deliberately presenting to annoy a certain group.
A more sanctimonious, condescending and sneering person would be hard to find. I don’t recall anyone ever noting any redeeming qualities about her whatsoever.
Jez’ Company Directors no doubt agree.
Reminder: what happens when Beeboids ‘find their voice’…
We prefer the BBC’s online press review top pick this morning. A momentary blip no doubt. After going with the eternally Boris-bashing giveaway Metro yesterday our BBC climbs down off the Leftist political stump for a day (or two?) to give due precedence to some respectful copy for Her Maj.
The Express takes the knee – so to speak – in a good way: ‘A grateful nation salutes you, Ma’am‘. Hats off to the Express as they wheel in columnist Leo McKinstry all present and correct: ‘Brave, strong and utterly unshockable, she grew into the perfect Queen‘
We like it. Nice frontpage official photo of the queen in pale lilac frock, a respectful appreciative quote from a named journo set in purple – there’s even an old black and white snap of the Queen with Churchill.
Being a world-weary old sceptic who has seen one or two Jubilees in the past, I’m not so sure about this optimistic all coming together take on the state of the nation: ‘As Britain comes together to celebrate Her Majesty’s magnificent 70-year reign‘
And if one had to nitpick the BBC’s top pick for their newspaper frontpage review, then the Daily Express masthead flying the blue and yellow of Ukraine could “naff orf“- to quote Princess Anne… and Norman Stanley Fletcher (there’s one for the teenagers). I suppose the problem is that they raised the bloody thing in a fit of received outrage at Putin and support for this far away country of which they know nothing – now to delete the thing would smack of abandonment and too frank an admission of defeat. By the way, the EU colours are just a happy conicidence – The blue colour of the flag represents the sky, streams, and mountains of Ukraine. The yellow symbolises Ukraine’s golden wheat fields and the richness of the earth. Nice one Putin.
That’s the somewhat poetic explanation. More to the point historically speaking – nascent european nations, impressed by the Revolutionary French tricolour, tended to seek national colours in simple stripes or bands on their flags. The coat of arms of Ukraine, is and always was, a blue shield with a gold trident. Officially referred to as the Emblem of the Royal State of Volodymyr the Great, the first Grand Prince of Kyiv.
The BBC likes to keep us intermittently up to date with Volodymyr the former TV soap actor playing the part of latest Grand Prince of Kyiv: ‘Ukraine war: President Zelensky visits Kharkiv in first trip outside Kyiv region‘ (BBC, 3 days ago)
The respectful Express is followed by the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper in the BBC line up. A rather snarky off-hand tone surrounds their Jubilee headline: ‘70 not out. Millions of people are expected to thank the Queen for her lifetime of service‘ – but heaven forfend that this republican newspaper, editorially-speaking, deigns to salute Her, or the British institution of Monarchy per se, eh?
And of course the Johnsonphobic ‘i’ predicts the prime ministerial head on the chopping block: ‘Johnson gets stay of execution… until Monday‘
I’m reminded of that hackneyed old quote “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated” – this early reposte to “fake news” is oft attributed to American writer Mark Twain. Apparently, reports of this attribution have been greatly exaggerated.
The ‘i’ willing this to be true: ‘Secret ballot on his leadership is possible next week‘
The Telegraph Jubilee headline – for me – also misses the parlous state of the nation: ‘”We look forward to the future with confidence and enthusiasm”‘ – I’m guessing the steamship Titanic was launched with similar optimism. Oh dear me, the venerable old Telegraph… time for your seditives, soup and jell-o – as they say in carehomes for the elderly and confused. Oh, you haven’t, have you? Never mind, we’ll soon get you cleaned up.
I refer of course disrespectfully, not to our Queen with the long 70 year innings, but to the septuagenarian US Commander in Chief. American little birdies do tell me it has been well over one hundred days since Joe Binden faced a one-on-one interview with a reporter. Mano e mano. In the interim the US public are left having no idea where his brain might be at?
To missquote that Norwegian football commentator over-excited at his team’s victory over England in 1981 – Bjørge Lillelien – in case you were wondering… “Feminists, can you hear me… Germaine Greer… Amanda de Cadenet… your girl took a hell-luv-a beating” (allegedly):’Amber’s shattering £7m courtroom humiliation‘ (Daily Mail)
The Times treads warily given its largely female-orientated features readership: ‘Depp wins. Star awarded $10m in battle with ex-wife‘
The Guardian, however, knows exactly which side of the fence it stands: ‘“I’m heartbroken”: Heard loses Depp libel case‘
The blokey Daily Star takes the opposite stance: ‘It’s justice for Johnny‘
I’ll say this for the Guardian, they’re not wrong here: ‘Working from home. The new front in the culture war‘ – which is refreshing to hear from a leftist title because the usual response is to deny there is any such thing as a culture war.
‘Long covid hits 2m… adults in Britain… including 376,000 who have had symptoms for at least two years‘ (Times) – all of them self-diagnosed and employed in the public sector, no doubt.
Let me leave you with my most important complaint against Boris. It was bowing to the forces that demanded Lockdown of course. That goes without saying. It stole our liberties and wrecked our economy. And saved the lives of… we’ll never be truthfully told – but I’m guessing it killed more overall.
But the very worst aspect of our modern crop of politicians is their seeming inability to employ any common sense understanding of basic human natutre, or – if you will – understanding of market forces.
Consider a world on which the Tory PM looks out – where 90% of those in the civil service, NHS, the public sector generally, are by temperament anti-Brexit (the main plank of your premiership), anti-Boris, taking more time off sick than the private sector, secured from any potential pay cut due to extended time off – and noticable already not delivering efficiently for the public their customers any good level of service – passports are often delayed, long patient waiting lists, the whole litany… then you allow them to have their Lockdown. Then instead of fixing a time limit – to supposedly flatten the curve – you leave it open-ended time-wise. Boris, you blundering dope, what did you think would happen? What did you think the BBC would say about you? Who’s side did you think it would take?
AISI, I can confirm that the Titanic was launched with optimism. In fact more than that, the owner, who I have a feeling was an atheist declared the Titanic to be “Unsinkable.”. Unfortunately God decided to intervene to teach the atheist a thing or two.
Memo to BBC.
Regarding the Depp-Heard case, have you considered the possibility that the jury, having heard all the evidence, came to the correct conclusion?
Obviously not.
Lot’s of brown nosing on the BBC channels about how great the Queen is. Typical two face BBC, one minute they are pushing the anti royal stance and then pro royal.
I’ve only watched about 30 minutes coverage but every time they go and interview the crowds it is an Asian kid. When they show the children practising a dance for later today they are all black kids.
Yep, the Beeb would far rather interview Johnny Foreigner than anyone else. Anyone who has generations of history here needn’t apply.
Same as applying for BBC jobs.
Mrs Loather has just been watching Saint Barry give a tribute to HM The Queen. I hope I haven’t missed it but I’m sure Donald J Trump will be along soon to do the same. Pigs preparing for take-off…
Dinesh DeSouza explores why Fox News (and the rest of Rupert’s fleet) won’t talk about 2000 Mules…
Barnes and Viva Frei interview Dinesh
Another billionaire messing with politics – so… – the BBC et al in lockstep with Rupert Murdoch….
tomo, does that explain the rehabilitation of the Sun newspaper to the BBC’s blogs-the-papers? It was missing almost every day for years and now it is there more often than not.
– quite possibly…
If you’d have told me The Daily Express would be owned by the same company as the Daily Mirror a few years ago I’d have laughed in your face.
It looks like the BBC will show the queen’s platinum jubilee without showing any union jacks on there web page or commentary stands albeit they have one as a carpet……says it all really.
I wonder how the overpaid duo of Munchetty and Stayt feel this morning about all the flag waving and such goings on?
Oklahoma hospital shooting: Four killed and multiple injured
So another shooting. This one barely even makes the front page on the BBC and even though the gunman shot himself, we have no indication of what everybody wants to know.
Could it be yet another example of Leftist agenda where they think it’s fine to suppress the truth in order to avoid causing stigma on a particularly violent group ?.
The agenda is ramping up again to disarm US citizens. It will mean less resistance when govs get bored of restricting food, energy, travel, employment and healthcare and come to redistribute property in the name of equality. (Trudeau’s ahead of the curve, as he seems to be in most of this these days.)
The day after the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, 37yr old Dennis Butler turned up to a birthday party in West Virginia with an illegal AR-15 and started shooting. He was shot dead by a local woman legally carrying, thankfully before anyone was hit.
The story was buried deep in the BBC and you could only find it by googling. And of course no picture of the shooter, because nothing about this story fit the agenda.
Not just the BBC – there appears to be a ‘high level’ instruction telling the media not to show a picture of the shooter. I have reviewed 30 US websites and 8 international ones – none have a picture of the elusive Dennis Butler, which tells you everything you need to know. But for those of you who like to have your natural instincts confirmed:
This coordinated approach to reporting the news with everyone reading from the same hymn sheet started when some were adding ‘falsely claimed’ about Trump and the election fraud. Before long they were all copying the same phrases – and always when what was said didn’t suit the Leftists agenda.
What stood out for me is that they simply could not know for sure some of the claims were false.
Something evolved during that time and now it is commonplace. It stinks to high heaven.
Just for the record : the gunman whose identity they are hiding was indeed black.
Joe just putters along
3.7 bottles of infant formula
Good to hear Michael Vaughan back on Test Match Special after the witch hunt against him….England off to a good start too!
Another Honours List today.
Another load of gongs for people for services to turning up for work.
And why do so many University Professors get knighthoods?
They earn good money, great perks, fantastic job security, are largely unaccountable, and already have a title.
Then there are ‘services to the NHS’. For what? Providing a lamentably awful service to taxpayers at massive cost, not including the gargantuan unfunded pension liability.
Clare Balding? For services to lesbianism presumably.
And as for the political honours. Dame Andrea Leadsom is just one. Words fail me.
It will soon be an honour not to have one !! – they’re SO yesterday.
LinkedIn just sent me an email
: Quincy Mingo, Strategic Partnerships Manager
invites you to the LinkedIn Impact Summit
Page has 9 faces
1 whiteMale, 1 wF, 1 AsianFemale, 4 black females , 2 black males
eg “SESSION 1 Creating workplaces where employees .. thrive”
has 3 black faces
Here’s an opportunity for the bbc to do some “investigative journalism”. Apologies for the spelling of the Ukranian towns. When Russia was taking the port of Mariopol, the steelworks were difficult to occupy due to civilians sheltering there. Later it emerged that the civilians were in fact the families of the Azoz troops (Apologies again) who knew that they would be safe being used as human shields. Now Zalensky is claiming that he cannot understand why Russia has launched a missile attack on a chemical works in Severodonetsk. Two possible explanations :-
1) The Russians have destroyed the works to stop Ukraine from pulling the same stunt again.
2) The chemical works were in fact one of the rumoured US biological weapons research facilities and Zalensky thought they had better not be discovered, and arranged the demolition himself.
So there you go bbc, send one of your finest over there to ask your golden boy (Who still thinks starting WW3 is a price worth paying) if either of these theories might just hold water. And stop hiding in ditches while elderly women walk by.
Probably a combination of (1) but more likely (3), which we can define as disruption to economic activity. The chemical plant produces acetic acid, methanol and vinyl acetate, which are fairly generic chemicals used in producing many other things. That’s according to TASS, the Russian news agency, which would presumably be keen to promote any American bio research. The area around Severodonetsk has hosted the chemical industry since Soviet times, it’s a bit like Teeside in this country. The labs used by the USA are not located in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as they have been separatist areas since 2014.
BBC News just now
Apparently some illegal immigrants have gone on hunger strike because they object to being sent to Rwanda. The BBC report was quite long and was completely one-sided. Just a lot of sympathy for the illegal immigrants and not a word about the fact that the ordinary people of our country don’t want them here.
The way forward for us as a nation to protest about what the wokes are doing to us in terms of mass migration, destruction of our culture etc etc is a mass hunger strike. This would solve the obesity crisis , the supermarket supply crisis, global warming ( much less methane release from lower wind) and of course force government to agree to our demands.
Defund the BBC
Can net zero and get fracking and coal mining
Repeal the devolution bill
Overturn the NPI
Sink any invasion boats on sight
Cancel the notion of privileged groups
Force civil servants and other public sector workers to work 60 hour a week for the next five years with no extra pay to make up for their extended holiday
Cancel inflation proofed pensions for the public sector
Re the invasion boats, I like the idea of using drones with cameras and C4. As the boats go out into international water they’ll be nearer France for rescue.
Ohhhh, let ’em starve then.
Protesters in the Mall.
‘Wow! look how quickly the Police can remove protesters when they want to’.
Not mine, saw it on You Tube.
Well, went to London today and either the local authority or the police or likely both, completely and utterly ruined it for thousands and thousands.
Got off at Green Park station : cant get out of the Green park exit, nope have to walk to the other side, then walk around and then : Green Park entrance is …exit only with thousands trying to get in. what do the police say ? go to next entrance further down turn right, so, thousands walk quarter mile this way and …..Green Park entrance closed, police say walk to Hyde park Corner, turn back and walk back another quarter mile alongside a bloody EMPTY and fenced off Green Park, to Hyde Park all entrances to Green park CLOSED, walk another half mile to other side of Buckingham Palace and road closed off with 10 foot high boards, nearest tube station CLOSED, walk another quarter mile to next tube station EXIT only and road fenced off to the other side for 200 yards.
Gave up in the end, safety pratts closing road after road after road ended up walking to Leicester Square. About 4 mile walk in the end.
When I lived in London Green Park was my local underground station.
Get back to watch on TV and had to brave the bbc news (live from Botswana or somewhere in Africa) with their various blacks talking about the “Pla’ inum Jubilee” (sic)
Then, their black sports presenter talking about a cricketer “illumin’ a in” a match (sic). And two gay sports people are headlines after saying they are gay. So bloody what ?
And the other black saying “some are questioning the royal family relevance”
then onto kids doing a jubilee dance, one white face out of about 30 (who never got an interview of course)
Then onto wimmins rights campaigners given interviews complaining about the Depp verdict and snide comments from bbc blacks about what this says about victims of abuse.
the sick, sick, racist, sexist bastards.
Zephir – I admire your pluck regarding going to Londonistan at such a time . The current thing isn’t for me – bread ‘ circuses – and my TV is still broke so nothing there. I’m not in UK now but I would like to have seen the fly past which some times comes over my bit of NE London – but otherwise …. Not for me …
Has the first Far Left ant royal BBC type let their guard down yet ….?
I saw the flypast between two trees at Leicester Square so wanted to see it properly on the bbc
fat bloody chance 5 seconds of it shown in last 90 minutes just started showing a bit more now at 6pm along side the words of some black asian kid they found in the crowd, its relentless with them.
And a new black at the Mall.
In my little bit of rural ideal we were fortunate enough to have helicopters fly over in the morning, then after the Mall display the returning Lancaster with Spitfires flew over, returning to base. Oh the sound of that Merlin engine – wonderful.
Did you notice if the BBC nes webpage was disproportionately black ?
Or that the block of the page about Radio1 Newsbeats is disproportionately non-white
Not the bBC, but could be.
Reading one of the online papers, Mr Musk has told the people from tesla that are “working from home” that if they don’t return they will deemed to have resigned.
Come on Mr Rees Mogg, use the same argument with the uncivil serpents.
Could you imagine a policy where if people are not back in their offices easy day then it will be assumed they not longer want to work for the State – and their pension contributions returned …in a cheque …
Panty Ho simultaneously knocks the faithful, and his bbc studio chances into touch…
Substitute the word ‘Ukrainian ‘ for ‘British ‘ –
Jack is an anti-English racist who is still bitter about the result of the referendum.
AKA stubborn, unpleasant hate-filled Jock. 10 a penny these days. They are all over Brexit threads on Facebook and BBC HYS like a bad case of herpes making their spiteful comments.
The Marxist who was a bBC economics Chap has announced he is now a candidate as a Labour MP …
I wonder what the ratio is of ex BBC employees who become Labour or Tory MPs ( from the time when there was a difference )….
BBC knows turkeys.
Hey, an idea, why don’t we rebrand our Country back to what it was in the first place?
From the Latin meaning “white” according to wikipedia!
“The earliest known name for Great Britain is Albion (Greek: Ἀλβιών) or insula Albionum, from either the Latin albus meaning “white”.”
That would really go down a treat at the BBC!
“The Greeks and Romans probably received the name from the Gauls or the Celts.
The name Albion has been translated as “white land”
; and the Romans explained it as referring to the chalk cliffs at Dover“
It is being re branded – bongo bongo land is most likely – or maybe britanistan …wokistan ..the snowflake isles ….
I want to be called God-Emperor Brother the Handsome, Lord of All He Surveys, but somehow I don’t think it’s going to happen.
Türkiye… how’s that going to work, when I can’t even find a ‘U’ with accent dots on my keyboard?
Perhaps we should start calling Istanbul ‘Constantinople’, Muslims ‘Infidels’, and the Middle East ‘Outremer’, again?
They obviously got jealous about the whole Keeeeve thing.
Oh look, Meghan “just happened” to be filmed at a window with other royals. Her royal connection is, of course, her only claim to fame and passport to obscene contracts with Netflix, Spotify etc, so naturally she has to refresh that image whenever possible.
The BBC love her, of course; sort-of black, feminist, woke, sjw, ‘victim’…
Plently of scum holding UK passports:
Tory MP slams council for flying Palestinian flag over offices in Platinum Jubilee week as he leads calls to replace it with Union Jack
Andrew Stephenson intervened after furious residents in Nelson complained
They called for the Union Jack to be flown during the Platinum Jubilee weekend
Palestinian flag was raised after Al Jazeera’s Shireen Abu Akleh was shot dead
Councillors voted unanimously to fly the Palestinian flag at Nelson — dubbed ‘Little Moscow’ because it was so Left-wing in the early 20th century.
They said Ms Akleh had been assassinated ‘by Israeli government forces’.
Labour group leader Mohammed Iqbal, who was awarded an MBE by the Queen last year, moved the motion which was supported by Tory colleagues.
Pretty sure the BBC are quite delighted to have such a plucky new citizen:
Amidst all the positivity around the Jubilee, the BBC couldn’t resist raining on the parade with a bit of socialist Republicanism:
“While plenty of people are out celebrating with street parties and picnics, many are trying their best to avoid the jubilations.
Simon, from Tring in Hertfordshire, called BBC Radio 5 Live to say he plans to draw his curtains to block out the street party on his road so he can catch up on the Marvel films.
“I do not believe the royal family have done us any good, particularly recently.
“My wife is a care worker on £9.50 an hour… the amount of money that’s being dribbled away on the Jubilee, it beggars belief in this situation we’re in at the moment.
“I don’t want to support a woman who’s grown up in a very elitist, rich family by accident of birth.”
So he must be subscribing to Disney+ , despite his wife only being on a low wage?
Just in .
Following on from Turkey’s re-brand..
Australia wnats to ca called Orstrayleearr
Does Turkey want to be known as Greece ? Or chicken ?
Pity they can’t throw it out of NATO …
The BBC going through the motions of the Jubilee just can’t resist a reminder to us all what their real agenda is!
Wonder how many BBC camera men (or persons) it took to find that shot?
Yes that is the black guy photo also on the news page
Se my 6:34pm post above for the screenshot.
I see The Guardian are pretending the Royal Jubilee isn’t happening, but then again to it’s lefty but well-healed, vitriolic readership it probably isn’t.
However their ever delightful Polly Toynbee can’t resist a snipe…
I fail to understand why these Guardian types don’t just up sticks and move to Canada where they can enjoy all the benefits of a socialist Republic including getting your bank account frozen, beaten up by the cops or thrown in jail if you object to anything the “Liberal, Republican” Government orders you to do.
It has been announced that Everybody s favourite royal prince has caught a bug —- not monkey pox – but the Chinese virus ….
Get well soon Andy – the country needs your numerous talents ….
Queens not going to the St Paul’s bash tomorrow – watch it on TV instead …
Photos of the thousands of people lining the Mall and no BBC reporter to tell us he’s never seen so many White people in one place.
My wife commented in London today on the complete and utter lack of burkhas and certain types of beards / sandals amongst the thousands of whites and chinese, along with a few afrocarribeans.
The streets of Tower Hamlets , Luton … Boltonistan … festooned with union flags ….
Smithsonian is airing old edition of BBC Greg Wallace’s Inside the Factory
Programme intro
Greg Wallace “Curry is OUR unofficial national dish”
Sidekick “Over our lifetimes we’ll each spend over £30,000 feeding this spicy habit”
What’s that ?
Stereotyping and diversity denial in BBC storytelling.
Some people like curry, many don’t.
I don’t mind 1 or 2 school dinner type curries a year
but to me chilli is a stupid food that totally ruins food by zonking the natural flavours and replacing them by a toxic irritant.
I used to stay in a tribal area where I could buy beef and rice for 30p in a restaurant and there was no curry sauce to ruin it.
£30K over say 50 adult years is £600/year ..£12/week
forgot to say “tribal area of India”
I was trying to say that with a billion people not every area is dominated by spicy food, though most are
The figure of £30,000 per person is quite correct. However, this is not just the cost of eating the occasional curry, but rather refers to the cost of our relationship with the Indian subcontinent as a whole i.e. foreign aid, benefits to their citizens in the UK, crime, preferential trade agreements, subsidies to companies such as Tata Steel, collateral economic damage to Britain caused by antics of Sunak, Patel, Javid etc. Actually, thinking about it, £30K cost per person is probably underestimating it by quite a margin…
So, Johnny Depp joined veteran guitarist Jeff Beck for a John Lennon cover: “Isolation”
Just waiting for Amber Heard to join Megan Markle for a cover song, I hear it is likely to be the Eagles “Lying Eyes”.
I also hear on the grapevine their band is to be called “The Nutmegs”.
I’ve been busy most of the day and have just had a look at some of the crowds attending the jubilee celebrations. Lovely to see. Tens of thousands of people crowding The Mall, all enjoying this special and historic occasion in our country’s history.
And do you know what I noticed? 99.99999% of them were white.
It was like I was still living in England…
Has anyone seen Jon Snow?
That’s because few of our imported enrichment give one shiny sh1t about GB or it’s history.
They are here for the money and a better society than the sh1thole their own people built which they would be living in otherwise.
I’ll bet my hat that the BBC TV coverage found all the BAME in the crowd and zoomed in on them to try and lie about how much they support the UK.
You win a hat
Oklahoma hospital shooting: Four dead after gunman targets doctor
Well what do you know. Here is the shooter the BBC do not identify.
Racist scumbags.
The Russian soldiers refusing to fight in Ukraine
“Some Russian troops are refusing to return to fight in Ukraine because of their experiences on the front line at the start of the invasion, according to Russian human rights lawyers and activists.
The BBC has been speaking to one such soldier
His unit moved on through the Ukrainian countryside, but there was a clear lack of strategy, he says. Reinforcements failed to arrive and soldiers were poorly equipped for the task of taking a large city..”
The biased bbc naturally doesn’t show the other side: Ukrainian soldiers having reservations, some also refusing to fight.
So here you go bbc:
“12 different units in the Donbas. They all voice the same complaints about their chain of command for not properly supplying them with the weapons and equipment they need to fight. ”
“Below you can watch videos of soldiers from 12 units presenting a formal demand to President Zelensky and the Ukrainian General in Command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. ”
12 videos from Ukrainian social media.
Zelensky is all mouth, TV cameras and hidden offshore accounts. That’s what he does. He’s in it up to his neck with the Bidens and I wonder if Zelensky is blackmailing Joe to get support. Joe has been making some outrageous statements in support of Ukraine.
Don’t get me wrong : he’s nothing like as brutal and uncaring as Putin, but IMHO he is not the hero our media are trying to make him out to be.
Went to the local Beacon lighting tonight. Vicar in place for a small service, chappie from the British Legion doing his bit as a standard bearer, nice patriotic music played, and the Mayor doing the honours. A fair few turned up, all very jolly, very British, very white. The BBC would have turned on their heels and left.
Nonsense Brissles! I can’t believe that. There must have been heaps of Bame there but you, with your inherent racism, ignored them or even worser, refuse to acknowledge they were present!
I am sure if the BBC had actually turned up at your bonfire they would have found them. Scores of them.
Also they would have explained to their audience the real reason for the recent huge spike in refugees numbers was their desire to get across the channel in time to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s jubilee.
The Jubilee celebrations are full of BAME in the same way the boats are full of women and children.
ie. Only in the Leftists agenda-driven world of lies.
What disgust me the most about it is that they think it is GOOD to lie to millions of people thinking that if they can make them believe it, they will come to accept the agenda. The BBC admitted it directly for Dr Who.
It’s this Leftist philosophy of ‘We will decide your truth for you’ which has ultimately led to the millions they have murdered throughout history. The more powerful they get, the bigger the lies get and with it the need to suppress those who dissent.
Just look at the picture the BBC used:
Very, very specifically taken to get the nearest thing to BAME they could find. Just look at the rest of the crowd.
Racist scumbag traitors.
Not anything really – but I appreciate how easily the past is ‘revised ‘. I have never been a ‘fan’ of the ‘firm’ – I don’t hold with underserved honours ( so many ) and how’ traditions ‘are often just made up ….
… any way – I was shocked out how Diana Spencer was built into a ‘brand ‘ and when she met her end I was equally taken back by the collective British response to it – maybe that was the state of ‘wokeness’. I just could nt understand it .
And if you – recall – the Royal Family didn’t get it either – and we’re effectively pressured – advised – to return to London and do public mourning ….
That is almost airbrushed now – Diana Spenser has been replaced by someone else who I suppose the British public ‘accept ‘- but who cares ?
Meanwhile on day 2 of the circus the BBC will have ‘best mosque ‘ show with a prize for the most patriotic mosque after Friday Prayers / conspiracies ….
Isn’t is strange how two characters in the show – a prince and an archbishop – have both exited stage right with the Chinese virus – together – of course – with crankie -who probably sees the Queen as a rival – or even worse – English
Finally – I suppose the whole thing is an assertion that there still is a Britain – that the BBC has not succeeded -yet – in dividing the country into factions – but it’s not far away
Not just that F2, many underestimate the affection that many from China to the US feel for the Queen, which reflects upon the UK and its tourism revenue as any visit to London in the summer will show:
From Fox News :
“Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee has been a joyous time for many Brits, but why should their neighbors across the pond care?
The British reigning monarch, 96, is celebrating 70 years on the throne. Nile Gardiner, a former aide to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, told Fox News Digital that the queen is just as revered by Americans who have long been fascinated by the pomp and pageantry associated with the royal family.
“Why should Americans care? This is significant for Americans as well because the queen is extremely popular among Americans,” Gardiner explained. “Year after year polls generally show her with an approval rating in the US about 70%. That is continuously higher than most US presidents including the current president.”
“The queen is tremendously respected by American people,” he continued. “She is seen as someone who embodies leadership, service, and the powerful relationship between the US and UK. The queen has represented the extremely successful US/UK partnership. Americans recognize this and share their support for that. The UK remains our strongest ally and the queen embodies that.”
Gardiner also noted that the queen’s life-long pledge to public service is one that still sparks inspiration decades later.
“The queen is seen as someone with tremendous dignity, duty and service to her county,” he shared. “The spirit of service that Americans admire greatly, her character is admired greatly on both sides of the Atlantic. The most popular global figure for the last seven decades.”
Zephir – I’m not sure about the ‘tourist revenue ‘ thing . A lot of people go to France – such as Liverpool supporters – and they only have a semi monarch – macron –
Besides – who benefits from ‘tourist revenue ‘ ? Hotels with 99% foreign staff ? Foreign owned airlines ? And we have a lot of places that are ‘free ‘….
Cheaper than the BBC:
Brand Finance estimates the capital value of the UK Monarchy as a business at £67.5bn
Monarchy’s annual contribution to the UK economy in 2017 is £1.766bn
Annual cost per head is less than £4.50 a year, equal to just over 1p a day
View the Brand Finance Monarchy 2017 report here
As the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh celebrate their Platinum Wedding Anniversary, leading brand and business valuation consultancy Brand Finance has estimated the total worth of the UK Monarchy. Growing every year since the inception of the study in 2012, the value of the British Monarchy now amounts to approximately £67.5 billion.
The Monarchy’s tangible assets – the Crown Estate, the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall, and the Royal Collection, including the Crown Jewels – account for £25.5 billion. The intangible value, understood as the present value of the benefits that the Monarchy is expected to bring the UK economy over the years, constitutes the remaining £42 billion.
Brand Finance estimates that in 2017 the Monarchy generated a gross uplift of £1.766 billion to the UK economy. The contribution includes the Crown Estate’s surplus as well as the Monarchy’s indirect effect on various industries. The respect for the institution boosts the price and volume premium of brands boasting a Royal Warrant or a Coat of Arms; the appeal of pomp and circumstance set in living royal residences draws millions of tourists; the mystique surrounding the Monarchy adds to the popularity of shows like The Crown and Victoria that offer a glimpse of the private lives of the Royal Family.
The economic benefits generated by the Monarchy come at a very low cost to the British nation, equal to only £4.50 per person per year or just over 1p a day. The total costs of the Monarchy, totalling approximately £292 million, include the Sovereign Grant, earnings from the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall ceded to the Queen and the Prince of Wales, and security expenses, among others. A significant proportion of these costs is in fact incurred by residence maintenance, staff salaries, and travel expenditures required by any head of state.
David Haigh, CEO of Brand Finance, commented:
“Exactly 25 years ago, the Windsor Castle fire marked the nadir of the Queen’s annus horribilis when scandals drove the Monarchy’s popularity down. Today, its universal appeal translates to the attraction of Brand Monarchy offering considerable commercial benefits to all businesses and institutions associated with it.”
“The Monarchy is Britain’s national treasure, both symbolically and economically. Especially in the age of Brexit, Britain can rely on royal diplomacy to facilitate trade relations with the Commonwealth and the rest of the world.”
Maybe someone in brand finance is after a gong?
David is the CEO and founder of Brand Finance plc. He qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Price Waterhouse in London. He worked in International Financial Management then moved into the Marketing Services sector.
David represented the British Standards institute on the International Standards Committee working party on the standardisation of brand valuation methods and practices, whose draft standard (ISO 10668) was published in November 2010.
Always having some idea about outfits quoted here and their origins .. so I looked …
South China Morning Post:
” Platinum jubilee: Queen Elizabeth’s style, from a coat she ‘loathed’ as a child to her wedding dress of Chinese silk to today’s bright colours and pastels
The British monarch’s style has been hyper-documented from her birth to the present when, 70 years into her reign, she celebrates her platinum jubilee aged 96
Though most experts would agree she has not been known as a trendsetter, Queen Elizabeth’s style is very much her own and tremendously recognisable”
” Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee: a lifetime of breaking royal records”
UK hosting special tribute to Queen Elizabeth’s 70-year reign from Thursday to Sunday
At 96, Elizabeth is the oldest current monarch and head of state in the world
Published: 11:54am, 2 Jun, 2022
” Watch: UK military parade kicks off Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations
UK celebrating Queen Elizabeth’s 70 years on the throne with four days of pomp, parties and parades
Formal celebrations begin on Thursday with the Trooping the Colour military parade in central London”