I’m not going to be shedding any crocodile tears for our soon to be ex prime minister.
Boris allowed himself to be bullied by SAGE and the media into imposing a series of massively damaging lockdowns. It was only his backbenchers that forced him to release us. It was insane and now we’re all feeling the pinch.
His obsession with green energy, carbon zero, high taxes and his recent comments about Putin’s “toxic masculinity” prove to me he isn’t a conservative in anything but name.
He’s not a lone cuckoo
rather the Conservative party is a nest of cuckoos
.. A party of Islington globalist woke spendthrift, socialists pushing fake green agendas.
Wasn’t Thatcher the last actual Conservative to be the party leader ?
Being a bit sad – I’ve read the resignation letters the mail online has helpfully translated ….
… a tip … if nut nut survives til next week he is due to make a Big Economy speech – his new chancellor will want to make a mark . So I reckon they ll cut VAT – maybe on fuel – maybe of ‘goods ‘ … so if you are thinking of buying something – might be worth waiting a few days ….
That’s a wild bit of advice because there are so many variables – ….. but it’s a view ….
… then rates go up .5% in the august Monetary meeting ….
A prem footballer – and engerland player -aged 29 – has been arrested in North London on suspicion of a number of rapes …
… the internet speculates on 2 players who fit the bill – if they are spurs or arsenal …
…. I wonder – why make such details public because it just encourages keyboard detectives to go look ? ( I’m not giving the names though ) ….
I’m only making brief visits to this site these days. So, just to summarise all above (only got about half way down though),
We are witnessing the, now rapid, breakdown of Law and Order. From a macro vision, that direction has been obvious for some years.
Just sit back and let it wash over you because no one, but no one, on the stage can stop it.
Jabbit, who took his oath of allegiance on the Koran, will make a crucial resignation statement in the Commons immediately after PMQs in an intervention that could finish Boris Johnson’s premiership once and for all.
Be interesting to see how the bBc report the arrest of this boat smuggling gang.
You wouldn’t put it past them introducing a humanitarian angle to this criminality.
A “proper” investigation must seek to ascertain whether there are linkages to the French and German authorities e.g. Police.
@pritipatel tweets
This hugely significant operation involving 40 arrests sends a clear message to the criminal people-smuggling gangs across Europe & beyond:
We’ll stop at nothing to end your trade, bring you to justice & save lives.
Third boat full of migrants escorted in-to Dover England today
There is currently 3 more ongoing pick-ups happening in the channel
The raids across Europe yesterday taking down smuggling gangs is having a massive impact NOT.
600K Immigrants lost by the UK Home Office.
20K Terrorists on the UK terrorist watch list.
3K Extreme Terrorists on the UK terrorist watch list.
22 Lost in Manchester according to Theresa May.
1 More attack labelled bad driving this month of August.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
History Debunked has said of the Alex Belfield case “I’ve never heard of a journalist doing daily reports on their own court case, where they are the one being prosecuted”
em actually media orgs like the BBC are prosecuted in court
and do report on such cases
eg the way the BBC was found guilty for naming a grooming gang victim
.. they were let off of course.
Belfield’s daily report consists of him merely quoting what was said in the court
So far only one witness has appeared
His Radio Leeds boss Rozina Breen
It was stated that 4,000 emails from Belfield had mentioned her
However it seems mostly Belfield didn’t send them to her, rather people like other BBC staff forwarded them to her.
I don’t see how if a third party forwards her the emails Belfield has sent how that can constitute harassment.
The prosecutions case is that when you send many upsetting emails to a person, that counts as harassing a person, and that is the same as stalking
I think that is a stretch too far, but don’t expect the court to be fair.
I expect Belfield to state that he FIRST received hundreds of intimidating emails from the BBC and police, so he was merely standing up for himself.
I forced myself to watch a bit of Newsnight last night. One of the commentators could barely contain himself, particularly when Heseltine was dragged out, looking like an extra from a Hammer film, opining that Brexit was ‘built on lies and ‘a majority of the people want Brexit reversed.’ So there it is, the real reason for all of this. It appears that Bozzer’s real crime is Brexit. The remain mantra has become an article of faith for the establishment and they will never let up until they get their way.
Maybe Boris Johnson’s real crimes are:
Locking the population down under house arrest.
Allowed billions to be lost to fraud in covid schemes.
Wasted billions in furlough schemes.
Wasted billions on dangerous, useless faux vaccines.
Wasted billions on unworkable track and trace.
Printing a trillion pounds in quantitative easing – fuelling todays inflation.
Seeding covid into old peoples homes, by emptying hospitals.
Allowing unlimited unwanted boat people in, and even putting them up in nice hotels.
Ridiculous ultra low interest rates policy to stoke housing bubble.
Doing zero to sort out servere housing crisis.
Allowing growth of meddling government in all aspects of our lives.
De facto declaring war on Russia, by training Ukrainian troops and throwing money and weapons at them.
Relying on an idiotic, far too fast renewable energy policy.
Virtually giving Nothern Ireland to EU.
Making the French fishermen so happy, that we haven’t heard a peep out of them,
Failing to take on the EU
Failing to use the advantages of brexit
Failing to maintain the army
Failing to have staff to control number 10
Failing to ensure energy provision
Failing to control public spending
Failing to use the 80 majority
Failing to deal with the BBC
Failing to do detail
Being woke
Failing to be a conservative
I ve just watched 50 minutes of Parliament TV – so no commentary ….
It had to be watched – the faces on the blue labour bench gave the game away – followed by savid javid delivering the resignation speech ….
The most awful thing when some blue Tory asked a traitor type question about nut nut resigning – And Got A Round Of Applause – just awful ….
Recess starts on 21 July . Will nut nut last that long ? Will starmer get his ticket ?
I was watching nut nut and I think he was thinking about classic stories of deceit and murder … but it’s real life …
There are known, acknowledged trouble spots and yet NHS management persist in employing duffers….
There were two managers at a company I worked for that were routinely involved in hiring some comedically incompetent staff – the scales dropped from my eyes when a colleague, closer to events than me remarked :
“It’s easy – they only hire people they don’t feel threatened by”
It’s one of those issues that no one wants to look at … the training and quality of third world ‘doctors ‘ imported to milk the NHS behind the fraudulent guise of ‘medical professional ‘ ..
… I remember seeing a documentary years ago where you could spend the equivalent of £40 of a false medical qualification on a street in Delhi …
It’s worth considering this the next time you have to deal with a ‘doctor ‘ who doesn’t speak much – command of the Ingleesh might not be too good ….
BBC “news” is now flat out campaigning for the demise of Boris. They are throwing everything they have at it. The tactics they are using amount to a determined, single-minded smear campaign attempt to unseat a democratically elected Government and in particular it’s leader. In fact not news at all but a political activist campaign.
It is clear that the largest proportion of the BBC news effort is currently aimed at striking a death blow to Boris, then the Tories, then Brexit.
This is becoming more like witnessing a third world junta trying to grab power by any means. I would guess that the hotlines to Labour and Lib-Dems HQ’s are bristling with BBC activists right now.
Isn’t it worth considering, that when Boris slides off, the new lot may well realise that the awful BBC are the bloated enemy within at long last!
Say – Penny Mordaunt takes the helm, with Liz Truss as Chancellor; the BBC Charter would be re-examined by Nadine and put out for reconsideration pretty damn soon? Bye Bye TV tax, hello normal citizens getting what they pay for!
Beeblets are so consumed by their own arrogance, they really don’t realise that their days are really numbered now – sod the lot of them!
Scrobie, I think Suella Braverman, the Attorney General, and Jacob Rees-Mogg have both twigged that the problem is Whitehall based as well as at the BBC and in the rest of the MSM. They cannot do anything about the prints but they could sort out the BBC.
It is not impossible that a period of high inflation will kill off the BBC as BBC employees, especially the ‘top’ presenters expect colossal pay rises and other talent leaves the Corporation. The D-G will have a choice; trim his bloated Corporation (sell off bits and put the proceeds in a trust to pay the staff) or watch his talent as well as all the support staff leave for better paid jobs elsewhere.
These are very difficult times for all of us working night and day for our constituents. Unfortunately for the BBC it’s just one big game 👇 pic.twitter.com/5tPnnS6qNi
— Maria Caulfield MP (@mariacaulfield) July 5, 2022
The problem is those paid by the public, but who the public cannot hold to account.
He is a Christian. I remember years ago on the Daily Politics the interviewer assumed he was a RoPer and he was most indignant and declared he was a Christian .
Double, was it not Iraqi Christians were driven out of the country by er, umhh, how can I put it? Ah yes, another so-called ‘Christian’* in 2003. Or was that when Tony Blair ‘converted’ to Rome?
It would be fair to say, that others left for various reasons during the Saddam Husein years.
BBC doing seed work to get us used to the new normal. A new survey from Arab Barometer (not important, except that the BBC are a major funder):
‘Arabs believe economy is weak under democracy.’
“What we see across the region is people going hungry, people need bread, people are frustrated with the systems that they have […] In every country surveyed, more than half also say they either agree or strongly agree that they are more concerned about the effectiveness of their government’s policies, than they are about the type of government.”
Wonder how long before western media starts pushing out similar high quality ‘data’? If only there was some type of totalitarian, one world government system in the pipeline to remedy such problems.
Triathlon has become the first British sport to establish a new ‘open’ category in which transgender athletes will compete.
The British Triathlon Federation confirmed that for athletes over the age of 12, competitive women’s events will be reserved “for those who are female sex at birth”.
The policy, which will begin from January, will see an ‘open’ category “for all individuals including male, [male and female] transgender and those non-binary who were male sex at birth.”
TWatO Watch #1 – now that was an interesting hesitation
The BBC, Sarah and others are sounding very upbeat after another chunk of resignations from the Government. One of the last interviewees was Pippa Crerar of the Daily Mirror, one of the original get rid of Bojo via ‘Partygate’ conspirators. Huw Merriman MP was interviewed by the Montacutie and there was a very significant moment almost at the end of Sarah’s interview.
Huw said something like “the Government are unable to get their programme done” and there was just a little fraction-of-a-moment of hesitation from Sarah before she said something that agreed and fired in a final question. Why that hesitation? I would suggest it is because Sarah was wondering about asking why? Then she realised two things; 1. that she knew why, the way Whitehall works or does not and obstructs, and, 2. it might give too much away to the listening public about this whole affair.
Given the unrest around Net Zero and energy / fuel price hikes – The CCC (Committee on Climate Change) look to have quite deliberately hidden their office address – or I’m getting seriously bad at searching. I recall finding it easily about 18 months ago – do you think they’re getting paranoid?
– and they still haven’t published their sums for the monstrous restrictions that they are constantly braying for – one might think that they haven’t done their homework – but the BBC keep punting Net Zero as a sensible and proportionate reaction to the weather and swerve *any* elaboration of the evidence for the proposed actions.
Belfield case in the Telegraph A former BBC radio DJ **stalked** Jeremy Vine, leaving him “distressed” and struggling to eat and sleep, a court heard.
Stalked ..he never went anywhere near him
“Jurors were told that Mr Belfield accused the Channel 5 presenter of stealing BBC licence fee money in a string of abusive tweets and YouTube videos.”
AFAIK Belfield said Vine and pals were given BBC money to pay for a memorial celebration then it turned out the drinks had all been paid for already. So whoever was in charge of the money instead of bringing back to the licence payers gave it away to charity. He said the money had been “stolen” from licence payers , her never said Vine had put it in his own pocket and walked home with it.
The court heard how the constant bombardment of abuse left Mr Vine’s “sense of wellbeing and optimism destroyed” and led to him taking security measures to protect his family.
John McGuinness QC, prosecuting, said that Mr Vine was worried someone would come to his home and attack his family after followers of Mr Belfield sent him threatening messages.
The context is that Vine’ own Channel 5 show troll the public, winding them up about things, bringing on guests who say outrageous things ..his prog hurt people’ feeling yet he says he is a victim. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/07/05/ex-BBC-dj-stalked-jeremy-vine-alex-belfield-distressed/
That article doesn’t allow comments
TWatO Watch #2 – what now, Prime Minister? but Sarah does not think to ask
As mentioned above, Pippa Crerar (Daily Mirror) was one of the last contributors to TWatO, along with if I recall correctly a male journalist from the Times. Sarah asked the question “Will Boris Johnson survive the summer as PM?” The answers were “No” – no surprise there.
As an alternative to taking the British people into a war against Russia, the obvious thing for the PM to do is call a General Election. That would put a lot of people in Parliament in a very difficult position.
Labour will explode. They would love to fight a General Election with a lead in the polls and the PM under pressure but could they win a GE? Would the 10% lead in some polls actually translate into votes. The LibDems, SNP and Plaid will, I think, all vote to suspend the appropriate Act and have an early General Election. That will make their relationship with Labour a little tense, if Labour do not win an outright majority. I think Labour will vote no.
What about the Conservative benches, the backbenches? Some Tories will realise their seats might be at risk. Some will vote yes, with the LDs, SNP & Plaid. Others will vote no. The PM might well find he cannot suspend the Parliament Act again and take that a vote against his proposal as a vote of confidence in him.
At least calling a GE would be better than a war with Russia.
I certainly don’t want people like Sunak and Javid anywhere near British politics – they’re both bankers of the sort that idiots like Bliar and Brown snuggled up to during the banking crisis in the middle 2000s, which trashed the economy and for that matter, my own dear company, so they can fuck off.
Scrobie, I think there will be a considerable wilderness period for both the Conservative Party and also Boris Johnson after all this. At least Boris Johnson can then claim to be “just like Churchill” after he has endured ‘The Wilderness Years’. Carrie might put him in a frosty wilderness, too, after her grip is prised from the Downing Street wallpaper and she is no longer inthe limelight.
Javid is an old school Tory. Thatcherite and taxes are for little people to pay, tax cuts should go to the high paid first. That’s also a very New Labour attitude. The UK economy doesn’t work like that, it is generated from the ground up.
I don’t know so much about Sunak’s views, just that he also worked for a merchant bank.
But I sympathise with you, Scrobie. New Labour cost me dear, too, both losing money in the Crash and being highly taxed beforehand as one of ‘the little people’ financing the banking excesses.
“Maya Forstater: Woman discriminated against over trans tweets, tribunal rules” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62061929
‘The thought police’ are at work !
When is our ‘Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, and Media’ going to get a grip ?
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
I find this a little curious. The writer says that she used the “wrong” pronouns. Surely the whole idea is that this (Admittedly fictional) character would be free to choose their (Or his or her or its ) own pronouns? Yet despite this, the writer claims to have used the wrong pronouns.? If the character wanted to use him and his, now is he going to be told that, in these enlightened free times, the “Wrong” pronouns have been chosen? There is a lot of this in wokeville-on-sea. “You are free to do whaterver you want, as long as it’s what you are told to do”. This has to implode at some point.
“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 8 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Nadhim Zahawi, a founder of the market research firm YouGov, said he was “mortified” to discover the error, which came to light after he was among politicians criticised over subsidised energy bills.
Dear Winston Smith from the Memory Hole Department,
Legal definition of genocide
Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part1
; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and]
forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
**imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group**
They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children. Who are the anti-natalists – and how far are they willing to push their ideas? {bbc.co.uk 13aug2019} https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-49298720
UN on Genocide: imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
BBC On Anti-natalists:They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children.
Terrorism: “Wouldn’t it just be better to blow a hole in the side of the earth and just have done with everything?”
Seems your article might want to mention the UN definition of genocide and also mention it to the Anti-natalists.
Checked the R4 Media Show but it was all Ros Atkins banging on about Boris
During the show there were only a handful of Tweets to Radio4
and none of them mentioned the show.
A government of mad Al, Paul Brand, Beff, Toefails, Pippster, Femi and Kev…
Kevin Maguire just told @GBNEWS the Labour Party could do better with Lisa Nandy, Rachel Reeves or Louise Haigh in charge if Durham Police fine Starmer.
Iraq War families crowdfund costs to sue Tony Blair after Chilcot report
The Iraq War Families Campaign Group raised more than half its initial target of £50,000 within the first 12 hours of the appeal’s launch, helping the families plan for legal action
Looking at BBC News with their presenter gleefully announcing the end of Boris. I am sure he is wetting his trousers with joy and excitement, but the camera is fixed on his head and shoulders.
I don’t watch or listen to BBC news ,or any other programme for that matter, but I read that they now have the news reader prancing about on a set with a slightly elevated walkway. I might watch tonight to see if the presenter leaves a trail of piddle ,or whatever, as they cover the probable resignation of the PM.
A reminder to the Tories : You got in to power because we voted for you to Get Brexit Done , to get control of our Borders and to get rid of the BBC and its archaic licence .
Start listening to the people – Put Great Britain & Northern Ireland First .
Indeed taffy. That was exactly why I voted for them . Plus of course to keep Labour out. The green stuff was a secondary issue in their manifesto which we didnt pay enough attention to and never thought that Boris would go potty and try to please his missus and Greta at the expense of the entire country.
Whatever the circumstances – today – for nut nut – must have been ‘challenging ‘ – 50 minutes of PMQs followed 2 hours later by 2 horrible hours of awful committee questions by an ‘inquisition ‘ with the SNP droid ( I wanted to write scum ) excreting bile like only an SNP type can .
Then – now 30 minutes later – a home visit from a rabble of toris to either tell him to stay or more likely book the removal van …
So that’s about 6 hours of public verbal assault with no support at all –
Awful – whatever one might think of Mr Johnson .
He is getting what he deserves. He got an 80 majority worth of public support and what has he done with it? Shafted that very same public. Nope, no sympathy.
Moggie – blimey – I thought I was tough but you give no mercy at all …. Wow … I thought the committee thing was too much – he is the PM – but he was treated with a level of disrespect a PM should not deserve – none of them deserve a political future …
But on the upside once carrie is out the door we might get less green crap
If he’d actually done 10% of the things he promised at election time I would feel differently but he’s taking (taken?) this country down the toilet in a remarkably short length of time. The lack of respect, principle, morals, self control, self discipline are simply attributes in modern day UK.
For all his faults as a country leader, and BJ has blown past too many, I merely reflect on all the forces aligned against him, and there are too many, who will religiously not just not hold to account, but defend to the death… Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Mutti, The EU blonde one, St. Jaq…. even Mao, if not offering up some alleged goss only Toenails would figure might still be worth it.
Sorry Boris recruits an LGBT guy to be party whip
They check his past record.. and find he has been accused of things
but he was never found guilty
So by equality law you can’t block him being promoted.
In post he does one day drunk and minorly offends.
Then they say Boris is evil for hiring the guy in the first place.
And one minister labels it an anti-LGBT environment.
Ellen DeGeneres’ fall from grace amid toxic workplace claims as show is cancelled
The talk show host has been scrambling underneath a thundercloud of controversy for just over a year as ex-employees lined up to brand her “cold’, “demeaning” and a “nightmare” while her show was dogged by accusations of harassment, racism and microagressions
The most awkward moments on The Ellen Show
BySeamus DuffShowbiz Reporter
16:02, 12 May 2021UPDATED17:06, 12 May 2021
What sweet irony it will be if one of the wokest greenest left wing fantasy land dwellers is finally brought down because he believed his own propaganda and appointed a Gay with a drink problem who couldn’t control his lusts, and all during the holy month of pride as well!
A man appointed perhaps because Boris thought Gay people were just getting a bad rap because of ‘homofauxbia’ and that all they needed was a shot at redemption.
Didn’t work, because all those stereotypes grow for a reason and now you Boris have been bitten by not believing the truth.
If the Conservatives foolishly get rid of Boris Johnson they could be out of power for a generation or more. However, the damage is now done. They have all been really stupid and that includes the Prime Minister who should have been much more aware of what was going on under his nose.
The electorate may not look kindly on a self-indulgent, apparently self-destructive, Conservative Party that insists on heading into a leadership election while the country faces a number of difficulties: the return of inflation and militant unionism, a lack of housing, uncontrolled immigration, huge debts and rising debt repayments, a lack of energy security, bloated Government and too many NGOs, a lack of food security and a media that in part is totally out of control.
I mean, come on folks, if Boris does go and we have a general election and Labour win, we could have a Labour Prime minister who is a lawyer whose wife is also a lawyer.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – cost-of-living-crisis, what cost-of-living-crisis?
This is quite revealing. It suggests that, for Lloyds Bank customers at least, there is no cost of living crisis. “Credit card spending on travel was up 300% on last year, but the majority of Lloyd’s customers were worried about the cost of living, he (Charlie Nunn) said. Of course they were, Charlie. The media have been busy telling them to panic, every day, especially the BBC bit of the media.
Perhaps Lloyds Bank customers have quite a bit of financial nous? Another statement from Charlie that the BBC choose to highlight: “Most Lloyds Bank customers have less than £500 of savings in their accounts.” Could it be the paltry interest rates that Lloyds Bank offer, plus of course the delinquent MPC of the Bank of England not increasing Base Rate enough late last year and earlier this year? Maybe your customers have money stashed away in Building Societies (remember them, Charlie?) and in other banks who offer 3% on regular savings.
Doh! Charlie are you doing that at Lloyds? Why don’t you scrap the minimum £100 per month rule that pays only 1.5%, Charlie? Charlie by name, charlie by nature, it appears. A right charlie running the bank that has customers who are wiser than the Chief Executive, it appears.
No BBC local news
instead we have hyperbolic piece “here we are on Johnston street”
and now a picture of the Number 10 door as if they are waiting for him to resign to make primetime telly.
It started 14 mins later and within a few minutes we had a clip of thei BBC’s favourite Labour MP Dian Johnson saying Boris must go.
But they have allowed some Boris supporting MP also to be on speaking
I guess so the BBC could collect some gotcha material for future use.
Finally they finish with a special graphic ..”these are the junior ministers have left.”
..Then actually a couple of viewer comments
saying Boris is being treated unfairly.
There was one comment from Kier Starmer, during PMQs, that had me gasping.
He was talking about the young lad groped by Mr Pincher and how he froze when the revolting old letch grabbed him. “When I was prosecuting rapists I heard that from victims all the time. Victims said they froze…” Yes, I can quite understand that…
Wasn’t Starmer Chief Prosecuting Attorney at the height of the Rotherham and Rochdale outrages? Yes, I know, these rapes are still going on and it was the entire establishment that turned a blind eye… Police, media, politicians…but he must have known something…
No one wants to be “touched up” by a creepy old man, but it’s nowhere near as bad as industrial scale child rape.
Apparently the Antiques Roadshow doesn’t want items brought in that have ‘colonial connotations ‘. Probably ok to bring in a piece of woven cloth made in a factory using undernourished, underage child labour though. I can only assume that Sir Lenny has actually taken the BBC over and we can look forward to many more hours of tedious woke, prejudiced, historically inaccurate and biased programming. What joy.
I live near Stoke on Trent, it was the World’s manufacturing centre for pottery from the Victorian until the 1980’s. Someone in our village, from Stoke, told me that the lifespan of people working in the pottery industry in the early era was less than 30. It’s absolutely true that there was slavery, Britain traded in slaves and the products of slavery but working class British people were little better than slaves. Britain was the first country in the World to abolish slavery and I don’t think anyone living in Britain today regards slavery and anything other than abhorrent.
Priti Tells Boris to go.
This is a Home Secretary who has steadfastly carried out Johnson’s open borders policy whilst pretending to the voters that she really seeks a limit to the dinghy riders and illegals.
G.W.F., the Germans – apparently – according to the lunchtime news on BBC R4 have suddenly woken up to the fact that Mutti enabled quite an industry to be built up in Germany with a branch office in Calais.
I’ve just had a quick search of the BBC web-site so don’t bother looking. This important piece of news isn’t there. But the latest BBC slur or attack against Boris Johnson is: he met the Russian Alexander Lebedev without officials present. I wonder who prompted the BBC to ask about that? Ummhhh. No, I don’t really, I can make a really good guess!
If you need something to brighten your day amidst all the political gloom, may I recommend the Met Office/BBC Radio4 weather forecasts. In this age of intense (some people might say non-) Global Warming it is quite hilarious to listen to the Met Office people try to explain why we are not all roasting in the hottest-evvah. These forecasts can be heard before the Main News at 6 a.m., 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. (although it is still within the PM programme itself) and 10 p.m.
The one at lunchtime today was particularly hilarious. Poor old Tomasz Shafernaker always sounds as though he is making it up as he goes along. Today, before 1 p.m. you could also hear his brain cells grinding away as, puzzled as he was by a lack of Global Warming – even 1.5 degrees worth, how was he going to explain that the temperatures were below that even for standard British (poor) summer in July?
Tomasz resorted to clouds. That’s blue sky thinking for you. Or not.
Never mind there’s a heat wave coming tomorrow. Honest.
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://i.postimg.cc/9fkQ0mWf/Screenshot-2025-03-10-121223.png[/img]
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Britain is the only country which would have fewer illegal immigrants if we did not have a border force. They…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Building fake vehicles is a time-honored practice dating back to World War II, when the Allies built an entire fake…
I’m not going to be shedding any crocodile tears for our soon to be ex prime minister.
Boris allowed himself to be bullied by SAGE and the media into imposing a series of massively damaging lockdowns. It was only his backbenchers that forced him to release us. It was insane and now we’re all feeling the pinch.
His obsession with green energy, carbon zero, high taxes and his recent comments about Putin’s “toxic masculinity” prove to me he isn’t a conservative in anything but name.
He’s a cuckoo in the nest…
He’s not a lone cuckoo
rather the Conservative party is a nest of cuckoos
.. A party of Islington globalist woke spendthrift, socialists pushing fake green agendas.
Wasn’t Thatcher the last actual Conservative to be the party leader ?
„There is no such thing as public money; there is only taxpayers’ money.“
Source: https://quotepark.com/quotes/1921159-margaret-thatcher-there-is-no-such-thing-as-public-money-there-is-o/
Stew, even the sainted Margaret flirted with green policy statements even if she did nor really rack up taxes on petrol like her successor did.
IDS was the last Conservative leader but Margaret was the last Conservative PM.
Being a bit sad – I’ve read the resignation letters the mail online has helpfully translated ….
… a tip … if nut nut survives til next week he is due to make a Big Economy speech – his new chancellor will want to make a mark . So I reckon they ll cut VAT – maybe on fuel – maybe of ‘goods ‘ … so if you are thinking of buying something – might be worth waiting a few days ….
That’s a wild bit of advice because there are so many variables – ….. but it’s a view ….
… then rates go up .5% in the august Monetary meeting ….
And NI threshold raised above 12k today ….
Off the main subjects and BBC . …
A prem footballer – and engerland player -aged 29 – has been arrested in North London on suspicion of a number of rapes …
… the internet speculates on 2 players who fit the bill – if they are spurs or arsenal …
…. I wonder – why make such details public because it just encourages keyboard detectives to go look ? ( I’m not giving the names though ) ….
I’m only making brief visits to this site these days. So, just to summarise all above (only got about half way down though),
We are witnessing the, now rapid, breakdown of Law and Order. From a macro vision, that direction has been obvious for some years.
Just sit back and let it wash over you because no one, but no one, on the stage can stop it.
Jabbit, who took his oath of allegiance on the Koran, will make a crucial resignation statement in the Commons immediately after PMQs in an intervention that could finish Boris Johnson’s premiership once and for all.
Be interesting to see how the bBc report the arrest of this boat smuggling gang.
You wouldn’t put it past them introducing a humanitarian angle to this criminality.
A “proper” investigation must seek to ascertain whether there are linkages to the French and German authorities e.g. Police.
@pritipatel tweets
This hugely significant operation involving 40 arrests sends a clear message to the criminal people-smuggling gangs across Europe & beyond:
We’ll stop at nothing to end your trade, bring you to justice & save lives.
Law enforcement agencies across five European countries have smashed an organised crime network, suspected of smuggling up to 10,000 people into the UK on small boats
40 arrests as people-smuggling ring smashed
Third boat full of migrants escorted in-to Dover England today
There is currently 3 more ongoing pick-ups happening in the channel
The raids across Europe yesterday taking down smuggling gangs is having a massive impact NOT.
600K Immigrants lost by the UK Home Office.
20K Terrorists on the UK terrorist watch list.
3K Extreme Terrorists on the UK terrorist watch list.
22 Lost in Manchester according to Theresa May.
1 More attack labelled bad driving this month of August.
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
A template?
History Debunked has said of the Alex Belfield case “I’ve never heard of a journalist doing daily reports on their own court case, where they are the one being prosecuted”
em actually media orgs like the BBC are prosecuted in court
and do report on such cases
eg the way the BBC was found guilty for naming a grooming gang victim
.. they were let off of course.
Belfield’s daily report consists of him merely quoting what was said in the court
So far only one witness has appeared
His Radio Leeds boss Rozina Breen
It was stated that 4,000 emails from Belfield had mentioned her
However it seems mostly Belfield didn’t send them to her, rather people like other BBC staff forwarded them to her.
I don’t see how if a third party forwards her the emails Belfield has sent how that can constitute harassment.
The prosecutions case is that when you send many upsetting emails to a person, that counts as harassing a person, and that is the same as stalking
I think that is a stretch too far, but don’t expect the court to be fair.
I expect Belfield to state that he FIRST received hundreds of intimidating emails from the BBC and police, so he was merely standing up for himself.
I forced myself to watch a bit of Newsnight last night. One of the commentators could barely contain himself, particularly when Heseltine was dragged out, looking like an extra from a Hammer film, opining that Brexit was ‘built on lies and ‘a majority of the people want Brexit reversed.’ So there it is, the real reason for all of this. It appears that Bozzer’s real crime is Brexit. The remain mantra has become an article of faith for the establishment and they will never let up until they get their way.
Maybe Boris Johnson’s real crimes are:
Locking the population down under house arrest.
Allowed billions to be lost to fraud in covid schemes.
Wasted billions in furlough schemes.
Wasted billions on dangerous, useless faux vaccines.
Wasted billions on unworkable track and trace.
Printing a trillion pounds in quantitative easing – fuelling todays inflation.
Seeding covid into old peoples homes, by emptying hospitals.
Allowing unlimited unwanted boat people in, and even putting them up in nice hotels.
Ridiculous ultra low interest rates policy to stoke housing bubble.
Doing zero to sort out servere housing crisis.
Allowing growth of meddling government in all aspects of our lives.
De facto declaring war on Russia, by training Ukrainian troops and throwing money and weapons at them.
Relying on an idiotic, far too fast renewable energy policy.
Virtually giving Nothern Ireland to EU.
Making the French fishermen so happy, that we haven’t heard a peep out of them,
Did I miss anything..
Failing to take on the EU
Failing to use the advantages of brexit
Failing to maintain the army
Failing to have staff to control number 10
Failing to ensure energy provision
Failing to control public spending
Failing to use the 80 majority
Failing to deal with the BBC
Failing to do detail
Being woke
Failing to be a conservative
Shall I continue ?
Im still trying to get my mind around the fuss about a gay man squeezing some other mens buttocks
I thought it was pretty much mandatory nowadays
If that’s not desperation I don’t know what is….
I ve just watched 50 minutes of Parliament TV – so no commentary ….
It had to be watched – the faces on the blue labour bench gave the game away – followed by savid javid delivering the resignation speech ….
The most awful thing when some blue Tory asked a traitor type question about nut nut resigning – And Got A Round Of Applause – just awful ….
Recess starts on 21 July . Will nut nut last that long ? Will starmer get his ticket ?
I was watching nut nut and I think he was thinking about classic stories of deceit and murder … but it’s real life …
I’ve done one box of popcorn already ….
No need for the BBC because of the same old song
History Debunked “A greatly disproportionate number of doctors prosecuted or struck off in this country were trained overseas, including the recent case of Isyaka Mamman, an 85 year-old Nigerian who, even at that advanced age, was still practicing.”
video : https://youtu.be/KI6AvvQWVLM
There are known, acknowledged trouble spots and yet NHS management persist in employing duffers….
There were two managers at a company I worked for that were routinely involved in hiring some comedically incompetent staff – the scales dropped from my eyes when a colleague, closer to events than me remarked :
“It’s easy – they only hire people they don’t feel threatened by”
It’s one of those issues that no one wants to look at … the training and quality of third world ‘doctors ‘ imported to milk the NHS behind the fraudulent guise of ‘medical professional ‘ ..
… I remember seeing a documentary years ago where you could spend the equivalent of £40 of a false medical qualification on a street in Delhi …
It’s worth considering this the next time you have to deal with a ‘doctor ‘ who doesn’t speak much – command of the Ingleesh might not be too good ….
Careful with those fireworks folks…
Sound ON
Ha ha thoughts and prayers … lol
BBC “news” is now flat out campaigning for the demise of Boris. They are throwing everything they have at it. The tactics they are using amount to a determined, single-minded smear campaign attempt to unseat a democratically elected Government and in particular it’s leader. In fact not news at all but a political activist campaign.
It is clear that the largest proportion of the BBC news effort is currently aimed at striking a death blow to Boris, then the Tories, then Brexit.
This is becoming more like witnessing a third world junta trying to grab power by any means. I would guess that the hotlines to Labour and Lib-Dems HQ’s are bristling with BBC activists right now.
Isn’t it worth considering, that when Boris slides off, the new lot may well realise that the awful BBC are the bloated enemy within at long last!
Say – Penny Mordaunt takes the helm, with Liz Truss as Chancellor; the BBC Charter would be re-examined by Nadine and put out for reconsideration pretty damn soon? Bye Bye TV tax, hello normal citizens getting what they pay for!
Beeblets are so consumed by their own arrogance, they really don’t realise that their days are really numbered now – sod the lot of them!
Scrobie, I think Suella Braverman, the Attorney General, and Jacob Rees-Mogg have both twigged that the problem is Whitehall based as well as at the BBC and in the rest of the MSM. They cannot do anything about the prints but they could sort out the BBC.
It is not impossible that a period of high inflation will kill off the BBC as BBC employees, especially the ‘top’ presenters expect colossal pay rises and other talent leaves the Corporation. The D-G will have a choice; trim his bloated Corporation (sell off bits and put the proceeds in a trust to pay the staff) or watch his talent as well as all the support staff leave for better paid jobs elsewhere.
The problem is those paid by the public, but who the public cannot hold to account.
Boris should have sorted out the BBC months ago, if they arent stopped they will get worse.
Nadhim Zahawi now Chancellor.
He is a Kurd. Is he a Moslem? He keeps quiet about his religious beliefs. If he is then the Tories aren’t Islamophobic.
He is a Christian. I remember years ago on the Daily Politics the interviewer assumed he was a RoPer and he was most indignant and declared he was a Christian .
Double, was it not Iraqi Christians were driven out of the country by er, umhh, how can I put it? Ah yes, another so-called ‘Christian’* in 2003. Or was that when Tony Blair ‘converted’ to Rome?
It would be fair to say, that others left for various reasons during the Saddam Husein years.
BBC doing seed work to get us used to the new normal. A new survey from Arab Barometer (not important, except that the BBC are a major funder):
‘Arabs believe economy is weak under democracy.’
“What we see across the region is people going hungry, people need bread, people are frustrated with the systems that they have […] In every country surveyed, more than half also say they either agree or strongly agree that they are more concerned about the effectiveness of their government’s policies, than they are about the type of government.”
Wonder how long before western media starts pushing out similar high quality ‘data’? If only there was some type of totalitarian, one world government system in the pipeline to remedy such problems.
British Triathlon becomes first UK sport to create ‘open’ category for transgender athletes
By Dan Roan
BBC sports editor
Triathlon has become the first British sport to establish a new ‘open’ category in which transgender athletes will compete.
The British Triathlon Federation confirmed that for athletes over the age of 12, competitive women’s events will be reserved “for those who are female sex at birth”.
The policy, which will begin from January, will see an ‘open’ category “for all individuals including male, [male and female] transgender and those non-binary who were male sex at birth.”
Still confusing.
@WGap on the BBC’ editing out of the lines Diane Abbott used to defame Boris Johnson
“It might be treated differently,” she said.
“But that’s because Boris Johnson has been rumoured to be the one who likes assaulting women.
You can’t make great claims against someone and think you are covering yourself by saying “rumoured”
However more then one woman has said he put his hand on their leg.. but JHB said she didn’t regard it as assault, just him trying on.
.. https://youtu.be/VFTR4rhmM_k
TWatO Watch #1 – now that was an interesting hesitation
The BBC, Sarah and others are sounding very upbeat after another chunk of resignations from the Government. One of the last interviewees was Pippa Crerar of the Daily Mirror, one of the original get rid of Bojo via ‘Partygate’ conspirators. Huw Merriman MP was interviewed by the Montacutie and there was a very significant moment almost at the end of Sarah’s interview.
Huw said something like “the Government are unable to get their programme done” and there was just a little fraction-of-a-moment of hesitation from Sarah before she said something that agreed and fired in a final question. Why that hesitation? I would suggest it is because Sarah was wondering about asking why? Then she realised two things; 1. that she knew why, the way Whitehall works or does not and obstructs, and, 2. it might give too much away to the listening public about this whole affair.
Given the unrest around Net Zero and energy / fuel price hikes – The CCC (Committee on Climate Change) look to have quite deliberately hidden their office address – or I’m getting seriously bad at searching. I recall finding it easily about 18 months ago – do you think they’re getting paranoid?
– and they still haven’t published their sums for the monstrous restrictions that they are constantly braying for – one might think that they haven’t done their homework – but the BBC keep punting Net Zero as a sensible and proportionate reaction to the weather and swerve *any* elaboration of the evidence for the proposed actions.
The Committee on Climate Change 1st Floor, 7 Holbein Place
…https://www.theccc.org.uk › uploads › 2016/01PDF
The Committee on Climate Change. 1st Floor,. 7 Holbein Place,. London SW1W 8NR. Tel: 0207 591 6262 Fax: 0207 591 6180
That’s what I get when I google “The Committee on Climate Change” address
However that is hidden in PDFs on their website dated upto 2018
Later PDFs say
151 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9SZ
Ha their Linked in now says
1 Victoria Street
London, London SW1H 0ET, GB
And a PDF on their website says
“15 Jul 2021 — registered office: 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET”
and that happen to be same address as Dept for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
which the CCC is supposed to be INDEPENDENT of
Belfield case in the Telegraph A former BBC radio DJ **stalked** Jeremy Vine, leaving him “distressed” and struggling to eat and sleep, a court heard.
Stalked ..he never went anywhere near him
“Jurors were told that Mr Belfield accused the Channel 5 presenter of stealing BBC licence fee money in a string of abusive tweets and YouTube videos.”
AFAIK Belfield said Vine and pals were given BBC money to pay for a memorial celebration then it turned out the drinks had all been paid for already. So whoever was in charge of the money instead of bringing back to the licence payers gave it away to charity. He said the money had been “stolen” from licence payers , her never said Vine had put it in his own pocket and walked home with it.
The court heard how the constant bombardment of abuse left Mr Vine’s “sense of wellbeing and optimism destroyed” and led to him taking security measures to protect his family.
John McGuinness QC, prosecuting, said that Mr Vine was worried someone would come to his home and attack his family after followers of Mr Belfield sent him threatening messages.
The context is that Vine’ own Channel 5 show troll the public, winding them up about things, bringing on guests who say outrageous things ..his prog hurt people’ feeling yet he says he is a victim.
That article doesn’t allow comments
I presume if belfield said anything untrue vine would have sued him
Vine is suing him, but since it’s a civil matter it has to wait until the criminal case is finished.
However I reckon Vine could have chosen to sue Belfield 2 years ago well before the CPS announced their case, but he CHOSE not to.
TWatO Watch #2 – what now, Prime Minister? but Sarah does not think to ask
As mentioned above, Pippa Crerar (Daily Mirror) was one of the last contributors to TWatO, along with if I recall correctly a male journalist from the Times. Sarah asked the question “Will Boris Johnson survive the summer as PM?” The answers were “No” – no surprise there.
As an alternative to taking the British people into a war against Russia, the obvious thing for the PM to do is call a General Election. That would put a lot of people in Parliament in a very difficult position.
Labour will explode. They would love to fight a General Election with a lead in the polls and the PM under pressure but could they win a GE? Would the 10% lead in some polls actually translate into votes. The LibDems, SNP and Plaid will, I think, all vote to suspend the appropriate Act and have an early General Election. That will make their relationship with Labour a little tense, if Labour do not win an outright majority. I think Labour will vote no.
What about the Conservative benches, the backbenches? Some Tories will realise their seats might be at risk. Some will vote yes, with the LDs, SNP & Plaid. Others will vote no. The PM might well find he cannot suspend the Parliament Act again and take that a vote against his proposal as a vote of confidence in him.
At least calling a GE would be better than a war with Russia.
I certainly don’t want people like Sunak and Javid anywhere near British politics – they’re both bankers of the sort that idiots like Bliar and Brown snuggled up to during the banking crisis in the middle 2000s, which trashed the economy and for that matter, my own dear company, so they can fuck off.
Scrobie, I think there will be a considerable wilderness period for both the Conservative Party and also Boris Johnson after all this. At least Boris Johnson can then claim to be “just like Churchill” after he has endured ‘The Wilderness Years’. Carrie might put him in a frosty wilderness, too, after her grip is prised from the Downing Street wallpaper and she is no longer inthe limelight.
Javid is an old school Tory. Thatcherite and taxes are for little people to pay, tax cuts should go to the high paid first. That’s also a very New Labour attitude. The UK economy doesn’t work like that, it is generated from the ground up.
I don’t know so much about Sunak’s views, just that he also worked for a merchant bank.
But I sympathise with you, Scrobie. New Labour cost me dear, too, both losing money in the Crash and being highly taxed beforehand as one of ‘the little people’ financing the banking excesses.
“Maya Forstater: Woman discriminated against over trans tweets, tribunal rules”
‘The thought police’ are at work !
When is our ‘Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, and Media’ going to get a grip ?
taffy, I think Nadine might be dodging ‘bullets’ intended for Bojo after a metaphorical target was placed on her yesterday on the BBC.
A woman who said people cannot change their biological sex was discriminated against by her employers, an employment tribunal has ruled.
Tax expert Maya Forstater did not have her contract renewed after posting a series of tweets about gender and sex.
In 2019, a tribunal judge decided such views were not “worthy of respect in a democratic society”.
But in a 2021 appeal another judge ruled “gender-critical” views were protected under the Equality Act 2010.
“lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.” {bbc.co.uk aug2019} – the death of freedom of speech.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
BBC Whatever It Is
“If I knew then what I know now, there are certain things I would have changed.”
Friends creator says show used wrong pronouns for Chandler’s trans parent.
I find this a little curious. The writer says that she used the “wrong” pronouns. Surely the whole idea is that this (Admittedly fictional) character would be free to choose their (Or his or her or its ) own pronouns? Yet despite this, the writer claims to have used the wrong pronouns.? If the character wanted to use him and his, now is he going to be told that, in these enlightened free times, the “Wrong” pronouns have been chosen? There is a lot of this in wokeville-on-sea. “You are free to do whaterver you want, as long as it’s what you are told to do”. This has to implode at some point.
As was this historical nothing burger getting the full #prasnews drip feed.
Then I saw this:
Kauffman was speaking to the BBC World Service’s The Conversation in an interview to be broadcast on 11 July.
wasnt the whole funny point of the thing that Chandler’s dad was now a “woman” played by a big strapping deep voiced kathleen turner
seems this dumb writer now doesnt understand her own jokes
look to be something that the BBC won’t be reporting anytime soon 🙂
“How” might Boris Johnson be removed as PM?
The biased bBC reports
Yes, How!
A lot over at ITBB at the Mo.
Including one with a Sopes/Toenails combo, should the latter forget he has his Critic lurking in the near past.
Other howlers are available.
“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”
― Andrew Jackson
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 8 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Nadhim Zahawi, a founder of the market research firm YouGov, said he was “mortified” to discover the error, which came to light after he was among politicians criticised over subsidised energy bills.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.
Dear Winston Smith from the Memory Hole Department,
Legal definition of genocide
Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part1
; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and]
forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
**imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group**
They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children. Who are the anti-natalists – and how far are they willing to push their ideas? {bbc.co.uk 13aug2019}
UN on Genocide: imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
BBC On Anti-natalists:They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children.
Terrorism: “Wouldn’t it just be better to blow a hole in the side of the earth and just have done with everything?”
Seems your article might want to mention the UN definition of genocide and also mention it to the Anti-natalists.
Mr H
Checked the R4 Media Show but it was all Ros Atkins banging on about Boris
During the show there were only a handful of Tweets to Radio4
and none of them mentioned the show.
Never mind Bo Jo going, when will the BBC go? Surely the Tories can now see that the BBC is biased ?
Looks like a victory for the BBC. Tories have accepted the BBC is their master
Plus guests.
A government of mad Al, Paul Brand, Beff, Toefails, Pippster, Femi and Kev…
To unite the nation.
Ohhhhh…. Yes….
Iraq War families crowdfund costs to sue Tony Blair after Chilcot report
The Iraq War Families Campaign Group raised more than half its initial target of £50,000 within the first 12 hours of the appeal’s launch, helping the families plan for legal action
Looking at BBC News with their presenter gleefully announcing the end of Boris. I am sure he is wetting his trousers with joy and excitement, but the camera is fixed on his head and shoulders.
I don’t watch or listen to BBC news ,or any other programme for that matter, but I read that they now have the news reader prancing about on a set with a slightly elevated walkway. I might watch tonight to see if the presenter leaves a trail of piddle ,or whatever, as they cover the probable resignation of the PM.
Not new… BBC News… apparently.
A reminder to the Tories : You got in to power because we voted for you to Get Brexit Done , to get control of our Borders and to get rid of the BBC and its archaic licence .
Start listening to the people – Put Great Britain & Northern Ireland First .
Indeed taffy. That was exactly why I voted for them . Plus of course to keep Labour out. The green stuff was a secondary issue in their manifesto which we didnt pay enough attention to and never thought that Boris would go potty and try to please his missus and Greta at the expense of the entire country.
Whatever the circumstances – today – for nut nut – must have been ‘challenging ‘ – 50 minutes of PMQs followed 2 hours later by 2 horrible hours of awful committee questions by an ‘inquisition ‘ with the SNP droid ( I wanted to write scum ) excreting bile like only an SNP type can .
Then – now 30 minutes later – a home visit from a rabble of toris to either tell him to stay or more likely book the removal van …
So that’s about 6 hours of public verbal assault with no support at all –
Awful – whatever one might think of Mr Johnson .
He is getting what he deserves. He got an 80 majority worth of public support and what has he done with it? Shafted that very same public. Nope, no sympathy.
Moggie – blimey – I thought I was tough but you give no mercy at all …. Wow … I thought the committee thing was too much – he is the PM – but he was treated with a level of disrespect a PM should not deserve – none of them deserve a political future …
But on the upside once carrie is out the door we might get less green crap
If he’d actually done 10% of the things he promised at election time I would feel differently but he’s taking (taken?) this country down the toilet in a remarkably short length of time. The lack of respect, principle, morals, self control, self discipline are simply attributes in modern day UK.
For all his faults as a country leader, and BJ has blown past too many, I merely reflect on all the forces aligned against him, and there are too many, who will religiously not just not hold to account, but defend to the death… Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Mutti, The EU blonde one, St. Jaq…. even Mao, if not offering up some alleged goss only Toenails would figure might still be worth it.
GB continues its laughable streak.
Sorry Boris recruits an LGBT guy to be party whip
They check his past record.. and find he has been accused of things
but he was never found guilty
So by equality law you can’t block him being promoted.
In post he does one day drunk and minorly offends.
Then they say Boris is evil for hiring the guy in the first place.
And one minister labels it an anti-LGBT environment.
I don’t see what law Boris has broken on this ?
Boris is not Gay – so will always be hostile!
Ellen DeGeneres’ fall from grace amid toxic workplace claims as show is cancelled
The talk show host has been scrambling underneath a thundercloud of controversy for just over a year as ex-employees lined up to brand her “cold’, “demeaning” and a “nightmare” while her show was dogged by accusations of harassment, racism and microagressions
The most awkward moments on The Ellen Show
BySeamus DuffShowbiz Reporter
16:02, 12 May 2021UPDATED17:06, 12 May 2021
What sweet irony it will be if one of the wokest greenest left wing fantasy land dwellers is finally brought down because he believed his own propaganda and appointed a Gay with a drink problem who couldn’t control his lusts, and all during the holy month of pride as well!
A man appointed perhaps because Boris thought Gay people were just getting a bad rap because of ‘homofauxbia’ and that all they needed was a shot at redemption.
Didn’t work, because all those stereotypes grow for a reason and now you Boris have been bitten by not believing the truth.
If the Conservatives foolishly get rid of Boris Johnson they could be out of power for a generation or more. However, the damage is now done. They have all been really stupid and that includes the Prime Minister who should have been much more aware of what was going on under his nose.
The electorate may not look kindly on a self-indulgent, apparently self-destructive, Conservative Party that insists on heading into a leadership election while the country faces a number of difficulties: the return of inflation and militant unionism, a lack of housing, uncontrolled immigration, huge debts and rising debt repayments, a lack of energy security, bloated Government and too many NGOs, a lack of food security and a media that in part is totally out of control.
PJW on Trudeau’s new move
.. https://youtu.be/jTYhVxKiXE0
I mean, come on folks, if Boris does go and we have a general election and Labour win, we could have a Labour Prime minister who is a lawyer whose wife is also a lawyer.
What could go wrong?
ITV local news
A puff piece “Here we are in Sheffield at a cafe that opened last week after people raised £5,000 to provide jobs for 7 Ukrainians”
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – cost-of-living-crisis, what cost-of-living-crisis?
This is quite revealing. It suggests that, for Lloyds Bank customers at least, there is no cost of living crisis. “Credit card spending on travel was up 300% on last year, but the majority of Lloyd’s customers were worried about the cost of living, he (Charlie Nunn) said. Of course they were, Charlie. The media have been busy telling them to panic, every day, especially the BBC bit of the media.
Perhaps Lloyds Bank customers have quite a bit of financial nous? Another statement from Charlie that the BBC choose to highlight: “Most Lloyds Bank customers have less than £500 of savings in their accounts.” Could it be the paltry interest rates that Lloyds Bank offer, plus of course the delinquent MPC of the Bank of England not increasing Base Rate enough late last year and earlier this year? Maybe your customers have money stashed away in Building Societies (remember them, Charlie?) and in other banks who offer 3% on regular savings.
Doh! Charlie are you doing that at Lloyds? Why don’t you scrap the minimum £100 per month rule that pays only 1.5%, Charlie? Charlie by name, charlie by nature, it appears. A right charlie running the bank that has customers who are wiser than the Chief Executive, it appears.
No BBC local news
instead we have hyperbolic piece “here we are on Johnston street”
and now a picture of the Number 10 door as if they are waiting for him to resign to make primetime telly.
It started 14 mins later and within a few minutes we had a clip of thei BBC’s favourite Labour MP Dian Johnson saying Boris must go.
But they have allowed some Boris supporting MP also to be on speaking
I guess so the BBC could collect some gotcha material for future use.
Finally they finish with a special graphic ..”these are the junior ministers have left.”
..Then actually a couple of viewer comments
saying Boris is being treated unfairly.
There was one comment from Kier Starmer, during PMQs, that had me gasping.
He was talking about the young lad groped by Mr Pincher and how he froze when the revolting old letch grabbed him. “When I was prosecuting rapists I heard that from victims all the time. Victims said they froze…” Yes, I can quite understand that…
Wasn’t Starmer Chief Prosecuting Attorney at the height of the Rotherham and Rochdale outrages? Yes, I know, these rapes are still going on and it was the entire establishment that turned a blind eye… Police, media, politicians…but he must have known something…
No one wants to be “touched up” by a creepy old man, but it’s nowhere near as bad as industrial scale child rape.
This is still the elephant in the room…
Apparently the Antiques Roadshow doesn’t want items brought in that have ‘colonial connotations ‘. Probably ok to bring in a piece of woven cloth made in a factory using undernourished, underage child labour though. I can only assume that Sir Lenny has actually taken the BBC over and we can look forward to many more hours of tedious woke, prejudiced, historically inaccurate and biased programming. What joy.
I live near Stoke on Trent, it was the World’s manufacturing centre for pottery from the Victorian until the 1980’s. Someone in our village, from Stoke, told me that the lifespan of people working in the pottery industry in the early era was less than 30. It’s absolutely true that there was slavery, Britain traded in slaves and the products of slavery but working class British people were little better than slaves. Britain was the first country in the World to abolish slavery and I don’t think anyone living in Britain today regards slavery and anything other than abhorrent.
Priti Tells Boris to go.
This is a Home Secretary who has steadfastly carried out Johnson’s open borders policy whilst pretending to the voters that she really seeks a limit to the dinghy riders and illegals.
G.W.F., the Germans – apparently – according to the lunchtime news on BBC R4 have suddenly woken up to the fact that Mutti enabled quite an industry to be built up in Germany with a branch office in Calais.
I’ve just had a quick search of the BBC web-site so don’t bother looking. This important piece of news isn’t there. But the latest BBC slur or attack against Boris Johnson is: he met the Russian Alexander Lebedev without officials present. I wonder who prompted the BBC to ask about that? Ummhhh. No, I don’t really, I can make a really good guess!
If you need something to brighten your day amidst all the political gloom, may I recommend the Met Office/BBC Radio4 weather forecasts. In this age of intense (some people might say non-) Global Warming it is quite hilarious to listen to the Met Office people try to explain why we are not all roasting in the hottest-evvah. These forecasts can be heard before the Main News at 6 a.m., 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. (although it is still within the PM programme itself) and 10 p.m.
The one at lunchtime today was particularly hilarious. Poor old Tomasz Shafernaker always sounds as though he is making it up as he goes along. Today, before 1 p.m. you could also hear his brain cells grinding away as, puzzled as he was by a lack of Global Warming – even 1.5 degrees worth, how was he going to explain that the temperatures were below that even for standard British (poor) summer in July?
Tomasz resorted to clouds. That’s blue sky thinking for you. Or not.
Never mind there’s a heat wave coming tomorrow. Honest.