The CEO of JP Morgan Jamie Dimon has been speaking to his wealthy clients. Personally I don’t believe the man is to be trusted I don’t believe in his public utterances he is honest and truthful, however he is the head of an important invesment bank and his words do count, regardless of how reliable they might be, and also perhaps unsurprisingly the UK media have largely failed to report the speech at all!
What is out there? There are storm clouds. Rates, QT, oil, Ukraine, war, China. If I had to put odds: soft landing 10%. Harder landing, mild recession, 20%, 30%. Harder recession, 20%, 30%. And maybe something worse at 20% to 30%. It is a bad mistake to say ‘here is my single point forecast.’
Reading between the lines is important here Dimon is hedging his bets for all evntualities however he is strongly suggesting a hard recession or something even worse is on the way.
Meanwhile to add to the food shortage woes the Idaho potato crop is going to be nowhere near as large as it usually is:
It’s going to be a rough ride next year folks, make sure you’re prpared for what’s coming.
And lets stop lying about a cost of living crisis and do what the left does by challenging those who use the maguage of distraction, tell them to call it what it really is, a cost of Green energy crisis.
Thank you – im as persistently doom and gloom and not worth reading if looking for ‘ happy happy’
I see 2023 / 2024 as a nightmare . Talk of inflation peaking this year is deluded .
I make the assumption that putin continues his campaign keeping costs high .
Even if ‘ normality ‘ returned the pent up demand post covid is still sitting there and will take a while to recover – 2 or 3 years – give or take a recovery from recession ..,
As you say – Thoughtful – prepare as best you can . Make sure your can opener works .,.
No honest person believes the raid on Donald Trump’s home last week was a legitimate act of law enforcement. It wasn’t. Even the Biden administration didn’t bother to pretend otherwise.
Tomo – thank you – I went on YouTube to catch the whole 26 minutes.
Carlson speculates on the next step in this corrupt third world political show –
He thinks the Obama White House it mulling over whether to indict president trump – and from me – deciding whether to do that privately or with the full FBI treatment …..
The Rule of `law in America is know what Obama says it is . A twitter comment can get you arrested – imprisoned -mand maybe up to 10 years in a Fed prison ….
Don’t tell Hampshire plod they’ll be getting tips from the FBI
So as the stazi FBI are now a fully democrat run outfit with democrat judges to sign of warrants to attack republicans and their lawyers – I wonder what the next steps will be ?
The Feds are now so part of the Obama regime that they’d do anything to anyone ….
The timing of the indictment of president trump will be the biggy- complete with a rigged trial process and certainty of conviction with a rigged jury and eager CNN BBC ….starting . in the next 2 months ….
Obama absolutely was (is?) a spook , his mother was a spook …
What’s really noticeable (to me at anyrate) – is the cast of utterly toxic characters that the Democrats have assembled (e.g. Schiff, Swalwell) and their immunity from the consequences of their antics.
I can’t remember her name but there was a gormless Democrat in the twilight of the Obamah White House who absolutely spilled the beans on how even low tiered, sour, self aggrandising apparatchiks (Nadler) in the administration had trivial access to snooping on emails, phone conversations and personal documents of those they chose to snoop on.
The rise of a corrupt thug bureaucracy, insulated from the consequences of their unequivocal lawless thuggery is going to have consequences (I hope….)
The US MSM is about 90% of the problem – and they are pretty much spook run …
Words, punctuation and pauses (Obama pauses a lot) have a price … Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}
“The reason many of us have been critical of Barack Obama’s outrageous $400,000 speaking fee is that it robs us of a fantasy: that sooner or later, the first black president was going to use his considerable powers, in or out of office, to help the economic ravages of the poor, who are disproportionately black.
That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …”
Also of interest .. Ten most inane things in Obama’s awful speech “Otherwise, virtually everything was confused or misleading. More than that, he revealed he has no idea what he’s doing.” {washingtonpost – Jennifer Rubin – Conservative – may2013}
Alex Phillips voice makes my ears bleed
Mercy Merkouri’ voice is like scraping nails down a blackboard – her stuttering delivery is dreadful.
Bev Turner believes her audience are all deaf.
Any of the girls reading the news headlines would make a better fist of it.
Yes well past the glory days – but it’s the only ‘comedy’ they have so on the dead horse is flogged – a bit like that ‘have I got news … thing – which I understand still runs – I gave up on that probably – 20 years or more ago …
Malala Yousafzai’s family can stay in UK after dad is given consulate role in Birmingham. The family of a girl shot in the head by the Taliban for promoting women’s rights will be able to stay in the UK, after her father was appointed education attache at the Pakistan consulate in Birmingham.3 Jan 2013
Here is a guy who is regarded as something as a financial expert in the car industry giving an overview of the financial exposure of banks in the US to loan defaults.
It does translate to the UK where we have seen the same issues here so it’s worth a watch because it might give you some good advice, but also it’s a heads up as to what’s coming and what is going on behind the scenes.
We said the “The leaders of the Church of England have written to the Times to describe the plan to send failed asylum seekers to Rwanda as an immoral policy that shames Britain…”
The phrase ‘failed asylum seekers’ was not used by the Church and is in any case inaccurate.
We should have said ‘asylum applicants’ as cases are only considered after people are sent to Rwanda.
A programme tweet using the same phrase has been deleted.
“Dalton Trumbo (blacklisted screenwriter) : [challenging John Wayne] ……….If you’re gonna talk about World War II as if you personally won it, let’s be clear where you were stationed – on a film set, shooting blanks, wearing makeup, and if you’re going to hit me, I’d like to take off my glasses.”
“Patrick Goulbourne, the London Fire Brigade’s Assistant Commissioner, added: ‘It is really important that Londoners – particularly those living in basement properties – are prepared and know what to do should a flood occur.
‘Pay attention to weather alerts and prepare a flood kit or grab bag.”
A grab bag, isn’t this what “preppers” in the States call a “BOB” or Bug Out Bag? Except rising water is probably the least of the things they are preparing for. Am I reading between the lines too much? I get a bit nervous when officialdom starts using language like this – flooding will bring disruption. . .
TC a month ago New York decided to publish this Nuclear Preparedness public film which raised a few eyebrows.
And a new emergency warning system will launch here in October. A few more recitations of “Building Back Better” needed from our great leaders, to reassure us this is all par for the course in the New Normal?
If close. And well connected to BBC cubicle garden #prasnews clearly.
I once happened across a local chavalier and early hours wine taster whilst walking our respected dogs, though his did seem more like demagogon on the Ian Blackford diet.
I asked him how he afforded to feed it, and it seems a local family called the Bennys funded for him.
I’m waiting for one of those numerous BBC consumer programs to suggest reviewing DDs to save on those which are not needed …..
I can think of one ( it’s the BBC licence DD)
I see that the BBC is going full blast to stir up public anger directed at the Government. They are pushing and pushing the austerity that the public are going to feel full blast.
The are for instance prepared to describe a pay rise of 7.5% as a virtual pay cut.
I believe their game is to try as hard as possible foment strikes, public anger and anything they can to throw mud at the Tories.
They are not of course including or mentioning the effects of a major European war, a 2 Year home staying jolly for millions of people dodging work because of “covid”. And billions handed out in furlough, buying drugs, etc. etc.
No it’s all to do with the inept Tories and Boris going on holiday.
They are so blatantly rabble-rousing they should be indicted for treason the lot of them.
And all because they are desperate to install a red Labour government who will be happy to protect and use them for propaganda purposes, thus ensuring their future.
The BBC is an openly political machine and needs to be gone ASAP.
he BBC will have to make deep cuts to its programme budgets after the government said the broadcaster’s funding would be frozen for the next two years, with the licence fee abolished completely in 2027.
The culture secretary, Nadine Dorries, is expected to confirm that the cost of an annual licence, required to watch live television and access iPlayer services, will remain at £159 until 2024 before rising slightly for the following three years.
She said this would be the end of the current licence fee funding model for the BBC, raising doubts about the long-term financial future and editorial independence of the public service broadcaster under a Conservative government.
The Guardian has a whole new section called “The heat or eat diaries” for the upcoming winter of discontent.
Their subtitle “Dispatches from the frontline of Britain’s cost of living emergency” made me laugh — conjuring up the image of flak jackets and satellite phones on rooftops which the Guardianistas are well known for. Strong Drop the Dead Donkey vibes.
‘The woman’s to-do list is relentless’: how to achieve an equal split of household chores
Emine Saner
Gender expert Kate Mangino tracked down 40 men who did their fair share in the home to find out if they had anything in common – or whether there is a formula for getting the balance right
The Guardian have a ‘gender expert’ called Kate Mangina? Really?!
What about men who do MORE than their fair share in the home?
Who defines ‘fair’?
Is it fair if I spend all day on Sunday fixing the back door, mowing the lawn, and repairing the garden path, whilst the missus cooks dinner and washes up?
Is it fair if the missus does the cleaning because she only works 12 hours a week with a 20 minute commute, while my commute is 45 mins each way, and I work 39 hours? What about if I also do the shopping on the way home? What about if I wash her car too?
Isn’t ‘fair’ down to each couple to work out for themselves?
I dip into the londonistan evening standard every so often . I’m glad I swerve it . I find that killings by gun in my borough is running at one a week . My guess for the number of killings over all is one a day for londonistan .
On experience of londonistan – I am surprised it’s only one a day . 300 is the going rate each year but with inflation I reckon the undertakers will have 400 to deal with this year …
Non fatal shootings and stabbings don’t really make the press threshold unless they are a bit special such as the triple shooting last night …
Jade Cropper
Part of the new vanguard of Scandi style, Cropper’s skin flashing cut out designs are a firm favourite with Gen Z. Her body con aesthetic taps into the Y2K trend that shows no sign of abating. Her sustainable credentials read well too with pieces created using Circulose, a fibre made from 100% discarded textile waste. “The clothes that I make express another version of myself…I want to enhance and explore what fashion can make you feel in terms of identity,” she said (
My children are Generation Z… they aren’t interested in this kind of crap, nor are any of their mates, nor do they (or any of their mates) listen to rap, or have any interest in Greta Thunberg or the BBC, or support Extinction Rebellion, or BLM, or… as far as I can discern give a crap about alphabet trans people.
My kids like to draw and talk about boys and chat online with their mates (daughter), and eat stuff and ride a bike and play computer games with their mates online (son), and other than having mobile phones (which they don’t use THAT much, perhaps 30 mins to 1 hour a day – I can trace their usage) and having the internet, don’t really seem any different to my generation at their age.
I’m not sure who these ‘Gen Z’ kids supporting all these virtuous ’causes’ we keep hearing about in the media are, because they’re not my kids, or their mates, or my mates kids, or my siblings and cousins’ kids, or any teenage kids I’ve met… so I’m inclined to think they’re largely make believe.
You are right, they don’t really exist. They are simply the aspirational fictitious kids of the looney off-centre unbalanced nutters who would love all kids to be like this.
The MSM is in general ignoring the Blair era positioning of the entire public sector as facilitators of importing diversity – fer gawds sake – Labour Party goons have even repeatedly bragged about it.
I hope that twice expelled 4* hotel dwelling golf enthusiast gets some more play in the media – but I doubt it…
Emma Thompson admits she’s a ‘hypocrite’ for flying around the world whilst protesting climate change… but reasons she now travels ‘much less’
Dame Emma admitted she is ‘hypocritical by flying’ around the world whilst simultaneously protesting against climate change
The actress, 60, came under fire earlier this year for flying from Los Angeles to London to join Extinction Rebellion demonstrators in the capital.
Dame Emma has reasoned that she always tries to travel without using aeroplanes
People are starting to understand what drives a bbc ‘story’.
How often do many workers stay 3 minutes after their shift finishes? I'd say more.. There's more to this than meets the eye…and no I didn't read it. It's a @BBCNews click bait story. But I'll guarantee my first assertion.
BBC suffering from premature grief at the prospect of an anti trump RINO? – Liz traitor Cheney losing a primary thing in the US .
God the BBC hate President Trump – it’s an obsession- I think the prospect of him standing in a ( fixed ) US presidential election would send them deep into the equivalent brexit syndrome – without even winning ….
Has Biden formally announced having another coronation using the Obama election theft method v2?
Having looked at some length (out of curiosity at why many righties dislike her) at how Liz Cheney goes about her business and what she’s done (esp. wrt to Jan 6th) – losing the Republican nomination is way, way too small a reward.
The BBC default position on things DJT is undiluted, chronic TDS.
Meanwhile back on earth, the bbc really has had its day
The comments section… one of the poor little snowflakes has commented
“Brilliant that the barbie dolls are becoming more diverse! Everyone should be represented!!” – Maybe the bbc now do their own commenting, you couldn’t make it up
But some in the Muslim world also consider her a decadent symbol of the West – hence Saudi Arabia’s recent decision to ban Barbie along with her “revealing clothes and shameful postures.” Like Barbie, she is about 11½ inches tall, but unlike Mattel’s product, she is noticeably less bosomy.
TWatO Watch #1 – in which socialist talks to presumed socialist but possibly a capitalist as well
Jonny ‘Disjointed’ Dymond brings his staccato delivery to TWatO again as the Montacutie still appears to be on holiday for a third week. Jonny is exercised over the ONS’s ability to subtract 4%+ from 9.something% and come up with 3% so he heads out into the real world in the company of presumed/assumed capitalist Dharshini David, the BBC’s first ever Global Trade Correspondent to find out what is what.
We find that there is no ‘cost-of-living-crisis’ for overseas tourists, UK tourists and those that work in central London. The shops, cafes and restaurants are enjoying a booming trade. Well why wouldn’t they, when they can enjoy the spending power of highly paid Beeboids? That is, when they are not on their extensive holidays. Jonny bemoans the lack of low-paid Health Service staff and Care Home workers to interview to find some low pay victims who would provide a suitable ‘vox pop’.
If our Jonny had bothered to walk on a bit instead of standing on the pavement outside Broadcasting House with the traffic noise spoiling his cosy chat with Dharshini, they might have reached the Middlesex Hospital or the more private offerings of Harley Street. I’m sure they could have found a nurse or doctor or consultant, even, who was distressed over the supposed ‘cost-of-living-crisis’.
We were left none the wiser why the ONS can deduct 4.7% from 9.4% and come up with the figure of 3%. ‘Tis a mystery that will last until mid-September 2022. It is also something of a mystery why the ONS only provide a % figure for unemployment to a foremost News Organisation like the BBC, when they used to be able provide much greater clarity. Is it because we still have 1.3 million people in the UK who are seeking work? I suspect it is.
TWatO Watch #2 – now if only Jonny ‘Disjointed’ Dymond had talked less and allowed Dharshini David to talk more …
… he might have discovered one explanation for the ONS being able to subtract 4.7 from 9.4 and equal 3. Darshini David has a degree in economics from Cambridge no less. That said, economists are known to agree on nothing but on the other hand, they are also known to agree on everything. However, Jonny wanted to play the Alpha male and keep the little woman in her place. How sexist of him! (See AISI’s excellent newspaper review for today further back on this thread for more reading on that subject.)
Fact is, inflation wasn’t always at 9.4%. That is the annualised rate for the 12 months to mid-July 2022 based on a basket of goods that the ONS price check each month. The fact that you do not have to buy each of the goods on the ONS checklist and, in fact may never buy from one year’s end to another – or even never, ever buy – some of the goods on the ONS checklist, demonstrates the weakness of the current RPI and CPI inflation figures.
It would be much better, to my mind, to have an Essential Prices Index of inflation but as it would include things like taxes the politicians would probably hate it and prevent anything useful like that ever coming into being. After all, it would act as a useful measure of performance, of the benefits of having a particular political Party in Government and that would never do.
If you’ve not seen / heard Robert Barnes on the topic – this is a fair starter – much else in there.
Barnes at least gives a lot of informed context which is near entirely missing in the MSM – 2 hours of Barnes + Freiheit from Sunday evening / Monday morning depending on your time zone
I see the co-founder of Greenpeace has been punished for a Thought Crime – but Microsoft won't tell him which thought was the Wrong 'Un 🤷♂️
Get his friends to post parts of it and see what happens?
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … Jack Fincham from ITV’s Love Island hounded by fans for supporting Tommy Robinson 04jul2018
There have been numerous grim things in the news lately, all covered excellently on Biased BBC, so this post is a little bit of light relief…
Are any of you watching the new Van Der Valk series on ITV? Actually it’s been well made, with not too much jiggery-wokery creeping into the story…other than Van Der Valk’s attractive, ball busting lesbian assistant, who chases down fit young men and wrestles them to the ground, while making an arrest. Yes, of course she does..
The real problem I have is with the main character, Van Der Valk …or at least the bloke they have chosen to play him…
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the actor’s fault, but… he’s supposed to be some sort of irresistible sex symbol. The first scene in episode one shows him stopping off for a cold beer, after a long day catching ne’er-do-wells. Immediately he’s approached by two young lovelies who attempt to chat him up. He’s having none of it and says, “Sorry ladies, I’m going home.” The two floozies invite themselves along. Fortunately our hero is immediately rescued by another gorgeous bit of skirt, who both the girls and I thought was his wife. She’s not. This blonde is just another random woman who happens to be passing and on first sight has become totally enthralled with this bloke. It’s ludicrous…
With a Steve McQueen or Paul Newman I might (just) swallow it, but… our man is short, thin and scruffy, must be in his fifties and is a long way from being any woman’s dream date. He’s more Wilfred Bramble than Daniel Craig.
I’m half expecting him to shout “‘Arold” at any minute…
Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
Tucker's haymaker against the politically weaponized Biden DOJ-FBI abuses of power will leave your jaw on the floor. Any clear-eyed American watching this will be repulsed. I've never heard this data laid bare. This is no longer America. Evil.
itvCalendar Drought porn item
“Yorkshire officially declared a drought today.. over to our reporter in Mansfield”
The reporter fessed up straight away “As you can see, it’s throwing it down at this pond at Berry Hill Park
and the water is coming up the bank
.. but when we arrived you could almost see the bottom”
She got in the official flood porn narrative “Ah the ground is so hard the water is just sitting there”
We could see that was fake cos it was clearly flowing into the lake”
They then aired all the vox pop footage they recorded earlier “oh I’ve never seen it so low blah blah”
Second part of the discussion about Jerry Sadowitz on BBC Scotland last night. Watch how quickly the interview gets wrapped up at the end…🤣
1 minute 30 seconds – what happens when an unapproved interviewee challenges a BBC totalitarian …
And now the weather – 90 seconds encapsulating smug ‘right thought ‘ versus the ‘non approved ‘……
The comments on twitter about this are so so supportive …
Just accidentally caught about 10 seconds of the BBC news tonight. It had an Afghan in shadows talking about how the UK have left him high and dry.
In that time, I realised that there is no way an Afghan would string sentences together with such meaningful English (through an interpreter). It takes a native speaker to say things like he did. I expect they think the majority of people watching won’t realise how an Afghan would speak English – they will use English words, but sentences tend to be constructed in the same way they would do in their own language.
Which immediately told me that the BBC had written his speech for him. Which in turn told me that once again they are not reporting the news – they are manufacturing it to suit their agenda. In true Panorama style they have decided on an end conclusion they want to make into a headline (like the SAS story) then set about creating the news to prove it.
‘Why you can trust the BBC’.
I don’t. They are as slippery as eels and lower than snakes.
R4 now
have we really become less religious?
Or has our hunger for truth and meaning simply transferred itself to social justice politics?
In this programme, Helen Lewis considers the religious overtones of the “culture wars”.
On both left and right, she finds unquestionable doctrines, charismatic preachers, blasphemy and heresy – and the promise of salvation”
“only 1% of 18-24 yo say they are CoE”
Well Marxism is a religion.
“one phrase you hear a lot online is ‘wokeness is a religion ‘ ”
… Funny I NEVER saw that
Countries who buy gas from Russia have high inflation
France has nuclear
I wonder why Ireland’s food price inflation is so low
Full inflation seems to mirror this list
but Estonia’s full inflation is quoted at 22.7%
here’s a table of the official CPI #inflation rates for #food and non-alcoholic beverages in June
(the latest available month for all
France has not been a part of the Green delusion which has caused the Green energy crisis and its people tend to heat their homes using logs rather than gas hence it being less affected, but their nuclear plants are in urgent need of maintenance due to pipes cracking, so they might also be having rolling blackouts this year.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 08:28 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Islam – winning the game of terror and attrition – do we close all Churches so we don’t offend Islam?
AsISeeItMar 4, 08:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ” jokey snog” – Spain’s ex-football chief Luis Rubiales found guilty of sexual assault Nice one Marky. You’re a fellow…
JohnCMar 4, 08:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Six things that could get more expensive for Americans under Trump tariffs Attempts to write pointless articles for the…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 You are welcome. Really should be on BBC world… inbetween the ads. UK ads target Iraq to deter small…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 08:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “For the first time in its 1,000-year history, an open Iftar event has been hosted in Windsor Castle’s State Apartments.…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 08:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Send more money …. “Claims first emerged in The Times last year that Oxfam employees, including former country director Roland…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 08:16 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ” honor the sex worker community” see “Germany’s ‘remarkable’ prostitution tax meter” made be Siemens! Prostitution is legal in…
AsISeeItMar 4, 08:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Coded sex slang edition It’s somehow rather reassuring to notice how – despite these difficult economic and politically fractious times…
JohnCMar 4, 07:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 One-year-olds among those raped during Sudan civil war, UN says More description of what is going on in Sudan…
GMar 4, 07:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC R4 just before 0700 told me that Hegseth has instructed their spy agencies to halt any monitoring of Russian…
The CEO of JP Morgan Jamie Dimon has been speaking to his wealthy clients. Personally I don’t believe the man is to be trusted I don’t believe in his public utterances he is honest and truthful, however he is the head of an important invesment bank and his words do count, regardless of how reliable they might be, and also perhaps unsurprisingly the UK media have largely failed to report the speech at all!
What is out there? There are storm clouds. Rates, QT, oil, Ukraine, war, China. If I had to put odds: soft landing 10%. Harder landing, mild recession, 20%, 30%. Harder recession, 20%, 30%. And maybe something worse at 20% to 30%. It is a bad mistake to say ‘here is my single point forecast.’
Reading between the lines is important here Dimon is hedging his bets for all evntualities however he is strongly suggesting a hard recession or something even worse is on the way.
Meanwhile to add to the food shortage woes the Idaho potato crop is going to be nowhere near as large as it usually is:
It’s going to be a rough ride next year folks, make sure you’re prpared for what’s coming.
And lets stop lying about a cost of living crisis and do what the left does by challenging those who use the maguage of distraction, tell them to call it what it really is, a cost of Green energy crisis.
It has been mentioned already the bbc is incapable of grasping what is required to tax those who pay their massive salaries.
Thank you – im as persistently doom and gloom and not worth reading if looking for ‘ happy happy’
I see 2023 / 2024 as a nightmare . Talk of inflation peaking this year is deluded .
I make the assumption that putin continues his campaign keeping costs high .
Even if ‘ normality ‘ returned the pent up demand post covid is still sitting there and will take a while to recover – 2 or 3 years – give or take a recovery from recession ..,
As you say – Thoughtful – prepare as best you can . Make sure your can opener works .,.
Tomo – thank you – I went on YouTube to catch the whole 26 minutes.
Carlson speculates on the next step in this corrupt third world political show –
He thinks the Obama White House it mulling over whether to indict president trump – and from me – deciding whether to do that privately or with the full FBI treatment …..
The Rule of `law in America is know what Obama says it is . A twitter comment can get you arrested – imprisoned -mand maybe up to 10 years in a Fed prison ….
Don’t tell Hampshire plod they’ll be getting tips from the FBI
So as the stazi FBI are now a fully democrat run outfit with democrat judges to sign of warrants to attack republicans and their lawyers – I wonder what the next steps will be ?
Killed escaping
Killed resisting arrest
The Feds are now so part of the Obama regime that they’d do anything to anyone ….
The timing of the indictment of president trump will be the biggy- complete with a rigged trial process and certainty of conviction with a rigged jury and eager CNN BBC ….starting . in the next 2 months ….
The Democrat goons do not know when to stop.
Obama absolutely was (is?) a spook , his mother was a spook …
What’s really noticeable (to me at anyrate) – is the cast of utterly toxic characters that the Democrats have assembled (e.g. Schiff, Swalwell) and their immunity from the consequences of their antics.
I can’t remember her name but there was a gormless Democrat in the twilight of the Obamah White House who absolutely spilled the beans on how even low tiered, sour, self aggrandising apparatchiks (Nadler) in the administration had trivial access to snooping on emails, phone conversations and personal documents of those they chose to snoop on.
The rise of a corrupt thug bureaucracy, insulated from the consequences of their unequivocal lawless thuggery is going to have consequences (I hope….)
The US MSM is about 90% of the problem – and they are pretty much spook run …
Words, punctuation and pauses (Obama pauses a lot) have a price … Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}
“The reason many of us have been critical of Barack Obama’s outrageous $400,000 speaking fee is that it robs us of a fantasy: that sooner or later, the first black president was going to use his considerable powers, in or out of office, to help the economic ravages of the poor, who are disproportionately black.
That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …”
Also of interest .. Ten most inane things in Obama’s awful speech “Otherwise, virtually everything was confused or misleading. More than that, he revealed he has no idea what he’s doing.” {washingtonpost – Jennifer Rubin – Conservative – may2013}
Alex Phillips voice makes my ears bleed
Mercy Merkouri’ voice is like scraping nails down a blackboard – her stuttering delivery is dreadful.
Bev Turner believes her audience are all deaf.
Any of the girls reading the news headlines would make a better fist of it.
Brissles – I don’t bother with anything other than brazier / Farage / Steyn – and Farage can be a bit much …
The rest seems dross ..
Oh, I really don’t agree with any of that. I think all the ladies of GB News are lovely. Especially Mercy. She’s the tops.
I listened to a bit of R4 “I’m Sorry I haven’t a clue” while taking a driving break yesterday evening.
The slathered-on audience reaction / laughter was a lame as the script.
The off switch was used before the credits.
Music and audience snippets to be added to news reporting next?
Yes well past the glory days – but it’s the only ‘comedy’ they have so on the dead horse is flogged – a bit like that ‘have I got news … thing – which I understand still runs – I gave up on that probably – 20 years or more ago …
That BBC hero profile the other day… maybe it should be into which Taliban snipers tried to take out Malala once the BBC spotted her?
Malala Yousafzai’s family can stay in UK after dad is given consulate role in Birmingham. The family of a girl shot in the head by the Taliban for promoting women’s rights will be able to stay in the UK, after her father was appointed education attache at the Pakistan consulate in Birmingham.3 Jan 2013
This bBc “plan” that the Govt. requested as to how it would migrate to a subscription model in view of the decision to end the L/Fee.
Anyone seen even a brief flash of this plan? Seems eerily quiet.
Lets hope Liz Truss gets on the case both with the bBC and throw in the SNP as 2 examples of complete wastes of public money.
Here is a guy who is regarded as something as a financial expert in the car industry giving an overview of the financial exposure of banks in the US to loan defaults.
It does translate to the UK where we have seen the same issues here so it’s worth a watch because it might give you some good advice, but also it’s a heads up as to what’s coming and what is going on behind the scenes.
BBC Radio 4, 14 June 2022
We said the “The leaders of the Church of England have written to the Times to describe the plan to send failed asylum seekers to Rwanda as an immoral policy that shames Britain…”
The phrase ‘failed asylum seekers’ was not used by the Church and is in any case inaccurate.
We should have said ‘asylum applicants’ as cases are only considered after people are sent to Rwanda.
A programme tweet using the same phrase has been deleted.
One of my favourite all time quotes……….
“Dalton Trumbo (blacklisted screenwriter) : [challenging John Wayne] ……….If you’re gonna talk about World War II as if you personally won it, let’s be clear where you were stationed – on a film set, shooting blanks, wearing makeup, and if you’re going to hit me, I’d like to take off my glasses.”
Corbyn the antisemite will solve it ….

iirc that was, or is now ‘Native americans’.
Those you alluded were used across cannons daily by the British to signal dawn.
Or that might have been Henry Cooper in Shanghai.
We are all African? I’ve been told.
From the Mail Online:
“Patrick Goulbourne, the London Fire Brigade’s Assistant Commissioner, added: ‘It is really important that Londoners – particularly those living in basement properties – are prepared and know what to do should a flood occur.
‘Pay attention to weather alerts and prepare a flood kit or grab bag.”
A grab bag, isn’t this what “preppers” in the States call a “BOB” or Bug Out Bag? Except rising water is probably the least of the things they are preparing for. Am I reading between the lines too much? I get a bit nervous when officialdom starts using language like this – flooding will bring disruption. . .
TC a month ago New York decided to publish this Nuclear Preparedness public film which raised a few eyebrows.
And a new emergency warning system will launch here in October. A few more recitations of “Building Back Better” needed from our great leaders, to reassure us this is all par for the course in the New Normal?
Shanghai: Green fences baffle locked down residents
By Leo Sands
BBC News
24 April
Green barriers have appeared without warning outside buildings where those inside are forbidden from leaving.
I posted this one a few days ago:
The rumours of the NYC dirty bomb persist and if NYC are the only city doing this it dows beg the question as to why.
Well, not a mature lady of bag anyway.
If close. And well connected to BBC cubicle garden #prasnews clearly.
I once happened across a local chavalier and early hours wine taster whilst walking our respected dogs, though his did seem more like demagogon on the Ian Blackford diet.
I asked him how he afforded to feed it, and it seems a local family called the Bennys funded for him.
Which seemed generous.
£159 bbc license? Save the cats – can the license.
Wait for the BBC to put up money saving suggestions by eating the family pet – stewed cat – barbi dog …
I’m waiting for one of those numerous BBC consumer programs to suggest reviewing DDs to save on those which are not needed …..
I can think of one ( it’s the BBC licence DD)
Get Martin Lewis on the case … oh wait … bbc pay him for his views.
I see that the BBC is going full blast to stir up public anger directed at the Government. They are pushing and pushing the austerity that the public are going to feel full blast.
The are for instance prepared to describe a pay rise of 7.5% as a virtual pay cut.
I believe their game is to try as hard as possible foment strikes, public anger and anything they can to throw mud at the Tories.
They are not of course including or mentioning the effects of a major European war, a 2 Year home staying jolly for millions of people dodging work because of “covid”. And billions handed out in furlough, buying drugs, etc. etc.
No it’s all to do with the inept Tories and Boris going on holiday.
They are so blatantly rabble-rousing they should be indicted for treason the lot of them.
And all because they are desperate to install a red Labour government who will be happy to protect and use them for propaganda purposes, thus ensuring their future.
The BBC is an openly political machine and needs to be gone ASAP.
And we have a weak left wing Socialist government who backs them to the hilt to their own detriment unfortunately
he BBC will have to make deep cuts to its programme budgets after the government said the broadcaster’s funding would be frozen for the next two years, with the licence fee abolished completely in 2027.
The culture secretary, Nadine Dorries, is expected to confirm that the cost of an annual licence, required to watch live television and access iPlayer services, will remain at £159 until 2024 before rising slightly for the following three years.
She said this would be the end of the current licence fee funding model for the BBC, raising doubts about the long-term financial future and editorial independence of the public service broadcaster under a Conservative government.
The Guardian has a whole new section called “The heat or eat diaries” for the upcoming winter of discontent.
Their subtitle “Dispatches from the frontline of Britain’s cost of living emergency” made me laugh — conjuring up the image of flak jackets and satellite phones on rooftops which the Guardianistas are well known for. Strong Drop the Dead Donkey vibes.
Ukraine and covid slipped out of the top ten?
(P.S. You’ve read 27 miserable articles this year, please give us some money).
‘The woman’s to-do list is relentless’: how to achieve an equal split of household chores
Emine Saner
Gender expert Kate Mangino tracked down 40 men who did their fair share in the home to find out if they had anything in common – or whether there is a formula for getting the balance right
The Guardian have a ‘gender expert’ called Kate Mangina? Really?!
What about men who do MORE than their fair share in the home?
Who defines ‘fair’?
Is it fair if I spend all day on Sunday fixing the back door, mowing the lawn, and repairing the garden path, whilst the missus cooks dinner and washes up?
Is it fair if the missus does the cleaning because she only works 12 hours a week with a 20 minute commute, while my commute is 45 mins each way, and I work 39 hours? What about if I also do the shopping on the way home? What about if I wash her car too?
Isn’t ‘fair’ down to each couple to work out for themselves?
I dip into the londonistan evening standard every so often . I’m glad I swerve it . I find that killings by gun in my borough is running at one a week . My guess for the number of killings over all is one a day for londonistan .
On experience of londonistan – I am surprised it’s only one a day . 300 is the going rate each year but with inflation I reckon the undertakers will have 400 to deal with this year …
Non fatal shootings and stabbings don’t really make the press threshold unless they are a bit special such as the triple shooting last night …
Are they all tennis players ?
Warlord. WAG. Guy from future. War lord. Criminal.
Eat or dress up?
Jade Cropper
Part of the new vanguard of Scandi style, Cropper’s skin flashing cut out designs are a firm favourite with Gen Z. Her body con aesthetic taps into the Y2K trend that shows no sign of abating. Her sustainable credentials read well too with pieces created using Circulose, a fibre made from 100% discarded textile waste. “The clothes that I make express another version of myself…I want to enhance and explore what fashion can make you feel in terms of identity,” she said (
My children are Generation Z… they aren’t interested in this kind of crap, nor are any of their mates, nor do they (or any of their mates) listen to rap, or have any interest in Greta Thunberg or the BBC, or support Extinction Rebellion, or BLM, or… as far as I can discern give a crap about alphabet trans people.
My kids like to draw and talk about boys and chat online with their mates (daughter), and eat stuff and ride a bike and play computer games with their mates online (son), and other than having mobile phones (which they don’t use THAT much, perhaps 30 mins to 1 hour a day – I can trace their usage) and having the internet, don’t really seem any different to my generation at their age.
I’m not sure who these ‘Gen Z’ kids supporting all these virtuous ’causes’ we keep hearing about in the media are, because they’re not my kids, or their mates, or my mates kids, or my siblings and cousins’ kids, or any teenage kids I’ve met… so I’m inclined to think they’re largely make believe.
You are right, they don’t really exist. They are simply the aspirational fictitious kids of the looney off-centre unbalanced nutters who would love all kids to be like this.
I think if Red Labour gets power they’ll use the Biden cheat book to make sure there’s never another ‘fair ‘ ‘un corrupt ‘ election here…
The MSM is in general ignoring the Blair era positioning of the entire public sector as facilitators of importing diversity – fer gawds sake – Labour Party goons have even repeatedly bragged about it.
I hope that twice expelled 4* hotel dwelling golf enthusiast gets some more play in the media – but I doubt it…
Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early
Former home secretary says number and impact of migrants from eastern Europe far exceeded predictions
Emma Thompson admits she’s a ‘hypocrite’ for flying around the world whilst protesting climate change… but reasons she now travels ‘much less’
Dame Emma admitted she is ‘hypocritical by flying’ around the world whilst simultaneously protesting against climate change
The actress, 60, came under fire earlier this year for flying from Los Angeles to London to join Extinction Rebellion demonstrators in the capital.
Dame Emma has reasoned that she always tries to travel without using aeroplanes
People are starting to understand what drives a bbc ‘story’.
No, I have not read it either.
World at one
BBC suffering from premature grief at the prospect of an anti trump RINO? – Liz traitor Cheney losing a primary thing in the US .
God the BBC hate President Trump – it’s an obsession- I think the prospect of him standing in a ( fixed ) US presidential election would send them deep into the equivalent brexit syndrome – without even winning ….
Has Biden formally announced having another coronation using the Obama election theft method v2?
Having looked at some length (out of curiosity at why many righties dislike her) at how Liz Cheney goes about her business and what she’s done (esp. wrt to Jan 6th) – losing the Republican nomination is way, way too small a reward.
The BBC default position on things DJT is undiluted, chronic TDS.
Rose Ayling-Ellis: Strictly star unveils first Barbie with hearing aids
Meanwhile back on earth, the bbc really has had its day
The comments section… one of the poor little snowflakes has commented
“Brilliant that the barbie dolls are becoming more diverse! Everyone should be represented!!” – Maybe the bbc now do their own commenting, you couldn’t make it up
But some in the Muslim world also consider her a decadent symbol of the West – hence Saudi Arabia’s recent decision to ban Barbie along with her “revealing clothes and shameful postures.” Like Barbie, she is about 11½ inches tall, but unlike Mattel’s product, she is noticeably less bosomy.
TWatO Watch #1 – in which socialist talks to presumed socialist but possibly a capitalist as well
Jonny ‘Disjointed’ Dymond brings his staccato delivery to TWatO again as the Montacutie still appears to be on holiday for a third week. Jonny is exercised over the ONS’s ability to subtract 4%+ from 9.something% and come up with 3% so he heads out into the real world in the company of presumed/assumed capitalist Dharshini David, the BBC’s first ever Global Trade Correspondent to find out what is what.
We find that there is no ‘cost-of-living-crisis’ for overseas tourists, UK tourists and those that work in central London. The shops, cafes and restaurants are enjoying a booming trade. Well why wouldn’t they, when they can enjoy the spending power of highly paid Beeboids? That is, when they are not on their extensive holidays. Jonny bemoans the lack of low-paid Health Service staff and Care Home workers to interview to find some low pay victims who would provide a suitable ‘vox pop’.
If our Jonny had bothered to walk on a bit instead of standing on the pavement outside Broadcasting House with the traffic noise spoiling his cosy chat with Dharshini, they might have reached the Middlesex Hospital or the more private offerings of Harley Street. I’m sure they could have found a nurse or doctor or consultant, even, who was distressed over the supposed ‘cost-of-living-crisis’.
We were left none the wiser why the ONS can deduct 4.7% from 9.4% and come up with the figure of 3%. ‘Tis a mystery that will last until mid-September 2022. It is also something of a mystery why the ONS only provide a % figure for unemployment to a foremost News Organisation like the BBC, when they used to be able provide much greater clarity. Is it because we still have 1.3 million people in the UK who are seeking work? I suspect it is.
TWatO Watch #2 – now if only Jonny ‘Disjointed’ Dymond had talked less and allowed Dharshini David to talk more …
… he might have discovered one explanation for the ONS being able to subtract 4.7 from 9.4 and equal 3. Darshini David has a degree in economics from Cambridge no less. That said, economists are known to agree on nothing but on the other hand, they are also known to agree on everything. However, Jonny wanted to play the Alpha male and keep the little woman in her place. How sexist of him! (See AISI’s excellent newspaper review for today further back on this thread for more reading on that subject.)
Fact is, inflation wasn’t always at 9.4%. That is the annualised rate for the 12 months to mid-July 2022 based on a basket of goods that the ONS price check each month. The fact that you do not have to buy each of the goods on the ONS checklist and, in fact may never buy from one year’s end to another – or even never, ever buy – some of the goods on the ONS checklist, demonstrates the weakness of the current RPI and CPI inflation figures.
It would be much better, to my mind, to have an Essential Prices Index of inflation but as it would include things like taxes the politicians would probably hate it and prevent anything useful like that ever coming into being. After all, it would act as a useful measure of performance, of the benefits of having a particular political Party in Government and that would never do.
Reported-DoJ trying to get the affidavit used by the FBI to raid President Trumps ‘ home kept ‘ secet ‘
… which of course – with a corrupted system – they will..
Almost the least of the problems with the raid…
If you’ve not seen / heard Robert Barnes on the topic – this is a fair starter – much else in there.
Barnes at least gives a lot of informed context which is near entirely missing in the MSM – 2 hours of Barnes + Freiheit from Sunday evening / Monday morning depending on your time zone
2 hours and 20 minutes? seriously?
You’ll get more out of it than a couple of hours of BBC output – and that – you can take to the bank…
Will BBC do Islamic Marriage?
Series 1: Episode 1
Contains strong language.
Ian and Emma get back from their holiday in Spain and return to their normal lives. Ian has recently been made redundant and is beginning to adapt to his new existence. Emma is doing well at work and trying to balance that with Ian’s feelings. Then their daughter Jessica gets in touch and wants to bring her boyfriend round to meet them.
Get his friends to post parts of it and see what happens?
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … Jack Fincham from ITV’s Love Island hounded by fans for supporting Tommy Robinson 04jul2018
There have been numerous grim things in the news lately, all covered excellently on Biased BBC, so this post is a little bit of light relief…
Are any of you watching the new Van Der Valk series on ITV? Actually it’s been well made, with not too much jiggery-wokery creeping into the story…other than Van Der Valk’s attractive, ball busting lesbian assistant, who chases down fit young men and wrestles them to the ground, while making an arrest. Yes, of course she does..
The real problem I have is with the main character, Van Der Valk …or at least the bloke they have chosen to play him…
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the actor’s fault, but… he’s supposed to be some sort of irresistible sex symbol. The first scene in episode one shows him stopping off for a cold beer, after a long day catching ne’er-do-wells. Immediately he’s approached by two young lovelies who attempt to chat him up. He’s having none of it and says, “Sorry ladies, I’m going home.” The two floozies invite themselves along. Fortunately our hero is immediately rescued by another gorgeous bit of skirt, who both the girls and I thought was his wife. She’s not. This blonde is just another random woman who happens to be passing and on first sight has become totally enthralled with this bloke. It’s ludicrous…
With a Steve McQueen or Paul Newman I might (just) swallow it, but… our man is short, thin and scruffy, must be in his fifties and is a long way from being any woman’s dream date. He’s more Wilfred Bramble than Daniel Craig.
I’m half expecting him to shout “‘Arold” at any minute…
You can dream Marc you can dream …
Funny that the talking films channel is showing the original van der Valk….
Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.,you%20tread%20on%20my%20dreams.
And lo, that weird Uncle Fester thing ceases to be the least funny dick joke of the day.
Not on Al Beeb yet .
“RAF ‘pauses job offers for white men’ to meet ‘impossible’ diversity targets”
What happened to meritocracy?
This is our defence force !
That is quite a direct headline from the WokeSupremacist SkyNews
They must be going for the GBnews market now.
News not covered by the BBC
One for the fact checker – right spring ? Or is it only approved facts . British main stream media bias by omission …
itvCalendar Drought porn item
“Yorkshire officially declared a drought today.. over to our reporter in Mansfield”
The reporter fessed up straight away “As you can see, it’s throwing it down at this pond at Berry Hill Park
and the water is coming up the bank
.. but when we arrived you could almost see the bottom”
She got in the official flood porn narrative “Ah the ground is so hard the water is just sitting there”
We could see that was fake cos it was clearly flowing into the lake”
They then aired all the vox pop footage they recorded earlier “oh I’ve never seen it so low blah blah”
The online article is about the level being too low and the dead fish being removed
It was written before the pond filled up again.
The earlier rain bypassed our villages
but the rain started an hour ago
Of course it’s just going into the soil.
The TV made out we all have super parched soil, but our grass is 2 inches long so isn’t parched.
2 and 1/4 hours of rain so far
about half an inch
It is possible that BBC numpties is also related to Ian Blackford.
1 minute 30 seconds – what happens when an unapproved interviewee challenges a BBC totalitarian …
And now the weather – 90 seconds encapsulating smug ‘right thought ‘ versus the ‘non approved ‘……
The comments on twitter about this are so so supportive …
presenter “I sensed that a lot of people were there so they could laugh at a bit of racism ”
Konstantin “If I were a mind reader like you..”
boom !
Just accidentally caught about 10 seconds of the BBC news tonight. It had an Afghan in shadows talking about how the UK have left him high and dry.
In that time, I realised that there is no way an Afghan would string sentences together with such meaningful English (through an interpreter). It takes a native speaker to say things like he did. I expect they think the majority of people watching won’t realise how an Afghan would speak English – they will use English words, but sentences tend to be constructed in the same way they would do in their own language.
Which immediately told me that the BBC had written his speech for him. Which in turn told me that once again they are not reporting the news – they are manufacturing it to suit their agenda. In true Panorama style they have decided on an end conclusion they want to make into a headline (like the SAS story) then set about creating the news to prove it.
‘Why you can trust the BBC’.
I don’t. They are as slippery as eels and lower than snakes.
As ever the news item was PR
PR for the 2 episode BBC documentary
First hour
The bBBC hadn’t written his speech for him, they supplied the interpreter with a script!
R4 now
have we really become less religious?
Or has our hunger for truth and meaning simply transferred itself to social justice politics?
In this programme, Helen Lewis considers the religious overtones of the “culture wars”.
On both left and right, she finds unquestionable doctrines, charismatic preachers, blasphemy and heresy – and the promise of salvation”
“only 1% of 18-24 yo say they are CoE”
Well Marxism is a religion.
“one phrase you hear a lot online is ‘wokeness is a religion ‘ ”
… Funny I NEVER saw that
On Twitter the phrase ” wokeness is a religion” is used 2 times per day.
Once per week by a blue tick
Shhhh – don’t mention the false religion of ‘Islam ‘….but that’s a ‘life style choice – ask the paki Paedo racist Rape gangs ..
Countries who buy gas from Russia have high inflation
France has nuclear
I wonder why Ireland’s food price inflation is so low
Full inflation seems to mirror this list
but Estonia’s full inflation is quoted at 22.7%
here’s a table of the official CPI #inflation rates for #food and non-alcoholic beverages in June
(the latest available month for all
Stew thanks for that – maybe copy it and the latter stuff onto the new thread I’m about to put up …
France has not been a part of the Green delusion which has caused the Green energy crisis and its people tend to heat their homes using logs rather than gas hence it being less affected, but their nuclear plants are in urgent need of maintenance due to pipes cracking, so they might also be having rolling blackouts this year.
“Radio 1Xtra’s 20th anniversary: ‘It shows a plethora of blackness’
By Manish Pandey”
Hilarious, these clowns don’t even know the meaning of the words they use..