Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face.
“Truths turn into dogmas the instant that they are disputed. Thus every man who utters a doubt defines a religion. And the scepticism of our time does not really destroy the beliefs, rather it creates them; gives them their limits and their plain and defiant shape. We who are Liberals once held Liberalism lightly as a truism. Now it has been disputed, and we hold it fiercely as a faith. We who believe in patriotism once thought patriotism to be reasonable, and thought little more about it. Now we know it to be unreasonable, and know it to be right. We who are Christians never knew the great philosophic common sense which inheres in that mystery until the anti-Christian writers pointed it out to us. The great march of mental destruction will go on. Everything will be denied. Everything will become a creed. It is a reasonable position to deny the stones in the street; it will be a religious dogma to assert them. It is a rational thesis that we are all in a dream; it will be a mystical sanity to say that we are all awake. Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. We shall fight for visible prodigies as if they were invisible. We shall look on the impossible grass and the skies with a strange courage. We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed.”
Early days and been here before, but already impressed.
For clarity, oratory, and public appeal set her against any of that shambles in the HoP, or around the world frankly.
Have to see what happens once the weasels get to work, as The BBC tried and failed already.
They did after all help do for Trump.
But she is a class above.
And so far, what I hear her say at least makes the efforts to tar her ambitions by the usual suspects laughable. People do have their own eyes and ears and online abilities, so MSM control via #tellitoftenenough is now limited.
‘The ‘far right’ efforts of The BBC were juvenile and likely backfired outside of Femi’s underpants.
Imagine negotiations between her, Von Ursula, Fick Ange, Heels Up and Truss on a level playing field based on representing the people.
Press seems to think the Bank of England will increase interest rates . I don’t think the chairman has any courage – as demonstrated by his failure to even start controlling runaway inflation . …
Will just mean future pain . The next planned rate announcement isn’t until 3 November ….then 15 December …
The Bank of England are scared of people defaulting on their mortgages so have kept interest ridiculously low for over a decade.
Meanwhile the public will freeze or starve instead but the BoE cannot see beyond mortgages. Their obsession with low interest rates is like the BBCs obsession with black people. It makes no sense whatsoever.
There is a four part 11am Radio4 series
by an Environmental economist falsely labelling himself an Environmental researcher
He spurts factoids
and after last week’s episode a Green Activist PR account tweeted this.
Friday's episode of @BBCRadio4#NetZero by @mattwinning covered Road Transport, one of the biggest sources of CO2. Did you know each car in London costs the NHS £8000/year? Listen: it's intersting, and makes clear we need to shift our transport habits.
— Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel (@CoHSATOxon) September 26, 2022
Do you think “each car in London costs the NHS £8000/year?” really ?
Audio “Cars and vans are responsible for 10,000 early deaths *each year* in the UK.
Every car in London sets the NHS back about £8,000 in health costs.”
The prog was FakeNews cos it rushed from a sentence which talks about “each year”
into the next sentence which comes from a LIFETIME cost, published in a PR report,
which the prog also scaled up from £7,714″
(I’d take such activist numbers with a pinch of salt)
Furthermore 10,000 early deaths is a BS PR metric
Are they by 1 second or by 50 years ?
This is a good example where Greenpeace have used a figure ’40K deaths’, but the interviewee says it’s ’40K premature deaths’. But they don’t say that it’s lives cut short – i.e. pollution takes say 30 days off live expectancy.
Andrew Neil vs Greenpeace – Air Pollution (car crash interview)
Take a figure which shows shortened life expectancy (which is hard to determine because obesity etc), total these bits up (days) and convert it into a single person’s life (this is the bad maths bit) then use it in a term ’40K premature deaths’ and then remove the ‘premature’.
So you end up with driving your car to work is killing 40K people a year – think of the children’s lungs @2:18 . Won’t anyone think of the children!
There is a risk of muddying the waters
– The claim *Cars and vans* are responsible for10,000 early deaths each year*in the UK” is from that PR report
.. It’s immediately BS cos EVERY UK person who dies loses days from pollution not just 10,000
– 40,000 *Equivalent* deaths is different
it is more mainstream and is a calculation for ALL pollution, not just cars and vans.
And it is an artificial number made up by saying each of the 600K people who die in the UK have lost a few days to pollution
therefore that equates to 40,000 normal people dying at an early age.
It is sometimes written as “10,000 equivalent deaths per year in London alone”
Bottomline under the “show me the bodies” rule
You will not be able to show me 2 UK bodies/year where road pollution is written on the Death Certificate as the main cause of death.
The Dark Side of Congo’s Cobalt Rush
Cell phones and electric cars rely on the mineral, causing a boom in demand. Locals are hunting for this buried treasure—but are getting almost none of the profit.
By Nicolas Niarchos
May 24, 2021
R4 now : what happens when someone converts from one religion to another? ..
Ernie Rea is joined by a panel of three converts who’ve made that life changing decision.
– AbdulMaalik Tailor converted to Islam from Hinduism
– Dr Adeola Obadina converted to Christianity from Islam
– Akhandadhi Das had a Christian upbringing but is now a Vaishnava Hindu theologian”
Here is a tale of woe from someone not particularly ‘Green’ who I know who thought the way forward in an age of rising prices would be to lease an electric car.
He made quite a deal of getting this thing and how he was going to charge it from the solar panels on his roof, and how when the rest of us weren’t able to afford petrol he was going to be able to drive around for no cost.
It hasn’t worked out like that because these things take an enormous amount of power 7.5 KW for the charger which is required as the solar panels can’t provide sufficient power or might nor be working during the charge cycle.
The surveyor for the company fitting the charger turned up and gave it all the green light, and their engineers came along and duly fitted the charger. Then the car arrived and he thought everything was great until the electric company contacted him saying their surveyor was coming out to check the installation, and he was not happy at all.
Apparantly there is a legal duty for the charging installer to inform the electricity company about an installation BEFORE fitting it which they didn’t do, and it is also a legal requirement for a 25mm cable from the main cable in the road to the house when a 7.5KW charger is installed, his was apparantly 16mm which he should have been told about by the surveyor prior to the installation taking place.
The electric company surveyor said its a kind of scam, they don’t want customers to know in advance that their mains is going to have to be replaced because they might then change their minds and they will lose the work, so they wait until after the job is completed to inform the electric company.
The electric company will install the cable for free, but, and this is the part he is most hacked off about, they have to dig a trench to the property up a resin imprinted drive which he has just had installed at a cost close to £10K and he is beyond annoyed about this understandably.
So now it’s solicitors at dawn to sort out who should have the liability of the cost of reinstating the drive.
So a word of warning to anyone thinking of having one of these cars – be aware the mains to the property is almost certainly going to have to be replaced along with all the upheaval that is going to cause, and you probably aren’t going to be told anything about this until it’s too late.
I suggested that, but he hadn’t heard of one and could only go off what the electric company man had told him.
Either way the house is on a concrete raft which can’t be drilled into and the Drive continues into a path around the house where the cable would need to emerge and a new meter box fitted to an external wall instead of the current location in the kitchen, meaning new tails to the consumer unit.
Thoughtful – your currency pessimism last week was well placed ( and mine ) so we’ll done you …
… as for electric cars . As a londonistaner my car has to be off the road by October 2023 because the emir has decreed it .
So I looked the cost of a charging point on the drive of my mansion – costs were starting at £1200 to which kind of went ‘wtf’ and still need to go to we buy any old car …..
I like stories like the one you provided – those oh – so – good – ideas – which end in tears …
As part of my hyper cheap energy tarif I had to put in a smart meter – the bloke came to fit but found the conventional meter was mounted on a wooden board complete with old wood worm – the national grid have to fit a new meter …. Then a smart meter … I reckon 2024 – no cost to me ….which is nice ..
Avoid the smart meter fitting like the plague, as they are able to remotely disconnect you whenever they please, such as times of high electricity demand and not enough supply.
I read that an ev charger has to have its own consumer unit and smart meter because before long we will be paying fuel tax on the
electricity to charge a vehicle, as the country will be losing a huge amount of duty as petrol/diesel vehicles decline.
From April, but for some reason the BBC shoved it under my nose today:
Another masterpiece from yet another narcissitic Marianna clone ‘BBC Health Reporter’ Laura Foster.
She collected all her lateral flow tests because she ‘couldn’t bear the idea of putting them in the bin’. So she takes this small bag of plastic waste and spreads it out as wide as she can over as much floor space as she can so it looks like a huge amount.
Then she goes out to interview people and ask how the felt when putting the waste into the bin. First up are a Chinese girl and a non-English male, followed by another girl, then 2 more girls then another girl asking why they couldn’t have added a recycling symbol and informing us ‘it wouldn’t have been that hard to add it to the mould ? – probably not’.
Then another girl from Hull telling us how great it is that some people are ‘taking waste and making another product which can also be recycled’.
And that’s about the depth of it. I would put the intellectual level of the whole video at age 14.
I despair what the BBC has become. Half of their output is news by kidults for idiots.
All plastic is a hydrocarbon and can be safely recycled ie burnt into energy in a high temperature incineration plant.
– Dogmatic doomster greens are opposed to the UK having new incinerators or nuclear power.
So some of our waste plastic is shipped to be burnt in EU incinerators in Sweden etc.
Drag Race UK series 4’s first runway celebrates 100 years of the BBC
Hire Me host Snoochie Shy’s best career advice to find your dream job
The Rap Game UK’s Big Jest: ‘This is just the start’
Everything you need to know about Jason Derulo’s new talent show Project Icon
The Rap Game UK: What is a clash?
Red Rose: ‘We’re excited for the world to see Bolton’s beauty – and its dirt’
The Rap Game UK: What does it mean to be a British rapper?
Meet the cast of BBC Three’s new thriller Red Rose
DJ Target: ‘The Rap Game UK is something we can watch – it holds the integrity of the culture’
The Drop: ‘Streetwear fashion will be more gender-fluid in the future’
Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens
After a starry-eyed look at her future, Nora trains a new CBD store employee. Grandma’s newly diagnosed perfect bill of health leads to a face-off and Daniel catches Nora by surprise.
Few realize that the majority of renewable energy the EU counts toward its legislated targets is from burning wood, which, per unit energy, emits more carbon pollution at the smokestack than burning coal. Simply put, burning wood is undermining the EU’s climate and nature restoration goals set out in its Biodiversity Strategy. And this must stop now.
Months ago, I wondered why LFTs came with a little plastic bag.
A retired doctor friend told me it was because the ‘waste’ from the test I.E the indicator strip, the mouth swab, the solution etc, should be treated as clinical waste. The plastic bag was to bag it up and put it into the normal refuse, which for us is incinerated, as is all clinical waste.
Thus the thick, stupid BBC, pedalling a recycling theme, are truly drongos of the highest order.
I assume others on here have sussed the BBC lynching party getting going over the pound stock exchange values.
I fail to see how the fairly small changes made by Kwasi could result in the global shockwaves we are seeing.
I rather think the Globalist are trying to give the Tories a kicking and all down to that old chestnut Brexit.
Of course the BBC are all delighted that this coincides with the Labour love-fest at their conference, handing their mouthpieces stock valueless ammunition in their holier than thou speeches.
Labour seem to have two ideas.
1. Go green as much and quickly as possible. (Get greeny and yoof votes).
2. Go nationalised as much and quickly as possible.(Get union votes).
Now that really is a recipe for the collapse of the UK economy.
I fully expect the global knee-jerk to reverse over the next week or two, profits are profits after all!, after which the BBC will quietly drop the subject and have to find another bogeyman in their eternal left-wing quest to oust the Tories.
I believe, in my opinion, that we have looked for greatness in the mundane. Trying to make everyone winners, means we all lose. Irony in the most profound sense.
Lets take a quick look at who is empowered in the world … this list is not exhaustive, but gives you a good indication of what the World’s political landscape looks like …
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men.
Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe since 1987) farts at summit (has also been found sleeping in Parliament, he was 89 years at the time, still holding onto power at 93)
Krystyna Pawlowicz, a Polish MP from the ruling Eurosceptic PiS party, has written a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), accusing him of “alcohol dependency” … Juncker apparently took a nap in the Vatican during the celebration of the EU’s 60th anniversary
Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary – UK Security) not read a major report (Harris Report) on London Attacks. Won her seat with 75% in GE2017.
Now go and read or watch some of these people …
Douglas Murray, Thomas Sowell, Andrew Breitbart, Carl Sagan, Thomas Paine, Christopher Hitchens, George Orwell, Mark Steyn, Trey Gowdy.
“We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men. (link opens video)“
Sometimes Aaron sorkin was on it – but the character – I think admitted being stone when he did the painful soliloquy… years before Biden Obama stole a US election and opened the US border … I’m thinking of going ..
39 yrs ago 38 political prisoners escaped from the ‘most secure prison in Europe.’My thoughts today are with those who lost their lives on active service in the conflict and those who died of natural causes in the years since.
“There is a lot to be worried about, as for Meloni to respond to her electorate she will maintain her promises on things that will hit the weakest communities hard, such as immigrants,” said Paolo Branchesi, an activist for Refugees Welcome.
Major lending institutions are announcing they are suspending new mortgages because the interest rate is rising so fast i.e. rates to them from other lenders, this affects Halifax Skipton and Virgin money who have all withdrawn products for the forseeable future.
I cannot remember a time when this has ever happened before in my lifetime.
A pretty stunning acheivement by Truss and Kwarteng to wreck the UK economy in just 14 days !
Just finished the book -the big short – as good as the Film – and even more painful .
It explains the danger of making assumptions – such as the assumption that the people running stuff and getting the big bucks know what the hell is going on and what they are doing ….
I wonder if the Bank of England will make the end of tomorrow / the week – without a panic raise in interest rates …
What you probably didn’t read in that book is if you have two rooms one filled with monkeys, and the other with economists, and you present them with the same economic problem, the monkeys will get it right more often than the econmists.
There are a number of theories as to why this happens mostly psychological, but also because economists are the usual academics who can’t stand someone getting it right when they all get it wrong, so people tend to keep their heads down and go with the crowd.
The MPC has got this wrong on every single occasion this year and there is no reason to think they might get it right this time around.
If I recall the last MPC decision – to raise by 0.5% against market expectation of 0.75% – like other big countries – was supported by 6 out of 9 on the committee .
I know I shouldn’t say or think it – but they deserve to get fried in the Soros style . The characteristics of the committee suggest they are frail – fearful – and maybe thats not what is needed now .
Combine that with a dumb chancellor – no parliament for another 2 weeks – and it’s trouble . But maybe the fall in gas prices might save them.. .
What reserves are there ? Can the Bank be beaten again ?
Surely all the ingredients are there again ?
It’s not a game either – having to force rates up again and again … bond rates now at 4.5% ? Expectation of interest rates at 6% in 6 months … ?
Some must be praying that putin hits the button ….
I confess I was pretty worried when Kwasimodo was given the Chancellors job, as the track record of those in charge of the country of his parents, ain’t good. I’m far from being filled with confidence.
They have done their best to make the main picture feature what looks like a child of colour using dark shadow etc. to give them a cover if anyone raises the question, devious but obvious and despicable.
Why in heavens name would they do that?
“CSE reportedly went “unchecked” because of failures to investigate offenders and protect children amid fears probes into Asian men would “inflame racial tensions”.”
Maybe that’s why?
How many “Asian” men are employed at the BBC and what influence do they have on output?
They stink to high heaven, may they rest in hell for their willful reluctance to speak the truth!
This is total disregard for the actual abused Children.
We are seeing reported today stories of protests outside the Iranian embassy over the death of a young woman arrested by the religious police for wearing her Hijab too loosly.
These protests are taken by the media as what they appear to be, however that is not the case and it’s only fair readers should know about this.
A sizeable number in that crowd are bogus asylum seekers possibly from Iran attempting to enhance their claim by demonstrating outside the embassy who will inevitably film the demonstration.
If they can cause a scene and be arrested it is proof that they were present at the time and place further enhancing their claim.
Some protestors might well be genuine many however are not so just bear this in mind when watching reports from the scene.
GBnews show panels have to have crazy-lefties on
in order to comply with Ofcom balance Rules
I bet this BBC radio show
and the Climate Change channel on 79 EarthX TV
don’t bother with balance and Ofcom leave them alone
“Next week Green Influencers, FoE Events, The Humberline eco-summit”
Another observation here. In this particular Oath Keepers trial, there’s at least one FBI informant for every defendant. That’s basically the same ratio for Whitmer fednapping.
If course Labour has such lobby group buildings itself
Eg The Climate PR group Carbon Brief is based in a building jam packed with other Global Warming lobby groups
and to top it all some fashionable “Mental Health” mindbenders in the building… (look at their client list and contrast with the thinking espoused by their neighbours!)
“Free” Power Installations.
I noticed in some previous posts that Smart meter and uprated power installations for car chargers were “free”. They aren’t of course because we are all being charged more for our power via higher standing charges and unit prices.
The uprating doesn’t just end with installing someone’s new meters and tails. As more are installed, transformers need to be upsized, cables to those transformers upsized then the entire network.
In my rural village power is supplied via poles and small transformers (regular power outages) the whole lot will have to be binned. Cost? £Billions, all paid by us, not free.
It’s a big day for Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, who speaks at his party’s annual conference. Accusing the government of losing control of the economy, he’ll tell delegates Labour is now the party of “sound money” and “ready to fight the Tories on economic growth”. Last time around, Sir Keir was heckled. But criticism from the left of the party has so far been more muted. And, in claiming to have transformed Labour into a party in tune with most voters, Sir Keir will quote predecessor Sir Tony Blair in describing Labour as the “political wing of the British people”. The last Labour leader to win a Parliamentary majority, Sir Tony has more recently been out of favour in left-wing circles. A party spokesman says quoting him is an intentional move to show Labour is “back in the centre ground”.
If folk tire of your lies, look back in history and plagiarise.
Chris Mason is also ‘explaining’ about mortgages, and only in the U.K., just to give Sir Void some ammo.
Interesting reads on the BBC website and Guardian editorial re the Italian Election.
What they amount to is that Internationalism and modern liberalism is democratic but nationalism and Christianity is not democratic even when chosen in a national free and fair election.
In their view it is more democratic for the unelected EU Commissioners to select an unelected technocrat and impose them on a country as the PM than for the people of that country to elect a right of centre politician to the post.
In their view it is perfectly legitimate and democratic for the EU to threaten and impose sanctions against a country if its democratically elected government doesn’t toe the EU line.
In their view any attempt by a democratically elected government to put national laws above those of the EU is undemocratic.
For anyone who believes in the primacy of the nation state finding common ground with these people is impossible. Obviously if you are a BBC / Guardian person then anything which destroys the allegiance to the nation state is to be welcomed. Hence the re write iof our history, mass immigration, multiculturalism , Wokism, BLM , statue toppling , the suppression of News which doesn’t fit with the narrative etc etc .
The frontpage of our freebie ad sheet The Metro might as well be the Lagos Times, The Harlem Times or The Voice, for lack of white representation in evidence this morning.
In fashion and celebrity news: Be there or be square: Kanye at Burberry. Kanye joins stars at London fashion week
Get Out-ing: Daniel Kaluuya and Bridgerton’s Simone Ashley
Meanwhile in finance the Metro puns: The pound Kwartanks… Falling feeling: Chancellor Kwarteng saw pound plunge yesterday. – an uncomfortable looking chancellor is pictured on the front bench appearing to regret he hasn’t got a comfie dfs sofa to his name. The Metro photo editor went easy on him – the Daily Star stuck on a clown’s red nose. For a moment there one thought it was Comic Relief star Lenny Henry who had been accused of tanking Sterling.
Opportune “Quasi” punning like that in the Metro will certainly get you noticed by our BBC press pickers: Newspaper headlines: Bank ‘fails to calm market’ as ‘pound Kwar-tanks’ (BBC)
For top spot in their online press line up the Beeb go with the pink paper: Bank of England and Treasury fail to calm market nerves over UK finances (FT)
Just this once we find the FT feature Datawatch – which sadly specialises habitually in abstract survey feelings rather than facts – rather interesting: The US dollar has long played an outsized role in global markets but central banks do not hold the greenback to the extent they once did.
As for the FT‘s politics, the new Italian PM is of course greeted with the ‘far-right‘ slur (hyphenated) for the reason that the pro-EU FT fears she might cause: …friction with Brussels
As for the FT‘s take on US politics, never mind inflation, hyper immigration or the geriatric president – the current main Democrat distraction talking point is taken as gospel: Abortion rights ignite US mid term battle
The formerly patriotic Times finds an antidote to all that pomp and circumstance that seemed to go down so well with the British public recently – in frontpage motoring news: Don’t ban me, I’m in charge of coronation – this is Royal event coordinator the Duke of Norfolk who missed a red light while on the phone – we’ve all done it – to the delight of anti-monarchists. The Times has a hard-on for this story deeming it worthy of three columns by their crime correspondent David (I’ve got) Woode and a large colour frontpage money shot of the unfortunate Duke dressed like something out of Gilbert and Sullivan.
We might perhaps measure the Times’s politics by their categorisation of the new Italian PM as ‘hard-right‘ (hyphenated)
Just like a certain ailing national broadcaster, the Times newspaper has got it into its head that the only way to save the dead tree press is to bait their remaining core conservative middle aged audience and instead pander to a young readership that probably won’t ever exist.
Hence we get the features: What Gen Z got wrong about love and; Free fun. Must good times always cost money?
We know the Guardian wears its politics on its sleave – there’s no need to read the runes there – but note the moral and ethical panic over a conservative win: Concern over human rights after Italy vote (Guardian) – and of course the Leftist cause du jour: European leaders to monitor issues such as abortion as far-right parties sweep to power (Guardian) – but note also that it is the elite managerial group who harbour this concern.
Piggie eyes in the middle…?
Speaking of the wide political spectrum: Starmer: Labour is party of the centre (Guardian)
To international affairs – the Sun goes with: Love don’t Lviv here anymore… Rat dumps refugee – this is the sub-Jeremy Kyle show tale with the proxy war twist about a heavily tattooed Tony Garnett, 30, who dumped his partner (his kids’ mum) Lorna, 28, for nubile Ukrainian newcomer Sofia Karkadym, 22. Seems he’s now chucked her out after a row. Jilted Lorna of Bradford told pals: “I wouldn’t have him back in a million years” – watch out for tomorrow’s edition.
Don’t sweat the decline of marriage – opines Janan Ganesh in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper. Why indeed? Not when there’s a benefits system to pick up the pieces.
I have to admit I had to read that tweet by AOC several times and still can’t see any coherence . She’d be great fun for a real journalist to take apart over an hour – but I know it doesn’t matter because US mainstream media love her ….
RadioHumberside presenter keeps banging on
“We are talking about a poll that says three quarters of people would welcome ONSHORE wind if it will bring down their bills”
– They made it their #2 newsPR item
– They play a clip of the ex Labour MP Lelanie Onn sho is head of the windfarm PR body RenewableUK
now Sarah Sanderson reporter speaks to eindfarm man John of Res Energy in Ruthz East Yorkshire
It’s very impressive that the woman in question has taken on a second job. After all, it’s less than 12 months since the BBC were reporting on her ear infection:
Sounds like the BBC is already trying to work out who is going to be in the Labour Front Bench …their enthusiasm for all things Labour is unbounded – you can hear it . Off switch …methinks I really need to further limit BBC exposure …
When are the Far Far Right going to win another election ?
You know we on this site often winge about the use of the term ‘Far Right ‘and that the Far Left – like the BBC -never define it .
Well I think that clip of the new Italian PM earlier in this thread describes what the Far Left thinks the Far Right is ….. so I’m Far Right …
‘Some Conservatives have told the BBC they are worried the reaction could harm their party’s economic reputation.’
‘Some Conservative MPs have also expressed concern.’
‘The BBC’s political editor says one senior Conservative figure said they were “very concerned” – and particularly about the additional cost of government borrowing.’
‘So where on the spectrum did this MP think things might end up? “Nearer to the bad end of things,” they suggested.’
The whole article is full of statements like that. I just picked the first couple I came to. They are clearly putting a lot of effort into finding anything negative they can write.
It’s exactly the same as they did to Boris. Run headline after headline for the first couple of days when the story starts then switch to inferrence and vague inuendo to keep the story going and gradually build up negative public opinion.
Meanwhile Starmer gets a favourable article more like a party political broadcast. The giveaway in BBC articles are the ‘buts’. Not a single one in this article is used counter something positive about him.
The BBC’s mandate is to report the news without bias. Not run headlines day after day for their own political agenda. This is pure left-wing, socialist activism. It’s outrageous.
BBC ‘some’ MPs sound like itv’s man at the No.11 back entrance.
One Tory MP tells me this morning that Liz Truss only has “weeks” for markets to settle before backbenchers make a move. But first step would be demanding the sacking of the Chancellor, they say. MPs watching markets closely to see if this passes, otherwise there’ll be trouble.
Isn’t it strange that the BBC were crying tears of demand for Something To Be Done – on covid( Money tree) – then fuel prices. ( money tree )
So the government wrecks the government credit card and probably its’ immediate political future …
… but how it can cut taxes and increase borrowing just doesn’t work – and if the markets are any good – they will fry the Bank of England in the next few days – and we will suffer directly or indirectly for it .
Labour – return to your constituencies – and prepare for government – laugh out loud …
Netflix may offer better dramas, Disney+ may offer better children’s programmes and Sky may offer better sport. In one area, however, the BBC unquestionably still leads the world.
Pointless box-ticking.
At the age of 83, David Dimbleby recently made a new documentary series for the BBC. Beforehand, however, he was informed by a BBC employee that filming could not begin until he had completed a course on impartiality. “He was apologetic,” Mr Dimbleby told the Telegraph Magazine, “but said it’s the new rule.”
I love it. What a classic piece of BBC bureaucracy. David Dimbleby made his debut in broadcasting 72 years ago, at the age of 11. He presented the BBC’s coverage of general election nights for 40 years, Question Time for 25 years, and Panorama for eight years. He also presented TV debates, US presidential elections, Budget specials, and the result of the EU referendum. In short: no one at the BBC has more experience of covering major political events.
And yet, despite all this, some unidentified young jobsworth at the BBC apparently decided it was essential for Mr Dimbleby to undertake an introductory course on the meaning of impartiality – as if he were some gawping newbie, fresh out of Oxford. I would love to have been a fly on the wall at the BBC, just before they informed him.
“Are you sure we need to send this Dimbleby bloke on the course? I’ve just looked him up on wikipedia, and it sounds like he’s actually done quite a bit of politics before. Maybe he kind of knows this stuff already.”
“Sorry, but rules are rules. All our presenters are required to complete the new module on impartiality, and that’s that. No exceptions. This Dimbleby may not have got in any trouble during the first 72 years of his career, but without our invaluable training, he could easily slip up in the 73rd.”ENDS
I think they miss the point – the dimbleby clan would fail a bit course because they don’t – can’t even recognise bias ….or respect the views of the ‘unapproved’.
No company spends money unless it feels there is a very real risk of a situation actually happening. You should take this as a warning and make appropriate preparations to protect yourself.
The BBC just allowed Gary Neville to give a 10 minute
party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party
on the Breakfast Programme. With next to no
interference from the presenters !!
As the cloak of Totalitarianism/Communism silently and relentlessly drops over and stifles the people in the West, I recently reflected on the recent interview between Jordan Peterson and Piers Morgan and something Peterson said.
Peterson makes the point that within the Totalitarianism/Communist system, everybody lies to everybody else. An integral part of that system. They have to or suffer punishment. Governments lie to the people; husbands lie to wives. In fact everybody glibly lies to everybody else. A profound observation and one that must be at the forefront of everybody’s mind when dealing with anybody from the former Soviet Union up to present day. Peterson makes the point that under the ‘Woke’ regime, anybody who disagrees and/or takes a contrarian position is dismissed, including losing their job and/or other punishments. “Wokism” another symptom of the same problem.
I spent some time in the Baltic States in the early 90’s when Russian soldiers were still in occupation and now I have neighbours that originate from that area. Any conversation with them over any issue, they immediately and barefacedly lie.
The classic recently on the World stage? Putin amassing thousands of troops on the Ukraine border whilst denying any plan to invade. Next day or so…………… Examples all around.
So, lying as a necessity is being slowly forced on us by the growing mass of Communists holding positions of power, Toby Young/PayPal a recent example.
Vote Labour and be closer to Communism: it’s then one step away. You won’t feel a thing when you transition………..
Ordinary Menis the true story of Reserve Police Battalion 101 of the German Order Police, which was responsible for mass shootings as well as round-ups of Jewish people for deportation to Nazi death camps in Poland in 1942. Browning argues that most of the men of RPB 101 were not fanatical Nazis but, rather, ordinary middle-aged, working-class men who committed these atrocities out of a mixture of motives, including the group dynamics of conformity, deference to authority, role adaptation, and the altering of moral norms to justify their actions. Very quickly three groups emerged within the battalion: a core of eager killers, a plurality who carried out their duties reliably but without initiative, and a small minority who evaded participation in the acts of killing without diminishing the murderous efficiency of the battalion whatsoever.
But it is a sad inevitability that now any, even the least bad, with the strength and commitment to try and improve matters will have to sacrifice everything in the process. Integrity, for sure.
But the other aspect is one I could never see impacted; family.
I love them and care for them above all, and destroying them for a career destined in failure to little result is not an option.
There is always working for the BBC one supposes. Longer term. And the money is better. If even less integrity.
Party conferences. Don’t you just love them not? Vomit inducing sychophancy on the part of the BBC and MSM.
I just don’t know how anyone can take the Labour Party seriously, their party and their single brain cell ideas are frankly stupid and infantile. Any Party that can have the likes of Corbyn as a leader (previous of course)and Abbott and Lammy as front benchers must be unfit for anything. Their policies are basically one of taking money off people earning a living and pissing it away on pet people and projects
Funny how the pound crashes during the the Labour Party Conference gifting a fully open goal for Starmer and chums. Mind you I did wonder if would have happened during the Tory Party event.
India, the world’s second-largest country by population, has the highest number of people (732 million) without access to toilets, according to a new report. The report by WaterAid, titled Out Of Order:The State of the World’s Toilets 2017, further stated that 355 million women and girls lack access to a toilet.16 Nov 2017
Interesting. I didn’t see this report. Based on the numbers it would appear that men are at a greater disadvantage on the toilet availability front. Perhaps a new charity is needed to fund toilets for Indian men in order for them to reach equality.
In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of the free market. Notably, she says that “It is a moral crime to give money to support your own destroyers.” She also answers audience questions after the lecture.
Lucky that Gary Neville was available to talk about the game last night, and to be given the chance to share the BBC Breakfast stance on impartiality with only one brief shot of the popular hero’s party conference appearance.
But what’s this? A bit of joshing about political aims Gary? A bit of prompting from those impartial pros on the sofa and now Gary’s off on one in full ‘working man support mode’. How disgraceful it is that we suffer under such appalling government, and Rishi Sunak (bit personal here Gary. Hope you’re sure of your facts?) anyway Rishi’s milking the system with absurdly favourable interest rates, shock horror.
And what about your aspirations Gary? Surely the front benches beckon for such a powerful political intellect?
No, no, sorry. The hotel chain and TV work takes too much time. Sadly.
Those sofa pros might have asked how GN squares his venomous opinions on bankers’ bonuses with average Premier League incomes of £100k a week, but lets not go there. Fairy tales always have happy endings.
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
HERO … “How King Charles helped save British farmhouse cheese”
He is planning a low carbon coronation, for example.
I loved the Queen, but King Charles is an utter dick.
Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face.
“Truths turn into dogmas the instant that they are disputed. Thus every man who utters a doubt defines a religion. And the scepticism of our time does not really destroy the beliefs, rather it creates them; gives them their limits and their plain and defiant shape. We who are Liberals once held Liberalism lightly as a truism. Now it has been disputed, and we hold it fiercely as a faith. We who believe in patriotism once thought patriotism to be reasonable, and thought little more about it. Now we know it to be unreasonable, and know it to be right. We who are Christians never knew the great philosophic common sense which inheres in that mystery until the anti-Christian writers pointed it out to us. The great march of mental destruction will go on. Everything will be denied. Everything will become a creed. It is a reasonable position to deny the stones in the street; it will be a religious dogma to assert them. It is a rational thesis that we are all in a dream; it will be a mystical sanity to say that we are all awake. Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. We shall fight for visible prodigies as if they were invisible. We shall look on the impossible grass and the skies with a strange courage. We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed.”
You cannot imagine any so-called Conservative leader in this country making a speech anything like that since 1990.
Boris Johnson praises Peppa Pig in bizarre CBI speech
I wrote to my MP after that saying that BJ had lost the plot and had to go.
You’re welcome.
Early days and been here before, but already impressed.
For clarity, oratory, and public appeal set her against any of that shambles in the HoP, or around the world frankly.
Have to see what happens once the weasels get to work, as The BBC tried and failed already.
They did after all help do for Trump.
But she is a class above.
And so far, what I hear her say at least makes the efforts to tar her ambitions by the usual suspects laughable. People do have their own eyes and ears and online abilities, so MSM control via #tellitoftenenough is now limited.
‘The ‘far right’ efforts of The BBC were juvenile and likely backfired outside of Femi’s underpants.
Imagine negotiations between her, Von Ursula, Fick Ange, Heels Up and Truss on a level playing field based on representing the people.
Press seems to think the Bank of England will increase interest rates . I don’t think the chairman has any courage – as demonstrated by his failure to even start controlling runaway inflation . …
Will just mean future pain . The next planned rate announcement isn’t until 3 November ….then 15 December …
The Bank of England are scared of people defaulting on their mortgages so have kept interest ridiculously low for over a decade.
Meanwhile the public will freeze or starve instead but the BoE cannot see beyond mortgages. Their obsession with low interest rates is like the BBCs obsession with black people. It makes no sense whatsoever.
#2 BBC are basically a GreenDream PR agency
There is a four part 11am Radio4 series
by an Environmental economist falsely labelling himself an Environmental researcher
He spurts factoids
and after last week’s episode a Green Activist PR account tweeted this.
Do you think “each car in London costs the NHS £8000/year?” really ?
Audio “Cars and vans are responsible for 10,000 early deaths *each year* in the UK.
Every car in London sets the NHS back about £8,000 in health costs.”
The prog was FakeNews cos it rushed from a sentence which talks about “each year”
into the next sentence which comes from a LIFETIME cost, published in a PR report,
which the prog also scaled up from £7,714″
(I’d take such activist numbers with a pinch of salt)
Furthermore 10,000 early deaths is a BS PR metric
Are they by 1 second or by 50 years ?
This is a good example where Greenpeace have used a figure ’40K deaths’, but the interviewee says it’s ’40K premature deaths’. But they don’t say that it’s lives cut short – i.e. pollution takes say 30 days off live expectancy.
Andrew Neil vs Greenpeace – Air Pollution (car crash interview)
Take a figure which shows shortened life expectancy (which is hard to determine because obesity etc), total these bits up (days) and convert it into a single person’s life (this is the bad maths bit) then use it in a term ’40K premature deaths’ and then remove the ‘premature’.
So you end up with driving your car to work is killing 40K people a year – think of the children’s lungs @2:18 . Won’t anyone think of the children!
There is a risk of muddying the waters
– The claim *Cars and vans* are responsible for10,000 early deaths each year*in the UK” is from that PR report
.. It’s immediately BS cos EVERY UK person who dies loses days from pollution not just 10,000
– 40,000 *Equivalent* deaths is different
it is more mainstream and is a calculation for ALL pollution, not just cars and vans.
And it is an artificial number made up by saying each of the 600K people who die in the UK have lost a few days to pollution
therefore that equates to 40,000 normal people dying at an early age.
It is sometimes written as “10,000 equivalent deaths per year in London alone”
Bottomline under the “show me the bodies” rule
You will not be able to show me 2 UK bodies/year where road pollution is written on the Death Certificate as the main cause of death.
Living causes deaths!
Each Dinghy costs?
Each Diversity manager costs?
The Dark Side of Congo’s Cobalt Rush
Cell phones and electric cars rely on the mineral, causing a boom in demand. Locals are hunting for this buried treasure—but are getting almost none of the profit.
By Nicolas Niarchos
May 24, 2021
Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled, So They’re Piling Up in Landfills
Companies are searching for ways to deal with the tens of thousands of blades that have reached the end of their lives.
The second part is now FakeNews
The Hull factory claims to make turbine blades which are recycleable.
“Claims” is the operative word here.
claims – turn into lamp posts.
This happened in 2019
A cultural enricher from Afghanistan
Daily Mail
Commuter who stepped in to headbutt man ‘threatening to stab people’ on a packed train is revealed as an off-duty policeman
Just another day on the Central Line – I really miss it …
Trouble in Rhyl, why are CCTV images so poor ?
The worst images they can find -and likely weeks out of date
I bet half the BBC-brainwashed passengers sided with the terrorist.
R4 now : what happens when someone converts from one religion to another? ..
Ernie Rea is joined by a panel of three converts who’ve made that life changing decision.
– AbdulMaalik Tailor converted to Islam from Hinduism
– Dr Adeola Obadina converted to Christianity from Islam
– Akhandadhi Das had a Christian upbringing but is now a Vaishnava Hindu theologian”
What’s your point?
@Vlad I was just making you aware what the prog was about
I didn’t listen to it
Oh, ok.
Here is a tale of woe from someone not particularly ‘Green’ who I know who thought the way forward in an age of rising prices would be to lease an electric car.
He made quite a deal of getting this thing and how he was going to charge it from the solar panels on his roof, and how when the rest of us weren’t able to afford petrol he was going to be able to drive around for no cost.
It hasn’t worked out like that because these things take an enormous amount of power 7.5 KW for the charger which is required as the solar panels can’t provide sufficient power or might nor be working during the charge cycle.
The surveyor for the company fitting the charger turned up and gave it all the green light, and their engineers came along and duly fitted the charger. Then the car arrived and he thought everything was great until the electric company contacted him saying their surveyor was coming out to check the installation, and he was not happy at all.
Apparantly there is a legal duty for the charging installer to inform the electricity company about an installation BEFORE fitting it which they didn’t do, and it is also a legal requirement for a 25mm cable from the main cable in the road to the house when a 7.5KW charger is installed, his was apparantly 16mm which he should have been told about by the surveyor prior to the installation taking place.
The electric company surveyor said its a kind of scam, they don’t want customers to know in advance that their mains is going to have to be replaced because they might then change their minds and they will lose the work, so they wait until after the job is completed to inform the electric company.
The electric company will install the cable for free, but, and this is the part he is most hacked off about, they have to dig a trench to the property up a resin imprinted drive which he has just had installed at a cost close to £10K and he is beyond annoyed about this understandably.
So now it’s solicitors at dawn to sort out who should have the liability of the cost of reinstating the drive.
So a word of warning to anyone thinking of having one of these cars – be aware the mains to the property is almost certainly going to have to be replaced along with all the upheaval that is going to cause, and you probably aren’t going to be told anything about this until it’s too late.
Surely they could use a mole boring tool for a single cable, no need to did a trench
I suggested that, but he hadn’t heard of one and could only go off what the electric company man had told him.
Either way the house is on a concrete raft which can’t be drilled into and the Drive continues into a path around the house where the cable would need to emerge and a new meter box fitted to an external wall instead of the current location in the kitchen, meaning new tails to the consumer unit.
Thoughtful – your currency pessimism last week was well placed ( and mine ) so we’ll done you …
… as for electric cars . As a londonistaner my car has to be off the road by October 2023 because the emir has decreed it .
So I looked the cost of a charging point on the drive of my mansion – costs were starting at £1200 to which kind of went ‘wtf’ and still need to go to we buy any old car …..
I like stories like the one you provided – those oh – so – good – ideas – which end in tears …
As part of my hyper cheap energy tarif I had to put in a smart meter – the bloke came to fit but found the conventional meter was mounted on a wooden board complete with old wood worm – the national grid have to fit a new meter …. Then a smart meter … I reckon 2024 – no cost to me ….which is nice ..
Avoid the smart meter fitting like the plague, as they are able to remotely disconnect you whenever they please, such as times of high electricity demand and not enough supply.
I read that an ev charger has to have its own consumer unit and smart meter because before long we will be paying fuel tax on the
electricity to charge a vehicle, as the country will be losing a huge amount of duty as petrol/diesel vehicles decline.
Lateral flow tests: Should I recycle the plastic?
From April, but for some reason the BBC shoved it under my nose today:
Another masterpiece from yet another narcissitic Marianna clone ‘BBC Health Reporter’ Laura Foster.
She collected all her lateral flow tests because she ‘couldn’t bear the idea of putting them in the bin’. So she takes this small bag of plastic waste and spreads it out as wide as she can over as much floor space as she can so it looks like a huge amount.
Then she goes out to interview people and ask how the felt when putting the waste into the bin. First up are a Chinese girl and a non-English male, followed by another girl, then 2 more girls then another girl asking why they couldn’t have added a recycling symbol and informing us ‘it wouldn’t have been that hard to add it to the mould ? – probably not’.
Then another girl from Hull telling us how great it is that some people are ‘taking waste and making another product which can also be recycled’.
And that’s about the depth of it. I would put the intellectual level of the whole video at age 14.
I despair what the BBC has become. Half of their output is news by kidults for idiots.
All plastic is a hydrocarbon and can be safely recycled ie burnt into energy in a high temperature incineration plant.
– Dogmatic doomster greens are opposed to the UK having new incinerators or nuclear power.
So some of our waste plastic is shipped to be burnt in EU incinerators in Sweden etc.
Drag Race UK series 4’s first runway celebrates 100 years of the BBC
Hire Me host Snoochie Shy’s best career advice to find your dream job
The Rap Game UK’s Big Jest: ‘This is just the start’
Everything you need to know about Jason Derulo’s new talent show Project Icon
The Rap Game UK: What is a clash?
Red Rose: ‘We’re excited for the world to see Bolton’s beauty – and its dirt’
The Rap Game UK: What does it mean to be a British rapper?
Meet the cast of BBC Three’s new thriller Red Rose
DJ Target: ‘The Rap Game UK is something we can watch – it holds the integrity of the culture’
The Drop: ‘Streetwear fashion will be more gender-fluid in the future’
Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens
After a starry-eyed look at her future, Nora trains a new CBD store employee. Grandma’s newly diagnosed perfect bill of health leads to a face-off and Daniel catches Nora by surprise.
This is very much what Lord Reith had in mind, I am sure.
I’m so glad I dont pay the telly tax.
The EU must stop burning trees for renewable energy
The practice undermines the bloc’s climate and nature restoration goals, and it must stop now.
Few realize that the majority of renewable energy the EU counts toward its legislated targets is from burning wood, which, per unit energy, emits more carbon pollution at the smokestack than burning coal. Simply put, burning wood is undermining the EU’s climate and nature restoration goals set out in its Biodiversity Strategy. And this must stop now.
Months ago, I wondered why LFTs came with a little plastic bag.
A retired doctor friend told me it was because the ‘waste’ from the test I.E the indicator strip, the mouth swab, the solution etc, should be treated as clinical waste. The plastic bag was to bag it up and put it into the normal refuse, which for us is incinerated, as is all clinical waste.
Thus the thick, stupid BBC, pedalling a recycling theme, are truly drongos of the highest order.
I assume others on here have sussed the BBC lynching party getting going over the pound stock exchange values.
I fail to see how the fairly small changes made by Kwasi could result in the global shockwaves we are seeing.
I rather think the Globalist are trying to give the Tories a kicking and all down to that old chestnut Brexit.
Of course the BBC are all delighted that this coincides with the Labour love-fest at their conference, handing their mouthpieces stock valueless ammunition in their holier than thou speeches.
Labour seem to have two ideas.
1. Go green as much and quickly as possible. (Get greeny and yoof votes).
2. Go nationalised as much and quickly as possible.(Get union votes).
Now that really is a recipe for the collapse of the UK economy.
I fully expect the global knee-jerk to reverse over the next week or two, profits are profits after all!, after which the BBC will quietly drop the subject and have to find another bogeyman in their eternal left-wing quest to oust the Tories.
I believe, in my opinion, that we have looked for greatness in the mundane. Trying to make everyone winners, means we all lose. Irony in the most profound sense.
Lets take a quick look at who is empowered in the world … this list is not exhaustive, but gives you a good indication of what the World’s political landscape looks like …
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men.
Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe since 1987) farts at summit (has also been found sleeping in Parliament, he was 89 years at the time, still holding onto power at 93)
Krystyna Pawlowicz, a Polish MP from the ruling Eurosceptic PiS party, has written a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission), accusing him of “alcohol dependency” … Juncker apparently took a nap in the Vatican during the celebration of the EU’s 60th anniversary
Diane Abbott (Shadow Home Secretary – UK Security) not read a major report (Harris Report) on London Attacks. Won her seat with 75% in GE2017.
Now go and read or watch some of these people …
Douglas Murray, Thomas Sowell, Andrew Breitbart, Carl Sagan, Thomas Paine, Christopher Hitchens, George Orwell, Mark Steyn, Trey Gowdy.
“We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men. (link opens video)“
Sometimes Aaron sorkin was on it – but the character – I think admitted being stone when he did the painful soliloquy… years before Biden Obama stole a US election and opened the US border … I’m thinking of going ..
From BBC website
“Ms Meloni is widely expected to form Italy’s most right-wing government since World War Two.
That will alarm much of Europe as Italy is the EU’s third-biggest economy.”
There we have it. According to the BBC Right Wing Governments are incapable of being financially prudent, unlike Socialists!
I wasn’t aware that they also had the UK budget in the EU and Japan as both those currency have dropped markedly today.
No mention on the beeb though.
‘Euro reaches all time low against the Dollar’
Nope, it’s not a BBC headline.
Just a statement of fact that our impartial state broadcaster mysteriously seems not to have mentioned.
I wonder why that could possibly be?
Something tells me that the beeb are not patriotic, and never have been .
New bBc NI correspondent?
House journal sticks with msm ‘new form of democracy’.
Where the msm speaks for those who failed to vote the correct way.
Or… did they?
“There is a lot to be worried about, as for Meloni to respond to her electorate she will maintain her promises on things that will hit the weakest communities hard, such as immigrants,” said Paolo Branchesi, an activist for Refugees Welcome.
And the problem is?
Are the BBC outraged about this?
Pervy Joe, speaking of a female teacher in the audience: “We go back a long way; she was 12, I was 30…”
Like father like son, I guess.
The audience of teachers find it hilarious.
Well, of course they do, all those child groomers.
How can Sky Australia be so different to SKy UK ?
No relation: different ownership, different management.
More’s the pity.
But hey, Biden’s not the only one grooming kids in plain sight…
Major lending institutions are announcing they are suspending new mortgages because the interest rate is rising so fast i.e. rates to them from other lenders, this affects Halifax Skipton and Virgin money who have all withdrawn products for the forseeable future.
I cannot remember a time when this has ever happened before in my lifetime.
A pretty stunning acheivement by Truss and Kwarteng to wreck the UK economy in just 14 days !
I suspect that there are a lot of worried Tory MPs today ?
Next time, vote for UKIP & The Reform Party.
Thoughtful, Can I suggest they watch Margin Call ?
I think a more appropriate one might be the Great Crash with Al Jolson now.
Just finished the book -the big short – as good as the Film – and even more painful .
It explains the danger of making assumptions – such as the assumption that the people running stuff and getting the big bucks know what the hell is going on and what they are doing ….
I wonder if the Bank of England will make the end of tomorrow / the week – without a panic raise in interest rates …
What you probably didn’t read in that book is if you have two rooms one filled with monkeys, and the other with economists, and you present them with the same economic problem, the monkeys will get it right more often than the econmists.
There are a number of theories as to why this happens mostly psychological, but also because economists are the usual academics who can’t stand someone getting it right when they all get it wrong, so people tend to keep their heads down and go with the crowd.
The MPC has got this wrong on every single occasion this year and there is no reason to think they might get it right this time around.
If I recall the last MPC decision – to raise by 0.5% against market expectation of 0.75% – like other big countries – was supported by 6 out of 9 on the committee .
I know I shouldn’t say or think it – but they deserve to get fried in the Soros style . The characteristics of the committee suggest they are frail – fearful – and maybe thats not what is needed now .
Combine that with a dumb chancellor – no parliament for another 2 weeks – and it’s trouble . But maybe the fall in gas prices might save them.. .
What reserves are there ? Can the Bank be beaten again ?
Surely all the ingredients are there again ?
It’s not a game either – having to force rates up again and again … bond rates now at 4.5% ? Expectation of interest rates at 6% in 6 months … ?
Some must be praying that putin hits the button ….
I confess I was pretty worried when Kwasimodo was given the Chancellors job, as the track record of those in charge of the country of his parents, ain’t good. I’m far from being filled with confidence.
You listening, America?
The BBC run an article on the Telford child sex abuse case.
They have done their best to make the main picture feature what looks like a child of colour using dark shadow etc. to give them a cover if anyone raises the question, devious but obvious and despicable.
Why in heavens name would they do that?
“CSE reportedly went “unchecked” because of failures to investigate offenders and protect children amid fears probes into Asian men would “inflame racial tensions”.”
Maybe that’s why?
How many “Asian” men are employed at the BBC and what influence do they have on output?
They stink to high heaven, may they rest in hell for their willful reluctance to speak the truth!
This is total disregard for the actual abused Children.
Disgusting bending of the facts.
We are seeing reported today stories of protests outside the Iranian embassy over the death of a young woman arrested by the religious police for wearing her Hijab too loosly.
These protests are taken by the media as what they appear to be, however that is not the case and it’s only fair readers should know about this.
A sizeable number in that crowd are bogus asylum seekers possibly from Iran attempting to enhance their claim by demonstrating outside the embassy who will inevitably film the demonstration.
If they can cause a scene and be arrested it is proof that they were present at the time and place further enhancing their claim.
Some protestors might well be genuine many however are not so just bear this in mind when watching reports from the scene.
“Live news updates: Putin gives Russian passport to US whistleblower Edward Snowden”
To be quickly followed by call up papers to fight with the Russian Army in Ukraine !
Seems that the BBC are really having a hard on over the £s fall against US dollar but studiously avoid other currencies
Monday 9:07pm BBC Radio Humberside was carrying an apparently weekly eco activist show Eco Time
GBnews show panels have to have crazy-lefties on
in order to comply with Ofcom balance Rules
I bet this BBC radio show
and the Climate Change channel on 79 EarthX TV
don’t bother with balance and Ofcom leave them alone
“Next week Green Influencers, FoE Events, The Humberline eco-summit”
The bias is as comprehensive as it is putrid.
8pm Monday & 11am Tuesday R4 show about Tory Lobby groups based at 55 Tufton St
like the Taxpayers Alliance
If course Labour has such lobby group buildings itself
Eg The Climate PR group Carbon Brief is based in a building jam packed with other Global Warming lobby groups
The BBC’s deliberate misleading knows no limits for those there that wallow in it…
It’s actually beyond bias – and they deserve P45s and pensionectomies as a consequence.
As an aside –
Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit
European Climate Foundation (Green Parasite PR)
and to top it all some fashionable “Mental Health” mindbenders in the building… (look at their client list and contrast with the thinking espoused by their neighbours!)
How appropriate
At least they won’t need heat pumps.
Stewgreen – good spot on the address
ECIU and Carbon Pants – both in the same building as their sugar daddy European Climate Foundation.
“Free” Power Installations.
I noticed in some previous posts that Smart meter and uprated power installations for car chargers were “free”. They aren’t of course because we are all being charged more for our power via higher standing charges and unit prices.
The uprating doesn’t just end with installing someone’s new meters and tails. As more are installed, transformers need to be upsized, cables to those transformers upsized then the entire network.
In my rural village power is supplied via poles and small transformers (regular power outages) the whole lot will have to be binned. Cost? £Billions, all paid by us, not free.
Seems the millions being poured into “not for profit” PR parasite charity Smart Meter GB isn’t drying up.
I’m actually a bit disappointed they aren’t HQ’d at
And that is what the lying leftist liberal scum will call “far right”.
Remember when the bbc had Rosy on every ‘business’ slot with Goldberg with a rack of M&S biddyware?
He was guest speaker at a Graun Eco ra-ra and arrived in a 6 Series Hydrogen Beemer followed by a diesel bowser.
They know who says what they like.
Moaning Emole.
Starmer quoting Blair
Ah… yet to occur. But bbc already moist.
“ Starmer to quote Blair in pitch for power
It’s a big day for Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, who speaks at his party’s annual conference. Accusing the government of losing control of the economy, he’ll tell delegates Labour is now the party of “sound money” and “ready to fight the Tories on economic growth”. Last time around, Sir Keir was heckled. But criticism from the left of the party has so far been more muted. And, in claiming to have transformed Labour into a party in tune with most voters, Sir Keir will quote predecessor Sir Tony Blair in describing Labour as the “political wing of the British people”. The last Labour leader to win a Parliamentary majority, Sir Tony has more recently been out of favour in left-wing circles. A party spokesman says quoting him is an intentional move to show Labour is “back in the centre ground”.
If folk tire of your lies, look back in history and plagiarise.
Chris Mason is also ‘explaining’ about mortgages, and only in the U.K., just to give Sir Void some ammo.
Naga know?
I’d run it by Springster, but she has comments disabled too, ironically.
Interesting reads on the BBC website and Guardian editorial re the Italian Election.
What they amount to is that Internationalism and modern liberalism is democratic but nationalism and Christianity is not democratic even when chosen in a national free and fair election.
In their view it is more democratic for the unelected EU Commissioners to select an unelected technocrat and impose them on a country as the PM than for the people of that country to elect a right of centre politician to the post.
In their view it is perfectly legitimate and democratic for the EU to threaten and impose sanctions against a country if its democratically elected government doesn’t toe the EU line.
In their view any attempt by a democratically elected government to put national laws above those of the EU is undemocratic.
For anyone who believes in the primacy of the nation state finding common ground with these people is impossible. Obviously if you are a BBC / Guardian person then anything which destroys the allegiance to the nation state is to be welcomed. Hence the re write iof our history, mass immigration, multiculturalism , Wokism, BLM , statue toppling , the suppression of News which doesn’t fit with the narrative etc etc .
Just served an embarrassing suggested post on FB by Magic Gramps, claiming ‘we’ are back.
Ms. Meloni he is not.
Deranged he is.
Quasi-economic edition
The frontpage of our freebie ad sheet The Metro might as well be the Lagos Times, The Harlem Times or The Voice, for lack of white representation in evidence this morning.
In fashion and celebrity news: Be there or be square: Kanye at Burberry. Kanye joins stars at London fashion week
Get Out-ing: Daniel Kaluuya and Bridgerton’s Simone Ashley
Meanwhile in finance the Metro puns: The pound Kwartanks… Falling feeling: Chancellor Kwarteng saw pound plunge yesterday. – an uncomfortable looking chancellor is pictured on the front bench appearing to regret he hasn’t got a comfie dfs sofa to his name. The Metro photo editor went easy on him – the Daily Star stuck on a clown’s red nose. For a moment there one thought it was Comic Relief star Lenny Henry who had been accused of tanking Sterling.
Opportune “Quasi” punning like that in the Metro will certainly get you noticed by our BBC press pickers: Newspaper headlines: Bank ‘fails to calm market’ as ‘pound Kwar-tanks’ (BBC)
For top spot in their online press line up the Beeb go with the pink paper: Bank of England and Treasury fail to calm market nerves over UK finances (FT)
Just this once we find the FT feature Datawatch – which sadly specialises habitually in abstract survey feelings rather than facts – rather interesting: The US dollar has long played an outsized role in global markets but central banks do not hold the greenback to the extent they once did.
As for the FT‘s politics, the new Italian PM is of course greeted with the ‘far-right‘ slur (hyphenated) for the reason that the pro-EU FT fears she might cause: …friction with Brussels
As for the FT‘s take on US politics, never mind inflation, hyper immigration or the geriatric president – the current main Democrat distraction talking point is taken as gospel: Abortion rights ignite US mid term battle
The formerly patriotic Times finds an antidote to all that pomp and circumstance that seemed to go down so well with the British public recently – in frontpage motoring news: Don’t ban me, I’m in charge of coronation – this is Royal event coordinator the Duke of Norfolk who missed a red light while on the phone – we’ve all done it – to the delight of anti-monarchists. The Times has a hard-on for this story deeming it worthy of three columns by their crime correspondent David (I’ve got) Woode and a large colour frontpage money shot of the unfortunate Duke dressed like something out of Gilbert and Sullivan.
We might perhaps measure the Times’s politics by their categorisation of the new Italian PM as ‘hard-right‘ (hyphenated)
Just like a certain ailing national broadcaster, the Times newspaper has got it into its head that the only way to save the dead tree press is to bait their remaining core conservative middle aged audience and instead pander to a young readership that probably won’t ever exist.
Hence we get the features: What Gen Z got wrong about love and; Free fun. Must good times always cost money?
We know the Guardian wears its politics on its sleave – there’s no need to read the runes there – but note the moral and ethical panic over a conservative win: Concern over human rights after Italy vote (Guardian) – and of course the Leftist cause du jour: European leaders to monitor issues such as abortion as far-right parties sweep to power (Guardian) – but note also that it is the elite managerial group who harbour this concern.
Piggie eyes in the middle…?
Speaking of the wide political spectrum: Starmer: Labour is party of the centre (Guardian)
To international affairs – the Sun goes with: Love don’t Lviv here anymore… Rat dumps refugee – this is the sub-Jeremy Kyle show tale with the proxy war twist about a heavily tattooed Tony Garnett, 30, who dumped his partner (his kids’ mum) Lorna, 28, for nubile Ukrainian newcomer Sofia Karkadym, 22. Seems he’s now chucked her out after a row. Jilted Lorna of Bradford told pals: “I wouldn’t have him back in a million years” – watch out for tomorrow’s edition.
Don’t sweat the decline of marriage – opines Janan Ganesh in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper. Why indeed? Not when there’s a benefits system to pick up the pieces.
Think of what is currently in charge, propped up by the media, there.
Now think of what the media here are seeking to get in.
I have to admit I had to read that tweet by AOC several times and still can’t see any coherence . She’d be great fun for a real journalist to take apart over an hour – but I know it doesn’t matter because US mainstream media love her ….
One hour? More like 2 minutes.
She is making Dianne Abbot look like a genius.
If you like AOC then have a look at Elsa Kurt who does impersonations of Dem women the US media love.
Here is Elsa on AOC – completely incomprehensible
Omg lol er cheers
Why haven’t any more wet backs been flown to Martha’s binyard – couldn’t they hire Ryan air
She’s great. Tx for that.
Mini AOC still in Alcatraz for Kidz?
Love the bit about ‘solidarity with’, which I thought was ©️Every Single Labour MP, especially magic Gramps, who will stand shoulder to shoulder with a bollard, even if taking a knee.
RadioHumberside presenter keeps banging on
“We are talking about a poll that says three quarters of people would welcome ONSHORE wind if it will bring down their bills”
– They made it their #2 newsPR item
– They play a clip of the ex Labour MP Lelanie Onn sho is head of the windfarm PR body RenewableUK
now Sarah Sanderson reporter speaks to eindfarm man John of Res Energy in Ruthz East Yorkshire
.. PR people rig polls
I see no evidence that there is a new poll
It must be the same one BBC Shukman was pushing on Sept 9th
even then the poll was taken in May I think
So, recycling at least.
And #tellitoftenenough
Anyone told the bbc that them quoting ‘polls’ is like Fick Ange quoting ‘what the people want’ over a cheeky £75 red?
Intrigued by the job in question illustrated.
Seems the young lady with the frizz is fully occupied at every bank, supermarket and furniture store.
It’s very impressive that the woman in question has taken on a second job. After all, it’s less than 12 months since the BBC were reporting on her ear infection:
Sounds like the BBC is already trying to work out who is going to be in the Labour Front Bench …their enthusiasm for all things Labour is unbounded – you can hear it . Off switch …methinks I really need to further limit BBC exposure …
When are the Far Far Right going to win another election ?
You know we on this site often winge about the use of the term ‘Far Right ‘and that the Far Left – like the BBC -never define it .
Well I think that clip of the new Italian PM earlier in this thread describes what the Far Left thinks the Far Right is ….. so I’m Far Right …
Conservative MPs concerned at market reaction to tax cuts
‘Some Conservatives have told the BBC they are worried the reaction could harm their party’s economic reputation.’
‘Some Conservative MPs have also expressed concern.’
‘The BBC’s political editor says one senior Conservative figure said they were “very concerned” – and particularly about the additional cost of government borrowing.’
‘So where on the spectrum did this MP think things might end up? “Nearer to the bad end of things,” they suggested.’
The whole article is full of statements like that. I just picked the first couple I came to. They are clearly putting a lot of effort into finding anything negative they can write.
It’s exactly the same as they did to Boris. Run headline after headline for the first couple of days when the story starts then switch to inferrence and vague inuendo to keep the story going and gradually build up negative public opinion.
Meanwhile Starmer gets a favourable article more like a party political broadcast. The giveaway in BBC articles are the ‘buts’. Not a single one in this article is used counter something positive about him.
The BBC’s mandate is to report the news without bias. Not run headlines day after day for their own political agenda. This is pure left-wing, socialist activism. It’s outrageous.
BBC ‘some’ MPs sound like itv’s man at the No.11 back entrance.
Isn’t it strange that the BBC were crying tears of demand for Something To Be Done – on covid( Money tree) – then fuel prices. ( money tree )
So the government wrecks the government credit card and probably its’ immediate political future …
… but how it can cut taxes and increase borrowing just doesn’t work – and if the markets are any good – they will fry the Bank of England in the next few days – and we will suffer directly or indirectly for it .
Labour – return to your constituencies – and prepare for government – laugh out loud …
From the DT – about dimbleby£
Netflix may offer better dramas, Disney+ may offer better children’s programmes and Sky may offer better sport. In one area, however, the BBC unquestionably still leads the world.
Pointless box-ticking.
At the age of 83, David Dimbleby recently made a new documentary series for the BBC. Beforehand, however, he was informed by a BBC employee that filming could not begin until he had completed a course on impartiality. “He was apologetic,” Mr Dimbleby told the Telegraph Magazine, “but said it’s the new rule.”
I love it. What a classic piece of BBC bureaucracy. David Dimbleby made his debut in broadcasting 72 years ago, at the age of 11. He presented the BBC’s coverage of general election nights for 40 years, Question Time for 25 years, and Panorama for eight years. He also presented TV debates, US presidential elections, Budget specials, and the result of the EU referendum. In short: no one at the BBC has more experience of covering major political events.
And yet, despite all this, some unidentified young jobsworth at the BBC apparently decided it was essential for Mr Dimbleby to undertake an introductory course on the meaning of impartiality – as if he were some gawping newbie, fresh out of Oxford. I would love to have been a fly on the wall at the BBC, just before they informed him.
“Are you sure we need to send this Dimbleby bloke on the course? I’ve just looked him up on wikipedia, and it sounds like he’s actually done quite a bit of politics before. Maybe he kind of knows this stuff already.”
“Sorry, but rules are rules. All our presenters are required to complete the new module on impartiality, and that’s that. No exceptions. This Dimbleby may not have got in any trouble during the first 72 years of his career, but without our invaluable training, he could easily slip up in the 73rd.”ENDS
I think they miss the point – the dimbleby clan would fail a bit course because they don’t – can’t even recognise bias ….or respect the views of the ‘unapproved’.
Comming to a town near you sooner than you might want to think:
And in other news not reported by the usual corrupted MSM, Londons banks are preparing for power outages this Winter:
No company spends money unless it feels there is a very real risk of a situation actually happening. You should take this as a warning and make appropriate preparations to protect yourself.
Luckily, the #somuchguardian girlies share a box at the Labour bukkake session with the bbc.
And some women.
I wish I could after my prostrate cancer operation !!
Always thought they were a bunch of wankers.
WH Press Secretary (ex) :
A rat seems to be explaining its decision to jump ship
BBC likes rats, and exes (see above).
But only if singing from the same ‘will say’ hymn sheet.
So Jen unlikely to be now covered by Saz as she was in the Sopes and BS days with Katty and Lurch.
Seems happier at least. The wee gay lass of color is getting paler by the hour with each howler made to issue.
They need a female Surkeer as Press Sec. Zero integrity, no soul and utterly oblivious to reality.
The BBC just allowed Gary Neville to give a 10 minute
party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party
on the Breakfast Programme. With next to no
interference from the presenters !!
Wonder how so many labour mps managed to get to the conference considering their electronic tags, probation requirements and curfews.
Helicopters. Krankie had tracking sussed early on.
And Eco. Ask Mishal.
The bBC today seems to be running a few reports on people needing to get a 2nd job due to “cost of living” they keep going on about
Cost of living: ‘I felt I had no choice but to take a second job’
Then often talks about a job market, where they can’t fill vacancies – is this a message to help fill the job market??
More likely to justify Justo The Green scoring an extra £10k chairing a ‘debate’ at the Labour conference between Greta and Butty Boy.
As the cloak of Totalitarianism/Communism silently and relentlessly drops over and stifles the people in the West, I recently reflected on the recent interview between Jordan Peterson and Piers Morgan and something Peterson said.
Peterson makes the point that within the Totalitarianism/Communist system, everybody lies to everybody else. An integral part of that system. They have to or suffer punishment. Governments lie to the people; husbands lie to wives. In fact everybody glibly lies to everybody else. A profound observation and one that must be at the forefront of everybody’s mind when dealing with anybody from the former Soviet Union up to present day. Peterson makes the point that under the ‘Woke’ regime, anybody who disagrees and/or takes a contrarian position is dismissed, including losing their job and/or other punishments. “Wokism” another symptom of the same problem.
I spent some time in the Baltic States in the early 90’s when Russian soldiers were still in occupation and now I have neighbours that originate from that area. Any conversation with them over any issue, they immediately and barefacedly lie.
The classic recently on the World stage? Putin amassing thousands of troops on the Ukraine border whilst denying any plan to invade. Next day or so…………… Examples all around.
So, lying as a necessity is being slowly forced on us by the growing mass of Communists holding positions of power, Toby Young/PayPal a recent example.
Vote Labour and be closer to Communism: it’s then one step away. You won’t feel a thing when you transition………..
Ordinary Menis the true story of Reserve Police Battalion 101 of the German Order Police, which was responsible for mass shootings as well as round-ups of Jewish people for deportation to Nazi death camps in Poland in 1942. Browning argues that most of the men of RPB 101 were not fanatical Nazis but, rather, ordinary middle-aged, working-class men who committed these atrocities out of a mixture of motives, including the group dynamics of conformity, deference to authority, role adaptation, and the altering of moral norms to justify their actions. Very quickly three groups emerged within the battalion: a core of eager killers, a plurality who carried out their duties reliably but without initiative, and a small minority who evaded participation in the acts of killing without diminishing the murderous efficiency of the battalion whatsoever.
Vote Labour and be closer to Communism …… or Tory.
Politics; dirty business, always ends in failure.
I am concerned, and keen to do my part.
But it is a sad inevitability that now any, even the least bad, with the strength and commitment to try and improve matters will have to sacrifice everything in the process. Integrity, for sure.
But the other aspect is one I could never see impacted; family.
I love them and care for them above all, and destroying them for a career destined in failure to little result is not an option.
There is always working for the BBC one supposes. Longer term. And the money is better. If even less integrity.
Party conferences. Don’t you just love them not? Vomit inducing sychophancy on the part of the BBC and MSM.
I just don’t know how anyone can take the Labour Party seriously, their party and their single brain cell ideas are frankly stupid and infantile. Any Party that can have the likes of Corbyn as a leader (previous of course)and Abbott and Lammy as front benchers must be unfit for anything. Their policies are basically one of taking money off people earning a living and pissing it away on pet people and projects
Funny how the pound crashes during the the Labour Party Conference gifting a fully open goal for Starmer and chums. Mind you I did wonder if would have happened during the Tory Party event.
On matters ‘suggested for you’ on FB, I have been served one by the BBC.
Seems an ‘India man’ who has one some lottery dosh is fed up with requests for help.
No word if it is from Gary Lineker who has had to take several jobs to cope.
Or their space program. One of the two. Similar budgets.
India, the world’s second-largest country by population, has the highest number of people (732 million) without access to toilets, according to a new report. The report by WaterAid, titled Out Of Order:The State of the World’s Toilets 2017, further stated that 355 million women and girls lack access to a toilet.16 Nov 2017
Interesting. I didn’t see this report. Based on the numbers it would appear that men are at a greater disadvantage on the toilet availability front. Perhaps a new charity is needed to fund toilets for Indian men in order for them to reach equality.
I’d say this is as appropriate to the UK at present as it is to the USA under the dumbcluck poisonous, corrupt Biden regime.
In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of the free market. Notably, she says that “It is a moral crime to give money to support your own destroyers.” She also answers audience questions after the lecture.
Lucky that Gary Neville was available to talk about the game last night, and to be given the chance to share the BBC Breakfast stance on impartiality with only one brief shot of the popular hero’s party conference appearance.
But what’s this? A bit of joshing about political aims Gary? A bit of prompting from those impartial pros on the sofa and now Gary’s off on one in full ‘working man support mode’. How disgraceful it is that we suffer under such appalling government, and Rishi Sunak (bit personal here Gary. Hope you’re sure of your facts?) anyway Rishi’s milking the system with absurdly favourable interest rates, shock horror.
And what about your aspirations Gary? Surely the front benches beckon for such a powerful political intellect?
No, no, sorry. The hotel chain and TV work takes too much time. Sadly.
Those sofa pros might have asked how GN squares his venomous opinions on bankers’ bonuses with average Premier League incomes of £100k a week, but lets not go there. Fairy tales always have happy endings.
Covid-19: Joelinton an idiot for sharing haircut photo, barber says
30 January 2021