Azeem Rafiq accuses Yorkshire cricket of systemic racism; cue weeks & months of coverage on institutional change and how grubby the game is. When this blew up the airwaves were full of shame and hand wringing, people at the top needed to go, and Rafiq’s accusations were always taken seriously.
Then anti-semitic tweets emerged (accusing another cricketer of not paying for dinner because “he is a Jew”.) Rafiq apologised and it’s all water under the bridge.
Now Andrew Gale comes out in defence with some pretty strong stuff:
“… I was very disappointed when Azeem’s original allegations were first brought to my attention… For the avoidance of any doubt, I deny each and every allegation that Azeem raised with YCCC and then via the ECB suggesting that I have used racist language and bullied Azeem. I was originally stunned but I am now angry that he has raised such allegations against me.”
“I refuse to have my life defined by unsubstantiated allegations by an embittered former colleague and by a YCCC/ECB witch-hunt… Similarly, I refuse to act or be perceived as a perpetual victim despite the fact my treatment from the club was abhorrent… I am not willing to engage in a tainted process when the relationship between the club, certain members of the media and Azeem is as close as it is… I have received personal abuse and we have had reason to leave our home on occasions.”
I note the tumbleweed surrounding Gale’s comments. Of course the media have shown their carpet-sweeping skills recently when it comes to Yorkshiremen being bullied from their home by angry mobs. Gale’s not playing the victim but his story is the wrong kind of fight. The only times the BBC like their sportsmen strong and defiant is when Serena Williams is on court.
@TerminalMoraine cheers, I know what you mean
BBC pet agendas get endless banging-on.
Yet other news gets the rush treatment
but we paint ourselves into a corner if we label that as “tumbleweed”
I believe, in my opinion, that we have looked for greatness in the mundane. Trying to make everyone winners, means we all lose. Irony in the most profound sense.
Lets take a quick look at who is empowered in the world … this list is not exhaustive, but gives you a good indication of what the World’s political landscape looks like …
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men.
Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe since 1987) farts at summit (has also been found sleeping in Parliament, he was 89 years at the time, still holding onto power at 93)
Krystyna Pawlowicz, a Polish MP from the ruling Eurosceptic PiS party, has written a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), accusing him of “alcohol dependency” … Juncker apparently took a nap in the Vatican during the celebration of the EU’s 60th anniversary
Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary – UK Security) not read a major report (Harris Report) on London Attacks. Won her seat with 75% in GE2017.
Now go and read or watch some of these people …
Douglas Murray, Thomas Sowell, Andrew Breitbart, Carl Sagan, Thomas Paine, Christopher Hitchens, George Orwell, Mark Steyn, Trey Gowdy.
“We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men. (link opens video)“
But Marky – people are forced to vote for ‘processed ‘ politicians – Or the election is stolen of course ….
Often it is a matter of the least bad … there is a danger at the other end of the spectrum when the people vote for someone with a ‘vision ‘ – I’d suggest Hitler was the most extreme example of this ….
I’d favour a ‘less government ‘ regime but once they get into office attitudes change and power gets to them ( eg carrie nut nut )
2018 … Dear BBC £3.5 billion paid under threat of prison complaints department,
Could you revisit the 2009 UK MP expenses again, I would not like to find out that MPs like Tony Blair have ran to the shredder prior to your investigations.
Here are some details, can you use Journalists who are avoiding the BBC Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker Pay Gap and see why an MP on £77K salary tops up their money with a job giving them £65K extra a year.
Maybe find other MPs on such amazing schemes and why they are getting free tickets to concerts when they have so much cash sloshing around in their MP expenses accounts.
Chuka Umunna MP, Streatham (tax payer pays him £77K per year) is being paid £65,040 a year Advisory Position at Global Progress (London) Ltd …
1) Look into what he produces for £65K a year.
2) Look at who owns the company and other players – Tony Blair is linked to it.
3) Find other MPs doing the same.
4) Ensure they are paying taxes on the extra money.
5) Maybe interview them and ask some questions rather than how they feel today?
Good luck and let me know how you get on,
Mr. M. H
p.s. I also see that MPs claim their MP Office BBC TV Licenses Tax on their expenses, thus the UK tax payer has to pay their own TV License and their MP’s TV License. Might want to consider stopping this for the 650 MPs.
Is it really ‘sectarian Glasgow thug punches supporter of opposing team
and then in court calls the other man EDL , and thus gets off a prison sentence’ ?
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
Meanwhile Bryant, who seems more addicted to his Twitter feed than Rayner, be that possible, is also trying to mount a high horse on Parliamentary example.
Name of donor: England Rugby 2015 Ltd
Address of donor: Webb Ellis House, Rugby Road, Twickenham TW1 1DZ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets to the England v Uruguay Rugby World Cup match at the Etihad Stadium; individual ticket value £250 plus £100 hospitality, total £700
Name of donor: Mr Graham Nigel Cole
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: for June 2015, £14,773 in paying the monthly rental, phone and internet costs of an office during my campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 28 May 2015
Date accepted: 28 May 2015
Donor status: individual
In October 2019, the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, led a 30-strong delegation to India to celebrate and strengthen bilateral ties in trade, investment, tourism, culture and education between India and Manchester.
.. Indian refiners had been buying Russian oil at bargain rates, when it was first shunned by western companies after sanctions were imposed against Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24.9 Jun 2022
I’d go further and say that Burnham went beyond his role as a minister to facilitate the escape of the guilty parties in management and cover up the lack of action (or interest even) by health unions. In another scenario he’d be arranging plastic surgery and fake passports.
Burnham’s certainly got “previous” in covering up for poisonous + dysfunctional public bodies – somebody with a conscience might’ve left public life… Andy sells himself as somebody who’s “there for you” – when the evidence suggests the opposite.
And here’s another one. 0% news, 100% empathy. The story is that Sri-Lanka has a fuel shortage. That’s it.
Why are the BBC paying people to produce ‘news’ article like this ?. It’s pure virtue signalling to show how empathic the middle-class BBC are towards the poor, unfortunates with nothing.
What do you expect when its churned out by a bunch of recent gender studies graduates in an office over a Pret a Manger in W1A – some of whom might have smoked some dope on an Asian beach for a couple of days in their gap yah…
This article represents a step further in the propaganda and rhetoric we are getting from the BBC for the war in Ukraine.
They show a video (from facebook) of snake island which is a 100% propaganda piece showing various hits by Ukrainian shells along with a thumping soundtrack.
And they still don’t mention that the grain can’t be exported whether Russia are there or not : Ukraine have flat out refused to remove the mines anyway.
The report is almost complete rubbish. For example:
‘Snake Island may be in a highly strategic part of the Black Sea and in an ideal spot for installing sophisticated missile systems, but ultimately it is still a very small rock.’
Anything Ukraine puts on there will get the same treatment the Russians got : constant bombardment. This time from Russian ships.
A very, very desperate attempt by the BBC to make this sound like a major victory for Ukraine. Meanwhile not a single article about the real battle going on in the East.
“Basket of deplorables” is a phrase from a 2016 presidential election campaign speech delivered by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on September 9, 2016, at a campaign fundraising event, which she used to describe half of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump saying “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”.[1] The next day, she expressed regret for “saying half”, while insisting that Trump had deplorably amplified “hateful views and voices”.
The ad breaks on anything Global Radio appear to be getting longer, or maybe just the ads are so dire I switch off and only remember to try switching on again when they are back on again.
Any news to report on confused biden? We are often enlightened by Sky Australia, go on beeb actually report on biden honestly, instead of him being a saint and up there with obama
FFS not again! Just back from exhausting week covering NATO summit in Madrid and quelle surprise, Im still stuck on the plane at Gatwick. Iberia crew are gone and a new crew has come onboard. Just WHY are UK airports so consistently crap at getting disabled people off planes ?
Where Left-Wing ideology of ‘universal equality’ meets the real world. Very often it just isn’t sensible or practical. Like letting women breast feed babies in the House of Commons.
And why most companies who have to make a profit and are not funded by the public don’t virtue-signal by using disabled people for jobs like that.
One minute they can conquer the world – the next they need help onto a plane…..
Nepal is banning disabled climbers from Everest, so here are seven people that totally nailed it
author image
Ashitha Nagesh
Tuesday 29 Sep 2015 8:41 pm
Why the hell do they have to keep sending him. He is more trouble than he is worth. Stop bleeding travelling then! His reports are crap anyway – just non stop whinging.
9 minutes between tweets
8:23pm He tweeted : I’m a huge victim. I’m stuck on the plane with my producer
8:32pm I’m off the plane ..I waited 20 minutes
Quote : “Off the plane now – only a 20 minute delay which is mild – but ground handlers said ‘nobody told us there was a disabled passenger onboard’. Airline, Iberia, insist they did”
“It never happens abroad, only in UK”
Yes abroad most airport staff can probably communicate in English, but maybe at Gatwick it’s different.
Meeshal ‘interviewing ‘ a mouthpiece for the PRC about Hong Kong ( who cares ?) . The Chinese lass knew how to deal with meeshal – the method ? Talk and talk and talk – poor meeshal was completely flummoxed . Obviously her limited knowledge meant she couldn’t ‘challenge ‘ the PRC propaganda being spurted out …
So that’s the answer – just talk and talk
Then …
Our Justin has that Evette cooper in for a chat about disfunctional plod …. But no – no – he couldn’t stop himself – screw public safety and the increasingly corrupt plod – let’s talk about a drunken queer Tory whip ….
So leave plod to it’s cess pit and go for boris …- now the weather …
BTW – the times has a story of a ‘trainee met woman plod ‘ with a Romanian name being thrown out for corruption – her Romanian husband was a heavy heavy drug dealer …..
So why would the plod have ‘issues ‘… ?
They have recruited the dregs in the name of ‘diversity ‘ and now have the consequences – no wonder the decent ones left or are leaving
If the Marxists had a plan to undermine the State – they have certainly succeeded … is there anything that is still effective ?…
Phew, bBC QT managed to find an actual member for the audience.
“What thanks have we got? A real terms 10% pay cut and a lost invite to Boris’ parties”
On tonight's #bbcqt, while discussing strikes this audience member says public sector workers have had little recognition for their work through the pandemic.
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Pride before a fall edition
What’s your guilty pleasure – are you a Cheryl Hole or a Chris Pincher?
Yesterday love was such an easy game to play,
Now I need a place to hide away
That was according to Paul McCartney – and perhaps inadvertantly he made a rather prescient point for his age (the 60s and 70s) there – what with the shaming of so many celebrities in the recent #me too era.
Beatles lore has it that the tune came to Macca complete one night by way of a visionary-like dream.
The day before yesterday the left-campaigning ‘i’ newspaper was busy celebrating: Fearsome and fabulous. Why gay villains are pop culture’s unsung heroes… Queer baddies in film and TV can be as fabulous as they are problematic… Javier Bardem’s sexually ambiguous baddie Raoul Silva, who flirts with James Bond in Skyfall, and Ursula in The Little Mermaid, who was modelled on the brilliant drag performer Divine – that’s borderline dodgy territory already familiar to the Guardian: Evil twinks and gay gangsters: why we need to remember history’s horrid homosexuals – a recent compendium containing such odd bed-fellows as: Alexander the Great to Ronnie Kray… why it’s important to discuss the problematic alongside the good
That was yesterday, so to speak. No such relaxed liberal equivocation will be due when the present day real life problematic villain is one of those suspiciously dubious individuals – a Tory MP: Tory deputy chief whip resigns amid sexual misconduct claims. (Guardian) – all put in rather measured terms in the headline there.
Here’s an extraordinary thing – The Sun makes top spot in the BBC online press line up. Could it be the boys and girls over there at the Beeb for once admired the concise forthright tabloid-style headline contained therein? Tory whip quits over drunken ‘gropes’
And the day before yesterday Boris was telling us we had to look away as far as Vladimir Putin over in Russia for an example of what leftists term “toxic masculinity” – “If Putin was a woman, which he obviously isn’t, but if he were, I really don’t think he would’ve embarked on a crazy, macho war of invasion and violence in the way that he has. If you want a perfect example of toxic masculinity, it’s what he’s doing in Ukraine.” (as quoted by the BBC) – quite why a conservative would employ such an ideologically left-loaded term escapes one – although considering Boris ain’t no conservative explains the situation more clearly – But I digress…
For proper context of this MP’s behaviour whilst in his cups (let’s call him a naughty man as opposed to the more broadly misandrist tar-all-men-with-the-same-brush toxic masculinity label) we have to turn to the Daily Mail: Top Tory resigns ‘after groping two men’ – now don’t snigger – this previously obscure so-called top Tory is named Chris Pincher – a case of nominative determinism if ever there was one.
Can homosexual men display toxic masculinity? That’s way beyond my ken. I’m sure some Guardian columnist will be explaining how that works within days.
And this little scandal had to happen in Pride month. Awkwardly, today, the corporate free advertising sheet the Metro goes with: Munroe Bergdorf guest edits guilty pleasures… Lotta love: Cheryl Hole cosies up to Will Young at our Pride party in Soho last night
They still insist it is just about love – but it sounds to me like it’s about sex.
They do say Ringo Starr used to write several songs for each Beatles album. He would play them to John, Paul and George, who would listen patiently and then respond with something like “That sounds good, Ringo, but listen to this one… Yesterday, All my troubles seemed so far away, Now it looks as though they’re here to stay…”
This segueway is inevitable: IS ‘Beatles’ terrorist to be deported to UK (Telegraph) – talking of the inevitable – of course he is. I’ve still got a quid or two riding on Shamima Begum – last of the 2015 Three Mosqueteers from Bethnal Green – eventually ending up back over here.
ASI – when nut nut came out with that crap about a female putin the nasty flaky image of his wife popped up – he spoke using her words – he ll get an extra ‘kiss’ for that one –
– nut nut is showing Blair derangement syndrome – a growing megalomania fueled by all that glad handing at summits where his pals are amazed his country in burning the credit card sending guns to a lost cause…
Critics in Britain in particular focused on his responsibility for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and while Palestinians initially welcomed the appointment of such a high-profile figure, he quickly became seen as being too close to the Israelis, who were then, as now, far more powerful than the Palestinians still living under occupation.
The Quartet, founded in 2002, is composed of the US, EU, Russia and the UN. It became a byword for sluggish and incremental diplomacy that rarely challenged the status quo. It was overtaken by efforts led by the Obama administration to achieve a peace agreement that also failed.
2017 … Why was Tony Blair being paid by the UAE while working as Middle East envoy?
It’s indisputable that his globetrotting role trying to solve the Israel-Palestinian crisis put him at many tables with world leaders with whom he could do business with
2022 … The Prince of Wales accepted bags containing millions of euros in cash during meetings with a senior Qatari politician, according to a report. Prince Charles was said to have been given a total of €3m (£2.6m) during meetings with Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani, the former prime minister of Qatar.5 days ag
Lewis Goodall
Reporter. Policy Editor
. I cover politics, economics and government in the UK and beyond | DMs open- send me your stories. July 2011
BBC ‘casually’ spent £580,000 of licence fee a day at Glastonbury
UPDATED: 07:54, 29 January 2010
BBC Newsnight editor becomes the latest talent to walk as brain drain continues: Lewis Goodall announces he is ditching the broadcaster to join Emily Maitlis at Jon Sopel at Global radio
“Tory deputy chief whip Chris Pincher has resigned from the government, as a newspaper alleged he groped two men at a private members’ club.”
Comeback The Brexit Party. Your country needs you !
A coalition of UKIP, The Reform Party and The Reclaim Party could do well in the next general election ?
The bloodiest day in British military history. Today, 1916, the First Day on the Somme, British (incl Irish), Newfoundland, South African & Indian troops launched the Somme offensive. By the end of the day they had sustained 57,470 casualties, including 19,240 Killed in Action.
Weeks after the US president warned China over Taiwan, Beijing has delivered its sternest rebuttal yet, saying it would “resolutely crush any attempt” at Taiwan’s independence.
Blair did some sort of conference yesterday about new ways to control the population – it was facilitated by two political neutral ex BBC types – can you guess?
… Maitliss and Sopel – a trendy estate agent specialising in high value clients …
Theresa May urges Boris Johnson to ban transgender conversion therapy
The Government has said transgender conversion therapy will not be banned under proposed legislation.
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016 The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
Queer Tiff
Apparently there is a March by homosexuals . They have declared they don’t want uniformed plod to March because of homophobia in the botched Dagenham serial killer case …well good for them …
I don’t want plod to March in any protest or March – plod should be plod – neutral – but that stage is long gone and they now pay the price through public indifference ….
“Glastonbury 2007 holds the record for the wettest day of the festival. 60.1mm of rain fell in a single day”
“Although 1997’s iteration is dubbed the ‘year of the mud’
also holds the record for the lowest maximum temperature recorded on a day of the event, with 13.2°C as high”
someone replied
“There’s no trend in June maximum temperatures at nearby Yeovilton in 49 years so why would temperatures suddenly start increasing in this area?”
The Met Office video
885 views , 1 comment and that isn’t visible to me
so almost certain that they are censoring comments.
Pride at 50: The LGBT revolution sparked in a basement
Is the Batley teacher still in hiding?
Image result for batley 3 teachers hiding
Teacher still in hiding a year on after Prophet Muhammed Batley Grammar School controversy. A teacher is still in hiding one year on from the Prophet Muhammed Batley school row. The teacher had shown a caricature of the founder of Islam, during a religious studies lesson at Batley Grammar School in March 2021.25 Mar 2022
Just closed my Halifax account. They can stick their pronouns up their/his/her a**e. ‘: Bank suffers exodus of customers after social media manager told them to LEAVE if they don’t like staff sharing pronouns on badges.
Halifax customers are closing their accounts today after its social media team told them to leave if they don’t like their new pronoun badges in what is being branded one of the worst PR disasters in British business history.
Britons have been pulling out millions of pounds in investments and savings as well as cutting up credit cards or transferring balances to rivals after they accused the bank of ‘alienating’ them with ‘pathetic virtue signalling’ after years or even decades with Halifax.
The row began this week when Halifax tweeted its 118,000 followers on Tuesday that it would allow staff to display their pronouns their name badges. In a post that read ‘pronouns matter’, it showed a photo of a female staff member’s name badge, which featured ‘she/her/hers’ in brackets under the name Gemma.
One customer replied: ‘There’s no ambiguity about the name “Gemma”. It’s a female person’s name. In other words, it’s pathetic virtue signalling and is seen as such by almost everyone who has responded to the initial tweet. Why are you trying to alienate people?’ Within 20 minutes a member of the Halifax social media team, calling himself Andy M, replied: ‘If you disagree with our values, you’re welcome to close your account’.
Andy M’s response has outraged customers, and seen hundreds claiming they will boycott the bank with many saying they have closed their accounts. Others have cut up their credit cards or getting rid of insurance policies.
One told MailOnline: ‘My entire family have now transferred their accounts to Nationwide, cards etc. Loss to Halifax is in excess of 450K in investment accounts and savings’. Another said: ‘I closed my credit card account today, after fifteen years of being a customer’.
Former Doctor Who scriptwriter Gareth Roberts, a Halifax customer since 1988, told the bank: ‘I’m a homosexual man. I’m appalled by your adoption of this homophobic, woman-hating claptrap, and by your attitude to customers making perfectly reasonable objections to it.’ Company director Anders Jersby ended his Halifax car insurance policy and said he would never deal with Halifax again thanks to ‘their antics with pronouns’.
Branding expert Martin Townsend said Halifax’s policy is a ‘Ratner moment’ and an ‘astonishing’ mistake that will be considered one of the biggest PR blunders in recent history.
He told LBC: ‘It’s a Ratner moment I would say. It’s astonishing that they do something to make themselves look right on and virtue signalling – and they end up looking like the most old fashioned bullies, telling them: “If you don’t like it you’re welcome to leave”.
‘It’s extraordinary. Who treats their customers like that? I’ve never heard of a company inviting their customers to go. It’s so typical of debate these days: “If you don’t like it, off you go”. How is that inclusive? There are big questions about Halifax today and who came up with it’.
Who or what is driving all this wokeness ? Where is the head of the snake ?
It is about time Nadine Dorries started to work for her wages and put a stop to it . If she did she would gain merit with the majority of the people of Great Britain.
“Moved to Nationwide” if that hasn’t been hijacked by woke-supremacists too .. #Entryism
Here at Nationwide, we’ve started to roll out pronouns on name badges across our branches and thousands of colleagues have their pronouns on their email signatures too. Hear from Ian, co-chair of the Gender Equality network, on why he is displaying his pronouns.
What a pathetic git! Does he actually perform a financial function for his organisation. Seems not as he is a “relationship director” WTF!
He can stick his pronouns up his arse.
“disease of unionism”
unionism has two meanings in Scotland ..the SNP are fanatically anti-unionism
“Unionism in Scotland is a political movement which favours the continuation of the political union between Scotland and the UK
hence is opposed to Scottish independence.”
It appears Turkey’s President Erdogan hasn’t quite managed to bury the hatchet with Boris Johnson, after awkward footage emerged yesterday of Biden having to grab the PM’s arm after Erdogan made a joke at his expense. After the inaudible banter between Biden and Erdogan, Boris began pointing a finger at Recep before Biden reportedly clarified “this is a joke, a joke, calm down Boris”. Boris repeats the phrase “Çok guzel”, either Turkish for “very good” or an instruction to Erdogan. Clearly the Turkish president hasn’t forgotten Boris’s old penmanship for the Spectator: “There was a young fellow from Ankara, Who was a terrific wankerer. Till he sowed his wild oats, With the help of a goat, But he didn’t even stop to thankera.”
Teacher ‘still in hiding’ after showing class cartoon of Prophet Muhammed
author image
Jen Mills
Friday 18 Jun 2021 7:02 pm
Has the ex Tory whip been arrested on suspicion of indecent assault yet ? Will the Sunday papers have exclusive with the ‘victims ‘
‘My grope ordeal ‘
‘Tory MP in probe probe ‘……..?
Turkey’s ‘marry your rapist’ law has taken women’s rights right back to the 1950s
To say this is alarming is an understatement. With the president conveying this message, it will only be a matter of time before society buys into the idea that women’s rights don’t matter
Boris Johnson’s Guarantee
We will get Brexit done in January and unleash the potential of our whole country.
I guarantee:
Extra funding for the NHS, with 50,000 more nurses and 50 million more GP surgery appointments a year.
20,000 more police and tougher sentencing for criminals.
An Australian-style points-based system to control immigration.
Millions more invested every week in science, schools, apprenticeships and infrastructure while controlling debt.
Reaching Net Zero by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.
We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.
Thank you for supporting our majority Conservative Government so we can move our great country on instead of going backwards.
Guido seems to be talking crap
The video shows Erdogan saying something inaudible to Biden and pointing to Boris
Boris’s audio is is clear, he points at Erdogan and says “çok güzelsin” yeh that’s cute,
Erdogan does the same thing to Boris points at him and says yeh that’s cute
Biden meanwhile has grabbed Boris’s arm, as if he doesn’t understand Turkish and doesn’t know what is going on
Both laugh
The Great Leap Forward (Second Five Year Plan) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social campaign led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1958 to 1962. CCP Chairman Mao Zedong launched the campaign to reconstruct the country from an agrarian economy into a communist society through the formation of people’s communes. Mao decreed that efforts to multiply grain yields and bring industry to the countryside should be increased. Local officials were fearful of Anti-Rightist Campaigns and they competed to fulfill or over-fulfill quotas which were based on Mao’s exaggerated claims, collecting non-existent “surpluses” and leaving farmers to starve to death. Higher officials did not dare to report the economic disaster which was being caused by these policies, and national officials, blaming bad weather for the decline in food output, took little or no action. Millions of people died in China during the Great Leap, with estimates ranging from 15 to 55 million, making the Great Chinese Famine the largest or second-largest[1] famine in human history.
I know that may just not be true unless …. . . . I know people who have been triple vaccinated who claim they have just had Covid. However, I suspect that the Lateral Flow Test they took could not differentiate between a common cold, influenza and Covid-19 and its many and varied mutations.
Labour suspends Jeremy Corbyn over reaction to anti-Semitism report
29 October 2020
‘Doused in petrol’
Professor Alexis Jay, who wrote the latest report, said there had been “blatant” collective failures by the council’s leadership, senior managers had “underplayed” the scale of the problem and South Yorkshire Police had failed to prioritise the issue.
Someone raised the issue of how many ships the navy has
I think I counted about 70 altogether
but James Gray the Tory MP just spoke on the radio
“The Navy has 19 OPERATIONAL ships”
Can I ask every reader of this site to express their personal opposition to the woke stupidity by taking up the offer of Halifax Bank and closing any accounts you might have with them.
The arrogant Social media manager Andy M posted a comment about the banks woke gender fluidity name badges saying, if you don’t like it close your accounts, and now thousands of people have taken him at his word and closed their accounts with the Halifax, including me.
This is a chance to send a message to arrogant big business that their customers will not stand for their leftist politicing.
There is an online complaints ‘ form – it takes about 5 minutes to complete – the response is 1 to 8 weeks – submitted if only as an indication of feeling …
Lloyds bank – the parent company also has a streak of nonsense wokeness – which is reflected in the share price ..
Halifax is part of Lloyds Banking Group. So, other companies which presumably do not want the custom of ordinary people and would want them to close their accounts include:
Lloyds Bank
Bank of Scotland
Birmingham Midshires
Intelligent Finance
Scottish Widows
Clerical Medical
Black Horse
TWatO Watch #1 – in which the defective Dymond does not make a bid for Journalist of the Year
Discussing the unfortunate Mr Pincher (and ‘Take an Incher’) who is just in the unfortunate position of being over-fond of Al Keyhole and something else. Thangam Debbonaire MP (Lab) is brought on by the BBC to comment first. She is full of anti Conservative Party anger (tick) and mentions the PM’s rule breaking (tick) and ‘Tory sleaze’ (tick) and the Conservative Whip should be withdrawn from Mr Pincher (tick) and that Mr Pincher should resign his seat (tick) thereby creating a By-election opportunity (tick). Thangam generally fulfils, no doubt, the BBC’s Great Expectations and hopes.
However, if the doubly unfortunate Christopher Pincher had been a Member of Parliament for the Labour Party, there would I suggest not have been a Conservative MP queuing up to criticise and call for this and that. And the same would apply if he had been a LibDem MP or a SNP MP or a Plaid Cymru MP. After day, I would expect the BBC to lose interest if they are that supportive of the LBGTQ Community as they seem to be. Otherwise the BBC will be seen to be playing politics on behalf of the LacklustreLabour Party.
Surprisingly Jonny Dymond has developed amnesia and completely forgets he is a BBC journalist as well as a BBC Presenter. He completely forgets to ask Thangam Debbonnaire MP (Lab) about recent and near future Court cases involving MPs from other politcal Parties. Now, there’s a thing! Emily Maitlis would not have let an opportunity like that slip for an Award at Journalist of the Year.
NHS pride flag account doesn’t have a blue tick
but I don’t think it’ a parody
It has been a long time coming, but we have had so many requests from NHS Trusts, professionals and patients that we just had to share our new design with you before the end of Pride Month! Further details about how to get updated badges will be released shortly!
— NHS Rainbow Badge (@RainbowNHSBadge) June 30, 2022
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
TWatO Watch #2 – in which the defective Dymond misses another bid for Journalist or Presenter of the Year
Do you remember the terrific fuss that the BBC made over the National Insurance increase to fund the NHS announced in the Spring Statement (Budget) by the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak. The BBC’s opposition to this was really fierce and included a personal attack (also shared with leftie newspapers) on the Chancellor’s wife who is/was non-domiciled for UK tax purposes quite legally.
I do.
The BBC now seem to be joining in a campaign started by a charity ‘Kinship’ to increase Government spending and, with it, taxation. You couldn’t make it up! Talk about hypocrisy!! The leftie prints haven’t joined in yet but give them time. The BBC found a single woman (tick) who works for the NHS (double tick) who looks after her daughter’s child or children. (savings all gone, pension gone, victim – tick, tick) Jonny ‘defective’ Dymond’s memory has gone again and he completely forgets to ask questions of this poor woman.
This listener would like to know:
Is the grandmother a widow or a divorcee?
Where does the daughter live?
Why is the daughter unable to look after her children – does she have a drink or drugs or mental health problem? If the answer to that is “No.” then
Does the daughter work or is she a student?
– and more importantly –
Where is the daughter’s partner or husband and is he working, and if so, why is he not maintaining the child or children or having them live with him?
There is a terrible lack of curiosity at the BBC which at times likes to tell us that it is ‘first for news’. No journalism. No award, Jonny. “Nul points.”
Tory Party might just implode if this gets traction
Good to see Princess Nut-Nut garnering some of the limelight
This is about the 3rd incident reported this year alone. There is an institutional gay predator problem inside Britain’s Conservative Party and no one’s digging into it because almost all the media types in Westminster are part of that “scene.”
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Compare / contrast —
Azeem Rafiq accuses Yorkshire cricket of systemic racism; cue weeks & months of coverage on institutional change and how grubby the game is. When this blew up the airwaves were full of shame and hand wringing, people at the top needed to go, and Rafiq’s accusations were always taken seriously.
Then anti-semitic tweets emerged (accusing another cricketer of not paying for dinner because “he is a Jew”.) Rafiq apologised and it’s all water under the bridge.
Now Andrew Gale comes out in defence with some pretty strong stuff:
“… I was very disappointed when Azeem’s original allegations were first brought to my attention… For the avoidance of any doubt, I deny each and every allegation that Azeem raised with YCCC and then via the ECB suggesting that I have used racist language and bullied Azeem. I was originally stunned but I am now angry that he has raised such allegations against me.”
“I refuse to have my life defined by unsubstantiated allegations by an embittered former colleague and by a YCCC/ECB witch-hunt… Similarly, I refuse to act or be perceived as a perpetual victim despite the fact my treatment from the club was abhorrent… I am not willing to engage in a tainted process when the relationship between the club, certain members of the media and Azeem is as close as it is… I have received personal abuse and we have had reason to leave our home on occasions.”
I note the tumbleweed surrounding Gale’s comments. Of course the media have shown their carpet-sweeping skills recently when it comes to Yorkshiremen being bullied from their home by angry mobs. Gale’s not playing the victim but his story is the wrong kind of fight. The only times the BBC like their sportsmen strong and defiant is when Serena Williams is on court.
tumbleweed ? There is a BBC article
they tweeted on Wednesday afternoon
Here discussion thread
Here local news tweet
BBC local sport
In 2014 he was accused of racism and was banned for 2 matches
“the ECB’s case collapsed when Prince insisted he did not consider the comments to be racist”
Thanks Stew, my sources are radio and the BBC website mostly. There was a lot of discussion on R5 when the claims first came out.
I will wait to see what happens to the debate from now…
@TerminalMoraine cheers, I know what you mean
BBC pet agendas get endless banging-on.
Yet other news gets the rush treatment
but we paint ourselves into a corner if we label that as “tumbleweed”
I believe, in my opinion, that we have looked for greatness in the mundane. Trying to make everyone winners, means we all lose. Irony in the most profound sense.
Lets take a quick look at who is empowered in the world … this list is not exhaustive, but gives you a good indication of what the World’s political landscape looks like …
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men.
Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe since 1987) farts at summit (has also been found sleeping in Parliament, he was 89 years at the time, still holding onto power at 93)
Krystyna Pawlowicz, a Polish MP from the ruling Eurosceptic PiS party, has written a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), accusing him of “alcohol dependency” … Juncker apparently took a nap in the Vatican during the celebration of the EU’s 60th anniversary
Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary – UK Security) not read a major report (Harris Report) on London Attacks. Won her seat with 75% in GE2017.
Now go and read or watch some of these people …
Douglas Murray, Thomas Sowell, Andrew Breitbart, Carl Sagan, Thomas Paine, Christopher Hitchens, George Orwell, Mark Steyn, Trey Gowdy.
“We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men. (link opens video)“
But Marky – people are forced to vote for ‘processed ‘ politicians – Or the election is stolen of course ….
Often it is a matter of the least bad … there is a danger at the other end of the spectrum when the people vote for someone with a ‘vision ‘ – I’d suggest Hitler was the most extreme example of this ….
I’d favour a ‘less government ‘ regime but once they get into office attitudes change and power gets to them ( eg carrie nut nut )
Don’t forget Dave…
2018 … Dear BBC £3.5 billion paid under threat of prison complaints department,
Could you revisit the 2009 UK MP expenses again, I would not like to find out that MPs like Tony Blair have ran to the shredder prior to your investigations.
Here are some details, can you use Journalists who are avoiding the BBC Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker Pay Gap and see why an MP on £77K salary tops up their money with a job giving them £65K extra a year.
Maybe find other MPs on such amazing schemes and why they are getting free tickets to concerts when they have so much cash sloshing around in their MP expenses accounts.
Chuka Umunna MP, Streatham (tax payer pays him £77K per year) is being paid £65,040 a year Advisory Position at Global Progress (London) Ltd …
1) Look into what he produces for £65K a year.
2) Look at who owns the company and other players – Tony Blair is linked to it.
3) Find other MPs doing the same.
4) Ensure they are paying taxes on the extra money.
5) Maybe interview them and ask some questions rather than how they feel today?
For a head start you can find the details on :
Good luck and let me know how you get on,
Mr. M. H
p.s. I also see that MPs claim their MP Office BBC TV Licenses Tax on their expenses, thus the UK tax payer has to pay their own TV License and their MP’s TV License. Might want to consider stopping this for the 650 MPs.
The paper says that a Glasgow man Felix Ferguson, 58, was fined £340 for punching the only Muslim member of the EDL
Is it really ‘sectarian Glasgow thug punches supporter of opposing team
and then in court calls the other man EDL , and thus gets off a prison sentence’ ?
In Madrid?
I don’t think the sultan is going to desist from further tormenting fatso.
Aug 2010 … fast forward … Nov 2016
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
Britain leads the world !. Be proud.
Oh hang on, it’s for monkeypox cases in Londonistan.
Cancel that.
How dreadfully inconvenient for gay pride week/month/year/decade or whatever we are up to now.
I’m still not sure why people are so proud to be gay. I’m not proud to be heterosexual : I just am. I don’t need to ram it down everybody’s throat.
Andy walks away. But the issue won’t go away. I think GB news has given people the courage to stand up to those trying to impose a blanket of silence.
Meanwhile Bryant, who seems more addicted to his Twitter feed than Rayner, be that possible, is also trying to mount a high horse on Parliamentary example.
Name of donor: England Rugby 2015 Ltd
Address of donor: Webb Ellis House, Rugby Road, Twickenham TW1 1DZ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets to the England v Uruguay Rugby World Cup match at the Etihad Stadium; individual ticket value £250 plus £100 hospitality, total £700
Name of donor: Mr Graham Nigel Cole
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: for June 2015, £14,773 in paying the monthly rental, phone and internet costs of an office during my campaign for the leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 28 May 2015
Date accepted: 28 May 2015
Donor status: individual
In October 2019, the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, led a 30-strong delegation to India to celebrate and strengthen bilateral ties in trade, investment, tourism, culture and education between India and Manchester.
Indian refiners had been buying Russian oil at bargain rates, when it was first shunned by western companies after sanctions were imposed against Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24.9 Jun 2022
Guess Who
I’d go further and say that Burnham went beyond his role as a minister to facilitate the escape of the guilty parties in management and cover up the lack of action (or interest even) by health unions. In another scenario he’d be arranging plastic surgery and fake passports.
Burnham’s certainly got “previous” in covering up for poisonous + dysfunctional public bodies – somebody with a conscience might’ve left public life… Andy sells himself as somebody who’s “there for you” – when the evidence suggests the opposite.
LGBT in Ghana: ‘We exist and we are here’
Are the BBC using British license-payers money to fund the production of ultra-woke videos like this ?.
The piano music starts 13 seconds into this one.
Trans : never have so few been so massively overrepresented by so many.
Virtue-signalling in it’s extreme.
Ghana …. ‘Racist’ Gandhi statue removed from University of Ghana
13 December 2018
Sri Lanka fuel crisis: Waiting for days to get fuel
And here’s another one. 0% news, 100% empathy. The story is that Sri-Lanka has a fuel shortage. That’s it.
Why are the BBC paying people to produce ‘news’ article like this ?. It’s pure virtue signalling to show how empathic the middle-class BBC are towards the poor, unfortunates with nothing.
What do you expect when its churned out by a bunch of recent gender studies graduates in an office over a Pret a Manger in W1A – some of whom might have smoked some dope on an Asian beach for a couple of days in their gap yah…
Snake Island: Why Russia couldn’t hold on to strategic Black Sea outcrop
This article represents a step further in the propaganda and rhetoric we are getting from the BBC for the war in Ukraine.
They show a video (from facebook) of snake island which is a 100% propaganda piece showing various hits by Ukrainian shells along with a thumping soundtrack.
And they still don’t mention that the grain can’t be exported whether Russia are there or not : Ukraine have flat out refused to remove the mines anyway.
The report is almost complete rubbish. For example:
‘Snake Island may be in a highly strategic part of the Black Sea and in an ideal spot for installing sophisticated missile systems, but ultimately it is still a very small rock.’
Anything Ukraine puts on there will get the same treatment the Russians got : constant bombardment. This time from Russian ships.
A very, very desperate attempt by the BBC to make this sound like a major victory for Ukraine. Meanwhile not a single article about the real battle going on in the East.
Bah… Snake Island should belong to Moldova anyway!
Believe it used to belong to Romania. Guess a part of the Eastern European musical chairs geopolitical games.
Trudeau on the run in character again?
In a world where you cannot question the orthodoxy …
Sopes’ main source of US news is back.
But that has dried up, much like its efforts to prop up the Dems.
But Saz and Lurch are still hoping gunning for Trump will work.
“Basket of deplorables” is a phrase from a 2016 presidential election campaign speech delivered by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on September 9, 2016, at a campaign fundraising event, which she used to describe half of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump saying “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”.[1] The next day, she expressed regret for “saying half”, while insisting that Trump had deplorably amplified “hateful views and voices”.
TV ad breaks “could” get longer as rules are reviewed
bBC reports “could” might, maybe, so is the beeb a mouthpiece for ofcom, or just the government of the day
Anyway, with breaks being longer on the itv etc it is still not a reason to watch/fund the bbc
The ad breaks on anything Global Radio appear to be getting longer, or maybe just the ads are so dire I switch off and only remember to try switching on again when they are back on again.
Whichever way… streaming. No news. No ads. Bliss.
Save the Polar Bears and Einstein would have used a smart meter. FACT.
Nadine Dorries: Culture secretary confuses rugby codes in speech at Rugby League World Cup event
Any news to report on confused biden? We are often enlightened by Sky Australia, go on beeb actually report on biden honestly, instead of him being a saint and up there with obama
Where Left-Wing ideology of ‘universal equality’ meets the real world. Very often it just isn’t sensible or practical. Like letting women breast feed babies in the House of Commons.
And why most companies who have to make a profit and are not funded by the public don’t virtue-signal by using disabled people for jobs like that.
One minute they can conquer the world – the next they need help onto a plane…..
Nepal is banning disabled climbers from Everest, so here are seven people that totally nailed it
author image
Ashitha Nagesh
Tuesday 29 Sep 2015 8:41 pm
Or should heroic, exhausted yet stoical Frank ask himself why it always happens to him….?
Why the hell do they have to keep sending him. He is more trouble than he is worth. Stop bleeding travelling then! His reports are crap anyway – just non stop whinging.
9 minutes between tweets
8:23pm He tweeted : I’m a huge victim. I’m stuck on the plane with my producer
8:32pm I’m off the plane ..I waited 20 minutes
Quote : “Off the plane now – only a 20 minute delay which is mild – but ground handlers said ‘nobody told us there was a disabled passenger onboard’. Airline, Iberia, insist they did”
“It never happens abroad, only in UK”
Yes abroad most airport staff can probably communicate in English, but maybe at Gatwick it’s different.
Perhaps a visit to Lourdes would be helpful.
Funny? Or on message?
That the page links Nish and Romesh as comedians is hardly a good sign.
Today – comedy – 0715
Meeshal ‘interviewing ‘ a mouthpiece for the PRC about Hong Kong ( who cares ?) . The Chinese lass knew how to deal with meeshal – the method ? Talk and talk and talk – poor meeshal was completely flummoxed . Obviously her limited knowledge meant she couldn’t ‘challenge ‘ the PRC propaganda being spurted out …
So that’s the answer – just talk and talk
Then …
Our Justin has that Evette cooper in for a chat about disfunctional plod …. But no – no – he couldn’t stop himself – screw public safety and the increasingly corrupt plod – let’s talk about a drunken queer Tory whip ….
So leave plod to it’s cess pit and go for boris …- now the weather …
BTW – the times has a story of a ‘trainee met woman plod ‘ with a Romanian name being thrown out for corruption – her Romanian husband was a heavy heavy drug dealer …..
So why would the plod have ‘issues ‘… ?
They have recruited the dregs in the name of ‘diversity ‘ and now have the consequences – no wonder the decent ones left or are leaving
If the Marxists had a plan to undermine the State – they have certainly succeeded … is there anything that is still effective ?…
Phew, bBC QT managed to find an actual member for the audience.
I think they should be required to produce their Labour Party membership card before being allowed to ask a question ‘ make a political statement ….
Where the lady worried about who is gonna make her coffee in Starbucks if we leave the EU?
Does any one actually watch that anymore ?
“Free speech, and freedom of thought, is the foundation of what we are. (Western World)” – David Starkey @ 0:28
“Religion has got no privilege whatever.” – David Starkey @ 1:28
“… most of you are political junkies (panel members on Question Time). Most of the country isn’t.” – David Starkey @ 2:35
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Meanwhile, over in The US, BBC hero Gav and trees… scores of dead trees, plus press. In support. Few evident public.
Do you notice how so many ‘commentators ‘-Fry – ally Campbell have loud media voices and ‘mental issues ‘? Just saying …
I have been looking on the BBC website for an update about a news item several weeks ago.
I haven’t seen anything.
Whatever happened to the ‘German’ who drove into the pedestrians in a German city a few weeks ago, killing the Teacher and injuring many children.
Was it mental issues again.
Pride before a fall edition
What’s your guilty pleasure – are you a Cheryl Hole or a Chris Pincher?
Yesterday love was such an easy game to play,
Now I need a place to hide away
That was according to Paul McCartney – and perhaps inadvertantly he made a rather prescient point for his age (the 60s and 70s) there – what with the shaming of so many celebrities in the recent #me too era.
Beatles lore has it that the tune came to Macca complete one night by way of a visionary-like dream.
The day before yesterday the left-campaigning ‘i’ newspaper was busy celebrating: Fearsome and fabulous. Why gay villains are pop culture’s unsung heroes… Queer baddies in film and TV can be as fabulous as they are problematic… Javier Bardem’s sexually ambiguous baddie Raoul Silva, who flirts with James Bond in Skyfall, and Ursula in The Little Mermaid, who was modelled on the brilliant drag performer Divine – that’s borderline dodgy territory already familiar to the Guardian: Evil twinks and gay gangsters: why we need to remember history’s horrid homosexuals – a recent compendium containing such odd bed-fellows as: Alexander the Great to Ronnie Kray… why it’s important to discuss the problematic alongside the good
That was yesterday, so to speak. No such relaxed liberal equivocation will be due when the present day real life problematic villain is one of those suspiciously dubious individuals – a Tory MP: Tory deputy chief whip resigns amid sexual misconduct claims. (Guardian) – all put in rather measured terms in the headline there.
Here’s an extraordinary thing – The Sun makes top spot in the BBC online press line up. Could it be the boys and girls over there at the Beeb for once admired the concise forthright tabloid-style headline contained therein? Tory whip quits over drunken ‘gropes’
And the day before yesterday Boris was telling us we had to look away as far as Vladimir Putin over in Russia for an example of what leftists term “toxic masculinity” – “If Putin was a woman, which he obviously isn’t, but if he were, I really don’t think he would’ve embarked on a crazy, macho war of invasion and violence in the way that he has. If you want a perfect example of toxic masculinity, it’s what he’s doing in Ukraine.” (as quoted by the BBC) – quite why a conservative would employ such an ideologically left-loaded term escapes one – although considering Boris ain’t no conservative explains the situation more clearly – But I digress…
For proper context of this MP’s behaviour whilst in his cups (let’s call him a naughty man as opposed to the more broadly misandrist tar-all-men-with-the-same-brush toxic masculinity label) we have to turn to the Daily Mail: Top Tory resigns ‘after groping two men’ – now don’t snigger – this previously obscure so-called top Tory is named Chris Pincher – a case of nominative determinism if ever there was one.
Can homosexual men display toxic masculinity? That’s way beyond my ken. I’m sure some Guardian columnist will be explaining how that works within days.
And this little scandal had to happen in Pride month. Awkwardly, today, the corporate free advertising sheet the Metro goes with: Munroe Bergdorf guest edits guilty pleasures… Lotta love: Cheryl Hole cosies up to Will Young at our Pride party in Soho last night
They still insist it is just about love – but it sounds to me like it’s about sex.
They do say Ringo Starr used to write several songs for each Beatles album. He would play them to John, Paul and George, who would listen patiently and then respond with something like “That sounds good, Ringo, but listen to this one… Yesterday, All my troubles seemed so far away, Now it looks as though they’re here to stay…”
This segueway is inevitable: IS ‘Beatles’ terrorist to be deported to UK (Telegraph) – talking of the inevitable – of course he is. I’ve still got a quid or two riding on Shamima Begum – last of the 2015 Three Mosqueteers from Bethnal Green – eventually ending up back over here.
ASI – when nut nut came out with that crap about a female putin the nasty flaky image of his wife popped up – he spoke using her words – he ll get an extra ‘kiss’ for that one –
– nut nut is showing Blair derangement syndrome – a growing megalomania fueled by all that glad handing at summits where his pals are amazed his country in burning the credit card sending guns to a lost cause…
Critics in Britain in particular focused on his responsibility for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and while Palestinians initially welcomed the appointment of such a high-profile figure, he quickly became seen as being too close to the Israelis, who were then, as now, far more powerful than the Palestinians still living under occupation.
The Quartet, founded in 2002, is composed of the US, EU, Russia and the UN. It became a byword for sluggish and incremental diplomacy that rarely challenged the status quo. It was overtaken by efforts led by the Obama administration to achieve a peace agreement that also failed.
2017 … Why was Tony Blair being paid by the UAE while working as Middle East envoy?
It’s indisputable that his globetrotting role trying to solve the Israel-Palestinian crisis put him at many tables with world leaders with whom he could do business with
Anthony Harwood
Tuesday 15 August 2017 14:50
2022 … The Prince of Wales accepted bags containing millions of euros in cash during meetings with a senior Qatari politician, according to a report. Prince Charles was said to have been given a total of €3m (£2.6m) during meetings with Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani, the former prime minister of Qatar.5 days ag
Nothing like Twitter for London media types sharing their travails.
Lewis Goodall
Reporter. Policy Editor
. I cover politics, economics and government in the UK and beyond | DMs open- send me your stories. July 2011
BBC ‘casually’ spent £580,000 of licence fee a day at Glastonbury
UPDATED: 07:54, 29 January 2010
The corporation also lavished £250,000 on building a new studio for its coverage of the Euro 2008 football championships in Austria because executives did not like the view from the one provided.
BBC to review TV licence prosecutions after accusation of bias against women
Not queuing at a FOOD Bank?
BBC Newsnight editor becomes the latest talent to walk as brain drain continues: Lewis Goodall announces he is ditching the broadcaster to join Emily Maitlis at Jon Sopel at Global radio
Mr Goodall said he will be leaving the current affairs show for his new role in September.
Do they know something that we don’t ?
Rats and ship comes to mind .
Brain Drain … ha ha h aha
“Tory deputy chief whip Chris Pincher has resigned from the government, as a newspaper alleged he groped two men at a private members’ club.”
Comeback The Brexit Party. Your country needs you !
A coalition of UKIP, The Reform Party and The Reclaim Party could do well in the next general election ?
Ghana …

UK …
CHeap shot! 😉
First Day of The Somme …
BBC Memory holed –
China’s “one country two systems” model of ruling Hong Kong has worked in protecting the city and must continue long term, says Xi Jinping.
The Chinese leader mounted a stern defence of the political system in a speech in Hong Kong, following recent international criticism.
Weeks after the US president warned China over Taiwan, Beijing has delivered its sternest rebuttal yet, saying it would “resolutely crush any attempt” at Taiwan’s independence.
Blair did some sort of conference yesterday about new ways to control the population – it was facilitated by two political neutral ex BBC types – can you guess?
… Maitliss and Sopel – a trendy estate agent specialising in high value clients …
NHS should ‘leave our kids alone’: Neil Oliver says it’s ‘unforgivable’ to advertise children’s jabs
I think it was on the ministerial desk, but point taken.
As to in where, who besides the discerning Tracey who knows?
Surely a Political version of Cluedo Does Westminster is on the cards?
Keith Vaz with the Vax, on the stairs, with the washing machine repairman.
Interestingly Growler is out being outraged again. Zips up, members!
Theresa May urges Boris Johnson to ban transgender conversion therapy
The Government has said transgender conversion therapy will not be banned under proposed legislation.
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
So they finally caught a thundercloud and re-animated her?
Queer Tiff
Apparently there is a March by homosexuals . They have declared they don’t want uniformed plod to March because of homophobia in the botched Dagenham serial killer case …well good for them …
I don’t want plod to March in any protest or March – plod should be plod – neutral – but that stage is long gone and they now pay the price through public indifference ….
Not propaganda much…
The debunks
– Met Office 2050 forecasts use ‘plausible scenarios’ that aren’t plausible — What’s the point?
– Paul Homewood: Forecast For 22nd June 2050. The Met Office has taken to sending out forecasts of weather in three decades time, despite the fact that they are useless at forecasting more than a couple of days in advance!
116 likes when they tweeted it
Met Office predictions are often wrong for a few days ahead never mind 28 year ahead
Ladbrookes would probably say there is a pretty good chance of Glastonbury getting rained off in 2050
The Met Office “science” people had a free holiday at Glasto this year by using TAX PAYER money to have a stand at the Glastonbury #GreenFutures field.
“Glastonbury 2007 holds the record for the wettest day of the festival. 60.1mm of rain fell in a single day”
“Although 1997’s iteration is dubbed the ‘year of the mud’
also holds the record for the lowest maximum temperature recorded on a day of the event, with 13.2°C as high”
someone replied
“There’s no trend in June maximum temperatures at nearby Yeovilton in 49 years so why would temperatures suddenly start increasing in this area?”
The Met Office video
885 views , 1 comment and that isn’t visible to me
so almost certain that they are censoring comments.
The 2005 BBC video : too much rain at Glastonbury
Let’s hope macca is still topping the bill …
A fab four reunion séance in 2050?
How ridiculous.
Even if it did get hotter, they wouldn’t just colour all the maps different shades of red. Whatever normal is would be green.
Shameless scaremongering by idiots with an agenda.
h/t David “Viva” Freiheit
I’d say, looking at the antics of local government in the UK that the two are already converging?
She was wrong – there is always another money tree in the money forest …
Wind turbines: How UK wants to become ‘Saudi Arabia of wind’
Stick one wind turbine on top of the Houses of Parliament .
There’s plenty of “wind” emanating from that place .
taffman, there’s plenty of hot air, too, in the Houses of Parliament. It could be piped to every house in the land – better than heat pumps!
Spread through 28m households
That’s £3,200 spread through 28 households
£114 for 1 household per year
.. merely to balance solar/wind on the grid
Pride at 50: The LGBT revolution sparked in a basement
Is the Batley teacher still in hiding?
Image result for batley 3 teachers hiding
Teacher still in hiding a year on after Prophet Muhammed Batley Grammar School controversy. A teacher is still in hiding one year on from the Prophet Muhammed Batley school row. The teacher had shown a caricature of the founder of Islam, during a religious studies lesson at Batley Grammar School in March 2021.25 Mar 2022
Just closed my Halifax account. They can stick their pronouns up their/his/her a**e. ‘: Bank suffers exodus of customers after social media manager told them to LEAVE if they don’t like staff sharing pronouns on badges.
Halifax customers are closing their accounts today after its social media team told them to leave if they don’t like their new pronoun badges in what is being branded one of the worst PR disasters in British business history.
Britons have been pulling out millions of pounds in investments and savings as well as cutting up credit cards or transferring balances to rivals after they accused the bank of ‘alienating’ them with ‘pathetic virtue signalling’ after years or even decades with Halifax.
The row began this week when Halifax tweeted its 118,000 followers on Tuesday that it would allow staff to display their pronouns their name badges. In a post that read ‘pronouns matter’, it showed a photo of a female staff member’s name badge, which featured ‘she/her/hers’ in brackets under the name Gemma.
One customer replied: ‘There’s no ambiguity about the name “Gemma”. It’s a female person’s name. In other words, it’s pathetic virtue signalling and is seen as such by almost everyone who has responded to the initial tweet. Why are you trying to alienate people?’ Within 20 minutes a member of the Halifax social media team, calling himself Andy M, replied: ‘If you disagree with our values, you’re welcome to close your account’.
Andy M’s response has outraged customers, and seen hundreds claiming they will boycott the bank with many saying they have closed their accounts. Others have cut up their credit cards or getting rid of insurance policies.
One told MailOnline: ‘My entire family have now transferred their accounts to Nationwide, cards etc. Loss to Halifax is in excess of 450K in investment accounts and savings’. Another said: ‘I closed my credit card account today, after fifteen years of being a customer’.
Former Doctor Who scriptwriter Gareth Roberts, a Halifax customer since 1988, told the bank: ‘I’m a homosexual man. I’m appalled by your adoption of this homophobic, woman-hating claptrap, and by your attitude to customers making perfectly reasonable objections to it.’ Company director Anders Jersby ended his Halifax car insurance policy and said he would never deal with Halifax again thanks to ‘their antics with pronouns’.
Branding expert Martin Townsend said Halifax’s policy is a ‘Ratner moment’ and an ‘astonishing’ mistake that will be considered one of the biggest PR blunders in recent history.
He told LBC: ‘It’s a Ratner moment I would say. It’s astonishing that they do something to make themselves look right on and virtue signalling – and they end up looking like the most old fashioned bullies, telling them: “If you don’t like it you’re welcome to leave”.
‘It’s extraordinary. Who treats their customers like that? I’ve never heard of a company inviting their customers to go. It’s so typical of debate these days: “If you don’t like it, off you go”. How is that inclusive? There are big questions about Halifax today and who came up with it’.
Lloyds is next?
I know they like dressing up their staff in uniforms ….
– diversity demands that a drag queen be available at all branches while the doors are open?
Lloyds own HBOS (The Halifax Bank of Scotland ) of course
Who or what is driving all this wokeness ? Where is the head of the snake ?
It is about time Nadine Dorries started to work for her wages and put a stop to it . If she did she would gain merit with the majority of the people of Great Britain.
“Moved to Nationwide” if that hasn’t been hijacked by woke-supremacists too .. #Entryism
So is one child a boy who thinks he’s a girl, or a girl who think’s she’s a boy ?.
I wonder what Ian’s neighbours think of him.
LGBTQIA+ ???. WTF is that ?.
What a pathetic git! Does he actually perform a financial function for his organisation. Seems not as he is a “relationship director” WTF!
He can stick his pronouns up his arse.
I have always regarded the that by joining the police or the military you are accepting that if required to do your job, you just get on with it.
Not so now in Scotland as the disease of unionism begins to infect the ranks.
The right course of action is to put all the cops joining this on unpaid leave and ship in officers willing to get on and do the job.
“disease of unionism”
unionism has two meanings in Scotland ..the SNP are fanatically anti-unionism
“Unionism in Scotland is a political movement which favours the continuation of the political union between Scotland and the UK
hence is opposed to Scottish independence.”
It appears Turkey’s President Erdogan hasn’t quite managed to bury the hatchet with Boris Johnson, after awkward footage emerged yesterday of Biden having to grab the PM’s arm after Erdogan made a joke at his expense. After the inaudible banter between Biden and Erdogan, Boris began pointing a finger at Recep before Biden reportedly clarified “this is a joke, a joke, calm down Boris”. Boris repeats the phrase “Çok guzel”, either Turkish for “very good” or an instruction to Erdogan. Clearly the Turkish president hasn’t forgotten Boris’s old penmanship for the Spectator: “There was a young fellow from Ankara, Who was a terrific wankerer. Till he sowed his wild oats, With the help of a goat, But he didn’t even stop to thankera.”
Teacher ‘still in hiding’ after showing class cartoon of Prophet Muhammed
author image
Jen Mills
Friday 18 Jun 2021 7:02 pm
Has the ex Tory whip been arrested on suspicion of indecent assault yet ? Will the Sunday papers have exclusive with the ‘victims ‘
‘My grope ordeal ‘
‘Tory MP in probe probe ‘……..?
Turkey’s ‘marry your rapist’ law has taken women’s rights right back to the 1950s
To say this is alarming is an understatement. With the president conveying this message, it will only be a matter of time before society buys into the idea that women’s rights don’t matter
Sara Tor
Thursday 23 January 2020 17:03
Do we get to hear what Recep’s joke was?
– I think we should be told!
– after all the BBC are qiuick to pounce on disparaging Boris stuff.
The Twitter video clip I posted earlier appears to show fat Blair getting tetchy?
Brent Crude at $117 a Barrel and Fuel over £1:90 a Litre. Last time a Barrel was $117 Fuel was at £1:25 a Litre! WHY?
DOn’t worry – Boris has a plan.
Boris Johnson’s Guarantee
We will get Brexit done in January and unleash the potential of our whole country.
I guarantee:
Extra funding for the NHS, with 50,000 more nurses and 50 million more GP surgery appointments a year.
20,000 more police and tougher sentencing for criminals.
An Australian-style points-based system to control immigration.
Millions more invested every week in science, schools, apprenticeships and infrastructure while controlling debt.
Reaching Net Zero by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.
We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.
Thank you for supporting our majority Conservative Government so we can move our great country on instead of going backwards.
The Conservatives lied.
“I’m shocked”
No Trades Descriptions Act any more eh?
Guido seems to be talking crap
The video shows Erdogan saying something inaudible to Biden and pointing to Boris
Boris’s audio is is clear, he points at Erdogan and says “çok güzelsin” yeh that’s cute,
Erdogan does the same thing to Boris points at him and says yeh that’s cute
Biden meanwhile has grabbed Boris’s arm, as if he doesn’t understand Turkish and doesn’t know what is going on
Both laugh
The BBC Retirement Home never fails to impress.
Maybe most kids are not part of the screwed up family units the media bubble inhabits and simply ignore it and move on?
Hope Si was all versions of appropriate.
The Great Leap Forward (Second Five Year Plan) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social campaign led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1958 to 1962. CCP Chairman Mao Zedong launched the campaign to reconstruct the country from an agrarian economy into a communist society through the formation of people’s communes. Mao decreed that efforts to multiply grain yields and bring industry to the countryside should be increased. Local officials were fearful of Anti-Rightist Campaigns and they competed to fulfill or over-fulfill quotas which were based on Mao’s exaggerated claims, collecting non-existent “surpluses” and leaving farmers to starve to death. Higher officials did not dare to report the economic disaster which was being caused by these policies, and national officials, blaming bad weather for the decline in food output, took little or no action. Millions of people died in China during the Great Leap, with estimates ranging from 15 to 55 million, making the Great Chinese Famine the largest or second-largest[1] famine in human history.
hasn’t aged well …
I know that may just not be true unless …. . . . I know people who have been triple vaccinated who claim they have just had Covid. However, I suspect that the Lateral Flow Test they took could not differentiate between a common cold, influenza and Covid-19 and its many and varied mutations.
More Andy Burnham
self aware not
Labour suspends Jeremy Corbyn over reaction to anti-Semitism report
29 October 2020
‘Doused in petrol’
Professor Alexis Jay, who wrote the latest report, said there had been “blatant” collective failures by the council’s leadership, senior managers had “underplayed” the scale of the problem and South Yorkshire Police had failed to prioritise the issue.
Someone raised the issue of how many ships the navy has
I think I counted about 70 altogether
but James Gray the Tory MP just spoke on the radio
“The Navy has 19 OPERATIONAL ships”
19 in the Rainbow fleet?
Yes they fly the Jolly Roger-ing flag
I wonder how many of the 19 operational ships are engaged as immigrant service vessels in the English Channel.
Can I ask every reader of this site to express their personal opposition to the woke stupidity by taking up the offer of Halifax Bank and closing any accounts you might have with them.
The arrogant Social media manager Andy M posted a comment about the banks woke gender fluidity name badges saying, if you don’t like it close your accounts, and now thousands of people have taken him at his word and closed their accounts with the Halifax, including me.
This is a chance to send a message to arrogant big business that their customers will not stand for their leftist politicing.
Make a stand go woke go broke !
There is an online complaints ‘ form – it takes about 5 minutes to complete – the response is 1 to 8 weeks – submitted if only as an indication of feeling …
Lloyds bank – the parent company also has a streak of nonsense wokeness – which is reflected in the share price ..
That’s not true
They reply tweet every hour
but they haven’t made any PR tweet for 48 hours
Halifax is part of Lloyds Banking Group. So, other companies which presumably do not want the custom of ordinary people and would want them to close their accounts include:
Lloyds Bank
Bank of Scotland
Birmingham Midshires
Intelligent Finance
Scottish Widows
Clerical Medical
Black Horse
TWatO Watch #1 – in which the defective Dymond does not make a bid for Journalist of the Year
Discussing the unfortunate Mr Pincher (and ‘Take an Incher’) who is just in the unfortunate position of being over-fond of Al Keyhole and something else. Thangam Debbonaire MP (Lab) is brought on by the BBC to comment first. She is full of anti Conservative Party anger (tick) and mentions the PM’s rule breaking (tick) and ‘Tory sleaze’ (tick) and the Conservative Whip should be withdrawn from Mr Pincher (tick) and that Mr Pincher should resign his seat (tick) thereby creating a By-election opportunity (tick). Thangam generally fulfils, no doubt, the BBC’s Great Expectations and hopes.
However, if the doubly unfortunate Christopher Pincher had been a Member of Parliament for the Labour Party, there would I suggest not have been a Conservative MP queuing up to criticise and call for this and that. And the same would apply if he had been a LibDem MP or a SNP MP or a Plaid Cymru MP. After day, I would expect the BBC to lose interest if they are that supportive of the LBGTQ Community as they seem to be. Otherwise the BBC will be seen to be playing politics on behalf of the LacklustreLabour Party.
Surprisingly Jonny Dymond has developed amnesia and completely forgets he is a BBC journalist as well as a BBC Presenter. He completely forgets to ask Thangam Debbonnaire MP (Lab) about recent and near future Court cases involving MPs from other politcal Parties. Now, there’s a thing! Emily Maitlis would not have let an opportunity like that slip for an Award at Journalist of the Year.
NHS pride flag account doesn’t have a blue tick
but I don’t think it’ a parody
Not a cult …. Saudi authorities seize rainbow toys in crackdown on homosexuality
Pencil cases, skirts and hats among items targeted for ‘contradicting Islamic faith and public morals’
Off with the heretics heads!
The Siege of Mecca 1979
BTW an activist made this claim on the radio this morning
“NHS salaries have fallen by *up to* 32%”
2021 analysis of the Agenda for Change (AfC) framework by London Economics
She was unable to explain it
Point is “up to” is a PR word, that has no place in rational discussion.
Job Title: HR Business Partner (Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, Health & Wellbeing)
Function: HR
Location: Nottingham NG2 4LA.
Type: Permanent
Salary: £37,000-£50,000 depending on experience
Closing Date: Friday 1st July 2022
Closing Date: Friday 1st July 2022
NHS Supply Chain are recruiting for a HR Business Partner (Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing).
What does a HR Business Partner (Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing) do at NHS Supply Chain?
A bit of light relief from Norway
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
TWatO Watch #2 – in which the defective Dymond misses another bid for Journalist or Presenter of the Year
Do you remember the terrific fuss that the BBC made over the National Insurance increase to fund the NHS announced in the Spring Statement (Budget) by the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak. The BBC’s opposition to this was really fierce and included a personal attack (also shared with leftie newspapers) on the Chancellor’s wife who is/was non-domiciled for UK tax purposes quite legally.
I do.
The BBC now seem to be joining in a campaign started by a charity ‘Kinship’ to increase Government spending and, with it, taxation. You couldn’t make it up! Talk about hypocrisy!! The leftie prints haven’t joined in yet but give them time. The BBC found a single woman (tick) who works for the NHS (double tick) who looks after her daughter’s child or children. (savings all gone, pension gone, victim – tick, tick) Jonny ‘defective’ Dymond’s memory has gone again and he completely forgets to ask questions of this poor woman.
This listener would like to know:
Is the grandmother a widow or a divorcee?
Where does the daughter live?
Why is the daughter unable to look after her children – does she have a drink or drugs or mental health problem? If the answer to that is “No.” then
Does the daughter work or is she a student?
– and more importantly –
Where is the daughter’s partner or husband and is he working, and if so, why is he not maintaining the child or children or having them live with him?
There is a terrible lack of curiosity at the BBC which at times likes to tell us that it is ‘first for news’. No journalism. No award, Jonny. “Nul points.”
Save £159 – cancel her BBC TV TAX – if she pays it!
Tory Party might just implode if this gets traction
Good to see Princess Nut-Nut garnering some of the limelight
gay sex is great pass it on
Little monkeys 🙂
Poxy monkeys.
Ordinarily what goes on in the bedroom etcetera between consenting adults is fine by me – WGAF?
One has to suspect a seamier side of this is likely to be the apportioning of plum jobs for sexual favours and other unacceptable antics.
i thought owen jones was a celibate gay “man”
‘Groper pincher whip removed ‘ oo matron