I’m expected to be there but you got there first; well done Emmanuel. What kept me? I was busy typing a reply to you on the Weekend Thread. When Brissles joins us in formation as your wing man, you will be Blue Leader and I’ll be Blue Three. Hopefully we can attack the Biased BBC for its Bias this week.
Where did you vanish to, Emmanuel. “Come in Blue Leader” “Have you got a problem and have returned to base?” “Come in Blue Leader”
Oh dear, I think he’s been shot down.
(10 July 1940 marked the start of the Battle of Britain as far as British historians are concerned. Just a week away from 82nd Anniversary. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Britain)
PS: I hope our PM doesn’t take the UK into a war with Russia in order to 1. to play at being Churchill, and 2. as a distraction from the constant media attacks on him and his Government.
The “Battle of Britain” was saved by Kieth Park – an man so despised (as a dirt under the fingernails Kiwi farmer) by the nabobs of the RAF that they sent him to civvy street shortly after – only to call him back to sort out the miserable RAF clusterfuck at Malta.
I’m still here.
Just having a little fun.
(Most will now be wondering what’s this all about)
On GB News they are discussing if the whole of the UK should vote on a Scottish independence referendum.
For me it’s a definite no.
It should be Scotlands choice.
They might try to use it as a precedent by offering the whole of the EU a vote if a Country wants to leave or if we were to hold a referendum to rejoin if we get a labour government.
Sorry U2 Green, no Blue, ok back to Green Leader – spot of fuel leakage on the runway, ground crew arrived with a big screwdriver so a bit of a jump start (!). You’re in my sights now………………
Half jokingly, I think we English should have a vote on the separation of Scotland and England. If we English were given a say, how would the Scottish react – they may realise that their interference in English affairs is not wanted especially by Nicola Sturgeonand Ian Blackford. The Scots may also realise they would lose all their extra funding from the Barnett formula and realise that the EU doesn’t want the to subsidise them either. It may make those supporting the SNP recalculate their future.
The destiny of Scotland is up to the Scottish people. But if an independence vote is held and they vote to remain, then the matter should then be put to the other countries in the United Kingdom i.e a referendum with the question ‘Do you wish for Scotland to remain within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?’. Implicit within this is some renegotiation of the terms of the union e.g. the scrapping of the Barnett formula.
What about Endland having its own Parliament as does Scorland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Westminster is for the whole of the Unted Kingdom, but not specifically for England.
Uppers, we mentioned Stanford-Tuck last w/e, and I think the pub you mentioned could be the one south of Biggin Hill, where the signatures of all the pilots are still on a blackboard! It’s somewhere around Westerham or Sundridge! (The Wheatsheaf ?)
In ‘Fly for your life’, there’s a picture of Galland in a white roll-neck sweater – they became good mates after WW2!
There are lots of RAF faces here…
Sailor Malan was a Rhodesian, and good boxer and rugby player I seem to remember!
Scrobie, oops, sorry southern African then. Can’t remember where the ‘Sailor’ soubriquet came from. Think that’s what I went to look up on the internet.
I think Stanford-Tuck may have been a godfather to one of Adolf Galland’s sprogs. Only read the Wiki yesterday and already I cannot remember.
Galland also invited Douglas Bader to a reunion of former Luftwaffe pilots in Munich.
Upon walking in and seeing the assembled veterans, Bader exclaimed, “My God, I had no idea we left so many of you bastards alive!”
Uppers and Trickers, I’ve read that book (Fly for your life) about six times, and may well read it again soon – it’s marvellous!
I was about twelve when my dear sister bought it for my dad, and I gave it to someone, and really wish I hadn’t…
KCC library, here I come again…
Tally Ho!
(Bader and Stanford-Tuck weren’t the best of mates, and while they were in the same Stalag 3 together, I think they were so different/similar, they just would never ever get on)!
It’s the usual suspect ” Muslim terrorist ” just going about their calling to murder as many white Europeans as possible…..still waiting for Muslim to be mentioned…..probably will be in BBC local news in a few days and then disappear !
And now back to other events ‘ Allo ‘ Allo on Yesterday…pity that’s BBC owned
Twitter discussion tells me that the BBC media centre told all the papers that Monday’s radio4 drama is about “Severus” is the “little told tale of the time that the United Kingdom (as we know it now) had black rulers.”
Then after a backlash stealth edited the page to say he was Libyan
(that’s like saying Joanna Lumley is Indian, cos she was born there)
That comes from BBC Guardianland people mixing stuff up and asserting that anyone born is Africa is BLACK.
Sure Saharan Africans used to be almost always black unless they were Arabs,
but northern Africans in Roman Times were Berbers or European colonialists.
One reply said “Severus was not black.
This is uncontroversial and the description of him as black can only have been used in order to knowingly mislead”
… https://www.twitter.com/Klaus_Arminius/status/1542110270197211136
The Twitter label says “sensitive material”
That is rubbish cos it is merely a screenshot of the ORIGINAL BBC page, I guess someone who wants it hidden has used a trick of falsely reporting it to twitter as offensive.
History Debunked says Severus was from a settler family : Roman mother and Phoenician father
ie “Italian mother and Lebanese father” in modern terms
.. https://youtu.be/kXBH6XLp3c4
The technique, which also applies to most of what the BBC does, was explained perfectly by Theodore Dalrymple:
“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. “
pug, bit grey on my screen. If he presented in A&E looking like that, Dr Snuffy would admit him straight away and get him hooked up to a heart monitor.
As they continue to do-with giving the audiance a black Ann Bolyn! One has to ask as to who they think they are kidding? But of course the powers that are know full well who they are kidding. If it were possible the BBC should be shut down and never be allowed to raise its hypocritical head again. Those who agree raise your hands ……………., brilliant.
Ah … Google look like they’re shaping up to to do some cyber warfare on erm… “protecting the reproductive rights of American women…”
A cynic might expect that there’ll be an Android update and Google will eat some revenues from providing anonymised location data to advertising data aggregators …
Betcha it’ll all be rolled out before November mid term elections – see:
The BBC version has a 34th entry: ‘Undeclared Interests’. This is where they run a story without declaring their own involvement or connection to the participants. For example, a story features someone described as ‘an ordinary mum’. Two minutes investigation reveals that she is, for example, a Labour Party activist married to a BBC employee.
Of course it is 100% racism against white people and their history. It is so improbable that such history could be altered, let alone the fact that most Black people in those periods of history were still living amonsgt their tribes in Africa and knew absolutely zero of British History, but how now they love to ingratiate themselves into a civilisation that was eons ahead of them-the traitorous Media et al are seemingly intent in destroying Western culture and its history.
Daily Mail has several photos on line of Muslim women in Copenhagen running away from the shopping centre and informs us the rifle used in the killings isthe type traditionally used in Nordic sports. At the end of the article is a photo, after arrest of the Muslim man arrested for murders in Norway. I am sure there is a subliminal message but I am not sure what it is. Either the DM is hinting that it is a man of nordic heritage who has carried out the murders, or an Islamic terrorist in response to how his Norwegian brother has been treated.
I suppose that they are trying their damnedest to rule it out ? The image shown doesn’t look like one of the usual “men”
Why is the gunman/woman referred to a “shooter”
Their whole ideology offends me-in fact having experienced these individuals in West Africa and their political ideology and disgusting antics, I should now not be surprised of such actions from the loathsome BBC.
Not much coverage of Muslim Russian mercenaries called about ‘ Alan’s snack bar ‘ when they destroyed and took a Ukrainian town – no ‘holy war ‘ then ….
The last report on the Norway shooting given to me by google was:
‘Oslo shooting: Norway attack being treated as Islamist terrorism, police say’
Then it appears they dropped it completely. As soon as it was announced as a Muslim.
Watch this one if it’s ‘far right’ : I guarantee it will have several follow on articles including the life-story and internet history of the guy who did it – along with a few 100% empathy pieces for those who got shot (all with links to the main stories about him being ‘far-right’).
The most extreme of double standards. It shows it for certain that the BBC reports are all about agenda : the people who got killed are not important. They are tools.
I can’t believe Starmer and growler would have made such commitments if they weren’t sure of the loyalty of the Durham police. We all know our police are highly politicised these days as we slowly drift towards Leftist fascism.
It will be extremely entertaining if he is fined though. I wouldn’t put a straight refusal to resign past either of them. Then the BBC will be telling us it’s not really a resigning matter after all and they will never go near the subject again.
Never has a picture of an alleged perpetrator been published so fast by the BBC and never have the words Terrorism and Terrorist featured so heavily in a report.
Pictures accompanying the story show ladies in Hajib being comforted.
Without being cynical and whilst expressing complete disgust at what appears to be a senseless shooting by an idiot the BBC wouldn’t be giving it the coverage they are if it was a suspected Islamic “attack”.
They are waiting on the edge of their seats for the call to confirm he is Far-Right then it will be on the news site in minutes.
Contrast it with the bad news stories they DON’T want us to know about – when the killer is black or Muslim. The names and other details are often hidden for 24-48 hours to let the story die down a bit first.
Yes the theory that censorship is applied to Islamic terrorism but not other forms applies here … the race / Muslim victim industry will be making appearance Money telling punters the usual lies – the usual list will be used to prove that something must be done – more laws more loss of freedom …
….unusually the BBC news is leading with this now ‘old ‘ story about ‘Europe ‘…. Not the usual practice when the killers are Muslim ….
Elsewhere Starmer is due to give an EU speech . What’s the betting there will be no questions about beergate at all ….
Taffman – seems so – and not a ‘terrorist attack ‘- which obviously it was – as well as mass murder . States ‘ media have a a very warped use of language these days …
And how quickly will this event disappear …?
Muslims as victims means it might run until tomorrow to distract from beer gate
But look at the BBC treatment of this one !!. It’s getting the full works with the ‘live update’ page they run for agenda-based stories where they can keep the story current all day long.
Why would a story which is basically over warrant a special live-update page ?. Would thay have done this if he was not white and they are hoping for a ‘far-right’ label from the police ?.
For comparison, the Oslo Muslim shooting was just 2 articles as far as I can tell with google : one standard one for the event and one about the memorial service for maximum empathy. It had 2 dead and 21 injured compared to 3 dead and 4 injured for this one.
If starmer / growler have a super injunction in place then any press conferences or questions to socialists by the media will be less than honest .
It really will take a brave MP to use parliamentary privilege to challenge this stink . And if it is all untrue it can be said so there …
But if starmer gets a ticket – appeals it – and wins – will he admit it ? How will the public respond ? To me he will appear as dirty as nut nut – but a bit more so because of his high ‘moral stance ‘
Even the use of a super injunction by a politician should be enough to end them – particularly in thr eyes of their constuents …
Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott’s privately-educated son, 28, is charged with 11 offences including exposing himself and attacks on police and NHS staff
James Abbott-Thompson appeared at Thames Magistrates Court on Tuesday
Charged with 11 new offences including 9 assaults – most on police and medics
He also faces count of exposure in hospital and racially/religiously aggravated criminal damage
His Labour MP mother was not in the east London court with him yesterday
Abbott-Thompson is her only son from short marriage to Ghanaian architect
If you want a good laugh…..
On Toady around 0740 Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein ‘interviews’ the chair of the Environment Agency quango.
You might have expected an easy chat between fellow travellers.
But despite Mischal’s best softball questions, Emma hyphen-hyphen’s replies represented the absolute peak of clueless apparatchik cliche-filled, Dalek- delivered management speak. Print off your bulls***-bingo card, sit down with a coffee and get ready for a full house.
But of course away from the hilarity we have here another example of the ‘talent’ that runs the country, untouchable, unaccountable, and rubbish.
They are now on their way back from Doncaster heading east
The police are being disruptive by refusing to let anyone leave the motorway (protester or otherwise )
I got on the pushbike and went to show support
I got there around 9 and didn’t see anything
cos the protest only took place from 7:30am to 9am
So hadn’t come up as far as the junction I was at.
I saw some empty trucks, perhaps they were coming back.
YouTube shows a double lane of traffic about a mile long.
.. https://youtu.be/XooO4IpNo3Q
The 9am local radio news had found a voice to air that emphatically said her trucking org didn’t agree with the protest
She @LesleyOBrienOBE is well outside our area cos she’s based in Bradford
She is also a diversity rights activist so probably a friend of the black presenter
Now director of Freightlink Europe @FreightlinkEur1
Previously served 9 years as a main board Director of the Road Haulage Association (RHA)
BBC have used her previously
Mar 23 Lesley O’Brien, owner of Freightlink Europe told #WakeUpToMoney that the haulage industry needs an essential user rebate on fuel
“For one of my articulated vehicles I am paying an extra £20,000 a year at the current rate of fuel” https://bbc.in/3NbNmL7
An issue just came up
co media are on the XR side they didn’t want to give any prior publicity to the fuel protests
If they had done prior reporting then work drivers would have been able to plan different routes well in advance.
media didn’t so maybe some drivers got stuck.
Diane Abbott’s son was in court yesterday after being charged with a string of violent offences including allegedly beating up police, emergency workers and doctors as well as exposing himself in a hospital.
Politicians coming out with their own jokes edition
The BBC online press review has been on a winning streak of promoting anti-Boris paydirt headlines these past days and weeks.
Whatever the national title – be it left-leaning tabloid, liberal-minded broadsheet – sometimes even metropolitan giveaway advertiser – in fact lately it’s whoever comes up with the pithiest PM-slammer tends to win the accolade of top spot for our BBC.
Slight departure this morning as the Beeb headline snippet: Rebel plot to oust PM – at first glance seems absent from the daily national headlines. The BBC playbook suggests that line ought to be somewhere front and centre on the frontpage of the ‘i’ newspaper as that organ sits proud at the top of the press pile.
Insider Tory plots aside the ‘i’ screamer headline goes with putative public opinion: Poll blow to Johnson as new Pincher claims made
PM joked ‘Pincher by name, pincher by nature’ (freebie Metro) – play fair, Boris. If politicians are going to do their own gags the political sketch writers may as well give up and go home. Not that Boris comes over as much of a John Crace of the Guardian or Quentin Letts of the Times – with broad material like that he’s more a Roy Chubby Brown of the working mens clubs circuit. It wouldn’t surprise us in the least to see Boris come out next time to face Laura Kuenssberg wearing a baggy patchwork suit Carrie has run up at home on her sowing machine and an old time leather flying helmet. I digress.
One has to revert to the small print on the cover of the ‘i’ and focus on one of their trademark copious daily public sector managerial training course-style bullet points for a somewhat convoluted reference to the BBC’s cherished rebel plot to oust PM quote: Rebels tell i the PM’s handling of groping claims against Chris Pincher may lead more MPs to back a party rule change which would bring forward another no-confidence vote
That rastafarian-like phrasing so-and-so tells inever fails to win a smile
Meanwhile the left-leaning ‘i’ shows it’s still proud of its former coronaphobic Lockdown-philic tendencies: From banana bread to jigsaws, what’s become of our lockdown loves?
Certain sections of society loved it and would no doubt be more than happy to go there again – but it was 70s rockers The Who, who speak for many of us now when they formerly asserted We don’t get fooled again
Not intentionally apropos of lockdown the arts section featuring Peter Brook in the Telegraph reflects on: The nemesis of middle-class theatre
We alight on the formerly patriotic Times for the origins of that BBC quote extracted with such obvious delight for the first punch in their regular daily double-kicker intro to the print press: Newspaper headlines: Rebel plot to oust PM and 22,000 accused roam free – says the BBC.
Sex scandal revitalises rebel plot to topple PM. Growing anger over handling of groping claims (Times) – stand back for a moment and admire the glaring disconnect between Westminster bubble hacks and their faux perturbance over Boris’s supposed bad management of one of their number being a little too out and proud this Pride month – and on the other hand the general public more angry over the PM’s cack-handed handling of REAL bloody issues…. one could begin with the failing justice system as highlighted in the Daily Mail headline with 22,000 villains on the loose or the econony, botched Brexit, hyper-immigration, law and order, housing, inflation…
The old Labour Daily Mirror apparently has no liberal reservations when it comes to damning the Tory elite’s libertine tendencies: You don’t know what decent is
The Guardian, being the Guardian, is more interested non-specific scare-words and in process above all else: PM accused of failure to heed ‘abuse’ warnings
The Bible tells us: And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
Ah, those rumours of war…
Pro-Ukraine forces in our media have battled hard over the weekend to fend off what they paint as Russian claims to have captured another vital city. Our BBC have contested the reported loss street by street. This morning our brave dogged diehards of the BBC have finally been obliged to raise the white flag: Ukraine confirms Russia captured eastern city Lysychansk (BBC)
The Times remains somewhat behind the times in admitting the truth due perhaps to time of going to press they didn’t yet get the message: Ukrainian stronghold has fallen, say invaders
The Telegraph steps bravely out of line this morning being far from sanguine about the way things are going: Russian takes entire Luhansk region
You will remember those bad old days when our unfeeling, bigoted press ran headlines which revealled the nature of their narrow Little-Englander outlook – headlines such as Peruvian earthquake: no Britons hurt
Well, one can’t help but feel there’s something of the kind inherent in this from the Guardian this morning: Several killed in Denmark gun attack… police said… “terrorism” could not be ruled out
That would be interesting Tomo, but maybe just maybe the traitor Blair will be executed (from public viewing) before such a terrible disaster takes place. However when one has been Knighted, and made a member of the Garter, one could hardly expect to be an MP, however on the other hand in T Blairs case …….
Let’s face it – the present Labour party are an utter mess – the “Conservatives” are trying to converge on that position and the MSM tow them from one farcical debacle to another.
Like him or loathe him Blair has conceit, chutzpah , arrogance and ambition near entirely absent in the rest of the Labour Party – that’s not a compliment – merely an observation that he is dangerous and very obviously still has an appetite for power.
I don’t see anybody in the present Labour Party that could argue their way out of a paper bag. Blair + chums imho loaded our institutions with fellow travellers and bureaucratic allegiances that we are still dealing with…. a decade++ later.
The Labour Party with some minor rebranding can be sold to the voting oiks by the BBC and MSM – welcome to the era of the UniParty.
Look, we have to give credit where it’s due. The BBC have been quick out of the blocks in exposing the ethnicity of the Copenhagen shooter, along with contemplating the reasons for the atrocity. There’s been no prevaricating, no trying to cloud the issue, they were straight to the point. This was a white man! Hats off to them…
I do recall however, they’ve been slightly less robust in the past when struggling to identify either the race, creed or religion of some recent similar events. I can’t think why…
We’ve had the dubious “Norwegian national”… the infamous “drug abuser”…the very vague, “man”…and perhaps my favourite, the “careless driver” who was responsible for mowing people down outside Parliament.
The BBC kept the careless driving spiel going for a fortnight, by which time most of us had lost interest and it got buried under an avalanche of other “news”.
TOADY Watch #1 – in which, again, Nick Robinson again breaks the number 1 rule for Radio Presenters … again
The number 1 rule for Radio Presenters is ‘Do not talk over an interviewee’. Nothing to do with ‘dead air’ because that is for the engineers and Studio Manager to deal with. It is slightly different for TV because the interviewee would be visible and the viewers could probably, with a bit of lip-reading, work out what the interviewee was saying during the interviewer-babble.
At 6 a.m. TOADY snarkily made reference to what no doubt will become known as ‘Pinchergate’ and the PM’s role in appointing Chris Pincher as a Deputy Party Whip with the comment to the effect “that Downing Street so far has only put up a very Junior Minister for interview” as though the PM should personally present himself for abasement and, no doubt, abuse and humiliation by the BBC.
Instead it was Will Quince MP, Under-Secretary of State for Children and Families who had to deal with over-talkative Nick Robinson over-talking him in breach of that No.1 rule for Radio Presenters. Needless to say, at the end of the interview, Nick Robinson asked Will Quince a question about the PM and Chris Pincher. The very Junior Minister was unwise. He attempted an answer.
I find it strange that Ministers and MPs in that situation do not employ the ‘Politeness Strategy’ and immediately become silent. Then when the interviewer – Nick Robinson – repeats the question to remain completely silent while mentally counting ‘One elephant, two elephants, three elephants …. ‘ and only stopping around twenty elephants [thirty seconds used to be the critical ‘dead air’ point] and saying “What was your previous question that I was replying to when you interrupted me or talked over me? May I answer that first?”
The BBC normally and constantly promote and support the LGBT Community and their ‘rights’. But that support does not seem to extend as far as Chris Pincher MP. Why not? Oh! Silly me! He was a Conservative Party MP. And Boris Johnson, belated Brexiteer, is the Prime Minister leading a Conservative Government.
We said a government cleaner who worked in Downing Street and had been surrounded by people breaking the rules had contracted Covid and died.
In fact, he worked at the Ministry of Justice.
His family was reported to have been told by medical staff that he had died from coronavirus but the post-mortem recorded hypertensive heart disease as the official cause of death.
22 Lost in Manchester …
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
1400+ raped over 16 years in 1 town ….
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
30 Iranians cross the border and are allowed free entry ….
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
30 year old men are pretending to be child refugees and sit in a class full of children …
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
The BBC are working very hard to keep the Copenhagen shooting story current. They have even put the picture of whitey up again just to make sure nobody misses it.
They discuss the last ‘major gun attack’ in Denmark. They tell us he was ‘a 22-year-old man opened fire on two separate occasions across the same day in Copenhagen.’.
They don’t tell us that that attack WAS a terrorist attack and quite deliberately avoid naming the man who did it. Because it was Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein. The BBC article on that one is very short in comparison.
Yes so BBC mention the 2015 attack where a MAN at attacked Krudttønden and Krystalgade
and police shot him dead
but omit his name Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein
Entire BBC paragraph https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-62030919 Denmark last saw a major terror event in 2015, when two people were killed and six police officers were injured during an attack on a cultural centre and a synagogue in Copenhagen.
The gunman was later killed in a shootout with police.
BTW The media in Denmark cannot discuss names for the new attack cos the judge have forbade mentioning the name of the perp or the victims.
Twitter says Shooter is thought to be Noah Esbensen, a Dane who posted videos on YouTube holding guns to his head
In 2013 the Scottish government committed £14.2m to help survivors over a 10-year period, with the money going on health and living costs.
£14.2m / 10 = 1.4 Million / 50 = £28K
Ten Years – Most at 60 – life left to live?
It’s been more than 50 years since pregnant women took thalidomide to treat morning sickness, with around 10,000 cases of birth defects attributed to its use worldwide. Decades have passed and yet the issue of financial compensation for the less than 3,000 remaining “survivors” of the tragedy has, in many instances, remained unresolved. https://theconversation.com/why-thalidomide-survivors-have-such-a-tough-time-getting-compensation-47164
Victims of medication-related injuries face significant challenges in obtaining compensation. They include time barriers, difficulties proving the drug was responsible for the disability and obtaining sufficient evidence to prove a pharmaceutical company was negligent.
(stolen) For any lurking news + current affairs folk scouring for inspiration at start of the week…
FDA/Pfizer, wanted to keep data on their vaccine hidden for 75 years. A court forced them to release the data in batches. Why aren’t you investigating ?
. Aren’t you curious, as to why pfizer wanted to keep it hidden for 75 years.
Would it not be possible for Viktor Orban to become our Prime Minister, even if he had to split his time between Hungary and here? There seems to be an awful lot of Toxic Femininity, Toxic Ethnicity and Toxic Beta males amongst those politicial pygmies…
The metroliberal narrative is that being WHITE/MALE means you have great privilege
so they are not interested in helping them
Look how almost all gambling suicides seem to white males
The Mail reporter ay there are 100
He selected photos of 36
maybe 2 or 3 Arab males
& 2 white females
EXC: I have uncovered a list of 100 known gambling suicides – showing ‘the stark reality’ of the harm caused by ‘greedy and amoral’ companies, their families said.
It came as senior Tories railed against reform being watered down weeks before proposals are announced. Thread 👇 pic.twitter.com/vAtE9QOnuP
Sajid’s war on NHS waste is continuing in earnest. Yesterday it was revealed he’s scrapping the Chief People Officer role entirely from NHS England, meaning Prerana Issar will be the first and last person to ever collect £230,000 from the taxpayer just to ‘lead’ on diversity and inclusion. The responsibilities will taken up by existing Health Education England chief Dr Navina Evans, who inherits the glamorous new title of Chief Workforce Officer. Apparently she’ll get a “modest” boost to her existing £200,000 salary, although at least this still represents a net saving of around £200,000 to the taxpayer…
All very well and good from the Saj, although Guido’s just checked the NHS job board, and this morning they’re hiring another 8 more diversity managers on salaries up to £83,000. Again.
Founder of Islam is 100% perfect and married a child aged 6, and being a perfect man consummated the marriage with sex to a child aged 9 whilst owning multiple wives and many slaves … perfect!
Sajid Javid (Sworn into UK Parliament under the Islamic Quran) Reveals There Are 80,000 Paedophiles Online In The UK {huffingtonpost.co.uk 03sep2018}
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On the Denmark shooting and possible motive… remember the NYC subway shooting in April by Frank Robert James? 29 injured, 10 by gunshot.
The BBC’s last report was after his arrest: “No details about his alleged motive have yet been provided. According to prosecutors, he published a variety of videos online making statements about the New York City subway system, occasionally addressing New York City Mayor Eric Adams as he complained about the “homeless situation” on subway cars.”
Other sources who were interested in possible motive dug a bit deeper than the £5bn BBC, and what they found painted a different picture — James’ social media was full of homophobia, misogyny and anti-white / black / hispanic / jewish comments e.g:
— “O black Jesus, please kill all the whiteys”
— “’These white motherf—ers, this is what they do,’ he says in a video about the Ukraine invasion, claiming it presaged a black genocide in the United States.”
— “White people and black people, as we call ourselves, should not have any contact with each other.”
But the BBC stopped reporting on the Frank Robert James attack by April 15th, just three days after the shooting. Some motives are more equal than others.
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Even the Mirror (03Sept2015) says “… this refugee couple cradle their tiny baby, after throwing themselves (NO! Male refugee drags women and baby onto train tracks) on train tracks as police try to take them to migrant camps in Hungary”
Gets better. Two days (05Sept2015) later the Mirror then report it as
“Refugee who dragged pregnant wife and baby son onto train track did it because ‘death would be better’”
1. BBC Version uses words and pictures to hide the video version
2. The Mirror shows the video but uses words to tell a different version
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
Last week, Ofcom, another pointless so called regulator, announced it was looking at extending the amount of advertising time during TV programmes. Well an hour-long programme already has only 40 minutes run-time so what the? No, hold on, ah, of course, not adverts are they? Stupid, stupid me! More time for brain-washing us with a totally false picture of good old Blighty. They’ll be out-doing the BBC at this rate. Oh well, more work for the video’s edit function!
A blipvert is a very brief television advertisement, lasting one second.[1] The word is a portmanteau of blip, a brief sound, and advertisement.[2]
The term and concept were used in the 1985 film Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future and in Blipverts, the first episode of the 1987 science fiction television show Max Headroom. In the film and TV show, “blipverts” were new high-speed, concentrated, high-intensity television commercials lasting about three seconds. Their purpose was to prevent the channel-switching that may occur during standard-length commercials.[3] They were invented as a MacGuffin to drive the plot.[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blipvert
Are we witnessing the start of mass civil disobedience over fuel prices ? The underhand process of the government recouping money through overpriced overtaxed fuel – with a sprinkle of green crap of course ..
… I can t see mr and Mrs nut nut realising the effect the crap green policies are having until people start climbing over the gates of number 10 – but then they’ll be off on the PM jet to the safety of the South West…. Sooner the better ….
Fed, thing is the oil price is only about $115 per barrel or less. The petrol and diesel fuel prices were not this high when the oil price was $130 p/b and $140 p/b and even briefly at $150+ p/b. It is not just HMTreasury making lots of money out of the fuel prices. Someone, somewhere, a lot lower down the ‘food chain’ is ripping everyone off, including – in a way – Her Majesty’s Government.
Thoughtful reporting a barrel at $380? According to Goldman – it can only be a tight calculation of opec Russia over when demand ceases due to the high cost – with Depression in non oil producing countries ….
… people paying so much for juice that it’s not worth going to work – which isn’t too far off … pay demands or not ….
BBC London News at 1:30 began with a seven minute segment on an increase in Islamophobia. Basically a series of interviews with complaining Muslims that, if it came from any other quarter, would surely be dismissed as “anecdotal evidence.”
Is this a bigger increase than the last increase? An ongoing increase with an ever-steeper curve and no upper limit?
TWatO Watch #1 – well, there will be time for him to change his mind back again, I guess
The Sucker who is in charge of the LacklustreLabour Party is about to make a major speech. Funny, I thought. I thought funny: how many times do the BBC have as first item on TOADY or TWatO (or PM and TWH, for that matter) and the News the announcement that a Conservative Prime Minister is about to make a major speech?
My guess? Not very often, if at all.
Think that may be a bit of a ‘Gotcha’!
Hilary Benn was the interviewee on this and like his Leader, he has been campaigning for another EU Referendum but he, too, has changed his mind. ‘Brexit means Brexit.’ Hilary’s father Tony Benn must be spinning in his grave with joy. It may however mean that LacklustreLabour can kiss goodbye the chance of winning the next General Election. The Liberal non-Democrats want a new EU rejoin Referendum. The SNP will be extremely unwilling to enter a 3-way Coalition Government with LacklustreLabour rejecting an EU rejoin Referendum even if Scotland has an IndyRef2 and voted Remain in the UK.
Poor old Alastair Campbell! He now may need some counselling.
The BBC will be a bit gutted, too. Yesterday marked the start of Week 5 of their campaign to re-join the EU.
Just to depress people even more on a Monday, but JP Morgan are predicting a rise in oil prices to $380 a barrel if Russia scales back production.
Libya has already significantly scaled back its own production meaning even less oil around.
This would mean a £6 per litre cost of petrol and diesel. Just to make it worse at least 3 oil refineries in Europe (Germany Austria) are closed for accidents / incidents or maintenance.
It won’t really matter about the Green agenda if prices rise this high, because people won’t be able to travel to jobs to do them.
Our country is perhaps not too bad, because we still maintain an older housing stock, but large news estates are being built without any way to get the basics of lifes essentials without access to private transport. No shops,, no pubs, no public transport, absolutely nothing.
Even where I live it’s not really practical to walk to a supermarket and back with groceries. This to me is where the whole aggressive violent Green lobby case falls down.
They insist we don’t drive, they are not helping in any way by making driving less a neccesity.
New planning is needed to make it possible to have at least a small shop within easy access of all new build estates, and easy access to public transport to get to out of town shopping centres which again are difficult to access without private transport.
Make lives easier instead of the usual Socialist oppression and aggression and violence.
BBC commentators just can’t bring themselves to condemn the behaviour of oafish Aussie Nick Kyrgios because. . . well, I think we know why.
He’s behaving himself at the moment, one set down to American Brandon Nakashima.
Let’s go, Brandon!
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious. https://youtu.be/PX8_GOKob5s
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. https://x.com/bbcworld/status/1898839867473219940?s=61 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
I’m expected to be there but you got there first; well done Emmanuel. What kept me? I was busy typing a reply to you on the Weekend Thread. When Brissles joins us in formation as your wing man, you will be Blue Leader and I’ll be Blue Three. Hopefully we can attack the Biased BBC for its Bias this week.
Where did you vanish to, Emmanuel. “Come in Blue Leader” “Have you got a problem and have returned to base?” “Come in Blue Leader”
Oh dear, I think he’s been shot down.
(10 July 1940 marked the start of the Battle of Britain as far as British historians are concerned. Just a week away from 82nd Anniversary. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Britain)
PS: I hope our PM doesn’t take the UK into a war with Russia in order to 1. to play at being Churchill, and 2. as a distraction from the constant media attacks on him and his Government.
No wonder we lost a lot of planes during the war they used to paint big targets on them.
Kinell, the roundels were a cunning trick. Very little behind them in the fuselage and out on the wings.
Only a few fairly essential control cables and rods and the like.
The “Battle of Britain” was saved by Kieth Park – an man so despised (as a dirt under the fingernails Kiwi farmer) by the nabobs of the RAF that they sent him to civvy street shortly after – only to call him back to sort out the miserable RAF clusterfuck at Malta.
I’m still here.
Just having a little fun.
(Most will now be wondering what’s this all about)
On GB News they are discussing if the whole of the UK should vote on a Scottish independence referendum.
For me it’s a definite no.
It should be Scotlands choice.
They might try to use it as a precedent by offering the whole of the EU a vote if a Country wants to leave or if we were to hold a referendum to rejoin if we get a labour government.
“Roger, Blue Leader, forming up with you. Where’s Brissles?”
In Bilgium.
Sorry U2 Green, no Blue, ok back to Green Leader – spot of fuel leakage on the runway, ground crew arrived with a big screwdriver so a bit of a jump start (!). You’re in my sights now………………
Half jokingly, I think we English should have a vote on the separation of Scotland and England. If we English were given a say, how would the Scottish react – they may realise that their interference in English affairs is not wanted especially by Nicola Sturgeonand Ian Blackford. The Scots may also realise they would lose all their extra funding from the Barnett formula and realise that the EU doesn’t want the to subsidise them either. It may make those supporting the SNP recalculate their future.
The destiny of Scotland is up to the Scottish people. But if an independence vote is held and they vote to remain, then the matter should then be put to the other countries in the United Kingdom i.e a referendum with the question ‘Do you wish for Scotland to remain within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?’. Implicit within this is some renegotiation of the terms of the union e.g. the scrapping of the Barnett formula.
What about Endland having its own Parliament as does Scorland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Westminster is for the whole of the Unted Kingdom, but not specifically for England.
I would say that the UK is a mini EU where England pays for the other countries but has no say.
Uppers, we mentioned Stanford-Tuck last w/e, and I think the pub you mentioned could be the one south of Biggin Hill, where the signatures of all the pilots are still on a blackboard! It’s somewhere around Westerham or Sundridge! (The Wheatsheaf ?)
In ‘Fly for your life’, there’s a picture of Galland in a white roll-neck sweater – they became good mates after WW2!
There are lots of RAF faces here…
Sailor Malan was a Rhodesian, and good boxer and rugby player I seem to remember!
Scrobie, oops, sorry southern African then. Can’t remember where the ‘Sailor’ soubriquet came from. Think that’s what I went to look up on the internet.
I think Stanford-Tuck may have been a godfather to one of Adolf Galland’s sprogs. Only read the Wiki yesterday and already I cannot remember.
Galland also invited Douglas Bader to a reunion of former Luftwaffe pilots in Munich.
Upon walking in and seeing the assembled veterans, Bader exclaimed, “My God, I had no idea we left so many of you bastards alive!”
Uppers and Trickers, I’ve read that book (Fly for your life) about six times, and may well read it again soon – it’s marvellous!
I was about twelve when my dear sister bought it for my dad, and I gave it to someone, and really wish I hadn’t…
KCC library, here I come again…
Tally Ho!
(Bader and Stanford-Tuck weren’t the best of mates, and while they were in the same Stalag 3 together, I think they were so different/similar, they just would never ever get on)!
What does ethnically Danish mean?
Not as au fait with hand grenades as the locals.
This is a fun thread.
Most on message likely stuck in a plane at Gatwick.
Or stopping anyone get on one.
It’s the usual suspect ” Muslim terrorist ” just going about their calling to murder as many white Europeans as possible…..still waiting for Muslim to be mentioned…..probably will be in BBC local news in a few days and then disappear !
And now back to other events ‘ Allo ‘ Allo on Yesterday…pity that’s BBC owned
Looby, it means they are baked using ethically sourced flour.
I thought they were all Norwegians!
There again, I did Latin at school, not Geography…
(ps – got a nice piece of gammon in the fridge – could be Danish…)!
Twitter discussion tells me that the BBC media centre told all the papers that Monday’s radio4 drama is about
“Severus” is the “little told tale of the time that the United Kingdom (as we know it now) had black rulers.”
Then after a backlash stealth edited the page to say he was Libyan
(that’s like saying Joanna Lumley is Indian, cos she was born there)
That comes from BBC Guardianland people mixing stuff up and asserting that anyone born is Africa is BLACK.
Sure Saharan Africans used to be almost always black unless they were Arabs,
but northern Africans in Roman Times were Berbers or European colonialists.
One reply said “Severus was not black.
This is uncontroversial and the description of him as black can only have been used in order to knowingly mislead”
… https://www.twitter.com/Klaus_Arminius/status/1542110270197211136
The Twitter label says “sensitive material”
That is rubbish cos it is merely a screenshot of the ORIGINAL BBC page, I guess someone who wants it hidden has used a trick of falsely reporting it to twitter as offensive.
History Debunked says Severus was from a settler family : Roman mother and Phoenician father
ie “Italian mother and Lebanese father” in modern terms
.. https://youtu.be/kXBH6XLp3c4
Other commenters point out
#1 The Romans never ruled the United Kingdom
They ruled about 70% of Great Britain
#2 Afro-centrism is a racist cult
screenshot showing Before/After the stealth edit
.. https://www.twitter.com/No2BS/status/1543720555425177603
The now stealth edited BBC media page
Sorry it was the prog page that has been edited
That media page still says “black rulers”
The technique, which also applies to most of what the BBC does, was explained perfectly by Theodore Dalrymple:
“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. “
Other techniques are available.
pug, bit grey on my screen. If he presented in A&E looking like that, Dr Snuffy would admit him straight away and get him hooked up to a heart monitor.
As they continue to do-with giving the audiance a black Ann Bolyn! One has to ask as to who they think they are kidding? But of course the powers that are know full well who they are kidding. If it were possible the BBC should be shut down and never be allowed to raise its hypocritical head again. Those who agree raise your hands ……………., brilliant.
Not forgetting a black David Copperfield, and a mixed race Guinevere in Merlin.
Brissles, here’s a lovely song about Guinevere…
Alphabet “at it”
Ah … Google look like they’re shaping up to to do some cyber warfare on erm… “protecting the reproductive rights of American women…”
A cynic might expect that there’ll be an Android update and Google will eat some revenues from providing anonymised location data to advertising data aggregators …
Betcha it’ll all be rolled out before November mid term elections – see:
Stinks to high heaven
I thought it’d blot out a page but it renders OK from here….
Tomo – thanks – this is very useful – what is the source ? So much applies to the BBC ….
The BBC version has a 34th entry: ‘Undeclared Interests’. This is where they run a story without declaring their own involvement or connection to the participants. For example, a story features someone described as ‘an ordinary mum’. Two minutes investigation reveals that she is, for example, a Labour Party activist married to a BBC employee.
Might as well be?
The BBC reports a shooting in a Copenhagen shopping mall.
The suspect is a ‘Danish man’.
Mmm, I wonder if it’s one of those Danish men called Lars, or one of those “Danish men” called Moohammad.
@IberianCel is fond of tweeting about Media #blackwashing
Here BBC children’s history ..the Roman family in Britain are black etc. etc.
.. https://twitter.com/IberianCelt/status/1542214228811071495
His 2018 video about Hollywood ..https://twitter.com/IberianCelt/status/1542123410431557633
Black Roman family is in the list of BBC #blackwashing screenshots
Nelson Mandela played by Brad Pitt.
Of course it is 100% racism against white people and their history. It is so improbable that such history could be altered, let alone the fact that most Black people in those periods of history were still living amonsgt their tribes in Africa and knew absolutely zero of British History, but how now they love to ingratiate themselves into a civilisation that was eons ahead of them-the traitorous Media et al are seemingly intent in destroying Western culture and its history.
Daily Mail has several photos on line of Muslim women in Copenhagen running away from the shopping centre and informs us the rifle used in the killings isthe type traditionally used in Nordic sports. At the end of the article is a photo, after arrest of the Muslim man arrested for murders in Norway. I am sure there is a subliminal message but I am not sure what it is. Either the DM is hinting that it is a man of nordic heritage who has carried out the murders, or an Islamic terrorist in response to how his Norwegian brother has been treated.
“Copenhagen shooting: Danish police cannot rule out terror in mall attack”
I suppose that they are trying their damnedest to rule it out ? The image shown doesn’t look like one of the usual “men”
Why is the gunman/woman referred to a “shooter”
One thing is 100% certain : you wouldn’t be seeing that picture if he looked brown or black.
The BBC actually have a rule not to call an Islamic terrorist by that name because it might offend other Muslims. I kid you not.
Their whole ideology offends me-in fact having experienced these individuals in West Africa and their political ideology and disgusting antics, I should now not be surprised of such actions from the loathsome BBC.
New Netflix film also does blackwashing ../sarc
Not much coverage of Muslim Russian mercenaries called about ‘ Alan’s snack bar ‘ when they destroyed and took a Ukrainian town – no ‘holy war ‘ then ….
Holy kerrappp
I heard about this on the bBC, only joking – still waiting for some “news” they want me to hear
SurKurry there in his flower power tee to stick tulips in the barrels?
The last report on the Norway shooting given to me by google was:
‘Oslo shooting: Norway attack being treated as Islamist terrorism, police say’
Then it appears they dropped it completely. As soon as it was announced as a Muslim.
Watch this one if it’s ‘far right’ : I guarantee it will have several follow on articles including the life-story and internet history of the guy who did it – along with a few 100% empathy pieces for those who got shot (all with links to the main stories about him being ‘far-right’).
The most extreme of double standards. It shows it for certain that the BBC reports are all about agenda : the people who got killed are not important. They are tools.
I can’t believe Starmer and growler would have made such commitments if they weren’t sure of the loyalty of the Durham police. We all know our police are highly politicised these days as we slowly drift towards Leftist fascism.
It will be extremely entertaining if he is fined though. I wouldn’t put a straight refusal to resign past either of them. Then the BBC will be telling us it’s not really a resigning matter after all and they will never go near the subject again.
Never has a picture of an alleged perpetrator been published so fast by the BBC and never have the words Terrorism and Terrorist featured so heavily in a report.
Pictures accompanying the story show ladies in Hajib being comforted.
Without being cynical and whilst expressing complete disgust at what appears to be a senseless shooting by an idiot the BBC wouldn’t be giving it the coverage they are if it was a suspected Islamic “attack”.
They are waiting on the edge of their seats for the call to confirm he is Far-Right then it will be on the news site in minutes.
Contrast it with the bad news stories they DON’T want us to know about – when the killer is black or Muslim. The names and other details are often hidden for 24-48 hours to let the story die down a bit first.
BBC still relying on visuals.
Yes the theory that censorship is applied to Islamic terrorism but not other forms applies here … the race / Muslim victim industry will be making appearance Money telling punters the usual lies – the usual list will be used to prove that something must be done – more laws more loss of freedom …
….unusually the BBC news is leading with this now ‘old ‘ story about ‘Europe ‘…. Not the usual practice when the killers are Muslim ….
Elsewhere Starmer is due to give an EU speech . What’s the betting there will be no questions about beergate at all ….
Another ‘mental health issues’ ?
Taffman – seems so – and not a ‘terrorist attack ‘- which obviously it was – as well as mass murder . States ‘ media have a a very warped use of language these days …
And how quickly will this event disappear …?
Muslims as victims means it might run until tomorrow to distract from beer gate
But look at the BBC treatment of this one !!. It’s getting the full works with the ‘live update’ page they run for agenda-based stories where they can keep the story current all day long.
Why would a story which is basically over warrant a special live-update page ?. Would thay have done this if he was not white and they are hoping for a ‘far-right’ label from the police ?.
For comparison, the Oslo Muslim shooting was just 2 articles as far as I can tell with google : one standard one for the event and one about the memorial service for maximum empathy. It had 2 dead and 21 injured compared to 3 dead and 4 injured for this one.
BBC Twitter threads are the best.
If starmer / growler have a super injunction in place then any press conferences or questions to socialists by the media will be less than honest .
It really will take a brave MP to use parliamentary privilege to challenge this stink . And if it is all untrue it can be said so there …
But if starmer gets a ticket – appeals it – and wins – will he admit it ? How will the public respond ? To me he will appear as dirty as nut nut – but a bit more so because of his high ‘moral stance ‘
Even the use of a super injunction by a politician should be enough to end them – particularly in thr eyes of their constuents …
That’s TWO degrees of separation.
Surely Toenails can risk calling it ‘news’ he read?
I can’t understand how somebody who looks as utterly vacant as she does in that photo can be a member of the shadow cabinet.
Clearly attributes in other areas.
SurKurry spoiled for talents of a government in waiting.
Think Dawn Butler, Angela Rayner…
And behind, now opposite, the MP for Bayarroos.
@moggie63. One word: black.
Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott’s privately-educated son, 28, is charged with 11 offences including exposing himself and attacks on police and NHS staff
James Abbott-Thompson appeared at Thames Magistrates Court on Tuesday
Charged with 11 new offences including 9 assaults – most on police and medics
He also faces count of exposure in hospital and racially/religiously aggravated criminal damage
His Labour MP mother was not in the east London court with him yesterday
Abbott-Thompson is her only son from short marriage to Ghanaian architect
PUBLISHED: 10:08, 1 January 2020
I must have missed that on the BBC news?
I hope Boris sues the awful Abbopotamus.
My threshold for the ‘today ‘ off switch is very low these days …. Streaming is so clean …
If you want a good laugh…..
On Toady around 0740 Mischal ‘useless’ Hussein ‘interviews’ the chair of the Environment Agency quango.
You might have expected an easy chat between fellow travellers.
But despite Mischal’s best softball questions, Emma hyphen-hyphen’s replies represented the absolute peak of clueless apparatchik cliche-filled, Dalek- delivered management speak. Print off your bulls***-bingo card, sit down with a coffee and get ready for a full house.
But of course away from the hilarity we have here another example of the ‘talent’ that runs the country, untouchable, unaccountable, and rubbish.
Local BBC radio is actually covering the M180 fuel protests live
“⛽️: M180 FUEL PRICE ROADBLOCK w/ @AuntieMongo”
tweet 2 https://twitter.com/AuntieMongo/status/1543839313905033217
They are now on their way back from Doncaster heading east
The police are being disruptive by refusing to let anyone leave the motorway (protester or otherwise )
Tweet 3 https://www.twitter.com/AuntieMongo/status/1543862823431901184
ITV tweet https://mobile.twitter.com/itvcalendar/status/1543832339285004288
I got on the pushbike and went to show support
I got there around 9 and didn’t see anything
cos the protest only took place from 7:30am to 9am
So hadn’t come up as far as the junction I was at.
I saw some empty trucks, perhaps they were coming back.
YouTube shows a double lane of traffic about a mile long.
.. https://youtu.be/XooO4IpNo3Q
The 9am local radio news had found a voice to air that emphatically said her trucking org didn’t agree with the protest
She @LesleyOBrienOBE is well outside our area cos she’s based in Bradford
She is also a diversity rights activist so probably a friend of the black presenter
Now director of Freightlink Europe @FreightlinkEur1
Previously served 9 years as a main board Director of the Road Haulage Association (RHA)
BBC have used her previously
Mar 23 Lesley O’Brien, owner of Freightlink Europe told #WakeUpToMoney that the haulage industry needs an essential user rebate on fuel
“For one of my articulated vehicles I am paying an extra £20,000 a year at the current rate of fuel”
An issue just came up
co media are on the XR side they didn’t want to give any prior publicity to the fuel protests
If they had done prior reporting then work drivers would have been able to plan different routes well in advance.
media didn’t so maybe some drivers got stuck.
Meanwhile ITV GMB is promoting an XR activist again
The co-presenter is Labour MP Ed Balls
Diane Abbott’s son was in court yesterday after being charged with a string of violent offences including allegedly beating up police, emergency workers and doctors as well as exposing himself in a hospital.
Diane Abbott plays race card to excuse her decision to send her son to private school
Public school didnt do him much good.
Politicians coming out with their own jokes edition
The BBC online press review has been on a winning streak of promoting anti-Boris paydirt headlines these past days and weeks.
Whatever the national title – be it left-leaning tabloid, liberal-minded broadsheet – sometimes even metropolitan giveaway advertiser – in fact lately it’s whoever comes up with the pithiest PM-slammer tends to win the accolade of top spot for our BBC.
Slight departure this morning as the Beeb headline snippet: Rebel plot to oust PM – at first glance seems absent from the daily national headlines. The BBC playbook suggests that line ought to be somewhere front and centre on the frontpage of the ‘i’ newspaper as that organ sits proud at the top of the press pile.
Insider Tory plots aside the ‘i’ screamer headline goes with putative public opinion: Poll blow to Johnson as new Pincher claims made
PM joked ‘Pincher by name, pincher by nature’ (freebie Metro) – play fair, Boris. If politicians are going to do their own gags the political sketch writers may as well give up and go home. Not that Boris comes over as much of a John Crace of the Guardian or Quentin Letts of the Times – with broad material like that he’s more a Roy Chubby Brown of the working mens clubs circuit. It wouldn’t surprise us in the least to see Boris come out next time to face Laura Kuenssberg wearing a baggy patchwork suit Carrie has run up at home on her sowing machine and an old time leather flying helmet. I digress.
One has to revert to the small print on the cover of the ‘i’ and focus on one of their trademark copious daily public sector managerial training course-style bullet points for a somewhat convoluted reference to the BBC’s cherished rebel plot to oust PM quote: Rebels tell i the PM’s handling of groping claims against Chris Pincher may lead more MPs to back a party rule change which would bring forward another no-confidence vote
That rastafarian-like phrasing so-and-so tells i never fails to win a smile
Meanwhile the left-leaning ‘i’ shows it’s still proud of its former coronaphobic Lockdown-philic tendencies: From banana bread to jigsaws, what’s become of our lockdown loves?
Certain sections of society loved it and would no doubt be more than happy to go there again – but it was 70s rockers The Who, who speak for many of us now when they formerly asserted We don’t get fooled again
Not intentionally apropos of lockdown the arts section featuring Peter Brook in the Telegraph reflects on: The nemesis of middle-class theatre
We alight on the formerly patriotic Times for the origins of that BBC quote extracted with such obvious delight for the first punch in their regular daily double-kicker intro to the print press: Newspaper headlines: Rebel plot to oust PM and 22,000 accused roam free – says the BBC.
Sex scandal revitalises rebel plot to topple PM. Growing anger over handling of groping claims (Times) – stand back for a moment and admire the glaring disconnect between Westminster bubble hacks and their faux perturbance over Boris’s supposed bad management of one of their number being a little too out and proud this Pride month – and on the other hand the general public more angry over the PM’s cack-handed handling of REAL bloody issues…. one could begin with the failing justice system as highlighted in the Daily Mail headline with 22,000 villains on the loose or the econony, botched Brexit, hyper-immigration, law and order, housing, inflation…
The old Labour Daily Mirror apparently has no liberal reservations when it comes to damning the Tory elite’s libertine tendencies: You don’t know what decent is
The Guardian, being the Guardian, is more interested non-specific scare-words and in process above all else: PM accused of failure to heed ‘abuse’ warnings
The Bible tells us: And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
Ah, those rumours of war…
Pro-Ukraine forces in our media have battled hard over the weekend to fend off what they paint as Russian claims to have captured another vital city. Our BBC have contested the reported loss street by street. This morning our brave dogged diehards of the BBC have finally been obliged to raise the white flag: Ukraine confirms Russia captured eastern city Lysychansk (BBC)
The Times remains somewhat behind the times in admitting the truth due perhaps to time of going to press they didn’t yet get the message: Ukrainian stronghold has fallen, say invaders
The Telegraph steps bravely out of line this morning being far from sanguine about the way things are going: Russian takes entire Luhansk region
You will remember those bad old days when our unfeeling, bigoted press ran headlines which revealled the nature of their narrow Little-Englander outlook – headlines such as Peruvian earthquake: no Britons hurt
Well, one can’t help but feel there’s something of the kind inherent in this from the Guardian this morning: Several killed in Denmark gun attack… police said… “terrorism” could not be ruled out
Narrow-minded, bigoted, Little-Internationalists?
“Sex scandal revitalises rebel plot to topple PM. Growing anger over handling of groping claims ” – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35658398
Savile and Hall: BBC ‘missed chances to stop attacks’
25 February 2016
Asiseeit – thank you – sometimes after going through those papers you must wonder where The Truth went ….?
“The Leader of the Opposition is set to give a behind-closed-doors speech on Monday at the Centre for European Reform think tank during which he will use the ailing economy to criticise Boris Johnson.”
Starmer’s speech will attempt to follow the advice (based on statistics) of Blair and Peter Kellner by aiming for the ‘centre ground.’ His template will no doubt be the following:
In other words a load of old flannel.
Why am I thinking that Starmer is just a placeholder for the return of Tony Blair?
That would be interesting Tomo, but maybe just maybe the traitor Blair will be executed (from public viewing) before such a terrible disaster takes place. However when one has been Knighted, and made a member of the Garter, one could hardly expect to be an MP, however on the other hand in T Blairs case …….
Let’s face it – the present Labour party are an utter mess – the “Conservatives” are trying to converge on that position and the MSM tow them from one farcical debacle to another.
Like him or loathe him Blair has conceit, chutzpah , arrogance and ambition near entirely absent in the rest of the Labour Party – that’s not a compliment – merely an observation that he is dangerous and very obviously still has an appetite for power.
I don’t see anybody in the present Labour Party that could argue their way out of a paper bag. Blair + chums imho loaded our institutions with fellow travellers and bureaucratic allegiances that we are still dealing with…. a decade++ later.
The Labour Party with some minor rebranding can be sold to the voting oiks by the BBC and MSM – welcome to the era of the UniParty.
Look, we have to give credit where it’s due. The BBC have been quick out of the blocks in exposing the ethnicity of the Copenhagen shooter, along with contemplating the reasons for the atrocity. There’s been no prevaricating, no trying to cloud the issue, they were straight to the point. This was a white man! Hats off to them…
I do recall however, they’ve been slightly less robust in the past when struggling to identify either the race, creed or religion of some recent similar events. I can’t think why…
We’ve had the dubious “Norwegian national”… the infamous “drug abuser”…the very vague, “man”…and perhaps my favourite, the “careless driver” who was responsible for mowing people down outside Parliament.
The BBC kept the careless driving spiel going for a fortnight, by which time most of us had lost interest and it got buried under an avalanche of other “news”.
No such problems this time…
Remember how the BBC report news … terrorist is victim …
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016
Apparently the bBBC edited the interview to protect Abbott?
Diane Abbott slammed as ‘deluded’ by police officers after calling spit hoods ‘unnecessary’
TOADY Watch #1 – in which, again, Nick Robinson again breaks the number 1 rule for Radio Presenters … again
The number 1 rule for Radio Presenters is ‘Do not talk over an interviewee’. Nothing to do with ‘dead air’ because that is for the engineers and Studio Manager to deal with. It is slightly different for TV because the interviewee would be visible and the viewers could probably, with a bit of lip-reading, work out what the interviewee was saying during the interviewer-babble.
At 6 a.m. TOADY snarkily made reference to what no doubt will become known as ‘Pinchergate’ and the PM’s role in appointing Chris Pincher as a Deputy Party Whip with the comment to the effect “that Downing Street so far has only put up a very Junior Minister for interview” as though the PM should personally present himself for abasement and, no doubt, abuse and humiliation by the BBC.
Instead it was Will Quince MP, Under-Secretary of State for Children and Families who had to deal with over-talkative Nick Robinson over-talking him in breach of that No.1 rule for Radio Presenters. Needless to say, at the end of the interview, Nick Robinson asked Will Quince a question about the PM and Chris Pincher. The very Junior Minister was unwise. He attempted an answer.
I find it strange that Ministers and MPs in that situation do not employ the ‘Politeness Strategy’ and immediately become silent. Then when the interviewer – Nick Robinson – repeats the question to remain completely silent while mentally counting ‘One elephant, two elephants, three elephants …. ‘ and only stopping around twenty elephants [thirty seconds used to be the critical ‘dead air’ point] and saying “What was your previous question that I was replying to when you interrupted me or talked over me? May I answer that first?”
The BBC normally and constantly promote and support the LGBT Community and their ‘rights’. But that support does not seem to extend as far as Chris Pincher MP. Why not? Oh! Silly me! He was a Conservative Party MP. And Boris Johnson, belated Brexiteer, is the Prime Minister leading a Conservative Government.
I fear politicians and others all engage with the bully in order to get another gig £ on QT or similar .
Its a bit like the ‘ preferred plod ‘ who turn up on the BBC or GBNews spouting approved stuff to get the appearance fee.
Its stupid really because taking on a beeboid is so rare as to make an instant ‘ star…
“Host Paddy O’Connell quickly intervened, rebuking the claim he said: ‘That’s not been printed this morning, it’s not being said by the BBC.
‘Diane, you’ve got to answer my questions rather than raising new claims.’
The BBC temporarily removed the programme from its catch-up service to edit out the segment.
A spokesperson said: ‘For editorial reasons, we are editing today’s episode of Broadcasting House,’ a spokesman said in a statement.
‘We are working to make it available to listeners as soon as possible.'”
I’ve been surprised at the number of people who follow Alex Belfield who ordinarily don’t do online politics.
Looks like he’s got a resaonably sized constituency judging by the numbers purportedly turning up at Notting Crown Court this morning.
BBC Radio 4, 26 May 2022
We said a government cleaner who worked in Downing Street and had been surrounded by people breaking the rules had contracted Covid and died.
In fact, he worked at the Ministry of Justice.
His family was reported to have been told by medical staff that he had died from coronavirus but the post-mortem recorded hypertensive heart disease as the official cause of death.
We are sorry for the mistake.
” Not a terror attack ”
Sounds pretty terrifying to me …
Why don’t they say what I assume they mean by this, i.e.: ” Not a Muslim attack”
22 LOST – not murdered.
22 Lost in Manchester …
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
1400+ raped over 16 years in 1 town ….
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
30 Iranians cross the border and are allowed free entry ….
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
30 year old men are pretending to be child refugees and sit in a class full of children …
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
The BBC are working very hard to keep the Copenhagen shooting story current. They have even put the picture of whitey up again just to make sure nobody misses it.
They discuss the last ‘major gun attack’ in Denmark. They tell us he was ‘a 22-year-old man opened fire on two separate occasions across the same day in Copenhagen.’.
They don’t tell us that that attack WAS a terrorist attack and quite deliberately avoid naming the man who did it. Because it was Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein. The BBC article on that one is very short in comparison.
Yes so BBC mention the 2015 attack where a MAN at attacked Krudttønden and Krystalgade
and police shot him dead
but omit his name Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein
Entire BBC paragraph
Denmark last saw a major terror event in 2015, when two people were killed and six police officers were injured during an attack on a cultural centre and a synagogue in Copenhagen.
The gunman was later killed in a shootout with police.
BTW The media in Denmark cannot discuss names for the new attack cos the judge have forbade mentioning the name of the perp or the victims.
Twitter says Shooter is thought to be Noah Esbensen, a Dane who posted videos on YouTube holding guns to his head
Thalidomide survivors in Scotland to get lifelong support
In 2013 the Scottish government committed £14.2m to help survivors over a 10-year period, with the money going on health and living costs.
£14.2m / 10 = 1.4 Million / 50 = £28K
Ten Years – Most at 60 – life left to live?
It’s been more than 50 years since pregnant women took thalidomide to treat morning sickness, with around 10,000 cases of birth defects attributed to its use worldwide. Decades have passed and yet the issue of financial compensation for the less than 3,000 remaining “survivors” of the tragedy has, in many instances, remained unresolved.
Victims of medication-related injuries face significant challenges in obtaining compensation. They include time barriers, difficulties proving the drug was responsible for the disability and obtaining sufficient evidence to prove a pharmaceutical company was negligent.
posted to wrong thread just now…
(stolen) For any lurking news + current affairs folk scouring for inspiration at start of the week…
FDA/Pfizer, wanted to keep data on their vaccine hidden for 75 years. A court forced them to release the data in batches. Why aren’t you investigating ?
. Aren’t you curious, as to why pfizer wanted to keep it hidden for 75 years.
Do your job
What’s the evidence they WANTED it kept secret for 75 years ?
Well, if you look at the Texas court case and the attendant MSM coverage – if they weren’t bothered – they made a good show of hiding it!
Ben Wallace – Make Theresa May NATO leader.
Liz Truss – go fight for Ukraine as UK GOV say fight for Ukraine and you will be treated as terrorist.
Would it not be possible for Viktor Orban to become our Prime Minister, even if he had to split his time between Hungary and here? There seems to be an awful lot of Toxic Femininity, Toxic Ethnicity and Toxic Beta males amongst those politicial pygmies…
The metroliberal narrative is that being WHITE/MALE means you have great privilege
so they are not interested in helping them
Look how almost all gambling suicides seem to white males
The Mail reporter ay there are 100
He selected photos of 36
maybe 2 or 3 Arab males
& 2 white females
The US July 4th weekend isn’t over yet and at least 38 people have been shot, 9 fatally so far in Chicago.
Where’s the outrage ?
Where’s the MSM herd?
Sajid’s war on NHS waste is continuing in earnest. Yesterday it was revealed he’s scrapping the Chief People Officer role entirely from NHS England, meaning Prerana Issar will be the first and last person to ever collect £230,000 from the taxpayer just to ‘lead’ on diversity and inclusion. The responsibilities will taken up by existing Health Education England chief Dr Navina Evans, who inherits the glamorous new title of Chief Workforce Officer. Apparently she’ll get a “modest” boost to her existing £200,000 salary, although at least this still represents a net saving of around £200,000 to the taxpayer…
All very well and good from the Saj, although Guido’s just checked the NHS job board, and this morning they’re hiring another 8 more diversity managers on salaries up to £83,000. Again.
Founder of Islam is 100% perfect and married a child aged 6, and being a perfect man consummated the marriage with sex to a child aged 9 whilst owning multiple wives and many slaves … perfect!
Sajid Javid (Sworn into UK Parliament under the Islamic Quran) Reveals There Are 80,000 Paedophiles Online In The UK {huffingtonpost.co.uk 03sep2018}
Operational experts say the figure is a conservative estimate.
George Bowden and PAHuffPost UK
Reference CAS-7170772-H0N5Z7
Dear Mr H,
Thank you for contacting us about the BBC News website. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We know that not everyone will agree with our choices on which stories to cover, or how much coverage each story is attributed across our output. Our news editors make these complex decisions, based on the editorial merit of all the stories at hand.
We accept that not everyone will agree with each decision, however, we can assure you these decisions aren’t indicative of bias.
We have highlighted in our reporting that Labour MP Barry Gardiner has received over £420,000 in donations from Christine Ching Kui Lee’s company over 5 years. I have provided links to some of this coverage below:
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On the Denmark shooting and possible motive… remember the NYC subway shooting in April by Frank Robert James? 29 injured, 10 by gunshot.
The BBC’s last report was after his arrest: “No details about his alleged motive have yet been provided. According to prosecutors, he published a variety of videos online making statements about the New York City subway system, occasionally addressing New York City Mayor Eric Adams as he complained about the “homeless situation” on subway cars.”
Other sources who were interested in possible motive dug a bit deeper than the £5bn BBC, and what they found painted a different picture — James’ social media was full of homophobia, misogyny and anti-white / black / hispanic / jewish comments e.g:
— “O black Jesus, please kill all the whiteys”
— “’These white motherf—ers, this is what they do,’ he says in a video about the Ukraine invasion, claiming it presaged a black genocide in the United States.”
— “White people and black people, as we call ourselves, should not have any contact with each other.”
But the BBC stopped reporting on the Frank Robert James attack by April 15th, just three days after the shooting. Some motives are more equal than others.
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Even the Mirror (03Sept2015) says “… this refugee couple cradle their tiny baby, after throwing themselves (NO! Male refugee drags women and baby onto train tracks) on train tracks as police try to take them to migrant camps in Hungary”
Gets better. Two days (05Sept2015) later the Mirror then report it as
“Refugee who dragged pregnant wife and baby son onto train track did it because ‘death would be better’”
1. BBC Version uses words and pictures to hide the video version
2. The Mirror shows the video but uses words to tell a different version
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
Last week, Ofcom, another pointless so called regulator, announced it was looking at extending the amount of advertising time during TV programmes. Well an hour-long programme already has only 40 minutes run-time so what the? No, hold on, ah, of course, not adverts are they? Stupid, stupid me! More time for brain-washing us with a totally false picture of good old Blighty. They’ll be out-doing the BBC at this rate. Oh well, more work for the video’s edit function!
A blipvert is a very brief television advertisement, lasting one second.[1] The word is a portmanteau of blip, a brief sound, and advertisement.[2]
The term and concept were used in the 1985 film Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future and in Blipverts, the first episode of the 1987 science fiction television show Max Headroom. In the film and TV show, “blipverts” were new high-speed, concentrated, high-intensity television commercials lasting about three seconds. Their purpose was to prevent the channel-switching that may occur during standard-length commercials.[3] They were invented as a MacGuffin to drive the plot.[4]
Are we witnessing the start of mass civil disobedience over fuel prices ? The underhand process of the government recouping money through overpriced overtaxed fuel – with a sprinkle of green crap of course ..
… I can t see mr and Mrs nut nut realising the effect the crap green policies are having until people start climbing over the gates of number 10 – but then they’ll be off on the PM jet to the safety of the South West…. Sooner the better ….
Tax on a litre @ 85pence ….?
Fed, thing is the oil price is only about $115 per barrel or less. The petrol and diesel fuel prices were not this high when the oil price was $130 p/b and $140 p/b and even briefly at $150+ p/b. It is not just HMTreasury making lots of money out of the fuel prices. Someone, somewhere, a lot lower down the ‘food chain’ is ripping everyone off, including – in a way – Her Majesty’s Government.
Thoughtful reporting a barrel at $380? According to Goldman – it can only be a tight calculation of opec Russia over when demand ceases due to the high cost – with Depression in non oil producing countries ….
… people paying so much for juice that it’s not worth going to work – which isn’t too far off … pay demands or not ….
Meanwhile nut nut sleeps in the arms of Carrie ….
Name of donor: Mr David Ross
Address of donor: private
Nature and value of benefit in kind (or amount of any donation): accommodation for a private holiday for my partner and me, value £15,000
Destination of visit: St Vincent and the Grenadines
Donee? Who?
BBC London News at 1:30 began with a seven minute segment on an increase in Islamophobia. Basically a series of interviews with complaining Muslims that, if it came from any other quarter, would surely be dismissed as “anecdotal evidence.”
Is this a bigger increase than the last increase? An ongoing increase with an ever-steeper curve and no upper limit?
UK cinema chain cancels screenings of ‘blasphemous’ film after protests
Cineworld cancels all showings of The Lady of Heaven after branches were picketed by Muslim activists
Saudi authorities seize rainbow toys in crackdown on homosexuality
Pencil cases, skirts and hats among items targeted for ‘contradicting Islamic faith and public morals’
On my back, I have the cross and angel wings: rise above it, no matter what life throws at you. And also, you know, Jesus rose from the grave.
Lewis Hamilton
What Lewis needs to complete the image is some ceramic ring lined holes in his ears and one of those silver mini dumbbells through his upper lip
– sorted
tomo, Hamilton has the tattoos which, if I recall correctly, are a mark of slavery.
Anybody here from Nottingham?
– be good to get some first hand impressions of whats happening in the Belfield business….
I’ll buy you some coffee….
I feel equal to Mexicans, Asians, everyone. That’s the kind of positive message I want to get out.
Lewis Hamilton
TWatO Watch #1 – well, there will be time for him to change his mind back again, I guess
The Sucker who is in charge of the LacklustreLabour Party is about to make a major speech. Funny, I thought. I thought funny: how many times do the BBC have as first item on TOADY or TWatO (or PM and TWH, for that matter) and the News the announcement that a Conservative Prime Minister is about to make a major speech?
My guess? Not very often, if at all.
Think that may be a bit of a ‘Gotcha’!
Hilary Benn was the interviewee on this and like his Leader, he has been campaigning for another EU Referendum but he, too, has changed his mind. ‘Brexit means Brexit.’ Hilary’s father Tony Benn must be spinning in his grave with joy. It may however mean that LacklustreLabour can kiss goodbye the chance of winning the next General Election. The Liberal non-Democrats want a new EU rejoin Referendum. The SNP will be extremely unwilling to enter a 3-way Coalition Government with LacklustreLabour rejecting an EU rejoin Referendum even if Scotland has an IndyRef2 and voted Remain in the UK.
Poor old Alastair Campbell! He now may need some counselling.
The BBC will be a bit gutted, too. Yesterday marked the start of Week 5 of their campaign to re-join the EU.
Just to depress people even more on a Monday, but JP Morgan are predicting a rise in oil prices to $380 a barrel if Russia scales back production.
Libya has already significantly scaled back its own production meaning even less oil around.
This would mean a £6 per litre cost of petrol and diesel. Just to make it worse at least 3 oil refineries in Europe (Germany Austria) are closed for accidents / incidents or maintenance.
It won’t really matter about the Green agenda if prices rise this high, because people won’t be able to travel to jobs to do them.
Our country is perhaps not too bad, because we still maintain an older housing stock, but large news estates are being built without any way to get the basics of lifes essentials without access to private transport. No shops,, no pubs, no public transport, absolutely nothing.
Even where I live it’s not really practical to walk to a supermarket and back with groceries. This to me is where the whole aggressive violent Green lobby case falls down.
They insist we don’t drive, they are not helping in any way by making driving less a neccesity.
New planning is needed to make it possible to have at least a small shop within easy access of all new build estates, and easy access to public transport to get to out of town shopping centres which again are difficult to access without private transport.
Make lives easier instead of the usual Socialist oppression and aggression and violence.
BBC commentators just can’t bring themselves to condemn the behaviour of oafish Aussie Nick Kyrgios because. . . well, I think we know why.
He’s behaving himself at the moment, one set down to American Brandon Nakashima.
Let’s go, Brandon!
Radio 4 12:15pm “The average weekly cost for renting a car in London rose from £183 to £743”
Evidence given : ZERO
I see someone saying “Just rented a car in london for 158 euro for 3 days”
That’s €370 per week
Is somebody printing their own expenses receipts at Portland Place?