What do you call a black mass shooter: “mostly peaceful”.. “mental issues” NO mention of previous arrests or criminal records, NO PICTURES please and hide in local or overseas news.
What do you call an islamic terrorist : “nothing” and no pictures please or, if pressed, “lone wolf / mental issues”
What do you call a white terrorist : “White supremacist” over and over and over again and as many pictures as you can find all over front page of web news please.
What so you call Pakistani grooming gangs ie mass rapists: NOTHING and definitely local news as quick as possible and NO PICTURES.
I have to take a different opinion to many for the BBC
coverage of the Jubilee. It must of been an almost thankless
task for reporters on watch to find ” ethnic ” followers at the parade. I say ethnic , but it should really be black
because there are plenty of patriotic Indian supporters of the
Just as the Russian soldiers are shit scared of Putin. I
imagine that although BIG BROTHER of the diversity
department at the BBC has many if not, all sycophants
working for him, she or it. They must be shit scared of
offending he, she or it.
” Scour for black Jubilee supporters” must of been the order
of the day. It must of been harder than finding one or two
to put in the front surrounding Fiona Bruce in the Antiques
Road Show !!
Someone needed to tell Big Brother that in the demographics
of the UK that only 3% are black. And probably less than 5%
of them care a f*** about the Royal Family . And to be honest
why should they ?Especially if most working at the BBC really
despise even showing the Union Jack. Whatever ethnicity
they are.
I was there, there were a few, a very few, (although many chinese with union flags) one elderly afro carribean chap raised a few laughs complaining about being denied access to Buckingham Palace access roads and making various comments about democracy and wanting to see the Queen(see my posts above about police stopping people).
If it was an efnick event I strongly suspect there would have been a riot if denied access, there was not a riot. Just a couple of ladies strongly questioning the police.
Never fear, Notting Hill debauchery returns this year.
Local tradesman Tel Wideboy comments, “Glad its back, guvnor, our boarding up and glazing business ain’t half suffered since the old chinese Alan Pardew kicked in. We’ve had to put the lads on the rock and roll for a couple of years”.
As an appendage I watched ” East Enders” last night. I
don’t think I have watched it for 20 years at least.
Anyway the stars last night were the appearances of
Prince Charles and Camilla , Duchess of Cornwall.
In the real world in most of the east end of London .
Charles would of met Danny Dyer , as it happens a relative
of our heir to the throne , outside the Queen Vic and retorted
” Dr Livingstone I presume.”
What they do is BBC policy, not just all the reporters coincidentally doing the same thing.
I suspect a lot of their staff are useless graduates in irrelevant subjects hired through quotas who know how lucky they are to get any job at all. They will do exactly what they are told.
For some reason Marianna Sprung immediately to mind when I wrote that.
The reason it doesn’t work is that Muslim’s do not betray other Muslim’s to non-Muslims. They have no interest whatsoever in ‘Prevent’ and if they had any inclination to do anything about young Muslims becoming terrorists, they would deal with it by their own religious methods. They would never let the infidels be involved.
The problem is that I believe 100% that most Muslims actually agree with the sentiment which drives the youngsters to make their bombs and sharpen their knives – but they don’t have the drive to do it. They might disapprove with the ‘what’, but they agree with the ‘why’.
The article does not go anywhere near that truth and hence is just rambling, worthless rubbish from the kind of people who come out with that for a living without making any difference to the world at all.
It’s absolute rubbish! The prevent strategy is flawed from the outset by the false belief everyone is ‘equal’ and therefore the same. That a Muslim is a Muslim and they are all the same.
Also that anyone who criticises a Muslims as de Facto “islamophabic, and racist” Probably as bad as Tommy Robinson and one of the mythical “Far Right” bogeymen they love to fantasise about.
Someone posted here that the Imam of the Didsbury Mosque tried to bring attention to Islamist terror being plotted at the Mosque and got nowhere. In fact he had to leave the area because threats to his life were simply allowed.
The real problem is with an Islamic sect called the Salafis which is proscribed in virtually every Muslim country in the world, but which is protected and cherished by the brain dead Left.
Every Islamist attack in Europe as far as I am able to tell has been committed by a Salafi, it’s even illegal in Saudi Arabia because they know how bad these people are.
But in Britain it’s only the ones who call them out for what they are who are smeared and labeled with the usual perjoritives who are guilty.
Mate of mine’s son was visited by ‘Prevent’ over a loose friendship with a guy who had been on an anti immigration march several years previous when he had been at University.
The most tenuous and remote connection examined as all concerned were white, yet several of the Amsterdam Jihaddis originated in this area.
Here is an allegation regarding the Depp vs Heard case in the UK regarding corruption of the Judge in the case and his immediate family.
There used to be a time in the UK not so long ago when the probity and reliability and honest of the institutions of the state were beyond question and such questions would never even be thought credible, that however is no longer the case as Socialism sends along the road to perdition.
There are several allegations of wrongdoing and questionable behaviour in the case.
The Judge and Heards Barrister both shared the same chambers, and whilst this might not be against the rules it begins to raise eyebrows.
The judges son works for Rupert Murdoch again not illegal but raising suspicions.
Amber Heard went to dinner with the Judges wife and the author who co-wrote a book with the judge.
Immediately after the hearing the judge took early retirement.
I have not had time to validate any of this, but given that the trial in America produced a 180 degree opposite result, it begs the question as to whether Depp did receive a fair hearing and if the judge himself was as as morally upright as he should have been.
For many years we have known the media to be completely bent, but it appears that corruption has spread throughout our society as a result of the Left destruction of our societies moral values.
See the judgement of the Supreme Court in the Brexit War for clear evidence of judicial corruption at the highest possible level – never to be forgotten … and showed how much democracy really exists in Blighty . I think it doesn’t ….
The best example of the corrupt nature of the judicial process in the USA is the acquittal of Sussman over Russiagate. The prosecution proved far beyond any reasonable doubt that he was guilty of lying to the FBI but the judge and jury combined to find him innocent.
If any further proof were needed that there is one law for leftists but quite another for the right this is it. The US legal system is totally discredited and ours isn’t far behind.
The two pillars of any stable society worth living in are free speech and the right to dissent and the rule of law. Both have been under attack in the West for some years. We can expect societal breakdown will soon follow.
And the best example of the corruption of the MSM is that nobody is questioning anything.
Meanwhile here in the UK, the police have closed the case against Boris but the BBC and Leftists are demanding he explain trivial matters to the house such as a phone call from NutNut saying two people are waiting for him in his flat. Is that REALLY the most p[ressing business for any government ?.
It’s all completely out of control. The politicians have learned the MSM won’t question anything which weakens the Left against the Right. When your main ‘check and balance’ is so utterly corrupt, something elsewhere will inevitably break.
The Americans legal system is based on the English one. There are superficial differences but it is still fundamentally the same.
Our Supreme Court has been making a number of very curious decisions. Brexit was one. There was the Judgement in Parking Eye v Beavis which allowed scumbag Parking companies to rip off the public. This was a very strange judgement which overturned centuries of common Law which prevented involuntary contracts from being enforced.
There is a technical judgement regarding time limits for service charges under leases. The basics was that a Landlord had to give 30 days notice of certain charges in order for the leaseholder to be liable for those charges. Anyway in their wisdom the Supreme Court decided 30 days didn’t have to be 30 days, it could be a bit less if the Landlord wanted it to be. A very odd decision.
There are a few others. The Supreme Court seems to like it’s powers too much, I think they’ve decided that they will decide what Law will be in Britain rather than Parliament. It’s a converted attack on our freedoms.
I remember the supreme court decision well. When a gasp goes around the courtroom on hearing the verdict in a place like that, you know something is very, very wrong.
check the jury, via Fox news for example Clinton supporters.
Michael Sussmann acquitted by a jury of Hillary Clinton’s peers
Sussmann trial defense hinged on a biased jury of Washington, DC, liberals
Sussmann offered no real or credible defense to the charge against him. How could he? It’s impossible to explain the inexplicable or to defend the indefensible. That’s why he did not take the witness stand. He would have been eviscerated on cross-examination or might have otherwise exposed himself to another charge of perjury if he lied.
Instead, the defense was counting on a biased jury to do its work for them.
For Sussmann, picking a favorably predisposed panel was like a rigged carnival game. In the last presidential election, 92 percent voted for Joe Biden. A scant five percent cast ballots for Trump, although I doubt many of them would admit to it publicly. Jurors are statistically prone to despise the former president. Sure enough, Hillary supporters and donors dominated the selected panel. Every day during the trial, defense attorneys reminded them that their client was working against Trump.
Unfortunately for Durham, he had no choice but to try the accused in D.C. since that is where the alleged crime was committed.
If the defendant were tried in a neutral and fair venue, he’d be toast. Sussmann was relying on the concept of “jury nullification” where the triers of fact perversely ignore the evidence and repudiate the rule of law to acquit a plainly guilty man. Indeed, that’s what happened. No surprise.
Doesn’t the jury selection process weed out jurors who would be biased in favor of either the government or Sussmann? Not so much.
Some of the 12 jurors and four alternates impaneled by District Court Judge Christopher Cooper had some shaky responses during jury selection. One juror said that he had donated money to Clinton and could promise only to “strive for impartiality as best I can.”
Durham’s legal team asked Cooper (an appointee of President Barack Obama in 2014) to strike the Clinton donor, but he overruled them. “I’ll try to be fair, but no promises!” appears to be good enough for D.C. courts.
Another paragon of impartiality on the jury was a woman who admitted to being a donor to Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. No worries, though. When this juror was informed that neither Clinton nor Trump was on trial, she gave her word that she could be impartial.
Writing for The Hill, law professor and commentator Jonathan Turley said of the remainder of the Sussmann jury: “Other jurors include a woman who said she thought she was a Clinton donor but could not remember; a juror whose husband worked for the Clinton 2008 campaign; and a juror who believes the legal system is racist and police departments should be defunded.”
So, Sussmann truly was judged by a jury of his peers—Democrats and Clinton donors.
“2000 Mules” Fact Checked – Dinesh D’Souza Explains Methodology Used for Documentary
‘Fact checkers went for chara character assassination first
and were weak at attacking facts’
‘We had a whistleblower, we cannot name’
‘we can’t name anyone else, cos we are not the police, so only have cellphone positions’
‘We have limited video, cos most areas broke the rules about CCTV’
VivaFrei video… https://youtu.be/vgAnQnlXFXY
I have received thirteen threatening letters from Capita on behalf of the BBC . The latest one is asking if I’m at home on the 9 th June as they plan to visit me.
One of my friends has had fewer letters but two visits from enforcement officers. He denied them entry , said he didn’t watch live TV , slightly disingenuous, and ended the conversation. His last visit was nearly a year ago and he hasn’t heard anything from Capita since.
If they visit I plan to follow his example.
Thank you for declaring that you don’t need a TV Licence at this address. We will send you an email confirming your declaration shortly.
Your transaction ID: NDxxxxxxxx
We will confirm this in a letter or email within 10 working days. If you receive a letter from us in the next few days, you don’t need to respond. Our records are being updated. If your circumstances change, and you start to watch or record live TV programmes on any channel or device, or download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer, you need to be covered by a TV Licence. You can buy one quickly and easily at http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/pay.
TV Licensing
About two weeks later I have a letter saying they won’t contact again for a further two years, I would scan a copy, but it went in the recycling.
I feel sorry for those who want to stop paying the BBC but for family type reasons just can’t do it . Brazier – on GBNews -the other day on a rape victim who described how she was raped by a man – but the BBC changed her words so as not to offend the gender warriors –
He said changing the words of a victim was one thing – but to be compelled by law to pay for it was something worse …
The time for paying is long over ….
Now we know for sure Prince Andrew is a fibber: ‘Platinum Jubilee: Prince Andrew tests positive for Covid… tested positive after a routine test… and will not attend the Queen’s Jubilee thanksgiving service on Friday‘ (BBC) – is an inability to sweat a new covid symptom, we wonder?
Oh well, the covid, the koof, the dreaded lurgy – call it what you will – it is about the most popular catch-all excuse for all and sundry since Brexit, and before the Ukraine war came along.
The BBC’s online press line up employs a somewhat sarcastic tone (you see, it’s not just me doing it) : ‘In a surprise to no-one, the celebrations of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee dominates the front pages‘
In case you were wondering, let me take this moment just to explain why Mr AsISeeIt embarked on a regular newspaper frontpage review hereabouts. Our BBC claims political balance. No, don’t laugh. In quiet asides BBC newscasters have tended to admit to just a smidgen of their left-leaning stance and to justify it as counter-weight to what they refer to as The Tory Press.
I see very little in the way of conservative-leaning attitudes reflected in our print media these days – although there may well be some vestige of Tory Party partisanship here and there.
As they used to say – by near approximation – at the opening of Star Trek:
The Press: the final frontier. These are the reviews of the everyman AsISeeIt. His five-year (or thereabouts) mission: to explore strange old legacy media. To seek out daily news of our failing civilization. To boldly go where no man has gone before!
Captain’s log – supplimentary – stardate Jubilee – the formerly patriotic Times previously showed little sign of patriotism on its surface – according to a search of our computer records – aside from the mysterious ancient ruins of the Royal arms still discernable on the masthead – Mr Spock, our follow-the-science-officer, presumes this archaeological anomaly may be some long abandoned relic of a past now defunct civilisation. Perhaps today’s headline: ‘Beaming Queen gets her party started‘ – represents some intermittently relayed automatic distress signal occasionaly beamed out to visitors ever since the original population flew off to their Greek and southern French villas.
‘Travel chaos. Nut cases! Hols Brits “must ditch the suitcase” to avoid airport hell‘ (Daily Star) – advice acknowledged and followed when practicable by this reader for some time now. Let me break down the trick to air travel in one simple axiom for you – treat the plane as a bus – not your taxi, Uber or heaven forbid your cruise liner. The clue is that there is an awful lot of queuing involved before you get on a plane.
The Telegraph is something of an olde worlde curiousity shoppe where conservatism is concerned. What we need is a vigorous campaigning new cultural and social conservatism to take the fight to the enemy. What we get is a peculiar antique turn of phrase: ‘Majesty and merriment on The Mall (and beyond)‘
To inifity and beyond – as Buzz Lightyear of Toy Story used to exclaim.
There’s nothing the forces of the Left would like more than conservatives to tie their flagging hopes to the person of the Queen – no disrespect but how long has she got now? “Après moi, le déluge” After me, the flood, as King Louis XV of France is said to have said.
WFH may be the trend but it’s business as usual at the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: ‘Johnson plans to weaponise Brexit in Tory leadership challenge next week‘ – there is some potential pleasing symmetry for the Left if they can blame Brexit for Boris still being PM – just as they blame PM Boris for Brexit still being a thing.
Oh to see ourselves as others see us – that’s an un-Scotified simplification of the Robert Burns: “O wad some Power the giftie gie us, to see oursels as ithers see us!” – Oh that England were un-Scotified – it would reduce our tax bill.
‘Clive Myrie Britain is reassessing the monarchy‘ (‘i’) – the BBC man moonlighting there telling us Brits what we think – we assumed he was fully-employed doing a Jeremy Bowen job gawking at the war zone.
‘Devastation and defiance. 100 days of war in Ukraine that is reshaping Europe‘ – the Guardian gives us a fairly frank summary here: ‘How the Russian invasion has unfolded, from the desperate fight for Mariupol to economic turmoil around the world‘ – well done the Gruan – at least in this statement there’s no fake Kiev jingoism, no Russia is about to collapse propaganda and no dodging the fact we in the west are losing the economic sanctions war.
Not that the BBC’s print running mate is particularly classy when it comes to their other takes on current affairs. Look how the BBC press review relishes this anti-Jubilee Guardian story: ‘Away from the Jubilee celebrations, the Guardian reports that waiting lists for gynaecology treatments have risen by more than 500,000 because of doctors’ “routine dismissal” of women in “debilitating pain”. The president of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Edward Morris, tells the paper that waiting lists for major treatments for women’s health issues have risen more than other areas of medicine‘
Misogyny in that ever-so PC NHS, surely not? Or did Lockdown policy kick an already lame NHS right in the knackers? We’re told women are more likely to seek proper medical help with their health issues – therefore the increasing tin ear GPs (more than ever female) now turn to their patients would logically impact women more, I guess?
We discern a pattern. Defend a defunct generally failing institution and its Leftist leanings by claiming it is failing a particular group – be that women, ethnic minorities, gays, whatever… we see this as a leftist tactic employed across our failing ideologically warped institutions – Police, BBC, NHS, Church of England, you name it.
And finally, to conclude on a pessimistic note, cricket season…
The ‘i’ carries a sports report headline that stands as one of those (presumably) unintentional state of the nation gobbets loaded with ulterior meaning – just as the patriotically red white and blue coloured smoke from the Red Arrows’s Jubilee flypast dissipates (to be, no doubt, replaced with rainbow Pride coloured smoke by next week for our modern day Top Gun Brylcreem Boys and Girls)
‘New England era explodes into life… before collapse‘
Asiseeit – thanks – perhaps someone could review the bbc paper reviews – which I reckon provide the easiest opportunity for lefties to trumpet anti British – anti white -far left propaganda – particularly the recurring caste of haters on £
The odds of a Khan being on a BBC home page or featured in a political interview are up there with a typical Detroit family enjoying shopping at dfs in their tvcs.
You would think that in the smart phone and computer era, someone would check a map to see if that was Buckingham Palace and the captioning corrected accordingly.
TOADY Watch #1 – HeadMistress Mishal is concerned for Megan
I arrive late for the TOADY 8.10 a.m. Big Interview with the Archbishop of York, first reserve brought off the subs bench due to the Covid infectioness of Justin Welby. But prior to that Mishal is talking to another journalist, a Royal Correspondent for a newspaper in the pre-interview speculation of a TOADY presenter normally with Part-time if a Cabinet Minister is to be interviewed.
They have been, I guess, talking about HM’s absence from the Thanksgiving Service at St Paul’s Cathedral where HeadMistress Mishal is located. Mishal is very concerned that Harry & megan will be there instead of shut away in a room – an office! – somewhere in the Palace yesterday (some might think the Tower of London might be more suitable after the grief the couple have caused Granny but I could not possibly type that) “Where will Harry and Megan be, will they be with the family?” asks Mishal. “They are scheduled to attend.” is the reply. Not good enough for HarshMistress Mishal. “But will they be in the centre of the family?”
wife wanted to watch the service today so bbc news channel:
Within first three minutes:
Sitting through the MUSLIM religious editor talking about the Queens faith, cue a black peopled church, then,
The black, PREVIOUS archbishop of York interview then of to a bloody mosque she once visited to interviw a muzzie then muzzie mayor Khan talking about the Queen FFFS
Over to Sky
thats three muzzies in religious posts at the bbc now, and a proven liar, Bashir, the son of Muslim parents from Pakistan, a minority religion in the UK
TOADY Watch #2 – unconventional with the conventions these days
Just a brief point from the interview by HeadMistress Mishal with Archbishop Stephen Cottrell of York: in the good old days (back when the BBC was a decent broadcaster – er, maybe fifty or sixty years ago) a TOADY Presenter would know the convention that you do not ask someone to reveal their personal conversations with Her Majesty, nor – Archbishop of York, please note – do you reveal them, even when asked by HarshMistress Mishal.
The new head of the broadcast watchdog, Michael Grade, is too old, too lazy, and has too many conflicts of interest to lead Ofcom, the BBC’s official historian has said.
Prof Jean Seaton told the Hay festival that Grade’s appointment was a “way of bullying” the broadcaster. The Conservative peer, 79, was confirmed as the Ofcom chair in April after impressing MPs with his “character and gravitas” despite concerns over a “clear lack of depth” of knowledge about social media and online safety.
Grade recently said the BBC was right to hold the government to account but criticised its approach to reporting the Partygate scandal as “gleeful and disrespectful”.
Seaton, speaking as part of a Hay festival panel on the future of the BBC, said the broadcaster has been under “an enormous bullying attack” through the public appointments process for Ofcom, the BBC chair and its board, where there “clearly is an agenda” from a government with “no appetite for listening to alternative views”.
She said: “The appointment of Michael Grade – in his time a very interesting producer, really innovative – he’s too old to be chair of Ofcom, too lazy to be chair of Ofcom. [There are] conflicts of interest because he has said things against the BBC … but he is in a job which takes enormous detailed, grunt-like application to legal affairs. He was an inappropriate candidate.”
Grade has said he would resign the Conservative whip in the House of Lords and become a crossbench peer.
Seaton said any government “with strategic sense” would look to increase the BBC’s funding rather than threaten to remove the licence fee, in order to harness its emphasis on impartiality and objectivity and tackle disinformation, conspiracy theories and declining trust in the media.
“We have no institutions, nobody really knows how to answer some of those profound problems … The BBC, and the public service broadcaster ecology around it, is a world-useful institution that if it were funded properly could perhaps begin to grapple with the extraordinary vertiginous uncertainty around what is information,” she said.
The philosopher AC Grayling, who also appeared on the panel, said the BBC’s coverage was “unbalanced” as, despite being a longstanding BBC contributor, he had only been invited to appear on the channel once since the EU referendum in 2016, in which he was a prominent voice for the remain campaign.
“I said something critical about Brexit and the contribution was spiked. It’s not just me; people I know on my side of the divide about Brexit have been shut up, marginalised, sidelined and just haven’t been invited to talk about what is happening with Brexit. I’m disappointed with that,” he said.
He said he felt the BBC was treating Brexit as the “new normal” rather than critically examining its consequences. “This desire to try to be balanced and impartial and give a voice to everybody, in itself an honourable thing, has very often actually been distorting, it’s been a problem. In the case of the Brexit issue, it’s been a very big problem,” he said.
Given the stalemate over getting Boris out, I predict these ‘organisations’, since concluding there might be 20-25 actual Red Tories who have written their letters to the 1922 Committee, will now seek to isolate wobbly Tories and press them live on TV whether the ‘parties’ were a good thing or a bad thing. Try and individually shame weak MP’s in front of a crowd, or via gotcha interviewing, and attempt to get that theoretical number over the 50-odd that’s required.
“The government’s flagship counter-extremism Prevent strategy is failing to engage with Muslim communities, a government adviser has said.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-61679347
Perhaps they don’t want to be engaged ?
I hope, Brissles, you have your local Luton Carnival in your diary for Saturday.
The evening of enrichment is traditionally reserved for the exclusive use of somali and assorted other efnick drug gangs to fight it out on the streets of the town centre, they should really sell tickets with stands on the rooftops.
The council don’t even bother with road closures for the evening festivities as the police provide an ad hoc service in that respect throughout the night as they respond to stabbings and beatings.
Noooooo ! I shall be enjoying the entertainment in a small village – Whitwell, adjacent to where the Queen Mum was born in St Paul’s Walden. Nuffink & Innit (the modern day Hinge & Bracket) will not be appearing.
More than 1,800 knives recovered in Bedfordshire following week of action to tackle knife crime
Several initiatives included weapons sweeps in public parks, high visibility patrols in areas effected by knife crime, retailer engagement days and educational talks in schools.
Utterly incomprehensible, or it was when I saw the Mayor of London a tru follower of the teachings of Islam being firstly allowed and then greeted by various Christian clergy at the entrance to St Pauls. Inclusive of all religions? Mostly certainly not or that should in the case of Muslims, be the case. And as for a female Bishop of London? Well I was as taught that Bishops were the disciples of Jesus and were as we knoe all male, therefore are we now to assume that this assumption is an error-that a number of emale disciples were hiding under the table? Rather I suspect this a feeble effort by the Church is to show no distinction and nestle into accepting LBGT……-and everyting esle besides. Certainly the BBC in the St Pauls coverage were indulgent in showing us as many Black faces was possible in the time limit.
What’s with this 100 day milestone obsession, is it an American import?
“How 100 days of war has changed Russia”
“Kyiv defiant” after 100 days of war”
“Victory will be ours, says Zelensky on war’s 100th day”
“From morning to night, Russian state TV assures viewers that what Russian troops are doing in Ukraine is necessary, unavoidable – and not a war. The Kremlin’s still sticking to its claim that this is a limited ‘military operation’, designed to fight Nazis, ultra-nationalists and bring peace and liberation to Ukraine.
Bombarded with doublethink, you begin to feel you’re a character in George Orwell’s 1984.”
TWatO Watch #1 – all pretence at political neutrality, if it still existed – the pretence, that is – has gone
Top item on the News and again at 2 p.m.; the Prime Minister being booed and jeered upon arrival at the Service of Thanksgiving for Her Majesty the Queen at St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Final item for each decade of Her Majesty’s seven decades as our Monarch something American that came from a trumped up political protest at the elction of former President Donald Trump.
Five soldiers have collapsed on the steps outside St Paul’s Cathedral for the National Service of Thanksgiving for the Queen’s Jubilee. One member of the Royal Air Force (RAF), who was part of the military guard of honour lining the steps to St Paul’s, was among those who collapsed.
Four more military personnel also suffered in the heat as crowds cheered when they were helped back to their feet. A stretcher was even brought out for one RAF soldier who seemed to have collapsed just before Foreign Secretary Liz Truss climbed the steps into the church for the service.
‘Foreign wars tend to be most popular at the outset, particularly if they are “marketed” to the American public effectively in morally unambiguous terms, but unless they end fairly quickly in decisive victory, achieved at reasonable cost, public support and policy consensus begins to erode, sometimes swiftly. This appears to be happening with the war in Ukraine.
Public support for a major U.S. role in Ukraine polled in the mid-60s in March, but in the latest AP-NORC survey on May 16 this only commands a 45 percent plurality.
Similarly, President Biden’s “handling of U.S. relations with Russia” commanded a strong majority in March but is now “underwater,” with 45 percent approving and 51 percent disapproving.
At the same time, the New York Times, previously a strong advocate of “victory” for Ukraine and stern “punishment” for Russia, now appears to exhibit growing skepticism about the U.S. goals in the war.
The Times editorial board on May 19 declared that Ukraine’s regaining all territory seized by Russia since 2014 “is not a realistic goal. Russia remains too strong.” Biden should make clear that there are “limits to the arms, money and political support Ukraine can expect,” the Times said.
Reinforcing this viewpoint was Henry Kissinger’s speech delivered virtually to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, calling for a ceasefire with a return to “status quo ante.”
Extending this dangerous conflict, Kissinger said, risks it becoming “not a war about Ukrainian freedom but a war against Russia itself.”
Simultaneously, the heretofore skimpy and universally negative reporting of Putin’s intentions has begun to morph into a dawning perception that the Russian leader’s strategy of conquering a land bridge to Crimea and gaining a chokehold on the entire Ukrainian economy, via total control of the Black Sea coastline, is not quite as inept as previously reported.
Another element of the conventional wisdom now crumbling is the idea that the crippling sanctions imposed by the U.S. and European Union nations would soon bring the Russian economy to its knees.
Instead, there is evidence that the opposite may be occurring, with sanctions doing more damage to Western economies than to Russia’s.
Far from being the “rubble” predicted by President Biden, the ruble hit a two-year high in May and Russian energy and agricultural exports were producing record high revenues, in large part because Europe and much of the rest of the world can’t do without them.
Related to these phenomena is the utter unreality of the war’s foundational myth — namely that the United States has rallied almost the entire world against a nearly totally isolated Russia.
In truth, of the world’s 195 countries only 65 have agreed to join the American sanctions regime — meaning that 130 have refused, including China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, most of Asia, Africa and Latin America, countries that together constitute the vast majority of the world’s population.’
3pm Radio 4 trailer was for Justin Rowlatt’s daily climate lectures
every day next week ..all episodes already available on Iplayer
“Justin Rowlatt discovers how global warming may trigger irreversible changes to our planet.”
Monday 13:45 : 1 – The Arctic
Justin Rowlatt discovers how global warming may trigger irreversible changes to our planet
Tuesday : 2 – Ocean Circulation
Justin Rowlatt looks at the implications of slowing ocean circulation for climate change.
Wednesday : 3 – Cascading
Will tipping points in the Amazon and in cloud formation accelerate climate change?
Thursday : 4 – Antarctica
Justin Rowlatt asks if Antarctic changes will flood coastal cities for centuries to come?
Friday : 5 – Society
Justin Rowlatt asks if human society could itself be on the cusp of its own tipping point?
Catch the updates in a few weeks time, in the place where Rowlatt hangs out … The BBC corrections page
We get force-fed their Global warming lecturing, using licence payers money.
What we don’t get is fair and open debate.
BBC journalist on their lunchtime bulletin at the #QueensJubilee ended her report with "it has to be noted this isn't everyone's cup of tea" How dare she marr this event with her republican filth #ReetaChakrabartipic.twitter.com/VAGEhgSsog
Sky & BBC coverage of this morning’s arrival of Mr Johnson at St. Paul’s seems to have been adversely edited. I watched the coverage live and heard cheers.
The broadcasters don’t have their own agenda, surely.
It's not exactly Ceausescu on the balcony. But Tory MPs will have noticed the boos for Boris. London crowd yes, but a crowd primarily made up of royal watchers.
Fried chicken takeaway boss becomes first company director to be disqualified for abusing furlough scheme after wrongly claiming £50,000 of emergency Covid support
Ifraz Nabi wrongly claimed £50,000 emergency pandemic support for his shop
Company claimed Eat Out To Help Out support despite having limited seating
Also claimed furlough support despite continuing to stay open during Covid
So much for security? Royal experts question Harry and Meghan for ‘winding down window and waving’ to crowds… despite claiming to keep a ‘low profile’ amid row over their personal protection
Fox News: reports what the bbc never will “you can rely on us….”
Prince Harry, Meghan Markle booed while leaving Service of Thanksgiving, other royals receive loud cheers
Queen Elizabeth II is celebrating 70 years on the British throne.
Somerthing went wrong with the bbc audio, all of a sudden you cannot hear the crowd, CLEARLY AUDIBLE ON THE LIVE SKY BROADCAST
Prince Harry and Meghan have arrived at the thanksgiving service for the Queen, at St Paul’s Cathedral.
Nick erdley and Chris mason – 2 adult men discussing whether the PM being allegedly booed turning up at St. Paul’s today should determine the future leadership of the UK .
Yes – they threw is a few caveats – but the tenor of ‘get nut nut’ now soils the royal commemoration . They just can’t stop themselves .
Mason is obviously nick Robinson ‘s younger brother – with an ego the size of his salary and beyond – I wanted to hear the news as I have been out of touch for a bit ….
I do not usually waste my time complaining as they NEVER listen or admit fault,
but I do not live in bloody North Korea where the media will edit out what they do not want people to hear, every other media source captured boos and jeers in Australia the US and around the UK at Harry and Megan
but not the bloody bbc, they magically disappear on the bbc video for the black princess
It would be hilarious if not actually quite serious.
Some nomark ex BBC sofa crowd rabble rouser gets hold of some dubious bbc editorial and it is Twitter-propelled around the bubbleheadosphere, especially Labour front bench womb-bearers, plus luminaries such as Lineker and Campbell, as gospel.
She and Nick Robinson should get a roo… an edit suite, The Critic is saying.
The reporting of booing or cheering as news items is a bit much – is it a new political weapon ? – eg the non reporting of liverpool republicans booing the British national anthem at the FA cup final with their kraut manager supporting them?
The PM has taken on the hate mantle previously held by president trump .
Like him or not its not the place of a state broadcaster to do that. A real PM would do something about it .
Burchill should be reminded daily of the shite she infected the NME music rag with, alongside her partner in crime Tony Twat Parsons.
“Her writing, which was described by The Observer in 2002 as “outrageously outspoken” and “usually offensive,” has been the subject of legal action on several occasions.”
Burchill wrote of her parents: “I don’t care much for families. I adored my mum and dad, but to be honest I don’t miss them much now they’re dead”
“three years later she contradicted this when she said she couldn’t return to Bristol, as every time she heard someone speaking with her parents’ Bristol accent it would remind her how much she missed them”
The Spectator:
“The Julie Burchill affair reveals there is a sort of gutter journalism that delights in causing outrage – and I am sick of it
Like many public figures these days, Burchill’s schtick is to say what she claims is unsayable, and get paid handsomely for doing so.”
TV is teamwork. Today this wonderful woman, legendary floor manager Tracey, stayed with us an extra 4 & a half hours after her early shift because she saw we were in challenging circumstances- out of the goodness of her heart. Arise Dame Tracey! @bbcnews#PlatinumJubileepic.twitter.com/avd62CyDZH
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Probably more articles than the bbc….
BBC notes to presenters:
What do you call a black mass shooter: “mostly peaceful”.. “mental issues” NO mention of previous arrests or criminal records, NO PICTURES please and hide in local or overseas news.
What do you call an islamic terrorist : “nothing” and no pictures please or, if pressed, “lone wolf / mental issues”
What do you call a white terrorist : “White supremacist” over and over and over again and as many pictures as you can find all over front page of web news please.
What so you call Pakistani grooming gangs ie mass rapists: NOTHING and definitely local news as quick as possible and NO PICTURES.
I have to take a different opinion to many for the BBC
coverage of the Jubilee. It must of been an almost thankless
task for reporters on watch to find ” ethnic ” followers at the parade. I say ethnic , but it should really be black
because there are plenty of patriotic Indian supporters of the
Just as the Russian soldiers are shit scared of Putin. I
imagine that although BIG BROTHER of the diversity
department at the BBC has many if not, all sycophants
working for him, she or it. They must be shit scared of
offending he, she or it.
” Scour for black Jubilee supporters” must of been the order
of the day. It must of been harder than finding one or two
to put in the front surrounding Fiona Bruce in the Antiques
Road Show !!
Someone needed to tell Big Brother that in the demographics
of the UK that only 3% are black. And probably less than 5%
of them care a f*** about the Royal Family . And to be honest
why should they ?Especially if most working at the BBC really
despise even showing the Union Jack. Whatever ethnicity
they are.
I was there, there were a few, a very few, (although many chinese with union flags) one elderly afro carribean chap raised a few laughs complaining about being denied access to Buckingham Palace access roads and making various comments about democracy and wanting to see the Queen(see my posts above about police stopping people).
If it was an efnick event I strongly suspect there would have been a riot if denied access, there was not a riot. Just a couple of ladies strongly questioning the police.
Never fear, Notting Hill debauchery returns this year.
Local tradesman Tel Wideboy comments, “Glad its back, guvnor, our boarding up and glazing business ain’t half suffered since the old chinese Alan Pardew kicked in. We’ve had to put the lads on the rock and roll for a couple of years”.
As an appendage I watched ” East Enders” last night. I
don’t think I have watched it for 20 years at least.
Anyway the stars last night were the appearances of
Prince Charles and Camilla , Duchess of Cornwall.
In the real world in most of the east end of London .
Charles would of met Danny Dyer , as it happens a relative
of our heir to the throne , outside the Queen Vic and retorted
” Dr Livingstone I presume.”
Absolutely Foscari:
What they do is BBC policy, not just all the reporters coincidentally doing the same thing.
I suspect a lot of their staff are useless graduates in irrelevant subjects hired through quotas who know how lucky they are to get any job at all. They will do exactly what they are told.
For some reason Marianna Sprung immediately to mind when I wrote that.
Anti-extremism Prevent strategy ‘failing to engage Muslim communities’
This typical BBC article is a complete mess.
The reason it doesn’t work is that Muslim’s do not betray other Muslim’s to non-Muslims. They have no interest whatsoever in ‘Prevent’ and if they had any inclination to do anything about young Muslims becoming terrorists, they would deal with it by their own religious methods. They would never let the infidels be involved.
The problem is that I believe 100% that most Muslims actually agree with the sentiment which drives the youngsters to make their bombs and sharpen their knives – but they don’t have the drive to do it. They might disapprove with the ‘what’, but they agree with the ‘why’.
The article does not go anywhere near that truth and hence is just rambling, worthless rubbish from the kind of people who come out with that for a living without making any difference to the world at all.
It’s absolute rubbish! The prevent strategy is flawed from the outset by the false belief everyone is ‘equal’ and therefore the same. That a Muslim is a Muslim and they are all the same.
Also that anyone who criticises a Muslims as de Facto “islamophabic, and racist” Probably as bad as Tommy Robinson and one of the mythical “Far Right” bogeymen they love to fantasise about.
Someone posted here that the Imam of the Didsbury Mosque tried to bring attention to Islamist terror being plotted at the Mosque and got nowhere. In fact he had to leave the area because threats to his life were simply allowed.
The real problem is with an Islamic sect called the Salafis which is proscribed in virtually every Muslim country in the world, but which is protected and cherished by the brain dead Left.
Every Islamist attack in Europe as far as I am able to tell has been committed by a Salafi, it’s even illegal in Saudi Arabia because they know how bad these people are.
But in Britain it’s only the ones who call them out for what they are who are smeared and labeled with the usual perjoritives who are guilty.
A sticking plaster on a gaping wound ….
Mate of mine’s son was visited by ‘Prevent’ over a loose friendship with a guy who had been on an anti immigration march several years previous when he had been at University.
The most tenuous and remote connection examined as all concerned were white, yet several of the Amsterdam Jihaddis originated in this area.
Here is an allegation regarding the Depp vs Heard case in the UK regarding corruption of the Judge in the case and his immediate family.
There used to be a time in the UK not so long ago when the probity and reliability and honest of the institutions of the state were beyond question and such questions would never even be thought credible, that however is no longer the case as Socialism sends along the road to perdition.
There are several allegations of wrongdoing and questionable behaviour in the case.
The Judge and Heards Barrister both shared the same chambers, and whilst this might not be against the rules it begins to raise eyebrows.
The judges son works for Rupert Murdoch again not illegal but raising suspicions.
Amber Heard went to dinner with the Judges wife and the author who co-wrote a book with the judge.
Immediately after the hearing the judge took early retirement.
I have not had time to validate any of this, but given that the trial in America produced a 180 degree opposite result, it begs the question as to whether Depp did receive a fair hearing and if the judge himself was as as morally upright as he should have been.
For many years we have known the media to be completely bent, but it appears that corruption has spread throughout our society as a result of the Left destruction of our societies moral values.
See the judgement of the Supreme Court in the Brexit War for clear evidence of judicial corruption at the highest possible level – never to be forgotten … and showed how much democracy really exists in Blighty . I think it doesn’t ….
The best example of the corrupt nature of the judicial process in the USA is the acquittal of Sussman over Russiagate. The prosecution proved far beyond any reasonable doubt that he was guilty of lying to the FBI but the judge and jury combined to find him innocent.
If any further proof were needed that there is one law for leftists but quite another for the right this is it. The US legal system is totally discredited and ours isn’t far behind.
The two pillars of any stable society worth living in are free speech and the right to dissent and the rule of law. Both have been under attack in the West for some years. We can expect societal breakdown will soon follow.
And the best example of the corruption of the MSM is that nobody is questioning anything.
Meanwhile here in the UK, the police have closed the case against Boris but the BBC and Leftists are demanding he explain trivial matters to the house such as a phone call from NutNut saying two people are waiting for him in his flat. Is that REALLY the most p[ressing business for any government ?.
It’s all completely out of control. The politicians have learned the MSM won’t question anything which weakens the Left against the Right. When your main ‘check and balance’ is so utterly corrupt, something elsewhere will inevitably break.
The Americans legal system is based on the English one. There are superficial differences but it is still fundamentally the same.
Our Supreme Court has been making a number of very curious decisions. Brexit was one. There was the Judgement in Parking Eye v Beavis which allowed scumbag Parking companies to rip off the public. This was a very strange judgement which overturned centuries of common Law which prevented involuntary contracts from being enforced.
There is a technical judgement regarding time limits for service charges under leases. The basics was that a Landlord had to give 30 days notice of certain charges in order for the leaseholder to be liable for those charges. Anyway in their wisdom the Supreme Court decided 30 days didn’t have to be 30 days, it could be a bit less if the Landlord wanted it to be. A very odd decision.
There are a few others. The Supreme Court seems to like it’s powers too much, I think they’ve decided that they will decide what Law will be in Britain rather than Parliament. It’s a converted attack on our freedoms.
I remember the supreme court decision well. When a gasp goes around the courtroom on hearing the verdict in a place like that, you know something is very, very wrong.
I’m staggered that this information wasn’t picked up at the time by any one of Investigative Journalists. That is bloody outrageous if true.
check the jury, via Fox news for example Clinton supporters.
Michael Sussmann acquitted by a jury of Hillary Clinton’s peers
Sussmann trial defense hinged on a biased jury of Washington, DC, liberals
Sussmann offered no real or credible defense to the charge against him. How could he? It’s impossible to explain the inexplicable or to defend the indefensible. That’s why he did not take the witness stand. He would have been eviscerated on cross-examination or might have otherwise exposed himself to another charge of perjury if he lied.
Instead, the defense was counting on a biased jury to do its work for them.
For Sussmann, picking a favorably predisposed panel was like a rigged carnival game. In the last presidential election, 92 percent voted for Joe Biden. A scant five percent cast ballots for Trump, although I doubt many of them would admit to it publicly. Jurors are statistically prone to despise the former president. Sure enough, Hillary supporters and donors dominated the selected panel. Every day during the trial, defense attorneys reminded them that their client was working against Trump.
Unfortunately for Durham, he had no choice but to try the accused in D.C. since that is where the alleged crime was committed.
If the defendant were tried in a neutral and fair venue, he’d be toast. Sussmann was relying on the concept of “jury nullification” where the triers of fact perversely ignore the evidence and repudiate the rule of law to acquit a plainly guilty man. Indeed, that’s what happened. No surprise.
Doesn’t the jury selection process weed out jurors who would be biased in favor of either the government or Sussmann? Not so much.
Some of the 12 jurors and four alternates impaneled by District Court Judge Christopher Cooper had some shaky responses during jury selection. One juror said that he had donated money to Clinton and could promise only to “strive for impartiality as best I can.”
Durham’s legal team asked Cooper (an appointee of President Barack Obama in 2014) to strike the Clinton donor, but he overruled them. “I’ll try to be fair, but no promises!” appears to be good enough for D.C. courts.
Another paragon of impartiality on the jury was a woman who admitted to being a donor to Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. No worries, though. When this juror was informed that neither Clinton nor Trump was on trial, she gave her word that she could be impartial.
Writing for The Hill, law professor and commentator Jonathan Turley said of the remainder of the Sussmann jury: “Other jurors include a woman who said she thought she was a Clinton donor but could not remember; a juror whose husband worked for the Clinton 2008 campaign; and a juror who believes the legal system is racist and police departments should be defunded.”
So, Sussmann truly was judged by a jury of his peers—Democrats and Clinton donors.
“2000 Mules” Fact Checked – Dinesh D’Souza Explains Methodology Used for Documentary
‘Fact checkers went for chara character assassination first
and were weak at attacking facts’
‘We had a whistleblower, we cannot name’
‘we can’t name anyone else, cos we are not the police, so only have cellphone positions’
‘We have limited video, cos most areas broke the rules about CCTV’
VivaFrei video… https://youtu.be/vgAnQnlXFXY
PLEASE can everyone stop paying the licence tax.
TV detector vans are not real.
I have received thirteen threatening letters from Capita on behalf of the BBC . The latest one is asking if I’m at home on the 9 th June as they plan to visit me.
One of my friends has had fewer letters but two visits from enforcement officers. He denied them entry , said he didn’t watch live TV , slightly disingenuous, and ended the conversation. His last visit was nearly a year ago and he hasn’t heard anything from Capita since.
If they visit I plan to follow his example.
Declare this online and get left alone.
9th May 2022
Thank you for declaring that you don’t need a TV Licence at this address. We will send you an email confirming your declaration shortly.
Your transaction ID: NDxxxxxxxx
We will confirm this in a letter or email within 10 working days. If you receive a letter from us in the next few days, you don’t need to respond. Our records are being updated. If your circumstances change, and you start to watch or record live TV programmes on any channel or device, or download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer, you need to be covered by a TV Licence. You can buy one quickly and easily at http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/pay.
TV Licensing
About two weeks later I have a letter saying they won’t contact again for a further two years, I would scan a copy, but it went in the recycling.
I feel sorry for those who want to stop paying the BBC but for family type reasons just can’t do it . Brazier – on GBNews -the other day on a rape victim who described how she was raped by a man – but the BBC changed her words so as not to offend the gender warriors –
He said changing the words of a victim was one thing – but to be compelled by law to pay for it was something worse …
The time for paying is long over ….
Après moi, le déluge edition
Now we know for sure Prince Andrew is a fibber: ‘Platinum Jubilee: Prince Andrew tests positive for Covid… tested positive after a routine test… and will not attend the Queen’s Jubilee thanksgiving service on Friday‘ (BBC) – is an inability to sweat a new covid symptom, we wonder?
Oh well, the covid, the koof, the dreaded lurgy – call it what you will – it is about the most popular catch-all excuse for all and sundry since Brexit, and before the Ukraine war came along.
The BBC’s online press line up employs a somewhat sarcastic tone (you see, it’s not just me doing it) : ‘In a surprise to no-one, the celebrations of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee dominates the front pages‘
In case you were wondering, let me take this moment just to explain why Mr AsISeeIt embarked on a regular newspaper frontpage review hereabouts. Our BBC claims political balance. No, don’t laugh. In quiet asides BBC newscasters have tended to admit to just a smidgen of their left-leaning stance and to justify it as counter-weight to what they refer to as The Tory Press.
I see very little in the way of conservative-leaning attitudes reflected in our print media these days – although there may well be some vestige of Tory Party partisanship here and there.
As they used to say – by near approximation – at the opening of Star Trek:
The Press: the final frontier. These are the reviews of the everyman AsISeeIt. His five-year (or thereabouts) mission: to explore strange old legacy media. To seek out daily news of our failing civilization. To boldly go where no man has gone before!
Captain’s log – supplimentary – stardate Jubilee – the formerly patriotic Times previously showed little sign of patriotism on its surface – according to a search of our computer records – aside from the mysterious ancient ruins of the Royal arms still discernable on the masthead – Mr Spock, our follow-the-science-officer, presumes this archaeological anomaly may be some long abandoned relic of a past now defunct civilisation. Perhaps today’s headline: ‘Beaming Queen gets her party started‘ – represents some intermittently relayed automatic distress signal occasionaly beamed out to visitors ever since the original population flew off to their Greek and southern French villas.
‘Travel chaos. Nut cases! Hols Brits “must ditch the suitcase” to avoid airport hell‘ (Daily Star) – advice acknowledged and followed when practicable by this reader for some time now. Let me break down the trick to air travel in one simple axiom for you – treat the plane as a bus – not your taxi, Uber or heaven forbid your cruise liner. The clue is that there is an awful lot of queuing involved before you get on a plane.
The Telegraph is something of an olde worlde curiousity shoppe where conservatism is concerned. What we need is a vigorous campaigning new cultural and social conservatism to take the fight to the enemy. What we get is a peculiar antique turn of phrase: ‘Majesty and merriment on The Mall (and beyond)‘
To inifity and beyond – as Buzz Lightyear of Toy Story used to exclaim.
There’s nothing the forces of the Left would like more than conservatives to tie their flagging hopes to the person of the Queen – no disrespect but how long has she got now? “Après moi, le déluge” After me, the flood, as King Louis XV of France is said to have said.
WFH may be the trend but it’s business as usual at the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: ‘Johnson plans to weaponise Brexit in Tory leadership challenge next week‘ – there is some potential pleasing symmetry for the Left if they can blame Brexit for Boris still being PM – just as they blame PM Boris for Brexit still being a thing.
Oh to see ourselves as others see us – that’s an un-Scotified simplification of the Robert Burns: “O wad some Power the giftie gie us, to see oursels as ithers see us!” – Oh that England were un-Scotified – it would reduce our tax bill.
‘Clive Myrie Britain is reassessing the monarchy‘ (‘i’) – the BBC man moonlighting there telling us Brits what we think – we assumed he was fully-employed doing a Jeremy Bowen job gawking at the war zone.
‘Devastation and defiance. 100 days of war in Ukraine that is reshaping Europe‘ – the Guardian gives us a fairly frank summary here: ‘How the Russian invasion has unfolded, from the desperate fight for Mariupol to economic turmoil around the world‘ – well done the Gruan – at least in this statement there’s no fake Kiev jingoism, no Russia is about to collapse propaganda and no dodging the fact we in the west are losing the economic sanctions war.
Not that the BBC’s print running mate is particularly classy when it comes to their other takes on current affairs. Look how the BBC press review relishes this anti-Jubilee Guardian story: ‘Away from the Jubilee celebrations, the Guardian reports that waiting lists for gynaecology treatments have risen by more than 500,000 because of doctors’ “routine dismissal” of women in “debilitating pain”. The president of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Edward Morris, tells the paper that waiting lists for major treatments for women’s health issues have risen more than other areas of medicine‘
Misogyny in that ever-so PC NHS, surely not? Or did Lockdown policy kick an already lame NHS right in the knackers? We’re told women are more likely to seek proper medical help with their health issues – therefore the increasing tin ear GPs (more than ever female) now turn to their patients would logically impact women more, I guess?
We discern a pattern. Defend a defunct generally failing institution and its Leftist leanings by claiming it is failing a particular group – be that women, ethnic minorities, gays, whatever… we see this as a leftist tactic employed across our failing ideologically warped institutions – Police, BBC, NHS, Church of England, you name it.
And finally, to conclude on a pessimistic note, cricket season…
The ‘i’ carries a sports report headline that stands as one of those (presumably) unintentional state of the nation gobbets loaded with ulterior meaning – just as the patriotically red white and blue coloured smoke from the Red Arrows’s Jubilee flypast dissipates (to be, no doubt, replaced with rainbow Pride coloured smoke by next week for our modern day Top Gun Brylcreem Boys and Girls)
‘New England era explodes into life… before collapse‘
Enjoy your Jubilee celebrations.
Asiseeit – thanks – perhaps someone could review the bbc paper reviews – which I reckon provide the easiest opportunity for lefties to trumpet anti British – anti white -far left propaganda – particularly the recurring caste of haters on £
@JC “engage with the muslim komuni hee”
About bloody time they started to engage with civilisation, should be at least a page on it in the immigration application.
The odds of a Khan being on a BBC home page or featured in a political interview are up there with a typical Detroit family enjoying shopping at dfs in their tvcs.
Lineker again
EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: That’s salty! Countess makes crisps jibe at Gary Lineker after he dismissed flags as ‘pieces of cloth on a stick’
It’s the little things..
I wonder if that idiot has been to RAF Luton …
You would think that in the smart phone and computer era, someone would check a map to see if that was Buckingham Palace and the captioning corrected accordingly.
You would think …
Where was the Editor?
I take it you know that is a long running spoof website …?
It looks like woolwich or Greenwich …
TOADY Watch #1 – HeadMistress Mishal is concerned for Megan
I arrive late for the TOADY 8.10 a.m. Big Interview with the Archbishop of York, first reserve brought off the subs bench due to the Covid infectioness of Justin Welby. But prior to that Mishal is talking to another journalist, a Royal Correspondent for a newspaper in the pre-interview speculation of a TOADY presenter normally with Part-time if a Cabinet Minister is to be interviewed.
They have been, I guess, talking about HM’s absence from the Thanksgiving Service at St Paul’s Cathedral where HeadMistress Mishal is located. Mishal is very concerned that Harry & megan will be there instead of shut away in a room – an office! – somewhere in the Palace yesterday (some might think the Tower of London might be more suitable after the grief the couple have caused Granny but I could not possibly type that) “Where will Harry and Megan be, will they be with the family?” asks Mishal. “They are scheduled to attend.” is the reply. Not good enough for HarshMistress Mishal. “But will they be in the centre of the family?”
F@cking bbc:
wife wanted to watch the service today so bbc news channel:
Within first three minutes:
Sitting through the MUSLIM religious editor talking about the Queens faith, cue a black peopled church, then,
The black, PREVIOUS archbishop of York interview then of to a bloody mosque she once visited to interviw a muzzie then muzzie mayor Khan talking about the Queen FFFS
Over to Sky
thats three muzzies in religious posts at the bbc now, and a proven liar, Bashir, the son of Muslim parents from Pakistan, a minority religion in the UK
TOADY Watch #2 – unconventional with the conventions these days
Just a brief point from the interview by HeadMistress Mishal with Archbishop Stephen Cottrell of York: in the good old days (back when the BBC was a decent broadcaster – er, maybe fifty or sixty years ago) a TOADY Presenter would know the convention that you do not ask someone to reveal their personal conversations with Her Majesty, nor – Archbishop of York, please note – do you reveal them, even when asked by HarshMistress Mishal.
From the BBC newspaper-
The new head of the broadcast watchdog, Michael Grade, is too old, too lazy, and has too many conflicts of interest to lead Ofcom, the BBC’s official historian has said.
Prof Jean Seaton told the Hay festival that Grade’s appointment was a “way of bullying” the broadcaster. The Conservative peer, 79, was confirmed as the Ofcom chair in April after impressing MPs with his “character and gravitas” despite concerns over a “clear lack of depth” of knowledge about social media and online safety.
Grade recently said the BBC was right to hold the government to account but criticised its approach to reporting the Partygate scandal as “gleeful and disrespectful”.
Seaton, speaking as part of a Hay festival panel on the future of the BBC, said the broadcaster has been under “an enormous bullying attack” through the public appointments process for Ofcom, the BBC chair and its board, where there “clearly is an agenda” from a government with “no appetite for listening to alternative views”.
She said: “The appointment of Michael Grade – in his time a very interesting producer, really innovative – he’s too old to be chair of Ofcom, too lazy to be chair of Ofcom. [There are] conflicts of interest because he has said things against the BBC … but he is in a job which takes enormous detailed, grunt-like application to legal affairs. He was an inappropriate candidate.”
Grade has said he would resign the Conservative whip in the House of Lords and become a crossbench peer.
Seaton said any government “with strategic sense” would look to increase the BBC’s funding rather than threaten to remove the licence fee, in order to harness its emphasis on impartiality and objectivity and tackle disinformation, conspiracy theories and declining trust in the media.
“We have no institutions, nobody really knows how to answer some of those profound problems … The BBC, and the public service broadcaster ecology around it, is a world-useful institution that if it were funded properly could perhaps begin to grapple with the extraordinary vertiginous uncertainty around what is information,” she said.
The philosopher AC Grayling, who also appeared on the panel, said the BBC’s coverage was “unbalanced” as, despite being a longstanding BBC contributor, he had only been invited to appear on the channel once since the EU referendum in 2016, in which he was a prominent voice for the remain campaign.
“I said something critical about Brexit and the contribution was spiked. It’s not just me; people I know on my side of the divide about Brexit have been shut up, marginalised, sidelined and just haven’t been invited to talk about what is happening with Brexit. I’m disappointed with that,” he said.
He said he felt the BBC was treating Brexit as the “new normal” rather than critically examining its consequences. “This desire to try to be balanced and impartial and give a voice to everybody, in itself an honourable thing, has very often actually been distorting, it’s been a problem. In the case of the Brexit issue, it’s been a very big problem,” he said.
The BBC and Ofcom declined to comment.ENDS
Monday’s BBC/ITV/SKY
Given the stalemate over getting Boris out, I predict these ‘organisations’, since concluding there might be 20-25 actual Red Tories who have written their letters to the 1922 Committee, will now seek to isolate wobbly Tories and press them live on TV whether the ‘parties’ were a good thing or a bad thing. Try and individually shame weak MP’s in front of a crowd, or via gotcha interviewing, and attempt to get that theoretical number over the 50-odd that’s required.
“The government’s flagship counter-extremism Prevent strategy is failing to engage with Muslim communities, a government adviser has said.”
Perhaps they don’t want to be engaged ?
Lots of whistles and jeers as Megan arrived at St Pauls, some for Boris also, silence as Starmer arrived.
I see he’s gained the nickname Sir Beer Korma.
Ahh but according to Al Beeb it was only loud cheers that were heard for the ginger whinger.
I hope, Brissles, you have your local Luton Carnival in your diary for Saturday.
The evening of enrichment is traditionally reserved for the exclusive use of somali and assorted other efnick drug gangs to fight it out on the streets of the town centre, they should really sell tickets with stands on the rooftops.
The council don’t even bother with road closures for the evening festivities as the police provide an ad hoc service in that respect throughout the night as they respond to stabbings and beatings.
Noooooo ! I shall be enjoying the entertainment in a small village – Whitwell, adjacent to where the Queen Mum was born in St Paul’s Walden. Nuffink & Innit (the modern day Hinge & Bracket) will not be appearing.
I know the church where she was baptised, nice walk from there to Whitwell through the countryside.
They do like their watercress.
The consequences of “diversi’ hee” :
“Bedfordshire” all those rural zombie knives….
More than 1,800 knives recovered in Bedfordshire following week of action to tackle knife crime
Several initiatives included weapons sweeps in public parks, high visibility patrols in areas effected by knife crime, retailer engagement days and educational talks in schools.
Gang who ran Luton drugs network jailed for total of 24 years
Luton man jailed on drug dealing charges after failing to dispose of Class A drugs when chased by police in Aylesbury
Man found seriously injured in the road after suspected hit and run in Luton
Luton Sixth Form College steps up security after teen was stabbed in ‘gang attack’
Three teenagers charged with attempted murder after gunshots fired at car in Luton
Two men seriously injured in ‘awful’ assault outside a Luton McDonald’s
Bins, cars and garage set ablaze in string of arson attacks in Luton’s Marsh Farm area
Bedfordshire Police are treating the fires as linked
Cliver Myrie is displaying the Crown Jewels on BBC1 Tonight.
Utterly incomprehensible, or it was when I saw the Mayor of London a tru follower of the teachings of Islam being firstly allowed and then greeted by various Christian clergy at the entrance to St Pauls. Inclusive of all religions? Mostly certainly not or that should in the case of Muslims, be the case. And as for a female Bishop of London? Well I was as taught that Bishops were the disciples of Jesus and were as we knoe all male, therefore are we now to assume that this assumption is an error-that a number of emale disciples were hiding under the table? Rather I suspect this a feeble effort by the Church is to show no distinction and nestle into accepting LBGT……-and everyting esle besides. Certainly the BBC in the St Pauls coverage were indulgent in showing us as many Black faces was possible in the time limit.
How long before we hear that the female B of L is trans ?
Also interesting to see at least three of our woke army collapse and not even in a proper summer heat.
They were probably overwhelmed by climate change.
What’s with this 100 day milestone obsession, is it an American import?
“How 100 days of war has changed Russia”
“Kyiv defiant” after 100 days of war”
“Victory will be ours, says Zelensky on war’s 100th day”
“From morning to night, Russian state TV assures viewers that what Russian troops are doing in Ukraine is necessary, unavoidable – and not a war. The Kremlin’s still sticking to its claim that this is a limited ‘military operation’, designed to fight Nazis, ultra-nationalists and bring peace and liberation to Ukraine.
Bombarded with doublethink, you begin to feel you’re a character in George Orwell’s 1984.”
Meanwhile: Azovstal battalion prisoners video.
Eddy, that’s a vintage looking Volvo there, must be worth a few bob to a collector from the West.
TWatO Watch #1 – all pretence at political neutrality, if it still existed – the pretence, that is – has gone
Top item on the News and again at 2 p.m.; the Prime Minister being booed and jeered upon arrival at the Service of Thanksgiving for Her Majesty the Queen at St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Final item for each decade of Her Majesty’s seven decades as our Monarch something American that came from a trumped up political protest at the elction of former President Donald Trump.
Five soldiers have collapsed on the steps outside St Paul’s Cathedral for the National Service of Thanksgiving for the Queen’s Jubilee. One member of the Royal Air Force (RAF), who was part of the military guard of honour lining the steps to St Paul’s, was among those who collapsed.
Four more military personnel also suffered in the heat as crowds cheered when they were helped back to their feet. A stretcher was even brought out for one RAF soldier who seemed to have collapsed just before Foreign Secretary Liz Truss climbed the steps into the church for the service.
Interesting article from American media, refreshing after the lightweight drivel the BBC expel.
“Could Russia win a public relations war against the West?”
‘Foreign wars tend to be most popular at the outset, particularly if they are “marketed” to the American public effectively in morally unambiguous terms, but unless they end fairly quickly in decisive victory, achieved at reasonable cost, public support and policy consensus begins to erode, sometimes swiftly. This appears to be happening with the war in Ukraine.
Public support for a major U.S. role in Ukraine polled in the mid-60s in March, but in the latest AP-NORC survey on May 16 this only commands a 45 percent plurality.
Similarly, President Biden’s “handling of U.S. relations with Russia” commanded a strong majority in March but is now “underwater,” with 45 percent approving and 51 percent disapproving.
At the same time, the New York Times, previously a strong advocate of “victory” for Ukraine and stern “punishment” for Russia, now appears to exhibit growing skepticism about the U.S. goals in the war.
The Times editorial board on May 19 declared that Ukraine’s regaining all territory seized by Russia since 2014 “is not a realistic goal. Russia remains too strong.” Biden should make clear that there are “limits to the arms, money and political support Ukraine can expect,” the Times said.
Reinforcing this viewpoint was Henry Kissinger’s speech delivered virtually to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, calling for a ceasefire with a return to “status quo ante.”
Extending this dangerous conflict, Kissinger said, risks it becoming “not a war about Ukrainian freedom but a war against Russia itself.”
Simultaneously, the heretofore skimpy and universally negative reporting of Putin’s intentions has begun to morph into a dawning perception that the Russian leader’s strategy of conquering a land bridge to Crimea and gaining a chokehold on the entire Ukrainian economy, via total control of the Black Sea coastline, is not quite as inept as previously reported.
Another element of the conventional wisdom now crumbling is the idea that the crippling sanctions imposed by the U.S. and European Union nations would soon bring the Russian economy to its knees.
Instead, there is evidence that the opposite may be occurring, with sanctions doing more damage to Western economies than to Russia’s.
Far from being the “rubble” predicted by President Biden, the ruble hit a two-year high in May and Russian energy and agricultural exports were producing record high revenues, in large part because Europe and much of the rest of the world can’t do without them.
Related to these phenomena is the utter unreality of the war’s foundational myth — namely that the United States has rallied almost the entire world against a nearly totally isolated Russia.
In truth, of the world’s 195 countries only 65 have agreed to join the American sanctions regime — meaning that 130 have refused, including China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, most of Asia, Africa and Latin America, countries that together constitute the vast majority of the world’s population.’
3pm Radio 4 trailer was for Justin Rowlatt’s daily climate lectures
every day next week ..all episodes already available on Iplayer
“Justin Rowlatt discovers how global warming may trigger irreversible changes to our planet.”
Monday 13:45 : 1 – The Arctic
Justin Rowlatt discovers how global warming may trigger irreversible changes to our planet
Tuesday : 2 – Ocean Circulation
Justin Rowlatt looks at the implications of slowing ocean circulation for climate change.
Wednesday : 3 – Cascading
Will tipping points in the Amazon and in cloud formation accelerate climate change?
Thursday : 4 – Antarctica
Justin Rowlatt asks if Antarctic changes will flood coastal cities for centuries to come?
Friday : 5 – Society
Justin Rowlatt asks if human society could itself be on the cusp of its own tipping point?
Catch the updates in a few weeks time, in the place where Rowlatt hangs out … The BBC corrections page
We get force-fed their Global warming lecturing, using licence payers money.
What we don’t get is fair and open debate.
SNAFU Media.
A look at the faces of the congregation as Nutmeg and Harry walked in, the camera rarely lies, can see on Mail online.
BBC Boris jeers headlines, but not the much larger public protest at the other two.
You have to read between the media.
Mad Al, Pippster and Kev. BBC regulars.
Last time this peroxide addled hag was on my timeline she was displaying as a piece of wrinkled roadkill in jogging pants.
On the topic of bitter hags.
Found her voice?
Seems all remains sorted in post.
Fried chicken takeaway boss becomes first company director to be disqualified for abusing furlough scheme after wrongly claiming £50,000 of emergency Covid support
Ifraz Nabi wrongly claimed £50,000 emergency pandemic support for his shop
Company claimed Eat Out To Help Out support despite having limited seating
Also claimed furlough support despite continuing to stay open during Covid
So much for security? Royal experts question Harry and Meghan for ‘winding down window and waving’ to crowds… despite claiming to keep a ‘low profile’ amid row over their personal protection
Reckon the Graun heard what it wanted to, too?
Mad Al knows who knows.
Surely a QT gig is assured?
The media. The edit. The result.
Desperate profession. Especially Ms. Derbyshire.
Good day for BBC overpaid vocalists, really.
BBC Pictures:
Unclear if he then gunned down anyone with them, as with so far coyly ignored other BBC newsworthy types.
Fox News: reports what the bbc never will “you can rely on us….”
Prince Harry, Meghan Markle booed while leaving Service of Thanksgiving, other royals receive loud cheers
Queen Elizabeth II is celebrating 70 years on the British throne.
Somerthing went wrong with the bbc audio, all of a sudden you cannot hear the crowd, CLEARLY AUDIBLE ON THE LIVE SKY BROADCAST
Prince Harry and Meghan have arrived at the thanksgiving service for the Queen, at St Paul’s Cathedral.
5pm bbc r4 news
Nick erdley and Chris mason – 2 adult men discussing whether the PM being allegedly booed turning up at St. Paul’s today should determine the future leadership of the UK .
Yes – they threw is a few caveats – but the tenor of ‘get nut nut’ now soils the royal commemoration . They just can’t stop themselves .
Mason is obviously nick Robinson ‘s younger brother – with an ego the size of his salary and beyond – I wanted to hear the news as I have been out of touch for a bit ….
If you pay the licence fee – be ashamed .
I think they’d like the PM dead .
Whereas elsewhere we hear the crowd, funny that
Harry and Meghan booed as they arrive at St Paul’s after ‘enormous snub’ to Queen
The bbc have taken a step too far (again)
I do not usually waste my time complaining as they NEVER listen or admit fault,
but I do not live in bloody North Korea where the media will edit out what they do not want people to hear, every other media source captured boos and jeers in Australia the US and around the UK at Harry and Megan
but not the bloody bbc, they magically disappear on the bbc video for the black princess
I want an explanation
It would be hilarious if not actually quite serious.
Some nomark ex BBC sofa crowd rabble rouser gets hold of some dubious bbc editorial and it is Twitter-propelled around the bubbleheadosphere, especially Labour front bench womb-bearers, plus luminaries such as Lineker and Campbell, as gospel.
She and Nick Robinson should get a roo… an edit suite, The Critic is saying.
Once these two find their voices… 🤔
You’ll have a long wait, Zephyr.
The reporting of booing or cheering as news items is a bit much – is it a new political weapon ? – eg the non reporting of liverpool republicans booing the British national anthem at the FA cup final with their kraut manager supporting them?
The PM has taken on the hate mantle previously held by president trump .
Like him or not its not the place of a state broadcaster to do that. A real PM would do something about it .
Luckily in diverse order.
The heat, you see.
Hope all are ok.
BBC News
Amber Heard became a victim of vicious online harassment during her defamation battle with Johnny Depp.
Meanwhile some media are pleased to report her work schedule is currently packed whilst the bloke she lost to is at square one.
In the Speccie, Julie Burchill sees this as justice at play.
Remind me, what is the consequence of media driven defamation based around prejudice?
Legally, I mean. For media no consequence of anything is possible.
Burchill should be reminded daily of the shite she infected the NME music rag with, alongside her partner in crime Tony Twat Parsons.
“Her writing, which was described by The Observer in 2002 as “outrageously outspoken” and “usually offensive,” has been the subject of legal action on several occasions.”
Burchill wrote of her parents: “I don’t care much for families. I adored my mum and dad, but to be honest I don’t miss them much now they’re dead”
“three years later she contradicted this when she said she couldn’t return to Bristol, as every time she heard someone speaking with her parents’ Bristol accent it would remind her how much she missed them”
The Spectator:
“The Julie Burchill affair reveals there is a sort of gutter journalism that delights in causing outrage – and I am sick of it
Like many public figures these days, Burchill’s schtick is to say what she claims is unsayable, and get paid handsomely for doing so.”
I haven’t a clue who she is, so presume she wants a spot on some trash like Love Island!
Isn’t that the place to go when you’re thick and want publcity?
I thought it was California, where you keep a ‘low profile’?
Indeed. Seems limos there have auto window wind down when paps are detected.
Given precedent, all criteria are already met.