And then, there’s BBC Politics telling it often enough.
Sure, Having to sack a recently elected member of the NEC for Antisemitism, Suspending MP Nick Brown, Women's labour group meeting in secret, Rosie Cooper standing down, forced to sing the national anthem, Sam Tarry reselection, MPs joining picket lines
@UKLabour simply don’t know what they’re doing, where they’re going, how to get there, and what they’d do when they do get there.
"Starmer decreeing that “God Save the King” would be sung at Labour’s conference in Liverpool has terrified members of the shadow cabinet."@Kevin_Maguire with this week's gossip from around Westminster.
Clearly BBC political staff know stuff even Labour does not.
🔴 Angela Rayner sparked confusion this morning by suggesting that Labour would reverse the Government’s cut to income tax, before party sources rowed back on the comment
Calamity for Labour as roof falls in onto a BBC Any Questions audience .
Many Labour voters were lost today as a roof fell in over them .
An emergency services spokesman said that after a fatuous cliched comment from Andy Burnham , the kidult audience clapped , whooped and hollered weakening the support structure which gave way . There was only one surviving Labour voter . He’s being treated for shock, not over the roof calamity but because he heard someone say they’re going to vote Tory .
A Labour spokesthing said that they were upset because even the imported votes from the bogus asylum seekers cannot make up for the quality of the audience , made up of university lecturers, diversity co ordinators , equality managers and human rights lawyers .
A BBC spokesdragqueen said the most important people – themselves- had not been killed or injured and blamed Brexit for the horrific accident.
I’m still watching the documentary, wondering when the BBC get a name check – for they are almost certainly up to their necks in the skullduggery that is elaborated in the film.
I made it all the way through the repeat of Any Questions today. Isn’t that Andy Burnham a complete windbag? Andy Burnham in one ear and Neil Kinnock in the other must be a recipe for death by stereo!
Scrobie, quite right. It used to be said in the 1960s that is how Liberal and Labour groups became more radicalised in a Communist/Marxist/extreme Socialist way. The mainstream political groups would be infiltrated by the ‘ists’ who would hold the floor with endless talk until late into the night. When people started to leave through tiredness or the necessity to rest before work the next day, the ‘ists’ would then propose motions to move the local group in a more radical direction.
‘My first thought as I came round was Oh God! What have I done?’: Man suing the NHS over trans surgery he bitterly regrets has bravely waived anonymity to share his ordeal
Ritchie Herron, 35, says life has been unbearable since surgery four years ago
His case first emerged after he shared experience on Twitter under pseudonym
He claims NHS failed to take mental health crisis into account before procedure
PUBLISHED: 22:11, 25 June 2022 | UPDATED: 17:16, 28 June 2022
Amazing, just learnt that the Duchess of Sussex, Megan Markle expects to be paid for her Royal walk-abouts ! The woman still has not learnt anything about what the Royals do or what is expected of them. Just now stay in America woman and attend to the growing of the children-and no they will not be known as HRH and do not expect the UK to apy for their security, pay for that yourself Duchess, you’re rich enough.
Buried in the Leeds and w Yorkshire bit if the BBC website is a brief report of the sentencing the the 3 Quyum brothers – Yorkshire born and bred for multiple child rape – sentences 13 to 40 years – now where is that death sentence …. And can it be shown on line ?
Prince Charles given €3m in cash in bags by Qatari politician, according to report
This article is more than 2 months old
Money was passed immediately to one of the prince’s charities, says Clarence House
The story comes as Prince Charles has been in Kigali, Rwanda during the Commonwealth heads of government meeting.
The story comes as Prince Charles has been in Kigali, Rwanda during the Commonwealth heads of government meeting. Photograph: Jean Bizimana/Reuters
David Connett
Sat 25 Jun 2022 23.02
Why would the journal of the Labour Party do a sycophantic piece about Rajan ?
surely they usually say he and the BBC are super pro Tory ..oh yeh they are lying about that
How about him running ‘Diversity Focussed Secondary School Debating Society Non-Competitive Question and Answer Workshop with Equal Opportunities for Every Competitor and Everyone’s a Winner’?
Questions in three pages of foreign languages like my wife’s letter from the NHS for a simple appointment to have a simple eye-screening session.
4pm R2 News “Our dear leader Starmer is about to open the Labour Party conference here’s a clip of him condemning the evil Tories tax cuts”
OK this bit is true
The clip featured Starmer making clear bullet points
– “12 long years of Tory failure
.. cheers
– making the rich richer, doing NOTHING for working people …
– ”
“A fairer GREENER future”
then the crowd cheering
He should probs stick with Toenails, Laura and gang.
Labour's Lucy Powell struggles to tell me anything that's exciting about Keir Starmer, as voters size him up as a potential PM.
Er …. His dad worked in a factory and made sure son `kier got an easy job where you just got paid for standing up and using words your Honour .
He is exciting – he even had a curry night during covid lockdowns and got plod to look the other way – and the labour crime commissioner a new contract on more pay …. Course kier is exciting ….
He’s even more exiting when his new appointee, Andy ‘eyebrows’ Burnham gets his hands on the party expenses, and starts sending out leaflets and other twaddle.
This is why so many validly despise the EU, why so many supported Brexit. There are few things more arrogant, condescending, and authoritarian than Brussels bureaucrats.
Imagine being an Italian and being commanded by someone like Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen on how to vote.👇
The BBC webshite is still running with the headline:
“Leicester: Why the violent unrest was surprising to many”
It was only “surprising” to the BBC and other Lefties who have been lying to themselves and to the public that immigration and diversity are an unmitigated blessing, and that all the little brown people will rub along just fine and dandy.
Trouble is, some of those cuddly brown people belong to an extremist, intolerant, supremacist cult dedicated to world domination, and the forced conversion, subjugation or extermination of all other religions.
Especially those religions that practise polytheism. “Shirk” is the worst sin in islam, deserving of execution in this life and terrible damnation in the next.
Charlie Angus screwed up; the Speaker was trying desperately to quash the question with a fake complaint about audio/video quality, but Charlie's response proved that he could hear it perfectly.🤣
The question from the Oshawa MP's constituent was never answered, or asked again.
Sunday Scrum: Trudeau dodges ethics question 18 times during QP
In Wednesday’s Question Period, the opposition asked the prime minister how many times he met with Ethics and Conflict of Interest commissioners over his trip to the Aga Khan’s private island and never got a direct answer.
The Aga Khan affair was a political scandal in Canada involving Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In 2017, Trudeau was found guilty of violating sections 5,11,12, and 21[1] of the Federal Conflict of Interest Act[1] by accepting private-island vacations, gifts, and flights from the Aga Khan, a philanthropist and spiritual leader of the Shia Ismaili religion. This was deemed significant as the Aga Khan Foundation, a registered lobby, had received over $50 million of federal funding in 2016.[2][3][4]
His specialist subject was Cassius clay (8)- no politician should be advised to go on that show even knowing there will be a few general knowledge questions designed for them .
I don’t watch it anymore because it got infected with the woke virus and that coloured fella innit
What’s your favourite crisps ?
Name an island in the Caribbean
What’s Martin Luther kings’ 1st name ?
What are u sitting on?
My bottom
Blighty is a weird place when a Tory government has to tell plod to cut down on the diversity stuff and try a bit of crime fighting – if you know what that is .
I wonder if the often advertised NHS diversity managers might be coming to an end – they must add so much to patient care …
How could that stuff have happened under 12 years of blue labour rule ?
We hold the principles of equality and inclusion at the heart of everything we do and all that we stand for – the NHS is a universal service and we are committed to developing a leadership community which is representative of the groups that we serve.
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
What a novel idea Plod fighting crime. This is typical of Police ‘work’ these days …. ‘Are you an officer or staff who is BAME, female, has a disability or who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or gender fluid then “Leading with Impact” is the course for you’.
Oh ! If that were it, but unfortunately that is the type of crap thrown at officers every day, all day (scores and scores of these distractions/courses) forgetting about compulsory e learning on diversity matters, which definitely does take preference over a bit of silly old criminal stuff.
The truth is that there are plenty of fit and able officers, many of whom have forgotten how to Police, because if they are not attending courses or completing e-learning they are organising them.
The staggering figure of front line on duty officers from one example is just one officer to every 10,000 of the county’s population, yet the number of officers in that force equates to about one to every 350 residents. It is a never ending ploy or you could call it a fraud (which is a criminal offence-whoops !) perpetuated by Police forces who claim to have not enough officers. When they get a new batch the exact same number drops off the front line to run yet more meaningless diversity/maternity/equality/stress/nail painting courses. One of the latest is a Stress Reducing Dog– I can’t recall it’s exact title, but it comes to visit officers who may have witnessed or dealt with(?) a stressful incident. Whilst the dog sniffs your crotch area you may pet it to reduce your inner tension (and sod Mr and Mrs Bloggs who are currently being burgled).
I’m afraid plod won’t take a blind bit of notice as many a Home Secretary has tried that old trick of suggesting a bit of Law and Order, Protecting people and property, Keeping the King’s peace etc.
Were I to be gifted excess, giving it to some charity to blow on directors’ salaries would not be an option, any more than returning to the Exchequer to fund Growler’s air pods or a tranny op on the NHS.
Keith Vaz owns five homes
Keith Vaz, the Minister caught up in the Hinduja passports affair, owns at least five properties worth more than £1 million, it was revealed yesterday.
He has two houses in his Leicester constituency, two London flats and a large detached house on the outskirts of the capital.
As far as I can see, the BBC aren’t covering the story of their beloved EU President “warning” Italy to ‘vote right’ (left) or else! …and how her threats have backfired spectacularly.
The far-left BBC are describing Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party as ‘Far-Right’.
So she’s another Hitler, presumably advocating another Holocaust; the extermination of Jews, Slavs and other Untermenschen; concentration camps and World Conquest?
Not exactly. Here’s the worst the BBC can find to throw at her. She says:
“Yes to the natural family
no to the LGBT lobby
yes to sexual identity
no to gender ideology
no to Islamist violence
yes to secure borders
no to massive migration.”
This is the bit that’s got me beat. I look at the list and think “Yup, fair enough, I’ll sign up for that”. Then the bbc say “Ah but that would make you a fascist”. That is supposed to make me change my mind and say that I no longer agree with these things. I can say that I usually find black and brown people disagreeable, and the country would be better if most of them weren’t here. “Ah! you must be a racist”.
I have these views, you have these labels. Attaching them to me won’t alter what I believe and agree with.
What is wrong is that in a free democracy, I have to watch my mouth and pen to not let the views be known.
Luckily this is all made up and I think all minorities are wonderful and the whole world should move here and become transgender eco activists. Oh, and democrats.
Italy getting a government that puts Italians first.
The EU will deal with that by stopping money going their way.
“That was echoed by Commission head Ursula von der Leyen, who warned that Brussels had ‘tools’ to deal with errant member states.
She said: ‘My approach is that whatever democratic government is willing to work with us, we’re working together.’
As election day draws close, Italy has a huge amount of EU money on the line, awaiting nearly 200 billion euros in EU cash and loans as part of the country’s massive share of the bloc’s coronavirus recovery stimulus package.”
Among the thousands of charity bosses , pressure group leaders , professors of economics, activists and eco warriors going to the Labour Party Conference I hear there is also a worker , from the private sector .
Is that rumour true and does anyone know his name ?
Nibor. I could give you his name, only he identifies as a non-binary, trans- gender, He/She/Mine My/Yours etc thingymbob woman every 3rd Sunday and particularly on International day for Biological diversity…Sorry but it’s only fair.
Not seen on BBC. So I had to go to GB News to find this viewpoint.
Things could be about to change. Let’s be thankful that we have got the likes of Suella Braverman and GB News.
We can also count our blessings that with the departure of Boris the long line of woke pms has come to an end.
Am I being too optimistic when I say I think the tide is beginning to turn in the UK and across the West? Of course the woke lunatics won’t go without a fight so the pressure needs to be maintained.
If the Italians do the right thing this Sunday it will be a great day!
Do you really think that an organisation which has based its senior command on wokeness for maybe 2 decades – together with a woke home office – is going to change because a Home Sec who will be lucky to last a year – picks up the phone?
Plod won’t be able to handle the trouble that’s coming and the home sec will get the blame .
Any more on the dead shot coloured criminal ? Are we gonna see the video – ? Need a laugh .
“Channel migrants: More than 30,000 cross in small boats this year”
A good advertisement for the RNLI . The modern day slave traders ?
When will the Tory government act ?
But taff – they have acted. But not in our favour.
e.g. They have built a new enclosed gangway at Dover which can only be seen from the cliffs. This prevents the independent watchers from getting a clear estimation of the true numbers being unloaded.
Not to mention all the other shenanigans – too many to list – such as going to pick them up from close to the French coast.
A wet fart from The Thunderer
I have a book called ‘We Thundered Out – 200 years of The Times’. It’s a history of The Times newspaper, and makes many references to the wise words in ‘The Thunderer’ – the principal editorial comment column in the paper. ‘The Thunderer’ has a reputation, well deserved until now, for sane, reasonable, balanced comment. Alas, two hundred years’ of sanity have been reduced to ashes by a Thunderer of such mind boggling inanity that I checked that it wasn’t April 1st. What possessed the Times to allow this Susie Goldsbrough person to take over the hallowed Thunderer column I can’t imagine. Obviously a raving greenie lunatic, Susie has this to say about those of us who like a nice bacon sandwich or a juicy steak:
“Something needs to change. So long as the UK punches above its weight in the ring of soft power, we should be setting a better example. Red meat should not just be rare, it should be blacklisted. Not just because it’s so bad for the planet — so is air travel, so are children — but because it’s so easy to give up. Price is no object because beef and Iamb are expensive. Health is no excuse because the red stuff increases your risk of heart disease. We need to build a taboo around red meat, as we once did around smoking. Diners tucking happily into a rare steak should be treated with the same kind of cold outrage as a smoker lighting up next to a child. Fancy restaurants that don’t wean beef off the menu should be boycotted. Parents who insist on dishing up Sunday roasts must expect walkouts. When wealthier countries eventually started to treat smoking as a dirty habit, others followed. It’s time to sneer like you mean it.”
I used to take The Times seriously. But by allowing this sort of eco-fascist bilge to contaminate The Thunderer, they’ve made me doubt their editorial values. Might just cancel the subscription…
What is this soft power nonsense – I equate it with being an easy touch open borders and overseas tax money give aways . I missed the ending of that in the budget …
You have got to admit that it’s a very difficult decision for
the BBC to know whom to support when the Indian ladies
cricket team decide like their men have also done to
use Gamesmanship to win a cricket match.
You know what I mean. Different culture, Inclusiveness, diversity.
It’s just my opinion that , yes it’s allowed in the rules to
run out a player in this manner. BUT 99.9% of the time the bowler would give a warning. I would just say to the Indians that if
they want to win matches like that in Mumbai , then that’s their
BUT , sorry ladies you aint playing anymore at Lords the home
of cricket. Where the game is supposed to be played in the
spirit of the game.
Just as an appendage. The BRITISH broadcasting corporations
Ben Thompson has just said on the morning programme,
how BRAVE it was of the Indian ladies bowler to run out
the English batter using gamesmanship.
You can never say enough times what a perfect example
of the meaning of an oxymoron is than the BRITISH
broadcasting corporation.
Mark Lawrenson, the long-serving former Football Focus pundit, has suggested that he was culled by the BBC because he is “65 and a white male”.
The former Liverpool defender’s retirement was announced at the end of last season after 30 years with the corporation, but in an interview he explained how he did not leave of his own volition. When asked by The Sunday Times why the BBC wanted him to go, he replied: “Well, I’m 65 and a white male, so you know…”
Lawrenson described himself in the interview as “anti-woke”. “In all my time at the BBC, nobody ever said you can’t say this or that, but the woke thing drives me bonkers,” he said. “The BBC is the national broadcaster and I get that, but they are frightened to death of upsetting anybody.”
He described a “very early woke” moment at the BBC in 1997 when he was co-commenting at Bradford City after the death of Princess Diana. “The editor of the programme said, ‘Any free-kicks around the penalty area tonight, please don’t mention the wall,” Lawrenson added.
He also criticised a culture where editors “probably in their mid-20s” would say “’Don’t say that’ and I am thinking, ‘I’ve been here for 20-odd years, I think I might know what to say and what not to say’.”
Prior to scaling down duties in recent years, Lawrenson was a regular co-commentator for England matches with John Motson. He covered six World Cups in total, but said the BBC’s head of football told him in March that he was no longer needed.
“It was just, ‘We are going on the road next season with Focus. We don’t think it is really something for you’. I haven’t watched the programme since to see if they have gone on the road.”
The BBC has previously discarded popular names in sports broadcasting as part of efforts to improve diversity. In 2020, Radio 5 Live presided over a strategic cull which led to Cornelius Lysaght, its voice of racing, to leave along with fellow staffer and host Jonathan Overend. Mark Pougatch – another respected anchor – was also told there was no regular work.
Lawrenson says current Football Focus host Alex Scott, whom he initially worked with, “was just thrown in… It’s a tough gig, because Dan [Walker] was so good. Some people just don’t want her to be any good, but she has gotten better and better.”ENDS
Personally I don’t know how anyone who has not played or managed male prem footy has the authority to talk or judge it – but that’s me – a whitee not far away from that chaps’ age..
Another case in the USA where “informants” for the DoJ /FBI seem to be quite conveniently placed to leverage a politically partisan action to attack non Democrats….
There is a pattern.
BREAKING: The DOJ has just admitted federal informants were employed in the Oathkeepers investigation and they can be called to testify at trial under the 6th Amendment
“Labour conference: Sir Keir Starmer backs net zero electricity to boost growth”
“Labour says it will work with business to more than quadruple offshore wind power, triple solar, and double onshore wind by the end of this decade, while backing nuclear, hydrogen, and tidal power.”
Efficiency rating for wind PA? – Roughly 35% used for calculations.
I never realised just how funny these clowns are.
Using both Solar and wind on my property, I can say first hand that please disregard these delusional people when they make their nonsensical pronouncements.
Delusional and thoroughgoing nasty crew running Labour by the look of it.
I’m not usually attracted to look at what the latest spats in the Labour Party are – but the Al Jazeera documentaryI linked earlier is I feel worth watching. What was striking to me was the involvement of individuals that get little / zero press / BBC coverage in some really deeply unpleasant (and fundamentally undemocratic, actually criminal) antics.
One expects some scrapping and sharp elbows in politics – but one has to look at the process and while Queensberry rules might not be adhered to there has to be some ground rules.
There will be manoeuvring / jockeying for position in all the political parties – but this – even for Labour is on a whole different level imho.
Telling flat out lies and using orchestrated waves of PR to drown out any effective challenge / criticism is what the BBC increasingly do – and this present Green Labour campaign has BBC paw prints all over it.
What the BBC seems less than keen to mention is the crew from Birmingham.
That mobs are orchestrated puts the Leicester disturbances in a different light to locals having a fracas – synchronising the arrival of participants from 50 miles / 1 hour away infers a level of planning that should worry us all…
1985 … Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
There’s an awful lot of very silly self-deluded people around – and as deluded as they may be – our Sunday papers are all too keen to tell us what they think.
Daily Star Sunday: Green eyed monster. Ghost I’m going to wed is so jealouse he hides my saucy underwear
The Observer: Starmer unveils green growth plan to counter Truss tax cuts
A woman planning to marry the ghost who seduced her says the only problem with her Victorian soldier lover is that he’s dead jealous – and nicks her pants (Star)
Keir Starmer today pledges to deliver a new era of economic growth and permanently lower energy bills by turning the UK into an independent green “superpower” before 2030 through massive expansion of wind and solar energy (Observer)
Daily Star thought for the day: The Phantom knicker nicker – having over time become, perforce, something of an amatuer tabloid headline connoisseur, I might have been tempted to go with something along the lines of – Knicker bonker scary – referencing both the horror fantasy and the undies. Then there’s The Knickerman (you’ll remember that movie set on a remote Scottish island with Christopher Lee and Edward Woodward)
The Observer – not venturing any obvious editorial thoughts or comment per se on their frontpage but instead quoting the Labour leader’s gas pipe dreams: he will double the amount of onshore wind, triple solar and more than quadruple offshore wind power, “reindustrialising” the country
Guardianista Will Hutton observes the phenomenom: ‘Fairytale economics’ Never in British public life has the gap between rhetoric and financial reality been so gaping – he refers here of course to the Tories’ plans – not those of Starmer.
We’ve come to understand that Sir Keir is the sort of bloke who reliably choses the wrong and indeed the losing side of every argument.
Brexit was an idea popular with the mass of working class voters. Sir Keir votes for the EU. Lockdowns soon became a damaging pointless excercise in throwing good political capital – and real tax payer money – after bad. Sir Keir repeatedly called for ever more Lockdown. As gender identity politics jumped the shark and even Tony Blair called for some common sense on woke issues, our Sir Keir can’t define a woman. As BLM went berzerk running amok on British streets complaining of supposed US police racism, Sir Keir took the knee. Now that misguided rainbows and unicorns energy policies have been exposed as a costly virtue signal Sir Keir doubles down on them. Sellotaping himself and his Labour Party to the green lobby just as it crashes out of fashion.
For good reason Mr AsISeeIt has likened Starmer to that character in the 1980s TV adverts for Volkswagen – This is the man who put a million on black and it came up red. This is the man who married a sex kitten, just as she turned into a cat. This is the man who moved into gold, just as the clever money moved out. (It was a different time – as they say)
Tin foil hat time?
We’re noticing a lot newspaper features that would please the regime’s nudge unit.
Despite what some might describe as an epidemic spike in all cause death rates the Sunday Mirror goes with: Footie legend’s fears. Harry: My Sandra’s covid hell. Wife was seriously ill after catching virus – we obviously wish her all the best. I’m sure the vaccine drive will benefit from this piece. And who knows how much good that will do our health?
That’ll be football legend Harry Rednapp by the way being co-opted into spreading the approved message – not the rainbow armband wearing Harry Kane – being co-opted into spreading the approved message.
Speaking of which – Sunday Times cartoonist Newman fires off a comedic blank, failing to ingite much of a smile with his anti-Putin sketch of some Donbas voter offered a ballot slip with the choice of a Yes to (re-join?) Russia or a coffin-shaped No. One recalls the Project Fear threats about voting Leave in our very own referendum were pretty dire.
Matt in the Telegraph we sense is in the game for laughs not loyal efforts to get on message. He draws a mini budget TV viewer exclaiming: <b>”Goodness knows if it will work, but the shock has cured my hiccups” – I think he gets that about right (to borrow a phrase dear to the hearts of our BBC)
One has no love for the Iranian Mullahs but if you don’t realise that some under-the-radar western forces are helping to stir this one up: Nazanin exclusive: The plight of Iran’s women (Sunday Times) – then I’ve a roulette game, a sex kitten and a guaranteed gilt-edged investment to sell you… Hey Mr Starmer…!
Sometimes, when I think poor old Blighty is going to Hell in a handcart, it does me good to take a look at how other countries are “progressing”. Blimey…
Have you seen the very odd story from Canada? The male woodwork teacher who has been arriving at school, not just in full drag, but also wearing an enormous pair of prosthetic breasts. I mean, these thruppenny bits are off the scale. Dolly Parton wouldn’t get a look in.
This geezer wouldn’t have lasted five minutes in my old school. He’d have been eaten alive. One trendy teacher got beaten up when he came in with an earring. Not nice, but…
As expected, the school in question has responded with the usual arse achingly dreary mantra, “We respect all races, genders, life-style choices…blah…blah…blah…” We could all write this guff…
I was listening to Toby Young (a chap I usually agree with) discussing this pervert the other day and he kept referring to this ghastly teacher as “she”. No! FFS, it’s a geezer in a frock. Never use their language, if we do we’re playing their game.
If I donned a white coat and hung a stethoscope around my neck it wouldn’t make me a doctor.
Hanging a pair of massive fake tits around your neck doesn’t make a bloke a woman…
Bottomline if you are in a panic about CO2 right now you have to be careful about solar and wind.
Labour’s plan involves vastly INCREASING today’s CO2
in the hope of making it back in the future.
If you build a gas/nuclear/coal power station you might use 5 million tonnes of concrete and steel before you start generating.
but wind & solar are vastly more inefficient in land area needed for the same output
You are probably talking 100 million tonnes
So you’d end up using 20 times more materials, all of which has to be manufactured and therefore emits 20 times more CO2 .. *TODAY* before you start operation.
#2 BTW the government believes in Carbon Capture, that all the CO2 from a gas power station could be eventually captured at source. Making that economic is a Holy Grail so far.
But if they did the CO2 output of the gas plant would be much smaller than that of a windfarm, cos of the vastly smaller construction CO2.
#3 Tidal barrages use hundreds of times more concrete.
#4 Wave power sounds good to the naive, but the sea smashes up your machinery.
It’s 7 years to 2030
Labour might as well be saying we will all given flying cars by next month
The Tories original 2035 date is fantasy for a start.
The smart meter programme is a much smaller project and that is 10 years behind schedule.
Starmer was funded and parachuted into his role purely to parrot the global plans of the likes of Blair’s Institute (as set out by ‘multiple authors’) and other internationalist bodies.
Smoke and mirrors and corruption and claptrap.
‘But her main concern was that if her daughter had stayed in Hong Kong she would be “brainwashed”. Yowin says Hong Kong’s education system has changed drastically because children are now being taught the Chinese state-approved curriculum.’
She won’t be brainwashed here🙄
‘Government statistics suggest 140,000 Hongkongers have applied to live in the UK under a new visa route. ‘
‘Meanwhile, in Warrington, Matthew Tse has set up a property company to help Hongkongers buy homes. He says his team of Cantonese speakers is getting 20 to 30 new clients a day, and that on average each client is bringing £700,000 to the UK. Bidding wars have broken out, he says, with properties sometimes going £30,000-£40,000 above the asking price.’
Lovely government policy, getting ridiculous house prices to inflate some more..
“Hongkonger Heidi Simpson, who lives in Nottingham, has become a full-time YouTuber since moving to the UK last year with her fiance, Chris.
Heidi made a video about how difficult it was to make a GP appointment,”
I wonder why…
“But the BBC has found evidence that, occasionally, tensions from Hong Kong have surfaced in the UK.
Alan, not his real name, says he was attacked on a night out last autumn by a group of Chinese men after he shouted a pro-Hong Kong slogan at them.”
‘A British man released by Russia has said he was “treated worse than a dog” and kept in solitary confinement for five months.’
‘Mr Aslin said he was kept in a two-man cell with four people and had to sleep on a mat infested with lice.’
‘There was a window in the cell, but it had “nothing to protect us from the outside elements” he said, which led to it being cold in the winter.’
You weren’t there in the winter..
‘He said he was beaten for having a tattoo of a Ukrainian trident and for one showing his time in Syria.’
Maybe beaten for shelling civilians in the Donbass in the years before the current Russian invasion?
No mention of his HAPPY DAYS (+ rifle scope icon) tattoo.
Compare how he is being received by our political class + the right leaning media (The Sun, The Daily Mail etc) to that girl that went to Syria aged 15 – Shamima Begum.
He was directly involved in killing people while all she did was to join a group created in the ashes of British and NATO bombs in the middle east.
The BBC Radio Humberside newsroom is basically a Labour Party student common room
with slick Green PR people sitting in one corner handing out dream ideas, that the students lap up.
Starmer has not yet done his speech, but they are already amplifying it. that is PR not news.
8am News
“Our Dear Labour party is unveiling its plans to boost the economy by a huge investment in Green energy”
Translation : Labour intends to throw money away TODAY,
on energy that pays zero mining taxes,
and that up until today’s blip traditionally costs the grid at least 3 times more than gas.
So is locking the UK into unstable expensive energy.
Correspondent “Dear Starmer has announced that he will make the electricity grid carbon free by 2030
, 5 years earlier than the governments pledge”
..em there is no such thing as “carbon free” it’s a PR word
The grid will have fossil fuel made components in it’s construction for a very long time to come
The grid trucks and helicopters will also use fossil fuels.
“quadrupling offshore wind
tripling solar
doubling onshore wind (from nothing, to double nothing)
and expanding nuclear and tidal power
.. Green energy jobs to grow the economy”
(Green energy pays no mining taxes, so are not as good as fossil fuel jobs)
#2 “Meanwhile the developers for the planned Kingswood massive solar farm
say it will offset 12 thousand tonnes of green house gases per year”
(they mean CO2 .. the biggest green house is water vapour, it and methane has different masses to CO2)
Is that news ?? 12 thousand tonnes is the CO2 output of the electricity for 5,000 houses (2.6T each)
“They say it will power 13,000 homes”
It’s a PLAN ..why is this news .. just cos it’s green positive ?
The government’s creative accounting has got the UK annual CO2 footprint to about 400mT
ie a million tonnes is 0.25% so 10,000 Tonnes is 0.0025%”
That solar farm displaces 1/30,000 th of UK CO2
#3 ” Consultations on a plan to tackle Climate Change in the East Riding close today”
“Here’s a clip of the Climate manager”
Why is that news ? It’s of no use to anyone,
The East Riding is only 60K people
It’s just PR
#4 “In other news Saint Diana Johnson the Labour MP has said the government’s mini budget could have done more to help vulnerable people
Here’s a clip of her can hear more on our TV show”
#5 “Here’s a clip of Hull’s new female bishop
.. talking about the Rising Cost Of Living”
That’s not what the clip was about
That’s supposed to be local news
yet it failed to report a serious incident in Scunthorpe 11 hours earlier
where Police said one car had been in collision with a number of bystanders at the Scunthorpe Car Meet at the Flixborough Industrial Estate near the town.
A 17-year-old has been arrested on suspicion of causing serious injury by dangerous driving.
Four people were seriously injured and one was critical police added. It happened at about 9.10pm on Saturday evening
6 more have minor injuries.
After 14 hours the local paper reported it
followed by a BBC news page
Starmer, what can I say? Here we are in the biggest energy crises for years with prices skyrocketing and he starts to play to the nutcase green gallery.
Look at the Newman’s cartoon. We are living in George Orwells “1984”. It is here. The propaganda is everywhere including in childrens classrooms and childrens media.
Western politicians, western media, western curricula is producing a western public that sees Russia and its leaders with contempt and hatred, persuading them to support policies that could lead to a NATO – Russia war and nuclear conflict.
Some say WW3 has already begun – a proxy war in Ukraine + economic war. It seems Russia is trying to create an alternative to the “dollarised” global world order through an expansion of BRICS and BRICS economic infrastructure.
but The second comment
“It’s the opposite of ‘open door’.
It’s targeted immigration to fill gaps with skilled workers — precisely what I thought I was voting for when I voted Leave.
I’m all in favour”
Sometime it takes a while for a new PM to make their mark, and for people, myself included, to form an opinion of them. In this case I’ve learnt everything I need to know in five seconds flat.
This week OTY wants your feedback on Untold Legends: It tells the incredible story of one of the greatest Black athletes of the twentieth century: Ora Washington. We have the series producer in the studio to answer your comments and questions. Get in touch
Seems the woke England team and hyper woke manager are not doing so well . Which to me is a good omen for being on the plane back after the first round of the Arab World Cup in a couple of months ….
May the least woke team win …
Why isn’t the media reporting on the rest of Europe who are also facing higher energy costs ? Populations ‘over there’ are also worried and up in arms about how they too will pay their bills, so its not just a British problem. Italy looks like turning right which really will send shock waves around Brussels, but we’re not alone in having to deal with this.
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
Only part way into it …
by ‘eck … – you have to wonder what’s behind it all….
I’m not a Corbyn fan.
There’s telling it often enough.
There’s BBC telling it often enough.
And then, there’s BBC Politics telling it often enough.
Luckily, Labour has the BBC.
MM Are you aware that you have already posted this on page 1 of this thread?
Clearly BBC political staff know stuff even Labour does not.
Thick as mince.
Yes – holding the traditional thuggish John Prescott position . He still alive ?
Headline news .
Calamity for Labour as roof falls in onto a BBC Any Questions audience .
Many Labour voters were lost today as a roof fell in over them .
An emergency services spokesman said that after a fatuous cliched comment from Andy Burnham , the kidult audience clapped , whooped and hollered weakening the support structure which gave way . There was only one surviving Labour voter . He’s being treated for shock, not over the roof calamity but because he heard someone say they’re going to vote Tory .
A Labour spokesthing said that they were upset because even the imported votes from the bogus asylum seekers cannot make up for the quality of the audience , made up of university lecturers, diversity co ordinators , equality managers and human rights lawyers .
A BBC spokesdragqueen said the most important people – themselves- had not been killed or injured and blamed Brexit for the horrific accident.
I’m still watching the documentary, wondering when the BBC get a name check – for they are almost certainly up to their necks in the skullduggery that is elaborated in the film.
I made it all the way through the repeat of Any Questions today. Isn’t that Andy Burnham a complete windbag? Andy Burnham in one ear and Neil Kinnock in the other must be a recipe for death by stereo!
It’s a requirement for Labour, Uppers!
Talk bollocks, and you get bollocks!
Not sure about the blokes though…
Scrobie, quite right. It used to be said in the 1960s that is how Liberal and Labour groups became more radicalised in a Communist/Marxist/extreme Socialist way. The mainstream political groups would be infiltrated by the ‘ists’ who would hold the floor with endless talk until late into the night. When people started to leave through tiredness or the necessity to rest before work the next day, the ‘ists’ would then propose motions to move the local group in a more radical direction.
3pm R4 News
#1 “The Resolution Foundation says that the Tories smell
and they can stick their tax cuts up their as$”
The America that the BBC tries to stop you seeing
‘My first thought as I came round was Oh God! What have I done?’: Man suing the NHS over trans surgery he bitterly regrets has bravely waived anonymity to share his ordeal
Ritchie Herron, 35, says life has been unbearable since surgery four years ago
His case first emerged after he shared experience on Twitter under pseudonym
He claims NHS failed to take mental health crisis into account before procedure
PUBLISHED: 22:11, 25 June 2022 | UPDATED: 17:16, 28 June 2022
and… he’s back!
BBC Radio 4
“I’m surprised you were allowed to watch Morecambe and Wise.”
“I’m surprised. We weren’t allowed to watch most things.”
Justin Webb tells Fi and Jane about seeing his estranged father on TV.
Thirty reactions in two hours.
Amazing, just learnt that the Duchess of Sussex, Megan Markle expects to be paid for her Royal walk-abouts ! The woman still has not learnt anything about what the Royals do or what is expected of them. Just now stay in America woman and attend to the growing of the children-and no they will not be known as HRH and do not expect the UK to apy for their security, pay for that yourself Duchess, you’re rich enough.
Buried in the Leeds and w Yorkshire bit if the BBC website is a brief report of the sentencing the the 3 Quyum brothers – Yorkshire born and bred for multiple child rape – sentences 13 to 40 years – now where is that death sentence …. And can it be shown on line ?
BBC editorial can often come across as ambitious.
There is one bloke there.
29 less than attended Starmer’s arrival.
Repetition for effect.
Going well so far.
Did they move the suitcase with £3 million cash out of the shot ?
Prince Charles given €3m in cash in bags by Qatari politician, according to report
This article is more than 2 months old
Money was passed immediately to one of the prince’s charities, says Clarence House
The story comes as Prince Charles has been in Kigali, Rwanda during the Commonwealth heads of government meeting.
The story comes as Prince Charles has been in Kigali, Rwanda during the Commonwealth heads of government meeting. Photograph: Jean Bizimana/Reuters
David Connett
Sat 25 Jun 2022 23.02
Uh huh.
Why would the journal of the Labour Party do a sycophantic piece about Rajan ?
surely they usually say he and the BBC are super pro Tory ..oh yeh they are lying about that
Here’s a starter for 10: who caused the Leicester riots?
BBC bans ‘Bame’ as report reveals ‘white nervousness’ when talking about race
‘Catch-all’ term is not fit for purpose, says broadcaster, with diversity report finding it can cause ‘serious insult’ to ethnic minorities
A BBC rallying banner can last a short time in reality.
Why are more people from BAME backgrounds dying from coronavirus?
Seems the issue has arisen more out of their perceived core.
Crossword clue, Amol Rojan, not a minor ar5ehole (4,5)
Major Anal.
How about him running ‘Diversity Focussed Secondary School Debating Society Non-Competitive Question and Answer Workshop with Equal Opportunities for Every Competitor and Everyone’s a Winner’?
Questions in three pages of foreign languages like my wife’s letter from the NHS for a simple appointment to have a simple eye-screening session.
Sounds rivetting to me…
4pm R2 News “Our dear leader Starmer is about to open the Labour Party conference here’s a clip of him condemning the evil Tories tax cuts”
OK this bit is true
The clip featured Starmer making clear bullet points
– “12 long years of Tory failure
.. cheers
– making the rich richer, doing NOTHING for working people …
– ”
“A fairer GREENER future”
then the crowd cheering
He should probs stick with Toenails, Laura and gang.
Er …. His dad worked in a factory and made sure son `kier got an easy job where you just got paid for standing up and using words your Honour .
He is exciting – he even had a curry night during covid lockdowns and got plod to look the other way – and the labour crime commissioner a new contract on more pay …. Course kier is exciting ….
He’s even more exiting when his new appointee, Andy ‘eyebrows’ Burnham gets his hands on the party expenses, and starts sending out leaflets and other twaddle.
Popcorn awaits!
Keir Starmer: It’s wrong to say ‘only women have a cervix’
Isn’t it weird how such a simple statement gets screwed up when they start taking the knee to sexual perversions and nut jobs ?
Meanwhile… as Femi, Mad Al’s agents negotiate QT…
( really hope the Italians see it before the election )
The BBC webshite is still running with the headline:
“Leicester: Why the violent unrest was surprising to many”
It was only “surprising” to the BBC and other Lefties who have been lying to themselves and to the public that immigration and diversity are an unmitigated blessing, and that all the little brown people will rub along just fine and dandy.
Trouble is, some of those cuddly brown people belong to an extremist, intolerant, supremacist cult dedicated to world domination, and the forced conversion, subjugation or extermination of all other religions.
Especially those religions that practise polytheism. “Shirk” is the worst sin in islam, deserving of execution in this life and terrible damnation in the next.
Friday BBC newsPR
item about BBC Lincolnshire’s Social Credit awards
then trailed BBC Humberside’s Social Credit awards next week
Boston: arson closes children’s play area
Sycophantic interview with the retiring Archbishop of York
ends “viewer comments about fracking are split 50/50”
Ukraine referendums – Putin has been taking lessons from elections in Tower Hamlets.
And Biden describes them as a sham.
Lessons? BBC 101:
Sunday Scrum: Trudeau dodges ethics question 18 times during QP
In Wednesday’s Question Period, the opposition asked the prime minister how many times he met with Ethics and Conflict of Interest commissioners over his trip to the Aga Khan’s private island and never got a direct answer.
The Aga Khan affair was a political scandal in Canada involving Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In 2017, Trudeau was found guilty of violating sections 5,11,12, and 21[1] of the Federal Conflict of Interest Act[1] by accepting private-island vacations, gifts, and flights from the Aga Khan, a philanthropist and spiritual leader of the Shia Ismaili religion. This was deemed significant as the Aga Khan Foundation, a registered lobby, had received over $50 million of federal funding in 2016.[2][3][4]
Well at least we know 2 Canadian politicians bought by the WEF just from that clip . The kraut must have blackmail files ..
Must try harder next time Vlad I managed 82% in Tottenham
Bless his lonely little brain cell.
Did you realise that ‘Lonely Brain Cell’ has the initials ‘LBC’?
Always a …*click*… when he’s on!
I thought you did…;0)
Lammy on Mastermind.
His specialist subject was Cassius clay (8)- no politician should be advised to go on that show even knowing there will be a few general knowledge questions designed for them .
I don’t watch it anymore because it got infected with the woke virus and that coloured fella innit
What’s your favourite crisps ?
Name an island in the Caribbean
What’s Martin Luther kings’ 1st name ?
What are u sitting on?
My bottom
Do like a nifty acronym. Sorry Fed.
Blighty is a weird place when a Tory government has to tell plod to cut down on the diversity stuff and try a bit of crime fighting – if you know what that is .
I wonder if the often advertised NHS diversity managers might be coming to an end – they must add so much to patient care …
How could that stuff have happened under 12 years of blue labour rule ?
We hold the principles of equality and inclusion at the heart of everything we do and all that we stand for – the NHS is a universal service and we are committed to developing a leadership community which is representative of the groups that we serve.
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Department of Health and Social Care
2 April 2020
Last updated
9 April 2020 — See all updates
What a novel idea Plod fighting crime. This is typical of Police ‘work’ these days …. ‘Are you an officer or staff who is BAME, female, has a disability or who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or gender fluid then “Leading with Impact” is the course for you’.
Oh ! If that were it, but unfortunately that is the type of crap thrown at officers every day, all day (scores and scores of these distractions/courses) forgetting about compulsory e learning on diversity matters, which definitely does take preference over a bit of silly old criminal stuff.
The truth is that there are plenty of fit and able officers, many of whom have forgotten how to Police, because if they are not attending courses or completing e-learning they are organising them.
The staggering figure of front line on duty officers from one example is just one officer to every 10,000 of the county’s population, yet the number of officers in that force equates to about one to every 350 residents. It is a never ending ploy or you could call it a fraud (which is a criminal offence-whoops !) perpetuated by Police forces who claim to have not enough officers. When they get a new batch the exact same number drops off the front line to run yet more meaningless diversity/maternity/equality/stress/nail painting courses. One of the latest is a Stress Reducing Dog– I can’t recall it’s exact title, but it comes to visit officers who may have witnessed or dealt with(?) a stressful incident. Whilst the dog sniffs your crotch area you may pet it to reduce your inner tension (and sod Mr and Mrs Bloggs who are currently being burgled).
I’m afraid plod won’t take a blind bit of notice as many a Home Secretary has tried that old trick of suggesting a bit of Law and Order, Protecting people and property, Keeping the King’s peace etc.
The public virtue signalling between these two strong is.
At least concept of choice is grasped.
Were I to be gifted excess, giving it to some charity to blow on directors’ salaries would not be an option, any more than returning to the Exchequer to fund Growler’s air pods or a tranny op on the NHS.
Between the peace and love and unity shared by bbc analysts, and the sheer genius of this in a democracy, how can Labour fail?
Stermer never refers to the working class; he refers to working people, avoiding a commitment to any class.
Keith Vaz owns five homes
Keith Vaz, the Minister caught up in the Hinduja passports affair, owns at least five properties worth more than £1 million, it was revealed yesterday.
He has two houses in his Leicester constituency, two London flats and a large detached house on the outskirts of the capital.
Only a week ago, the Foreign Office Minister pulled out of buying a £1million Victorian house in Central London after making a £900,000 offer.
As far as I can see, the BBC aren’t covering the story of their beloved EU President “warning” Italy to ‘vote right’ (left) or else! …and how her threats have backfired spectacularly.
What is it about that Kraut woman -?loopy
Must have added a couple of % to the right vote …
Seems like the red Labour Party have started using the Irish Republican language for the 6 counties . Just Dumb .
The far-left BBC are describing Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party as ‘Far-Right’.
So she’s another Hitler, presumably advocating another Holocaust; the extermination of Jews, Slavs and other Untermenschen; concentration camps and World Conquest?
Not exactly. Here’s the worst the BBC can find to throw at her. She says:
“Yes to the natural family
no to the LGBT lobby
yes to sexual identity
no to gender ideology
no to Islamist violence
yes to secure borders
no to massive migration.”
Oh, and she’s mildly Eurosceptic.
Wow, fascist or what?
This is the bit that’s got me beat. I look at the list and think “Yup, fair enough, I’ll sign up for that”. Then the bbc say “Ah but that would make you a fascist”. That is supposed to make me change my mind and say that I no longer agree with these things. I can say that I usually find black and brown people disagreeable, and the country would be better if most of them weren’t here. “Ah! you must be a racist”.
I have these views, you have these labels. Attaching them to me won’t alter what I believe and agree with.
What is wrong is that in a free democracy, I have to watch my mouth and pen to not let the views be known.
Luckily this is all made up and I think all minorities are wonderful and the whole world should move here and become transgender eco activists. Oh, and democrats.
Italy getting a government that puts Italians first.
The EU will deal with that by stopping money going their way.
“That was echoed by Commission head Ursula von der Leyen, who warned that Brussels had ‘tools’ to deal with errant member states.
She said: ‘My approach is that whatever democratic government is willing to work with us, we’re working together.’
As election day draws close, Italy has a huge amount of EU money on the line, awaiting nearly 200 billion euros in EU cash and loans as part of the country’s massive share of the bloc’s coronavirus recovery stimulus package.”
Sounds like blackmail, like they use against Poland, Hungary, and any other country that steps out of line.
“Nice little country you got here. Shame if it caught fire and went bust.”
Time for Italexit.
Among the thousands of charity bosses , pressure group leaders , professors of economics, activists and eco warriors going to the Labour Party Conference I hear there is also a worker , from the private sector .
Is that rumour true and does anyone know his name ?
Nibor. I could give you his name, only he identifies as a non-binary, trans- gender, He/She/Mine My/Yours etc thingymbob woman every 3rd Sunday and particularly on International day for Biological diversity…Sorry but it’s only fair.
Sometimes you just have to laugh.
Blankety Blank on BBC1.
6 ‘celebrities’ (I use the term loosely).
2 contestants.
And……TWO of them were female dwarfs.
What are the chances of that?
Same with Strictly come dancing, one dwarf, one fat lesbian etc.
Bedtime story.
Not seen on BBC. So I had to go to GB News to find this viewpoint.
Things could be about to change. Let’s be thankful that we have got the likes of Suella Braverman and GB News.
We can also count our blessings that with the departure of Boris the long line of woke pms has come to an end.
Am I being too optimistic when I say I think the tide is beginning to turn in the UK and across the West? Of course the woke lunatics won’t go without a fight so the pressure needs to be maintained.
If the Italians do the right thing this Sunday it will be a great day!
Do you really think that an organisation which has based its senior command on wokeness for maybe 2 decades – together with a woke home office – is going to change because a Home Sec who will be lucky to last a year – picks up the phone?
Plod won’t be able to handle the trouble that’s coming and the home sec will get the blame .
Any more on the dead shot coloured criminal ? Are we gonna see the video – ? Need a laugh .
Aaargh! As I wrote the above post I thought to meself “Fed ain’t gonna like all this optimism”.
Sure enough the cold water response came with a rush!
Come on Fed, can’t we have a tiny weeny bit of hope on this site.
Please, just for once? Please, please please.
“Channel migrants: More than 30,000 cross in small boats this year”
A good advertisement for the RNLI . The modern day slave traders ?
When will the Tory government act ?
But taff – they have acted. But not in our favour.
e.g. They have built a new enclosed gangway at Dover which can only be seen from the cliffs. This prevents the independent watchers from getting a clear estimation of the true numbers being unloaded.
Not to mention all the other shenanigans – too many to list – such as going to pick them up from close to the French coast.
A wet fart from The Thunderer
I have a book called ‘We Thundered Out – 200 years of The Times’. It’s a history of The Times newspaper, and makes many references to the wise words in ‘The Thunderer’ – the principal editorial comment column in the paper. ‘The Thunderer’ has a reputation, well deserved until now, for sane, reasonable, balanced comment. Alas, two hundred years’ of sanity have been reduced to ashes by a Thunderer of such mind boggling inanity that I checked that it wasn’t April 1st. What possessed the Times to allow this Susie Goldsbrough person to take over the hallowed Thunderer column I can’t imagine. Obviously a raving greenie lunatic, Susie has this to say about those of us who like a nice bacon sandwich or a juicy steak:
“Something needs to change. So long as the UK punches above its weight in the ring of soft power, we should be setting a better example. Red meat should not just be rare, it should be blacklisted. Not just because it’s so bad for the planet — so is air travel, so are children — but because it’s so easy to give up. Price is no object because beef and Iamb are expensive. Health is no excuse because the red stuff increases your risk of heart disease. We need to build a taboo around red meat, as we once did around smoking. Diners tucking happily into a rare steak should be treated with the same kind of cold outrage as a smoker lighting up next to a child. Fancy restaurants that don’t wean beef off the menu should be boycotted. Parents who insist on dishing up Sunday roasts must expect walkouts. When wealthier countries eventually started to treat smoking as a dirty habit, others followed. It’s time to sneer like you mean it.”
I used to take The Times seriously. But by allowing this sort of eco-fascist bilge to contaminate The Thunderer, they’ve made me doubt their editorial values. Might just cancel the subscription…
What is this soft power nonsense – I equate it with being an easy touch open borders and overseas tax money give aways . I missed the ending of that in the budget …
You have got to admit that it’s a very difficult decision for
the BBC to know whom to support when the Indian ladies
cricket team decide like their men have also done to
use Gamesmanship to win a cricket match.
You know what I mean. Different culture, Inclusiveness, diversity.
It’s just my opinion that , yes it’s allowed in the rules to
run out a player in this manner. BUT 99.9% of the time the bowler would give a warning. I would just say to the Indians that if
they want to win matches like that in Mumbai , then that’s their
BUT , sorry ladies you aint playing anymore at Lords the home
of cricket. Where the game is supposed to be played in the
spirit of the game.
Just as an appendage. The BRITISH broadcasting corporations
Ben Thompson has just said on the morning programme,
how BRAVE it was of the Indian ladies bowler to run out
the English batter using gamesmanship.
You can never say enough times what a perfect example
of the meaning of an oxymoron is than the BRITISH
broadcasting corporation.
BBC Footy wokeness from the DT
Mark Lawrenson, the long-serving former Football Focus pundit, has suggested that he was culled by the BBC because he is “65 and a white male”.
The former Liverpool defender’s retirement was announced at the end of last season after 30 years with the corporation, but in an interview he explained how he did not leave of his own volition. When asked by The Sunday Times why the BBC wanted him to go, he replied: “Well, I’m 65 and a white male, so you know…”
Lawrenson described himself in the interview as “anti-woke”. “In all my time at the BBC, nobody ever said you can’t say this or that, but the woke thing drives me bonkers,” he said. “The BBC is the national broadcaster and I get that, but they are frightened to death of upsetting anybody.”
He described a “very early woke” moment at the BBC in 1997 when he was co-commenting at Bradford City after the death of Princess Diana. “The editor of the programme said, ‘Any free-kicks around the penalty area tonight, please don’t mention the wall,” Lawrenson added.
He also criticised a culture where editors “probably in their mid-20s” would say “’Don’t say that’ and I am thinking, ‘I’ve been here for 20-odd years, I think I might know what to say and what not to say’.”
Prior to scaling down duties in recent years, Lawrenson was a regular co-commentator for England matches with John Motson. He covered six World Cups in total, but said the BBC’s head of football told him in March that he was no longer needed.
“It was just, ‘We are going on the road next season with Focus. We don’t think it is really something for you’. I haven’t watched the programme since to see if they have gone on the road.”
The BBC has previously discarded popular names in sports broadcasting as part of efforts to improve diversity. In 2020, Radio 5 Live presided over a strategic cull which led to Cornelius Lysaght, its voice of racing, to leave along with fellow staffer and host Jonathan Overend. Mark Pougatch – another respected anchor – was also told there was no regular work.
Lawrenson says current Football Focus host Alex Scott, whom he initially worked with, “was just thrown in… It’s a tough gig, because Dan [Walker] was so good. Some people just don’t want her to be any good, but she has gotten better and better.”ENDS
Personally I don’t know how anyone who has not played or managed male prem footy has the authority to talk or judge it – but that’s me – a whitee not far away from that chaps’ age..
Another case in the USA where “informants” for the DoJ /FBI seem to be quite conveniently placed to leverage a politically partisan action to attack non Democrats….
There is a pattern.
Democrats using the stazi playbook – Feds totally political and compliant – for the pension -i guess …
“Labour conference: Sir Keir Starmer backs net zero electricity to boost growth”
“Labour says it will work with business to more than quadruple offshore wind power, triple solar, and double onshore wind by the end of this decade, while backing nuclear, hydrogen, and tidal power.”
Efficiency rating for wind PA? – Roughly 35% used for calculations.
I never realised just how funny these clowns are.
Using both Solar and wind on my property, I can say first hand that please disregard these delusional people when they make their nonsensical pronouncements.
It is probably one of the best days for wind.
Delusional and thoroughgoing nasty crew running Labour by the look of it.
I’m not usually attracted to look at what the latest spats in the Labour Party are – but the Al Jazeera documentary I linked earlier is I feel worth watching. What was striking to me was the involvement of individuals that get little / zero press / BBC coverage in some really deeply unpleasant (and fundamentally undemocratic, actually criminal) antics.
One expects some scrapping and sharp elbows in politics – but one has to look at the process and while Queensberry rules might not be adhered to there has to be some ground rules.
There will be manoeuvring / jockeying for position in all the political parties – but this – even for Labour is on a whole different level imho.
Telling flat out lies and using orchestrated waves of PR to drown out any effective challenge / criticism is what the BBC increasingly do – and this present Green Labour campaign has BBC paw prints all over it.
Words matter
I had to check – and that’s verbatim from the BBC web site at midday …
They’ll be talking about negative electricity soon and thinking that makes them sound tech savvy. What an utter shitshow.
The boss of Pfizer has Covid ….. again
You really think he takes (injected) his own companies medicine?
I have a bridge to sell.
Leicester: the police did issue a letter on Thursday
It doesn’t tell you much
“harmony in the community for 30 years.. blah blah”
but it’s good to get info direct from the source.
What the BBC seems less than keen to mention is the crew from Birmingham.
That mobs are orchestrated puts the Leicester disturbances in a different light to locals having a fracas – synchronising the arrival of participants from 50 miles / 1 hour away infers a level of planning that should worry us all…
1985 … Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Green eyed monster edition
There’s an awful lot of very silly self-deluded people around – and as deluded as they may be – our Sunday papers are all too keen to tell us what they think.
Daily Star Sunday: Green eyed monster. Ghost I’m going to wed is so jealouse he hides my saucy underwear
The Observer: Starmer unveils green growth plan to counter Truss tax cuts
A woman planning to marry the ghost who seduced her says the only problem with her Victorian soldier lover is that he’s dead jealous – and nicks her pants (Star)
Keir Starmer today pledges to deliver a new era of economic growth and permanently lower energy bills by turning the UK into an independent green “superpower” before 2030 through massive expansion of wind and solar energy (Observer)
Daily Star thought for the day: The Phantom knicker nicker – having over time become, perforce, something of an amatuer tabloid headline connoisseur, I might have been tempted to go with something along the lines of – Knicker bonker scary – referencing both the horror fantasy and the undies. Then there’s The Knickerman (you’ll remember that movie set on a remote Scottish island with Christopher Lee and Edward Woodward)
The Observer – not venturing any obvious editorial thoughts or comment per se on their frontpage but instead quoting the Labour leader’s gas pipe dreams: he will double the amount of onshore wind, triple solar and more than quadruple offshore wind power, “reindustrialising” the country
Guardianista Will Hutton observes the phenomenom: ‘Fairytale economics’ Never in British public life has the gap between rhetoric and financial reality been so gaping – he refers here of course to the Tories’ plans – not those of Starmer.
We’ve come to understand that Sir Keir is the sort of bloke who reliably choses the wrong and indeed the losing side of every argument.
Brexit was an idea popular with the mass of working class voters. Sir Keir votes for the EU. Lockdowns soon became a damaging pointless excercise in throwing good political capital – and real tax payer money – after bad. Sir Keir repeatedly called for ever more Lockdown. As gender identity politics jumped the shark and even Tony Blair called for some common sense on woke issues, our Sir Keir can’t define a woman. As BLM went berzerk running amok on British streets complaining of supposed US police racism, Sir Keir took the knee. Now that misguided rainbows and unicorns energy policies have been exposed as a costly virtue signal Sir Keir doubles down on them. Sellotaping himself and his Labour Party to the green lobby just as it crashes out of fashion.
For good reason Mr AsISeeIt has likened Starmer to that character in the 1980s TV adverts for Volkswagen – This is the man who put a million on black and it came up red. This is the man who married a sex kitten, just as she turned into a cat. This is the man who moved into gold, just as the clever money moved out. (It was a different time – as they say)
Tin foil hat time?
We’re noticing a lot newspaper features that would please the regime’s nudge unit.
Despite what some might describe as an epidemic spike in all cause death rates the Sunday Mirror goes with: Footie legend’s fears. Harry: My Sandra’s covid hell. Wife was seriously ill after catching virus – we obviously wish her all the best. I’m sure the vaccine drive will benefit from this piece. And who knows how much good that will do our health?
That’ll be football legend Harry Rednapp by the way being co-opted into spreading the approved message – not the rainbow armband wearing Harry Kane – being co-opted into spreading the approved message.
Speaking of which – Sunday Times cartoonist Newman fires off a comedic blank, failing to ingite much of a smile with his anti-Putin sketch of some Donbas voter offered a ballot slip with the choice of a Yes to (re-join?) Russia or a coffin-shaped No. One recalls the Project Fear threats about voting Leave in our very own referendum were pretty dire.
Matt in the Telegraph we sense is in the game for laughs not loyal efforts to get on message. He draws a mini budget TV viewer exclaiming: <b>”Goodness knows if it will work, but the shock has cured my hiccups” – I think he gets that about right (to borrow a phrase dear to the hearts of our BBC)
One has no love for the Iranian Mullahs but if you don’t realise that some under-the-radar western forces are helping to stir this one up: Nazanin exclusive: The plight of Iran’s women (Sunday Times) – then I’ve a roulette game, a sex kitten and a guaranteed gilt-edged investment to sell you… Hey Mr Starmer…!
What I’d like to see is a list of living politicians who prevent the building of nuclear reactors .
Obviously the liberals will be at the top – but there have been plenty over the last decades preventing energy independence .
Starmer has it wrong an the green crap . People just want reasonably prices power which is reliable …. And could care less how it is made ….
Sometimes, when I think poor old Blighty is going to Hell in a handcart, it does me good to take a look at how other countries are “progressing”. Blimey…
Have you seen the very odd story from Canada? The male woodwork teacher who has been arriving at school, not just in full drag, but also wearing an enormous pair of prosthetic breasts. I mean, these thruppenny bits are off the scale. Dolly Parton wouldn’t get a look in.
This geezer wouldn’t have lasted five minutes in my old school. He’d have been eaten alive. One trendy teacher got beaten up when he came in with an earring. Not nice, but…
As expected, the school in question has responded with the usual arse achingly dreary mantra, “We respect all races, genders, life-style choices…blah…blah…blah…” We could all write this guff…
I was listening to Toby Young (a chap I usually agree with) discussing this pervert the other day and he kept referring to this ghastly teacher as “she”. No! FFS, it’s a geezer in a frock. Never use their language, if we do we’re playing their game.
If I donned a white coat and hung a stethoscope around my neck it wouldn’t make me a doctor.
Hanging a pair of massive fake tits around your neck doesn’t make a bloke a woman…
Even Dick Emery wouldn’t have gone as far as that woodwork teacher…
There’s a credible argument this guy is a troll genius.
Already Trudeau has been dragged i… down.
Bottomline if you are in a panic about CO2 right now you have to be careful about solar and wind.
Labour’s plan involves vastly INCREASING today’s CO2
in the hope of making it back in the future.
If you build a gas/nuclear/coal power station you might use 5 million tonnes of concrete and steel before you start generating.
but wind & solar are vastly more inefficient in land area needed for the same output
You are probably talking 100 million tonnes
So you’d end up using 20 times more materials, all of which has to be manufactured and therefore emits 20 times more CO2 .. *TODAY* before you start operation.
#2 BTW the government believes in Carbon Capture, that all the CO2 from a gas power station could be eventually captured at source. Making that economic is a Holy Grail so far.
But if they did the CO2 output of the gas plant would be much smaller than that of a windfarm, cos of the vastly smaller construction CO2.
#3 Tidal barrages use hundreds of times more concrete.
#4 Wave power sounds good to the naive, but the sea smashes up your machinery.
It’s 7 years to 2030
Labour might as well be saying we will all given flying cars by next month
The Tories original 2035 date is fantasy for a start.
The smart meter programme is a much smaller project and that is 10 years behind schedule.
Starmer has decided to bandwagon the utter winner of Boris that is #NetZero.
Simply to garner the sycophantic approval of BBC pundits who would glue themselves to Growler’s printer if it didn’t use green ink.
We live in interesting times, as the Chinese can warn.
How it works….
Someone goes off piste. Graun starts pile on with the faithful. All six of them.
BBC picks up.
Opportunistic pols jump in; idiot pols panic.
Piste barrier reclosed.
Starmer was funded and parachuted into his role purely to parrot the global plans of the likes of Blair’s Institute (as set out by ‘multiple authors’) and other internationalist bodies.
Smoke and mirrors and corruption and claptrap.
‘Swapping Hong Kong for Crewe:
‘We won’t go back’ ‘
You’ll go back if I get made Prime Minister…
‘But her main concern was that if her daughter had stayed in Hong Kong she would be “brainwashed”. Yowin says Hong Kong’s education system has changed drastically because children are now being taught the Chinese state-approved curriculum.’
She won’t be brainwashed here🙄
‘Government statistics suggest 140,000 Hongkongers have applied to live in the UK under a new visa route. ‘
‘Meanwhile, in Warrington, Matthew Tse has set up a property company to help Hongkongers buy homes. He says his team of Cantonese speakers is getting 20 to 30 new clients a day, and that on average each client is bringing £700,000 to the UK. Bidding wars have broken out, he says, with properties sometimes going £30,000-£40,000 above the asking price.’
Lovely government policy, getting ridiculous house prices to inflate some more..
“Hongkonger Heidi Simpson, who lives in Nottingham, has become a full-time YouTuber since moving to the UK last year with her fiance, Chris.
Heidi made a video about how difficult it was to make a GP appointment,”
I wonder why…
“But the BBC has found evidence that, occasionally, tensions from Hong Kong have surfaced in the UK.
Alan, not his real name, says he was attacked on a night out last autumn by a group of Chinese men after he shouted a pro-Hong Kong slogan at them.”
Move them to Leicester..
Prisoner released by Russia ‘treated worse than a dog’
Nasty looking chav.
Who’d wear a gold nylon top?
‘A British man released by Russia has said he was “treated worse than a dog” and kept in solitary confinement for five months.’
‘Mr Aslin said he was kept in a two-man cell with four people and had to sleep on a mat infested with lice.’
‘There was a window in the cell, but it had “nothing to protect us from the outside elements” he said, which led to it being cold in the winter.’
You weren’t there in the winter..
‘He said he was beaten for having a tattoo of a Ukrainian trident and for one showing his time in Syria.’
Maybe beaten for shelling civilians in the Donbass in the years before the current Russian invasion?
No mention of his HAPPY DAYS (+ rifle scope icon) tattoo.
Compare how he is being received by our political class + the right leaning media (The Sun, The Daily Mail etc) to that girl that went to Syria aged 15 – Shamima Begum.
He was directly involved in killing people while all she did was to join a group created in the ashes of British and NATO bombs in the middle east.
” all she did was to join a group”
The BBC Radio Humberside newsroom is basically a Labour Party student common room
with slick Green PR people sitting in one corner handing out dream ideas, that the students lap up.
Starmer has not yet done his speech, but they are already amplifying it. that is PR not news.
8am News
“Our Dear Labour party is unveiling its plans to boost the economy by a huge investment in Green energy”
Translation : Labour intends to throw money away TODAY,
on energy that pays zero mining taxes,
and that up until today’s blip traditionally costs the grid at least 3 times more than gas.
So is locking the UK into unstable expensive energy.
Correspondent “Dear Starmer has announced that he will make the electricity grid carbon free by 2030
, 5 years earlier than the governments pledge”
..em there is no such thing as “carbon free” it’s a PR word
The grid will have fossil fuel made components in it’s construction for a very long time to come
The grid trucks and helicopters will also use fossil fuels.
“quadrupling offshore wind
tripling solar
doubling onshore wind (from nothing, to double nothing)
and expanding nuclear and tidal power
.. Green energy jobs to grow the economy”
(Green energy pays no mining taxes, so are not as good as fossil fuel jobs)
#2 “Meanwhile the developers for the planned Kingswood massive solar farm
say it will offset 12 thousand tonnes of green house gases per year”
(they mean CO2 .. the biggest green house is water vapour, it and methane has different masses to CO2)
Is that news ?? 12 thousand tonnes is the CO2 output of the electricity for 5,000 houses (2.6T each)
“They say it will power 13,000 homes”
It’s a PLAN ..why is this news .. just cos it’s green positive ?
The government’s creative accounting has got the UK annual CO2 footprint to about 400mT
ie a million tonnes is 0.25% so 10,000 Tonnes is 0.0025%”
That solar farm displaces 1/30,000 th of UK CO2
#3 ” Consultations on a plan to tackle Climate Change in the East Riding close today”
“Here’s a clip of the Climate manager”
Why is that news ? It’s of no use to anyone,
The East Riding is only 60K people
It’s just PR
#4 “In other news Saint Diana Johnson the Labour MP has said the government’s mini budget could have done more to help vulnerable people
Here’s a clip of her can hear more on our TV show”
#5 “Here’s a clip of Hull’s new female bishop
.. talking about the Rising Cost Of Living”
That’s not what the clip was about
That’s supposed to be local news
yet it failed to report a serious incident in Scunthorpe 11 hours earlier
where Police said one car had been in collision with a number of bystanders at the Scunthorpe Car Meet at the Flixborough Industrial Estate near the town.
A 17-year-old has been arrested on suspicion of causing serious injury by dangerous driving.
Four people were seriously injured and one was critical police added. It happened at about 9.10pm on Saturday evening
6 more have minor injuries.
After 14 hours the local paper reported it
followed by a BBC news page
Starmer, what can I say? Here we are in the biggest energy crises for years with prices skyrocketing and he starts to play to the nutcase green gallery.
The timing could not have worked worse for Labour. What is he on?
Times says Truss thinks MORE MIGRANTS is a magic solution
2025 is 27 months away
So Truss intends to bring in “broadband engineers” put em to work and send them home within 27 months
Can we vote to join Russia?
Look at the Newman’s cartoon. We are living in George Orwells “1984”. It is here. The propaganda is everywhere including in childrens classrooms and childrens media.
Western politicians, western media, western curricula is producing a western public that sees Russia and its leaders with contempt and hatred, persuading them to support policies that could lead to a NATO – Russia war and nuclear conflict.
Some say WW3 has already begun – a proxy war in Ukraine + economic war. It seems Russia is trying to create an alternative to the “dollarised” global world order through an expansion of BRICS and BRICS economic infrastructure.
Comments are dominated by hatey remainers
but The second comment
“It’s the opposite of ‘open door’.
It’s targeted immigration to fill gaps with skilled workers — precisely what I thought I was voting for when I voted Leave.
I’m all in favour”
Sometime it takes a while for a new PM to make their mark, and for people, myself included, to form an opinion of them. In this case I’ve learnt everything I need to know in five seconds flat.
My recent enthusiasm for the new government is over as of five minutes ago
I have only two things to say.
Firstly, Sorreeee, I got it wrong.
Secondly, TRUSS MUST GO!
Going well so far in the retelling.
Conference of the Party who will form the next Government opens with the national anthem.
We know Diane Abbot approves of the lyrics
Sunday bitterness
Seems the woke England team and hyper woke manager are not doing so well . Which to me is a good omen for being on the plane back after the first round of the Arab World Cup in a couple of months ….
May the least woke team win …
Why isn’t the media reporting on the rest of Europe who are also facing higher energy costs ? Populations ‘over there’ are also worried and up in arms about how they too will pay their bills, so its not just a British problem. Italy looks like turning right which really will send shock waves around Brussels, but we’re not alone in having to deal with this.
Thought I’d do- into GBNews see if Al Stewart was covering the Italian election – seems not – but what it was covering was – shambolic….