Here is the Indian News Channel Gravitas observing how childish Boris the Socialist and the other loons at the G7 which as others have observed appears to refer to the number of brain cells they share.
These fantasy land dwellers are going to potentially take us into a world war against Russia and possibly China as well, and they are unfit all of them for the offices they hold.
They have between them been led by the criminal Biden and his mafia like Democrat party, many of which are likely to be facing serious criminal investigation come November. They have between them managed to screw up massively over the covid pandemic; destroy the worlds economy; introduce massive inflationary pressures; starve half the globe; and in certain European countries place themselves in such a vulnerable position that millions may die, and their economy be reduced to virtually nothing.
Yet even amidst this kind of socio economic wreckage they are still firmly in the fantasy bubble, attempting to destroy what ever provision might be made to offset their looming catastrophe.
A few posters on this site have mentioned the term “Black Washed”, well how about this for balancing things out, take a look at the photos here – “White Washed”?
& What about those “men” then?………………..
“Oldham child sex abuse: Victim highlighted in report wants justice”
When is Nadine Dorries going to stand up for Great Britain and declare war on the Woke Culture that is awash in Al Beeb and undermining the culture and fabric of our once proud nation ?
What does she do for her money?
Don’t get exited because Starmer says he will not rejoin the eu, the single market or the customs union.
They lie, all of them.
All this carrie on about a bit of drunken groping.
I wonder what would happen if, for example, tens of thousands of little girls were being gangbanged by dirty old men which is obviously far far worse.
How do I as a voter or citizen hold the WEF to account, or vote them out of power if I don’t like their policies?
Who is responsible when (not if) those policies fail?
If the Dutch PM needs to use the policies of other people, why is he even in politics himself if he does have policies of his own?
The WEF is becoming more prominent in the last year or so . I expect that this is because they have now so many political leaders in positions of power who are their ‘graduates’, or perhaps more accurately members of the cult. It seems a sinister organisation which , as you say above, is unelected and unaccountable but seems to have leaders of Western countries in its pocket.
It’s leader Klaus Schwab has publicly stated that it is the WEF that makes decisions which governments follow. Is there any doubt that we are entering the post democratic age?
I think that it ought to be a requirement that any politician standing for elected office should declare if they are members of the WEF. Indeed perhaps membership of WEF ought to ban them from holding elected office. Of course if we are already beyond democracy this will never happen.
Certainly it would be of great interest if there was a list of all those Western politicians who were members of the WEF. We know that Cameron was, Trudeau is, Ahern is , Macron is .
So it’s a matter for the police of you are simply ‘inappropriate’ now. A very subjective term because it doesn’t mean you said anything which is not true – just that someone was offended by it.
Its all interesting because this is exactly how fascism works. Small steps until nobody dare speak out any more.
We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system! And with my inclination to practical action it seems obvious to me that we have to put a better, more just, more moral system in its place, one which, as it were, has arms and legs and better arms and legs than the present one!
Gregor Strasser One of Hitlers right hand men and leading member of the Nazi Party until his murder in the night of the long knives.
Illustrative of the lie that Nazism and Fascism had nothing to do with Socialism.
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
This story has degenerated into the usual farce we get when the Left and Muslims mix together.
First I don’t believe for one second the bullet was too badly damaged to even work out what calibre it would likely have been. Why is their no picture or anything ?. Who’s to say it’s even the original bullet ?.
Then we get :
‘ … the UN’s human rights office, as well as eyewitnesses and journalistic investigations, have concluded that Israeli soldiers were responsible.’
Every single one of them on the Palestinian side of the divide of course.
Will they now give the bullet to Israel for their investigation ?. Of course they won’t. They even insisted Israel were not allowed any involvement whatsoever. Which tells me everything I need to know.
And of course there is no doubt whatsoever which side the BBC are favouring in this report. The terrorists.
The state of the bullet doesn’t matter, think of the magic bullet that killed Kennedy and injured Connely and was found almost pristine and new on a stretcher. The bullet is a distraction that’ll do whatever is necessary to make the enemy whoever the ptb thinks should be the enemy. I’ll go get my tin foil hat now.
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
22 Lost in Manchester …. why is this a terrible statement?
Lost … so they will be found?
Lost …. weasel words rather than killed or murdered so as not to upset anyone or cause HATE.
Lost ….. a child given a Western education and opportunity decided Islam was better, but we cannot look into this problem because all cultures are EQUAL.
Lost …… children killed for an ideology, but that ideology cannot be criticised.
Lost …….. 1400+ kids were “transformed” over 16 years in 1 town, why not use the word groomed rather than raped.
Lost ……… the UK has lost the ability to state the actual events, so it is the UK that HAS LOST.
As long as the decisions are the correct ones then BBC don’t care …. but when they are the wrong ones …
In the space of just 10 days there have been dramatic changes in America. Major decisions that will shape everything from environmental policy to abortion rights have been announced – but not by the president or by Congress. It is the Supreme Court which currently exercises the power to really change peoples lives.
Three ways to spot a conspiracy theory
The list of conspiracy theories is endless. But why – and how – do they take root? There are three key ingredients to look out for.
Take you feelings for Boris Johnson out of the equation.
I have listened too and I have watched the BBC this morning and I have to say even by the BBC standards it has possibly been one of the worse mornings for bias I have witnessed.
They have dragged up one Boris hater after the other including the usual suspects from his own party, Roger Gale, Tobias Ellwood etc etc etc.
The line of questioning by the various presenters is appalling.. questioning in such a way to encourage the interviewee to slag off the PM.
Not one mention on the BBC or Sky with regards to Starmer and the possibility of already receiving a fine.
Perhaps the BBC knows that Starmer has been fined and are trying to do as much damage to the PM as possible before it hits the news..
Regardless of XY and Z, it’s been a disgusting day by the BBC.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
dafydd, am glad I had a TOADY free morning, apart from trying to catch the 7.38 / 7.40 a.m. Newspaper review and failing miserably. I find it more interesting to listen to the Goon Show on R4extra instead.
1. The lefty BBC and Guardian etc. will not rest until the succeed with their political attempts to get rid of Boris by whipping up a smear campaign based on the most flimsy tittle-tattle and hearsay.
2. The lefty US media are in panic over the growing certainty that Trump will sweep the board at the next election and are busily gearing up a smear campaign based on tittle-tattle and hearsay.
Just been reading about the guy the BBC have latched on to who has come out to get Boris (Simon McDonald). I wanted to see if he was another bitter remainer – and he is that and then some.
He was the British Ambassador to Germany and here is a Brexit interview he did:
The thing which stood out a mile was that he considered the murder of Jo Cox to be good news because it might make the people settle down and vote to remain !!.
From his interview:
‘When the first results came in for Newcastle and Sunderland, they were bad, immediately bad.’
‘we would survive this. It would be horrible, with lots of people personally affected, but, again, we’re civil servants and we have more material to work with than just our EU membership. The UK will survive. That’s what I dreamt up as I was trying to sleep, and six years later I’m still saying the same things.’
So bascially a shallow and greedy man still full of spite after 6 years and finally gets a chance to stab Boris in the back.
It’s nice to think that NASA might be outside the influence of at least some of the globalists agendas.
NASA has announced that CO-2 emissions have zero to do with climate change. It is solely caused by earth's changing positioning as it orbits around the sun.
Sorry Lucy – they’ve an embedded cadre of climate loons and credentialed activists (Gavin Schmidt boss of NASA-GISS being the presently most notorious)
They’ve two orbiting CO2 measuring instruments OCO-2 in the “afternoon train” of earth observation satellites and OCO-3 on the ISS – both providing inconvenient data that simply doesn’t get talked about and occasionally surfaces as tortured “sensor fusion” videos with musical soundtracks produced by the PR crew… (It’s science!)
Obama Tasks NASA Chief With Muslim Relations
President Barack Obama wants NASA chief Charles Bolden to engage Muslim nations. Mr. Bolden has repeatedly said future trips to Mars and elsewhere won’t be possible without extensive international cooperation. Video courtesy of Fox News.
Am I the only one logging onto the bbc every ten minutes to see what they will do when the starmer story breaks? For how long will they talk about the gay mp when it does? It will also be interesting to see how long it takes them to try to weave it into the number ten cheese and wine apocalypse?
(It’s not actually an apocalypse, but to read the bbc you would think it was).
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
tomo, that’s interesting. Where did you get it? I corrected an author on TCW recently who wrote that QE was causing our present inflation in the UK. It isn’t. As that graph demonstrates. Way back when I was young, I had access to a free FT courtesy of my employer at the time, and back then (mid-late 1980s) Money Supply was an obession of the Conservative Party and Chancellor of the Exchequer (Nigel Lawson) together with the MSM. It was easy to find the various Ms listed on the ‘World Markets’ on the fp of the FT. Not there any more.
Thanks. Intended to get around to doing an internet search. There are, if I recall correctly, two other Ms, M² and M³. In the 1980s economists and financial journos almost came to blows as to which was most important to the UK economy.
I thought at the time I learned of this a few days ago on an independent Ukraine war youtube channel that it was very odd. Turkey has basically blackmailed these countries using NATO.
But the thing which jumped immediately to mind is where is the European Court of Human Rights all of a sudden ?. Isn’t it amazing how they shut up when their EU masters tell them to.
A subject entirely ignored by the BBC of course.
I did notice how – according to the BBC – every terrorist on the list is absolutely innocent and has turned over a new leaf.
John, I could answer your question if my memory worked better or I still lived in London. London is home to a lot of them. I’m surprised the UK is not on Turkey’s list for repatriations. Think some of them are Kurds. They have a political organisation and you used to see the name graffiti’d on to walls around London.
Just remembered PKK. (Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan) It is also there in the BBC article although you have to search for it. Typical BBC.
Meanwhile the Dutch aren’t happy with WEF ordered measures….
🇳🇱 The Dutch farmers have blocked dozens of high roads & distribution centers. Lots of supermarkets are already out of milk/eggs. We’re the second largest agricultural exporter in the world, after America. Together we feed the world. Support our farmers.
Thoughtful – your posts these days are as gloomy as mine . I wouldn’t read my own posts because they are too depressing.
But I like to be better informed about coming trouble – and this one coupled to the closing of the Russian pipeline on 10 July for annual maintenance just adds to thr grim …
Are the Russians behind this Norwegian thing ? If I was putin I would starve and freeze the west until they do a deal over Ukraine …
I don’t know enough about the consequences of Russia defaulting on its ‘ debts – which I understand exposes German banks to ‘stress ‘ – but that’s what id attack next …
Russia defaulting on its debts is a technical issue, they have the money to pay but cannot because of the sanctions. Obviously they are unable to offer new bonds to the market which means the government cannot raise money save by selling the bonds to itself, but with the sovereign wealth they have now amassed, they probably don’t need to.
Finding that China was behind the BLM protests and the Chavin hysteria all over the world did surprise me. I had thought it was a movement of trouble causers who have been around for some time, but I did not realise the extent of the guiding hand behind it all.
I note that the UK BLM organiser and rabble rouser Sasha Johnson was not a part of the BLM movement, could that be the reason behind her shooting?
The West is certainly under attack and the political elites have been their usual amazingly complacent selves in deal with it, in fact they probably don’t even know it’s going on.
A campaign of ‘UnBritish activities’ to root out Marxists from higher education would be the first step in rooting out the rotten core of much treachery and corruption.
I do wonder if the fires at the American food plants are being caused by hostile actions but again there is no concrete evidence.
It is however my belief that the West is under attack by both Russia and China, with other BRICS nations sitting on the fence wating to see the outcome.
Been away but nothing changes,
the bBC have moved on (?) from partygate and now looking to smear Boris over this Chris Pincher geezer also serves to deflect from the SNP,s collection of sex pests and and pests more generally.
The modus operandi of the SNP is simple
“Offended by Everything
Ashamed of Nothing”
Shamelessly stolen from the Sinn Fein/IRA playbook.
Bear this in mind with any dealings with this SNP third rate
parish parishioners.( apologies to any real parish parishioners)
PS Where’s Wally aka Frank.
This hapless intrepid reporter in his words “”Just back from exhausting week covering NATO summit and I,m stuck on a plane at Gatwick”
Frank reminds me of a (harsh ) old joke about a similarly affected individual who went to Lourdes seeking a miraculous cure.
On his return his mate said I see you’re still in the chair.
Yes, he replied but its got a brand new set of tyres”
I did Gatwick yesterday – the security was a bit ‘spicy’ with long ( 1 hour plus ) queues but otherwise it was a standard summer afternoon ….
But I take the view UK airports ( and others) – are – er – Russian roulette now …
What did Boris know about allegations against Pincher?
Front page website news. First story on TV news. First story on Toady. Interviews with Raab and Lord somebody or other.
What did BBC DG Tim Davie know about allegations against Tim Westwood?
Errrr………..none of the above.
In 1989, two years after becoming the first Asian MP since 1929, he led a march of several thousand Muslims in Leicester calling for Salman Rushdie’s book The Satanic Verses to be banned. Rushdie subsequently claimed that Vaz, a Catholic of Goan origin, had previously assured him of his support – just one example of why Vaz has long been dismissed as an ideological weathervane, willing to say or do anything if he thinks the public will reward him for it.
TWatO Watch #1 – the BBC make it plain they want the PM sacked by the guests they interview
I’m glad I missed almost all of TOADY this morning that had some on here fuming. I’m now fuming at the BBC. I’ve joined the fumers! Sarah Montague was pretty outspoken on the issue of getting rid of the Prime Minister from his job without actually saying it. Who did Sarah interview? Labour’s Peer, Gus McDonnell and former Conservative MP David Gauke who is an opponent of the PM and also an opponent of Brexit.
It is now plain the Civil Service is in opposition to the Government of the day, partly because of the failings of the LacklustreLabour Party but more certainly because of Brexit and the PM’s personal role in the last four months of the Leave Campaign. Suella Braverman MP and Attorney General has experienced this and knows what is going on.
The Government may have to get really tough with Whitehall and hand out some P45s to senior people.
TWatO Watch #2 – the BBC have now put targets on the chests and backs of two more Government Ministers
Apparently, the PM invited cameras in to record the first few minutes of this morning’s Cabinet meeting. Unwise.
This gave the BBC the opportunity to say that the faces around the table looked grim or looked glum. Still keeping ‘Pinchergate’ going, Sarah asked Tim Montgomerie and a lady whose name I have forgotten, think she may be ‘a mediaperson’ (sorry Ma’am) about who is left supporting the PM in Government. The lady, I think, helpfully offered up Jacob Rees-Mogg and Nadine Dorries as the only two supporters of the PM. If it wasn’t her it was Tim Montgomerie who offered up the two names.
We reported that the acclaimed British sculptor Sir Antony Gormley is to become a German citizen. We said he was giving up his British passport because of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union and that he had described the move as embarrassing and had plans for new sculptures that would reflect his view.
In fact Sir Antony Gormley is not giving up his British nationality and has asked us to make clear the circumstances behind his application for a German passport.
Sir Antony holds dual nationality as a result of having a German mother and has decided to apply for a German passport, which he will hold alongside his British one.
In a statement he says he remains a proud British citizen and is grateful for the extraordinary support he has received from so many people and institutions across the UK but he is also keen to retain his links with and continue to show his work in Europe.
TWatO Watch #3 – I had to look at a Box Set to check the broadcaster
How soon the BBC forget! I had to check which network broadcast ‘Yes, Minister’ and ‘Yes, Prime Minister’. Yes, it was the BBC. The BBC’s memory is worse than mine! The BBC have completely forgotten how Whitehall behaves, especially in regard to the truth.
I didn’t know about Simon McDonald’s letter published this morning and made available to the BBC (now there’s a thing) until it was mentioned in TWatO. Apparently, Simon McDonald has accused the PM of lying. Obviously the convention that applies to the House of Commons, that a member cannot accuse another member of lying, does not apply to the other place.
Apparently, as a senior Whitehall person, Simon McDonald was made aware of complaints about Chris Pincher MP after incidents in 2019. Chris Pincher was confronted, apologised for his behaviour and promised it would not happen again. The Cabinet Secretary was despatched to fully inform, Boris Johnson. But when in 2019 did the incidents take place? Boris Johnson only became Party Leader and Prime Minister on 23 or 24th July 2019.
We were not told by Sarah exactly when the incidents that were brought to Simon McDonald’s attention actually took place. Assuming they were after 24th July, did the Cabinet Secretary tell the PM the full story, was anyone else in the room and was it minuted? The BBC and Sarah Montague are peculiarly non-investigative for a leading news provider and journalist Presenter, respectively. We have to assume that the Cabinet Secretary told the PM the truth, that he told Simon McDonald the truth when he said he had fully informed the PM. Who was the Cabinet Secretary at the time? He is unnamed by the BBC. Was that the Cabinet Secretary who left Downing Street ‘under a cloud’ after ‘Partygate’?
The BBC are asking us to assume a great deal in the light of ‘Yes, Minister’ and ‘Yes, Prime Minister’.
pug, I have a feeling the Cabinet Secretary was one of the four senior Civil Servants who left in December 2021 thus providing the BBC with the opportunity of suggesting that ‘the wheels were falling off Boris Johnson’s Government’ or somesuch.
Black Lives Matter: Keir Starmer takes knee in solidarity with ‘all those opposing anti-black racism’
Senior opposition politicians adopt protest stance ahead of George Floyd’s funeral
BBC Children in Need . Grant Funded Projects . London and South East England
As at November 2017
Word Search:
Islington x 38;
Somali x 21;
Refugee x 33;
Young x 532;
Afghan x 3;
Arts x 43;
Football x 9;
Disabled x 64;
Autism x 12;
Literacy x 8;
Inclusion x 15;
Mental x 54;
The Mayor’s Fund for London
The project will deliver healthy food and activities to children
in 132 local projects across 33 London Boroughs during
Easter, Summer and half term school holidays.
Flotsam, true that the actual boat ‘Windrush’ dates back to 1940s & ’50s but the scandal was recent.
Government doesn’t buy PPE; it is a Deartmental job, Civil Servants at DfHealth but they had not been doing their job very well so the SoS for Health had to step in in their place.
Afghanistan was a F&CO disaster, with Permanent Secretary on holiday and uncontactable. He had to be dragged back to the UK, iirc, by the Foreign Secretary who was also on holiday!
Why did four Civil Servants resign then? That includes the one who organised one of the ‘gatherings’ and filmed it and leaked it to the newspapers.
Best friends Lauren and Tamara from Cheshire are keen to mark the difficult journey of their friend Miya, who underwent gender confirmation surgery a few years ago and has now blossomed into the person she always wanted to be. By celebrating her ‘V Day’, they want to show her how special she is and how much she means to them.
Listening to the 4pm brazier – 15 minutes 15 minutes of continuous station adverts wiping out the live programme – is the BBC trying to sabotage the channel ? Or is it the dumb staff ?
I think GBN need to get their “technical issues” sorted out. They’ve had a year to smooth out the problems, but video links are still abysmal. Brazier didn’t start at 4pm, and we were treated to old interviews by Liam Halligan.
All the presenters seem to be getting money for old rope, as their shows are never the full hour/2 hours. Take out the endless mattress/gold/ Thane adverts, two weather reports and two headline news, then their workload is cut down to around 40 minutes per hour.
Sky paper review is the same – starts at 10.35, cuts off at 10.47 for ads then back for another 6 minutes. Yet I bet the contributors get paid full wack for just 18 minutes work.
I was so cheesed off I emailed their press department – I don’t expect them to read my view or reply – and certainly no ‘on air ‘ apology – otherwise they’d be doing it every hour – dross support really …
I don’t think the producers listen to their own station – gone in a year – to Murdock …
I heard something similar on GBN a few nights ago. I’m convinced there’s a mole at work at the station.
A week or two back the audio was going off randomly for a long periods. It was as if someone was amusing themselves by clicking a switch on and off.
‘she said, ‘”I feel sad that I’m only the second woman,”
to receive the prestigious Fields Medal.
The medal is awarded every four years to outstanding mathematicians under the age of 40.
Her family were evacuated from Kyiv and are now staying with her in Switzerland, where she works at the Ecole Polytechnique ‘
So she’s not a Ukrainian professor anymore, as she’s moved to Switzerland.
Shouldn’t she, and the BBC be questioning if she’s actually won it on merit, and not make it about women.
Under the age of 40?
Isn’t maths is a young person’s game anyway, does anyone
over 40 contribute much?
Didn’t know Ukraine has an evacuation program..
“The International Congress of Mathematicians, where the prize is awarded, was originally due to be held in Russia’s second city Saint Petersburg and opened by President Vladimir Putin.”
Clears up any doubts about politicisation and bias😄
Guido seems to agree with my assessment that it would be very difficult for Smarmer to get an injunction. Criminal matters are always in the public domain unless there’s an’ incredibly important reason not to, such as National security He does, however have friends in the legal fraternity. I think Smarmer is toast if he’s been fined even if he manages to overturn the penalty In my view it would be scandalous if an injuction has been granted.
Nato has formally launched the process to bring Sweden and Finland into its military alliance. But a key condition for Nato member Turkey is the handover of more than 70 people described by its president as terrorists.
The leaders of the two Nordic nations say they are taking the issue seriously, but ultimately extradition is up to the courts not politicians. So who does Turkey want and could they ever be deported to Ankara?
German comedian Jan Böhmermann could face prison for ‘smear poem’ against Turkish President Erdogan
‘What I’m about to read is not allowed,’ the young comedian says before reading
Johnson then offered the limerick: “There was a young fellow from Ankara, Who was a terrific wankerer.
“Till he sowed his wild oats, With the help of a goat, But he didn’t even stop to thankera.”
The former mayor is reported to be surprised that his efforts were officially entered into the competition.
In awarding Johnson the prize, Murray appeared to contradict his own rule that “wankerer” was not a word, despite rhyming with the Turkish capital, but defended his choice in a blogpost, saying the prize was “entirely anti-meritocratic”.
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
You can’t handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know, that Santiago’s death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don’t want the truth, because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like “honor”, “code”, “loyalty”. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said “thank you”, and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don’t give a damn what you think you are entitled to!
Here’s an interesting video the British media including the BBC don’t appear to keen to tell you about.
Boris’s hero Joe Biden telling Americans they are going to be paying high fuel prices for “as long as it takes”.
Boris would probably be to cowardly to say something like that, but in Bidens case he’s just to stupid to realise the giant two fingered salute he just flipped to the American people.
“Basket of deplorables” is a phrase from a 2016 presidential election campaign speech delivered by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on September 9, 2016, at a campaign fundraising event, which she used to describe half of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump saying “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”.[1] The next day, she expressed regret for “saying half”, while insisting that Trump had deplorably amplified “hateful views and voices”.
Thoughtful I do recommend anyone who isn’t already aware like you are look more at what global leaders are pushing under the banner of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
A few years ago it was called conspiracy theory. But that argument doesn’t wash when governments are openly publishing info and announcing their collaboration with the WEF.
Lab-based food, green economy, energy rationing, biotech mRNA factories for everything, increasing automation of work, the key words are global ‘disruption’ and ‘build back better’…
— “The 4th Industrial Revolution will change the kinds of jobs needed in industry. Our strong view is that as a nation we must create the jobs of the future. Digital revolution brings with it disruption.”
Mail online with a picture of a ‘tanned ‘ 18 year old arrested in Spain on suspicion of making a bomb threat to the EasyJet plane he was on …
…. So far ….unnamed … not one for the BBC I think ….
Simon Jordan made some interesting comments on
Wimbledon on Talk Sport. Asking why do we see all these
interviews from round one when somebody wins. The
interviews go something like ” Are you pleased you won?”
with the stock answers always being ” I would like to thank
everybody for being here.” By this time three quarters of those
watching have gone to do a pee .Or gone home.
Of course the BBC is not the only media organization
that has insisted on these procedures. But I very
much expect that the BBC diversity department is very
pleased to get some ” inclusivity into all this whiteness.
Including white players, white clothes, white spectators,
white balls. So we see a plethora of their ethnic presenters
doing the interviewing .To at least dumb down the
whiteness a little.
Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown banned from yet another venue. Taliban rules! Mohammed most popular boy’s name. Two bits of news – that’s got to be the weirdest segue ever. Sorry about that.
The Lady of Heaven film: Morocco bans ‘blasphemous’ British film
Batley Grammar School teacher still in hiding after threats over Prophet cartoon. A teacher who went into hiding because of protests and threats against him for showing a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad has still not returned to his home or job.19 Jun 2021
UK cinema chain cancels screenings of ‘blasphemous’ film after protests
Cineworld cancels all showings of The Lady of Heaven after branches were picketed by Muslim activists
Javid and Sunak. Will Boris go? I hope he does. Not for Partygate or pinching bums but for net zero and the destruction of this country with his green nonsense.
Sadly, his successor will want to save the world at our expense
Just an update for our global audience. Johnson failed to sack an MP who "groped" two men. Then it came out he'd given him a job knowing he'd done it before. Then he said he'd forgotten that. Then Sunak and Javid resigned. Now the government's in meltdown…
So this is Lord Simon Macdonald who is accusing No 10 of lying & getting @BBCr4today excited: no personal grudges then??? Also he admits he wasn’t even at meeting in No 10 he claims took place. The FCO was the most pro EU part of government. Just saying
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
Here is the Indian News Channel Gravitas observing how childish Boris the Socialist and the other loons at the G7 which as others have observed appears to refer to the number of brain cells they share.
These fantasy land dwellers are going to potentially take us into a world war against Russia and possibly China as well, and they are unfit all of them for the offices they hold.
They have between them been led by the criminal Biden and his mafia like Democrat party, many of which are likely to be facing serious criminal investigation come November. They have between them managed to screw up massively over the covid pandemic; destroy the worlds economy; introduce massive inflationary pressures; starve half the globe; and in certain European countries place themselves in such a vulnerable position that millions may die, and their economy be reduced to virtually nothing.
Yet even amidst this kind of socio economic wreckage they are still firmly in the fantasy bubble, attempting to destroy what ever provision might be made to offset their looming catastrophe.
A few posters on this site have mentioned the term “Black Washed”, well how about this for balancing things out, take a look at the photos here – “White Washed”?
& What about those “men” then?………………..
“Oldham child sex abuse: Victim highlighted in report wants justice”
Why is the BBC suddenly running the case of the raped girl told by police “go home, you’re drunk” and then handed to a string of rapists ?
Two weeks ago people like Steyn, and Belfield immediately picked that case out of the Oldham grooming report.
They are taking the piss
When is Nadine Dorries going to stand up for Great Britain and declare war on the Woke Culture that is awash in Al Beeb and undermining the culture and fabric of our once proud nation ?
What does she do for her money?
– the Summer Edition of their dead tree magazine has the privatisation of the BBC down as a done deal….
Don’t get exited because Starmer says he will not rejoin the eu, the single market or the customs union.
They lie, all of them.
All this carrie on about a bit of drunken groping.
I wonder what would happen if, for example, tens of thousands of little girls were being gangbanged by dirty old men which is obviously far far worse.
Mark Rutte PM of The Netherlands – who’s a diligent little errand boy then?
Delivered with the sincerity and skill of a ‘Biden ‘… just read what’s on the paper – we will do the resht my dutsh colluegue
He didnt understand most of those words.
How do I as a voter or citizen hold the WEF to account, or vote them out of power if I don’t like their policies?
Who is responsible when (not if) those policies fail?
If the Dutch PM needs to use the policies of other people, why is he even in politics himself if he does have policies of his own?
The WEF is becoming more prominent in the last year or so . I expect that this is because they have now so many political leaders in positions of power who are their ‘graduates’, or perhaps more accurately members of the cult. It seems a sinister organisation which , as you say above, is unelected and unaccountable but seems to have leaders of Western countries in its pocket.
It’s leader Klaus Schwab has publicly stated that it is the WEF that makes decisions which governments follow. Is there any doubt that we are entering the post democratic age?
I think that it ought to be a requirement that any politician standing for elected office should declare if they are members of the WEF. Indeed perhaps membership of WEF ought to ban them from holding elected office. Of course if we are already beyond democracy this will never happen.
Certainly it would be of great interest if there was a list of all those Western politicians who were members of the WEF. We know that Cameron was, Trudeau is, Ahern is , Macron is .
So it’s a matter for the police of you are simply ‘inappropriate’ now. A very subjective term because it doesn’t mean you said anything which is not true – just that someone was offended by it.
Its all interesting because this is exactly how fascism works. Small steps until nobody dare speak out any more.
We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system! And with my inclination to practical action it seems obvious to me that we have to put a better, more just, more moral system in its place, one which, as it were, has arms and legs and better arms and legs than the present one!
Gregor Strasser One of Hitlers right hand men and leading member of the Nazi Party until his murder in the night of the long knives.
Illustrative of the lie that Nazism and Fascism had nothing to do with Socialism.
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
Shireen Abu Aqla: US releases result of test on bullet that killed reporter
This story has degenerated into the usual farce we get when the Left and Muslims mix together.
First I don’t believe for one second the bullet was too badly damaged to even work out what calibre it would likely have been. Why is their no picture or anything ?. Who’s to say it’s even the original bullet ?.
Then we get :
‘ … the UN’s human rights office, as well as eyewitnesses and journalistic investigations, have concluded that Israeli soldiers were responsible.’
Every single one of them on the Palestinian side of the divide of course.
Will they now give the bullet to Israel for their investigation ?. Of course they won’t. They even insisted Israel were not allowed any involvement whatsoever. Which tells me everything I need to know.
And of course there is no doubt whatsoever which side the BBC are favouring in this report. The terrorists.
The state of the bullet doesn’t matter, think of the magic bullet that killed Kennedy and injured Connely and was found almost pristine and new on a stretcher. The bullet is a distraction that’ll do whatever is necessary to make the enemy whoever the ptb thinks should be the enemy. I’ll go get my tin foil hat now.
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
22 Lost in Manchester …. why is this a terrible statement?
Lost … so they will be found?
Lost …. weasel words rather than killed or murdered so as not to upset anyone or cause HATE.
Lost ….. a child given a Western education and opportunity decided Islam was better, but we cannot look into this problem because all cultures are EQUAL.
Lost …… children killed for an ideology, but that ideology cannot be criticised.
Lost …….. 1400+ kids were “transformed” over 16 years in 1 town, why not use the word groomed rather than raped.
Lost ……… the UK has lost the ability to state the actual events, so it is the UK that HAS LOST.
Iranian woman beaten for wearing loose hijab, fights back and goes viral
Wearing the veil is compulsory in Iran, and activists who dare to speak up face long prison sentences
Lincolnshire non-Muslim girls asked to wear hijab for a day
As long as the decisions are the correct ones then BBC don’t care …. but when they are the wrong ones …
In the space of just 10 days there have been dramatic changes in America. Major decisions that will shape everything from environmental policy to abortion rights have been announced – but not by the president or by Congress. It is the Supreme Court which currently exercises the power to really change peoples lives.
Three ways to spot a conspiracy theory
The list of conspiracy theories is endless. But why – and how – do they take root? There are three key ingredients to look out for.
BBC Context
29 June 2022
In our story about Poland’s role within Nato, the map wrongly named Poland over the territory of Belarus. We are sorry for the error.
Take you feelings for Boris Johnson out of the equation.
I have listened too and I have watched the BBC this morning and I have to say even by the BBC standards it has possibly been one of the worse mornings for bias I have witnessed.
They have dragged up one Boris hater after the other including the usual suspects from his own party, Roger Gale, Tobias Ellwood etc etc etc.
The line of questioning by the various presenters is appalling.. questioning in such a way to encourage the interviewee to slag off the PM.
Not one mention on the BBC or Sky with regards to Starmer and the possibility of already receiving a fine.
Perhaps the BBC knows that Starmer has been fined and are trying to do as much damage to the PM as possible before it hits the news..
Regardless of XY and Z, it’s been a disgusting day by the BBC.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
dafydd, am glad I had a TOADY free morning, apart from trying to catch the 7.38 / 7.40 a.m. Newspaper review and failing miserably. I find it more interesting to listen to the Goon Show on R4extra instead.
Two media certainties.
1. The lefty BBC and Guardian etc. will not rest until the succeed with their political attempts to get rid of Boris by whipping up a smear campaign based on the most flimsy tittle-tattle and hearsay.
2. The lefty US media are in panic over the growing certainty that Trump will sweep the board at the next election and are busily gearing up a smear campaign based on tittle-tattle and hearsay.
Lefty hand in glove tactics really!
Just been reading about the guy the BBC have latched on to who has come out to get Boris (Simon McDonald). I wanted to see if he was another bitter remainer – and he is that and then some.
He was the British Ambassador to Germany and here is a Brexit interview he did:
The thing which stood out a mile was that he considered the murder of Jo Cox to be good news because it might make the people settle down and vote to remain !!.
From his interview:
‘When the first results came in for Newcastle and Sunderland, they were bad, immediately bad.’
‘we would survive this. It would be horrible, with lots of people personally affected, but, again, we’re civil servants and we have more material to work with than just our EU membership. The UK will survive. That’s what I dreamt up as I was trying to sleep, and six years later I’m still saying the same things.’
So bascially a shallow and greedy man still full of spite after 6 years and finally gets a chance to stab Boris in the back.
100% typical remainer. Perfect for the BBC.
It’s nice to think that NASA might be outside the influence of at least some of the globalists agendas.
Sorry Lucy – they’ve an embedded cadre of climate loons and credentialed activists (Gavin Schmidt boss of NASA-GISS being the presently most notorious)
They’ve two orbiting CO2 measuring instruments OCO-2 in the “afternoon train” of earth observation satellites and OCO-3 on the ISS – both providing inconvenient data that simply doesn’t get talked about and occasionally surfaces as tortured “sensor fusion” videos with musical soundtracks produced by the PR crew… (It’s science!)
How your leccy bills are worked out
read that and then argue that it isn’t a ludicrous shell game (AKA “pea under the cup”)
CO2 causes more trans therapy.
Obama Tasks NASA Chief With Muslim Relations
President Barack Obama wants NASA chief Charles Bolden to engage Muslim nations. Mr. Bolden has repeatedly said future trips to Mars and elsewhere won’t be possible without extensive international cooperation. Video courtesy of Fox News.
Am I the only one logging onto the bbc every ten minutes to see what they will do when the starmer story breaks? For how long will they talk about the gay mp when it does? It will also be interesting to see how long it takes them to try to weave it into the number ten cheese and wine apocalypse?
(It’s not actually an apocalypse, but to read the bbc you would think it was).
Police have made eight arrests as part of an expanding investigation into non-recent child sexual exploitation in South Yorkshire.
Police have made eight arrests as part of an expanding investigation into non-recent child sexual exploitation in South Yorkshire.
Operation Morph Charlie is being led by officers from a South Yorkshire Police incident room in Rotherham.
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
“It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries.”
Has Islam been with us that long? I don’t think so.
Something of an elephant in the room?
Amazing what the virus has done eh?
tomo, that’s interesting. Where did you get it? I corrected an author on TCW recently who wrote that QE was causing our present inflation in the UK. It isn’t. As that graph demonstrates. Way back when I was young, I had access to a free FT courtesy of my employer at the time, and back then (mid-late 1980s) Money Supply was an obession of the Conservative Party and Chancellor of the Exchequer (Nigel Lawson) together with the MSM. It was easy to find the various Ms listed on the ‘World Markets’ on the fp of the FT. Not there any more.
I don’t recall, sorry…
but this covers a longer X axis and has the gradient accelerating at the same time
– doesn’t look like fiscal probity to this peon
Thanks. Intended to get around to doing an internet search. There are, if I recall correctly, two other Ms, M² and M³. In the 1980s economists and financial journos almost came to blows as to which was most important to the UK economy.
Mmm. Does this mean 30% more money chasing roughly the same amount of goods?
If so , maybe there is a little clue to current inflation.
Who are ‘terrorists’ Turkey wants from Sweden and Finland?
I thought at the time I learned of this a few days ago on an independent Ukraine war youtube channel that it was very odd. Turkey has basically blackmailed these countries using NATO.
But the thing which jumped immediately to mind is where is the European Court of Human Rights all of a sudden ?. Isn’t it amazing how they shut up when their EU masters tell them to.
A subject entirely ignored by the BBC of course.
I did notice how – according to the BBC – every terrorist on the list is absolutely innocent and has turned over a new leaf.
John, I could answer your question if my memory worked better or I still lived in London. London is home to a lot of them. I’m surprised the UK is not on Turkey’s list for repatriations. Think some of them are Kurds. They have a political organisation and you used to see the name graffiti’d on to walls around London.
Just remembered PKK. (Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan) It is also there in the BBC article although you have to search for it. Typical BBC.
On expenses, no doubt.
LL, free FT? No bought and paid for by employer and available to all along with copy of another broadsheet.
Meanwhile the Dutch aren’t happy with WEF ordered measures….
More woe for gas prices and supply for The UK as Norways supply goes bye bye.
“European gas prices jump as Norway strikes add to supply woes”
At least strikes tend to be short lived, but any disruption at all can be catastrophic at this time, as I am sure the unions know all too well.
Thoughtful – your posts these days are as gloomy as mine . I wouldn’t read my own posts because they are too depressing.
But I like to be better informed about coming trouble – and this one coupled to the closing of the Russian pipeline on 10 July for annual maintenance just adds to thr grim …
Are the Russians behind this Norwegian thing ? If I was putin I would starve and freeze the west until they do a deal over Ukraine …
I don’t know enough about the consequences of Russia defaulting on its ‘ debts – which I understand exposes German banks to ‘stress ‘ – but that’s what id attack next …
Germany and Italy allow companies to pay in rubles for Russian gas
The move by the two countries follows discussions with the European Union.
Russia defaulting on its debts is a technical issue, they have the money to pay but cannot because of the sanctions. Obviously they are unable to offer new bonds to the market which means the government cannot raise money save by selling the bonds to itself, but with the sovereign wealth they have now amassed, they probably don’t need to.
Finding that China was behind the BLM protests and the Chavin hysteria all over the world did surprise me. I had thought it was a movement of trouble causers who have been around for some time, but I did not realise the extent of the guiding hand behind it all.
I note that the UK BLM organiser and rabble rouser Sasha Johnson was not a part of the BLM movement, could that be the reason behind her shooting?
The West is certainly under attack and the political elites have been their usual amazingly complacent selves in deal with it, in fact they probably don’t even know it’s going on.
A campaign of ‘UnBritish activities’ to root out Marxists from higher education would be the first step in rooting out the rotten core of much treachery and corruption.
I do wonder if the fires at the American food plants are being caused by hostile actions but again there is no concrete evidence.
It is however my belief that the West is under attack by both Russia and China, with other BRICS nations sitting on the fence wating to see the outcome.
Will Rutte set the dogs + water cannons on them?
tomo, Dutch farmers have been stroppy for a few years now. Think they took a few leaves out of the French farmer’s playbook.
BBC report that no trans flags appeared.
Been away but nothing changes,
the bBC have moved on (?) from partygate and now looking to smear Boris over this Chris Pincher geezer also serves to deflect from the SNP,s collection of sex pests and and pests more generally.
The modus operandi of the SNP is simple
“Offended by Everything
Ashamed of Nothing”
Shamelessly stolen from the Sinn Fein/IRA playbook.
Bear this in mind with any dealings with this SNP third rate
parish parishioners.( apologies to any real parish parishioners)
PS Where’s Wally aka Frank.
This hapless intrepid reporter in his words “”Just back from exhausting week covering NATO summit and I,m stuck on a plane at Gatwick”
Frank reminds me of a (harsh ) old joke about a similarly affected individual who went to Lourdes seeking a miraculous cure.
On his return his mate said I see you’re still in the chair.
Yes, he replied but its got a brand new set of tyres”
I did Gatwick yesterday – the security was a bit ‘spicy’ with long ( 1 hour plus ) queues but otherwise it was a standard summer afternoon ….
But I take the view UK airports ( and others) – are – er – Russian roulette now …
Anyone fancy a game of BBC ‘spot the difference’?
Let’s go.
What did Boris know about allegations against Pincher?
Front page website news. First story on TV news. First story on Toady. Interviews with Raab and Lord somebody or other.
What did BBC DG Tim Davie know about allegations against Tim Westwood?
Errrr………..none of the above.
As hypocrisy goes, it’s right up there.
In 1989, two years after becoming the first Asian MP since 1929, he led a march of several thousand Muslims in Leicester calling for Salman Rushdie’s book The Satanic Verses to be banned. Rushdie subsequently claimed that Vaz, a Catholic of Goan origin, had previously assured him of his support – just one example of why Vaz has long been dismissed as an ideological weathervane, willing to say or do anything if he thinks the public will reward him for it.
England smash up the Indians in their away match in Birmingham.
TWatO mentioned the cricket and the complaints of racism by Indian fans among the spectators. How many were abused? One of them.
TWatO Watch #1 – the BBC make it plain they want the PM sacked by the guests they interview
I’m glad I missed almost all of TOADY this morning that had some on here fuming. I’m now fuming at the BBC. I’ve joined the fumers! Sarah Montague was pretty outspoken on the issue of getting rid of the Prime Minister from his job without actually saying it. Who did Sarah interview? Labour’s Peer, Gus McDonnell and former Conservative MP David Gauke who is an opponent of the PM and also an opponent of Brexit.
It is now plain the Civil Service is in opposition to the Government of the day, partly because of the failings of the LacklustreLabour Party but more certainly because of Brexit and the PM’s personal role in the last four months of the Leave Campaign. Suella Braverman MP and Attorney General has experienced this and knows what is going on.
The Government may have to get really tough with Whitehall and hand out some P45s to senior people.
TWatO Watch #2 – the BBC have now put targets on the chests and backs of two more Government Ministers
Apparently, the PM invited cameras in to record the first few minutes of this morning’s Cabinet meeting. Unwise.
This gave the BBC the opportunity to say that the faces around the table looked grim or looked glum. Still keeping ‘Pinchergate’ going, Sarah asked Tim Montgomerie and a lady whose name I have forgotten, think she may be ‘a mediaperson’ (sorry Ma’am) about who is left supporting the PM in Government. The lady, I think, helpfully offered up Jacob Rees-Mogg and Nadine Dorries as the only two supporters of the PM. If it wasn’t her it was Tim Montgomerie who offered up the two names.
Funny, I thought. I thought funny. Why those two?
BBC Cameras in BBC 24/7 ..
BBC News
BBC One, 4 June 2022, 10.30pm
We reported that the acclaimed British sculptor Sir Antony Gormley is to become a German citizen. We said he was giving up his British passport because of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union and that he had described the move as embarrassing and had plans for new sculptures that would reflect his view.
In fact Sir Antony Gormley is not giving up his British nationality and has asked us to make clear the circumstances behind his application for a German passport.
Sir Antony holds dual nationality as a result of having a German mother and has decided to apply for a German passport, which he will hold alongside his British one.
In a statement he says he remains a proud British citizen and is grateful for the extraordinary support he has received from so many people and institutions across the UK but he is also keen to retain his links with and continue to show his work in Europe.
We apologise for the mistake.
TWatO Watch #3 – I had to look at a Box Set to check the broadcaster
How soon the BBC forget! I had to check which network broadcast ‘Yes, Minister’ and ‘Yes, Prime Minister’. Yes, it was the BBC. The BBC’s memory is worse than mine! The BBC have completely forgotten how Whitehall behaves, especially in regard to the truth.
I didn’t know about Simon McDonald’s letter published this morning and made available to the BBC (now there’s a thing) until it was mentioned in TWatO. Apparently, Simon McDonald has accused the PM of lying. Obviously the convention that applies to the House of Commons, that a member cannot accuse another member of lying, does not apply to the other place.
Apparently, as a senior Whitehall person, Simon McDonald was made aware of complaints about Chris Pincher MP after incidents in 2019. Chris Pincher was confronted, apologised for his behaviour and promised it would not happen again. The Cabinet Secretary was despatched to fully inform, Boris Johnson. But when in 2019 did the incidents take place? Boris Johnson only became Party Leader and Prime Minister on 23 or 24th July 2019.
We were not told by Sarah exactly when the incidents that were brought to Simon McDonald’s attention actually took place. Assuming they were after 24th July, did the Cabinet Secretary tell the PM the full story, was anyone else in the room and was it minuted? The BBC and Sarah Montague are peculiarly non-investigative for a leading news provider and journalist Presenter, respectively. We have to assume that the Cabinet Secretary told the PM the truth, that he told Simon McDonald the truth when he said he had fully informed the PM. Who was the Cabinet Secretary at the time? He is unnamed by the BBC. Was that the Cabinet Secretary who left Downing Street ‘under a cloud’ after ‘Partygate’?
The BBC are asking us to assume a great deal in the light of ‘Yes, Minister’ and ‘Yes, Prime Minister’.
pug, I have a feeling the Cabinet Secretary was one of the four senior Civil Servants who left in December 2021 thus providing the BBC with the opportunity of suggesting that ‘the wheels were falling off Boris Johnson’s Government’ or somesuch.
Black Lives Matter: Keir Starmer takes knee in solidarity with ‘all those opposing anti-black racism’
Senior opposition politicians adopt protest stance ahead of George Floyd’s funeral
Andy Gregory
Tuesday 09 June 2020 16:35
BBC Children in Need . Grant Funded Projects . London and South East England
As at November 2017
Word Search:
Islington x 38;
Somali x 21;
Refugee x 33;
Young x 532;
Afghan x 3;
Arts x 43;
Football x 9;
Disabled x 64;
Autism x 12;
Literacy x 8;
Inclusion x 15;
Mental x 54;
The Mayor’s Fund for London
The project will deliver healthy food and activities to children
in 132 local projects across 33 London Boroughs during
Easter, Summer and half term school holidays.
I have been trying to remember recent scandals involving Whitehall and the Conservative Government since 2015:
Priti Patel ‘bullying’
Passport Agency and time taken for renewals
Have I missed any?
Priti Patel “scandal”. She wanted Civil Servants to do their jobs.
Windrush dates back decades
PPE had to be bought from wherever it was availble whatever the cost.
Partygate. No scandal that I can discern.
Passport Agency. Civil servants living it up at home instead of doing their jobs.
Flotsam, true that the actual boat ‘Windrush’ dates back to 1940s & ’50s but the scandal was recent.
Government doesn’t buy PPE; it is a Deartmental job, Civil Servants at DfHealth but they had not been doing their job very well so the SoS for Health had to step in in their place.
Afghanistan was a F&CO disaster, with Permanent Secretary on holiday and uncontactable. He had to be dragged back to the UK, iirc, by the Foreign Secretary who was also on holiday!
Why did four Civil Servants resign then? That includes the one who organised one of the ‘gatherings’ and filmed it and leaked it to the newspapers.
Boris Johnson camping trip was a ‘fake’
Boris Johnson’s £15,000 Caribbean holiday under investigation
The Prime Minister and Carrie Symonds holidayed in Mustique but it is unclear who paid
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – I assume Chris Pincher MP is not invited
You could not make it up!
Bad BBC timing or what?
Best friends Lauren and Tamara from Cheshire are keen to mark the difficult journey of their friend Miya, who underwent gender confirmation surgery a few years ago and has now blossomed into the person she always wanted to be. By celebrating her ‘V Day’, they want to show her how special she is and how much she means to them.
Listening to the 4pm brazier – 15 minutes 15 minutes of continuous station adverts wiping out the live programme – is the BBC trying to sabotage the channel ? Or is it the dumb staff ?
I think GBN need to get their “technical issues” sorted out. They’ve had a year to smooth out the problems, but video links are still abysmal. Brazier didn’t start at 4pm, and we were treated to old interviews by Liam Halligan.
All the presenters seem to be getting money for old rope, as their shows are never the full hour/2 hours. Take out the endless mattress/gold/ Thane adverts, two weather reports and two headline news, then their workload is cut down to around 40 minutes per hour.
Sky paper review is the same – starts at 10.35, cuts off at 10.47 for ads then back for another 6 minutes. Yet I bet the contributors get paid full wack for just 18 minutes work.
I was so cheesed off I emailed their press department – I don’t expect them to read my view or reply – and certainly no ‘on air ‘ apology – otherwise they’d be doing it every hour – dross support really …
I don’t think the producers listen to their own station – gone in a year – to Murdock …
I heard something similar on GBN a few nights ago. I’m convinced there’s a mole at work at the station.
A week or two back the audio was going off randomly for a long periods. It was as if someone was amusing themselves by clicking a switch on and off.
Ukrainian professor wins prestigious Fields Medal in mathematics
‘she said, ‘”I feel sad that I’m only the second woman,”
to receive the prestigious Fields Medal.
The medal is awarded every four years to outstanding mathematicians under the age of 40.
Her family were evacuated from Kyiv and are now staying with her in Switzerland, where she works at the Ecole Polytechnique ‘
So she’s not a Ukrainian professor anymore, as she’s moved to Switzerland.
Shouldn’t she, and the BBC be questioning if she’s actually won it on merit, and not make it about women.
Under the age of 40?
Isn’t maths is a young person’s game anyway, does anyone
over 40 contribute much?
Didn’t know Ukraine has an evacuation program..
“The International Congress of Mathematicians, where the prize is awarded, was originally due to be held in Russia’s second city Saint Petersburg and opened by President Vladimir Putin.”
Clears up any doubts about politicisation and bias😄
Guido seems to agree with my assessment that it would be very difficult for Smarmer to get an injunction. Criminal matters are always in the public domain unless there’s an’ incredibly important reason not to, such as National security He does, however have friends in the legal fraternity. I think Smarmer is toast if he’s been fined even if he manages to overturn the penalty In my view it would be scandalous if an injuction has been granted.
Nato has formally launched the process to bring Sweden and Finland into its military alliance. But a key condition for Nato member Turkey is the handover of more than 70 people described by its president as terrorists.
The leaders of the two Nordic nations say they are taking the issue seriously, but ultimately extradition is up to the courts not politicians. So who does Turkey want and could they ever be deported to Ankara?
German comedian Jan Böhmermann could face prison for ‘smear poem’ against Turkish President Erdogan
‘What I’m about to read is not allowed,’ the young comedian says before reading
Jess Staufenberg
Thursday 07 April 2016 14:14
Johnson then offered the limerick: “There was a young fellow from Ankara, Who was a terrific wankerer.
“Till he sowed his wild oats, With the help of a goat, But he didn’t even stop to thankera.”
The former mayor is reported to be surprised that his efforts were officially entered into the competition.
In awarding Johnson the prize, Murray appeared to contradict his own rule that “wankerer” was not a word, despite rhyming with the Turkish capital, but defended his choice in a blogpost, saying the prize was “entirely anti-meritocratic”.
Nov 2016
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
“Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that he will let hundreds of thousands of migrants travel on to Europe if pushed by the EU.
‘Listen to me: these border gates will be opened if you go any further,’ he warned the EU on Friday.”
GBNews last night.
Dan Wootton Tonight | Monday 4th July
About Starmer, with Nigel Farage from 41:18
(Nigel is always far too kind to both slippery Starmer and traitor Blair for my liking)
About Tucker Carlson’s Bolsonaro interview, with Neil Oliver from 52:00
About covid ‘vaccine’ damage, with Mark Steyn from 1:19:30
Nigel Farage backs Tony Blair to lead Britain’s vaccination programme during dig at ‘low grade’ government
Gay Conversion Therapy is to be banned – yet NHS conversion to gay therapy supported??
You can’t handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know, that Santiago’s death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don’t want the truth, because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like “honor”, “code”, “loyalty”. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said “thank you”, and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don’t give a damn what you think you are entitled to!
Here’s an interesting video the British media including the BBC don’t appear to keen to tell you about.
Boris’s hero Joe Biden telling Americans they are going to be paying high fuel prices for “as long as it takes”.
Boris would probably be to cowardly to say something like that, but in Bidens case he’s just to stupid to realise the giant two fingered salute he just flipped to the American people.
“Basket of deplorables” is a phrase from a 2016 presidential election campaign speech delivered by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on September 9, 2016, at a campaign fundraising event, which she used to describe half of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump saying “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”.[1] The next day, she expressed regret for “saying half”, while insisting that Trump had deplorably amplified “hateful views and voices”.
Thoughtful I do recommend anyone who isn’t already aware like you are look more at what global leaders are pushing under the banner of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
A few years ago it was called conspiracy theory. But that argument doesn’t wash when governments are openly publishing info and announcing their collaboration with the WEF.
Lab-based food, green economy, energy rationing, biotech mRNA factories for everything, increasing automation of work, the key words are global ‘disruption’ and ‘build back better’…
— “The 4th Industrial Revolution will change the kinds of jobs needed in industry. Our strong view is that as a nation we must create the jobs of the future. Digital revolution brings with it disruption.”
Mail online with a picture of a ‘tanned ‘ 18 year old arrested in Spain on suspicion of making a bomb threat to the EasyJet plane he was on …
…. So far ….unnamed … not one for the BBC I think ….
Simon Jordan made some interesting comments on
Wimbledon on Talk Sport. Asking why do we see all these
interviews from round one when somebody wins. The
interviews go something like ” Are you pleased you won?”
with the stock answers always being ” I would like to thank
everybody for being here.” By this time three quarters of those
watching have gone to do a pee .Or gone home.
Of course the BBC is not the only media organization
that has insisted on these procedures. But I very
much expect that the BBC diversity department is very
pleased to get some ” inclusivity into all this whiteness.
Including white players, white clothes, white spectators,
white balls. So we see a plethora of their ethnic presenters
doing the interviewing .To at least dumb down the
whiteness a little.
It’s all falling apart now.
Javid and now Sunak.
Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown banned from yet another venue. Taliban rules! Mohammed most popular boy’s name. Two bits of news – that’s got to be the weirdest segue ever. Sorry about that.
The popularity of the name Muhammad/Mohammed/Mohammad
The Lady of Heaven film: Morocco bans ‘blasphemous’ British film
Batley Grammar School teacher still in hiding after threats over Prophet cartoon. A teacher who went into hiding because of protests and threats against him for showing a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad has still not returned to his home or job.19 Jun 2021
UK cinema chain cancels screenings of ‘blasphemous’ film after protests
Cineworld cancels all showings of The Lady of Heaven after branches were picketed by Muslim activists
Javid and Sunak. Will Boris go? I hope he does. Not for Partygate or pinching bums but for net zero and the destruction of this country with his green nonsense.
Sadly, his successor will want to save the world at our expense
Love that ‘our’. 🤪