Unpleasantness at the BBC . Staff are threatening to strike over the merger of 1 BBC propaganda News channel with another .There’s a petition to save it. At the time of posting this it has 2700 signatures in 48 hours .( There is also a petition to save Channel 4 from being sold – there millions of signatures – actually 9300… with 5800 in 4 months on the parliament site .).Any dissent within the BBC must be welcomed and encouraged – it’s a long battle to kill it – but we will .
Midweek 17 August 2022
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Three in a row for me at last! Is that significant?
What is significant, I think, is that the BBC have been pushing subtly and not so subtly on a variety of RadioFlaw News programmes today that we should be back in the EU in order to be able to import lots of cheap labour into our UK workforce. I guess we are going to get this every month, in the middle of the month when the inflation figures and the employment statistics are released by the ONS.
If I recall correctly, either on TOADY (I missed the first hour and did not listen after 7.55 a.m.) or on TWatO one of the presenters did ask a question to that effect. Unfortunately they did not really push for a straight answer and just accepted the answer they were given by an EU-loving CBI spokesperson.
But the economy is about to fall off a cliff …
Fed, yes, and no. There’s certainly going to be some disruption. Markets tend to self-correct. There’s certainly likely to be a fall in house prices to match the decline in real incomes. Businesses and people adjust to circumstances, always have. I can remember periods of high inflation, at least three depending on what you consider high. I have been through at least four recessions. I’m still here. I survived, albeit with many losses, during 2007-2009 which was said to be the greatest crash since the 1920s and the Great Depression that followed.
Don’t panic!
That is BBC talk, talking up the fear.
Oh Crap !
10% rise in the price of natural gas – in ONE DAY !
Electricity prices went mad in Europe too . The price cap thing edges up and up ..
Politicians can try to outbid each other with ‘help ‘ – but the truth is the market price for domestic fuel is up and up …
The reopening of Rough is going ahead and it seem there will be some storage capacity by the end of the year …
…elsewhere GB news continues to break original ground – Farage had an in-depth chat with former Australian PM Tony Abbot reminding the British that they are is a great country with a proud past and kill the negative .
Steyn had a cardiologist who explained how the vaccine stats were corrupted by big pharma and the likes of the BBC / CNN cutting and pasting pharma press releases like a vermin troll …. Watch the repeat …
Bit late for that, the Green energy policy crisis gets worse and worse
Gas is now up nearly 150% since the start of the year, people will inevitably die some from cold, others blowing themselves and others up as they tamper with the gas supply. Others from trying to cook on BBQs indoors.
Heating oil on the other hand is going down, and that could be use to generate electricity save for the fact ‘Green’ policies won’t allow it.
This crisis may have been exacerbated by Russia, but it has its roots in the insane Green energy policies of the Elites, and the more people who we tell this truth to the better.
it sickens me that for years renewables have been pushed as the future for our energy needs.
then when we really need them they seem to have gone AWL.
and the MSM never ask why ?
Gas storage simply limits shorter term fluctuations – the only thing that will drag prices back down is oversupply…
In the UK, summer has traditionally been when Centrica have used seasonally lower trading volumes to drive up gas prices in the UK.
I saw this explained over 10 years ago (or more) with a demo of what a well timed spot market buy campaign did to the summer price…
The Green policies are the proximate cause though – and the resistance to fracking is the tell….
elsewhere – the US Democrats seem oblivious to the fact that the USA was founded almost wholly on a tax revolt.
The crude arithmetic of the IRS expansion dictates that middle and lower income peeps are going to be hit – and hit hard if the Dem’s plans come to fruition.
– add that to the IRS agents having no required / relevant accountancy training or qualifications and being given guns – it’s a recipe for a second revolution.
But Tomo – rough can give 10 days ? Storage supply rather than waiting for a bloody tanker to turn up …
think of storage as a “low pass filter” for price fluctuations.
Our UK pols and public servants are a collective noun of fuck-ups
I was thinking more on actually having some gas to supply to people …. For a few very cold days …
Fed, markets can go down. Have a look here at the 1 year variation on gas: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/topics/cxwdwz5d8gxt/natural-gas
My golden rule to day trading used to be buy high sell low – hence my food bank loyalty card …
Thoughtful, not so big today as claimed, only 3%, but yesterday was an eye-watering + 30p/therm increase as if there had been a leak of gas. At one point on Monday the spot gas forward price was more than 10% up, a whole 50p or more on the Friday close. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/topics/cxwdwz5d8gxt/natural-gas
Currently at 436p/therm but it has been above £5.39/therm in the last six months. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/topics/cxwdwz5d8gxt/natural-gas We have COP27 to look forward to in the near future. I wonder what madness ‘they’ will come out with at COP27 or will some sanity prevail?
COP27 … ?
sane ?
tomo, 🙂
I thought Your gas supplier has its own gas fields
and probably doesn’t buy much gas on the spot market.
Tomo says Centrica may rig the price
but having storage means you wait out high points in the spot market.
When “experts” say energy bills will be £4,000 or £5,000 this winter, I think they are pulling the figures from their arse.
Same experts didn’t warn us 6 months in advance of the recent rise.
Why does local news talk of warm day room centres
.. it would be cheap to sent pensioners to Spain etc.
I’m showing gas price live at 7.2% up on the day 27% up just this month.
T, I was going by the ‘official’ BBC figures although I do have doubts about them. They seem to be incapable of handling many prices that have disappeared from the list since the predecessor to the current Morningstar ‘provider’ eg. the copper price which is a good recession indicator. In addition, I have a suspicion that they also get the update from the previous market close wrong.
8am local Radio newsPR
“Labour say wages are falling in real terms, here’sa clip of a Labour person”
every hour for 14 hours
now 10pm
“Labour say wages are falling in real terms, here’s a clip of a Labour person”
#1 They did mention “This does not include bonuses”
#2 They failed to say that many people have gained a a Working From Home WFH-bonus as their transport costs and travel time have been cut
This is one of his best
@AdamsArtist Aug 13
My new article looks at the way curators use a new display at the National Museum of Wales to humiliate and degrade Welsh art and history.
For those of you wondering how we got here (in relation to museums humiliating objects in their care),
I cover this is my new book “Artivism: The Battle for Museums in the Era of Postmodernism”.
Link to publisher here: http://books.imprint.co.uk/book/?gcoi=711
commenter \\ I Complained to NMW a while back about climate change placards made in a kid’s ’workshop’ being displayed by being leant up against Rodin’s The Kiss and other sculptures there,
was told climate change was so important it overrode all else //
My favourite museum since childhood used to be the Pitt Rivers in Oxford:
Then it went woke (and I’ve been crying inside ever since).
“The Museum’s rootedness in coloniality comes to us in materialized form through its unique Victorian galleries, the often-problematic language of its historic labels, and the very presence of its collections.” (Let that sink in a minute, these are the words of Dr. Laura van Broekhoven, the DIRECTOR of the Pitt Rivers Museum).
“Collections like the one we steward, were largely gathered during the time of the British Empire. During this period, systems and structures used for the exploitation of resources and people, including enslavement, were set up in institutionalised form in order to accumulate wealth and power for the colonisers. Part of that system of disempowerment of local authority was through the taking of (often sacred) objects. The people who took these objects felt entitled to do so; to appropriate them in order to represent cultural practices, and to speak about and for others from eurocentric perspectives. This process of taking and categorising cultural practice was often highly problematic, as there was no acknowledgement of the views of the originating communities and no reflection on the methods used to dispossess communities of these objects.
A visit to the Museum, therefore, evokes very different emotions and feeling with different people, depending on background and walks of life. For those who have heritage or roots in regions of the world that suffered the violence of Empire, the Pitt Rivers Museum can be a very difficult and hurtful place to be, as it can be for people who have to confront ableist and heter-normative world views on a daily basis. Too often stories have been silenced, perspectives erased. Undoing this coloniality is integral to the work the Museum does today.
In October 2015 the student-led protest movement Rhodes Must Fall tweeted “The Pitt Rivers Museum is one of the most violent spaces in Oxford”. As Brian Kwoba explained in The Cherwell newspaper, “it houses thousands of artefacts stolen from colonised peoples throughout the world”. We are fully aware and acknowledge that the Museum, while much loved by many across the globe, should be (and has been) scrutinised, especially by ourselves. Lothar Baumgarten critiqued the Museum for being “the Preserve of Colonialism”; Christian Kravagna has called it “the manifestation of the denial of coevalness”; in 2017 Holly Hemming analysed how the language in our labels is often passive in tone, reductionist and in some cases, apologist and romanticises colonisation by using words that sound innocent and should be recognised as such. In June 2020 author Sunny Singh tweeted how seeing the Pitt Rivers made her think she might be having a ‘Killmonger’ fantasy and that it makes her skin crawl.
In the sector, the Pitt Rivers Museum is considered to be one of the institutions which is facing these issues head-on. Nonetheless, we know that we can do more and need to fearlessly take this work forward, and with a greater sense of urgency – especially now – making sure that our whole organisation is aligned to make the maximum contribution to the changes needed, so that it is translated throughout all our work, in all our outputs, learning methodologies and communications. Essential to this process is our acknowledgement of our ignorance and our complicity in discriminatory systems and their perpetuated existence. Only if we educate ourselves, can we reach deeper understanding and do better. To ensure that this learning is shared with everyone, all staff will be undertaking an ongoing programme of anti-racism and decoloniality training. In this way, we hope that the burden will be more evenly shared and will not rest solely on the shoulders of the people who already have to face racism and discrimination on a daily basis.
We firmly believe that museums like ours are spaces for the co-production of knowledge – connecting peoples and reconnecting people with things. We also believe that there are many unhelpful hurdles put in the way of doing that. These four themes, therefore, drive our programming, collecting, research and investments: No Binaries, No Boundaries, a serious investment in Redress and making the creative case for Health and Wellbeing.
From our work, we know that the Pitt Rivers Museum is a site where redress can happen through a variety of ways. We recognise that we are all part of this ongoing problem. We have an institutional responsibility to no longer be part of the continuation of these systems and as an institution, have been fore-fronting work that focuses on social justice and decoloniality through socially engaged practice.
Museums are bearers of difficult histories and their collections are continued causes of pain for affected communities. By unearthing and undoing through redress, we aim to work together to reimagine these museums as spaces in which reconciliation might be able to come about, to become anti-racist projects and sites of hope.”
In layman’s terms, the current ‘curators’ are either ‘returning’ (i.e. giving away), quietly disposing of, or ‘mothballing’ the ENTIRE contents of the largest anthropological collection and museum in the world, used as a vital reference source for virtually all historical research over the last century and a half, not just by British academics, but those from all over the globe who travel to the UK to visit and work there.
Can’t see any problem with that, can you? Am sure future generations will be so pleased it’s been ‘decolonialised’.
We truly are living on the cusp of another dark ages.
give the “things that bother them back” how many Brits would care/notice or have ever been to a Museum.
but that will not shut them up, who’s next on the list ?
What a waste of money and a fire hazard.
Idiots !
They look like they`d be good nesting boxes for House Martins .
All good people who want to help our feathered friends should go in and take a few .
You make a very worthwhile point, Taffman.
From the description of those cardboard boxes by the ‘artist’ in PJW’s video and their appearance in the photo above, I would imagine that they are flammable. If anyone with a cigarette lighter and a grudge decided to set them alight, they would quickly catch fire. They might even present a tripping hazard, if anyone with short sight tried to get near the classical work behind them.
The whole thing is impossible to understand, once you stop and think about it. The number of boxes is excessive: the ‘artistic’ point (if indeed there is one) could have been made with less than half the number used, allowing access to the other work. Alternatively, the box pile could have been put in a Modern Art section or, at any rate, somewhere with more space and fewer existing works to block off. The visual vandalism of it does look deliberate.
From an insurance point of view, I’m astonished that this insanity was allowed. If office workers don’t remove flattened or crushed boxes (e.g. for photocopy paper) and leave them near electrical power points or equipment, it could invalidate the insurance policy in the event of a fire resulting from an electrical fault – flammable material left in the vicinity would likely be found or deduced by investigators. Museums and galleries have a fair amount of lighting, air-conditioning, heating, alarms, monitors, etc., so there’s plenty to go wrong in theory.
This is week-one basics that you tell new entrants to office work. How on earth has NMW not thought it through? Did anyone check the legal position re. insurance? With many valuable or even priceless art works in the collection, I’d estimate that premiums will be high and the safety culture needs to be very good.
Are museum staff so blinded by politically correct dogma that they can’t work this out?
Widely reported, even on the BBC. 80 year old man in a mobility vehicle stabbed to death.
If the killer is white with no connection to the perfect religion or not of colour we will see massive coverage.
Otherwise the story will die
@CrimeCrimeLdn’s feed lists crimes
…. No witnesses so far
Greenford, Ealing does seem a place where attacks happen
Yes the one day murder in London is going up since I last mentioned it about 6 hours ago … plod depends on thick murderers ( third world kids ) giving themselves away …
“Greenford: Elderly man on mobility scooter stabbed to death”
Why ?
Dean Asher Smith is the Tiger Woods of wimmins athletics.
Or the Serena Williams of wimmins tennis. Main headline on
golf Tiger Woods misses the cut. Serena Williams loses.
Dean Asher Smith pulls up with cramp. Never mind
that Daryll Neita of Great Britain wins the bronze.
The BBC have their agenda’s and NOTHING can interfere
with them. ” You know you can trust the BBC” An absolute
load of bollocks !!
‘The pinnacle of the quiz night’
Paxman or Gascoigne ?
IMHO Gascoigne , much better by a mile !
I just read that around 44 percent of pregnancies of mothers who took the first Pfizer covid vaccine in the US ended in foetal death.
Of course you must take this info with caution but thinking about what is happening currently to truth in the US it is a chilling thought.
Also if true it is chilling that those in the US health industry must have realised but said nothing.
If true I guess much effort and politics will be thrown at it to bury it.
Too many big people in the US health industry and Government would be taken down.
You can bet your sweet bippy that the BBC will be going nowhere near this.
Inflation drives fastest fall in real pay on record Inflation drives fastest fall in real pay on record”
Have the Tories wrecked our country .
The only information about the emergency authorisation safety trials for Covid vaccines that is not “secret”, comes from Pfizer documents released after being ordered to do so by a Texan Judge. Some of the results appeared yesterday on the Mark Steyn Show. The Covid Vaccine is in fact a mRNA gene therapy, not a traditional Edward Jenner type vaccine. The Pfizer Covid Jab was known to be less that 1% effective. Its even more frightening to realise that this tinny effect is in fact an effect that degrades the immune system so that an Adult with a mature immune system does not die from an overreaction. An effect that children do not get due to having an immature immune system. So the initial findings are that the average person is twice as likely to be hospitalised and die from the mRNA jab, than an unvaccinated person being hospitalised and die from Covid. Officially 7% of British people are unvaccinated, but statisticians like Professor Fenton estimate that the real figure is 23%. This hides the fact that four times more jabbed people are dying from Covid than unvaccinated people. As mentioned on the Mark Stein Show, the jabbed are more likely to get Covid than the unjabbed, due to the degradation of the immune system. So the unvaccinated don’t die from being jabbed, and natural immunity makes them four times less likely to die from Covid. It was also revealed that the fullfact.org is funded by Pfizer. Fact-checker Will Moy spoke directly to the participants of the BBC’s vaccine propaganda show. Moy is the founder and CEO of the online fact checking service Full Fact. The British Medical Journal (BMJ) is complaining about being censored by Facebook and the fact checkers over the BMJ documenting the results of the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine trial.
British racism:
“RAF jobs boss quits amid claims ‘offers to white men are paused to meet diversity targets’
Sources say RAF recruiters have been told to pause offering roles to white males
They claim it is part of a drive to meet diversity targets within this financial year
Head of Recruitment at the RAF has reportedly resigned in protest of the move
RAF have denied the allegations and state there is ‘no pause and no new policy’ ”
British racism 2:
“‘It’s all in bl**dy Welsh!’ Drivers furious as car parking machine sparks 30-MINUTE queues
A WELSH-SPEAKING parking machine has caused huge queues after drivers couldn’t understand, or change, the language.
The machine in Rhyl, Denbighshire, Wales is for an underground car park – motorists said that the instructions were in Welsh, which approximately only one in three people in Wales speaks. Drivers were frustrated when they could not understand the instructions to pay for parking.
However, Denbighshire council said that all of its parking machines, while set to Welsh by default, should have a way to switch the language to English.”
British racism 3:
“The news comes as landlords buying property in Welsh-speaking communities may have to provide documentation that they can also speak the language under the proposed “Fair Chance” scheme.”
Will they be doing the same in Luton and Bradford ?
In Wales, only around 29 percent of the population speaks Welsh, although this number is growing, according to the Welsh Government.
Bit like London, 29% speak English.
What is the UK inflation rate and why is the cost of living rising?
You can tell the BBC have an agenda when they keep re-running the same headline day after day.
In yesterday’s version, I posted a link where the unfortunate ‘victims’ chosen by the BBC for the picture were black, Asian and a white female.
Here are the ‘victims’ for todays agenda piece:
It’s the most blatant racist and sexist discrimination. It’s these extreme double standards by the BBC and the Left which shows anyone who actually thinks about it just what liars and hypocrites they are when it suits them.
I wonder how many of them even realise what they are and how many are just stupid, insecure people who feel safe in the ‘groupthink’.
Hello John
Cost of living: Shopkeeper fears for his business as prices rocket
Baked beans, Dec 21 £1.19, Aug 2022 £1.59
Or I thought how about August at Aldi 37p 🙂 Guess the bbc wouldn’t shop there its beneath them
Poor Ramesh and Gita Samani (who both get their pictures in the article). One has to wonder how the BBC found him to write about.
Waitrose and Tesco only for the BBC weekly shop I think. They don’t mix with lower class whites or BAME. With occasional sandwiches from Ramesh to show support (in a patronising, superior manner).
(btw: Does anyone actually take a big notepad with pen out shopping with no handbag ?. That’s another completely fake picture.)
JohnC, bottom photo is of a women obviously checking product content. Maybe she or others she is shopping for have food allergies or dietary needs? Picture Editor boo boos again – ooops!
Musing about the next scare stories being dreamed up by the increasingly poor MSM, I suddenly had a ‘St Paul moment’!
Where are all the nasty stories about property subsidence due to foundation shrinkage?
A few years ago, houses were collapsing everywhere, builders were having vitriol poked at them, engineers had a field day, insurance went ‘through the roof’ and Local Authorities squealed and panicked mightily, as they were ultimately responsible for signing off these unfortunate homes…
Aaaaaaah, just answered my own question; the latter would get blamed!
Unfounded is an interesting word . It isn’t used much . But if you listen to the BBC Wednesday morning you’ll hear it is the main headlines .
The context ?
Well – a RINO call Liz Cheney – enemy of President Trump -lost her primary in Wyoming last night to a Trump endorsed candidate . The BBC is trying to ignore this massive story – which indicates that maybe – maybe – fair voting has returned- but of course this state is a long way from the democrat city cesspits .
And the context for ‘unfounded ‘?
“President Trumps ‘ unfounded claim that the election was stolen ‘
So within the context of the News – the BBC declares bias – takes the side of democrats – opposes President Trump .
As for the candidate who defeated traitor Cheney – no mention – that in itself says a lot .
Our Justin wondered if Cheney was gonna run in 2 years to challenge Trump to ‘split the republic vote ‘ – if it’s a fair vote – good luck with that Liz – RIP …
Cheney got less than 30% – the scum BBC correspondent describes the truth – that the election was stolen -as a ‘myth’ – but 70% of the electorate didn’t agree with that biased corrupted msm view …
When you listen to the BBC on US politics you don’t need to look for the bias – it slaps you in the face…claims that the BBC is unbiased and fair are ‘unfounded ‘…..
I was just reading that.
Never has an election loser and their supporters been given such a large amount of the column space.
I enjoyed every word of it. The BBC are very clearly extremely upset about it. Their bottom lip is stuck out through the whole report.
They didn’t even give us the result : 66.3% to 28.9%. An absolute rout. The Left aren’t so interested in democracy when they don’t win.
The BBC make unfounded claims that people like me are criminal because we dont pay the telly tax .
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC have decided they do not like the thought of Liz Truss as PM
The BBC are trying to influence the result of the Conservative Party leadership election. Unfortunately as good socialists they have bungled a little. The socialists have pulled out an audio clip of Liz Truss saying that British workers need to be more productive. Unfortunately, the socialists have not pulled out audio clips or writings from Robert Peston when he was BBC Economics Editor and possibly even Stephanie Flanders when she was BBC Economics Editor. Both of them probably knew about the UK’s ‘Productivity Puzzle’. It’s nothing new.
I thought I might check on this productivity thing and the socialist BBC trying to influence the Conservative Party leadership election and guess what I find: we at BiasedBBC were noting this in 2015!
See here: https://biasedbbc.tv/blog/2015/04/02/32970/
This comment by Alan is priceless and so true “Note that Peston’s article is one of those rapid rebuttals the BBC issues when things are going pear shaped for Labour”
This had me chuckling: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19981498 . See link in article re Steffie.
Oh dear, BBC. You have been walked into a minefield by your ‘fellow (socialist) travellers’.
Please help me here someone . The BBC goes on about productivity , which makes me think this is a shibboleth . After all what does the BBC know about business ?
I could be more productive by driving my lorry above the speed limits and ignoring the tachograph and hours allowed to work laws .
I could double up and put another driver out of a job .
Shouldn`t it be that so long as everyone has a job with a decent wage , then can retire without money worries be a better aim of government .
Nibor, think the politicians’ and media’s obsession with GDP figures has something to do with it. When comparisons are made across the industrialised West, we in the UK are less productive in terms of output compared to German workers and some of the workers in Scandinavian countries. Not sure how we compare with the French or Italians.
You are right; Government regulation or over-regulation gets in the way, possibly, with over-zealous safety rules. The Pandemic has demonstrated how every worker hates the commute to work which may leave them worn out before they do a days work. I still have memories of that daily commute. Then there are ways of doing things ‘better’ which may mean changing how something is done.
I worked for a firm once that prized continual learning from various situations that collegues encountered. Up to a point. But when it was suggested that something could be done out of office would save in-office support staff time, it was greeted with howls of complaint by the managers that were working out on location.
Trumps comments may be difficult to find for some strange reason compared to any crap espoused by former president St Obama:
Fox News:
“”Congratulations to Harriet Hageman on her great and very decisive WIN in Wyoming,” he wrote. “This is a wonderful result for America, and a complete rebuke of the Unselect Committee of political Hacks and Thugs.”
“Liz Cheney should be ashamed of herself, the way she acted, and her spiteful, sanctimonious words and actions towards others. Now she can finally disappear into the depths of political oblivion where, I am sure, she will be much happier than she is right now. Thank you WYOMING!” he added.
The former president also said: “Liz Cheney’s uninspiring concession speech, in front of a ‘tiny’ crowd in the Great State of Wyoming, focused on her belief that the 2020 Presidential Election was not, despite massive and conclusive evidence to the contrary, Rigged & Stolen.”
Trump added that “Liz Cheney is a fool who played right into the hands of those who want to destroy our Country!”
And Hagemans’s words:
“”Wyoming has sent the message that if you are going to claim to live in Wyoming, you better damn well live in Wyoming,” Hageman said. “Wyoming has drawn a line in the sand that we put you in power, you will be accountable to us, you will answer to us, you will do what is in our best interests, and if you don’t, we will fire you.”
New BBC N. America Editor settles in well.
As is the next Toenails.
Alissa could replace June Sarpong.
Guest who – thanks that poster made me laugh … colonel sanders what a white supremicist forcing coloured folk to eat chicken . I do miss KFC ribs ..
“One in four nurses are obese, warn experts,” the Mail Online reports after the publication of a study looking at body mass index (BMI) among health professionals. This UK study estimated the prevalence of obesity among health professionals in England.
‘1 in 4 nurses in England are obese,’ survey finds |… – NICS Well
Diane Abbott did say that Chairman Mao did more good than harm
Dear Anna Soubry,
Can you tell me why people have to “Suck It Up” regards immigration when your party leaders have said the following:
1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition governme nt was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society…. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.” – Theresa May 2015
Yours sincerely
Video of Anna Soubry saying “Suck it up! Suck it up!” “Anna Soubry vs Caroline Flint on the Norway/EEA option.”
Sorry, only one of these comments is from a conservative leader, all the rest are from a Marxist infiltrator who said what she needed to in order to secure the votes to get her to the position she wanted to get to. Once there she was able to wreak horrible vengence on Britain and did the opposite of what she was elected to do
I expect the ‘fact checkers’ will choose to ignore that one.
Like they did about the claims he fell off his bike going after another little girl.
TOADY Watch #2 – cost of school uniforms is now troubling the BBC and JustRemainIn Webb but the BBC are not worried about cyclists
Cyclists are immune from ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ according to the BBC and TOADY. Grant Shapps, current Transport Secretary, is anxious for a ministerial job from Truss or Sunak and has suggested that cyclists may be required to have compulsory number plates and compulsory insurance in future. The BBC ought to be up in arms about that on behalf of cyclists everywhere.
The BBC are also ignorant of the Highway Code and road laws as is the Times newspaper. They have suggested that Shapps said that cyclists must be subject to road speed limits. Cyclists have always been subject to road speed limits. In addition, cyclists are included under Drink Driving laws. I wonder if Jeremy Vine, BBC ‘Cycliste Extrordinaire’ will cover this whole subject on his Radio2 programme.
Up2 – as well as being insured and having number plates I think cyclists need to take a test written and actual as well as L plates . Road tax should also apply … with a power to seize and disqualify law breaking cyclists on the spot ….toll cycle lanes is an ideal …..
Fed, Boo! Hiss! Definitely not! That is quite brainless. Has the heat been ‘getting to you’? You forget that many cyclists have already qualified because they hold driving licences.
I knew you’d bite . I might start one of those meaningless petitions – compulsory bike clips ..
Fed, don’t you dare, you oil burner, you!
PS: Various attempts have been made to ‘control’ cyclists throughout history, even back in the day of the ‘Penny Farthing’ bicycle. All eventually failed, if I recall correctly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penny-farthing
More seriously those electric scooters are more of a hazard . I ride a 300cc Yamaha scooter in London . The scooter delivery drivers are more dangerous than cyclists and car drivers – from my experience .
Yes, we have youngsters using e-scooters illegally down here in Kent. I thought they were being allowed in certain ‘trials’ in London. Are they not?
I believe bicycles had to be registered in Nazi Germany. If so, we should surely be doing it here.
Haven’t you seen all those cyclists from Just Eats or Deliveroo riding around on cycles, mopeds or motorbikes without a care to other road (or pavement) users.
Theres a massive black economy where legitimate drivers sign on, then rent their accounts out for £60-£100 a week to illegals, so they can work. If one crashes into you or knocks you over, there is zero insurance.
Hey- what about that – inflation rate out of control at 10.1% – the Bank of England not fit for purpose – and will have to hike interest rates by another .5% in September …..
… that’s really gonna start tightening mortgagees with those of variable rates really feeling it . The millions of fixed rate mortgages going variable next year will also shock home owners ….
As the days shorten the gloom really is growing …
BBC is pushing cricket season.
It’s like… oh… what’s the word? Coordinated.
Happy Eid?
The bbc Moaning Emole does not disappoint.
Truss’s remarks condemned
Truss accused of branding UK workers ‘lazy’
A leaked audio recording has emerged of Tory leadership contender Liz Truss apparently suggesting that British workers are “lazy”. It materialised before a hustings event on Tuesday evening where she and rival Rishi Sunak were quizzed by Scottish Conservative Party members. Ms Truss did not deny making comments that British citizens lacked the “skill and application” of foreign nationals and said of the audio – published by the Guardian newspaper – that “I don’t know what you’re quoting there”. Instead, she continued to make her point that the country needs more productivity – more economic growth. Her remarks have been condemned, with Labour saying the comments “effectively brand British workers as lazy”.
Condemnation via branding via… the Graun via… er, Labour saying what something effectively means.
Meanwhile Lammy is tweeting again.
Busy Bees Corporation.
Again the “we must be have more productivity ” How ? Why ?
If Faberge had made 7 million eggs instead of 7 would he have been more productive ?
TOADY Watch #3 – the BBC do not understand inflation and the role of diesel fuel in cost inflation
The August numbers on inflation have been revealed: 10.1%. The BBC are big campaigners against fossil fuels, even the coal mined by the heroic miners of the 1980s and especially the oil used for petrol and diesel fuels. Unfortunately, diesel fuel governs the cost of every single item that we buy in shops and on-line. Everything needs to be delivered by a fossil fuel. That is one reason why we are so stupid as a nation to be going for NetZero and the banning of fossil fuel use.
It is also why the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, led by bank Governor Andrew Bailey have been totally delinquent in raising Base Rate. Oil is paid for in dollars. The £:$ exchange rate is near historic lows, getting horribly close to 1:1 recently. Base Rate governs exchange rates to an extent. The inflation that we are seeing now is really down to the Bank of England keeping Base Rate low.
I’d like to know what proportion on the population of people are going to be seriously affected by the cost of covid crisis ….
What I mean is – if someone is on ‘average ‘ income – has a car – maybe 2 kids – how much money do they have when the mortgage – food and fuel bills are paid …. ?
It’s all very well red or blue labour saying they will pay out a thousand or two ‘fuel relief ‘ but suppose that’s no where near enough ?
Troubling isn’t it ?
Fed, the expression you are searching for is ‘disposable income’ and ‘discretionary spending’.
No, I’m not worried. Been there before and survived. Markets tend to correct themselves. What could be concerning is the stupidity of socialists and the fact that the Socialists might win the next election.
I think you miss my point . I was trying to factor in the number of people whose income can withstand rising prices against those without out a ‘cushion ‘
I know disposable income / discretionary spending will be reducing and it maybe that airports won’t be overwhelmed with holiday makers next year …
The other vexation is the likelihood mass non payment of bills and consequences ….
Stuart Rose of Remainer / M and S fame on Today suggested that people haven’t realised there is limitation to public spending – you can’t do everything – whether red or blue labour …. However many Money trees get chopped down …
Fed, Stewart Rose (formerly CEO of M & S) was ahead of you there. Handouts cost HMG and taxes are going to have to rise …… on the high paid and wealthy. Tough if you are in that bracket, Fed, but it has been an easy rise since 1997 for the high paid and wealthy.
My new Chancellor’s ‘To do list – Day1’ with CS stenographer to ‘minute’:
Call the head of ONS in to No.11 for a little chat
Float the idea of an Essential Prices Index to him (I think it is a him)
Ascertain how accurate the employment figures and National Insurance number issuance numbers are.
Also ascertain how accurate the average & median earnings figures are.
Call the head of HMRC in to No.11 for a little chat
Ask her (iirc, it is a her) to confirm the NI numbers accuracy and how accurate the average & median earnings figures are.
If the new Chancellor gets ‘don’t knows’ in reply to questions to both ONS and HMRC chiefs, then instruct them to go away, find out and bring the results back in seven days.
Get everything minuted and circulate to those involved.
Mull over with the Permanent Secretary to the Treasury and the PM the possibility and desirability of raising the Basic Rate tax threshold to the level of the average wage in the UK. (My personal view is that is undesireable except for the very short-term because Income Tax is a key tax and is everyone’s personal stake in how the country is run. “No taxation without representation” = No representation without taxation.)
Also consider with Permanent Secretary and the PM the possibility of wholesale reform of the UK tax system and tax code.
Next, scrap the 5% VAT levy on domestic and business gas and electricity bills.
Raising interest rates is an attempt to deal with a falling pound
Cos it tempts foreigners (The Chinese) to buy more £s
If it works it makes dollars cheaper for us
and therefore importing fossil fuels is cheaper.
Everything we buy has a diesel price component, and an electricity price component.
Gas prices drive electricity prices cos it is the dominant on demand power source.
Stew, correct on everything, plus
“Gas prices drive electricity prices cos it is the dominant on demand power source.” but when that is insufficient to balance the electricity grid …
….. the back-up is diesel oil generators!
Get the £:$ rate up and you start to bite back at inflation all round
Gas and electricity prices going up .
That means in the BBC world those workers employed in that field are being more productive .
Nibor, sadly not so. Overhead cost doesn’t figure in worker output. On the contrary, the BBC will call instead for yet another increase in the BBC Licence Fee and pay their employees +10% or +15% which will make inflation worse and Beeboids less productive.
Value of Oil is still falling slowly but consistently for a month or so now. No reason why the overall trend does not continue that way.
I could nt do more than the first 30 seconds …. How can an apparently intelligent man have no doubt about the origins of the political civil war taking place ?
People Know that election was stolen – Biden sat in a bunker – there was no democrat campaign . Yet trump turned out huge crowds on his campaign – he delivers on his promises – he was making America great again …
And yet – and yet – Biden gets a huge vote . It stank – it sticks –
But I suppose vermin like this ex bbc type makes their living from having the approval of others on the far left so are going to sing the approved song to get money ..the shame .
I was thinking about how the BBC had treated the Wyoming vote if Cheney had won ?
And it’s tricky for the bbc / democrats to claim the vote was rigged with a 71% turn out . Pitifully traitor Cheney used the Lincoln Gettysburg address in her concession speech – maybe should just have apologised and gone .
Our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’s” US Correspondent, John Sudworth, earlier sums up the BBC’s continuing efforts to help the DemoCommunists in any way possible by referring to The Real President’s claims that there was electoral fraud by referring to that statement as a, “myth”. This condemnation has remained since the Real President first made the assertion and continues despite intervening evidence of fraud. Well, Mr Sudworth, you should report the news as it is: with the majority of Americans believing in the fraudulent nature of the election November 2020 without attempting to introduce your own unfounded opinions.
I found this gem.
Times Radio interview Nick Bryant, BBC North American Correspondent. If you watch it (about 9 mins) it confirms what we all know: that BBC reporters are all Socialists/Commies and biased in favour of same. He makes no mention of the dismal Dems, no criticisms of their MO and how they are destroying the country piecemeal. Its as if, by omission, Bryant agrees with everything the do…………….
8am Local Radio newsPR
#1 ‘Oh we have some more inflation porn’
#2 “haemophiliacs are to get compensation .. something the Hull North MP dame Diana Johnson has been fighting for”..
There was no need for the news item to have that throwaway line.
PS clap for the NHS it admits it was incompetent and failed to screen blood properly
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Department of Health and Social Care
2 April 2020
Last updated
9 April 2020 — See all updates
RAF HR taken note?
Nicola got anything left to give away?
Scottish Nationalism good.
English Nationalism bad.
Truth is becoming unsatirisable (but we’ll have a go) – and a note from your mum edition
The habitually coronaphobic left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper slips down the BBC online press review rankings today – more of that later – the BBC meanwhile presumably feeling it has other fish to fry.
You can’t accuse us of favouritism – one can almost hear the Beeb mutter – as, unusually, the Daily Mail tops their press pile. The populist right-leaning title providing a couple of safe as houses frontpage story headlines that won’t make so much as a minor dent in any cherished BBC editorial narratives: Cyclists may need number plates; Mystery as Pop Idol star Darius found dead at 41
I forget, was it Dennis Pennis, or was it Smita Smitten showbiz kitten of Goodness Gracious Me or perhaps some other 80s TV comic character, who used to satirise media celebrity reporting with the catchphrase ‘Star Sensitive Stories’ ?
Cyclists could be forced to have registration numbers, insurance and observe speed limits – has anyone told the DVLA, they’re already snowed under trying to cope with their backlog of actual motor vehicle registrations? And if you lose your licence to cycle for excessive look-no-hands or rack up too many points doing wheelies in a built-up area – who’s going to police that? We’ll all be lumbered with universal electronic 5G-based social credit track and trace – including pedestrians – before this ever comes about.
Daily Mail chip paper provides thin cover top wrapping for the BBC’s real favourite today – inevitably the Tory-phobic Guardian: Truss condemns British workers for lack of ‘graft’
Guardianista political editor Pippa Crerar – we’ll call her Karen…
In May 2020, Crerar published an article alleging that Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s special adviser Dominic Cummings had broken COVID-19 lockdown rules and that he had been investigated by police, leading to a televised statement by Cummings in the garden of 10 Downing Street.
In November 2021, Crerar published an article stating that a Christmas party had taken place in Downing Street in 2020, in contravention of lockdown rules. (thank you Wiki)
Our Karen has all bases covered as she Tweets: So sad to hear about Darius Danesh. We were at school together in Glasgow where the lovely boy was already a star in the making. Met up with him again a few years ago on the West End. His warmth, impish humour and energy were constants. Love to his family.
Seriously though, claiming an exclusive: Leak reveals speech also condemned ‘attitude’ outside London – our Karen, she is aghast, aghast I tell you: Liz Truss launched an astonishing broadside against British workers… suggesting they lacked… “skill and application”
…highly disparaging remarks – I think we can all agree. Although, second thoughts, coming off the back of our widely publically approved couple of years of stay-away-from-work Lockdowns, particularly in the public sector, one doesn’t sense the Great British worker is keen to hit the ground running this summer.
Perhaps it’s a generational thing? Allison Pearson in the Telegraph catches the prevailing zeitgeist: Hard work no longer gets you to university… Bright middle-class teenagers are in an unfair fight
RAF recruitment chief quits amid row over diversity… the service has effectively paused the recruitment of white men to hit diversity targets (Telegraph)
Ryanair to the rescue (freebie Metro) – if only… a cut-price budget RAF? Of course you’ll have to pay an extra luggage premium if want to bring a heavy bomb onboard their planes. And they might drop it off a couple miles outside of the actual target and you’ll have to complete the mission taking an expensive local taxi ride. I jest of course. This is: 500 extra half-term holiday flights… as airline boss blasts ‘hopeless Heathrow’… We can handle it: Michael O’Leary promises that Stansted has the staff
The RAF has said it will use “targeted interventions” (Telegraph) – there was a time their primary role was still to employ targeted weaponry in our defence. However, our formerly brave Brylcream boys, ludicrously satirised by comedy sketch artists Armstrong and Miller as anachronistic pipe-smoking yet modern jive-taking millennials, who found their Luftwaffe opponents to be “well-racist“, isn’t it though? Dodging the scramble for a dogfight over the Channnel with a letter fram their mum pleading a presumed case of nut allergy. Well, truth is becoming unsatirisable these days. Our air force apparently now have: …a legal framework of “positive action” to effect change (Telegraph) – fo’ sho’; standard!
Insert hear Jerry Sadowitz’s gag about equality of outcome recruitment for airline pilots and questioning whether his audience honestly truthfully look forward to their captain coming over the inboard intercom before take-off sounding as though he has learning difficulties?
Why I’ll be proud to watch a dancer with dwarfism – says Cathy Reay in the ‘i’ newspaper – let’s not put a ban on it, and good luck to those who are keen, but that’s hardly to my taste. I thought freak shows were long gone from the popular entertainment menu?
Ah, the ‘i’ newspaper… did I mention their coronophobia? It’s a condition, a disability, and they’ve got, like, a note from their mum and everything… [apologies to Armstrong and Miller]
Omicron jab: Blair calls for every adult to get booster. The Government must be prepared to bring back compulsory masks on public transport… Blair warns (‘i’)
War, however, is no longer the desperate, annihilating struggle that it was in the early decades of the twentieth century. It is a warfare of limited aims between combatants who are unable to destroy one another, have no material cause for fighting and are not divided by any genuine ideological difference This is not to say that either the conduct of war, or the prevailing attitude towards it, has become less bloodthirsty or more chivalrous. On the contrary, war hysteria is continuous and universal in all countries, and such acts as raping, looting, the slaughter of children, the reduction of whole populations to slavery, and reprisals against prisoners which extend even to boiling and burying alive, are looked upon as normal, and, when they are committed by one’s own side and not by the enemy, meritorious. But in a physical sense war involves very small numbers of people, mostly highly-trained specialists, and causes comparatively few casualties. The fighting, when there is any, takes place on the vague frontiers whose whereabouts the average man can only guess at, or round the Floating Fortresses which guard strategic spots on the sea lanes. In the centres of civilization war means no more than a continuous shortage of consumption goods, and the occasional crash of a rocket bomb which may cause a few scores of deaths. War has in fact changed its character. More exactly, the reasons for which war is waged have changed in their order of importance. Motives which were already present to some small extent in the great wars of the early twentieth centuury have now become dominant and are consciously recognized and acted upon.
AISI, minor correction – think Pippa Crerar is at the Daily Mirror, actually a marginally more Socialist/Communist/Marxist tome than the Grauniad. The really big question is: was Laura Kuenssberg at the same school at the same time with Pippa and Darius the Mede or whatever?
Pippster was transferred internally recently from Failure to Graun, for ‘services rendered’.
Mirror, Guardian… Crerar is a presenter of BBC Radio 4’s programme Week in Westminster, and has appeared regularly on The Andrew Marr Show, Politics Live, as well as weekly on Sky News… full house!
Guest, I had missed that meejah nugget. Was there a colossal transfer fee like in football?
Blair as irrelevant and loathed as usual.
Remake Zulu in Salford?
Using nothing but Irish redheads.
Show repeats? like the bBC and charge £159 per year.
Father of the HOUSE …
The government was right to say there was “no conclusive proof” that Aids could be transmitted by blood products in 1983, a public inquiry has heard.
Giving evidence, former health minister Lord Clarke said the phrase was “entirely accurate” at the time.
But documents show senior health officials thought it likely HIV could be carried in blood.
The husband of my cousin was gifted aids by a NHS blood transfusion. It killed him in a horrifying painful death and destroyed my cousin .
I’m sure that the now destroyed records of Ken Clarke’s department would have should that they were ‘following the science ‘ importing blood products from American prisons where the druggies and HIV sufferers were paid to give up their toxic body fluid …
Even to me – in hindsight this went against the law of common sense ….No one will be held responsible – too many have died without the compensation they deserved – and even the £100k being given out now is an offence …
Fed, that’s a sad situation especially when considered with your other family tragedies. I know the parents of two who have received contaminated blood and are now HIV+. They have survived into middle age so far.
Stopping after first eight words would have served.
Bet he could make Wing Commander in a Year too.
Jeremy Paxman says over-65s should not be allowed to vote and blames them for UK housing crisis
The former Newsnight presenter says he does not take his pension and is against money given to the elderly.
MM, I hope Paxo doesn’t have a Buy-to-Let property portfolio!
I have a notion that someone did some sums a few years back and worked out that if no-one in the UK owned more than one home, there would be no homeless people in the UK, everyone would have a home.
TOADY Watch #4 – “Moan, moan, moan, all you do is moan!”
It was Monty Python who did a bit of cross-dressing to entertain everyone in the 1970s and 1980s with Mrs Sartre and the lady whose name I cannot recall usually played by Eric Idle*, if I recall correctly. The BBC are coming up with a repeat of a recent moan of theirs that there is an absence of government in dealing with all these crises that the BBC think are important.
JustRemainIn Webb interviews John Glen MP after 8.30 a.m. who correctly observes that Parliament is in recess and could not vote on any emergency measures. After all, Parliament is important to people like JustRemainIn Webb and Gina Miller and David Gauke and Anna Soubrey and due process must be followed, except where it follows a EU Referendum vote.
Maybe the Remainer BBC should not have been so keen to remove Boris Johnson as Prime Minister. After all, a Prime Minister could recall Parliament, the Parliament which is important to JustRemainIn and etc., etc., etc..
*Mrs Conclusion, I think it was. Have I remembered that right?
I’m wondering if the likes of the bBC will run a report soon on the RAF and not being able to fill vacancies?
I guess if you set targets against colour of someones skin, then “hopefully” the colour of a persons skin will want to do those jobs, if not loads of advertising and effort to achieve little results
Personally I find that White Imams are under represented, Maybe a 100 hundred year campaign to find some 🙁
I wonder if those small fighter jet cockpits will be found to infringe the Hattie Harmon Equality Act with obese coloured fighter pilots unable to fit into the seat …?
Is this a test of sanity ?
TOADY Watch #5 – TOADY Watch numbers haven’t been as high as this for some time
Getting rid of fossil fuel use on Planet Earth is important to the BBC but adding heat and unnecessary energy and electricity use to the Planet Earth is quite OK … apparently. TOADY is excited about the fact that NASA is going into space. It doesn’t matter that the rocket engines produce vast heat, it doesn’t matter that the fuels used in the rocket are energy intensive to produce and maintain, it doesn’t matter that the rocket is being taken to the launch pad by fossil fuel burning vehicles and it doesn’t matter at all that enormous amounts of electricity will be consumed in Mission Control during the mission to say nothing of the fossil fuels consumed in building the rocket in the first place.
What hypocrites these anti-fossil fuel campaigners are!
No no you don’t get it – that is ‘approved use of fossil fuels ‘ it’s only the every day use of hydrocarbons for people to live that the BBC objects to …
Anybody remember when BBC Birmingham tried to run a broadcast with bicycle generators etcetera?
It didn’t go well…
Fed, I like the idea of space exploration it is just that the BBC ought to be condemning it as wasteful and harmful – according to them – to the planet
Looks like Rutte & Co in The Netherlands are upping the ante wrt revolting farmers…
A quick search of BBC web assets seems to show it’s not something that BBC peeps think should concern the UK public….
Truly disturbing things going on in the Netherlands right now, am hearing some similar noises from some local farmers here in the UK too.
The BBC are keen to lecture us about the ‘international food crisis’, but less so to inform us about what farmers are currently being subjected to.
Population goes up, therefore farmers must produce more food, then when they do, they’re blamed for destroying the environment, they literally can’t win.
Grazing is the only form of food production large swathes of the world are suited to, that’s why we domesticated livestock and why we farm them – not merely because some of us like the taste of milk, or meat.
Grazing is also less intensive and less destructive of the natural environment than growing crops, especially if it’s properly managed and sufficient space is allowed for it.
Space does seem to be one of the key issues here – import millions more people and overcrowded countries (Netherlands, England) are left with less space to grow food… and if you want to allow space for nature and ensuring a sufficient, clean water supply as well (and I’m all for both of those), then you really DO have a problem.
It’s all incredibly SIMPLE, isn’t it?!
BBC, if I recall correctly, grazing cattle or sheep or goats can be a really valuable part of crop rotation. This suburban city kid was taught about the importance of crop rotation in the first or second year of Secondary School!
I note above that other contributors refer to the incident involving the murder of a man thought to be over eighty years-of-age and whilst riding his invalid chair. For me, it is extraordinary that our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” should report on this incident and in such detail.
Indeed, the BBC even include a photograph of the mobility chair festooned with laden shopping bags, presumably from his last spree at the supermarket. We can be certain, however, that, if as is highly likely, a black or foreign suspect is arrested for the murder, that detailed information, if broadcast at all, will be condensed to a minimal form.
In my view, a particularly serious level has been reached in the Londonistan murder by knifing stakes. If the Blacks enjoy stabbing one another to death, that’s fine with me, callous as that may appear. But, if a man of that age, clearly incapable of defending himself, is viciously murdered for no apparent reason, what hope any other OAP? Home invasions next. Oddly enough I made this point yesterday – get armed. You have the right to Self defence and if that is fatal for an attacker so be it. No holds barred.
A new Government Petition is required, (even virtually worthless as they are) – ‘ Bring Back the Death Penalty ‘. NOW.
BBC updated: Man living opposite the incident says –
“Frasley Coutinho, who lives opposite where the man was stabbed to death, said he saw the victim surrounded by a group of youths.”
No colour? We know were this is going don’t we?
G- The BBC are in a quandary . This horrendous murder
should be the major news story. BUT god forbid
the “usual suspects” are involved the BBC will do
it’s best to hide it away.
I wonder if the Londonistan Programme will even
mention it , if the usual suspects are involved.
We didn’t hear a peep from them over the Oxford Street
rioting and looting which went on last week.
Surely Simon could move to head up BBC Fact Checking using Graun Cheek 2 Cheek Fast Tracking?
“lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.” {bbc.co.uk aug2019} – the death of freedom of speech.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
The BBC deleted the following HYS comment under the guise
‘Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others’ :
‘Finland to apply for Nato membership ‘without delay’
Well done Joe. The new cold war has just started. The Russian response to this will be to re-arm and fortify their border.
Those who think it was simple Russian aggression for territorial gain should get your news somewhere else.
This whole affair of the Bidens and Ukraine absolutely stinks. Start with Hunters laptop which has turned out NOT to be Russian misinformation after all.’
There’s what the BBC hypocrites think about ‘free speech’. You only have it when you say what they agree with.
EU enlargement
Enlargement policy applies to countries currently aspiring to join the EU and potential candidates. The prospect of membership is a powerful stimulus for democratic and economic reforms in countries that want to become EU members.
foster peace and stability in regions close to the EU’s borders
help improve the quality of people’s lives through integration and cooperation across borders
increase prosperity and opportunities for European businesses and citizens
guide, support and monitor changes in countries wishing to join the European Union in line with EU values, laws and standards
Prof. David Starkey. A very clever and insightful man… now ‘depersoned’ and tossed down the memory hole for failure to use correctspeak.
Interesting ebb and flow.
China managed over a thousand years, went insular and collapsed eventually.
Romans several hundred. Self toasted.
British a few hundred. Gave it away or sacrificed to save the planet.
Germans almost a decade at the end of that. Japanese too.
Yanks several decades. Tried remote, gave most away, sacrificed and now self toasting.
China resurgent.
Unless Vlad cuts the pendulum string.
Rob and Kamal and Andrew and…
“… and mould the whole of Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the easy historical comparison (ignore history and you will repeat it) … because Angela Merkel is a figure of our here and now and it’s vital to understand her better because she (Merkel) matters more to our future (UK) than, what, 95% of British Politicians.” – BBC’s Andrew Marr 2013
“The Making of Merkel with Andrew Marr BBC documentary 2013 about Angel Merkel imp politician” {youtube}
I often wonder if the BBC has become so incestuous, so bloated, and so smug that it’s becoming some kind of alternate reality bubble, entirely self-sustaining without any requirement for ‘input’ from the outside world (other than large cash injections to keep it afloat up there in the rarified ether far above us)?
Am sure some of its inhabitants believe so, especially those seemingly countless parasites which infest its gaseous bowels.
In February last year the BBC’s editorial director, earning between £205,000 and £209,999-a-year, agreed a £12,000 fee for a 40-minute appearance at the Aberdeen Standard Investment’s conference at a time when 450 people were laid off.11 Feb 2021
Tricky one for the BBC – battle of two approved tennis players ( yawn ) – one of the coloured girls got beat by the Romanian / Chinese / British girl .
The coloured girl was meant to say warm words at the end but ‘stalked off ‘ without more …
Oh the angst ….
Meanwhile a list of approved coloured athletes came a glorious third or last in some athletics thing the BBC likes so put on the TV instead of programmes – suppose that’s the upside …
I missed this one ! The new Lord Mayor of London is only 22, and a Muslim- Hamza Taouzzale ! Lord Mayor and Mayor of London singing from the same hymn sheet. Nice.
He attended the Sunday service at Westminster Abbey – as Deputy High Steward of the Abbey (er, really ?) He read the first lesson with his Chaplain – Imam Kabir Uddin. Yes, I read that twice too !!
If Sunak becomes PM, a takeover will be almost complete. It now only needs the head of MI6 to be a ‘Mohammed’ and it really will be worry time then.
Another BBC ‘investigation’, led by women, seeing tribal elders keen to cooperate and offer suggestions.
Malala doing a tour next?
Bacha bāzī (Persian: بچه بازی, lit. “boy play”;[1] from بچه bacheh, “boy”, and بازی bazi “play, game”) is a slang term in some parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan[2][3] for a custom in Afghanistan involving child sexual abuse by older men of young adolescent males or boys, called dancing boys, often involving sexual slavery and child prostitution.[4] In the 21st century, bacha bazi is practiced in various parts of Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan.[5][6][3] Force and coercion are common, and security officials state they are unable to end such practices and that many of the men involved in bacha bazi are powerful and well-armed warlords.[7][8][9]
During the Afghan Civil War (1996–2001), bacha bazi carried the death penalty under Taliban law.[10] Under the post-Taliban government, the practice of dancing boys was illegal under Afghan law, but the laws were seldom enforced against powerful offenders, and police had reportedly been complicit in related crimes.[11][12] Despite international concern and its illegality, the practice continued under the post-Taliban government.[13][14]
Bacha bazi is a centuries-old practice.[13] One of the original factors mobilizing the rise of the Taliban was their opposition to the practice.[6] After the Taliban came to power in 1996, bacha bazi was banned along with homosexuality. The Taliban considered it incompatible with Sharia law.[17] Both bacha bazi and homosexuality carried the death penalty,[10] with the boys sometimes being charged rather than the perpetrators.
BBC political editor given bodyguard for Labour conference
This article is more than 4 years old
Laura Kuenssberg will reportedly be accompanied by security team after being jeered for her treatment of Corbyn
Kamal Ahmed was axed from ‘non-job’ £205k BBC editorial director role ‘after losing power struggle and was never forgiven for pocketing £12,000 for speech to hedge fund bosses days after sacking 450 staff’
The BBC say the cuts are part of a modernisation plan to save £80million
But it previously said all senior leadership groups should have at least two staff members from minority ethnic backgrounds and this will break that guideline
Ahmed’s role was created by Tony Hall in 2018 and Head of News Fran Unsworth said she was ‘thrilled he was joining her top team’
Pair were said to have fallen out and ‘most think he had it coming’, source said
PUBLISHED: 07:18, 11 February 2021 | UPDATED: 13:08, 11 February 2021
A personal request – please don t be offended – but if you are posting something ‘old ‘ can you please put the reference first because at the moment I start reading then realise it’s ‘old ‘ and I move to something new –
But if that’s your personal style and won’t change – knock yerself out .
Unless v busy I read everything here ….
Will do, will try and add date of article.
Thanks very much marky – appreciate it .