Colin Brazier @colinbrazierGBN Widowed Dad of 6
hasn’t been on air but tweets are still like GBnews
Last tweet was about being in A&E for 26 hours waiting with his daughter
Dec 11, 2021 ex-Beeboid @SimonMcCoyTV has left @GBNEWS
Nov 2021 presenter Kirsty Gallacher left and is now on Smooth Radio
I think they were fired for some reason – I think GBNews is trying to do the ‘young ‘ gig with some exceptions … just dumbing down – the royal funeral coverage was .. awful
Yes – as I wrote it the Cleese thing registered – but I still think the out put is largely aimed at kidults – those fired were experienced broadcasters who have been around the block – but now ?
I wrote to GBN to air my grievance as to the stupidity of releasing Colin Brazier – who was an adult amongst all the ‘comedians’ and kids. He would have brought some gravias to the funeral, and I bet they were kicking themselves when that happened. And the common denominator for those let go ???? I don’t have to spell it out.
CCTV footage of a “Russian missile” explosion. Anyone else think this looks like a typical Hollywood fireball explosion rather than a real military grade explosive with shock wave?
Does look strange. Seems more like some sort of hydrocarbon explosion like a petrol tanker blowing up and it’s underneath the bridge. I don’t think missiles would carry anything but high explosives or cluster bomblets.
#Zelensky says they are just trying to play on our nerves. Says don't panic. Everything is fine. All is good. He is clearly using green screen. That area of #Kyiv right now is a mess with smoke and sirens. This lying to the ppl is criminal.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – interesting MSM use of propaganda photographs which the BBC do not highlight
The free Metro has a picture of the same building in Zaporizhzhia as the Guardian but from a different angle. The free Metro suggests the apartment block sinisterly turned into a cruel Arc de Triomphe is burning whereas the paid for Guardian clearly shows otherwise. Two views, two interpretations.
The Krankie conference being televised outside Brigadoon.
I can only think this is to drive up viewing figures to at least the level where it is measurable.
The hatred is seeping out of her and the snp right now as a successive polls show the independence racket vote is sharply declining.
I hope people are waking up in time to stop her completely destroying Scotland where are final trick would be to turn £1 sterling in a Scottish 50p……………
If the Supreme Court vote in their favour I would reckon that what happened in Northern Ireland could easily kick off here.
I think the Supreme Court will be declared ‘English ‘ if they don’t come down on the side of the SNP .
If the judgement is ‘split ‘ any judge with a Scottish connection will be identified …..
Under the previous head of the Supreme Court ‘Brenda ‘ the result would be for the SNP – but I don’t know the complexion yet …
Krankie has nominated a referendum date next year if they succeed in their case …. With an economic assessment ( justification ) for independence being published next week.
The problem is that each time the nuclear threat is made and not carried through ( public threat ) the effect – I think – is lessened.
I suppose that when the Potassium Iodide tablets start being given out it’s time to worry – if worrying has any effect on the flash , blast , radiation and the rest ….
Of the countless stabbings on our streets, what made the BBC push this particular 2019 incident on their home page at the weekend? Is it because the victim was Yousef Makki, the killer posh white boy Joshua Molnar, and it allowed the sub-editor to write lines like ‘Privileged kids carrying knives for status and intimidation’?
There’s use of the dreaded phrase “started a conversation that we needed to have”, and a 4-part documentary too, presumably to show “what happens when you reverse the stereotypes of knives and gang culture.”
What happens if you reverse stereotypes long enough is you’re no longer offering impartial journalism but you’re still managing to fleece people £160 a year to pay for it.
Watching crankie going on and on and on ….. I was sort of doing a word count…..
Business – once
crime not mentioned –
England x2
EU – x2
jobs – none –
NATO – not at all
Westminster – maybe 12
Cutting taxes – 0
King `Charles – 0
Queen Elizabeth – 0
Humour x2 incidental
She lost the audience on something about ‘small countries being best ‘ but didn’t refer to them
It sounds like the SNP want ‘independence ‘ but still the wealth of the rest of the UK. Do they think 50 million English – roughly 6 million welsh and northern Irish will just make it easy – ? Or enable the Scots to be better served than them ?
I favour an independent Scotland if there is another referendum but the Scots need to know what the real consequences must be – a solid border – foreign status in England – a separate currency – and they can have the BBC
The audience looked around 99% white and 50% obese …
At the end the BBC one was rapturous … off switch ..
Just Wondering if each Nation of the UK got to run the country in turn would it stop the likes of Krankie and Drakeford constantly Bitching about everything…..or would they just line their own pockets like other tin pot Governments around the World ?
Just seems such a one way street – and to separate on the basis of politicians not liking each other isn’t really a ‘go ‘…
It’s the same – I think – with Brexit . It’s not just about economics – there’s more too it
The idea of Scotland becoming independent – but then giving it up to be subject to Brussels – seems pretty weird – but I don’t count as I’m English … / British …
Duckford and Krankers are paid huge amounts of money from our public purse, and you’d hope that they’d be big enough to try and make The British Isles a safer, more industrious place!
But all they do is fart about with their weasel politics, to screw every opportunity to make us a better nation, because they’re just manic depressives in charge of far too much money – and they really do not understand what a tragedy they’re wishing for.
I’d never trust the awful bbc to try and talk through the issues, there are so many more platforms where informed comment is available.
ITV local newsPR has gone into a Climate PR bollocks item
Studio “this years drought *could* put up every households food costs by £40 next year
here’s a syndicated item by Nick Smith”
#1 “Here’s a cherrypicked farmer who had a bad year”
.. (they could’ve picked a grain or maize famer who’d had a very good year)
#2 Soil Association bloke Ben Raskin
That’ll be the org who organised this PR
see the anti-Tory green nutcases he retweets
The narrative was a dry soil means the nutrients haven’t been been spread around
(in a few weeks they’ll be complaining that floods have washed nutrients away)
FFS you never end summer with the reservoirs full, they fill up during the winter
All but our biggest rainwater tanks are full
If it doesn’t rain again before the end of May 2023 we might run out
ITV local NewsPR
Buried in the middle of the sport
“Yorkshire cricketer Azmir Rafiq has apologised for an anti-Semitic tweet he sent some years ago”
That’s OK he’s back to being an angel now then.
BBC local newsPR
“fracking , North Sea Oil, solar what should be the future, we will have the Climate Minister on who’s a local MP”
… Guess which angles the BBC wants ?
First BBC tried framing trickery, by starting with a pre-recorded clip of a Tory MP they cherrypicked who hates fracking.
minister Graham Stuart tried to strike both sides of the fence
“fracking I’ve always been in favour but scientists can’t predict so we need test wells”
Farage prog just now, beyond shocking, the government wanted to rent Tintagel Castle hotel for 12 months to house migrants, the owner was told to let his staff go and other people would be put in, also any damage would be paid for by the taxpayer, horrific for the community surrounding the area.
Not to mention all the hotel staff expected to just walk away from their jobs.
How many other hotels have been approached now they are running out of cheap hotels?
About 1000 migrants came over yesterday!
Time to borrow a few billion and nationalise all the UK hotels – except those used by the swamp …. They’ll be full up by Christmas then they can take over B and Bs – hospitals – school s…
Maybe hire a few French hotels and put them in there before having their asylum applications approved …
I’m waiting for the time when I’m turned off a cruise ship to let those black leather coated bastards have the run of the ship. There has to be a revolution on this soon. And I certainly don’t add the ‘caveat’ that I’m in favour of only genuine refugees come here claiming asylum , because…. bottom line ? I don’t want ANYMORE migrants of any description on these shores. No one has ever mentioned that if life was so bloody awful in France then why aren’t we having ferry loads of the French population hot footing it over here.
I read that King Charles is acting as peacekeeper to the “Leicester situation”, saying how migrants have contributed to this country. Well, HOW ? having corner shops open all hours and bringing us a curry ? ( a concoction in their own country flavouring rotting meat with hot spices to quell the taste). They use the facilities far more of the NHS than manning it And I don’t forget articles in the press a few years ago where migrants with huge families were housed in 5 bed 3 storey houses in London complete with 55″ tele’s, oh the uproar that caused, its still happening but little is reported now about it.
TOADY Watch #1 – I wonder how soon they will be on the remaindered shelf?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #3 – I wonder how soon they will be on the remaindered shelf?
Or maybe the mass of the UK population still love the BBC and will buy them in their millions? Not a very good exchange rate of £11 for just 50p during ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’. Will the Royal Mint have to discount them to shift their stocks ?
Don’t this Chas wheeler would be too impressed – I recall mr wheeler carefully reporting and explaining objectively – something the likes of comrade frei and the other woke traitors wouldn’t understand ….
Surely someone coloured should have got it – wot about that ex football girl who does all the BBC shows now …
I can’t even bring myself to type the enormity of this and what it means. If you have money in any financial institution it might well be time to make sure you have enough in currency to get by if there is a banking crisis and you can’t access your funds.
After the 2008 crisis the government changed the rules, you will still be protected up to £50K, but the bank is able to use depositors money to maintain liquidity, if the bank goes bust the government will then step in to guarantee the depositis but how long will that take to get your money and will you be able to survive with a credit/debit card which no longer works ?
Thoughtful – one of the explanations for increased use of Real Money is that people are concerned about over use of the plastic – and ensuring they live within their means .
Nice if readies do make a comeback because this new form of control / monitoring – using cards – just provides an additional means of monitoring and controlling ….
My local paper describes the death of a Met copper – 35 – on his way to work in the diplomatic unit in central london at 0500 a few weeks ago .
He was on his motorbike . He clipped an unlit bit of a cycle lane under construction by the local green crap council . He came off and his head hit a lamp post at about 35 mph . Dead.
The coroner last week found the council / contractor at fault .
Mrs Voter, tells me you’ve got a letter from the Government. (We live in France and yes I voted for Brexit.) Anyway, I open it and lo and behold, they’ve scrapped the telly tax. It was worse then the UK, it was paid as a tax, no chance to say you only watched non live TV, however that could well describe the BBC. Saving €138 per year. Come on Liz, if Macron can do it you can!
Green blob Damage !
Here is the rub …….
Over the next few months as we all cut back on heating our homes, as the energy companies sell us less gas and electricity, they lose income & profit .
What’s their options? They put up their prices or go bust!
Nope it’s not that clear
Big Energy Corp used to sell a £1billion pa
when prices go up 40% They should turnover £1.4bn
As you say some people might cut back, so energy sales might be £1.2bn
Ostensibly the running costs should be the same as last year so if its £100m they cover that in sales.
But god knows what gas & leccy will cost to the energy corps will be
Big Energy might be spending £2.3bn plus 0.1bn running costs .. get £1.2 from customers so be taking a £1.2bn loan from govt to cover the difference.
Glancing at the TV guide
Panorama claps for the NHS: “Most shocking thing I found out is people w learning disabilities are twice as likely to die from avoidable causes as other people”
9pm Dementia Choir
10:40 BBC 1 HIGBMNFY with Victoria Coren Mitchell
8pm BBC2 Only Connect with Victoria Coren Mitchell
#BBCdiversity = same old lefty London mates + nepotism
9pm BBC 2 Rise of The Nazis
“Nazis are bad .. all righties are Nazis”
11:15pm A United Kingdom film about a white British woman and Black African guy who got married before the war
#WhiteManBad season programming
9pm ITV Drama celebrating Hatey Not Hopey
“Far right group, murder Jo Cox
man infiltrates ehite supremacists”
Defacto #WhiteManBad season prog
12:10 Channel4 : The Watermelon Woman
drama follows a lesbian video store worker making doco about uncredited black vintage actresses
#WhiteManBad prog
Further programming seems to be negative about white people
eg doco about Maxine Carr
another about Katie Price
Sure there are plenty of criminal and chavvy white people
Yet it seems programme makers can easily get the go ahead to make progs about negative white British people
but not negative non-white.
So Ukraine symbolically bomb the bridge to Crimea then Zelensky goes on public television mocking the Russians. There’s no way Russia would take this humiliation laying down and launch retalliation attacks to show how powerful they are. I now see why the BBC ran this story beyond it’s importance : they had been briefed.
And now Biden is using it to condem Russia and justify more military aid.
This stinks to high heaven. I am convinced the bridge attack (and the entire Ukranian strategy) is being done in conunction with the USA who want to escalate the war and justify more American involvement. Any civilians who get killed are just collateral damage.
Putin is a brutal, violent thug who settles matters by force. We knew that already before they started poking him. But the lunatic in all of this is in the whitehouse. A senile old pervert being directed by who-knows-who behind the scenes. They want this war and are going make sure it keeps going.
While the likes of the BBC remain silent because they don’t want Trump back in. How much blood is on their hands now ?.
Good to know WW3 is in the hands of Joe Biden with the BBC fully behind him. What could possibly go wrong ?.
Remember when the Left were scaremongering that Brexit and then Trump would start WW3 ?.
The headline could so easily have been ‘CNN reporters deported from Thailand after illegally entering and filming child murder scene’
Another lesson in how the BBC tone and wording of an article change depending on whether the target is Left or Right.
Because that is what happened. Theically barren scumbag lowlife reporters working illegally in the country lied to police so they could film the aftermath of a story where dozens of children got shot.
They didn’t agree to leave the country. They were deported.
Here’s the clone who wrote this report. Same as nearly all of them these days:
Hell yeah – bond markets playing up again – Bank of England pumping out 0700 statements – parliament returns to demand an emergency statement from the outgoing chancellor – just can’t see the truss government lasting to Christmas – yet alone full term 2 years …
………………add the IFS estimated spending cuts (how ? What ?) and it’s pretty dire. What is worse is even a ‘landslide ‘,red labour government would have limited ability to do much because all the money trees have been chopped down .
And we don’t need a biased BBC to describe the above ….
Fed up
Those remaining on private sector salary related pension schemes might be rather more interested in the current economic situation even than the doom and gloom BBCLabour Guardianistas.
Needless to say, they get very little press. The BBC is more keen to feature anyone, absolutely anyone, who might lose out on benefits that they probably have never actually earned the right to receive.
It was Fleet Street veteran and former editor of the Sun, Kelvin MacKenzie, who once braved the Newsnight bias to debate those BBC and Channel 4 (likely middle class lefty) foreign correspondents over their obsession with what he termed Foreign-Bang-Bang. MacKenzie’s argument was that although the journos were obviously excited by it, the British public had more pressing, closer to home, news issues they might prefer to hear about.
There’s a narcissistic self-importance clearly in evidence: From Ian Birrell in Dnipro, Ukraine (Daily Mail)
The first blast erupted after 8am, sounding alarmingly close to my hotel… Mailman’s compelling frontline dispatch… – for just one somewhat groggy early morning moment MrAsISeeIt thought the reporter had got an interview with a Ukrainian postman. Brave lad, I thought… the mail must get through… our half-hearted posties are planning strikes in the run up to Christmas discourageing the last of us analogue physical cardboard seasonal greetings card senders. I wonder if Donbas mailmen ever wear long trousers?
We know western press access to what is happening on the frontlines is very closely curated by the Ukrainian authorities. They are never allowed near the fighting unless carefully chaperoned. If Birrell had got some first hand testimony from a local postman actually on the front that might be quite a coup.
Silly me, this Mailman is of course the Daily Mail’s very own correspondent, for once personally handily witness to some Foreign-Bang-Bang at close quarters.
The Guardian frontpage leader on Ukraine is a three-hander that thankfully makes little pretence at first hand experience. However, their big colour perfectly focused frontpage photo of a fireman and injured woman, designed to shock and awe the British public, is care of: State Emergency Service of Ukraine /AFP/Getty – interesting to note that in contrast to our own UK hard-pressed under-staffed over-worked emergency services, the Ukrainians have some very fine photographers on hand to capture the dramatic moments.
The Guardian further propagandises: Zelenskiy pleads for more help to combat Russian ‘terrorist’ attacks
Frankly, over here in Britain we’re probaly in more immediate danger from the armed wing of the twitchers: RSPB warns of potential direct action over threat to nature
The tired old Torygraph seems to relay something it heard from a very sound chap it went to school with as they chatted over a claret or two by the fireside in the gentleman’s club last night: Russians turning on Putin over war, says GCHQ chief
I had to curb my drinking. Maybe you should too – declares Adrian Chiles in the ‘i’ newspaper
And yet the Telegraph cautions: Netflix has viewers believing that non-facts are gospel truths
And of course the formerly patriotic Times when addressing the British public necessarily evokes the tired old ‘B’ word: Russia delivers fresh carnage across Ukraine in missile blitz
The present, make that any, Tory PM is anathema to the left-leaning ‘i’ and yet they are more than happy to quote her on this one subject: Attacks on Ukraine’s capital a ‘clear sign of despertaion’ , Truss says
House columnist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown exlains the phenomena of the borrowing for a purpose from unlikely allies: The right wing can be woke too… when it suits them
Ominously, The HM Daily Express threatens: Britain to back Ukraine fight ‘to the end’
I think something happens to ‘journos ‘ when they get their way the The Front Line ( the basement of a 4x hotel ) and put a flak jacket .
They know they are ‘made’ so many after dinner anecdotes – Robinson – on today – was reminiscing about his day in Kiev – the diesel generator in the hotel – the noise – ah isn’t war great ?
As for Putin . I’m surprised his response to slightly damaging the bridge was quite moderate … maybe he’s saving up for a big one .
Maybe there’s a big anniversary coming up….
A bbc favourite – Darien chiles ( Croatian passport holder ) seems to be making a living writing about cutting down on booze . Now he can buy better fizz …
Having ditched Gillette, I trim my beard with scissors.
The funny part is all the cretin media on social running #prasnews saying how stunning obscure screen bimbos look waking around with Nazi salutes to show off their pet tribbles.
After Farage / Steyn exposed the attempt of the home office enemy to rent a luxury hotel in Tintagel for illegal arrivals I thought it might be a good idea to mimic what the US southern border governors have been doing shipping the rubbish to democrat areas …
So since krankie is so welcoming to them ( see yesterday speech ) why not fly them to Edinburgh and dump them outside one of krankies’ homes?
On Toady this morning there was a feature on why it was essential there were no benefit cuts. This in the context of a government struggling to balance the books.
With absolutely no hint of irony, the very next item was about a pressure group arguing for a big increase in the provision of free school meals !!!!!!
Truly, the BBC magic money tree continues in full bloom.
I take 2017 as a start as issue from parents will be about 5 years of age i.e. in school.
28.4% of the births in 2017 were to parents born outside the UK. As I see it, the ONS treat numbers of foreigners born in the UK out these birth stats so 28.4% is a very minimum of the ‘foreign’ contingent.
Many years ago, Nobel Laureate Albert Schweitzer was asked in an interview, “Doctor, what is wrong with man today?” After pondering for a few seconds, Schweitzer replied, “Men simply don’t think.” If this was the answer decades ago, I wonder what it would be like today when the cell phone has reduced our attention span to the level of an ape.
Colombian thinker Nicolas Gomez Davila writes, “in a century where the media spread endless nonsense, the educated man is not defined by what he knows but by what he ignores[2]“.
Indeed, it is rare for a politician to propose to voters sacrifice, generosity, effort, responsibility, keeping one’s word, truthfulness or respect for those who have a different opinion.
Rather, he will teach them to fear (and, therefore, to detest) the political adversary, will encourage envy and greed for the goods of others (under the alibi of “solidarity”) and will promise fantasies such as living without working …
Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a term used to describe a number of different proposals where the state would provide income for all citizens, without any conditions attached, and regardless of their other resources.13 Jun 2022
Earlier this article was titled “lowest unemployment rate in 50 years”.
Now the BBC have changed the title and first line saying: “The number of people not looking for work because they are suffering from a long-term illness has hit a record high, latest official figures show.”
but they offer no evidence to back up this claim. In fact the illness bit isn’t mentioned anywhere else in the article.
As the article is about employment the Getty Image is of course of a hard working black woman.
Thatcher incubated this trend during her reign to keep the unemployed numbers of late 50’s early 60’s off the unemployed stats. Age Discrimination was ubiquitous in those years.
The Prince and Princess of Wales have taken over BBC Newsbeat to present a mental health special.
Now that William has become the Prince of Wales after his father became King Charles III, he is the proud owner of property empire worth just over £1 billion ($1.2 billion) according to its latest annual report.19 Sept 2022
Gilt Markets not reacting the way the Treasury thought it would after having injected £5 billion to support (of allocated 65bln – thank you Liz – keep your and your Chancellors gob well shut in future). Well, give us more info treasury so the speculators know what the parameters are. Hey Georgie Soros, are you out there and watching for a rerun ?
All got a whiff of Black Wednesday about it. Clock’s ticking.
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
The issue is the Blue Labour Tories insane spending promises such as a limitless cap on the cost of household energy.
Now the Nordstream pipelines have been destroyed and the criminal mafia Democrat party are talking about banning the export of oil and gas to Europe in order to reduce prices in the US to avert the wipe out at the midterms, politicians need to begin to exit fantasy land.
As King Canute found, you cannot prevent the tide from coming in, Truss appears to believe she is able to do so. Even if tomorrow Russia were to come to some sort of accommodation over gas supplies it would not be possible to physically manage that for 8 years and the cost of energy is going to remain high for a long time to come.
The public needs to get used to a lower standard of living and perhaps more elderly dying from hypothermia – or perhaps we should just send them to North Africa like the migratory birds to overwinter.
An unfunded unlimited energy cap which will cots an estimated £200Bn is clearly unsustainable and a crazy way to try to address a new normal. That is why the market is reacting the way it is.
Goodness me – this is the third article I’ve seen it in. Now it has one of it’s own !!.
The BBC luvvies are clearly wetting their panties about it.
Someone should tell them that a timid little boy like that has no place in a War Zone. He’s probably getting therapy now. Where have all the quality reporters gone ?. This lot are a bit embarassing.
Ukraine war: BBC journalist ducks as explosions happen in central Kyiv
Ukraine war: BBC journalist ducks as explosions happen in central Kyiv
The BBC’s correspondent in Kyiv, Hugo Bachega, was delivering a news report when several explosions happened in the centre of Ukraine’s capital city.
All sorts of people working for various environmental lobby groups are going to pile in on this demanding that there be no U-turns in government policy. The fighting will be bitter. The environmental lobby groups are fighting for their lives against a better educated populace.
Again, anyone would think that the PM and Chancellor don’t have the foggiest idea of what they’re doing…
General election now.
During the last 12 years the Tories have systematically undermined the foundations of this country.
When the whole lot comes crashing down, you can be sure that Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss and their Tory backers like Nigel Farage will scuttle off claiming none of this is their fault.
At least Truss is signing us up as a member of the European Political Community which will hopefully give us back some of the benefits of being in the EU by the back door.
Truss & Kwarteng: We believe in free markets.
Free markets: We don’t believe in you.
Truss & Kwarteng: In that case, you’re “woke” and part of the “anti-growth coalition”.
Free markets: Fine, we’ll bet against you, then buy up public assets when you start selling them off to pay your debts.
Truss & Kwarteng: The fire sale starts in January. But we’ve already promised to sell Scotland to Shell.
We need a general election; the current government is ideologically driving us over a cliff. Enough.
What has kept the Tories in power for so many years is the image they cultivate as efficient managers of the economy and guardians of law and order. These fig leaves have been stripped away and nothing is left but naked greed.
Any comment the moderators don’t like gets removed for being “off topic”.
But real off topic comments like “general election now” is kept up because they agree with it.
Last week I did some tests to see which posts I could report and get taken down. Even reporting posts such as “the Tories deserve a slow death hanging from a lamppost” were allowed to stay as the moderators claim no house rules are broken. I then put in an official complaint and that got rejected saying “talk to the moderator rather than the BBC complaints dept.”
When I found this site the BBC bias was subtle but now it is so obvious for all to see.
That research of approved ‘ cancelled comments is -I reckon – valuable evidence of BBC bias . It would be useful – in the coming inquiry ( if ever ) …
I posted “On the basis that the MSM, and the BBC in particular, seem to think they run the country now I shall look forward to seeing BBC candidates stand at the next GE. Not that I’d vote for them, of course.”.
These comments – and the removal of them – particularly if they don’t breach the ‘house rules ‘ are – I think – the most tangible evidence we can have of BBC bias .
Written fair comments – removed because BBC staff don’t like them – good for us …. ( those monitoring this site might take note ….)
Omar Elmawi, a 34-year-old Kenyan who coordinates the Stop East African Crude Pipeline campaign, also wants richer countries to shoulder what he sees as their responsibilities at COP27.
The IHME is an independent global health research centre at the University of Washington in the US. For 2015, their estimate of the number of deaths in the African Union region due to cooking using solid fuels is 624,469, but it could range from 487,157 to 758,487. This is based on survey data.
Of the 2.3 million people displaced by the conflict since May 2013, at least 250,000 left Nigeria and fled to Cameroon, Chad or Niger. Boko Haram killed over 6,600 people in 2014.
The slaughterhouses collect a lot of cows at one place and accumulate a large quantities of methane gas in one area. It caused to demand taxes on each cow with the cost up to $110 USD in Denmark. Ireland along with other Denmark and EU nations started taxing cattle owners on cow flatulence.
WELLINGTON, New Zealand—China’s top diplomat in New Zealand warned that the South Pacific country risked squandering close trade ties as Wellington increasingly sides with the U.S. and Australia in trying to limit Beijing’s influence in the region.
Just breaking news, but it appears that KwamiKhazi Kwarteng is yet another politician in the pockets of the Saudis after accepting freebies (bribes) from them and then failing to declare what he had received in the register of members interests :
The psychotic terrorist sat in the Kremlin is at it again: firing Cruise missiles at the Ukrainian infrastructure and other buildings.
We need to see Ukraine provided with cruise missiles so they can return the same to Moscow. And on the subject, give them nuclear weapons and watch how quickly Putin will cease his nuclear threats. Up until 1991 Ukraine was trusted to home nuclear weapons, why not now?
The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances comprises three substantially identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary, on 5 December 1994, to provide security assurances by its signatories relating to the accession of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The three memoranda were originally signed by three nuclear powers: the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States. China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.[1]
The memoranda, signed in Patria Hall at the Budapest Convention Center with US Ambassador Donald M. Blinken amongst others in attendance,[2] prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, “except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.” As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.[3][4]
Ukraine have learned the hard way how important it is to understand what you’re signing. And that words have legal meanings as well as ordinary meanings.
Apparently a security “assurance” does indeed provide legal justification for the USA to go to Ukraine’s assistance if it is being attacked. But it does not legally OBLIGE them to do so. Only a “guarantee” would do that.
Assurances aren’t worth a damn. Make sure any future memorandum you sign contains the word “guarantee”, guys.
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Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
Who left GBnews recently ?
Colin Brazier @colinbrazierGBN Widowed Dad of 6
hasn’t been on air but tweets are still like GBnews
Last tweet was about being in A&E for 26 hours waiting with his daughter
Dec 11, 2021 ex-Beeboid @SimonMcCoyTV has left @GBNEWS
Nov 2021 presenter Kirsty Gallacher left and is now on Smooth Radio
I think they were fired for some reason – I think GBNews is trying to do the ‘young ‘ gig with some exceptions … just dumbing down – the royal funeral coverage was .. awful
Fed, GBNews “trying to the young gig”?
With John Cleese ???!
Yes – as I wrote it the Cleese thing registered – but I still think the out put is largely aimed at kidults – those fired were experienced broadcasters who have been around the block – but now ?
I wrote to GBN to air my grievance as to the stupidity of releasing Colin Brazier – who was an adult amongst all the ‘comedians’ and kids. He would have brought some gravias to the funeral, and I bet they were kicking themselves when that happened. And the common denominator for those let go ???? I don’t have to spell it out.
As usual lib-supremacists saying the BBC belongs to them and how dare it broadcast righty voices like John Cleese.
BBC don’t do ads – except for BBC programmes like Sickly and Children with Needs.
Kyiv bridge: Near miss for pedestrian in missile strike
CCTV footage of a “Russian missile” explosion. Anyone else think this looks like a typical Hollywood fireball explosion rather than a real military grade explosive with shock wave?
Does look strange. Seems more like some sort of hydrocarbon explosion like a petrol tanker blowing up and it’s underneath the bridge. I don’t think missiles would carry anything but high explosives or cluster bomblets.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – interesting MSM use of propaganda photographs which the BBC do not highlight
The free Metro has a picture of the same building in Zaporizhzhia as the Guardian but from a different angle. The free Metro suggests the apartment block sinisterly turned into a cruel Arc de Triomphe is burning whereas the paid for Guardian clearly shows otherwise. Two views, two interpretations.
The Krankie conference being televised outside Brigadoon.
I can only think this is to drive up viewing figures to at least the level where it is measurable.
The hatred is seeping out of her and the snp right now as a successive polls show the independence racket vote is sharply declining.
I hope people are waking up in time to stop her completely destroying Scotland where are final trick would be to turn £1 sterling in a Scottish 50p……………
If the Supreme Court vote in their favour I would reckon that what happened in Northern Ireland could easily kick off here.
I think the Supreme Court will be declared ‘English ‘ if they don’t come down on the side of the SNP .
If the judgement is ‘split ‘ any judge with a Scottish connection will be identified …..
Under the previous head of the Supreme Court ‘Brenda ‘ the result would be for the SNP – but I don’t know the complexion yet …
Krankie has nominated a referendum date next year if they succeed in their case …. With an economic assessment ( justification ) for independence being published next week.
Fedup2.”Thought he might have done the Monday morning nuclear attack ….”
He likes the smell of nuclear fallout in the morning.
The problem is that each time the nuclear threat is made and not carried through ( public threat ) the effect – I think – is lessened.
I suppose that when the Potassium Iodide tablets start being given out it’s time to worry – if worrying has any effect on the flash , blast , radiation and the rest ….
Of the countless stabbings on our streets, what made the BBC push this particular 2019 incident on their home page at the weekend? Is it because the victim was Yousef Makki, the killer posh white boy Joshua Molnar, and it allowed the sub-editor to write lines like ‘Privileged kids carrying knives for status and intimidation’?
There’s use of the dreaded phrase “started a conversation that we needed to have”, and a 4-part documentary too, presumably to show “what happens when you reverse the stereotypes of knives and gang culture.”
What happens if you reverse stereotypes long enough is you’re no longer offering impartial journalism but you’re still managing to fleece people £160 a year to pay for it.
Village of Creeslough / Ireland: “Ten dead after Donegal petrol station explosion”
See if you can guess which two victims the BBC used on the home page for their image.
Watching crankie going on and on and on ….. I was sort of doing a word count…..
Business – once
crime not mentioned –
England x2
EU – x2
jobs – none –
NATO – not at all
Westminster – maybe 12
Cutting taxes – 0
King `Charles – 0
Queen Elizabeth – 0
Humour x2 incidental
She lost the audience on something about ‘small countries being best ‘ but didn’t refer to them
It sounds like the SNP want ‘independence ‘ but still the wealth of the rest of the UK. Do they think 50 million English – roughly 6 million welsh and northern Irish will just make it easy – ? Or enable the Scots to be better served than them ?
I favour an independent Scotland if there is another referendum but the Scots need to know what the real consequences must be – a solid border – foreign status in England – a separate currency – and they can have the BBC
The audience looked around 99% white and 50% obese …
At the end the BBC one was rapturous … off switch ..
Just Wondering if each Nation of the UK got to run the country in turn would it stop the likes of Krankie and Drakeford constantly Bitching about everything…..or would they just line their own pockets like other tin pot Governments around the World ?
Just seems such a one way street – and to separate on the basis of politicians not liking each other isn’t really a ‘go ‘…
It’s the same – I think – with Brexit . It’s not just about economics – there’s more too it
The idea of Scotland becoming independent – but then giving it up to be subject to Brussels – seems pretty weird – but I don’t count as I’m English … / British …
Duckford and Krankers are paid huge amounts of money from our public purse, and you’d hope that they’d be big enough to try and make The British Isles a safer, more industrious place!
But all they do is fart about with their weasel politics, to screw every opportunity to make us a better nation, because they’re just manic depressives in charge of far too much money – and they really do not understand what a tragedy they’re wishing for.
I’d never trust the awful bbc to try and talk through the issues, there are so many more platforms where informed comment is available.
ITV local newsPR has gone into a Climate PR bollocks item
Studio “this years drought *could* put up every households food costs by £40 next year
here’s a syndicated item by Nick Smith”
#1 “Here’s a cherrypicked farmer who had a bad year”
.. (they could’ve picked a grain or maize famer who’d had a very good year)
#2 Soil Association bloke Ben Raskin
That’ll be the org who organised this PR
see the anti-Tory green nutcases he retweets
The narrative was a dry soil means the nutrients haven’t been been spread around
(in a few weeks they’ll be complaining that floods have washed nutrients away)
FFS you never end summer with the reservoirs full, they fill up during the winter
All but our biggest rainwater tanks are full
If it doesn’t rain again before the end of May 2023 we might run out
ITV local NewsPR
Buried in the middle of the sport
“Yorkshire cricketer Azmir Rafiq has apologised for an anti-Semitic tweet he sent some years ago”
That’s OK he’s back to being an angel now then.
BBC national NewsPR
ended with clear PR item advertising coming programmes
about the Prince William’s visit to Radio1 Newsbeat.
BBC local newsPR
“fracking , North Sea Oil, solar what should be the future, we will have the Climate Minister on who’s a local MP”
… Guess which angles the BBC wants ?
First BBC tried framing trickery, by starting with a pre-recorded clip of a Tory MP they cherrypicked who hates fracking.
minister Graham Stuart tried to strike both sides of the fence
“fracking I’ve always been in favour but scientists can’t predict so we need test wells”
“Solar it’s fantastic” etc.
Farage prog just now, beyond shocking, the government wanted to rent Tintagel Castle hotel for 12 months to house migrants, the owner was told to let his staff go and other people would be put in, also any damage would be paid for by the taxpayer, horrific for the community surrounding the area.
Not to mention all the hotel staff expected to just walk away from their jobs.
How many other hotels have been approached now they are running out of cheap hotels?
About 1000 migrants came over yesterday!
Time to borrow a few billion and nationalise all the UK hotels – except those used by the swamp …. They’ll be full up by Christmas then they can take over B and Bs – hospitals – school s…
Maybe hire a few French hotels and put them in there before having their asylum applications approved …
I’m waiting for the time when I’m turned off a cruise ship to let those black leather coated bastards have the run of the ship. There has to be a revolution on this soon. And I certainly don’t add the ‘caveat’ that I’m in favour of only genuine refugees come here claiming asylum , because…. bottom line ? I don’t want ANYMORE migrants of any description on these shores. No one has ever mentioned that if life was so bloody awful in France then why aren’t we having ferry loads of the French population hot footing it over here.
I read that King Charles is acting as peacekeeper to the “Leicester situation”, saying how migrants have contributed to this country. Well, HOW ? having corner shops open all hours and bringing us a curry ? ( a concoction in their own country flavouring rotting meat with hot spices to quell the taste). They use the facilities far more of the NHS than manning it And I don’t forget articles in the press a few years ago where migrants with huge families were housed in 5 bed 3 storey houses in London complete with 55″ tele’s, oh the uproar that caused, its still happening but little is reported now about it.
And who in this nation voted for it ?
.. video
…. ker-ching!!
TOADY Watch #1 – I wonder how soon they will be on the remaindered shelf?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #3 – I wonder how soon they will be on the remaindered shelf?
Or maybe the mass of the UK population still love the BBC and will buy them in their millions? Not a very good exchange rate of £11 for just 50p during ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’. Will the Royal Mint have to discount them to shift their stocks ?
Or…. Waxing your butt hair.
“And they awarded awards to each other left to left, then back from left to left, and none watching could figure what the hell for..”
Don’t this Chas wheeler would be too impressed – I recall mr wheeler carefully reporting and explaining objectively – something the likes of comrade frei and the other woke traitors wouldn’t understand ….
Surely someone coloured should have got it – wot about that ex football girl who does all the BBC shows now …
I can’t even bring myself to type the enormity of this and what it means. If you have money in any financial institution it might well be time to make sure you have enough in currency to get by if there is a banking crisis and you can’t access your funds.
After the 2008 crisis the government changed the rules, you will still be protected up to £50K, but the bank is able to use depositors money to maintain liquidity, if the bank goes bust the government will then step in to guarantee the depositis but how long will that take to get your money and will you be able to survive with a credit/debit card which no longer works ?
Read it and weep:
Thoughtful – thank you – time to start queuing at the ATM ….early panic buying …. Sort of feel it coming ….
This might have something to do with it:
Thoughtful – one of the explanations for increased use of Real Money is that people are concerned about over use of the plastic – and ensuring they live within their means .
Nice if readies do make a comeback because this new form of control / monitoring – using cards – just provides an additional means of monitoring and controlling ….
Nothing to do with the BBC
My local paper describes the death of a Met copper – 35 – on his way to work in the diplomatic unit in central london at 0500 a few weeks ago .
He was on his motorbike . He clipped an unlit bit of a cycle lane under construction by the local green crap council . He came off and his head hit a lamp post at about 35 mph . Dead.
The coroner last week found the council / contractor at fault .
The copper left two daughters – both under 10 .
Cycle lanes ….
Not the Blatantly Biased Cretins, but should be.
Mrs Voter, tells me you’ve got a letter from the Government. (We live in France and yes I voted for Brexit.) Anyway, I open it and lo and behold, they’ve scrapped the telly tax. It was worse then the UK, it was paid as a tax, no chance to say you only watched non live TV, however that could well describe the BBC. Saving €138 per year. Come on Liz, if Macron can do it you can!
Ditto for us here in the south of France, we bought ourselves a portable gas fire with our rebate just in case everything goes silly this winter.
Green blob Damage !
Here is the rub …….
Over the next few months as we all cut back on heating our homes, as the energy companies sell us less gas and electricity, they lose income & profit .
What’s their options? They put up their prices or go bust!
Nope it’s not that clear
Big Energy Corp used to sell a £1billion pa
when prices go up 40% They should turnover £1.4bn
As you say some people might cut back, so energy sales might be £1.2bn
Ostensibly the running costs should be the same as last year so if its £100m they cover that in sales.
But god knows what gas & leccy will cost to the energy corps will be
Big Energy might be spending £2.3bn plus 0.1bn running costs .. get £1.2 from customers so be taking a £1.2bn loan from govt to cover the difference.
And where does the government get it’s money from?
Glancing at the TV guide
Panorama claps for the NHS: “Most shocking thing I found out is people w learning disabilities are twice as likely to die from avoidable causes as other people”
9pm Dementia Choir
10:40 BBC 1 HIGBMNFY with Victoria Coren Mitchell
8pm BBC2 Only Connect with Victoria Coren Mitchell
#BBCdiversity = same old lefty London mates + nepotism
9pm BBC 2 Rise of The Nazis
“Nazis are bad .. all righties are Nazis”
11:15pm A United Kingdom film about a white British woman and Black African guy who got married before the war
#WhiteManBad season programming
9pm ITV Drama celebrating Hatey Not Hopey
“Far right group, murder Jo Cox
man infiltrates ehite supremacists”
Defacto #WhiteManBad season prog
12:10 Channel4 : The Watermelon Woman
drama follows a lesbian video store worker making doco about uncredited black vintage actresses
#WhiteManBad prog
Further programming seems to be negative about white people
eg doco about Maxine Carr
another about Katie Price
Sure there are plenty of criminal and chavvy white people
Yet it seems programme makers can easily get the go ahead to make progs about negative white British people
but not negative non-white.
Who funds Femi?
Deja Vu
I posted that this morning ..Sept 2019 clip
Superb !
Well done Katie Hopkins.
C’mon maxi, lets have a troll post from you.
What I get from that video is that his manager is an unpleasant b*stard and femi is a complete idiot.
Fits exactly with my existing impression of typical remainers.
Funny how media talk about some price trends but not others
PayPal Holdings Inc
NASDAQ: PYPL stock was valued at $308+ 15 months ago.
Today they are currently below $85 a share!
Get WOKE, go BROKE, eh?
Truth is they were that price 2 years ago and been having a bubble.
Ukraine war: US condemns ‘brutal’ Russian strikes on Ukraine
So Ukraine symbolically bomb the bridge to Crimea then Zelensky goes on public television mocking the Russians. There’s no way Russia would take this humiliation laying down and launch retalliation attacks to show how powerful they are. I now see why the BBC ran this story beyond it’s importance : they had been briefed.
And now Biden is using it to condem Russia and justify more military aid.
This stinks to high heaven. I am convinced the bridge attack (and the entire Ukranian strategy) is being done in conunction with the USA who want to escalate the war and justify more American involvement. Any civilians who get killed are just collateral damage.
Putin is a brutal, violent thug who settles matters by force. We knew that already before they started poking him. But the lunatic in all of this is in the whitehouse. A senile old pervert being directed by who-knows-who behind the scenes. They want this war and are going make sure it keeps going.
While the likes of the BBC remain silent because they don’t want Trump back in. How much blood is on their hands now ?.
Good to know WW3 is in the hands of Joe Biden with the BBC fully behind him. What could possibly go wrong ?.
Remember when the Left were scaremongering that Brexit and then Trump would start WW3 ?.
Thai nursery: CNN journalists apologise for entering site of deadly attack
The headline could so easily have been ‘CNN reporters deported from Thailand after illegally entering and filming child murder scene’
Another lesson in how the BBC tone and wording of an article change depending on whether the target is Left or Right.
Because that is what happened. Theically barren scumbag lowlife reporters working illegally in the country lied to police so they could film the aftermath of a story where dozens of children got shot.
They didn’t agree to leave the country. They were deported.
Here’s the clone who wrote this report. Same as nearly all of them these days:

Hello JohnC
“CNN bBCs special partner in the US”
The bBC has mentioned the above a few times
or I would say “Joined at the hips”
“Joined at the hips”
The same as ‘Two cheeks of the same arse’ :-).
Big and painful cuts needed to fix budget, says IFS
Getty images – never seen so many white kids in 1 room. Strange picture for the bBC
Hell yeah – bond markets playing up again – Bank of England pumping out 0700 statements – parliament returns to demand an emergency statement from the outgoing chancellor – just can’t see the truss government lasting to Christmas – yet alone full term 2 years …
………………add the IFS estimated spending cuts (how ? What ?) and it’s pretty dire. What is worse is even a ‘landslide ‘,red labour government would have limited ability to do much because all the money trees have been chopped down .
And we don’t need a biased BBC to describe the above ….
Beff is on brief.
One day she will get her own nest in Klaus’ eerie.
Fed up
Those remaining on private sector salary related pension schemes might be rather more interested in the current economic situation even than the doom and gloom BBCLabour Guardianistas.
Needless to say, they get very little press. The BBC is more keen to feature anyone, absolutely anyone, who might lose out on benefits that they probably have never actually earned the right to receive.
Armed wing of the twitchers edition
It was Fleet Street veteran and former editor of the Sun, Kelvin MacKenzie, who once braved the Newsnight bias to debate those BBC and Channel 4 (likely middle class lefty) foreign correspondents over their obsession with what he termed Foreign-Bang-Bang. MacKenzie’s argument was that although the journos were obviously excited by it, the British public had more pressing, closer to home, news issues they might prefer to hear about.
There’s a narcissistic self-importance clearly in evidence: From Ian Birrell in Dnipro, Ukraine (Daily Mail)
The first blast erupted after 8am, sounding alarmingly close to my hotel… Mailman’s compelling frontline dispatch… – for just one somewhat groggy early morning moment MrAsISeeIt thought the reporter had got an interview with a Ukrainian postman. Brave lad, I thought… the mail must get through… our half-hearted posties are planning strikes in the run up to Christmas discourageing the last of us analogue physical cardboard seasonal greetings card senders. I wonder if Donbas mailmen ever wear long trousers?
We know western press access to what is happening on the frontlines is very closely curated by the Ukrainian authorities. They are never allowed near the fighting unless carefully chaperoned. If Birrell had got some first hand testimony from a local postman actually on the front that might be quite a coup.
Silly me, this Mailman is of course the Daily Mail’s very own correspondent, for once personally handily witness to some Foreign-Bang-Bang at close quarters.
The Guardian frontpage leader on Ukraine is a three-hander that thankfully makes little pretence at first hand experience. However, their big colour perfectly focused frontpage photo of a fireman and injured woman, designed to shock and awe the British public, is care of: State Emergency Service of Ukraine /AFP/Getty – interesting to note that in contrast to our own UK hard-pressed under-staffed over-worked emergency services, the Ukrainians have some very fine photographers on hand to capture the dramatic moments.
The Guardian further propagandises: Zelenskiy pleads for more help to combat Russian ‘terrorist’ attacks
Frankly, over here in Britain we’re probaly in more immediate danger from the armed wing of the twitchers: RSPB warns of potential direct action over threat to nature
The tired old Torygraph seems to relay something it heard from a very sound chap it went to school with as they chatted over a claret or two by the fireside in the gentleman’s club last night: Russians turning on Putin over war, says GCHQ chief
I had to curb my drinking. Maybe you should too – declares Adrian Chiles in the ‘i’ newspaper
And yet the Telegraph cautions: Netflix has viewers believing that non-facts are gospel truths
And of course the formerly patriotic Times when addressing the British public necessarily evokes the tired old ‘B’ word: Russia delivers fresh carnage across Ukraine in missile blitz
The present, make that any, Tory PM is anathema to the left-leaning ‘i’ and yet they are more than happy to quote her on this one subject: Attacks on Ukraine’s capital a ‘clear sign of despertaion’ , Truss says
House columnist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown exlains the phenomena of the borrowing for a purpose from unlikely allies: The right wing can be woke too… when it suits them
Ominously, The HM Daily Express threatens: Britain to back Ukraine fight ‘to the end’
I think something happens to ‘journos ‘ when they get their way the The Front Line ( the basement of a 4x hotel ) and put a flak jacket .
They know they are ‘made’ so many after dinner anecdotes – Robinson – on today – was reminiscing about his day in Kiev – the diesel generator in the hotel – the noise – ah isn’t war great ?
As for Putin . I’m surprised his response to slightly damaging the bridge was quite moderate … maybe he’s saving up for a big one .
Maybe there’s a big anniversary coming up….
A bbc favourite – Darien chiles ( Croatian passport holder ) seems to be making a living writing about cutting down on booze . Now he can buy better fizz …
I am actually quite sanguine still about Ai and algorithms.
This was ‘suggested for you’.
And others, it seems #CCBGB
Having ditched Gillette, I trim my beard with scissors.
The funny part is all the cretin media on social running #prasnews saying how stunning obscure screen bimbos look waking around with Nazi salutes to show off their pet tribbles.
Worked for Ms. Stone in earlier days I guess.
After Farage / Steyn exposed the attempt of the home office enemy to rent a luxury hotel in Tintagel for illegal arrivals I thought it might be a good idea to mimic what the US southern border governors have been doing shipping the rubbish to democrat areas …
So since krankie is so welcoming to them ( see yesterday speech ) why not fly them to Edinburgh and dump them outside one of krankies’ homes?
On Toady this morning there was a feature on why it was essential there were no benefit cuts. This in the context of a government struggling to balance the books.
With absolutely no hint of irony, the very next item was about a pressure group arguing for a big increase in the provision of free school meals !!!!!!
Truly, the BBC magic money tree continues in full bloom.
School meals for all:
I take 2017 as a start as issue from parents will be about 5 years of age i.e. in school.
28.4% of the births in 2017 were to parents born outside the UK. As I see it, the ONS treat numbers of foreigners born in the UK out these birth stats so 28.4% is a very minimum of the ‘foreign’ contingent.
See Table 1, 2 and 3
I look forward to those pushing for ‘meals for all’ to providing stats on those not properly feeding their children.
Feed the World …
Many years ago, Nobel Laureate Albert Schweitzer was asked in an interview, “Doctor, what is wrong with man today?” After pondering for a few seconds, Schweitzer replied, “Men simply don’t think.” If this was the answer decades ago, I wonder what it would be like today when the cell phone has reduced our attention span to the level of an ape.
(from going postal)
Colombian thinker Nicolas Gomez Davila writes, “in a century where the media spread endless nonsense, the educated man is not defined by what he knows but by what he ignores[2]“.
Indeed, it is rare for a politician to propose to voters sacrifice, generosity, effort, responsibility, keeping one’s word, truthfulness or respect for those who have a different opinion.
Rather, he will teach them to fear (and, therefore, to detest) the political adversary, will encourage envy and greed for the goods of others (under the alibi of “solidarity”) and will promise fantasies such as living without working …
Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a term used to describe a number of different proposals where the state would provide income for all citizens, without any conditions attached, and regardless of their other resources.13 Jun 2022
Got to love BBC Getty ‘people’ as things get dicey in luvviedom.
Hello Guest
The bBC has been stoking up fear lately
The article is by Noor Nanji, and she has 8 subscribers/followers on her YouTube channel, she really goes out to the masses 🙁 not
Photo of Zelensky in front of green screen doesn’t mean he was ‘never’ in Ukraine
I have noticed that for a £5,000,000,000 trusted resource serving the nation of 70+M, their staff attract little interest.
What’s going on here?!?
People not looking for work due to illness hits record high
Earlier this article was titled “lowest unemployment rate in 50 years”.
Now the BBC have changed the title and first line saying:
“The number of people not looking for work because they are suffering from a long-term illness has hit a record high, latest official figures show.”
but they offer no evidence to back up this claim. In fact the illness bit isn’t mentioned anywhere else in the article.
As the article is about employment the Getty Image is of course of a hard working black woman.
Thatcher incubated this trend during her reign to keep the unemployed numbers of late 50’s early 60’s off the unemployed stats. Age Discrimination was ubiquitous in those years.
Cartoon based on Biden upping the ante on Russia using a nuclear device in Ukraine/:
Prince and Princess of Wales take over Radio 1 Newsbeat
The Prince and Princess of Wales have taken over BBC Newsbeat to present a mental health special.
Now that William has become the Prince of Wales after his father became King Charles III, he is the proud owner of property empire worth just over £1 billion ($1.2 billion) according to its latest annual report.19 Sept 2022
Gilt Markets not reacting the way the Treasury thought it would after having injected £5 billion to support (of allocated 65bln – thank you Liz – keep your and your Chancellors gob well shut in future). Well, give us more info treasury so the speculators know what the parameters are. Hey Georgie Soros, are you out there and watching for a rerun ?
All got a whiff of Black Wednesday about it. Clock’s ticking.
“Unimaginable” cost of Test & Trace failed to deliver central promise of averting another lockdown
10 March 2021
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
And people believe these numpties are actually capable of creating and managing a digital currency to control the population!
Imagine that interest rate being pumped up again …. “Anyone want to buy a house ?”
The issue is the Blue Labour Tories insane spending promises such as a limitless cap on the cost of household energy.
Now the Nordstream pipelines have been destroyed and the criminal mafia Democrat party are talking about banning the export of oil and gas to Europe in order to reduce prices in the US to avert the wipe out at the midterms, politicians need to begin to exit fantasy land.
As King Canute found, you cannot prevent the tide from coming in, Truss appears to believe she is able to do so. Even if tomorrow Russia were to come to some sort of accommodation over gas supplies it would not be possible to physically manage that for 8 years and the cost of energy is going to remain high for a long time to come.
The public needs to get used to a lower standard of living and perhaps more elderly dying from hypothermia – or perhaps we should just send them to North Africa like the migratory birds to overwinter.
An unfunded unlimited energy cap which will cots an estimated £200Bn is clearly unsustainable and a crazy way to try to address a new normal. That is why the market is reacting the way it is.
Grocery bills set to soar by £643 this year
Yes £643, not £642, or ..
Suppose the staff at the bBC dont need to worry too much
PS there is also cheaper shopping available – Aldi’s, Lidl – then maybe a rise of £51 or £52
Auntie just bugger off!
Reduce by £159 by not paying the BBC?
Ukraine war: BBC journalist ducks as explosions happen in central Kyiv
Goodness me – this is the third article I’ve seen it in. Now it has one of it’s own !!.
The BBC luvvies are clearly wetting their panties about it.
Someone should tell them that a timid little boy like that has no place in a War Zone. He’s probably getting therapy now. Where have all the quality reporters gone ?. This lot are a bit embarassing.
Ukraine war: BBC journalist ducks as explosions happen in central Kyiv
Ukraine war: BBC journalist ducks as explosions happen in central Kyiv
The BBC’s correspondent in Kyiv, Hugo Bachega, was delivering a news report when several explosions happened in the centre of Ukraine’s capital city.
All sorts of people working for various environmental lobby groups are going to pile in on this demanding that there be no U-turns in government policy. The fighting will be bitter. The environmental lobby groups are fighting for their lives against a better educated populace.
Young activists urge focus on cash for climate damage at COP27
Maddie and kids in the creche gearing up for quite the jolly.
Young demand that they are enslaved quicker for longer with less enjoynment in life.
Young activists urge focus on cash for climate damage at COP27
Hello Marky
My favourite sign is the far left blue one, the one I can’t read 🙂
“NO PLANET – NO FUTURE” – Ban makeup – ban living – ban human carbon. Net Zero by tomorrow.
Is this Dover?
Here is the daily BBC Have Your Say to bash the Tories. All the top comments are calling for Labour/Socialism/Death to Thatcher etc
My comment (with new account so I can post again) was removed within minutes. All I said was “MSM is trying to oust the Tories”.
You can have your say on the BBC as long as it is the correct say.
Again, anyone would think that the PM and Chancellor don’t have the foggiest idea of what they’re doing…
General election now.
During the last 12 years the Tories have systematically undermined the foundations of this country.
When the whole lot comes crashing down, you can be sure that Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss and their Tory backers like Nigel Farage will scuttle off claiming none of this is their fault.
At least Truss is signing us up as a member of the European Political Community which will hopefully give us back some of the benefits of being in the EU by the back door.
Truss & Kwarteng: We believe in free markets.
Free markets: We don’t believe in you.
Truss & Kwarteng: In that case, you’re “woke” and part of the “anti-growth coalition”.
Free markets: Fine, we’ll bet against you, then buy up public assets when you start selling them off to pay your debts.
Truss & Kwarteng: The fire sale starts in January. But we’ve already promised to sell Scotland to Shell.
We need a general election; the current government is ideologically driving us over a cliff. Enough.
What has kept the Tories in power for so many years is the image they cultivate as efficient managers of the economy and guardians of law and order. These fig leaves have been stripped away and nothing is left but naked greed.
– seemingly trivial to a passing observer but I have seen this repeatedly with BBC comments – they must have recruited some ex Guardian moderators….
Simply one more morsel of evidence that the BBC is biased, furtive and routinely dishonest about the presentation of events and people’s reaction.
Any comment the moderators don’t like gets removed for being “off topic”.
But real off topic comments like “general election now” is kept up because they agree with it.
Last week I did some tests to see which posts I could report and get taken down. Even reporting posts such as “the Tories deserve a slow death hanging from a lamppost” were allowed to stay as the moderators claim no house rules are broken. I then put in an official complaint and that got rejected saying “talk to the moderator rather than the BBC complaints dept.”
When I found this site the BBC bias was subtle but now it is so obvious for all to see.
That research of approved ‘ cancelled comments is -I reckon – valuable evidence of BBC bias . It would be useful – in the coming inquiry ( if ever ) …
Hello Tabs
so you basically got banned for telling the truth
I posted “On the basis that the MSM, and the BBC in particular, seem to think they run the country now I shall look forward to seeing BBC candidates stand at the next GE. Not that I’d vote for them, of course.”.
It lasted three minutes.
Ha ha – interesting aspect of ‘free speech ‘.
These comments – and the removal of them – particularly if they don’t breach the ‘house rules ‘ are – I think – the most tangible evidence we can have of BBC bias .
Written fair comments – removed because BBC staff don’t like them – good for us …. ( those monitoring this site might take note ….)
Omar Elmawi, a 34-year-old Kenyan who coordinates the Stop East African Crude Pipeline campaign, also wants richer countries to shoulder what he sees as their responsibilities at COP27.
The IHME is an independent global health research centre at the University of Washington in the US. For 2015, their estimate of the number of deaths in the African Union region due to cooking using solid fuels is 624,469, but it could range from 487,157 to 758,487. This is based on survey data.
Of the 2.3 million people displaced by the conflict since May 2013, at least 250,000 left Nigeria and fled to Cameroon, Chad or Niger. Boko Haram killed over 6,600 people in 2014.
The BBC showing why it is a £5,000,000,000 propaganda waste of space.
Some are saying.
An Ardern supported initiative?
The slaughterhouses collect a lot of cows at one place and accumulate a large quantities of methane gas in one area. It caused to demand taxes on each cow with the cost up to $110 USD in Denmark. Ireland along with other Denmark and EU nations started taxing cattle owners on cow flatulence.
China Warns New Zealand Against Squandering Trade Ties
Beijing envoy says economic relationships shouldn’t be taken for granted
WELLINGTON, New Zealand—China’s top diplomat in New Zealand warned that the South Pacific country risked squandering close trade ties as Wellington increasingly sides with the U.S. and Australia in trying to limit Beijing’s influence in the region.
Just breaking news, but it appears that KwamiKhazi Kwarteng is yet another politician in the pockets of the Saudis after accepting freebies (bribes) from them and then failing to declare what he had received in the register of members interests :
And, suddenly, become white and blonde!
The Government has managed to create the state broadcaster its successor clearly needs.
The psychotic terrorist sat in the Kremlin is at it again: firing Cruise missiles at the Ukrainian infrastructure and other buildings.
We need to see Ukraine provided with cruise missiles so they can return the same to Moscow. And on the subject, give them nuclear weapons and watch how quickly Putin will cease his nuclear threats. Up until 1991 Ukraine was trusted to home nuclear weapons, why not now?
The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances comprises three substantially identical political agreements signed at the OSCE conference in Budapest, Hungary, on 5 December 1994, to provide security assurances by its signatories relating to the accession of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The three memoranda were originally signed by three nuclear powers: the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States. China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.[1]
The memoranda, signed in Patria Hall at the Budapest Convention Center with US Ambassador Donald M. Blinken amongst others in attendance,[2] prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, “except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.” As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.[3][4]
Ukraine have learned the hard way how important it is to understand what you’re signing. And that words have legal meanings as well as ordinary meanings.
Apparently a security “assurance” does indeed provide legal justification for the USA to go to Ukraine’s assistance if it is being attacked. But it does not legally OBLIGE them to do so. Only a “guarantee” would do that.
Assurances aren’t worth a damn. Make sure any future memorandum you sign contains the word “guarantee”, guys.
Get the feeling Aunty’s finest are gearing up for a Hollywood visit soon?
wear a hijab like in Iran?
Jeez. Give it a rest love. Who effing cares? Stick a bleeding wig on and stop bloody whinging to the bBBC.