Claudia Winkleman ‘earns’ several hundred thousand pounds a year from us taxpayers via the BBC. She is also the face of Head and Shoulders shampoo.
So why did I see her tonight advertising cannabis oil on one of the free to view channels. A gentleman I speak to at the swimming pool had recommended cannabis oil which he was using for his arthritis and said it was marvellous. That is he thought it marvellous until he saw his GP who was horrified at him taking it. One of the drugs he was taking (I think blood pressure) could be seriously compromised by cannabis oil and he was to stop taking it immediately.
Does Claudia really need the money from these adverts? These adverts compromise the BBC and the use of non prescription medication.
Well done Debs, wise and good post also. I would endorse the medicinal warning: taking more than one substance? Beware conflicts. (That said, was your swimming pool contact taking it internally or was he using it as ‘a rub’? I knew a medical practitioner trouble by arthritis who used to have a tot of brandy. Usual ‘Doc practise’, I hear you say. No, he rubbed it into the affected joints and reckoned it helped.)
Thank you Fed. Glad I got through……..
Maybe someone out there doesn’t like the video of Trump at the UN warning Germany about its over-reliance on Soviet energy……….errr……4 years ago….
……..a family lawyer of some local repute tells me that as a lawyer she is borderline useless, yet she is Attorney General.
Let us all be careful what we wish for…..
She did take some stick for being made AG with limited legal experience or ability … but under Johnson if Mrs nut nut liked her that was enough … let them eat cake …
There are rumbles in the USA that CBT use is leading to mental issues in young people. Just how much more of this crap should we take from luvvies like this twat. She must love money above all else.
Plus the raw cannabis being processed is coming to the USA from the same South American drug barons who have been shipping the illegal variety in so looking for another income stream.
We have the swinging sixties to thank for this aberration in society.
God help our young people if they are guided by dangerous misinformed fools like winkelman.
It may be a “thing” in the London clubs but It is obvious that she is unaware of the longer term effects of this evil drug on our youngsters.
I guess as long as she gets a wad, so what?
Claudia, if you read this, have a chat with your agent and possibly recover your principles!
CBT = Cognitive behavioural therapy is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave.
CBD = Cannabidio, discovered in 1940. It is one of 113 identified cannabinoids in cannabis plants, along with tetrahydrocannabinol, and accounts for up to 40% of the plant’s extract.
THC = Tetrahydrocannabinol the main psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces the high sensation.
It can be consumed by smoking cannabis. It’s also available in oils
Cannaray the brand she advertises is THC free
It’s a British medical cannabis and CBD company co-founded and led by an American Investment banker
We also have Foggy Moggy’s father to thank too with his fatuous scribbling “Who breaks a butterfly on a wheel” when the strolling moans were sentenced to three months for possession of the drug.
Foggys father was the subject of one of the most total slap downs ever when he was being his usual puffed up snobbish superior self at dinner with his proprietor Rupert Murdoch. Mogg sat there in all his pomp said ” I have met X number of US presidents and I cannot say one f them had a first class mind”.
Murdoch evidently fed up at the pompous self opinionated oaf asked him is his Aussie twang “did it ever occur to you they might have thought you were a bit of a dick?”
Mogg couldn’t really respond in the way he might have liked to the man who owned him, and was silenced in a put down which has now become part of history.
Alas his son is not of the same calibre which is saying something.
WGAP about how the media brought in dozens of voices who have less morals than Boris to say Boris has no morals
eg Matt Hancock
“The Media’s Six Month Campaign To Oust Boris Johnson Finally Succeeds”
Stew, I realise you are quoting here: “The Media’s Six Month Campaign To Oust Boris Johnson Finally Succeeds” but I think it has gone on for much longer than that. When did the first ‘Partygate’ headlines appear in the Daily Mirror? I’ll have to do a search.*
Late spring (we didn’t get much summer) of 2021 was when the Montacutie ‘outed’ Laura Kuenssberg as working very hard to break this story. The official record is that the Mirror had the story at the end of November 2021. That was when the photos of Allegra Stratton had emerged but I think they had been alleging ‘Parties in Downing Street in 2020’ for some months.
Prior to that, knowing how valuable he was to the PM for his organising skills, the media attacked Cummings. It would seem that, having researched a bit, the media have been out to attack and denigrate Boris Johnson from the Cabinet re-shuffle in spring of 2020. Nearly two and a half years!
*Interesting that Pippa Crerar’s Wiki (usual disclaimers) appears to have been severely edited since I last looked.
The UK government have an obligation to take action on the promotion of CBD. It is a dangerous mind altering drug that should NOT be freely available widely to our young people. Otherwise we will reap the results in due course. The UN would of course disagree because they want as many stupid sheep as they can get.
From the numerous articles I’ve read, and the fact that there is a lot of stuff being advertised with CBD like soap, shampoo, ointment etc etc the amount of cannabis ingredient barely registers on the cannabis scale.
Its just companies getting in on another ‘fad’ for maximum profit.
A story as big as Climategate that the media ignore
Stuart Kirk, head of HSBC’s Responsible Investing Team.
telling the world about the reality of financial risk and climate change.
Who last week felt he had to resign and said “Opinions on both differ.
But humanity’s best chance of success is open and honest debate.
If companies believe in diversity and speaking up, they need to walk the talk. A cancel culture destroys wealth and progress
…There is no place for virtue signalling in finance.”
The hoax/scam of Climate Change is behind all the bad policies the Left has inflicted us with, and thus control the lives of all of us – its the old Marxist idea. And the Tories instead of questioning it, have adopted it wholesale. Its this that will see the end of the West as a power
The idea that human beings, by creating 0.025% of CO2, are affecting the planet’s climate is absurd. The engineering miracle of the use of Fossil fuel energy, has brought out billions of humans from poverty and suffering. To attempt reverse it, using the hoax of man-made Climate Change as the Left wishes, is pure evil.
The list of runners and riders for the Conservative Party
stakes. Is beginning to look like a copy of the presenters
on the Londonistan Programme we have to endure
on BBC TV four times a day.
To be honest Riz Lateef, Asad Ahmad, Alice Bandhukravi ,Alison
Earle, and a plethora of other ethnic presenters on the
programme . Would probably make a better leader of the
Conservative party. If they didn’t have to read the autocues
written for them by their anarchist Marxist editors , sub
editors .and researchers.
As an appendage . The Londonistan Programme is
the only programme on the BBC that doesn’t
use “positive discrimination” The fact that because
of demographics, the indigenous population has now
decreased to less than 40%.
So I should be fair to the Conservative Party. They are up
to now being politically correct in using “positive
discrimination” for the choice of their leader. So I
suppose that my constituency MP . The hard working ,
brave, highly intelligent, caring, Brexiteer. Brave? She was
Northern Ireland secretary for a few years. And had her life threatened every day. Who is she? She would of made a
better Prime Minister than the other Teresa. As for
Johnson! No, Teresa Villiers doesn’t tick the right boxes
anymore. And she lost her Environment Ministry . Because
she opposed the closing of the Piccadilly terminus Cockfosters tube station car park. Which was used by hundreds of train
travellers every day . To get into central London.
At best CBT oil is a quack medicine with no effect, at worse it is an introduction into to full blown cannabis which is an evil drug that snares users into a lifetime of misuse and dependency. Any right thinking person would avoid any link, especially well known people like winkelman.
This pull out by Musk and the ensuing legal battle will likely lead to disclosure. Then the full truth of Twitter will come out. Musk will then get Twitter for dimes.
Nice to see ex Sky presenter Mark Longhurst on GBN with Alastair Stewart, reporting on the Johnson fiasco.
Some may remember that Longhurst was given the push from Sky when questioning stroppy activist Owen Jones, who then subsequently upped and walked out because he didn’t like the line of questioning. Longhurst was rarely seen on screen after that. Showed where Sky’s interest lain even back then !
Count Dunkula explains all as his final case wrap up
tthe courts are rigged and it’s almost impossible to give your donations away to charity cos journalists are so toxic.
‘By Rebecca Laurence and Lindsay Baker’. I already have doubts about this list. I checked them with Google and I’ll bet my house they both vote Lib Dem.
Top of the list ‘Young Mungo’. A heartwarming tale about 2 queers : one a catholic and one a protestant.
Next ‘The Candy House by Jennifer Egan’.
Then ‘Either/Or by Elif Batuman’ ‘the adventures of Selin Karadag, a Russian literature student in her sophomore year at Harvard University in 1996’.
Sounds rivetting.
Next: ‘Constructing a Nervous System by Margo Jefferson’
And: ‘In Love: A Memoir of Love and Loss by Amy Bloom’
Followed by: ‘Love Marriage by Monica Ali’
Spotting the trend here ?.
Then we finally get a male !!!!!!.
‘Tiepolo Blue by James Cahill’
‘Don Lamb is a repressed 40-something Cambridge art historian working on a monograph about the the paintings of the eponymous 18th-Century Venetian master.’
Another classic no doubt.
And it goes on. Another fine example of an article by the BBC showing us just how much they represent the people who are forced to pay for them.
I note this new trend to announce ‘of the year’ lists in the middle of the year. I guess they think otherwise they will get no attention if the wait until January 2023 or later. Yesterday, the BBC or some other media company. had ‘The Baby Names of 2022’! The year 2022 is only half over.
Be under no illusions Boris would still be PM if he hadn’t been found out lieing again. How he ever thought he could get away with it is beyond me.
It might sound like a Sherlock statement but only his bad judgement on these trivial matters got him called out.
So the popation want a Boris but not one so arrogant that he thinks he can lie again on trivial matters and get away with it.
When I was married I would always admit I was wrong, arguments start when you try to disprove the facts !
He would have got away with it if the Remainer traitors hadn’t been leaking it all to the BBC. Luckily Starmer doesn’t have that problem : the Left are united by their hatred of the Right and thirst for power so they keep their secrets to themselves. BBC included.
Not that that excuses the lies of course – but they all do it. Labour claiming Rayner wasn’t even at ‘beergate’ for months for example. The whole thing was hushed up by the BBC – who were after Boris with rabid ferocity even before the lies came out. Before that it was all ‘You must resign because of partygate’ which switch rapidly to ‘You must resign because you lied about partygate’.
At the end of the day it’s all about one thing : Brexit. All those remainer MP’s shunned by Boris now think they have a chance of promotion with a new leader.
It’s no great shame to me that Boris is gone : the crucial thing now is to get a Brexiteer leader despite the BBC’s best efforts to put a remainer in place. Hunt is already clearly their preferred choice.
Who knows : fingers crossed, this cloud could have a silver lining and the BBC could have just shot themselves in the foot.
From The Times
STARTS Songs of Praise is set to be the latest victim of BBC belt-tightening after the corporation said the BBC1 programme must feature more music repeats.
The programme is the broadcaster’s biggest religious show but it is not immune to budget cuts after the licence fee was frozen at £159 in January.
Songs of Praise’s annual budget could be reduced by as much as 12.5 per cent from £4 million to £3.5 million, according to a document circulated to producers. This is not a fixed plan and producers could still secure funding closer to the existing budget.
The corporation has invited third-party production companies to submit plans to make the show after its existing deal with Avanti Media and Nine Lives Media expired.
One of the ways the BBC is looking to bring down the cost is by changing the way it films new hymns.
The broadcaster told producers: “We especially welcome ideas around utilising the extraordinary existing library of music, thus streamlining the volume of new music captured each year while maintaining viewers’ expectation of the series.”
The BBC insisted this was not a euphemism for cutting new music.
The hope is that by mixing new music with hymns from the archive, Christian audiences will remain loyal to the show, which has been on air for more than 60 years. Songs of Praise can attract more than a million viewers for special episodes, such as Gospel Singer of the Year.
SORT OF ENDS -goes on a bit but I got Fedup cutting and pasting –
Other cost saving suggestions include –
Cutting antiques roadshow so there is less road and newer antiques
Having less country in the countryfile
Moving eastenders to lower value property areas – eg Hull
Not that Our BBC needs the money, but potential income might be raised via an entrance fee from the congregation.
Since the lure of being on the telly increases the numbers of committed Christians out of all proportion to sad reality, most would surely be happy to pay for the privilege?
Andrea Jenkyns MP giving the finger to the crowd on her way to becoming an Education Minister, and soon to be giving out instructions to teachers on how to teach British values and instil 'good behaviour'.
— Michael Rosen 💙💙🎓🎓 (@MichaelRosenYes) July 8, 2022
This character is now a blue labour junior education minister ….
What one does in one’s’ private life is one thing – but allowing onto social media …. Or outside the Carlton Club – is another …
Ironically, some answers to this are not visible as owners limit their tweets to fellow sycophants.
What a brilliant week for @ChrisMasonBBC. Like his predecessor, he makes the toughest gig in news look easy. And so refreshing to hear the podcast tone creeping into linear radio. Don't think you'd have had the Pol Ed interrupting the Today prog to take a call before Brexitcast!
The last shall be first and the first last edition
What a refreshing change it would be were the BBC online press review to reverse the order of preference; in place of their predictable choice for opener today – the left-leaning ‘i’ headline: Race is on: Sunak starts Tory leader scramble – we might instead see something from that jokey tabloid, habitually bringing up the rear, brought to the fore: Yes, it is very hot – not the Daily Star’s main frontpage headline this morning but a bit of absolutely non-fake news… I think you’ll agree.
No equivocation. Not a cut and paste PR (public relations / press release) campaigning lobbyist effort. And – assuming the Daily Star article doesn’t start banging about global warming – no particular narrative agenda (obvious or otherwise)
Former British high street flagship Marks and Spencer famously operated a guaranteed no-quibble money back exchange policy. Interesting and fitting then that the chairman of M&S today tells the Telegraph: Tories warned not to choose the ‘wrong’ PM – the rather old-school last century named Archie Norman employs a decidedly retail-themed metaphore: …candidates to replace Mr Johnson should be given time to set out their stalls… the risk of picking the wrong prime minister was ‘high’ amid pressure for a swift resolution…
You know what it’s like – you’re tired, traipsing round the store, way too many choices on offer, all much of a muchness, trying to concentrate on choosing the best fit, whilst you’re being bombarded with advice – not all of it helpful or well intentioned: Let battle begin (Guardian); Starmer cleared Durham police clear Labour leader of lockdown breaches (Guardian); Don’t listen to fairy tales, Sunak tells Tory voters (Times); Sunak accused of treachery as he enters Tory leadership race (FT); Keir’s in the clear (Mirror); As Starmer opens door to coalition of chaos… Voters in Red Wall seats… insisted the Prime Minister had got the big calls right and made clear they were ‘dreading’ what could come next (Daily Mail)
Recalling the political assasination of the populist leader by a narrow cabal of liberal establishment insiders – and thinking of Marks and Spencers: The terrifying day I asked Margaret Thatcher where she got her knickers… ANGELA HUTH… Back in 1986, a producer friend at the BBC suggested that a book I had written, The English Woman’s Wardrobe, would make a good documentary film. The book was not about fashion, but about women’s feelings about their clothes…
Some days before the interview, my producer friend, Ruth Jackson received a command from on high in the BBC. There was a single question they were adamant I should put to the Prime Minister: where did she get her knickers? Not quite able to believe they should require me to do something so impolite, I said I refused to ask that…
With curiously little difficulty, a visit to 10 Downing Street was arranged…
‘Do you get a lot of things from M&S? And do you get your underwear there, like everyone else?’ ‘Yes.’ End of film, and the BBC had its answer. (Daily Mail 2013)
In other – forward looking – news…
Little Rishi, the boy who would be PM (Daily Mail)
Julie Bindel Camilla will be the ultimate feminist Queen (Telegraph)
Ons Jabeur… seeking a place in history as the first Arab woman and the first woman from Africa to win a major tennis final (FT)
If there is an ethnic / Muslim angle – the bbc will find it . The first to do this and the first to do that – whatever …
Elsewhere – if anyone (Tomo?) can post the most recent tiuckdr Carlson piece off YouTube on the origins of the Chinese Virus ( remember that ?) – he does a Sterling job on linking bits the msm has no interest in – and explains why ….
“A marionette (/ˌmærɪəˈnɛt/; French: marionnette, [ma.ʁjɔ.nɛt]) is a puppet controlled from above using wires or strings depending on regional variations. A marionette’s puppeteer is called a marionettist.[1] Marionettes are operated with the puppeteer hidden or revealed to an audience by using a vertical or horizontal control bar in different forms of theatres or entertainment venues. They have also been used in films and on television. The attachment of the strings varies according to its character or purpose.”
Sunak – controlled by Globalists / India;
Javid – controlled by Globalists / Mecca;
Braverman – inexperienced
Zahawi – controlled by ? / Mecca (
The essential question to all contenders? ‘How do you feel about Donald Trump’. The answer to that Qn would tell you all you need to know about the contender’s overall views.
Last time I looked, Brits were still about 86% of the population despite our, “Worlds Most Trusted” and advertising agencies attempts to skew the perception so, can we have a Brit please.
I’m guessing sunak has deeper pockets than the rest so he can target the financially weaker blue tories with bribes …
…I hope the green card and his socialist ways and ‘new arrival ‘ will combine to sink him – as well as not being forgiven for plunging the knife in – deserved or not ….
I think he is also likely to get the endorsement of ex blue labour PMs such as May major and May minor which should also be the kiss of death …
I put a bet on liz truss at 9/1 but have seen Penelope mordent on the YouTube kicking the bottom out of the SNP and growler –
They are going to need a good parliamentarian to fight the coming screech for an election and control the various factions which will now appear in the blue Labour back benches as they panic over losing their expenses / pensions and – er – seats …
Will/ can anyone be a conservative – ?really don’t know ….
Fed, I do like Penny Morduant’s background. Well worth a look. Stalwart sums it up. I guess if she becomes PM she may have to resign from the Royal Navy Reserve of which she’s a part.
I had an exasperating 45 mins or so yesterday with a ENT Consultant – Indian. Whilst his English was passable, he missed nuances and had to have explained to him the problems the way you’d explain to a kid of 5 or 6 years of age to make sure he understood. Your life in their hands………………
Thanks –
Meanwhile ‘bad news ‘ come out about other MPs -now it is the loopy Layla Moran – a mouthy no hope liberal who turns out to have been arrested a while back together with the then boyfriend for assault –
– strange that such an important incident wasn’t made public earlier –
Much dirt coming from every part of the swamp in the next week or two — Sunday paper dirt by / from Tory hopefuls … more blood will flow and popcorn eaten …
They’ve killed the PM – so they put the kiddie presenters on . And guess what – the life support machines haven’t been turned off yet but guess what (again) – the BBC has a new series on the Life and Times of Alexander ‘boris ‘ Johnson – and it starts today – 2 days after his death .
Now what could possibly be read into that ?
Are we going to be treated to a ‘wish boris was still in charge ‘ narrative from the BBC in a couple of months time ?
It seems the ‘senior ‘ BBC staff are going off to write their diary about their part in bringing down a PM elected with a landslide ….
Meanwhile starmer and growler will be pictured having a celebratory curry …on a long planned visit to Durham police HQ together with the newly promoted labour police commissioner ….
Is Ukraine being used as a quick way for refugees from Africa to gain access to the UK ?? surely some numpty in the Foreign Office must have thought of this !
Toss up between future Labour Health Minster or BBC Health Editor.
The UK Covid death rate per capita is right in the middle of the statistics for European countries. Remarkable considering England is the most densely populated European country and a global travel hub.
It is also clearly imho being blocked by Google at YouTube and at DuckDuckGo.
The withdrawal of Musk from the Twitter buy-out is not I feel an unrelated event. One facet of Twitter’s operations that got scant attention from MSM pundits was the claims that Twitter’s servers were being supplemented at times of high activity by US Government computing assets – yet this wasn’t detailed in any of Twitter’s regulated financial statements. I’ve been following the rocket building in Texas and the FAA have been extraordinarily vehement about not letting rockets fly until their environmental conditions are satisfied – some of which look rather petty, arbitrary and subject to bureaucratic whimsical interpretation – Elon just got his nuts squeezed….
Thank you for the link – and I’d recommend a patient and attentive watch because it goes into some detail about the whole origins of why we are where we are –
And a Chinese virus that caused the ending of a blue labour PM ….
Fauci’s pal – (Brit) Peter Daszak has got himself a fresh gig by one report
Anybody here read Chen & Ridley’s “Viral”? – if you have – you’ll *know* having Daszak tinkering with MERS related coronavirus is a red flag of epic proportions – he has been posed a number of questions about the Wuhan virus which he refuses to answer and he has evaded encounters where he might be challenged -and – iirc he has also removed / hidden Wuhan related information which would customarily be public – Fauci and other research bureaucrats have assisted…
I’ll repeat for the nᵗʰ time the Omicron patient zero individuals from Gaborone, Botswana in November 2021 have still not been identified beyond them being foreign nationals with diplomatic credentials and they skedaddled pronto. Again – if you’ve read Viral you will also be aware that the Omicron variant is possibly a cultured organism since virus researchers have been working (5 / 6 years prior to 2020) on “less lethal” coronavirus organisms that prefer to invade the upper respiratory tract tissues causing mild discomfort in most cases but triggering a wider immune response against other coronaviruses in the SARS species… Note that the milder Omicron is generating nowhere near the hysteria in the media – there’s a reason for that.
Given the damage caused by both the virus and governmental+political responses to it – the lack of interest in getting as much information as possible about SARS-Cov19 in order to understand what happened and maybe prevent a nastier bug causing worse damage doesn’t look to be as high as one might reasonably expect on many agendas in governments + media. The bug has very obviously been too damned useful ?
If you want to be seriously red-pilled try The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy Jnr. I know some say Kennedy is “a nutter” – but I also know that they have not read the book,,,, If only a small fraction of the claims made there are true – Fauci should be in orange overalls and leg irons. Joe Rogan is poking around.
I see that obedient drones in the MSM are increasing the volume of “conspiracy theorist” stories and stirring in “crazy person X (who is indeed nuts) is a wild conspiracy theorist so if we call person Y a conspiracy theorist you can be confident that they are insane” The trope is “eerily” popping up left right and centre ….
I've been on twitter a week and realised the majority of users are #fake profiles, #bots, or people trying to get you into #crypto scams. It could be that…
Why did Elon Musk get cold feet on Twitter? An easy answer for you the collapse of the US Stock market and the NASDAQ in particular with Twitter trading at $36.81 after a 5% fall yesterday.
Musk had offered $54.20 a share valuing Twitter at $44 billion, the gap has now widened to a loss of $14 billion on acquisition.
What he has done is expose the whole rotten corrupt management of the company which was even worse than had previously been thought !
While the stock price is important – any sensible investor is going to look at the underlying value and the possibility of growing revenue while controlling costs.
I would not be surprised if Musk found that Twitter is fundamentally a manipulation tool with some window dressing that would have to be wholly (and extremely expensively) re-factored to fit with Musk’s aspirations to grow the platform. – add in a workforce that’s mostly seemingly power drunk and lefty activist minded – he might as well start from scratch…. – it’d be cheaper and quicker than fighting.
Maybe Rupert Murdoch will buy it and put it on his mantlepiece with MySpace and his Jerry Hall wedding photos.
Tomo – the ‘income stream ‘ from advertising can’t be too attractive – and judging by the wokeness of advertising agencies as well as the leverage applied by Chinese firms – twitter can’t look to good at the current level – yet alone the level mr musk intended to buy it at ….
Although he did say it’s about ]more than money – it Never Really Is …
I think that many (most) people need to reassess their perception of “advertising” in present circumstances.
Increasing sales is ostensibly the prime benefit of advertising – and that is perceived by most people as “9 out of 10 cats prefer” and toothpaste and washing products and happy gamblers in their new Porsches at their new houses etcetera etcetera.
I feel there has been a paradigm shift in that due to online profiling the marketeers now know where near every single customer and prospective customer is – in areas where online connectivity is pervasive.
“They” know who you are, where you are, what you can afford, where you’ve been recently and what you’ve been reading and buying …
That is an irresistible trove of treasure to the power hungry.
It’s often commented here about the ethnics that pervade “traditional advertising” – I feel that traditional advertising is now likely a rump, a superfluous appendage where such ideological fripperies can be indulged and con artists can bullshit the credulous about the efficacy of the medium.
Inferring from what Twitter shoves at me – I’d say that they have access to rather a lot of information about me that does not come directly from my Twitter activity alone.
I enjoy ‘targeted ‘ advertising – I see it as a sort of intellectual challenge – a bit like profiling the people who put the BBC website out – what is important to them and more importantly what is not important .
Maybe the advertisers convince their clients that ‘brand recognition ‘ is important – which was one of the reasons I found the like of the mafia oil company ‘gazprom ‘ spending serious money associating with English footy – which I suppose is equally corrupt .
Keeping it simple is probably best – and my game with sainsburys and their weekly ‘offers ‘ also entertain me …
I’m easily pleased …
I play some silly games with sites requiring logins where I randomly capitalise data in entry fields = and it works surprisingly often 🙂
eBay flogs browsing data, ISPs + mobile telcos flog browsing history etcetera, etcetera, etcetera… The aggregators of all this are a very, very shady bunch …
I see that Sainsburys are getting down and dirty with Poundland
“Everything here is £1 or under” was my last Sainsburys / Nectar email 🙂
““They” know who you are, where you are, what you can afford, where you’ve been recently and what you’ve been reading and buying …”
I pay using cash unless I have no option. That keeps their knowledge to a minimum. “Use it or lose it”………..
I note increasingly when you need to contact a company or organisation by email, you are offered to do so using ‘their’ Apple, Google or Twitter facility only. No doubt all traffic and content is recorded.
It irks is that many outfits are still way too lazy to give people they interact with the common courtesy of acknowledgement. It would handy if they included a data use / retention policy or link to same in plain language in that acknowledgement – some do – most don’t.
As I commented a couple of days ago some outfits are keen that you don’t know where they physically are located …
There is a natural limit to the amount of money to be spent on advertising so it is only a question of one medium taking it from another. That explains why newspapers are on their uppers.
And to be honest do you take any notice of adverts on Twitter or Facebook especially as they try to sell you things you have just bought?
Kemi got the job as ‘equalities’ minister under Boris (the LEAST ‘equal’ job in history as only BAME are given it) and now considers herself suitable PM material. She clearly thinks she earned that job on merit.
Ms Badenoch said she wanted a limited government and to “tell the truth”. Good God, she sounds like a child. I expect that if Boris got sacked for farting, she would have said ‘and not fart’.
What a joke our entire politcial system has become. Where will it end ?.
Always weird when the right decision is taken for the wrong reason.
Boris was pretty useless. Let’s face it,
But his character deficiencies created open goals for his opponents. Labour. Remoaners. MSM. BBC. The latter are absolutely loving it of course.
Thus he gets a fine for drinking in his own home, while SirKeer gets no fine for drinking in an office.
When so much depends on such fine margins and the BBC and social media are ready for mass moral outrage for the slightest error the new PM needs a very good team around him. ‘Being Boring’ sang the Pet Shop Boys. It may be the right tactic.
He was worse than useless, he was downright Socialist, and did more damage to the economy than Harold Wilson ever did, yet at the time of Harold Wilson the British media was less biased and more educated, and able to report on the mess he was making of the economy.
I cannot imagine todays semi literate political activists posing as journalists to put the words “Crisis what Crisis in the mouth of a Labour Prime Minister concerning the state of the economy, especially not the Sun Newspaper.
I thought the first and second photos had interesting stories behind them, but then the BBC just couldn’t help reverting to type, and I really couldn’t be bothered to scroll all the way down to the bottom (of the barrel).
Does anyone at the BBC ever wonder why they’re losing viewers at an ever increasing rate of knots… or is it because “young people don’t do live TV”? The biggest groups I know scrapping their licenses are my (middle aged), or my parents’ age (late 70s).
BBC, ” The biggest groups I know scrapping their licenses are my (middle aged), or my parents’ age (late 70s).”
Is that because much of live TV (the other channels as well) are geared to the younger viewer. I was in a store yesterday and they had live radio playing, announcing a new TV show where the participants will see a photo of each other naked and will decide who they want to date. That takes so-called ‘reality TV’ to a place where I expected it and forecast it to be going in 2000. Not my thing at any age but definitely not as an OAP.
In my experience many young people are not buy TV Licences despite much TV being targetted at them, either because they are too busy or not interested or unwilling to afford the cost when a Netflix or Amazon subscription is far less costly.
She’s a pretty girl… but, these days I’m sure there’s a catch.
Not sure about Rishi, that level of wealth does separate him from the reality of 99.99999% of the electorate, but let’s take Korma Starmer as another example, not exactly a poor man (of the people) either, I’m pretty sure he’s better heeled than 99.999% of the electorate, am not really sure those few ten thousandths of a percent really make that much difference?
Part of me thinks it would be great to have a self made man (or woman – believe Thatcher was of this ilk?) of everyday origin running the country, instead of the usual ex-public school/Oxford PPE fools, but if that means Fick Ange, then I’ll go with another old Etonian, however inbred and chinless thanks, every time.
The rotten school has been thoroughly infiltrated by the Socialist Workers Party and is no longer what it once was. Now the Head known colloquially as ‘Trendy Hendy’ and the Provost William Waldegrave, a man so wet he needs an aqualung are sacking teachers who show any slight sign of conservatism.
This infection appears to have taken over many of the public school sector alas and the alumni of which can no longer be looked upon as having some kind of superior education, rather superior indoctrination which is not a good thing.
Why does EVERY video of Biden look like some kind of ‘old schooly’ comedy routine? Put it out on flickery black and white film with a piano backing track, and he could be Buster Keaton, or Charlie Chaplin (in their later years)… except with Biden apparently none of it’s intentional.
Beth Rigby returns to Sky News after three-month ban for breaking Covid rules at Kay Burley’s birthday
The broadcaster was removed from air after attending Kay Burley’s birthday bas
It grows more likely that one way or another we will be back in the EU before much longer. The Remoaner elite have used their power and control to reverse the biggest democratic vote in our history. They, and their supporters , some who are on the liberal globalist gravy train, some who are just naive know nothing fools, have created a chasm at the heart of British life the likes of which hasn’t been seen for centuries.
The rift will take a long time to heal and it’s consequences are unknowable but in my view it is now crystal clear that we have at best a sham democracy with no legitimacy . I no longer respect or trust our government machinery or most of our institutions. Consequently it is only the fear of punishment that would keep me in line and obedient to the law. I suspect that there will be millions like me .
A cohesive society is an essential prerequisite of a modern welfare state . Our cohesion had already been steadily undermined by mass immigration over thirty years and was under great strain. Now the Remoaner caused rift has ,in my view , finally broken the last bonds tying us together and so we can say goodbye to any thought of a cohesive society , which is a chilling thought. Who knows what will happen in the next few years.
When we move onto the next page I will post a video which will surprise and shock you, the levels of unreported economic wreckage which has occured and the involvement of the WEF in global government. It’s clearly being stated by these people, just not being brought to the attention of the people by a corrupt complicit media not just the BBC, all of them.
Yes that news broke 3 hours ago
but at 11:33am on R4 FooC they played the recording itemwhich is ou of date Sri Lanka is facing its worst economic crisis since independence, with inflation soaring to the highest rate in Asia.
The country’s energy minister warned at the weekend that the country would soon run out of fuel as long queues formed at petrol stations, with many staying for days at a time.
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has even sought help from Russia to help import fuel.
Rajini Vaidyanathan has been in Colombo speaking to those most affected.”
She spoke to taxi driver ..spends his life queuing for petrol
he wishes he’d left
The country has no money to pay for fuel import as its currency dropped
Same problem for medicine
“desperation”.. except for people buying lottery tix.
More FooC “Will Grant reflects on dual tragedies in Texas: the shooting in a primary school in Uvalde in Texas and 53 migrant deaths in a people-smuggling operation.
In both these horrific events, the correspondent heard stories of thwarted hopes – and life ambitions cut short.”
Sycophantic claim Pres Biden was so caring he asked for the child’s artwork to put in the White House.
The reporter try to falsely equate innocent children at schools
with illegals who paid to come into the US
In Syria, cities like Damascus and Palmyra were once heralded for their history and architectural grandeur but much of their cultural heritage has been destroyed during the years of civil war.
Nick Redmayne travelled to Palmyra on a guided tour, one of a few businesses trying to revive their fortunes despite an ongoing economic crisis.
Local are trained to say “The American did X , Y”
There were Russian tourists
In Algeria, we hear how people are working to restore the land that was burned in wildfires last year, in the country’s northeast. Tens of thousands of hectares were destroyed in flames and much of the natural landscape has morphed into charred remains.
Amy Liptrot visited a project which is involved in restoring some of the land destroyed by the fires.
.. Some desertification happening (this north east some distance from the Sahara)
She says “humans started the fires ,it is thought, BUT what is certain is CLIMATE CHANGE ..brings high temp dry summers”
.. CC causes more ARSON … FFS
I have been at the western border in Tunisian, and saw snow in Dec/Jan .. I suppose in the summer there’d be dryness
but at sea level it would be stupidly hot anyway
.. She mentions she is in an area where “fresh green saplings have been planted” .. that sounds nuts, you’d keep the saplings in the nurseries and plant them in the WINTER not in the Spring/Summer
And finally, we hear about one French farmer who has come up with a cunning plan to help generate a new source of revenue at his family-run farm:
Folies at The Farm it’s a cabaret show with a difference, far away from Paris
Chris Bockman revealed it’s now in a famous film
Is it that different from British musical festivals ?
The BBC might just have landed themselves in a dead-end-street. They became totally and manicly focused on removing Boris and thus eventually the Tories to bring about a pro EU left wing government. However they have used all of their ammunition purely on Boris as the Tories weak spot and Brexit figurehead.
Now a different scenario is developing. It seems likely that Sunak will take the reins and he has a valuable card up his sleeve V the BBC. It will be easy for him to play the race card if the BBC get up to the same devious hanky panky against him.
Must be some head scratching going on in the BBC political tactics meeting rooms right now!
I guess there will be whole teams of BBC “researchers” trawling through social media as I type this.
They are also aware that a lot of people suspect that Starmer was handed a get out of jail card over beergate and won’t forget it!
Earlier in the week I checked out the comments on BBC IPlayer after the England women’s match against Austria. Unlike other women’s sports, I blank women’s footie because it’s so tedious. Reading the comments, which were pretty scathing, it was a good miss. Many of the contributors railed against the, apparently hysterical commentary, the constant pc comments and the whole attitude set of the BBC, some amazed, like me, that these comments hadn’t been removed. I found it quite heartening to read this on a beboid site. It’s good to know that there are more and more people getting sick of it. As for that surreal and creepy advert on the other side with arch-groveller Southgate, say no more.
Anyone notice that Australia seems to be a very oppressed society? Looking at some of the Australian Police programs and that Sydney Harbours program I see a population under the thumb of the authorities. Australia is well down the road of multiculturalism the authorities appear to be needing to take control. It seems to be a glimpse into the future for Britain.
We have friends and relations in Aus, many now looking for an escape route, and the simple answer Flots is yes, yes, and erm… possibly, yes.
The UK has much more cultural inertia, perhaps because we have a much longer history (and thus a better established idea of who we are… or were?), and there are a lot more of us too. Australia is used (like the US) to rapid change, and has been quite multicultural historically, but the cultures involved were virtually all European: Italian, Greek, Dutch, German etc… so there was a certain degree of ‘common heritage’, in recent decades the immigrants have largely been from other continents, and in some cases, radically different ways of life, and those haven’t proven so easy, or willing to integrate.
The Guardian are currently running a banner at the foot of their website gloating about how they have left no stone unturned to get rid of Boris.
This begs the question of its readers whether The Guardian is actually a news organisation or simply a branch office of Momentum.
Add to this Marina Hyde’s bitter summary of Boris the man, a vitriolic and overwhelmingly biased attack that comes across with all the juvenile spite of a deserted spouse.
Perhaps a pertinent question is “Do you read a newspaper or do you read The Guardian?”
Watched very briefly just now the cricket on BBC2. Had to switch off quickly as the quality of the commentary was just hysterical shrieking that was dire. Come back Blowers old thing!
Eddy – keep it up – a public service – methinks there is some real inflation – and then there is everybody having an extra taste on the back of the punters – bit like the fuel refiners …
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious.
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 2016 Brexit – control our borders – 2025 borders open with increase crossing. 2016 Brexit – control our VAT- 2025…
Claudia Winkleman ‘earns’ several hundred thousand pounds a year from us taxpayers via the BBC. She is also the face of Head and Shoulders shampoo.
So why did I see her tonight advertising cannabis oil on one of the free to view channels. A gentleman I speak to at the swimming pool had recommended cannabis oil which he was using for his arthritis and said it was marvellous. That is he thought it marvellous until he saw his GP who was horrified at him taking it. One of the drugs he was taking (I think blood pressure) could be seriously compromised by cannabis oil and he was to stop taking it immediately.
Does Claudia really need the money from these adverts? These adverts compromise the BBC and the use of non prescription medication.
Well done Debs, wise and good post also. I would endorse the medicinal warning: taking more than one substance? Beware conflicts. (That said, was your swimming pool contact taking it internally or was he using it as ‘a rub’? I knew a medical practitioner trouble by arthritis who used to have a tot of brandy. Usual ‘Doc practise’, I hear you say. No, he rubbed it into the affected joints and reckoned it helped.)
Afternoon all, on the 12 th July.
Has anyone out there got problems trying to load up and contribute to the next thread (start of week) ?
I am being thrown out repeatedly with ‘a problem’, but can access this and preceding threads.
Using a pretty new iPad.
Are we being got at?
PS none of the videos on here will open up.
Is it just me?
Yes there’s some techy problem – I’ve no idea how it is fixed – right to be paranoid – I expect this site to go each day …
Thank you Fed. Glad I got through……..
Maybe someone out there doesn’t like the video of Trump at the UN warning Germany about its over-reliance on Soviet energy……….errr……4 years ago….
Suella Braverman . That’s it for now unless ..
No remainers . The last one was worse than hopeless.
Anyone and anything the BBC sneers at , that’s the one .
……..a family lawyer of some local repute tells me that as a lawyer she is borderline useless, yet she is Attorney General.
Let us all be careful what we wish for…..
However, she might be the only one brave enough to invoke Article 16.
She did take some stick for being made AG with limited legal experience or ability … but under Johnson if Mrs nut nut liked her that was enough … let them eat cake …
Rishi is running for PM but he wont be liked by the RoP.
I can’t see the conservatives in the blue labour voting for him – …. Just can’t …
There are rumbles in the USA that CBT use is leading to mental issues in young people. Just how much more of this crap should we take from luvvies like this twat. She must love money above all else.
Plus the raw cannabis being processed is coming to the USA from the same South American drug barons who have been shipping the illegal variety in so looking for another income stream.
We have the swinging sixties to thank for this aberration in society.
God help our young people if they are guided by dangerous misinformed fools like winkelman.
It may be a “thing” in the London clubs but It is obvious that she is unaware of the longer term effects of this evil drug on our youngsters.
I guess as long as she gets a wad, so what?
Claudia, if you read this, have a chat with your agent and possibly recover your principles!
CBT = Cognitive behavioural therapy is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave.
CBD = Cannabidio, discovered in 1940. It is one of 113 identified cannabinoids in cannabis plants, along with tetrahydrocannabinol, and accounts for up to 40% of the plant’s extract.
THC = Tetrahydrocannabinol the main psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces the high sensation.
It can be consumed by smoking cannabis. It’s also available in oils
Cannaray the brand she advertises is THC free
It’s a British medical cannabis and CBD company co-founded and led by an American Investment banker
Thanks Stew. I too was muddling the initials so had to write cannabis oil each time as I knew I would get it wrong.
By any other name it’s cannabis end of!
If you swallow that you are an idiot.
We also have Foggy Moggy’s father to thank too with his fatuous scribbling “Who breaks a butterfly on a wheel” when the strolling moans were sentenced to three months for possession of the drug.
Foggys father was the subject of one of the most total slap downs ever when he was being his usual puffed up snobbish superior self at dinner with his proprietor Rupert Murdoch. Mogg sat there in all his pomp said ” I have met X number of US presidents and I cannot say one f them had a first class mind”.
Murdoch evidently fed up at the pompous self opinionated oaf asked him is his Aussie twang “did it ever occur to you they might have thought you were a bit of a dick?”
Mogg couldn’t really respond in the way he might have liked to the man who owned him, and was silenced in a put down which has now become part of history.
Alas his son is not of the same calibre which is saying something.
WGAP about how the media brought in dozens of voices who have less morals than Boris to say Boris has no morals
eg Matt Hancock
“The Media’s Six Month Campaign To Oust Boris Johnson Finally Succeeds”
Stew, I realise you are quoting here: “The Media’s Six Month Campaign To Oust Boris Johnson Finally Succeeds” but I think it has gone on for much longer than that. When did the first ‘Partygate’ headlines appear in the Daily Mirror? I’ll have to do a search.*
Late spring (we didn’t get much summer) of 2021 was when the Montacutie ‘outed’ Laura Kuenssberg as working very hard to break this story. The official record is that the Mirror had the story at the end of November 2021. That was when the photos of Allegra Stratton had emerged but I think they had been alleging ‘Parties in Downing Street in 2020’ for some months.
Prior to that, knowing how valuable he was to the PM for his organising skills, the media attacked Cummings. It would seem that, having researched a bit, the media have been out to attack and denigrate Boris Johnson from the Cabinet re-shuffle in spring of 2020. Nearly two and a half years!
*Interesting that Pippa Crerar’s Wiki (usual disclaimers) appears to have been severely edited since I last looked.
The UK government have an obligation to take action on the promotion of CBD. It is a dangerous mind altering drug that should NOT be freely available widely to our young people. Otherwise we will reap the results in due course. The UN would of course disagree because they want as many stupid sheep as they can get.
From the numerous articles I’ve read, and the fact that there is a lot of stuff being advertised with CBD like soap, shampoo, ointment etc etc the amount of cannabis ingredient barely registers on the cannabis scale.
Its just companies getting in on another ‘fad’ for maximum profit.
A story as big as Climategate that the media ignore
Stuart Kirk, head of HSBC’s Responsible Investing Team.
telling the world about the reality of financial risk and climate change.
Who last week felt he had to resign and said
“Opinions on both differ.
But humanity’s best chance of success is open and honest debate.
If companies believe in diversity and speaking up, they need to walk the talk.
A cancel culture destroys wealth and progress
…There is no place for virtue signalling in finance.”
i do wonder if he did that just to promote his new investment firm
The hoax/scam of Climate Change is behind all the bad policies the Left has inflicted us with, and thus control the lives of all of us – its the old Marxist idea. And the Tories instead of questioning it, have adopted it wholesale. Its this that will see the end of the West as a power
The idea that human beings, by creating 0.025% of CO2, are affecting the planet’s climate is absurd. The engineering miracle of the use of Fossil fuel energy, has brought out billions of humans from poverty and suffering. To attempt reverse it, using the hoax of man-made Climate Change as the Left wishes, is pure evil.
The list of runners and riders for the Conservative Party
stakes. Is beginning to look like a copy of the presenters
on the Londonistan Programme we have to endure
on BBC TV four times a day.
To be honest Riz Lateef, Asad Ahmad, Alice Bandhukravi ,Alison
Earle, and a plethora of other ethnic presenters on the
programme . Would probably make a better leader of the
Conservative party. If they didn’t have to read the autocues
written for them by their anarchist Marxist editors , sub
editors .and researchers.
As an appendage . The Londonistan Programme is
the only programme on the BBC that doesn’t
use “positive discrimination” The fact that because
of demographics, the indigenous population has now
decreased to less than 40%.
So I should be fair to the Conservative Party. They are up
to now being politically correct in using “positive
discrimination” for the choice of their leader. So I
suppose that my constituency MP . The hard working ,
brave, highly intelligent, caring, Brexiteer. Brave? She was
Northern Ireland secretary for a few years. And had her life threatened every day. Who is she? She would of made a
better Prime Minister than the other Teresa. As for
Johnson! No, Teresa Villiers doesn’t tick the right boxes
anymore. And she lost her Environment Ministry . Because
she opposed the closing of the Piccadilly terminus Cockfosters tube station car park. Which was used by hundreds of train
travellers every day . To get into central London.
At best CBT oil is a quack medicine with no effect, at worse it is an introduction into to full blown cannabis which is an evil drug that snares users into a lifetime of misuse and dependency. Any right thinking person would avoid any link, especially well known people like winkelman.
I guess money trumps everything though!
Someone has to pay for her hair do’s.
What hairdo?
Musk pulls out of deal to buy Twitter
Fox :
This pull out by Musk and the ensuing legal battle will likely lead to disclosure. Then the full truth of Twitter will come out. Musk will then get Twitter for dimes.
Twitter stock falling.
Nice to see ex Sky presenter Mark Longhurst on GBN with Alastair Stewart, reporting on the Johnson fiasco.
Some may remember that Longhurst was given the push from Sky when questioning stroppy activist Owen Jones, who then subsequently upped and walked out because he didn’t like the line of questioning. Longhurst was rarely seen on screen after that. Showed where Sky’s interest lain even back then !
Count Dunkula explains all as his final case wrap up
tthe courts are rigged and it’s almost impossible to give your donations away to charity cos journalists are so toxic.
Best books of the year !.
‘By Rebecca Laurence and Lindsay Baker’. I already have doubts about this list. I checked them with Google and I’ll bet my house they both vote Lib Dem.
Top of the list ‘Young Mungo’. A heartwarming tale about 2 queers : one a catholic and one a protestant.
Next ‘The Candy House by Jennifer Egan’.
Then ‘Either/Or by Elif Batuman’ ‘the adventures of Selin Karadag, a Russian literature student in her sophomore year at Harvard University in 1996’.
Sounds rivetting.
Next: ‘Constructing a Nervous System by Margo Jefferson’
And: ‘In Love: A Memoir of Love and Loss by Amy Bloom’
Followed by: ‘Love Marriage by Monica Ali’
Spotting the trend here ?.
Then we finally get a male !!!!!!.
‘Tiepolo Blue by James Cahill’
‘Don Lamb is a repressed 40-something Cambridge art historian working on a monograph about the the paintings of the eponymous 18th-Century Venetian master.’
Another classic no doubt.
And it goes on. Another fine example of an article by the BBC showing us just how much they represent the people who are forced to pay for them.
I note this new trend to announce ‘of the year’ lists in the middle of the year. I guess they think otherwise they will get no attention if the wait until January 2023 or later. Yesterday, the BBC or some other media company. had ‘The Baby Names of 2022’! The year 2022 is only half over.
The top name will be Mohamed anyway, same as usual.
Be under no illusions Boris would still be PM if he hadn’t been found out lieing again. How he ever thought he could get away with it is beyond me.
It might sound like a Sherlock statement but only his bad judgement on these trivial matters got him called out.
So the popation want a Boris but not one so arrogant that he thinks he can lie again on trivial matters and get away with it.
When I was married I would always admit I was wrong, arguments start when you try to disprove the facts !
He would have got away with it if the Remainer traitors hadn’t been leaking it all to the BBC. Luckily Starmer doesn’t have that problem : the Left are united by their hatred of the Right and thirst for power so they keep their secrets to themselves. BBC included.
Not that that excuses the lies of course – but they all do it. Labour claiming Rayner wasn’t even at ‘beergate’ for months for example. The whole thing was hushed up by the BBC – who were after Boris with rabid ferocity even before the lies came out. Before that it was all ‘You must resign because of partygate’ which switch rapidly to ‘You must resign because you lied about partygate’.
At the end of the day it’s all about one thing : Brexit. All those remainer MP’s shunned by Boris now think they have a chance of promotion with a new leader.
It’s no great shame to me that Boris is gone : the crucial thing now is to get a Brexiteer leader despite the BBC’s best efforts to put a remainer in place. Hunt is already clearly their preferred choice.
Who knows : fingers crossed, this cloud could have a silver lining and the BBC could have just shot themselves in the foot.
Oooo… now there’s something for the BBC finest to analyse….
Pols blowing off courts. Interesting precedent, if possibly Continent dependent as ever.
From The Times
STARTS Songs of Praise is set to be the latest victim of BBC belt-tightening after the corporation said the BBC1 programme must feature more music repeats.
The programme is the broadcaster’s biggest religious show but it is not immune to budget cuts after the licence fee was frozen at £159 in January.
Songs of Praise’s annual budget could be reduced by as much as 12.5 per cent from £4 million to £3.5 million, according to a document circulated to producers. This is not a fixed plan and producers could still secure funding closer to the existing budget.
The corporation has invited third-party production companies to submit plans to make the show after its existing deal with Avanti Media and Nine Lives Media expired.
One of the ways the BBC is looking to bring down the cost is by changing the way it films new hymns.
The broadcaster told producers: “We especially welcome ideas around utilising the extraordinary existing library of music, thus streamlining the volume of new music captured each year while maintaining viewers’ expectation of the series.”
The BBC insisted this was not a euphemism for cutting new music.
The hope is that by mixing new music with hymns from the archive, Christian audiences will remain loyal to the show, which has been on air for more than 60 years. Songs of Praise can attract more than a million viewers for special episodes, such as Gospel Singer of the Year.
SORT OF ENDS -goes on a bit but I got Fedup cutting and pasting –
Other cost saving suggestions include –
Cutting antiques roadshow so there is less road and newer antiques
Having less country in the countryfile
Moving eastenders to lower value property areas – eg Hull
Cutting news from news night ( done already )
Not that Our BBC needs the money, but potential income might be raised via an entrance fee from the congregation.
Since the lure of being on the telly increases the numbers of committed Christians out of all proportion to sad reality, most would surely be happy to pay for the privilege?
Imagine if Sue Perkins and Chris Bryant had babies.
BBC luvvie outrage on parade.
This character is now a blue labour junior education minister ….
What one does in one’s’ private life is one thing – but allowing onto social media …. Or outside the Carlton Club – is another …
One can almost feel sorry for Sarah Sands and Lurch, stood right behind him.
I think he can still up his game by reading out the instruction
So sad … but a risk Obama was willing to take …
Very BBC.
Screw up. Delete. And block.
Over and over.
Ironically, some answers to this are not visible as owners limit their tweets to fellow sycophants.
The last shall be first and the first last edition
What a refreshing change it would be were the BBC online press review to reverse the order of preference; in place of their predictable choice for opener today – the left-leaning ‘i’ headline: Race is on: Sunak starts Tory leader scramble – we might instead see something from that jokey tabloid, habitually bringing up the rear, brought to the fore: Yes, it is very hot – not the Daily Star’s main frontpage headline this morning but a bit of absolutely non-fake news… I think you’ll agree.
No equivocation. Not a cut and paste PR (public relations / press release) campaigning lobbyist effort. And – assuming the Daily Star article doesn’t start banging about global warming – no particular narrative agenda (obvious or otherwise)
Former British high street flagship Marks and Spencer famously operated a guaranteed no-quibble money back exchange policy. Interesting and fitting then that the chairman of M&S today tells the Telegraph: Tories warned not to choose the ‘wrong’ PM – the rather old-school last century named Archie Norman employs a decidedly retail-themed metaphore: …candidates to replace Mr Johnson should be given time to set out their stalls… the risk of picking the wrong prime minister was ‘high’ amid pressure for a swift resolution…
You know what it’s like – you’re tired, traipsing round the store, way too many choices on offer, all much of a muchness, trying to concentrate on choosing the best fit, whilst you’re being bombarded with advice – not all of it helpful or well intentioned: Let battle begin (Guardian); Starmer cleared Durham police clear Labour leader of lockdown breaches (Guardian); Don’t listen to fairy tales, Sunak tells Tory voters (Times); Sunak accused of treachery as he enters Tory leadership race (FT); Keir’s in the clear (Mirror); As Starmer opens door to coalition of chaos… Voters in Red Wall seats… insisted the Prime Minister had got the big calls right and made clear they were ‘dreading’ what could come next (Daily Mail)
Recalling the political assasination of the populist leader by a narrow cabal of liberal establishment insiders – and thinking of Marks and Spencers: The terrifying day I asked Margaret Thatcher where she got her knickers… ANGELA HUTH… Back in 1986, a producer friend at the BBC suggested that a book I had written, The English Woman’s Wardrobe, would make a good documentary film. The book was not about fashion, but about women’s feelings about their clothes…
Some days before the interview, my producer friend, Ruth Jackson received a command from on high in the BBC. There was a single question they were adamant I should put to the Prime Minister: where did she get her knickers? Not quite able to believe they should require me to do something so impolite, I said I refused to ask that…
With curiously little difficulty, a visit to 10 Downing Street was arranged…
‘Do you get a lot of things from M&S? And do you get your underwear there, like everyone else?’ ‘Yes.’ End of film, and the BBC had its answer. (Daily Mail 2013)
In other – forward looking – news…
Little Rishi, the boy who would be PM (Daily Mail)
Julie Bindel Camilla will be the ultimate feminist Queen (Telegraph)
Ons Jabeur… seeking a place in history as the first Arab woman and the first woman from Africa to win a major tennis final (FT)
If there is an ethnic / Muslim angle – the bbc will find it . The first to do this and the first to do that – whatever …
Elsewhere – if anyone (Tomo?) can post the most recent tiuckdr Carlson piece off YouTube on the origins of the Chinese Virus ( remember that ?) – he does a Sterling job on linking bits the msm has no interest in – and explains why ….
My view for what it’s worth?
“A marionette (/ˌmærɪəˈnɛt/; French: marionnette, [ma.ʁjɔ.nɛt]) is a puppet controlled from above using wires or strings depending on regional variations. A marionette’s puppeteer is called a marionettist.[1] Marionettes are operated with the puppeteer hidden or revealed to an audience by using a vertical or horizontal control bar in different forms of theatres or entertainment venues. They have also been used in films and on television. The attachment of the strings varies according to its character or purpose.”
Sunak – controlled by Globalists / India;
Javid – controlled by Globalists / Mecca;
Braverman – inexperienced
Zahawi – controlled by ? / Mecca (
The essential question to all contenders? ‘How do you feel about Donald Trump’. The answer to that Qn would tell you all you need to know about the contender’s overall views.
Last time I looked, Brits were still about 86% of the population despite our, “Worlds Most Trusted” and advertising agencies attempts to skew the perception so, can we have a Brit please.
I’m guessing sunak has deeper pockets than the rest so he can target the financially weaker blue tories with bribes …
…I hope the green card and his socialist ways and ‘new arrival ‘ will combine to sink him – as well as not being forgiven for plunging the knife in – deserved or not ….
I think he is also likely to get the endorsement of ex blue labour PMs such as May major and May minor which should also be the kiss of death …
I put a bet on liz truss at 9/1 but have seen Penelope mordent on the YouTube kicking the bottom out of the SNP and growler –
They are going to need a good parliamentarian to fight the coming screech for an election and control the various factions which will now appear in the blue Labour back benches as they panic over losing their expenses / pensions and – er – seats …
Will/ can anyone be a conservative – ?really don’t know ….
Fed, I do like Penny Morduant’s background. Well worth a look. Stalwart sums it up. I guess if she becomes PM she may have to resign from the Royal Navy Reserve of which she’s a part.
I had an exasperating 45 mins or so yesterday with a ENT Consultant – Indian. Whilst his English was passable, he missed nuances and had to have explained to him the problems the way you’d explain to a kid of 5 or 6 years of age to make sure he understood. Your life in their hands………………
They think very differently.
Thanks –
Meanwhile ‘bad news ‘ come out about other MPs -now it is the loopy Layla Moran – a mouthy no hope liberal who turns out to have been arrested a while back together with the then boyfriend for assault –
– strange that such an important incident wasn’t made public earlier –
Much dirt coming from every part of the swamp in the next week or two — Sunday paper dirt by / from Tory hopefuls … more blood will flow and popcorn eaten …
Trigger Warning: includes brief image of Jo ‘Acid Bath’ Bramd
BBC Today programme
They’ve killed the PM – so they put the kiddie presenters on . And guess what – the life support machines haven’t been turned off yet but guess what (again) – the BBC has a new series on the Life and Times of Alexander ‘boris ‘ Johnson – and it starts today – 2 days after his death .
Now what could possibly be read into that ?
Are we going to be treated to a ‘wish boris was still in charge ‘ narrative from the BBC in a couple of months time ?
It seems the ‘senior ‘ BBC staff are going off to write their diary about their part in bringing down a PM elected with a landslide ….
Meanwhile starmer and growler will be pictured having a celebratory curry …on a long planned visit to Durham police HQ together with the newly promoted labour police commissioner ….
The Diary of ToeNails Robinson Mental Age Six and Five Quarters…
“Read something beastly about Suella in the Mirror by Kev. Looks totes legit. Will mention in in passing, as news”.
Dursley Man.
Is Ukraine being used as a quick way for refugees from Africa to gain access to the UK ?? surely some numpty in the Foreign Office must have thought of this !
Sorry guys, I couldn’t resist this.
Not directly BBC related, except it’s the same sort of BS that the BBC peddles, 24/7.
Toss up between future Labour Health Minster or BBC Health Editor.
Or, both.
Guest Who – no chance of being a Labour Health Secretary – she lacks ‘working class grammar ‘ – innit ?
Tucker’s virus monologue is On Fox News
It is also clearly imho being blocked by Google at YouTube and at DuckDuckGo.
The withdrawal of Musk from the Twitter buy-out is not I feel an unrelated event. One facet of Twitter’s operations that got scant attention from MSM pundits was the claims that Twitter’s servers were being supplemented at times of high activity by US Government computing assets – yet this wasn’t detailed in any of Twitter’s regulated financial statements. I’ve been following the rocket building in Texas and the FAA have been extraordinarily vehement about not letting rockets fly until their environmental conditions are satisfied – some of which look rather petty, arbitrary and subject to bureaucratic whimsical interpretation – Elon just got his nuts squeezed….
Thank you for the link – and I’d recommend a patient and attentive watch because it goes into some detail about the whole origins of why we are where we are –
And a Chinese virus that caused the ending of a blue labour PM ….
oops edit timeout
Fauci’s pal – (Brit) Peter Daszak has got himself a fresh gig by one report
Anybody here read Chen & Ridley’s “Viral”? – if you have – you’ll *know* having Daszak tinkering with MERS related coronavirus is a red flag of epic proportions – he has been posed a number of questions about the Wuhan virus which he refuses to answer and he has evaded encounters where he might be challenged -and – iirc he has also removed / hidden Wuhan related information which would customarily be public – Fauci and other research bureaucrats have assisted…
I’ll repeat for the nᵗʰ time the Omicron patient zero individuals from Gaborone, Botswana in November 2021 have still not been identified beyond them being foreign nationals with diplomatic credentials and they skedaddled pronto. Again – if you’ve read Viral you will also be aware that the Omicron variant is possibly a cultured organism since virus researchers have been working (5 / 6 years prior to 2020) on “less lethal” coronavirus organisms that prefer to invade the upper respiratory tract tissues causing mild discomfort in most cases but triggering a wider immune response against other coronaviruses in the SARS species… Note that the milder Omicron is generating nowhere near the hysteria in the media – there’s a reason for that.
Given the damage caused by both the virus and governmental+political responses to it – the lack of interest in getting as much information as possible about SARS-Cov19 in order to understand what happened and maybe prevent a nastier bug causing worse damage doesn’t look to be as high as one might reasonably expect on many agendas in governments + media. The bug has very obviously been too damned useful ?
If you want to be seriously red-pilled try The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy Jnr. I know some say Kennedy is “a nutter” – but I also know that they have not read the book,,,, If only a small fraction of the claims made there are true – Fauci should be in orange overalls and leg irons. Joe Rogan is poking around.
I see that obedient drones in the MSM are increasing the volume of “conspiracy theorist” stories and stirring in “crazy person X (who is indeed nuts) is a wild conspiracy theorist so if we call person Y a conspiracy theorist you can be confident that they are insane” The trope is “eerily” popping up left right and centre ….
BBC opens a can of worms. Has worms inside.
I’d ask Mike Wendling, Marianna or that Today twerp to verify, but they block anyone not sharing their very narrow world view.
So, Elon, maybe a hint to share with them in answer there?
Why did Elon Musk get cold feet on Twitter? An easy answer for you the collapse of the US Stock market and the NASDAQ in particular with Twitter trading at $36.81 after a 5% fall yesterday.
Musk had offered $54.20 a share valuing Twitter at $44 billion, the gap has now widened to a loss of $14 billion on acquisition.
What he has done is expose the whole rotten corrupt management of the company which was even worse than had previously been thought !
While the stock price is important – any sensible investor is going to look at the underlying value and the possibility of growing revenue while controlling costs.
I would not be surprised if Musk found that Twitter is fundamentally a manipulation tool with some window dressing that would have to be wholly (and extremely expensively) re-factored to fit with Musk’s aspirations to grow the platform. – add in a workforce that’s mostly seemingly power drunk and lefty activist minded – he might as well start from scratch…. – it’d be cheaper and quicker than fighting.
Maybe Rupert Murdoch will buy it and put it on his mantlepiece with MySpace and his Jerry Hall wedding photos.
Tomo – the ‘income stream ‘ from advertising can’t be too attractive – and judging by the wokeness of advertising agencies as well as the leverage applied by Chinese firms – twitter can’t look to good at the current level – yet alone the level mr musk intended to buy it at ….
Although he did say it’s about ]more than money – it Never Really Is …
I think that many (most) people need to reassess their perception of “advertising” in present circumstances.
Increasing sales is ostensibly the prime benefit of advertising – and that is perceived by most people as “9 out of 10 cats prefer” and toothpaste and washing products and happy gamblers in their new Porsches at their new houses etcetera etcetera.
I feel there has been a paradigm shift in that due to online profiling the marketeers now know where near every single customer and prospective customer is – in areas where online connectivity is pervasive.
“They” know who you are, where you are, what you can afford, where you’ve been recently and what you’ve been reading and buying …
That is an irresistible trove of treasure to the power hungry.
It’s often commented here about the ethnics that pervade “traditional advertising” – I feel that traditional advertising is now likely a rump, a superfluous appendage where such ideological fripperies can be indulged and con artists can bullshit the credulous about the efficacy of the medium.
Inferring from what Twitter shoves at me – I’d say that they have access to rather a lot of information about me that does not come directly from my Twitter activity alone.
I enjoy ‘targeted ‘ advertising – I see it as a sort of intellectual challenge – a bit like profiling the people who put the BBC website out – what is important to them and more importantly what is not important .
Maybe the advertisers convince their clients that ‘brand recognition ‘ is important – which was one of the reasons I found the like of the mafia oil company ‘gazprom ‘ spending serious money associating with English footy – which I suppose is equally corrupt .
Keeping it simple is probably best – and my game with sainsburys and their weekly ‘offers ‘ also entertain me …
I’m easily pleased …
I play some silly games with sites requiring logins where I randomly capitalise data in entry fields = and it works surprisingly often 🙂
eBay flogs browsing data, ISPs + mobile telcos flog browsing history etcetera, etcetera, etcetera… The aggregators of all this are a very, very shady bunch …
I see that Sainsburys are getting down and dirty with Poundland
“Everything here is £1 or under” was my last Sainsburys / Nectar email 🙂
are they inferring that I’m cheap I wonder?
Read that comment about eBay as “Brownsing” ….my mistake but then thinking about it that’s what they’re pop up ads have become…..very BBC !
““They” know who you are, where you are, what you can afford, where you’ve been recently and what you’ve been reading and buying …”
I pay using cash unless I have no option. That keeps their knowledge to a minimum. “Use it or lose it”………..
I note increasingly when you need to contact a company or organisation by email, you are offered to do so using ‘their’ Apple, Google or Twitter facility only. No doubt all traffic and content is recorded.
I try to do likewise.
It irks is that many outfits are still way too lazy to give people they interact with the common courtesy of acknowledgement. It would handy if they included a data use / retention policy or link to same in plain language in that acknowledgement – some do – most don’t.
As I commented a couple of days ago some outfits are keen that you don’t know where they physically are located …
There is a natural limit to the amount of money to be spent on advertising so it is only a question of one medium taking it from another. That explains why newspapers are on their uppers.
And to be honest do you take any notice of adverts on Twitter or Facebook especially as they try to sell you things you have just bought?
I guess the engineered coming recession and interest rises starved the funding … it could almost have been planned …
Free speech can go back in its ‘box – maybe permanently this time …
The BBC don’t dis twitter cos that’s the cesspit where the majority of the far-Left activists they link to in their stories hang out.
Kemi Badenoch launches bid to be Conservative leader
Kemi got the job as ‘equalities’ minister under Boris (the LEAST ‘equal’ job in history as only BAME are given it) and now considers herself suitable PM material. She clearly thinks she earned that job on merit.
Ms Badenoch said she wanted a limited government and to “tell the truth”. Good God, she sounds like a child. I expect that if Boris got sacked for farting, she would have said ‘and not fart’.
What a joke our entire politcial system has become. Where will it end ?.
Anyone know what the odds on her are ?.
Seems the bbc is already on manoeuvres.
Always weird when the right decision is taken for the wrong reason.
Boris was pretty useless. Let’s face it,
But his character deficiencies created open goals for his opponents. Labour. Remoaners. MSM. BBC. The latter are absolutely loving it of course.
Thus he gets a fine for drinking in his own home, while SirKeer gets no fine for drinking in an office.
When so much depends on such fine margins and the BBC and social media are ready for mass moral outrage for the slightest error the new PM needs a very good team around him. ‘Being Boring’ sang the Pet Shop Boys. It may be the right tactic.
He was worse than useless, he was downright Socialist, and did more damage to the economy than Harold Wilson ever did, yet at the time of Harold Wilson the British media was less biased and more educated, and able to report on the mess he was making of the economy.
I cannot imagine todays semi literate political activists posing as journalists to put the words “Crisis what Crisis in the mouth of a Labour Prime Minister concerning the state of the economy, especially not the Sun Newspaper.
Here is a report on the BBC website
Some of this is reporting from the time, but contrast it with todays naive standards of economic reporting by the BBC and the rest of the meedja.
I thought the first and second photos had interesting stories behind them, but then the BBC just couldn’t help reverting to type, and I really couldn’t be bothered to scroll all the way down to the bottom (of the barrel).
Does anyone at the BBC ever wonder why they’re losing viewers at an ever increasing rate of knots… or is it because “young people don’t do live TV”? The biggest groups I know scrapping their licenses are my (middle aged), or my parents’ age (late 70s).
BBC, ” The biggest groups I know scrapping their licenses are my (middle aged), or my parents’ age (late 70s).”
Is that because much of live TV (the other channels as well) are geared to the younger viewer. I was in a store yesterday and they had live radio playing, announcing a new TV show where the participants will see a photo of each other naked and will decide who they want to date. That takes so-called ‘reality TV’ to a place where I expected it and forecast it to be going in 2000. Not my thing at any age but definitely not as an OAP.
In my experience many young people are not buy TV Licences despite much TV being targetted at them, either because they are too busy or not interested or unwilling to afford the cost when a Netflix or Amazon subscription is far less costly.
She’s a pretty girl… but, these days I’m sure there’s a catch.
Not sure about Rishi, that level of wealth does separate him from the reality of 99.99999% of the electorate, but let’s take Korma Starmer as another example, not exactly a poor man (of the people) either, I’m pretty sure he’s better heeled than 99.999% of the electorate, am not really sure those few ten thousandths of a percent really make that much difference?
Part of me thinks it would be great to have a self made man (or woman – believe Thatcher was of this ilk?) of everyday origin running the country, instead of the usual ex-public school/Oxford PPE fools, but if that means Fick Ange, then I’ll go with another old Etonian, however inbred and chinless thanks, every time.
The rotten school has been thoroughly infiltrated by the Socialist Workers Party and is no longer what it once was. Now the Head known colloquially as ‘Trendy Hendy’ and the Provost William Waldegrave, a man so wet he needs an aqualung are sacking teachers who show any slight sign of conservatism.
This infection appears to have taken over many of the public school sector alas and the alumni of which can no longer be looked upon as having some kind of superior education, rather superior indoctrination which is not a good thing.
That Tucker Carlson piece on coronavirus has emerged from YouTube’s algorithm
And one from Hurly Burley, part of the awesome ‘team’ that is Dino, Sopes and BS.
No VD.
Speaking of the training ground of slime that is Newsnight.
Rob and Ange should hook up and make lovely babies.
The % of ex BBC staff ‘finding just one vocal style’ is impressive.
Rob’s old stomping ground.
Now with VD.
And this, children, is how nobodies get all access passes to W1A.
The queer rev being a proper Christian there …. One on the list for Sr. Peter .._
I like Press Gazette. It thinks the Press are taken seriously by folk not in the Press.
Clearly an Ione wolf.
Meanwhile at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Why does EVERY video of Biden look like some kind of ‘old schooly’ comedy routine? Put it out on flickery black and white film with a piano backing track, and he could be Buster Keaton, or Charlie Chaplin (in their later years)… except with Biden apparently none of it’s intentional.
The sewer.
No Guest, not the sewer, hell (quite literally).
Beth Rigby returns to Sky News after three-month ban for breaking Covid rules at Kay Burley’s birthday
The broadcaster was removed from air after attending Kay Burley’s birthday bas
Could be The Netherlands next week?
Yep – time to deploy the EU army – the krauts know how to deal with Holland …
It grows more likely that one way or another we will be back in the EU before much longer. The Remoaner elite have used their power and control to reverse the biggest democratic vote in our history. They, and their supporters , some who are on the liberal globalist gravy train, some who are just naive know nothing fools, have created a chasm at the heart of British life the likes of which hasn’t been seen for centuries.
The rift will take a long time to heal and it’s consequences are unknowable but in my view it is now crystal clear that we have at best a sham democracy with no legitimacy . I no longer respect or trust our government machinery or most of our institutions. Consequently it is only the fear of punishment that would keep me in line and obedient to the law. I suspect that there will be millions like me .
A cohesive society is an essential prerequisite of a modern welfare state . Our cohesion had already been steadily undermined by mass immigration over thirty years and was under great strain. Now the Remoaner caused rift has ,in my view , finally broken the last bonds tying us together and so we can say goodbye to any thought of a cohesive society , which is a chilling thought. Who knows what will happen in the next few years.
When we move onto the next page I will post a video which will surprise and shock you, the levels of unreported economic wreckage which has occured and the involvement of the WEF in global government. It’s clearly being stated by these people, just not being brought to the attention of the people by a corrupt complicit media not just the BBC, all of them.
Dutch PM Rutte next week ?
– will he show up at Dover in a rubber boat?
Yes that news broke 3 hours ago
but at 11:33am on R4 FooC they played the recording itemwhich is ou of date
Sri Lanka is facing its worst economic crisis since independence, with inflation soaring to the highest rate in Asia.
The country’s energy minister warned at the weekend that the country would soon run out of fuel as long queues formed at petrol stations, with many staying for days at a time.
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has even sought help from Russia to help import fuel.
Rajini Vaidyanathan has been in Colombo speaking to those most affected.”
She spoke to taxi driver ..spends his life queuing for petrol
he wishes he’d left
The country has no money to pay for fuel import as its currency dropped
Same problem for medicine
“desperation”.. except for people buying lottery tix.
To escape the Nazis?
More FooC
“Will Grant reflects on dual tragedies in Texas: the shooting in a primary school in Uvalde in Texas and 53 migrant deaths in a people-smuggling operation.
In both these horrific events, the correspondent heard stories of thwarted hopes – and life ambitions cut short.”
Sycophantic claim Pres Biden was so caring he asked for the child’s artwork to put in the White House.
The reporter try to falsely equate innocent children at schools
with illegals who paid to come into the US
In Syria, cities like Damascus and Palmyra were once heralded for their history and architectural grandeur but much of their cultural heritage has been destroyed during the years of civil war.
Nick Redmayne travelled to Palmyra on a guided tour, one of a few businesses trying to revive their fortunes despite an ongoing economic crisis.
Local are trained to say “The American did X , Y”
There were Russian tourists
In Algeria, we hear how people are working to restore the land that was burned in wildfires last year, in the country’s northeast. Tens of thousands of hectares were destroyed in flames and much of the natural landscape has morphed into charred remains.
Amy Liptrot visited a project which is involved in restoring some of the land destroyed by the fires.
.. Some desertification happening (this north east some distance from the Sahara)
She says “humans started the fires ,it is thought, BUT what is certain is CLIMATE CHANGE ..brings high temp dry summers”
.. CC causes more ARSON … FFS
I have been at the western border in Tunisian, and saw snow in Dec/Jan .. I suppose in the summer there’d be dryness
but at sea level it would be stupidly hot anyway
.. She mentions she is in an area where “fresh green saplings have been planted” .. that sounds nuts, you’d keep the saplings in the nurseries and plant them in the WINTER not in the Spring/Summer
And finally, we hear about one French farmer who has come up with a cunning plan to help generate a new source of revenue at his family-run farm:
Folies at The Farm it’s a cabaret show with a difference, far away from Paris
Chris Bockman revealed it’s now in a famous film
Is it that different from British musical festivals ?
The BBC might just have landed themselves in a dead-end-street. They became totally and manicly focused on removing Boris and thus eventually the Tories to bring about a pro EU left wing government. However they have used all of their ammunition purely on Boris as the Tories weak spot and Brexit figurehead.
Now a different scenario is developing. It seems likely that Sunak will take the reins and he has a valuable card up his sleeve V the BBC. It will be easy for him to play the race card if the BBC get up to the same devious hanky panky against him.
Must be some head scratching going on in the BBC political tactics meeting rooms right now!
I guess there will be whole teams of BBC “researchers” trawling through social media as I type this.
They are also aware that a lot of people suspect that Starmer was handed a get out of jail card over beergate and won’t forget it!
Earlier in the week I checked out the comments on BBC IPlayer after the England women’s match against Austria. Unlike other women’s sports, I blank women’s footie because it’s so tedious. Reading the comments, which were pretty scathing, it was a good miss. Many of the contributors railed against the, apparently hysterical commentary, the constant pc comments and the whole attitude set of the BBC, some amazed, like me, that these comments hadn’t been removed. I found it quite heartening to read this on a beboid site. It’s good to know that there are more and more people getting sick of it. As for that surreal and creepy advert on the other side with arch-groveller Southgate, say no more.
Anyone notice that Australia seems to be a very oppressed society? Looking at some of the Australian Police programs and that Sydney Harbours program I see a population under the thumb of the authorities. Australia is well down the road of multiculturalism the authorities appear to be needing to take control. It seems to be a glimpse into the future for Britain.
We have friends and relations in Aus, many now looking for an escape route, and the simple answer Flots is yes, yes, and erm… possibly, yes.
The UK has much more cultural inertia, perhaps because we have a much longer history (and thus a better established idea of who we are… or were?), and there are a lot more of us too. Australia is used (like the US) to rapid change, and has been quite multicultural historically, but the cultures involved were virtually all European: Italian, Greek, Dutch, German etc… so there was a certain degree of ‘common heritage’, in recent decades the immigrants have largely been from other continents, and in some cases, radically different ways of life, and those haven’t proven so easy, or willing to integrate.
The Guardian are currently running a banner at the foot of their website gloating about how they have left no stone unturned to get rid of Boris.
This begs the question of its readers whether The Guardian is actually a news organisation or simply a branch office of Momentum.
Add to this Marina Hyde’s bitter summary of Boris the man, a vitriolic and overwhelmingly biased attack that comes across with all the juvenile spite of a deserted spouse.
Perhaps a pertinent question is “Do you read a newspaper or do you read The Guardian?”
I know what I think!
I still like the idea of Guardian staff being dragooned into gender reorientation reeducation classes and dosed with Ayahuasca!
Front page of BBC webshite at the time of writing.
In the ‘Must See’ section, no less.
A boy who wore a sequined dress to his school prom said he was “overwhelmed” by people calling him an inspiration.
65 million people in the country and that’s the BBC priority.
65 million ?? Try 85 million .
Ask the supermarkets how many people they think are in the country .
The BbC and misinformation.
Let’s check.
That seems… untruthiness.
So, let’s see about a senior person there.
Isn’t he the one who made a claim based on reading a report in a magazine that suited, but did not check?
Watched very briefly just now the cricket on BBC2. Had to switch off quickly as the quality of the commentary was just hysterical shrieking that was dire. Come back Blowers old thing!
Eddys Sainsbury’s pint of milk price monitoring:
Start of year 55p
Now 79p
44% hike.
Cheese watch abandoned due to poverty…
Eddy – keep it up – a public service – methinks there is some real inflation – and then there is everybody having an extra taste on the back of the punters – bit like the fuel refiners …
Person of unquestioned easy to seeness, if questionable in any other area of value, get the same kind of doctorate as BBC editors.
Naomi Campbell on modelling, mortarboards and motherhood
“Go for life man, go for it all.”
Only at the BBC.
Webshite front page
Goals, kisses and flaming bulls – photos of the week’.
But guess what? The kisses are of two gay men at a Pride march.
Immediately opposite is the story of a cross-dressing boy at a school prom.
The BBC. Where straight people are no longer welcome.