Boris was a closet Remainer.
Hence the mess we are now in. He did nothing about defending our borders but waffle .
He only got in to office as PM with a false promise of Brexit because Nigel Farage was on his tail .
Vote for The Reform Party next time because the Tories are a busted flush
The mess started under Boris. He did nothing about it. The Pound was losing ground the Tories were losing safe seats in by-elections and the boats kept coming. Don’t try and rewrite history, leave that to the experts like the BBC.
The US inflation level is still thought to be too strong so an additional interest rate rise is being factored in making the $ even more attractive thus pushing the value up .
The Fed is fast and brave and lifts rate by .75% or even 1% – whereas the Bank of England is too slow just making our coming pain longer and deeper over coming YEARS ….
assuming the fuel / food shortages / costs continue …..
There is the real world and there is the largely fantasy world of the storytellers
.. stories that news media get caught up in
The UK is a country that keeps reducing it’s fossil fuel mining
So we keep having to buy dollars to buy fuel.. thus the pounds value drops.
If we were a fossil fuel country again , foreign countries would be buying pounds to buy our fuel and the pound would rise
It is a bit odd that the MSM say the Tory mini budget has ruined the value of the Pound. Why is the graph for the last month the same for Euro and Pound against the Dollar ?
It’s not just the GBP, it’s all major currencies. Currency traders move to the USD in times of trouble – Covid, Russia – as the USD represents stability on the global scale. Don’t believe what you’re being told by useless economists and feckless politicians.
Thoughtful put up a serious video from YouTube about the possibility of the USD being replaced as the petro currency and not being treated as a ‘safe haven ‘ due to the huge debt plus internal weakness of the US .
Made me think – also the likelihood of gold heading up in value …
Boris completely wasted the great opportunity that we the electorate gave him. Infact he made things worse by allowing even more migration and committing to net zero as a key government policy. I dislike that the blob got their man but he was worse than useless.
I see no British politician who has the desire or the courage to lead the British people in controlling immigration at a much much lower level than today and ditching the green agenda. To do so they would need to explain that democracy had been hijacked by the globalist blob and that this elite would attempt to wreck our country if we opposed them therefore he/ she/ it could only offer the voters years of blood, toil, tears and sweat in return for democracy. I don’t think that Britain today has the stomach for that.
Perhaps democracy always had within it the seeds of its own destruction as politicians competed to offer more goodies to the electorate in return for votes. The offers got greater and greater and ran up a greater and greater bill until it was impossible to sustain the life style we had become accustomed to. Anyway I don’t think it matters now as we now live in the post democratic age but most folks haven’t realised it yet.
Beyond meat are in difficulties. They are struggling understand why people are changing to buying meat apparently. Thereby ruining their business model.
I was somewhat bemused to find that our eco loons are now fans of seventies progressive rock, although, true to form, they picked one of the worst examples.
(I just can’t help thinking that Jethro Tull’s 1972 magnum opus would have been a far more appropriate motif for them)
In the nineties, The left wing views and political activism of the US band Rage Against the Machine made rants against corporate America and the media
The lyrics from the 1992 song, ‘Bullet in the head’ would make it appear that they have shot now themselves in the foot.
Although I doubt that they would have thought it would apply to the likes of them in 2022 and the left wing when they wrote it.
“No escape from the mass mind rape
Play it again Jack and then rewind the tape
And then play it again and again and again
Until your mind is locked in
Believin’ all the lies that they’re tellin’ ya
Buyin’ all the products that they’re sellin’ ya
They say, “Jump” and you say, “How high?”
You brain-dead, you got a fu**ing ‘ bullet in your head
Standing ‘ in line believin’ the lies
Bowin’ down to the flag, you got a bullet in your head
Standin’ in line, believin’ the lies?…
Exactly the way it is now
By the way zephyr, Politics aside,
I hate to admit this, but Rage Against The Machine’s guitarist ‘Tom Morello ‘ is one of the finest technical effects guitarist I have ever heard. You should have a listen on his YouTube channels…
“We’ve taken care of everything
The words you read
The songs you sing
The pictures that give pleasure
To your eye
One for all and all for one
Work together
Common sons
Never need to wonder
How or why”
“We are the Priests
Of the Temples of Syrinx
Our great computers
Fill the hallowed halls
We are the Priests
Of the Temples of Syrinx
All the gifts of life
Are held within our walls”
“Look around this world we made
Our stock in trade
Come and join the Brotherhood
Of Man
What a nice contented world
Let the banners
Be unfurled
Hold the Red Star proudly
High in hand.”
“Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
We have assumed control.
We have assumed control.
We have assumed control”
Damn now will have to find a copy of the fine double live “All the World’s a stage”, turned down the chance to see them in 79 at Stafford Bingley Hall.
Press, media, men with cameras and soylets standby as this protest is enacted. This is simply setup and allowed, a theatrical performance made possible by museum management. Clear them all out. Start again. They are corrupt beyond belief.
Questions need to be asked about what is really going on here. I don’t mean the protest but why are people allowing this to happen? Do you get a job at a museum or art gallery and then think that you could allow this to happen on your watch?
I agree, I’m feeling very deflated today. We seem to have been fighting for years now – Brexit, Covid, Boris, migrants, Sunak, now Truss, climate change ongoing and it’s protesters, more migrants, trans crap… more migrants, everything seems to be well and truly infiltrated with the wef agenda (read BBC agenda). We tried living in the USA for a while, it was the same but with guns.
I give up, but I’m worried for what sort of country my kids are going to live in. Hopefully they’ll emigrate to Australia.
Yes, of course, they could go and live in Australia. I mean, they don’t have any eco loons or lockdown fanatics down under, do they?
The only thing the Aussies did well was reversing the migrant mayhem; I’ll certainly give them that…
But they had politicians even more stringently imprisoning their population than our lot. That sinister looking creep with the staring eyes. Blimey, they even had encampments for those that didn’t want the vaccine. What a lovely place to live.
Mostly everyone is on the ‘civil disobedience’ bus for one reason or another. Its almost as if they sense and are complicit in the complete destruction of British “Society” and Rule of Law.
… it’s all part of the Establishment Left Wing game to create disorder, disapproval and chaos. A Labour gov would not be able to manage the entitled Establishment and all its non-producing facets. Think about it; all services depend upon somebody making/producing something. For me, that was Maggie’s major failure – taking us to a services economy.
Bolstered by what they got away with for Brexit and Trump, the BBC are trying to interfere all over the place these days. Today a lone Chinese protester with a banner on a bridge made the top headline. Next to it are mulitple articles for the current onslaught against Iran which wouldn’t make the news at all if the BBC didn’t have agendas.
The astute observer will note that we get nothing about Afghanistan any more. Usually when they suddenly drop something it’s because it all turned to shit. Like the ‘rebels’ in Syria. All dead now.
They abused their power to get rid of Boris who they hate because of Brexit. It was engineered to put Remainer Truss in even though everybody said she wasn’t up to the job. Now what they have done is a disaster so they have changed tack and want to pull the whole government down to get Labour in.
Everything the BBC interfere with for their agenda turns to shit. But they don’t care : ‘the ends justify the means’.
The BBC are now just another left-wing activist site whose ‘news’ should be taken with a pinch of salt. It’s an absolute disgrace. OFCOM should be in front of ministers being grilled as to why they let it happen.
Completely agree. By the way, think you will find most of the upper echelons of the political parties are or have some connection to the WEF including many of our institutions.
I don’t agree with you about Iran, but aside from that yes.
The bbc is an activist organisation using public money to pursue its own agendas. Bias nowhere near describes it anymore.
Bbc ‘news’ website is now running a campaign (nothing less) on how they can ‘fix’ aspects of the US political system.
John C -your deletion request is ‘approved ‘ – reason ? Use of the c word (and others ) – pleasure .
Moderator note – the troll turned up last night and was particular in targeting individuals – without reference to the BBC – so they’ve been taken down and classified as trash / spam …
.. I know some here enjoy trying to engage said troll but the vitriol was too much …. Sorry
Yep Fed, fair enough
Free and fair debate is welcome
But if someone is disingenuous and just wants ruin the debate and not answer questions put to them, then they shouldn’t be getting our attention.
“Manston migrant centre conditions appalling and inhumane, charity warns”
They want 5 Star Hotels while British Pensioners freeze.
We need a new government that will look after our own people .
Terrifying article in the Telegraph, over 50% of channel crossers are young Albanian men many with no asylum claims, border force fear they are losing control of the situation, time to get the Army in and enforce the removal of this invasion.
You can have a new political party, but it will never be allowed any success. The UK is a one party state and the sooner people realise that and stop participating in the sham of voting the better.
5.5 million people voted last election for the Brexit party and received no representation at all, just remember that.
“5.5 million people voted last election for the Brexit party and received no representation at all, just remember that.”
Well then, its time for ‘Reform’ .
IMHO if you don’t know who you want in government you should not vote. You are wasting the vote of someone who has an opinion.
If you actively do not want any of them you should spoil your ballot paper. It shows you feel strongly enough to turn out but do not want any of the candidates.
I read a brilliant idea by a good friend, which is to form the ‘new’ party from all the drossers who have been expelled from their parties, or had the whip withdrawn, or are up for corruption, fiddling, and of course, concomitant bonking or the equivalent depending on which side of the rainbow they come from! There are at least fourteen of these ‘independents’!
Names for the new party on a Dominion ballot algorithm paper please…
‘The Pariahs’, (says Scrobs, opening the batting)!
Good on you for standing up to the doom and gloom brigade on here, Taffman.
I don’t think Reform inspire much hope among the populace att the moment though but if they could link up with other groups and get a charismatic leader (not NF this time), someone as solid as Giorgia Meloni then things could start happening.
The negative commentators here are dyed in the wool Tories (despite what they say) and will vote for them all the way back into the EU, though grumbling along the way.
To my mind, its the calibre of the people who are in Parliament that concerns me. Most have no ‘experience’ of parliamentary procedure, others are kids with soundbites, few can speak with gravitas and there is absolutely no-one, in either party, that I feel I can identify with. The big beasts are sadly long gone and we are left with a bunch of limp wristed climate focused wokists who, FFS can’t even say out loud what a woman is !
We need some real bruisers with clout and substance.
Mrs Thatcher had a wealth of experienced and knowledgable MPs from which she could build a strong and competent Cabinet!
The rot left by Brown and Blair needed strong Conservatives, and to a certain extent, there were still a few sensible dinosaurs around, but they got kicked up to the HoL pretty damn quick, so any real Tories were left with Cameron, and worse, Clegg. From then on there were just a few dribs and drabs and we’ve finished up in the big pickle we have now!
Labour are in an even worse position, but will get voted in by the usual sheep I suspect! Luckily by then I won’t care a monkey’s.
Framing Today Watch #1 – Charlotte Smith is banging on about not producing food again
Earlier in the week, Charlotte Smith said ‘Farmers need certainty’ when Charlotte was talking about farmers not producing food, ie. the Environmental Land Management Scheme, a.k.a. ELMS. This shows a desperate level of ignorance about farming at the BBC: you never get certainty – as in the business world – in farming.
This morning it was continual drip, drip, drip of ‘EU good, UK bad’, anti-Brexit, etc..
Waves of negativity from the BBC; the BBC are the Knaves of Vegativity.
Unusually – the outgoing chancellor (hunt ) is doing the rounds – and was interviewed by the Bee Lady . She restrained her interruptions but had a set set of questions .
So when hunt said ‘some taxes will be going up ‘ and all ‘departments will need to cut costs ‘she couldn’t follow up – such as asking ‘what taxes ‘….
… instead she just went for swamp questions – pity really – but at least he got his words out .
How far will the pound recover ? If it doesn’t I think the markets will go for the pound bigly ….
I would put up taxes on the ‘1%’ which, of course, includes all Beeboid presenters: another 10% on the Top Rate of IT for starters. That would be interesting, seeing who would squeal first.
Jeremy Hunt might do well, in his new post, to look critically at the ‘cost of government’ to wit, the House of Lords and the MPC. I would look at drastically slimming both, possibly starting with the expenses paid to both.
It is interesting how we now know that the BBC as with other parts of the LeftMob are not worried about being shown up as total hypocrites. Hunt should take advantage of that. He should cut Fuel Duty on diesel fuel and slash the VAT payable on both petrol and diesel fuels.
BBC Local Democracy journal today getting excited about a fruit farm installing acres of solar panels to become net Greta.
I actually read on, but was none the wiser as to how covering acerage devoted to converting sun’s rays into fruit was going to be improved by intercepting said rays to redirect to create electricity to power what… for what?
In a strange twist of Braids, the XR Einstein is now telling Germany to go nuke.
That smell….? That’s what happens when an energy activist screeches in a U turn with their slop bucket en route to a motorway, statue or Tracey Emin’s commode.
Jeremy hunt was followed by the far left loon Miriam margolyse on the death of an actor – she sounded like she’d taken her meds …. But then – the interview had ended… she said she had seen mr hunt leaving … and she wanted to wish him ‘good luck ‘’ … but then she said ‘what I should have said was’ F you ‘- poor Justin nearly fell of his chair –
As I write the effers are on their third effing apology – lol ….
“Miriam, here at the BBC we cannot allow such nasty language live on air, of course we at the BBC all totally agree with you, but you just can’t say it live cos we might get flack from Ofcom and of course we need to think about the license fee debate, the Tory c**ts are of course still governing at the moment!”
Thinking about what Hunt said maybe benefits will in crease in line with pay not inflation ….
… I didn’t mention it but the BBC campaign for all kiddies to be fed with your taxes – irrespective of parental wealth – featured . Impressively hunt said there are 1.9 million little darlings already on ‘free taxpayer food ‘ so we ll need to look at it – in other words – to quote Miriam margolyse -‘ eff] off ‘
Funny about the mess the Blue Labour lot have created – on Monday – perhaps – Hunt will have to do a mini mini budget to roll back the one from a few days ago – and has 2 weeks max to get the OBR to show the workings ….
And we now have 14 days of speculation about what taxes are about to go up – in time for Christmas ….
I put my money on stopping the loony cut in income tax ( timing ) and increasing the pension age again …. And more strikes coming …. Nurses ?
Can any of our erudite group give me a decent reason for voting Conservative at the next election? I mean, other than the only one I can muster, that I’d be helping to stop Sir Kier getting the keys to number ten? Because other than that…
The top job is now with Liz Truss; formerly a royalty hating, Lib-Dem, Remainer. She’s styled herself on Mrs T; “The Lady’s not for turning.” I don’t think our Liz has read the script, because in under a month she’s done so many U-turns I’m getting dizzy.
They’ve been in charge for twelve years and have wedded us to every nonsensical green policy that an hysterical Swedish schoolgirl could wish for. Net zero, yes, of course. Wind farms, oh, yes please. Electric cars by 2030? Let’s do it!
How about shale-gas, oil, coal and nuclear? Jeez, no thanks, they actually work…
And our new chancellor is an authoritarian, staring eyed, China loving lockdown lunatic, who wanted “vaccine refuseniks” denied access to normal society. What a bleedin’ charmer.
Jeff, stopping Sir Keir or the ‘Sucker’ in charge of the Labour Party might be the best reason of all. Can he be trusted not to roll back on his promise to not have a new EU Referendum on re-joining?
Er – because the other lot are even worse – and are more likely to take us back into the reich EU than the current dross …
Ids – my mp will lose his seat anyway because the far left londonistan councils have been shipping the third world in and there will be a ‘ healthy ‘ postal vote fraud
I’ve said this elsewhere I know you can change your name but can you also change your place of birth? If Sheffield goes that far down the rabbit hole I would rather be from elsewhere, I rather fancy Whitby.
My brother, who lives in Rotherham, sent me this, and it was met with derision and ‘choice’ language from everyone he knew. One can only imagine what the coal miners of the past would have made of this. One might have suggested Izzard actually go down the mine in his female get-up for a spot of canvassing !
Unless the ‘conservative???’ party can pull a rabbit out of the hat in the next 2 years I think they are gone.
A new party ‘The ProBrexit Conservatives’ ably supported by the Reform party, UKIP and other right leaning patriotic groups would be a good option once labour have added further to the mess. We desperately need politicians who are not just short-term career politicians, we need politicians who don’t see their career path as taking office and then quickly moving on to the speakers circuit, company directorships, other quangos, etc.
tomo, I agree with the point you and the others are making, but that’s not the question I was asking. I fully recognise that Labour will be a horror show, but I want a positive reason to vote Conservative. All we have with the present Tory Party is that we reach the socialist, dystopian destination a week or two later, that’s it…
We saw it during the pandemic. If Boris wanted lockdown to commence on Tuesday, Starmer would insist on it beginning on Monday.
Starmer wants us to go fully “green” more quickly than Truss, but only just.
We have never had such an authoritarian, tax raising government than the one we have now. No government in the long history of our nation has brought us more immigration, both legal and illegal…and done sweet FA to stop it. Indeed, the present numpty in number ten wants “even more immigration”. It’s incredible!
Yes, you’re all right, Labour would be even worse, but…it’s the choice between of one group of useless socialists and another.
TOADY Watch #1 – first hour of the programme, now that may have been a better candidate ….
…. for Liz Truss’s choice of Chancellor of the Exchequer: John Redwood. As I posted on the Midweek Thread yesterday, Hunt is wasted at Treasury: he should be at Health. Redwood would have been a good suggestion for Chancellor. Very experienced as an MP and Minister, a member of the Awkward Squad on key issues.
Liz Truss’s political judgement is poor among the many other deficits that she has. Come back, Rishi! Now, he would be another good candidate for Chancellor.
I agree on Redwood – I was surprised ‘today ‘ had him on because normally the Editor controls the subject so much the interview is cancelled.
Redwood truly has a hill to climb trying to support the outgoing PM though . It’s noticeable how much silence there is about . The normal suspects are quiet – eg Ian Duncan Smith – the whole Labour Party ..
…. But with the ship rocking I suppose it’s best to quietly sit in the life boat ( next job )
Hunt will not come out of the Chinese virus inquiry very well – failing to prepare for pandemics – even when warned ….
But it doesn’t matter – he will be an ex MP by then and in the Lords – maybe as soon as 2023 ….
It’s funny that the nut nut resignation honours list hasn’t been done yet -the way truss is it could be a ‘job lot ‘ of bungs for her supporters ….
RiC, you forget that Hunt at Health
1. Did the impossible and secured a win over the JDs, and
2. Has been Chair of the House Health Committee for the last two years and eight/nine months.
That means he’s been exposed to the thinking of the other parties and may just be appraised of their thinking and tactics on the NHS. He is also a polished media performer and comes across well on radio but I cannot speak for TV.
… Hunt was the plonker (I’m being kind) who failed to make pandemic provisions. He is a snake of the first order. Watch how he sucks up to the Establishment…
They all need a dam good hiding, I am so angry this sort of thing is allowed. six months very hard labour-of course they would be expected to clear up the messes they have made. Our streets are filthy with so much filth and dirt lying around in rivers, in ditches, and elsewhere-next they have to live in dormitory styles accom-a spartan life for a while then to work for another six months in Social Care. Further a full UK history lesson from its begining, because it has become obvious the ignorance of people’s knowledge of their own history, that’s indigenous Brits-mind you it wouldn’t hurt other nationalities living in the UK to also learn of what this little nation from it’s size did over 2000 years and later in its history in order to fight against the forces of evil that threatened its future and still does, in a different guise.
Human sacrifice and stupidity, or just a lot of media flannel plus the odd flâneur edition
So, we’re to take seriously the proposition that the financial markets were motivated to agitate for a RISE in corporation tax?
Economic strategy shredded after U-turn on corporation tax (FT)
One looks back nostalgically to that bygone era when Sir Humphrey quietly took the recently elect prime minister aside and explained to the new incumbent politely how and why his proposals for this or that change in policy wouldn’t or couldn’t work. And Jim Hacker had to quietly accept those supposed restraints.
Now we have targeted media storms and mysteriously orchestrated market shenanigans organised so as to knock prime ministerial policy innovation into a cocked hat and get us back onto the approved trajetory.
And nowadays it’s personal. Kwarteng as whipping boy (if you’ll forgive the offensive allusion to the evils of colonialism and slavery) that scapegoat will not be enough: Hunt named as chancellor but gilts sell off and Tory MPs plot (FT)
Why not go the whole hog, Tory plotters? David Cameron and George Osborne are surely still available. Let’s completely erase the recent vote of the party members for Truss – and while we’re at it, let’s cancel the wider electorate’s Brexit majority and go back to the 2016 status quo ante?
Speaking of the Status Quo…
They had some appropriate song titles for Ms Liz Truss: Roll Over Lay Down; for the chancellor, formerly known as Kwasi: What You’re Proposing; for the economy: Down Down… deeper and down; and for the British public at large, freezing and in the dark this winter and vaguely conscious of the government spending scarce resources on the Ukraine war… you’re: In The Army Now – funny how the money markets don’t agitate for a peace treaty, eh?
The Daily Mail, appositely asks: How much more can she (and the rest of us) take?
Sadly, democracy doesn’t work anymore. You presume to elect the wrong person and all hell is cast down on them. If Donald Trump achieved anything (and the Deep State – as they call it – prevented him from doing all that much at all) his downfall did at least teach some of us that hard lesson.
Klopp despairs over City’s spending power (Telegraph) – this isn’t the Teutonic Liverpool FC coach commenting on our recent financial market machinations – this is him moaning about his club not being owned by anyone as wealthy as an arab sheik like his pale blue Manchester rivals.
The formery patriotic Times becomes the formerly literate Times with the feature: My woo-woo week on the Goop cruise
Clearly the Times does still pitch toward a largely middle class readership: When Caitlin met Greta – now if this had been Garbo more chaps would have been interested.
The Times may not enjoy the current female premiership: Truss fights for survival… was warned the “wagons are circling” on her premiership… Britain facing financial ‘storm’ – but there’s plenty of interest provided for the ladies – of a certain age: Paul Newman’s lost memoir. I left a trail of lust
And of course the Telegraph panders to a similar demographic: ‘Let’s talk about my sexy life..’ An audience with actor, flâneur and national treasure Bill Nighy
I thought this week we were gifting all our national tresures back to the Indians or the Greeks?
Tory rebels plot to oust PM within days as she abandons key tax-cutting policy (Telegraph)
Tories against tax cuts… really?
This would be akin to Labout MPs plotting against a leader who was suggesting they go full-on Socialist… oh, wait a minute… that was what happened to Jeremy Corbyn.
I’m beginning to see the light… as Lou Reed of the Velvet Underground explained his awakening revelation back in 1968
Some people work very hard
But still they never get it right…
There are problems in these times
But ooh, none of them are mine
Perhaps we should just say NO to the addictive drug that is the mainstream media and then so many of our supposed crisis-like problems might just evaporate in the clear sober clean light of day?
Left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper columnists are as high as a kite, completley cock-a-hoop. Under a header apparently sensibly titled Opinion and Analysis they go for it as though all their birthdays and Christmases had come at once: This is the end of the Truss project by Katie Balls; Jeremy Hunt is more powerful than his boss by Anne McElvoy; Human sacrifice and stupidity by Ian Dunt – only Paul Waugh soberly notes: How to prevent a Labour landslide – presumably the suggestion is that the Tories adopt most of Labour’s centre left policies?
In case you were left wondering…
Flâneur is a French for a “stroller”, “lounger”, “saunterer”, or “loafer”
I didn’t realise any one looked at the ‘I’ any more – or that is actually put together …I take it it is owned by a Putin boy with deep pockets ?
BBCLookNorth runs a page, but it might as well be a staff noticeboard cos it usualy gets 0-4 Likes and no proper discussion, t
RadioHumberside is similar
Someone is putting up posts every day to a very small audience.
BBCLeeds posts get a bigger audience, sometimes 40 Likes , but they only post once a week
BBC News seems to get a lot more active discussion.
Here’s a comment from the BBC news Instagram post about the Nigerian floods “The climate change is not the cause of the problem.
Cameroon open their dam into Nigeria and that is what caused the flooding.
There was an agreement between Nigeria and Cameroon
and Nigeria didn’t keep to its end of the deal”
I spot some people saying that is Nigerian Government propaganda.
But other posts back it up eg this credible one
“In 1977, construction of the Lagdo Dam, located in Northern Cameroon began and was completed in 1982.
Initially, the Cameroonian and Nigerian Government’s had agreed to build two dams so that when excess water is released from the Cameronian dam, it will be contained by the
Nigerian dam which would be two and a half times bigger and won’t result in flooding
Nigerian Government agreed to construct the Dasin Hausa Dam in Adamawa State to lessen the impact of any potential flooding from the Lagdo dam in Cameroon.
Regrettably, the Dasin Hausa dam has not been completed since 1982 and this has led to the yearly flooding in Nigeria”
Surprise, surprise. Nick Joicey, head of the cabinet office for economic and domestic affairs and one of the most powerful civil servants is married to….Rachael Reeves, shadow chancellor.
I wonder why a powerful civil servant married to a senior Labour politician chooses to use a different surname?
Joicey was appointed Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB) in the 2019 Birthday Honours for services to the environment.
From 1995 to 1996, Joicey worked at The Observer newspaper. He then moved to the Treasury, working as Private Secretary and Speech writer to Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown between 1999 and 2001. Joicey was part of a United Kingdom delegation to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington from 2001 to 2003, heading the EU policy team from 2004 to 2006. He was Director for International Finance at HM Treasury before joining Defra in January 2014 as Director General for Strategy, International and Biosecurity.
Nicholas Beverley Joicey CB (born 11 May 1970) is the Director General for Finance at Department for Work and Pensions, having previously been Director General for Strategy, International and Finance at Defra. He previously worked as private secretary and speech writer to United Kingdom chancellor Gordon Brown, as a journalist at The Observer newspaper and as director of the International Department at HM Treasury.”
That’s thirty seconds’ research off my fragile life I’ll never get back…
That’s the point BBC and libmob do intersectionality
They first divide people into special victimhood groups
Well that’s not equality, that’s discrimination.
Those self declared anti-racists increase racism and division.
Zero. And his leader and party are a mess too. Then you look at the alternatives (some changes since this but that’s what came up on search first)
The XR_Cambridge has 27K followers, but could be just one nutter.
However is interesting to see she/they do incitement to intimidation by criminal damage
yet @CambridgeCops do nothing
That tweet is XR's Kristallnacht* (Nov 9, 1938) Now XR_Cambridge just declared that oil service workers are the new Jews And it's "legitimate" to INTIMIDATE them by smashing their windows#GreenSupremacists asserting Do what XR say Report only what xr
What Truss needs is a proper spine to do a Trump vs CNN and call out the Acostas. Won’t happen unfortunately.
She should have got a proper enforcer on board as well. None I can see fits that role in the Light red/blue party.
That leaves a Spitting Image Norman Tebbit in a bomber jacket as the only option to bring back sanity. Just as much chance as the above options.
If you saw the 4 question – 8 minute ‘press conference ‘ yesterday – truss is gone …. Just too much for her ….
… I reflect a bit that up until 2 weeks ago the BBC – everyone – was running ‘fuel bill stories ‘ with single mums burning the kids to stay warm ….
Shake the money tree – story goes down the toilet ….but will come back when it gets a bit chilly …
… actually folks, why should she bother with the lefty media rabble. She owes them nothing. Correct decision; don’t give them air time. It was a polite f-off …
I am reminded of several news outlets and commentators who at the time applauded the budget and then forget what they had said when it turned to cr** shortly afterwards.
It wasn’t so much the budget as everyone is saying, it was the crazy unlimited subsidy on energy costs which forced spending and then borrowing to crazy high levels .
Why is it that if you are very ealthy and want to heat an outdoor poor in January Truss thinks you should receive a subsidy along with your stables and what ever else you think you might fancy?
If she had lowered the price of the first small useage and then upped the cost thereafter the whole thing would have been self funding and no one need have died of hypothermia.
She was put on the spot by the media and she should have responded that it needed careful consideration and she wasn’t ready to tell them at that point, but she didn’t do that.
I’m sure someone clever produced various options with consequences /risks – but instead she just went for the borrowed money option – with no end date .
Surely she should have realised any ‘gratitude ‘ would be gone in a day ?
And you must admit that failing to get an OBR to show workings plus the sheer incompetence in the timings is just dumb …..
And. Now Hunt is PM
Miriam Margolyes OBE, actress and Age UK ambassador, said: “It is horrible to feel lonely and miss out on everyday contact with the ones you love. But that is the heart-breaking reality for so many older people who over the years have come to rely on their TV for company as well as entertainment and information. There’s lots of discussion at the moment about the future of the BBC, and its licence fee, but let’s not forget that in the here and now hundreds of thousands of vulnerable older people are facing the loss of their free licence, risking their ability to watch the programmes they love. The BBC and the Government have to find a way forward that puts older people’s fears to rest and allows their TV licences to stay free.”
If anyone thinks this was anything but just another BBC #1degreeofseparation set up for the media bubble, I have a piece of land in Florida to sell Saz and Lurch.
Miriam Margoyles on @BBCr4today 😳😳😳😳😳😂😂😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
At least some not still smelling their fingers after morning nap have twigged the vile woman and her enablers have utterly screwed the poor stiff’s memory for a cheap shot to the cheap seats.
This showcases the mindset of the wonk brigade, silence anybody they dont like, but champion those who use the worst lanugage going , so much for safe spaces.
It’s libmob’s double standard justice
“It’s OK when we do it”
whereas if TR stood on the cracks on the pavement they’d come after him.
.. They closed all the public toilets I man had a wee , NEAR bubnot on a hidden memorial, he came forward himself later
they jailed him for 2 weeks
I’m as concerned about the lack of balance as much as the bad language . Surely a rare blue labour supporter should be invited on to say “eff the red Labour shadow chancellor ‘….. ?
Gnanli Landrou has invented a special powder that can turn earth and water into a solid building material. It’s inspired by houses where he grew up in West Africa.
It’s got a far lower carbon footprint than concrete – and it’s about to be used in a new apartment block.
Find out more on the People Fixing the World podcast.
That hairdo likely would fend off a dropped 10kg offset vibrator end piece better than the hat.
I am more interested in the ‘seacrit ingediant’, upscaling from Togoanese bungalows to 50 storey skyscrapers or dams*, but that is down the line I guess for ‘commercial reasons’. The BBC is big on those.
*Ok, limited application, Hope those Zurich apartment folk are 6 times confident in the testing regime. It is unlikely the contractors can pour without official OK, but that aspect appears set for another day.
Dozens of shoppers have been rescued after a department store collapsed in the Ghanaian capital Accra. Around 40 people have been pulled out alive by rescue workers but at least four people who were inside the multi-storey Melcom store have died.
Why is someone with a proven history of using lies, false-outrage and exaggerations to pursue vendettas against random motorists for driving next to his bicycle allowed to give a witness statement ?
— Sally-Anna King – Misinformation reporter (@sallyanna25) October 15, 2022
Car drivers are actually complaining about the closure of the car park.
I suggest the following to help decide if presenters are worth the TV Tax paid under threat of prison …. maybe Carrie Gracie can produce one to justify her pay as well?
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
Zelazek, can’t remember his name, was it Arnold Brown? A comedian who appeared on BBC R4 years ago and not much since. Thanks to DuckDuckGo I found a Wiki (usual disclaimers) which doesn’t include the way that Brown used to introduce himself: something like “My name is Arnold Brown, I’m Scottish, Jewish and a Chartered Accountant. I just thought I’d get the stereotypes out of the way first.”
Sorry, I don’t remember the name of Arnold Brown, Snuff. (Just looked him up. Yes, alternative comedian of the 1980s.) But, no, he wasn’t on it. The prog wasn’t about famous names anyway, just ordinary people. Some of their stories were quite moving. The number of Jews in Scotland is apparently falling as they become less religious and marry out, etc.. Guess they need a few more transgenders to convert.
A chum told us the other day, that there is still an extradition treaty between UK and Albania, whereby the hordes of illegals are shipped right back pretty soon after getting here!
Apparently a thousand or so have been chucked back in the last month, but she can’t find the article to prove this.
Could be true, in which case, why isn’t it all being trumpetted from the rafters?
No doubt the champagne is coming out at XR HQ tonight as we learn that dozens of Turkish miners have died in a pit explosion while extracting the evil black stuff.
Silly clickbait presentation there
“Germany is set to burn almost 800 million unused face masks purchased in the first months of the pandemic because they have passed their sell-by date”
It could well be that they rushed to buy low grade ones in 2020, and then decided to keep high grade ones.
Joking : Germany is having to burn everything, cos they can’t Russian gas.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – does this mean the war between the Bank of England and the Conservative Government is over?
I suspect not. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall at that meeting between Hunt and Bailey today. I wonder if Jeremy Hunt was as resolute with Bailey as he was with NHS JDs? I wouldn’t be surprised if Andrew Bailey was given a severe warning: shape up or ship out!
Sounds as if they got on like a house on fire, Bailey saying there was a “meeting of minds”. That means Bailey is fine with the Chancellor raising tax rates and cutting spending to try and gradually reduce the deficit and also reduce inflation. Hunt will be fine with the BOE raising interest rates next month and beyond, how about 1.5% for starters? What will make the Tory M.P.’s happier, cutting taxes for growth as per the Truss/Kwarteng budget or going in completely the opposite direction which will upset the voters?
The P.M.’s position now seems untenable and Jeremy Hunt may at last realise his dream of becoming P.M. in the not too distant future.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – the BBC racks up the CO2 emissions so you do not have to.
Incredible isn’t it? Kielty, a comedian, goes across Ireland back to England and then across to the United States and back to the UK. Wonder what the carbon footprint of that programme was? Meanwhile the BBC lecture us about getting in our cars instead of the bus or train and eating meat from cows and sheep instead of leafy green vegetables.
The anti-Tory BBC
Friday’s BBC local NewsPR show
Big item “There are 14 Tory MPs in our area we asked each one if Truss can stay”
… Hang on no regular viewer would have guessed there are 14 Tory MPs in our area and only 3 Labour
cos the prog rarely platforms Tory’s
yet often platform the Labour MPs
with their famous “Labour MP Diana Johnson says” or “Labour MP Karl Turner led the pickets today” or “Labour MP Emma Hardy says”
.. yet today with the opportunity to trash Truss suddenly local BBC want to ask Tory MPs they think.
Seems like the only thing left of the mini budget is the fuel scheme . The basic rate cut has now gone .
One can only guess what markets are to make of it – the OBR will now switch to the Hunt Full Cream Budget on halloween – the interest rate announced 3 days later – signalling a 1% increase ….
Running up to that the BBC will have a field day …
Unfortunately the Fed is unanimous of a .75% increase (reported) so unless the BoE are going for a 1.5% catch up hike it’s going to not be anywhere close to enough to stem the tide
The fool running the Bank of England is so timid that he ll think 0.75% is a lot – but all he has to do is go shopping to see what real inflation is and the effect it is having .
So incredibly out of touch …. My favourite cake has gone up by at least 33% in 4 months …..( which is probably a good thing ) …
That some genius decided that patrolling plod needed actual large descriptive labels putting on them doesn’t say much for the calibre of the supervisory cadre at that force – I wondered which constabulary it is…
Perhaps this will be rolled out across the public sector?
The 2002 Mecca girls’ school fire occurred on 11 March 2002 at a girls’ school in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and killed fifteen people, all young girls. Complaints were made that Saudi Arabia’s “religious police”, specifically the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, had prevented schoolgirls from leaving the burning building and hindered emergency services personnel because the students were not wearing modest clothing. The actions of the religious police were condemned both inside the country and internationally. A Saudi government inquiry concluded that religious educational authorities were responsible for neglecting fire safety of the school, but rejected the accusation that the actions of religious police contributed to the deaths and that they stopped anyone from leaving because of modest clothing. In the aftermath, the General Presidency for Girls’ Education was dissolved and got merged with the Ministry of Education.
We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening a mob with the news that grass is green.
1:00 PM · Jul 28, 2018
We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening a mob with the news that grass is green.
Jagtar Singh Johal: Trial date for Scot facing terrorism charges
A Scottish man detained in India for nearly five years will go on trial next month to face conspiracy to murder and terrorism charges
The family of Jagtar Singh Johal, 35, claim he was abducted and tortured by police in the state of Punjab.
Successive British prime ministers have raised the case of Mr Johal, from Dumbarton, with the Indian authorities.
The Indian government has denied he was tortured or mistreated.
At the time of detention in 2017, Mr Johal was an active blogger and campaigner for Sikh human rights, which are said to have brought him to the attention of the Indian authorities.
His family claim he was bundled into an unmarked car, mistreated in jail and forced to sign a false confession.
“The UK strongly opposes the death penalty in all circumstances as a matter of principle and we will continue to make this clear to the government of India.”
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
The suspense is unbearable…
Who will the bbc choose to be the new chancellor and next PM ?
Z, you are first up. Can you do sums? Or would you rather be PM?
“A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems”
The First Law of Economics: For every economist, there exists an equal and opposite economist.
The Second Law of Economics: They’re both wrong.
Z, First Law of Economics is proven wrong by me: Q. How many economists do you need to have an argument? A. One, but on the other hand . . . . .
Bet the Tories are missing Boris now! He wouldn’t stand for this shite!
If we have a General Election, I wouldn’t be surprised if Boris put his name forward.
Boris was a closet Remainer.
Hence the mess we are now in. He did nothing about defending our borders but waffle .
He only got in to office as PM with a false promise of Brexit because Nigel Farage was on his tail .
Vote for The Reform Party next time because the Tories are a busted flush
taffman, The Reform Party will have to get their act together pretty fast!
The mess started under Boris. He did nothing about it. The Pound was losing ground the Tories were losing safe seats in by-elections and the boats kept coming. Don’t try and rewrite history, leave that to the experts like the BBC.
Yasser, why was the £ sterling losing ground, especially against the US$?
The US inflation level is still thought to be too strong so an additional interest rate rise is being factored in making the $ even more attractive thus pushing the value up .
The Fed is fast and brave and lifts rate by .75% or even 1% – whereas the Bank of England is too slow just making our coming pain longer and deeper over coming YEARS ….
assuming the fuel / food shortages / costs continue …..
And we know who is controlling the Bank of England and it ain’t us.
There is the real world and there is the largely fantasy world of the storytellers
.. stories that news media get caught up in
The UK is a country that keeps reducing it’s fossil fuel mining
So we keep having to buy dollars to buy fuel.. thus the pounds value drops.
If we were a fossil fuel country again , foreign countries would be buying pounds to buy our fuel and the pound would rise
It’s not just the GBP, it’s all major currencies. Currency traders move to the USD in times of trouble – Covid, Russia – as the USD represents stability on the global scale. Don’t believe what you’re being told by useless economists and feckless politicians.
Thoughtful put up a serious video from YouTube about the possibility of the USD being replaced as the petro currency and not being treated as a ‘safe haven ‘ due to the huge debt plus internal weakness of the US .
Made me think – also the likelihood of gold heading up in value …
Boris completely wasted the great opportunity that we the electorate gave him. Infact he made things worse by allowing even more migration and committing to net zero as a key government policy. I dislike that the blob got their man but he was worse than useless.
I see no British politician who has the desire or the courage to lead the British people in controlling immigration at a much much lower level than today and ditching the green agenda. To do so they would need to explain that democracy had been hijacked by the globalist blob and that this elite would attempt to wreck our country if we opposed them therefore he/ she/ it could only offer the voters years of blood, toil, tears and sweat in return for democracy. I don’t think that Britain today has the stomach for that.
Perhaps democracy always had within it the seeds of its own destruction as politicians competed to offer more goodies to the electorate in return for votes. The offers got greater and greater and ran up a greater and greater bill until it was impossible to sustain the life style we had become accustomed to. Anyway I don’t think it matters now as we now live in the post democratic age but most folks haven’t realised it yet.
Well we have Hunt. I bet they love that
Beyond meat are in difficulties. They are struggling understand why people are changing to buying meat apparently. Thereby ruining their business model.
It’s because fake meat is disgusting shite.
There I sorted it for you beyond meat.
Just sell meat!
Fray Bentos meat-free Bolognese was piled oup on the Coop cheap shelf tonight at 40p a tub
I was somewhat bemused to find that our eco loons are now fans of seventies progressive rock, although, true to form, they picked one of the worst examples.
(I just can’t help thinking that Jethro Tull’s 1972 magnum opus would have been a far more appropriate motif for them)
I’m a fan of 70s prog, especially Yes.
I guess you mean, ‘Thick as a brick’ by Tull?
Living in the past was written as a rebuke to the left wing loons of the day.
We’ll go walking out
While others shout of war’s disaster
Oh, we won’t give in
Let’s go living in the past
Once I used to join in
Every boy and girl was my friend
Now there’s revolution, but they don’t know
What they’re fighting
Yes, Bill,
And I love Yes, but Tormato suffered from a terrible mix (theories abound about problems with Dolby A) but also lacklustre songs.
And why they would want to advise us “Don’t Kill the Welsh” is beyond me, it’s never stopped them.
What is it they used to say ?
“Come home to a real fire – buy a cottage in Wales”
In the nineties, The left wing views and political activism of the US band Rage Against the Machine made rants against corporate America and the media
The lyrics from the 1992 song, ‘Bullet in the head’ would make it appear that they have shot now themselves in the foot.
Although I doubt that they would have thought it would apply to the likes of them in 2022 and the left wing when they wrote it.
“No escape from the mass mind rape
Play it again Jack and then rewind the tape
And then play it again and again and again
Until your mind is locked in
Believin’ all the lies that they’re tellin’ ya
Buyin’ all the products that they’re sellin’ ya
They say, “Jump” and you say, “How high?”
You brain-dead, you got a fu**ing ‘ bullet in your head
Standing ‘ in line believin’ the lies
Bowin’ down to the flag, you got a bullet in your head
Standin’ in line, believin’ the lies?…
Exactly the way it is now
By the way zephyr, Politics aside,
I hate to admit this, but Rage Against The Machine’s guitarist ‘Tom Morello ‘ is one of the finest technical effects guitarist I have ever heard. You should have a listen on his YouTube channels…
2112 should do it for them
“We’ve taken care of everything
The words you read
The songs you sing
The pictures that give pleasure
To your eye
One for all and all for one
Work together
Common sons
Never need to wonder
How or why”
“We are the Priests
Of the Temples of Syrinx
Our great computers
Fill the hallowed halls
We are the Priests
Of the Temples of Syrinx
All the gifts of life
Are held within our walls”
“Look around this world we made
Our stock in trade
Come and join the Brotherhood
Of Man
What a nice contented world
Let the banners
Be unfurled
Hold the Red Star proudly
High in hand.”
“Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
We have assumed control.
We have assumed control.
We have assumed control”
Damn now will have to find a copy of the fine double live “All the World’s a stage”, turned down the chance to see them in 79 at Stafford Bingley Hall.
I saw Rush twice in 2005 and later on their R30 tour, with my two lads, I reccomend their 2003 Rush in Rio dvd for a good live show.
Alinsky says ‘how high?”
Questions need to be asked about what is really going on here. I don’t mean the protest but why are people allowing this to happen? Do you get a job at a museum or art gallery and then think that you could allow this to happen on your watch?
I agree, I’m feeling very deflated today. We seem to have been fighting for years now – Brexit, Covid, Boris, migrants, Sunak, now Truss, climate change ongoing and it’s protesters, more migrants, trans crap… more migrants, everything seems to be well and truly infiltrated with the wef agenda (read BBC agenda). We tried living in the USA for a while, it was the same but with guns.
I give up, but I’m worried for what sort of country my kids are going to live in. Hopefully they’ll emigrate to Australia.
Yes, there is much around these days that is miserable and the trajectory seems downward.
“Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.” Psalm 146:3 NASB
However the psalm also says where there is hope.
Psalm 118 is pretty good, too, S-E. It gets increasingly better through verses 1 to 6, but the big ‘hit’ comes in verses 8 and 9.
Yes, of course, they could go and live in Australia. I mean, they don’t have any eco loons or lockdown fanatics down under, do they?
The only thing the Aussies did well was reversing the migrant mayhem; I’ll certainly give them that…
But they had politicians even more stringently imprisoning their population than our lot. That sinister looking creep with the staring eyes. Blimey, they even had encampments for those that didn’t want the vaccine. What a lovely place to live.
Jeremy Hunt would fit in a treat…
Maybe they thought they were Warhol groupies?
Mostly everyone is on the ‘civil disobedience’ bus for one reason or another. Its almost as if they sense and are complicit in the complete destruction of British “Society” and Rule of Law.
… it’s all part of the Establishment Left Wing game to create disorder, disapproval and chaos. A Labour gov would not be able to manage the entitled Establishment and all its non-producing facets. Think about it; all services depend upon somebody making/producing something. For me, that was Maggie’s major failure – taking us to a services economy.
Drop a couple of house spiders upon them .
See them shift pronto !
We have a weak government.
Any ‘just stop oil’ protestors on the streets should now have tins of soup poured over their heads, dont forget to keep a few tins in your car/van.
My TV license is dumped and so is my Conservative Party membership. The media have got their way. Scary times
theres no point funding the people that hate you , in the vain hope they might change their mind.
Bolstered by what they got away with for Brexit and Trump, the BBC are trying to interfere all over the place these days. Today a lone Chinese protester with a banner on a bridge made the top headline. Next to it are mulitple articles for the current onslaught against Iran which wouldn’t make the news at all if the BBC didn’t have agendas.
The astute observer will note that we get nothing about Afghanistan any more. Usually when they suddenly drop something it’s because it all turned to shit. Like the ‘rebels’ in Syria. All dead now.
They abused their power to get rid of Boris who they hate because of Brexit. It was engineered to put Remainer Truss in even though everybody said she wasn’t up to the job. Now what they have done is a disaster so they have changed tack and want to pull the whole government down to get Labour in.
Everything the BBC interfere with for their agenda turns to shit. But they don’t care : ‘the ends justify the means’.
The BBC are now just another left-wing activist site whose ‘news’ should be taken with a pinch of salt. It’s an absolute disgrace. OFCOM should be in front of ministers being grilled as to why they let it happen.
Completely agree. By the way, think you will find most of the upper echelons of the political parties are or have some connection to the WEF including many of our institutions.
I don’t agree with you about Iran, but aside from that yes.
The bbc is an activist organisation using public money to pursue its own agendas. Bias nowhere near describes it anymore.
Bbc ‘news’ website is now running a campaign (nothing less) on how they can ‘fix’ aspects of the US political system.
Tower of London ‘random’ stabbing suspect sought by police
‘Police say it is unusual to release a picture of the suspect early in the investigation’

That would be because it’s unusual for the suspect to be white.
John C -your deletion request is ‘approved ‘ – reason ? Use of the c word (and others ) – pleasure .
Moderator note – the troll turned up last night and was particular in targeting individuals – without reference to the BBC – so they’ve been taken down and classified as trash / spam …
.. I know some here enjoy trying to engage said troll but the vitriol was too much …. Sorry
Yep Fed, fair enough
Free and fair debate is welcome
But if someone is disingenuous and just wants ruin the debate and not answer questions put to them, then they shouldn’t be getting our attention.
“Manston migrant centre conditions appalling and inhumane, charity warns”
They want 5 Star Hotels while British Pensioners freeze.
We need a new government that will look after our own people .
Terrifying article in the Telegraph, over 50% of channel crossers are young Albanian men many with no asylum claims, border force fear they are losing control of the situation, time to get the Army in and enforce the removal of this invasion.
Well said Patrick
Can’t stand him – off switch .
… is that him … or what he says?
You can have a new political party, but it will never be allowed any success. The UK is a one party state and the sooner people realise that and stop participating in the sham of voting the better.
5.5 million people voted last election for the Brexit party and received no representation at all, just remember that.
“5.5 million people voted last election for the Brexit party and received no representation at all, just remember that.”
Well then, its time for ‘Reform’ .
T, that is stupid. If you don’t vote, it shows those that govern that you like what they do.
IMHO if you don’t know who you want in government you should not vote. You are wasting the vote of someone who has an opinion.
If you actively do not want any of them you should spoil your ballot paper. It shows you feel strongly enough to turn out but do not want any of the candidates.
Thoughtful, things can change, look at what has happened in Italy and Sweden, and very nearly France as well.
‘Spoilt Ballots’ only solution.
It doesn’t matter who you vote for, the uncivil serpents remain to cause absolute chaos with no chance of any comeback.
I read a brilliant idea by a good friend, which is to form the ‘new’ party from all the drossers who have been expelled from their parties, or had the whip withdrawn, or are up for corruption, fiddling, and of course, concomitant bonking or the equivalent depending on which side of the rainbow they come from! There are at least fourteen of these ‘independents’!
Names for the new party on a Dominion ballot algorithm paper please…
‘The Pariahs’, (says Scrobs, opening the batting)!
The popular party …
Well then, its time for ‘Reform’ .
Good on you for standing up to the doom and gloom brigade on here, Taffman.
I don’t think Reform inspire much hope among the populace att the moment though but if they could link up with other groups and get a charismatic leader (not NF this time), someone as solid as Giorgia Meloni then things could start happening.
The negative commentators here are dyed in the wool Tories (despite what they say) and will vote for them all the way back into the EU, though grumbling along the way.
To my mind, its the calibre of the people who are in Parliament that concerns me. Most have no ‘experience’ of parliamentary procedure, others are kids with soundbites, few can speak with gravitas and there is absolutely no-one, in either party, that I feel I can identify with. The big beasts are sadly long gone and we are left with a bunch of limp wristed climate focused wokists who, FFS can’t even say out loud what a woman is !
We need some real bruisers with clout and substance.
Too right, Brissles!
Mrs Thatcher had a wealth of experienced and knowledgable MPs from which she could build a strong and competent Cabinet!
The rot left by Brown and Blair needed strong Conservatives, and to a certain extent, there were still a few sensible dinosaurs around, but they got kicked up to the HoL pretty damn quick, so any real Tories were left with Cameron, and worse, Clegg. From then on there were just a few dribs and drabs and we’ve finished up in the big pickle we have now!
Labour are in an even worse position, but will get voted in by the usual sheep I suspect! Luckily by then I won’t care a monkey’s.
Framing Today Watch #1 – Charlotte Smith is banging on about not producing food again
Earlier in the week, Charlotte Smith said ‘Farmers need certainty’ when Charlotte was talking about farmers not producing food, ie. the Environmental Land Management Scheme, a.k.a. ELMS. This shows a desperate level of ignorance about farming at the BBC: you never get certainty – as in the business world – in farming.
This morning it was continual drip, drip, drip of ‘EU good, UK bad’, anti-Brexit, etc..
Waves of negativity from the BBC; the BBC are the Knaves of Vegativity.
Unusually – the outgoing chancellor (hunt ) is doing the rounds – and was interviewed by the Bee Lady . She restrained her interruptions but had a set set of questions .
So when hunt said ‘some taxes will be going up ‘ and all ‘departments will need to cut costs ‘she couldn’t follow up – such as asking ‘what taxes ‘….
… instead she just went for swamp questions – pity really – but at least he got his words out .
How far will the pound recover ? If it doesn’t I think the markets will go for the pound bigly ….
Fed, I may be coming to that with a TOADY Watch.
I would put up taxes on the ‘1%’ which, of course, includes all Beeboid presenters: another 10% on the Top Rate of IT for starters. That would be interesting, seeing who would squeal first.
Jeremy Hunt might do well, in his new post, to look critically at the ‘cost of government’ to wit, the House of Lords and the MPC. I would look at drastically slimming both, possibly starting with the expenses paid to both.
It is interesting how we now know that the BBC as with other parts of the LeftMob are not worried about being shown up as total hypocrites. Hunt should take advantage of that. He should cut Fuel Duty on diesel fuel and slash the VAT payable on both petrol and diesel fuels.
BBC Local Democracy journal today getting excited about a fruit farm installing acres of solar panels to become net Greta.
I actually read on, but was none the wiser as to how covering acerage devoted to converting sun’s rays into fruit was going to be improved by intercepting said rays to redirect to create electricity to power what… for what?
Lol ‘net greta’ could catch on …..
In a strange twist of Braids, the XR Einstein is now telling Germany to go nuke.
That smell….? That’s what happens when an energy activist screeches in a U turn with their slop bucket en route to a motorway, statue or Tracey Emin’s commode.
Guest, aah but it is ‘free’ electricity unlike fruit, for which the supermarkets make you pay inflated prices.
Today watch
Jeremy hunt was followed by the far left loon Miriam margolyse on the death of an actor – she sounded like she’d taken her meds …. But then – the interview had ended… she said she had seen mr hunt leaving … and she wanted to wish him ‘good luck ‘’ … but then she said ‘what I should have said was’ F you ‘- poor Justin nearly fell of his chair –
As I write the effers are on their third effing apology – lol ….
‘Apology’? Good one.
She was invited on for this precise reason.
Surprised she is not guest organiser for the new QT rabble rousing editor.
I can imagine the post program chat,
“Miriam, here at the BBC we cannot allow such nasty language live on air, of course we at the BBC all totally agree with you, but you just can’t say it live cos we might get flack from Ofcom and of course we need to think about the license fee debate, the Tory c**ts are of course still governing at the moment!”
Thinking about what Hunt said maybe benefits will in crease in line with pay not inflation ….
… I didn’t mention it but the BBC campaign for all kiddies to be fed with your taxes – irrespective of parental wealth – featured . Impressively hunt said there are 1.9 million little darlings already on ‘free taxpayer food ‘ so we ll need to look at it – in other words – to quote Miriam margolyse -‘ eff] off ‘
Funny about the mess the Blue Labour lot have created – on Monday – perhaps – Hunt will have to do a mini mini budget to roll back the one from a few days ago – and has 2 weeks max to get the OBR to show the workings ….
And we now have 14 days of speculation about what taxes are about to go up – in time for Christmas ….
I put my money on stopping the loony cut in income tax ( timing ) and increasing the pension age again …. And more strikes coming …. Nurses ?
This is a genuine question…
Can any of our erudite group give me a decent reason for voting Conservative at the next election? I mean, other than the only one I can muster, that I’d be helping to stop Sir Kier getting the keys to number ten? Because other than that…
The top job is now with Liz Truss; formerly a royalty hating, Lib-Dem, Remainer. She’s styled herself on Mrs T; “The Lady’s not for turning.” I don’t think our Liz has read the script, because in under a month she’s done so many U-turns I’m getting dizzy.
They’ve been in charge for twelve years and have wedded us to every nonsensical green policy that an hysterical Swedish schoolgirl could wish for. Net zero, yes, of course. Wind farms, oh, yes please. Electric cars by 2030? Let’s do it!
How about shale-gas, oil, coal and nuclear? Jeez, no thanks, they actually work…
And our new chancellor is an authoritarian, staring eyed, China loving lockdown lunatic, who wanted “vaccine refuseniks” denied access to normal society. What a bleedin’ charmer.
Come on, reasons to vote “Conservative”.
Answers on a postcard…
Jeff, stopping Sir Keir or the ‘Sucker’ in charge of the Labour Party might be the best reason of all. Can he be trusted not to roll back on his promise to not have a new EU Referendum on re-joining?
Er – because the other lot are even worse – and are more likely to take us back into the reich EU than the current dross …
Ids – my mp will lose his seat anyway because the far left londonistan councils have been shipping the third world in and there will be a ‘ healthy ‘ postal vote fraud
thats all I got
I’ve said this elsewhere I know you can change your name but can you also change your place of birth? If Sheffield goes that far down the rabbit hole I would rather be from elsewhere, I rather fancy Whitby.
Pils lager sur keyboard Mrs K!
My brother, who lives in Rotherham, sent me this, and it was met with derision and ‘choice’ language from everyone he knew. One can only imagine what the coal miners of the past would have made of this. One might have suggested Izzard actually go down the mine in his female get-up for a spot of canvassing !
Mrs K, wot? Wiv fangs to match? 😉 🙂
Would the Muzzies vote for that?
Unless the ‘conservative???’ party can pull a rabbit out of the hat in the next 2 years I think they are gone.
A new party ‘The ProBrexit Conservatives’ ably supported by the Reform party, UKIP and other right leaning patriotic groups would be a good option once labour have added further to the mess. We desperately need politicians who are not just short-term career politicians, we need politicians who don’t see their career path as taking office and then quickly moving on to the speakers circuit, company directorships, other quangos, etc.
PM: Angela Rayner
Chancellor: Dianne Abbot
Foreign: David Lammy
Education: Eddie Izzard
Defence: Jeremy Corbyn
Tomo that cabinet is so mad it’s funny, but it is not that far from the truth, which only shows how dangerous Labour are.
tomo, I agree with the point you and the others are making, but that’s not the question I was asking. I fully recognise that Labour will be a horror show, but I want a positive reason to vote Conservative. All we have with the present Tory Party is that we reach the socialist, dystopian destination a week or two later, that’s it…
We saw it during the pandemic. If Boris wanted lockdown to commence on Tuesday, Starmer would insist on it beginning on Monday.
Starmer wants us to go fully “green” more quickly than Truss, but only just.
We have never had such an authoritarian, tax raising government than the one we have now. No government in the long history of our nation has brought us more immigration, both legal and illegal…and done sweet FA to stop it. Indeed, the present numpty in number ten wants “even more immigration”. It’s incredible!
Yes, you’re all right, Labour would be even worse, but…it’s the choice between of one group of useless socialists and another.
FFS, beam me up Scotty…
The main issue afaics is the lack of anything resembling Admiral Byng moments – this applies even more to The Public Sector than politicians.
There have to be sticks as well as carrots
@ Tomo I started to laugh then thought hang about they’re mad enough to do it.
TOADY Watch #1 – first hour of the programme, now that may have been a better candidate ….
…. for Liz Truss’s choice of Chancellor of the Exchequer: John Redwood. As I posted on the Midweek Thread yesterday, Hunt is wasted at Treasury: he should be at Health. Redwood would have been a good suggestion for Chancellor. Very experienced as an MP and Minister, a member of the Awkward Squad on key issues.
Liz Truss’s political judgement is poor among the many other deficits that she has. Come back, Rishi! Now, he would be another good candidate for Chancellor.
I agree on Redwood – I was surprised ‘today ‘ had him on because normally the Editor controls the subject so much the interview is cancelled.
Redwood truly has a hill to climb trying to support the outgoing PM though . It’s noticeable how much silence there is about . The normal suspects are quiet – eg Ian Duncan Smith – the whole Labour Party ..
…. But with the ship rocking I suppose it’s best to quietly sit in the life boat ( next job )
Hunt good at Health? You have got to be joking. I wouldn’t even use him for Soylent Green.
Hunt will not come out of the Chinese virus inquiry very well – failing to prepare for pandemics – even when warned ….
But it doesn’t matter – he will be an ex MP by then and in the Lords – maybe as soon as 2023 ….
It’s funny that the nut nut resignation honours list hasn’t been done yet -the way truss is it could be a ‘job lot ‘ of bungs for her supporters ….
RiC, you forget that Hunt at Health
1. Did the impossible and secured a win over the JDs, and
2. Has been Chair of the House Health Committee for the last two years and eight/nine months.
That means he’s been exposed to the thinking of the other parties and may just be appraised of their thinking and tactics on the NHS. He is also a polished media performer and comes across well on radio but I cannot speak for TV.
He’s also a remainer and a lock down fanatic, as well as being a general stooge of the CCP.
Apart from that…
… Hunt was the plonker (I’m being kind) who failed to make pandemic provisions. He is a snake of the first order. Watch how he sucks up to the Establishment…
Tomo, I bet there are Police in the background allowing her to do that and protecting her from annoyed members of the public.
Don’t see many cops around in my experience at that location….
They all need a dam good hiding, I am so angry this sort of thing is allowed. six months very hard labour-of course they would be expected to clear up the messes they have made. Our streets are filthy with so much filth and dirt lying around in rivers, in ditches, and elsewhere-next they have to live in dormitory styles accom-a spartan life for a while then to work for another six months in Social Care. Further a full UK history lesson from its begining, because it has become obvious the ignorance of people’s knowledge of their own history, that’s indigenous Brits-mind you it wouldn’t hurt other nationalities living in the UK to also learn of what this little nation from it’s size did over 2000 years and later in its history in order to fight against the forces of evil that threatened its future and still does, in a different guise.
Looks like meejah tossers were pre-positioned to order…
If I were plod I’d charge them with aiding and abetting
And yet most of the official video is still withheld…
Almost like it was a set-up from beginning to end.
Human sacrifice and stupidity, or just a lot of media flannel plus the odd flâneur edition
So, we’re to take seriously the proposition that the financial markets were motivated to agitate for a RISE in corporation tax?
Economic strategy shredded after U-turn on corporation tax (FT)
One looks back nostalgically to that bygone era when Sir Humphrey quietly took the recently elect prime minister aside and explained to the new incumbent politely how and why his proposals for this or that change in policy wouldn’t or couldn’t work. And Jim Hacker had to quietly accept those supposed restraints.
Now we have targeted media storms and mysteriously orchestrated market shenanigans organised so as to knock prime ministerial policy innovation into a cocked hat and get us back onto the approved trajetory.
And nowadays it’s personal. Kwarteng as whipping boy (if you’ll forgive the offensive allusion to the evils of colonialism and slavery) that scapegoat will not be enough: Hunt named as chancellor but gilts sell off and Tory MPs plot (FT)
Why not go the whole hog, Tory plotters? David Cameron and George Osborne are surely still available. Let’s completely erase the recent vote of the party members for Truss – and while we’re at it, let’s cancel the wider electorate’s Brexit majority and go back to the 2016 status quo ante?
Speaking of the Status Quo…
They had some appropriate song titles for Ms Liz Truss: Roll Over Lay Down; for the chancellor, formerly known as Kwasi: What You’re Proposing; for the economy: Down Down… deeper and down; and for the British public at large, freezing and in the dark this winter and vaguely conscious of the government spending scarce resources on the Ukraine war… you’re: In The Army Now – funny how the money markets don’t agitate for a peace treaty, eh?
The Daily Mail, appositely asks: How much more can she (and the rest of us) take?
Sadly, democracy doesn’t work anymore. You presume to elect the wrong person and all hell is cast down on them. If Donald Trump achieved anything (and the Deep State – as they call it – prevented him from doing all that much at all) his downfall did at least teach some of us that hard lesson.
Klopp despairs over City’s spending power (Telegraph) – this isn’t the Teutonic Liverpool FC coach commenting on our recent financial market machinations – this is him moaning about his club not being owned by anyone as wealthy as an arab sheik like his pale blue Manchester rivals.
The formery patriotic Times becomes the formerly literate Times with the feature: My woo-woo week on the Goop cruise
Clearly the Times does still pitch toward a largely middle class readership: When Caitlin met Greta – now if this had been Garbo more chaps would have been interested.
The Times may not enjoy the current female premiership: Truss fights for survival… was warned the “wagons are circling” on her premiership… Britain facing financial ‘storm’ – but there’s plenty of interest provided for the ladies – of a certain age: Paul Newman’s lost memoir. I left a trail of lust
And of course the Telegraph panders to a similar demographic: ‘Let’s talk about my sexy life..’ An audience with actor, flâneur and national treasure Bill Nighy
I thought this week we were gifting all our national tresures back to the Indians or the Greeks?
Tory rebels plot to oust PM within days as she abandons key tax-cutting policy (Telegraph)
Tories against tax cuts… really?
This would be akin to Labout MPs plotting against a leader who was suggesting they go full-on Socialist… oh, wait a minute… that was what happened to Jeremy Corbyn.
I’m beginning to see the light… as Lou Reed of the Velvet Underground explained his awakening revelation back in 1968
Some people work very hard
But still they never get it right…
There are problems in these times
But ooh, none of them are mine
Perhaps we should just say NO to the addictive drug that is the mainstream media and then so many of our supposed crisis-like problems might just evaporate in the clear sober clean light of day?
Left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper columnists are as high as a kite, completley cock-a-hoop. Under a header apparently sensibly titled Opinion and Analysis they go for it as though all their birthdays and Christmases had come at once: This is the end of the Truss project by Katie Balls; Jeremy Hunt is more powerful than his boss by Anne McElvoy; Human sacrifice and stupidity by Ian Dunt – only Paul Waugh soberly notes: How to prevent a Labour landslide – presumably the suggestion is that the Tories adopt most of Labour’s centre left policies?
In case you were left wondering…
Flâneur is a French for a “stroller”, “lounger”, “saunterer”, or “loafer”
I didn’t realise any one looked at the ‘I’ any more – or that is actually put together …I take it it is owned by a Putin boy with deep pockets ?
Is it one who bought a peerage from nut nut ?
In effect, World Government by MSM no less. Shout loud and consistently enough changes direction.
Just been checking Instagram
BBCLookNorth runs a page, but it might as well be a staff noticeboard cos it usualy gets 0-4 Likes and no proper discussion, t
RadioHumberside is similar
Someone is putting up posts every day to a very small audience.
BBCLeeds posts get a bigger audience, sometimes 40 Likes , but they only post once a week
BBC News seems to get a lot more active discussion.
Here’s a comment from the BBC news Instagram post about the Nigerian floods
“The climate change is not the cause of the problem.
Cameroon open their dam into Nigeria and that is what caused the flooding.
There was an agreement between Nigeria and Cameroon
and Nigeria didn’t keep to its end of the deal”
I spot some people saying that is Nigerian Government propaganda.
But other posts back it up eg this credible one
“In 1977, construction of the Lagdo Dam, located in Northern Cameroon began and was completed in 1982.
Initially, the Cameroonian and Nigerian Government’s had agreed to build two dams so that when excess water is released from the Cameronian dam, it will be contained by the
Nigerian dam which would be two and a half times bigger and won’t result in flooding
Nigerian Government agreed to construct the Dasin Hausa Dam in Adamawa State to lessen the impact of any potential flooding from the Lagdo dam in Cameroon.
Regrettably, the Dasin Hausa dam has not been completed since 1982 and this has led to the yearly flooding in Nigeria”
… except that the water from Lagdo doesn’t flow into Nigeria. But no one is expected to check that, are they …?
Stolen from Sickipedia.
Kwasi Kwarteng sacked as Chancellor less than 5 weeks into the job.
I guess it really is Black History Month.
Surprise, surprise. Nick Joicey, head of the cabinet office for economic and domestic affairs and one of the most powerful civil servants is married to….Rachael Reeves, shadow chancellor.
I wonder why a powerful civil servant married to a senior Labour politician chooses to use a different surname?
And how many more there might be.
Joicey was appointed Companion of the Order of the Bath (CB) in the 2019 Birthday Honours for services to the environment.
From 1995 to 1996, Joicey worked at The Observer newspaper. He then moved to the Treasury, working as Private Secretary and Speech writer to Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown between 1999 and 2001. Joicey was part of a United Kingdom delegation to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington from 2001 to 2003, heading the EU policy team from 2004 to 2006. He was Director for International Finance at HM Treasury before joining Defra in January 2014 as Director General for Strategy, International and Biosecurity.
Nicholas Beverley Joicey CB (born 11 May 1970) is the Director General for Finance at Department for Work and Pensions, having previously been Director General for Strategy, International and Finance at Defra. He previously worked as private secretary and speech writer to United Kingdom chancellor Gordon Brown, as a journalist at The Observer newspaper and as director of the International Department at HM Treasury.”
That’s thirty seconds’ research off my fragile life I’ll never get back…
Shame we cannot send a bill to Joicey for the Oxygen he’s wasted.
I had to check if he was in Only Fools and Horses – but that was Boycie
It would be worse if Labour were in office
A government politician working with his civil servant wife.
You can’t sack civil servants for who they marry I suppose.
And they almost all leak to Labour
even if they are not married to Labour.
Entire bbc headcount just needed a reboot.
That’s the point BBC and libmob do intersectionality
They first divide people into special victimhood groups
Well that’s not equality, that’s discrimination.
Those self declared anti-racists increase racism and division.
Some wag on the twitter has put together a 2023 calendar composed of ex blue labour chancellors …
This was just posted.
Is Sopes not just the most precious?
I have followed a few company Twitter accounts to DM them. Usually it has worked well, and resolved things.
Flouncing about in public is usually counter productive, even if a member of the media.
This is simply precious too.
The BBC have Net Greta clue of their role in this.
Unless they are utterly complicit.
The XR_Cambridge has 27K followers, but could be just one nutter.
However is interesting to see she/they do incitement to intimidation by criminal damage
yet @CambridgeCops do nothing
Chinese embassy?
What Truss needs is a proper spine to do a Trump vs CNN and call out the Acostas. Won’t happen unfortunately.
She should have got a proper enforcer on board as well. None I can see fits that role in the Light red/blue party.
That leaves a Spitting Image Norman Tebbit in a bomber jacket as the only option to bring back sanity. Just as much chance as the above options.
If you saw the 4 question – 8 minute ‘press conference ‘ yesterday – truss is gone …. Just too much for her ….
… I reflect a bit that up until 2 weeks ago the BBC – everyone – was running ‘fuel bill stories ‘ with single mums burning the kids to stay warm ….
Shake the money tree – story goes down the toilet ….but will come back when it gets a bit chilly …
… actually folks, why should she bother with the lefty media rabble. She owes them nothing. Correct decision; don’t give them air time. It was a polite f-off …
I am reminded of several news outlets and commentators who at the time applauded the budget and then forget what they had said when it turned to cr** shortly afterwards.
It wasn’t so much the budget as everyone is saying, it was the crazy unlimited subsidy on energy costs which forced spending and then borrowing to crazy high levels .
Why is it that if you are very ealthy and want to heat an outdoor poor in January Truss thinks you should receive a subsidy along with your stables and what ever else you think you might fancy?
If she had lowered the price of the first small useage and then upped the cost thereafter the whole thing would have been self funding and no one need have died of hypothermia.
She was put on the spot by the media and she should have responded that it needed careful consideration and she wasn’t ready to tell them at that point, but she didn’t do that.
I’m sure someone clever produced various options with consequences /risks – but instead she just went for the borrowed money option – with no end date .
Surely she should have realised any ‘gratitude ‘ would be gone in a day ?
And you must admit that failing to get an OBR to show workings plus the sheer incompetence in the timings is just dumb …..
And. Now Hunt is PM
£3bn news provider …
Miriam Margolyes swears live on air while discussing Jeremy Hunt
Miriam Margolyes OBE, actress and Age UK ambassador, said: “It is horrible to feel lonely and miss out on everyday contact with the ones you love. But that is the heart-breaking reality for so many older people who over the years have come to rely on their TV for company as well as entertainment and information. There’s lots of discussion at the moment about the future of the BBC, and its licence fee, but let’s not forget that in the here and now hundreds of thousands of vulnerable older people are facing the loss of their free licence, risking their ability to watch the programmes they love. The BBC and the Government have to find a way forward that puts older people’s fears to rest and allows their TV licences to stay free.”
If anyone thinks this was anything but just another BBC #1degreeofseparation set up for the media bubble, I have a piece of land in Florida to sell Saz and Lurch.
At least some not still smelling their fingers after morning nap have twigged the vile woman and her enablers have utterly screwed the poor stiff’s memory for a cheap shot to the cheap seats.
Best moments in remedial class #2…
Sure his degree sees him great demand at the FO.
Anyhoo, they can now rerun things all weekend.
Jim seems very BBC core.
It’s worse than that, Jim…
Maybe political brain donors should avoid twitter?
It’s libmob’s double standard justice
“It’s OK when we do it”
whereas if TR stood on the cracks on the pavement they’d come after him.
.. They closed all the public toilets I man had a wee , NEAR bubnot on a hidden memorial, he came forward himself later
they jailed him for 2 weeks
I’m as concerned about the lack of balance as much as the bad language . Surely a rare blue labour supporter should be invited on to say “eff the red Labour shadow chancellor ‘….. ?
Going well, then.
Total legend = child.
Critical = farts and naughty words.
Health and safety – hat does not fit –
Gnanli Landrou has invented a special powder that can turn earth and water into a solid building material. It’s inspired by houses where he grew up in West Africa.
It’s got a far lower carbon footprint than concrete – and it’s about to be used in a new apartment block.
Find out more on the People Fixing the World podcast.
That hairdo likely would fend off a dropped 10kg offset vibrator end piece better than the hat.
I am more interested in the ‘seacrit ingediant’, upscaling from Togoanese bungalows to 50 storey skyscrapers or dams*, but that is down the line I guess for ‘commercial reasons’. The BBC is big on those.
*Ok, limited application, Hope those Zurich apartment folk are 6 times confident in the testing regime. It is unlikely the contractors can pour without official OK, but that aspect appears set for another day.
Dozens of shoppers have been rescued after a department store collapsed in the Ghanaian capital Accra. Around 40 people have been pulled out alive by rescue workers but at least four people who were inside the multi-storey Melcom store have died.
Now, on politicised brain donors….
His ‘expert’ guest Femi is on the prowl today, getting senile old blondes in media excited.
Be very careful of what you say, upsetting Jeremy Vine can get you 5 years.
I suggest the following to help decide if presenters are worth the TV Tax paid under threat of prison …. maybe Carrie Gracie can produce one to justify her pay as well?
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
“Do people really pay to read this sort of tripe?”
Champagne socialists, mainly. Adding ‘BBC editors’ would be tautology, but both likely get someone else to pay anyway.
Adding ‘trust’ a lot would have helped too. But BBC #1degreeofseparation choices are careful.
“Being Jewish in Scotland” was an interesting-sounding little programme on BBC Scotland the other night.
But this being the decadent and perverted BBC they could not help inserting their woke agenda even into this subject.
One of the people whose stories they decided to tell was a gentile woman who had recently made a double conversion to Judaism and becoming a man.
Hardly the typical Jew in Scotland today. And not representative of the Jewish experience in the slightest.
But it all helps to normalise the transgender madness, doesn’t it?
Zelazek, can’t remember his name, was it Arnold Brown? A comedian who appeared on BBC R4 years ago and not much since. Thanks to DuckDuckGo I found a Wiki (usual disclaimers) which doesn’t include the way that Brown used to introduce himself: something like “My name is Arnold Brown, I’m Scottish, Jewish and a Chartered Accountant. I just thought I’d get the stereotypes out of the way first.”
Was Arnold Brown on the programme?
Sorry, I don’t remember the name of Arnold Brown, Snuff. (Just looked him up. Yes, alternative comedian of the 1980s.) But, no, he wasn’t on it. The prog wasn’t about famous names anyway, just ordinary people. Some of their stories were quite moving. The number of Jews in Scotland is apparently falling as they become less religious and marry out, etc.. Guess they need a few more transgenders to convert.
A chum told us the other day, that there is still an extradition treaty between UK and Albania, whereby the hordes of illegals are shipped right back pretty soon after getting here!
Apparently a thousand or so have been chucked back in the last month, but she can’t find the article to prove this.
Could be true, in which case, why isn’t it all being trumpetted from the rafters?
No doubt the champagne is coming out at XR HQ tonight as we learn that dozens of Turkish miners have died in a pit explosion while extracting the evil black stuff.
Mor on Miriam.
She would be repulsive even if she wasn’t a typical leftie luvvie.
Miriam Margolyes claims Arnold Schwarzenegger farted in her face
She’s lucky that’s all he did.
The case for continuous growth:
Why do I Miss Trust?
The new Swedish conservative coalition will crack down on immigration, crack down on asylum seekers, crack down on crime.
But don’t expect the BBC to tell you – wouldn’t want to give our peasants any ideas.
how’s Energiewende going in Germany?
Silly clickbait presentation there
“Germany is set to burn almost 800 million unused face masks purchased in the first months of the pandemic because they have passed their sell-by date”
It could well be that they rushed to buy low grade ones in 2020, and then decided to keep high grade ones.
Joking : Germany is having to burn everything, cos they can’t Russian gas.
can’t get Russian gas
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – does this mean the war between the Bank of England and the Conservative Government is over?
I suspect not. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall at that meeting between Hunt and Bailey today. I wonder if Jeremy Hunt was as resolute with Bailey as he was with NHS JDs? I wouldn’t be surprised if Andrew Bailey was given a severe warning: shape up or ship out!
Sounds as if they got on like a house on fire, Bailey saying there was a “meeting of minds”. That means Bailey is fine with the Chancellor raising tax rates and cutting spending to try and gradually reduce the deficit and also reduce inflation. Hunt will be fine with the BOE raising interest rates next month and beyond, how about 1.5% for starters? What will make the Tory M.P.’s happier, cutting taxes for growth as per the Truss/Kwarteng budget or going in completely the opposite direction which will upset the voters?
The P.M.’s position now seems untenable and Jeremy Hunt may at last realise his dream of becoming P.M. in the not too distant future.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – the BBC racks up the CO2 emissions so you do not have to.
Incredible isn’t it? Kielty, a comedian, goes across Ireland back to England and then across to the United States and back to the UK. Wonder what the carbon footprint of that programme was? Meanwhile the BBC lecture us about getting in our cars instead of the bus or train and eating meat from cows and sheep instead of leafy green vegetables.
Their rule is #ItsOKwhenTheyDoIt
The anti-Tory BBC
Friday’s BBC local NewsPR show
Big item “There are 14 Tory MPs in our area we asked each one if Truss can stay”
… Hang on no regular viewer would have guessed there are 14 Tory MPs in our area and only 3 Labour
cos the prog rarely platforms Tory’s
yet often platform the Labour MPs
with their famous “Labour MP Diana Johnson says” or “Labour MP Karl Turner led the pickets today” or “Labour MP Emma Hardy says”
.. yet today with the opportunity to trash Truss suddenly local BBC want to ask Tory MPs they think.
Seems like the only thing left of the mini budget is the fuel scheme . The basic rate cut has now gone .
One can only guess what markets are to make of it – the OBR will now switch to the Hunt Full Cream Budget on halloween – the interest rate announced 3 days later – signalling a 1% increase ….
Running up to that the BBC will have a field day …
Unfortunately the Fed is unanimous of a .75% increase (reported) so unless the BoE are going for a 1.5% catch up hike it’s going to not be anywhere close to enough to stem the tide
The fool running the Bank of England is so timid that he ll think 0.75% is a lot – but all he has to do is go shopping to see what real inflation is and the effect it is having .
So incredibly out of touch …. My favourite cake has gone up by at least 33% in 4 months …..( which is probably a good thing ) …
Is that dork one of those investigating their own domestic / sexual abuse cases ? 600 and rising ?
Unbelievable ….. bit like that ‘being offensive is a crime ‘ poster …..
All done under a ‘Tory ‘government …
That some genius decided that patrolling plod needed actual large descriptive labels putting on them doesn’t say much for the calibre of the supervisory cadre at that force – I wondered which constabulary it is…
Perhaps this will be rolled out across the public sector?
Iran protests: UK sanctions morality police over violent crackdown
The 2002 Mecca girls’ school fire occurred on 11 March 2002 at a girls’ school in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and killed fifteen people, all young girls. Complaints were made that Saudi Arabia’s “religious police”, specifically the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, had prevented schoolgirls from leaving the burning building and hindered emergency services personnel because the students were not wearing modest clothing. The actions of the religious police were condemned both inside the country and internationally. A Saudi government inquiry concluded that religious educational authorities were responsible for neglecting fire safety of the school, but rejected the accusation that the actions of religious police contributed to the deaths and that they stopped anyone from leaving because of modest clothing. In the aftermath, the General Presidency for Girls’ Education was dissolved and got merged with the Ministry of Education.
Just been watching the film ‘Layer Cake’, didnt realise Angela Rayner had a part in it?
You mean Sally Hawkins? She’s gone on to big things since then.
Maybe Rayner will too – if we’re that unlucky.
We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening a mob with the news that grass is green.
1:00 PM · Jul 28, 2018
Sartorial felony a capital offence?
Jagtar Singh Johal: Trial date for Scot facing terrorism charges
A Scottish man detained in India for nearly five years will go on trial next month to face conspiracy to murder and terrorism charges
The family of Jagtar Singh Johal, 35, claim he was abducted and tortured by police in the state of Punjab.
Successive British prime ministers have raised the case of Mr Johal, from Dumbarton, with the Indian authorities.
The Indian government has denied he was tortured or mistreated.
At the time of detention in 2017, Mr Johal was an active blogger and campaigner for Sikh human rights, which are said to have brought him to the attention of the Indian authorities.
His family claim he was bundled into an unmarked car, mistreated in jail and forced to sign a false confession.
“The UK strongly opposes the death penalty in all circumstances as a matter of principle and we will continue to make this clear to the government of India.”
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee