Why Labour cannot change a thing. They made this chaos.
WHY we cannot return illegal immigrants to the host country and why faux (gender) biology is being taught in schools as fact, why TRANS trumps families who are ridiculed for protecting children and why GREEN lobby holds favour in UK institutions. Its all down to Court rulings by the ECHR. Labour core doctrine.
They call it DIVERSITY and INCLUSION. But its a Communal goal of Marxism by another avenue. Key words like ‘Sustainablity’ are all political keys objectives.
We may be out of the EU but the BBC and its allies are still funded by The Open Society, which is a left wing institution funded by George Soros and wealthy globalists with the ‘one world vision’ of open abuse for all and the final solution (based on global socialist values). The BBC is linked to this perverted group of global socialists, which (sadly) is also backed by the UN in its ‘greening’ agenda. They fund the COPT Climate Change apocalypse the BBC claim is reality. We should all repent and die. They mean (small c) conservatives. The vast majority, the public, the UK voters. WE pay for all the NGO’s, Quangos’ and the BBC. But we get no vote on it.
And. Since Tony Blair, we are all 100% signed up to ECHR.
All UK Court judgements can be over ruled by the ECHR. So our government (those we elect) are bound by the ECHR. This is why we have to leave the ECHR, it is corrupt. This video explains why (its in French but has sub titles) and proves without doubt the dirty money of the THOUSANDS of UK NGOs (they are all QUANGO charities) that Tony Blair and Gordon Brown started and are funded partly funded by Gorge Soros and his Open Society movement. This is directly linked back to the EU and ECHR court judgements against us BRITS.
Video Proof is here (below). (with sub-titles mention The Open Society, an organisation linked to the BBC recruitment process). So BBC staff are all on the indoctrination ‘program’. They all follow the same EU socialist path based on ECHR rulings.
We have to fight Soros and global gang of corruption. They pervert justice. They pervert children in destroying the concept of family, the proof of biology, the insistence of ‘Wokism’, racial and religious censorship, Islamisation (inclusive as equal to * whatever * they choose to attack) is all based on the ECHR rulings that we (the public) are asked to accept. As the video shows. Its the same group of NGO”s and QUANGO’s started by Blair and his european socialists in charge.
I have signed the petition (below)to remove SOROS funded EU judges, Sign here (lawyers fighting the corruption in the EU and ECHR). Remember we may of left the EU but our politicians still have to comply with ECHR rulings. Soros and his friends are still in control, that includes the BBC and its links to the Marxists movement.
Matt Hancock tells all on new podcast: ‘I haven’t had casual sex with anybody. I fell in love with somebody’
Speaking on The Diary of a CEO podcast, former health secretary also asked about his weepy TV appearance over Covid vaccine
Danielle Sheridan,
28 February 2022 • 6:00am
Exclusive: Government scientist Neil Ferguson resigns after breaking lockdown rules to meet his married lover
Prof Ferguson allowed the woman to visit him at home during the lockdown while lecturing the public on the need for strict social distancing
“Darren Paul Jones is a British Labour politician serving as Chair of the House of Commons Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee since 2020. He also sits on the National Security Strategy Joint Committee and the Liaison Committee, which scrutinises the work of the Prime Minister”
I was wondering how he came by the knowledge that Truss and Kwarteng were given specific advice but then he is part of government himself, one of the uniparty so I suppose it makes sense.
One day the bbc slavish #willsay ‘News’ will haunt them.
Starmer will reportedly “echo” Blair in his conference speech. Yet this week Labour has dubbed Blair-era tax rates as immoral & irresponsible. Everything is for today’s headlines; Labour has no principles, no strategy, & no intellectual foundations. pic.twitter.com/O7UQl64btK
BBC is delighted with Starmer’s ‘Forensic’ questions e.g “Do you regret the number of Care Home Deaths. That’s not Forensic it’s dirty political word play to score points out of tragedy. Disgusting, but what else do we expect from Labour & BBC.
BBC is delighted with Starmer's 'Forensic' questions e.g "Do you regret the number of Care Home Deaths. That's not Forensic it's dirty political word play to score points out of tragedy. Disgusting, but what else do we expect from Labour & BBC.
Dear Winston Smith in the BBC Department of Truth paid under threat of prosecution,
Can you tell me why you have not repeatedly reported on BBC radio and TV news 24/7 regarding the COVID vaccines trials data and results and UK Government’s emergency powers during COVID.
Strangely the huge increase in population size over a very short period with third world arrivals – didn’t get a mention –
They do like ‘the aging population ‘ though – which the BBC would happily kill off to make way for ‘new arrivals ‘…..
My favourite is the medical mafia limiting the number of medical students to keep the pay up …. Fill their mouths with gold …or valueless pound notes …
( oh yeah – don’t forget to clap – privatise it )
Ps – a hilariously awful story of a lady in godmanchester ( Cambridge ) going into labour on Sunday who had to go to Leicester to find a maternity unit that was open – I think this story will be picked and be in the msm tomorrow – or maybe not .
nfected blood interim compensation payment update
On 17 August 2022, the Government announced interim payments of £100,000 for infected beneficiaries and bereaved partner beneficiaries currently registered with the Infected Blood Support Schemes.
We’re continuing to work closely with the Department of Health & Social Care to ensure that payments of £100,000 can be made as quickly as possible. Work is ongoing across Government departments to enable the interim compensation payments to be disregarded for benefit and taxation purposes. Appropriate legislation and guidance are to be implemented, as compensation payments are made independently of any Infected Blood Support Scheme payment.
It is intended to make these payments by the end of October 2022, subject to funding, taxation and benefit disregard legislation and guidance being in place.
We’ll be contacting all eligible beneficiaries in October to confirm their payment date and also provide more detail around taxation and benefits disregards. We’ll also update our website with further information as soon as this is available.
If you have not received a letter or email from us by 31 October 2022, contact us.
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Its not reported anywhere that the batch of blood, I remember well from newspapers of the time. The political establishment (Ken Clarke) denied that any blood was infected and it was just bad luck’ and the NHS should not be held liable.
Years later we found that the Blood was imported wholesale from the US without ANY NHS blood checks and was found to be highly contaminated with HIV. The NHS refused any claim of negligence, even though they were liable and through neglect at the time. No checks what-so-ever.
It was heart breaking along as this was the largest UK break out of HIV in children at the time, with many dying in later life before ANY compensation was offered or made. It has taken this long to get anything at all.
There was also the question of a cover up. Nobody is to be charged in the NHS. The BBC will not report how the blood was obtained and how it became infected. The fact it was HIV
was just never mentioned. Just ‘infected blood’ given to children who later died before compensation.
Remember this when we are asked to clap for the NHS.
The NHS does check for HIV now, as its possible to give blood in the UK with HIV with intent to kill another person.
It happens. It will happen again.
Steyn returned to GBNews and has challenged the BBC Matthew Sweet to appear on the channel over his attempts to get BBCOFCOM to remove him or the channel or both over covid vaccine deaths ….
More will follow I think …
Not about bias – but about the coming fear of mortgage interests rapidly going up and potentially leading to repossessions .
If I recall 75% of mortgages are fixed by 2,2 million fixes end next year meaning a huge jump in repayments .
Capital repayment interest is already being debated as ‘holidays ‘ to prevent repossessions … but I can’t see that as inflation pressures push ahead because rates were not put up bigly months ago .
Rupa Huq used a Labour fringe event to launch an astonishing racial tirade against Britain’s first black Chancellor of the Exchequer, accusing Kwasi Kwarteng of being “superficially” black:
“Superficially he is a black man… if you hear him on the Today Programme, you wouldn’t know he is black.”
Sorry, I’m utterly confused at this point. Has there been a General Election in Britain today and a combined Labour Party/BBC coalition has assumed power?
Their ‘Live Feed’ is nothing but gushing praise of the most ridiculous kind. Headlines such as:
‘I wanted substance and I got that’
‘I’m hearing a man I understand’ followed by:
‘I gave him a standing ovation, which I don’t do for anyone.’
‘Rayner says Starmer’s speech was ‘inspiring”
Since Trump, the BBC have given up any pretence at all of being impartial. They have gradually pushed the red line out one notch at a time to the point where they are now just left-wing activists – and OFCOM are happy with that.
Why do the BBC nearly now always use images of 3%
of the population for public interest issues. such as
” How much is your mortgage going to cost.” Please
would somebody explain it to me?
It’s part of the historical legacy of institutional racism in the financial sector. Until the emergence of BLM a couple of years ago, all ethnic groups were denied mortgages and bank accounts by law (they also weren’t allowed to shop in supermarkets and furniture stores). I remember quite well, as recently as Summer 2020, the signs in my local banks saying “No Blacks”.
Thanks Ian. It explains a lot. Including the bank imaging
adverts we now see,. Such as the present Barclays Bank one. And the supermarket adverts we see on TV. Well all the adverts we see on TV.
It would appear the Russians have now destroyed the Nordstream one & two pipelines, as it would be impossible coincidence for both to have sprung a leak at the same time.
A senior member of the White House, who wishes to remain anonymous, chuckles: “Excellent. Our plan to make Europe dependent on high-priced American LPG, whilst destroying them as an economic competitor, is making good progress. Just need to keep up the pressure to stop them doing their own fracking. George, Bill… a bit more money for those bogus environmental groups that you help finance, please.”
lol, possibly the most ridiculous article I’ve seen this year.
Quorn with food colouring.
Check out the ‘steak’ at the end : it looks like pedigree chum. And wilol taste like nothing. Powerful sauce essential.
In the video, they try to make it look like it’s hard to cut just like steak. When it lifts, you can see it has no texture and is obviously actually the same as cutting quorn.
Why not just make big slabs in the same way they make those huge sticks of rock.
Why these ridiculous people cannot make their own ‘food’ names up seems strange to normal citizens!
A group of friends around here guffaw every time these odddities make up new names for their ‘sausages’ and other planty crap – it’s a running joke!
(Running as in getting to the loo on time, farting in church, spending lots of rhino on waterproof knickers and also arriving at the chemist for the inevitable supplements)!
Some goons will doubtless be blaming the HMS Prince of Wales broken starboard propeller system on Putin too… – such is the absolute state of our media.
What is very suspicious about this is how low-key the story is on the BBC website. It’s only in the side-panes and I bet it drops off altogether in a few hours.
I don’t see what Russia has to gain by doing this : they can just turn them off and use them as bargaining chips if/when the war stops.
This has taken that option away and isolates Russia further. I think everyone realises this and that’s why the story is not being pushed. Absolutely everything about this war stinks to high heaven.
Victoria Nuland on January 27th, 2022 said the US would stop NordStream 2 if Russia invaded Ukraine. On Feb 7 Joe Biden said the US will stop Nordstream 2 if Russia invaded Ukraine. This is all on record.
The usual suspect commies in Western media have really got their knickers in a twist over the looming victory by Georgia Meloni. Desperately trying to label her and her party as Fascists.
They don’t want to accept that her victory is the result of years of left-wing manipulation of the population. Basically, they have had enough of EU domination and the worm is turning.
I hope this signals a trend in other countries and the bullying Marxist EU gets its come uppance.
Even better if it coincides with the resurgence of the Republican Party in the USA leading to the annihilation of the Democrats.
Sanity and true democracy has a way of resurfacing when meddling power-mongers go too far.
The BBC, as well as lefties like Biden and Turdeau (sic) have so over-used the terms Fascist and Far-right that they’ve lost all meaning, and are now just epithets used to insult people and policies they don’t like, such as the mildly conservative and sensible Meloni.
PS. Note to snowflake readers and feminists: the image below is pure clickbait, punning on the word meloni. If it offends anyone, good. You’re on the wrong site. Try the Guardian next time.
Meloni means melons 🍈 in Italian, which is also slang for breasts. Brothers of Italy leader Giorgia Meloni, on course to become Italy’s first female prime minister according to opinion polls, shared this reel with her Instagram followers today. pic.twitter.com/bajoYSZD8p
“Far right”? “Neo-fascist”? This woman is head of the mainstream and EU-wide European Conservatives and Reformists Party
The BBC might wish to consider this:
Giorgia Meloni was elected by Italian voters on Sunday. Her party secured far more votes than any other party. The outgoing Prime Minister is Mario Draghi, former Goldman Sachs banker, former President of the European Central Bank, and loved by EU bureaucrats. He was never once elected, only appointed.
Community overload again: “Leicester disorder ‘not exclusively’ Hindus and Muslims – police”
It quotes Chief Constable Rob Nixon: “Actually what we know is that this isn’t representative of all the Hindus, it isn’t representative of all the Muslims. In fact, it’s a small collection of individuals who are connected with [those faiths], but not exclusively… because [some] people that have come to our attention have been linked with the Christian faith.”
(A piece by Ashitha Nagesh, Community affairs correspondent.)
Somehow missed the article right next to it — Vahar Manchala, Ajay Doppalapudi and Rana Yellambai charged with kidnap, rape, assault by penetration, and three counts of sexual assault.
Those Christians in Leicester causing trouble again?
The lying, biased BBC manage to report on the uprising in the Islamic Republic of Iran (there’s a clue in the name) without once mentioning the words Islam or Islamic.
(Handy tip for fellow-bloggers: if you do a word search of their article in Word and type in Islam and Islamic, the result comes up: “No matches”.)
Which is baffling given that the revolt is largely a rejection of the forced imposition of… ISLAM, by the ISLAMO-fascist regime!
Message to the BBC: instead of looking for non-existent fascism in Italy, Poland, Hungary etc, try muslim countries.
Another amusing example of the airbrushing out of Islam was on Radio 4’s Start the Week (after 9 a.m. on Monday).
Hosted by BBC fave Adam Rutherford (I’m told he’s mixed race) from Bradford (vibrant and diverse) it had a section from a lady, one Professor Lawlor, on a project called “Born in Bradford” which tracks the health of people there over the long term. I recall a mention of diabetes, for instance.
I kept waiting for an oblique reference, if no more, to first- and second-cousin marriage, which is practised by many Mirpuri Pakistani British there and is associated with weakened immune systems, increased infant mortality, organ failure and lower IQs.
For the previous four years the gang had relentlessly trafficked her across England, driving her to towns and cities where she was raped hundreds of times in takeaways, warehouses and in empty flats, by men who paid her abusers. The gang of men, of Pakistani heritage, subjected her to extreme violence and regularly poured petrol over her, threatening to kill her if she disclosed the abuse.
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
Dick’s time at Oxford High School and then Oxford University (at the same college, Balliol, where her father taught) clearly didn’t teach her that “phenomenon” is the correct singular form whilst “phenomena” is the plural. On top of the clumsy repetition of “really”, her phrase “centuries and centuries and centuries” is both dishonest hyperbole and absurd at the same time, as she tried to hide the well known identity of the great majority of those convicted.
This section shows the pathetic state of our Police, Courts and Social Services. Just frightened dummies without a shred of backbone.
“The gang discovered Isobel was talking to the police and began sending her threatening messages. Isobel told the police, but when no safeguarding measures were put in place, she withdrew from the investigation and the case was dropped. She was forced back into a life of exploitation by the gang and she became pregnant.
Isobel told her abusers she was expecting a baby, but says as one of them was the likely father, they were fearful that DNA evidence would identify them. She says the gang punched her in the stomach telling her: “I’m gonna beat it out of you – it’ll be the devil child.”
Isobel suffered a miscarriage and went to a Sexual Assault Centre, where she was finally referred to the NRM. She was also introduced to Jess Phillips, Labour’s shadow minister for domestic violence and safeguarding, who thought Isobel’s case was “so horrifying” that she went to meet her.
After talking to the MP, Isobel decided to go back to the police and try and get support from the NRM to rebuild her life. But it wasn’t easy. ”I asked my National Referral Mechanism worker about legal aid,” says Isobel. “She started to be angry and was like ‘you don’t need that legal advice, because you’re not an immigrant’.””
The European Union spent almost €1 million funding drag queen shows and other diversity projects aimed at “blurring” traditional gender roles, The Telegraph can disclose.
The bloc’s taxpayers’ stumped up some €892,050 to help finance the schemes, which promised to tackle issues such as “toxic masculinity” and to establish LGBT-friendly schools across the Continent.
The battle over woke ideology has become a key political divide between the EU’s founding members and the nationalist governments in central and eastern Europe.
The cultural split has left Hungary and Poland at loggerheads with the European Commission and Western member states, prompting fears in Budapest and Warsaw their EU funding could be cut in the row over conservative policies on LGBT rights and abortion.
The revelation over the spending prompted accusations that Brussels is “hell-bent on pursuing a woke agenda”.
Natiural gas is made up of a number of different gasses, Methane, ethane, butane, and propane.
Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas compared to CO2 which is a very weak greenhouse gas. It’s 80 times more powerful than CO2 which should by rights give you an insight into the scam of CO2 driven climate change.
And CO2 is a harmless gas. WE cannot survive without it, and there is no man made global climate change either! Locally yes, as some parts are polluted (but it not Methane or CO2).
And all gases are natural. Hydrogen is expensive as it keeps drifting off into outer space as its so light. But if you get enough of it and combine it with Oxygen we get water.
Any news that omits important context is fake news
Yes methane is a stronger greenhouse gas
however *it persists in the atmospheric for far less time than CO2*
So in a year a bucket of CO2 warms the planet more that a bucket of methane
Considering the awful BBC’s adoration of some leftie ‘conference’ going on somewhere bleak, it’s a sobering thought that if the labour bunch do eventually get into gummint, they’ll stay there forever as all they’ll do is fill up the civil service, the nhs, the local authorities, the rail network and probably plod, with loads and loads of non-jobs, and never have to go to the vote again, because all their weak-kneed supporters will have these non-jobs for life and will just kow-tow to their leaders!
Luckily I’ll be long gone by then, hopefully to a place where a decent non-smoky Single Malt is available, and I can start on the Capstan Full Strength again with impunity!
Makes little difference who is in power. All Labour are saying is they will do exactly what the Tories are doing only more of it in an effort to wreck the country even faster!
More spending, more debt, more immigration, more illegal immigration, more Green lunacy, more oppression and the Tories if they ever do get back in will just carry on with the program.
Let’s be frank, Thoughtful, forgetting the politicians’ failures, do you prefer Capstan or Players?
You’re absolutely right of course and by the way, we’ve already bought our funerals and the burning bits afterwards too, so we won’t really care if they’re tipped or untipped, but Senora O’Blene actually preferred Piccadilly tipped, so we may have our first post-sepulchral interlude argument at the nice brightly-cloured kiosk just in from the Pearly Gates!
“If it was the Russians – one must ask why? – exactly …
I’m interested where you got the idea from?”
Because it’s the Russian way of doing things. Never when they have cut the gas supply have they said we just decided to cut the gas because of your hostile actions, they just don’t behave that way.
They always blame it on some other issue – every time Oh there’s a storm which damaged the pipeline, we can’t get a compressor back, we have maintenance issues etc etc.
“German politicians accuse the Kremlin of feigning repairs to retaliate against the EU’s support for Ukraine.”
The pipeline routes are subject to intense surveillance.
A map of the damage locations has yet it seems to get onto Anglophone media.
Any Russian assets have dozens of people following them. Yes, there could’ve been charges placed some time ago …
– beyond coincidence / weird that as the Poles cut the ribbon on BaltPipe on the exact same day the wushin pipe is badly damaged.
As to who might’ve done it and not in any order NATO, Estonia, some random Ukranians, some ‘merikans – or a combination of those…
The Russians were happy to turn the tap off and I can imagine a whole slew of technical excuses they could’ve used to further torment the western Europeans.
There’s a variety of ways the task could’ve been achieved – but why apparently in Swedish / Danish waters at the western end?
– every kilometer west any Russian goes the more eyes and ears are on them – the Swedes must have hydrophone arrays out (esp after “Whiskey on the rocks” ) as I’d expect he Danes to have done also – esp. as Bornholm has been the subject of some historical argy bargy with the Ivans… – and a recent “incident”.
The Russians didn’t need to damage the pipe, plenty of other excuses available – Biden’s string pullers on the other hand have quite unconcealed contempt for the German government’s resolve playing hard-ball with Moscow and imho they’ve removed an option from the table for Mutti’s lame successors – who’re already bleating about riots if they have to ration power and massively ransom what little is left…
Cui bono?
Some people wanted the bargaining chip of gas supply off the table.
Pressures Germany and removes Russian ability to manoever.
Victoria Nuland on January 27th, 2022 said the US would stop NordStream 2 if Russia invaded Ukraine. On Feb 7 Joe Biden said the US will stop Nordstream 2 if Russia invaded Ukraine. This is all on record.
The total giveaway about the left wing bias of the BBC is not its coverage of the Labour Party conference per se but the cheery, positive, gleeful, upbeat tone of its coverage.
Watch the tone change when they cover government activity.
They do the same with the Greens, Sluffy, despite the fact that they’re all eco-loons without a clue what to do if they ever got more than the one seat in awful Brighton!
Best ignore them really! Pop round and I’ll open another bottle of Fleurie!
BBC creaming themselves carefully selecting coffee bar workers who cannot afford a mortgage because of increases in interest rates.
But…..no mention whatsoever of the other side. Savers, whose returns have been near zero for a decade, eroding year on year. Decent returns for them might be useful, not least private sector pensioners whose inflation protection is capped. Another group the BBC fail to mention.,
Racial issues
In April 2016, Huq defended suspended Labour MP Naz Shah during an interview on BBC’s Today programme by comparing “alleged anti-Semitic” posts about Israel shared by Shah on social media to a photo Huq shared of Boris Johnson on a zip-wire next to Barack Obama. She also stressed the fact that Shah’s comments were made before she became an MP and that some online comments should not be taken seriously. Subsequently, Huq was accused of “trivialising racism”.[57][58] Huq later apologised, saying she was not “fully aware” of Shah’s comments before defending her.[59]
In April 2016, Huq claimed that some areas of television had yet to move forward from the racially insensitive sitcoms of the 1970s. She specifically criticised the BBC comedy Citizen Khan’s “Islamophobic” depiction of a “quite backward” family of Muslims.[60][61][62][63]
In March 2018, Huq received a suspicious package containing an anti-Islamic letter and sticky liquid. The substance was later found to be harmless. Similar packages were received by fellow Labour MPs Mohammad Yasin, Rushanara Ali and Afzal Khan.[64][65]
In May 2018, Huq told colleagues in Westminster Hall[66] that BAME MPs regularly have their access to the House of Commons estate questioned.[67] She said: “I have been stopped more times in this place since my election in 2015, than in 43 years outside.” Furthermore, Huq and fellow Labour MP Tulip Siddiq are mistaken for one another, though they do not look alike. Huq added: “I imagine most BME MPs have encountered it in some form or other.”[66]
In June 2019, Huq was the subject of formal complaints to the Labour Party by two former employees for alleged anti-Semitic behaviour. The Jewish Labour Movement called for her to have the party whip suspended in consequence.[68] The allegations were dismissed due to insufficient evidence. Huq had resigned from Labour Friends of Israel shortly before the allegations were made.[69]
In September 2022, Huq was accused of making racist comments during a speech at a Labour Party fringe event running parallel to the 2022 Labour Party Conference. Huq said of the Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng, who is Black and a member of the Conservative Party, “Superficially he is a black man… if you hear him on the Today Programme, you wouldn’t know he is black.” In response, figures within the Conservative Party including its Chairman demanded the whip be removed from Huq and her expulsion from the Labour Party.[70][71] Huq was subsequently suspended from the Labour Party for her comments on September 27th 2022.[72]
ITV local newsPR prog
FFS 6-6:30 is supposed to be LOCAL news
cos 6:30-7:30pm is national news
Yet they keep dropping these nation syndicated items into the local prog
#1 “Oh here we are in Pakistan isn’t the flood aftermath terrible ?”
What’s that got to do with local Yorkshire.
#2 Students are anxious about money
ITV here are a week behind BBC in cutNPasting PR material put out by some strange lobby group
Save The Student
📈 Research from Save the Student has found that 8 in 10 students are worried about making ends meet.
These figures are shocking, but not surprising, given that student loans haven't risen with inflation and students have missed out on existing support.https://t.co/MrQTeLXyQS
BBC local news “More onshore wind turbines are coming”
The biased environment reporter starts with an anti wind protester from Nocton Fen
but having ticked that box, quickly moves on to wind PR person ex-Labour MP Melanie Onn delivering slick PR lines
Now the studio reporter is talking Mr Hill to the head of Lincolnshire Council who has always opposed onshore wind.
He is speaking logically
He said if a local community wants one, the council will concede
Studio has made a massive lie that wind farms are 10 times cheaper.
Studio just said “according to this poll from a day or two ago”
As I mentioned this morning the poll is NOT new
The item will be picked up on the local politics show on Sunday afternoon
I listened to an article on extracting the metals needed to make all those lovely electric batteries for cars.
Apparently the extraction of the four key metals essential to making the batteries are located largely in third World countries where the extraction, particularly by the Chinese is causing catastrophic environmental issues. They have to shift millions of tons of soil and rocks to get the small amount of metals they are after, leaving wastelands, polluted water courses etc. In some areas the locals dig it out themselves with shovels etc. then get it weighed in by the Chinese for a pittance who then ship it to China where making the batteries is where the real money is!
Not so lovely and green compared to sinking a shaft to take out the coal, ready to use or drilling a bore hole and taking oil straight out of the ground into barrels.
The public are being duped and sold a pup which will eventually bite back big time.
Norwegians are reporting drones buzzing their North sea oiland gas rigs, one within 50metres.
There are different sizes of drones the small one you see in the shops to the us predator size, what these are is not reported, but there are also submersible drones too.
If the North Sea rigs are attacked we could be in real trouble this Winter.
Question: How do I access the comments on the BBC website? I recall there was a special website where BBC articles with comments sections were accessible in a nice format that included deleted comments. I wonder if that site still exists and if so I would be grateful for it.
From the DT – let’s have more coloured BBC accents innit –
Amol Rajan has challenged the director-general of the BBC over “accent bias” among its news presenters, saying it was striking that so many of them talk “posh”.
Mr Rajan is the first presenter of BBC Radio 4’s Today programme to have a strong south London accent.
For a forthcoming documentary, he commissioned research which found that 70 per cent of newsreaders across the four main UK broadcasters – BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Sky – speak with received pronunciation, an accent he said was used by only 10 per cent of the general population.
The BBC’s well-spoken news anchors include Fiona Bruce and Sophie Raworth on television, and Mr Rajan’s Today programme colleagues on radio, while ITV’s News at Ten is presented by the public school-educated Tom Bradby.
Huw Edwards, the BBC’s highest-paid news anchor, speaks with a Welsh accent but comes from a middle-class background.
Mr Rajan confronted Tim Davie with the findings during an interview on stage at a Royal Television Society conference and asked what he planned to do about it.
We found that 70 per cent of newsreaders spoke in the poshest accent after the King’s English, which is RP (Received Pronunciation). Does that surprise you?” Mr Rajan asked.
“Not particularly,” replied Mr Davie.
“Would you like to do something about it?” asked Mr Rajan. “Would you consider giving a main network presenting job to someone with a strong, regional, working-class accent?”
“Of course,” said Mr Davie.
“It’s quite striking that it hasn’t happened, isn’t it?” Mr Rajan added.
“Yeah,” said Mr Davie.
The director-general said he hoped the situation would change because the BBC was focused on improving the socio-economic diversity of its workforce.
He said: “There are a couple of things happening. I’ve pushed £700 million of spending outside the M25. It’s changing the BBC.
“There is a new Radio 1 strand out of Salford. [BBC One daytime show] Morning Live is coming out of Salford. It’s going to happen.
“I’m absolutely revving on it. The critical thing is that you don’t get a sniff of that slightly patronising ‘London is where the best output comes from’ [attitude]. It’s nonsense.”
‘People should have opportunities’
The BBC has set a target for a quarter of its staff to come from lower socio-economic backgrounds by 2027.
Mr Davie said that was “because there is a worry in any organisation that groupthink is an issue. I also think it’s just unfair; people should have opportunities.”
Mr Rajan, who has become one of the BBC’s most high-profile presenters since joining as media editor in 2016, previously made a documentary about social mobility.
In a past edition of Radio 4’s Start the Week, he argued against modifying a working-class accent. “Isn’t the danger that if you change your accent in different circumstances, there is a sense in which you are compromising your essential self?” he asked.
“More dangerously, is it loaded with the assumption that accent connotes morality?”
Elsewhere in their interview, Mr Rajan asked Mr Davie about the BBC’s response to the death of Queen Elizabeth II, and whether the decision to cancel the Last Night of the Proms was the correct one.
Mr Davie disclosed that the decision was taken partly for practical reasons. The corporation feared it would not have enough outside broadcast trucks for the event, as they were required for royal coverage.
“We had enormous decisions to make. Do you put on Strictly? Do you do satire? Where do you stop?
“I think Last Night of the Proms was the most finely balanced one. That was a 50:50 call, but we probably made the right decision,” he said.
Mr Davie said the corporation had learnt lessons from the 109,741 complaints received about its coverage of the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. Many of those were from Gardeners’ World viewers angry that the show was postponed.
“Never take off Gardeners’ World, ever,” said Mr Davie. “One of my claims to fame is that I did generate the most TV complaints in history in 24 hours.”ENDS innit
That was after Biden broke the CATSA and agreed to Nordstream 2 being completed, then found out what a stupid thing he had done, and rolled back on it.
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/palestine-action-allianz-protest-gracechurch-street-occupation-b1215699.html No need to get them back. This…
It will be interesting to see how much of Starmer’s conference speech is taken from Blair et al’s Future of Britain ‘Six Pillars’ essays on:
Net Zero
Public Services
Transformative Technology
Community and
Britain in the World
Why Labour cannot change a thing. They made this chaos.
WHY we cannot return illegal immigrants to the host country and why faux (gender) biology is being taught in schools as fact, why TRANS trumps families who are ridiculed for protecting children and why GREEN lobby holds favour in UK institutions. Its all down to Court rulings by the ECHR. Labour core doctrine.
They call it DIVERSITY and INCLUSION. But its a Communal goal of Marxism by another avenue. Key words like ‘Sustainablity’ are all political keys objectives.
We may be out of the EU but the BBC and its allies are still funded by The Open Society, which is a left wing institution funded by George Soros and wealthy globalists with the ‘one world vision’ of open abuse for all and the final solution (based on global socialist values). The BBC is linked to this perverted group of global socialists, which (sadly) is also backed by the UN in its ‘greening’ agenda. They fund the COPT Climate Change apocalypse the BBC claim is reality. We should all repent and die. They mean (small c) conservatives. The vast majority, the public, the UK voters. WE pay for all the NGO’s, Quangos’ and the BBC. But we get no vote on it.
And. Since Tony Blair, we are all 100% signed up to ECHR.
All UK Court judgements can be over ruled by the ECHR. So our government (those we elect) are bound by the ECHR. This is why we have to leave the ECHR, it is corrupt. This video explains why (its in French but has sub titles) and proves without doubt the dirty money of the THOUSANDS of UK NGOs (they are all QUANGO charities) that Tony Blair and Gordon Brown started and are funded partly funded by Gorge Soros and his Open Society movement. This is directly linked back to the EU and ECHR court judgements against us BRITS.
Video Proof is here (below). (with sub-titles mention The Open Society, an organisation linked to the BBC recruitment process). So BBC staff are all on the indoctrination ‘program’. They all follow the same EU socialist path based on ECHR rulings.
We have to fight Soros and global gang of corruption. They pervert justice. They pervert children in destroying the concept of family, the proof of biology, the insistence of ‘Wokism’, racial and religious censorship, Islamisation (inclusive as equal to * whatever * they choose to attack) is all based on the ECHR rulings that we (the public) are asked to accept. As the video shows. Its the same group of NGO”s and QUANGO’s started by Blair and his european socialists in charge.
I have signed the petition (below)to remove SOROS funded EU judges, Sign here (lawyers fighting the corruption in the EU and ECHR). Remember we may of left the EU but our politicians still have to comply with ECHR rulings. Soros and his friends are still in control, that includes the BBC and its links to the Marxists movement.
Jack Straw Admits Labour ‘Messed Up’ Over European Immigration
Jack Straw Admits Labour ‘Messed Up’ Over Working Rights For European Migrants
Paul Vale
— The Huffington Post UK
12/11/2013 08:09pm GMT
Updated November 12, 2013
One for the BBC’s finest platform assemblers to ponder.
Then a blonde got involved. Not Laura, but still…
Matt Hancock tells all on new podcast: ‘I haven’t had casual sex with anybody. I fell in love with somebody’
Speaking on The Diary of a CEO podcast, former health secretary also asked about his weepy TV appearance over Covid vaccine
Danielle Sheridan,
28 February 2022 • 6:00am
Exclusive: Government scientist Neil Ferguson resigns after breaking lockdown rules to meet his married lover
Prof Ferguson allowed the woman to visit him at home during the lockdown while lecturing the public on the need for strict social distancing
Anna Mikhailova,
Christopher Hope,
Michael Gillard
Louisa Wells
5 May 2020 • 7:17pm
“Darren Paul Jones is a British Labour politician serving as Chair of the House of Commons Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee since 2020. He also sits on the National Security Strategy Joint Committee and the Liaison Committee, which scrutinises the work of the Prime Minister”
I was wondering how he came by the knowledge that Truss and Kwarteng were given specific advice but then he is part of government himself, one of the uniparty so I suppose it makes sense.
One day the bbc slavish #willsay ‘News’ will haunt them.
BBC is delighted with Starmer’s ‘Forensic’ questions e.g “Do you regret the number of Care Home Deaths. That’s not Forensic it’s dirty political word play to score points out of tragedy. Disgusting, but what else do we expect from Labour & BBC.
Tolerance …
Can’t see any messy long blond hair……………..
Tolerance ..
Who are that lot?
Headline you won’t see on the BBC
The euro falls below parity with the dollar
Dear Winston Smith in the BBC Department of Truth paid under threat of prosecution,
Can you tell me why you have not repeatedly reported on BBC radio and TV news 24/7 regarding the COVID vaccines trials data and results and UK Government’s emergency powers during COVID.
An informed citizen is a happy citizen.
Government emergency powers and coronavirus
Children Under 12
“Omission is the most powerful form of lie.” – George Orwell
bBC feels the Labour party is ready for government, quote…
At Labour’s party conference last year, Keir Starmer was heckled during his keynote speech.
This year the atmosphere is very different.
More promotions to follow…
Call you and yours
‘Your experience of the NHS ‘
Why is it crap ?
Strangely the huge increase in population size over a very short period with third world arrivals – didn’t get a mention –
They do like ‘the aging population ‘ though – which the BBC would happily kill off to make way for ‘new arrivals ‘…..
My favourite is the medical mafia limiting the number of medical students to keep the pay up …. Fill their mouths with gold …or valueless pound notes …
( oh yeah – don’t forget to clap – privatise it )
Ps – a hilariously awful story of a lady in godmanchester ( Cambridge ) going into labour on Sunday who had to go to Leicester to find a maternity unit that was open – I think this story will be picked and be in the msm tomorrow – or maybe not .
nfected blood interim compensation payment update
On 17 August 2022, the Government announced interim payments of £100,000 for infected beneficiaries and bereaved partner beneficiaries currently registered with the Infected Blood Support Schemes.
We’re continuing to work closely with the Department of Health & Social Care to ensure that payments of £100,000 can be made as quickly as possible. Work is ongoing across Government departments to enable the interim compensation payments to be disregarded for benefit and taxation purposes. Appropriate legislation and guidance are to be implemented, as compensation payments are made independently of any Infected Blood Support Scheme payment.
It is intended to make these payments by the end of October 2022, subject to funding, taxation and benefit disregard legislation and guidance being in place.
We’ll be contacting all eligible beneficiaries in October to confirm their payment date and also provide more detail around taxation and benefits disregards. We’ll also update our website with further information as soon as this is available.
If you have not received a letter or email from us by 31 October 2022, contact us.
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Department of Health and Social Care
2 April 2020
Its not reported anywhere that the batch of blood, I remember well from newspapers of the time. The political establishment (Ken Clarke) denied that any blood was infected and it was just bad luck’ and the NHS should not be held liable.
Years later we found that the Blood was imported wholesale from the US without ANY NHS blood checks and was found to be highly contaminated with HIV. The NHS refused any claim of negligence, even though they were liable and through neglect at the time. No checks what-so-ever.
It was heart breaking along as this was the largest UK break out of HIV in children at the time, with many dying in later life before ANY compensation was offered or made. It has taken this long to get anything at all.
There was also the question of a cover up. Nobody is to be charged in the NHS. The BBC will not report how the blood was obtained and how it became infected. The fact it was HIV
was just never mentioned. Just ‘infected blood’ given to children who later died before compensation.
Remember this when we are asked to clap for the NHS.
The NHS does check for HIV now, as its possible to give blood in the UK with HIV with intent to kill another person.
It happens. It will happen again.
UK interest rates: How high could they go?
Getty and Frizzy know, shes back
Scanned the piece but can’t see an answer to the headline question – I reckon 10% by this time next year – unless someone deals with Russia …
Steyn returned to GBNews and has challenged the BBC Matthew Sweet to appear on the channel over his attempts to get BBCOFCOM to remove him or the channel or both over covid vaccine deaths ….
More will follow I think …
World at one
Not about bias – but about the coming fear of mortgage interests rapidly going up and potentially leading to repossessions .
If I recall 75% of mortgages are fixed by 2,2 million fixes end next year meaning a huge jump in repayments .
Capital repayment interest is already being debated as ‘holidays ‘ to prevent repossessions … but I can’t see that as inflation pressures push ahead because rates were not put up bigly months ago .
We are in a real mess ….
Might be an election far sooner than thought …
Rupa Huq used a Labour fringe event to launch an astonishing racial tirade against Britain’s first black Chancellor of the Exchequer, accusing Kwasi Kwarteng of being “superficially” black:
“Superficially he is a black man… if you hear him on the Today Programme, you wouldn’t know he is black.”
a new term
‘ superficially coloured ‘ innit …
That’s because he has had a good education and has a brain that works beyond patois!
‘I stand by the remarks’
‘Oh now I apologise ‘
She may have been suspended by Labour.
Eurovision 2023: Update expected on host shortlist
So hope Birmingham doesn’t get it (I live there)
Are the BBC bitter?
Italian elections: Meloni gets to work on picking right-wing government
Including the headline the word ‘right’ as in ‘centre right’, ‘right wing’, ‘far right’ etc. appears 11 times in one article.
Far LEFT gov lost.
Tabs, are we sure they are FAR RIGHT? what a joke the bBC is
It is because of her stance on LGBT and immigrants that she won the election, same thing happening in Sweden, can’t they see that?
Much enthusiasm by BbC comrades about the vacuous speech to his party .
As an anorak – i like to spot the absences –
The biggest one – border control not mentioned – only a ‘ points based immigration system ‘ .
Northern ireland not mentioned – brexit was – but the EU wasnt –
America- biden – not mentioned
Subsidised fuel bills – no –
Reducing basic income tax – not …
UK military – no
Freedom of speech – no
Paki rape gangs ? You guess …
I dont think this stuff matters much because the narrative is now drafted …
Trains to run on time in Italy.
They usually do, I’ve been on a few.
I listened to the first 5 minutes, and got fed up with the incessant clapping after every 6 words.
Sorry, I’m utterly confused at this point. Has there been a General Election in Britain today and a combined Labour Party/BBC coalition has assumed power?
Their ‘Live Feed’ is nothing but gushing praise of the most ridiculous kind. Headlines such as:
‘I wanted substance and I got that’
‘I’m hearing a man I understand’ followed by:
‘I gave him a standing ovation, which I don’t do for anyone.’
‘Rayner says Starmer’s speech was ‘inspiring”
Since Trump, the BBC have given up any pretence at all of being impartial. They have gradually pushed the red line out one notch at a time to the point where they are now just left-wing activists – and OFCOM are happy with that.
Brissles, I noticed that too, that Labour has the clap 🙁
American ‘whooping ‘ is infecting the clapping types – even heard it at the funeral….
Why do the BBC nearly now always use images of 3%
of the population for public interest issues. such as
” How much is your mortgage going to cost.” Please
would somebody explain it to me?
It’s part of the historical legacy of institutional racism in the financial sector. Until the emergence of BLM a couple of years ago, all ethnic groups were denied mortgages and bank accounts by law (they also weren’t allowed to shop in supermarkets and furniture stores). I remember quite well, as recently as Summer 2020, the signs in my local banks saying “No Blacks”.
Just one comment…
Thanks Ian. It explains a lot. Including the bank imaging
adverts we now see,. Such as the present Barclays Bank one. And the supermarket adverts we see on TV. Well all the adverts we see on TV.
It would appear the Russians have now destroyed the Nordstream one & two pipelines, as it would be impossible coincidence for both to have sprung a leak at the same time.
It will now be impossible for Germany to get any gas this Winter even if peace is achieved in Ukraine.
A senior member of the White House, who wishes to remain anonymous, chuckles: “Excellent. Our plan to make Europe dependent on high-priced American LPG, whilst destroying them as an economic competitor, is making good progress. Just need to keep up the pressure to stop them doing their own fracking. George, Bill… a bit more money for those bogus environmental groups that you help finance, please.”
At least the food supply is secure – give or take French food stores …
Yes no shortages there, just as long as you’ve stocked up on your 3D printer meat cartridges from Amazon…
I knew that 3D printer would have a use one day
lol, possibly the most ridiculous article I’ve seen this year.
Quorn with food colouring.
Check out the ‘steak’ at the end : it looks like pedigree chum. And wilol taste like nothing. Powerful sauce essential.
In the video, they try to make it look like it’s hard to cut just like steak. When it lifts, you can see it has no texture and is obviously actually the same as cutting quorn.
Why not just make big slabs in the same way they make those huge sticks of rock.
Why these ridiculous people cannot make their own ‘food’ names up seems strange to normal citizens!
A group of friends around here guffaw every time these odddities make up new names for their ‘sausages’ and other planty crap – it’s a running joke!
(Running as in getting to the loo on time, farting in church, spending lots of rhino on waterproof knickers and also arriving at the chemist for the inevitable supplements)!
Mr shitrit is aptly named.
Yeah it was the Russians…
‘doze wikkid,wikkid wushinz…
– and I’m a banana
Some goons will doubtless be blaming the HMS Prince of Wales broken starboard propeller system on Putin too… – such is the absolute state of our media.
What is very suspicious about this is how low-key the story is on the BBC website. It’s only in the side-panes and I bet it drops off altogether in a few hours.
I don’t see what Russia has to gain by doing this : they can just turn them off and use them as bargaining chips if/when the war stops.
This has taken that option away and isolates Russia further. I think everyone realises this and that’s why the story is not being pushed. Absolutely everything about this war stinks to high heaven.
If it was the Russians – one must ask why? – exactly …
I’m interested where you got the idea from?
@JohnC – absolutely.
Explosive charges could’ve been there for months
The headline for the BBC article has now changed to:
‘Nord Stream: Ukraine accuses Russia of pipeline terror attack’
Victoria Nuland on January 27th, 2022 said the US would stop NordStream 2 if Russia invaded Ukraine. On Feb 7 Joe Biden said the US will stop Nordstream 2 if Russia invaded Ukraine. This is all on record.
The usual suspect commies in Western media have really got their knickers in a twist over the looming victory by Georgia Meloni. Desperately trying to label her and her party as Fascists.
They don’t want to accept that her victory is the result of years of left-wing manipulation of the population. Basically, they have had enough of EU domination and the worm is turning.
I hope this signals a trend in other countries and the bullying Marxist EU gets its come uppance.
Even better if it coincides with the resurgence of the Republican Party in the USA leading to the annihilation of the Democrats.
Sanity and true democracy has a way of resurfacing when meddling power-mongers go too far.
The BBC, as well as lefties like Biden and Turdeau (sic) have so over-used the terms Fascist and Far-right that they’ve lost all meaning, and are now just epithets used to insult people and policies they don’t like, such as the mildly conservative and sensible Meloni.
PS. Note to snowflake readers and feminists: the image below is pure clickbait, punning on the word meloni. If it offends anyone, good. You’re on the wrong site. Try the Guardian next time.
“Far right”? “Neo-fascist”? This woman is head of the mainstream and EU-wide European Conservatives and Reformists Party
The BBC might wish to consider this:
Giorgia Meloni was elected by Italian voters on Sunday. Her party secured far more votes than any other party. The outgoing Prime Minister is Mario Draghi, former Goldman Sachs banker, former President of the European Central Bank, and loved by EU bureaucrats. He was never once elected, only appointed.
Community overload again: “Leicester disorder ‘not exclusively’ Hindus and Muslims – police”
It quotes Chief Constable Rob Nixon: “Actually what we know is that this isn’t representative of all the Hindus, it isn’t representative of all the Muslims. In fact, it’s a small collection of individuals who are connected with [those faiths], but not exclusively… because [some] people that have come to our attention have been linked with the Christian faith.”
(A piece by Ashitha Nagesh, Community affairs correspondent.)
I’d like a fact check on that please.
Somehow missed the article right next to it — Vahar Manchala, Ajay Doppalapudi and Rana Yellambai charged with kidnap, rape, assault by penetration, and three counts of sexual assault.
Those Christians in Leicester causing trouble again?
The lying, biased BBC manage to report on the uprising in the Islamic Republic of Iran (there’s a clue in the name) without once mentioning the words Islam or Islamic.
(Handy tip for fellow-bloggers: if you do a word search of their article in Word and type in Islam and Islamic, the result comes up: “No matches”.)
Which is baffling given that the revolt is largely a rejection of the forced imposition of… ISLAM, by the ISLAMO-fascist regime!
Message to the BBC: instead of looking for non-existent fascism in Italy, Poland, Hungary etc, try muslim countries.
2018 … Woah! BBC are adding Iran into the Yemen reports …. this is new, might be worth Owen Jones taking note.
“Yemen war: Saudi-backed forces begin assault on Hudaydah port” {bbc.co.uk 13jun2018}
Article Word Search: Iran x 7; Saudi x 8; Islam x 0 ; Religion x 0; Muslim x 0; Allah x 0; “religion of peace” x 0;
Yemen …. A Utopia where Sunni Islam mets Shiite Islam.
Another amusing example of the airbrushing out of Islam was on Radio 4’s Start the Week (after 9 a.m. on Monday).
Hosted by BBC fave Adam Rutherford (I’m told he’s mixed race) from Bradford (vibrant and diverse) it had a section from a lady, one Professor Lawlor, on a project called “Born in Bradford” which tracks the health of people there over the long term. I recall a mention of diabetes, for instance.
I kept waiting for an oblique reference, if no more, to first- and second-cousin marriage, which is practised by many Mirpuri Pakistani British there and is associated with weakened immune systems, increased infant mortality, organ failure and lower IQs.
… … … … …
The lights over Europe are going out.
The operator of Nord Stream 1 said the undersea lines had simultaneously sustained “unprecedented” damage in one day.
Energy prices have soared since Moscow invaded Ukraine and scarce supplies could push up costs even further.
There are growing fears that families in the EU will be unable to afford the cost of heating this winter.
For the previous four years the gang had relentlessly trafficked her across England, driving her to towns and cities where she was raped hundreds of times in takeaways, warehouses and in empty flats, by men who paid her abusers. The gang of men, of Pakistani heritage, subjected her to extreme violence and regularly poured petrol over her, threatening to kill her if she disclosed the abuse.
Labour – free wifi and green jobs!
“It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}
“I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38
Dick’s time at Oxford High School and then Oxford University (at the same college, Balliol, where her father taught) clearly didn’t teach her that “phenomenon” is the correct singular form whilst “phenomena” is the plural. On top of the clumsy repetition of “really”, her phrase “centuries and centuries and centuries” is both dishonest hyperbole and absurd at the same time, as she tried to hide the well known identity of the great majority of those convicted.
This section shows the pathetic state of our Police, Courts and Social Services. Just frightened dummies without a shred of backbone.
“The gang discovered Isobel was talking to the police and began sending her threatening messages. Isobel told the police, but when no safeguarding measures were put in place, she withdrew from the investigation and the case was dropped. She was forced back into a life of exploitation by the gang and she became pregnant.
Isobel told her abusers she was expecting a baby, but says as one of them was the likely father, they were fearful that DNA evidence would identify them. She says the gang punched her in the stomach telling her: “I’m gonna beat it out of you – it’ll be the devil child.”
Isobel suffered a miscarriage and went to a Sexual Assault Centre, where she was finally referred to the NRM. She was also introduced to Jess Phillips, Labour’s shadow minister for domestic violence and safeguarding, who thought Isobel’s case was “so horrifying” that she went to meet her.
After talking to the MP, Isobel decided to go back to the police and try and get support from the NRM to rebuild her life. But it wasn’t easy. ”I asked my National Referral Mechanism worker about legal aid,” says Isobel. “She started to be angry and was like ‘you don’t need that legal advice, because you’re not an immigrant’.””
Soros backed judges at the ECHR –
Report in Daily Telegraph today.
The European Union spent almost €1 million funding drag queen shows and other diversity projects aimed at “blurring” traditional gender roles, The Telegraph can disclose.
The bloc’s taxpayers’ stumped up some €892,050 to help finance the schemes, which promised to tackle issues such as “toxic masculinity” and to establish LGBT-friendly schools across the Continent.
The battle over woke ideology has become a key political divide between the EU’s founding members and the nationalist governments in central and eastern Europe.
The cultural split has left Hungary and Poland at loggerheads with the European Commission and Western member states, prompting fears in Budapest and Warsaw their EU funding could be cut in the row over conservative policies on LGBT rights and abortion.
The revelation over the spending prompted accusations that Brussels is “hell-bent on pursuing a woke agenda”.
Yeah the money was good but I resented having to dress up to get it – and I couldn’t even trouser it
The Daily Mirror has a throbbing halfwit writing the Nordstream sabotage up.
– as if F-wit Rachael knew anything about breathing methane or atmospheric chemistry.
Indeed. Why “catastrophic”? On the basis of what evidence?
Did the Mirror have lots of brightly coloured pictures, Musters?
They may have got to several of their ‘readers’ if they did, otherwise, I guess we don’t really have to worry too much!
Natiural gas is made up of a number of different gasses, Methane, ethane, butane, and propane.
Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas compared to CO2 which is a very weak greenhouse gas. It’s 80 times more powerful than CO2 which should by rights give you an insight into the scam of CO2 driven climate change.
And CO2 is a harmless gas. WE cannot survive without it, and there is no man made global climate change either! Locally yes, as some parts are polluted (but it not Methane or CO2).
And all gases are natural. Hydrogen is expensive as it keeps drifting off into outer space as its so light. But if you get enough of it and combine it with Oxygen we get water.
And we all know how dangerous that is.
Any news that omits important context is fake news
Yes methane is a stronger greenhouse gas
however *it persists in the atmospheric for far less time than CO2*
So in a year a bucket of CO2 warms the planet more that a bucket of methane
Considering the awful BBC’s adoration of some leftie ‘conference’ going on somewhere bleak, it’s a sobering thought that if the labour bunch do eventually get into gummint, they’ll stay there forever as all they’ll do is fill up the civil service, the nhs, the local authorities, the rail network and probably plod, with loads and loads of non-jobs, and never have to go to the vote again, because all their weak-kneed supporters will have these non-jobs for life and will just kow-tow to their leaders!
Luckily I’ll be long gone by then, hopefully to a place where a decent non-smoky Single Malt is available, and I can start on the Capstan Full Strength again with impunity!
OK, perhaps 20 Players Gold Leaf as a compromise…
Makes little difference who is in power. All Labour are saying is they will do exactly what the Tories are doing only more of it in an effort to wreck the country even faster!
More spending, more debt, more immigration, more illegal immigration, more Green lunacy, more oppression and the Tories if they ever do get back in will just carry on with the program.
Let’s be frank, Thoughtful, forgetting the politicians’ failures, do you prefer Capstan or Players?
You’re absolutely right of course and by the way, we’ve already bought our funerals and the burning bits afterwards too, so we won’t really care if they’re tipped or untipped, but Senora O’Blene actually preferred Piccadilly tipped, so we may have our first post-sepulchral interlude argument at the nice brightly-cloured kiosk just in from the Pearly Gates!
“If it was the Russians – one must ask why? – exactly …
I’m interested where you got the idea from?”
Because it’s the Russian way of doing things. Never when they have cut the gas supply have they said we just decided to cut the gas because of your hostile actions, they just don’t behave that way.
They always blame it on some other issue – every time Oh there’s a storm which damaged the pipeline, we can’t get a compressor back, we have maintenance issues etc etc.
“German politicians accuse the Kremlin of feigning repairs to retaliate against the EU’s support for Ukraine.”
It is of course possible someone else did sabotage the pipeline but who would have that technology and why would they do that?
If Russia is planning a scorched Earth policy that would be a very troubling move on their part especially at this time.
The pipeline routes are subject to intense surveillance.
A map of the damage locations has yet it seems to get onto Anglophone media.
Any Russian assets have dozens of people following them. Yes, there could’ve been charges placed some time ago …
– beyond coincidence / weird that as the Poles cut the ribbon on BaltPipe on the exact same day the wushin pipe is badly damaged.
As to who might’ve done it and not in any order NATO, Estonia, some random Ukranians, some ‘merikans – or a combination of those…
The Russians were happy to turn the tap off and I can imagine a whole slew of technical excuses they could’ve used to further torment the western Europeans.
Proof the Russians did it (not tobe taken seriously!)
There’s a variety of ways the task could’ve been achieved – but why apparently in Swedish / Danish waters at the western end?
– every kilometer west any Russian goes the more eyes and ears are on them – the Swedes must have hydrophone arrays out (esp after “Whiskey on the rocks” ) as I’d expect he Danes to have done also – esp. as Bornholm has been the subject of some historical argy bargy with the Ivans… – and a recent “incident”.
The Russians didn’t need to damage the pipe, plenty of other excuses available – Biden’s string pullers on the other hand have quite unconcealed contempt for the German government’s resolve playing hard-ball with Moscow and imho they’ve removed an option from the table for Mutti’s lame successors – who’re already bleating about riots if they have to ration power and massively ransom what little is left…
Cui bono?
Some people wanted the bargaining chip of gas supply off the table.
Pressures Germany and removes Russian ability to manoever.
Victoria Nuland on January 27th, 2022 said the US would stop NordStream 2 if Russia invaded Ukraine. On Feb 7 Joe Biden said the US will stop Nordstream 2 if Russia invaded Ukraine. This is all on record.
The total giveaway about the left wing bias of the BBC is not its coverage of the Labour Party conference per se but the cheery, positive, gleeful, upbeat tone of its coverage.
Watch the tone change when they cover government activity.
They do the same with the Greens, Sluffy, despite the fact that they’re all eco-loons without a clue what to do if they ever got more than the one seat in awful Brighton!
Best ignore them really! Pop round and I’ll open another bottle of Fleurie!
One of my favourite reds Scroblene!
You’re welcome as well, Digg!
The headlines are always
– Tory (Kwasi Kwarteng etc.) has DEFENDED
– Labour LEADER Keir Starmer has said
… here’s a clip with lots of clapping”
Anyone claiming the BBC is anything other than anti-Tory is gaslighting you.
BBC creaming themselves carefully selecting coffee bar workers who cannot afford a mortgage because of increases in interest rates.
But…..no mention whatsoever of the other side. Savers, whose returns have been near zero for a decade, eroding year on year. Decent returns for them might be useful, not least private sector pensioners whose inflation protection is capped. Another group the BBC fail to mention.,
How many times can you be sorry.
From Wiki.
Racial issues
In April 2016, Huq defended suspended Labour MP Naz Shah during an interview on BBC’s Today programme by comparing “alleged anti-Semitic” posts about Israel shared by Shah on social media to a photo Huq shared of Boris Johnson on a zip-wire next to Barack Obama. She also stressed the fact that Shah’s comments were made before she became an MP and that some online comments should not be taken seriously. Subsequently, Huq was accused of “trivialising racism”.[57][58] Huq later apologised, saying she was not “fully aware” of Shah’s comments before defending her.[59]
In April 2016, Huq claimed that some areas of television had yet to move forward from the racially insensitive sitcoms of the 1970s. She specifically criticised the BBC comedy Citizen Khan’s “Islamophobic” depiction of a “quite backward” family of Muslims.[60][61][62][63]
In March 2018, Huq received a suspicious package containing an anti-Islamic letter and sticky liquid. The substance was later found to be harmless. Similar packages were received by fellow Labour MPs Mohammad Yasin, Rushanara Ali and Afzal Khan.[64][65]
In May 2018, Huq told colleagues in Westminster Hall[66] that BAME MPs regularly have their access to the House of Commons estate questioned.[67] She said: “I have been stopped more times in this place since my election in 2015, than in 43 years outside.” Furthermore, Huq and fellow Labour MP Tulip Siddiq are mistaken for one another, though they do not look alike. Huq added: “I imagine most BME MPs have encountered it in some form or other.”[66]
In June 2019, Huq was the subject of formal complaints to the Labour Party by two former employees for alleged anti-Semitic behaviour. The Jewish Labour Movement called for her to have the party whip suspended in consequence.[68] The allegations were dismissed due to insufficient evidence. Huq had resigned from Labour Friends of Israel shortly before the allegations were made.[69]
In September 2022, Huq was accused of making racist comments during a speech at a Labour Party fringe event running parallel to the 2022 Labour Party Conference. Huq said of the Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng, who is Black and a member of the Conservative Party, “Superficially he is a black man… if you hear him on the Today Programme, you wouldn’t know he is black.” In response, figures within the Conservative Party including its Chairman demanded the whip be removed from Huq and her expulsion from the Labour Party.[70][71] Huq was subsequently suspended from the Labour Party for her comments on September 27th 2022.[72]
ITV local newsPR prog
FFS 6-6:30 is supposed to be LOCAL news
cos 6:30-7:30pm is national news
Yet they keep dropping these nation syndicated items into the local prog
#1 “Oh here we are in Pakistan isn’t the flood aftermath terrible ?”
What’s that got to do with local Yorkshire.
#2 Students are anxious about money
ITV here are a week behind BBC in cutNPasting PR material put out by some strange lobby group
Save The Student
BBC local news “More onshore wind turbines are coming”
The biased environment reporter starts with an anti wind protester from Nocton Fen
but having ticked that box, quickly moves on to wind PR person ex-Labour MP Melanie Onn delivering slick PR lines
Now the studio reporter is talking Mr Hill to the head of Lincolnshire Council who has always opposed onshore wind.
He is speaking logically
He said if a local community wants one, the council will concede
Studio has made a massive lie that wind farms are 10 times cheaper.
Studio just said “according to this poll from a day or two ago”
As I mentioned this morning the poll is NOT new
The item will be picked up on the local politics show on Sunday afternoon
I listened to an article on extracting the metals needed to make all those lovely electric batteries for cars.
Apparently the extraction of the four key metals essential to making the batteries are located largely in third World countries where the extraction, particularly by the Chinese is causing catastrophic environmental issues. They have to shift millions of tons of soil and rocks to get the small amount of metals they are after, leaving wastelands, polluted water courses etc. In some areas the locals dig it out themselves with shovels etc. then get it weighed in by the Chinese for a pittance who then ship it to China where making the batteries is where the real money is!
Not so lovely and green compared to sinking a shaft to take out the coal, ready to use or drilling a bore hole and taking oil straight out of the ground into barrels.
The public are being duped and sold a pup which will eventually bite back big time.
Be in no doubt, beyond ideology, money in media drives politics.
Those ‘suggested for you’ posts on social media from obscure folk in distant counties about heroic lefties and awful righties do not come cheap.
Norwegians are reporting drones buzzing their North sea oiland gas rigs, one within 50metres.
There are different sizes of drones the small one you see in the shops to the us predator size, what these are is not reported, but there are also submersible drones too.
If the North Sea rigs are attacked we could be in real trouble this Winter.
Everybody has camera phones on those rigs and there are CCTVs with big lenses about too (Noggies love their gadgets)
Show me a photo.
No photo or radar recording – it never happened.
Question: How do I access the comments on the BBC website? I recall there was a special website where BBC articles with comments sections were accessible in a nice format that included deleted comments. I wonder if that site still exists and if so I would be grateful for it.
From the DT – let’s have more coloured BBC accents innit –
Amol Rajan has challenged the director-general of the BBC over “accent bias” among its news presenters, saying it was striking that so many of them talk “posh”.
Mr Rajan is the first presenter of BBC Radio 4’s Today programme to have a strong south London accent.
For a forthcoming documentary, he commissioned research which found that 70 per cent of newsreaders across the four main UK broadcasters – BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Sky – speak with received pronunciation, an accent he said was used by only 10 per cent of the general population.
The BBC’s well-spoken news anchors include Fiona Bruce and Sophie Raworth on television, and Mr Rajan’s Today programme colleagues on radio, while ITV’s News at Ten is presented by the public school-educated Tom Bradby.
Huw Edwards, the BBC’s highest-paid news anchor, speaks with a Welsh accent but comes from a middle-class background.
Mr Rajan confronted Tim Davie with the findings during an interview on stage at a Royal Television Society conference and asked what he planned to do about it.
We found that 70 per cent of newsreaders spoke in the poshest accent after the King’s English, which is RP (Received Pronunciation). Does that surprise you?” Mr Rajan asked.
“Not particularly,” replied Mr Davie.
“Would you like to do something about it?” asked Mr Rajan. “Would you consider giving a main network presenting job to someone with a strong, regional, working-class accent?”
“Of course,” said Mr Davie.
“It’s quite striking that it hasn’t happened, isn’t it?” Mr Rajan added.
“Yeah,” said Mr Davie.
The director-general said he hoped the situation would change because the BBC was focused on improving the socio-economic diversity of its workforce.
He said: “There are a couple of things happening. I’ve pushed £700 million of spending outside the M25. It’s changing the BBC.
“There is a new Radio 1 strand out of Salford. [BBC One daytime show] Morning Live is coming out of Salford. It’s going to happen.
“I’m absolutely revving on it. The critical thing is that you don’t get a sniff of that slightly patronising ‘London is where the best output comes from’ [attitude]. It’s nonsense.”
‘People should have opportunities’
The BBC has set a target for a quarter of its staff to come from lower socio-economic backgrounds by 2027.
Mr Davie said that was “because there is a worry in any organisation that groupthink is an issue. I also think it’s just unfair; people should have opportunities.”
Mr Rajan, who has become one of the BBC’s most high-profile presenters since joining as media editor in 2016, previously made a documentary about social mobility.
In a past edition of Radio 4’s Start the Week, he argued against modifying a working-class accent. “Isn’t the danger that if you change your accent in different circumstances, there is a sense in which you are compromising your essential self?” he asked.
“More dangerously, is it loaded with the assumption that accent connotes morality?”
Elsewhere in their interview, Mr Rajan asked Mr Davie about the BBC’s response to the death of Queen Elizabeth II, and whether the decision to cancel the Last Night of the Proms was the correct one.
Mr Davie disclosed that the decision was taken partly for practical reasons. The corporation feared it would not have enough outside broadcast trucks for the event, as they were required for royal coverage.
“We had enormous decisions to make. Do you put on Strictly? Do you do satire? Where do you stop?
“I think Last Night of the Proms was the most finely balanced one. That was a 50:50 call, but we probably made the right decision,” he said.
Mr Davie said the corporation had learnt lessons from the 109,741 complaints received about its coverage of the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. Many of those were from Gardeners’ World viewers angry that the show was postponed.
“Never take off Gardeners’ World, ever,” said Mr Davie. “One of my claims to fame is that I did generate the most TV complaints in history in 24 hours.”ENDS innit
Victoria Nuland [27th January]: One Way or the Other Nordstream 2 will be stopped.
Biden pledges end to Nord Stream 2 if Russia invades Ukraine [7th February]:
That was after Biden broke the CATSA and agreed to Nordstream 2 being completed, then found out what a stupid thing he had done, and rolled back on it.
People on the twitter musing about other pipelines – eg Norway to UK ….
Time for the thread