whoever is ultimately victorious in the conservative leadership election, surely they must see that it was the BBC that led the charge against BJ, and surely they would take steps, immediately to guard against that once they become PM – by either privatising it, getting control of it, or getting shot of it.
Surely?? Or are they all a bit dim when it comes down to it?
Frightened more like …
Or not fully aware of what its’ output really is – besides they like to use it when it suits them … and be ‘personal pals ‘ with some of them ….
I was reading this morning that Boris Johnston could – I repeat ‘could’ – if Labour were to win a GE – simply wait it out (presuming he continues to win his parliamentary seat) and then return as a potential Prime MInister. I’m sure I saw that this has precedent – a certain Winston Churchill, I believe.
Now – what’s the betting that Fedup is absolutely correct about the echoes of the US main stream media vendetta against Donald Trump, with the continued, over the next few years, attempted demolition of a party and its leader whom the BBC activists hate with an absolute vengeance ?
I believe it has started already. Angela Rayner got a complete free pass this morning by the Beeboid on the ‘Today’ programme, to deliver a vitriolic mish-mash of lies and calumnies against Conservatives, whilst the Minister for Education got a passing mention in about his ‘day job’ between the interruptions, talk-overs, and sheer bad manners of the beeboid interviewer on the same radio programme.
Raynor called every one of her political opponents ‘liars and sleaze merchants’, coveniently forgetting (as did the Beeboid, natch) that her own leader had lied about ‘Beergate’ being a spontaneous event, lied about Rayner not being there, lied about the numbers there, lied about work going on afterwards, etc., etc. Rayner the (no-b)Rayner gets a free pass every time she is on the BBC to do the only thing she seems capable of doing, i.e. bitching about her opponents, whilst demanding that they leave her alone – and yet we are led to believe that she is a natural choice as a potential Prime MInister.
God, give me strength if that were ever to come about.
February 9 Feb 2023 20 Feb 2023
Christmas 21 Dec 2022 9 Jan 2023
November 9 Nov 2022 14 Nov 2022
Conference 22 Sept 2022 17 Oct 2022
Summer 21 July 2022 5 Sept 2022
Whitsun 26 May 2022 6 June 2022
In June, passengers on a high-speed train from China’s financial hub Shanghai to Beijing failed to reach their destination.
Halfway to the capital, officials wearing protective clothing stopped the train, boarded and announced on megaphones that everyone must get off because one of the passengers had been linked to a Covid cluster.
Chinese people mostly went along with such demands early in the pandemic because they believed the government knew what it was doing. Now, the authorities can’t rely on such compliance.
Travellers shouted back: “No! Why should we get off? How did you let this person on the train?”
But they were soon bussed off to an isolation centre hundreds of kilometres away.
History Debunked video says Boris admin conned us
..His administration’s PANICKY “protect the NHS” Covid measures were worse than covid etc.
Like their PANICKY close the schools measures
“Boris Johnson’s Legacy; rising mortality and falling educational standards”
.. https://youtu.be/_nceN4CGo4E
I regularly read the MailonLine website (it is free!) and during lockdown I watched as it appeared to constantly attack the government whatever they did. For example the screams from the Mail about lockdowns in the first place and the screams begging government to close the schools (I forget which came first). At the time I wondered if there was a mole in No 10 leaking what the government was considering so that it would appear that the press were leading the way. But as soon as the government did whatever the Mail was calling for it was either the Mail screaming that they shouldn’t have done it – or they should have done it sooner, or given more of our taxpayers’ money away etc.
‘I wish I knew then’: ‘FRIENDS’ co-creator Marta Kauffman on sitcom’s storyline
The iconic series in recent years has been accused of having “problematic” storylines, with many describing it as transphobic, homophobic, sexist, and lacking diversity.
John C #FBPE Vive la Resistance 🏴
Scotland based and passionate about improving lives and our climate through teamwork, technology, innovation and willpower. Political views are my own!
Dunblane, ScotlandJoined October 2011
4,995 Following
I don’t care which Numpty they give the job of PM to, as long as its not Sajid Javid. I can’t stomach anymore of his proclamations that ‘his father was a bus driver when he came here with just a £1 in his pocket, and how his mother couldn’t speak English for the first 10 years of living here (not something to be proud of) …….’ blah de blah di blah. So to hear him boast that he is the first ethnic PM in British history will be too much to bear.
Funny how, according to all the ‘biographical’ stories, how many successful migrants arrive on these shores with just a £1, a fiver or a tenner in their pockets. – Billy Butlin was reputed to be another who landed here with just a fiver. So that means the Javids arrived here in the 60’s from Pakistan with nothing. How would they live then ? No, a great example of coming here and expected to be provided for. If I was a journo I would ask Javid that, – how did his parents expect to sort their lives out on a quid ?
How many from here have migrated to another country with just a couple of quid in their pocket. Its laughable.
Founder of Islam is 100% perfect and married a child aged 6, and being a perfect man consummated the marriage with sex to a child aged 9 whilst owning multiple wives and many slaves … perfect!
Sajid Javid (Sworn into UK Parliament under the Islamic Quran) Reveals There Are 80,000 Paedophiles Online In The UK {huffingtonpost.co.uk 03sep2018}
Operational experts say the figure is a conservative estimate.
George Bowden and PAHuffPost UK
“How many from here have migrated to another country with just a couple of quid in their pocket. Its laughable.”
Don’t know, Brissles, but at this rate, a lot of decent British citizens are going to ret and find out if all our ‘senior’ politicians are from foreign climes, and don’t have British values and respect for indigenous British culture.
Perhaps we may have forgotten the “£10 Poms” migrating to Australia between the late 1940’s to the early 80’s (under a few different scheme titles). Including other ‘British subjects’ (including Eire at the time), the numbers reached a million or so. Very few of these people had much in the way of funds behind them.
My parents migrated to Australia in the early 70s with two infants and a bank loan to pay for the airfare and accommodation when they arrived, e.g. MINUS money, beat that Sajid…
FFS exactly GW. Viewing figures already so low as not to make a difference but she is amongst the most clueless of them all. Totally talentless – ideal for the bBBC.
Manchester Arena bomber was rescued from Libya by Royal Navy
This article is more than 3 years old
Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people in a suicide attack last year, was saved from civil war in 2014
The Manchester Arena suicide bomber was rescued by the Royal Navy from the civil war in Libya three years before he killed 22 people at a pop concert, it has emerged.
Salman Abedi was 19 when he boarded the HMS Enterprise in Tripoli in August 2014 with his younger brother Hashem and more than 100 other British citizens.
It is understood Abedi’s name was on a list of stranded citizens handed to the crew in charge of the evacuation. The vessel took them to Malta where they caught a flight back to the UK.
Durham Police will not be issuing any fixed penalty notices in respect of the Beergate gathering and no further action will be taken. “It has been concluded that there is no case to answer for a contravention of the regulations, due to the application of an exception, namely reasonably necessary work.” Starmer to hold a press conference answering hacks’ questions this afternoon. If only it had been cake not curry…
The investigation has been thorough, detailed and proportionate. The final evidence supplied by participants from the local constituency was returned to Durham Police on 5th July and analysed by investigators against all the evidence before the investigation was concluded on 8th July 2022.
Good to hear @Keir_Starmer cleared. The whole thing was frankly a heap of nonsense stirred up by non-Lord Dacre and not remotely comparable with Johnson repeated lockdown criminality. A useful opportunity now for Labour to show the difference in values and integrity 1/2
— ALASTAIR CAMPBELL (@campbellclaret) July 8, 2022
Just when you think the Nations moral compass couldn’t sink any lower, we now appear to have a public police force effectively happy to commit potential perjury to protect the left. The timing alone speaks volumes.
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
Ben Smith the former Buzzfeed editor-in-chief who jut left New York Times to found his own media group @semaforben,
came with hi list of GOTCHA questions
Ben Smith worked so hard to set Tucker Carlson up to look racist, and he’s visibly upset—stop playing with your notes!—that Tucker didn’t fall into it head first.
: Not surprisingly, Ben asks LOADED questions and then doesn’t give Tucker the ability to respond.
: “Do you believe white people are superior to other races?”
Carlson : 100% Of The People I’m Mad At Are Well-Educated White Liberals
Ben Smith: Why do white supremacists work for you ?
Tucker Carlson: No white supremacist has ever worked for me. I’ve never even met one. What is a white supremacist ?
Ben Smith: I don’t want to fight about labels.
(The qn is loaded like Have you stopped beating your wife ?)
There is a blunt and awkward smear in here when Ben Smith says Tucker attracts White Supremacists to his staff “like fly paper”
Carlson : “I enjoy my job. It’s a blessing to say what you really think.
Only women can get pregnant.
I dare you to say that. Can you say that? Oh, you can’t say that.
I can!”
Carlson : “This is why you are considered, correctly, a propagandist and not a journalist.
I just explained in detail, with total sincerity, what I believe, you ignored it, and invoked mass shooters.”
Gender Dysphoria
Gender Dysphoria may be characterised by a strong and persistent cross-gender identification (such as stating a desire to be the other sex or frequently passing as the other sex) coupled with persistent discomfort with a person’s sex (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems).
Not all transgender or non-binary people will have gender dysphoria, but only those with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria are eligible for the various interventions on the NHS pathway of care.
NHS England commissions three components of the gender dysphoria pathway, each of which works to a separate service specification:
A therapeutic service for children and young people up to 18 years of age, and their families; including a linked paediatric endocrinology service Gender Dysphoria Clinics for adults from 17 years of age, offering assessment, diagnosis, overall care coordination, hormone treatments, voice and communication therapies and talking therapies
Certain surgical interventions of the chest and genitals for adults. https://www.england.nhs.uk/commissioning/spec-services/npc-crg/gender-dysphoria-clinical-programme/gender-dysphoria/
Conversion therapy: ‘You think you’re cursed’
Drag Race performer Mo Heart on going through so-called conversion therapy and why she thinks it should be banned.
It appears to me that Jeremy Hunt is the BBC’s favourite man to replace Boris .
Wasn’t he an Europhile? IMHO they appear to be ‘nudging’ for him ?
I see them flying the EU’s rag about his photos…………….. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62088847
I spent much of Hunt’s period as health secretary running openDemocracy’s OurNHS section, investigating what he was really up to. I soon discovered that when you looked past his press releases, you found a very different story – one of missed targets, lengthening waits, crumbling hospitals, missed opportunities, false solutions, funding boosts that vanished under scrutiny, and blaming everyone but himself. This is that story, first published on openDemocracy on 13 July 2019.
One of the problems have having woke police outfits and political PCCs is that there is now a suspicion thar decisuins are politically motivated . Whether Starmer or Growler broke the rules – the suspicion it was ‘fixed ‘ is there …
Once people think plod is political – they become just another swamp dweller …
You can Blame Cameron for that one, he did everything possible to destroy the Tory party, including handing the control of the Police in every major city to Labour, and vetoing a monopolies enquirey into the Labour supporting Mirror Groups taking control of every local newspaper in the UK, meaning there is no independant voice.
Thoughtful – yet I recall it was meant to make plod more ‘accountable ‘ but all it did was add to the wage bill and push plod into even more politics ….
Let’s face it – unless plod fights real crime and keeps the streets safe they are not worth the rations ….
I think I will go completely msm free for a while ….
Partygate and Beergate are all playground stuff to me
The Islington socialist Party supported the draconian policies and thus painted themselves into a corner
The teams of the Blue guy and the red guy thought is best to bluff their way out by lying
The drinks parties didn’t kill anyone.
#1 Their common policy of extreme lockdowns was meant to save lives
but probably caused more life years to be lot by locking people out of the NHS.
#2 Their common policy of extreme green-dream policies is supposed to save live-years in 50 year time
But today it does kill people.
They along with Biden CHOSE to restrict local energy supplies, thus world and local energy prices rise manically. thus the NHS buying power FELL, which means it has less resources per patient
Therefore outcomes are worse.
The two sides of the school bully gang still make all the little boys like us hand over all our dinner money over to them
yes the school newspaper screams about one or the other not-having his tie straight.
Banana republic stuff.
Starmer was cornered and Durham plod gave him a rat hole … There’s going to be many who copped a Covid fine who’ll be fewmin and a proportion of them are going to become politically active.
A bureaucrat’s first reaction to any incident is to cover up and lie – and then to put greased sliders under the timeline and send the matter out into long grass.
No surprises there. It would be interesting to see the legal definition of “reasonably necessary work” as argued by Starmer’s advocates (how many pages?) and to know how many additional ‘phone calls’ were made by Starmer’s team to Durham police in order to ensure the outcome and the timing.
90 mins after the Starmer news was reported here
My twitter search page is still the same as for 26 hours
Top item For You “Boris Johnson resigns as party leader”
Jo Farrell, the Durham Chief Constable, gets a new 3 year contract worth £550,000 on 17-Jun awarded by the Labour PCC Joy Allen. Three weeks later, both Starmer & Rayner escape a fine as the announcement is buried in the furore around Boris. Nothing to see here is there?
Have you noticed that the coverage of zelenski thanking nut nut and Blighty for support since Russia invaded – which he put out in his daily briefing to his country – got no coverage here .
I don’t think the Eastern Europeans can conceive of the nonsense which led to nut nut going ….
Failures by those charged with protecting children happened despite three reports between 2002 and 2006 which both the council and police were aware of, and “which could not have been clearer in the description of the situation in Rotherham”. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-28939089
Prof Jay said: “The authorities involved have a great deal to answer for.”
Prof Jay said: “The authorities involved have a great deal to answer for.”
Prof Jay said: “The authorities involved have a great deal to answer for.”
Prof Jay said: “The authorities involved have a great deal to answer for.”
Prof Jay said: “The authorities involved have a great deal to answer for.”
Shareholdings: over 15% of issued share capital
AB Produce PLC; processing and distribution of fresh vegetables.
AB Produce Trading Ltd; holding company.
Bridgen Investments Ltd; investment company, investing in shares, property, building projects.
From 6 February 2017, AB Farms Ltd; potato production and storage. (Registered 21 March 2017)
I am not sure how putting up cutNpastes from the register of members interests .. WITHOUT context is useful.
Bridgen is not poor cos he and his siblings inherited their father’s potato farming business
However after he became an MP his brother tried to kick him out on the basis he wasn’t keeping up with the work for the salary.
The cout found largely in his favour, though he was wasn’t 100% blameless
A holiday is worth something
but a £1000 football ticket is not worth £1,000 t someone who is given it, unless they really inteneded to go and pay that price themselves.
From 6 May 2020 to 5 May 2022, Director of Mere Plantations Ltd of Unit 1 Cherry Tree Farm, Cherry Tree Lane, Rostherne WA14 3RZ; a company which grows teak in Ghana. I will be paid £12,000 a year for an expected monthly commitment of 8 hrs. (Registered 17 June 2020) https://www.theyworkforyou.com/regmem/?p=24741
Ghana is the kind of place where you can plant trees for harvest
That earns brownie points in the UK for being GREEN.
However such monculture plantations are very vulnerable to blight
.. a line of dead white trees stretching thru the forest etc.
Iqra Ismail exclusive interview: Somali Muslim coach overcoming racism to inspire women to play football
Iqra Ismail is a hijab-wearing Muslim who is overcoming prejudice to inspire women to play football. In an exclusive interview with Sky Sports, she shares her story, reveals her horror at France’s decision to ban the hijab and her hope for the future…
I always remember a phone-in on Radio 5 Live where a businessman in The midlands said he made donations to both the Conservatives and Labour in the run up to a General Election. That way, he said, he had influence whichever party won.
I believe that green energy subsides can be a way of laundering party donations.
A corp gets the subsidies donates to Red/Blue socialists, gets more subsidies approved , gives some of that to the party in donations. etc.
StewGreen – That’s precisely what the Unions in this country have been doing, quite blatantly, for years, especially when there is a Labour government.
A very good point. As far as I can make out, only the very largest businesses have a chance of making money from Green politics. Low carbon just puts small businesses out of business
I”ve always thought the whole Green, low carbon thing was a con from the start. You only have to look at the “solutions” to see that. Condensing boliers that only last 10 years, importing manufactured goods from China while our own manufacturing is bankrupted, car take back which scraps perfectly good cars, promoting EV’s which only the wealthy can afford. While I’m on it, congestion charging which clears the roads for the wealthy.
If Starmer becomes pm, my money is on les Grandes fromages of Durham Police getting a ton of knighthoods in the new years’ honours. Follow the money; somebody has been bought off, probably with a no-gong threat.
Viva explains that Dave Rubin delivered a master stroke
in his comeback from Twitter banning for screenshotting the Jordan Peterson “misgendering” tweet
Comment …. “I have a cousin who just came out to us at our campfire this week at our family reunion campus. He wanted to becalled by x, x’s, xos, child, sibling. He got angry at us by using gender names in general if we were talking to him.like for instance even if we used fender names for other people. This stuff is getting out of control. They are so self centered”
I got into politics because I want everyone in this country to have the opportunity to be able to give their children a better future.
Our country faces huge challenges, the most serious for a generation. Someone has to grip this moment and make the right decisions. Because the choices we make today will decide whether the next generation of British people will have more opportunities than the last.
We need to restore trust in our politics. We need to rebuild our economy. And we need to reunite the country.
That’s why I’m standing to be the next leader of the Conservative Party and your Prime Minister.
Promoted by Lord Smith of Hindhead CBE on behalf of Rishi Sunak MP, at 3 Dean Trench Street, SW1P
Find out about the experience of Lord Smith of Hindhead outside of Parliament.
Funny how people use their parents hardships to say they are poor?
As per Steven Swinford’s briefing, Sunak has launched his inevitable leadership bid, with a focus on “fiscal credibility”, pitching himself as a serious candidate for serious times.
He promised “to lead this country in the right direction” based on values of “patriotism, fairness and hard work”.
Farage explaining to the Australian TV host, how a PM is going merely cos another MP got drunk and gropey to men https://youtu.be/dBjczMPLXM4
To me it is seemed bizarre cos Boris hadn’t groped anyone or stole any money.
Farage explained the question arose about Pincher’s prior record
and Team Boris said they were not aware of it when he was appointed,
Farage said it came out that TeamBoris had been briefed 5 times on this
so that MPs who had been sent out to defend team Boris now felt exploited and went to resign ..as the straw that broke the camel’s back.
I deliberately say TeamBoris, cos I don’t think Boris ever acts alone.
TeamBoris appointed Pincher
TeamBoris first said they never knew about Pincher’s prior offending, hat he’d somehow not been booked for.
TeamBoris changed their story to say they had forgotten, they actually had been briefed
One scenario is that Boris was in complete control all the time.
Another scenario I can imagine is that TeamStopBoris had just failed in the vote of no-confidence and were desperate to find another way, so were on the lookout for something to exploit
Then when Pincher happened, they setup Boris
That first they got one of their moles in TeamBoris to tell Boris to lie.
then when he did they got their supporters to resign like dominoes ..and their media pal pitched in.
Michael Fallon’s resignation is ridiculous, says female journalist at centre of ‘kneegate’
‘This is the most insane, absurd and ridiculous resignation of a cabinet minister ever’
Don’t be silly! Everybody knows that 140% of the UK’s energy needs can be supplied by solar and wind, the greens keep telling us so. And, what’s more, it’s all free!!
Meanwhile Jeff Taylor why people are panicky o remove Bri immediately NOW
Starmer makes out we can’t have a lame duck period
yet if Starmer gets a no-confidence vote win
.. then the result is a lame duck period before there is a new PM anyway
.. https://youtu.be/EJnBhbbHGVs
Meanwhile Mayhar Tousi says it was John Major’s meddling letter that wound Tories up
and caused a backlash from Tory MP’s ‘no we’ll back a transition time, cos we won’t give in to you’
Edwina Currie then too spoke against Major
Good post, Stew. Once Cummings was out of the way, ‘they’ knew that Bojo was so disorganised in his head that he could be set up for another fail and eventual fall. They tried with Owen Paterson first, then there was ‘Tractorgate’ but that wasn’t quite enough. The-cost-of-living-crisis was talked up by the media along with the ‘airport crisis’ but it still wasn’t enough.
‘Pinchergate’ was the latest throw of the dice and it worked.
Incredible news from Colombia with the election of a socialist president, who has shown the power of community organising to build a popular policy platform to heal the divisions of the past and bring about social justice.
Oh, and Sleepy gave a medal to the BBC’s fave multi hued barnet footyballist after Leroy Lineker for, it would seem, dissing the country of which he nominally President.
Does GB News not have anybody monitoring their output?
Today, loads of the people being interviewed over a link (not sitting next to the presenter in the studio) sound like they are in a huge echo chamber and are hard to understand.
Have they not got someone responsible for the sound.
Sometimes they realise how it sounds and turn some control in front of them down but too many times it seems nobody is aware of the sound quality.
Britain’s largest storage site for natural gas is to close permanently, leaving the country more dependent on imports and exposed to price shocks.
Centrica, the UK energy group which owns British Gas, said it had concluded that its Rough storage facility off the Yorkshire coast could no longer be operated safely because of failures in its ageing wells.
The 32-year-old site — a reservoir of permeable sandstone under the North Sea into which gas can be injected at times of surplus supplies and drawn from when needed — accounts for 70 per cent of UK gas storage capacity. It can meet a tenth of the country’s daily peak gas demand in winter.
Loss of Rough will remove an important supply buffer during winter months when demand is highest, and leave the UK more reliant on gas imported via pipelines from mainland Europe or as liquefied natural gas brought by ship from places such as Qatar.
Marky – if you read the guardian piece and the comments by those involved – it was MAD then and MAD now – someone took a big bribe along the way to do that …..
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
Read the report summary
Read the conclusions and recommendations
Read the full report: COVID-19: Test, track and trace (part 1) [PDF 330 KB]
Public Accounts Committee
The Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) justified the scale of investment, in part, on the basis that an effective test and trace system would help avoid a second national lockdown – but since its creation we have had two more lockdowns.
meanwhile I looked at the Belfield case
BB Barrister explained that although most of anti-stalking law i about physical contact, a small part does mention non-contact harassment
He then explained that so often multiple letter contacts can be explained because you are doing something legitimate like defending yourself.
but I see a problem : thousands of people spent lot of time harassing Trump hence the expression “he lives in their heads rent free”
If the bar for harassment is really so low Trump/Boris The Tories could be initiating thousands of court cases every day.
BB Barrister also explained that in a court case “normally the prosecution case is good, so that by the end of that part .. you 100% believe the accused is guilty
but then too after the defence case you then believe the accuser is now 1005 innocent, that is what jury debate is about ..considering BOTH,’
Adding my own opinion that means that by day 3 the BBC case against Belfield should be looking 100% sure
However when I listening to Belfield’s daily quotes of the proceedings which he gives without opinions it doesn’t look that way.
The strongest bit so far is that Leeds presenter Liz Breen was crying in front of the jury and making out that Belfield had caused her 2020 breakdown.
However Belfield’s QC got in questions that exposed her narrative
And of course the situation looks like a escalating playground spat
where Belfield had first been bullied and then moved in, in his normal style of sticking up for himself by giving it back
Gotcha #1 is that Liz Green had talked about Belfield on air referring to his girlfriend as “Mrs Bellend ”
That’s something she had to formally apologise for
Gotcha #2 was against BBC manager Rozina Breen
who admitted that when Belfield left he had not been properly paid and seemingly still hasn’t
#3 That the BBC had forced him to take on a actin as a contractor contract, something now deemed illegal
#4 that having expressed surprise at Belfield’s aggressive later style, that is the same style that was present on the demo tape she had used to recruit him.
#5 Liz Green made out she was the victim of a torrent of direct emails but it turns out many were not sent to her directly
but rather here friends collected them and sent them to her.
#6 that rather than being a shy passive victim Liz Green had actively followed the anti-Belfield anonymous trolls on Twitter and had made a habit of liking their often HATEY tweets
#6 one thing the BBC considers to be be stalking is Belfield’s FOI request into a free BBC holidays 2 presenters received to new York for achievement. Something he knew about since he was the most successful DJ at that time, and he felt he knew the other presenters hadn’t made the time limits either.
she claimed it was a merely personal intimidation cos he didn’t investigate similar BBC staff competition at station he had not worked at.
#7 Belfield’s QC seemed to try to establish that he was the one first bullied. that on the first shift Green had refused to let him have access to the newspapers.
– Furthermore BBC assert that Belfield’s mean comments about the two ladies making the radio Sheffield naked podcast also amounted to stalking.
typo “but then too after the defence case you then believe you then believe the accused is now 100% innocent,”
I missed couple of things
#7 Belfield’s QC seemed to try to establish that he was the one first bullied. that on the first shift Green had refused to let him have access to the newspapers.
Green’s reply was “I can’t remember”
that reply was given a few times by the BBC witnesses
furthermore Belfield’s QC was able to show at least one contradiction eg a witness saying today they couldn’t remember something, when the court record showed that yesterday to the same question they’d given a different answer.
I still expect a stitch up along the normal lines
– Righties are counted as evil so get hard justice
– lefties like BBC FEMALES are seen as members of special victimhood groups so they are allowed to bully you, but you are not allowed to answer back.
Green complained Belfield had referred to her as wiggy
She admitted does wear a wig cos of a medical condition. i guess such medical conditions might play a part in her mental breakdown
“I have been mentally ill” is a line she used
She described a scene where a stranger approached her and she thought it was a Belfield fan coming to attack her
In fact it was one of her own fans saying hello.
Green said her mental illness started 18 months ago2
Hang on do these dates add up.
I thought Belfield’ court case was set up about 18 month ago
And I thought her spat with Belfield started 10 years ago.
Charges of some kind against Belfield started at least 4 years ago
and that was the first thing if the emails are so supposed to be such a huge criminal problem why didn’t cPS act earlier
The CPS are saying Belfield sent all these emails when in fact half of them were send AFTER police started their cases.
It’s a bit much for police to say “we’ll wait and stand by for another 4 years and then we’ll have more charges to prosecute”
Green also admitted her viewing figures were low and that could affect her mental health.
Belfield has said one of his recent gripes is that the BBC chose to take her out of the roster and leave at home on full pay
Thursday in court she denied speaking to Belfield when her producer friend upset him by not getting him the script before the show started. The QC then read to her her 2020 statement where she described what she had said. That’s a contradiction then
“You called him a Grade A W*nker”
She seemed to admit she’d sent a tweet about sending Belfield to Auschwitz.
He’s not put up a Friday transcript
I guess he is gigging
Sounds like the judge would be grateful for a ‘not guilty ‘ …..
I remember when the original ‘protection from harrassment act ‘came in and there was academic discussion about how low the bar would be for harrassment to be proved- as against – say – bullying …. And where the distinction lay .
I don’t know where the case law is now but if bellfield can prove he has legitimate grounds for engaging with the people ‘harrassed ‘ then surely he gets to walk .
Whatever happens it must take a big toll on him …
Surely the auschwitz comment is a criminal offence of ‘malicious communication ‘ – such as the poster here who suggested I ‘eff off and die ‘ – which in other circumstances I would have made a criminal allegation ….
I heard a statistician somewhere chirping about the higher number of unexplained deaths in the population – not caused by cancer – no one mentioned covid side effects but having listened to mark Steyn over the last few weeks 2 plus 2 is er …
When will some of these Tory MPs realise that the ‘Red Wall’ constituencies were won because and only because they wanted brexit and the Tories were the only party promising to do it.
They will never keep them with a remainer leader.
Are they trying to lose the next GE so that the remainers can start moving us back under the control of the eu.
If a remainer becomes the next PM then I can only think they are doing it because most MPs want back in.
TOADY Watch #3 – now, I wonder why his name has been name checked so much?
Harshmistress Mishal and JustRemainIn are presenting this morning as I expected. The BBC are very keen, on a day of shocking news – the assassination of the former Premier of Japan, Shinzo Abe – to keep mentioning Tom Tugendhadt as the first to declare himself a candidate for leader of the Conservative Party and to be the next Prime Minister. Now why would the Remainer BBC like Tom Tugendhadt.
It wouldn’t be that he is the nephew of a man who was a former EU Vice President would it? He, too, is a Remainer. On the plus side, in my view balancing his EU enthusiasm, he is said to be a supporter of Israel.
I’ve just seen a Party Political Broadcast by Labour.
It was on the BBC news channel at 1805.
SirKeer has escaped Beergate.
The BBBC broadcast virtually his entire speech in response.
Not carefully selected highlights. The whole shebang, emphasising honesty, integrity…blah blah blah.
So, not quite the same treatment as they impartially give the Tories, then.
Sluff, funny, I thought that might be one way that ‘they’ would get a Labour Party supporting a new EU Re-join Referendum. Durham Plod fines Starmer, Starmer resigns.
One of the women win the Party leadership, fights the GE, and, if they have a majority, as PM they call a new EU Ref. If not, then Jess or Ange enters into a Coalition Government with just the LibDems, maybe the SNP and Plaid, too, and still calls a new EU Ref.
They will have to think of a new plan to roll back Starmer’s latest commitment.
Maybe instead a new Conservative leader will win enough seats to have a majority? Oh, the BBC’s joy and glee at Bojo’s departure will turn to woe, gloom and despondency, at the BBC
I’m not fully aware of the words used to say that the Labour Party now accepts that we will not be rejoining the EU and its ‘ institutions .
Given that such ‘promises ‘ have as much value as a manifesto promise I’m sure its just to regain lost votes – maybe the party conference will clarify it .
But now that remainer traitors sniff their opportunity I wonder if we are about to get a new version ‘project fear ?’
This would seem difficult especially since many EU economies are in an even bigger mess than the UK – with even higher inflation rates
Perhaps also – the non reporting of Dutch farmers is part of that .
For the BBC – the EU must always be better – always be ‘right ‘ – always be the ‘fair’ one – never acting unreasonably or with malice toward the UK .
I’m giving the msm a rest for a while – I haven’t got a working TV anyway …
If you put it on the teleprompter he will read it. He’s Ron Burgundy, but without the charisma. FU America (basically/probably) pic.twitter.com/atOw50BnOt
BBC local news
A lot of Boris speculation
They never normally have Tory MPs on, but they jut interviwed 2 one by one
One of them was on last night as well.
When they read out viewer comments the first two were extremely pro Boris
then just one anti-Boris.
Canada judge finds
#1 that 3 seconds of words into someones ear
is the most dangerous bail breach ever
#2 That when a policeman makes no effort to show your lawyer is standing nearby you in a photograph
That proves your lawyer is not their, even though he was.
So Tamara Lynch has lost her chance to be free on bail today
HOWEVER she’s back in front of a judge in 7 days anyway
This judge also said the entire city of Ottawa was gridlocked
when observers like Viva say it’s total rubbish it was just a few blocks.
Viva is incensed on his livestream now
.. https://youtu.be/HXt8D9BaQ-0
The first 18 minutes is the verdict slowly coming through
“I drove right into the middle of the city every day .. this is evil”
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
Three spring to mind.
Two preceded by ‘complete’ and ‘utter’.
Tax without representation
they all have weirdly contorted mouthpieces
I have a word – cxxxs
Elsewhere – GB News has announced it has hit 500 000 subscriptions ..
I think the advertising agencies boycotting the channel are missing a trick …
Is the one on the left a Trans ?
“Gbnews has almost 500k subscribers on YouTube,
over 400k on Twitter, 280k on Facebook & 229k on TikTok.
All that in just 1 year ”
tweeted by Nana 10 days ago
GBnews tweeted the metric 3 hours ago too
I am not a subscriber, nor to Belfield, but I do dip in everyday
LBC have 423k subscribers, TalkTV 308K,
BBC Newsnight708K , RebelNews 1.57M,
Sky News Australia 2.6M
Pretty impressive for TALKTV to have 300k subscribers already – I suppose it must be the dire pee Morgan ….
Be fun if that was taken during lockdown…
Can we check?
I campaigned to remain in the EU but there was a referendum and I respect the result.
Was his dad an EU ambassador? Very suspect … got a touch of the goldsmith
whoever is ultimately victorious in the conservative leadership election, surely they must see that it was the BBC that led the charge against BJ, and surely they would take steps, immediately to guard against that once they become PM – by either privatising it, getting control of it, or getting shot of it.
Surely?? Or are they all a bit dim when it comes down to it?
Frightened more like …
Or not fully aware of what its’ output really is – besides they like to use it when it suits them … and be ‘personal pals ‘ with some of them ….
The BBC is relentless. Even now their angle is to get him out the door as quickly as possible.
The death of Shinzo Abe feels like a great annoyance to them as it breaks the wall-to-wall ‘analysis’ of the Tory party.
It’s got echoes of the truly vindictive attitude toward President Trump even after the election was stolen and up to right now ….
I was reading this morning that Boris Johnston could – I repeat ‘could’ – if Labour were to win a GE – simply wait it out (presuming he continues to win his parliamentary seat) and then return as a potential Prime MInister. I’m sure I saw that this has precedent – a certain Winston Churchill, I believe.
Now – what’s the betting that Fedup is absolutely correct about the echoes of the US main stream media vendetta against Donald Trump, with the continued, over the next few years, attempted demolition of a party and its leader whom the BBC activists hate with an absolute vengeance ?
I believe it has started already. Angela Rayner got a complete free pass this morning by the Beeboid on the ‘Today’ programme, to deliver a vitriolic mish-mash of lies and calumnies against Conservatives, whilst the Minister for Education got a passing mention in about his ‘day job’ between the interruptions, talk-overs, and sheer bad manners of the beeboid interviewer on the same radio programme.
Raynor called every one of her political opponents ‘liars and sleaze merchants’, coveniently forgetting (as did the Beeboid, natch) that her own leader had lied about ‘Beergate’ being a spontaneous event, lied about Rayner not being there, lied about the numbers there, lied about work going on afterwards, etc., etc. Rayner the (no-b)Rayner gets a free pass every time she is on the BBC to do the only thing she seems capable of doing, i.e. bitching about her opponents, whilst demanding that they leave her alone – and yet we are led to believe that she is a natural choice as a potential Prime MInister.
God, give me strength if that were ever to come about.
Newspaper headlines: Johnson resigns and country in ‘state of paralysis’
‘state of paralysis’
‘state of paralysis’
‘state of paralysis’
February 9 Feb 2023 20 Feb 2023
Christmas 21 Dec 2022 9 Jan 2023
November 9 Nov 2022 14 Nov 2022
Conference 22 Sept 2022 17 Oct 2022
Summer 21 July 2022 5 Sept 2022
Whitsun 26 May 2022 6 June 2022
House of Commons recess dates for the 2022-23 session of Parliament will appear in the table below, once they have been provisionally announced.
In June, passengers on a high-speed train from China’s financial hub Shanghai to Beijing failed to reach their destination.
Halfway to the capital, officials wearing protective clothing stopped the train, boarded and announced on megaphones that everyone must get off because one of the passengers had been linked to a Covid cluster.
Chinese people mostly went along with such demands early in the pandemic because they believed the government knew what it was doing. Now, the authorities can’t rely on such compliance.
Travellers shouted back: “No! Why should we get off? How did you let this person on the train?”
But they were soon bussed off to an isolation centre hundreds of kilometres away.
Hong Kong Tiananmen vigil group disbands amid crackdown on dissent
Prominent pro-democracy group Hong Kong Alliance voted to disband after many of its leaders were arrested
History Debunked video says Boris admin conned us
..His administration’s PANICKY “protect the NHS” Covid measures were worse than covid etc.
Like their PANICKY close the schools measures
“Boris Johnson’s Legacy; rising mortality and falling educational standards”
.. https://youtu.be/_nceN4CGo4E
“Fewer Pensions to pay and more stupid people to control”
I regularly read the MailonLine website (it is free!) and during lockdown I watched as it appeared to constantly attack the government whatever they did. For example the screams from the Mail about lockdowns in the first place and the screams begging government to close the schools (I forget which came first). At the time I wondered if there was a mole in No 10 leaking what the government was considering so that it would appear that the press were leading the way. But as soon as the government did whatever the Mail was calling for it was either the Mail screaming that they shouldn’t have done it – or they should have done it sooner, or given more of our taxpayers’ money away etc.
Eddy Murphy to apologise to the Gay Community.
‘I wish I knew then’: ‘FRIENDS’ co-creator Marta Kauffman on sitcom’s storyline
The iconic series in recent years has been accused of having “problematic” storylines, with many describing it as transphobic, homophobic, sexist, and lacking diversity.
In the immortal declamatic acronymic summary of StewGreen…
Always interesting who is pleased.
John C #FBPE Vive la Resistance 🏴
Scotland based and passionate about improving lives and our climate through teamwork, technology, innovation and willpower. Political views are my own!
Dunblane, ScotlandJoined October 2011
4,995 Following
A sad loss to daytime TV – and no chance of a Maitliss rant eh?
I don’t care which Numpty they give the job of PM to, as long as its not Sajid Javid. I can’t stomach anymore of his proclamations that ‘his father was a bus driver when he came here with just a £1 in his pocket, and how his mother couldn’t speak English for the first 10 years of living here (not something to be proud of) …….’ blah de blah di blah. So to hear him boast that he is the first ethnic PM in British history will be too much to bear.
Funny how, according to all the ‘biographical’ stories, how many successful migrants arrive on these shores with just a £1, a fiver or a tenner in their pockets. – Billy Butlin was reputed to be another who landed here with just a fiver. So that means the Javids arrived here in the 60’s from Pakistan with nothing. How would they live then ? No, a great example of coming here and expected to be provided for. If I was a journo I would ask Javid that, – how did his parents expect to sort their lives out on a quid ?
How many from here have migrated to another country with just a couple of quid in their pocket. Its laughable.
Founder of Islam is 100% perfect and married a child aged 6, and being a perfect man consummated the marriage with sex to a child aged 9 whilst owning multiple wives and many slaves … perfect!
Sajid Javid (Sworn into UK Parliament under the Islamic Quran) Reveals There Are 80,000 Paedophiles Online In The UK {huffingtonpost.co.uk 03sep2018}
Operational experts say the figure is a conservative estimate.
George Bowden and PAHuffPost UK
“How many from here have migrated to another country with just a couple of quid in their pocket. Its laughable.”
Don’t know, Brissles, but at this rate, a lot of decent British citizens are going to ret and find out if all our ‘senior’ politicians are from foreign climes, and don’t have British values and respect for indigenous British culture.
‘How many from here have migrated to another country with just a couple of quid in their pocket.’
Having a couple of quid in your pocket doesn’t mean you haven’t got a couple of million quid in your bank account.
Perhaps we may have forgotten the “£10 Poms” migrating to Australia between the late 1940’s to the early 80’s (under a few different scheme titles). Including other ‘British subjects’ (including Eire at the time), the numbers reached a million or so. Very few of these people had much in the way of funds behind them.
My parents migrated to Australia in the early 70s with two infants and a bank loan to pay for the airfare and accommodation when they arrived, e.g. MINUS money, beat that Sajid…
FFS exactly GW. Viewing figures already so low as not to make a difference but she is amongst the most clueless of them all. Totally talentless – ideal for the bBBC.
Manchester Arena bomber was rescued from Libya by Royal Navy
This article is more than 3 years old
Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people in a suicide attack last year, was saved from civil war in 2014
The Manchester Arena suicide bomber was rescued by the Royal Navy from the civil war in Libya three years before he killed 22 people at a pop concert, it has emerged.
Salman Abedi was 19 when he boarded the HMS Enterprise in Tripoli in August 2014 with his younger brother Hashem and more than 100 other British citizens.
It is understood Abedi’s name was on a list of stranded citizens handed to the crew in charge of the evacuation. The vessel took them to Malta where they caught a flight back to the UK.
Durham Police will not be issuing any fixed penalty notices in respect of the Beergate gathering and no further action will be taken. “It has been concluded that there is no case to answer for a contravention of the regulations, due to the application of an exception, namely reasonably necessary work.” Starmer to hold a press conference answering hacks’ questions this afternoon. If only it had been cake not curry…
The investigation has been thorough, detailed and proportionate. The final evidence supplied by participants from the local constituency was returned to Durham Police on 5th July and analysed by investigators against all the evidence before the investigation was concluded on 8th July 2022.
A very BBC attempt:
Hence, laughable.
As confirmed by Bryant.
The methodology used as suggested requires a mind bleach.
Third one is the charmer.
He knows people.
As do the BBC. When under the spotlight.
Keir clear of what exactly? Monkeypox?
Just when you think the Nations moral compass couldn’t sink any lower, we now appear to have a public police force effectively happy to commit potential perjury to protect the left. The timing alone speaks volumes.
We are going in a very dangerous direction!
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
They’ll add you to ‘the list ‘…
Tucker Carlson on Zoom or Teams interview
Interesting in that it’s obviously unscripted
Ben Smith the former Buzzfeed editor-in-chief who jut left New York Times to found his own media group @semaforben,
came with hi list of GOTCHA questions
Ben Smith worked so hard to set Tucker Carlson up to look racist, and he’s visibly upset—stop playing with your notes!—that Tucker didn’t fall into it head first.
: Not surprisingly, Ben asks LOADED questions and then doesn’t give Tucker the ability to respond.
: “Do you believe white people are superior to other races?”
Carlson : 100% Of The People I’m Mad At Are Well-Educated White Liberals
Ben Smith: Why do white supremacists work for you ?
Tucker Carlson: No white supremacist has ever worked for me. I’ve never even met one. What is a white supremacist ?
Ben Smith: I don’t want to fight about labels.
(The qn is loaded like Have you stopped beating your wife ?)
There is a blunt and awkward smear in here when Ben Smith says Tucker attracts White Supremacists to his staff “like fly paper”
Carlson : “I enjoy my job. It’s a blessing to say what you really think.
Only women can get pregnant.
I dare you to say that. Can you say that? Oh, you can’t say that.
I can!”
Carlson : “This is why you are considered, correctly, a propagandist and not a journalist.
I just explained in detail, with total sincerity, what I believe, you ignored it, and invoked mass shooters.”
Ben Smith just got OWNED.
Had he done any research, he would know the New York Times had written an article
called “We can replace them.”
Gender Dysphoria
Gender Dysphoria may be characterised by a strong and persistent cross-gender identification (such as stating a desire to be the other sex or frequently passing as the other sex) coupled with persistent discomfort with a person’s sex (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems).
Not all transgender or non-binary people will have gender dysphoria, but only those with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria are eligible for the various interventions on the NHS pathway of care.
NHS England commissions three components of the gender dysphoria pathway, each of which works to a separate service specification:
A therapeutic service for children and young people up to 18 years of age, and their families; including a linked paediatric endocrinology service
Gender Dysphoria Clinics for adults from 17 years of age, offering assessment, diagnosis, overall care coordination, hormone treatments, voice and communication therapies and talking therapies
Certain surgical interventions of the chest and genitals for adults.
Conversion therapy: ‘You think you’re cursed’
Drag Race performer Mo Heart on going through so-called conversion therapy and why she thinks it should be banned.
It appears to me that Jeremy Hunt is the BBC’s favourite man to replace Boris .
Wasn’t he an Europhile? IMHO they appear to be ‘nudging’ for him ?
I see them flying the EU’s rag about his photos……………..
I spent much of Hunt’s period as health secretary running openDemocracy’s OurNHS section, investigating what he was really up to. I soon discovered that when you looked past his press releases, you found a very different story – one of missed targets, lengthening waits, crumbling hospitals, missed opportunities, false solutions, funding boosts that vanished under scrutiny, and blaming everyone but himself. This is that story, first published on openDemocracy on 13 July 2019.
Their dream is to split the blue Labour Party ….
Starmer’s ‘off the hook’ ?
One of the problems have having woke police outfits and political PCCs is that there is now a suspicion thar decisuins are politically motivated . Whether Starmer or Growler broke the rules – the suspicion it was ‘fixed ‘ is there …
Once people think plod is political – they become just another swamp dweller …
You can Blame Cameron for that one, he did everything possible to destroy the Tory party, including handing the control of the Police in every major city to Labour, and vetoing a monopolies enquirey into the Labour supporting Mirror Groups taking control of every local newspaper in the UK, meaning there is no independant voice.
Thoughtful – yet I recall it was meant to make plod more ‘accountable ‘ but all it did was add to the wage bill and push plod into even more politics ….
Let’s face it – unless plod fights real crime and keeps the streets safe they are not worth the rations ….
I think I will go completely msm free for a while ….
Partygate and Beergate are all playground stuff to me
The Islington socialist Party supported the draconian policies and thus painted themselves into a corner
The teams of the Blue guy and the red guy thought is best to bluff their way out by lying
The drinks parties didn’t kill anyone.
#1 Their common policy of extreme lockdowns was meant to save lives
but probably caused more life years to be lot by locking people out of the NHS.
#2 Their common policy of extreme green-dream policies is supposed to save live-years in 50 year time
But today it does kill people.
They along with Biden CHOSE to restrict local energy supplies, thus world and local energy prices rise manically. thus the NHS buying power FELL, which means it has less resources per patient
Therefore outcomes are worse.
The two sides of the school bully gang still make all the little boys like us hand over all our dinner money over to them
yes the school newspaper screams about one or the other not-having his tie straight.
Banana republic stuff.
Starmer was cornered and Durham plod gave him a rat hole … There’s going to be many who copped a Covid fine who’ll be fewmin and a proportion of them are going to become politically active.
A bureaucrat’s first reaction to any incident is to cover up and lie – and then to put greased sliders under the timeline and send the matter out into long grass.
Starmer is a bureaucrat
Anyone fancy doing a private prosecution?
No surprises there. It would be interesting to see the legal definition of “reasonably necessary work” as argued by Starmer’s advocates (how many pages?) and to know how many additional ‘phone calls’ were made by Starmer’s team to Durham police in order to ensure the outcome and the timing.
90 mins after the Starmer news was reported here
My twitter search page is still the same as for 26 hours
Top item For You “Boris Johnson resigns as party leader”
The Netherlands has asked Germany to consider keeping its nuclear power plants open.
Uniper applies for state aid. Germany’s largest natural gas trader is on the verge of bankruptcy.
The Morgenthau Plan reborn.
Have you noticed that the coverage of zelenski thanking nut nut and Blighty for support since Russia invaded – which he put out in his daily briefing to his country – got no coverage here .
I don’t think the Eastern Europeans can conceive of the nonsense which led to nut nut going ….
UK Police – can kneel to help end racism in the USA … cannot stand to protect 1400+ raped kids in UK.
They do get nervous when anyone wants to speak of it publicly.
Failures by those charged with protecting children happened despite three reports between 2002 and 2006 which both the council and police were aware of, and “which could not have been clearer in the description of the situation in Rotherham”.
Prof Jay said: “The authorities involved have a great deal to answer for.”
Prof Jay said: “The authorities involved have a great deal to answer for.”
Prof Jay said: “The authorities involved have a great deal to answer for.”
Prof Jay said: “The authorities involved have a great deal to answer for.”
Prof Jay said: “The authorities involved have a great deal to answer for.”
Breightbart story that Andrew Bridgen says the Tories must return to conservative values and begin fracking again.
The video is odd however he appears to have a huge head and no neck. Is this how he always looks?
Shareholdings: over 15% of issued share capital
AB Produce PLC; processing and distribution of fresh vegetables.
AB Produce Trading Ltd; holding company.
Bridgen Investments Ltd; investment company, investing in shares, property, building projects.
From 6 February 2017, AB Farms Ltd; potato production and storage. (Registered 21 March 2017)
I am not sure how putting up cutNpastes from the register of members interests .. WITHOUT context is useful.
Bridgen is not poor cos he and his siblings inherited their father’s potato farming business
However after he became an MP his brother tried to kick him out on the basis he wasn’t keeping up with the work for the salary.
The cout found largely in his favour, though he was wasn’t 100% blameless
I like to remind people that we are ALL EQUAL and in it together …. minus the free tickets to football and holidays worth £15K.
You didn’t mention the football tix or holidays
A holiday is worth something
but a £1000 football ticket is not worth £1,000 t someone who is given it, unless they really inteneded to go and pay that price themselves.
£1000 is great for the family …. Name of donor: Glastonbury Festivals Events Ltd
Address of donor: Worthy Farm, Pilton, Shepton Mallet BA4 4BY
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to Glastonbury, total value £476, given to a member of my family
From 6 May 2020 to 5 May 2022, Director of Mere Plantations Ltd of Unit 1 Cherry Tree Farm, Cherry Tree Lane, Rostherne WA14 3RZ; a company which grows teak in Ghana. I will be paid £12,000 a year for an expected monthly commitment of 8 hrs. (Registered 17 June 2020)
‘Racist’ Gandhi statue removed from University of Ghana
13 December 2018
Ghana is the kind of place where you can plant trees for harvest
That earns brownie points in the UK for being GREEN.
However such monculture plantations are very vulnerable to blight
.. a line of dead white trees stretching thru the forest etc.
Christians CANNOT GO TO MECCA … yet …
Iqra Ismail exclusive interview: Somali Muslim coach overcoming racism to inspire women to play football
Iqra Ismail is a hijab-wearing Muslim who is overcoming prejudice to inspire women to play football. In an exclusive interview with Sky Sports, she shares her story, reveals her horror at France’s decision to ban the hijab and her hope for the future…
Adam Bate
Comment and Analysis @ghostgoal
Friday 8 July 2022 14:04, UK
Starmer is innocent and so is Sepp Blatter very curious!!!!!
John DeLorean was innocent, OK?
I always remember a phone-in on Radio 5 Live where a businessman in The midlands said he made donations to both the Conservatives and Labour in the run up to a General Election. That way, he said, he had influence whichever party won.
I believe that green energy subsides can be a way of laundering party donations.
A corp gets the subsidies donates to Red/Blue socialists, gets more subsidies approved , gives some of that to the party in donations. etc.
Sir Elton John has defended the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s use of private jets – and said he paid to carbon offset their trip to his French home.
The singer said he provided Prince Harry, Meghan and their son Archie with his private plane to “maintain a high level of much-needed protection”.
From the neck up, Elton reminds me of an old Aunt Lily from back in the 70’s. Lol !!! Same hair cut and same miserable look.
ELton had to clean 12 toilets a day in his Mansion during COVID due to no servants.
Sir Elton John and Sir Michael Caine team up to urge people to get vaccinated in NHS video
StewGreen – That’s precisely what the Unions in this country have been doing, quite blatantly, for years, especially when there is a Labour government.
A very good point. As far as I can make out, only the very largest businesses have a chance of making money from Green politics. Low carbon just puts small businesses out of business
I”ve always thought the whole Green, low carbon thing was a con from the start. You only have to look at the “solutions” to see that. Condensing boliers that only last 10 years, importing manufactured goods from China while our own manufacturing is bankrupted, car take back which scraps perfectly good cars, promoting EV’s which only the wealthy can afford. While I’m on it, congestion charging which clears the roads for the wealthy.
Neil Oliver: This supposed utopia we’re having rammed down our throats isn’t working
If Starmer becomes pm, my money is on les Grandes fromages of Durham Police getting a ton of knighthoods in the new years’ honours. Follow the money; somebody has been bought off, probably with a no-gong threat.
Euan Blair son of former UK Prime Minister was awarded MBE just 6 months after father Tony Blair was awarded a knighthood
Viva explains that Dave Rubin delivered a master stroke
in his comeback from Twitter banning for screenshotting the Jordan Peterson “misgendering” tweet
Comment …. “I have a cousin who just came out to us at our campfire this week at our family reunion campus. He wanted to becalled by x, x’s, xos, child, sibling. He got angry at us by using gender names in general if we were talking to him.like for instance even if we used fender names for other people. This stuff is getting out of control. They are so self centered”
I got into politics because I want everyone in this country to have the opportunity to be able to give their children a better future.
Our country faces huge challenges, the most serious for a generation. Someone has to grip this moment and make the right decisions. Because the choices we make today will decide whether the next generation of British people will have more opportunities than the last.
We need to restore trust in our politics. We need to rebuild our economy. And we need to reunite the country.
That’s why I’m standing to be the next leader of the Conservative Party and your Prime Minister.
Promoted by Lord Smith of Hindhead CBE on behalf of Rishi Sunak MP, at 3 Dean Trench Street, SW1P
Find out about the experience of Lord Smith of Hindhead outside of Parliament.
There is no experience information to show.
Let’s all get Green Cards – just in case – toast —— although I suppose he can buy votes ….
Funny how people use their parents hardships to say they are poor?
As per Steven Swinford’s briefing, Sunak has launched his inevitable leadership bid, with a focus on “fiscal credibility”, pitching himself as a serious candidate for serious times.
He promised “to lead this country in the right direction” based on values of “patriotism, fairness and hard work”.
waffle – all waffle …
Farage explaining to the Australian TV host, how a PM is going merely cos another MP got drunk and gropey to men https://youtu.be/dBjczMPLXM4
To me it is seemed bizarre cos Boris hadn’t groped anyone or stole any money.
Farage explained the question arose about Pincher’s prior record
and Team Boris said they were not aware of it when he was appointed,
Farage said it came out that TeamBoris had been briefed 5 times on this
so that MPs who had been sent out to defend team Boris now felt exploited and went to resign ..as the straw that broke the camel’s back.
I deliberately say TeamBoris, cos I don’t think Boris ever acts alone.
TeamBoris appointed Pincher
TeamBoris first said they never knew about Pincher’s prior offending, hat he’d somehow not been booked for.
TeamBoris changed their story to say they had forgotten, they actually had been briefed
One scenario is that Boris was in complete control all the time.
Another scenario I can imagine is that TeamStopBoris had just failed in the vote of no-confidence and were desperate to find another way, so were on the lookout for something to exploit
Then when Pincher happened, they setup Boris
That first they got one of their moles in TeamBoris to tell Boris to lie.
then when he did they got their supporters to resign like dominoes ..and their media pal pitched in.
Michael Fallon’s resignation is ridiculous, says female journalist at centre of ‘kneegate’
‘This is the most insane, absurd and ridiculous resignation of a cabinet minister ever’
Henry Austin
Wednesday 01 November 2017 22:05
If I recall Fallon closed the gas storage we are desperate for ….
Because we can rely on the Chinese?
Don’t be silly! Everybody knows that 140% of the UK’s energy needs can be supplied by solar and wind, the greens keep telling us so. And, what’s more, it’s all free!!
Meanwhile Jeff Taylor why people are panicky o remove Bri immediately NOW
Starmer makes out we can’t have a lame duck period
yet if Starmer gets a no-confidence vote win
.. then the result is a lame duck period before there is a new PM anyway
.. https://youtu.be/EJnBhbbHGVs
Meanwhile Mayhar Tousi says it was John Major’s meddling letter that wound Tories up
and caused a backlash from Tory MP’s ‘no we’ll back a transition time, cos we won’t give in to you’
Edwina Currie then too spoke against Major
Good post, Stew. Once Cummings was out of the way, ‘they’ knew that Bojo was so disorganised in his head that he could be set up for another fail and eventual fall. They tried with Owen Paterson first, then there was ‘Tractorgate’ but that wasn’t quite enough. The-cost-of-living-crisis was talked up by the media along with the ‘airport crisis’ but it still wasn’t enough.
‘Pinchergate’ was the latest throw of the dice and it worked.
Yes the leftworld keep up this endless rerolling of the dice
That sounds very Alinsky “by any means possible”
Free holidays ….
Name of donor: Progressive International
Address of donor: 71-75 Shelton Street, London WC2H 9JQ
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): For me and my wife, flights £1,155.52 and accommodation £512.18, total value £1,667.70
Destination of visit: Bogota
Dates of visit: 25-30 May 2022
Purpose of visit: Official International Election Observer.
(Registered 14 June 2022)
So, Murica.
Oh, and Sleepy gave a medal to the BBC’s fave multi hued barnet footyballist after Leroy Lineker for, it would seem, dissing the country of which he nominally President.
What BBC Tora, Tora, Tora comes out with tba.
Remember how the BBC report news … terrorist is victim …
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016
Does GB News not have anybody monitoring their output?
Today, loads of the people being interviewed over a link (not sitting next to the presenter in the studio) sound like they are in a huge echo chamber and are hard to understand.
Have they not got someone responsible for the sound.
Sometimes they realise how it sounds and turn some control in front of them down but too many times it seems nobody is aware of the sound quality.
Closure of UK’s largest gas storage site ‘could mean volatile prices’
This article is more than 5 years old
Shuttering of Rough facility off Yorkshire coast by British Gas owner Centrica will increase dependence on imports, say critics
Britain’s largest storage site for natural gas is to close permanently, leaving the country more dependent on imports and exposed to price shocks.
Centrica, the UK energy group which owns British Gas, said it had concluded that its Rough storage facility off the Yorkshire coast could no longer be operated safely because of failures in its ageing wells.
The 32-year-old site — a reservoir of permeable sandstone under the North Sea into which gas can be injected at times of surplus supplies and drawn from when needed — accounts for 70 per cent of UK gas storage capacity. It can meet a tenth of the country’s daily peak gas demand in winter.
Loss of Rough will remove an important supply buffer during winter months when demand is highest, and leave the UK more reliant on gas imported via pipelines from mainland Europe or as liquefied natural gas brought by ship from places such as Qatar.
Marky – if you read the guardian piece and the comments by those involved – it was MAD then and MAD now – someone took a big bribe along the way to do that …..
Anyhoo, and apropos of stumbling around archives, was this ever resolved beyond police wibble status?
I note that stuff went away because the BBC had not seen it.
Happens a lot there.
“Unimaginable” cost of Test & Trace failed to deliver central promise of averting another lockdown
10 March 2021
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
Read the report summary
Read the conclusions and recommendations
Read the full report: COVID-19: Test, track and trace (part 1) [PDF 330 KB]
Public Accounts Committee
The Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) justified the scale of investment, in part, on the basis that an effective test and trace system would help avoid a second national lockdown – but since its creation we have had two more lockdowns.
meanwhile I looked at the Belfield case
BB Barrister explained that although most of anti-stalking law i about physical contact, a small part does mention non-contact harassment
He then explained that so often multiple letter contacts can be explained because you are doing something legitimate like defending yourself.
but I see a problem : thousands of people spent lot of time harassing Trump hence the expression “he lives in their heads rent free”
If the bar for harassment is really so low Trump/Boris The Tories could be initiating thousands of court cases every day.
BB Barrister also explained that in a court case “normally the prosecution case is good, so that by the end of that part .. you 100% believe the accused is guilty
but then too after the defence case you then believe the accuser is now 1005 innocent, that is what jury debate is about ..considering BOTH,’
Adding my own opinion that means that by day 3 the BBC case against Belfield should be looking 100% sure
However when I listening to Belfield’s daily quotes of the proceedings which he gives without opinions it doesn’t look that way.
The strongest bit so far is that Leeds presenter Liz Breen was crying in front of the jury and making out that Belfield had caused her 2020 breakdown.
However Belfield’s QC got in questions that exposed her narrative
And of course the situation looks like a escalating playground spat
where Belfield had first been bullied and then moved in, in his normal style of sticking up for himself by giving it back
Gotcha #1 is that Liz Green had talked about Belfield on air referring to his girlfriend as “Mrs Bellend ”
That’s something she had to formally apologise for
Gotcha #2 was against BBC manager Rozina Breen
who admitted that when Belfield left he had not been properly paid and seemingly still hasn’t
#3 That the BBC had forced him to take on a actin as a contractor contract, something now deemed illegal
#4 that having expressed surprise at Belfield’s aggressive later style, that is the same style that was present on the demo tape she had used to recruit him.
#5 Liz Green made out she was the victim of a torrent of direct emails but it turns out many were not sent to her directly
but rather here friends collected them and sent them to her.
#6 that rather than being a shy passive victim Liz Green had actively followed the anti-Belfield anonymous trolls on Twitter and had made a habit of liking their often HATEY tweets
#6 one thing the BBC considers to be be stalking is Belfield’s FOI request into a free BBC holidays 2 presenters received to new York for achievement. Something he knew about since he was the most successful DJ at that time, and he felt he knew the other presenters hadn’t made the time limits either.
she claimed it was a merely personal intimidation cos he didn’t investigate similar BBC staff competition at station he had not worked at.
#7 Belfield’s QC seemed to try to establish that he was the one first bullied. that on the first shift Green had refused to let him have access to the newspapers.
– Furthermore BBC assert that Belfield’s mean comments about the two ladies making the radio Sheffield naked podcast also amounted to stalking.
the torrent of 4000+ emails, also seems to be documented in court by there being a whopping 29 emails so far
Sounds like you’ve worked through a couple of bags of popcorn there Stew
thanks for the summary
typo “but then too after the defence case you then believe you then believe the accused is now 100% innocent,”
I missed couple of things
#7 Belfield’s QC seemed to try to establish that he was the one first bullied. that on the first shift Green had refused to let him have access to the newspapers.
Green’s reply was “I can’t remember”
that reply was given a few times by the BBC witnesses
furthermore Belfield’s QC was able to show at least one contradiction eg a witness saying today they couldn’t remember something, when the court record showed that yesterday to the same question they’d given a different answer.
I still expect a stitch up along the normal lines
– Righties are counted as evil so get hard justice
– lefties like BBC FEMALES are seen as members of special victimhood groups so they are allowed to bully you, but you are not allowed to answer back.
Green complained Belfield had referred to her as wiggy
She admitted does wear a wig cos of a medical condition. i guess such medical conditions might play a part in her mental breakdown
“I have been mentally ill” is a line she used
She described a scene where a stranger approached her and she thought it was a Belfield fan coming to attack her
In fact it was one of her own fans saying hello.
Green said her mental illness started 18 months ago2
Hang on do these dates add up.
I thought Belfield’ court case was set up about 18 month ago
And I thought her spat with Belfield started 10 years ago.
Charges of some kind against Belfield started at least 4 years ago
and that was the first thing if the emails are so supposed to be such a huge criminal problem why didn’t cPS act earlier
The CPS are saying Belfield sent all these emails when in fact half of them were send AFTER police started their cases.
It’s a bit much for police to say “we’ll wait and stand by for another 4 years and then we’ll have more charges to prosecute”
Green also admitted her viewing figures were low and that could affect her mental health.
Belfield has said one of his recent gripes is that the BBC chose to take her out of the roster and leave at home on full pay
Thursday in court she denied speaking to Belfield when her producer friend upset him by not getting him the script before the show started. The QC then read to her her 2020 statement where she described what she had said. That’s a contradiction then
“You called him a Grade A W*nker”
She seemed to admit she’d sent a tweet about sending Belfield to Auschwitz.
He’s not put up a Friday transcript
I guess he is gigging
Sounds like the judge would be grateful for a ‘not guilty ‘ …..
I remember when the original ‘protection from harrassment act ‘came in and there was academic discussion about how low the bar would be for harrassment to be proved- as against – say – bullying …. And where the distinction lay .
I don’t know where the case law is now but if bellfield can prove he has legitimate grounds for engaging with the people ‘harrassed ‘ then surely he gets to walk .
Whatever happens it must take a big toll on him …
Surely the auschwitz comment is a criminal offence of ‘malicious communication ‘ – such as the poster here who suggested I ‘eff off and die ‘ – which in other circumstances I would have made a criminal allegation ….
I heard a statistician somewhere chirping about the higher number of unexplained deaths in the population – not caused by cancer – no one mentioned covid side effects but having listened to mark Steyn over the last few weeks 2 plus 2 is er …
When will some of these Tory MPs realise that the ‘Red Wall’ constituencies were won because and only because they wanted brexit and the Tories were the only party promising to do it.
They will never keep them with a remainer leader.
Are they trying to lose the next GE so that the remainers can start moving us back under the control of the eu.
If a remainer becomes the next PM then I can only think they are doing it because most MPs want back in.
TOADY Watch #3 – now, I wonder why his name has been name checked so much?
Harshmistress Mishal and JustRemainIn are presenting this morning as I expected. The BBC are very keen, on a day of shocking news – the assassination of the former Premier of Japan, Shinzo Abe – to keep mentioning Tom Tugendhadt as the first to declare himself a candidate for leader of the Conservative Party and to be the next Prime Minister. Now why would the Remainer BBC like Tom Tugendhadt.
It wouldn’t be that he is the nephew of a man who was a former EU Vice President would it? He, too, is a Remainer. On the plus side, in my view balancing his EU enthusiasm, he is said to be a supporter of Israel.
I’ve just seen a Party Political Broadcast by Labour.
It was on the BBC news channel at 1805.
SirKeer has escaped Beergate.
The BBBC broadcast virtually his entire speech in response.
Not carefully selected highlights. The whole shebang, emphasising honesty, integrity…blah blah blah.
So, not quite the same treatment as they impartially give the Tories, then.
Sluff, funny, I thought that might be one way that ‘they’ would get a Labour Party supporting a new EU Re-join Referendum. Durham Plod fines Starmer, Starmer resigns.
One of the women win the Party leadership, fights the GE, and, if they have a majority, as PM they call a new EU Ref. If not, then Jess or Ange enters into a Coalition Government with just the LibDems, maybe the SNP and Plaid, too, and still calls a new EU Ref.
They will have to think of a new plan to roll back Starmer’s latest commitment.
Maybe instead a new Conservative leader will win enough seats to have a majority? Oh, the BBC’s joy and glee at Bojo’s departure will turn to woe, gloom and despondency, at the BBC
I’m not fully aware of the words used to say that the Labour Party now accepts that we will not be rejoining the EU and its ‘ institutions .
Given that such ‘promises ‘ have as much value as a manifesto promise I’m sure its just to regain lost votes – maybe the party conference will clarify it .
But now that remainer traitors sniff their opportunity I wonder if we are about to get a new version ‘project fear ?’
This would seem difficult especially since many EU economies are in an even bigger mess than the UK – with even higher inflation rates
Perhaps also – the non reporting of Dutch farmers is part of that .
For the BBC – the EU must always be better – always be ‘right ‘ – always be the ‘fair’ one – never acting unreasonably or with malice toward the UK .
I’m giving the msm a rest for a while – I haven’t got a working TV anyway …
One hell of an id parade
What a predictable embarrassment that poor old corrupt man is to the American people who didn’t vote for him…
New PJW video on Boris going
… https://youtu.be/ejf5xM6wjsA
Stew, thanks – that was a good video by PJW
BBC local news
A lot of Boris speculation
They never normally have Tory MPs on, but they jut interviwed 2 one by one
One of them was on last night as well.
When they read out viewer comments the first two were extremely pro Boris
then just one anti-Boris.
whole prog was reduced to about 21 mins
From http://www.sickipedia.net
The British could learn a thing or two from the Japanese.
They don’t **** about when a former Prime Minister’s outstayed his welcome.
tooth-cleaning morphing nanoparticle
Can you imagine what the toothpaste TV ad copywriters will do with this?
At The Register
I hope Prince Charles will opine on the development – that’d be fun.
Telford raping gang thread referenced in the new WGAP video https://youtu.be/0AJZ3dSuHLA
Canada judge finds
#1 that 3 seconds of words into someones ear
is the most dangerous bail breach ever
#2 That when a policeman makes no effort to show your lawyer is standing nearby you in a photograph
That proves your lawyer is not their, even though he was.
So Tamara Lynch has lost her chance to be free on bail today
HOWEVER she’s back in front of a judge in 7 days anyway
This judge also said the entire city of Ottawa was gridlocked
when observers like Viva say it’s total rubbish it was just a few blocks.
Viva is incensed on his livestream now
.. https://youtu.be/HXt8D9BaQ-0
The first 18 minutes is the verdict slowly coming through
“I drove right into the middle of the city every day .. this is evil”
oh the judges are POLITICAL appointees
No surprise, Sunak has announced his bid for PM.
The coup continues.