I don’t actually care if the BBC want to align with and totally support people who have decided to live otherwise than humans are supposed to and designed to.
Be it men doing stuff to other men, women doing stuff to other women, children being encouraged to pretend they are the opposite sex and probably coming soon adults being kosher with having sex with children. What I do object to is being expected to pay them to help spread their abhorrent and in my opinion bloody evil message.
“Those who the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad!”
This is probably already known here as this tweet is hours old. But just in case it isn’t, I’ll post it. Means nothing to me. I’ve never listened to BBC radio even when I paid the licence. I have no idea who the fellow is.
I’ve just learned that Steve Wright has been axed by the BBC. Ffs. How many more nails will they knock into their own coffin? 🤷♀️. Huge part of my life growing up. From R1 to R2. 😞😢
Trainee lawyers in London are now earning £120K but could be earning as much as £164K for someone fresh out of uni at 22 years old. Compare that with the paltry salary of MPs and government ministers. Then people wonder why we have the clowns and incompetents we have in power over us
“May 12, Biden’s Interior Department blocked a proposal to open up more than one million acres of land in Alaska for oil and gas drilling. Two days later, Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency blocked plans to expand an oil refinery…”https://t.co/9Mk2boR13D
How much time did the Obama crew spend coaching and rehearsing that poor old man to read from the autocue -? And even then he fluffs his lines .
I bet if you gave him a shopping list he’d read that out the same …
I was watching Fox TV . They must have an editorial line that the US voting process is not corrupted . They think the coming elections will be properly conducted .
I don’t get that . The presidential election was so fixed as to be embarrassing – but they think the next ones will be okay ? Nah …
Not that it’s likely to happen – but it would make a refreshing change if UK plod social media peeps put up something similar instead of the carnival of intimidatory, stupid self serving bilge that they do post.
BBC local evening news is already on iPlayer
Despite the name it went out at 12:10pm
and was only 5 mins long
The first 2.5 mins was “It’ the launch of the giant puffin sculptures today. So that was PRasNews
Then bus strike
then train strike/ worker sickness
– Charity worker nominated for award .. PRasNews
– It’s Bridlington Pride today .. PRasNews
– weather
Just to get it into proportion, if the LGBT girl was drawn in proportion to her percentage of the population, she would be about 1cm high in that picture on my screen. About as high as her ankle.
‘Ukraine’s eastern city of Lysychansk is at the centre of competing claims, with both Russian and Ukrainian forces saying they are in control.’
Is that really the headline for the war ?. Come back tomorrow BBC, the Russians will have it then.
I have to say the BBC reports on Ukraine are just appalling. They are a mish-mash of whatever snippets they can find which are positive for Ukraine and negative for Russia. The result is an incoherent jumble of facts peppered with propaganda which nobody could ever use to know what is actually going on.
In the middle of this we have:
‘ … the UK Defence Ministry accuses Russia of using Soviet-era anti-ship missiles “in a secondary land attack role” – not what they were designed for.’
From twitter I see the MOD don’t ‘accuse’ them of anything. They merely point it out as a fact. The BBC added that word.
The bit that really WAS news for me was that Ukraine have apparently launched missiles at Belarus. But instead of asking the question if Ukraine are seeking to expand the war in their attempt to get others to join in, they merely dismiss Belarus as ‘a close ally of Russia’s Vladimir Putin and allowed Russian troops to invade Ukraine from Belarus in February.’.
I suppose this is what you get when your staff are recruited through quotas instead of being fit to do the job.
We are living in strange times and all the usual principles of ‘right and wrong’ have suddenly changed.
As a species, we are exactly the same as we were before WW2 and for hundreds of years before. We might gloss it all over with a facade of civilisation, but all the instincts and human nature we evolved over countless generations to get us here in the first place do not change as quickly as that.
The Left are a particularly good example : all their preaching of equality/tolerance etc disappears with the wind when it doesn’t suit them and they become the nastiest, most spiteful people of anyone. It’s all hypocrisy.
Adele = Labour supporter and gay ‘icon’, two boxes ticked…
Not many boxes from the rest of the (few) slebs though – all pretty boring, but the awful bbbc will explode the story as monumental as usual, while normal citizens get on with making a living and working hard.
Here we go. Exactly as predicted. Hardly a peep and no outrage at all from the BBC or the misandrist activists until a white man was charged with it – because they thought it had a high chance a BAME did it.
And now all of sudden we have:
‘Ms Naz said she wanted to bring about change following Ms Aleena’s death: “That’s what Zara was about, we have got to change something.’
“I want to speak to the leaders of this country, I want to talk about the setting up of projects right now to prevent violence.”
And I see elsewhere:
‘Hundreds of people are expected to turn out for a silent vigil for Ms Aleena on Saturday afternoon, to ‘walk her home’.’
A bit late for that you shameless, racist hypocrites. After your silence for Sasha Johnson because you knew black men did it and dropping all interest in Sabina Nessa once you learned it was an immigrant who did it, your false outrage belongs in the rubbish along with whatever it is you call ‘ethics’.
🚨🚨⚠️⚠️ The Dutch protesters are pouring manure on government offices, flooding streets, and becoming all together ungovernable. This uprising is in response to the WEF controlled government shutting down farms to "save the planet." You have to see this: https://t.co/YTyax7uagmpic.twitter.com/mXgufQfkRM
The BBC is busily linking the failure of self control of a queer blue labour MP with the judgement of nut nut appointing him deputy chief whip .
I think the BBC editorial campaign to oust nut nut in order to get a Remainer PM means anything bad happening will get a nut nut link – they even have Cummings on speed dial to add extra venom to the mix …..
… the bbc religion programme ( charter requirement ) .
The word ‘sex ‘ was used by Eddie amoral Sturton about 6 words into the programme before the off switch offered a time for quiet prayer – not something you’d hear much about on the evil BBC ….
Nut Nut IS a remainer PM, at the G7 Macron let it slip that Boris had asked him about re-joining.
Nut nut is also a compulsive liar and jumped on a Brexit bandwagon to further his own career, not because he believed in it. And Cameron in his entitled superiority made his mate the official leave party.
I realise there is a spectrum with farage at one end and the likes of loon adonis at the other .
Im not sure believes in anything apart from nut nut so he s the only option .
Farage seems to be as toxic to the msm as president trump .
There is no Right Wing group to represent people like me…for the forseeable future..
Raising the flag with street parades by the conquering forces and raining on the gay parade edition
The experienced world-weary eye watches out for those all-important subtle little changes in the prevailing media narratives.
This Sunday we note for the first time the BBC failing to take official Ukraine-Zelensky propaganda machine claims as the absolute unquestionable gospel: Ukraine’s eastern city of Lysychansk is at the centre of competing claims, with both Russian and Ukrainian forces saying they are in control. (BBC)
Caught in the cleft stick of willing our good guys to be telling the truth: Ukraine says its forces are enduring intense Russian shelling there but insists the city has not been seized – and cold hard fact-checkable reality: Russian media showed videos of separatist or Russian forces apparently parading through the streets… Russian sources have also tweeted video of the Soviet flag allegedly being placed on the city’s ruined administrative centre, but that has not been verified – our BBC opts for their old time somewhat tarnished trade mark balanced approach: Ukraine war: Ukraine and Russia both claim control over Lysychansk
From Video of: Chechen Rosgvardia troops in front of the partially destroyed City administration building in Lysychansk…. shared by defence blogger Rob Lee – looks as though the city has changed hands – to some things that never change…
I’ve said it before but this Sunday once again I’m reminded of the hymn: Tell Me The Old Old Story… and that old story is the BBC online press review grasping for the best, most concise, most impactful, anti-Boris headline of the day as penned by a national newspaper – so we open the golden envelope, so to speak, and we find the daily award goes to: The Sunday Telegraph for their: PM ‘turned blind eye to sex pest warnings’ – bravo! Fresh allegations emerge… and goodness me, we are given to understand that that Tory MP Pincher has been – on more than one occasion – more than a little too fresh (allegedly)
And, blow me, it had to come out in Pride month… more of that later…
The Sunday Mirror comes in a close second in the BBC press review with an dishonourable mention, so to speak: Pestminster exclusive. Boris’ missed chances to probe Pincher – too obviously punning, hardly a real exclusive and a tad too vintage saucy picture postcard-like copy for our taste – not that we’re prudes hereabouts. Also the Mirror headline implies typical-Boris over-casual innocent blundering forgetfulness rather than the more politically damaging direct accusation of knowing malfeasance levelled at BoJo in the Telegraph’s blind eye reference.
By the way, speaking of subtle changes in the narratives – when did Pride go predominently black?
The Observer tells us Pride is: Proud to be back. Hollie Adams/Getty does the honours supplying the frontpage colour pic of what we’re to assume is a mixed-race lesbian jolly couple caught mid-selfie. A little bird tells me the majority of Pride marchers tend to be not gays necessarily but corporate and public sector workers brushing up on the diversity points. Closer examination of the Observer photo reveals a rainbow flag has the British Gas corporate logo – well, frack me, there’s a thing.
The Sunday Times goes with Guy Bell/Shutterstock for their de rigueur frontpage diverse identity politics image of a black chap looking dapper in his rainbow suit and rainbow coloured umbrella – rather reminiscent of a New Orleans jazz wedding procession second line. Then the: Looks like rain-bow caption is hinting how the brolly – a symbol of southern style, femininity and grace in Louisiana – was rather a utilitarian prop on the London streets yesterday.
Let’s all get hot and dirty (Daily Star Sunday) – but we’ve moved on from the waving it your face corporate HR department jamboree which is the Pride procession – to that near obsessive preoccupation of the tabloid title – the weather. It may have rained on the gay parade yesterday, however: Stop washing warning as bikini summer set to bring water shortages
The Sunday People carries something of a challenge to our Boris and his bizarre claim this week that if Putin were a woman he wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine: Bad Girls. The women whose crimes guaranteed lasting infamy.
From the likes of Clyde’s Bonnie to a former BBC bonny lass
And in the presumably unrelated to bad girls cover story, the Sunday PeopleFab mag features ex-BBC Breakfast presenter Steph McGovern. One could have sworn the feature headline read: Learning how to treat my BS has changed my life – ooops, excuse us, I’ll claim dyslexia, sadly, that headline read IBS – poor lass, we do wish her well.
If starmer and growler have got tickets Labour will have to go hard on the queer blue Labour MP – maybe theyll have a march …
The absense of Starmer and this seems a good indication . If so theyll resign and get instantly reappointed…could they afford a not guilty court fight over it ?
Di Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria don advise students wey currently dey study medicine or dentistry for Ukrainian medical schools to do transfer to accredited institutions for oda kontris. https://t.co/AFb7rWZ6WT
I had a trip out to one of my favourite spots yesterday, Kew Gardens. It’s always lovely there, but…
They have swallowed the Greta pill hook, line and sinker and “the climate crisis” is on full propaganda mode from the moment you walk through the gates. Here are some examples from the little leaflet you pick up on entering. ..” explore the future of food in the context of the climate and biodiversity crisis”…”How can chefs and growers transform the way we eat in the UK?”…”Future food stories reflects on one of the most underestimated consequences of the climate crisis”
They’ve commissioned some bloke (a “recycling artist”) to knock up two massive lounging trolls made out of wood. “Thomas Dambo has created two giant trolls eating together from bins strewn with vegetables. They show us the benefits of eating together and of a plant based diet for our mental and nutritional health…” Give me a bleedin’ break…
Even after having dragged my flabby carcass to the top of the tree top walk, where I thought I might find sanctuary, there were little signs with warnings, “Plants are flowering up to two weeks early due to global warming.”
Apparently even the restaurants in Kew are experimenting with “sustainable food”. I didn’t venture inside, so I can’t say what that sort of “grub” was on the menu, but I’m guessing there would be lots of leaves, possibly earwigs and lightly marinated stick insects. Yummy!
Lots of garden produce is early this year as we had a decent winter and a good spring! I sometimes wonder where all these useful idiots get their ideas from, because normal gardeners (ahem – Chez Scrobs) know that seasons change every year and we just accommodate the timing to suit what we grow and eat where and when we can.
I bet if you’d gone to Kew last year, they’d have said very little as we had a lousy spring which dragged on for ages and everything was late!
Most normal gardeners ignore the awful BBBC gardening progs these days, they’re just for snowflakes and vegans to sit and wonder at ‘diversity’ and stupid diversions from the normal act of putting real farmed food on the table!
One of the latest – well, recent bandwagons is about the use of peat. I try and use peat as much as possible as it is a natural ground conditioner, but to read the hysterics of some commentators, you’d think the earth was folding in on itself!
Here’s a useful explanation I found just this morning, and it makes for great reading, because it’s written by someone who actually knows what he’s talking about, not what undermanagers in W1AA have decided the populace need!
On Toady on Sunday today, the erstwhile religious programme on The Sabbath, the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation featured an article on two celibate gay men, one of whom was Muslim. This was immediately followed by a sort of travel programme about booking difficulties for British Muslims wanting to travel to Mecca to attend the Haj.
There being no content whatever relevant to my life as a straight white non-celibate Briton who has lived through Christian-influenced Western civilisation these past several decades, I switched off.
What a tiny, unremarkable, unworthy minority I represent in the eyes of the BBC.
…..which is absolutely the core strategy of the Marxists.
Dump every imaginable requirement on the market economy until it fails.
Then the market economy is shown to be failing and thus a new system is needed.
Once this essential truth is accepted, an awful lot of observable facts slot in to place.
Open door immigration, unlimited resources for the NHS, endless goodies for ‘the most ‘disadvantaged’ in our society’, big and ever-growing public sector, new ‘minorities’ deserving of resources……..etc. etc.
It’s all there, and the stupid, wimpish, Tories don’t have the b**** to call it out.
But just think of all those qualified doctors, nurses, police officers and of course our armed forces arriving to assist this country in our hour of need.
Note how Pride Month was June yet media prog extended into this July weekend
Partially that is cos the London Pride march was on Saturday, so there are special progs about that.
Saturday’s R4 history prog spent the first half banging on about it was a Marxist Socialist thing then “evil Tories section 28”
Then “Here’s the BBC reporter who covered the march at the time .. Michael Gove who went on to be a Tory politician”
Then they had a segment about Edwina Currie campaigning to lower consent age to 16, but failing
(It get’s repeated on July 15th)
Pride & Joy : Ginger Beer
How to prepare a kid from a queer family for a straight world.
19 mins06 Jul 2020
(from the series “Pride & Joy
For queers, having kids is complicated. Yet lots of us make it happen. These are our stories.”)
I’m sceptical of BBCnews claim that there were “1 million people at the London Pride”
If you’re planning your evening’s entertainment perhaps consider my #BigPrideParty on @channel4 from 9pm, a huge 2hr celebration of LGBTQ+ culture, LIVE from Birmingham. If you watch Love Island you're a homophobe 🌈 pic.twitter.com/hx4MILzSsh
Saturday Channel4 had
8:00pm Freedom: 50 Years of Pride
Olly Alexander, Bimini, Sir Ian McKellen and the many other people who were there join the story of Pride and a remarkable, funny, shocking, and moving five decades of LGBTQ+ activism.
That is repeated on Monday right after
10:00pm The Extraordinary Life of April Ashley
…Ashley: From wartime Liverpool slums to London’s high society, the epic story of one of Britain’s most prominent transgender women – model, dancer, and pioneer for transgender equality.
They all say a mill, Stew, LBC’s news had the same!
Apparently Leicester Square is still full of rubbish which the gay bunch chucked around! No doubt Mare Khaaan will apportion an increased budget for the trashmen…
I’m sceptical of BBCnews claim that there were “1 million people at the London Pride”
I’ve worked London Pride as an event tech specialist – struck me that there weren’t that many “attendees” showing solidarity who weren’t actually in the march / parade – just incidental Sunday outdoors peeps.
I’ve seen a purported 500k come through Regent Street on a Sunday and that looked like 5x Pride.
Why would you be ‘proud’ to be homosexual ????
Be proud of fathering or giving birth to offspring as nature intended.
Be proud of ensuring they are brought to adulthood in a safe and loving environment.
Be proud they go on to do the same in the furtherance of the human race.
There’s absolutely no reason to be proud of being a homosexual. But neither is it a matter of shame. For most people, it is a matter of supreme indifference as to what consenting adults get up to in private, as long as it’s consensual and doesn’t involve kids.
But for anyone who does want to be truly proud:
Take pride in self, take pride in family, take pride in nation.
I cant download pictures, but honest to God I’ve seen it all now.
The 4 bridesmaids at the wedding of Rupert Murdoch’s granddaughter looked very nice in their slinky silky dresses and delicate high heel shoes – well, THREE of them did – the other one was a bloke. No he wasn’t in drag or wore make up, but he wore the frock, carried a bouquet and completed the look with socks and plimsolls.
Admittedly the wedding looked a bit ‘off the wall’ with the bride not exactly looking “blushing”, but having a fair amount of tattoos and black and white hair – you get the picture.
Here’s the link, scroll down to the one where the ‘bloke’ is scratching his bits as they all get out of the people carrier. This one should go viral……………….
Sometimes there are men pretending to be women and other times it’s done for a bit of fun such as the pantomime dames. I just don’t see this guy doing anything other than having a laugh not trying to be anything he isn’t and I don’t see anyone pandering to him and trying to also pretend otherwise.
No shaven legs plucked eyebrows, he’s even got a beard!
I suspect you are correct, Thoughtful. But unshaven legs, unplucked eyebrows and beards are not impediments to being one of the gals, as Toronto police know only too well:
Each time some Tory mp does something wrong such as watching tractors or groping we get the msm and labour calling for Boris to resign as he’s ultimately responsible.
Why do we not get the same resignation frenzy when labour MPs get caught doing wrong, some even going to prison wrong. Why no calls from them for Starmer to resign as he’s ultimately responsible.
If some policeman in London does something wrong why no calls for khan to go as he is ultimately responsible.
I have to say that I started off thinking that way, and then when I hear of the gross irresponsibility of the dear leader having known about this guys predilictions at least two years before he appointed him to his position I think that yet again Johnson shows his unfitness for the office he holds.
To know someone is a rampant homosexual with a drink problem and what Johnson describes as ‘handsy’ was an accident waiting to happen.
Emmanuel, apparently this was Maltby style ‘groping’, really bad, just a touch on the knee, according to one account. The BBC made a big fuss of the Maltby thing, so I expect Chris Pincher may get pushed around the BBC airwaves and BBC web-site for a few more days yet.
Twitter reports that the nana lady on GBNews shut down someone who wanted to talk about beergate .
This has led to speculation that there may be secret court proceedings or a super injunction relating to Starmer and the Ginger Growler ….
Not a good look for anyone if that is the case …
There has been a multiple shooting at a shopping mall in Copenhagen. The story is just appearing on the bbc front page . Please note the picture of distressed witnesses they choose to illustrate it. Bastards isn’t too strong a word.
Daily Mail reports the Danish shooting thus ‘Gunfire explodes in a Copenhagen shopping mall leaving several people hurt’ – so I am assuming the guns went off spontaneously. But who took them there?
It says a lot for my trust in the BBC that when I read about this shooting, the first place I am looking to find out the truth about it is this website !
“Turkish customs authorities have detained a Russian cargo ship carrying grain which Ukraine says is stolen”
Puppet state Ukraine seemingly determined to stop grain reaching the hungry…
Meanwhile Putin and allied forces are freeing Ukraine from the globalists, one Oblast at a time.
“Lugansk People’s Republic is completely liberated – Russian Defense minister Shoigu.”
Russian media.
7:10pm Countryfile Tom Heap’s item on nuclear waste storage ‘Future is EVs, heatpumps, so UK needs more electricity’“And WE WE WE want much less fossil fuel in the mix”
so the gov is pushing wind and solar, but you also need energy on cloudy windless days so gov is encourages nuclear BUT is nuclear that CLEAN
That’s garbled propaganda from Heap
.. The government’s crazy aim is low CO2 and the government believes it can get Carbon Capture to work economically
.. If that were true you could use lots of fossil fuels cos you’d be capturing all their CO2
Nuclear is pretty clean for each MWh generated compared to other things
cos mining and burning other stuff like wood does actually release radioactivity.
Heap “Nuclear doesn’t burn fossil fuels, so the energy is CLEANER”
FFS ‘cleaner’ is a PR word it’s not scientifically definable
I do like that idea that the Russians funded the anti nuclear movement in order to ensure more dependency on their oil and gas ….
That’s what I’d do … same with cutting off the worlds’ food supply ( China and India get it at a discount though )…
Gary Imlach just now on the Tour de France Highlights programme on ITV4. He explained that there’s no programme tomorrow as it’s a transfer day back to France from Denmark.
“But if we’re not back on Tuesday, assume we’re still stuck in the queue for non-EU passport holders.”
I’m so sick of these media types.
Time for the New Thread – will it be the one where the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Labour Party tell their voters that they got – and contested – a Covid Fixed Penalfy Notice ?
(stolen) For any lurking news + current affairs folk scouring for inspiration at start of the week…
FDA/Pfizer, wanted to keep data on their vaccine hidden for 75 years. A court forced them to release the data in batches. Why aren’t you investigating ?
. Aren’t you curious, as to why pfizer wanted to keep it hidden for 75 years.
wwfcMar 10, 11:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five charged with murder over shooting in street Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-14481009/Harry-Potter-Doctor-star-dies-aged-63-tributes.html Surprised the…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 11:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo Far Right, Far Right As we know the bbc isn’t biased…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
I don’t actually care if the BBC want to align with and totally support people who have decided to live otherwise than humans are supposed to and designed to.
Be it men doing stuff to other men, women doing stuff to other women, children being encouraged to pretend they are the opposite sex and probably coming soon adults being kosher with having sex with children. What I do object to is being expected to pay them to help spread their abhorrent and in my opinion bloody evil message.
“Those who the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad!”
This is probably already known here as this tweet is hours old. But just in case it isn’t, I’ll post it. Means nothing to me. I’ve never listened to BBC radio even when I paid the licence. I have no idea who the fellow is.
His replacement is Scott Mills from Radio 1 who is of course, gay.
Trainee lawyers in London are now earning £120K but could be earning as much as £164K for someone fresh out of uni at 22 years old. Compare that with the paltry salary of MPs and government ministers. Then people wonder why we have the clowns and incompetents we have in power over us
Seeing as lawyers are the most predominant career infesting the House of Commons , especially on the Tory side ,
your comment doesn’t make sense .
Why the Tories don’t care about the future of Britain an article from this weeks FT archieved but gives some insight.
Remainer stuff and unconvincing.
How much time did the Obama crew spend coaching and rehearsing that poor old man to read from the autocue -? And even then he fluffs his lines .
I bet if you gave him a shopping list he’d read that out the same …
I was watching Fox TV . They must have an editorial line that the US voting process is not corrupted . They think the coming elections will be properly conducted .
I don’t get that . The presidential election was so fixed as to be embarrassing – but they think the next ones will be okay ? Nah …
Just throwing sh*t and hoping some will stick. When are Fox et al going to start fingering the string pullers?
The replies under the POTUS post are worth looking at
Not that it’s likely to happen – but it would make a refreshing change if UK plod social media peeps put up something similar instead of the carnival of intimidatory, stupid self serving bilge that they do post.
BBC local evening news is already on iPlayer
Despite the name it went out at 12:10pm
and was only 5 mins long
The first 2.5 mins was “It’ the launch of the giant puffin sculptures today. So that was PRasNews
Then bus strike
then train strike/ worker sickness
– Charity worker nominated for award .. PRasNews
– It’s Bridlington Pride today .. PRasNews
– weather
Letter in the Times from righties saying there should be a memorial to the slavery abolitionists
.. https://twitter.com/History_Reclaim/status/1542953555715293189
There already a Wilberforce Monument in Hull
Interesting graphic
Most people are for equality
But the woke-supremacists say some animals are more equal than others
Just to get it into proportion, if the LGBT girl was drawn in proportion to her percentage of the population, she would be about 1cm high in that picture on my screen. About as high as her ankle.
Someone asked Jim Dymond on LBC why there was never a Straight day as of a pride day.
Rather put the kaibosh on that little splurge, but at least LBC do cover everything – mostly – fairly!
lol, imagine that : A whole month dedicated to celebrating not being gay. The loony Leftys would go into meltdown.
It does serve to highlight the hypocrisy of it all.
Ukraine war: Ukraine and Russia both claim control over Lysychansk
‘Ukraine’s eastern city of Lysychansk is at the centre of competing claims, with both Russian and Ukrainian forces saying they are in control.’
Is that really the headline for the war ?. Come back tomorrow BBC, the Russians will have it then.
I have to say the BBC reports on Ukraine are just appalling. They are a mish-mash of whatever snippets they can find which are positive for Ukraine and negative for Russia. The result is an incoherent jumble of facts peppered with propaganda which nobody could ever use to know what is actually going on.
In the middle of this we have:
‘ … the UK Defence Ministry accuses Russia of using Soviet-era anti-ship missiles “in a secondary land attack role” – not what they were designed for.’
From twitter I see the MOD don’t ‘accuse’ them of anything. They merely point it out as a fact. The BBC added that word.
The bit that really WAS news for me was that Ukraine have apparently launched missiles at Belarus. But instead of asking the question if Ukraine are seeking to expand the war in their attempt to get others to join in, they merely dismiss Belarus as ‘a close ally of Russia’s Vladimir Putin and allowed Russian troops to invade Ukraine from Belarus in February.’.
I suppose this is what you get when your staff are recruited through quotas instead of being fit to do the job.
As I heard it the Ukrainians have the town centre and the Russians everything around it …
I see in Germany its going all a bit 1937?
We are living in strange times and all the usual principles of ‘right and wrong’ have suddenly changed.
As a species, we are exactly the same as we were before WW2 and for hundreds of years before. We might gloss it all over with a facade of civilisation, but all the instincts and human nature we evolved over countless generations to get us here in the first place do not change as quickly as that.
The Left are a particularly good example : all their preaching of equality/tolerance etc disappears with the wind when it doesn’t suit them and they become the nastiest, most spiteful people of anyone. It’s all hypocrisy.
Adele says backlash to Las Vegas residency postponement was brutal
A story about how fans were not happy when Adele cancelled a show just 24 hours before it was due to start.
Can anybody explain to me what is going on in the BBC mindset to put this utterly irrelevant story as a headline article on the front news page ?.
Adele = Labour supporter and gay ‘icon’, two boxes ticked…
Not many boxes from the rest of the (few) slebs though – all pretty boring, but the awful bbbc will explode the story as monumental as usual, while normal citizens get on with making a living and working hard.
Adele has just done 2 live concerts in Hyde Park
so she is in the media’s eyes.
Dunno if she is about to announce new tour dates.
Zara Aleena’s aunt wants to speak to UK leaders
Here we go. Exactly as predicted. Hardly a peep and no outrage at all from the BBC or the misandrist activists until a white man was charged with it – because they thought it had a high chance a BAME did it.
And now all of sudden we have:
‘Ms Naz said she wanted to bring about change following Ms Aleena’s death: “That’s what Zara was about, we have got to change something.’
“I want to speak to the leaders of this country, I want to talk about the setting up of projects right now to prevent violence.”
And I see elsewhere:
‘Hundreds of people are expected to turn out for a silent vigil for Ms Aleena on Saturday afternoon, to ‘walk her home’.’
A bit late for that you shameless, racist hypocrites. After your silence for Sasha Johnson because you knew black men did it and dropping all interest in Sabina Nessa once you learned it was an immigrant who did it, your false outrage belongs in the rubbish along with whatever it is you call ‘ethics’.
Aunts demanding a ‘speaking to’ are the new ‘apology’ catnip for #prasnews drones at their PCs.
Cheap, pointless, fast, heat over light. Perfect BBC.
No sign of Dutch farmer unrest on the BBC
Why vote multiple times when you can stop your opponents voting altogether?
The BBC is busily linking the failure of self control of a queer blue labour MP with the judgement of nut nut appointing him deputy chief whip .
I think the BBC editorial campaign to oust nut nut in order to get a Remainer PM means anything bad happening will get a nut nut link – they even have Cummings on speed dial to add extra venom to the mix …..
… the bbc religion programme ( charter requirement ) .
The word ‘sex ‘ was used by Eddie amoral Sturton about 6 words into the programme before the off switch offered a time for quiet prayer – not something you’d hear much about on the evil BBC ….
Nut Nut IS a remainer PM, at the G7 Macron let it slip that Boris had asked him about re-joining.
Nut nut is also a compulsive liar and jumped on a Brexit bandwagon to further his own career, not because he believed in it. And Cameron in his entitled superiority made his mate the official leave party.
I realise there is a spectrum with farage at one end and the likes of loon adonis at the other .
Im not sure believes in anything apart from nut nut so he s the only option .
Farage seems to be as toxic to the msm as president trump .
There is no Right Wing group to represent people like me…for the forseeable future..
Actual Asian Network does a BBC sub run.
Talking of awful subbing.
‘A huge loss’ Naga Munchetty bids emotional farewell as BBC star leaves for Channel 4
It is possible they were trawling for hits and now know what folk want to see.
Until disappointment sets in.
Isn’t the extremist the one who tried to kill him ?.
Raising the flag with street parades by the conquering forces and raining on the gay parade edition
The experienced world-weary eye watches out for those all-important subtle little changes in the prevailing media narratives.
This Sunday we note for the first time the BBC failing to take official Ukraine-Zelensky propaganda machine claims as the absolute unquestionable gospel: Ukraine’s eastern city of Lysychansk is at the centre of competing claims, with both Russian and Ukrainian forces saying they are in control. (BBC)
Caught in the cleft stick of willing our good guys to be telling the truth: Ukraine says its forces are enduring intense Russian shelling there but insists the city has not been seized – and cold hard fact-checkable reality: Russian media showed videos of separatist or Russian forces apparently parading through the streets… Russian sources have also tweeted video of the Soviet flag allegedly being placed on the city’s ruined administrative centre, but that has not been verified – our BBC opts for their old time somewhat tarnished trade mark balanced approach: Ukraine war: Ukraine and Russia both claim control over Lysychansk
From Video of: Chechen Rosgvardia troops in front of the partially destroyed City administration building in Lysychansk…. shared by defence blogger Rob Lee – looks as though the city has changed hands – to some things that never change…
I’ve said it before but this Sunday once again I’m reminded of the hymn: Tell Me The Old Old Story… and that old story is the BBC online press review grasping for the best, most concise, most impactful, anti-Boris headline of the day as penned by a national newspaper – so we open the golden envelope, so to speak, and we find the daily award goes to: The Sunday Telegraph for their: PM ‘turned blind eye to sex pest warnings’ – bravo! Fresh allegations emerge… and goodness me, we are given to understand that that Tory MP Pincher has been – on more than one occasion – more than a little too fresh (allegedly)
And, blow me, it had to come out in Pride month… more of that later…
The Sunday Mirror comes in a close second in the BBC press review with an dishonourable mention, so to speak: Pestminster exclusive. Boris’ missed chances to probe Pincher – too obviously punning, hardly a real exclusive and a tad too vintage saucy picture postcard-like copy for our taste – not that we’re prudes hereabouts. Also the Mirror headline implies typical-Boris over-casual innocent blundering forgetfulness rather than the more politically damaging direct accusation of knowing malfeasance levelled at BoJo in the Telegraph’s blind eye reference.
By the way, speaking of subtle changes in the narratives – when did Pride go predominently black?
The Observer tells us Pride is: Proud to be back. Hollie Adams/Getty does the honours supplying the frontpage colour pic of what we’re to assume is a mixed-race lesbian jolly couple caught mid-selfie. A little bird tells me the majority of Pride marchers tend to be not gays necessarily but corporate and public sector workers brushing up on the diversity points. Closer examination of the Observer photo reveals a rainbow flag has the British Gas corporate logo – well, frack me, there’s a thing.
The Sunday Times goes with Guy Bell/Shutterstock for their de rigueur frontpage diverse identity politics image of a black chap looking dapper in his rainbow suit and rainbow coloured umbrella – rather reminiscent of a New Orleans jazz wedding procession second line. Then the: Looks like rain-bow caption is hinting how the brolly – a symbol of southern style, femininity and grace in Louisiana – was rather a utilitarian prop on the London streets yesterday.
Let’s all get hot and dirty (Daily Star Sunday) – but we’ve moved on from the waving it your face corporate HR department jamboree which is the Pride procession – to that near obsessive preoccupation of the tabloid title – the weather. It may have rained on the gay parade yesterday, however: Stop washing warning as bikini summer set to bring water shortages
The Sunday People carries something of a challenge to our Boris and his bizarre claim this week that if Putin were a woman he wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine: Bad Girls. The women whose crimes guaranteed lasting infamy.
From the likes of Clyde’s Bonnie to a former BBC bonny lass
And in the presumably unrelated to bad girls cover story, the Sunday People Fab mag features ex-BBC Breakfast presenter Steph McGovern. One could have sworn the feature headline read: Learning how to treat my BS has changed my life – ooops, excuse us, I’ll claim dyslexia, sadly, that headline read IBS – poor lass, we do wish her well.
Usually with bbc state employees fully briefed in advance.
She needs to name names and provide the evidence …
No dogs were walked. Apparently.
That’s XR central….
Is it in Dale Vince’s garden ?
(owner of subsidy sucking Ecotricity)
Something out there even the bbc can’t avoid mentioning?
Usually the entire shadcab is camped there.
If starmer and growler have got tickets Labour will have to go hard on the queer blue Labour MP – maybe theyll have a march …
The absense of Starmer and this seems a good indication . If so theyll resign and get instantly reappointed…could they afford a not guilty court fight over it ?
BBC News complete with BBC victim ‘distraught face’.
Actually quite funny.
Don’t worry the NHS will welcome them with open arms.
I had a trip out to one of my favourite spots yesterday, Kew Gardens. It’s always lovely there, but…
They have swallowed the Greta pill hook, line and sinker and “the climate crisis” is on full propaganda mode from the moment you walk through the gates. Here are some examples from the little leaflet you pick up on entering. ..” explore the future of food in the context of the climate and biodiversity crisis”…”How can chefs and growers transform the way we eat in the UK?”…”Future food stories reflects on one of the most underestimated consequences of the climate crisis”
They’ve commissioned some bloke (a “recycling artist”) to knock up two massive lounging trolls made out of wood. “Thomas Dambo has created two giant trolls eating together from bins strewn with vegetables. They show us the benefits of eating together and of a plant based diet for our mental and nutritional health…” Give me a bleedin’ break…
Even after having dragged my flabby carcass to the top of the tree top walk, where I thought I might find sanctuary, there were little signs with warnings, “Plants are flowering up to two weeks early due to global warming.”
Apparently even the restaurants in Kew are experimenting with “sustainable food”. I didn’t venture inside, so I can’t say what that sort of “grub” was on the menu, but I’m guessing there would be lots of leaves, possibly earwigs and lightly marinated stick insects. Yummy!
I left and got myself a nice juicy steak…
Quite agree, Jeff!
Lots of garden produce is early this year as we had a decent winter and a good spring! I sometimes wonder where all these useful idiots get their ideas from, because normal gardeners (ahem – Chez Scrobs) know that seasons change every year and we just accommodate the timing to suit what we grow and eat where and when we can.
I bet if you’d gone to Kew last year, they’d have said very little as we had a lousy spring which dragged on for ages and everything was late!
Most normal gardeners ignore the awful BBBC gardening progs these days, they’re just for snowflakes and vegans to sit and wonder at ‘diversity’ and stupid diversions from the normal act of putting real farmed food on the table!
One of the latest – well, recent bandwagons is about the use of peat. I try and use peat as much as possible as it is a natural ground conditioner, but to read the hysterics of some commentators, you’d think the earth was folding in on itself!
Here’s a useful explanation I found just this morning, and it makes for great reading, because it’s written by someone who actually knows what he’s talking about, not what undermanagers in W1AA have decided the populace need!
repeat – I think it’s worth it…
Germany going all a bit 1937?
On Toady on Sunday today, the erstwhile religious programme on The Sabbath, the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation featured an article on two celibate gay men, one of whom was Muslim. This was immediately followed by a sort of travel programme about booking difficulties for British Muslims wanting to travel to Mecca to attend the Haj.
There being no content whatever relevant to my life as a straight white non-celibate Briton who has lived through Christian-influenced Western civilisation these past several decades, I switched off.
What a tiny, unremarkable, unworthy minority I represent in the eyes of the BBC.
News next week, after certain ‘celebrations’, monkeypox cases rise alarmingly, the NHS can’t cope, especially in Londonistan…
………….’NHS can’t cope’………….
What’s the betting such a problem will be firmly put down to underfunding by the evil Tories………l
Mass invasion of our shores and no infrastructure to meet the demand .
…..which is absolutely the core strategy of the Marxists.
Dump every imaginable requirement on the market economy until it fails.
Then the market economy is shown to be failing and thus a new system is needed.
Once this essential truth is accepted, an awful lot of observable facts slot in to place.
Open door immigration, unlimited resources for the NHS, endless goodies for ‘the most ‘disadvantaged’ in our society’, big and ever-growing public sector, new ‘minorities’ deserving of resources……..etc. etc.
It’s all there, and the stupid, wimpish, Tories don’t have the b**** to call it out.
But just think of all those qualified doctors, nurses, police officers and of course our armed forces arriving to assist this country in our hour of need.
Because of our Border Farce we have no idea who or what diseases are being shipped in across the Channel ?
Meanwhile in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Canada
Ah, those World Economic Forum types get everywhere.
I wondered if she brought it along herself or it’s a loaner?
Note how Pride Month was June yet media prog extended into this July weekend
Partially that is cos the London Pride march was on Saturday, so there are special progs about that.
Saturday’s R4 history prog spent the first half banging on about it was a Marxist Socialist thing then “evil Tories section 28”
Then “Here’s the BBC reporter who covered the march at the time .. Michael Gove who went on to be a Tory politician”
Then they had a segment about Edwina Currie campaigning to lower consent age to 16, but failing
(It get’s repeated on July 15th)
Pride & Joy : Ginger Beer
How to prepare a kid from a queer family for a straight world.
19 mins06 Jul 2020
(from the series “Pride & Joy
For queers, having kids is complicated. Yet lots of us make it happen. These are our stories.”)
I’m sceptical of BBCnews claim that there were “1 million people at the London Pride”
Tonight on Channel4
Saturday Channel4 had
8:00pm Freedom: 50 Years of Pride
Olly Alexander, Bimini, Sir Ian McKellen and the many other people who were there join the story of Pride and a remarkable, funny, shocking, and moving five decades of LGBTQ+ activism.
That is repeated on Monday right after
10:00pm The Extraordinary Life of April Ashley
…Ashley: From wartime Liverpool slums to London’s high society, the epic story of one of Britain’s most prominent transgender women – model, dancer, and pioneer for transgender equality.
They all say a mill, Stew, LBC’s news had the same!
Apparently Leicester Square is still full of rubbish which the gay bunch chucked around! No doubt Mare Khaaan will apportion an increased budget for the trashmen…
I’ve worked London Pride as an event tech specialist – struck me that there weren’t that many “attendees” showing solidarity who weren’t actually in the march / parade – just incidental Sunday outdoors peeps.
I’ve seen a purported 500k come through Regent Street on a Sunday and that looked like 5x Pride.
Why would you be ‘proud’ to be homosexual ????
Be proud of fathering or giving birth to offspring as nature intended.
Be proud of ensuring they are brought to adulthood in a safe and loving environment.
Be proud they go on to do the same in the furtherance of the human race.
There’s absolutely no reason to be proud of being a homosexual. But neither is it a matter of shame. For most people, it is a matter of supreme indifference as to what consenting adults get up to in private, as long as it’s consensual and doesn’t involve kids.
But for anyone who does want to be truly proud:
Take pride in self, take pride in family, take pride in nation.
I cant download pictures, but honest to God I’ve seen it all now.
The 4 bridesmaids at the wedding of Rupert Murdoch’s granddaughter looked very nice in their slinky silky dresses and delicate high heel shoes – well, THREE of them did – the other one was a bloke. No he wasn’t in drag or wore make up, but he wore the frock, carried a bouquet and completed the look with socks and plimsolls.
Admittedly the wedding looked a bit ‘off the wall’ with the bride not exactly looking “blushing”, but having a fair amount of tattoos and black and white hair – you get the picture.
Here’s the link, scroll down to the one where the ‘bloke’ is scratching his bits as they all get out of the people carrier. This one should go viral……………….
I think we’ve all been taken in. This is clearly filming for a remake of the Addam’s Family. Sporting of Rupert to caste himself as Uncle Fester.
A cock in a frock with blue socks.
I’ve only previously seen such crotch grabbing by Michael Jackson and Rafael Nadal.
Sometimes there are men pretending to be women and other times it’s done for a bit of fun such as the pantomime dames. I just don’t see this guy doing anything other than having a laugh not trying to be anything he isn’t and I don’t see anyone pandering to him and trying to also pretend otherwise.
No shaven legs plucked eyebrows, he’s even got a beard!
I suspect you are correct, Thoughtful. But unshaven legs, unplucked eyebrows and beards are not impediments to being one of the gals, as Toronto police know only too well:
Crass and tasteless all the same. Thank heavens it was not (I assume) a church wedding.
“Boy, 14, arrested as woman raped at Manchester nightclub
One of “Men” again ?
“Boy, 14, arrested as woman raped…”
“As”, really? While it was happening? Gosh the police are good.
Each time some Tory mp does something wrong such as watching tractors or groping we get the msm and labour calling for Boris to resign as he’s ultimately responsible.
Why do we not get the same resignation frenzy when labour MPs get caught doing wrong, some even going to prison wrong. Why no calls from them for Starmer to resign as he’s ultimately responsible.
If some policeman in London does something wrong why no calls for khan to go as he is ultimately responsible.
I have to say that I started off thinking that way, and then when I hear of the gross irresponsibility of the dear leader having known about this guys predilictions at least two years before he appointed him to his position I think that yet again Johnson shows his unfitness for the office he holds.
To know someone is a rampant homosexual with a drink problem and what Johnson describes as ‘handsy’ was an accident waiting to happen.
Emmanuel, apparently this was Maltby style ‘groping’, really bad, just a touch on the knee, according to one account. The BBC made a big fuss of the Maltby thing, so I expect Chris Pincher may get pushed around the BBC airwaves and BBC web-site for a few more days yet.
Twitter reports that the nana lady on GBNews shut down someone who wanted to talk about beergate .
This has led to speculation that there may be secret court proceedings or a super injunction relating to Starmer and the Ginger Growler ….
Not a good look for anyone if that is the case …
Is Guido Fawkes still touting his invulnerability from UK legal action as he’s “Irish”?
Tomo – no I’ve not seen that … if beergate information is being suppressed it shows the extent of free speech in Blighty …
Sky managing to spot every BME spectator in the crowd during the lay up after the crash.
Wilfred Owen and Philip Larkin GCSE removal ‘cultural vandalism’
When is our Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport going to take a stand against Wokeism ?
What exactly does she do ?
There has been a multiple shooting at a shopping mall in Copenhagen. The story is just appearing on the bbc front page . Please note the picture of distressed witnesses they choose to illustrate it. Bastards isn’t too strong a word.
Daily Mail reports the Danish shooting thus ‘Gunfire explodes in a Copenhagen shopping mall leaving several people hurt’ – so I am assuming the guns went off spontaneously. But who took them there?
It says a lot for my trust in the BBC that when I read about this shooting, the first place I am looking to find out the truth about it is this website !
You just have to shake your head in continuing depravity of CNN
“Turkish customs authorities have detained a Russian cargo ship carrying grain which Ukraine says is stolen”
Puppet state Ukraine seemingly determined to stop grain reaching the hungry…
Meanwhile Putin and allied forces are freeing Ukraine from the globalists, one Oblast at a time.
“Lugansk People’s Republic is completely liberated – Russian Defense minister Shoigu.”
Russian media.
7:10pm Countryfile Tom Heap’s item on nuclear waste storage
‘Future is EVs, heatpumps, so UK needs more electricity’“And WE WE WE want much less fossil fuel in the mix”
so the gov is pushing wind and solar, but you also need energy on cloudy windless days so gov is encourages nuclear BUT is nuclear that CLEAN
That’s garbled propaganda from Heap
.. The government’s crazy aim is low CO2 and the government believes it can get Carbon Capture to work economically
.. If that were true you could use lots of fossil fuels cos you’d be capturing all their CO2
Nuclear is pretty clean for each MWh generated compared to other things
cos mining and burning other stuff like wood does actually release radioactivity.
Heap “Nuclear doesn’t burn fossil fuels, so the energy is CLEANER”
FFS ‘cleaner’ is a PR word it’s not scientifically definable
I do like that idea that the Russians funded the anti nuclear movement in order to ensure more dependency on their oil and gas ….
That’s what I’d do … same with cutting off the worlds’ food supply ( China and India get it at a discount though )…
I wonder at Mutti Merkel
_ look at German Green saint Petra Kelly’s hubby….
BBC. A bit deranged.
Gary Imlach just now on the Tour de France Highlights programme on ITV4. He explained that there’s no programme tomorrow as it’s a transfer day back to France from Denmark.
“But if we’re not back on Tuesday, assume we’re still stuck in the queue for non-EU passport holders.”
I’m so sick of these media types.
Time for the New Thread – will it be the one where the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Labour Party tell their voters that they got – and contested – a Covid Fixed Penalfy Notice ?
Or is Twitter the usual hot air ….
Copenhagen shooting, no description of killer yet. Another “man”.
They will never learn so I guess they get what they deserve.
How much longer must the West put up with this shit to verify their inclusivity?
It’s costing lots of innocent lives now!
I hate them and their blindfolded “right-on”stupidity! They are as guilty of the murder as the perpetrator.
You cant fool me – it’s got Norwegian with mental health issues all over it.
“Danish man with a hunting rifle”
(stolen) For any lurking news + current affairs folk scouring for inspiration at start of the week…
FDA/Pfizer, wanted to keep data on their vaccine hidden for 75 years. A court forced them to release the data in batches. Why aren’t you investigating ?
. Aren’t you curious, as to why pfizer wanted to keep it hidden for 75 years.
Do your job