Booing is clearly a ‘hate crime ‘ a public disorder offence and a ‘team ‘ of plod should be ‘dedicated ‘ to identifying and prosecuting the …er ..’ booers ‘
Los Angeles DA Gascon’s office lands 5-month probation camp sentence for teen who mowed down mom and infant
A Venice, California, driver ran over Rachel and her infant son last summer, video shows
Despite shocking surveillance video of the Aug. 6, 2021, incident, numerous eyewitnesses and initial felony charges, the teen will serve his sentence at a “juvenile probation camp,” an alternative sentence less severe than juvenile detention.
Rachel, in her statement, repeatedly called the attack an attempted murder and lambasted Gascon for what she called a policy of seeking juvenile justice with “the lightest touch possible.”
While the West’s attention is diverted to perverted sexual behaviour, there is a monumental sea change taking place in Europe, and thus us. It will define us into the 22nd century.
I see the war in Ukraine as a war that is really a proxy war between NATO and Russia. At stake is who controls the old continent, with its founding countries of western civilisational structures.
Russia sees this as its goal. America is to prevent it. But the way its going, it is Russia that is winning. Western sanctions have hit us the people, while making Russia richer and more influential in Europe. Each country in Europe is making side deals with Russia on energy, and soon wheat/fertiliser, while sanctimoniously signing on to sanctions. In effect the end of American hegemony and the beginning of Russian supremacy,.
Sanctioning Russia from SWIFT has had the effect that Russia has put in place its own “SWIFT” like system. Europe is signing on to it, as it needs the oil and the rest that Russia has in abundance. Thus SWIFT is being demoted from its monopoly position.
I hope America is not stupid enough to use NATO as an instrument in Ukraine. Russians are superb chess players, not so the Biden lot. This slow grinding of Ukrainian forces could be a trap set for NATO.
All liberal causes follow a standard playbook that incorporates four stages:
Stage 1 – Identify a cause and ask for tolerance and understanding. The cause should have some basis in a geniuine grievance, so as to solicit public sympathy.
Stage 2 – Having achieved tolerance and understanding, push for equality. As most people are fair-minded, this can be achieved.
Stage 3 – Having achieved equality, push for preferential treatment, arguing that ‘historic wrongs’ have to be corrected. Many people feel uncomfortable with this, so have to be coerced into accepting it.
Stage 4 – Begin persecution of your opponents, through legal means, intimidation, violence.
New groups are being invented, even as we speak. That is partly why the transgender topic is of such immense importance to the Left – it is a totally fabricated and artificial ‘problem’ without any basis in reality, an opportunity to force people to profess belief in things they know to be untrue. This can be contrasted with women’s rights, homosexuality, abortion, the American Civils Rights movement and other causes which, regardless of the outcomes, were built upon actual injustices and concerns.
The next big cause for the Left is the legalisation of paedophilia. This is a challenge, as it is rightly held in complete revulsion by 99% plus of humanity. However, the exact same techniques of the four key stages described above will be used. During Stage 1, the additional principle of precedence will be used, claiming that opposition to paedophiles (or Minor Attracted Persons, which is the phrase they will use) is exactly the same as prejudice to homosexuals in previous generations.
Ian, some might say a significant reason homosexuality was illegal was because it was perceived to be a generally harmless deviancy, but one which could open the door to increasingly bizarre, and eventually seriously deviant sexual behaviour (ie some of the things we’re now being told must be accepted, even celebrated, then perhaps, as you say, paedophilia, and then what…?).
It’s a similar argument as to why cannabis use should be illegal, we all know that the sort of people to push for legalising cannabis use won’t stop there, but after normalising its use, will push onwards for harder and harder drugs to be legalised.
I would say the kind of people who are involved in this process, the ‘Left’ as you describe them (I’d describe them as ‘liberals’, although that’s not correct either), are often as interested in destablising and ‘breaking down’ society as anything else, although I’m not sure they’re always self aware enough to realise it.
Wow. In 4 minutes, former U.S. Marine Marksmanship Instructor and Arizona Sec. of State candidate @Adrian_Fontes dismantles the right's Second Amendment lies. Watch this till the end.
Tomo – thank you for the … numerous twitters … the ex marine chap is an ideal candidate to stack the Supreme Court with the approved type …
But surely his interpretation of the constitution has been well aired by the courts . Also – the whole argument about controlling guns has to be put up against the sheer volume of weapons owned by Americans across the years …
Americans pay the price in blood for having a system allowing widespread gun ownership – particularly amongst children . But they are where they are …
I saw Lauren Boebert and thought it worth a share – since the claiming of virtue by the anti-gun crowd is insufferable… I reconsidered and added some other points of view!
Proper training and vetting of applicants should be part of it but the whole thing is massively tangled … in ways that sometimes beggar belief to a Brit. I saw that Californian Democrats recently voted not to impose more onerous rules on 18 year olds buying guns!
Fed, what justification is there for a US citizen to have a military weapon? It can be used for hunting but is not as good as a proper hunting rifle. It cannot do the job of a shotgun. It is bulky and heavy and is therefore not good as a crime deterrent where accessibility and speed is required.
Er … because – like it or not – the baddies have got them . The box of toys opened with the Constitution- it can’t be closed –
The price American children pay is that fact … I also admire the healthy distrust of the government and their determination to be free…
Fed, I don’t think ‘baddies’ go house to house to rob people carrying assault rifles and machine guns. If they want to steal stuff, they need to be able to carry it away.
If I might find someone in my house with a pistol, I would want something that would take him out at a range further than he can accurately shoot.
Which means a rifle. Once you accept that part, the specifics of it are just detail.
The real issue is that so many criminals have guns, clamping down on the law just means only the bad guys have them.
The people killed by crazy white people with guns is absolutely insignificant compared to how many are deliberately murdered by criminals using them. 10 a year compared to 10,000. And hugely disproportionately by black people. But the media cover those facts up for their political agenda. That is the real problem here.
JohnC – obviously an American – not a UK problem – yet . But the regular slaughter in US cities really is something – as I say before – the box is open – guns are freely available there – that is the situation in the US – I’d be tooled up to the roof and trained to use if necessary ….
I bet the gun shops there are booming because of Biden / Obama ….
This is huge! Look at the impact of the film on Democrats and Independents. I can’t wait for the full results of this survey
Better late than never: the NYT publishes a very worthwhile op-ed by Christopher Caldwell, providing critical historic and strategic context to the aggressive US role in Ukraine, and why Biden has been trying to escalate, not diplomatically end, the war.
Yes. The time that meeting was broken up just when Joe was about to go off-script was a landmark moment and showed us beyond doubt that Joe was not in charge. Which the MSM ignored.
I see Joe as a loose cannon as he usually does exactly what he is told – like a child sometimes. But I can tell he is full of hate and he has the usual Leftist streak of nasty spite when things don’t go his way. We’ve seen him crack in public a few times already. Then I think he snaps and shouts at people to do what he says – he is still President after all. Hence things like the Afghanistan bloodbath.
Don’t they also get Billery and her ‘husband’ in on the griff as well?
The stench of US politics seems to be plastered on everything these days, and the BBC just ignore it by preferring to continually bash Boris at every turn.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they sought out the ‘booers’ and got their grubby mikes right up close as soon as possible – it’s the way they ‘work’.
I’m glad Glenn Greenwald sees the danger. Biden is the greatest danger. As events are heading, Biden will lead us to defeat. The normal behaviour of America is then to beat it back home, while leaving us with tons of disjointed military equipment with no spares, physically and politically.
We will then have to come to some arrangement with Russia in a new OSCE but without the USA.
Moreover, I see the global centre of mass moving to Asia. As a guess, it might be some virtual point between Moscow, Beijing and Delhi.
tomo, you need to look at the map here: . Wales – I hate to admit with Drakeford in charge – led the way in falling infections in the UK with Scotland lagging in fourth place.
Any British politician attending Bilderberg, World Economic Forum, or organisations backed by Soros money, should automatically be barred from public life.
For general amusement, see if you can associate the three MPs listed above with their hashtags:
I always knew BBC female reporters were shouty. Friday 10pm BBC1 news and the lady in Ukraine (admittedly without helmet or bulletproof vest) said she would have to keep her voice low because the Russian troops were 30 kilometres away. Boris has given us permission for the BBC to say 20 miles away instead but they wouldn’t do that.
I noticed the other day that I have absolutely no interest in listening to any reporters on the groundin Ukraine. It’s because I absolutely don’t believe a word they tell me actually represents what is really going on. Their target seems to be maximum empathy – presumably looking for some award at the next BBC incest ceremony where it gives awards to itself.
Even the internet is hard to search now. One minute the Russians are pulling out, then suddenly I learn they hold 20% of Ukraine.
And of course I regularly get told the most secret bad news in the Kremlin – from a UK minister. And I wonder how on Earth he knows.
This is the stand-out factor for me about Ukraine. Despite the massive news coverage, I have no real idea what is actually going on.
JohnC, that is why a good neutral news organisation would try to get journalists embedded with both sides in a conflict like Russia v. Ukraine. Unfortunately, the Russians think – with some good reason – that the Western nations/alliances are fighting a proxy war against them. If the BBC were a good, unbiased, politically neutral news organisation they would have asked the Russians to let some journalists accompany their forces. If the Russians said “No”, then a good, unbiased, politically neutral BBC would, in my view, every now and then preface reports of the war with a simple explanation of that fact of Russian refusal.
TOADY Watch #1 – funny but there are deaths of journalists and then there are dead journalists
The interesting thing to emerge from TOADY this a.m. was that an American journalist interviewed by Amol or JustRemainIn let slip that a French journalist had been killed in Ukraine recently. Funny, I thought …. I thought, funny … the BBC have not reported it prominently on their airwaves or on their web-site and have not continued to report it some days after the event. And no coverage of the funeral. I wonder why?
Aah, I guess that would be because the journalist was not a Palestinian.
One factor is whether the person is a real journalist – which is increasingly an endangered species – or a political activist who has chosen journalism to pursue his or her life’s work (as opposed to heading up a charity, becoming a bishop, a judge, a BBC presenter etc).
Ian, you have a point. I cannot remember offhand the organisation that represents the endangered species of true journalist but I respect their work, together with the work of good, neutral, independent journalists (freelances) as well as better paid staffers. It is a dreadful shame for the BBC that they biasedly report such circumstances.
May 30th BBC did make a news story about the death of the French journalist Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff.
and did tweet it.
And it did go up on the Ukrainian war coverage page.
It’s not very good taste to joke about putting prices on getting people killed.
All people have usually innocent families.
All lives matter and hundreds of people die in Asia and Africa die unjustly every single day in unreported wars etc.
Stew, think you need to read my post again – slowly and carefully – there was no joking there but I was making a very serious point: the BBC’s obviously biased reporting.
SG: “And it did go up on the Ukrainian war coverage page.”
Thank you for making my point for me; it was not on the BBC’s Home Page, it was not on the BBC’s News Page nor do I recall it being mentioned at all let alone many times on the BBC R4 broadcast News which I listen to every day.
@Up2snuff You asked for an apology
You said “Stew, think you need to read my post again – slowly and carefully – there was no joking there”
Actually “you need to read my post again” I never said you made a joke. The joke was @Fed at ” 10:42 PM I wonder that the going rate in the Russian artillery is for hitting a BBC reporter …. ?
You said about the death of the French journalist Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff.
“the BBC have not reported it prominently on their airwaves or on their web-site
and *have not continued to report it* some days after the event. ”
I then pointed out
“May 30th BBC did make a news story.. .
and did tweet it.
And it did go up on the Ukrainian war coverage page”
That is pure information .. you say the BBC didn’t report it, I point out they did.
Thomaz after the 10.30 BBC1 news told us that today in Scotland was the warmest day of the year. He didn’t tell us what the temperature was but tomorrow is forecast to be a giddy 22 degrees in the warmest place and 13 elsewhere. It is June. Could we please have some of this global warming we were promised?
“Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes it is the warmest day of the year. Sometimes it is the coldest day of the year. Sometimes it is just a normal day. Sometimes they are all of them at once”.
It’s that bloody brexiteers thing all over again isn’t it?
The point Mr boss of Sainsburys isn’t that you are to be forced back to pounds and ounces, it’s to tell small retailers that IF they want to weigh and sell things this way they should be allowed to do it, not banned by a bunch of Germans and Frenchies.
It’s called freedom but that is an alien idea to Europhiles I guess.
The supermarkets have been ripping everyone off for years with their pricing of say – spuds – as either a ‘number of’, or pounds or kilos, and there is absolutely no way of comparing and deciphering the real value with such gobbledegook as that!
Years ago, I tried to work a small spreadsheet on a handheld PC while deciphering the prices on a weekly shop, and while the calcs were correct, it really was impossible to find true value in the time it took to buy a bag of Maris Piper, and these shops well know that!
The boss of Sainsburys might like to consider the following:
The company is currently supporting so-called “Pride month”, which promotes homosexuality. The largest shareholder of Sainsburys is the government of Qatar, through the Qatar Investment Authority. Homosexuality is illegal in Qatar, same-sex marriages are not recognised, and it is not permitted to campaign for LGBT rights. As it appears perfectly possible for the company to support two diametrically opposed positions, presumably it should be a cinch for them to label their produce in both Imperial and Metric measurements.
Dinesh D’Souza explains how come people are able to label him election fraudster
‘My good friend was standing for election in a seat she could never win
she was short of funds and kept asking me for money, but I had already donated to the $10K limit in that election.
Other people like Zuckerberg have ways they can get money legally into campaigns .. (Bundleling is common, people get away with it” said Robert Barnes)
I was too buy to find other donors so I simply promised to reimburse 2 friends if they donated $5K each to her campaign.
Somehow the Democrats got wind and the prosecution was political, co so many other cases get off, but here they intimidated me into leading guilty by threatening double triple prosecution for the same event.
The course was not lenient and for 8 months I had to sleep with prisoners at night in the halfway house
I served my time ..and after some years my conviction was almost spent, but then Trump pardoned me anyway’
Ted Cruz always impresses me with how calmly he responds.
That video is a good example of why you don’t give ignorant children a political voice until they have some experience of the world.
Which is one of the major reasons the Left disgust me so much. They specifically target young people and don’t care one bit how clueless they are. They just want the numbers. The BBC are one of the worst for this now. It’s exactly what they have done in response to older people turning against them as their bias became more obvious. And precisely why they want to keep lowering the voting age.
‘Nilambur Ayisha was targeted by people who believed a Muslim woman shouldn’t act.’
A masterclass in BBC lies.
She was targeted by MUSLIMS who believed a woman shouldn’t act BBC. You have deliberately worded it to avoid saying who did it.
Later we get:
‘Since 2014, when the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party swept to power in India, attacks on Muslims – the country’s largest minority at 200 million – have risen sharply.’
So am I to assume it was a Hindu who shot at her BBC ?. Because it wasn’t.
And no mention in the article whatsoever about the attacks on Hindus by Muslims.
Muslims are the ultimate victims for the BBC. They can write no end of articles full of empathy about how the world treats them badly.
They never go near the reasons why. Especially not the extreme sexism, male dominance/female oppression and homophobia. Or the murdering.
I’m still not sure why. Maybe it’s because they share the same mindset of ideological fanaticism where the ends justify any means it takes to get there.
“The BBC is no stranger to fiascos, in the 2 years since the UK left the European Union the Corporation has had many:
Systemic cover-up of Martin Bashir’s forged bank statements
Failure to sack Emily Maitlis after being censured 3 times for anti-Tory bias for breaching the Royal Charter rules on impartiality
Relentless Party-gate, Wallpaper-gate, Bernard Castle coverage, but next to no coverage of Nicola Sturgeon receiving a police warning for breaking Covid rules, Sir Kier Starmer’s late night beer/curry bender and nothing about Mark Drakeford dancing with other maskless revelers at Cardiff University
Wrongly blaming innocent victims of an antisemitic attack in Oxford Street for provocation
Employing Tala Halawa, who had a history of posting anti-Israel and anti-Semitic tweets in 2014 including the words “Hitler was right”
Giving an exclusive platform to the SNP to address the Scots public with daily Covid press briefings, but failing to mention that Scotland had a worse Covid public health outcome than England and Wales
Instinctively blaming England football fans (who else) for sending racist tweets after England finished second to Italy in the Euro 2021 final. When the reality was that almost all of the offending tweets originated from outside of the UK and during the ‘celebrations’ in Italy, 3 people were killed, including a English mother from a racist attack”
“Unfortunately my regard for “Auntie Beeb” was somewhat diminished when they made a report about European families leaving the UK before Brexit when, even as the reporter explained the “Exodus” the graphic BEHIND him on screen showed that more Europeans were coming into the country than leaving, then the had an interview headlined “ Governor of Bank of England says Brexit bad for British business” I listen carefully to the interview and was stunned to see that the only reference to “bad for business “ was during a cut away from the interview and over stock footage of trucks at Dover which said PHILIP HAMMOND was quoted as saying it was bad for business. Not once did the Governor say anything about it!!!!!!! As David Mitchell on “Have I Got News for You” pointed out the News department of the BBC is running it’s own political agenda and is endangering the rest of the BBCs normally excellent output.”
Zephir – who is the author of this ? I started reading assuming it was you because there is neither citation nor quote marks ….
I would anyone posting anything which isn’t their own to clearly mark the origin please …
I’ve read some of the bits you have put up and agree much but wondered about the source …I’m not trying to cause offence -by the way ..
… I notice that when the msm use the term ‘populist’ it is always derogatory…when it is really the ‘unapproved ‘ view of the people that despise- like me ..
Its where people post questions and others post answers, many anonymously so citations are difficult, I did try to explain at the start that it was others posting about the bbc.
Have a look at and you can search for topics, the bbc and guardian are popular subjects at the moment….
Quite like Quora. But like wiki, it is best to read broadly around.
And appreciate some replies.
Why do the British say “zed” instead of “zee” for the letter “Z”? –
The British Isles were invaded in 1066 by William the Conqueror who spoke a form of French. We learned that a sheep in the field was called mouton when dead and cooked. So we call it mutton. Cattle in the field were called boeuf when dead and cooked. So we call it beef. The conquerors called the letter “z” zed. So we did too. Why Americans call it “zee” when we have been saying “zed” for a thousand years is beyond me. They still say “beef” and “mutton”.
The profound BBC bias is missed by many because it is not a simple Left or Right Political bias, and those who deny bias miss the subtlety of the problem.
Amongst News and current affairs journalists about 70% were privately educated (v 7% of the population as a whole). This group wins 25% of our olympic medals, 26% of the places at our Law and Medical schools, but a full 70% of our BBC journalists, (and interestingly, about 70% of our judges). Moreover, within this group, the major,very expensive Public Schools are even more over- represented than the more modest less prominent private institutions. Within the 30% who are State Educated, Grammar schools (which most closely mimic the ethos of middle class private schools) are themselves massively over-represented versus Comprehensives. Finally, amongst those in charge of editorial control, and senior management, the major Public Schools dominate even more than amongst Journalists as a whole. (These figures are available and reproducible to anyone).
The result is not a question of political Left or Right bias, but a colossal Upper Middle Class bias which is so overwhelming that it passes without challenge within the BBC. It really doesn’t enter their heads that they could possibly be biased, because like many who have I fear somewhat missed the point in answering this question, they look only for clear political bias, and of course that bias probably isn’t there so obviously.
I do not want to be misunderstood as suggesting any conscious “ruling class conspiracy” nor “old boy network”, not at all, it is vastly more subtle than these out-moded concepts, it is a sub-conscious and organic product of the human tendency to wish to recruit in our own image, and this afflicts institutions everywhere.
The dishonesty of the BBC and “Diversity”, as a front to distract from Upper Middle Class domination.The reason the BBC is obsessed with physical “diversity” is because it wishes to distract from the monumental lack of genuine diversity of opinion. So it openly says it wants to move away from presenters who are “male, pale and stale” (itself both a sexist and a racist phrase which passes entirely unchallenged), it wants Blacks, Asians,Muslims women, the blind, Gays, the disabled, in a very public way, but only if these black disabled blind muslim gay women partake of the same upper middle class values of the institution as a whole. (And by the way, a very similar proportion of the Asian, Black, Muslim gay and disabled journalists were also privately educated).
The organic, pervasive bias of the BBC arises because the institution is populated from top to bottom with people from backgrounds that have ensured that they have never at any time in their existence had to be concerned about money in the same way that 90% of the population have had to worry about money.
If you are brought up in a family in which more money is spent on the education of its children than most families spend on rent or mortgage, food, drink, clothing, taxes and transport combined, you will be aware, and from a very early and impressionable age, that you have been born with advantages that you have neither personally earned nor merited.
Teachers in these schools drum into their pupils how privileged they are, and how their hard work is required to justify the financial sacrifices of their parents. Now this can of course result in the production of arrogant spoiled brats who despise those not raised in the same way. But these sort tend not to be attracted into journalism, which tends to appeal to the inherently more philosophical, thoughtful, and possibly those more desirous of public attention and approbation than the pursuit of financial gain. And for these gilded children of the bourgeoisie, financial gain is anyway less of a pressing necessity than it is for most. However all from such backgrounds are likely to inherit an enduring sense of superiority (and I mean in a genuine, not an arrogant way), and entitlement, albeit one for which, to their credit, many feel no personal merit, and perhaps even a florid guilt complex, as it has just been bestowed upon them.
Why does all this matter, and in what way does it produce bias? (I hear you cry).
The colossally predominant Upper-Middle Class bias within the BBC makes those who work in it feel deeply uneasy about demanding from anyone not born and raised with the the advantages they have been given,the same social,moral and intellectual standards as they demand from those of their own class,race, and culture.
Dishonesty about Social Class, Racial and cultural minorities.The result is that failings, faults and even iniquities associated with any disadvantaged group, will not be criticised, discussed or even aired in any proportionate manner, if at all. Now this of course applies far beyond the BBC, it applies to most of the media, and the liberal Upper- Middle Class who dominate the broadsheets regularly vilify the “gutter press” which is (to some extent) populated by journalists they consider their social inferiors, who more often were State Educated, or if privately educated are less likely to form part of the Class of recipients of massive inter generational wealth transfers, ( ie are the children of “new money”) and who have no such qualms about reporting highly negative stories on Lower Class, and underprivileged groups, from which they themselves have often emerged, and who therefore feel no compunction about “telling it like it is” (and admittedly, for reasons of circulation and attention, sometimes worse than it really is!).
This reluctance to report by the mainstream media has had three very unfortunate and very enduring consequences for our society. Firstly, hushing up bad things that happen mainly within disadvantaged groups, doesn’t help disadvantaged groups, because it helps to hide the problem from them and from anyone who might be able to help, and secondly, when it is unavoidable to mention the fact of inadequacy, iniquity or crime in a disadvantaged group it doesn’t help to attribute the problem merely to “poverty”, as these well-meaning bourgeois fools serve up to the disadvantaged a ready-made excuse not to take responsibility or to change. Finally, of course, the veracity, honesty and trustworthiness of the mainstream media has been thoroughly trashed in the eyes of a public vastly less stupid than the highly educated toffs in charge can ever realise or accept. Somehow these people have forgotten there are such things as common sense, and personal life experience, neither of which requires a private education.
There are millions of very poor Whites, Asians, and Blacks, Muslims, Hindus Sikhs and others, who are not obese, do not sexually abuse or torture their children, don’t genitally mutilate them don’t force them into arranged marriages, dont murder them if they bring dishonour to the family, are not racist, don’t become absentee fathers, do support their children financially following divorce, don’t beat up gays or women, don’t kill or attack those of a different sect or belief, who do treat women as equals, don’t rape, don’t hand out young girls in sex rings, don’t defraud the benefit system, don’t take drugs, don’t end up in prison, don’t end up pregnant at 13, don’t smoke in pregnancy, don’t break into other people’s homes to steal, do attend for cervical smears,flu jabs and breast screening, are not alcoholic, do take exercise, do get their children vaccinated, do ensure they attend school properly dressed and fed, and do not disrupt the class through bad behaviour, do brush their teeth, don’t eat and drink trash, dawn to dusk, and don’t sit mindlessly in front of the Box for 6 hours a day.
So the criminal , abusive and inadequate minority within these groups are responsible for their actions and are regarded as being responsible by the decent and honest majority within these disadvantaged groups.
There is vastly less sympathy for criminals among the Working Class than there is within the virtue signalling obsessed Toff Elite, who dominate both our media and our judiciary, because only the lower Classes realise that the lack of any social or financial advantage has not made them into rapists, fraudsters, thieves, abusers or delinquents : it is only the privileged elite who seem to want to exempt criminals from blame, punishment or reform.
And with about 70% of the judiciary, and Journalists recruited from this group, it is not difficult to understand the paralysis that grips our justice and penal systems. There is simply no desire to criticise, hold to account, or to punish.
This “privilege guilt syndrome” hobbles the privately educated in other ways too, they will criticise Nationalism (as long as it’s English) attack racism (as long as it is by Whites) decry sectarian and religious violence (as long as it is by Protestants against Catholics, or by Jews against Muslims).”
BBC Dishonesty in International reporting on non Western States and cultures.
In international news reporting the suppression is even more dramatic. When a Student is murdered, torn apart in Pakistan for “blasphemy” by other students in a University of 10,000,(Mashal Khan, 13 April 2017) shortly after the Pakistani PM (Nawaz Sharif) has declared blasphemy to be an “unpardonable offence” and all this after a Pakistani Cabinet minister (Shabaz Bhatti) had been murdered,2.3.11, for his opposition to blasphemy laws,and the Hudood Ordinances, (which ban eg alcohol, homosexuality or sex outside marriage for muslims and non muslims alike) and the Govenor of Punjab (Saalman Tazeer) murdered 4.1.11 by his own bodyguard for having suggested blasphemy against The Prophet by a Christian woman shouldn’t be a crime, and hundreds of thousands turn out onto the streets to protest at the execution of his killer, (just a couple of more recent examples) these absolutely incredible stories are barely mentioned, nor is there any attempt to analyse the cultural issues behind them.
And almost unbelievably, Unsworth has just been made head of editorial control for BBC News and Current Affairs. Yet she was also the one behind the helicopter fiasco when she spared no expense (or sense), in trying to expose the real evil at the heart of our society: Cliff Richard. (Yes, she causes the Corporation to lose millions in legal costs and fines when the Courts denounce her mismanagement and stupidity; but she’s still in post). These same people spend two decades making sure no journalist looks into Pakistani taxi sex rings and rapings of black and white girls “in Care” across all major cities in the U.K. And when an independent person blows this wide open, so even the BBC can’t ignore it, who do they attack? The police and white social workers. No attempt whatever to ask if there is any sickness at the heart of a religion which doesn’t recognise the testimony of a single woman as equal to that of a man in their own “Sharia Courts”. Christ, no! That would be Cultural Imperialism!
It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that the Toff Elite are much less concerned with who is being sexually abused than they are with who is doing the abusing,and that only Middle Class Whites should be punished for not behaving with decency and it really isn’t fair to expect the same moral standards of brown and Muslim people.
BBC Dishonesty about Class origins of Journalists. Hiding their own Class privilege, for shame, even makes the BBC dishonest, and a striking example of this was when , in an interview to James Landale, David Cameron announced, to the astonishment of the world, that he would not serve more than one more term as PM, and James was asked why Cameron had chosen to share this with him, he never once mentioned the highly pertinent fact that he had been a slightly younger contemporary of Cameron at Eton.
BBC Dishonesty about history; Ireland and the Crusades.
Two more major examples of BBC and other TV media deceit I have drawn attention to elsewhere, illustrates the way Auntie believes it has to suppress historical facts in order to protect vulnerable minorities like Irish Catholics and Muslims from potential British Working Class thuggery. So in the 1970s and 1980’s any “History Of Ireland” was only allowed to present the Irish as the passive victims of English oppression. Thus the period c 385 AD-760. AD (when it was the Irish who invaded Britain, created 4 Irish States in what later became England Wales and Scotland, raided and enslaved the length of Western Britain) is simply ignored. As if just never happened. St Patrick himself was a christian Welsh boy, seized by Irish invaders near Carlisle, and sent as a slave back to Ireland. So it’s not as if this aspect of Dark Age Irish imperialism towards Britain is unknown in Ireland itself.
Precisely the same is done with any “History of the Crusades”, which are exclusively presented as a violent attack by Christians upon Muslim territory, again airbrushing out of History the fact that in the 400 years prior to the Crusades, the whole of the Middle East and North Africa was largely Greek or Latin speaking and almostly entirely Christian, were over run and many forcibly converted by The great Islamic “Crusade” of the 7C-10C.
In both cases, terrorist bombings and atrocities were being conducted (by The IRA and Islamic terrorists) and the BBC felt the need to manipulate facts to help avoid a thuggish “backlash” against innocent Irish and Muslim minorities vulnerable on British housing estates, and in some contorted way felt lying about history might make ordinary British people somehow feel they “deserved” to be knifed, mown down by vehicles and blown up, and so less likely to put a brick through a minority neighbours window or slash his tyres. All utter tripe, of course every group has a few lunatics amongst them, but the British Working Class is nothing if not fair minded.
But however could the Toffs in charge know this? Their parents spent up to £45,000 pa to make damned sure their children never had to risk being contaminated by contact with Working Class kids.
BBC Dishonesty about migration. The reasons why millions of people want to get away from what President Trump (who has a way with words) called “shithole Countries” is fairly easily comprehensible to most of us, even without the help of the BBC. Why they want to get out of France, however, is another of those enigmas, which the BBC, and the rest of mainstream media, simply will not allow us to ask, without implying we are all racist bigots, even for the thought to have crossed our minds.
One reason is that this would involve an intimate explanation of another area we are not allowed to know about, the UK benefits system. This includes “tax credits” – handouts from the taxpayer to workers in businesses which can therefore get away with not paying a living wage, which has also been a colossal part of the drawing of 3.5m non “shithole” EU migrants to the UK. You see, benefits are what poor disadvantaged people get, so its a topic utterly toxic to toffs, and none with any shred of decency would ever wish to expose such a quagmire to public scrutiny.
The second point is that so many of the unfortunate migrants from countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria and Libya, are disproportionately the Upper Middle Class, medics, dentists, businessmen, academics, the sort of people who have access to the thousands of pounds needed to pay human trafficking gangs to get them to the West, and of course usually highly literate and articulate English speakers. Precisely the sort of people with whom our own toff elite readily identify, and want to help through their natural sense of humanity. However, they can’t facilitate the entry of these into the UK, without also facilitating the entry of those desperately poor, illiterate, often Islamic fundamentalists, who have trekked to Europe with nothing more than a desperate sense of necessity and fantastic bravery and resourcefulness. But the manipulation and dishonesty of the BBC means that we cannot be told anything important or truthful about either group.
Have you ever heard any journalist attempt even to ask the question why those refugee camps in Calais were full of people desperate to swap France for England? No, nor me.
The dishonesty is not, however confined to silence. Active deception is deployed. So when Simon McCoy (Sherborne school, £38,000 pa) pretends to ask this question, of an Iranian “academic” living in the UK, what makes a family of Iranians, who have been rescued in the dead of night, sinking in an inflatable dinghy, decide to set off in the dark into the busiest shipping lane on Earth, from the French coast (November, 2018) risking the lives of their little baby and small children? The Iranian academic lady explains to chirpy Simon that owing to “Western Sanctions” the Iranian economy has collapsed, and the Regime is controlled by ruthless Islamic fundamentalists. But instead of saying “But Iran doesn’t border the English Channel”, Simon, our great investigative journalist, says “Thank you very much”.
Now either his parents should seek a refund from the geography dept of Sherborne school, or Simon is participating in the programme of pro migrant fraud and deception at the BBC and mainstream media. Any UK family launching a dinghy from France in those circumstances would have their children taken into care, as the parents are manifestly unfit to look after them, and risk their lives for no conceivable reason. But because these are economic migrants, attempting to get from one European benefit system to a more generous one, no criticism is to be permitted, on the contrary, we get a co operative “academic” wheeled out to give some sort of credence to the irrelevant “answer” she provides, all an utter fraud, and it is played out before us on the national one o’clock news.
And of course, the utter contempt the toffs in charge must have for the general public, quite sure that “nobody will notice”.
Criticising Sir David Attenborough is akin to breaking wind in front of the Pope.
But this dear man, (not himself educated at any major Public School), was born to the principal of University College, Leicester, and was raised in the finest traditions of academic Upper Middle Class gentility. And this national treasure (a term he is known to loathe) illustrates how even a rigorously scientific mind is twisted away from honesty and truth. He is at the centre of the attack against the decimation of our environment and our wild animals by modern society. Had the ear of President Obama. But he is constitutionally incapable of acknowledging that ALL humans everywhere have decimated their environment as soon as they set foot on a new island or continent.
Native Americans exterminated almost every large mammal from the Americas, following their arrival there some 20,000 years ago. Elephants, horses, giant ground sloths, all the large South American marsupials, countless species eradicated. The same happened in Australia after the Aboriginal peoples arrived there some 40,000 years ago, bringing the dingo with them. Wombats the size of bison, Kangaroos 12’ tall. Utter annihilation. Same on Madagascar some 2,000 years ago, lemurs the size of gorillas, giant flightless birds twice the size of an ostrich. The same in NZ after the Maoris arrived, as recently as about 1200 AD. Yet (and I will illustrate with just a couple of examples) in his introduction to his programme on the kiwi, Attenborough presents the Maori as children of nature, and ascribes the survival of this flightless bird to the Maori having “ regarded it as sacred”. Yet Attenborough is much less keen to make any mention of the 13 odd species of giant flightless moas that were slaughtered to extinction by the Maori within a couple of centuries of their arrival. The fact is the kiwi survived, not because it was protected as sacred, but simply because it is nocturnal, lives underground, and hasn’t much meat on it. Attenborough can’t bring himself to say anything that might be thought critical of any native people, and indulges himself in all the sentimentalist tosh about native peoples somehow being gentle folk living “in harmony with nature”, and this same Upper Middle Class trait suffuses his discussion of the Aborigines, whose “wisdom” he applauds in “knowing” the Platypus laid eggs, but he attacks stupid White academics like Richard Owen (the man who first recognised the existence of dinosaurs, and the possibly the greatest comparative anatomist in history) for refusing to simply believe what the Aborigines said. What he doesn’t mention is that these same aborigines had also informed White British academics that the Earth was formed by a giant crocodile having intercourse with an emu, that human tribes spirits are carried inside animals etc, etc. Such was the “wisdom” these foolish White men chose to ignore! The fact is that even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day, but it is outrageous for a man of science to criticise our brilliant Victorian forebears for having adopted a rigorous and proper scientific skepticism towards the claim that a mammal lays eggs, and to misrepresent this as “cultural arrogance”, as Attenborough does, is outrageous, when rigorous doubt and the need for proof is absolutely fundamental to everything at the heart of science reason and logic.
BBC Deception over Scottish Independence and Brexit.
I will not go into the claims of misrepresentation and deceit in either of these, as books have already been written about them. But I have to mention a deeply worrying characteristic that is emerging in our media, and that is to prohibit the expression of truth, if it is felt “irresponsible” to utter or publicise truth for fear of how the masses will react to it. We have of course come across this already in the torture and murder of Kris Donald, Pakistani taxi driver sex rings, the “history” of the crusades and of Ireland.
However last week I noticed an orchestrated extension of this “principle”. Krishnan Guru Murthy, (Channel 4), Faisal Islam, and Nick Robinson were all heard , independently to berate and call “irresponsible”, anyone who said that Anna Soubry, and other MPs demanding a second referendum to reverse the result of the last one, “traitors”, on the basis not that what they were doing was not a reversal of everything they had previously agreed to, but on the basis that death threats were being made by various Right Wing nutters, against these MPs. But consider this: are we to be prohibited from saying things like “there is no scientific evidence whatever that the Koran and the Bible were divinely inspired, and therefore can have no authority, nor is there a shred of evidence for the existence of any God”, merely because there are plenty of religious nutters who will feel very good about killing anyone who says such things ? So are we destined to be “irresponsible” if we say such things as this too? These Journalists would consign us into a shroud of perpetual intellectual medievalism.
And if voting to agree to hold a referendum, agreeing to be bound to respect the result, voting to trigger Article 50, then get re elected on a manifesto that says the same thing, but then, to say you refuse to respect it, if this be not treachery, then I know not what treachery is. Yet these journalists now try to prevent the word even being uttered.
Indeed there was an attempt, following the murder of Jo Cox, to say “well this is what you get if you support Brexit”, (that absurd three day “truce” in the campaign, designed to really ram home the message), so because some Leave supporters will murder for Brexit, you should not support it. But does this mean that when some religious nutter murders in the name of Islam, people should not support Islam either?
BBC Frank dishonesty and proven institutional dishonesty.
Since this was written, the most egregious proven frank institutional corruption has been documented. The BBC itself fabricated forged bank statements which were used to make Diana, Princess of Wales, believe that her closest advisers were in the payroll of Buckingham Palace. Utterly destroying that marriage and utterly destroying relations with the Prince of Wales. Martin Bashir, the most discredited journalist of recent times, however is not what destroys the reputation of the BBC. Every barrel has rotten apples. What destroys the BBC is that in full knowledge of what had been done, The Director General of the BBC, Sir Tony Hall, not only fails to admit this atrocity against truth and honesty, and over two decades, not only fails to discipline Bashir, but he actually promotes the man to be “Head of Religious Affairs”. Perhaps nothing better illustrates the contempt that this educational elite have for the general public, for truth and honesty.
Prejudice exposed by how identical situations are handled differently between Parties by the BBC.
There is sometimes even blatantly Party political partisanship. The most recent was probably the way the resignations of Jo Johnson and David Miliband were handled so differently. Incessantly Jo Johnson was presented as having resigned “because he couldn’t trust his own brother”, whereas when David Miliband resigned, in far “worse” circumstances- Ed having specifically stood against his own brother for the leadership- no issue of “trust” was raised, it was just accepted (as should Jo’s resignation have been accepted) that different siblings are perfectly able to have different political views that make it impossible for them to share collective responsibility in Cabinet. But of course the knives are out for Boris because the BBC hates Brexit, to a man, to a woman, to a transexual.
[edit 15.10.21] the murder of the Conservative MP David Amess is handled so wildly differently from the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. 1. we were immediately informed Jo Cox murderer was a white supremacist, and intense scrutiny of his library and internet activities. But with each Muslim terrorist there is ALWAYS a 24 hour gap between announcing the murder, and announcing, first merely that the terrorist squad will be investigating, and then perhaps 48 hours later that the killer was a Muslim terrorist. And finally maybe a week later, that he was an illegal immigrant or asylum seeker. Never are all these facts presented in one hit as soon as the knowledge appears. But if it’s a white supremacist it is gleefully reported in huge detail and all in one hit for maximum impact. It’s exactly the same the way child sex criminals are plastered all over the airwaves if they are white and middle class (even before any judicial process) but if the paedophiles are Muslim taxi drivers, it hardly gets a mention, even after dozens are convicted. 2. The white supremacist is used to smear the cause he supports (Brexit) but with each Muslim atrocity the se same journalists fall over each other to emphasize this individual Muslim in no way represents or has anything to do with Islam or Muslims.
How stupid do these white elitists imagine us to be? How stupid must they be themselves not to even be aware of their duplicity, hypocrisy and dishonesty?
But most damaging of all is that the White underclass, who live cheek by jowel with racial and cultural minorities on housing estates know first hand what is going on, how only White iniquities are called out, and this is why the attempted acts of deceit and delusion by the toff elite, cuts no ice whatever. Because personal knowledge and experience of life, of neighbours, of workmates, trumps political correctness propaganda every time, and invokes a sense of fury and rage at the insult to their intelligence as well as the unfairness of double standards being applied. And they simply will not have it.
It is because the internet has blown wide open this traditional Upper Middle Class stranglehold on mainstream media that the public has been able to learn the truth about so many forbidden things, and the public is simply appalled.
The plague of “false news” on the internet comes from a public now fully aware of the “false NO news” that governs the BBC, which has entirely and rightly lost the confidence and trust of the masses.
The result of all this “double-think” and exceptionalism by the privileged liberal privately educated elite which controls the BBC is that the ordinary masses have come to regard the BBC in particular and the liberal elite in general as a bunch of dishonest, inconsistent self-regarding virtue-signalling, out of touch, fools and hypocrites whose opinion on anything can no longer be trusted or taken seriously. So the masses have simply stopped listening to their social and educational superiors, and hence, of course, Brexit and Trump. It simply doesn’t matter what the ruling liberalist elite think or say any more.
The inability of the intelligent educated liberal elite to even see (let alone admit or recognise)the self contradictions in the values they so loudly espouse, and the absurdity of their randomly chosen pet subjects to promote, is not shared by either by relatively uneducated Working Class Whites, nor, interestingly, by highly educated Chinese. For both these groups the stupidity of virtue signalling woke elite is seen clear as day. Hence the term (I try to avoid) “Libtards” and it’s close Chinese equivalent “baizuo”.
There has been nothing like this since the invention of printing and rise of literacy blew apart the monopoly of the Church on learning and knowledge, and it has, sadly, brought “experts’ ”, learning and knowledge more generally and widely into disrepute.
Baizuo(白左,White Leftists)is a popular Mainland Chinese term coined for a specific subset of Westerners who are despised by most Chinese for their pretentiousness, hypocritical behavior and an overbearing sense of entitlement.
Baizuos are mostly characterized by their heavy use of political correctness and double standards to covertly advance their own material or emotional interests at the expense of others, while claiming otherwise from a self-assumed superior moral position. Some are truly non-malicious, but are too naive or lack the worldview to provide useful opinions or solutions to real societal problems.
Since most of these group is white (白)and left-(liberal) leaning(左), and thus the name.
Chinese guy: “Oh look, those Baizuos over at America are blaming us for not accepting their trash after our recent foreign garbage import ban. Don’t these fuckers ever understand they are responsible for cleaning their own shit instead of blame pushing all day long?
As ex military I am so proud of my ex Commander in Chief her Majesty…
You have to admit the celebrations have brought everybody together, everybody having a great time and introducing a bit of a feel good factor..
Whether your a republican or a royalist you have to admit she is a remarkable woman.
And then you come to the BBC…So who do they dig up from somewhere, an anti royalist saying it’s a waste of time and money and the establishment should be ashamed..
And then it’s next story…Boris Johnson gets booed going into St. Paul’s and his days are numbered
There was a fantastic atmosphere and palpable sense of unity and happiness all around London on Thursday… for a change, from Kings Cross and beyond to the River Thames.
The enduring narrative, is as you say, not about Royalty per se, but a figurehead that has been a part of everyones lives from birth and has shown how a life of service can be conducted at the highest standard, who took an oath 70 years ago and has stuck to it through thick and thin, and who exemplifies quiet dignity.
A more reliable commentator was on LBC, and openly discussing the facts with any caller who challenged our royal patronage.
One message came across on many occasions; that if there was ever a president to be elected, the last person they would want was Blair! You’d never hear that from a beeboid on it’s programme!
Come to think of it, it’s no wonder our Queen wasn’t at St Pauls, as she knew that Blair would be there with other failures like Major and Brown! I think I’d have stayed at home as well, or ‘caught the covids’ as one ex-royal claimed…
Funnily enough Scrobs, I found GB news for the first time yesterday on TV and they were discussing the 14 primeministers she has endured. John Major is the only one who was and still is invited to Balmoral…make of that what you will.
It could be for when they run out of grouse to shoot of course..
A week ago, Liverpool played Real Madrid in the Champions League final in Occupied Paris. Prior to the delayed kick-off, I received tweets from a friend who was there, describing the chaos as migrant mobs ran riot in a crime fest, whilst the French police stood back and did nothing, in true Vichy style. Needless to say, the mass media ignored, censored and lied about the proceedings, claiming that all the problems were caused by late arriving fans with fake tickets. Of the acts of enrichment… nothing whatsoever.
But the truth has a way of getting out, and now even the BBC has published an account that gives a flavour of what went on. For the sad truth is that the French authorities can no longer guarantee law and order in many of France’s cities. There is, in effect, an war going on within that country, giving a preview of near future urban life in much of Western Europe. Anyone want to place a bet on whether the Summer Olympics 2024 will actually take place in Paris?
Given the pervasive witness presence, especially loaded with a/v, the selective nature of media editted footage is unsurprising, alongside witness testimony.
Was Kev at the Boris Boo and the Megharry Boo? Was magic grampie?
I came across this issue repeatedly as I tried to access the stadium last night. Locals trying to force their way in leading to security closing the gates and keeping out legitimate fans with tickets. Police either didn't know how to deal with it or didn't want to
Listening to the bored ‘our Justin ‘ interviewing a couple of royal hangers on about Elizabeth Windsor – and speaking so carefully – desperate to not be the BBC type to make the anti royal slip – it is as though he is a foreigner dealing with another place – country – time – planet ….
I was wondering how people will react of Charles windsors ‘ moosh being on the bank notes ?and will the ghost of Diana Spencer be hanging around more ?
Fedup-Before long at the Jubilee the BBC may have to do some
“busing in” like they do with those in the centre
of the crowd around Fiona Bruce in the Antiques Road
Show !!
History will show that by far the most selfless, patriotic and truly regal acts of our Queen has been to deny and prevent the accession of her son to the throne for as long as has been humanly, and humanely, possible.
For all her parental failings, recognising that his staggering self-indulgence, immaturity and delusions of intelligence will inevitably bring an end to the monarchy in a perfect storm of interference and inept misunderstanding must prove to be her greatest legacy.
Beltane – quite so – he might well be heading his 80s by the time there is a change of CEO in the firm . I think – once the country has come to terms with the absence of HMQ there will be a collective wtf? With Charles doing his thing …
HMQ must calculate that he won’t do the gig for long before a more acceptable and modern version takes over ….
But I think Charles will have a nightmare time watching countries heading for the door ….
The Liverpool-Real Madrid “troubles” is a bit of a
touchy subject for the BBC. As an analogy one could
say that staging the match in Saint Denis in Paris, was like
holding a major sporting event in say the city of culture
like Bradford. Or other towns of culture such as
Rochdale or Rotherham.
But that’s not really being fair to the North of England. Maybe
QPR’S stadium in Loftus Road during the Notting Hill Carnival
may well another stadium not to be used for a major sporting
As Ian Rushlow has posted above there are large parts of many French cities which are no go areas for the police because they are ‘ruled’ by the local Muslims. The Stade de France is situated in one of the worst. Of course the French government doesn’t want to admit to this and so blames the football supporters. But it isn’t possible to stop the hundreds of mobile phone videos from showing the world the truth. So now they are leaning on EUFA to take the blame for the problem the local Muslims created.
I have French relatives and they admit that there are a lot of no go areas all because of Muslim control . But yet they still didn’t vote if MLP or Zemmour . I tell them that if we had either of those politicians I would certainly vote for them. Doing that they say would be the spark that ignites a race war in France just as it would in the UK if we voted in a strong anti Islam party, which we don’t have.
The question is that with each passing election the situation both in France and in the UK gets worse and we slide further down the road of Islamisation. Are we going to submit to Islam or not? We need to choose ? At least the French have politicians who are willing to address the issue if given the chance. Our lot just keep burying their heads further and further into the sand.
lol, I bet there is not a single professional writer in the world who writes like that.
But of course everyone is exactly equal in the BBC world (well, except for those in the BBC : they are the oracles and policy deciders. It’s all the inferior worker plebs who are equal – just like in ‘Brave New World).
Hence you can all write a novel. Just follow 8 expert tips. Ability doesn’t count in the world they want to create. If nobody buys it, it’s because they are racist, sexist or right wing.
I searched for ‘successful author’ and this is the first image I got. To my astonishment, that young, BAME girl didn’t appear at all.
BBC: ‘Boris Johnson has received a mix of boos and cheers on his arrival to the thanksgiving service for the Queen‘ – leaving aside the BBC’s overly-ostenatious show of “balance” there, we have to assume there must have been a fair sprinkling of Liverpool fans in the crowd, and that would tend to justify the booing…
Over to Britain’s favourite German, Jurgen Klopp, to explain: ‘…the German boss also said: “It’s always best to ask the question – why does this happen? They wouldn’t do it without a reason. Maybe I’m not here long enough to understand. I am sure it’s historical.”‘ (BBC) – this was of course Klopp offering his twopenn’orth (zwei pfennigs) on the previous notable public outbreak of booing: ‘Liverpool fans booing the national anthem before the FA Cup final was “not something I enjoyed”, says manager Jurgen Klopp.‘ – he noticably side-stepped the opportunity to condemn it, however.
I’m oddly reminded of the late lamented Mel Smith, formerly of sketch comedy duo Alas Smith and Jones, playing the part of the comic movie stock character WW2 German general: “I am the general who is always being fitted for a new uniform, I enjoy the company of beautiful vimmin, I am listening to classic music – viz my eyes shut. I am also the one who always says – You see, ve are not all barbarians”
It was Woody Allen who famously suggested: “80 percent of success in life is just showing up”
So it is, apparently and according to our press, with Her Majesty: ‘“Thank you for staying the course”‘ (Telegraph); ‘Decades of duty without drama‘ (FT); ‘“You are still in the saddle”‘ (Times) – except, sadly, she wasn’t actually there: ‘Prince Charles and Camilla… were representing the absent Queen‘ (Daily Mail)
Cue the lone bugler in the distance sounding The Last Post. Marking the sombre occasion of the Daily Express running down the Ukrainian flag from their masthead. A familiar reassuring sight to readers for what must have been… 100 days or so? Oh well, all good things must come to an end. But gosh, the Express was a bit snarky when this happened: ‘Berlin police remove Ukraine flag after Germany bans display of banner near war memorial… Germany sought to prevent anti-Russia sentiments from spilling over into the Victory in Europe celebrations… the decision sparked the fury of Ukraine’s Ambassador to Berlin, Andrij Melnyk, who branded the move a “slap in the face” of all Ukrainians‘ (Express, 9 May)
They do tend to have invented a handy word for some difficult complex things – the Germans, I mean. How could we explain the situation of German ambivalence compared to UK and US going gung ho for Ukraine – if it were not for the word Realpolitik?
To punish their wrong doing I might like to completely boycott my electricty and gas provider – but if I did put sanctions on and switched off my supply…?
a) I would still have to pay the standing charge, and b) I’d be sitting in the dark, eating cold salads and writing this with pen and paper.
Canadian former hippy singer songwriter turned rocker, now superannuated lefty Neil Young once came up with an album – LP format (there’s one for the teenagers) titled Rust Never Sleeps.
So it is with the lefty press. Come Hell, high water or Jubliee, there are always Tories to bash: ‘Katty Balls – Off to the Palace? Even if PM wins vote. He loses‘ (‘i’) – do you note the subtle backsliding here? Lefty journos were assuring us just days ago that Boris was “toast“. Now, in the same way as the Express has quietly ditched the old blue and yellow sensing Ukrainian defeat, the ‘i’ has backtracked on the chances of Tory rebels canning Johnson.
The ‘i’ frontapge forgoes any pictures of the Royal family prefering the democracy of a street party photo and near the foot of the page they leave us with their parting shot: ‘The anti-Jubilee parties‘
Stay classy. Class comes today from the unexpected quarter of the class conscious Mirror. A certain amount of kudos is due the Daily Mirror. They are still flying the Union flag on their masthead and the only yellow and blue in evidence is the jockey’s racing silks: ‘Brilliant racing pullout inside‘ – for the Mirror the monarchy represents a right old royal soap opera – they focus their photo journalism on the rift between Cambridges and Sussexes: ‘Together ..yet apart. Harry and William attend thanksgiving service but avoid coming face to face‘
There’s a wafer thin difference in take between the Mirror and the Mail: ‘So far apart‘
To the globalist FT where this snippet of market data bites hard: ‘Capital’s drinkers face sobering reality as cost of a London pint climbs to £8‘ – what price Beergate now, Sir Keir? Of course the Labour Party had the good sense to buy their beer and curry at cheaper northeastern England prices.
And finally, seemingly eternally stuck on the subject of parties… we do tend to delight in noting odd new coinages and unusual turns of phase in our press. The FT have a corker today and we’re not quite sure what it signifies: ‘Staff summer parties lift ailing hospitality industry. After two years of struggling through Covid-led lockdowns…‘ – Covid-led???!!! What on earth is implied there?
I know I said and finally. But how about the funny post script – call it a hangover from too much partying: ‘Romance is dead. Gutted. Dumped lovers learn beer bellies not so sexy afterall‘ (Daily Star) – I guess after all that Covid-led lockdown partying, we’ll all be tightening our belts.
AISI, you may be interested in
TOADY Watch #2 – now that’s a rebranding exercise that may result in a bullet wound to the foot
I am informed by JustRemainIn, if I recall correctly, that the rolling in riches BBC presentersFinancial Times has rebranded its ‘How To Spend It’ Saturday supplement to ‘HTSI’ so as not to upset ordinary people struggling with the BBC self-created, others-harming, victim-supplying (to the BBC) ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’. Unfortunately, There will be people, especially young people of a certain gender persuasion or none who will be re-arranging those letters ‘to make a well known expletive or saying’.
I am very interested in the new FT abreviation HTSI – ultimate care taken with my typographic dyslexia thereabouts. I sense, however, it is no accident WFH is such a hit with the media due in part to its precarious adjacency to WTF. cf BBC Today Programme presenters odd relish for the name Jeremy Hunt
Ah, the globalist FT, where editorial care and concern for wealth transfers from the west to the very poorest of developing nations sits cheek by elite jowl with pricey frontpage bottom right hand corner ads for the likes of Liechtenstein Global Trust private banking, Clinical La Prairie exclusive Swiss health spa and Lunajets, Canali, Chopard, Parmigani, Graff, Jaeger-LeCoultre (pronounced jay-jay lee coutra)… oh the glorious supranationalism of it all.
The Saturday Times the other week had a Cot Of Living Crisis section in the Weekend supplement
but it was ridiculous cos it was all about how the Middle-Classes can economise
cheaper quinoa, cheaper yoga retreats etc.
We need to deport the lawyers first, illegally if necessary. Either that or have them work pro bono, cut off legal aid for illegal immigrants (how can they possibly even qualify?) and watch how quickly they drop the subject. Failing that, make them responsible for any lawbreaking with identical sentences to the perps.
Rumours this morning is that Boris is going to call a snap election if his disloyal MPs continue to behave like Pratt’s.
Not a bad idea in my opinion, fear of losing there respective seats may bring them back into line. Why should a small rump of disloyal MPs think they have the God given right to take away our electoral right by getting rid of Boris, that choice should be down to us.
BBC may already be on election footing if the rumours have reached them..
9:45am Radio4 Adil Ray presenting “Now thanks to her rose falooda cake and her Indian grandmother Shabnam Russo made it through to the finals.”
Shabnam Russo
“I was was born in Mumbai and moved to London 20 years ago”
“I wanted to thank the Quenn, cos he is so socially tolerant and she has embraced the multicultural society”
Adil Ray “When I grew up in Birmingham we had that falooda cake too, my family is from Pakistan”
(The cake made it into the Fortnum and Mason 5 finalists)
(20 year ago she was working in a hotel in India and met a doctor from Venice and married him, o first moved to Venice and then to London)
“When I came to London it’s so multicultural, I didn’t see any difference between here and Mumbai”
Oh I forgot the show has a white co-presenter … Nikki Bedi (née Moolgaoker)
born to an Indian father an English mother.[
Married to Kabir Bedi from 1992 to 2005, she retained her married name
She describes herself as Indo-Anglian.
This reminds me of the special rules that they have in India to protect the 7 northern tribal states.
They have a culture so different from the rest of India and the governments didn’t want mainstream Indians moving in and swamping them. So people can’t just move there, you need to a special permit just to cross the border.
One should be wary of all types of imperialism.
Radio4 is turning into BBC’s second South Asian Network
2pm Any answers with ethnic Indian Anita Anand
14:45 Tom Heap rams his Global Warming religion down your throat
“Steel without the fossil fuels” one year old REPEAT
3pm Drama
“A small community in India is thrown into turmoil at the announcement of a royal visit.”
16:00 Woman’s Hour includes : Jocasta Almgill, & Tahmima Aman.
17:30 Political Thinking with Nick Robinson
Guest : ethnic Pakistani Sara Khan
Oh that is the last of the day’s South Asian shows
It didn’t make the cut for the morning press review but this one from the Sun deserves to be given exposure to the full light of day:
‘Ukrainian PM vows that Ukraine would beat the Russians in a film marking 100 days since the invasion’
Of course much depends on where we put the comma in that sentence.
I’m sure the ex-soap actor will be as big a media hit when he plays Sylvester Stallone in the movie with the working title First To Last Drop of Ukrainian Blood (a multiverse sequel to the money-spinning Nato franchise)
Richard PinderMar 6, 18:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Democrats promise that after the next election, they will force Big Pharma to give left-wing LGBT Marxists, lots of free…
Ian RushlowMar 6, 18:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 The return of BLM? A small group of middle-aged middle-class types in my town today outside Waitrose, wearing fleece tops…
DoublethinkerMar 6, 18:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 I think that it is possible that Farage is trying to stop offering up too many targets for the legacy…
vladMar 6, 18:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 Extremely worrying: Has King Charles Converted to Islam?
moggiemooMar 6, 18:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 It might give him a personality although he’s demented enough in my opinion.
Sound of crowd booing, courtesy of You Tube. All purpose booing for BBC use
I heard is was a bring your own boo’s party
Nish or Karl Turner?
Don’t bring your POLITICAL-boos to the party for the Queen
.. it’s not appropriate.
And disrespectful .. even if like me you are an anti-monarchist.
Booing is clearly a ‘hate crime ‘ a public disorder offence and a ‘team ‘ of plod should be ‘dedicated ‘ to identifying and prosecuting the …er ..’ booers ‘
Talking of crime….
Los Angeles DA Gascon’s office lands 5-month probation camp sentence for teen who mowed down mom and infant
A Venice, California, driver ran over Rachel and her infant son last summer, video shows
Despite shocking surveillance video of the Aug. 6, 2021, incident, numerous eyewitnesses and initial felony charges, the teen will serve his sentence at a “juvenile probation camp,” an alternative sentence less severe than juvenile detention.
Rachel, in her statement, repeatedly called the attack an attempted murder and lambasted Gascon for what she called a policy of seeking juvenile justice with “the lightest touch possible.”
The BBC owned Yesterday channel just ran a promo
“see the UKTV Pride Collection on line”
Channel4 conforms with the groupthink
Channel 4’s Film4 tweeted on May 30
“It can also be found on All 4 as part of the #Pride collection.”
While the West’s attention is diverted to perverted sexual behaviour, there is a monumental sea change taking place in Europe, and thus us. It will define us into the 22nd century.
I see the war in Ukraine as a war that is really a proxy war between NATO and Russia. At stake is who controls the old continent, with its founding countries of western civilisational structures.
Russia sees this as its goal. America is to prevent it. But the way its going, it is Russia that is winning. Western sanctions have hit us the people, while making Russia richer and more influential in Europe. Each country in Europe is making side deals with Russia on energy, and soon wheat/fertiliser, while sanctimoniously signing on to sanctions. In effect the end of American hegemony and the beginning of Russian supremacy,.
Sanctioning Russia from SWIFT has had the effect that Russia has put in place its own “SWIFT” like system. Europe is signing on to it, as it needs the oil and the rest that Russia has in abundance. Thus SWIFT is being demoted from its monopoly position.
I hope America is not stupid enough to use NATO as an instrument in Ukraine. Russians are superb chess players, not so the Biden lot. This slow grinding of Ukrainian forces could be a trap set for NATO.
Now it’s YouTube pushing Pride Month at me
at the top of its page
#WokeSupremacists constant #AgendaPushing
I clicked on that too. How can you celebrate diversity if you exclude heterosexuality.
All liberal causes follow a standard playbook that incorporates four stages:
Stage 1 – Identify a cause and ask for tolerance and understanding. The cause should have some basis in a geniuine grievance, so as to solicit public sympathy.
Stage 2 – Having achieved tolerance and understanding, push for equality. As most people are fair-minded, this can be achieved.
Stage 3 – Having achieved equality, push for preferential treatment, arguing that ‘historic wrongs’ have to be corrected. Many people feel uncomfortable with this, so have to be coerced into accepting it.
Stage 4 – Begin persecution of your opponents, through legal means, intimidation, violence.
Nice plan -I like the ‘historic wrongs ‘ bit …. I wonder if there will ever be a shortage of group with such chips ?
New groups are being invented, even as we speak. That is partly why the transgender topic is of such immense importance to the Left – it is a totally fabricated and artificial ‘problem’ without any basis in reality, an opportunity to force people to profess belief in things they know to be untrue. This can be contrasted with women’s rights, homosexuality, abortion, the American Civils Rights movement and other causes which, regardless of the outcomes, were built upon actual injustices and concerns.
The next big cause for the Left is the legalisation of paedophilia. This is a challenge, as it is rightly held in complete revulsion by 99% plus of humanity. However, the exact same techniques of the four key stages described above will be used. During Stage 1, the additional principle of precedence will be used, claiming that opposition to paedophiles (or Minor Attracted Persons, which is the phrase they will use) is exactly the same as prejudice to homosexuals in previous generations.
Here’s some of the trailblazers:
Ian, some might say a significant reason homosexuality was illegal was because it was perceived to be a generally harmless deviancy, but one which could open the door to increasingly bizarre, and eventually seriously deviant sexual behaviour (ie some of the things we’re now being told must be accepted, even celebrated, then perhaps, as you say, paedophilia, and then what…?).
It’s a similar argument as to why cannabis use should be illegal, we all know that the sort of people to push for legalising cannabis use won’t stop there, but after normalising its use, will push onwards for harder and harder drugs to be legalised.
I would say the kind of people who are involved in this process, the ‘Left’ as you describe them (I’d describe them as ‘liberals’, although that’s not correct either), are often as interested in destablising and ‘breaking down’ society as anything else, although I’m not sure they’re always self aware enough to realise it.
Ian Rushlow
So how does one oppose it?
From your outline of the strategic plan, it is obvious that opposing the plan at the outset is useless, as the plan has all the “good” on its side.
That leaves us with opposing it after the plan has achieved hegemony.
We have the instruments we need but it requires faith. And that is the existential problem for this generation.
What an excellent and accurate summary.
Any chance of making it into a poster?
Gun control is in there but bent Biden has other problems that are getting Americans agitated….
Tomo – thank you for the … numerous twitters … the ex marine chap is an ideal candidate to stack the Supreme Court with the approved type …
But surely his interpretation of the constitution has been well aired by the courts . Also – the whole argument about controlling guns has to be put up against the sheer volume of weapons owned by Americans across the years …
Americans pay the price in blood for having a system allowing widespread gun ownership – particularly amongst children . But they are where they are …
I saw Lauren Boebert and thought it worth a share – since the claiming of virtue by the anti-gun crowd is insufferable… I reconsidered and added some other points of view!
Proper training and vetting of applicants should be part of it but the whole thing is massively tangled … in ways that sometimes beggar belief to a Brit. I saw that Californian Democrats recently voted not to impose more onerous rules on 18 year olds buying guns!
Fed, what justification is there for a US citizen to have a military weapon? It can be used for hunting but is not as good as a proper hunting rifle. It cannot do the job of a shotgun. It is bulky and heavy and is therefore not good as a crime deterrent where accessibility and speed is required.
Er … because – like it or not – the baddies have got them . The box of toys opened with the Constitution- it can’t be closed –
The price American children pay is that fact … I also admire the healthy distrust of the government and their determination to be free…
Fed, I don’t think ‘baddies’ go house to house to rob people carrying assault rifles and machine guns. If they want to steal stuff, they need to be able to carry it away.
I’d worry about the expense – the last time I used 556 rounds they were 80p each – imagine the cost of a firefight ?
I still haven’t heard how that 18 year old got thousands of dollars of guns and ammo …..
If I might find someone in my house with a pistol, I would want something that would take him out at a range further than he can accurately shoot.
Which means a rifle. Once you accept that part, the specifics of it are just detail.
The real issue is that so many criminals have guns, clamping down on the law just means only the bad guys have them.
The people killed by crazy white people with guns is absolutely insignificant compared to how many are deliberately murdered by criminals using them. 10 a year compared to 10,000. And hugely disproportionately by black people. But the media cover those facts up for their political agenda. That is the real problem here.
JohnC – obviously an American – not a UK problem – yet . But the regular slaughter in US cities really is something – as I say before – the box is open – guns are freely available there – that is the situation in the US – I’d be tooled up to the roof and trained to use if necessary ….
I bet the gun shops there are booming because of Biden / Obama ….
I’m now of the opinion that Biden is a greater danger to the West than Putin.
It’s not Biden – it’s really Obama – the 3rd term …
Yes. The time that meeting was broken up just when Joe was about to go off-script was a landmark moment and showed us beyond doubt that Joe was not in charge. Which the MSM ignored.
I see Joe as a loose cannon as he usually does exactly what he is told – like a child sometimes. But I can tell he is full of hate and he has the usual Leftist streak of nasty spite when things don’t go his way. We’ve seen him crack in public a few times already. Then I think he snaps and shouts at people to do what he says – he is still President after all. Hence things like the Afghanistan bloodbath.
Don’t they also get Billery and her ‘husband’ in on the griff as well?
The stench of US politics seems to be plastered on everything these days, and the BBC just ignore it by preferring to continually bash Boris at every turn.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they sought out the ‘booers’ and got their grubby mikes right up close as soon as possible – it’s the way they ‘work’.
John C
I’m glad Glenn Greenwald sees the danger. Biden is the greatest danger. As events are heading, Biden will lead us to defeat. The normal behaviour of America is then to beat it back home, while leaving us with tons of disjointed military equipment with no spares, physically and politically.
We will then have to come to some arrangement with Russia in a new OSCE but without the USA.
Moreover, I see the global centre of mass moving to Asia. As a guess, it might be some virtual point between Moscow, Beijing and Delhi.
I’m willing to wager that The Welsh Government will be our Alameda County, ably assisted by their BBC chums.
tomo, you need to look at the map here: . Wales – I hate to admit with Drakeford in charge – led the way in falling infections in the UK with Scotland lagging in fourth place.
The Bilderberg Group Meeting in DC
..features David Lammy !
Any British politician attending Bilderberg, World Economic Forum, or organisations backed by Soros money, should automatically be barred from public life.
For general amusement, see if you can associate the three MPs listed above with their hashtags:
Gove is also keen on finishing the work of Bliar and the EU by splitting England up into bogus regions.
I always knew BBC female reporters were shouty. Friday 10pm BBC1 news and the lady in Ukraine (admittedly without helmet or bulletproof vest) said she would have to keep her voice low because the Russian troops were 30 kilometres away. Boris has given us permission for the BBC to say 20 miles away instead but they wouldn’t do that.
I wonder that the going rate in the Russian artillery is for hitting a BBC reporter …. ?
I noticed the other day that I have absolutely no interest in listening to any reporters on the groundin Ukraine. It’s because I absolutely don’t believe a word they tell me actually represents what is really going on. Their target seems to be maximum empathy – presumably looking for some award at the next BBC incest ceremony where it gives awards to itself.
Even the internet is hard to search now. One minute the Russians are pulling out, then suddenly I learn they hold 20% of Ukraine.
And of course I regularly get told the most secret bad news in the Kremlin – from a UK minister. And I wonder how on Earth he knows.
This is the stand-out factor for me about Ukraine. Despite the massive news coverage, I have no real idea what is actually going on.
JohnC, that is why a good neutral news organisation would try to get journalists embedded with both sides in a conflict like Russia v. Ukraine. Unfortunately, the Russians think – with some good reason – that the Western nations/alliances are fighting a proxy war against them. If the BBC were a good, unbiased, politically neutral news organisation they would have asked the Russians to let some journalists accompany their forces. If the Russians said “No”, then a good, unbiased, politically neutral BBC would, in my view, every now and then preface reports of the war with a simple explanation of that fact of Russian refusal.
I have no idea and would not condone such a thing. But if there was a going rate, it should be in multiples of £159…
TOADY Watch #1 – funny but there are deaths of journalists and then there are dead journalists
The interesting thing to emerge from TOADY this a.m. was that an American journalist interviewed by Amol or JustRemainIn let slip that a French journalist had been killed in Ukraine recently. Funny, I thought …. I thought, funny … the BBC have not reported it prominently on their airwaves or on their web-site and have not continued to report it some days after the event. And no coverage of the funeral. I wonder why?
Aah, I guess that would be because the journalist was not a Palestinian.
One factor is whether the person is a real journalist – which is increasingly an endangered species – or a political activist who has chosen journalism to pursue his or her life’s work (as opposed to heading up a charity, becoming a bishop, a judge, a BBC presenter etc).
Ian, you have a point. I cannot remember offhand the organisation that represents the endangered species of true journalist but I respect their work, together with the work of good, neutral, independent journalists (freelances) as well as better paid staffers. It is a dreadful shame for the BBC that they biasedly report such circumstances.
May 30th BBC did make a news story about the death of the French journalist Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff.
and did tweet it.
And it did go up on the Ukrainian war coverage page.
It’s not very good taste to joke about putting prices on getting people killed.
All people have usually innocent families.
All lives matter and hundreds of people die in Asia and Africa die unjustly every single day in unreported wars etc.
Stew, think you need to read my post again – slowly and carefully – there was no joking there but I was making a very serious point: the BBC’s obviously biased reporting.
SG: “And it did go up on the Ukrainian war coverage page.”
Thank you for making my point for me; it was not on the BBC’s Home Page, it was not on the BBC’s News Page nor do I recall it being mentioned at all let alone many times on the BBC R4 broadcast News which I listen to every day.
Perhaps an apology is due from you?
AP?Reuters ?
@Up2snuff You asked for an apology
You said “Stew, think you need to read my post again – slowly and carefully – there was no joking there”
Actually “you need to read my post again” I never said you made a joke. The joke was @Fed at ” 10:42 PM
I wonder that the going rate in the Russian artillery is for hitting a BBC reporter …. ?
You said about the death of the French journalist Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff.
“the BBC have not reported it prominently on their airwaves or on their web-site
and *have not continued to report it* some days after the event. ”
I then pointed out
“May 30th BBC did make a news story.. .
and did tweet it.
And it did go up on the Ukrainian war coverage page”
That is pure information .. you say the BBC didn’t report it, I point out they did.
Thomaz after the 10.30 BBC1 news told us that today in Scotland was the warmest day of the year. He didn’t tell us what the temperature was but tomorrow is forecast to be a giddy 22 degrees in the warmest place and 13 elsewhere. It is June. Could we please have some of this global warming we were promised?
“Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes it is the warmest day of the year. Sometimes it is the coldest day of the year. Sometimes it is just a normal day. Sometimes they are all of them at once”.
(with apologies to George Orwell)
The boss of Sainsuburys proving himself to be a total plonker with his anti comments on bringing back imperial measurements.
It’s that bloody brexiteers thing all over again isn’t it?
The point Mr boss of Sainsburys isn’t that you are to be forced back to pounds and ounces, it’s to tell small retailers that IF they want to weigh and sell things this way they should be allowed to do it, not banned by a bunch of Germans and Frenchies.
It’s called freedom but that is an alien idea to Europhiles I guess.
Word search of article
“Sainsbury’s” zero
“Asda” x 4 ..including in the URL
The supermarkets have been ripping everyone off for years with their pricing of say – spuds – as either a ‘number of’, or pounds or kilos, and there is absolutely no way of comparing and deciphering the real value with such gobbledegook as that!
Years ago, I tried to work a small spreadsheet on a handheld PC while deciphering the prices on a weekly shop, and while the calcs were correct, it really was impossible to find true value in the time it took to buy a bag of Maris Piper, and these shops well know that!
Cheating is the norm – until they’re found out!
The boss of Sainsburys might like to consider the following:
The company is currently supporting so-called “Pride month”, which promotes homosexuality. The largest shareholder of Sainsburys is the government of Qatar, through the Qatar Investment Authority. Homosexuality is illegal in Qatar, same-sex marriages are not recognised, and it is not permitted to campaign for LGBT rights. As it appears perfectly possible for the company to support two diametrically opposed positions, presumably it should be a cinch for them to label their produce in both Imperial and Metric measurements.
Currently Speccie is noting some straddling on logos by car companies that may task JeZBo, Simpo, Orla, etc…
Gaz Lineker has his slot booked for Qatar though, and the Merc undercover long stay.
IR, brilliant!
I have heard some right excuses, but this now doing the rounds.
When Henry and Meghan were leaving a coach obscured the view from the press tent, so the spontaneous booing was for the driver, not Ginge and Whinge.
This must on a level of Bill Clinton not having sexual relations with Monica Lewensky.
Or the Capitol protests being an attempted coup.
Some people on social media really believe that !.
The first in history without any weapons …
Ah, but… he did not inhale.
But there are now lady robots that can.
Sources say.
Dinesh D’Souza explains how come people are able to label him election fraudster
‘My good friend was standing for election in a seat she could never win
she was short of funds and kept asking me for money, but I had already donated to the $10K limit in that election.
Other people like Zuckerberg have ways they can get money legally into campaigns .. (Bundleling is common, people get away with it” said Robert Barnes)
I was too buy to find other donors so I simply promised to reimburse 2 friends if they donated $5K each to her campaign.
Somehow the Democrats got wind and the prosecution was political, co so many other cases get off, but here they intimidated me into leading guilty by threatening double triple prosecution for the same event.
The course was not lenient and for 8 months I had to sleep with prisoners at night in the halfway house
I served my time ..and after some years my conviction was almost spent, but then Trump pardoned me anyway’
Ted Cruz, responds very well when a students hurls the word “racist” at him
Ted Cruz always impresses me with how calmly he responds.
That video is a good example of why you don’t give ignorant children a political voice until they have some experience of the world.
Which is one of the major reasons the Left disgust me so much. They specifically target young people and don’t care one bit how clueless they are. They just want the numbers. The BBC are one of the worst for this now. It’s exactly what they have done in response to older people turning against them as their bias became more obvious. And precisely why they want to keep lowering the voting age.
lammy in attendance … god help us all
But he did not see anyone there. Apparently.
Nilambur Ayisha: The Muslim actor who survived a bullet on stage
‘Nilambur Ayisha was targeted by people who believed a Muslim woman shouldn’t act.’
A masterclass in BBC lies.
She was targeted by MUSLIMS who believed a woman shouldn’t act BBC. You have deliberately worded it to avoid saying who did it.
Later we get:
‘Since 2014, when the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party swept to power in India, attacks on Muslims – the country’s largest minority at 200 million – have risen sharply.’
So am I to assume it was a Hindu who shot at her BBC ?. Because it wasn’t.
And no mention in the article whatsoever about the attacks on Hindus by Muslims.
Muslims are the ultimate victims for the BBC. They can write no end of articles full of empathy about how the world treats them badly.
They never go near the reasons why. Especially not the extreme sexism, male dominance/female oppression and homophobia. Or the murdering.
I’m still not sure why. Maybe it’s because they share the same mindset of ideological fanaticism where the ends justify any means it takes to get there.
What is it that the BBC finds so attractive about Islam, that singularly repellent ideology?
Word is spreading, seen online elsewhere:
“The BBC is no stranger to fiascos, in the 2 years since the UK left the European Union the Corporation has had many:
Systemic cover-up of Martin Bashir’s forged bank statements
Failure to sack Emily Maitlis after being censured 3 times for anti-Tory bias for breaching the Royal Charter rules on impartiality
Relentless Party-gate, Wallpaper-gate, Bernard Castle coverage, but next to no coverage of Nicola Sturgeon receiving a police warning for breaking Covid rules, Sir Kier Starmer’s late night beer/curry bender and nothing about Mark Drakeford dancing with other maskless revelers at Cardiff University
Wrongly blaming innocent victims of an antisemitic attack in Oxford Street for provocation
Employing Tala Halawa, who had a history of posting anti-Israel and anti-Semitic tweets in 2014 including the words “Hitler was right”
Giving an exclusive platform to the SNP to address the Scots public with daily Covid press briefings, but failing to mention that Scotland had a worse Covid public health outcome than England and Wales
Instinctively blaming England football fans (who else) for sending racist tweets after England finished second to Italy in the Euro 2021 final. When the reality was that almost all of the offending tweets originated from outside of the UK and during the ‘celebrations’ in Italy, 3 people were killed, including a English mother from a racist attack”
“Unfortunately my regard for “Auntie Beeb” was somewhat diminished when they made a report about European families leaving the UK before Brexit when, even as the reporter explained the “Exodus” the graphic BEHIND him on screen showed that more Europeans were coming into the country than leaving, then the had an interview headlined “ Governor of Bank of England says Brexit bad for British business” I listen carefully to the interview and was stunned to see that the only reference to “bad for business “ was during a cut away from the interview and over stock footage of trucks at Dover which said PHILIP HAMMOND was quoted as saying it was bad for business. Not once did the Governor say anything about it!!!!!!! As David Mitchell on “Have I Got News for You” pointed out the News department of the BBC is running it’s own political agenda and is endangering the rest of the BBCs normally excellent output.”
SEE below for a fair summary of BBC lies in all aspects of their reporting, exposed on Quora:
Zephir – who is the author of this ? I started reading assuming it was you because there is neither citation nor quote marks ….
I would anyone posting anything which isn’t their own to clearly mark the origin please …
Clicked on my email link and ended up with something about Dacians.
So ditching the Sandero now.
Who or what is quora ?
I’ve read some of the bits you have put up and agree much but wondered about the source …I’m not trying to cause offence -by the way ..
… I notice that when the msm use the term ‘populist’ it is always derogatory…when it is really the ‘unapproved ‘ view of the people that despise- like me ..
Its where people post questions and others post answers, many anonymously so citations are difficult, I did try to explain at the start that it was others posting about the bbc.
Have a look at and you can search for topics, the bbc and guardian are popular subjects at the moment….
Quite like Quora. But like wiki, it is best to read broadly around.
And appreciate some replies.
Why do the British say “zed” instead of “zee” for the letter “Z”? –
The British Isles were invaded in 1066 by William the Conqueror who spoke a form of French. We learned that a sheep in the field was called mouton when dead and cooked. So we call it mutton. Cattle in the field were called boeuf when dead and cooked. So we call it beef. The conquerors called the letter “z” zed. So we did too. Why Americans call it “zee” when we have been saying “zed” for a thousand years is beyond me. They still say “beef” and “mutton”.
The profound BBC bias is missed by many because it is not a simple Left or Right Political bias, and those who deny bias miss the subtlety of the problem.
Amongst News and current affairs journalists about 70% were privately educated (v 7% of the population as a whole). This group wins 25% of our olympic medals, 26% of the places at our Law and Medical schools, but a full 70% of our BBC journalists, (and interestingly, about 70% of our judges). Moreover, within this group, the major,very expensive Public Schools are even more over- represented than the more modest less prominent private institutions. Within the 30% who are State Educated, Grammar schools (which most closely mimic the ethos of middle class private schools) are themselves massively over-represented versus Comprehensives. Finally, amongst those in charge of editorial control, and senior management, the major Public Schools dominate even more than amongst Journalists as a whole. (These figures are available and reproducible to anyone).
The result is not a question of political Left or Right bias, but a colossal Upper Middle Class bias which is so overwhelming that it passes without challenge within the BBC. It really doesn’t enter their heads that they could possibly be biased, because like many who have I fear somewhat missed the point in answering this question, they look only for clear political bias, and of course that bias probably isn’t there so obviously.
I do not want to be misunderstood as suggesting any conscious “ruling class conspiracy” nor “old boy network”, not at all, it is vastly more subtle than these out-moded concepts, it is a sub-conscious and organic product of the human tendency to wish to recruit in our own image, and this afflicts institutions everywhere.
The dishonesty of the BBC and “Diversity”, as a front to distract from Upper Middle Class domination.The reason the BBC is obsessed with physical “diversity” is because it wishes to distract from the monumental lack of genuine diversity of opinion. So it openly says it wants to move away from presenters who are “male, pale and stale” (itself both a sexist and a racist phrase which passes entirely unchallenged), it wants Blacks, Asians,Muslims women, the blind, Gays, the disabled, in a very public way, but only if these black disabled blind muslim gay women partake of the same upper middle class values of the institution as a whole. (And by the way, a very similar proportion of the Asian, Black, Muslim gay and disabled journalists were also privately educated).
The organic, pervasive bias of the BBC arises because the institution is populated from top to bottom with people from backgrounds that have ensured that they have never at any time in their existence had to be concerned about money in the same way that 90% of the population have had to worry about money.
If you are brought up in a family in which more money is spent on the education of its children than most families spend on rent or mortgage, food, drink, clothing, taxes and transport combined, you will be aware, and from a very early and impressionable age, that you have been born with advantages that you have neither personally earned nor merited.
Teachers in these schools drum into their pupils how privileged they are, and how their hard work is required to justify the financial sacrifices of their parents. Now this can of course result in the production of arrogant spoiled brats who despise those not raised in the same way. But these sort tend not to be attracted into journalism, which tends to appeal to the inherently more philosophical, thoughtful, and possibly those more desirous of public attention and approbation than the pursuit of financial gain. And for these gilded children of the bourgeoisie, financial gain is anyway less of a pressing necessity than it is for most. However all from such backgrounds are likely to inherit an enduring sense of superiority (and I mean in a genuine, not an arrogant way), and entitlement, albeit one for which, to their credit, many feel no personal merit, and perhaps even a florid guilt complex, as it has just been bestowed upon them.
Why does all this matter, and in what way does it produce bias? (I hear you cry).
The colossally predominant Upper-Middle Class bias within the BBC makes those who work in it feel deeply uneasy about demanding from anyone not born and raised with the the advantages they have been given,the same social,moral and intellectual standards as they demand from those of their own class,race, and culture.
Dishonesty about Social Class, Racial and cultural minorities.The result is that failings, faults and even iniquities associated with any disadvantaged group, will not be criticised, discussed or even aired in any proportionate manner, if at all. Now this of course applies far beyond the BBC, it applies to most of the media, and the liberal Upper- Middle Class who dominate the broadsheets regularly vilify the “gutter press” which is (to some extent) populated by journalists they consider their social inferiors, who more often were State Educated, or if privately educated are less likely to form part of the Class of recipients of massive inter generational wealth transfers, ( ie are the children of “new money”) and who have no such qualms about reporting highly negative stories on Lower Class, and underprivileged groups, from which they themselves have often emerged, and who therefore feel no compunction about “telling it like it is” (and admittedly, for reasons of circulation and attention, sometimes worse than it really is!).
This reluctance to report by the mainstream media has had three very unfortunate and very enduring consequences for our society. Firstly, hushing up bad things that happen mainly within disadvantaged groups, doesn’t help disadvantaged groups, because it helps to hide the problem from them and from anyone who might be able to help, and secondly, when it is unavoidable to mention the fact of inadequacy, iniquity or crime in a disadvantaged group it doesn’t help to attribute the problem merely to “poverty”, as these well-meaning bourgeois fools serve up to the disadvantaged a ready-made excuse not to take responsibility or to change. Finally, of course, the veracity, honesty and trustworthiness of the mainstream media has been thoroughly trashed in the eyes of a public vastly less stupid than the highly educated toffs in charge can ever realise or accept. Somehow these people have forgotten there are such things as common sense, and personal life experience, neither of which requires a private education.
There are millions of very poor Whites, Asians, and Blacks, Muslims, Hindus Sikhs and others, who are not obese, do not sexually abuse or torture their children, don’t genitally mutilate them don’t force them into arranged marriages, dont murder them if they bring dishonour to the family, are not racist, don’t become absentee fathers, do support their children financially following divorce, don’t beat up gays or women, don’t kill or attack those of a different sect or belief, who do treat women as equals, don’t rape, don’t hand out young girls in sex rings, don’t defraud the benefit system, don’t take drugs, don’t end up in prison, don’t end up pregnant at 13, don’t smoke in pregnancy, don’t break into other people’s homes to steal, do attend for cervical smears,flu jabs and breast screening, are not alcoholic, do take exercise, do get their children vaccinated, do ensure they attend school properly dressed and fed, and do not disrupt the class through bad behaviour, do brush their teeth, don’t eat and drink trash, dawn to dusk, and don’t sit mindlessly in front of the Box for 6 hours a day.
So the criminal , abusive and inadequate minority within these groups are responsible for their actions and are regarded as being responsible by the decent and honest majority within these disadvantaged groups.
There is vastly less sympathy for criminals among the Working Class than there is within the virtue signalling obsessed Toff Elite, who dominate both our media and our judiciary, because only the lower Classes realise that the lack of any social or financial advantage has not made them into rapists, fraudsters, thieves, abusers or delinquents : it is only the privileged elite who seem to want to exempt criminals from blame, punishment or reform.
And with about 70% of the judiciary, and Journalists recruited from this group, it is not difficult to understand the paralysis that grips our justice and penal systems. There is simply no desire to criticise, hold to account, or to punish.
This “privilege guilt syndrome” hobbles the privately educated in other ways too, they will criticise Nationalism (as long as it’s English) attack racism (as long as it is by Whites) decry sectarian and religious violence (as long as it is by Protestants against Catholics, or by Jews against Muslims).”
BBC Dishonesty in International reporting on non Western States and cultures.
In international news reporting the suppression is even more dramatic. When a Student is murdered, torn apart in Pakistan for “blasphemy” by other students in a University of 10,000,(Mashal Khan, 13 April 2017) shortly after the Pakistani PM (Nawaz Sharif) has declared blasphemy to be an “unpardonable offence” and all this after a Pakistani Cabinet minister (Shabaz Bhatti) had been murdered,2.3.11, for his opposition to blasphemy laws,and the Hudood Ordinances, (which ban eg alcohol, homosexuality or sex outside marriage for muslims and non muslims alike) and the Govenor of Punjab (Saalman Tazeer) murdered 4.1.11 by his own bodyguard for having suggested blasphemy against The Prophet by a Christian woman shouldn’t be a crime, and hundreds of thousands turn out onto the streets to protest at the execution of his killer, (just a couple of more recent examples) these absolutely incredible stories are barely mentioned, nor is there any attempt to analyse the cultural issues behind them.
And almost unbelievably, Unsworth has just been made head of editorial control for BBC News and Current Affairs. Yet she was also the one behind the helicopter fiasco when she spared no expense (or sense), in trying to expose the real evil at the heart of our society: Cliff Richard. (Yes, she causes the Corporation to lose millions in legal costs and fines when the Courts denounce her mismanagement and stupidity; but she’s still in post). These same people spend two decades making sure no journalist looks into Pakistani taxi sex rings and rapings of black and white girls “in Care” across all major cities in the U.K. And when an independent person blows this wide open, so even the BBC can’t ignore it, who do they attack? The police and white social workers. No attempt whatever to ask if there is any sickness at the heart of a religion which doesn’t recognise the testimony of a single woman as equal to that of a man in their own “Sharia Courts”. Christ, no! That would be Cultural Imperialism!
It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that the Toff Elite are much less concerned with who is being sexually abused than they are with who is doing the abusing,and that only Middle Class Whites should be punished for not behaving with decency and it really isn’t fair to expect the same moral standards of brown and Muslim people.
BBC Dishonesty about Class origins of Journalists. Hiding their own Class privilege, for shame, even makes the BBC dishonest, and a striking example of this was when , in an interview to James Landale, David Cameron announced, to the astonishment of the world, that he would not serve more than one more term as PM, and James was asked why Cameron had chosen to share this with him, he never once mentioned the highly pertinent fact that he had been a slightly younger contemporary of Cameron at Eton.
BBC Dishonesty about history; Ireland and the Crusades.
Two more major examples of BBC and other TV media deceit I have drawn attention to elsewhere, illustrates the way Auntie believes it has to suppress historical facts in order to protect vulnerable minorities like Irish Catholics and Muslims from potential British Working Class thuggery. So in the 1970s and 1980’s any “History Of Ireland” was only allowed to present the Irish as the passive victims of English oppression. Thus the period c 385 AD-760. AD (when it was the Irish who invaded Britain, created 4 Irish States in what later became England Wales and Scotland, raided and enslaved the length of Western Britain) is simply ignored. As if just never happened. St Patrick himself was a christian Welsh boy, seized by Irish invaders near Carlisle, and sent as a slave back to Ireland. So it’s not as if this aspect of Dark Age Irish imperialism towards Britain is unknown in Ireland itself.
Precisely the same is done with any “History of the Crusades”, which are exclusively presented as a violent attack by Christians upon Muslim territory, again airbrushing out of History the fact that in the 400 years prior to the Crusades, the whole of the Middle East and North Africa was largely Greek or Latin speaking and almostly entirely Christian, were over run and many forcibly converted by The great Islamic “Crusade” of the 7C-10C.
In both cases, terrorist bombings and atrocities were being conducted (by The IRA and Islamic terrorists) and the BBC felt the need to manipulate facts to help avoid a thuggish “backlash” against innocent Irish and Muslim minorities vulnerable on British housing estates, and in some contorted way felt lying about history might make ordinary British people somehow feel they “deserved” to be knifed, mown down by vehicles and blown up, and so less likely to put a brick through a minority neighbours window or slash his tyres. All utter tripe, of course every group has a few lunatics amongst them, but the British Working Class is nothing if not fair minded.
But however could the Toffs in charge know this? Their parents spent up to £45,000 pa to make damned sure their children never had to risk being contaminated by contact with Working Class kids.
BBC Dishonesty about migration. The reasons why millions of people want to get away from what President Trump (who has a way with words) called “shithole Countries” is fairly easily comprehensible to most of us, even without the help of the BBC. Why they want to get out of France, however, is another of those enigmas, which the BBC, and the rest of mainstream media, simply will not allow us to ask, without implying we are all racist bigots, even for the thought to have crossed our minds.
One reason is that this would involve an intimate explanation of another area we are not allowed to know about, the UK benefits system. This includes “tax credits” – handouts from the taxpayer to workers in businesses which can therefore get away with not paying a living wage, which has also been a colossal part of the drawing of 3.5m non “shithole” EU migrants to the UK. You see, benefits are what poor disadvantaged people get, so its a topic utterly toxic to toffs, and none with any shred of decency would ever wish to expose such a quagmire to public scrutiny.
The second point is that so many of the unfortunate migrants from countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria and Libya, are disproportionately the Upper Middle Class, medics, dentists, businessmen, academics, the sort of people who have access to the thousands of pounds needed to pay human trafficking gangs to get them to the West, and of course usually highly literate and articulate English speakers. Precisely the sort of people with whom our own toff elite readily identify, and want to help through their natural sense of humanity. However, they can’t facilitate the entry of these into the UK, without also facilitating the entry of those desperately poor, illiterate, often Islamic fundamentalists, who have trekked to Europe with nothing more than a desperate sense of necessity and fantastic bravery and resourcefulness. But the manipulation and dishonesty of the BBC means that we cannot be told anything important or truthful about either group.
Have you ever heard any journalist attempt even to ask the question why those refugee camps in Calais were full of people desperate to swap France for England? No, nor me.
The dishonesty is not, however confined to silence. Active deception is deployed. So when Simon McCoy (Sherborne school, £38,000 pa) pretends to ask this question, of an Iranian “academic” living in the UK, what makes a family of Iranians, who have been rescued in the dead of night, sinking in an inflatable dinghy, decide to set off in the dark into the busiest shipping lane on Earth, from the French coast (November, 2018) risking the lives of their little baby and small children? The Iranian academic lady explains to chirpy Simon that owing to “Western Sanctions” the Iranian economy has collapsed, and the Regime is controlled by ruthless Islamic fundamentalists. But instead of saying “But Iran doesn’t border the English Channel”, Simon, our great investigative journalist, says “Thank you very much”.
Now either his parents should seek a refund from the geography dept of Sherborne school, or Simon is participating in the programme of pro migrant fraud and deception at the BBC and mainstream media. Any UK family launching a dinghy from France in those circumstances would have their children taken into care, as the parents are manifestly unfit to look after them, and risk their lives for no conceivable reason. But because these are economic migrants, attempting to get from one European benefit system to a more generous one, no criticism is to be permitted, on the contrary, we get a co operative “academic” wheeled out to give some sort of credence to the irrelevant “answer” she provides, all an utter fraud, and it is played out before us on the national one o’clock news.
And of course, the utter contempt the toffs in charge must have for the general public, quite sure that “nobody will notice”.
BBC Dishonesty in Natural History.
Criticising Sir David Attenborough is akin to breaking wind in front of the Pope.
But this dear man, (not himself educated at any major Public School), was born to the principal of University College, Leicester, and was raised in the finest traditions of academic Upper Middle Class gentility. And this national treasure (a term he is known to loathe) illustrates how even a rigorously scientific mind is twisted away from honesty and truth. He is at the centre of the attack against the decimation of our environment and our wild animals by modern society. Had the ear of President Obama. But he is constitutionally incapable of acknowledging that ALL humans everywhere have decimated their environment as soon as they set foot on a new island or continent.
Native Americans exterminated almost every large mammal from the Americas, following their arrival there some 20,000 years ago. Elephants, horses, giant ground sloths, all the large South American marsupials, countless species eradicated. The same happened in Australia after the Aboriginal peoples arrived there some 40,000 years ago, bringing the dingo with them. Wombats the size of bison, Kangaroos 12’ tall. Utter annihilation. Same on Madagascar some 2,000 years ago, lemurs the size of gorillas, giant flightless birds twice the size of an ostrich. The same in NZ after the Maoris arrived, as recently as about 1200 AD. Yet (and I will illustrate with just a couple of examples) in his introduction to his programme on the kiwi, Attenborough presents the Maori as children of nature, and ascribes the survival of this flightless bird to the Maori having “ regarded it as sacred”. Yet Attenborough is much less keen to make any mention of the 13 odd species of giant flightless moas that were slaughtered to extinction by the Maori within a couple of centuries of their arrival. The fact is the kiwi survived, not because it was protected as sacred, but simply because it is nocturnal, lives underground, and hasn’t much meat on it. Attenborough can’t bring himself to say anything that might be thought critical of any native people, and indulges himself in all the sentimentalist tosh about native peoples somehow being gentle folk living “in harmony with nature”, and this same Upper Middle Class trait suffuses his discussion of the Aborigines, whose “wisdom” he applauds in “knowing” the Platypus laid eggs, but he attacks stupid White academics like Richard Owen (the man who first recognised the existence of dinosaurs, and the possibly the greatest comparative anatomist in history) for refusing to simply believe what the Aborigines said. What he doesn’t mention is that these same aborigines had also informed White British academics that the Earth was formed by a giant crocodile having intercourse with an emu, that human tribes spirits are carried inside animals etc, etc. Such was the “wisdom” these foolish White men chose to ignore! The fact is that even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day, but it is outrageous for a man of science to criticise our brilliant Victorian forebears for having adopted a rigorous and proper scientific skepticism towards the claim that a mammal lays eggs, and to misrepresent this as “cultural arrogance”, as Attenborough does, is outrageous, when rigorous doubt and the need for proof is absolutely fundamental to everything at the heart of science reason and logic.
BBC Deception over Scottish Independence and Brexit.
I will not go into the claims of misrepresentation and deceit in either of these, as books have already been written about them. But I have to mention a deeply worrying characteristic that is emerging in our media, and that is to prohibit the expression of truth, if it is felt “irresponsible” to utter or publicise truth for fear of how the masses will react to it. We have of course come across this already in the torture and murder of Kris Donald, Pakistani taxi driver sex rings, the “history” of the crusades and of Ireland.
However last week I noticed an orchestrated extension of this “principle”. Krishnan Guru Murthy, (Channel 4), Faisal Islam, and Nick Robinson were all heard , independently to berate and call “irresponsible”, anyone who said that Anna Soubry, and other MPs demanding a second referendum to reverse the result of the last one, “traitors”, on the basis not that what they were doing was not a reversal of everything they had previously agreed to, but on the basis that death threats were being made by various Right Wing nutters, against these MPs. But consider this: are we to be prohibited from saying things like “there is no scientific evidence whatever that the Koran and the Bible were divinely inspired, and therefore can have no authority, nor is there a shred of evidence for the existence of any God”, merely because there are plenty of religious nutters who will feel very good about killing anyone who says such things ? So are we destined to be “irresponsible” if we say such things as this too? These Journalists would consign us into a shroud of perpetual intellectual medievalism.
And if voting to agree to hold a referendum, agreeing to be bound to respect the result, voting to trigger Article 50, then get re elected on a manifesto that says the same thing, but then, to say you refuse to respect it, if this be not treachery, then I know not what treachery is. Yet these journalists now try to prevent the word even being uttered.
Indeed there was an attempt, following the murder of Jo Cox, to say “well this is what you get if you support Brexit”, (that absurd three day “truce” in the campaign, designed to really ram home the message), so because some Leave supporters will murder for Brexit, you should not support it. But does this mean that when some religious nutter murders in the name of Islam, people should not support Islam either?
It is an interesting question, perhaps one that will never be answered, What was Jo Cox murdered in the name of?
BBC Frank dishonesty and proven institutional dishonesty.
Since this was written, the most egregious proven frank institutional corruption has been documented. The BBC itself fabricated forged bank statements which were used to make Diana, Princess of Wales, believe that her closest advisers were in the payroll of Buckingham Palace. Utterly destroying that marriage and utterly destroying relations with the Prince of Wales. Martin Bashir, the most discredited journalist of recent times, however is not what destroys the reputation of the BBC. Every barrel has rotten apples. What destroys the BBC is that in full knowledge of what had been done, The Director General of the BBC, Sir Tony Hall, not only fails to admit this atrocity against truth and honesty, and over two decades, not only fails to discipline Bashir, but he actually promotes the man to be “Head of Religious Affairs”. Perhaps nothing better illustrates the contempt that this educational elite have for the general public, for truth and honesty.
Prejudice exposed by how identical situations are handled differently between Parties by the BBC.
There is sometimes even blatantly Party political partisanship. The most recent was probably the way the resignations of Jo Johnson and David Miliband were handled so differently. Incessantly Jo Johnson was presented as having resigned “because he couldn’t trust his own brother”, whereas when David Miliband resigned, in far “worse” circumstances- Ed having specifically stood against his own brother for the leadership- no issue of “trust” was raised, it was just accepted (as should Jo’s resignation have been accepted) that different siblings are perfectly able to have different political views that make it impossible for them to share collective responsibility in Cabinet. But of course the knives are out for Boris because the BBC hates Brexit, to a man, to a woman, to a transexual.
[edit 15.10.21] the murder of the Conservative MP David Amess is handled so wildly differently from the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. 1. we were immediately informed Jo Cox murderer was a white supremacist, and intense scrutiny of his library and internet activities. But with each Muslim terrorist there is ALWAYS a 24 hour gap between announcing the murder, and announcing, first merely that the terrorist squad will be investigating, and then perhaps 48 hours later that the killer was a Muslim terrorist. And finally maybe a week later, that he was an illegal immigrant or asylum seeker. Never are all these facts presented in one hit as soon as the knowledge appears. But if it’s a white supremacist it is gleefully reported in huge detail and all in one hit for maximum impact. It’s exactly the same the way child sex criminals are plastered all over the airwaves if they are white and middle class (even before any judicial process) but if the paedophiles are Muslim taxi drivers, it hardly gets a mention, even after dozens are convicted. 2. The white supremacist is used to smear the cause he supports (Brexit) but with each Muslim atrocity the se same journalists fall over each other to emphasize this individual Muslim in no way represents or has anything to do with Islam or Muslims.
How stupid do these white elitists imagine us to be? How stupid must they be themselves not to even be aware of their duplicity, hypocrisy and dishonesty?
But most damaging of all is that the White underclass, who live cheek by jowel with racial and cultural minorities on housing estates know first hand what is going on, how only White iniquities are called out, and this is why the attempted acts of deceit and delusion by the toff elite, cuts no ice whatever. Because personal knowledge and experience of life, of neighbours, of workmates, trumps political correctness propaganda every time, and invokes a sense of fury and rage at the insult to their intelligence as well as the unfairness of double standards being applied. And they simply will not have it.
It is because the internet has blown wide open this traditional Upper Middle Class stranglehold on mainstream media that the public has been able to learn the truth about so many forbidden things, and the public is simply appalled.
The plague of “false news” on the internet comes from a public now fully aware of the “false NO news” that governs the BBC, which has entirely and rightly lost the confidence and trust of the masses.
The result of all this “double-think” and exceptionalism by the privileged liberal privately educated elite which controls the BBC is that the ordinary masses have come to regard the BBC in particular and the liberal elite in general as a bunch of dishonest, inconsistent self-regarding virtue-signalling, out of touch, fools and hypocrites whose opinion on anything can no longer be trusted or taken seriously. So the masses have simply stopped listening to their social and educational superiors, and hence, of course, Brexit and Trump. It simply doesn’t matter what the ruling liberalist elite think or say any more.
The inability of the intelligent educated liberal elite to even see (let alone admit or recognise)the self contradictions in the values they so loudly espouse, and the absurdity of their randomly chosen pet subjects to promote, is not shared by either by relatively uneducated Working Class Whites, nor, interestingly, by highly educated Chinese. For both these groups the stupidity of virtue signalling woke elite is seen clear as day. Hence the term (I try to avoid) “Libtards” and it’s close Chinese equivalent “baizuo”.
There has been nothing like this since the invention of printing and rise of literacy blew apart the monopoly of the Church on learning and knowledge, and it has, sadly, brought “experts’ ”, learning and knowledge more generally and widely into disrepute.
Baizuo(白左,White Leftists)is a popular Mainland Chinese term coined for a specific subset of Westerners who are despised by most Chinese for their pretentiousness, hypocritical behavior and an overbearing sense of entitlement.
Baizuos are mostly characterized by their heavy use of political correctness and double standards to covertly advance their own material or emotional interests at the expense of others, while claiming otherwise from a self-assumed superior moral position. Some are truly non-malicious, but are too naive or lack the worldview to provide useful opinions or solutions to real societal problems.
Since most of these group is white (白)and left-(liberal) leaning(左), and thus the name.
Chinese guy: “Oh look, those Baizuos over at America are blaming us for not accepting their trash after our recent foreign garbage import ban. Don’t these fuckers ever understand they are responsible for cleaning their own shit instead of blame pushing all day long?
As ex military I am so proud of my ex Commander in Chief her Majesty…
You have to admit the celebrations have brought everybody together, everybody having a great time and introducing a bit of a feel good factor..
Whether your a republican or a royalist you have to admit she is a remarkable woman.
And then you come to the BBC…So who do they dig up from somewhere, an anti royalist saying it’s a waste of time and money and the establishment should be ashamed..
And then it’s next story…Boris Johnson gets booed going into St. Paul’s and his days are numbered
They just can’t help themselves
There was a fantastic atmosphere and palpable sense of unity and happiness all around London on Thursday… for a change, from Kings Cross and beyond to the River Thames.
The enduring narrative, is as you say, not about Royalty per se, but a figurehead that has been a part of everyones lives from birth and has shown how a life of service can be conducted at the highest standard, who took an oath 70 years ago and has stuck to it through thick and thin, and who exemplifies quiet dignity.
A more reliable commentator was on LBC, and openly discussing the facts with any caller who challenged our royal patronage.
One message came across on many occasions; that if there was ever a president to be elected, the last person they would want was Blair! You’d never hear that from a beeboid on it’s programme!
Come to think of it, it’s no wonder our Queen wasn’t at St Pauls, as she knew that Blair would be there with other failures like Major and Brown! I think I’d have stayed at home as well, or ‘caught the covids’ as one ex-royal claimed…
Funnily enough Scrobs, I found GB news for the first time yesterday on TV and they were discussing the 14 primeministers she has endured. John Major is the only one who was and still is invited to Balmoral…make of that what you will.
It could be for when they run out of grouse to shoot of course..
Major and Bryant walk into a bar.
It was utter pants.
Chris Mason is a ‘commentator’.
Then again, Paul Mason was an Economics Editor.
Sources close to the bbc claim..
Don’t mention the war…
A week ago, Liverpool played Real Madrid in the Champions League final in Occupied Paris. Prior to the delayed kick-off, I received tweets from a friend who was there, describing the chaos as migrant mobs ran riot in a crime fest, whilst the French police stood back and did nothing, in true Vichy style. Needless to say, the mass media ignored, censored and lied about the proceedings, claiming that all the problems were caused by late arriving fans with fake tickets. Of the acts of enrichment… nothing whatsoever.
But the truth has a way of getting out, and now even the BBC has published an account that gives a flavour of what went on. For the sad truth is that the French authorities can no longer guarantee law and order in many of France’s cities. There is, in effect, an war going on within that country, giving a preview of near future urban life in much of Western Europe. Anyone want to place a bet on whether the Summer Olympics 2024 will actually take place in Paris?
Given the pervasive witness presence, especially loaded with a/v, the selective nature of media editted footage is unsurprising, alongside witness testimony.
Was Kev at the Boris Boo and the Megharry Boo? Was magic grampie?
Dusky “locals” trying to get in without tickets:
And again:
Translation: the Macron Govt is lying to you:
All those typical african gallic gangs:
Listening to the bored ‘our Justin ‘ interviewing a couple of royal hangers on about Elizabeth Windsor – and speaking so carefully – desperate to not be the BBC type to make the anti royal slip – it is as though he is a foreigner dealing with another place – country – time – planet ….
I was wondering how people will react of Charles windsors ‘ moosh being on the bank notes ?and will the ghost of Diana Spencer be hanging around more ?
Day 3 – wow …
Fedup-Before long at the Jubilee the BBC may have to do some
“busing in” like they do with those in the centre
of the crowd around Fiona Bruce in the Antiques Road
Show !!
History will show that by far the most selfless, patriotic and truly regal acts of our Queen has been to deny and prevent the accession of her son to the throne for as long as has been humanly, and humanely, possible.
For all her parental failings, recognising that his staggering self-indulgence, immaturity and delusions of intelligence will inevitably bring an end to the monarchy in a perfect storm of interference and inept misunderstanding must prove to be her greatest legacy.
Beltane – quite so – he might well be heading his 80s by the time there is a change of CEO in the firm . I think – once the country has come to terms with the absence of HMQ there will be a collective wtf? With Charles doing his thing …
HMQ must calculate that he won’t do the gig for long before a more acceptable and modern version takes over ….
But I think Charles will have a nightmare time watching countries heading for the door ….
“…more acceptable and modern…” Begone, get thee hence!
The Liverpool-Real Madrid “troubles” is a bit of a
touchy subject for the BBC. As an analogy one could
say that staging the match in Saint Denis in Paris, was like
holding a major sporting event in say the city of culture
like Bradford. Or other towns of culture such as
Rochdale or Rotherham.
But that’s not really being fair to the North of England. Maybe
QPR’S stadium in Loftus Road during the Notting Hill Carnival
may well another stadium not to be used for a major sporting
They have their own world class events at Notting Hill, something involving target practice, rolexes and wallets, followed by a hundred yard dash.
As Ian Rushlow has posted above there are large parts of many French cities which are no go areas for the police because they are ‘ruled’ by the local Muslims. The Stade de France is situated in one of the worst. Of course the French government doesn’t want to admit to this and so blames the football supporters. But it isn’t possible to stop the hundreds of mobile phone videos from showing the world the truth. So now they are leaning on EUFA to take the blame for the problem the local Muslims created.
I have French relatives and they admit that there are a lot of no go areas all because of Muslim control . But yet they still didn’t vote if MLP or Zemmour . I tell them that if we had either of those politicians I would certainly vote for them. Doing that they say would be the spark that ignites a race war in France just as it would in the UK if we voted in a strong anti Islam party, which we don’t have.
The question is that with each passing election the situation both in France and in the UK gets worse and we slide further down the road of Islamisation. Are we going to submit to Islam or not? We need to choose ? At least the French have politicians who are willing to address the issue if given the chance. Our lot just keep burying their heads further and further into the sand.
But the BBC Editorial Guidelines, Getty Images and #backendofbusism certainly can help.
lol, I bet there is not a single professional writer in the world who writes like that.
But of course everyone is exactly equal in the BBC world (well, except for those in the BBC : they are the oracles and policy deciders. It’s all the inferior worker plebs who are equal – just like in ‘Brave New World).
Hence you can all write a novel. Just follow 8 expert tips. Ability doesn’t count in the world they want to create. If nobody buys it, it’s because they are racist, sexist or right wing.
I searched for ‘successful author’ and this is the first image I got. To my astonishment, that young, BAME girl didn’t appear at all.
BBC: ‘Boris Johnson has received a mix of boos and cheers on his arrival to the thanksgiving service for the Queen‘ – leaving aside the BBC’s overly-ostenatious show of “balance” there, we have to assume there must have been a fair sprinkling of Liverpool fans in the crowd, and that would tend to justify the booing…
Over to Britain’s favourite German, Jurgen Klopp, to explain: ‘…the German boss also said: “It’s always best to ask the question – why does this happen? They wouldn’t do it without a reason. Maybe I’m not here long enough to understand. I am sure it’s historical.”‘ (BBC) – this was of course Klopp offering his twopenn’orth (zwei pfennigs) on the previous notable public outbreak of booing: ‘Liverpool fans booing the national anthem before the FA Cup final was “not something I enjoyed”, says manager Jurgen Klopp.‘ – he noticably side-stepped the opportunity to condemn it, however.
I’m oddly reminded of the late lamented Mel Smith, formerly of sketch comedy duo Alas Smith and Jones, playing the part of the comic movie stock character WW2 German general: “I am the general who is always being fitted for a new uniform, I enjoy the company of beautiful vimmin, I am listening to classic music – viz my eyes shut. I am also the one who always says – You see, ve are not all barbarians”
It was Woody Allen who famously suggested: “80 percent of success in life is just showing up”
So it is, apparently and according to our press, with Her Majesty: ‘“Thank you for staying the course”‘ (Telegraph); ‘Decades of duty without drama‘ (FT); ‘“You are still in the saddle”‘ (Times) – except, sadly, she wasn’t actually there: ‘Prince Charles and Camilla… were representing the absent Queen‘ (Daily Mail)
Cue the lone bugler in the distance sounding The Last Post. Marking the sombre occasion of the Daily Express running down the Ukrainian flag from their masthead. A familiar reassuring sight to readers for what must have been… 100 days or so? Oh well, all good things must come to an end. But gosh, the Express was a bit snarky when this happened: ‘Berlin police remove Ukraine flag after Germany bans display of banner near war memorial… Germany sought to prevent anti-Russia sentiments from spilling over into the Victory in Europe celebrations… the decision sparked the fury of Ukraine’s Ambassador to Berlin, Andrij Melnyk, who branded the move a “slap in the face” of all Ukrainians‘ (Express, 9 May)
They do tend to have invented a handy word for some difficult complex things – the Germans, I mean. How could we explain the situation of German ambivalence compared to UK and US going gung ho for Ukraine – if it were not for the word Realpolitik?
To punish their wrong doing I might like to completely boycott my electricty and gas provider – but if I did put sanctions on and switched off my supply…?
a) I would still have to pay the standing charge, and b) I’d be sitting in the dark, eating cold salads and writing this with pen and paper.
Canadian former hippy singer songwriter turned rocker, now superannuated lefty Neil Young once came up with an album – LP format (there’s one for the teenagers) titled Rust Never Sleeps.
So it is with the lefty press. Come Hell, high water or Jubliee, there are always Tories to bash: ‘Katty Balls – Off to the Palace? Even if PM wins vote. He loses‘ (‘i’) – do you note the subtle backsliding here? Lefty journos were assuring us just days ago that Boris was “toast“. Now, in the same way as the Express has quietly ditched the old blue and yellow sensing Ukrainian defeat, the ‘i’ has backtracked on the chances of Tory rebels canning Johnson.
The ‘i’ frontapge forgoes any pictures of the Royal family prefering the democracy of a street party photo and near the foot of the page they leave us with their parting shot: ‘The anti-Jubilee parties‘
Stay classy. Class comes today from the unexpected quarter of the class conscious Mirror. A certain amount of kudos is due the Daily Mirror. They are still flying the Union flag on their masthead and the only yellow and blue in evidence is the jockey’s racing silks: ‘Brilliant racing pullout inside‘ – for the Mirror the monarchy represents a right old royal soap opera – they focus their photo journalism on the rift between Cambridges and Sussexes: ‘Together ..yet apart. Harry and William attend thanksgiving service but avoid coming face to face‘
There’s a wafer thin difference in take between the Mirror and the Mail: ‘So far apart‘
To the globalist FT where this snippet of market data bites hard: ‘Capital’s drinkers face sobering reality as cost of a London pint climbs to £8‘ – what price Beergate now, Sir Keir? Of course the Labour Party had the good sense to buy their beer and curry at cheaper northeastern England prices.
And finally, seemingly eternally stuck on the subject of parties… we do tend to delight in noting odd new coinages and unusual turns of phase in our press. The FT have a corker today and we’re not quite sure what it signifies: ‘Staff summer parties lift ailing hospitality industry. After two years of struggling through Covid-led lockdowns…‘ – Covid-led???!!! What on earth is implied there?
I know I said and finally. But how about the funny post script – call it a hangover from too much partying: ‘Romance is dead. Gutted. Dumped lovers learn beer bellies not so sexy afterall‘ (Daily Star) – I guess after all that Covid-led lockdown partying, we’ll all be tightening our belts.
In an age of telephoto HD and parabolic something k directional mics, modern media has to be very careful with the format selected.
Take PMs and assorted mucky muck arm candy.
Carrie… best stick with audio.
Lady Bliar, QC…. Ditto.
Mrs. Ginge… full screen beam.
Then… to post, to sort it all.
AISI, you may be interested in
TOADY Watch #2 – now that’s a rebranding exercise that may result in a bullet wound to the foot
I am informed by JustRemainIn, if I recall correctly, that the rolling in riches
BBC presentersFinancial Times has rebranded its ‘How To Spend It’ Saturday supplement to ‘HTSI’ so as not to upset ordinary people struggling with the BBC self-created, others-harming, victim-supplying (to the BBC) ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’. Unfortunately, There will be people, especially young people of a certain gender persuasion or none who will be re-arranging those letters ‘to make a well known expletive or saying’.I am very interested in the new FT abreviation HTSI – ultimate care taken with my typographic dyslexia thereabouts. I sense, however, it is no accident WFH is such a hit with the media due in part to its precarious adjacency to WTF. cf BBC Today Programme presenters odd relish for the name Jeremy Hunt
Ah, the globalist FT, where editorial care and concern for wealth transfers from the west to the very poorest of developing nations sits cheek by elite jowl with pricey frontpage bottom right hand corner ads for the likes of Liechtenstein Global Trust private banking, Clinical La Prairie exclusive Swiss health spa and Lunajets, Canali, Chopard, Parmigani, Graff, Jaeger-LeCoultre (pronounced jay-jay lee coutra)… oh the glorious supranationalism of it all.
The Saturday Times the other week had a Cot Of Living Crisis section in the Weekend supplement
but it was ridiculous cos it was all about how the Middle-Classes can economise
cheaper quinoa, cheaper yoga retreats etc.
Illegal Channel Crossings Update. Includes footage of illegals sauntering ashore unopposed twixt Dymchurch and Dungeness. Sickening.
Meanwhile lefty lawyers are stopping deportations.
We need to deport the lawyers first, illegally if necessary. Either that or have them work pro bono, cut off legal aid for illegal immigrants (how can they possibly even qualify?) and watch how quickly they drop the subject. Failing that, make them responsible for any lawbreaking with identical sentences to the perps.
Rumours this morning is that Boris is going to call a snap election if his disloyal MPs continue to behave like Pratt’s.
Not a bad idea in my opinion, fear of losing there respective seats may bring them back into line. Why should a small rump of disloyal MPs think they have the God given right to take away our electoral right by getting rid of Boris, that choice should be down to us.
BBC may already be on election footing if the rumours have reached them..
9:45am Radio4 Adil Ray presenting
“Now thanks to her rose falooda cake and her Indian grandmother Shabnam Russo made it through to the finals.”
Shabnam Russo
“I was was born in Mumbai and moved to London 20 years ago”
“I wanted to thank the Quenn, cos he is so socially tolerant and she has embraced the multicultural society”
Adil Ray “When I grew up in Birmingham we had that falooda cake too, my family is from Pakistan”
(The cake made it into the Fortnum and Mason 5 finalists)
(20 year ago she was working in a hotel in India and met a doctor from Venice and married him, o first moved to Venice and then to London)
“When I came to London it’s so multicultural, I didn’t see any difference between here and Mumbai”
Producer: Tim Bano (Pakistani/Indian surname)
Oh I forgot the show has a white co-presenter
… Nikki Bedi (née Moolgaoker)
born to an Indian father an English mother.[
Married to Kabir Bedi from 1992 to 2005, she retained her married name
She describes herself as Indo-Anglian.
This reminds me of the special rules that they have in India to protect the 7 northern tribal states.
They have a culture so different from the rest of India and the governments didn’t want mainstream Indians moving in and swamping them. So people can’t just move there, you need to a special permit just to cross the border.
One should be wary of all types of imperialism.
Radio4 is turning into BBC’s second South Asian Network
2pm Any answers with ethnic Indian Anita Anand
14:45 Tom Heap rams his Global Warming religion down your throat
“Steel without the fossil fuels” one year old REPEAT
3pm Drama
“A small community in India is thrown into turmoil at the announcement of a royal visit.”
16:00 Woman’s Hour includes : Jocasta Almgill, & Tahmima Aman.
17:30 Political Thinking with Nick Robinson
Guest : ethnic Pakistani Sara Khan
Oh that is the last of the day’s South Asian shows
It didn’t make the cut for the morning press review but this one from the Sun deserves to be given exposure to the full light of day:
‘Ukrainian PM vows that Ukraine would beat the Russians in a film marking 100 days since the invasion’
Of course much depends on where we put the comma in that sentence.
I’m sure the ex-soap actor will be as big a media hit when he plays Sylvester Stallone in the movie with the working title First To Last Drop of Ukrainian Blood (a multiverse sequel to the money-spinning Nato franchise)