In his latest book, author David Sedgwick quotes the BBC’s own words back at it giving the broadcaster nowhere to hide.
Cast your minds back a couple of years to the start of the so-called covid-19 panic. Just months into the outbreak a government advisory body called The Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours (SPI-B) made a statement which should have instantly alerted the population to what was about to happen.
Given that the death rate from the ‘deadly pandemic’ was so low, the group concluded that: ‘A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened (by it).’ In order to remedy this situation – to ensure people did feel threatened – the group advised the threat level needed to be increased by using ‘hard-hitting emotional messaging.’
And so, along with its mainstream media allies the editorially ‘independent’ BBC duly began to pump out story after story of sky-rocketing cases, hospitalisations and deaths both with and from covid. It didn’t matter how or why; the government demanded fear and the state broadcaster delivered. What the BBC singularly failed to do was question the motivations behind this edict: why manufacture a state of fear when one did not exist?
Although I’ve been writing about BBC machinations for several years now, even I was shocked at the level of deception employed by the broadcaster at government behest. Declaring the Pfizer vaccine “100%” safe for children in a now infamous BBC Newsround broadcast was just the tip of a hugely dangerous iceberg. By this stage the broadcaster was doing everything it could to urge people – children – to take the experimental vaccine. But what made this latest effort so egregious was the fact that cases of myocarditis – especially in teenage boys – were being regularly reported by the scientific community.
Immune to reality, the BBC ploughed on. The “100% safe” claim was merely edited out of the video. Other claims including one which stated the vaccine offered 95% protection against covid were left standing. Under pressure the broadcaster finally sneaked out a brief acknowledgment on the Corrections page of its website. Devi Sridhar, the ‘expert’ who had made the false claim, meanwhile escaped rebuke. In fact, Sridhar was rewarded with a series on BBC Radio Four promoting a book she had written about the ‘pandemic…’
The BBC’s handling of covid-19 and the ‘pandemic’ is one of a number of stories covered in my newly-released book mischievously titled: Is That True Or Did You Hear It On The BBC? The theme of this, the third in a series of BBC critiques, is the broadcaster’s cosy relationship to wealth and power – especially its pivotal role within what I term US-(UK) hegemonic power and for whom it carries much water. It is precisely this PR role that accounts for the ceaseless pro-vaccine propaganda seen and heard across the BBC platform these past two years: for the ‘British’ Broadcasting Corporation works not for the (ordinary) British people, but on behalf of powerful (mainly US) corporate political interests such as Bill Gates, Pfizer, Wall Street and various offshoots of US hard power aka the military industrial complex.
Disinformation is necessary to promote the interests of these powerful actors. And this, of course, is why the BBC is such a valuable asset of global power: without incessant and hysterical propaganda, the covid hoax would have almost certainly fallen flat on its dishonest face; without the BBC climate alarmism too would have no doubt faltered.
Thus, the BBC attempts to invert reality, to convince its audience that the world is not how it appears, rather it is how the rich and powerful proscribe: a world facing a ‘climate emergency’ and covid ‘pandemic’ potential disasters which only the (BBC-approved) ‘experts’ such as Devi Sridhar or Neal Ferguson can solve. Just do as you are told: stop going out; stop driving; stop flying; stop eating meat; stop breathing. But DO panic.
Having already written two previous books exposing what has become a truly pernicious organisation, my latest effort will no doubt be ignored by the entire mainstream – especially the ‘quality’ (and even red-top) newspapers and politicians of every stripe. No matter, I write these books to chronicle the staggering dishonesty and arrogance displayed by the BBC. My aim is to create a permanent record, one that cannot be wiped away by Google or any other BBC-friendly organisation.
Enjoy the trip, but please ensure appropriate medication is at hand…
Is That True Or Did You Hear It On The BBC? Is available on Amazon in paperback and eBook format.
It is also available directly from the author via eBay.
It can also be ordered from bookshops: ISBN 978-1999359171
During the incredibly damaging and utterly pointless lockdowns all of the MSM were pumping out the government’s propaganda. To question this insanity immediately had you labelled “a covidiot” a “granny killer.” or a “tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nutter.” It was insidious. Something very odd was happening to have all of the mainstream on board, with unquestioning compliance. The only query the BBC, Sky and ITV ever had was a three way variation; “Why didn’t you lockdown earlier/harder/longer?” Is this journalism?
It was astonishing that the government, with their propagandists at the BBC, chose to listen to Neal Ferguson. This is the man they followed in 2001 during the foot and mouth crisis and culled millions of healthy livestock. It’s now widely regarded as a catastrophic and tragic error of judgment. Not only did this wanton slaughter mean that millions of healthy animals were killed, it also led to mass bankruptcy and suicides among the farming community.
In 2004 his modelling was wildly awry again when he predicted 200,000,000 world wide deaths from bird flu. The actual figure was just over 200. So, just off by a mere one million percent. You know, to be that bad can’t be easy…
And yet in 2020 when Covid reared its ugly head, who do they choose to listen to?
Whenever he’s interviewed on the BBC they’re fawning all over him. It’s like a geriatric maiden aunt being visited by her favourite nephew. There are no tough questions. There are no fact checkers looking at Ferguson’s previous predictions.
Probably just as well…
My research aims to improve understanding of the epidemiological factors and population processes shaping infectious disease spread in human and animal populations. A key practical focus is the analysis and optimisation of intervention strategies aimed at reducing transmission or disease burden. Much of my work is applied, informing disease control policy-making by public and global health institutions.
However, most of the rebuttals given by the universities – and included in the report – do not seem to address the central point. For example, Imperial College London, which has at least four research centres sponsored by major Chinese weapons suppliers, used their reply to point out that their “research outputs” are in the public domain. But should they be? They go on to say: “Science is a global endeavour, and we are proud to work with our peers in academia and industry all over the world”. Being proud of working with scientists “all over the world” is a pious comeback but it doesn’t hold much weight when the people some of them are working with are also busy constructing “a radar-absorbing stealth material”.
Exclusive: Government scientist Neil Ferguson resigns after breaking lockdown rules to meet his married lover
Prof Ferguson allowed the woman to visit him at home during the lockdown while lecturing the public on the need for strict social distancing
BBC News this evening reports on the sentencing of a cuddly Beatle working for Isis and got life.
BBC reporter refers to horrendous torture they carried out but points out that these Beatles had a ‘warped understanding of Islam’.
See, bad men, not proper Mohamidans
And just in case you are in any doubt, the main article on the front page now has a picture of the cute and loveable lad who you’d instantly take to if your daughter bought him home.
For balance, why have all the pictures of the 4pe who murdered the mobility scooter guy suddenly disappeared?
I cannot understand why McCartney and Ringo haven’t taken out some sort of injunction to prevent the “beatles” tag being bandied about.
For Mr. Qasim Rashid Islam is the cure, not the problem … “How the teachings of Islam could help us prevent more sexual abuse scandals” {independent 15oct2017}
“This is where Islamic teachings and Prophet Muhammad’s example provide a solution that no state truly can. And while there are people who don’t believe that sexual abuse is even a problem, some on the left will disagree that accountability to a higher power is a solution. ”
“Yes, Islam implores accountability to the creator, but rather than preach empty dogmatic theories, Islam instead prescribes a proven secular model.”
“The Quran further obliges men to provide for a woman’s every financial need, while holding that anything a woman earns is hers alone – preempting financial abuse. And when it comes to the Islamic concept of Hijab, it is men who are first commanded to never gawk at women, and instead guard their private parts and chastity, regardless of how women choose to dress – pre-empting sexual abuse.”
“Together, we can employ a proven Islamic model that will stop this madness, and re-invoke gender equity today in America, and the world.”
. . . all very interesting from the Qasim Rashid who is a Ahmadiyya Muslim, who fails to explain Saudi Arabia (32 million people) and Iran’s (80 million people) behaviour and only recently women being able to drive a car in Saudi . . .but can Mr. Rashid answer these questions . . .
a. If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
b. If a person declares they are homosexual should they be shunned?
c. If a man draws a cartoon should he be sent death threats?
d. Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
e. Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
f. Do you think UK Tax Payers should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
g. Should dogs be shunned from society, considering they have helped mankind a lot?
h. If a man eats bacon, will he die?
On pages 268-9 of the new Sedgwick book (in the notes at the back) there’s some tasty stuff about Marianna Spring a.k.a. Marianna Claire a.k.a. “the hack with the rack” as used by some contributors on here.
Prof Ferguson, like Dr Fauci in the USA, seems to be Teflon-coated.
Her promotion seems… very BBC.
Obscure nomark in a crowded field desperate for attention?
Not to worry; simply get your agent to send anything… yes, that’s right… anything into BBC ‘Calls For’ editorial and they will happily slap* that magic journalism phrase at the front of what has been provided. Free! *(certain t&cs apply)
A convenient excuse for pulling up. It is part of normal human physiology FFS.
So women should not go to war because they have this condition? Or are we all equal? Is gender a social construct? Can men get periods as well?
outrageous that she tells the world that MEN don’t have periods
surely saying that is against woke rules.
In their book women can have willies and men can give birth.
Go woke go broke ?
“Cineworld cinema chain is ‘preparing to file for bankruptcy within weeks’ after struggling to rebuild post-Covid audiences
Cineworld Group Plc owns Cineworld and is said to be in financial trouble
The British cinema company has engaged lawyers, an insider source says
The company says a lower number of films has caused a large fall in attendance”
BBC changed the image … from this (child) to this (mean looking criminal) …
Photo 1 ” Elsheikh being arrested at the September 2011 demonstration”
of course he looked young
Photo 2 US department of Justice photo
Clever us of time!
Can’t wait to see him like Begum ….
“Amol Rajan’s University Challenge nightmare! New host turned captain in celebrity special – but his team suffered a heavy defeat as they got 14 of their 18 answers incorrect
Rajan appeared on a celebrity series of University Challenge in December 2020
His team from Downing College, Cambridge didn’t make it through first round
Now, BBC rising star will replace Paxman as host after 28 years ”
He can’t be worse than David “Mastermind” Lammy … … can he?!
According to the BBC’s latest annual report in the past year his salary increased by about £80,000 to up to £329,999 a year, while he is expected to get a significant pay deal to present the quiz.
Born in Sudan,[5] Elsheikh spent his youth in London, England.[6] The Daily Telegraph reports he was a follower of a local football team, Queen’s Park Rangers, and dreamed of joining the team when he grew up.[7]
Prince William heads to US to urge world leaders to act on climate
Turn the lights off?
All these covid lockdowns and the rest was simply to control our lives. To that end, the Climate Change hoax is very useful as it allows politicians to control energy supply and demand. But Climate Change or AGW has been a lie all along, as most things that come out of the mouths of politicians.
Global warming is the greatest scientific fraud in history
Unless this idiocy is stopped, these politicians will destroy in a decade or so, what it took two centuries of innovative engineering to create. But we must remember that the political elite will be partying and living it up as energy rationing will be for us, not them.
Like the Finnish PM Sanna Marin😠
ITV local newsPR
item #2 The heatwave housefires follow up
– They did have their pet Global Warming alarmist of Sheffield Polytechnic
“This is the future until we take Climate action
other countries do have this hot dry weather
and don’t burn”
– They did not mention possible direct causes like arson
It seemed to me that fire brigades were overstretched
partly cos there were a lot of arsonists about.
This is a possible difference between other countries that have less fires.
Now fluff item for women’s football
They bring on a young player .. Sikh
While the majority of women are passing the test, very few of them can get perfect scores. Only 66 female soldiers scored 500 points or higher, compared to 31,978 males. A score of 600 is the max.12 May 2021
From the link
“Female soldiers continue to lag male soldier scores in all events,” according to a United States Army Forces Command briefing obtained by
The assumption is that this shortcoming must be due to some anti-female bias that has yet to be discovered.
I always find it amusing when the BBC show one woman doing something well in a mans world and wet their knickers telling us it proves women are equal to men.
When if fact for every one woman who can do it, dozens of men can do it better. She is an exception, not a rule.
Which is why I now dismiss anything and everything on the topic from these shameless misandrist hypcorites.
Oh come come, JohnC! Serena Williams is THE greatest tennis player ever … and don’t you dare try denying it, as John McEnroe once did.
There are differences, both physical and mental between the genders (the real ones I mean), but in a few cases those differences aren’t very pronounced, or are even a little reversed.
Used to be those few who didn’t ‘feel comfortable’ trying to comply with their gender ‘stereotypes’ who were pitied and sometimes ridiculed, now it’s the vast majority who are completely comfortable with their gender ‘stereotypes’ who are vilified and punished for not being freaks of nature – weird world we live in.
Personally, as a heterosexual male, I’m very grateful most women aren’t men… viva la difference!!!
Houses spontaneously combusting at 30.1oC again?
I don’t believe that the BBC use more than 15% indigenous
white presenters or reporters on their news programmes.
Can anybody give me a reason for this?
2021 …. BBC in discrimination row after opening trainee role only to ethnic minorities
Interestingly this appeared just now.
Aspects of her simple physiology would surely not meet BBC ‘special’ criteria?
Sheesh. The bbc only gets £5,000,000,000 for it.
By compulsion.
These politicians need to be corralled in truth and laughed at.
I found this video and couldn’t believe it – look at everyone else’s faces.
“… this liberal (Maxine Waters) will be all about socialising, urm, um, errm, (edited video where she looks down at book Communist Manifesto for Dummies) , urm, um, errm, would be about basically taking over and the Government running all your companies.”
A bit of background before you start watching Diane Abbott in action. The Lord Harris Review (oct2016) on terror attacks said we should put up barriers (recommendation 31) on the Bridges in London to protect pedestrians, Diane had not read or forgotten the report – who if elected would be in charge of our homeland security.
Another Diane Abbott car crash 3 days before the election (youtube 05Jun2017)
GE#17 // Labour(Hackney) // Diane Abbott // Votes 42,265 // share 75.1% // change+12.2 // The People Love Her!
Am sure I’d have a lot more lucrative job offers if I was black and female, or turned up for interviews in a pink tutu, fairy wings, and a wheelchair.
The mother of a friend of my son’s got asked if she was her son’s grandmother at a recent parent teachers evening (by a teacher who does, admittedly look like she is all of 8 years old).
Poor woman, she doesn’t look ‘old’ to me, but then, have been told us parents all look and sound like ‘dinosaurs’ to teachers (who seem to all be under 25, mouthy, homosexual, child hating, radicalised lefties these days).
BBC 6pm News and an item about increasing rents. The couple in the piece have moved into cheaper accommodation with security duties rather than pay more. The young man in the piece on a google search appears to be an actor. Maybe his situation is real, but because it is the BBC and the young man could be offered work if he says the words the BBC wants him to, I don’t believe a word. And being an actor he should be able to speak the words with conviction.
7:08pm BBC1 some talking head from CCW “Climate Change is making weather more severe”
that’s preaching rather than truth
cos the item was about a pensioner whose house flooded
and it’s all the evil water company’s fault that sewage came in with the water.
The camera was at the woman’s front door looking towards the street, which seems to be 3 feet higher.
.. No wonder if flooded.
CO2 Emissions by Country
# Country Share of world
1 China 29.18%
2 United States 14.02%
3 India 7.09%
4 Russia 4.65%
Puts the enormous cost we are going to pay to reduce our 1% into perspective.
Yes – a point the rotten lying BBC never makes! Another way of looking at it is to add up these top four figures and you get 55% of all the CO2 emissions. I can’t see any country other than number #2 reducing its emissions very much: on the contrary, they will increase theirs, which are already 41% of the total.
Every day, around three million litres of sewage is emptied into the Ganges – and only about half of that has undergone any kind of treatment. The river’s waters are so dirty that it’s considered one of the most polluted waterways in the world.20 Jan 2022
CCW “The voice for water consumers our expert Mike Keil”
7:30pm BBC1 Prog about a community living house in Chapeltown, Leeds ..the black area of town
Two people featured so far ..both black
Oh now a white retired couple too.
oh now white lesbian couple.
The community has a rules discouraging private car use.
Elshafee El Sheikh: Ex-Briton ‘Isis Beatle’ sentenced to life in prison
Another BBC ‘Freedom Fighter’ found guilty of being a scumbag terrorist.
A remarkably short article considering the gravity of what he did. This one will disappear quickly.
A Ukranian girls football team gets more.
On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones[1] was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards.[2][3] Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder.[4][5]
Skana pleaded guilty to the lesser included offence of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility on 6 November 2020. After a trial at Minshull Street Crown Court from 26 November to 4 December, the charge of murder was withdrawn by the prosecution and the jury was directed to formally return a not guilty verdict for murder.[6] On 8 December, she was given a life sentence, with a minimum term of eight years, for the conviction of manslaughter.[7] On 26 January 2021, Skana’s minimum sentence was increased to 10 years and eight months, with the presiding judge stating the previous minimum sentence had been “calculated in error”.[8]
Lockup also cost £16B in subsidies for the train and network rail companies:
But, the bbc do like her.
Like many other speakers today, I have my scars. From being attacked by a racist gang in the park with dogs, as me and my brother ran away, having our clothes ripped from us, scared; to the audible gasps of, “Why the hell would you choose to be a Muslim?”, my experiences are as real as they are painful. With a Polish mother and a Pakistani father, and proudly British, I feel fortunate to have grown up immersed in many cultures. I have, sadly, experienced overt racism and bigotry; unfortunately, I have also been where people speak in perceived safety, not realising that I am a Muslim.
When I was studying medicine at Cambridge, a senior surgeon spoke openly about terrorism and Islam. When I asked him kindly to stop, he was shocked. When I stated that I was a Muslim, he asked where I was from and proceeded to tell me that half my family were eastern European cleaners and the other half were terrorists, and that I should go and tell my family to stop killing people.
A taxi driver once told me, 20 minutes into a cab journey, that he would never in his life allow a Muslim into his taxicab. He told me that Muslims were taking over the world, that he had absolutely no desire to meet one, and that he would not allow his daughter to go and study at a university where someone wore a hijab. I told him to stop the car, that he had met a Muslim and that I would continue my journey on foot.
My mum, who is not a Muslim but married one and had two children who chose to be Muslim, is Polish and has blonde hair and green eyes. She has been spat at in the street, called dirty for walking with her children and, while we were growing up, had people shouting at her on the tube, telling her she had married a dirty—I will not name the name, because I do not want to give it a place in this place.
Many people tell me I should have used getting married as the opportunity to drop the Khan and call myself Rosie Allin in a bid to be accepted, and that I should hide all traces of Islam from my daughters’ names, so that they may have “an easier life.” Well, fear will not make me drop my name or my faith, and fear will never stop me fighting against Islamophobia. In this place we have a platform, but millions of people do not. We owe it to them to speak out, and to fight for change for our community and for our children.
DOes she do any MP work?
Payments received from St George’s Hospital NHS Trust, Blackshaw Road, London SW17 0QT, for my work as a doctor:
21 July 2021, received £570 for a shift worked on 9 July 2021. Hours worked: 10 hrs. (Registered 17 August 2021)
21 July 2021, received £665 for shift worked on 11 July 2021. Hours: 10 hrs. (Registered 17 August 2021)
28 July 2021, received £585. Hours: 10.25 hrs. (Registered 17 August 2021)
4 August 2021, received £585. Hours: 10.25 hrs. (Registered 17 August 2021)
11 August 2021, received £600 for a shift worked on 27 July 2021. Hours: 10 hrs. (Registered 17 August 2021)
11 August 2021, received £435 for a shift worked on 30 July 2021. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 17 August 2021)
28 October 2021, received £525 for a shift worked on 13 October 2021. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 25 November 2021)
3 November 2021, received £665 for a shift worked on 23 October 2021. Hours: 10 hrs. (Registered 25 November 2021)
10 November 2021, received £665 for a shift worked on 31 October 2021. Hours: 10 hrs. (Registered 25 November 2021)
29 December 2021, received £480 for a shift worked on 12 December 2021. Hours: 8.5 hrs. (Registered 24 January 2022)
12 January 2022, received £665. Hours: 10 hrs. (Registered 07 February 2022)
12 January 2022, received £450. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 07 February 2022)
19 January 2022, received £665. Hours: 10 hrs. (Registered 07 February 2022)
19 January 2022, received £595. Hours: 9 hrs. (Registered 07 February 2022)
10 March 2022, received £525. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 31 March 2022)
27 April 2022, received £570. Hours: 10 hrs. (Registered 27 April 2022)
27 July 2022, received £2,175 for four shifts. Hours: 30 hrs. (Registered 29 July 2022)
15 November 2021, payment of £120 from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for a survey. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 14 December 2021)
That was the MP’s grievance speech (Ali Khan)
in a special Parliamentary debate about Islamphobia.
The minister Kemi Badenoch tried to do a summing up speech listing the sentences people had been given for being violent against Muslims, but she was continually shouted down by the grievance Labour MPs
The context was the November 2021debate was the day after the funeral for an MP murdered in the name of Islam
Badenoch ..” the funeral the tragic murder of our colleague and friend, Sir David Amess, whose funeral was yesterday.
I attended it, as I think many others in this room did. He died at the hands of someone seeking to divide us all; someone claiming to act on behalf of Islam.
However, if ever people needed reminding of the real values of Muslims in this country, they need look no further than the tributes paid by the Muslim community of Southend to the life of Sir David”
Name of donor: Romilla and Simon Arber
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £12,000 towards my campaign for deputy leadership of the Labour Party
Date received: 4 February 2020
Date accepted: 5 February 2020
Name of donor: Football Association Premier League Ltd
Address of donor: 30 Gloucester Pl, Marylebone, London W1U 8PL
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to a football match on 30 January 2019, value £332.40
31 December 2018, received £350 from the BBC, Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA, for appearing as a guest on This Week in November 2018. Hours: 2 hrs. Fee to be donated to charity. (Registered 14 January 2019)
Personally, I don’t care whether the next Labour leader is a Muslim, or not, apart from anything else, I really don’t think it makes any difference, even with the Tories in the appalling state they are, even after 12 years of the Tories in power, no sane person could look at the shambles that is the current Labour party and vote for them in a GE.
So it seems to me they can put whoever they want in charge, Diane Flabbot even, it’s a moot point, they’re not going to win anything other than a few marginal seats, and they need to win a LOT to stand a chance at seizing control.
BBC has noticed.
Maybe Jimbo could do The One Show if Amol is not free?
Some Empires are good … others ….
EU enlargement
Enlargement policy applies to countries currently aspiring to join the EU and potential candidates. The prospect of membership is a powerful stimulus for democratic and economic reforms in countries that want to become EU members.
@Prince William
Cluck Cluck
I don’t see too many solar panels on yer roof.
His bluster generates free wind.
Where is the Pulitzer jury?
22 June Police officers in Rotherham were not equipped to deal with the widespread child sex abuse that plagued the town for more than 15 years, according to a new report. The long-awaited findings from the police watchdog are the latest in a series of inquiries into a scandal that has cast a shadow over South Yorkshire.
Operation Linden was a series of investigations carried out by The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) looking at South Yorkshire Police’s response to allegations of child sexual abuse and exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013.
The watchdog has found that systemic problems meant the force failed to recognise the scale of the problem.
India … Every day, around three million litres of sewage is emptied into the Ganges – and only about half of that has undergone any kind of treatment. The river’s waters are so dirty that it’s considered one of the most polluted waterways in the world.20 Jan 2022
Uk …. Sewage hits dozens of beaches in England and Wales after heavy rain
While Dutch farmers protest the World Economic Forum’s Net Zero plans, and Sri Lanka’s economy collapses after its government’s disastrous banning of synthetic fertilisers, it is timely to read two intelligent and very well-researched books that dissect perhaps the biggest issue of our time: the future of food and farming.
So DT review of TWO books on farming.
(1) First claims Farming damages the planet and we are all doomed. (according to the BBC world view);
“Philip Lymbery is global chief executive of Compassion in World Farming and someone on the Left with, in this (farmer) reviewer’s view, rather too much time for those two false prophets of environmental change, George Monbiot and Chris Packham…”
Sixty Harvests Left by Philip Lymbery is published by Bloomsbury (£25 if you ask)
(2) In the second book, by contrast it exposes the false narrative of the BBC entirely…
FOOD science (provided impartially, of course by the BBC culture-warriors and self appointed BBC food ‘experts’ Monbiot and Packham (endorse book above) -In contrast the same claims are forensically analysed by Jayne Buxton in The Great Plant-Based Con (★★★★★). She is the ideal inquisitor: a mother concerned about her children’s generation’s nutrition;
She charts our descent into ill health from the 1970s, when governments around the world encouraged us to eat more carbohydrates and less animal fat. Too few people understand that eating fats won’t make you fat, but too many carbohydrates – such as bread, pasta, potatoes and rice – will, as they break down into sugar in the body. …. an intelligent explanation of the way that Big Food makes us ill, and Big Pharma makes another fast buck curing us, may yet make it a seminal classic, similar in its impact to Rachel Carson’s brilliant exposé of chemical pesticides, Silent Spring, two generations ago.
There is no doubting Buxton’s conclusion that we have been conned. The evidence she has gleaned from recovering vegans of the damage done to their health – the tales of women who stopped menstruating, the young people who became depressed and those who damaged their immune systems irreparably – will make you very angry with the unscrupulous food corporates, virtue-signalling celebrities and BBC, who have promoted veganism.
Who would have thought the BBC has such an entrenched bias against Farmers?
Only last week I wrote highlighting a petition (by Countryside Alliance against the BBC version of BBC ‘COUNTRYFILE’ TV farming program as being factually inaccurate and tottaly biased against dairy farming!
The Great Plant-Based Con by Jayne Buxton is also published by Bloomsbury (Also £25). All usual book sellers I presume. I may even get myself a copy to challenge the eco-warriors claiming its only Vegans can save the planet. That and the BBC nutters claiming its the end of the world. (again). The EU is heading towards a hard place. BBC supported only by the TV license and false prophets.
Obesity in Mexico is a relatively recent phenomenon, having been widespread since the 1980s with the introduction of processed food into much of the Mexican food market. Prior to that, dietary issues were limited to under and malnutrition, which is still a problem in various parts of the country. Following trends already ongoing in other parts of the world, Mexicans have been foregoing the traditional Mexican diet high in whole grains, fruits, legumes and vegetables in favor of a diet with more animal products and processed foods. It has seen dietary energy intake and rates of overweight and obese people rise with seven out of ten at least overweight and a third clinically obese.
We’ve evolved to eat a varied diet, and a seasonal one, we haven’t evolved to live on ‘vegan ready meals’, to import all our food from the other side of the planet, or to live the way most of us do today – sat on our fat arses staring at an illuminated screen for hours on end (as I am now).
Many years ago, I was taught in biology that humans do best on an omnivorous diet, including: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, and that protein and calcium was best ingested in the from of animal products (meat, eggs, dairy), and carbohydrates/sugars in the form of fruit, grain and veg.
Not seen anything since to convince me that’s not still the case, in fact, looking at EVERY vegetarian, vegan, and faddy eater I’ve ever met, I’m more convinced than ever it’s true.
In terms of farming, a mixed regime some arable, some horticulture, and some herding is best for the environment, best able to cope with changing seasons/conditions, and most productive overall, especially in a country like ours with such a patchwork of different climates and landscapes.
Happily, the two combine very nicely, which is one of the reasons these islands are, and have been throughout human history, a desirable place to live.
GBnews Hustings hosted by Alastair Stewart
20:29pm He read a date as 2019 when it was 2009 ..”it’s a typo”
Truss replied “I always thought you had high quality standards at GBnews !”
AS “We do, we do”
Truss “It’s not the BBC You actually get your facts right, ”
huge laughter & very big applause
“That is a pledge Alastair” says Truss of commitment to amend Online Harms legislation to protect free speech.
Tom Harwood
\\One of the biggest rounds of applause of the night goes to the former mine engineer who delivers a 30 second elevator pitch for fracking.
Thunderous reception. //
“We need to make sure our police are policing the streets not Twitter.”
“Rwanda is about finding long term home for illegal migrants.”
Bullet points
“Today my thoughts are with those in Manchester who were lost on that terrible night and their loved ones who have so bravely battled to rebuild their lives. All of you – and many more in this great city – are the very best of what this country stands for. ” – Theresa May
Lost? Lost? Keep citizens safe? Country Secure? 1400 raped children over 16 years?
“The first duty of the (UK) government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.”
video : Society has just agreed people can’t publish novels criticising Mohammed as “different rules apply” with Islam, says author Douglas Murray.
In 1989, two years after becoming the first Asian MP since 1929, he led a march of several thousand Muslims in Leicester calling for Salman Rushdie’s book The Satanic Verses to be banned. Rushdie subsequently claimed that Vaz, a Catholic of Goan origin, had previously assured him of his support – just one example of why Vaz has long been dismissed as an ideological weathervane, willing to say or do anything if he thinks the public will reward him for it.
Comment … Not one politician in the UK has said anything in public. I am ashamed of my country. Every politician in our parliament is completely gutless and will not stand up for anything except minor local issues.
BBC is possibly heading towards totalitarian though, but via the Social Justice route …
“Let’s remember of course. You (the presenter) work for an unfree media (Al Jazeera) and an unfree state (Qatar). I however am a British man … I am a free person, a free European in a free society.” – Douglas Murray @24:33
“Douglas Murray – Charlie Hebdo on Al Jazeera”
** with correct video link
Michael Gove has finally come out to back Rishi, alongside declaring he’s quitting frontline politics before Liz Truss made the decision for him. Guido heard word that the declaration would come today earlier this afternoon and put the rumours to Team Rishi and Gove sources – to blanket silence.
Maybe… BBC Trending?
Does anyone remember Rory Stewert?. I think he wanted to be PM – but was the first one booted out. I remember thinking – at the time — IF (IF) If he is a Conservative!, there is not much future for the Conservatives! And by then the ever woke Penny Mordent got booted out some time after. Rory I presumed resigned himself to failure, not so, he says.
I was ONLY reminded of Rory Stewert this Friday afternoon because in my potting shed, the shed radio is forever stuck on Long Wave (BBC Radio 4) or a screeching French Quiz show are loudest. The BBC R4 program was called ‘feedback’ and was reverentially interviewing Rory Stewert as some sort of political visionary. He hates ‘populism’ i.e. Brexit, voters, the common people, he was hitting all the BBC high notes, they both agreed in harmony.
It was all quite odd as its clear that ‘Rory’ is not a conservative (small c) but a liberal dressed in blue. But the soft spoken BBC style; ‘I-pause-slightly-between-words-as-its-a-BBC-flection’ carried on, the smug Rory I expect was beaming like Cheshire Cat with all the praise and flammery. I thought ‘bloody-hell’ he could be the next leader of the Labour party!
The problem with BBC Radio 4 ‘feedback’, who announced that this was (sadly) his last show as the BBC are making way for more ‘younger’ and ‘engaging’ presenters then himself. I almost felt sorry for him at radio 4. And then I felt sorry for Rory for being in the wrong party. Two woes in one. Rory should be in Labour party leading the way, a brave new World!
I would not vote for him, – but the BBC would, as he is almost identical to Tony Blair who was (perhaps) more of a lefty Liberal than a Marxist. He still managed to ruin the economy. After all Socialism is great if you have the money. Then it runs out again and your back to square one.
The future (if we have any) in the UK school of politics is that idiot Starmer has a fair chance of being the next PM, not because he’s any good but we have forgotten how bad it was under the last Labour leader!
Sarah Vine writing in the Spectator last week said: her worst nightmare was Starmer doing a deal with the Scottish SNP and Liberals to dismantle the UK and introducing a PR voting system. Scotland being ever so slightly semi-detached to join the EU, the Liberals end up running the county badly whilst the UK Unions turn back the clock to the 1970’s.
I must get a new radio. Maybe one of those DAB types, but then I’d never get any work done. On the other hand those French radio shows… No. I’ll just turn it off again.
So at one with nature, he has his phone in his hand and not a speck of mud to be seen.
That’s not a phone in his hand it’s a gun.
Looking at what our local BBC Global Warming newsPR guy tweets
He retweets @EmmaHardyMP tweeting
“25% of England’s sewage is in the Humber.”
Is that the real world ?
… Or is that crazy PR world ?
I’ve been to the Humber banks loads of the times
It doesn’t smell of anything except the sea
Sure there is debris washed on the shore bits of brick, fishing floats etc.
But there is no obvious signs of sewage.
Cos 25% of England’s sewage is NOT in the Humber
Most sewage is simply sent to sewage works and processed
In the occasional event of heavy rain some drains flow into the rivers
and it’s true a fair percentage of England’s rivers feed it maybe 7% or something
It has the Trent, Ouse, Aire feeding it.
but there is an effect in moving water it’s self cleaning over a distance and it flows There won’t be many Leeds bacteria particles reaching the Humber Bridge
libmob can get away with saying any old crap
Labour MP that is
… libmob people are forever taking crazy PR claims at face value
We all love rabbits, don’t we? Lovely cuddly fluffy little animals. But, bad news, sometimes we eat them…….What ?? How dare we.
Important news from the Beeb…….
A business that breeds rabbits for meat is closing its remaining farm and handing over 250 rabbits to activists (otherwise known as misplaced idiots)
Comedian Ricky Gervais is among those to have spoken out against T&S Rabbits, which activists claim has used a legal loophole to breed rabbits for fur and is amongst those complaining that they are being exploited (the rabbits that is, not Ricky gervais).
Members of the campaign group, called Shut Down T&S Rabbits, (note the original well thought out name) are due to collect the animals on Saturday morning. They will be taken to rescue centres and eventually rehomed. Aaaah. Not going into pies then?
The owner of this ‘horrible’ farm, who has been forced by these loonies to close, said “Lambs are still animals, and ducks, and turkeys, and chickens, and pigs, they are all animals,”
People have,of course, been eating (delicious) rabbit for hundreds of years and from a health perspective they have a light impact on the earth, and they’re healthy, all-white meat.” Rich in highly-quality proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, and minerals like calcium and potassium, rabbit meat is also lean and low in cholesterol.
If these woke numpties had a bit of sense they could have donated Flopsy and his friends to a food bank. What’s wrong with these people ?
The fact of nature is that millions of creatures die horrible deaths every day to become food for something else.
It’s unpleasant to think about but it’s how it is. The ‘Leftist’ mentality has all these idiots losing sleep because some cute rabbits die for food. If only they could see how they die in nature when a fox rips them apart, they might get some perspective on the topic (or they would curl up in a corner crying).
Now I understand why someone might not eat rabbit because of how they look – but thinking that anything they do makes any difference whatsoever to the cruelty of the real world is the stuff of this bizarre obsession the Left have with ’empathy’. I blame the likes of the BBC who lay it on so thick these days, the actual story is swamped and what is actually important is lost.
‘Empathy’ has no place whatsoever in news. It belongs in editorial comments and in-flight magazines.
I am someone who catches rats in cages then drives 2 miles to release them in the middle of nowhere. I dislike killing anything without good reason – but I have enough common sense to know where the line is.
This is why the BBC and the MSM in general gloss over any looting.
Because every time I look, it’s ALWAYS the same demographic doing it.
But of course it’s racist to point it out right maxi ?.
Knock knock Maxi ?. Are you there ?. Feel free to share videos of looting by white people.
After the 2011 Manchester looting the press managed to put up photos of white people looting
Less than 20 seem to have been convicted. Maybe less than 10
The initial rushed sentences were harsh and were halved on appeal.
“The disorder began after Mark Duggan, was shot dead by the police in Tottenham, north London.
Across the country 2,158 people were convicted
with the vast majority of offending having taken place in London, followed by the West Midlands and Greater Manchester.”