BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – strange that Rishi Sunak and Laura Kuenssberg didn’t know that ….
… the Prime Minister is responsible for Fiscal Policy. That is why he is called the Prime Minister, he is First Lord of Her Majesty’s Treasury. I guess that is why ‘Part-time’ has that puzzled scowl on her face. She doesn’t know and is trying to work it out. Rishi is probably too young to have been taught any ‘Civics’ at school as the syllabus is now full of sex education, Climate studies, Gender studies, etc..
Rishi, that is why the PM calls the shots on fiscal policy.
I really think that Boris’s biggest blunder was not realising how surrounded he is by duplicitous snakes in his own crew. This lead him to be way too blasé and off-guard about his words etc. and the slime surrounding him jumped in to take advantage.
What a thoroughly dirty place the Government environment is and I’m not referring to Boris, he is merely a thoughtless buffoon who has fallen into traps left right and centre.
I wouldn’t put it past the BBC to arrange with suitable agent provocateurs, simply tame sleepers in no 10 to walk him into these situations.
However these things have a habit of being revealed and I would look forward with relish to the BBC being caught out. Spying works both ways!
The attempt by their Today producer to get MPs to resign live on screen is proof positive to me of their morals and intentions.
digg, good post. It is said that in politics every career ends in failure and that everyone is after the top job in No. 10 Downing Street.
The Conservatives are particularly good at either the PM slaying Ministers (eg. SuperMac’s Night of the Long Knives – or stabbing their Party Leader in the back or causing his or her political death by a thousand cuts. This is the second time in my adult life that the Conservative MPs have collectively wielded the knife on the whole nation.
The first was in 1995 and we know how that ended: Blair and Brown and 2007-2009.
If Boris and Carrie go they would be welcome in Extinction Rebellion, gluing each other to paintings in order to save the world. It does appear that the gluers have so far enjoyed protection from HM Government
Not so, Thoughtful. The PM could call a General Election or try to but the House might vote against suspending the Parliament Act. A No Confidence motion – assuming the rules of the 1922 Committee are changed – would merely result in a Conservative Party Leadership election.
It would be unusual but I think there’s a day in the Parliamentary calendar when there is ‘a Bill free for all’ where a Labour member might bring a No Confidence vote to the House. Is it the last day before the summer recess? Would the Conservative Party rally around the PM and vote in his favour? They might, just to stick it to Labour one more time. If that vote is lost, if my memory is correct, then a General Election might result but the question is how would MPs manage to choose a leader if the House is not sitting.
No, a no confidence motion by Labour would result in a general election, not a leadership election.
If of course those idioitic Tories who support Boris can bring themselves to vote against his government.
Suppose Boris quickly replaces the empty posts and announces that he has the perfect team. Then blames the resigners for all the problems so far and promises to get stuck into the original election promises, controlling immigrations etc. I suggest the no confidence motion will not be put and Boris might survive.
G.W.F., you could be right. The only tactics left to plotters then would be to make it impossible for the PM to get any Bills passed in the House or for them to pressure the 1922 Committee into changing the rules for a new No Confidence vote.
” pillage the gas beneath the UK, send home the invaders, and burn the bbc to the ground”
I am afraid he ain’t going to do it . He has already had enough time to do it and he failed . Or perhaps deep down he did not want to do it ?
Boris is only as good as whoever has his ear. He is an empty shell who can present a likeable PR image – but that’s it. If Cummings was still there, I suspect the BBC would be well on it’s way out now.
IMHO the relentless behaviour of the ‘impartial and unbiased’ BBC to remove the duly elected Prime Minister once they smelled blood has been absolutely scandalous.
Now they have been allowed to get away with it, they will do the same thing for any other PM who they decide they don’t want to run the country.
For that reason alone, I support Boris at this time. But once it’s over, I absolutely think we need a new leader who is much stronger than this empty shell we have now.
In the aftermath, I hope someone takes a very, very close look at the BBC and OFCOM. They are an absolute disgrace.
You could have guessed which ambitious snakes would have turned on him for their own gain before it even started.
As an aside from the present “skirmish” in Downing Street , lets have a look and listen at the goings on of least one of our European “Allies”…………………………….
Boris is trying to blackmail his own party with the threat of a general election in which he knows the Tories will get walloped and he would probably lose his own seat. That says heaps about the man.
Lord Frost has put it very clearly that Boris isn’t going to get any better. If he does manage survive this onslaught he will put it down to his own cleverness. Nothing will change.
The BBC will not suffer any revenge from him. His first priority will to be to jump on a plane to the Ukraine and ponce around the world stage. His premiership is all about him.
An incoming Tory PM will have more determination to wipe the BBC’s malevolent presence from the map now it has been revealed for all to see.
Yasser, I posted about that strategy move yesterday before realising it was on the fp of the Daily Telegraph. It was also suggested there in the DT, or on the BBC web-site, that the Queen would intervene and resist such a move. Surprising that there is such political ignorance at the BBC.
The Queen knows the law better than any PM and knows it would be perfectly legal to call a General Election. Her Majesty might advise the PM not to do it but she would see the sense in it for the country and the Queen would always put the good of the country first.
I confess I haven’t paid attention to this: the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Act 2022. How did that get past me without noticing? Could it be the BBC haven’t mentioned it before now?
“However, after winning the 2019 election, the Conservatives introduced a new law – called the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Act 2022 – which abolished the previous one and restored the PM’s traditional power to call elections at a time of their choosing.”
No mention at all in this article about the money they are being given to house these Ukranians so there is a typical BBC lie by omission there already.
But of all the Ukrainians who are being housed, which one does the BBC focus on for their article ?.
This one: ‘Excel’ from Nigeria.
I have nothing against Excel and I’m pleased he got out – but considering all I can find is that there are a few thousand black people living in Ukraine, it is either yet another a huge coincidence that they picked one who pushes their multicultural agenda or he was picked on purpose and the BBC are racists.
I can’t find figures for what percentage of Ukraine are black – but I only find reference to ‘thousands’. In a country of 44 million. So let’s guess at 50,000. Which is 0.1%.
I’ll go with the BBC being racists with those odds. Backed up by the dozens of other similar situations I’ve seen.
I still don’t quite comprehend why the Left think it’s only racist when it’s against BAME.
Black Lives Matter = Good.
White Lives Matter = abhorrent and racist.
In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, predominantly by British-Pakistani men. British Asian girls in Rotherham also suffered abuse, but a fear of shame and dishonour made them reluctant to report the abuse to authorities.
‘But conspiracy theorists aren’t buying it. On social media, they blame the extreme rainfall on “cloud seeding” and “weather manipulation”.’
‘There is no evidence to back up such theories, but this hasn’t prevented falsehoods from reaching thousands of people online.’
This is the problem with Leftist ‘fact checkers’. Just because the BBC have no evidence, it does not mean they can directly claim something to be false without providing evidence of their own to show it. It makes them no better than the people they are desperately trying to put down.
They did exactly the same to Trump and got away with it. So now they are doing it for everything else which suits their agenda. And it is exactly why they must be stopped.
Not proving something is True does not prove it to be False.
The New Liberal World Order run by the World Economic Forum.
It seems very like the greatest conspiracy story ever told but the facts that support this story are steadily piling up. It is getting ever harder to dismiss it as a wild scare story.
Suella Braverman has thrown her hat in to the ring for PM. This has taken me by surprise.
We know that she is onto the shiftyness of the civil service and BBC, but the three things she has stated on her announcement were. 1, Proper tax cuts. 2, Shrink the size of the state. 3 Bringing an end to woke rubbish.
The last of these is one I have not heard stated before by any MP.
Let’s see how many of the other candidates are prepared to promise that. Good on her for setting the bar high.
Yasser, #metoo. She would be a good candiate in my view, too.
It is still a surprise why the PM hasn’t gone public on the true cause of the PM’s woes. John Longworth is in no doubt.
Time to end the convention that elected MPs and Ministers protect their Civil Servants. Cummings was clear about what the problem was in 2019/2020. Get on with the culling, Jacob.
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC’s choice of presenters is poor as they do not disguise their joy
Mixed Doubles on TOADY with Mishal – Two days a week – Husain and Nick Robinson presenting. They do not bother disguising their joy at the problems of Boris Johnson and a Conservative Government. No political neutrality from the BBC whatsoever. Disgraceful, especially seeing as one of their number helped with the start of ‘Partygate’.
Could this help trigger the end of the BBC Licence Fee?
Given his recent efforts, admittedly covered only in places where holding to account is not consigned to insincere claims whilst walking past statues, a period of silence from Toenails would be most welcome.
He is a proven propagandist, and professional integrity void.
A pleasure to join @piersmorgan just now on @TalkTV. And to have the chance to ask my fellow guest Alastair Campbell why he should be regarded as any kind of authority on truth in politics. Shame he walked out. I was just getting to ask about David Kelly.
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
Following the Indian Mutiny: Johnson fights for his life (Times) – well, his political life, maybe…
Mortally wounded PM defies Cabinet demands he quit (Telegraph) – metaphorically – luckily he’s not waiting on an NHS ambulance this morning – as we smile to ourselves at the spectacle of modern career politicians all up in arms over the honesty, ethics and integrity of one of their dubious number.
Desperate, deluded PM clings to power (Guardian) – clearly the constitution might as well be bunk as far as the Guardianistas are concerned – that’s when it comes to ousting a Tory. The next step in the playbook will be to scream how Johnson’s Tory successor will have no democratic legitimacy without a General Election. Democracy is a big issue, when it’s not a pro-Brexit vote.
The delusional people here are those Tories imagining that Boris isn’t still their best bet yet electorally, as opposed to some squishy, suspiciously Remainerish semi-Brexiteer.
Just before they throw the over-sized baby out with the bathwater they might reflect on his supposed hero Winston who sat it out in the wilderness for a decade before being recalled as the enemy stood at our very gates.
The Daily Express catches the mood: PM’s last stand: back me or face political oblivion
One suspects the rainbow coalition Lab-Lib-Green-SNP government has been on the minds of our faceless agenda-setters for some time now.
The Daily Star tackles the fall in educational standards highlighted by the sudden dramatic downturn school Sats results – as covered in the columns of the Daily Telegraph yesterday – but when I say tackles I mean going in studs up as they say in footie. Oftentimes a tabloid nails an issue better with their pithiness: We’re all getting thicker
Mobile phone network EE become the latest corporation to join the woke squad and offend half the population with their leftist advertising: EE “Not her problem” by Saatchi & Saatchi
Stitches all down the leg, a dislocated finger, a tackle on the football pitch are all something that female athletes need to be concerned about. But online sexist abuse is not. (Campaign is a global business magazine covering advertising, media, marketing and commercial creativity)
You see female footballers’ social media is meant to be broadcast only with just a bit of admiring simpering support welcome – according to this phone network and their advert copywriters. No descent allowed or – men – you’ll get a red card.
No matter that much so-called online abuse is found to derrive from females – the fairer sex, famously the principle authors of the former hate format: the poison pen letter – but that was a differnt time.
Frankly I am both disappointed that you have ignored the big event of yesterday – namely the wimmins ‘ football thing . The BBC is currently talking about nothing else and the thought that ‘the kittens’ could win this ‘competition ‘ uniting the country – even the jocks – with pride ….
Well, I did get confronted by the EE phone network’s prejudiced against men advertising posters featuring hulking great harridans in sportswear looking down on me disapprovingly – while travelling on little man Sadiq Khan’s failing underground railway yesterday. So I guessed there might some football of some sort going on.
Yesterday in the HoC both Johnson and Blackford wished the women’s teams of both England and NI well BUT …
Sir Keir Starmer only wishes the English team well in the women’s Euros – no mention of NI. Tells you all you need to know. #ProudofNI
— Arlene Foster DBE PC #ProudofNI. (@ArleneFosterUK) July 6, 2022
Starmer made a major mistake by only wishing the best to the England Ladies and failing to wish the best to the Northern Ireland Ladies. But both the Conservative and SNP Leaders wished the NI Ladies the best.Thanks. NI will not forget the insult by Starmer.
— Lord John Kilclooney (@KilclooneyJohn) July 6, 2022
EE commissioned a YouGov study looking at online sexist hate; this showed nearly two thirds (63%) of males feel men are mostly responsible for misogynistic behaviour. Online sexist hate is not a woman’s problem to solve. (1) -Olivia
I am on LinkedIn for same reason I have a device to create melon balls in the drawer; it was free, occupies little space and may come in handy on occasion.
So I do review the post summaries and scope any professionally interesting.
This is set to change.
Now it is rammed with vast emotive screeds from home working brain dumpers sharing angst with fellow sistas.
“Basket of deplorables” is a phrase from a 2016 presidential election campaign speech delivered by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on September 9, 2016, at a campaign fundraising event, which she used to describe half of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump saying “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”.[1] The next day, she expressed regret for “saying half”, while insisting that Trump had deplorably amplified “hateful views and voices”.
An England international footballer was blackmailed for £30k after repeatedly having sex with a transgender prostitute, according to The Sun.
Members of the England international side never tend to be far away from drama and controversy. In this case, the man accused will be thankful that his identity has remained a secret.
6. It struck me tonight the effect Johnson has had on Alastair Campbell. The man is gaunt & clearly unwell. Add into that James O'Brien. They're fixated to all intents & purposes, their lives consumed with hatred.
— Barrister's Horse (@BarristersHorse) July 7, 2022
I wonder what people with no interest in politics read into what is going on in Westminster ? Nut nut has a very strong brand image both here and abroad . And has a celebrity ‘fondness’ … and popularity… .
At the moment I am listening today – various character actors are being rolled out in front of the current prime minister – comrade Robinson and all being cut off .
Robinson sounds like a child in a sweet shop . This stuff is meaningless in impacting on the lives – and quality of life – of taxpayers .
There will be minimal change – petrol will still be painfully expensive – the price of chicken will still be going up .. the dollar ( oil ) will get more expensive …
Yet the Westminster village of journos – politicians – journos -runs around like it’s important . ..
…can anyone help – nut nut is fond of ‘classics ‘ – one of those useless exclusive subjects which certain types of people use to exclude lessers –
Is there one of those tedious ‘classics ‘ yarns being played out in nut nuts’ head ? Just trying to get the narrative .
Politicians, BBC journos, and other ‘Celebrities’ all seem to share a vastly inflated self-image of their importance, and their significance to most people. The most interesting thing is how little most of these people, the so called ‘elite’, actually do, or achieve.
So, Boris Johnson is on his way out the door – won’t be long now, despite his clinging on to the (pretentious and vastly overpriced) wallpaper by his fingernails – frankly, so what? Life will go on, invaders will keep flooding in unchecked, unions will keep pushing for impossible pay rises and disruption, eco-loons will keep on protesting about things they don’t really understand, there will be worrying increases in ‘costs’, some people will realise (perhaps too late) that they’ve not planned for what’s coming, others will find it more and more difficult to get a holiday abroad, fill the car up, pay the mortgage, see a dentist, see a GP, etc… these are the things people really care about, but don’t have a clue how to sort out.
Oh, and will Carrie Anntoinette stick by him do you think? I’m not convinced.
Big – you are right of course – often I feel guilty listening or watching this stuff . It sometimes feels like being a rubber neck at a car crash .
Will any of it cut the cost of living ? Improve life ? Open up roads to traffic again ? Make for a plod which does crime ?
No – even another colour government will spend its ‘ time blaming the previous regime for current troubles . Same old same old ….
… but I think the days of ego driven entertainers as PM will be gone for a while ….
I should have said thank you to Jim for spotting this old article written by the man who is currently "holed up in Downing Street" which I quoted on air this morning
Partner to ‘Not enough dead Jews’ Husain. Overseen by an ideological producer who tries to create covert heat over light scoops and then protects his tweets to stay in the same bubble as the head of BBC fact-checking. And sets the weasels on any calling him out on it.
Speaking of facts, Toenails was cited by Sopes in a Savilian ‘everybody knew’ tweet that got vanished. He also cited as news a piece he read that suited, and hence did not need checking.
Boris is the architect of his own demise. But in rolling over his bloated corpse to the likes of Mr. Robinson and his fellow frenzied sharks, maybe he can drag them down too.
No British prime minister in modern times has experienced a plunge in fortune like Tony Blair’s.
Cheered to the echo as he left the Commons chamber for the last time as prime minister in 2007, after 10 years of largely untroubled dominance, the tragedy of Iraq quickly ensnared him so completely that by this summer he admitted he would be a liability in the campaign to keep Britain in the European Union. The old Blair magic had turned to sand.
I wonder if this morning the deluded Tory MPs who supported Boris in their leadership election are questioning their decision, and perhaps their own thought processes.
We might be kind and allow them some benefit of the doubt but here we are in the same place yet again and their own lack of thinking ability.
If they are incapable of seeing the future – and lets face it, it wasn’t difficult to see, then what are they doing sat in Parliament?
Now as a result of their own choice they have a wrecked party, and if they can do that to their own party what do you think they’ve been doing to the country the past few years?
A while ago here I listed out the BBC narrative over nut nut
Get him to resign
Install a remainer
Force a general election
Get a remainer cabinet- blue/red / red – in place
Start the EU rejoining process
But there is an alternative now that starmer has fully signed labour up to brexit ( really ) ….
2024 – the economy has collapsed into depression – power cuts – empty supermarkets – unsafe streets – rationed petrol – ongoing strikes – public services even worse – hung parliament —
And the BBC looking on gleefully throwing rationed fuel on a national fire .
You might have forgotten Fed that Macron let it slip that Boris had approached him with a view to the UK rejoining the EU?
Boris is a remainer, a Socialist weak and feckless doing exactly what I would expect the BBC would want him to do.
He is a Biden lover and a Trump hater, to me he is a creature which would find employment in the BBC, and although the BBC might blindly hate the word ‘Tory’ most of their MPs are the exact middle class champagne Socialist who infest every corridor of the Biased corporation.
The weather forecast on BBC R4, after the 6 a.m. News bulletin and within TOADY (before “the first look at the papers”) itself had another weather man (sorry, forgotten name) explaing why today will not be the hottest day evvah and why it is raining on parts of Scotland and Northern England.
But there will be a heatwave due to Global Warming. Soon. Maybe. After the weekend. Possibly.
Even Comrade Robinson cannot believe his luck – soo Ella braverman than I – turns up in the BBC torture room to demonstrate why she ain’t worthy of much – no resignation – waiting to have her 2 minutes of fame being fired by the man who hired her ….
There is notable list of quiet candidates for the top job – truss – hunt – someone else – ….my money is on Truss …
As far as I can see they all want the Blair/WEF/China agenda whereby the peasants are controlled by AI and digital passports of one kind or another, whilst the country is continuousy flooded by aliens who wish us harm.
Nick Robinson let slip this morning that forty-six (46!) Cabinet ministers had resigned from Boris Johnson’s Government. Now, obviously, some of that number are a replacement resigning just as the previous incumbent did. But 46? That must mean only one thing. No, not that Boris Johnson is a hopeless liar and all round bad person.
It means the Government has become and is far too large, far too bloated … just like the BBC. If Boris wanted to stamp his Prime Ministerial authority on something, he could help ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ that the BBC and others are talking up and help the public’s purse by cutting Government down to size. Set the BBC a good example, PM. Let Jacob Rees-Mogg loose on a ‘Bonfire of the Ministries’.
Today watch
Comrade Robinson dreams have all come true – he reads out a letter from the new ‘chancellor ‘ which calls on nut nut to resign …
….so many political careers being ended so quickly … there’s another one . No honour .
I suppose the way to see who is the best ‘next’ PM will be to see who the bbbc go after most.
For my two penny worth I am not bothered about partygate or groping incidents. I expect poor behaviour from mp’s.
When they lost the two by elections I was hearing this might be the shock Boris needs to start being a Conservative with phrases like ‘throw the party faithful some red meat’ but nothing changed.
Even now some are saying if he changed and started being a Tory he could turn it around.
The thing is, he’s done almost nothing with his huge majority.
I could list them all (like immigration/green crap etc) but we on here all know he has wasted his opportunity by going too far to the left.
I don’t think he can change and if he somehow stays he will Carrie on as before.
That’s why I think we need someone who is a hard brexiteer and will take the Tories back to the right.
Penny seems to fit the bill but there are a couple of others as well.
Emmanuel, there was some good commonsense talked by John Longworth, keen Brexiteer and former British Chamber of Commerce D-G when interviewed by Sean Farrington as part of the Business News in the first half-hour of TOADY. He had a plan. Man with a plan. That is what is needed. Or a woman with a plan.
Seems like the only one who has a plan is Princess Nut Nuts herself. Cling on to the limelight and the wallpaper.
We are witnessing what happens when a populist leader becomes unpopular. When conventions, constitutions and yes conservative behaviour are thrown asunder. Shame on Boris Johnson but shame on the enablers too.
It is disgraceful that they get any money for quitting. Even if they were made redundant the standard is one week’s pay for one year’s service. Plus the position would not be able to be re filled.
— Lee Hurst – 30.1K 15/3/22 belle 9 xix 3075 (@LeeHurstComic) July 7, 2022
That said, Hugs did swung gardening leave, a nifty welcome back package etc, so BBC civil service failure is certainly a step up to ministerial civil service failure.
More popcorn – a 24 hour Today programme – now that nut nut is hiring the removal van – although he claims to be staying on .
Good time for Putin to attack .
Fed, I hope we will not be hearing whinges from you about a Labour Coalition government with no end of it in sight and Britain having to give up the £sterling to rejoin the EU and be ruled by Brussels. You and Thoughtful now have what you wished for. Maybe. Or will the PM tell the whole really true story and refuse to resign at the Press Conference today?
Up2. – The BBC may well have been after nut nut but is end is of his own doing , if he had been a proper PM he’d have got good people about him to keep him out of trouble and under control . Instead he had his mad wife . He didn’t have control and paid the price – in a dishonourable and shabby way .
I repeat – there are more important problems for ordinary taxpayers than worrying about rejoining the EU now … ie
Cost of living – mad blue labour economics and a possible NATO Russia – China war .
I just hope the blue labour lot select a conservative rather than a fool
He’s resigned as leader .
Who’s next ? Will it be someone who will Secure Our Borders, get Brexit Done and put the Great back into Britain?
My money could go on Suella Braverman or even Penny Mordaunt ………………….?
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. (Boris Johnson)
But it cannot survive treason from within.(Theresa May)
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. (Anjem Choudary)
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.(Jeremy Corbyn)
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Oh! Hang on , he aint gone yet !
If there is going to be a general election, the only chance the Tories have got if Labour, The Limp Dems, The Greens and the Nats. form a coalition, is for the Conservatives to join up with UKIP and The Reform Party .
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
downblousing , what’s that all about ?
Why do so many girls put their ‘goods on display’ now , particularly barmaids when pulling pints ?
Strange world .
Boris has resigned.
Thank goodness I do not work for the BBC.
The danger of breaking an ankle when tripping over a Champagne bottle in a corridor will be so high that a visit from the Health and Safety Executive will surely be warranted.
Rap Niggas
Nipsey Hussle
I ain’t nothing like you fucking rap niggas
Hussle man a shooter, that’s a fact, nigga
Thirty-two extendos in my mac, nigga
Spend a thousand on some t-shirts up at Saks, nigga
I ain’t nothing like you fucking rap niggas
Hussle man a shooter that’s a fact, nigga
Thirty-two extendos in my mac, nigga
Spend a thousand on some t-shirts up at Saks, nigga
Traffic problems around TV and radio studios as ‘mouths ‘ queue up to chuck in their penny’s worth – the usual suspects .…..
Must be time for the drunk queer deputy chief whip whose conduct finally ended it – to say something …
BBC R4 Main News at 6 a.m.: England’s Womens footie team started the WimintzWorldCup with a One-Nil win over Austria at Old Trafford in front of a 70,000 crowd. Well done, England’s girls. We need some good news. Now, if Cameron Norrie can add to it ….. 🙂
Sports segment at 6.30 a.m.: the crowd size has shrunk to 69,000.
I smell a BBC whiff of BBC something BBC suspicious and check. Er, crowd is down now to 68,000 … well, almost 69,000 … it was 68,871 at the last official count. How many does Old Trafford hold?
The next step by the BBC is to demand an election because whatever else the elected ruling party does is not considered ‘legitimate ‘…
That is the song for a while and the chorus will start singing after the coming Starmer speech …..
Tricky one for The BBC – after nut nut – who do they hate and assassinate next ?
The likes of Comrade Robinson will be lost without him and his mental health may suffer. I think – though – that the nut nut hatred will continue even when he is dead …
The Conservatives must realise that any hopes of winning the next election with whoever they conspire to stick in No. 10 will be hopelessly slim. I’ll make a prediction though: We will see the likely future direction of travel within 2 months of a new incumbent being installed and their immediate policies, “Nailing Colours to the Mast” if you will – If it’s struggling as usual – no change expected and they are doomed (“I’ll tell ye”); If policies immediately adopted and implemented consist of actively halting ‘wokism’; Tearing up the NI Treaty (f**k EU); Halting & reversing illegal immigration with appropriate action, the incumbent will be seen to be the right person – immediately and fully supported by the majority public. Its a no-brainer job.
Salvage all the lifejackets stored in Dover, round up the thousands illegally here, advise the French to get their navy into the channel, their side of the mid point to pick up floating illegals who are being returned to where they belong. Simples.
Pride, selfishness and mistrust
Di expert say pride na anoda factor wey dey crash marriage. She say wen partners no won bow for each oda, e dey cause marriage to crash.
“E get time wey one pesin gass bow for di oda. But wen two partners dey like two captains inside ship, na dia di problem dey.
“And na dis kind problem dey a lot of marriages dis days,” Angela Elueokafor tok.
Well, the publicly funded champagne corks will be popping at the BBC tonight. They managed to get rid of a PM they hated with the most scandalous, biased witchhunt in the UK I have witnessed in my lifetime.
Not up there with Trump and the Jan 6 protests of course – but we do take some time to catch up with the latest benchmarks.
Now the trick of planting the names of his replacement starts. Just subtle snippets here and there. Small digs against the ones they don’t want and all-positives for the ones they do.
I remember their out-and-out support for that complete d1ck Remainer Rory Stewart last time. The whole country laughed at him – but the BBC backed him. Lets hope they pick another no-hoper this time.
Get ready for most apalling gloating now. I bet they open the first HYS on it very soon.
"… a government of national unity… flattered to serve … only temporary… of all faiths … and none … fresh … uniting the nation around our most urgent problem … teaching everyone to code"
Funny how both Blair and alistair Campbell both appear to have a demonic look about them these days – methinks there is a place in hell booked for them
Blair was a horrendous monster, and he even looks like that in the photo, but he was everything todays Tories aren’t.
He had vision, passion, courage, willingness to act to achieve his vision.
You look at todays Labour party, both Blue and Red shades, and both of them have no clear vision, no ability no talent, no courage, and are scared to death of taking action even when they admit it is clearly needed.
Has he not had a Left wing to appease by mass immigration, and a burning desire to make money from the Middle East he might have made a decent PM. His management of the economy was certainly better than the Harold Wilson wannabe who has just resigned.
I feel sorry for old Beff and rest of the journos because who are they going to stick their knives in now ?
There seems to be an air of “wet knicker time” as the smugness is overwhelming by these activist reporters.
All the rubbish aside, BJ has gone not for the policies, but has been brought down by the scandal and the inept team around him who should have kept those idiots in No10 under the cosh, because this was all fodder for the baying journos with the help of Dominic Cummings, whose prime aim lets not forget was to bring down Johnson. Then there is the calibre of back benchers – what a shower.
According to all the young reporters today is a “seismic” time in British Politics ! really ? in their lifetime maybe, but they’re too young to remember other “seismic” events in politics.
If there is a General Election, I dread a Labour Government with the likes of Lammy, Abbott sitting on the front bench, and I hope people will remember that.
“If there is a General Election, I dread a Labour Government with the likes of Lammy, Abbott sitting on the front bench, and I hope people will remember that.”
Very much so about those two, but Ed balls was the irritant we all wanted to see kicked out – and he was, so there was some justice somewhere or other!
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
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BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – strange that Rishi Sunak and Laura Kuenssberg didn’t know that ….
… the Prime Minister is responsible for Fiscal Policy. That is why he is called the Prime Minister, he is First Lord of Her Majesty’s Treasury. I guess that is why ‘Part-time’ has that puzzled scowl on her face. She doesn’t know and is trying to work it out. Rishi is probably too young to have been taught any ‘Civics’ at school as the syllabus is now full of sex education, Climate studies, Gender studies, etc..
Rishi, that is why the PM calls the shots on fiscal policy.
I really think that Boris’s biggest blunder was not realising how surrounded he is by duplicitous snakes in his own crew. This lead him to be way too blasé and off-guard about his words etc. and the slime surrounding him jumped in to take advantage.
What a thoroughly dirty place the Government environment is and I’m not referring to Boris, he is merely a thoughtless buffoon who has fallen into traps left right and centre.
I wouldn’t put it past the BBC to arrange with suitable agent provocateurs, simply tame sleepers in no 10 to walk him into these situations.
However these things have a habit of being revealed and I would look forward with relish to the BBC being caught out. Spying works both ways!
The attempt by their Today producer to get MPs to resign live on screen is proof positive to me of their morals and intentions.
digg, good post. It is said that in politics every career ends in failure and that everyone is after the top job in No. 10 Downing Street.
The Conservatives are particularly good at either the PM slaying Ministers (eg. SuperMac’s Night of the Long Knives – or stabbing their Party Leader in the back or causing his or her political death by a thousand cuts. This is the second time in my adult life that the Conservative MPs have collectively wielded the knife on the whole nation.
The first was in 1995 and we know how that ended: Blair and Brown and 2007-2009.
If Boris and Carrie go they would be welcome in Extinction Rebellion, gluing each other to paintings in order to save the world. It does appear that the gluers have so far enjoyed protection from HM Government
G.W.F., LOL x 5.
Rumour has it that Michael Gove has been sacked !!!!
God I hope you are not watching the BBC and getting caught up in the game like they are.
Who needs speculation, what happen happens.
Have Boris and Gove been best friends since that time Gove stabbed him in the back ?
Brissles, my dear old thing, is it Sweet Revenge or The Last Act of a Desperate Man?
Boris is now apparantly refusing to quit, which is a crazy situation for the government to find itself in.
What is going to happen if he continues this refusal is a no confidence motion which would spark a general election were it to pass.
Johnson would then lead the Tories to a lanslide defeat, and you really do have to question the mentality of a man who would do such a thing.
Not so, Thoughtful. The PM could call a General Election or try to but the House might vote against suspending the Parliament Act. A No Confidence motion – assuming the rules of the 1922 Committee are changed – would merely result in a Conservative Party Leadership election.
It would be unusual but I think there’s a day in the Parliamentary calendar when there is ‘a Bill free for all’ where a Labour member might bring a No Confidence vote to the House. Is it the last day before the summer recess? Would the Conservative Party rally around the PM and vote in his favour? They might, just to stick it to Labour one more time. If that vote is lost, if my memory is correct, then a General Election might result but the question is how would MPs manage to choose a leader if the House is not sitting.
No, a no confidence motion by Labour would result in a general election, not a leadership election.
If of course those idioitic Tories who support Boris can bring themselves to vote against his government.
Suppose Boris quickly replaces the empty posts and announces that he has the perfect team. Then blames the resigners for all the problems so far and promises to get stuck into the original election promises, controlling immigrations etc. I suggest the no confidence motion will not be put and Boris might survive.
G.W.F., you could be right. The only tactics left to plotters then would be to make it impossible for the PM to get any Bills passed in the House or for them to pressure the 1922 Committee into changing the rules for a new No Confidence vote.
Did Alistair Campbell answer the hard questions from Douglas Murray
or did he bluster and then run away ?
good on boris ‘the berzerker’ for standing his ground and not bowing down to the wishes of the bbc
now he needs to pillage the gas beneath the UK, send home the invaders, and burn the bbc to the ground
I for one support him
” pillage the gas beneath the UK, send home the invaders, and burn the bbc to the ground”
I am afraid he ain’t going to do it . He has already had enough time to do it and he failed . Or perhaps deep down he did not want to do it ?
Boris is only as good as whoever has his ear. He is an empty shell who can present a likeable PR image – but that’s it. If Cummings was still there, I suspect the BBC would be well on it’s way out now.
Instead we have Nut Nut and ‘net zero’.
What a huge disappointment he has been.
Bojo – always likely to be ‘a huge disappointment’ without a good manager like Cummings.
IMHO the relentless behaviour of the ‘impartial and unbiased’ BBC to remove the duly elected Prime Minister once they smelled blood has been absolutely scandalous.
Now they have been allowed to get away with it, they will do the same thing for any other PM who they decide they don’t want to run the country.
For that reason alone, I support Boris at this time. But once it’s over, I absolutely think we need a new leader who is much stronger than this empty shell we have now.
In the aftermath, I hope someone takes a very, very close look at the BBC and OFCOM. They are an absolute disgrace.
You could have guessed which ambitious snakes would have turned on him for their own gain before it even started.
As an aside from the present “skirmish” in Downing Street , lets have a look and listen at the goings on of least one of our European “Allies”…………………………….
Robots have come a long way !. Is that Max Headrooms dad ?.
Not much sympathy for Boris, although the situation reminds me of Trump.
He had the power to reign in and break up big tech and the social media giants, but failed to do so, and they ultimately did him in.
Boris had the power to defund the BBC and render it toothless, but failed to do so.
My only hope if he survives, is that he exacts an extreme, harsh revenge upon them.
Boris is trying to blackmail his own party with the threat of a general election in which he knows the Tories will get walloped and he would probably lose his own seat. That says heaps about the man.
Lord Frost has put it very clearly that Boris isn’t going to get any better. If he does manage survive this onslaught he will put it down to his own cleverness. Nothing will change.
The BBC will not suffer any revenge from him. His first priority will to be to jump on a plane to the Ukraine and ponce around the world stage. His premiership is all about him.
An incoming Tory PM will have more determination to wipe the BBC’s malevolent presence from the map now it has been revealed for all to see.
Yasser, I posted about that strategy move yesterday before realising it was on the fp of the Daily Telegraph. It was also suggested there in the DT, or on the BBC web-site, that the Queen would intervene and resist such a move. Surprising that there is such political ignorance at the BBC.
The Queen knows the law better than any PM and knows it would be perfectly legal to call a General Election. Her Majesty might advise the PM not to do it but she would see the sense in it for the country and the Queen would always put the good of the country first.
I confess I haven’t paid attention to this: the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Act 2022. How did that get past me without noticing? Could it be the BBC haven’t mentioned it before now?
“However, after winning the 2019 election, the Conservatives introduced a new law – called the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Act 2022 – which abolished the previous one and restored the PM’s traditional power to call elections at a time of their choosing.”
Somewhat ironic that the man who called it was Michael Gove!
Gloucestershire opens homes to more than 700 Ukrainians
No mention at all in this article about the money they are being given to house these Ukranians so there is a typical BBC lie by omission there already.
But of all the Ukrainians who are being housed, which one does the BBC focus on for their article ?.
This one: ‘Excel’ from Nigeria.
I have nothing against Excel and I’m pleased he got out – but considering all I can find is that there are a few thousand black people living in Ukraine, it is either yet another a huge coincidence that they picked one who pushes their multicultural agenda or he was picked on purpose and the BBC are racists.
I can’t find figures for what percentage of Ukraine are black – but I only find reference to ‘thousands’. In a country of 44 million. So let’s guess at 50,000. Which is 0.1%.
I’ll go with the BBC being racists with those odds. Backed up by the dozens of other similar situations I’ve seen.
I still don’t quite comprehend why the Left think it’s only racist when it’s against BAME.
Black Lives Matter = Good.
White Lives Matter = abhorrent and racist.
One of the few Ukrainian men who didn’t want to stay and fight for his country.
And won’t be going back I’ll wager.
In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, predominantly by British-Pakistani men. British Asian girls in Rotherham also suffered abuse, but a fear of shame and dishonour made them reluctant to report the abuse to authorities.
Australia floods: Unfounded cloud seeding claims spread online
‘But conspiracy theorists aren’t buying it. On social media, they blame the extreme rainfall on “cloud seeding” and “weather manipulation”.’
‘There is no evidence to back up such theories, but this hasn’t prevented falsehoods from reaching thousands of people online.’
This is the problem with Leftist ‘fact checkers’. Just because the BBC have no evidence, it does not mean they can directly claim something to be false without providing evidence of their own to show it. It makes them no better than the people they are desperately trying to put down.
They did exactly the same to Trump and got away with it. So now they are doing it for everything else which suits their agenda. And it is exactly why they must be stopped.
Not proving something is True does not prove it to be False.
The New Liberal World Order run by the World Economic Forum.
It seems very like the greatest conspiracy story ever told but the facts that support this story are steadily piling up. It is getting ever harder to dismiss it as a wild scare story.
Some view Maxine Waters as a comedy character but when you’re that power drunk – sometimes the intoxication of power will out…
Suella Braverman has thrown her hat in to the ring for PM. This has taken me by surprise.
We know that she is onto the shiftyness of the civil service and BBC, but the three things she has stated on her announcement were. 1, Proper tax cuts. 2, Shrink the size of the state. 3 Bringing an end to woke rubbish.
The last of these is one I have not heard stated before by any MP.
Let’s see how many of the other candidates are prepared to promise that. Good on her for setting the bar high.
Yasser, #metoo. She would be a good candiate in my view, too.
It is still a surprise why the PM hasn’t gone public on the true cause of the PM’s woes. John Longworth is in no doubt.
Time to end the convention that elected MPs and Ministers protect their Civil Servants. Cummings was clear about what the problem was in 2019/2020. Get on with the culling, Jacob.
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC’s choice of presenters is poor as they do not disguise their joy
Mixed Doubles on TOADY with Mishal – Two days a week – Husain and Nick Robinson presenting. They do not bother disguising their joy at the problems of Boris Johnson and a Conservative Government. No political neutrality from the BBC whatsoever. Disgraceful, especially seeing as one of their number helped with the start of ‘Partygate’.
Could this help trigger the end of the BBC Licence Fee?
Given his recent efforts, admittedly covered only in places where holding to account is not consigned to insincere claims whilst walking past statues, a period of silence from Toenails would be most welcome.
He is a proven propagandist, and professional integrity void.
Guest, agreed, good post. No humility from Rick Nobinson.
Toenails ever mix it with Mad Al?
Or did his producers ensure all invited guests were made comfortable?
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
The BBC protected ones forget that others are out there.
Indian summer of Tory madness
Following the Indian Mutiny: Johnson fights for his life (Times) – well, his political life, maybe…
Mortally wounded PM defies Cabinet demands he quit (Telegraph) – metaphorically – luckily he’s not waiting on an NHS ambulance this morning – as we smile to ourselves at the spectacle of modern career politicians all up in arms over the honesty, ethics and integrity of one of their dubious number.
Desperate, deluded PM clings to power (Guardian) – clearly the constitution might as well be bunk as far as the Guardianistas are concerned – that’s when it comes to ousting a Tory. The next step in the playbook will be to scream how Johnson’s Tory successor will have no democratic legitimacy without a General Election. Democracy is a big issue, when it’s not a pro-Brexit vote.
The delusional people here are those Tories imagining that Boris isn’t still their best bet yet electorally, as opposed to some squishy, suspiciously Remainerish semi-Brexiteer.
Just before they throw the over-sized baby out with the bathwater they might reflect on his supposed hero Winston who sat it out in the wilderness for a decade before being recalled as the enemy stood at our very gates.
The Daily Express catches the mood: PM’s last stand: back me or face political oblivion
One suspects the rainbow coalition Lab-Lib-Green-SNP government has been on the minds of our faceless agenda-setters for some time now.
The Daily Star tackles the fall in educational standards highlighted by the sudden dramatic downturn school Sats results – as covered in the columns of the Daily Telegraph yesterday – but when I say tackles I mean going in studs up as they say in footie. Oftentimes a tabloid nails an issue better with their pithiness: We’re all getting thicker
Mobile phone network EE become the latest corporation to join the woke squad and offend half the population with their leftist advertising: EE “Not her problem” by Saatchi & Saatchi
Stitches all down the leg, a dislocated finger, a tackle on the football pitch are all something that female athletes need to be concerned about. But online sexist abuse is not. (Campaign is a global business magazine covering advertising, media, marketing and commercial creativity)
You see female footballers’ social media is meant to be broadcast only with just a bit of admiring simpering support welcome – according to this phone network and their advert copywriters. No descent allowed or – men – you’ll get a red card.
No matter that much so-called online abuse is found to derrive from females – the fairer sex, famously the principle authors of the former hate format: the poison pen letter – but that was a differnt time.
Frankly I am both disappointed that you have ignored the big event of yesterday – namely the wimmins ‘ football thing . The BBC is currently talking about nothing else and the thought that ‘the kittens’ could win this ‘competition ‘ uniting the country – even the jocks – with pride ….
Well, I did get confronted by the EE phone network’s prejudiced against men advertising posters featuring hulking great harridans in sportswear looking down on me disapprovingly – while travelling on little man Sadiq Khan’s failing underground railway yesterday. So I guessed there might some football of some sort going on.
Yesterday in the HoC both Johnson and Blackford wished the women’s teams of both England and NI well BUT …
Ee by gum. It involves a Gaz.
They do say there is no such thing as bad publicity.
That said, #ccbgb
The ee Twitter kids are high horsing back, which is fun, using poll stats… 🤪
A career at the bbc beckons.
Is it possible to mount an effective promotional social media campaign but with protected tweets?
“EE commissioned a YouGov study” — EE pay someone to do something to find something. If they don’t find it then look elsewhere.
I am on LinkedIn for same reason I have a device to create melon balls in the drawer; it was free, occupies little space and may come in handy on occasion.
So I do review the post summaries and scope any professionally interesting.
This is set to change.
Now it is rammed with vast emotive screeds from home working brain dumpers sharing angst with fellow sistas.
Often they are wimmin too.
Trying to get rid of Linkedin is impossible!
I’ve been retired for six years, and still get stuff from wannabe keyboard merchants who need to use my contacts!
Fergod’ssake, I’ve forgotten nearly everyone I worked with, and they clearly can’t read the word ‘RETIRED’!
I suppose, we could all post a new career as BBC ‘executive’, and see what occurs…
…could be fun..;0)
“Basket of deplorables” is a phrase from a 2016 presidential election campaign speech delivered by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on September 9, 2016, at a campaign fundraising event, which she used to describe half of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump saying “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”.[1] The next day, she expressed regret for “saying half”, while insisting that Trump had deplorably amplified “hateful views and voices”.
An England international footballer was blackmailed for £30k after repeatedly having sex with a transgender prostitute, according to The Sun.
Members of the England international side never tend to be far away from drama and controversy. In this case, the man accused will be thankful that his identity has remained a secret.
But enough about the politician swamp. Let’s look at the media…
Interesting thread, pro and con. And by whom.
Boris Johnson: Why Conservatives are urging PM to resign
All conservatives? or just the mps the bBC dug up
Unlike the bbc to give biased “reporting”!
News? or sympathy or…
Mad Al is of course BBC green room royalty.
Did Campbell walk out of a talk TV after he got wound up ?
It’s not important but any discomfort for that monster should be welcomed .
I wonder what people with no interest in politics read into what is going on in Westminster ? Nut nut has a very strong brand image both here and abroad . And has a celebrity ‘fondness’ … and popularity… .
At the moment I am listening today – various character actors are being rolled out in front of the current prime minister – comrade Robinson and all being cut off .
Robinson sounds like a child in a sweet shop . This stuff is meaningless in impacting on the lives – and quality of life – of taxpayers .
There will be minimal change – petrol will still be painfully expensive – the price of chicken will still be going up .. the dollar ( oil ) will get more expensive …
Yet the Westminster village of journos – politicians – journos -runs around like it’s important . ..
…can anyone help – nut nut is fond of ‘classics ‘ – one of those useless exclusive subjects which certain types of people use to exclude lessers –
Is there one of those tedious ‘classics ‘ yarns being played out in nut nuts’ head ? Just trying to get the narrative .
And has ‘princess Carrie ‘ resigned yet ?
Politicians, BBC journos, and other ‘Celebrities’ all seem to share a vastly inflated self-image of their importance, and their significance to most people. The most interesting thing is how little most of these people, the so called ‘elite’, actually do, or achieve.
So, Boris Johnson is on his way out the door – won’t be long now, despite his clinging on to the (pretentious and vastly overpriced) wallpaper by his fingernails – frankly, so what? Life will go on, invaders will keep flooding in unchecked, unions will keep pushing for impossible pay rises and disruption, eco-loons will keep on protesting about things they don’t really understand, there will be worrying increases in ‘costs’, some people will realise (perhaps too late) that they’ve not planned for what’s coming, others will find it more and more difficult to get a holiday abroad, fill the car up, pay the mortgage, see a dentist, see a GP, etc… these are the things people really care about, but don’t have a clue how to sort out.
Oh, and will Carrie Anntoinette stick by him do you think? I’m not convinced.
Big – you are right of course – often I feel guilty listening or watching this stuff . It sometimes feels like being a rubber neck at a car crash .
Will any of it cut the cost of living ? Improve life ? Open up roads to traffic again ? Make for a plod which does crime ?
No – even another colour government will spend its ‘ time blaming the previous regime for current troubles . Same old same old ….
… but I think the days of ego driven entertainers as PM will be gone for a while ….
Partner to ‘Not enough dead Jews’ Husain. Overseen by an ideological producer who tries to create covert heat over light scoops and then protects his tweets to stay in the same bubble as the head of BBC fact-checking. And sets the weasels on any calling him out on it.
Speaking of facts, Toenails was cited by Sopes in a Savilian ‘everybody knew’ tweet that got vanished. He also cited as news a piece he read that suited, and hence did not need checking.
Boris is the architect of his own demise. But in rolling over his bloated corpse to the likes of Mr. Robinson and his fellow frenzied sharks, maybe he can drag them down too.
Interesting. That tweet was not available to me. They have a list.
No British prime minister in modern times has experienced a plunge in fortune like Tony Blair’s.
Cheered to the echo as he left the Commons chamber for the last time as prime minister in 2007, after 10 years of largely untroubled dominance, the tragedy of Iraq quickly ensnared him so completely that by this summer he admitted he would be a liability in the campaign to keep Britain in the European Union. The old Blair magic had turned to sand.
I wonder if this morning the deluded Tory MPs who supported Boris in their leadership election are questioning their decision, and perhaps their own thought processes.
We might be kind and allow them some benefit of the doubt but here we are in the same place yet again and their own lack of thinking ability.
If they are incapable of seeing the future – and lets face it, it wasn’t difficult to see, then what are they doing sat in Parliament?
Now as a result of their own choice they have a wrecked party, and if they can do that to their own party what do you think they’ve been doing to the country the past few years?
A while ago here I listed out the BBC narrative over nut nut
Get him to resign
Install a remainer
Force a general election
Get a remainer cabinet- blue/red / red – in place
Start the EU rejoining process
But there is an alternative now that starmer has fully signed labour up to brexit ( really ) ….
2024 – the economy has collapsed into depression – power cuts – empty supermarkets – unsafe streets – rationed petrol – ongoing strikes – public services even worse – hung parliament —
And the BBC looking on gleefully throwing rationed fuel on a national fire .
You might have forgotten Fed that Macron let it slip that Boris had approached him with a view to the UK rejoining the EU?
Boris is a remainer, a Socialist weak and feckless doing exactly what I would expect the BBC would want him to do.
He is a Biden lover and a Trump hater, to me he is a creature which would find employment in the BBC, and although the BBC might blindly hate the word ‘Tory’ most of their MPs are the exact middle class champagne Socialist who infest every corridor of the Biased corporation.
TOADY Watch #2 – it is those clouds again, doh!
The weather forecast on BBC R4, after the 6 a.m. News bulletin and within TOADY (before “the first look at the papers”) itself had another weather man (sorry, forgotten name) explaing why today will not be the hottest day evvah and why it is raining on parts of Scotland and Northern England.
But there will be a heatwave due to Global Warming. Soon. Maybe. After the weekend. Possibly.
Even Comrade Robinson cannot believe his luck – soo Ella braverman than I – turns up in the BBC torture room to demonstrate why she ain’t worthy of much – no resignation – waiting to have her 2 minutes of fame being fired by the man who hired her ….
There is notable list of quiet candidates for the top job – truss – hunt – someone else – ….my money is on Truss …
Agreed, Fed!
If either Liz or Penny keep going the way betting is, they’d be a dream ticket!
The BBBC is just an irritant, like Private Eye used to be before it turned woke!
At least Steve Allen on LBC is OK after being poked around at both ends, bless him!
How many (if indeed any) of Johnson’s potential replacements have a genuine pride in our country plus the courage and intelligence to act accordingly?
As far as I can see they all want the Blair/WEF/China agenda whereby the peasants are controlled by AI and digital passports of one kind or another, whilst the country is continuousy flooded by aliens who wish us harm.
TOADY Watch #3 – how many?!
Nick Robinson let slip this morning that forty-six (46!) Cabinet ministers had resigned from Boris Johnson’s Government. Now, obviously, some of that number are a replacement resigning just as the previous incumbent did. But 46? That must mean only one thing. No, not that Boris Johnson is a hopeless liar and all round bad person.
It means the Government has become and is far too large, far too bloated … just like the BBC. If Boris wanted to stamp his Prime Ministerial authority on something, he could help ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ that the BBC and others are talking up and help the public’s purse by cutting Government down to size. Set the BBC a good example, PM. Let Jacob Rees-Mogg loose on a ‘Bonfire of the Ministries’.
Today watch
Comrade Robinson dreams have all come true – he reads out a letter from the new ‘chancellor ‘ which calls on nut nut to resign …
….so many political careers being ended so quickly … there’s another one . No honour .
I suppose the way to see who is the best ‘next’ PM will be to see who the bbbc go after most.
For my two penny worth I am not bothered about partygate or groping incidents. I expect poor behaviour from mp’s.
When they lost the two by elections I was hearing this might be the shock Boris needs to start being a Conservative with phrases like ‘throw the party faithful some red meat’ but nothing changed.
Even now some are saying if he changed and started being a Tory he could turn it around.
The thing is, he’s done almost nothing with his huge majority.
I could list them all (like immigration/green crap etc) but we on here all know he has wasted his opportunity by going too far to the left.
I don’t think he can change and if he somehow stays he will Carrie on as before.
That’s why I think we need someone who is a hard brexiteer and will take the Tories back to the right.
Penny seems to fit the bill but there are a couple of others as well.
Emmanuel, there was some good commonsense talked by John Longworth, keen Brexiteer and former British Chamber of Commerce D-G when interviewed by Sean Farrington as part of the Business News in the first half-hour of TOADY. He had a plan. Man with a plan. That is what is needed. Or a woman with a plan.
Seems like the only one who has a plan is Princess Nut Nuts herself. Cling on to the limelight and the wallpaper.
The studios are rammed. With him, Femi, Mad Al, Bryant, Rayner… thick gobby heat over light ideological green room wall mould.
A U.K. with them in charge, enabled by the current media…
David Lammy fined £5,000 over 35,000 nuisance calls urging people to vote for him to be London Mayor
That said, Hugs did swung gardening leave, a nifty welcome back package etc, so BBC civil service failure is certainly a step up to ministerial civil service failure.
I wonder what Toenails will get when retired to Cheam Hospital radio podcasts, plus all the Sainsbury’s opening his agent can swing?
More popcorn – a 24 hour Today programme – now that nut nut is hiring the removal van – although he claims to be staying on .
Good time for Putin to attack .
Fed, I hope we will not be hearing whinges from you about a Labour Coalition government with no end of it in sight and Britain having to give up the £sterling to rejoin the EU and be ruled by Brussels. You and Thoughtful now have what you wished for. Maybe. Or will the PM tell the whole really true story and refuse to resign at the Press Conference today?
Up2. – The BBC may well have been after nut nut but is end is of his own doing , if he had been a proper PM he’d have got good people about him to keep him out of trouble and under control . Instead he had his mad wife . He didn’t have control and paid the price – in a dishonourable and shabby way .
I repeat – there are more important problems for ordinary taxpayers than worrying about rejoining the EU now … ie
Cost of living – mad blue labour economics and a possible NATO Russia – China war .
I just hope the blue labour lot select a conservative rather than a fool
He’s resigned as leader .
Who’s next ? Will it be someone who will Secure Our Borders, get Brexit Done and put the Great back into Britain?
My money could go on Suella Braverman or even Penny Mordaunt ………………….?
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. (Boris Johnson)
But it cannot survive treason from within.(Theresa May)
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. (Anjem Choudary)
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.(Jeremy Corbyn)
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Oh! Hang on , he aint gone yet !
If there is going to be a general election, the only chance the Tories have got if Labour, The Limp Dems, The Greens and the Nats. form a coalition, is for the Conservatives to join up with UKIP and The Reform Party .
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
How can the likes of the bbc overturn an elected government/PM
Constantly going on about partygate, and on and on, and everytime the PM sneezes, go on and on……
Silent on Barry Gardiner £500K from China!
So what is more like it now ? An attack by Russia or the Durham plod announcing no action against Starmer …. ?
A good day to put out bad news ….
Calls for downblousing to be made a criminal offence in England and Wales
By Shiona McCallum
Technology reporter
7 hours ago
downblousing , what’s that all about ?
Why do so many girls put their ‘goods on display’ now , particularly barmaids when pulling pints ?
Strange world .
Appears to be a complement to Growler elevation, as pioneered by aspiring leaders.
Boris has resigned.
Thank goodness I do not work for the BBC.
The danger of breaking an ankle when tripping over a Champagne bottle in a corridor will be so high that a visit from the Health and Safety Executive will surely be warranted.
Rapper Nipsey Hussle’s killer convicted of murder
Sample of lyrics … to inspire a generation …
Rap Niggas
Nipsey Hussle
I ain’t nothing like you fucking rap niggas
Hussle man a shooter, that’s a fact, nigga
Thirty-two extendos in my mac, nigga
Spend a thousand on some t-shirts up at Saks, nigga
I ain’t nothing like you fucking rap niggas
Hussle man a shooter that’s a fact, nigga
Thirty-two extendos in my mac, nigga
Spend a thousand on some t-shirts up at Saks, nigga
I always found it odd that coloured types can use the n word to other coloured types but when whitee does it -it becomes a crime … / career ender …
MM, is a translation available? Just kiddin’.
Traffic problems around TV and radio studios as ‘mouths ‘ queue up to chuck in their penny’s worth – the usual suspects .…..
Must be time for the drunk queer deputy chief whip whose conduct finally ended it – to say something …
TOADY Watch #4 – er, how many again??
BBC R4 Main News at 6 a.m.: England’s Womens footie team started the WimintzWorldCup with a One-Nil win over Austria at Old Trafford in front of a 70,000 crowd. Well done, England’s girls. We need some good news. Now, if Cameron Norrie can add to it ….. 🙂
Sports segment at 6.30 a.m.: the crowd size has shrunk to 69,000.
I smell a BBC whiff of BBC something BBC suspicious and check. Er, crowd is down now to 68,000 … well, almost 69,000 … it was 68,871 at the last official count. How many does Old Trafford hold?
And he’s gone!
Finally he’s resigned, I shall put a decent bottle of Champagne into the chiller for tomorrow night to celebrate !
I predict an Asian dominated Tory Party with an Asian leader which was probably the plan all along.
The next step by the BBC is to demand an election because whatever else the elected ruling party does is not considered ‘legitimate ‘…
That is the song for a while and the chorus will start singing after the coming Starmer speech …..
The Report of the Iraq Inquiry
The independent Iraq Inquiry examines the UK’s involvement in Iraq from 2001 to 2009.
I don’t think Campbell, or Blair should ever be forgiven for David Kelly, let alone anything else.
Tricky one for The BBC – after nut nut – who do they hate and assassinate next ?
The likes of Comrade Robinson will be lost without him and his mental health may suffer. I think – though – that the nut nut hatred will continue even when he is dead …
Hello Fed, President Trump when he is re-elected
The Conservatives must realise that any hopes of winning the next election with whoever they conspire to stick in No. 10 will be hopelessly slim. I’ll make a prediction though: We will see the likely future direction of travel within 2 months of a new incumbent being installed and their immediate policies, “Nailing Colours to the Mast” if you will – If it’s struggling as usual – no change expected and they are doomed (“I’ll tell ye”); If policies immediately adopted and implemented consist of actively halting ‘wokism’; Tearing up the NI Treaty (f**k EU); Halting & reversing illegal immigration with appropriate action, the incumbent will be seen to be the right person – immediately and fully supported by the majority public. Its a no-brainer job.
Salvage all the lifejackets stored in Dover, round up the thousands illegally here, advise the French to get their navy into the channel, their side of the mid point to pick up floating illegals who are being returned to where they belong. Simples.
Pride, selfishness and mistrust
Di expert say pride na anoda factor wey dey crash marriage. She say wen partners no won bow for each oda, e dey cause marriage to crash.
“E get time wey one pesin gass bow for di oda. But wen two partners dey like two captains inside ship, na dia di problem dey.
“And na dis kind problem dey a lot of marriages dis days,” Angela Elueokafor tok.
pug, “Will the BBC ask?”
No chance!
bBC reports on potential PM replacements
Ben Wallace
…Despite his opposition to Brexit
Tom Tugendhat
… supported Remain in the 2016 EU referendum
bBC mentions Brexit a few more times against several candidates
Surely the bBC wasn’t trying to overthrow the PM, to benefit the eu sponsored bbc
Well, the publicly funded champagne corks will be popping at the BBC tonight. They managed to get rid of a PM they hated with the most scandalous, biased witchhunt in the UK I have witnessed in my lifetime.
Not up there with Trump and the Jan 6 protests of course – but we do take some time to catch up with the latest benchmarks.
Now the trick of planting the names of his replacement starts. Just subtle snippets here and there. Small digs against the ones they don’t want and all-positives for the ones they do.
I remember their out-and-out support for that complete d1ck Remainer Rory Stewart last time. The whole country laughed at him – but the BBC backed him. Lets hope they pick another no-hoper this time.
Get ready for most apalling gloating now. I bet they open the first HYS on it very soon.
What I would like the new Tory PM to set out to achieve…
Cut taxes and drop the green levy..
Just get shot of all this green baloney. There are already three other parties that can waffle about this tripe until the cows come home.
Mine for coal, drill for shale, keep going with north sea oil and invest in nuclear.
And maybe to start with…tow back the dinghy dodgers. They will never stop coming until we do and get control of immigration.
Is that too much to ask?
Can we add the abolition of the TV tax as well, Jeff?
Lots of Conservative voters come from the ‘ageing’ class, and would welcome such a benefit – I’ll be one of them in a few days time…
Watch out!
WHAT THE HELL DOES HE LOOK LIKE ???? Back to the future !!!
William Hartnell………….
Without a Tardis
With all the rumors flying around about another papal retirement – I think he might usefully campaign for that gig?
Funny how both Blair and alistair Campbell both appear to have a demonic look about them these days – methinks there is a place in hell booked for them
Christopher Lloyd was fantastic in ‘Taxi’, as Jim – you can now get the whole five series on DVD, and it’ll be our Christmas present come December!
And I’ve only just finished watching the ‘Back to the Future’ trilogy, and reckon bliar isn’t anything like as good – and honest – as Marty’s mate…
Oh no! Christopher Lloyd is a brilliant character actor, and seems a genuinely nice guy.
Blair’s inner personality is emerging – Nosferatu.
Blair was a horrendous monster, and he even looks like that in the photo, but he was everything todays Tories aren’t.
He had vision, passion, courage, willingness to act to achieve his vision.
You look at todays Labour party, both Blue and Red shades, and both of them have no clear vision, no ability no talent, no courage, and are scared to death of taking action even when they admit it is clearly needed.
Has he not had a Left wing to appease by mass immigration, and a burning desire to make money from the Middle East he might have made a decent PM. His management of the economy was certainly better than the Harold Wilson wannabe who has just resigned.
I feel sorry for old Beff and rest of the journos because who are they going to stick their knives in now ?
There seems to be an air of “wet knicker time” as the smugness is overwhelming by these activist reporters.
All the rubbish aside, BJ has gone not for the policies, but has been brought down by the scandal and the inept team around him who should have kept those idiots in No10 under the cosh, because this was all fodder for the baying journos with the help of Dominic Cummings, whose prime aim lets not forget was to bring down Johnson. Then there is the calibre of back benchers – what a shower.
According to all the young reporters today is a “seismic” time in British Politics ! really ? in their lifetime maybe, but they’re too young to remember other “seismic” events in politics.
If there is a General Election, I dread a Labour Government with the likes of Lammy, Abbott sitting on the front bench, and I hope people will remember that.
“If there is a General Election, I dread a Labour Government with the likes of Lammy, Abbott sitting on the front bench, and I hope people will remember that.”
Very much so about those two, but Ed balls was the irritant we all wanted to see kicked out – and he was, so there was some justice somewhere or other!
A graffiti vandal gets to be made an “honorary professor.”………….