It seems that there is an unseen force that dictates government policy more than the will of the people in this democracy . And it seems a favoured force to the BBC and the Labour party .
The BBC , who tell us they are there to inform , educate and entertain , have not shed any light on what these markets are , other than they dont like Liz Truss`s policies . Or do like if they earn a lot out of it .
Now I realise we live in a global economy and countries are subject to outside forces over which they have little control , and currencies like ours are international , but shouldnt we be having a discussion about who and what these markets are , and more importantly , what we can do to negate their power over our domestic policy and free ourselves from the priority they have above the will of the electorate ?
If the Prime Ministers policies work (?) and we do get growth , prosperity and happiness , isnt that better than tailoring the policies to this amorphous being called The Markets .
In fact shouldnt all governments of whatever hue strive to unshacle the country from the balefull influence of The Markets ?
Ford’s £80m EU loan to boost Turkey factory – and close Southampton’s Swaythling plant. Ford’s Turkey plant. THE Daily Echo can reveal today that a huge payout of EU cash was made to Ford just before the company closed its Southampton plant – and it went to boost Transit production in Turkey.1 Nov 2012
This is new Britain
At a car boot sale near Crewe today there was a multilingual cacophony. I had to remind a stallholder that we were still in Britain despite that we seemed to be in an East European Street market complete with the smell of cannabis being openly amoked. The multitude were after a bargain or perhaps more of a bargain.
At one of the stalls a seller was unloading some really nice tools and sets of tools. A pleasant chap I thought. I bought a couple of small items when I saw a couple of Albanians, Romanians or Bulgarians acting suspiciously. They kept moving a nice socket set around, it was priced at £30. The socket set was moved out of sight by the woman and they moved off. Not sure what to do on my own I quickly alerted one of the stewards to the theft. The outcome was that the stall holder gave the thieves £5 to get his goods back. This because they claimed to have paid £5 for it, a lie but there it is. These people are basically taking the piss out of us, Britain and our Society. They know how weak our Police and legal system is.
Here’s the killer. This sort of thieving at the car boot has become more frequent. The organisers decided to act, excluding people that they identified as thieves. However, it seems that complaints have been made alleging race discrimination. The organisers have had to back down and they no longer exclude anyone. I don’t know what woke organisation has put the pressure on but it’s likely to be the Council or some immigrant charity at a guess.
Vagrants? I used to live nearby and did that car boot sale a couple of times. Weird cos I was telling someone about it the other day – the Eastern Europeans, polish I thought, were v keen bargain hunters ie wanted to pay pence not pounds. And whilst setting up, in the cold dark autumn mornings, they would swamp the car, rifling through your boxes so it was hard to supervise what was happening. And that’s for second hand tat. I still couldn’t sell a set of kids golf clubs 🙄
Decades ago when I did a few car boots, it was always the same, – buyers trespassing onto your territory before unloading. So when they kept asking ‘how much’ I said £30 to everything. They soon disappeared until I got the stall up and ready.
When I ran a stall at the village fete several years, we had the usual pikeys coming up and fiddling around with the stock before we opened which I’d arranged by price (old LPs), and they kept putting them back in a way that they could get the lot for peanuts.
Eventually I told them to leave the bloody things alone and bugger off, and my daughter rushed home and told my wife that “Daddy said a rude word”!
Needless to say, that was the last time I ever had to deal with pikeys, because I couldn’t be arsed to do a stall again and having to deal with such trash!
(Actually, the last time was when they pinched all the holly from our tree by the gate one Christmas – thieving bastards)!
Same at our car boot
I asked why there was suddenly a security team
“Romanians stealing and trying to stampede the queue”
Last week local Facebook in the 98% white small town warned shopkeepers of “foreign gangs” On shop caught one going into her stockroom, they got thrown out.
but wait 2 hours and had another go.
In another town I saw clothes shop run by Indians basically shoo older African women out of the shop.
If Angela Rayner can call the tories ‘scum’, then surely its not offensive to say we have the ‘scum’ of the world here. Personally I’m fed up at all the worldly accents that are surrounding me. I even had to ask a local vet to repeat herself when she said she would give my dog ‘wyming’ medication. I thought what the hell is wyming ? so after 3 attempts it appears to have been Eastern European speak for worming.
I really don’t feel that there are over 80 million people who are like me. Where are they ?
Not just car boots, a guy I know who fabricates things from steel has had his sprinter van broken into several times in Londonistan by Eastern Europeans who are so bold, they even do it in ‘secure’ hotel car parks.
Apparently the car boots down there are chock full of stolen tools and when they have stolen 5 vans, they strip 4 down, put the parts in the fifth then take it over to Eastern Europe.
This is the kind of thing the hypocrites at the BBC never go anywhere near because it supports why we voted for Brexit.
I was in Lyneham, Wiltshire yesterday (reasonably rural) and was a bit surprised to see a hi-vis gilet and arm badge wearing security guy patrolling the small Tesco convenience store.
It’d be interesting to know more detail about the actual context for the rise in this sort of thing – there is the obvious explanation – but exposing some numbers would I feel be useful.
Town centre shop doorways are beginning to fill up with sleeping bags and associated detritus – the BBC seems to be ignoring this….
It is not the Tories/Conservative’s that have wrecked the country, it’s those of real power, those that control our Parliament, those that are out to destroy 2000 years of our history, and those that want to supress, control and enslave. You know well to whom I am referring. They were the ones that started that surreptitiously encouraged the Lock-Down, where alomst simultanously 190 countries Locked Down-suspicious wouldn’t you say.
Caught a bit of Strictly Come Dancing.
Did my eyes deceive me?
Does the BBC really believe that having a gay male couple, a fat lesbian, and a dwarf in the contest somehow is representative of the nation as a whole?
It’s beginning to resemble an old fashioned circus of grotesques.. How long before we get the bearded lady among the cast? Or the Siamese twins? Now there’s a thought.
Completely risible and absurd but, this being the BBC, entirely plausible.
I’ve seen that in Japanese culture
: seeming to be very kind to someone
when actually they are shamelessly exploiting that person like a freak for their friends to laugh at.
I think the BBC are so far to the Left now that they actually think they are doing a great service to fat lesbians in the eyes of the public by taking them this seriously.
When in fact they are being made into a complete freak show which the whole country is laughing at and is having the exact opposite effect.
That’s how far the BBC are out of touch with the people now.
My wife watches strictly, I said, “the fat lesbian ticks two boxes, pity she isnt black with one leg too”.
The gays, the blacks, the fat and the dwarf are only on there for those reasons, and they must know it as well.
Viewing figures are apparently well down on last year – understandable. The show isn’t a patch on its early beginnings – the music and choreographer are a million miles away from ballroom dancing. It used to be a delight to see how contestants improved over several weeks, but 2 weeks in and there’s a ’10’ score already.
The disabled aside, the demographic of viewers are over 50, many of whom have voiced their opinions on the same sex dancing, which is causing many to turn off. I honestly found the massively obese ‘comedienne’ an uncomfortable watch. Sod the ‘loving my body’ mantra, seeing the huge arse in tight track suit bottoms with the dough like rolls of fat blocking out the sun, was just an embarrassment. In fact she didn’t actually ‘dance’ she stepped her way around the floor while her partner did all the work, then she struggled to get up from the floor. I assume there will be paramedics on hand when she does the jive, because this woman will have a heart attack otherwise. She clearly has no pride in her appearance, which seems to be endemic in this generation.
I believe the fat lady is straight. She is dancing with another lady because none of the male dancers would have been able to lift her, so she lifts the female dancer.
It is still grotesque, and I do not watch it. Only the BBC could take such a simple format and ruin it with wokeness and PC. They did it with Dr Who, now they have done it with Strictly. I watched Dr Who from the days of Jon Pertwee, but the PC lady Dr was the last straw for me. Amazingly, I do not think the black gay Dr will tempt me back.
Thanks for nothing, BBC. After 100 years you have finally disappeared up your own bottom.
I think this woman is just making a point. Back in 2012 there was Lisa Riley – who was a big lass, though she was sylph like compared to this ten ton offering, and she was paired with Robin Windsor. Ok he didn’t lift her, but for the comedy element she lifted him. She was quite a fair dancer, and earned her place, but the BBC are just shoving this ‘proud of the skin I’m in’ to ridiculous lengths.
Behaviour Panel on YouTube did an analysis of Laura Kuensberg interviewing Liz Truss They observed the two women obviously disliked each other intensely.from their body language. Laura was deliberately looking to camera so that Liz had to twist herself around to speak to her. One of the Americans on the panel stated that Laura was not treating Liz with the respect that her position ie Prime Minister, entitled her to and said she should have just stood up and walked out.
Today Laura K was interviewing her fellow Scot, Nicola Sturgeon. The two women were sitting in similar chairs, but positioned so they could look each other eye to eye, giving the impression of two women having a cosy chat, even if Nicola didn’t like some of the questions.
A fine example of subliminal bias used by the BBC to make Liz Truss look uncomfortable and insecure purely by positioning her. But why didn’t the Conservative PR people or Liz herself call the BBC out?
“But why didn’t the Conservative PR people or Liz herself call the BBC out?”
Here is a simple remedy for you Tories – Scrap the TV Licence.
Unfortunately they are too supine and too Liberal to do it .
They never will call the BBC out. Only backbenchers are willing to do that. Here the Tories are, facing electoral defeat two years away and they are still not even talking tough about al Beeb let alone doing anything. All they can do is talk about get rid of Liz Truss and putting Rishi Sunak in charge. This shows you how divorced the Conservative establishment is from the membership and it can only get worse. Sunak is not going to win the election for them.
The only person who could is Suella Braverman. Truss would do well to give her more prominence instead of stifling her.
A good piece of news, however, is that momentum is building for Proportional Representation in the UK. And from what I’m reading for various sources its introduction may not be far away as the deficiencies of the outdated binary system that still prevails becomes increasingly obvious. I remember very much what it was like here as the pressure built up. The change happened quicker than we thought possible.
Detractors may say that PR doesn’t solve everything, which is true, but it does make political parties far more accountable to their membership. That would shake both Tory and Labour parties to the core. Bring it on.
There is PR in Scotland, and has led to the worst possible outcome of single party dictatorship despite only 30% of the vote with no chance of removing them. 5 year fixed terms as well. Utter disaster.
Mr Ross said he had been contacted by a retired firefighter who said doors in schools were “essential for holding back heat and smoke”, questioning whether the fire service had been consulted.
Agree, they are scared to death of the BBC. When Boris became PM and won an eighty seat majority it seemed possible that he would deal with the BBC but like in just about every other policy he chickened out and chose not to take the Conservative choice.
Decriminalisation of non payment of the LF would have been enough in my view. I think that several hundred thousand who were inhibited from refusing to pay by the threat of a criminal record , no matter how remote that threat was, would have joined the refuseniks .
Why is it allowed to continue ? – the bias of the BBC has become ridiculous. They don’t even try to hide it any more. I remember Kuenssberg was exactly the same when she interviewed Theresa May and Steptoe a few years ago.
I’m only surprised they didn’t open it for HYS so the throngs of students could tell us how much they despise the Tories as well.
Only thing worse will be Beff and Rayner go full Billy Elish to snag the fat slag vote and ‘never been kissed by a Tory, or anyone else’ Les Punt brigade.
The country is in the state it is because what has bee allowed to rise to the top, and it is not the cream.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you know you can trust the BBC to give you incorrect information . The £ has miraculously recovered against the the $, it appears, either that or the BBC tolerate incorrect markets information on their web-site.
“The BBC must take away the rightwing thinktanks’ megaphone”
Comments by corrrspondents suggesting that the BBC should not put on advocates of low tax / low public spending – including a far left vicar who complains about having his views challenged – and never got a second invite onto the BBC.
But in context – the BBC will always try to put on someone who is ‘approved ‘- without proper / any challenge – including – of course the NHS nurse / doctor (saint ) moaning about ‘cuts ‘ but who turns out to be a Labour Party activist.
That is described here often and frequently …
TODAY watch
It seems like the new narrative is that the Blue Labour Party is hopelessly split and the outgoing PM( truss) is doing serial u turns . Who cares ?
They have no control of the economy , borders , NHS , brexit , civil service , woke education , public services ….with an 80 majority and 12 years in power …
The BBC Monday morning is referring to the ‘Farage end of the Tory party ‘- so they refer to someone who they have cancelled as well as not a member of that party .
Are they so thick as to notice this ?
But their nightmare is Farage – and I wonder what would happen if he started a new political party – avoiding the mistakes made with previous attempts . No one else has the recognition he has – probably – I think – in British politics .
For the record – I am not a fan – but he does speak for huge numbers of British ( Uk first ) taxpayers …
I don’t like farage much personally either, but I agree with almost everything he says.
Sometimes I stumble onto some thread somewhere where the lefties are talking about him and GB News and it’s quite shocking just how bitter and spiteful they are. These people hate with a passion like you never see from the Right.
Which is absolutely the same as what I saw in the DT comments in the run up to Brexit. Particularly from the Scottish and Irish.
Which is why my opinion of the Left is now so low. Their personal ethics disgust me.
The trouble is that nobody can win an election when the media have cancelled them unless there are some extreme conditions in society – like there were before Brexit. It clearly shows the fascist society the BBC + others have created when people are afraid to say who they support because of the stigma they have been made to feel.
I wonder how many Ukraine media peeps are BBC trained and how many BBC production pros and associated minders are lurking in makeshift production suites in nondescript urban houses in Kyiv and provincial centers?
It’s not like the BBC haven’t boasted a bit about their support for Ukrainian media.
As the BBC gears up for its centenary, a commemorative coin has been unveiled. The commercially rapacious Royal Mint has revealed the 50p coin – priced at £159.50 to mark the occasion. It features an image of Queen Elizabeth II rather than King Charles and it is expected to create a “high demand” among collectors, especially those of color at roadshows. The coins were produced before the Queen died last month, and will not be reproduced with an effigy of King Charles in order to “minimise waste or unnecessary environmental impact”. Or lose money; Chas may be BBC green but has zero public credibility. The coin pays tribute to the BBC’s global propaganda and shows a broadcast mast emerging from the Earth like a mind bending fungus. Take a look. Or get fined.
A bizarre 'fact check' from AFP accepts that Arctic summer sea ice has increased since 2012, but then says it is 'misleading' to report such an inconvenient fact.
I want @LibDems to go into the next election as the party that clearly rejects #Brexit and is prepared to speak for the millions that the pro-Brexit parties – Tories and Labour – have left behind.
That's why I've nominated @LizWebsterLD for Party President.
— Neil Schofield-Hughes 🔶 🇪🇺 🏴🇺🇦 (@SZeitblom) October 9, 2022
The entire current political estate, and the media shamelessly affiliated to them for bizarre goat related reasons are beyond the pale, thick, deviant or venal… or all three. In the case of the bbc and those it supports.
The BBC report on that is the most over-the-top, cringworthy amateur empathy-fest I’ve read for a while. The actual news is secondary to describing the dead children’s favourite cuddly toy his poor grandmother gave him or whatever.
Then they did it again today.
I’m at the point where I actually believe these stupid, over-emotional clones at the BBC get excited when an event like this happens and start thinking what they might win at the next BBC incestuous awards ceremony if they lay it on thick enough.
Proof of this – if it were needed – are all those feminist activists in Afghanistan who have been completely forgotten and thrown under a bus now it’s not the trendy topic of conversation in the BBC office.
Here are my questions for ‘Start the Week’ before I get my head down………….
Do Tory voters want the Invasion of Criminals and Scroungers to our land to continue?
Do Tory voters want viewers to continue paying for the BBC Licence?
Do Tory voters want to pay the Green Levy ?
The middle-aged white males who voted for Brexit, like the odd pint down the pub and are the backbone of the country doing useful jobs like plumbing and carpentry ?.
The ‘Green Energy Scandal’ is actually the vast amount of money being wasted on things which have negligible impact on climate change at a global level.
Many observers hereabouts – including Mr AsISeeIt – have come to notice a certain set of biased media narratives which appear to be baked-in to our daily news headlines.
Cost of living crisis. Let them heat cake (Daily Star) – there is a theory that the basis of this pun on a famous brioche-related quote is wrongly attributed to ancien régime queen Marie Antoinette, but it was – to spoil a good story – appropriately enough – in fact an invention of the revolutionary writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
Talking of baked-in leftist made up narratives…
Hard-up Brits keep warm in bakeries as bills bite – claims the Daily Star, firmly attributing the problem personally to Liz Truss by picturing her on the frontpage clutching a slice of something adjacent to a Victoria sponge – perhaps a pic garnered from the B-roll of that infamous Boris No10 birthday party? We’ll read more about artistic impressions later.
Cash-strapped Brits are heading to bakeries to keep warm because they haven’t got enough dough to heat their homes in the cost of living crisis. Full story page 5 – and story is just what one supposes this to be.
Has the weather really turned that cold already this week? Have red wall northerners suddenly lost their habit of going about the streets sleeveless and short skirted in the winter? Have people received their higher energy bills already – despite postal strikes?
We know much bigger energy bills are in the pipeline – or not, since the Yanks blew it up and blamed Putin for scuppering Russia’s main source of foreign currency. What do I know? I’ll concede Putin may have destroyed Nord Stream 2 as an excuse not to export gas to Germany and instead sell it to a grateful China and other friendly nations – but did he really need the excuse to do that?
Girl, 5, buying cake was among blast victims – The Daily Telegraph at first glance might have been trying to persuade us once again what a bad man Putin was – Wrath of Putin. 13 dead including a child in another war crime (Metro) however, the former unfortunate story happens to refer to the Irish petrol station explosion. Has that been explained yet? Come on, if we’re confident we know what happened in the far away Baltic… how about Donegal?
The BBC are meanwhile celebrating the blast attack on Russia’s Kerch bridge: Crimean bridge: Excitement and fear in Ukraine after bridge blast… A woman and man pose in front of an artist’s impression of the Crimean bridge explosion in Kyiv, Ukraine – not a particularly realistic representation if one compares it to the photographs beamed around the world this weekend.
Ukrainians in Kyiv pose on Saturday in front of an artwork imagining an attack on the bridge. A postage stamp to commemorate it is now being hastily prepared (Times) – quick work…
However, BBC: Queen features on new 50p coin marking BBC centenary… The coin priced at £11 – now tell me the Bank of England hasn’t caused our inflation problems – The coins were produced before the Queen died in September and will not be re-struck in order to “minimise waste or unnecessary environmental impact” – That’s as maybe, I suppose hard-pressed tax payers ought to be grateful for small mercies – even if they have to come gift wrapped in eco nonsense.
Hmmm… from thoughts of windmills in the sky back to imaginary bridges… when was the last time we saw artists’ impressions of imaginary bridges…?
Euros Bills Were Intentionally Drawn Not To Represent Real Bridges (Boredpanda – ‘Lithuanian website that publishes articles about “lightweight and inoffensive topics”… ‘While we may imagine a dystopian future full of surreal landscapes, totalitarian governments, and post-apocalyptic scenes, the reality is much more boring’)
Christine Lagarde, president of the ECB, said euro banknotes were “here to stay” despite an increase in cashless payments during the coronavirus pandemic.
“They are a tangible and visible symbol that we stand together in Europe, particularly in times of crisis, and there is still a strong demand for them,” she said. “After 20 years, it’s time to review the look of our banknotes to make them more relatable to Europeans of all ages and backgrounds.”
In a process expected to take several years… The process will mark the first big overhaul of the imagery used on the euro banknotes since the currency started circulating in physical form in 2002, when notes ranging from €5 to €500 replaced the currencies of 12 member states including the French franc, German mark and Italian lira.
Windows, doorways and bridges had been selected to symbolise the spirit of European openness, cooperation and communication. (Guardian, December 2021)
Here comes a rude interruption of our fascinating numismatic discussion of bank notes and of proposed postage stamp designs…
Sturgeon: I detest Tories and all they stand for (Telegraph)
She doesn’t know she’s born: Hong Kong has for the first time imprisoned five teenagers, aged between 16 and 19, under its national security law, they were said to belong to an independence group (Times)
9am R4 Advertise Your New Book Show
What a surprise they promote a Pro Obama anti-Republican novel ..that stereotype Republicans as white bigots.
blurb :In her latest novel, The Unfolding, the prize-winning AM Homes has created a compelling central character: a larger than life American patriot and family man. Undone by Obama’s victory in the 2008 presidential election, he collects together a band of like-minded men to spread their version of the American dream, and to reclaim it by force if necessary.
AM Homes tells Tom Sutcliffe her Big Guy’s fight to retain his influence is confounded by his failure to keep his own family from fracturing”
.. Tom Sutcliffe “What did you feel on Jan 6 ?”
Author “It was truly terrifying ”
Tom Sutcliffe “People did die on January 6th”
.. Hang on, who ?
“The Big Guy is white men who own land
but we believe that women and POC should vote”
There’s more that is (I feel / suspect) actively being suppressed – if you are curious about Jan 6th Capitol events and you aren’t following Julie Kelly – you are missing a lot.
AM Homes “my daughter asked , mommy were there any women in history
and I had to think”
That was immediately debunked by the historian “My book lists many many women leaders in history and they were just as terrible as men”
Then he went into detail on Empress Wu of China.
My God it is such a relief to listen to common sense on the radio.
I have just finished listening to Carl Heneghan talking to Julia HB on TalkRadio. Just straight forward common sense combined with looking at the health data and hands on practical experience.
I thank every day that I do not tune into the BBC that is probably right now doing everything to panic our UK population with their fear porn, outright lies, and propaganda.
Ten years after the mass popular uprising known as the Arab Spring began in January of 2011, optimism can be hard to find. Despite the participation of thousands of people — particularly young people — in protests against the autocratic rulers of Middle Eastern countries, little seems to have changed. Tunisians brought down a dictator and established a representative democracy, but that fledgling republic is struggling. Other countries, such as Egypt, have only replaced one autocratic ruler (Hosni Mubarak) for another (Abdel Fattah el-Sisi), while still others, like Saudi Arabia, appear not to have been affected at all.
The Advertise Your Book For A Week Show
They just said at the Aberfan disaster the workers at the tip at 7am noticed a change in the overnight level and wanted to telephone the manager but “the telephone line had been stolen”
.. So then a man had to be sent down walking and time was lost as men sat around drinking tea .
I am so angry to see the gallons of precious milk being thrown all over the place in London by seemingly irresponsible adults-I would birch the lot of them and make them clear up the mess-their message if there was one will not be taken seriously by anyone they thought would do so-beyond idiotic.
Christopher Hohn gave £50,000 to the group and the charity he co-founded, The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, has donated more than £150,000. Michael Stipe is a supporter; all profits from his debut solo single, “Your Capricious Soul”, will go to Extinction Rebellion.
As well as making money and picking boardroom fights, Hohn, who was once chancellor Rishi Sunak’s boss at TCI, is one of the nation’s biggest philanthropists.
I too am in favour of birching for crimes such as vandalism. I don’t understand why more people aren’t. Corporal punishment has got a lot going for it.
1. It is quick.
2. It is reformative.
3. It is a strong deterrent.
4. It is cheap and cost-effective.
These Animal Rebellion milkspilling milksops are moaning about someone “putting an arm across the neck” of one of their activists. I reckon if they had faced the prospect of the birch these woosies wouldn’t have dared commit their act of vandalism.
I’ve said this before when talking about deterrence and arguing that murder convictions should carry the death penalty:
Raise the cost of doing something and fewer people will do it.
It appears we are singing from the same hym sheet-I would that a rape crime that be proved, it should be immediate castration for the purputrator and that means men of all denominations inc those that follow the teachings of Islam. We do indeed need a real deterent, up until 1965 we had the death penalty and today with modern Forensics, proof of the crime can certain. I don’t what age you are but at 80 I and my fellow pupils at school could have the cane, glad to say it was used rarely, but it, plus other punishments were in place and that drove a deal of respect for the Law wether in Scool or out, into us and that has stayed with me all my life. I am noe so disheartened with the way this nation is going. The UK is well over populated at 75 million plus, as from the proper stats, and it is begining to feel that we are trapped like Rats in a trap. The added volume of immigration over the past 25 years in particular has greatly put a massive strain on our slim resources and ever grwoing more so. Animal Rebellion like Extinction Rebellion, are filled with duplicity and encouraged by our satanic media et al. Of course I would bring back a form of National Service where all over 18 yrs would serve 2 years min, for their country. Not involving guns, but more to help society in may ways, it such an exercise would make better people of them.
In the middle of 10am local news
“More than 1000 migrants cross the channel yesterday .. That is the fourth time such a tally has been passed
The ministry of defence say they detected 25 boats yesterday”
OK so they reported on the Invasion
but in a perfunctory way, not in a honed way they use for causes they believe in.
The families are more important to our ‘diversity’ Government / Truss et al. than the initial arrivals as that’s who they want to come and breed to overcome the ‘Demographic Time-bomb’.
F**k the rest who just need to shut up and foot the bill.
Raspail has said his inspiration came while at the French Riviera in 1971, as he was looking out at the Mediterranean.
What if they were to come? I did not know who “they” were, but it seemed inevitable to me that the numberless disinherited people of the South would, like a tidal wave, set sail one day for this opulent shore, our fortunate country’s wide-gaping frontier.[13]
The name of the book comes from a passage in the Book of Revelation (20:7–9) depicting the apocalypse. Satan influences most of the nations of the Earth to gather for one final battle against “the camp of the saints,”
Well what is the new Home Secretary doing? She is considered by many as the bees knees, but not being an inigenous Brit maybe there is a problem for her with so many immigrants coming from Asia/Indian Sub Continent.
Even on TalkRadio – usually a sensible station – they reported the happy news that 38,000 migrants had made the ‘dangerous’ crossing across the Channel so far this year. Dangerous? They are travelling on large scale dinghies of the sort used by the military. The Channel is like a milk pond on most days during the Summer. The invaders are accompanied for 99% of the journey by the deceitful French, the Royal Navy, Border Farce and the discredited RNLI. The biggest danger they face is briefly losing signal on their iPhones in the middle of the Channel, or getting the wrong flavour topping on their Welcome to Britain Arrival Pizza.
Either way, it’s perhaps a surprising statement for the Tory leader, not least because Kahlo was a communist, married to artist Diego Rivera, a prominent figure in the Mexican Communist party, and a close friend of Leon Trotsky. She also spent her career concerned with the plight of the impoverished, our connectedness to self, nature and the universe, the relationship between pain and identity, and imagined, one day, we could live in a classless society.
The BBC and the rest of our media have completely rubbished any concept of journalistic ethics of reporting the facts as they are on any political topic and I now disregard any articles from the UK about the situation in Ukraine. I have no confidence at all that they are telling me the truth.
Russia do anything at all and they are evil child-killers. Whatever Ukraine do they are heroes. If Ukraine do anything bad, it’s not reported. Only idiots can swallow such a narrative. If you read the comments for a HYS on the subject, they have whipped the gullible masses who frequent the BBC into a baying mob.
At least in WW2 we were actually at war ourselves. Since Brexit, I have been stunned by just how corrupt and dishonest our media actually is – and none more so than the BBC who are the only ones with a mandate to be impartial. I particulary detest how they are increasingly using extreme empathy as a tool to sway opinion.
Thanks in part to media, no war since No. 2 has actually been a ‘war’, leaving Eliot Carvers free rein to assign whatever they like to whatever they like.
If things that are going boom are flying across lines, then crucial strategic supply lines elsewhere are of course worthy of explosive attention.
A point worth noting if any non com near one.
Targeting an orphanage with a smart bomb is bad though.
Standing outside a building festooned with ariels on the weekly shop likely unwise.
John Cleese is set to get a show on GB News, alongside Andrew Doyle. On the Today Programme he claimed he “didn’t know” who GB News were before being approached. This comes despite the fact the arch-Remainer had previously referred to it as the “late unlamented GB News” and dubbed them “KGB News”, referring to their funding. To be fair to John, he’s not as young as he used to be.
John is an opponent of wokeism and says the move was made possible by their pro-free speech platform. When he was asked about joining the BBC, he replied “not on your nelly”, predicting he would be cancelled within five minutes. Guido wishes Cleese all the best in his new position, though that may conceivably not be entirely welcome…
The Lady of Heaven film: Morocco bans ‘blasphemous’ British film. Moroccan cinema authorities have banned the controversial British film Lady of Heaven, after it was condemned by the country’s religious council.12 Jun 2022
Shame on Cineworld for cancelling The Lady of Heaven
Why do some radical Muslims believe they have the right to crush culture?
7 June 2022, 5:46pm
Tomo – the trouble is – when these vermin know plod is on their side – they’ll continue until they get their first dead martyrs – which will be no loss to the planet but will strengthen their number until more are killed .
I wonder where Frontex are wrt to UK bound rubber boaters?
BREAKING! The @EUombudsman opens two new inquiries into @Frontex and @eu_eaas on their support to develop surveillance capabilities in non-EU countries. 🧵
Sometimes you see cars or vans which are belching out oily blue smoke from their exhausts leaving a cloud of toxic gas behind them.
I have a delightful image in my mind of one such vehicle being held up by these types who glue themselves to roads, revving up and smothering the hippies in this thick cloud of gas.
11:30am Nigerian student calls BBC local radio speaking in broken English
“What is this ? The universities are encouraging us foreign students and bring our families with us to the UK
then when we arrive it’s impossible to get accommodation
Every time we apply for house they ask for proof of employment, energy bills etc.
Yet we don’t have these things cos we just arrived
My family has been moving around begging people for a few days stay, sleeping in church halls etc”
East Yorkshire Council
“we got £7K grant money to replace a couple of parking spaces with a parklet that looks like platform with cafe tables
We did a survey before and 75% said they woul approve of the scheme”
“I CANNOT understand why any sane person would want to take on the poisoned chalice of becoming Prime Minister of the UK.”
Well it’s not to make Britain great again, it’s to please their globalist bosses..
” Here is a by no means comprehensive list of tasks Liz Truss and her government need urgently to tackle.
Slim down the bloated civil service drastically.
Make the remaining civil servants do as they’re told by ministers instead of trying to thwart them.
Get all public servants back into their offices or fire them if they won’t.
Cancel the Northern Ireland Protocol.
Stop foreign vessels fishing in our waters.
Stop paying any more of the £42billion so-called exit fee to the EU.
Instruct the Royal Navy and Border Force to turn back the migrant boats, land them on French beaches and destroy the rubber boats and outboard motors.
Withdraw from the European Court of Human Rights.
Drastically cut the vast number of parasitic quangos, especially the 27 quangos connected to the NHS. Staff at shut down quangos should be made redundant, not shuffled sideways into other lucrative sinecures.
Shut down all Confucius Institutes in academia.
Build at least ten more hospitals to improve our woeful bed to population ratio of 1.9:1,000.
Recruit and train many more doctors and nurses, but not by robbing other nations such as the Philippines, India and others.
Repeal the insane Climate Change Act and abolish the Climate Change Committee.
Slim down military top ranks by retiring half the generals, admirals and air marshals to reflect the size of their forces more reasonably.
Build more ships for the Royal Navy.
Reform the Police Service so that it starts tackling real crime instead of hate crime.
Ruthlessly reform the Byzantine tax regulations to reduce Tolley’s 1,008-page tax guide by at least two-thirds.
Force companies such as Amazon, Google and others to pay the correct amount of UK corporation tax on their earnings in Britain.
End all subsidies to renewable energy generation (and then see how much new investment is forthcoming).
Build eight coal-fired power stations.
Strongly promote small modular nuclear reactors for electricity generation with government subsidies and grants.
Insist that house builders (a) start (and continue) building on their land banks within 12 months or lose them, and (b) build on all brown field sites in their region before granting any more green field site approvals.
Legislate to prevent greedy senior local councillors from awarding themselves huge salaries while simultaneously curtailing public services: dustbin collections, public libraries, parking facilities, road repairs, etc.
The point is that the government should immediately start actually doing things instead of just talking about doing things as it has done for the last 12 years.”
I’m so beat down and cynical I’d settled for one of the above a year.
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
Q: How many economists does it take to have an argument?
A: One. On the other hand . . . …..
Get two discussing something or other with an economic relevance and you are bound to get a disagreement. I disagree with Martin Wolf, esteemed as he is including by me; that is probably the stupidest thing he has ever written if it is truly attributable to him.
Widespread immigration into the UK was halted around one hundred and twenty years ago because of terrorism and overcrowding in a part of London that distorted the ethnic balance in Docklands. The UK was still an Imperialist power, was about to be involved in a war in two far-flung places on the planet and not long after be invited to join in the first ever World War by an evil German.
When another evil German took over power in Germany, immigration into the UK with some restrictions was allowed again. One of my late friends came to the UK like that as a child with her mother and sister.
Over the other side of the Atlantic, the ‘cousins’ were allowing immigration into their country continually: sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and non-stop into the twentieth century until before WW2. That filled the need for a haven for the immigrant but they also had a big country to fill, businesses to support, manpower and womanpower was necessary to build railways, invent things, buy things, do jobs and so on.
The desirability of immigration depends on a lot of factors, not just ‘the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
Eddy, probably the best thing Liz Truss could do right now is to instruct her Chancellor to slash the duty payable on diesel fuel by at least half and cut the VAT leviable on all road fuels probably by two per cent a month during 2023. That would have an immediate impact on ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’. The environmentalist groups will howl with rage but the PM could point out that it will enable them to get to their demonstrations much more cheaply, even if they travel by train.
: “The exclusion of migrants is disgusting, it is sinful.
It is criminal not to open doors to those who are needy.”
What is “sinful and disgusting” is a marxist atheist who hates Western civilisation pretending to be a Pope
Vatican website has strange language
: why say emigrant when you mean immigrant ?
“Today, the day in which Bishop Scalabrini becomes a saint, I think of emigrants.
The exclusion of emigrants is scandalous. Actually, the exclusion of emigrants is criminal. They are dying right in front of us, as the Mediterranean is the largest cemetery in the world.
The exclusion of emigrants is revolting, sinful and criminal.
Not opening doors to those in need – “No, we do not exclude them, we send them away” to camps, where they are exploited and sold like slaves.
Brothers and sisters, today let us call to mind these emigrants, especially those who are dying.
And those who are able to enter, do we welcome them as brothers and sisters or do we exploit them?
I simply pose the question
“I simply pose the question” yeh right
It is not unusual to exclude lawbreakers
Can I go into the Vatican Museum in the middle of the night ?
“CJ Ujah has been suspended for 22 months
.. but cleared of deliberately taking banned drugs after the British sprinter cost his team-mates their Olympic silver sprint relay medal”
“Took contaminated supplement”
I don’t get “cleared” and then punished by suspension.
I suppose he wasn’t cleared of being negligent.
Farah finished eighth in the 2014 London Marathon and the fact he had been given L-carnitine was first reported by the Sunday Times three years later. L-carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid that some studies suggest could boost athletic performance if it is injected directly into the bloodstream.
Mo Farah admitted taking performance-enhancing supplement minutes after ‘repeatedly denying’ it in Salazar investigation
Four-time Olympic champion was grilled by Usada officials in 2015 where he allegedly changed his story on the use of L-carnitine after suddenly remembering the injection two days before the 2014 London Marathon
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Lucy Letby – a nurse – is on trial for the murder of 5 babies in a neonatal unit . If convicted – I wonder how the BBC will deal with it ?
Guess we ll find out in a week or two …..don’t forget to clap ….
Guardian : a Lucy Letby, 32, is accused of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder another 10 between June 2015 and June 2016 at the Countess of Chester hospital, a jury heard.
Jurors at Manchester crown court were told that Letby poisoned two baby boys “deliberately with insulin” two days after they were born.
Another way of handling these road glue protestors would be to use their tactics.
Pour milk on them.
It seems perfectly acceptable to them when they empty pints of milk all over other peoples goods so why not.
Next, like maddie Budd done to Captain Tom’s grave, why not empty buckets of shite onto them.
I’ve taken to carrying a couple of bags of large cable ties in my boot. Nothing offensive there. If I encounter a protest like this, I’m hoping to enlist a couple of like-minded souls to drag these folk to the side of the road and tie them to the nearest piece of road furniture. The passing traffic, both pedestrian and roadside, can throw comments and other items in their direction. A sort of 21st century stocks, if you like.
Oct 6th ITV local news website
I didn’t notice anything in air.
Twenty four men in Bradford are charged with having sex with one thirteen-year-old child. This is just horrific. And it goes on again and again in town after town across the country so often that it’s barely commented on anymore. | ITV News Calendar
Investigation be dammed if they know who these men are then have them castrated immediately, and then sentanced-castration for any Muslim would outlaw him from his Ideology and bar him from entering a Mosque. This kind of Punishment means something to the Islamics, the word would go around like lightening and there woud be far fewer cases of such disgusting behaviour. Why are our authorities on such matter so weak?
I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result.
6th Sept 2018 This is hilarious Katie Hopkins is not allowed to pin down Femi’s funding.
His white “minder” steps in putting Femi on the naughty step for being honest? //
Seems the story got updated
Three men have been charged with murder after a stabbing outside a Coventry mosque.
Haji Choudhary Rab Nawaz was found injured following reports of a fight outside the Jamiah Masjid & Institute just after 21:00 BST on 2 October.
The 52-year-old died in hospital a short time later, police said.
Adam Razaaq, 20, Hasnian Razaaq, 23 and Mohammed Faisal, 29, are due to appear at the city’s magistrates court on Saturday..
Someone help me out here – BBC TV ( England ) is showing the SNP conference with the crankie speech live this afternoon .
I’m presuming that Wales and Northern Ireland are suffering it too .
Why ?
After all we non Scots are told it’s none our business. Or does the BBC think that the other 3 regions / nations – of the UK will have a vote ?
Maybe Krankie will up the ante and go from ‘detest ‘ people like me ( Far Right ) to ‘hate ‘ me or want me dead … SNP starting advocating terrorism ?mass murder – all in the cause of nationalism ?
I always wondered whether the Northern Ireland sickness would spread to the provisional terrorist wing of the SNP…
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The markets .
It seems that there is an unseen force that dictates government policy more than the will of the people in this democracy . And it seems a favoured force to the BBC and the Labour party .
The BBC , who tell us they are there to inform , educate and entertain , have not shed any light on what these markets are , other than they dont like Liz Truss`s policies . Or do like if they earn a lot out of it .
Now I realise we live in a global economy and countries are subject to outside forces over which they have little control , and currencies like ours are international , but shouldnt we be having a discussion about who and what these markets are , and more importantly , what we can do to negate their power over our domestic policy and free ourselves from the priority they have above the will of the electorate ?
If the Prime Ministers policies work (?) and we do get growth , prosperity and happiness , isnt that better than tailoring the policies to this amorphous being called The Markets .
In fact shouldnt all governments of whatever hue strive to unshacle the country from the balefull influence of The Markets ?
Nibor, “You cannot buck the markets.” Numerous PM’s have had to learn that, including the famous ‘Grocer’s daughter’.
Ford’s £80m EU loan to boost Turkey factory – and close Southampton’s Swaythling plant. Ford’s Turkey plant. THE Daily Echo can reveal today that a huge payout of EU cash was made to Ford just before the company closed its Southampton plant – and it went to boost Transit production in Turkey.1 Nov 2012,Ford's%20%C2%A380m%20EU%20loan%20to%20boost%20Turkey,and%20close%20Southampton's%20Swaythling%20plant&text=Ford's%20Turkey%20plant.,boost%20Transit%20production%20in%20Turkey.
This is new Britain
At a car boot sale near Crewe today there was a multilingual cacophony. I had to remind a stallholder that we were still in Britain despite that we seemed to be in an East European Street market complete with the smell of cannabis being openly amoked. The multitude were after a bargain or perhaps more of a bargain.
At one of the stalls a seller was unloading some really nice tools and sets of tools. A pleasant chap I thought. I bought a couple of small items when I saw a couple of Albanians, Romanians or Bulgarians acting suspiciously. They kept moving a nice socket set around, it was priced at £30. The socket set was moved out of sight by the woman and they moved off. Not sure what to do on my own I quickly alerted one of the stewards to the theft. The outcome was that the stall holder gave the thieves £5 to get his goods back. This because they claimed to have paid £5 for it, a lie but there it is. These people are basically taking the piss out of us, Britain and our Society. They know how weak our Police and legal system is.
Here’s the killer. This sort of thieving at the car boot has become more frequent. The organisers decided to act, excluding people that they identified as thieves. However, it seems that complaints have been made alleging race discrimination. The organisers have had to back down and they no longer exclude anyone. I don’t know what woke organisation has put the pressure on but it’s likely to be the Council or some immigrant charity at a guess.
Vagrants? I used to live nearby and did that car boot sale a couple of times. Weird cos I was telling someone about it the other day – the Eastern Europeans, polish I thought, were v keen bargain hunters ie wanted to pay pence not pounds. And whilst setting up, in the cold dark autumn mornings, they would swamp the car, rifling through your boxes so it was hard to supervise what was happening. And that’s for second hand tat. I still couldn’t sell a set of kids golf clubs 🙄
Decades ago when I did a few car boots, it was always the same, – buyers trespassing onto your territory before unloading. So when they kept asking ‘how much’ I said £30 to everything. They soon disappeared until I got the stall up and ready.
When I ran a stall at the village fete several years, we had the usual pikeys coming up and fiddling around with the stock before we opened which I’d arranged by price (old LPs), and they kept putting them back in a way that they could get the lot for peanuts.
Eventually I told them to leave the bloody things alone and bugger off, and my daughter rushed home and told my wife that “Daddy said a rude word”!
Needless to say, that was the last time I ever had to deal with pikeys, because I couldn’t be arsed to do a stall again and having to deal with such trash!
(Actually, the last time was when they pinched all the holly from our tree by the gate one Christmas – thieving bastards)!
Same at our car boot
I asked why there was suddenly a security team
“Romanians stealing and trying to stampede the queue”
Last week local Facebook in the 98% white small town warned shopkeepers of “foreign gangs” On shop caught one going into her stockroom, they got thrown out.
but wait 2 hours and had another go.
In another town I saw clothes shop run by Indians basically shoo older African women out of the shop.
If Angela Rayner can call the tories ‘scum’, then surely its not offensive to say we have the ‘scum’ of the world here. Personally I’m fed up at all the worldly accents that are surrounding me. I even had to ask a local vet to repeat herself when she said she would give my dog ‘wyming’ medication. I thought what the hell is wyming ? so after 3 attempts it appears to have been Eastern European speak for worming.
I really don’t feel that there are over 80 million people who are like me. Where are they ?
Not just car boots, a guy I know who fabricates things from steel has had his sprinter van broken into several times in Londonistan by Eastern Europeans who are so bold, they even do it in ‘secure’ hotel car parks.
Apparently the car boots down there are chock full of stolen tools and when they have stolen 5 vans, they strip 4 down, put the parts in the fifth then take it over to Eastern Europe.
This is the kind of thing the hypocrites at the BBC never go anywhere near because it supports why we voted for Brexit.
I was in Lyneham, Wiltshire yesterday (reasonably rural) and was a bit surprised to see a hi-vis gilet and arm badge wearing security guy patrolling the small Tesco convenience store.
It’d be interesting to know more detail about the actual context for the rise in this sort of thing – there is the obvious explanation – but exposing some numbers would I feel be useful.
Town centre shop doorways are beginning to fill up with sleeping bags and associated detritus – the BBC seems to be ignoring this….
There is some kind of competition going on.
Who it is between and for what purpose…?
Are there really this many utter freaks in senior positions?
Ah -the token tick box KC ….stay on strike dear…
It is not the Tories/Conservative’s that have wrecked the country, it’s those of real power, those that control our Parliament, those that are out to destroy 2000 years of our history, and those that want to supress, control and enslave. You know well to whom I am referring. They were the ones that started that surreptitiously encouraged the Lock-Down, where alomst simultanously 190 countries Locked Down-suspicious wouldn’t you say.
Caught a bit of Strictly Come Dancing.
Did my eyes deceive me?
Does the BBC really believe that having a gay male couple, a fat lesbian, and a dwarf in the contest somehow is representative of the nation as a whole?
It’s beginning to resemble an old fashioned circus of grotesques.. How long before we get the bearded lady among the cast? Or the Siamese twins? Now there’s a thought.
Completely risible and absurd but, this being the BBC, entirely plausible.
I’ve seen that in Japanese culture
: seeming to be very kind to someone
when actually they are shamelessly exploiting that person like a freak for their friends to laugh at.
I think the BBC are so far to the Left now that they actually think they are doing a great service to fat lesbians in the eyes of the public by taking them this seriously.
When in fact they are being made into a complete freak show which the whole country is laughing at and is having the exact opposite effect.
That’s how far the BBC are out of touch with the people now.
My wife watches strictly, I said, “the fat lesbian ticks two boxes, pity she isnt black with one leg too”.
The gays, the blacks, the fat and the dwarf are only on there for those reasons, and they must know it as well.
Viewing figures are apparently well down on last year – understandable. The show isn’t a patch on its early beginnings – the music and choreographer are a million miles away from ballroom dancing. It used to be a delight to see how contestants improved over several weeks, but 2 weeks in and there’s a ’10’ score already.
The disabled aside, the demographic of viewers are over 50, many of whom have voiced their opinions on the same sex dancing, which is causing many to turn off. I honestly found the massively obese ‘comedienne’ an uncomfortable watch. Sod the ‘loving my body’ mantra, seeing the huge arse in tight track suit bottoms with the dough like rolls of fat blocking out the sun, was just an embarrassment. In fact she didn’t actually ‘dance’ she stepped her way around the floor while her partner did all the work, then she struggled to get up from the floor. I assume there will be paramedics on hand when she does the jive, because this woman will have a heart attack otherwise. She clearly has no pride in her appearance, which seems to be endemic in this generation.
Cor – sounds like I need to get a TV licence so I can watch …
With you there, Fed!
I wonder if we’re going to see the re-mergence of a Zebra Man (19th century tattooed freak show performer) ?
On a similar but not identical theme -me – I’d like to see the return of Le Petomaine
There should be a talent completion a la X-factor with a special category for climate change.
Paul Brand and John Prescott would blow the competition away, especially any down from the pas de deux lift.
– does one assess for quantity or quality?
They actually made a film of this – Leonard Rossiter of Rising Damp was the star.
thanks – I had forgotten that 🙂
I hope the soundtrack is authentic
heads over to YouTube
and there it is
I believe the fat lady is straight. She is dancing with another lady because none of the male dancers would have been able to lift her, so she lifts the female dancer.
It is still grotesque, and I do not watch it. Only the BBC could take such a simple format and ruin it with wokeness and PC. They did it with Dr Who, now they have done it with Strictly. I watched Dr Who from the days of Jon Pertwee, but the PC lady Dr was the last straw for me. Amazingly, I do not think the black gay Dr will tempt me back.
Thanks for nothing, BBC. After 100 years you have finally disappeared up your own bottom.
I think this woman is just making a point. Back in 2012 there was Lisa Riley – who was a big lass, though she was sylph like compared to this ten ton offering, and she was paired with Robin Windsor. Ok he didn’t lift her, but for the comedy element she lifted him. She was quite a fair dancer, and earned her place, but the BBC are just shoving this ‘proud of the skin I’m in’ to ridiculous lengths.
Behaviour Panel on YouTube did an analysis of Laura Kuensberg interviewing Liz Truss They observed the two women obviously disliked each other intensely.from their body language. Laura was deliberately looking to camera so that Liz had to twist herself around to speak to her. One of the Americans on the panel stated that Laura was not treating Liz with the respect that her position ie Prime Minister, entitled her to and said she should have just stood up and walked out.
Today Laura K was interviewing her fellow Scot, Nicola Sturgeon. The two women were sitting in similar chairs, but positioned so they could look each other eye to eye, giving the impression of two women having a cosy chat, even if Nicola didn’t like some of the questions.
A fine example of subliminal bias used by the BBC to make Liz Truss look uncomfortable and insecure purely by positioning her. But why didn’t the Conservative PR people or Liz herself call the BBC out?
“But why didn’t the Conservative PR people or Liz herself call the BBC out?”
Here is a simple remedy for you Tories – Scrap the TV Licence.
Unfortunately they are too supine and too Liberal to do it .
They never will call the BBC out. Only backbenchers are willing to do that. Here the Tories are, facing electoral defeat two years away and they are still not even talking tough about al Beeb let alone doing anything. All they can do is talk about get rid of Liz Truss and putting Rishi Sunak in charge. This shows you how divorced the Conservative establishment is from the membership and it can only get worse. Sunak is not going to win the election for them.
The only person who could is Suella Braverman. Truss would do well to give her more prominence instead of stifling her.
A good piece of news, however, is that momentum is building for Proportional Representation in the UK. And from what I’m reading for various sources its introduction may not be far away as the deficiencies of the outdated binary system that still prevails becomes increasingly obvious. I remember very much what it was like here as the pressure built up. The change happened quicker than we thought possible.
Detractors may say that PR doesn’t solve everything, which is true, but it does make political parties far more accountable to their membership. That would shake both Tory and Labour parties to the core. Bring it on.
Vote for UKIP & The Reform Party .
A new Brexit Party !
There is PR in Scotland, and has led to the worst possible outcome of single party dictatorship despite only 30% of the vote with no chance of removing them. 5 year fixed terms as well. Utter disaster.
‘Common sense’ to cut classroom doors to curb Covid
3 February
Mr Ross said he had been contacted by a retired firefighter who said doors in schools were “essential for holding back heat and smoke”, questioning whether the fire service had been consulted.
There is no need to provide examples of BBC leftist, Wokist, globalist bias, The Bias Is Settled.
Agree, they are scared to death of the BBC. When Boris became PM and won an eighty seat majority it seemed possible that he would deal with the BBC but like in just about every other policy he chickened out and chose not to take the Conservative choice.
Decriminalisation of non payment of the LF would have been enough in my view. I think that several hundred thousand who were inhibited from refusing to pay by the threat of a criminal record , no matter how remote that threat was, would have joined the refuseniks .
Just watch how friendly Kuenssberg is in the interview with Krankie:
Then look at how she treated Liz Truss:
Why is it allowed to continue ? – the bias of the BBC has become ridiculous. They don’t even try to hide it any more. I remember Kuenssberg was exactly the same when she interviewed Theresa May and Steptoe a few years ago.
I’m only surprised they didn’t open it for HYS so the throngs of students could tell us how much they despise the Tories as well.
Blonde on blonde.
Peroxide rot.
Only thing worse will be Beff and Rayner go full Billy Elish to snag the fat slag vote and ‘never been kissed by a Tory, or anyone else’ Les Punt brigade.
The country is in the state it is because what has bee allowed to rise to the top, and it is not the cream.
“Post Office handles more cash as banks close and prices rise
Greedy Banks !
London: A&E nurse sets up first aid project to treat knife wounds
Look at where the failed multicultural experiment has brought us.
And – of course – the ‘stab victim’ in the video is white.
Hello JohnC
Good to know the tampon should be clean 🙁
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you know you can trust the BBC to give you incorrect information . The £ has miraculously recovered against the the $, it appears, either that or the BBC tolerate incorrect markets information on their web-site.
The mind set of The Left – from The Guardian
“The BBC must take away the rightwing thinktanks’ megaphone”
Comments by corrrspondents suggesting that the BBC should not put on advocates of low tax / low public spending – including a far left vicar who complains about having his views challenged – and never got a second invite onto the BBC.
But in context – the BBC will always try to put on someone who is ‘approved ‘- without proper / any challenge – including – of course the NHS nurse / doctor (saint ) moaning about ‘cuts ‘ but who turns out to be a Labour Party activist.
That is described here often and frequently …
TODAY watch
It seems like the new narrative is that the Blue Labour Party is hopelessly split and the outgoing PM( truss) is doing serial u turns . Who cares ?
They have no control of the economy , borders , NHS , brexit , civil service , woke education , public services ….with an 80 majority and 12 years in power …
Fed, seven years in power for the Conservatives. You wouldn’t want to be repeating a BBC/Labour lie, would you?
My mistake Up2 – but maybe the suggestion that it’s the same government since Blair ….
“The BBC must take away the rightwing thinktanks’ megaphone”
Which, of course, is classic fascism. The oppression of views you don’t like.
Which the BBC have been doing for years now with their complete cancellation of people like Farage and Trump and many other right-wing commentators.
So much for ‘unbiased’ eh OFCOM ?.
The BBC Monday morning is referring to the ‘Farage end of the Tory party ‘- so they refer to someone who they have cancelled as well as not a member of that party .
Are they so thick as to notice this ?
But their nightmare is Farage – and I wonder what would happen if he started a new political party – avoiding the mistakes made with previous attempts . No one else has the recognition he has – probably – I think – in British politics .
For the record – I am not a fan – but he does speak for huge numbers of British ( Uk first ) taxpayers …
I don’t like farage much personally either, but I agree with almost everything he says.
Sometimes I stumble onto some thread somewhere where the lefties are talking about him and GB News and it’s quite shocking just how bitter and spiteful they are. These people hate with a passion like you never see from the Right.
Which is absolutely the same as what I saw in the DT comments in the run up to Brexit. Particularly from the Scottish and Irish.
Which is why my opinion of the Left is now so low. Their personal ethics disgust me.
The trouble is that nobody can win an election when the media have cancelled them unless there are some extreme conditions in society – like there were before Brexit. It clearly shows the fascist society the BBC + others have created when people are afraid to say who they support because of the stigma they have been made to feel.
Before the TODAY off switch I heard something about John Cleese doing something with GBNews ….
John Cleese is starting a new show on GBnews in the new year”
BBC Demand regime change!
Crimea bridge: Putin accuses Ukraine of ‘terrorism’
Got to admire the bBC headline wording, accuses – as if only Ukraine can do right
I wonder how many Ukraine media peeps are BBC trained and how many BBC production pros and associated minders are lurking in makeshift production suites in nondescript urban houses in Kyiv and provincial centers?
It’s not like the BBC haven’t boasted a bit about their support for Ukrainian media.
Think you will find the so called “Charity” BBC Media Action is heavily involved with the media in Ukraine:
BBC Moaning Emole
New 50p coin marks BBC centenary
As the BBC gears up for its centenary, a commemorative coin has been unveiled. The commercially rapacious Royal Mint has revealed the 50p coin – priced at £159.50 to mark the occasion. It features an image of Queen Elizabeth II rather than King Charles and it is expected to create a “high demand” among collectors, especially those of color at roadshows. The coins were produced before the Queen died last month, and will not be reproduced with an effigy of King Charles in order to “minimise waste or unnecessary environmental impact”. Or lose money; Chas may be BBC green but has zero public credibility. The coin pays tribute to the BBC’s global propaganda and shows a broadcast mast emerging from the Earth like a mind bending fungus. Take a look. Or get fined.
BBC correspondent ducks as Kyiv blast heard
lol, watch our brave BBC reporting from the front line. Or should I say the floor of the comfortable hotel room.
What a shame the cameraman didn’t shout ‘BANG’ when he turned round : I think he might have jumped out of the window.
Maybe Jeremy Bowen would had given the instructions how to over react
Hardly Kate Adie, was he? “Ooh look a safe space”.
Looks like Clive of Kiev is missing out on all the action. Body armour and helmet at the ready.
There is no need to provide examples of BBC leftist, Wokist, globalist bias, The Bias Is Settled.
One for Springster to unravel?
Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship
26 August
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook restricting a story about Joe Biden’s son during the 2020 election was based on FBI misinformation warnings.
NOTA will be popular next election.
The entire current political estate, and the media shamelessly affiliated to them for bizarre goat related reasons are beyond the pale, thick, deviant or venal… or all three. In the case of the bbc and those it supports.
Thai nursery: CNN apologises for entering site of deadly attack
Luckily the bBCs “special partner in the US” has bBC to help smooth things over
Jeremy Bowen caught in full combat gear in the nap room?
The BBC report on that is the most over-the-top, cringworthy amateur empathy-fest I’ve read for a while. The actual news is secondary to describing the dead children’s favourite cuddly toy his poor grandmother gave him or whatever.
Then they did it again today.
I’m at the point where I actually believe these stupid, over-emotional clones at the BBC get excited when an event like this happens and start thinking what they might win at the next BBC incestuous awards ceremony if they lay it on thick enough.
Proof of this – if it were needed – are all those feminist activists in Afghanistan who have been completely forgotten and thrown under a bus now it’s not the trendy topic of conversation in the BBC office.
I’m waiting for Meagain to turn up with flowers and snacks, well she needs a holiday after the trauma she’s endured in September.
Here are my questions for ‘Start the Week’ before I get my head down………….
Do Tory voters want the Invasion of Criminals and Scroungers to our land to continue?
Do Tory voters want viewers to continue paying for the BBC Licence?
Do Tory voters want to pay the Green Levy ?
Creeslough: Who were the 10 victims of petrol station explosion?
Out of the 10 victims, 2 were black.
Can you guess which 2 victim’s lives the BBC considers more important than the others and puts their photos/stories at the top of the article?
The middle-aged white males who voted for Brexit, like the odd pint down the pub and are the backbone of the country doing useful jobs like plumbing and carpentry ?.
Imagine a country with sensible politics held to account by a combo of the BBC, Panorama, Coop and Smitty’s OFCOm clone.
The ‘Green Energy Scandal’ is actually the vast amount of money being wasted on things which have negligible impact on climate change at a global level.
Philately will get you nowhere edition
Many observers hereabouts – including Mr AsISeeIt – have come to notice a certain set of biased media narratives which appear to be baked-in to our daily news headlines.
Cost of living crisis. Let them heat cake (Daily Star) – there is a theory that the basis of this pun on a famous brioche-related quote is wrongly attributed to ancien régime queen Marie Antoinette, but it was – to spoil a good story – appropriately enough – in fact an invention of the revolutionary writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
Talking of baked-in leftist made up narratives…
Hard-up Brits keep warm in bakeries as bills bite – claims the Daily Star, firmly attributing the problem personally to Liz Truss by picturing her on the frontpage clutching a slice of something adjacent to a Victoria sponge – perhaps a pic garnered from the B-roll of that infamous Boris No10 birthday party? We’ll read more about artistic impressions later.
Cash-strapped Brits are heading to bakeries to keep warm because they haven’t got enough dough to heat their homes in the cost of living crisis. Full story page 5 – and story is just what one supposes this to be.
Has the weather really turned that cold already this week? Have red wall northerners suddenly lost their habit of going about the streets sleeveless and short skirted in the winter? Have people received their higher energy bills already – despite postal strikes?
We know much bigger energy bills are in the pipeline – or not, since the Yanks blew it up and blamed Putin for scuppering Russia’s main source of foreign currency. What do I know? I’ll concede Putin may have destroyed Nord Stream 2 as an excuse not to export gas to Germany and instead sell it to a grateful China and other friendly nations – but did he really need the excuse to do that?
Girl, 5, buying cake was among blast victims – The Daily Telegraph at first glance might have been trying to persuade us once again what a bad man Putin was – Wrath of Putin. 13 dead including a child in another war crime (Metro) however, the former unfortunate story happens to refer to the Irish petrol station explosion. Has that been explained yet? Come on, if we’re confident we know what happened in the far away Baltic… how about Donegal?
The BBC are meanwhile celebrating the blast attack on Russia’s Kerch bridge: Crimean bridge: Excitement and fear in Ukraine after bridge blast… A woman and man pose in front of an artist’s impression of the Crimean bridge explosion in Kyiv, Ukraine – not a particularly realistic representation if one compares it to the photographs beamed around the world this weekend.
Ukrainians in Kyiv pose on Saturday in front of an artwork imagining an attack on the bridge. A postage stamp to commemorate it is now being hastily prepared (Times) – quick work…
However, BBC: Queen features on new 50p coin marking BBC centenary… The coin priced at £11 – now tell me the Bank of England hasn’t caused our inflation problems – The coins were produced before the Queen died in September and will not be re-struck in order to “minimise waste or unnecessary environmental impact” – That’s as maybe, I suppose hard-pressed tax payers ought to be grateful for small mercies – even if they have to come gift wrapped in eco nonsense.
Hmmm… from thoughts of windmills in the sky back to imaginary bridges… when was the last time we saw artists’ impressions of imaginary bridges…?
Euros Bills Were Intentionally Drawn Not To Represent Real Bridges (Boredpanda – ‘Lithuanian website that publishes articles about “lightweight and inoffensive topics”… ‘While we may imagine a dystopian future full of surreal landscapes, totalitarian governments, and post-apocalyptic scenes, the reality is much more boring’)
Christine Lagarde, president of the ECB, said euro banknotes were “here to stay” despite an increase in cashless payments during the coronavirus pandemic.
“They are a tangible and visible symbol that we stand together in Europe, particularly in times of crisis, and there is still a strong demand for them,” she said. “After 20 years, it’s time to review the look of our banknotes to make them more relatable to Europeans of all ages and backgrounds.”
In a process expected to take several years… The process will mark the first big overhaul of the imagery used on the euro banknotes since the currency started circulating in physical form in 2002, when notes ranging from €5 to €500 replaced the currencies of 12 member states including the French franc, German mark and Italian lira.
Windows, doorways and bridges had been selected to symbolise the spirit of European openness, cooperation and communication. (Guardian, December 2021)
Here comes a rude interruption of our fascinating numismatic discussion of bank notes and of proposed postage stamp designs…
Sturgeon: I detest Tories and all they stand for (Telegraph)
She doesn’t know she’s born: Hong Kong has for the first time imprisoned five teenagers, aged between 16 and 19, under its national security law, they were said to belong to an independence group (Times)
9am R4 Advertise Your New Book Show
What a surprise they promote a Pro Obama anti-Republican novel ..that stereotype Republicans as white bigots.
blurb :In her latest novel, The Unfolding, the prize-winning AM Homes has created a compelling central character: a larger than life American patriot and family man. Undone by Obama’s victory in the 2008 presidential election, he collects together a band of like-minded men to spread their version of the American dream, and to reclaim it by force if necessary.
AM Homes tells Tom Sutcliffe her Big Guy’s fight to retain his influence is confounded by his failure to keep his own family from fracturing”
.. Tom Sutcliffe “What did you feel on Jan 6 ?”
Author “It was truly terrifying ”
Tom Sutcliffe “People did die on January 6th”
.. Hang on, who ?
“The Big Guy is white men who own land
but we believe that women and POC should vote”
“And people died on January 6th”
That’s a very libmob mediaworld thing to say
Entirely misleading
cos active Republicans there killed no one
Only person actively killed was unarmed Republican woman who put her head thru a window
There’s more that is (I feel / suspect) actively being suppressed – if you are curious about Jan 6th Capitol events and you aren’t following Julie Kelly – you are missing a lot.
See retweet of Brandon Straka for more PayPal stuff too.
Tweets by julie_kelly2
“The Big Guy is white men who own land
but we believe that women and POC should vote”
The largest land owners in the US are the Federal Govt., Bill Gates (and his associated organisations and the Chinese.
Women and POC already can vote, if they fulfil the same conditions as the rest of the population.
AM Homes “my daughter asked , mommy were there any women in history
and I had to think”
That was immediately debunked by the historian “My book lists many many women leaders in history and they were just as terrible as men”
Then he went into detail on Empress Wu of China.
My God it is such a relief to listen to common sense on the radio.
I have just finished listening to Carl Heneghan talking to Julia HB on TalkRadio. Just straight forward common sense combined with looking at the health data and hands on practical experience.
I thank every day that I do not tune into the BBC that is probably right now doing everything to panic our UK population with their fear porn, outright lies, and propaganda.
John libmob say the Tories are hatey
.. they do that cos projection is a libmob characteristic
They project their own hatefulness onto “the Tories”
“Coming up on Woman’s Hour .. 2 COP27 Climate activists”
..yet righties should be denied a voice on the BBC
Oh they just put out a promo tweet.. BAME activist pictured with Attenborough
“In a few weeks leaders will be gathering in Egypt for the climate conference COP27.
But whose voices are we not hearing from?
Environment activists Farwiza Farhan (@wiiiiza) and Patience Nabukalu (@patienceNabz) join @JessCreighton1”
Ten years after the mass popular uprising known as the Arab Spring began in January of 2011, optimism can be hard to find. Despite the participation of thousands of people — particularly young people — in protests against the autocratic rulers of Middle Eastern countries, little seems to have changed. Tunisians brought down a dictator and established a representative democracy, but that fledgling republic is struggling. Other countries, such as Egypt, have only replaced one autocratic ruler (Hosni Mubarak) for another (Abdel Fattah el-Sisi), while still others, like Saudi Arabia, appear not to have been affected at all.
The Advertise Your Book For A Week Show
They just said at the Aberfan disaster the workers at the tip at 7am noticed a change in the overnight level and wanted to telephone the manager but “the telephone line had been stolen”
.. So then a man had to be sent down walking and time was lost as men sat around drinking tea .
I am so angry to see the gallons of precious milk being thrown all over the place in London by seemingly irresponsible adults-I would birch the lot of them and make them clear up the mess-their message if there was one will not be taken seriously by anyone they thought would do so-beyond idiotic.
Christopher Hohn gave £50,000 to the group and the charity he co-founded, The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, has donated more than £150,000. Michael Stipe is a supporter; all profits from his debut solo single, “Your Capricious Soul”, will go to Extinction Rebellion.
2019 : Extinction Rebellion backer Chris Hohn builds £630m stake in Heathrow
As well as making money and picking boardroom fights, Hohn, who was once chancellor Rishi Sunak’s boss at TCI, is one of the nation’s biggest philanthropists.
Code: “Philanthropist” = WEF member.
Tarien, everytime XR waste your time, you should deduct it from the time you put into recycling
Plus eat more meat.
I too am in favour of birching for crimes such as vandalism. I don’t understand why more people aren’t. Corporal punishment has got a lot going for it.
1. It is quick.
2. It is reformative.
3. It is a strong deterrent.
4. It is cheap and cost-effective.
These Animal Rebellion milkspilling milksops are moaning about someone “putting an arm across the neck” of one of their activists. I reckon if they had faced the prospect of the birch these woosies wouldn’t have dared commit their act of vandalism.
I’ve said this before when talking about deterrence and arguing that murder convictions should carry the death penalty:
Raise the cost of doing something and fewer people will do it.
It appears we are singing from the same hym sheet-I would that a rape crime that be proved, it should be immediate castration for the purputrator and that means men of all denominations inc those that follow the teachings of Islam. We do indeed need a real deterent, up until 1965 we had the death penalty and today with modern Forensics, proof of the crime can certain. I don’t what age you are but at 80 I and my fellow pupils at school could have the cane, glad to say it was used rarely, but it, plus other punishments were in place and that drove a deal of respect for the Law wether in Scool or out, into us and that has stayed with me all my life. I am noe so disheartened with the way this nation is going. The UK is well over populated at 75 million plus, as from the proper stats, and it is begining to feel that we are trapped like Rats in a trap. The added volume of immigration over the past 25 years in particular has greatly put a massive strain on our slim resources and ever grwoing more so. Animal Rebellion like Extinction Rebellion, are filled with duplicity and encouraged by our satanic media et al. Of course I would bring back a form of National Service where all over 18 yrs would serve 2 years min, for their country. Not involving guns, but more to help society in may ways, it such an exercise would make better people of them.
In the middle of 10am local news
“More than 1000 migrants cross the channel yesterday .. That is the fourth time such a tally has been passed
The ministry of defence say they detected 25 boats yesterday”
OK so they reported on the Invasion
but in a perfunctory way, not in a honed way they use for causes they believe in.
Ministry of Defence, luckily we have them to do reporting.
“Defence” to follow, maybe, maybe not
The figures never reflect what the country ends up with. 1000 arrive, then kids and wifes and family to follow 🙁
The families are more important to our ‘diversity’ Government / Truss et al. than the initial arrivals as that’s who they want to come and breed to overcome the ‘Demographic Time-bomb’.
F**k the rest who just need to shut up and foot the bill.
Raspail has said his inspiration came while at the French Riviera in 1971, as he was looking out at the Mediterranean.
What if they were to come? I did not know who “they” were, but it seemed inevitable to me that the numberless disinherited people of the South would, like a tidal wave, set sail one day for this opulent shore, our fortunate country’s wide-gaping frontier.[13]
The name of the book comes from a passage in the Book of Revelation (20:7–9) depicting the apocalypse. Satan influences most of the nations of the Earth to gather for one final battle against “the camp of the saints,”
Well what is the new Home Secretary doing? She is considered by many as the bees knees, but not being an inigenous Brit maybe there is a problem for her with so many immigrants coming from Asia/Indian Sub Continent.
Even on TalkRadio – usually a sensible station – they reported the happy news that 38,000 migrants had made the ‘dangerous’ crossing across the Channel so far this year. Dangerous? They are travelling on large scale dinghies of the sort used by the military. The Channel is like a milk pond on most days during the Summer. The invaders are accompanied for 99% of the journey by the deceitful French, the Royal Navy, Border Farce and the discredited RNLI. The biggest danger they face is briefly losing signal on their iPhones in the middle of the Channel, or getting the wrong flavour topping on their Welcome to Britain Arrival Pizza.
Either way, it’s perhaps a surprising statement for the Tory leader, not least because Kahlo was a communist, married to artist Diego Rivera, a prominent figure in the Mexican Communist party, and a close friend of Leon Trotsky. She also spent her career concerned with the plight of the impoverished, our connectedness to self, nature and the universe, the relationship between pain and identity, and imagined, one day, we could live in a classless society.
Viva Treezer still scoring commie backhanders for speeches no one listens to?
Bit like a hijab I suppose.
Putin the Peacemaker has been forced into REVENGE attacks on apartment buildings in various cities.
The Kerch Bridge was a legitimate strategic target, of course it was on the list.
The BBC and the rest of our media have completely rubbished any concept of journalistic ethics of reporting the facts as they are on any political topic and I now disregard any articles from the UK about the situation in Ukraine. I have no confidence at all that they are telling me the truth.
Russia do anything at all and they are evil child-killers. Whatever Ukraine do they are heroes. If Ukraine do anything bad, it’s not reported. Only idiots can swallow such a narrative. If you read the comments for a HYS on the subject, they have whipped the gullible masses who frequent the BBC into a baying mob.
At least in WW2 we were actually at war ourselves. Since Brexit, I have been stunned by just how corrupt and dishonest our media actually is – and none more so than the BBC who are the only ones with a mandate to be impartial. I particulary detest how they are increasingly using extreme empathy as a tool to sway opinion.
Thanks in part to media, no war since No. 2 has actually been a ‘war’, leaving Eliot Carvers free rein to assign whatever they like to whatever they like.
If things that are going boom are flying across lines, then crucial strategic supply lines elsewhere are of course worthy of explosive attention.
A point worth noting if any non com near one.
Targeting an orphanage with a smart bomb is bad though.
Standing outside a building festooned with ariels on the weekly shop likely unwise.
Thought he might have done the Monday morning nuclear attack ….
John Cleese is set to get a show on GB News, alongside Andrew Doyle. On the Today Programme he claimed he “didn’t know” who GB News were before being approached. This comes despite the fact the arch-Remainer had previously referred to it as the “late unlamented GB News” and dubbed them “KGB News”, referring to their funding. To be fair to John, he’s not as young as he used to be.
John is an opponent of wokeism and says the move was made possible by their pro-free speech platform. When he was asked about joining the BBC, he replied “not on your nelly”, predicting he would be cancelled within five minutes. Guido wishes Cleese all the best in his new position, though that may conceivably not be entirely welcome…
‘The Lady of Heaven’ is Islam’s ‘Life of Brian’ moment
June 9, 2022Archbishop Cranmer364 Comments
The Lady of Heaven film: Morocco bans ‘blasphemous’ British film. Moroccan cinema authorities have banned the controversial British film Lady of Heaven, after it was condemned by the country’s religious council.12 Jun 2022
Shame on Cineworld for cancelling The Lady of Heaven
Why do some radical Muslims believe they have the right to crush culture?
7 June 2022, 5:46pm
Commuters drag Extinction Rebellion protesters off Tube trains | ITV News
and apply a few shoes
Tomo – the trouble is – when these vermin know plod is on their side – they’ll continue until they get their first dead martyrs – which will be no loss to the planet but will strengthen their number until more are killed .
Inevitable .
Wearing high vis, made from synthetic yarn, made from?
Mishal Husain liked this.
Wait until Nish gets back.
Nationalise footbal – all footballers to be paid minimum wages. All tickets £1 and free to NHS burses.
I wonder where Frontex are wrt to UK bound rubber boaters?
Sometimes you see cars or vans which are belching out oily blue smoke from their exhausts leaving a cloud of toxic gas behind them.
I have a delightful image in my mind of one such vehicle being held up by these types who glue themselves to roads, revving up and smothering the hippies in this thick cloud of gas.
Sorry not bBC, but something they would promote
Next, White in legal or maybe racist
Surely all this can’t be legal
11:30am Nigerian student calls BBC local radio speaking in broken English
“What is this ? The universities are encouraging us foreign students and bring our families with us to the UK
then when we arrive it’s impossible to get accommodation
Every time we apply for house they ask for proof of employment, energy bills etc.
Yet we don’t have these things cos we just arrived
My family has been moving around begging people for a few days stay, sleeping in church halls etc”
He says he’s come to study transport logistics.
East Yorkshire Council
“we got £7K grant money to replace a couple of parking spaces with a parklet that looks like platform with cafe tables
We did a survey before and 75% said they woul approve of the scheme”
The local paper comments are searing
David Wright October 10, 2022
“I CANNOT understand why any sane person would want to take on the poisoned chalice of becoming Prime Minister of the UK.”
Well it’s not to make Britain great again, it’s to please their globalist bosses..
” Here is a by no means comprehensive list of tasks Liz Truss and her government need urgently to tackle.
Slim down the bloated civil service drastically.
Make the remaining civil servants do as they’re told by ministers instead of trying to thwart them.
Get all public servants back into their offices or fire them if they won’t.
Cancel the Northern Ireland Protocol.
Stop foreign vessels fishing in our waters.
Stop paying any more of the £42billion so-called exit fee to the EU.
Instruct the Royal Navy and Border Force to turn back the migrant boats, land them on French beaches and destroy the rubber boats and outboard motors.
Withdraw from the European Court of Human Rights.
Drastically cut the vast number of parasitic quangos, especially the 27 quangos connected to the NHS. Staff at shut down quangos should be made redundant, not shuffled sideways into other lucrative sinecures.
Shut down all Confucius Institutes in academia.
Build at least ten more hospitals to improve our woeful bed to population ratio of 1.9:1,000.
Recruit and train many more doctors and nurses, but not by robbing other nations such as the Philippines, India and others.
Repeal the insane Climate Change Act and abolish the Climate Change Committee.
Slim down military top ranks by retiring half the generals, admirals and air marshals to reflect the size of their forces more reasonably.
Build more ships for the Royal Navy.
Reform the Police Service so that it starts tackling real crime instead of hate crime.
Ruthlessly reform the Byzantine tax regulations to reduce Tolley’s 1,008-page tax guide by at least two-thirds.
Force companies such as Amazon, Google and others to pay the correct amount of UK corporation tax on their earnings in Britain.
End all subsidies to renewable energy generation (and then see how much new investment is forthcoming).
Build eight coal-fired power stations.
Strongly promote small modular nuclear reactors for electricity generation with government subsidies and grants.
Insist that house builders (a) start (and continue) building on their land banks within 12 months or lose them, and (b) build on all brown field sites in their region before granting any more green field site approvals.
Legislate to prevent greedy senior local councillors from awarding themselves huge salaries while simultaneously curtailing public services: dustbin collections, public libraries, parking facilities, road repairs, etc.
The point is that the government should immediately start actually doing things instead of just talking about doing things as it has done for the last 12 years.”
I’m so beat down and cynical I’d settled for one of the above a year.
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
Q: How many economists does it take to have an argument?
A: One. On the other hand . . . …..
Get two discussing something or other with an economic relevance and you are bound to get a disagreement. I disagree with Martin Wolf, esteemed as he is including by me; that is probably the stupidest thing he has ever written if it is truly attributable to him.
Widespread immigration into the UK was halted around one hundred and twenty years ago because of terrorism and overcrowding in a part of London that distorted the ethnic balance in Docklands. The UK was still an Imperialist power, was about to be involved in a war in two far-flung places on the planet and not long after be invited to join in the first ever World War by an evil German.
When another evil German took over power in Germany, immigration into the UK with some restrictions was allowed again. One of my late friends came to the UK like that as a child with her mother and sister.
Over the other side of the Atlantic, the ‘cousins’ were allowing immigration into their country continually: sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and non-stop into the twentieth century until before WW2. That filled the need for a haven for the immigrant but they also had a big country to fill, businesses to support, manpower and womanpower was necessary to build railways, invent things, buy things, do jobs and so on.
The desirability of immigration depends on a lot of factors, not just ‘the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
Clearly I’m even more cynical as I’d settle for just one, full stop. And I very much doubt we’d get even that.
Eddy, probably the best thing Liz Truss could do right now is to instruct her Chancellor to slash the duty payable on diesel fuel by at least half and cut the VAT leviable on all road fuels probably by two per cent a month during 2023. That would have an immediate impact on ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’. The environmentalist groups will howl with rage but the PM could point out that it will enable them to get to their demonstrations much more cheaply, even if they travel by train.
Working for and helping the many, not the few.
Will never happen – it’s just a stealth tax …
Pope Francis is gobbing off about migrants
I wonder what the numbers are for The Vatican?
anybody seen ‘owt?
: “The exclusion of migrants is disgusting, it is sinful.
It is criminal not to open doors to those who are needy.”
What is “sinful and disgusting” is a marxist atheist who hates Western civilisation pretending to be a Pope
Vatican website has strange language
: why say emigrant when you mean immigrant ?
“Today, the day in which Bishop Scalabrini becomes a saint, I think of emigrants.
The exclusion of emigrants is scandalous. Actually, the exclusion of emigrants is criminal. They are dying right in front of us, as the Mediterranean is the largest cemetery in the world.
The exclusion of emigrants is revolting, sinful and criminal.
Not opening doors to those in need – “No, we do not exclude them, we send them away” to camps, where they are exploited and sold like slaves.
Brothers and sisters, today let us call to mind these emigrants, especially those who are dying.
And those who are able to enter, do we welcome them as brothers and sisters or do we exploit them?
I simply pose the question
“I simply pose the question” yeh right
It is not unusual to exclude lawbreakers
Can I go into the Vatican Museum in the middle of the night ?
“CJ Ujah has been suspended for 22 months
.. but cleared of deliberately taking banned drugs after the British sprinter cost his team-mates their Olympic silver sprint relay medal”
“Took contaminated supplement”
I don’t get “cleared” and then punished by suspension.
I suppose he wasn’t cleared of being negligent.
Farah finished eighth in the 2014 London Marathon and the fact he had been given L-carnitine was first reported by the Sunday Times three years later. L-carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid that some studies suggest could boost athletic performance if it is injected directly into the bloodstream.
Mo Farah admitted taking performance-enhancing supplement minutes after ‘repeatedly denying’ it in Salazar investigation
Four-time Olympic champion was grilled by Usada officials in 2015 where he allegedly changed his story on the use of L-carnitine after suddenly remembering the injection two days before the 2014 London Marathon
Jack de Menezes
Monday 24 February 2020 21:37
What happened to warmongering BBC gloating about a palpable air of excitement in Ukraine, commemorative postage stamps etc.
Pic show huge black cloud amongst apartment buildings
Label says “Russian rocket strikes hit western Ukraine’s Lviv, killing 5”
9 things you may have missed about George Orwell’s 1984
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
How the early Islamic period shaped maths
Lucy Letby – a nurse – is on trial for the murder of 5 babies in a neonatal unit . If convicted – I wonder how the BBC will deal with it ?
Guess we ll find out in a week or two …..don’t forget to clap ….
Guardian : a Lucy Letby, 32, is accused of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder another 10 between June 2015 and June 2016 at the Countess of Chester hospital, a jury heard.
Jurors at Manchester crown court were told that Letby poisoned two baby boys “deliberately with insulin” two days after they were born.
Another way of handling these road glue protestors would be to use their tactics.
Pour milk on them.
It seems perfectly acceptable to them when they empty pints of milk all over other peoples goods so why not.
Next, like maddie Budd done to Captain Tom’s grave, why not empty buckets of shite onto them.
I’ve taken to carrying a couple of bags of large cable ties in my boot. Nothing offensive there. If I encounter a protest like this, I’m hoping to enlist a couple of like-minded souls to drag these folk to the side of the road and tie them to the nearest piece of road furniture. The passing traffic, both pedestrian and roadside, can throw comments and other items in their direction. A sort of 21st century stocks, if you like.
let them glue themselves in place
Why not speed up the whole process and just have passers by piss on them?
Oct 6th ITV local news website
I didn’t notice anything in air.
Investigation be dammed if they know who these men are then have them castrated immediately, and then sentanced-castration for any Muslim would outlaw him from his Ideology and bar him from entering a Mosque. This kind of Punishment means something to the Islamics, the word would go around like lightening and there woud be far fewer cases of such disgusting behaviour. Why are our authorities on such matter so weak?
9 things you may have missed about George Orwell’s 1984
Funny how the bBC sums things up
Sorry markymark – only just saw your comments above
No problem – worth repeating.
I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result.
6th Sept 2018 This is hilarious Katie Hopkins is not allowed to pin down Femi’s funding.
His white “minder” steps in putting Femi on the naughty step for being honest? //
Seems the story got updated
Three men have been charged with murder after a stabbing outside a Coventry mosque.
Haji Choudhary Rab Nawaz was found injured following reports of a fight outside the Jamiah Masjid & Institute just after 21:00 BST on 2 October.
The 52-year-old died in hospital a short time later, police said.
Adam Razaaq, 20, Hasnian Razaaq, 23 and Mohammed Faisal, 29, are due to appear at the city’s magistrates court on Saturday..
Someone help me out here – BBC TV ( England ) is showing the SNP conference with the crankie speech live this afternoon .
I’m presuming that Wales and Northern Ireland are suffering it too .
Why ?
After all we non Scots are told it’s none our business. Or does the BBC think that the other 3 regions / nations – of the UK will have a vote ?
Maybe Krankie will up the ante and go from ‘detest ‘ people like me ( Far Right ) to ‘hate ‘ me or want me dead … SNP starting advocating terrorism ?mass murder – all in the cause of nationalism ?
I always wondered whether the Northern Ireland sickness would spread to the provisional terrorist wing of the SNP…