I feel that it’s a sort of conflict of interest for the prime minister to have a partner who is the citizen of another country. Imagine if Sunaks wife was Russian.
Funny that – I was thinking similar – perhaps the nature of partners deserves to be examined by the electorate – particularly after the damage nut nut suffered from his loony missis….
Apologies for the imprecision but I don’t watch BBC telly religiously.
Before the Men’s Singles Final they showed a short film of previous men’s finals with the narration going on about “two giants.” I didn’t see the beginning but Sue said “Thanks to Eddie Butler” (Rugby commentator?), so I’m unclear whether he just spoke the words or wrote them as well.
I would suspect the latter as yesterday I caught most of the equivalent piece before the women’s final, a tedious, strident load of guff about “Wimmin” and Sue said “Thanks to Miriam Margolyes.”
BBC Sport, eh? When you think Wimbledon, you think Miriam Margolyes.
Yeah, point taken.
The Beeb repeated a doubles match with Serena Williams partnering Ons Jabeur during Eastbourne. Apart from the fawning female commentators, the crowd looked like a right bunch of doughnut bumpers.
I recall in the 1980s somebody in my social circle at the time went to Eastbourne tennis to do some political networking and took some photos – it looked like a serious meet-up for the doughnut bumping sisterhood.
Miriam’s Big American Adventure
Miriam Margolyes embarks on an epic road trip through middle America, from Chicago to New Orleans, to meet the people whose voices and votes are reshaping the nation.
🇨🇭The people of Switzerland in the streets of Zurich in protest against the introduction of all WHO health protocols, Klaus Schwab's and SEF's agenda, demanding that the state return freedom to its citizens and preserve sovereignty and neutrality. pic.twitter.com/9lsvgBcICg
It appears that the Left wing American media have been spewing Chinese propaganda over the reporting of the assasination of ex Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe.
Obviously the Chinese and Japanese have some issues but to find the US media yet again taking the side of the Chinese Communist party is disturbing to say the least.
It would appear that an investigation into the scale of Chinese interference in the US would be highly appropriate at this time given what has gone on in the past as well.
Tucker thinks the US media has been ‘bought ‘ by the Chinese state because of the amount of cash it receives through ‘advertising revenue ‘…..
I haven’t got much time for tennis – but I dived into the Wimbledon final only to hear an Australian chap swearing like a child . And there are children in the audience – including a future king …
oh, my … they’ve got the White House Press spokesperson doubling up as PR manager too?
Just watch Harris …. is there a flicker there?
Who knows who the chap on the right is?
They are spitting in your face & telling you it’s rain. @WhiteHouse modifying the transcript to pretend @POTUS obvious gaffe was intended to be part of the speech. https://t.co/M2M9hwhRzv
Tomo – I cannot believe you don’t know that they have a ‘standby button ‘ when they have to stand next to the old man – if he soils himself or starts to say something off message they step in – couldn’t do anything about the ‘last line ‘.
Sums up the administration, and the media supposedly holding it to account.
On matters Rishi and famous close to home, questions are legitimately being asked about close relatives, who can be problematic.
CBS: Hunter Biden is under investigation for "tax fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, as well as whether [Hunter and business associates] complied with foreign lobbying laws" — particularly while Joe Biden was vice president. pic.twitter.com/UykEci2c3T
He has done nothing wrong – the laptop was planted by evil trump and the Russians – hunter has never used drugs and prostitutes and taken money for influence or other corruption ( the msm before the stolen election ) – right ?
Watching CNN , MSNBC and the “lefty” US MSM trying to dance around the Hunter Biden series of car crashes makes you trust them even less every time they do it – and they’ve done it so much that now I assume they’re absolutely lying from the get-go.
MSM still after nut nut – this time it is the Sunday times publishing the tape of a conversation between a nut nut conquest and her moaning about not getting a city hall job when he was mayor –
This woman is being allowed to remain anonymous but must be named – her behaviour of sleeping her way to a job demands wider publicity …. She taped a private conversation and gave it to the press – there’s a word for her …
Given the fine weather, has the Beeb ceased to report the illegal landings on our shores, or has France stopped shipping them over ?
While we are facing a record number of incursions this month, what are the security implications ? Our Security Services cannot possibly have enough resources to screen them all.
We have been placed in serious danger by a so called ‘OXO’, Tory Government .
OXO ? Because they are the laughing stock of Europe .
Given the uncertain futures of political careers featherbedding might look attractive but these days almost appears self-fulfilling in being necessary.
I guess if they get away with it it is worth it, but not so many do, even financially.
Risking a sweet life paid, room, board, private jets and limos… why not do the best job to stay voted in and when it ends in failure, gratefully accept the cosy retirement package on the circuit.
Sleepy’s legacy is toast. As is Merkel’s. And Dancin’ Justin. Once they slip from use, the ‘friends’ will vanish, leaving the mob outside.
The Dutch are more than halfway to going full Sri Lankan on their idiot leadership.
GBnews just had the motoring writer Quentin Cooper who’s alway been a righty.
But although he was founder of FairFuelUK the anti fuel price rise campaign, he is now an electric car campaigner
Dunno where he thinks the govt is going to find the money to replace fuel duty and oil mining taxes.
paraphrase “I’ve worked with Boris a lot and he’s a good guy and a professional, so it’s a real bad they replace him when there is so much to do ”
Sounds like he is behind Boris on Brexit, Covid, Ukraine and Mad Green agenda
ie he is in the same bubbleworld as Boris
He sad he came 300 miles in his Tesla with a 20 min fast charge at McDonalds halfway
Of course such is only possible for the elites
There aren’t enough fast charge places if everyone tried
Smug prat that he is – he’ll *never* admit that he’s mis-planned / forgot to charge and missed an appointment.
I followed him for a while until the sheer quantity of tiresome assertions became intolerable – I suspect that he’s even more like that in real life – I’d love to see him do a reality show with Mike Brewer of Wheeler Dealers ….
Elon Musk has already confirmed that the new Tesla hatchback is going to cost $25,000, which is around £18,000. That’s less than half the price of the Model 3 Standard Range Plus.26 Jan 2022
What do you expect them to do? Biden has the lowest approval rating of any Presdent since WWII, and I think there is little doubt the man is an out and out criminal who is now senile.
Come November a weak Republican party will hold both houses, but they have become as complacent and useless as the Tories are. Maybe they will do something, maybe they won’t.
One thing though – bad as Biden is, he wasn’t as bad as Obama, most of whose appalling doings were completely covered up by the media on both sides of the pond
Just going through Sunday papers – curious how no commentator has a good word to say about nut nut . They still can’t figure out how many people voted for him knowing he is a rogue but thinking he would get brexit done properly and be a conservative PM
It isn’t their fault he got led by his private parts by Mrs nut nut and the other wokes ( “if putin was a woman “ ffs- not exactly Churchill was it ) …
Fed, Winnie was said to have ‘an eye for the gells’ although he did concentrate on his day job – fortunately – 1940-45. A member of his staff did, too. Result was – if I recall correctly – the woke bloke under a big hat in Canterbury.
As I said to many people at the time,the Tories didn’t win so much as Labour lost with Jeremy Corbyn as leader. They didn’t so much vote for Boris as vote against Jeremy Corbyn.
The only Spitfire still flying today to have fought in the Battle of Britain takes to the skies above Folkestone – to mark 82 years since the Battle began. pic.twitter.com/JIrwutT7yK
Battle of Britain: The schoolgirl who helped design the Spitfire
Meet the young mathematician who helped design the Spitfire, the iconic aircraft that took part in the Battle of Britain, which started 80 years ago today.
Hazel Hill helped her father do the calculations that meant Spitfires could be built with eight guns instead of four. Many believe this made a big difference to the outcome of the Battle of Britain.
‘The Schoolgirl who Helped Win a War’ will be broadcast on the BBC News Channel at 13.30, 17.30 and 20.30 on Saturday and 10.30 and 16.30 on Sunday. It will also be available on BBC iPlayer.
Media Watch #1 – the traduction* of Boris Johnson continued apace this morning
The Socialists, Marxists, Communists, the BBC and the Labour Party are terrified that Boris Johnson may make a comeback. Now, where have we seen that before. Somewhere west of the UK? Maybe about 5,000 miles west of the UK? Whether it is the BBC or the print media the Lefty ones appear to be queueing up to dish more dirt on the man’s head, whether it is Bojo or former President Trump.
*Traduction may not be a proper word but traducing is all the go with Bojo and certain sections of the media. The BBC are currently at it on their web-site.
They also show how the taxi firm’s former boss personally ordered the use of a “kill switch” to prevent raiding police from accessing computers.
Uber says its “past behaviour wasn’t in line with present values” and it is a “different company” today. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62057321
The cash donation accepted by the Prince of Wales for his charity would not happen now, a royal source says. “That was then, this is now,” the source said, following reports Prince Charles had accepted around £2.5m in cash in a suitcase and carrier bags.29 Jun 2022
Name of donor: Christine Lee & Co
Address of donor: 86 Holloway Head, Birmingham B1 1NB
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: the services of a Parliamentary Researcher for 5 days per week from 12 March 2019 to 31 December 2019, value £32,625 https://www.theyworkforyou.com/regmem/?p=10220
The problem is that it is so broad, in that there are problems even in this building. The security services will tell you privately that—far beyond Christine Lee, who obviously was named—there are agents of the Chinese state here who are known to the security services and in whom they have taken an active interest.
There are huge problems in academia; China has made no secret of its interest in academia. When the Zhenhua database leak happened a couple of years ago—this was a database that China was using to identify potential targets of intelligence activity—it was no surprise that they had targeted think-tanks and academics very carefully. https://www.theyworkforyou.com/pbc/2022-23/National_Security_Bill/02-0_2022-07-07a.27.2?s=Christine+Lee+china#g33.0
There are researchers in the UK right now who are, frankly, working with branches of the Chinese navy to come up with devices to track nuclear submarines around the world. That is as dangerous as it comes to our national security, and that work is going on in the open. I am also aware of British companies that are making engines—or casings for engines in this case—that they have admitted are good for nothing other than for engines in tanks. There are grievous concerns about the whole level. https://www.theyworkforyou.com/pbc/2022-23/National_Security_Bill/02-0_2022-07-07a.27.2?s=Christine+Lee+china#g33.0
Tory leadership contenders are trying to outdo each other on tax cuts.
Javid’ policies apparently have an estimate of £39 bn.
Now call me a thicko but if you pump £39 bn of free money into an economy with 10% inflation……..we’ll it doesn’t sound too good to me just right now.
Millions did very nicely out of covid. My hairdresser for one. Furlough pay followed by a massive backlog of long-haired customers ……and so prices went up. Millions did not. Let’s not pretend it’s simple.
What resolved him to quit, he told the BBC’s Sunday Morning show, was hearing a sermon on integrity at a prayer breakfast in Parliament on Tuesday.
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-28939089
A spokesperson for Mr Macron said in an email: “His functions naturally led him to meet and interact with many companies engaged in the sharp shift which came out during those years in the service sector, which had to be facilitated by unlocking administrative and regulatory hurdles.”
which had to be facilitated by unlocking administrative and regulatory hurdles
which had to be facilitated by unlocking administrative and regulatory hurdles
which had to be facilitated by unlocking administrative and regulatory hurdles
Haven’t watched Countryfile for over a year but as it was about the New Forest, not far from me, thought I’d watch it.
First segment all about how the New Forest is taking in Ukrainian refugees. Second segment about immigration and fruit pickers. Turned off and vowed never to watch it again.
Later decided to watch a bit of Antiques Roadshow. Haven’t watched that for over a year. Within a few minutes there was a bit about celebrating NHS nurses and every nurse shown was black. Turned off and vowed never to watch it again.
intro Last year around 20K came to UK to work on OUR farms
Heap “nearly 8,000 tonnes of oft fruit rotted in 2021 cos of a shortage of pickers (BBC doubtful stat)
It’s Ukrainians who have HISTORICALLY made up the bulk of the workforce (sounds like BS to me, It may be true for the last 4-5 years, and EU workers have been common for 20 years
.. there are over 30 Ukrainians working here
Well it’s a huge farm ..I’m guessing they are a minority
Worker cries cos he was set to come to UK but then war started 4 days before so he had to do defence work
before coming to UK 10 weeks later
He cries again
To me Heap looks like a callous medialand bastard who is thinking ‘this crying is great TV’
When the guy comes back Heap kinda hugs him
Heap “Ukrainian workers are HARD WORKING” that’s racial stereotyping
Next Ukrainian woman looks Roma to me
Oh Heap has got her to cry as well.
Workers caravans, “14 nationalities”
workers football : focus on female and male Africans wearing white/red/green flag
Now focus is on a mixed bag : south Asians, Vietnamese looking women (Chinese ?)
Now a Ukrainian man says he will go back if the war reaches his village
Item #3 40 local volunteers in Lymington sending aid to Poland and the Ukraine
as ever we get this ACTING from the presenters where they pretend they are really there doing days volunteer work.
Item #4 speaking to a Dutch farmer who lives in Ukraine.
BBC “blockade at the Black Sea meaning grain cannot be moved freely out of the country”
“Where will they put this years harvest”
Item #5 Man doing a charity row for Ukrainian aid
In a corrugated tin boat.
Item #6 small ORGANIC market garden for HEALING
“hope eventually to have Ukr refugees at the farm”
Item #7 Weather
“Climate Change scary scary but something about temperatures dropping on WEdnesday and rain in Scotlnd
but next weekend could we break the 38.7C record “
The prog was an old repeat from May 2020
“We are celebrating the role of nurses ..so if you have a story see the website ”
.. However NOW, there is nothing about that on the website
In July 2016, after David Cameron resigned, May was elected Conservative Party leader and became the UK’s second female prime minister after Margaret Thatcher. She is the first, and to date, the only woman to hold two of the Great Offices of State. She began the process of withdrawing the UK from the European Union, triggering Article 50 in March 2017. The following month, she announced a snap general election, with the aims of strengthening her hand in Brexit negotiations and highlighting her “strong and stable” leadership.[4][5] This resulted in a hung parliament in which the number of Conservative seats had fallen from 330 to 317, despite the party winning its highest vote share since 1983. The loss of an overall majority prompted her to enter a confidence and supply arrangement with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) of Northern Ireland to support a minority government. May survived a vote of no confidence from Conservative MPs in December 2018 and a vote of no confidence tabled by Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn in January 2019.
So… we now seem to have a president of a major EU country who took bribes to promote a private taxi company, aided and abetted by a major EU commissioner.
Will the BBC get on this story or will they deem it to be less than important compared to a PM eating cake in his own home?
Lower than a snakes belly comes to mind.
They are just reprehensible, I cannot express my disgust in any way that is appropriate without blaspheming.
I really hate these bloody retarded press weasels. They are the lowest of the low.
In 1993 there was former Socialist minister Bernard Tapie
he built up a sporting and media empire,
he sold his stake in the Adidas to state-run French bank Credit Lyonnais,
Then he served six months behind bars in 1997 for match-fixing. His business empire later collapsed.
Strangely the state settled in arbitration in 2008
A panel found he had been the victim of fraud cos the bank was found to have undervalued the sportswear brand,
So he got €400m
Then Dec 2016 Christine Lagarde avoids jail, keeps job after being found guilty of negligence in approving a massive payout of taxpayers’ money to controversial French businessman
Accused of allowing the misuse of public funds—rather than actual corruption—Lagarde faced the prospect of being sentenced to a year in prison
Michael Gove was enthusiastically applauding Kemi from the back of the room. Such is Gove’s reputation for Machiavellian behaviour the rumour doing the rounds is that he is going to back RIshi and his job on Kemi’s team is to help split the right’s vote between Liz Truss and Kemi Badenoch, bringing about a Penny versus Rishi vote for the membership that Rishi wins. Don’t blame Guido for reporting the rumour…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From order-order.com [img]https://image.vuukle.com/51b5831e-0c34-432c-b96b-b96c0104e65b-c31704d4-72ca-4f47-84f4-ba119b564ab1[/img]
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
YouGov in the Sunday Times…
– they’re *ALL* shite – although – mebbe, it does indicate that the Swiss system is worth looking at!
Won’t the MPs will just pick the two most suitable New World Order puppets, for the Conservative members to practice democracy over…
I feel that it’s a sort of conflict of interest for the prime minister to have a partner who is the citizen of another country. Imagine if Sunaks wife was Russian.
Funny that – I was thinking similar – perhaps the nature of partners deserves to be examined by the electorate – particularly after the damage nut nut suffered from his loony missis….
What’s worse, Sunaks wife could have been a Russian tennis player or athlete.
In complement, where America leads….
And, best of all, no matter what, or when, there are staff paid to sort things post.
Apologies for the imprecision but I don’t watch BBC telly religiously.
Before the Men’s Singles Final they showed a short film of previous men’s finals with the narration going on about “two giants.” I didn’t see the beginning but Sue said “Thanks to Eddie Butler” (Rugby commentator?), so I’m unclear whether he just spoke the words or wrote them as well.
I would suspect the latter as yesterday I caught most of the equivalent piece before the women’s final, a tedious, strident load of guff about “Wimmin” and Sue said “Thanks to Miriam Margolyes.”
BBC Sport, eh? When you think Wimbledon, you think Miriam Margolyes.
I never think of Miriam Margolyes (shudder), under any circumstances.
Women’s tennis has never had a following of pipe smokers in stout brogues …?
– Miriam + “stout” >>> where’s the mind bleach?
Yeah, point taken.
The Beeb repeated a doubles match with Serena Williams partnering Ons Jabeur during Eastbourne. Apart from the fawning female commentators, the crowd looked like a right bunch of doughnut bumpers.
I recall in the 1980s somebody in my social circle at the time went to Eastbourne tennis to do some political networking and took some photos – it looked like a serious meet-up for the doughnut bumping sisterhood.
Another bbc favorite, milking the tax payer. Vile woman (person with a cervix?)
Miriam’s Big American Adventure
Miriam Margolyes embarks on an epic road trip through middle America, from Chicago to New Orleans, to meet the people whose voices and votes are reshaping the nation.
German farmers eh?
Perhaps all the tractors were heading to Ukraine.
… and Switzerland
Maybe the WEF should be declared a terrorist group and membership proscribed ….
It appears that the Left wing American media have been spewing Chinese propaganda over the reporting of the assasination of ex Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe.
Obviously the Chinese and Japanese have some issues but to find the US media yet again taking the side of the Chinese Communist party is disturbing to say the least.
It would appear that an investigation into the scale of Chinese interference in the US would be highly appropriate at this time given what has gone on in the past as well.
Tucker thinks the US media has been ‘bought ‘ by the Chinese state because of the amount of cash it receives through ‘advertising revenue ‘…..
I saw this and immediately thought “LibsofTikTok”!
I haven’t got much time for tennis – but I dived into the Wimbledon final only to hear an Australian chap swearing like a child . And there are children in the audience – including a future king …
oh, my … they’ve got the White House Press spokesperson doubling up as PR manager too?
Just watch Harris …. is there a flicker there?
Who knows who the chap on the right is?
Tomo – I cannot believe you don’t know that they have a ‘standby button ‘ when they have to stand next to the old man – if he soils himself or starts to say something off message they step in – couldn’t do anything about the ‘last line ‘.
He reminds me of someone doing an eye test …
I’d wager if “they” thought they would get away with an AI avatar “Max Headroom” thing – they’d be doing it.
– Joe’s changed his hair stylist too….
Her new line is apt: “I don’t have anything”.
Sums up the administration, and the media supposedly holding it to account.
On matters Rishi and famous close to home, questions are legitimately being asked about close relatives, who can be problematic.
He has done nothing wrong – the laptop was planted by evil trump and the Russians – hunter has never used drugs and prostitutes and taken money for influence or other corruption ( the msm before the stolen election ) – right ?
Watching CNN , MSNBC and the “lefty” US MSM trying to dance around the Hunter Biden series of car crashes makes you trust them even less every time they do it – and they’ve done it so much that now I assume they’re absolutely lying from the get-go.
MSM still after nut nut – this time it is the Sunday times publishing the tape of a conversation between a nut nut conquest and her moaning about not getting a city hall job when he was mayor –
This woman is being allowed to remain anonymous but must be named – her behaviour of sleeping her way to a job demands wider publicity …. She taped a private conversation and gave it to the press – there’s a word for her …
Just the one? I can think of several, all unpleasant.
Given the fine weather, has the Beeb ceased to report the illegal landings on our shores, or has France stopped shipping them over ?
While we are facing a record number of incursions this month, what are the security implications ? Our Security Services cannot possibly have enough resources to screen them all.
We have been placed in serious danger by a so called ‘OXO’, Tory Government .
OXO ? Because they are the laughing stock of Europe .
Looks like the wheels might be coming off for the BBC poster boy Marcron and some of his buddies in the EU…..
Very shady Uber business.
What else have they been dabbling in I wonder?
This will go down very badly with the Paris cabbies I bet!
Why do they do it?
Given the uncertain futures of political careers featherbedding might look attractive but these days almost appears self-fulfilling in being necessary.
I guess if they get away with it it is worth it, but not so many do, even financially.
Risking a sweet life paid, room, board, private jets and limos… why not do the best job to stay voted in and when it ends in failure, gratefully accept the cosy retirement package on the circuit.
Sleepy’s legacy is toast. As is Merkel’s. And Dancin’ Justin. Once they slip from use, the ‘friends’ will vanish, leaving the mob outside.
The Dutch are more than halfway to going full Sri Lankan on their idiot leadership.
Having a soft slot on QT will not save them when the wind doesn’t hit the turbine.
Even with a going away present from Dale tucked away in the caymans.
If folk can be directed chez Clarence, anything is open.
I posit, not in a Mad Al experienced manner…. On the BBC…
‘Pandora’s box may ruin Zelenskyy’s chances for a second term’
Network of offshore companies revealed by document leak threaten the Ukrainian president’s political future, analysts say.
GBnews just had the motoring writer Quentin Cooper who’s alway been a righty.
But although he was founder of FairFuelUK the anti fuel price rise campaign, he is now an electric car campaigner
Dunno where he thinks the govt is going to find the money to replace fuel duty and oil mining taxes.
paraphrase “I’ve worked with Boris a lot and he’s a good guy and a professional, so it’s a real bad they replace him when there is so much to do ”
Sounds like he is behind Boris on Brexit, Covid, Ukraine and Mad Green agenda
ie he is in the same bubbleworld as Boris
Stew, think you mean Quentin Willson (not Cooper) although QW has worked for the BBC as well.
Yes of course I meant the London guy Wilson
not the Grimsby science guy Cooper
I’d wager Quentin (or his missus) has a diesel/petrol car for “over-range” journeys where he needs to get there/home on time…
His main take when he got into EVs was the cheapness for short <50 miles from base journeys.
He sad he came 300 miles in his Tesla with a 20 min fast charge at McDonalds halfway
Of course such is only possible for the elites
There aren’t enough fast charge places if everyone tried
Smug prat that he is – he’ll *never* admit that he’s mis-planned / forgot to charge and missed an appointment.
I followed him for a while until the sheer quantity of tiresome assertions became intolerable – I suspect that he’s even more like that in real life – I’d love to see him do a reality show with Mike Brewer of Wheeler Dealers ….
Elon Musk has already confirmed that the new Tesla hatchback is going to cost $25,000, which is around £18,000. That’s less than half the price of the Model 3 Standard Range Plus.26 Jan 2022
Bidens’ pet blue state California not in good shape….
How much more proof do Americans need that this man is a disaster?
What do you expect them to do? Biden has the lowest approval rating of any Presdent since WWII, and I think there is little doubt the man is an out and out criminal who is now senile.
Come November a weak Republican party will hold both houses, but they have become as complacent and useless as the Tories are. Maybe they will do something, maybe they won’t.
One thing though – bad as Biden is, he wasn’t as bad as Obama, most of whose appalling doings were completely covered up by the media on both sides of the pond
Just going through Sunday papers – curious how no commentator has a good word to say about nut nut . They still can’t figure out how many people voted for him knowing he is a rogue but thinking he would get brexit done properly and be a conservative PM
It isn’t their fault he got led by his private parts by Mrs nut nut and the other wokes ( “if putin was a woman “ ffs- not exactly Churchill was it ) …
Fed, Winnie was said to have ‘an eye for the gells’ although he did concentrate on his day job – fortunately – 1940-45. A member of his staff did, too. Result was – if I recall correctly – the woke bloke under a big hat in Canterbury.
If Putin was a woman… she’d be Catherine the Great, one of the greatest warmongers (and whoremongers) of all human history.
I thought Boris studied history at Oxford?
As I said to many people at the time,the Tories didn’t win so much as Labour lost with Jeremy Corbyn as leader. They didn’t so much vote for Boris as vote against Jeremy Corbyn.
Not exactly Tory vs. Labour at the moment!
– but how pols present themselves to the electorate could do with some hardball knockabout in the UK at the moment.
The Battle of Britain began on this day in 1940.
Is it strafing the Sealion dinghy invasion fleet?
Girl does a new additions …. bbc report …
Battle of Britain: The schoolgirl who helped design the Spitfire
Meet the young mathematician who helped design the Spitfire, the iconic aircraft that took part in the Battle of Britain, which started 80 years ago today.
Hazel Hill helped her father do the calculations that meant Spitfires could be built with eight guns instead of four. Many believe this made a big difference to the outcome of the Battle of Britain.
‘The Schoolgirl who Helped Win a War’ will be broadcast on the BBC News Channel at 13.30, 17.30 and 20.30 on Saturday and 10.30 and 16.30 on Sunday. It will also be available on BBC iPlayer.
Edited Katy Hastings and Paul Riseley
10 July 2020
BBC News
Start from the outcome and work back – SOP at the BBC
see “Miss Shilling’s orifice” wrt Spitfires
– arguably a more important individual female contribution to air combat at the time.
– the BBC missed a trick there
Is she black?
This is not the country the Few fought for.
Nice warm day today – the coal power stations are running – and producing more power than our windmills – pathetic.
Media Watch #1 – the traduction* of Boris Johnson continued apace this morning
The Socialists, Marxists, Communists, the BBC and the Labour Party are terrified that Boris Johnson may make a comeback. Now, where have we seen that before. Somewhere west of the UK? Maybe about 5,000 miles west of the UK? Whether it is the BBC or the print media the Lefty ones appear to be queueing up to dish more dirt on the man’s head, whether it is Bojo or former President Trump.
*Traduction may not be a proper word but traducing is all the go with Bojo and certain sections of the media. The BBC are currently at it on their web-site.
Uber Files: Massive leak reveals how top politicians secretly helped Uber
By Uber Files reporting team
BBC Panorama
3 hours ago
They also show how the taxi firm’s former boss personally ordered the use of a “kill switch” to prevent raiding police from accessing computers.
Uber says its “past behaviour wasn’t in line with present values” and it is a “different company” today.
The cash donation accepted by the Prince of Wales for his charity would not happen now, a royal source says. “That was then, this is now,” the source said, following reports Prince Charles had accepted around £2.5m in cash in a suitcase and carrier bags.29 Jun 2022
Name of donor: Christine Lee & Co
Address of donor: 86 Holloway Head, Birmingham B1 1NB
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: the services of a Parliamentary Researcher for 5 days per week from 12 March 2019 to 31 December 2019, value £32,625
The problem is that it is so broad, in that there are problems even in this building. The security services will tell you privately that—far beyond Christine Lee, who obviously was named—there are agents of the Chinese state here who are known to the security services and in whom they have taken an active interest.
There are huge problems in academia; China has made no secret of its interest in academia. When the Zhenhua database leak happened a couple of years ago—this was a database that China was using to identify potential targets of intelligence activity—it was no surprise that they had targeted think-tanks and academics very carefully.
There are researchers in the UK right now who are, frankly, working with branches of the Chinese navy to come up with devices to track nuclear submarines around the world. That is as dangerous as it comes to our national security, and that work is going on in the open. I am also aware of British companies that are making engines—or casings for engines in this case—that they have admitted are good for nothing other than for engines in tanks. There are grievous concerns about the whole level.
Tory leadership contenders are trying to outdo each other on tax cuts.
Javid’ policies apparently have an estimate of £39 bn.
Now call me a thicko but if you pump £39 bn of free money into an economy with 10% inflation……..we’ll it doesn’t sound too good to me just right now.
Millions did very nicely out of covid. My hairdresser for one. Furlough pay followed by a massive backlog of long-haired customers ……and so prices went up. Millions did not. Let’s not pretend it’s simple.
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise next month
Boris Johnson resignation: Sajid Javid says prayer meeting moved him to quit
By Patrick Jackson
BBC News
7 hours ago
What resolved him to quit, he told the BBC’s Sunday Morning show, was hearing a sermon on integrity at a prayer breakfast in Parliament on Tuesday.
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
A spokesperson for Mr Macron said in an email: “His functions naturally led him to meet and interact with many companies engaged in the sharp shift which came out during those years in the service sector, which had to be facilitated by unlocking administrative and regulatory hurdles.”
which had to be facilitated by unlocking administrative and regulatory hurdles
which had to be facilitated by unlocking administrative and regulatory hurdles
which had to be facilitated by unlocking administrative and regulatory hurdles
Normal people have to jump … which had to be facilitated by unlocking administrative and regulatory hurdles
On Uber, hundreds of rape allegations go unreported to police
Uber said law enforcement was involved in only 37 percent of rape cases reported to the company.
By Faiz Siddiqui and Greg Bensinger
Haven’t watched Countryfile for over a year but as it was about the New Forest, not far from me, thought I’d watch it.
First segment all about how the New Forest is taking in Ukrainian refugees. Second segment about immigration and fruit pickers. Turned off and vowed never to watch it again.
Later decided to watch a bit of Antiques Roadshow. Haven’t watched that for over a year. Within a few minutes there was a bit about celebrating NHS nurses and every nurse shown was black. Turned off and vowed never to watch it again.
Migrant workers send home £8bn to families
By Sean Coughlan
BBC News education and family correspondent
20 November 2018
intro Last year around 20K came to UK to work on OUR farms
Heap “nearly 8,000 tonnes of oft fruit rotted in 2021 cos of a shortage of pickers (BBC doubtful stat)
It’s Ukrainians who have HISTORICALLY made up the bulk of the workforce (sounds like BS to me, It may be true for the last 4-5 years, and EU workers have been common for 20 years
.. there are over 30 Ukrainians working here
Well it’s a huge farm ..I’m guessing they are a minority
Worker cries cos he was set to come to UK but then war started 4 days before so he had to do defence work
before coming to UK 10 weeks later
He cries again
To me Heap looks like a callous medialand bastard who is thinking ‘this crying is great TV’
When the guy comes back Heap kinda hugs him
Heap “Ukrainian workers are HARD WORKING” that’s racial stereotyping
Next Ukrainian woman looks Roma to me
Oh Heap has got her to cry as well.
Workers caravans, “14 nationalities”
workers football : focus on female and male Africans wearing white/red/green flag
Now focus is on a mixed bag : south Asians, Vietnamese looking women (Chinese ?)
Now a Ukrainian man says he will go back if the war reaches his village
Item #3 40 local volunteers in Lymington sending aid to Poland and the Ukraine
as ever we get this ACTING from the presenters where they pretend they are really there doing days volunteer work.
Item #4 speaking to a Dutch farmer who lives in Ukraine.
BBC “blockade at the Black Sea meaning grain cannot be moved freely out of the country”
“Where will they put this years harvest”
Item #5 Man doing a charity row for Ukrainian aid
In a corrugated tin boat.
Item #6 small ORGANIC market garden for HEALING
“hope eventually to have Ukr refugees at the farm”
Item #7 Weather
“Climate Change scary scary but something about temperatures dropping on WEdnesday and rain in Scotlnd
but next weekend could we break the 38.7C record “
Item #8 Charity that places Ukr refugees with hosts
It’s a clear advert to finding new hosts
@Tabs 50% of the nurses were white, but it was the black faces that got more screen time by far
.. some images https://twitter.com/No2BS/status/1546263655783727104
The prog was an old repeat from May 2020
“We are celebrating the role of nurses ..so if you have a story see the website ”
.. However NOW, there is nothing about that on the website
In July 2016, after David Cameron resigned, May was elected Conservative Party leader and became the UK’s second female prime minister after Margaret Thatcher. She is the first, and to date, the only woman to hold two of the Great Offices of State. She began the process of withdrawing the UK from the European Union, triggering Article 50 in March 2017. The following month, she announced a snap general election, with the aims of strengthening her hand in Brexit negotiations and highlighting her “strong and stable” leadership.[4][5] This resulted in a hung parliament in which the number of Conservative seats had fallen from 330 to 317, despite the party winning its highest vote share since 1983. The loss of an overall majority prompted her to enter a confidence and supply arrangement with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) of Northern Ireland to support a minority government. May survived a vote of no confidence from Conservative MPs in December 2018 and a vote of no confidence tabled by Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn in January 2019.
No Mention of the words used …
A man has been fined after admitting a campaign of threatening behaviour against Great Grimsby Conservative MP Lia Nici.
threatening behaviour ?
Sadiq Khan to ban all Iranian business men until this man is released?
Hours before his arrest, he tweeted against government tightening of the Islamic dress code for women, Fars news agency reported.
So… we now seem to have a president of a major EU country who took bribes to promote a private taxi company, aided and abetted by a major EU commissioner.
Will the BBC get on this story or will they deem it to be less than important compared to a PM eating cake in his own home?
Lower than a snakes belly comes to mind.
They are just reprehensible, I cannot express my disgust in any way that is appropriate without blaspheming.
I really hate these bloody retarded press weasels. They are the lowest of the low.
News dropped tonight so replaced in morning by Elton John finds Rory’s ring.
Gollum must be getting a bit frantic by now.
In 1993 there was former Socialist minister Bernard Tapie
he built up a sporting and media empire,
he sold his stake in the Adidas to state-run French bank Credit Lyonnais,
Then he served six months behind bars in 1997 for match-fixing. His business empire later collapsed.
Strangely the state settled in arbitration in 2008
A panel found he had been the victim of fraud cos the bank was found to have undervalued the sportswear brand,
So he got €400m
Then Dec 2016 Christine Lagarde avoids jail, keeps job after being found guilty of negligence in approving a massive payout of taxpayers’ money to controversial French businessman
Accused of allowing the misuse of public funds—rather than actual corruption—Lagarde faced the prospect of being sentenced to a year in prison
However In 2019 Bernard Tapie was acquitted on charges of defrauding the state.
Michael Gove was enthusiastically applauding Kemi from the back of the room. Such is Gove’s reputation for Machiavellian behaviour the rumour doing the rounds is that he is going to back RIshi and his job on Kemi’s team is to help split the right’s vote between Liz Truss and Kemi Badenoch, bringing about a Penny versus Rishi vote for the membership that Rishi wins. Don’t blame Guido for reporting the rumour…