The BBC are distraught.
The first Arab, African, Muslim, lady in a Wimbledon final, even referenced by Sue Barker at the prize-giving……errr……..LOST.
Just to be clear. I applaud a short-skirted, athletic, non-headscarf wearing Muslim tennis-playing lady from Tunisia on the grounds of her ability. I don’t support the BBC putting her on a pedestal that suits their pro-Islam agenda.
New page at last and here is the video I think everyone should watch or at least the first half where the economic state of Britain is discussed in depth and Europe touched upon.
Many of the issues which concern us are covered here and some information the media should have been covering but which they have failed to do.
Please watch the first half, the second is all stock markets stuff but the first is very relevant and important:
But you can find a very different comparison of UK v the Euro zone metrics in other publications . I’m not saying that this completely wrong , nor that the other sources are correct. But I would take a pinch of salt with all of these analysis.
What I was trying to say was that compared with the other large economies in Europe the British isn’t really much different. France and Italy are in more trouble and Germany is rapidly getting worse.
I don’t buy the economic reason as a reason for Boris’s resignation. It was about Brexit in my view on two fronts: Boris got impatient and bodged Brexit instead of Letting Lord Frost handle it all, sorting out a better arrangement for N.Ireland and Boris is an Election impediment to getting a pro-new EU Referendum Government in place.
For sure, Bojo handled the Pandemic badly for the UK – hence our poor financila situation but look at the reason why: Bojo had the anti-Brexit/pro-EU media on his case all the time.
I am glad to watch someone who is as deeply – deeply – pessimistic about the immediate future of Blighty – with rising interest rates and rising tax rates – even more than now –
Anyone with residue affection for nut nut – think again – I wonder if the currency rose because we we start to end the green crap and PRODUCE OIL ?
Thoughtful – might be an idea to put that up again on the next thread ….
DId it tell you anything you didn’t already know? Anything you didn’t agree with?
I think at the start I was dubious, but yes, if the economy had been as it was for BLiar profiting from the sub prime bubble Boris would probably have got away with it.
I thought his observation of Boris’s resignation speech was alway well drawn in that his first concern was Ukraine and it’s people and the people of the UK appeared to come as something of an afterthought.
I don’t link the fall of nut nut with the green crap policies – it was deeper than that – as I’ve said before here – his attitude / conduct / judgement – provided more than enough fuel for the Hateful BBC Agenda ….and since the BBC is globalist and supports the aims of the WEF one might have thought it less hostile to nut nut ….
… I was hoping that he would suggest a remedy – but the evidence he puts forward is so overwhelming – so troubling – that the outlook is really bleak .
The money tree will die – the deteriorating cost of living will get even worse – the uptick in the pound will be for a few days before it continues to decline –
And in the meantime political effort in the governing party will be around chess move and personal advancement rather than looking after the electorate …
Welfare being doshed out from now won’t save on more hardship
I feel awful writing such gloom – and have seen bad time before and suffered with them – but those of recent years don’t know what’s about to hit them ….
Whether the hardship affecting the UK is reflected in the EU ? Unknown – but if not – it might open the way to the EU offering to ‘take us back ‘…..
If I had money I think I’d be dumping my pound coins ….and buying …..?
Btw – ive signed up to the wolf on utube – well worth it – thx again
G & Fed, we haven’t stopped producing N.Sea oil (it is a continuous process) although our output is smaller as fields are worked out – and surprisingly also some N.Sea gas – although Bojo has set his agenda for ending both thanks to Princess Nut Nuts. Think there is a new N.Sea field set to come on stream in a few years. This is what the Stop Oil mob in the UK are campaigning about.
Have you forgotten the formidable Shant Grabs – the transport supremo currently grinding the country to a halt …?
Meanwhile – who will be the first to demand a prosecution of the new education minister for allegedly giving some vermin ‘the bird ‘ – which surely is a crime worthy of a ticket from the met and or 6 months gaol ……? Clue – it might be the BBC – or it might be the scum growler or both …
Ps – maybe pound makes a living carrying on his court jester gig the way he did in the commons – can’t really put any cred on what he says though
Maybe I’ve just been unlucky, but every time I’ve switched on and there have been ‘man in the street’ interviews, the journos have picked a foreigner to shove their mic under. A few ethnics who can’t string two words together, a couple who were from Ukraine/Poland/Russia who looked bemused, and a couple of yoofs who only just about knew who Rishi Sunak was. Unbelievable.
About time they came out into the sticks to interview a few of us ‘rurals’ – they’d soon get a different picture than those trawling the streets of inner cities.
Amazing but the only Black Tory leadership contender has been labelled as an enabler of White supremacy by Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu
Who said that Badenoch’s “power-grabbing ambition is rooted in discrediting [and] delegitimising antiracism efforts, denying systemic racism, whitewashing [the] British Empire [and] enabling White supremacy against Black people.”
“She can crawl back into her mother,” Dr Shola added.
This is by the way someone who is allegeadly ‘British’, but using American terms of the Ku Klux Klan to smear her target . Britain of course has never had a group like the KKK, only groups which have opposed immigration so she proves the theory of the Hive mind totally correct.
Higher taxes takes money from the economy, and thus raises inflation, so lowering them would increase inflation.
HS2 is an EU project, I wonder how many people know that? The reason it hasn’t been cancelled is the desire for a seamless rejoin. It’s a part of the Green stupidity take drivers off the road, but a scheme to take containerised traffic by rail would be much better.
The SWP Cameron overseas aid is far too large and does need to be cut.
Never mind an unwinnable war we are losing a war being waged by Russia and China using food and fuel
We need to do what Margaret Thatcher did to re-invigourate the economy after the Wilson Callaghan years, after all I’ve been saying for a while now that Johnson is more of a Wilson reincarnation than any other previous PM
I refer to the Conservative government as ‘blue labour ‘ for that very reason –
Putin need do very little apart from what he is already doing to win the bits of Ukraine he wants …. I’d be greedy after all the effort and go for the whole of it – either now or in a second war ….
Putin can’t stop now until his objective is complete.
If he does, Ukraine will be massively re-armed and they can train up a new army on how to use all this advanced equipment before they kick it off again to take back what Putin took.
Meanwhile there is no effort whatsoever by anyone to try and end it.
And going by some of the pointless rhetoric by Boris and Biden and full-on propaganda by the likes of the BBC, it’s almost like the ‘establishment’ actually want this war to keep going for now.
The BBC page bears little resemblance to what is actually going on. Their main article has parts in it like ‘Russian forces have suffered heavy losses since the invasion began.’ which is from months ago and absolutely false for the stage it is at now. Ukraine are taking all the losses.
Putin didn’t invade ‘Ukraine’ he invaded Europes bread basket. This is not a war on Ukraine it’s a war together with China on the West and with the liberal claowns supposedly leading us being too stupid to see that Putin is winning that war.
We know this to be the case because both China and Russia banned the export of fertilisers before the war started, the only purpose of which would be to lower agricultural output. They have been assisted in this by the lunacy of the Biden crime syndicate in the US.
Between Russia and Ukraine 28% of the worlds wheat supply has gone.
Starve Africa and the Middle East and encourage movement to Europe which the EU knows is coming but is paralysed by liberal stupidity to actually do anything about.
Again Putin has made a trial of this by trying to push bogus refugees from Belarus into Poland, where the liberal loons of the EU were most upset Poland didn’t allow them in.
Then you have the gas and oil issues, which most people already know about, with Russia about to cut the gas pipeline for maintanence will it ever be switched on again??
Once Europe starves and freezes the liberal loons will have no option but to surrender.
On my reckoning, the fall guys are the basic Russian troops (“Cannon Fodder’) who are being used by the Joint Venture – Russia & China to drain the armouries of the West before China steps in to take on a well depleted West/Nato…………….
It will be all over in no time.
The UK? WW2 broke the bank during the war. How thoughtful of the UK Government to break the bank before the big event kicks off.
The US? Biden and his Communist regime, happily draining the Strategic Fuel Reserves (down about 42% from what the Donald intentionally topped it up to). Doesn’t massive naval fleets and armies need fuel to operate? No one can tell me that Biden et al are not planning and working toward a defeat. Bit of extra bonus for Biden and Son from China……………
You cannot get old and developing a nose for lots of things, simply to ignore the uncomfortable signs of something big about to happen Worldwide. Can’t resolve it at present because the international media present distortions and lies, no doubt collectively engineered.
As well as giving away all the ordnance the swivel eyed pseudo Father Xmas that was Boris Johnson is now giving away all the UKs emergency food supplies, supplies which were meant for the people of this country in times of need and which come the Autumn might well be called upon, except there won’t now be enough to feed us.
Boris took his eye off the primary purpose of his office the people of this country and turned to Eastern Europe.
I would suggest that this is even more irresponsible than Biden, because you can live without fuel, you cannot live without food.
As for China, we know it has been operating to the detriment of the USA, and the liberal loons too wrapped up in their own entitlement to notice or care.
We know they interfered with the George Floyd death and used BLM (Marxists) to stir things up. We know they paid the New York times to promote Chinese propaganda such as stopping the West refering to Covid as Wuhan Flu.
We know this is going on and we should be highly aware of it, but with dopey liberal political elites and a leftist greedy media the public is being deliberately kept in the dark.
Thoughtful, not so, I’m afraid. Only taxes on consumption, such as the FDE (now redundant and rolled into Fuel Duty), VAT, the Telly Tax, Insurance Tax, etc., increase inflation. That is why Rishi Sunak, as Chancellor, cut Fuel Duty, hoping it would help. It would have been better to have made petrol and diesel subject to reduced rate VAT. Too late now.
The public sector is going to have to take deep cuts in numbers, salaries and pensions. The paying off of incompetant staff with big payouts has to end. There needs to be changes to employment tribunals, they’ve become a gravy train for lazy staff, Lawyers and Unions.
I suspect one of the major obstacles to the BBC being privatised is pension liabilities.
Big changes to benefits have to be made. Tax credits are a crazy way to run an economy.
I’m sure today I heard somewhere that the UK have given / promised up 2 Billion for Ukraine in aid and weapons ?
Good to know that we can afford it then !
A Dr Shola is a common enough thing in Nigeria and all stereotypes apply – she’d get short shrift with the locals there I suspect because they know well what they’re looking at!
Which is of course … why she’d be earning a grift here.
Thoughtful -Yet more negative news, even if there is some truth to it gives no positive action to to show how the situation can be overcome . Problems appear overwhelming . At the end of the day, this is just adding to the doom and gloom of media reporting and especially BBC reporting and is not healthy for the possibility that the situation can be improved.
Lynette – I know it’s gloomy – but it’s real – the coming shock of the next energy cost increase really will bring a lot of pain … but it might be an incentive for those ‘working from home ‘ to go back to the office ….
BBC local TV news was not at Scumthorpe Mosque
but rather BBC local radio was there on Jul 7 live
and male Muslim reporter was there on Jun 30
His broadcast goes out on Sunday morning
Local TV news had a black female presenter and black female weather woman ….large wig and hair extensions
National news had a white male weather man
and a Reeta Chakrabarti
The donkey adverts beat the glaucoma and cleft lip ones easy… …
I think they should all have to declare the wages of the CEO and the % of income which goes on ‘admin / pay ‘… because it is the Charity Industry …
The bears beat the donkeys. An awful, distressing demand for your money shown in every ad-break.
Charity advertisements are the absolute worst kind of emotional blackmail and should be regulated. Particularly they way they project human emotions onto animals.
Yet the BBC put ‘Some viewers might find this distressing’ just because a missile hit the ground. No people or donkeys in sight. God help us if the public ever got to know what war is REALLY like. People must only be shown the right amount of what the overseers (such as the BBC) decide is needed to make them think what they are required to think.
Bears (China), donkeys (Middle East and China), dogs (India, Pakistan, Middle East China, Korea), dolphins and sharks (exterminated by Chinese and South American fishermen), malnourished, sickly poor kids and old people (Africa, India, Pakistan), FGM of young girls and albinos butchered for ‘medicine’ (Africa), gay men being thrown off buildings (Middle East), endangered animals being exterminated for ‘medicine’ (China), Uyghurs in death camps (China), Christians murdered by lynch mobs (Pakistan), women killed for not wearing face coverings and banned from leaving their homes, working, or driving (Saudi, Afghanistan) … all that enrichment we need so much.
Hugh-Fearnley-Whittingstall doesn’t seem to be able to make his mind up whether he is a chef, a farmer, a smallholder, an eco-activist or Highly paid TV chimp.
Spot on Doublethinker, the remainer lobby will take us in to a dark age of anti-democracy. The EU stands as the biggest threat to peace in modern times.
Mark Dolan is expecting the GBnews tech guy to show videos of various celebs getting angry giving the finger to press etc.
The tech guy has let him down by serving up stills instead
And this, children, is what gets you on the bbc constantly once you drop the Championship offer.
The way people are talking about fuel bills (and the knock-on impact on the price of everything), I really wouldn’t be surprised if there were riots this year.
Is there a limit as to how many contenders there can be for the top job ? as the way its going there’ll only be the cat left to cast a vote ! Jeezus if you put everyone of them into a mixing bowl you couldn’t make a decent PM out of them.
Why do they believe they’re any good ? Schapps / Sunak / Javid / Zahawi / Badenoch……. oh here’s one that sounds British ….. Hunt.
Its been mentioned by a couple of commentators that voters will be reluctant to vote for a Muslim. I don’t think there is any reluctantcy about it, they bloody well won’t ! certainly not in the Shires anyway.
I remember the BBC running an article about a black woman who said ‘I feel like the UK wants my culture but not me’. A standard BBC article accusing all white people of being racist.
And it was absolutely wrong. We don’t mind the people it’s the culture they bring which is destroying our country.
And it’s the same with a Muslim as PM. They will bring their beliefs and culture baggage with them and change our culture in a thousand small ways to be a bit more like theirs. Just as Khan does in Londonistan.
This is from the ‘Saudi Gazette’ (so hypocrites like maxi can’t claim it’s written by racists):
‘London —Britain has been acquiring an increasingly Islamic face, with hundreds of official Shariah courts operating in the capital and many mosques dotting many cities.
“London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together,” Maulana Syed Raza Rizvi, an Islamic preacher, was quoted as saying in the local media.’
“Terrorists can not stand London’s multiculturalism”, London Mayor Sadiq Khan said after the deadly terror attack at Westminster last year.
I don’t believe the British people will stand for a Muslim PM because of the above. And I don’t believe the Conservatives will choose one because they know it will be electoral suicide. But they will all pretend it’s a very real possibility to stop the hypocrite Lefties at the BBC screaming ‘racists’. Which they will keep doing anyway of course because they are full of hate and need to vent it somehow.
Brissles, my dear old thing. Is there a limit? Yes, the number of Conservative MPs in the House divided by the number of nominations required, currently eight, although that might change next week. Badenoch is a Scots name, by the way, Kemi is married to one or the descendent of one.
As to future voting, the Conservatives could be out of power for a generation: 30+ years? Maybe ever if we slide back into the EU, followed by a World Government. Getting rid of Boris is the greatest act of collective self-harm in the Conservative Party in Parliament, on this site and over at TCW and elsewhere. Well done guys! Nothing like not seeing the big picture.
“First Pass” Metabolism means Breastfeeding Babies should absorb mRNA from an inoculated mother into their liver primarily, as colloidal milk loves nanolipid, which should love Breast Tissue involved in Milk Production, thus creating constant supply of dietary Spike Protein to infant via Breast Milk. Additionally the breastfeeding baby’s immune system is closely linked to the mother’s and Antibodies produced in the mother are in the breast milk, which then pass through an already inflamed and full of spike liver. News reports of liver failure in infants, due to “unknown” cause. Caskets production: Children’s size, or under 5ft. Is up 400%. Since 2021.
Just watched a clip about Tucker trying to work out why Boris had to resign. He ended by saying it still all seemed strange to him. As it would because Boris has gone for no substantive reason at all. He has been hounded out.
It was an assasination by the Left Tucker. Once they convinced the no-hopers who Boris promoted for all his woke reasons that they had a chance to replace him, the house of cards collapsed.
We can only hope a real conservative replaces him. But it seems it’s the BAME and Remainers who feel emboldened in the current atmosphere the BBC have had a major role in creating. I wonder who has been encouraging these people behind the scenes.
This is a shameful chapter in British politics. The rise of the new Fascist Left has to be stopped.
If they put forward a Remainer to be PM he/she still has to win the next general election, which they might lose, trouble is Labour etc are unlikely to put forward a Brexiteer.
Listening to the BBC news by accident on Radcliffe and Maconie from yesterday and they are reporting on the contenders for PM. And who did they dig up to interview and ask who she recommends ?.
Anna Soubry !!. Who I also see is now being pulled in by the BBC for other discussions as well.
The hate for Boris is strong at the BBC. Now tell me it’s not all about Brexit. The landslide election victory he won on the Brexit ticket will NOT be mentioned. Ever.
With this and Anna Soubry, it’s like the BBC are trying to go back in time before Brexit happened. I’m sure many more discredited ex-MP remainers are suddenly going to find themselves in demand at the BBC. Vile will be wetting his panties at the prospect of discussing Boris’ replacement and trying to turn it to a remainer.
I can’t recall any British politician in history being ousted simply for what he is rather than what he does before.
The whoLe thing has strong echoes of the US demise of Trump who was also attacked for who he was rather than what he did.
The left wing globally has discovered that witch-hunts work better than the ballot box and I wouldn’t be surprised to see ridiculous charges of storming parliament coming down the tracks as the next contender steps up to the plate.
Johnson was attacked because he was ex-Etonian, not because of his performance.
I am sure the BBC and the other MSM hounded Boris because of Brexit. Of course Boris being Boris provided plenty of ammunition. There are rumours about another woman pregnant by him, about a tree house at Chequers. I have no idea whether they are true. But Rishi has had his slick video ready for some time. If rumours were being put about by the Remain lobby and supported by those with ambitions, his downfall was inevitable.
In Islam it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, gay or straight, cis or trans, male or female …. basically you can do whatever you feel and no-one judges you.
— Climate Warrior🐬 #ClimateJustice🇵🇸#BDS⚧️ 🌈🇺🇦 (@ClimateWarrior7) July 10, 2022
When a Muslim ‘woman with a penis’ goes to their Mosque to celebrate Trans Pride day, do they use the mens or ladies entrance ?
LMFAO doesn’t matter if you’re gay? Despite ISIS throwing gays off the top og high buildings and then stoning them if they aren’t dead already, and Saudi Arabia executing kids on the mere suspicion they are gay is Islam not judging people?
This man has a very screwed up vision of what Islam is all about.
For goodness sake! Boris was sacked because he had become a liability. He was losing by-elections in places where everyman and their dogs voted conservative. Not only was he losing them but he didn’t seem to care he was. All he had to do was listen to what his voters were saying and give some indication of improvement or hope, but no he would rather go to the Ukraine.
He was quite happily squandering an eighty seat majority. He was given lots of second chances by his followers and he proudly proclaimed he was not going to change even slightly. It may have escaped some but it is the job of political parties to win elections. The way he was leading would have led to the end of Brexit in two years. No ifs or buts. Doomed.
The opportunity now presents itself to have a committed Brexiteer at the helm with a pro British cabinet. There is a risk that the Remainers may win the process but they were going to win anyway in two years.
Fantasies about how great Boris was, how this was a ‘coup’ against him, boo hoo, and constant complaining that none of the candidates are any use are pathetic defeatism. If I was Labour leader I’d pay to have my propagandists write gloomy letters about the contenders and I’d pay a bonus to those who would wail and lament the dropping of such a peerless saint as the great Bojo and how we shall never see his like again.
I am not a fan of the Conservative Party generally, as could be seen from my past posts. But there are no populist parties in existence in the UK right now to be realistic, and as I’m being
realistic it needs to be recognised that an opportunity has arisen to get Britain back on course. I can see at least four candidates that I consider would be an improvement worth celebrating even if they are not perfect.
I believe if Jesus Christ turned up tomorrow full of smiles and glory Peter Hitchens and other deadbeats would just shake their heads in sorrow and say “You left it too late, mate.”
Are you sure that is the Netherlands? The ‘farmer’ on that tractor appears to be a Black man, not saying that there aren’t any Black farmers in Holland but they are probably as few and far between as they are here.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Constitutionally still PM (last time I bothered to look) Boris Johnson’s supposed hero Winston (the last Englishman ever to be gifted that moniker) provides us a rich legacy of quotes fitting for many a situation.
Give us the tools, and we will finish the job – that’s a good one from the dark winter of early 1941. Churchill was of course characteristically bulldogish about the future of Britain and the Empire – but knew in his heart we now stood cap-in-hand before the Americans.
Whatever one’s opinon of our Boris and his failings, we sense his lesser ministerial colleagues are a bunch of tools… and the on-going task of running Britain into the ground institutionally, culturally and demographically, is a job safe in the pinchers of whatever Tory crustacean climbs first out of the crab bucket.
Let’s be frank, forget the likes of Jacob Rees-Mogg and his dusty old copies of Erskine May, Hansard and Dodd’s. Can’t you just see him now – passeth, by 50 or 100 years, the hour, too late cometh the man – we’ll leave him, gentlemanly, carrying his several sons’ books to school.
Constutution fooey! The noisey greek chorus to the stage tragedy of our classically-minded Boris is the left-leaning media and the behind-the-scenes ex machina of his actual downfall is the globalist corporate Davos club who eventually have called time on BoJo. Our Ultimate Destination – to borrow the sense of the Hollywood movie horror franchise Final Destination – that is following the Purga-Tory of another minor interim blue-rosetted adminstration, the proper Hell-in-handcart terminus of BBC-forever-licence-fee-approved Lab-Lib-Tartanswastika-Greenery.
Their left-liberal media Sunday paper flagship publishes their outline manifesto – it’s not their party but they’ll cry with laughter if they want to: Johnson leaves his party politically bankrupt, his countrry economically menanced, constitutionally vandalised and internationally derrided (Observer comment) – where to even begin with parsing that lot?
Internationally derrided is of course the kicker among the charge sheet litany against Boris – the last remaining hanging offence still on the statute book: Brexit of course. The cardinal of sin and the further implied sin of all and any action taken against our open borders and that any finger ought be lifted to stem the flow of hyper-immigration.
Constitutionally vandalised – is a strange charge to make against Boris by the people who brought us Tony Blair, Supreme Courts, the EU and Celtic Devolution.
Country economically menanced – that’ll be down to Lockdown.
Politically bankrupt – politically?
Mr AsItSeeIt, Rees-Mogg-like, looked out the full text of Churchill’s “Tools” speech of late January 1941 and found this long-forgotten paragraph – which caused pause for thought:
More than two-thirds of the winter has now gone, and so far we have had no serious epidemic; indeed, there is no increase of illness in spite of the improvised conditions of the shelters. That is most creditable to our local, medical, and sanitary authorities, to our devoted nursing staff, and to the Ministry of Health… – that’s where Boris first went wrong, he listened to the siren voices calling for panic over the sniffles.
ASIseeit – if anyone ever writes an authoritative account of the Chinese virus – I think we will find that national leaders / experts reacted to what the neighbours were doing – and with a few exceptions – followed them ….
They all thought about an immediate issue and nothing of the longer term consequences …. Such as the economic ‘ mental mess we are now in ( give or take a war ) .
The funny thing is – nut nut would still have survived that – but his failure to manage his own domain and listen to his loony wife has given the ammunition to kill him ….
… if only he had listened to his voters … going woke and throwing money at people was never going to gain any gratitude – yet alone votes .
I wonder if any other leader politicians will take note ? Certainly the Dutch one doesn’t appear to learn …
Fed, there may have been an element of that in Bojo’s strategy but you have to remember it was a WHO Pandemic and the UN still carries a bit of clout. Some countries really locked down hard. We in the UK had a mixed approach, locking people in their homes while letting anyone and everyone roll through our airports and ports.
Interestingly, those countries with poor border control and poor health systems – many countries in Africa, for example – actually had very low numbers of infections and deaths. Could be explained by poor statistic gathering, perhaps, but its there in the record.
Looking at the world map with circle size representing infections I would have to say the initial design (or ‘plan’) was to get Biden elected and Trump out of the WHouse.
To be fair there was a lot of misinformation coming out of China at the time with what appeared to be amateur video of people dropping dead in the street, and crematoria overwhelmed by the number of dead bodies.
The alarmist nature certainly got the worriers going and it only after the event we are wise, and we forget that we did not have this information prior to any action being taken.
I would like to remind readers that had Red Labour been in power they would have given all the UKs vaccines and ventilators to the EU out of their hatred of the people of this country.
No other country gave the EU a single thing, and they failed to deliver a single item to any country.
Just remember that – what Sir Beer Korma and his goons would have done if they had been in power.
I’m loving the notion of public sector job swaps – there’s a trendy CofE vicar or two who would fit nicely into the doughnut squad’s sit down shoe leather saving job of daily Twitter beat patrolling, whilst our coppers could pick up a guitar and stretch their legs in front of a one-man-and-his-dog congregation for a quick burst of Kumbaya
Yup, that’s the one. If you can’t hold a tune, just sing very, very, very loud. I remember when whitney houston did “I will always love you”. Talk about noise. I urge anyone with the time to seek out the original by Dolly Parton, who wrote it. She’s no great singer (Doesn’t claim to be) but her version is lovely (To use a cheesy word). Dusty was a little before my time, but when she did “What have I done to deserve this?” with pet shop boys I thought she not only sounded fantastic, but looked as if she was having more fun than anyone deserves.
The Boris Johnson who campaigned to be PM was in fact Dominic Cummings who was and remains a conservative – one of the few.
Because Johnson is a weak vascillating coward with no thoughts of his own, he allowed his wife to dictate policy – someone who have a record of being a disaster where ever she goes, and so the inevitable happened.
Has the Biden Protection Racket, formerly known as the BBC, shown the Imbecile in the White House reading the autocue prompts that were instructions, not words meant to be read out loud?
yup – that hairy legs clip is from his presidential campaign (there are more….) its not like the Democrats (Susan Rice et al) didn’t know they had a degenerating idiot on their hands.
I watched it all with incredulity – there’s two years to go – does anybody think he’s going to make it to the end of his official term?
Re-watch the autocue incident and look at the people either side of Biden … – esp VP Harris – either she’s a stellar actress or she’s as thick as mince.
It’s past time we saw the people actually running the “Biden White House”
Tomo – you’ve seen the chap running the Biden White House – it’s Obama and the crew …
And I’ve been wrong about Biden – I thought he’d be gone within a year of the election theft but it looks like they’ve convinced themselves that the bought msm is so docile that if they can just put him in front of an autocue without him saying the last line
‘Stop speaking now “
Out loud they’d get away with it ….
And looking at the way the imbecile press spokesman behaves and gets a free pass – they’ll keep Biden for the second term using the same cheat election model …
but I see noticeable changes in Biden’s facial musculature that go beyond his “waking up” and “tired, want to sleep” faces that to me at least hint at some strong meds being applied – that likely is going to precipitate a crash – they’ve thrown away any managed decline – pump him up and push him on stage.
Did any of them say’ no the BBC must fend for itself’ , if so they would get my vote if I had one. By the way the candidates can say whatever they like , make promises, suggest policies , but only things which please the civil service will be implemented.
We no longer live in a democracy.
A discussion about Roman Catholicism.
A discussion about Roman Catholicism by a woman and an LGBTQ supporter.
Closely followed by a feature on caring, charitable, Mancunians.
Who just happen to be from the Didsbury Mosque, celebrating Eid.
Another week of extreme minority focus with nothing whatever relevant to the lives of straight Anglo Saxon Christians.
Do you notice how no one – no one – in the MSM goes back and looks at what President Biden Did- Promised -Predicted -compared to what has happened since the election was Stolen …
And just think – if he had been properly elected we would be recovering from the `Chinese virus – and that would have been it …. No way The evil Russians would have tried it on.
BTW – Has the gas supply been cut off today for ‘maintenance ‘? As planned ? ……
I found this very stirring but there was not even a bullet point on policy, just hints.
I had hoped for a bit more. Suella Braverman has come come out with solid statements on policy. We know where she stands and she remains my favourite.
I would like to know what others may think of this video, but please no “they’re all the same/all a bunch of crooks/ all in it for themselves” kindergarten comments.
Regrettably, I’m not stirred. It’s better to read her profile on Wiki to understand where she’s coming from than spend time on this empty drivel which is akin to the opening of the Olympic Games presentation. What happened to Daniel Craig? Half expected him to appear somewhere. No the person is good but this, no. Not only that but surely its about the Con party direction of vote not the public’s.
Vacuous is the word to describe that video . I expected better from her but that bunkum makes her two notches down .
At present I’m going for Kemi Badenwhat or Suella .
Yuk – “they’re all the same/all a bunch of crooks/ all in it for themselves”
Wot a lot of hot air …… there must be some policies there somewhere – taxes? Foreigners ? Green crap ?
But i suppose if the advertising agency is targeting the demographic of Conservative party members – a picture of Maggie – guy Gibson – Falklands – will hit the spot .
I’m looking forward to the sunak one – is it a Bollywood show ?
I’ve just watched the Neil Oliver show on GBN, a day late as usual, and his blunt denunciation of the WEF plans for a New Liberal World Order were clear and controlled. Basically redistribute the wealth of the world so that we westerners are forced to give our wealth to the Third World and to hasten that process accept ongoing mass migration from the Third World. Eventually forming one world governed by people like the WEF members.
I’m not sure how China fits into this vision , nor Islam but you can see why Brexit was taken so badly by the WEF EU etc . The Brits when allowed a say as to whether or not they wanted to be subservient to a Supranational organisation and surrender their sovereignty to it, said NO. Clearly if we got away with it others would follow.
How long before GBN is closed down by OFCOM for alerting the people to the plans of the WEF and the rest of the global elite? Steyn and Oliver do a fantastic job of reviewing events globally and pulling all the disparate threads of the staggeringly complex WEF plan together so that we can see what they are up to. Will they be allowed to continue?
If they are cancelled , closed down it yet another sign that democracy is dead.
Double – I think the reality will be that HMG / OFCOM facilitate Murdock to take out GBNews through money rather than showing out direct censorship –
Then Murdock will have a comfortable day time tv type thing to appeal to the advertisers and send the current rebellious players on their way – he will even import the ex BBC hareme from their exile in classic MF
BTW – just watched the odious sunak video – 2 minute 52 seconds – no past – no boris – passing mention of Blighty ….no ..
The search engine bought up a piece about him in the Hindustani times where he says he has ‘no working class friends ‘- it might be true but why say it -?
None of the political class will have working class friends unless there is a benefit ….they are politicians first – humans second …
Sunak was Chancellor of the Exchequer so he was ultimately responsible for all the taxes and government spending .
We have a black hole in our finances .
What did little Richie say about the billions spent on illegal immigration?
Mark warned on his last Q&A session here (another inciteful and entertaining 1hr show on his website) that “everyday people” need to get into the fight or we will lose everything.
“… the utopian madmen are small in number but it’s cowing the [I just want a] ‘quiet life’ people that is the reason they’re winning.”
“Sajid Javid and Jeremy Hunt join Conservative Party leadership race”
As the so called Tories are running around ‘like headless chickens’ trying to find a new leader. Yes, to replace the leader who was going to put Nigel Farage “Back in his box “.
A little reminder of the missed opportunity made by the Tories to get a Real Brexit done ………………
“The Brexit Party styled itself as being focused on the restoration of Britain’s democratic sovereignty. On contesting the 2019 European Parliament election, it became the largest party in the UK contingent. Farage offered an electoral pact to the Conservative Party for the 2019 general election, and although this was turned down, the Brexit Party unilaterally decided not to stand candidates in constituencies won by Conservative candidates in the previous election.”
We lent them our vote and they wasted it!
Brexit not done, Illegal immigrants not repelled or sent back and the obnoxious telly tax is still with us.
Nibor – then there was the fraud – the contracts to mates – Randox – Own Paterson £ David Cameron’s texts £ – PPE spending frenzy – the huge track and trace mess – the restaurant subsidy madness – the furlough freebee – overseas aid give aways – quantitative easing –
And god knows what was covered up ……
Unless sunak buys a lot of votes I can see him getting the Green Card out to go run a disaster charity in New York ….
My money is still on our liz – her pitch involves promising to be a Conservative – a both novel and new idea …. 9/1… I’ve bet the house on it …
It manages to expose and completely rubbish the Leftists ‘Fact Check’ farce.
What they have done is find anything they can which Boris said and they can claim to be False and ignored anything else which doesn’t fit their agenda.
What a complete f*cking joke the BBC have become. They are like spiteful children. I would love to see the CV’s of those on the BBC’s ‘Reality Check Team’. All similar to Marianna Spring I expect : utterly useless for anything in the real world.
I won’t be voting for a party that has at its leader, someone who will bang on about “being the first………..” or “my family came here………….” or “this proves that anyone, who, with hard work……”.
How did that old joke go? Something like:
“Son, when I die you will inherit my fortune, my business empire and all my homes. And yet when I arrived in this country, all I had were the clothes I stood up in and two suitcases.”
“What was in the suitcases?”
“Forty million quid.”
Deep Sh*t for all the tin-pot dictators who have entered into development / infrastructure contracts with China. In fact, the President of Sri Lanka should be arrested and prosecuted for Treason. Seems the nature of the contracts boil down to when the tin-pots dictator defaults on repayments the most onerous penalty is that country income from ALL sources has to go toward the Chinese repayment debt. Precludes any IMF/World Bank loans/aid otherwise they could watch, helplessly, aid given being transferred to China. That’s what these slimy sh*ts in China are all about.
Eco mantras challenged in Oz – I don’t recall anything close making it onto the UK’s airwaves… Were the eco-babblers actually spluttering at the end? – it seemed to end a bit short.
So that Eco Japanese Research subject was invited on to make her case based on the same expertise as gets us here presented with Rayner, Abbott, Champion, Dr. Shola, etc?
The cash donation accepted by the Prince of Wales for his charity would not happen now, a royal source says. “That was then, this is now,” the source said, following reports Prince Charles had accepted around £2.5m in cash in a suitcase and carrier bags.29 Jun 2022
Just gone on to the Amazon site, and a couple of saved items from last week – according to an Alert Message, have now increased in price !!!! each by a couple of quid.
WHY ? these items were already in stock so what other reason have they increased ? I can only imagine its the sodding media who have pumped out the endless mantra of rising prices, so that all retailers regardless of product or previous price points, are putting up prices. Bastards.
BBC headlines with regards to physical excess often seem tame compared to their incandescence when someone says something or, horrors, makes a hand gesture.
So it is interesting when their quaint editorial comes back…
MarkyMarkJan 1, 15:04 New Year 2025 “The last group, made up of 291 people, arrived on 29 December.” People? Children? Women? Trans-women? Doctors? Nurses for the…
pugnaziousJan 1, 14:51 New Year 2025 Ah…a ‘Mexican nationalist’ according to the Times…and FBI now decided it could be an act of terrorism…presumably because he’s not,…
Richard PinderJan 1, 14:51 New Year 2025 Elon Reeve Musk was born on June 28, 1971, in Pretoria, South Africa. He is of British and Dutch ancestry…
StewGreenJan 1, 14:40 New Year 2025 New Orleans now seems to be all about why the attacker drove a vehicle which has a black flag with…
tomoJan 1, 14:27 New Year 2025 Weird that at this stage the culpability of the driver is talked about in MSM – we all know the…
JeffJan 1, 14:11 New Year 2025 Well, regarding the horrendous events unfolding in New Orleans, at least the Americans have pretty swiftly ascertained that this was…
tomoJan 1, 14:10 New Year 2025 Emmanuel Goldstein Phew, I thought it might be a dastardly Norwegian.
non-licence payerJan 1, 13:53 New Year 2025 Fedup it begs the question of how the Labour Party will replace Starmer. Given their righteous stance on every ism…
StewGreenJan 1, 13:47 New Year 2025 “unbelievable. The mayor of New Orleans confirmed it was a terrorist attack, and literally minutes later, at the same press…
Emmanuel GoldsteinJan 1, 13:30 New Year 2025 I see the Welsh are at it again. Another Welsh born boy with no links to terrorism, nothing to do…
The BBC are distraught.
The first Arab, African, Muslim, lady in a Wimbledon final, even referenced by Sue Barker at the prize-giving……errr……..LOST.
Just to be clear. I applaud a short-skirted, athletic, non-headscarf wearing Muslim tennis-playing lady from Tunisia on the grounds of her ability. I don’t support the BBC putting her on a pedestal that suits their pro-Islam agenda.
Yeah – and beaten by a Ruski- putin must be proud ( declaration – no interest in tennis or tennis nationalism at all comrades ) …
Blimey, Putin really is living rent-free in your head.
New page at last and here is the video I think everyone should watch or at least the first half where the economic state of Britain is discussed in depth and Europe touched upon.
Many of the issues which concern us are covered here and some information the media should have been covering but which they have failed to do.
Please watch the first half, the second is all stock markets stuff but the first is very relevant and important:
But you can find a very different comparison of UK v the Euro zone metrics in other publications . I’m not saying that this completely wrong , nor that the other sources are correct. But I would take a pinch of salt with all of these analysis.
This isn’t a comparison of the UK and Euro Zone though. Perhaps you should watch it and see for yourself ?
What I was trying to say was that compared with the other large economies in Europe the British isn’t really much different. France and Italy are in more trouble and Germany is rapidly getting worse.
Double, world instability is on the way.
I don’t buy the economic reason as a reason for Boris’s resignation. It was about Brexit in my view on two fronts: Boris got impatient and bodged Brexit instead of Letting Lord Frost handle it all, sorting out a better arrangement for N.Ireland and Boris is an Election impediment to getting a pro-new EU Referendum Government in place.
For sure, Bojo handled the Pandemic badly for the UK – hence our poor financila situation but look at the reason why: Bojo had the anti-Brexit/pro-EU media on his case all the time.
Thoughtful – always watchable – cheers
I am glad to watch someone who is as deeply – deeply – pessimistic about the immediate future of Blighty – with rising interest rates and rising tax rates – even more than now –
Anyone with residue affection for nut nut – think again – I wonder if the currency rose because we we start to end the green crap and PRODUCE OIL ?
Thoughtful – might be an idea to put that up again on the next thread ….
DId it tell you anything you didn’t already know? Anything you didn’t agree with?
I think at the start I was dubious, but yes, if the economy had been as it was for BLiar profiting from the sub prime bubble Boris would probably have got away with it.
I thought his observation of Boris’s resignation speech was alway well drawn in that his first concern was Ukraine and it’s people and the people of the UK appeared to come as something of an afterthought.
I don’t link the fall of nut nut with the green crap policies – it was deeper than that – as I’ve said before here – his attitude / conduct / judgement – provided more than enough fuel for the Hateful BBC Agenda ….and since the BBC is globalist and supports the aims of the WEF one might have thought it less hostile to nut nut ….
… I was hoping that he would suggest a remedy – but the evidence he puts forward is so overwhelming – so troubling – that the outlook is really bleak .
The money tree will die – the deteriorating cost of living will get even worse – the uptick in the pound will be for a few days before it continues to decline –
And in the meantime political effort in the governing party will be around chess move and personal advancement rather than looking after the electorate …
Welfare being doshed out from now won’t save on more hardship
I feel awful writing such gloom – and have seen bad time before and suffered with them – but those of recent years don’t know what’s about to hit them ….
Whether the hardship affecting the UK is reflected in the EU ? Unknown – but if not – it might open the way to the EU offering to ‘take us back ‘…..
If I had money I think I’d be dumping my pound coins ….and buying …..?
Btw – ive signed up to the wolf on utube – well worth it – thx again
Fed, the UK already produces oil. Clue is in the name ‘Brent Crude’.
Up2, North Sea oil – but aren’t they vacuuming around the edges now? That was the position the last time I paid attention.
Up2- use the past tense …
G & Fed, we haven’t stopped producing N.Sea oil (it is a continuous process) although our output is smaller as fields are worked out – and surprisingly also some N.Sea gas – although Bojo has set his agenda for ending both thanks to Princess Nut Nuts. Think there is a new N.Sea field set to come on stream in a few years. This is what the Stop Oil mob in the UK are campaigning about.
On GB News they asked Stephen Pound (labour) who labour would fear most if they got elected for the next PM.
Predictably he chose hunt. (Soubry also backs him)
If they did choose hunt it would be the end of the conservatives and Pound knows this.
With Baker not standing and Mordaunt being iffy on woke it’s now, for me, between Kemi and Suella.
If Boris put his name in for PM, he would probably win it.
Have you forgotten the formidable Shant Grabs – the transport supremo currently grinding the country to a halt …?
Meanwhile – who will be the first to demand a prosecution of the new education minister for allegedly giving some vermin ‘the bird ‘ – which surely is a crime worthy of a ticket from the met and or 6 months gaol ……? Clue – it might be the BBC – or it might be the scum growler or both …
Ps – maybe pound makes a living carrying on his court jester gig the way he did in the commons – can’t really put any cred on what he says though
Maybe I’ve just been unlucky, but every time I’ve switched on and there have been ‘man in the street’ interviews, the journos have picked a foreigner to shove their mic under. A few ethnics who can’t string two words together, a couple who were from Ukraine/Poland/Russia who looked bemused, and a couple of yoofs who only just about knew who Rishi Sunak was. Unbelievable.
About time they came out into the sticks to interview a few of us ‘rurals’ – they’d soon get a different picture than those trawling the streets of inner cities.
Amazing but the only Black Tory leadership contender has been labelled as an enabler of White supremacy by Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu
Who said that Badenoch’s “power-grabbing ambition is rooted in discrediting [and] delegitimising antiracism efforts, denying systemic racism, whitewashing [the] British Empire [and] enabling White supremacy against Black people.”
“She can crawl back into her mother,” Dr Shola added.
This is by the way someone who is allegeadly ‘British’, but using American terms of the Ku Klux Klan to smear her target . Britain of course has never had a group like the KKK, only groups which have opposed immigration so she proves the theory of the Hive mind totally correct.
The esteemed ‘Dr’ is precisely the sort of ‘antiracist’ that should be in prison for racism.
Just following on from the video –
Any incoming tory PM will have to consider cutting public spending – easy stuff like
Freezing Hs2
Ending over overseaz giveaway
Reduce funding of the unwinnable war
And maybe
Reducing funding to scotland / wales / london
Selling anything still worth it
Just to service the national debt repayments …
Cutting taxes – such as fuel duty or VAT doesnt look like a starter at all to me …
Higher taxes takes money from the economy, and thus raises inflation, so lowering them would increase inflation.
HS2 is an EU project, I wonder how many people know that? The reason it hasn’t been cancelled is the desire for a seamless rejoin. It’s a part of the Green stupidity take drivers off the road, but a scheme to take containerised traffic by rail would be much better.
The SWP Cameron overseas aid is far too large and does need to be cut.
Never mind an unwinnable war we are losing a war being waged by Russia and China using food and fuel
We need to do what Margaret Thatcher did to re-invigourate the economy after the Wilson Callaghan years, after all I’ve been saying for a while now that Johnson is more of a Wilson reincarnation than any other previous PM
Thoughtful – is the first line correct ?
I refer to the Conservative government as ‘blue labour ‘ for that very reason –
Putin need do very little apart from what he is already doing to win the bits of Ukraine he wants …. I’d be greedy after all the effort and go for the whole of it – either now or in a second war ….
Putin can’t stop now until his objective is complete.
If he does, Ukraine will be massively re-armed and they can train up a new army on how to use all this advanced equipment before they kick it off again to take back what Putin took.
Meanwhile there is no effort whatsoever by anyone to try and end it.
And going by some of the pointless rhetoric by Boris and Biden and full-on propaganda by the likes of the BBC, it’s almost like the ‘establishment’ actually want this war to keep going for now.
The BBC page bears little resemblance to what is actually going on. Their main article has parts in it like ‘Russian forces have suffered heavy losses since the invasion began.’ which is from months ago and absolutely false for the stage it is at now. Ukraine are taking all the losses.
Putin didn’t invade ‘Ukraine’ he invaded Europes bread basket. This is not a war on Ukraine it’s a war together with China on the West and with the liberal claowns supposedly leading us being too stupid to see that Putin is winning that war.
We know this to be the case because both China and Russia banned the export of fertilisers before the war started, the only purpose of which would be to lower agricultural output. They have been assisted in this by the lunacy of the Biden crime syndicate in the US.
Between Russia and Ukraine 28% of the worlds wheat supply has gone.
Starve Africa and the Middle East and encourage movement to Europe which the EU knows is coming but is paralysed by liberal stupidity to actually do anything about.
Again Putin has made a trial of this by trying to push bogus refugees from Belarus into Poland, where the liberal loons of the EU were most upset Poland didn’t allow them in.
Then you have the gas and oil issues, which most people already know about, with Russia about to cut the gas pipeline for maintanence will it ever be switched on again??
Once Europe starves and freezes the liberal loons will have no option but to surrender.
On my reckoning, the fall guys are the basic Russian troops (“Cannon Fodder’) who are being used by the Joint Venture – Russia & China to drain the armouries of the West before China steps in to take on a well depleted West/Nato…………….
It will be all over in no time.
The UK? WW2 broke the bank during the war. How thoughtful of the UK Government to break the bank before the big event kicks off.
The US? Biden and his Communist regime, happily draining the Strategic Fuel Reserves (down about 42% from what the Donald intentionally topped it up to). Doesn’t massive naval fleets and armies need fuel to operate? No one can tell me that Biden et al are not planning and working toward a defeat. Bit of extra bonus for Biden and Son from China……………
You cannot get old and developing a nose for lots of things, simply to ignore the uncomfortable signs of something big about to happen Worldwide. Can’t resolve it at present because the international media present distortions and lies, no doubt collectively engineered.
As well as giving away all the ordnance the swivel eyed pseudo Father Xmas that was Boris Johnson is now giving away all the UKs emergency food supplies, supplies which were meant for the people of this country in times of need and which come the Autumn might well be called upon, except there won’t now be enough to feed us.
Boris took his eye off the primary purpose of his office the people of this country and turned to Eastern Europe.
I would suggest that this is even more irresponsible than Biden, because you can live without fuel, you cannot live without food.
As for China, we know it has been operating to the detriment of the USA, and the liberal loons too wrapped up in their own entitlement to notice or care.
We know they interfered with the George Floyd death and used BLM (Marxists) to stir things up. We know they paid the New York times to promote Chinese propaganda such as stopping the West refering to Covid as Wuhan Flu.
We know this is going on and we should be highly aware of it, but with dopey liberal political elites and a leftist greedy media the public is being deliberately kept in the dark.
Thoughtful, not so, I’m afraid. Only taxes on consumption, such as the FDE (now redundant and rolled into Fuel Duty), VAT, the Telly Tax, Insurance Tax, etc., increase inflation. That is why Rishi Sunak, as Chancellor, cut Fuel Duty, hoping it would help. It would have been better to have made petrol and diesel subject to reduced rate VAT. Too late now.
The public sector is going to have to take deep cuts in numbers, salaries and pensions. The paying off of incompetant staff with big payouts has to end. There needs to be changes to employment tribunals, they’ve become a gravy train for lazy staff, Lawyers and Unions.
I suspect one of the major obstacles to the BBC being privatised is pension liabilities.
Big changes to benefits have to be made. Tax credits are a crazy way to run an economy.
Why privatise the Boris Bashing Clowns, sell it off lock stock and barrel. Try a Dutch auction, may even go for nowt.
It would be small change for Some of those US multimedia outfits …
I’m sure today I heard somewhere that the UK have given / promised up 2 Billion for Ukraine in aid and weapons ?
Good to know that we can afford it then !
Charley – yep that number resonates – they’ll blow thar in 10 days and ask for more …
In the end they’ll bitch about lack of support and how they could have won – … 3 months to winter …
A Dr Shola is a common enough thing in Nigeria and all stereotypes apply – she’d get short shrift with the locals there I suspect because they know well what they’re looking at!
Which is of course … why she’d be earning a grift here.
Worth singing this to the tune of ‘Engerland swings like a pendulum do’.
Oh, and… #meeither
Thoughtful -Yet more negative news, even if there is some truth to it gives no positive action to to show how the situation can be overcome . Problems appear overwhelming . At the end of the day, this is just adding to the doom and gloom of media reporting and especially BBC reporting and is not healthy for the possibility that the situation can be improved.
Lynette – I know it’s gloomy – but it’s real – the coming shock of the next energy cost increase really will bring a lot of pain … but it might be an incentive for those ‘working from home ‘ to go back to the office ….
… the state will be expected to feed all the offspring all of the time …. And maybe National State Foodbanks ©️
ITV local news, had a big feature on Eid at Scunthorpe Islamic centre
They seem to have a strong PR connection with the media.
BBC local TV news was not at Scumthorpe Mosque
but rather BBC local radio was there on Jul 7 live
and male Muslim reporter was there on Jun 30
His broadcast goes out on Sunday morning
Local TV news had a black female presenter and black female weather woman ….large wig and hair extensions
National news had a white male weather man
and a Reeta Chakrabarti
Switch to Radio 4 , they are on about “an all black Macbeth in 1929 in Harlem”
Simon Callow speaking
Switch off Radio 4 – not today thank you 😜
Then the trailer came on for Terence Higgin AIDS memorial prog
Water Aid are blitzing the tv with heart wrenching ads…..
All I can say is…
The donkey adverts beat the glaucoma and cleft lip ones easy… …
I think they should all have to declare the wages of the CEO and the % of income which goes on ‘admin / pay ‘… because it is the Charity Industry …
The bears beat the donkeys. An awful, distressing demand for your money shown in every ad-break.
Charity advertisements are the absolute worst kind of emotional blackmail and should be regulated. Particularly they way they project human emotions onto animals.
Yet the BBC put ‘Some viewers might find this distressing’ just because a missile hit the ground. No people or donkeys in sight. God help us if the public ever got to know what war is REALLY like. People must only be shown the right amount of what the overseers (such as the BBC) decide is needed to make them think what they are required to think.
Bears (China), donkeys (Middle East and China), dogs (India, Pakistan, Middle East China, Korea), dolphins and sharks (exterminated by Chinese and South American fishermen), malnourished, sickly poor kids and old people (Africa, India, Pakistan), FGM of young girls and albinos butchered for ‘medicine’ (Africa), gay men being thrown off buildings (Middle East), endangered animals being exterminated for ‘medicine’ (China), Uyghurs in death camps (China), Christians murdered by lynch mobs (Pakistan), women killed for not wearing face coverings and banned from leaving their homes, working, or driving (Saudi, Afghanistan) … all that enrichment we need so much.
Hugh-Fearnley-Whittingstall doesn’t seem to be able to make his mind up whether he is a chef, a farmer, a smallholder, an eco-activist or Highly paid TV chimp.
I know where my money is!
Total prxxk
Must be worrying when the likes of Clarkson goes onto his turf (highly recommended by the way ) …
Spot on Doublethinker, the remainer lobby will take us in to a dark age of anti-democracy. The EU stands as the biggest threat to peace in modern times.
Mark Dolan is expecting the GBnews tech guy to show videos of various celebs getting angry giving the finger to press etc.
The tech guy has let him down by serving up stills instead
And this, children, is what gets you on the bbc constantly once you drop the Championship offer.
Zelensky’s team includes the BBC…?
And not a single one with a consistent record of being an actual conservative worth voting for?
Is there a limit as to how many contenders there can be for the top job ? as the way its going there’ll only be the cat left to cast a vote ! Jeezus if you put everyone of them into a mixing bowl you couldn’t make a decent PM out of them.
Why do they believe they’re any good ? Schapps / Sunak / Javid / Zahawi / Badenoch……. oh here’s one that sounds British ….. Hunt.
Its been mentioned by a couple of commentators that voters will be reluctant to vote for a Muslim. I don’t think there is any reluctantcy about it, they bloody well won’t ! certainly not in the Shires anyway.
I remember the BBC running an article about a black woman who said ‘I feel like the UK wants my culture but not me’. A standard BBC article accusing all white people of being racist.
And it was absolutely wrong. We don’t mind the people it’s the culture they bring which is destroying our country.
And it’s the same with a Muslim as PM. They will bring their beliefs and culture baggage with them and change our culture in a thousand small ways to be a bit more like theirs. Just as Khan does in Londonistan.
This is from the ‘Saudi Gazette’ (so hypocrites like maxi can’t claim it’s written by racists):
‘London —Britain has been acquiring an increasingly Islamic face, with hundreds of official Shariah courts operating in the capital and many mosques dotting many cities.
“London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together,” Maulana Syed Raza Rizvi, an Islamic preacher, was quoted as saying in the local media.’
“Terrorists can not stand London’s multiculturalism”, London Mayor Sadiq Khan said after the deadly terror attack at Westminster last year.
I don’t believe the British people will stand for a Muslim PM because of the above. And I don’t believe the Conservatives will choose one because they know it will be electoral suicide. But they will all pretend it’s a very real possibility to stop the hypocrite Lefties at the BBC screaming ‘racists’. Which they will keep doing anyway of course because they are full of hate and need to vent it somehow.
John – put most succinctly.
‘…only be the cat left to cast a vote’.
I’d probably pass.
I’d vote for the cat.
Now the cat’s out of the bag, it gets my vote too.
I’m rolling my eyes at you three….. lol !!
Brissles, my dear old thing. Is there a limit? Yes, the number of Conservative MPs in the House divided by the number of nominations required, currently eight, although that might change next week. Badenoch is a Scots name, by the way, Kemi is married to one or the descendent of one.
As to future voting, the Conservatives could be out of power for a generation: 30+ years? Maybe ever if we slide back into the EU, followed by a World Government. Getting rid of Boris is the greatest act of collective self-harm in the Conservative Party in Parliament, on this site and over at TCW and elsewhere. Well done guys! Nothing like not seeing the big picture.
We live in very interesting times.
Sudden deaths of children soar. Caskets production: Children’s size, or under 5ft. Is up 400%. Since 2021:
“First Pass” Metabolism means Breastfeeding Babies should absorb mRNA from an inoculated mother into their liver primarily, as colloidal milk loves nanolipid, which should love Breast Tissue involved in Milk Production, thus creating constant supply of dietary Spike Protein to infant via Breast Milk. Additionally the breastfeeding baby’s immune system is closely linked to the mother’s and Antibodies produced in the mother are in the breast milk, which then pass through an already inflamed and full of spike liver. News reports of liver failure in infants, due to “unknown” cause. Caskets production: Children’s size, or under 5ft. Is up 400%. Since 2021.
Just watched a clip about Tucker trying to work out why Boris had to resign. He ended by saying it still all seemed strange to him. As it would because Boris has gone for no substantive reason at all. He has been hounded out.
It was an assasination by the Left Tucker. Once they convinced the no-hopers who Boris promoted for all his woke reasons that they had a chance to replace him, the house of cards collapsed.
We can only hope a real conservative replaces him. But it seems it’s the BAME and Remainers who feel emboldened in the current atmosphere the BBC have had a major role in creating. I wonder who has been encouraging these people behind the scenes.
This is a shameful chapter in British politics. The rise of the new Fascist Left has to be stopped.
If they put forward a Remainer to be PM he/she still has to win the next general election, which they might lose, trouble is Labour etc are unlikely to put forward a Brexiteer.
Listening to the BBC news by accident on Radcliffe and Maconie from yesterday and they are reporting on the contenders for PM. And who did they dig up to interview and ask who she recommends ?.
Anna Soubry !!. Who I also see is now being pulled in by the BBC for other discussions as well.
The hate for Boris is strong at the BBC. Now tell me it’s not all about Brexit. The landslide election victory he won on the Brexit ticket will NOT be mentioned. Ever.
And just by amazing coincidence, BBC favourite remainer idiot Rory Stewart is in the headlines again with an utter non-story.
Rory Stewart: Former MP appeals for help to find lost wedding ring
With this and Anna Soubry, it’s like the BBC are trying to go back in time before Brexit happened. I’m sure many more discredited ex-MP remainers are suddenly going to find themselves in demand at the BBC. Vile will be wetting his panties at the prospect of discussing Boris’ replacement and trying to turn it to a remainer.
Has John Major been wheeled out again yet ?.
I can’t recall any British politician in history being ousted simply for what he is rather than what he does before.
The whoLe thing has strong echoes of the US demise of Trump who was also attacked for who he was rather than what he did.
The left wing globally has discovered that witch-hunts work better than the ballot box and I wouldn’t be surprised to see ridiculous charges of storming parliament coming down the tracks as the next contender steps up to the plate.
Johnson was attacked because he was ex-Etonian, not because of his performance.
Inverted class snobbery in fact!
I am sure the BBC and the other MSM hounded Boris because of Brexit. Of course Boris being Boris provided plenty of ammunition. There are rumours about another woman pregnant by him, about a tree house at Chequers. I have no idea whether they are true. But Rishi has had his slick video ready for some time. If rumours were being put about by the Remain lobby and supported by those with ambitions, his downfall was inevitable.
Interesting times.
Suella and Kemi making the right noises.
SurKurry issuing usual wibble.
Analyse that, BBC.
Has Fick Ange made Champion her running chum yet?
Tricky one, bbc…. Go with what plays well in the cubicle gardens at W1A, or the two candidates that oddly actual Conservatives have not problem with?
A country run by a party dominated by a broadcaster dominated by a faith group seems retrograde.
Lammy is just so thick – did he not notice the size of the vote nut nut got at the election ? Or is Lammy just needing to make noise ?
Yep, no judging, no trial just off the building you go, head first.
Quicker that way; they are not savages.
LMFAO doesn’t matter if you’re gay? Despite ISIS throwing gays off the top og high buildings and then stoning them if they aren’t dead already, and Saudi Arabia executing kids on the mere suspicion they are gay is Islam not judging people?
This man has a very screwed up vision of what Islam is all about.
For goodness sake! Boris was sacked because he had become a liability. He was losing by-elections in places where everyman and their dogs voted conservative. Not only was he losing them but he didn’t seem to care he was. All he had to do was listen to what his voters were saying and give some indication of improvement or hope, but no he would rather go to the Ukraine.
He was quite happily squandering an eighty seat majority. He was given lots of second chances by his followers and he proudly proclaimed he was not going to change even slightly. It may have escaped some but it is the job of political parties to win elections. The way he was leading would have led to the end of Brexit in two years. No ifs or buts. Doomed.
The opportunity now presents itself to have a committed Brexiteer at the helm with a pro British cabinet. There is a risk that the Remainers may win the process but they were going to win anyway in two years.
Fantasies about how great Boris was, how this was a ‘coup’ against him, boo hoo, and constant complaining that none of the candidates are any use are pathetic defeatism. If I was Labour leader I’d pay to have my propagandists write gloomy letters about the contenders and I’d pay a bonus to those who would wail and lament the dropping of such a peerless saint as the great Bojo and how we shall never see his like again.
I am not a fan of the Conservative Party generally, as could be seen from my past posts. But there are no populist parties in existence in the UK right now to be realistic, and as I’m being
realistic it needs to be recognised that an opportunity has arisen to get Britain back on course. I can see at least four candidates that I consider would be an improvement worth celebrating even if they are not perfect.
I believe if Jesus Christ turned up tomorrow full of smiles and glory Peter Hitchens and other deadbeats would just shake their heads in sorrow and say “You left it too late, mate.”
Johnson’s real allegiance lies with the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab
The BBC is the largest media broadcaster in the world.
The BBC also has a clear vision of what is news, and what is not.
The BBC is a £5B, 20k idiot joke.
Front page ‘news’.
Dropped in gentlemen’s toilets whilst … oh wait…..
Are you sure that is the Netherlands? The ‘farmer’ on that tractor appears to be a Black man, not saying that there aren’t any Black farmers in Holland but they are probably as few and far between as they are here.
Well spotted, I just thought he had a really good tan, from all that working outdoors in the hot Dutch sun… climate change, you know.
Looking at the tailplane registration, the aeroplane is actually American.
Those shadows look amazingly overhead.
And a tractor with a sun shade but no cab.
It’s as if the Netherlands were in Africa.
Oh, wait ……..
Maybe just the photographer was.
And the no smoking sign at the back is in French.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Luvvie jumps on a bandwagon already clung to by Lammy…
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Constitutionally still PM (last time I bothered to look) Boris Johnson’s supposed hero Winston (the last Englishman ever to be gifted that moniker) provides us a rich legacy of quotes fitting for many a situation.
Give us the tools, and we will finish the job – that’s a good one from the dark winter of early 1941. Churchill was of course characteristically bulldogish about the future of Britain and the Empire – but knew in his heart we now stood cap-in-hand before the Americans.
Whatever one’s opinon of our Boris and his failings, we sense his lesser ministerial colleagues are a bunch of tools… and the on-going task of running Britain into the ground institutionally, culturally and demographically, is a job safe in the pinchers of whatever Tory crustacean climbs first out of the crab bucket.
Let’s be frank, forget the likes of Jacob Rees-Mogg and his dusty old copies of Erskine May, Hansard and Dodd’s. Can’t you just see him now – passeth, by 50 or 100 years, the hour, too late cometh the man – we’ll leave him, gentlemanly, carrying his several sons’ books to school.
Constutution fooey! The noisey greek chorus to the stage tragedy of our classically-minded Boris is the left-leaning media and the behind-the-scenes ex machina of his actual downfall is the globalist corporate Davos club who eventually have called time on BoJo. Our Ultimate Destination – to borrow the sense of the Hollywood movie horror franchise Final Destination – that is following the Purga-Tory of another minor interim blue-rosetted adminstration, the proper Hell-in-handcart terminus of BBC-forever-licence-fee-approved Lab-Lib-Tartanswastika-Greenery.
Their left-liberal media Sunday paper flagship publishes their outline manifesto – it’s not their party but they’ll cry with laughter if they want to: Johnson leaves his party politically bankrupt, his countrry economically menanced, constitutionally vandalised and internationally derrided (Observer comment) – where to even begin with parsing that lot?
Internationally derrided is of course the kicker among the charge sheet litany against Boris – the last remaining hanging offence still on the statute book: Brexit of course. The cardinal of sin and the further implied sin of all and any action taken against our open borders and that any finger ought be lifted to stem the flow of hyper-immigration.
Constitutionally vandalised – is a strange charge to make against Boris by the people who brought us Tony Blair, Supreme Courts, the EU and Celtic Devolution.
Country economically menanced – that’ll be down to Lockdown.
Politically bankrupt – politically?
Mr AsItSeeIt, Rees-Mogg-like, looked out the full text of Churchill’s “Tools” speech of late January 1941 and found this long-forgotten paragraph – which caused pause for thought:
More than two-thirds of the winter has now gone, and so far we have had no serious epidemic; indeed, there is no increase of illness in spite of the improvised conditions of the shelters. That is most creditable to our local, medical, and sanitary authorities, to our devoted nursing staff, and to the Ministry of Health… – that’s where Boris first went wrong, he listened to the siren voices calling for panic over the sniffles.
ASIseeit – if anyone ever writes an authoritative account of the Chinese virus – I think we will find that national leaders / experts reacted to what the neighbours were doing – and with a few exceptions – followed them ….
They all thought about an immediate issue and nothing of the longer term consequences …. Such as the economic ‘ mental mess we are now in ( give or take a war ) .
The funny thing is – nut nut would still have survived that – but his failure to manage his own domain and listen to his loony wife has given the ammunition to kill him ….
… if only he had listened to his voters … going woke and throwing money at people was never going to gain any gratitude – yet alone votes .
I wonder if any other leader politicians will take note ? Certainly the Dutch one doesn’t appear to learn …
There was a YouTube doing the rounds of an ‘experiment’ on herd behaviour.
Involved folk in lifts facing back, and ultimately the test subjects did too.
The V/O sounded like the gay Irish BBC science correspondent, ironically.
The best way is to have a secret meeting where all agree what is news, and what gets censored.
Transparently. In an impartial, trusted and professionally rigged manner.
Fed, there may have been an element of that in Bojo’s strategy but you have to remember it was a WHO Pandemic and the UN still carries a bit of clout. Some countries really locked down hard. We in the UK had a mixed approach, locking people in their homes while letting anyone and everyone roll through our airports and ports.
Interestingly, those countries with poor border control and poor health systems – many countries in Africa, for example – actually had very low numbers of infections and deaths. Could be explained by poor statistic gathering, perhaps, but its there in the record.
Looking at the world map with circle size representing infections I would have to say the initial design (or ‘plan’) was to get Biden elected and Trump out of the WHouse.
To be fair there was a lot of misinformation coming out of China at the time with what appeared to be amateur video of people dropping dead in the street, and crematoria overwhelmed by the number of dead bodies.
The alarmist nature certainly got the worriers going and it only after the event we are wise, and we forget that we did not have this information prior to any action being taken.
I would like to remind readers that had Red Labour been in power they would have given all the UKs vaccines and ventilators to the EU out of their hatred of the people of this country.
No other country gave the EU a single thing, and they failed to deliver a single item to any country.
Just remember that – what Sir Beer Korma and his goons would have done if they had been in power.
Thoughtful – if I recall – it was the images from Italy which sent everyone over the edge … I could be wrong though..
Given the vast job opportunities out there, maybe they could swap?
Then teachers could become folk who need training on the need to hydrate bedbound patients, and nurses could twerk to primary schoolers.
Also ex BBC staff could become Labour types, or labour types could join Newsnight.
I’m loving the notion of public sector job swaps – there’s a trendy CofE vicar or two who would fit nicely into the doughnut squad’s sit down shoe leather saving job of daily Twitter beat patrolling, whilst our coppers could pick up a guitar and stretch their legs in front of a one-man-and-his-dog congregation for a quick burst of Kumbaya
Or a BBC Championship Guest Media Panel Gob swapping with a Labour Deputy Leadership Gob?
Though personally or professionally there appears little distinction.
Both appear tremendously popular with the lads of the base.
When the teachers go on strike again I wonder if the BBC will ‘step up ‘ as it apparently did during lock downs –
After all some one has to keep feeding the little darlings with lefty woke anti British poison …
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager (Patient Service);jobs&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiL0J_Iku_4AhVzm1wKHVyuC4UQkd0GegQIHRAB#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=nhs+diversity+manager&htidocid=Ug1aMwAsj4kAAAAAAAAAAA%3D%3D&sxsrf=ALiCzsZ8ghiQBgIwu1CJX7kxleQe5K-1MA:1657484402492
Job Reference: 317-2021-32-01-DREmployer:The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDepartment:317 Patient Relations – FHLocation:317 01 Freeman HospitalSalary:£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
£38,890 – £44,503 per annum
For this voter, Brexit, Immigration, law & order, BBC, and…
Mixed messaging for most production meetings there.
Is this the woman who only gives her album titles numbers ? I’ve only ever heard her wail half a song on the radio – that was more than enough.
Dusty and Barbra would wipe the floor with her.
Yup, that’s the one. If you can’t hold a tune, just sing very, very, very loud. I remember when whitney houston did “I will always love you”. Talk about noise. I urge anyone with the time to seek out the original by Dolly Parton, who wrote it. She’s no great singer (Doesn’t claim to be) but her version is lovely (To use a cheesy word). Dusty was a little before my time, but when she did “What have I done to deserve this?” with pet shop boys I thought she not only sounded fantastic, but looked as if she was having more fun than anyone deserves.
is this a modern reimagining of Shakin’s Stevens’ This Old House?
Short, sweet and spot on.
On the other side…
BBC and Mad Al.
Oh, plus that lawyer and the slapper.
The Boris Johnson who campaigned to be PM was in fact Dominic Cummings who was and remains a conservative – one of the few.
Because Johnson is a weak vascillating coward with no thoughts of his own, he allowed his wife to dictate policy – someone who have a record of being a disaster where ever she goes, and so the inevitable happened.
Don’t go upsetting Up2 like I do …
Yasser, “She’s got it! by jove, she’s got it!” (with thanks to My Fair Lady.)
Has the Biden Protection Racket, formerly known as the BBC, shown the Imbecile in the White House reading the autocue prompts that were instructions, not words meant to be read out loud?
No? I thought not.
yup – that hairy legs clip is from his presidential campaign (there are more….) its not like the Democrats (Susan Rice et al) didn’t know they had a degenerating idiot on their hands.
I watched it all with incredulity – there’s two years to go – does anybody think he’s going to make it to the end of his official term?
Re-watch the autocue incident and look at the people either side of Biden … – esp VP Harris – either she’s a stellar actress or she’s as thick as mince.
It’s past time we saw the people actually running the “Biden White House”
Tomo – you’ve seen the chap running the Biden White House – it’s Obama and the crew …
And I’ve been wrong about Biden – I thought he’d be gone within a year of the election theft but it looks like they’ve convinced themselves that the bought msm is so docile that if they can just put him in front of an autocue without him saying the last line
‘Stop speaking now “
Out loud they’d get away with it ….
And looking at the way the imbecile press spokesman behaves and gets a free pass – they’ll keep Biden for the second term using the same cheat election model …
but I see noticeable changes in Biden’s facial musculature that go beyond his “waking up” and “tired, want to sleep” faces that to me at least hint at some strong meds being applied – that likely is going to precipitate a crash – they’ve thrown away any managed decline – pump him up and push him on stage.
BBC1 ‘Sunday Morning’ programme with Sophie Raworth is asking Tory leader contenders some quick fire questions:
“Would you keep the BBC license fee?”
With the Ukraine war, spiralling inflation, energy crisis, NHS problems the BBC ask the questions that they only care about.
Did any of them say’ no the BBC must fend for itself’ , if so they would get my vote if I had one. By the way the candidates can say whatever they like , make promises, suggest policies , but only things which please the civil service will be implemented.
We no longer live in a democracy.
Quick ‘Toady on Sunday’ review.
A discussion about Roman Catholicism.
A discussion about Roman Catholicism by a woman and an LGBTQ supporter.
Closely followed by a feature on caring, charitable, Mancunians.
Who just happen to be from the Didsbury Mosque, celebrating Eid.
Another week of extreme minority focus with nothing whatever relevant to the lives of straight Anglo Saxon Christians.
BBC Fact Checkers on Beelzebubs’s warning that Germany is overdependent on Russian gas.
Do you notice how no one – no one – in the MSM goes back and looks at what President Biden Did- Promised -Predicted -compared to what has happened since the election was Stolen …
And just think – if he had been properly elected we would be recovering from the `Chinese virus – and that would have been it …. No way The evil Russians would have tried it on.
BTW – Has the gas supply been cut off today for ‘maintenance ‘? As planned ? ……
Double posting this – go back and look at Joe’s doings eh?
Jack Posobiec is usually pretty reliable…
If he’s correct about this – it seems likely to start a fire
Penny launches,
I found this very stirring but there was not even a bullet point on policy, just hints.
I had hoped for a bit more. Suella Braverman has come come out with solid statements on policy. We know where she stands and she remains my favourite.
I would like to know what others may think of this video, but please no “they’re all the same/all a bunch of crooks/ all in it for themselves” kindergarten comments.
Regrettably, I’m not stirred. It’s better to read her profile on Wiki to understand where she’s coming from than spend time on this empty drivel which is akin to the opening of the Olympic Games presentation. What happened to Daniel Craig? Half expected him to appear somewhere. No the person is good but this, no. Not only that but surely its about the Con party direction of vote not the public’s.
Vacuous is the word to describe that video . I expected better from her but that bunkum makes her two notches down .
At present I’m going for Kemi Badenwhat or Suella .
Yuk – “they’re all the same/all a bunch of crooks/ all in it for themselves”
Wot a lot of hot air …… there must be some policies there somewhere – taxes? Foreigners ? Green crap ?
But i suppose if the advertising agency is targeting the demographic of Conservative party members – a picture of Maggie – guy Gibson – Falklands – will hit the spot .
I’m looking forward to the sunak one – is it a Bollywood show ?
All a bit too American for me. They’ll all be saluting next.
I’ve just watched the Neil Oliver show on GBN, a day late as usual, and his blunt denunciation of the WEF plans for a New Liberal World Order were clear and controlled. Basically redistribute the wealth of the world so that we westerners are forced to give our wealth to the Third World and to hasten that process accept ongoing mass migration from the Third World. Eventually forming one world governed by people like the WEF members.
I’m not sure how China fits into this vision , nor Islam but you can see why Brexit was taken so badly by the WEF EU etc . The Brits when allowed a say as to whether or not they wanted to be subservient to a Supranational organisation and surrender their sovereignty to it, said NO. Clearly if we got away with it others would follow.
How long before GBN is closed down by OFCOM for alerting the people to the plans of the WEF and the rest of the global elite? Steyn and Oliver do a fantastic job of reviewing events globally and pulling all the disparate threads of the staggeringly complex WEF plan together so that we can see what they are up to. Will they be allowed to continue?
If they are cancelled , closed down it yet another sign that democracy is dead.
Double – I think the reality will be that HMG / OFCOM facilitate Murdock to take out GBNews through money rather than showing out direct censorship –
Then Murdock will have a comfortable day time tv type thing to appeal to the advertisers and send the current rebellious players on their way – he will even import the ex BBC hareme from their exile in classic MF
BTW – just watched the odious sunak video – 2 minute 52 seconds – no past – no boris – passing mention of Blighty ….no ..
The search engine bought up a piece about him in the Hindustani times where he says he has ‘no working class friends ‘- it might be true but why say it -?
None of the political class will have working class friends unless there is a benefit ….they are politicians first – humans second …
Sunak was Chancellor of the Exchequer so he was ultimately responsible for all the taxes and government spending .
We have a black hole in our finances .
What did little Richie say about the billions spent on illegal immigration?
“Steyn and Oliver do a fantastic job of reviewing events globally”
Neil now speaks for the awakened majority here.
Mark warned on his last Q&A session here (another inciteful and entertaining 1hr show on his website) that “everyday people” need to get into the fight or we will lose everything.
“… the utopian madmen are small in number but it’s cowing the [I just want a] ‘quiet life’ people that is the reason they’re winning.”
I watch GB News a lot and have been wondering how long till it is shut down, ‘they’ only have to make up a few reasons, look what happened to Boris.
“Sajid Javid and Jeremy Hunt join Conservative Party leadership race”
As the so called Tories are running around ‘like headless chickens’ trying to find a new leader. Yes, to replace the leader who was going to put Nigel Farage “Back in his box “.
A little reminder of the missed opportunity made by the Tories to get a Real Brexit done ………………
“The Brexit Party styled itself as being focused on the restoration of Britain’s democratic sovereignty. On contesting the 2019 European Parliament election, it became the largest party in the UK contingent. Farage offered an electoral pact to the Conservative Party for the 2019 general election, and although this was turned down, the Brexit Party unilaterally decided not to stand candidates in constituencies won by Conservative candidates in the previous election.”
We lent them our vote and they wasted it!
Brexit not done, Illegal immigrants not repelled or sent back and the obnoxious telly tax is still with us.
Nibor – then there was the fraud – the contracts to mates – Randox – Own Paterson £ David Cameron’s texts £ – PPE spending frenzy – the huge track and trace mess – the restaurant subsidy madness – the furlough freebee – overseas aid give aways – quantitative easing –
And god knows what was covered up ……
Unless sunak buys a lot of votes I can see him getting the Green Card out to go run a disaster charity in New York ….
My money is still on our liz – her pitch involves promising to be a Conservative – a both novel and new idea …. 9/1… I’ve bet the house on it …
Boris Johnson: Fact-checking three years of the outgoing prime minister’s claims
Just seen this even though it’s from 2 days ago.
It manages to expose and completely rubbish the Leftists ‘Fact Check’ farce.
What they have done is find anything they can which Boris said and they can claim to be False and ignored anything else which doesn’t fit their agenda.
What a complete f*cking joke the BBC have become. They are like spiteful children. I would love to see the CV’s of those on the BBC’s ‘Reality Check Team’. All similar to Marianna Spring I expect : utterly useless for anything in the real world.
I won’t be voting for a party that has at its leader, someone who will bang on about “being the first………..” or “my family came here………….” or “this proves that anyone, who, with hard work……”.
How did that old joke go? Something like:
“Son, when I die you will inherit my fortune, my business empire and all my homes. And yet when I arrived in this country, all I had were the clothes I stood up in and two suitcases.”
“What was in the suitcases?”
“Forty million quid.”
Deep Sh*t for all the tin-pot dictators who have entered into development / infrastructure contracts with China. In fact, the President of Sri Lanka should be arrested and prosecuted for Treason. Seems the nature of the contracts boil down to when the tin-pots dictator defaults on repayments the most onerous penalty is that country income from ALL sources has to go toward the Chinese repayment debt. Precludes any IMF/World Bank loans/aid otherwise they could watch, helplessly, aid given being transferred to China. That’s what these slimy sh*ts in China are all about.
World at one Hilarious –
Jeremy Hunt trying to be next PM
James £$ Naughtie interviewing …
The longest serving Health Secretary – over 6 years and left it as a disfunctional monster 100 days ? Before the Chinese virus arrived –
And a remainer – God help us ….
About as much personality as Andrew Marr. Please God nooooooo.
Eco mantras challenged in Oz – I don’t recall anything close making it onto the UK’s airwaves… Were the eco-babblers actually spluttering at the end? – it seemed to end a bit short.
So that Eco Japanese Research subject was invited on to make her case based on the same expertise as gets us here presented with Rayner, Abbott, Champion, Dr. Shola, etc?
He’s usually pretty reliable…
If he’s right about this it seems likely to start a fire
The cash donation accepted by the Prince of Wales for his charity would not happen now, a royal source says. “That was then, this is now,” the source said, following reports Prince Charles had accepted around £2.5m in cash in a suitcase and carrier bags.29 Jun 2022
Inflationwatch. Tesco tonic water up 40% in three months. Must be a world shortage of quinine!
“Tesco tonic water up 40%”
Just don’t buy it .
Simples !
Just gone on to the Amazon site, and a couple of saved items from last week – according to an Alert Message, have now increased in price !!!! each by a couple of quid.
WHY ? these items were already in stock so what other reason have they increased ? I can only imagine its the sodding media who have pumped out the endless mantra of rising prices, so that all retailers regardless of product or previous price points, are putting up prices. Bastards.
BBC headlines with regards to physical excess often seem tame compared to their incandescence when someone says something or, horrors, makes a hand gesture.
So it is interesting when their quaint editorial comes back…
…in instruments of South Asia surface angle.
Then there’s when they struggle with accuracy, truth, etc.
So Smarmer is innocent, OK? (Sure!)
Will we be privy to the investigation’s findings?
Do we know if there was an injunction/Superinjuction after all?
Do we know if Smarmer actially appeal and overturn a decision to fine?
Colin run BBC polls too?
The loss of Rory’s ring is intriguing.
Especially as it must be the size of the CERN super collider opening portals after his last session with Mad Al.
So Gollum is now asking if anyone has found his ring?
Has anyone told him it’s that little thief Bilbo Baggins “wots took it” yet?
This could all end very badly if Sauron gets to hear about it, no wonder the BBC put it up on the front page as high priority national news.
Seems BBC has been stirred into action post Sopes with a bit of Simpo TDS.
Saz really must have zero professional pride.