3:30pm R4 The book show and usual obsessed with black writers
‘The old white authors were terrible, they only wrote for “the white gaze’
‘Be ashamed of evil colonialim , you whitiies’
4pm Our mate Brian cox sneering at “the soul of the British governemment” etc.
I noticed that Jon Sopel is talking about impartial and unbiased reporting but his twitter account has three references to his book whilst using the BBC brand. Could the BBC please explain what is happening?
1) Is BBC Jon Sopel supposed to tell us about the news or his new book?
2) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter feed has the BBC name in it and says “Jon Sopel, BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didn’t Speak English is out now.” which references his book and not the fact he is an unbiased and impartial reporter.
3) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter’s pinned tweet is from 23May2018 and is about .. himself and his book.
4) Is BBC Jon Sopel’s book 100% BBC approved thought and unbiased and partial?
5) Shouldn’t BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter be about the latest news and not himself?
6) When Jon Sopel sells a book does it go to help pay for the BBC TV Tax – to reduce it? As the BBC are promoting it – thus it is promoted by the BBC TV Tax Payer.
“Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected” https://www.bbc.co.uk/editorialguidelines/guidelines/impartiality
Good luck answering this one without laughing yourself silly.
The German city of Hanover has turned off the heating and switched to cold showers in all public buildings because of the Russian gas crisis.
It’s the first big city to turn off the hot water after Russia dramatically reduced Germany’s gas supply.
Germans have been told to expect sweeping gas reduction measures and extra charges on their energy bills.
And the EU has agreed to lower demand for Russian gas this winter by 15%.
In a bid to save energy, Germany’s northern city of Hanover has decided hot water will no longer be available for hand washing in public buildings, or in showers at swimming pools, sports halls and gyms.
Ofcom keep being mentioned when people comment about the brilliant Mark Steyn.
I think they would love to stop him but the problem they have is that he appears to tell the truth.
One time his stats may have been a bit off and he was challenged by a real statistician. This statistician was then given a regular spot on his show.
They will probably eventually find some dirty way to close him down but he has opened up so much of the lies and deceit that the rest of the msm get away with that things will never be the same.
“I’ll give you this assurance, they will continue with the same programme, cutting taxes, simplifying regulation as much as possible, taking advantage of all our new regulatory freedoms, getting rid of every encumbrance from solvency to MiFID to VAT on fuel – turns out to be easier than we thought.”
Anyone else starting to get the sense the Tories are really going to miss this guy?
REGULATORY FREEDOMS – Dinghy crossings.
3 Teachers hide in Batley.
Bradford City of culture.
Belfield case : 2 quite big things
#1 Almost all the witnesses have previously testified that they felt scared even suicidal cos of the danger AB poses and the thought he might turn up at their home
That was then often contradicted by other things eg the way Jeremy Vine posted a video showing own street and front door.
Today both sides have agreed that 2 BBC emails are” agreed fact”
They said BBC managers didn’t consider AB was any physical threat so special security procedures against him turning up were not needed.
“The messages were non-threatening” said one BBC letter.
#2 Then in his video Belfield quickly rushed past this “I won’t be giving evidence, I will just read my final statement”
.. That is a bit extraordinary if I’ve got that right.
Cos normally after the prosecution witnesses the accused gives evidence and the prosecution have a right go trying to tear him apart.
In this case I expected the prosecutors to be briefed by BBC lawyers with 100 gotchas to use against Belfield
However this tactic of not giving your own evidence is quite common in the US, Karl Rittenhouse was advised against it
The problem being that the prosecutors often stitch up the accused ..he makes 99 good points but then screws up by doing a slip of the tongue or small lie and the prosecutors one in on that
By refusing to give evidence the accuser denies them the opportunity of a stitchup
But I guess the jury might think if the accused declines to testify, then that proves they have something to hide
Commenters speculate that the BBC letters have only been disclosed now,
when they should have been disclosed before the case or right at the start. I dunno when they were disclosed.
Dehaney the final prosecution witness was at the stand for 2 days. AB put up the entire transcript behind his paywall. However his public video is just 3 minutes : In it he first mentions Dehaney’ previous fraud convictions.
Secondly it came out he is obsessed with AB as he deliberately made a habit of watching every AB video just to see if he was mentioned and then made EDITED compilation tapes he sent to the second investigating police office that was after the first investigation found no criminal case. AB’s barrister seems to argue that the compilations the police officer was given were distorted by all the editing.
I guess AB is making the case that Dehaney was the one doing the stalking
Dehaney says he came in cos he only wanted to defend the guy who who the original withdrawn defamatory blogpost against AB.
He made the incredible claim that he knows nothing about the details in this withdrawn defamatory blogpost.
2 more points
#1 AB has always considered he was the one BEING TROLLED
by the BBC and their gang and that the gang had started it
So being on the stand is akin to letting the gang pile on again.
#2 A jury might be predisposed to a guy who chooses not to take up another week of their time and let them go home earlier than they expected.
Shutting down the Tavistock is a start. Medical staff who worked there and participated in the grotesque ‘Dr Mengele style’ experimentation on children now need to be prosecuted. If necessary a new law should be passed to address this topic, and made retrospective and without a statue of limitations.
There will be no immediate changes for people already under the Tavistock’s care.
LGBT rights group Stonewall said it was pleased the NHS had decided to act decisively to address “unacceptable” waiting times faced by young trans people trying to access gender-identity healthcare.
Keira Bell, who brought a High Court case against Tavistock challenging its use of puberty blockers, said she was pleased, adding: “Many children will be saved from going down the path that I went down.”
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”
One of the sweetest moments I can recall from the BBC’s autocue-reader failure, was him interrupting Jeffrey Archer!
It was back before the old boy finsished up in clink, but the way Archer told the beeboid to just shut the f*** up and listen, was fantastic!
I really cannot understand why anyone rises to the bait of beeboids childish ‘gotchas’ – normal hardened business people take the initiative and get their retaliation in first, and never allow a snivel-serpent-yapper get the better of him or her, so why can’t politicians act like grown-ups and do the same?
The pathetic scenario of a weak minister struggling against minnows like Toenails is staggering, and also rather embarrassing!
Developers in west London face a potential ban on new housing projects until 2035 because the electricity grid has run out of capacity to support new homes, jeopardising house building targets in the capital.
“The Greater London Authority wrote to developers this week warning them that it might take more than a decade to bulk up grid capacity and get developments under way again in three west London boroughs — Hillingdon, Ealing and Hounslow.”
But yet our crackpot fantasy land Green Socialist government insists everyone MUST have an electric car and electric heat pump central heating.
Already the grid cannot cope and it’s going to take at least a decade before it can. If EVs and heat pumps are added in it still won’t be able to cope !
And it’s not just London, other areas of the grid are fast approaching capacity too.
But it’s all OK we can all save a ha’penny ever decade by paying fantasy land incompetents to run the country instead of good talented people !
Easy solution: jack up the electric prices.
The hip middle classes who welcomed mass immigration then can join the poor – watching their meter’s credit alarmingly run down!
Being a naturally vindictive type – I would love to see a list of those responsible for allowing UK power supply to get to the stage it is – and it’s not just about green crap –
Decades of failure to ensure power generation – dependency on other countries – the lack of planning the energy self sufficiency – nuclear – gas storage – and now far to slow nuclear planning for decades from now ,..
Maybe people will be more interested when the power goes off …
Martin Lewis was entreating politicians to get a grip as people become more and more concerned / frightened about paying their bills …
I think they are so personally comfortable that they don’t realise how people on average money – not £90k a year as MPs – will be affected
And I’m even more vexed about non payment of power bills – what will policy be ? Bale outs ?
2. Blair, Brown, Prescott and Meacher
3. Lucas
4. May
5. Thunberg, Thompson & XRers
6. any number of PMs, MPs, Civil Servants, environmental campaigners including and since Ted Heath
I was thinking of the names of those who made the decisions – not the likes of Lucas who is the equivalent of a fly on a piece of doo doo ..
Today centrica announced a shed load of profit – will probably be allowed to retain in order to reopen gas storage which was closed by an imbecile Tory government
It is simply bad government – and the public will be paying a huge personal price ….
I cannot see how civil unrest can be avoided unless the government take rapid action and quick … yet august and much of September will be lost regarding decision making
The BBC run a pretty standard single mother with 3 kids story about hardship – almost daily now – I wonder how long that will carry on ?
Maybe they’ll switch to domestic violence / suicides caused by money stress …
And – of course the base rate will be going up by .5% next week ….
Non payment will be mandatory installation of a prepayment meter which will be set to ensure repayment of debt.
We are now seeing predictions of £6000 per year for the average UK home which is going to be more than many pay for their mortgage / rent.
As for the vengence. if you recall the video of the guy predicting the future he said many of these people will end up dangling upside down from lamp posts if they continue as they have.
Physically installing prepay meters in – maybe – millions of home -? Hell they can’t even do smartmeters by volume …
Maybe there will be an energy furlough …. But the cost …..
Two things struck me today, whilst reading the papers, one of which the bBBC will be all over, the other one not so much.
1. The waters around the UK are rising at a rate of .2 inches per annum, supposedly, I don’t know about the rest of Europe, perhaps the Dutch farmers had better start planting rice.
2. EDF lose 4.4 billion euros in the first 6 months of the year, serves Macron right for nationalising it, although I thought EU edicts didn’t allow State ownership.
Anyway is it 1 or 2 that will please the bBBC?
Must be tough to measure the level of the sea standing with your trousers rolled up trying to keep the tape measure on the bottom whilst being buffeted by the waves.
Funnily enough Steve Kookin the climate realist reckons that the rise in sea level in New York harbour has been more like a few millimetres per decade over the past 100 years.
I remember it as being hard going , quite complex . But in those days the BBC and ITV produced drama the quality of which we can only dream amidst the current mountains of rubbish that assails us from every side.
In the last couple of years I have watched
Smiley’s People
Music of Time
Sword of Honour
I remember Children of the New Forest, but thought I was the only one. Didn’t like The Last of the Mohicans, but that was really for boys. But as the concept of boys and girls is forbidden, I better shut up.
Having a chat with a young lady yesterday she told me about a young bloke who worked in her office. Apparently he was just about to leave to start a university course and had chosen for his first thesis “The development of Transitioning in Ancient Greece”…..Apparently he went on to say he was finding it hard due to the lack of any books on the subject. Her response to him…. “Well that would be because all Victorian authors were male, stale, straight and white wouldn’t it?”.
The possibility that maybe there may have been little or any trans stuff going on in Ancient Greece obviously never entered her mind it seems.
It’s like trying to pick up an eel with a chopstick trying to communicate with this generation of blindfolded naive youngsters.
There just seems to be a built-in hatred of white males who are responsible for everything evil in the World.
Did this kick off in the 1980’s when no fault divorce saw many children see their fathers walk thus leaving them with a sense of desertion and ultimately revenge?
As far as the fashionable loathing of white males is concerned, I put it down to basic jealousy.
White men have invented everything. Look about you and you see the monuments to their achievements. Every building, every scientific advancement, virtually all modern medicine, literature, music (and I don’t include (c)rap in that) and art.
The industrial revolution, the invention of the automobile, the telephone, television, air travel and space travel.
Let’s be honest. There ain’t much that’s come out of Africa.
The beauty is that there is actually feedback, unlike BBC editorial.
But The BBC ‘expertise’ on ‘analysis’ at the time would be interesting, given…
Amusingly, a change of Government in 1997 meant that the Opposition – who’d been banging the drum that the L85 was useless – were now holding the baby, and needing to urgently do something about the “civil servant” rifle (‘it doesn’t work and you can’t fire it’) that they’d so denigrated.
Unfortunately, when they spoke to the Army Trials & Development Unit and the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency to see which weapons were more reliable than the L85… they discovered the awkward fact that the L85 had beaten the other “contenders of popular choice” in trials and was actually the most reliable option available.
Why is this woman a minister at any level?Ignorance that is mindblowing. First Jonny Wilkinson was a rugby league player and now this. From the Secretary of State for Sport. Further evidence we simply do not have a functioning government with these clowns and charlatans in charge https://t.co/mpx6dzkQ8n
There is no way that the original version of the SA80, the L85A1, could have beaten other established 5.56mm assault rifles such as the M16A2 in a fair trial. I would suspect that the trials were rigged to support the home option.
The fact is that the L85A1 was a very poor and unreliable rifle. Heckler & Koch were paid a fortune to improve it, and the new version, the L85A2 is now a reliable and decent rifle, but the PBI had to suffer with the terrible original version for over 20 years until it was improved.
Efforts by Extinction Rebellion activists to shut down Westminster have been boosted by more than £850,000 in public donations – including an “unprecedented” £100,000 in just 12 hours.
For the past six days, climate change demonstrators have brought parts of the capital to a standstill, blockading roads in and out of Westminster, glueing themselves to government buildings and attempting to ground flights at London City Airport. On Friday, protesters attempted to block the entrance to the BBC headquarters.
Met Police officers have already made more than 1,200 arrests in connection with the protests, which are due to last for two weeks.
Medhurst added: “On Saturday afternoon, our crowdfunder said £408,000. It now [as of Friday October 11] says £835,000, so that’s basically £427,000 in six days.”
TOADY Watch #2 – smacks of a rising level of manic desperation
The Met Office are worried. Yes, I hear you say, sea level rise is increasing. No, not that. They are worried that they may have to shut off their super-computer and get by using their own smartphones because of rising bills and the possibility of Europe wide power cuts. Then there is the additional possibility, after some power cuts and when the £100 per month Direct Debit advices start to hit the doormats of the UK that the UK population might march on Downing Street and Parliament demanding that the UK return to coal, gas and oil to keep the lights on, the bills down and the country running smoothly.
I think we need to look carefully at what is being flouted around the media at the moment. I believe it was Martin Lewis who was being quoted as saying that energy bills could reach almost £500 in the most expensive energy month of the coming winter – i.e. January 2023. But this does not equate to £6,000 of energy bills for a whole year. Nobody explains that on the BBC, though. Much better to look at the scariest number they can find anywhere.
Of course, this leads to all sorts of scare-mongering as to the likely level of bills – and it doesn’t actually say under what conditions this would happen….e.g. will this arise if it is the mildest or worst winter in years, or just an average winter….. and, given the usual way of trying to explain these bills (i.e. annual cost), this couldn’t possibly be just another way of trying to scare the hell out of people, could it ? i.e. falling right into line with the BBC Party and it’s parliamentary sister group, Labour ?
The next target, of course, will be mortgage costs, since interest rates are likely to rise over the next few months. For years now we have had an extemely low mortgage rates, and despite some commentators very clearly saying that interest rates were unlikely to stay at that level forever, they were pretty much ignored.
So now, of course, interest-only mortgages with variable rates are going into multiples of recent repayment rates for those who just didn’t listen. Of course, it will all be someone else’s fault when mortgages head into default, and the demands will start for ‘something to be done’ – at the taxpayers’ cost, though.
7:20pm BBC Channel 26 On the Michael Portillo repeat
he’s in a gay bar in San Francisco talking about gay history
now the trans bit He’s at a drag-brunch
.. Seems like ugly men appropriating female customs.
Switch on bingo : BBC1 now
It seems to Malala headscarfed as she presents to the Games opening ceremony
So someone flees a country wear she was forced to wear a headscarf
becomes a symbol of woman’s liberation
and then till chooses to wear a headscarf
and the UK establishment platform her as their chosen one.
There is a propaganda piece by some scum journo in the guardian attacking Mark Steyn and GBNews – mr Steyn takes him on by name and pointed out his lies – about officially recognised victims of the Chinese virus …..
The hatred the Guardian shows is quite something probably more than mine ….
The Guardian’s Jim Waterston did a hit piece against Steyn
so he spent 3 min ripping them apart tonight
I stopped reading after they referred to ivermectin as horse tranquilizer. I don't have an opinion about ivermectin working against covid but referring to it as a horse tranquilizer makes this fake news not worth reading
Maybe the inquiry should aim higher. Certainly into those at the top of the media, politicians and senior civil servants. We are looking at Quislings and collaborators.
Just imagine if one of the 11 or 12 year old little girls appeared on tv talking about experiences such as the girl picked up in a police station after being shrugged off trying to report a rape and then gang banged all night.
If people could actually see this child and realise how terrible these crimes are maybe something might happen.
I can’t understand why the fathers of these poor girls do nothing. The fathers of these tens of thousands of little girls are not all absent.
If Mark Steyn could get one of these children on his show it would be dynamite.
If they are giving out awards for best tv then everyone else needn’t bother turning up because Mark should win everything. His shows are absolutely brilliant.
I can understand that individual fathers or even a few who were seeking justice were intimidated by the police protected Pakistani gang. But surely the time is coming when even the supine Brits must realise that unless they collectively stand up for their values, their families , their culture and their country , it will all be taken from them.
I think that the last thirty years have conclusively demonstrated that tolerating the third world doesn’t convert them to our way of life, just the opposite infact. The great replacement is well underway and it’s rapidly becoming now or never time.
It’s become something of a sport for me to check the BBC UK page for any signs whatsoever of BAME doing bad things and then having a look at the ‘London Violence’ page to see what they don’t want us to know about.
Quite a shocking case of brutality and sheer, base-instinct murder. Definitely not your run-of-the-mill killing with a motive.
From the Judge during sentencing:
‘the defendant’s crimes were “as inexplicable as they were terrible’
‘Your attack on Mr Street was brutal and remorseless.’
‘.. was caught unawares by Laouar who stabbed him in the back, breaking his ribs and puncturing his lungs.’.
These victims were all chosen at random on the street.
But the most shocking part – and in some ways even worse than the murders – is that according to my google search, the BBC did not even report it at the time. As they often do in these cases, they only report it after someone was charged and they have to maintain their fake ‘impartial’ face.
And it doesn’t even make the main UK page now. Straight to Regions.
In other news, RIP Bernard Cribbins. Famous for many things – but as I expected, the BBC choose his brief appearance on Dr Who as one of his crowning achievements.
It’s a bit obscure but loved Bernard in the Dangerous Davies movie, based on the books by Leslie Thomas.
Incidentally they made a series around the start of the millennium starring Peter Davison, another Doctor Who
Both are still shown occasionally on Talking Pictures or ITV3.
Yes, JohnC, many will agree, and so many children brought up to disrespect education and work ethic, and if I post the misogenous violent crap this generation are exposed to, freely available and easily accessible on music and bbc sites,commonly called rap and drill, and highlighted by the BBC, Fed 2 will take offence as if it is my opinion
I can purchase broadband at £26 a munf, not quite sure what a munf is but who cares hes black
And, apparently there is a leisure facilty frequently advertised called “Forp Park Carvivow”, I would be quite offended if I was the owner of Thorpe Parke Carnival, but hey, hes black its OK
No doubt those 50% of white women in relationships with this 3% will undertand
yep dont even bother doin the sums, maths thats racist so dont even start
And I wonder how the History Channels on TV have gravitated to the Nazi channels, a litle look around history may find quite a few villains, but nope, no inspection of Stalin, or the Japanese or any others
No, I’m making a comment about her performance which is a lot better than anticipated. That’s important. I can judge that I’m the context of the field ta. Saying I don’t also understand that she’ll need to run a government in a very difficult time is ridiculous.
No, I’m making a comment about her performance which is a lot better than anticipated. That’s important. I can judge that I’m the context of the field ta. Saying I don’t also understand that she’ll need to run a government in a very difficult time is ridiculous.
Everything Chris Bryant tweets is unfounded twaddle🙄🙄🙄🙄 He should be apologising to all of us. Labour MP Chris Bryant has apologised in court after tweeting an unfounded accusation he made in the House of Commons in 2018 – BBC News https://t.co/C48nGi32MJ
— Andy Brown 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 (@abline11) July 28, 2022
BBC withdrew the “apologised” claim ..” CORRECTION 28 JULY 2022: This story has been updated to reflect that Mr Bryant did not apologise in court,
merely that a statement was read in court from Mr Chandler’s lawyer, which said Mr Bryant accepted the initial allegation was disproved”
FFS BBC stop putting the corrections at the bottom where many people miss them,
they should be underneath the headline.
Who the bbc feature tied to activity of this nature might be interesting.
It's worth noting that if @RhonddaBryant hadn't tweeted the lies he told, under parliamentary privilege, in the HoC about Christopher Chandler he would have got away with it, just like he did with the lies about Russian money and @Nigel_Farage
Relentless BBC lefty agenda pushing this morning reminds one why one has lost interest in televised broadcast sport: Commonwealth Games: Tom Daley protests anti-LGBT laws at opening ceremony and; Commonwealth Games 2022: Birmingham attempts to leave ‘carbon neutral legacy’
One now shudders at mere mention of the term Opening Ceremony. Once upon a time this was the curious preserve of far off totalitarian despots with their massed serried ranks of flag-waving automata-like cowed populace, dragooned into participation in the show – the message being one of celebration of Big Brother, their Dear Leader.
Now here at home rather than mass participation, it is our very own brand of State Ideology that permeates the show like a stick of Brighton rainbow greenie rock – requiring mass observance of the sacred cows and obsequience to the bull (and all its excresions)
Let the Games begin! – enthuses the left-leaning ‘i’ paper.
I blame Danny Boyle.
Meanwhile, an elite VIP celeb reminds one why one finds entry into most stadia to attend large sporting events in person such a crashing bore these days: Careful! Prince Charles steps through a metal detector at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham yesterday. Will one’s signet ring set this thingy orf? (Daily Mail) – for goodness sake don’t mention your Prince Albert, sir.
Mr AsISeeIt cheated somewhat there – frank admission – one improved the Mail’s jokey subheader by substituting thingy orf for thingy off – the tabloid Star would have got that one right.
Point being: for Prince Charles it’s all just a big joke – he won’t really have queued for ages to be processed, bags perused, seperated from his keys, phone and loose change, scanned and patted down by dubious semi-uniformed hi-viz characters of uncertain provenance who look the far more likely terror suspects than us ordinary Joe & Joannas they are seaching.
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror is up in arms: Energy firms £11bn windfall. Profits in misery. As millions struggle to pay their bills. Shell & Centrica make ‘obscene’ amounts.
The Daily Star is more concise: Money-grabbing scumbags – kudos for this report to the Star’s economics editor – if there be such a thing?
Mind you, I thought it was supposed to be bad man Putin who was to blame for our high energy prices?
The FT agrees with the Mirror – so it must be true. The pink paper’s frontpage Briefing feature reports in lugubrious resigned tone: Shell reports record profits again
The globalist market-watcher reveals something of the post-competitive crony capitalist hand-in-glove State-Corporate cartel nature of the energy business in their main headline: Centrica urges more state help with fuel bills as profits soar.
So let’s think this one through – tax-payers should fund energy companies so as to enable them to sustain their high prices at an affordable level for their consumers. Am I missing something here? I guess this business model has been pioneered by many a large corporate employer which enjoys low labour wage rates via open border migration policies and since living standards are maintained not by pay but by government subsidy in the form of tax credits, socialised housing, socialised healthcare… you name it.
White teenagers least likely to attend elite universities – frets the Daily Telegraph.
The Left insist a sad lack of visible identifiable role models may hold back certain groups.
There may be some truth in that notion. Frontpage prime advert space in the freebie Metro: Never not creating. School uniform for creative minds – says Marks and Sparks – as they feature the inevitable studious-looking black schoolgirl in geeky big glasses and funky big afro hair.
Strangely the BBC local news item about the Alex Belfield case does seem fair and reasonable.
Whereas History Debunked seemed to have been wound up by Belfield’s aggressive manner after HD published a video taking at face value a nasty Times hitpiece. And ever since then, HD seems to have been getting his facts from anti-Belfield trolls.
Likewise Simon Sideways has taken a very anti-Belfield line basically accusing AB of being a BBC type person anyway.
And all the comments there seem to go against AB.
“express.co.uk Sunak hints at heat pump scrapping as he pledges cheaper energy lifeline to slash bills
has said he could end the Boiler Upgrade Scheme to divert that money to “quicker and cheaper” ways to slash bills.”
Basically taxpayer money now goes in grants to rich people to get them to ditch their current gas boilers to then buy heatpumps to save gas use over the next 25 years, and thus reduce their bills
The suggestion is to use the same money to cut poor people’s bills today.
Who is Madeleine Cuff ?
bio : Environment correspondent @theipaper
. Cornish Londoner. Veg enthusiast.
She doesn’t sound impartial
They’ve woken up to the coming fuel price hikes – and yes – it’s got the look of a ‘fuel furlough ‘ about it – I m not repeating something I’ve read – it’s my reading of the room – I bet sunak announces it out of desperation …. Another Money tree burns
GB News now giving Sky News run for its money on prime time. Helped by fact that prime time Sky News is, to use a technical term, crap. They got rid of green propaganda programme nobody watched. But improvement marginal. Whoever is in charge should be sacked. @GBNEWS@SkyNews
‘Full Fact and UKICE have partnered to produce a series of evidence led, research-based assessments of the key issues ‘. Tweets Times journo @anandMenon1
” on our new report looking at the policy issues facing a new PM.”
The Times article has zero comments, which means the moderators are holding them back Same article without the paywall
On the twitter Lawrence fox has been running a video piece on Hampshire plod arresting and handcuffing a man because he republished the ‘rainbow ‘ flag in its nazi configuration .
The reason given the the 3 black boiler suited plod who handcuffed their compliant victim in the street outside his house in Sunday morning daylight was that someone was offended ….
It seems now that the gentleman has been released without charge or bail .
The politicisation of unthinking plod is going to lose them any further good faith from ordinary taxpayers / voters – and the next time one comes to a sticky end people will just ask ‘ what’s the weather ?’
Also Harry Miller @WeAreFairCop was arrested.
Harry has just been arrested for peacefully supporting a war veteran who’d offended someone on Facebook.
Three police vans. Taken away in a cage like a dangerous dog.
After being handcuffed & arrested he was taken to the station but later released uncharged.
“Those officers were out-of-their-minds, robots, unthinking automatons.
They behaved illegally at every point; misrepresenting the law, not only ignoring PACE but saying it didn’t count.” https://thecritic.co.uk/the-facebook-police/
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
The police had booked an appointment to come to the guys house that is how Fox and Miller were able to come and do an “intervention”
They promise another one today “in the north”
You know – the more I think what is happening to plod – the more angry I get. They often go on about ‘proportionality ‘ and ‘ discretion ‘ but where were they in this frankly ridiculous case ?
The plod involved should be ashamed of themselves and told whoever ordered the arrest to go do it themselves . Constables have independent power to enforce the law how they choose as individuals , but those 3 or 4 or 5 black boiler suits – no – just following orders .
They have the mentality to round unapproved people up and put them on cattle trucks in the interests of community safety .
I really hope the civil action against plod for what they did goes to court and we see Hampshire plod being condemned by a judge with common sense – but even then I’m asking a bit much .
The the British plod become like Americans > handcuffing everyone routinely ? Whatever the circumstances ? Damn them …
TOADY Watch #1 – ‘they’ are getting really desperate now
Who are ‘they’, I expect you to be thinking? ‘They’ are the climate scaremongers, ‘they’ are the ‘Global Warmistas’ who want us all to go back to living in caves, having stopped travelling anywhere further than the next hamlet or village, without oil, gas or electricity having completely de-industrialised ourselves.
‘Leading scientists’ (we are not told in specific terms who they are) but they include the somewhat now notorious Imperial College have done some sums on their computers and concluded that Global Warming is all the fault of James Watt and Isambard Kingdom Brunel and their contempories and successor and is here to stay unless we return to living in mud huts and hunting on foot with spears and bows and arrows. I am not quite a child of the computer age but with age cometh wisdom and I was taught at secondary school – with the first four IBM computers up and running in the US – to beware and be aware of ‘G.I.G.O.’.
G.I.G.O. = ‘Garbage In, Garbage Out’ as far as computer modelling is concerned. Of course, what could not possibly occur to the great minds of these so-called ‘leading scientists’ is that consistently warm temperatures – some Global Warming – has two natural effects on emissions as far as the UK is concerned. For a start, holidaying in the UK becomes a real possibility of enjoying some dry, warm and sunny weather. There will be no need to head to France, Italy, Greece, Spain or Portugal to chase 40°C+ temperatures and sunshine. This will have real benefits for the UK economy.
Secondly, if some real Global Warming does turn up – evvahh – we will not need to burn so much of that dreadful evil gas to heat our homes and cook our food. We will be enjoying barbeque lunches in our gardens in March to October every year. Notwithstanding that charcoal is an evil, nasty fossil fuel. It was once a living tree absorbing James Watt’s CO2, how could you be so cruel to cut it down and turn it into charcoal?!
I’m so glad that after less than 90 years of some weather measurement they now have enough data to predict and show how global weather behaves – yet alone insert non natural factors such as human activity …
… it is such a nonsense – all the influences and cycles are now understood that they can explain a couple hot days in a small island off the Atlantic Ocean …
.. and destroy economies and people on the strength of that –
Now a feature about tree rings …
Fed, forget counting tree rings. You should be out at the North Pole or South Pole taking thin ice core samples with special drills down several hundred feet and then rushing the samples home in big refrigerators to analyse the Carbon emissions of Neanderthals and the vast bovine animals they hunted to extinction. Then compare it to James Watt’s coal emissions and yours and Snuffy’s emissions from sitting in jams round the North Circular Road and still come up with plenty of G.I.G.O..
Fed, that was all back in Snuffy’s tellywatching days. Probably the Licence Fee was £20 or thereabouts. Toward the end of the 1970s or start of the 1980s, ‘Tomorrow’s World’ with the late great Raymond Baxter presenting. Some scientists and students from, if I recall correctly, Cambridge University were having a bit of a think about the predicted forthcoming Ice Age and why it hadn’t turned up yet. Could they learn anything from Ice Core samples?
Using early oil drilling technology (there’s an irony!) they took samples of Arctic or Antarctic ice and ‘counted the rings and the spaces between them’ or the tree equivalent for ice. They were after signs of human activity indicated by gases trapped in the ice samples, including CO2. Needless to say they found an increase in pollution which people were also getting concerned about as well as an increase in CO2 emissions over several thousand years. I remember the stories of ‘acid rain’, at the time, and the grime on St Paul’s Cathedral and other large buildings.
Needless to say, the ‘Anti-Oil/anti-USA lobby used this to point at the car use in London and other big cities and call for it to be restricted or limited. It is possible to look at evidence and draw the wrong conclusions. Especially so, if you have a prior agenda.
I sent my TV back to the BBC over 30 years ago – the BBC repeatedly enraged me. Since then it has been bliss.
Anything to do with the BBC is simply ignored, even online clips.
Unfortunately I was driving in the car yesterday – mostly I try to cycle. It gets boring on long trips and the radio does not have DAB.
So it was that I found myself listening to Hell-ania Ken-a-di Q-CBDEF+. *They* were banging on about online hate crimes and George Floyd and I am sure that Wimin got mentioned. It was a program about poly-cing.
So here is the thing: why have these fossilised femi-nazies pouring out their bile? Not for these matrons of
hate to worry about black boys stabbing each other to death in our capital city. The things to worry about apparently are online crimes, or George Floyd.
Much better to place these individuals in the opening scene of Macbeth. Then Radio-Flaw may get listeners staying to the end of the program.
Atlas – thank you for the summary of the comrade £ Kennedy (QC )*crap – a series about plod – you know the script – you know the message – they’ll dig out the retired lefty CCs such as the Manchester one -Fahy – who ignored paki rape gangs … wonder if there’ll ever be a case for prosecution for breaching public office …
Atlas – congratulations on avoiding the BBC – one of my many objections is it’s totalitarian contro, of so many formats and areas – one Reich – as it were …
TOADY Wacth #2 – in which Harshmistress Mishal is not paying attention to ‘leading scientists’
Harshmistress Mishal is in charge for the Prime Interview but a Conservative Government Minister escapes the ‘hot seat’ (I see a warm theme developing in my posts today.) Instead we have a Mr Liquorice of a small Energy Company along with Caroline Flint who is no longer a Labour Party Minister (that will be significant – read on) and was once a member of a Parliamentary Committee as well as on another Parliamentary Committee and then a few more besides that Committee.
Caroline Flint got the first shot at the microphone and probably occupied most of the airtime of the Prime Interview to answer questions from Harshmistress Mishal. Poor old Mishal is feeling chilly and is thinking of winter despite the 40°C+ temperatures outside. Perhaps she should ask someone to turn down the air conditioning in the studio? Mishal, despite her no doubt vast and generous salary paid for by the payers of the TellyTax, is worried about her heating bills next winter in the Husain household.
She asks about whether the £400 support for poorer households, unveiled today, is satisfactory in the way it is being delivered. Needless to say, Caroline Flint is anxious to helpfully say that the (Conservative) Government is “Not doing enough.” There is a saying, something like ‘You can take the girl out of the Parliamentary Labour Party but you cannot take the Labour Party out of the girl.’
Unfortunately when asked by Mishal what she would like the Government to be doing, Caroline immediately says that the Government should be doing more to insulate peoples homes. Which is highly ironic. Caroline Flint, when she was a Labour MP had a ministerial role: Minister of State for Housing and Planning. I don’t recall Caroline Flint, as Housing Minister insisting on better insulation for peoples homes and rolling out wads of cash for people to get the work done. I don’t recall Caroline Flint pushing legislation through Parliament to overturn the Grade 1/2/2a restrictions and local conservation area restrictions on insulation and windows and property modernisation.
Ms flint is one of those interesting labour case studies – a prominent flower cut down by the dumb electorate – I remember the election night when it happened – it was a portillo moment ….
……….presumably ms flint has dreams of the front bench one day – but I suspect the current clan would see her as too bigger threat ….
Maybe she upset too many people to get the usual peerage …..
The least the current government can do is to accumulate as much gas as possible and get coal power stations up and ready – but there seems not to be the urgency this national emergency demands .
I didn’t realise that the likes of France is screwed because much of the their substantial nuclear power is out of action – and I think 75% of power in France was nuclear – hence their ability to export some to the UK … this might not happen in the winter – I’m sure the Reich EU will take priority as much out of politics as commercial practice …
I’m only interested that when the lights go out I’d like to know why …
After Caroline Flint spoke there was a man (sorry late to the party and missed his name) who said it was unfair for other power users to subsidise the poor’s fuel bills, so The Treasury should subsidise the poor. Hello, where does he think ‘The Treasury’ gets its money? Mishal substituted ‘Government’ for ‘Treasury’ but before Government started printing money, Government money had to come from the tax payer, the same people who pay their energy bills.
Neither Mishal nor the guest seemed to realise this.
My dear old Dad used to say money represented someone’s work. Shame the Left cannot get hold of that concept.
Quite right, Deborah. Gentleman was a Mr Liquorice; think they first name may have been James but don’t ask me for the name of the energy company. Quite small. If I remember correctly they have less than one million customers. Yes, I thought his comment didn’t betray a great intellect lurking between his ears. Perhaps he is after a shot at a constituency for Labour.
It would be interesting if one could snap ones finger’s and suddenly Der Starmer was PM and Labour would forming a Government. I expect that ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ would disappear like frost in sunshine on a dark wooden fence as far as the BBC’s news output is concerned.
Hi U2S!
Can’t argue with you there, I don’t want to go too far off-topic, or off-purpose of this site, but I’ve had a couple of times in my life when I believe whoever is “large and in charge” has reached out a hand when I’ve needed it. That’s as deep as I go, really, He is the higher power of my choice, who you may or may not call God.
To drag it back to climate change, I believe that it exists largely to make a few people a lot of loot. Whether CO2 and fossil fuels are causing the problems I can’t say. I do think that we shouldn’t be making such a mess with third world river banks being six foot deep in plastics and toxic waste from countries such as ours. That problem isn’t going to get any better when all the Tesla batteries die in twenty or thirty years time. I also think that you aren’t going to help the planet at all until the population gets back down to a sensible level. That view is simply not supported in certain circles.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – er ahem, you often get it wrong, don’t you?
The Met Office Beeboids are not happy! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62323048 The Met Office people make exaggerated claims or incorrect forecasts and people get upset. I’m sure the folk who were shivering in the wind under a band of rain on 18th and 19th July were most upset with the BBC’s obsession with 40°C+ temperatures. It has obviously not entered the dense heads of the so-called scientists at the Royal Meteorology Society that weather can be peculiarly local and forcasts can be very inaccurate and should be reported impassionately and neutrally as such.
Quote from Chris Fawkes about Tuesday 19 July: “Thousands could die.”
Except they didn’t, did they Chris? Last count that I heard was thirteen and they were all swimming accidents that may have involved drink and drugs.
Stew thanks – hilarious – now what is he after – a climate change minister in the Truss Cabinet ?or a portillo style railway documentary type series with mega bucks and a book for Christmas ?
Maybe he could do it as a couple …
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://youtu.be/KpByW1LaP_o A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/08/trade-war-china-to-slap-retaliatory-tariffs-on-some-canadian-products.html Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16BtpSCufU0 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
3:30pm R4 The book show and usual obsessed with black writers
‘The old white authors were terrible, they only wrote for “the white gaze’
‘Be ashamed of evil colonialim , you whitiies’
4pm Our mate Brian cox sneering at “the soul of the British governemment” etc.
Dear Winston Smith,
I noticed that Jon Sopel is talking about impartial and unbiased reporting but his twitter account has three references to his book whilst using the BBC brand. Could the BBC please explain what is happening?
1) Is BBC Jon Sopel supposed to tell us about the news or his new book?
2) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter feed has the BBC name in it and says “Jon Sopel, BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didn’t Speak English is out now.” which references his book and not the fact he is an unbiased and impartial reporter.
3) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter’s pinned tweet is from 23May2018 and is about .. himself and his book.
4) Is BBC Jon Sopel’s book 100% BBC approved thought and unbiased and partial?
5) Shouldn’t BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter be about the latest news and not himself?
6) When Jon Sopel sells a book does it go to help pay for the BBC TV Tax – to reduce it? As the BBC are promoting it – thus it is promoted by the BBC TV Tax Payer.
“Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected”
Good luck answering this one without laughing yourself silly.
The German city of Hanover has turned off the heating and switched to cold showers in all public buildings because of the Russian gas crisis.
It’s the first big city to turn off the hot water after Russia dramatically reduced Germany’s gas supply.
Germans have been told to expect sweeping gas reduction measures and extra charges on their energy bills.
And the EU has agreed to lower demand for Russian gas this winter by 15%.
In a bid to save energy, Germany’s northern city of Hanover has decided hot water will no longer be available for hand washing in public buildings, or in showers at swimming pools, sports halls and gyms.
Ofcom keep being mentioned when people comment about the brilliant Mark Steyn.
I think they would love to stop him but the problem they have is that he appears to tell the truth.
One time his stats may have been a bit off and he was challenged by a real statistician. This statistician was then given a regular spot on his show.
They will probably eventually find some dirty way to close him down but he has opened up so much of the lies and deceit that the rest of the msm get away with that things will never be the same.
“I’ll give you this assurance, they will continue with the same programme, cutting taxes, simplifying regulation as much as possible, taking advantage of all our new regulatory freedoms, getting rid of every encumbrance from solvency to MiFID to VAT on fuel – turns out to be easier than we thought.”
Anyone else starting to get the sense the Tories are really going to miss this guy?
REGULATORY FREEDOMS – Dinghy crossings.
3 Teachers hide in Batley.
Bradford City of culture.
Belfield case : 2 quite big things
#1 Almost all the witnesses have previously testified that they felt scared even suicidal cos of the danger AB poses and the thought he might turn up at their home
That was then often contradicted by other things eg the way Jeremy Vine posted a video showing own street and front door.
Today both sides have agreed that 2 BBC emails are” agreed fact”
They said BBC managers didn’t consider AB was any physical threat so special security procedures against him turning up were not needed.
“The messages were non-threatening” said one BBC letter.
#2 Then in his video Belfield quickly rushed past this
“I won’t be giving evidence, I will just read my final statement”
.. That is a bit extraordinary if I’ve got that right.
Cos normally after the prosecution witnesses the accused gives evidence and the prosecution have a right go trying to tear him apart.
In this case I expected the prosecutors to be briefed by BBC lawyers with 100 gotchas to use against Belfield
However this tactic of not giving your own evidence is quite common in the US, Karl Rittenhouse was advised against it
The problem being that the prosecutors often stitch up the accused ..he makes 99 good points but then screws up by doing a slip of the tongue or small lie and the prosecutors one in on that
By refusing to give evidence the accuser denies them the opportunity of a stitchup
But I guess the jury might think if the accused declines to testify, then that proves they have something to hide
Commenters speculate that the BBC letters have only been disclosed now,
when they should have been disclosed before the case or right at the start. I dunno when they were disclosed.
Dehaney the final prosecution witness was at the stand for 2 days. AB put up the entire transcript behind his paywall. However his public video is just 3 minutes : In it he first mentions Dehaney’ previous fraud convictions.
Secondly it came out he is obsessed with AB as he deliberately made a habit of watching every AB video just to see if he was mentioned and then made EDITED compilation tapes he sent to the second investigating police office that was after the first investigation found no criminal case. AB’s barrister seems to argue that the compilations the police officer was given were distorted by all the editing.
I guess AB is making the case that Dehaney was the one doing the stalking
Dehaney says he came in cos he only wanted to defend the guy who who the original withdrawn defamatory blogpost against AB.
He made the incredible claim that he knows nothing about the details in this withdrawn defamatory blogpost.
2 more points
#1 AB has always considered he was the one BEING TROLLED
by the BBC and their gang and that the gang had started it
So being on the stand is akin to letting the gang pile on again.
#2 A jury might be predisposed to a guy who chooses not to take up another week of their time and let them go home earlier than they expected.
Shutting down the Tavistock is a start. Medical staff who worked there and participated in the grotesque ‘Dr Mengele style’ experimentation on children now need to be prosecuted. If necessary a new law should be passed to address this topic, and made retrospective and without a statue of limitations.
The NHS is to close the UK’s only dedicated gender identity clinic for children and young people.
Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust has been told to shut the clinic by spring after it was criticised in an independent review.
Instead, new regional centres will be set up to “ensure the holistic needs” of patients are fully met, the NHS said.
… Rape will be moved from Rotherham to Telford ….
There will be no immediate changes for people already under the Tavistock’s care.
LGBT rights group Stonewall said it was pleased the NHS had decided to act decisively to address “unacceptable” waiting times faced by young trans people trying to access gender-identity healthcare.
Keira Bell, who brought a High Court case against Tavistock challenging its use of puberty blockers, said she was pleased, adding: “Many children will be saved from going down the path that I went down.”
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”
Neil Oliver – ‘…that’s what’s coming, it’s all about control’
‘…we’re being told it’s us that should do without!’
To see this episode in full and get exclusive access to new vodcasts every week sign up to ‘Neil Oliver’ on Patreon.com
One of the sweetest moments I can recall from the BBC’s autocue-reader failure, was him interrupting Jeffrey Archer!
It was back before the old boy finsished up in clink, but the way Archer told the beeboid to just shut the f*** up and listen, was fantastic!
I really cannot understand why anyone rises to the bait of beeboids childish ‘gotchas’ – normal hardened business people take the initiative and get their retaliation in first, and never allow a snivel-serpent-yapper get the better of him or her, so why can’t politicians act like grown-ups and do the same?
The pathetic scenario of a weak minister struggling against minnows like Toenails is staggering, and also rather embarrassing!
Yet another salutory tale of Green idiocy causing absolute chaos:
Developers in west London face a potential ban on new housing projects until 2035 because the electricity grid has run out of capacity to support new homes, jeopardising house building targets in the capital.
“The Greater London Authority wrote to developers this week warning them that it might take more than a decade to bulk up grid capacity and get developments under way again in three west London boroughs — Hillingdon, Ealing and Hounslow.”
But yet our crackpot fantasy land Green Socialist government insists everyone MUST have an electric car and electric heat pump central heating.
Already the grid cannot cope and it’s going to take at least a decade before it can. If EVs and heat pumps are added in it still won’t be able to cope !
And it’s not just London, other areas of the grid are fast approaching capacity too.
But it’s all OK we can all save a ha’penny ever decade by paying fantasy land incompetents to run the country instead of good talented people !
Easy solution: jack up the electric prices.
The hip middle classes who welcomed mass immigration then can join the poor – watching their meter’s credit alarmingly run down!
Being a naturally vindictive type – I would love to see a list of those responsible for allowing UK power supply to get to the stage it is – and it’s not just about green crap –
Decades of failure to ensure power generation – dependency on other countries – the lack of planning the energy self sufficiency – nuclear – gas storage – and now far to slow nuclear planning for decades from now ,..
Maybe people will be more interested when the power goes off …
Martin Lewis was entreating politicians to get a grip as people become more and more concerned / frightened about paying their bills …
I think they are so personally comfortable that they don’t realise how people on average money – not £90k a year as MPs – will be affected
And I’m even more vexed about non payment of power bills – what will policy be ? Bale outs ?
2. Blair, Brown, Prescott and Meacher
3. Lucas
4. May
5. Thunberg, Thompson & XRers
6. any number of PMs, MPs, Civil Servants, environmental campaigners including and since Ted Heath
I was thinking of the names of those who made the decisions – not the likes of Lucas who is the equivalent of a fly on a piece of doo doo ..
Today centrica announced a shed load of profit – will probably be allowed to retain in order to reopen gas storage which was closed by an imbecile Tory government
It is simply bad government – and the public will be paying a huge personal price ….
I cannot see how civil unrest can be avoided unless the government take rapid action and quick … yet august and much of September will be lost regarding decision making
The BBC run a pretty standard single mother with 3 kids story about hardship – almost daily now – I wonder how long that will carry on ?
Maybe they’ll switch to domestic violence / suicides caused by money stress …
And – of course the base rate will be going up by .5% next week ….
Non payment will be mandatory installation of a prepayment meter which will be set to ensure repayment of debt.
We are now seeing predictions of £6000 per year for the average UK home which is going to be more than many pay for their mortgage / rent.
As for the vengence. if you recall the video of the guy predicting the future he said many of these people will end up dangling upside down from lamp posts if they continue as they have.
Physically installing prepay meters in – maybe – millions of home -? Hell they can’t even do smartmeters by volume …
Maybe there will be an energy furlough …. But the cost …..
Two things struck me today, whilst reading the papers, one of which the bBBC will be all over, the other one not so much.
1. The waters around the UK are rising at a rate of .2 inches per annum, supposedly, I don’t know about the rest of Europe, perhaps the Dutch farmers had better start planting rice.
2. EDF lose 4.4 billion euros in the first 6 months of the year, serves Macron right for nationalising it, although I thought EU edicts didn’t allow State ownership.
Anyway is it 1 or 2 that will please the bBBC?
Must be tough to measure the level of the sea standing with your trousers rolled up trying to keep the tape measure on the bottom whilst being buffeted by the waves.
Funnily enough Steve Kookin the climate realist reckons that the rise in sea level in New York harbour has been more like a few millimetres per decade over the past 100 years.
I watched “The Roads to Freedom” last night on BBC Four. Originally broadcast in 1970, repeated in 1977 and never broadcast again until now.
I loved it. This was the BBC at its best. Taking difficult literary works by philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre and turning them into high quality drama.
No dumbing-down, no loud music, no whooshing noises, no blackwashing, no woke bullshit. Just good writing and good acting.
Okay, it’s 52 years ago. But praise where praise is due.
I remember it as being hard going , quite complex . But in those days the BBC and ITV produced drama the quality of which we can only dream amidst the current mountains of rubbish that assails us from every side.
In the last couple of years I have watched
Smiley’s People
Music of Time
Sword of Honour
All streets ahead of the muck currently on offer.
I never got into that stuff : I preferred The Banana Splits from American .
What about the kids tv of a Sunday teatime,
The Silver Sword and Children of the New Forest.
Not a dusky face to be seen!
I remember Children of the New Forest, but thought I was the only one. Didn’t like The Last of the Mohicans, but that was really for boys. But as the concept of boys and girls is forbidden, I better shut up.
They were a bit disturbing to me – but Animal Kwackers was the stuff of nightmares.
It was the Bumblies living on the ceiling that gave me the heeby jeebys when I went to bed.
I can now see where knickerla sturgeon gets her once in a generation/lifetime timings from.
The life sentence given to the murderer on tv today was 8 and a bit years.
The scotch can use this to get their once in a generation/lifetime independence referendum every 8 years.
Having a chat with a young lady yesterday she told me about a young bloke who worked in her office. Apparently he was just about to leave to start a university course and had chosen for his first thesis “The development of Transitioning in Ancient Greece”…..Apparently he went on to say he was finding it hard due to the lack of any books on the subject. Her response to him…. “Well that would be because all Victorian authors were male, stale, straight and white wouldn’t it?”.
The possibility that maybe there may have been little or any trans stuff going on in Ancient Greece obviously never entered her mind it seems.
It’s like trying to pick up an eel with a chopstick trying to communicate with this generation of blindfolded naive youngsters.
There just seems to be a built-in hatred of white males who are responsible for everything evil in the World.
Did this kick off in the 1980’s when no fault divorce saw many children see their fathers walk thus leaving them with a sense of desertion and ultimately revenge?
As far as the fashionable loathing of white males is concerned, I put it down to basic jealousy.
White men have invented everything. Look about you and you see the monuments to their achievements. Every building, every scientific advancement, virtually all modern medicine, literature, music (and I don’t include (c)rap in that) and art.
The industrial revolution, the invention of the automobile, the telephone, television, air travel and space travel.
Let’s be honest. There ain’t much that’s come out of Africa.
Oh, hang on…AIDS and monkey pox…
And we built the railways and many other things in India, and thats one country for example.
I quite enjoy Quora, as much for the comments as the posts.
The beauty is that there is actually feedback, unlike BBC editorial.
But The BBC ‘expertise’ on ‘analysis’ at the time would be interesting, given…
Amusingly, a change of Government in 1997 meant that the Opposition – who’d been banging the drum that the L85 was useless – were now holding the baby, and needing to urgently do something about the “civil servant” rifle (‘it doesn’t work and you can’t fire it’) that they’d so denigrated.
Unfortunately, when they spoke to the Army Trials & Development Unit and the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency to see which weapons were more reliable than the L85… they discovered the awkward fact that the L85 had beaten the other “contenders of popular choice” in trials and was actually the most reliable option available.
Mad Al involved?
Speaking of whom..
Now, Nads is is a disappointment.
However, given his fealties, has the gobby lunatic BBC primo expert guest looked at the Labour front benches, past and currernt?
Looks like Campbell forgot his pills again …
There is no way that the original version of the SA80, the L85A1, could have beaten other established 5.56mm assault rifles such as the M16A2 in a fair trial. I would suspect that the trials were rigged to support the home option.
The fact is that the L85A1 was a very poor and unreliable rifle. Heckler & Koch were paid a fortune to improve it, and the new version, the L85A2 is now a reliable and decent rifle, but the PBI had to suffer with the terrible original version for over 20 years until it was improved.
Charles is well nicknamed.
Charles seems based in the real world ..not
Efforts by Extinction Rebellion activists to shut down Westminster have been boosted by more than £850,000 in public donations – including an “unprecedented” £100,000 in just 12 hours.
For the past six days, climate change demonstrators have brought parts of the capital to a standstill, blockading roads in and out of Westminster, glueing themselves to government buildings and attempting to ground flights at London City Airport. On Friday, protesters attempted to block the entrance to the BBC headquarters.
Met Police officers have already made more than 1,200 arrests in connection with the protests, which are due to last for two weeks.
Medhurst added: “On Saturday afternoon, our crowdfunder said £408,000. It now [as of Friday October 11] says £835,000, so that’s basically £427,000 in six days.”
BBC local newsPR
opening item more PR for the Hull Pride day .. looking back at history
#1 Leader pushing a few political points
#2 Him complaining about businesses doing tokenism
TOADY Watch #2 – smacks of a rising level of manic desperation
The Met Office are worried. Yes, I hear you say, sea level rise is increasing. No, not that. They are worried that they may have to shut off their super-computer and get by using their own smartphones because of rising bills and the possibility of Europe wide power cuts. Then there is the additional possibility, after some power cuts and when the £100 per month Direct Debit advices start to hit the doormats of the UK that the UK population might march on Downing Street and Parliament demanding that the UK return to coal, gas and oil to keep the lights on, the bills down and the country running smoothly.
They are ramping up the fear levels just in case.
£100per month direct debits? mine was that two years ago, now the average is expected to be £500 per month or £6000 a year!
I think we need to look carefully at what is being flouted around the media at the moment. I believe it was Martin Lewis who was being quoted as saying that energy bills could reach almost £500 in the most expensive energy month of the coming winter – i.e. January 2023. But this does not equate to £6,000 of energy bills for a whole year. Nobody explains that on the BBC, though. Much better to look at the scariest number they can find anywhere.
Of course, this leads to all sorts of scare-mongering as to the likely level of bills – and it doesn’t actually say under what conditions this would happen….e.g. will this arise if it is the mildest or worst winter in years, or just an average winter….. and, given the usual way of trying to explain these bills (i.e. annual cost), this couldn’t possibly be just another way of trying to scare the hell out of people, could it ? i.e. falling right into line with the BBC Party and it’s parliamentary sister group, Labour ?
The next target, of course, will be mortgage costs, since interest rates are likely to rise over the next few months. For years now we have had an extemely low mortgage rates, and despite some commentators very clearly saying that interest rates were unlikely to stay at that level forever, they were pretty much ignored.
So now, of course, interest-only mortgages with variable rates are going into multiples of recent repayment rates for those who just didn’t listen. Of course, it will all be someone else’s fault when mortgages head into default, and the demands will start for ‘something to be done’ – at the taxpayers’ cost, though.
7:20pm BBC Channel 26 On the Michael Portillo repeat
he’s in a gay bar in San Francisco talking about gay history
now the trans bit He’s at a drag-brunch
.. Seems like ugly men appropriating female customs.
Switch on bingo : BBC1 now
It seems to Malala headscarfed as she presents to the Games opening ceremony
So someone flees a country wear she was forced to wear a headscarf
becomes a symbol of woman’s liberation
and then till chooses to wear a headscarf
and the UK establishment platform her as their chosen one.
Switch to BBC1 again
now it’s Lenny Henry
I think you mean Lord Lenny of Dudley ….
Just proving how shallow and dirty these awards are …
There is a propaganda piece by some scum journo in the guardian attacking Mark Steyn and GBNews – mr Steyn takes him on by name and pointed out his lies – about officially recognised victims of the Chinese virus …..
The hatred the Guardian shows is quite something probably more than mine ….
The Guardian’s Jim Waterston did a hit piece against Steyn
so he spent 3 min ripping them apart tonight
Waterson’s article seems full of errors
eg claiming Steyn’s show is “broadcast from his home in Canada”
.. when it’s never come from his home ever
“he interviewed people who blamed the deaths of family members on Covid jabs ”
Steyn ‘that’s FakeNews the people have death certificates stating that, and some already received payouts from the vaccine fund’
He quoted this tweet https://twitter.com/heidi_katrina/status/1552693649930076165
video of that segment
Steyn calling out Jim Waterson’s errors in his Guardian hitpiece https://youtu.be/Fq2s2tRoT5E?t=1710
Steyn : Brian Hobin calls for a public inquiry into grooming gangs
How many do we need? Enquiry Booster?
Public enquiry into the Police ifficers and Labour councillors that let the grooming gangs continue as well.
Maybe the inquiry should aim higher. Certainly into those at the top of the media, politicians and senior civil servants. We are looking at Quislings and collaborators.
Lunchtime news covered the vote for strike action by staff at Felixstowe – haven’t heard much – panic buy for Christmas …
BTW GBnews Live feeds have just switched off the windback function
before 9pm I could wind back 10min on YouTube, now I can’t
nor on their website
Mark Steyn just gets better and better.
Just imagine if one of the 11 or 12 year old little girls appeared on tv talking about experiences such as the girl picked up in a police station after being shrugged off trying to report a rape and then gang banged all night.
If people could actually see this child and realise how terrible these crimes are maybe something might happen.
I can’t understand why the fathers of these poor girls do nothing. The fathers of these tens of thousands of little girls are not all absent.
If Mark Steyn could get one of these children on his show it would be dynamite.
If they are giving out awards for best tv then everyone else needn’t bother turning up because Mark should win everything. His shows are absolutely brilliant.
The fathers tried to and were threatened by gangs of Pakis they received zero help from the Gestapo.
I can understand that individual fathers or even a few who were seeking justice were intimidated by the police protected Pakistani gang. But surely the time is coming when even the supine Brits must realise that unless they collectively stand up for their values, their families , their culture and their country , it will all be taken from them.
I think that the last thirty years have conclusively demonstrated that tolerating the third world doesn’t convert them to our way of life, just the opposite infact. The great replacement is well underway and it’s rapidly becoming now or never time.
I thought GB NEWS had a girl on talking about the groomers and police, then the Police went round banging on her door for talking about them on tv?
It’s become something of a sport for me to check the BBC UK page for any signs whatsoever of BAME doing bad things and then having a look at the ‘London Violence’ page to see what they don’t want us to know about.
Today it’s
‘Amine Laouar: Minimum 38-year jail term for random knife killer’
Quite a shocking case of brutality and sheer, base-instinct murder. Definitely not your run-of-the-mill killing with a motive.
From the Judge during sentencing:
‘the defendant’s crimes were “as inexplicable as they were terrible’
‘Your attack on Mr Street was brutal and remorseless.’
‘.. was caught unawares by Laouar who stabbed him in the back, breaking his ribs and puncturing his lungs.’.
These victims were all chosen at random on the street.
But the most shocking part – and in some ways even worse than the murders – is that according to my google search, the BBC did not even report it at the time. As they often do in these cases, they only report it after someone was charged and they have to maintain their fake ‘impartial’ face.
And it doesn’t even make the main UK page now. Straight to Regions.
In other news, RIP Bernard Cribbins. Famous for many things – but as I expected, the BBC choose his brief appearance on Dr Who as one of his crowning achievements.
It’s a bit obscure but loved Bernard in the Dangerous Davies movie, based on the books by Leslie Thomas.
Incidentally they made a series around the start of the millennium starring Peter Davison, another Doctor Who
Both are still shown occasionally on Talking Pictures or ITV3.
Thanks Harry : downloading it from youtube and will give it a watch in memory of Bernard.
It has Selwyn Froggit in it as well ! – what could possibly be wrong with it.
Yes, JohnC, many will agree, and so many children brought up to disrespect education and work ethic, and if I post the misogenous violent crap this generation are exposed to, freely available and easily accessible on music and bbc sites,commonly called rap and drill, and highlighted by the BBC, Fed 2 will take offence as if it is my opinion
and then we go down the rabbit hole:
how many people liked his post
must be a fraud, oh I know how you can get likes
some on here are over sensetive to approval
I am being educated, despite the last 50 years
I can purchase broadband at £26 a munf, not quite sure what a munf is but who cares hes black
And, apparently there is a leisure facilty frequently advertised called “Forp Park Carvivow”, I would be quite offended if I was the owner of Thorpe Parke Carnival, but hey, hes black its OK
No doubt those 50% of white women in relationships with this 3% will undertand
yep dont even bother doin the sums, maths thats racist so dont even start
What did the Blair thing say?
“educaton” three times
and what has happened. its gone backwards, opinions are formed via tik tok and facbook
no longer are pupils taught how to think, they are told what to think
Despite this Government having a massive mandate to govern, it is becoming embarrasiing to say so
with the bbc at the helm, shouting about it all day long
And I wonder how the History Channels on TV have gravitated to the Nazi channels, a litle look around history may find quite a few villains, but nope, no inspection of Stalin, or the Japanese or any others
We can change reality by calling it something else (not a BBC monopoly)
– that sound you’re hearing?
– it’s the goalposts moving
The young lady from the Eastern borders looks thrilled.
CCBGB …comments say
Bus conductors ? Salvation Army ?
Village marching band with kazoos ?
Love it when Hurly has to address friendly fire.
As soon as someone says “context” one can be in no doubt, bullshit is forthcoming
Working my way through the template non explanation for their SAS hit piece.
Not sure if ‘context’ appears, but more weasels so far than a Yorkshire trouser stuffing contest so far.
erm I can spot it
No, I’m making a comment about her performance which is a lot better than anticipated. That’s important. I can judge that I’m the context of the field ta. Saying I don’t also understand that she’ll need to run a government in a very difficult time is ridiculous.
And yet he’ll be in the studio within a week.
BBC withdrew the “apologised” claim
..” CORRECTION 28 JULY 2022: This story has been updated to reflect that Mr Bryant did not apologise in court,
merely that a statement was read in court from Mr Chandler’s lawyer, which said Mr Bryant accepted the initial allegation was disproved”
FFS BBC stop putting the corrections at the bottom where many people miss them,
they should be underneath the headline.
BBC do like playing with text.
Speaking of defensive.
Bbc News
“The weather is very emotive. It gets people so worked up.”
Given the BBC and MSM got mental over a hot spell of a few days, ironic.
Projection is a libmob characteristic
.. Did I say that before ? ../sarc
Who the bbc feature tied to activity of this nature might be interesting.
It’s like they like #1degreeofseparation gobs to do their allegation work for them.
Never not creating the narrative edition
Relentless BBC lefty agenda pushing this morning reminds one why one has lost interest in televised broadcast sport: Commonwealth Games: Tom Daley protests anti-LGBT laws at opening ceremony and; Commonwealth Games 2022: Birmingham attempts to leave ‘carbon neutral legacy’
One now shudders at mere mention of the term Opening Ceremony. Once upon a time this was the curious preserve of far off totalitarian despots with their massed serried ranks of flag-waving automata-like cowed populace, dragooned into participation in the show – the message being one of celebration of Big Brother, their Dear Leader.
Now here at home rather than mass participation, it is our very own brand of State Ideology that permeates the show like a stick of Brighton rainbow greenie rock – requiring mass observance of the sacred cows and obsequience to the bull (and all its excresions)
Let the Games begin! – enthuses the left-leaning ‘i’ paper.
I blame Danny Boyle.
Meanwhile, an elite VIP celeb reminds one why one finds entry into most stadia to attend large sporting events in person such a crashing bore these days: Careful! Prince Charles steps through a metal detector at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham yesterday. Will one’s signet ring set this thingy orf? (Daily Mail) – for goodness sake don’t mention your Prince Albert, sir.
Mr AsISeeIt cheated somewhat there – frank admission – one improved the Mail’s jokey subheader by substituting thingy orf for thingy off – the tabloid Star would have got that one right.
Point being: for Prince Charles it’s all just a big joke – he won’t really have queued for ages to be processed, bags perused, seperated from his keys, phone and loose change, scanned and patted down by dubious semi-uniformed hi-viz characters of uncertain provenance who look the far more likely terror suspects than us ordinary Joe & Joannas they are seaching.
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror is up in arms: Energy firms £11bn windfall. Profits in misery. As millions struggle to pay their bills. Shell & Centrica make ‘obscene’ amounts.
The Daily Star is more concise: Money-grabbing scumbags – kudos for this report to the Star’s economics editor – if there be such a thing?
Mind you, I thought it was supposed to be bad man Putin who was to blame for our high energy prices?
The FT agrees with the Mirror – so it must be true. The pink paper’s frontpage Briefing feature reports in lugubrious resigned tone: Shell reports record profits again
The globalist market-watcher reveals something of the post-competitive crony capitalist hand-in-glove State-Corporate cartel nature of the energy business in their main headline: Centrica urges more state help with fuel bills as profits soar.
So let’s think this one through – tax-payers should fund energy companies so as to enable them to sustain their high prices at an affordable level for their consumers. Am I missing something here? I guess this business model has been pioneered by many a large corporate employer which enjoys low labour wage rates via open border migration policies and since living standards are maintained not by pay but by government subsidy in the form of tax credits, socialised housing, socialised healthcare… you name it.
White teenagers least likely to attend elite universities – frets the Daily Telegraph.
The Left insist a sad lack of visible identifiable role models may hold back certain groups.
There may be some truth in that notion. Frontpage prime advert space in the freebie Metro: Never not creating. School uniform for creative minds – says Marks and Sparks – as they feature the inevitable studious-looking black schoolgirl in geeky big glasses and funky big afro hair.
Usually such young women go on to be pathologists. With guns.
Twitter. Dialled to 11.
Strangely the BBC local news item about the Alex Belfield case does seem fair and reasonable.
Whereas History Debunked seemed to have been wound up by Belfield’s aggressive manner after HD published a video taking at face value a nasty Times hitpiece. And ever since then, HD seems to have been getting his facts from anti-Belfield trolls.
Likewise Simon Sideways has taken a very anti-Belfield line basically accusing AB of being a BBC type person anyway.
And all the comments there seem to go against AB.
Seems my council citizens climate assemblyperson, Justin, and Harry’s heads have exploded.
“express.co.uk Sunak hints at heat pump scrapping as he pledges cheaper energy lifeline to slash bills
has said he could end the Boiler Upgrade Scheme to divert that money to “quicker and cheaper” ways to slash bills.”
Basically taxpayer money now goes in grants to rich people to get them to ditch their current gas boilers to then buy heatpumps to save gas use over the next 25 years, and thus reduce their bills
The suggestion is to use the same money to cut poor people’s bills today.
Who is Madeleine Cuff ?
bio : Environment correspondent @theipaper
. Cornish Londoner. Veg enthusiast.
She doesn’t sound impartial
9 year old girl stabbed to death in Boston. ( lincs not USA but of course Boston lincs is not really the UK any more )
Amazingly the BBC are actually reporting it on their main news page at the moment .. Although towards the bottom, it will drop off shortly no doubt..!
Daily mail article has comments blocked though.
Hmmm, what would be the top comment if they were not blocked .. perhaps ” diversity is our strength” ?!
No doubt it will turn out to be a “local man” who is the culprit !
Two men arrested last time I looked, the girl was a Lithuanian, so most probs she was murdered by someone she knew.
Today watch
They’ve woken up to the coming fuel price hikes – and yes – it’s got the look of a ‘fuel furlough ‘ about it – I m not repeating something I’ve read – it’s my reading of the room – I bet sunak announces it out of desperation …. Another Money tree burns
Back to the brum sports day …
Bet Vile still pairs her with him and Kev. For variety.
Bubble interior movements always a joy.
Brillo and Kay Burley mud wrestling might get the ratings.
Andy – sorry you left ? Stuck in the queue at Dover mon ami?
As for GBNews – a few more advertisers now …
Meanwhile in the corner of Paradise known as Wales……..
UK Column’s piece against FullFact
Now appearing being a paywall at the beacon of impartiality that is the Times.
‘Full Fact and UKICE have partnered to produce a series of evidence led, research-based assessments of the key issues ‘.
Tweets Times journo @anandMenon1
” on our new report looking at the policy issues facing a new PM.”
The Times article has zero comments, which means the moderators are holding them back
Same article without the paywall
The co-credit on the article is to Will Moy “chief executive of Full Fact”
On the twitter Lawrence fox has been running a video piece on Hampshire plod arresting and handcuffing a man because he republished the ‘rainbow ‘ flag in its nazi configuration .
The reason given the the 3 black boiler suited plod who handcuffed their compliant victim in the street outside his house in Sunday morning daylight was that someone was offended ….
It seems now that the gentleman has been released without charge or bail .
The politicisation of unthinking plod is going to lose them any further good faith from ordinary taxpayers / voters – and the next time one comes to a sticky end people will just ask ‘ what’s the weather ?’
The video on Twitter keeps stalling
maybe so many people watching
or libmob trying to stop people watching it
Rumble https://rumble.com/v1e0h9b-a-veteran-has-just-been-arrested-for-the-first-time-in-his-life.html
Also Harry Miller @WeAreFairCop was arrested.
Harry has just been arrested for peacefully supporting a war veteran who’d offended someone on Facebook.
Three police vans. Taken away in a cage like a dangerous dog.
After being handcuffed & arrested he was taken to the station but later released uncharged.
“Those officers were out-of-their-minds, robots, unthinking automatons.
They behaved illegally at every point; misrepresenting the law, not only ignoring PACE but saying it didn’t count.”
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
The Twitter thread has a few more details
.. https://twitter.com/WeAreFairCop/status/1552897044443971584
The police had booked an appointment to come to the guys house that is how Fox and Miller were able to come and do an “intervention”
They promise another one today “in the north”
You know – the more I think what is happening to plod – the more angry I get. They often go on about ‘proportionality ‘ and ‘ discretion ‘ but where were they in this frankly ridiculous case ?
The plod involved should be ashamed of themselves and told whoever ordered the arrest to go do it themselves . Constables have independent power to enforce the law how they choose as individuals , but those 3 or 4 or 5 black boiler suits – no – just following orders .
They have the mentality to round unapproved people up and put them on cattle trucks in the interests of community safety .
I really hope the civil action against plod for what they did goes to court and we see Hampshire plod being condemned by a judge with common sense – but even then I’m asking a bit much .
The the British plod become like Americans > handcuffing everyone routinely ? Whatever the circumstances ? Damn them …
TOADY Watch #1 – ‘they’ are getting really desperate now
Who are ‘they’, I expect you to be thinking? ‘They’ are the climate scaremongers, ‘they’ are the ‘Global Warmistas’ who want us all to go back to living in caves, having stopped travelling anywhere further than the next hamlet or village, without oil, gas or electricity having completely de-industrialised ourselves.
‘Leading scientists’ (we are not told in specific terms who they are) but they include the somewhat now notorious Imperial College have done some sums on their computers and concluded that Global Warming is all the fault of James Watt and Isambard Kingdom Brunel and their contempories and successor and is here to stay unless we return to living in mud huts and hunting on foot with spears and bows and arrows. I am not quite a child of the computer age but with age cometh wisdom and I was taught at secondary school – with the first four IBM computers up and running in the US – to beware and be aware of ‘G.I.G.O.’.
G.I.G.O. = ‘Garbage In, Garbage Out’ as far as computer modelling is concerned. Of course, what could not possibly occur to the great minds of these so-called ‘leading scientists’ is that consistently warm temperatures – some Global Warming – has two natural effects on emissions as far as the UK is concerned. For a start, holidaying in the UK becomes a real possibility of enjoying some dry, warm and sunny weather. There will be no need to head to France, Italy, Greece, Spain or Portugal to chase 40°C+ temperatures and sunshine. This will have real benefits for the UK economy.
Secondly, if some real Global Warming does turn up – evvahh – we will not need to burn so much of that dreadful evil gas to heat our homes and cook our food. We will be enjoying barbeque lunches in our gardens in March to October every year. Notwithstanding that charcoal is an evil, nasty fossil fuel. It was once a living tree absorbing James Watt’s CO2, how could you be so cruel to cut it down and turn it into charcoal?!
I’m so glad that after less than 90 years of some weather measurement they now have enough data to predict and show how global weather behaves – yet alone insert non natural factors such as human activity …
… it is such a nonsense – all the influences and cycles are now understood that they can explain a couple hot days in a small island off the Atlantic Ocean …
.. and destroy economies and people on the strength of that –
Now a feature about tree rings …
Fed, forget counting tree rings. You should be out at the North Pole or South Pole taking thin ice core samples with special drills down several hundred feet and then rushing the samples home in big refrigerators to analyse the Carbon emissions of Neanderthals and the vast bovine animals they hunted to extinction. Then compare it to James Watt’s coal emissions and yours and Snuffy’s emissions from sitting in jams round the North Circular Road and still come up with plenty of G.I.G.O..
You read my mind – as I wrote tree rings I was thinking of including ice samples but decided I’d written too many words ,….🥱
Fed, that was all back in Snuffy’s tellywatching days. Probably the Licence Fee was £20 or thereabouts. Toward the end of the 1970s or start of the 1980s, ‘Tomorrow’s World’ with the late great Raymond Baxter presenting. Some scientists and students from, if I recall correctly, Cambridge University were having a bit of a think about the predicted forthcoming Ice Age and why it hadn’t turned up yet. Could they learn anything from Ice Core samples?
Using early oil drilling technology (there’s an irony!) they took samples of Arctic or Antarctic ice and ‘counted the rings and the spaces between them’ or the tree equivalent for ice. They were after signs of human activity indicated by gases trapped in the ice samples, including CO2. Needless to say they found an increase in pollution which people were also getting concerned about as well as an increase in CO2 emissions over several thousand years. I remember the stories of ‘acid rain’, at the time, and the grime on St Paul’s Cathedral and other large buildings.
Needless to say, the ‘Anti-Oil/anti-USA lobby used this to point at the car use in London and other big cities and call for it to be restricted or limited. It is possible to look at evidence and draw the wrong conclusions. Especially so, if you have a prior agenda.
Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away …
I sent my TV back to the BBC over 30 years ago – the BBC repeatedly enraged me. Since then it has been bliss.
Anything to do with the BBC is simply ignored, even online clips.
Unfortunately I was driving in the car yesterday – mostly I try to cycle. It gets boring on long trips and the radio does not have DAB.
So it was that I found myself listening to Hell-ania Ken-a-di Q-CBDEF+. *They* were banging on about online hate crimes and George Floyd and I am sure that Wimin got mentioned. It was a program about poly-cing.
So here is the thing: why have these fossilised femi-nazies pouring out their bile? Not for these matrons of
hate to worry about black boys stabbing each other to death in our capital city. The things to worry about apparently are online crimes, or George Floyd.
Much better to place these individuals in the opening scene of Macbeth. Then Radio-Flaw may get listeners staying to the end of the program.
Atlas – thank you for the summary of the comrade £ Kennedy (QC )*crap – a series about plod – you know the script – you know the message – they’ll dig out the retired lefty CCs such as the Manchester one -Fahy – who ignored paki rape gangs … wonder if there’ll ever be a case for prosecution for breaching public office …
Atlas – congratulations on avoiding the BBC – one of my many objections is it’s totalitarian contro, of so many formats and areas – one Reich – as it were …
* the term QC becoming discredited .
TOADY Wacth #2 – in which Harshmistress Mishal is not paying attention to ‘leading scientists’
Harshmistress Mishal is in charge for the Prime Interview but a Conservative Government Minister escapes the ‘hot seat’ (I see a warm theme developing in my posts today.) Instead we have a Mr Liquorice of a small Energy Company along with Caroline Flint who is no longer a Labour Party Minister (that will be significant – read on) and was once a member of a Parliamentary Committee as well as on another Parliamentary Committee and then a few more besides that Committee.
Caroline Flint got the first shot at the microphone and probably occupied most of the airtime of the Prime Interview to answer questions from Harshmistress Mishal. Poor old Mishal is feeling chilly and is thinking of winter despite the 40°C+ temperatures outside. Perhaps she should ask someone to turn down the air conditioning in the studio? Mishal, despite her no doubt vast and generous salary paid for by the payers of the TellyTax, is worried about her heating bills next winter in the Husain household.
She asks about whether the £400 support for poorer households, unveiled today, is satisfactory in the way it is being delivered. Needless to say, Caroline Flint is anxious to helpfully say that the (Conservative) Government is “Not doing enough.” There is a saying, something like ‘You can take the girl out of the Parliamentary Labour Party but you cannot take the Labour Party out of the girl.’
Unfortunately when asked by Mishal what she would like the Government to be doing, Caroline immediately says that the Government should be doing more to insulate peoples homes. Which is highly ironic. Caroline Flint, when she was a Labour MP had a ministerial role: Minister of State for Housing and Planning. I don’t recall Caroline Flint, as Housing Minister insisting on better insulation for peoples homes and rolling out wads of cash for people to get the work done. I don’t recall Caroline Flint pushing legislation through Parliament to overturn the Grade 1/2/2a restrictions and local conservation area restrictions on insulation and windows and property modernisation.
Ms flint is one of those interesting labour case studies – a prominent flower cut down by the dumb electorate – I remember the election night when it happened – it was a portillo moment ….
……….presumably ms flint has dreams of the front bench one day – but I suspect the current clan would see her as too bigger threat ….
Maybe she upset too many people to get the usual peerage …..
The least the current government can do is to accumulate as much gas as possible and get coal power stations up and ready – but there seems not to be the urgency this national emergency demands .
I didn’t realise that the likes of France is screwed because much of the their substantial nuclear power is out of action – and I think 75% of power in France was nuclear – hence their ability to export some to the UK … this might not happen in the winter – I’m sure the Reich EU will take priority as much out of politics as commercial practice …
I’m only interested that when the lights go out I’d like to know why …
Fed, think you are right, M/s Flint upset some people with her ‘totty as window dressing’ attack on Tony Blair and/or Gordon Brown.
After Caroline Flint spoke there was a man (sorry late to the party and missed his name) who said it was unfair for other power users to subsidise the poor’s fuel bills, so The Treasury should subsidise the poor. Hello, where does he think ‘The Treasury’ gets its money? Mishal substituted ‘Government’ for ‘Treasury’ but before Government started printing money, Government money had to come from the tax payer, the same people who pay their energy bills.
Neither Mishal nor the guest seemed to realise this.
My dear old Dad used to say money represented someone’s work. Shame the Left cannot get hold of that concept.
Wait for the term ‘energy furlough ‘…
Quite right, Deborah. Gentleman was a Mr Liquorice; think they first name may have been James but don’t ask me for the name of the energy company. Quite small. If I remember correctly they have less than one million customers. Yes, I thought his comment didn’t betray a great intellect lurking between his ears. Perhaps he is after a shot at a constituency for Labour.
It would be interesting if one could snap ones finger’s and suddenly Der Starmer was PM and Labour would forming a Government. I expect that ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ would disappear like frost in sunshine on a dark wooden fence as far as the BBC’s news output is concerned.
Climate change: Will naming heatwaves save lives?
Great idea! Anything to do with climate change could be named after prominent characters from fairytales.
mick, after all of all the world’s in His solar system, God chose to put us humans and wildlife on a ‘Goldilocks’ planet.
Hi U2S!
Can’t argue with you there, I don’t want to go too far off-topic, or off-purpose of this site, but I’ve had a couple of times in my life when I believe whoever is “large and in charge” has reached out a hand when I’ve needed it. That’s as deep as I go, really, He is the higher power of my choice, who you may or may not call God.
To drag it back to climate change, I believe that it exists largely to make a few people a lot of loot. Whether CO2 and fossil fuels are causing the problems I can’t say. I do think that we shouldn’t be making such a mess with third world river banks being six foot deep in plastics and toxic waste from countries such as ours. That problem isn’t going to get any better when all the Tesla batteries die in twenty or thirty years time. I also think that you aren’t going to help the planet at all until the population gets back down to a sensible level. That view is simply not supported in certain circles.
Ha ha that’s a good one … Also – fog – rain – overcast – chilly –
Justin Tinkerbell for a typically wet weekend.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – er ahem, you often get it wrong, don’t you?
The Met Office Beeboids are not happy! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62323048 The Met Office people make exaggerated claims or incorrect forecasts and people get upset. I’m sure the folk who were shivering in the wind under a band of rain on 18th and 19th July were most upset with the BBC’s obsession with 40°C+ temperatures. It has obviously not entered the dense heads of the so-called scientists at the Royal Meteorology Society that weather can be peculiarly local and forcasts can be very inaccurate and should be reported impassionately and neutrally as such.
Quote from Chris Fawkes about Tuesday 19 July: “Thousands could die.”
Except they didn’t, did they Chris? Last count that I heard was thirteen and they were all swimming accidents that may have involved drink and drugs.
US could swap Russian arms dealer for Griner
“..exchanging basketball star Brittney Griner for convicted Russian arms trafficker Viktor Bout.”
Why not :
..exchanging air transport boss Viktor Bout for convicted American drug smuggler Brittney Griner?
Or just balance the descriptions – talks to exchange a convicted drug smuggler, for a convicted arms smuggler.
Climate Change Professor : Matt Hancock
ratioed 8: 1
Stew thanks – hilarious – now what is he after – a climate change minister in the Truss Cabinet ?or a portillo style railway documentary type series with mega bucks and a book for Christmas ?
Maybe he could do it as a couple …
Matt Hancock tells all on new podcast: ‘I haven’t had casual sex with anybody. I fell in love with somebody’
Speaking on The Diary of a CEO podcast, former health secretary also asked about his weepy TV appearance over Covid vaccine
Holiday on expenses?