Quite unbelievable that Merkel has said she has no regrets about tying Germany to Russian gas supplies! Of course it’s never going to affect her personally so why should she care?
“I do not regret decisions at all, rather, I believe that it was right from the perspective of the time,’ she said, adding that cheap Russian gas had allowed Germany to push ahead with phasing out nuclear and coal.”
So she left her country with no alternatives and actively closed them down and she still thinks this was a good decision?
If it had carried on much longer Germany would have had zero generating capacity and the lights would be out already!
As I’ve stated before, we are not being told what is really going on in EUrope at the moment, probably because it reflects on the EU really badly and the remainers don’t want that, so censor the news.
Seems to me that Only Fans is a kind of online prostitution.
If that man was a woman he could have dressed up in short shorts and vest and worked in Hooters Bar in central Singapore.
Singapore might pretend to be prim and proper but I bet there is quite a large escort industry there.
Plus every night many Singapore men cross into Malaysia to seek entertainment.
Read about this days ago via the fam. Bit more than you suggest, iirc he was getting his todger out to scare the horses online at Orchard Towers.
Making no gender presumptions, since the old loos ceased to be a Bugis Street platform for those of an ‘artistic’ bent, the ‘karaoke’ bars of Geylang used to do a nice line in throat warbling too.
“Can you imagine in 10 years when we are sitting here we have an implant in our brains and I can immediately feel, because you all will have implants… and we measure your brainwaves.”
16And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.…
You can take the sad little weasel out of the bbc, but…
A cabinet minister until a few weeks ago has just told me @trussliz ‘has unleashed hell on this country.’ The language being used by senior Conservatives, the incredulity, the cold fury is like nothing I’ve seen in decades of covering UK politics
Tony Blair and the case of the disappearing cabinet
Richard Norton-Taylor
Wed 30 May 2007 00.03 BST
The cabinet only took one decision during Tony Blair’s first eight months in office, the country’s top civil servant at the time has revealed. And that was to delegate the matter of the Millennium Dome to the prime minister.
In the course of an entertaining but damning critique of the way Mr Blair has run the country, the former cabinet secretary Lord Butler said the new Labour administration failed to take collective decisions from the start.
Wednesday’s BBC local news ended with PR as news for a new BBC Wales programme about the Hull rugby player Clive Sullivan
black presenter “few people in Wales know that price Sullivan was the first black rugby player”
.. that’s strange because everyone in Hull knows that
Rarely do I switch off Nigel, but I have tonight. Bitcoins. Might well be the way forward for the future of our 6 month old babies, but not in my lifetime. I shall still use cheques til the day I die Lol !
Tip. If you haven’t tried it I think you’ll like Boom radio.
It’s all stuff from our time, 60’s and thereabouts.
Decent and knowledgeable DJs
Each song that comes on is like a mini quiz where I try to remember who it was and the year it was out. It’s good for the brain.
It’s on dab radio. Just rescan and it will show up in your list of stations then add it to a preset.
Seeing as the BBC loves the EU so much, I just wonder why they did not report this EU press conference:
The EU MEPs shown are absolute heroes. I never thought I would give the MEPs such praise but in this case it is IMHO well deserved. The MEPs are spitting tacks about the lack of answers by big pharma about their covid so called vaccines.
Six members of the European Parliament held a press conference on October 11, 2022, one day after Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, refused to participate in the Covid committeee and answer questions.
Mark Steyn with a Stop Oil idiot interview…a typical shouty lefty 24 year old taking a break out of a PhD at university…it just shows how the Education System is totally out of control with its ‘ stupid indoctrination ‘ ! !
Mark almost lost control of that ….a close run thing !
We are seeing the fruits of prolonging our childhood and ignoring the real world …
The children I teach are indifferent to the adult world. This defies the experience of thousands of years. A close study of what big people were up to was always the most exciting occupation of youth, but nobody wants to grow up these days and who can blame them? Toys are us. … Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you. {naturalchild.org – john gatto – jan1990}
– most Brits are unaware of how predictably skewed the trash emanating from the BBC, Sky and ITV is – but they are now so over-egging things that question marks are appearing in many more people’s minds when they see / hear the self evident craziness and often internally contradicted stuff that’s being pumped.
The Tucker Carlson piece on Ms. Gabbard up thread gives some useful context on her rise through the party and the honeymoon that has come crashing down after colliding with reality.
Jamaica’s broadcasting authority has banned content that “glorifies illegal activity” – such as drug and gun use.
The new rules cover TV and radio – including music – and list specific topics that are off-limits.
Scamming, drug abuse and the illegal use of firearms cannot be “promoted” – and swearing or “near-sounding” replacements are also banned.
When Jamaica gained independence in 1962, the murder rate was 3.9 per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the lowest in the world. In 2005, Jamaica had 1,674 murders, for a murder rate of 58 per 100,000 people, the highest murder rate in the world.
For those still believing in the Blue Labour Tories I wonder how much support you will retain when you hear the Tories are planning to raise the retirement age yet again, this time to 69 years old, and as they have found this method of kicking the can down the road on paying a state pension, and no doubt they will keep on increasing the retirement age, just in the same way they have carried on increasing immigration.
Thoughtful – thank for that – I was musing about the coming election – if people are unable to vote for the blue brand – and could not vote for the red brand – with the greens and yellows basically loons – do they just stay at home and enable a massive win by kidult red brand types ?
An election won on a 30% turnout – with a massive red brand majority … Angee for PM …. Corbyn as chancellor – so no change ….
Increasing the pension age is a guaranteed way of losing a few more seats …
They now have less than a month to the mid terms,and I wonder how many of them will still be there after 10th November.
As an aside we now know from MBS in Saudi, Biden was so incredibly corrupt he asked (begged) that Saudi and OPEC kept up oil production until November 10th to assist his party at the midterms, after that they could do as they pleased!
They fill the commitee with 7 Democrats and the 2 most anti-Trump Republicans.
This is banana republic stuff. It’s a clear political witch hunt and a complete farce. I expect to see this kind of corruption in Africa or some 3rd world Asian country. Not the USA.
It’s only useful purpose is to draw those out who are dishonest and hypocritical enough to endsorse it so we can see them clearly in plain sight.
I just watched Viva Frei elaborate what went on in a Connecticut courtroom with Alex Jones. It cannot by any measure be described honestly as a trial – whatever it was (vocabulary and thesaurus fail) it is extraordinary in the true sense of that word.
It is (imho) easily as bizarre as the trial of Pope Formosus (and that’s stretching bizarre) – jurisprudence be damned – a shameless attack, not even bending the law – just pulling stuff out of their arses and arbitrarily trampling a vast raft of proper process and denying the accused man any – and really, any opportunity to respond or challenge his accusers. Accusing Jones of doing things that he self evidently couldn’t have done and declaring him “guilty” without reference to the jury.
To call it a low point in American legal antics is about as close in everyday language as I can get to describe it.
It is something I feel – of a dry run for what some actors feel they can foist on Trump. The players are gauging public reaction … what can they get away with?
I am not a fan of Jones’ performative style and do not endorse all his analysis – travesty + perversion is what happened there.
– if it happens to AJ then it can (and likely will) happen to others.
This is dark stuff – scarcely believable and directly aimed imho at Donald Trump.
I used to wonder how people could be so stupid to fall for it.
But now I realise, they don’t. They agree with it. So they are quite prepared to forgoe any honesty and integrity to go along with it -because for the Left, ‘The ends justify the means’.
When this involves both the Government and the mainstream media (who are supposed to be their ‘check and balance’), it means that society has become absolutely rotten.
I think the USA is demonstrating where democracy and capitalism are inevitably bound to end up : corporatism and corruption. Maybe every civilised society will always and up this way due to human nature and is why all the great Empires died out.
It remains to be seen if the Democrats and their mates follow through.
Prominent dissenters and critics of the present US regime are being attacked via their financial arrangements as well as the courts – the blob is straining to exert control.
We don’t get to ignore the consequences of whats happening across the pond.
“A genuine sketch from the BBC that will never be repeated ever again…”
Has anybody else had this come up in their YouTube recommendations this week? It’s kind of funny, but only with hindsight.
This must the most partisan political farce in history. It’s just so over-the-top, it’s ridiculous.
Now we have the Democrats at their dirty best. Trump supoenaed and a new, very heavily edited video of Pelosi which is so convenient, I think it might just be fake.
In it she says ‘The said that somebody has been shot, it’s just horrendous’. Then the shooting is not mentioned again. And she states quite specifically that the whole thing has been instigated by the President of the United States. Twice. How could she be so sure to make such statements at that time ?.
As usual, it’s fully endorsed by the ‘unbiased’ BBC who hate Trump with a passion.
Lets hope for the sake of the USA these scumbags are routed next month.
Judging by the way the democrats now own the Department of Justice they’ll charge president trump with some sort of `treason offence after their corrupt raid on his home .
This will be done in the week leading to the November elections – with live coverage of the FBI arresting and handcuffing the president on nationwide peak time TV . .
The first court appearance – in Democrat infested New York will take place a day or two before the elections with a grandstanding prosecutor and Democrat Judge .
… same as how the announcement for the first COVID vaccine was held until AFTER the last election.
What bothers me the most of all is how obvious it is yet the mainstream media do not go anywhere near it. They are an absolute disgrace. It’s African tinpot 3rd world dictatorship stuff.
As per the Viva Frei piece linked above – “banana republic” hardly covers what’s going on with the partisan abuse of the US legal system.
The antics of the judge and prosecution lawyers in the AJ trial(s) is just beyond anything I’ve seen in banana republics and I repeat… it’s a dry run to test public reaction to their intended tactics.
That public reaction will be measured and analysed by CNN, MSNBC et al – what could possibly go wrong?
BBC enjoying the long self destruction journey of what was formerly the Conservative Party. The outgoing chancellor is on the journey back to the UK from the US early – hiding isn’t an option .
Quite rightly pressure is on truss – fueled of course – by the BBC . The long term aim being to get an approved regime to start to take us back into the EU – if we ever left .
Farage – last night – suggested rejoining the single market will be the first stage – with Starmer as PM he can claim his pledge not to rejoin the EU will be maintained although in reality we ll be on the way to it again .
And that’s where the UK ends – the SNP get their independence vote – maybe one in Northern Ireland too and ‘great ‘ Britain is no more – although ‘some’( me ) think Britain stopped being “great ‘ long ago …. When the third world washed up ….
The Jan 6th Committee is fantastical strange alternate reality – does The Guardian asking “do you believe this?” indicate that they’ve (Guardian) collided with reality?
What does the Eritrea GOv say? Are they embarrassed she left?
You will also notice this (immigration) is a one way street. Not once in my adult life have I heard anybody say that the thing that Eritrea (Africa) needs most is an injection of Welshmen. They could do with some Welsh cooking or singing. ” Douglas Murray {@7:24 youtube}
xttps://youtu.be/J75-UsMhKBo?t=7m24s VIDEO REMOVED.
Maybe Panorama could do one of their special investigations?
Things grow AROUND them.
Not very well UNDER them.
I spent a whole summer doing grass cutting on several massive solar farms… 6-8ft tall fauna in the gaps, bugger-all underneath, except some scrappy weeds and brambles.
There is an advert on R4 for a ‘documentary ‘ about the murder of a child called Ricky Neave who was murdered 25? Years ago .
The documentary will examine child protection . That’s when I laughed …. will paki Muslim Paedo racist rape gangs get their mention ? Or will the BBC conspiracy to ‘not harm race relations’ be maintained ?
I bet I know the answer …
Tories plot Sunak and Mordaunt leadership (Times); Starmer’s purge. Labour Left complains that leader is tightening the screw (‘i’)
If there’s one thing both these unnamed Tory MPs and Sir Keir Starmer are in full agreement about (in fact there’s more, but this will be the main one…) then it’s a secret, yet sincerely heartfelt wish they could completely do away with their respective party memberships.
Modern managerial politics is no place for ideas, ideology or philosophy. Least of all conservative ones. Just as corporations take ever more notice of Karen in the HR department, so MPs prefer the approval and easy ride from the likes of Nick Robinson to an argument and a rough ride.
The Telegraph tackles the BBC’s star ex-footballer: Lineker ruled offside in impartiality row… has been found guilty of breaking the BBC’s impartiality rules, by tweeting his views on the Conservative Party.
In football the tactic to counter the so-called high press is a long ball over the top…
So inevitably our Gary goes on a virtue-signalling spree, getting himself gifted the Daily Mirror frontpage: FOOTBALL legend Gary Lineker has vowed to use the world cup to turn the spotlight on homophobia and human rights in Qatar…
You could always boycott the World Cup, Gary – that would really show ’em!
OUR MESSAGE TO QATAR – screams the Mirror throwing a mood of fabulous high dudgeon
Two Prem stars are close to coming out as gay… I hope they do it during the world cup
Personally, I’ll just be watching a few matches on the TV and having a beer or two
We’ll talk about homophobia and human rights on screen… we won’t shy away from it
I’ve seen the movie Lawrence of Arabia – all three hours of it – and my take would be that it’s not so much the homosexuality that seems to upset the arabs – it’s more the constantly banging on about it.
The Telegraph looks to foreign affairs: UK rebukes Macron for ruling out Russia nuclear strike… ‘We don’t want to talk about it publicly because one of the principles of deterrence is you don’t reveal your hand’
Now I’m reminded of the 1999 David Fincher movie Fight Club and its legendary tagline “The first rule of Fight Club is: ‘You don’t talk about Fight Club'”
The Telegraph looks to foreign affairs: UK rebukes Macron for ruling out Russia nuclear strike… ‘We don’t want to talk about it publicly because one of the principles of deterrence is you don’t reveal your hand’
Jeremy Corbyn: I would never use nuclear weapons if I were PM
This article is more than 7 years old
Labour leader also reiterates his opposition to £100bn renewal of the ‘obsolete’ Trident weapons system in BBC interview
Jeremy Corbyn on Brighton seafront. He told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: ‘I don’t think we should be spending £100bn on renewing Trident. That is a quarter of our defence budget.’ Guardian
Patrick Wintour Political editor
Wed 30 Sep 2015 09.59 BST
I wonder what the top per night illegal immigrant hotel room price charged by Serco to the UK taxpayer is?
Perhaps the BBC might send out a team to investigate?
– perhaps not
Adams using luxe $400-a-night Times Square hotel rooms as migrant shelter https://t.co/ho2Jnc7iRI via @nypmetro Keep sending them. Win-Win. Destroy NYC economy. Help the homeless illegals!
Looks like the BBC is getting bored with Ukraine – orla is now doing Iran and HRH Bowen is suddenly a china expert …
BTW – the site reporting the outgoing chancellors’ flight from US to UK is going to arrive late – not sure what the market reaction will be but the pound has gone ‘up’ a lot this morning – which is good as I need to buy €…… £1 – €1.13 ish so the city has got the ‘word’.
I wonder how the OBR is going to deal with the blue labour re budgeting ?
All the tory, “Men in suits”, the ‘old school’ are now hiding in the shadows leaving the ‘boy scouts’ they spawned to deal with the problems. They know that Truss is ‘all Trussed up’ and will carry the can of massively failed policies of ‘money printing’ over the past decades. National Debt? Roughly 2.5£ Trillion and rising like a back passage thermometer. World markets, hitherto believing that UK Governing was in ‘safe hands’ now recognise the absolute fragility of printing money. As always, eventually pigeons come home to roost.
The UK has run out of road, that’s the undermining problem people don’t like to discuss because it is indicative of the gross mismanagement of UK Governments to date.
Maybe the nail in the coffin will be the next interest rate announcement – ( November 3 ?) which seems to be predicted ( again ) to be 0.75% or maybe even 1.0% …. Still too little – too late …
If the blue Labour Party had been a bit ‘canny ‘ it might have avoided direct responsibility for rising mortgages …
But by its own conduct it is now tied to all those sob stories of people unable to get ‘on the housing ladder ‘… maybe MIRAS will make a come back ….?
All Trussed Up’s Rock & a Hardplace. Combat inflation? dramatically raise interest rates thus bankrupting many property owners and killing those living on massive credit. Bills eventually have to be paid. Time is now. The penalty for artificially suppressing interest rates over the recent decade and more. If not, at least to appease the international investors, how else can ATU demonstrate fiscal prowess (not!)? Erdogan and his 3 reductions in interest rates to act differently to combat inflation?
How well did that work? Currently 83% and still rising and the funny part is,
I don’t know about that story that’s a reaction to a US Democrat politician using close-captioning to understand what an interviewer was saying.
Thus prompting speculation that he’s having brain difficulties.
but do see that someone quoted what Theodore Dalrymple the British psychiatrist said about Soviet propaganda
“The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to HUMILIATE;
and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better.
When people are forced to remain silent
when they are being told the most obvious lies,
or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves,
they lose once and for all their sense of probity.
To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself.
One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed.
A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.”
Edited quote.
About a fifth scrolling down the BBC News website a new pop up box appeared by a new button saying “Change your nation. We are bringing you stories from England”.
Right underneath are 5 stories:
1. A really simple guide to Iran’s protests
2. BBC identifies young people killed in Iran protests
3. Iran’s Gen Z ‘realise life can be lived differently’
4. ‘I took off my hijab in front of police – we are winning’
5. How to follow our day of special coverage (Iran again)
The French philosopher Auguste Comte is often quoted as having said, “Demography is destiny.” Even if that is an overstatement, certainly demography is important—to the development of communities, economies, nations, and ultimately the entire human race.9 Aug 2020
Bradford has been revealed as the winner of the hotly contested UK City of Culture 2025 competition.
The year is set to deliver more than 1000 new performances and events including 365 artist commissions, a series of major arts festivals as well as exciting national and international
“Record excess deaths in UK’s heatwave summer” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-63171417
Fear, fear, fear.
Death rate ?
Could it be something to do with backlog of people on NHS waiting lists due to the other “Fear Propaganda” – COVID , COVID & COVID ?
“Climate change: Summer 2022 smashed dozens of UK records” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-63244353
What Records ?
What were the records for over one hundred years ago ?
Notice how its “Climate Change” now and not “Global Warming” .
Nice ‘HOT’ colours to the artwork , more propaganda .
By Nassos Stylianou, Becky Dale, Erwan Rivault, Jana Tauschinski
BBC Data Journalism Team
Nassos Stylianou is a journalist covering politics, international news, EU affairs, education, and sport. He is a digital media enthusiast, interested in community management and data journalism. (Guardian Hack)
Becky Dale – moved to “data” from “Spanish things”
Erwan Rivault – another Spanish specialist who seems to have developed a “data” credential.
Jana Tauschinski – deep fakes a proclaimed specialty.
Local weather presenters seem on board with pushing ClimateDoomPR
Colder and wetter than normal weather events will come along .. it’s the nature of weather.
Incredible analysis of the new heat records set this summer, with Yorkshire & Lincolnshire the focus of what was both an astonishing and alarming climate event. https://t.co/FCUnu6bCd0
A nice reply by unapproved JKrowling – from a troll wondering how she sleeps at night ? She replied – easy I just got my latest royalty cheque …
.. the comments on the twitter were very supportive – coming from grown ups whose kids had improved their reading skill through getting addicted to Harry Potter . Pretty good testimony ..
I tried Harry Potter – but …no….
The outgoing chancellor was accused of being too chummy with hedge fund types… so it’s curious that the pound has strengthened a lot Friday morning without any formal announcement by the outgoing government …
… maybe some had a phone call …. Uk – one of the least corrupt countries in the world …
Our local BBC news prog’s tweets make it look like they have a woke activist in their Twitter team.
However such agenda pushing tweets mostly gather almost no reaction, usually 1 or zero Likes etc.
This last week they’ve done 3 tweets promoting Black History Month artwork
Artwork to mark Black History Month is one of the final exhibitions on display at a transformed derelict building before it closes later this month. Read more: https://t.co/yGed5AORKH Photograph: Richard Lees pic.twitter.com/TeRm16g6C6
On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards. Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder. Wikipedia
Start date: 22 March 2020
Cause of death: Stabbing
Died: 22 March 2020 (aged 7); Salford Royal Hospital, City of Salford, Greater Manchester, England
Parent(s): Sarah Barnes and Mark Jones
Born: Emily Grace Jones; 18 January 2013; Bolton, Greater Manchester, England
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – yes, that is just what we want and need right now, not.
What we do not need is another leisure and shopping complex. What we do need, really, really need right now is a power station fuelled by British ‘clean coal’ generating electricity.
The BBC: always sensitive to the needs of the nation!
That social media post was the latest in a series of political comments made by the host on Twitter. Previously, Gary, who is one of the BBC highest on-screen earners, has been criticised for speaking out but avoided censure by his bosses until now.
Kwarteng out as chancellor
Kwasi Kwarteng is no longer chancellor, the BBC understands. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-politics-63221738
It comes amid speculation Truss will today announce a U-turn on parts of the mini-budget.”
Trevor Mcdonald jnr didn’t last long.
My mini budget ideas: Interest rates immediately raised to 5%, public servant numbers cut to save cash?
“Listen up everybody , BIG BROTHER has a directive. This
fascist Foscari and others from the so called Biased BBC website
has cottoned on to the fact that when whenever there is a
public service image on the front page of our internet web pages .
it is an ethnic image. OK lets get back at Foscari and his scum racist
mates. Tell Getty’s our provider to use images of 200 whities ,
yes all whities marching along. ” Should it be taken in the UK,
Big Brothe?” Tell Getty’s I dont care where they get their models from. But just make sure their white. This will show this biased BBC rascist, fascist scum how Machiavellian we can be. To make sure that our educating agenda is understood by the ignorant
arses, who pay £157 a year for our “services” How dare one
of them refer to this season’s ” Strictly” as a freak circus. The
“Greatest Showman” PT Barnum would of been proud of us !!”
Now as an appendage I am really going into a conspiracy
theory!! I am not sure if the images of the large WHITE crowd
in the street was taken in the UK. Those faces look Scandanavian
to me. Danish perhaps? They have red double deckers in
Nadhim Zahawi: Already a good day for Zahawi, whose tenure as interim Chancellor over the summer has outlasted that of Kwasi Kwarteng’s. Recent Treasury experience is a plus, albeit under a different permanent secretary.
Simon Clarke: A key and prominent supporter of Liz. Chief Secretary to the Treasury under Rishi, though with some major disagreements with the former Chancellor reported during his time there. A very likely candidate.
Sajid Javid: Again, previous experience though even during his short time at the Treasury he didn’t show much promise of breaking free of Treasury orthodoxy. Steven Swinford reports it’s not going to be him.
Jeremy Hunt: The centrist, ‘party unity’ candidate that may placate backbench opponents. Would be an admission that the Truss economic programme is DOA. Currently out of the country.
Rishi Sunak: Stranger things have happened over the past 40 days.
Chris Philp: The current chief secretary to the treasury, a role with a decent track record of stepping in to replace unexpectedly departing chancellors. Would need some lessons on tweeting about the value of the pound.
Steve Barclay: Widely reported to have been Rishi’s choice for Chancellor had he won the leadership contest.
Alan Mak: Treasury minister from July to September. The best candidate to reverse Liz’s fortunes and lead Britain into a new golden age of economic growth.
Jeremy Hunt gaffe: ‘My wife is Japanese’
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt mistakenly referred to his wife as Japanese during a visit to Beijing to discuss post-Brexit trade deals between the UK and China.
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
Lucia Guo, wife of Jeremy Hunt MP, regularly appears on Sky TV’s China Hour
Programme is owned by state-owned China International TV Corporation
Guo has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses
PUBLISHED: 22:05, 25 December 2021 | UPDATED: 22:37, 25 December 2021
I was being a bit playful prefacing titles with ‘outgoing ‘ such as ‘outgoing PM’ but I appear to be nearer to reality than I thought – I ll use ‘outgoing government ‘ too ….
Wish I’d put a bet on that idiot not making it to All Hallows’ ….
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
The ex-prime minister is reported to have discussed Brexit and Ukraine but avoided talking about the circumstances of his departure from No 10
I fear that the noose has tightened around us. The Globalists, the EU, and others who are anti-nationalist have had a good day.
We needed a radical change but Truss and the ‘conservative’ liberals (fearful for their seats) capitulated at the first hurdle. Prepare for a long lingering decline of the UK, back on the road we have been on for such a long time of low productivity, low skills, open boarders, and more socialist policies ‘enjoyed’ by the many but not for the few.
The best I can hope for is a complete collapse of Tory support resulting in a Labour government accelerating our socio-economic decline, and a backlash by the electorate who will see no other option than to eventually vote for real pro-UK right-wing parties.
The main worry is that more migrants, youths (lower voting age brought in), and media (BBC in the main), will be pulling in the socialist direction to keep labour afloat no matter what.
Sorry mouse but this is just not true. Truss made a monumental error when she agreed an unlimited subsidy on domestic users energy costs, then she exacerbated that with tax cuts making the situation simply untenable.
If she hadn’t been forced to back down the UK economy, currency and its banking would have collapsed. That’s not conservative, that is reckless insanity
On top of that her reckless plan included bringing in another 200000 migrants per anum to prop up the insanity of a ponsi scheme which was simply ridiculous.
She would have been better to offer a subsidy for the first quota of gas and then added a tax onto the full cost of extra units to pay for the subsidy allowing people some heat whilst those who wanted more were able to do so in a market with limited supply.
Margaret Thatcher put in the ground work of cutting costs and government spending before tax cuts. Truss didn’t want to do the hard work and thought it was easy peasy. Now she knows different.
T, you are so gullible! It was obvious that Boris Johnson was ‘set up’ and the BBC appear to have been dwelling on the possible removal of Liz Truss as well. Only Kuenssberg is absent from the equation this time. Phil Hammond, during his contribution to TWatO, let slip a reference to something like “our friends in nearby nations” or “our friends in adjacent countries”.
“On top of that her reckless plan included bringing in another 200000 migrants per anum to prop up the insanity of a ponsi scheme which was simply ridiculous”
and yet thats the one bit that doesnt appear to have had a u-turn
I value your argument though I will agree to differ. Truss did not need to capitulate in the way she did. It would have been so much wiser to have rowed back a little on tax cuts (just enough to achieve some appeasement), kept Kwarteng and doubled up on the argument of correctly moving towards lowering taxation (particularly on new investment, tech and high tech, highly paid job creating companies). If we continue to flood the country with the third world we will become the third world. We are going to hit some tough years and we will at best just prolong the decline unless we as a country are prepared to make the tough decisions now. A low skill, low tech economy for the size of a country such as the UK is not a viable future. The markets will abandon us when the time comes.
Which is apparantly the work of the PKK Kurdish guerillas.
More disruption to global oil supplies, but very little reported, and who was it who put them up to carrying out these attacks at this particular time because as far as I can tell they haven’t attacked these pipelines before now.
“Basket of deplorables” is a phrase from a 2016 presidential election campaign speech delivered by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on September 9, 2016, at a campaign fundraising event, which she used to describe half of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump, saying “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”.[1] The next day, she expressed regret for “saying half”, while insisting that Trump had deplorably amplified “hateful views and voices”.
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
Quite unbelievable that Merkel has said she has no regrets about tying Germany to Russian gas supplies! Of course it’s never going to affect her personally so why should she care?
“I do not regret decisions at all, rather, I believe that it was right from the perspective of the time,’ she said, adding that cheap Russian gas had allowed Germany to push ahead with phasing out nuclear and coal.”
So she left her country with no alternatives and actively closed them down and she still thinks this was a good decision?
If it had carried on much longer Germany would have had zero generating capacity and the lights would be out already!
As I’ve stated before, we are not being told what is really going on in EUrope at the moment, probably because it reflects on the EU really badly and the remainers don’t want that, so censor the news.
How shocked are we?
When is joke a joke? Only bbc can decide…..
BBC defends Jo Brand over ‘battery acid’ joke https://bbc.in/2IbGM7R
Guest, missed you by a post.
Is he going for the Lenin look?
Katty got her roots done?
The ratings must be massive.
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Guest, missed you by two posts, must get back from the pub sooner.
Do they need a licence for every set?
Context is all.
Seems like a ‘content creator’ a significant % of W1A could love.
Seems to me that Only Fans is a kind of online prostitution.
If that man was a woman he could have dressed up in short shorts and vest and worked in Hooters Bar in central Singapore.
Singapore might pretend to be prim and proper but I bet there is quite a large escort industry there.
Plus every night many Singapore men cross into Malaysia to seek entertainment.
The BBC is being, at best, ‘coy’.
Read about this days ago via the fam. Bit more than you suggest, iirc he was getting his todger out to scare the horses online at Orchard Towers.
Making no gender presumptions, since the old loos ceased to be a Bugis Street platform for those of an ‘artistic’ bent, the ‘karaoke’ bars of Geylang used to do a nice line in throat warbling too.
Orchard Towers is being shut down next year
I’ve seen stopover Brits en route to Oz getting some unexpected ladyboy action in Singapore
Feel ze getting it about Klaus…
He’s not in the least bit creepy.
16And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.…
In UK Man’s hand cut off by Machette?
You can take the sad little weasel out of the bbc, but…
There’s dropping your ex bbc colleagues in the doo doo, and…
Tony Blair and the case of the disappearing cabinet
Richard Norton-Taylor
Wed 30 May 2007 00.03 BST
The cabinet only took one decision during Tony Blair’s first eight months in office, the country’s top civil servant at the time has revealed. And that was to delegate the matter of the Millennium Dome to the prime minister.
In the course of an entertaining but damning critique of the way Mr Blair has run the country, the former cabinet secretary Lord Butler said the new Labour administration failed to take collective decisions from the start.
Diversity is their strength in New York too, apparently.
Well, not exactly. A diverse woman pickpockets the victim of a crash who is pinned under a truck, dying.
The diverse crowd cheer her on.
No doubt the BBC will report this sickening crime as soon as they can fly their crack team of reporters out to NY.
Wednesday’s BBC local news ended with PR as news for a new BBC Wales programme about the Hull rugby player Clive Sullivan
black presenter “few people in Wales know that price Sullivan was the first black rugby player”
.. that’s strange because everyone in Hull knows that
the advertorial it was about 3 minutes long
At least he got his own way!
There were a lot of black players in Wales before Pit Head Baths were brought into use in taffland’s coal mines.
Rarely do I switch off Nigel, but I have tonight. Bitcoins. Might well be the way forward for the future of our 6 month old babies, but not in my lifetime. I shall still use cheques til the day I die Lol !
Same here Brissles. Boring.
Tip. If you haven’t tried it I think you’ll like Boom radio.
It’s all stuff from our time, 60’s and thereabouts.
Decent and knowledgeable DJs
Each song that comes on is like a mini quiz where I try to remember who it was and the year it was out. It’s good for the brain.
It’s on dab radio. Just rescan and it will show up in your list of stations then add it to a preset.
I’ve been listening to Boom for nearly a year now and it’s great music with fewer adverts than most. Love it.
Try Sunshine Radio OnLine too. Few adverts, no news, no travel, no sport. Available on Alexa, etc. “Bring me Sunshine Radio Online”.
Yes, I discovered the bottom-of-the-garden-DJs-in-their-sheds BOOM radio at the beginning of the year. SOOOOOO GOOOOOD !
Seeing as the BBC loves the EU so much, I just wonder why they did not report this EU press conference:
The EU MEPs shown are absolute heroes. I never thought I would give the MEPs such praise but in this case it is IMHO well deserved. The MEPs are spitting tacks about the lack of answers by big pharma about their covid so called vaccines.
Sorry – BBC ru paul drag race uk is on …
Six members of the European Parliament held a press conference on October 11, 2022, one day after Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, refused to participate in the Covid committeee and answer questions.
00:48 – MEP Francesca Donato (Italy)
04:38 – MEP Cristian Terhes (Romania)
12:56 – MEP Virginie Jeron (France)
15:01 – MEP Sylvia Limmer (Germany)
18:26 – MEP Ivan Sincic (Croatia)
22:41 – MEP Christine Anderson (Germany)
Watch the full hearing of Pfizer’s representitive here:
Perhaps our MPs should look into this emerging scandal ?
Mark Steyn with a Stop Oil idiot interview…a typical shouty lefty 24 year old taking a break out of a PhD at university…it just shows how the Education System is totally out of control with its ‘ stupid indoctrination ‘ ! !
Mark almost lost control of that ….a close run thing !
Off switch
We are seeing the fruits of prolonging our childhood and ignoring the real world …
The children I teach are indifferent to the adult world. This defies the experience of thousands of years. A close study of what big people were up to was always the most exciting occupation of youth, but nobody wants to grow up these days and who can blame them? Toys are us. … Time for a return to democracy, individuality, and family. I’ve said my piece. Thank you. {naturalchild.org – john gatto – jan1990}
Not much to choose between CNN/MSNBC and the BBC
– most Brits are unaware of how predictably skewed the trash emanating from the BBC, Sky and ITV is – but they are now so over-egging things that question marks are appearing in many more people’s minds when they see / hear the self evident craziness and often internally contradicted stuff that’s being pumped.
The Tucker Carlson piece on Ms. Gabbard up thread gives some useful context on her rise through the party and the honeymoon that has come crashing down after colliding with reality.
“Jamaica bans music and TV glorifying crime”
London next ?
Met Police Chief Calls On YouTube To Take Down Drill Music To Curb Gang Crime
18 May 2018, 09:17 | Updated: 18 May 2018, 09:56
Jamaica’s broadcasting authority has banned content that “glorifies illegal activity” – such as drug and gun use.
The new rules cover TV and radio – including music – and list specific topics that are off-limits.
Scamming, drug abuse and the illegal use of firearms cannot be “promoted” – and swearing or “near-sounding” replacements are also banned.
When Jamaica gained independence in 1962, the murder rate was 3.9 per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the lowest in the world. In 2005, Jamaica had 1,674 murders, for a murder rate of 58 per 100,000 people, the highest murder rate in the world.
Sharing is caring.
For those still believing in the Blue Labour Tories I wonder how much support you will retain when you hear the Tories are planning to raise the retirement age yet again, this time to 69 years old, and as they have found this method of kicking the can down the road on paying a state pension, and no doubt they will keep on increasing the retirement age, just in the same way they have carried on increasing immigration.
Thoughtful – thank for that – I was musing about the coming election – if people are unable to vote for the blue brand – and could not vote for the red brand – with the greens and yellows basically loons – do they just stay at home and enable a massive win by kidult red brand types ?
An election won on a 30% turnout – with a massive red brand majority … Angee for PM …. Corbyn as chancellor – so no change ….
Increasing the pension age is a guaranteed way of losing a few more seats …
Safe, I feel to say that this is “not going to end well” for Ms Cheney and the present cabal of senior Democrats.
Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship
26 August
They now have less than a month to the mid terms,and I wonder how many of them will still be there after 10th November.
As an aside we now know from MBS in Saudi, Biden was so incredibly corrupt he asked (begged) that Saudi and OPEC kept up oil production until November 10th to assist his party at the midterms, after that they could do as they pleased!
Joe couldn’t bully / threaten the Saudis…
– further humiliation down the line
Now fun ‘n games with Turkey + Russia and gas….
Russia just offered Turkey to become the alternate supply route for gas to Europe.
Erdogan will just leap at that.
The Saudis just told Biden to farkorrf when he asked for more oil – quite simply:
JB : can you increase production ?
MBS: Nope … byeee!
and somebody just blew up two Turkish pipelines in two days…
They fill the commitee with 7 Democrats and the 2 most anti-Trump Republicans.
This is banana republic stuff. It’s a clear political witch hunt and a complete farce. I expect to see this kind of corruption in Africa or some 3rd world Asian country. Not the USA.
It’s only useful purpose is to draw those out who are dishonest and hypocritical enough to endsorse it so we can see them clearly in plain sight.
The BBC and Guardian are two such entities.
I just watched Viva Frei elaborate what went on in a Connecticut courtroom with Alex Jones. It cannot by any measure be described honestly as a trial – whatever it was (vocabulary and thesaurus fail) it is extraordinary in the true sense of that word.
It is (imho) easily as bizarre as the trial of Pope Formosus (and that’s stretching bizarre) – jurisprudence be damned – a shameless attack, not even bending the law – just pulling stuff out of their arses and arbitrarily trampling a vast raft of proper process and denying the accused man any – and really, any opportunity to respond or challenge his accusers. Accusing Jones of doing things that he self evidently couldn’t have done and declaring him “guilty” without reference to the jury.
To call it a low point in American legal antics is about as close in everyday language as I can get to describe it.
It is something I feel – of a dry run for what some actors feel they can foist on Trump. The players are gauging public reaction … what can they get away with?
I am not a fan of Jones’ performative style and do not endorse all his analysis – travesty + perversion is what happened there.
– if it happens to AJ then it can (and likely will) happen to others.
This is dark stuff – scarcely believable and directly aimed imho at Donald Trump.
strange days
I used to wonder how people could be so stupid to fall for it.
But now I realise, they don’t. They agree with it. So they are quite prepared to forgoe any honesty and integrity to go along with it -because for the Left, ‘The ends justify the means’.
When this involves both the Government and the mainstream media (who are supposed to be their ‘check and balance’), it means that society has become absolutely rotten.
I think the USA is demonstrating where democracy and capitalism are inevitably bound to end up : corporatism and corruption. Maybe every civilised society will always and up this way due to human nature and is why all the great Empires died out.
It remains to be seen if the Democrats and their mates follow through.
Prominent dissenters and critics of the present US regime are being attacked via their financial arrangements as well as the courts – the blob is straining to exert control.
We don’t get to ignore the consequences of whats happening across the pond.
National Television Awards 2022: The best red carpet images
6 out of 10 of the first photos are of black people thus again proving the UK population is mostly black.
I bet Ricky Gervais hates being there.
Admittedly, ‘over 50’ is a broad spread.
“A genuine sketch from the BBC that will never be repeated ever again…”
Has anybody else had this come up in their YouTube recommendations this week? It’s kind of funny, but only with hindsight.
Directed by J Saville?
The dirty tricks campaign by the desperate Democrats just before the mid-term elections is in full swing:
January 6 panel votes to issue subpoena for Trump testimony
This must the most partisan political farce in history. It’s just so over-the-top, it’s ridiculous.
Now we have the Democrats at their dirty best. Trump supoenaed and a new, very heavily edited video of Pelosi which is so convenient, I think it might just be fake.
In it she says ‘The said that somebody has been shot, it’s just horrendous’. Then the shooting is not mentioned again. And she states quite specifically that the whole thing has been instigated by the President of the United States. Twice. How could she be so sure to make such statements at that time ?.
As usual, it’s fully endorsed by the ‘unbiased’ BBC who hate Trump with a passion.
Lets hope for the sake of the USA these scumbags are routed next month.
Judging by the way the democrats now own the Department of Justice they’ll charge president trump with some sort of `treason offence after their corrupt raid on his home .
This will be done in the week leading to the November elections – with live coverage of the FBI arresting and handcuffing the president on nationwide peak time TV . .
The first court appearance – in Democrat infested New York will take place a day or two before the elections with a grandstanding prosecutor and Democrat Judge .
The banana Republic lives …..
… same as how the announcement for the first COVID vaccine was held until AFTER the last election.
What bothers me the most of all is how obvious it is yet the mainstream media do not go anywhere near it. They are an absolute disgrace. It’s African tinpot 3rd world dictatorship stuff.
As per the Viva Frei piece linked above – “banana republic” hardly covers what’s going on with the partisan abuse of the US legal system.
The antics of the judge and prosecution lawyers in the AJ trial(s) is just beyond anything I’ve seen in banana republics and I repeat… it’s a dry run to test public reaction to their intended tactics.
That public reaction will be measured and analysed by CNN, MSNBC et al – what could possibly go wrong?
Ukraine demands Red Cross visits notorious prison
Just a thought I wonder what the Ukraine prisons are like? I bet they all have Playstations and prefect conditions? bBC like to find out and comment
Exactly the same as Russian prisons is my guess.
Append ‘reportedly’ to anything, and anything can happen.
Today watch
BBC enjoying the long self destruction journey of what was formerly the Conservative Party. The outgoing chancellor is on the journey back to the UK from the US early – hiding isn’t an option .
Quite rightly pressure is on truss – fueled of course – by the BBC . The long term aim being to get an approved regime to start to take us back into the EU – if we ever left .
Farage – last night – suggested rejoining the single market will be the first stage – with Starmer as PM he can claim his pledge not to rejoin the EU will be maintained although in reality we ll be on the way to it again .
And that’s where the UK ends – the SNP get their independence vote – maybe one in Northern Ireland too and ‘great ‘ Britain is no more – although ‘some’( me ) think Britain stopped being “great ‘ long ago …. When the third world washed up ….
Surprised the wallabys unfortunate demise hasnt been blamed on Putin.
Wait until the BBC bring back Sopes and BS for a special.
The Jan 6th Committee is fantastical strange alternate reality – does The Guardian asking “do you believe this?” indicate that they’ve (Guardian) collided with reality?
The Graun…. And reality.
What does the Eritrea GOv say? Are they embarrassed she left?
You will also notice this (immigration) is a one way street. Not once in my adult life have I heard anybody say that the thing that Eritrea (Africa) needs most is an injection of Welshmen. They could do with some Welsh cooking or singing. ” Douglas Murray {@7:24 youtube}
xttps://youtu.be/J75-UsMhKBo?t=7m24s VIDEO REMOVED.
Add doubt to title!!!!! DO YOU BELIEVE THIS.
Maybe Panorama could do one of their special investigations?
I’m afraid not : the conclusion does not fit the agenda.
Like owning a trampoline – year 1 ok – year 2 – dry – year 3 – dirt.
Unintended BBC humour .
There is an advert on R4 for a ‘documentary ‘ about the murder of a child called Ricky Neave who was murdered 25? Years ago .
The documentary will examine child protection . That’s when I laughed …. will paki Muslim Paedo racist rape gangs get their mention ? Or will the BBC conspiracy to ‘not harm race relations’ be maintained ?
I bet I know the answer …
Tories plot Sunak and Mordaunt leadership (Times); Starmer’s purge. Labour Left complains that leader is tightening the screw (‘i’)
If there’s one thing both these unnamed Tory MPs and Sir Keir Starmer are in full agreement about (in fact there’s more, but this will be the main one…) then it’s a secret, yet sincerely heartfelt wish they could completely do away with their respective party memberships.
Modern managerial politics is no place for ideas, ideology or philosophy. Least of all conservative ones. Just as corporations take ever more notice of Karen in the HR department, so MPs prefer the approval and easy ride from the likes of Nick Robinson to an argument and a rough ride.
The Telegraph tackles the BBC’s star ex-footballer: Lineker ruled offside in impartiality row… has been found guilty of breaking the BBC’s impartiality rules, by tweeting his views on the Conservative Party.
In football the tactic to counter the so-called high press is a long ball over the top…
So inevitably our Gary goes on a virtue-signalling spree, getting himself gifted the Daily Mirror frontpage: FOOTBALL legend Gary Lineker has vowed to use the world cup to turn the spotlight on homophobia and human rights in Qatar…
You could always boycott the World Cup, Gary – that would really show ’em!
OUR MESSAGE TO QATAR – screams the Mirror throwing a mood of fabulous high dudgeon
Two Prem stars are close to coming out as gay… I hope they do it during the world cup
Personally, I’ll just be watching a few matches on the TV and having a beer or two
We’ll talk about homophobia and human rights on screen… we won’t shy away from it
I’ve seen the movie Lawrence of Arabia – all three hours of it – and my take would be that it’s not so much the homosexuality that seems to upset the arabs – it’s more the constantly banging on about it.
The Telegraph looks to foreign affairs: UK rebukes Macron for ruling out Russia nuclear strike… ‘We don’t want to talk about it publicly because one of the principles of deterrence is you don’t reveal your hand’
Now I’m reminded of the 1999 David Fincher movie Fight Club and its legendary tagline “The first rule of Fight Club is: ‘You don’t talk about Fight Club'”
– is Con Coughlan still “writing” for the DT?
Someone’s put LSD in his booze?
Jeremy Corbyn: I would never use nuclear weapons if I were PM
This article is more than 7 years old
Labour leader also reiterates his opposition to £100bn renewal of the ‘obsolete’ Trident weapons system in BBC interview
Jeremy Corbyn on Brighton seafront. He told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: ‘I don’t think we should be spending £100bn on renewing Trident. That is a quarter of our defence budget.’ Guardian
Patrick Wintour Political editor
Wed 30 Sep 2015 09.59 BST
As usual, the ‘flaky’ French cannot be trusted despite being continually described as ‘our friends in the EU’.
I wonder what the top per night illegal immigrant hotel room price charged by Serco to the UK taxpayer is?
Perhaps the BBC might send out a team to investigate?
– perhaps not
Looks like the BBC is getting bored with Ukraine – orla is now doing Iran and HRH Bowen is suddenly a china expert …
BTW – the site reporting the outgoing chancellors’ flight from US to UK is going to arrive late – not sure what the market reaction will be but the pound has gone ‘up’ a lot this morning – which is good as I need to buy €…… £1 – €1.13 ish so the city has got the ‘word’.
I wonder how the OBR is going to deal with the blue labour re budgeting ?
Hello Fedup2
Remember when Syria was falling apart daily and the bBC news constant reporting.. that was again mentioned the other day on the beeb
Thought by now the way the bBC used to report constantly that the regime would have fallen, but guess just over sensualised reports
All the tory, “Men in suits”, the ‘old school’ are now hiding in the shadows leaving the ‘boy scouts’ they spawned to deal with the problems. They know that Truss is ‘all Trussed up’ and will carry the can of massively failed policies of ‘money printing’ over the past decades. National Debt? Roughly 2.5£ Trillion and rising like a back passage thermometer. World markets, hitherto believing that UK Governing was in ‘safe hands’ now recognise the absolute fragility of printing money. As always, eventually pigeons come home to roost.
The UK has run out of road, that’s the undermining problem people don’t like to discuss because it is indicative of the gross mismanagement of UK Governments to date.
Maybe the nail in the coffin will be the next interest rate announcement – ( November 3 ?) which seems to be predicted ( again ) to be 0.75% or maybe even 1.0% …. Still too little – too late …
If the blue Labour Party had been a bit ‘canny ‘ it might have avoided direct responsibility for rising mortgages …
But by its own conduct it is now tied to all those sob stories of people unable to get ‘on the housing ladder ‘… maybe MIRAS will make a come back ….?
Another money tree ….
Absolutely Fed,
All Trussed Up’s Rock & a Hardplace. Combat inflation? dramatically raise interest rates thus bankrupting many property owners and killing those living on massive credit. Bills eventually have to be paid. Time is now. The penalty for artificially suppressing interest rates over the recent decade and more. If not, at least to appease the international investors, how else can ATU demonstrate fiscal prowess (not!)? Erdogan and his 3 reductions in interest rates to act differently to combat inflation?
How well did that work? Currently 83% and still rising and the funny part is,
“….Erdogan promises more interest rate cuts”.
I’m convinced there is a WEF Grand Plan at work.
Keith Vaz has 10 homes to help out.
Getsts tricky assessing stuff these days.
On my feed…
Just before that an Indian lady on Bill Gates and software in her country. Went to check…
Oh well…
Does he wear a wig ?
Turns out the BBC NorthAmerica Demwitcast ‘what they meant to say’ with Saz and Lurch runs to several episodes.
I don’t know about that story that’s a reaction to a US Democrat politician using close-captioning to understand what an interviewer was saying.
Thus prompting speculation that he’s having brain difficulties.
but do see that someone quoted what Theodore Dalrymple the British psychiatrist said about Soviet propaganda
“The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to HUMILIATE;
and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better.
When people are forced to remain silent
when they are being told the most obvious lies,
or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves,
they lose once and for all their sense of probity.
To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself.
One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed.
A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.”
Edited quote.
About a fifth scrolling down the BBC News website a new pop up box appeared by a new button saying “Change your nation. We are bringing you stories from England”.
Right underneath are 5 stories:
1. A really simple guide to Iran’s protests
2. BBC identifies young people killed in Iran protests
3. Iran’s Gen Z ‘realise life can be lived differently’
4. ‘I took off my hijab in front of police – we are winning’
5. How to follow our day of special coverage (Iran again)
Why says the BBC doesn’t do comedy anymore?
The French philosopher Auguste Comte is often quoted as having said, “Demography is destiny.” Even if that is an overstatement, certainly demography is important—to the development of communities, economies, nations, and ultimately the entire human race.9 Aug 2020
Hello Tabs
Sounds like local England news, for Bradford possibly
Bradford is UK City of Culture 2025.
Bradford has been revealed as the winner of the hotly contested UK City of Culture 2025 competition.
The year is set to deliver more than 1000 new performances and events including 365 artist commissions, a series of major arts festivals as well as exciting national and international
Scrap the outfit.
“Record excess deaths in UK’s heatwave summer”
Fear, fear, fear.
Death rate ?
Could it be something to do with backlog of people on NHS waiting lists due to the other “Fear Propaganda” – COVID , COVID & COVID ?
“Climate change: Summer 2022 smashed dozens of UK records”
What Records ?
What were the records for over one hundred years ago ?
Notice how its “Climate Change” now and not “Global Warming” .
Nice ‘HOT’ colours to the artwork , more propaganda .
By Nassos Stylianou, Becky Dale, Erwan Rivault, Jana Tauschinski
BBC Data Journalism Team
Nassos Stylianou is a journalist covering politics, international news, EU affairs, education, and sport. He is a digital media enthusiast, interested in community management and data journalism. (Guardian Hack)
Becky Dale – moved to “data” from “Spanish things”
Erwan Rivault – another Spanish specialist who seems to have developed a “data” credential.
Jana Tauschinski – deep fakes a proclaimed specialty.
Shoot the messengers ?
– hell, yeah.
Local weather presenters seem on board with pushing ClimateDoomPR
Colder and wetter than normal weather events will come along .. it’s the nature of weather.
“Channel migrants: Smugglers claim boat shortages affecting crossings”
Perhaps the RNLI or French Navy will help them out?………………………………..
Anti-racism training in Wales to boost ethnically diverse teachers
Reports the racist bbc
Less white teachers are needed, back to that old trick of filling jobs because of your colour, not the best person again
“Anti-racism training in Wales to boost ethnically diverse teachers”
A – Are they good at teaching ?
B – Can they speak Welsh ?
A nice reply by unapproved JKrowling – from a troll wondering how she sleeps at night ? She replied – easy I just got my latest royalty cheque …
.. the comments on the twitter were very supportive – coming from grown ups whose kids had improved their reading skill through getting addicted to Harry Potter . Pretty good testimony ..
I tried Harry Potter – but …no….
The outgoing chancellor was accused of being too chummy with hedge fund types… so it’s curious that the pound has strengthened a lot Friday morning without any formal announcement by the outgoing government …
… maybe some had a phone call …. Uk – one of the least corrupt countries in the world …
HA HA HA! The first hit of cocaine is free ….
Our local BBC news prog’s tweets make it look like they have a woke activist in their Twitter team.
However such agenda pushing tweets mostly gather almost no reaction, usually 1 or zero Likes etc.
This last week they’ve done 3 tweets promoting Black History Month artwork
Belton House painting https://twitter.com/looknorthBBC/status/1577959040222740480
They also did a video tweet promoting the black hairdressing salon in Grimsby that won an award from a black judge for doing black hairstyles.
.. https://twitter.com/looknorthBBC/status/1579517115446370310
On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards. Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder. Wikipedia
Start date: 22 March 2020
Cause of death: Stabbing
Died: 22 March 2020 (aged 7); Salford Royal Hospital, City of Salford, Greater Manchester, England
Parent(s): Sarah Barnes and Mark Jones
Born: Emily Grace Jones; 18 January 2013; Bolton, Greater Manchester, England
King Charles III praised Emmerdale’s contribution as the soap won big at the National Television Awards (NTAs) on the eve of its 50th anniversary.
King Charles to star in The Repair Shop for BBC’s centenary
Prince Charles given €3m in cash in bags by Qatari politician, according to report
This article is more than 3 months old
Money was passed immediately to one of the prince’s charities, says Clarence House
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – yes, that is just what we want and need right now, not.
What we do not need is another leisure and shopping complex. What we do need, really, really need right now is a power station fuelled by British ‘clean coal’ generating electricity.
The BBC: always sensitive to the needs of the nation!
Story : At its peak, Battersea power station supplied energy to a fifth of London
More than three times the quantity of steel used to construct the Eiffel Tower has been used in the rebuild,
It has taken “40 years to create a shopping mall”, is Mr Garner’s verdict.
China built a hospital in one day.
“40 years to create a shopping mall”
That social media post was the latest in a series of political comments made by the host on Twitter. Previously, Gary, who is one of the BBC highest on-screen earners, has been criticised for speaking out but avoided censure by his bosses until now.
Kwarteng out as chancellor
Kwasi Kwarteng is no longer chancellor, the BBC understands.
It comes amid speculation Truss will today announce a U-turn on parts of the mini-budget.”
Trevor Mcdonald jnr didn’t last long.
My mini budget ideas: Interest rates immediately raised to 5%, public servant numbers cut to save cash?
NHS DIversity managers up 200%
“Listen up everybody , BIG BROTHER has a directive. This
fascist Foscari and others from the so called Biased BBC website
has cottoned on to the fact that when whenever there is a
public service image on the front page of our internet web pages .
it is an ethnic image. OK lets get back at Foscari and his scum racist
mates. Tell Getty’s our provider to use images of 200 whities ,
yes all whities marching along. ” Should it be taken in the UK,
Big Brothe?” Tell Getty’s I dont care where they get their models from. But just make sure their white. This will show this biased BBC rascist, fascist scum how Machiavellian we can be. To make sure that our educating agenda is understood by the ignorant
arses, who pay £157 a year for our “services” How dare one
of them refer to this season’s ” Strictly” as a freak circus. The
“Greatest Showman” PT Barnum would of been proud of us !!”
Now as an appendage I am really going into a conspiracy
theory!! I am not sure if the images of the large WHITE crowd
in the street was taken in the UK. Those faces look Scandanavian
to me. Danish perhaps? They have red double deckers in
The pond is shallow ….
Nadhim Zahawi: Already a good day for Zahawi, whose tenure as interim Chancellor over the summer has outlasted that of Kwasi Kwarteng’s. Recent Treasury experience is a plus, albeit under a different permanent secretary.
Simon Clarke: A key and prominent supporter of Liz. Chief Secretary to the Treasury under Rishi, though with some major disagreements with the former Chancellor reported during his time there. A very likely candidate.
Sajid Javid: Again, previous experience though even during his short time at the Treasury he didn’t show much promise of breaking free of Treasury orthodoxy. Steven Swinford reports it’s not going to be him.
Jeremy Hunt: The centrist, ‘party unity’ candidate that may placate backbench opponents. Would be an admission that the Truss economic programme is DOA. Currently out of the country.
Rishi Sunak: Stranger things have happened over the past 40 days.
Chris Philp: The current chief secretary to the treasury, a role with a decent track record of stepping in to replace unexpectedly departing chancellors. Would need some lessons on tweeting about the value of the pound.
Steve Barclay: Widely reported to have been Rishi’s choice for Chancellor had he won the leadership contest.
Alan Mak: Treasury minister from July to September. The best candidate to reverse Liz’s fortunes and lead Britain into a new golden age of economic growth.
Jeremy Hunt gaffe: ‘My wife is Japanese’
Jeremy Hunt gaffe: ‘My wife is Japanese’
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt mistakenly referred to his wife as Japanese during a visit to Beijing to discuss post-Brexit trade deals between the UK and China.
Mr Hunt’s wife is actually Chinese.
Jeremy Hunt’s wife presents show on China’s state-run TV ‘that whitewashes Communist Party’s human rights abuse’
Lucia Guo, wife of Jeremy Hunt MP, regularly appears on Sky TV’s China Hour
Programme is owned by state-owned China International TV Corporation
Guo has been accused of ‘whitewashing’ the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses
PUBLISHED: 22:05, 25 December 2021 | UPDATED: 22:37, 25 December 2021
You should have voted for UKIP, The Brexit and or The Reform Party .
The present Tories are Liberal woke, rejoiners in disguise.
We are in a mess now partly because of the way the Tories got us partly in/out six years ago!
Next ? they will try to nudge us back in to the EU
I was being a bit playful prefacing titles with ‘outgoing ‘ such as ‘outgoing PM’ but I appear to be nearer to reality than I thought – I ll use ‘outgoing government ‘ too ….
Wish I’d put a bet on that idiot not making it to All Hallows’ ….
The Brief — Why Sweden won’t have a far-right government
Boris Johnson earns £315,000 for 30 minute speech and ‘fireside chat’ in United States
The ex-prime minister is reported to have discussed Brexit and Ukraine but avoided talking about the circumstances of his departure from No 10
ByMatt Gibson
02:16, 13 OCT 2022
I fear that the noose has tightened around us. The Globalists, the EU, and others who are anti-nationalist have had a good day.
We needed a radical change but Truss and the ‘conservative’ liberals (fearful for their seats) capitulated at the first hurdle. Prepare for a long lingering decline of the UK, back on the road we have been on for such a long time of low productivity, low skills, open boarders, and more socialist policies ‘enjoyed’ by the many but not for the few.
The best I can hope for is a complete collapse of Tory support resulting in a Labour government accelerating our socio-economic decline, and a backlash by the electorate who will see no other option than to eventually vote for real pro-UK right-wing parties.
The main worry is that more migrants, youths (lower voting age brought in), and media (BBC in the main), will be pulling in the socialist direction to keep labour afloat no matter what.
I hope I am very wrong.
Sorry mouse but this is just not true. Truss made a monumental error when she agreed an unlimited subsidy on domestic users energy costs, then she exacerbated that with tax cuts making the situation simply untenable.
If she hadn’t been forced to back down the UK economy, currency and its banking would have collapsed. That’s not conservative, that is reckless insanity
On top of that her reckless plan included bringing in another 200000 migrants per anum to prop up the insanity of a ponsi scheme which was simply ridiculous.
She would have been better to offer a subsidy for the first quota of gas and then added a tax onto the full cost of extra units to pay for the subsidy allowing people some heat whilst those who wanted more were able to do so in a market with limited supply.
Margaret Thatcher put in the ground work of cutting costs and government spending before tax cuts. Truss didn’t want to do the hard work and thought it was easy peasy. Now she knows different.
T, you are so gullible! It was obvious that Boris Johnson was ‘set up’ and the BBC appear to have been dwelling on the possible removal of Liz Truss as well. Only Kuenssberg is absent from the equation this time. Phil Hammond, during his contribution to TWatO, let slip a reference to something like “our friends in nearby nations” or “our friends in adjacent countries”.
Pretty obvious what it is all about.
“On top of that her reckless plan included bringing in another 200000 migrants per anum to prop up the insanity of a ponsi scheme which was simply ridiculous”
and yet thats the one bit that doesnt appear to have had a u-turn
I value your argument though I will agree to differ. Truss did not need to capitulate in the way she did. It would have been so much wiser to have rowed back a little on tax cuts (just enough to achieve some appeasement), kept Kwarteng and doubled up on the argument of correctly moving towards lowering taxation (particularly on new investment, tech and high tech, highly paid job creating companies). If we continue to flood the country with the third world we will become the third world. We are going to hit some tough years and we will at best just prolong the decline unless we as a country are prepared to make the tough decisions now. A low skill, low tech economy for the size of a country such as the UK is not a viable future. The markets will abandon us when the time comes.
Anyone else heard about the attack on the Turkish pipeline which happened yesterday? There appears to be precious little on UK media about it:
This isn’t just one pipeline, it’s the second one in two days!
Then there is this:
Which is apparantly the work of the PKK Kurdish guerillas.
More disruption to global oil supplies, but very little reported, and who was it who put them up to carrying out these attacks at this particular time because as far as I can tell they haven’t attacked these pipelines before now.
I see Alpha bien pensent thought leader “Sir” Simon Jenkins of The Guardian has opined about the Alex Jones trials.
Seems the putrid git thinks the same methods used to nail AJ should be used on :
Seems likely that some BBC web monkeys and maybe a Zurcher or several will jump on the bandwagon over the weekend.
– oh, and Jenkins also hints I think that it would be OK to use the same tactics to attack Twump.
“Basket of deplorables” is a phrase from a 2016 presidential election campaign speech delivered by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on September 9, 2016, at a campaign fundraising event, which she used to describe half of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump, saying “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”.[1] The next day, she expressed regret for “saying half”, while insisting that Trump had deplorably amplified “hateful views and voices”.
MM, became a badge of honour that did: ‘Deplorable’. 🙂