What on earth is going on in Holland/Netherland? There was a report on GBN last night regarding the forced closure and compulsory purchase of 600+ farms. I’m not really up with their Politics but I always thought the Dutch were sensible and Democratic. What’s it all about.
Is this happening anywhere else in the EU? Could this happen here?
To meet Agenda 2030 goals — redistribution of land based on carbon targets / IPCC reports. “Ireland would need to cull up to 1.3 million cattle to reach climate targets”. (Canada too.)
Have a look at Sri Lanka recently to see how well that works out.
Regarding the Supreme Court SNP Referendum application.
Please don’t expect the Justices to come up with anything that is sensible or even legal. They have a history of making very capricious Judgements defying what many in the legal profession and historical commentators like David Starkey believe to be be the law by ancient precedent. In short they rather than Parliament have taken to making law.
Regarding events in Holland, on GBN there was a ravishing beauty called Eva Vlaardingerbroek, apparently a right wing political commentator although her words seemed to drift into insignificance as I watched entranced.
Do you think she’d be impressed with my political commentary? Maybe we could meet up and……
In my dreams I guess.
TWatO Watch #1 – what we need is UK people who work, not more people
Lord Bilimoria, the British Indian brewer, is a contributor to a discussion about unemployment and growth. Sarah Montague is blissfully unaware of the UK unemployment figures because the ONS now distort the statistics into a percentage figure. For those who have a rough idea of the size of the work-force the unemployment figure is around 1.2million.
It is quite an achievment of the UK Conservative Government to crack the 1.3million unemployed barrier, something that the Labour Government led by Blair and Brown were unable to do despite the two or three economic booms between 1997 and 2007. Of course this wasn’t mentioned by the BBC at all although Sarah mentioned that unemployment is now the lowest since 1974. When of course we had high unemployment, which is a bit dishonest of the BBC and the ONS for that matter, because we had had two or three years of endless strikes under the Heath Government and now had, in October 1974 iirc, a new Labour Government. Within a few months of that change of Government, inflation would reach a record high for the UK of 25%+
‘The markets’ are unimpressed with today’s jobs news so far.
Lord Bilimoria thinks we should let more people in to the UK to do jobs that obviously British people are too lazy to do. I disagree.
Update thanks to TOADY Watch #1 – is that a precise figure?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – is that a precise figure?
A spokesperson for the Care Home industry is interviewed during the first hour of TOADY, sorry name long forgotten in the fast moving world of an OAP! Apparently Care Home workers account for 5% of the UK workforce. I intended to check whether the BBC had an article on their web-site to back up the plea for more migrants into the UK that was apparent during the first hour of TOADY. Unfortunately this OAP moves too fast; either that or the world moves too fast for this OAP.
According to the article here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63177547 the Care Industry has 1.79m workers. If that figure is accurate and precise and the 5% figure is accurate and precise that suggests the UK has a workforce of nearly 36,000,000 – precisely 35,800,000.
What that means is that the Conservative Government for the last seven years has not been as successful at creating jobs as the previous Coalition Government but then the Coalition Government had the big crash of 2007-2009 to clear up with all its unemployment and did not have to cope with a Covid Pandemic. UK unemployment is approximately 1,253,000 or if we are rounding things up – unemployment is still stuck resolutely at 1.3million and we do not have a record number of people in work, BBC and O.N.S..
O.N.S. and BBC, please, please note. Where’s Marianna Spring when you need her.
Lord Bilimoria is great at the bluster, waving his arms around and boasting how he’s the founder of Cobra beer, but my take on him – and the rest of the 3rd world who like to tell us how to run this country, is to take his ethos back to India and provide employment there, thus helping that economy , and help us by not sending Foreign Aid to the land of his fathers !
“Channel migrants: More than 1,000 people cross in single day” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-63201048
We are being invaded daily by criminals while our government does nothing but waffle and procrastinate .
Time to get rid of the useless Tories before it is to late!
Vote for UKIP & Reform Party .
The very next item on TWatO was a discussion about a Telly series on one of the new American ‘channels’ like Netflix about serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Apparently it is very popular viewing. Sarah was asking why are we obessed with serial killers? To answer came an American (or Canadian) woman from academe, a M/s Shaw, with a high voice.
Is it because of a BBC obsession with the US and north America that the BBC trail so many female academics from North America across their airwaves? Probably. Why do these female academics have such high, squeaky, voices? Is it because they are practised at shrieking at their students? Or their students need shrieking at a lot? I think we should be told.
He is dead anyway so no bother.
I see he was racist calling his brand ‘off white’.
My wife likes the ‘White Stuff’ clothes shops, I often wonder how the name hasnt been banned yet?
“They gave their all for our safety, and we owe it to them to give our all to prevent Afghanistan from once again becoming a breeding ground for terrorism.”
There has been a century of co-operation and friendship between the USA and Saudi Arabia, it has taken the Biden mafia Democrats less than 2 years to destroy that relationship.
Saudi has been a major vector for terrorism, far more than Afghanistan ever were, they spawned Al Qaeda, the Taleban and ISIS, they masterminded and carried out the 9/11 attacks and every president covered up for them, but that is changing as Saudi moves closer to the BRICS nations and Biden spits his dummy out.
So far as I am aware there is zero evidence Bin Laden was actually involved in 9/11 and plenty that he was an embarassment to his wealthy and influential family who wanted him dead.
Lets not forget where that family was at the time of those attacks shall we?
I’m watching Karen Pirie on itv.
It’s a bit woke, her boyfriend is black of course and one of the suspects is black (which means it will not be him who is the guilty one)
My complaint is that I can’t hear the dialogue properly. They whisper and mumble a lot and it’s all with their scotch accents.
Some tv shows are clear as a bell but some others are really poor.
The droning background ‘music/sounds’ doesn’t help either.
When I’m watching old tv shows such as Minder or the original All creatures great and small there’s no problem hearing the dialogue.
On American shows like Better call Saul all is clear as well.
I suppose it will be some trendy youth sound mixer responsible.
It’s a pity because the sound is important if you want to follow any crime plot.
EG Aside from live programmes, I rarely watch anything now without the subtitles. Most actors have never done stage work, so the enunciation and projection just doesn’t happen (although since the advent of stage mics they don’t need to bother anymore)
Agreed. I decided to watch this for some reason. Three two hour programmes. Six bloody hours!
As you say, it was set in the small university town of St Andrews, so obviously her cop boyfriend was black, one of the suspects was black, and another one was gay. Got to tick those boxes.
I wonder what happens when all of the 3% of blacks in the UK are taken up by the BBC and other broadcaster/advertisers. Perhaps they will alert the Government to a shortage of specific skills labour and the importation of blacks will become a ‘special case’ requiring a focus on getting more blacks in to, ‘fill the gaps’…………….
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – what is a megalitre?* (see fourth line of the article)
The BBC are at it again: obfuscation. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-63201578. Do they mean cubic litres? A virtual metre square tank that has four sides that are a meter square into which water is poured and then used? It takes a lot for a single person in a house to use up a cubic metre of water.
* I’m told by the internet that a megalitre is one million litres, yet all the UK Water companies, to the best of my knowledge invoice for cubic metres.
I accidentally left a tap running when I was working away for a weekend. I got charged an extra £450 for this. Thames Waters HQ is about two miles from my gaff.
I’ll put my maths hat on (Keeping my maga hat safely to one side). One cubic metre of water is 10x10x10 decimetres, (1 cubic decimetre aka 1 litre). 1000 litres. One cubic metre (1000 litres) weighs one metric tonne! 225 megalitres would weigh 225 000 tonnes. That’s about the same as three QE2s.
I’ve only got “O” level maths, so your mileage may vary.
mnm, 🙂 Cup of tea = about 250ml to 300ml. I get through six to nine mugs a day (more than a cup – probably 330 ml) depending on the weather and my activity. In other words I drink three litres a day on average. Obviously use more for personal washing, doing dishes, cleaning, etc..
Don’t use Mendoza Jrs services, ‘cos you may end up paying HMRC a lot of money. Accountant? Really?
Now the mafia Democrat crime party intent on destroying a century of good relations with Saudi Arabia has decided to “re-evaluate its relations” with the Kingdom, and just to make things even worse for the West the UAE are visiting Russia.
BBC local newsPR
adverorial item for unnamed org that wants to raise awareness of people on benefit who have to plug into health machines
“The £100 extra energy allowance is not enough”
.. carefully crafted piece with the emotional background, plinky plonk brainwashing music.
BBC local news last night the attempted gotcha interview against the Climate Minister re fracking
Viewer comments read on Monday mostly were pro UK gas
and tonights comments too less than half GreenDream
So the prog is doing a good job of reflecting the real world
rather than giving us GreenDream activists only, like most of the BBC usually do.
Monday local BBC newsPR
A Grimsby hair salon has won an award
Oh what a surprise the judge is black, the salon owner has black genes and so very short African hair
and the salon specialises in African cuts.
.. An obvious item the BBC choose given their habitual bias
This was inevitable I feel (Gabbard leaving Democrats)
The prominent Dems are a near complete absolute shower and the way that she was treated by the Clinton camp, the DNC nabobery and the fruitcake “radicals” like AOC . Omar, Presley etc. has been simply putrid.
Where can she go? I wonder if she has an appetite for more elected office – she has been intense in her critiques of the present Congress and Senate setup and their cozy corruption in cahoots with the permanent bureaucracy.
I really feel that something has to change – both in the calibre of elected representatives and their relationship with the organs of government.
– that applies as much here as on the other side of the pond.
Many people have had enough and outfits like the BBC, CNN, MSNBC (Sky) are desperately trying to staunch the tide of dissatisfaction with the present set up – aided in no small part by people with a vested interest in having things continue the way they’ve gotten used to and are intent on keeping going….
Top news story on BBC North West Wales news website this evening? Appeal for lost walker’s rucksack. Seriously. Is this the best that overpaid BBC ‘journalists’ can do?
There is no women’s rugby today so the BBC does mention
the Champions League . You know the football
competition for those with a penis.
But one match you wont hear about on the BBC is the
match played between Maccabi Haifa against Juventus in
Israel. No you wont hear from the BBC that amongst the
Haifa team. We have a Jonathon Cohen, Ali Muhammad,
Sean Godberg and Muhammad Abu Fani.
Yes Israel is not a perfect democratic country with its
faults . And there a quite a few. But it is the only country
in the Middle East where you would find Jews and Arabs
playing together in a team . With the same mixture of
supporters watching in the stands .Oh I forgot to mention
Maccabi Haifa won 2-0.
23:15pm BBC2 ” Katty Kay is on a road trip to see what is at stake for American democracy if Trump runs again”
cos a candidate runs for election “democracy” “is at stake”
.. that is LEADING framing there
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
What on earth is going on in Holland/Netherland? There was a report on GBN last night regarding the forced closure and compulsory purchase of 600+ farms. I’m not really up with their Politics but I always thought the Dutch were sensible and Democratic. What’s it all about.
Is this happening anywhere else in the EU? Could this happen here?
I saw that on GBNEWS, absolutely appalling that they could do that to farmers, talk about facists!
Does this mean there is another Tulip Bubble ?
To meet Agenda 2030 goals — redistribution of land based on carbon targets / IPCC reports. “Ireland would need to cull up to 1.3 million cattle to reach climate targets”. (Canada too.)
Have a look at Sri Lanka recently to see how well that works out.
FFS nationalising farming
state production targets
That’ll all work out fine and dandy.
Regarding the Supreme Court SNP Referendum application.
Please don’t expect the Justices to come up with anything that is sensible or even legal. They have a history of making very capricious Judgements defying what many in the legal profession and historical commentators like David Starkey believe to be be the law by ancient precedent. In short they rather than Parliament have taken to making law.
Regarding events in Holland, on GBN there was a ravishing beauty called Eva Vlaardingerbroek, apparently a right wing political commentator although her words seemed to drift into insignificance as I watched entranced.
Do you think she’d be impressed with my political commentary? Maybe we could meet up and……
In my dreams I guess.
Hello Flotsam, here is her contact details lol
Ha! ha ! we have some right comedians on here !!
Flotty, by the time you’ve managed to master saying her surname, she’ll have disappeared into the night !
Or a window in Amsterdam.
“engaged” it says
TWatO Watch #1 – what we need is UK people who work, not more people
Lord Bilimoria, the British Indian brewer, is a contributor to a discussion about unemployment and growth. Sarah Montague is blissfully unaware of the UK unemployment figures because the ONS now distort the statistics into a percentage figure. For those who have a rough idea of the size of the work-force the unemployment figure is around 1.2million.
It is quite an achievment of the UK Conservative Government to crack the 1.3million unemployed barrier, something that the Labour Government led by Blair and Brown were unable to do despite the two or three economic booms between 1997 and 2007. Of course this wasn’t mentioned by the BBC at all although Sarah mentioned that unemployment is now the lowest since 1974. When of course we had high unemployment, which is a bit dishonest of the BBC and the ONS for that matter, because we had had two or three years of endless strikes under the Heath Government and now had, in October 1974 iirc, a new Labour Government. Within a few months of that change of Government, inflation would reach a record high for the UK of 25%+
‘The markets’ are unimpressed with today’s jobs news so far.
Lord Bilimoria thinks we should let more people in to the UK to do jobs that obviously British people are too lazy to do. I disagree.
Update thanks to TOADY Watch #1 – is that a precise figure?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – is that a precise figure?
A spokesperson for the Care Home industry is interviewed during the first hour of TOADY, sorry name long forgotten in the fast moving world of an OAP! Apparently Care Home workers account for 5% of the UK workforce. I intended to check whether the BBC had an article on their web-site to back up the plea for more migrants into the UK that was apparent during the first hour of TOADY. Unfortunately this OAP moves too fast; either that or the world moves too fast for this OAP.
According to the article here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63177547 the Care Industry has 1.79m workers. If that figure is accurate and precise and the 5% figure is accurate and precise that suggests the UK has a workforce of nearly 36,000,000 – precisely 35,800,000.
What that means is that the Conservative Government for the last seven years has not been as successful at creating jobs as the previous Coalition Government but then the Coalition Government had the big crash of 2007-2009 to clear up with all its unemployment and did not have to cope with a Covid Pandemic. UK unemployment is approximately 1,253,000 or if we are rounding things up – unemployment is still stuck resolutely at 1.3million and we do not have a record number of people in work, BBC and O.N.S..
O.N.S. and BBC, please, please note. Where’s Marianna Spring when you need her.
Lord Bilimoria is great at the bluster, waving his arms around and boasting how he’s the founder of Cobra beer, but my take on him – and the rest of the 3rd world who like to tell us how to run this country, is to take his ethos back to India and provide employment there, thus helping that economy , and help us by not sending Foreign Aid to the land of his fathers !
“Channel migrants: More than 1,000 people cross in single day”
We are being invaded daily by criminals while our government does nothing but waffle and procrastinate .
Time to get rid of the useless Tories before it is to late!
Vote for UKIP & Reform Party .
TWatO Watch #2 – what the UK does not need are ….
The very next item on TWatO was a discussion about a Telly series on one of the new American ‘channels’ like Netflix about serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Apparently it is very popular viewing. Sarah was asking why are we obessed with serial killers? To answer came an American (or Canadian) woman from academe, a M/s Shaw, with a high voice.
Is it because of a BBC obsession with the US and north America that the BBC trail so many female academics from North America across their airwaves? Probably. Why do these female academics have such high, squeaky, voices? Is it because they are practised at shrieking at their students? Or their students need shrieking at a lot? I think we should be told.
Virgil Abloh: Five things you might not have known about the US fashion designer
Never heard of the person, I guess the colour is the reason the bBC is promoting him
He is dead anyway so no bother.
I see he was racist calling his brand ‘off white’.
My wife likes the ‘White Stuff’ clothes shops, I often wonder how the name hasnt been banned yet?
“… and no successful terrorist attacks against the West have been mounted from Afghan soil for two decades.”
“They gave their all for our safety, and we owe it to them to give our all to prevent Afghanistan from once again becoming a breeding ground for terrorism.”
And where is your proof any of them ever were?
There has been a century of co-operation and friendship between the USA and Saudi Arabia, it has taken the Biden mafia Democrats less than 2 years to destroy that relationship.
Saudi has been a major vector for terrorism, far more than Afghanistan ever were, they spawned Al Qaeda, the Taleban and ISIS, they masterminded and carried out the 9/11 attacks and every president covered up for them, but that is changing as Saudi moves closer to the BRICS nations and Biden spits his dummy out.
So far as I am aware there is zero evidence Bin Laden was actually involved in 9/11 and plenty that he was an embarassment to his wealthy and influential family who wanted him dead.
Lets not forget where that family was at the time of those attacks shall we?
I’m watching Karen Pirie on itv.
It’s a bit woke, her boyfriend is black of course and one of the suspects is black (which means it will not be him who is the guilty one)
My complaint is that I can’t hear the dialogue properly. They whisper and mumble a lot and it’s all with their scotch accents.
Some tv shows are clear as a bell but some others are really poor.
The droning background ‘music/sounds’ doesn’t help either.
When I’m watching old tv shows such as Minder or the original All creatures great and small there’s no problem hearing the dialogue.
On American shows like Better call Saul all is clear as well.
I suppose it will be some trendy youth sound mixer responsible.
It’s a pity because the sound is important if you want to follow any crime plot.
Just watching the haunting of Bly Manor and thinking it’s a remake of the turn of the screw.
EG Aside from live programmes, I rarely watch anything now without the subtitles. Most actors have never done stage work, so the enunciation and projection just doesn’t happen (although since the advent of stage mics they don’t need to bother anymore)
Agreed. I decided to watch this for some reason. Three two hour programmes. Six bloody hours!
As you say, it was set in the small university town of St Andrews, so obviously her cop boyfriend was black, one of the suspects was black, and another one was gay. Got to tick those boxes.
I too needed the subtitles.
Last time I’ll be watching this rubbish I feel.
Catch Rebus on UK Drama or Taggart on the ITV hub for a proper Scottish drama.
I wonder what happens when all of the 3% of blacks in the UK are taken up by the BBC and other broadcaster/advertisers. Perhaps they will alert the Government to a shortage of specific skills labour and the importation of blacks will become a ‘special case’ requiring a focus on getting more blacks in to, ‘fill the gaps’…………….
After all, the farmers can make a special case.
The IMF are not happy with our new chancellor it seems.
In 2020 Lukashenko claimed they offered $940m aid if Belarus imposed Covid lockdowns, which he refused.
Wow. Popcorn time…have they shut down that account?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – what is a megalitre?* (see fourth line of the article)
The BBC are at it again: obfuscation. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-63201578. Do they mean cubic litres? A virtual metre square tank that has four sides that are a meter square into which water is poured and then used? It takes a lot for a single person in a house to use up a cubic metre of water.
* I’m told by the internet that a megalitre is one million litres, yet all the UK Water companies, to the best of my knowledge invoice for cubic metres.
Estelle Mendoza’s monthly Thames Water charge increased from £33 to £215 after the supplier suggested she had used 255 megalitres of water.
MM, that’s what the article says. But that is a lot more than one million cups of tea in six months.
I accidentally left a tap running when I was working away for a weekend. I got charged an extra £450 for this. Thames Waters HQ is about two miles from my gaff.
Estelle Mendoza’s monthly Thames Water charge increased from £33 to £215 after the supplier suggested she had used 255 megalitres of water.
“one million cups of tea”
jesus worlds biggest tea cup 255 litre capacity
I’ll put my maths hat on (Keeping my maga hat safely to one side). One cubic metre of water is 10x10x10 decimetres, (1 cubic decimetre aka 1 litre). 1000 litres. One cubic metre (1000 litres) weighs one metric tonne! 225 megalitres would weigh 225 000 tonnes. That’s about the same as three QE2s.
I’ve only got “O” level maths, so your mileage may vary.
mnm, 🙂 Cup of tea = about 250ml to 300ml. I get through six to nine mugs a day (more than a cup – probably 330 ml) depending on the weather and my activity. In other words I drink three litres a day on average. Obviously use more for personal washing, doing dishes, cleaning, etc..
Don’t use Mendoza Jrs services, ‘cos you may end up paying HMRC a lot of money. Accountant? Really?
Now the mafia Democrat crime party intent on destroying a century of good relations with Saudi Arabia has decided to “re-evaluate its relations” with the Kingdom, and just to make things even worse for the West the UAE are visiting Russia.
It would appear Biden and his loons are intent on the destruction of the West and are driving others into helping him do just that.
BBC local newsPR
adverorial item for unnamed org that wants to raise awareness of people on benefit who have to plug into health machines
“The £100 extra energy allowance is not enough”
.. carefully crafted piece with the emotional background, plinky plonk brainwashing music.
Ah they have now put up a story
It mentions no NGO
but the use of a Sheffield artist when the rest of the story is the Scunthorpe area is suspicious.
bBC SOP, #101
BBC local news last night the attempted gotcha interview against the Climate Minister re fracking
Viewer comments read on Monday mostly were pro UK gas
and tonights comments too less than half GreenDream
So the prog is doing a good job of reflecting the real world
rather than giving us GreenDream activists only, like most of the BBC usually do.
Monday local BBC newsPR
A Grimsby hair salon has won an award
Oh what a surprise the judge is black, the salon owner has black genes and so very short African hair
and the salon specialises in African cuts.
.. An obvious item the BBC choose given their habitual bias
Tulsi Gabbard has long been one of the few Democrat politicians to talk sense.
Today she finally left the Party, and called on her “fellow common-sense, independent-minded Democrats to do the same”. Ouch.
Here she explains why.
The BBC don’t seem very interested.
This was inevitable I feel (Gabbard leaving Democrats)
The prominent Dems are a near complete absolute shower and the way that she was treated by the Clinton camp, the DNC nabobery and the fruitcake “radicals” like AOC . Omar, Presley etc. has been simply putrid.
Where can she go? I wonder if she has an appetite for more elected office – she has been intense in her critiques of the present Congress and Senate setup and their cozy corruption in cahoots with the permanent bureaucracy.
I really feel that something has to change – both in the calibre of elected representatives and their relationship with the organs of government.
– that applies as much here as on the other side of the pond.
Many people have had enough and outfits like the BBC, CNN, MSNBC (Sky) are desperately trying to staunch the tide of dissatisfaction with the present set up – aided in no small part by people with a vested interest in having things continue the way they’ve gotten used to and are intent on keeping going….
She is fabulous. What an example to set. I remember seeing video of her snow boarding (v competently). If I was gay I’d fancy her 😆
Top news story on BBC North West Wales news website this evening? Appeal for lost walker’s rucksack. Seriously. Is this the best that overpaid BBC ‘journalists’ can do?
So some idiots took a risk on a mountain
were rescued
but need help to get stashed bags back
BBC reporters decided, yes lets use our £5bn operations resources to promote this
… no its what you use a community message board or Facebook group page for.
You are paid to do real news.
There is no women’s rugby today so the BBC does mention
the Champions League . You know the football
competition for those with a penis.
But one match you wont hear about on the BBC is the
match played between Maccabi Haifa against Juventus in
Israel. No you wont hear from the BBC that amongst the
Haifa team. We have a Jonathon Cohen, Ali Muhammad,
Sean Godberg and Muhammad Abu Fani.
Yes Israel is not a perfect democratic country with its
faults . And there a quite a few. But it is the only country
in the Middle East where you would find Jews and Arabs
playing together in a team . With the same mixture of
supporters watching in the stands .Oh I forgot to mention
Maccabi Haifa won 2-0.
23:15pm BBC2 ” Katty Kay is on a road trip to see what is at stake for American democracy if Trump runs again”
cos a candidate runs for election “democracy” “is at stake”
.. that is LEADING framing there
I think it’s a prog that already went out on BBC World Service TV on Sunday.. https://mobile.twitter.com/kaedotcom/status/1578028082488700928
yet the BBC2 page doesn’t say that
Hush – it’s time for a New Thread …