Bbbc must be cock-a-hoop about the resignations because they think it will mean the end for Boris.
I bet they are gathering their data on any possible Boris replacements so that they can work on trying to get rid of whoever the next leader is (unless it’s hunt as that will mean the end of the conservatives anyway)
I did comment this morning that the ‘skids’ were under him .
Some time ago I also mentioned the fact that the Tories are ‘Libdems in disguise’ .
There must be some real Conservatives left willing to pull us out of this ‘green blob’ mess. Afterall, many people did lend them their vote to get us out of the EU and secure our borders.
Mission not completed yet !
on 29 June 2022 In our story about Poland’s role within Nato, the map wrongly named Poland over the territory of Belarus.
We are sorry for the error.
.. Why did it take a week just to admit a basic map error ?
If Nadine did her job the Beeb would no longer exist as a parasite taxing us. Either it would be repaying the taxpayer by going commercial or it would be Bust !
And If Pritti did the job that she promised to do, the ongoing invasion of our coast would have stopped three years ago !
The Tories need to get a grip or they will be finished in two years .
Because of the promises and promises made by the present government we lost a great party in the budding – The Brexit Party !
Perhaps the Reform Party can reform The Brexit Party?
For the past few weeks I have been posting that the Left no longer has any understanding of politics outside of calling anyone they don’t agree with some meaningless ism or fauxbia, and economics is a prime example.
Because of the Blue Labour mismanagement of the economy, the pound is in freefall again. Time was that a prime minister wouldn’t just be called to give an account of why to parliament, but he would have to address the nation as Wilson did in his infamous pound in your pocket speech.
I hear naive people talking about the cost of oil per barrel and saying it wasn’t that expensive a litre at the pump when it was that much a few years ago.
What they aren’t taking into account is the exchange rate. If we had the exchange rate Wilson had after his devaluation petrol and diesel would be half what it is currently. That is the extent of the latest devaluation and the effects of decades of Socialism punctuated by a brief period of conservatism under Margaret Thatcher.
The low point was the Soros backed Black Thursday when the Pound crashed out of the ERM when it dropped to $1.05 briefly now it’s below the significant $1.20 which should concern everyone. The fact it doesn’t is even more concerning.
BBC local news today seemed to be saying
“We can’t be bothered with actual news we’ll just read viewers emails about stuff they want to promote and then send the cameras to them.”
Item #1 If you sit in Grimsby pedestrian precinct, you can see cyclists riding dangerously
#2 Six minutes of speculation about Boris, local Tory MPs won’t say anything.
#3 female wants to promote her photography of aeroplanes
#4 Autistic boy wants to talk about his week of living 1980s style
to raise money for charity.
agreed – given Starmer’s connections (and legal expertise) you’d expect him to be less reticent about the state of play there … Looks from the cheap seats as if he’s effectively “pleading the 5th”.
let’s see
Rees Mogg as chancellor would be a hoot though – they’d have to send half the Guardian staff for PTSD therapy.
Both the “main” parties leaderless would sit with the chaos around the place though?
A bit harsh I guess – but If Boris bales then it seems likely he’ll be of little further use to the princess…
You notice a, ‘Dandy’ like R-M is and always will be, uncomfortable in any position of direct responsibly for fear of being administratively found lacking. This articulate Dandy is no exception
John Redwood tweets
The BBC ask Labour why they do not want to re enter the EU single market,
but refuse to challenge them over how they think the EU could be persuaded to change its extreme interpretation of the NI Protocol
As always the BBC resolutely accepts the bad actions of the EU.
I heard Gale earlier complain that having Boris as our elected Prime Minister, albeit elected by the party of elected members, not the populace itself, threatens our democracy….
….. he then goes on to say that 148 Conservative MPS were not happy with Boris as leader of tha party (an absoloute minority of the Conservative MPs), and therefore they should be allowed to make the decision to remove Boris.
Now there’s a man that believes in democracy…… but a version that can only work if it comes to the decisions he and his minions deem to be the right ones.
I keep hearing business sector leaders complain that, in their specific sector , they have lost droves of employees who all went to other business sectors as a result of Covid, etc., to get better jobs, salaries etc.
Airport staff, teaching staff, hospital staff, truck drivers, shop assistants, farm employees, hosptality staff, butchers and slaughtermen and so on and so forth – the list seems endless. In fact, it’s one of the usual mantras dragged out of any business leader brought on to the radio on almost a daily basis by the BBC.
Now, call me a cynic, but surely that must mean that some business sectors are doing so damned well that they can get any number of competent staff, pay them spectacular wages and offer amazing employment opportunites ….. but, I haven’t heard a single business leader from any sector that thinks that applies to them.
So – where are all these employees going ? And how did they get trained to work in their new employment sectors ? And why doesn’t the BBC launch a major investigation into this so we can become world leaders in any business sector that enjoys such munificence.
Nah – much easier to just continually moan about how bad things are in every busines sector, and how it’s all the fault of the current UK government.
Rishi Sunak, Sajid Javid. What a pair of utter creeps, glad they’ve gone. Backstabbing ethnics, Britain is better without them.
BBC Radio 5 Live seem to be delighted with the news.
From 15 July 2015 until 12 December 2017, Chief Strategy Officer for Gulf Keystone Petroleum, 6th Floor, New Fetter Place, 8-10 New Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1AZ; an oil and gas exploration and production company. (Registered 20 October 2015; updated 4 November 2015, 19 September 2017 and 17 January 2018)
Name of donor: Middlesex University Dubai
Address of donor: Middlesex Univeristy Dubai Campus, Knowledge Village, Block 16, Dubai
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £3,500
Destination of visit: Dubai
Date of visit: 20-24 September 2010
Purpose of visit: to visit Middlesex University Dubai and Dubai London Clinic
(Registered 8 October 2010)
Eco City Vehicles plc, Hemming House, Hemming Street, London, E1 5BL; distributes and services London taxis. Duties include chairing board meetings and keeping in touch with senior management.
Received payment of £10,000. Hours: 28 hrs. (Registered 7 December 2009)
Received payment of £10,000. Hours: 45 hrs. (Registered 24 March 2010)
Received payment of £3,333.33. Hours: 9 hrs. (Registered 9 June 2010)
Received payment of £3,333.33. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 15 July 2010)
Received payment of £3,333.33. Hours: 6 hrs. (Registered 11 August 2010)
Received payment of £7,833.32. Hours: 34 hrs. (Registered 3 June 2010)
Received payment of £3,916.61. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 3 June 2010)
Received payment of £3,333.33 Hours: 11 hrs. (Registered 10 October 2010)
Received payment of 33,333.33. Hours: 9 hrs. (Registered 13 November 2010)
First London Securities Group plc, Norfolk House, 31 St James Square, London, SW1Y 4JR; investment bankers. Duties include attending board meetings and occasional meetings with senior management. Resigned 14 March 2010.
Received payment of £12,500. Hours: 11 hrs. (Registered 9 January 2010)
He is referring to Penny Mordaunt, Taffman. She is a conservative MP. She is also quite a good one who I would love to see moving into No 10 later in the week.
Boris has to go. He has no more awareness of what’s going on in the real world than Joe Biden.
Boris will not get any better, he is not on the point of regaining his popularity as some seem to think. He started out as an electoral asset for the Cons but within a short period of time became an electoral ass. Now he is an electoral liability.
To all intents and purposes he is politically finished. He is no more. He is an ex-PM.
The conservatives who want to cut him more and more slack are simply cutting their own throats. He will go down in history as marginally better than Cameron and May so he should quit while he’s still ahead of those abysmal leaders.
I’ve resisted the notion of Boris going because it’s was what the BBC et al have been wanting for months and because of fears that it might undo what we have of Brexit. But now I think him staying is actually a bigger danger to Brexit than him going.
Hope the next PM ditches green agenda, sorts out NPI , controls immigration both legal and illegal and stuffs the BBC.
Rathe optimistic .
Norwegian gas supplies to the UK could be shut off this weekend if a dispute over pay for oil and gas workers escalates, a pipeline operator has warned
Why has Dominic Cummings not been mentioned in all this ? he has been stood in the shadows rubbing his hands like Uriah Heep, he may not have been firing the gun, but has been quietly handing out the bullets.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, England have won another Test Match) there are only two conclusions that one can draw about Cummings. Either he has been bought (unlikely, I recall he is ‘independently wealthy’) or his family and wider family have been threatened.
Past time that doctors had to do what airline pilots call “check rides” to retain their tickets esp. in specialties. The profession in the Anglosphere are obsessed with credentials over competence and highly resistant to oversight. It doesn’t have to be onerous although there’s a couple of GP practices around here that regularly attract lots of complaints.
I wonder what’s in this guys history… 30 years and … wait a mo – I saw something earlier about his age (80!) – was he working a full schedule ?
I’ve dealt with several doctors in Nigeria who were skilled surgeons and thorough investigators – this is more about “Spanish practices” than ethnicity.
1) How much this man has been paid from the public purse
2) How many others like him are not skilled to the standard we all assume they are.
Nobody dare go near that thanks to people like the BBC. They are permanently sniffing for the slightest hints of racism to pounce on. They don’t care one bit about what it actually means in the real world and how many people might have suffered.
I’ve said it many times : the Left are a cancer in our society and are slowly destroying it.
The antics of that Penine NHS Trust wrt to this doctor are v.simply indefensible.
The date on his qualifications indicated that he must’ve been a precocious teenager to qualify aa a MD at the age of 16 and started his training at age 10….
Some well deserved P45s + pensionectomies ? >>> Not likely!!
Probably not. I know from experience that Locum Cons. Psychiatrists who arrived from the colonies to earn a few readies, certainly did not have in-depth background checks carried out; and more than one was discreetly asked to leave after a fortnight when it became clear to staff that their “know how” was clearly wanting.
Even the Psychiatrist I worked for, who came from India admitted that the qualifying exam there is way below the standard expected here. I wasn’t impressed.
One certain GP in the North of England who arrived having bought a degree from Pakistan was practicing fortunately in the Pakistani community was sacked after prescribing creosote to be applied to a rash !
Whist with the sentiment Thoughtful, a friend in the 1970s with psoriasis had a week in hospital being painted daily with a tar like substance. It did improve things for a short while but she still had psoriasis.
Tomo – fascinating ( wrong word ) frightening ? The was the MSM choose to ‘non story ‘ selected events . Usually European issues get the full treatment . But the Dutch ? A non story .
I sometimes wonder whether at certain times the BBC becomes a full on State broadcaster . The government is frightened of civil disobedience – mainly fuel protests – so any incident which might replicate this in the UK is suppressed ….
However – we have really hard times coming and no amount of censorship will stop reality …. Particularly in the worst case – which is the lights going off and every thing which goes with that .
at certain times the BBC becomes a full on State broadcaster
Two people I know, who don’t know each other were present at the 2000 fuel protests at the distribution depots at Avonmouth and Fawley. They tell similar stories of spending two days demonstrating, following all strictures applied by local police – day 2 several riot vans turn up, the occupants dress up and after a delay – form up + attack the demonstrators. The local BBC stations (Points West + South Today) both carried segments claiming the absolute opposite – complete inversion, slathered with lies and smears.
BBC TV regional reporting is putrid + poisonous – and they know it – there’s a reason that the regional magazine programs fizzle to dust after a few days (iirc now it’s 24 hours).
Totally agree. But now that world establishment, lead by the WEF , is steadily reducing the power of ordinary people’s vote and undermining democracy as a result, what else but civil disobedience is left to ordinary people in terms of protest . No doubt the WEF have a plan for enforcing their policies, probably via a social credit system which is only possible because digitalisation of everyday life.
Of course in different countries the people will express their unhappiness with the political class in different ways.
First line:
‘The mother of a black teenager fatally stabbed by a white boy ..’
So the BBC see fit to run this lengthy article loaded with empathy (as they always are for BAME these days) article on the main UK page because the white boy was found guilty of manslaughter of a black gang member instead of murder.
‘James Sinclair stabbed to death 40-year-old Shadika Patel, who he did not know, in East Ham, on 19 March, 2020.
He was also convicted by the jury of attempting to murder Beverley Barzey, 48, the next night in Islington.’
The only other BBC story google shows me is from 6 days ago when the trial started. No sign of any report of her original murder, never mind any vigils and demands the government do something about it.
‘Sinclair then ducked out of view and put a glove on his hand before running towards her and stabbing her seven times in the face, head and shoulders, jurors were told.’
The second case is clearly MUCH more sinister. Random murder of innocent women in a truly savage manner. If you don’t know the BBC, you might wonder why the second one didn’t make the headlines. If you do, you will know exactly why.
Here he is:
Oddly enough, the BBC didn’t mention the colour of the murderer in this one.
Just imagine the outrage and scale of the coverage if he was white.
The BBC are anti-white, racist scum. We’ve seen it enough times now to put it beyond any doubt. And as they clearly think it’s OK, OFCOM are the same.
There is a March 2020 reply tweet to a BBC reporter mentioning the murder of Patel
after he did report on a murder in Plaistow
He replied that the police told him they are not connected, which is true they weren’t.
.. As you said there has been no BBC story about the victims until the start of this trial.
I only found this one by accident as I check the ‘London Violence’ page every now and then just to see what they are hiding from me in the main pages. Otherwise I would never have known.
The racist double standards of the ‘unbiased and impartial’ BBC are simply staggering. I’m dumbfounded why it’s never even brought up.
BBC reporting the open racism of this coloured boy’s mother – the jury had 11 whitees and a ‘south Asian ‘ therefore they were biased against her killer son .
Not much contrition there . I wonder what the criminal record of the mother looks like ? Or is that my prejudice kicking in …
… I still favour the death penalty for serious crimes like killing – if only to make space in prisons ….
The bBC even shows a diagram of how the PM could resign! Although they have only been going on and on and on about partygate which seems like forever and everytime the PM sneezes forever, I’m beginning to think the likes of the most trusted do not like the PM! (i’m joking, they don’t)
Regardless of what you think of Boris, the behaviour of the BBC is nothing less than an attempt to remove a leader they hate because of Brexit. Their bias is blatant and extreme.
And they are being allowed to do it. Which is the part we should worry about. Who or what is next ?.
Andy – following on – an unusually wide awake our Justin and the obnoxious comrade Robinson unable to cover their happiness regarding events . They sound like they want to be ‘responsible ‘ for bringing nut nut – for whom I have no time -down .
I hope he is replaced by someone who is both Conservative and Decent – but the choice is very limited . I reckon the most likely candidate will be a lady politician . ….but not until the MPs go on their holidays – subject – of course to PMQs and the select committee appearance today .
Meanwhile inflation is embedded – financial strain is growing rapidly and the Recession will be official next year ….
I know the BBC is biased against nut nut . I also know that the State Broadcaster is anti British anti white anti male anti Christian .
But the facts are the facts . And nut nuts’ luck has run out . He got lucky on covid – but that’s it . Yes – the BBC want socialism – but the actions and decisions of nut nut are facilitating it .
I’m of the very Right Wing – with views far away from the conventional group think . I know when I’m being fed propaganda – but I can also see what is happening .
To be perfectly Frank – worrying about re joining the Reich EU is superseded by the coming hardship over the next couple of years or more …. With or without a World War …
Fed, did you not pay attention to what Bojo was like as Mayor of London? If you are a Party member, did you then vote for him in the leadership election? I gather Javid and Sunak did.
Bojo got lucky on Covid? What planet are you on?!!! I suspect the PM was fed false information and false facts on it – to lead him to make poor decisions – and when he caught it I wonder where the source of the infection came from? Yes, it is possible to see conspiracies anywhere and everywhere but if you agree Covid came along to nudge Trump out of the White House then why not see an even bigger picture?
I would never be a member of a current political party . Never have been . Nut nut was as hair brained as he is now – but I suppose he had better staff – which I think is the key to his current failings – as well as the lefty wife .
I say he was lucky with covid because he found someone to do the vaccine – otherwise he’d have took the country into an even worst state than it was and is .
Your comment is academic any way because he will be gone … maybe they’ll wait for recess but I don’t think they ll give him that …
There are shades of thatcher with the ‘international community ‘ seeing him as “ok” but the home front seeing him as toast for minor mistakes..
Whatever blue labour one comes next must hold out to 2024 for the election though – and maybe use some of that majority they have – and which nut nut didn’t use …..
Not sure when the sunak resignation speech will be – or whether he will land up delivering it …
Make no mistake, this is all about Brexit. This is a concerted effort by all sorts of interests spearheaded by the BBC to reverse Brexit. Big business, the EU, globalists, Socialists want Britain back under their thumb.
This is the Battle for Britain.
Steyn mentioned beergate briefly last night . I think there is a super injunction – mainly because there is no discussion of it or beergate or Durham plod or anything relating to it .
Also – the Huge announcement Starmer made about not rejoining the ReichEU had no ‘live ‘ press conference afterward –
It looks like the socialists here are using the ‘Biden ‘ method – which – incidentally – Steyn also referred to last night – and the first time I’ve heard anyone mention the fraudulent `US election for a long time – including Fox News …
Flotsam – yes it’s partly a ‘battle for Britain ‘ but it is also a dishonest PM who is disgracing his office ..
… he put a drunk queer with form for indecent assault as Deputy Chief Whip – no – get a PM who knows what he is doing and has decency and judgement .
A huge honour to be appointed Editor of ITV News. So proud of all the brilliant team has achieved over the last few years and feel privileged to be able to lead them into the future
TOADY Watch #1 – the question the BBC are not asking
Sunak and Javid resignations front and centre and in the wings and chorus on the BBC stage this morning. Twenty minutes from 6.35 a.m. were enough to convince me I should not listen again this morning to TOADY. All these BBC ‘world class journalists and highly paid top Presenter journalists’ not asking questions!
1. Did Sunak and Javid resign so that they can campaign for leadership of the Conservative Party now in the event of the PM resigning or being pushed out?
TOADY Watch #2 – the question the BBC are not asking
More importantly than the first question, will Carrie Antoinette let the PM let go of 10 Downing Street. Carrie will not be able to look at that wallpaper anymore. Carrie, if not the PM, will ‘fight them on the beaches, fight them on the landing grounds, fight them on the streets’ to hang on to that wallpaper.
Putting up a bronze one and let’s get high on our own supply edition
And Mr AsISeeIt admits he’d also quit forthwith
BBC headlines: Rishi Sunak’s and Sajid Javid’s resignation letters in full; Who is Nadhim Zahawi? Iraqi refugee to chancellor; Faisal Islam: Sunak letter reveals tensions over economy trouble – this is all going on in Britain, right? It’s the names. Someone please remind me which country we’re in?
Joking aside, you’ll have noticed – or perhaps it slipped your attention – that the global pandemic is still not officially declared finished with, the all-out war in Europe with an evil dictator is on-going (and going worse than we were led to believe for our side) and the world economy is in a tailspin about to crash at any moment into crisis and depression. More of other big news in The Great Reset later… but first the Punch and Judy show…
Boris Johnson fights for political survival as he prepares to face MPs – says our BBC this morning, more than happy to put that on record.
Formerly patriotic paper of record the Times has no time for the likes of Jacob Rees-Mogg and his calm historical precedents and measured constitutional detail, moving as slow and labouriously as a Robert Peston monologue – politics really ought to move with the media news cycle, at the speed of the on-screen chyrons chugging away on the lower third of the TV broadcast picture: Johnson on the brink (Times) – as they say to potty training babies – piss or get off the brink, why don’t you?
Fabulous irony here that the final straw was the epitome – the very embodiment of our latterday Tory libertine anything goes gay cavaliers – gets ousted for defending the naughty behaviour of a homosexual friend – be that behaviour outrageous by current standards (allegedly).
At his surrender to American forces in 1945 Hermann Goring is quoted as saying: “In fifty or sixty years there will be statues of me all over Germany”
Stonewall may yet one day put up a bronze one for Boris.
For Mr AsISeeIt, who tends to be personally liberal in his own small circle, but advocates for social conservatism in public policy (I know, it’s a lost cause) – the last straw was BoJo’s fat-headed remarks about toxic masculinity and his bizarre musing that were Putin a woman, he wouldn’t have gone a conquering.
Bad enough Boris Johnson (or Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson – to deadname him as the Twitterati teenagers would say) tied us inextricably to the downfall of former comedian, TV soap opera actor and EU-Nato operative Zelensky (spellings vary).
This came as Boris is supposed to be premier of the land of the Roman-bashing Queen Boadicea (spellings vary) Spanish Armada-dispersing Elizabeth I, and… for goodness sake… the Empire-building Queen Victoria Empress of India. Russia too expanded enormously under their own Catherine the Great. Toxic feminity by modern standards, anyone?
Can even Boris the greased piglet wriggle out of this? – asks the rhetorical headline in the Daily (toxic?) Mail – don’t ask me, although I did just update my electoral register entry – just in case.
By way of small digression… I was made to believe I had to do this online after rather insistent email reminders and was then invited to complete a survey whose questions appear to heavily promote notions of online voting by way of asking how likely one was to vote by various methods. Of course postal voting was also pushed hard at me both in the actual electoral register process and in the survey. All concluded with the now de rigueur racial profiling and the end of the survey. Watch out for the survey result headlines claiming such and such a minority is stripped of their democratic rights due to our out-moded antiquated institutionally racist voting system.
Johnson hanging by a thread as Sunak and Javid walk out (Telegraph) – Mussolini’s last words before he and his mistress were shot and strung up by Italian partisans are said to have been: “aim at my heart”
In other news, in The Great Reset as we teased earlier…
Post-pandemic Sats results show record fall (Telegraph) – so thanks to the covid our kids are now as thick as Micks – all the better for lowering the voting age. Apologies to my Irish readers for the casual eire-phobic epithet there – it’s just an expression – we’ve no serious reason or desire to besmirch the cognative abilities of the birthland of James Joyce, Edmund Burke or Dave Allen.
Russia shifts focus of battle to Slovyansk (Telegraph) – to borrow from Midge Ure of early 80s synth pop outfit Ultravox on the subject of Vienna “This means nothing to me” – I’ll have to look out a large scale map of the Donetsk region to trace the whereabouts of that particular Oblast – because I doubt Slovyansk FC have ever made it onto one of my Champions League wall charts.
Bank raises prospect of 5pc interest rates – the Telegraph is proving a veritable cornucopia of real bad Other News this morning.
Sadly house cartoonist Matt fails to amuse with his Wimbledon umpire calling “Out!” at the news of Rishi and Javid quitting. Frankly, if Mr AsISeeIt were tasked with the gig of running the NHS or the economy, I think I’d also quit forthwith to spend more time politicking.
People-smuggling network smashed (Telegraph) – I think they’re trying to cheer us up? Do we believe for one moment hyper-immigration has been halted?
Isn’t it good Norwegian wood? – or so the Beatles once suggested. Meanwhile, who knew these days we were all on Nowegian gas? Oslo heads off strike that threatened to sever UK gas supplies from Norway (FT) – bad enough our home grown trades unions hold the public to ransom. This is all too globalised for my liking. Frack me some gas! Let’s get high on our own supply.
Asiseeit – outstanding – and events really are a ‘challenge ‘. You missed my favourite story of the day – The Wimbledon Quiet Room – which apparently is not so quiet due to ‘amorous encounters ‘ ….
… as I write Robinson is interviewing the new chancellor – during the interview 2 blue labour MPs resigned from government jobs …
I wonder what the record is for the shortest chancellor career ? ….
Sometimes you can predict the Today ‘guests ‘ – it was inevitable that 2 of Teresa May’s remainer droids – Barwell and Lidfington Were put up to do as much damage as they could . …what next Gork? Major ? £Cameron £ …?
“Suspected people smugglers arrested across Europe”
“Thousands of migrants attempt to cross the English Channel every year, at huge risk.”
How can they possibly be in danger when, 100yds off the beach they left in France, the RN and RNLI are waiting, concerned for their safety, to bring them all to a 4* hotel and a life on benefits that most Brits don’t even qualify for.
It seems like the Editor of BBC Today – Tom Smithard – is emailing every Tory MP asking them to contact ‘today ‘ is they are considering ‘ going to resign ….
… Maria Caulfield copied his ‘in confidence ‘ email onto the social media platform …..
BBC absolutely drooling over Boris’s latest misfortune with a stream of Boris haters and remainiacs lined up by the ‘impartial’ editors to spout on Toady.
Worst of it is, Boris IS useless but not for the reasons they suggest.
He is weak on the economy and has not ever planned for the Remoaner onslaught that was always bound to happen. Hid judgement is continually poor. His No 10 staff seem to border on the traitorous and he is his own worst enemy with his habitual lying and failure to remember. He must have the worst ‘advisors’ in history. You cannot fool all the people all of the time.
Dare I say it, we need strong, stable government. There is just enough time for a new leader to embed themselves in the public consciousness before the next election but I fear we are heading for a 97 type seismic shift. The great sadness of course is that SirKeer and the rentagobs have had to do absolutely nothing other than sit there and watch the Tories self-destruct.
Mrs S and I attended a resolutely traditional English middle class event yesterday evening. Attendees were uniformly natural Tory voters. Yet everyone regarded Boris as an utter laughing stock.
The BBC and the Guardian, needless to say, are loving every minute of this Tory self-flagellation.
This could all be very good for Boris if he plays it right. It has caused the two-faced sneaks to poke their heads above the parapet, reveal their true colours and Johnson can now move to put dedicated faces into his cabinet, we may end up with a much stronger Tory party now the rats have moved nearer to the exit.
It is interesting that all of the transgressions he is accused of involve other Conservatives or staff and very little against Boris himself. So the BBC have tried hard to make him the prime scapegoat for every rogue Tory MP and every snidey civil servant’s actions.
Let’s face it, like quite a lot of people I talk to they just viscerally hate Brexit and Boris is marked as No1 Brexit Bogeyman.
Good and bad news on the supply of natural Gas. In the good news it appears the Norwegian Gas Strike has been settled and we in the UK shouldn’t see any supply disruption.
The bad news is that Russia has siezed control of the Sakhalin 2 Oil and Gas terminal and fields.
How long though before Japan is in the same position as Germany, where they are forced to pay in Roubles and then supply becomes more limited or disconnected altogether?
Just sign and resign … our one size quits all letter for disgraced MPs
John Ellwood
July 6, 2022
Following the recent spate of MPs who have felt it necessary to resign from the House, or to quit ministerial positions, TCW Defending Freedom has produced a handy letter template for others who may find themselves in a similar position.
Dear Prime Minister,
Following spurious allegations in the press concerning … (delete as appropriate)
excessive drinking
the use of class A drugs
money laundering
tax evasion
illegal sexual activities
GBH on colleagues / constituents / others (please specify)
… I feel it is in the best interests of the Government, and the country, that I resign from my position as (insert as required).
Should the allegations prove to be true, I will of course apologise profusely to you, my constituents and all concerned, for any upset that has resulted from my actions. I will also seek medical assistance to help me with my addiction / frailties / misdemeanours (delete as appropriate).
In these difficult times I want to assure you that you will continue to have my full backing in the House. I will not hesitate to support government policies to facilitate illegal immigration, implement Net Zero, impose the pharmaceutical-medical tyranny, give large sums of money to dubious foreign entities, provoke an increasingly dangerous European conflict, introduce the WEF’s New World Order and enlarge the burgeoning tax burden on individuals and business.
I am pleased to say that at this difficult time I have the steadfast support of my wife and children.
It has been the honour of my life to have served in Her Majesty’s Government.
Carrie, Meghan and Yoko.
What do they have in common.
Three decent blokes who I would have enjoyed having a pint with all ending up under their thumbs.
Radio bbbc newcastle this morning, 6 Vox pops played, 1 pro Boris 5 against and then interviews with Kevin McGuire and Andrew Mitchell (Boris haters of course) so business as usual.
Christine Lagarde head of the ECB (European Central Bank) is proving that whilst it’s easy to appear competent and in control when the waters are calm, it’s much more difficult when the waters become rough and you haven’t actually got a clue what you’re doing.
Yesterday the Euro fell to a 20 year low against the dollar meaning all dollar priced imports become more expensive. Oil fell as a result of the dire economic mismanagement of Lagarde. Those who watched the Maverik of Wall street video on this will know falling commodities prices are not a good thing.
Lagardes failure to increase interest rates to combat rampant inflation is mostly behind this as Lagarde has dithered so much that there hasn’t been a rise in the rate since 2011 !
The reuters report here 4 hours old says since yesterday the situation is worse than it was, and as an addition says the Norwegian oil workers have just gone on strike (not the gas ones).
Fedup2Mar 10, 08:46 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Asiseeit It’s good of you to point out how previous threads ‘disappear ‘ as the new one goes up .…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 08:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I am not so sure that the Conservatives will win. Thanks to Trump and 51 st state joke the Canadians…
GMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ” Try to think of it in reverse. Would Canada appoint a Briton to be their central bank governor?” More…
FlotsamMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It’s strange really how Carney, a supposedly technocrat economist/banker, has found politics. You would have thought central bankers would be…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious.
Bbbc must be cock-a-hoop about the resignations because they think it will mean the end for Boris.
I bet they are gathering their data on any possible Boris replacements so that they can work on trying to get rid of whoever the next leader is (unless it’s hunt as that will mean the end of the conservatives anyway)
I did comment this morning that the ‘skids’ were under him .
Some time ago I also mentioned the fact that the Tories are ‘Libdems in disguise’ .
There must be some real Conservatives left willing to pull us out of this ‘green blob’ mess. Afterall, many people did lend them their vote to get us out of the EU and secure our borders.
Mission not completed yet !
New correction
on 29 June 2022 In our story about Poland’s role within Nato, the map wrongly named Poland over the territory of Belarus.
We are sorry for the error.
.. Why did it take a week just to admit a basic map error ?
Just read this utter ballocks from the BBC !!!
How a multi-cultural journey is thriving in London.
Norrie’s journey began in Johannesburg and, after moving to Auckland as a child and then studying in Texas, has since made a home in London.
They are sick he isn’t black or from a “war torn” country.
What has race or culture go to do with this year’s tennis sensation???
The BBC joy will be uncontained which will be the worst part of it.
If Nadine did her job the Beeb would no longer exist as a parasite taxing us. Either it would be repaying the taxpayer by going commercial or it would be Bust !
And If Pritti did the job that she promised to do, the ongoing invasion of our coast would have stopped three years ago !
The Tories need to get a grip or they will be finished in two years .
Because of the promises and promises made by the present government we lost a great party in the budding – The Brexit Party !
Perhaps the Reform Party can reform The Brexit Party?
Fairly old article from UK Column News but spot on. All UK Govts need the BBC to convey their policy and the MSM will follow:
From the BBC NEWS
Butter brand Lurpak has said the price of its products has gone up so that dairy farmers get a fair deal.
Lurpak was trending on Twitter as shoppers expressed shock at the price of the spread in supermarkets. A 750g tub is £7.25 in Sainsbury’s
THATS Danish farmers I take it…..reporting lies again not British farmers…..
Buy lurpak futures – the new bitcoin
There is a meme involving Marlon Brando doing the rounds…
Probably better to invest in other brands as well so you can spread the risk.
For the past few weeks I have been posting that the Left no longer has any understanding of politics outside of calling anyone they don’t agree with some meaningless ism or fauxbia, and economics is a prime example.
Because of the Blue Labour mismanagement of the economy, the pound is in freefall again. Time was that a prime minister wouldn’t just be called to give an account of why to parliament, but he would have to address the nation as Wilson did in his infamous pound in your pocket speech.
I hear naive people talking about the cost of oil per barrel and saying it wasn’t that expensive a litre at the pump when it was that much a few years ago.
What they aren’t taking into account is the exchange rate. If we had the exchange rate Wilson had after his devaluation petrol and diesel would be half what it is currently. That is the extent of the latest devaluation and the effects of decades of Socialism punctuated by a brief period of conservatism under Margaret Thatcher.
The low point was the Soros backed Black Thursday when the Pound crashed out of the ERM when it dropped to $1.05 briefly now it’s below the significant $1.20 which should concern everyone. The fact it doesn’t is even more concerning.
Buy Morrisons or Aldi Lurpak copies.
I actually like the Tesco version myself…… but the strategy is the right one, Wild Bill.
Prince Charlieboy visited Wales today and took in a tour of the colossal waste of money that is BBC Wales in Cardiff.
One Hundred and Twenty million pounds (spelled it to not cause heart palpitations) and they think it’s good value !
Did he ‘get a taste ‘ with a suitcase full of TV licence cash ?
Is it true that you have to speak Welsh to get gig at BBC in Cardiff?
Everything can be said to be good value when you’re not using your own money.
BBC local news today seemed to be saying
“We can’t be bothered with actual news we’ll just read viewers emails about stuff they want to promote and then send the cameras to them.”
Item #1 If you sit in Grimsby pedestrian precinct, you can see cyclists riding dangerously
#2 Six minutes of speculation about Boris, local Tory MPs won’t say anything.
#3 female wants to promote her photography of aeroplanes
#4 Autistic boy wants to talk about his week of living 1980s style
to raise money for charity.
Impeccable timing.
+++Durham Police issue Fixed Penalty Notice to Sir Keir Starmer.+++
says Old Holborn the sh!tposter
posting things to wind people up
agreed – given Starmer’s connections (and legal expertise) you’d expect him to be less reticent about the state of play there … Looks from the cheap seats as if he’s effectively “pleading the 5th”.
let’s see
Rees Mogg as chancellor would be a hoot though – they’d have to send half the Guardian staff for PTSD therapy.
Both the “main” parties leaderless would sit with the chaos around the place though?
A bit harsh I guess – but If Boris bales then it seems likely he’ll be of little further use to the princess…
You notice a, ‘Dandy’ like R-M is and always will be, uncomfortable in any position of direct responsibly for fear of being administratively found lacking. This articulate Dandy is no exception
Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister were video training courses.
tomo, where do you see that? BBC are not reporting it.
Is it true? – or – did you see it on the BBC?
To be honest at this stage I’d see it as more biased to interview loons who are claiming Boris can survive.
I’m not sure of the process but can Johnson call an election back me or sack me like Heath did without recourse to other people?
Peterborough man
After spending a day there last year I can appreciate where Mr, Beecher is coming from.
The bit I went to felt like what I’d imagined Tirana to be like in the 1970s.
Globalist bank guys choose to resign
The Conservatives in Government currently committing electoral suicide, I see. The 1990s all over again.
John Redwood tweets
The BBC ask Labour why they do not want to re enter the EU single market,
but refuse to challenge them over how they think the EU could be persuaded to change its extreme interpretation of the NI Protocol
As always the BBC resolutely accepts the bad actions of the EU.
I heard Gale earlier complain that having Boris as our elected Prime Minister, albeit elected by the party of elected members, not the populace itself, threatens our democracy….
….. he then goes on to say that 148 Conservative MPS were not happy with Boris as leader of tha party (an absoloute minority of the Conservative MPs), and therefore they should be allowed to make the decision to remove Boris.
Now there’s a man that believes in democracy…… but a version that can only work if it comes to the decisions he and his minions deem to be the right ones.
I keep hearing business sector leaders complain that, in their specific sector , they have lost droves of employees who all went to other business sectors as a result of Covid, etc., to get better jobs, salaries etc.
Airport staff, teaching staff, hospital staff, truck drivers, shop assistants, farm employees, hosptality staff, butchers and slaughtermen and so on and so forth – the list seems endless. In fact, it’s one of the usual mantras dragged out of any business leader brought on to the radio on almost a daily basis by the BBC.
Now, call me a cynic, but surely that must mean that some business sectors are doing so damned well that they can get any number of competent staff, pay them spectacular wages and offer amazing employment opportunites ….. but, I haven’t heard a single business leader from any sector that thinks that applies to them.
So – where are all these employees going ? And how did they get trained to work in their new employment sectors ? And why doesn’t the BBC launch a major investigation into this so we can become world leaders in any business sector that enjoys such munificence.
Nah – much easier to just continually moan about how bad things are in every busines sector, and how it’s all the fault of the current UK government.
Rishi Sunak, Sajid Javid. What a pair of utter creeps, glad they’ve gone. Backstabbing ethnics, Britain is better without them.
BBC Radio 5 Live seem to be delighted with the news.
Residential property and 31 acres of land in Warwickshire, with stables run as a livery yard by Zahawi and Zahawi Ltd who also receive rental income for them: (i) and (ii). (Updated 08 January 2020)
From 15 July 2015 until 12 December 2017, Chief Strategy Officer for Gulf Keystone Petroleum, 6th Floor, New Fetter Place, 8-10 New Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1AZ; an oil and gas exploration and production company. (Registered 20 October 2015; updated 4 November 2015, 19 September 2017 and 17 January 2018)
Name of donor: Middlesex University Dubai
Address of donor: Middlesex Univeristy Dubai Campus, Knowledge Village, Block 16, Dubai
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £3,500
Destination of visit: Dubai
Date of visit: 20-24 September 2010
Purpose of visit: to visit Middlesex University Dubai and Dubai London Clinic
(Registered 8 October 2010)
Eco City Vehicles plc, Hemming House, Hemming Street, London, E1 5BL; distributes and services London taxis. Duties include chairing board meetings and keeping in touch with senior management.
Received payment of £10,000. Hours: 28 hrs. (Registered 7 December 2009)
Received payment of £10,000. Hours: 45 hrs. (Registered 24 March 2010)
Received payment of £3,333.33. Hours: 9 hrs. (Registered 9 June 2010)
Received payment of £3,333.33. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 15 July 2010)
Received payment of £3,333.33. Hours: 6 hrs. (Registered 11 August 2010)
Received payment of £7,833.32. Hours: 34 hrs. (Registered 3 June 2010)
Received payment of £3,916.61. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 3 June 2010)
Received payment of £3,333.33 Hours: 11 hrs. (Registered 10 October 2010)
Received payment of 33,333.33. Hours: 9 hrs. (Registered 13 November 2010)
First London Securities Group plc, Norfolk House, 31 St James Square, London, SW1Y 4JR; investment bankers. Duties include attending board meetings and occasional meetings with senior management. Resigned 14 March 2010.
Received payment of £12,500. Hours: 11 hrs. (Registered 9 January 2010)
PM for next PM.
She even has the right initials.
Emmanuel Goldstein
Please elaborate ?
He is referring to Penny Mordaunt, Taffman. She is a conservative MP. She is also quite a good one who I would love to see moving into No 10 later in the week.
Boris has to go. He has no more awareness of what’s going on in the real world than Joe Biden.
Boris will not get any better, he is not on the point of regaining his popularity as some seem to think. He started out as an electoral asset for the Cons but within a short period of time became an electoral ass. Now he is an electoral liability.
To all intents and purposes he is politically finished. He is no more. He is an ex-PM.
The conservatives who want to cut him more and more slack are simply cutting their own throats. He will go down in history as marginally better than Cameron and May so he should quit while he’s still ahead of those abysmal leaders.
I’ve resisted the notion of Boris going because it’s was what the BBC et al have been wanting for months and because of fears that it might undo what we have of Brexit. But now I think him staying is actually a bigger danger to Brexit than him going.
Hope the next PM ditches green agenda, sorts out NPI , controls immigration both legal and illegal and stuffs the BBC.
Rathe optimistic .
Agree, YD…
Penny for PM, and Liz for Chancellor, forget Sunak and Javid, they’re never going to make the cut, with too much baggage
Norwegian gas supplies to the UK could be shut off this weekend if a dispute over pay for oil and gas workers escalates, a pipeline operator has warned
Why has Dominic Cummings not been mentioned in all this ? he has been stood in the shadows rubbing his hands like Uriah Heep, he may not have been firing the gun, but has been quietly handing out the bullets.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, England have won another Test Match) there are only two conclusions that one can draw about Cummings. Either he has been bought (unlikely, I recall he is ‘independently wealthy’) or his family and wider family have been threatened.
These are very dark days.
“Oldham doctor jailed for killing patient in botched procedure”
“Haemotologist Mamman qualified as a doctor in Nigeria and had worked in the UK since 1991.”
Did anyone check his qualifications?
Past time that doctors had to do what airline pilots call “check rides” to retain their tickets esp. in specialties. The profession in the Anglosphere are obsessed with credentials over competence and highly resistant to oversight. It doesn’t have to be onerous although there’s a couple of GP practices around here that regularly attract lots of complaints.
I wonder what’s in this guys history… 30 years and … wait a mo – I saw something earlier about his age (80!) – was he working a full schedule ?
I’ve dealt with several doctors in Nigeria who were skilled surgeons and thorough investigators – this is more about “Spanish practices” than ethnicity.
– good old NHS “management” again.
I wonder
1) How much this man has been paid from the public purse
2) How many others like him are not skilled to the standard we all assume they are.
Nobody dare go near that thanks to people like the BBC. They are permanently sniffing for the slightest hints of racism to pounce on. They don’t care one bit about what it actually means in the real world and how many people might have suffered.
I’ve said it many times : the Left are a cancer in our society and are slowly destroying it.
The BBC report linked has the doctor’s age as 85!
Using the airline pilot analogy – one might (sensibly I feel) expect somebody of that age to have a co-pilot!
The antics of that Penine NHS Trust wrt to this doctor are v.simply indefensible.
The date on his qualifications indicated that he must’ve been a precocious teenager to qualify aa a MD at the age of 16 and started his training at age 10….
Some well deserved P45s + pensionectomies ? >>> Not likely!!
Remedial ‘rithmetic for NHS management ?
It would be racist to have done so.
Probably not. I know from experience that Locum Cons. Psychiatrists who arrived from the colonies to earn a few readies, certainly did not have in-depth background checks carried out; and more than one was discreetly asked to leave after a fortnight when it became clear to staff that their “know how” was clearly wanting.
Even the Psychiatrist I worked for, who came from India admitted that the qualifying exam there is way below the standard expected here. I wasn’t impressed.
One certain GP in the North of England who arrived having bought a degree from Pakistan was practicing fortunately in the Pakistani community was sacked after prescribing creosote to be applied to a rash !
Whist with the sentiment Thoughtful, a friend in the 1970s with psoriasis had a week in hospital being painted daily with a tar like substance. It did improve things for a short while but she still had psoriasis.
Deborah, oil is well-known as a healing substance.
my gp tried to suggest coal tar soap !!
Spot the frackers
AndyNgo retweets of Portland AntiFa assaults on random people and Federal facilities are “not working”
meanwhile in The Netherlands
Rutte WEF gubbermint send out tanks.
Dutch farmers…..
Tomo – fascinating ( wrong word ) frightening ? The was the MSM choose to ‘non story ‘ selected events . Usually European issues get the full treatment . But the Dutch ? A non story .
I sometimes wonder whether at certain times the BBC becomes a full on State broadcaster . The government is frightened of civil disobedience – mainly fuel protests – so any incident which might replicate this in the UK is suppressed ….
However – we have really hard times coming and no amount of censorship will stop reality …. Particularly in the worst case – which is the lights going off and every thing which goes with that .
Two people I know, who don’t know each other were present at the 2000 fuel protests at the distribution depots at Avonmouth and Fawley. They tell similar stories of spending two days demonstrating, following all strictures applied by local police – day 2 several riot vans turn up, the occupants dress up and after a delay – form up + attack the demonstrators. The local BBC stations (Points West + South Today) both carried segments claiming the absolute opposite – complete inversion, slathered with lies and smears.
BBC TV regional reporting is putrid + poisonous – and they know it – there’s a reason that the regional magazine programs fizzle to dust after a few days (iirc now it’s 24 hours).
Totally agree. But now that world establishment, lead by the WEF , is steadily reducing the power of ordinary people’s vote and undermining democracy as a result, what else but civil disobedience is left to ordinary people in terms of protest . No doubt the WEF have a plan for enforcing their policies, probably via a social credit system which is only possible because digitalisation of everyday life.
Of course in different countries the people will express their unhappiness with the political class in different ways.
Dea-John Reid killing: I got no justice at trial, says mother
First line:
‘The mother of a black teenager fatally stabbed by a white boy ..’
So the BBC see fit to run this lengthy article loaded with empathy (as they always are for BAME these days) article on the main UK page because the white boy was found guilty of manslaughter of a black gang member instead of murder.
Then in ‘London Violence’ I see this from 8h ago:
‘Shadika Patel: Man murdered mother taking lockdown food to sons’
‘James Sinclair stabbed to death 40-year-old Shadika Patel, who he did not know, in East Ham, on 19 March, 2020.
He was also convicted by the jury of attempting to murder Beverley Barzey, 48, the next night in Islington.’
The only other BBC story google shows me is from 6 days ago when the trial started. No sign of any report of her original murder, never mind any vigils and demands the government do something about it.
‘Sinclair then ducked out of view and put a glove on his hand before running towards her and stabbing her seven times in the face, head and shoulders, jurors were told.’
The second case is clearly MUCH more sinister. Random murder of innocent women in a truly savage manner. If you don’t know the BBC, you might wonder why the second one didn’t make the headlines. If you do, you will know exactly why.
Here he is:

Oddly enough, the BBC didn’t mention the colour of the murderer in this one.
Just imagine the outrage and scale of the coverage if he was white.
The BBC are anti-white, racist scum. We’ve seen it enough times now to put it beyond any doubt. And as they clearly think it’s OK, OFCOM are the same.
Too many coloured boys in prison … get the Lammy ….
There is a March 2020 reply tweet to a BBC reporter mentioning the murder of Patel
after he did report on a murder in Plaistow
He replied that the police told him they are not connected, which is true they weren’t.
.. As you said there has been no BBC story about the victims until the start of this trial.
I only found this one by accident as I check the ‘London Violence’ page every now and then just to see what they are hiding from me in the main pages. Otherwise I would never have known.
The racist double standards of the ‘unbiased and impartial’ BBC are simply staggering. I’m dumbfounded why it’s never even brought up.
BBC reporting the open racism of this coloured boy’s mother – the jury had 11 whitees and a ‘south Asian ‘ therefore they were biased against her killer son .
Not much contrition there . I wonder what the criminal record of the mother looks like ? Or is that my prejudice kicking in …
… I still favour the death penalty for serious crimes like killing – if only to make space in prisons ….
Not a face I would trust to walk my dog.
HD just put up video about this
Then another about BBC Severus black claim
Boris Johnson fights for political survival as cabinet ministers quit
The bBC even shows a diagram of how the PM could resign! Although they have only been going on and on and on about partygate which seems like forever and everytime the PM sneezes forever, I’m beginning to think the likes of the most trusted do not like the PM! (i’m joking, they don’t)
Impartial broadcaster?
Regardless of what you think of Boris, the behaviour of the BBC is nothing less than an attempt to remove a leader they hate because of Brexit. Their bias is blatant and extreme.
And they are being allowed to do it. Which is the part we should worry about. Who or what is next ?.
Today watch
Andy – following on – an unusually wide awake our Justin and the obnoxious comrade Robinson unable to cover their happiness regarding events . They sound like they want to be ‘responsible ‘ for bringing nut nut – for whom I have no time -down .
I hope he is replaced by someone who is both Conservative and Decent – but the choice is very limited . I reckon the most likely candidate will be a lady politician . ….but not until the MPs go on their holidays – subject – of course to PMQs and the select committee appearance today .
Meanwhile inflation is embedded – financial strain is growing rapidly and the Recession will be official next year ….
Shortsighted, Fed. See how you like the economy and what you are allowed to do when we are back in an increasingly Socialist EU!
I know the BBC is biased against nut nut . I also know that the State Broadcaster is anti British anti white anti male anti Christian .
But the facts are the facts . And nut nuts’ luck has run out . He got lucky on covid – but that’s it . Yes – the BBC want socialism – but the actions and decisions of nut nut are facilitating it .
I’m of the very Right Wing – with views far away from the conventional group think . I know when I’m being fed propaganda – but I can also see what is happening .
To be perfectly Frank – worrying about re joining the Reich EU is superseded by the coming hardship over the next couple of years or more …. With or without a World War …
Fed, did you not pay attention to what Bojo was like as Mayor of London? If you are a Party member, did you then vote for him in the leadership election? I gather Javid and Sunak did.
Bojo got lucky on Covid? What planet are you on?!!! I suspect the PM was fed false information and false facts on it – to lead him to make poor decisions – and when he caught it I wonder where the source of the infection came from? Yes, it is possible to see conspiracies anywhere and everywhere but if you agree Covid came along to nudge Trump out of the White House then why not see an even bigger picture?
I would never be a member of a current political party . Never have been . Nut nut was as hair brained as he is now – but I suppose he had better staff – which I think is the key to his current failings – as well as the lefty wife .
I say he was lucky with covid because he found someone to do the vaccine – otherwise he’d have took the country into an even worst state than it was and is .
Your comment is academic any way because he will be gone … maybe they’ll wait for recess but I don’t think they ll give him that …
There are shades of thatcher with the ‘international community ‘ seeing him as “ok” but the home front seeing him as toast for minor mistakes..
Whatever blue labour one comes next must hold out to 2024 for the election though – and maybe use some of that majority they have – and which nut nut didn’t use …..
Not sure when the sunak resignation speech will be – or whether he will land up delivering it …
Presumably this site will be subject to a Starmer Beergate Superinjuction if there is one. We can’t be told of course.
Make no mistake, this is all about Brexit. This is a concerted effort by all sorts of interests spearheaded by the BBC to reverse Brexit. Big business, the EU, globalists, Socialists want Britain back under their thumb.
This is the Battle for Britain.
Steyn mentioned beergate briefly last night . I think there is a super injunction – mainly because there is no discussion of it or beergate or Durham plod or anything relating to it .
Also – the Huge announcement Starmer made about not rejoining the ReichEU had no ‘live ‘ press conference afterward –
It looks like the socialists here are using the ‘Biden ‘ method – which – incidentally – Steyn also referred to last night – and the first time I’ve heard anyone mention the fraudulent `US election for a long time – including Fox News …
Flotsam – yes it’s partly a ‘battle for Britain ‘ but it is also a dishonest PM who is disgracing his office ..
… he put a drunk queer with form for indecent assault as Deputy Chief Whip – no – get a PM who knows what he is doing and has decency and judgement .
Steyn Starmer Injunction
So annoyed at the bBC “reporting” today!
Why its called “British” anymore, needs a name change W.B.S. (world b*ll sh*t)
Used to start my day looking for “news”, now its just looking to take the P of how far they have fallen
Sorry rant over 🙂
I object to the word British in BBC because it implies they represent the British people. Which they certainly do not.
Views are his own, amazingly.
TOADY Watch #1 – the question the BBC are not asking
Sunak and Javid resignations front and centre and in the wings and chorus on the BBC stage this morning. Twenty minutes from 6.35 a.m. were enough to convince me I should not listen again this morning to TOADY. All these BBC ‘world class journalists and highly paid top Presenter journalists’ not asking questions!
1. Did Sunak and Javid resign so that they can campaign for leadership of the Conservative Party now in the event of the PM resigning or being pushed out?
TOADY Watch #2 – the question the BBC are not asking
More importantly than the first question, will Carrie Antoinette let the PM let go of 10 Downing Street. Carrie will not be able to look at that wallpaper anymore. Carrie, if not the PM, will ‘fight them on the beaches, fight them on the landing grounds, fight them on the streets’ to hang on to that wallpaper.
More like “crisis? What Crisis?” from a PM who appears the reincarnation of Harold Wilson !
Ukraine war: Market hit as Russians shell frontline city Slovyansk
The image in the link, show all the shutters down for the stalls at the market – the market was most likely shut
Layla, Ange and all the other bright ones are tweeting like fury too, liked by Alistair Campbell…
Putting up a bronze one and let’s get high on our own supply edition
And Mr AsISeeIt admits he’d also quit forthwith
BBC headlines: Rishi Sunak’s and Sajid Javid’s resignation letters in full; Who is Nadhim Zahawi? Iraqi refugee to chancellor; Faisal Islam: Sunak letter reveals tensions over economy trouble – this is all going on in Britain, right? It’s the names. Someone please remind me which country we’re in?
Joking aside, you’ll have noticed – or perhaps it slipped your attention – that the global pandemic is still not officially declared finished with, the all-out war in Europe with an evil dictator is on-going (and going worse than we were led to believe for our side) and the world economy is in a tailspin about to crash at any moment into crisis and depression. More of other big news in The Great Reset later… but first the Punch and Judy show…
Boris Johnson fights for political survival as he prepares to face MPs – says our BBC this morning, more than happy to put that on record.
Formerly patriotic paper of record the Times has no time for the likes of Jacob Rees-Mogg and his calm historical precedents and measured constitutional detail, moving as slow and labouriously as a Robert Peston monologue – politics really ought to move with the media news cycle, at the speed of the on-screen chyrons chugging away on the lower third of the TV broadcast picture: Johnson on the brink (Times) – as they say to potty training babies – piss or get off the brink, why don’t you?
Fabulous irony here that the final straw was the epitome – the very embodiment of our latterday Tory libertine anything goes gay cavaliers – gets ousted for defending the naughty behaviour of a homosexual friend – be that behaviour outrageous by current standards (allegedly).
At his surrender to American forces in 1945 Hermann Goring is quoted as saying: “In fifty or sixty years there will be statues of me all over Germany”
Stonewall may yet one day put up a bronze one for Boris.
For Mr AsISeeIt, who tends to be personally liberal in his own small circle, but advocates for social conservatism in public policy (I know, it’s a lost cause) – the last straw was BoJo’s fat-headed remarks about toxic masculinity and his bizarre musing that were Putin a woman, he wouldn’t have gone a conquering.
Bad enough Boris Johnson (or Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson – to deadname him as the Twitterati teenagers would say) tied us inextricably to the downfall of former comedian, TV soap opera actor and EU-Nato operative Zelensky (spellings vary).
This came as Boris is supposed to be premier of the land of the Roman-bashing Queen Boadicea (spellings vary) Spanish Armada-dispersing Elizabeth I, and… for goodness sake… the Empire-building Queen Victoria Empress of India. Russia too expanded enormously under their own Catherine the Great. Toxic feminity by modern standards, anyone?
Can even Boris the greased piglet wriggle out of this? – asks the rhetorical headline in the Daily (toxic?) Mail – don’t ask me, although I did just update my electoral register entry – just in case.
By way of small digression… I was made to believe I had to do this online after rather insistent email reminders and was then invited to complete a survey whose questions appear to heavily promote notions of online voting by way of asking how likely one was to vote by various methods. Of course postal voting was also pushed hard at me both in the actual electoral register process and in the survey. All concluded with the now de rigueur racial profiling and the end of the survey. Watch out for the survey result headlines claiming such and such a minority is stripped of their democratic rights due to our out-moded antiquated institutionally racist voting system.
Johnson hanging by a thread as Sunak and Javid walk out (Telegraph) – Mussolini’s last words before he and his mistress were shot and strung up by Italian partisans are said to have been: “aim at my heart”
In other news, in The Great Reset as we teased earlier…
Post-pandemic Sats results show record fall (Telegraph) – so thanks to the covid our kids are now as thick as Micks – all the better for lowering the voting age. Apologies to my Irish readers for the casual eire-phobic epithet there – it’s just an expression – we’ve no serious reason or desire to besmirch the cognative abilities of the birthland of James Joyce, Edmund Burke or Dave Allen.
Russia shifts focus of battle to Slovyansk (Telegraph) – to borrow from Midge Ure of early 80s synth pop outfit Ultravox on the subject of Vienna “This means nothing to me” – I’ll have to look out a large scale map of the Donetsk region to trace the whereabouts of that particular Oblast – because I doubt Slovyansk FC have ever made it onto one of my Champions League wall charts.
Bank raises prospect of 5pc interest rates – the Telegraph is proving a veritable cornucopia of real bad Other News this morning.
Sadly house cartoonist Matt fails to amuse with his Wimbledon umpire calling “Out!” at the news of Rishi and Javid quitting. Frankly, if Mr AsISeeIt were tasked with the gig of running the NHS or the economy, I think I’d also quit forthwith to spend more time politicking.
People-smuggling network smashed (Telegraph) – I think they’re trying to cheer us up? Do we believe for one moment hyper-immigration has been halted?
Isn’t it good Norwegian wood? – or so the Beatles once suggested. Meanwhile, who knew these days we were all on Nowegian gas? Oslo heads off strike that threatened to sever UK gas supplies from Norway (FT) – bad enough our home grown trades unions hold the public to ransom. This is all too globalised for my liking. Frack me some gas! Let’s get high on our own supply.
Asiseeit – outstanding – and events really are a ‘challenge ‘. You missed my favourite story of the day – The Wimbledon Quiet Room – which apparently is not so quiet due to ‘amorous encounters ‘ ….
… as I write Robinson is interviewing the new chancellor – during the interview 2 blue labour MPs resigned from government jobs …
I wonder what the record is for the shortest chancellor career ? ….
WEF’s lot are uglier mind.
Today again
Sometimes you can predict the Today ‘guests ‘ – it was inevitable that 2 of Teresa May’s remainer droids – Barwell and Lidfington Were put up to do as much damage as they could . …what next Gork? Major ? £Cameron £ …?
“Suspected people smugglers arrested across Europe”
“Thousands of migrants attempt to cross the English Channel every year, at huge risk.”
“Attempt” ?
Shouldn’t the caption be succeed?
And what ‘risk’ ? If there was as many drowning as arrive on these shores, then the risk is 50/50 chance of getting here. But clearly its not.
How can they possibly be in danger when, 100yds off the beach they left in France, the RN and RNLI are waiting, concerned for their safety, to bring them all to a 4* hotel and a life on benefits that most Brits don’t even qualify for.
lines in BBC local news
“All Lincolnshire’s Tory MPs have been approached for comment”
.. “now in other news” (after 2 mins of banging on about Boris)
Over on Radio Humberside they promised us comments from “David Davis the Tory MP who has previously called for Boris to step down over Partygate ”
Presenter”So what do you think about all this TURMOIL?
ring us, tweet us”
.. it’s not big turmoil to me
From the tWitter
It seems like the Editor of BBC Today – Tom Smithard – is emailing every Tory MP asking them to contact ‘today ‘ is they are considering ‘ going to resign ….
… Maria Caulfield copied his ‘in confidence ‘ email onto the social media platform …..
More on Toady here:-
Thank you – I’m glad to echo Guido .
I think there is a need to separate the actual nut nut conduct from the way the Socialist BBC is exploiting it and ‘painting their picture ‘.
The socialists of Labour and the SNP and ‘liberals ‘ need only sit back and see their work done for them ….
… the BBC must be desperate – desperate – for a ‘new ‘ scandal …( probably again from 2020) ….
BBC absolutely drooling over Boris’s latest misfortune with a stream of Boris haters and remainiacs lined up by the ‘impartial’ editors to spout on Toady.
Worst of it is, Boris IS useless but not for the reasons they suggest.
He is weak on the economy and has not ever planned for the Remoaner onslaught that was always bound to happen. Hid judgement is continually poor. His No 10 staff seem to border on the traitorous and he is his own worst enemy with his habitual lying and failure to remember. He must have the worst ‘advisors’ in history. You cannot fool all the people all of the time.
Dare I say it, we need strong, stable government. There is just enough time for a new leader to embed themselves in the public consciousness before the next election but I fear we are heading for a 97 type seismic shift. The great sadness of course is that SirKeer and the rentagobs have had to do absolutely nothing other than sit there and watch the Tories self-destruct.
Mrs S and I attended a resolutely traditional English middle class event yesterday evening. Attendees were uniformly natural Tory voters. Yet everyone regarded Boris as an utter laughing stock.
The BBC and the Guardian, needless to say, are loving every minute of this Tory self-flagellation.
Basically it’s a coup, an obviously coordinated sweep of resignations.
Sunak, no loss at all, a walking talking disaster of a Chancellor.
I think they’ve made their move before the Starmer Beergate fine becomes public which would obviously bolster Johnson’s position.
Wonder if he has his Green Card renewed ?
This could all be very good for Boris if he plays it right. It has caused the two-faced sneaks to poke their heads above the parapet, reveal their true colours and Johnson can now move to put dedicated faces into his cabinet, we may end up with a much stronger Tory party now the rats have moved nearer to the exit.
It is interesting that all of the transgressions he is accused of involve other Conservatives or staff and very little against Boris himself. So the BBC have tried hard to make him the prime scapegoat for every rogue Tory MP and every snidey civil servant’s actions.
Let’s face it, like quite a lot of people I talk to they just viscerally hate Brexit and Boris is marked as No1 Brexit Bogeyman.
Yes. You could view it as a clearout.
Good and bad news on the supply of natural Gas. In the good news it appears the Norwegian Gas Strike has been settled and we in the UK shouldn’t see any supply disruption.
The bad news is that Russia has siezed control of the Sakhalin 2 Oil and Gas terminal and fields.
They say the existing contracts will be honoured
How long though before Japan is in the same position as Germany, where they are forced to pay in Roubles and then supply becomes more limited or disconnected altogether?
Don’t think this is a faraway region of which we know little, the loss of 4% of the worlds LNG production would hit prices for us too.
Pipeline to the krauts due to be switched off on the 10th …
There’s always coal gas , but we need to cut the ‘Green Blob’.
we need to cut the ‘Green Blob’, Boris is rumoured to be gone by the weekend.
A nice nick the Green Blob though!
From The Conservative Woman
Just sign and resign … our one size quits all letter for disgraced MPs
John Ellwood
July 6, 2022
Following the recent spate of MPs who have felt it necessary to resign from the House, or to quit ministerial positions, TCW Defending Freedom has produced a handy letter template for others who may find themselves in a similar position.
Dear Prime Minister,
Following spurious allegations in the press concerning … (delete as appropriate)
excessive drinking
the use of class A drugs
money laundering
tax evasion
illegal sexual activities
GBH on colleagues / constituents / others (please specify)
… I feel it is in the best interests of the Government, and the country, that I resign from my position as (insert as required).
Should the allegations prove to be true, I will of course apologise profusely to you, my constituents and all concerned, for any upset that has resulted from my actions. I will also seek medical assistance to help me with my addiction / frailties / misdemeanours (delete as appropriate).
In these difficult times I want to assure you that you will continue to have my full backing in the House. I will not hesitate to support government policies to facilitate illegal immigration, implement Net Zero, impose the pharmaceutical-medical tyranny, give large sums of money to dubious foreign entities, provoke an increasingly dangerous European conflict, introduce the WEF’s New World Order and enlarge the burgeoning tax burden on individuals and business.
I am pleased to say that at this difficult time I have the steadfast support of my wife and children.
It has been the honour of my life to have served in Her Majesty’s Government.
Yours ever,
Lol – always useful to have a ‘pro formae ‘ to cover most
‘Incidents ‘…
… the TV / radio studios must be inundated with recently resigned government ministers / go fors wishing to audition for a job in the new regime …
Yes very useful but left out :-
‘ Having your wife dictate Government policy and Government appointments ‘
Last remaining coal-fired power stations
Not much wind, so its being kept on 🙁
Carrie, Meghan and Yoko.
What do they have in common.
Three decent blokes who I would have enjoyed having a pint with all ending up under their thumbs.
Radio bbbc newcastle this morning, 6 Vox pops played, 1 pro Boris 5 against and then interviews with Kevin McGuire and Andrew Mitchell (Boris haters of course) so business as usual.
Lenon was anything but a decent bloke, unless you have a penchant for hypocritical wife beaters?
And he wrote “Imagine”. That is truly unforgiveable. It was indisputably the worst song ever written, until Elton re-did “Candle in the wind”.
Glad you didn’t include Coretta Scott King and her husband Martin Luther in that list.
Because he was a scumbag of the highest order. Walked in on a friend raping a woman and offered him encouragement apparently.
But with the Left being such massive, massive hypocrites, we don’t talk about that ….
Lennon immortalised in song, as he should be:
Christine Lagarde head of the ECB (European Central Bank) is proving that whilst it’s easy to appear competent and in control when the waters are calm, it’s much more difficult when the waters become rough and you haven’t actually got a clue what you’re doing.
Yesterday the Euro fell to a 20 year low against the dollar meaning all dollar priced imports become more expensive. Oil fell as a result of the dire economic mismanagement of Lagarde. Those who watched the Maverik of Wall street video on this will know falling commodities prices are not a good thing.
Lagardes failure to increase interest rates to combat rampant inflation is mostly behind this as Lagarde has dithered so much that there hasn’t been a rise in the rate since 2011 !
The reuters report here 4 hours old says since yesterday the situation is worse than it was, and as an addition says the Norwegian oil workers have just gone on strike (not the gas ones).