The blob still thinks it can get us back in to the EU by stealth.
Unelected civil servants (those who ?deliberately confuse co-operation with unification and wrongly ‘advise’ ministers) are swanning around discussing our nuclear deterrent with foreign powers.
Met lots of XRN Officers, 1SL’s & 2Sl’s flag officer Subs had in depth discussion on Defence & security issues Ie reduction in fighting capability & Tony’s essential* EUDefence Union None ever even in a private confidential conversation discussed ☢️shortcomings to be tweaked
Afghan refugees housed in hotels have refused moves to Scotland and Wales because they believe the countries are too cold and don’t speak English, it has emerged.
Clickbait crap the Telegraph doesn’t back up it’s line their
It’s “SOME and “according to sources”
“Some have refused accommodation with reasons including that they do not want to go to Scotland or Wales because they believe they don’t speak the language and the countries are cold, “according to sources.” “
Shame on you, @SkyNews, shame on you. Within 24hrs of Rushdie being almost stabbed to death for what amounts to freedom of expression, you decide to issue a piece talking about why he is controversial. What is controversial is the issuing of fatwas for a fictional book!!
Wokists are virtue signallers, they are not really caring
when newsPR use the word “controversial”, it’s framing trickery
Loaded language that demeans agendas they oppose
eg the BBC’s rule that means “fracking” must be always accompanied by the word “controversial”.
BTW Sky toned down the title slightly
“Salman Rushdie: World reacts as controversial author stabbed in New York state”
There is no edit note.
I wonder why we haven’t seen any reports on the cost of charging your eco car with electricity? Diesel and petrol prices are on thier way down yet electric is going to treble whilst diesel and petrol prices fall. Its going to cost you (if you have one) not much shy of £100 to fully charge….
– so should electricity prices be too , now that we’ve started fracking and the profits from flogging gas to Germany can be used to keep UK prices down by the new Labour Government
I had to drive up the A34 in very heavy stop start traffic with many tailbacks a couple of days back and counted at least 4 electric leaf type cars being pulled along on big diesel recovery trucks, no doubt had run out of charge in the jams.
The breakdown trucks complete with crew probably had to drive round trips of hundreds of miles using diesel to rescue these green idiots.
The coefficient of linear expansion of mild steel is around 11 parts per million per degree K. Even the slight oversize of the holes for the fixing bolts would take care of that.
I or BBC , Sky, BT , ITV have gone completely off their rocker.
As I have written before BBC have decided to make the
crash, bang, wollop 100 their numero uno for sports coverage.
On ITV nearly nearly everybody is black. in the adverts.
On Sky Sports . I just turned on to watch the highlights of the
Man Utd debacle at Brentford. The adverts on Sky Sports
are a bit different to ITV. Here EVERY advert has a black
main characters and a Jamaican patois accompanies them.
Two out of the three pundits at half time are women.
Literally a little and large. Is it time for me to go to the
funny farm. Or the advertising agencies that produce adverts
like we buy any car . The hierarchy of the media who believe
what they are doing in the name of wokeness?
After watching the news about Salman Rushdie it stuck me that surely no one can agree that this attack was carried out as a response to Islamaphobia. But I was wrong, the Twiterati are bringing up Brevik, the crusades, and catholic priests who sodomised little boys.
An those who do not support the attack are turning the issue into a defence of free speech.
No one is talking about Islamic terrorism, no one.
It will slip by as a crime committed by a crazy lone wolf who may have been supported in the past by some moslems.
One day – too late- it will be recognised as an act of war.
In a sane world these animals would be hounded to extinction, however the soft touch they get from the UK media and in particular the BBC give them the oxygen they need to continue with their barbaric atrocities.
Our media are complicit in the campaign of hate they follow.
In a civilised society these people would be marked and dealt with for what they are, vicious, twisted zealots and handed out sentences accordingly including the death penalty but I can guarantee that this animal will receive the full support of our deluded social activists and twisted “lawyers”.
No effort will be spared to demonstrate and argue that he had a just cause.
CNN’s Technical Director explained the goals of their company over the past few years – overthrow President Trump and create panic about a virus and the use of low cost reliable energy.
“Climate thing is gonna take years. They’ll probably be able to milk that for quite a bit”
How CNN (als bBC) would be reporting the weather events from 1935.
Thank goodness for newspaper archives – a valuable resource.
How long before they suddenly become ‘unavailable’?
6:50pm BBC local NewsPR
PR puff piece for Goole Pride gay festival
Another Saturday another Puff piece for a pride festival.
So far they’ve done : Hull, Bridlington, Grimsby etc.
They are concentrating on them up North because in reality it’s one of the roughest, toughest and most laddish areas in the UK. Including many of the femmes. The plan seems to be to try to educate the local beta male chaps that they are out of step and need to get some make-up and lippy etc. ASAP to be relevant and respected.
I confess that I listen a lot to Classic FM even though it is part of Global Radio and takes it’s left slanted news and adverts from the parent company. The news is best ignored therefore.
99% of the music broadcast is from the standard classical repertoire, only very few pieces from outside that are played. Some of the presenters make an occasional unwelcome leftist or
internationalist comment , but usually they don’t offend me.
However , the adverts are increasingly voiced by people with ‘black’ accents , probably said black actors but I suppose it could be white impressionists looking for work.
Why I should be swayed into buying this or that product because some black man or woman tries to persuade me to , is a mystery.
Doublethinker- The Media and advertising agencies have
gone completely off their heads with this nonsense. My
wife who is 100 times more tolerant than I am records
programmes and watches them without the adverts.
Is that what large corporations want? Do Gillette only
believe that only black men shave?
The BBC have some excuse because they don’t commercially
advertise. It must break BIG BROTHER at the Diversity department’s heart.
The BBC try and make up for this by having inclusive diverse
adverts for their own programmes such as the Commonwealth
Games. Which you would of thought were the Caribbean games
because of the format of the advert. Also as much as
possible they use continuity presenters with Caribbean patois
I have been to the Domenican Republic a few times where
around 15% of the population are not indigenous. On TV you
see more of a white presentation in the advertisements on TV
than you do in the UK.
The Advertising Industry has lunatics in control of the asylum.
And are abetted by the media. One of these days some
accountant is going to tell the CEO of a large company to
look at their balance sheets, and why their profits are decreasing.
There is the ghastly voice who sounds white wanting us to use Vodaphone. It is sortof Liverpool gone wrong but someone here might advise. It doesn’t suggest that Vodafone users are sophisticated.
Yep I noticed that Nesta is now one of the BBC blessed. Plus he covers all sports hence which I presume is why it is obvious he is reading everything from an autocue off camera which comes across like a TV commercial.
They are on a mission to claw the hands of anyone white from any position of authority. It is a demented rush to the bottom that can only end in massive resentment and backlash from our indigenous population.
It’s the Global “London” view in action, god knows where it will end and how much damage to society it will cause in the long term.
It’s natural for the common man to resent a society that forces them to the bottom of the heap to attain it’s goal.
Its an on-going problem. Womens magazine veer to one type of model when advertising anything from cosmetics, to fashion, to hair products, and that is the mixed race girl with afro style hair.
I’ve mentioned before that many white models, particularly children are being outgunned in auditions in favour of black or mixed race.
My friend has a 13 year old who was regularly employed by various agencies, but his ‘work’ has now dried up because his colour doesn’t fit the remit. Agencies now favour mixed race so that a black mother/father and white mother/father can be portrayed in presentations for their corporate clients.
My friend has been vocal in saying that its racial discrimination in reverse, but its fallen on deaf ears.
It’s not as bad as even 1976 for goodness sake! However you should know that the CET (Central England Temperature) has been recorded ever since 1659 so not 500 year ago, but not far off.
I find it endlessly amusing how the BBC publicly denounce trolls whilst employing their own to troll forums like this. Sums up their hypocrisy perfectly.
The OFCOMBBC file must be filling up now . The bbc girl will treat this as trolling since any comment not effusive in admiration must be a criticism .
Funny how large publicly funded bodies spend taxpayers ‘ cash on ‘non core ‘ things like her – and in the case of the NHS MOD diversity stazi …
We also want to know what you are doing too. Have you been making re-usable face masks? Maybe you’ve gone completely plastic free. We’ve teamed up with Upload so you can let us know. Click here to upload your images, videos or audio.
“JK Rowling’s death threat from Iran-supporting Islamic extremist DID NOT violate Twitter’s rules after the vile troll warned ‘you are next’ in response to her support of stabbed author Salman Rushdie
British author JK Rowling has received a death threat from Meer Asif Aziz, an Islamist based in Pakistan”
“The British author received a harrowing threat from Meer Asif Aziz, based in Karachi, who described himself on Twitter as a ‘student, social activist, political activist and research activist’, who made tasteless ‘jokes’ about how to destroy Israel and branded it a Putin-savaged Ukraine – as well as Pakistan’s chief geopolitical rival India – ‘terrorist states’.
“She has revealed that after reporting the vile threat to Twitter, the social media network responded decided that the extremist did not violate the rules.
The email from Twitter read: ‘After reviewing the available information, we determined that there were no violations of the Twitter rules in the content you reported. We appreciate your help and encourage you to reach out again in the future if you see any potential violations.’ ”
“A-levels: Students told most will get first-choice university place”
Far too many teenagers wasting their time in universities. They and the country would be better served if they started work as soon as they left school.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time at university although my degree was never put to any use. I only went to please my parents and, in hindsight, I wish I’d left school after A’ levels, even O’ levels, and found an apprenticeship or just a job.
I heard this the other way round Taff (though our interpretations are not mutually exclusive). Which is that some A level students will NOT get their preferred University having failed to get the required grades. Get out the hankies. The subtext being that it is ‘unfair’ on them having to actually sit proper exams and get real results, as opposed to the Teacher Assessed grades of the last 2 years. This, even though marking is known to be lenient this year as the authorities have decreed they want to come back to the normal expected gradings over time.
And so yet another ‘victim’ group has been created. Get ready for stories of anguish next week.
Not mentioned in today’s ‘all shall have prizes’ world is that many students from the past two years were awarded very generous grades their ability did not deserve, went to their ‘first choice’ University as a result (possibly depriving better students of a place) but have not been good enough to cope with the course and are now in the deep doo-doos.
‘Work’ taff? Avoiding that is the whole reason for going to uni, you could even say the whole reason for some universities to exist.
The same philosophy applied decades ago when one of the few ways to avoid National Service was to become a teacher. So teaching changed from a vocation to a means of avoidance – which shows today.
Come on let’s get down to brass tacks. The universities have to have a good intake to remain financially viable and handsomely reward their professors so standards will fit university bums on seats needs not student aspirations and abilities.
On a weekend when our thoughts turn to the apparent myth of freedom of speech.
Edinburgh Fringe: Jerry Sadowitz show cancelled by venue bosses… Its director, Anthony Alderson, added: “The Pleasance is a venue that champions freedom of speech and we do not censor comedians’ material… the material presented at his first show is not acceptable and does not align with our values.” (BBC) – go figure?
Mr AsISeeIt saw Mr Sadowitz’s act at the Edinburgh Festival about three or four years ago – one loses track, what with all this Lockdown nonsense in the interim. Knowing his reputation as probably the only surviving true comedic iconoclast – you know, like they say Lenny Bruce used to be – he was a bucket list must see (as they say). More like a F*** It List. However, all considered, the only thing that honestly shocked or surprised was his sheer energy and relentlessness as a performer. It was as though he’d turned a potty-mouthed gatling gun on the audience, belt-fed with bad taste foul-minded ammunition, peppering all and sundry. There were some walkouts, some heckling – his response was a resounding “F*** Off!”
NO LAUGHING MATTER Controversial comedian’s Edinburgh Fringe show axed after he ‘got penis out on stage’ & made ‘indefensible’ comments (The Sun) – Yes, he did that when I saw him. So too – so the legend goes – did rock legend Jim Morrison of The Doors. And who of the boomer generation (or there abouts) wouldn’t give their eye teeth to have seen The Doors live? But what Jerry certainly did masterfully was to puncture modern middle class liberal pretentions and their hypocritical beliefs. For example, on the subject of equality of opportunity, he reminded his audience why they might not want to hear their airline pilot come over the intercom sounding like he had learning difficulties. Why they might prefer a confident educated Transatlantic accent emanating from the cockpit to that of a cheerful Nigerian.
The Observer, in the role of Guardian on Sunday, guardian of precious right-think, reminds readers of what the author of the Satanic Verses ought perhaps not to have forgotten: Rushdie had started to believe his ‘life was normal again’ – freedom of speech is not the normal state of affairs – never has been and it’s probably getting worse.
The Sunday Times references the perpetrator in their headline but even so reach for a reassuring cliché: Charged with Rushdie attack. ‘good boy’ who became lone wolf – how interesting that good boy gets what we take to be quote marks but the toe-curlingly hackneyed phrase lone wolf should escape scare quotes.
The Sunday Telegraph carries a statement from Rishi which communicates either the desperation of the outsider in the two horse Tory race, or perhaps the confidence of a man who now knows he won’t have to carry out any of his promises: Sanction Iran over Rushdie stabbing, says Sunak – I know I ought to keep up with these things but I thought we already had sactions on Iran up the wazoo?
By the way – Jerry Sadowitz on Rishi Sunak: One audience member said: “I was at the show. He called Rishi Sunak a ‘p***’; said the economy was awful because it is run by ‘blacks and women’.” (The Sun)
Liz Truss accused of second U-turn over cost of living ‘handouts’ Foreign secretary’s supporters say comments she made appearing to reject emergency financial help were ‘misinterpreted’… The row was over an interview Truss gave to the Financial Times on Friday, in which she said she would “look at what more can be done” in the light of warnings from the Bank of England about a 15-month recession and double-digit inflation lasting well into 2023 (Guardian, 7th August)
‘Everyone can thrive’ – Liz Truss pledge as Sunday Express endorses her as the right person to be next Prime Minister (Sunday Express)
Over to our North America correspondent, a Ms. Iqbal, missed that first half, but a name of someone from that medieval death cult, which wasn’t included in the report.
‘Mr Rushdie has faced years of death threats for his novel The Satanic Verses, which some Muslims see as blasphemous’
Yet another massive agenda-based understatement by the BBC. It’s more like ‘the vast majority of Muslims’.
We could judge the scale of this problem if they went around Britain and did a survey of how many Muslims think he deserved it. I expect more than 80% would say yes. Which is of course why they will not go near that topic.
‘There has been an outpouring of support for him, with the attack widely condemned as an assault on freedom of expression.’
Already the religious element is being airbrushed out by the BBC.
It’s far, far more than that BBC and you know it. But Muslims are too useful to use as victims against the Right so you ignore their extreme intolerance, racism, sexism and homophobia.
Calling it ‘an assault on freedom of expression’ is the absolute pinnacle of hypocrisy by the Leftists and the BBC. Thanks to them, free speech has been dead for years. Shown beyond doubt by their complete cancellation of right-wing speakers such as Trump and Farage.
To be fair to GBN I think that the question about the appropriateness of bringing racism into this issue was asked knowing that it would be brilliantly answered and shot to pieces by Frank.
It is obviously nonsense to claim that making a satirical film or writing a satirical book about Islam can in anyway be viewed as right fully motivating loonies who go around chopping folks heads off.
Sadly there are millions of these medieval nutters in this country and all over the world. The best course of action is to deport all Muslims to a Muslim country of their choice and don’t let any back into the UK.
But I’m afraid that solution is probably fifty years out of date , even though Enoch Powell knew it was the right thing to do and said so frequently.
It’s a very comprehensive piece but what kind of threat needs advice like this?
When officials advise you to shelter in place, act quickly and follow instructions. Your main objective should be to get to a safe indoor location. You will likely be in your “safe room” for no more than a few hours. Once inside:
Lock doors, close windows, air vents and fireplace dampers.
Turn off fans, air conditioning and forced air heating systems.
Seal all windows, doors and air vents with plastic sheeting and duct tape.
Make sure you have emergency supplies.
Tune in to local radio or TV stations to receive updates.
If your children are at school, do not pick them up until the danger has passed and shelter-in-place orders have been lifted. School officials have shelter-in-place procedures. You will only endanger yourself by leaving a safe area during the emergency.
Looking at the cone of water out of my kitchen sink when the plug is pulled on a large volume: base of the inverted cone moves slowly in its ‘drilling’ motion down in accordance with the Coriolis Effect. Decent speeds up as it approaches the plug hole. A pictorial example of, ‘life as we know it now’ (Jim)
BBC reporter , Justin, is filmed in the line of infidels awaiting beheading in Foster Square in the parched city Bradfordistan, where , he reminds us, that due to climate change no rain has fallen for three months. Their crimes are mostly to have been caught eating Smokey bacon flavoured crisps.
Breathlessly Justin reports live on breakfast tv that the merciful Muslims have taken pity on those condemned by bringing forward the time of execution to 8 am when Bradfordistan is only at 30 degrees . Justin dutifully reminds us that due to global warming lunchtime temperatures in northern England are regularly 40 degree plus.
He asks one of ex rape gang members , who are now in charge of Sharia law enforcement in the area , if having your head sawn off hurts. The reply is that Allah is merciful and that the saw blade is sharp so quickening the process to less than a minute.
Justin explains that it is an environmentally friendly process because the saw , which was petrol powered , is now fully electric and that the six men seen peddling furiously on static bikes close by, provide electricity for the saw, no fossil fuel involved.
When he is grabbed by the Sharia police Justin becomes panicky and shows his BBC card thinking it will save him. But sadly it is the old issue and is no longer valid this far north and he is brutally pushed towards the saw screaming that he knows Jeremy Bowen but to no avail.
Toady on Sunday.
The radio came on from about 0725. Taking one for the team, I lasted out until 0745.
Was it the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation’s international edition broadcast by mistake? I didn’t detect anything British. Or Christian, but no surprise there.
There was a big piece on Rushdie,. Apparently some Muslims in Bradford (another multicultural triumph) didn’t like the Satanic Verses when it came out and wrote off to Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran. He was looking for a stick to beat the West and this was manna from heaven, so to speak.
And here we are. Still.
According to Toady, Freedom of Speech is important but Rushdie should have known his book would cause offence.
So I suppose it’s all his fault.
Thank you BBC. Where would we be with out you?
In Britain, celebrating our own indigenous cultures.
Sluff well done, I also ‘took one for the team’ and endured Stephen Nolan last night on R5. What came up again and again from Nolan and his coterie of pundits was Rushdie and his novel being ‘controversial’. (Next time there’s media babble on sexual harassment, try suggesting the woman’s clothing choice was controversial, see how well that goes down at W1A.)
The Rushdie stabbing is being reframed as a debate on ‘free speech’. Repetition is the key. Just as — within hours of the David Amess murder by Ali Harbi Ali — the media worked in unison to turn this into a debate on ‘online anonymity’.
Media debate reflects media delusions and they have never been more out of touch.
Terminal – yes well done – I listened the the 9 ?minutes of the latest Neil Oliver piece …
… he is becoming more detached from the British State – he realises it doesn’t act in his interest – or yours – or mine .
Altruism is a tax relief . Money is all – because it divorces the person from the alien ‘give me ‘ welfare state ‘entitlements ‘…..
This week we see the campaign to not pay bills ramp up . The BBC will be there of course … but no one mention not paying the TV Licence DD …
Any body picking up on looming / predicted problems with the banks as the Great Collapse gathers momentum?
One seasoned financial pundit on YT advises that NW has issued amended T’s & C to the public, in effect warning them that withdrawals of >£2000 may be stopped. An incoherent warning from Halifax as well.
“‘If you want vegan food, go to a vegan restaurant’: Award-winning eaterie slams ‘holier than thou’ vegan customers after they were left outraged over lack of plant-based dishes on menu”
“Pre-pandemic the cafe served vegan cream teas and vegan bacon, she said. But customers started to complain that vegan products were being stored in the same chiller cabinets as meat.
‘I would say ‘Hang on a second,’ ‘ she said. ‘They’d look down their noses at us. We’d tell them what vegan options we could offer them and they’d said it was disgusting.’
Ms Cooper, 60, said her growing irritation with the ‘militant minority’ led to her decision not to provide a vegan option on the bistro menu.
She said that since her post she had received a call to the shop from a man who had called her a ‘disgusting, dreadful woman.'”
Their are 3 coming warnings in the next 3 days. I will do outlooks on these as the day gets closer. Seeing possibly a charge of Storms Wednesday for the south now aswell. 🌩
— Extreme & Convective Events (@ConvectiveUK) August 14, 2022
Hilarious Sunday telegraph has a column by some chap saying ‘Uk should prepare for nuclear war ‘…
… it seems to have escaped him that Britain barely has a functioning government at any level … it can’t control its civil service , population size or borders , its’ fuel supply , its energy supply ,its’ water supply , its ‘food supply , its lefty legal system –
Yet some how there will be someone in the ‘government ‘ able to plan for a nuclear war ‘ attack … lol as they say …
.. elsewhere we ‘celebrate ‘ the liberation of afgee as the dumb westerners walked away from their occupation leaving 80 billion dollars’ work of kit – the souls of hundreds of good soldiers and the a bit of luck the last fantasy of changing these third world peasants into worthy people ….
The piece goes on and on about how Obama/ Biden didn’t bother telling us mugs they were pulling out leaving Raab high and dry by his holiday swimming pool. Never again .
We knew better than joining the US in afgee but Blair had promised the house after 9/11….
… and some might think 9/11 came about because the third world got fed up with being Americanised ….
But the Socialist fake Tories, loved Biden and hated Trump because he was a conservative. They are so stupid that they cannot recognise when someone has shafted them, and they continue to support him over the Republicans.
I am developing some grave reservations as to whether the Biden crime syndicate has some links to the Chinese Communist party.
Male local radio presenter just now
“Here’s a funny story I was driving with my partner who is a drag artist for charity events
He was dressed in full drag
We broke down , so he started changing out of his wig and tights,
then the police turned up”
Celebrating Free `speech – in the wake of the accidental injury to a writer in the US . Yes – the BBC is full of ‘approved free speech ‘ ranging from in depth inquiries into paki racist rape Muslim gangs to Chinese virus deaths …
We could enjoy listing the ‘approved free speech ‘ on this site – and then again those areas of public life the BBC prefers no speech at all …
Matthew Syed in the Times
“The ayatollahs have found their accomplices in western liberals
We blame the Rushdie attack on Muslim fanatics, but we shouldn’t ignore** our** own complicity”
Yet while Rushdie survived this hostility, others did not.
– Hitoshi Igarashi, his Japanese translator, was stabbed to death.
– Ettore Capriolo, his Italian translator, was also stabbed,
– and William Nygaard, his Norwegian publisher, was shot and critically injured.
– Mustafa Mahmoud Mazeh perished while preparing explosives designed to kill the British novelist. A shrine in Tehran for Mazeh says: “The first martyr to die on a mission to kill Salman Rushdie.”
(have the Ayatollahs softened ?) “this is delusional, a fantasy conjured up by western liberals to distract from a more sinister truth: over 30 years they have worked as the de facto accomplices of the ayatollah, assisting in the task of dismantling free speech,
sending fear through those who dare to criticise or ridicule religion or anything else.
Rushdie, in this sense, is not — and never was — a historical affair but a live scandal running through the veins of British life, not to mention other western societies
Louis Smith a gymnast who won three Olympic medals was messing round with his mate who shouted “Allahu akbar” while Smith laughed.
, liberal commentators were united in outrage ..called for Smith to be banned — and he was, for two months, by British Gymnastics. He was accused of Islamophobia, racism, you name it.
The rule used was “Athletes may be ineligible for funding if they are derogatory about a person’s disability, gender, pregnancy or maternity, race, sexuality, marital status, *beliefs* or age.”
Death threats had started almost immediately: “We are going to find you, and kill you
Smith couldn’t earn a living after his “crime”. Sponsors and broadcasters turned their backs on him. Progressives didn’t want to know. His income vanished and he struggled to pay his mortgage.
It was the same creed that defended those who hounded into hiding a teacher at a school in Batley
,, that connives in the cancellation and intimidation of anyone who engages in wrongthink on trans rights, climate change or the demolition of statues.
You also need to remember the bribery and corruption of poorly paid political elites by the Iranians in order to facilitate the treacherous nuclear deal by the Obamessiah.
That’ mentioned in the Times comments
“There is a clip on youtube of a TV programme where cat stevens called for salman rushdie to be murdered. Fay Weldon immediately told the senior police officer also on the panel to arrest stevens, but the police officer just looked embarrassed.
Pretty shocking.”
“Christopher Hitchens eviscerating answer to the so called liberal Shirley Williams back when Question Time was good”
Salman Rushdie knighthood is debated on Question time With Christopher Hitchens, Boris Johnstone, Shirley Williams, Peter Hitchens, Tony McNalty
Shirley Williams came across as saying awarding a knighthood was a deliberate stick in the eye to Muslims
..See how she brought her own rent a crowd who clapped like seals
“This a man who has offended MUSLIMS and is being protected by the British police at enormous cost”
Clip is marked 2007
Our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” aired a trailer for a forthcoming programme on R4 just before the 1200 news. I offer an alternative so I’m, “just checking your thinking”. Was it, : ‘Fried Chicken is synonymous with Black people, the programme explores why’ or was it, ‘Black people are synonymous with stabbing one another, the programme explores why’?
I listened to halfway of that programme before my phone rang . I didn’t know that that fried chicken was synonymous with black people until the BBC told me . That’s how the BBC “ informs “ us .
[ the reason my phone rang is because a friend wanted to tell me that Richard Tice on Talk Radio was talking with others and listeners about the proliferation of Turkish barbers, which is now discovered to be a money laundering front for Turks and Albanians in the drug trade . That’s how Talk Radio informs us .
Which information is more important?]
Now on Radio 4 something about black music and prejudice in the Southern United States.
The vile naughtie – demonising president trump – with various democrat mouths spouting the usual poison . But I notice they’ll mention the 6 January demos – but not the source of the anger – theft of a presidential election .
I just hoped naughtie would retire to Classic FM with the rest of the far left biased swamp – but instead his production company needs a dividend so he has the summer Sunday gigs ….
As for America – a lot swings on the coming elections . With president trump waiting for the outcome – in terms – in my opinion – of the degree of corruption operated by democrats ranging from mules to fixed counting to voting management to democrat judiciaries ,,,
Standard distraction stuff from the BBC – no mention of Biden / Obama trashing the country – and ‘America first ‘ by trump being seen as a ‘bad thing ‘. But that is anti global so evil ….
TWotWeeee Watch #1 – and what a lot of weee it was, the half I heard
I came to the programme late. In the part I heard, The Noxious Naughtie really let loose on his hatred of Donald J. Trump, former President of the United States of America. Naughty Naughtie did not hold back. You could hear the venom, the hatred, in his voice. James Naughtie was almost spitting words at the microphone. Radio is such an unforgiving medium, it really lets the world know how you feel, how you are on any given day.
Did I really hear James Naughtie lie on air? The last presenter, if I recall correctly, to do that was sacked and left the BBC under a cloud.
The Noxious Naughtie claimed that Donald Trump wanted Hillary Clinton investigated by the FBI. James then played two clips in which Donald Trump said nothing of the sort, merely that she should be “locked up”. If someone on here knows that Trump never actually said “Hillary Clinton should be investigated by the FBI” then it might be worth putting in a formal complaint to the BBC in writing.
I’m guessing that word has filtered across the Atlantic Ocean that President Joe Biden and the Washington ‘swamp’ have over-reached themselves somewhat with that FBI raid on the former President’s Florida home. Instead of keeping quiet or even apologising, the Socialists, with their useful idiots at the BBC, are doubling down and going for what they hope will be a knockout blow. They are terrified that Donald J. Trump might run in 2024 and are doing everything possible to prevent it.
No – I reckon the feds have fitted president trump already and the democrats are just timing the arrest of a former president –
They might just back down and find something else – they like the ‘lieing to the feds one ‘ …..but they won’t let him go because Obama wants him dead ….
Fed, wow, that’s a couple of real conspiracy theories you have there. Maybe. Maybe. My sense is that there is a one world government on the way. We are in the foothills of conflict that might bring it about. But on the other hand, maybe not and everything will revert to normal.
One world government, as you well know, is not a conspiracy theory as it was prophesied nearly two thousand years ago, as well as even earlier by a gifted Jewish lad, exiled to Babylon.
Before the Biden election I’d have said conspiracy theory . But they got away with the theft of that election . After that anything – anything -is possible .
I can’t see a ‘world government ‘ china wants to be on a par / superior to America and so are allied with Russia to achieve that – certainly not too difficult
I can’t see any unity in America – if mr trump got office again the inquiries and revenge will last the whole presidency –
Trying to shake out the consequences of Ukraine – even in terms of timescale – is more than problematic for armchair field marshals like me …
Will putin push for ‘victory ‘ before the Winter ? Will he use battlefield nuclear weapons ? ( can’t see it ) unless use is aimed to remind the World that Russia is a world power and not just a criminal Arab country funded on oil …
There’s a long piece in the Sunday telegraph about the background as to why we haven’t got gas storage facilities ….
The mainly tories responsible for this will never pay a price for what they’ve done – nor will Milliband ..
JohnC, the problem for the DNC is that they are short of talent. I mean talent in the intellectual, political sense. They have some visual totty er, pardon me, ‘talent’ in AOC and that Tulsi Gabbard is a looker as the Belfast lads would say. Pardon me for repeating myself here but in 2016 Trump (not my choice, personally) won against a very strong field. For the DNC, it was a choice between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders with a few lightweight makeweights.
The death of Anne Heche has brought back into light the chaotic train wreck lives of celebrities who just love to hector the rest of us on how we must live our lives.
Alcoholism, drug addicition militant Lesbianism and other Socialist craziness, makes us all wonder how these people even get through their days the states they are in.
“Rhyl: Welsh-only car park ticket machine delays drivers”
One of the many methods the Welsh Ashambles is driving away the much needed tourists . There other ways .
Scrap the Assembly ! It wastes money, many taffmen are not happy , not happy at all .
And pretending they can predict it to small areas is off-the-scale nonsense.
Everything about climate change is arbitrary. They have no idea whatsoever what effect all these green ‘targets’ will have. None. So they lie to us because they are so sure they are right. That’s how Leftists work : lies are fine when their agenda justifies it.
IMHO part of what we are told is true. But the vast majority is exaggerated or misrepresented by people with a vested interest in the funding.
If we are to believe a word spoken by so called experts (of whom I would guess that a majority are of the Socialist persuasion) then we have to believe that the Planet Earth has existed for millions of years and humans were just an after thought. If that is true then I think the Planet will still be here long after our residency here has ended irrespective of our lifestyle. I’m pretty sure that the Chinese leaders believe that judging by the speed with which they are opening new coal mines.
Funny, but our National Broadcaster doesn’t appear to think that newsworthy.
JohnC and LW, I’m inclined to think the climate is warming, but at a much more gradual and less dramatic rate than usually postulated by the scientifically illiterate, but violently outspoken, or those with an eye on their bank balance and careers.
I’m also inclined to think it’s basically a natural process and we (humans) are having little impact… proof that the climate has and does regularly change, and sometimes quite rapidly, without human interference is all around us.
I’m also inclined to think nature is pretty good at coping with such changes, although this is where we’re having a big impact, because there are so, so many of us now, and we’re (in a collective, not a personal sense) doing so much to wreck and pollute nature globally.
THAT is phenomenally stupid, as is allowing the global population to runaway at such a rate, looking specifically at less developed countries there (birth rate in most of the developed world is plummeting), as is wrecking our own country through a constant stream of immigration and house building.
There are SOME things the eugenicists got right (and no, I’m not talking about gas chambers, racism, or killing anyone, just in case anyone is thinking that – like Maxi, for example, who has a habit of twisting people’s words out of context for his/her/their own purposes).
We could be living in a golden age to be human, instead we seem to be living in an age of ever deepening, and entirely self inflicted shite.
Biden has refused to comment on the Rushdie attack. Biden is in talks with Iran over reestablishing a nuclear deal that Trump put in the waste paper basket.
What is it going to take to make lefty maniac Biden supporters in the US realise they are enabling a dangerous lunatic helping a rogue state that is threatening the existence of the USA and the West, Most probably because there is so much Dem fat-cat profits at stake?
Countryfile “Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue
… Plus, clips from the archives featuring footage by some of Britain’s finest wildlife film-makers”
So the prog is largely repeat content
5pm R4 Documentary following a group of Afghan families settling into new lives in Manchester.
“Last year, Broadoak School in Partington, Greater Manchester, found itself welcoming 57 new pupils from Afghanistan as well as four teachers.
They had all fled the country and arrived in the UK after the fall of Kabul in August 2021”
TWotWeeee Watch #2 – I cannot believe you just said that, Naughtie
At one point, Noxious Naughtie, in trying his best to weee on former President Trump was talking to a swamp dweller from I think WAPO, the Washington Post. James asked his fellow Trump dismisser what successful foreign opinion had Donald Trump created. This from a former BBC TOADY presenter who has worked on the Washington Post and is a member of the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission and a United Kingdom advisory board member for the British-American Project, which exists to promote the British-American relationship.
You would think James Naughtie would know a thing or two about American Politics.
You would think.
But apparently not. His anti-Trump mania has wiped his brain clear of all knowledge of American politics, it appears. Just to remind the Noxious Naughtie, When DJT won the Presidency in 2016 the Left said that is it. There will be war with North Korea. Pyongyang will rain nuclear ICBMs down on the west coast of the USA, if not the mid-west and Washington.
Then President Trump went off on a Far East tour and charmed the socks off Kim Jong-Un and they became best buddies. Threat of war gone for now. Even better, tensions had existed between North Korea and South Korea since the Korean war in the 1950s that occasionally resulted in military skirmishes with occasional deaths. What did Trump do after N.Korea? He visited Soth Korea and charmed the socks off the President there and got the North and South Koreas talking. All this after successful visits to Japan and, iirc, Singapore.
Hey-ho, fast-forward to 2022 and N.Korea are talking about testing missiles with nuclear warheads again. That went well, China Joe, your Presidency so far, huh?
More than 20,000 people have crossed the English Channel in small boats this year, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed. Defence ? Defending what ?
On Saturday 607 made the crossing in 14 boats – the third time the total has exceeded 600 in 2022. Apparently the Rwanda scheme has not worked (shock horror). The upside to all this hot weather, global warming/climate change, for the illegals (can I call them that ?) is that there will be even more opportunities to make the crossing. Every cloud…..(if there were any clouds)
Wasn’t there some complete tool of a bloke telling us a couple of years ago that he was the man to stop all this and that Priti had put him in a position to sort it out. Can’t recall his name so he must have made a big impression.
Something we couldn’t have guessed is that Border Farce, which allegedly polices the UK’s borders, may have made the small boats crisis in the Channel worse, an independent report has found.
The £20+ million we throw at the French to stop the boats is completely wasted, as well as the money on that report. It’s about time we took the Euros back from our cross channel neighbours and started hitting them with a big stick (French, not the illegals. That would be very cruel) and spending it on stopping and turning or towing back to the coast.
Meanwhile at a car wash, immune to the hosepipe ban, near you several Albanians from that war torn country (?) are happily washing your motor.
A government spokesman said: “The Nationality and Borders Act makes it a criminal offence to knowingly arrive in the UK illegally and we have introduced life sentences for those who facilitate illegal entry into the country.”
So, life sentences for some Border Patrol, Royal Navy and RNLI staff, then? Any government ministers as risk as well?
There is an emergency line which the migrants know about and as soon as they are in their boats, they call it. Then we send a boat out to pick them up. Plus they know exactly what they are entitled to before they set off so they disembark at our end then start demanding to be taken to their accomodation.
It’s absolute madness.
All the government care about is not having their bodies wash up on the beach because the Left/BBC would go into empathy meltdown.
I still don’t understand why we can’t just tow them back to France where they set off from. They are perfectly safe there. They are not claiming asylum from France. I presume the ECHR is behind it.
atlas_shruggedFeb 5, 14:13 Midweek 5th February 2025 So important to emphasise that travelling by public transport in Europe and the UK is ‘safe and effective’.
ZephirFeb 5, 13:59 Midweek 5th February 2025 “And Mr Dally fears that he may be just one of many who have fallen foul of the bureaucratic oversight.…
ZephirFeb 5, 13:57 Midweek 5th February 2025 Talking of far left nazis, with their gold plated pensions: “Couple’s fury as they are wrongly charged £70,000 by council…
MarkyMarkFeb 5, 13:41 Midweek 5th February 2025 2019 … Kings of cocaine: how the Albanian mafia seized control of the UK drugs trade
MarkyMarkFeb 5, 13:40 Midweek 5th February 2025 “The report revealed some people at a senior level in the police and children’s social care thought the extent of…
ZephirFeb 5, 13:33 Midweek 5th February 2025 Yes, when you see where some of our “guests” have come from, with the actions of many of their previous…
Lunchtime LoatherFeb 5, 13:26 Midweek 5th February 2025 When they ask “What do we know?” who are / is the “we” they refer to? It sort of suggests…
Fedup2Feb 5, 13:12 Midweek 5th February 2025 The slaughter of 3 innocent souls in Nottingham has had the inevitable lessons won’t be learnt inquiry .the relatives rightly…
R4 Drama : A radical reworking of Anton Chekhov’s classic Three Sisters for BBC Radio 4,
With the titular three sisters played by three Deaf actors
and since some of them have the deaf persons voiceyou can’t understand what they are saying.
Next week painting by blind people.
The blob still thinks it can get us back in to the EU by stealth.
Unelected civil servants (those who ?deliberately confuse co-operation with unification and wrongly ‘advise’ ministers) are swanning around discussing our nuclear deterrent with foreign powers.
Afghan refugees housed in hotels have refused moves to Scotland and Wales because they believe the countries are too cold and don’t speak English, it has emerged.
What surprised me about that story is that they actually have the right to refuse.
The conversation should go something like:
‘Your free accomodation is in Scotland. If you don’t take it you must pay your own way.’
They should be sent back to Afghanistan.
Clickbait crap the Telegraph doesn’t back up it’s line their
It’s “SOME and “according to sources”
“Some have refused accommodation with reasons including that they do not want to go to Scotland or Wales because they believe they don’t speak the language and the countries are cold, “according to sources.” “
its line there.
Huw going to sulk because Sky used their word?
Skynews was #VictimBlaming
Wokists are virtue signallers, they are not really caring
when newsPR use the word “controversial”, it’s framing trickery
Loaded language that demeans agendas they oppose
eg the BBC’s rule that means “fracking” must be always accompanied by the word “controversial”.
BTW Sky toned down the title slightly
“Salman Rushdie: World reacts as controversial author stabbed in New York state”
There is no edit note.
According to the BBC Ronaldo is starting for Man City ………
I wonder why we haven’t seen any reports on the cost of charging your eco car with electricity? Diesel and petrol prices are on thier way down yet electric is going to treble whilst diesel and petrol prices fall. Its going to cost you (if you have one) not much shy of £100 to fully charge….
petrol and diesel on the way down?
– so should electricity prices be too , now that we’ve started fracking and the profits from flogging gas to Germany can be used to keep UK prices down by the new Labour Government
Have we started fracking?
I had to drive up the A34 in very heavy stop start traffic with many tailbacks a couple of days back and counted at least 4 electric leaf type cars being pulled along on big diesel recovery trucks, no doubt had run out of charge in the jams.
The breakdown trucks complete with crew probably had to drive round trips of hundreds of miles using diesel to rescue these green idiots.
Now that’s how to save the planet!
I bet its fun in a Nissan Leaf in a long traffic jam with no air con/heater, how long before someone dies?
Em I don’t think it costs anything like £100 to fully charge an electric car
But EV users are not paying fuel duty so that isn’t fair to the rest of us
BBC gets the money shot, but…
More engineering magic.
Typical arts-educated garbage to confuse cement with concrete.
Health & Safety vetoed expansion joints in the interests of safety. And health of course.
The French activists mixed the cement with oui oui.
Neau, eau.
Guest Who
The same problems with the railways?
No ‘fishplates’ .
The coefficient of linear expansion of mild steel is around 11 parts per million per degree K. Even the slight oversize of the holes for the fixing bolts would take care of that.
I or BBC , Sky, BT , ITV have gone completely off their rocker.
As I have written before BBC have decided to make the
crash, bang, wollop 100 their numero uno for sports coverage.
On ITV nearly nearly everybody is black. in the adverts.
On Sky Sports . I just turned on to watch the highlights of the
Man Utd debacle at Brentford. The adverts on Sky Sports
are a bit different to ITV. Here EVERY advert has a black
main characters and a Jamaican patois accompanies them.
Two out of the three pundits at half time are women.
Literally a little and large. Is it time for me to go to the
funny farm. Or the advertising agencies that produce adverts
like we buy any car . The hierarchy of the media who believe
what they are doing in the name of wokeness?
Fosi, wait til you see the list for this year’s Strictly !!!!
After watching the news about Salman Rushdie it stuck me that surely no one can agree that this attack was carried out as a response to Islamaphobia. But I was wrong, the Twiterati are bringing up Brevik, the crusades, and catholic priests who sodomised little boys.
An those who do not support the attack are turning the issue into a defence of free speech.
No one is talking about Islamic terrorism, no one.
It will slip by as a crime committed by a crazy lone wolf who may have been supported in the past by some moslems.
One day – too late- it will be recognised as an act of war.
A lot of people already recognise it as such, perhaps even a majority, but it’s the minority that has the rights.
This is why the Left make gross generalisations then use labels to put a stigma on people to stop them saying what they think. It’s a form of fascism.
Anyone who specifically singles out any minority is now classed as a racist – whether what they say is perfectly true or not.
The Left are a cancer destroying common-sense society. They are the most shameless hypocrites.
In a sane world these animals would be hounded to extinction, however the soft touch they get from the UK media and in particular the BBC give them the oxygen they need to continue with their barbaric atrocities.
Our media are complicit in the campaign of hate they follow.
In a civilised society these people would be marked and dealt with for what they are, vicious, twisted zealots and handed out sentences accordingly including the death penalty but I can guarantee that this animal will receive the full support of our deluded social activists and twisted “lawyers”.
No effort will be spared to demonstrate and argue that he had a just cause.
It is sickening!
It would appear that there are ‘packs of lone wolves’ around ?
All the Muslim attacks are acts of war, but the Left just want to ignore it all.
Time for a giggle !
Graun might not be helping here.
Operative word “could”.
Certain places in Europe like Russia and Norway’ coast seemed to have had a lot of rain.
CNN’s Technical Director explained the goals of their company over the past few years – overthrow President Trump and create panic about a virus and the use of low cost reliable energy.
“Climate thing is gonna take years. They’ll probably be able to milk that for quite a bit”
How CNN (als bBC) would be reporting the weather events from 1935.
Thank goodness for newspaper archives – a valuable resource.
How long before they suddenly become ‘unavailable’?
6:50pm BBC local NewsPR
PR puff piece for Goole Pride gay festival
Another Saturday another Puff piece for a pride festival.
So far they’ve done : Hull, Bridlington, Grimsby etc.
They are concentrating on them up North because in reality it’s one of the roughest, toughest and most laddish areas in the UK. Including many of the femmes. The plan seems to be to try to educate the local beta male chaps that they are out of step and need to get some make-up and lippy etc. ASAP to be relevant and respected.
Pure unadulterated propaganda crap.
The Guardian / Observer are out trying to push the zoonotic wet market origin for SARS-Cov19.
Totally avoids the issue of the Furin cleavage site … – and more…
The Guardian Media Group are a danger to us all.
The BBC are sure to follow.
The NYT it turns out was receiving funding from the CCP as were several other for doing this kind of thing.
Hampshire police have arrested all the pigeons in Portsmouth Gulidhall Square. They were sat in the trees saying “lookatthecoons, lookatthecoons.
I guess BBCnews Channel is an international channel so it goes from a black sports reporter to a black female news anchor
6:50pm BBC1 Local NewsPR demographics
No white males
– Studio – white female
– OB reporter – white female
– Weather – white female
National weather – white female
National News studio : Asian Female : Ritula I think
Oh I forgot to say that on withe South Asian newsreader the sports reporting was done by the same black guy Nesta.
I confess that I listen a lot to Classic FM even though it is part of Global Radio and takes it’s left slanted news and adverts from the parent company. The news is best ignored therefore.
99% of the music broadcast is from the standard classical repertoire, only very few pieces from outside that are played. Some of the presenters make an occasional unwelcome leftist or
internationalist comment , but usually they don’t offend me.
However , the adverts are increasingly voiced by people with ‘black’ accents , probably said black actors but I suppose it could be white impressionists looking for work.
Why I should be swayed into buying this or that product because some black man or woman tries to persuade me to , is a mystery.
Doublethinker- The Media and advertising agencies have
gone completely off their heads with this nonsense. My
wife who is 100 times more tolerant than I am records
programmes and watches them without the adverts.
Is that what large corporations want? Do Gillette only
believe that only black men shave?
The BBC have some excuse because they don’t commercially
advertise. It must break BIG BROTHER at the Diversity department’s heart.
The BBC try and make up for this by having inclusive diverse
adverts for their own programmes such as the Commonwealth
Games. Which you would of thought were the Caribbean games
because of the format of the advert. Also as much as
possible they use continuity presenters with Caribbean patois
I have been to the Domenican Republic a few times where
around 15% of the population are not indigenous. On TV you
see more of a white presentation in the advertisements on TV
than you do in the UK.
The Advertising Industry has lunatics in control of the asylum.
And are abetted by the media. One of these days some
accountant is going to tell the CEO of a large company to
look at their balance sheets, and why their profits are decreasing.
There is the ghastly voice who sounds white wanting us to use Vodaphone. It is sortof Liverpool gone wrong but someone here might advise. It doesn’t suggest that Vodafone users are sophisticated.
She always sounds to me as if she’s about to wet her knickers.
Yep I noticed that Nesta is now one of the BBC blessed. Plus he covers all sports hence which I presume is why it is obvious he is reading everything from an autocue off camera which comes across like a TV commercial.
They are on a mission to claw the hands of anyone white from any position of authority. It is a demented rush to the bottom that can only end in massive resentment and backlash from our indigenous population.
It’s the Global “London” view in action, god knows where it will end and how much damage to society it will cause in the long term.
It’s natural for the common man to resent a society that forces them to the bottom of the heap to attain it’s goal.
A goal that’s based on massive untruth.
Its an on-going problem. Womens magazine veer to one type of model when advertising anything from cosmetics, to fashion, to hair products, and that is the mixed race girl with afro style hair.
I’ve mentioned before that many white models, particularly children are being outgunned in auditions in favour of black or mixed race.
My friend has a 13 year old who was regularly employed by various agencies, but his ‘work’ has now dried up because his colour doesn’t fit the remit. Agencies now favour mixed race so that a black mother/father and white mother/father can be portrayed in presentations for their corporate clients.
My friend has been vocal in saying that its racial discrimination in reverse, but its fallen on deaf ears.
Earlier on BBC TV had a football Show
I thought it was Meghan Markle !
Some twenty somethings have started to claim that the three weeks of hot weather we are getting represent the biggest drought for 500 years.
1. How does anyone know this, there were no records 500 years ago as hardly anyone could read or write,
2. It seems in a day or two we are to be under a deluge. What they going to put this down to?
It’s not as bad as even 1976 for goodness sake! However you should know that the CET (Central England Temperature) has been recorded ever since 1659 so not 500 year ago, but not far off.
I find it endlessly amusing how the BBC publicly denounce trolls whilst employing their own to troll forums like this. Sums up their hypocrisy perfectly.
The OFCOMBBC file must be filling up now . The bbc girl will treat this as trolling since any comment not effusive in admiration must be a criticism .
Funny how large publicly funded bodies spend taxpayers ‘ cash on ‘non core ‘ things like her – and in the case of the NHS MOD diversity stazi …
BBC steal by taking everyone’s money
and then funnelling it to their own pet POLITICAL campaigning programming
eg BBC regional radio are starting their own Climate campaigning progs
From stewgreen’s link:
Eco drivel elsewhere:
One more reason to not tune in to BBC services….
“How to fix democracy” eh ?
Salaried eco-activists get a platform to pump this drivel due to the unique way they’re funded…
They’re peeing on us from a height and announcing that it’s raining?
“JK Rowling’s death threat from Iran-supporting Islamic extremist DID NOT violate Twitter’s rules after the vile troll warned ‘you are next’ in response to her support of stabbed author Salman Rushdie
British author JK Rowling has received a death threat from Meer Asif Aziz, an Islamist based in Pakistan”
“The British author received a harrowing threat from Meer Asif Aziz, based in Karachi, who described himself on Twitter as a ‘student, social activist, political activist and research activist’, who made tasteless ‘jokes’ about how to destroy Israel and branded it a Putin-savaged Ukraine – as well as Pakistan’s chief geopolitical rival India – ‘terrorist states’.
“She has revealed that after reporting the vile threat to Twitter, the social media network responded decided that the extremist did not violate the rules.
The email from Twitter read: ‘After reviewing the available information, we determined that there were no violations of the Twitter rules in the content you reported. We appreciate your help and encourage you to reach out again in the future if you see any potential violations.’ ”
Twitter is manned by a stinking pile of lefty warpies and misfits. So this Twitter response tells us all we need to know.
“A-levels: Students told most will get first-choice university place”
Far too many teenagers wasting their time in universities. They and the country would be better served if they started work as soon as they left school.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time at university although my degree was never put to any use. I only went to please my parents and, in hindsight, I wish I’d left school after A’ levels, even O’ levels, and found an apprenticeship or just a job.
I heard this the other way round Taff (though our interpretations are not mutually exclusive). Which is that some A level students will NOT get their preferred University having failed to get the required grades. Get out the hankies. The subtext being that it is ‘unfair’ on them having to actually sit proper exams and get real results, as opposed to the Teacher Assessed grades of the last 2 years. This, even though marking is known to be lenient this year as the authorities have decreed they want to come back to the normal expected gradings over time.
And so yet another ‘victim’ group has been created. Get ready for stories of anguish next week.
Not mentioned in today’s ‘all shall have prizes’ world is that many students from the past two years were awarded very generous grades their ability did not deserve, went to their ‘first choice’ University as a result (possibly depriving better students of a place) but have not been good enough to cope with the course and are now in the deep doo-doos.
‘Work’ taff? Avoiding that is the whole reason for going to uni, you could even say the whole reason for some universities to exist.
The same philosophy applied decades ago when one of the few ways to avoid National Service was to become a teacher. So teaching changed from a vocation to a means of avoidance – which shows today.
Come on let’s get down to brass tacks. The universities have to have a good intake to remain financially viable and handsomely reward their professors so standards will fit university bums on seats needs not student aspirations and abilities.
A giant con trick!
On a weekend when our thoughts turn to the apparent myth of freedom of speech.
Edinburgh Fringe: Jerry Sadowitz show cancelled by venue bosses… Its director, Anthony Alderson, added: “The Pleasance is a venue that champions freedom of speech and we do not censor comedians’ material… the material presented at his first show is not acceptable and does not align with our values.” (BBC) – go figure?
Mr AsISeeIt saw Mr Sadowitz’s act at the Edinburgh Festival about three or four years ago – one loses track, what with all this Lockdown nonsense in the interim. Knowing his reputation as probably the only surviving true comedic iconoclast – you know, like they say Lenny Bruce used to be – he was a bucket list must see (as they say). More like a F*** It List. However, all considered, the only thing that honestly shocked or surprised was his sheer energy and relentlessness as a performer. It was as though he’d turned a potty-mouthed gatling gun on the audience, belt-fed with bad taste foul-minded ammunition, peppering all and sundry. There were some walkouts, some heckling – his response was a resounding “F*** Off!”
NO LAUGHING MATTER Controversial comedian’s Edinburgh Fringe show axed after he ‘got penis out on stage’ & made ‘indefensible’ comments (The Sun) – Yes, he did that when I saw him. So too – so the legend goes – did rock legend Jim Morrison of The Doors. And who of the boomer generation (or there abouts) wouldn’t give their eye teeth to have seen The Doors live? But what Jerry certainly did masterfully was to puncture modern middle class liberal pretentions and their hypocritical beliefs. For example, on the subject of equality of opportunity, he reminded his audience why they might not want to hear their airline pilot come over the intercom sounding like he had learning difficulties. Why they might prefer a confident educated Transatlantic accent emanating from the cockpit to that of a cheerful Nigerian.
The Observer, in the role of Guardian on Sunday, guardian of precious right-think, reminds readers of what the author of the Satanic Verses ought perhaps not to have forgotten: Rushdie had started to believe his ‘life was normal again’ – freedom of speech is not the normal state of affairs – never has been and it’s probably getting worse.
The Sunday Times references the perpetrator in their headline but even so reach for a reassuring cliché: Charged with Rushdie attack. ‘good boy’ who became lone wolf – how interesting that good boy gets what we take to be quote marks but the toe-curlingly hackneyed phrase lone wolf should escape scare quotes.
The Sunday Telegraph carries a statement from Rishi which communicates either the desperation of the outsider in the two horse Tory race, or perhaps the confidence of a man who now knows he won’t have to carry out any of his promises: Sanction Iran over Rushdie stabbing, says Sunak – I know I ought to keep up with these things but I thought we already had sactions on Iran up the wazoo?
By the way – Jerry Sadowitz on Rishi Sunak: One audience member said: “I was at the show. He called Rishi Sunak a ‘p***’; said the economy was awful because it is run by ‘blacks and women’.” (The Sun)
Liz Truss accused of second U-turn over cost of living ‘handouts’ Foreign secretary’s supporters say comments she made appearing to reject emergency financial help were ‘misinterpreted’… The row was over an interview Truss gave to the Financial Times on Friday, in which she said she would “look at what more can be done” in the light of warnings from the Bank of England about a 15-month recession and double-digit inflation lasting well into 2023 (Guardian, 7th August)
‘Everyone can thrive’ – Liz Truss pledge as Sunday Express endorses her as the right person to be next Prime Minister (Sunday Express)
Really, luv? Can everyone thrive?
Truss has said she will ‘look at’ all manner of things.
Unfortunately, what she means is that she is waiting to be told what to do by civil servants.
AISI — “the material presented at his first show is not acceptable and does not align with our values.”
Maybe next time Mr Sadowitz could try the same feat but with a BLM sticker on his nob? Just to give the arts world an ethical quandary.
(I also would have loved to have seen the Doors live)
Funny they complain about Sadowitz but quite happy to see blokes prancing about bollock naked on pride marches.
Good old free speech again eh ?
BBC news channel.
8.00 headlines.
Salman Rushdie off ventilator.
Over to our North America correspondent, a Ms. Iqbal, missed that first half, but a name of someone from that medieval death cult, which wasn’t included in the report.
Salman Rushdie off ventilator and able to talk
‘Mr Rushdie has faced years of death threats for his novel The Satanic Verses, which some Muslims see as blasphemous’
Yet another massive agenda-based understatement by the BBC. It’s more like ‘the vast majority of Muslims’.
We could judge the scale of this problem if they went around Britain and did a survey of how many Muslims think he deserved it. I expect more than 80% would say yes. Which is of course why they will not go near that topic.
‘There has been an outpouring of support for him, with the attack widely condemned as an assault on freedom of expression.’
Already the religious element is being airbrushed out by the BBC.
It’s far, far more than that BBC and you know it. But Muslims are too useful to use as victims against the Right so you ignore their extreme intolerance, racism, sexism and homophobia.
Calling it ‘an assault on freedom of expression’ is the absolute pinnacle of hypocrisy by the Leftists and the BBC. Thanks to them, free speech has been dead for years. Shown beyond doubt by their complete cancellation of right-wing speakers such as Trump and Farage.
GB News brings up the race card to deflect criticism of the perfect religion responsible for the Rushdie attack.
To be fair to GBN I think that the question about the appropriateness of bringing racism into this issue was asked knowing that it would be brilliantly answered and shot to pieces by Frank.
It is obviously nonsense to claim that making a satirical film or writing a satirical book about Islam can in anyway be viewed as right fully motivating loonies who go around chopping folks heads off.
Sadly there are millions of these medieval nutters in this country and all over the world. The best course of action is to deport all Muslims to a Muslim country of their choice and don’t let any back into the UK.
But I’m afraid that solution is probably fifty years out of date , even though Enoch Powell knew it was the right thing to do and said so frequently.
I hope that whoever is ‘protecting ‘ rushtie is switched on enough to stop the next attack …
And now the state of New York publishes further advice for its citizens to be prepared to stay indoors for at least 7 days and have an escape plan:
It’s a very comprehensive piece but what kind of threat needs advice like this?
When officials advise you to shelter in place, act quickly and follow instructions. Your main objective should be to get to a safe indoor location. You will likely be in your “safe room” for no more than a few hours. Once inside:
Lock doors, close windows, air vents and fireplace dampers.
Turn off fans, air conditioning and forced air heating systems.
Seal all windows, doors and air vents with plastic sheeting and duct tape.
Make sure you have emergency supplies.
Tune in to local radio or TV stations to receive updates.
If your children are at school, do not pick them up until the danger has passed and shelter-in-place orders have been lifted. School officials have shelter-in-place procedures. You will only endanger yourself by leaving a safe area during the emergency.
Someone on the loose with a nuke in the US ?
Looking at the cone of water out of my kitchen sink when the plug is pulled on a large volume: base of the inverted cone moves slowly in its ‘drilling’ motion down in accordance with the Coriolis Effect. Decent speeds up as it approaches the plug hole. A pictorial example of, ‘life as we know it now’ (Jim)
Twenty years into the future.
BBC reporter , Justin, is filmed in the line of infidels awaiting beheading in Foster Square in the parched city Bradfordistan, where , he reminds us, that due to climate change no rain has fallen for three months. Their crimes are mostly to have been caught eating Smokey bacon flavoured crisps.
Breathlessly Justin reports live on breakfast tv that the merciful Muslims have taken pity on those condemned by bringing forward the time of execution to 8 am when Bradfordistan is only at 30 degrees . Justin dutifully reminds us that due to global warming lunchtime temperatures in northern England are regularly 40 degree plus.
He asks one of ex rape gang members , who are now in charge of Sharia law enforcement in the area , if having your head sawn off hurts. The reply is that Allah is merciful and that the saw blade is sharp so quickening the process to less than a minute.
Justin explains that it is an environmentally friendly process because the saw , which was petrol powered , is now fully electric and that the six men seen peddling furiously on static bikes close by, provide electricity for the saw, no fossil fuel involved.
When he is grabbed by the Sharia police Justin becomes panicky and shows his BBC card thinking it will save him. But sadly it is the old issue and is no longer valid this far north and he is brutally pushed towards the saw screaming that he knows Jeremy Bowen but to no avail.
Toady on Sunday.
The radio came on from about 0725. Taking one for the team, I lasted out until 0745.
Was it the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation’s international edition broadcast by mistake? I didn’t detect anything British. Or Christian, but no surprise there.
There was a big piece on Rushdie,. Apparently some Muslims in Bradford (another multicultural triumph) didn’t like the Satanic Verses when it came out and wrote off to Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran. He was looking for a stick to beat the West and this was manna from heaven, so to speak.
And here we are. Still.
According to Toady, Freedom of Speech is important but Rushdie should have known his book would cause offence.
So I suppose it’s all his fault.
Thank you BBC. Where would we be with out you?
In Britain, celebrating our own indigenous cultures.
Sluff well done, I also ‘took one for the team’ and endured Stephen Nolan last night on R5. What came up again and again from Nolan and his coterie of pundits was Rushdie and his novel being ‘controversial’. (Next time there’s media babble on sexual harassment, try suggesting the woman’s clothing choice was controversial, see how well that goes down at W1A.)
The Rushdie stabbing is being reframed as a debate on ‘free speech’. Repetition is the key. Just as — within hours of the David Amess murder by Ali Harbi Ali — the media worked in unison to turn this into a debate on ‘online anonymity’.
Media debate reflects media delusions and they have never been more out of touch.
Terminal – yes well done – I listened the the 9 ?minutes of the latest Neil Oliver piece …
… he is becoming more detached from the British State – he realises it doesn’t act in his interest – or yours – or mine .
Altruism is a tax relief . Money is all – because it divorces the person from the alien ‘give me ‘ welfare state ‘entitlements ‘…..
This week we see the campaign to not pay bills ramp up . The BBC will be there of course … but no one mention not paying the TV Licence DD …
Any body picking up on looming / predicted problems with the banks as the Great Collapse gathers momentum?
One seasoned financial pundit on YT advises that NW has issued amended T’s & C to the public, in effect warning them that withdrawals of >£2000 may be stopped. An incoherent warning from Halifax as well.
Fair enough:
“‘If you want vegan food, go to a vegan restaurant’: Award-winning eaterie slams ‘holier than thou’ vegan customers after they were left outraged over lack of plant-based dishes on menu”
“Pre-pandemic the cafe served vegan cream teas and vegan bacon, she said. But customers started to complain that vegan products were being stored in the same chiller cabinets as meat.
‘I would say ‘Hang on a second,’ ‘ she said. ‘They’d look down their noses at us. We’d tell them what vegan options we could offer them and they’d said it was disgusting.’
Ms Cooper, 60, said her growing irritation with the ‘militant minority’ led to her decision not to provide a vegan option on the bistro menu.
She said that since her post she had received a call to the shop from a man who had called her a ‘disgusting, dreadful woman.'”
Think I might open a restaurant and ban yappy dogs, vegans, screaming kids and anyone in lycra leaving their bike in the doorway for all to trip over.
Advertised as semi vegan: only serving animals that eat vegetables.
Zeph, I’d just ban screaming kids.
“UK heatwave: Five common myths debunked”
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks……………..
Our forecast has just changed to minimal rain on Monday afternoon
then every hour from 11pm to 11am Tuesday is a rain hour
Look like further west eg Skipton , they will get rain on Monday afternoon and possible storms
Storm forecasts
Hilarious Sunday telegraph has a column by some chap saying ‘Uk should prepare for nuclear war ‘…
… it seems to have escaped him that Britain barely has a functioning government at any level … it can’t control its civil service , population size or borders , its’ fuel supply , its energy supply ,its’ water supply , its ‘food supply , its lefty legal system –
Yet some how there will be someone in the ‘government ‘ able to plan for a nuclear war ‘ attack … lol as they say …
.. elsewhere we ‘celebrate ‘ the liberation of afgee as the dumb westerners walked away from their occupation leaving 80 billion dollars’ work of kit – the souls of hundreds of good soldiers and the a bit of luck the last fantasy of changing these third world peasants into worthy people ….
The piece goes on and on about how Obama/ Biden didn’t bother telling us mugs they were pulling out leaving Raab high and dry by his holiday swimming pool. Never again .
We knew better than joining the US in afgee but Blair had promised the house after 9/11….
… and some might think 9/11 came about because the third world got fed up with being Americanised ….
The difference is that are interested in controlling the nuclear threat
But the Socialist fake Tories, loved Biden and hated Trump because he was a conservative. They are so stupid that they cannot recognise when someone has shafted them, and they continue to support him over the Republicans.
I am developing some grave reservations as to whether the Biden crime syndicate has some links to the Chinese Communist party.
Male local radio presenter just now
“Here’s a funny story I was driving with my partner who is a drag artist for charity events
He was dressed in full drag
We broke down , so he started changing out of his wig and tights,
then the police turned up”
#BBCworld vs everyone else’s world
Drag, das cultural appropriyashun innit ?
BBC News
Celebrating Free `speech – in the wake of the accidental injury to a writer in the US . Yes – the BBC is full of ‘approved free speech ‘ ranging from in depth inquiries into paki racist rape Muslim gangs to Chinese virus deaths …
We could enjoy listing the ‘approved free speech ‘ on this site – and then again those areas of public life the BBC prefers no speech at all …
Matthew Syed in the Times
“The ayatollahs have found their accomplices in western liberals
We blame the Rushdie attack on Muslim fanatics, but we shouldn’t ignore** our** own complicity”
Yet while Rushdie survived this hostility, others did not.
– Hitoshi Igarashi, his Japanese translator, was stabbed to death.
– Ettore Capriolo, his Italian translator, was also stabbed,
– and William Nygaard, his Norwegian publisher, was shot and critically injured.
– Mustafa Mahmoud Mazeh perished while preparing explosives designed to kill the British novelist. A shrine in Tehran for Mazeh says: “The first martyr to die on a mission to kill Salman Rushdie.”
(have the Ayatollahs softened ?) “this is delusional, a fantasy conjured up by western liberals to distract from a more sinister truth: over 30 years they have worked as the de facto accomplices of the ayatollah, assisting in the task of dismantling free speech,
sending fear through those who dare to criticise or ridicule religion or anything else.
Rushdie, in this sense, is not — and never was — a historical affair but a live scandal running through the veins of British life, not to mention other western societies
Louis Smith a gymnast who won three Olympic medals was messing round with his mate who shouted “Allahu akbar” while Smith laughed.
, liberal commentators were united in outrage ..called for Smith to be banned — and he was, for two months, by British Gymnastics. He was accused of Islamophobia, racism, you name it.
The rule used was “Athletes may be ineligible for funding if they are derogatory about a person’s disability, gender, pregnancy or maternity, race, sexuality, marital status, *beliefs* or age.”
Death threats had started almost immediately: “We are going to find you, and kill you
Smith couldn’t earn a living after his “crime”. Sponsors and broadcasters turned their backs on him. Progressives didn’t want to know. His income vanished and he struggled to pay his mortgage.
It was the same creed that defended those who hounded into hiding a teacher at a school in Batley
,, that connives in the cancellation and intimidation of anyone who engages in wrongthink on trans rights, climate change or the demolition of statues.
access using a token link
You also need to remember the bribery and corruption of poorly paid political elites by the Iranians in order to facilitate the treacherous nuclear deal by the Obamessiah.
That’ mentioned in the Times comments
“There is a clip on youtube of a TV programme where cat stevens called for salman rushdie to be murdered. Fay Weldon immediately told the senior police officer also on the panel to arrest stevens, but the police officer just looked embarrassed.
Pretty shocking.”
“Christopher Hitchens eviscerating answer to the so called liberal Shirley Williams back when Question Time was good”
Salman Rushdie knighthood is debated on Question time With Christopher Hitchens, Boris Johnstone, Shirley Williams, Peter Hitchens, Tony McNalty
Shirley Williams came across as saying awarding a knighthood was a deliberate stick in the eye to Muslims
..See how she brought her own rent a crowd who clapped like seals
“This a man who has offended MUSLIMS and is being protected by the British police at enormous cost”
Clip is marked 2007
BTW Times commenters do point out the obvious irony , that quite a few comment on the article have been banned by the Times moderators.
Our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” aired a trailer for a forthcoming programme on R4 just before the 1200 news. I offer an alternative so I’m, “just checking your thinking”. Was it, : ‘Fried Chicken is synonymous with Black people, the programme explores why’ or was it, ‘Black people are synonymous with stabbing one another, the programme explores why’?
No prizes.
G ,
I listened to halfway of that programme before my phone rang . I didn’t know that that fried chicken was synonymous with black people until the BBC told me . That’s how the BBC “ informs “ us .
[ the reason my phone rang is because a friend wanted to tell me that Richard Tice on Talk Radio was talking with others and listeners about the proliferation of Turkish barbers, which is now discovered to be a money laundering front for Turks and Albanians in the drug trade . That’s how Talk Radio informs us .
Which information is more important?]
Now on Radio 4 something about black music and prejudice in the Southern United States.
Vintage BBC bias
World at one
The vile naughtie – demonising president trump – with various democrat mouths spouting the usual poison . But I notice they’ll mention the 6 January demos – but not the source of the anger – theft of a presidential election .
I just hoped naughtie would retire to Classic FM with the rest of the far left biased swamp – but instead his production company needs a dividend so he has the summer Sunday gigs ….
As for America – a lot swings on the coming elections . With president trump waiting for the outcome – in terms – in my opinion – of the degree of corruption operated by democrats ranging from mules to fixed counting to voting management to democrat judiciaries ,,,
Standard distraction stuff from the BBC – no mention of Biden / Obama trashing the country – and ‘America first ‘ by trump being seen as a ‘bad thing ‘. But that is anti global so evil ….
… if only there was a “UK first ‘ movement –
607 in 14 boats yesterday.
Over 20,000 this year so far.
That’s another £120,000 a day of taxpayers money for hotel rooms.
It’s absolute madness. No wonder they all want to come here.
TWotWeeee Watch #1 – and what a lot of weee it was, the half I heard
I came to the programme late. In the part I heard, The Noxious Naughtie really let loose on his hatred of Donald J. Trump, former President of the United States of America. Naughty Naughtie did not hold back. You could hear the venom, the hatred, in his voice. James Naughtie was almost spitting words at the microphone. Radio is such an unforgiving medium, it really lets the world know how you feel, how you are on any given day.
Did I really hear James Naughtie lie on air? The last presenter, if I recall correctly, to do that was sacked and left the BBC under a cloud.
The Noxious Naughtie claimed that Donald Trump wanted Hillary Clinton investigated by the FBI. James then played two clips in which Donald Trump said nothing of the sort, merely that she should be “locked up”. If someone on here knows that Trump never actually said “Hillary Clinton should be investigated by the FBI” then it might be worth putting in a formal complaint to the BBC in writing.
I’m guessing that word has filtered across the Atlantic Ocean that President Joe Biden and the Washington ‘swamp’ have over-reached themselves somewhat with that FBI raid on the former President’s Florida home. Instead of keeping quiet or even apologising, the Socialists, with their useful idiots at the BBC, are doubling down and going for what they hope will be a knockout blow. They are terrified that Donald J. Trump might run in 2024 and are doing everything possible to prevent it.
No – I reckon the feds have fitted president trump already and the democrats are just timing the arrest of a former president –
They might just back down and find something else – they like the ‘lieing to the feds one ‘ …..but they won’t let him go because Obama wants him dead ….
Fed, wow, that’s a couple of real conspiracy theories you have there. Maybe. Maybe. My sense is that there is a one world government on the way. We are in the foothills of conflict that might bring it about. But on the other hand, maybe not and everything will revert to normal.
One world government, as you well know, is not a conspiracy theory as it was prophesied nearly two thousand years ago, as well as even earlier by a gifted Jewish lad, exiled to Babylon.
Before the Biden election I’d have said conspiracy theory . But they got away with the theft of that election . After that anything – anything -is possible .
I can’t see a ‘world government ‘ china wants to be on a par / superior to America and so are allied with Russia to achieve that – certainly not too difficult
I can’t see any unity in America – if mr trump got office again the inquiries and revenge will last the whole presidency –
Trying to shake out the consequences of Ukraine – even in terms of timescale – is more than problematic for armchair field marshals like me …
Will putin push for ‘victory ‘ before the Winter ? Will he use battlefield nuclear weapons ? ( can’t see it ) unless use is aimed to remind the World that Russia is a world power and not just a criminal Arab country funded on oil …
There’s a long piece in the Sunday telegraph about the background as to why we haven’t got gas storage facilities ….
The mainly tories responsible for this will never pay a price for what they’ve done – nor will Milliband ..
One world government is unlikely.
However, 3 superstates could happen.
Eurasia, Eastasia and Oceania.
Fed, “But they got away with the theft of that election” with the help of a little virus.
Emmanuel, maybe but those three could then be conveniently wrapped up into one.
I now think it is 99% certain they will stop Trump running for President again.
The only question is how extreme they have to be in order to do it. The more desperate they get, the further they will be preapred to go.
I don’t rule out another JFK if all else fails. We are living in the modern equivalent of mid 1930’s Germany.
Someone observed that the stazi behaviour of the feds suggested they do not expect any change of control / power in the foreseeable future –
– any allegations of corrupt elections will be buried – as will any opposition to the Obama regime …
JohnC, the problem for the DNC is that they are short of talent. I mean talent in the intellectual, political sense. They have some visual totty er, pardon me, ‘talent’ in AOC and that Tulsi Gabbard is a looker as the Belfast lads would say. Pardon me for repeating myself here but in 2016 Trump (not my choice, personally) won against a very strong field. For the DNC, it was a choice between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders with a few lightweight makeweights.
The death of Anne Heche has brought back into light the chaotic train wreck lives of celebrities who just love to hector the rest of us on how we must live our lives.
Alcoholism, drug addicition militant Lesbianism and other Socialist craziness, makes us all wonder how these people even get through their days the states they are in.
Yep – never a shortage of lefty luvvies – how’s the one who shot someone on a set ?
I have noticed how the majority of celebrity deaths these days seem to be either drugs or suicide.
Just the kind of people we want lecturing us on how we should live our lives. The problem is that the BBC luvvies worship this ‘talent’ like Gods.
“Rhyl: Welsh-only car park ticket machine delays drivers”
One of the many methods the Welsh Ashambles is driving away the much needed tourists . There other ways .
Scrap the Assembly ! It wastes money, many taffmen are not happy , not happy at all .
Missed a trick there – should have done in Welsh braille to be ‘inclusive ‘ of blind drivers …
Postcode search : How will climate change affect your area ?
Note WILL affect your area, not ‘might’.
And pretending they can predict it to small areas is off-the-scale nonsense.
Everything about climate change is arbitrary. They have no idea whatsoever what effect all these green ‘targets’ will have. None. So they lie to us because they are so sure they are right. That’s how Leftists work : lies are fine when their agenda justifies it.
IMHO part of what we are told is true. But the vast majority is exaggerated or misrepresented by people with a vested interest in the funding.
If we are to believe a word spoken by so called experts (of whom I would guess that a majority are of the Socialist persuasion) then we have to believe that the Planet Earth has existed for millions of years and humans were just an after thought. If that is true then I think the Planet will still be here long after our residency here has ended irrespective of our lifestyle. I’m pretty sure that the Chinese leaders believe that judging by the speed with which they are opening new coal mines.
Funny, but our National Broadcaster doesn’t appear to think that newsworthy.
JohnC and LW, I’m inclined to think the climate is warming, but at a much more gradual and less dramatic rate than usually postulated by the scientifically illiterate, but violently outspoken, or those with an eye on their bank balance and careers.
I’m also inclined to think it’s basically a natural process and we (humans) are having little impact… proof that the climate has and does regularly change, and sometimes quite rapidly, without human interference is all around us.
I’m also inclined to think nature is pretty good at coping with such changes, although this is where we’re having a big impact, because there are so, so many of us now, and we’re (in a collective, not a personal sense) doing so much to wreck and pollute nature globally.
THAT is phenomenally stupid, as is allowing the global population to runaway at such a rate, looking specifically at less developed countries there (birth rate in most of the developed world is plummeting), as is wrecking our own country through a constant stream of immigration and house building.
There are SOME things the eugenicists got right (and no, I’m not talking about gas chambers, racism, or killing anyone, just in case anyone is thinking that – like Maxi, for example, who has a habit of twisting people’s words out of context for his/her/their own purposes).
We could be living in a golden age to be human, instead we seem to be living in an age of ever deepening, and entirely self inflicted shite.
Biden has refused to comment on the Rushdie attack. Biden is in talks with Iran over reestablishing a nuclear deal that Trump put in the waste paper basket.
Iran wants Rushdie dead.
What is it going to take to make lefty maniac Biden supporters in the US realise they are enabling a dangerous lunatic helping a rogue state that is threatening the existence of the USA and the West, Most probably because there is so much Dem fat-cat profits at stake?
Countryfile “Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue
… Plus, clips from the archives featuring footage by some of Britain’s finest wildlife film-makers”
So the prog is largely repeat content
5pm R4 Documentary following a group of Afghan families settling into new lives in Manchester.
“Last year, Broadoak School in Partington, Greater Manchester, found itself welcoming 57 new pupils from Afghanistan as well as four teachers.
They had all fled the country and arrived in the UK after the fall of Kabul in August 2021”
TWotWeeee Watch #2 – I cannot believe you just said that, Naughtie
At one point, Noxious Naughtie, in trying his best to weee on former President Trump was talking to a swamp dweller from I think WAPO, the Washington Post. James asked his fellow Trump dismisser what successful foreign opinion had Donald Trump created. This from a former BBC TOADY presenter who has worked on the Washington Post and is a member of the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission and a United Kingdom advisory board member for the British-American Project, which exists to promote the British-American relationship.
You would think James Naughtie would know a thing or two about American Politics.
You would think.
But apparently not. His anti-Trump mania has wiped his brain clear of all knowledge of American politics, it appears. Just to remind the Noxious Naughtie, When DJT won the Presidency in 2016 the Left said that is it. There will be war with North Korea. Pyongyang will rain nuclear ICBMs down on the west coast of the USA, if not the mid-west and Washington.
Then President Trump went off on a Far East tour and charmed the socks off Kim Jong-Un and they became best buddies. Threat of war gone for now. Even better, tensions had existed between North Korea and South Korea since the Korean war in the 1950s that occasionally resulted in military skirmishes with occasional deaths. What did Trump do after N.Korea? He visited Soth Korea and charmed the socks off the President there and got the North and South Koreas talking. All this after successful visits to Japan and, iirc, Singapore.
Hey-ho, fast-forward to 2022 and N.Korea are talking about testing missiles with nuclear warheads again. That went well, China Joe, your Presidency so far, huh?
Not been on here for a while, but not forgotten.
More than 20,000 people have crossed the English Channel in small boats this year, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed. Defence ? Defending what ?
On Saturday 607 made the crossing in 14 boats – the third time the total has exceeded 600 in 2022. Apparently the Rwanda scheme has not worked (shock horror). The upside to all this hot weather, global warming/climate change, for the illegals (can I call them that ?) is that there will be even more opportunities to make the crossing. Every cloud…..(if there were any clouds)
Wasn’t there some complete tool of a bloke telling us a couple of years ago that he was the man to stop all this and that Priti had put him in a position to sort it out. Can’t recall his name so he must have made a big impression.
Something we couldn’t have guessed is that Border Farce, which allegedly polices the UK’s borders, may have made the small boats crisis in the Channel worse, an independent report has found.
The £20+ million we throw at the French to stop the boats is completely wasted, as well as the money on that report. It’s about time we took the Euros back from our cross channel neighbours and started hitting them with a big stick (French, not the illegals. That would be very cruel) and spending it on stopping and turning or towing back to the coast.
Meanwhile at a car wash, immune to the hosepipe ban, near you several Albanians from that war torn country (?) are happily washing your motor.
“Home Secretary appoints small boat commander” Dan O’Mahoney
I googled him and it came up as Dan O’Mahoney missing
I liked this quote on the BBC website:
A government spokesman said: “The Nationality and Borders Act makes it a criminal offence to knowingly arrive in the UK illegally and we have introduced life sentences for those who facilitate illegal entry into the country.”
So, life sentences for some Border Patrol, Royal Navy and RNLI staff, then? Any government ministers as risk as well?
There is an emergency line which the migrants know about and as soon as they are in their boats, they call it. Then we send a boat out to pick them up. Plus they know exactly what they are entitled to before they set off so they disembark at our end then start demanding to be taken to their accomodation.
It’s absolute madness.
All the government care about is not having their bodies wash up on the beach because the Left/BBC would go into empathy meltdown.
I still don’t understand why we can’t just tow them back to France where they set off from. They are perfectly safe there. They are not claiming asylum from France. I presume the ECHR is behind it.