TWatO Watch #2 – the BBC are really being hypocrites over ‘Pinchergate’
Victoria Atkins, MP, Minister for Prisons and Probation is brought on to answer a BBC attack on the Government over a report into the Prisons Service in the UK. Needless to say, Victoria had to answer questions on Chris Pincher MP (formerly Conservative – now independent). If I had been in Victoria’s place, I would have pointed out the BBC’s hypocrisy in attacking the PM over one of the BBC’s favoured minorities. I might have observed that a hundred years ago, a homosexual – and a drunk one at that – might have been locked up in prison. Would the BBC approve of that?
The Evan Davis show tweeted
“We are planning a programme about corporations taking a political stand (see, for example Halifax and pronouns)
but we couldn’t the guests lined up for this week. Not sure about the title”
The BBC schedules billed it as The Great Awokening but then it was changed
As ever The Radio4 weekly schedule has a vast disproportion of black faces almost every day
Here the R44 Twitter account suddenly decides to tweet something about a 2017 prog
Why ? It was repeated 5 times in Sept 2021, but it’s not scheduled again
Shirley Chisholm was elected to the US Congress in 1969 and in 1972, with immense courage and tenacity, in the teeth of racism and threats to her life, sought the Democratic nomination for President.
11am R4 had a repeat of a docudrama Olaudah Equiano ” a key figure in the abolitionist movement.” (from May 2022)
(Simon Webb usually says such people rarely wrote anything themselves but were used as a front by white middle-class abolitionists )
The prog was made by black independent production company The-Latest Ltd,
Aiden Aslin ‘his lawyer is quoted as saying that the appeal concerned only some of the charges – the ones that carried the death penalty – such as his alleged effort to bring about “a seizure of power by force” in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic.’
Put some respect on their name.
DPR is collecting Brit mercenaries like Pokemon cards.
Investigation mate ? It was pure junior-socialist bunkum
It had lines like “The private sector has TAKEN OUT £250m in profits from social care”
No it is not the case when things are nationalised that the £250m goes back to the government”
The idea is that private corps take on a risk that they can work out more efficient systems in return for making a profit
eg they might move a home from a valuable property in the centre of a city to a cheaper to run place on the outskirts etc.
They might move it out of London to a place where wages/costs are lower.
Nor are private sector corps more dangerous
Under the old system plenty of council workers, monks and nuns used to rape and abuse the children. (though many others were honourable)
Another chance to catch my investigation into the businesses cashing in on children's care… tonight at 5pm on @BBCRadio4
The prog had lines like “Tescos and Amazon have a profit margin of 4% but these children’s care operators have a profit margin of 23%”
Look Tescos business is a low risk business
If beans don’t sell at 50p/can they can reduce them to 45p and still sell them
If a corp sets up 5 children’s homes and council cancels the contract on two, the profit margin on the other 3 has to cover the costs.
Another line I paraphrase “Here we spoke to a child who is now in a council and home but used to be in a private home”
“The care in that private place was terrible wasn’t it , Emily ?”
Emily “Yes that’s right it was , sir
not like this place, it’s lovely, sir”
If i make profits of £50m a year, the press will scream that i must pay my staff more. But if i have made an investment of £1bn to get the £50m, that is only a 5% return on capital. I could get 8% (almost risk-free) by buying shares in a bank – and not creating any jobs.
So when the unions moan about £400m of profit, bear in mind the tens/hundreds of billions that have been invested.
Disney made the decision to ax its animated film Lightyear from cinemas in Malaysia after it refused to cut gay kissing scene that saw it banned in 13 other countries
Malaysia’s Film Censorship Board said it approved ‘Lightyear’ with parental guidance for those under 13 on the condition that scenes and dialogues ‘found to contain elements promoting the LGBT lifestyle’ were ‘cut and muted’
But Disney apparently did not agree to the conditions and decided instead to cancel the screening, the board said
The board did not specify which scenes were to be cut but the movie reportedly includes a female lead kissing her ‘female partner’ after starting a family
Parent company Disney reportedly initially took out, but reinstated in March following complaints from offended staff
……… but reinstated in March following complaints from offended staff.
We are now clearly living in a world where the Indians are telling the Chiefs how to run a business. Civil servants are doing things ‘their way’, staff at the publishing house of JK Rowling howled at the offensive words by JKR.
When will these bosses have the balls to say if you don’t like it then leave ? because during my working career it was their way or the highway.
Social media continues to be the modern plague of society.
I have just listened to a commentator telling that the attacks on both US and British Police originate in Chinese propaganda. This appears to have been in conjunction with the Marxist BLM group which might also be Chinese backed.
It begins to add up when one of the biggest loony leftists on the planet Jeff Bezos finally wakes up and begins to criticise Joe Biden, and it is the Chinese Communist Party who comes to Joes defence.
Now we know Biden is the head of a crime family and we know that crime family has links to China, but could it be possible that Biden has bought into the Chinese Marxist Party philosophy (Trudeau has) because it would explain a lot of his recent actions, that of Russia / China
BBC ever keen to bring us stories of “appalling” waycism (when we all should know there’s no such thing) are very slow to report such events when the skin colour of the perpetrators is a little darker despite the horror of what they have perpetrated.
So while they will crib about a White man using a word they don’t like abour Lewis Hamilton and go into paroxisms, and while the Chinese Communict Party assists them into having a go at US cops for shooting a Black criminal who had shot at them first they won’t report that 3 cops were wounded by gunshots in a chase in Buffalo at the weekend, nor will they report this delightful story of what appears to be an attack by Pakistanis on a Bangladeshi 18 year old student which was sickening to the point of being horrific.
” a male victim is savagely beaten by a group of attackers.
Blood can be seen pouring from the victim’s face as he is pinned down and repeatedly hit and kicked whilst screaming on the floor. One of the attackers shouts ‘strip him’ and his clothes are then ripped off during the vicious attack before he is left naked and in a bloodied heap on the floor.”
Burnhams Gestapo did what they do best – nothing, and have admitted they failed to do anything yet again making people like me wonder why on Earth we actually have to pay for a service which doesn’t actually do anything other than oppress decent ordinary folk.
It’s a shocking awful attack which the media aren’t going to touch because like the Pakistani Muslim rape gangs it’s the ubermenschen committing the acts and they must never be criticised no matter what they do.
Interesting . Starmer makes a big speech but doesn’t allow `press in the room . The injunction – Durham ticket theory holds up . But no MP has raised it in parliament yet ?
Not BBC but Sky cricket. The commentators are talking about the need for England to ‘silence the crowd’ . This is test match in Birmingham , the middle of England , between England and India and the crowd that the commentators think needs to be silenced is all the Indian spectators!
I fully understand that Sky is as woke as woke can be but don’t they think it’s a bit much when they are referring to stuff as though it’s quite normal for the bulk of the crowd to support the visitors in England’s second city?
The awful truth , which I know folks on this site have long understood , is that given another generation and young English kids will be growing up as foreigners in the land of their grand parents. It sickens me , it frightens me , sadly it makes me glad that I won’t be here to see it.
Surely even the most dim witted of the public must realise that this is the fate that awaits their children. Don’t they care? Are they happy with what has been done by successive governments over the past three or four decades. Are they just going to accept it as a fait accompli?
Are they just going to accept it as a fait accompli?
Sadly, yes I believe so. Most young parents I’ve seen and come across, are a bit ‘wet’. Don’t rock boats – unless they’re on the road to political activism , mainly Labour, – but because they’ve grown up with and are at work with persons who have no history in this country, the future state of their country is not something they even think about. Climate change is more up their street, until you point out the detritus left behind at Glasto.
DoubleT yes we are the only generation that sees this, and its our age group that are sickened by all the migrants crossing the Channel, but does this concern the under 40’s ? it doesn’t appear to, a quick shoulder shrug and thats it. Those on here that have relatives in that age group, ask them what they think, I’d be interested to know the response.
BBC eulogising Peter Brook
@AlexeiRomanov13 sarcastically tweets “Peter Brook one of the leading cultural Marxists of the 20thC #FrankfurtSchool
has “passed” his goal of cleansing british theatre of British values now secure & rightly celebrated @BBCr4today”
Learn to pronounce
the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
Simon Webb is a great speaker. He always sounds like he knows what he is talking about.
A characteristic though is that when he doesn’t know what he is talking about , he still seems 100% confident. Ironically Belfield is the same.
For that reason unfortunately Webb’s first video about the Belfield case 6 months ago was atrocious, cos he just took everything the newspaper wrote at face value
eg he said Belfield had 12 charges of stalking , in fact 4 had already been dropped.
There is a reason that Belfield has always said he wanted to get to court.
He said from the beginning that the BBC were trying to silence him by putting in bogus charges , that meant under bail he was not free to speak, and that he was restricted from taking his own civil action for their harassment of him.
But that if he got all the way to court first he would be able to speak freely and say most things the bail prevented him from saying
Secondly once his criminal case is over, he will be free to proceed with his civil cases against others.
Pretty safe to say that it wasn’t Joe himself that sent emissaries to beg for oil from Venezuela – Susan Rice – BHO maybe.
Looks like a gig where Hunter Biden’s life experience would play well, better than say biolabs or oil companies in Ukraine? Hunter’d be onto that in a flash?
Maduro used to have is own “El Presidente singalong” karaoke prog on Venezualan TV at the weekends – I wonder if it’s still running?
News was at 11:20am
“Police confirm at least one death at Bedford gas explosion.
Officers also say they can’t rule out possibility of more fatalities in next few days as the search of the building continues”
Twitter people saying there is no mains gas on that street.
Others saying maybe someone was bypassing the meter.
ITV local news
#1 The M180 protest
The prog didn’t find any disrupted motorists
The thing is the protest was in 3 parts 10 miles East, 25 miles west, 15 miles East
and the M180 runs alongside the A18
so any motorist wouldn’t have been stuck for long.
#2 Air ambulance says fuel price is really impacting them.
#3 Drink Spiking
#3a “Labour MP Diana Johnson says”
..DJ “This is affecting women of all ages”
False, and it also impacts a proportion of men.
#4 Teachers warn this year universities are being more choosy.
Now they just had item about The Railway Children sequel ..set in WW2
3 mins in “And I play the part of someone that helped the little black lad that had escaped”
… #blackwashing
BBC local news was the same as ITV local news for item #1 and #2
Item #1 “We go LIVE to our reporter at the scene of the protests”
FFS utter crap
Medialand have got it into their head, that going LIVE sells
but this was LiveDead news
Dead cos the protest on the M180 had finished 9 hours previously
Bizarrely she was standing at Wrawby motorway bridge, which is just random motorway bridge in the middle of nowhere where there is no on or off ramp
And by my calculations the protest had passed there first at 6am and then at 6:50am so the reporter is 11.5 hours late
The final item on BBC local news was the Hijabi Skateboarder Sisters
“We brought you them back in August”
(In fact then they said ‘5 months ago Mum Hasina Salem showed us the Sky Brown video and we went out and bought skateboards the next day’)
BBC “Well these days they have performed in places across the UK, and even have an invitation to go to America”
There then followed an amazing crafted puff piece .. Does their Mum own a Muslim advertising agency or something ?
(The father is never mentioned)
The piece did nothing to substantiate any news ..they didn’t talk about it ..just how they love skateboarding and minor talk about inspiring Muslim.
So where are we ? .. the girls seem to love skateboarding
The BBC local news will air anything as long as it’s not against any of their many agendas
The girl scannot be that bigger deal cos there i very little about them on the internet
2605 Followers on Tik Tok and 3,579 followers on Instagram, is OK but certainly not huge
“We are 3 hijabi skateboarders/rappers from Hull”
Starmer has said he will not turn Brexit around if he got in power.
I was just having fun gently pointing out errors in a few comments on the Guardian, no bad language or abuse from me, guess what?, I was blocked from commenting.
Freedom of speech?
The UK has sanctioned Aleyona Chugaleva who it describes as the Secretary of the“Organizing Committee of Patriotism in Journalism" and "a key individual associated with the disinformation website SouthFront" which has "promoted the Government of Russia’s false narrative."
BBC admits it received Tim Westwood sexual misconduct complaint. TODAY (4th July)
Tim Davie, the director-general, had previously stated there was no evidence of claims against the former Radio 1 DJ …
The complaint is one of six now received by the BBC regarding the conduct of influential hip-hop DJ Westwood. The corporation will not confirm whether the other five complaints were made before or after Mr Davie spoke.
A BBC spokesman said that the corporation would continue to investigate all historic and future complaints, stating: “As we have said, if people have things that they want to raise with the BBC, then they should do so. People have now done so and we will continue to investigate.
STOP PRESS: (expected years later when forced to pay out to compensation to child victims) will include not an apology, but a cash cover up.
So the investigation of Jimmy Saville is now complete. And they will say ‘he didn’t work for us’ nor his long term BBC Cheauffer – who shared his interests. Nor anyone who worked with him at the BBC, in fact the BBC denies even knowing what RAP music is – or why it runs a RAP music channel (called BBC Radio 1Xtra) off the public TV license.
Total mystery how this happens. No recall of who DJ Westwood was or that he ever worked for the BBC radio at all… (or TV). Just another history lesson, you cannot trust the BBC.
Thank you @GaryLineker. As a parent of a JSO activist, I am hugely grateful for you support. We talk too much about history and future though. Its the right here, right now that counts. I want my daughter to be respected now, not in years hence.
— Rebecca Kowalski (@RebeccaKowals12) July 4, 2022
The situation in the Netherlands is biblical! The civilians and farmers are waking up to realize, the government is not your best friend and they show them….
I really don’t like be an alarmist but this looks serious – and it is DELIBERATE
This is the price of UK natural gas for this winter compared to the last 5 years – close to 900% higher now. This would take the average UK utility bill to around £4000. The energy crisis is getting worse fast and the UK government is completely asleep at the wheel. 😬
Yes it’s serious but the government is not asleep, it’s in a fantasy world, along with the other shade of the same party we misleadingly call the opposition.
Both sides celebrating the existance of a rainbow Unicorn, arguing a woman can have a penis and that alternative energy can solve all our problems.
Meanwhile the economy falls to piece around them and they don’t even appear to know it’s happening.
Worse than any of this is the insanity of the EU which seems so utterly comitted to their fantasy they are setting up the conditions to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people this Winter.
Germany desperate to keep the lights on opens coal fired power stations, the EU says they aren’t Green and must be closed. Germany knows it has screwed up over Russian gas and is looking to LNG, but it isn’t Green so the EU doesn’t want them to go down that avenue either. In fact every avenue Germany proposes the EU has an objection to, and they need to start being told that if people end up dying as a result, they will be held to account by a criminal court with a life sentence for a guily verdict.
The ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’, Nero ‘fiddling’ while Rome burns, and angels dancing on pinheads all come to mind for some reason, and I can’t help thinking we’ve been here before, more than once, and it rarely ends happily.
How can you say the government is not asleep ? Where are the green tax cuts ? Where are gas and oil fields and fracking and nuclear ? And gas storage ? Nowhere – there is no urgency- winter is a few months away – and there is no planning for dealing with huge rises in bills ….
Fed, I don’t think they’re asleep, I think they’re wilfully ignoring things, while splaffing money all over the place… like giving Chris boardman £2 billion to discourage people from driving (I’m still wondering if I misread that and it was 2 million)
David Wood, critic of Islam and Christian apologist, has occasionally been posted on this site. Now, he’s had enough of being banned, blocked and censored by YouTube. He’s closing his YouTube channel and moving to other platforms.
The BBC trying hard to implicate Boris in the queer touch-up MP scandal but also in the shit over having a BBC DJ who was an obvious and quite nasty sexual predator.
BBC, I’d leave it if I were you!
Just move on…..
There may be be more Boris closet stuff you can find in your quite obvious witch hunt.
It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place,
which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.
Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.
Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?
Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!
Oliver Cromwell dismissing the Long Parliament – much needed today.
I read somewhere in the dead wood media that Lewis Hamilton was moaning about Bernie Eccleston having a platform to say what he did. Who gave the tattooed, multipierced tw@ the platform that he’s gobbing off on.
Kier is now a brexiter – together with the rest of the socialists –
Some BBC DJ now turns out to be a serial sex offender ( alleged ) . On the r4 news it said that bbc news had asked the bbc whether there were any allegations – the bbc said ‘no ‘ and then ‘yes ‘ …..
Now the bbc won’t talk to bbc news ….. how . Does . That . Work . ?
Next – multiple shooting in the US on 4 July – BBC doesn’t know which way to go – a ‘white ‘ shooter – but in a ‘Jewish ‘ area of north Chicago ….. its not sure how to Pitch it – but it will only ‘care ‘ if the victims are coloured . Fact .
Amazing that the super injunction is still in place since it’s being talked about all the time – apart from on the MSM ….
The BBC replied quite quickly (4 days) with this:
———————— We note your concerns regarding the stock images used in the article.
Choosing the images to include on our site is a subjective matter and one which we recognise not every member of our audience will feel we get right every time. This is often a very difficult decision for our editors. Our readers do not view things in the same way and it is inevitable that images which many users of our site might find acceptable will occasionally strike others as inappropriate.
So there we have it. The BBC are right every time and I just viewed it in a different way to everyone else.
Ad agencies are equally guilty of using stock/library images. and without doing their research. I knew a model who had passed with breast cancer, so I was shocked a year later to see her image riding a bike in the fresh air advertising a health drink of all things. Impossible to find the agency responsible, so I fired off an all guns blazing email to the product company. Of course I didn’t get a reply, but it was enough for that image to be replaced by another for that product.
So did I. They told me:
“We note your concerns about the article entitled ‘Petrol station staff abused over high fuel prices’.
We appreciate your comments however the images used within use report aim to give further context or background information. The report in question goes into detail of the findings by forecourt operator Ascona Group.
Overall please be assured BBC News is committed to factual, impartial reporting at all times.”.
“Pret A Manger says it has returned to profit after a tough few years, as it shifts its focus away from London towards regional towns and suburbs.
About a third of Pret’s UK shops are now outside London, including new sites in Brentwood, Harrogate and York.”
Company following it’s white flight customers out of London. Naturally BBC not saying this…
I’m still trying to fathom out how ethnics can get a home either rented or bought in London ! when its impossible for the indigenous population. The rest of the country struggles with 2nd home buyers in rural and coastal areas so that locals can’t afford a home in their area; new estates spring up like dandelions overnight everywhere and yet its those downsizing who can only afford them, there are waiting lists of decades for a council house anywhere in the UK, BUT if you’re anything other than white and want to live in the capital – hey ! no probs.
I’ve noticed in my area houses that are sited on corners/junctions and thus stand on odd-shaped land tend to be bought up by Asians. That extra bit of land then ends up as extension and/or extra parking.
Sort of suggests that there are more than Mum, Dad and 2.4 children living there (the supersized recycle bins, available to homes with more than 5 occupants are also an indicator).
David Wood has a few final words about – among other things – the repulsive British cops who arrested Hatun Tash after SHE was the victim of an assault and theft by muslims at Speakers Corner; who then manhandled her through jeering crowds of savages; who then strip searched her an detained her for 15 hours before releasing her without charges.
So, is it just a rumour that Sir Kier has taken out an injunction to stop any talk about um…a fine he may…or may not… have received?
Isn’t this the bloke who said he would immediately resign if he received a fine?
And didn’t the appalling Daily Mirror run a front page with his smug mush all over it and the caption, “This is what an honourable man looks like, Mr Johnson.”
Honourable isn’t a word I’d choose to describe this creepy, kneeling, bandwagon jumping old fraud.
Damn. I’ve already closed mine. I did so when they represented me (a 60+ year old white bloke) as a dead man’s name on a bench in their “market” TV advert. Nice to know what they wish I was.
Just watched the trailer : looks like they do the common trick of drawing you into the film first then pushing the agenda on you once you are most likely to keep watching it all the way through.
I saw the young black boy saying he was on a top-secret mission. The young girl tells him there are soldiers everywhere and they might find him – so she gives him a Yorkshire cap and clothes so he won’t stand out. The only black person in the whole of Yorkshire.
Fortunately the comments on Youtube give it the panning it deserves.
I am getting a bit sick of the BBC with their reporting. For past few days the main news is all about that drunk Pincher who got caught pinching, bad I know but far more serious events are going on in the world.
There is more important things going on in the world that the BBC hardly ever or never mentions things that people would be interested in knowing about. Maybe they don’t show true news that’s unbiased, because if people find out the facts and proper honest news, the BBC and it’s masters would loose control of the brain washed sheep.
Take this gov website, am sure loads of people would be interested in this being available
There are loads of people been injured by vaccines and this site advised how to get compo. Wonder why the BBC don’t report on this? Also note on the gov site half way down it reminds people that of they get a nice payout it could affect their benefits.. these people who get messed up by government propaganda and got harmed by any vaccine deserve compensation and it DOES NOT effect their benefits. When will the BBC ever do it’s job and report things that affect us all that live in the UK, and speak the truth, and tell us the truth. Most of the time it’s only half a story they report on or frame it in a way to try and influence people.
Thank god people on here don’t trust the BBC either and that we know where to get other news feeds . Rant over haha
Rebel – that’s no rant … I wonder if there is a ‘deal ‘ done between HMG and the BBC – eg – go light on paki / Muslim badness – ( Paedo gangs – terrorism ) – vaccines killing people – and we will give you a free hand with your anti British socialist poison — but you can have your pensions and huge wages …
Fed if it wasn’t so late at night it would have been even more of a rant. Just looked at the news site this morning and more examples of showing us brain washing crap I stead of real news. Ooh what makes main headlines today? It’s not anything about the protests in Pakistan against the regime change there, it’s not about in Holland where the thousands of protesters who are angry that farms are being forced to close for the green agenda that will increase prices even more. No, they have a story about a boy who went to his prom in a red dress,! Oh and his parents were so proud and everyone at school was supportive! what a world we live in now
The Pincher story does have legs
mainly to the Labour PR dept of course.
But there is a wider principle of protecting workers in parliament
One must take complainants seriously, not brush things under the carpet.
AFAIK officials were aware of an old complaint against Pincher, but didn’t think it was a live complaint cos it had been resolved as no further action, maybe cos it was minor or the evidence was weak.
I think this MP is an unsung hero of the Brexit cause. Not only is she staunch on that issue but she is very proud of the history of the British Empire. It’s a welcome change from the usual apologetic cringe we get from most Tory MPs.
About time these Civil Servants were sacked and forfeited there pensions. Good for Suella Braverman I say. Boris got his huge majority on promising to get Brexit done and to take control of our borders.
So far ………?
taffman, the reason why Priti Patel is struggling with our borders is because she is, almost certainly, being opposed by the Civil Service. Suella Braverman understands this and has now gone public on the issue. We are in undeclared wars, firstly with the EU, most notably France and Eire, and then a ‘civil war’ between a Brexiteer PM and Conservative Government and various forces that includes much of Whitehall and the MSM, especially the BBC.
We do not know what goes on in Priti’s mind.
She might want open borders.
We do know that libmob institutions like the BBC, church & lawyers fanatically want them open
Yasser, there are some really strong Conservative women coming up through the ranks. Kemi Badenoch, Minister for Minorities if I recall correctly, is another one. She worked with Bojo as a MLA and probably knows his strengths …. and weaknesses. If Liz Truss thinks she might win the Conservative leadership if Bojo is deposed, she might have some strong rivals in Badenoch and Braverman.
Slick has said something, which of course is, to those who like such things, ‘historic’…
.@Keir_Starmer making the historic statement that Labour will not take the UK back into the EU, or into the single market, or into the customs union
I presume Starmer made the speech with his fingers crossed and has put out the real message that he will say anything to get the red labour brand the top job …. Therefore won’t get the slaughter from his entirely remainer back benchers ….
.. just think back to the last year of the vile parliament and their now forgotten antics … will the likes of kinnock and Bryant and abbot and growler go off and form a ‘remain / rejoin ‘ party ? – or sit there …?
This is a huge policy change but the BBC seems to want to ignore it and stick with the blue Labour queer Mp nonsense
Desperate Lies of the BBC
“Reporter” John Sweeney, pilloried on YouTube as the “exploding tomato,” proves once again that you can lead him to the truth, but you can’t make him think. Watch the investigative video report.
“ an important matter “- as our Justin put it … that’s a trivial story about Westminster – a queer blue labour MP with a tendency to touch up other chaps within the swamp ….
… and the bbc is going full watergate on this trivia – when there is important stuff – eg an announcement that DHL is to employ over 3000 people in Blighty – announced in the news at the slot where the newsreader drops the pitch and announces someone is dead ….
The bit about a Labour peer coming face to face with the real NHS when he rang 999 and got a fat controller looking for ways of not sending an ambulance for his (dying ) wife .
I know what that is like – I’ve been there – but it’s good that one of these people get a taste of real world as they go to TV and pump out lies dictated by Central Office.
Back to nut nut – this queer MP thing seems to go back to the times of the wayward staff parties during lockdown – but the msm doesn’t go into such depth …
… and as I write the ‘victims ‘ commissioner for London (£) tells us that London plod really want to do their job but there’s not enough of them . …as a Londoner I’m not so sure … even with the coming crime wave caused by recession/ rising prices …
I’d rather pay for a proper plod rather than the woke multicultural nancies taking rations now ….your call is important to us …
Up2 – don’t discredit me – of course I know they are after nu nut – but it is a frankly weird stance if it now turns out both main party leaders are against ‘returning ‘ to the EU .
The bbc must know they are safe with nut nut in charge – otherwise he’d have more actively taken on the bbc in the run up to the 2027 charter …
– which I now believe is going to continue in its current form whatever brand of lefty is in control –
That comment is made subject to the caveat that licence fees are about to really take a kicking ….
Don’t discredit you? Yet you are one of Bojo’s biggest critics on here! You deserve discredit for that, ten thousand discredits. And before you ask, no they are not valuable and cannot be cashed at a bank.
Yes, I commented on Starmer’s New Stance yesterday. Guess he thinks it might win back the ‘Red Wall seats’ lost in December 2019. I think that probably under-estimates the intelligence of voters which politicians are advised never to do.
But there are a lot of Conservatives attacking Boris despite the obvious damage it is doing among the wider ranging UK electorate. TCW is even worse. Frankly, I’m getting fed up with it all. We Conservative voters need to toughen up and get behind the Party in Government, despite its faults and there are lots of faults at present.
If we Conservatives do not get behind the Government it will be not 1970 all over again but a peculiar mix of various years in the 1990s. What happened then? Same thing: negativity, waves of negativity and the self-destruction of Conservatives and the advent of Blair in 1997.
highest tax rates since the war ,
Net zero and doubling down
rishi finder of the magic money forest, trillions wasted ,
immigration gone crazy.
illegal immigration out of control,
institutional wokeness coming from everywhere with little pushback
pensioners screwed over when everyone knew inflation was just around the corner
to describe this as a conservative government really is pushing it
pretty much their only selling point left seems to be at least their not labour
Up2 A lady who came around handing out conservative news in my area – thanking us for re electing 2 conservative councillors . I said ‘what are we going to do about boris ?’ A “get rid of him “ . Yep – that’s right …
– the blue Labour Party is likely to lose at the next election – the blame for hard times will go to them – however much welfare they throw out as borrowed money –
Hung parliament at best .
You point me to 6 Conservative policies
You tell me what difference there would be between red labour and blue labour …..
Whether the BBC wants rid of nut nut his record is now becoming an embarrassment – even if it is all sourced from his wife and Cummings and 2020 …
Up2 – where is government ? Where is economic control ? And backing a war that cannot be won …?
I’m surprised you think the current government is a conservative one – it’s the green red party wearing a blue badge … the Carrie Johnson party
BTW – the brave conservative lady who gave out lead]flets thinks my MP – IDS is toast next time too …. ..
I’ve been checking the author of that article and given her history, there is no way the BBC should be letting someone like her write articles like this. She is a full-on activist.
You can book her to come and speak at your party if you like:
Today got to the stage of having Dom Raab squirming on detail followed by lord McDonald saying nut nut is telling lies again ….
Maybe this time the remainer traitors will get him
A very assertive headline. No room for doubt. How do they know that ?.
Here’s the evidence this headline based on:
‘BBC News understands the PM and the foreign secretary at the time – Dominic Raab – were told about the complaint.’
‘Mr Pincher apologised after the disciplinary process concluded, BBC News has been told’
‘The BBC has been told a formal complaint was made against Mr Pincher while he was serving as a Foreign Office minister from July 2019 to February 2020.’
‘Both the prime minister and Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary at the time, were made aware of the disciplinary process, the BBC has been told.’
Told by who BBC ?. Someone with an axe to grind ?. A remainer civil servant who wants to stop Brexit ?. A guy you met outside a pub ?.
It’s amazing what these hypocrites will take as fact when it suits them and dismiss or ignore when it doesn’t.
I checked the twitter of the author ‘Ione Wells’. She is obsessed with the story. She looks like she came off the same production line as Marianna Spring.
Do you notice the attitude of the BBC with regard to shootings in the US ?
It virtually ignored the slaughter of 3 cops and a plod dog in one ‘domestic ‘ incident at the weekend – yet kill 6 people on the 4th of July ? – blanket coverage .
They don’t get that the US is a Foreign – different – country . Guns have always been readily available – and they live and die with the consequences of that ….
The BBC online press line-up’s most favoured headline this morning comes in the Mirror: PM changes his story… again. Johnson: I DID know about Pincher. Finally Boris admits he’d heard sex pest claims.
They say actors ought to have lived experience to play a part these days – Kevin Spacey to play Chris Pincher in the inevitable Channel 4 docudrama?
Denial then eventual admission is a rather familiar story these days, oddly mirrored by: BBC admits it received complaints against DJ… despite previously insisting it was unaware of any concerns about the DJ’s behaviour – that’s the Guardian, widely regarded as our Beeb news print version, avoiding the word sex before the watershed, so to speak. One can however assure readers hereabouts that these complaints were certainly not listening audience gripes about the Radio 1 presenter’s choice of music.
I’m developing a theory that – taking the succesful removal of President Trump as their template, our own left-liberal media believe the public will eventually so weary of the relentless revolving daily news carousel onsaught against Boris creating a state of affairs where the British public might become so giddy that they would gladly instead elect some opposition non-entity – just to make it stop. Enter geriatric old geezer Joe Biden, or locally, our very own personality by-pass stuffed-shirt Keir Starmer.
Piggy-eyed Sir Keir – who pretends he can’t see the difference between men and women – is doing his very best to sound sane on other issues: Brexit: No case for UK returning to EU, Labour leader Starmer says (BBC)
You can imagine the look of dismay on Dimbleby’s face – but our national broadcaster has to tread warily and deftly utilises Labour proxies to put the case for rejoining: he has faced pressure within Labour – including from London mayor Sadiq Khan – to push for Britain to rejoin the bloc’s single market.
Our pro-EU print press have few such editorial constraints: Starmer EU plan attracts Europhiles’ ire… Keir Starmer criticised for ruling out UK return to EU (FT); Labour denies claim of planning return to the EU single market (Evening Standard); ‘Is it a U-turn?’: what Keir Starmer has said about Brexit redress. Labour leader’s latest words on Brexit close door on former ambition to soften or overturn it (Guardian)
U-turn if you want to… the forensic genius just received a new brief – he was formerly chief advocate for the prosecution – now he’s paid to act for the defence.
And they say Boris flip-flopped on Brexit – only becoming a Leaver because of his ambition to become PM.
Art attack. Constable in climate fight (Guardian) – this is green hobby climate protesters glueing themselves to an old master in a public gallery. By the way, where are all the constables when these sort of vandalisation crimes happen? If only there were as many cops around as there are campaign photographers.
They’ve been framed…
Activists from the Just Stop Oil campaign covered John Constable’s Hay Wain with a dystopian vision of the future – one can’t help feeling something of a dystopian present is already upon us – given all our green taxes and the rising price of oil the only vehicles on our roads may well soon be horse-drawn hay wains.
So, we ask again, where were the cops to prevent this protest?
Fuel protests: Arrests for slow driving during motorway delays…More than a dozen protesters were arrested for driving too slowly during demonstrations on motorways in England, Wales and Scotland over fuel prices. (BBC); Severn Bridge crossing: Twelve arrested during M4 fuel protest for driving slower than 30mph (ITV News); Fuel protests: Police arrest 13 protesters after roadblock demos bring motorways to a standstill across UK (‘i’) – Oh, protesting against government high fuel price policy – that’s different. Be it the dirty dozen or the baker’s dozen… Go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect £200 for the desperate exchequer.
Pritti: Arrest protest mob (Daily Mail) – and we can guess which protesters she most fears – one senses the genuine panic in the cabinet over this: …day of action hits m-ways – pretty boy Justin Trudeau did a runner into hiding when the Canadian truckers came for him. One could contend it was that protest which put a spoke in the wheel of the co-ordinated international governmental lockdown tendency. No wonder the police are being told to nip this one in the bud.
Soppy impressionable over-grown hippies who are actually very much in line with government green policy are one thing – but Boris really doesn’t want independent grass roots car and truck drivers making their feelings known.
I listened to most of ‘today ‘ and this huge u turn by labour barely gets coverage . Where are the outraged traitor MPs .
There were deafeningly loud during the traitor parliament but now ?
The test will be Punch and Judy PMQs …. Will Starmer get much visible support from behind him ? Will he even mention it ? Will a civil war break out in the Labour Party .
I’m interested a bit as an anorak – but more so as I hate the EU – its’ supporters ( BBC ) and the politicians treating it as a ‘friend ‘ when it is a Franco kraut enemy . Close the borders – do whatever needs to be done . Dump those treaties . Do it and eff the ‘international standing ‘ Crap …
Starmer injunction or not? A very curious matter. I’ve commented a couple of times on the glacial speed of the Beergate inquiry by Durham Police and the silence around the the inquiry. If there is an injunction, three questions arise:
1) How was a Judge persuaded to grant an injunctive order?
2) How could such an order be served on the entire media including the internet?
3) Surely an MP in Parliament would use privilege to enlighten us.
Starmer is a lawyer and has lots of friends in legal circles. It’s hard to see how any Judge could take the view that it was in the public interest to suppress news of a fine, criminal matters are normally public. Starmer is a public figure and Politician.
On balance there probably isn’t an injuction but the silence is deafening. If there is an injuction and an appeal fails, he’s toast. I think if there is an injuction he’s toast in any event.
wwfcMar 10, 11:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five charged with murder over shooting in street Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” Surprised the…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 11:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun Far Right, Far Right As we know the bbc isn’t biased…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
TWatO Watch #2 – the BBC are really being hypocrites over ‘Pinchergate’
Victoria Atkins, MP, Minister for Prisons and Probation is brought on to answer a BBC attack on the Government over a report into the Prisons Service in the UK. Needless to say, Victoria had to answer questions on Chris Pincher MP (formerly Conservative – now independent). If I had been in Victoria’s place, I would have pointed out the BBC’s hypocrisy in attacking the PM over one of the BBC’s favoured minorities. I might have observed that a hundred years ago, a homosexual – and a drunk one at that – might have been locked up in prison. Would the BBC approve of that?
Victoria was far too polite to ask that.
Transgender prisoner who sexually assaulted inmates jailed for life
This article is more than 3 years old
Karen White, 52, admitted sexually assaulting women in female prison and raping two other women outside jail
The Evan Davis show tweeted
“We are planning a programme about corporations taking a political stand (see, for example Halifax and pronouns)
but we couldn’t the guests lined up for this week. Not sure about the title”
The BBC schedules billed it as The Great Awokening but then it was changed
As ever The Radio4 weekly schedule has a vast disproportion of black faces almost every day
Here the R44 Twitter account suddenly decides to tweet something about a 2017 prog
Why ? It was repeated 5 times in Sept 2021, but it’s not scheduled again
11am R4 had a repeat of a docudrama Olaudah Equiano ” a key figure in the abolitionist movement.” (from May 2022)
(Simon Webb usually says such people rarely wrote anything themselves but were used as a front by white middle-class abolitionists )
The prog was made by black independent production company The-Latest Ltd,
info in the communist newspaper
Scroll down the radio4 feed a bit further, yet another black prog i being pushed
‘Captured Briton appeals against death sentence – Tass ‘
Aiden Aslin ‘his lawyer is quoted as saying that the appeal concerned only some of the charges – the ones that carried the death penalty – such as his alleged effort to bring about “a seizure of power by force” in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic.’
Put some respect on their name.
DPR is collecting Brit mercenaries like Pokemon cards.
Investigation mate ? It was pure junior-socialist bunkum
It had lines like “The private sector has TAKEN OUT £250m in profits from social care”
No it is not the case when things are nationalised that the £250m goes back to the government”
The idea is that private corps take on a risk that they can work out more efficient systems in return for making a profit
eg they might move a home from a valuable property in the centre of a city to a cheaper to run place on the outskirts etc.
They might move it out of London to a place where wages/costs are lower.
Nor are private sector corps more dangerous
Under the old system plenty of council workers, monks and nuns used to rape and abuse the children. (though many others were honourable)
The prog had lines like “Tescos and Amazon have a profit margin of 4% but these children’s care operators have a profit margin of 23%”
Look Tescos business is a low risk business
If beans don’t sell at 50p/can they can reduce them to 45p and still sell them
If a corp sets up 5 children’s homes and council cancels the contract on two, the profit margin on the other 3 has to cover the costs.
Another line I paraphrase “Here we spoke to a child who is now in a council and home but used to be in a private home”
“The care in that private place was terrible wasn’t it , Emily ?”
Emily “Yes that’s right it was , sir
not like this place, it’s lovely, sir”
Return on capital is what is most important.
If i make profits of £50m a year, the press will scream that i must pay my staff more. But if i have made an investment of £1bn to get the £50m, that is only a 5% return on capital. I could get 8% (almost risk-free) by buying shares in a bank – and not creating any jobs.
So when the unions moan about £400m of profit, bear in mind the tens/hundreds of billions that have been invested.
Disney made the decision to ax its animated film Lightyear from cinemas in Malaysia after it refused to cut gay kissing scene that saw it banned in 13 other countries
Malaysia’s Film Censorship Board said it approved ‘Lightyear’ with parental guidance for those under 13 on the condition that scenes and dialogues ‘found to contain elements promoting the LGBT lifestyle’ were ‘cut and muted’
But Disney apparently did not agree to the conditions and decided instead to cancel the screening, the board said
The board did not specify which scenes were to be cut but the movie reportedly includes a female lead kissing her ‘female partner’ after starting a family
Parent company Disney reportedly initially took out, but reinstated in March following complaints from offended staff
……… but reinstated in March following complaints from offended staff.
We are now clearly living in a world where the Indians are telling the Chiefs how to run a business. Civil servants are doing things ‘their way’, staff at the publishing house of JK Rowling howled at the offensive words by JKR.
When will these bosses have the balls to say if you don’t like it then leave ? because during my working career it was their way or the highway.
Social media continues to be the modern plague of society.
Malaysian film censors are censorious; quite a lot of stuff is banned
and on TV films jump from scene to scene in strange ways cos of required edits.
I have just listened to a commentator telling that the attacks on both US and British Police originate in Chinese propaganda. This appears to have been in conjunction with the Marxist BLM group which might also be Chinese backed.
It begins to add up when one of the biggest loony leftists on the planet Jeff Bezos finally wakes up and begins to criticise Joe Biden, and it is the Chinese Communist Party who comes to Joes defence.
Now we know Biden is the head of a crime family and we know that crime family has links to China, but could it be possible that Biden has bought into the Chinese Marxist Party philosophy (Trudeau has) because it would explain a lot of his recent actions, that of Russia / China
Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing.
BBC ever keen to bring us stories of “appalling” waycism (when we all should know there’s no such thing) are very slow to report such events when the skin colour of the perpetrators is a little darker despite the horror of what they have perpetrated.
So while they will crib about a White man using a word they don’t like abour Lewis Hamilton and go into paroxisms, and while the Chinese Communict Party assists them into having a go at US cops for shooting a Black criminal who had shot at them first they won’t report that 3 cops were wounded by gunshots in a chase in Buffalo at the weekend, nor will they report this delightful story of what appears to be an attack by Pakistanis on a Bangladeshi 18 year old student which was sickening to the point of being horrific.
” a male victim is savagely beaten by a group of attackers.
Blood can be seen pouring from the victim’s face as he is pinned down and repeatedly hit and kicked whilst screaming on the floor. One of the attackers shouts ‘strip him’ and his clothes are then ripped off during the vicious attack before he is left naked and in a bloodied heap on the floor.”
Burnhams Gestapo did what they do best – nothing, and have admitted they failed to do anything yet again making people like me wonder why on Earth we actually have to pay for a service which doesn’t actually do anything other than oppress decent ordinary folk.
It’s a shocking awful attack which the media aren’t going to touch because like the Pakistani Muslim rape gangs it’s the ubermenschen committing the acts and they must never be criticised no matter what they do.
China ?
Attacks on police?
The tale of Interpol President Meng Hongwei doesn’t get mentioned much these days 🙂
Interesting . Starmer makes a big speech but doesn’t allow `press in the room . The injunction – Durham ticket theory holds up . But no MP has raised it in parliament yet ?
two people one bedroom?
Not BBC but Sky cricket. The commentators are talking about the need for England to ‘silence the crowd’ . This is test match in Birmingham , the middle of England , between England and India and the crowd that the commentators think needs to be silenced is all the Indian spectators!
I fully understand that Sky is as woke as woke can be but don’t they think it’s a bit much when they are referring to stuff as though it’s quite normal for the bulk of the crowd to support the visitors in England’s second city?
The awful truth , which I know folks on this site have long understood , is that given another generation and young English kids will be growing up as foreigners in the land of their grand parents. It sickens me , it frightens me , sadly it makes me glad that I won’t be here to see it.
Surely even the most dim witted of the public must realise that this is the fate that awaits their children. Don’t they care? Are they happy with what has been done by successive governments over the past three or four decades. Are they just going to accept it as a fait accompli?
Are they just going to accept it as a fait accompli?
Sadly, yes I believe so. Most young parents I’ve seen and come across, are a bit ‘wet’. Don’t rock boats – unless they’re on the road to political activism , mainly Labour, – but because they’ve grown up with and are at work with persons who have no history in this country, the future state of their country is not something they even think about. Climate change is more up their street, until you point out the detritus left behind at Glasto.
DoubleT yes we are the only generation that sees this, and its our age group that are sickened by all the migrants crossing the Channel, but does this concern the under 40’s ? it doesn’t appear to, a quick shoulder shrug and thats it. Those on here that have relatives in that age group, ask them what they think, I’d be interested to know the response.
yawn … it’s getting boring now
Please tell me this is genuine?
What’s Wrong With This Picture? Giant Typo Looms Behind Kamala During Chat At New Orleans Culture Fest
Sharp-eyed Twitter users had a field day with the prominent typo, posting memes and misspellings to poke fun at the event organizers.
Caroline Nokes on chair of the women & equalities committee
was on @BBCWomansHour
saying, “gender & sexuality are protected characteristics”
No FFS It is sex that is a” protected characteristic” NOT Gender or sexuality that a trans/ on-binary feels that they are
Sex isnt a protected characteristic if your a white man.
All I am doing is scrolling down a Radio4 search
BBC eulogising Peter Brook
@AlexeiRomanov13 sarcastically tweets
“Peter Brook one of the leading cultural Marxists of the 20thC #FrankfurtSchool
has “passed” his goal of cleansing british theatre of British values now secure & rightly celebrated @BBCr4today”
Sunday ..she was pushing veganism on the show as well
Learn to pronounce
the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
Windrush generation: Who are they and why are they facing problems?
24 November 2021
Simon Webb is a great speaker. He always sounds like he knows what he is talking about.
A characteristic though is that when he doesn’t know what he is talking about , he still seems 100% confident. Ironically Belfield is the same.
For that reason unfortunately Webb’s first video about the Belfield case 6 months ago was atrocious, cos he just took everything the newspaper wrote at face value
eg he said Belfield had 12 charges of stalking , in fact 4 had already been dropped.
There is a reason that Belfield has always said he wanted to get to court.
He said from the beginning that the BBC were trying to silence him by putting in bogus charges , that meant under bail he was not free to speak, and that he was restricted from taking his own civil action for their harassment of him.
But that if he got all the way to court first he would be able to speak freely and say most things the bail prevented him from saying
Secondly once his criminal case is over, he will be free to proceed with his civil cases against others.
Biden administration has sent envoys to Caracas to discuss buying Venezuelan oil with socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro?
Pretty safe to say that it wasn’t Joe himself that sent emissaries to beg for oil from Venezuela – Susan Rice – BHO maybe.
Looks like a gig where Hunter Biden’s life experience would play well, better than say biolabs or oil companies in Ukraine? Hunter’d be onto that in a flash?
Maduro used to have is own “El Presidente singalong” karaoke prog on Venezualan TV at the weekends – I wonder if it’s still running?
Send Corbyn, he will have mates there.
Or Boris, all peas in the same pod
“Bedford: Buildings evacuated as gas explosion wrecks flats”
Yet another one !
A ‘flying gas main’ again perhaps?
News was at 11:20am
“Police confirm at least one death at Bedford gas explosion.
Officers also say they can’t rule out possibility of more fatalities in next few days as the search of the building continues”
Twitter people saying there is no mains gas on that street.
Others saying maybe someone was bypassing the meter.
A lot of students in Bedford, and its um, er, a rather mixed population.
ITV local news
#1 The M180 protest
The prog didn’t find any disrupted motorists
The thing is the protest was in 3 parts 10 miles East, 25 miles west, 15 miles East
and the M180 runs alongside the A18
so any motorist wouldn’t have been stuck for long.
#2 Air ambulance says fuel price is really impacting them.
#3 Drink Spiking
#3a “Labour MP Diana Johnson says”
..DJ “This is affecting women of all ages”
False, and it also impacts a proportion of men.
#4 Teachers warn this year universities are being more choosy.
Now they just had item about The Railway Children sequel ..set in WW2
3 mins in “And I play the part of someone that helped the little black lad that had escaped”
… #blackwashing
BBC local news was the same as ITV local news for item #1 and #2
Item #1 “We go LIVE to our reporter at the scene of the protests”
FFS utter crap
Medialand have got it into their head, that going LIVE sells
but this was LiveDead news
Dead cos the protest on the M180 had finished 9 hours previously
Bizarrely she was standing at Wrawby motorway bridge, which is just random motorway bridge in the middle of nowhere where there is no on or off ramp
And by my calculations the protest had passed there first at 6am and then at 6:50am so the reporter is 11.5 hours late
The final item on BBC local news was the Hijabi Skateboarder Sisters
“We brought you them back in August”
(In fact then they said ‘5 months ago Mum Hasina Salem showed us the Sky Brown video and we went out and bought skateboards the next day’)
BBC “Well these days they have performed in places across the UK, and even have an invitation to go to America”
There then followed an amazing crafted puff piece .. Does their Mum own a Muslim advertising agency or something ?
(The father is never mentioned)
The piece did nothing to substantiate any news ..they didn’t talk about it ..just how they love skateboarding and minor talk about inspiring Muslim.
So where are we ? .. the girls seem to love skateboarding
The BBC local news will air anything as long as it’s not against any of their many agendas
The girl scannot be that bigger deal cos there i very little about them on the internet
2605 Followers on Tik Tok and 3,579 followers on Instagram, is OK but certainly not huge
“We are 3 hijabi skateboarders/rappers from Hull”
Video of the entire item i on their Tik Tok channel
Starmer has said he will not turn Brexit around if he got in power.
I was just having fun gently pointing out errors in a few comments on the Guardian, no bad language or abuse from me, guess what?, I was blocked from commenting.
Freedom of speech?
Honestly, Dan is another level.
“Illinois shooting: Five dead in 4 July parade shooting near Chicago”
Gun crazy month !
BBC admits it received Tim Westwood sexual misconduct complaint. TODAY (4th July)
Tim Davie, the director-general, had previously stated there was no evidence of claims against the former Radio 1 DJ …
The complaint is one of six now received by the BBC regarding the conduct of influential hip-hop DJ Westwood. The corporation will not confirm whether the other five complaints were made before or after Mr Davie spoke.
A BBC spokesman said that the corporation would continue to investigate all historic and future complaints, stating: “As we have said, if people have things that they want to raise with the BBC, then they should do so. People have now done so and we will continue to investigate.
STOP PRESS: (expected years later when forced to pay out to compensation to child victims) will include not an apology, but a cash cover up.
So the investigation of Jimmy Saville is now complete. And they will say ‘he didn’t work for us’ nor his long term BBC Cheauffer – who shared his interests. Nor anyone who worked with him at the BBC, in fact the BBC denies even knowing what RAP music is – or why it runs a RAP music channel (called BBC Radio 1Xtra) off the public TV license.
Total mystery how this happens. No recall of who DJ Westwood was or that he ever worked for the BBC radio at all… (or TV). Just another history lesson, you cannot trust the BBC.
Frankly he was less obnoxious when of color.
The Netherlands…..
some are claiming this is a year old…
I really don’t like be an alarmist but this looks serious – and it is DELIBERATE
Yes it’s serious but the government is not asleep, it’s in a fantasy world, along with the other shade of the same party we misleadingly call the opposition.
Both sides celebrating the existance of a rainbow Unicorn, arguing a woman can have a penis and that alternative energy can solve all our problems.
Meanwhile the economy falls to piece around them and they don’t even appear to know it’s happening.
Worse than any of this is the insanity of the EU which seems so utterly comitted to their fantasy they are setting up the conditions to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people this Winter.
Germany desperate to keep the lights on opens coal fired power stations, the EU says they aren’t Green and must be closed. Germany knows it has screwed up over Russian gas and is looking to LNG, but it isn’t Green so the EU doesn’t want them to go down that avenue either. In fact every avenue Germany proposes the EU has an objection to, and they need to start being told that if people end up dying as a result, they will be held to account by a criminal court with a life sentence for a guily verdict.
The chickens will come home to roost eventually because lies are always exposed.
The ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’, Nero ‘fiddling’ while Rome burns, and angels dancing on pinheads all come to mind for some reason, and I can’t help thinking we’ve been here before, more than once, and it rarely ends happily.
How can you say the government is not asleep ? Where are the green tax cuts ? Where are gas and oil fields and fracking and nuclear ? And gas storage ? Nowhere – there is no urgency- winter is a few months away – and there is no planning for dealing with huge rises in bills ….
Fed, I don’t think they’re asleep, I think they’re wilfully ignoring things, while splaffing money all over the place… like giving Chris boardman £2 billion to discourage people from driving (I’m still wondering if I misread that and it was 2 million)
New world order?
And Tons of coal under taffland !
Random bloke on Twitter puts up a graph and makes grand extrapolations.
I’m guessing that some UK gas retailers own some of their own gas fields
so some of the gas that they supply is NOT purchased on such futures markets.
David Wood, critic of Islam and Christian apologist, has occasionally been posted on this site. Now, he’s had enough of being banned, blocked and censored by YouTube. He’s closing his YouTube channel and moving to other platforms.
Last chance to catch him on YT.
Previous videos:
The BBC trying hard to implicate Boris in the queer touch-up MP scandal but also in the shit over having a BBC DJ who was an obvious and quite nasty sexual predator.
BBC, I’d leave it if I were you!
Just move on…..
There may be be more Boris closet stuff you can find in your quite obvious witch hunt.
We all know what you are up to!
Go Boris!
In the name of God Go!
It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place,
which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.
Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.
Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?
Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!
Oliver Cromwell dismissing the Long Parliament – much needed today.
I read somewhere in the dead wood media that Lewis Hamilton was moaning about Bernie Eccleston having a platform to say what he did. Who gave the tattooed, multipierced tw@ the platform that he’s gobbing off on.
Bad day for the BBC
Kier is now a brexiter – together with the rest of the socialists –
Some BBC DJ now turns out to be a serial sex offender ( alleged ) . On the r4 news it said that bbc news had asked the bbc whether there were any allegations – the bbc said ‘no ‘ and then ‘yes ‘ …..
Now the bbc won’t talk to bbc news ….. how . Does . That . Work . ?
Next – multiple shooting in the US on 4 July – BBC doesn’t know which way to go – a ‘white ‘ shooter – but in a ‘Jewish ‘ area of north Chicago ….. its not sure how to Pitch it – but it will only ‘care ‘ if the victims are coloured . Fact .
Amazing that the super injunction is still in place since it’s being talked about all the time – apart from on the MSM ….
…where are ‘Tory ‘ MPs on this ?
I put in a BBC complaint about this article which used a photo of a white male to illustrate someone giving abuse to petrol station staff.
The BBC replied quite quickly (4 days) with this:
We note your concerns regarding the stock images used in the article.
Choosing the images to include on our site is a subjective matter and one which we recognise not every member of our audience will feel we get right every time. This is often a very difficult decision for our editors. Our readers do not view things in the same way and it is inevitable that images which many users of our site might find acceptable will occasionally strike others as inappropriate.
So there we have it. The BBC are right every time and I just viewed it in a different way to everyone else.
Well done for complaining. Don’t let the bastards get you down 😆
Ad agencies are equally guilty of using stock/library images. and without doing their research. I knew a model who had passed with breast cancer, so I was shocked a year later to see her image riding a bike in the fresh air advertising a health drink of all things. Impossible to find the agency responsible, so I fired off an all guns blazing email to the product company. Of course I didn’t get a reply, but it was enough for that image to be replaced by another for that product.
The first rule of BBC complaint school is : that they always five you the brush off first time around
Rule Two : be prepared to go right the way to the end of the complaints process which will take months.
Tabs — still my favourite bit of BBC photo selection. Used to illustrate “Baseball Softball UK”
Alfonse Mohammed Capone was trans, you know.
Gary Lineker’s great Aunty, reportedly.
Iranian woman beaten for wearing loose hijab, fights back and goes viral
Wearing the veil is compulsory in Iran, and activists who dare to speak up face long prison sentences
Lincolnshire non-Muslim girls asked to wear hijab for a day
They could have done the article without a photo of a person.
So did I. They told me:
“We note your concerns about the article entitled ‘Petrol station staff abused over high fuel prices’.
We appreciate your comments however the images used within use report aim to give further context or background information. The report in question goes into detail of the findings by forecourt operator Ascona Group.
Overall please be assured BBC News is committed to factual, impartial reporting at all times.”.
Yeah, right.
Pret sales jump as it focuses on towns and suburbs
“Pret A Manger says it has returned to profit after a tough few years, as it shifts its focus away from London towards regional towns and suburbs.
About a third of Pret’s UK shops are now outside London, including new sites in Brentwood, Harrogate and York.”
Company following it’s white flight customers out of London. Naturally BBC not saying this…
I’m still trying to fathom out how ethnics can get a home either rented or bought in London ! when its impossible for the indigenous population. The rest of the country struggles with 2nd home buyers in rural and coastal areas so that locals can’t afford a home in their area; new estates spring up like dandelions overnight everywhere and yet its those downsizing who can only afford them, there are waiting lists of decades for a council house anywhere in the UK, BUT if you’re anything other than white and want to live in the capital – hey ! no probs.
I’ve noticed in my area houses that are sited on corners/junctions and thus stand on odd-shaped land tend to be bought up by Asians. That extra bit of land then ends up as extension and/or extra parking.
Sort of suggests that there are more than Mum, Dad and 2.4 children living there (the supersized recycle bins, available to homes with more than 5 occupants are also an indicator).
I hope he breaks his hand again
David Wood has a few final words about – among other things – the repulsive British cops who arrested Hatun Tash after SHE was the victim of an assault and theft by muslims at Speakers Corner; who then manhandled her through jeering crowds of savages; who then strip searched her an detained her for 15 hours before releasing her without charges.
So, is it just a rumour that Sir Kier has taken out an injunction to stop any talk about um…a fine he may…or may not… have received?
Isn’t this the bloke who said he would immediately resign if he received a fine?
And didn’t the appalling Daily Mirror run a front page with his smug mush all over it and the caption, “This is what an honourable man looks like, Mr Johnson.”
Honourable isn’t a word I’d choose to describe this creepy, kneeling, bandwagon jumping old fraud.
I much prefer
Smug, snotty and slippery…
It doe sound like a wacky conspiracy theory
but Steyn did say that tonight
PJW update about The Halifax
Damn. I’ve already closed mine. I did so when they represented me (a 60+ year old white bloke) as a dead man’s name on a bench in their “market” TV advert. Nice to know what they wish I was.
History Debunked : The filmed sequel to The Railway Children manages to make institutional racism its main theme
Just watched the trailer : looks like they do the common trick of drawing you into the film first then pushing the agenda on you once you are most likely to keep watching it all the way through.
I saw the young black boy saying he was on a top-secret mission. The young girl tells him there are soldiers everywhere and they might find him – so she gives him a Yorkshire cap and clothes so he won’t stand out. The only black person in the whole of Yorkshire.
Fortunately the comments on Youtube give it the panning it deserves.
What happens on RMT ASLEF strike days ?
With role models like Ms. Abbott calculating the BBC will let things slide…
Where are the Asians and the disabled and the trans ? And what is a whitee guy doing in it ? Is he the queer one ? Is there wheelchair access ? ….
I am getting a bit sick of the BBC with their reporting. For past few days the main news is all about that drunk Pincher who got caught pinching, bad I know but far more serious events are going on in the world.
There is more important things going on in the world that the BBC hardly ever or never mentions things that people would be interested in knowing about. Maybe they don’t show true news that’s unbiased, because if people find out the facts and proper honest news, the BBC and it’s masters would loose control of the brain washed sheep.
Take this gov website, am sure loads of people would be interested in this being available
There are loads of people been injured by vaccines and this site advised how to get compo. Wonder why the BBC don’t report on this? Also note on the gov site half way down it reminds people that of they get a nice payout it could affect their benefits.. these people who get messed up by government propaganda and got harmed by any vaccine deserve compensation and it DOES NOT effect their benefits. When will the BBC ever do it’s job and report things that affect us all that live in the UK, and speak the truth, and tell us the truth. Most of the time it’s only half a story they report on or frame it in a way to try and influence people.
Thank god people on here don’t trust the BBC either and that we know where to get other news feeds . Rant over haha
Rebel – that’s no rant … I wonder if there is a ‘deal ‘ done between HMG and the BBC – eg – go light on paki / Muslim badness – ( Paedo gangs – terrorism ) – vaccines killing people – and we will give you a free hand with your anti British socialist poison — but you can have your pensions and huge wages …
Fed if it wasn’t so late at night it would have been even more of a rant. Just looked at the news site this morning and more examples of showing us brain washing crap I stead of real news. Ooh what makes main headlines today? It’s not anything about the protests in Pakistan against the regime change there, it’s not about in Holland where the thousands of protesters who are angry that farms are being forced to close for the green agenda that will increase prices even more. No, they have a story about a boy who went to his prom in a red dress,! Oh and his parents were so proud and everyone at school was supportive! what a world we live in now
The Pincher story does have legs
mainly to the Labour PR dept of course.
But there is a wider principle of protecting workers in parliament
One must take complainants seriously, not brush things under the carpet.
AFAIK officials were aware of an old complaint against Pincher, but didn’t think it was a live complaint cos it had been resolved as no further action, maybe cos it was minor or the evidence was weak.
I think this MP is an unsung hero of the Brexit cause. Not only is she staunch on that issue but she is very proud of the history of the British Empire. It’s a welcome change from the usual apologetic cringe we get from most Tory MPs.
Does she have leadership potential?
About time these Civil Servants were sacked and forfeited there pensions. Good for Suella Braverman I say. Boris got his huge majority on promising to get Brexit done and to take control of our borders.
So far ………?
taffman, the reason why Priti Patel is struggling with our borders is because she is, almost certainly, being opposed by the Civil Service. Suella Braverman understands this and has now gone public on the issue. We are in undeclared wars, firstly with the EU, most notably France and Eire, and then a ‘civil war’ between a Brexiteer PM and Conservative Government and various forces that includes much of Whitehall and the MSM, especially the BBC.
We do not know what goes on in Priti’s mind.
She might want open borders.
We do know that libmob institutions like the BBC, church & lawyers fanatically want them open
Yasser, there are some really strong Conservative women coming up through the ranks. Kemi Badenoch, Minister for Minorities if I recall correctly, is another one. She worked with Bojo as a MLA and probably knows his strengths …. and weaknesses. If Liz Truss thinks she might win the Conservative leadership if Bojo is deposed, she might have some strong rivals in Badenoch and Braverman.
Drowning in peroxide?
Ducks laugh
Well, tie me kangaroo down, don’t want it drifting away.
Slick has said something, which of course is, to those who like such things, ‘historic’…
The bukkake session with BBC, Graun, Sky, Economist, Mad Al and Femi will be epic.
I presume Starmer made the speech with his fingers crossed and has put out the real message that he will say anything to get the red labour brand the top job …. Therefore won’t get the slaughter from his entirely remainer back benchers ….
.. just think back to the last year of the vile parliament and their now forgotten antics … will the likes of kinnock and Bryant and abbot and growler go off and form a ‘remain / rejoin ‘ party ? – or sit there …?
This is a huge policy change but the BBC seems to want to ignore it and stick with the blue Labour queer Mp nonsense
EU to be renamed NEWEU so Starmer can join.
“Ain’t no mountain high enough…”
What’s he going to ruin next?
beeboid saving CO2 again
Desperate Lies of the BBC
“Reporter” John Sweeney, pilloried on YouTube as the “exploding tomato,” proves once again that you can lead him to the truth, but you can’t make him think. Watch the investigative video report.
On expenses, no doubt.
Oh BBC oh Today oh Our Justin .
“ an important matter “- as our Justin put it … that’s a trivial story about Westminster – a queer blue labour MP with a tendency to touch up other chaps within the swamp ….
… and the bbc is going full watergate on this trivia – when there is important stuff – eg an announcement that DHL is to employ over 3000 people in Blighty – announced in the news at the slot where the newsreader drops the pitch and announces someone is dead ….
The bit about a Labour peer coming face to face with the real NHS when he rang 999 and got a fat controller looking for ways of not sending an ambulance for his (dying ) wife .
I know what that is like – I’ve been there – but it’s good that one of these people get a taste of real world as they go to TV and pump out lies dictated by Central Office.
Back to nut nut – this queer MP thing seems to go back to the times of the wayward staff parties during lockdown – but the msm doesn’t go into such depth …
… and as I write the ‘victims ‘ commissioner for London (£) tells us that London plod really want to do their job but there’s not enough of them . …as a Londoner I’m not so sure … even with the coming crime wave caused by recession/ rising prices …
I’d rather pay for a proper plod rather than the woke multicultural nancies taking rations now ….your call is important to us …
I told you, Fed. ‘They’, ‘they’ includes the BBC, are out to get Boris. Have you got it yet? Braverman has. See above.
Up2 – don’t discredit me – of course I know they are after nu nut – but it is a frankly weird stance if it now turns out both main party leaders are against ‘returning ‘ to the EU .
The bbc must know they are safe with nut nut in charge – otherwise he’d have more actively taken on the bbc in the run up to the 2027 charter …
– which I now believe is going to continue in its current form whatever brand of lefty is in control –
That comment is made subject to the caveat that licence fees are about to really take a kicking ….
Don’t discredit you? Yet you are one of Bojo’s biggest critics on here! You deserve discredit for that, ten thousand discredits. And before you ask, no they are not valuable and cannot be cashed at a bank.
Yes, I commented on Starmer’s New Stance yesterday. Guess he thinks it might win back the ‘Red Wall seats’ lost in December 2019. I think that probably under-estimates the intelligence of voters which politicians are advised never to do.
But there are a lot of Conservatives attacking Boris despite the obvious damage it is doing among the wider ranging UK electorate. TCW is even worse. Frankly, I’m getting fed up with it all. We Conservative voters need to toughen up and get behind the Party in Government, despite its faults and there are lots of faults at present.
If we Conservatives do not get behind the Government it will be not 1970 all over again but a peculiar mix of various years in the 1990s. What happened then? Same thing: negativity, waves of negativity and the self-destruction of Conservatives and the advent of Blair in 1997.
That should scare you.
highest tax rates since the war ,
Net zero and doubling down
rishi finder of the magic money forest, trillions wasted ,
immigration gone crazy.
illegal immigration out of control,
institutional wokeness coming from everywhere with little pushback
pensioners screwed over when everyone knew inflation was just around the corner
to describe this as a conservative government really is pushing it
pretty much their only selling point left seems to be at least their not labour
Up2 A lady who came around handing out conservative news in my area – thanking us for re electing 2 conservative councillors . I said ‘what are we going to do about boris ?’ A “get rid of him “ . Yep – that’s right …
– the blue Labour Party is likely to lose at the next election – the blame for hard times will go to them – however much welfare they throw out as borrowed money –
Hung parliament at best .
You point me to 6 Conservative policies
You tell me what difference there would be between red labour and blue labour …..
Whether the BBC wants rid of nut nut his record is now becoming an embarrassment – even if it is all sourced from his wife and Cummings and 2020 …
Up2 – where is government ? Where is economic control ? And backing a war that cannot be won …?
I’m surprised you think the current government is a conservative one – it’s the green red party wearing a blue badge … the Carrie Johnson party
BTW – the brave conservative lady who gave out lead]flets thinks my MP – IDS is toast next time too …. ..
Boris Johnson was made aware of formal Chris Pincher complaint
Any news to report? Its like a gossip column!
Yes we know the bBC doesn’t want Boris to stay as PM, but surely it isn’t down to the bbc to decide.
and also from them in news??
Harleston schoolboy gets 7m views on Twitter for prom dress
Ha – just beat me to it andy.
I’ve been checking the author of that article and given her history, there is no way the BBC should be letting someone like her write articles like this. She is a full-on activist.
You can book her to come and speak at your party if you like:
Sorry JohnC, i’ll remove my comment 🙂
Today got to the stage of having Dom Raab squirming on detail followed by lord McDonald saying nut nut is telling lies again ….
Maybe this time the remainer traitors will get him
The top UK page headline today is”
Boris Johnson was made aware of formal Chris Pincher complaint
A very assertive headline. No room for doubt. How do they know that ?.
Here’s the evidence this headline based on:
‘BBC News understands the PM and the foreign secretary at the time – Dominic Raab – were told about the complaint.’
‘Mr Pincher apologised after the disciplinary process concluded, BBC News has been told’
‘The BBC has been told a formal complaint was made against Mr Pincher while he was serving as a Foreign Office minister from July 2019 to February 2020.’
‘Both the prime minister and Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary at the time, were made aware of the disciplinary process, the BBC has been told.’
Told by who BBC ?. Someone with an axe to grind ?. A remainer civil servant who wants to stop Brexit ?. A guy you met outside a pub ?.
It’s amazing what these hypocrites will take as fact when it suits them and dismiss or ignore when it doesn’t.
I checked the twitter of the author ‘Ione Wells’. She is obsessed with the story. She looks like she came off the same production line as Marianna Spring.
pug, gradually the bits of the jig-saw puzzle getting taken out of the box and fitted together on the table.
Quote from Robert Hardy playing Winston Churchill: “Politics is foul!”
Most medical practitioners are not actually doctors, as they do not have a higher degree, it is just a courtesy title we give them.
Do you notice the attitude of the BBC with regard to shootings in the US ?
It virtually ignored the slaughter of 3 cops and a plod dog in one ‘domestic ‘ incident at the weekend – yet kill 6 people on the 4th of July ? – blanket coverage .
They don’t get that the US is a Foreign – different – country . Guns have always been readily available – and they live and die with the consequences of that ….
The BBC online press line-up’s most favoured headline this morning comes in the Mirror: PM changes his story… again. Johnson: I DID know about Pincher. Finally Boris admits he’d heard sex pest claims.
They say actors ought to have lived experience to play a part these days – Kevin Spacey to play Chris Pincher in the inevitable Channel 4 docudrama?
Denial then eventual admission is a rather familiar story these days, oddly mirrored by: BBC admits it received complaints against DJ… despite previously insisting it was unaware of any concerns about the DJ’s behaviour – that’s the Guardian, widely regarded as our Beeb news print version, avoiding the word sex before the watershed, so to speak. One can however assure readers hereabouts that these complaints were certainly not listening audience gripes about the Radio 1 presenter’s choice of music.
I’m developing a theory that – taking the succesful removal of President Trump as their template, our own left-liberal media believe the public will eventually so weary of the relentless revolving daily news carousel onsaught against Boris creating a state of affairs where the British public might become so giddy that they would gladly instead elect some opposition non-entity – just to make it stop. Enter geriatric old geezer Joe Biden, or locally, our very own personality by-pass stuffed-shirt Keir Starmer.
Piggy-eyed Sir Keir – who pretends he can’t see the difference between men and women – is doing his very best to sound sane on other issues: Brexit: No case for UK returning to EU, Labour leader Starmer says (BBC)
You can imagine the look of dismay on Dimbleby’s face – but our national broadcaster has to tread warily and deftly utilises Labour proxies to put the case for rejoining: he has faced pressure within Labour – including from London mayor Sadiq Khan – to push for Britain to rejoin the bloc’s single market.
Our pro-EU print press have few such editorial constraints: Starmer EU plan attracts Europhiles’ ire… Keir Starmer criticised for ruling out UK return to EU (FT); Labour denies claim of planning return to the EU single market (Evening Standard); ‘Is it a U-turn?’: what Keir Starmer has said about Brexit redress. Labour leader’s latest words on Brexit close door on former ambition to soften or overturn it (Guardian)
U-turn if you want to… the forensic genius just received a new brief – he was formerly chief advocate for the prosecution – now he’s paid to act for the defence.
And they say Boris flip-flopped on Brexit – only becoming a Leaver because of his ambition to become PM.
Art attack. Constable in climate fight (Guardian) – this is green hobby climate protesters glueing themselves to an old master in a public gallery. By the way, where are all the constables when these sort of vandalisation crimes happen? If only there were as many cops around as there are campaign photographers.
They’ve been framed…
Activists from the Just Stop Oil campaign covered John Constable’s Hay Wain with a dystopian vision of the future – one can’t help feeling something of a dystopian present is already upon us – given all our green taxes and the rising price of oil the only vehicles on our roads may well soon be horse-drawn hay wains.
So, we ask again, where were the cops to prevent this protest?
Fuel protests: Arrests for slow driving during motorway delays…More than a dozen protesters were arrested for driving too slowly during demonstrations on motorways in England, Wales and Scotland over fuel prices. (BBC); Severn Bridge crossing: Twelve arrested during M4 fuel protest for driving slower than 30mph (ITV News); Fuel protests: Police arrest 13 protesters after roadblock demos bring motorways to a standstill across UK (‘i’) – Oh, protesting against government high fuel price policy – that’s different. Be it the dirty dozen or the baker’s dozen… Go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect £200 for the desperate exchequer.
Pritti: Arrest protest mob (Daily Mail) – and we can guess which protesters she most fears – one senses the genuine panic in the cabinet over this: …day of action hits m-ways – pretty boy Justin Trudeau did a runner into hiding when the Canadian truckers came for him. One could contend it was that protest which put a spoke in the wheel of the co-ordinated international governmental lockdown tendency. No wonder the police are being told to nip this one in the bud.
Soppy impressionable over-grown hippies who are actually very much in line with government green policy are one thing – but Boris really doesn’t want independent grass roots car and truck drivers making their feelings known.
Starmer says “X about Brexit”
.. Well that won’t matter if Starmer resigns cos of beergate
“Chris Pincher: No 10 not telling the truth, says ex-senior civil servant”
The skids are under Bo Jo?
I listened to most of ‘today ‘ and this huge u turn by labour barely gets coverage . Where are the outraged traitor MPs .
There were deafeningly loud during the traitor parliament but now ?
The test will be Punch and Judy PMQs …. Will Starmer get much visible support from behind him ? Will he even mention it ? Will a civil war break out in the Labour Party .
I’m interested a bit as an anorak – but more so as I hate the EU – its’ supporters ( BBC ) and the politicians treating it as a ‘friend ‘ when it is a Franco kraut enemy . Close the borders – do whatever needs to be done . Dump those treaties . Do it and eff the ‘international standing ‘ Crap …
AISI, another brilliant one, I wish I could give you twenty ‘likes’ on that.
Starmer injunction or not? A very curious matter. I’ve commented a couple of times on the glacial speed of the Beergate inquiry by Durham Police and the silence around the the inquiry. If there is an injunction, three questions arise:
1) How was a Judge persuaded to grant an injunctive order?
2) How could such an order be served on the entire media including the internet?
3) Surely an MP in Parliament would use privilege to enlighten us.
Starmer is a lawyer and has lots of friends in legal circles. It’s hard to see how any Judge could take the view that it was in the public interest to suppress news of a fine, criminal matters are normally public. Starmer is a public figure and Politician.
On balance there probably isn’t an injuction but the silence is deafening. If there is an injuction and an appeal fails, he’s toast. I think if there is an injuction he’s toast in any event.