Robinson interviewing starmer over a phone cable . Starmer admits he has dumped his 10 point plan used to get himself the top red labour job ….
He droned . Eyelids closed … but then ‘technical trouble ‘… the line dropped …. But starmer kept going .. the line came back – starmer still going – then the fun was stopped ….
I was a little suspicious that a starmer helper was listening to him dropping himself in it being a bit too truthful and pulled the plug …..
Listening to bbbc radio Newcastle about the ‘debate’ last night and you would think that their man won hands down.
Lots of positives about him with Liz getting faint praise.
She had a couple of stand out mic drop wins which were not even mentioned.
Rishi accused her of something in a book about China but her reply was that the book was a collaboration and she wrote the chapter on education but the part he was accusing her of was written by his own supporter Raabe.
No mention of Rishi continuously talking (shouting almost) over her all the time. I think Liz once interrupted him but he was doing it all the time. The bbbc said they both interrupted each other.
On Facebook there are many threads about the debate and 99% say the same thing. Rishi was interrupting her and bullying her throughout the whole debate. All the comments say this.
Liz rose above his shouting all the time. If she had joined in with him it would have been a slanging match.
Don’t believe a word of the bbbc reports on this debate, their man was rubbish and Liz was undoubtedly the winner.
If you don’t know who to support, the bbbc want Rishi. That should help you make your mind up.
“Cost-of-living payments branded insufficient as energy bills soar”
Great Britain has huge resources of energy supplies beneath its feet .
Its high time we exploited them.
Our “carbon footprint” is a fraction of the size of other countries around the globe .
So why is this country and its people making huge sacrifices to our economy ?
Cut the Net Zero Green Tax ! The poor in this country are facing a cold winter .
Scrap the ‘Green Levi’ or this nation and its economy will be bust! We never voted for that nonsense .
Makes you wonder what job truss will offer the chemists’ son in the Cabinet ? My bet is Home Sec to add to the long list of failures there …
Or he ll run away to the US ..
Looks like I don’t have to travel far then since there is one in my beloved londonistan borough – and only one drive by shooting at the weekend – short sell funeral arrangers …
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
In March 2018, investigations by the Sunday Mirror alleged that the extent of the Telford grooming gang was far more vast than had previously been believed, with claims of up to 1,000 girls, most of them white, having been victims of trafficking, drugging, beating, rape and even murder.
I was watching Neil Oliver’s GB News show the other night when I heard something that had me choking on my beans on toast. Bison (those massive great hairy and horned brutes that used to roam the prairies of north America) have been released into the Canterbury area of Kent. One of his guests was a mega irritating woman with a really screechy high pitched voice, thought it was a wonderful idea. But why?
Beaver have been released, so have a pack of wolves in Scotland. All this is supposed to aid biodiversity and ease global warming.
I looked this up from the official rewilding website; it says, “Rewilding can combat the climate and nature crises as well as offering health, wellbeing and economic benefits. This will ensure we have the habitat for more herbivores to return and unleash their biodiversity boosting rewilding magic.” “Rewilding magic”…WTF does that mean?
A few weeks ago these same people were all fretting about cows burping and farting and telling us we had to eat bugs to “save the planet”. We even saw insane photos of cows wearing gasmasks. Now we’re releasing huge herbivores, that haven’t roamed this country for between 6 to 30 thousand years. Surely they will be creating even more “natural gases”.
We’ve never had a bigger population. I would have thought we needed as much of our food grown here as we can possibly muster. But we’re handing over farmland to either be rewilded, or turned into useless solar farms, most of which packed up last week because it was too hot and sunny.
This won’t end with bison, I can assure you. Next one of these rewilding fruit cakes will be suggesting something like moose…maybe some bright spark might think we should have a population of mountain lions…perhaps the occasional python.
I’m reminded of that old sketch from Fawlty Towers, when an irate guest complains about the view.
“What did madam expect to see from a Torquay guest house” asks Basil…”herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically across the plains?”
This is Nazism, seperating people by race, blaming one race for the worlds ills. It should be banned and if the Left hadn’t falsified history by revisionism because they were incapable of accepting responsibility for what Socialism had done then we would all see this for what it is.
Thoughtful – I wonder if this is all a ‘passing phase ‘ – some early 21st century sickness ?
Is it the way things are now ? Will it become more extreme ?
I wonder if more hardship – shortages – will push things one way or another ….
Hard to see how social media will develop . I suppose those born into it will be totally engaged it – whilst those who had grown up before it achieved prominence -( me) know they can survive without it – but I’m writing a bit out of ignorance because this is the only place I ‘engage ‘…
I do get a ‘funny ‘ response when I explain I don’t do face book or the snap thing and have never twitted….
Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works.
Anything that’s invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.
Anything invented after you’re thirty-five is against the natural order of things.
Apply this list to movies, rock music, word processors and mobile phones to work out how old you are.
BBc news .great swaths of Britain will not have a rail service tomorrow.
Won’t affect me as nearest station is 15 miles away. any way its cheaper to drive my demonised diesel than to take the train. If I take the train I have to get a diesel taxi This is the real world not the world according to the Bbc
In a previous life I had a bit of involvement in the drafting of data protection code of practice on this . ( glaze over ).
At the time it was a ‘brief ‘ so I didn’t indulge myself to much in the morality of facial recognition technology – but another layer of ‘monitoring ‘ on top of ordinary ‘cctv ‘ plus monitoring by the phone sim just adds to the potential for total control and or cancellation ….
I wrote hear a while ago that if more people do steal to eat the supermarkets may take drastic action – the use of such technology may be part of it .
And since the supermarkets will not be relying on plod – they ll buy their own…
I can’t remember recently seeing a person stopped for shop lifting
I’d say lots of the issues aren’t down to stealing, but rude badly trained staff and customers not putting up with it. Especially after the “colleagues” got emboldened by their covid policing powers.
“others would be approached by staff with an offer of “how can I help?” to make it clear their presence had been detected.”
A passive / sarcastic way to spark off another customer?
Society gets creepier by the day
It’s all at the Co op now…
Waitrose, around here in Kent, have a policy of not bothering to prosecute if the value of the goods stolen by scumbags is less than something like a couple of hundred quid! That’s enough pinched nosh to feed the average family, and their fags and cheap lager for a week or so!
I guess most of the supermarkets do the same, and who pays?
In case you missed it, the BBC want you to know that the Sunak/Truss debate was ‘bad tempered’ and that the pair ‘constantly interrupted each other’.
Well, no. It’s true, Sunak constantly interrupted Truss despite the one example the BBC use of Truss interrupting Sunak, but that was mainly due to the parlous lack of control from head girl Sophie Raworth.
Or was it deliberate? Did she simply sit back and let them rubbish each other and their party with the clear intention of making Skier look incisive and dynamic?
Surely such transparent bias would be entirely outside the BBC remit, steeped as it is in a century of impartial reportage?
…..but to be fair, she does at least turn up for work.
Poor old George Alagiah earns even more and has been off sick for most of the last 5 or 6 years.
Beltane – I reckon the editorial decided to let them have a freeer rein … the c4 was the height of me me me comparing – with a couple of songs from the two players and a chorus by the idiots in the audience ….
… do Tory members really decide on these pantomimes ? I think not – sunak gets killed for being a traitor and crashing the economy – truss gets the job cos she ain’t sunak and her mum wasn’t a chemist – my mum was a chemist – did I mention it ?
To be fair to Rayworth it was the Sunak-Truss show, it wasn’t really her remit to invigilate. If they were from different Parties in a General Election then yes it was. We were however given an opportunity to see Sunak make himself look like what he is, an odious, over-entitled prick. Job done really.
“We were however given an opportunity to see Sunak make himself look like what he is, an odious, over-entitled prick. Job done really.”
First big grin after the witching hour for Chablis!
Are we allowed to say that as indigenous English Citizens, we really don’t care for a foreigner coming here and lecturing us and generally spouting the usual political crap we got used to ignore under Blair and Brown?
If we’re not allowed, then by all means moderate my comment, but if he gets the job, then that’s the last Tory vote coming from ‘The Turrets’.
As we wrote at the time, these varying claims were all based on slightly differing estimates for the predicted and historic tax burden. But since then, the Office for Budget Responsibility has updated its forecast, and it estimates by 2023/24 taxes will account for 36% of GDP, the highest level since 1949.
It’s worth repeating that in the 1976 drought suitably expert experts on the BBC were telling us that northern European agriculture was due for permanent and irreversible change.
The summer months in the following year 1977 were among the coldest and wettest on record.
Suitably expert experts were not asked for an opinion.
Guest Who
More people coming in to this country require more water.
How much water is leaking out of pipes ? It’s probably cheaper for the private companies to issue water warnings and hosepipe bans than it is to repair their leaking pipes and ‘leaky’ reservoirs.
A FOI Request should be sent to the water companies to find out how much is leaking ?
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
… but wait, someone, who is now in power to act out their words, did mention this problem and almost suggests that ‘too high immigration’ should be reduced …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
I even found that we’re in credit on our water account!
I popped over to Bewl Water, from whence we have supplies, and it’s half-full, so no panic needed!
A chum and I remember just the original feeder stream running through with bugger all in the reservoir, only a few years ago! They now get some supply from the Medway, but that may dry up soon, and Maidstone will become a desert…
Net Zero and the Green Agenda accepted funds from Putin cronies. The BBC have endorsed Net Zero via the EU directives and has received funding from the EU before Brexit for this very purpose. The EU is now in energy crisis with power cuts expected this winter.
Here in the UK (as BBC claimed the hottest Summer ever (not true), over three days last week. UK faced a brown-out crisis, which is the direct fault of lack of power generation either mid Summer or mid winter.
Director of Global Warming Policy Foundation Benny Peiser says Russian President Vladimir Putin has “colluded” with green movements to tighten energy markets in Europe.
Mr Peiser said natural gas prices in Europe are ten times higher than in the US because Europe is not using its shale resources.
“Putin has colluded with the green movement, not just in Europe, all of the world, also in the US, to support green activists trying to block domestic extraction of oil, gas and coal,” he told Sky News Australia.
“Europe is completely dependent on Russia on energy, which why Europe finds it so difficult to deal with Putin.”
That means the lights will be going out all over Europe and we might not see them lit again for a very long time if this insane Green self destruction is allowed to continue.
National Grid’s Electricity System Operator (ESO) was forced to pay £9,724.54 per megawatt hour to Belgium, more than 5,000% higher than the typical price, last Wednesday to prevent a blackout in south-east London, as first reported by Bloomberg.
“The hottest ever temperature in the UK was recorded last Tuesday, with thermometers hitting 40.3C”
Hottest Ever ?
Ever ?
Do they know what the temperature in the UK was in 1500 or 1215 or AD 499 was ? “Present day politics make the Thick of it look like a sober documentary.
Did you see the start of the BBC debate last night a blue lit psychedelic studio and two grinning cardboard cut outs of the contestants until Rishi could not hold his smile any longer and moved his lips then we realised they were real people”
Britain paid the highest price on record for electricity in London last week as the capital narrowly avoided a power blackout, it has emerged.
National Grid paid £9,724 per megawatt hour, more than 5,000% than the typical price, to Belgium on Wednesday to prevent south-east London losing power.
The hottest UK days on record led to power system constraints amid high demand, as first reported by Bloomberg.
London Fire Brigade reported its busiest day since World War Two.
Hundreds of fires across the city put strain on the city’s emergency services with just three fire engines left at one stage.
Strange showhorning in the 3pm news
X says the UK economy is to grow slowest in the western world
Y says that’s cos the UK has fossil fuel industries
One minute they are like “fossil fuel companies are evil, look at them these days making huge profits”
Now they claim that an economy that has a lot of these companies making huge profits i one that is poorer
.. that is a contradiction ..Norway is the richest country per head of population cos it has loads of fossil fuels.
We have limitless supplies of fossil fuels, and the ridiculous green posturing will break this country and they won’t even be able to cremate me, because there’ll be a power cut or some eco-loon standing outside the crem, waving its arms about, rather like the nutters who used to wander around Oxford Street…
C’mon Liz, take the bastards on, tell them to Foxtrot Oscar!
Does anyone else on here feel like they are being gradually forced into a sort of communist re-education camp. We are bombarded from all media including the grubby BBC in a relentless attempt to make us all conform to the new society. A new society where things that were alien and in some cases repugnant to all of us some short while back are to be accepted without protest as the new normal under pain of retribution.
I was reading yesterday the latest move in this evil construct where the head honchos in the medical profession are now wanting to give up on trying to save the lives of the frail and very elderly in their care or should I say at their mercy.
In other words eradicating what they view as a difficult problem via euthanasia instead of medical care.
This is both callous and immoral but not a peep of objection from the media.
It is now apparent that the globalists have this whole plan worked out and are putting it into action ruthlessly to bring about their unholy great reset.
They are using divide and conquer tactics to break up centuries of cohesion between humans so that there will be no counter pressure as they go about their remodelling, normal relationships, the family and of course the Church are all being dismantled to silence any dissent.
Where are the good guys standing up against this diabolical movement. I’ll tell you. They have all been unplatformed and this has been carefully engineered into the whole plan.
The devil is in fact winning the fight against the good in mankind. Both Stalin and Hitler would have been delighted.
The World is headed towards becoming a filthy shit hole unless enough opposition can be put together to halt this slide and bring these despicable specimens to book.
ITV local newsPR
PRasnews item for a water refill scheme (anti plastic bottle)
Didn’t catch the ID of the first activist, but the second was GREENPEACE
BBC local NewsPR
Paul Hudson “By any definition we are quite clearly in a drought”
That’s BS
Did he bike to the market 10 miles today with the rain gently raining on him
Did he clear the rain puddles from the top of the stall tarpaulin sheets ? I did
Sure we are in a month of low rainfall and lower reservoir levels
Stew, we have had drought conditions down in the south-east but it has also been cold and overcast, really until the start of July. The weather has been patchy down here; a couple of good hot sunny days then a poor one. We have had some rain, yesterday evening, for example, quite an extended shower. The ground was still wet this morning. And there was a thunderstorm last week. The rest of the UK has not fared so well as the south-east of England for either lack of rain or hot, sunny, days.
UPDATE. Raining again here, quite firmly at 9 p.m.. Not forecast specifically for the Canterbury area but Ben Rich did warn on R4 after the 6 a.m. News that there was a chance of showers across Kent.
Women’s football on the beeb in an hour.
There isn’t a black player good enough to play, but they can stick Ian Wright and Alex Scott in as presenters to balance things up a bit.
Twitter, what is Ian Wright is wearing ?
dashiki, Buba, a dress
“Is Ian Wright wearing a dress back to front?”
“the bag his suit came in ”
“maternity dress”
“is he going in to a operating theatre to operate on someone ?”
TalkTV presenter Kate McCann fainted and collapsed, a source tells the BBC
Leadership debate has been abandoned
“Talk TV debate feed cut after a loud crash – Truss looks shocked and seemingly goes to assist.
Hope all is OK.”
The fall is off camera video of it freaking out Truss
Kate McCann fainted on air tonight and although she is fine, the medical advice was that we shouldn't continue with the debate. We apologise to our viewers and listeners.
Personally I think it’s a bit strange to abandon the show
At work people do sometimes have a medical emergency
almost always the backup colleague takes over
and the customer gets the job done.
Media people are not gods
Well I suppose it was as inevitable as sure as night follows day, but I wonder what the fantasy land political elites intend to do. They cannot continue to dole out cash to offset the Green idiocy ad infinitum, and inevitably people are going to freeze.
The more people they can freeze to death the more money they save in benefits and pensions. They can then use that money to send around the world in foreign aid. Oh, and to give themselves another pay rise.
No, that’s not their plan. The evil WEF believes there are too many people alive in the world today, and that is probably true, but it intends to kill the excess off mostly by starvation, Northern by that and freezing to death.
I have a prejudice about the complexion of the 160k odd tory members who will actually vote … and i cant see their opinions being changed by Facebook …
Rishi has learned a lesson from last night as he was much better behaved.
Liz should stop making those clucking noises and stop making faces when she wants to say something when Rishi is speaking.
Until the fainting it was more balanced and civilised tonight.
The BBC received hundreds of complaints over comments by one of its football presenters that the “all-white” line up of England’s Euros 2022 women’s team pointed to a lack of diversity….
So far this month. Monthly, yearly, decades of complaints against the tax avoidance ‘corporation’ that never pays any corporation tax on its income. Its the Golden Fleece.
For reasons I have never fully understood, the BBC relish a self-inflicted pain and controversy and to deny – it ever existed; a series of TV and radio staff sexual predators, false news alerts, staff claims found to be grossly false (think Bashir, or Cliff Richard as recent examples), climate predictions (proven wildly inaccurate), and gross staff BBC pay awards (annually) are based on the fables BBC ‘Charter’ to ‘bullshit’ us into submission. And then force us all to pay for it with a license that has lost all meaning.
If Truss (as PM) and Dorries between them can sort out this Thieves banquet, the public will rally to their support. C4 must be sold, followed by 75% of the BBC itself. It has no value beyond what the ‘The Guardian’ reader thinks its worth (beyond all dreams). Hence Subscription is the only fair and sensible option. Guardian readers don’t actually ‘think’, they are told what they are (victims), and that they have no money (victims) – they are the ‘oppressed’ and would all be rich (all races being equal) if they ever get a dream job at the BBC job for the Guardian reader club. No talent required Just a yearning to read the ‘autocue’ in a vanity mirror provided by the BBC as a public service.
Hundreds of complaints per month (every month), for years, decades and they ignore it all, even when fined by the courts. They enjoy it. No apologies. They can afford it. Is that NOT a a perversion in itself? Nothing changes at the BBC but the pay awards.
Did you hear Steyn last night
‘I don’t care if you report me to Ofcom, I am not trying to build a UK media career
.. there are things more important than that’
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
Robinson interviewing starmer over a phone cable . Starmer admits he has dumped his 10 point plan used to get himself the top red labour job ….
He droned . Eyelids closed … but then ‘technical trouble ‘… the line dropped …. But starmer kept going .. the line came back – starmer still going – then the fun was stopped ….
I was a little suspicious that a starmer helper was listening to him dropping himself in it being a bit too truthful and pulled the plug …..
The media knows who talks sense.
Diane Abbott said that Chairman Mao did more good than harm.
Correct. During an episode of This Week in 2008 she said “I suppose that some people would judge that on balance Mao did more good than harm”.
Robinson’s Tourette’s Syndrome seemed to be somewhat in remission during this interview which, unusually, I listened to.
Mea maxima culpa.
Any suggestions as to why? Has he had treatment or coaching a la Peston? Or does the malady subside when he’s not interviewing Tories?
Listening to bbbc radio Newcastle about the ‘debate’ last night and you would think that their man won hands down.
Lots of positives about him with Liz getting faint praise.
She had a couple of stand out mic drop wins which were not even mentioned.
Rishi accused her of something in a book about China but her reply was that the book was a collaboration and she wrote the chapter on education but the part he was accusing her of was written by his own supporter Raabe.
No mention of Rishi continuously talking (shouting almost) over her all the time. I think Liz once interrupted him but he was doing it all the time. The bbbc said they both interrupted each other.
On Facebook there are many threads about the debate and 99% say the same thing. Rishi was interrupting her and bullying her throughout the whole debate. All the comments say this.
Liz rose above his shouting all the time. If she had joined in with him it would have been a slanging match.
Don’t believe a word of the bbbc reports on this debate, their man was rubbish and Liz was undoubtedly the winner.
If you don’t know who to support, the bbbc want Rishi. That should help you make your mind up.
Emmanuel, “If you don’t know who to support, the bbbc want Rishi. That should help you make your mind up.”
Classic Soviet ‘trick’ ….. or something else?
The Party members will have to decide. Am glad I am not a Party member.
“Cost-of-living payments branded insufficient as energy bills soar”
Great Britain has huge resources of energy supplies beneath its feet .
Its high time we exploited them.
Our “carbon footprint” is a fraction of the size of other countries around the globe .
So why is this country and its people making huge sacrifices to our economy ?
Cut the Net Zero Green Tax ! The poor in this country are facing a cold winter .
Scrap the ‘Green Levi’ or this nation and its economy will be bust! We never voted for that nonsense .
“Cheaper Energy”
Particularly annoying for you and your countrymen Taff; Welsh coal is some of the finest in the world.
And it does not need to be ‘digged out’ any more. Extract the gas .
Makes you wonder what job truss will offer the chemists’ son in the Cabinet ? My bet is Home Sec to add to the long list of failures there …
Or he ll run away to the US ..
Doesnt mention his constituency much ..
My money is the US .
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
National FGM Support Clinics
-Female genital mutilation (FGM)
Looks like I don’t have to travel far then since there is one in my beloved londonistan borough – and only one drive by shooting at the weekend – short sell funeral arrangers …
Professional. Trusted. Transparent. Accurate. Impartial.
Except when the narrative requires otherwise.
Yours, UK, for a mere compelled £5,000,000,000pa.
Bingo! Now we learn the Vietnamese illegal migrants in Oldham killed in a fire were indeed operating a canabis farm – what a surprise.
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Japanese police are turning to tranquiliser guns in an attempt to stem the tide of wild monkey attacks that have been terrorising residents.
In recent weeks, 42 people have been reported injured in Yamaguchi city – including children and the elderly.
The attacks are being blamed on Japanese macaques.
In March 2018, investigations by the Sunday Mirror alleged that the extent of the Telford grooming gang was far more vast than had previously been believed, with claims of up to 1,000 girls, most of them white, having been victims of trafficking, drugging, beating, rape and even murder.
I was watching Neil Oliver’s GB News show the other night when I heard something that had me choking on my beans on toast. Bison (those massive great hairy and horned brutes that used to roam the prairies of north America) have been released into the Canterbury area of Kent. One of his guests was a mega irritating woman with a really screechy high pitched voice, thought it was a wonderful idea. But why?
Beaver have been released, so have a pack of wolves in Scotland. All this is supposed to aid biodiversity and ease global warming.
I looked this up from the official rewilding website; it says, “Rewilding can combat the climate and nature crises as well as offering health, wellbeing and economic benefits. This will ensure we have the habitat for more herbivores to return and unleash their biodiversity boosting rewilding magic.” “Rewilding magic”…WTF does that mean?
A few weeks ago these same people were all fretting about cows burping and farting and telling us we had to eat bugs to “save the planet”. We even saw insane photos of cows wearing gasmasks. Now we’re releasing huge herbivores, that haven’t roamed this country for between 6 to 30 thousand years. Surely they will be creating even more “natural gases”.
We’ve never had a bigger population. I would have thought we needed as much of our food grown here as we can possibly muster. But we’re handing over farmland to either be rewilded, or turned into useless solar farms, most of which packed up last week because it was too hot and sunny.
This won’t end with bison, I can assure you. Next one of these rewilding fruit cakes will be suggesting something like moose…maybe some bright spark might think we should have a population of mountain lions…perhaps the occasional python.
I’m reminded of that old sketch from Fawlty Towers, when an irate guest complains about the view.
“What did madam expect to see from a Torquay guest house” asks Basil…”herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically across the plains?”
Maybe in a couple of years…
Scientists design contraceptives to limit grey squirrels
By Justin Rowlatt
climate editor
11 July
Anti-natalists: The people who want you to stop having babies
By Jonathan Griffin
BBC Trending
13 August 2019
Rewild the English Channel – big sharks …
Rewild House of Commons and House of Lords.
This is Nazism, seperating people by race, blaming one race for the worlds ills. It should be banned and if the Left hadn’t falsified history by revisionism because they were incapable of accepting responsibility for what Socialism had done then we would all see this for what it is.
Thoughtful – I wonder if this is all a ‘passing phase ‘ – some early 21st century sickness ?
Is it the way things are now ? Will it become more extreme ?
I wonder if more hardship – shortages – will push things one way or another ….
Hard to see how social media will develop . I suppose those born into it will be totally engaged it – whilst those who had grown up before it achieved prominence -( me) know they can survive without it – but I’m writing a bit out of ignorance because this is the only place I ‘engage ‘…
I do get a ‘funny ‘ response when I explain I don’t do face book or the snap thing and have never twitted….
Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works.
Anything that’s invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.
Anything invented after you’re thirty-five is against the natural order of things.
Apply this list to movies, rock music, word processors and mobile phones to work out how old you are.
BBc news .great swaths of Britain will not have a rail service tomorrow.
Won’t affect me as nearest station is 15 miles away. any way its cheaper to drive my demonised diesel than to take the train. If I take the train I have to get a diesel taxi This is the real world not the world according to the Bbc
Soon cars will be turned on and off.
BMW introduces new heated seat subscription in UK
13 July
Convenience store spy cameras face legal challenge
Clearview AI: Face-collecting company database hacked
In a previous life I had a bit of involvement in the drafting of data protection code of practice on this . ( glaze over ).
At the time it was a ‘brief ‘ so I didn’t indulge myself to much in the morality of facial recognition technology – but another layer of ‘monitoring ‘ on top of ordinary ‘cctv ‘ plus monitoring by the phone sim just adds to the potential for total control and or cancellation ….
I wrote hear a while ago that if more people do steal to eat the supermarkets may take drastic action – the use of such technology may be part of it .
And since the supermarkets will not be relying on plod – they ll buy their own…
I can’t remember recently seeing a person stopped for shop lifting
I’d say lots of the issues aren’t down to stealing, but rude badly trained staff and customers not putting up with it. Especially after the “colleagues” got emboldened by their covid policing powers.
“others would be approached by staff with an offer of “how can I help?” to make it clear their presence had been detected.”
A passive / sarcastic way to spark off another customer?
Society gets creepier by the day
It’s all at the Co op now…
Waitrose, around here in Kent, have a policy of not bothering to prosecute if the value of the goods stolen by scumbags is less than something like a couple of hundred quid! That’s enough pinched nosh to feed the average family, and their fags and cheap lager for a week or so!
I guess most of the supermarkets do the same, and who pays?
Yup, you and me Eddy!
In case you missed it, the BBC want you to know that the Sunak/Truss debate was ‘bad tempered’ and that the pair ‘constantly interrupted each other’.
Well, no. It’s true, Sunak constantly interrupted Truss despite the one example the BBC use of Truss interrupting Sunak, but that was mainly due to the parlous lack of control from head girl Sophie Raworth.
Or was it deliberate? Did she simply sit back and let them rubbish each other and their party with the clear intention of making Skier look incisive and dynamic?
Surely such transparent bias would be entirely outside the BBC remit, steeped as it is in a century of impartial reportage?
▲ Sophie Raworth – £280,000-£284,999
BBC News at Six, BBC News at Ten, election programme
2019/2020: £275,000-£279,999
2018/2019: £265,000-£269,999
Main areaNeurosciencesGradeBand 5ContractPermanentHours37.5 hours per week (Full Time – 37.5 hours per week/ Part time)Job ref164-4372018
SiteQueens Medical CentreTownNottinghamSalary£25,655 – £31,534 per annum/pro rataSalary periodYearlyClosingToday at 23:59!/job/UK/Nottinghamshire/Nottingham/Nottingham_University_Hospitals_NHS_Trust/Neurosciences/Neurosciences-v4372018?_ts=1
…..but to be fair, she does at least turn up for work.
Poor old George Alagiah earns even more and has been off sick for most of the last 5 or 6 years.
No Statutory Sick Pay at the BBC.
Beltane – I reckon the editorial decided to let them have a freeer rein … the c4 was the height of me me me comparing – with a couple of songs from the two players and a chorus by the idiots in the audience ….
… do Tory members really decide on these pantomimes ? I think not – sunak gets killed for being a traitor and crashing the economy – truss gets the job cos she ain’t sunak and her mum wasn’t a chemist – my mum was a chemist – did I mention it ?
To be fair to Rayworth it was the Sunak-Truss show, it wasn’t really her remit to invigilate. If they were from different Parties in a General Election then yes it was. We were however given an opportunity to see Sunak make himself look like what he is, an odious, over-entitled prick. Job done really.
Valid comment Flots, although I’d say there’s a distinction between firmly polite controlling and invigilation.
More to the point, Sophie will be absolutely livid you spelt her name with a ‘y’.
200 lines I’m afraid.
“We were however given an opportunity to see Sunak make himself look like what he is, an odious, over-entitled prick. Job done really.”
First big grin after the witching hour for Chablis!
Are we allowed to say that as indigenous English Citizens, we really don’t care for a foreigner coming here and lecturing us and generally spouting the usual political crap we got used to ignore under Blair and Brown?
If we’re not allowed, then by all means moderate my comment, but if he gets the job, then that’s the last Tory vote coming from ‘The Turrets’.
Well, someone checked it. For facts.
As we wrote at the time, these varying claims were all based on slightly differing estimates for the predicted and historic tax burden. But since then, the Office for Budget Responsibility has updated its forecast, and it estimates by 2023/24 taxes will account for 36% of GDP, the highest level since 1949.
taxes will account for 36% of GDP
Comrade sunak will be pleased . Funny how you vote blue and get red …
BBC News
There are concerns a drought could be declared this summer, as people are being urged to use water wisely.
Since records beg… well, 1976. The start.
We have a meter. Water is used wisely.
It’s worth repeating that in the 1976 drought suitably expert experts on the BBC were telling us that northern European agriculture was due for permanent and irreversible change.
The summer months in the following year 1977 were among the coldest and wettest on record.
Suitably expert experts were not asked for an opinion.
Guest Who
More people coming in to this country require more water.
How much water is leaking out of pipes ? It’s probably cheaper for the private companies to issue water warnings and hosepipe bans than it is to repair their leaking pipes and ‘leaky’ reservoirs.
A FOI Request should be sent to the water companies to find out how much is leaking ?
“Consider this, I give this example. If immigration continues at the levels it has average over the last ten years. Britain will be adding 10 million people to it’s population in the next 20 years. That means building a new house roughly every seven minutes. Now, we currently have no leadership from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative or Labour Parties saying they are going to do anything to change that course. @5:56 … if any party wishing to get into power doesn’t address this they are committing political suicide….@10:30″ {youtube – Douglas Murray – oct2015}
… but wait, someone, who is now in power to act out their words, did mention this problem and almost suggests that ‘too high immigration’ should be reduced …
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
I even found that we’re in credit on our water account!
I popped over to Bewl Water, from whence we have supplies, and it’s half-full, so no panic needed!
A chum and I remember just the original feeder stream running through with bugger all in the reservoir, only a few years ago! They now get some supply from the Medway, but that may dry up soon, and Maidstone will become a desert…
Net Zero and the Green Agenda accepted funds from Putin cronies. The BBC have endorsed Net Zero via the EU directives and has received funding from the EU before Brexit for this very purpose. The EU is now in energy crisis with power cuts expected this winter.
Here in the UK (as BBC claimed the hottest Summer ever (not true), over three days last week. UK faced a brown-out crisis, which is the direct fault of lack of power generation either mid Summer or mid winter.
Director of Global Warming Policy Foundation Benny Peiser says Russian President Vladimir Putin has “colluded” with green movements to tighten energy markets in Europe.
Mr Peiser said natural gas prices in Europe are ten times higher than in the US because Europe is not using its shale resources.
“Putin has colluded with the green movement, not just in Europe, all of the world, also in the US, to support green activists trying to block domestic extraction of oil, gas and coal,” he told Sky News Australia.
“Europe is completely dependent on Russia on energy, which why Europe finds it so difficult to deal with Putin.”
Ditch the BBC Green snot.
Russia says it will withdraw from the International Space Station (ISS) after 2024 and build its own station instead.
The new head of Russia’s space agency, Yuri Borisov, said Roskosmos would honour all its obligations until then.
The US and Russia, along with other partners, have successfully worked together on the ISS since 1998.
Gazprom to cut gas through Nord Stream 1 to 20% of capacity
That means the lights will be going out all over Europe and we might not see them lit again for a very long time if this insane Green self destruction is allowed to continue.
Democracy without MIGHT is nothing but an idea.
National Grid’s Electricity System Operator (ESO) was forced to pay £9,724.54 per megawatt hour to Belgium, more than 5,000% higher than the typical price, last Wednesday to prevent a blackout in south-east London, as first reported by Bloomberg.
A sequence of issues around the hottest UK days on record led to extreme constraints in the power system and hiked up demand.
“The hottest ever temperature in the UK was recorded last Tuesday, with thermometers hitting 40.3C”
Hottest Ever ?
Ever ?
Do they know what the temperature in the UK was in 1500 or 1215 or AD 499 was ? “Present day politics make the Thick of it look like a sober documentary.
Did you see the start of the BBC debate last night a blue lit psychedelic studio and two grinning cardboard cut outs of the contestants until Rishi could not hold his smile any longer and moved his lips then we realised they were real people”
Britain paid the highest price on record for electricity in London last week as the capital narrowly avoided a power blackout, it has emerged.
National Grid paid £9,724 per megawatt hour, more than 5,000% than the typical price, to Belgium on Wednesday to prevent south-east London losing power.
The hottest UK days on record led to power system constraints amid high demand, as first reported by Bloomberg.
London Fire Brigade reported its busiest day since World War Two.
Hundreds of fires across the city put strain on the city’s emergency services with just three fire engines left at one stage.
who do expect to find on the Radio4 Facebook page but Madiya ?
Tala Safwan: Egyptian TikToker held in Saudi over ‘immoral’ video
A popular Egyptian social media influencer has been arrested in Saudi Arabia, accused of posting sexually suggestive content.
Tala Safwan, who has five million followers on TikTok and some 800,000 on YouTube, drew ire online amid claims a recent video had lesbian undertones.
But Ms Safwan said that had not been her intention.
Police in the strictly conservative kingdom however said the video could harm public morality.
Strange showhorning in the 3pm news
X says the UK economy is to grow slowest in the western world
Y says that’s cos the UK has fossil fuel industries
One minute they are like “fossil fuel companies are evil, look at them these days making huge profits”
Now they claim that an economy that has a lot of these companies making huge profits i one that is poorer
.. that is a contradiction ..Norway is the richest country per head of population cos it has loads of fossil fuels.
For us to import coal is an absolute disgrace.
We have limitless supplies of fossil fuels, and the ridiculous green posturing will break this country and they won’t even be able to cremate me, because there’ll be a power cut or some eco-loon standing outside the crem, waving its arms about, rather like the nutters who used to wander around Oxford Street…
C’mon Liz, take the bastards on, tell them to Foxtrot Oscar!
Media win-win is a downward spiral dream.
Screaming about petrol and diesel then flouncing on car sales.
I got a press release about boiler shortages due to… anything bar the media and Boris threatening to ban boilers.
Does anyone else on here feel like they are being gradually forced into a sort of communist re-education camp. We are bombarded from all media including the grubby BBC in a relentless attempt to make us all conform to the new society. A new society where things that were alien and in some cases repugnant to all of us some short while back are to be accepted without protest as the new normal under pain of retribution.
I was reading yesterday the latest move in this evil construct where the head honchos in the medical profession are now wanting to give up on trying to save the lives of the frail and very elderly in their care or should I say at their mercy.
In other words eradicating what they view as a difficult problem via euthanasia instead of medical care.
This is both callous and immoral but not a peep of objection from the media.
It is now apparent that the globalists have this whole plan worked out and are putting it into action ruthlessly to bring about their unholy great reset.
They are using divide and conquer tactics to break up centuries of cohesion between humans so that there will be no counter pressure as they go about their remodelling, normal relationships, the family and of course the Church are all being dismantled to silence any dissent.
Where are the good guys standing up against this diabolical movement. I’ll tell you. They have all been unplatformed and this has been carefully engineered into the whole plan.
The devil is in fact winning the fight against the good in mankind. Both Stalin and Hitler would have been delighted.
The World is headed towards becoming a filthy shit hole unless enough opposition can be put together to halt this slide and bring these despicable specimens to book.
The West is in the grip of the WokeSupemacist and GreenSupremacist Taliban
“Where are the good guys standing up against this diabolical movement.”
I’ll take Putin! , untill someone better appears
ITV local newsPR
PRasnews item for a water refill scheme (anti plastic bottle)
Didn’t catch the ID of the first activist, but the second was GREENPEACE
ITV reporter Monica Bobsimon
next PRasnews for women’s football from Sheffield
The ITV reporter is very friendly with the activists
BBC local NewsPR
Paul Hudson “By any definition we are quite clearly in a drought”
That’s BS
Did he bike to the market 10 miles today with the rain gently raining on him
Did he clear the rain puddles from the top of the stall tarpaulin sheets ? I did
Sure we are in a month of low rainfall and lower reservoir levels
Next item : Hull Roundheads gay rugby team
pre Hull pride march
featured “I am a trans man I can’t play in normal teams”
The definition of a normal team will be fun, as is that for that is not.
Stew, we have had drought conditions down in the south-east but it has also been cold and overcast, really until the start of July. The weather has been patchy down here; a couple of good hot sunny days then a poor one. We have had some rain, yesterday evening, for example, quite an extended shower. The ground was still wet this morning. And there was a thunderstorm last week. The rest of the UK has not fared so well as the south-east of England for either lack of rain or hot, sunny, days.
UPDATE. Raining again here, quite firmly at 9 p.m.. Not forecast specifically for the Canterbury area but Ben Rich did warn on R4 after the 6 a.m. News that there was a chance of showers across Kent.
Women’s football on the beeb in an hour.
There isn’t a black player good enough to play, but they can stick Ian Wright and Alex Scott in as presenters to balance things up a bit.
They have a right camp mincing double box ticker reporting from the Commonwealth Games as well.
What is Ian Wright wearing ??? Oh and 22 white players on the pitch the BBC won’t be happy …….
Twitter, what is Ian Wright is wearing ?
dashiki, Buba, a dress
“Is Ian Wright wearing a dress back to front?”
“the bag his suit came in ”
“maternity dress”
“is he going in to a operating theatre to operate on someone ?”
TalkTV presenter Kate McCann fainted and collapsed, a source tells the BBC
Leadership debate has been abandoned
“Talk TV debate feed cut after a loud crash – Truss looks shocked and seemingly goes to assist.
Hope all is OK.”
The fall is off camera
video of it freaking out Truss
Personally I think it’s a bit strange to abandon the show
At work people do sometimes have a medical emergency
almost always the backup colleague takes over
and the customer gets the job done.
Media people are not gods
Well I suppose it was as inevitable as sure as night follows day, but I wonder what the fantasy land political elites intend to do. They cannot continue to dole out cash to offset the Green idiocy ad infinitum, and inevitably people are going to freeze.
The more people they can freeze to death the more money they save in benefits and pensions. They can then use that money to send around the world in foreign aid. Oh, and to give themselves another pay rise.
No, that’s not their plan. The evil WEF believes there are too many people alive in the world today, and that is probably true, but it intends to kill the excess off mostly by starvation, Northern by that and freezing to death.
Tory debate crashes off air after presenter McCann faints
“Truss looked panicked and the broadcast was suspended”
BBC doesn’t like her then, if it’s true she panics so easily , it should be good fun having her as PM.
‘Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer says both Tory leadership candidates “are the architects of the mess this country is in”
Can’t argue with that…
Interesting. I was on FB when it broke and a lefty scum media tried to use it to diss her.
Most commenters thought she showed empathy.
I have a prejudice about the complexion of the 160k odd tory members who will actually vote … and i cant see their opinions being changed by Facebook …
Bet head girl would nt have fainted …
Rishi has learned a lesson from last night as he was much better behaved.
Liz should stop making those clucking noises and stop making faces when she wants to say something when Rishi is speaking.
Until the fainting it was more balanced and civilised tonight.
Damn – missed the fainting – was the question swoonable ?
Was at 30000 feet returning to the blighty …
The mystery persists.
The BBC received hundreds of complaints over comments by one of its football presenters that the “all-white” line up of England’s Euros 2022 women’s team pointed to a lack of diversity….
Eilidh Barbour’s remarks resulted in the BBC receiving the most unsolicited complaints of any programme so far this month.
So far this month. Monthly, yearly, decades of complaints against the tax avoidance ‘corporation’ that never pays any corporation tax on its income. Its the Golden Fleece.
For reasons I have never fully understood, the BBC relish a self-inflicted pain and controversy and to deny – it ever existed; a series of TV and radio staff sexual predators, false news alerts, staff claims found to be grossly false (think Bashir, or Cliff Richard as recent examples), climate predictions (proven wildly inaccurate), and gross staff BBC pay awards (annually) are based on the fables BBC ‘Charter’ to ‘bullshit’ us into submission. And then force us all to pay for it with a license that has lost all meaning.
If Truss (as PM) and Dorries between them can sort out this Thieves banquet, the public will rally to their support. C4 must be sold, followed by 75% of the BBC itself. It has no value beyond what the ‘The Guardian’ reader thinks its worth (beyond all dreams). Hence Subscription is the only fair and sensible option. Guardian readers don’t actually ‘think’, they are told what they are (victims), and that they have no money (victims) – they are the ‘oppressed’ and would all be rich (all races being equal) if they ever get a dream job at the BBC job for the Guardian reader club. No talent required Just a yearning to read the ‘autocue’ in a vanity mirror provided by the BBC as a public service.
Hundreds of complaints per month (every month), for years, decades and they ignore it all, even when fined by the courts. They enjoy it. No apologies. They can afford it. Is that NOT a a perversion in itself? Nothing changes at the BBC but the pay awards.
Women’s football tonight, England v Sweden. The National Anthem seems to have been downgraded to “The National Anthem of England”.
Knee taken by both sides.
On the plus side it seems to be primarily Blonde on Blonde.
Mark Steyn on fire this evening. Great to hear at least one strong voice against the crap normal woke drivel the MSM pump out.
Did you hear Steyn last night
‘I don’t care if you report me to Ofcom, I am not trying to build a UK media career
.. there are things more important than that’
Pity GBnews didnt get a fight gig . Steyn could have hosted with 20 minutes on paki rape gangs 20 on the killer vaccine 20 on the no borders ..
#ClimateScam is trending AGAIN
New thread time