This is what despairs me about the country I was born in. Johnny Foreigner (me again Maxi !) protesting at a slight they don’t like.
This got me thinking. I can’t ever remember those whitey born Brits who have decided to emigrate (get a passport) for another country, protesting about anything in their chosen homeland. Why the f…. do we put up with it here ?
Kamala Khan’s journey is about to begin… Ms Marvel, an Original series from Marvel Studios, streaming June 8 exclusively on
End line “If families let us know that they wish to visit regularly, we can arrange to mow a path to their grave to ensure that it’s tidy and accessible.”
This is not a new story ..the wilding of cemeteries and church yards has been going on for 10 years plus
“What weapons are being given to Ukraine by the UK?”
Too many by the looks of it.
Who decides if we’re going to arm another country?
Wonder if any of Boris Johnson potentially replacements are less warmongering globalists..
Trump showed he was not afraid to bomb Iran
.. that sent a message.
But Nato sat on its hands before the war
now it’s costing them big bucks to send a message to Russia. Russia are the baddies ..they had no right to invade.
I’m not really sure what i want regarding the Boris vote tonight.
On the one hand, loads of pundits are saying if he goes that will be the start of us getting back in the eu which would be awful.
If he stays he has been a big disappointment. He has gone too far to the left and is in no way a conservative. His brexit is a poor one and all this green crap and other lefty stuff is not what we voted for.
As with Harry, since getting together with a far left wimmin he has changed from someone who could have been good to an under the thumb wet wokey.
If he goes maybe someone like Penny Mordaunt would be a big improvement but the conservatives will probably go with some wet, half in half out leader who satisfies nobody.
I don’t care about him telling lies because I fully expect all politicians to lie. I don’t trust any of them.
I suppose one way to decide which outcome I want is to watch the bbbc and go for the opposite of what they want (but I’m not going to watch the bbbc)
I’ll read the comments on here to make my mind up as I trust all your opinions and whichever direction you go in I will join you.
A neighbour was just telling me about a charity org he is involved in
Seems like the biggest beneficiaries are the charity and government workers, NOT the people they are SUPPOSED to be helping.
Each project gets funding from big org like lottery or government pots, plus local businesses (supermarkets etc.) , private donors and the Vulnerable beneficiaries who are charged a service fee.
But it turns out that when £5,000 per project comes the actual number of beneficiaries is 5 to 10 and not only that, it’s not a huge benefit to them mostly.. The biggest winners seem to be the full time charity workers, government admins, private company outreach officers cos they are getting a salary week-in week out
There is scope for the projects to become self funding, but there are that many grant out there, it’s mostly a merrygo round of applying for grants.
I asked him if there was anything like cost benefit analysis going on and he said no .
Very similar situation with Housing Trusts. They are supposed to be charities, they are, charity begins at home as they say. They are often run by ex Council housing department staff. They make sure they benefit from great employment packages.
The one I have dealt with was run by an incredibly woke left winger who modeled himself on Jeremy Corbyn. They treat the tenants badly and leaseholders even worse, they hate Right to Buy and take it out on them. There seems to be a culture of giving contracts to certain favoured contractors for reasons that can only guessed at
Glad you can see what some of these “helpful” agencies are really up to. I have seen and known this for years. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Never a truer word spoken.
I harbour a deep distrust of people who flock to this sort of crap seeing an opportunity to become “important”.
Basically a large proportion of humanity is both greedy and ruthless or if not at least pretty shifty.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – !
TOADY Watch addendum #2 – the BBC now have their hearts desire
The BBC are obviously biased against Boris Johnson. Just see if you can spot anything other than an item about the PM in the top three rows of the BBC’s current news page here:
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – BBC playing around with memories?
It is stated in this video, made by the BBC that Robert Kennedy was campaigning on the issues of peace in Vietnam (and between East & West) and Civil Rights. I do not remember it that way but my memory is not what it was and I could be wrong. I seem to recall that Bobby Kennedy was campaigning on the same issues that he was when his brother John was assassinated in Dallas: against crime and for cleaning up America in terms of policing & justice.
Could it be that the BBC are trying to re-write history for their own nefarious purposes?
JFK and Johnson put Americans into Vietnam and started the war. Nixon eventually ended it bit is the one accused of being a warmonger. He was at the time as well.
He was also the gorzy American President to vizit Moscow and Peking snd in so doing improved the cold war threats. I have never understood why he has always been called the warmonger. It shows the Left Wing have always controlled the narrative and truth be damned.
I’m sure the BBC would be very happy to constantly bracket Boris Johnson with Richard Nixon permanently and, in fact, I think Naughty Naughtie did so yesterday on TWotWeee with a snide reference to Nixon’s testimony over Watergate. I’m not about to listen to the whole programme again just to make sure because I find Naughtie’s tone of voice very hard to take.
bBBC salivating outside number Ten on the news, this is all the work of Remainers, bBBC and the Grauniad who have been campaigning for months to unseat Boris, this is why he has to stay, in my opinion.
Wild Bill
The danger I can sees for the Conservatives if they vote to keep Boris will come at the next general election when every Leftie who is in a postion to do so will claim that the Tories are ok with Goverment breaking it’s own rules. A claim which might prove a tad difficult to persuade the voters this isn’t the case.
If Boris is deposed however let’s hope that his successor turns out to be a true blue Tory and not red one.
In all the dust and excitement of the Boris vote, how easy it is to forget that we are waiting on the verdict of the same people who voted in Teresa May – successfully programmed to confuse, distort and delay Brexit for as long as she could.
A woman humiliated, scorned and ridiculed by the EU elite for her pains and one whose only achievement was to pave the way for Boris as PM – voted for by the public.
Local radio news all day
..”blah, blah … local tory MP W says Boris should stay, local tory MP X says Boris should stay, but here’s a clip of Labour MP Y
..and another MP Z says Boris should go too”
Local TV news Tory against David Davies,
then another Tory MP for Boris.
All local TV Vox pops (ITV/BBC) seemed to find lots of people who support Boris or are not bothered.
It looks like Mark Steyn has been cancelled on GBNews tonight with a 2-hour slot by Nigel instead between 7-9pm.
Here is Steyn’s view from his website instead:
I won’t be listening to NF – his smugness is beginning to irritate me. He predicts that if BJ wins the vote tonight then the Tories will lose the next GE. He may be correct, but like EG (above) I am uncertain which way I want it to go.
Whatever the outcome of this evening’s vote we are stuffed. None of the most likely replacements are any better and arguably many are worse – if that’s possible.
The best (fantasy) scenario would be a close victory for BJ at which point he suddenly decides to immediately implement Conservative policies. Oh how we laughed.
“Whatever the outcome of this evening’s vote we are stuffed. ”
Alas you are right, the Tory party has assiduously rid itself of talent, and even worse conservatives.
It could be perhaps a better situation if Ben Wallace the most popular amongst Tories on the ultra wet Conservative Home web site.
The biggest issue is if Johnson wins by an unconvincing majority and decides to plough on, two by elections are likely to be disastrous, and the party limps from challenge to challenge, and loses by a landslide.
He has to go for the good of the country and his party
Molly Piddlehurst (sorry a Spoonerism) on GB News breathlessly telling us there were more parties than either Sue Gray or the Police knew about including one whilst Boris was in hospital. GB News implying that Boris was to blame. I can’t stand watching Nigel, he has been attacking Boris for some time. Does Nigel really want Jeremy Hunt taking us back into Europe?
Zephir, urggh, don’chaa mean … hic! …. a lunch … belch …beg pardon most dreadful of me, a, errrr .. lunch of bankers? Yesh, just anothaaaer small one pleashe …
I thought it was striking that somebody finally ‘outed ‘ Jeremy hunt for being responsible for Blighty being so unready for the Chinese virus after he had been health secretary for years .
Hancock basically had to handle hunts ‘ failures – despite
Exercising the very thing that happened …. If hunt gets the top job he may well have a new hole ripped when the public inquiry does its’ thing …
2 hours of Farage is a very long time … pity the Steyn was cancelled ….
Boris’s faults are all the figment of a BBC imagination. Try to list where he has put a foot wrong other than not controlling some stupid drunken civil servants?
It was the fear of Nigel Farage and The Brexit Party that got Boris to ‘Go Brexit’.
Boris has been the engineer his own demise but he could recover if he got the us the ‘Full Brexit’, defended us against the mass invasion of our Kent Coast, got rid of the BBC, Cut Taxes, got our fishing grounds back and binned the silly ‘green levy’ along with its absurd sister, the carbon footprint nonsense .
The very things why the ‘Red Wall’ voted for the Tories.
We lent him our votes and he has wasted them.
What’s more, how bad was Covid ? Was it used to control the population of this great country?
He and his cabinet have taken us all for fools and we trusted him . can we trust a ‘man of straw’ again?
We voted for Independence and Brexit and now I am fighting for the man against the Rejoiners once again because of his ‘failures’ .
Every product has a transport cost
when the price of fuel goes up that automatically gives the government a free income bonus
so reducing fuel duty is feasible and good for the economy
and counter inflationary.
Uk government: We would like the government to temporarily reduce the duty charged on petrol and diesel – Sign the Petition! via @UKChange
OK so Boris has won. Now he should purge the party of all the faux liberals who have infected his party. They are without principle and need to be gone. Otherwise he will have a war of attrition with these traitors which will be damaging for the Conservative party and subsequently the country.
And for the BBC, The Guardian and the Independent all I can say is suck it up you turds!
Overall, relief about Boris (I think). Just before the results were declared the Scottish BBC man reporting from Westminster (I think he is Scottish) said anything over 100 votes against was bad for Boris. I keep hearing how the duplicitous Mrs May won her vote of no confidence but was still out in 6 months – so no long faces on the BBC tonight, I guess, just them thinking there is more work to be done.
After all the Royal stuff we now need a “Boris has stuffed them” day, I for one would get the flags out for that. Anything that pisses on the liberal fools will do for me!
Thought I’d chance watching the Jubilee Pageant on the BBC. 60s to 90s floats were pleasingly eccentric and the cameras predictably lingered in wrapt admiration on the LGBT and drag queen exhibits. Prue Leith’s vintage Jaguar broke down in reassuringly British fashion. The following celebration of the Queen’s life was substituted for the Notting Hill carnival. At least Sadiq Khan seemed to enjoy that bit and the lady of colour asleep behind Prince Charles woke up. Camilla got the giggles, can’t say I blame her. Losing the will to live and having received due warning that Ed Sheeran was going to ‘sing’ the National Anthem I hurriedly switched off, job done.
Where do the BBC go now? They have tried every trick in the book to unseat a Brexiteer PM and it’s failed. Will they finally accept the will of the people or will they dig in to find another spurious load of bullshit to have another go?
Boris should now be looking for names. Clear the party of these infiltrators. As Joe public I think we should have the right to know who they are. It has a direct effect on our voting intentions.
Can’t wait to see what the BBC run as tomorrows headline, probably the result of the Wigan ferret race. What a bunch of total wa**kers they really are!
Its a great result because it will cause a lot of upset to the bBBC, Guardian and Remoaners, and they wont accept it, already moaning on Ten o’clock news.
A very poor result for Johnson and these are his colleagues who work with him every day.
It gets worse though because there are two by elections in the next two weeks at which the Tories are expected to get a good shellacking and which would raise questions over the leadership let alone after a confidence vote with such a narrow margin.
Tories from the time of Margaret Thatcher appear almost unanimous that Boris is an ardent Socialist and not a conservative at all.
Johnson threw his weight behind the far Left progressive Biden Democrats – now absolutely hated in America. He insulted both Donald Trump, and the Republican party in general. Come November they are highly likely to have control of both houses, and have Donald Trump as their Presidential candidate.
We as a country in a time of great upheaval cannot afford to have a Socialist Prime Minister who has not only alienated, but insulted the US ruling party. Donald Trump is not a man who forgives insults, nor does he suffer fools like Johnson, and he already has his measure.
We have in Boris Johnson a Socialist who has copied the Biden model and the press simply haven’t picked up on it
Massive Spending
Highest taxation for 70 years
Open Southern border
Defunding of Police and courts
imposition of ridiculous ‘Diversity’ training and enforcement
High inflation
Mass immigration
Disasterously low sterling rate
lack of support for private enterprise
Failure to raise interest rates
Boris is Labour to the core, in the wrong party, which is why Starmer finds it so difficult to criticise someone who believes in the same issues he does. At least if Boris the Bolshevik goes we might get someone a little less Left wing.
digg, have a word with yourself mate, Boris is toast.
It won’t be tonight and it probably won’t be tomorrow, but he’s a goner…a dead PM walking. And worst of all, it’s entirely his own fault…
Quite obviously he didn’t need to impose the insane lockdown and mask rules that most law abiding numpties complied with, which he and his coterie completely ignored. Cummings, Fergusson, Hancock, the entire Downing Street staff were either shagging other bloke’s wives or partying like the virus was little more than a nasty cold. Of course, his main crime wasn’t getting caught out, but lying about it. But that’s the nature of the beast.
There’s a couple of bye elections in a few weeks. The Tories are going to get annihilated.
Bunter is fatally wounded and the likes of slimy Gove and the rather sinister Jeremy Hunt are circling. And further down the road, Starmer.
If the men in grey suits don’t come and have a word, then the by election results will most likely finish him as leader.
As an aside at the time of the Thatcher confidence vote I knew someone who knew her personally in Parliament, and what has never been disclosed to the public is that Poor Margaret had started to show the signs of dementia which she later suffered with. It was described to me that she’d “gone a bit funny”. The removal of Mrs Thatcher was more of a kindness to preserve her legacy and memory, and I don’t think it’s a story which has ever been properly told.
Jeff, agreed, in principle. Boris is unlikely to get a second nod, however surely by doing that rare and dignified thing of actually sticking to his guns and delivering what was promised there is a chance he can give Remainers, MSM and Starmer et Al something to choke on.
He must surely now realise these people will never, ever give him any quarter.
He and his Party need to get a massive grip, neutralise internal dissent, and focus on the prize.
The gloves must come off!
Just so Digg. Sifting through the usual, nauseating MSM propaganda, lies and downright b***ocks, it’s absolutely apparent that they will engage promote and weaponise any form of utterance that fulfils their crystal clear agenda to remove Boris, therefore destabilising Goverment and Country . . . again!
Boris is not perfect, however to think of replacement now is folly.
Please, please Boris, deliver on your mandated, core promises.
Time is running short, time to deliver to those who entrusted you their vote and still believe their values actually matter.
Come on, I hate BLiar as much as anyone, but he was the absolute opposite of Boris. He was competent courageous, and did the things he wanted to.
Boris is utterly useless, he has failed to accomplish anything of any note other than crazed leftist policies. He has no fire in his belly, no passion, no direction, and he doesn’t appear to know what he wants to do with his premiership.
Yes Thoughtful, he’d make an excellent leader of the Labour Party, but he’s never a Conservative. All this “net zero” cobblers is never a policy most people on “the right” give a toss about.
Every correct decision the cowardly lump has ever made he’s been forced into by his own back benchers. He believes in nothing, other than his own survival.
However…those that will seek to replace him really are utterly ghastly…Remainers, Rejoiners, lockdown nutters…and even worse, Kier Starmer!
Boris lost it for me when he chose Nut Nut over Cummins.
However he enabled Brexit and as far as I can see, he’s about the only thing stopping the rest of them trying to reverse it.
I would love an actual conservative PM but if we let them choose another leader, they will choose a remainer. Just think back to what happened with May. She ended up the only candidate. The BBC and the media will see to that with their outrageous biased reporting.
As for BLiar : he was indeed a strong leader in the same way Hitler was a strong leader. He decided what needed to be done and forced it through regardless. He got away with it until the ‘power corrupts’ truth kicked in and started forcing through decisions nobody else wanted because he firmly believed he was right. In less civilised times, he would have become a dictator.
This is a chilling message that Tucker delivers. The USA is in the process of constructing a banana republic style dictatorship.
If anybody has any doubts they should view this.
There have been a few hit pieces on Tucker recently. The swamp is out to get him and if you view this you will see why.
Thank you . It is deeply worrying for us – in what is going on in the US – Democratic Party ownership of the DoJ (FBI) leading to blatant abuse of power signals danger for us .
Once the justice system is undermined by one side or the other the whole legitimacy of the system is gone …
On the upside – at least Navarro wasn’t shot trying to escape or ‘epsteined ‘ …..
I wonder is a democrat judge gets the Navarro counter suit ?
It fluctuates like the weather – but the Google searches for Tucker Carlson are routinely loaded up with bile and smears on an epic scale from Democrat sponsored outfits.
The Republicans have launched climate policy initiative – so expect blizzards of propaganda spilling over into the UK MSM space over the next several months in the run up to the November mid term elections. Fair to say I feel that the BBC will jump into that with gusto!
Re Boris, I am very unhappy with him re his green agenda (ironically the only area the BBC and the Civil Service would give him some slack). However he ihas nearly got Brexit done and in the face of enormous opposition from a left wing NHS lifted lockdowns and other covid restructuring far sooner than either Starmer or the BBC wanted.
I know this has been mentioned here before, but it should be rammed down the bbc’s collective gullets hourly if necessary, that their obsession with 3% and 0.3 % of the population is sexist, racist and pissing the 97 % off .
“How our minority obsessed elite have turned reality on its head: As a survey shows we’ve been led to think Britain is a very different place than it is, MICK HUME argues it’s little wonder so many of us have swallowed a distorted view of UK demographics”
“Respondents thought 20 per cent of the British population was black. The true figure is more like 3 per cent. The survey’s median guess was that 5 per cent of us are transgender. In reality, between 0.3 and 0.7 per cent identify as a different gender from their biological sex.”
I think those figures will be more or less accurate for the staff the BBC employ.
I’ve noticed the occasional serious stuff is usually written by older white males. The deluge of empathy-laden, agenda-based, tedious non-stories they now churn out is generally by young, London based BAME and females. Who I presume got taken on by quotas and this is all they can actually do.
Many from the UK and other countries I know commented on the amount of black people in the carnival that was meant to represent the country and not some London ghetto, and the obsession with rainbow flags.
Also the lack of the titans of music the UK is known for yet the concert was organised by the racist, sexist bbc, why let them do this with their racist background ? they filled the stage with black mediocre nonentities instead.
Who represents the 60s and 70s ? The Rolling Stones, MCartney and Ringo Star, The Kinks, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, The Who ?
Respected and revered around the world and where were they ?
It would not surprise me in the least that the racist bbc chose Rod Stewart precisely because his voice was gone (and forced him to sing a song he was not suited for, as he stated onstage) in a desperate attempt to make the other nonentities look a little better.
The BBC are a laughing stock around the world these days. Here in Thailand, many are sick of them trying to interfere in politics.
The local reporter is a particularly grubby chap called Jonathan Head who is absolutely what you would expect from the BBC.
I remember he once wrote a headline ‘Anti-government protests which turned violent’ which actually meant ‘Government agents fire grenades at peaceful protesters’. The protesters were the Thai equivalent of the English Right.
I see the BBC front-page, top-story headline about Boris winning the confidence vote has the obligatory ‘but …’ at the 6th word (23rd character) into the main headline. And I mean the large-font headline, not the caption underneath where the ‘but’ usually appears.
I am sickened already, at the thought that the bbc with now move on to obsess with this story for the next two months at least to ensure no one ever ever forgets about it.
At a time of massive crisis for ordinary people, the bbc ensures the govt have to fight off the bbc instead of getting down to what they should be doing, as the bbc did during the pandemic.
A high official of India’s ruling Hindu party the BJP has been sacked because of comments she made about the Prophet Muhammad which are reported to have been very upsetting to RoPers around the world. I can’t find the actual comments reported anywhere. Presumably no one has the courage to report them.
Once again the RoPers are terrifying large parts of the world with their threat of violence over their mediaeval religion and beliefs. Over thirty Muslim countries have protested to the Indian government and Muslim politicians in India are calling for the official’s arrest .
And yet our British politicians keep allowing these nutters into our country . Only a fool would allow RoPers in. They are simply not fit to live in the Western world. Their values are incompatible with ours. This is demonstrated time after time after time and has killed thousands of Westeners..
What happens next in India could have serious consequences in the Uk. There have already been RoPer riots in India if this situation escalates it may transfer to friction between the Asian communities in the UK.
This tension is perhaps a better reflection of 2022 Britain than the wishful thinking on display in Sunday’s royal parade on the Mall.
Today watch
No Today for me – even out of duty . Although it would be ‘interesting ‘ to see the BBC go for the next stage of kicking out an elected government and getting its ‘ own approved version installed to get the UK back into the socialist EU …
BTW – the next stage comes after the 2 bi elections which the blue Labour Party loses bigly and nut nut is formally challenged and the BBC install Hunt into the top job – securing the future of the BBC – and beginning the process of rejoining the EU – which either he – or starmer – will take forward …
I’m avoiding direct contact with the BBC today – but on the twitter a ‘respected ‘ journalist – Michael crick( whom I have a bit of time for ) – comments on the demeanour of nut nut which being interviewed by the BBC after the confidence vote ….
The PM appears quite sweaty and sniffs a lot . Let’s hope if he has a cold it gets betterer soon …. The comments – of course – allude to a different and more pharmalogical explanation ….
Fed, I have to admit that in my heart I wanted Boris to survive this vote. Not because I have any faith left in him but because there is no immediate brexiteer successor. However, it is time there was one.
I suggested Penny Mordaunt a few threads ago and was hoping somebody would comment as to her pro’s and cons. Nobody did.
From what I can make out from this distance she would seem the best option, Gove has been around a long time and not proven popular, Steve Baker is pro migration and while he is a useful person does not have the gravitas required for a PM.
Lord Frost is not immediately available and Nigel Farage is out of the question.
The two by-elections, Wakefield and Tiverton, are only a fortnight away , Boris is going to be further wounded, and recovery is unlikely. It’s time to get that replacement ready and waiting in the wings and raring to go.
This is no time to be phewing and sighing with relief over yesterday’s vote. It’s time to stop pansying around.
I am afraid I don’t think he’s a true Brexiteer . He just used that as a means to get himself in as PM.
I think he’s a closet ‘Green’ Liberal. A ‘cuckoo in the nest’.
Since so much is about image and televisual ability as against achievement – I’d currently go with someone who has some focus – hasn’t made notable misjudgements – and would be good at the dispatch box against starmer – liz truss fills that bill for me – and I view her as being as near to being a Conservative as current circumstances allow – she visibly supported nut nut ….
…. In fact – I’m going to use my £2.50 winnings from my nut nut bet to back ms truss for next labour leader …
Is there still talk that nut nut might call a General Election ? I’m avoiding the MSM for a day ….
Fed, I had high hopes for Liz Truss. She seemed to be doing well. I know she is a recent convert from the Lib Dems , but you know….when a sinner repenteth… that sort of thing… she should not be judged too harshly. However, Mark Steyn was very against the idea of her becoming PM though I do not know his reasons for that. I do trust his judgement on a lot of things though. So I am a bit cautious about her. I could be swayed though.
Well I’ve just put a £1 on her to be next blue labour Leader / PM so it’s likely to be somebody suitable obscure ….
With a bit of luck Steyn will be back to put a more incisive view than Farage …
I have to say in all of this and people blaming the media, who have indeed played their part, no one seems to have credited Dominic Cummings for achieving what he set out to do – to Bring down Boris Johnson.
All of this party issue can be traced back to him, and most people on here agreed at the time Johnson was an absolute fool to get rid of a man who had engineered his rise to power, simply because his airhead wife wanted her leftie Islington mates in Downing Street instead.
Since Cummings left Johnson has been completely ineffective, all at sea with no direction and no clear idea of what he wants to do.
The difference with Cummings was that he did have courage, things were achieved, and do so with a degree of competence which is a complete anathaema to todays Tories who are completely cowardly useless and incompetent.
My prediction is that Johnson will not be leading the Tories into the next election, I’ll be surprised if he makes it to the end of the Summer given the events comming to derail him.
One thing no one has mentioned here which I have seen mentioned elsewhere is Johnson destroying the energy security of the UK and the very real threat the lights are going to go out this Winter. Johnson himself caused this with his insane Green energy policies.
Thoughtful – yes I agree on Cummings – I was thinking of him yesterday and the tragedy that he wasn’t able to get on with stuff inside number 10 ….
As for nut nut – he ll be gone by the end of June if those bi elections go really badly – I suppose everyone in the swamp will be focusing on them assuming the Durham starmer whitewash is complete ..
Gary Lineker has issued a searing response to the MP who proposed tooth checks for refugees.
The former footballer responded to an interview with David Davies MP saying: “It’s not your teeth we want to see, it’s your heart.”
Lineker made the comment after facing a personal attack from The Sun for his stance on the furore over dental age tests for ‘child’ refugees.
Liverpool council finds 24 adult asylum seekers who are posing as children as it launches legal fight to stop almost £1million in taxpayers cash being spent on their care
Liverpool council say 39 refugees with age in doubt have arrived in the city
Following assessments 24 were found to be adults, while only 15 were under 18
Support for under-18s is much better than for adults, so some lie about their age
It isn’t that we think Vladimir Putin is a wonderful chap. As one knowing commentator on the American right once said of Donald Trump – I wouldn’t want to trust him as custodian of my private pension savings, or have him visit with my wife for a weekend. But at least he isn’t Hillary Clinton.
So it is that we don’t necessarily envisage saving the British way of life by inviting Russian troops in to march up Whitehall with snow still on their boots. We wouldn’t really feel the need to back either side against the other in the Ukraine war. It’s just that we don’t appreciate our media lying to us about how Russia is losing the war, Putin is facing a coup, is seriously – or perhaps terminally – ill, dying or already dead and played by a body double (yes they really said that) etc etc.
Some would say the psychological tendency to projection lies at the heart of Anglo-American propaganda on this one. Our pet Ukraine has lost a lot territory, their regular army must be all but broken by now. We realise we have a deeply divided Nato alliance – is Turkey actually on our side? Can Germany afford energy sanctions without the lights going out on that famous post-war Hunnish financial and industrial miracle? – And whilst the bloke in the Kremlin looks as fit as fiddle the leader of the western world is the dodering geriatric blowhard limping along on borrowed time with an establishment surely scratching their heads over the succession.
Propaganda can be pretty effective – in the short to medium term. Just as a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality – so reality will inevitably catch up with propaganda. In recent days we have seen a clear readjustment of expectations seeping through: Ukraine war: Severodonetsk and Lysychansk are dead cities – Zelensky (BBC) and; Ukraine war: How long can the Western consensus hold? (BBC)
Mr AsISeeIt joked about the Daily Express running down the Ukraine flag on their masthead in recent days. Who knows, perhaps they thought this backsliding final sunset salute carried out without ceremony went unnoticed? Anyway, for whatever motivation the old blue and yellow is back this morning.
Jack Nicholson’s famous outburst line in A Few Good Men was: “You can’t handle the truth!” – Come on mainstream media… tell us the truth… you never know, we might be able to handle it?
So it is with Boris…
The majority of our liberal media want to tell us he’s hanging on by a thread: The damage is severe and the PM should go – Hague (BBC) – our national broadcaster somewhat hampered by their remit to project balance having to outsource their preferred editorial line to a Tory has-been.
By the way, we know full well Boris can be something a weather cock in terms of his principles. William Hugue… where does he stand – for instance – on the EU?
The Guardian was confused pre-referendum back in December 2015: Well, knock me down with a Christmas pudding! William Hague has chosen what is virtually Christmas Eve to tell elderly, Tory and EU-wary readers of the Daily Telegraph that he plans to vote for Britain to stay in the European Union when the great day comes. Many will be baffled, then quite cross. What seems to have irked the Gruan here was: Hague has made hostility to the EU a central pillar of his political career, which famously started when he lectured Margaret Thatcher from the podium at the 1977 Tory conference when the precocious brat was just 16. – I think given the pungency of the political commentray there I’d best attribute this Guardian piece – Michael White.
Fast forward to post-referendum 2017. The Express celebrates something of a secondary Damascene conversion on the part of the Tory Yorkshireman: William Hague’s BRILLIANT response when asked would he vote Remain or Leave? The former Conservative leader, who voted to Remain in the EU referendum in 2016, was quizzed over how he would vote in a second Brexit vote…“I would be more likely actually to vote to Leave because I don’t think a country can go round in circles.”
Amen to that, William. But politicians can U-turn, about turn and spin on a sixpence, no?
As Freddie Mercury once sang in Bohemian Rhaspsody: Because I’m easy come, easy go, little high, little low,
any way the wind blows doesn’t really matter to me, to me.
The papers emphasise the anti-Boris score card: Johnson wounded in confidence vote as 41% of Tory MPs rebel – what business leader, CEO, boss, branch manager, we speculate wouldn’t be somewhat brused and embarrassed by a secret popularity ballot among his or her staff?
The 2020 Labour Party leadership election was triggered after Jeremy Corbyn announced his intention to resign as the leader of the Labour Party following the party’s defeat at the 2019 general election. It was won by Keir Starmer, who received 56.2 per cent of the vote on the first round.
We know the Brexit issue cut the Tory Party down the middle with a majority of MPs perhaps still yet dyed-in-the wool Remainers.
We’re now used to the invasion of football commentary by so called “stats“. Shots on target, assists, pass completions and percentage of possession. But what was the full time score, that’s what we still go by?
We smile at this one: Most Scottish MPs oppose him (‘i’) – there are all of 6 Tory MPs north of the border (thank you Wiki). Insert here the gag about them holding their annual conference in a telephone box.
The Daily Mail expresses the situation best: As 148 Tory MPs hit the self-destruct button by opening door to smirking Starmer’s coalition of chaos… Boris vows: I’ll bash on. He’s no Donald Trump but he’s the best we’re likely to get. Don’t let the media lie you out of office, BoJo. Buck up, bash on and start being a bit more conservative, that’ll help.
Your last line torpedoes HMS Johnson before it hits the water . He cannot do conservative ….his wife wouldn’t let him . He is now going to play out the bunker scene ( metaphor change ) – but getting all sorts of job offers for his next role – perhaps making documentaries about train journeys or ‘doing a Cameron ‘ desperately texting friends to make money from dodgy business dealings …
… and there’s always a place at the BBC for him doing that comedy quiz show thing …. Or maybe The Apprentice…
The msm narrative has been agreed – he just needs to remember the script and play his party …
Strange to be bought down by staff for something so trivial
The BBC are in an orgasmic state because the Germans are
going to prostrate themselves as well as England in support of the BLM
organization, when England play them later today.
I wonder if Trent Alexander Arnold the Liverpool
full back who plays for England can get a double whammy
by getting his team mates in the England side NOT to
sing the National Anthem like him. Or maybe go even one
step further as the England side did in 1938 and actually
give the NAZI salute when they played Germany. You cant
beat a good bit of ” virtue” signalling.
Whether you support or don’t support Boris Johnson is our individual choice.
What is p-ssing me off this morning is the fact that I’ve had democratic right removed from me.
I voted for the PM and it should be me, you and all of the voting public to be able to remove Johnson not a bunch of disloyal, arrogant pathetic Tory MP’s or a national broadcaster who from day one has had it in for Johnson.
No matter what happens now the Tories are now in free fall, devided and almost unelectable.
Only the Tories can have an 86 majority and trash that power base in less than 3 years.
The arrogance of the BBC this morning is adding insult to injury…
Media, and media gobs on results, darn results and results that need managing.
England boss Gareth Southgate says the racist abuse players received following Euro 2020 final loss adds 'another layer that’s going to make it extremely difficult for us to win anything.'
It’s not an England team – it’s a political movement which kicks a football – Southgate should just join the Labour Party and seek office … just like Gary £ Neville …
Southgate is the third last stop on the Piccadilly tube line
in London. Gareth Southgate is just no better than a third
rate football manager. Who through his lack of unable being
proactive cost England dearly against Croatia in the World cup and against Italy at the UEFA Euro final in 2020.
So called ‘racist’ abuse (there’s no such thing as ‘racism’ even the BBC can’t tell you what it is), which appears to have miraculously evaporated when it turned out the majority of it came from the Muslim Arab world which owns much of the Western media.
That same media projects its hate of White non Muslims as being totally ‘racist’ and the implication from horrible liberal guilt ridden Southgate is still that the perpetrators were White British, which is of course a lie.
Despite everyone knowing BLM is a scam moverment for Patrice Culours to make herself rich Southgate is insisting on his muppets making the Salute to stupidity before every match and fans are tryanically oppressed into staying silent about it.
TOADY Watch #1 – all pretence at political neutrality is now gone from the BBC
Just after the 7.30 a.m. news bulletin Nick Robinson is talking about last evening’s Confidence Vote in the PM with added ‘sound bites’ from various sitting MPs and from the archives. He lies about Boris Johnson doing less well than Margaret Thatcher. If I recall correctly, the 1922 Committee system was different back then. In the first vote, Margaret thatcher did not secure a winning margin. Last night Boris Johnson had 60% of the Party’s MPs backing him which was rather different to the vote that Margaret Thatcher received in the first round.
Again, if I recall correctly, Margaret Thatcher was ‘desposed’ – despite winning through in the end – due to her unbending preference for her Community Charge’s first iteration and her impatience to force it through in the face of reasoned opposition from within her Cabinet and outside opposition stirred up by Labour and the Trade Unions. Nick Robinson, I think, distorted political history. If you have better information and can correct me, please do so. Nick must be sacked by Time Davie.
Up2 – no – there will be no resignations . The BBC know that once Dorries is dumped an approved culture secretary will be appointed and steer through the charter in 2027 for another glorious 10 years of BBC existence …
It’s one of the many reasons the BBC has targeted Johnson throughout … and – after all – it is now the Far Left opposition party …
Mrs T won with 204 to 152. Under the rules of time she was required to be 15% clear of the opponent. She was set to contest a second ballot but was persuaded to stand down. Johnson is 18% clear. For his comfort it should have been higher but if he’d lost we would have just got back on the EU Express with full steam to rejoin.
Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.
About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.
I do wish Paul Mason (G2, 22 December) knew his history. The German Social Democrats in the 1890s were led by self-conscious Marxists who believed in revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Karl Kautsky and Eduard Bernstein had worked closely with Engels in London. They were his acolytes, not his enemies. Bernstein’s revisionism was rejected by the party, but Bernstein still thought himself a Marxist. Kautsky was the ideological brains behind the SPD and definitely believed in revolution, although probably not a violent one. Europe’s other socialist parties felt much the same. The hope was that the capitalists would be in no position by then to offer much resistance.
Marx himself, of course, had suggested that the introduction of a universal franchise in Britain or Holland might obviate the need for revolution there.
Professor Alan Sked
London School of Economics
JohnCFeb 26, 01:01 Midweek 26th February 2025 BBC removed references to ‘Jews’ and ‘jihad’ in Gaza documentary Just look at this and the extent the BBC…
taffmanFeb 26, 00:40 Midweek 26th February 2025 Flotsam The whole energy supply price is a con ! These islands of Great Britain are sitting on beds of…
Solomon GrundyFeb 26, 00:15 Midweek 26th February 2025 Sorry, not really BBC related but this tweet is well worth reading … I'm concerned that many people do not…
JonathanRFeb 25, 23:46 Midweek 26th February 2025 Politicians lie We know they do but is there a more blatant liar than this man?
atlas_shruggedFeb 25, 23:28 Midweek 26th February 2025 Time to start deporting judges: Albanian People Smuggler Deemed “Valuable Member of Society” Can Stay in UK
ZephirFeb 25, 22:40 Midweek 26th February 2025 Elsewhere on the web: “I live above one commercial high street building and also next to a pub. Both of…
ZephirFeb 25, 22:36 Midweek 26th February 2025 And yet, the starmer mob have overruled this: “England: Planning rules on air source heat pumps to be relaxed. Following…
ZephirFeb 25, 22:32 Midweek 26th February 2025 And the noise… The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland: “Heat pumps too loud for home, study says UK Ministers…
FlotsamFeb 25, 22:26 Midweek 26th February 2025 Let’s put things straights, Heat Pumps are a con, they do not save energy and reduce CO2, they cost a…
This is what despairs me about the country I was born in. Johnny Foreigner (me again Maxi !) protesting at a slight they don’t like.
This got me thinking. I can’t ever remember those whitey born Brits who have decided to emigrate (get a passport) for another country, protesting about anything in their chosen homeland. Why the f…. do we put up with it here ?
So, schoolboys in Brum forced to watch or else?
Well if you are upset, you know who to call.
And you get a full squad assigned.
Who may tuck away the common sense reply at the end of the link most will not click.
Interesting the various factions involved, few of whom I feel great empathy for.
But The BBC spanking an eco-council as they wave Ginge and Whinge bon voyage is funny.
End line “If families let us know that they wish to visit regularly, we can arrange to mow a path to their grave to ensure that it’s tidy and accessible.”
This is not a new story ..the wilding of cemeteries and church yards has been going on for 10 years plus
This ‘graveyard crisis’ must be down to Brexit and the evil Tories underfunding grass cutting.
“What weapons are being given to Ukraine by the UK?”
Too many by the looks of it.
Who decides if we’re going to arm another country?
Wonder if any of Boris Johnson potentially replacements are less warmongering globalists..
Trump showed he was not afraid to bomb Iran
.. that sent a message.
But Nato sat on its hands before the war
now it’s costing them big bucks to send a message to Russia. Russia are the baddies ..they had no right to invade.
Wow that top secret multiple launch ping pong gun again – best not tell the democrats or trudoo – they’d be banning them —
Nut nuts face suggests he sighted the Ginger Growler …
I’m not really sure what i want regarding the Boris vote tonight.
On the one hand, loads of pundits are saying if he goes that will be the start of us getting back in the eu which would be awful.
If he stays he has been a big disappointment. He has gone too far to the left and is in no way a conservative. His brexit is a poor one and all this green crap and other lefty stuff is not what we voted for.
As with Harry, since getting together with a far left wimmin he has changed from someone who could have been good to an under the thumb wet wokey.
If he goes maybe someone like Penny Mordaunt would be a big improvement but the conservatives will probably go with some wet, half in half out leader who satisfies nobody.
I don’t care about him telling lies because I fully expect all politicians to lie. I don’t trust any of them.
I suppose one way to decide which outcome I want is to watch the bbbc and go for the opposite of what they want (but I’m not going to watch the bbbc)
I’ll read the comments on here to make my mind up as I trust all your opinions and whichever direction you go in I will join you.
I’m not really interested in wasting time speculating
But Boris agreed to a quick vote
That seems to indicate he is confident
I always thought the Tories would wait and put a fresh face in before an election
Instead of putting someone in early and then them going stale.
I’ve got a tenner on …
A neighbour was just telling me about a charity org he is involved in
Seems like the biggest beneficiaries are the charity and government workers, NOT the people they are SUPPOSED to be helping.
Each project gets funding from big org like lottery or government pots, plus local businesses (supermarkets etc.) , private donors and the Vulnerable beneficiaries who are charged a service fee.
But it turns out that when £5,000 per project comes the actual number of beneficiaries is 5 to 10 and not only that, it’s not a huge benefit to them mostly.. The biggest winners seem to be the full time charity workers, government admins, private company outreach officers cos they are getting a salary week-in week out
There is scope for the projects to become self funding, but there are that many grant out there, it’s mostly a merrygo round of applying for grants.
I asked him if there was anything like cost benefit analysis going on and he said no .
Very similar situation with Housing Trusts. They are supposed to be charities, they are, charity begins at home as they say. They are often run by ex Council housing department staff. They make sure they benefit from great employment packages.
The one I have dealt with was run by an incredibly woke left winger who modeled himself on Jeremy Corbyn. They treat the tenants badly and leaseholders even worse, they hate Right to Buy and take it out on them. There seems to be a culture of giving contracts to certain favoured contractors for reasons that can only guessed at
Glad you can see what some of these “helpful” agencies are really up to. I have seen and known this for years. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Never a truer word spoken.
I harbour a deep distrust of people who flock to this sort of crap seeing an opportunity to become “important”.
Basically a large proportion of humanity is both greedy and ruthless or if not at least pretty shifty.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – !
TOADY Watch addendum #2 – the BBC now have their hearts desire
The BBC are obviously biased against Boris Johnson. Just see if you can spot anything other than an item about the PM in the top three rows of the BBC’s current news page here:
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – BBC playing around with memories?
It is stated in this video, made by the BBC that Robert Kennedy was campaigning on the issues of peace in Vietnam (and between East & West) and Civil Rights. I do not remember it that way but my memory is not what it was and I could be wrong. I seem to recall that Bobby Kennedy was campaigning on the same issues that he was when his brother John was assassinated in Dallas: against crime and for cleaning up America in terms of policing & justice.
Could it be that the BBC are trying to re-write history for their own nefarious purposes?
And what could that nefarious BBC purpose be?
JFK and Johnson put Americans into Vietnam and started the war. Nixon eventually ended it bit is the one accused of being a warmonger. He was at the time as well.
He was also the gorzy American President to vizit Moscow and Peking snd in so doing improved the cold war threats. I have never understood why he has always been called the warmonger. It shows the Left Wing have always controlled the narrative and truth be damned.
Gorzy should read first
That and other spelling mistakes caused by using phone.
D, spare us the gory details.

I’m sure the BBC would be very happy to constantly bracket Boris Johnson with Richard Nixon permanently and, in fact, I think Naughty Naughtie did so yesterday on TWotWeee with a snide reference to Nixon’s testimony over Watergate. I’m not about to listen to the whole programme again just to make sure because I find Naughtie’s tone of voice very hard to take.
The Tube in London is on strike – again.
Billions and billions of subsidies all to no avail.
The BBC are delighted. Off we go to a live broadcast from Victoria Station to see…….errr…….about ten people waiting in a bus queue!
Luckily the presenter was being photobombed by some loudmouth guy with a poster saying ‘Bring Down Boris’.
So job done.
Bet that “protester” got in the BBC van with the rest of the team, when they finished.
bBBC salivating outside number Ten on the news, this is all the work of Remainers, bBBC and the Grauniad who have been campaigning for months to unseat Boris, this is why he has to stay, in my opinion.
If nothing else, just to royally piss them off.
mogs, “If nothing else, just to royally piss them off . . …. ”
.. . . while winning the next General Election for the Conservative Party.
That would be a bonus but since I’m not a political animal pissing them off would be my priority.
Oops, perhaps a comma was in order.
Wild Bill
The danger I can sees for the Conservatives if they vote to keep Boris will come at the next general election when every Leftie who is in a postion to do so will claim that the Tories are ok with Goverment breaking it’s own rules. A claim which might prove a tad difficult to persuade the voters this isn’t the case.
If Boris is deposed however let’s hope that his successor turns out to be a true blue Tory and not red one.
In all the dust and excitement of the Boris vote, how easy it is to forget that we are waiting on the verdict of the same people who voted in Teresa May – successfully programmed to confuse, distort and delay Brexit for as long as she could.
A woman humiliated, scorned and ridiculed by the EU elite for her pains and one whose only achievement was to pave the way for Boris as PM – voted for by the public.
Local radio news all day
..”blah, blah … local tory MP W says Boris should stay, local tory MP X says Boris should stay, but here’s a clip of Labour MP Y
..and another MP Z says Boris should go too”
Local TV news Tory against David Davies,
then another Tory MP for Boris.
All local TV Vox pops (ITV/BBC) seemed to find lots of people who support Boris or are not bothered.
It looks like Mark Steyn has been cancelled on GBNews tonight with a 2-hour slot by Nigel instead between 7-9pm.
Here is Steyn’s view from his website instead:
I won’t be listening to NF – his smugness is beginning to irritate me. He predicts that if BJ wins the vote tonight then the Tories will lose the next GE. He may be correct, but like EG (above) I am uncertain which way I want it to go.
Whatever the outcome of this evening’s vote we are stuffed. None of the most likely replacements are any better and arguably many are worse – if that’s possible.
The best (fantasy) scenario would be a close victory for BJ at which point he suddenly decides to immediately implement Conservative policies. Oh how we laughed.
“Whatever the outcome of this evening’s vote we are stuffed. ”
Alas you are right, the Tory party has assiduously rid itself of talent, and even worse conservatives.
It could be perhaps a better situation if Ben Wallace the most popular amongst Tories on the ultra wet Conservative Home web site.
The biggest issue is if Johnson wins by an unconvincing majority and decides to plough on, two by elections are likely to be disastrous, and the party limps from challenge to challenge, and loses by a landslide.
He has to go for the good of the country and his party
Molly Piddlehurst (sorry a Spoonerism) on GB News breathlessly telling us there were more parties than either Sue Gray or the Police knew about including one whilst Boris was in hospital. GB News implying that Boris was to blame. I can’t stand watching Nigel, he has been attacking Boris for some time. Does Nigel really want Jeremy Hunt taking us back into Europe?
I am reminded of the collective noun for financial workers:
A wunch of bankers
Zephir, urggh, don’chaa mean … hic! …. a lunch … belch …beg pardon most dreadful of me, a, errrr .. lunch of bankers? Yesh, just anothaaaer small one pleashe …
I thought it was striking that somebody finally ‘outed ‘ Jeremy hunt for being responsible for Blighty being so unready for the Chinese virus after he had been health secretary for years .
Hancock basically had to handle hunts ‘ failures – despite
Exercising the very thing that happened …. If hunt gets the top job he may well have a new hole ripped when the public inquiry does its’ thing …
2 hours of Farage is a very long time … pity the Steyn was cancelled ….
Keeping Boris, with all his faults, is the only possible way of not going back in the EU.
Boris’s faults are all the figment of a BBC imagination. Try to list where he has put a foot wrong other than not controlling some stupid drunken civil servants?
It was the fear of Nigel Farage and The Brexit Party that got Boris to ‘Go Brexit’.
Boris has been the engineer his own demise but he could recover if he got the us the ‘Full Brexit’, defended us against the mass invasion of our Kent Coast, got rid of the BBC, Cut Taxes, got our fishing grounds back and binned the silly ‘green levy’ along with its absurd sister, the carbon footprint nonsense .
The very things why the ‘Red Wall’ voted for the Tories.
We lent him our votes and he has wasted them.
What’s more, how bad was Covid ? Was it used to control the population of this great country?
He and his cabinet have taken us all for fools and we trusted him . can we trust a ‘man of straw’ again?
We voted for Independence and Brexit and now I am fighting for the man against the Rejoiners once again because of his ‘failures’ .
Every product has a transport cost
when the price of fuel goes up that automatically gives the government a free income bonus
so reducing fuel duty is feasible and good for the economy
and counter inflationary.
The drinks are on me – I bet the house on nut nut winning – I’ve now got a house and an extension ( actually £10 gave me £12.50 ) … cheers nut nut
OK so Boris has won. Now he should purge the party of all the faux liberals who have infected his party. They are without principle and need to be gone. Otherwise he will have a war of attrition with these traitors which will be damaging for the Conservative party and subsequently the country.
And for the BBC, The Guardian and the Independent all I can say is suck it up you turds!
Overall, relief about Boris (I think). Just before the results were declared the Scottish BBC man reporting from Westminster (I think he is Scottish) said anything over 100 votes against was bad for Boris. I keep hearing how the duplicitous Mrs May won her vote of no confidence but was still out in 6 months – so no long faces on the BBC tonight, I guess, just them thinking there is more work to be done.
After all the Royal stuff we now need a “Boris has stuffed them” day, I for one would get the flags out for that. Anything that pisses on the liberal fools will do for me!
Why’s the BBC advertising 500 crates of champagne on Ebay ?
I’ve heard the champagne is a good one: Chateau Garvey, 1997 vintage, a fine year as we all know.
Yes 211
No 148
Majority 63
Not close at all then
Considerably more than 100
Can we move on to Beergate and Sir Beer’s resignation please?
Thought I’d chance watching the Jubilee Pageant on the BBC. 60s to 90s floats were pleasingly eccentric and the cameras predictably lingered in wrapt admiration on the LGBT and drag queen exhibits. Prue Leith’s vintage Jaguar broke down in reassuringly British fashion. The following celebration of the Queen’s life was substituted for the Notting Hill carnival. At least Sadiq Khan seemed to enjoy that bit and the lady of colour asleep behind Prince Charles woke up. Camilla got the giggles, can’t say I blame her. Losing the will to live and having received due warning that Ed Sheeran was going to ‘sing’ the National Anthem I hurriedly switched off, job done.
Where do the BBC go now? They have tried every trick in the book to unseat a Brexiteer PM and it’s failed. Will they finally accept the will of the people or will they dig in to find another spurious load of bullshit to have another go?
Boris should now be looking for names. Clear the party of these infiltrators. As Joe public I think we should have the right to know who they are. It has a direct effect on our voting intentions.
Can’t wait to see what the BBC run as tomorrows headline, probably the result of the Wigan ferret race. What a bunch of total wa**kers they really are!
Its a great result because it will cause a lot of upset to the bBBC, Guardian and Remoaners, and they wont accept it, already moaning on Ten o’clock news.
A very poor result for Johnson and these are his colleagues who work with him every day.
It gets worse though because there are two by elections in the next two weeks at which the Tories are expected to get a good shellacking and which would raise questions over the leadership let alone after a confidence vote with such a narrow margin.
Tories from the time of Margaret Thatcher appear almost unanimous that Boris is an ardent Socialist and not a conservative at all.
Johnson threw his weight behind the far Left progressive Biden Democrats – now absolutely hated in America. He insulted both Donald Trump, and the Republican party in general. Come November they are highly likely to have control of both houses, and have Donald Trump as their Presidential candidate.
We as a country in a time of great upheaval cannot afford to have a Socialist Prime Minister who has not only alienated, but insulted the US ruling party. Donald Trump is not a man who forgives insults, nor does he suffer fools like Johnson, and he already has his measure.
We have in Boris Johnson a Socialist who has copied the Biden model and the press simply haven’t picked up on it
Massive Spending
Highest taxation for 70 years
Open Southern border
Defunding of Police and courts
imposition of ridiculous ‘Diversity’ training and enforcement
High inflation
Mass immigration
Disasterously low sterling rate
lack of support for private enterprise
Failure to raise interest rates
Boris is Labour to the core, in the wrong party, which is why Starmer finds it so difficult to criticise someone who believes in the same issues he does. At least if Boris the Bolshevik goes we might get someone a little less Left wing.
digg, have a word with yourself mate, Boris is toast.
It won’t be tonight and it probably won’t be tomorrow, but he’s a goner…a dead PM walking. And worst of all, it’s entirely his own fault…
Quite obviously he didn’t need to impose the insane lockdown and mask rules that most law abiding numpties complied with, which he and his coterie completely ignored. Cummings, Fergusson, Hancock, the entire Downing Street staff were either shagging other bloke’s wives or partying like the virus was little more than a nasty cold. Of course, his main crime wasn’t getting caught out, but lying about it. But that’s the nature of the beast.
There’s a couple of bye elections in a few weeks. The Tories are going to get annihilated.
Bunter is fatally wounded and the likes of slimy Gove and the rather sinister Jeremy Hunt are circling. And further down the road, Starmer.
God help us…
If the men in grey suits don’t come and have a word, then the by election results will most likely finish him as leader.
As an aside at the time of the Thatcher confidence vote I knew someone who knew her personally in Parliament, and what has never been disclosed to the public is that Poor Margaret had started to show the signs of dementia which she later suffered with. It was described to me that she’d “gone a bit funny”. The removal of Mrs Thatcher was more of a kindness to preserve her legacy and memory, and I don’t think it’s a story which has ever been properly told.
Jeff, agreed, in principle. Boris is unlikely to get a second nod, however surely by doing that rare and dignified thing of actually sticking to his guns and delivering what was promised there is a chance he can give Remainers, MSM and Starmer et Al something to choke on.
He must surely now realise these people will never, ever give him any quarter.
He and his Party need to get a massive grip, neutralise internal dissent, and focus on the prize.
The gloves must come off!
Just so Digg. Sifting through the usual, nauseating MSM propaganda, lies and downright b***ocks, it’s absolutely apparent that they will engage promote and weaponise any form of utterance that fulfils their crystal clear agenda to remove Boris, therefore destabilising Goverment and Country . . . again!
Boris is not perfect, however to think of replacement now is folly.
Please, please Boris, deliver on your mandated, core promises.
Time is running short, time to deliver to those who entrusted you their vote and still believe their values actually matter.
Come on, I hate BLiar as much as anyone, but he was the absolute opposite of Boris. He was competent courageous, and did the things he wanted to.
Boris is utterly useless, he has failed to accomplish anything of any note other than crazed leftist policies. He has no fire in his belly, no passion, no direction, and he doesn’t appear to know what he wants to do with his premiership.
Yes Thoughtful, he’d make an excellent leader of the Labour Party, but he’s never a Conservative. All this “net zero” cobblers is never a policy most people on “the right” give a toss about.
Every correct decision the cowardly lump has ever made he’s been forced into by his own back benchers. He believes in nothing, other than his own survival.
However…those that will seek to replace him really are utterly ghastly…Remainers, Rejoiners, lockdown nutters…and even worse, Kier Starmer!
It ain’t looking good…
Boris lost it for me when he chose Nut Nut over Cummins.
However he enabled Brexit and as far as I can see, he’s about the only thing stopping the rest of them trying to reverse it.
I would love an actual conservative PM but if we let them choose another leader, they will choose a remainer. Just think back to what happened with May. She ended up the only candidate. The BBC and the media will see to that with their outrageous biased reporting.
As for BLiar : he was indeed a strong leader in the same way Hitler was a strong leader. He decided what needed to be done and forced it through regardless. He got away with it until the ‘power corrupts’ truth kicked in and started forcing through decisions nobody else wanted because he firmly believed he was right. In less civilised times, he would have become a dictator.
This is a chilling message that Tucker delivers. The USA is in the process of constructing a banana republic style dictatorship.
If anybody has any doubts they should view this.
There have been a few hit pieces on Tucker recently. The swamp is out to get him and if you view this you will see why.
Thanks Tomo.
Thank you . It is deeply worrying for us – in what is going on in the US – Democratic Party ownership of the DoJ (FBI) leading to blatant abuse of power signals danger for us .
Once the justice system is undermined by one side or the other the whole legitimacy of the system is gone …
On the upside – at least Navarro wasn’t shot trying to escape or ‘epsteined ‘ …..
I wonder is a democrat judge gets the Navarro counter suit ?
It fluctuates like the weather – but the Google searches for Tucker Carlson are routinely loaded up with bile and smears on an epic scale from Democrat sponsored outfits.
The Republicans have launched climate policy initiative – so expect blizzards of propaganda spilling over into the UK MSM space over the next several months in the run up to the November mid term elections. Fair to say I feel that the BBC will jump into that with gusto!
It is Wolf Hall for modern times.
Re Boris, I am very unhappy with him re his green agenda (ironically the only area the BBC and the Civil Service would give him some slack). However he ihas nearly got Brexit done and in the face of enormous opposition from a left wing NHS lifted lockdowns and other covid restructuring far sooner than either Starmer or the BBC wanted.
I know this has been mentioned here before, but it should be rammed down the bbc’s collective gullets hourly if necessary, that their obsession with 3% and 0.3 % of the population is sexist, racist and pissing the 97 % off .
“How our minority obsessed elite have turned reality on its head: As a survey shows we’ve been led to think Britain is a very different place than it is, MICK HUME argues it’s little wonder so many of us have swallowed a distorted view of UK demographics”
“Respondents thought 20 per cent of the British population was black. The true figure is more like 3 per cent. The survey’s median guess was that 5 per cent of us are transgender. In reality, between 0.3 and 0.7 per cent identify as a different gender from their biological sex.”
I think those figures will be more or less accurate for the staff the BBC employ.
I’ve noticed the occasional serious stuff is usually written by older white males. The deluge of empathy-laden, agenda-based, tedious non-stories they now churn out is generally by young, London based BAME and females. Who I presume got taken on by quotas and this is all they can actually do.
Many from the UK and other countries I know commented on the amount of black people in the carnival that was meant to represent the country and not some London ghetto, and the obsession with rainbow flags.
Also the lack of the titans of music the UK is known for yet the concert was organised by the racist, sexist bbc, why let them do this with their racist background ? they filled the stage with black mediocre nonentities instead.
Who represents the 60s and 70s ? The Rolling Stones, MCartney and Ringo Star, The Kinks, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, The Who ?
Respected and revered around the world and where were they ?
It would not surprise me in the least that the racist bbc chose Rod Stewart precisely because his voice was gone (and forced him to sing a song he was not suited for, as he stated onstage) in a desperate attempt to make the other nonentities look a little better.
The BBC are a laughing stock around the world these days. Here in Thailand, many are sick of them trying to interfere in politics.
The local reporter is a particularly grubby chap called Jonathan Head who is absolutely what you would expect from the BBC.
I remember he once wrote a headline ‘Anti-government protests which turned violent’ which actually meant ‘Government agents fire grenades at peaceful protesters’. The protesters were the Thai equivalent of the English Right.
I see the BBC front-page, top-story headline about Boris winning the confidence vote has the obligatory ‘but …’ at the 6th word (23rd character) into the main headline. And I mean the large-font headline, not the caption underneath where the ‘but’ usually appears.
The main article has 8 ‘buts’ and a ‘despite’.
I believe this to be a record.
I am sickened already, at the thought that the bbc with now move on to obsess with this story for the next two months at least to ensure no one ever ever forgets about it.
At a time of massive crisis for ordinary people, the bbc ensures the govt have to fight off the bbc instead of getting down to what they should be doing, as the bbc did during the pandemic.
That’s the way Boris likes it. Otherwise he would have done something by now surely?
A high official of India’s ruling Hindu party the BJP has been sacked because of comments she made about the Prophet Muhammad which are reported to have been very upsetting to RoPers around the world. I can’t find the actual comments reported anywhere. Presumably no one has the courage to report them.
Once again the RoPers are terrifying large parts of the world with their threat of violence over their mediaeval religion and beliefs. Over thirty Muslim countries have protested to the Indian government and Muslim politicians in India are calling for the official’s arrest .
And yet our British politicians keep allowing these nutters into our country . Only a fool would allow RoPers in. They are simply not fit to live in the Western world. Their values are incompatible with ours. This is demonstrated time after time after time and has killed thousands of Westeners..
What happens next in India could have serious consequences in the Uk. There have already been RoPer riots in India if this situation escalates it may transfer to friction between the Asian communities in the UK.
This tension is perhaps a better reflection of 2022 Britain than the wishful thinking on display in Sunday’s royal parade on the Mall.
Double – surely only a matter of time before the hotheads in the different third world tribes carry their fight to Blighty …
One thing that they will all agree on is that somehow or other it the NBs ( Native Brits) fault.
A simple search under “muslim Protest” will show you their general intolerance, racism and violence around the world.
Today watch
No Today for me – even out of duty . Although it would be ‘interesting ‘ to see the BBC go for the next stage of kicking out an elected government and getting its ‘ own approved version installed to get the UK back into the socialist EU …
BTW – the next stage comes after the 2 bi elections which the blue Labour Party loses bigly and nut nut is formally challenged and the BBC install Hunt into the top job – securing the future of the BBC – and beginning the process of rejoining the EU – which either he – or starmer – will take forward …
I’m avoiding direct contact with the BBC today – but on the twitter a ‘respected ‘ journalist – Michael crick( whom I have a bit of time for ) – comments on the demeanour of nut nut which being interviewed by the BBC after the confidence vote ….
The PM appears quite sweaty and sniffs a lot . Let’s hope if he has a cold it gets betterer soon …. The comments – of course – allude to a different and more pharmalogical explanation ….
They have a HYS open on it and the comments are a complete embarassment. They read like spiteful children wrote them.
The BBC must realise how far they have fallen.
Fed, I have to admit that in my heart I wanted Boris to survive this vote. Not because I have any faith left in him but because there is no immediate brexiteer successor. However, it is time there was one.
I suggested Penny Mordaunt a few threads ago and was hoping somebody would comment as to her pro’s and cons. Nobody did.
From what I can make out from this distance she would seem the best option, Gove has been around a long time and not proven popular, Steve Baker is pro migration and while he is a useful person does not have the gravitas required for a PM.
Lord Frost is not immediately available and Nigel Farage is out of the question.
The two by-elections, Wakefield and Tiverton, are only a fortnight away , Boris is going to be further wounded, and recovery is unlikely. It’s time to get that replacement ready and waiting in the wings and raring to go.
This is no time to be phewing and sighing with relief over yesterday’s vote. It’s time to stop pansying around.
I am afraid I don’t think he’s a true Brexiteer . He just used that as a means to get himself in as PM.
I think he’s a closet ‘Green’ Liberal. A ‘cuckoo in the nest’.
Yasser / Taffman
Since so much is about image and televisual ability as against achievement – I’d currently go with someone who has some focus – hasn’t made notable misjudgements – and would be good at the dispatch box against starmer – liz truss fills that bill for me – and I view her as being as near to being a Conservative as current circumstances allow – she visibly supported nut nut ….
…. In fact – I’m going to use my £2.50 winnings from my nut nut bet to back ms truss for next labour leader …
Is there still talk that nut nut might call a General Election ? I’m avoiding the MSM for a day ….
Fed, I had high hopes for Liz Truss. She seemed to be doing well. I know she is a recent convert from the Lib Dems , but you know….when a sinner repenteth… that sort of thing… she should not be judged too harshly. However, Mark Steyn was very against the idea of her becoming PM though I do not know his reasons for that. I do trust his judgement on a lot of things though. So I am a bit cautious about her. I could be swayed though.
Well I’ve just put a £1 on her to be next blue labour Leader / PM so it’s likely to be somebody suitable obscure ….
With a bit of luck Steyn will be back to put a more incisive view than Farage …
BBC nodding peroxide fringe feeds a patsy.
I have to say in all of this and people blaming the media, who have indeed played their part, no one seems to have credited Dominic Cummings for achieving what he set out to do – to Bring down Boris Johnson.
All of this party issue can be traced back to him, and most people on here agreed at the time Johnson was an absolute fool to get rid of a man who had engineered his rise to power, simply because his airhead wife wanted her leftie Islington mates in Downing Street instead.
Since Cummings left Johnson has been completely ineffective, all at sea with no direction and no clear idea of what he wants to do.
The difference with Cummings was that he did have courage, things were achieved, and do so with a degree of competence which is a complete anathaema to todays Tories who are completely cowardly useless and incompetent.
My prediction is that Johnson will not be leading the Tories into the next election, I’ll be surprised if he makes it to the end of the Summer given the events comming to derail him.
One thing no one has mentioned here which I have seen mentioned elsewhere is Johnson destroying the energy security of the UK and the very real threat the lights are going to go out this Winter. Johnson himself caused this with his insane Green energy policies.
Thoughtful – yes I agree on Cummings – I was thinking of him yesterday and the tragedy that he wasn’t able to get on with stuff inside number 10 ….
As for nut nut – he ll be gone by the end of June if those bi elections go really badly – I suppose everyone in the swamp will be focusing on them assuming the Durham starmer whitewash is complete ..
Meanwhile GMB have snagged… Rory.
Gary Lineker has issued a searing response to the MP who proposed tooth checks for refugees.
The former footballer responded to an interview with David Davies MP saying: “It’s not your teeth we want to see, it’s your heart.”
Lineker made the comment after facing a personal attack from The Sun for his stance on the furore over dental age tests for ‘child’ refugees.
Liverpool council finds 24 adult asylum seekers who are posing as children as it launches legal fight to stop almost £1million in taxpayers cash being spent on their care
Liverpool council say 39 refugees with age in doubt have arrived in the city
Following assessments 24 were found to be adults, while only 15 were under 18
Support for under-18s is much better than for adults, so some lie about their age
PUBLISHED: 00:03, 8 December 2018
VD, and Steve, great value. Best mates.
Like Naga, or Reeta, only not in color. So cheaper.
Never forget:
“world class” “envy of the world” “award winning” etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
Remind me how much they get paid for this ?
Bill and Ben the Flowerpot Men could have done better, they were on the Jubilee pageant, time for a comeback…
No time for the media, but this is a keeper.
It isn’t that we think Vladimir Putin is a wonderful chap. As one knowing commentator on the American right once said of Donald Trump – I wouldn’t want to trust him as custodian of my private pension savings, or have him visit with my wife for a weekend. But at least he isn’t Hillary Clinton.
So it is that we don’t necessarily envisage saving the British way of life by inviting Russian troops in to march up Whitehall with snow still on their boots. We wouldn’t really feel the need to back either side against the other in the Ukraine war. It’s just that we don’t appreciate our media lying to us about how Russia is losing the war, Putin is facing a coup, is seriously – or perhaps terminally – ill, dying or already dead and played by a body double (yes they really said that) etc etc.
Some would say the psychological tendency to projection lies at the heart of Anglo-American propaganda on this one. Our pet Ukraine has lost a lot territory, their regular army must be all but broken by now. We realise we have a deeply divided Nato alliance – is Turkey actually on our side? Can Germany afford energy sanctions without the lights going out on that famous post-war Hunnish financial and industrial miracle? – And whilst the bloke in the Kremlin looks as fit as fiddle the leader of the western world is the dodering geriatric blowhard limping along on borrowed time with an establishment surely scratching their heads over the succession.
Propaganda can be pretty effective – in the short to medium term. Just as a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality – so reality will inevitably catch up with propaganda. In recent days we have seen a clear readjustment of expectations seeping through: Ukraine war: Severodonetsk and Lysychansk are dead cities – Zelensky (BBC) and; Ukraine war: How long can the Western consensus hold? (BBC)
Mr AsISeeIt joked about the Daily Express running down the Ukraine flag on their masthead in recent days. Who knows, perhaps they thought this backsliding final sunset salute carried out without ceremony went unnoticed? Anyway, for whatever motivation the old blue and yellow is back this morning.
Jack Nicholson’s famous outburst line in A Few Good Men was: “You can’t handle the truth!” – Come on mainstream media… tell us the truth… you never know, we might be able to handle it?
So it is with Boris…
The majority of our liberal media want to tell us he’s hanging on by a thread: The damage is severe and the PM should go – Hague (BBC) – our national broadcaster somewhat hampered by their remit to project balance having to outsource their preferred editorial line to a Tory has-been.
By the way, we know full well Boris can be something a weather cock in terms of his principles. William Hugue… where does he stand – for instance – on the EU?
The Guardian was confused pre-referendum back in December 2015: Well, knock me down with a Christmas pudding! William Hague has chosen what is virtually Christmas Eve to tell elderly, Tory and EU-wary readers of the Daily Telegraph that he plans to vote for Britain to stay in the European Union when the great day comes. Many will be baffled, then quite cross. What seems to have irked the Gruan here was: Hague has made hostility to the EU a central pillar of his political career, which famously started when he lectured Margaret Thatcher from the podium at the 1977 Tory conference when the precocious brat was just 16. – I think given the pungency of the political commentray there I’d best attribute this Guardian piece – Michael White.
Fast forward to post-referendum 2017. The Express celebrates something of a secondary Damascene conversion on the part of the Tory Yorkshireman: William Hague’s BRILLIANT response when asked would he vote Remain or Leave? The former Conservative leader, who voted to Remain in the EU referendum in 2016, was quizzed over how he would vote in a second Brexit vote…“I would be more likely actually to vote to Leave because I don’t think a country can go round in circles.”
Amen to that, William. But politicians can U-turn, about turn and spin on a sixpence, no?
As Freddie Mercury once sang in Bohemian Rhaspsody: Because I’m easy come, easy go, little high, little low,
any way the wind blows doesn’t really matter to me, to me.
The papers emphasise the anti-Boris score card: Johnson wounded in confidence vote as 41% of Tory MPs rebel – what business leader, CEO, boss, branch manager, we speculate wouldn’t be somewhat brused and embarrassed by a secret popularity ballot among his or her staff?
The 2020 Labour Party leadership election was triggered after Jeremy Corbyn announced his intention to resign as the leader of the Labour Party following the party’s defeat at the 2019 general election. It was won by Keir Starmer, who received 56.2 per cent of the vote on the first round.
We know the Brexit issue cut the Tory Party down the middle with a majority of MPs perhaps still yet dyed-in-the wool Remainers.
We’re now used to the invasion of football commentary by so called “stats“. Shots on target, assists, pass completions and percentage of possession. But what was the full time score, that’s what we still go by?
We smile at this one: Most Scottish MPs oppose him (‘i’) – there are all of 6 Tory MPs north of the border (thank you Wiki). Insert here the gag about them holding their annual conference in a telephone box.
The Daily Mail expresses the situation best: As 148 Tory MPs hit the self-destruct button by opening door to smirking Starmer’s coalition of chaos… Boris vows: I’ll bash on. He’s no Donald Trump but he’s the best we’re likely to get. Don’t let the media lie you out of office, BoJo. Buck up, bash on and start being a bit more conservative, that’ll help.
Your last line torpedoes HMS Johnson before it hits the water . He cannot do conservative ….his wife wouldn’t let him . He is now going to play out the bunker scene ( metaphor change ) – but getting all sorts of job offers for his next role – perhaps making documentaries about train journeys or ‘doing a Cameron ‘ desperately texting friends to make money from dodgy business dealings …
… and there’s always a place at the BBC for him doing that comedy quiz show thing …. Or maybe The Apprentice…
The msm narrative has been agreed – he just needs to remember the script and play his party …
Strange to be bought down by staff for something so trivial
The BBC are in an orgasmic state because the Germans are
going to prostrate themselves as well as England in support of the BLM
organization, when England play them later today.
I wonder if Trent Alexander Arnold the Liverpool
full back who plays for England can get a double whammy
by getting his team mates in the England side NOT to
sing the National Anthem like him. Or maybe go even one
step further as the England side did in 1938 and actually
give the NAZI salute when they played Germany. You cant
beat a good bit of ” virtue” signalling.
Whether you support or don’t support Boris Johnson is our individual choice.
What is p-ssing me off this morning is the fact that I’ve had democratic right removed from me.
I voted for the PM and it should be me, you and all of the voting public to be able to remove Johnson not a bunch of disloyal, arrogant pathetic Tory MP’s or a national broadcaster who from day one has had it in for Johnson.
No matter what happens now the Tories are now in free fall, devided and almost unelectable.
Only the Tories can have an 86 majority and trash that power base in less than 3 years.
The arrogance of the BBC this morning is adding insult to injury…
You didn’t vote for the PM, that’s not how our system works. The PM is the person who can command a majority in the House of Commons.
Media, and media gobs on results, darn results and results that need managing.
See. Reasons!
Some still have not grasped what saw Brexit prevail.
Something has broken Pippa. She needs a dose of VD Bray conviction.
It’s not an England team – it’s a political movement which kicks a football – Southgate should just join the Labour Party and seek office … just like Gary £ Neville …
Is it just kismet every woke, politicised, overpaid footy tool is a Gaz, Gaz, Gaz?
Southgate is the third last stop on the Piccadilly tube line
in London. Gareth Southgate is just no better than a third
rate football manager. Who through his lack of unable being
proactive cost England dearly against Croatia in the World cup and against Italy at the UEFA Euro final in 2020.
So called ‘racist’ abuse (there’s no such thing as ‘racism’ even the BBC can’t tell you what it is), which appears to have miraculously evaporated when it turned out the majority of it came from the Muslim Arab world which owns much of the Western media.
That same media projects its hate of White non Muslims as being totally ‘racist’ and the implication from horrible liberal guilt ridden Southgate is still that the perpetrators were White British, which is of course a lie.
Despite everyone knowing BLM is a scam moverment for Patrice Culours to make herself rich Southgate is insisting on his muppets making the Salute to stupidity before every match and fans are tryanically oppressed into staying silent about it.
That would be the racist abuse from Middle Eastern countries and NOT the UK he would be talking about ?.
I think the ‘racist abuse’ layer is like that layer of onion skin which is one cell thick.
Virtue signalling tw@t.
TOADY Watch #1 – all pretence at political neutrality is now gone from the BBC
Just after the 7.30 a.m. news bulletin Nick Robinson is talking about last evening’s Confidence Vote in the PM with added ‘sound bites’ from various sitting MPs and from the archives. He lies about Boris Johnson doing less well than Margaret Thatcher. If I recall correctly, the 1922 Committee system was different back then. In the first vote, Margaret thatcher did not secure a winning margin. Last night Boris Johnson had 60% of the Party’s MPs backing him which was rather different to the vote that Margaret Thatcher received in the first round.
Again, if I recall correctly, Margaret Thatcher was ‘desposed’ – despite winning through in the end – due to her unbending preference for her Community Charge’s first iteration and her impatience to force it through in the face of reasoned opposition from within her Cabinet and outside opposition stirred up by Labour and the Trade Unions. Nick Robinson, I think, distorted political history. If you have better information and can correct me, please do so. Nick must be sacked by Time Davie.
Then the Director-General must resign.
Up2 – no – there will be no resignations . The BBC know that once Dorries is dumped an approved culture secretary will be appointed and steer through the charter in 2027 for another glorious 10 years of BBC existence …
It’s one of the many reasons the BBC has targeted Johnson throughout … and – after all – it is now the Far Left opposition party …
Fed, no – read my post again – it was what I was wanting the BBC D-G to do. Nothing to do with Nadine Dorries and HMG.
OK, some wishful, hopeful thinking on my part
but nothing to do with the Culture Secretary.
I read it right first time – there will be no resignations or sackings at the BBC ..
Mrs T won with 204 to 152. Under the rules of time she was required to be 15% clear of the opponent. She was set to contest a second ballot but was persuaded to stand down. Johnson is 18% clear. For his comfort it should have been higher but if he’d lost we would have just got back on the EU Express with full steam to rejoin.
Thanks, D, for that. Thought my memory could not be that bad.
Only the bbc, now, in this country, could feel this is the way such a story should be presented.
Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.
About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.
Eventually it has happened.
You can take the Angry Protest guy out of the Economics Ed slot, but you cannot take the sizzling financial analysis out of the media gob.
Cue…. Dobby Saves The Economy!
I do wish Paul Mason (G2, 22 December) knew his history. The German Social Democrats in the 1890s were led by self-conscious Marxists who believed in revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Karl Kautsky and Eduard Bernstein had worked closely with Engels in London. They were his acolytes, not his enemies. Bernstein’s revisionism was rejected by the party, but Bernstein still thought himself a Marxist. Kautsky was the ideological brains behind the SPD and definitely believed in revolution, although probably not a violent one. Europe’s other socialist parties felt much the same. The hope was that the capitalists would be in no position by then to offer much resistance.
Marx himself, of course, had suggested that the introduction of a universal franchise in Britain or Holland might obviate the need for revolution there.
Professor Alan Sked
London School of Economics