Cha ching! Been a while …. since I topped a Thread. Am sure we will see/hear from the BBC this week:
1. More ‘shilling’ to rejoin the EU, via
2. More attempts to topple the PM via
3. Interference in the two forthcoming by-elections by the BBC.
Our Fed has remembered but will the BBC do it without many references to Macron?
I often remark to people here in France, that although they abhor the English, if it wasn’t for the English speaking people’s of the world they would be speaking German. That includes most of continental Europe, disregarding the Swedes and the Swiss, as we all know they remained neutral to make money.
Northern – I often wonder about the Americans – who sat on their hands and watched Europe being over run – and would have stood by if the UK had gone too .
Whenever someone says ‘special relationship ‘ those words ‘special ‘ and ‘relationship ‘ always have a flexible meaning ….
As for the French … no comment – although at the moment R4X is repeating a documentary about De Gaule- which was made pre woke – hereafter referred to as PW..
There is absolutely no doubt that if Hitler looked like winning the UK would have been fighting the Americans as well. So thank goodness for Australia and NewZealand
To Americans it’s all about money, nothing else matters.
I do have a very low opinion of American values and everything that has been happening over there in the last couple of years only proves me right.
Although it’s not ‘biased BBC’ I do entertain myself by running through alternative versions of history – such as the isolationist stance of America before the dirty Japs forced their hand .
The chance of the entire BEF being captured at Dunkirk ? – the weather … and surrender thereafter ? …
Even if D Day had failed I reckon it would have been achieved the following year because of the growing strength of the soviets bleeding the Germans dry …
… meanwhile I see on twitter that the Culture Secretary is on the free Prosecco again complementing the BBC on its ‘ Queenfest presentation … gongs all round ..
I don’t think it’s fair to say the Americans ‘sat on their hands’ when history is looked at both in the round and behind the scenes.
We had a Tory party every bit as cowardly as they are today who even once Poland had been invaded and war was declared would have rather surrendered than fight Germany, and it’s hard to blame America when arch cowards Chamberlain and Lord Halifax had been running with a policy of peace in our time, and that there would be no war.
Across the pond FDR had been elected with the promise he would not take America into another War in Europe:
He did however support Britain with munitions advisors intelligence etc, FDR wanted to send troops to Europe but he could not do so until Pearl Harbour dragged the USA into the war regardless.
We are seeing once more America watching while Europe turns itself into a pretzel.
I just feel that this war is no longer about Ukraine anymore. The Ukraine matter is settled. It only has to be codified when Russia decides. What is in play is the future of NATO. If NATO comes out having “lost” the Ukraine trial of strength, it will not survive. Moreover, America is keen to get out of Europe.
The world changed dramatically after WWII. Another new world order is now forming. This order is likely to be Asia centric .
They have to believe in God first. Then have undying faith even if things go completely wrong. I dont think we have that in us at the moment. Sad to say.
The epitome of nastiness in the lefty world is encapsulated in the despicable and odious Mayor Khan. Everything he does is an effort to endear himself to the idiots on the left.
For the sake of the future of London, he needs to be gone.
Just came across an interesting statistic.
As of 2016 (source – worldometer) the UK was 60th in the table of per capita carbon emissions. Around seven times lower than, for example, Qatar. In other words, even back then, we already had a pretty good record.
So the actions in this day and age of Extinction Rebellion and their ‘climate crisis’ fellow travellers, given soft treatment by the police, government, and the BBC, can be seen all the more clearly for the seditious, anarchic, subversive Leftoid wokeism that it actually is.
More cycle lanes, provided by the state at your expense as a free of charge alternative to gym membership for the middle class, will nevertheless be coming to a town near you, and preventing normal people from going about their normal business.
Like many here, I have virtually nothing to do with the BBC, have no TV and only occasionally glance at their webshite. However, I’ll be spending the next week at my parents, who insist on having all the major BBC news bulletins on, despite my exhortations that it’s all propaganda and activism. I’m looking forward to seeing my family – the BBC, not so much.
Also not looking forward to walking between the two London railway termini that I have to use to get there – thanks a lot RMT.
At least you will have a refresher course in your giving up of the BBC and will come home reinforced in your decision. We need reminding every so often of just how awful that institution is.
Isle of Man TT. Not on the BBC, however, an observation………
I’ve watched the TT highlights over the years. I’ve never seen an ethnic, ie dark face competitor, ever. I don’t think I’ve even seen an ethnic spectator. I’m not sure what the explanation would be.
There appeared to be a few whose history is elsewhere cheering at the Palace when I looked at the tv, just not as many as I would have expected from my occasional dip into the BBC.
As a Manx resident, there are a few here this year, and some of them actually race. I remember a few years ago a lady Brazilian (no sniggering at the back) racing and she did quite well.
Are other’s like me wondering what is driving the woke alignment of
@GBNEWS with other anti British/Government stations?
Ask yourself, is it a conscious drive to now employ “left leaning” staff
perhaps people like Creative Director James Haggar,
who ? Naga Munchetty’s husband
GB News is interesting. There is a real disconnect (although with what Stu says it may become less so), between the top of the hour news which is similar to what I would expect on the BBC and the rest.
As usual I’m a day or two behind on watching GBN but I must say that Neil Oliver’s opening monologue on Saturday was brilliant expose of the plan that the likes of the WEF and western governments in general have in store for us. No doubt there will be a concerted effort from the globalists to rubbish Mr Oliver and close down GBN, particularly if the station keeps up the exposure of the globalists by Steyn and Oliver and viewing figures continue to edge upwards.
We see glimpses of the initial stages of the plan with Covid, the net zero agenda. We see how western governments are handing over their power to supranational bodies . We voted for Brexit to be free from the EU and have politicians accountable to us, but our Tory government hands power to the totally unaccountable WHO!
Perhaps the outrage of the high and mighty Remainers is not that we left the EU but that the British people used their democratic vote to go their own way. If we were to keep using our democratic vote to reject things we didn’t want it would throw a big spanner in the plan of the WEF et al for world government.
I don’t think that they will allow us to do it again. Throughout the 19th century and the first quarter of the 20th century the British people fought a campaign for universal sufferage and democracy. Our hard won rights are being steadily taken away from us and most of us don’t yet realise it’s happening.
I think we saw during covid the scope of the government nudge units aka behavioural ‘scientists’ to bully the population into signing up to authoritarian measures.
Mantras like “no one is safe until everyone is safe” creates the necessary anxiety in people to increasingly hand over autonomy to UN/EU/WHO type bodies.
Should Clive Myrie be presenting more shows on BBC ?
I hope he is a contestant on Strictly Come Dancing before
long. And I think he would make a good presenter of the Antiques Road Show as well. Can anybody suggest any other programmes?
“Partygate: Boris Johnson would win a confidence vote, says Grant Shapps”
In the words of a certain Welsh lass ………….He would say that wouldn’t he ?
Would he say anything different ?
Is he just burying is head in the sand or just whistling in the dark?
Did you really go through four days of posts to copy’n’paste all that?
Does this site live rent-free in your head?
I suggest a more constructive hobby, like shouting at people randomly in the street or trying to start a fight in an empty room (you’re probably sitting in one right now).
You find it interesting that people use the words “Black” or “Muslim” in their posts here?
Funny, because I think many of us here find it interesting how often those same words – in certain contexts – are omitted by the BBC.
Ha ha ha – all of that work and all those hours without a single racist comment to show for it.
So like the pathetic troll you are, you just list them all without any context whatsoever.
I’m laughing at YOU maxi because you are pathetic.
Fed: I suspect maxi is posting stuff like this for it to show up on internet searches. I’ve noticed he has been getting more malicious recently. Maybe time to get rid of him : he has never posted a single comment regarding BBC bias.
I understand that you were formerly involved with some rather despicable racists and called for extermination camps. Is that why you accuse people here of racism in order to bury your past?
Noted – any other views please ? Do you want the troll removed ? Personally I would delete it on the grounds of not discussing the BBC – but that’s me – as a moderator – I wonder about the search engine issue as I don’t know about ‘trigger ‘ words ….
Views …?
I cross the floor based on a new era of scumbuggery clearly arriving, driven by media, bots, bottoms, blocks, bans, etc.
A world run by the BBC, Paul Brand and his missus holds little appeal, especially when propped up by an army of Maxi pad basement warriors tweaking already dodgy propaganda dials.
Just interested in the new manifestation that respawns. Though it will be obvious.
I suspect we will get a different member of the team when one gets deleted for being a dirty troll.
I can tell maxi works for a company which has rules for what they are and are not allowed to post. His mask has slipped a few times recently and his real spite has peeped through – but by and large, he is just a pleb following orders and adhereing to the rules he has been given so he doesn’t embarass the BBC if it gets out he is working on their behalf.
Fed, I think maxi is quite amusing. He should be kept around as our pet troll. We can pat him on the head occasionally. I’ll keep pinning him to the wall, metaphorically speaking, for an apology from him over the subject of pogroms.
Up2 and others – I confess – I don’t really look at the troll comments but I do read the replies or engagements – so I can’t say whether this is one person in the UK – or elsewhere – or part of the BBC
Whoever it is must get some comfort from being engaged …
I just wish there was someone who would regularly turn up to justify the BBC – the fairness – the balance – the non agenda – but I submit that would be an impossible gig .
Having been trained in both prosecuting and defending a brief – I’d have real trouble defending the BBC – I think I’d have to plead ‘diminished ‘…
The use of the word black is no different to the the word white used to attack and or label non blacks, additionally the term white is used frequently by blacks, asians and the bbc, often in a derogatory sense (white supremacist, white priviledge etc) yet not the word black / muslim, strangely enough. Despite black racially motivated attacks on whites and asians, and muslims raping and abusing white school children because they are non muslim and white.
I have even had to endure seeing offensive books by black people attacking white people in Waterstones using the word white in the title so do not criticise me for using the word black.
An attack on a Roman Catholic Church – at least 50 dead – some abducted . But it was in Nigeria – done by followers of Islam. So for the BBC – it is barely worth a report – a report edited to remove the identity of the killers ..
The attack on Muslims in NZ a few years ago left 49 dead and was Big Big news – I don’t think Clive or `huw or Katie will be on the plane to Lagos to present the 6pm news from the Church .
As an RC – I pray for the souls of the dead and injured – I know I shouldn’t – but I curse the killers – die slow – in pain …..
The important thing with this is that the attacks on Muslims are always some nutter who got pushed over the edge.
The Muslim’s however are almost always part of larger groups. Same as the rape gangs. It means it is a cultural thing shared by many. Not a one-off wacko.
It’s a very significant observation which the BBC never go near. You can lock up the odd psychopath, but you can’t change the culture of millions.
Are you drunk, maxi? Just out of the pub? Or are you drunk on the the thought of the power of attacking posters on this web-site, instead of fulfilling the site’s purpose of raising a critique of the BBC and pointing to the BBC’s own bias.
Brandon Straka sidebar at VivaFrei YouTube (quite long)
Spiteful Democrat Iawfare / persecution on steroids… orchestrated on a wholly political basis that would embarrass any banana republic – US MSM fabricating massive amount of sh1t – incredible.
*Every.single.time* I move the time slider on the (3 hour!) Brandon Straka video above – YouTube ejects an advert. I thought to do a timed link to some particularly egregious antics but tbh I lost the will to persevere.
Why is max given “special” status here ? is it a little like the village idiot ?
Not once has he posted anything on bbc bias, and uses selective cut and paste to attack others, his ilk would cancel anyone of us in moments yet he has been allowed to troll for years.
I think the troll provides ‘entertainment ‘ for users and readers. Sometimes it pops up and I ask whether people would like it cancelled … the responses tend to suggest the troll provides a useful reminder as to just how poor the Far Left is .
The troll in question never – never – attempts to defend the Far Left BBC but prefers personal attacks on the comments people make here.
My concern is that he is frustrated that we don’t make any actual racist comments for him to use so he is resorting to baiting people and trying to put the words he wants into our mouths himself.
I presume this will be picked up by bots etc which rate forums for racist language etc – and maxi is trying to smear the site. Plus other Leftists can quote his posts out of context as if someone really was being racist.
Going by the database his ‘troll team’ has accumulated (everything everybody posted for years which may be useful) and and the amount of time he clearly spends researching what we post to try and nit-pick, the BBC must be spending a lot of money on trolls like him. For every reply he manages to find something he can use, I bet he researches 10 others looking.
It’s classic troll technique: never do anything positive in the way of engaging in argument about the subject, but just find fault. I wouldn’t ban him; he is a useful reminder.
Poor sods at the BBC must have been having withdrawal symptoms. Anti government and anti Boris waffle on the back burner during the Queen’s celebrations…
All ok now for the BBC, celebrations now over and yes, it’s all kicking off again, wall to wall ” we hate Boris and Government”.
Turned to Sky news and yes sorry to say, the same.
The coordinated effort by the the establishment, the Left and the BBC to oust Boris in full swing…
This article caught my eye because I wondered what she had said.
‘The BBC is not repeating Ms Sharma’s remarks as they are offensive in nature.’
Not only the BBC. The entire media are not reporting it. I can’t find it anywhere.
The nearest I got was in some comments where someone else asked the same thing and got this reply (clearly from a Muslim):
‘She said prophet muhammad married a six year old and consummated marriage with her when she was nine(which is a blatant lie btw) next she quoted a koran ayah where rolling out of the earth is talked about in poetic fashion alleging that the Koran says that the earth is flat which is again false and she also mocked about a flying horse miracle associated with prophets life where he visited masjid e aksa from Arabia in one night. Which is something muslims believe in strongly. Basically she was mocking and being disrespectful towards the prophet whom muslims around the world hold on highest ground’
A quick check from Wiki shows Mohammed DID marry a 6 year old and consumated the marriage when she was 9.
And they are so very offended because she mocked the concept of Mohammad going somewhere on a flying horse ??.
Does that really constitute the very worst of hate speech ?.
The bottom line here is that Muslims seem to have the right to not be offended because if they are, they murder people.
Islam : the religion of peace and tolerance. As long as you don’t upset them. Then they will cut your head off.
Muslims have a right not to be offended because so many people including on these pages want countries such as Saudi Arabia to make up the pay of politicians rather than paying them the going rate themselves.
You should be smiling – a great big grin all over your face! You paid a pittance and someone else paid the piper and gets to call the tune.
This is the consequence of paying inadequate amounts to the political class – in fact the lowest amount in the Western world and then acting all surprised when someone else comes along and pays what you are not prepare to pay.
Half of them are paid way, way more than they are worth and the other half would take whatever extra money you give them and do the corruption anyway. That’s why they became politicians.
If I livered in London I might be tempted to remove the statue on the grounds that the it is situated in the wrong place. Oh hang on it would be better to topple the building that it’s next to.
I know that the English intelligentsia have plenty of reason for their timidity and dishonesty, indeed I know by heart the arguments by which they justify themselves. But at least let us have no more nonsense about defending liberty against Fascism. If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. The common people still vaguely subscribe to that doctrine and act on it.
TOADY Watch #1 – groan, more crossed fingers and hoping from the BBC
No mention of D-Day, either from JustRemainIn Webb or Katie Razzall. Katie does have a poor voice for a Radio News presenter. Apparently she is married to the actor, Oliver Milburn. You would think Oliver would care enough for his wife to coach her using what he has learned to make her sound better on radio. You would think. Wouldn’t you? Anyway off to the sport.
Wales have qualified for the World Cup finals at footie. well done taffman for cheering Wales on. Whoopeee! Beeboid doing sport – sorry don’t recognise the voice and name forgotten – waffles for a minute or two without telling me the score thus breaking the first rule of sports broadcasting. All I know is that it was “a scrappy old game”. Thanks so much. Off-switch activated. One of the two Sport brothers, Gary or Rob, would have done it perfectly. The BBC are busy making themselves worthless.
I listened to the 5live commentary which was very poor – they had a Welsh girl pundit who kept on saying she was so emotional she was lost for words – ideal for radio…. Thoughts and prayers with the stay at home Scots,,,,
I remember listening to a British Grand Prix on Slive some years ago. I came in midway through the race. There had been an incident. All I got was waffle from the Beeboids – this went on for about ten minutes, I actually watched the clock – and you could hear that the race was obviously continuing. Who was leading? Who was in second place? How close were they?
All I had was this endless chat between two commentators. First rule of sportscasting: get the score/placings into your opening sentence.
Rob and Gary – regular TOADY sports presenters – do it perfectly.
BBC Moaning Emole (editted slightly for reasons of space and added context)
Pupils and teachers stuck abroad
Thousands of British holidaymakers are thought to be stranded abroad, after the cancellation of more than 100 flights over the weekend. And among them are hundreds of school pupils – and some teachers – who are set to miss their first day back after half-term. It’ll be an anxious journey home for some. The mother of one 17-year-old tells us he’ll only just make it back from Disneyland Paris in time for his maths GCSE exam, after she spent hundreds of pounds on rail tickets following the cancellation of their flight. Airlines are being blamed for taking more bookings than they can manage with lower post-Covid staffing levels. But they argue ministers could have done more to support the industry during the pandemic and to speed up security checks for new staff.
Actually, copy pasted in all its bbc glory, from the ‘thought to be’ through the 17 yo getting his Minnie experience to an impressive ‘argument’ by gouging profiteers taken as read by the BBC. No detail on the teacher trauma, but if anything like the lot on the last freebie for ours funded by parents, they are still in the duty free stocking up as they prepare their climate crisis module.
I do confess, of several things so far watched today, this is not one. Said bra is second hand, apparently, to offset the air miles getting to Love Island. Where doubtless it appeared but briefly.
No word on the BBC kindergarten correspondent and team’s site tour mankinis.
A lady teacher trying to her an easyJet flight back to Blighty . For some reason she is stuck in Dubrovnik ( nice place ) and can’t get contact with easyJet . Surprise ? Any way it’s easy blah blah chaos for EasyBBC …. ‘My holiday hell ‘..
Then another comedy item about private rentals becoming more expensive because of a ‘shortage ‘. No explanation of why there is a shortage …. and apparently some landlords do renting for a profit ( is there another reason?)
Now I’ve always assumed that the BBC hates landlords and hates anyone who makes a profit by risking capital and giving a home to a resentful tenant who’d rather spend their ( or taxpayers money ) on something else … I have no skin in this game and from what I hear would never risk being a landlord .
And of course there is the pantomime villain that is Roger Gale – a permanent remainer traitor sulk – whose reason for existence seems to be hatred of his current leader in a heseltine type style …
And apparently Blighty is sending multiple test sheets to Ukraine … A ‘why ?’ B ‘a waste ‘ C dangerous for the UK D none of the above …. Might have heard that wrong …
Even better – apparently the Indians are using more coal to power their country because of alleged human cause climate change – nice to end on a positive . Burn baby burn …
I am admin for a group with over a thousand members. I used to stick rigidly to the principle of free speech for all. But after several years of increasing disruption I realised that if I didn’t do something the group would fail. People were getting more and more fed up and were leaving. The disruption came from only 0.5% of the members, but they were having a wholly disproportionate effect. I did the necessary and since then the improvement in the group has been enormous. It seems that free speech cannot be an unconditional right.
TOADY Watch #2 – even more groans from me and more crossed fingers and hoping from the BBC
The BBC are desperate to get rid of Boris Johnson. They make no pretence of neutrality now. Like some other media types of a socialist and Socialist persuasion they keep talking about a vote of no confidence or a leadership challenge. You could hear the desperate hoping in JustRemainIn’s voice that Sir Graham Brady could have the requisite 54 letters from Conservative MPs calling for a confidence vote by the end of today or he may have them already. Your hopes may be dashed BBC because, dim as some of them are, Conservative MPs may have actually twigged what you are trying to do, BBC, and may resist.
This could turn into a very long week – it seems the ex royals are already on the jet back to LA – a Netflix special must be in the offing with a billion dollar deal with Oprah or caryln. (aka whoopi ) to spill the beans on how badly they were treated and didn’t get the star billing they deserved ….
Then the beercurry thing must be due – wouldn’t it be funny if growler gets a ticket ( resigns ) but starmer gets away with it ?
BBC staff are frothing – the nut nut challenge is on – there will be a vote Monday evening – a long week starts with a long day …D Day references to follow …
8:05am Radio Humberside blatant PRasNews for Hull University’s Green PR operation.
We pay the university, they use the money to set up Aura Innovation centre .. it’s just a Net Zero PR operation.
The Jesse norman letter to nut nut is published on twitter . I have read it – it is brutal in its condemnation of nut nut …. And looks written by someone who could ‘cross the floor ‘ if nut stays in post .
There was talk at the weekend that Johnson might call an early election – perhaps that would be best because nothing – nothing – is going to improve in the two years to the due election ….
I appreciate that this is an anorak thing because the difference between a red labour and a blue labour government is likely to be cosmetic rather than real …. But I fear the red labour lot more because I am a taxpayer and do not get welfare and hope never to do so ….
Norman is MP of the near welded Tory seat of South Herefordshire.
Has been for a while.
Seemed feisty at the start but got slapped down by fellow Etonian Cameron over something, not porcine related.
Utterly ineffective since, and cruising along on letters to local democracy papers no one reads any more. Plus selfies at footy matches.
Zero credible opposition. Idiot wimmin from Lab, Limp and Green.
Their only chance is if he does cross the floor, but a slight risk of losing all True Labour voters if he does, leaving screeching climate protesters and Europhiles.
In short, a county ClusterFubar, as with the council election clown show installed. Looking at the scattered Indy alternatives post climate assembly a fight back is possible but needs smart coordination. A rare skill clearly in the political sphere.
A Tory Eton goon in a red rosette would be novel. Smarter than Tim Nice But Dim but optics, Jesse, optics.
All now is politics first and country second.
Boris made too many major errors but airing dirty laundry on Twitter impresses only the idiot brigade.
I see Beff and Toenails are alive to the sound of sources already.
Maybe a Parliament of Tools headed by a junta of those two and Paul Brand?
I am confused that you appear to refer to Johnson as “nut nut”. Surely that is his eco-loon wife?
Johnson, as we know, does not believe in anything. He turned on a sixpence from being a climate change sceptic to a net zero fanatic. As far as I am concerned, he stands for nothing but the greater glory of his bank balance.
Since Mrs nut nut wears the trousers and tells Boris what to do – the reference to him as nut is quite sensible – she after all – is the lefty eco loon and he just does as he is told for a quiet life and ‘favours ‘….
I just wish Mrs Johnson had thrown him out when he was conducting his affair with Jennifer Arcuri. Now she looked like a fun girl, and being American would not have made Boris ban petrol cars and gas boilers.
You must agree that his net zero lunacy is leading the country towards disaster?
Yes I’m a full on denier – I believe current science has nowhere near enough data to predict the climate – even short term yet alone over geological time ….
The green stuff is just crap – burn those hydrocarbons – frack frack frack …
On a morning when multiple large colour photographs and vast swathes of frontpage headlines and column inches are made up with the Queen’s welcome surprise appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony… the BBC online press review has to dig pretty deep for the latter clause in this double whammy: ‘Newspaper headlines: ‘My heart is with you all’ and PM ‘toxic for Tories‘
Toxic Tories… Nice. Let’s see where the BBC found that one?
So, passing by the urban youthful lefty freebie Metro, the labour-supporting Mirror, the female-interest Daily Mail, the recently Ukraine-flag-ditching Express, the tedious Telegraph, the formerly patriotic Times… and the spicy Star – plus the formerly-saucy Sun…
…at long last we alight on the source… fingers now stained with multi-colour newsprint (at lot of it green off Her Majesty’s coat – figuratively at least) finally, the BBC’s source for their toxic Boris quote: our tabloid format lefty-leaning long coronaphobic suffering ‘i’ newspaper: ‘Vote on Johnson future turning toxic for Tories‘
The BBC’s habitual headline running mate, the Guardian, is somewhat more restrained and vague: ‘Johnson allies accept vote of confidence is close‘
That much-heralded movable feast that is the confidence vote apparently comes around far less often than a Number 10 afterwork party – they said it might be Monday, now the ‘i’ says: ‘…possible this week‘ and ‘as early as Wednesday‘
The people’s flag is deepest red, the globalist FT is pink, Partygate would be a bigger deal, if Sir Keir wasn’t caught with curry and drink… That’s almost poetry, that is.
The FT can barely contain its excitment: ‘Edge of seat. Rebels close in on Johnson‘
‘What to do with a dead cat‘ (Daily Star) – this feature is – we assume – nothing to do with either Boris’s premiership or our economy which is fast heading for intensive care. The clue to the thrust of the Star’s story would seem to be in the headline: ‘Stuff of dreamies‘ – as in stuffed and mounted… taxidermy, which is a big thing again these days.
So our leading left-wing national title – for today at least – readily quoted by the BBC – is the ‘i’ paper. What else do they have for us? ‘The menopause revolution‘ and flush with confidence but barren as to the detail – on the frontpage at least: ‘Here’s how to actually fix the NHS‘
Having winessed our well-publicised serious problems with “just-in-time” supply chains – think loo roll – imagine for a moment how much stock of expensive modern military ammunition europe actually has to hand?
‘Ukraine war: UK to send Ukraine M270 multiple-launch rocket systems… can fire 12 surface-to-surface missiles within a minute… The UK has also delivered more than 5,000 next generation light anti-tank weapons – known as Nlaw‘ (BBC) – lend-lease? One wonders what proportion of our quite obviously limited stocks this represents?
Meanwhile, how are those energy sanctions on Russia working out for us? ‘Clock is ticking in race to avoid winter energy crisis‘ (FT)
‘IPO [Initial public offering] values plummet 90% in Europe and US as inflation and war take toll. Companies shelve public listings‘ (FT)
Whatever happen to all those promised thousands of Green jobs…?
Whatever happened to those once-familiar female angst feature stories that used to fill the frontpages?
And it’s been a while since there was a decent this or that thing is racist shout.
Here’s a bit of introspection or what our American cousins might term inside baseball talk. Our intermittent nocturnal friend Maxi visited us hereabouts with a long list of suggestively racialist quotes. I’m putting my hands up to the use of the word German. Guilty as charged. It was in reference to Merseyside-based football coach Jurgen Klopp.
Careful, Daily Star, you’ll possibly have Maxi taking you to task for this one: ‘Love Island’s dark start‘
A somewhat more plausible – although the precise explanation is ommitted – charge of racist comes in the FT: ‘Ryanair’s Afrikaans test branded racist‘ – here’s the charge sheet – bereft of detail as to the exact circumstance or identity of the accuser: ‘Budget airline Ryanair has been accused of racism after making South African passengers take a test in Afrikaans to prove their nationality before being allowed to board flights‘
They are at it already. Big news is that Boris is up for a vote of confidence this evening. Scrolling news five minutes ago :-
“Winning the vote does not mean PM won’t lose in the long run”
A few minutes before that, they mentioned that if he passes the vote, there can’t be another for twelve months “Unless the 1922 committee change the rules”.
True enough, but a little early for hedging bets if he passes the vote. How about a headline “If Keir Starmer is fined, will he do the decent thing?” Not going to happen, methinks.
I have put my house on nut nut winning the vote of confidence vote —- but plenty of venom spitting on college green methinks …
I reckon Clive will get the gig but maybe huw will get it as a consolation for not getting the queen gig ?( or did he – I didn’t see any of it )…
“Gareth’s plea to Fans: Don’t embarrass us” (Daily mail & others)
How about getting on with winning something, cut the virtue signalling and concentrate on what you were paid to do. Manage a team and stop trying to be a moral compass intellectual, which you are not.
Here’s a reply from a former England fan – Gareth, how about your oh-so PC taking the knee, dud negative football tactics and your vital penalty fluffing team, stop embarrassing us!
Gareth Southgate brought three black players on to score the winning penalties in Euro 2020. They all missed and England lost. He is a politically correct ponce.
I would suggest that in consideration of a NO Vote of confidence against the Prime Minister, would result in opening the door for those that would not have this nations interests at heart. Leave Boris Johnson where he is for the moment-a change in Prime Ministership at this time will be disasterous for the United Kingdom, the problems facing all of us worldwide are at present is very unstable and dangerous.
Spot on but try telling the hysterical media that. The BBC and others only have one thing on there agenda and that is to oust the PM and sod the potential costs and ramifications to us all
On the topic of Green, sustainable and ever cheaper renewbabbles…
The keepers of the “Climate” section of the BBC web site will do a short piece ?
The cause is explained in this peer reviewed paper that explores the full cost of electrify and why variable “renewable” energy means higher costs, always
Rarely mentioned is the fact that for the UK to be totally renewable we need enough renewables capacity to cover us on a windless, cold winter day. This requires typically a SEVEN fold increase in wind and solar. OF course on a sunny, windy day, much of that capacity will lie idle. Don’t hold your breat for those excess capital costs to be factored in to those lovely headline figures about the wonders of renewables.
And it doesn’t even have to be winter. Figures for June 1st, yes, last week, suggest usage of 18 GW of gas and…..errr……..0.8 GW of wind.
Still, if we are all freezing cold in the renewables nirvana of ER just think how much lower those fuel bills will be. But quite what vegan ER supporters will be wearing in such cases is anyone’s guess.
– some days even a 100x increase in renewables wouldn’t keep the ‘leccy on.
Extrapolation is one thing (more windmills=better resilience) – repeated black starts and other power network problems like synching “islands” precipitated by the twerps pushing stupid policies will just end up with a *lot* of charred kit….
I see last nights ITV show Britains Got Talent gave the winning prize to a Black so called ‘commedian’ ahead of the White schools kid whose skin colour meant he never stood a chance.
The winner however has come in for a lot of criticism because he broke the rule of the show by being a professional with a show of his own on Amazon Prime !
When the media has to go to such lengths of cheating to get a winner of the correct skin colour is it worth watching even for the Epsilon Soma class ?
Which BBC viewers are furious I wonder?
I know a lot of BBC viewers are furious about the constant Woke-lecturing and political bias as well as the compulsory licence fee.
Food is simply a matter of tatse.
BBC viewers furious after Len Goodman recalls nan labelling curry 'foreign muck'
‘foreign muck’ – a phrase uttered by millions at some time or another.
What about all those Muslims currently ensconced in hotels at our pleasure who refuse to eat the food we provide ???? do they say “foreign muck’ under their breath in their own language.
I worked in an office 50% Muslim and 1 Sikh who was friendly with us whiteys. He told us what they said – including a special, extremely derogatory name for him which meant ‘friend of whitey’.
But it only counts the the Left when you say it in English with white skin.
A response from an MSM goon embedded with the section of crowd they have been told to be in may work with some, but news it is not. And reporters do make stuff up Chris. And Nads. And Bill. Ask Toenails.
And Bill, rephrasing what was said to fit the narrative.. very MSM.
If Boris loses the vote of no confidence tonight it will highlight to me the sheer hypocrisy and cowardice of the bulk of his MP’s trying to curry press and public favour. In fact kow-towing to the left.
Should this occur, the next election will be the first time I for one and I suspect a good few others do not vote for a Tory.
They obviously don’t seem to have grasped that at present Boris effectively IS the Tory Government and is under a deluge of engineered attacks from the left and it’s tame media dogs including the BBC, basically for bringing about Brexit. If he goes I suggest his successor doesn’t move any heavy furniture into No. 10, a couple of overnight bags should be enough.
Well it might to you, but to me it signals that at least a few have managed to gather some courage to challenge a rank Socialist who would have been more at home in Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party !
I sort of know where you are coming from Digg, and certainly ‘Partygate’ has the BBC/Guardianista/Leftoid/Woke fingerprints all over it.
The problem is that Boris has unfortunately proved to be pretty useless, not least by burning holes in the pockets of our children by throwing taxpayers cash at every problem and hoping it will go away. Public sector reform is non-existent, our NHS are ‘heroes’ even when they kill mothers and babies in maternity suites. He’s so damaged that even when he’s on the right track (releasing from lockdowns despite the outrage from the sanctimonious left) he gets no kudos, and he has been ineffective in dealing with the Remoaners who have always been on a slow burn to oust him.
Of course reading it reveals that an insignificant number of migrants ACTUALLY came from a war zone with the overwhelming majority simply being what can only be described as economic migrants and chancers.
But as usual loading the headline with a bullshit provocative untruth is what modern journalism is all about!
Well the BBC is achieving part one of rejoining the socialist EU –
1 destabilise the brexit PM
2 fracture the governing party
3 get the new remainer PM in
4 campaign for a General Election
5 get a whole remainer government in
6 secure the BBC future
7 start negotiations to rejoin the EU
8 rejoin the EU
9 support SNP / IRASinn Fein breakup of the UK
10 make the former UK a socialist statelet of the reich EU
1- Famous US regime change op Victoria Nuland visits India
2- Blinken accuses India of human rights violations
3- Countries like Qatar&Kuwait (which have US military bases) overreact & condemn India
Meanwhile Russia has become India’s de facto #1 oil supplier.
– and Kyiv dispatches “executions will continue until morale improves” kommissars to the front lines….
BBC bigging up a disabled person, paralysed from the neck down, who was kept waiting on an aircraft before being helped to get off. The ‘Frank Gardner’ issue we might call it.
They occupied an aisle seat.
Now if I was by the window and listening to the safety briefing, I’d be wondering ‘ how the hell do I get out in an emergency’?
Just wondering therefore why this person was allowed on the flight in the first place.
But this being the BBC, only the rights of the disabled matter.
Local news: “Locals helped put out a fire believed to have been started deliberately at Malmesbury Abbey. Onlookers say they saw a group of ‘approximately 10’ people setting fire to bins at the religious site […] Another witness suggested that a group of around 10 people were ‘seen emptying the abbey bins down the side’ of the Abbey and then ‘setting fire’ to them.”
Can non-Muslims do the hajj? No. Although Christians and Jews believe in the God of Abraham, they are not allowed to perform the hajj. Indeed, the government of Saudi Arabia forbids all non-Muslims from entering the holy city of Mecca at all.20 Aug 2018
Birmingham Protest Against Anti-Sunni ‘Lady of Heaven’ Movie
Salman Rushdie: Iranian state media renew fatwa on Satanic Verses author with $600,000 bounty
The announcement coincides with the anniversary of the fatwa issued in 1989
The Bullring seems to regularly host a portable gazebo or several with pajama clad beardies accosting potential converts with Cat Stevens warbling out the call to prayer from a large boombox…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Fedup2Mar 6, 20:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 His principles seem pretty flexible . No politician has anything to say about the torture of Tommy Robinson – agreeing…
tomoMar 6, 19:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 The wacky twits (of any stripe) don’t seemed to be challenged much over there at GBNews… I don’t understand why…
Cha ching! Been a while …. since I topped a Thread. Am sure we will see/hear from the BBC this week:
1. More ‘shilling’ to rejoin the EU, via
2. More attempts to topple the PM via
3. Interference in the two forthcoming by-elections by the BBC.
Our Fed has remembered but will the BBC do it without many references to Macron?
Or will they forget D-Day altogether.
I often remark to people here in France, that although they abhor the English, if it wasn’t for the English speaking people’s of the world they would be speaking German. That includes most of continental Europe, disregarding the Swedes and the Swiss, as we all know they remained neutral to make money.
Northern – I often wonder about the Americans – who sat on their hands and watched Europe being over run – and would have stood by if the UK had gone too .
Whenever someone says ‘special relationship ‘ those words ‘special ‘ and ‘relationship ‘ always have a flexible meaning ….
As for the French … no comment – although at the moment R4X is repeating a documentary about De Gaule- which was made pre woke – hereafter referred to as PW..
There is absolutely no doubt that if Hitler looked like winning the UK would have been fighting the Americans as well. So thank goodness for Australia and NewZealand
To Americans it’s all about money, nothing else matters.
I do have a very low opinion of American values and everything that has been happening over there in the last couple of years only proves me right.
Although it’s not ‘biased BBC’ I do entertain myself by running through alternative versions of history – such as the isolationist stance of America before the dirty Japs forced their hand .
The chance of the entire BEF being captured at Dunkirk ? – the weather … and surrender thereafter ? …
Even if D Day had failed I reckon it would have been achieved the following year because of the growing strength of the soviets bleeding the Germans dry …
… meanwhile I see on twitter that the Culture Secretary is on the free Prosecco again complementing the BBC on its ‘ Queenfest presentation … gongs all round ..
I don’t think it’s fair to say the Americans ‘sat on their hands’ when history is looked at both in the round and behind the scenes.
We had a Tory party every bit as cowardly as they are today who even once Poland had been invaded and war was declared would have rather surrendered than fight Germany, and it’s hard to blame America when arch cowards Chamberlain and Lord Halifax had been running with a policy of peace in our time, and that there would be no war.
Across the pond FDR had been elected with the promise he would not take America into another War in Europe:
He did however support Britain with munitions advisors intelligence etc, FDR wanted to send troops to Europe but he could not do so until Pearl Harbour dragged the USA into the war regardless.
We are seeing once more America watching while Europe turns itself into a pretzel.
I just feel that this war is no longer about Ukraine anymore. The Ukraine matter is settled. It only has to be codified when Russia decides. What is in play is the future of NATO. If NATO comes out having “lost” the Ukraine trial of strength, it will not survive. Moreover, America is keen to get out of Europe.
The world changed dramatically after WWII. Another new world order is now forming. This order is likely to be Asia centric .
Just reminiscing, F**ck the Tories really bolstered Jon Snow’s career didn’t it?
Jon who?
TV lessons never learned!
God Save The Native British People
They have to believe in God first. Then have undying faith even if things go completely wrong. I dont think we have that in us at the moment. Sad to say.
The epitome of nastiness in the lefty world is encapsulated in the despicable and odious Mayor Khan. Everything he does is an effort to endear himself to the idiots on the left.
For the sake of the future of London, he needs to be gone.
Wake up you metro liberals, this man is poison.
Just came across an interesting statistic.
As of 2016 (source – worldometer) the UK was 60th in the table of per capita carbon emissions. Around seven times lower than, for example, Qatar. In other words, even back then, we already had a pretty good record.
So the actions in this day and age of Extinction Rebellion and their ‘climate crisis’ fellow travellers, given soft treatment by the police, government, and the BBC, can be seen all the more clearly for the seditious, anarchic, subversive Leftoid wokeism that it actually is.
More cycle lanes, provided by the state at your expense as a free of charge alternative to gym membership for the middle class, will nevertheless be coming to a town near you, and preventing normal people from going about their normal business.
Like many here, I have virtually nothing to do with the BBC, have no TV and only occasionally glance at their webshite. However, I’ll be spending the next week at my parents, who insist on having all the major BBC news bulletins on, despite my exhortations that it’s all propaganda and activism. I’m looking forward to seeing my family – the BBC, not so much.
Also not looking forward to walking between the two London railway termini that I have to use to get there – thanks a lot RMT.
Thoughts and prayers Cooper Man – can I suggest a very gentle prodding of the ‘BBC News Narrative ‘ ?
Sometimes I reckon it is just a ‘trigger ‘ before a punter sees the light as to what the BBC is doing …
.. after doing the ‘national thing ‘ it will now revert to type …
At least you will have a refresher course in your giving up of the BBC and will come home reinforced in your decision. We need reminding every so often of just how awful that institution is.
Isle of Man TT. Not on the BBC, however, an observation………
I’ve watched the TT highlights over the years. I’ve never seen an ethnic, ie dark face competitor, ever. I don’t think I’ve even seen an ethnic spectator. I’m not sure what the explanation would be.
There appeared to be a few whose history is elsewhere cheering at the Palace when I looked at the tv, just not as many as I would have expected from my occasional dip into the BBC.
As a Manx resident, there are a few here this year, and some of them actually race. I remember a few years ago a lady Brazilian (no sniggering at the back) racing and she did quite well.
Race, eh?
Are other’s like me wondering what is driving the woke alignment of
@GBNEWS with other anti British/Government stations?
Ask yourself, is it a conscious drive to now employ “left leaning” staff
perhaps people like Creative Director James Haggar,
who ? Naga Munchetty’s husband
GB News is interesting. There is a real disconnect (although with what Stu says it may become less so), between the top of the hour news which is similar to what I would expect on the BBC and the rest.
As usual I’m a day or two behind on watching GBN but I must say that Neil Oliver’s opening monologue on Saturday was brilliant expose of the plan that the likes of the WEF and western governments in general have in store for us. No doubt there will be a concerted effort from the globalists to rubbish Mr Oliver and close down GBN, particularly if the station keeps up the exposure of the globalists by Steyn and Oliver and viewing figures continue to edge upwards.
We see glimpses of the initial stages of the plan with Covid, the net zero agenda. We see how western governments are handing over their power to supranational bodies . We voted for Brexit to be free from the EU and have politicians accountable to us, but our Tory government hands power to the totally unaccountable WHO!
Perhaps the outrage of the high and mighty Remainers is not that we left the EU but that the British people used their democratic vote to go their own way. If we were to keep using our democratic vote to reject things we didn’t want it would throw a big spanner in the plan of the WEF et al for world government.
I don’t think that they will allow us to do it again. Throughout the 19th century and the first quarter of the 20th century the British people fought a campaign for universal sufferage and democracy. Our hard won rights are being steadily taken away from us and most of us don’t yet realise it’s happening.
Double, good post.
I think we saw during covid the scope of the government nudge units aka behavioural ‘scientists’ to bully the population into signing up to authoritarian measures.
Mantras like “no one is safe until everyone is safe” creates the necessary anxiety in people to increasingly hand over autonomy to UN/EU/WHO type bodies.
Should Clive Myrie be presenting more shows on BBC ?
I hope he is a contestant on Strictly Come Dancing before
long. And I think he would make a good presenter of the Antiques Road Show as well. Can anybody suggest any other programmes?
The Weather – last thing at night.
I think he will need to lose a leg or something before we give him more to do.
“Partygate: Boris Johnson would win a confidence vote, says Grant Shapps”
In the words of a certain Welsh lass ………….He would say that wouldn’t he ?
Would he say anything different ?
Is he just burying is head in the sand or just whistling in the dark?
Four days in June; BiasedBBC celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Hurrah!
(each line is a separate post):
“forcing ‘multiculturalism ‘ into every thing
Naga Munchetty
Naga, aka Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah
Asian kid… black kids
Johnny Foreigner
1 whiteMale, 1 wF, 1 AsianFemale, 4 black females , 2 black males… 3 black faces
illegal immigrants
various blacks… black sports presenter… gay sports people… the other black… wimmin… blacks
black asian kid… a new black
disproportionately black
disproportionately non-white
bongo bongo land
sort-of black
black guy
White people
burkhas… whites and chinese… afrocarribeans
Sunak, Patel, Javid etc
very white
heaps of Bame… refugees
full of BAME
foreign staff… Foreign owned…
black mass shooter… islamic terrorist… white terrorist… Pakistani grooming gangs
ethnic… ethnic… black… black… black…
afro carribean… efnick…
Muslim… Muslim’s… Muslim’s… Muslims… Muslims…
Muslim… Muslim… Muslims… Mosque… Islamist… Mosque… Islamic… Muslim… Islamist
anti British – anti white
MUSLIM… black… black… bloody mosque… muzzie… muzzie… muzzies… Muslim… Pakistan
Islam… Muslims… LBGT… Black
peroxide addled hag
perverted sexual behaviour
transgender… homosexuality… paedophilia… paedophiles… homosexuals
homosexuality… deviant sexual behaviour… paedophilia
black people
Muslim… Muslim… MUSLIMS… Muslims… Muslims… Muslims
Muslims… Muslims… Muslim… Islam
illegal immigrants
ethnic Indian… ethnic Pakistani
black… black… black… white
coloured… Coloured… coloured
mulatto girls
BAME… whites… white
Anti hetro anti white
Pridemonth… black
St Jo Cox
wimmins… black wimmins
white… black on black… white… black… race-baity
white… queer… coloured
ethnic… black
Asian… transgender… bisexual… homosexual… black… Muslim… Asian… Jewish… White
Muslims… black
Muslims… Islam
old hag
fat black woman
Mosque… Mosque… Muslims
Paki… Black… gay… tranny… wheelchair… bame… gay… handicapped… white… Paki
ethnic… dark face… ethnic
Naga Munchetty’s husband
God Save The Native British People”
All in one post, Maxi – yours, according to your ‘logic’ that must make you the worst ‘offender’ here.
Anyway, you’ve just taken ‘nasty’ words and phrases out of context, and stuck them in a list, what exactly does that prove?
“Anyway, you’ve just taken ‘nasty’ words and phrases out of context, and stuck them in a list, what exactly does that prove?”
They are the context. But you know that already.
That looks like the BBC list of approved employees.
Did you really go through four days of posts to copy’n’paste all that?
Does this site live rent-free in your head?
I suggest a more constructive hobby, like shouting at people randomly in the street or trying to start a fight in an empty room (you’re probably sitting in one right now).
“Did you really go through four days of posts to copy’n’paste all that?”
I thought it might be quite interesting. But obviously not to people such as yourself.
You find it interesting that people use the words “Black” or “Muslim” in their posts here?
Funny, because I think many of us here find it interesting how often those same words – in certain contexts – are omitted by the BBC.
Ha ha ha – all of that work and all those hours without a single racist comment to show for it.
So like the pathetic troll you are, you just list them all without any context whatsoever.
I’m laughing at YOU maxi because you are pathetic.
Fed: I suspect maxi is posting stuff like this for it to show up on internet searches. I’ve noticed he has been getting more malicious recently. Maybe time to get rid of him : he has never posted a single comment regarding BBC bias.
“Ha ha ha – all of that work and all those hours without a single racist comment to show for it.”
Ha ha ha, yeah; nothing at all racist about this website whatsoever.
So where’s the racist comments then you utter cretin ?.
As a forum troll and far-Left activist, you are obviously too stupid to realise that the biggest racists here are you and the BBC.
Or in your bizarre world of leftist hypocrisy, is it not possible for people to be racist against whites ?.
Too dumb to know you are dumb …
Aah, maxi; where is that apology you owe me?
I understand that you were formerly involved with some rather despicable racists and called for extermination camps. Is that why you accuse people here of racism in order to bury your past?
Noted – any other views please ? Do you want the troll removed ? Personally I would delete it on the grounds of not discussing the BBC – but that’s me – as a moderator – I wonder about the search engine issue as I don’t know about ‘trigger ‘ words ….
Views …?
I cross the floor based on a new era of scumbuggery clearly arriving, driven by media, bots, bottoms, blocks, bans, etc.
A world run by the BBC, Paul Brand and his missus holds little appeal, especially when propped up by an army of Maxi pad basement warriors tweaking already dodgy propaganda dials.
Just interested in the new manifestation that respawns. Though it will be obvious.
I suspect we will get a different member of the team when one gets deleted for being a dirty troll.
I can tell maxi works for a company which has rules for what they are and are not allowed to post. His mask has slipped a few times recently and his real spite has peeped through – but by and large, he is just a pleb following orders and adhereing to the rules he has been given so he doesn’t embarass the BBC if it gets out he is working on their behalf.
Fed, I think maxi is quite amusing. He should be kept around as our pet troll. We can pat him on the head occasionally. I’ll keep pinning him to the wall, metaphorically speaking, for an apology from him over the subject of pogroms.
Up2 and others – I confess – I don’t really look at the troll comments but I do read the replies or engagements – so I can’t say whether this is one person in the UK – or elsewhere – or part of the BBC
Whoever it is must get some comfort from being engaged …
I just wish there was someone who would regularly turn up to justify the BBC – the fairness – the balance – the non agenda – but I submit that would be an impossible gig .
Having been trained in both prosecuting and defending a brief – I’d have real trouble defending the BBC – I think I’d have to plead ‘diminished ‘…
Maxincony – so you read it and you didn’t like it ?
Hillary Clinton
Old ✔️
Hag ✔️
– I’d add
– you obviously aspire to be some kind of language warden
– you’re welcome.
Nigeria Owo church attack: Gunmen kill Catholic worshippers in Ondo
Here you go maxi, a BBC article with neither ‘black’ nor ‘Muslim’ in it.
So we have to find out ourselves that they were murdered by Nigerian Muslim terrorists the Fulani militia.
‘No figures for the numbers killed or abducted in Sunday’s violence have been confirmed.’.
Not confirmed – but it’s at least 50 !!!!. The magnitude of the massacre is being deliberately withheld.
Shame on you and your racist hypocrisy.
The use of the word black is no different to the the word white used to attack and or label non blacks, additionally the term white is used frequently by blacks, asians and the bbc, often in a derogatory sense (white supremacist, white priviledge etc) yet not the word black / muslim, strangely enough. Despite black racially motivated attacks on whites and asians, and muslims raping and abusing white school children because they are non muslim and white.
I have even had to endure seeing offensive books by black people attacking white people in Waterstones using the word white in the title so do not criticise me for using the word black.
An attack on a Roman Catholic Church – at least 50 dead – some abducted . But it was in Nigeria – done by followers of Islam. So for the BBC – it is barely worth a report – a report edited to remove the identity of the killers ..
The attack on Muslims in NZ a few years ago left 49 dead and was Big Big news – I don’t think Clive or `huw or Katie will be on the plane to Lagos to present the 6pm news from the Church .
As an RC – I pray for the souls of the dead and injured – I know I shouldn’t – but I curse the killers – die slow – in pain …..
Some lives matter – others don’t .
The important thing with this is that the attacks on Muslims are always some nutter who got pushed over the edge.
The Muslim’s however are almost always part of larger groups. Same as the rape gangs. It means it is a cultural thing shared by many. Not a one-off wacko.
It’s a very significant observation which the BBC never go near. You can lock up the odd psychopath, but you can’t change the culture of millions.
Are you drunk, maxi? Just out of the pub? Or are you drunk on the the thought of the power of attacking posters on this web-site, instead of fulfilling the site’s purpose of raising a critique of the BBC and pointing to the BBC’s own bias.
That list looks like what will be on The One Show this week.
Hi Max,
So lovely to hear from you, as always. I get the impression that Biased BBC is living rent free inside your head. Mind how you go.
Well, you must be learning something about your fellowcountrymen whom you find so distasteful.
Some people call him the ‘spaced out’ cowboy
Some people call him the gangster of hate
He’s a woker
He’s a joker
He’s a midnight toker
Gets his trolling on the run
He’s a poker
He’s a no hoper
He’s a midnight toker
To us, an object of fun
[ with apologies to Steve Miller 🙂 ]
“When a man stops believing in God,” said GK Chesterton, “he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything.”
Well, that was a waste of half a page !
If you don’t like it here you know what you can do ?
I don’t think he likes it in England, if that is where he is.
Brandon Straka sidebar at VivaFrei YouTube (quite long)
Spiteful Democrat Iawfare / persecution on steroids… orchestrated on a wholly political basis that would embarrass any banana republic – US MSM fabricating massive amount of sh1t – incredible.
*Every.single.time* I move the time slider on the (3 hour!) Brandon Straka video above – YouTube ejects an advert. I thought to do a timed link to some particularly egregious antics but tbh I lost the will to persevere.
– anybody else seeing the same?
Why is max given “special” status here ? is it a little like the village idiot ?
Not once has he posted anything on bbc bias, and uses selective cut and paste to attack others, his ilk would cancel anyone of us in moments yet he has been allowed to troll for years.
I think the troll provides ‘entertainment ‘ for users and readers. Sometimes it pops up and I ask whether people would like it cancelled … the responses tend to suggest the troll provides a useful reminder as to just how poor the Far Left is .
The troll in question never – never – attempts to defend the Far Left BBC but prefers personal attacks on the comments people make here.
My concern is that he is frustrated that we don’t make any actual racist comments for him to use so he is resorting to baiting people and trying to put the words he wants into our mouths himself.
I presume this will be picked up by bots etc which rate forums for racist language etc – and maxi is trying to smear the site. Plus other Leftists can quote his posts out of context as if someone really was being racist.
Going by the database his ‘troll team’ has accumulated (everything everybody posted for years which may be useful) and and the amount of time he clearly spends researching what we post to try and nit-pick, the BBC must be spending a lot of money on trolls like him. For every reply he manages to find something he can use, I bet he researches 10 others looking.
It’s classic troll technique: never do anything positive in the way of engaging in argument about the subject, but just find fault. I wouldn’t ban him; he is a useful reminder.
Another day same old crap from the BBC….
Poor sods at the BBC must have been having withdrawal symptoms. Anti government and anti Boris waffle on the back burner during the Queen’s celebrations…
All ok now for the BBC, celebrations now over and yes, it’s all kicking off again, wall to wall ” we hate Boris and Government”.
Turned to Sky news and yes sorry to say, the same.
The coordinated effort by the the establishment, the Left and the BBC to oust Boris in full swing…
At least they haven’t had to say much about the Ukrainians losing the war, which they were assuring us was unthinkable.
Nupur Sharma: Prophet Muhammad controversy strains India-Arab ties
This article caught my eye because I wondered what she had said.
‘The BBC is not repeating Ms Sharma’s remarks as they are offensive in nature.’
Not only the BBC. The entire media are not reporting it. I can’t find it anywhere.
The nearest I got was in some comments where someone else asked the same thing and got this reply (clearly from a Muslim):
‘She said prophet muhammad married a six year old and consummated marriage with her when she was nine(which is a blatant lie btw) next she quoted a koran ayah where rolling out of the earth is talked about in poetic fashion alleging that the Koran says that the earth is flat which is again false and she also mocked about a flying horse miracle associated with prophets life where he visited masjid e aksa from Arabia in one night. Which is something muslims believe in strongly. Basically she was mocking and being disrespectful towards the prophet whom muslims around the world hold on highest ground’
A quick check from Wiki shows Mohammed DID marry a 6 year old and consumated the marriage when she was 9.
And they are so very offended because she mocked the concept of Mohammad going somewhere on a flying horse ??.
Does that really constitute the very worst of hate speech ?.
The bottom line here is that Muslims seem to have the right to not be offended because if they are, they murder people.
Islam : the religion of peace and tolerance. As long as you don’t upset them. Then they will cut your head off.
Outside broadcasting house. Complete hypocrites.
Muslims have a right not to be offended because so many people including on these pages want countries such as Saudi Arabia to make up the pay of politicians rather than paying them the going rate themselves.
You should be smiling – a great big grin all over your face! You paid a pittance and someone else paid the piper and gets to call the tune.
This is the consequence of paying inadequate amounts to the political class – in fact the lowest amount in the Western world and then acting all surprised when someone else comes along and pays what you are not prepare to pay.
I think you give them too much credit.
Half of them are paid way, way more than they are worth and the other half would take whatever extra money you give them and do the corruption anyway. That’s why they became politicians.
Gosh, that will be popular.
If I livered in London I might be tempted to remove the statue on the grounds that the it is situated in the wrong place. Oh hang on it would be better to topple the building that it’s next to.
I know that the English intelligentsia have plenty of reason for their timidity and dishonesty, indeed I know by heart the arguments by which they justify themselves. But at least let us have no more nonsense about defending liberty against Fascism. If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. The common people still vaguely subscribe to that doctrine and act on it.
TOADY Watch #1 – groan, more crossed fingers and hoping from the BBC
No mention of D-Day, either from JustRemainIn Webb or Katie Razzall. Katie does have a poor voice for a Radio News presenter. Apparently she is married to the actor, Oliver Milburn. You would think Oliver would care enough for his wife to coach her using what he has learned to make her sound better on radio. You would think. Wouldn’t you? Anyway off to the sport.
Wales have qualified for the World Cup finals at footie. well done taffman for cheering Wales on. Whoopeee! Beeboid doing sport – sorry don’t recognise the voice and name forgotten – waffles for a minute or two without telling me the score thus breaking the first rule of sports broadcasting. All I know is that it was “a scrappy old game”. Thanks so much. Off-switch activated. One of the two Sport brothers, Gary or Rob, would have done it perfectly. The BBC are busy making themselves worthless.
I listened to the 5live commentary which was very poor – they had a Welsh girl pundit who kept on saying she was so emotional she was lost for words – ideal for radio…. Thoughts and prayers with the stay at home Scots,,,,
Fed, where do they get them from?
I remember listening to a British Grand Prix on Slive some years ago. I came in midway through the race. There had been an incident. All I got was waffle from the Beeboids – this went on for about ten minutes, I actually watched the clock – and you could hear that the race was obviously continuing. Who was leading? Who was in second place? How close were they?
All I had was this endless chat between two commentators. First rule of sportscasting: get the score/placings into your opening sentence.
Rob and Gary – regular TOADY sports presenters – do it perfectly.
She sounds like a barmaid, meaning no disrespect to barmaids, who do not speak on TV.
BBC Moaning Emole (editted slightly for reasons of space and added context)
Pupils and teachers stuck abroad
Thousands of British holidaymakers are thought to be stranded abroad, after the cancellation of more than 100 flights over the weekend. And among them are hundreds of school pupils – and some teachers – who are set to miss their first day back after half-term. It’ll be an anxious journey home for some. The mother of one 17-year-old tells us he’ll only just make it back from Disneyland Paris in time for his maths GCSE exam, after she spent hundreds of pounds on rail tickets following the cancellation of their flight. Airlines are being blamed for taking more bookings than they can manage with lower post-Covid staffing levels. But they argue ministers could have done more to support the industry during the pandemic and to speed up security checks for new staff.
Actually, copy pasted in all its bbc glory, from the ‘thought to be’ through the 17 yo getting his Minnie experience to an impressive ‘argument’ by gouging profiteers taken as read by the BBC. No detail on the teacher trauma, but if anything like the lot on the last freebie for ours funded by parents, they are still in the duty free stocking up as they prepare their climate crisis module.
Meanwhile, on matters Greta, a Pulitzer awaits…
If you watch one thing today
Amy Bannerman holding up a bra.
I do confess, of several things so far watched today, this is not one. Said bra is second hand, apparently, to offset the air miles getting to Love Island. Where doubtless it appeared but briefly.
No word on the BBC kindergarten correspondent and team’s site tour mankinis.
Meanwhile, no word on whether Patrik, spawn of Naomi, is one of those unable to get back in the manic unicorn mercy flights…
More unintended humour ( my sort )
A lady teacher trying to her an easyJet flight back to Blighty . For some reason she is stuck in Dubrovnik ( nice place ) and can’t get contact with easyJet . Surprise ? Any way it’s easy blah blah chaos for EasyBBC …. ‘My holiday hell ‘..
Then another comedy item about private rentals becoming more expensive because of a ‘shortage ‘. No explanation of why there is a shortage …. and apparently some landlords do renting for a profit ( is there another reason?)
Now I’ve always assumed that the BBC hates landlords and hates anyone who makes a profit by risking capital and giving a home to a resentful tenant who’d rather spend their ( or taxpayers money ) on something else … I have no skin in this game and from what I hear would never risk being a landlord .
And of course there is the pantomime villain that is Roger Gale – a permanent remainer traitor sulk – whose reason for existence seems to be hatred of his current leader in a heseltine type style …
And apparently Blighty is sending multiple test sheets to Ukraine … A ‘why ?’ B ‘a waste ‘ C dangerous for the UK D none of the above …. Might have heard that wrong …
Even better – apparently the Indians are using more coal to power their country because of alleged human cause climate change – nice to end on a positive . Burn baby burn …
I note that there is a lot of anger against an individual on here re his silly contributions…..
Luckily for him we have free speech in this great country.
Best way to rebut this person is to just ignore him and not respond in anyway…
Or admin block him..!!!
Dafydd – free speech and blocking – we are not Far Left Twitter ….
Or BBC’s disinformation unit head and team.
I’m basing my comments on other contributors comments.
Some seem to be upset…
Blocking him may solve a lot of problems
We’re better than that, as they say.
I find it easier to just scroll on by as soon as I see his name, I never feed trolls 🧌 as it only encourages them to think they’re important.
Yes – I’ll go with scroll but might exercise my powers as God the next time it surfaces and just delete stuff before deleting the account ….
I am admin for a group with over a thousand members. I used to stick rigidly to the principle of free speech for all. But after several years of increasing disruption I realised that if I didn’t do something the group would fail. People were getting more and more fed up and were leaving. The disruption came from only 0.5% of the members, but they were having a wholly disproportionate effect. I did the necessary and since then the improvement in the group has been enormous. It seems that free speech cannot be an unconditional right.
Has the tiresome person in question reached that level of intolerability? He doesn’t post all that often.
TOADY Watch #2 – even more groans from me and more crossed fingers and hoping from the BBC
The BBC are desperate to get rid of Boris Johnson. They make no pretence of neutrality now. Like some other media types of a socialist and Socialist persuasion they keep talking about a vote of no confidence or a leadership challenge. You could hear the desperate hoping in JustRemainIn’s voice that Sir Graham Brady could have the requisite 54 letters from Conservative MPs calling for a confidence vote by the end of today or he may have them already. Your hopes may be dashed BBC because, dim as some of them are, Conservative MPs may have actually twigged what you are trying to do, BBC, and may resist.
This could turn into a very long week – it seems the ex royals are already on the jet back to LA – a Netflix special must be in the offing with a billion dollar deal with Oprah or caryln. (aka whoopi ) to spill the beans on how badly they were treated and didn’t get the star billing they deserved ….
Then the beercurry thing must be due – wouldn’t it be funny if growler gets a ticket ( resigns ) but starmer gets away with it ?
Meanwhile the price of stuff goes up up up ….
BBC staff are frothing – the nut nut challenge is on – there will be a vote Monday evening – a long week starts with a long day …D Day references to follow …
You’d think, with all the TV channels available, just one of them would be showing The Longest Day. But, nope.
A good day for bad Beergate news, ie no fines or findings against Sir Beer or Lady Angela
8:05am Radio Humberside blatant PRasNews for Hull University’s Green PR operation.
We pay the university, they use the money to set up Aura Innovation centre .. it’s just a Net Zero PR operation.
“It’s Humber Business Week this week with a focus on going green”
Clip about getting in early on Net Zero.
The Jesse norman letter to nut nut is published on twitter . I have read it – it is brutal in its condemnation of nut nut …. And looks written by someone who could ‘cross the floor ‘ if nut stays in post .
There was talk at the weekend that Johnson might call an early election – perhaps that would be best because nothing – nothing – is going to improve in the two years to the due election ….
I appreciate that this is an anorak thing because the difference between a red labour and a blue labour government is likely to be cosmetic rather than real …. But I fear the red labour lot more because I am a taxpayer and do not get welfare and hope never to do so ….
Norman is MP of the near welded Tory seat of South Herefordshire.
Has been for a while.
Seemed feisty at the start but got slapped down by fellow Etonian Cameron over something, not porcine related.
Utterly ineffective since, and cruising along on letters to local democracy papers no one reads any more. Plus selfies at footy matches.
Zero credible opposition. Idiot wimmin from Lab, Limp and Green.
Their only chance is if he does cross the floor, but a slight risk of losing all True Labour voters if he does, leaving screeching climate protesters and Europhiles.
In short, a county ClusterFubar, as with the council election clown show installed. Looking at the scattered Indy alternatives post climate assembly a fight back is possible but needs smart coordination. A rare skill clearly in the political sphere.
A Tory Eton goon in a red rosette would be novel. Smarter than Tim Nice But Dim but optics, Jesse, optics.
All now is politics first and country second.
Boris made too many major errors but airing dirty laundry on Twitter impresses only the idiot brigade.
I see Beff and Toenails are alive to the sound of sources already.
Maybe a Parliament of Tools headed by a junta of those two and Paul Brand?
Bryant on Pants Tv constantly.
My poor country, left and wrong.
I am confused that you appear to refer to Johnson as “nut nut”. Surely that is his eco-loon wife?
Johnson, as we know, does not believe in anything. He turned on a sixpence from being a climate change sceptic to a net zero fanatic. As far as I am concerned, he stands for nothing but the greater glory of his bank balance.
Since Mrs nut nut wears the trousers and tells Boris what to do – the reference to him as nut is quite sensible – she after all – is the lefty eco loon and he just does as he is told for a quiet life and ‘favours ‘….
I just wish Mrs Johnson had thrown him out when he was conducting his affair with Jennifer Arcuri. Now she looked like a fun girl, and being American would not have made Boris ban petrol cars and gas boilers.
You must agree that his net zero lunacy is leading the country towards disaster?
Yes I’m a full on denier – I believe current science has nowhere near enough data to predict the climate – even short term yet alone over geological time ….
The green stuff is just crap – burn those hydrocarbons – frack frack frack …
On a morning when multiple large colour photographs and vast swathes of frontpage headlines and column inches are made up with the Queen’s welcome surprise appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony… the BBC online press review has to dig pretty deep for the latter clause in this double whammy: ‘Newspaper headlines: ‘My heart is with you all’ and PM ‘toxic for Tories‘
Toxic Tories… Nice. Let’s see where the BBC found that one?
So, passing by the urban youthful lefty freebie Metro, the labour-supporting Mirror, the female-interest Daily Mail, the recently Ukraine-flag-ditching Express, the tedious Telegraph, the formerly patriotic Times… and the spicy Star – plus the formerly-saucy Sun…
…at long last we alight on the source… fingers now stained with multi-colour newsprint (at lot of it green off Her Majesty’s coat – figuratively at least) finally, the BBC’s source for their toxic Boris quote: our tabloid format lefty-leaning long coronaphobic suffering ‘i’ newspaper: ‘Vote on Johnson future turning toxic for Tories‘
The BBC’s habitual headline running mate, the Guardian, is somewhat more restrained and vague: ‘Johnson allies accept vote of confidence is close‘
That much-heralded movable feast that is the confidence vote apparently comes around far less often than a Number 10 afterwork party – they said it might be Monday, now the ‘i’ says: ‘…possible this week‘ and ‘as early as Wednesday‘
The people’s flag is deepest red, the globalist FT is pink,
Partygate would be a bigger deal, if Sir Keir wasn’t caught with curry and drink… That’s almost poetry, that is.
The FT can barely contain its excitment: ‘Edge of seat. Rebels close in on Johnson‘
‘What to do with a dead cat‘ (Daily Star) – this feature is – we assume – nothing to do with either Boris’s premiership or our economy which is fast heading for intensive care. The clue to the thrust of the Star’s story would seem to be in the headline: ‘Stuff of dreamies‘ – as in stuffed and mounted… taxidermy, which is a big thing again these days.
So our leading left-wing national title – for today at least – readily quoted by the BBC – is the ‘i’ paper. What else do they have for us? ‘The menopause revolution‘ and flush with confidence but barren as to the detail – on the frontpage at least: ‘Here’s how to actually fix the NHS‘
Having winessed our well-publicised serious problems with “just-in-time” supply chains – think loo roll – imagine for a moment how much stock of expensive modern military ammunition europe actually has to hand?
‘Ukraine war: UK to send Ukraine M270 multiple-launch rocket systems… can fire 12 surface-to-surface missiles within a minute… The UK has also delivered more than 5,000 next generation light anti-tank weapons – known as Nlaw‘ (BBC) – lend-lease? One wonders what proportion of our quite obviously limited stocks this represents?
Meanwhile, how are those energy sanctions on Russia working out for us? ‘Clock is ticking in race to avoid winter energy crisis‘ (FT)
‘IPO [Initial public offering] values plummet 90% in Europe and US as inflation and war take toll. Companies shelve public listings‘ (FT)
Whatever happen to all those promised thousands of Green jobs…?
Whatever happened to those once-familiar female angst feature stories that used to fill the frontpages?
And it’s been a while since there was a decent this or that thing is racist shout.
Here’s a bit of introspection or what our American cousins might term inside baseball talk. Our intermittent nocturnal friend Maxi visited us hereabouts with a long list of suggestively racialist quotes. I’m putting my hands up to the use of the word German. Guilty as charged. It was in reference to Merseyside-based football coach Jurgen Klopp.
Careful, Daily Star, you’ll possibly have Maxi taking you to task for this one: ‘Love Island’s dark start‘
A somewhat more plausible – although the precise explanation is ommitted – charge of racist comes in the FT: ‘Ryanair’s Afrikaans test branded racist‘ – here’s the charge sheet – bereft of detail as to the exact circumstance or identity of the accuser: ‘Budget airline Ryanair has been accused of racism after making South African passengers take a test in Afrikaans to prove their nationality before being allowed to board flights‘
One thing is for sure…
‘End of cheap hols‘ (Daily Star)
Must be an excuse to put up the ‘Afrikaans Airline ‘ sketch for ever viewed on the YouTube “beef or cow “…?
They are at it already. Big news is that Boris is up for a vote of confidence this evening. Scrolling news five minutes ago :-
“Winning the vote does not mean PM won’t lose in the long run”
A few minutes before that, they mentioned that if he passes the vote, there can’t be another for twelve months “Unless the 1922 committee change the rules”.
True enough, but a little early for hedging bets if he passes the vote. How about a headline “If Keir Starmer is fined, will he do the decent thing?” Not going to happen, methinks.
I have put my house on nut nut winning the vote of confidence vote —- but plenty of venom spitting on college green methinks …
I reckon Clive will get the gig but maybe huw will get it as a consolation for not getting the queen gig ?( or did he – I didn’t see any of it )…
“Gareth’s plea to Fans: Don’t embarrass us” (Daily mail & others)
How about getting on with winning something, cut the virtue signalling and concentrate on what you were paid to do. Manage a team and stop trying to be a moral compass intellectual, which you are not.
Here’s a reply from a former England fan – Gareth, how about your oh-so PC taking the knee, dud negative football tactics and your vital penalty fluffing team, stop embarrassing us!
Taking the knee, the ultimate in virtue signaling.
Gareth Southgate brought three black players on to score the winning penalties in Euro 2020. They all missed and England lost. He is a politically correct ponce.
Still, keep taking the knee lads.
I would suggest that in consideration of a NO Vote of confidence against the Prime Minister, would result in opening the door for those that would not have this nations interests at heart. Leave Boris Johnson where he is for the moment-a change in Prime Ministership at this time will be disasterous for the United Kingdom, the problems facing all of us worldwide are at present is very unstable and dangerous.
Spot on but try telling the hysterical media that. The BBC and others only have one thing on there agenda and that is to oust the PM and sod the potential costs and ramifications to us all
Sky landed him.
An expert in shit shows opines.
tbc I’m in the “not ideal but FFS just look at the alternatives” camp.
About the only thing on his feed there has been in a long time.
Guess not going near a certain leader at all despite being the country editor, did take a toll.
On the topic of Green, sustainable and ever cheaper renewbabbles…
The keepers of the “Climate” section of the BBC web site will do a short piece ?
Rarely mentioned is the fact that for the UK to be totally renewable we need enough renewables capacity to cover us on a windless, cold winter day. This requires typically a SEVEN fold increase in wind and solar. OF course on a sunny, windy day, much of that capacity will lie idle. Don’t hold your breat for those excess capital costs to be factored in to those lovely headline figures about the wonders of renewables.
And it doesn’t even have to be winter. Figures for June 1st, yes, last week, suggest usage of 18 GW of gas and…..errr……..0.8 GW of wind.
Still, if we are all freezing cold in the renewables nirvana of ER just think how much lower those fuel bills will be. But quite what vegan ER supporters will be wearing in such cases is anyone’s guess.
– some days even a 100x increase in renewables wouldn’t keep the ‘leccy on.
Extrapolation is one thing (more windmills=better resilience) – repeated black starts and other power network problems like synching “islands” precipitated by the twerps pushing stupid policies will just end up with a *lot* of charred kit….
I see last nights ITV show Britains Got Talent gave the winning prize to a Black so called ‘commedian’ ahead of the White schools kid whose skin colour meant he never stood a chance.
The winner however has come in for a lot of criticism because he broke the rule of the show by being a professional with a show of his own on Amazon Prime !
When the media has to go to such lengths of cheating to get a winner of the correct skin colour is it worth watching even for the Epsilon Soma class ?
Looks like something that BBC web chimps will pick up on eventually .
– it also looks like a form of madness?
– elsewhere
I see that the EU has deemed that executive jets do not need to pay any tax on their fuel in the EU…
-we’re all in this together
Roger Harrabin and the eco troops on the “Climate” beat at the BBC will be all over that ?
This really is too much information!
I thought so too 🙂
Is that photo taken from an out-tale of Basic Instinct?
“Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffey tells the BBC she expects Boris Johnson to be endorsed by Tory MPs.”
The state of it! 🤢
That unhealthy blob of morbidly obese lard is our Work and Pensions Secretary?
Only 50 years old too.
Pah…. Therese is a lightweight!
Belgian ‘elf minister
£5,000,000,000 is quite big really.
No wonder Sopes bailed. And Say says zippy.
Media steering politics and elections and thus policies really works well, doesn’t it?
Eh, Toenails?
BBC top headline:
‘Russian troops are being repelled in the eastern city of Severodonetsk.
Hooray !.
‘Ukraines military intelligence chief says’
Tomorrow in the small-ads:
‘Russians take Severodonetsk’.
Which BBC viewers are furious I wonder?
I know a lot of BBC viewers are furious about the constant Woke-lecturing and political bias as well as the compulsory licence fee.
Food is simply a matter of tatse.
I was watching, and he was quoting his grandmothers words, it was completely and utterly inocuous (to normal people)
Surely his words “sparked outrage”!
Er .. curry house owners ?
Len must be in a corma by now – they must be so mad dras …
Len banished to the David starkey retirement home – staying in the carol thatcher wing ….
He can see the statue of jimmy saville , Rolf and the rest out of the window …
‘foreign muck’ – a phrase uttered by millions at some time or another.
What about all those Muslims currently ensconced in hotels at our pleasure who refuse to eat the food we provide ???? do they say “foreign muck’ under their breath in their own language.
Muslims in general say a lot worse than that.
I worked in an office 50% Muslim and 1 Sikh who was friendly with us whiteys. He told us what they said – including a special, extremely derogatory name for him which meant ‘friend of whitey’.
But it only counts the the Left when you say it in English with white skin.
“I’ll have a chicken Tarka masala.”
“What’s a chicken Tarka masala?”
“It’s like a chicken tikka masala – only it’s a little otter.”
Boom boom.
Bill, LOL.
‘A different perspective’.
Jon Sopel made Brian Stelter look like Toenails.
A response from an MSM goon embedded with the section of crowd they have been told to be in may work with some, but news it is not. And reporters do make stuff up Chris. And Nads. And Bill. Ask Toenails.
And Bill, rephrasing what was said to fit the narrative.. very MSM.
It was sweet, it was cute, it was loaded with BBC symbolism. But no, Madge can’t act.
Odd given staring at empty spaces where a person would be must be second nature each time she welcomes a new PM.
A note to all Tory MP’s.
If Boris loses the vote of no confidence tonight it will highlight to me the sheer hypocrisy and cowardice of the bulk of his MP’s trying to curry press and public favour. In fact kow-towing to the left.
Should this occur, the next election will be the first time I for one and I suspect a good few others do not vote for a Tory.
They obviously don’t seem to have grasped that at present Boris effectively IS the Tory Government and is under a deluge of engineered attacks from the left and it’s tame media dogs including the BBC, basically for bringing about Brexit. If he goes I suggest his successor doesn’t move any heavy furniture into No. 10, a couple of overnight bags should be enough.
Well it might to you, but to me it signals that at least a few have managed to gather some courage to challenge a rank Socialist who would have been more at home in Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party !
I sort of know where you are coming from Digg, and certainly ‘Partygate’ has the BBC/Guardianista/Leftoid/Woke fingerprints all over it.
The problem is that Boris has unfortunately proved to be pretty useless, not least by burning holes in the pockets of our children by throwing taxpayers cash at every problem and hoping it will go away. Public sector reform is non-existent, our NHS are ‘heroes’ even when they kill mothers and babies in maternity suites. He’s so damaged that even when he’s on the right track (releasing from lockdowns despite the outrage from the sanctimonious left) he gets no kudos, and he has been ineffective in dealing with the Remoaners who have always been on a slow burn to oust him.
It’s incompetence that will do for him.
How the left do headlines….
Home Office offers asylum seekers choice between war zones they fled and Rwanda
Of course reading it reveals that an insignificant number of migrants ACTUALLY came from a war zone with the overwhelming majority simply being what can only be described as economic migrants and chancers.
But as usual loading the headline with a bullshit provocative untruth is what modern journalism is all about!
I’d be more than happy to return them to a war zone, any one will do, regardless of where they came from.
They left France. That’s only a war zone if you are trying to see the Champions’ League final.
Watching the news we now have to endure the loudmouth Prat Remoaner outside Parliament again.
Beware, he obviously realises that the threat to Boris is a threat to Brexit.
The BBC has a live Tube strike feed
The update at 11:48am has a selection of some ‘random’ tweets.
First one is from a Trade Unionist. What was the chance of the BBC finding that tweet by random?
The update at 10:57 has moaning Lucy on her very first day at work saying, “It’s been stressful. I’m not happy about my extra early start”
The BBC love those that hate hard work.
Well the BBC is achieving part one of rejoining the socialist EU –
1 destabilise the brexit PM
2 fracture the governing party
3 get the new remainer PM in
4 campaign for a General Election
5 get a whole remainer government in
6 secure the BBC future
7 start negotiations to rejoin the EU
8 rejoin the EU
9 support SNP / IRASinn Fein breakup of the UK
10 make the former UK a socialist statelet of the reich EU
All done by the end of the decade ….
1- Famous US regime change op Victoria Nuland visits India
2- Blinken accuses India of human rights violations
3- Countries like Qatar&Kuwait (which have US military bases) overreact & condemn India
Meanwhile Russia has become India’s de facto #1 oil supplier.
– and Kyiv dispatches “executions will continue until morale improves” kommissars to the front lines….
BBC bigging up a disabled person, paralysed from the neck down, who was kept waiting on an aircraft before being helped to get off. The ‘Frank Gardner’ issue we might call it.
They occupied an aisle seat.
Now if I was by the window and listening to the safety briefing, I’d be wondering ‘ how the hell do I get out in an emergency’?
Just wondering therefore why this person was allowed on the flight in the first place.
But this being the BBC, only the rights of the disabled matter.
BBC: “a fire that started in bins”
Local news: “Locals helped put out a fire believed to have been started deliberately at Malmesbury Abbey. Onlookers say they saw a group of ‘approximately 10’ people setting fire to bins at the religious site […] Another witness suggested that a group of around 10 people were ‘seen emptying the abbey bins down the side’ of the Abbey and then ‘setting fire’ to them.”
How’s that Notre Dame investigation going again?
Local people put the fire out, so who started it?
Can non-Muslims do the hajj? No. Although Christians and Jews believe in the God of Abraham, they are not allowed to perform the hajj. Indeed, the government of Saudi Arabia forbids all non-Muslims from entering the holy city of Mecca at all.20 Aug 2018
Boo-hoo, they won’t let me do the hajj!
Birmingham Protest Against Anti-Sunni ‘Lady of Heaven’ Movie
Salman Rushdie: Iranian state media renew fatwa on Satanic Verses author with $600,000 bounty
The announcement coincides with the anniversary of the fatwa issued in 1989
Samuel Osborne
Sunday 21 February 2016 12:15
There was a time when Birmingham was a British city. Now it’s just a city which happens to be in Britain.
The Bullring seems to regularly host a portable gazebo or several with pajama clad beardies accosting potential converts with Cat Stevens warbling out the call to prayer from a large boombox…