I do believe the government’s energy disaster is caused by the idealism of ‘Just in Time’ or ‘ Lean Manufacturing’ technology that was promulgated throughout the our industry over the last twenty years. (anyone come across it?) When it works it’s money saving, but when it goes wrong its a disaster, as we are finding out at our great cost .
Ironically we are sitting on a sea of coal , a sea of gas and a land full of untapped shale gas. Sadly we have scrapped our storage tanks or gasometers.
Also, we are also suffering s shortage of water , yet we living a land with one of the highest rainfalls in the world and are surrounded by a sea ! A sea that should as act a moat to defend our land from invasion. Ironically because of our government’s neglect and or incompetency , this moat is being used as bridgehead to invade us assisted by our own forces ie The Border Force and our own MOD.
You really just could not make it up.
The answer, a new truly British government .
@Taffman if your login times-out shortly after posting a comment,
login again immediately and reload the comment page
you’ll see you’ll still be able to edit the comment.
taffman, just-in-time manufacturing or JIT as it was known in business is a Japanese invention. It allows a business to run ‘lean’, not having to run costly inventories of components or raw materials. It arrived here in the UK with the Japanese car companies, Honda, Nissan and Toyota. But it does require a very smooth system of delivery with no strikes in the docks or on the railways and no XR or Insulate Britain or Stop Oil eco-terrorists blocking roads.
The goal and net result of JIT is the incredible affluence that came to the average Japanese in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.
@Taffman I disagree they are doing the opposite of ‘Just in Time’
They are so focussed on the distant future
a distant future where the Weather Gods will rain down deep punishment on us for not cutting CO2
They think that by cutting CO2 today we will stop flooding and heatwaves in 100 years time
So focused on that they failed to see that by stopping fossil fuel investment we would be at the mercy of Russian pricing tomorrow
I agree just in time was always a step too far and brought about an in built fragility to any production line when there was any disruption. Provided things were stable it did save money but if your JIT supplier also relied on JIT to manufacture what you bought then you had a house of cards very vulnerable to any disruption.
GBN – Brazier and guest, discussing the ‘differences’ in weather between now and 1976 , and how its much better now because of technology etc etc. Then Brazier said we have an increased population by 10 million since 1976. Ok.
Next subject – Free Speech, Rushdie etc etc. discussion ensued about the reluctance to speak of Islamism and the ongoing issues.
Well, in 1976 we weren’t over run by peoples we don’t want here, in fact to some extent unless you lived in a major city we barely noticed them. NOW its the kids and grandkids of that lot, be it black gangs in London or the Islamic fundamentalists, all of whom couldn’t wait to get their arses here, yet are trying to turn this country into the sh….holes they’ve left behind. Oh yes 20 odd thousand more arrived here illegally this year. Where the f… are they going to live ??? My 70’s weren’t in the least bit bad – a bloody sight better than today.
Slade, T Rex, Pink Floyd, UFO, Eagles, The Who, Fleetwood Mac, Roxy Music, Thin Lizzy, Bad Company, Deep Purple, Electric Light Orchestra, Led Zep, Queen, Santana, Black Sabbath, Genesis, Yes, Alex Harvey, Rolling Stones, ACDC, Jethro Tull etc etc and at least 5 other genres of music for all tastes… and now
Force fed out of tune groaning R and bleeding B and bloody drill and rap nonentities.
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
“Thorough research by the Home Office suggested that the impact of this benevolence would in any event be ‘relatively small, at between 5,000 and 13,000 immigrants per year up to 2010’. “Events proved these forecasts worthless. Net migration reached close to a quarter of a million at its peak in 2010.
Leftyverse being #HateyLefties a usual
Who are these people the government have murdered ?
Yes I’m generally easy going but am so angry with these fraudsters and sociopaths, I feel radicalised in my enduring hatred of them. It will not abate until they’re out of office and punished #ToriesOut39#JohnsonOut203#GetBackToWorkYouFatPonce
— Lin Thompson #JohnsonOut201 #ToriesOut37 #FBNHS (@lingardenisle) August 15, 2022
Since 3pm on the rain radar I could see a big wave of rain sweeping up the Lincolnshire Wolds
I could see it thundering and lightening, but we are on the very edge
so so far just a few drops
.. oh just now drops on the windows
Those “men”
Immingham: Lorry driver smuggled £3m heroin with strawberry shipment
Lorry driver is the new word for “man”
Edmundas Bruzas, 56, of County Wicklow, Ireland, was stopped by Border Force officers after arriving at the Port of Immingham from Rotterdam on 25 March.
Good old Irish name
When you arrive at Kabul International Airport, the first thing you notice is the women, clothed in brown scarves and black cloaks, stamping passports.
An airfield, which one year ago was the scene of a panicked tide of people desperate to escape, is now much quieter and cleaner. Rows of white Taliban flags flutter in a summer’s breeze – billboards of the old famous faces have been painted over.
pug, my parents always told me that Muhammad Ali Jinnah used religion as a divisive tool in order to get his way during Partition. I have never seen a photograph of Jinnah where he did not look rather sinister and shady, especially a famous one taken, I think, by Cartier-Bresson.
Beware, the hectoring nanny state so beloved by the BBC is widening its net. The Met Office is now telling me not to drive in the rain. FFS, I feel like doing what Harrison Ford did to that sword-wielding barbarian. Just shoot them.
Not like she went back to the old country where she used to work for the state broadcaster in a soft power junior role as sabres were rattling with stabby-stabby central.
Starmer has a new wheeze involving spending 29 billion on a fuel scheme . Apparently the already announced payments of £300 or £400 is starting to go through .
I got an email this afternoon from British Gas telling me how I will be getting the standard – non benefits linked money into my British Gas / bank account … looks like a done deal to me .
The swamp wanted to get rid of the PM / cabinet – but did they think about the consequence of 8? Weeks without a government ?
Can’t blame nut nut for taking 8 weeks holiday – it was always about him not his country . ,
Should it come as a surprise that there is no government ? It’s very much the character of the blue labour lot to not sort themselves out for weeks and weeks .
They are causing increasing anxiety to people who think about paying their bills . Those who live off the taxes of others (for whatever reason ) won’t worry because they’ll know the state will pick up the tab as usual ….
To be honest Taffman I’m surprised London hasn’t gone to one stabbing – killing – a day – although I suppose numbers are down a bit because the ‘kids ‘ are out of school for the 4pm ‘death hour ‘ is suspended until September …
The Green Alliance want farmers to rewild their land. They say that this will cut carbon emissions and will increase bird populations by 50%. What they do not say, obviously, that such tomfoolery would decrease the human population, because the land would not be producing food.
Also as an aside to yesterday’s Victoria Beckham story, some online fashion store is offloading her gear at 66% off. lol
You gotta hand it to him – his programme could be coming from Mars if you compare it to the BBC . A BBC desperate to kill off the salman Rushdie crime as quick as possible – because it offends the false Muslim religion .
But mr Steyn is brave enough to say what needs to be said about the evils of Islam – whoever had the task of monitoring GBNews at OFCOM must get a head ache writing up the evidence to silence him .
The day that OFCOM kills off mark steyn is the day the last residue of free speech in Blighty …. And anyone saying it is still alive is lying …
Agree. It can only be a matter of time before Ofcom try to silence him and Oliver at least from the GBN crew. I’m certain that when , well I should be optimistic and say if, Labour win the next GE GBN will be banned.
Stew stew – since you’ve been doing weather reports – sit rep for NE London – pop probably 1.5 – 2 million – I just heard thunder coming from the sarrrfff… no rain yet … I expect the air raid sirens to start any minute and the Thames Barrier to be closed just in case …
BBC local newsPR
– flytipping behind houses in Grimsby
– Covid : the immunosuppressed are special victims cos the NHS hasn’t approved a new drug
– Covid : Hull is testing a new dual Covid vaccine
– The EA is installing special radar on the east coast to track the movement of and dunes.
– Hull travel survey PR
– Lincs police report into street lighting
– Goole PRIDE PR again featuring one guy wearing kink clothing ..a waistcoat with no shirt etc.
– care home for old sheep
Start of the show the Global Warming reporter is doing a real job tonight, reporting about kids who drowned or nearly drowned
cos they went swimming in open water.
If he hadn’t spent all his time doing Global warming catastrophe porn
he might have had time to talk about drowning dangers BEFORE they happened.
He then went into a segment saying the Emergency services had been busy with wild fires etc.
The prog then segued into the narrative of the day
“The heavy rain might not be absorbed by the baked earth”
and then straight in to Dr Robert the Reading Uni scientist who the media have been pushing all day
#1 His experiment is fake
(Try it yourself take a clear mousse pot fill it with water and then place it openside down on your lawn
See the way the water stays there instead of going into the soil
..but then do the bit he doesn’t do ..Puncture the bottom of the pot with a knife
And see how when the vacuum that had held the water in the pot breaks, the water then flows into the soil)
#2 Dr Robert gave us his Global Warming spiel uncontested
I bet he did 50 such PR interviews today.
The prog then reported 2 incidences of flash flooding today
However I know both places .. they are urban and not near open fields
They have other issues like being halfway down a hill etc. ..the flooding didn’t last long
So far activists haven’t been able to show me an example of actual floods caused by dry ground today.
Pseudo-science at its absolute best, but like a performing sealion, Dr Robert (surprised he’s not a ‘Professor’ yet) certainly knows who he needs to please to keep the fishheads coming.
FFS their names. By the sounds of criminals’ names at the moment, you’d think that there were no indigenous Brits left. Ooh, I hear the sound of Maxi’s keyboard tapping… Obviously it’s an exaggeration
I don’t think its only the names of criminals. In Tesco today – rural area – the only dialect I heard was from customers who clearly had several Zs in their name.
I struggle to say the names of many outside news reporters.
Government leasing care homes to put illegal migrant criminals because they are running out of hotel space ….
1 million legal migrants under a blue labour government last year – can we go to trading standards over fraud description of a political party …? And there is no real practical alt choice .
The two biggest oppressers of free speech I see in the UK are Islam and the Left. And Islam only because they have the backing of people such as the BBC.
I guarantee neither are singled out in any reports about this by the MSM such as the Guardian, BBC, Independent, Times etc. In fact, I fully expect them to somehow try and infer the Right are to blame.
There is no reasoning or dealing with anyone as hypocritical as the Left. They have no interest in truth or honesty. Everything they do is driven by their agenda. They don’t care one bit what damage they do in the process : they think the ends justify the means.
“Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ‘have NO plans to see William and Kate’ for a reconciliatory meeting when they fly back to Britain for charity summit despite staying just five minutes away from them – but ‘may still visit the Queen’, 96”
Apparently the song includes the words “now a baby’s coming and they don’t know what it is”, before continuing: “Hannah’s hoping for a girl, Dave’s just hoping that it’s his.”
A lengthy BBC article including the link to twitter so we can read the uncontrained feminist outrage. If they did not want us to read the comments, it would be a screen capture which could not be clicked. Including specially selected quotes such as:
‘Tweeting about the advert being “beyond mad”, Eclair said the line was “massively offensive”.’
‘Other Twitter users responding to Eclair’s tweet said the advert was “offensive”, “misogynistic” and a “serious error of judgement”.’
These stories always remind me of how lyrics by females singers can say whatever they like about men. For example, ‘if I were a boy’ by Beyonce is 100% misandry including lyrics such as:
‘Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I’d kick it with who I wanted
And I’d never get confronted for it
‘Cause they’d stick up for me’
‘If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone it’s broken
So they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone
I’d put myself first
And make the rules as I go
‘Cause I know that she’d be faithful
Waitin’ for me to come home’
I find those lyrics off-the-scale offensive. But it’s celebrated as a great song.
The problem in this world is that give people a soapbox like twitter and it’s the ones with the biggest mouths and who hate the most who make the loudest noise. The rest of us try to ignore it and get on with real life.
But you can be sure they will be replaced by some new taxpayer funded service – probably with more comfortable seats and maybe some snacks while they are whisked to their hotels.
The only thing the government care about is not having pictures of dead bodies along with extreme empathy articles by the BBC. They don’t care how much it costs : it’s not their money after all. They want to stay in power.
DAN WOOTTON: The intolerant left belittles the death threats against JK Rowling at its peril. It’s now or never for the woke literary world to stand up for free speech following the despicable attack on Salman Rushdie
Monkey pox – 30 new cases a day ? Running out of the current batch of vaccines . Most cases in London ( presumably where there are more sodomites ) .
It affects ‘the community ‘ but strangely in the chat about it the sexual orientation of those getting it / passing it – wasn’t mentioned .
So perhaps the group affected is bald or fat people – you’d need to guess that it was the behaviour of …men who like men …..
Elswhere – the so called Royal Navy is giving the channel taxi service back to the Border £ Force – bet the boys will be pleased to be getting their bungs back – although the weather might drown a few clients ….
The headline of ‘inflation’ isn’t creating the doom and gloom, anti-government response they want so they have twisted it to infer everyones wages are falling.
Which they are not. Buried in the text they tell us they have actually risen by 4.7%.
A straightforward misleading BBC lie designed to make people unhappy.
So I see yet again the BBC have initially used a headline which is basically an agenda based lie then a bit later (after everybody has had a chance to let the subliminal message go in) they have changed it to something more resembling the truth.
Now it reads: ‘Inflation drives fastest fall in real pay on record’
And the ‘victim’ picture has been changed. But still no white man who I would venture is more affected by this than anyone else:
You can see how Andrew Tate could seem aspirational. If the best anyone can say for you is that you’d almost certainly come third in a Pitbull lookalike contest – then capitalising on your ability to project a horrible personality is a shout.
Ashna Sarkar is a British journalist and libertarian communist political activist. She is a senior editor at Novara Media and teaches at the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam. Sarkar is a contributor to The Guardian and The Independent. Wikipedia
Born: 17 April 1992 (age 30 years), London
Nationality: British
Education: University College London
Movies: Television Without Frontiers
I’m going to say something unsayable . We owe afgee nothing – the fact that afgees linked to UK forces doesn’t mean they are owed a house and benefits in Croydon . It was their country – if they had honour they’d have fought and died for it .
But listening to woke military and ngo junkies demanding we pull even more out of afgee to be handed a life time of taxpayers ‘give me s ‘ – is just wrong .
Blair put the UK into afgee to be favoured by the yanks in their fight – and cost 500 wasted UK lives and billions in wasted taxpayers ‘ money .
It’s funny how Blair gets a free pass – as does Obama/Biden for the retreat last year –
It needs to be remembered – and the next time the yanks want a bit of moral support Blighty needs to be a bit more cautious about ridiculous exercises ….
Bacha bāzī (Persian: بچه بازی, lit. “boy play”;[1] from بچه bacheh, “boy”, and بازی bazi “play, game”) is a slang term in some parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan[2][3] for a custom in Afghanistan involving child sexual abuse by older men of young adolescent males or boys, called dancing boys, often involving sexual slavery and child prostitution.[4] In the 21st century, bacha bazi is practiced in various parts of Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan.[5][6][3] Force and coercion are common, and security officials state they are unable to end such practices and that many of the men involved in bacha bazi are powerful and well-armed warlords.[7][8][9]
Fighting in Afghanistan: ‘You have the watches. We have the time’
The unspoken truth underpinning Donald Trump’s latest policy on Afghanistan is that U.S. troops may never leave. Ever.
I can’t cut and paste from the woke Times – but an article today says BBC journalists are balloting? For strikes over the closure of one of the many propaganda channels -‘ the news channel ‘which will lead to as many as 70 job losses ….
Apparently there is a ‘ save the channel ‘ petition which has raised almost 1000 signatures since it started at the weekend . Truly an overwhelming public response ….
Comrade Martine Croxhall is apparently on point – she’s the airhead Labour supporter once challenged for bias by George Galloway in a memorable popcorn moment
We should be cautious though – those 70 job loses will just be recycled into other bits of the evil BBC empire – such as the ever popular and inclusive ‘Asia network ‘ which is to be renamed the ‘BBC paki channel ‘ – with handy hints for picking up 12 year old white girls ….
Perth is the place to be tonight -‘Tory yawn hustings ‘ again – so we can expect mass attacks by SNP fundamentalists screaming anti English abuse and demanding more English money from the ‘Barnet£ formula ‘…. €
I have written about this before .And have written to the
BRITISH broadcasting corporation as well. The United
Kingdom has an indigenous white population of around
85%. Why is it on nearly EVERY public interest main
feature on the front news internet pages of the BBC do
they image ethnic folk. Today is a perfect example,
with the ” UK wages fall” main news story. BUT this is
nearly every day.
It is as if , that because the BBC cannot show us commercial
advertising , except for their own output. They must find
a way of aping the lunatics who run the advertising agencies
business asylum.
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC and TOADY ‘going big’ on an item that I do not recall happening
Well, that could be explained by an ageing memory and the BBC will no doubt claim it is thus. But in reality the BBC are, once again, lying on air or in Parliamentary terms “being economical with the truth”. And they played a sound clip that proved it! Quite amazing how stupid the ‘Isms’ and ‘Ists’ can be. Fifty years since the 1973 Oscars. Er, Oscars are held in February, BBC. The BBC are getting their retaliation in early.
Correction BBC: Forty nine years and a half years ago the Academy of Motion Pictures has apologised to Sacheen Littlefeather for her getting booed by the audience for refusing an OSCAR on behalf of Marlon Brando for his part in the Godfather. Except Sacheen Littlefeather wasn’t just booed. In the archive sound clip she was applauded, too.
Sacheen Littlefeather deserves another apology …. from the BBC. Did I hear her named as ‘Sharon’ Littlefeather by the newsreader and Mishal Husain? Must be the teenage work-experience school leavers typing the scripts for the News and TOADY using spell-check.
I watched it on Youtube and have to agree it is ‘massively offensive’, but not for the reasons the BBC and Jenny Eclair (who?) seem to think. Actually, the worst part are the crap songs, they really are very bad – just watch and decide for yourselves.
This one is more offensive IMHO:
And this one…
To sum up: three ads supposedly about typical Millennials: a straight (?) white(!) couple where the bloke doesn’t know if he’s the father of his partner’s unborn child (wonder if it’ll be mixed race?), a black lesbian lady, desperate to have sex, and a white, gay ‘mama’s boy’ with ‘piercings down there’.
Just watched crown paints ads (sorry catching up). All terrible- do these companies want us to buy their products? What was the outcry over the first one, that someone was daring to have a baby? God help us.
I think the BBC is ‘rotating ‘ victims of the ‘cost of living crisis ‘ and running stories about hardship every other day .
I caught one yesterday where someone who lives in Ipswich worked out that there are 5 libraries there so during the winter will walk to each one each day to stay warm …
.. I’m not sure if that beats the riding on a bus all day but it must be near…
I know I sound flippant – but it’s a sign of what a good job the BBC is doing with project fear …..
Although in passing supermarket inflation hit 11% in 1 month last month …. 11% …..
Good morning Fed
I remember the likes of the bBC doing a “report” on sandwich shortages if we left the eu 🙁
Reading the comments in Have Your Say that the bbc does choose to allow the plebs to comment on – the people that actually still support the bbc, do fall for the rubbish auntie reports on
Or to put it another way so they can see who is at a certain location. When life threatening events happen, such as the Londonistan bombings take place, the mobile phones in the area get disconnected from the base stations and cannot make calls.
Meanwhile our brave girls in blue are doing a ‘wisk’ assessment. Give me a Polish civilian any day.
In 1958, he launched the Great Leap Forward that aimed to rapidly transform China’s economy from agrarian to industrial, which led to the deadliest famine in history and the deaths of 15–55 million people between 1958 and 1962.
Should we stop having children?
The stats make for sobering reading: global population is set to hit 10 billion by the year 2050. Given the ever-increasing pressure on resources and the natural world, is it time to consider our personal responsibility when it comes to slowing the spread of humanity?
As BBC Radio 3’s Free Thinking Festival prepares to debate the uncomfortable issues surrounding the fabled ‘population bomb’, moral philosopher Simon Beard considers both sides of this emotive debate.
yes. and get rid off all with IQ’s lower than 130. With the massive strides in AI there just isnt any need for 95% of the population. Kind of David Ike except he never factored in AI. COVID was the first AI-designed virus. There is and will never be a cure for it.
It is the only way. Destroy Africa first then work through the rest of them. And I fully support this NEW AI WORLD FUTURE
‘Fabled’ population bomb? Nothing ‘fabled’ about it, there are far too many humans on the planet, and the stupid and feckless are breeding at the fastest rate, whilst the cleverest and most able to create any kind of progress or advancement are crushed under the weight of carrying all the parasites and dying out.
The Eugenicists were right, without any kind of advantage for those with the best brains and healthiest bodies, the only way for the human species is backwards.
Doomsday Clock remains at 100 seconds to midnight—closest ever to apocalypse. Members of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Suzet McKinney (Director of Life Sciences for Sterling Bay) and Daniel Holz (University of Chicago professor), reveal that the Doomsday Clock remains at 100 seconds to midnight in 2022.20 Jan 2022
Lucky it’s a nice round 100. I wonder what the increments are – is the next available step 0 ?. Or will be at 97.6 seconds to midnight at some point ?.
Which of course makes it all totally arbitrary and therefore worthless. Just people making stuff up to get you to listen to them.
Any AI is only as good as the real I which programmed it.
The Media – made of Leftists who are generally complete f*ckwits at anything at all real-world technical – cannot comprehend what that means. They can only equate it to the films they have seen.
This applies particularly well to a BBC science correspondent.
Top of the BBC Pops – topping the charts, so to speak – in their online press line up is the habitually coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper: New Omicron jab to fight autumn Covid wave – because of course, just like day follows night and floods follow droughts – our experts can predict these things…
The Telegraph comes over vaguely proud and patriotic: UK is first to approve omicron-specific jab
As does the Daily Express (United with the people of Ukraine – on the masthead and: 50% off your favourite newspapers… new subscribers only – is the offer. One couldn’t find a recent figure but as of 1st June Russia had apparently taken 20% off Nato’s favourite new ally) I digress: Britain first with covid varient booster
And in flag-waving mood almost as fervent as when a local ladies football team won a trophy, our BBC says: Covid: UK first country to approve dual-strain vaccine – note the similarity of wording in the next one…
Naturally there’s no UK or Britain-specific reflected glory in the Guardian headline – and, as per usual, the left is obsessed with managerial process: Dual-strain Covid jab approved for booster
Whilst the formerly patriotic Times makes it sound as though it’s compulsory: Over-50s to be called for new Covid jab in weeks – I promise that’s the last word, your last headline on the subject this morning – although, a profitable big new industry with many stakeholders, managers and employees having been created, one very much doubts that’s the last annual booster of some form or another you’ll be called for.
Riddle me a riddle – sounds like the sort of thing Batman’s enemy The Riddler would say. One learns that comic book character’s real name was Edward Nygma (careful now) – so riddle me this: Afghanistan shows why we have to be woke Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (‘i’)
George Orwell imagined the Junior Anti-Sex League. In something of a perversion (so to speak) of his dystopia, it is in fact the grown up women in our broadsheets busily campaigning against marriage: Will this TV drama put you off marriage? (Times); Why I’ve taken a marriage sabatical Celia Walden explains why all married couples should try six weeks apart (Telegraph) – I know, two features, even on the same day, even from supposedly conservative right-leaning titles, is just an unhappy coincidence…
‘The woman’s to-do list is relentless’ – complains a Guardian feature: …the burden of cognitive labour – remembering birthdays, organising play dates – which disproportionately falls to women in heterosexual relationships, and it is exhausting – Nag, nag, nag – I jest of course. I may not be up there with the likes of Jerry Sadowitz but remember there’s something of a performative character when Mr AsISeeIt takes to the stage hereabouts.
Jerry Sadowitz hits back after show cancelled: ‘My act is being cheapened’ Comedian says his show ‘is what it is, for those who enjoy it,’ after complaints at Edinburgh fringe (Guardian)
But why worry, as the left are always keen to reassure us, there’s no such thing as cancel culture.
The Graun loves a bit of Edinburgh Festival: The G2 Edinburgh special The stars, the shows – and the best jokes – however, there’s something of an equivocal note from our Nish: Nish Kumar I love the fringe, but now it’s time for change
Oh the irony: The Kenya-born British comedian Njambi McGrath, performing at the Pleasance, argues that deep political turmoil will still fuel good comedy. Rishi Sunak’s suggestion that unpatriotic rhetoric should be policed can only throw another log on the fire, she believes.
“The more severe a government, the more hilarious satire becomes. It can only thrive inside rooms away from the interfering hands of government,” she said. “After all, banning comedy simply rubber stamps the ridicule. Banning satire is the last door from democracy and first into autocracy.” (Guardian, 7th August)
If you want a bit of a laugh – without anyone having to wave his male member about – take a look at the knots in which these Guardianistas are oblidged to tie themselves – just to keep on the right side of the latest wokist trends: In same-sex relationships, domestic labour is more equal, “but can still fall back into those roles”, says Mangino (she talks about male and female roles, drawn from traditional gendered divides, rather than men and women). – eh? Riddle me a riddle indeed.
Speaking of Labour… cognitive or otherwise…
Starmer says government ‘just not good enough’ on cost of living crisis as he defends plan to freeze energy bills (Guardian) – Oh dear, as we know the journalese weasel word editorialisation ‘defends‘ is a passive aggressive damnation.
What about the workers?
Starmer fails to back bar strike… – don’t worry, we’ll still be able to turn to drink whatever the next crisis – work is still the bane of the drinking classes: Climate could uncork great British reds (Times)
Sir Keir Starmer QC today declined to express unqualified support for striking barristers (a rare forensic appearance hereabouts in this kangaroo court of public opinion for The Law Society Gazette)
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
I do believe the government’s energy disaster is caused by the idealism of ‘Just in Time’ or ‘ Lean Manufacturing’ technology that was promulgated throughout the our industry over the last twenty years. (anyone come across it?) When it works it’s money saving, but when it goes wrong its a disaster, as we are finding out at our great cost .
Ironically we are sitting on a sea of coal , a sea of gas and a land full of untapped shale gas. Sadly we have scrapped our storage tanks or gasometers.
Also, we are also suffering s shortage of water , yet we living a land with one of the highest rainfalls in the world and are surrounded by a sea ! A sea that should as act a moat to defend our land from invasion. Ironically because of our government’s neglect and or incompetency , this moat is being used as bridgehead to invade us assisted by our own forces ie The Border Force and our own MOD.
You really just could not make it up.
The answer, a new truly British government .
“new truly British government ” –
Apolls ……..
My ‘typos’ above are caused by being ‘timed out’.
@Taffman if your login times-out shortly after posting a comment,
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taffman, just-in-time manufacturing or JIT as it was known in business is a Japanese invention. It allows a business to run ‘lean’, not having to run costly inventories of components or raw materials. It arrived here in the UK with the Japanese car companies, Honda, Nissan and Toyota. But it does require a very smooth system of delivery with no strikes in the docks or on the railways and no XR or Insulate Britain or Stop Oil eco-terrorists blocking roads.
The goal and net result of JIT is the incredible affluence that came to the average Japanese in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.
@Taffman I disagree they are doing the opposite of ‘Just in Time’
They are so focussed on the distant future
a distant future where the Weather Gods will rain down deep punishment on us for not cutting CO2
They think that by cutting CO2 today we will stop flooding and heatwaves in 100 years time
So focused on that they failed to see that by stopping fossil fuel investment we would be at the mercy of Russian pricing tomorrow
I agree just in time was always a step too far and brought about an in built fragility to any production line when there was any disruption. Provided things were stable it did save money but if your JIT supplier also relied on JIT to manufacture what you bought then you had a house of cards very vulnerable to any disruption.
One hiccup in the system and it all falls apart. As we are beginning to find out at our cost.
No energy, no gas, no petrol, and no water.
Interesting irony.
GBN – Brazier and guest, discussing the ‘differences’ in weather between now and 1976 , and how its much better now because of technology etc etc. Then Brazier said we have an increased population by 10 million since 1976. Ok.
Next subject – Free Speech, Rushdie etc etc. discussion ensued about the reluctance to speak of Islamism and the ongoing issues.
Well, in 1976 we weren’t over run by peoples we don’t want here, in fact to some extent unless you lived in a major city we barely noticed them. NOW its the kids and grandkids of that lot, be it black gangs in London or the Islamic fundamentalists, all of whom couldn’t wait to get their arses here, yet are trying to turn this country into the sh….holes they’ve left behind. Oh yes 20 odd thousand more arrived here illegally this year. Where the f… are they going to live ??? My 70’s weren’t in the least bit bad – a bloody sight better than today.
Slade, T Rex, Pink Floyd, UFO, Eagles, The Who, Fleetwood Mac, Roxy Music, Thin Lizzy, Bad Company, Deep Purple, Electric Light Orchestra, Led Zep, Queen, Santana, Black Sabbath, Genesis, Yes, Alex Harvey, Rolling Stones, ACDC, Jethro Tull etc etc and at least 5 other genres of music for all tastes… and now
Force fed out of tune groaning R and bleeding B and bloody drill and rap nonentities.
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
“Thorough research by the Home Office suggested that the impact of this benevolence would in any event be ‘relatively small, at between 5,000 and 13,000 immigrants per year up to 2010’. “Events proved these forecasts worthless. Net migration reached close to a quarter of a million at its peak in 2010.
Leftyverse being #HateyLefties a usual
Who are these people the government have murdered ?
Diane Abbott: Chairman Mao “on balance did more good than harm”
When you hear the likes of Abbot you can witness the dumbing down the third world has contributed in the UK.
No wonder comrade Corbyn found her so … attractive ….
Since 3pm on the rain radar I could see a big wave of rain sweeping up the Lincolnshire Wolds
I could see it thundering and lightening, but we are on the very edge
so so far just a few drops
.. oh just now drops on the windows
Those “men”
Immingham: Lorry driver smuggled £3m heroin with strawberry shipment
Lorry driver is the new word for “man”
Edmundas Bruzas, 56, of County Wicklow, Ireland, was stopped by Border Force officers after arriving at the Port of Immingham from Rotterdam on 25 March.
Good old Irish name
A few lines down
“The National Crime Agency (NCA) said Bruzas, a Lithuanian national, had told officers ”
BBC Holiday Brochure Entry …
When you arrive at Kabul International Airport, the first thing you notice is the women, clothed in brown scarves and black cloaks, stamping passports.
An airfield, which one year ago was the scene of a panicked tide of people desperate to escape, is now much quieter and cleaner. Rows of white Taliban flags flutter in a summer’s breeze – billboards of the old famous faces have been painted over.
summer’s breeze , paintings, women working – sounds like heaven.
I am amazed that shithole has an international airport !
“Why They STILL Want To Kill Salman Rushdie”
David Wood saying stuff about the Salman Rushdie attack that the cowards at the BBC avoid like the plague.
(Starting with the rejoicing at the attempted murder breaking out throughout the muslim world, and no doubt our home-grown jihadis feel the same.)
pug, my parents always told me that Muhammad Ali Jinnah used religion as a divisive tool in order to get his way during Partition. I have never seen a photograph of Jinnah where he did not look rather sinister and shady, especially a famous one taken, I think, by Cartier-Bresson.
Beware, the hectoring nanny state so beloved by the BBC is widening its net. The Met Office is now telling me not to drive in the rain. FFS, I feel like doing what Harrison Ford did to that sword-wielding barbarian. Just shoot them.
Local BBC newsPR
“flash flooding has closed a doctors surgery in Caistor
and here’s video of flash flooding in Market Rasen”
I could see that storms out of the window from here
as the clouds hugged the high ground of the Lincolnshire Wolds
Was the doctors surgery open in the heatwave then ????? lol !
Not like she went back to the old country where she used to work for the state broadcaster in a soft power junior role as sabres were rattling with stabby-stabby central.
So… any advance on £400M if CNN plays it right?
How black women let down America.
More Black Pride – doncha luv it?
And it’s the store employee who gets charged!
Their cops must have got the same training ours get.
Classy girls? Maybe not.
She is going to miss Mother’s Pride too.
I thought pride events were for everyone not a particular skin colour?
Hence the latest flag looking like an explosion in a Farrow and Ball shop, and needing Prof. Coxy to dig up Carl Sagan for extra dimensions.
Not the BBC
Starmer has a new wheeze involving spending 29 billion on a fuel scheme . Apparently the already announced payments of £300 or £400 is starting to go through .
I got an email this afternoon from British Gas telling me how I will be getting the standard – non benefits linked money into my British Gas / bank account … looks like a done deal to me .
The swamp wanted to get rid of the PM / cabinet – but did they think about the consequence of 8? Weeks without a government ?
Can’t blame nut nut for taking 8 weeks holiday – it was always about him not his country . ,
And, it looks like the rest of his cabinet?
Should it come as a surprise that there is no government ? It’s very much the character of the blue labour lot to not sort themselves out for weeks and weeks .
They are causing increasing anxiety to people who think about paying their bills . Those who live off the taxes of others (for whatever reason ) won’t worry because they’ll know the state will pick up the tab as usual ….
“Man stabbed to death near London’s Oxford Street”
Any description yet ?
To be honest Taffman I’m surprised London hasn’t gone to one stabbing – killing – a day – although I suppose numbers are down a bit because the ‘kids ‘ are out of school for the 4pm ‘death hour ‘ is suspended until September …
57 murders this year in London, I wonder what the ethnicity ratios are for stabbers and victims?
The Green Alliance want farmers to rewild their land. They say that this will cut carbon emissions and will increase bird populations by 50%. What they do not say, obviously, that such tomfoolery would decrease the human population, because the land would not be producing food.
Also as an aside to yesterday’s Victoria Beckham story, some online fashion store is offloading her gear at 66% off. lol
You gotta hand it to him – his programme could be coming from Mars if you compare it to the BBC . A BBC desperate to kill off the salman Rushdie crime as quick as possible – because it offends the false Muslim religion .
But mr Steyn is brave enough to say what needs to be said about the evils of Islam – whoever had the task of monitoring GBNews at OFCOM must get a head ache writing up the evidence to silence him .
The day that OFCOM kills off mark steyn is the day the last residue of free speech in Blighty …. And anyone saying it is still alive is lying …
Agree. It can only be a matter of time before Ofcom try to silence him and Oliver at least from the GBN crew. I’m certain that when , well I should be optimistic and say if, Labour win the next GE GBN will be banned.
But Labour wont win the GE.
Stew stew – since you’ve been doing weather reports – sit rep for NE London – pop probably 1.5 – 2 million – I just heard thunder coming from the sarrrfff… no rain yet … I expect the air raid sirens to start any minute and the Thames Barrier to be closed just in case …
BBC local newsPR
– flytipping behind houses in Grimsby
– Covid : the immunosuppressed are special victims cos the NHS hasn’t approved a new drug
– Covid : Hull is testing a new dual Covid vaccine
– The EA is installing special radar on the east coast to track the movement of and dunes.
– Hull travel survey PR
– Lincs police report into street lighting
– Goole PRIDE PR again featuring one guy wearing kink clothing ..a waistcoat with no shirt etc.
– care home for old sheep
Start of the show the Global Warming reporter is doing a real job tonight, reporting about kids who drowned or nearly drowned
cos they went swimming in open water.
If he hadn’t spent all his time doing Global warming catastrophe porn
he might have had time to talk about drowning dangers BEFORE they happened.
He then went into a segment saying the Emergency services had been busy with wild fires etc.
The prog then segued into the narrative of the day
“The heavy rain might not be absorbed by the baked earth”
and then straight in to Dr Robert the Reading Uni scientist who the media have been pushing all day
#1 His experiment is fake
(Try it yourself take a clear mousse pot fill it with water and then place it openside down on your lawn
See the way the water stays there instead of going into the soil
..but then do the bit he doesn’t do ..Puncture the bottom of the pot with a knife
And see how when the vacuum that had held the water in the pot breaks, the water then flows into the soil)
#2 Dr Robert gave us his Global Warming spiel uncontested
I bet he did 50 such PR interviews today.
The prog then reported 2 incidences of flash flooding today
However I know both places .. they are urban and not near open fields
They have other issues like being halfway down a hill etc. ..the flooding didn’t last long
So far activists haven’t been able to show me an example of actual floods caused by dry ground today.
Pseudo-science at its absolute best, but like a performing sealion, Dr Robert (surprised he’s not a ‘Professor’ yet) certainly knows who he needs to please to keep the fishheads coming.
Eastenders is using a lot of black faces in PR shots these days
What’s a pigeon ????
FFS their names. By the sounds of criminals’ names at the moment, you’d think that there were no indigenous Brits left. Ooh, I hear the sound of Maxi’s keyboard tapping… Obviously it’s an exaggeration
“Aleksejs Sokolovs and Darius Lazausaks, both 45 and from Boston in Lincolnshire, (ha ha)
are accused of arson with intent to damage property and have been released on bail.
Is it arson if you are negligent ?
“Sokolov can be translated as “Falcon’s”. This name is most common in Russia and Ukraine.”
Neither Google nor Twitter have previously heard of the name Lazausaks
I’m guessing that is not the correct spelling
Yes his Facebook page says
“Darius Lazauskas lives in Boston, Lincolnshire, From Utena, Lithuania”
I don’t think its only the names of criminals. In Tesco today – rural area – the only dialect I heard was from customers who clearly had several Zs in their name.
I struggle to say the names of many outside news reporters.
This might be of some use to someone:
Patriotism Without a Country, We are Nothing: Humanity, Society, Democracy, Education, Reform, Research, Employment, Motivation Kindle Edition
Free download
Government leasing care homes to put illegal migrant criminals because they are running out of hotel space ….
1 million legal migrants under a blue labour government last year – can we go to trading standards over fraud description of a political party …? And there is no real practical alt choice .
Knob. Damned knob. And…
Great Barrier Reef doing OK apparently…..
So the BBC climate tosspots move to mangrove trees ( from a helicopter)
Two lads, settled in nicely off the RIB, hit the town for the night. First bar and there are two young lasses, Springster and…
That’s Zoe the thick Member of the intellectual left, although that hardly distinguishes her in those circles, who condoned spitting at Tories.
Just watched ‘13 Lives’ on streaming.
Worth it.
The BBC remake will be interesting.
Lucky finding the BBC Misinformation Team on break.
Not sure which is Wendy.
Mentioned already
The two biggest oppressers of free speech I see in the UK are Islam and the Left. And Islam only because they have the backing of people such as the BBC.
I guarantee neither are singled out in any reports about this by the MSM such as the Guardian, BBC, Independent, Times etc. In fact, I fully expect them to somehow try and infer the Right are to blame.
There is no reasoning or dealing with anyone as hypocritical as the Left. They have no interest in truth or honesty. Everything they do is driven by their agenda. They don’t care one bit what damage they do in the process : they think the ends justify the means.
I am thinking of buying ‘The Satanic Verses’ maybe it could top the best sellers?
Nutmeg’s back, oh what joy
“Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ‘have NO plans to see William and Kate’ for a reconciliatory meeting when they fly back to Britain for charity summit despite staying just five minutes away from them – but ‘may still visit the Queen’, 96”
Even the bookies recognise racist Britian:
“Idris Elba ‘walks away from playing James Bond’ despite being bookies’ favourite to replace Daniel Craig”
Crown Paints: Hannah & Dave ad prompts dozens of complaints
Apparently the song includes the words “now a baby’s coming and they don’t know what it is”, before continuing: “Hannah’s hoping for a girl, Dave’s just hoping that it’s his.”
A lengthy BBC article including the link to twitter so we can read the uncontrained feminist outrage. If they did not want us to read the comments, it would be a screen capture which could not be clicked. Including specially selected quotes such as:
‘Tweeting about the advert being “beyond mad”, Eclair said the line was “massively offensive”.’
‘Other Twitter users responding to Eclair’s tweet said the advert was “offensive”, “misogynistic” and a “serious error of judgement”.’
These stories always remind me of how lyrics by females singers can say whatever they like about men. For example, ‘if I were a boy’ by Beyonce is 100% misandry including lyrics such as:
‘Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I’d kick it with who I wanted
And I’d never get confronted for it
‘Cause they’d stick up for me’
‘If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone it’s broken
So they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone
I’d put myself first
And make the rules as I go
‘Cause I know that she’d be faithful
Waitin’ for me to come home’
I find those lyrics off-the-scale offensive. But it’s celebrated as a great song.
The problem in this world is that give people a soapbox like twitter and it’s the ones with the biggest mouths and who hate the most who make the loudest noise. The rest of us try to ignore it and get on with real life.
“Navy backs out of migrant patrols and will not take charge of Channel dinghies crisis, report claims
Royal Navy will no longer take charge of the Channel migrant crisis”
I.E. the RN is not going to be as a taxi service.
But you can be sure they will be replaced by some new taxpayer funded service – probably with more comfortable seats and maybe some snacks while they are whisked to their hotels.
The only thing the government care about is not having pictures of dead bodies along with extreme empathy articles by the BBC. They don’t care how much it costs : it’s not their money after all. They want to stay in power.
If only the RNLI would stop their taxi service and concentrate on real Emergencies….
Put the illegals on a redundant cruise ship and send them off to Rwanda accompanied by Royal Marines.
Simples .
Possible the Admiralty has joined the dots on the PR value of their services, especially in the Manchester area.
How long before RNLI collection boxes have a ‘thank you’ sticker in Albanian?
“We will take your call… we will pick you up… we will deliver you to your 4* hotel…”
Third world fun in London again:
Pictured: Suspect is arrested outside Korean restaurant in Oxford Street where ‘his colleague’ was stabbed to death
DAN WOOTTON: The intolerant left belittles the death threats against JK Rowling at its peril. It’s now or never for the woke literary world to stand up for free speech following the despicable attack on Salman Rushdie
Nick, sadly, is no longer with the BBC.
Or Rog.
But they do have Justin.
You cannot question the science.
Hoping the hidden bit revealed here might mention a key aspect…
Ah… flying gas mains.
How do they know those are going to happen?
Hello Guest, i’ve turned this off in settings on my mobile
Air Raid Sirens?
Invasion from France?
The only situation I can think of which needs to alert everyone in the country is nuclear war.
Not a good sign.
As usual, the BBC picture is utterly misleading. No doubt selected by a young ‘quota’ member of staff who has no idea what they are doing.
Monkey pox – 30 new cases a day ? Running out of the current batch of vaccines . Most cases in London ( presumably where there are more sodomites ) .
It affects ‘the community ‘ but strangely in the chat about it the sexual orientation of those getting it / passing it – wasn’t mentioned .
So perhaps the group affected is bald or fat people – you’d need to guess that it was the behaviour of …men who like men …..
Elswhere – the so called Royal Navy is giving the channel taxi service back to the Border £ Force – bet the boys will be pleased to be getting their bungs back – although the weather might drown a few clients ….
Breed sharks …
The monkey pox is an excellent example of ‘free speech’ à la Left.
They deliberately do not point out the truth that most of them are gay because some activists on twitter will call them homophobic.
This makes me think of the ‘free speech’ thing:
‘A monkey pox on you’ is fine
‘A pox on you monkey’ will get you arrested.
The BBC Moaning Emole has a bumper crop.
*Afghan contractors feel betrayed*
Not, it turns out, the guys denied a topping out dip in Rishi’s pool.
Seems the BBC is maintaining a presence there post death squads. Hope they don’t work their Malala Magic there too.
*Flood warnings as torrential rain predicted*
Hope they are now yellow. That would be nasty.
*Life savings lost after watchdog failed to act*
Watchdogs, eh? What are they like? OFCOM, it seems. MPs want an inquiry, amazingly. Headed by Claudia, Angela and Di?
Add this one:
‘UK wages fall at record rate as prices soar’
The headline of ‘inflation’ isn’t creating the doom and gloom, anti-government response they want so they have twisted it to infer everyones wages are falling.
Which they are not. Buried in the text they tell us they have actually risen by 4.7%.
A straightforward misleading BBC lie designed to make people unhappy.
Cue picture from the ‘victims’ selection:
So I see yet again the BBC have initially used a headline which is basically an agenda based lie then a bit later (after everybody has had a chance to let the subliminal message go in) they have changed it to something more resembling the truth.
Now it reads: ‘Inflation drives fastest fall in real pay on record’
And the ‘victim’ picture has been changed. But still no white man who I would venture is more affected by this than anyone else:
Afghan contractors: ‘I wish I’d never worked for the UK government’
bBC is so worried, maybe worry about the people who actually pay the tele tax (the average white man who is racist) lol
Wonder if Newsnight are going to do another McAlpine on RIB delivered engineers currently unhappy with their hotel WiFi?
Champion getting GQ gigs now.
A Tatler shoot surely on the cards?
Ashna Sarkar is a British journalist and libertarian communist political activist. She is a senior editor at Novara Media and teaches at the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam. Sarkar is a contributor to The Guardian and The Independent. Wikipedia
Born: 17 April 1992 (age 30 years), London
Nationality: British
Education: University College London
Movies: Television Without Frontiers
I’m going to say something unsayable . We owe afgee nothing – the fact that afgees linked to UK forces doesn’t mean they are owed a house and benefits in Croydon . It was their country – if they had honour they’d have fought and died for it .
But listening to woke military and ngo junkies demanding we pull even more out of afgee to be handed a life time of taxpayers ‘give me s ‘ – is just wrong .
Blair put the UK into afgee to be favoured by the yanks in their fight – and cost 500 wasted UK lives and billions in wasted taxpayers ‘ money .
It’s funny how Blair gets a free pass – as does Obama/Biden for the retreat last year –
It needs to be remembered – and the next time the yanks want a bit of moral support Blighty needs to be a bit more cautious about ridiculous exercises ….
Bacha bāzī (Persian: بچه بازی, lit. “boy play”;[1] from بچه bacheh, “boy”, and بازی bazi “play, game”) is a slang term in some parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan[2][3] for a custom in Afghanistan involving child sexual abuse by older men of young adolescent males or boys, called dancing boys, often involving sexual slavery and child prostitution.[4] In the 21st century, bacha bazi is practiced in various parts of Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan.[5][6][3] Force and coercion are common, and security officials state they are unable to end such practices and that many of the men involved in bacha bazi are powerful and well-armed warlords.[7][8][9]
Fighting in Afghanistan: ‘You have the watches. We have the time’
The unspoken truth underpinning Donald Trump’s latest policy on Afghanistan is that U.S. troops may never leave. Ever.
By Evan Solomon
September 2, 2017
Don’t forget why they did it. The same reason the Windrush ‘heroes’ did it.
Because we paid them well compared to what they could get without us.
That’s it. Period. Personal gain.
I can’t cut and paste from the woke Times – but an article today says BBC journalists are balloting? For strikes over the closure of one of the many propaganda channels -‘ the news channel ‘which will lead to as many as 70 job losses ….
Apparently there is a ‘ save the channel ‘ petition which has raised almost 1000 signatures since it started at the weekend . Truly an overwhelming public response ….
Comrade Martine Croxhall is apparently on point – she’s the airhead Labour supporter once challenged for bias by George Galloway in a memorable popcorn moment
We should be cautious though – those 70 job loses will just be recycled into other bits of the evil BBC empire – such as the ever popular and inclusive ‘Asia network ‘ which is to be renamed the ‘BBC paki channel ‘ – with handy hints for picking up 12 year old white girls ….
Perth is the place to be tonight -‘Tory yawn hustings ‘ again – so we can expect mass attacks by SNP fundamentalists screaming anti English abuse and demanding more English money from the ‘Barnet£ formula ‘…. €
Do it guys!
Crox of…
I have written about this before .And have written to the
BRITISH broadcasting corporation as well. The United
Kingdom has an indigenous white population of around
85%. Why is it on nearly EVERY public interest main
feature on the front news internet pages of the BBC do
they image ethnic folk. Today is a perfect example,
with the ” UK wages fall” main news story. BUT this is
nearly every day.
It is as if , that because the BBC cannot show us commercial
advertising , except for their own output. They must find
a way of aping the lunatics who run the advertising agencies
business asylum.
I was more impressed by the blonde/East Asian combo.
WTF : I thought ALL nurses who gave COVID vaccinations were rotund black women ????.
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC and TOADY ‘going big’ on an item that I do not recall happening
Well, that could be explained by an ageing memory and the BBC will no doubt claim it is thus. But in reality the BBC are, once again, lying on air or in Parliamentary terms “being economical with the truth”. And they played a sound clip that proved it! Quite amazing how stupid the ‘Isms’ and ‘Ists’ can be. Fifty years since the 1973 Oscars. Er, Oscars are held in February, BBC. The BBC are getting their retaliation in early.
Correction BBC: Forty nine years and a half years ago the Academy of Motion Pictures has apologised to Sacheen Littlefeather for her getting booed by the audience for refusing an OSCAR on behalf of Marlon Brando for his part in the Godfather. Except Sacheen Littlefeather wasn’t just booed. In the archive sound clip she was applauded, too.
Sacheen Littlefeather deserves another apology …. from the BBC. Did I hear her named as ‘Sharon’ Littlefeather by the newsreader and Mishal Husain? Must be the teenage work-experience school leavers typing the scripts for the News and TOADY using spell-check.
Only a few victims the bBC choose to report on today
1) Sacheen Littlefeather: Oscars apologises to actress after 50 years
2) Afghan contractors: ‘I wish I’d never worked for the UK government’
3) Crown Paints: Hannah & Dave ad prompts dozens of complaints
4) and so on
Dozens, eh?
I wonder how many the BBC SAS story got that required a delay message and eventual template blow off?
I watched it on Youtube and have to agree it is ‘massively offensive’, but not for the reasons the BBC and Jenny Eclair (who?) seem to think. Actually, the worst part are the crap songs, they really are very bad – just watch and decide for yourselves.
This one is more offensive IMHO:
And this one…
To sum up: three ads supposedly about typical Millennials: a straight (?) white(!) couple where the bloke doesn’t know if he’s the father of his partner’s unborn child (wonder if it’ll be mixed race?), a black lesbian lady, desperate to have sex, and a white, gay ‘mama’s boy’ with ‘piercings down there’.
White men at the back.
Back of the queue, you know it’s true… hey, maybe they should hire me to come up with the lyrics?
Just watched crown paints ads (sorry catching up). All terrible- do these companies want us to buy their products? What was the outcry over the first one, that someone was daring to have a baby? God help us.
I think the BBC is ‘rotating ‘ victims of the ‘cost of living crisis ‘ and running stories about hardship every other day .
I caught one yesterday where someone who lives in Ipswich worked out that there are 5 libraries there so during the winter will walk to each one each day to stay warm …
.. I’m not sure if that beats the riding on a bus all day but it must be near…
I know I sound flippant – but it’s a sign of what a good job the BBC is doing with project fear …..
Although in passing supermarket inflation hit 11% in 1 month last month …. 11% …..
Good morning Fed
I remember the likes of the bBC doing a “report” on sandwich shortages if we left the eu 🙁
Reading the comments in Have Your Say that the bbc does choose to allow the plebs to comment on – the people that actually still support the bbc, do fall for the rubbish auntie reports on
‘Can warn everybody of life threatening events’
Or to put it another way so they can see who is at a certain location. When life threatening events happen, such as the Londonistan bombings take place, the mobile phones in the area get disconnected from the base stations and cannot make calls.
Meanwhile our brave girls in blue are doing a ‘wisk’ assessment. Give me a Polish civilian any day.
Mixed messaging frankly.
Imagine if all that is left are cockroaches and what emerges from the BBC bunker, before them.
In 1958, he launched the Great Leap Forward that aimed to rapidly transform China’s economy from agrarian to industrial, which led to the deadliest famine in history and the deaths of 15–55 million people between 1958 and 1962.
Should we stop having children?
The stats make for sobering reading: global population is set to hit 10 billion by the year 2050. Given the ever-increasing pressure on resources and the natural world, is it time to consider our personal responsibility when it comes to slowing the spread of humanity?
As BBC Radio 3’s Free Thinking Festival prepares to debate the uncomfortable issues surrounding the fabled ‘population bomb’, moral philosopher Simon Beard considers both sides of this emotive debate.
yes. and get rid off all with IQ’s lower than 130. With the massive strides in AI there just isnt any need for 95% of the population. Kind of David Ike except he never factored in AI. COVID was the first AI-designed virus. There is and will never be a cure for it.
It is the only way. Destroy Africa first then work through the rest of them. And I fully support this NEW AI WORLD FUTURE
‘Fabled’ population bomb? Nothing ‘fabled’ about it, there are far too many humans on the planet, and the stupid and feckless are breeding at the fastest rate, whilst the cleverest and most able to create any kind of progress or advancement are crushed under the weight of carrying all the parasites and dying out.
The Eugenicists were right, without any kind of advantage for those with the best brains and healthiest bodies, the only way for the human species is backwards.
Free thinking? That’s rich coming from Al Beeb. Is that the same as free speaking?
One for Det. Chief Blonde Springster of the Met?
… and the whole story suddenly dropped without apology when the element of doubt in ‘potentially’ turns out to be the real case. As usual.
Dinosaurs to get electric cars.
Just 500? Why not 5,000, or 5,000,000, or 5 billion… or whatever really? Pure scaremongoring.
Doomsday Clock remains at 100 seconds to midnight—closest ever to apocalypse. Members of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Suzet McKinney (Director of Life Sciences for Sterling Bay) and Daniel Holz (University of Chicago professor), reveal that the Doomsday Clock remains at 100 seconds to midnight in 2022.20 Jan 2022
Lucky it’s a nice round 100. I wonder what the increments are – is the next available step 0 ?. Or will be at 97.6 seconds to midnight at some point ?.
Which of course makes it all totally arbitrary and therefore worthless. Just people making stuff up to get you to listen to them.
what DALL-E AI image generator thinks when asked “UK Politics”,
cant seem to embed it but the symbolism of the torn Union Jack struck me.
Any AI is only as good as the real I which programmed it.
The Media – made of Leftists who are generally complete f*ckwits at anything at all real-world technical – cannot comprehend what that means. They can only equate it to the films they have seen.
This applies particularly well to a BBC science correspondent.
Cognitive labour edition
Top of the BBC Pops – topping the charts, so to speak – in their online press line up is the habitually coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper: New Omicron jab to fight autumn Covid wave – because of course, just like day follows night and floods follow droughts – our experts can predict these things…
The Telegraph comes over vaguely proud and patriotic: UK is first to approve omicron-specific jab
As does the Daily Express (United with the people of Ukraine – on the masthead and: 50% off your favourite newspapers… new subscribers only – is the offer. One couldn’t find a recent figure but as of 1st June Russia had apparently taken 20% off Nato’s favourite new ally) I digress: Britain first with covid varient booster
And in flag-waving mood almost as fervent as when a local ladies football team won a trophy, our BBC says: Covid: UK first country to approve dual-strain vaccine – note the similarity of wording in the next one…
Naturally there’s no UK or Britain-specific reflected glory in the Guardian headline – and, as per usual, the left is obsessed with managerial process: Dual-strain Covid jab approved for booster
Whilst the formerly patriotic Times makes it sound as though it’s compulsory: Over-50s to be called for new Covid jab in weeks – I promise that’s the last word, your last headline on the subject this morning – although, a profitable big new industry with many stakeholders, managers and employees having been created, one very much doubts that’s the last annual booster of some form or another you’ll be called for.
Riddle me a riddle – sounds like the sort of thing Batman’s enemy The Riddler would say. One learns that comic book character’s real name was Edward Nygma (careful now) – so riddle me this: Afghanistan shows why we have to be woke Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (‘i’)
George Orwell imagined the Junior Anti-Sex League. In something of a perversion (so to speak) of his dystopia, it is in fact the grown up women in our broadsheets busily campaigning against marriage: Will this TV drama put you off marriage? (Times); Why I’ve taken a marriage sabatical Celia Walden explains why all married couples should try six weeks apart (Telegraph) – I know, two features, even on the same day, even from supposedly conservative right-leaning titles, is just an unhappy coincidence…
‘The woman’s to-do list is relentless’ – complains a Guardian feature: …the burden of cognitive labour – remembering birthdays, organising play dates – which disproportionately falls to women in heterosexual relationships, and it is exhausting – Nag, nag, nag – I jest of course. I may not be up there with the likes of Jerry Sadowitz but remember there’s something of a performative character when Mr AsISeeIt takes to the stage hereabouts.
Jerry Sadowitz hits back after show cancelled: ‘My act is being cheapened’ Comedian says his show ‘is what it is, for those who enjoy it,’ after complaints at Edinburgh fringe (Guardian)
But why worry, as the left are always keen to reassure us, there’s no such thing as cancel culture.
The Graun loves a bit of Edinburgh Festival: The G2 Edinburgh special The stars, the shows – and the best jokes – however, there’s something of an equivocal note from our Nish: Nish Kumar I love the fringe, but now it’s time for change
Oh the irony: The Kenya-born British comedian Njambi McGrath, performing at the Pleasance, argues that deep political turmoil will still fuel good comedy. Rishi Sunak’s suggestion that unpatriotic rhetoric should be policed can only throw another log on the fire, she believes.
“The more severe a government, the more hilarious satire becomes. It can only thrive inside rooms away from the interfering hands of government,” she said. “After all, banning comedy simply rubber stamps the ridicule. Banning satire is the last door from democracy and first into autocracy.” (Guardian, 7th August)
If you want a bit of a laugh – without anyone having to wave his male member about – take a look at the knots in which these Guardianistas are oblidged to tie themselves – just to keep on the right side of the latest wokist trends: In same-sex relationships, domestic labour is more equal, “but can still fall back into those roles”, says Mangino (she talks about male and female roles, drawn from traditional gendered divides, rather than men and women). – eh? Riddle me a riddle indeed.
Speaking of Labour… cognitive or otherwise…
Starmer says government ‘just not good enough’ on cost of living crisis as he defends plan to freeze energy bills (Guardian) – Oh dear, as we know the journalese weasel word editorialisation ‘defends‘ is a passive aggressive damnation.
What about the workers?
Starmer fails to back bar strike… – don’t worry, we’ll still be able to turn to drink whatever the next crisis – work is still the bane of the drinking classes: Climate could uncork great British reds (Times)
Sir Keir Starmer QC today declined to express unqualified support for striking barristers (a rare forensic appearance hereabouts in this kangaroo court of public opinion for The Law Society Gazette)
I’m not sure I could take anyone called Mangina talking about ‘gender roles’ entirely seriously.