Not even Wimbledon is now safe from BBC virtue-signalling wokeland.
Watching the tennis and now the BBC are using the changeovers for agendas and narratives.
Serena Williams, black, female, and unquestionably one of the all time greats, is playing at the age of 40. No more need be said.
And yet….in the changeover we now have to hear, from lesbian Claire Balding, what a great Summer of sport it is…..for women.
Question: which of the following do you most associate with lawn tennis? (a) Virginia Wade, (b) Roe v Wade or (c) General Wade?
If you answered (a) then you might like to look at the BBC sports website, where you can find a video interview and this intro’:
“World number 12 Coco Gauff says she “feels like we’re going backwards” after the US Supreme Court took the decision to overturn Roe v Wade – meaning abortion is no longer a constitutional right in America.”
Imagine for a moment a BBC interview in which a hypothetical Right-leaning White male Essex cricketer were asked in passing what he thought about, say, the recent French elections?
“Imagine for a moment a BBC interview in which a hypothetical Right-leaning White male Essex cricketer were asked in passing what he thought about, say, the recent French elections?”
The “ex White House aide” says she heard something from someone who heard it from someone else!
These two men deny they ever said what she claims they did, and are prepared to swear to it on oath. But you don’t hear that on the MSM do you? They are all liars and all as bad as each other. With enemies like this, Trump was obviously doing something right.
Sluff-You must cut the BBC some slack. During the change
over they cant show diverse inclusive commercial adverts as
Sky, ITV and BT can.
It must be very hard for BIG BROTHER . Be it he, she or it
to have to see almost exclusively whitie in whites hitting
white balls across a net in front of nearly 100% of fellow
We cant see Serena Williams playing all the time. So a few
diverse inclusive previews of BBC programmes during
the change overs is a small price to pay. Who knows we
may be lucky enough to see a preview of the new Dr Who.
. As Novak Djokovic is having a toilet break!!
Only 25plus years after the event, the BBC are paying damages to the producer who alerted them to the dodgy dealings of Martin Bashir over the ‘Princess of Hearts’ interview. Said producer was swiftly marched out the door.
That’s how long it takes for state corporations such as the BBC to admit they are in the wrong. No accountability of course. Those responsible are ‘no longer in their position’
Absolutely disgusting that licence fee payers have to pay for the failings of such immoral management.
Like all public services’ mistakes, we, the taxpayers have to cough up for their laziness, cheating and stupidity, Sluffy.
The compensation that they fork out for failed ‘chief executives’ is disgraceful – over £300,000 in Thanet for instance! The calibre of these leeches is just below the norm for a parking attendant in a dogging area.
Sluff and Scrobie, that’s probably why the £5 TellyLicence is now an inflation busting £159 TellyTax. I’m so glad I don’t watch TV. 🙂 Cancel your TV Licences and stop watching. You know it makes budgetary sense.
I read GP’s are threatening industrial action if they don’t get a 40% wage rise. The same GP’s who have deserted their practices for months if not years and caused many people to lose their lives or become much sicker than they should through a determined avoidance of face to face consultations. What utter greedy and selfish slugs they are. Welcome to the all new NHS. (Negative Health Service). I guess we are seeing the first wave of the new me, me, generation entering medicine. No doubt a large percentage of these GP’s (Greedy People) have meanwhile been keeping their incomes topped up from private practice.
I can’t express my disgust strongly enough.
If any GP reads this and disagrees I’m willing to be educated but I won’t hold my breath!
They are not doctors. They are drug pushers of the worse kind. They’ve killed hundreds of thousands alone in this country through using these drugs. It is scandalous.
More BREAKING BBC “sports” news to entertain and delight you:
“Former England captain Michael Vaughan is stepping back from his work at BBC amid the “ongoing dialogue” around the Yorkshire racism investigation.
Vaughan was charged by the English and Wales Cricket Board earlier this month along with a number of others.
On Monday a joint letter by two groups of BBC staff raised concerns about the 47 year-old’s continued involvement in the broadcaster’s cricket coverage.
Vaughan has always denied the allegation.”
Note that bit about “… a joint letter by two groups of BBC staff …”
Very sinister indeed. Michael Vaughan was doing expert summaries as recently as England’s win in the 3rd Test v NZ on Monday, after a period away from Test Match Special presumably because of the Yorkshire C.C.C. “racism” affair.
Mustapha- You have got to understand that not in
a million years are the BBC going to believe the
words of Michael Vaughn against an anti Semitic
Yorkshireman of Pakistani Muslim heritage.
Michael Vaughan had as much chance of being
believed by the BBC As the young girls being
groomed and raped by Azeem Rafiq’s “brothers” Probably so far as the BBC is
concerned. Rafiq’s anti-Semitism was the
clincher for them.
It’s someone’s job to JUDGE Michael Vaughan decide on guilt or innocence
and decide on measures/punishment
It is not the job emotional BBC staff to JUDGE him first and impose a punishment ..surely ?
Oh does he feel INTIMIDATED
that the action of SOME BBC staff activists could lead to harassment of his family ?
“Vaughan has not been named among those charged and categorically denies all allegations.”
The BBC subsequently acknowledged staff had “raised concerns” after an in-house diversity group reportedly criticised the former Yorkshire batter resuming commentary duties.
On Tuesday evening (28 June), Vaughan posted a statement on his Twitter account explaining why he felt it best to temporarily remove himself from the spotlight.
“In view of the ongoing dialogue on the subject, I have taken the decision to step back from my work with the BBC for the time being.
R4 9am and 9am Jim Al-Khalili’s guest was Martin Landray the guy who set up the RECOVERY Trial that tested Covid treatment in a double blind way
Al-Khalili sneered Trump said ‘Trump said that Hydroxy chloroquine was a miracle cure , you proved that one wrong didn’t you ?’
Al-Khalili had three bites of the cherry at saying that.
However I notice that Ivermectin was not mentioned at all
( In March I had Covid but it didn’t even last 3 nights I just ran it off)
I’d have expected him to at least do a couple of pieces on SMRs and Thorium MSR (Given his now memory holed informative Sellafield and Fukashima work – both were on YouTube but last time I looked they didn’t show up – the links were dead)
– haram topics at the BBC …
Trump tale of the day from the Jan 6th committee
Trump ripped off his shirt, revealing his new chest tattoo: “Live Free or Die!” (His nipples form the dots on the i’s.) Then, he downed a jar of Cheez Whiz, insisting it was tiger blood and saying it made him invincible.
Head in the sand.
BBC report on initial census findings.
Population up 6% in the decade. Over 3 million.
In the Indian subcontinental enclave of Tower Hamlets, the population is up 22%.
Yet the BBC offer no analysis and no suggestions as to why these figures are what they are. They seem unable to think of anything. Maybe 300,000 immigrants a year may have contributed a Teniers weenie bit. Just a thought.
Do you remember the odes in ‘Up Pompeii’ . Where the ‘poet’ can never find a rhyme and Frankie Howard says ‘you’re the only one who can’t’?
10:45pm ITV Assignment
– John Ray travels to Kenya’s capital Nairobi to investigate how the country is coping with a growing economic crisis caused in part by the war in Ukraine and global inflation.
Surely it’s only evil Tories that cause such problems ?
– Daniel Hewitt visits the Mediterranean island of Corsica, a province of France since the 18th century, to find out why violence erupted on the streets earlier this year.
– @BenChapmanITV is in Italy.
“the government has finally given in to years of EU pressure and agreed that, from 2024, these traditional beach concessions will have to be put out to public tender and awarded to the highest bidder.”
Basically no one there goes to the beach for free
They all go to beach clubs and pay to hire a space and deck chair etc,
BBC lcal news
Item #3 Afghan refugees at a Grantham school
student “I help them I’m not from England either”
Afghan children “I will become a pilot” “a doctor”
End of fluff piece
and then into another item about a 14 yo Afghan girl in Lincoln
She appears all in black and with a black headscarf
.. she’ complaining about Yaliban not allowing education of girls
item #5 East Yorkshire will have 50 giant plastic puffin erected
.. Couldn’t they end up as pollution
Reporter “Some will highlight Global Warming and Climate Change”
I was going to comment about Michael Vaughan but I see Mustapha beat me to it. I was surprised to see Vaughan on the NZ test commentary team but, obviously, he’s now gone in double quick time. I remember years ago the John Terry-Anton Ferdinand incident and thinking and saying it was the beginning of the end for football. It seems that cricket will suffer the same fate. Four ex-Yorkshire chairmen have spoken out about this whole thing – to a predictable media silence. The same media that wrings it’s hands in horror at the McCarthy witch hunts of the fifties. Well, if the cap fits, wear it!
#2 The second offender is described as a mixed race man, aged in his twenties, shorter than 6ft tall, of slim build, with short, dark hair in tight curls, and wearing jeans and a black t-shirt.
#3 #4 The third and fourth offenders are described as mixed race men in their twenties with short, dark, curly hair.
Here it is on the BBC site : buried in ‘regions’ of course.
A very matter-of-fact basic report considering this woman was just gang-raped by 4 men.
But the odd thing is how it is exactly the same story but each sentence has been reworded slightly.
Of course they should have said ‘four mixed-race men in their twenties’ at the start of the article but another odd thing is how they specificy them individually as ‘mixed race’ – and not until the end of the article. When I read ‘The first offender is described as a mixed race man …’ I subconsciously assumed that the other 3 would NOT be mixed race.
All a bit strange to me – and when I read anything like that these days, there is always a reason.
So there are two recent cases
– London Asian woman killed in the early hours of Sunday morning. apparently by a WHITE MAN whilst she was walking in the middle of the night .. possible attempted rape
– Reading woman raped by 4 non-white men at 10pm, but lived
Media think the first one is super important, but not the second one
ITV news have had the first one near the top of NATIONAL news for some days now
New images of damage to the Hagia Sophia has caused outrage and anger, this time due to a cleaning machine being used inside the cathedral-turned-mosque breaking the marble floor.
With the headline: “Marbles were broken in Hagia Sophia”, Cumhuriyet talks about: “Endless martyrdom of Hagia Sophia” due to the new damage.
“The destruction continues in Hagia Sophia, which has been turned from a museum into a mosque. The historic marbles were broken in many places by the heavy machine used to clean the marbles,” the newspaper notes.
Ahhh – look. The BBC have found another use for their throng of completely useless ‘quota’ staff : drawing little pictures:
The bit in this article which stood out was:
‘They recounted how Maxwell had talked them into giving Epstein massages which turned sexual, luring them with gifts and promises about how Epstein could use his money and connections to help them.’
Well, that tells me something completely different to what I suspect you think it tells me BBC.
I see all the ‘War Crime’ outrage and claims Putin deliberately bombed the busy shopping mall have evaporated overnight.
Here the BBC ‘quota’ employees are doing their usual job of claiming to be ‘Fact Checking’ but then churning out a barrage of incoherent waffle.
Cut through all the lies and BS and it’s pretty clear what happened. A missile missed the industrial site on the railway by about 100m. The type was apparently an old X-22 cruise missile which is not accurate beyond a few hundred meters.
So it wasn’t intentional. If Boris, Zelensky and all the others want me to trust what they tell me, they need to stop telling me the most blatant of lies. Or am I expected to go along with them and pretend I really do believe them ?.
I’m wondering how this war is going to end. I see no sign of anyone trying to stop it. In fact it’s the opposite : People like Boris are fanning the flames. Meanwhile the forgotten, incredibly brave Ukranian soldiers fighting the war the BBC don’t tell us about are facing collapse in the East.
I suspect they are all just waiting for Russia to take over the whole of the Donbas region then hoping their losses and sanctions will convince them to stop. Meanwhile it’s an excellent opportunity for the big defence companies to restore their budgets.
Blimey, look how many of them! Too many cooks? What’s the difference between ‘Monitoring’ and ‘Fact Checking’? One finds what suits and the other sees if they can still twist it?
Springster still away not using her Russian expertise to assess US politics, COVID and feet?
If the Russians are using missiles they know are not accurate within 100 yards of a shopping centre, then they are guilty of a war crime by reason of their recklessness and indifference to human life. Do not try to make excuses for them.
It’s a war crime a) if it’s intentional or b) The EXPECTED civilian deaths are excessive – eg bomb a crowd of people to get one man.
Russia were guilty of the second one many times in their fight against ISIS. But nobody cared about that. They did a job we couldn’t because our rules of engagement were so constrictive.
This is war. They are not playing cricket. Ukraine are doing it too. If you think I am just making excuses for Russia by pointing out where we are being lied to – particularly by Zelensky – I suggest you stick to the BBC for your news. I want to know the truth.
Hi John and others who would like to see a more balanced
approach to the reporting of Russia’s “Special Opearion”
in The Ukraine as we once called the ex puppet state of
Soviet Russia.
Where can I find a pro Putin website to get more of
a balanced view?
But the BBC reports that one of their stable of coloured sports stars – Williams – has ‘crashed out ‘ of the competition in the first round .
I suppose they’ll find someone else of the correct colour to worship – BBC racism …..
Meanwhile I understand that a white ex cricket bloke has ‘stood down ‘ from his BBC job wittering on about boring old cricket because he called a paki a paki …
Today watch
Robinson is up north – his ‘paper review ‘ mentions in passing ‘sex offences in Oldham ‘ and a big meeting in Manchester about it yesterday – and that was it – now back to a story about a lady who died from cancer ( don’t mention those left untreated by the world beating NHS are they were dumped ‘because of covid ‘- )pay rise anyone ?
Meanwhile mark Steyn continues a one man campaign over vaccine injuries – he reports that 4 people have now been paid the £120k from the taxpayer for vaccine injury .
… does the msm mention this ?
Then it is the paki Muslim Paedo race sex offence rape gangs …. Which he continues to report ….
He reported that a paki gang leader who was due to be deported back to Pakistan after a short prison sentence tricked the system by renouncing his Pakistan passport and fell Back on his UK one to stay here ,.vermin .
Meanwhile – as I write – Peter Fahy – the retired chief constable of Manchester – who was in charge and looked the other way as these mass crimes is still the ‘go to ‘ lefty plod mouth the BBC goes to over the shambolic met plod ….
What a gay day – that was the catchphrase of popular TV entertainer Larry Grayson
Fast forward through the decades to a morning when the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper’s arts feature celebrates: Fearsome and fabulous. Why gay villains are pop culture’s unsung heroes – and it’s a day when our Boris bends over – far further than he ever did at Eton College – to oblige the feminist lefty media crowd: Ukraine war: Johnson says if Putin were a woman he would not have invaded (BBC) – well I guess Britain has to have a modern military strategy – and if it’s not to consist of actual men and expensive actual weaponry: Johnson to set funding above 2pc Nato threshold but resists Wallace’s call for increase in military budget (Telegraph) – then instead we can always bad-mouth Putin and slap the Ruskies in the face with our handbags – or a wet lettuce – metaphorically speaking: The UK prime minister said the “crazy, macho” invasion was a “perfect example of toxic masculinity” and he called for “more women in positions of power” (BBC)
Our defence forces are a bit of a joke these days – but who would have guessed they had become a charity case: Financial records from the Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund appear at first glance to show a grant to an unexpected recipient – the GCHQ security agency. Alongside grants for causes such as the Red Squirrel Survival Trust and Exeter Cathedral is £100,000 for “GCHQ”. (BBC) – the Red Squirrel Survival Trust sounds like some code for a crack top secret special ops squad to me.
More women in positions of power…? Presumably bringing a conciliatory calming peaceful gentler uniting influence – like this one: Sturgeon’s new bid to split from UK (‘i’); or perhaps like this paragon of virtuous non-toxic feminity: Maxwell gets 20 years in jail for ‘heinous’ crimes (Daily Express); remind me who was chief of the Metropolitan Police this past half decade – was it some toxic Jack Regan of The Sweeney-worshipping over-large footed burly bloke of a copper: Watchdog puts Met in special measures. Scotland Yard criticised for for scandals and failures (Times) – nope, it was Dame Cressida Dick
Mr Johnson’s comments come ahead of a Nato meeting where allies will discuss how to respond to future threats (BBC)
Can’t you just imagine BoJo’s supposed hero Winston in the cabinet war room in 1940: “Dunkirk was our darkest hour… Why? Because there were men in charge. France collapsed like a house of cards because their military were behaving in far too masculine a manner. Despite all that kissing one another. Still too butch. I want Dame Vera Lynn promoted to Air Chief Marshal for the Battle of Britain. Tell RAF Fighter Command to put a strict ban on our pilots smoking pipes and drinking pints in pubs. Those moustaches have to go. Gillet knew what they were talking about when it comes to toxic masculinity. Oh, and rename the Spitfire the Florence Nightingale – that’ll scare off the Luftwaffe when they see a Florence on their tail”
Ester Walker in the ‘i’ Opinion feature ponders: Does anyone ever tell men to embrace their curves? Well, Boris, having come out as an absolute fat head today, is also already well known as physically somewhat on the lardy side of svelte.
All joking – and my Churchill skit – aside, this is what blithering blow hard Boris has really said: “If Putin was a woman, which he obviously isn’t, but if he were, I really don’t think he would’ve embarked on a crazy, macho war of invasion and violence in the way that he has. If you want a perfect example of toxic masculinity, it’s what he’s doing in Ukraine.” (as quoted by the BBC – not that such PC waffle will ever make them love you, Boris)
We do find some grain of substance here – a clear official declaration – presumably care of our top spy chiefs – that Putin is “obviously” not a woman. Someone please tell our over-excitable press: Vladimir Putin may already be dead with body double taking his place (Mirror May 2022)
Putin obviously not a woman – sounds like a clear gauntlet thrown down in challenge to the Labour Party there! Well, Sir Keir, might Vlad, contrary to the bold statement made by the Tory leader still indeed be a woman… if he happens to identify as one one today?
So we can take it Putin isn’t the poison-spiked sensible shoe-wearing lesbian Bond villain Rosa Klebb in disguise afterall. I’m slightly disappointed.
Speaking of Bond villains who tend to dream of controlling the entire world and everyone in it from behind the flashing lights, whirring tape reels and flickering TV screens of their electronic console buried deep within their secret control centre: Electric vehicles could pay tax by the mile. Electric cars face being fitted with tracking devices under proposals for a pay-per-mile road taxation system put forward by the Government’s own climate advisors (Telegraph)
Nudge, nudge… all done for the very bestest of reasons…
UK policies on net zero failing, say advisors (Guardian)
Track and trace…
NHS App to get new digital features by 2023… It is part of the government’s plan for a digital revolution to speed up care and improve access while saving the health service time and money… The government’s ambition is for at least 75% of adults to be using it by March 2024. (Naturally the BBC can see absolutley no downside to this NHS App which was so recently used not as a helpful key for patients to use NHS services but to restrict their movements as a health passport)
How about a Police App that gives us personalised access to our records and to police services – or one designed by the tax man for HMRC services – fancy downloading that on your mobile phone?
The Guardian alerts us to: The puppet masters… – unfortunately this is the supposed guardian of liberties and freedom referencing a Japanes children’s cartoon character: Monster makers. The puppet masters bringing Totoro to life (Totoro is a fantasy creature that is so specific to Japanese culture that it boggles the minds of westerners. Totoro is a giant rabbit-like creature who is a spirit)
Asiseeit – the today programme 8.10 am interview didn’t go with the met police failing ( because no senior plod would turn up ) so they went with the Defence Secretary looking for money to spend on other peoples ‘ wars .
Apparently putin is hitler – Dombas is 1939 Poland – and nut nut is …. Chamberlain … or Churchill ?
Yesterday the new head of the army said 2022 is 1937 ….
Does putin have aspiration to take over the cess pool of Western Europe ? – or is it more like taking back countries which went their own way when the USSR fell apart ?
Either way – a coming European war will be hard to imagine ….
Putin must be doing everything he can to keep Obama Biden in charge because he knows they’d leave us to it again – (see 1939-1941 )
I’ve noticed how the USA seem to be keeping quiet about Ukraine now – and I’m sure the BBC would report every word Biden said on the subject.
Maybe you are correct : if it kicks off, the USA may well say ‘Good luck fellas’ then slam their door shut and Putin has calculated that. And would EU countruies like Germany and France be prepared to go to war with Russia ?. I seriously doubt it.
That would leave Boris stood up front waving his fists like a brave dog through a car window while everyone else has slowly crept away.
JohnC, “If it kicks off”, well, the politicians in the West seem to be busy talking themselves into it with the exception of China Joe (see Fed’s post.). I guess China Joe a.k.a. Beijing Biden is puzzling out, with the help of his minderscarers staff, what excuse to come up with for the USA’s non-intervention when the Chinese make a grab for Taiwan.
The UK prime minister said the “crazy, macho” invasion was a “perfect example of toxic masculinity” and he called for “more women in positions of power”.
Just look at that sentence the BBC edited together from different parts of what Boris said to make him say something he didn’t. The earlier comments about Putin were nothing to do with putting ‘more women in power’. He was talking about something completely different (gender equality and education) when he said that.
Absolutely classic, complete BBC lie. Even surpasses the editing they did to try and make it look like Trump recommended injecting disinfectant. I wouldn’t be surprised if they edit that bit later so it doesn’t go in the archive.
I have to say though that I think this is the end of the road for Boris and me. He’s reached tipping point and now I think he should go before he takes us into WW3. I wouldn’t mind if he came across as a strong leader but he doesn’t : he comes across as a weak leader pretending to be strong by saying what his advisers tell him will make him popular.
I’ve said from the very start that I think the Russians intend to take Ukraine along the dnieper river to use as a buffer zone against NATO and I still think that. This was the original story when it started, but the narrative we hear now has completely changed.
On the BBC report I linked to above, Boris actually seems to be preparing us for war. He seems to be trying to mimic Churchill and is failing completely because Churchill could think for himself (as his war memoirs show).
I think China is biding its time until NATO has committed to shoring up the frontier with Russia and committed a huge percentage of its military and cash reserves to carrying this out. And all this merely to virtue signal.
Once the Chinese are satisfied that NATO has it’s hands full they will mount an expansionist push in the Pacific Area in which Taiwan will evaporate and many pacific islands will become Chinese fortresses.
There will follow a free-flow of technical ability, arms and equipment between Russia and China which the West will be totally unable to counter.
The Chinese now know that if a few vagabonds in Datsun 4×4’s can boot the USA out of Afghanistan then the “new” USA is a walkover for China everywhere else.
It is a golden opportunity for global expansion that the Chinese will make the most of, knowing they will have the full support of Russia who have no skin in the pacific theatre of operations…
If I were an Australian or a Kiwi, I would be getting a bit nervous right now.
As Churchill and Napoleon Bonaparte both predicted
Reading the original article, whether they were Boris’ words or BBC editing, I had 3 immediate thoughts:
1. Would Zelensky have mounted a robust defence of Ukraine if he had been a woman, or would it have been immediate capitulation?
2. Under President Trump, the USA stepped back from foreign interventionist wars. If Hilary Clinton – a rabid warmonger- had become president in 2016, how bad would things have been?
3. What gender was Russia’s ruler when it conquered Crimea and the southern part of Ukraine in the first place? Female – it was Catherine the Great.
So no, we don’t need more female rulers as such: we need politicians chosen solely on the basis of competence and ability. Many of our problems stem from such mediocrities as Johnson, Macron, Turdeau and the ghastly New Zealand woman, having risen (been pushed) to the top.
The reporting on this war is all very strange. Some time back a hospital was bombed, with patients reported to being carried out, but the video shot just showed one old lady being helped across the rubble !
If that was another capital city all hell would be let loose with the worlds media vying for the best shots !
Only tangentially BBC – I gave up on Radio 4 years ago after 30 years of dedicated listening – but their liberal bias caused me to turn to Classic FM for my background listening. Not too bad and with the advantage of little or no political comment, but the adverts! The one that really, really gets my goat is the Einstein one for smart meters. “Smart people, like me, know that smart meters will save you money and the planet. You will be able to monitor the running costs of your appliances”.
No! Smart people know that the ONLY reason millions of pounds are being spent is so that variable pricing can be introduced. You will be charged more for using electricity at peak times which includes tea-time! The whole purpose is to try and balance load throughout the day with the aim of reducing the number of power stations required and don’t think for a moment that any savings will be passed on to you.
It’s all a part of the “nudging” going on throughout our lives. You may have noticed that most white goods, washing machines, dishwashers and tumble dryers for example, have had a “delayed start” facility for many years. So when variable pricing kicks in – and that will be when most homes are fitted with smart meters- we will be “encouraged” to put the machines on in the small hours.
This is not a bad thing, but install a smart meter to see how a long shower costs money? Just be honest with the people please.
Got blocked on social media sharing my experience as a small landlord with smart meters.
Tenant put one in. A world of pain that I ended up paying for.
Luckily our house is too spread out between meters to get one.
Also had a stand up row with a council citizen’s climate assembly advocate who did not have one, who knew better.
Her desired suggestions were not included.
Surprising, as a bunch of other stuff never covered has been, by our Green idiot council using a rigged ‘new form of democracy’ like the BBC using a Labour activist staff nurse to speak for the nation on QT. Or Dr. Rosena on Wandsworth council taxes. Or Nicky Campbell on Jim, Rolf and Stu.
Pop eye – having experienced the variable tariff system I can say – if you are tight like me – you do change your behaviour . The lowest tarif being at the weekend – a lot of ‘stuff ‘ gets done then – but for people unable to arrange their affairs expect a 20% price hike if ignoring the tarif times ….
… I got lucky by locking into a low cost energy supply for a couple of years but part of the deal was to have a smart meter . Fortunately it seems there is a shortage of chips so the installation program is slowing down … but give it 10 years …….
8am local radio news
#1 “A BBC investigation has found that the number of holiday homes in part of our area has increased by 30% in the last year …blah blah
…there are now 732 holiday homes in East Yorkshire”
Hang on is that a lot ? It sounds pretty small to me.
That area includes Bridlington and Hornsea etc.
The BBC should say what percentage of homes in those towns otherwise we don’t know the context.
The news made no reference to a new government investigation into second homes
but the programme did
(9am it was modified to include a quick mention
and also a clip of a local person listing negatives of second homes)
Robinson having a chat with st Andrew burnham – the Labour Leader in waiting – or is it to be someone ….diverse … khan ?
Anyway – young Andy waxed lyrical about this and that without challenge – Robinson clearly approves of him so he got the easiest of times ….
No questions about paki rape gangs of course …
Fed, one of the girls will want a go, after all the Conservative Party has had two female Prime Ministers and the oh-so progressive (actually regressive) Labour Party has had none. I’m guessing but I think Ange will have to fight off a challenge from Big Jessie.
Up2 – I’d put my money on the girl shadow chancellor who always says she worked at the bank of engerland ( as though that’s a good thing ) – a bit sqwacky but a northern lass – bit colourless though ….
Why does burnham remind me of troodo?
Yes, Fed, I completely forgot about ‘Foghorn’. Thanks for the reminder. It could be quite a scrap. Add the boyos into the mix, Burnham and Mayor Kahane, and it could be a real battle. My money is still on a wimmin to lead a New Old Old New Old Labour Party.
TOADY Watch #1 – when is a Cabinet dispute over defence spending not a Cabinet dispute over defence spending?
Answer: when it is a BBC attack on a Conservative Government led by Boris Johnson as Prime Minister. At 6 a.m. I’m told by the BBC that Ben Wallace, SoS for Defence wants an increase in defence spending but that the PM slapped him down in a Cabinet meeting and said “No.”. At 8.10 a.m. I’m told by Ben Wallace that the PM has agreed an increase in defence spending but wishes to announce it himself in a speech at the G7 Leaders Summit.
There is a big clue, BBC why your listeners know that you hate a Conservative Government, hate Boris Johnson and also know that you spread FakeNews and FalseFacts. There could not have been a Cabinet meeting this week because the PM is away at the G7 Leaders Summit. “Duhurrr” as da yoof would say.
I see that M Vaughn has stepped down from cricket commentating on the BBC for a second time in 12 months. This came after some groups within the BBC objected to him being on the payroll owing to his alleged racist comments to Rafiq , the so called Yorkshire CCC whistle blower , thirteen years ago, which are still under investigation and involve Vaughn and several other YCCC employees.
Of course Rafiq has not been subject to investigation and the strength of his allegations has not been tested. He is known to have sent antisemitic tweets but a simple apology from him has been deemed to be sufficient and the case against him closed.
So we have a very clear example of the double standards which exist in the UK and in the BBC.
A Muslim makes allegations of stuff which happened 13 years ago and which are not properly tested but several employees of YCCC are deemed to be guilty and lose their jobs as a result. The Muslim receives a large payment from YCCC in compensation.
The same Muslim makes proven antisemitic comments , apologises and that is the end of the matter.
I thought Vaughn was daft to go back to work for the BBC after his first suspension . He immediately got a job on Talk Sport and retained his newspaper column. But then he grovelled in front of the alter of woke and was given his job BBC back. Surely now he should tell the BBC to stuff it . Not to do so would be weak beyond belief.
It was announced in February 2009 that Middlesex changed their limited overs name from the Middlesex Crusaders, to the Middlesex Panthers, following complaints made by Muslim and Jewish communities.
pug, ‘some people’ (surprisingly the Daily Telegraph among them) are claiming that Nicola Sturgeon has wrong-footed HMG by going to the Supreme Court to ask for a IndyRef2 OK. If the HMG can find a good lawyer who is not on strike, they might get Sturgeon’s case thrown out on the basis that the Supreme Court’s own judgement in Re Miller and others (2016) sets a legal precedent. Whatever the Supreme Court decides, it might provide HMG with a good reason to do away with our Supreme Court and return to the old system on the basis that it is a waste of time and money. Money that could be better spent giving Legal Aid Defence Barristers a bit more pay. 😉
That’s because there is virtually no desire to move to Wales by foreigners, certainly not those arriving legally by rubber boats. I say, “legally” because now, that’s what it is with the blessing of our current Blue Labour Government. And that’s why I moved to Wales some years ago and now Simon Webb is doing likewise. I see myself as a refugee from England, partially avoiding the Ethnic Cleansing all too obvious in England.
“… and mould the whole of Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the easy historical comparison (ignore history and you will repeat it) … because Angela Merkel is a figure of our here and now and it’s vital to understand her better because she (Merkel) matters more to our future (UK) than, what, 95% of British Politicians.” – BBC’s Andrew Marr 2013
“The Making of Merkel with Andrew Marr BBC documentary 2013 about Angel Merkel imp politician” {youtube}
Nicola Sturgeon’s proposed referendum is a desperate and cynical political move. She knows Boris will not consent to it and that the Supreme Court cannot possibly rule that she can hold a vote without the UK government’s approval.
She is doing it specifically in order to get it rejected by “Westminster” and the evil Tories. Then the denial of a referendum can be presented as an act of oppression by the English. This will pique the persecution complex of the Scots and trigger their latent resentment. Sturgeon hopes the resulting outbreak of anglophobia will transfer itself into a huge increase in votes for the SNP.
Because although the SNP is the biggest party at Holyrood, it did not win the votes of a majority of the Scottish electorate at the last election. Frustratingly for them, they can’t quite get over the 50% mark for either votes for their party or support for independence. They need something big to feed the Scottish appetite for grievance.
The SNP don’t actually want or expect a referendum now. They want and expect this proposal to be rejected so that it increases support for their party. Then the real proposal for a referendum can be made in a few years’ time when support for the SNP has soared and the case for a referendum will be unanswerable – and the result very likely to be a huge YES.
If I were Boris, I would wrongfoot Sturgeon by consenting to her proposed referendum. At this moment in time, Scots will vote NO. A second defeat would kill this independence fantasy.
Why in God’s name won’t that useless, scruffy tw@ simply allow the English to vote as well? A guaranteed win for independence and they can f*** off with my blessing, but no more English money.
You make an excellent point TR. The Tories must not give into this demand. Sturgeon has had her chance and blew it. Anybody with two braincells to rub together knows that if theSNP lose the second one they’d start demanding another within two years.
Of course I am not sure that my advice to Boris would work. It could well backfire. Bold political moves come easily to the great armchair politician that I am.
Sturgeon’s argument that the Brexit vote was a huge event that changed everything is not in my view a good argument but it does have a little merit given that Scots voted to remain in the EU. If Brexit hadn’t happened, there wouldn’t be much call for a second indyref. The 2014 referendum really would have been seen as a once-in-a-generation vote. But Brexit did happen and I believe the only way to crush Sturgeon and her independence dream is to have that second indyref – and to have it sooner rather than later.
Attitudes like moggie63’s, though perfectly understandable from an English perspective, just fill me with dismay. I stand for all things British and traditional and part of that tradition is the union. I agree with most of the views that are expressed on this site about the BBC’s subversion of our traditions and way of life. So I’m sad that Sturgeon is managing to drive a wedge between Scottish unionists and our friends and natural allies south of the border.
And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!
guide, support and monitor changes in countries wishing to join the European Union in line with EU values, laws and standards
join the European Union in line with EU values, laws and standards
join the European Union in line with EU values, laws and standards
join the European Union in line with EU values, laws and standards
And the day for today is ‘take pride in anything but your job’ day brought to you by the #prasnews team at Airbus and the ever receptive Rainbow team at BBC Gay Floors B1 to Top.
So, the one for this hour is the secret life of Rob (full name, plus Grindr account available)…
Rob said he was “scared” #bbcquotes and had two Facebook accounts to keep his sexuality secret.
I’ve seen a few comments (not on here) saying if Scotland got its independence the eu would not let it join or at least make it difficult.
My opinion is that the eu will jump at the chance of getting Scotland to join as they will find loads of ways to make things worse for the rest of the UK.
Just look at how they are exploiting NI.
They will use Scotland and the Scots people will lose out because all that would matter to the eu is how much damage they could do to us.
Agreed Emmanuel and I think Sturgeon and her bitter crown of henchmen have probably already struck a secret deal with the Third Reich to prop it up financially while they set about blitzing England. The more rubbish the EU can dollop on England the better for the grand EU global master plan as far as I can see.
Boris needs to get one step ahead and simply get us out totally, unilaterally and completely, a clean break, no kangaroo European Courts, No EU directives. If they stop buying our meat and fish etc. we stop buying their cars and consumer goods etc. or put 50% import tax with 3 months quarantine for all inbound goods from the EU. plus a shitload of paperwork for them, hit them with their own medicine in fact, very simple!
As for the traitors in Scotland, I think we could manage without whisky etc. as long as they can manage to find jobs for all the soon to-be-unemployed defence and government contractors.
Boris should announce a new massive global shipbuilding yard on the Tyne or Mersey and make it the biggest in the World. He should also throw money into state of the art aircraft development, especially military to sell to the World.
Problem is it would take real balls to carry it through and I think that is what is lacking. Bluster is not balls!
Don’t fall into her trap of thinking all Scots think like that. She has under 33% of the vote. The other 67% vehemently detest her as much as the rest of the UK.
Emmanuel, the biggest bar to Scotland’s re-joining the EU would be that they would have to give up their newly won independence. In addition, they would have to give up the £ sterling. Then there would be the same or similar border problem as in N.Ireland. On top of all that, as currently configured, Scotland might not meet the EU’s human rights standards although as JohnC has observed, these appear to be flexible. I think I heard that Turkey has given in to Sweden and Norway joining NATO. I wonder if there was a ‘sweetener’ applied by the EU: ‘you agree and we will overlook your (Turkey’s) human rights record.’
Correction just in case maxi is watching (mind you he’s never here at the right time to help out): Sweden & Finland have applied to join NATO, not Norway. It is a big thing for Finland to join NATO. Finland and Russia have ‘history’.
Well worth a watch, another educational video by the Maverick of Wall Street on the inflation issue in the USA and how it affects the entire world.
Also how absolutely clueless on economics those in charge really are, dangerous incompetent and would drive the US economy over the edge of a cliff if they weren’t constrained – maybe by a straight jacket in some cases.
Thank you for such a depressing video . I agree whole heartedly with the commentary – but the idea that 10% unemployment to remedy run away inflation is a nightmare .
So many similiarities between UK and US . Closing oil supply – too late raising interest rates – dumb politicians grandstanding instead of understanding the problem and trying to deal with it .
I would have liked a bit on what the individual can do to minimise the effect of what is coming . I suppose it’s easier in the US – you buy more and better guns .
On his other video he talks about the whole stock market and investments in general, and gold is looking a good investments especially as the G7 (which refers to the collective number of braincells between them) have just banned Russia from exporting.
As Russian is one of the worlds largest producers it’s likely to affect the price, but it’s always a safe haven in times of economic woe.
Of course it’s just another crazy ideas who are completly clueless about everything and are going to lose against a much more clever Russia and China. Russia and China are going to be left with huge Gold reserves and if there is a change away from the Dollar to gold as appears more than possible, yet again they will have shot us all in the feet.
Last Sunday, to their eternal shame, the police acted as goons for the muslim thugs who infest Speakers Corner and threaten free speech.
After Christian preacher Hatun Tash was attacked by the muslims, her camera damaged, and her ‘holey Koran’ snatched away and stolen, the police arrested… HER !
In the interview below, more details are revealed about her shameful treatment at the hands of the police.
Namely: she was roughly manhandled by the cops through the muslim throng who jeered, spat, threw stones and even hit her; she was STRIP-SEARCHED at the police station (for what – concealed Bibles?); she was held for 15 hours; during that time her glasses were taken away so she couldn’t even read her Bible.
It sounds like the police – or people higher up – are deliberately humiliating her, threatening her, and failing to protect her, so she’ll just go away.
David Wood is rightly outraged and scornful of our police.
It’s a long interview, and Hatun is not always very clear. (I suspect this latest in a series of attacks by muslims and abuse by the police has left her shaken.) But it deserves to be aired, and the outrage exposed.
GB News as the BBC’s sister organization maligns Trump.
'This does undermine Trump but does not stop him from continuing to pursue that run for president in 2024'
Professor of International Politics Scott Lucas discusses the US House of Representatives hearings into the deadly January 6th Capitol riots.
So when they say ‘deadly’, they mean deadly for the protestors because on eunarmed woman was shot dead by a black police officer with a dubious record.
These kind of headlines are simply outrageously misleading – GB News – like Boris – should work out who their target audience should be.
Why not use the popular media phrase “largely peaceful protests” ?
ONE police officer used unnecessarily DEADLY force against a female protester
No Trump supporters used deadly force
Only a tiny part of a crowd pushed against police.
The Trump crowd can be divided into groups
#1 The largest part of the crowd that stayed out of the capitol
#2 The super peaceful ones like surprisingly Alex Jones and many others who actively tried to stop people moving INTO the Capitol building.
Shouting things like “Stay back it’s a trap”
#3 Sheep who followed people through unprotected doorways
#4 The forceful THUG minority who did push against police into the building,
did use a pole to smash windows etc.
Some of group #4 may have been Antifa and agent provocateurs
The latest witness was so blatantly provably lying that it became a joke.
She claimed that Trump in the Presidential limo had attempted to grab the wheel off the driver to turn the car around and return to the capitol.
It would have been quite a feat because there is a bulletproof glass partition between the passenger compartment and the driver, and unless Trump was the first President in history to ride in the front with the driver it’s a provable lie and an impossibility.
BBC making out Trump tried to grab a steering wheel
A reply “I find it hard to believe that a person travelling in the back of a presidential limo could get anywhere near the steering wheel”
I think even the most ardent Trump hater would recall that ‘the beast ‘ is really big and that the driver is sectioned off from the boss – I am sure that CNN and the rest have proven this in their news broadcasts – or maybe not …
Who would have thought America still has political show ‘trials ‘?
Breaking : Zara Aleena case
Jordan McSweeney 29 of no fixed abode, has been charged with the murder and attempted rape
in Ilford, east London and is remanded into custody.
OK that was already mentioned a few hours ago, we don’t actually know his ethnicity, no one has published a photo,
but I wanted to say about the timing
Of course the fault is always that of the perp
but if you go alone walking London streets at 2am, then that is a bigger risk than walking around at 10pm in a normal English town when it’s still light.
The man was captured at 2:05 by shop CCTV. Five minutes later, Zara passed by.
other cameras on the street filmed Zara confronting a man near a bus stop on Cranbrook Road at 2:13 am.
she is talking to a man before quickly leaving. The man lights a cigarette and follows her at a distance of about 10 feet.
She was killed at 2:20 am, less than ten minutes after she ran into the man in the footage.
A few years back I remember a BBC web article that had a woman mugged in a supermarket carpark “shamed” as the perpetrator of her own misfortune for being daft enough to go to the supermarket with money…
The US congressional inquiry into last year’s Capitol riot, in Washington, has been missing a piece of the puzzle. What was the situation in the White House in the hours before and during the attack on 6 January? An answer has been offered by Cassidy Hutchinson, a former top aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who has been giving her testimony. She has painted a devastating picture. This includes an allegation that Donald Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the car he was travelling in and wrestled with a Secret Service officer in an attempt to divert his motorcade to the Capitol, where his supporters were gathering. A secret service source said the agent and driver travelling in the car were willing to testify it didn’t happen, Trump denies the allegation, and during Ms Hutchinson’s testimony he took to his social media platform and began trying to undercut her claims.
As Rolf might say, ‘Can you see what it is yet?’
That is pure, evil, corrupt, propaganda in lieu of news.
The BBC should be shut down as a state broadcaster by tonight.
I went to the link for one reason : to see how long it took for the soulful piano music to start which these empathy laden ‘victim’ videos produced by useless ‘quota’ staff always have.
Fedup2Mar 10, 08:46 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Asiseeit It’s good of you to point out how previous threads ‘disappear ‘ as the new one goes up .…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 08:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I am not so sure that the Conservatives will win. Thanks to Trump and 51 st state joke the Canadians…
GMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ” Try to think of it in reverse. Would Canada appoint a Briton to be their central bank governor?” More…
FlotsamMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It’s strange really how Carney, a supposedly technocrat economist/banker, has found politics. You would have thought central bankers would be…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious.
Ey up, first again!
Aye, lad, ‘appen.
Not even Wimbledon is now safe from BBC virtue-signalling wokeland.
Watching the tennis and now the BBC are using the changeovers for agendas and narratives.
Serena Williams, black, female, and unquestionably one of the all time greats, is playing at the age of 40. No more need be said.
And yet….in the changeover we now have to hear, from lesbian Claire Balding, what a great Summer of sport it is…..for women.
Appalling or what.
Question: which of the following do you most associate with lawn tennis? (a) Virginia Wade, (b) Roe v Wade or (c) General Wade?
If you answered (a) then you might like to look at the BBC sports website, where you can find a video interview and this intro’:
“World number 12 Coco Gauff says she “feels like we’re going backwards” after the US Supreme Court took the decision to overturn Roe v Wade – meaning abortion is no longer a constitutional right in America.”
Imagine for a moment a BBC interview in which a hypothetical Right-leaning White male Essex cricketer were asked in passing what he thought about, say, the recent French elections?
Hard, isn’t it?
“Imagine for a moment a BBC interview in which a hypothetical Right-leaning White male Essex cricketer were asked in passing what he thought about, say, the recent French elections?”
Brilliant comment – 10/10!
Meanwhile BBC North America editorialises at last about the USA. Allegedly.
They know what is ‘news’.
Lucky there is cross examination eh?
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
The “ex White House aide” says she heard something from someone who heard it from someone else!
These two men deny they ever said what she claims they did, and are prepared to swear to it on oath. But you don’t hear that on the MSM do you? They are all liars and all as bad as each other. With enemies like this, Trump was obviously doing something right.
Sluff-You must cut the BBC some slack. During the change
over they cant show diverse inclusive commercial adverts as
Sky, ITV and BT can.
It must be very hard for BIG BROTHER . Be it he, she or it
to have to see almost exclusively whitie in whites hitting
white balls across a net in front of nearly 100% of fellow
We cant see Serena Williams playing all the time. So a few
diverse inclusive previews of BBC programmes during
the change overs is a small price to pay. Who knows we
may be lucky enough to see a preview of the new Dr Who.
. As Novak Djokovic is having a toilet break!!
Wait till the women’s euros start. And god help us if we win.
Only 25plus years after the event, the BBC are paying damages to the producer who alerted them to the dodgy dealings of Martin Bashir over the ‘Princess of Hearts’ interview. Said producer was swiftly marched out the door.
That’s how long it takes for state corporations such as the BBC to admit they are in the wrong. No accountability of course. Those responsible are ‘no longer in their position’
Absolutely disgusting that licence fee payers have to pay for the failings of such immoral management.
Move along, nothing to see.
PS story buried in the entertainment and arts section, conveniently below the death of a cancer campaigner. They have no shame.
Like all public services’ mistakes, we, the taxpayers have to cough up for their laziness, cheating and stupidity, Sluffy.
The compensation that they fork out for failed ‘chief executives’ is disgraceful – over £300,000 in Thanet for instance! The calibre of these leeches is just below the norm for a parking attendant in a dogging area.
Sluff and Scrobie, that’s probably why the £5 TellyLicence is now an inflation busting £159 TellyTax. I’m so glad I don’t watch TV. 🙂 Cancel your TV Licences and stop watching. You know it makes budgetary sense.
I read GP’s are threatening industrial action if they don’t get a 40% wage rise. The same GP’s who have deserted their practices for months if not years and caused many people to lose their lives or become much sicker than they should through a determined avoidance of face to face consultations. What utter greedy and selfish slugs they are. Welcome to the all new NHS. (Negative Health Service). I guess we are seeing the first wave of the new me, me, generation entering medicine. No doubt a large percentage of these GP’s (Greedy People) have meanwhile been keeping their incomes topped up from private practice.
I can’t express my disgust strongly enough.
If any GP reads this and disagrees I’m willing to be educated but I won’t hold my breath!
They are not doctors. They are drug pushers of the worse kind. They’ve killed hundreds of thousands alone in this country through using these drugs. It is scandalous.
And they still pay their fabulous nursing staff a pittance, making them do most of the work and face long hours.
Oh bugger, I’m really on a roll this morning, and still only half-awake…
More BREAKING BBC “sports” news to entertain and delight you:
“Former England captain Michael Vaughan is stepping back from his work at BBC amid the “ongoing dialogue” around the Yorkshire racism investigation.
Vaughan was charged by the English and Wales Cricket Board earlier this month along with a number of others.
On Monday a joint letter by two groups of BBC staff raised concerns about the 47 year-old’s continued involvement in the broadcaster’s cricket coverage.
Vaughan has always denied the allegation.”
Note that bit about “… a joint letter by two groups of BBC staff …”
Very sinister indeed. Michael Vaughan was doing expert summaries as recently as England’s win in the 3rd Test v NZ on Monday, after a period away from Test Match Special presumably because of the Yorkshire C.C.C. “racism” affair.
Mustapha- You have got to understand that not in
a million years are the BBC going to believe the
words of Michael Vaughn against an anti Semitic
Yorkshireman of Pakistani Muslim heritage.
Michael Vaughan had as much chance of being
believed by the BBC As the young girls being
groomed and raped by Azeem Rafiq’s “brothers” Probably so far as the BBC is
concerned. Rafiq’s anti-Semitism was the
clincher for them.
Meanwhile, a Staffer in American politics has spoken…
And the bbc has awoken.
Interestingly I was watching a series on Netflix about the rise of the Mob.
One of those doco-reality jobs.
Big budget. Fair acting. Rather hilarious casting when I checked the actual capo photos with those chosen.
Like getting David Tennant to play Ian Blackford.
What was interesting, in a ‘sources claim’ sense, was the Kennedy era. As odd ways to steer votes in unions is in vogue.
It’s someone’s job to JUDGE Michael Vaughan decide on guilt or innocence
and decide on measures/punishment
It is not the job emotional BBC staff to JUDGE him first and impose a punishment ..surely ?
Oh does he feel INTIMIDATED
that the action of SOME BBC staff activists could lead to harassment of his family ?
“Vaughan has not been named among those charged and categorically denies all allegations.”
The BBC subsequently acknowledged staff had “raised concerns” after an in-house diversity group reportedly criticised the former Yorkshire batter resuming commentary duties.
On Tuesday evening (28 June), Vaughan posted a statement on his Twitter account explaining why he felt it best to temporarily remove himself from the spotlight.
“In view of the ongoing dialogue on the subject, I have taken the decision to step back from my work with the BBC for the time being.
“The key driver for this is my concern for the wellbeing of my family members and my wish to protect their family life.
R4 9am and 9am Jim Al-Khalili’s guest was Martin Landray the guy who set up the RECOVERY Trial that tested Covid treatment in a double blind way
Al-Khalili sneered Trump said ‘Trump said that Hydroxy chloroquine was a miracle cure , you proved that one wrong didn’t you ?’
Al-Khalili had three bites of the cherry at saying that.
However I notice that Ivermectin was not mentioned at all
( In March I had Covid but it didn’t even last 3 nights I just ran it off)
Jim’s sold his soul for the limelight gig ??
I wonder if the BBC pays better than his uni?
I’d have expected him to at least do a couple of pieces on SMRs and Thorium MSR (Given his now memory holed informative Sellafield and Fukashima work – both were on YouTube but last time I looked they didn’t show up – the links were dead)
– haram topics at the BBC …
Trump tale of the day from the Jan 6th committee
I was prescribed hydroxy chloroquine for arthritis so I googled it’s effect on Covid – seems quite effective in vitro.
Head in the sand.
BBC report on initial census findings.
Population up 6% in the decade. Over 3 million.
In the Indian subcontinental enclave of Tower Hamlets, the population is up 22%.
Yet the BBC offer no analysis and no suggestions as to why these figures are what they are. They seem unable to think of anything. Maybe 300,000 immigrants a year may have contributed a Teniers weenie bit. Just a thought.
Do you remember the odes in ‘Up Pompeii’ . Where the ‘poet’ can never find a rhyme and Frankie Howard says ‘you’re the only one who can’t’?
10:45pm ITV Assignment
– John Ray travels to Kenya’s capital Nairobi to investigate how the country is coping with a growing economic crisis caused in part by the war in Ukraine and global inflation.
Surely it’s only evil Tories that cause such problems ?
– Daniel Hewitt visits the Mediterranean island of Corsica, a province of France since the 18th century, to find out why violence erupted on the streets earlier this year.
– @BenChapmanITV is in Italy.
“the government has finally given in to years of EU pressure and agreed that, from 2024, these traditional beach concessions will have to be put out to public tender and awarded to the highest bidder.”
Basically no one there goes to the beach for free
They all go to beach clubs and pay to hire a space and deck chair etc,
BBC lcal news
Item #3 Afghan refugees at a Grantham school
student “I help them I’m not from England either”
Afghan children “I will become a pilot” “a doctor”
End of fluff piece
and then into another item about a 14 yo Afghan girl in Lincoln
She appears all in black and with a black headscarf
.. she’ complaining about Yaliban not allowing education of girls
item #5 East Yorkshire will have 50 giant plastic puffin erected
.. Couldn’t they end up as pollution
Reporter “Some will highlight Global Warming and Climate Change”
Also Grantham
Odd how the mother got to see them full in the face but there is no description given.
I was going to comment about Michael Vaughan but I see Mustapha beat me to it. I was surprised to see Vaughan on the NZ test commentary team but, obviously, he’s now gone in double quick time. I remember years ago the John Terry-Anton Ferdinand incident and thinking and saying it was the beginning of the end for football. It seems that cricket will suffer the same fate. Four ex-Yorkshire chairmen have spoken out about this whole thing – to a predictable media silence. The same media that wrings it’s hands in horror at the McCarthy witch hunts of the fifties. Well, if the cap fits, wear it!
“Woman attacked and raped by four *men* Reading”
#1 The first offender is described as a mixed race man aged in his twenties, just over 6ft tall, of skinny build, wearing a grey tracksuit.
#2 The second offender is described as a mixed race man, aged in his twenties, shorter than 6ft tall, of slim build, with short, dark hair in tight curls, and wearing jeans and a black t-shirt.
#3 #4 The third and fourth offenders are described as mixed race men in their twenties with short, dark, curly hair.
Reading rape investigation after woman attacked by four men
Here it is on the BBC site : buried in ‘regions’ of course.
A very matter-of-fact basic report considering this woman was just gang-raped by 4 men.
But the odd thing is how it is exactly the same story but each sentence has been reworded slightly.
Of course they should have said ‘four mixed-race men in their twenties’ at the start of the article but another odd thing is how they specificy them individually as ‘mixed race’ – and not until the end of the article. When I read ‘The first offender is described as a mixed race man …’ I subconsciously assumed that the other 3 would NOT be mixed race.
All a bit strange to me – and when I read anything like that these days, there is always a reason.
Lots of news hidden under “regions”.
So there are two recent cases
– London Asian woman killed in the early hours of Sunday morning. apparently by a WHITE MAN whilst she was walking in the middle of the night .. possible attempted rape
– Reading woman raped by 4 non-white men at 10pm, but lived
Media think the first one is super important, but not the second one
ITV news have had the first one near the top of NATIONAL news for some days now
Perhaps they were just rather dark and had been bullied at school like Linecker.
For once an American who tells it like it is and sees Biden for the fool that he is
Luckily the BBC knows who knows best.
Here is Snipe Hunter Helo Girl, via Sopes’ fave source of US gossip.
No word from Clive Myrie. But she has lovely hair. Pelosian.
No detail ..some nutter had set fire to a cross that’ on a church door
but unusually the police are calling it a hate crime
Obviously know more than they are telling us.
But can’t be a Muslim : I’ve seen the odd extremist get accused of ‘hate speech’ but they are never accused of hate crimes.
Which is odd because they hate more than anyone. Just not in English – which apparently makes it OK.
Clearly a KKK effort in the garden of a nearby fourth story flat/mosque, whisked over the road.
Welby will soon be on to denounce.
Eight killed in suspected jihadist attack in Burkina Faso
New images of damage to the Hagia Sophia has caused outrage and anger, this time due to a cleaning machine being used inside the cathedral-turned-mosque breaking the marble floor.
With the headline: “Marbles were broken in Hagia Sophia”, Cumhuriyet talks about: “Endless martyrdom of Hagia Sophia” due to the new damage.
“The destruction continues in Hagia Sophia, which has been turned from a museum into a mosque. The historic marbles were broken in many places by the heavy machine used to clean the marbles,” the newspaper notes.
Ghislaine Maxwell sentenced to 20 years over sex trafficking
Ahhh – look. The BBC have found another use for their throng of completely useless ‘quota’ staff : drawing little pictures:
The bit in this article which stood out was:
‘They recounted how Maxwell had talked them into giving Epstein massages which turned sexual, luring them with gifts and promises about how Epstein could use his money and connections to help them.’
Well, that tells me something completely different to what I suspect you think it tells me BBC.
The whole thing stinks like a bbc underground car park motor home.
Clearly what went on was worthy of law enforcement attention, but given the known facts what is happening vs. not happening is beyond a joke.
Chains? 20 years? Just for the madam?
Ukraine war: Kremenchuk shopping centre attack claims fact-checked
I see all the ‘War Crime’ outrage and claims Putin deliberately bombed the busy shopping mall have evaporated overnight.
Here the BBC ‘quota’ employees are doing their usual job of claiming to be ‘Fact Checking’ but then churning out a barrage of incoherent waffle.
Cut through all the lies and BS and it’s pretty clear what happened. A missile missed the industrial site on the railway by about 100m. The type was apparently an old X-22 cruise missile which is not accurate beyond a few hundred meters.
So it wasn’t intentional. If Boris, Zelensky and all the others want me to trust what they tell me, they need to stop telling me the most blatant of lies. Or am I expected to go along with them and pretend I really do believe them ?.
I’m wondering how this war is going to end. I see no sign of anyone trying to stop it. In fact it’s the opposite : People like Boris are fanning the flames. Meanwhile the forgotten, incredibly brave Ukranian soldiers fighting the war the BBC don’t tell us about are facing collapse in the East.
I suspect they are all just waiting for Russia to take over the whole of the Donbas region then hoping their losses and sanctions will convince them to stop. Meanwhile it’s an excellent opportunity for the big defence companies to restore their budgets.
Blimey, look how many of them! Too many cooks? What’s the difference between ‘Monitoring’ and ‘Fact Checking’? One finds what suits and the other sees if they can still twist it?
Springster still away not using her Russian expertise to assess US politics, COVID and feet?
I see Shyster is in the mix.
If the Russians are using missiles they know are not accurate within 100 yards of a shopping centre, then they are guilty of a war crime by reason of their recklessness and indifference to human life. Do not try to make excuses for them.
That is complete nonsense Rob.
It’s a war crime a) if it’s intentional or b) The EXPECTED civilian deaths are excessive – eg bomb a crowd of people to get one man.
Russia were guilty of the second one many times in their fight against ISIS. But nobody cared about that. They did a job we couldn’t because our rules of engagement were so constrictive.
This is war. They are not playing cricket. Ukraine are doing it too. If you think I am just making excuses for Russia by pointing out where we are being lied to – particularly by Zelensky – I suggest you stick to the BBC for your news. I want to know the truth.
Hi John and others who would like to see a more balanced
approach to the reporting of Russia’s “Special Opearion”
in The Ukraine as we once called the ex puppet state of
Soviet Russia.
Where can I find a pro Putin website to get more of
a balanced view?
Don’t believe any information from any of the biased sites. Get your news from balanced sources like this one:
Tucker Error Spotting: the UK has a Government that is pro-American. Our PM was even born there!
Wimbledon watch ( I don’t )
But the BBC reports that one of their stable of coloured sports stars – Williams – has ‘crashed out ‘ of the competition in the first round .
I suppose they’ll find someone else of the correct colour to worship – BBC racism …..
Meanwhile I understand that a white ex cricket bloke has ‘stood down ‘ from his BBC job wittering on about boring old cricket because he called a paki a paki …
Today watch
Robinson is up north – his ‘paper review ‘ mentions in passing ‘sex offences in Oldham ‘ and a big meeting in Manchester about it yesterday – and that was it – now back to a story about a lady who died from cancer ( don’t mention those left untreated by the world beating NHS are they were dumped ‘because of covid ‘- )pay rise anyone ?
Meanwhile mark Steyn continues a one man campaign over vaccine injuries – he reports that 4 people have now been paid the £120k from the taxpayer for vaccine injury .
… does the msm mention this ?
Then it is the paki Muslim Paedo race sex offence rape gangs …. Which he continues to report ….
He reported that a paki gang leader who was due to be deported back to Pakistan after a short prison sentence tricked the system by renouncing his Pakistan passport and fell Back on his UK one to stay here ,.vermin .
Meanwhile – as I write – Peter Fahy – the retired chief constable of Manchester – who was in charge and looked the other way as these mass crimes is still the ‘go to ‘ lefty plod mouth the BBC goes to over the shambolic met plod ….
Jan 6 hearings: Ex-aide paints devastating picture of Trump
“was missing a key piece of the puzzle” bBC witch hunt continues
Sorry. Repetition for effect above. In honour of bbc programming.
What a gay day – that was the catchphrase of popular TV entertainer Larry Grayson
Fast forward through the decades to a morning when the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper’s arts feature celebrates: Fearsome and fabulous. Why gay villains are pop culture’s unsung heroes – and it’s a day when our Boris bends over – far further than he ever did at Eton College – to oblige the feminist lefty media crowd: Ukraine war: Johnson says if Putin were a woman he would not have invaded (BBC) – well I guess Britain has to have a modern military strategy – and if it’s not to consist of actual men and expensive actual weaponry: Johnson to set funding above 2pc Nato threshold but resists Wallace’s call for increase in military budget (Telegraph) – then instead we can always bad-mouth Putin and slap the Ruskies in the face with our handbags – or a wet lettuce – metaphorically speaking: The UK prime minister said the “crazy, macho” invasion was a “perfect example of toxic masculinity” and he called for “more women in positions of power” (BBC)
Our defence forces are a bit of a joke these days – but who would have guessed they had become a charity case: Financial records from the Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund appear at first glance to show a grant to an unexpected recipient – the GCHQ security agency. Alongside grants for causes such as the Red Squirrel Survival Trust and Exeter Cathedral is £100,000 for “GCHQ”. (BBC) – the Red Squirrel Survival Trust sounds like some code for a crack top secret special ops squad to me.
More women in positions of power…? Presumably bringing a conciliatory calming peaceful gentler uniting influence – like this one: Sturgeon’s new bid to split from UK (‘i’); or perhaps like this paragon of virtuous non-toxic feminity: Maxwell gets 20 years in jail for ‘heinous’ crimes (Daily Express); remind me who was chief of the Metropolitan Police this past half decade – was it some toxic Jack Regan of The Sweeney-worshipping over-large footed burly bloke of a copper: Watchdog puts Met in special measures. Scotland Yard criticised for for scandals and failures (Times) – nope, it was Dame Cressida Dick
Mr Johnson’s comments come ahead of a Nato meeting where allies will discuss how to respond to future threats (BBC)
Can’t you just imagine BoJo’s supposed hero Winston in the cabinet war room in 1940: “Dunkirk was our darkest hour… Why? Because there were men in charge. France collapsed like a house of cards because their military were behaving in far too masculine a manner. Despite all that kissing one another. Still too butch. I want Dame Vera Lynn promoted to Air Chief Marshal for the Battle of Britain. Tell RAF Fighter Command to put a strict ban on our pilots smoking pipes and drinking pints in pubs. Those moustaches have to go. Gillet knew what they were talking about when it comes to toxic masculinity. Oh, and rename the Spitfire the Florence Nightingale – that’ll scare off the Luftwaffe when they see a Florence on their tail”
Ester Walker in the ‘i’ Opinion feature ponders: Does anyone ever tell men to embrace their curves? Well, Boris, having come out as an absolute fat head today, is also already well known as physically somewhat on the lardy side of svelte.
All joking – and my Churchill skit – aside, this is what blithering blow hard Boris has really said: “If Putin was a woman, which he obviously isn’t, but if he were, I really don’t think he would’ve embarked on a crazy, macho war of invasion and violence in the way that he has. If you want a perfect example of toxic masculinity, it’s what he’s doing in Ukraine.” (as quoted by the BBC – not that such PC waffle will ever make them love you, Boris)
We do find some grain of substance here – a clear official declaration – presumably care of our top spy chiefs – that Putin is “obviously” not a woman. Someone please tell our over-excitable press: Vladimir Putin may already be dead with body double taking his place (Mirror May 2022)
Putin obviously not a woman – sounds like a clear gauntlet thrown down in challenge to the Labour Party there! Well, Sir Keir, might Vlad, contrary to the bold statement made by the Tory leader still indeed be a woman… if he happens to identify as one one today?
So we can take it Putin isn’t the poison-spiked sensible shoe-wearing lesbian Bond villain Rosa Klebb in disguise afterall. I’m slightly disappointed.
Speaking of Bond villains who tend to dream of controlling the entire world and everyone in it from behind the flashing lights, whirring tape reels and flickering TV screens of their electronic console buried deep within their secret control centre: Electric vehicles could pay tax by the mile. Electric cars face being fitted with tracking devices under proposals for a pay-per-mile road taxation system put forward by the Government’s own climate advisors (Telegraph)
Nudge, nudge… all done for the very bestest of reasons…
UK policies on net zero failing, say advisors (Guardian)
Track and trace…
NHS App to get new digital features by 2023… It is part of the government’s plan for a digital revolution to speed up care and improve access while saving the health service time and money… The government’s ambition is for at least 75% of adults to be using it by March 2024. (Naturally the BBC can see absolutley no downside to this NHS App which was so recently used not as a helpful key for patients to use NHS services but to restrict their movements as a health passport)
How about a Police App that gives us personalised access to our records and to police services – or one designed by the tax man for HMRC services – fancy downloading that on your mobile phone?
The Guardian alerts us to: The puppet masters… – unfortunately this is the supposed guardian of liberties and freedom referencing a Japanes children’s cartoon character: Monster makers. The puppet masters bringing Totoro to life (Totoro is a fantasy creature that is so specific to Japanese culture that it boggles the minds of westerners. Totoro is a giant rabbit-like creature who is a spirit)
Asiseeit – the today programme 8.10 am interview didn’t go with the met police failing ( because no senior plod would turn up ) so they went with the Defence Secretary looking for money to spend on other peoples ‘ wars .
Apparently putin is hitler – Dombas is 1939 Poland – and nut nut is …. Chamberlain … or Churchill ?
Yesterday the new head of the army said 2022 is 1937 ….
Does putin have aspiration to take over the cess pool of Western Europe ? – or is it more like taking back countries which went their own way when the USSR fell apart ?
Either way – a coming European war will be hard to imagine ….
Putin must be doing everything he can to keep Obama Biden in charge because he knows they’d leave us to it again – (see 1939-1941 )
I’ve noticed how the USA seem to be keeping quiet about Ukraine now – and I’m sure the BBC would report every word Biden said on the subject.
Maybe you are correct : if it kicks off, the USA may well say ‘Good luck fellas’ then slam their door shut and Putin has calculated that. And would EU countruies like Germany and France be prepared to go to war with Russia ?. I seriously doubt it.
That would leave Boris stood up front waving his fists like a brave dog through a car window while everyone else has slowly crept away.
JohnC, “If it kicks off”, well, the politicians in the West seem to be busy talking themselves into it with the exception of China Joe (see Fed’s post.). I guess China Joe a.k.a. Beijing Biden is puzzling out, with the help of his
minderscarersstaff, what excuse to come up with for the USA’s non-intervention when the Chinese make a grab for Taiwan.Ukraine war: Johnson says if Putin were a woman he would not have invaded
The UK prime minister said the “crazy, macho” invasion was a “perfect example of toxic masculinity” and he called for “more women in positions of power”.
Just look at that sentence the BBC edited together from different parts of what Boris said to make him say something he didn’t. The earlier comments about Putin were nothing to do with putting ‘more women in power’. He was talking about something completely different (gender equality and education) when he said that.
Absolutely classic, complete BBC lie. Even surpasses the editing they did to try and make it look like Trump recommended injecting disinfectant. I wouldn’t be surprised if they edit that bit later so it doesn’t go in the archive.
I have to say though that I think this is the end of the road for Boris and me. He’s reached tipping point and now I think he should go before he takes us into WW3. I wouldn’t mind if he came across as a strong leader but he doesn’t : he comes across as a weak leader pretending to be strong by saying what his advisers tell him will make him popular.
Maybe just a buffer zone between NATO & Russia – no one seems to mention that.
After all NATO seems to be building a bigger force right upto the Russian border
I’ve said from the very start that I think the Russians intend to take Ukraine along the dnieper river to use as a buffer zone against NATO and I still think that. This was the original story when it started, but the narrative we hear now has completely changed.
On the BBC report I linked to above, Boris actually seems to be preparing us for war. He seems to be trying to mimic Churchill and is failing completely because Churchill could think for himself (as his war memoirs show).
Hello JohnC
Turkey supports Finland and Sweden Nato bid
A bit more, and bit closer
A bit of back-room dealing has definitely gone on there.
I wonder what they have been promised.
They won’t get stuffed at Christmas.
I think China is biding its time until NATO has committed to shoring up the frontier with Russia and committed a huge percentage of its military and cash reserves to carrying this out. And all this merely to virtue signal.
Once the Chinese are satisfied that NATO has it’s hands full they will mount an expansionist push in the Pacific Area in which Taiwan will evaporate and many pacific islands will become Chinese fortresses.
There will follow a free-flow of technical ability, arms and equipment between Russia and China which the West will be totally unable to counter.
The Chinese now know that if a few vagabonds in Datsun 4×4’s can boot the USA out of Afghanistan then the “new” USA is a walkover for China everywhere else.
It is a golden opportunity for global expansion that the Chinese will make the most of, knowing they will have the full support of Russia who have no skin in the pacific theatre of operations…
If I were an Australian or a Kiwi, I would be getting a bit nervous right now.
As Churchill and Napoleon Bonaparte both predicted
Reading the original article, whether they were Boris’ words or BBC editing, I had 3 immediate thoughts:
1. Would Zelensky have mounted a robust defence of Ukraine if he had been a woman, or would it have been immediate capitulation?
2. Under President Trump, the USA stepped back from foreign interventionist wars. If Hilary Clinton – a rabid warmonger- had become president in 2016, how bad would things have been?
3. What gender was Russia’s ruler when it conquered Crimea and the southern part of Ukraine in the first place? Female – it was Catherine the Great.
So no, we don’t need more female rulers as such: we need politicians chosen solely on the basis of competence and ability. Many of our problems stem from such mediocrities as Johnson, Macron, Turdeau and the ghastly New Zealand woman, having risen (been pushed) to the top.
Yulia Timoshenko as leader in Ukraine would’ve been a “bit different” ….
See this report
My sometime Ukrainian colleagues (mid 00s) were all of the opinion that near all politicians in their country were swines and crooks.
Kremenchuk shopping mall
The search continues for the missing
Strange yesterdays pictures only showed fire engines, but no ambulances?
The reporting on this war is all very strange. Some time back a hospital was bombed, with patients reported to being carried out, but the video shot just showed one old lady being helped across the rubble !
If that was another capital city all hell would be let loose with the worlds media vying for the best shots !
With Ghislaine Maxwell getting 20 years for what was basically pimping, could we outsource our grooming enrichers trials to the USA.
Only tangentially BBC – I gave up on Radio 4 years ago after 30 years of dedicated listening – but their liberal bias caused me to turn to Classic FM for my background listening. Not too bad and with the advantage of little or no political comment, but the adverts! The one that really, really gets my goat is the Einstein one for smart meters. “Smart people, like me, know that smart meters will save you money and the planet. You will be able to monitor the running costs of your appliances”.
No! Smart people know that the ONLY reason millions of pounds are being spent is so that variable pricing can be introduced. You will be charged more for using electricity at peak times which includes tea-time! The whole purpose is to try and balance load throughout the day with the aim of reducing the number of power stations required and don’t think for a moment that any savings will be passed on to you.
It’s all a part of the “nudging” going on throughout our lives. You may have noticed that most white goods, washing machines, dishwashers and tumble dryers for example, have had a “delayed start” facility for many years. So when variable pricing kicks in – and that will be when most homes are fitted with smart meters- we will be “encouraged” to put the machines on in the small hours.
This is not a bad thing, but install a smart meter to see how a long shower costs money? Just be honest with the people please.
Got blocked on social media sharing my experience as a small landlord with smart meters.
Tenant put one in. A world of pain that I ended up paying for.
Luckily our house is too spread out between meters to get one.
Also had a stand up row with a council citizen’s climate assembly advocate who did not have one, who knew better.
Her desired suggestions were not included.
Surprising, as a bunch of other stuff never covered has been, by our Green idiot council using a rigged ‘new form of democracy’ like the BBC using a Labour activist staff nurse to speak for the nation on QT. Or Dr. Rosena on Wandsworth council taxes. Or Nicky Campbell on Jim, Rolf and Stu.
Pop eye – having experienced the variable tariff system I can say – if you are tight like me – you do change your behaviour . The lowest tarif being at the weekend – a lot of ‘stuff ‘ gets done then – but for people unable to arrange their affairs expect a 20% price hike if ignoring the tarif times ….
… I got lucky by locking into a low cost energy supply for a couple of years but part of the deal was to have a smart meter . Fortunately it seems there is a shortage of chips so the installation program is slowing down … but give it 10 years …….
Massive anti Modi bias, in BBCindia
MOdi GOv is racist and not diverse.
8am local radio news
#1 “A BBC investigation has found that the number of holiday homes in part of our area has increased by 30% in the last year …blah blah
…there are now 732 holiday homes in East Yorkshire”
Hang on is that a lot ? It sounds pretty small to me.
That area includes Bridlington and Hornsea etc.
The BBC should say what percentage of homes in those towns otherwise we don’t know the context.
The news made no reference to a new government investigation into second homes
but the programme did
(9am it was modified to include a quick mention
and also a clip of a local person listing negatives of second homes)
Another item said a mega wind farm company is set to clean up the Humber Estuary with a £2.8m project
.. That amount seems like chicken feed
and probably comes from their community budget that is part of their licence contract
Today watch 3
Robinson having a chat with st Andrew burnham – the Labour Leader in waiting – or is it to be someone ….diverse … khan ?
Anyway – young Andy waxed lyrical about this and that without challenge – Robinson clearly approves of him so he got the easiest of times ….
No questions about paki rape gangs of course …
Fed, one of the girls will want a go, after all the Conservative Party has had two female Prime Ministers and the oh-so progressive (actually regressive) Labour Party has had none. I’m guessing but I think Ange will have to fight off a challenge from Big Jessie.
Up2 – I’d put my money on the girl shadow chancellor who always says she worked at the bank of engerland ( as though that’s a good thing ) – a bit sqwacky but a northern lass – bit colourless though ….
Why does burnham remind me of troodo?
Yes, Fed, I completely forgot about ‘Foghorn’. Thanks for the reminder. It could be quite a scrap. Add the boyos into the mix, Burnham and Mayor Kahane, and it could be a real battle. My money is still on a wimmin to lead a New Old Old New Old Labour Party.
TOADY Watch #1 – when is a Cabinet dispute over defence spending not a Cabinet dispute over defence spending?
Answer: when it is a BBC attack on a Conservative Government led by Boris Johnson as Prime Minister. At 6 a.m. I’m told by the BBC that Ben Wallace, SoS for Defence wants an increase in defence spending but that the PM slapped him down in a Cabinet meeting and said “No.”. At 8.10 a.m. I’m told by Ben Wallace that the PM has agreed an increase in defence spending but wishes to announce it himself in a speech at the G7 Leaders Summit.
There is a big clue, BBC why your listeners know that you hate a Conservative Government, hate Boris Johnson and also know that you spread FakeNews and FalseFacts. There could not have been a Cabinet meeting this week because the PM is away at the G7 Leaders Summit. “Duhurrr” as da yoof would say.
I see that M Vaughn has stepped down from cricket commentating on the BBC for a second time in 12 months. This came after some groups within the BBC objected to him being on the payroll owing to his alleged racist comments to Rafiq , the so called Yorkshire CCC whistle blower , thirteen years ago, which are still under investigation and involve Vaughn and several other YCCC employees.
Of course Rafiq has not been subject to investigation and the strength of his allegations has not been tested. He is known to have sent antisemitic tweets but a simple apology from him has been deemed to be sufficient and the case against him closed.
So we have a very clear example of the double standards which exist in the UK and in the BBC.
A Muslim makes allegations of stuff which happened 13 years ago and which are not properly tested but several employees of YCCC are deemed to be guilty and lose their jobs as a result. The Muslim receives a large payment from YCCC in compensation.
The same Muslim makes proven antisemitic comments , apologises and that is the end of the matter.
I thought Vaughn was daft to go back to work for the BBC after his first suspension . He immediately got a job on Talk Sport and retained his newspaper column. But then he grovelled in front of the alter of woke and was given his job BBC back. Surely now he should tell the BBC to stuff it . Not to do so would be weak beyond belief.
It was announced in February 2009 that Middlesex changed their limited overs name from the Middlesex Crusaders, to the Middlesex Panthers, following complaints made by Muslim and Jewish communities.
Jordan McSweeney, 29 -, no fixed abode – to appear Thames mag today charged with the murder of the Asian lady in Gants Hill ilford at the weekend …..
Zara Aleena killing: Jordan McSweeney charged with murder of 35-year-old woman in Ilford, east London
Jordan McSweeney, 29, will appear in custody at Thames Magistrates’ Court later today also charged with attempted rape and robbery.
Come on pug – make it best of 3 – or 5 – or …. Have one every year until they get the right result – give the vote to 10 year olds and ‘refugees ‘…..
pug, ‘some people’ (surprisingly the Daily Telegraph among them) are claiming that Nicola Sturgeon has wrong-footed HMG by going to the Supreme Court to ask for a IndyRef2 OK. If the HMG can find a good lawyer who is not on strike, they might get Sturgeon’s case thrown out on the basis that the Supreme Court’s own judgement in Re Miller and others (2016) sets a legal precedent. Whatever the Supreme Court decides, it might provide HMG with a good reason to do away with our Supreme Court and return to the old system on the basis that it is a waste of time and money. Money that could be better spent giving Legal Aid Defence Barristers a bit more pay. 😉
I note our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” stays away from demographics involving foreign imports in its report:
“Census: Wales’ population hits new record high but growth is lowest”.
That’s because there is virtually no desire to move to Wales by foreigners, certainly not those arriving legally by rubber boats. I say, “legally” because now, that’s what it is with the blessing of our current Blue Labour Government. And that’s why I moved to Wales some years ago and now Simon Webb is doing likewise. I see myself as a refugee from England, partially avoiding the Ethnic Cleansing all too obvious in England.
“… and mould the whole of Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the easy historical comparison (ignore history and you will repeat it) … because Angela Merkel is a figure of our here and now and it’s vital to understand her better because she (Merkel) matters more to our future (UK) than, what, 95% of British Politicians.” – BBC’s Andrew Marr 2013
“The Making of Merkel with Andrew Marr BBC documentary 2013 about Angel Merkel imp politician” {youtube}
Nicola Sturgeon’s proposed referendum is a desperate and cynical political move. She knows Boris will not consent to it and that the Supreme Court cannot possibly rule that she can hold a vote without the UK government’s approval.
She is doing it specifically in order to get it rejected by “Westminster” and the evil Tories. Then the denial of a referendum can be presented as an act of oppression by the English. This will pique the persecution complex of the Scots and trigger their latent resentment. Sturgeon hopes the resulting outbreak of anglophobia will transfer itself into a huge increase in votes for the SNP.
Because although the SNP is the biggest party at Holyrood, it did not win the votes of a majority of the Scottish electorate at the last election. Frustratingly for them, they can’t quite get over the 50% mark for either votes for their party or support for independence. They need something big to feed the Scottish appetite for grievance.
The SNP don’t actually want or expect a referendum now. They want and expect this proposal to be rejected so that it increases support for their party. Then the real proposal for a referendum can be made in a few years’ time when support for the SNP has soared and the case for a referendum will be unanswerable – and the result very likely to be a huge YES.
If I were Boris, I would wrongfoot Sturgeon by consenting to her proposed referendum. At this moment in time, Scots will vote NO. A second defeat would kill this independence fantasy.
Why in God’s name won’t that useless, scruffy tw@ simply allow the English to vote as well? A guaranteed win for independence and they can f*** off with my blessing, but no more English money.
I would agree up to the point where you said to consent to this referendum.
We had one in 2014. They lost. Once in a generation.
If they can overturn this to get another bite at the cherry, Brexit will be next as the precedent then set.
You make an excellent point TR. The Tories must not give into this demand. Sturgeon has had her chance and blew it. Anybody with two braincells to rub together knows that if theSNP lose the second one they’d start demanding another within two years.
Of course I am not sure that my advice to Boris would work. It could well backfire. Bold political moves come easily to the great armchair politician that I am.
Sturgeon’s argument that the Brexit vote was a huge event that changed everything is not in my view a good argument but it does have a little merit given that Scots voted to remain in the EU. If Brexit hadn’t happened, there wouldn’t be much call for a second indyref. The 2014 referendum really would have been seen as a once-in-a-generation vote. But Brexit did happen and I believe the only way to crush Sturgeon and her independence dream is to have that second indyref – and to have it sooner rather than later.
Attitudes like moggie63’s, though perfectly understandable from an English perspective, just fill me with dismay. I stand for all things British and traditional and part of that tradition is the union. I agree with most of the views that are expressed on this site about the BBC’s subversion of our traditions and way of life. So I’m sad that Sturgeon is managing to drive a wedge between Scottish unionists and our friends and natural allies south of the border.
And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!
guide, support and monitor changes in countries wishing to join the European Union in line with EU values, laws and standards
join the European Union in line with EU values, laws and standards
join the European Union in line with EU values, laws and standards
join the European Union in line with EU values, laws and standards
It’s a day, so of course it is a BBC day.
And the day for today is ‘take pride in anything but your job’ day brought to you by the #prasnews team at Airbus and the ever receptive Rainbow team at BBC Gay Floors B1 to Top.
So, the one for this hour is the secret life of Rob (full name, plus Grindr account available)…
Rob said he was “scared” #bbcquotes and had two Facebook accounts to keep his sexuality secret.
Full tour of factory included.
I kept my sexuality a secret at work
Why I kept my sexuality a secret at work
An aircraft engineer explains how he ditched his ‘double-life’ at work and created an LGBT+ network.
Video by Kath Paddison
BBC Business End for some reason. I wonder if they have a Frankie Howerd room too? To ‘relax’, Hollywood style.
How times have changed. Seems only yesterday I tried to get into the CEO’s office with my comfort sex llama and security was called.
Anyway guys, gals and all you others twerking like a boss on the factory floor… do not buy Boeing, m’kay?
Hope no faith staff around fixing the fuel pipes on Todgers Out Tuesday.
Helped with a, ‘Fee’ no doubt.
I’ve seen a few comments (not on here) saying if Scotland got its independence the eu would not let it join or at least make it difficult.
My opinion is that the eu will jump at the chance of getting Scotland to join as they will find loads of ways to make things worse for the rest of the UK.
Just look at how they are exploiting NI.
They will use Scotland and the Scots people will lose out because all that would matter to the eu is how much damage they could do to us.
The EU changes their rules and make ‘exceptions’ whenever they like.
It’s one advantage of not being answerable to anyone.
Agreed Emmanuel and I think Sturgeon and her bitter crown of henchmen have probably already struck a secret deal with the Third Reich to prop it up financially while they set about blitzing England. The more rubbish the EU can dollop on England the better for the grand EU global master plan as far as I can see.
Boris needs to get one step ahead and simply get us out totally, unilaterally and completely, a clean break, no kangaroo European Courts, No EU directives. If they stop buying our meat and fish etc. we stop buying their cars and consumer goods etc. or put 50% import tax with 3 months quarantine for all inbound goods from the EU. plus a shitload of paperwork for them, hit them with their own medicine in fact, very simple!
As for the traitors in Scotland, I think we could manage without whisky etc. as long as they can manage to find jobs for all the soon to-be-unemployed defence and government contractors.
Boris should announce a new massive global shipbuilding yard on the Tyne or Mersey and make it the biggest in the World. He should also throw money into state of the art aircraft development, especially military to sell to the World.
Problem is it would take real balls to carry it through and I think that is what is lacking. Bluster is not balls!
Time that Wee Krankie came oot tha closet?
Don’t fall into her trap of thinking all Scots think like that. She has under 33% of the vote. The other 67% vehemently detest her as much as the rest of the UK.
Emmanuel, the biggest bar to Scotland’s re-joining the EU would be that they would have to give up their newly won independence. In addition, they would have to give up the £ sterling. Then there would be the same or similar border problem as in N.Ireland. On top of all that, as currently configured, Scotland might not meet the EU’s human rights standards although as JohnC has observed, these appear to be flexible. I think I heard that Turkey has given in to Sweden and Norway joining NATO. I wonder if there was a ‘sweetener’ applied by the EU: ‘you agree and we will overlook your (Turkey’s) human rights record.’
Correction just in case maxi is watching (mind you he’s never here at the right time to help out): Sweden & Finland have applied to join NATO, not Norway. It is a big thing for Finland to join NATO. Finland and Russia have ‘history’.
Well worth a watch, another educational video by the Maverick of Wall Street on the inflation issue in the USA and how it affects the entire world.
Also how absolutely clueless on economics those in charge really are, dangerous incompetent and would drive the US economy over the edge of a cliff if they weren’t constrained – maybe by a straight jacket in some cases.
Thank you for such a depressing video . I agree whole heartedly with the commentary – but the idea that 10% unemployment to remedy run away inflation is a nightmare .
So many similiarities between UK and US . Closing oil supply – too late raising interest rates – dumb politicians grandstanding instead of understanding the problem and trying to deal with it .
I would have liked a bit on what the individual can do to minimise the effect of what is coming . I suppose it’s easier in the US – you buy more and better guns .
On his other video he talks about the whole stock market and investments in general, and gold is looking a good investments especially as the G7 (which refers to the collective number of braincells between them) have just banned Russia from exporting.
As Russian is one of the worlds largest producers it’s likely to affect the price, but it’s always a safe haven in times of economic woe.
Of course it’s just another crazy ideas who are completly clueless about everything and are going to lose against a much more clever Russia and China. Russia and China are going to be left with huge Gold reserves and if there is a change away from the Dollar to gold as appears more than possible, yet again they will have shot us all in the feet.
Last Sunday, to their eternal shame, the police acted as goons for the muslim thugs who infest Speakers Corner and threaten free speech.
After Christian preacher Hatun Tash was attacked by the muslims, her camera damaged, and her ‘holey Koran’ snatched away and stolen, the police arrested… HER !
In the interview below, more details are revealed about her shameful treatment at the hands of the police.
Namely: she was roughly manhandled by the cops through the muslim throng who jeered, spat, threw stones and even hit her; she was STRIP-SEARCHED at the police station (for what – concealed Bibles?); she was held for 15 hours; during that time her glasses were taken away so she couldn’t even read her Bible.
It sounds like the police – or people higher up – are deliberately humiliating her, threatening her, and failing to protect her, so she’ll just go away.
David Wood is rightly outraged and scornful of our police.
It’s a long interview, and Hatun is not always very clear. (I suspect this latest in a series of attacks by muslims and abuse by the police has left her shaken.) But it deserves to be aired, and the outrage exposed.
The BBC won’t be covering it, that’s for sure.
ITV : “INSIGHT Stunning Capitol riots account will force Trump fans to query fitness for office”
sounds like over the top propaganda to me
I have never seen evidence of Trump being in favour of antifa BLM riot protest stuff
However that is entirely the opposite for many Democrat politicians
.. whom I guess ITV are sourcing their own material from.
ITV cement their reputation for being jerks…
GB News as the BBC’s sister organization maligns Trump.
So when they say ‘deadly’, they mean deadly for the protestors because on eunarmed woman was shot dead by a black police officer with a dubious record.
These kind of headlines are simply outrageously misleading – GB News – like Boris – should work out who their target audience should be.
The framing line : “the **deadly** riots”
Why not use the popular media phrase “largely peaceful protests” ?
ONE police officer used unnecessarily DEADLY force against a female protester
No Trump supporters used deadly force
Only a tiny part of a crowd pushed against police.
The Trump crowd can be divided into groups
#1 The largest part of the crowd that stayed out of the capitol
#2 The super peaceful ones like surprisingly Alex Jones and many others who actively tried to stop people moving INTO the Capitol building.
Shouting things like “Stay back it’s a trap”
#3 Sheep who followed people through unprotected doorways
#4 The forceful THUG minority who did push against police into the building,
did use a pole to smash windows etc.
Some of group #4 may have been Antifa and agent provocateurs
The latest witness was so blatantly provably lying that it became a joke.
She claimed that Trump in the Presidential limo had attempted to grab the wheel off the driver to turn the car around and return to the capitol.
It would have been quite a feat because there is a bulletproof glass partition between the passenger compartment and the driver, and unless Trump was the first President in history to ride in the front with the driver it’s a provable lie and an impossibility.
Japan swelters in worst heatwave since 1875
….. “human-induced climate change”
We know the bBC doesn’t lie, it must be true, and there’ll be a fact checker soon?
BBC making out Trump tried to grab a steering wheel
A reply “I find it hard to believe that a person travelling in the back of a presidential limo could get anywhere near the steering wheel”
I think even the most ardent Trump hater would recall that ‘the beast ‘ is really big and that the driver is sectioned off from the boss – I am sure that CNN and the rest have proven this in their news broadcasts – or maybe not …
Who would have thought America still has political show ‘trials ‘?
Trump wasn’t even in The Beast at the time according to Secret Service.
The pushback from Secret Service officers is being containerised and downplayed on Twitter.
Breaking : Zara Aleena case
Jordan McSweeney 29 of no fixed abode, has been charged with the murder and attempted rape
in Ilford, east London and is remanded into custody.
OK that was already mentioned a few hours ago, we don’t actually know his ethnicity, no one has published a photo,
but I wanted to say about the timing
Of course the fault is always that of the perp
but if you go alone walking London streets at 2am, then that is a bigger risk than walking around at 10pm in a normal English town when it’s still light.
The man was captured at 2:05 by shop CCTV. Five minutes later, Zara passed by.
other cameras on the street filmed Zara confronting a man near a bus stop on Cranbrook Road at 2:13 am.
she is talking to a man before quickly leaving. The man lights a cigarette and follows her at a distance of about 10 feet.
She was killed at 2:20 am, less than ten minutes after she ran into the man in the footage.
A few years back I remember a BBC web article that had a woman mugged in a supermarket carpark “shamed” as the perpetrator of her own misfortune for being daft enough to go to the supermarket with money…
Just seen my BBC Moaning Emole.
Headline: Ex-aide’s picture of Trump
Ex-aide paints devastating picture of Trump
The US congressional inquiry into last year’s Capitol riot, in Washington, has been missing a piece of the puzzle. What was the situation in the White House in the hours before and during the attack on 6 January? An answer has been offered by Cassidy Hutchinson, a former top aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who has been giving her testimony. She has painted a devastating picture. This includes an allegation that Donald Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the car he was travelling in and wrestled with a Secret Service officer in an attempt to divert his motorcade to the Capitol, where his supporters were gathering. A secret service source said the agent and driver travelling in the car were willing to testify it didn’t happen, Trump denies the allegation, and during Ms Hutchinson’s testimony he took to his social media platform and began trying to undercut her claims.
As Rolf might say, ‘Can you see what it is yet?’
That is pure, evil, corrupt, propaganda in lieu of news.
The BBC should be shut down as a state broadcaster by tonight.
Covid: Pizza takeaway boss jailed over bounce back loan fraud
Abdulrazag Zagroba spent the money on a car, and send the rest home
– the government should be paying a %age bounty on every Covid loan fraud. Australia manages it with income tax as I heard it…
I’ve been regularly incensed at the multi-homed millionaire jet-setters who’ve rinsed public funds for their domestic help and more, much more.
– time to nail some bigger fish than Abdul from the corner shop (who only got found out d/t an insolvency audit it seems)
A pizza takeaway boss has become the first person to be prosecuted for fraudulently claiming a £20,000 Covid-19 bounce back loan.
Abdulrazag Zagroba, 54, applied for the loan two weeks after dissolving Amigo Pizza in Stretford, Greater Manchester, the Insolvency Service said.
Investigators said he told them he had used the cash to buy a car and gave the remaining £14,000 to his family abroad.
remaining £14,000 to his family abroad.
Amazed it’s still there – but it is….
Would’ve paid for the two vanity aircraft carriers.
Why I kept my sexuality a secret at work
Why I kept my sexuality a secret at work
An aircraft engineer explains how he ditched his ‘double-life’ at work and created an LGBT+ network.
Video by Kath Paddison
I went to the link for one reason : to see how long it took for the soulful piano music to start which these empathy laden ‘victim’ videos produced by useless ‘quota’ staff always have.
16 seconds.